Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWII) REGISTR.ATION No. l18 Ecsidcru: Komal Chard
Vica Prtsidcnt Hervet Temtrnn essioar C.errr.l Sccrarryr Aslim SinSh
G.r.rd Scrr.tEy: S..p.ul Neirc Trcturq: f,OTTO: Dbclpllm, Solldrrlty,
ilt:.Ref: 89/07119
July 29,2019
Ms Nicole Prince, Registrar of Trade Unions, Deeds Registry, High Court Bailding, Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown. Dear Ms Prince,
Our attention was drawn to Kaieteur News publication of July 28,2019 edition, page ten (10) which mentioned that the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) had been delinquent in its submission of annual tax retums and filing of annual returns with the Registrar. Stabroek News of July 28, 2019, also made mention of this matter. This information we gather appeared in the Official Gazette of Guyana and reportedly emanated from the Registrar of Trade Unions, a post which you currently hold.
As the Registrar of Trade Unions, we are sure that you are aware that Trade Unions are exempted from the payment of tax but required to file Annual Retums in accordance with Section 35 ofthe Trade Unions Act; Chapter 98:03, Laws of Guyana. Further, your office would inform that GAWU's Annual Retums over the past years, up to year 2017, were filed. Our Union's Statement of Accounts for 2018 are currently being audited by the Auditor General Office. On completion of this audit, a copy would be filed with the Deeds Registry for the Office of Registrar ofTrade Unions.
may be helpful to you to remind that two years ago, in the High Court, in the matter of GAWU-vs-Khemraj Ramjattan before Justice Hamananan Singh, the Registrar of Trade Unions was summoned and did provide to the Court GAWU's Records for the past seven (7) years for the Court's perusal.
Address: 59 High Stscâ‚Źt ard Wighs Laoe, Kingston, Gcorgetowrl Cuyanr, S-e. Telcphone: (592) 227-20S I ,2, 3?5-532 r . 223-6523 Fax: (592 ) 227-2093 Webshc:w$B.gawu.rrt
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We do hope Registrar that by this letter, you will have a better understanding of GAWU's fulfillment of its responsibilities. We will certainly appreciate, too, a correction of the published statements which are not in keeping with the real situation. Best regards.
Yours faithfully,
r (f,l} '/ General Secretary
Cc: Media
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