GAWU Combat - 01 Mar - 12 May 2018

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Issue#2 Volume#39

Combat Voice of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)


The confused approach to the sugar sector The Coalition Government’s approach to the sugar industry has become symptomatic of its wider approach to governance and direction of the State. Almost immediately after its election to office, nearly three (3) years ago, it abandoned its commitments to the people of Guyana, especially the people of the sugar belt, to safeguard, protect and revitalize the sugar industry, which had been ailing for some years but showing signs of a resurgence. The Government, so far, has not convincingly shared its rationale for moving away from the goalpost it set itself, though it has been contended by quite a few that politics, and not economic, guided its decision-making. Indeed, it is saddening that though the Administration was given, seemingly on a platter, a road map to bring the industry back to a firmer footing through the Sugar Commission of Inquiry (CoI), it went on, just weeks after the report was presented, and decided to close the century old Wales Estate at the end of 2016. That closure attracted widespread condemnation from the workers and their organisations, the political opposition, and several other voices. Nonetheless, the Administration turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the expressed concerns, and proceeded to close Wales, arguing that it would move into the production of non-sugar crop though GuySuCo’s previous adventure in this area was a massive, costly failure. At the end of its all, 1,700 workers lost their jobs and the plans for non-sugar diversification hardly ever got off the ground. Today, the communities of Wales are a ghost of their previous past, and the people are facing difficulty-filled lives. Well aware of the Wales realities, the Government went ahead and closed three (3) estates – Skeldon, Rose Hall and East Demerara – at the end of 2017, and sent home some 5,000 workers. The massive dismissal exercise evoked a maelstrom of criticism from several quarters of society. In the face of these criticisms, we saw, as usual, a bungled response from the Administration, with one Minister saying the Government wasn’t aware, and another saying that the Cabinet was aware of the intention for about two (2) years. Around the same time, the Government had set up the Sugar Special Purpose Unit (SPU) under the auspices of the state holding company, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), which was charged with the divestment of Skeldon Estate. The SPU, somewhat unsurprisingly, discovered that the estates identified for closure were not unviable as Government and GuySuCo officials had claimed, and argued as the rationale for their closure. Continued on page two (2) COMBAT 01 March - 12 May, 2018

01 March - 12 May, 2018

First crop nearing its end

As at week ending April 28, 2018, sugar production for the first sugar crop stood at 30,278 tonnes sugar, with Albion and Blairmont Estates still in operation. The GuySuCo, from its production schedule, had estimated that the crop would have ended at that point with 33,618 tonnes sugar being produced. However, a delay of the crop forced an extension. Uitvlugt Estate concluded its crop on week ending April 20, 2018, producing 7,071 tonnes sugar, exceeding its target of 6,671 tonnes by 400 tonnes. It is pleasing that the estate managed to surpass its target, but that notwithstanding, Uitvlugt’s first crop production in 2017 was 7,045 tonnes sugar. Regarding GuySuCo’s two (2) other operable estates, as at week ending April

28, 2018, Albion Estate produced 15,390 tonnes and Blairmont’s production stood at 7,817 tonnes, deficits of 4,308 tonnes and 1,919 tonnes respectively. Moreover, Albion’s production has been bolstered, in some respect, by canes harvested from the Providence section of the now-closed Rose Hall Estates. Those canes were not factored when Albion’s production target was set. The two (2) estates produced 18,326 tonnes and 9,065 tonnes sugar respectively during the 2017 first crop. Should Albion and Blairmont realize their first crop targets of 19,698 tonnes and 9,736 tonnes respectively, then it would represent a marginal improvement of those estates’ output when compared with their output during the 2017 first crop.

Improved conditions for BBCI workers

Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, Eid-Ul-Adha and Phagwah. All other holidays will attract time-and-a-half-pay. The Union, in keeping with the grievance procedure, had approached the Company on the matter. However, the BBCI, notwithstanding GAWU’s representation, did not agree to implement the Union’s proposal. The GAWU next pursued the matter at the level of the Department of Labour, which agreed with the Union’s representation and recommended that the BBCI agree to the payment to the employees concerned. After some time, the BBCI agreed to implement the payment. The parties inked an agreeGAWU President, Cde Komal Chand, receiving a copy of the signed agreement ment on May 04, 2018, formalising from Chief Labour Officer Cde Charles Ogle. Also pictured is GAWU General the new conditions of work, and the Secretary Cde Seepaul Narine new benefit was implemented retroFollowing persistent representation by the GAWU, actively from April 01, 2018. and with the assistance of the Department of Labour The BBCI operates the 1.5-mile Berbice Bridge, which of the Ministry of Social Protection, the Berbice Bridge was opened in 2008, linking East and West Berbice. Company Inc (BBCI) has approved overtime payment GAWU became the bargaining agent on behalf of the to its shift employees, who are engaged mainly in the Company’s 40-person workforce in 2009. Through toll booths, whenever they work on national holidays. GAWU’s representation, the workers have benefitted While the parties are to formally append an agreement, from improvements in pay and payment of certain althe Company has agreed to pay double pay on Labour lowances, among other things. PAGE ONE

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