The Daily Miracle

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Daily Miracle

Day One – 08.06.18

MY OPINION: The 9/11 photo

There are many reasons to run

this photo By YENNA KO The Daily Miracle


n September 11, a plane crashed into the world trade center in New York. Millions of people perished or got injured due to the fact that they were stuck inside the building. However, a mystery man that nobody knows the identity of, jumped out of the World trade center to his death. Pictures were taken of the man jumping out to escape, however, none were close enough to identify his face. There were many debates going on whether newspapers or television stations should post the man’s picture. I think that news and newspaper stations SHOULD run the picture of the onto articles and videos because of many reasons. First of all, the man jumping to his death symbolizes the tragedy and how much grief the ones who lost their loved ones through this tragic event would’ve gone through. Secondly, I know that families or parents of the man who jumped isn’t going to want to see their relative or son’s dead face. Newspapers and television stations should respect people’s privacy, too. However in the multiple pictures taken of the man jumping, no pictures could show the man’s face, so I believe it’s OK to upload the picture of the man jumping out of the world trade center in New York. 9/11 was a tragic event and the man jumping out of the building was also a tragedy but we should include the picture of the man to show and emphasize how sad the 9/11 event was.

MY OPINION: The 9/11 photo

You and your morning Cheerios By KAREN WU The Daily Miracle


magine that as you are reading the news over your morning Cheerios, you see a dead body photo of someone close to you who died recently. How would you feel? Upset? Angry at the newspaper for displaying it? Photos of dead bodies may be con-

sidered privacy violations of the deceased and their family. They might dredge up traumatic memories. One might question if photos are necessary, because their contents could be described in words, which are less traumatizing and invasive. However, one could also argue that photos are sometimes better than words to convey the horror of an event. For terrible events such as 9/11 or the Holocaust, wouldn’t

you want to hammer in what happened? One might say that photos are tributes to the deceased – but newspapers could put up photos of the deceased taken when they were alive to honor them instead. This issue is contentious, with both sides having logical points. It isn’t possible to just give a blanket yes/ no answer in response to this issue. Instead, whether or not to put up a photo of a dead body should be de-

cided on a case-by-case basis with help from guidelines. It is only ethical to put photos of dead bodies in newspapers under limited conditions. If the person in the photo is identifiable, the family must consent to the photo being put in the newspaper. Also, the photo must serve a legitimate purpose, like telling an important side of the story instead of merely being there for shock value.

MY OPINION: The 9/11 photo

A tragedy bigger than one person By EMILY FLOWERS The Daily Miracle


/11 was one of the worst days in American history, and most recognize the famous picture of the man jumping out of the World Trade Center. Many have used this image to capture the despair of that horrid day. Time magazine, The Los Angeles Times, and other journalists have used this to depict 9/11. However, is it totally fair to those who lost loved ones in 9/11, and those who died, who unfortunately cannot voice whether or not they want that picture to be used? CNN and Esquire magazine have reported that the jumper Jonathan Eric Briley, but nothing has been confirmed by the New York City coroner’s office. This tragedy is bigger than just one man. It is symbolic of all those who jumped and all 2,996 who lost their lives, and the fact that some families may not be OK with the picture being published is a good reason to not publish it. Yet, we do have to consider the other view. First, let us look at what journalism is. Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events, so if journalists feel that this accurately distributes and reports the events that have transpired, then they should. Because journalism is meant so everyone is aware of the news, and know the truth, and some might argue that by not showing the picture, you are “censoring” the truth from the public. Although I do agree that journalists should acknowledge the families’ wishes of all who lost their lives that day, I believe the picture is OK to publish. This is a difficult topic to reach a consensus on, since both sides have strong arguments, and being ethical and compassionate while still being truthful can be an arduous task.

MY OPINION: The 9/11 photo

America deserves to know By Sujith Kumar Aluru


/11 was a tragic event and some of the photographs posted are still considered controversial.

One major controversy is the picture with the World Trade Center exploding and a man jumping to his death. The reasons this is such a big controversy is that the man jumping out of that building

represents the loved ones who died in the explosion. This could make families who lost loved ones during 9/11 get very upset with the journalists because they are telling everyone about one specific person who died and that person could have been part of one of the families who lost loved ones. The pro side to this controversy is that showing a man whose facial features are unidentifiable really adds to the photo because those kinds of photos bring out the main

idea which is that 9/11 is one of the most tragic events in the history of America. However, the news is not focusing on the man. It is more on the horrible and sad day of 9/11. Also that man’s features to this day are still unidentifiable even with all the facial recognition technology we have today. The news knows where to draw the line, contrary to some of the thoughts of families who were victims of 9/11. The news is

not going to broadcast something worldwide that clearly and identifiably shows the face of someone in because that would require the consent of the family. In this case however, that person is a detail in the actual scheme of things. It is OK to put this specific picture on the news because while it is a detail that emphasizes the horrible and tragic events of 9/11, people all over America deserve to know.

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