How To Love Yourself – Simple Trick To Develop Immense Self Love In 2 Minutes A Day Garrett Barry
Do you currently feel unhappy with yourself? Maybe you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, or you just want to discover how to love yourself to have a more fulfilling and happy life?
Well then this article and video is for you! In it, I’m going to share with you, how to love yourself and develop a really strong self love, in as little as 2 minutes a day.
I’m so excited to be helping you with this because I know, like many other people I’ve coached, you will have a profound shift, mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even physically, and will start to rapidly look at yourself in a whole new light.
What I want you to do is to relax, get comfortable, and press play on the video below. I explain a very simple way to quickly start loving yourself and how to become happier and more inspired today:
Watch ‘How To Love Yourself’ On Youtube
How To Love Yourself : The Science Of Change
Like I share in the above video, a man by the name of Pavlov, discovered that if he brought a juicy steak to a pack of dogs, and while they began to salivate, he rang a bell, and did it over and over again, just hearing the sound of the bell in the future would actually cause the dogs to drool… even if there was no steak in sight! Why?
The stimulus of the bell became linked to the automatic response of salivating in the dogs. The profound thing? According to the latest neuroscience, our brains work the same way as dogs, in this respect.
Thoughts and feelings can become linked to stimulus in your environment. If you see certain sights, you may instantly find yourself getting excited, like when seeing a long lost friend’s face. A sound can do the same thing. I bet there is a certain song that if you hear it, it instantly takes you back to where you were in that time and you even begin to feel the same feelings…
This is because the song or the person’s face, has been linked to the emotions you feel .
How To Love Yourself : Changing the Links
So now that you understand and recognize that infinite things in your environment are linked up, you can begin to change the things that you have linked that are less than beneficial.
So how does this apply to learning how to love yourself ? You may be thinking.
Well if you aren’t feeling wonderful about yourself, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that you have linked up less than positive emotions and thoughts with the idea and sight of yourself. Through repetition of focusing on faults in yourself, you have triggered a negative emotion and because you were thinking about the image of yourself when doing so, those negative emotions linked to yourself.
The good news is that it is very simple to change and only takes about 2 minutes a day for about 3 weeks to start oozing with self love! So if up until this point, you hadn’t been feeling amazing about yourself, you probably thought some mean things about yourself, maybe when looking into the mirror?
Thus those less than positive emotions became linked to your image, and every time you see yourself again, just like Pavlov and the salivation dogs and bell, you instantly trigger those negative emotions.
How To Love Yourself : Daily Ritual
Now you know the neuroscience of how this works, you can easily begin having fun changing it. All you have to do to feel self love is to get in a state of excitement, joy, or love and look at yourself, or think about yourself.
Get in a state of love or joy, and look at yourself. Get in a state of joy, and look at yourself. Through the repetition, you will literally create a link between you and a feeling of love. Then every time you walk by yourself in the mirror, you will automatically trigger feelings of self love.
I find listening to positive, joyful music, helps me get into a state of love. You could also think about a positive memory, or something you can be proud of. By thinking of those thoughts, you will get into a state of appreciation, then you can look at yourself and smile, knowing that you are instantly changing and developing immense self love.
I recommend doing this mirror ritual, noticing all the things you like about yourself ,while staring into your eyes, feeling the feelings of joy, for about 2 minutes in the morning for about 3 weeks. It takes repetition to develop the link, but once you do, it will be there as long as you don’t link up something less than positive in the future!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this article on how to love yourself!
Now that you are feeling more love, you may want to increase your abundance and freedom in your life. To learn how to do so, just by blogging about your passions, then simply -> CLICK HERE NOW.
Take care,
Love ya, Garrett
Success Strategist, Garrett Barry continues to inspire and motivate people to follow their passions and reach their dreams as he travels the world teaching proven Wealth and Success Strategies.