COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ESSAY Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture Module Theories of Architecture & Urbanism (ARC61303)
Gavin Tio Kang Hui 0333373
Tutor : Dr Filzani Illia Ibrahim
Site Study 1.1
Introduction to Project
Introduction of Jalan Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, Jakarta
Introduction of Jalan Stesen 1, Klang, Selangor
Comparative Analysis 2.1
The Engaging Junction
Urban Wall as An Urban Magnet
Five-Foot Walkway as An Interactive Edge
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Site Study
Introduction to Project
In this project, we are required to write a comparative analysis essay based on the findings from project 1 Case Study and preliminary site studies of Architectural Design Studio V. We are to examine and review on the similarities and dissimilarities based on the patterns of social activities, types of ‘contact points’ and the varying degrees of contact intensity between Jalan Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, Jakarta and Jalan Stesen 1, Klang, Selangor.
Introduction to Jalan Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, Jakarta
Figure 1.2.1 South Entrance, Jalan Pasar Baru (Google, 2018)
Introduction to Jalan Stesen 1, Klang, Selangor
Figure 1.3.1 Jalan Stesen 1, Klang
Jalan Pasar Baru is located in the heart of Jakarta. It is originally known as Passer Baroe (translated as the New Market) and established in a north-south axis. The northern edge of the street is connected to Jalan Samanhudin of primary two-way vehicular path whereas the southern edge is connected to Jalan Raya Pos. Both ends are flanked by a celebrated monumental entrance. The street is lined with traditional shophouses and infills of modern buildings where retails take place, consisting eateries, merchandise stores, art and crafts, street bazaar, etc.
Jalan Stesen 1 is located in the old town quarter of the preindustrial city of South Klang. The deformation of grid is highly dependent on the sinuous topography of Klang River and is evolved and developed through use, hence causing the misalignment of Jalan Stesen 1 in relation to Jalan Tengku Diauddin and Jalan Besar (refer to Figure 2.1.1). There are three main communities that are being identified: the Empathetic Insider who has a strong sense of attachment to the site and create the local culture and live in them for a period of time; the Existential Insider who exists because of the business opportunity that the town offers and forges the formation of Little India; the Objective Outsider who possess an attitude which effectively reduces the place to a single dimensional perspective as a direct consequence of their first time experience in the town.
Comparative Analysis
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The Engaging Junction
Jalan Besar Rainbow Alley
Jalan Stesen 1
Jalan Tengku Diaudin
Figure 2.1.1 Site Plan of Klang Old Town Quarter
Within the old town quarter of high density of traditional shophouses, the presence of rainbow alley serves as a prominent axis which established across the site by spanning across the vehicular paths perpendicularly. It is the primary pedestrian path as it sets up a finer urban grain on site.
Jalan Tengku Diaudin
Jalan Stesen 1
Jalan Besar
KTM Train
Figure 2.1.2 Site Section of Klang Old Town Quarter
Jalan Stesen 1 has lower vehicle density and foot traffic, hence business activity along the street is less hectic. The townscape vibrancy gradually muted towards the street through the rainbow alley and forging it to become a passive zone. Contact points of varied levels of intensity formed at the intersection of paths. According to Jan Gehl’s Life Between Building, 70 metres is the maximum distance where passive contact can occur (Jan Gehl, 2011). Hence, contact point of highest intensity is formed at the intersection of Jalan Stesen 1 and rainbow alley where it is located at the centre of social field of vision. This is proven by the scenario whereby even though Jalan Stesen 1 has lower human and vehicular traffic compared to the adjacent streets, it is still vibrant in terms of the quiet zone activities carried out along both paths. For instance, pondering upon murals, sitting on staircases and chairs, lingering along rainbow alley, leaning on the walls Figure 2.1.3 Contact point at intersection, Klang
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while chitchatting, answering phone calls, etc. Those could be hardly witnessed outside the 70 metres radius field whereby commercial activities such as eating at kopitiam and extended retail functions on five-foot walkway are elementary factor that contributes to the vibrancy along Jalan Besar and Jalan Tengku Diaudin. Figure 2.1.4 (left) Extended kopitiam functions on five-foot walkway adjacent to Jalan Besar Figure 2.1.5 (right) Sitting along rainbow alley
On the other hand, a similar contact point is formed at the intersection of Jalan Pasar Baru with Jalan Pintu Air Raya and Jalan Jalan Pasar Baru Kelinci Raya where it is located at the middle of the enclave of urban blocks. Jalan Kelinci Raya Based on the axial map, the streets are primary vehicular paths that connect the peripheral circulation into the inner Jalan Pintu Air Raya sections, hence more opportunity for contact at the modest level.
Figure 2.1.6 (left) Site Plan of Jalan Pasar Baru Figure 2.1.7 (right) Axial Map
In comparison of Jalan Stesen 1 to Jalan Pasar Baru, retail functions are being extended into five-foot walkway and pedestrian walkway but with the latter having a higher commercialized context. Socioeconomic functions along Jalan Stesen 1 are mostly traditional businesses such as chinese herb shop, traditional watch shop, tailor shop, etc. that are less profitable and there are more abandoned shophouses, thus less active engagement. Short term action like introducing similar retails of higher revenue into Jalan Stesen 1 is essential to rejuvenate the town.
Figure 2.1.8 Little India, Klang
Figure 2.1.9 Jalan Pasar Baru, Jakarta (Google, 2018) 3|Pa g e
In addition, Jalan Pintu Air Raya and Jalan Kelinci Raya with rainbow alley share a similar scale. The paths dimension is within 1.3 to 3.75 metres and according to Jan Gehl, it is a highly sociable span, similar to a diameter of a coffee table (Jan Gehl, 2011). However, unlike the formers where conflict arises, between vehicles and pedestrians, the pedestrianized rainbow alley highlights its significance to the social dimension of the site with quiet zone activities that carried out along it. Appropriate consideration for foot traffic accommodation is suggested to Jalan Pintu Air Raya and Jalan Kelinci Raya in order to slow down the pedestrian movement and promote more passive engagement. Figure 2.1.10 Jalan Kelinci Raya (Google, 2018)
Figure 2.1.11 Rainbow alley section
Urban Wall as An Urban Magnet
Figure 2.2.1 Jalan Pasar Baru during 20 Century th
The street façade along both Jalan Stesen 1 and Jalan Pasar Baru are influenced by the traditional Chinese Eclectic Architectural Style with the latter having less significance. This is due to the similar morphological setting where both were the early settlement for Chinese community. Most of the traditional shophouses along Jalan Pasar Baru were being replaced by modern buildings of larger scale to cater to the local socio-economic development, hence losing tectonics of the site.
On the other hand, the traditional shophouses along Jalan Besar is being preserved and even restored. For instance, one of the shophouse, named Seraph Awaken is being adapted into a cafe Figure 2.2.2 Seraph Awaken CafĂŠ, Klang where the original floor tiles, traditional eclectic metal folding door, fenestrations, etc. are maintained in its most authentic palpability. With that, Jalan Stesen 1 has higher legibility in term of its historical setting whereby confusion is made in Jalan Pasar Baru by its publicly-irrelevant modern Figure 2.2.3 Seraph Awaken CafĂŠ, buildings which disorientate the local important activity patterns. Klang 4|Pa g e
Figure 2.2.4 Jalan Stesen 1, Klang (Google, 2018)
Figure 2.2.5 Jalan Pasar Baru, Jakarta (Google, 2018)
Biz Hotel being the latest infill together with its immediate adjacent shoplots have high contextual cue. Horizontal rhythm helps in setting up similar relationship with the existing character by having strong expression of each level (Bently, Alcock, Murrain, Mcglynn, Smith, 1985). The extension of datum line from adjacent building into the hotel faรงade enriches the overall visual appropriateness of Jalan Stesen 1. Also, the fenestration patterns are responding to the adjacent shophouses with its cohesive geometry adjusted to a modern form. In this case, Jalan Pasar Baru has less contextualization consideration as the infills of modern buildings setting up strong contrast with existing context.
Figure 2.2.6 Jalan Stesen 1, Klang (Google, 2018)
Figure 2.2.7 Jalan Pasar Baru, Jakarta (Google, 2018)
According to Responsive Environment, implementation of three dimensional variation is important as light will sharpen the visual contrast and horizontal projections at both street level and higher levels are crucial as well since people would most like walk parallel to the buildings (Bently, Alcock, Murrain, Mcglynn, Smith, 1985). The faรงades of traditional shophouses are highly articulated with ornamentations of shophouse being covered by verandah along and expressive in geometry compared Figure 2.2.8 Pediment Jalan Pasar Baru, Jakarta (Google, 2018) to the visually monotonous modern building, hence Jalan Stesen 1 would have a higher visual richness. In addition, the visual pollution of massive commercial signages on upper floors and the poorly-maintained verandah above Jalan Pasar Baru further depreciate the visual richness of the shophouse. 5|Pa g e
Figure 2.2.9 Extension of pavement pattern into vechicular path along Jalan Pasar Baru, Jakarta (Google, 2018)
With reference to Responsive Environment, distinction between vehicular and pedestrian path should be eliminated in order to reduce the linearity of space by enhancing its robustness (Bently, Alcock, Murrain, Mcglynn, Smith, 1985). Instead of increase the levelling of pedestrian walkway to separate vehicles from pedestrian for safety reason just like Jalan Stesen 1, a better option would be extending the walkway pavement into the vehicular path to slow down the vehicles speed, similar to Jalan Pasar Baru.
Five-Foot Walkway as An Interactive Edge
Five-foot walkway is provided in both Jalan Stesen 1 and Jalan Pasar Baru. However, the physical condition of five-foot walkways is dissimilar. Due to the mushrooming of modern buildings Figure 2.3.1 Discontinued Five-foot Walkway along Jalan Pasar Baru, Jakarta (Google, 2018) along Jalan Pasar Baru, there are multiple cutting points where the walkway is being discontinued owing to the different offset from their urban plot. Also, there are relatively more levelling along the five-foot walkway at Jalan Stesen 1 and it is being treated as secondary seating.
Figure 2.3.2 Levelling of Five-Foot Walkway in Klang \
In complementary of positive outdoor spaces forged by different qualities of urban walls as mentioned in point 2.2, pedestrian movement is being drawn into the five-foot walkway through active engagement and thus, providing the fundamental element for it to become an animated public edge.
Figure 2.3.3 Chong Kok Kopitiam, Klang
Figure 2.3.4 Little India
In term of space syntax of both street, segments of walkway with extended functions will attract more people and since people tend to gravitate towards each other, even more people will be drawn into the five-foot walkway. It is hence suggested that region where extended functions are concentrated is an active edge where frequency of interaction is the highest. However, the degree of contact intensity is different. 6|Pa g e
Along Jalan Stesen 1, contact of high intensity occurs at the extended function of the restaurant Teck Teh Bak Kut Teh. High percentage of the customer are locals and unlike most of the restaurants where customers leave after they eat, customers who dine in in Teck Teh Restaurant spend time gathering and chitchatting with their friends there. It is treated as a third place for the locals. The intention of visiting the shop is not solely because of the food but primarily to meet their close acquaintances there. Necessary activity (eating) is being promoted into a social activity (gathering) because they present in the same space, and it is the prime prerequisite for contact to develop spontaneously and Figure 2.3.5 Teck Teh Bak Kut Teh grow organically (Jan Gehl, 2011). For the case of Jalan Pasar Baru, the traditional silk and oriental fabrics trading activities have slowly displaced by merchandise and franchise of high commercial value. The streets have turned from an outdoor street market catering to locals into a tourist spot where contact of low intensity takes place. People engage passively at the modest level and the human traffic volume is highly dependant on the quality of its physical setting since in reference to Jan Gehl, in a good environment, a completely different, broad spectrum of human activities is possible (Jan Gehl, 2011). Hence, the frequency of optional activity (tourist shopping) can be increased by improving the existing five-foot walkway condition.
Figure 2.3.6 Shoe Franchise in Jalan Pasar Baru (Google, 2018)
In short, convex spaces formed along five-foot walkway due to its extended function, forging it as a public edge which accommodates social activities and contributes to the enhancement of public realm of the adjacent street.
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All in all, the physical setting of the urban form of Jalan Pasar Baru in Jakarta and Jalan Stesen 1 in Klang is similar. The different degree of their commercialized context is the critical factor that establishes distinction in the contact intensity between them. In my opinion, Jalan Pasar Baru can be evaluated as the future of Jalan Stesen 1. Jalan Stesen 1 requires short term actions and innovative tactical urban interventions in order to rejuvenate its current state of dormancy. More vibrant and engaging urban space for local communal activities and retail functions similar to Jalan Pasar Baru should be implemented in Jalan Stesen 1. For instance, open space at the end of Jalan Stesen 1 can be used for local street market just like Bazaar Murah in Jalan Pasar Baru. Quality outdoor environment would serve as a platform for the local socio-economic activities to flourish and hence, increase the demand of locals for the retail activities alongside with the organic growth of the economic viability cultivated into the local community. Even though Jalan Pasar Baru is more dynamic with its favourable business viability and spirited with high pedestrian volume, the clarity of its historical weight is low. Instead of focusing on consistently bringing in retails of high revenue, creative adaptive reuse project similar to Seraph Awaken CafĂŠ in Klang should be implemented along Jalan Pasar Baru. The local tectonics and social memory could be a potent urban magnet to gravitate even more outsider to visit the place. The experiential shopping environment with glimpses of layers of history of the townscape is potential in elevating the commercial context to a brand new level of robustness while maintaining the visual richness of the setting.
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Reference 1. Gehl, J., & Koch, J. (2011). Life between buildings: using public space. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2. Bently,I., Alcock, A., Murrain P., McGlynn, S., Smith, G., (1985). Responsive Environment. Burlington, MA: Architectural Press. 3. Lyndon, M., Bartman, D., Garcia, T., Preston, R., & Woudstra, R. (2012). Tactical urbanism 2: short term action, long term change. United States: publisher not identified. 4. Google, (2018). Google Street View of Jalan Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, Jakarta. Retrieved November 20, 2019 from,106.8342483,3a,90y,50.52h,83.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7f48OHd9PTFw8nxoZ0 UpBw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
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: 2018 words (excluding captions, content page and reference page) 9|Pa g e