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ATTENDANCE: Ellen Baxter, Shirley Boag, Anelma Brown, Linda Carter, Rob Cherkas, Pablo Crespell, Leslie Desautels, Grant Frend, Tamara Gardner, Anita Jurick, Brenda Rubenuik, Sara Stanley, Terry Stanley, Esther Vandenbrink

CALL TO ORDER: By Brenda Rubenuik at 7:04 pm

ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Adoption of May 15, 2013 minutes motioned by Terry Stanley, seconded by Brenda Rubenuik.

CHAIR’S REPORT: Brenda Rubenuik -


Request by Cindy Lacroix for $2,000.00 for the theatre, do we want to continue with this? Grant indicated that we have two new programs (along with the electrical program we now have plumbing and carpentry), he said that Cindy’s father has always built the sets for her productions and now the carpentry students can contribute to the building of the drama sets (which will assist Cindy’s father in decreasing his workload). Motion by Terry Stanley to remove $2,000.00 from the gaming account and give to Cindy for construction of drama sets, 2nd by Leslie Desautels. All in favour, no opposition.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Tamara Gardner -

Mail consisted of new fundraising material and a thank you card from Angela Oh for receiving the 2012 PAC bursary (she wrote that she had delayed writing

to us because she wanted to write about her first year of university in her thank you card and how the bursary has helped her towards her goal).


First time in five years that the money in the gaming account is almost spent. 3 outstanding bursaries (1 for 2012 and 2 for 2013) TV for Chef ~ culinary prep usage MAY - AUG GAMING

30-Apr 01-May 01-Jun 03-Jun 13-Jun 24-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 27-Jun 02-Jul 01-Aug

Opening Balance Interest Sector 2814 Interest Ramaks Trophies Maples Trophies SD 42 GSS Maples Trophies Interest Interest Closing Balance

30-Apr 01-May 24-May 03-Jun 02-Jul 02-Jul 02-Jul 01-Aug

Opening Balance Interest Vision Vending Interest Interest Yena Oh Daniel Lesnes Interest Closing Balance

$0.41 Library

$571.78 $0.43

Awards Awards Library Rona/Brick - Drama Awards

$2,368.80 $365.57 $1,269.74 $1,991.54 $12.27 $0.30 $0.14

$9,474.43 $9,474.84 $8,903.06 $8,903.49 $6,534.69 $6,169.12 $4,899.38 $2,907.84 $2,895.57 $2,895.87 $2,896.01 $2,896.01

MAY - AUG GENERAL 0.14 140.93 0.14 0.13

March & April


500 548.51 0.11

$3,172.42 $3,172.56 $3,313.49 $3,313.63 $3,313.76 $2,813.76 $2,265.25 $2,265.36 $2,265.36


Presentation by Alfie Kohen, (how letter grades undermine learning) on Sept. 23 at Thomas Haney Secondary





Challenges to get classes under 30 students, some classes not offered Feeling the crunch of reduction in staff levels Mr. Hagen retired and replaced with Mr. Goodman Rebecca Bell hired for music, she is very passionate about growing the program Miss Shepard for French/Math/Learning assistance Not able to fill the part time counselor job, Ms. Lemieux will be doing academic advising, she will transition over to Kelly Gould’s job after Kelly retires Posting is out for Ms. Lemieux’s p.e. class Auto dialer phoning out for absences for current day absences Rock the Ridge on Sept. 19th at 7:00 pm in the theatre a recognized/sanctioned event by BC Children’s Hospital Friday Sept. 27 Keith Hawkins will be at GSS, will spend 2 hours with the grads Friday Sept. 27 jam session in afternoon Saturday Sept. 28 ~ district leadership from 10:00 am -2:00 pm, free for GSS students “how to get most out of high school” New twitter feed for grads Flex blocks for grade 12’s, split classes; e.g. History 12 and Social Justice 12, Marketing 11 and Marketing 12, Accounting 11 and Accounting 12. Students will be in the blocks 2 out of 3 classes a week. A formalized letter going home outlining expectations, students have to sign in and out of each block, if not meeting expectations it will be revoked and kids will have to attend every class. Advisories are now interest based, students are in an advisory with an adult who shares their passion, have these now instead of silent reading. Some of the advisories are; social justice/leadership/mind craft/minor games ~ gym and reading/math support/science support/film appreciation and star gazing/music and band appreciation/arts and crafts Every Wednesday at 8:00 am there is a pancake breakfast for the students


Craft fair being planned by Theresa Knox, date in November TBA, money raised will go towards in school food bank Student support night next week International student evening in October

NEW BUSINESS: 1. Garbage bag fundraiser; to get $5.00 a box we need to sell 126 boxes for $28.00 a box, this fundraiser will be passed to the grad class 2. Elections:

Chair ~ Brenda has one year left (as her child is graduating in 2014), she will co-chair this year with Leslie Desautels, with Leslie taking the chair position in Sept. 2014 Secretary ~ Tamara to stay in the position Treasurer ~ Shirley to stay in the position DPAC ~ Laura Stadnik not present at this meeting to let us know if she wishes to continue on, so position will be held over until the October meeting. 3. ? Fundraiser Coordinator? – Brenda will contact the coupon book company to order 50 books to start; the books sell for $25.00 with a profit to the school of $12.50. 4. Bursaries: - student applying for bursary will have to give a short speech at a PAC meeting saying what their involvement has been to the school for their high school years and what their post secondary intentions are. This will occur at the April 2014 meeting. Motioned by Brenda Rubenuik and seconded by Terry Stanley. All approved, no opposition. - The number of bursaries to be decided at a future meeting.


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