Budget 2019 – the first step to the ‘Good Life’ The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) appreciates the opportunity to, once again, share our views regarding issues which we believe ought to be addressed by the APNU+AFC Government through its 2019 National Budget. The Budget we hold ought to be developed within the context of delivering a “Good Life for All Guyanese”. We believe though more than half of the Administration‟s term has elapsed, the promised „Good Life‟ remains an elusive mirage. Today, people of all walks of life are finding it difficult to make ends meet; to send their children to school; to reach their life‟s aspirations, and have become despondent about the future. This is not the life we believe our people want or desire but it is the sad reality they find themselves in now-a-days. In preparing our submission we took account of those realities and are happy to share with the Ministry our thoughts on what, we believe should be included in the 2018 National Budget. We must also say that while we are pleased that the Administration has upheld the concept of prebudget consultations, we, at the same time, cannot help but feel the exercise has adopted a mere ritualistic tenor and is nothing more but a public relations gimmick which really does not attract the sincere and profound consideration it deserves. This should not be the approach especially, taking into account, the urgent need to lessen the burdens our people have to carry now-a-days. We nevertheless remain optimistic that Budget 2019 would give positive consideration to the reducing the difficulties our people must contend with. As we prepared our submission this year we could not ignore that our engagement takes place, at the same time, that our nation‟s teachers have taken industrial action to press their demands for increased pay and improved working conditions. FITUG must reiterate that it stands with our teachers and all our workers who are being weighed down by the heavy burdens of life in Guyana. While we have recognized that the Government has deployed the usual ability to pay argument regarding the teachers justified demands, we also could not ignore several suggestions advanced that demonstrated that there is indeed an ability to meet the demands of the nation‟s teachers. We urge the Administration to really consider the suggestions advanced and seek to arrive at a consensus with our teachers and their union. The FITUG also recognises that the 2019 Budget may be the last budget before our nation becomes an oil producing nation expectedly in 2020. The Federation has seen explanations about the substantial sums our country would earn from oil extraction. We also cannot ignore the concerns that have been shared with regard to the arrangements regarding oil production. While we are of the firm view that indeed our country should have secured a better deal we also cannot overlook the fact that large sums will flow to our national coffers especially as extraction is heightened in coming years. On this score, we must, once more, reiterate our deep concern regarding the lack of arrangements regarding the utilization of the funds that would come our way. We are aware of the intention to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) with the objective using the income from our oil resources for future generations. This, on paper, is a good initiative and we compliment the Administration for looking in this direction but we are, however, concerned with the arrangements regarding the fund and the lack of a clearly defined plan to use our oil resources to ensure that it benefits our people even after oil would have been
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