May Day 2016 Flyer

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MAY DAY 2016

Defend workers rights; Uphold democracy

As we celebrate another May Day in our country, the

Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU):-

Stands • with the workers, farmers and all others whose jobs and livelihoods are threatened, who face ruin and who must suffer greater hardships with the closure of Wales Estate, We say: stop this anti-working people act!; • with the hundreds of workers from LBI who will face a real employment threat and/or hardship with the ceassation of the present operations, and • with the scores of employees in the public and private sectors who had their employment terminated over recent months.

Denounces • GuySuCo and the Administration for denying sugar workers a pay increase for 2015, making it the only year in over thirty (30) years when workers in the industry have not received a rise in pay.

Calls On the authorities to:• Desist from the closure of Wales Estate; • Respect the process of Collective Bargaining and Trade Union-related laws; • Give sugar workers a pay rise for 2015, and • Also, ensure API award be just and fair

GAWU urges Unity of workers and their progressive organisations to protect trade unionism; defend workers’ interests; to oppose the added economic burdens placed on their backs

GAWU extends solidarity • To the working-people, youth, students, pensioners and women the world over who are resisting onerous austerity measures and callous cuts in social services imposed on them by their ruling elites; • to those patriotic and liberation forces, especially in the mid-East and Africa resisting imperialist wars of aggression and military occupation of their countries. We note the recent victories in Syria which is a major contributor to the defeat of terrorism in all its manifestations; • To the people and goverment of Cuba experincing historic developments at this time. We are confident that their demands to end the blockade and the return of Guantanmo will be achieved; • To the Palestian people in their fight against apartheid, occupation and various Israeli crimes, and • To all oppressed and exploited peoples, the working-class, democratic and anti-war forces fighting for and defending their right to self-determination and independent development, to stop detablisation of their countries, to end the looting of their natural resources and for a world based on peace, economic justice and social progress. We add our voices to those calling for greater efforts to deal with the challenges of the changing climate globally

GAWU extends Labour Day greetings to the working people of Guyana and of the world! Let May Day 2016 lead to victories and achievements for the working classes in their continuing united struggles!

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