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The BBQ Times “For the Folks That Want A Little Smoke In Their Life”

Volume 5 • Number 3

Inside this Edition


January 2014

Team Unknown goes home with another Grand

20 Pages

............ SCBA..............................2 Audrey Evans.................4 Dana Hillis.....................4 Famous Dave.................6 Backyard BBQ Studs.......6 Smoke on the Harbor......9 Cowboy’s Pig Out.........10 King of the Smoker........13 Calendar ................14-15 Subscribe to Us!............15 Edgewater, FL................16 FBA TOY.........................18 Classifieds.....................19 Official Publication of:

Team Unknown accepts their Grand Prize winnings in Perry, Florida at the Southern Pines Blues & BBQ Festival. Left to Right: Muddy the Pig, Dorsey Odell, Dawn Taylor (Event Organizer), Victoria Whitcomb, Kylee Whitcomb, Jason Whitcomb, LeeAnne Powell (Event Staff), Clark Whitcomb, and Sizzle the Pig. before Christmas that every- wire cook off than this one. Kylee. One thing for sure, chicken, fifth place brisket, By Audrey Evans one wants to hit. Not to menTeam Unknown out of you will ALWAYS have fun ninth place pork and tenth Editor & Publisher place ribs to claim Reserve The Southern Pines & tion this contest, in Perry, Winter Haven, Florida took around this crowd. Team Unknown walked Champion. Blues BBQ Festival has al- Florida, has been the home home the top prizes. If you Brad Kay & Corree Schurways been a hit on the Flor- of the FBA Triple Crown have cooked an FBA event, away with first place ribs, ida Barbecue Association Series in past years as well. chances are you have met third in pork, sixth place man took Lang BBQ Smokcircuit. It’s that last contest This year, the Triple Crown this motley crew. George chicken, and unfortunately ers to third place overall was cancelled but the South- Dickel sponsors them and no top ten call in what Kylee with a second place chicken, ern Pines & Blues BBQ Fes- if there isn’t a party going calls the Best Brisket in the fifth place in ribs, and a tenth tival was bigger than ever. on, they are sure to make World. Regardless of the place call in brisket followed With 42 teams competing one. In Perry, Papa Clark, Brisket, Team Unknown by Kenny Nadeau out of in the cook off, numerous Ms. Bridgette, Jason, Tori, took home Grand Cham- Winter Garden, Florida with vendors and music perform- Kylee, Dorsey and a few pion. Uncle Kenny’s BBQ. Rub ers, the Battle at BBQ Junc- others made sure they were Right behind them, shy Bagby wrapped up a fifth tion and the last cook off for on top of their game. If you of only two points were Bill place overall for Swamp Team of the Year points in ask me, it’s only because of and Teresa Tanner with B Boys. the FBA there couldn’t have the ladies there keeping them & T Cook Team. Bill & Te- See Perry .............Page 11 been a more down to the straight, especially Miss resa pulled out a first place





South Carolina State Champions Announced

beque contests for the title. in the statewide contest. The SCBA presents three The South Carolina chamawards and cash prizes at the pionship, unlike most state championships in the nation, The S.C. Barbeque Asso- end of each barbeque year. is determined by barbeque ciation, which has been cooking teams entering designated by the South a number of different Carolina Legislature contests all across state. to name the S.C. State This year there were over Champion barbeque team, 35 different contests the has declared a winner. teams could enter. At a ceremony at the The state championState House in Columbia ship is a cumulative on Friday, Jan. 3, at 11:00 award where contesting a.m., Gary Taylor of Lexteams each earn points in ington, who is the pit every contest they enter. master of the All Smoked A team need not win a Up barbeque team, was Lake High, President of SCBA fi rst place in each contest named the S.C. State The First Runner Up troto be named the S.C. State Champion. This is the first phy was captured by PalChampion but their twelve year that Mr. Taylor and his team has been named the SC metto Smokehouse, a cook- top scores are totaled to see ing team that is headed by which team is the undisputed State Champion. Taylor and his team gar- Mike Harmon who cooks out best in the state. South Carolina’s barbeque nered the largest number of of Okatie, which is in Jasper County, SC. championship competition points in the year-long conJeff Smith of Aiken, as the was the fi rst such year-long test that the SCBA conducts. pit master of Smokin’ Stacks competition in the nation Taylor’s team had the highBBQ Team, was the Second where teams are able to comest score of the more than Runner Up. This was Smith’s pete over a long barbeque 230 teams who competed statewide in over 35 bar- second time in the top three marathon. Now several oth-

By Mike Horne SCBA

er states are following South Carolina’s lead in adopting this year-long competition format since it is a truer test of cooking ability than naming a team a champion when they win only one contest. Lake High of Columbia, president of the South Carolina Barbeque Association said, “These three teams are truly the best of the best. They faced stiff competition from some of the best barbeque cookers from all over the South. Their accumulated scores show that

South Carolina State Champions All Smoked Up - Gary Taylor, Pitmaster they consistently cook top barbeque.” “If anyone thinks that good barbeque comes from only one area of the state they need to take a look at

First Runner-Up Palmetto Smokehouse Mike Harmon, Pitmaster

the home of these championship teams – Lexington, Jasper and Aiken Counties, from one side of the state to the other,” High pointed out.

Second Runner-Up Smokinʼ Stacks Jeff Smith, Pitmaster



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Pork & Potato’s or Pork Taco’s? Easy Leftovers

Audrey Evans Publisher & Editor

Isn’t it funny how when you are in the BBQ world, you never seem to get really

tired of pork. Is it that, or do we just eat it because we have so much and we can’t bear the thought of letting it go to waste. That is probably more of what it is. So if you are like me, you are always looking for new pork recipes to try. These are a couple I have found on the internet that I really enjoy. Let me know what you think.

Pulled Pork Tacos

Ingredients: 1-2 teaspoons olive oil 1 medium red onion, diced About 4 cups leftover

diced pork (or use fresh if you have no leftovers, just increase the cooking time) 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp chili powder salt & pepper to taste corn tortillas vegetable oil for frying cilantro, lime, & shredded cheese to garnish (optional) Heat the olive oil in a skillet, and saute the onions until translucent. Add the diced pork and sprinkle with the seasonings; stir well to coat. Cook for 6-8 minutes on medium heat until thoroughly

warmed. In a separate pan, heat enough vegetable oil to cover the bottom of the pan on medium-high heat. Fry the corn tortillas 1 minute on each side. Drain on paper towels. Serve with pico de gallo.

Pork & Potato Casserole Ingredients: 1/4 cup finely chopped onion 4 tablespoons butter 1/4 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon poultry sea-

soning 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 can (10 1/2 ounces) condensed chicken broth 1/4 cup water 1 1/2 cups pork 1 1/2 cups (10 ounce package) frozen peas and carrots, cooked and drained 2 cups prepared seasoned mashed potatoes 1/2 to 1 cup shredded cheese, optional Heat butter in a skillet over medium-low heat; add onion and sauté until tender, about 2 minutes. Stir in flour until well

blended; add salt, poultry seasoning, and pepper. Gradually add broth and water, stirring until thickened and bubbly. Add the diced pork and vegetables; heat through. Pour into a lightly greased 1 1/2-quart casserole. Spoon prepared mashed potatoes evenly over the mixture. Bake at 350° for 25 to 35 minutes, topping with cheese the last 5 minutes, if desired. Serves 4. Hope you enjoy these great treats. Until next month, keep rubbin’ those butts.

All About Big Papas Battle At BBQ Junction

Dana Hillis Pitmaster Big Papas Country Kitchen

I have been totally involved in competition BBQ since my first professional contest back in 2007. I have had the privilege of being elected to the board of directors for several years serving as board member, vice president and president

of the FBA and have enjoyed working with all the members of the organization including teams, judges organizers and anyone at a contest that wants to talk BBQ! Several of us got together a year and a half ago and tried to figure out a new twist to bring people to a contest and give the public something more to be interested in and something else to do besides walk around looking at cookers. I came up with Big Papas Battle at BBQ Junction. Two teams would face off against each other at 3:00 on Friday afternoon cooking a mystery cooler of groceries. They would both cook under tents right next to each other cooking on identical cookers and cooking identical ingredients. 2 more teams would

Editor & Publisher Audrey A. Evans Published by Double A Evans, LLC DBA The BBQ Times. Mailed Periodical Postage Permit Pending at Perry GA. 31069 The BBQ Times• P.O. Box 1710 • Perry, GA. 31069 • 478-218-2333

face off at 6:00 and the winner from each contest would face off at 3:00 on Saturday with the winner taking home some cash and a banner and a chance to move on to the finals. Big Green Egg came on as a sponsor along with Meadow Creek, Forrest Fine Foods and Fast Eddy’s. Each team would have 1 hour and 15 minutes to prepare an appetizer side dish main dish and desert. This turned out to be so much fun watching the cooking talents of all our competition teams. We had a wide variety of judges including local politicians, radio and television personalities newspaper writers and BBQ celebrities. It was fun shopping for groceries and coming up with something challenging to test the skills of the cooks. We had over 40 teams compete in 2013 and it came down to 2 teams battling for bragging rights and a brand new $2000 Fast Eddy PG 500 pellet cooker! 2 Smokin White Boys cooked against Lang BBQ and it actually came down to a tiebreaker to determine the winner. Desert is the tiebreaker and 2 Smokin White Boys came up with a perfectly cooked peach cobbler to edge out

Two Smokin White Boys wins Overall Champion of Big Papaʼs Battle at BBQ Junction taking home a Fast Eddy PG 500 Pellet Cooker and of course, major bragging rights on the BBQ Circuit. the Lang crew 2 votes to 1 and claim the first year Battle At BBQ Junction overall champion. We already have several competitions lined up for the 2014 season. It does not cost the teams anything to compete and the organizers can get hometown teams and judging personalities involved and we can draw in a lot of people to come watch

and it is truly entertaining to watch. BBQ Superstars filmed all our events and the events are live streamed on the internet and can be seen on you tube at BBQ superstars big papas battle at BBQ junction. If anyone is interested in hosting a battle or competing or coming on as a sponsor please contact me at A big thanks to our sponsors

and everyone that helped and competed this year. It is a lot of work to make this successful and I couldn’t do it without some help from my friends 2014 is going to be a big year in the FBA. Good luck to all teams and safe travels to all our BBQ family. See everyone on the BBQ highway!




It’s 2014, Have you found what you are waiting for?

Jeff Petkevicius Pitmaster Give it To God Happy New Year! 2014 WOW, What a night of celebrations around the WORLD! I’m writing this on the morning of New Year’s Day 2014. As you might guess, I didn’t make it to mid-night, in fact, it was more like 8 PM when I conked out... hey, I’m old and that’s how I roll I did, however, awaken

for a short time around the midnight hour to the sound of fireworks and gun shots (we’re here in the south and it’s obligatory for some to unload their unused ammunition through all their various guns at the midnight hour). All of this, marking a brand new YEAR! So why all the fuss, why all the celebration, why the big deal for what is “just another day”? The idea of getting a fresh start has tremendous appeal to all of us. As much as we try, we fall short of behaving and living in a way that brings peace, joy and happiness to our lives, 24/7/365. As for me, every morning is New Year’s Day! When I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ as my Lord, it came with each and every one of His promises, the first of which is that my old life is dead and my new life is in Jesus Christ: Therefore, if anyone [is] in Christ, [he is]

a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. [2Cr 5:17 NKJV] The “World” will always offer you up ways to get what only God can deliver through salvation. The “world’s” solutions look sexy, attractive, and fun....and all fall short in the end. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that [is] in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. [1Jo 2:15-17 NKJV] It’s a new year, a chance to look at what really matters. Salvation is what it’s all about. We live this life, our entire life, for that MOMENT after our last breath

is drawn here on earth. God gave me this little poem to share with all of you, Happy New Life 2014! What are you waiting for?

Salvation Salvation changes everything It brings rivers of tears To a life of ignorance

Of a man on a tree..... for me. Salvation shifts the focus Away from me... Clearly on thee Salvation moves desire From a buzz, a nightcap, a TGIF To dive into His Word and find real relief

Salvation highlights why I deserve Hell, no questions, no excuse, no spin Salvation deploys the grace that wipes it all clean Salvation changes everything And only God.... Only God... Only GOD.






The Infamous Fatty...Broken Down

Brandt Haney Backyard BBQ Studs Columnist A few years back I was having conversation about unique barbecue items that I had cooked and was asked if I knew what a breakfast Fatty was. Intrigued I said I was not familiar with it, and asked for an explanation. I was told of a culinary breakfast delight that can be cus-

tomized to fit anyone’s taste and is prepared on a smoker. The more it was described the more I became interested. A latticework of bacon that is wrapped around stuffed breakfast sausage that is smoky and rich in flavor. You had me at bacon. I began to research online all the places I could to find out everything there was to know about this incredible sounding breakfast food. A quick note regarding online searches. When you search the word “fatty” online you come across some very interesting and sometime disturbing websites. I found from personal experience that “breakfast fatty” is the better term to search. After a long search I found what I was looking for and modified the recipe to suite my particular tastes.

Once I had mentally figured out what I wanted use for my ingredients I prepared my first fatty and served it to my family, which are always my taste testers. To no ones surprise it was a huge hit. I mean it is bacon wrapped sausage after all. This has become the standard request by my kids for Christmas breakfast and now it can be a tasty addition to your family cookbook as well. This is a basic fatty I served for Christmas breakfast. It takes about 30 minutes to prepare and a couple of hours to smoke. If you wake up in the morning craving the flavor of smoked meat then this is for you. Ingredients: 1lb Breakfast Sausage. (I used regular, but hot could be a good option)

1 package bacon 1 medium onion diced 2 cloves garlic minced 1 package hash browns Bell Pepper diced (I have used dried bell pepper)

Cook the onion and garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil over medium-low heat until translucent. Add the hash browns to the pan along with the garlic and bell pepper and cook the hash browns until slightly crispy and brown. Pull off the heat and set aside and let cool. Now for the fun part. Assembling the fatty. Roll out the sausage to about 1/4” thick. If you place the roll inside a gallon Ziploc storage bag and then flatten it out to the edges you get a perfect square. Take a knife and cut the sides of the Ziploc open and lay out the sausage on a cutting board. Take the filling that has cooled and top the sausage with it in a line down the center. Similar to what you would do with a burrito. Roll up the sausage around the filling into a log and then fold up the ends to completely and evenly enclosed the filling. Set aside on a piece of foil or plastic wrap so it can be easily picked up and moved. Next you want to take your

bacon and prepare a space to make the lattice. This part is a little tricky and takes some patience. Lay out 8 strips of bacon vertically side by side. Take every other piece (slices 2,4,6 and 8) and fold it up to where only the thickness of a strip of bacon is left. Place a single piece of bacon horizontally across up at the fold. Fold back down the vertical pieces and then fold the opposite 4 pieces (1,3,5 and 7) up to the horizontal piece. Lay down another horizontal piece and fold the vertical pieces back down over the horizontal piece. Repeat this process, rotating back and forth between the vertical pieces. You should end up with what looks like a woven mat of bacon that is square.

Grab your sheet with the sausage roll and center it in the bacon weave horizontally. Carefully fold the bacon around the sausage and then fold the end over to create a single seam. Now you have a Fatty. After preheating the smoker, place the fatty seam side down on the cooking grate. Smoke at 250 degrees for about two to two and half hours until bacon is cooked and internal temperature is 165. Pull it off and prepare to slice. Slice into 3/4” to 1” slices and serve with your favorite breakfast foods. I recommend a lightly fried egg and biscuits. The silkiness of the yolk helps smooth out the texture of the Fatty. Grits are also an excellent side to this dish.

Warm Pumpkin Wild Rice Soup for A Chilly Winter

“Famous Dave” Anderson Columist

Greetings from chilly Hayward, Wisconsin!!! This past week we’ve had record cold temperatures—the wind-chill last night was 50 degrees BELOW zero! But that hasn’t stopped me from hopping on the snowmobile and riding in the moonlight of God’s great country! It did stop me from firing up the smoker, so I stayed in the kitchen this week working on sauces and recipes. I came across an old favorite recipe of mine, perfect for these chilly days and cooked

up a batch for dinner --Pumpkin Wild Rice Soup. EAT, LAUGH, and STAY WARM my friends! ~ Famous Dave Anderson 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup chopped onion 3 Tbsp butter 1 cup chicken stock 1/2 tsp. Salt 1/4 tsp. Ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1/4 tsp. cayenne 1/8 tsp. white pepper

1/8 tsp. ground cloves 1/8 tsp. ginger 1 can (29oz) solid-pack pumpkin 4 cups chicken stock 2 cups cooked wild rice 1/4 cup grated carrot 1 cup heavy whipping cream 8oz Camembert Cheese 1/2 cup sunflower seeds Sauté celery and onion in butter in a large stockpot until tender. Add 1 cup stock. Bring to a boil. Process

the stock mixture, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, black pepper,cayenne, white pepper, cloves, and ginger in a blender until pureed. Add pumpkin. Process until blended. Return the pumpkin mixture to stockpot. Add 4 cups stock, wild rice, and carrot. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Simmer for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Stir in whipping cream and cheese. Cook until the

cheese melts and the soup is heated through, stirring frequently. Add sunflower seeds and mix well. Ladle into soup bowls. Serves 10 people

This recipe and more can be found in Famous Dave’s Rib-O’Licious Cookbook.

JANUARY 2014 Part of the fun with cooking in my opinion is experimenting with avors. With the fatty you can add anything you like to the ďŹ lling. I have added country ham and cheese before. I have dusted it with my brisket


rub which is a little sweeter than my pork rub. There really is not wrong way to prepare this dish so but on your thinking cap and feel free to experiment. Enjoy and happy smoking as we roll into 2014.


The BBQ Times Food & Recipes

Submit your favorite recipes to be on this page each month. We love our readers input.

Mini Pork Tacos Great appetizer from left over pork. Use Tostitos Scoop Tortilla Chips. Fill with pork, cheddar cheese and a tad of your favorite sauce for the perfect appetizer surely to please your guest as they wait on the ultimate treat.

Submitted by Audrey Evans


Great use of left over rib trimmings!

Season rib trimmings in Cajun seasoning, paprika, cayenne, and black pepper the day before. Brown in black pot with two tablespoons oil or bacon drippings until seasoning is stuck to bottom of pot and looks like it might burn. Remove meat Add chopped onion and bell pepper and a little fresh parsley. Cook until tender and bottom of pot is clean and free of stuck on seasoning. Add back meat and add 5 -6 tbsp of roux with 24 oz water. Stir until incorporated and simmer with lid on for about 1 hour. Serve over rice or grits.

Submitted by Mark Lambert


Q’ing For A Cause 2013 : Holiday Turkey Cook




By Jeff Hale

A group of Texas IBCA competition cook teams joined forces once again to help the less fortunate during the holiday season with their second annual Turkey Cook December 20-21, 2013 in Beaumont, Texas. In De-

cember of 2012, “Q’ing For A Cause” was dreamed up as a way for a number of local Southeast Texas area BBQ teams to get together and cook without the stress or worries of a competition, but also give them the ability to give back to the com“Providing all things BBQ for the competition and backyard enthusiast.”

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munity using their skills as BBQ cooks. So the plan came together and it just kept growing, from just a handful of turkeys to a grand total of 100! All the turkeys, wood, seasonings, supplies and time was donated either through individuals or local businesses who were eager to help with this endeavor. The benefactor of this generosity was Beaumonts’ Some Other Place, a local soup kitchen which feeds over 250 needy people in the Southeast Texas area each day, but during the holiday season will see a large increase in their daily traffic. The donation of these turkeys will greatly help in their efforts to feed as many people as possible during the Christmas season. For the 2013 Turkey Cook, 114 turkeys were smoked, wrapped and delivered to Some Other Place, while 10 turkeys were donated to the

891 GRAY HWY MACON, GA 478-743-5866

Newton County Blue Santa Program, bringing the grand total to 124 turkeys! None of this would have been possible without all the generous donations from the dozens of area businesses and individuals who dug deep to give for the cause. Q’ing For A Cause is made up of a number of Southeast Texas BBQ teams along with a few others who pitch in when helping hands are needed. Not only are

these folks generous with their time, but are pretty good cooks as well with over 10 GC’s and RGC’s combined in 2013, not to mention the dozens upon dozens of walks received during the competition schedule. Among those teams include: Tequila Sunrise Cooking Team (Kevin and Debbie Miller), Short Bus BBQ (Rob Rodgers, Wes Self), Smokin’ Aces BBQ (Derek Veazey, C.J. Veazey, James McCullar),

519 N. DAVIS DR. WARNER ROBINS, GA 478-922-3034

Smokin’ Big Daddys BBQ (Sonny Chapman, Randy Reinhardt), Orange County Go Texan (Corey Nelson), The Texijun Brothers BBQ Cooking Team (Mule Johnson, A.B. Barrera), Hale of a Good BBQ (Jeff Hale), Twisted Q (Brent McDonald) and Coon Billy Cookers (Kevin Duncan) . For donations or more info, please visit our website at: or look us up on Facebook.

EST. 1935





Killer B’s & Blowin’ Smoke Take Accolades at Smoke on the Harbor

Grand Champions Jim & Jan Burg with Killer Bʼs.

By Audrey Evans Editor & Publisher

Jim & Jan Burg went back after it again as they pulled into Charleston, South Carolina on November 15, 2013 for the Smoke on the Harbor BBQ Throwdown. This Kansas City Barbecue Society event hosted thirtyfive teams who competed in Chicken, Ribs, Pork, Brisket and Wings. Jim & Jan Burg, took their team Killer B’s out

of Evans, Georgia back to the winners circle with a Grand Championship. Killer B’s had a awesome chicken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

entry winning first place, followed by a second place pork ribs, sixth place pork, a fifth place brisket and also a fourteenth place wing entry for ancillaries. Right on their tales, falling short by only 1.6688 points was Ley Morris and his wife Kristen taking their team Blowin’ Smoke, out of Columbia, South Carolina to a Reserve Champion win after only their third KCBS contest. The Morris’ won first place in pork, a second place in brisket followed by a fourth in pork ribs and a sixth place in chicken.


Killer B’s BBQ 691.3716 Blowin’ Smoke Llc 689.7028 Jack’s Smokin Butts 684.4800 Queology 678.1712 Midnight Burn 676.4572 Fatbacks BBQ & Rib Shack 673.0748 Dukes Barbecue 666.8916 Mr.goodtime’s BBQ Club 665.0172 Bubbajack’s 661.6116 Deguello BBQ 660.5028

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Jack’s Smokin Butts, Pitmaster Jack Fulton, Jr. took home third followed by Queology’s Russ Cornette and Brian Roberson from Summerville, South Carolina in fourth. Jack’s Smokin Butts took home prizes for first in both pork ribs and brisket as well as tenth in both pork and chicken and an eighth place finish in the wings category. Kim Hicks from Hendersonville, North Carolina took Midnight Burn to a fifth Reserve Champion Ley & Kristen Morris with Blowinʼ place finish overall. Smoke

Hollywood N Swine Smoking Butt Heads Pig On Fire Hog Gone Good BBQ Hog Wild Neighbors Britton’s BBQ Alveron BBQ Co. In By 8 Out By 9 Sweet Daddys Smoke Whoot Whoo BBQ

Forrest’s Fine Foods will be hosting a



and come check out this class held near Cottondale, Florida taught in contest format. This full disclosure class is set to cost $400 per person and class size is limited. Forrest Dilmore, Pitmaster of Forrest’s Fine Foods was Grand Champion of 2010 Best of the Best Invitational as well as winning numerous Grand and Reserve Grand Championships, and also many category and top ten wins. Forrest has cooked Georgia BBQ Association, Florida BBQ Association, Memphis BBQ Network, and Kansas City BBQ Society events.

For more information contact, Forrest Dilmore by phone at 850-209-7777 or by email at or

657.0284 655.2800 651.9200 645.5088 639.3256 635.8968 629.5204 629.1320 628.4228 625.0288

Nolen Custom Smokers “Smokin the Competition”









Sweet Smoke Q tops the crowd at Cowboy’s Pig Out

After ending December just a few points shy of taking team of the year 2013 for Florida BBQ Association, Jim Elser hit the trail

with a mission in 2014 and it’s off to a good start. Setting a new high score in Chicken, Jim and his team Sweet Smoke Q rolled over the other 40 teams at Cowboys’s Pigout in Ft. Pierce, Florida to take their first Grand Championship of the 2014 season. Sweet Smoke Q not only won first place in chicken with the new high score of 199.04998 but also took second place in ribs, seventh in pork, and ninth in brisket. For the second time at this contest, Tommy Harden took his team Blitzkrieg BBQ to Reserve Champion. They won first place in brisket but also finished second in pork and eighth in ribs. Foy Whatley from Moultrie, Georgia took home third place overall for his team Barbeque Crew. Foy received third place pork, fourth place brisket, and eighth place

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

By Audrey Evans Editor & Publisher

Sweet Smoke Q Blitzkrieg BBQ Barbeque Crew Swamp Boys Budmeisters Hot Wachula’s Florida Boys Cedar Creek BBQ Smoky Dog Big Papa’s Country

774.66664 767.76665 765.70000 762.09999 758.16667 757.73331 757.66668 756.64997 752.94999 750.13332


Bull Rush BBQ Team 747.71666 Southern Flatwoods 744.71664 Mike’s Roadside 743.78331 Smokin’ Gator 740.58334 Unknown BBQ 740.05000 Tillmans BBQ 739.89998 Palm Beach Porkers 739.51665 Barn Goddess BBQ 737.03335 The Woodhouse Grill 735.63331 Pharter Starter’s BBQ 735.48334

chicken. Rub Bagby took Swamp Boys to a fourth place finish followed by Josh and Thomas Henry in fifth place overall for Budmeisters out of Lakeland, Florida. Big Papa’s Country Kitchen took home first place in pork Blitzkrieg BBQ and Palm Beach Reserve Champion Porkers took home first place in ribs. It’s been said by the Florida Barbecue Association, “There was nearly unanimous agreement amongst the nine tables of judges that the barbecue they tasted at this contest was some of the best ever!”

Sweet Smoke Q First Place Chicken Grand Champion

Palm Beach Porkers First Place Ribs

Big Papaʼs Country Kitchen First Place Pork

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Continued from Page 1

Hot Wachulaʼs First Place Brisket

First Place Pork Smokinʼ Your Butt

B & T BBQ Cook Team Reserve Grand Champion

Kids Que Participants

Lang BBQ Smokers Third Overall

Uncle Kennyʼs BBQ Fourth Overall

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Day 1 Grand Champion: Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ Reserve Champion: Simply Marvelous BBQ


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 682.2860 Simply Marvelous BBQ 675.3484 Burnin And Lootin 673.6568 Smokin Mo’s BBQ 672.4912 All Sauced Up 670.8116 Bowling Over Pigs 669.7260 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 666.2172 Lady Of Q 664.5372 Rooftop BBQ 663.3372 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 662.7768 Big Poppa Smokers 661.6796 The Tattooed Pig 661.1316 D’s Smokehouse 658.2400 When Pigs Fly 658.2284 Wild Willy’s Smokin 654.7884 Miss Piggy’s 654.7656 Pete’s Firehouse BBQ 646.1940 Royal Smokin’ Hot 640.4800 Ridge Route Boys BBQ 638.2284 Son Of Smoke 638.2172

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bowling Over Pigs 173.7028 The Tattooed Pig 172.0000 Simply Marvelous BBQ 171.4056 All Sauced Up 171.4056 D’s Smokehouse 170.2972 Son Of Smoke 169.7028 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 169.1544 Smokin Mo’s BBQ 169.1200


9 Burnin And Lootin 10 Cool Grilling


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Simply Marvelous BBQ 171.9772 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 171.4516 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 170.2744 Rooftop BBQ 170.2744 Burnin And Lootin 169.6684 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 168.5600 D’s Smokehouse 168.0228 Smokin Mo’s BBQ 168.0000 Big Poppa Smokers 167.9656 Wild Willy’s Smokin 167.4288

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

When Pigs Fly 178.8572 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 173.1200 Lady Of Q 171.4056 Rooftop BBQ 170.8344 Miss Piggy’s 170.2744 Simply Marvelous BBQ 168.0000 Bowling Over Pigs 166.8688 All Sauced Up 166.2744 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 165.7028 Big Poppa Smokers 165.1656

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Zzyzx Bar.b.q 173.7028 Burnin And Lootin 170.2856 Smokin Mo’s BBQ 170.2628 Bowling Over Pigs 169.7372 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 168.5600 Big Poppa Smokers 167.4628 Lady Of Q 167.4400 Hog Heaven Sauces 167.3944 Royal Smokin’ Hot 166.8228 Rooftop BBQ 166.8228



Christmas on the River State Championship Demopolis, Alabama • December 6-7, 2013 OVERALL

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Alabama Red Eyed Swiggin Pig Haulin’ Butt BBQ Wild Bunch Butt Burn Bayou Boogie BBQ Jiggy Piggy The Specialists Smokin Butt Crew Give It To God Lotta Bull BBQ

687.9200 686.7540 683.3256 682.1712 679.8856 677.0512 676.4684 676.4224 674.7428 671.8856

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Haulin’ Butt BBQ House Of Q Full Of Bologna Alabama Power-2 Jiggy Piggy Wild Bunch Butt Burn Swiggin Pig Alabama Red Eyed Sho Nuff Smokin Short Bus Cookers

175.4056 173.7028 173.1656 173.1428 173.1200 172.5600 171.9656 171.4056 170.8344 170.8228

1 2 3 4 5

Why You Grillin’ Me .. 177.1544 Pe Little Thrigs 173.7028 The Barbecue Grillbillies171.9772 Jiggy Piggy 171.4056 The Specialists 169.6800



Day 2 Grand Champion: Big Poppa Smokers Reserve Champion: Ridge Route Boys BBQ

169.1200 168.5828

6 7 8 9 10

Alabama Red Eyed Bayou Boogie BBQ Swiggin Pig Sho Nuff Smokin Give It To God

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Wild Bunch Butt Burners177.7028 Bayou Boogie BBQ 175.4172 Naheola Pride Cooking 174.8572 Smokin Butt Crew 171.9656 Alabama Red Eyed 170.8228 Give It To God 170.2628 Kudzu Kookers 168.5372 Lotta Bull BBQ 168.5256 Jiggy Piggy 167.9884 Why You Grillin’ Me ... 167.3828


169.1200 169.1084 167.9656 166.8688 166.8344


1 Swiggin Pig 180.0000 2 Alabama Red Eyed Smokers 176.5716 3 Haulin’ Butt BBQ 176.0000 4 The Specialists 176.0000 5 Big Bear BBQ 174.2628 6 Smokin Butt Crew 171.9656 7 Lotta Bull BBQ 171.4172 8 Give It To God 170.2744 9 Chix, Swine & Bovine 168.5256 10 Wild Bunch Butt Burners167.9772


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Big Poppa Smokers 690.1940 Ridge Route Boys BBQ 687.3488 Bowling Over Pigs 678.2628 Son Of Smoke 677.0972 Simply Marvelous BBQ 671.9428 Rooftop BBQ 670.7772 Master Of Disaster 669.6572 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 667.8968 Wild Willy’s Smokin Hot667.4056 Burnin And Lootin 666.7196 Lady Of Q 663.3140 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 661.6224 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 656.4912 Royal Smokin’ Hot 653.6112 All Sauced Up 652.5140 Hog Heaven Sauces 650.7312 D’s Smokehouse 647.8856 Miss Piggy’s 647.8516 Big Aces BBQ 645.6572 T & J Backyard BBQ 635.3600

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Big Poppa Smokers 175.4056 Big Aces BBQ 174.8572 Son Of Smoke 174.2628 Simply Marvelous BBQ 172.5600 D’s Smokehouse 172.0000 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 171.4284 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 170.8228 Rooftop BBQ 170.2628


9 Burnin And Lootin 10 Hog Heaven Sauces

169.1200 167.4172


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Wild Willy’s Smokin Hot179.4400 Ridge Route Boys BBQ 174.2744 Son Of Smoke 171.9772 Lady Of Q 170.8456 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 170.2972 Big Poppa Smokers 170.2628 Fire And Desire 169.1544 All Sauced Up 169.1428 Rooftop BBQ 168.5716 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 166.8916

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Big Poppa Smokers 179.4400 Bowling Over Pigs 177.1428 Master Of Disaster 176.0000 Simply Marvelous BBQ 174.2744 Ridge Route Boys BBQ 172.5600 D’s Smokehouse 170.8800 Burnin And Lootin 170.2628 Son Of Smoke 168.0000 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 167.4056 Wild Willy’s Smokin Hot165.7028

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ridge Route Boys BBQ 176.5600 Rooftop BBQ 174.8572 Bowling Over Pigs 169.7028 Royal Smokin’ Hot 169.1656 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 167.9884 Wild Willy’s Smokin Hot167.4400 Burnin And Lootin 166.8456 Miss Piggy’s 166.2744 Master Of Disaster 165.6800 All Sauced Up 165.1544



Downtown Throw Down Barbecue Championship Las Vegas, Nevada • December 13-15, 2013 OVERALL

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Big Poppa Smokers Left Coast Q Rhythm ‘N Que Loot N’ Booty BBQ The Smoking Hills Zzyzx Bar.b.q The Pit Crew BBQ Of Rooftop BBQ Funtime BBQ Parrothead Smokers

687.3600 686.8228 684.5140 681.0516 680.4456 680.0004 675.8972 675.3828 674.7768 674.2744

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 176.5600 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 174.8572 Loot N’ Booty BBQ 173.7028 Rhythm ‘N Que 173.1428 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 173.1200 Left Coast Q 172.0000 Big Poppa Smokers 171.9772 Voodoo Zombque 171.4056 Funtime BBQ 170.8112 H&d BBQ 169.7372

1 2 3 4 5

Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 174.3088 Satisfied Hogs 174.2628 Loot N’ Booty BBQ 171.9772 Rooftop BBQ 171.4400 Funtime BBQ 171.4172



6 7 8 9 10

Big Poppa Smokers Rhythm ‘N Que Smokin Star BBQ Zzyzx Bar.b.q Jet Coatings Smokin &

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Left Coast Q 174.8572 Big Poppa Smokers 174.2628 The Smoking Hills 173.7028 Loot N’ Booty BBQ 172.5600 Got Smoke Bar-b-que 171.4400 Parrothead Smokers 171.4400 Rooftop BBQ 169.7028 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 169.1316 Funtime BBQ 168.5484 Knock Ur Sox Off BBQ 168.5372

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rhythm ‘N Que 174.2628 Got Smoke Bar-b-que 173.1200 The Smoking Hills 173.1084 Left Coast Q 173.1084 Simply Marvelous BBQ 171.9656 The Pit Crew BBQ Of 171.9656 Parrothead Smokers 170.8572 Big Poppa Smokers 170.8228 Rooftop BBQ 168.5600 Zzyzx Bar.b.q 166.8228


170.2972 170.2856 169.7372 169.1888 169.1316


Big Poppa Smokers - King of the Smoker • LaQuinta, CA • December 6-7, 2013


Grand Champion: Tippy Canoe BBQ Crew Reserve Champion: Pigskin BBQ

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OVERALL Tippycanoe BBQ Crew Pigskin BBQ Moonswiners Grills Gone Wild Iowa Simply Marvelous BBQ Swamp Boys Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Big Bob Gibson BBQ Blazen BBQ Lucky’s Q 3 Eyz BBQ Big T’z Q Cru Gilly’s BBQ Sweet Swine O’mine Left Coast Q Hog Tide Bar-b-que Quau Pellet Envy Winecountryq Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ Apple City Barbecue Little Pig Town BBQ Smoke On Wheels Jamie Geer, Jambo Pits CHICKEN Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Winecountryq

687.9316 686.9148 685.1772 683.9312 682.2972 677.6224 677.5884 677.0856 676.0804 675.3712 674.8116 674.7656 672.5260 670.2632 666.7312 666.1600 665.6228 664.5372 659.9316 658.2056 657.6344 653.1660 650.7656 648.4344 178.2972 176.5600

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Simply Marvelous BBQ Blazen BBQ Tippycanoe BBQ Crew Moonswiners Big Bob Gibson BBQ Lucky’s Q Grills Gone Wild Iowa Pellet Envy Gilly’s BBQ 3 Eyz BBQ Smoke On Wheels Apple City Barbecue Pigskin BBQ Left Coast Q Swamp Boys Sweet Swine O’mine Little Pig Town BBQ Big T’z Q Cru Hog Tide Bar-b-que Quau Jamie Geer, Jambo Pits Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ PORK RIBS 1 Hog Tide Bar-b-que 2 Pigskin BBQ 3 Tippycanoe BBQ Crew 4 Grills Gone Wild Iowa 5 Simply Marvelous BBQ 6 Big Bob Gibson BBQ 7 Pellet Envy 8 Lucky’s Q 9 Jamie Geer, Jambo Pits 10 Moonswiners

176.0228 174.3200 174.2744 173.7256 173.1428 173.1200 172.5600 172.0000 171.4172 170.2744 169.7028 169.1200 168.5600 168.5600 168.5256 167.4744 167.4172 166.8456 166.8344 165.1428 165.0972 162.2744

177.7028 176.5944 173.1200 173.1084 172.5944 171.9772 170.8572 168.5484 168.5256 167.9772

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Left Coast Q Little Pig Town BBQ Big T’z Q Cru Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ Quau 3 Eyz BBQ Apple City Barbecue Swamp Boys Winecountryq Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Blazen BBQ Gilly’s BBQ Smoke On Wheels Sweet Swine O’mine PORK Blazen BBQ Pigskin BBQ Tippycanoe BBQ Crew Sweet Swine O’mine Gilly’s BBQ Swamp Boys Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ Moonswiners 3 Eyz BBQ Big T’z Q Cru Grills Gone Wild Iowa Apple City Barbecue Smoke On Wheels Hog Tide Bar-b-que Big Bob Gibson BBQ Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Simply Marvelous BBQ Quau

167.9772 167.4400 166.8460 166.2628 166.2516 165.7372 165.7028 165.1428 165.1316 164.5372 164.0460 162.8344 158.2744 158.2516

176.0344 174.3544 173.1200 171.9772 171.4400 170.8112 169.7028 168.5600 168.5372 168.5256 168.0000 166.8344 166.8228 165.7028 165.1428 165.0856 164.5256 163.4056

19 20 21 22 23 24

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Little Pig Town BBQ Lucky’s Q Winecountryq Pellet Envy Left Coast Q Jamie Geer, Jambo Pits BRISKET Left Coast Q Moonswiners Swamp Boys Sweet Swine O’mine Big T’z Q Cru Lucky’s Q Quau Grills Gone Wild Iowa 3 Eyz BBQ Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Simply Marvelous BBQ Tippycanoe BBQ Crew Pigskin BBQ Gilly’s BBQ Big Bob Gibson BBQ Pellet Envy Jamie Geer, Jambo Pits Blazen BBQ Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ Winecountryq Apple City Barbecue Smoke On Wheels Hog Tide Bar-b-que Little Pig Town BBQ

163.4056 162.2628 161.1200 158.8228 154.7884 152.5372

175.4056 174.9144 173.1428 172.5600 172.5484 171.4400 170.8228 170.2628 170.2628 169.6684 169.1544 167.4172 167.4060 166.8344 166.8228 162.8572 162.2744 161.6800 159.9656 157.1200 155.9772 155.9656 155.9200 154.9032

1st Annual BBQ BIVOUAC • St. James, MO • November 8-9, 2013 Grand Champion: The Blue Bloods Reserve Champion: Truebud BBQ

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OVERALL The Blue Bloods 682.8000 Truebud BBQ 682.2060 Parrothead Smokers 680.4684 The American Dream BBQ 679.9428 All In Que 679.3600 One2BBQ 677.0972 Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 677.0284 Caveman Cuisine 675.3828 Whiskey Pit BBQ Company 673.6228 4 Smokin’ Butts 673.0400 Outlaw Hawgs BBQ 669.0052 Jaestar BBQ 667.3716 Burnt At Both Endz 666.8228 Fire Dancer BBQ 666.7084 Political Pork 663.8400 Smokin T’s BBQ 663.3832 In Deep Sauce 661.5772 True Canoe Envy 659.8972 Q Live Crew 659.4056 Uncle Bub’s BBQ, Llc 659.2340 Nickle Boys BBQ 656.4456 Smokin’ Butts 653.0056 Team Smokerbuilder 647.3944 St. Louis Black Iron BBQ 646.0684 Hayseed Holler Smoke-n 645.6912 CHICKEN The Blue Bloods 176.5600 Burnt At Both Endz 176.0000

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

In Deep Sauce 176.0000 Parrothead Smokers 174.2744 Caveman Cuisine 173.1428 Truebud BBQ 173.1200 One2BBQ 171.4172 Fire Dancer BBQ 171.4056 Q Live Crew 170.8800 Outlaw Hawgs BBQ 170.8112 Smokin T’s BBQ 170.2744 The American Dream BBQ 170.2744 All In Que 169.7028 Hayseed Holler Smoke-n 169.1428 4 Smokin’ Butts 168.5372 Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 167.9656 True Canoe Envy 167.4284 Nickle Boys BBQ 167.4056 Smokin’ Butts 166.2628 Political Pork 165.0856 Whiskey Pit BBQ Company 165.0856 Smokin Crue 164.5828 Dead Pigs Tell No Tales 162.8228 Cole’s Sweet Heat BBQ 162.8228 Jaestar BBQ 161.6340 PORK RIBS 1 The Blue Bloods 176.0000 2 Whiskey Pit BBQ Company 175.4516 3 Outlaw Hawgs BBQ 173.1428 4 One2BBQ 172.0000 5 Truebud BBQ 171.4172 6 The American Dream BBQ 170.2628 7 Team Smokerbuilder 169.7028 8 Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 169.1200 9 Q Live Crew 168.0344 10 Caveman Cuisine 168.0000

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Smokin’ Butts 168.0000 Burnt At Both Endz 167.4172 All In Que 167.4172 Hayseed Holler Smoke-n 166.2512 R2-d2-bq 165.7372 Parrothead Smokers 165.0856 4 Smokin’ Butts 164.5372 Fire Dancer BBQ 164.5372 True Canoe Envy 163.9888 St. Louis Black Iron BBQ 163.9544 In Deep Sauce 162.8228 Political Pork 162.8000 Jaestar BBQ 161.6800 Uncle Bub’s BBQ, Llc 161.6684 Y-not! Smokin Que 161.1088 PORK The American Dream BBQ 174.2972 Fire Dancer BBQ 173.1200 Jaestar BBQ 172.6060 All In Que 171.4172 Political Pork 171.4172 Truebud BBQ 171.4172 Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 170.8228 4 Smokin’ Butts 170.8228 Parrothead Smokers 169.7028 Q Live Crew 169.7028 Uncle Bub’s BBQ, Llc 169.6800 True Canoe Envy 168.5256 Smokin T’s BBQ 168.0228 Cole’s Sweet Heat BBQ 168.0228 Nickle Boys BBQ 167.9656 Whiskey Pit BBQ Company 166.8228 The Blue Bloods 166.2744 Y-not! Smokin Que 166.2744

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

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Outlaw Hawgs BBQ 166.2284 St. Louis Black Iron BBQ 163.9428 In Deep Sauce 163.3944 One2BBQ 162.8228 Team Smokerbuilder 161.7144 Dead Pigs Tell No Tales 161.6572 Caveman Cuisine 159.9772 BRISKET Caveman Cuisine 174.2628 Jaestar BBQ 171.4516 Parrothead Smokers 171.4056 One2BBQ 170.8572 All In Que 170.8228 Smokin T’s BBQ 170.2744 4 Smokin’ Butts 169.1428 Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 169.1200 Uncle Bub’s BBQ, Llc 167.3828 Whiskey Pit BBQ Company 166.2628 Truebud BBQ 166.2516 Smokin’ Butts 165.6800 The American Dream BBQ 165.1084 Political Pork 164.5372 Burnt At Both Endz 164.0000 Team Smokerbuilder 163.9772 Nickle Boys BBQ 163.9772 The Blue Bloods 163.9656 Hayseed Holler Smoke-n- 160.0000 True Canoe Envy 159.9544 Backyard BBQ Brothers 159.3712 In Deep Sauce 159.3600 Outlaw Hawgs BBQ 158.8228 Fire Dancer BBQ 157.6456 St. Louis Black Iron BBQ 157.0856


Calendar of Events THE BBQ TIMES


March 1st, 2014: Pork in the Pines Chatom, AL Contact: Melinda Davidson 251-366-6017 March 8th, 2014: Fairhope Sunset Rotary Backyard BBQ n Brew Fairhope, AL Contact: Jack Powell 251-583-0702 Email: March 15th, 2014: BBQ& Blues Cookoff Foley, AL Contact: Mary Riker: 251-943-5520 March 28th & 29th, 2014: Windcreek Atmore, AL CENTRAL TEXAS BARBECUE ASSOCIATION WWW.CTBABBQ.COM March 8th, 2014: Sweetwater Jayceeʼs Rattlesnake Roundup - Sweetwater, TX Joe Torrez: 325-518-9868 March 21-22, 2014 Cameron PD 1st Annual BBQ Shootout Cameron, TX March 21-22, 2014 South 40 Outdoor Expo - Waco, TX 254-224-8273


January 31 -February 1, 2014 Bar-B-Q Beach Bash - Jekyll Island, GA John A. Jones cell: 912-258-6698 February 28-March 1, 2014 Rhythm & Ribs Festival - Tifton, GA Tyrone Spearman 229-386-0216 cell: 229-392-3376 March 21-22, 2014 Durhamtown Moonshine & BBQ Festival 2350 Randolph Church Road Union Point, GA 30669 Mike McCommons 706-486-4603 Cell: 706-318-1770 Fax: 706-486-4688 email: March 28-29, 2014 Douglas Bikes, Blues & BBQ Cook-off Douglas Municipal Gene Chambers Airport - Douglas GA Georgia Henderson - 912-383-0277 FLORIDA BBQ ASSOCIATION WWW. FLBBQ.ORG January 24-25, 2014 First Annual Mack Daddy Challenge Amateur Cook-off - Middleburg, FL Mack Daddy Smokers (904)-759-4863 January 31-February 1, 2014 10th Annual Citrus Center Boys & Girls Clubs “Smoke on the Water” BBQ Winter Haven, FL Frank Csomos (863)-287-3075 or (863)-294-5400 February 7-9, 2014 The Old Florida Outdoor Festival Apopka, FL - Note: There is a chili cookoff

on Sunday, February 9, 2014 Chuck Carnesale: (407)-703-1756

JANUARY 2014 February 21-22, 2014 Victoria, TX - Victoria Livestock Show BBQ Dian Denker-Patterson: 361-652-2597 February 28-March 1, 2014 Geronimo, TX - Geronimo VFW Bill: 830-303-9903

Rick: 210-695-5913

February 28-March 1, 2014 Edinberg, Tx - St JosephChurch 6th Annual Festival and Cook Off Showdown Flo: 956-279-4451

February 14-15, 2014 2014 Ribs On The Ridge - Haines City, FL Barbara Peck: (863)-421-9963

January 24-25, 2014 Kleberg Kenedy County Livestock Show BBQ - Kingsville, TX Martha: 361-296-4296

February 21-22, 2014 Treasure Coast BBQ Championship Ft. Pierce, FL Annette Miller (772)-696-2095

January 24-25, 2014 Southern Krunk BBQ Festivus Hot Springs, AR Randy: 501-520-8618

February 22, 2014 Middleburg VFW POST 8255 BBQ Cookoff - Middleburg, FL Jack - (904)-485-3266

January 31 -February 1, 2014 Wharton Masonic Lodge 9th Annual BBQ Wharton, TX Brandon: 281-253-5020

March 7-8, 2014 Pig On The Pond “For The Kids” Clermont, FL Cheryl Fishel (352)-516-5897

February 7-8, 2014 Austin, TX VFW 8787 “Chilly” Chili & BBQ Casey: 512-576-1642

March 14-15, 2014 Southeast Regional Pigfest Tallahassee, FL Diane Haggerty (850)-222-2043

February 14-15, 2014 Buna, TX - Buna Redbud BBQ Carolyn: 409-289-5832

March 28-29, 2014 Kissimmee Valley Rib Rodeo Kissimmee, FL Brianne Stefek: (407)-846-4643 INTERNATIONAL BBQ COOKERS ASSOCIATION WWW.IBCABBQ.ORG

Do you have a passion for writing or photography like you do BBQ? Maybe you just would like to see your teams or friends more often in The BBQ Times? The BBQ Times is looking for folks to submit photos and stories from competitions you attend when we aren’t able to. We want to give you the best coverage in the US for competition BBQ. Contact Audrey Evans if you have something you would like to submit. Our lines are always open! • 478-218-2333 WWW.BQTIMES.COM

KANSAS CITY BBQ SOCIETY WWW.KCBS.US January 23-25, 2014 The Tiger Town Pig Festival -Lakeland, FL Contact: Cece Christian Phone: 863-450-3322 February 7-8, 2014 Brasstown Valleyʼs BBQ Throwdown (GBC Qualifier) - Young Harris, GA Contact: Bobby Brumley (Teams) Phone: 706-379-4612. Contact: Doug and Sue Reid (Judges) 828-494-5016.

February 21-22, 2014 DʼIberville, MS DʼIberville BBQ Throwdown Barbie: 228-669-1550

March 21-22, 2014 Battle at the Big “O” Okeechobee, FL Noel Stephen: (863)-634-0650

January 24-25, 2014 Old Town Helotes BBQ Cook Off Helotes, TX Western Woods Series #2

February 28-March 1, 2014 San Angelo, TX - Republic of Texas Independence Celebration John: 325-212-4085

February 21-22, 2014 Refugio, TX Crazy Cookerʼs Scholarship Group Rene: 361-548-2875

February 7-8, 2014 Kansas Winter Q Great Bend, KS Kent Romine Phone: 620-793-2985.

February 21-22, 2014 Mercedes, TX Smokinʼ on the Rio Chuck: 956-975-1254

February 21-22, 2014 Cattlemenʼs Caribbean BBQ Competition San Juan, PR Michael Compton Phone: 787-319-9410.

February 21-22, 2014 Irving, TX - Irving Elks Lodge John: 972-579-0005

February 21-22, 2014 The Guinea Pig (Competitorʼs Series) Indio, CA

Backwoods: Chubby-Party-Ext.Party Lang - and to your Specs.

“I can vouch for this product. I don’t like it, I LOVE IT!!! Party never held temps so good for so long!!!!”

Charcoal Baskets 504-554-1088

Made in Louisiana - USA

“Fire started at 4, just now pulling the coals to cool my smoker down for packing.....that’s a 9.5 hour burn time with charcoal to spare! No reason to think that I couldn’t have gotten 12 - 13 hours out of that load! Awesome job bro!” B.L.

JANUARY 2014 Arlie Bragg Phone: 615-477-7447. February 28-March 1, 2014 Shotgun Fred BBQ Showdown Huntsville, TX Ben Pruitt: 936-661-4204 February 28-March 1, 2014 Havasu Landing California BBQ Championship - Havasu Landing, CA Contact: Thom Emery March 7-8, 2014 Smokin in the Square - Pensacola, FL Ivan Delabruere: 850-516-2622 March 7-8, 2014 NBBQA BBQ BAsh Cook Off San Marcos, TX Contact: Jeff Allen : 888-909-2121 March 14-15, 2014 Donʼt Be Cruel BBQ Duel Benefiting Link Centre - Tupelo, MS Bev Crossen 662-372-2208

THE BBQ TIMES March 14-15, 2014 Heatinʼ Up the Bricks - Kearney, NE Contact: Megan Colling 308-237-3168 March 14-15, 2014 Flames on the Flint - Bainbridge, GA Ronnie Godwin: 229-246-7900 March 14-15, 2014 Smokinʼ At The Run Shootout -Miami, OK Steve Bashore Phone: 405-598-7575 March 14-15, 2014 Nassau Bahamas Smokinʼ Hot BBQ Nassau, Bahamas Michael Compton 787-319-9410 March 14-15, 2014 NKC MO State Championship BBQ N. Kansas City, MO Jay McClintick Phone: 816-813-8686 March 21-22, 2014 Hammond BBQ Hammond, LA Contact: Eric Phares 985-969-8172 March 21-22, 2014 3rd Annual Santa Anita Winnersʼ Circle BBQ Championship - Arcadia, CA Contact: Ben Lobenstein 415-683-0784 March 27-29, 2014 BBQ Throw Down 2014 @ Windcreek Atmore, AL Jay Norris 251-446-4387 March 28-29, 2014 Firelake BBQ Cook-off - Shawnee, OK Jason Boyce 405-878-4850 x2110 March 28-29, 2014 Fire Ant Festival BBQ Bash -Ashburn, GA Gail Walls Phone: 229-567-3436 March 28-29, 2014 Grills Gone Wild BBQ Festival London, KY Travis Moody Phone: 615-476-6397 MEMPHIS BBQ NETWORK

PAGE 15 WWW.MBNBBQ.COM Mar 21 - Mar 22, 2014 Central MS Residential Center (CMRC) Newton, MS Cookinʼ for Mental Health Contact: Kay Crenshaw: 6014794943 Email: MID ATLANTIC BBQ ASSOCIATION WWW.MABBQA.COM Please view KCBS listings for your area. THE NEW ENGLAND BBQ SOCIETY WWW.NEBES.ORG Please view KCBS listings for your area. SOUTH CAROLINA BBQ ASSOCIATION WWW.SCBARBEQUE.COM Feburary 21 - 22, 2014 Bands, Brews & BBQ - Port Royal, SC Contact: Fripp Langford, 843-525-6257 fripp(at) March 15, 2014 Old Friends Barbeque Cookoff George St. @ Jim Thomas 4-H Horse

Club Arena - Bamberg, SC 29003 Mary Bray Mehrzad (803) 682-5805 or March 21 - 22, 2014 Third Annual Benefit BBQ for Boy Scouts Sumter County Fair Grounds - Sumter, SC Contact: Emil Wodicka (803) 512-0921 ewodicka(at) or Bill Robinson (803) 840-3367 billbodar(at) March 21-22, 2014 Smoke in the ʻBoro Coastal Electric Co-Op 2269 N. Jefferies Hwy. Walterboro, SC 29488 Contact: Wayne Keith: 800-328-9425 March 28-29, 2014 Horsin & Hoggin BBQ Cookoff Downtown Aiken on Newberry St. Aiken SC 29801 Dewayne Jones (803) 599-8303 harveydjones(at) TENNESSEE BBQ ASSOCIATION WWW.TBABBQ.COM No Currently Annouced Contest for 2014.




Banjos, Bikes & BBQ • Edgewater, FL • January 3-4, 2014

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OVERALL: Swamp Boys 777.08329 Big Papa’s Country Kitchen773.49999 Lang BBQ Smokers 765.98331 Sweet Smoke Q 764.78333 Bull Rush BBQ 763.43331 Cedar Creek BBQ 751.98332 Git-R-Smoked 748.76665 Barn Goddess BBQ 748.68334 Florida Boys 739.63333 Bubba’s Scrub Oak BBQ 738.89999 M & E BBQ 733.98333 Uncle Wendy’s BBQ 733.38334

CHICKEN: Swamp Boys 195.74999 Cedar Creek BBQ 194.11666 Florida Boys 193.40000 Sweet Smoke Q 192.68333 Lang BBQ Smokers 192.16666 Big Papa’s Country Kitchen187.93334 Bull Rush BBQ 187.00000 M & E BBQ 185.81667 Bubba’s Scrub Oak BBQ 185.13333 Barn Goddess BBQ 184.83334

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Swamp Boys Grand Champion RIBS: Swamp Boys 197.18332 Swinos 193.63333 Lang BBQ Smokers 192.90000 Big Papa’s Country Kitchen190.78334 Git-R-Smoked 190.51666 Bull Rush BBQ 188.09999 Uncle Wendy’s BBQ 187.96667 Barn Goddess BBQ 187.73334 Florida Skin-n-Bones 187.23332 Sweet Smoke Q 186.75000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bull Rush BBQ First Place Pork PORK : Bull Rush BBQ 198.56665 Big Papa’s Country Kitchen198.31665 Sweet Smoke Q 195.05000 Uncle Wendy’s BBQ 194.33333 Lang BBQ Smokers 192.23332 Florida Skin-n-Bones 191.18332 Barn Goddess BBQ 187.45000 Swamp Boys 187.21666 JR’s BBQ 185.58334 M & E BBQ 185.35000

Big Papaʼs Country Kitchen Reserve Champion BRISKET: 1 Swamp Boys 196.93332 2 Big Papa’s Country Kitchen196.46666 3 Bubba’s Scrub Oak BBQ 195.03333 4 M & E BBQ 192.91665 5 Cedar Creek BBQ 190.55000 6 [TIE]Git-R-Smoked 190.30000 6 [TIE]Sweet Smoke Q 190.30000 8 Bigfoot Mountain Cook 190.21666 9 Bull Rush BBQ 189.76667 10 Lang BBQ Smokers 188.68333

Are you involved in a BBQ Competition coming up? Are you looking for ways to get your information out? Smoker Wood Available in Various Flavors:

Contact The BBQ Times and ask about our competition pricing for advertising. We guarantee we have something within your committeeʼs budget to help you spread the word about your great event!

baxter’s original

Our job is to help you promote your event and the great cook teams who participate.

apple • cherry • hickory • maple oak • peach • pecan

premium bbq supply

Wood Chips and Chunks • Sauces and Rubs Ceramic and Insulated Smokers and Grills In Stock

Check out our weekly specials on our Website & Facebook!

Shop Online: (229) 425-6583 or (770) 846-4537

115 Ten Mile Road • Fitzgerald, GA 31750

WE WANT TO WORK WITH YOU! EMAIL: AEVANS@BQTIMES.COM CALL: 478-218-2333 or check us out online:



2013 Sure Was A Great Year for Pot’s BBQ



The Year 2013 in Brief Review

The First Annual Durhamtown BBQ & Moonshine Festival kicked off and finished with a mud run. Thatʼs for sure a first at a BBQ Competition! Find us for more past photos: THE BBQ TIMES

Bottom: Potʼs BBQ got a 180 call in Chicken at The National BBQ Cup in Cumming, Ga. Top: Also during the Classic City BBQ Fest & Tailgate Show (GBC Qualifier) Potʼs BBQ got a 5th place Ribs and 3rd place Brisket.

g rin

aste aT

of Southern Style Prep

ar e

Catering and Dining for any event.

Budmeisters makes a clean sweep at the 2013 Pigs and Wings Mud Fest BBQ Competition in Perry, Georgia.


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Moyerʼs Competition BBQ Team took home Reserve Grand Champion in Marietta, GA Sams Club National BBQ Tour.

On-site Cooking Available.

Visit us at: 3185 S Highland Dr • Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (702) 836-3621

Warren County Pork Choppers

TELL ALL Cooking Class

Our BBQ classes consist of: • Flavor profile Come learn our opinion of how to think • Recipes • Techniques like a judge and cook like a pro. Take advantage of my 30 years of experience • Fire and smoke management of fire and smoke management.

Each class comes with good southern hospitality. Starting with a country supper on Friday night and full blown fat boy breakfast on Saturday morning.

Please call Tory Bray for pricing and scheduling. Also one-on-one classes are available. Call for details. (270) 782-9808 or (270) 202-8479

Classes start Friday afternoon: • Meat trimming • Injections • Question and answering • Ending with our southern supper Saturday morning will start off: • Meat wrapping • Fat boy breakfast • Turn-in, actual KCBS timing Class Dates in 2014: • April 11-12 • July 11-12 • September 12-13

Sanctioned GBA Event

America’s Largest Private Off Road Riding Resort

BBQ Cook Off & Moonshine Festival March 21st, 22nd, 23rd

Special Guest Appearances by TV Show “Moonshiners” Cast Members Live Music on Friday Night ~ Live Music all day and night on Saturday

Harley Dirt Drag Races ~ Mud Truck Racing ~ Freestyle MX Rock Crawling & 4x4 Crawling Event ~ SxS-ATV-MX-BMX Trails Pulled Pork Sampling and “ Free Legal Moonshine Samples” * Moonshine Samples are free with Valid ID to 21+


Pro Place: $600/Category

Pro 2nd Place $400/Category

Pro 3rd Place $250/Category

Amateur 1st Place: $250/Category

Amateur 2nd Place: $150/Category

Amateur 3rd Place: $50/Category

Grand Champion




Visit our Website for more info and Registration!







Florida Barbecue Association Team of the Year

Promo Code



Hot Wachula’s Matt Barber, Pitmaster


Direct Contact: or (218)-263-8741

Pulling into Perry, Florida there were three teams who really didn’t know who was going to leave being Team of the Year. Matt Barber of Hot Wachula’s, Jim Elser of Sweet Smoke Q and Dana Hillis of Big Papa’s Country Kitchen were all within just a few points of that prestigious title for Florida Barbecue Association. By the end of Saturday, after awards and points had been counted among teams, it was established that Matt Barber and Hot Wachula’s had taken Team of the Year 2013 by a mere 5 points. Matt cooked twenty four contest in the 2013 season. Jim Elser of Sweet Smoke Q had a total of 522 points to take over second place. Jim had also cooked twenty four contest. With more contest than anyone was Big Papa’s Country Kitchen who took home third place for Team of the Year with 515 points. Congratulations Matt Barber!

Whether you’re competing, catering or entertaining in the backyard, Use the product that is a proven winner... One Taste Will Hook You! Head Country BBQ Sauce, seasoning and marinade has been used by competition teams to win National and International Competitions including numerous Jack Daniels Championships, American Royal Invitational and Open Championships, Houston Livestock and Rodeo, United Kingdom BBQ Series and the most recent BBQ Pitmaster Show.

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Need to sale this smoker. Asking $2795.00 or best offer. Make an honest offer. 250gl propain tank only a few years old. Needs a good home .all four shelves pull out. I had over 16 10lb Turkey on it last year. CALL JOHN: (928) 205-9791

trailer. Asking $1200 CALL IKE: 404-597-6396

NEWNAN - 2011 Ole Hickory CTO Smoker $4000 Price is nego. Call Ed: Cell # 770-317-6460


LULA - . I’m trying to sale my custom smoker and grill mounted on 6ft by 12ft

SAVANNAH - Backwoods Fatboy on custom cart for sale in Savannah, GA. $2500 OBO. 2 years old, always kept under shel-

ter. Includes 5 shelves (1 never used), maze insert for charcoal pan, heat diverter, basting deflector, backwoods cover,180 degree doors. Will deliver within 3 hours of Savannah. Email cwarnerbls (at)

BROKEN ARROW - Fast Eddy FE-100 (used) for sale in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (outside Tulsa, OK) $2,500 and an American Pit boss rotisserie smoker (used) for CARTERSVILLE, GA sale asking $2,400 both in - Deep South double cham- great shape. Randa 918 406 ber. Cook at two different 3000 temps. An awesome smoker only 1 year old and in excellent condition. This unit is huge needs a trailer mount or would be great in restaurant. Very large capacity. Please text or call Lester for any details 770-655-3792 First $5800.00 gets it. David Bouska PERRY, GA - Stump’s Stretch . Great shape Appox. 2 years old. $3500 Text 478808-2708



TULSA - Stumps Monster Used less than 10 times, garage kept, practically new.. Cart has been modified so the stack can be lowered to fit in a garage and pulled around by the handle or you lower it and put the front casters back on. $4500 I live 10 minutes north of Tulsa, Ok. PM me or shoot me an email if you have any questions.

HOUSTON For Sale 16 ‘ enclosed concession bbq trailer. Come with lights ,plugs, sink, water tank and elec. brakes. Freshly painted inside and fairly new tires. All you need is a pit and you are ready to go or anything else you would want to use it for. Asking $3500.00 obo. ( NEW PRICE $2995.00 ) Call or email EDDIE: at 281-960-6951 or

336562 E Commercial St Chandler, OK 74834


Moultrie, GA

We offer some of the best ����� �� � � �� �� Sauces and ��� Order Rubs you’ve Place Your y! ever tasted! nline Toda O



Patented Design. STRONG & STURDY.

CHECK OUT OUR NEWEST SPECIAL SAUCES: “Deer Hunter Special” and “.38 Special” Sauces!

Richard Horne




Tines are 304 stainless FDA USDA approved. Polypro non-slip grip Dish Washer safe. Pull Pork, Shred Chicken and even Steak if you want! Follow us on

visit for ordering informa�on


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A Southern Cooking Creation

Located right in the Heart of Central Georgia in Haddock, GA. Most Custom Units Are Built In Less Than 20 Days!


We Are Now Offering: 25lb Bags Of Hickory Blocks For Only

$10 PER BAG! all units now come standard with... ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������

We Are Family Owned and Operated, Come Join Our Bubba Grills Family!

478-288-1433 • Email Or Call Today For A Custom Quote (Please Include Your Name & Phone Number In Email.)

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