1 minute read
Civic action
Action points 4, 7 and 23
• Help expand the reach of our academic programs – locally, regionally and globally, especially where this relates to access to health and the promotion of wellbeing.
Action points 5, 23 and 24
Action points 5, 6, 20, 23 and 24
Action points 4, 5, 7 and 21
Action points 3, 6 and 20
• Help support our graduates and the wider community of health care professionals in their pursuit of continued professional development.
• Help ensure that our online education efforts responds to global and local needs and developments in education, from advances in medicine to patient participation.
• Help ensure our online education material is accessible and inclusive for a more enhanced student experience.
• Support the consideration of and execution of online streaming or publication of public educational initiatives as a means of engaging with the public and promoting the SoM.