15th Annual Fall Bull Sale Catalog

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15 th Annual

FALL BULL SALE Monday, September 30, 2019 • 9 AM Henry & Nan Gardiner Marketing Center, near Ashland, Kansas

Free Delivery n USPB Delivery Rights n Repeat Buyer Discount n Feedlot Relationships Marketing Assistance n Revenue Sharing Semen Interest n G3 Age & Source High Accuracy Progeny Proven Genetics n Method Genetics Benchmarking Genetic Consultation n THE Gardiner Angus Ranch Guarantee

The Gardiner Family Welcomes You To Our 15th Annual Fall Bull Sale.

We Appreciate Your Business!

Gardiner Angus Ranch 15th Annual


Monday, September 30, 2019 • 9 AM At the Henry & Nan Gardiner Marketing Center • Ashland, KS


407 Bulls • 127 Registered Females • 280 Bred Commercial Females 308 • 20 Mo. Old Bulls | 99 • 17 Mo. Old Bulls 18 Bred Registered Cows | 109 AI Bred Registered Females | 226 Bred Commercial Females | 2 Load Lots of Bred Heifers AUCTIONEERS:


Col. James Birdwell (580) 695-2352 Col. Joel Birdwell (405) 368-1058

AI Barn: (620) 635-2156 Mark Gardiner: (620) 635-5095 • email: gar@ucom.net Greg Gardiner: (620) 635-0233 • email: gar@ucom.net Garth Gardiner: (620) 635-5632 • email: garthg@ucom.net Grant: (620) 635-0382 • email: grant.c.gardiner@gmail.com Cole: (620) 635-0727 • email: colegardiner1@gmail.com Ransom: (620) 635-0283 • email: gardinerransom@gmail.com Kayla: (661) 747-3824 • email: alyak.21@gmail.com Website: www.GardinerAngus.com

Matt Caldwell, Select Sires, has seen the cattle, can take your phone bids or provide information. Matt can be reached at (cell) 913-755-1105 or email: mattcaldwell75@gmail.com

LIVESTOCK PRESS REPRESENTATIVES & SPECIAL GUESTS: Matt Caldwell (913) 755-1105……………………………… Select Sires Jeff Mafi (816) 344-4266………………………………… Angus Journal Stephen Russell (785) 458-2650………………………Kansas Stockman Wes Tiemann (816) 244-4462………………… Missouri Beef Cattleman Chisolm Kinder (405) 747-4683…………………… Oklahoma Cowman Guy Peverley (785) 456-4390………………………… Stock Exchange Andrew Sylvester (785) 456-4352………… Weekly Livestock Reporter Bill Bowman (816) 752-0079………………………… Method Genetics Josh Worthington (417)844-2601………………… Special Assignment Dr. Sally Northcutt (816) 244-0969…………………… Method Genetics Join us Sunday evening for dinner at 5:00 PM, followed by A CattleTrace Update

GAR Designated Sale Representatives If you are unable to attend the sale but are interested in placing a bid on any of the cattle, we encourage you to contact one of our designated representatives. These representatives can respond to your request for visual information and bid for you during the sale.

HOTEL INFORMATION: Best Western Country Inn & Suites, Dodge City, KS…… (620) 225-7378 Best Western North Edge Inn, Dodge City, KS…(620) 371-6441 (ask for Gardiner Angus Ranch for a special rate at either location)

LaQuinta, Dodge City, KS……………………………… Hampton Inn & Suites, Dodge City, KS………………… Holiday Inn Express, Dodge City, KS…………………… Comfort Inn, Dodge City, KS…………………………… Daltons Bedpost, Meade, KS…………………………… The Bunk House, Ashland, KS…………………………… Holiday Inn Express, Woodward, OK…………………… Red Hills Motel, Ashland, KS…………………………… Super 54, Minneola, KS…………………………………

(620) 225-7373 (620) 225-0000 (620) 227-5000 (620) 338-8700 (620) 873-2131 (620) 635-5207 (580) 256-5200 (620) 635-2239 (620) 885-4885


An Update on the Kansas Pilot Project, CattleTrace Bill Bowman (816) 752-0079

Randall Spare (620) 635-5507

Andrew McPeake Kenny Hinkle Andy Meadows (478) 719-7021 (417) 448-4127 (540) 520-2609

For those interested in bidding but unable to attend, the sale will be broadcast live at LiveAuctions.TV. Go to: www.liveauctions.tv and register to bid.

Watch the sale and bid live online.

Brandon Depenbusch, Innovative Livestock Services, will provide an update on CattleTrace. Cattle Trace is an industry-driven pilot project for animal disease traceability in Kansas. CattleTrace uses ultra-high frequency (UHF) technology to trace and manage an animal disease outbreak.

Free delivery n Repeat Buyer Discount n USPB Delivery Rights n Revenue Sharing on Semen Interest n The Gardiner Angus Ranch Guarantee

1136 CR Y Ashland, KS 67831 Office: 620-635-2156 Fax: 620-635-2871 www.GardinerAngus.com email: gar@ucom.net Henry & Nan Greg: 620-635-0233 Mark: 620-635-5095 Garth: 620-635-5632 Grant: 620-635-0382 Cole: 620-635-0727 Ransom: 620-635- 0283


Kayla: 661-747-3824

Dear Friends, Please join us for our 15th Annual Fall Sale. We hope to extend some Kansas hospitality, to provide some valuable information and to send you home with some Gardiner genetics that will influence the productivity of your herd and increase the profitability of your operation. During the process of choosing a topic for the pre-sale educational program this year the concept of “accountability” was discussed. The discussion centered on how cattle producers, especially Gardiner Angus Ranch, willingly accept responsibility for the product they produce and the production methods they utilize. In the case of GAR, everyone agreed that accountability included at least four critical actions: record keeping, following “the rules,” providing reliable advice and guaranteeing the ACCOUNTABILITY product. These aren’t all necessarily “fun” things to do, but everyone agreed that success in these areas helps to establish our accountability. The quality or state of being Keeping accurate records is important for every operation, but for a accountable; an obligation or purebred Angus ranch that has had a total AI and ET breeding program willingness to take responsibility since 1964, accurate recording of breeding, calving and performance data is or to account for one’s actions. an everyday job. In his day, Henry Gardiner was “the king of keeping records.” He relied on clipboards and Big Chief tablets. Today we rely on a customdesigned software program and a remotely-accessible server. Devices for keeping good records may have changed over time, but the importance of the process hasn’t changed in the last 55 years. WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE. We used to heat check and breed cattle in seven different corrals spread across the entire ranch. In 1992, we built the AI barn, with pen space for 1,800 head of cattle. We expanded to the new Bull Development Center in 2015 with even more pen space. Those expansions made daily operations more efficient; however, we now have a Kansas Water Pollution Control Permit and fill out Monthly Operations Reports for Agricultural and Related Wastes. We “follow the rules” and have just as accurate a recording scheme for manure as for our breeding and calving data. WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE. We are constantly asked to render advice to our customers on cattle breeding, management and marketing. This job comes with lots of pressure. How can we be confident our advice is useful and relevant? We depend on having “skin in the game.” In addition to our purebred program, we breed, manage and track our own commercial cattle through feedlots and slaughter plants to assess the reliability of our advice and our genetics. If decisions we make with our cattle are less profitable, we change our actions and our advice. WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE. The GAR Guarantee is the centerpiece of our customer service program. We guarantee all bulls sold by Gardiner Angus Ranch. If a bull is injured at any time in the 12 months following the sale we will provide the buyer with a satisfactory replacement or issue a credit. Henry Gardiner was quick to say “if you have a problem, WE will take care of it” and that philosophy hasn’t changed. WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE. Speaking of accountability, as we look forward, we expect the entire beef industry to be held more accountable. Perhaps the most visible accountability issue in the future will be the development of a national ID and traceability system for cattle. The speaker chosen for the pre-sale program to be held at 5 pm on Sunday, September 29th will be Brandon Depenbusch. Brandon is Vice President of Cattle Operations for Innovative Livestock Services and chairman of the board for the Cattle Trace Project, a collaborative effort being conducted by the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture., K-State and the Kansas Livestock Association. Mark Gardiner also serves as a board member on the project. Brandon will discuss issues surrounding national ID and traceability and give an update of the project which began a year ago. He will also answer questions regarding the traceability issue and the project in particular. Please join us for dinner on Sunday and join in the discussion of this important issue. In closing, please consider this your personal invitation to join us for our 15th Annual Fall Sale. We would be pleased to welcome you to the ranch and anxious to assist you in any way that we can.

Thank you so much for choosing Gardiner Genetics.

Greg Gardiner

Mark Gardiner

Garth Gardiner

Grant Gardiner

Cole Gardiner

Ransom Gardiner

Eva Gardiner, DVM

Kayla Gardiner

Debra Gardiner

Megan Gardiner Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 2

GAR Internship Program Gardiner Angus Ranch initiated a structured internship program in 2012. The program is designed for rising junior or senior students, with an interest in animal genetics, animal nutrition, animal health, reproductive management and/or marketing of purebred cattle. Interns are given responsibilities and become members of the GAR team from Day 1. In an effort to provide maximum experiences, both spring and fall internships are offered. Spring interns arrive in early January and work through the “Meating Demand” sale in mid-May. Spring interns gain experience in heat detection, record keeping, AI and ET breeding and management protocols, cattle feeding, freeze branding, sale catalog preparation,

ultrasound for pregnancy and fetal sex determination, cattle handling and many day-to-day ranch tasks. Fall interns arrive in late August and extend to Thanksgiving. Fall interns arrive during our extensive fall calving season and planning for the Fall Sale. The fall interns gain experience in cattle gathering, processing calves, embryo collection, AI and ET and ultrasound. GAR interns are challenged intellectually and physically to embrace the rigors of a large, diverse ranching operation and use the opportunity to enhance their personal and professional experiences. For more information on the GAR internship program go to GardinerAngus.com > Internships.


Brice Brummett Kansas State Univ.

We typically do not offer summer internships. However, we made an exception and appreciated having Brice Brummett work on the ranch this summer. Brice is a senior at K-State, majoring in animal science. He is developing his own cow herd using GAR genetics. His prior feedlot experience proved valuable as we began to gather and move all our cows from summer pastures to the GAR headquarters.


Sadia Zafar North Dakota State Univ.

Sadia Zafar is a junior at North Dakota State Univ., majoring in animal and equine science. Upon earning her bachelors degree, Sadia will enter vet school to become a food animal practitioner. Raised on her family’s farm in Minnesota, Sadia has a lifetime of general farm experience. As a senior in high school, she expanded her skills by becoming a vet assistant to a well respected practitioner. Sadia is embracing all the opportunities to be gained during her internship in an effort to enhance her future endeavors. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 3

Mackenzie Lolkema Washington State Univ.

Mackenzie is a senior at Washington State Univ., majoring in animal management. Mackenzie comes to GAR from a geographic area of the U.S. best recognized for dairy production and berry farming. Mackenzie’s interest include gaining experience in a large, diverse beef cattle operation. She has taken advantage of every opportunity to improve her skills given her geographic location. Mackenzie recognizes the value of professional relationships and is focused on using her internship to gain valuable cattle management experience.

The 15th Annual Fall Sale Bulls that Sell A very nice set of 407 bulls have been selected for the 15th Annual Fall Bull Sale. Three hundred and eight bulls in the sale are 20-months-old and 99 will be at least 17-months-old on sale day. The bulls are the progeny of 30 different Angus sires, but 80% of the sale bulls were sired by seven of our most trusted sires: Sure Fire, Sunrise, Momentum, Radiance Method, Cache and Ashland. The EPDs of this group of sale bulls are consistently strong

for calving ease, post-weaning growth, marbling and maternal traits with an emphasis on moderate stature. These are the selection goals we have focused upon for years. Check out the average EPDs and index values for this set of bulls and pay special attention to their genetic predictions for Combined $Value ($C), the Angus Association’s new index for maximum profitability in commercial herds.

Average American Angus Assoc. EPDs for the 2019 Fall Sale Bulls CED





+11 +0.6 +64 +113 +.60















+24 +10.8 +.60 +30 -14.39 +47 +1.23 +.72 +64.72 +74.87 +82.78 +83.44 +166.19 +280.27

Top Lowest Top Top Smallest Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top



15% 30% 20% 19% 60% 20% 50% 58% 15% 80% 30% 2% 25% 45% 10% 43% 2% 10%


We are proud to inform you that 69% of the bulls in the sale have a calving ease EPD (CED) of +10 or greater. In general, we use a CED of +10 as the cut off what for we refer to as a “calving ease bull.” However, if customers have had calving problems with their heifers in the past or if they intend to spend less time observing their heifers during calving, we step that recommendation up to a CED of +12 or higher. Note that 192 of the bulls (47%) in this sale have a CED of +12 or higher. Bottom line, these bulls can help you avoid calving problems. Please take the time to watch our YouTube video (bit.ly/31UT8IG) entitled “Marbling Mat69% of the ters.” In the video, Mark answers the question, “What drives sale bulls >10 for CED the value of beef?” The answer is MARBLING. His comments explain why we have focused on selection for marbling for 30 years. This sale offering includes 335 bulls (82%) that have marbling EPDs equal to or greater than +1.00. The offspring of these bulls will have superior marbling and will add value when you or your calf buyers retain ownership and sell them on a quality-based grid. We applaud the American Angus Association geneticists for the recent changes in the $BEEF index and for the creation of a new index, $C, designed to find the optimum level of genetic change for a commercial producer who retains replacement heifers and markets extra heifers and steers on a quality-based, carcass-merit grid. The target of the $C index is maximum profitability for the commercial producer.

AVOID Calving Difficulty

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 4

Despite our enhanced confidence in the AAA $Value indexes, we believe the Retained Ownership Index (ROI) calculated from the Method Genetics (MG) database continues to be the best index we can offer our customers for evaluating bulls. ROI provides a complete production system approach — it incorporates traits from conception through carcass end-points. ROI is designed specifically for GAR and our commercial customers. The Method Genetics evaluation uses both genomics and performance data (primarily from GAR and GAR customers) to provide EPDs and production indexes for both our purebred cattle and our customers’ commercial Angus cattle. The MG evaluation does not use EPDs from the American Angus database. Instead, all the genetic predictions performed by MG are based on a unique population of cattle. This evaluation is more discriminating and provides the most reliable production indexes for our customer base. AVERAGE METHOD GENETICS GENETIC PREDICTIONS FOR THE 2019 FALL SALE BULLS

Maternal Production Index (MPI)

Quality Pounds Index (QPI)

Retained Ownership Index (ROI)

+145 +134 +252

Top Top Top 12% 10% 10%

The average ROI of bulls offered on September 30th is in the Top 10% of the unique population of cattle in the Method Genetics evaluation. Simply put, ROI benchmarks our cattle against a population of cattle that does “what we do best.” And we encourage you to use ROI as your “go to” selection index. Finally, we invite you to check out the offspring of Gardens Cache, a sire from Green Garden Angus Farm in Ellsworth, KS. Cache was added to our AI sire battery 3 years ago. He comes from the program of Dick Janssen and his family. That program that has a history of integrity and the use of data-based selection. WHAT DOES CACHE BRING TO THE GAR PROGRAM? Gardens Cache is a sire we selected due to his outcross pedigree, moderate birth weight, elite marbling and abundant ribeye. These economically-important traits are contained in a physical package that ranks in the bottom 15% of the Angus breed for stature. We wanted to maintain and improve on the traits of magnitude and keep mature size in check. Cache does just that. GARDENS CACHE WHY WAS CACHE CHOSEN OVER OTHER OUTCROSS SIRES? The Janssen family has been diligent in their pursuit of calving ease, end product merit, and modest sized cattle for years. Gardens Cache had a nice proof when we began using him and we knew from using other Green Garden sires that the Janssen family submits accurate progeny data from well-designed sire evaluations. Knowing that Cache had competed well at Green Garden Angus gave us confidence we needed to use him in our ET program. The performance of his offspring at GAR has certainly met our expectations. If you have any questions about the sale bulls or we can help you in any way, feel free to give us a call or ask when you visit the ranch. As in the past, we will continue to offer this helpful suggestion:


Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 5

20 Month Old Bulls

Lot 1 • GAR Sure Fire E938 Lot


G A R Sure Fire E938 Birth Date: 3/31/18



Tattoo: E938

“You may have it all!”

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +2.2/70% +76/3% +134/3% +.25/20% +1.37/95% +.8/20% +.96/40% 51.6 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +34/1% +16.3/4% +14/4% +32/10% +53/30% +.4/45% -19/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37.49 +60/10% +1.58/1% +.64/35% +.004/40% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +91/1% +88/2% +94/20% +100/1% +194/1% +343/1% 7.61 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire GAR New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F36 G A R Prophet 18545399 G A R Prophet 1923 G A R Progress N1401


MPI / %

157/2% QPI / %

159/1% ROI / %


Rib Fat Ratio

BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 86 1 100 678 100 1179 100 4.47 112 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-74 1-105 1-100 - 1-107 1-107 1-122 1-114 .33


Rump Fat Ratio

E938 is one of the good young prospects in the history of GAR! Exceptional calving ease, high value composition of growth with his top 3% YW, top 1% Marbling. Bulls that rank in the top 1% of the Method Genetics Retained Ownership Index sire cattle that have value for all segments of the Beef Industry! Maternal traits, growth traits, end product merit, yes, it is true, disciplined selection allows the creation of multi-trait excellence.

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 6

20 Month Old Bulls

Lot 2 • GAR Sure Fire 5478S G A R Sure Fire 5478S


2 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.03 Adj % IMF

6.2 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/17/18



Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 505 B/R Ambush 28 18333041 G A R 28 Ambush N111 G A R Predestined 1907 BW CALV EASE 102 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 866

WWR ADJ YW 100 1298

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-91

WWR 1-94

YWR 100


MPI / %

166/1% QPI / %

155/1% ROI / %


3 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.88 Adj % IMF

9.19 % IMF Ratio

129 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 5.45

GR 112

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

G A R Sure Fire E398

Lot Tattoo: 5478S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.4/75% +76/3% +134/3% +.27/10% +1.07/95% +1.1/4% +1.31/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +11.7/40% +9/45% +29/20% +61/20% +.9/10% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/3% +1.4/1% +.8/15% +.013/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +83/3% +110/5% +92/1% +202/1% +336/1%

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 .39 Rump Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-109 4-111 4-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/12/18



Tattoo: E398

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2934 MCC Daybreak 18025273 G A R Daybreak 2842 G A R 5050 New Design H129 BW CALV EASE 68 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 479

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 .31 Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -1.1/10% +48/70% +98/45% +.24/25% +.99/90% +.4/60% +.45/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +12/40% +9/45% +33/10% +5/85% +.1/75% +3/35% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.8/1% +.7/30% +.011/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +65/25% +91/25% +111/1% +202/1% +337/1%

BWR 1-104

WWR 1-78

WWR ADJ YW 100 1020

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.02

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-111 15-97 15-112 15-110

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Stock bull! This is a powerful Sure Fire son with top percentile rankings Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! We love multi trait standouts like for the economically important traits. A triple 1% Method Genetics Index this Sure Fire son. Calving ease, growth, below average stature on this standout! bull that ranks among the top 40 of all Angus Non-parent bulls in the breed for Marbling. Do you want a pound of lead or a pound of gold? E398 is golden! Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 7



Birth Date: 3/15/18



Tattoo: J8095

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.2/70% +81/2% +151/1% +.32/1% +1.69/95% +1.2/2% +1.78/4% 54.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +15.1/10% +12/15% +33/10% +116/1% +1.2/1% -49/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.02 +66/3% +1.43/1% +.88/10% +.015/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +59/65% +85/3% +109/5% +95/1% +204/1% +324/1% 7.08 % IMF Ratio

110 Adj REA

15.8 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1754 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak C80 17965274 G A R Objective 277L

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.04 Adj % IMF

6.66 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

14.5 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.62 Adj % IMF

6.89 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-105 5-101 5-101 5-108

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire E28


Birth Date: 2/13/18



Tattoo: E28

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.1/45% +76/3% +132/4% +.28/5% +.93/90% +.9/15% +1.54/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +9.7/70% +11/25% +24/55% +71/15% +.7/20% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +1.1/5% +1.01/4% -.012/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +80/5% +108/10% +83/2% +191/1% +317/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet L26 MCC Daybreak 18699823 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 76

BWR ADJ WW 101 652

WWR ADJ YW 109 1257

YWR 105


MPI / %

160/2% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-105


7 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.78 Adj % IMF

5.53 % IMF Ratio

78 Adj REA

14.4 REA Ratio

117 Adj Rib Fat

.22 ADG 4.8

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-94 1-109 1-86 1-100

E28 is a lot like a U.S. Marine in that he is one of the very few and proud bulls that is over 1 for both Marbling and RE. Oh he is remarkable for the other traits too! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 4/4/18


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: E918

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum F276 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 342 18543223 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 69

BWR ADJ WW 100 585

WWR ADJ YW 100 1020

YWR 100


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


ADG 3.86

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-103 4-109 4-115 4-101

E918 reminds me of Goldilocks, as in this bull is “just right”! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Cache E338 Birth Date: 3/9/18



Tattoo: E338

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.2/25% +63/25% +119/15% +.27/10% +1.06/95% +.2/80% +.69/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +9.2/75% +11/25% +30/15% +36/50% +.3/55% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +64/4% +1.37/1% +1.15/2% +.018/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +76/10% +115/3% +95/1% +210/1% +345/1%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2874 17965345 G A R Daybreak 202 BW CALV EASE 1 76

BWR ADJ WW 100 498

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .26

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -1.8/4% +52/60% +102/40% +.26/15% +.54/65% +.5/50% +1.44/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +11.8/40% +9/45% +34/5% +21/70% +.1/75% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.59/1% +.8/15% +.052/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +70/20% +96/20% +98/1% +193/1% +320/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .36

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-76 1-101 1-109 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

MPI / %



Yet another exceptional Sure Fire son with all of the goodies needed for Beef cattle success. J8095 stems from a cow family that includes 9 straight generations of GAR donors that descend from the Wehrmann Angus brood matron donor, Rita 5H11, born in 1985. Genetic excellence is a life long journey! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.




BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 91 1 100 602 100 1183 100 5 108

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-69 1-99 1-98 .39

G A R Sure Fire E918


G A R Sure Fire J8095

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 WWR ADJ YW 100 1090

YWR 100


MPI / %

129/42% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 4.52

GR 113

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-92 6-101 6-104 6-104

Semper Fi! Check out this dude’s marbling, muscle and growth! Bottom 20% stature! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Revenue Sharing and Semen Interest You will notice we are selling revenue sharing and semen interests on all bulls. This means the bull is totally in your control in how you want to handle him and you get 100% of the salvage value of the bull. Simply, we are reserving the right to a share of semen sales revenue from the bull if, at some time in the future, semen sales become a possibility. If you sell the bull to another breeder, Gardiner Angus Ranch retains the semen interest. It is unlikely that large amounts of semen will be sold from many bulls. However, bulls are often “discovered” later in life, after proving themselves in the breeding pasture. It is for this reason we keep a semen interest in all bulls sold in our production sale.

Even bulls sold to commercial herds may become popular at a later time, as more carcass data is collected on their calves. If you purchase a bull that we retain an interest in and you choose to collect semen from that bull as an “insurance policy” for your own use, that semen is 100% yours. Gardiner Angus Ranch may also wish to collect semen from the bull, either for in-herd use or to build a jointly-owned semen bank for sale purposes. If you are not interested in collecting semen on the bull, GAR has the right to collect the bull, at their own expense, for their own use. Semen collection will be arranged at the convenience of the owner of the possession interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 8

20 Month Old Bulls

Lot 8 • GAR Cache 5118S G A R Cache 5118S


8 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.9 Adj % IMF

6.87 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

14.5 REA Ratio

118 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/13/18


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 71 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 825

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-95

WWR 1-96

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1214

YWR 100


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


9 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.9 Adj % IMF

7.56 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.37 ADG 5.1

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

G A R Cache 5108S

Lot Tattoo: 5118S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.1/20% +82/1% +144/1% +.27/10% +1.39/95% +.7/30% +1.22/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +12.6/30% +13/10% +31/10% +70/15% +.7/20% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +69/2% +1.22/3% +.92/10% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +97/1% +112/4% +84/2% +196/1% +329/1%

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 .37 Rump Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 5108S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.8/65% +67/15% +123/10% +.24/25% +1.49/95% +1/10% +1.04/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +14.5/15% +17/1% +28/25% +51/30% +.8/15% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.64/1% +.89/10% +.026/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +73/15% +78/55% +104/1% +182/2% +314/1%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 75 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 805

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 .34


Truly a unique multi-trait specialist. 5118S can breed heifers, add valuable composition of growth and projects excellent maternal function.

Birth Date: 2/13/18

BWR 1-95

WWR 1-96

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1155

YWR 100


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

154/1% ROI / %


ADG 4.78

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Cool Cache son with calving ease, growth, marbling, muscle. He will sire calves that are in demand for everyone!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 9

20 Month Old Bulls

Lot 10 • GAR Cache E678 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.48 Adj % IMF

4.52 % IMF Ratio

64 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/15/18



Tattoo: E678

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.8/85% +72/10% +142/2% +.3/2% +1.47/95% +.6/40% +.82/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +15.4/10% +11/25% +36/3% +73/10% +.8/15% -31/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +1.16/4% +.98/5% +.052/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +79/10% +112/4% +79/3% +191/1% +324/1%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 18127293 G A R Daybreak G72 BW CALV EASE 86 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 451

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718 WWR ADJ YW 100 1009

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-69 .24 Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Cache E678



BWR 1-89

WWR 1-97

YWR 100


MPI / %

129/42% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.16

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

of the proceeds from the sale of Lot 10 will be donated to the Henry C. Gardiner scholarship and lecture series at K-State. The Henry C. Gardiner Global Food Systems Lectures have hosted six world class thought leaders presenting diverse perspectives impacting our role as food producers for a growing planet. The lectures are free and open to the public. We hope you will join us Monday, October 14, for the next Henry C. Gardiner Global Food Systems Lecture at K-State.

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


The Henry C. Scholarship has been awarded to 26 Students at Kansas State University to date receiving $120,000 to date due to the generosity of our friends and customers. This Cache son will continue this tradition with his elite growth, marbling & muscle to go with his under control stature.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 10



Birth Date: 11/28/17



Tattoo: W628

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +58/40% +111/25% +.25/20% +.85/85% +.4/60% +1.66/10% 51.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +24/20% +14.1/15% +15/2% +31/10% +38/50% +.4/45% -11/75% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 39.63 +49/25% +1.57/1% +.64/35% +.012/55% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +71/15% +98/15% +99/1% +196/1% +329/1% 7.16 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 101 627

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 1-101 1-94 .35

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.76 Adj % IMF

6.18 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

12.6 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %


28.97 Adj % IMF

6.11 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 4.94

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-96 13-98 13-89 13-97

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise 5948S


Birth Date: 2/24/18



Tattoo: 5948S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.5/80% +71/10% +124/10% +.25/20% +.94/90% +1.1/4% +.21/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +15/10% +10/35% +29/20% +60/20% +.8/15% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +68/2% +1.37/1% +1.12/2% -.027/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +77/10% +112/4% +99/1% +212/1% +349/1%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 2914 17965347 G A R Prophet 1302 BW CALV EASE 1 106

BWR ADJ WW 100 791

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 28 Ambush 1170 WWR ADJ YW 100 1173

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


14 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.16 Adj % IMF

6.71 % IMF Ratio

103 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.3 ADG 5.05

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-103 13-106 13-92 13-95

Lot 12 is the highest $Combination bull of the sale. He is also a top 20% CED bull to go with unique, marbling and muscle. Power bull! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/10/18

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 A A R Ten X 7008 S A RCC Ten X E116 G A R Daybreak M562 18701796 BW CALV EASE 1 66

Rib Fat Ratio



15 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.22 Adj % IMF


Once again we are offering our “repeat buyer credit policy”. This policy is the same as in previous years. If you purchased an animal in our fall 2018, or January 2019, spring 2019 or May 2019 sales, you will receive 5% off your purchases in this sale. If you have not made a GAR purchase in the last 12 months, but make a purchase in this sale, you will become a repeat-buyer and receive 5% off of any future purchase you make in the next 12 months. This 5% discount is determined after all credits have been subtracted from the gross purchase price.

BWR ADJ WW 100 472

% IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

14 REA Ratio

114 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio



Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 3008 WWR ADJ YW 100 1016

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.94

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-102 1-98 1-121 1-115



Tattoo: 5768S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.4/75% +73/5% +130/5% +.28/5% +1.07/95% +1/10% +.34/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.6/55% +3/95% +30/15% +85/4% +.8/15% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +1.26/2% +.9/10% -.036/5% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +77/10% +107/10% +92/1% +199/1% +315/1%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 18025259 G A R Complete N281 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 744

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1141

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

155/1% ROI / %


ADG 5.16

GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

Note the top 1% $B & $C. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise 5838S Birth Date: 2/23/18



Tattoo: 5838S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.2/70% +62/25% +110/25% +.21/50% +.91/85% +.9/15% +.64/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +11.3/50% +11/25% +43/1% +35/50% +.5/35% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.51/1% +.74/25% -.032/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +84/3% +83/45% +102/1% +184/2% +315/1%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 2914 17965347 G A R Prophet 1302 BW CALV EASE 103 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 881

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-71 1-98 1-93 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: L58

G A R Sunrise 5768S Birth Date: 2/21/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-86 - - .21

Rump Fat Ratio


Exceptional growth, marbling and muscle! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Repeat Buyer Policy


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +1.9/65% +78/2% +136/3% +.31/1% +.67/75% +.9/15% -.39/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +8.8/80% +10/35% +25/45% +60/20% +.6/25% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +1.17/3% +.88/10% -.031/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +83/3% +114/3% +87/1% +201/1% +330/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .22

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-71 1-98 1-93 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 94 1144


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Lot 11 projects a rare combination of CED, Growth, and Marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 2345 G A R Fusion RWA Mandate W1117


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 28 Ambush 1170 WWR ADJ YW 100 1227

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

149/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.74

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-103 13-106 13-92 13-95

Stellar bull for so many traits, especially elite marbling genetics! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 11

20 Month Old Bulls


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Composure RWA Composure W1235 RWA Fusion W1263 18256311

G A R Sunrise L58


G A R Cache W628



Birth Date: 2/20/18



Tattoo: 5708S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.2/70% +76/3% +138/2% +.33/1% +.67/75% +.7/30% +.79/50% 52.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +37/1% +10/65% +5/85% +24/55% +110/1% +.5/35% -42/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37.63 +64/4% +1/10% +1.05/3% -.032/10% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +50/85% +71/15% +119/2% +81/2% +200/1% +309/1% 4.51 % IMF Ratio

69 Adj REA

14.1 REA Ratio

115 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 G A R Complete N281 18025259 BW CALV EASE 1 102

BWR ADJ WW 100 919

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-86 - - .35

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.35 Adj % IMF

6.19 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.35 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

40.63 Adj % IMF

6.8 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.43 Rib Fat Ratio



50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.26 Adj % IMF

6.18 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.32 ADG 5.56

GR 115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

Rib Fat Ratio



Birth Date: 2/27/18



Tattoo: 6008S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +4.1/95% +87/1% +151/1% +.28/5% +1.45/95% +1/10% +1.69/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +8.4/80% +3/95% +20/85% +88/4% +.7/20% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +65/4% +1.35/1% +.73/25% +.02/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +76/10% +105/10% +88/1% +193/1% +312/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F74 MCC Daybreak 17842470 G A R Daybreak 1360 G A R 5050 New Design 3518 BW CALV EASE 1 100

BWR ADJ WW 100 840

WWR ADJ YW 100 1165

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



20 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.5 Adj % IMF

7.24 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

14.8 REA Ratio

120 Adj Rib Fat

.26 ADG 4.57

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-96 15-103 15-104 15-105

Top 1% ROI, $C, $B, & Marbling, = Elite Bull! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/24/18


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 6058S

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2744 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1521 17965339 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 772

WWR ADJ YW 100 1134

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.88

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-100 8-77 8-88

Sure Fire & Prophet are two of the greatest sires in the history of Gardiner Angus Ranch. We have faith in this time tested pedigree to deliver beef cattle value! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire E58 Birth Date: 2/28/18



Tattoo: E58

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +1.5/55% +75/4% +119/15% +.2/60% +.89/85% +.7/30% +1/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +15.6/10% +9/45% +24/55% +34/55% +.3/55% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.14/4% +.94/10% +.011/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +92/1% +86/2% +89/30% +82/2% +171/5% +314/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak 18025251 G A R Daybreak 832 G A R 5050 New Design 1009 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 539

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.3/30% +62/25% +111/25% +.21/50% +1.16/95% +.6/40% +1.78/4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +15.4/10% +11/25% +33/10% +18/75% +.2/65% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +58/10% +1.27/2% +.73/25% +.048/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +88/2% +81/5% +87/35% +82/2% +169/5% +307/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-79 - - .43

G A R Sure Fire 6008S

WWR ADJ YW 100 1105

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.64

GR 117

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Single digit percentile rankings for a plethora of the traits of merit. Cool bull! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5718S Birth Date: 2/20/18



Tattoo: 5718S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +2.2/70% +78/2% +134/3% +.24/25% +1.17/95% +1.3/1% +1.78/4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +12.1/35% +10/35% +27/30% +59/20% +.8/15% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +64/4% +1.18/3% +.82/15% +.038/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +79/10% +85/3% +98/15% +80/3% +177/3% +309/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 825 MCC Daybreak 18333066 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 89 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 876

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-116 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump Fat Ratio



MPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .35

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100



Greater than +1 for Marbling & RE, cool combination! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L

WWR ADJ YW 100 1364

G A R Sure Fire 6058S


G A R Sunrise 5708S

WWR ADJ YW 100 1218

YWR 100


MPI / %

164/1% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 4.72

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-97 8-100 8-117 8-103

Top 1% MPI combined with top 1% ROI. Hot diggety! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Congratulations to our great friend, Dave Nichols, recently inducted into the Kansas Fairgrounds Foundation Wall of Honor for his contributions to the Kansas State Fair and the beef industry. Your dedication to the future of agriculture at KSU is priceless.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 12



Birth Date: 3/5/18



Tattoo: E118

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.2/10% +63/25% +125/10% +.28/5% +1.43/95% +1.1/4% +1.92/3% 51 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +31/2% +13.4/25% +13/10% +31/10% +57/25% +.8/15% -20/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.66 +58/10% +1.25/2% +.71/25% +.018/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +71/30% +74/10% +97/15% +83/2% +180/2% +304/2% 6.25 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.17 Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 844 LD Redirect 11 G A R Redirect 431 17965196 G A R 5050 New Design N539 BW CALV EASE 1 69

BWR ADJ WW 100 520

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.44 Adj % IMF

7.13 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 605



WWR ADJ YW 100 1136

YWR 100

118 Adj REA


Adj Rib Fat

.36 ADG 3.51

GR 88

Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/10/18


MPI / %

157/2% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio


24 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.02 Adj % IMF

9.36 % IMF Ratio

144 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

GR 98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-102 1-98 1-121 1-115

Top 1% Method Genetics QPI & ROI Indexes! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.26 Adj % IMF

Deduct $100 From Your Purchase Any buyer of any lot or group in the sale will have $100 deducted from the purchase price of that lot or group if he provides for the transportation from GAR within two weeks after the sale.

BWR ADJ WW 115 644

6.03 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.16 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %

157/2% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.1

GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-115 2-108 2-123 2-121



Tattoo: J8142

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.7/60% +62/25% +116/15% +.27/10% +1.01/90% +.8/20% +1.46/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +11/50% +12/15% +31/10% +55/25% +.5/35% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.65/1% +.35/80% +.03/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +70/20% +93/25% +97/1% +190/1% +311/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Maplecrest Eva L4202 G A R Solution 18134379 Maplecrest Eva 9005 Maplecrest Eva 7010 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 628

WWR ADJ YW 100 1156

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 2-106

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.56

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

WWR 2-108

YWR 2-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-107 7-100 7-111 7-105

My goodness, look at this Sure Fire son that will light up the instrument grading Prime premium on his offspring. His daughters will be treasured females! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire E798 Birth Date: 3/24/18



Tattoo: E798

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.8/40% +51/60% +99/45% +.26/15% -.02/25% +.4/60% +1.25/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +11.2/50% +6/75% +32/10% +30/60% +.3/55% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.49/1% +.75/20% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +62/35% +102/10% +100/1% +202/1% +328/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 784 B/R Ambush 28 17965191 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 86 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 525

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 2-77 .23 Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1175


G A R Sure Fire J8142 Birth Date: 3/15/18



Tattoo: J8092

J8092 is a candidate to raise the Prime grading ability of your cattle! Prime = more $$! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 2-75 .37 Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Maplecrest ForeverLady S5090 MCC Daybreak Maplecrest Forever Lady 2019 18301279 Maplecrest ForeverLady K0158

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-79 2-108 2-104 .33

.35 ADG 4.72


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.1/70% +70/10% +127/10% +.23/35% +1.37/95% +.8/20% +1.27/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +13.8/20% +4/90% +35/3% +54/30% +.8/15% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +55/15% +1.57/1% +.66/35% +.02/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +83/3% +87/35% +98/1% +185/2% +314/1%


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


7.77 % IMF Ratio

ROI / %


Tattoo: L9708

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 RCC Ten X E116 MCC Daybreak 18701796 G A R Daybreak M562 G A R Objective 3008

Adj % IMF


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-99 12-99 12-83 12-96



REA Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +67/15% +122/10% +.27/10% +.91/85% +.6/40% +1.17/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +9.8/65% +12/15% +32/10% +31/55% +.3/55% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.35/1% +.55/50% +.025/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +85/3% +94/20% +85/2% +179/3% +310/1%

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW - .31



51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %

G A R Sure Fire L9708 Birth Date: 3/28/18

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-91

Dam’s Production Record

Rump Fat Ratio

MPI / %


Calving ease deluxe with all of the other traits of merit in elite order! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



YWR 100



BWR 1-97

WWR 1-99

WWR ADJ YW 100 991

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


ADG 3.84

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-104 13-104 13-80 13-80

Sure Fire X Momentum is one of the great mating’s in our history. Obviously, the production traits will be tremendous and the females will be outstanding. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 13

20 Month Old Bulls

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-60 1-87 1-98 .21

WWR ADJ YW 100 1013

G A R Sure Fire J8092


G A R Sure Fire E118



Birth Date: 2/28/18



Tattoo: 6018S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.2/25% +53/55% +112/20% +.28/5% +.87/85% +.7/30% +1.37/15% 52.4 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +10.2/60% +7/70% +34/5% +42/40% +.4/45% -15/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37.88 +44/40% +1.57/1% +.83/15% +.004/40% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +54/80% +64/30% +93/25% +102/1% +195/1% +307/1% 7.88 % IMF Ratio

121 Adj REA

13.9 REA Ratio

113 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise 2785 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 3141 18333237 G A R 28 Ambush 619 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 830

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .3

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1190

YWR 100


MPI / %


29 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.87 Adj % IMF

8.92 % IMF Ratio

127 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.32 ADG 4.86

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-108 3-99 3-91 3-77

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



G A R Sure Fire J8144


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.15 Adj % IMF

6.23 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/19/18



Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Maplecrest Eva L4202 G A R Solution 18134379 Maplecrest Eva 9005 Maplecrest Eva 7010 BW CALV EASE 1 75

BWR ADJ WW 100 670

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.26 Adj % IMF

6.97 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-104


30 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.83 Adj % IMF

9.09 % IMF Ratio

130 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 4.64

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-107 7-100 7-111 7-105


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: L418

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Predestined G A R Quanah 687L G A R Objective 1885 Goode Quanah 5301 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Ambush 0H18 18338992 Goode Objective 544 BW CALV EASE 1 79

BWR ADJ WW 100 551

WWR ADJ YW 100 1061

YWR 100




BWR ADJ WW 100 734

WWR ADJ YW 100 1094



GR 102

Tattoo: G8064

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 Goode 100X 6381 MCC Daybreak 18733151 G A R Daybreak 842 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 71

BWR ADJ WW 103 579

WWR ADJ YW 94 1064

YWR 97


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 4.96

GR 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-130 1-108 1-100 1-120

Top 1% $B & $C! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-101 4-105 4-102 4-90

ADG 4.64

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.4/20% +64/20% +117/15% +.29/3% +.63/70% +.5/50% +2.19/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +15.7/10% +12/15% +36/3% +51/30% +.3/55% -20/90% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +1.18/3% +1.04/3% +.008/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +82/4% +113/3% +86/2% +199/1% +331/1%

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


ROI / %


G A R Sure Fire G8064 Birth Date: 2/5/18


ADG 4.86

QPI / %


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-107 6-100 6-91 6-93

Tattoo: 5918S

YWR 100

MPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.5/15% +55/50% +113/20% +.28/5% +1/90% +.6/40% +.81/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +8.1/85% +10/35% +33/10% +48/35% +.5/35% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +55/15% +1.38/1% +.89/10% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +51/85% +66/25% +107/10% +95/1% +202/1% +313/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Advance G A R 5050 New Design A84 G A R Advance 2395 G A R New Design 5050 18333201 G A R 5050 New Design 3141 G A R 28 Ambush 619


Super bull for so many traits of merit! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 1-103 1-94 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.7/80% +65/20% +118/15% +.25/20% +1.23/95% +.9/15% +2.03/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +13/25% +9/45% +29/20% +60/20% +.7/20% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +58/10% +1.64/1% +.6/40% -.006/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +68/20% +96/20% +103/1% +199/1% +325/1%

G A R Sure Fire 5918S Birth Date: 2/24/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .31

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1180


Sure Fire sons bring so many problem solving genetics to the Beef cattle complex! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



Tattoo: J8144

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/25% +64/20% +112/20% +.25/20% +.7/75% +.6/40% +.77/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +12.1/35% +10/35% +38/2% +26/65% +.2/65% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.31/2% +.6/40% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +80/10% +88/2% +93/25% +84/2% +177/3% +310/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-75 2-106 2-108 .46

Rump Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/7/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-79 1-104 1-100 .37

Top 10% CED, top 1% $B, $C, & Marbling. Top 5% ROI. Adds up to a very good bull! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Sure Fire L418


G A R Sure Fire 6018S

Time is not slowing down! Greysen (18), Grace (14) and Gage (16).

Prepotent CED, growth, Marbling and Muscle. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 14



Birth Date: 3/10/18



Tattoo: J8090

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1/10% +58/40% +97/50% +.21/50% +.54/65% +.4/60% +.69/55% 51.9 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +20/35% +17.1/2% +11/25% +29/20% +21/70% -.1/90% -2/50% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.86 +48/30% +1.3/2% +.95/10% +.012/55% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +89/2% +75/10% +89/30% +90/1% +178/3% +320/1% 7.15 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

14.7 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 596

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 3-67 2-105 2-111 .4

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.18 Adj % IMF

6.55 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.88 Adj % IMF

5.86 % IMF Ratio

89 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 97 1131

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-105

WWR 1-97

YWR 95

GR 99


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %



GR 89

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-92 1-102 1-107 1-132


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/25% +55/50% +102/40% +.25/20% +.15/35% +.3/75% +.28/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.3/60% +4/90% +30/15% +12/80% -.1/90% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.25/2% +.82/15% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +69/20% +105/10% +87/1% +192/1% +325/1%


BWR ADJ WW 101 520

Dam’s Production Record



WWR ADJ YW 82 1043

YWR 90


MPI / %


Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio


35 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.1 Adj % IMF

8.39 % IMF Ratio

125 Adj REA

12.9 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




36 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.59 Adj % IMF

8.36 % IMF Ratio

127 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.24 ADG 4.56

GR 96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-98 5-104 5-93 5-107

Outlier in the Angus breed for $B & $Combination. tSelling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 106 627


WWR ADJ YW 99 960

YWR 96


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

122/26% ROI / %


ADG 4.9

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-109 8-101 8-101 8-111

GAR Drive 8507H Birth Date: 1/14/18



Tattoo: 8507

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.5/15% +59/35% +115/20% +.33/1% +.43/55% +.5/50% +.16/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +5/95% +7/70% +35/3% +63/20% +.6/25% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.69/1% +.96/10% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +36/95% +72/15% +106/10% +110/1% +216/1% +316/1%

G A R Momentum G A R Drive 18301470 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 G A R Progress G A R Progress L311 17112659 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 BW CALV EASE 1 63

BWR ADJ WW 100 504

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 Rito 1I1 of 2536 Rito 6I6 G A R 1407 New Design 1013 WWR ADJ YW 100 963

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 2-100

WWR 2-104

YWR 100


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.8

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-104 30-104 30-97 30-94

Boo yah! Look at this double bred Progress son with calving ease and off the charts marbling & muscle! People like $200 + $B bulls, well here is a special one! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Drive J8058 Birth Date: 2/13/18



Tattoo: J8058

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.8/40% +58/40% +106/30% I+.23/35% I+.75/80% +.5/50% +.57/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+25/15% I+8.7/80% +7/70% +33/10% I+42/40% I+.6/25% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.6/1% +.83/15% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +67/25% +80/50% +103/1% +183/2% +293/3%

G A R Momentum G A R Drive 18301470 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet A5002 18342147 G A R Daybreak A2059 BW CALV EASE 84 1

BWR ADJ WW 106 597

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design A84 WWR ADJ YW 93 1125

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 2-82 .31 Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: M8022

Outlier in the Angus breed for $B & $Combination. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 2-72 .21 Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 Data Manager 0536 DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 Bar W Data Manager 4028 SCR Right Cross 70024 Bar W Right Cross 0139 18064793 Goode Objective 7505

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-102 2-98 .25

QPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.5/35% +59/35% +106/30% +.26/15% +.05/25% +.7/30% +.43/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +9.8/65% +10/35% +35/3% +25/65% +.4/45% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.07/10% +.78/20% +.024/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +77/10% +107/10% +75/4% +182/2% +310/1%

Lot Tattoo: G8341

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Goode Sunrise 6310 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 18473543 Goode Ten X 4001 Goode Mandate 2325


.32 ADG 4.17

G A R Sure Fire G8341 Birth Date: 1/7/18


Birth Date: 12/29/17


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


.19 ADG 4.56

Sure Fire females are sublime. Sunrise females are high volume, big middled matrons with excellent feet. Not this pedigree! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 .34 Rump Fat Ratio

BWR ADJ WW 105 576

5.07 % IMF Ratio

ROI / %


Tattoo: E208

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise 1785 G A R Progress 18333144 G A R Progress L311 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346

Adj % IMF


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.3/30% +61/30% +114/20% +.28/5% +.65/70% +.3/75% +1.11/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +4/95% +6/75% +33/10% +43/40% +0/80% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +1.15/4% +.96/10% +.004/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +75/10% +111/4% +83/2% +194/1% +309/1%





REA Ratio

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 57-103 57-103 57-104 57-99


50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-106

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


G A R Sure Fire E208 Birth Date: 3/5/18

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 .37 Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100

MPI / %


Superb Sure Fire son out of the greatest Ingenuity daughter in our history 3132, who today serves as a donor for Maplecrest Farms and Hillhouse Angus. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



WWR ADJ YW 100 1113



BWR 2-108

WWR 2-93

YWR 96


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 5.04

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-129 2-96 2-99 2-100

Drive is an outstanding son of Momentum that carries on the family tradition of moderation, marbling, and muscle. All important “Ms” of success! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 15

20 Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Ingenuity G A R Objective 1067 G A R Ingenuity 3132 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush N340 17353925 G A R Predestined 2786

G A R Sure Fire M8022


G A R Sure Fire J8090



Birth Date: 1/24/18



Tattoo: J8028

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% -.5/15% +58/40% +106/30% +.25/20% +.7/75% +.7/30% -.62/95% 50.6 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +23/20% +12.8/30% +7/70% +24/55% +43/40% +.4/45% -10/70% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 33.42 +38/55% +1.29/2% +1.04/3% +.006/45% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +62/55% +63/30% +86/40% +91/1% +178/3% +293/3% 6.5 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum G A R Drive Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 18301470 G A R Ingenuity G A R Ingenuity 3132 G A R 28 Ambush N340 17353925 BW CALV EASE 1 46

BWR ADJ WW 100 555

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 3-67 2-105 2-111 .28

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.5 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

30 Adj % IMF

6.05 % IMF Ratio

0 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.3 Adj % IMF

6.14 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.13 Rib Fat Ratio



50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

29.7 Adj % IMF

7.98 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.11 ADG 4.54

GR 98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 57-103 57-103 57-104 57-99

Rib Fat Ratio



Birth Date: 11/27/17



Tattoo: 1227G

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.8/40% +66/15% +107/30% +.22/40% +.42/55% +.2/80% -.49/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +14.9/10% +12/15% +35/3% +45/40% +.3/55% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +55/15% +1.16/4% +.9/10% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +86/2% +99/15% +81/2% +179/3% +307/1%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 Connealy In Sure 8524 Ogeechee In sure 4004 18079664 Ogeechee Blackcap 1086 BW CALV EASE 1 64

BWR ADJ WW 100 595

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Ingenuity Ogeechee Blackcap 9124 WWR ADJ YW 100 973

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

112/43% ROI / %


GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102


41 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.64 Adj % IMF

6.67 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

12.7 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.15 ADG 4.94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-95 3-105 3-84 3-71

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Momentum L158




Tattoo: L158

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.3/30% +54/50% +103/35% +.24/25% +.42/55% +.6/40% -.32/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.3/50% +9/45% +29/20% +59/20% +.9/10% -20/90% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +1.16/4% +.92/10% -.028/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +51/85% +59/40% +110/5% +87/1% +196/1% +305/2%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 17056978 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 70 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 495

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined WWR ADJ YW 100 929

YWR 100


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115


42 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.18 Adj % IMF

6.26 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA

10.4 REA Ratio

81 Adj Rib Fat

.18 ADG 4.72

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Rare growth in a valuable package! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497 17056978 BW CALV EASE 1 85

BWR ADJ WW 100 483


Tattoo: L9738

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined WWR ADJ YW 100 989

YWR 100


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


ADG 5.04

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Less milk with all of the other traits in very good order. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise L9758 Birth Date: 3/3/18



Tattoo: L9758

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +2.9/85% +77/3% +132/4% +.28/5% +.71/75% +.7/30% -.96/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +11.3/50% +10/35% +19/90% +91/3% +.7/20% -30/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +.95/10% +.93/10% -.058/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +68/20% +107/10% +80/3% +186/2% +297/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 17056978 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 1 90

BWR ADJ WW 100 535

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined WWR ADJ YW 100 1100

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.9

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Modest milk level to go with special growth! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise J8156 Birth Date: 3/20/18



Tattoo: J8156

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.3/75% +76/3% +137/2% +.27/10% +1.41/95% +1.1/4% +.87/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +11.5/45% +8/55% +26/40% +89/3% +1.1/2% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +60/10% +1.3/2% +.64/35% -.03/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +75/10% +97/15% +90/1% +187/1% +301/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 EXAR Denver 2002B Maplecrest Blacklass 4014 17978037 G A R Objective C38

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 EXAR Upshot 0562B Exar Royal Lass 1067 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Predestined N105


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-73 1-103 1-113 .2

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.6/80% +75/4% +126/10% +.25/20% +.61/70% +.8/20% -.76/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +12.8/30% +10/35% +26/40% +78/10% +.8/15% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.31/2% +.92/10% -.058/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +77/10% +96/20% +97/1% +192/1% +314/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .27

Actual ultrasound data collected at 441 days of age. Interesting Method son that has bottom 20% YH to help moderate stature. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Birth Date: 1/20/18

Birth Date: 3/5/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .11

G A R Method 1227G

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .16

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-106

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-73 1-103 1-99 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1013



Pounds pay the bills, Quality pounds pay more bills! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 1067 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2786

G A R Sunrise L9738


G A R Drive J8028


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


YWR ADG 100 4.48

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-99 4-85 4-92

High Yearling growth son of Sunrise. Top 2% Marbling. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 16



Birth Date: 2/22/18



Tattoo: 5808S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.1/45% +68/15% +125/10% +.23/35% +1.61/95% +.6/40% -.15/95% 51.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +14.2/15% +11/25% +24/55% +57/25% +.4/45% -16/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.69 +45/35% +1.58/1% +.57/45% -.013/20% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +71/15% +71/70% +101/1% +172/4% +298/2% 7.73 % IMF Ratio

119 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 813

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-75 1-96 1-89 .41

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.97 Adj % IMF

6.47 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.46 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %


41.87 Adj % IMF

6.65 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.38 ADG 5.07

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 5298S


Birth Date: 2/15/18



Tattoo: 5298S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.7/35% +77/3% +135/3% +.24/25% +1.67/95% +.6/40% +.52/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +12.3/35% +12/15% +26/40% +49/35% +.4/45% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +61/10% +1.26/2% +.64/35% +.04/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +87/2% +91/25% +81/2% +171/5% +300/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 95 B/R Destination 727-928 18333008 G A R Destination 512 G A R 28 Ambush 1949 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 870

WWR ADJ YW 100 1252

YWR 100


MPI / %

165/1% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



46 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

42.87 Adj % IMF

5.63 % IMF Ratio

86 Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.46 ADG 5.05

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-97 4-103 4-126 4-132

Top 1% ROI. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/14/18

Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 904


47 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.03 Adj % IMF

8.01 % IMF Ratio

123 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 238S


MPI / %

162/1% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %




Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-109 4-111 4-100

Top 1% ROI = a great chance at cattle with profit potential! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5078S Birth Date: 2/12/18



Tattoo: 5078S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.6/80% +69/10% +125/10% +.25/20% +1.18/95% +.5/50% +1.95/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +10.7/55% +11/25% +31/10% +22/70% +.3/55% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.32/2% +.55/50% +.065/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +81/10% +81/5% +90/30% +80/3% +170/5% +301/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 994 MCC Daybreak 17965210 G A R Daybreak G192 G A R Predestined 3479 BW CALV EASE 1 96

BWR ADJ WW 100 797

WWR ADJ YW 100 1208

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


ADG 5.28

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-107 9-103 9-121 9-118

Top 1% ROI. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5438S Birth Date: 2/17/18



Tattoo: 5438S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.9/40% +64/20% +114/20% +.26/15% +.72/75% +.5/50% +2.08/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +4.1/95% +10/35% +39/1% +33/55% +.5/35% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.42/1% +.63/35% -.001/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +86/2% +98/15% +93/1% +190/1% +298/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure G A R Objective 2345 G A R Composure F05 G A R Fusion 18174697 G A R Fusion F393 G A R 28 Ambush 839 BW CALV EASE 76 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 714

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-93 1-118 1-102 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1323

YWR 1-100

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-107 1-89 .46

Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 505 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush N111 18333041 G A R Predestined 1907


Thanks to great coaching from Sammy Gillis and Andy Sherrerd, Kayla has been a great student and becoming an even better competitor. She recently earned Reserve Champion $15,000 Amateur at the Non Pro Cutting Competition in Ardmore, Okla. on Dianas Duallin Kitty. Well done!


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -2.1/3% +58/40% +113/20% +.22/40% +1.49/95% +.6/40% +1.47/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +13.1/25% +13/10% +26/40% +51/30% +.6/25% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +59/10% +1.34/2% +.85/15% -.005/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +65/25% +89/30% +92/1% +181/2% +297/2%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-91 1-94 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .41

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1199


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Top 2% $C & ROI to go with to 10% YW. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358


WWR ADJ YW 100 1048

YWR 100


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.65

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-84

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-109 2-89 2-93 2-92

Top 1% $B, top 2% $C with top 10% CED. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 17

20 Month Old Bulls


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 G A R New Day 1540 18127236

G A R Sure Fire 238S


G A R Sunrise 5808S



Birth Date: 2/22/18



Tattoo: 5818S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.5/15% +75/4% +132/4% +.25/20% +1.5/95% +.6/40% +1.46/15% 50.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +17/45% +4.5/95% +10/35% +34/5% +45/40% +.3/55% -16/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 38.19 +61/10% +1.31/2% +.61/40% +.017/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +65/45% +96/1% +93/25% +85/2% +178/3% +296/2% 5.14 % IMF Ratio

79 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 545 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 1442 18333044 G A R 28 Ambush 1999 BW CALV EASE 1 88

BWR ADJ WW 100 781

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-71 - - .42

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

41.53 Adj % IMF

8.2 % IMF Ratio

126 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.46 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

41.1 Adj % IMF

5.48 % IMF Ratio

84 Adj REA

13.3 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj % IMF

6.37 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA


QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.43 ADG 5.28

GR 109

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-89 2-99 2-95 2-103

Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/17/18



Tattoo: 5508S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+13/10% I+.9/40% I+66/15% I+115/20% I+.22/40% I+1/90% +.9/15% +1.91/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% I+7.8/85% I+10/35% I+26/40% I+38/50% I+.5/35% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.58/1% +.61/40% +.04/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +75/10% +81/50% +96/1% +177/3% +296/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F74 MCC Daybreak 17842470 G A R Daybreak 1360 G A R 5050 New Design 3518 BW CALV EASE 1 82

BWR ADJ WW 100 854

WWR ADJ YW 100 1193

YWR 100


MPI / %

161/1% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



52 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.55 Adj % IMF

7.62 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

14.1 REA Ratio

115 Adj Rib Fat

.26 ADG 4.69

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-96 15-103 15-104 15-105

Top 1% ROI. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/18/18


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 5618S

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1845 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1402 18333149 G A R 5050 New Design N549 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 793

WWR ADJ YW 100 1118

YWR 100


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.57

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-109 3-97 3-105 3-103

Top 2% ROI and top 1% Marbling. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire E898 Birth Date: 4/2/18



Tattoo: E898

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -1.6/5% +49/70% +93/55% +.21/50% +.56/65% +.2/80% +1.67/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +10.4/60% +12/15% +37/2% -24/95% -.2/95% +6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.5/1% +.96/10% +.015/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +76/10% +71/70% +99/1% +170/5% +295/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum F276 MCC Daybreak 18543223 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 81

BWR ADJ WW 100 606

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .27

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.3/50% +62/25% +109/25% +.21/50% +.8/80% +.6/40% +.88/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +10.6/55% +7/70% +27/30% +28/60% +.5/35% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.36/1% +.53/55% +.049/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +72/15% +91/25% +83/2% +175/3% +296/2%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .37


WWR ADJ YW 100 1064

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %


ADG 4.19

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-103 4-109 4-115 4-101

All is well with this calving ease Sure Fire X Momentum. Magnificent marbling, muscle and Maternal Production Index (MPI)! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5668S Birth Date: 2/19/18



Tattoo: 5668S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +2/65% +72/10% +126/10% +.21/50% +1.69/95% +.8/20% +2.23/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +9.2/75% +10/35% +33/10% +36/50% +.5/35% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +63/5% +1.23/3% +.85/15% +.039/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +80/10% +88/2% +84/40% +82/2% +167/10% +297/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 394 G A R New Design 5050 17965159 G A R 5050 New Design 211 G A R Predestined G88 BW CALV EASE 88 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 878

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 1-92 1-78 .42

Rump Fat Ratio



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

G A R Sure Fire 5508S



MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .42

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100



Top 4% CED, 3% $B, top 2% $C, and top 4% ROI. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



WWR ADJ YW 100 1192

G A R Sure Fire 5618S


G A R Sure Fire 5818S

WWR ADJ YW 100 1291

YWR 100


MPI / %

156/3% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 5.3

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-71

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 23-96 23-103 23-89 23-102

Gage played “Pseudolis” in the Dodge City Depot Theater’s production of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.” Bravo, Gage!!

Docile heritage for this Sure Fire son. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 18

“Gardiner Angus Ranch willingly accepts responsibility for what we produce and the production methods we utilize. WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE. “

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 19



Birth Date: 11/26/17



Tattoo: 1207G

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.2/20% +59/35% +104/35% +.22/40% +.63/70% +.4/60% +2.24/1% 49.5 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Act Yrlg +21/30% +14.5/15% +11/25% +32/10% +17/75% +.2/65% -2/50% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37 +45/35% +1.16/4% +.72/25% +.009/50% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +79/10% +77/10% +86/40% +80/3% +166/10% +294/3% 7.41

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 0 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Adj REA Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 12.8 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 REA Mytty In Focus Ratio A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Actual Bridges Ten X 4109 Adj Sitz Upward 307R Rib Fat 17997036 Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R Objective 2345 .23 % IMF Ratio

20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 603

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-72 1-104 1-98 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.76 Adj % IMF

4.99 % IMF Ratio

77 Adj REA

13.6 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio


MPI / %


51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.62 Adj % IMF

7.4 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

88 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj % IMF

6.31 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.29 ADG 4.58

GR 94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-96 8-101 8-80 8-82

Rib Fat Ratio



Birth Date: 2/24/18



Tattoo: 5888S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +3.3/90% +71/10% +129/5% +.28/5% +.86/85% +1.4/1% -.2/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +5.4/95% +6/75% +32/10% +57/25% +.9/10% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +63/5% +.92/15% +1.11/2% -.027/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +76/10% +110/5% +77/4% +188/1% +299/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 870

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1288

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

143/4% ROI / %


GR 110

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



57 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.63 Adj % IMF

6.8 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA

14.1 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.3 ADG 5.33

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 1/30/18



Rump Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +2.2/70% +65/20% +107/30% +.22/40% +.35/50% +.9/15% -1.08/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +12.8/30% +9/45% +25/45% +55/25% +.9/10% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.2/3% +.65/35% -.052/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +68/20% +97/15% +87/1% +184/2% +302/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 17056978 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 69 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 591

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined WWR ADJ YW 100 1052

YWR 100


MPI / %

125/51% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.94 Adj % IMF

7.76 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.28 ADG 4.42

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 547


Tattoo: L338

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1648 WWR ADJ YW 100 995

YWR 100


MPI / %

156/3% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


ADG 4.8

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise G8071 Birth Date: 3/2/18



Tattoo: G8071

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.3/30% +68/15% +126/10% +.3/2% +.72/75% +.4/60% -.19/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +9.5/70% +5/85% +21/75% +68/15% +.2/65% -20/90% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.03/10% +1.04/3% -.025/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +67/25% +104/10% +82/2% +186/2% +297/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 K C F Bennett Absolute Goode Absolute 6362 18733768 Goode Ten X 4303 BW CALV EASE 1 72

BWR ADJ WW 104 694

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 S A V Final Answer 0035 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Goode 5050 New Design 1233 WWR ADJ YW 113 1230

YWR 113


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.66

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-113

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-97 1-110 1-111 1-88

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance E648 Birth Date: 3/14/18



Tattoo: E648

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.1/45% +64/20% +117/15% +.24/25% +1.04/90% +.9/15% +1.27/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +9.4/70% +10/35% +46/1% +45/40% +.6/25% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.39/1% +.63/35% +.004/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +89/2% +84/40% +91/1% +174/4% +296/2%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 84 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 790

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .35

Rump Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 2314 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 17965309

Lot Tattoo: L748


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +3.4/90% +80/2% +137/2% +.28/5% +1.1/95% +1.1/4% -.04/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +9.9/65% +4/90% +23/60% +117/1% +1.2/1% -44/95% CW MARB REA Fat +74/1% +.68/30% +1.24/1% -.046/3% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +42/95% +71/15% +125/1% +70/10% +194/1% +294/3%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-72 1-104 1-113 .22


G A R Sunrise L748

Birth Date: 1/30/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 .17

G A R Sunrise 5888S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .26

Rump Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .42

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100



Actual ultrasound data collected at 442 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



WWR ADJ YW 100 1040

G A R Sunrise L338


G A R Sure Fire 1207G

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1190

YWR 100


MPI / %

160/2% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


ADG 4.04

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 20



Birth Date: 3/8/18



Tattoo: E178

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.1/45% +76/3% +139/2% +.26/15% +1.7/95% +.6/40% -.4/95% 50 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +25/15% +13.6/20% +13/10% +41/1% +68/15% +.8/15% -31/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 30.75 +54/15% +1.22/3% +.92/10% -.001/35% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +74/20% +97/1% +86/40% +87/1% +173/4% +298/2% 7.1 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

13.3 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 471

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .3

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177

WWR ADJ YW 100 1026

YWR 100


MPI / %


50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.94 Adj % IMF

7.57 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.45 Rib Fat Ratio


50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.01 Adj % IMF

7.48 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/14/18





Adj Rib Fat

.24 ADG 4.29

GR 108

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-97 14-100 14-125 14-114

Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591

Tattoo: E688


BWR ADJ WW 100 514

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1060

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


GR 106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio

63 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

30.01 Adj % IMF

6.62 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N514 G A R New Day 1100 18127150 BW CALV EASE 1 74

BWR ADJ WW 100 490


Tattoo: E768

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177 WWR ADJ YW 100 991

YWR 100


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %


ADG 3.92

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-97 14-100 14-125 14-114

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance E738 Birth Date: 3/16/18



Tattoo: E738

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +3/85% +82/1% +131/4% +.19/70% +1.36/95% +.4/60% -.21/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +9.8/65% +11/25% +33/10% +48/35% +.2/65% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.41/1% +.71/25% -.018/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +84/4% +97/1% +63/85% +95/1% +158/15% +289/4%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 444

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 .31

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.4/55% +71/10% +120/15% +.23/35% +.91/85% +.5/50% -.54/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +8/85% +12/15% +33/10% +36/50% +.5/35% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.38/1% +.27/90% +.047/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +89/2% +84/40% +81/2% +165/10% +292/3%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .34

.18 ADG 4.23

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Birth Date: 3/15/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.2/50% +60/30% +107/30% +.22/40% +.57/65% +.7/30% +.41/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +13.5/20% +14/4% +43/1% +30/60% +.4/45% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.51/1% +.41/70% +.026/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +84/3% +76/60% +91/1% +167/10% +295/3%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 961

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.08

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance E708 Birth Date: 3/16/18



Tattoo: E708

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.3/30% +58/40% +103/35% +.25/20% +.29/45% +.8/20% +.71/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +7/85% +11.1/50% +12/15% +38/2% +46/35% +.6/25% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.65/1% +.5/55% -.002/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +77/10% +83/45% +102/1% +185/2% +298/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Radiance Connealy In Sure 8524 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Bextor L58 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure G A R Objective 2345 G A R Composure 2974 G A R Predestined 17965351 G A R 28 Predestined N1731 G A R Objective 9J14 BW CALV EASE 78 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 443

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-70 1-100 1-94 .13

Rump Fat Ratio


ROI / %


G A R Radiance E688

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

7.25 % IMF Ratio




Adj % IMF


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .41

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



WWR ADJ YW 100 891

YWR 100


MPI / %

119/64% QPI / %

131/14% ROI / %


ADG 3.57

GR 89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-101 12-99 12-93 12-89

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Quanah had a chance to catch up with Spring 2019 intern, Adalaide Kline during the KU vs SDSU soccer match at KU. Adalaide began graduate school at SDSU this fall and is using her last two years of eligibility to play soccer for the Jack Rabbits!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 21

20 Month Old Bulls


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N514 G A R New Day 1100 18127150

G A R Radiance E768


G A R Radiance E178



Birth Date: 2/18/18



Tattoo: 5558S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.4/20% +56/45% +102/40% +.21/50% +1.05/95% +.3/75% +.16/85% 50.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +20/35% +11.8/40% +16/1% +35/3% +23/70% +.3/55% -6/60% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.06 +39/55% +1.68/1% +.08/95% +.053/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +79/10% +75/10% +69/75% +92/1% +162/10% +289/4% 8.13 % IMF Ratio

125 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

88 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 G A R 28 Ambush 100 18129297 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 681

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-80 1-95 1-107 .34

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.91 Adj % IMF

6.26 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio


YWR 100

MPI / %


52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.66 Adj % IMF

4.83 % IMF Ratio

68 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.23 ADG 5.33

GR 110

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise E448


Birth Date: 3/13/18



Tattoo: E448

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.1/20% +62/25% +113/20% +.27/10% +.49/60% +.3/75% -.07/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +7/85% +9/75% +9/45% +38/2% +37/50% +.2/65% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.51/1% +.49/60% +.025/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +84/3% +90/30% +92/1% +182/2% +289/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 17454914 G A R Bextor L58 BW CALV EASE 1 65

BWR ADJ WW 100 468

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Retail Product 1484 WWR ADJ YW 100 1025

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


GR 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-112


67 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.42 Adj % IMF

7 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.36 ADG 4.27

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 59-100 59-97 59-109 59-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Birth Date: 3/5/18

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.36 Adj % IMF


Many of our customers realize the value of access to GAR USPB delivery rights. Today, the demand exceeds our supply. Due to the increased demand, we are requiring prior authorization. If you are a GAR customer, retaining ownership, and would like to use GAR delivery rights, please contact Mark Gardiner (620) 635-5095 for prior authorization. From 1998 through 2018, GAR customers marketed 104,000 head through U.S. Premium Beef, earning an average of $91.84 per head in premiums, totaling more than $9.55 million.

% IMF Ratio

138 Adj REA

13.7 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 590


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 MCC Daybreak G A R 1407 New Design 335 WWR ADJ YW 100 1251

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

151/1% ROI / %


ADG 5.5

GR 138

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-113

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-99 6-104 6-82 6-72

G A R Proactive E868 Birth Date: 3/29/18



Tattoo: E868

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.5/55% +73/5% +139/2% +.26/15% +1.88/95% +.9/15% +.74/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +8.7/80% +12/15% +31/10% +52/30% +.6/25% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +69/2% +1.17/3% +.65/35% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +83/3% +91/25% +79/3% +170/5% +289/4%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 17951215 Chair Rock Concrete 2034 BW CALV EASE 1 81

BWR ADJ WW 100 693

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Concrete Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9132 WWR ADJ YW 100 1266

YWR 100


MPI / %

174/1% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %


ADG 4.6

GR 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-105 20-97 20-95 20-96

Triple 1% Method Genetics Indexes! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Professional J8089 Birth Date: 3/9/18



Tattoo: J8089

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.1/10% +55/50% +105/35% +.26/15% +.59/70% +.6/40% +.97/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +12.7/30% +14/4% +35/3% +35/50% +.7/20% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.51/1% +.45/65% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +72/15% +85/40% +94/1% +179/3% +306/1%

G A R Prophet G A R Professional 17965787 G A R Progress 830 G A R 100X Ogeechee 100X 5203 18428020 Ogeechee GAR Rita 187G BW CALV EASE 69 1

BWR ADJ WW 93 674

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-68 1-93 1-103 .33

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: E128

Top 1% ROI = a great chance at cattle with profit potential! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.




G A R Prophet G A R Prodigy G A R Daybreak 1521 18445900 G A R Progress G A R Progress N374 G A R Daybreak 3370 18127123

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-62 1-99 1-100 .33


Delivery Rights


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.9/40% +79/2% +141/2% +.28/5% +1.34/95% +1/10% +1.01/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +8.4/80% +10/35% +30/15% +85/4% +.8/15% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +77/1% +.75/25% +1.08/3% -.037/5% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +88/2% +116/3% +70/10% +186/2% +295/3%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-86 1-109 1-112 .16

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-79 3-106 3-112 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1099



Uncommon calving ease & marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328

G A R Prodigy E128


G A R Radiance 5558S

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 5050 New Design A91 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined T467 WWR ADJ YW 103 1194

YWR 102


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.78

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-138 1-94 1-81 1-114

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 22



Birth Date: 2/27/18



Tattoo: 138B

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +2.2/70% +75/4% +133/4% +.25/20% +1.44/95% +1.1/4% +2.03/2% 51 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +21/30% +11.9/40% +14/4% +24/55% +59/20% +1/4% -17/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.54 +55/15% +1.1/5% +.97/5% -.012/25% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +74/20% +76/10% +93/25% +83/2% +176/3% +302/2% 6.24 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

12.9 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 104 599

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 1-104 1-92 .21

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 92 1012

YWR 96


MPI / %


51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

40.06 Adj % IMF

5.98 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio


Adj % IMF

6.86 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.35 ADG 4.82

GR 101

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-100 3-81 3-83

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache 5588S Birth Date: 2/18/18



Tattoo: 5588S


BWR ADJ WW 100 747

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1197

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

72 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.94 Adj % IMF

6.94 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.32 ADG 5.6

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965157 BW CALV EASE 1 93

BWR ADJ WW 100 779

Tattoo: 5728S

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1190

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.28

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Cache E658 Birth Date: 3/14/18



Tattoo: E658

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2/65% +62/25% +123/10% +.27/10% +1.51/95% +.3/75% +1.11/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +12.4/35% +12/15% +26/40% +58/25% +.4/45% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.32/2% +.65/35% +.051/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +62/35% +87/35% +83/2% +169/5% +287/4%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 18127293 G A R Daybreak G72 BW CALV EASE 1 81

BWR ADJ WW 100 424

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-69 1-89 1-97 .43


We enjoyed having Quanah’s teammates from the KU track team at the ranch. Most had never been on a horse or seen a ranch. We can’t miss an opportunity to show consumers where beef on their table gets its start.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.9/40% +81/2% +143/1% +.26/15% +1.52/95% +.9/15% +.21/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +8.9/75% +14/4% +32/10% +74/10% +1/4% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +61/10% +1.23/3% +.74/25% +.027/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +94/1% +95/20% +82/2% +177/3% +291/3%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2/65% +72/10% +126/10% +.23/35% +1.1/95% +.6/40% +1.83/4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +6.2/95% +13/10% +20/85% +29/60% +.7/20% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.24/2% +.85/15% +.029/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +74/10% +90/30% +84/2% +173/4% +292/3%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201

Birth Date: 2/20/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 .3


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 .25

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96


Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718 WWR ADJ YW 100 998

YWR 100


MPI / %

130/39% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.41

GR 112

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Congratulations, Brittany! We are confident you will be an outstanding second grade educator at Ashland Elementary!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 23

20 Month Old Bulls


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Scale House G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 17354047 G A R Objective 2345 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Beal Discovery 606 44 FRF Predestined 9270 Riverbend Everelda B458 18437797 Riverbend Everelda Y091

G A R Cache 5728S


G A R Scale House 138B



Birth Date: 3/2/18



Tattoo: E98

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.3/75% +56/45% +96/50% +.23/35% +.34/50% +.8/20% +.33/80% 50.9 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +34/1% +8/85% +13/10% +19/90% +59/20% +.7/20% -15/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.56 +56/15% +1.37/1% +.58/45% +.015/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +42/95% +48/70% +107/10% +88/1% +195/1% +295/3% 6.21 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 639 17624893 G A R Objective 2345 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Trust 6228 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 G A R Trust N1184 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Ambush 0H18 18127078 Goode Objective 544 BW CALV EASE 1 67

BWR ADJ WW 100 498

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-78 1-100 1-101 .28

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.62 Adj % IMF

7.49 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.39 Rib Fat Ratio




75 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.26 Adj % IMF

6.33 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

15.5 REA Ratio

121 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio



36.06 Adj % IMF

5.52 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.38 ADG 4.12

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Rib Fat Ratio



Birth Date: 3/4/18



Tattoo: E108

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/25% +60/30% +97/50% +.2/60% +.5/60% +.8/20% +.01/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +11.5/45% +13/10% +24/55% +41/45% +.6/25% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.51/1% +.45/65% +.044/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64/50% +67/25% +82/45% +90/1% +172/4% +287/4%

Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 17624893 G A R 5050 New Design 639 G A R Objective 2345 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Trust 6228 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 G A R Trust N1184 B/R Ambush 28 18127078 G A R Ambush 0H18 Goode Objective 544 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 520

WWR ADJ YW 100 973

YWR 100


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


GR 81

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106


77 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.94 Adj % IMF

8.08 % IMF Ratio

124 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.31 ADG 3.24

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Momentum 6028S




Tattoo: 6028S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +3.5/90% +66/15% +109/25% +.16/90% +1.21/95% +.2/80% -.37/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +6.3/95% +9/45% +39/1% +16/75% +.1/75% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.73/1% +.69/30% +.048/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +85/3% +64/85% +103/1% +167/10% +290/3%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2135 18333176 G A R Daybreak 2531 BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 835

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N139 WWR ADJ YW 100 1161

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



78 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.47 Adj % IMF

6.38 % IMF Ratio

125 Adj REA

14.5 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat

.33 ADG 4.59

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-94 1-121 1-95 1-105


Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 5568S

G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 204 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 322 17965143 G A R 28 Ambush 1759 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 857

WWR ADJ YW 100 1243

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 5.07

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-98 10-94 10-107

Elite bull for RE combined with top 10% Marbling. Upper percentile growth! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Daylight 5238S Birth Date: 2/14/18



Tattoo: 5238S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.9/65% +77/3% +122/10% +.22/40% +.8/80% +.9/15% +.07/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +7.6/90% +12/15% +18/90% +101/2% +1.1/2% -34/95% CW MARB REA Fat +58/10% +1.74/1% +.52/55% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +36/95% +70/20% +92/25% +105/1% +196/1% +290/3%

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight 16933585 G A R Objective R227 SydGen Trust 6228 G A R Trust N1184 18127078 G A R Ambush 0H18 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 744

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 B/R Ambush 28 Goode Objective 544 WWR ADJ YW 100 1122

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

159/1% ROI / %


ADG 5.01

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Special bull for $B, QPI, ROI, and Marbling. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise G8382 Birth Date: 3/23/18



Tattoo: G8382

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +3.6/95% +83/1% +143/1% +.25/20% +1.69/95% +1.2/2% -.33/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +7/85% +12.2/35% +3/95% +17/95% +89/3% +.7/20% -28/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/3% +1.33/2% +.93/10% -.02/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +42/95% +69/20% +95/20% +94/1% +190/1% +288/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Quanah 687L Goode Quanah 5307 18338993 G A R Ambush 0H18 BW CALV EASE 75 1

BWR ADJ WW 95 615

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-100 1-100 .32



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +3.2/90% +71/10% +123/10% +.23/35% +1.2/95% +.6/40% -.09/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36/1% +13.1/25% +8/55% +33/10% +72/10% +.6/25% -28/95% CW MARB REA Fat +70/2% +.98/10% +1.07/3% +.039/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +78/10% +104/10% +73/5% +177/3% +289/4%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 1-100 1-101 .3

Calving ease, modest milk level, different pedigree with top 1% Marbling. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/24/18

Birth Date: 2/18/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-52 - - .46

G A R Tide E108

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .39

Rump Fat Ratio

MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 1-100 1-101 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100



Alluring pedigree with top 1% $B & Marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



WWR ADJ YW 100 1045

G A R Method 5568S


G A R Tide E98

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 Goode Objective 544 WWR ADJ YW 118 1245

YWR 117


MPI / %

161/1% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


ADG 5.04

GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-103 16-102 16-100 16-93

My oh my this cool bull ranks in the top 100 Marbling bulls among all Non-Par- Fat Ratio Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen inent Angus bulls of the entire breed! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 terest. 128 revenue sharing and semen interest. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 24



Birth Date: 2/17/18



Tattoo: A5088

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.8/4% +58/40% +114/20% +.28/5% +1.05/95% +.6/40% +.11/90% 51 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +27/10% +10.8/55% +9/45% +27/30% +31/55% +.4/45% -6/60% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.03 +38/55% +1.47/1% +.6/40% -.007/30% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +68/35% +68/20% +77/60% +95/1% +172/4% +291/3% 7.54 % IMF Ratio

125 Adj REA

12.7 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.49 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 769

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .34

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1268

YWR 100


MPI / %


47.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.46 Adj % IMF

8.1 % IMF Ratio

134 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.58 Adj % IMF

6.26 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 1/30/18




Adj Rib Fat

.18 ADG 5.09

GR 104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 29-108 30-100 30-105 30-104


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: A5008

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet A329 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 17730673 G A R Complete A17 G A R Objective 2848 BW CALV EASE 1 67

BWR ADJ WW 100 575

WWR ADJ YW 100 1039

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 29-108 30-100 30-105 30-104

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio

83 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.79 Adj % IMF

5.16 % IMF Ratio

86 Adj REA

13.6 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

Birth Date: 3/1/18



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.7/35% +59/35% +105/35% +.24/25% +.37/50% +.6/40% +.33/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +17.2/2% +5/85% +29/20% +48/35% +.3/55% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.08/5% +.71/25% -.021/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +68/20% +94/20% +79/3% +173/4% +287/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure M72 17358458 G A R Objective 738 BW CALV EASE 70 1

BWR ADJ WW 103 590

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Future Direction 1804 WWR ADJ YW 98 1009

YWR 103

84 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.0 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

35 Adj % IMF

6.97 % IMF Ratio



MPI / %


146/10% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


10.9 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.3 ADG 4.32

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-100 1-103 1-109 1-108

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 608


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1648 WWR ADJ YW 100 1107

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 4.8

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

G A R Sunrise A5228 Birth Date: 2/25/18



Tattoo: A5228

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.2/20% +62/25% +109/25% +.2/60% +.68/75% +.6/40% +.13/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +8.2/85% +10/35% +41/1% +27/65% +.4/45% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.07/10% +.94/10% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +71/30% +88/2% +89/30% +79/3% +167/10% +288/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire A4055 18051752 G A R Prophet A027 BW CALV EASE 1 72

BWR ADJ WW 100 658

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 1407 New Design 3064 WWR ADJ YW 100 1044

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 4.36

GR 89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-110

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-91 20-101 20-99 20-99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise 1037G Birth Date: 10/11/17



Tattoo: 1037G

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1/45% +60/30% +107/30% +.25/20% +.48/60% +.5/50% +.25/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +13/25% +9/45% +31/10% +45/40% +.4/45% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.17/3% +.68/30% -.038/5% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +72/15% +87/35% +85/2% +172/4% +293/3%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Ingenuity G A R Ingenuity 2672 17353885 G A R Predestined 2538 BW CALV EASE 70 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 686

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-100 2-102 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: L9788

Impressive growth, marbling and muscle genetics! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: L388


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 2314 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 17965309

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-80 2-102 2-102 .26


G A R Sunrise L388


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.5/80% +75/4% +132/4% +.26/15% +1.36/95% +1.1/4% -.17/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.5/60% +4/90% +29/20% +104/1% +1.3/1% -41/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +1.06/10% +.99/5% -.029/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +44/95% +76/10% +99/15% +83/2% +182/2% +280/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 .16

.35 ADG 4.86

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Birth Date: 3/7/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2/3% +63/25% +123/10% +.26/15% +1.25/95% +.3/75% -.67/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +12.1/35% +13/10% +37/2% +42/40% +.2/65% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.18/3% +.82/15% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +84/3% +90/30% +84/2% +174/4% +298/2%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-67 3-99 3-101 .26

Rump Fat Ratio


ROI / %


G A R 100X A5008

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

5 % IMF Ratio




Adj % IMF


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .29

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 1067 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 WWR ADJ YW 100 1143

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


ADG 5.08

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-97 4-99 4-99 4-100

Actual ultrasound data collected at 488 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 25

20 Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design A91 17774305 G A R Objective A706 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet A329 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Complete A17 17730673 G A R Objective 2848

G A R Sunrise L9788


G A R 100X A5088



Birth Date: 1/10/18



Tattoo: J8022

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +2.6/80% +70/10% +120/15% +.28/5% +0/25% +.6/40% +.42/75% 50.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +17/45% +12.1/35% +8/55% +24/55% +78/10% +.5/35% -26/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.98 +49/25% +.99/10% +.74/25% -.027/10% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +46/95% +68/20% +115/3% +76/4% +191/1% +294/3% 5.7 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 TC Total 410 Maplecrest Eva 7010 Maplecrest Eva 4108 15882680 BW CALV EASE 1 73

BWR ADJ WW 100 580

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 4-68 2-103 2-103 .13

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 G A R Everest 9409 Maplecrest RBC Eva 133

WWR ADJ YW 100 1038

YWR 100


MPI / %


50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

29.04 Adj % IMF

5.55 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.16 Rib Fat Ratio



34.03 Adj % IMF

7.47 % IMF Ratio

115 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 4.86

GR 105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 63-98 63-100 63-94 63-93

Rib Fat Ratio


GAR Sunrise 8505H Birth Date: 1/12/18



Tattoo: 8505


BWR ADJ WW 100 503

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 G A R New Design 1200 WWR ADJ YW 100 932

YWR 100


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

110/47% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


88 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

30.88 Adj % IMF

7.14 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.23 ADG 4.86

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-91 7-103 7-99 7-105

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 834 G A R Complete 1891 18207985 BW CALV EASE 1 71

BWR ADJ WW 100 700


Tattoo: 5418S

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 2177 WWR ADJ YW 100 1020

YWR 100


MPI / %

118/66% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


ADG 4.53

GR 93

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-109 8-102 8-78 8-89

Radiance and Momentum sire modest sized calves that are truly elite for end product merit. Females are modest sized range beauties! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise E548 Birth Date: 3/12/18



Tattoo: E548

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.5/15% +61/30% +105/35% +.23/35% +.3/45% +.5/50% -.42/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +15.2/10% +15/2% +35/3% +29/60% +.2/65% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.13/4% +.46/65% +.003/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +82/4% +88/35% +76/4% +164/10% +289/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 17454914 G A R Bextor L58 BW CALV EASE 1 60

BWR ADJ WW 100 378

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-79 3-106 3-112 .16

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.6/15% +47/75% +85/70% +.21/50% +.09/30% +.2/80% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +5/90% +11.7/40% +8/55% +35/3% +22/70% +.4/45% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +31/75% +1.64/1% +.76/20% -.015/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +49/90% +65/25% +78/55% +106/1% +184/2% +288/4%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.3/50% +65/20% +117/15% +.28/5% +.22/40% +.6/40% -.92/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +10.5/60% +9/45% +16/95% +69/15% +.6/25% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +.91/15% +1.18/1% -.071/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +47/90% +56/45% +104/10% +82/2% +187/1% +290/3%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 V A R Ranger 3008 Vintage Blackcap 5320 18130499 EXAR New Design 4212

Birth Date: 2/17/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-89 2-112 2-100 .25


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-77 1-107 .12

Rump Fat Ratio

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-106

G A R Radiance 5418S


G A R Sunrise J8022

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Retail Product 1484 WWR ADJ YW 100 874

YWR 100


MPI / %

126/49% QPI / %

116/36% ROI / %


ADG 3.61

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-112

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 59-100 59-97 59-109 59-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

We have the privilege of continuing global relationships began by Henry and Nan decades ago. One of those relationships is with the Harry Lawson family, Lawson Angus in Australia. Now, we have the opportunity to continue the relationship with the third generation, Ed. We enjoyed Harry and Ed’s visit to the ranch this summer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 26



Birth Date: 2/21/18



Tattoo: 5788S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.2/70% +70/10% +132/4% +.27/10% +1.65/95% +.7/30% +1.53/10% 52.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +26/10% +8.6/80% +14/4% +35/3% +43/40% +.3/55% -16/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.16 +59/10% +1.28/2% +.53/55% +.048/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +70/30% +84/3% +87/35% +79/3% +167/10% +287/4% 6.4 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.49 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 936

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-71 - - .6

Rump Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.47 Adj % IMF

7.58 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.5 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.69 Adj % IMF

7.28 % IMF Ratio

103 Adj REA

14.7 REA Ratio

120 Adj Rib Fat

.42 Rib Fat Ratio



6.33 % IMF Ratio

89 Adj REA


QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.2 ADG 5.37

GR 111

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-97 4-103 4-126 4-132

Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/15/18



Tattoo: 5338S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +2.1/70% +77/3% +131/4% +.23/35% +1.47/95% +.5/50% +1.68/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +10.2/60% +9/45% +17/95% +61/20% +.4/45% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.67/1% +.64/35% +.031/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +72/15% +72/70% +102/1% +174/4% +288/4%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Trust 6228 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 G A R Trust 2203 B/R Ambush 28 17624831 G A R 28 Ambush 1759 G A R Objective 1885 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 872

WWR ADJ YW 100 1245

YWR 100


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

154/1% ROI / %


GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-89


93 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.94 Adj % IMF

6.81 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.39 ADG 4.97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-99 7-96 7-119 7-115

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Sure Fire E308




Tattoo: E308

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +0/25% +72/10% +133/4% +.3/2% +1.26/95% +1/10% +1.4/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +7.1/90% +10/35% +17/95% +78/10% +.7/20% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.32/2% +.58/45% +.033/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +66/25% +93/25% +84/2% +176/3% +283/5%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F304 MCC Daybreak 17842430 G A R Daybreak C80 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 69 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 606

WWR ADJ YW 100 1132

YWR 100


MPI / %

157/2% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97


94 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.3 Adj % IMF

7.07 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

9.8 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.14 ADG 4.1

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-102 20-101 20-106 20-99

Top % MPI combined with top 2% QPI & Top 1% ROI. Hot diggety! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: E318

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F304 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak C80 17842430 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 1 56

BWR ADJ WW 100 316

WWR ADJ YW 100 852

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 3.48

GR 87

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-102 20-101 20-106 20-99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5228S Birth Date: 2/14/18



Tattoo: 5228S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2/3% +49/70% +90/60% +.2/60% +.68/75% +.5/50% +1.46/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +10.2/60% +13/10% +33/10% +34/55% +.5/35% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.6/1% +.6/40% -.006/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +65/25% +76/60% +101/1% +177/3% +284/5%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Advance G A R 5050 New Design A84 G A R Advance 2395 G A R New Design 5050 18333201 G A R 5050 New Design 3141 G A R 28 Ambush 619 BW CALV EASE 1 77

BWR ADJ WW 100 782

WWR ADJ YW 100 1102

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

143/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.53

GR 93

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-101 4-105 4-102 4-90

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire AS18 Birth Date: 2/4/18



Tattoo: AS18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.9/65% +68/15% +122/10% I+.23/35% I+1.01/90% +.6/40% +.86/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+24/20% I+6.8/95% +8/55% +28/25% I+34/55% I+.4/45% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.19/3% +.65/35% +.015/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +70/20% +93/25% +80/3% +173/4% +287/4%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1405 G A R Sunrise 18333114 G A R Sunrise 2542 G A R Progress 370 BW CALV EASE 79 1

BWR ADJ WW 113 578

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-79 1-113 1-104 .25

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -1.9/4% +57/40% +107/30% +.24/25% +.62/70% +.6/40% +1.45/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +12.8/30% +12/15% +31/10% +64/20% +.6/25% -24/95% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.31/2% +.64/35% +.025/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +69/20% +87/35% +85/2% +171/5% +285/4%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .3

Top 1% QPI, ROI! Check out the breed leading Marbling genetics! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 3/6/18

Birth Date: 3/9/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-68 1-102 1-99 .23


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-68 1-102 1-99 .38

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF

G A R Sure Fire 5388S





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-64 1-89 1-86 .43

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100

MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Top 1% ROI. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



WWR ADJ YW 100 1358



WWR ADJ YW 104 1032

YWR 106


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 5.42

GR 112

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-90 1-92 1-64 1-86

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 27

20 Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 95 B/R Destination 727-928 G A R Destination 512 18333008 G A R 28 Ambush 1949

G A R Sure Fire E318


G A R Sure Fire 5788S



Birth Date: 12/27/17



Tattoo: M8012

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.2/20% +62/25% +117/15% +.24/25% +1.39/95% +.8/20% +1.95/3% 51.4 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +12/70% +15.3/10% +10/35% +30/15% +54/30% +.7/20% -18/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 39.53 +50/25% +1.4/1% +.7/30% -.002/35% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +64/50% +72/15% +82/45% +93/1% +175/3% +291/3% 6.2 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat


20 Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Bar W Prophet 4213 MCC Daybreak Goode Daybreak 2712 18064783 S H Mile High 837 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 99 703

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 2-95 2-103 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 107 1140

YWR 105


MPI / %


51.5 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

40 Adj % IMF

5.3 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.42 Adj % IMF

5 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 11/23/17


7.91 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA


ROI / %


Adj Rib Fat

.25 ADG 5.26

GR 103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-106 12-98 12-97 12-103


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 1127G

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Bridges Ten X 4109 Sitz Upward 307R 17997036 Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R Objective 2345 BW CALV EASE 1 68

BWR ADJ WW 100 608

WWR ADJ YW 100 1095

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


GR 106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-96 8-101 8-80 8-82

Rump Fat Ratio

99 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

29.69 Adj % IMF

5.9 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

13.3 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Sure Fire 1287G




Tattoo: 1287G

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.8/65% +62/25% +111/25% +.24/25% +.58/65% +.5/50% +.68/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.7/55% +5/85% +29/20% +31/55% +.1/75% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.11/5% +.88/10% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +72/15% +96/20% +80/3% +176/3% +293/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Miss Wix 4240 Connealy All Around 18090031 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 Circle G Miss Wix 668 BW CALV EASE 75 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 668

WWR ADJ YW 100 1010

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

123/25% ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.39 Adj % IMF

7.43 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-99 5-106 5-100 5-105

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 498


WWR ADJ YW 100 976

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 3.83

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

G A R Sure Fire E138 Birth Date: 3/6/18



Tattoo: E138

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +1.8/65% +66/15% +117/15% +.24/25% +.75/80% +.4/60% +.16/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +13.8/20% +3/95% +28/25% +40/45% +.2/65% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +.94/15% +.81/15% +.029/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +75/10% +101/15% +69/10% +170/5% +292/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1254 MCC Daybreak 17965233 G A R Daybreak 572 G A R 5050 New Design 789 BW CALV EASE 1 75

BWR ADJ WW 100 474

WWR ADJ YW 100 981

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 4.16

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-94 8-108 8-113 8-102

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire E508 Bull


Tattoo: E508

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -1.7/5% +54/50% +96/50% +.24/25% +.17/35% +0/95% +.64/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +12.9/30% +9/45% +24/55% +21/70% -.2/95% +1/40% CW MARB REA Fat +28/80% +1.35/1% +.47/60% +.011/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +64/30% +79/55% +86/2% +165/10% +286/4%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F446 G A R Progress 18545400 G A R Progress F83 G A R 28 Ambush C19 BW CALV EASE 59 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 483

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .2

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: E298

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

100 Birth Date: 3/28/18

.23 ADG 5.02

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record




Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 832 18025251 G A R 5050 New Design 1009

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-96 1-111 .26

Actual ultrasound data collected at 445 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/24/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.3/50% +63/25% +113/20% +.25/20% +.83/85% +.6/40% +1.09/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +12.2/35% +9/45% +25/45% +73/10% +.7/20% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.38/1% +.91/10% +.025/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +47/90% +64/30% +92/25% +92/1% +183/2% +284/5%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 .29

.26 ADG 5.16

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

Birth Date: 3/8/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.3/10% +61/30% +112/20% +.24/25% +1.11/95% +.6/40% +2.38/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +10.8/55% +10/35% +33/10% +22/70% +.1/75% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +1.2/3% +.41/70% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +81/5% +88/35% +76/4% +164/10% +281/5%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


G A R Sure Fire 1127G





Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-72 1-104 1-98 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

G A R Sure Fire E298


G A R Sure Fire M8012

WWR ADJ YW 100 851

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 2.93

GR 74

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-105 1-96 1-85 1-69

Top 4% CED & $C with top 1 % Marbling. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 28

“The GAR Guarantee is the centerpiece of our customer service program. If you have a problem, we will take care of it. WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE. “

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 29

17+ Month Old Bulls

Lot 101 • GAR Proactive N6088 G A R Proactive N6088


101 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.43 Adj % IMF

6.28 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

10.1 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 5/8/18


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Progress G A R Progress F394 17842438 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 81 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 620

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-104 1-93 .37

Rump Fat Ratio


Tattoo: N6088

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +20/1% -.6/15% +71/10% +131/4% +.24/25% +1.81/95% +.9/15% +1.31/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +7.7/90% +20/1% +20/85% +62/20% +1.2/1% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.19/3% +.56/50% +.015/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +71/15% +72/70% +79/3% +151/20% +257/20%

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1382

YWR 100


MPI / %

165/1% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %

N6088 is a stud! Observe his top 1% CED, MPI, & ROI! Proactive is one of the best sons ever of the great Prophet! Proactive and his brother, Prodigy, offer more muscle, less white, and similar Marbling genetics to their sire!


ADG 6.09

GR 118

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-89

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-103 9-95 9-99 9-105

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 30

17+ Month Old Bulls

Lot 102 • GAR Prodigy N6138 Lot

102 Birth Date: 5/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.88 Adj % IMF

7.01 % IMF Ratio

124 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: N6138

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -1.2/10% +69/10% +121/10% +.23/35% +1.14/95% +.8/20% +.72/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +12/40% +16/1% +38/2% +37/50% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.28/2% +.68/30% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +94/1% +76/60% +87/1% +163/10% +289/4%

G A R Prophet G A R Prodigy 18445900 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Progress G A R Progress L04 18042759 G A R 28 Ambush 1069 BW CALV EASE 78 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 596

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1885 WWR ADJ YW 100 1270

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-87 .3 Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Prodigy N6138

BWR 1-111

WWR 1-106

YWR 100

Note this calving ease specialist! This proud bull offers top 10% growth to go with his top 1% MPI & QPI!


MPI / %

162/1% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.27

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-98 7-106 7-102 7-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 31

17+ Month Old Bulls

Lot 103 • GAR Proactive N6098 G A R Proactive N6098


103 Birth Date: 5/12/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

30.56 Adj % IMF

8.46 % IMF Ratio

149 Adj REA

9.5 REA Ratio

86 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Progress G A R Progress F394 17842438 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 78 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 471

Tattoo: N6098

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1079

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-104

WWR 1-93

YWR 100


MPI / %


104 Birth Date: 5/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.62 Adj % IMF

6.75 % IMF Ratio

119 Adj REA


QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %


150/1% 269/2%

Adj Rib Fat

.12 ADG 4.65

GR 90

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-89

G A R Proactive N6058



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -2.1/3% +58/40% +111/25% +.22/40% +1.43/95% +.3/75% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/60% +9.5/70% +17/1% +36/3% +16/75% +.4/45% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.6/1% +.75/20% +.026/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +81/5% +75/65% +100/1% +175/3% +296/2%

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 .29 Rump Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-103 9-95 9-99 9-105

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Great prospect for calving ease, growth, marbling, muscle, and outstanding Angus females!

Rib Fat Ratio




G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Composure G A R Composure 734 17965188 G A R Big Eye C70 BW CALV EASE 83 1

Tattoo: N6058

BWR ADJ WW 100 433

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 WWR ADJ YW 100 1142

Dam’s Production Record

Adj Rump Fat ACT BW 1-85 .15 Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.6/35% +70/10% +115/20% +.21/50% +.98/90% +.5/50% +.08/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +8.7/80% +12/15% +28/25% +48/35% +.6/25% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.11/5% +.37/75% -.006/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +71/30% +83/3% +67/80% +74/5% +141/30% +254/20%

BWR 1-109

WWR 1-123

YWR 100


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 5.59

GR 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-114

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-106 11-97 11-98 11-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Proactive x Composure is a slightly different twist from many of our pedigrees. Good bull!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 32

17+ Month Old Bulls

GAR Ashland • Sire of several lots selling Lot

105 Birth Date: 5/18/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.75 Adj % IMF

5.09 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Ashland N5198 Bull

Lot Tattoo: N5198

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.4/20% +66/15% +114/20% +.21/50% +1.13/95% +.8/20% +.2/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +12.4/35% +10/35% +35/3% +56/25% +.7/20% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.03/10% +.68/30% +.025/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +84/3% +71/70% +72/10% +143/25% +248/25%

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 794 17965192 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 76 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 471

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-76 1-100 1-116 .28

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1093

YWR 100


MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.62 Adj % IMF

5.53 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA


QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %


132/12% 266/3%

Adj Rib Fat

.3 ADG 4.77

GR 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109

106 Birth Date: 5/14/18

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-86 12-106 12-115 12-113

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio



Rump Fat Ratio


Tattoo: N5108

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -2.2/3% +58/40% +103/35% +.22/40% +.58/65% +.3/75% +.95/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +11.3/50% +10/35% +37/2% +20/70% +.2/65% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.1/5% +.79/20% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +71/30% +83/3% +85/40% +78/3% +164/10% +284/5%

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R 100X G A R 100X N496 18765862 G A R Prophet F304 BW CALV EASE 65 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 448

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .29


GAR Ashland has been our high use bull the previous 18 months. We are thrilled with their calving ease, growth, marbling, muscle, agility, and feet. N5198 is one of the best sons to date!

G A R Ashland N5108

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Prophet G A R Daybreak C80 WWR ADJ YW 100 1216

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 6.11

GR 118

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-108 5-105 5-124 5-116

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Ashland offers potential to improve nearly every trait! He is a proven sire of merit from GAR. N5108 is an outstanding young non parent bull!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 33


107 Birth Date: 5/25/18



Tattoo: N5128

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1/10% +63/25% +113/20% +.22/40% +1.14/95% +.9/15% +1.41/15% 49.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +31/2% +10.4/60% +12/15% +37/2% +39/45% +.7/20% -15/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.98 +51/20% +1.15/4% +.75/20% +.02/65% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +62/55% +84/3% +82/45% +79/3% +161/10% +271/10% 5.59 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18217198 G A R 100X G A R 100X N496 G A R Prophet F304 18765862 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 431

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .23

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Prophet G A R Daybreak C80

WWR ADJ YW 100 1129

YWR 100


MPI / %


110 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.01 Adj % IMF

5.8 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.19 ADG 5.48

GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-108 5-105 5-124 5-116

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



G A R Ashland N5238


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.07 Adj % IMF

5.38 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N5238

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.9/40% +70/10% +122/10% +.24/25% +1.36/95% +.6/40% +.37/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +5.2/95% +13/10% +32/10% +63/20% +.6/25% -24/95% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.03/10% +1.01/4% +.002/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +44/95% +83/3% +78/55% +78/3% +156/15% +246/30%

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 794 17965192 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 507

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-76 1-100 1-116 .31

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1205

YWR 100


MPI / %

154/4% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109


111 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.56 Adj % IMF

5.78 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.18 ADG 5.48

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-86 12-106 12-115 12-113

Rib Fat Ratio


Sweet combination of CED, growth, marbling and muscle. Single digit Method Genetics Indexes! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire N6548


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.56 Adj % IMF

3.91 % IMF Ratio

69 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

121 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: N6548

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +2.1/70% +73/5% +124/10% +.21/50% +1.41/95% +.8/20% +1.27/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.4/45% +5/85% +34/5% +79/10% +.6/25% -32/95% CW MARB REA Fat +71/2% +1.1/5% +1.08/3% +.032/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +84/3% +105/10% +80/3% +184/2% +295/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2314 B/R Ambush 28 17965309 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 G A R Objective 1648 BW CALV EASE 90 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 504

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 .26

Rump Fat Ratio


WWR ADJ YW 100 1192

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


112 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.69 Adj % IMF

6.08 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.16 ADG 5.4

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95


Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: N6698

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2744 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1521 17965339 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 90

BWR ADJ WW 100 557

WWR ADJ YW 100 1239

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


ADG 5.33

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-100 8-77 8-88

Superior growth bull that offers single digit Method Indexes combined with a design to deliver value. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire N6758 Birth Date: 5/12/18



Tattoo: N6758

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.1/45% +75/4% +128/10% +.24/25% +1.13/95% +.6/40% +1.65/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +10/65% +11/25% +35/3% +12/80% +0/80% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +1.3/2% +.95/10% +.026/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +98/1% +100/1% +93/25% +88/1% +182/2% +334/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 394 G A R New Design 5050 17965159 G A R 5050 New Design 211 G A R Predestined G88 BW CALV EASE 1 82

BWR ADJ WW 100 490

WWR ADJ YW 100 1066

YWR 100


MPI / %

159/2% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.34

GR 84

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-71

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 23-96 23-103 23-89 23-102

Stupendous $C on this elite multiple trait bull! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire N6768 Birth Date: 5/16/18



Tattoo: N6768

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +69/10% +120/15% +.23/35% +.91/85% +.5/50% +1.55/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +7.2/90% +11/25% +24/55% +28/60% +.2/65% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.27/2% +1.05/3% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +77/10% +92/25% +90/1% +182/2% +313/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 394 G A R New Design 5050 17965159 G A R 5050 New Design 211 G A R Predestined G88 BW CALV EASE 90 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 484

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 1-92 1-78 .25



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1/45% +71/10% +124/10% +.24/25% +1.18/95% +.9/15% +1.02/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +11/50% +9/45% +30/15% +68/15% +.7/20% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +61/10% +1.08/5% +.75/20% +.014/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +81/5% +96/20% +76/4% +172/4% +285/4%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 1-92 1-78 .29


109 Birth Date: 5/12/18

Birth Date: 5/26/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-79 - - .33

Use N5128 to breed your heifers and get a good nights sleep. After they calve, enjoy the valuable and efficient growth of the calves. These progeny will excel and add value to the beef business! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

108 Birth Date: 5/28/18

G A R Sure Fire N6698


G A R Ashland N5128

WWR ADJ YW 100 1156

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 5.25

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-71

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 23-96 23-103 23-89 23-102

We love Sure Fire and Momentum progeny. N6548 carries their unique and Fat Ratio Sure Fire sires elegant daughters that are easy to handle. Selling 100% possesvaluable genetics of both sires! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sion and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. 89 sharing and semen interest. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 34



Birth Date: 5/9/18



Tattoo: N6828

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.9/65% +74/5% +126/10% +.23/35% +1.04/90% +.7/30% +.97/35% 49.8 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +27/10% +12.4/35% +3/95% +17/95% +63/20% +.5/35% -15/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.46 +53/20% +.94/15% +.71/25% +.017/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +74/20% +69/20% +94/20% +69/10% +163/10% +285/4% 5.69 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.15 Rib Fat Ratio

BWR ADJ WW 100 468

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-72 2-101 2-89 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1103

YWR 100


MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.88 Adj % IMF

5.24 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.23 ADG 4.9

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



G A R Sure Fire N6428


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.62 Adj % IMF

5.14 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 5/14/18



Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 G A R Absolute F176 G A R Prophet 18544475 G A R Prophet F74 G A R Daybreak 1360 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 534

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.82 Adj % IMF

5.27 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.15 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %

156/3% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


GR 110

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-85 5-105 5-136 5-103

G A R Sure Fire N6598 Birth Date: 5/20/18




117 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.78 Adj % IMF

7.24 % IMF Ratio

128 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.39 ADG 5.7

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N6468

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 B/R Destination 727 B/R Destination 727-928 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 GAR Destination 413P S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Objective 2419 17928301 G A R Retail Product 1406 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 425

WWR ADJ YW 100 1092

YWR 100


BWR ADJ WW 100 429

WWR ADJ YW 100 1051

YWR 100

ROI / %


ADG 5.2

GR 100

G A R Momentum N5368 Birth Date: 5/19/18



Tattoo: N5368

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -.6/15% +68/15% +118/15% +.19/70% +1.4/95% +.8/20% -.34/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +12.1/35% +14/4% +37/2% +43/40% +.5/35% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.63/1% +.59/45% +.075/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +79/10% +91/1% +63/85% +94/1% +158/15% +284/5%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 994 17965210 G A R Daybreak G192 BW CALV EASE 1 72

BWR ADJ WW 100 460

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Predestined 3479 WWR ADJ YW 100 1122

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

157/1% ROI / %


ADG 5.16

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-107 9-103 9-121 9-118

We make no secret of the fact that Momentum is the single best sire we have ever used to change a population of cattle for Marbling and Muscle. We and many others cherish these cattle. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


GR 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

QPI / %


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-95 13-100 13-89 13-87


ADG 4.77

MPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Tattoo: N6598

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 924 B/R Ambush 28 17965203 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497


Top 1% $B, & Marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-107 1-89 .34

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.3/20% +58/40% +108/30% +.25/20% +.61/70% +.6/40% +1.46/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +12.5/35% +10/35% +33/10% +48/35% +.6/25% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.59/1% +.61/40% +.032/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +72/15% +95/20% +97/1% +192/1% +318/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-82 1-116 1-105 .33

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1254


Sure Fire x Absolute x Prophet = 3 highly accurate progeny proven sires in a row, which leads to predictability! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



Tattoo: N6428

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.2/50% +69/10% +122/10% +.24/25% +1.23/95% +.9/15% +1.96/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +8.4/80% +9/45% +31/10% +58/25% +.6/25% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +59/10% +.88/15% +.88/10% +.027/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +81/5% +94/20% +67/10% +161/10% +267/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .33

Rump Fat Ratio



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.4/55% +68/15% +122/10% +.26/15% +.73/75% +.6/40% +2.47/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +12.3/35% +10/35% +26/40% +42/40% +.3/55% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.41/1% +.77/20% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +76/10% +93/25% +96/1% +189/1% +317/1%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-99 1-99 .19

Sure Fire has been a successful sire at Select Sires due to his multi-trait excellence, docility, and stunning phenotype of his offspring! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Birth Date: 5/22/18

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-111 5-90 5-70 5-94

Holy smoke Batman! N6598 excels for soooooo many traits! Top percentiles abound for the economically important traits! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 35

A kissing bandit, and a photo bomber!

17+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 304 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1201 17965151 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 85

G A R Sure Fire N6468


G A R Sure Fire N6828



Birth Date: 5/28/18



Tattoo: N5738

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.9/40% +71/10% +120/15% +.21/50% +1.1/95% +1/10% -.29/95% 52.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +25/15% +11.3/50% +10/35% +48/1% +44/40% +.8/15% -24/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.07 +60/10% +1.37/1% +.76/20% +.026/75% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +76/15% +102/1% +89/30% +89/1% +178/3% +307/1% 5.71 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1914 G A R Ingenuity 3132 17965282 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 520

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-74 1-96 1-115 .26

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Ingenuity G A R 28 Ambush N340

WWR ADJ YW 100 1234

YWR 100


MPI / %


121 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.98 Adj % IMF

5.4 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.18 ADG 5.63

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-97 13-97 13-102 13-96

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



G A R Momentum N5728


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.07 Adj % IMF

6.19 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.13 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 5/28/18


Tattoo: N5728

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +1/45% +69/10% +124/10% +.24/25% +1.23/95% +.6/40% -.66/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +9.9/65% +12/15% +39/1% +71/15% +.8/15% -31/95% CW MARB REA Fat +55/15% +1.32/2% +.74/25% +.017/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +87/2% +93/25% +87/1% +180/2% +287/4%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1914 17965282 G A R Ingenuity 3132 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 387

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-96 1-115 .25

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Ingenuity G A R 28 Ambush N340 WWR ADJ YW 100 1029

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-97 13-97 13-102 13-96

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.66 Adj % IMF

6.06 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


A Momentum son out of one of our all-time great Prophet daughters GAR Prophet 1914, serving as a donor at TPC Angus in Mississippi. The prepotent pedigree has the genetics to excel for all aspects of the beef business! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum N5718


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.01 Adj % IMF

7.71 % IMF Ratio

136 Adj REA

9.3 REA Ratio

84 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: N5718

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.4/55% +69/10% +116/15% +.22/40% +.98/90% +.5/50% -.2/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +12.3/35% +9/45% +33/10% +48/35% +.5/35% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.28/2% +.81/15% +.036/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +85/3% +76/60% +84/2% +160/10% +285/4%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1914 17965282 G A R Ingenuity 3132 BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 463

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-96 1-115 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Ingenuity G A R 28 Ambush N340 WWR ADJ YW 100 1124

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-97 13-97 13-102 13-96

136 ratio for %IMF helped N5718 achieve his top 2% Marbling EPD. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


BWR ADJ WW 100 502

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.91 Adj % IMF

5.71 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Ingenuity G A R 28 Ambush N340 WWR ADJ YW 100 1132

YWR 100


MPI / %

130/39% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 4.86

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-97 13-97 13-102 13-96

G A R Momentum N5808 Bull


Tattoo: N5808

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.9/65% +74/5% +126/10% +.22/40% +1.09/95% +.7/30% -.49/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +9.9/65% +10/35% +33/10% +65/15% +.7/20% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.51/1% +.97/5% +.03/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +87/2% +89/30% +98/1% +187/1% +302/2%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 34 17965127 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 1 82

BWR ADJ WW 100 453

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1119

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.18

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-90

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-117 14-100 14-104 14-103

Good golly Miss Molly! Pounds pay the bills, quality pounds pay more bills! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Momentum N5998 Bull


Tattoo: N5998

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.4/55% +60/30% +100/40% +.19/70% +.49/60% +.4/60% -.12/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +6.4/95% +6/75% +34/5% +18/75% +.4/45% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.43/1% +.97/5% +.015/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +79/10% +81/50% +96/1% +177/3% +300/2%

G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N924 G A R New Design 5050 18127298 G A R 5050 New Design M412 G A R Predestined 2328 BW CALV EASE 75 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 392

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 1-99 1-77 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N5708

Over +1 for Marbling and RE! Other traits are in breed leading order too! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

123 Birth Date: 5/23/18

.17 ADG 5.14

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104



G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1914 G A R Ingenuity 3132 17965282

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-64 1-81 1-84 .29


120 Birth Date: 5/26/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.8/40% +54/50% +104/35% +.24/25% +.86/85% +.5/50% -.43/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +6.6/95% +8/55% +39/1% +32/55% +.5/35% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.44/1% +1.09/2% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +72/15% +86/40% +101/1% +187/1% +302/2%

122 Birth Date: 5/15/18

.25 ADG 4.97

Birth Date: 5/25/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-96 1-115 .3

Besides the calving ease, modest size, and value of the growth that Momentum offers, his daughters are truly some of the elite females in our history! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Momentum N5708


G A R Momentum N5738

WWR ADJ YW 100 994

YWR 100


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 4.58

GR 88

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-89

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-95 10-93 10-97

Pounds pay the bills, Quality pounds pay more bills! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 36

17+ Month Old Bulls

Lot 124 • GAR Momentum N5838 Lot

G A R Momentum N5838

124 Birth Date: 5/11/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.53 Adj % IMF

6.26 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N5838

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.9/65% +65/20% +115/20% +.24/25% +.72/75% +.7/30% +.01/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +5.6/95% +6/75% +34/5% +63/20% +1/4% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.26/2% +.95/10% +.013/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +39/95% +76/10% +102/10% +88/1% +190/1% +285/4%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 434 17965162 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 84 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 503

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-87 1-112 1-92 .28

Rump Fat Ratio



G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1191

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


GR 104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-112 8-104 8-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Special bull for $B, $C, MPI, QPI, ROI and Marbling.

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.38 Adj % IMF

4.65 % IMF Ratio

82 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 5.4

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109

125 Birth Date: 5/22/18

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Method N5448 Bull

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1284 17965236 G A R Complete 3011 BW CALV EASE 83 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 513

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-81 1-105 1-88 .37

Rump Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N5448

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.6/35% +77/3% +142/2% +.3/2% +1.09/95% +.7/30% -.43/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +10.8/55% +9/45% +33/10% +107/1% +.8/15% -45/95% CW MARB REA Fat +72/1% +.84/20% +.92/10% +.024/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +47/90% +86/2% +124/1% +66/15% +190/1% +293/3%

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1223

YWR 100


MPI / %

157/2% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 5.61

GR 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-97 9-103 9-107 9-98

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

This Method son excels for all of the Indexes! We appreciate the Method offspring for their, calm demeanor, agile movement, combined with very good feet!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 37


G A R Method N5408

126 Birth Date: 5/23/18



[ DDF ]


Tattoo: N5408

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +71/10% +127/10% +.29/3% +.67/75% +.5/50% +.92/40% 50.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +33/1% +10.3/60% +8/55% +32/10% +72/10% +.5/35% -28/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.91 +66/3% +.9/15% +1.32/1% -.01/25% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +56/75% +83/3% +119/2% +78/3% +196/1% +310/1% 4.52 % IMF Ratio

80 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation N536 G A R 5050 New Design 12 18765497 BW CALV EASE 1 85

BWR ADJ WW 100 473

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-65 1-96 1-91 .32

Rump Fat Ratio


49.8 35.46 Adj % IMF

6.46 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj % IMF

6.41 % IMF Ratio

113 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.22 ADG 6.24

GR 120

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-87 3-110 3-97 3-96

Rib Fat Ratio





Tattoo: N7058

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.2/20% +56/45% +93/55% +.16/90% +.52/60% +.1/90% +.91/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +14/20% +14/4% +26/40% +31/55% +.2/65% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.35/1% +.71/25% +.044/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +67/25% +68/75% +86/2% +154/15% +275/10%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet Chair Rock Prophet 4000 17893844 Chair Rock Complete 1105 BW CALV EASE 1 86

BWR ADJ WW 100 530

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8174

WWR ADJ YW 100 1244

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %


GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-101 26-102 26-103 26-103

Gardens Cache is the result of the Janssen family’s relentless selection for moderate birth weight, stature, and end product merit. Dick, Shelly & the Green Garden Angus family have created genetics for decades that we all benefit from. N7058 is truly unique for CED, Marbling, and RE, and modest yearling hip height. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.56 Adj % IMF

6.26 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 551

35.34 Adj % IMF

5.42 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

10.1 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat

.15 Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1249

YWR 100


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

164/1% ROI / %


ADG 5.48

GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-101 26-102 26-103 26-103

G A R Cache N7068 Bull


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet Chair Rock Prophet 4000 17893844 Chair Rock Complete 1105 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 456

Tattoo: N7068

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8174

WWR ADJ YW 100 1053

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %


ADG 4.54

GR 88

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-101 26-102 26-103 26-103

Top 5% ROI, means elite bull for a plethora of traits! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Cache N7028 Bull


Tattoo: N7028

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2.3/3% +50/65% +89/65% +.19/70% +.41/55% -.2/95% +.14/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +14/20% +18/1% +32/10% +3/90% -.1/90% +5/30% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.29/2% +.66/35% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +88/2% +71/15% +74/65% +84/2% +158/15% +293/3%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet Chair Rock Prophet 4000 17893844 Chair Rock Complete 1105 BW CALV EASE 76 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 453

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-67 2-103 2-115 .13

Rump Fat Ratio

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8174

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1/10% +48/70% +90/60% +.2/60% +.56/65% -.1/95% +.16/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +13/25% +17/1% +34/5% +7/85% -.3/95% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +31/75% +1.52/1% +.68/30% +.08/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +80/10% +67/25% +67/80% +90/1% +157/15% +284/5%

130 Birth Date: 5/5/18 49.2

Tattoo: N7018

Top 3% ROI with top 1% Marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet Chair Rock Prophet 4000 Chair Rock Complete 1105 17893844

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-67 2-103 2-115 .29

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Ok, this is definitely NOT Big Sand Creek!


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1.2/10% +56/45% +100/40% +.17/85% +1.04/90% +0/95% +.05/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +9.3/75% +13/10% +33/10% +25/65% +0/80% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.61/1% +.87/10% +.051/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +75/10% +58/90% +100/1% +158/15% +275/10%

129 Birth Date: 5/12/18

.22 ADG 5.63

G A R Cache N7018

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-67 2-103 2-115 .34

G A R Cache N7058

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-67 2-103 2-115 .24

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100

MPI / %


50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Rump Fat Ratio

127 Birth Date: 5/9/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

WWR ADJ YW 100 1251


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Powerful top 1% RE son of Method! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 0J07

128 Birth Date: 5/5/18

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8174

WWR ADJ YW 100 1119

YWR 100


MPI / %

129/42% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


ADG 5.18

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-101 26-102 26-103 26-103

Stupendous candidate for elite calving ease with everything else in elite order. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 38


131 Birth Date: 5/14/18


G A R Cache N7088 Bull


Tattoo: N7088

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1.4/10% +57/40% +107/30% +.22/40% +.86/85% +.3/75% +.37/75% 49.9 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +14.2/15% +13/10% +30/15% +23/70% +.3/55% -4/55% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.62 +38/55% +1.41/1% +.63/35% +.014/55% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +82/10% +72/15% +71/70% +91/1% +162/10% +292/3% 6.06 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 524

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .23

Rump Fat Ratio

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Predestined N429

WWR ADJ YW 100 1202

YWR 100


MPI / %


47.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.4 Adj % IMF

4.49 % IMF Ratio

79 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 5.31

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-105 3-104 3-116 3-102

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache N6978 Bull


Tattoo: N6978

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.4/20% +53/55% +91/60% +.22/40% +.04/25% -.1/95% +.68/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +7.4/90% +10/35% +20/85% +3/90% -.2/95% +11/15% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.21/3% +.69/30% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +59/40% +81/50% +80/3% +161/10% +277/10%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation 1134 G A R Protege G172 17965224 BW CALV EASE 1 74

BWR ADJ WW 100 463

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-64 1-75 1-67 .26

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 GAR-EGL Protege G A R Predestined 2608 WWR ADJ YW 100 1124

YWR 100


MPI / %

117/68% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 5.14

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-88 2-102 2-119 2-86

Rump Fat Ratio


Top % Marbling is not unusual for sons of Gardens Cache, he has elite marbling genetics. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Bottom 5% YH to go with elite genetics for early growth, marbling, muscle and maternal function. Hey, that is what we try to do as we balance traits! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Cache N7078


G A R Momentum N5908

132 Birth Date: 5/5/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.34 Adj % IMF

6.56 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio




A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Sunrise G A R Sunrise L46 18699825 G A R Prophet 3423 BW CALV EASE 1 75

BWR ADJ WW 100 456

133 Birth Date: 5/14/18 48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.62 Adj % IMF

4.9 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1086

YWR 100


MPI / %

122/58% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.17 Adj % IMF

6.59 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 4.86

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


135 Birth Date: 5/31/18

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-105 3-104 3-116 3-102

Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F74 17842470 G A R Daybreak 1360 BW CALV EASE 1 90

BWR ADJ WW 100 533

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .36

Rump Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N5908

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +2/65% +64/20% +105/35% +.17/85% +.98/90% +.7/30% +.02/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +6.7/95% +7/70% +36/3% +54/30% +.7/20% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.71/1% +.65/35% +.068/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +48/90% +80/5% +71/70% +100/1% +171/5% +270/10%

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 3518 WWR ADJ YW 100 1171

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.92

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-96 15-103 15-104 15-105

Marbling is the trait that differentiates beef on a per pound basis! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Cache N6988 Bull


Tattoo: N6988

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.3/20% +62/25% +114/20% +.25/20% +.73/75% +.2/80% +1.01/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/60% +13.7/20% +12/15% +24/55% +43/40% +.3/55% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.25/2% +.96/10% -.018/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +68/20% +77/60% +90/1% +167/10% +289/4%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1610 16734788 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 481

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-94 1-94 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Predestined N429

Unique marbling genetics with top 3% $C. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: N7078

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+11/15% I-.3/20% I+50/65% I+98/45% I+.22/40% I+.8/80% +0/95% +.71/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% I+14/20% I+13/10% I+31/10% I+22/70% I+.2/65% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +28/80% +1.55/1% +.59/45% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +63/30% +70/75% +95/1% +165/10% +289/4%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .33

Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 2195 WWR ADJ YW 100 1167

YWR 100


MPI / %

123/55% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 5.38

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 52-104 52-103 52-103 52-94

Bottom 20% stature with top 4% $C. Opportunity abounds! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Our great friend and the guy we most trust to haul GAR cattle, Adalberto Martinez, provided valuable information in his testimony before Congress regarding Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations effecting hauling livestock, with U.S. Congressman, Dr. Roger Marshall.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 39

17+ Month Old Bulls


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Sunrise G A R Sunrise L46 G A R Prophet 3423 18699825

134 Birth Date: 5/7/18




Tattoo: N6028

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -1.6/5% +39/90% +69/90% +.15/95% +.45/55% -.1/95% +.53/65% 49.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +10.6/55% +7/70% +36/3% -36/95% -.5/95% +8/20% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.14 +24/90% +1.69/1% +.65/35% +.004/40% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +71/30% +65/25% +47/95% +105/1% +153/15% +269/10% 6.33 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 274 G A R 28 Ambush 41 17965149 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 430

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-64 1-79 1-89 .2

Rump Fat Ratio



47.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.59 Adj % IMF

4.9 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


YWR 100

MPI / %


50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.53 Adj % IMF

4.08 % IMF Ratio

72 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 5.16

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-90

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-101 9-102 9-104 9-102

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum N5848




Tattoo: N5848

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.2/50% +52/60% +102/40% +.22/40% +.94/90% +.3/75% +.43/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +5.8/95% +9/45% +42/1% +38/50% +.5/35% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.37/1% +1.01/4% +.038/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +48/90% +71/15% +85/40% +91/1% +176/3% +276/10%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 434 17965162 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 406

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1012

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


GR 89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109


140 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.43 Adj % IMF

6.87 % IMF Ratio

121 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.22 ADG 4.62

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-112 8-104 8-103

Rib Fat Ratio


Holy moly! Look at the caving ease, marbling and muscle. Daughters out of these genetics should excel in most environments! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum N5918


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.88 Adj % IMF

6.35 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: N5918

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.3/50% +62/25% +104/35% +.17/85% +1.03/90% +.6/40% -.14/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +11.3/50% +10/35% +30/15% +49/35% +.7/20% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +34/70% +1.45/1% +.53/55% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +73/15% +50/95% +91/1% +141/30% +248/25%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F914 17842484 G A R 28 Ambush 380 BW CALV EASE 77 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 461

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-74 2-102 2-116 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1907 WWR ADJ YW 100 1067

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


141 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.53 Adj % IMF

5.55 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.23 ADG 4.62

GR 89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-104


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-96 28-96 28-113 28-122

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 480


Tattoo: N5758

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1162

YWR 100


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.33

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Momentum N5768 Birth Date: 5/8/18



Tattoo: N5768

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -1.3/10% +59/35% +99/45% +.18/75% +.8/80% +.6/40% +.42/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +8.5/80% +13/10% +35/3% +47/35% +.7/20% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +1.68/1% +.75/20% +.06/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +79/10% +60/90% +101/1% +161/10% +266/15%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 34 17965127 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 480

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1205

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 5.74

GR 111

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-90

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-117 14-100 14-104 14-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Momentum N5858 Birth Date: 5/11/18



Tattoo: N5858

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -1.8/4% +65/20% +112/20% +.22/40% +.85/85% +.4/60% -.24/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +8.5/80% +12/15% +36/3% +56/25% +.3/55% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.45/1% +.76/20% +.018/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +87/2% +74/65% +94/1% +168/10% +272/10%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 604 17965178 G A R Daybreak 1610 BW CALV EASE 78 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 462

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-81 1-101 1-91 .19

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 304 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965151

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-64 1-81 1-84 .28


138 Birth Date: 5/22/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.3/20% +65/20% +118/15% +.21/50% +1.48/95% +.6/40% +.69/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +5.9/95% +8/55% +36/3% +48/35% +.4/45% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.34/2% +.74/25% +.029/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +84/3% +67/80% +87/1% +154/15% +253/25%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-72 2-101 2-89 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-87 1-112 1-92 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1092


139 Birth Date: 5/11/18

Superb virgin heifer candidate with unique ROI. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

137 Birth Date: 5/13/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869

G A R Momentum N5758


G A R Momentum N6028

136 Birth Date: 5/30/18

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1156

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 5.46

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-104 14-95 14-86 14-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 40




Tattoo: N5988

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.5/35% +62/25% +115/20% +.21/50% +1.29/95% +.4/60% +.73/55% 50 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +27/10% +9.8/65% +7/70% +40/1% +48/35% +.4/45% -21/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 33.69 +48/30% +1.39/1% +.93/10% +.032/80% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +62/55% +83/3% +77/60% +92/1% +169/5% +281/5% 5 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 467

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-69 1-89 1-97 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718

WWR ADJ YW 100 1165

YWR 100


MPI / %


143 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.88 Adj % IMF

4.99 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


144 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.82 Adj % IMF

5.87 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio



4.77 % IMF Ratio

84 Adj REA


ROI / %


Adj Rib Fat

.26 ADG 5.48

GR 106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum N6018 Birth Date: 5/22/18


Tattoo: N6018

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +19/1% -3.5/1% +26/95% +61/95% +.19/70% +.04/25% -.2/95% +.45/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +13/25% +10/35% +43/1% -19/95% -.4/95% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +27/85% +1.5/1% +.81/15% +.032/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +51/60% +74/65% +96/1% +169/5% +277/10%


BWR ADJ WW 100 391

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869 WWR ADJ YW 100 983

YWR 100


MPI / %

128/44% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 87

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-90

146 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.2 Adj % IMF

5.35 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.34 ADG 4.49

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-101 9-102 9-104 9-102

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

Birth Date: 5/20/18



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% -.1/20% +56/45% +100/40% +.21/50% +.87/85% +.4/60% -.05/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +7.5/90% +3/95% +37/2% +30/60% +.3/55% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.2/3% +.84/15% +.027/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +76/10% +80/50% +82/2% +162/10% +265/15%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation 1124 17965223 G A R In Sure N1362 BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 438

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor N868 WWR ADJ YW 100 1028

YWR 100


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


147 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.37 Adj % IMF

4.9 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.3 ADG 4.47

GR 86

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-101 6-103 6-126 6-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 474


G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 3008 WWR ADJ YW 100 1167

YWR 100


MPI / %

161/1% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


ADG 5.44

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-74 3-103 3-86 3-74

G A R Method N5388 Birth Date: 6/1/18



Tattoo: N5388

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +66/15% +120/15% +.26/15% +1.06/95% +.4/60% -.08/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.4/45% +11/25% +32/10% +74/10% +.5/35% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +.81/20% +.92/10% +.014/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +78/10% +80/50% +65/15% +145/25% +240/35%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 Deer Valley All In G A R All In N416 18765485 G A R 28 Ambush 1682 BW CALV EASE 1 84

BWR ADJ WW 100 484

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 3008 WWR ADJ YW 100 1156

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


ADG 5.25

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-94 2-104 2-145 2-130

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Method N5478 Birth Date: 5/6/18



Tattoo: N5478

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +0/25% +66/15% +116/15% +.21/50% +1.12/95% +.6/40% -.82/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +37/1% +12.1/35% +15/2% +28/25% +79/10% +.7/20% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +.76/25% +.59/45% +.032/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +73/15% +79/55% +57/25% +136/35% +234/40%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F914 17842484 G A R 28 Ambush 380 BW CALV EASE 76 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 564

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-74 2-102 2-116 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N5338

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: N5668


G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 Deer Valley All In G A R All In N226 G A R Daybreak G122 18765464

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .25


G A R Momentum N5668


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.3/20% +80/2% +134/3% +.24/25% +1.25/95% +.7/30% +.66/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +15.8/10% +9/45% +28/25% +76/10% +.6/25% -28/95% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +.95/10% +.75/20% -.002/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +79/10% +92/1% +76/60% +71/10% +148/20% +271/10%



G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 274 17965149 G A R 28 Ambush 41

Birth Date: 5/17/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-48 - - .29


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 1-106 1-110 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF





REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-64 1-79 1-89 .26

Rump Fat Ratio

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106


G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1907 WWR ADJ YW 100 1242

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

114/40% ROI / %


ADG 5.31

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-96 28-96 28-113 28-122

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 41

17+ Month Old Bulls


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 G A R Daybreak G72 18127293

G A R Method N5338


G A R Momentum N5988

142 Birth Date: 5/16/18


148 Birth Date: 5/19/18



Tattoo: N5588

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.1/10% +64/20% +107/30% +.19/70% +.66/75% +.3/75% -.37/95% 49.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +32/2% +14.4/15% +13/10% +32/10% +34/55% +.1/75% -10/70% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 31.78 +35/65% +1.12/4% +.71/25% +.065/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +90/1% +84/3% +67/80% +72/10% +139/30% +270/10% 4.58 % IMF Ratio

81 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N924 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design M412 18127298 G A R Predestined 2328 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 434

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-70 1-99 1-77 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1024

YWR 100


MPI / %


50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.75 Adj % IMF

4.08 % IMF Ratio

72 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.17 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 5/18/18

36.2 Adj % IMF

5.54 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 Deer Valley All In G A R All In N226 18765464 G A R Daybreak G122 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 480

GR 86

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-95 10-93 10-97




Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N5348

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 3008 WWR ADJ YW 100 1131

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

111/45% ROI / %


GR 97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-74 3-103 3-86 3-74

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.37 Adj % IMF

6.48 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: N5648


BWR ADJ WW 100 473

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869 WWR ADJ YW 100 1150

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.43 Adj % IMF

5.61 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

9.3 REA Ratio

84 Adj Rib Fat

GR 102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-94 13-107 13-85 13-87

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 491


G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 0J07

WWR ADJ YW 100 1206

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


ADG 5.66

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-87 3-110 3-97 3-96

G A R 100X N5008 Bull


Tattoo: N5008

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.9/40% +65/20% +113/20% +.26/15% +.66/75% +.6/40% -.58/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +12.2/35% +11/25% +31/10% +70/15% +.9/10% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.49/1% +.89/10% -.034/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +75/10% +99/15% +103/1% +202/1% +315/1%

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 764 B/R Ambush 28 17965190 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 1 86

BWR ADJ WW 100 470

WWR ADJ YW 100 1060

YWR 100


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


ADG 4.47

GR 86

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-97 17-99 17-98 17-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R 100X N5028 Bull


Tattoo: N5028

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.6/35% +61/30% +111/25% +.29/3% +.38/50% +.7/30% +.19/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +10.7/55% +14/4% +38/2% +59/20% +.6/25% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.29/2% +.83/15% -.034/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +78/10% +104/10% +92/1% +196/1% +306/1%

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 764 B/R Ambush 28 17965190 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 81 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 512

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-88 2-109 2-100 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N5398

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

153 Birth Date: 5/8/18

.27 ADG 5.29

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.4/30% +63/25% +110/25% +.21/50% +1.16/95% +.8/20% +1.34/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +10.7/55% +9/45% +29/20% +62/20% +.6/25% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.26/2% +.88/10% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +72/15% +80/50% +88/1% +168/10% +279/10%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 814 17965194 G A R 28 Ambush 981

G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation N536 G A R 5050 New Design 12 18765497

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-88 2-109 2-100 .16

Rump Fat Ratio

[ DDC ]


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.8/40% +76/3% +129/5% +.26/15% +.87/85% +.3/75% +.66/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +7.4/90% +8/55% +35/3% +95/2% +.7/20% -41/95% CW MARB REA Fat +59/10% +.67/35% +1.1/2% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +37/95% +90/1% +100/15% +62/15% +162/10% +247/30%

152 Birth Date: 5/6/18


G A R Method N5648


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-65 1-96 1-91 .29

.16 ADG 5.05

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Birth Date: 5/21/18


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-98 1-99 .18

Rump Fat Ratio


.22 ADG 4.47

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.1/25% +66/15% +111/25% +.23/35% +.6/70% +.6/40% -.34/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +13.6/20% +11/25% +23/60% +71/15% +.8/15% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +.6/40% +1/4% -.028/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +69/20% +69/75% +61/20% +130/45% +225/55%

150 Birth Date: 6/1/18 51.4

4.19 % IMF Ratio

ROI / %


G A R Method N5348


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Adj % IMF



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-48 - - .14

Rump Fat Ratio

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-89

G A R Method N5398


G A R Method N5588

WWR ADJ YW 100 1214

YWR 100


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 5.53

GR 107

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-97 17-99 17-98 17-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 42


154 Birth Date: 5/6/18


G A R 100X N5018 Bull


Tattoo: N5018

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.9/10% +51/60% +91/60% +.22/40% +.44/55% +.4/60% +.23/85% 48.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +24/20% +9.7/70% +13/10% +31/10% +43/40% +.5/35% -14/80% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.37 +30/80% +1.27/2% +.78/20% -.059/1% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +49/90% +63/30% +66/80% +93/1% +159/10% +255/20% 7.12 % IMF Ratio

126 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.15 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 498

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-88 2-109 2-100 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1124

YWR 100


MPI / %


33.53 Adj % IMF

5.89 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

10 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-97 17-99 17-98 17-95



31.82 Adj % IMF

7.34 % IMF Ratio

130 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 405

WWR ADJ YW 100 1050

YWR 100


MPI / %

128/44% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.69 Adj % IMF

4.81 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-97 17-99 17-98 17-95

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R 100X N5058 +19393588

Rump Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1/10% +58/40% +113/20% +.26/15% +1.06/95% +.8/20% -.34/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +7.2/90% +16/1% +29/20% +45/40% +.7/20% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.27/2% +.65/35% -.03/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +68/20% +93/25% +88/1% +182/2% +289/4%

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise N766 B/R Ambush 28 18765520 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 G A R Objective 1648 BW CALV EASE 76 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 415

WWR ADJ YW 100 1049

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


33.5 Adj % IMF

5.63 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

10.4 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 4.88

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


48.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-109 4-94 4-78 4-81

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.41

GR 85

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-109 4-94 4-78 4-81

G A R 100X N5048 Bull


Tattoo: N5048

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise N766 B/R Ambush 28 18765520 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 G A R Objective 1648 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 440

WWR ADJ YW 100 1123

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


ADG 5.35

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-109 4-94 4-78 4-81

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Anticipation N5078 Bull


Tattoo: N5078

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.1/20% +62/25% +109/25% +.21/50% +1.13/95% +.7/30% +.37/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +6.9/95% +9/45% +20/85% +64/20% +.6/25% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.11/5% +.53/55% -.03/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +40/95% +61/35% +65/80% +79/3% +144/25% +227/50%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Anticipation G A R New Design 5050 17057287 G A R 5050 New Design 0530 DRMCTR Objective 7J57 B/R Destination 727 B/R Destination 727-928 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 GAR Destination 408P S S Objective T510 0T26 17928299 G A R Objective 2419 G A R Retail Product 1406 BW CALV EASE 60 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 508

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-101 2-98 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1024


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +52/60% +87/70% +.2/60% +.19/35% +.5/50% -1.25/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/75% +10.7/55% +16/1% +23/60% +25/65% +.5/35% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +33/70% +1.09/5% +.76/20% -.049/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +58/40% +76/60% +83/2% +159/10% +268/15%

159 Birth Date: 5/10/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: N5068

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: N5058

BWR ADJ WW 100 442

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-84 1-105 1-88 .2




158 Birth Date: 5/16/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design A91 17774305 G A R Objective A706 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise N766 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 18765520 G A R Objective 1648

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-84 1-105 1-88 .21

.14 ADG 4.99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-84 1-105 1-88 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.4/20% +61/30% +102/40% +.22/40% +.52/60% +.7/30% -.37/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +9.3/75% +15/2% +28/25% +44/40% +.8/15% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.21/3% +.79/20% -.045/3% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +73/15% +83/45% +89/1% +172/4% +282/5%

Lot Tattoo: N5038

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 764 B/R Ambush 28 17965190 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497

156 Birth Date: 5/20/18 50.1


.08 ADG 4.82

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -2.8/2% +44/80% +84/75% +.24/25% +.03/25% +.4/60% +.36/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +8.9/75% +11/25% +30/15% +42/40% +.5/35% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +31/75% +1.14/4% +.41/70% +.002/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +40/95% +55/50% +88/35% +76/4% +164/10% +253/25%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R 100X N5038

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-88 2-109 2-100 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

6.54 % IMF Ratio


155 Birth Date: 5/11/18 48.9

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R 100X N5068

WWR ADJ YW 100 1100

YWR 100


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 4.49

GR 87

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-112 5-97 5-105 5-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 43

17+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design A91 17774305 G A R Objective A706 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 764 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 17965190 G A R Objective 3497

157 Birth Date: 5/23/18




Tattoo: N5678

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.4/30% +53/55% +87/70% +.19/70% +.02/25% +.3/75% +.23/85% 49.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +22/25% +8.1/85% +4/90% +34/5% +37/50% +.1/75% -12/80% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 33.88 +40/50% +1.01/10% +.98/5% -.026/10% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +50/85% +70/20% +83/45% +80/3% +163/10% +261/15% 5.26 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation 1124 G A R In Sure N1362 17965223 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 461

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-78 1-106 1-110 .17

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor N868

WWR ADJ YW 100 1037

YWR 100


MPI / %


161 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.59 Adj % IMF

6.41 % IMF Ratio

113 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio


49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.88 Adj % IMF

6.41 % IMF Ratio

113 Adj REA

10 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio



5.46 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA


ROI / %


Adj Rib Fat

.16 ADG 4.34

GR 84

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-101 6-103 6-126 6-101

G A R Momentum N5798 Birth Date: 5/13/18


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N5798

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 34 17965127 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 1 90

BWR ADJ WW 100 433

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1063

YWR 100


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-90

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-117 14-100 14-104 14-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

48.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.37 Adj % IMF

4.72 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

10.3 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum N5978 +19393679

Rump Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -1.7/5% +56/45% +98/45% +.17/85% +.98/90% +.6/40% -.69/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +11.3/50% +11/25% +49/1% +19/75% +.2/65% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.49/1% +.65/35% +.061/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +91/1% +51/95% +90/1% +141/30% +255/20%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N514 18127150 G A R New Day 1100 BW CALV EASE 78 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 451

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177 WWR ADJ YW 100 989

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


32.56 Adj % IMF

5.67 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

9.6 REA Ratio

86 Adj Rib Fat

.16 ADG 3.98

GR 77

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-97 14-100 14-125 14-114

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1163

YWR 100


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.73

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-101 6-103 6-126 6-101



Tattoo: N5818

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +19/1% -.3/20% +69/10% +113/20% +.2/60% +.8/80% +.4/60% +.57/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +7.8/85% +12/15% +33/10% +43/40% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1/10% +.72/25% +.036/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +89/2% +70/75% +70/10% +140/30% +243/30%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 1 75

BWR ADJ WW 100 451

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1096

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.99

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Momentum N5868 Bull


Tattoo: N5868

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +19/1% -1/10% +58/40% +102/40% +.17/85% +1.2/95% +.1/90% +.35/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.7/55% +6/75% +37/2% +26/65% +.2/65% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +34/70% +1.33/2% +.5/55% -.003/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +81/5% +49/95% +87/1% +135/40% +237/40%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 604 17965178 G A R Daybreak 1610 BW CALV EASE 83 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 467

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-81 1-101 1-91 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor N868

G A R Momentum N5818

165 Birth Date: 5/12/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: N5688

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: N5978

BWR ADJ WW 100 545

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 .33




164 Birth Date: 5/6/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation 1124 G A R In Sure N1362 17965223

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 1-106 1-110 .28

.23 ADG 4.86


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.1/25% +56/45% +88/65% +.16/90% +.19/35% +.3/75% +.42/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +2.7/95% +6/75% +25/45% +28/60% +.2/65% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +34/70% +1.15/4% +1/4% +.008/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +49/90% +66/25% +64/85% +84/2% +147/20% +240/35%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.6/35% +60/30% +100/40% +.16/90% +.89/85% +.5/50% -.21/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +10.4/60% +6/75% +31/10% +12/80% +.4/45% +1/40% CW MARB REA Fat +30/80% +1.47/1% +.69/30% +.041/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +78/10% +52/95% +92/1% +144/25% +261/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


162 Birth Date: 5/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht





50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-64 1-81 1-84 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %



163 Birth Date: 5/25/18


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

G A R Momentum N5688


G A R Momentum N5678

160 Birth Date: 5/22/18

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1153

YWR 100


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 5.38

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-104 14-95 14-86 14-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 44



G A R Momentum N5748

166 Birth Date: 5/10/18



Tattoo: N5748

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.6/15% +57/40% +98/45% +.18/75% +.92/90% +.6/40% -.31/95% 51.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +27/10% +2.7/95% +10/35% +22/70% +55/25% +.7/20% -14/80% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 31.5 +30/80% +1.49/1% +.99/5% -.001/35% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +36/95% +59/40% +53/95% +101/1% +154/15% +236/40% 6.57 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

113 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 462

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-72 2-101 2-89 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649

WWR ADJ YW 100 1128

YWR 100


MPI / %


50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.85 Adj % IMF

5.66 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


33.4 Adj % IMF

6.72 % IMF Ratio

119 Adj REA

10.3 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.16 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107



G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F74 17842470 G A R Daybreak 1360 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 471


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


WWR ADJ YW 100 1085

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

170 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.75 Adj % IMF

5.93 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

9.3 REA Ratio

84 Adj Rib Fat

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-96 15-103 15-104 15-105

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Radiance N6158 Bull


Tattoo: N6158


BWR ADJ WW 100 393

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 3497 WWR ADJ YW 100 1015

YWR 100


MPI / %

131/37% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.85 Adj % IMF

6.94 % IMF Ratio

123 Adj REA

9.4 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 4.77

GR 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-111 5-90 5-70 5-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 435


WWR ADJ YW 100 1069

YWR 100


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.88

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-108 10-106 10-97 10-105

G A R Radiance N6208 Birth Date: 5/18/18



Tattoo: N6208

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1/45% +67/15% +116/15% +.21/50% +1.06/95% +.7/30% +.27/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +11/50% +15/2% +39/1% +56/25% +.6/25% -24/95% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.44/1% +.26/90% +.051/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +87/2% +67/80% +83/2% +150/20% +257/20%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 485

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1119

YWR 100


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


ADG 4.88

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance N6178 Birth Date: 5/21/18



Tattoo: N6178

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.7/35% +50/65% +88/65% +.15/95% +.62/70% +.1/90% +.27/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +12/40% +14/4% +41/1% +3/90% -.2/95% +0/40% CW MARB REA Fat +25/90% +1.5/1% +.47/60% +.049/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +75/10% +52/95% +89/1% +141/30% +258/20%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 393

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 .33

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N6148

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +52/60% +92/60% +.19/70% +.35/50% +.3/75% +.03/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +14.5/15% +16/1% +49/1% +8/85% +.2/65% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.59/1% +.59/45% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +83/5% +85/3% +75/65% +99/1% +174/4% +309/1%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 924 17965203 G A R 28 Ambush 2661


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .4

Rump Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Radiance Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Bextor L58 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 Data Manager 0536 DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 Chair Rock Data Manager 4119 B/R Ambush 28 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18079706 G A R Yield Grade N366

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-62 1-95 1-103 .22

.28 ADG 4.71


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.7/35% +58/40% +109/25% +.23/35% +.69/75% +.6/40% -.52/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +8.7/80% +13/10% +44/1% +52/30% +.9/10% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.23/3% +.94/10% -.003/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +79/10% +90/30% +88/1% +177/3% +282/5%

Lot Tattoo: N5898

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 3518


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-82 1-116 1-105 .31

Rump Fat Ratio


.17 ADG 5.18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.5/35% +57/40% +86/70% +.13/95% +.55/65% +.4/60% -.44/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +5.5/95% +8/55% +25/45% +30/60% +.4/45% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.09/5% +.83/15% -.004/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +67/25% +53/95% +80/3% +132/40% +225/55%

168 Birth Date: 5/7/18 48.8


ROI / %


G A R Momentum N5898


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

4.72 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .24

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

167 Birth Date: 5/21/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


QPI / %



49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Radiance N6148

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1006

YWR 100


MPI / %

119/64% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.69

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 45

17+ Month Old Bulls


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 304 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965151

169 Birth Date: 5/12/18



Birth Date: 5/18/18



Tattoo: N6328

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/25% +59/35% +103/35% +.19/70% +1.07/95% +.4/60% -.45/95% 49 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +26/10% +10.8/55% +13/10% +29/20% +1/90% +0/80% +7/25% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 32.75 +35/65% +1.63/1% +.65/35% +.003/40% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +88/2% +76/10% +59/90% +103/1% +162/10% +298/2% 5.33 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

9.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 344 G A R Complete 901 17965154 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 388

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-78 1-111 1-85 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2358

WWR ADJ YW 100 1046

YWR 100


MPI / %


50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.72 Adj % IMF

6.43 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA

9.2 REA Ratio

83 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio



35.75 Adj % IMF

6.11 % IMF Ratio

108 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 5.12

GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-101 30-92 30-99 30-96

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise N6318 Birth Date: 5/17/18



Tattoo: N6318


BWR ADJ WW 100 430

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2358 WWR ADJ YW 100 1048

YWR 100


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-86

175 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.07 Adj % IMF

6.97 % IMF Ratio

123 Adj REA

9.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.25 ADG 4.73

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-101 30-92 30-99 30-96

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 2914 G A R Prophet 1302 17965347 BW CALV EASE 1 88

BWR ADJ WW 100 497


Tattoo: N6418

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 28 Ambush 1170 WWR ADJ YW 100 1233

YWR 100


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 5.85

GR 113

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-103 13-106 13-92 13-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise N6348 Birth Date: 5/28/18



Tattoo: N6348

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.3/20% +67/15% +122/10% +.26/15% +1.03/90% +.7/30% -.24/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +9.3/75% +8/55% +23/60% +91/3% +.7/20% -32/95% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.38/1% +.69/30% -.008/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +41/95% +67/25% +88/35% +92/1% +180/2% +274/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F304 17842430 G A R Daybreak C80 BW CALV EASE 1 79

BWR ADJ WW 100 522

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-68 1-102 1-99 .32

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.4/30% +55/50% +92/60% +.19/70% +.14/35% +.5/50% +.37/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +7.6/90% +12/15% +39/1% -12/95% +0/80% +4/30% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.19/3% +.76/20% +0/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +83/3% +77/60% +83/2% +160/10% +284/5%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.3/50% +66/15% +106/30% +.17/85% +.77/80% +.6/40% +.44/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +12.2/35% +9/45% +32/10% +18/75% +.2/65% -2/50% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.38/1% +.55/50% -.012/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +84/4% +86/2% +63/85% +91/1% +153/15% +282/5%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 344 17965154 G A R Complete 901

Birth Date: 5/18/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-71 1-98 1-93 .27


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 1-111 1-85 .16

Rump Fat Ratio

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-86

G A R Sunrise N6418


G A R Sunrise N6328

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1176

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 5.08

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-102 20-101 20-106 20-99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Many friends and customers often inquire about the progress of Mark and Eva’s home construction after the fire. We are pleased to report the final phase of rebuilding after the Starbuck Wildfire in March 2017 is nearly complete. The majority of construction was completed off site and moved to the final location in phases. A huge thank you to the Goertzen Homes, Inc., Will and Jennie Koehn’s construction team in Inman, Kansas. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 46



Birth Date: 5/23/18



Tattoo: N6378

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.8/15% +62/25% +112/20% +.22/40% +.92/90% +.6/40% -.61/95% 50.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +22/25% +16.5/4% +14/4% +33/10% +67/15% +.4/45% -26/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 32.91 +43/40% +1.13/4% +.66/35% -.029/10% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +67/40% +76/10% +74/65% +82/2% +155/15% +268/15% 5.49 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.12 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 507

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-75 1-96 1-89 .19

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358

WWR ADJ YW 100 1165

YWR 100


MPI / %


51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.04 Adj % IMF

5.62 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio


53.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.66 Adj % IMF

6.35 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 5/27/18





Adj Rib Fat

.1 ADG 5.12

GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

Rib Fat Ratio



MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 18127236 G A R New Day 1540

Tattoo: N6398


BWR ADJ WW 100 509

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358 WWR ADJ YW 100 1147

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


GR 95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.14 Adj % IMF

7.94 % IMF Ratio

140 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 5/15/18



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.4/30% +61/30% +104/35% +.19/70% +.76/80% +.8/20% -.06/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +13.3/25% +8/55% +24/55% +54/30% +.6/25% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.19/3% +.57/45% +.005/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +66/25% +73/70% +80/3% +153/15% +258/20%


BWR ADJ WW 100 593

WWR ADJ YW 100 1239

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.26 Adj % IMF

4.57 % IMF Ratio

81 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.33 ADG 5.01

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-98 10-94 10-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 470


WWR ADJ YW 100 1142

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


ADG 5.29

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-83 14-100 14-84 14-86

G A R Sunrise N6408 Bull


Tattoo: N6408

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +0/25% +58/40% +95/50% +.15/95% +1.05/95% +.2/80% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +8.7/80% +13/10% +26/40% +37/50% +.1/75% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +29/80% +1.64/1% +.46/65% -.024/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64/50% +68/20% +42/95% +103/1% +146/25% +253/25%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 18127236 G A R New Day 1540 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 499

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358 WWR ADJ YW 100 1150

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


ADG 5.05

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise N6368 Birth Date: 6/3/18



Tattoo: N6368

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.3/20% +60/30% +106/30% +.23/35% +.84/85% +.7/30% -.51/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +13.3/25% +10/35% +17/95% +57/25% +.4/45% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.07/10% +.59/45% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +56/45% +76/60% +76/4% +152/15% +253/25%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F304 17842430 G A R Daybreak C80 BW CALV EASE 81 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 523

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-68 1-102 1-99 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N6248

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: N6238

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Sunrise S S Objective T510 0T26 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 204 G A R New Design 5050 17965143 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .29

Rump Fat Ratio


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Sunrise S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 2564 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 322 17965327 G A R 28 Ambush 1759

180 Birth Date: 5/30/18


G A R Sunrise N6238


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1/45% +53/55% +93/55% +.19/70% +.38/50% +.7/30% +.38/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +12.6/30% +7/70% +34/5% +41/45% +.6/25% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.11/5% +.43/70% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +67/25% +75/65% +76/4% +151/20% +257/20%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-72 1-103 1-93 .27

.31 ADG 4.92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

Birth Date: 5/1/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.7/35% +66/15% +117/15% +.2/60% +1.47/95% +1.2/2% -.29/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +13.1/25% +11/25% +22/70% +54/30% +.7/20% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.21/3% +.54/50% -.004/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +68/20% +65/80% +81/2% +147/20% +258/20%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-52 - - .36

Rump Fat Ratio


ROI / %


G A R Sunrise N6398

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

4.86 % IMF Ratio




Adj % IMF


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .29

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1142

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 4.75

GR 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-102 20-101 20-106 20-99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 47

17+ Month Old Bulls


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 G A R New Day 1540 18127236

G A R Sunrise N6248


G A R Sunrise N6378


182 Birth Date: 5/25/18


G A R Sure Fire N6718 Bull


Tattoo: N6718

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.5/15% +61/30% +112/20% +.25/20% +.86/85% +.1/90% +.86/45% 47.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +11.3/50% +11/25% +24/55% +38/50% -.1/90% -7/65% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 32.98 +45/35% +1.17/3% +.76/20% +.039/85% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +74/20% +68/20% +91/25% +78/3% +169/5% +293/3% 5.6 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

10.9 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2874 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 202 17965345 G A R 5050 New Design N549 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 396

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .31

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 988

YWR 100


MPI / %


39.46 Adj % IMF

5.86 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio



5.04 % IMF Ratio

89 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.22 ADG 4.49

GR 87

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-92 6-101 6-104 6-104

G A R Sure Fire N6908 Bull

Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N6908

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Wave F465 MCC Daybreak 18174743 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 470

WWR ADJ YW 100 1140

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-95 8-102 8-118 8-117

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio


49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.98 Adj % IMF

4.65 % IMF Ratio

82 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 371


WWR ADJ YW 100 1025

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 5.08

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

G A R Sure Fire N6688 Bull


Tattoo: N6688

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/25% +56/45% +95/50% +.18/75% +.75/80% +.4/60% +1.25/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +10.8/55% +10/35% +32/10% +1/90% +0/80% +6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.19/3% +.98/5% -.012/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +74/20% +76/10% +72/70% +87/1% +159/10% +280/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2744 MCC Daybreak 17965339 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 443

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-79 - - .26

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N6538

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

185 Birth Date: 5/25/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2314 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 17965309 G A R Objective 1648

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 .22

.11 ADG 5.23

G A R Sure Fire N6538

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +59/35% +96/50% +.2/60% +.25/40% +.5/50% +1.08/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +12/40% +10/35% +30/15% +23/70% +.2/65% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.13/4% +.93/10% +.046/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +76/10% +83/45% +78/3% +161/10% +281/5%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.3/30% +52/60% +104/35% +.25/20% +.57/65% +.6/40% +2.09/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +6.8/95% +8/55% +30/15% +12/80% +.1/75% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.09/5% +.81/15% +.039/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +64/30% +99/15% +75/4% +174/4% +291/3%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-103 1-103 1-101 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


183 Birth Date: 5/9/18 50.8


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

48.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


184 Birth Date: 5/8/18

WWR ADJ YW 100 1062

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

121/28% ROI / %


ADG 4.75

GR 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-100 8-77 8-88

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 48


186 Birth Date: 5/26/18


G A R Sure Fire N6708 Bull


Tattoo: N6708

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1.1/10% +54/50% +99/45% +.22/40% +.82/85% +.5/50% +1.13/30% 50.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +10.3/60% +6/75% +22/70% +17/75% +0/80% +4/30% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.01 +41/50% +1.28/2% +.55/50% +.009/50% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +68/35% +60/35% +78/55% +84/2% +161/10% +277/10% 4.42 % IMF Ratio

78 Adj REA

10.9 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 459

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .26

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1149

YWR 100


MPI / %


32.82 Adj % IMF

5.15 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

10.2 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.17 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-92 6-101 6-104 6-104

37.14 Adj % IMF

6.63 % IMF Ratio

117 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio




BWR ADJ WW 100 455


Tattoo: N6628

WWR ADJ YW 100 1058

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.88 Adj % IMF

5.91 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

119 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire N6648 +19393735

Rump Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.5/35% +64/20% +107/30% +.19/70% +.93/90% +.3/75% +1.55/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +15.1/10% +11/25% +34/5% +27/65% +.2/65% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.33/2% +.76/20% +.022/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +81/10% +85/3% +66/80% +88/1% +153/15% +279/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak 18025251 G A R Daybreak 832 G A R 5050 New Design 1009 BW CALV EASE 94 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 451

WWR ADJ YW 100 1061

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

131/14% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.07 Adj % IMF

6.26 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

10.4 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.18 ADG 4.67

GR 90

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1076

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 5.12

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-71

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 23-96 23-103 23-89 23-102

G A R Sure Fire N6868 Bull


Tattoo: N6868

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.7/15% +56/45% +97/50% +.19/70% +.75/80% +.3/75% +.44/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +11.6/45% +11/25% +33/10% +8/85% -.1/90% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +1.35/1% +.87/10% +.031/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +82/10% +77/10% +61/90% +89/1% +150/20% +277/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N716 G A R Progress 18765514 G A R Progress 1273 G A R 5050 New Design 789 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 546

WWR ADJ YW 100 1204

YWR 100


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


ADG 5.12

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-100 3-109 3-131 3-128

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire N6878 Birth Date: 5/28/18



Tattoo: N6878

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.7/15% +47/75% +87/70% +.19/70% +.4/55% +.5/50% +1.41/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +12.7/30% +8/55% +31/10% +3/90% +0/80% +5/30% CW MARB REA Fat +28/80% +1.07/10% +.5/55% +.012/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +63/30% +67/80% +72/10% +139/30% +257/20%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F126 G A R Prophet 18543210 G A R Prophet L214 G A R New Day 1540 BW CALV EASE 75 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 402

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .26

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N6748

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: N6648

BWR ADJ WW 100 418

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .33




190 Birth Date: 5/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 394 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 211 17965159 G A R Predestined G88

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 1-92 1-78 .3

.33 ADG 4.6

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 .39

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.4/30% +59/35% +107/30% +.2/60% +1.19/95% +.4/60% +1.56/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +9.9/65% +12/15% +24/55% +10/80% +.3/55% +6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.07/10% +.7/30% +.063/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +80/10% +68/20% +80/50% +70/10% +150/20% +275/10%


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak 18025251 G A R Daybreak 832 G A R 5050 New Design 1009

188 Birth Date: 5/30/18 48.3


.23 ADG 5.42

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.4/20% +53/55% +91/60% +.21/50% +.43/55% +.1/90% +.98/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +9.7/70% +10/35% +31/10% +27/65% +.2/65% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.22/3% +.83/15% -.005/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +68/20% +82/45% +86/2% +168/10% +277/10%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Sure Fire N6628

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 .19

Rump Fat Ratio

5.39 % IMF Ratio


187 Birth Date: 5/20/18 49.1

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sure Fire N6748

WWR ADJ YW 100 1084

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 5.33

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-99 3-84 3-96

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 49

17+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2874 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 202 17965345 G A R 5050 New Design N549

189 Birth Date: 5/11/18


192 Birth Date: 5/19/18


G A R Sure Fire N6858 Bull


Tattoo: N6858

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.5/15% +57/40% +101/40% +.22/40% +.42/55% +.5/50% +.99/35% 51.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +28/10% +12.9/30% +14/4% +38/2% +23/70% +.3/55% -8/65% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.78 +38/55% +.94/15% +.57/45% +.026/75% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +80/5% +79/55% +66/15% +145/25% +263/15% 6.19 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat


17+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N716 G A R Progress G A R Progress 1273 18765514 G A R 5050 New Design 789 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 496

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .27

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1173

YWR 100


MPI / %


35.88 Adj % IMF

5.22 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio



3.15 % IMF Ratio

56 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.33 ADG 5.29

GR 102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-100 3-109 3-131 3-128

G A R Sure Fire N6438 Bull

Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N6438

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 G A R Absolute F176 G A R Prophet 18544475 G A R Prophet F74 G A R Daybreak 1360 BW CALV EASE 1 81

BWR ADJ WW 100 509

WWR ADJ YW 100 1122

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-85 5-105 5-136 5-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio


49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.98 Adj % IMF

4.8 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 472


WWR ADJ YW 100 1128

YWR 100


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

122/26% ROI / %


ADG 5.1

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-85 5-105 5-136 5-103

G A R Sure Fire N6578 Bull


Tattoo: N6578

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.5/15% +52/60% +89/65% +.15/95% +1/90% +.2/80% +.87/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +8.6/80% +10/35% +33/10% +52/30% +.4/45% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.28/2% +.79/20% +.041/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +44/95% +66/25% +73/70% +84/2% +157/15% +248/25%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2314 B/R Ambush 28 17965309 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 G A R Objective 1648 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 462

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 .33

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N6448

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

195 Birth Date: 5/25/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 G A R Absolute F176 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F74 18544475 G A R Daybreak 1360

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .24

.23 ADG 4.69

G A R Sure Fire N6448

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.3/20% +61/30% +114/20% +.26/15% +.76/80% +.8/20% +2.26/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +7.2/90% +5/85% +29/20% +63/20% +.5/35% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.73/25% +.74/25% +.03/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +50/85% +69/20% +96/20% +57/25% +154/15% +250/25%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.9/40% +65/20% +116/15% +.23/35% +1.03/90% +.7/30% +1.26/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +5.9/95% +9/45% +27/30% +44/40% +.3/55% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +.92/15% +.63/35% +.049/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +74/10% +88/35% +63/15% +151/20% +257/20%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


193 Birth Date: 5/22/18 50.1


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


194 Birth Date: 5/26/18

WWR ADJ YW 100 1100

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


ADG 4.92

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 50


196 Birth Date: 5/9/18


G A R Sure Fire N6738 Bull


Tattoo: N6738

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.1/10% +47/75% +89/65% +.19/70% +.92/90% +.4/60% +1.05/35% 49.8 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +10.5/60% +12/15% +26/40% -5/95% +.1/75% +10/15% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.46 +28/80% +1/10% +.57/45% +.016/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +77/15% +59/40% +52/95% +70/10% +122/60% +235/40% 5.22 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 494

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-70 1-92 1-78 .26

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1150

YWR 100


MPI / %


37.98 Adj % IMF

7.36 % IMF Ratio

130 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio



122 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.24 ADG 5.1

GR 98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 23-96 23-103 23-89 23-102

G A R Tide N6958 Bull

Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: N6958

Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 17624893 G A R 5050 New Design 639 G A R Objective 2345 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 354 MCC Daybreak 17965155 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE 1 72

BWR ADJ WW 100 497

WWR ADJ YW 100 1052

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 80

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104


49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.75 Adj % IMF

4.4 % IMF Ratio

78 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-117 7-102 7-93 7-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 475


WWR ADJ YW 100 1093

YWR 100


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.73

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-117 7-102 7-93 7-101

G A R Tide N6968 Bull


Tattoo: N6968

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.3/30% +63/25% +106/30% +.22/40% +.51/60% +.6/40% +.54/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +12.1/35% +10/35% +23/60% +33/55% +.5/35% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +.81/20% +.91/10% +.027/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +70/20% +85/40% +64/15% +149/20% +268/15%

Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 17624893 G A R 5050 New Design 639 G A R Objective 2345 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1654 MCC Daybreak 17965264 G A R Daybreak 1402 G A R 5050 New Design N549 BW CALV EASE 1 77

BWR ADJ WW 100 414

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-65 - - .27

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: N6948

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

199 Birth Date: 5/18/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 639 17624893 G A R Objective 2345 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 354 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 342 17965155 G A R 5050 New Design 1039

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-82 1-105 1-97 .39

.22 ADG 4.15


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -2/3% +52/60% +87/70% +.18/75% +.37/50% +.2/80% +1.69/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +6.4/95% +16/1% +23/60% +25/65% +.3/55% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +34/70% +1.38/1% +.57/45% +.058/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +61/35% +75/65% +84/2% +159/10% +268/15%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -1.9/4% +48/70% +82/75% +.2/60% +.22/40% +.5/50% +2.03/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +8.4/80% +16/1% +31/10% -3/90% +0/80% +7/25% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.42/1% +.94/10% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +68/20% +70/75% +96/1% +166/10% +292/3%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-82 1-105 1-97 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

6.91 % IMF Ratio


197 Birth Date: 5/25/18 49.2

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-71

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Tide N6948

WWR ADJ YW 100 1084

YWR 100


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

113/42% ROI / %


ADG 5.23

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-102 5-106 5-134 5-124

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 51

17+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 394 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 211 17965159 G A R Predestined G88

198 Birth Date: 5/13/18

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 52


200 Birth Date: 2/15/18


G A R Sure Fire A5078 Bull


Tattoo: A5078

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.8/15% +61/30% +106/30% +.2/60% +1.14/95% +.2/80% +2.12/2% 50 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +21/30% +11.4/45% +11/25% +32/10% +22/70% -.1/90% -4/55% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 41.97 +40/50% +1.48/1% +.83/15% +.033/80% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +72/25% +81/5% +67/80% +95/1% +162/10% +282/5% 6.42 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.46 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 713

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-70 1-96 1-107 .42

Rump Fat Ratio


50.9 38.38 Adj % IMF

8.06 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.39 Rib Fat Ratio



53.3 39.76 Adj % IMF

5.46 % IMF Ratio

81 Adj REA

13.9 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.45 Rib Fat Ratio




13.9 REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.5 ADG 5.14

GR 105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-95 5-104 5-113 5-112


Tattoo: 098B

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N684 MCC Daybreak 18127273 G A R Daybreak 1610 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 1 75

BWR ADJ WW 100 604

WWR ADJ YW 100 1105

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


Rib Fat Ratio


GR 102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-107 16-106 16-118 16-111


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.9 Adj % IMF

7.2 % IMF Ratio

110 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 6048S



Tattoo: 6048S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -1.3/10% +72/10% +125/10% +.21/50% +1.65/95% +1.3/1% +1.65/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +13.5/20% +9/45% +30/15% +45/40% +.6/25% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +1.17/3% +.57/45% +.064/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +81/10% +89/2% +75/65% +73/5% +148/20% +273/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 825 MCC Daybreak 18333066 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 74 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 920

WWR ADJ YW 100 1250

YWR 100


MPI / %

162/1% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.84 Adj % IMF

5.92 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-97 8-100 8-117 8-103

Sweet Georgia Brown! Top 1% CED, MPI, and ROI! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 853


WWR ADJ YW 100 1192

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 4.69

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-97 8-100 8-117 8-103

G A R Sure Fire 5138S Bull


Tattoo: 5138S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -3.1/1% +64/20% +114/20% +.2/60% +1.28/95% +.8/20% +1.17/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.7/40% +13/10% +32/10% +12/80% +.2/65% +1/40% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.38/1% +.3/85% +.053/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +91/1% +87/2% +70/75% +81/2% +150/20% +286/4%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 825 MCC Daybreak 18333066 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 77

BWR ADJ WW 100 757

WWR ADJ YW 100 1122

YWR 100


MPI / %

156/3% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 4.9

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-97 8-100 8-117 8-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5048S Bull


Tattoo: 5048S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.8/15% +63/25% +108/30% +.2/60% +1.02/90% +1.2/2% +1.54/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.3/50% +13/10% +33/10% +39/45% +.7/20% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.13/4% +.44/65% +.044/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +81/5% +79/55% +71/10% +150/20% +270/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 825 MCC Daybreak 18333066 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 83 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 823

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-116 .35

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 5748S

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

205 Birth Date: 2/11/18

.43 ADG 4.61


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-116 .37

Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 825 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 753 18333066 G A R 5050 New Design 649

204 Birth Date: 2/13/18

Top 1% ROI=Greater probability of profitable cattle! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.4/20% +57/40% +97/50% +.2/60% +.44/55% +.9/15% +1.84/4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.2/60% +13/10% +35/3% +18/75% +.4/45% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.47/1% +.51/55% +.068/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +78/10% +72/70% +86/2% +158/15% +283/5%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-116 .42

.53 ADG 4.9

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-116 .42

Rump Fat Ratio


QPI / %

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +0/25% +69/10% +121/10% +.22/40% +1.33/95% +.5/50% +1.51/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +13.3/25% +10/35% +31/10% +39/45% +.3/55% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.5/1% +.69/30% +.047/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +83/5% +86/2% +57/90% +92/1% +150/20% +278/10%

202 Birth Date: 2/24/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm



Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

7.12 % IMF Ratio

G A R Sure Fire 098B

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-95 1-96 .47

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99


Rump Fat Ratio

201 Birth Date: 2/23/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

YWR 100

MPI / %


51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Sweet! Top 1% MPI & ROI! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 100 1222


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sure Fire 5748S

WWR ADJ YW 100 1234

YWR 100


MPI / %

160/2% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


ADG 5.28

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-97 8-100 8-117 8-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 53

20+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet A4024 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak A2059 17985702 G A R 5050 New Design A84

203 Birth Date: 2/21/18


206 Birth Date: 2/13/18


G A R Sure Fire 5168S Bull


Tattoo: 5168S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +1/45% +66/15% +132/4% +.27/10% +1.82/95% +.8/20% +1.38/15% 51.4 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +32/2% +15.5/10% +10/35% +33/10% +45/40% +.7/20% -16/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 39.9 +51/20% +1.18/3% +.55/50% +.074/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +78/10% +84/40% +72/10% +156/15% +277/10% 4.16 % IMF Ratio

64 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 394 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 211 17965159 G A R Predestined G88 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 678

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-70 1-92 1-78 .42

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1089

YWR 100


MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.1 Adj % IMF

6.66 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.48 ADG 5.28

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-71

208 Birth Date: 2/19/18

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 23-96 23-103 23-89 23-102

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


207 Birth Date: 2/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.94 Adj % IMF

8.7 % IMF Ratio

133 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.42 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 5188S Bull

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 5188S

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 875 MCC Daybreak 18333071 G A R Daybreak 832 G A R 5050 New Design 1009 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 834

WWR ADJ YW 100 1216

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.94 Adj % IMF

7.08 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.45 ADG 5.05

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-117 3-97 3-108 3-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio



210 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.44 Adj % IMF


Any buyer of any lot or group in the sale will have $100 deducted from the purchase price of that lot or group if he provides for the transportation from GAR within two weeks after the sale.

% IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.39 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.46

GR 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-101 4-105 4-102 4-90

G A R Sure Fire 5218S Bull


Tattoo: 5218S

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 305 G A R Progress 18333029 G A R Progress 830 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 841

WWR ADJ YW 100 1223

YWR 100


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.05

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-101 2-101 2-109 2-116

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire L9718 Birth Date: 3/28/18



Tattoo: L9718

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -2.1/3% +58/40% +114/20% +.25/20% +1.2/95% +.3/75% +.44/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +13/25% +11/25% +35/3% +22/70% -.2/95% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.41/1% +.32/85% +.071/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +79/10% +74/65% +81/2% +154/15% +278/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 533 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 17623150 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH BW CALV EASE 75 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 601

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-96 2-90 .42

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1240


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.9/40% +61/30% +122/10% +.26/15% +1.48/95% +.8/20% +2.04/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +6.9/95% +8/55% +40/1% +52/30% +.7/20% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.38/1% +.62/40% +.054/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +50/85% +78/10% +85/40% +85/2% +169/5% +269/10%


Deduct $100 From Your Purchase

BWR ADJ WW 100 930

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .46

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 5658S

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

209 Birth Date: 2/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Advance G A R 5050 New Design A84 G A R Advance 2395 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 3141 18333201 G A R 28 Ambush 619


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +62/25% +113/20% +.23/35% +1.16/95% +.6/40% +1.25/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +13.2/25% +9/45% +23/60% +49/35% +.5/35% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.57/1% +.7/30% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64/50% +66/25% +66/80% +98/1% +164/10% +277/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 1-106 1-91 .46

Rump Fat Ratio



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.5/15% +63/25% +119/15% +.25/20% +1.41/95% +.5/50% +1.19/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +7.3/90% +7/70% +30/15% +59/20% +.4/45% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +55/15% +1.44/1% +.74/25% +.034/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +45/95% +73/15% +93/25% +91/1% +184/2% +284/5%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .44



G A R Sure Fire 5658S

WWR ADJ YW 100 1171

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 4.52

GR 93

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-106 30-98 30-105 30-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 54


211 Birth Date: 2/17/18



Tattoo: 5358S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +1/45% +70/10% +114/20% +.2/60% +1.05/95% +.8/20% +.72/55% 51 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +11/50% +9/45% +24/55% +25/65% +.5/35% -1/45% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.03 +43/40% +1.32/2% +.21/95% +.051/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +84/4% +81/5% +71/70% +77/4% +148/20% +276/10% 6.28 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 813

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-72 2-101 2-89 .42

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1131

YWR 100


MPI / %


51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.18 Adj % IMF

7.63 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.42 Rib Fat Ratio


52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.94 Adj % IMF

6.94 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/5/18




Adj Rib Fat

.25 ADG 4.51

GR 93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107


Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: E198

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F605 MCC Daybreak 18174757 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 86

BWR ADJ WW 107 605

WWR ADJ YW 102 1235

YWR 104


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


GR 110

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-106 6-109 6-106 6-97

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio

215 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.81 Adj % IMF

6.51 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

86 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: E668

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 832 18025251 G A R 5050 New Design 1009 BW CALV EASE 1 84

BWR ADJ WW 100 516

WWR ADJ YW 100 1009

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 3.88

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5038S Birth Date: 2/10/18



Tattoo: 5038S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.7/60% +66/15% +114/20% +.18/75% +1.32/95% +.3/75% +1.58/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +13.4/25% +6/75% +24/55% +34/55% +.2/65% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.3/2% +.63/35% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +72/15% +65/80% +86/2% +150/20% +271/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 604 MCC Daybreak 17965178 G A R Daybreak 1610 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 663

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-81 1-101 1-91 .37

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +.8/40% +58/40% +103/35% +.22/40% +1.04/90% +.2/80% +1.15/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +13.3/25% +7/70% +29/20% +33/55% +.1/75% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.36/1% +.66/35% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +69/20% +70/75% +89/1% +159/10% +272/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 .43

.18 ADG 5.13

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

Birth Date: 3/12/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.3/20% +72/10% +127/10% +.24/25% +1.2/95% +.6/40% +.43/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +6/95% +10/35% +31/10% +52/30% +.5/35% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +55/15% +1.39/1% +.48/60% +.04/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +87/2% +88/35% +85/2% +173/4% +277/10%

WWR ADJ YW 100 1052

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


ADG 5.1

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-104 14-95 14-86 14-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire 5208S Birth Date: 2/14/18



Tattoo: 5208S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.6/15% +52/60% +91/60% +.2/60% +.32/45% +.6/40% +.96/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +11.6/45% +13/10% +21/75% +22/70% +.2/65% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +31/75% +1.34/2% +.7/30% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +56/45% +74/65% +89/1% +164/10% +281/5%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak 18025251 G A R Daybreak 832 G A R 5050 New Design 1009 BW CALV EASE 89 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 779

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 .35

Rump Fat Ratio


ROI / %


G A R Sure Fire E198

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

7.88 % IMF Ratio




Adj % IMF


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-86 1-107 1-102 .38

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83


WWR ADJ YW 100 1077

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.34

GR 89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Henry and Nan had season tickets at The Depot Theater for many years. We know they would have been front and center for all eight of Gage’s performances as Pseudolus in “A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum.”

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 55

20+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 304 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1201 17965151 G A R 5050 New Design 649

G A R Sure Fire E668


G A R Sure Fire 5358S


216 Birth Date: 3/15/18



Tattoo: E718

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -2.6/2% +61/30% +111/25% +.22/40% +1.36/95% +.3/75% +1.79/4% 50.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +18/45% +9.8/65% +15/2% +39/1% +12/80% +.1/75% -3/50% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.98 +48/30% +1.34/2% +.58/45% +.056/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +90/1% +77/60% +82/2% +160/10% +283/5% 8.4 % IMF Ratio

118 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2954 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1201 17965349 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 72

BWR ADJ WW 100 469

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-74 - - .34

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 965

YWR 100


MPI / %


49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.88 Adj % IMF

8.16 % IMF Ratio

115 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.17 Rib Fat Ratio



30.78 Adj % IMF

8.35 % IMF Ratio

118 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.23 ADG 3.83

GR 96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-109 6-103 6-108 6-90

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire E558 Birth Date: 3/12/18



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -1.4/10% +36/95% +70/90% +.18/75% +.11/30% +.3/75% +.74/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +11.1/50% +12/15% +35/3% -15/95% -.1/90% +6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +24/90% +1.68/1% +.45/65% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +56/45% +66/80% +99/1% +165/10% +280/10%


BWR ADJ WW 100 428

WWR ADJ YW 100 879

YWR 100


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

143/4% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 90

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

219 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.3 Adj % IMF

7.33 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

89 Adj Rib Fat

.29 ADG 3.57

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-111 15-97 15-112 15-110

Sleep all night calving ease, combined with “I can’t wait to see my Grid results Marbling”. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

40.68 Adj % IMF

6.2 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 950

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 3.59

GR 90

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-94 8-108 8-113 8-102

G A R Sure Fire L258 Birth Date: 1/20/18



Tattoo: L258

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.5/35% +57/40% +100/40% +.24/25% +.11/30% +.5/50% +1.6/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +13.3/25% +12/15% +24/55% +44/40% +.5/35% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +.97/10% +.47/60% +.036/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +61/35% +93/25% +65/15% +158/15% +272/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ambush 28 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 S S Objective T510 0T26 17056978 G A R Objective 3497 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined BW CALV EASE 1 63

BWR ADJ WW 100 411

WWR ADJ YW 100 795

YWR 100


MPI / %

130/39% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 4.4

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire G805 Bull


Tattoo: G805

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +55/50% +97/50% +.22/40% +.14/35% +.5/50% +2.07/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +14.2/15% +9/45% +28/25% +19/75% +0/80% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +.9/15% +.66/35% +.004/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +79/10% +68/20% +87/35% +67/10% +154/15% +279/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ambush 28 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 Goode 28 Ambush 1204 G A R Predestined 17180188 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined Rita 2V9 of 2536 1407 BW CALV EASE 73 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 674

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 5-70 4-95 4-102 .34

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: E238

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

220 Birth Date: 2/1/18

Once again we are offering our “repeat buyer credit policy”. This policy is the same as in previous years. If you purchased an animal in our fall 2018, or January 2019, spring 2019 or May 2019 sales, you will receive 5% off your purchases in this sale. If you have not made a GAR purchase in the last 12 months, but make a purchase in this sale, you will become a repeat-buyer and receive 5% off of any future purchase you make in the next 12 months. This 5% discount is determined after all credits have been subtracted from the gross purchase price.

BWR ADJ WW 100 475

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1254 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 572 17965233 G A R 5050 New Design 789


Repeat Buyer Policy


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.8/15% +60/30% +105/35% +.22/40% +.76/80% +.5/50% +.42/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +12.6/30% +13/10% +27/30% +34/55% +.1/75% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.13/4% +.78/20% +.017/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +72/15% +80/50% +79/3% +159/10% +276/10%

Lot Tattoo: E558

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2934 MCC Daybreak 18025273 G A R Daybreak 2842 G A R 5050 New Design H129

Birth Date: 3/9/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-96 1-111 .32


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-104 1-78 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


G A R Sure Fire E238


G A R Sure Fire E718

WWR ADJ YW 100 1234

YWR 100


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


ADG 4.82

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 4-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-99 13-99 13-101 13-92

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 56


221 Birth Date: 2/20/18


G A R Sure Fire 5698S Bull


Tattoo: 5698S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +3.7/95% +69/10% +122/10% +.24/25% +.98/90% +.7/30% +1.64/10% 51.6 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +25/15% +10.5/60% +6/75% +21/75% +68/15% +.6/25% -20/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 38.63 +42/45% +1.51/1% +.3/85% +.043/90% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +53/80% +60/35% +80/50% +88/1% +168/10% +271/10% 9.26 % IMF Ratio

142 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.64 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 902

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .55

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1212

YWR 100


MPI / %


36.91 Adj % IMF

7.4 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 92

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-104 11-102 11-121 11-115



35.69 Adj % IMF

6.15 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

12.7 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.13 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 537

WWR ADJ YW 100 1014

YWR 100


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 84

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106


51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.1 Adj % IMF

7.57 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-94 6-101 6-83 6-92

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 787


WWR ADJ YW 100 1107

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.53

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-106 6-100 6-103 6-107



Tattoo: 5638S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.2/20% +52/60% +92/60% +.2/60% +.26/40% +.3/75% +1.31/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +9.3/75% +8/55% +26/40% +33/55% +.1/75% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +29/80% +1.4/1% +.57/45% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +60/35% +68/75% +87/1% +155/15% +256/20%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 1634 B/R Destination 727-928 17965263 G A R Destination 1102 G A R 28 Ambush 1949 BW CALV EASE 1 85

BWR ADJ WW 100 758

WWR ADJ YW 100 1104

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

143/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.74


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-104 11-102 11-121 11-115

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Tattoo: E148

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +0/25% +56/45% +97/50% +.17/85% +.9/85% +.8/20% +1.18/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +8.5/80% +10/35% +29/20% +20/70% +.4/45% -2/50% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.3/2% +.69/30% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +70/20% +50/95% +90/1% +140/30% +243/30%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 2364 B/R Ambush 28 17965311 G A R 28 Ambush 01 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE 74 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 532

WWR ADJ YW 100 1054

YWR 100


MPI / %

154/4% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 4.33

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


G A R Sure Fire E148 Bull

GR 93

G A R Sure Fire 5638S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .34

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 5258S

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

225 Birth Date: 2/19/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 2264 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 01 17965305 G A R Predestined 1869

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .39

.42 ADG 3.32

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-103 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1/45% +53/55% +94/55% +.18/75% +.83/85% +.4/60% +2.19/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +10.1/65% +6/75% +18/90% +30/60% +.2/65% +0/40% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.36/1% +.56/50% +.043/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +50/65% +68/75% +84/2% +152/15% +254/20%

Lot Tattoo: E628

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 2364 B/R Ambush 28 17965311 G A R 28 Ambush 01 G A R Predestined 1869

223 Birth Date: 3/6/18 50.5


.35 ADG 4.46

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +55/50% +107/30% +.24/25% +.99/90% +.7/30% +1.9/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36/1% +7.7/90% +12/15% +26/40% +29/60% +.4/45% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +30/80% +1.51/1% +.66/35% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +62/35% +65/80% +97/1% +162/10% +273/10%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Sure Fire E628

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-103 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

6 % IMF Ratio


222 Birth Date: 3/13/18 50.2

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sure Fire 5258S

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-94 6-101 6-83 6-92

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

79 Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 57

Grace’s 8th grade graduation…passageway to high school.

20+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 1634 B/R Destination 727-928 G A R Destination 1102 17965263 G A R 28 Ambush 1949

224 Birth Date: 2/15/18


226 Birth Date: 2/20/18


G A R Sure Fire 5688S Bull


Tattoo: 5688S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.5/35% +59/35% +110/25% +.21/50% +1.36/95% +.9/15% +1.27/20% 52.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +24/20% +8.9/75% +5/85% +32/10% +4/85% +.3/55% +4/30% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 38.63 +34/70% +1.15/4% +.41/70% +.067/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +76/10% +53/95% +70/10% +122/60% +233/45% 6.04 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N734 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 440 18130374 G A R Yield Grade N76 BW CALV EASE 1 92

BWR ADJ WW 100 756

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .44

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1124

YWR 100


MPI / %


39.83 Adj % IMF

6.96 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.45 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-106 12-99 12-104 12-103

37.32 Adj % IMF

6.03 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio




BWR ADJ WW 100 829


Tattoo: 468S

WWR ADJ YW 100 1175


MPI / %

160/2% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.06 Adj % IMF

6.02 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-96 15-103 15-104 15-105


G A R Sure Fire 598SS Bull


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.7/60% +62/25% +106/30% +.16/90% +1.32/95% +.8/20% +1.57/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +9/75% +4/90% +36/3% +31/55% +.6/25% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.16/4% +.72/25% +.033/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +80/5% +71/70% +78/3% +149/20% +255/20%


BWR ADJ WW 100 737

WWR ADJ YW 100 1078

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

41.98 Adj % IMF

6.85 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.26 ADG 4.7

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-96 15-103 15-104 15-105

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 100 488

Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100

MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.25

GR 107

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-102 20-101 20-106 20-99

G A R Sure Fire 5578S Bull


Tattoo: 5578S

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 825 MCC Daybreak 18333066 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 765

WWR ADJ YW 100 1173

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 5.26

GR 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-97 8-100 8-117 8-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire M8219 Bull


Tattoo: M8219

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.3/30% +59/35% +105/35% +.22/40% +.75/80% +.6/40% +1.5/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +12.4/35% +4/90% +30/15% +45/40% +.3/55% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.22/3% +.35/80% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +70/20% +66/80% +80/3% +146/25% +248/25%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Bar W Sunrise 6021 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 18541525 Bar W Ten X 4206 Bar W Right Cross 215 BW CALV EASE 67 1

BWR ADJ WW 95 714

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-95 1-112 .26

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1027


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.1/20% +66/15% +113/20% +.2/60% +1.05/95% +1/10% +.83/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +13/25% +7/70% +32/10% +26/65% +.3/55% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.18/3% +.46/65% +.058/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +85/3% +64/85% +73/5% +137/35% +255/20%

231 Birth Date: 12/9/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: E258

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: 5988S

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F74 MCC Daybreak 17842470 G A R Daybreak 1360 G A R 5050 New Design 3518


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-116 .34

Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F304 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak C80 17842430 G A R Objective 277L

230 Birth Date: 2/18/18


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-68 1-102 1-99 .37



Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .4

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire E258

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -1/10% +52/60% +100/40% +.23/35% +.93/90% +.6/40% +1.08/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +5.3/95% +14/4% +25/45% +30/60% +.4/45% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.11/5% +.51/55% +.054/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +58/40% +86/40% +70/10% +156/15% +256/20%


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F74 MCC Daybreak 17842470 G A R Daybreak 1360 G A R 5050 New Design 3518

228 Birth Date: 2/26/18 50.3


.34 ADG 4.93

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% +.5/35% +69/10% +117/15% +.2/60% +1.07/95% +.6/40% +1.43/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +5.9/95% +14/4% +20/85% +45/40% +.4/45% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.31/2% +.74/25% +.041/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +72/15% +69/75% +84/2% +153/15% +255/20%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

7.23 % IMF Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 468S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-71 - - .44

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


227 Birth Date: 2/18/18 51.1


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


229 Birth Date: 3/7/18

WWR ADJ YW 112 1152

YWR 108


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

123/25% ROI / %


ADG 4.66

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-108

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-107 1-90 1-113 1-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 58



G A R Sure Fire G812

232 Birth Date: 2/26/18



Tattoo: G812

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.1/25% +52/60% +91/60% +.23/35% -.02/25% +.8/20% +1.01/35% 52.5 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +26/10% +16.3/4% +11/25% +22/70% +48/35% +.7/20% -11/75% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.48 +38/55% +1.16/4% +.56/50% +.013/55% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +69/35% +52/60% +89/30% +78/3% +166/10% +284/5% 6.22 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 649

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 5-70 4-95 4-102 .45

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1150

YWR 100


MPI / %


38.37 Adj % IMF

7.26 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.43 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-99 13-99 13-101 13-92



30.33 Adj % IMF

7.17 % IMF Ratio

82 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.13 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 95 629

WWR ADJ YW 96 1087

YWR 100


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-109 8-101 8-101 8-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.06 Adj % IMF

7.97 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

12.7 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Fail Safe W738 +19075274

Rump Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +3.3/90% +67/15% +121/10% +.26/15% +.84/85% +.9/15% +.15/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +12.8/30% +5/85% +26/40% +54/30% +.5/35% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +61/10% +1.27/2% +.59/45% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +66/25% +108/10% +86/2% +194/1% +318/1%

Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Fail Safe 18181757 G A R Progress 830 G A R Sunrise RWA Sunrise W286 18397952 2 Bar Big Eye 2058 BW CALV EASE 71 1

BWR ADJ WW 106 546

Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 ALC Big Eye D09N 2 Bar Predestined 9322 WWR ADJ YW 106 944

YWR 101


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


37.03 Adj % IMF

6.11 % IMF Ratio

86 Adj REA

13.6 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.35 ADG 4.68

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-78 3-99 3-75 3-89

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1188

YWR 100


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

131/14% ROI / %


ADG 4.8

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-110

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-91 20-101 20-99 20-99

G A R Ashland E1018 Bull

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Deer Valley All In G A R All In N476 18765492 Goode Prophet 2902 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 677


Tattoo: E1018

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R Prophet Goode 6I6 Rito 309 WWR ADJ YW 100 1170

YWR 100


MPI / %

166/1% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 4.12

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-96 3-108 3-118 3-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Ashland E988 Bull


Tattoo: E988

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.8/85% +85/1% +143/1% +.25/20% +1.44/95% +1/10% +1.03/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +14.7/15% +9/45% +35/3% +104/1% +1/4% -45/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/3% +.97/10% +.66/35% +.018/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +94/1% +92/25% +69/10% +161/10% +264/15%

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Deer Valley All In G A R All In N476 18765492 Goode Prophet 2902 BW CALV EASE 79 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 662

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .32

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 1407 New Design 3064

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.8/85% +85/1% +143/1% +.25/20% +1.4/95% +1/10% +.97/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +14.7/15% +8/55% +35/3% +105/1% +1/4% -45/95% CW MARB REA Fat +70/2% +1.05/10% +.68/30% +.011/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +94/1% +94/20% +74/5% +168/10% +271/10%

237 Birth Date: 4/17/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: A5048

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: W738

BWR ADJ WW 100 734

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .21




236 Birth Date: 4/18/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18217198 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire A4055 G A R Prophet A027 18051752

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-80 2-102 2-102 .31

.27 ADG 5.08

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-102 1-87 .17

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -.9/10% +58/40% +99/45% +.2/60% +.55/65% +.6/40% +1.33/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.6/45% +14/4% +33/10% +2/90% +.2/65% +5/30% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.13/4% +.73/25% +.003/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +80/5% +80/50% +79/3% +159/10% +283/5%

Lot Tattoo: M8002

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 Data Manager 0536 DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 Bar W Data Manager 4028 SCR Right Cross 70024 18064793 Bar W Right Cross 0139 Goode Objective 7505

234 Birth Date: 1/20/18 49


.34 ADG 5.06

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.6/35% +58/40% +102/40% +.23/35% +.29/45% +.5/50% +1.37/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +11.9/40% +11/25% +32/10% +33/55% +0/80% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.18/3% +.71/25% +.038/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +73/15% +89/30% +78/3% +167/10% +292/3%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Sure Fire M8002

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-102 2-98 .35

Rump Fat Ratio

6.35 % IMF Ratio


233 Birth Date: 12/22/17 51.7

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 4-100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Ashland A5048

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R Prophet Goode 6I6 Rito 309 WWR ADJ YW 100 1139

YWR 100


MPI / %

164/1% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 3.81

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-96 3-108 3-118 3-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 59

20+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ambush 28 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 Goode 28 Ambush 1204 G A R Predestined Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined 17180188 Rita 2V9 of 2536 1407

235 Birth Date: 2/13/18


238 Birth Date: 2/15/18


G A R Ashland 5268S Bull


Tattoo: 5268S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.3/30% +70/10% +118/15% +.21/50% +.88/85% +.5/50% +1.99/2% 50.5 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +34/1% +8.2/85% +8/55% +24/55% +34/55% +.2/65% -5/55% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 40.97 +43/40% +1.08/5% +.8/15% +.033/80% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +69/35% +80/5% +74/65% +75/4% +149/20% +262/15% 5.66 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18217198 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire A4055 G A R Prophet A027 18051752 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 818

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-80 2-102 2-102 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 1407 New Design 3064

WWR ADJ YW 100 1148

YWR 100


MPI / %


36.1 Adj % IMF

7.75 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio


7.24 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.39 ADG 4.61

GR 95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-91 20-101 20-99 20-99

G A R Ashland E1008

Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: E1008

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum N676 18765877 G A R Daybreak 342

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-103 6-107 6-123 6-110

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.97 Adj % IMF

7.76 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



49 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35 Adj % IMF

5.97 % IMF Ratio

84 Adj REA

13.7 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1015

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.1

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-103 6-107 6-123 6-110

G A R Ashland E968 Bull


G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 284 17965150 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 1 82

BWR ADJ WW 100 556

Tattoo: E968

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1070

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


ADG 4.58

GR 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-93 12-106 12-111 12-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Ashland E978 Bull


Tattoo: E978

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -1.7/5% +72/10% +127/10% +.21/50% +1.68/95% +.8/20% +.73/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.1/50% +15/2% +27/30% +50/30% +.6/25% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.18/3% +.7/30% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +85/3% +70/75% +80/3% +150/20% +268/15%

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 284 17965150 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 66 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 556

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-94 1-100 1-100 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.5/35% +83/1% +138/2% +.23/35% +1.44/95% +1/10% +.91/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +10.2/60% +12/15% +18/90% +59/20% +.9/10% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +1.04/10% +.58/45% +.034/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +85/3% +76/60% +70/10% +146/25% +262/15%

242 Birth Date: 4/16/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: E608

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Many of our customers realize the value of access to GAR USPB delivery rights. Today, the demand exceeds our supply. Due to the increased demand, we are requiring prior authorization. If you are a GAR customer, retaining ownership, and would like to use GAR delivery rights, please contact Mark Gardiner (620) 635-5095 for prior authorization. From 1998 through 2018, GAR customers marketed 104,000 head through U.S. Premium Beef, earning an average of $91.84 per head in premiums, totaling more than $9.55 million.

BWR ADJ WW 100 541

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-94 1-100 1-100 .23

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18217198 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum N676 G A R Daybreak 342 18765877

241 Birth Date: 4/15/18


Delivery Rights


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .3


BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 1 100 560 100 1027 100 4 100

G A R Ashland E608

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +63/25% +98/45% +.17/85% +.51/60% +.4/60% +.69/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +4.1/95% +12/15% +22/70% +24/65% +.2/65% +0/40% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.12/4% +.91/10% +.043/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +73/15% +65/80% +77/4% +143/25% +241/35%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +63/25% +98/45% +.17/85% +.46/60% +.5/50% +.72/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +4.1/95% +12/15% +21/75% +25/65% +.2/65% +0/40% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.14/4% +.93/10% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +71/15% +67/80% +79/3% +146/25% +244/30%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .25

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


239 Birth Date: 4/19/18 50.6


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-110

240 Birth Date: 4/19/18

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 977

YWR 100


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


ADG 3.81

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-93 12-106 12-111 12-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 60


243 Birth Date: 1/23/18


GAR Enhance 8515H Bull


Tattoo: 8515

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.7/35% +53/55% +103/35% +.23/35% +.81/80% +.7/30% +1.07/30% 52 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +33/1% +13.4/25% +13/10% +35/3% -2/90% -.1/90% +5/30% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.39 +50/25% +.85/20% +.88/10% +.013/55% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +90/1% +71/15% +90/30% +67/10% +157/15% +294/3% 5.62 % IMF Ratio

84 Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 616

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 1-99 1-100 .43

Rump Fat Ratio



52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

41.94 Adj % IMF

6.45 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio


34.97 Adj % IMF

7.42 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio



13.7 REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.24 ADG 4.66

GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-95 3-103 3-106 3-116



Tattoo: A5058

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +.9/40% +73/5% +127/10% +.24/25% +1.32/95% +.8/20% +2.04/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +10.6/55% +7/70% +39/1% +30/60% +.4/45% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.33/2% +.55/50% +.003/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/20% +98/1% +62/85% +87/1% +148/20% +267/15%

G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure 16496980 G A R Objective 2345 G A R Fusion G A R Fusion A3024 17741594 G A R Prophet A027 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 821

B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2413 G A R Predestined G A R Retail Product 1695 G A R Prophet G A R 1407 New Design 3064 WWR ADJ YW 100 1279

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


Rib Fat Ratio


GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-101

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-109 11-100 11-89 11-95


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.16 Adj % IMF

5.77 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

14.8 REA Ratio

120 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: E958

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.2/20% +75/4% +126/10% +.2/60% +1.3/95% +.6/40% +.74/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +12.1/35% +10/35% +30/15% +17/75% +.3/55% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.22/3% +.51/55% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +86/3% +96/1% +69/75% +78/3% +147/20% +277/10%

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 284 17965150 G A R Daybreak 1201

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


BWR ADJ WW 100 587

Tattoo: E998

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649 WWR ADJ YW 100 1093

YWR 100


MPI / %

155/3% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


ADG 3.94

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-93 12-106 12-111 12-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Method 5738S Bull


Tattoo: 5738S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.8/65% +74/5% +127/10% +.22/40% +1.28/95% +1/10% +.81/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +8.7/80% +13/10% +32/10% +61/20% +.8/15% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +1.04/10% +1.13/2% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +86/2% +85/40% +81/2% +165/10% +277/10%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 434 17965162 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 1 102

BWR ADJ WW 100 944

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-87 1-112 1-92 .31

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18217198 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 284 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965150

247 Birth Date: 2/21/18


G A R Ashland E958


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.3/30% +75/4% +132/4% +.22/40% +1.64/95% +.7/30% +.98/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +9.7/70% +11/25% +25/45% +50/30% +.5/35% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +60/10% +1.25/2% +.77/20% +.03/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64/50% +84/3% +84/40% +83/2% +167/10% +281/5%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-94 1-100 1-100 .32

.46 ADG 4.82

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1376

YWR 100


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 5.45

GR 112

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-112 8-104 8-103

The Retained Ownership Income Index (ROI) is a complete production system approach from conception through carcass end-point. This index ties together reproduction, calving ease, maternal genetic merit and growth throughout the animal’s lifetime, and the quality based carcass merit in an Angus based herd. This is truly a “Profit” index, that is why we select the elite ROI females to use as donors. 5738S ranks in the top 1% of the Method Genetics Database for ROI! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 1 100 473 100 977 100 4 100

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-94 1-100 1-100 .27

Rump Fat Ratio



245 Birth Date: 4/15/18 50


G A R Composure A5058


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

5.06 % IMF Ratio

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj % IMF


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-78 1-108 3-105 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100

MPI / %


51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

This son of Sydgen Enhance offers top 4% $C. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

244 Birth Date: 2/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 100 1104


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Ashland E998

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-93 12-106 12-111 12-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

We’ve been very fortunate to have had above average moisture which has enabled us to put up abundant hay and silage this summer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 61

20+ Month Old Bulls


SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Enhance SydGen Liberty GA 8627 SydGen Rita 2618 18170041 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Quaker Hill Blackcap6E2 4A36 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18037161 QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8

246 Birth Date: 4/17/18


248 Birth Date: 2/22/18


G A R Method 5828S Bull


Tattoo: 5828S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +2.5/80% +72/10% +116/15% +.21/50% +.91/85% +.6/40% +.59/65% 52.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +13.2/25% +8/55% +19/90% +78/10% +.7/20% -24/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37.19 +55/15% +1/10% +1.23/1% -.006/30% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +61/60% +66/25% +87/35% +81/2% +168/10% +279/10% 6.78 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

14.3 REA Ratio

116 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N584 G A R 28 Ambush 1480 18127225 BW CALV EASE 1 88

BWR ADJ WW 100 832

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-72 1-96 1-100 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1907

WWR ADJ YW 100 1218

YWR 100


MPI / %


36.97 Adj % IMF

6.38 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-99 11-107 11-93 11-109



31.29 Adj % IMF

7.03 % IMF Ratio

108 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 705

WWR ADJ YW 100 1201

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-98 10-94 10-107

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.58 Adj % IMF

8.08 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: 5968S


BWR ADJ WW 100 813

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1907 WWR ADJ YW 100 995

YWR 100


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


GR 70

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.39 Adj % IMF

6.39 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

13.3 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.3 ADG 3.41

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-99 11-107 11-93 11-109

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 100 646

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1161

YWR 100


MPI / %

164/1% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.27

GR 107

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-105 20-97 20-95 20-96

G A R Proactive E908 Bull


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 17951215 Chair Rock Concrete 2034 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 509

Tattoo: E908

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Concrete Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9132 WWR ADJ YW 100 992

YWR 100


MPI / %

161/1% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.39

GR 110

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-105 20-97 20-95 20-96

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Proactive E828 Bull


Tattoo: E828

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2/3% +63/25% +114/20% +.2/60% +1.39/95% +.7/30% +.19/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +8.7/80% +14/4% +25/45% +35/50% +.6/25% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +.92/15% +.53/55% +.038/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +74/10% +68/75% +63/15% +131/45% +235/40%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 17189491 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH BW CALV EASE 84 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 566

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-75 2-98 3-100 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Concrete Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9132

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.3/50% +71/10% +122/10% +.21/50% +1.41/95% +1.1/4% +.69/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +5.6/95% +10/35% +22/70% +21/70% +.7/20% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.14/4% +.65/35% -.013/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +78/10% +81/50% +80/3% +162/10% +280/10%

253 Birth Date: 3/28/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: E848

Top 1% ROI! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.5/80% +68/15% +119/15% +.25/20% +1.16/95% +.3/75% -.96/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +15.9/5% +14/4% +24/55% +76/10% +.5/35% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.1/5% +.74/25% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +66/25% +80/50% +77/4% +157/15% +272/10%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N584 18127225 G A R 28 Ambush 1480


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-62 1-99 1-100 .17

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive G A R Daybreak 1521 18333424 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 Chair Rock Concrete 2034 17951215

252 Birth Date: 4/3/18


G A R Method 5968S


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-62 1-99 1-100 .3

.17 ADG 5.07

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-72 1-96 1-100 .43

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Proactive E848

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.9/10% +59/35% +107/30% +.21/50% +1.21/95% +.6/40% +.81/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +6.3/95% +17/1% +31/10% +0/90% +.3/55% +7/25% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.23/3% +.68/30% +.008/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72/25% +78/10% +73/70% +83/2% +156/15% +274/10%

Lot Tattoo: A5068

G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 204 G A R New Design 5050 17965143 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759

250 Birth Date: 2/25/18 49.3


.27 ADG 5.07

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.7/35% +62/25% +109/25% +.24/25% +.33/45% +.8/20% +1.06/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +14.1/15% +13/10% +38/2% +62/20% +.6/25% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +.93/15% +.99/5% +.047/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +62/55% +79/10% +101/15% +69/10% +170/5% +282/5%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

8.21 % IMF Ratio


G A R Method A5068

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-52 - - .46

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


249 Birth Date: 2/15/18 51


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

251 Birth Date: 3/26/18

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Riverbend Mile High 3718 Rita 5M13 of 2V9 Predestined

WWR ADJ YW 100 1147

YWR 100


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.33

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 34-97 34-96 34-108 34-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 62


254 Birth Date: 2/8/18



Tattoo: L768

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.8/65% +77/3% +135/3% +.21/50% +2.3/95% +.8/20% +.19/85% 50.9 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +15/55% +8.4/80% +16/1% +27/30% +59/20% +.9/10% -19/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 33.9 +52/20% +1.21/3% +.5/55% +.016/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +57/70% +84/3% +60/90% +79/3% +139/30% +237/40% 7.29 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 673

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-76 1-100 1-100 .35

Rump Fat Ratio

B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 C A Future Direction 5321 Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1

WWR ADJ YW 100 1099

YWR 100

34.83 Adj % IMF

6.87 % IMF Ratio

124 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



GR 115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-101 7-103 7-108 7-107



C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet 16295688 G A R Objective 1885 SydGen Trust 6228 G A R Trust 1673 17624823 G A R Big Eye 1770 BW CALV EASE 1 88

Tattoo: W608

BWR ADJ WW 100 691

B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387

WWR ADJ YW 100 1126

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


34.72 Adj % IMF

6.49 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

13.9 REA Ratio

113 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio



Rump Fat Ratio

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-108 2-99 2-91 2-102

G A R Proactive E158 Bull


50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.72 Adj % IMF

6.78 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: E158


BWR ADJ WW 100 507

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1168

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


GR 128

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.39 Adj % IMF

8.65 % IMF Ratio

122 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1220

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 4.96

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-93 4-108 4-103 4-113

G A R Proactive E168 Bull


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Progress G A R Progress N374 18127123 G A R Daybreak 3370 BW CALV EASE 1 62

BWR ADJ WW 100 470

Tattoo: E168

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 MCC Daybreak G A R 1407 New Design 335 WWR ADJ YW 100 977

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 3.42

GR 86

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-113

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-99 6-104 6-82 6-72

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Proactive E818 Bull


Tattoo: E818

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.3/10% +48/70% +94/55% +.22/40% +.84/85% +.4/60% +1.07/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +12.3/35% +15/2% +29/20% +27/65% +.3/55% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.48/1% +.4/75% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +58/40% +67/80% +91/1% +158/15% +266/15%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 17189491 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH BW CALV EASE 82 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 453

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-75 2-98 3-100 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Woodhill Foresight YON Sarah S126

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.8/15% +71/10% +126/10% +.27/10% +.87/85% +.6/40% +1.07/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +5.8/95% +16/1% +21/75% +50/30% +.7/20% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.05/10% +.89/10% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +76/10% +89/30% +77/4% +166/10% +275/10%

259 Birth Date: 3/28/18

.24 ADG 5.09

BWR ADJ WW 105 691

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-86 1-109 1-112 .1

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: W2887

Actual ultrasound data collected at 466 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +.9/40% +70/10% +125/10% +.24/25% +1.29/95% +.9/15% +.9/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +9.9/65% +10/35% +29/20% +67/15% +.8/15% -24/95% CW MARB REA Fat +61/10% +1.02/10% +.9/10% +.002/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +79/10% +93/25% +76/4% +169/5% +275/10%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 18025259 G A R Complete N281


258 Birth Date: 3/7/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive G A R Daybreak 1521 18333424 G A R Sure Fire RWA Sure Fire W2115 18256353 TWLR Amber

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-105 1-100 .23


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-86 - - .36

Rump Fat Ratio


.22 ADG 4.72

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

256 Birth Date: 3/7/18 51

Rib Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +64/20% +121/10% +.25/20% +1.34/95% +.7/30% +.65/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +12.7/30% +11/25% +24/55% +24/65% +.4/45% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +.9/15% +.63/35% +.003/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +86/3% +70/20% +83/45% +67/10% +150/20% +281/5%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.7/80% +82/1% +131/4% +.18/75% +1.64/95% +.9/15% +.21/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +6.2/95% +5/85% +32/10% +61/20% +.6/25% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.36/1% +.35/80% +.041/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +95/1% +55/95% +82/2% +136/35% +233/45%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Adj Rib Fat

.25 ADG 5.24


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Prophet W608

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-55 1-90 1-89 .43

Rump Fat Ratio

5.17 % IMF Ratio


255 Birth Date: 3/9/18 51.9

37 Adj % IMF

MPI / %


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

51.5 Act Yrlg Scr Circm



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

257 Birth Date: 11/2/17

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Riverbend Mile High 3718 Rita 5M13 of 2V9 Predestined

WWR ADJ YW 100 979

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


ADG 4.19

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 34-97 34-96 34-108 34-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 63

20+ Month Old Bulls


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 16295688 V A R Discovery 2240 CoX 27R Rita 5018 SQ 27R of 3540 FD 18168618

G A R Proactive W2887


G A R Prophet L768


260 Birth Date: 2/18/18


G A R Proactive TA038 Bull


Tattoo: TA038

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.7/35% +76/3% +124/10% +.23/35% +.88/85% +.7/30% -.3/95% 51.7 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +22/25% +10.1/65% +18/1% +13/95% +63/20% +1/4% -13/80% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 30.41 +44/40% +1.1/5% +.88/10% -.019/15% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +61/60% +69/20% +78/55% +82/2% +160/10% +269/10% 6.63 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Proactive MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1521 18333424 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 LAF Anticipation 1424 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 1779 17918471 G A R Objective 1067 BW CALV EASE 1 71

BWR ADJ WW 91 696

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 2-96 2-100 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 108 1170

YWR 100


MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.8 Adj % IMF

6.13 % IMF Ratio

GR 100

100 Adj REA

14.8 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 105 532

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-67 4-93 4-104 .21

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: J8086

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R Predestined G A R Retail Product 2712 WWR ADJ YW 92 1049

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 60-101 60-101 60-100 60-102

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


262 Birth Date: 4/26/18 50.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.51 Adj % IMF

6.58 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

14.5 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Prophet G820 Bull


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: G820

B A R Ext Traveler 205 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy G A R Prophet S S Objective T510 0T26 16295688 G A R Objective 1885 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 Goode Daybreak 4350 Connealy Forward 17973844 JMc Queen Margeret 8447 4510 JMc Queen Mina 4510 3282 BW CALV EASE 77 1

BWR ADJ WW 96 709

WWR ADJ YW 95 1187

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-118 2-99 2-100 2-97

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio


Tattoo: A5018

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design A91 17774305 G A R Objective A706 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet A329 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Complete A17 17730673 G A R Objective 2848 BW CALV EASE 1 98

BWR ADJ WW 100 708

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .28

WWR ADJ YW 100 1249

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 5.35

GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 29-108 30-100 30-105 30-104


Marbling is the trait that differentiates beef on a per pound basis! A5018 is a elite prospect for Marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Daylight 5758S

264 Birth Date: 2/21/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.16 Adj % IMF

8.24 % IMF Ratio

126 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

89 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight 16933585 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F244 17842424 G A R Big Eye C70 BW CALV EASE 1 67

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

39.29 Adj % IMF

8.13 % IMF Ratio

121 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 780


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 WWR ADJ YW 100 1151

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


ADG 4.95

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-116 9-94 9-101 9-107

G A R Daylight 6068S Bull


Tattoo: 6068S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +2.2/70% +73/5% +125/10% +.22/40% +1.43/95% +.7/30% +.99/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +5.3/95% +13/10% +22/70% +59/20% +.4/45% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.55/1% +.72/25% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +73/15% +75/65% +99/1% +174/4% +280/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight 16933585 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F244 17842424 G A R Big Eye C70 BW CALV EASE 76 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 698

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .33

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 5758S

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

265 Birth Date: 2/25/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.8/40% +64/20% +111/25% +.2/60% +1.36/95% +.5/50% -.25/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +6.1/95% +16/1% +24/55% +51/30% +.6/25% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.49/1% +.7/30% -.006/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +69/20% +62/85% +97/1% +159/10% +261/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .3

.34 ADG 2.93

G A R 100X A5018

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -1.4/10% +59/35% +107/30% +.23/35% +.91/85% +.8/20% +.36/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.2/50% +11/25% +26/40% +48/35% +.7/20% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.47/1% +.43/70% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +67/25% +78/55% +93/1% +171/5% +283/5%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2/65% +66/15% +123/10% +.23/35% +1.66/95% +.9/15% +.43/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.9/40% +13/10% +29/20% +60/20% +.8/15% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.06/10% +1.05/3% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +71/15% +73/70% +80/3% +153/15% +264/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-73 3-98 3-99 .28

Rump Fat Ratio



Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


.32 ADG 4.62

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-99


.3 ADG 5.26

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.2/25% +59/35% +103/35% +.21/50% +.65/70% +.7/30% +.32/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/70% +15.6/10% +14/4% +26/40% +32/55% +.6/25% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +.83/20% +.94/10% -.043/3% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +81/10% +68/20% +81/50% +72/10% +153/15% +279/10%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush N340 16923749 G A R Predestined 2786

7.5 % IMF Ratio

ROI / %


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-104 2-99 2-100 2-115


Adj % IMF


G A R Proactive J8086 Bull


REA Ratio


261 Birth Date: 3/8/18

51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-98

263 Birth Date: 2/11/18

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 WWR ADJ YW 100 1074

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.99

GR 107

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-116 9-94 9-101 9-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 64


266 Birth Date: 1/18/18


G A R Sunrise E8 Bull


Tattoo: E8

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.1/20% +68/15% +117/15% I+.21/50% I+1.35/95% I+.6/40% I-.29/95% 51.8 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg I+26/10% I+9.7/70% +7/70% +26/40% I+63/20% I+.5/35% -20/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.37 I+46/35% I+1.19/3% I+.47/60% I-.004/30% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +56/75% +72/15% +78/55% +79/3% +158/15% +261/15% 6.02

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 Actual G A R Sunrise S S Objective T510 0T26 Adj REA G A R Objective R227 16933958 15.6 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 REA C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Ratio G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Actual Goode Prophet 4810 Adj G A R New Design 5050 Rib Fat 18140282 Goode 5050 New Design 2831 Goode Objective 7811 .33 % IMF Ratio

Rib Fat Ratio

BWR ADJ WW 98 654

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-78 1-98 1-100 .28

Rump Fat Ratio


51.2 37.22 Adj % IMF

6.72 % IMF Ratio

103 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio



5.55 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA



REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.4 ADG 4.68

GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-93 12-97 12-101 12-106

Rib Fat Ratio





Tattoo: 5868S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.5/35% +57/40% +108/30% +.23/35% +.98/90% +.2/80% +.52/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36/1% +9.8/65% +8/55% +32/10% +40/45% +.1/75% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.08/5% +.96/10% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +70/20% +79/55% +83/2% +162/10% +277/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 2914 17965347 G A R Prophet 1302 BW CALV EASE 1 114

BWR ADJ WW 100 865

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 28 Ambush 1170 WWR ADJ YW 100 1252

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-103 13-106 13-92 13-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 G A R Complete N281 18025259 BW CALV EASE 1 108

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.19 Adj % IMF

4.78 % IMF Ratio

73 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 821


Tattoo: 5978S

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1239

YWR 100


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


ADG 5.33

GR 110

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

G A R Sunrise 5798S Bull


Tattoo: 5798S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +3.5/90% +77/3% +131/4% +.25/20% +.89/85% +.7/30% +.55/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +11.8/40% +5/85% +18/90% +83/5% +.3/55% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.01/10% +.76/20% +0/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +66/25% +98/15% +74/5% +172/4% +279/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 18025259 G A R Complete N281 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 831

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-86 - - .42

Rump Fat Ratio


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

269 Birth Date: 2/22/18

.31 ADG 4.99


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC -1/95% +4.3/95% +77/3% +133/4% +.25/20% +1.33/95% +.7/30% -.24/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +10.9/55% +1/95% +19/90% +85/4% +.5/35% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +.86/15% +.82/15% -.016/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +63/30% +98/15% +69/10% +168/10% +277/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-86 - - .38

G A R Sunrise 5868S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-71 1-98 1-93 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF

QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100


Rump Fat Ratio

267 Birth Date: 2/23/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

YWR 100

52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Actual ultrasound data collected at 453 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 100 1573

MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise 5978S

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1217

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 5.07

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 65

20+ Month Old Bulls




268 Birth Date: 2/26/18


270 Birth Date: 2/24/18


G A R Sunrise 5928S Bull


Tattoo: 5928S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +0/90% +4.3/95% +76/3% +130/5% +.25/20% +1.02/90% +.6/40% +.52/65% 51.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +8.2/85% +4/90% +14/95% +89/3% +.5/35% -26/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37.26 +61/10% +.97/10% +.96/10% -.025/15% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +43/95% +55/50% +105/10% +78/3% +183/2% +280/10% 5.68 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

13.7 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 G A R Complete N281 18025259 BW CALV EASE 1 102

BWR ADJ WW 100 910

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-86 - - .31

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L

WWR ADJ YW 100 1292

YWR 100


MPI / %


34.22 Adj % IMF

7.23 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.41 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90



MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011 BW CALV EASE 1 78

34.69 Adj % IMF

6.5 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 838


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 5848S

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L WWR ADJ YW 100 1198

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

G A R Sunrise E438 Bull


Tattoo: E438


BWR ADJ WW 100 552

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Retail Product 1484 WWR ADJ YW 100 1093

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.41 Adj % IMF

7 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 59-100 59-97 59-109 59-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 100 668

Rump Fat Ratio

50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.76 Adj % IMF

6.17 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH WWR ADJ YW 100 1246

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 5.08

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-106 30-98 30-105 30-101

G A R Sunrise L9798 Bull

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 533 17623150 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 100 596


Tattoo: L9798

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH WWR ADJ YW 100 1148

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

131/14% ROI / %


ADG 4.9

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-106 30-98 30-105 30-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise 5878S Bull


Tattoo: 5878S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.8/15% +59/35% +111/25% +.24/25% +.86/85% +.3/75% +.64/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +7.3/90% +12/15% +32/10% +14/80% +0/80% +0/40% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.81/20% +.63/35% -.005/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +78/10% +89/30% +63/15% +153/15% +274/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 88 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 824

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .41

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: L9748

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.4/20% +62/25% +105/35% +.18/75% +1.1/95% +.6/40% -.42/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/70% +13.6/20% +11/25% +23/60% +53/30% +.4/45% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.54/1% +.82/15% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +67/25% +68/75% +99/1% +166/10% +275/10%

275 Birth Date: 2/24/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-96 2-90 .34

.36 ADG 3.9

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-112



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.7/35% +69/10% +118/15% +.24/25% +1/90% +.6/40% -.25/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/60% +11.6/45% +7/70% +31/10% +77/10% +.6/25% -30/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +1.2/3% +.7/30% -.026/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +45/95% +80/5% +92/25% +85/2% +178/3% +276/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 17454914 G A R Bextor L58

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 533 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 17623150

274 Birth Date: 3/27/18

.29 ADG 4.86


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-96 2-90 .36


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-79 3-106 3-112 .21

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise L9748

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.2/50% +67/15% +114/20% +.19/70% +1.09/95% +.7/30% -.04/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +14.9/10% +6/75% +20/85% +63/20% +.5/35% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.52/1% +.37/75% +.005/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +66/25% +74/65% +93/1% +167/10% +285/4%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

272 Birth Date: 3/6/18 51


.26 ADG 5.05

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +.3/30% +65/20% +112/20% +.22/40% +.75/80% +.8/20% +.66/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +8.8/80% +6/75% +39/1% +67/15% +.5/35% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.04/10% +.87/10% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +51/85% +85/3% +96/20% +77/4% +173/4% +275/10%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

7.44 % IMF Ratio


G A R Sunrise 5848S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .3

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


271 Birth Date: 2/23/18 51.2


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


273 Birth Date: 3/6/18

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1195

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 4.95

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 66


276 Birth Date: 3/11/18


G A R Sunrise G8369 Bull


Tattoo: G8369

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.2/70% +82/1% +138/2% +.24/25% +1.38/95% +1.5/1% +.17/85% 53.4 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +20/35% +13/25% +6/75% +32/10% +88/4% +1.2/1% -36/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.9 +56/15% +1.02/10% +.9/10% -.054/2% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +64/50% +91/1% +84/40% +82/2% +166/10% +279/10% 4.23 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

14.4 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 98 608

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-74 1-105 1-97 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1648

WWR ADJ YW 116 1173

YWR 110


MPI / %


33.72 Adj % IMF

6.54 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

11.6 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95



MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R 100X Bar W 100X 6103 18541756 Goode Prophet 2716 BW CALV EASE 1 69

38 Adj % IMF

5.9 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 97 633


Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: M8207

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Prophet Goode 5050 New Design 9434 WWR ADJ YW 100 1118

YWR 106


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.06 Adj % IMF

6.95 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.14 ADG 5.18

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-102 1-99 1-87 1-88

G A R Sunrise 1007G Bull


Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 1007G


BWR ADJ WW 100 597

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 1067 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 WWR ADJ YW 100 1200

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


GR 119

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-99

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.59 Adj % IMF

6.02 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-97 4-99 4-99 4-100

Actual ultrasound data collected at 484 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1019

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.64

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

GAR Sunrise 819P Bull


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Anticipation GAR Anticipation 616P 18586405 Gar 28 Ambush 216P

Tattoo: 819P

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 2188


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 0 104 491 93 1118 100 5 100 Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise M8224 Bull


Tattoo: M8224

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +59/35% +108/30% +.23/35% +.73/75% +.5/50% -.47/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +10.5/60% +8/55% +30/15% +49/35% +0/80% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.25/2% +.83/15% -.049/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +69/20% +85/40% +92/1% +177/3% +282/5%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Advance Bar W Advance 6028 18541417 2 Bar Cash 3526 BW CALV EASE 70 1

BWR ADJ WW 99 665

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-97 2-97 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.5/55% +68/15% +123/10% +.28/5% +.82/85% +.9/15% +.47/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +11.9/40% +3/95% +19/90% +96/2% +1/4% -32/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +.96/10% +1.21/1% -.091/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +36/95% +59/40% +99/15% +87/1% +187/1% +279/10%

281 Birth Date: 12/28/17

.12 ADG 5.96

BWR ADJ WW 100 553

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-104 1-93 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: L368

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +2/85% +4.6/95% +80/2% +129/5% +.23/35% +.76/80% +.9/15% +.79/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +11.3/50% +5/85% +24/55% +68/15% +.6/25% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.03/10% +.67/30% -.057/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +76/10% +79/55% +80/3% +158/15% +273/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Ingenuity G A R Ingenuity 2672 17353885 G A R Predestined 2538


280 Birth Date: 2/12/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497 17056978

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .25


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-100 2-102 .18

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.5/55% +70/10% +120/15% +.24/25% +.78/80% +.9/15% +.09/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +10.5/60% +10/35% +28/25% +54/30% +.6/25% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.95/10% +.79/20% -.064/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +79/10% +87/35% +78/3% +165/10% +277/10%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

278 Birth Date: 10/15/17 53.0


.21 ADG 4.68

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -1.5/10% +56/45% +106/30% +.21/50% +1.07/95% +.7/30% -.32/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +12.2/35% +13/10% +32/10% +33/55% +.4/45% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.22/3% +.51/55% -.029/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +71/30% +71/15% +74/65% +84/2% +158/15% +276/10%


Act Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Sunrise M8207

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-97 1-100 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

6.67 % IMF Ratio


277 Birth Date: 12/1/17 51.2

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise L368

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Progress G A R 5050 New Design A84 2 Bar Cash 1723 2 Bar Mile High 9303 WWR ADJ YW 105 1070

YWR 101


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 4.9

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-94 1-97 1-52 1-88

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 67

20+ Month Old Bulls


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 2314 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 17965309

279 Birth Date: 3/5/18


282 Birth Date: 10/15/17


G A R Sunrise 967G Bull


Tattoo: 967G

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.8/65% +57/40% +101/40% +.2/60% +.81/80% +.7/30% -.09/95% 52.0 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Act Yrlg +19/40% +13/25% +5/85% +41/1% +52/30% +.4/45% -23/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 32 +48/30% +1.28/2% +.78/20% +.005/45% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +60/60% +75/10% +76/60% +87/1% +164/10% +273/10% 5.13

MCC Daybreak Actual G A R Sunrise Adj REA G A R Objective R227 16933958 14.1 REA Ratio G A R Sure Fire Actual CAM OAF Sure Fire A427 Adj Rib Fat 18054379 CAM-OAF Rita A2004 .3

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined H118

% IMF Ratio

20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 511

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 3-79 3-105 3-99 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


51.7 33.62 Adj % IMF

5.49 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio


32.81 Adj % IMF

5.39 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio




ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 3.48

GR 69

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-104 5-101 5-100 5-105



MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Maplecrest Eva 5212 18471707 Maplecrest Eva 7010 BW CALV EASE 1 87

BWR ADJ WW 100 508

Tattoo: J8038

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 MCC Daybreak QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 TC Total 410 Maplecrest Eva 4108

WWR ADJ YW 100 1175

YWR 100


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

115/38% ROI / %


Rib Fat Ratio


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-90 6-102 6-102 6-108




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.34 Adj % IMF

5.95 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

11.9 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +2.6/80% +65/20% +111/25% +.26/15% +.32/45% +1/10% -.46/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +3.6/95% +2/95% +31/10% +42/40% +.3/55% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +.81/20% +.81/15% -.07/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +44/95% +74/10% +101/15% +72/10% +173/4% +268/15%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 SCR Right Cross 70024 Bar W Right Cross 0139 16806709 Goode Objective 7505 BW CALV EASE 77 1

BWR ADJ WW 96 684

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 BT Crossover 758N SCR Miss Alpine 50508 S S Objective T510 0T26 Goode Yield Grade 572 WWR ADJ YW 102 1049

YWR 95


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

117/35% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 6-100


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 21-108 21-100 21-100 21-106

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 106 589

WWR ADJ YW 88 1077

48.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

27.81 Adj % IMF

6.37 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

12 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



MPI / %

127/46% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


ADG 5.52

GR 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-106 2-96 2-100 2-114

GAR Sunrise 7316H Bull


Tattoo: 7316

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.2/70% +71/10% +132/4% +.29/3% +1.09/95% +.9/15% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +7.5/90% +7/70% +29/20% +92/3% +.8/15% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +.79/20% +1.12/2% -.076/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +35/95% +72/15% +104/10% +76/4% +181/2% +270/10%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Sunrise S S Objective T510 0T26 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 SJH All In 0530 of 5170 G A R New Design 5050 18630572 G A R 5050 New Design 0530 DRMCTR Objective 7J57 BW CALV EASE 1 61

BWR ADJ WW 93 489

WWR ADJ YW 83 982

YWR 101


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

117/35% ROI / %


ADG 4.98

GR 114

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Actual ultrasound data collected at 449 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise M8123 Bull


Tattoo: M8123

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +2.5/80% +58/40% +108/30% +.26/15% +.46/60% +.5/50% -.29/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +9.3/75% +9/45% +23/60% +70/15% +.4/45% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.17/3% +.57/45% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +40/95% +52/60% +99/15% +82/2% +180/2% +273/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 2 Bar Cash 1723 2 Bar Cash 3526 17451807 2 Bar Mile High 9303 BW CALV EASE 69 1

BWR ADJ WW 86 513

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 3-94 3-100 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 98


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

287 Birth Date: 2/4/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: M8114

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 R/M Ironstone 4047 Bar W Alliance in Focus 906

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR YWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-93 1-83 1-101 .2

.12 ADG 5.28


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet Bar W Prophet 3010 Bar W Ironstone 106 17920965

Lot Tattoo: M8124


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +1.8/65% +66/15% +119/15% +.24/25% +1.2/95% +.4/60% -.24/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +9.9/65% +6/75% +25/45% +43/40% +.2/65% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.34/2% +.62/40% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +71/15% +72/70% +90/1% +161/10% +275/10%

286 Birth Date: 11/19/17


G A R Sunrise M8124

G A R Sunrise M8114

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 3-105 3-95 .33


ADG 4.76

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 6-99 6-103 .21

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj REA REA Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +1.3/50% +70/10% +119/15% +.27/10% +.31/45% +.5/50% +.22/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +14.1/15% +8/55% +22/70% +77/10% +.4/45% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1/10% +.77/20% -.042/4% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +70/20% +89/30% +78/3% +168/10% +279/10%

284 Birth Date: 2/5/18 51.9




Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

6.59 % IMF Ratio

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj % IMF

G A R Sunrise J8038

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 - - .27

Rump Fat Ratio



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-98

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Rump Fat Ratio

283 Birth Date: 1/30/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

YWR 100

MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Actual ultrasound data collected at 484 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 100 1010


285 Birth Date: 12/21/17

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre 2 Bar 5050 New Design 9264 Riverbend Mile High 3718 2 Bar Objective 5533 WWR ADJ YW 100 910

YWR 100


MPI / %

130/39% QPI / %

115/38% ROI / %


ADG 5.06

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-106 7-98 7-95 7-97

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 68


288 Birth Date: 2/24/18


G A R Radiance 5898S Bull


Tattoo: 5898S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +0/25% +58/40% +103/35% +.19/70% +1.14/95% +.6/40% -.03/95% 51.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +18/45% +13/25% +16/1% +29/20% +30/60% +.4/45% -6/60% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.76 +39/55% +1.62/1% +.35/80% +.027/75% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +70/20% +67/80% +96/1% +163/10% +286/4% 8.17 % IMF Ratio

125 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 757

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-80 1-95 1-107 .33

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328

WWR ADJ YW 100 1107

YWR 100


MPI / %


37.03 Adj % IMF

6.66 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.44 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94



G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 18129297 G A R 28 Ambush 100 BW CALV EASE 1 98

33.1 Adj % IMF

6.44 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

13.7 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.42 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 808


Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 5368S

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328 WWR ADJ YW 100 1194

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94

G A R Radiance 5648S Bull


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.94 Adj % IMF

7.7 % IMF Ratio

108 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 5648S


BWR ADJ WW 100 748

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 WWR ADJ YW 100 1095

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-114

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.88 Adj % IMF

8.07 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA

11.9 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-106 11-97 11-98 11-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1088

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.52

GR 114

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

G A R Radiance E488 Bull

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 1 87

BWR ADJ WW 100 447


Tattoo: E488

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 981

YWR 100


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.47

GR 113

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance E528 Bull


Tattoo: E528

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.1/45% +69/10% +127/10% +.24/25% +1.46/95% +.2/80% +.34/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.3/50% +11/25% +37/2% +45/40% +.2/65% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +31/75% +1.57/1% +.51/55% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +71/30% +88/2% +59/90% +96/1% +155/15% +272/10%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 78 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 583

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 .52

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: E618

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.8/65% +65/20% +120/15% +.22/40% +1.36/95% +.6/40% +.64/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +10.8/55% +9/45% +30/15% +41/45% +.6/25% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.35/1% +.55/50% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +74/10% +74/65% +84/2% +158/15% +274/10%

293 Birth Date: 3/12/18

.5 ADG 4.76

BWR ADJ WW 100 554

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .29

Rump Fat Ratio


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.1/20% +65/20% +115/20% +.25/20% +.91/85% +.5/50% -.32/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +8.9/75% +15/2% +44/1% +60/20% +.3/55% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.28/2% +.76/20% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +90/1% +88/35% +85/2% +173/4% +277/10%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Composure G A R Composure 734 17965188 G A R Big Eye C70


292 Birth Date: 3/14/18

.33 ADG 5.07

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 G A R Complete 1591 17965216

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 .31


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-85 1-109 1-123 .35

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.4/75% +58/40% +99/45% +.19/70% +.62/70% +.5/50% +.05/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +8/85% +12/15% +37/2% +33/55% +.2/65% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.44/1% +.6/40% -.018/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +74/10% +70/75% +95/1% +164/10% +270/10%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

290 Birth Date: 2/19/18 50.1


.19 ADG 4.78

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.6/80% +73/5% +125/10% +.21/50% +1.26/95% +1.1/4% +.47/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +12.8/30% +9/45% +38/2% +70/15% +1.1/2% -30/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.46/1% +.25/90% +.03/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +87/2% +83/45% +86/2% +169/5% +279/10%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Radiance 5368S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-80 1-95 1-107 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

8.7 % IMF Ratio


289 Birth Date: 2/17/18 53

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Radiance E618

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1050

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 3.84

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 69

20+ Month Old Bulls


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 G A R 28 Ambush 100 18129297

291 Birth Date: 3/13/18


294 Birth Date: 2/3/18


G A R Early Bird W688 Bull


Tattoo: W688

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +66/15% +115/20% +.22/40% +.93/90% +.5/50% +.46/70% 50.8 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +26/10% +6.9/95% +16/1% +29/20% +57/25% +.7/20% -19/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.77 +43/40% +1.56/1% +.94/10% +.02/65% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +59/65% +77/10% +76/60% +101/1% +177/3% +289/4% 8.87 % IMF Ratio

115 Adj REA

12.8 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 17354178 G A R Prophet RWA Prophet W1255 RWA Objective W99 18262544 BW CALV EASE 1 59

BWR ADJ WW 88 635

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .34

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Expectation 2323

WWR ADJ YW 106 1078

YWR 99


MPI / %


32.52 Adj % IMF

9.72 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio


6.88 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.18 ADG 4.88

GR 98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-106 13-102 13-99 13-107

G A R Early Bird W708 Bull

Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: W708

G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird 17354178 G A R Progress 830 G A R Prophet RWA Prophet W1255 18262544 RWA Objective W99 BW CALV EASE 1 68

BWR ADJ WW 100 530

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Expectation 2323 WWR ADJ YW 103 914

YWR 98


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

151/1% ROI / %


GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-106 13-102 13-99 13-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.78 Adj % IMF

6.52 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 478

48.6 35.82 Adj % IMF

5.46 % IMF Ratio

77 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 100


MPI / %

126/49% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.08

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-95 4-104 4-105 4-103

G A R Cache E278 Bull


BWR ADJ WW 100 462


Tattoo: E278

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Predestined 3479 WWR ADJ YW 100 1016

YWR 100


MPI / %

127/46% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


ADG 4.1

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-107 9-103 9-121 9-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Cache E458 Bull


Tattoo: E458

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.4/30% +53/55% +100/40% +.22/40% +.82/85% -.2/95% +1.45/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +16/5% +15/2% +25/45% +37/50% -.1/90% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.19/3% +.78/20% +.05/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +58/40% +70/75% +78/3% +149/20% +270/10%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 18127293 G A R Daybreak G72 BW CALV EASE 74 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 454

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-69 1-89 1-97 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1016

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 994 17965210 G A R Daybreak G192

298 Birth Date: 3/10/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 277L

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.8/40% +64/20% +123/10% +.23/35% +1.58/95% +.9/15% +.25/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +13.1/25% +11/25% +37/2% +48/35% +.8/15% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.39/1% +.43/70% +.079/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +80/5% +72/70% +80/3% +152/15% +265/15%

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: E638

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-107 1-89 .35

Rump Fat Ratio


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1604 G A R Daybreak C90 17965261

297 Birth Date: 3/9/18


The Gardiner boys and their prom dates! Gage and Natalie Bonilla and Greysen and Tylyn Ward.


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-79 1-101 1-101 .27

.39 ADG 4.92

G A R Cache E638

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.3/30% +60/30% +102/40% +.19/70% +.77/80% +.2/80% +.79/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +10.8/55% +13/10% +28/25% +24/65% +0/80% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.36/1% +.82/15% +.043/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +74/10% +66/80% +88/1% +154/15% +273/10%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.4/20% +64/20% +109/25% +.21/50% +1.06/95% +.4/60% +.58/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +7.2/90% +11/25% +28/25% +44/40% +.3/55% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.56/1% +.82/15% -.007/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +76/10% +61/90% +103/1% +164/10% +276/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .29

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


295 Birth Date: 1/27/18 48.6


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


296 Birth Date: 3/13/18

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718 WWR ADJ YW 100 956

YWR 100


MPI / %

125/51% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 4.08

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 70


299 Birth Date: 5/24/18


G A R Absolute 558P Bull


Tattoo: 558P

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.7/35% +67/15% +121/10% +.27/10% +.78/80% +.3/75% +.89/40% 49.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +8.8/80% +8/55% +22/70% +64/20% +.1/75% -19/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.94 +49/25% +.97/10% +.77/20% -.016/20% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +61/60% +68/20% +97/15% +74/5% +171/5% +283/5% 4.88 % IMF Ratio

86 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 565

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 1-99 1-99 .17

Rump Fat Ratio

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406

WWR ADJ YW 100 1200

YWR 100


MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.72 Adj % IMF

5.64 % IMF Ratio

GR 95

100 Adj REA

10.2 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 490

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-109 2-112 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 588P

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406 WWR ADJ YW 100 1060

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

122/26% ROI / %


GR 83

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-96 4-107 4-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


301 Birth Date: 2/14/18 51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.94 Adj % IMF

6.35 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA

12.6 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio


Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N514 G A R New Day 1100 18127150 BW CALV EASE 1 83

BWR ADJ WW 100 602

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .33

Rump Fat Ratio




MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177 WWR ADJ YW 100 1159


BWR ADJ WW 100 776

WWR ADJ YW 100 1106

YWR 100

ROI / %


ADG 4.37

GR 111

Neat combination of calving ease, growth, and end product merit. Cool pedigree for maternal function! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Radiance E348

303 Birth Date: 3/10/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.82 Adj % IMF

9.58 % IMF Ratio

135 Adj REA

11.9 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 18127236 G A R New Day 1540 BW CALV EASE 1 74

BWR ADJ WW 100 517

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


Tattoo: E348

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.5/10% +55/50% +99/45% +.17/85% +1.28/95% +.5/50% +.07/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +13.1/25% +15/2% +30/15% +63/20% +.6/25% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.92/1% +.27/90% +.04/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +65/25% +47/95% +108/1% +155/15% +258/20%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358 WWR ADJ YW 100 1051

YWR 100


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

154/1% ROI / %


ADG 4.16

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

E348 is the #1 marbling EPD bull in the sale! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-105

QPI / %




ADG 4.61

MPI / %


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-97 14-100 14-125 14-114

Tattoo: 5198S

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1885

YWR 100


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.5/15% +65/20% +124/10% +.26/15% +1.17/95% +1/10% +1.37/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +7.6/90% +14/4% +28/25% +72/10% +.9/10% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.39/1% +.49/60% +.042/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +48/90% +71/15% +96/20% +85/2% +180/2% +281/5%

S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 G A R Progress G A R Progress L04 18042759 G A R 28 Ambush 1069

Tattoo: E468

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1.4/10% +57/40% +107/30% +.21/50% +1.44/95% +.5/50% +.35/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +9.7/70% +12/15% +46/1% +26/65% +.5/35% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.32/2% +.29/85% +.053/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +87/2% +67/80% +78/3% +145/25% +257/20%

G A R Absolute 5198S

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-87 1-111 1-106 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


.41 ADG 4.28

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102


.51 ADG 4.9

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.5/55% +65/20% +114/20% +.23/35% +.65/70% +.4/60% +.97/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +13/65% +5/95% +12/15% +22/70% +48/35% +.3/55% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.26/2% +.58/45% +.043/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +67/25% +93/25% +80/3% +173/4% +276/10%

S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 415P 17928303 G A R Objective 2419


ROI / %


G A R Absolute 588P +19402333

7.54 % IMF Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-95 13-100 13-89 13-87


Adj % IMF

REA Ratio


300 Birth Date: 5/17/18


QPI / %

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


51.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Radiance E468

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-98 7-106 7-102 7-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

106 Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 71

Greysen and Addie Moore

20+ Month Old Bulls


S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 16430795 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 413P G A R Objective 2419 17928301

302 Birth Date: 3/9/18


304 Birth Date: 2/5/18


G A R Radiance E08 Bull


Tattoo: E08

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -2.2/3% +51/60% +87/70% +.14/95% +.67/75% +.2/80% -.03/95% 50.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +21/30% +14.4/15% +15/2% +34/5% +27/65% +.1/75% -8/65% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 33.28 +28/80% +1.7/1% +.29/85% +.034/85% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +74/20% +71/15% +51/95% +98/1% +149/20% +267/15% 8.18 % IMF Ratio

115 Adj REA

12.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F25 G A R 28 Ambush 441 18174719 BW CALV EASE 1 66

BWR ADJ WW 83 572

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-66 1-83 1-96 .21

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869

WWR ADJ YW 96 1156

YWR 97


MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.01 Adj % IMF

7.87 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.36 ADG 4.54

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

307 Birth Date: 3/16/18

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-115 1-93 1-82 1-75

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio



G A R Radiance E358


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.82 Adj % IMF

9.05 % IMF Ratio

127 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio




G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 18127236 G A R New Day 1540 BW CALV EASE 1 64

BWR ADJ WW 100 488


50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.88 Adj % IMF

6.81 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

12.7 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 989

YWR 100


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

154/1% ROI / %


GR 93

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98



BWR ADJ WW 100 502

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358 WWR ADJ YW 100 1012

YWR 100


MPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

30.85 Adj % IMF

7.95 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

30.94 Adj % IMF

8.37 % IMF Ratio

118 Adj REA


ROI / %

81 Adj Rib Fat

.2 ADG 3.63

GR 91

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

This family of Radiance x N594 are special individuals in the population for the trait that makes beef taste so good, marbling! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358 WWR ADJ YW 100 1084

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


ADG 3.86

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

G A R Radiance E408 Bull

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 496


Tattoo: E408

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1003

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 4.04

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance E778 Bull


Tattoo: E778

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.5/35% +64/20% +116/15% +.21/50% +1.25/95% +.1/90% -.87/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +7/95% +13/10% +33/10% +38/50% +.1/75% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +1.49/1% +.43/70% +.01/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +80/5% +62/85% +92/1% +154/15% +258/20%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE 66 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 436

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 .34

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: E758

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+9/30% I+.9/40% I+58/40% I+103/35% I+.19/70% I+.91/85% +.3/75% -.42/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% I+9.5/70% I+13/10% I+33/10% I+34/55% I+.3/55% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +33/70% +1.54/1% +.32/85% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +73/15% +59/90% +92/1% +151/20% +262/15%

309 Birth Date: 3/14/18

REA Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 572

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 .29

Rump Fat Ratio


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

308 Birth Date: 3/11/18

QPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 G A R New Day 1540 18127236

Lot Tattoo: E788

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.2/20% +54/50% +97/50% +.18/75% +.99/90% +.5/50% -.46/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +13/25% +16/1% +29/20% +41/45% +.7/20% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +27/85% +1.6/1% +.64/35% +0/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +64/30% +47/95% +101/1% +149/20% +261/15%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 18127236 G A R New Day 1540


.31 ADG 3.67

G A R Radiance E788

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .31

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358

What a truly elite bull for marbling, top 1% CED and QPI! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

306 Birth Date: 3/12/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: E358

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.5/10% +54/50% +99/45% +.17/85% +1.21/95% +.5/50% +.03/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +13/25% +15/2% +30/15% +62/20% +.6/25% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.9/1% +.31/85% +.032/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +64/30% +51/95% +108/1% +159/10% +262/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .25

Rump Fat Ratio



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.5/15% +52/60% +93/55% +.18/75% +1.05/95% +.3/75% +.13/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +11.3/50% +10/35% +37/2% +28/60% +.2/65% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +31/75% +1.47/1% +.35/80% +.026/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +72/15% +44/95% +88/1% +133/40% +239/35%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .5

Goodness think what you could do with E08’s calving ease, growth and top 1% Marbling. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

305 Birth Date: 3/10/18

G A R Radiance E758

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 897

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


ADG 3.75

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 72




Tattoo: E288

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +1.9/65% +65/20% +118/15% +.22/40% +1.27/95% +.1/90% -.34/95% 47.6 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +10.4/60% +10/35% +36/3% +32/55% +.1/75% -11/75% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 30.88 +31/75% +1.54/1% +.4/75% +.014/55% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +82/4% +58/90% +94/1% +152/15% +272/10% 7.56 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 422

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-68 1-98 1-106 .36

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859

WWR ADJ YW 100 929

YWR 100


MPI / %


50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.03 Adj % IMF

6.93 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.47 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj % IMF

9.65 % IMF Ratio

136 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.38 ADG 4.25

GR 107

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Radiance 5448S Birth Date: 2/17/18



Tattoo: 5448S


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328

BWR ADJ WW 100 731

WWR ADJ YW 100 1117

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

313 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.91 Adj % IMF

7.56 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.19 ADG 5.07

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 G A R Complete 1591 17965289 BW CALV EASE 1 84

BWR ADJ WW 100 472


Tattoo: E498

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 992

YWR 100


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.1

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Radiance E538 Birth Date: 3/13/18



Tattoo: E538

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.3/10% +58/40% +111/25% +.25/20% +.91/85% +.1/90% -.26/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +9.1/75% +11/25% +31/10% +68/15% +.3/55% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +29/80% +1.49/1% +.47/60% +.002/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +41/95% +68/20% +72/70% +93/1% +165/10% +255/20%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N534 18127169 G A R New Day 1100 BW CALV EASE 1 76

BWR ADJ WW 100 446

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 .25

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.3/30% +49/70% +92/60% +.17/85% +.96/90% +.4/60% -.04/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +5.6/95% +12/15% +37/2% +20/70% +.4/45% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +29/80% +1.47/1% +.37/75% +.027/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +67/25% +51/95% +89/1% +140/30% +237/40%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +0/25% +56/45% +92/60% +.17/85% +.7/75% +.1/90% -.22/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/75% +12.6/30% +13/10% +32/10% +31/55% +.1/75% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +21/95% +1.54/1% +.13/95% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +73/15% +44/95% +88/1% +132/40% +238/40%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 18129297 G A R 28 Ambush 100

Birth Date: 3/11/18

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .31


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-80 1-95 1-107 .37

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177 WWR ADJ YW 100 870

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 3.48

GR 88

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-98 12-97 12-80 12-77

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Fall interns, Mackinzie Lolkema and Sadia Zafar, saddled up and helped move heifers.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 73

20+ Month Old Bulls


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 G A R Complete 1591 17965216

G A R Radiance E498


G A R Radiance E288

310 Birth Date: 3/12/18


314 Birth Date: 3/16/18



Tattoo: E808

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.2/20% +47/75% +95/50% +.2/60% +1.02/90% +.3/75% -.04/95% 48.2 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +25/15% +7.3/90% +14/4% +36/3% +15/75% +.3/55% -3/50% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 29.01 +31/75% +1.63/1% +.25/90% +.016/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +62/55% +64/30% +64/85% +96/1% +160/10% +270/10% 7.4 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

89 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 G A R Complete 1591 17965216 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 443

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-68 1-98 1-106 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859

WWR ADJ YW 100 886

YWR 100


MPI / %


48.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.04 Adj % IMF

7.35 % IMF Ratio

104 Adj REA

10.4 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.51 Adj % IMF

6.48 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

13.7 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/17/18


6.67 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA


ROI / %


Adj Rib Fat

.2 ADG 3.75

GR 94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115


Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1594 17965260 G A R Complete 1591

Tattoo: E728


BWR ADJ WW 100 396

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 858

YWR 100


MPI / %

119/64% QPI / %

133/11% ROI / %


GR 95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-107 4-96 4-106 4-99

Rump Fat Ratio

318 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.75 Adj % IMF

7.45 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

12.9 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Momentum E38




Tattoo: E38

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +54/50% +96/50% +.16/90% +1.06/95% +.6/40% +0/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +2.8/95% +4/90% +29/20% +13/80% +.3/55% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.52/1% +.74/25% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +65/25% +63/85% +97/1% +160/10% +261/15%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1765 18333143 G A R 28 Ambush N111 BW CALV EASE 82 1

BWR ADJ WW 107 574

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1907 WWR ADJ YW 96 1137

YWR 100

319 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.59 Adj % IMF

7.15 % IMF Ratio



MPI / %


139/21% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


12.3 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.31 ADG 4.27

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-90 2-100 2-86 2-65

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1804 G A R Daybreak 912 18025253 BW CALV EASE 1 74

BWR ADJ WW 100 575

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Big Eye 1278 WWR ADJ YW 100 1042


YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 3.88

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-95 7-99 7-93 7-99

G A R Momentum E268 Birth Date: 3/8/18



Tattoo: E268

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.4/20% +57/40% +100/40% +.18/75% +1.15/95% +.2/80% -.29/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +5.6/95% +12/15% +40/1% +14/80% -.1/90% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.43/1% +.56/50% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +84/3% +56/95% +90/1% +146/25% +248/25%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1804 18025253 G A R Daybreak 912 BW CALV EASE 1 64

BWR ADJ WW 100 565

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Big Eye 1278 WWR ADJ YW 100 1032

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


ADG 3.88

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-95 7-99 7-93 7-99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Momentum M8202 Birth Date: 11/27/17



Tattoo: M8202

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +2.2/70% +67/15% +122/10% +.26/15% +1.02/90% +.7/30% +.72/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +5.9/95% +8/55% +38/2% +67/15% +.7/20% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +54/15% +1.23/3% +.76/20% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +42/95% +80/5% +97/15% +83/2% +180/2% +275/10%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 Deer Valley All In Bar W All In 6201 18535891 Bar W Progress 3001 BW CALV EASE 79 1

BWR ADJ WW 110 606

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R Progress Bar W Mandate 169 WWR ADJ YW 95 1048

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR YWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-105 2-98 1-99 .27

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: E228

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-76 1-99 1-103 .29

Truly special bull to improve quality grade! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Birth Date: 2/12/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -1.1/10% +63/25% +105/35% +.17/85% +1.16/95% +.5/50% +.68/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +9.5/70% +10/35% +39/1% +32/55% +.5/35% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.38/1% +.79/20% +.02/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +90/1% +53/95% +91/1% +144/25% +252/25%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-76 1-99 1-103 .36

.19 ADG 3.81

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

Birth Date: 3/8/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +0/25% +43/85% +83/75% +.18/75% +.42/55% +0/95% +.3/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +8.5/80% +9/45% +37/2% +11/80% +.3/55% -2/50% CW MARB REA Fat +19/95% +1.82/1% +.03/95% +.068/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +61/35% +55/95% +97/1% +151/20% +252/25%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-82 1-107 1-96 .15

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


G A R Radiance E728





Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-70 1-100 1-109 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %





Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

G A R Momentum E228


G A R Radiance E808

YWR 99


MPI / %

127/46% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 5.16

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Actual ultrasound data collected at 441 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 74



G A R Momentum 6038S

320 Birth Date: 2/24/18



Tattoo: 6038S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.1/20% +63/25% +105/35% +.18/75% +.94/90% +.9/15% +.39/75% 52.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +27/10% +11.1/50% +9/45% +41/1% +24/65% +.4/45% -10/70% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.76 +32/75% +1.38/1% +.48/60% +.022/70% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +75/20% +91/1% +54/95% +86/2% +140/30% +257/20% 6.21 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

12.5 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.39 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 816

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-71 - - .32

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1043

YWR 100


MPI / %


52.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.9 Adj % IMF

7.64 % IMF Ratio

117 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio


32.62 Adj % IMF

7.38 % IMF Ratio

108 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 81

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-92 1-98 1-100 1-86



G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 34 17965127 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 801


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


WWR ADJ YW 100 1017

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

143/4% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 76

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-117 14-100 14-104 14-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.97 Adj % IMF

7.28 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum L78 +19185099

Rump Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.9/40% +59/35% +92/60% +.17/85% -.05/20% +.6/40% -.43/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +6.5/95% +10/35% +29/20% +25/65% +.7/20% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.18/3% +.8/15% +.021/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +65/45% +73/15% +80/50% +81/2% +161/10% +274/10%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 17056978 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 63 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 471

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined WWR ADJ YW 100 903

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


36.03 Adj % IMF

6.01 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.41 ADG 4.34

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 861

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 3.71

GR 93

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-95 7-99 7-93 7-99

G A R Method 5308S Bull


G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 434 17965162 G A R In Sure G2 BW CALV EASE 1 95

BWR ADJ WW 100 743

Tattoo: 5308S

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33 WWR ADJ YW 100 1098

YWR 100


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

149/2% ROI / %


ADG 4.82

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-112 8-104 8-103

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Method 5388S Bull


Tattoo: 5388S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.8/65% +69/10% +119/15% +.24/25% +.88/85% +.4/60% +.84/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +11.8/40% +9/45% +31/10% +90/3% +.6/25% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +.75/25% +.8/15% +.038/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +52/85% +76/10% +89/30% +58/25% +148/20% +244/30%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 204 G A R New Design 5050 17965143 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759 BW CALV EASE 105 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 796

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-52 - - .5

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Big Eye 1278

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +2/85% +3.1/90% +73/5% +125/10% +.21/50% +1.55/95% +.8/20% +1/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.3/60% +3/95% +33/10% +82/5% +1/4% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +58/10% +1.32/2% +.92/10% +.024/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +46/95% +79/10% +83/45% +89/1% +172/4% +269/10%

325 Birth Date: 2/17/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: E328

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: L78

BWR ADJ WW 100 427

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-87 1-112 1-92 .32




324 Birth Date: 2/15/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1804 G A R Daybreak 912 18025253

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-76 1-99 1-103 .2

.32 ADG 3.68


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.6/15% +61/30% +106/30% +.17/85% +1.33/95% +.5/50% +.17/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +8.8/80% +6/75% +38/2% +23/70% +.4/45% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.07/10% +.82/15% -.002/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +86/2% +56/95% +78/3% +134/40% +242/35%

Lot Tattoo: 5148S

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649

YWR 1-90

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .26

Rump Fat Ratio


.12 ADG 3.77

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.6/35% +62/25% +104/35% +.19/70% +.94/90% +.9/15% +.15/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +8.3/85% +11/25% +29/20% +74/10% +1/4% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.65/1% +.65/35% +.027/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +40/95% +70/20% +64/85% +101/1% +165/10% +254/20%

322 Birth Date: 1/30/18 50.2


ROI / %


G A R Momentum 5148S


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

4.07 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-64 1-81 1-84 .41

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

321 Birth Date: 2/13/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


QPI / %



49 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Momentum E328

WWR ADJ YW 100 1185

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 5.1

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-98 10-94 10-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 75

20+ Month Old Bulls


G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1025 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 322 18333085 G A R 28 Ambush 1759

323 Birth Date: 3/7/18


326 Birth Date: 3/5/18


G A R Method E428 Bull


Tattoo: E428

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.6/60% +56/45% +99/45% +.21/50% +.47/60% +.5/50% -.32/95% 50.5 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +29/4% +12/40% +9/45% +36/3% +52/30% +.5/35% -21/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 31.66 +49/25% +.69/30% +.84/15% +.042/90% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +58/70% +70/20% +93/25% +56/25% +149/20% +251/25% 3.85 % IMF Ratio

54 Adj REA

13.3 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1384 G A R High Design 1221 17965242 BW CALV EASE 1 74

BWR ADJ WW 100 493

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-73 1-95 1-100 .33

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 GAR High Design G A R Objective 0J07

WWR ADJ YW 100 983

YWR 100


MPI / %


31.35 Adj % IMF

6.96 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 91

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-78 4-117 4-90 4-93



G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 844 17965196 G A R Redirect 431 BW CALV EASE 1 87

32.12 Adj % IMF

4.91 % IMF Ratio

76 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 604


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: E1048

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 LD Redirect 11 G A R 5050 New Design N539 WWR ADJ YW 100 1023

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 79

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-91

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-99 12-99 12-83 12-96

G A R Method J8132 Bull


Tattoo: J8132


BWR ADJ WW 100 699

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 EXAR Upshot 0562B Exar Royal Lass 1067 G A R Solution Maplecrest Eva 7010 WWR ADJ YW 100 1251

YWR 100


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.26 Adj % IMF

5.1 % IMF Ratio

78 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-104 9-102 9-111 9-106

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 100 841

Rump Fat Ratio

52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.47 Adj % IMF

6.3 % IMF Ratio

97 Adj REA

15 REA Ratio

122 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859 WWR ADJ YW 100 1147

YWR 100


MPI / %

156/3% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 4.42

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

G A R Sunrise 5938S Bull

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1734 17965272 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE 1 89

BWR ADJ WW 100 916


Tattoo: 5938S

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 WWR ADJ YW 100 1258

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


ADG 4.72

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-89 13-101 13-88 13-104

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise 5328S Bull


Tattoo: 5328S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.6/35% +73/5% +124/10% +.21/50% +1.41/95% +.6/40% +.02/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +9.9/65% +16/1% +35/3% +40/45% +.2/65% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.02/10% +.75/20% -.028/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78/15% +94/1% +58/90% +78/3% +136/35% +254/20%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1734 17965272 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 841

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-103 1-101 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 5908S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +73/5% +120/15% +.19/70% +1.36/95% +.5/50% +.7/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.3/50% +12/15% +17/95% +33/55% +.2/65% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +.96/10% +.6/40% -.05/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +82/10% +74/10% +63/85% +75/4% +138/35% +261/15%

331 Birth Date: 2/15/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-75 1-103 1-101 .28

.39 ADG 4.6

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +3.1/90% +76/3% +140/2% +.28/5% +1.74/95% +.8/20% -.1/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +9.6/70% +9/45% +32/10% +127/1% +1/4% -54/95% CW MARB REA Fat +66/3% +.71/30% +1.09/2% +.004/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +39/95% +74/10% +102/10% +64/15% +166/10% +254/20%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 EXAR Denver 2002B Maplecrest Eva 4019 17840163 Maplecrest Eva 9005

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 G A R Complete 1591 17965289

330 Birth Date: 2/24/18

.27 ADG 3.15


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 - - .43


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-70 1-108 1-99 .55

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise 5908S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.2/70% +70/10% +121/10% +.21/50% +1.09/95% +1/10% +.47/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +6.7/95% +10/35% +34/5% +59/20% +.8/15% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.04/10% +.82/15% -.021/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +82/4% +81/50% +79/3% +159/10% +263/15%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

328 Birth Date: 3/18/18 52.2


.29 ADG 3.61

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +.3/30% +67/15% +122/10% +.22/40% +1.62/95% +.9/15% +.21/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.6/55% +12/15% +23/60% +83/5% +1/4% -28/95% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.91/15% +.67/30% +.039/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +49/90% +66/25% +72/70% +64/15% +137/35% +227/50%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

5.62 % IMF Ratio


G A R Method E1048

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-60 1-87 1-98 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


327 Birth Date: 4/27/18 50.4


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

329 Birth Date: 2/24/18

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 WWR ADJ YW 100 1206

YWR 100


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

131/14% ROI / %


ADG 4.9

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-89 13-101 13-88 13-104

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 76


332 Birth Date: 2/17/18


G A R Sunrise 5488S Bull


Tattoo: 5488S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1/45% +73/5% +120/15% +.17/85% +1.44/95% +.9/15% +.79/50% 51 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +10.7/55% +10/35% +33/10% +53/30% +.3/55% -19/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.03 +53/20% +.91/15% +.64/35% -.029/10% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +73/25% +91/1% +64/85% +71/10% +135/40% +248/25% 5.75 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 813

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-75 1-103 1-101 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345

WWR ADJ YW 100 1194

YWR 100


MPI / %


33.47 Adj % IMF

6.91 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.17 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-89 13-101 13-88 13-104



MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Quanah 687L Goode Quanah 5307 18338993 G A R Ambush 0H18 BW CALV EASE 1 85

36.29 Adj % IMF

6.09 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 104 493


Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: G8383

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 Goode Objective 544 WWR ADJ YW 94 1021

YWR 95


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.58 Adj % IMF

6.02 % IMF Ratio

88 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

89 Adj Rib Fat

.21 ADG 3.67

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-103 16-102 16-100 16-93

G A R Sunrise A5238 Bull


Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: A5238


BWR ADJ WW 100 716

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 1407 New Design 3064 WWR ADJ YW 100 1191

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

131/14% ROI / %


GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-110

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.98 Adj % IMF

5.84 % IMF Ratio

82 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-91 20-101 20-99 20-99

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1122

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 5.02

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-106 30-98 30-105 30-101

G A R Sunrise L268 Bull


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 17056978 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE 1 59

BWR ADJ WW 100 533

Tattoo: L268

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 S S Objective T510 0T26 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined WWR ADJ YW 100 933

YWR 100


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.58

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-115

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-98 37-98 37-88 37-92

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise E568 Bull


Tattoo: E568

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.1/20% +60/30% +98/45% +.2/60% +.32/45% +.4/60% +.25/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +13/65% +8.8/80% +12/15% +31/10% +29/60% +.2/65% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +.95/10% +.79/20% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +77/10% +81/50% +71/10% +153/15% +258/20%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 17454914 G A R Bextor L58

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Retail Product 1484


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

119/31% ROI / %


BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 1 100 456 100 970 100 4 101

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-79 3-106 3-112 .29

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +1.4/55% +69/10% +113/20% +.24/25% +.36/50% +.7/30% -.44/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +12.9/30% +10/35% +22/70% +78/10% +.6/25% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +34/70% +1/10% +.63/35% -.034/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +69/20% +74/65% +76/4% +150/20% +252/25%

337 Birth Date: 3/15/18

.26 ADG 4.93

BWR ADJ WW 100 648

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-67 3-91 3-107 .24

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: L9778

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.3/50% +61/30% +111/25% +.22/40% +1.02/90% +.8/20% +.63/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +10/65% +6/75% +33/10% +45/40% +.3/55% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +1.22/3% +.67/30% -.012/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +74/10% +59/90% +84/2% +143/25% +252/25%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire A4055 18051752 G A R Prophet A027


336 Birth Date: 1/29/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 533 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 17623150

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-96 2-90 .25


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-80 2-102 2-102 .26

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.8/40% +59/35% +101/40% +.2/60% +.68/75% +.6/40% -.96/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +5.8/95% +8/55% +27/30% +44/40% +.2/65% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.28/2% +.52/55% -.002/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +39/95% +67/25% +74/65% +84/2% +159/10% +245/30%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

334 Birth Date: 2/25/18 52.3


.24 ADG 5.03

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +0/90% +3.7/95% +74/5% +122/10% +.21/50% +1.15/95% +.6/40% -.4/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +9.7/70% +7/70% +23/60% +58/25% +.1/75% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.16/4% +.77/20% -.059/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +72/15% +71/70% +88/1% +159/10% +267/15%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Sunrise G8383

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-100 1-100 .2

Rump Fat Ratio

6.28 % IMF Ratio


333 Birth Date: 3/30/18 50.6

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise L9778

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-112

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 59-100 59-97 59-109 59-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 77

20+ Month Old Bulls


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1734 G A R Predestined 1869 17965272

335 Birth Date: 3/6/18


338 Birth Date: 2/18/18


G A R Absolute A5208 Bull


Tattoo: A5208

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.8/15% +71/10% +130/5% +.24/25% +1.56/95% +.5/50% +.44/70% 51.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +25/15% +8.4/80% +11/25% +36/3% +78/10% +.4/45% -33/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.06 +60/10% +.9/15% +.57/45% +.056/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +46/95% +88/2% +87/35% +61/20% +148/20% +238/40% 4.58 % IMF Ratio

76 Adj REA

15 REA Ratio

117 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 16430795 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet A4024 G A R Daybreak A2059 17985702 BW CALV EASE 1 77

BWR ADJ WW 100 832

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-70 1-96 1-107 .34

Rump Fat Ratio

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design A84

WWR ADJ YW 100 1346

YWR 100


MPI / %


36.87 Adj % IMF

6.16 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.45 Rib Fat Ratio


6.14 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.57 ADG 5.18

GR 105

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-95 5-104 5-113 5-112

G A R Absolute 5058S Bull

Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 5058S

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Emulous 8145 K C F Bennett Absolute Wulffs Ext 6106 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 2564 G A R New Design 5050 17965327 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 771

WWR ADJ YW 100 1157

YWR 100


MPI / %

162/1% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-83 14-100 14-84 14-86

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.56 Adj % IMF

4.7 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

12.7 REA Ratio

114 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 100 896

49 37.75 Adj % IMF

5.8 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

11.9 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio



MPI / %

161/1% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 5.47

GR 113

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-83 14-100 14-84 14-86

G A R Absolute 508P Bull


S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 405P 17928298 G A R Objective 2419 BW CALV EASE 1 78

BWR ADJ WW 100 481

Tattoo: 508P

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406 WWR ADJ YW 100 1175

YWR 100


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


ADG 5.98

GR 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-95 5-105 5-107 5-109

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Absolute 548P Bull


Tattoo: 548P

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.3/75% +68/15% +120/15% +.28/5% +.39/50% +.3/75% +1.09/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +3.8/95% +6/75% +21/75% +65/15% +.1/75% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1/10% +.57/45% -.022/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +42/95% +64/30% +99/15% +73/5% +172/4% +265/15%

S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 413P 17928301 G A R Objective 2419 BW CALV EASE 80 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 550

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-99 1-99 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.6/15% +68/15% +123/10% +.26/15% +.9/85% +.3/75% +.32/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +9.2/75% +6/75% +25/45% +51/30% +.3/55% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.96/10% +.72/25% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +77/10% +88/35% +71/10% +159/10% +265/15%

342 Birth Date: 5/18/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Tattoo: 5088S

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 100 1330

YWR 1-94

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-104 1-113 .22

Rump Fat Ratio


Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Emulous 8145 K C F Bennett Absolute Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 2564 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 322 17965327 G A R 28 Ambush 1759

341 Birth Date: 5/12/18


Quanah and his KU teammates enjoyed riding horses on the ranch.


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-72 1-103 1-93 .41

.21 ADG 5.07

G A R Absolute 5088S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.3/75% +72/10% +131/4% +.29/3% +.84/85% +.8/20% +1.07/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +6.1/95% +1/95% +24/55% +93/3% +.7/20% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +64/4% +.82/20% +.74/25% +.06/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +39/95% +68/20% +116/3% +59/20% +175/3% +266/15%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.8/40% +73/5% +134/3% +.3/2% +.85/85% +.3/75% +1.27/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +4.5/95% +2/95% +26/40% +94/2% +.2/65% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/10% +.84/20% +.8/15% +.046/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +29/95% +76/10% +120/2% +62/15% +182/2% +265/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-72 1-103 1-93 .39

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


339 Birth Date: 2/12/18 49.9


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

340 Birth Date: 2/12/18

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406 WWR ADJ YW 100 1206

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


ADG 5.1

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-95 13-100 13-89 13-87

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 78


343 Birth Date: 2/18/18


G A R Absolute 5548S Bull


Tattoo: 5548S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.4/30% +58/40% +102/40% +.21/50% +.55/65% +.4/60% +.92/40% 50.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +26/10% +8.4/80% +10/35% +24/55% +60/20% +.6/25% -18/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 38.06 +41/50% +1.38/1% +.67/30% +.018/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +52/85% +61/35% +77/60% +89/1% +166/10% +267/15% 6.87 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.41 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 874

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-87 1-111 1-106 .27

Rump Fat Ratio

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1885

WWR ADJ YW 100 1210

YWR 100


MPI / %


31.78 Adj % IMF

5.38 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio



GR 96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-98 7-106 7-102 7-94


S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 405P 17928298 G A R Objective 2419 BW CALV EASE 1 80

30.88 Adj % IMF

5.4 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

9.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 451

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 528P

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406 WWR ADJ YW 100 1134

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

37.59 Adj % IMF

5.64 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.33 ADG 5.35

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-95 5-105 5-107 5-109

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 531

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406 WWR ADJ YW 100 1278

YWR 100



BWR ADJ WW 100 456

WWR ADJ YW 100 1026

YWR 100



S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 405P 17928298 G A R Objective 2419 BW CALV EASE 1 71

BWR ADJ WW 100 524

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406 WWR ADJ YW 100 1185

YWR 100

GR 115


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

114/40% ROI / %


ADG 5.14

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-95 5-105 5-107 5-109

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

115/38% ROI / %


GR 83

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

ADG 5.96

Tattoo: 518P


ADG 4.28

ROI / %


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.2/25% +64/20% +109/25% +.2/60% +.91/85% +.4/60% +1.33/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +9.3/75% +9/45% +33/10% +38/50% +0/80% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +.97/10% +.52/55% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +82/4% +68/75% +66/15% +133/40% +234/40%

Tattoo: 598P

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 1406

QPI / %


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-96 4-107 4-107

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +2.1/70% +61/30% +104/35% +.24/25% +.26/40% +.5/50% +.25/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +10.7/55% +8/55% +27/30% +39/45% +.2/65% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +.77/25% +.88/10% -.038/5% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69/35% +68/20% +87/35% +68/10% +155/15% +270/10%

S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 415P 17928303 G A R Objective 2419

MPI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

G A R Absolute 598P Bull


G A R Absolute 518P

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-104 1-113 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 578P

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

347 Birth Date: 5/13/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 16430795 B/R Destination 727-928 GAR Destination 415P G A R Objective 2419 17928303

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-109 2-112 .36


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-109 2-112 .17

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -.8/15% +60/30% +114/20% +.26/15% +.76/80% +.5/50% +.81/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +6.9/95% +14/4% +17/95% +66/15% +.6/25% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.9/15% +.59/45% +.031/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +43/95% +54/55% +94/20% +64/15% +158/15% +248/25%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

345 Birth Date: 5/22/18 48.6


.32 ADG 4.67

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.7/35% +71/10% +119/15% +.26/15% +.41/55% +.5/50% -.28/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +9/80% +8.7/80% +3/95% +26/40% +57/25% +.2/65% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +.99/10% +.5/55% +.015/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +45/95% +80/5% +84/40% +68/10% +152/15% +242/35%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Absolute 528P

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-104 1-113 .36

Rump Fat Ratio

5.09 % IMF Ratio


344 Birth Date: 5/19/18 49.1

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-105

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Absolute 578P

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-96 4-107 4-107

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

61 Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 79

One always has to wonder what the Q-Man is thinking!

20+ Month Old Bulls


S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 16430795 G A R Progress G A R Progress L04 G A R 28 Ambush 1069 18042759

346 Birth Date: 5/16/18


348 Birth Date: 2/8/18

GAR Ten X P518 Bull


Tattoo: P518

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +3.8/95% +87/1% +163/1% +.35/1% +1.8/95% +1.1/4% +1.59/10% 50.3 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +27/10% +10.5/60% +11/25% +34/5% +97/2% +.9/10% -41/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 32.86 +74/1% +1.13/4% +.93/10% -.009/25% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +59/65% +90/1% +119/2% +83/2% +202/1% +321/1% 6.97 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


S A F Focus of E R Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 A A R Ten X 7008 S A S A V Adaptor 2213 A A R Lady Kelton 5551 15719841 H S A F Lady Kelton 504B Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design R39 17421296 G A R Objective R137 BW CALV EASE 1 74

BWR ADJ WW 100 680

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 3-65 3-94 3-103 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1019

YWR 100


MPI / %


35.86 Adj % IMF

5.01 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.12 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 98

39.63 Adj % IMF

6.06 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.04 Rib Fat Ratio




BWR ADJ WW 100 488


Tattoo: P063

WWR ADJ YW 100 875

YWR 100


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

116/36% ROI / %




Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-108 15-100 15-103 15-104

GAR Ten X P528 Bull

[ DDF ]


Tattoo: P528

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.1/45% +65/20% +117/15% +.28/5% +.56/65% +.8/20% +2.54/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +13/65% +12.6/30% +16/1% +31/10% +67/15% +.8/15% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +.82/20% +.95/10% -.038/5% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +74/10% +95/20% +72/10% +167/10% +270/10%

S A F Focus of E R Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 A A R Ten X 7008 S A S A V Adaptor 2213 15719841 A A R Lady Kelton 5551 H S A F Lady Kelton 504B Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R New Design 5050 17421296 G A R 5050 New Design R39 G A R Objective R137 BW CALV EASE 72 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 616

WWR ADJ YW 100 947

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

105/56% ROI / %


49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.15 Adj % IMF

6.44 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

13.8 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


GR 102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-108 15-100 15-103 15-104

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 100 392

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: L2097

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 E&B 1680 Precision 1023 Callaways Miss 1039 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective C18 WWR ADJ YW 100 794

YWR 100


MPI / %

126/49% QPI / %

111/45% ROI / %


ADG 4.64

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF -




Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

GAR Drive 8534H Bull


Tattoo: 8534

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.1/25% +63/25% +105/35% +.23/35% +.03/25% +.4/60% +.18/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +6.2/95% +10/35% +28/25% +61/20% +.6/25% -20/90% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.02/10% +1.18/1% -.024/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +46/95% +73/15% +85/40% +83/2% +168/10% +264/15%

G A R Momentum G A R Drive 18301470 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 RMRK Blackbird 6120 18384159 Riverbend Blackbird T1088 BW CALV EASE 1 72

BWR ADJ WW 100 570

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .26

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 MCC Daybreak QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 E&B 1680 Precision 1023 Riverbend Blackbird 4196

WWR ADJ YW 100 1034

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


ADG 4.92

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100


Moderate frame for 8534H combined with top 15% CED, top 10% Marbling and very special top 1% RE! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Drive J8155

353 Birth Date: 2/27/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.51 Adj % IMF

5.77 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

10.2 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.35 ADG 3.36

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-96


352 Birth Date: 3/19/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


A A R Ten X 7008 S A 2 BAR Ten X 3532 Callaways Miss 1522 17583519 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 1382 G A R Big Eye 2110 17353767

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-72 2-101 2-99 .19

.39 ADG 3.63

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-65 3-94 3-103 .15

Rump Fat Ratio



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.9/85% +65/20% +121/10% +.29/3% +.92/90% +1.1/4% +.14/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +6/95% +12/15% +29/20% +44/40% +1/4% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +61/10% +.47/60% +1.14/2% -.03/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +69/20% +113/3% +56/25% +170/5% +279/10%


[ DDF ]

S A F Focus of E R Mytty In Focus Mytty Countess 906 A A R Ten X 7008 S A S A V Adaptor 2213 15719841 A A R Lady Kelton 5551 H S A F Lady Kelton 504B Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R New Design 5050 17421296 G A R 5050 New Design R39 G A R Objective R137

350 Birth Date: 2/1/18 48.2


.12 ADG 3.24

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +3.4/90% +81/2% +141/2% +.28/5% +1.22/95% +1/10% +2.79/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +12.3/35% +10/35% +33/10% +82/5% +.8/15% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +58/10% +1.06/10% +.71/25% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +88/2% +93/25% +77/4% +170/5% +277/10%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

4.87 % IMF Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj % IMF


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-108 15-100 15-103 15-104

GAR Ten X P063

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-65 3-94 3-103 .18

Rump Fat Ratio



349 Birth Date: 2/8/18 49.3

48.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

351 Birth Date: 12/21/17


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-96

G A R 3532 Ten X L2097


[ DDF ]

Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Momentum G A R Drive 18301470 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 G A R Prophet Maplecrest Eva L4202 18134379 Maplecrest Eva 9005


Tattoo: J8155

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Solution Maplecrest Eva 7010


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-75 2-106 2-108 .36

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.6/15% +56/45% +101/40% +.22/40% +.82/85% +.8/20% +.86/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +9.9/65% +6/75% +40/1% +51/30% +.5/35% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.28/2% +.56/50% +.02/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +77/10% +74/65% +83/2% +156/15% +257/20% METHOD GENETICS

MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


YWR ADG 100 4.56

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-107 7-100 7-111 7-105

Useful bull for so many important traits! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 80



G A R Momentum W318

354 Birth Date: 2/14/18



Tattoo: W318

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% -.1/20% +62/25% +114/20% +.28/5% +.62/70% +.6/40% +.31/80% 49.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +32/2% +2.5/95% +10/35% +29/20% +78/10% +.9/10% -29/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 27.1 +51/20% +1.41/1% +1.1/2% -.051/2% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +30/95% +68/20% +106/10% +104/1% +209/1% +301/2% 7.02 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

12.6 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 547

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-74 1-105 1-89 .21

Rump Fat Ratio



50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.52 Adj % IMF

8.18 % IMF Ratio

115 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio




50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.1 Adj % IMF

8.67 % IMF Ratio

124 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio



91 Adj REA


QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.14 ADG 4.36

GR 97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-101 26-103 26-107 26-101

Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: 8052

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +0/25% +57/40% +92/60% +.16/90% +.54/65% +.2/80% +.06/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +7.7/90% +12/15% +35/3% +9/85% +.2/65% +0/40% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.7/1% +.88/10% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +80/5% +69/75% +109/1% +178/3% +301/2%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N1275 18445993 G A R 28 Ambush 441

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869


YWR 94


MPI / %

130/39% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.4 Adj % IMF

8.88 % IMF Ratio

124 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-115 1-107 1-81 1-83

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Momentum L488




Tattoo: L488

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.9/10% +61/30% +108/30% +.22/40% +1.02/90% +.6/40% +.37/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +12.8/30% +10/35% +39/1% +50/30% +.4/45% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.6/1% +.59/45% +.024/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +83/3% +74/65% +98/1% +172/4% +283/5%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 533 17623150 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 BW CALV EASE 71 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 422

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH WWR ADJ YW 100 913

YWR 100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

28.97 Adj % IMF

6.25 % IMF Ratio

MPI / %


QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


13.7 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.24 ADG 4.34

GR 95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-106 30-98 30-105 30-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 88 549

Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Connealy Consensus 7229 Empress of Holiday 7004 B/R Future Direction 4268 CSP Queen P101 WWR ADJ YW 94 802

YWR 83


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

117/35% ROI / %


ADG 3.94

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-91 1-96 1-67 1-60

G A R Momentum 8014W Bull


Tattoo: 8014

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1/45% +68/15% +111/25% +.21/50% +.52/60% +.6/40% +.3/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +6.9/95% +9/45% +29/20% +51/30% +.6/25% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +38/55% +1.34/2% +.85/15% +.012/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +55/75% +80/5% +75/65% +90/1% +165/10% +269/10%

G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R All In 2945 G A R New Design 5050 18369839 G A R 5050 New Design 122 G A R 28 Ambush 1749 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW 1 636 100 1076


MPI / %

128/44% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %


YWR ADG 101 4.98

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-124 1-87 1-135 1-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Momentum L108 Bull


Tattoo: L108

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.5/15% +51/60% +88/65% +.15/95% +.77/80% +.1/90% -.7/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +10.8/55% +7/70% +37/2% +4/85% +0/80% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +33/70% +1.45/1% +.74/25% +.036/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +75/10% +56/95% +92/1% +148/20% +265/15%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 533 17623150 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 BW CALV EASE 72 1

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-96 2-90 .35

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 8003H

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

359 Birth Date: 2/10/18


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93





Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - 1-100 .36

Special genetics for Marbling. Breed leading rankings for $B & $C. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 EXAR Combination 1750B SJH Combination of 0577 6519 Blackstone Queen 0577 18383514

358 Birth Date: 2/7/18

.42 ADG 4.8


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -1.1/10% +42/85% +72/90% +.2/60% -.13/15% +.1/90% +.33/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +9.7/70% +9/45% +39/1% +27/65% +0/80% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +36/65% +1.33/2% +1.08/3% -.02/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +47/90% +63/30% +82/45% +96/1% +178/3% +278/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-88 1-94 .15


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-70 2-96 2-90 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

5.97 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101

Adj % IMF

G A R Momentum 8052W

356 Birth Date: 2/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

YWR 100

MPI / %



Rump Fat Ratio

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - 1-95 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 912


47 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Top 1% $B, top 2% $C. Over +1 for Marbling and RE! Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

355 Birth Date: 2/11/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Yield Grade G A R 1407 New Design 1942

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

GAR Momentum 8003H

ADJ YW 922

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


ADG 4.5

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-106 30-98 30-105 30-101

Actual ultrasound data collected at 366 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 81

20+ Month Old Bulls


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 440 16734675 G A R Yield Grade N76

357 Birth Date: 2/9/18


360 Birth Date: 2/8/18


GAR Momentum 8524H Bull


Tattoo: 8524H

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +2/65% +64/20% +117/15% +.26/15% +.83/85% +.3/75% +.91/40% 48.9 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +15/55% +8/85% +13/10% +30/15% +74/10% +.6/25% -28/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 33.9 +47/30% +1.03/10% +.76/20% -.027/10% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +44/95% +69/20% +88/35% +78/3% +166/10% +259/20% 7.65 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

11.9 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 A A R Ten X 7008 S A CoX Rita Y03S 4116 CoX Rita 7O80 Y03S 18150445 BW CALV EASE 1 68

BWR ADJ WW 100 540

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 1-99 1-100 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Rita 7O80 of Rita 5M46 OBJ

WWR ADJ YW 100 911

YWR 100


MPI / %


31.54 Adj % IMF

4.31 % IMF Ratio

63 Adj REA

13.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio


50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.49 Adj % IMF

6.87 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.25 Rib Fat Ratio



GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-102 6-102 6-94 6-94


G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush N340 16923749 G A R Predestined 2786 BW CALV EASE 1 67

BWR ADJ WW 100 594



Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


WWR ADJ YW 100 1042

YWR 100


MPI / %

131/37% QPI / %

112/43% ROI / %


GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 60-101 60-101 60-100 60-102

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.58 Adj % IMF

7.6 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

11.5 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -1.5/10% +59/35% +112/20% +.26/15% +.71/75% +.7/30% -.82/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +12.7/30% +14/4% +40/1% +54/30% +.9/10% -24/95% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.45/1% +.43/70% +.023/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/70% +80/5% +83/45% +89/1% +172/4% +280/10%



MPI / %

131/37% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101

51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.31 Adj % IMF

7.25 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

11.1 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat


YWR ADG 101 5.06

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-96 1-87 1-81 1-94

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 100 626

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1125

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

137/8% ROI / %


ADG 4.6

GR 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-101 26-103 26-107 26-101



Tattoo: 188B

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1/45% +77/3% +141/2% +.29/3% +1.51/95% +1.4/1% +1.12/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +11.4/45% +8/55% +28/25% +98/2% +1.5/1% -38/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.13/4% +.72/25% +.005/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53/80% +80/5% +91/25% +79/3% +170/5% +273/10%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Scale House G A R New Design 5050 17354047 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Objective 2345 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Beal Discovery 606 44 FRF Predestined 9270 18437797 Riverbend Everelda B458 Riverbend Everelda Y091 BW CALV EASE 1 92

BWR ADJ WW 100 599

WWR ADJ YW 100 994

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 3.34

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-100 3-81 3-83

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Scale House 178B Bull


Tattoo: 178B

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.2/20% +67/15% +122/10% +.28/5% +.58/65% +.8/20% +1.24/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +8.9/75% +12/15% +26/40% +47/35% +.7/20% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.8/20% +.7/30% -.024/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +61/60% +75/10% +105/10% +66/15% +171/5% +283/5%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Scale House G A R New Design 5050 17354047 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Objective 2345 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Beal Discovery 606 44 FRF Predestined 9270 18437797 Riverbend Everelda B458 Riverbend Everelda Y091 BW CALV EASE 88 1

BWR ADJ WW 100 558

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-104 1-92 .21

Rump Fat Ratio

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Yield Grade G A R 1407 New Design 1942

G A R Scale House 188B

365 Birth Date: 3/24/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: W328

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: 8020

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Radiance Connealy In Sure 8524 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 135 G A R New Design 5050 18333012 G A R 5050 New Design 1442 G A R 28 Ambush 1999


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-104 1-92 .29

Rump Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 440 16734675 G A R Yield Grade N76

364 Birth Date: 4/3/18


G A R Radiance 8020W


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-89 .45

.19 ADG 4.72

G A R Radiance W328

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2/65% +74/5% +132/4% +.27/10% +1.15/95% +.7/30% +.63/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/60% +11.7/40% +13/10% +22/70% +85/4% +.7/20% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.06/10% +.7/30% -.002/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +51/85% +70/20% +94/20% +76/4% +170/5% +271/10%

Lot Tattoo: J8121

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R Predestined G A R Retail Product 2712

YWR 3-99

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - 1-99 .34

Rump Fat Ratio


.49 ADG 4.5

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1/45% +56/45% +96/50% +.19/70% +.43/55% +.5/50% -.9/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +16.1/5% +14/4% +31/10% +34/55% +.4/45% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +.66/35% +.92/10% +.004/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/25% +69/20% +83/45% +59/20% +142/30% +257/20%

362 Birth Date: 2/10/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


ROI / %




8.63 % IMF Ratio


G A R Method J8121

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-67 4-93 4-104 .24

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj % IMF


361 Birth Date: 2/28/18 51.1


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

363 Birth Date: 3/12/18

WWR ADJ YW 100 942

YWR 100


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


ADG 4.72

GR 98

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-100 3-81 3-83

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 82


366 Birth Date: 3/17/18


G A R Sunrise W578 Bull


Tattoo: W578

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +4/95% +90/1% +157/1% +.32/1% +1.23/95% +1.2/2% +.03/90% 51.1 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +22/25% +6/95% +11/25% +19/90% +115/1% +1.4/1% -41/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 31.09 +66/3% +1.14/4% +.79/20% -.061/1% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +46/95% +75/10% +120/2% +87/1% +207/1% +314/1% 4.74 % IMF Ratio

86 Adj REA

9.9 REA Ratio

81 Adj Rib Fat

.12 Rib Fat Ratio


MPI / %


32.15 Adj % IMF

4.69 % IMF Ratio

85 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-93 4-97 4-90 4-80


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Hidden Hand’s Lucy 3242 17896358 Daltons Lucy 1236 BW CALV EASE 1 82


Tattoo: W488

BWR ADJ WW 100 709

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Daltons Lucy V033 WWR ADJ YW 100 1123

YWR 100


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

113/42% ROI / %


34.99 Adj % IMF

5.43 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio




Rump Fat Ratio

GR 96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-93 4-97 4-90 4-80

G A R Sunrise W498 Bull


50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

32.03 Adj % IMF

6.39 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: W498


BWR ADJ WW 100 754

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Daltons Lucy V033 WWR ADJ YW 100 1128

YWR 100


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

31.8 Adj % IMF

5.52 % IMF Ratio

108 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-93 4-97 4-90 4-80

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 92 877

YWR 84


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


ADG 4.52

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-84

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-98 2-96 2-94 2-88

G A R Sunrise 198B Bull


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire Beal Sure Fire 607 18433593 G A R Progress F404 BW CALV EASE 1 86

BWR ADJ WW 100 603

Tattoo: 198B

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Progress G A R Daybreak C90 WWR ADJ YW 100 984

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

121/28% ROI / %


ADG 3.17

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-84

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-98 2-96 2-94 2-88

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sunrise G8370 Bull


Tattoo: G8370

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.1/70% +68/15% +116/15% +.21/50% +1.05/95% +.9/15% -.34/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +12.7/30% +4/90% +34/5% +94/2% +.6/25% -39/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.21/3% +.7/30% -.025/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +44/95% +76/10% +77/60% +86/2% +162/10% +254/20%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 2314 17965309 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 BW CALV EASE 85 1

BWR ADJ WW 104 519

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 .25

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Progress G A R Daybreak C90

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% -.2/20% +56/45% +101/40% +.21/50% +.75/80% +.4/60% +.02/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +9.4/70% +7/70% +36/3% +38/50% -.1/90% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +.99/10% +.76/20% +.006/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +75/10% +75/65% +73/5% +148/20% +251/25%

371 Birth Date: 3/8/18

.23 ADG 4.56

BWR ADJ WW 85 595

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-85 1-92 .27

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 168B

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.4/75% +81/2% +131/4% +.28/5% +.66/75% +.8/20% -.11/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +10.6/55% +15/2% +21/75% +74/10% +.4/45% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +.96/10% +.66/35% -.051/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +81/5% +90/30% +76/4% +166/10% +278/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Hidden Hand’s Lucy 3242 17896358 Daltons Lucy 1236


370 Birth Date: 4/17/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Sure Fire Beal Sure Fire 607 G A R Progress F404 18433593

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-85 1-92 .2


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .25

Rump Fat Ratio

Rib Fat Ratio

.22 ADG 4.52

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

368 Birth Date: 3/14/18 51.5

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -1.5/10% +61/30% +105/35% +.21/50% +.75/80% +.3/75% -.03/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +12.2/35% +9/45% +36/3% +31/55% +.3/55% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +34/70% +1.21/3% +.91/10% +.003/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +84/3% +67/80% +86/2% +153/15% +268/15%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +3.2/90% +74/5% +142/2% +.32/1% +1.15/95% +.7/30% -.45/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +8.5/80% +12/15% +21/75% +97/2% +.6/25% -34/95% CW MARB REA Fat +63/5% +.81/20% +.97/5% -.05/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +50/85% +62/35% +120/2% +73/5% +192/1% +299/2%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


ROI / %


G A R Sunrise W488

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .33

Rump Fat Ratio



367 Birth Date: 3/19/18 51.2

7.39 % IMF Ratio


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


48 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 86 1 100 746 100 1056 100 5 107

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - - - .11

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Daltons Lucy V033

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise 168B

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1648 WWR ADJ YW 99 1049

YWR 98


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

123/25% ROI / %


ADG 4.74

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 83

20+ Month Old Bulls


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Hidden Hand’s Lucy 3242 Daltons Lucy 1236 17896358

369 Birth Date: 3/14/18


372 Birth Date: 2/3/18



Tattoo: G8355

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.1/70% +72/10% +119/15% +.23/35% +.87/85% +.6/40% -.24/95% 52.8 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +22/25% +5.9/95% +4/90% +23/60% +104/1% +.8/15% -38/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.84 +48/30% +.96/10% +.81/15% -.013/20% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +28/95% +68/20% +84/40% +74/5% +158/15% +233/45% 4.97 % IMF Ratio

75 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Momentum G A R Momentum 2314 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 17965309 BW CALV EASE 1 84

BWR ADJ WW 101 717

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-74 1-105 1-97 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1648

WWR ADJ YW 113 1125

YWR 97


MPI / %


33.61 Adj % IMF

9.37 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj % IMF

7.57 % IMF Ratio

116 Adj REA


ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.26 ADG 4.52

GR 96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

G A R Sure Fire W618 Bull

Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: W618

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 RWA Anticipation W196 G A R Prophet 18397965 G A R Prophet A222 G A R Predestined A9027 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 115 552

WWR ADJ YW 107 1019

YWR 109


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



52.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.18 Adj % IMF

6.04 % IMF Ratio

93 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-107 1-101 1-161 1-116

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 642


WWR ADJ YW 100 1151

YWR 100


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

145/3% ROI / %


ADG 4.96

GR 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 61-104 61-100 61-97 61-101

G A R Sure Fire W3128 Bull


Tattoo: W3128

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.5/35% +61/30% +110/25% +.23/35% +.92/90% +.9/15% +1.31/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +8/85% +9/45% +30/15% +80/10% +.8/15% -31/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.28/2% +.71/25% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +47/90% +67/25% +88/35% +89/1% +177/3% +277/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ambush 28 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R 28 Ambush 1759 S S Objective T510 0T26 16496761 G A R Objective 1885 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 BW CALV EASE 1 60

BWR ADJ WW 100 612

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-73 2-100 2-100 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: W3118

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

375 Birth Date: 3/20/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ambush 28 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R 28 Ambush 1759 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Objective 1885 16496761 G A R 1407 New Design 2232

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 4-73 2-100 2-100 .38

.22 ADG 4.8


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.5/55% +62/25% +114/20% +.26/15% +.77/80% +1.1/4% +1.64/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +14.5/15% +8/55% +33/10% +73/10% +1.1/2% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.35/1% +.77/20% +.018/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +59/65% +70/20% +94/20% +89/1% +183/2% +296/2%


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +3.1/90% +83/1% +142/2% +.24/25% +1.66/95% +1.3/1% +1.29/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +9.7/70% +3/95% +23/60% +81/10% +1.1/2% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.47/1% +.57/45% +.024/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +80/5% +78/55% +92/1% +170/5% +280/10%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-92 1-100 .29

Rump Fat Ratio



373 Birth Date: 1/29/18 50.2

54.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

374 Birth Date: 3/19/18


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

G A R Sure Fire W3118


G A R Sunrise G8355

WWR ADJ YW 100 1062

YWR 100


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 4.54

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 61-104 61-100 61-97 61-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 84


376 Birth Date: 2/18/18


G A R Sure Fire 5598S Bull


Tattoo: 5598S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.1/20% +70/10% +126/10% +.24/25% +1.15/95% +.7/30% +1.04/35% 49.6 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +30/3% +8.7/80% +14/4% +22/70% +46/35% +.5/35% -10/70% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 36.06 +37/60% +1.17/3% +.38/75% +.05/95% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +65/45% +75/10% +73/70% +72/10% +144/25% +252/25% 6.94 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

10.2 REA Ratio

83 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 100 608

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-72 2-101 2-89 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 970

YWR 100


MPI / %


34.7 Adj % IMF

6.94 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.17 Rib Fat Ratio



50.1 36.09 Adj % IMF

7.03 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio




GR 101


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: P508

ADJ YW 825

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-93

52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

33.25 Adj % IMF

6.81 % IMF Ratio

105 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-95 4-109 4-94 4-107

Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

G A R Sure Fire W778



Tattoo: W778

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.1/25% +71/10% +115/20% +.22/40% +.67/75% +.6/40% +1.46/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +10.5/60% +8/55% +32/10% +30/60% +.3/55% -8/65% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.06/10% +.99/5% -.023/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +92/1% +77/60% +82/2% +159/10% +282/5%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R All In F556 MCC Daybreak 18573093 G A R Daybreak 1610 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 65 1

BWR ADJ WW 95 699

WWR ADJ YW 96 1037

YWR 91


MPI / %

154/4% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-91


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

34.43 Adj % IMF

6.14 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

13.1 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-96 1-99 1-70 1-84

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 100 1033

YWR 100


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


ADG 4.7

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-87 11-99 11-102 11-86

G A R Sure Fire W3108 Bull


Tattoo: W3108

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.3/50% +67/15% +115/20% +.23/35% +.8/80% +.8/20% +.48/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +10.3/60% +3/95% +29/20% +49/35% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.34/2% +.52/55% +.029/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +78/10% +84/40% +84/2% +168/10% +276/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak N552 S S Objective T510 0T26 17456750 G A R Objective 3008 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 BW CALV EASE 1 62

BWR ADJ WW 100 657

WWR ADJ YW 100 1113

YWR 100


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


ADG 4.54

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-87 11-99 11-102 11-86

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire J8050 Bull


Tattoo: J8050

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.1/45% +66/15% +118/15% +.27/10% +.39/50% +.3/75% +.48/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +15.5/10% +6/75% +23/60% +64/20% +.1/75% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +.87/15% +.48/60% +.002/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +67/40% +67/25% +89/30% +64/15% +153/15% +265/15%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise 2185 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 18337586 G A R Complete N281 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE 81 1

BWR ADJ WW 107 578

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 2-76 1-107 1-90 .2

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: W3138

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

381 Birth Date: 2/8/18

.31 ADG 4.6

BWR ADJ WW 100 695

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-104 1-96 .35

Actual ultrasound data collected at 437 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.



380 Birth Date: 3/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak N552 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Objective 3008 17456750 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-80 1-104 1-96 .3

.39 ADG 3.42


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +1.8/65% +72/10% +134/3% +.29/3% +1.11/95% +.9/15% +.82/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +9/75% +4/90% +28/25% +54/30% +.5/35% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +63/5% +1.03/10% +.5/55% +.05/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +79/10% +116/3% +67/10% +182/2% +294/3%


[ DDF ]



Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-65 1-95 1-96 .31

Rump Fat Ratio


.31 ADG 4.88

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Ingenuity G A R Objective 1067 G A R Ingenuity 2544 B/R Ambush 28 17965325 G A R 28 Ambush 1480 G A R Predestined 1907

378 Birth Date: 2/13/18 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +1.1/45% +49/70% +106/30% +.32/1% +.35/50% +.7/30% +2.11/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +16/5% +11/25% +21/75% +51/30% +.4/45% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +41/50% +1.07/10% +.77/20% -.004/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +70/30% +41/85% +105/10% +78/3% +182/2% +306/1%

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107

GAR Surefire P508

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-88 1-85 .21

Rump Fat Ratio

5.62 % IMF Ratio


377 Birth Date: 2/3/18 48.2

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sure Fire W3138

WWR ADJ YW 90 1056

YWR 90


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

122/26% ROI / %


ADG 4.92

GR 102

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-90

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-94 1-94 1-100 1-65

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 85

20+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 304 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1201 17965151 G A R 5050 New Design 649

379 Birth Date: 3/23/18



G A R Sure Fire J8602

382 Birth Date: 2/2/18



Tattoo: J8602

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.5/35% +47/75% +87/70% +.2/60% +.49/60% +.2/80% +.81/50% 48.8 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +28/10% +11/50% +12/15% +30/15% +27/65% +.1/75% -5/55% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 31.74 +37/60% +1.06/10% +.63/35% +.033/80% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +59/65% +57/45% +79/55% +72/10% +151/20% +255/20% 6.59 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

10.3 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Denver 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067 Grimes Blackcap 602 B C Lookout 7024 Maplecrest Blackcap A2200 18616029 G A R Expectation 2333 BW CALV EASE 1 80

BWR ADJ WW 102 603

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR - 1-102 1-100 .3

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 885

YWR 100


MPI / %


52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

36.13 Adj % IMF

7.82 % IMF Ratio

110 Adj REA

13.4 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio


33.86 Adj % IMF

5.61 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

13.3 REA Ratio

109 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio



GR 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100




Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


GR 104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-101 10-101 10-97 10-101

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.0 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

40 Adj % IMF

8.3 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio




EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.8/40% +82/1% +145/1% +.34/1% +.81/80% +1/10% +.81/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/70% +13.2/25% +12/15% +22/70% +107/1% +1/4% -39/95% CW MARB REA Fat +65/4% +.45/60% +1.12/2% -.019/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +50/85% +80/5% +130/1% +54/30% +184/2% +289/4%


BWR ADJ WW 100 672

WWR ADJ YW 100 1099

YWR 100

37 Adj % IMF

6.29 % IMF Ratio


MPI / %


QPI / %

105/56% ROI / %


14.6 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.4 ADG 4.64

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


53.5 Act Yrlg Scr Circm



%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-93 4-97 4-90 4-80

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 96 620

Rib Fat Ratio



YWR 98

MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

113/42% ROI / %


ADG 4.66

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-97 1-84 1-70 1-84

G A R 100X W2877 Bull


Tattoo: W2877

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 RWA Progress W222 B/R New Day 454 17383590 RWA New Day W043 G A R Retail Product 155 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 565

WWR ADJ YW 100 1168

YWR 100


MPI / %

142/16% QPI / %

121/28% ROI / %


ADG 4.86

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 50-105 50-100 50-101 50-97

Actual ultrasound data collected at 479 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R 100X 778L Bull


Tattoo: 778L

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +.3/30% +55/50% +101/40% +.26/15% +.45/55% +.9/15% +.05/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +11/50% +10/35% +38/2% +45/40% +1/4% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +.82/20% +.47/60% -.02/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +46/95% +72/15% +99/15% +63/15% +162/10% +256/20%

Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 17774305 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Objective A706 G A R Predestined G A R Fusion G A R Retail Product 1695 Rita 3F3 of 0O3 Fusion S S Objective T510 0T26 17670687 Rita 0O3 of Rita 5F56 OBJ Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW 1 605 100 1485

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .34

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 101 1066


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -3/1% +48/70% +96/50% +.24/25% +.74/80% +.4/60% +1.52/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +8.2/85% +10/35% +42/1% +24/65% +.4/45% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +1.08/5% +.69/30% -.021/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +51/85% +73/15% +79/55% +79/3% +157/15% +255/20%

387 Birth Date: 9/7/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: G8066

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Tattoo: W588

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 16925771 QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Hidden Hand’s Lucy 3242 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 17896358 Daltons Lucy 1236 Daltons Lucy V033


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-100 2-108 .3

Rump Fat Ratio


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 16925771 QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Goode Sunrise 6318 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 18733051 Goode Ten X 4007 Goode Redirect 1766

386 Birth Date: 10/20/17


G A R Rampage W588


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +2.7/80% +78/2% +129/5% +.23/35% +.83/85% +1/10% +.75/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +8/85% +10.2/60% +9/45% +22/70% +77/10% +.8/15% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +.91/15% +.66/35% -.01/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +51/85% +76/10% +94/20% +69/10% +163/10% +262/15%

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-96 1-101 .21


YWR ADG 105 4.94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-103

G A R Rampage G8066

Lot Tattoo: 8029

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 GAR-EGL Protege L B 6807 Isabel 339 Quaker Hill Firestorm 3PT1 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 17786050 QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Ingenuity G A R Objective 1067 Chair Rock Ingenuity 2079 G A R New Design 5050 17505210 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9057 Chair Rock Future Dir 5027

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - - .27

Rump Fat Ratio


.19 ADG 4.1

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +2.7/80% +73/5% +133/4% +.28/5% +1.25/95% +.9/15% +.46/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +10.6/55% +9/45% +22/70% +82/5% +.5/35% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +63/5% +1.05/10% +1/4% -.022/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +66/25% +112/4% +82/2% +193/1% +304/2%

384 Birth Date: 3/10/18 51.9


ROI / %


G A R Firestorm 8029W


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

6.81 % IMF Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj % IMF


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 1-107 3-98 .34

Rump Fat Ratio


REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

383 Birth Date: 2/15/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

385 Birth Date: 3/5/18


MPI / %

126/49% QPI / %

116/36% ROI / %


YWR ADG 100 4.56

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100

Actual ultrasound data collected at 522 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 86


388 Birth Date: 1/17/18


G A R Stud 8007W Bull


Tattoo: 8007

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.4/75% +60/30% +103/35% +.25/20% +.53/65% +.5/50% +.85/45% 50.4 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +11/75% +6.3/95% +9/45% +25/45% +36/50% +.3/55% -7/65% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 34.23 +54/15% +.93/15% +.85/15% -.016/20% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +44/95% +63/30% +99/15% +73/5% +173/4% +268/15% 6.7 % IMF Ratio

114 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

93 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio


Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-70 1-99 2-111 .23

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 99


MPI / %


34.6 Adj % IMF

7.47 % IMF Ratio

101 Adj REA

9.9 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


GR 99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-100 13-93 13-91 13-94



30.88 Adj % IMF

6.79 % IMF Ratio

92 Adj REA

10.9 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.11 Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 105 490

WWR ADJ YW 95 941

YWR 96


MPI / %

121/60% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-95


53.0 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

35 Adj % IMF

7.48 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

13.5 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-107 2-96 2-107 2-98

Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 121 498

WWR ADJ YW 96 948


YWR 97


MPI / %

127/46% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 5.32

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-106 2-98 2-112 2-106

G A R Prophecy Bull


Tattoo: 776L

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.7/35% +60/30% +107/30% +.21/50% +1.05/95% +.8/20% +.18/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +13.2/25% +4/90% +40/1% +40/45% +.4/45% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.42/1% +.32/85% +.008/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64/50% +81/5% +67/80% +87/1% +155/15% +265/15%

G A R Prophet G A R Prophecy 17623660 G A R 28 Ambush 181 G A R Sunrise G A R Sunrise 1815 18333147 G A R Progress N1401

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Progress G A R Yield Grade N366


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR YWR Rump Fat ACT BW - - 1-98 1-99 .34

Rump Fat Ratio

Tattoo: W248

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

392 Birth Date: 9/12/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 G A R Fruition G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design A84 17123488 G A R Objective A655 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 RWA Anticipation W1794 G A R Predestined DB Rita 334 17957169 G A R Expectation 2323

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-114 2-94 .13

.33 ADG 5.04

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

YWR 99


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


ADG 4.12

GR 101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Actual ultrasound data collected at 517 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Fruition W88 Bull


Tattoo: W88

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.8/65% +77/3% +131/4% +.26/15% +.9/85% +.9/15% +.72/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +8.3/85% +14/4% +23/60% +55/25% +.9/10% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +.83/20% +.8/15% -.025/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +80/5% +95/20% +69/10% +164/10% +279/10%

C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 G A R Fruition G A R New Design 5050 17123488 G A R 5050 New Design A84 G A R Objective A655 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 RWA All In W1114 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 17957135 G A R Bextor L58 G A R Retail Product 1484 BW CALV EASE 68 1

BWR ADJ WW 97 500

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-95 2-93 .12

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC -2/95% +5.8/95% +72/10% +122/10% +.26/15% +.52/60% +.6/40% +.76/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +4.1/95% +5/85% +29/20% +84/5% +1/4% -32/95% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.16/4% +.92/10% -.032/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +28/95% +63/30% +92/25% +87/1% +179/3% +260/15%

Lot Tattoo: W238

C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 G A R Fruition G A R New Design 5050 17123488 G A R 5050 New Design A84 G A R Objective A655 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Symmetry G A R Precision 1343 RWA Symmetry W1714 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 17972391 RWA Complete W1125 G A R Objective A706

390 Birth Date: 12/1/17 49.2


.17 ADG 4.92

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.5/80% +59/35% +114/20% +.27/10% +.91/85% +.9/15% +.53/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +10.6/55% +7/70% +31/10% +33/55% +.7/20% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.01/10% +1.02/4% -.007/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +68/35% +65/25% +106/10% +79/3% +184/2% +307/1%


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Fruition W238

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-99 2-96 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

9.17 % IMF Ratio


389 Birth Date: 12/13/17 50

Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-106

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Fruition W248

WWR ADJ YW 97 982

YWR 101


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

112/43% ROI / %


ADG 6.36

GR 118

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-101

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-92 1-100 1-69 1-75

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

We appreciate Eric Drager’s hard work to get photos for our sale catalogs. Eric takes time away from his own cow-calf and show cattle operation to “git ‘er done!”

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 87

20+ Month Old Bulls


Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 EXAR Stud 4658B Summitcrest Complete 1P55 BoBo Rita 1559 17908266 DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 Chair Rock Complete 3024 G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9081 17588986 Chair Rock 1407 ND 6086

391 Birth Date: 12/3/17



G A R Prophet L628

393 Birth Date: 1/18/18



Tattoo: L628

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.2/20% +68/15% +117/15% +.18/75% +1.54/95% +.5/50% +.89/40% 49.4 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Adj Yrlg +15/55% +10.8/55% +14/4% +36/3% +40/45% +.5/35% -15/85% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 35.23 +54/15% +1/10% +.8/15% +.018/60% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +69/35% +90/1% +78/55% +73/5% +151/20% +265/15% 5.45 % IMF Ratio

78 Adj REA

12.3 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat


20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 16295688 V A R Discovery 2240 CoX 27R Rita 5018 SQ 27R of 3540 FD 18168618 BW CALV EASE 1 79

BWR ADJ WW 100 482

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 2-76 1-100 1-100 .28

Rump Fat Ratio

B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 C A Future Direction 5321 Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1

WWR ADJ YW 100 957

YWR 100


MPI / %


32.94 Adj % IMF

7.42 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

13 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio



GR 97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-101 7-103 7-108 7-107


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Progress RWA Progress W222 17383590 RWA New Day W043 BW CALV EASE 1 68

36 Adj % IMF

6.2 % IMF Ratio

0 Adj REA

10.4 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.16 Rib Fat Ratio


BWR ADJ WW 101 566

Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: W558

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 B/R New Day 454 G A R Retail Product 155 WWR ADJ YW 95 1027

YWR 95


MPI / %

127/46% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


Rump Fat Ratio

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.0 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

37 Adj % IMF

5.79 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

13.2 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 50-105 50-100 50-101 50-97

Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise 1217G Bull


Tattoo: 1217G


BWR ADJ WW 100 665

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R New Design 5050 DRMCTR Objective 8J33

WWR ADJ YW 100 1036

YWR 100

36 Adj % IMF

5.71 % IMF Ratio


MPI / %


QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


13.9 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.36 ADG 4.46

GR 91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


52.5 Act Yrlg Scr Circm



%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-104 5-91 5-90 5-97

Actual ultrasound data collected at 441 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

BWR ADJ WW 106 661

Rib Fat Ratio



WWR ADJ YW 107 1123

YWR 97


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %



GR 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-118 4-102 4-108 4-106



Tattoo: 1047G

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +.7/35% +69/10% +133/4% +.29/3% +1.42/95% +.6/40% -.02/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +11.5/45% +12/15% +37/2% +76/10% +.3/55% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +60/10% +.52/50% +1.21/1% -.012/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +83/3% +105/10% +58/25% +162/10% +264/15%

Hoover Dam S S Niagara Z29 17287387 Jet S S X144 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1764 17965275 G A R Sunrise 2922 BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 612

SydGen C C & 7 Erica of Ellston C124 B/R New Day 454 JET S S T151 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Sunrise G A R 5050 New Design T179 WWR ADJ YW 100 1173

YWR 100


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


ADG 4.72

GR 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 2-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-101 6-112 6-122 6-114

Actual ultrasound data collected at 488 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Niagara T427 Bull

[ DDF ]


Tattoo: T427

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.5/15% +66/15% +123/10% +.25/20% +1.2/95% +.7/30% +.19/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +13.8/20% +10/35% +29/20% +56/25% +.5/35% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +.87/15% +.76/20% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +76/15% +77/10% +75/65% +64/15% +139/30% +256/20%

Hoover Dam S S Niagara Z29 17287387 Jet S S X144 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 653 17623160 G A R 28 Ambush 2850 BW CALV EASE 70 1

BWR ADJ WW 87 649

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-61 1-89 1-94 .57

Rump Fat Ratio

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Precision 3034

G A R Niagara 1047G

398 Birth Date: 10/24/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Tattoo: T687

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1/45% +77/3% +119/15% +.15/95% +1.18/95% +.7/30% -.36/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +7.6/90% +7/70% +27/30% +32/55% +.4/45% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.16/4% +.73/25% -.026/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +93/1% +57/90% +84/2% +140/30% +259/20%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet Ogeechee Prophet 4016G 18077742 Ogeechee GAR Rita 1019G


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 3-75 3-97 3-104 .28

Rump Fat Ratio


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R New Design 5050 Hillside 5050 1126 G A R Objective A655 17209971

397 Birth Date: 10/11/17

.27 ADG 4.66


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-110 2-105 .18


Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-66 1-98 1-96 .18

Rump Fat Ratio

Adj Rib Fat

G A R Sunrise T687

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +1.9/65% +70/10% +136/3% +.3/2% +1.76/95% +1.1/4% +.3/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +15.3/10% +1/95% +34/5% +88/4% +.9/10% -37/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/15% +1.17/3% +.69/30% -.008/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +54/80% +76/10% +88/35% +82/2% +170/5% +274/10%


Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

395 Birth Date: 11/27/17 51.0


.2 ADG 4.42

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.5/15% +64/20% +106/30% +.21/50% +.6/70% +.3/75% -.14/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +7.7/90% +12/15% +39/1% +56/25% +.5/35% -24/95% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.25/2% +.65/35% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/75% +87/2% +73/70% +83/2% +156/15% +258/20%


Act Yrlg Scr Circm


ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht



G A R Radiance W558

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-100 2-108 .32

Rump Fat Ratio

6.24 % IMF Ratio


394 Birth Date: 1/3/18 50

34 Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.


Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

52.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

QPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

396 Birth Date: 12/9/17

SydGen C C & 7 Erica of Ellston C124 B/R New Day 454 JET S S T151 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 327L WWR ADJ YW 98 1316

YWR 98


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


ADG 5.16

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 24-105 24-98 24-104 24-100

Actual ultrasound data collected at 475 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 88



G A R Niagara T457

399 Birth Date: 11/1/17



Tattoo: T457

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2/65% +74/5% +137/2% +.26/15% +1.87/95% +.7/30% +.31/80% 53.0 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Act Yrlg +16/50% +11.3/50% +10/35% +32/10% +82/5% +.8/15% -33/95% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 37 +54/15% +.68/30% +.81/15% +.004/40% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +62/55% +81/5% +79/55% +59/20% +138/35% +241/35% 6.01

Hoover Dam Actual S S Niagara Z29 Adj REA Jet S S X144 17287387 14 REA Ratio G A R New Design 5050 Actual G A R 5050 New Design 653 Adj Rib Fat 17623160 G A R 28 Ambush 2850 .3

SydGen C C & 7 Erica of Ellston C124 B/R New Day 454 JET S S T151 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 327L

% IMF Ratio

Rib Fat Ratio

BWR ADJ WW 101 643

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR 1-61 1-89 1-94 .35

Rump Fat Ratio



53.5 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

35 Adj % IMF

7.85 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

12.9 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio




BWR ADJ WW 99 708



52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

41.92 Adj % IMF

5.42 % IMF Ratio

77 Adj REA

15.7 REA Ratio

117 Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio


YWR 103


Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

127/19% ROI / %



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

38.89 Adj % IMF

7.92 % IMF Ratio

118 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

GR 94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 24-105 24-98 24-104 24-100

Rib Fat Ratio


YWR 100

MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


ADG 4.84

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-73 2-94 2-111 2-67

G A R Sure Fire T657 Bull


Tattoo: T657

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 B/R New Design 036 G A R Predestined G A R Ext 4206 Hillside Prestined 3021 S S Objective T510 0T26 17790764 G A R Objective A655 G A R Precision 3034 BWR ADJ WW 105 623

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 3-104 3-100 .37

Rump Fat Ratio

WWR ADJ YW 100 1241


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2/65% +60/30% +112/20% +.24/25% +1.02/90% +.9/15% +1.46/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +5.4/95% +9/45% +44/1% +55/25% +.7/20% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.24/2% +.54/50% +.049/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +47/90% +78/10% +79/55% +77/4% +156/15% +249/25%



Tattoo: W858

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

403 Birth Date: 12/6/17

.29 ADG 4.62

BWR ADJ WW 100 753

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-67 1-107 1-101 .33

Rump Fat Ratio


Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 Bridges Progress 417 G A R Yield Grade 17963298 Bridges Evergreen Erica 4139 RMR Evergreen Time CI13 BW CALV EASE 1 83



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.2/70% +64/20% +123/10% +.29/3% +.84/85% +.8/20% +1.43/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +7.3/90% +3/95% +28/25% +74/10% +.9/10% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +.76/25% +.43/70% +.017/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +37/95% +64/30% +104/10% +56/25% +160/10% +245/30%


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

WWR ADJ YW 105 1063

YWR 110


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

130/15% ROI / %


ADG 4.74



%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-107 2-92 2-116 2-102

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Tattoo: G8221

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +0/90% +4.6/95% +72/10% +126/10% +.28/5% +.86/85% +1/10% +2.04/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN -9/95% +13.8/20% +12/15% +26/40% +50/30% +.6/25% -14/80% CW MARB REA Fat +60/10% +.76/25% +1.3/1% -.047/3% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +60/60% +68/20% +107/10% +74/5% +181/2% +295/3%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 16925771 QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 Gardens Highmark Rito 9Q20 of Rita 5F56 GHM Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Goode 9Q20 5664 B/R Ambush 28 18449320 G A R Ambush 0H18 Goode Objective 544 BW CALV EASE 83 1

BWR ADJ WW 106 687

WWR ADJ YW 106 1244

YWR 103


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

108/51% ROI / %


ADG 4.62

GR 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-103

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-77 1-117 1-108 1-88

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

GR 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-103

G A R Rampage G8221

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-83 1-106 1-106 .22

Rump Fat Ratio

GR 94

Actual ultrasound data collected at 462 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

401 Birth Date: 1/23/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 107 1390


.37 ADG 4.6

Tattoo: T517

SydGen C C & 7 Erica of Ellston C124 B/R New Day 454 JET S S T151 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 327L


ROI / %


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +.7/35% +71/10% +125/10% +.23/35% +1.34/95% +.6/40% +.29/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/40% +14.7/15% +9/45% +21/75% +87/4% +.7/20% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.09/5% +.67/30% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58/70% +69/20% +66/80% +73/5% +140/30% +240/35%

Hoover Dam S S Niagara Z29 17287387 Jet S S X144 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 653 17623160 G A R 28 Ambush 2850

3.68 % IMF Ratio


[ CAF ]


Adj % IMF

REA Ratio

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 24-105 24-98 24-104 24-100

G A R Niagara T517


QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-61 1-89 1-94 .44

Rump Fat Ratio

YWR 100

52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


Actual ultrasound data collected at 467 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

400 Birth Date: 11/6/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR ADJ YW 97 1352

MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sure Fire W858

Cole and Ransom finished 1st and 2nd in the 4th of July Firecracker 5K.

88 Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 89

20+ Month Old Bulls




402 Birth Date: 1/2/18


404 Birth Date: 11/24/17



Tattoo: T597

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +62/25% +106/30% +.22/40% +.59/70% +.7/30% +1.03/35% 52.0 DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Act Yrlg +23/20% +11.8/40% +6/75% +29/20% +59/20% +.5/35% -20/90% Scr Circm CW MARB REA Fat 39 +44/40% +1.18/3% +.59/45% -.01/25% Adj $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined % IMF +56/75% +72/15% +86/40% +81/2% +168/10% +274/10% 5.33

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 Actual G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Adj REA Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 14 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 REA MCC Daybreak Ratio G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Actual Hillside Sunrise T295 Adj G A R New Design 5050 Rib Fat 18419530 Hillside 5050 New Design 238 Hillside Blackcap Obj 722 .27 % IMF Ratio

20+ Month Old Bulls

Rib Fat Ratio



BWR ADJ WW 108 617

WWR ADJ YW 100 1267

Dam’s Production Record Adj Rump Fat ACT BW BWR WWR YWR - 1-108 1-100 1-100 .34

Rump Fat Ratio


49.9 36.9 Adj % IMF

4.79 % IMF Ratio

80 Adj REA

12.1 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio



51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm

35.36 Adj % IMF

4.01 % IMF Ratio

78 Adj REA



QPI / %

REA Ratio

ROI / %



Adj Rib Fat

.27 ADG 4.7

GR 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: W2608

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.9/40% +68/15% +128/10% +.28/5% +1.19/95% +.9/15% +1.32/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +11.2/50% +8/55% +36/3% +56/25% +.7/20% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +63/5% +.8/20% +1/4% -.021/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +63/55% +83/3% +108/10% +70/10% +177/3% +293/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 GDAR Game Day 449 Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Pride 88T EXAR Joy 6211 EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Joy 2708 18377179 Basin Joy 6278 BW CALV EASE 1 62

BWR ADJ WW 90 699

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 1-90 1-98 .24

WWR ADJ YW 98 1173

YWR 102


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

117/35% ROI / %


ADG 4.64

GR 99

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-78 1-105 1-108 1-89


Our experience with Sure Fire progeny has been to find cattle that are very adept for the traits that make cattle functional and profitable. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Sure Fire T717


G A R Sure Fire T587



Tattoo: T717

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+11/15% I+.5/35% I+60/30% I+109/25% I+.24/25% I+.82/85% +.3/75% +1.22/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+29/4% I+12.1/35% I+10/35% I+27/30% I+32/55% I+.3/55% -5/55% CW MARB REA Fat +33/70% +1.11/5% +.58/45% +.048/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +77/15% +70/20% +80/50% +72/10% +152/15% +274/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 B/R New Design 036 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Precision 706 G A R 5050 New Design 653 B/R Ambush 28 17623160 G A R 28 Ambush 2850 G A R Predestined 327L BW CALV EASE 1 70

BWR ADJ WW 100 549

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW 1-61 1-89 1-94 .46

Rump Fat Ratio

MPI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump Fat Ratio

405 Birth Date: 8/26/17 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm


406 Birth Date: 12/21/17

Actual ultrasound data collected at 444 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

YWR 100

G A R Sure Fire W2608


G A R Sure Fire T597

WWR ADJ YW 100 1072

YWR 100


MPI / %

135/28% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

53.0 Act Yrlg Scr Circm

35 Adj % IMF

4.45 % IMF Ratio

Actual Adj REA

14.4 REA Ratio

Actual Adj Rib Fat

.23 ADG 3.87

GR 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-97

407 Birth Date: 11/14/17

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 24-105 24-98 24-104 24-100

Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: T587

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Hillside Ten X T418 G A R New Design 5050 18090537 Hillside 5050 New Design 115 Hillside Georgina Obj 2645 2 BW CALV EASE 1 84

BWR ADJ WW 100 613

Dam’s Production Record Adj BWR WWR Rump Fat ACT BW - 2-102 2-95 .25

Rump Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.9/10% +59/35% +116/15% +.3/2% +.66/75% +.9/15% +1.63/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +9.1/75% +12/15% +32/10% +46/35% +.6/25% -16/85% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +.83/20% +.78/20% +.012/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +66/45% +71/15% +111/4% +65/15% +176/3% +294/3%

WWR ADJ YW 99 1208

YWR 104


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

117/35% ROI / %


ADG 4.44

GR 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-104

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-50 1-101 1-64 1-69

Top 10% CED, top 3% $B, & $C. Actual ultrasound data collected at 454 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

Thank you so much for joining us and buying cattle at GAR. We are very thankful for your business. We are committed to your beef cattle success!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 90

Registered Females that Sell We are pleased offer 127 registered Angus females in our 15th Annual Fall Sale. Our spring season has become too busy! Therefore, we have decided to sell ALL registered cows and heifers scheduled to calve next spring. These are NOT a bunch of “unwanted” cows and heifers. Instead, they represent the “most current” genetics at GAR. Daughters of Sure Fire, Sunrise, Momentum and Radiance make up the majority (67%) of the females that sell. Bred heifers will be sold individually (70 head) or in groups of three (39 head). The 18 young cows (2- to 4-yr-olds) will be sold individually. Check out the description of these cows and heifers along with their average EPDs and index values.

GAR Bred Heifers This is where our most “current” genetics are located. The Spring-calving outstanding average values and %ranks in Registered Females this group (see table) represent the “balanced” genetic superiority of the 109 heifers to be sold. Twenty of these heifers rank in the Top 5% for both $C and ROI. These Top5/Top5 heifers are an “elite” group. If you are looking for a “super elite” group, find the 10 Sure Fire daughters in the Top5/Top5 group. Their EPDs and index values across the board will “take your breath away.”



2019 Fall Bred Heifer Average EPDs, $Values & ROI EPD %Rank

CED YW MARB $M $B $C ROI 10 114 1.26 $66.92 $168.23 $285.13 251 20 15 2 40 8 4 10

If you are looking for a future donor to use after these heifers calve next spring, there are lots of prospects here. Donor prospects sired by Sure Fire, Cache, Momentum and Ashland are pretty easy to identify in this bred heifer sale offering. GAR Bred Cows This is a select group of young cows. Despite being a generation older, the average EPDs, $Values and ROI of the bred cow group are very similar to those of the bred heifer group (see table). Note that 10 of the 18 cows have a pregnancy sexed as a heifer calf. We refer to those cows with heifer calves inside as “herd builders.”

2019 Fall Bred Cow Average EPDs, $Values & ROI EPD %Rank

CED YW MARB $M $B $C ROI 10 114 1.23 $59.33 $171.17 $281.39 249 20 15 2 65 4 5 12

The value of the bred, registered cows and their pregnancies is enhanced when you notice that most of the cows in this group are bred to our best young sires: Ashland ($C, $286;ROI, 255) Genuine ($C, $302;ROI, 272) and Phoenix ($C, 317,ROI, 287). The combined average index value for these three sires ranks them in the Top 1% for $C and Top 2% for ROI. These bulls will sire some special calves. Too Excited ????? We don’t think we have gotten too excited when describing these registered females. We don’t “sell ‘em all” very often. This is a chance to get every spring-calving registered female we own. Their data speaks for itself. PLEASE take advantage of this opportunity.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 91

“We don’t sell ‘em all very often!” ALL

Spring-calving Registered Females


Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 92

Bred Registered Heifers

Lot 408 • GAR Momentum 188S Lot

G A R Momentum 188S

408 Birth Date: 2/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51 Adj % IMF

8.5 % IMF Ratio

98 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio




Lot Tattoo: 188S

409 Birth Date: 3/29/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +5.2/95% +91/1% +158/1% +.33/1% +.87/85% +1/10% +.42/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +38/1% +3.3/95% +2/95% +32/10% +166/1% +1.5/1% -73/95% CW MARB REA Fat +77/1% +1.28/2% +1.11/2% -.022/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +18/95% +80/4% +141/1% +94/1% +235/1% +323/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1284 17965236 G A R Complete 3011


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


50.1 Adj % IMF

8.64 % IMF Ratio

100 10.2 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire F588 Cow


Tattoo: F588

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +3.4/90% +78/2% +144/1% +.3/2% +1.46/95% +1.1/4% +1.39/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +12.8/30% +4/90% +33/5% +66/15% +.7/20% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +64/4% +1.44/1% +.63/40% +.005/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +75/20% +84/2% +106/10% +93/1% +199/1% +333/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F566 G A R Prophet 18569827 G A R Prophet F134 G A R 28 Ambush N340


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

160/1% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 95 1 100 657 100 1079 100 .32

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 88 1 100 552 100 934 100 .35

YWR 1-98


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-81 1-105 1-88 82

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-97 9-103 9-107 9-98

Bred 6/7/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-86 1-116 1-115 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-100 1-102 1-97 1-100

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

188S is a uniquely powerful Momentum daughter. With her +235 $Beef, Special heifer with her top 1% ROI, $B, & $C & YW. Elite Marbling. We 188S ranks in the top 50 non-parent Angus Females of the breed. This expect the Ashland bull calf she is carrying will have all of the goodies matron easily rides in the rare air of the top 1% for WW, YW, $F, $G, that make Angus cattle special! $B and & $C. Top 2% with over +1 for Marbling and RE. Versatile trait genetic progress! Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 93

Bred Registered Heifers

Lot 410 • GAR Sure Fire 398S G A R Sure Fire 398S


410 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48 Adj % IMF

8.21 % IMF Ratio

94 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/17/18



Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise 2785 G A R New Design 5050 18333237 G A R 5050 New Design 3141 G A R 28 Ambush 619

“Highest $C In The Sale!”

Tattoo: 398S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +3.4/90% +72/5% +134/3% +.3/2% +1.1/95% +.7/25% +1.11/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +12/35% +3/95% +23/60% +86/4% +.5/35% -30/95% CW MARB REA Fat +68/2% +1.49/1% +.81/15% -.018/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +59/65% +63/25% +124/1% +100/1% +224/1% +350/1% METHOD GENETICS

MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %


398S is the highest $Combination female of this sale. Note her special growth, marbling, RADG genetic predictions. She is a big middled, free moving female. This female will merit FSH after she has her valuable Ashland heifer calf!

ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 94 1 100 647 100 1036 100 .4 Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-108 3-99 3-91 3-77

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 94

Bred Registered Heifers

Lot 411 • GAR Sure Fire F688 G A R Sure Fire F688


411 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.1 Adj % IMF

8.63 % IMF Ratio

100 Adj REA

10.3 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/31/18



Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum F276 MCC Daybreak 18543223 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039

“You can have it all!”

Tattoo: F688

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% +.6/35% +65/15% +122/10% +.3/2% +.6/70% +1.1/4% +1.44/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +1.7/95% +10/30% +37/2% +50/30% +.7/20% -20/95% CW MARB REA Fat +66/3% +1.48/1% +.88/10% +.003/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +47/90% +82/3% +121/1% +98/1% +220/1% +332/1%

Top 1% for $B, $C, QPI, ROI and Marbling… good stuff!


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

153/1% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 85 1 100 553 100 964 100 .36 Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-103 4-109 4-115 4-101

Bred 5/27/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 95

Bred Registered Heifers

Lot 412 • GAR Sure Fire F618 G A R Sure Fire F618


412 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.1 Adj % IMF

9.39 % IMF Ratio

109 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.41 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/31/18



G A R Sure Fire F318

Lot Tattoo: F618


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% +.3/30% +59/30% +116/15% +.26/15% +1.21/95% +.7/25% +1.29/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +10.1/60% +7/65% +37/2% +34/55% +.4/45% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.55/1% +.86/15% +.025/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +67/40% +77/10% +98/15% +99/1% +197/1% +323/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum F276 MCC Daybreak 18543223 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039


MPI / %

161/1% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


51 Adj % IMF

6.98 % IMF Ratio

81 10.5 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/6/18



Tattoo: F318

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.5/30% +70/10% +135/2% +.28/5% +1.44/95% +1/10% +1.57/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +11.5/45% +9/45% +31/10% +72/10% +.9/10% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +68/2% +1.26/2% +.83/15% +.028/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +62/55% +79/5% +111/4% +85/2% +196/1% +316/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 844 LD Redirect 11 17965196 G A R Redirect 431 G A R 5050 New Design N539


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 76 1 100 462 100 835 100 .29

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 100 514 100 952 100 .4


YWR 1-91

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 83

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-103 4-109 4-115 4-101

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sunbeam. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-60 1-87 1-98 114

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-99 12-99 12-83 12-96

Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Oh WOW! Note the top 1% rankings across the board. Unique genetics for Elite female for all of the traits that made Angus cattle the dominant calving ease, growth, and end product value! beef breed. Sure Fire x Prophet will make elegant progeny that will work well in most environments!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 96


414 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj % IMF

8.15 % IMF Ratio

95 Adj REA

10.2 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/12/18



G A R Sure Fire F558


G A R Sure Fire F378 Tattoo: F378


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/50% +2.6/80% +74/4% +126/5% +.24/25% +1.15/95% +.8/20% +1.21/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +14/15% +9/45% +28/25% +49/35% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.42/1% +.92/10% +.008/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +89/2% +81/4% +85/40% +96/1% +180/2% +322/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 832 18025251 G A R 5050 New Design 1009



MPI / %


46.5 Adj % IMF

9.61 % IMF Ratio

112 9.1 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/26/18



Tattoo: F558

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% -.4/15% +56/40% +107/25% +.27/10% +.45/60% +.2/85% +1.65/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/75% +7.9/85% +2/95% +35/3% +26/65% -.1/90% -8/70% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.6/1% +.64/35% -.004/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +54/80% +74/10% +95/20% +102/1% +196/1% +308/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F476 G A R Progress G A R Progress F83 18570901 G A R 28 Ambush C19


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

147/2% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 100 483 100 803 100 .34

YWR 1-100


Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 83

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer. F378 is bred to the Select Sires bull G A R Genuine. Genuine is an Absolute son with tremendous CED, growth, marbling and muscle. He has competed very well. Lot 414 is truly donor material when you look at her status within the Angus Breed!

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-89 2-89 2-44 2-73

Bred 5/16/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer. Shazam! Exceptional female for the traits of merit. Planned parenthood works!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 97

Bred Registered Heifers

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 69 1 100 442 100 840 100 .29

Bred Registered Heifers

Lot 416 • GAR Sure Fire F08 G A R Sure Fire F08


416 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.4 Adj % IMF

9.38 % IMF Ratio

110 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

91 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/9/18



G A R Sure Fire 688S

Lot Tattoo: F08


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -1/10% +57/40% +108/25% +.24/25% +.85/85% +.7/25% +2.55/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +9.8/65% +11/20% +31/10% +21/70% +.1/75% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.46/1% +.62/40% +.048/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +74/20% +73/10% +93/25% +89/1% +182/2% +310/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet L36 MCC Daybreak 18699824 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R 5050 New Design 1039


MPI / %

153/4% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


49.2 Adj % IMF

8.85 % IMF Ratio

102 10.9 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/22/18



Tattoo: 688S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.2/50% +74/4% +129/4% +.24/25% +1.12/95% +1/10% +1.52/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/15% +9.5/70% +10/30% +28/25% +54/25% +.7/20% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +1.36/2% +1.09/3% +.011/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +69/35% +84/2% +92/25% +95/1% +186/1% +310/1%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 875 MCC Daybreak 18333071 G A R Daybreak 832 G A R 5050 New Design 1009


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 66 1 90 533 93 935 96 .38

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 83 1 100 587 100 982 100 .36

YWR 1-96

YWR 1-100

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-90 1-93 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-110 1-91 1-119 1-115

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-106 1-91 92

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-117 3-97 3-108 3-107

Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Would you rather have a pound of lead or gold? Go for the gold with F08’s stellar Marbling!

Females that rank in the top 1% of the Method Genetics database for ROI are valuable. Angus cattle that are greater than +1 for marbling and RE need to be multiplied!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 98


418 Birth Date: 2/6/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

46.8 Adj % IMF

8.78 % IMF Ratio

103 Adj REA

11.3 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sure Fire F8 Cow


Tattoo: F8

421 Birth Date: 3/10/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.4/30% +63/20% +113/20% +.25/20% +.7/75% +.6/40% +1.76/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +15/10% +10/30% +34/4% +43/40% +.3/55% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +.98/10% +.77/20% +.025/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +85/3% +79/5% +92/25% +70/10% +162/10% +295/2%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet L66 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 2531 18699837 G A R 5050 New Design N139



MPI / %


49.1 Adj % IMF

8.89 % IMF Ratio

103 9.2 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire F368 Cow


Tattoo: F368

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+9/25% I+1/45% I+65/15% I+113/20% I+.22/40% I+.94/90% +.7/25% I+1.01/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% I+12.3/35% I+10/30% I+29/20% I+36/50% I+.2/65% -10/75% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.34/2% +.77/20% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +69/35% +78/5% +85/40% +90/1% +174/3% +295/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 832 18025251 G A R 5050 New Design 1009


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 76 1 100 453 100 765 100 .29

YWR 1-94

YWR 1-100

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-68 1-93 1-89 112

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-103 1-97 1-112 1-112

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 83

Sure Fire daughters are sought all over the world! Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

We try to select our “fleet” of females that excel for CED, growth in the right package, marbling, muscle and maternal function. May we present F8 as a great example! Bred 5/28/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Sure Fire 968S


419 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 2/21/18



Lot Tattoo: 968S

422 Birth Date: 2/20/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.6/35% +67/15% +117/15% +.24/25% +.79/80% +.8/20% +1.08/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +11/50% +8/55% +35/3% +31/55% +.4/45% -10/75% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.14/4% +.53/55% +.012/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +77/15% +87/2% +85/40% +76/4% +161/10% +286/4%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 604 MCC Daybreak 17965178 G A R Daybreak 1610 G A R Objective 277L



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


147/9% 138/7% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 958S Cow


Tattoo: 958S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -1.9/4% +40/90% +79/80% +.22/40% +.03/25% +.3/75% +1.06/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +14.7/10% +12/15% +29/20% -14/95% -.1/90% +10/15% CW MARB REA Fat +30/80% +1.19/3% +.81/15% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +80/10% +55/45% +84/40% +80/3% +164/10% +293/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Ingenuity G A R Objective 1067 G A R Ingenuity 2544 B/R Ambush 28 17965325 G A R 28 Ambush 1480 G A R Predestined 1907


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %




YWR 1-102

YWR 1-93

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-81 1-101 1-91 NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-104 14-95 14-86 14-94

Method Genetics has done a tremendous job of helping us identify females that need to be treated repeatedly with FSH. 968S is outstanding! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a bull.


420 Birth Date: 3/5/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49 Adj % IMF

8.51 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

11.9 REA Ratio

119 Adj Rib Fat

.48 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire F138 Cow


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-67 1-88 1-85 NA

Cool pedigree on yet another sweet Sure Fire daughter! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Lot Tattoo: F138

423 Birth Date: 1/10/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -1.3/10% +51/60% +94/55% +.21/50% +.41/55% +.3/75% +.65/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +9/75% +5/85% +32/10% -8/95% -.2/95% +7/25% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.3/2% +.81/15% +.047/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +77/15% +72/10% +89/30% +84/2% +173/4% +301/2%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1254 MCC Daybreak 17965233 G A R Daybreak 572 G A R 5050 New Design 789


MPI / %

140/19% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-95 4-109 4-94 4-107

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 8001 Cow


Tattoo: 8001

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -.4/15% +60/30% +106/30% +.25/20% +.38/50% +.2/85% +1.72/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +8.5/80% +4/90% +18/90% +57/25% +.3/55% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.09/10% +.97/10% +.011/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +48/90% +57/40% +108/5% +80/3% +188/1% +292/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak Y4102 ALC Big Eye D09N 18021580 G A R Big Eye 40 G A R Predestined 108


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

125/22% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 63 1 100 513 100 916 100 .49


YWR 1-102


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-67 1-96 1-111 140

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-94 8-108 8-113 8-102

Exciting Sure Fire female. Her Ashland bull calf should be valuable! Bred 6/6/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-63 1-87 1-95 NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF -




Modest Stature female with Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 99

Bred Registered Heifers

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 93 509 89 911 94 .37


424 Birth Date: 3/12/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.1 Adj % IMF

7.39 % IMF Ratio

86 Adj REA

10.7 REA Ratio

107 Adj Rib Fat

.22 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Heifers



G A R Cache F288 Cow


Tattoo: F288

426 Birth Date: 2/15/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/25% +61/25% +104/30% +.2/60% +.45/60% +.3/75% +.91/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +15.4/10% +14/3% +29/20% +13/80% +.1/75% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.44/1% +.91/10% +.044/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +97/1% +78/5% +93/25% +93/1% +186/1% +338/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 G A R Daybreak G72 18127293


Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718


MPI / %


49 Adj % IMF

12.13 % IMF Ratio

139 10.9 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache 288S Cow


Tattoo: 288S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +3.1/90% +70/10% +126/5% +.22/40% +1.35/95% +.6/40% +1.68/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +9/80% +9.2/70% +14/3% +28/25% +26/65% +.5/35% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +59/10% +1.42/1% +.92/10% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +75/20% +76/10% +90/30% +93/1% +183/2% +312/1%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965157

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

158/1% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 86 1 100 513 100 847 100 .36

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 89 1 100 646 100 1062 100 .35

YWR 1-106

YWR 1-96

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-69 1-89 1-97 103

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 90

Top 1% $C & Marbling. Bred 6/7/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardens Cache is the result of the Janssen family’s relentless selection for moderate birth weight, stature, and end product merit. The Green Garden Angus family have created genetics for decades that we all benefit from. F288 is truly unique for CED, $B, $C, Marbling, and RE, and YH. Donor material! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a bull. Lot

425 Birth Date: 3/7/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48 Adj % IMF

7.75 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

9.2 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache F208 Cow


Lot Tattoo: F208

427 Birth Date: 2/17/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +1.2/50% +62/25% +122/10% +.26/15% +1.45/95% +.4/60% +.47/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.1/50% +10/30% +27/30% +51/30% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +57/10% +1.44/1% +.77/20% +.059/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +65/45% +66/20% +100/15% +89/1% +189/1% +310/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 18127293 G A R Daybreak G72



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718

125/51% 154/1% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

48 Adj % IMF

10.33 % IMF Ratio

119 10.3

Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache 408S Cow


Tattoo: 408S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.2/20% +67/15% +120/10% +.21/50% +1.4/95% +.3/75% +.4/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +15.6/10% +16/1% +22/70% +57/25% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.68/1% +.7/30% +.023/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +79/10% +70/15% +73/70% +104/1% +177/3% +309/1%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

150/1% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 88 1 100 440 100 869 100 .35

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 610 100 960 100 .33

YWR 1-106

YWR 1-96

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-69 1-89 1-97 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

Super Cache daughter with worlds of growth, marbling, muscle and maternal possibilities! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 85

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Modest framed Cache daughter with off the charts Marbling! Bred 6/20/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a .

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 100


428 Birth Date: 2/18/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj % IMF

7.61 % IMF Ratio

87 Adj REA

10.5 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.27 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Cache 458S Cow


Tattoo: 458S

430 Birth Date: 2/12/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +1.5/55% +67/15% +118/15% +.21/50% +1.06/95% +.6/40% +.8/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/15% +10.8/50% +12/15% +31/10% +22/70% +.3/55% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.6/1% +.72/25% +.073/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +85/3% +83/3% +75/65% +95/1% +170/4% +305/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965157


Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %


49.4 Adj % IMF

10.27 % IMF Ratio

118 12.1 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache 108S Cow


Tattoo: 108S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% -.9/10% +69/10% +131/3% +.26/15% +1.41/95% +.5/50% +1.05/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +11.4/45% +14/3% +22/70% +55/25% +.6/25% -14/85% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.51/1% +.79/20% +.045/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +71/30% +72/10% +89/30% +94/1% +183/2% +308/1%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965157

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 67 1 100 644 100 1050 100 .49

YWR 1-96

YWR 1-96

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 79

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 126

I will be excited to see this Cache daughters calf by Ashland! Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Cool trend on Cache daughters…top 1% $C & Marbling. Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer. Lot

429 Birth Date: 2/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache 1018S Cow


Lot Tattoo: 1018S

431 Birth Date: 2/15/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.2/10% +57/40% +101/40% +.19/70% +.63/70% +.4/60% +.84/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +14/15% +17/1% +31/10% -5/95% +.2/65% +7/25% CW MARB REA Fat +30/80% +1.79/1% +.64/35% +.061/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +86/3% +78/5% +61/90% +104/1% +165/10% +300/2%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649

136/26% 147/2% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

49 Adj % IMF

9.13 % IMF Ratio

105 9.4

Adj Rib Fat

.41 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Cache 318S Cow


Tattoo: 318S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.6/15% +59/30% +113/20% +.24/25% +1.13/95% +.5/50% +.71/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/35% +12.2/35% +17/1% +30/15% +43/40% +.6/25% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.67/1% +.3/85% +.077/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +71/30% +70/15% +80/55% +92/1% +172/4% +294/2%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 374 17965157 G A R Daybreak 1201

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %

124/53% QPI / %

151/1% ROI / %



Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 100 1 100 555 100 961 100 .45

YWR 1-96

YWR 1-96

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

These Cache sisters out of Prophet 374 are donor material! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-66 1-95 1-96 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-106 19-103 19-93 19-91

All traits are in good order on this special Gardens Cache daughter! Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 101

Bred Registered Heifers

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 87 1 100 611 100 958 100 .31


432 Birth Date: 3/7/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50 Adj % IMF

7.14 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

10.1 REA Ratio

101 Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Heifers




Tattoo: F178

435 Birth Date: 3/7/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.4/75% +85/1% +154/1% +.32/1% +1.45/95% +1.3/1% +.85/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +9.4/70% +12/15% +22/70% +97/2% +1.3/1% -34/95% CW MARB REA Fat +73/1% +.91/15% +.83/15% -.017/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +65/45% +79/5% +123/1% +72/10% +195/1% +318/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive G A R Daybreak 1521 18333424 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 234 G A R Complete 3011 17965146


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %


8.04 % IMF Ratio

93 9.5 REA Ratio


QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109

50 Adj % IMF


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 64 1 100 508 100 961 100 .35 Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-71 2-101 2-106 100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-83 2-104 2-88 2-93

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.6 Adj % IMF

7.66 % IMF Ratio

111 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Proactive X138 Cow


G A R Prophet G A R Proactive G A R Daybreak 1521 18333424 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 G A R Complete N281 18025259

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-86 - - 86

Lot Tattoo: X138

436 Birth Date: 2/21/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Sunrise H P C A Sunrise A156 18783492 G A R In Sure N1022



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %





Tattoo: F48

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %

160/2% QPI / %

146/2% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

ROI is a complete production system approach from conception through carcass end-point. This index ties reproduction, calving ease, maternal genetic merit and growth throughout the animal’s lifetime, and quality carcass merit in an Angus based herd. This is truly a “Profit” index. That is why we select elite ROI females to use as donors. F48 ranks in the top 1% of the Method Genetics Database for ROI! Bred 6/3/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.2/10% +70/10% +138/2% +.3/2% +1.97/95% +.9/10% +.39/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +13.4/20% +12/15% +30/15% +47/35% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +66/3% +.97/15% +.9/10% -.013/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +79/10% +82/3% +99/15% +76/4% +175/3% +306/1%

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.9/85% +80/2% +140/2% +.26/15% +1.54/95% +1.1/4% +1.23/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +6.9/90% +12/15% +31/10% +54/25% +.7/20% -19/95% CW MARB REA Fat +71/2% +.67/35% +.84/15% -.01/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +76/15% +89/1% +102/10% +60/20% +162/10% +286/4%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 568 100 989 100 .3

Top 1% $B, $C, & ROI! Bred 5/27/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a bull.

433 Birth Date: 2/3/18

G A R Proactive F48


G A R Proactive F175

50.7 Adj % IMF

7.55 % IMF Ratio

89 13.6

Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise F18 Cow


Tattoo: F18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.6/80% +85/1% +142/1% +.27/10% +1.14/95% +1.2/2% -.17/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +7.8/85% +9/45% +30/15% +82/5% +.7/20% -32/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/3% +1.02/10% +1.16/2% -.046/3% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +61/60% +93/1% +101/10% +85/2% +186/1% +302/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 205 18333019 G A R Progress L311

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346


MPI / %

NA/NA% QPI / %

NA/NA% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 54 1 85 659 104 881 109 .35

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 84 1 111 783 137 1185 122 .25

YWR 1-109

YWR 1-122

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-54 1-85 1-104 125

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-111 1-105 1-111 1-125

Top 1% $C & ROI! Bred 6/5/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.


434 Birth Date: 2/14/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.5 Adj % IMF

11.2 % IMF Ratio

129 Adj REA

9.7 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Proactive 228S Cow


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-84 1-111 1-137 76

Top 1% for $B, $C, top 2% ROI, top 10% Marbling…good stuff! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

437 Birth Date: 4/16/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +1.8/65% +76/3% +134/3% +.23/35% +1.65/95% +.9/10% +.44/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.4/60% +15/2% +20/85% +55/25% +.5/35% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +52/20% +1.31/2% +.53/55% +.004/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +77/15% +75/10% +85/40% +85/2% +170/4% +297/2%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859

G A R Sunrise 8061

Lot Tattoo: 228S


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

141/5% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-89 1-117 1-100 1-76

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio





Tattoo: 8061

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/50% +3.4/90% +75/3% +125/10% +.23/35% +1.11/95% +.9/10% +.18/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +13.6/20% +12/15% +31/10% +48/35% +.6/25% -16/90% CW MARB REA Fat +57/10% +1.1/5% +.89/10% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +83/5% +84/2% +87/35% +82/2% +168/5% +301/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise Y5099 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 18347014 G A R Complete 1481 G A R Predestined 2938 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 GG Blackcap Empress 6042 G A R Daybreak R650 19268540 B/R Blackcap Empress 4306 B/R Lantz Blackcap 1125


MPI / %

154/4% QPI / %

118/33% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 63 1 100 516 100 890 100 .42


YWR 1-99


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-68 1-98 1-106 108

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Nice mating Mark! Did you do that on purpose? Line bred Prophet! Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


One of the top RE females of the breed. Cool female whose Momentum bull calf will have value! Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 102


438 Birth Date: 2/19/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj % IMF

7.75 % IMF Ratio

89 Adj REA

10.8 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise 578S Cow


Tattoo: 578S

441 Birth Date: 4/15/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +2.9/85% +73/4% +118/15% +.2/60% +.84/85% +.7/25% +.9/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/40% +13.7/20% +8/55% +34/4% +55/25% +.4/45% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/10% +1.28/2% +.92/10% -.029/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +71/30% +86/2% +85/40% +93/1% +178/3% +302/2%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 17965254


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %


91 11.4 REA Ratio


QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise 998S Cow


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-94 1-100 1-100 129

442 Birth Date: 2/15/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 344 17965154 G A R Complete 901



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR Rump Fat 76 1 100 NA NA NA Dam’s Production Record Rump Fat Ratio ACT BW BWR WWR 1-78 1-111 1-85 NA


129/42% 120/29% ROI / %



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-86

49 Adj % IMF

8.94 % IMF Ratio

103 11

Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio

81 YWR

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-101 30-92 30-99 30-96

440 Birth Date: 3/11/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.1 Adj % IMF

10.49 % IMF Ratio

122 Adj REA

9.6 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Radiance F278 Cow



133/32% QPI / %

152/1% ROI / %


ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-93 12-106 12-111 12-111



G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 204 G A R New Design 5050 17965143 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759

443 Birth Date: 2/14/18

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 18127236 G A R New Day 1540

MPI / %

QPI / %


Tattoo: 338S


MPI / %

148/8% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-98 10-94 10-107

Treasured marbling and muscle genetics! Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


MPI / %


G A R Method 338S

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-52 - - 97

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% +.1/25% +65/15% +121/10% +.22/40% +1.72/95% +.9/10% -.04/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +9.5/70% +13/10% +38/1% +71/10% +1.2/1% -31/95% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.79/1% +.68/30% +.023/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +56/75% +81/4% +78/60% +109/1% +187/1% +299/2%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% -.5/15% +67/15% +113/20% +.23/35% +.7/75% +.8/20% +.72/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +15.5/10% +10/30% +37/2% +61/20% +.8/10% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.05/10% +1.01/4% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +76/15% +87/2% +85/40% +80/3% +165/10% +290/3%

Lot Tattoo: F278

G A R Daylight G A R Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 65 1 100 601 100 939 100 .38

Sunrise daughters are soggy, sound, and with super udder quality. Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer. Lot

Tattoo: F708

Ashland females are stunning! Another elite female for the Retained Ownership Index! Bred 5/12/2019 to G A R Phoenix. Embryo sexed as a bull.

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +.2/25% +58/35% +98/45% +.2/60% +.43/55% +.5/50% -.52/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +10.4/60% +7/65% +28/25% +39/45% +.3/55% -10/75% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +.87/20% +.43/70% +.022/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +64/50% +69/15% +69/80% +61/20% +130/45% +233/45%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2358

G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 18217198 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 284 G A R Daybreak 1201 17965150

Lot Tattoo: 998S


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 78 1 100 460 100 894 100 .45

Great bulls of fire! 578S is a maternal sister to the Select Sires bull G A R Quantum. Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.

439 Birth Date: 2/22/18


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -.7/15% +85/1% +151/1% +.27/10% +1.82/95% +.8/20% +1.33/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +6.7/95% +13/10% +28/25% +78/10% +.7/20% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +62/5% +1.23/3% +.93/10% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +58/70% +96/1% +92/25% +84/2% +175/3% +285/4%

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Method G826 Cow


Tattoo: G826

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+12/10% I+.4/30% I+64/20% I+113/20% I+.25/20% I+.64/70% I+.5/50% I+.33/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+31/2% I+11.4/45% I+10/30% I+31/10% I+67/15% I+.6/25% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat I+51/20% I+.92/15% I+.9/10% I+.024/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +56/75% +75/10% +99/15% +69/10% +169/5% +275/10%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R 5050 New Design N549 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 204 G A R New Design 5050 17965143 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 73 1 100 509 100 890 100 .34

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 83 1 100 599 100 NA NA NA

YWR 1-95


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

Elite Radiance daughter! Note the CED, $B, $C & ROI. 118S resides among the top 50 Non-parent females of the Angus breed for Marbling! Bred 6/7/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-52 - - NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-97 10-98 10-94 10-107

G826 ranks in the top 5% RE and is sired by the bull G A R Method. Method is a distinctly different bull in the Angus population with his CED, Growth, & Muscle while still ranking in the top 15% of the breed for Marbling. We see Method as tremendous sire for so many traits, but he also sires gentle cattle with excellent feet! Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 103

Bred Registered Heifers

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


7.81 % IMF Ratio


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 627 100 974 100 .28 Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 72

49 Adj % IMF

G A R Ashland F708


444 Birth Date: 2/20/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

51.6 Adj % IMF

6.47 % IMF Ratio

74 Adj REA

11.8 REA Ratio

111 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Heifers




Tattoo: 588S

447 Birth Date: 2/18/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +2/85% +4.2/95% +83/1% +138/2% +.26/15% +1.2/95% +.9/10% +.2/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +11/50% +9/45% +33/5% +99/2% +.8/10% -41/95% CW MARB REA Fat +72/1% +.71/35% +1.06/3% +.014/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +49/90% +86/2% +107/5% +62/15% +169/5% +268/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N584 G A R 28 Ambush 1480 18127225


G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1907

G A R Momentum 518S


G A R Method 588S


MPI / %


48.1 Adj % IMF

12.97 % IMF Ratio

149 10.8 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: 518S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.1/10% +47/75% +80/80% +.17/85% +.32/45% +.1/90% +.52/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +8.1/85% +8/55% +32/10% +20/70% +.3/55% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +1.6/1% +.86/15% -.002/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +51/85% +64/25% +72/70% +104/1% +176/3% +279/10%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 354 G A R Daybreak 342 17965155

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 100 680 100 1110 100 .43

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 83 1 100 554 100 884 100 .3

YWR 1-100

YWR 1-104

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-72 1-96 1-100 110

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-99 11-107 11-93 11-109

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-82 1-105 1-97 77

Shocker! A great female by Momentum for Marbling and Muscle! Bred 6/14/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a .

Top 3% RE, top 2% ROI! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer. Lot

445 Birth Date: 2/12/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj % IMF

7.9 % IMF Ratio

91 Adj REA

12.2 REA Ratio

115 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum 118S Cow


Lot Tattoo: 118S

448 Birth Date: 3/1/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1/45% +58/35% +101/40% +.21/50% +.52/65% +.6/40% +.6/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +7/90% +6/75% +37/2% +45/40% +.5/35% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +1.2/3% +.97/10% -.007/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +52/85% +76/10% +92/25% +87/1% +179/2% +284/4%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1384 17965242 G A R High Design 1221



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 GAR High Design G A R Objective 0J07

138/22% 137/8% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-117 7-102 7-93 7-101

46.9 Adj % IMF

8.34 % IMF Ratio

98 10.9

Adj Rib Fat

.18 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum F38 Cow


Tattoo: F38

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% +.9/40% +71/10% +123/10% +.23/35% +1.21/95% +.7/25% +.05/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +8.3/80% +10/30% +37/2% +89/3% +.7/20% -39/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.4/1% +.7/30% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +43/95% +86/2% +81/50% +89/1% +170/4% +263/15%

G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1515 G A R New Design 5050 18333120 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759


MPI / %

NA/NA% QPI / %

NA/NA% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 544 100 947 100 .37

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 106 460 81 862 89 .32

YWR 1-98

YWR 1-89

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-73 1-95 1-100 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-78 4-117 4-90 4-93

118S is fantastic across the board for the traits of merit. At GAR, Momentum daughters are treasured! Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.


446 Birth Date: 2/11/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj % IMF

9.19 % IMF Ratio

106 Adj REA

9.8 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.35 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum 88S Cow


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-80 1-106 1-81 97

Bred 6/4/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Lot Tattoo: 88S

449 Birth Date: 2/28/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.7/4% +53/55% +87/65% +.15/95% +.48/60% +.3/75% -.03/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +7.3/90% +12/15% +41/1% +5/85% +.2/65% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +35/65% +1.73/1% +.64/35% +.044/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +68/40% +84/2% +62/90% +103/1% +165/10% +282/5%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 34 17965127 G A R Daybreak 1201


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %

136/26% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-98 1-94 1-69 1-97

49.3 Adj % IMF

8.2 % IMF Ratio

104 11.5 REA Ratio

112 Adj Rib Fat

.35 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 938S Cow


Tattoo: 938S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +60/30% +109/25% +.27/10% +.52/65% +.5/50% +1.16/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +11.4/45% +10/30% +30/15% +31/55% +.3/55% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1/10% +.81/15% -.015/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +64/50% +71/15% +90/30% +76/4% +166/10% +279/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R All In 1355 MCC Daybreak 18369852 G A R Daybreak G122 G A R Objective 3008


MPI / %

158/2% QPI / %

136/8% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 530 100 912 100 .41

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 100 612 100 1036 100 .46

YWR 1-90


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-64 1-81 1-84 105

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-117 14-100 14-104 14-103

Note the Marbling EPD. Momentum daughters are special, 88S deserves donor consideration! Bred 6/19/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a .

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 121

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-109 2-113 2-102 2-115

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 104


450 Birth Date: 2/20/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.6 Adj % IMF

9.4 % IMF Ratio

108 Adj REA

9.4 REA Ratio

89 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sure Fire 618S Cow


Tattoo: 618S

453 Birth Date: 3/12/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% -.5/15% +62/25% +114/15% +.21/50% +1.6/95% +.6/40% +1.77/4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +12.9/25% +9/45% +31/10% +40/45% +.6/25% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.47/1% +.39/75% +.012/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +69/35% +76/10% +70/75% +90/1% +160/10% +277/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 604 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1610 17965178 G A R Objective 277L



MPI / %


49.1 Adj % IMF

10.74 % IMF Ratio

125 8.8 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire F518 Cow


Tattoo: F518

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.3/50% +66/15% +117/15% +.25/20% +1.02/90% +.7/25% +1.31/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +11.5/45% +8/55% +22/70% +63/20% +.4/45% -18/90% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.38/1% +.65/35% +.001/40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +60/65% +66/20% +89/30% +91/1% +180/2% +293/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1784 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 832 18025251 G A R 5050 New Design 1009


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

124/23% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 65 1 100 476 100 774 100 .38

YWR 1-102

YWR 1-100

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-81 1-101 1-91 97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-104 14-95 14-86 14-94

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-83 1-107 1-95 109

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.


451 Birth Date: 2/21/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 978S Cow


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 22-105 22-99 22-81 22-98

Lot Tattoo: 978S

454 Birth Date: 1/14/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1/10% +67/15% +117/15% +.22/40% +1.3/95% +.9/10% +1.97/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +10.1/60% +14/3% +25/45% +48/35% +.5/35% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.2/3% +.47/65% +.047/95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +70/30% +77/10% +71/75% +75/4% +145/25% +258/20%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 304 MCC Daybreak 17965151 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


146/10% 135/9% ROI / %


NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 8005 Cow


Tattoo: 8005

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.7/35% +76/3% +129/4% +.23/35% +1.04/95% +.8/20% +.77/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +13.8/20% +5/85% +18/90% +62/20% +.4/45% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +58/10% +.91/15% +.87/15% +.02/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +71/30% +75/10% +99/15% +69/10% +168/5% +289/3%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 GG Sulwen 6100 G A R Prophet 18749100 G A R Prophet 992 G A R Objective 1149


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %




YWR 1-83


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-72 2-101 2-89 NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107

Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.


452 Birth Date: 3/31/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47.6 Adj % IMF

7.63 % IMF Ratio

89 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Breakthrough. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Sure Fire F678 Cow

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

Lot Tattoo: F678

455 Birth Date: 4/2/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% +.1/25% +60/30% +108/25% +.22/40% +.59/70% +.6/40% +.83/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +40/1% +14.4/15% +11/20% +28/25% +14/80% +.3/55% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +34/65% +.92/15% +.64/35% +.026/75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +92/1% +74/10% +77/60% +66/10% +142/25% +276/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F126 G A R Prophet 18543210 G A R Prophet L214 G A R New Day 1540


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


46.7 Adj % IMF

5.68 % IMF Ratio

66 8.6 REA Ratio

86 Adj Rib Fat

.12 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire F668 Cow


Tattoo: F668

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.3/20% +66/15% +120/10% +.27/10% +.6/70% +.5/50% +1.2/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +9.9/65% +7/65% +28/25% +44/40% +.1/75% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.23/3% +.53/55% -.003/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +64/50% +78/5% +95/20% +82/2% +177/3% +294/2%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise F476 G A R Progress 18570901 G A R Progress F83 G A R 28 Ambush C19


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

129/16% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 77 1 100 483 100 825 100 .33

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 100 512 100 810 100 .17



Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-99 3-84 3-96

Bred 5/13/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 49

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-89 2-89 2-44 2-73

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 105

Bred Registered Heifers

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 61 1 100 549 100 927 100 .38


456 Birth Date: 3/4/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

45.9 Adj % IMF

8.48 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

10.6 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Heifers



G A R Sure Fire F118 Cow


Tattoo: F118

458 Birth Date: 2/12/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -1.3/10% +57/40% +87/65% +.16/90% +.27/45% +0/95% +1.93/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/40% +8.6/80% +15/2% +29/20% -8/95% -.2/95% +9/20% CW MARB REA Fat +29/80% +1.36/2% +.54/50% +.037/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +80/10% +80/4% +58/90% +85/2% +143/25% +265/15%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 2984 MCC Daybreak G A R Daybreak 1521 17965352 G A R 5050 New Design 1039



MPI / %


49.9 Adj % IMF

7.53 % IMF Ratio

86 10.7 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 98S Cow


Tattoo: 98S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.2/70% +56/40% +105/30% +.24/25% +.86/85% +.6/40% +2.04/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +16.2/4% +6/75% +36/2% +30/60% +.4/45% -10/75% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +.9/15% +.8/20% +.009/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +71/30% +69/15% +83/45% +69/10% +152/15% +268/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 625 LD Redirect 11 G A R Redirect 431 18333050 G A R 5050 New Design N539


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 67 1 100 462 100 798 100 .49

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 79 1 100 619 100 1038 100 .37

YWR 1-100

YWR 1-104

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-74 2-100 2-94 140

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-104 6-98 6-94 6-92

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-76 1-102 1-109 95

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Bred 5/19/2019 to G A R Sunbeam. Embryo sexed as a bull.


457 Birth Date: 3/5/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47 Adj % IMF

7.14 % IMF Ratio

83 Adj REA

8.5 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire F148 Cow


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-103 3-99 3-102

Lot Tattoo: F148

459 Birth Date: 2/27/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% -.5/15% +57/40% +104/30% +.21/50% +1.09/95% +.5/50% +1.41/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.1/60% +7/65% +23/60% +55/25% +.5/35% -15/85% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.3/2% +.62/40% -.001/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +57/70% +59/35% +76/65% +87/1% +162/10% +267/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F304 MCC Daybreak 17842430 G A R Daybreak C80 G A R Objective 277L



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


154/4% 138/7% ROI / %


48.3 Adj % IMF

8.35 % IMF Ratio

105 10.3

Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 928S Cow


Tattoo: 928S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.6/5% +49/65% +92/55% +.2/60% +.61/70% +.6/40% +1.26/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +11.7/40% +10/30% +39/1% +1/90% +0/85% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +36/60% +1.09/10% +.63/40% +.022/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +79/10% +75/10% +75/65% +74/5% +149/20% +272/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 625 LD Redirect 11 18333050 G A R Redirect 431 G A R 5050 New Design N539


MPI / %

141/17% QPI / %

126/20% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 61 1 100 468 100 742 100 .18

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 78 1 100 589 100 963 100 .38

YWR 1-97

YWR 1-104

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-68 1-102 1-99 51

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 20-102 20-101 20-106 20-99

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sunbeam. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-76 1-102 1-109 100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-97 3-103 3-99 3-102

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.


460 Birth Date: 1/11/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Prophet 8002 Cow


Tattoo: 8002

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/3% +1.2/50% +55/45% +94/55% +.18/75% +.56/65% +.4/60% +.9/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +8.7/80% +15/2% +28/25% -2/90% +0/85% +9/20% CW MARB REA Fat +37/60% +1.33/2% +.8/20% +.034/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +80/10% +69/15% +72/70% +87/1% +159/10% +286/4%

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet 16295688 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Sure Fire GG Shirley 5062 18749136 G A R Complete 2981

B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 438


MPI / %

145/12% QPI / %

143/4% ROI / %



Docility. Docility. Docility.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Quantum. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 106


461 Birth Date: 2/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.2 Adj % IMF

10.36 % IMF Ratio

119 Adj REA

9.1 REA Ratio

86 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise 708S Cow


Tattoo: 708S

464 Birth Date: 2/24/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.9/40% +75/3% +132/3% +.24/25% +1.31/95% +.4/60% +1.25/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36/1% +10.4/60% +5/85% +29/20% +71/10% +.3/55% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.3/2% +.53/55% +.019/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +63/55% +85/2% +88/35% +83/2% +171/4% +285/4%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 G A R Complete 1591 17965289


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859


MPI / %


10.25 % IMF Ratio

118 11.2 REA Ratio


QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

462 Birth Date: 3/5/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio



Lot Tattoo: 8041

G A R Prophet G A R Prodigy 18445900 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Sure Fire GG Shirley 5062 18749136 G A R Complete 2981



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


143/14% 139/6% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Bred 5/25/2017 to G A R Breakthrough. Embryo sexed as a heifer.


463 Birth Date: 3/9/18 NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


50.2 Adj % IMF

5.56 % IMF Ratio

64 10.8

Adj Rib Fat

.32 Rib Fat Ratio



Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

465 Birth Date: 2/23/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 344 G A R Complete 901 17965154

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-78 1-111 1-85 90

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +3.9/95% +74/4% +122/10% +.21/50% +.96/90% +.9/10% +2.01/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +10.6/55% +12/15% +29/20% +63/20% +.8/10% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/10% +.89/15% +.82/15% -.006/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +69/35% +77/10% +88/35% +70/10% +158/10% +274/10%

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 438

Tattoo: 838S

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2358


MPI / %

143/14% QPI / %

138/7% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-86

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-101 30-92 30-99 30-96

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Prodigy 8041 Cow


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 75 1 100 563 100 901 100 .35

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.3/20% +72/5% +120/10% +.19/70% +1.37/95% +.4/60% -.01/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/2% +11.8/40% +9/45% +26/35% +49/35% +.4/45% -14/85% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.54/1% +.71/25% +.017/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +74/20% +84/2% +63/85% +98/1% +161/10% +283/5%

G A R Sunrise 758S Cow


Tattoo: 758S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1/45% +69/10% +120/10% +.25/20% +.73/80% +1.1/4% +.82/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +10.2/60% +10/30% +34/4% +68/15% +1/4% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +53/20% +.86/20% +.91/10% -.025/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +64/50% +83/3% +97/15% +72/10% +168/5% +282/5%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 75 1 100 542 100 928 100 .23 Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 59

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Prodigy 8046 Cow


Tattoo: 8046

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.9/65% +67/15% +111/20% +.2/60% +.86/85% +.7/25% +1.6/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +13.7/20% +6/75% +25/45% +23/65% +.5/35% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +.9/15% +.55/50% -.011/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +83/5% +76/10% +79/55% +67/10% +146/25% +272/10%

G A R Prophet G A R Prodigy 18445900 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R Sure Fire GG Shirley 5066 18749137 G A R Complete 2981

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 438


MPI / %

151/5% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 76 0 100 NA NA NA NA NA Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR YWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - 1-95 1-100 1-106 NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Breakthrough. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Triticale makes plentiful winter grazing. After moving cattle in early spring, Triticale makes great silage.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 107

Bred Registered Heifers

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


Adj % IMF


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 694 100 910 100 .47 Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-74 - - 121


G A R Sunrise 838S


466 Birth Date: 2/19/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.6 Adj % IMF

8.64 % IMF Ratio

99 Adj REA

11.4 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Heifers



G A R Sunrise 548S Cow


Tattoo: 548S

469 Birth Date: 2/26/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.6/15% +39/90% +75/85% +.18/75% +.3/45% +.3/75% +.35/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +15.1/10% +14/3% +43/1% -19/95% -.1/90% +2/35% CW MARB REA Fat +32/75% +1.29/2% +.84/15% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +75/20% +67/20% +68/80% +90/1% +158/10% +280/5%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 2914 G A R Prophet 1302 17965347


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Prophet G A R 28 Ambush 1170


MPI / %


NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio




QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise 8032 Cow


Tattoo: 8032

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +2/85% +3/85% +64/20% +110/20% +.23/35% +.56/65% +.8/20% +.13/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +12.3/35% +1/95% +32/10% +50/30% +.6/25% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +51/20% +1.02/10% +1.02/4% -.065/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +57/70% +72/10% +93/25% +85/2% +178/3% +288/3%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R 100X GG Portia 6148 G A R Prophet Y4110 19240281

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Prophet G A R Predestined N919


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 100 563 100 934 100 .37


YWR 1-95


Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-71 1-98 1-93 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-103 13-106 13-92 13-95

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Bred 6/18/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a .


467 Birth Date: 2/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.2 Adj % IMF

8.9 % IMF Ratio

102 Adj REA

9.8 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.44 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sunrise 728S Cow


Lot Tattoo: 728S

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


144/13% 124/23% ROI / %


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-74 - - 115

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a bull.


468 Birth Date: 2/23/18 51.2 Adj % IMF

7.85 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

11.2 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio



NA % IMF Ratio


Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio

Lot Tattoo: 768S

471 Birth Date: 3/15/18

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Bred 6/14/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a .

48.7 Adj % IMF

9.14 % IMF Ratio

106 7.9 REA Ratio

79 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 62 1 100 595 100 998 100 .41 YWR -

G A R Sunrise G A R Sunrise Y5099 18347014 G A R Complete 1481 G A R Sunrise GG Sulwen 6102 19262910 G A R Prophet 992

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 105



Tattoo: 8057

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +4/70% +3.9/95% +72/5% +122/10% +.27/10% +.47/60% +.5/50% -.19/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +7.8/85% +10/30% +21/75% +52/30% +.1/75% -12/80% CW MARB REA Fat +49/25% +.85/20% +.99/5% -.024/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +61/60% +66/20% +100/15% +72/10% +172/4% +284/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2938 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1149


MPI / %

150/6% QPI / %

112/43% ROI / %



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +3/85% +68/10% +114/15% +.22/40% +.5/60% +.8/20% +.35/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +8.7/80% +11/20% +32/10% +76/10% +.9/10% -30/95% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.13/5% +.94/10% -.042/4% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +53/80% +74/10% +87/35% +87/1% +174/3% +279/10%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L

G A R Sunrise 8057

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Bred 5/14/2019 to G A R Breakthrough. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Sunrise 768S Cow

NA Adj % IMF


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 78 1 100 606 100 960 100 .45

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

470 Birth Date: 3/26/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.9/65% +63/20% +110/20% +.2/60% +.99/90% +.2/85% +.51/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +12.3/35% +0/95% +29/20% +19/70% +0/85% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.27/2% +.54/50% +.034/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +81/10% +75/10% +80/55% +80/3% +161/10% +290/3%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


G A R Sunrise F538 Cow


Tattoo: F538

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.6/60% +60/30% +104/30% +.25/20% +.25/40% +.4/60% +.51/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +11.6/40% +6/75% +29/20% +45/40% +0/85% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +41/45% +1.51/1% +.28/90% -.008/30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +52/85% +69/15% +88/35% +93/1% +181/2% +287/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 17454914 G A R Bextor L58

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Retail Product 1484


MPI / %

129/42% QPI / %

121/28% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 100 479 100 865 100 .29 Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 3-79 3-106 3-112 83

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-112

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 59-100 59-97 59-109 59-94

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 108


472 Birth Date: 3/7/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49 Adj % IMF

9.89 % IMF Ratio

115 Adj REA

11.7 REA Ratio

117 Adj Rib Fat

.49 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Radiance F68 Cow


Tattoo: F68

475 Birth Date: 3/12/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% +.3/30% +70/10% +117/15% +.18/75% +1.49/95% +.7/25% +.16/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +15/10% +15/2% +30/15% +60/20% +.7/20% -21/95% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.88/1% +.3/85% +.035/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +72/25% +83/3% +54/95% +107/1% +161/10% +281/5%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 G A R New Day 1540 18127236


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358


MPI / %


49.1 Adj % IMF

11.74 % IMF Ratio

137 10.8 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Radiance F528 Cow


Tattoo: F528

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.3/75% +69/10% +124/10% +.26/15% +.98/90% +.7/25% +.09/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +6/95% +6/75% +42/1% +59/20% +.7/20% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.51/1% +.51/55% +.004/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +52/85% +87/2% +78/60% +95/1% +172/4% +275/10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Radiance Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Bextor L58 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure G A R Objective 2345 G A R Composure 2974 G A R Predestined G A R 28 Predestined N1731 17965351 G A R Objective 9J14


MPI / %

132/35% QPI / %

144/3% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 73 1 100 469 100 859 100 .4

YWR 1-95

YWR 1-98

Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-75 1-96 1-89 114

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 1-100 1-94 114

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.


473 Birth Date: 2/17/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48 Adj % IMF

12.33 % IMF Ratio

142 Adj REA

11 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.49 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Radiance 418S Cow


Lot Tattoo: 418S

476 Birth Date: 3/11/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.6/15% +59/30% +101/40% +.22/40% +.55/65% +.4/60% -.6/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/55% +11.3/45% +12/15% +29/20% +30/60% +.4/45% -6/60% CW MARB REA Fat +29/80% +1.68/1% +.46/65% +.023/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +68/40% +73/10% +66/85% +100/1% +166/10% +283/5%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 18129297 G A R 28 Ambush 100



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-101 12-99 12-93 12-89

139/21% 141/5% ROI / %


50.1 Adj % IMF

9.26 % IMF Ratio

108 9.8

Adj Rib Fat

.39 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Radiance F258 Cow


Tattoo: F258

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +1/45% +67/15% +117/15% +.28/5% +.51/65% +.6/40% +.63/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +9.3/70% +8/55% +38/1% +60/20% +.6/25% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/30% +1.41/1% +.48/60% +.015/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +55/75% +86/2% +91/25% +88/1% +179/2% +287/4%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Radiance Connealy In Sure 8524 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Bextor L58 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure G A R Objective 2345 G A R Composure 2974 G A R Predestined 17965351 G A R 28 Predestined N1731 G A R Objective 9J14


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 70 1 100 568 100 906 100 .37

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 69 1 100 486 100 913 100 .34

YWR 1-98

YWR 1-98

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-80 1-95 1-107 95

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94

Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

474 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

46.6 Adj % IMF

9.48 % IMF Ratio

110 Adj REA

9.7 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 3/12/18



Lot Tattoo: F298

477 Birth Date: 3/17/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.1/45% +69/10% +123/10% +.23/35% +1.39/95% +.6/40% -.56/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +10.4/60% +12/15% +35/3% +63/20% +.8/10% -25/95% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.46/1% +.35/80% +.018/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +67/40% +84/2% +71/75% +89/1% +160/10% +275/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N514 18127150 G A R New Day 1100


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177


MPI / %

137/24% QPI / %

139/6% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-97 14-100 14-125 14-114

Bred 5/19/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

46.8 Adj % IMF

8.28 % IMF Ratio

96 10.4 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.26 Rib Fat Ratio


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 67 1 100 429 100 818 100 .38 Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 109

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-101 12-99 12-93 12-89

Bred 6/12/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a .

G A R Radiance F298


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 1-100 1-94 97

G A R Radiance F388 Cow


Tattoo: F388

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.4/55% +62/25% +110/20% +.21/50% +.95/90% +.4/60% +.98/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +8.9/75% +6/75% +45/1% +40/45% +.5/35% -20/95% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.44/1% +.85/15% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +62/55% +87/2% +75/65% +97/1% +172/4% +285/4%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1594 17965260 G A R Complete 1591

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859


MPI / %

133/32% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 62 1 100 397 100 752 100 .27 Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 1-100 1-109 77

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-107 4-96 4-106 4-99

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 109

Bred Registered Heifers

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 82 1 100 578 100 964 100 .4


Method Matters The Method Genetics index values are derived from Method Genetics EPDs combined with industry-focused economic weightings. The Method EPDs are generated from a multi-trait, ‘single-step’ genetic evaluation that uses performance measures, ancestral

MATERNAL PRODUCTION INDEX (MPI): The Maternal Production Index is reported in dollars per calf produced from the breeding herd with Angus-based genetics. It encompasses direct and maternal calving ease, heifer pregnancy, weaning growth, maternal milk, and mature size differences in a scenario where replacement females are retained and calves are marketed at weaning.

pedigree, and available DNA genotypes. This single-step approach incorporates the genotypes directly into the genetic evaluation process and was implemented at Method in the summer of 2014.

Method Genetics® Selection Index Key Method Genetics Index/Percentile

MPI/% QUALITY POUNDS INDEX (QPI): The Quality Pounds Index is reported in dollars per calf for herds with Angus-based genetics. It focuses on the terminal side of the herd’s business for feedlot gain and carcass merit genetic differences. There are no provisions for calving ease or maternal traits, with the assumption that all calves are under a retained ownership scenario fed out and marketed on a premium quality-based grid.






METHOD GENETICS INDEX PERCENTILE RANKS (%): A numeric ranking of the animal’s Index values on a 1% to 100% scale. A lower numeric value is considered more favorable. For example, a 25% presented with an index indicates that animal is in the upper 25 percent of the animals in the Method Genetics genetic evaluation for calves born in the last five years.

RETAINED OWNERSHIP INCOME (ROI): Cattle producers interested in a complete production system approach from conception through carcass end-point can use the Retained Ownership Income index ties together reproduction, calving ease, maternal genetic merit, growth throughout the calf’s lifetime, and quality based carcass merit in an Angus-based herd. The ROI is reported in dollars per calf produced in the herd, and consolidates the sub-indexes of MPI and QPI.

P.O. Box 8802/Saint Joseph, MO 64508/www.MethodGenetics.com Sally Northcutt, Ph.D. • Email: snorthcutt@methodgenetics.com • Bill Bowman • Email: bbowman@methodgenetics.com

w w w . M e t h o d G e n e t i c s . c o m Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 110

These outstanding registered heifers sell 3 times the money. Great opportunity to add similar performance and genetics in one purchase. Lot

478 Birth Date: 2/11/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.9 Adj % IMF

8.34 % IMF Ratio



12.5 REA Ratio

118 .42 Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: 48S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9 / 25% +2.8 / 85% +80 / 2% +126 / 5% +.21 / 50% +1.07 / 95% +.9 / 10% +.24 / 80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33 / 1% +9.6 / 70% +13 / 10% +17 / 95% +89 / 3% +1 / 4% -28 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +48 / 30% +1.44 / 1% +.77 / 20% +.009 / 50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +53 / 80% +71 / 15% +72 / 70% +94 / 1% +166 / 10% +268 / 10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight G A R Objective R227 16933585 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 524 G A R 28 Ambush G181 17965170


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 3387


MPI / %

147 / 9%

Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-68


BWR 1-98


Adj % IMF % IMF Ratio Adj REA REA Ratio Adj Rib Fat Rib Fat Ratio

MPI / %

139 / 21% QPI / %

144 / 3% ROI / %

254 / 8%



480 Birth Date: 2/27/18

8.36 106


8.2 REA Ratio

80 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-116 9-94 9-101 9-107

G A R Daylight 918S Cow



50 Adj % IMF

8.34 % IMF Ratio


10.2 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.38 Rib Fat Ratio



Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-100

WWR 1-101

7.36 % IMF Ratio


9.4 REA Ratio

QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %


240 / 20%

Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Bred 6/6/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Adj % IMF


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106


133 / 32% 134 / 10%

MPI / %

163 / 1% QPI / %

139 / 6% ROI / %

274 / 1%

WWR 1-94

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-100

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-109 4-111 4-100

G A R Sure Fire 298S Cow


Tattoo: 298S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15 / 2% -1.1 / 10% +61 / 25% +109 / 25% +.21 / 50% +1.02 / 90% +.7 / 25% +1.91 / 3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26 / 10% +10.7 / 55% +9 / 45% +25 / 45% +42 / 40% +.4 / 45% -10 / 75% CW MARB REA Fat +36 / 60% +1.29 / 2% +.54 / 50% +.052 / 95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +68 / 40% +70 / 15% +68 / 80% +80 / 3% +147 / 20% +259 / 15%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 304 MCC Daybreak 17965151 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 2-101


MPI / %

147 / 9% QPI / %

135 / 9% ROI / %

255 / 8%

WWR 2-89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-83

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-102 13-101 13-98 13-107

Bred 5/18/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.

483 Birth Date: 2/21/18


MPI / %


Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-72

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight 16933585 G A R Objective R227 SydGen Trust 6228 G A R Trust N1184 18127078 G A R Ambush 0H18


Tattoo: 948S

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 76 1 100 580 100 945 100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-78

BWR 1-91

482 Birth Date: 2/15/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9 / 25% +1.2 / 50% +56 / 40% +97 / 45% +.21 / 50% +.49 / 60% +.3 / 75% +.08 / 90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17 / 45% +3.8 / 95% +13 / 10% +22 / 70% +57 / 25% +.5 / 35% -15 / 85% CW MARB REA Fat +46 / 35% +1.38 / 1% +.39 / 75% -.005 / 30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +30 / 95% +55 / 45% +91 / 25% +88 / 1% +178 / 3% +261 / 15%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 B/R Ambush 28 Goode Objective 544

Dam’s Production Record

Lot Tattoo: 918S

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 100 570 100 935 100




Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

% IMF Ratio





Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 505 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush N111 18333041 G A R Predestined 1907

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-67

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight 16933585 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet F244 17842424 G A R Big Eye C70

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 76 1 100 705 100 1111 100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Dam’s Production Record

Adj % IMF

Rib Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11 / 15% +.6 / 35% +66 / 15% +111 / 20% +.19 / 70% +1.33 / 95% +.7 / 25% +.52 / 65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26 / 10% +6.7 / 95% +9 / 45% +23 / 60% +33 / 55% +.4 / 45% -4 / 55% CW MARB REA Fat +37 / 60% +1.32 / 2% +.63 / 40% +.003 / 40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +60 / 65% +73 / 10% +57 / 95% +87 / 1% +144 / 25% +247 / 25%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -



G A R Sure Fire 948S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6 / 50% +1.5 / 55% +71 / 10% +120 / 10% +.2 / 60% +1.27 / 95% +.5 / 50% +.17 / 85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22 / 25% +11.2 / 45% +7 / 65% +18 / 90% +61 / 20% +.5 / 35% -15 / 85% CW MARB REA Fat +47 / 30% +1 / 10% +.65 / 35% -.012 / 25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +62 / 55% +68 / 15% +73 / 70% +74 / 5% +146 / 25% +251 / 25%

Lot Tattoo: 1028S


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

REA Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-99 4-103 4-109 4-90



ROI / %

259 / 5%

G A R Daylight 1028S Cow



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-91

6.71 % IMF Ratio

Adj Rib Fat

Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

479 Birth Date: 2/23/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR 1-80

49.3 Adj % IMF

QPI / %

140 / 5%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 83 1 100 647 100 1098 100


481 Birth Date: 2/28/18

G A R Sure Fire 658S Cow


Tattoo: 658S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10 / 20% +.6 / 35% +65 / 15% +121 / 10% +.27 / 10% +1.13 / 95% +.6 / 40% +1.94 / 3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28 / 10% +13.7 / 20% +9 / 45% +27 / 30% +56 / 25% +.4 / 45% -18 / 90% CW MARB REA Fat +43 / 40% +.92 / 15% +.59 / 45% -.008 / 30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +70 / 30% +72 / 10% +82 / 50% +68 / 10% +150 / 20% +265 / 15%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 604 MCC Daybreak 17965178 G A R Daybreak 1610 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %

145 / 12% QPI / %

137 / 8% ROI / %

255 / 8%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 502 100 880 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-81


BWR 1-101

WWR 1-91

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-104 14-95 14-86 14-94

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 111

Bred Reg. Groups of 3

Adj Rib Fat


G A R Daylight 48S


484 Birth Date: 2/18/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.1 Adj % IMF

10.67 % IMF Ratio



10.4 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.4 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Reg. Groups of 3



G A R Sure Fire 528S Cow


Tattoo: 528S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14 / 3% -.5 / 15% +44 / 80% +75 / 85% +.16 / 90% +.3 / 45% +.1 / 90% +2.02 / 2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12 / 70% +12.1 / 35% +7 / 65% +16 / 95% +12 / 80% -.1 / 90% +9 / 20% CW MARB REA Fat +27 / 85% +1.7 / 1% +.49 / 60% +.033 / 85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +53 / 80% +41 / 85% +61 / 90% +101 / 1% +162 / 10% +263 / 15%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 2264 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 01 17965305 G A R Predestined 1869


MPI / %

137 / 24%

Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -



485 Birth Date: 3/12/18 48.1 Adj % IMF

7.41 % IMF Ratio



10.5 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.28 Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: F338

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-96

MPI / %

137 / 24% QPI / %

130 / 15% ROI / %

241 / 19%

49.2 6.63 % IMF Ratio



11.2 REA Ratio

106 Adj Rib Fat

.31 Rib Fat Ratio


YWR 1-102

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-94 8-108 8-113 8-102

Bred 5/16/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Sure Fire 818S Cow




NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 818S




100 9.7

REA Ratio

QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %


237 / 23%

Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 11-104 11-102 11-121 11-115

Bred 5/18/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

9.69 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


49.6 Adj % IMF

136 / 26% 126 / 20%

WWR 1-92

G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Connealy In Sure 8524 DRMCTR Objective 8J33


MPI / %

146 / 10% QPI / %

141 / 5% ROI / %

259 / 5%

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-109

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 8-99 8-112 8-104 8-103

G A R Method 8033 Cow


Tattoo: 8033

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13 / 5% +.2 / 25% +64 / 20% +111 / 20% +.21 / 50% +1.05 / 95% +.9 / 10% +.25 / 80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33 / 1% +12.4 / 30% +12 / 15% +30 / 15% +65 / 15% +.7 / 20% -23 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +43 / 40% +1.17 / 4% +.93 / 10% +.018 / 65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +64 / 50% +74 / 10% +72 / 70% +83 / 2% +154 / 15% +264 / 15%

G A R Momentum G A R Method 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Prophet GG Chloe 6027 19265239 G A R Complete Y4100

Dam’s Production Record



G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design N549 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2358


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

135/9% ROI / %


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Breakthrough. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Momentum 898S

489 Birth Date: 2/19/18


MPI / %

Tattoo: 598S

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Anticipation 1634 B/R Destination 727-928 17965263 G A R Destination 1102 G A R 28 Ambush 1949




Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-112

488 Birth Date: 2/27/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11 / 15% +.8 / 40% +52 / 55% +95 / 50% +.22 / 40% +.43 / 55% +.4 / 60% +1.36 / 15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21 / 30% +7.5 / 90% +10 / 30% +32 / 10% +35 / 50% +0 / 85% -10 / 75% CW MARB REA Fat +43 / 40% +1.02 / 10% +.76 / 20% -.003 / 35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +56 / 75% +64 / 25% +88 / 35% +75 / 4% +163 / 10% +267 / 10%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -

Dam’s Production Record


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 89 1 100 524 100 948 100




Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

WWR 1-111

G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 18025296 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 434 G A R In Sure G2 17965162

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-87




Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 90 1 100 638 100 992 100

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1254 MCC Daybreak 17965233 G A R Daybreak 572 G A R 5050 New Design 789

486 Birth Date: 2/24/18 Adj % IMF

Rib Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15 / 2% -1 / 10% +51 / 60% +90 / 60% +.2 / 60% +.27 / 45% +.1 / 90% +.45 / 70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24 / 15% +11.9 / 40% +10 / 30% +33 / 5% -15 / 95% -.2 / 95% +7 / 25% CW MARB REA Fat +28 / 80% +1.12 / 5% +.76 / 20% +.028 / 75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +79 / 10% +74 / 10% +70 / 75% +77 / 4% +147 / 20% +270 / 10%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-67


REA Ratio

G A R Method 598S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5 / 60% +2.8 / 85% +74 / 4% +128 / 4% +.25 / 20% +1.02 / 90% +.7 / 25% -.36 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36 / 1% +9.8 / 65% +6 / 75% +30 / 15% +88 / 4% +.8 / 10% -34 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +50 / 25% +1.06 / 10% +1.07 / 3% +.02 / 65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +51 / 85% +77 / 10% +87 / 35% +79 / 3% +166 / 10% +266 / 15%


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 55 1 100 413 100 743 100




%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-106 6-100 6-103 6-107



ROI / %

243 / 17%

G A R Sure Fire F338 Cow

7.47 % IMF Ratio


Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Adj % IMF

Adj Rib Fat

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



QPI / %

133 / 11%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 89 1 100 553 100 948 100


487 Birth Date: 2/20/18



Tattoo: 898S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18 / 1% -1.4 / 10% +57 / 40% +101 / 40% +.19 / 70% +.85 / 85% +.4 / 60% -.53 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22 / 25% +8.6 / 80% +13 / 10% +43 / 1% +27 / 60% +.3 / 55% -13 / 80% CW MARB REA Fat +37 / 60% +1.6 / 1% +.51 / 55% +.052 / 95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +63 / 55% +86 / 2% +62 / 90% +94 / 1% +156 / 15% +265 / 15%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1194 17965228 G A R Daybreak 882

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0548


MPI / %

137 / 24% QPI / %

145 / 3% ROI / %

253 / 9%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 100 495 100 845 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-67


BWR 1-88

WWR 1-87

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-96

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-109 7-100 7-123 7-101

Bred 5/13/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 112


490 Birth Date: 2/22/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.2 Adj % IMF

8.79 % IMF Ratio



11.1 REA Ratio

105 Adj Rib Fat

.39 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Sunrise 748S Cow


Tattoo: 748S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7 / 45% +2 / 65% +82 / 1% +135 / 2% +.19 / 70% +1.58 / 95% +.9 / 10% +.13 / 85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33 / 1% +12.9 / 25% +10 / 30% +28 / 25% +46 / 35% +.5 / 35% -13 / 80% CW MARB REA Fat +50 / 25% +.96 / 15% +.89 / 10% -.013 / 25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +88 / 2% +95 / 1% +63 / 85% +75 / 4% +138 / 35% +267 / 10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1734 G A R Predestined 1869 17965272


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345


MPI / %

157 / 2%


BWR 1-103

491 Birth Date: 2/27/18 49.3 Adj % IMF

8.69 % IMF Ratio



9 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 878S



MPI / %

144 / 13% QPI / %

137 / 8% ROI / %

254 / 8%

48.9 9.16 % IMF Ratio



9.2 REA Ratio

87 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 32-92 32-103 32-90 32-90

G A R Sunrise 128S Cow


Tattoo: 128S


9.7 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.33 Rib Fat Ratio



Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-103

WWR 1-101

71 11

REA Ratio Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %

.33 Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-89 13-101 13-88 13-104

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a bull.

6.17 % IMF Ratio

QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


48.2 Adj % IMF


251 / 10%

MPI / %

144 / 13% QPI / %

120 / 29% ROI / %

240 / 20%


G A R Sunrise 698S Cow


Tattoo: 698S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5 / 60% +2.1 / 70% +65 / 15% +114 / 15% +.22 / 40% +.92 / 90% +.5 / 50% +.13 / 85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31 / 2% +3.9 / 95% +9 / 45% +20 / 85% +39 / 45% +.2 / 65% -6 / 60% CW MARB REA Fat +50 / 25% +.75 / 30% +.65 / 35% -.003 / 35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +54 / 80% +64 / 25% +91 / 25% +61 / 20% +152 / 15% +251 / 25%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2034 17965289 G A R Complete 1591

Dam’s Production Record


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859


MPI / %

145 / 12% QPI / %

124 / 23% ROI / %

244 / 16%


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 16-102 16-93 16-109 16-118

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

495 Birth Date: 2/23/18

147 / 9% 130 / 15%


Bred 5/15/2019 to G A R Breakthrough. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-74


MPI / %

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1149

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 67 1 100 591 100 970 100

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1734 17965272 G A R Predestined 1869

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-75


6.29 % IMF Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


Tattoo: 8012

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

BWR WWR YWR 1-85 1-86 -


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 71 1 100 566 100 979 100


48.2 Adj % IMF

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6 / 50% +3.2 / 90% +85 / 1% +127 / 5% +.15 / 95% +1.41 / 95% +.6 / 40% +.41 / 70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25 / 15% +6.9 / 90% +9 / 45% +22 / 70% +57 / 25% +.2 / 65% -15 / 85% CW MARB REA Fat +49 / 25% +1.19 / 3% +.46 / 65% -.011 / 25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +74 / 20% +89 / 1% +57 / 95% +80 / 3% +137 / 35% +252 / 25%

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345

Dam’s Production Record

494 Birth Date: 2/22/18


Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

492 Birth Date: 2/13/18 Adj % IMF



Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 1984 18025259 G A R Complete N281

Dam’s Production Record

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 Deer Valley All In GG Allynne 6081 G A R Prophet 992 18749145

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3 / 75% +3.4 / 90% +64 / 20% +109 / 25% +.23 / 35% +.55 / 65% +.5 / 50% +.59 / 60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30 / 3% +9.4 / 70% +5 / 85% +19 / 90% +66 / 15% +.1 / 75% -18 / 90% CW MARB REA Fat +43 / 40% +1.25 / 3% +.51 / 55% -.007 / 30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +48 / 90% +54 / 50% +84 / 40% +83 / 2% +167 / 10% +265 / 15%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-86


Rib Fat Ratio


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8 / 35% +2 / 65% +78 / 2% +130 / 4% +.23 / 35% +.98 / 90% +.7 / 25% -.2 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24 / 15% +13.4 / 20% +9 / 45% +34 / 4% +32 / 55% +0 / 85% -10 / 75% CW MARB REA Fat +45 / 35% +.88 / 20% +.55 / 50% +.013 / 55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +85 / 3% +98 / 1% +78 / 60% +64 / 15% +142 / 25% +269 / 10%


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 94 1 100 598 100 939 100




%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-89 13-101 13-88 13-104


REA Ratio

ROI / %

262 / 4%

G A R Sunrise 878S Cow



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record



Adj Rib Fat

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR 1-101

NA % IMF Ratio

G A R Sunrise 8012

G A R Sunrise 778S Cow


Tattoo: 778S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12 / 10% +1.1 / 45% +54 / 50% +94 / 55% +.22 / 40% +.17 / 35% +.4 / 60% +.23 / 80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26 / 10% +9.9 / 65% +10 / 30% +38 / 1% +44 / 40% +.3 / 55% -18 / 90% CW MARB REA Fat +38 / 55% +.91 / 15% +.87 / 15% -.018 / 20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +54 / 80% +72 / 10% +83 / 45% +73 / 5% +156 / 15% +256 / 20%

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


MPI / %

136 / 26% QPI / %

126 / 20% ROI / %

237 / 23%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 100 521 100 892 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -




Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 113

Bred Reg. Groups of 3

Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-75

NA Adj % IMF

QPI / %

131 / 14%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 82 1 100 558 100 992 100


493 Birth Date: 1/18/18


496 Birth Date: 3/13/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47.7 Adj % IMF

7.16 % IMF Ratio



8.5 REA Ratio

85 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Reg. Groups of 3



G A R Sunrise F328 Cow


Tattoo: F328

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8 / 35% +1.1 / 45% +60 / 30% +107 / 25% +.24 / 25% +.5 / 60% +.7 / 25% +.08 / 90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24 / 15% +9.8 / 65% +7 / 65% +42 / 1% +59 / 20% +.4 / 45% -27 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +53 / 20% +.99 / 10% +.57 / 45% -.018 / 20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +48 / 90% +80 / 4% +99 / 15% +73 / 5% +172 / 4% +271 / 10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Bextor L58 17454914


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Retail Product 1484


MPI / %

136 / 26%

Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 3-79


BWR 3-106

497 Birth Date: 2/22/18 50.2 Adj % IMF

9.05 % IMF Ratio



11.4 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.35 Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: 738S

Dam’s Production Record


47.2 9.61 % IMF Ratio



9.2 REA Ratio

92 Adj Rib Fat

.19 Rib Fat Ratio




MPI / %

138 / 22% QPI / %

120 / 29% ROI / %

234 / 26%

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Radiance F458 Cow


48.9 Adj % IMF

9.89 % IMF Ratio

114 8.2

REA Ratio

77 Adj Rib Fat

.49 Rib Fat Ratio

Tattoo: F458

MPI / %

.38 97

BWR 1-96

WWR 1-89

111 10

REA Ratio Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %

.33 Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-98 12-97 12-80 12-77

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

9.58 % IMF Ratio

QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-102

48.6 Adj % IMF


229 / 31%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Predestined 2358


MPI / %

147 / 9% QPI / %

141 / 5% ROI / %

260 / 5%

WWR 1-89

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-95

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 28-107 28-98 28-100 28-98

G A R Radiance 78S Cow


Tattoo: 78S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13 / 5% -1.9 / 4% +65 / 15% +112 / 20% +.22 / 40% +1.01 / 90% +.8 / 20% +.32 / 75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20 / 35% +14.3 / 15% +13 / 10% +34 / 4% +54 / 25% +.7 / 20% -20 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +40 / 50% +1.31 / 2% +.16 / 95% +.031 / 80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +63 / 55% +84 / 2% +72 / 70% +78 / 3% +150 / 20% +258 / 20%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 18129297 G A R 28 Ambush 100

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-95

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328


MPI / %

135 / 28% QPI / %

133 / 11% ROI / %

241 / 19%

WWR 1-107

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94

Bred 5/22/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

501 Birth Date: 3/10/18

124 / 53% 131 / 14%

Tattoo: F508

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-80



Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 494 100 900 100

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N534 18127169 G A R New Day 1100

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-96

500 Birth Date: 2/11/18

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-75



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12 / 10% +.5 / 30% +61 / 25% +109 / 25% +.22 / 40% +1.03 / 90% +.3 / 75% -.83 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30 / 3% +7.9 / 85% +14 / 3% +25 / 45% +76 / 10% +.5 / 35% -26 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +35 / 65% +1.39 / 1% +.84 / 15% -.054 / 2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +48 / 90% +63 / 25% +67 / 80% +99 / 1% +167 / 10% +265 / 15%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 2177

Dam’s Production Record


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 376 100 749 100




Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N594 G A R New Day 1540 18127236

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-75


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 83 1 100 476 100 878 100

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011

498 Birth Date: 3/13/18 Adj % IMF

Rib Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10 / 20% +1.3 / 50% +62 / 25% +106 / 30% +.2 / 60% +.75 / 80% +.8 / 20% +.91 / 40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30 / 3% +10.4 / 60% +7 / 65% +33 / 5% +42 / 40% +.3 / 55% -14 / 85% CW MARB REA Fat +41 / 45% +.99 / 10% +.9 / 10% -.007 / 30% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +72 / 25% +77 / 10% +76 / 65% +76 / 4% +152 / 15% +269 / 10%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -


REA Ratio

G A R Radiance F508

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15 / 2% -.6 / 15% +65 / 15% +112 / 20% +.2 / 60% +1.17 / 95% +.6 / 40% -.71 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25 / 15% +13.3 / 25% +12 / 15% +34 / 4% +64 / 15% +.6 / 25% -25 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +35 / 65% +1.57 / 1% +.38 / 75% +.039 / 90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +66 / 45% +82 / 3% +56 / 95% +92 / 1% +148 / 20% +258 / 20%


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 73 1 100 569 100 886 100




%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 59-100 59-97 59-109 59-94



ROI / %

234 / 26%

G A R Sunrise 738S Cow

9.18 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-112

Adj % IMF

Adj Rib Fat

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR 3-112


QPI / %

122 / 26%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 62 1 100 484 100 855 100


499 Birth Date: 3/10/18

G A R Radiance F268 Cow


Tattoo: F268

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3 / 75% +3.7 / 95% +64 / 20% +104 / 30% +.17 / 85% +.85 / 85% +.5 / 50% -.43 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23 / 20% +7 / 90% +12 / 15% +32 / 10% +23 / 65% +.1 / 75% -5 / 60% CW MARB REA Fat +34 / 65% +1.28 / 2% +.37 / 80% +.001 / 40% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +66 / 45% +74 / 10% +59 / 90% +82 / 2% +141 / 30% +249 / 25%

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859


MPI / %

129 / 42% QPI / %

131 / 14% ROI / %

234 / 26%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 63 1 100 466 100 834 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-68


BWR 1-98

WWR 1-106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 114


502 Birth Date: 2/18/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.6 Adj % IMF

9.57 % IMF Ratio



10.8 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.47 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Radiance 478S Cow


Tattoo: 478S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10 / 20% +.7 / 35% +66 / 15% +112 / 20% +.16 / 90% +1.37 / 95% +.6 / 40% -.55 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17 / 45% +13.1 / 25% +15 / 2% +33 / 5% +47 / 35% +.8 / 10% -17 / 90% CW MARB REA Fat +30 / 80% +1.53 / 1% +.34 / 80% +.011 / 55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +74 / 20% +82 / 3% +41 / 95% +93 / 1% +134 / 40% +248 / 25%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N494 G A R 28 Ambush 100 18129297


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 2328


MPI / %

149 / 7%


BWR 1-95

503 Birth Date: 3/11/18 49.1 Adj % IMF

7.54 % IMF Ratio



10.8 REA Ratio

108 Adj Rib Fat

.36 Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: F78

BWR 1-98


MPI / %

130 / 39% QPI / %

145 / 3% ROI / %

246 / 14%

NA NA % IMF Ratio



NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio


WWR 1-106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

G A R Sunrise 8051 Cow



48.5 Adj % IMF

6.87 % IMF Ratio


9.6 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.29 Rib Fat Ratio

Tattoo: 8051



Dam’s Production Record




9.5 REA Ratio

QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio



Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a bull.

7.07 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


48.5 Adj % IMF

150/6% 114/40%


MPI / %

147 / 9% QPI / %

133 / 11% ROI / %

253 / 9%

WWR 3-100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 34-97 34-96 34-108 34-100

G A R Proactive F498 Cow


Tattoo: F498

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14 / 3% -.7 / 15% +56 / 40% +106 / 30% +.24 / 25% +.97 / 90% +.5 / 50% -.22 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21 / 30% +12.8 / 30% +15 / 2% +14 / 95% +37 / 50% +.5 / 35% -1 / 45% CW MARB REA Fat +38 / 55% +.9 / 15% +.58 / 45% -.004 / 35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +63 / 55% +48 / 65% +76 / 65% +67 / 10% +143 / 25% +248 / 25%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 17189491 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 2-98

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Riverbend Mile High 3718 Rita 5M13 of 2V9 Predestined


MPI / %

146 / 10% QPI / %

130 / 15% ROI / %

250 / 11%

WWR 3-100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 34-97 34-96 34-108 34-100

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

507 Birth Date: 3/27/18


MPI / %

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Riverbend Mile High 3718 Rita 5M13 of 2V9 Predestined

Bred 5/29/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-75

G A R Sunrise G A R Sunrise Y5099 18347014 G A R Complete 1481 G A R Composure GG Dayna 5389 18749308 G A R Daybreak N372


Tattoo: F568

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 100 441 100 830 100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -

BWR 2-98

506 Birth Date: 3/27/18

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9 / 25% +1.3 / 50% +60 / 30% +99 / 40% +.22 / 40% +.27 / 45% +.6 / 40% +.54 / 65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28 / 10% +13.6 / 20% +7 / 65% +27 / 30% +34 / 55% +.5 / 35% -7 / 65% CW MARB REA Fat +35 / 65% +1.03 / 10% +.76 / 20% -.026 / 10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +74 / 20% +70 / 15% +74 / 70% +78 / 3% +152 / 15% +271 / 10%

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2938 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Objective 2345 MCC Daybreak G A R Predestined 2538

Dam’s Production Record






Bred 6/3/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

504 Birth Date: 3/13/18 Adj % IMF



Dam’s Production Record

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive G A R Daybreak 1521 18333424 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH 17189491

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-75

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591

MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 79 1 100 526 100 902 100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Rib Fat Ratio

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8 / 35% +1.8 / 65% +63 / 20% +107 / 25% +.19 / 70% +.94 / 90% +.6 / 40% -.01 / 90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16 / 50% +7.8 / 85% +14 / 3% +31 / 10% +54 / 25% +.5 / 35% -19 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +34 / 65% +1.55 / 1% +.6 / 45% -.02 / 15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +46 / 95% +73 / 10% +58 / 90% +100 / 1% +158 / 10% +251 / 25%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-68




EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12 / 10% -.7 / 15% +55 / 45% +104 / 30% +.23 / 35% +.74 / 80% +.3 / 75% +.75 / 50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20 / 35% +14 / 15% +15 / 2% +20 / 85% +47 / 35% +.7 / 20% -9 / 70% CW MARB REA Fat +42 / 45% +1.08 / 10% +.28 / 90% +.032 / 80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +59 / 65% +54 / 50% +82 / 50% +68 / 10% +150 / 20% +254 / 20%


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 100 489 100 871 100


REA Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 37-107 37-95 37-104 37-94



ROI / %

263 / 4%

G A R Radiance F78 Cow



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

9.36 % IMF Ratio

Adj Rib Fat

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR 1-107

Adj % IMF

G A R Proactive F568

G A R Proactive F578 Cow


Tattoo: F578

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12 / 10% -.5 / 15% +57 / 40% +102 / 35% +.22 / 40% +.62 / 70% +.3 / 75% -.07 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24 / 15% +11.6 / 40% +15 / 2% +28 / 25% +27 / 60% +.4 / 45% -4 / 55% CW MARB REA Fat +46 / 35% +.83 / 20% +.47 / 65% -.003 / 35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +75 / 20% +69 / 15% +82 / 50% +62 / 15% +144 / 25% +262 / 15%

G A R Prophet G A R Proactive 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 Rito 9I9 of Rita 5F56 6I6 Rita 2I11 of 0911 Rito 9I9 17189491 Rita 0911 of Rita 5M13 MH

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Riverbend Mile High 3718 Rita 5M13 of 2V9 Predestined


MPI / %

145 / 12% QPI / %

127 / 19% ROI / %

247 / 13%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 87 1 100 498 100 882 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-75


BWR 2-98

WWR 3-100

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 3-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 34-97 34-96 34-108 34-100

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 115

Bred Reg. Groups of 3

Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-80


QPI / %

142 / 4%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 65 1 100 599 100 937 100


505 Birth Date: 3/27/18


508 Birth Date: 3/10/18 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

47.1 Adj % IMF

8.89 % IMF Ratio



9.6 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.23 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Reg. Groups of 3




Tattoo: F398

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Radiance Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure N1022 18333350 G A R Bextor L58 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure G A R Objective 2345 G A R Composure 2974 G A R Predestined G A R 28 Predestined N1731 17965351 G A R Objective 9J14


MPI / %

131 / 37%

Dam’s Production Record


BWR 1-100

509 Birth Date: 3/13/18 47.2 Adj % IMF

7.92 % IMF Ratio



9 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio


Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48 Adj % IMF

7.53 % IMF Ratio



10.2 REA Ratio

96 Adj Rib Fat

.3 Rib Fat Ratio


Tattoo: F348


MPI / %

131 / 37% QPI / %

143 / 4% ROI / %

245 / 15%

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-98

WWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 33-110 33-93 33-99 33-115

Bred 6/11/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a .

G A R Sunrise 388S Birth Date: 2/17/18





46.5 Adj % IMF

7.27 % IMF Ratio


10.2 REA Ratio

102 Adj Rib Fat

.37 Rib Fat Ratio




MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R In Sure 1524 17965254 G A R Complete 3011


MPI / %

Dam’s Production Record




10.6 REA Ratio

QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %


229 / 31%

Rib Fat Ratio


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 15-93 15-100 15-90 15-88

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Momentum. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

6.09 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


50.1 Adj % IMF

131 / 37% 123 / 25%


MPI / %

149 / 7% QPI / %

118 / 33% ROI / %

243 / 17%

BWR 1-89

WWR 1-96

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-92

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-86 3-94 3-66 3-65

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Cache F158 Birth Date: 3/7/18



Tattoo: F158

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10 / 20% +1.8 / 65% +56 / 40% +108 / 25% +.23 / 35% +1.09 / 95% +.1 / 90% +1.84 / 4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20 / 35% +9.8 / 65% +15 / 2% +28 / 25% +35 / 50% +.2 / 65% -8 / 70% CW MARB REA Fat +43 / 40% +1.06 / 10% +.7 / 30% +.045 / 95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +70 / 30% +62 / 30% +83 / 45% +71 / 10% +154 / 15% +270 / 10%

A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 17709960 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet N874 18127293 G A R Daybreak G72

Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-69

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Objective 277L

Dam’s Production Record

BWR 1-89

Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Wave Green Garden Rita D076 S1 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective 1718


MPI / %

116 / 70% QPI / %

139 / 6% ROI / %

227 / 34%

WWR 1-97

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 10-92 10-101 10-113 10-111

Bred 5/19/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Absolute 628S

Lot Tattoo: 388S

Tattoo: 908S

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 67 1 100 457 100 833 100

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10 / 20% +1.8 / 65% +66 / 15% +104 / 30% +.18 / 75% +.62 / 70% +.6 / 40% +.96 / 35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25 / 15% +11.1 / 50% +14 / 3% +31 / 10% +33 / 55% +.5 / 35% -9 / 70% CW MARB REA Fat +27 / 85% +1.07 / 10% +.54 / 50% -.019 / 15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +77 / 15% +82 / 3% +57 / 95% +76 / 4% +133 / 40% +250 / 25%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio -




Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-99


Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R 100X G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design A91 17774305 G A R Objective A706 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak 1023 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 1779 17623192 G A R Objective 1067

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 2-53


MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Bextor L58 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R 5050 New Design 859


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10 / 20% -1.2 / 10% +55 / 45% +96 / 50% +.23 / 35% +.19 / 35% +.4 / 60% +.94 / 40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26 / 10% +14.5 / 15% +13 / 10% +31 / 10% +44 / 40% +.5 / 35% -14 / 85% CW MARB REA Fat +33 / 70% +.9 / 15% +.31 / 85% -.039 / 5% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +67 / 40% +69 / 15% +77 / 60% +67 / 10% +143 / 25% +252 / 25%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 76 1 100 644 100 1030 100

G A R Sunrise G A R Radiance 18333350 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 1054 17965216 G A R Complete 1591

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 100 430 100 852 100


Rib Fat Ratio

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht




EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8 / 35% +1.8 / 65% +63 / 20% +107 / 25% +.19 / 70% +.85 / 85% +.5 / 50% -.01 / 90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16 / 50% +7.9 / 85% +14 / 3% +31 / 10% +51 / 30% +.4 / 45% -17 / 90% CW MARB REA Fat +31 / 75% +1.57 / 1% +.57 / 45% -.022 / 15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +48 / 90% +74 / 10% +59 / 90% +101 / 1% +160 / 10% +256 / 20%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-68


REA Ratio

Birth Date: 2/26/18


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 65 1 100 429 100 749 100




%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-101 12-99 12-93 12-89



ROI / %

239 / 21%

G A R Radiance F348 Cow

7.98 % IMF Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-98

Adj % IMF

Adj Rib Fat

Bred 6/14/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a .

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

WWR 1-94


QPI / %

135 / 9%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 62 1 100 439 100 831 100



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15 / 2% -.5 / 15% +54 / 50% +98 / 45% +.23 / 35% +.32 / 45% +.3 / 75% -.14 / 95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30 / 3% +5.8 / 95% +10 / 30% +42 / 1% +31 / 55% +.4 / 45% -14 / 85% CW MARB REA Fat +34 / 65% +1.36 / 2% +.71 / 25% -.02 / 15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +52 / 85% +78 / 5% +72 / 70% +93 / 1% +164 / 10% +265 / 15%

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-70

G A R 100X 908S


G A R Radiance F398

Birth Date: 2/20/18



Tattoo: 628S

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14 / 3% +.1 / 25% +62 / 25% +115 / 15% +.27 / 10% +.64 / 70% +.8 / 20% +.89 / 40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26 / 10% +9 / 75% +5 / 85% +26 / 35% +67 / 15% +.5 / 35% -22 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +45 / 35% +.83 / 20% +.79 / 20% +.026 / 75% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +47 / 90% +66 / 20% +93 / 25% +63 / 15% +156 / 15% +249 / 25%

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Emulous 8145 K C F Bennett Absolute Wulffs Ext 6106 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure 2564 G A R New Design 5050 17965327 G A R 5050 New Design 322 G A R 28 Ambush 1759


MPI / %

159 / 2% QPI / %

120 / 29% ROI / %

255 / 8%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 82 1 100 606 100 940 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-72


BWR 1-103

WWR 1-93

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-94

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 14-83 14-100 14-84 14-86

Bred 6/3/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 116


514 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

46.9 Adj % IMF

9.2 % IMF Ratio



9.8 REA Ratio

98 Adj Rib Fat

.35 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Tide F228 Birth Date: 3/4/18



Tattoo: F228

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5 / 60% +3.4 / 90% +70 / 10% +121 / 10% +.23 / 35% +1.08 / 95% +.8 / 20% +1.1 / 30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19 / 35% +11.5 / 45% +12 / 15% +28 / 25% +67 / 15% +.9 / 10% -23 / 95% CW MARB REA Fat +55 / 15% +1.32 / 2% +.5 / 60% +.012 / 55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +53 / 80% +71 / 15% +87 / 35% +85 / 2% +171 / 4% +275 / 10%

Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 639 17624893 G A R Objective 2345 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Trust 6228 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 G A R Trust N1184 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Ambush 0H18 18127078 Goode Objective 544


MPI / %

140 / 19% QPI / %


138 / 7% ROI / %

250 / 11%


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-78


BWR 1-100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj % IMF

9.36 % IMF Ratio



9.4 REA Ratio

94 Adj Rib Fat

.34 Rib Fat Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Bred 4/25/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Tide F28



WWR 1-101

Birth Date: 3/1/18



Tattoo: F28

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5 / 60% +2.5 / 80% +63 / 20% +98 / 45% +.2 / 60% +.37 / 50% +.9 / 10% +.55 / 65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29 / 4% +9.7 / 65% +11 / 20% +13 / 95% +59 / 20% +1 / 4% -11 / 75% CW MARB REA Fat +47 / 30% +1.5 / 1% +.43 / 70% +.045 / 95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +43 / 95% +50 / 60% +90 / 30% +89 / 1% +179 / 2% +275 / 10%

Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 17624893 G A R 5050 New Design 639 G A R Objective 2345 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Trust 6228 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 G A R Trust N1184 B/R Ambush 28 18127078 G A R Ambush 0H18 Goode Objective 544


MPI / %

130 / 39% QPI / %

143 / 4% ROI / %

244 / 16%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 100 430 100 836 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-78


BWR 1-100

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj % IMF

8.73 % IMF Ratio



9 REA Ratio

90 Adj Rib Fat

.41 Rib Fat Ratio


WWR 1-101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Tide F108



Birth Date: 3/3/18



Tattoo: F108

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9 / 25% +2.4 / 75% +54 / 50% +89 / 65% +.2 / 60% +.07 / 30% +.9 / 10% +.22 / 80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21 / 30% +9 / 75% +12 / 15% +17 / 95% +48 / 35% +.9 / 10% -8 / 70% CW MARB REA Fat +43 / 40% +1.24 / 3% +.4 / 75% +.046 / 95% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +44 / 95% +44 / 75% +91 / 25% +76 / 4% +167 / 10% +261 / 15%

Gardens Highmark Gardens Wave Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 G A R Tide G A R New Design 5050 17624893 G A R 5050 New Design 639 G A R Objective 2345 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Trust 6228 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 G A R Trust N1184 B/R Ambush 28 18127078 G A R Ambush 0H18 Goode Objective 544


MPI / %

130 / 39% QPI / %

126 / 20% ROI / %

231 / 29%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 73 1 100 475 100 861 100


Dam’s Production Record

Rump ACT BW Fat Ratio 1-78


Bred Reg. Groups of 3

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 468 100 879 100

BWR 1-100

WWR 1-101

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-106

Congratulations to longtime GAR customers Alan Jett and Kevin Milliken at the 2019 Beef Empire Days steer and heifer carcass competition! The Jett steer was Overall Grand Champion Steer Carcass and the Milliken steer earned the Reserve Champion Steer Carcass banner. Both steers were fed at Triangle H. Gardiner Angus Ranch had the Reserve Champion Carcass Heifer, also fed at Triangle H. Carcass details interest us far more than the banners and these three carcasses were impressive. The Jett steer had a carcass wt. of 930, 16.85 sq. in. REA, 1.98 YG and a Prime marbling score of 750. The Milliken steer had a carcass wt. of 941, 16.48 sq. in. REA, 2.33 YG and a Prime marbling score of 750. The GAR heifer had a carcass wt. of 936, 15.64 sq. in. REA, 2.88 YG and a whopping high Prime marbling score of 980 out of 1000! She finished 23rd in the live placings. #marblingmatters Jett Steer Live Wt:…………1540 Carcass Wt.:……… 930 Dressing Pct…… 60.38 Back Fat………… 0.41 REA…………… 16.85 Yield Grade……… 1.98 Marbling Score…… 750 Quality Gr……… Prime

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 17-111 17-91 17-100 17-107

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 117

Milliken Steer Live Wt:…………1554 Carcass Wt.:……… 941 Dressing Pct…… 60.56 Back Fat………… 0.47 REA…………… 16.48 Yield Grade……… 2.33 Marbling Score…… 750 Quality Gr……… Prime

GAR Heifer Live Wt:…………1540 Carcass Wt.:……… 936 Dressing Pct…… 60.79 Back Fat………… 0.59 REA…………… 15.64 Yield Grade……… 2.88 Marbling Score…… 980 Quality Gr...…High Prime

G A R Sure Fire N877


517 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.8 Adj % IMF

5.38 % IMF Ratio

81 Adj REA

8.2 REA Ratio

95 Adj Rib Fat

.11 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Cows


Birth Date: 5/22/17



G A R Sure Fire 1827

Lot Tattoo: N877


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +2/65% +78/2% +143/1% +.29/3% +1.7/95% +.9/10% +1.76/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +34/1% +5.8/95% +8/55% +27/30% +95/2% +.8/10% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +71/2% +1.11/5% +.79/20% +.03/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +51/85% +79/5% +111/4% +77/4% +187/1% +294/2%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1114 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Complete 1591 17965222 G A R 5050 New Design 859



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


166/1% 130/15% ROI / %


48.9 Adj % IMF

5.98 % IMF Ratio

90 9.5

Adj Rib Fat

.15 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 8/23/17



Tattoo: 1827

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/60% +2.1/70% +67/15% +123/10% +.28/5% +.96/90% +.6/40% +2.06/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +3.7/95% +4/90% +36/2% +28/60% +.1/75% -9/70% CW MARB REA Fat +46/35% +1.21/3% +.7/30% +.011/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +59/65% +84/2% +82/50% +82/2% +164/10% +272/10%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure G A R Objective 2345 G A R Composure 2974 G A R Predestined G A R 28 Predestined N1731 17965351 G A R Objective 9J14


MPI / %

147/9% QPI / %

148/2% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 78 1 100 563 100 901 100 .16

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 100 504 100 805 100 .16


YWR 1-98

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-91 1-117 1-109 84

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-84 3-101 3-121 3-116

Bred 4/27/2019 to G A R Sunbeam. Embryo sexed as a bull.

518 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

50.3 Adj % IMF

6.45 % IMF Ratio

96 Adj REA

9.7 REA Ratio

104 Adj Rib Fat

.21 Rib Fat Ratio


Birth Date: 7/31/17



Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-101 12-99 12-93 12-89

Bred 4/27/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Sure Fire 407


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 1-100 1-94 94

Lot Tattoo: 407

520 Birth Date: 9/14/16

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/25% +2.1/70% +66/15% +118/15% +.26/15% +1.09/95% +.7/25% +1.05/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +9.1/75% +6/75% +32/10% +19/70% +.2/65% -3/50% CW MARB REA Fat +56/15% +1.18/4% +.99/5% +.012/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +75/20% +81/4% +94/20% +84/2% +178/3% +306/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Chair Rock Prophet 3071 G A R New Design 5050 17799516 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 Chair Rock Objective 7042


MPI / %

157/2% QPI / %

140/5% ROI / %


49.4 Adj % IMF

6.39 % IMF Ratio

78 10 REA Ratio

100 Adj Rib Fat

.15 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Sure Fire 2756 Cow


Tattoo: 2756

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +2.2/70% +66/15% +117/15% +.26/15% +.81/85% +.9/10% +1.31/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/3% +8.5/80% +10/30% +28/25% +74/10% +.8/10% -27/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/10% +.92/15% +1.01/4% +.004/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +52/85% +68/15% +104/10% +73/5% +177/3% +282/5%

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2314 B/R Ambush 28 17965309 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 G A R Objective 1648


MPI / %

149/7% QPI / %

134/10% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 88 1 100 711 100 852 100 .27

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 74 1 105 552 97 842 95 .14

YWR 1-98

YWR 1-95

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-84 1-110 1-104 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-106 7-103 7-102 7-94

Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-74 1-105 1-97 50

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 19-86 19-107 19-96 19-95

Bred 5/22/2019 to G A R Sunbeam. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 118


521 Birth Date: 11/21/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

NA % IMF Ratio


NA REA Ratio

NA Adj Rib Fat

NA Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: 3957

523 Birth Date: 10/14/16

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +65/15% +115/15% +.26/15% +.76/80% +.2/85% +.58/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +7.6/85% +8/55% +26/35% +60/20% +.1/75% -19/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/25% +1.16/4% +.61/40% +.005/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +52/85% +70/15% +94/20% +79/3% +173/4% +276/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 17328461 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight G A R Objective R227 G A R Daylight F35 G A R Fusion G A R Fusion F363 18174730 G A R Ambush 0H18



MPI / %



NA % IMF Ratio


NA Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio




522 Birth Date: 8/24/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.9 Adj % IMF

7.01 % IMF Ratio

107 Adj REA

9 REA Ratio

113 Adj Rib Fat

.11 Rib Fat Ratio



Tattoo: 2806

G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet F104 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design N430 17842401 G A R Retail Product 1695


MPI / %

138/22% QPI / %

154/1% ROI / %


Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - NA

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 7-110 7-89 7-110 7-112

Bred 4/27/2029 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Sure Fire 1207 Cow


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 61 1 89 418 74 768 87 NA

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.



EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/1% -.6/10% +53/35% +98/25% I+.21/30% I+1.16/95% I+.4/60% I+.26/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+31/1% +8.8/75% +10/30% +34/4% I+47/20% I+.6/15% -15/90% CW MARB REA Fat I+42/25% I+1.61/1% I+.68/15% I+.015/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +54/70% +65/15% +74/50% +101/1% +175/2% +281/3%

Lot Tattoo: 1207

524 Birth Date: 8/20/17

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.1/25% +60/30% +105/30% +.22/40% +.75/80% +.4/60% +1.86/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/30% +7.3/90% +10/30% +22/70% +40/45% +.1/75% -7/65% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.1/5% +.73/25% -.029/10% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +61/60% +64/25% +78/60% +81/2% +159/10% +267/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise L365 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 18447612 G A R Complete 1481 G A R Predestined 2938



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


144/13% 127/19% ROI / %


48.8 Adj % IMF

7.1 % IMF Ratio

106 9.3

Adj Rib Fat

.1 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Momentum 1177 Cow


Tattoo: 1177

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.3/50% +56/40% +97/45% +.18/75% +.8/80% +.4/60% -.49/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +7.5/90% +10/30% +36/2% +35/50% +.4/45% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +45/35% +1.34/2% +.81/15% +.016/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +54/80% +73/10% +73/70% +89/1% +162/10% +264/15%

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 2954 17965349 G A R Daybreak 1201

G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 649


MPI / %

146/10% QPI / %

142/4% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 489 100 758 100 .18

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 100 576 100 779 100 .12



Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-69 2-95 2-95 120

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-98 9-110 9-74 9-100

Bred 4/21/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-74 - - 71

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-109 6-103 6-108 6-90

Bred 5/17/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 119

Bred Registered Cows

%IMF -

Adj % IMF

QPI / %

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record




Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 70 1 100 NA NA NA NA NA Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 - - NA

G A R Momentum 2806


G A R Sure Fire 3957

Lot Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

NA Adj % IMF

10.75 % IMF Ratio

131 Adj REA

10.3 REA Ratio

103 Adj Rib Fat

.24 Rib Fat Ratio

Bred Registered Cows



G A R Momentum R206

525 Birth Date: 8/22/16



Tattoo: R206

528 Birth Date: 10/20/17

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.9/65% +67/15% +114/15% +.23/35% +.84/85% +.4/60% +.17/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/15% +3.6/95% +12/15% +28/25% +72/10% +.4/45% -26/95% CW MARB REA Fat +42/45% +1.74/1% +.78/20% +.023/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +37/95% +73/10% +76/65% +108/1% +183/2% +274/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 17354145 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet R174 G A R Daybreak R2 18018926


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design R39


MPI / %




QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record


NA % IMF Ratio


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 624 110 .3 Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - 1-110 107

NA Adj % IMF

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-108 4-93 4-111 4-103

526 Birth Date: 5/4/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

46.3 Adj % IMF

8.02 % IMF Ratio

120 Adj REA

7.2 REA Ratio

84 Adj Rib Fat

.07 Rib Fat Ratio



MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 16933958 G A R Prophet G A R Prophet 344 G A R Complete 901 17965154

Dam’s Production Record Rump Fat Ratio ACT BW BWR WWR 1-78 1-111 1-85 NA

Tattoo: 3727

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 G A R Predestined 2358


MPI / %

139/21% QPI / %

132/12% ROI / %




Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

YWR 1-86

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 30-101 30-92 30-99 30-96

G A R Composure N1667

Lot Tattoo: N57

529 Birth Date: 5/12/17

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.9/4% +53/55% +99/40% +.22/40% +.64/70% +.1/90% -.18/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +7.1/90% +10/30% +32/10% +42/40% +.4/45% -14/85% CW MARB REA Fat +30/80% +1.43/1% +.67/30% +.023/70% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +49/90% +68/15% +73/70% +91/1% +164/10% +262/15%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Progress G A R Momentum 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 New Design 653 17623160 G A R 28 Ambush 2850



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 327L


Bred 4/27/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a bull.

G A R Momentum N57 Cow


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +0/25% +67/15% +116/15% +.22/40% +.98/90% +.7/25% -.16/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +10.3/60% +8/55% +28/25% +26/65% +.1/75% -4/55% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +1.39/1% +.89/10% +.013/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +76/15% +82/3% +79/55% +93/1% +172/4% +299/2%

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW Rump Fat 74 1 100 568 100 NA NA

Bred 4/27/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.


G A R Sunrise 3727

126/49% 133/11% ROI / %


49 Adj % IMF

6.61 % IMF Ratio

99 9.7

Adj Rib Fat

.09 Rib Fat Ratio




Tattoo: N1667

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.7/15% +68/10% +112/20% +.26/15% +.05/30% +.7/25% +.47/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +12.8/30% +10/30% +29/20% +66/15% +1/4% -23/95% CW MARB REA Fat +39/55% +.94/15% +.76/20% -.025/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +62/55% +81/4% +94/20% +73/5% +167/10% +279/10%

G A R New Design 5050 G A R Composure 16496980 G A R Objective 2345 SydGen Trust 6228 G A R Trust N1223 17779975 G A R 28 Ambush C19

B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2413 SCR Promise 4042 SydGen Forever Lady 4413 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 3356


MPI / %

144/13% QPI / %

116/36% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 60 1 100 436 100 647 100 .09

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 70 1 100 476 100 812 100 .14

YWR 1-97

YWR 1-104

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-61 1-89 1-94 47

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 24-105 24-98 24-104 24-100

Bred 5/19/2019 to G A R Phoenix. Embryo sexed as a bull.


527 Birth Date: 5/21/16 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49 Adj % IMF

5.67 % IMF Ratio

90 Adj REA

10 REA Ratio

99 Adj Rib Fat

.11 Rib Fat Ratio



Lot Tattoo: N856

530 Birth Date: 9/11/17

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/55% +3.8/95% +75/1% +136/1% +.3/1% +1.06/95% +.5/50% -.72/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/10% +14.3/10% +6/75% +27/30% +81/2% +.4/35% -29/95% CW MARB REA Fat +52/10% +.97/10% +1.11/1% -.065/1% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +63/40% +72/10% +102/10% +84/1% +186/1% +304/1%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R Prediction G A R Prediction 762 17353707 G A R 28 Ambush 1069



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 G A R Predestined G A R Precision 191 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Objective 1885

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 26-92 26-102 26-83 26-97

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Genuine. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

G A R Sunrise N856 Cow

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 3-78 2-102 2-92 74

142/16% 143/4% ROI / %


49.4 Adj % IMF

7.98 % IMF Ratio

119 10.6

Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Ashland 2647 Cow


Tattoo: 2647

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/5% -.6/15% +61/25% +115/15% +.28/5% +.72/80% +.6/40% +.56/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/70% +12.1/35% +7/65% +29/20% +63/20% +.8/10% -22/95% CW MARB REA Fat +43/40% +.99/10% +1.05/3% -.009/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +43/95% +69/15% +90/30% +78/3% +168/5% +261/15%

G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 Chair Rock Complete 3024 G A R New Design 5050 17588986 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9081 Chair Rock 1407 ND 6086


MPI / %

134/30% QPI / %

128/17% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 80 1 100 510 100 835 100 .13

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 70 1 100 607 100 809 100 .18


YWR 2-106

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 1-94 1-104 59

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 9-101 9-98 9-83 9-102

Bred 5/26/2019 to G A R Ashland. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-70 1-99 2-111 69

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 13-100 13-93 13-91 13-94

Bred 4/27/2019 to G A R Phoenix. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 120


531 Birth Date: 5/7/15 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

48.7 Adj % IMF

7.74 % IMF Ratio

112 Adj REA

9.5 REA Ratio

97 Adj Rib Fat

.2 Rib Fat Ratio



G A R Prophet N1365 Cow


Tattoo: N1365

533 Birth Date: 9/28/17

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.8/35% +55/30% +98/25% +.16/80% +1.3/95% +.4/60% +.35/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/10% +16/3% +15/2% +30/15% +5/75% +.1/65% +5/40% CW MARB REA Fat +27/65% +1.57/1% +.32/65% +.034/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +87/1% +71/10% +45/95% +92/1% +137/20% +265/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 16295688 B/R Ambush 28 G A R 28 Ambush 981 G A R Predestined 1869 17056816


B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345


MPI / %


48.8 Adj % IMF

4.86 % IMF Ratio

73 8.6 REA Ratio



QPI / %

Adj Rib Fat

ROI / %



Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Absolute 3927 Cow


Tattoo: 3927

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/75% +3.1/90% +72/5% +132/3% +.29/3% +1/90% +.5/50% +.26/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +4.6/95% +9/45% +24/55% +103/1% +.3/55% -38/95% CW MARB REA Fat +66/3% +.91/15% +1.08/3% -.019/15% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +32/95% +64/25% +118/2% +76/4% +194/1% +284/4%

S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 16430795 G A R Anticipation G A R Anticipation 915 G A R High Design 1221 18333075

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 GAR High Design G A R Objective 0J07


MPI / %

152/5% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 570 100 781 100 .15

YWR 1-95


Rump Dam’s Production Record BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-59 1-80 1-94 104

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 29-104 29-101 29-102 29-98

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW - - - 88

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a bull.

Bred 6/12/2019 to G A R Inertia. Embryo sexed as a .


532 Birth Date: 8/26/17 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

49.5 Adj % IMF

7.32 % IMF Ratio

103 Adj REA

9.6 REA Ratio

110 Adj Rib Fat

.14 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Prophecy 1507 Cow


Lot Tattoo: 1507

534 Birth Date: 9/30/17

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/50% +3.4/90% +66/15% +119/10% I+.21/50% I+1.23/95% +.6/40% I+.46/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+15/55% I+12.3/35% +8/55% +35/3% I+35/50% I+.3/55% -17/90% CW MARB REA Fat +44/40% +1.31/2% +.6/45% +.007/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +63/55% +70/15% +73/70% +86/2% +159/10% +269/10%

Adj Yrlg Hip Ht

G A R Prophet G A R Prophecy 17623660 G A R 28 Ambush 181 G A R Sunrise G A R Sunrise 1055 18333088 G A R Progress N1401



MPI / %

REA Ratio

QPI / %


C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28 G A R Predestined 1869 MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 G A R Progress G A R Yield Grade N366

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-75 2-100 2-96 2-97

127/46% 127/19% ROI / %


47.9 Adj % IMF

6.04 % IMF Ratio

92 7

Adj Rib Fat

.13 Rib Fat Ratio


G A R Daylight 3937 Cow


Tattoo: 3937

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.7/35% +60/30% +100/40% +.21/50% +.17/35% +.5/50% -.23/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +7.6/85% +13/10% +23/60% +46/35% +.8/10% -11/75% CW MARB REA Fat +40/50% +1.1/5% +.49/60% +.008/50% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $YG $Beef $Combined +55/75% +64/25% +89/30% +74/5% +163/10% +266/15%

MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight 16933585 G A R Objective R227 B/R Destination 727-928 G A R Destination 2613 17638530 G A R Predestined T059

Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 B/R Destination 727 B/R Blackcap Empress 558 G A R Predestined G A R 1407 New Design 2674


MPI / %

130/39% QPI / %

120/29% ROI / %


Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 87 1 116 560 105 854 111 .19

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 72 1 100 454 100 660 100 .11

YWR 1-111

YWR 1-107

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 2-88 2-111 2-106 106

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-103 1-110 1-108 1-106

Bred 4/26/2019 to G A R Sure Fire. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

Dam’s Production Record Rump BWR WWR Fat Ratio ACT BW 1-79 1-112 1-121 73

Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record

%IMF REA FAT RU FAT 12-96 12-88 12-92 12-105

Bred 5/26/2019 to G A R Phoenix. Embryo sexed as a heifer.

We would like to thank everyone for joining us for our 15th Annual Fall Sale. We are truly thankful for your business. We are pleased to celebrate the beef business and enjoy our journey with you. We wish you the very best!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 121

Bred Registered Cows

Adj BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR Rump Fat 68 1 100 463 100 829 100 .24

The Commercial Females that Sell GAR Commercial Bred Cows and Heifers In addition to the registered females, we will sell 254 bred, commercial heifers and 12 commercial bred cows. The commercial cows will sell in a single group and the commercial heifers will sell in groups of 10 or 11 head. Each commercial female is bred to an A.I. sire (no clean-up bulls). In fact, we use the same proven sires as those used to breed females in our registered herd. We keep 2000 commercial cows on the ranch. These are cows and replacements heifers from that herd. Method Genetics (MG) genomics tests and genetic evaluation have been performed on each commercial female. The MG genetic evaluation provides EPDs and index values that enables buyers to compare the estimated breeding values of the commercial animals before making buying decisions. We appreciate your business and invite you to take home some of our best registered and commercial females.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 122

GAR Commercial Females The commercial heifers will sell in 26 groups of a minimum of 10 head, safe in calf to GAR Sure Fire, GAR Ashland, GAR Quantum, GAR Phoenix, GAR Combustion, GAR Genuine and GAR Momentum scheduled to calve from 2/4/202 to 3/18/2020. This

is an elite population of Angus cattle selected for reproductive efficiency, calving ease, docility, postweaning growth, feedlot performance and carcass value, NOT THE AVERAGE ANGUS ANIMAL.

Commercial Bred Cows GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

129 239 139 257 107 193 129 241 120 238 131 237 116 243 133 244 126 245 137 252 137 253 125 255

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

8018 2 GAR Sunrise 04/25/2019 GAR Ashland Heifer 10.3 11 9.9 36 1.12 0.73 137 8045 2 GAR Prophet 6754 04/25/2019 GAR Momentum Heifer 9.4 13 9.6 41 1.14 0.89 148 158S 2 GAR Method 04/26/2019 GAR Ashland Bull 14.4 20 11.6 32 1.10 0.88 138 208S 2 GAR Sure Fire 04/25/2019 GAR Ashland Bull 12.9 17 11.3 36 1.27 0.96 149 538S 2 GAR Sure Fire 04/25/2019 GAR Genuine Heifer 13.5 18 11.2 35 1.34 0.78 145 608S 2 GAR Sunrise 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 12.2 11 10.7 41 1.13 0.85 147 F128 2 GAR Sure Fire 04/25/2019 GAR Ashland Heifer 15.0 17 12.4 27 1.17 0.94 148 F468 2 GAR Radiance 04/26/2019 GAR Ashland Bull 14.0 13 11.8 32 1.79 0.58 125 G815 2 GAR Prodigy 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 12.7 13 11.0 32 1.32 0.76 142 G836 2 GAR Momentum 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 12.1 14 10.5 36 1.18 0.98 133 G86 2 GAR Prodigy 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 13.2 17 11.2 32 1.29 0.62 134 11 Head Price: GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

8048 3 GAR Sunrise Y5099 04/25/2019 GAR Ashland Heifer 11.2 14 10.4 32 1.26 0.91 138 F218 3 GAR Radiance 04/26/2019 GAR Ashland Bull 13.4 4 11.0 23 1.48 0.69 129 F358 3 GAR Radiance 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 14.2 14 12.0 22 1.65 0.51 126 F98 3 GAR Tide 04/25/2019 GAR Ashland Heifer 13.9 17 11.8 28 1.09 0.85 134 G80 3 GAR Composure 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.7 17 10.0 29 0.94 0.66 136 G804 3 GAR Tide 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.9 12 10.6 25 1.20 0.95 121 G811 3 GAR Prodigy 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.5 15 10.3 37 1.00 0.69 127 G822 3 GAR Prophet 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.1 19 10.5 34 1.11 0.68 130 G85 3 GAR Prodigy 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 13.2 16 11.3 33 1.15 0.62 137 W811 3 GAR Prophet N6385 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.5 14 10.0 33 0.92 0.79 131 W861 3 GAR Prophet N6215 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.6 16 8.5 40 0.87 0.93 137 11 Head Price: Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 123

124 236 136 257 123 236 133 255 134 252 126 248 120 244 145 241 129 245 129 236 126 235

121 235 126 230 132 232 115 226 108 222 126 222 119 222 122 228 119 232 118 225 112 227

Commercial Groups

N924 1 GAR Prophet 06/20/2019 GAR Sunbeam Bull 14.0 25 11.5 30 1.39 0.57 136 855 1 GAR Prophet 06/04/2019 GAR Phoenix Heifer 12.5 20 11.2 29 1.61 0.73 146 N356 1 GARDENS WAVE 6/22/19 GAR Combustion 8.8 4 9.0 24 1.04 1.04 107 3397 1 K C F Bennett Absolute 4/27/19 GAR Quantum Heifer 11.4 9 9.9 34 1.07 0.66 138 N106 1 Deer Valley All In 6/15/19 GAR Combustion Bull 12.4 16 10.5 37 0.79 0.85 142 R97 1 GAR Momentum 6/4/19 GAR Sunbeam Bull 12.4 17 10.8 27 1.39 0.95 132 2307 1 K C F Bennett Absolute 5/16/19 GAR Ashland Bull 13.3 13 11.2 21 1.33 0.50 150 R67 1 GAR Momentum 5/15/19 GAR Genuine Bull 13.7 16 11.5 28 1.47 0.59 138 N336 1 Deer Valley All In 4/27/19 GAR Momentum Heifer 9.6 12 9.2 46 0.99 0.94 144 N1235 1 GAR Prophet 6/14/19 GAR Combustion 10.8 17 10.2 39 1.58 0.64 142 605 1 GAR Prophet 6/7/19 GAR Combustion Heifer 11.9 16 10.8 42 1.19 0.78 143 N1406 1 K C F Bennett Absolute 6/5/19 GAR Momentum Bull 11.7 7 10.0 41 0.92 0.69 155 12 Head Price:

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B813 4 GAR Prophet M4207 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.5 17 10.0 33 0.85 0.69 132 D80 4 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.8 9 9.2 34 0.87 0.74 127 D802 4 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.9 11 9.8 28 0.95 0.86 120 D84 4 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.8 8 9.9 27 0.76 0.82 129 G819 4 GAR Ashland 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.5 16 9.6 33 0.73 0.75 134 G82 4 GAR Advance 8204 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.9 15 10.3 26 1.01 0.79 126 G83 4 GAR Forecast 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.9 14 10.1 31 1.02 0.73 122 J83 4 GAR In Sure 694 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.9 12 10.5 36 0.78 0.93 133 P720 4 GAR Composure N5525 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.5 13 9.4 28 0.84 0.88 125 S879 4 GAR Prophet N6155 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.5 13 9.9 42 0.92 0.62 123 W853 4 GAR Prophet N6385 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 12.2 17 10.8 29 0.96 0.79 124 11 Head Price: GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

178S 5 GAR Sure Fire 06/08/2019 GAR Ashland Bull 16.1 17 13.0 27 1.23 0.64 149 68S 5 GAR Sunrise 06/07/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.5 10 10.3 33 1.14 0.76 138 718S 5 GAR Sunrise 06/18/2019 GAR Ashland 12.0 10 10.7 27 1.37 0.68 138 B821 5 GAR Fruition W1064 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.4 14 8.4 32 1.03 0.61 119 D800 5 GAR Anticipation M5304 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.8 9 8.8 29 0.75 0.78 128 G809 5 GAR Sunrise 05/13/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.6 9 9.1 42 0.92 0.85 128 P70 5 GAR Sunrise S14 05/20/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.4 14 8.9 38 1.07 0.73 133 S8007 5 GAR Prophet T436 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.6 14 10.4 27 1.08 0.49 122 S894 5 GAR Prophet T436 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.8 13 9.3 37 0.90 0.64 127 W804 5 GAR Prophet N6385 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.3 14 10.3 29 1.06 0.77 126 W86 5 GAR Progress E1054 05/20/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.0 8 9.5 28 1.03 0.67 121 11 Head Price: GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


109 206 109 204 106 205 109 207 116 208 112 210 112 204 106 208 122 208 103 206

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B819 7 GAR Reserve 454G 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.9 15 9.7 26 0.80 0.78 127 D805 7 GAR Anticipation M5304 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.1 10 8.8 23 0.94 0.70 122 G812 7 GAR Momentum 06/06/2019 GAR Ashland Heifer 9.6 12 9.3 28 1.18 0.82 111 G817 7 GAR Momentum 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.1 12 10.1 27 0.99 1.02 119 G824 7 GAR Momentum 05/23/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 12.7 13 10.7 24 1.24 0.98 112 J80 7 GAR Early Bird N5845 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.6 14 9.1 29 0.85 0.67 119 J85 7 GAR In Sure 694 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 12.1 12 10.7 26 0.71 0.81 125 S8006 7 GAR Prophet T436 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.2 11 9.7 33 0.90 0.72 120 S85 7 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.4 11 9.7 35 0.71 0.80 127 W833 7 GAR Contrast 5883 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.7 11 9.0 33 0.65 0.88 125 10 Head Price: Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 124

118 243 121 235 116 231 116 212 104 211 116 221 120 229 111 211 112 217 116 219 114 212

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B805 6 GAR Reserve 4026G 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.9 16 9.5 35 0.96 0.72 119 D85 6 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.0 10 8.9 29 0.89 0.72 117 D87 6 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.7 10 9.8 27 0.85 0.91 120 G803 6 GAR Daylight 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.5 11 10.2 26 1.04 0.78 120 G833 6 GAR Daylight 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.9 10 9.2 32 1.17 0.64 115 G84 6 GAR Daylight 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 12.0 9 10.6 29 1.04 0.81 120 J803 6 GAR Early Bird N6095 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.7 12 8.7 36 0.88 0.73 114 J807 6 GAR Early Bird N6015 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.7 10 9.9 24 1.02 0.73 123 J810 6 GAR Early Bird N5955 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.8 9 8.9 34 1.03 0.83 110 S899 6 GAR Advance J5017 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.6 12 9.8 24 1.01 0.55 124 10 Head Price: GAR ID GROUP

105 216 111 216 113 210 106 214 100 214 112 216 116 215 107 219 107 211 122 221 110 212

95 203 103 204 118 205 104 202 116 205 104 202 98 203 108 206 102 209 96 202

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B85 8 GAR Reserve 4026G 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.8 12 9.0 31 0.74 0.65 124 D89 8 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.7 10 9.7 23 0.78 0.77 121 G820 8 GAR Daylight 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.1 10 9.9 23 1.02 0.76 116 G829 8 GAR Sunrise 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.4 12 9.1 33 0.88 0.61 117 G832 8 Gardens Cache 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.1 5 9.0 29 1.07 1.00 108 N86 8 GAR Prophet T436 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.7 12 8.7 38 0.72 0.90 116 S8005 8 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.4 12 9.1 36 0.83 0.65 119 S81 8 GAR Progress 6133 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.5 10 10.2 29 0.81 0.75 119 S839 8 GAR Progress 6133 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.7 10 9.4 30 0.77 0.93 118 S842 8 GAR Prophet T436 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.6 14 9.8 33 0.85 0.50 119 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

D806 9 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.0 10 9.9 23 0.85 0.79 117 G816 9 GAR Protege 410G 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.7 11 8.6 30 0.94 0.66 106 G823 9 GAR Daylight 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.7 9 9.7 25 0.97 0.54 115 G834 9 GAR Fail Safe 04/26/2019 GAR Momentum Heifer 11.6 12 10.4 17 1.16 0.79 111 N820 9 GAR Momentum EM25 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.4 10 8.1 30 0.86 0.76 113 W800 9 GAR Trust N6063 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.4 10 9.5 27 0.84 0.56 119 W810 9 GAR Trust N6063 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 6.8 12 7.9 31 0.61 0.74 123 W82 9 GAR 9M25 B713 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.5 12 9.9 33 0.71 0.67 120 W835 9 GAR Trust N6063 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.2 11 9.0 32 0.57 0.81 121 W845 9 GAR Daybreak 7523 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.4 10 9.3 37 0.70 0.60 115 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


99 193 97 195 93 195 98 194 105 199 106 195 98 193 100 196 95 194 98 195

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B830 11 GAR Fruition W1064 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.3 14 9.3 23 0.98 0.70 110 G801 11 GAR Daylight 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 12.4 12 10.6 17 0.97 0.60 115 G821 11 GAR Tide 06/05/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 12.6 10 10.8 26 1.08 0.90 105 J809 11 GAR In Sure 694 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.2 12 10.1 28 0.84 0.77 119 N87 11 GAR Advance J5017 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 6.9 8 7.9 38 0.62 0.49 114 P79 11 GAR 5050 New Design AB349 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.7 15 10.1 23 0.91 0.88 112 S8019 11 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.5 12 8.2 30 0.77 0.66 117 S8049 11 GAR Advance J5017 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.8 12 9.9 15 0.99 0.52 118 S836 11 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 6.0 10 7.2 39 0.66 0.74 116 S837 11 GAR Advance 417G 05/13/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.2 9 8.5 26 0.61 0.58 118 10 Head Price: Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 125

100 197 115 198 105 199 109 198 104 196 99 198 93 197 96 197 98 199 103 197

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B811 10 GAR Reserve 4026G 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.6 16 9.5 29 0.74 0.78 114 D804 10 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.8 8 10.2 21 0.85 0.70 117 G89 10 GAR Sunrise 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.8 10 9.4 25 0.81 0.70 121 J86 10 GAR In Sure G4822 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.4 10 10.0 24 0.93 0.57 116 J87 10 GAR Early Bird N6015 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.8 10 9.9 22 0.92 0.68 115 N807 10 GAR Advance J5017 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 6.1 9 7.5 41 0.78 0.72 110 N81 10 GAR Momentum EM25 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.4 12 9.1 28 0.75 0.73 115 S8023 10 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.9 11 9.9 30 0.83 0.78 116 S886 10 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.0 12 9.4 27 0.70 0.57 118 S892 10 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.7 12 9.3 28 0.71 0.65 117 10 Head Price:


99 203 98 199 105 200 105 201 119 203 109 203 101 200 101 200 104 201 103 201

99 189 96 192 112 195 99 198 97 192 107 198 100 197 90 190 102 198 93 192

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B826 12 GAR Reserve 454G 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.7 14 9.5 25 0.86 0.45 118 B89 12 GAR Reserve EP C75 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.0 9 9.1 32 0.80 0.67 109 D801 12 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.2 10 9.9 21 0.81 0.69 113 G81 12 Gardens Cache 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.3 11 9.5 20 1.12 0.79 105 N821 12 GAR Advance J5017 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.4 10 9.2 31 0.69 0.60 118 S8001 12 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.7 8 10.5 28 0.94 0.71 110 S8026 12 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.1 13 8.5 32 0.82 0.82 109 S8033 12 GAR Advance J5017 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.1 10 9.5 19 1.15 0.49 109 S804 12 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.7 10 9.9 32 0.68 0.65 117 S824 12 GAR Advance 417G 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.4 7 9.5 20 0.88 0.61 114 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

D803 13 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.5 10 9.6 17 0.89 0.67 114 D86 13 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.8 9 9.8 18 0.87 0.64 110 J804 13 GAR Early Bird N6015 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.2 10 8.3 31 0.58 0.75 115 M81 13 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.0 11 7.9 34 0.61 0.82 113 N813 13 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.4 9 9.1 26 0.77 0.69 115 N830 13 GAR Prophet T436 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.0 10 8.6 34 0.67 0.74 113 N831 13 GAR Momentum EM25 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.1 13 9.3 27 0.94 0.63 108 N84 13 GAR Advance J5017 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.1 12 8.4 33 0.88 0.64 107 S822 13 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.1 11 10.2 29 0.58 0.73 117 S823 13 GAR Advance 417G 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.7 8 9.4 21 0.91 0.66 110 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


100 186 91 187 89 186 94 186 99 188 95 186 98 188 91 187 92 187 82 188

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B803 15 GAR 9M25 Rito R704 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.0 11 9.0 31 0.69 0.71 111 B824 15 GAR Reserve EP C75 05/23/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.9 10 9.0 35 0.55 0.70 113 N80 15 GAR Wave N6835 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.8 9 9.1 28 0.81 1.08 103 N825 15 GAR Advance J5017 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.7 12 9.5 31 0.56 0.79 116 P74 15 GAR 5050 New Design AB349 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.8 14 9.0 28 0.62 0.83 110 S8037 15 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.0 9 9.0 29 0.78 0.84 105 S806 15 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.5 10 9.2 26 0.76 0.39 115 W829 15 GAR Daybreak 7523 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.3 12 9.6 30 0.64 0.53 114 W840 15 GAR Contrast 5883 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.4 15 8.4 32 0.51 0.73 111 W872 15 GAR Wave E804 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.3 10 10.1 27 0.79 0.85 106 10 Head Price: Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 126

93 188 98 188 91 188 94 188 93 189 95 189 102 190 103 189 89 188 100 190

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

D81 14 GAR Anticipation M5304 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.9 10 8.9 23 0.75 0.65 106 S80 14 GAR Advance 417G 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.2 7 9.2 22 0.77 0.48 114 S8031 14 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.0 8 9.2 23 0.75 0.61 115 S831 14 GAR Advance 417G 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.0 10 10.1 22 0.87 0.58 111 S86 14 GAR Advance 417G 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.1 7 9.1 25 0.76 0.52 109 S890 14 GAR Advance 417G 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.7 10 8.9 29 0.78 0.72 110 W814 14 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.7 10 10.1 26 0.84 0.80 110 W84 14 GAR 9M25 B713 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.5 8 8.4 30 0.61 0.64 114 W842 14 GAR Daybreak 7523 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.1 11 9.6 28 0.66 0.66 113 W871 14 GAR Contrast 5883 05/13/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.5 14 8.5 23 0.46 0.59 122 10 Head Price:


90 190 104 192 97 191 107 191 91 191 102 192 104 192 103 191 92 191 98 192

93 185 94 188 102 185 86 185 95 186 100 185 88 185 90 186 94 186 100 186

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B814 16 GAR Confidence J4214 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.7 12 10.2 29 0.69 0.70 113 S829 16 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.5 12 9.7 31 0.68 0.52 110 S846 16 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.5 9 10.1 26 0.71 0.78 116 S880 16 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.7 11 9.2 28 0.65 0.73 112 S891 16 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 5.7 13 7.5 29 0.66 0.64 111 S897 16 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.1 10 9.3 32 0.76 0.69 109 W826 16 GAR Contrast 5883 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.2 9 10.3 18 0.94 0.61 113 W83 16 GAR Daybreak 7523 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.1 11 8.4 34 0.50 0.77 110 W832 16 GAR Daybreak 7523 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.9 9 9.0 21 0.60 0.61 121 W862 16 GAR Contrast 5883 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.1 9 10.2 27 0.64 0.64 114 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B800 17 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.4 9 8.5 33 0.65 0.63 108 B804 17 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.0 10 9.0 33 0.44 0.58 116 N801 17 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.8 8 9.4 32 0.62 0.61 109 N804 17 GAR Advance J5017 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.8 8 9.4 33 0.54 0.69 109 S8040 17 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.3 8 9.6 32 0.53 0.78 115 S807 17 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.6 8 9.3 31 0.75 0.66 104 S813 17 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.5 12 9.6 25 0.70 0.52 112 S884 17 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.6 8 9.3 28 0.62 0.61 112 S896 17 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.9 10 8.5 29 0.72 0.69 109 W87 17 GAR Contrast 5883 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.1 11 8.7 27 0.57 0.61 117 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


180 183 183 183 183 182 182 182 183 184

95 182 90 181 96 180 101 180 102 181 102 181 91 180 90 181 85 181 86 182

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B836 19 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.5 11 9.3 28 0.56 0.57 111 M87 19 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.0 9 9.6 21 0.85 0.85 103 M89 19 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.6 15 8.7 33 0.63 0.57 109 S8025 19 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.1 11 9.6 26 0.72 0.64 110 S815 19 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.6 11 10.3 22 0.77 0.63 107 S864 19 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.7 9 8.8 33 0.55 0.66 108 S876 19 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.1 11 9.1 23 0.90 0.51 104 W820 19 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.6 6 10.4 22 0.53 0.77 114 W855 19 GAR Daybreak 7523 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.4 10 8.6 29 0.73 0.68 102 W867 19 GAR Contrast 6073 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.6 11 9.6 24 0.61 0.59 112 10 Head Price: Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 127

90 84 92 92 85 98 87 88 93 84

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B810 18 GAR Reserve EP C23 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.1 12 10.1 21 0.86 0.83 106 B84 18 GAR Reserve EP C23 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 12.1 10 10.7 28 0.74 0.75 109 G805 18 GAR Daylight 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.9 11 9.9 21 0.88 0.64 103 M802 18 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.7 13 9.4 32 0.85 0.81 99 N803 18 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.5 8 8.7 36 0.80 0.69 99 N82 18 GAR Advance J5017 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.6 10 9.4 27 0.83 0.71 99 S8015 18 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.3 7 9.3 28 0.64 0.70 107 S887 18 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.7 13 9.3 25 0.74 0.54 109 S889 18 GAR Daybreak 5203 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.2 11 10.2 22 0.69 0.56 113 W870 18 GAR Daybreak 7523 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.5 8 9.3 27 0.57 0.61 113 10 Head Price:


89 184 93 184 86 185 91 185 93 185 95 185 89 184 92 184 79 184 87 184

81 176 95 179 89 180 88 180 90 179 89 179 94 179 83 180 97 180 85 180

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

M83 20 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.6 8 9.4 25 0.67 0.57 107 N811 20 GAR Advance J5017 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.8 9 8.8 30 0.75 0.73 100 N83 20 GAR Prophet T436 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.8 10 8.8 31 0.67 0.73 106 N832 20 GAR Prophet T436 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 6.8 8 7.9 36 0.62 0.64 101 S8035 20 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.7 9 9.8 26 0.83 0.69 103 S844 20 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.1 12 10.1 21 0.78 0.74 103 S881 20 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.0 9 8.7 26 0.57 0.61 111 S882 20 GAR Ingenuity 3514 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.9 10 8.8 27 0.86 0.61 101 W866 20 GAR Daybreak 7523 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.1 10 9.7 25 0.71 0.58 106 W89 20 GAR Daybreak 7523 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.0 11 9.0 24 0.58 0.69 108 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B815 21 GAR Confidence J4138 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 6.9 12 7.9 31 0.60 0.88 102 B832 21 GAR Confidence J4214 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.3 6 8.6 32 0.61 0.73 98 J802 21 GAR Early Bird N6115 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.9 8 8.4 27 0.35 0.82 113 M801 21 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.1 10 8.8 18 0.73 0.73 104 S8017 21 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.1 10 9.0 28 0.68 0.66 100 S8039 21 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.8 9 8.4 26 0.72 0.71 101 S8043 21 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.9 10 9.0 27 0.59 0.78 103 S816 21 GAR Advance 417G 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.2 11 9.7 13 0.72 0.64 108 S860 21 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 11.1 13 9.8 21 0.86 0.61 105 W801 21 GAR Contrast 6073 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.8 13 9.1 26 0.54 0.58 106 10 Head Price:








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB








Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


173 173 175 174 173 175 174 173 175 176

90 171 77 171 88 172 85 172 83 172 84 173 78 172 81 173 91 173 85 172

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B801 23 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.6 11 8.3 32 0.60 0.72 98 B817 23 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.9 12 8.8 32 0.43 0.75 104 B827 23 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 9.4 10 9.2 28 0.69 0.53 98 M805 23 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 05/16/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.7 9 9.4 23 0.71 0.46 100 N800 23 GAR Wave E045 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.1 11 9.4 21 0.77 0.72 101 S8034 23 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.9 11 8.4 26 0.76 0.61 95 S851 23 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.2 12 9.0 30 0.41 0.67 108 S869 23 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.1 10 8.6 27 0.47 0.70 109 S885 23 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 6.7 11 8.0 24 0.65 0.49 108 W80 23 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.8 14 8.5 29 0.40 0.74 107 10 Head Price: Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 128

89 94 78 88 91 92 89 81 88 88

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B820 22 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.9 10 8.5 29 0.62 0.59 99 C84 22 GAR Progress AB339 05/31/2019 GAR Phoenix Bull 7.9 11 8.5 25 0.56 0.52 109 S8027 22 GAR Ingenuity 3514 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.9 10 9.0 24 0.74 0.70 102 S812 22 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 12.5 11 10.5 28 0.50 0.64 104 S850 22 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.9 11 9.3 24 0.55 0.63 106 S853 22 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.1 8 8.8 28 0.56 0.65 106 S866 22 GAR Daybreak 5203 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.3 12 8.1 29 0.42 0.72 110 W807 22 GAR Contrast 6073 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.8 12 9.0 23 0.54 0.65 108 W846 22 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 5.4 9 7.3 30 0.51 0.80 100 W851 22 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.6 11 8.7 23 0.54 0.63 104 10 Head Price:


89 178 96 177 87 176 96 178 92 177 94 178 84 178 95 177 91 179 86 177

90 83 90 88 88 93 78 77 79 80

170 170 170 170 171 169 170 171 171 171

Commercial Bred Heifers GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

S8036 24 GAR Ingenuity 3514 05/15/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.4 10 10.1 24 0.51 0.64 105 S8046 24 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.3 13 9.1 28 0.44 0.64 103 S849 24 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 11.4 11 9.9 27 0.45 0.72 104 W813 24 GAR Contrast 6073 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.8 12 8.2 26 0.67 0.70 94 W822 24 GAR Contrast 5883 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.1 16 8.4 28 0.54 0.67 100 W831 24 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.3 11 8.4 23 0.53 0.57 103 W854 24 GAR Contrast 6073 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.1 10 8.9 19 0.62 0.72 104 W859 24 GAR Contrast 6073 05/22/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.3 13 8.0 29 0.73 0.61 95 W860 24 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.8 10 9.0 26 0.57 0.61 103 W869 24 GAR Contrast 5883 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.2 10 9.7 11 0.45 0.69 111 10 Head Price: GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


79 168 78 165 80 168 90 166 84 167 80 167 80 168 92 169 79 166 69 166

Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B81 25 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 5.1 9 7.0 28 0.62 0.71 94 84 161 B825 25 GAR Confidence J4214 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.3 9 8.5 23 0.61 0.58 97 79 160 B83 25 GAR Confidence J4214 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.8 11 8.8 22 0.31 0.61 107 71 164 M85 25 GAR 9M25 Rito 2123 04/27/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 8.8 10 8.7 26 0.55 0.71 92 88 162 N816 25 GAR Prophet T436 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 7.4 10 8.2 24 0.49 0.66 105 71 162 N829 25 GAR Advance J5017 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.5 10 8.7 21 0.42 0.63 107 71 164 N85 25 GAR Wave E045 04/24/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.6 10 8.7 16 0.76 0.84 86 92 160 S883 25 GAR Ingenuity 3514 04/25/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.0 10 8.5 29 0.55 0.62 93 81 158 W805 25 GAR Contrast 6073 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.2 14 9.1 24 0.52 0.57 98 82 164 W836 25 GAR Contrast 5883 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 5.7 15 7.3 22 0.45 0.65 98 82 164 10 Head Price: GAR ID GROUP







Method Genetics EPDs CEM CW MARB


Method Genetics Index MPI QPI ROI

B829 26 GAR Confidence J4138 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.8 9 8.3 23 0.54 0.54 82 B831 26 GAR Confidence J4138 05/18/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 6.1 10 7.4 30 0.46 0.60 96 B834 26 GAR Confidence J4138 06/10/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 7.3 10 8.1 24 0.54 0.71 87 G839 26 GAR Combination 6763H 05/12/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A J805 26 GAR Early Bird N6115 04/26/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A S841 26 GAR Rito 9M25 H 3503 05/14/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 10.0 10 9.4 22 0.48 0.59 102 W803 26 GAR Contrast 5883 05/17/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 10.2 10 9.4 22 0.52 0.74 97 W81 26 GAR Contrast 6073 05/21/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.3 13 8.6 22 0.43 0.57 98 W841 26 GAR Contrast 6073 05/19/2019 GAR Sure Fire Heifer 8.8 15 8.8 22 0.45 0.55 94 W857 26 GAR Contrast 5883 05/13/2019 GAR Sure Fire Bull 9.6 15 9.3 19 0.42 0.60 96 10 Head Price:

80 146 85 164 80 151 N/A N/A N/A N/A 77 164 79 160 73 156 77 156 74 155

GROUP 1 55 Head of GAR-Influenced commercial Angus heifers, AI 4/19/2019 to GAR Sure Fire. Method Genetics tested. GROUP 2 30 Head of GAR-Influenced commercial Angus heifers, bull bred 5/10 to 6/3/19 to (4) sons of GAR Sure Fire. Method Genetics tested. GROUP

roup 1 G Group 2



4/19/2019 5/10 to 6/3/19


1/26/2020 GAR Sure Fire 2/17-3/12/2020 (4) Sons of GAR Sure Fire

Avg. MG Index Average Method Genetics EPDs CED DOC CEM CW MARB REA MPI QPI ROI

9.7 11 9.4 28 .77 .67 119 98 197

Method Genetics Benchmark EPDs & Indexes for Commercial Heifers (see page 132 for glossary of terms)

CED (%)

DOC (%)

CED (%)


MARB (Score)

REA (Sq.In)

MPI ($)

QPI ($)

ROI ($)

9.9 11 9.4 28 .75 .70 115 97 193 Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 129

The Gardiner Angus Ranch Team Words can’t adequately describe our appreciation for the hard work and loyalty of our “small but mighty” staff. Each staff member accomplishes the work of multiple people, all in an effort to get the job done. Whether it’s planting, harvesting, working several thousand head of cattle multiple times a year, breeding, processing, calving, repairing equipment —there is NO job this crew

Jeff Golden began with GAR as a student at K-State. Following graduation in 1984, Jeff began working full time. Jeff’s main responsibilities include managing herd health as well as overseeing calving of the two year old heifers, and freeze branding thousands of GAR cattle each year. Jeff is as good of cowboy as we know. His ability to see the condition of the cattle and the country is valuable to us. Jeff and his wife, Sheryl, have two children, Zane and Grace. Jeff and his family live just east of GAR on their own operation.

Scott Tune has been with GAR since June, 2002. Prior to joining the GAR team, Scott worked for Bar Six Dirt Construction. Scott’s oversees much of our farming during the summer. During the winter, Scott is an ace heat checker and assists in herd health at the GAR AI barn. Scott has delivered many GAR cattle all over the U.S. He does it proficiently and with a smile. Scott and his wife, Connie, live on the Gabbert Ranch at GAR.

can’t do. While we all appreciate our educations, life lessons of hard work, honesty, responsibility and integrity are learned outside the classroom. Gardiner Angus Ranch is most fortunate for the opportunity to work with Jeff Golden, Scott Tune, Eric Campbell and Kurt Borgelt.

Eric Campbell came to GAR in August, 2004, with extensive feedlot and ranch experience. Eric assists with heat detecting and winter feeding at the AI barn. During the summer, Eric also shares much of the farming responsibilities. Eric never met a job that was too big or too small and has a great attitude! Eric and his wife, Emilie, have two children, Mahala and Mykelti, and live on the Dunne Ranch.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 130

Kurt Borgelt, native Nebraskan, moved to Clark County in 2004. Kurt has a degree in Animal Science from Univ. of Nebraska and is an all-around good hand in the GAR operation. Whether it’s heat detection, feed bunk management or herd heath, Kurt knows cattle! Kurt’s excellent feed bunk management has enabled GAR to consolidate bull development back on the ranch. Kurt and his wife, Aimee, have three children, Austin, Nicole and Landon, and reside just east of the GAR AI barn.

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Expected Progeny Differences (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE. GROWTH Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers. Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed. Dry Matter Intake (DMI), expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of difference transmitting ability for feed intake during the postweaning phase, compared to that of other sires. Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires. Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves. In herds where temperament problems are not an issue, this expected difference would not be realized. MATERNAL Heifer Pregnancy (HP), the heifer pregnancy EPDs are designed to characterize differences among sires in the Angus breed for daughter’s heifer pregnancy. When comparing two sires based on their heifer pregnancy EPDs (reported in units of percentage), a higher EPD sire would be expected to have daughters with a greater probability or chance of becoming pregnant than a sire with the lower EPD. Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires. Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires. Mature Height EPD (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires. Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollar savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size. CARCASS Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. YEARLING AND ULTRASOUND ADJUSTED MEASUREMENTS Adj. Yrlg. Scrotal Circ: Adjusted yearling scrotal circumference, the bull’s scrotal circumference measured in centimeters adjusted to one year of age. Adj. Yrlg. Hip Ht.: Each bull’s hip height measured in inches and adjusted to one year of age. Adj. %IMF: The percent intramuscular fat (marbling) adjusted to 365 days of age. Heritability for marbling is in the moderate range. %IMF Ratio: The percent above or below average (100 = average) a bull or female is for its marbling scan within its contemporary group. Adj. Yrlg. Ribeye Area: Each bull’s ribeye area measured in square inches and adjusted to one year of age. REA Ratio: The percent above or below average (100 = average) a bull is for his adjusted ribeye area. Adj. Rib Fat: This is the off-test backfat measured in inches adjusted to 365 days of age.

Rib Fat Ratio: The percent above or below average (100 = average) a bull or female is for its backfat scan within its contemporary group. Adj. Rump Fat: This is the off-test rump fat measured in inches adjusted to 365 days of age. Rump Fat Ratio: The percent above or below average (100= average) a bull or female is for its rump fat scan within its contemporary group. $VALUE INDEXES Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), an index expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from conception to weaning. $M is built off of a self-replacing herd model where commercial cattlemen replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% in subsequent generations. Remaining cull females and all male progeny are sold as feeder calves. Increased selection pressure on $M aims to decrease overall mature cow size and improve foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights. Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre-weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size. Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning merit compared to progeny of other sires. Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires. Quality Grade ($QG), $QG represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD and ultrasound-derived percent intramuscular fat (%IMF) EPD contribute to $QG. Yield Grade ($YG), $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield. Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. Combined Value ($C), an index value expressed in dollars per head, includes all traits that make up both $M and $B with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell on a quality based carcass merit grid. DAM’S PRODUCTION RECORD: Act.BW — Actual Birth Weight: The number of calves each dam has had and the average actual birth weight of those calves. Example: 3-81 means the dam has had 3 calves with an average actual birth weight of 81 pounds. BWR — Birth Weight Ratio: The number of calves a dam has had and their average birth weight ratio. Example: 2-98 means the dam has had 2 calves with an average BWR of 98. WWR — Weaning Weight Ratio: The number of calves a dam has had and their average weaning weight ratio. Example: 2-102 means the dam has had 2 calves with an average WWR of 102. YWR — Yearling Weight Ratio: The number of calves a dam has had and their average yearling weight ratio. Example: 2-103 means the dam has had 2 calves with an average YWR of 103. DAM’S ULTRASOUND PRODUCTION RECORD %IMF: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average %IMF ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for IMF with an average ratio of 112. REA: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average ribeye area ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for REA with an average ratio of 112. Fat: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average rib fat ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for rib fat with an average ratio of 112. A ratio above 100 would mean that this animal has above average rib fat (more fat) and a ratio of less than 100 means that the animal has less rib fat (less fat) within the animal’s contemporary group. RU Fat: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average rump fat ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for rump fat with an average ratio of 112. A ratio above 100 would mean that this animal has above average rump fat (more fat) and a ratio of less than 100 means that the animal has less rump fat (less fat) within the animal’s contemporary group. BW — Birth Weight: The actual weight in pounds at birth. Calving-Ease Score: 1 = unassisted; 2 = some assistance; 3 = mechanical assistance.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 131

METHOD GENETICS® CHOICE EPD AND SELECTION INDEX KEY CARCASS WEIGHT (CW): The carcass weight EPD is reported in pounds of harvest carcass weight. As with other weight traits, selection for weight genetics is moderately to highly heritable and will lead to increased directional genetic change in pounds. The CW EPD has contributions not only from the genotyped calves, but harvest carcass records, ultrasound indicator trait results, and available pedigree.

MATERNAL PRODUCTION INDEX (MPI): The Maternal Production Index is reported in dollars per calf produced from the breeding herd with Angus-based genetics. It encompasses direct and maternal calving ease, heifer pregnancy, weaning growth, maternal milk, and mature size differences in a scenario where replacement females are retained and calves are marketed at weaning.

MARBLING (MARB): Marbling EPDs are reported in harvest marbling score units, with a higher value being more favorable.

QUALITY POUNDS INDEX (QPI): The Quality Pounds Index is reported in dollars per calf for herds with Angus-based genetics. It focuses on the terminal side of the herd’s business for feedlot gain and carcass merit genetic differences. There are no provisions for calving ease or maternal traits, with the assumption that all calves are under a retained ownership scenario fed out and marketed on a premium quality-based grid.

RIBEYE AREA (REA): The ribeye area EPD, with a higher value as the typical desired direction, can be used to place selection pressure on this trait to impact red meat yield. CALVING EASE DIRECT (CED): Reported as a percentage of unassisted calving, this EPD is used to select favorable calving ease genetics for use in matings to first calf heifers. The value is more noted for sire selection. In Angus-influenced herds that have heavily emphasized calving ease genetics, selection pressure for this trait may or may not be a priority. A higher value is more favorable. For example if there was a 5 percentage point difference between to animals (+10 vs +5), one would expect 5 more calves out of 100 to be born unassisted in future progeny, to favor choosing the animal with the CED of +10. DOCILITY (DOC): Docility is reported as a convenience trait with a higher value favoring more docile temperament. Reported in percentage units, these EPDs can be used as an accessory sorting tool as needed. CALVING EASE MATERNAL (CEM): This EPD is applicable to calves out of daughters of first-calf heifers and their unassisted calving percentage difference relative to other individuals. Again, as with CED, a higher value is more favorable and reported in units of percent.

RETAINED OWNERSHIP INCOME (ROI): Cattle producers interested in a complete production system approach from conception through carcass end-point should use the Retained Ownership Income index ties together reproduction, calving ease, maternal genetic merit, growth throughout the calf’s lifetime, and quality based carcass merit in an Angus-based herd. The ROI is reported in dollars per calf produced in the herd, and consolidates the sub-indexes of MPI and QPI. METHOD GENETICS EPD AND INDEX PERCENTILE RANKS (%) are a numeric ranking of the animal’s EPD and Index values on a 1% to 100% scale. For most traits a lower numeric value is considered more favorable, such as for CED EPD. For example, a 25% presented with an EPD indicates that animal is in the upper 25 percent of the animals in the Method Genetics evaluation for calves born in the last five years.

The Gardiner Angus Ranch Breeding Guarantee We guarantee that all breeding cattle sold by Gardiner Angus Ranch, both bulls and females, are fertile to the best of our knowledge. If a bull is injured at any time in the 12 months following the sale so as to make them functionally infertile, we will provide you with a satisfactory replacement, if available, or issue you a credit equal to the bull’s purchase price minus the salvage value received for that bull. If a female is determined to be a non-breeder, then we would ask you to sell her and would offer you the difference of her purchase price minus the salvage value as a credit in any future GAR sale. This guarantee is in addition to the Sale Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association which also apply.

A Word About Free Delivery Gardiner Angus Ranch offers its customers free delivery anywhere in the lower 48 states. As a part of that delivery we work with reputable livestock transportation companies that we feel comfortable with in the handling of your cattle in both a professional and conscientious way. GAR will do everything possible to deliver your cattle to a point that is convenient for both you and the trucking company. In some cases where there are cattle from multiple owners loaded on the same truck, it is necessary for the buyer to meet the truck at a central location such as a livestock auction or veterinary clinic relatively close to them. We also encourage the drivers to be as flexible as possible and request that they not deliver your cattle in the middle of the night if avoidable. If you would like to insure your cattle, you can do so on sale day. Most of the cattle to be delivered from the sale are delivered within 45 days after the sale. If, for any reason, you desire an expedited delivery, please notify Grant Gardiner at (620) 635-0382 and we will make arrangements for quicker delivery.

Gardiner Angus Ranch Vaccination Program Two Month Calves—Endovac-Bovi (Immvac) Vision 7 (Merck Animal Health) VistaOnce (Merck Animal Health)

Cows at Synchronization Virashield 6V/L5 (Novartis) Ivomec Pour-On (Merial)

Calves at 205 day Pre-weaning Vision 7 20/20 (Merck Animal Health) Vista Once (Merck Animal Health)

Bulls (Pre-Sale) Tri-Vib 5L (Boehringer-Ingelheim)

Weaning (June) Vista 5 (Merck Animal Health) Yearling Heifers (>30 day Pre-Breeding) Vista 3 V/L5 (Merck Animal Health) Ivomec Pour-On (Merial)

All animals have been tested for PI BVD are found to be free of this disease. The goal of this vaccination program is to decrease the risk for diseases that are prevalent in our area and our management scheme. ASHLAND VETERINARY CENTER, INC.

Dr. Randall K. Spare • Dr. John L. Kellenberger Dr. Kelly M. Deewall P.O. Box 869, W. Hwy. 160 • Ashland, KS 67831 • (620) 635-2641

DD tests results on the sale bulls ARE LISTED BESIDE THE ANIMAL NAME IN the catalog. Tests results will ALSO be available sale day. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 132




G A R Sure Fire Birth Date: 2/05/2012



Tattoo: 8086


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.3/20% +56/45% +106/30% +.25/20% +.58/70% +.4/605 +2.42/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/4% +10.5/55% +8/55 +31/15% +16/70% +0/80% -1/45% CW MARB REA Fat +47/30% +1.37/1% +.70/20% +.036/85% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75/15% +78/10% +94/25% +87/1% +181/3% +310/1% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 152/5% 140/5% 264/3%





Tattoo: 2331


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/3% +.1/25% +54/50% +94/55% +.21/45% +.40/60% +.2/80% -.02/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +5.1/95% +6/75% +42/1% +38/40% +.3/50% -17/85% CW MARB REA Fat +42/40% +1.63/1% +.99/3% +.013/55% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +43/90% +77/10% +80/50% +106/1% +187/2% +286/5% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 136/26% 150/1% 256/7%





Tattoo: 4416



Birth Date: 2/23/2013



Tattoo: 328





Tattoo: 697




Tattoo: 997



Birth Date: 8/23/2015



Tattoo: 152



Tattoo: 5622

G A R Tide Birth Date: 8/17/2013




Tattoo: 8093

G A R Quantum Birth Date: 8/18/2016



Tattoo: 5526

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.7/60% +71/10% +125/10% +.25/20% +.87/90% +.8/20% +1.87/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +8.5/80% +8/55% +42/1% +71/10% +1.0/4% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat +70/2% +1.20/3% +1.23/1% -.001/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/60% +91/1% +116/4% +90/1% +206/1% +324/1% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 152/5% 153/1% 274/1%


G A R Radiance

Tattoo: 6825

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.3/30% +44/80% +78/80% +.20/55% -.06/25% +.4/60% +.63/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/3% +9.8/60% +15/2% +20/80% -5/90% +.1/70% +13/10% CW MARB REA Fat +28/75% +1.34/1% +.83/10% +.031/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +71/20% +46/75% +79/50% +88/1% +167/10% +288/4% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 114/74% 119/31% 209/55%

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/25% +0/25% +72/10% +127/10% +.26/15% +1.01/95% +.7/25% -.32/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/1% +.62/95% +9/45% +31/15% +96/2% +.8/10% -39/95% CW MARB REA Fat +64/4% +.81/20% +1.16/1% +.017/60% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +48/80% +81/5% +101/15% +68/10% +170/10% +268/15% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 145/12% 133/11% 251/10%



KCF Bennett Absolute Birth Date: 3/8/2009


G A R Method Birth Date: 9/7/2014

Tattoo: 75

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.2/20% +62/25% +114/20% +.27/10% +.41/60% +.1/85% +1.02/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/45% +3.9/95% +7/65% +21/75% +70/10% +.1/70% -21/90% CW MARB REA Fat +45/30% +.72/25% +.72/20% +.034/80% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +30/95% +66/25% +96/20% +56/25% +153/15% +228/35% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 160/2% 108/51% 246/14%

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.2/20% +80/2% +136/3% +.26/15% +1.30/95% +.7/25% +1.08/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.8/50% +11/25% +27/35% +77/10% +.6/25% -28/95% CW MARB REA Fat +60/10% +1.13/4% +.91/10% +.009/45% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/60% +89/2% +95/25% +81/3% +176/4% +285/5% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 163/1% 137/8% 273/1%




G A R Ashland Birth Date: 1/31/2015


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.2/20% +76/4% +136/3% +.25/20% +1.87/95% +.9/10% +.67/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/25% +9.1/70% +17/1% +21/75% +48/30% +.8/10% -10/70% CW MARB REA Fat +59/10% +.86/15% +.83/10% -.015/20% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/15% +79/10% +77/55% +70/10% +147/25% +264/15% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 167/1% 149/2% 286/1%

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.8/40% +55/45% +106/30% +.24/25% +.67/80% +0/90% +1.70/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/10% +13.2/20% +13/10% +29/20% +20/65% +.1/70% -2/50% CW MARB REA Fat +46/30% +1.65/1% +.92/5% +.042/90% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +80/10% +71/20% +95/25% +103/1% +199/1% +338/1% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 111/79% 148/2% 229/31%



G A R Proactive Birth Date: 9/8/2015


Gardens Cache

Tattoo: 295

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.5/35% +78/3% +132/5% +.22/40% +1.59/95% +1.2/2% +1.01/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/20% +8.7/75% +13/10% +28/25% +45/35% +.8/10% -13/80% CW MARB REA Fat +62/5% +1.37/1% +.58/35% -.006/25% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +73/15% +91/1% +76/55% +90/1% +166/10% +288/4% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 164/1% 155/1% 288/1%

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.9/65% +68/15% +118/15% +.24/25% +.80/85% +.5/50% -.39/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/25% +10.5/55% +5/80% +26/40% +62/15% +.2/60% -20/90% CW MARB REA Fat +48/25% +1.14/4% +.83/10% -.048/2% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +57/60% +76/10% +85/40% +86/40% +172/5% +280/10% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 139/21% 128/175 241/19%



G A R Prodigy Birth Date: 5/21/2015


G A R Sunrise Birth Date: 8/25/2010


EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.6/15% +52/55% +95/50% +.26/15% +.23/45% +.5/50% +.47/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +6.1/95% +6/75% +36/3% +49/30% +.6/25% -19/90% CW MARB REA Fat +36/55% +1.61/1% +1.01/3% +.022/65% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +37/95% +67/25% +90/30% +105/1% +194/1% +289/4% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 162/1% 148/2% 280/1%


G A R Momentum Birth Date: 8/31/2012

G A R Drive Birth Date: 1/04/2015


G A R Scale House Birth Date: 8/14/2012



Tattoo: 504

EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -1.2/10% +50/65% +90/60% +.21/45% +.31/50% +.2/80% -.73/95% +10/25% +2.3/75% +86/1% +149/1% +.30/2% +1.12/95% +1.5/1% +1.30/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/50% +11.6/40% +13/10% +38/2% +37/45% +.3/50% -15/80% +27/10% +8.8/75% +11/25% +27/35% +89/3% +1.5/1% -33/95% CW MARB REA Fat CW MARB REA Fat +36/55% +1.66/1% +.42/60% +.014/55% +59/10% +.77/20% +1.13/1% +.001/35% $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined $MV $Weaning $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +56/60% +70/20% +76/55% +100/1% +176/4% +284/5% +66/35% +88/2% +108/10% +68/10% +176/4% +294/3% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% MG Indexes MPI% QPI% ROI% 123/55% 140/5% 235/25% 158/2% 135/9% 266/3% Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 133

GARDINER BULL TEST Some of the “hows” and “whys” of our bull feeding program.

All of the bulls in the May sale were fed at Gardiner Angus Ranch. Prior to the structured feed test each bull was fed a moderate-energy, “warm-up” ration to allow acclimation to the feedstuffs and the feeding schedule. At the outset of the feed test each bull was weighed. During the 85-day test the bulls received a total-mixed-ration of corn grain (20%), dried distillers grain (10%), wheat silage (33%), alfalfa hay (7%), mineral (0.4%) and water (30%) as shown in Table 1. At the end of the feed test the bulls were: 1) weighed; 2) yearling Table 1. FEED TEST: Total-Mixed-Ration Components performance measurements collected and; 3) ultrasound evaluations Feedstuff As-fed As-fed of carcass traits conducted. (lbs/day) Percentage The 172 bulls in the 2019 May sale recorded an average start Wheat silage 20 33.2 weight of 816 lbs and average off-test weight of 1124 lbs at the end of Water 18 29.9 their 85-day feed test. The rate of gain averaged 3.63 lbs/day during Ground corn 12 19.9 the test. When off-test weights were adjusted for differences in age, Dried distiller’s grain 6 10.0 the average 365-day weight for this set of bulls was 1046 lbs. Alfalfa hay 4 6.6 WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE FEED TEST? Mineral 0.25 0.4 The goal of a short feed test is to provide the bulls with adequate energy and protein to express their genetic potential for muscle and fat deposition without over conditioning or metabolically challenging any bulls in the group. The test ration contained 20% corn grain (as fed) and 14.6% protein on a dry-matter basis. That ration is not as “hot” (energy-dense) as a typical feedlot ration, nor was it fed for a long period. However, the weight gain exhibited by the bulls on average, 3.36 lbs/d, and the average back fat measured at the end of the feed test, 0.2 in., indicated the bulls had an opportunity to express differences in growth without over conditioning the bulls.

HOW IS THE GROWTH AND ULTRASOUND DATA USED? All the performance measurements (ADG, off-test weights, height, scrotal circumference, docility, ultrasound, etc) were submitted to both the American Angus Association and Method Genetics to be included in their genetic evaluations. You see the output of those evaluations as EPDs in the catalog along with adjusted measurements and ratios for many of the performance traits.


Adjusted yearling weights are calculated using the off-test weights and weaning weights of each bull. They are a SINGLE measurement of each bull’s performance. Yearling weight EPD is a genetic prediction that includes the bull’s adjusted YW data, but also includes performance information from the sire, dam and other relatives along with genomic information obtained on the bull himself and his relatives. Hence, the YW EPD is a prediction based on much more information than the adjusted YW value. Comparison of bulls is more accurate by comparing the YW EPDs than by comparing the adjusted YW values because of the added data included in the EPD. Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 134

HOW CAN TWO BULLS HAVE THE SAME YW RATIO, BUT DIFFERENT ADJUSTED WEIGHTS? First, understand how an adjusted yearling weight ratio is calculated. The ratio is the bull’s own adjusted YW divided by the average YW of the bulls in his contemporary group. If two bulls (not derived from embryo transfer) have the same adjusted YW, but different adjusted yearling weight ratios, they must have been in different contemporary groups. Take the two bulls from the 2019 May sale shown in Table 2 as an CONTEMPORARY GROUPING A contemporary group is a set of animals that have had an example. Both ratioed 102 for adjusted yearling weight, but Lot 165 has an equal opportunity to perform: same sex, managed alike and adjusted YW that is 233 lbs heavier. Why? Table 2. Comparison of Bulls with Same YW Ratio


165 75

Adj. YW (lbs)

1271 1038

Adj. YW Ratio


exposed to the same environmental conditions and feed resources. Contemporary groups are the cornerstone of UNBIASED genetic evaluation.

102 114 102 119


Lots 165 and 75 are in different contemporary groups. GAR performs five different feed tests per year and these bulls may have been in different test groups. In addition, these two bulls came out of different weaning groups (different pre-weaning environments). Therefore, when their ratios were calculated the average adjusted YW of bulls in their respective contemporary groups was very different. Using the correct contemporary grouping to make calculations is CRITICAL. If data from all bulls are “thrown together” without recognition of known differences, the results (ratios and EPDs) will be biased and unreliable. Note: when ALL data and genomics were combined to calculate a YW EPD for each of the two bulls in Table 2, the genetic prediction for growth of their offspring turned out to be very similar!

HOW ARE THE BULLS FED AFTER THE FEED TEST IS OVER? This is an important question because the 85-day feed test is usually completed when the bulls are 11- to 13-months-of-age. In the May 2019 sale, the bulls will be 18-20 months old on sale day. The question is: how were they fed for 8 months prior to the sale? After coming off the feed test the total mixed ration for the bulls Table 3. AFTER TEST: Total-Mixed-Ration Components was altered by: 1) reducing the amount of corn; 2) eliminating alfalfa Feedstuff As-fed As-fed hay and; 3) adding straw and Old World Bluestem hay. This reduced (lbs/day) Percentage the energy density, but kept the crude protein content at 13%. This Wheat silage 30 45.3 allows the bulls to grow, but at a pace that promotes bone and muscle Water 17 25.7 deposition, but reduces the rate of fat deposition. Ground corn 6 9.1 On sale day the bulls’ appearances are more a product of the 8 Dried distiller’s grain 5 7.5 months of growth after the test than of the weight at the end of the Alfalfa hay 85-day feed test. For example, the lighter bull in Table 2, Lot 75, Old World Blue Stem hay 4 6.0 weighed 1384 lbs when he was presented for semen testing 2 weeks Wheat straw 4 6.0 before the sale. All the bulls in the sale will be significantly heavier on Mineral 0.25 0.4 sale day than their adjusted yearling weight. Our goal is to have them adequately grown (but not fat) and “ready to go to work” after the sale.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The feed test is an important part of bull development and evaluation. Eighty-five days on a high-energy, high-protein diet is designed to be long enough to provide a useful comparison of growth traits among bulls, but short enough not to over condition the bulls. Growth and ultrasound carcass trait measurements collected at the end of the test are very useful in the genetic evaluations performed by Method Genetics and the American Angus Association. In addition to collecting accurate data, we strive to do the appropriate grouping of bulls into valid contemporary groups in an effort to enhance the reliability of the data. We hope that this brief description of the Gardiner bull test helps you to understand the process and make best use of the data and genetic predictions we provide. If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to ask us.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 135

Top Dollar Angus is a genetic-certification and marketing company focused exclusively on the top 25 percent of the industry in carcass and growth Angus and Red Angusinfluenced feeder cattle. Top Dollar Angus is a program similar to other popular branded-beef programs, except that Top Dollar Angus does its branding in the feeder cattle and calf market. Qualified herds must have two or more generations of Angus (Black or Red) genetics with growth and carcass traits objectively ranking in the top 25 percent of the breed based on documented historical sire use. DNA evaluation conducted by Zoetis or GeneSeek is another workable method to qualify. Once your cattle have met the necessary requirements, they will be marketed under the Top Dollar Angus brand and logo, and will be promoted aggressively to a large number of feed yards and buyers. In today’s market, Top Dollar Angus cattle are seeing premiums ranging from $30 to $70 per head above the average market.

Top Dollar Angus helps take the guess work and surprises out of growing and feeding cattle. Feed yards are tired of unpredictable performance and wide-ranging profitability results from group to group on cattle they purchase. Cattle often look the same and have the same colored hides, but are very different genetically. That’s why the genetic certification of high-end Angus and Red Angus feeder cattle is here! The industry must differentiate the best Angus and Red Angus genetics from average cattle, and that’s what Top Dollar Angus will do for you! If you have consistently invested in high-performance Angus or Red Angus genetics, Top Dollar Angus will make your cattle stand out from the pack and get you the premiums you deserve. No matter how you market your cattle, our goal is to create more demand and higher prices for your calves.

Why the premium? Cattle feeders know that Top Dollar Angus cattle perform better and have higher grid-based carcass rewards compared to other cattle. This puts more dollars per head into the cattle feeder’s pocket, which can be passed back to the producer in the form of premiums paid above market price.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 136


Living in the Human Age Dennis Dimick Former Executive Environmental Editor National Geographic

7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14 McCain Auditorium Kansas State University



Dennis Dimick is an American journalist, photographer, presenter and educator. He served as executive environmental editor for National Geographic magazine and was a photo editor for the National Geographic Society for more than 35 years until retiring in December 2015. He continues in a consulting editorial role. Dimick’s talk is highlighted by photographs that evaluate humanity’s expanding presence in the emerging Anthropocene era, a new “age of man” marked by a rise in long-term impacts resulting from our expanding quest for resources, energy, water and food. bit.ly/HCGLectureDennisDimick #GlobalFoodSystems

The mission of the Henry C. Gardiner Global Food Systems Lecture Series is to provide science-based education about the global food systems. The series allows university students, faculty, staff and Kansas citizens to interact with U.S. and international food industry leaders.

Exclusive media partner

20606_HenryGardinerLecturePoster.indd 1

7/29/19 9:31 AM

1182 CR Y • Ashland, KS 67831

15 th Annual FALL BULL SALE

Monday, September 30, 2019 • 9 AM Henry & Nan Gardiner Marketing Center, near Ashland, Kansas

From Ashland, Kansas, the GAR Marketing Center is located 6 miles west, 6 miles south and 0.7 miles west, or approximately 50 miles south of Dodge City, Kansas.

Free Delivery n USPB Delivery Rights n Repeat Buyer Discount n Feedlot Relationships Marketing Assistance n Revenue Sharing Semen Interest n G3 Age & Source n High Accuracy Progeny Proven Genetics Method Genetics Benchmarking n Genetic Consultation n THE Gardiner Angus Ranch Guarantee 1182 CR Y n Ashland, Kansas 67831 n Office (620) 635-2156 n gar@ucom.net n www.GardinerAngus.com n The Henry & Nan Gardiner Family Mark (620) 635-5095 n Greg (620) 635-0233 n Garth (620) 635-5632 n Grant (620) 635-0382 n Cole (620) 635-0727 n Kayla (661) 747-3824 n Ransom (620) 635-0283 Catalog Produced By: Cogent Ideas, Inc. • P.O. Box 4109 • Topeka, Kansas 66604-4109 • 785-231-0879 • www.CogentIdeasInc.com

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