Issue#5 Volume#38
Combat Voice of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)
Democracy under threat
Right-thinking and democracy-loving Guyanese were indeed shocked after they learnt on the evening of October 18, 2017 that President David Granger had decided to appoint a Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) outside of the nominees that were submitted by Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo. The President, according to the Constitution, was obliged to select from among the Opposition Leader’s nominees. That mechanism has been in place for a quarter-century now, and has worked very successfully. The fact that the President chose, as FITUG described, the ‘nuclear option’, evoked memories of a sad period in Guyana’s history. There were murmurings, from the time the process began to appoint a new GECOM Chairman, that the President was intent on unilaterally appointing the Elections Commission Chairman. Clearly, it seems, those ‘rumours’ were not mere gossip as the President, without rhyme or reason, rejected 18 well-qualified and suitable Guyanese for the important post. The unbelievable decision by the President has raised suspicions that our country is, once again, heading down a path of rigged elections, where democracy would be thrown under the bus and the will of the people disrespected. This notion was given further credence when the President’s appointed Chairman was sworn in hurriedly during the night of October 18, 2017. It has been opined that the rushed swearing in was an attempt to prevent judicial intervention. Furthermore, a number of holes have appeared in the new Chairman’s resume. His ability to be impartial is also being questioned. This creates a lot of doubt in the President’s Chairman, ability to act fairly and impartially. In the hours and days that followed the President’s bombshell decision, organisations and individuals alike have roundly condemned that decision. Many have charged that the President’s decision was unconstitutional and serves to undermine our nation’s still growing democratic culture. Combat recalls that the democracy was restored following the sustained and spirited struggles of Guyanese. Those struggles saw the active participation of the working-people whose lives were severely threatened by years of undemocratic rule. The President, by his very action, has trampled on those struggles and those who participated in them. He has also exposed, glaringly, his and his Administration’s views of democratic-rule and respect of the Constitution. Continued on page two (2) COMBAT
Oct/Nov 2017
October/November, 2017
GuySuCo hierarchy looking for cover - need excuses for low sugar production
Harvested canes lie in the fields to be picked up by mechanical cane loaders for transport to the sugar factory. This year, sugar production will be the lowest since 1990. The sugar company’s management recognising this reality, has already begun to point fingers of blame at the workers as an excuse to cover up their grossly poor stewardship.
As at week-ending November 25, 2017, sugar production for the year had only reached 130,541 tonnes sugar. The second crop, at that time in its eighteenth (18th) week, was far behind schedule, with just 80,942 tonnes sugar being produced as against an expectation of 114,804 tonnes sugar. The massive deficit 33,862 tonnes – is a severe setback for the industry. The large shortfall could be explained partially by the late commencement of operations at Skeldon and East Demerara Estates, but that in no way can excuse the poor performance by the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo). The reality of the situation is that the Company, in the first place, never had the canes to realize the production it set itself to make. The production target has been steadily slipping, moving from 198,458 tonnes at the beginning of the year to 174,839 tonnes sugar by the time the second crop was set to commence in latter July, 2017. In spite of the large reduction of the production number, it seems from all indications that the GuySuCo would fall miserably short. Several workers, in interactions with the Union, have advised that there estates cannot reach the targets identified, as they pointed to very little canes remaining in the fields. From the 2018 Budget presentation, sugar production this year is targeted to be 152,000 tonnes. It is indeed a massive drop from the 231,000 tonnes sugar produced in 2015. At that time, GAWU recalls, GuySuCo and Government offi-
cials had proudly and loudly proclaimed that political interference in the industry had ended and the industry was moving along the road to recovery. While our Union was pleased with the 2015 accomplishment, we did point out at that time that the 2015 results were as a result of the hard work that was put in during 2014 and had noted that cane has a one year cycle. The 2016 and 2017 sugar production has served to demonstrate that efforts of 2014 were not sustained by GuySuCo despite the company having been handed large sums by the State. If it is that political interference has ended, though we take that statement with a pinch of salt, then it therefore means the Corporation’s leadership is clearly not cut out for the tasks before it. The Corporation top-brass, as far as we see, is desperately seeking to find shelter to hide from what is clearly a most embarrassing situation. We have recognized that the workers and the Union, the usual scapegoats, have already been lined up. The haggard strike excuse is already been deployed in an effort to shift blame. But then GuySuCo’s own data regarding the first crop advised that strikes have declined. Certainly, too, the recent regular rainfall will not be missed, and its effect will be magnified to cover up the shameful production this year. Thus illogical, misguided excuses will be embraced to give credence to the terrible production. Desperation has stepped in as GuySuCo’s leadership cannot explain its stewardship. PAGE ONE