GAWU Combat - March/April, 2019

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Issue #2 Volume #40

Combat Voice of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)



At this time, following the spilt decision of the Court of Appeal, the timing of National and Regional elections is not yet clear. The coming days will see arguments presented to the country’s highest court – the Caribbean Court of Justice – and, expectedly, a decision will be made as to whether the current electoral period will be truncated or not. With that being said, and given the uncertainty that currently grips the nation, the Administration, it appears, is taking no chances, and has begun in earnest its re-election campaign. Over the last few weeks, large fan-out exercises under the guise of “outreaches” have been held in several parts of the country. Several persons have contended that the Government is using State resources and apparatus for engaging in campaigning, which was denied by Administration spokespersons. But then, Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan, maybe inadvertently, said on a programme that was broadcast on the internet on March 23 that the Government officials, over the last few years, were much engaged with their duties and could not engage Guyanese as much as they wish, and that they would be more visible now-a-days, noting that elections time was fast approaching. The outreach exercises have seen Ministers and other Government officials engaging Guyanese. Through those engagements, commitments are being made as the Ministers provide, seemingly, a listening ear. While it is good to have the problems peoples face in their communities being resolved, it should not take a Minister, like a superhero, to bring them to resolution. Rather, we would prefer - like many Guyanese, we are sure - that the systems and mechanisms established to address such difficulties actually work, which will see the Administration saving the millions that are seemingly being expended for transportation, meals, and other expenses to host the outreaches in the first place. The media, which disturbingly has been excluded from some of these outreaches, especially those in the far-away areas, has reported that the Ministerial cadre has been using the opportunity to make commitments and promises to our people as a means of enticing their support. The nature and extent of these promises will undoubtedly come to the fore sooner rather than later, and would undoubtedly be contained in the Coalition’s elections manifesto. The manifesto, in our view, can be seen as the contract with the people of Guyana. During our last elections, the Coalition’s manifesto made several commitments and undertakings, and as new promises are being made and old ones repeated, it is important at this time that we remind ourselves what was said and what really was done. Continued on page two (2) COMBAT March/April, 2019

March/April, 2019

Sugar first crop commences - 4,200 tonnes behind schedule

Sugar production for 2019 has commenced, with the first sugar crop at this time progressing at Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt Estates. As at week ending April 20, 2019, according to the crop production estimate prepared by the GuySuCo, sugar production should have reached 23,997 tonnes. However, in reality, production actually stood at 20,356 tonnes sugar. Production at the respective estates is as follows:Production at at April 20, 2019 Estate Target Actual Difference Albion 13,965 12,160 (1,805) Blairmont 8,379 7,633 (746) Uitvlugt 5,763 4,197 (1,566) Total 28,107 23,990 (4,117) As we reported in the January/February, 2019 edition of Combat, the Corporation is seeking to produce 107,023 tonnes sugar this year – 33,863 tonnes in the first crop and 73,160 tonnes in the second crop. Should the Corporation’s expectation be realized, it would represent just a minor improvement over 2018 when the industry produced 104,629 tonnes of sugar. In considering this year’s projected production target, the GAWU cannot ignore that the Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, when he presented, on behalf of the Government of Guyana, the State Paper on the future of the sugar industry in May, 2017, outlined that the sugar industry by next year (2020) would have been producing 147,000 tonnes of sugar. The State Paper also said that, apart from an improvement in production, focus would be on the production of “…direct consumption,

value-added sugars, and providing electricity to the national grid (co-generation)”. The GAWU, as it has said on many occasions, is supportive of such ventures, recognizing their value to the industry and aiding in its viability. That being said, it is disheartening for the Union to record that the industry’s lone co-generation plant at Skeldon Estate has been put up for divestment though it rakes in billions in revenue. At the same time, the larger of the two (2) direct consumption sugar plants has been essentially shuttered since East Demerara Estate closed its doors at the end of 2017. The Corporation, in an article appearing on its website just prior to the commencement of the 2018 second crop, reiterated much of what appeared in the State Paper and informed that “[n]ew Strategic and Business Plans from 2018-2020/2021 are being developed to detail the overall goals of GuySuCo for the next three years”. So far, the completion of these plans remains a mystery and seems to be only seen by a select few. GAWU had written the Corporation in the latter part of 2018 to have an engagement on that plan, only to learn that the ‘plan’ is not yet finalized. The clock of 2019 continues to tick, and not-too-long from now, a third of the year would have elapsed. So far, it seems to us that not much is being done to realize the assurances of the Government, as outlined in the State Paper. In fact, it appears, much more attention and time is being devoted to settle quarrels and disagreement between GuySuCo and another state-owned enterprise Continued on page two (2) PAGE ONE

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