IUF letter to President Granger

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His Excellency President David A. Granger, MSM, MSS President Co-operative Republic of Guyana Ministry of the Presidency Shiv Chandarpal Drive, Georgetown, Guyana Geneva, May 10, 2018

Dear Mr President, I write on behalf of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The IUF is a global trade union federation composed of 422 affiliated trade unions in 131 countries, representing some 10 million workers. We are proud to count two important sugar workers unions – the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) amongst our membership. They have kept us informed of the situation that is unfolding as your Government pursues reform of the centuries old Guyanese sugar industry. The industry, we are aware, has made substantial contributions to your country’s national life and development. It remains, in spite of its difficulties, remains Guyana’s largest employer and very importantly is of substantial importance to maintaining the quality of life and social well-being in vast areas of rural Guyana. Its role as a national institution cannot be diminished especially recognizing the absence of alternatives at this time. Indeed bearing those factors in mind and taking account of the information we have been receiving, we cannot help but be saddened by what has taken place as thousands of sugar workers, in recent months, have been made redundant. From our vantage point, we cannot fail to express our view that very little thought has been given to address the well-being and welfare of the thousands who have been affected. The impact, we have learnt, has been nothing short of significant and the disruption of village economies and the social fabric of communities, for us, is disturbing. Moreover, we are aware that your Government, despite being advised to, did not pursue any considered study to get a better grasp of the eventualities that will flow from its reform plans. We must share with you, Mr President, that this was necessarily the wisest of positions. Nevertheless, we are where we are and today too many of your country’s men, women and children have found themselves facing

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IUF letter to President Granger by GAWU - Issuu