ATTENDANCE: Shirley Boag, Leslie Desautels, Grant Frend, Tamara Gardner, Brenda Rubenuik, Pascale Ingledew-Shaw
CALL TO ORDER: By Brenda Rubenuik at 7:13 pm
ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Adoption of November 20, 2013 minutes motioned by Lesley Desautels, seconded by Shirley Boag.
CO-CHAIR REPORT: Brenda Rubenuik and Leslie Desautels Christmas card received from DPAC. Cheque from Maple Ridge Amateur Athletics into gaming account and a donation from Kiwanis of $2000.00 to the music account.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Tamara Gardner Nothing to report
TREASURER’S REPORT: Shirley Boag GAMING 30-Oct 1-Nov 13-Nov 18-Nov 27-Nov
Opening Balance Interest Kyle Ludeman Theatre GSS Closing Balance
$0.81 We Day T-shirts Briere Production Group Inc. Library
$740.00 $1,247.68 $2,417.46
$17,770.76 $17,771.57 $17,031.57 $15,783.89 $13,366.43 $13,366.43
GENERAL 28-Oct Opening Balance 1-Nov Interest
Closing Balance
DPAC REPORT: Position available Nothing to report.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Grant Frend -Winter PoolazaFest on Friday (with a variety show) -Past Saturday the Key Club/Kiwanis had a lunch for families who access the food bank, 125 people were in attendance. -Music concert last week went well. -Basketball teams up and running with grade 8’s and senior teams (no junior teams) -School back in session Jan. 6th.
VICE PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Anelma Brown - Not in attendance, no report.
NEW BUSINESS: - Pascal Ingledew-Shaw’s husband volunteers to coach the grade 8 basketball team and is asking for the tournament fee for the team to be covered by school if possible.
NEXT MEETING: JANUARY 15, 2014 AT 7:00 PM ADJOURNED: By Brenda Rubenuik at 7:29 pm
$1,990.38 $1,990.48 $1,990.48 $1,990.48