Combat - November/December, 2019

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Issue #6 Volume #40

Combat Voice of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)


The will of the people The dawning of the New Year will almost immediately see the nation being gripped by the campaign for National and Regional Elections. With nominations day slated for January 10, 2020, the various political organizations will make known their slate of candidates, and campaigning will begin in earnest. While it is recognised that active campaigning has already begun, electioneering will kick into high gear, and our people’s support will be sought.

November/December, 2019

Sugar production this year under 100,000 tonnes - lowest production in the history of GuySuCo

Though it appears, at least so far, that elections plans are on track, several unanswered questions persist. At the time of preparing this editorial, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) had yet to conclusively address how it would handle information it obtained through the truncated house-to-house (HTH) registration exercise. Media reports have informed that some 370,000 persons took part in the HTH process. It is said that as many as 60,000 persons registered have been deemed new registrants. Of course, the sanctity of conclusion has come into question that 17,000 of the 60,000 new registrants have been found to be among the extant voters. For us the touted figure of 60,000 is suspect, bearing in mind birth trends in our country as well as several successive rounds of continuous registration over the years. The fact that over a quarter of the new registrants have been incorrectly labelled brings the contentions process even into more disrepute. The basis for the determination of the new registrants, we have learnt, has been the matching of finger prints collected through the HTH with those already contained in GECOM’s database. The new finger prints were manually obtained, which in itself poses several problems. Whether there was sufficient pressure applied to ensure a proper transfer of the fingerprint, for instance, is an issue. Similarly, whether the fingers were properly placed on the collection sheet can also pose a challenge. We also heard about concerns regarding whether all the finger prints collected for an individual really and genuinely belonged to that individual. For its part, the Opposition said that its own checks revealed that some newly registered persons do not exist at the addresses they were registered at. This casts even more doubt on the accuracy of the process. We are aware that a request was made to the elections body for a re-checking of the ‘new’ registrants. It is not clear whether this request was positively considered. This again brings into question the sanctity of the exercise. Apart from concerns regarding the HTH, we saw during the Claims and Objections period what appeared to be a concerted attempt to strike legitimate voters off the list. Continued on page two (2) COMBAT Nov/Dec, 2019

Sugar production this year will not reach 100,000 tonnes, and will be the lowest production of GuySuCo in its now 43-year history. In fact, when we checked our records, which go back to 1940, it is the lowest production ever. During the year, our Union too, on several occasions, expressed concern about the level of production. With production coming to an end, it is apparent that the sugar corporation will not even be able to realize the revised production we had estimated. It is an unfortunate turn of events for the industry, which has the possibilities to record much higher levels of production. Information obtained by the GAWU details that sugar production as at December 21 was as follows:Estate

Year to Year Variance Date Target Albion 46,561 58,054 (11,493) Blairmont 25,261 31,239 (5,978) Uitvlugt 22,269 20,413 1,856 Total 93,288 109,706 (15,618) The production, especially in the second crop, was af-

fected by the poor reliability of the industry’s factories. Apart from the non-achievement of the target, large quantities of canes earmarked to be harvested will have to be carried over into the first crop of 2020. At Albion, some 950 hectares of canes are expected to be unharvested; at Blairmont, nearly 615 hectares are estimated to be left back; and at Uitvlugt, 135 hectares were not harvested. By the time the canes are harvested next year they will be over-mature. Apart from less sugar content, such canes are more problematic to harvest, and could well present challenges to the workers next year. It is disturbing that the industry would have expended large sums to tend these canes with an expectation of high results in sugar, but will now find itself in a situation whereby there will be lower returns than anticipated. Regarding the breakdown of the factories, we need to recall that $30B has been borrowed in GuySuCo’s name to address this very issue, among other things. For the GAWU, it appears that, while the grass grows the horse is starving. We further note that the breakdowns are occurring when a number of retired personnel had been recruited, which makes us wonder whether they are up to their responsibilities. PAGE ONE

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