Issue#6 Volume#39
Combat Voice of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)
A Century of Trade Unionism 2019 will commence with Guyana, and more so the working-class, observing the 100th Anniversary of Trade Unionism in Guyana. Indeed, it is a proud achievement, especially taking into account that the establishment of the British Guiana Labour Union (BGLU), now the Guyana Labour Union (GLU), on January 11, 1919, marked the first time that an organization to advocate on behalf of workers had been established outside of our colonial master – Great Britain. This was a most remarkable achievement, bearing in mind that the ruler class controlled almost every facet of life at that time of colonial domination. Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, the Father of Trade Unionism, was dedicated and determined to bring an end to the horrific conditions that the working-classes were forced to endure. In the early 1900s, both working and living conditions for all categories of workers were horrendous. Workers were faced with a long working day for low remuneration in the face of the rising cost of living. An examination of the economic circumstances of British Guiana in the early 20th century reveals not simply high taxes, declining wages and unemployment, but also a rapid increase in the cost of living and a monocrop economy in recession. The unemployment and underemployment that characterised the colony were exacerbated by the high direct and indirect taxes that were imposed on the poorest segments of the population. It was within this context of rapidly decaying economic and social circumstances that trade unionism in British Guiana was born. The immediate origins of the trade union movement can be traced to a strike by waterfront workers for increased wages in November and December 1905 in Georgetown, which was led by Critchlow. It was Critchlow’s participation and role in this strike that gave him credibility as a workers’ leader. The failure of this 1905 strike demonstrated that there was a pressing need for a trade union in the colony. The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 heightened the need for a trade union in the colony, since the working classes were confronted with continuous increases in the cost of living and deterioration in the social and economic conditions. With the support of the workers in the colony, who came from various occupations and worked in a number of industries, and assistance from trade unions in Britain, Critchlow established the BGLU. The Union quickly established itself as an important player in the colony. One of the most significant achievements of the BGLU under Critchlow, however, was the acquisition of legal recognition for trade unions in June 1921. As we celebrate this special achievement, it is disconcerting for us to record that the times of Critchlow and our contemporary situation share striking similarities. In recent times, the working-people have been facing increasing pressures and burdens. Continued on page two (2) COMBAT 17 Nov - 31 Dec, 2018
17 November - 31 December, 2018
Sugar production target surpassed - workers bonus unrealistic
As at December 31, 2018, sugar production for the year reached 104,629 tonnes sugar as follows:-
have received such disdainful treatment. Workers staged picketing exercises and protest actions to demand that they benefit from Estate First Crop Second Crop Year increased pay. Undoubtedly, their loud Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual calls could not be ignored by the CorpoAlbion 19,698 18,232 37,031 39,253 56,729 57,485 ration and the Government. As a result, Blairmont 9,736 9,122 19,091 20,123 28,827 29,245 the GuySuCo proposed paying what it Uitvlugt 6,671 7,098 10,775 10,801 17,446 17,899 deemed a bonus payment based on sugar production. Total 36,105 34,452 66,897 70,177 103,002 104,629 The payment is identical to the Annual Production Incentive (API) arrangeWhile the Corporation, for the first time since 2015, ments which go back prior to our country attaining inhas exceeded its production target, a laudable achieve- dependence. It is a benefit which has been suspended for ment, we recognize too that the annual production tar- the last few years though there really wasn’t any credible get, 103,002 tonnes, was lower than the 115,447 tonnes rationale for such suspension. Through the arrangesugar Finance Minister Winston Jordan has said the in- ment, workers received 1½ days’ pay for the production dustry would realise in his 2018 Budget address. We do of 98,000 tonnes sugar and ½ day’s pay for every 1,500 not recall any explanation being given for the produc- tonnes sugar or part thereof produced subsequently. tion target reduction. Based on sugar production this year, workers would The exceeding of the production target, in GAWU’s benefit from 3.7 days’ pay. The Corporation informed view, cannot be disconnected from the hard work and that given its financial situation, the payment to the dedicated efforts of the thousands of sugar workers. This workers would be made at the end of January or early fact, we noted too, was also recognized by the Corpo- February, 2019. ration, with the November 30, Stabroek News quoting Without a doubt, given the efforts and the committhe Corporation’s Corporate Communications Manag- ment of the workers in 2018, a fact acknowledged by the er, Audreyanna Thomas as saying “…commitment shown Corporation in its public statements, the bonus payment by the management and staff on the Estates is commend- cannot be deemed as unrealistic. While the GAWU had able”. proposed the Corporation to consider a more suitable The Corporation’s achievement comes at a time when proposal, it pointed to its financial position, and did not workers in the sugar industry have been denied a raise agree to further adjustments. While the bonus is welin pay for over 1,500 days or over 4½ years now. It is comed by the workers, they remain peeved that wages the longest period that sugar workers have essentially still remain unaddressed. The Corporation, has comhad their wages frozen since the sugar industry became mitted to continue to examine our request for a 15 per state-owned in 1976. In recent weeks, workers have been cent pay rise for 2018. pressing to receive a pay rise, recognizing that they re- Continued on page two (2) main the only group of workers in the State sector to PAGE ONE