Issue#1 Volume#38
Sugar’s contribution remains undiminished
Guyana’s sugar industry has now existed for nearly 380 years and is the country’s oldest economic endeavour. It has played a critical role in our country’s highly-cherished cultural diversity, and it cannot be detached from our proud heritage and of course our history. In contemporary terms, the sugar industry still contributes approximately 5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP); provides direct employment for approximately 16,000 persons; supports more than 300 service providers, and is the country’s third largest contributor of foreign exchange. It also plays critical socio-economic and environmental role in the predominantly low-income coastal communities where cultivation and processing are concentrated. Also, in view of the lack of other enterprises in sugar areas, entire communities are dependent on and revolve around, the functioning of this industry. The income multiplier plays an important role in sustaining communities and livelihoods. The foregoing demonstrates the industry’s enormous reach and some of its interest spread extensively in Guyana. It also demonstrates importantly that sugar should not only be seen from a financial perspective but also from its wider social and economic contributions to tens of thousands of Guyanese, to very many communities, and, indeed, to Guyana. Over the last few years, the industry has been experiencing some challenges. It seemed, in 2015, that the challenges were being left behind when about 231,000 tonnes sugar was produced. The GuySuCo and the newly-elected Government attributed this to be the consequence of an absence of political interference in the industry. Perplexingly, however, last year (2016), the industry produced about 183,000 tonnes sugar, and the Government and the industry’s spokespersons have yet to provide any credible explanations for this substantial decline in production. To us of the GAWU, we believe that the main challenge which confronts the industry concerns an absence of a sufficient quantity of good-quality canes. GuySuCo’s management, we are of the view, is unable to come to grips with a situation that could be easily remedied. The fact that it is not is cause for concern and questioning. The current Administration, we feel, is not approaching the challenges of the industry in an objective manner. Last year, the Government announced the closure of Wales Estate. There was not even any study done to determine the likely impact of the decision, and to consider alleviation measures which ought to be undertaken in the circumstances. Continued on page four (4) COMBAT
January/March, 2017
Voice of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)
January/March, 2017
Forty-one (41) years of recognition in sugar - futile attempts afoot to wish away GAWU
(GAWU) in 1962. The GAWU reignited the struggle for union recognition, but the sugar planters remained steadfast in refusing to recognize the Union despite the fierce struggles it mounted. In the struggle for recognition, an important place is occupied by the death of Kowsilla which occured on March 06, 1964 outside the Leonora Factory gate. Kowsilla and striking sugar workers were protesting against their denial of work, and at the same time were demanding the recogniRepresentatives of GAWU and the Sugar Planters Assocation signing the Recognition Agreement on February 27, 1976 tion of GAWU. The General Manager of the Estate reFebruary 27, 2017 marked forty-one (41) years since the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union portedly instructed a scab who was driving a tractor to (GAWU) was recognized by the sugar planters as the drive onto the factory bridge, an act which led to Kowbargaining agent of the thousands of sugar workers silla’s death. GAWU is forever indebted to Kowsilla, and employed in the fields and factories. The formation of has organized a yearly commemoration activity in her the Guiana Industrial Workers Union (GIWU) in 1946 memory, which is usually held at her gravesite at Anna commenced the journey for GAWU’s recognition in the Catherina Cemetery. place of the Man Power Citizens’ Association (MPCA). It required many forceful battles led by GAWU to get the SPA, at last, to decide to have a poll to determine An early highpoint in the struggle took place in 1948 recognition. The poll was conducted by the Ministry of when workers at Non Pareil, Lusignan and Better Hope struck, opposing the imposition of the cut-and-load Labour on Old Year’s Day 1975. The change of the SPA’s system. The strikers also demanded the recognition of stance was linked to the changing political climate and GIWU, and protested against the miserable working the prevailing situation in the country. The poll vindiand living conditions they endured. That struggle saw cated GAWU’s claim that it had the overwhelming supthe brutal death of five (5) sugar workers and injury to port of the sugar workers. Of the 21,655 votes cast by fourteen (14) others on June 16, 1948, when the colonial workers, the MPCA ignominiously received 376, or 1.71 per cent; 92 votes, or 0.42 per cent, were deemed spoilt; police opened fire on the unarmed workers. and GAWU deservedly obtained 21,487 votes, or 97.87 By 1955, the GIWU ceased to function. Soon there- per cent of the votes. The poll was history making. Since our recognition, the Union has advanced repreafter, another Union the Guyana Sugar Workers Union (GSWU), was formed and registered in 1961. It was sentation for improving the pay levels of its members, renamed the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union supported actions to bring about the improvement of Continued on page eleven (11) PAGE ONE