2009-2010 Annual Report

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Report to the Community

P R O G R E S S & I N N O VAT I O N , TO D AY & TO M O R R O W

published by Pitt Community College and the PCC Foundation


Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees............................... 1 Message from the President............ 2

Randy Collier, Chairman

Employee Recognitions................. 3-4

Retired, University Health Systems & Pitt County Schools

2009-2010 Highlights.................... 5-6

Paul Davenport III, Vice-Chair

Strategic Plan Update.................... 7-8

Retired U.S. Air Force Officer Retired, J.P. Davenport & Son

Athletic Achievements...................... 9

Kelly Barnhill, Jr., Secretary

Facts and Figures..............................10

President Hendrix-Barnhill, Inc.

Foundation Director’s Report......12

Kathy P. Frazier

Foundation Events Report.......13-14

Educator Pitt County Schools

Alumni Awards..................................14

Dr. Virginia D. Hardy

Foundation Board............................14 Foundation Financial Statement....15 Scholarships.......................................16 Foundation Donors...................17-18


Vice Provost for Student Affairs East Carolina University

Dr. Peter J. Kragel

Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Planning at ECU Brody School of Medicine and Chief of Pathology at PCMH

Charles E. Long

Retired Pitt County Schools Administrator

Don Mills

Retired, NACCO

James A. Nelson, Jr.

Partner Owens & Nelson, PLLC - Attorneys at Law

Raymond Reddrick Retired Educator

Tyree Walker

Chief Human Resource Officer University Health Systems

Walter Williams Vice President Wilco Hess, LLC

Jason Donica

Student Government Association Ex-officio Member

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Every college depends heavily on the achievements of not only the present staff and community supporters but the accumulation of contributions over its history. So it is that this Annual Report for the 50th year of Pitt Community College looks both at the past year and at the significant accomplishments which since 1961 have made the Pitt County Industrial Education Center and the Pitt Technical Institute into the comprehensive and complex higher education and workforce training provider of 2010 and beyond. The double-digit enrollment increases which have occurred every term the past year are simply an acceleration of the steady growth of the past. Pitt Community College ranks #7 among NC community colleges because of the breadth of academic programs, the high quality of instruction and services, partnerships with area employers, and the visionary leadership of the Board of Trustees and PCC Foundation. Success comes down to people and their performance at all levels, which is why the motto of the PCC Leadership Institute has remained “leadership depends on contribution, not position.” The national and state focus on student completion of educational goals simply reinforces our college mission “to educate and empower people for success.” We set high standards for all our programs, which are seen in awards and competitive grants throughout the college. The US Department of Health and Human Services training project in electronic medical records which Pitt’s Health Information Technology faculty is leading for the entire southeast U.S. is just one example of this leadership and excellence with state, regional, and national impact.

During 2010-11 and into the following year, Pitt Community College will be preparing for its Southern Association accreditation review. This effort involves all employees in displaying how we are following through on our mission and goals for students and the community. It is fitting that this year will also mark the largest construction period in the college’s history, with three new buildings underway to serve students in world-class learning environments. The opening of the Herman Simon Building for health/ lab sciences in August 2010 is a glimpse of how the campus will be transformed.

OUR MISSION Our mission is to educate and empower people for success... in life, in higher education, in the workforce, and in a global economy.

The mission will be achieved by... encouraging lifelong learning, establishing positive learning environments, ensuring academic excellence, enhancing economic development and quality of life, and emphasizing multicultural experiences.

So join us in our celebration of our history and the dynamic enterprise of Pitt Community College in serving our community and region. There has never been a time when our services are more needed, and we are working hard to promote access and facilitate success for all our programs and students. G. Dennis Massey President

OUR VISION Pitt Community College will be: •A

Catalyst for transforming the individual and community. A Competent Steward of public trust and confidence. •

• A Creative Partner for developing educational and economic opportunities. • A Recognized Leader for accessible, attractive, and educationally enriching programs and services.


Employee Awards Presented at Annual Event Pitt Community College celebrated its employees’ achievements April 16 during the school’s 27th Annual Employee Appreciation and Recognition Evening at the Greenville Convention Center. During the program, the college recognized JoAnn Schuhbauer as the Joan and Ed Warren Staff Employee of the Year for 2010. As part of her duties as administrative assistant in the Office of Academic Affairs, Schuhbauer ensures the college is meeting N.C. Community College System curriculum standards and cooperative agreements with other institutions.

Faculty Receive Awards For the third year in a row, the college presented an Innovation Award to a PCC employee who has designed and implemented a significant innovation that meets one or more of the following criteria: Quality, Efficiency, Cost Effectiveness, Timeliness, and/or Creativity. This year’s Innovation Award was presented to Nursing Program Director Elizabeth De Jesús Toderick for her “S.T.A.R.” concept (Success Through Academic Resources), a creative supplemental learning program. Toderick said the increased attention students receive through S.T.A.R. has led to better student retention and on-time completion rates.

Darlene Smith-Worthington, a Developmental Studies instructor/advisor, was named the 2010 Joseph E. Downing Excellence in Teaching Award recipient. An Ayden resident, Smith-Worthington coordinates PCC’s Reading and Writing Center and is co-director of the PCC Abroad study-travel program. “I’m one of the fortunate people who learned from the example of excellent teachers what I was meant to do in life,” SmithWorthington said. “I enjoy my work because I believe what I do makes a difference in my students’ lives and in society.”

“No matter how tedious or complicated the work may be, (JoAnn) takes on each challenge with optimism and a genuinely positive attitude,” said Susan Everett, PCC Vice President of Administrative Services. “She truly wants to help PCC be a better place for everyone to work and the world a better place.” Schuhbauer, who began working at PCC in 2000, was one of four Staff Excellence Award recipients this year along with Judy Harris, Ann Land and Lisa Reichstein. The college also recognized recent retirees and presented service awards to employees who have been with the school for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years.

Darlene Smith-Worthington (center) 2010 Downing Award Recipient

Elizabeth De Jesús Toderick (center) 2010 Innovation Award Recipient

Smith-Worthington was one of six Faculty Excellence winners along with Cara Harrington, Anthony Holsten, Jeff Rorer, Elaine Spencer and Ray Taylor.

A n g e l a M a r t i n Vo t e d P C C ’ s

Woman of Substance

JoAnn Schuhbauer (center) received the Joan and Ed Warren Staff Employee of the Year Award from Susan Everett (left),VP of Administrative Services, and President Massey (right). 3

As part of the college’s celebration of women’s history, the school recognizes a female employee with the “Woman of Substance Award” for outstanding campus and community involvement, attitude of service, commitment and caring, and willingness to ‘go the extra mile.’ This year’s award�was presented to Nursing Instructor Angela Martin, a Calgary native who has worked at the college since 2007. Those who nominated Martin for her award cited her “consistent attitude of service and commitment to lifelong learning and community involvement.” “I work with excellent people at Pitt Community College,� Martin said, adding that her fellow nursing faculty members have been very supportive.



Last year, the “Unsung Heroes Award” was created to recognize PCC employees whose substantive contributions to the college have gone largely unrecognized. Each month, nominations were accepted and awards presented to recognize the hard work and dedication of these “unsung heroes.” Below are the 2009-2010 award recipients.

August 2009 Karen LeMoine, OITS

August 2009 Judith Kasperek, Science Dept.

August 2009 Mary Lee Smart, Counseling

August 2009 Teresa Thompson, Library

October 2009 Laura Corbett, Facilities Scheduling

October 2009 Deborah Cannon, Preschool

November 2009 Lillie Andrews, Courier Services

December 2009 Greg Baldwin, English Dept.

January 2010 Linwood Woodard, Social Sciences

January 2010 Debby Gray,VISIONS Program

February 2010 Randy Allen, Copy Center

March 2010 Linda Leighty, Library

April 2010 Louise Germain, Human Resources

April 2010 Regina Garcia, Developmental English

May 2010 André Gregory, Minority Male Mentoring

May 2010 Len Van Staalduinen, Architectural Technology 4


The Herman Simon Building officially opened in August 2010.

Mr. Herman Simon spoke to the attendees at the dedication of the Simon Building

Forging Ahead

Serving the Community

• PCC dedicated the new Herman Simon Building in August 2010. At a cost of just more than $5 million, PCC built the Simon Building to provide its Health Sciences Division with an additional 35,765 square feet for classrooms, laboratories and offices. The two-story building is connected to the William Fulford Building, which will still house many of the college’s health sciences programs. • A revised Master Plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees in October 2009. • The college is currently in the planning stages for three new buildings on campus: 1. Automotive Technology/Building Construction Technology Building 2. The Charles Russell General Classroom Building 3. Facilities Maintenance Complex • PCC received a grant of $150,000 from the Golden Leaf Foundation to expand the Certified Nursing Assistant training program. This is part of the 5

GLOW program designed to stimulate employment opportunities in our region.

Ranking Higher Spring '09 Spring '10 Summer '09 Summer '10 Fall '09 Fall '10

7099 7673 (up 8%) 3298 3903 (up 18%)

• The University Transfer/AGE Advising Center and the Business Division Advising Center collectively served over 1800 students during the summer to assist them in their academic planning process.

• Forty-five PCC students and staff participated in the Million Meals Event in August 2009. This event is an 7595 international hunger relief effort. 8547 (up 12.5%)

2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 Number of Students

• The 2009-2010 academic year has proven to be one with record-breaking enrollment. • The Arts and Sciences Division is now offering an Associate in Science Pre-Engineering degree as a University Transfer program. • PCC was recognized by G.I. Jobs magazine as a “Military Friendly School” for 2010, an honor which places the college in the top 15% of all colleges and universities.

• A new television show titled “PCC InSight” was launched in July 2010. The programs are hosted by Levy Brown (Concurrent Enrollment) and Ashley Smith (Alumni Relations) and features PCC employees describing their strong efforts to engage students and the community. The show airs on Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. on Greenville Cable Channel 7 and 103.7 FM.

Employee Achievements • Since its inception, 214 employees have participated in the Faculty/ Staff Wellness Challenge. Collectively, the group lost 607 pounds through more than 4,339 hours of exercise, 38,855 miles of recorded steps, 37,027 cups of fruits and vegetables and 90,634 cups of water.

Architectural Technology students participated in the “canstruction” competition as part of a community-sponsored food drive.

• Groups on campus participated in Food Drives to benefit our community food banks. Students from the Architectural Technology program utilized their creative talents in the “canstruction” competition on the Greenville Town Common in conjunction with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern Carolina’s Kids Summer Stock Festival. Also, participants of the 2009 PCC Leadership Institute launched a campus-wide food drive competition to see which building could collect the most donated food.

Student Achievements • Robin Hayson, 2009-2010 SGA President, earned 3rd highest place in a national essay contest sponsored by the National Society of Leadership and Success. She received a $1000 scholarship award for her essay about her experiences with Sigma Alpha Pi at PCC. • Nursing graduate Ashley Nicole Joyner was one of 21 students statewide to receive a scholarship from the NC Great 100 Committee. Ashley was one of only seven community college graduates selected.

Ashley Nicole Joyner

• Chemistry instructor Jeff Rorer helped Team USA win gold over Great Britain F-Class World Target Rifle Championship. Rorer also won bronze in the individual competition.

conservation tips and Bobbie Gaumont advising about Holiday Event Planning and decorating ideas. • Governor Beverly Perdue visited PCC in May 2010 to learn more about how a federal Health Information Technology (HIT) consortium will help get more North Carolinians working in health care professions. During her visit, Gov. Perdue stopped by the school’s William E. Fulford Building for a roundtable discussion with college administrators on future health care jobs in The Tar Heel State.

• Nursing instructors Angela Martin, Kelly Jones, and Pamela Dail were selected for Sigma Theta Tau of the Golden Key International Honor Society for “exceptional” achievements in nursing instruction. • Alton Wadford (Weekend/Evening Programs) was elected president of the Winterville Chamber of Commerce for 2010.

Gov. Beverly Perdue gets a preview of PCC’s new polysomnography lab in the Herman Simon Building.

• Mary Paramore (Business & Industry Services) was elected president of the Pitt County ASTD, American Society for Training and Development.

A Center for Training

• Lynn McCormick (Library) completed the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program. • Stephanie Woodley (Math Department) completed the NC Community College Leadership Program. • Lisa Elmore (Institutional Advancement) was elected president of the NC Association for Educational Office Professionals (NCAEOP).

• PCC put its seal of approval on the Class of 2010 during the school’s annual spring commencement ceremony. More than 400 of the 971-member graduating class participated. Lieutenant Governor Walter Dalton delivered the commencement address.

In the Continuing Education and Community Development Division, 213 students received a GED and 56 received an Adult High School Diploma.

Events • In January, PCC hosted presidents from NC’s 58 community colleges at a meeting of the NC Association of Community College Presidents. • The Alumni Association continued its Speaker Series with Andy Yakim of Greenville Utilities sharing energy and water

PCC awarded 971 degrees, diplomas, and certificates to the Class of 2010 compared to 907 in 2009, an increase of 7 percent.


P C C S T R AT E G I C P L A N U P D AT E S In 2006, the College implemented a Strategic Plan that will help to set the direction of PCC until 2011. The planning was carried out by a small team of faculty and staff, with significant input from trustees, employees, and the community. Four goals were established, and our employees have been working hard toward the attainment of these goals. Listed below are some of the activities and achievements from that initiative.

Goal #1 – Engagement & Access • Prior to deploying wireless Internet access on campus, students were only able to access the Internet in one of PCC’s computer labs. Wireless Internet access has been deployed in the following buildings: Everett, Fulford, Simon, Reddrick, Leslie, Goess, Humber and White. This access gives students, employees and guests the ability to access the Internet on mobile devices such as smart phones, netbooks, laptop computers and tablets. • Pitt Community College has been named one of five institutions across the country to lead a regional consortium of community colleges to train thousands of new Health Information Technology (health IT) professionals. The PCC-led consortium received a $10.9 million cooperative agreement (#09CC0078) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the first year. Additional funding is available for a second year after successful completion of a midproject evaluation. • PCC implemented a SMS (text) Messaging System as another mode of communication with our campus community. Currently the Messaging System is only used for emergent or campus wide events with a time constraint, such as early closing due to inclement weather. The Messaging System is optional and allows users the ability to opt in or out at any time.

Goal #2 – Active Learning & Student Success • SEGUE, Seamless Entry with Guidance through Unique Educational Paths, is a Breaking Through and Office of Vocational 7

and Adult Education “Ready for College” program at Pitt Community College. Community college administrators wanted to develop ways to assist students in breaking through the challenges to academic success. The purpose of these programs is to help certain highrisk students complete their current program (GED/AHS or Developmental Studies) and transition to the next level, whether they move to college curriculum, certificate programs, continuing education, or Developmental Studies. This program attempts to address the struggles that many students face while trying to obtain an education as well as to provide assistance with academic coursework. • The Summer Program for Academic Navigation (SPAN) was offered by the Developmental Studies Department in the summer of 2010 and provided instruction, academic readiness skills, and an orientation to college for students who were entering college for the first time. Their ACCUPLACER scores placed them in the lower levels of Developmental English and Developmental Math. Bridge programs make a difference in students’ preparedness for and success in college, not only in academics but also in understanding how to navigate the academic environment. • In the fall semester of 2010, the College administered the SENSE (Survey of Entering Student Engagement) survey to 71 classes in order to gauge entering college students’ experiences of PCC’s institutional practices as well as the students’ behaviors. The response rate was approximately 86%. “The SENSE instrument includes items that elicit information from students about their

first impressions of the college; intake processes such as admissions, registration, assessment, placement, orientation, and financial aid; how they spend their time as they begin college; how they assess their earliest relationships and interactions with instructors, advisors, and other students; ...and so on (www.ccsse.org).” The results of this survey will be available in March 2011 and used to determine why some students succeed and others do not. • During the spring semester 2009, Pitt Community College conducted the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and surveyed over 1,200 students. This was the College’s second administration of the CCSSE. The first was in spring semester 2006. The chart below represents the increases in student responses between 2006 and 2009.

CCSSE Survey Results

Goal #3 – Professional & Organizational Development • Pitt Community College has completed its fourth year of a cooperative agreement with Wuxi Institute of Technology (WXIT)

in Wuxi, China. During this time 16 faculty, staff, and students have visited Wuxi to observe classes and to interact with their colleagues in China. Four WXIT delegations have visited our campus to get a closer look at education and culture in eastern North Carolina. Pitt Community College instructors Sue Jefferson and Calvin Mayo taught English and computeraided drafting classes respectively in Wuxi during the summer of 2010. Currently, over 80 Wuxi students are enrolled in PCC courses. The cooperative agreement

PCC Machining Technology instructor Calvin Mayo assists two Wuxi Manufacturing Technology students with a computer-aided drafting class assignment.

has allowed an opportunity to experience new cultures and perspectives. During the fifth year, the partnership will offer joint student curriculum projects and international cooperative education opportunities. • 2009 provided an opportunity for PCC employees to participate in the sixth annual PCC Leadership Institute. Twentyfive individuals participated and brings the total number of graduates to 272.

Goal #4 – Financial Resources & Facility Development • In 2009, PCC presented a new facilities master plan that will outline growth at the school for the next 10 years. The first two phases of the 20092019 plan call for construction of new classroom and science buildings and a new child development center. Phase III includes expansion of the Craig F. Goess Student Center to house the college’s bookstore, disability services program and student lounge as well as improvements to several existing facilities.

Highlighting the final three phases will be a 53,600-square-foot Design and Workforce Technology Center, an Alumni and Foundation Conference Center and a new 50,000-squareParticipants of the 2009 PCC Leadership Institute pose for a photo at the foot academic building to support projected New Bern Sheraton hotel where the training was held. enrollment growth.


P C C AT H L E T I C T E A M S M A K E I T T O T H E NJCAA WORLD SERIES was an out away from advancing before the Saints rallied to tie the game and send it into extra innings. Seward tacked on three in the eighth to knock the Bulldogs from the tourney, 5-2.

Spring 2010 was a high-water mark for PCC Athletics as both softball and baseball earned trips to national championship tournaments. Prior to 2010, neither had participated in a national tourney. But that all changed when softball topped Spartanburg Methodist for the Region X Tournament Championship and baseball dismantled Potomac State College of WVU twice in the NJCAA’s Eastern District Championship Series. Softball had a remarkable regular season—at one point winning 19 straight. Coach Junior Bailey’s squad finished atop the Region X standings and achieved numerous ‘firsts,’ including votes in national polling and NJCAA honors for Charity Watson and Christie Brown. PCC hosted the Region X Softball Championship and posted wins over Stanly Community College, USCSalkehatchie and Spartanburg Methodist to play for the title. After falling to SMC in game one on the final day, Pitt put the Pioneers away, 3-0, in game two to earn a trip to St. George, Utah. The Bulldogs faced top-ranked Salt Lake Community College in the first round at the Canyons Softball Complex. And though they trailed just 3-0 going into the bottom of the fifth, miscues in the field and at the plate led to an 8-0 loss. In the elimination round, PCC led Seward County Community College (KS) 2-1 and 9

“Making it to the national championship tournament gave validity to our softball program,” Bailey said. “It showed everyone we can compete at the highest level. “From a recruiting standpoint, it’s been great. Players want to come to PCC to play softball; we’re not a last resort for them to continue their playing careers.” Baseball’s run to the Junior College World Series in Grand Junction, Colo., began with the Bulldogs rolling through the regular season. The team reached number two in the national rankings early on and finished second in the conference at 22-8. Coach Tommy Eason’s squad took care of business in the postseason as well, topping Surry Community College, FlorenceDarlington and USC-Sumter twice for the Region X Conference Tournament title at Burlington Athletic Park. Their momentum carried into the Eastern District Championship as the team swept Potomac State to earn the right to play in Colorado. There, they played in the first round’s marquee game, facing College of Southern Nevada

in front of 10,300 fans at historic Suplizio Field. Against the Coyotes, who featured Bryce Harper (the top pick in the 2010 MLB Draft), PCC led early but quickly fell behind, 5-1. Though the Bulldogs got as close as 5-3, CSN pulled away to end the game early at 13-5. In round two, PCC led 8-1 against Temple College (TX), but the wheels came off when a comebacker struck starting pitcher Justin Nygard above his left eye and knocked him from the game. The Leopards would go on to an 11-8 win, ending the Bulldogs’ season at 41-13. “Winning Region X and the Eastern District were exciting but nothing compared to competing in the JUCO World Series,” said Coach Tommy Eason. “We hope this experience continues to be a domino effect—not only in winning championships but also giving our student athletes a chance to move on to NCAA opportunities and to have a chance to accomplish the ultimate baseball dream, playing Major League Baseball,” he said. Eleven members of the 2010 squad have moved on to play at either four-year institutions or the professional ranks. “The future looks bright, and we hope to continue to build a strong team and more importantly strong individuals who are going to succeed in life,” Eason said.


2009-2010 Enrollment


Curriculum Programs Continuing Education and Community Dev.

11,130 10,750

Unduplicated Headcount*


* Unduplicated Headcount is not the sum of the two totals shown because 693 students took both a Curriculum and ConEd course.

Federal 29.04%

Student Profile Female Male Average Age

57.4% 42.6% 27

In-State Tuition $56.50 per credit hour or $940.00 for full-time students (16 hours or more)**

Other* 9.74% County 9.92%

Out-of-State Tuition $248.50 per credit hour or $3,976.00 for full-time students (16 hours or more)** ** Tuition is set by the NC General Assembly and is subject to change without notice.

Average Class Size Students per Class Student/Faculty Ratio

17 26 :1

2009-2010 Graduates











* Other funding consists of Sales & Services, Non-capital Grants, Investment Income, Non-operating Revenues, Capital Grants, Non-capital Gifts, and Operating Revenue.

Curriculum Programs Associate Degrees Certificates Diplomas


State 51.30%

693 267 223 1,183

ConEd/CECD GED Adult High School

213 56



Student Residence Profile Pitt County Adjacent Counties Other NC Counties Non-NC Residents

60.8% 14.3% 21.1% 3.8%


E A R LY 1 9 8 0 s

Location of New A u t o m o t i v e Te c h n o l o g y / Building Construction Te c h n o l o g y B u i l d i n g

Location of New Facilities Maintenance Complex

Location of New Charles Russell General Classroom Building Newly Opened Herman Simon Building



T H E P C C F O U N D AT I O N PCC Foundation Board Members such as Jane Whealton and Don Mills are actively involved in PCC’s fundraising events.

Motivated by the belief that money invested in Pitt Community College is an investment in Eastern North Carolina’s educational and economic future, the PCC

In the past year, donors’ support provided opportunities for the PCC Foundation to assist with the construction of the Herman Simon Building. The Simon Building includes several of the College’s health science and general science classrooms and laboratories as well as offices for the VISIONS and HORIZONS Programs. The Pitt Community College Foundation develops relationships and resources for Pitt Community College to provide an extra measure of excellence for its services. During 2009-2010, the PCC Foundation provided $2,129,921 for student scholarships, employee activities, educational programs, and campus construction projects. The Foundation also worked in tandem with three other organizations to provide an additional $2.5 million for capital construction on campus. This was the greatest amount of financial support that the PCC Foundation has ever provided to the College within one year. The PCC Foundation recognizes students’ achievements and provides support for many students who need financial assistance to pursue their career goals. Now more than ever, the PCC Foundation is implementing methods to ensure donors that their contributions for PCC scholarships, educational activities, and capital projects are good investments. This annual report documents the results of those efforts.

In 2009-2010, the PCC Foundation supported the college’s efforts to reconnect with the college’s 14,000+ alumni. The Foundation provided funding for alumni activities and the annual awards program to recognize outstanding and distinguished alumni. During 2010, the Foundation’s leadership began its plans for assisting with the College’s 50th Anniversary celebration in 2011. Receptions, reunions, a gala, and a published history of the college are included in the plans. Much of the PCC Foundation’s success can be attributed to the leadership and support of its board of directors, donors, and over 100 volunteers who support the its events and activities. We appreciate the work and support that each of these groups provide for our college.

Foundation launched the first capital campaign in college history in February 2008. Led by a steering committee co-chaired by Walter Williams and Diane Murphrey, PCC’s Futures First Capital Campaign sought $8 million, primarily to fund construction of the Herman Simon Building, a 34,000 square foot-addition to the college’s health sciences facility. During 2009, the PCC Foundation completed the Future’s First Capital Campaign. Contributions and pledges from 159 donors totaling over $7.1 million secured during the campaign, provide funding for the construction of the Herman Simon Building, equipment, student scholarships, and professional development.

Susan Q. Nobles Executive Director, PCC Foundation

Generous contributions from individuals, alumni, businesses, and organizations in Eastern North Carolina have been essential to the success of PCC and the PCC Foundation. The College’s state budget provides resources to sustain only a basic level of operations. Contributors’ support helps provide some of the extra funding needed in programs, student support, and facilities. 12


Veterans Salute

JROTC cadets from area high schools participated in the PCC Veterans Salute ceremony.

The college honored the nation’s war veterans with a November 10 ceremony in the Charles Coburn Center. The event—PCC’s 12th Veterans Day celebration—featured a speech by Army Captain Chauncey McLeod. Over 200 JROTC students from all six Pitt County high schools participated as did PCC Basic Law Enforcement cadets and the ECU color guard.

Down East Holiday Show

The 2009 Down East Holiday Show was the most successful in the fundraiser’s eight-year history. With more than 120 vendors selling a wide variety of merchandise, a record 8,817 shoppers attended and generated more than $69,448.87. Proceeds from this event provide scholarships and educational activities for PCC students.

PCC Fall Golf Classic

Forty teams competed in the Twelfth Annual PCC Fall Golf Classic at Greenville Country Club on October 1. The event netted $23,556.96.

Harvey Lewis and Parker Overton participated in the 2009 PCC Fall Golf Classic.

Volunteers sell tickets for a chance to win a driver donated by Pro Golf.

A special guest always makes an appearance for the children at the Down East Holiday Show!

Shoppers were able to select from a variety of gifts, food items, decorations, and clothing to kick off the holiday season at the 8th Annual Down East Holiday Show in November of 2009.

PCC Scholarship Auction The 6th Annual PCC Scholarship Auction was held February 16 at Rock Springs Center. The event featured 427 attendees and raised $60,017.10.

Staff & Faculty Fund Drive

84 percent participation – $39,676.73 in gifts and pledges 13

Bidding is fast and furious during the 5th Annual PCC Scholarship Auction held at Rock Springs Center.

PCC Foundation Board Academic Excellence Awards Reception

Held in the Goess Student Center on March 26, the event celebrated the scholastic achievements of 50 PCC students. Courtney Evans received the President’s Award, and Shaina Hutson won the President’s Scholarship. Mark Benton, a Polysomnography student, was selected to receive a State Academic Excellence Award.

Ms. Linda Lynn Tripp Chair Owner Carolina Court Reporters, Inc.

Mr. Randy Walters Vice Chair Owner Farmville Furniture

Ms. Vera Braswell


The Distinguished Alumni Award was presented to Gary Evans.

Alice Huggins, ‘99 Health Care Mgmt.

Bryan Murphrey, ‘00 Marketing & Retailing

The PCC Foundation held its President’s Reception to thank those who have contributed time and money to support the college’s educational mission. During the event, Gary Evans was recognized as the 2009 Distinguished Alumni while Outstanding Alumni Awards were presented to Alice Huggins, a 1999 Health Care Management Technology graduate; Bryan Murphrey, a 2000 Marketing & Retailing graduate; and Rita McLawhorn, a 2000 Accounting graduate. Kelley Smart, a 2002 Information Systems Networking graduate, was selected to receive The Young Alumni Award.

Dr. G. Dennis Massey President, PCC

Mr. Melvin McLawhorn

Immediate Past Chair Owner MainStreet Promotions

Ms. Susan Q. Nobles

Executive Director, PCC Foundation VP of Institutional Advancement, PCC

Mr. Tim Ballance Market President Wachovia

Mr. Don Brown

Owner Don Brown’s Funeral Home

Mr. Frank Cassiano, Jr. Attorney

Ms. Hope Clark

PCC, Business Administration: Marketing & Retailing

Mr. Randy Collier

Chairman, PCC Board of Trustees

Ms. Susan Everett

VP of Administrative Services, PCC

Mr. Phil Flowers

Owner Flowers and Associates, Inc. & Rock Springs Center

Mr. Lindsey Griffin

Mr. Don King Kelley Smart, ‘02 Info. Sys. Networking, Young Alumni Award

E. R. Lewis Construction Company

Mr. Chip Laughinghouse

Owner L.R. Griffin & Associates

Rita McLawhorn, ‘00 Accounting

Ms. Brenda Lewis

Rep. Marian McLawhorn

Mr. Billy Dunn Mark Benton (left) was selected to receive a North Carolina State Academic Excellence Award.

Ms. Charlene Ross Lee

Secretary Financial Services Professional New York Life

Treasurer Vice President Bostic Sugg Furniture

The President’s Scholarship was given to Shaina Hutson (left) and the President’s Award presented to Courtney Evans (right).

Ms. Betty Langston

Retired Educator

NC House of Representatives

Pitt County Commissioner Corrections Officer

Mr. Don Mills Retired NACCO Executive

Mr. Mark Phillips

Director, Eastern Regional Office NC Biotechnology Center

Mr. Jerry Powell

Senior VP, Business Development Southern Bank

Dr. William Rasberry Retired Dentist

Mr. Kenneth Ross Pitt County Commissioner Retired Highway Patrol

Mr. Donnie Skinner Aftermarket Core Manager CopyPro

Mr. Tony Tripp

Owner Tripp’s Tire Service & NAPA Auto Parts

Mr. David Vaughn

Owner David Vaughn Construction, Inc.

Mr. Mike Weeks Owner Michael Weeks Agency

Ms. Jane Whealton Assistant Vice President BB&T

Mr. Curt Williford Business Owner

PCC Instructor Adult General Education


P C C F O U N D AT I O N R E P O R T F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2010 Assets Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Property and Equipment Equipment Software Less: Accumulated Depreciation Other Assets Pledges Receivable Discounts - Pledges Receivable Total Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets



9,957.40 4,360.00 (14,317.40)

The Captain Christopher Cash Memorial Scholarship was established by the Capt. Christopher Cash Memorial Foundation of NC, Inc. Funds for this scholarship are provided by the annual Reindeer Dash For Cash held in December in Greenville. Dawn Cash Salau (center), Captain Cash’s widow, and Susan Nobles,VP Institutional Advancement are shown presenting the 2009 scholarship to William Monroe (right).

1,264,411.12 (239.54) $3,444,713.86

$9,183.62 $9,183.62

$263,052.37 2,416,503.61 755,974.26

The Addie Gore Memorial Scholarship was established by members of the Iota Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in honor of Addie Gore, the chapter’s first president, to provide tuition assistance for African American students seeking a degree at PCC. Several sorority members visited PCC to present funds for the scholarship. Photo - L-R front row, Mary Maultsby, Susan Nobles,VP Institutional Advancement, and Lavette Ford. Back row - Cheri White, Norma Warren, and Judy Rhodes.

$3,435,530.24 ** unaudited

2009-2010 Allocations Supporting the College Scholarships & Mini Grants Donations to PCC Program Services General Expenses Student Activities Fund Raising Total 15

$146,453.06 $1,871,332.61 $98,795.76 $27,405.06 $4,341.78 $84,925.56 $2,233,253.83

The Dalton D. “Skip” Bright Endowed Memorial Scholarship, a $50,000 endowment, was presented to PCC in August 2010. The scholarship honors Mr. Bright, who passed away in 2006 and was a former member of the Independent Insurance Agents of NC, Inc. and long-time employee of Hooker & Buchanan, Inc. Hooker & Buchanan President Lester Brown (front left) presents a check to Pitt Community College President G. Dennis Massey. PCC Foundation Executive Director Susan Nobles (back left) and Bright’s widow, Judy, were also present.

SCHOLARSHIPS Pitt Community College Foundation Scholarships Action Auto Endowed Scholarship ALLIANCE One International Endowed Scholarship ALLTEL Scholarship American Legion Post #39 Endowed Scholarship American Legion Post #51 Farmville Scholarship American Legion Post #151 Veterans Memorial Scholarship Fund Roselyn Armstrong OTA Endowed Scholarship Dalton D. “Skip” Bright Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Edgar L. Boyd Memorial Scholarship Captain Christopher Cash Memorial Scholarship Pat Chenier Memorial Scholarship Cherry Oaks Recreation Club Endowed Scholarship Ryan Collier Memorial Scholarship Paula R. Davis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Thomas Denton Scholarship Joyce Ann & Bobby Dunn Memorial Endowed Scholarship Eastern Radiologists Scholarship J.S. Flake Memorial Endowed Scholarship William E. Fulford, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Grady-White Boats Endowed Scholarship Graingers Scholarship Greenville New Car Dealers Endowed Scholarship Faye B. Gurganus Endowed Scholarship Hardy’s Appliance and Furniture Endowed Scholarship Sandra Harrison Scholarship Gene Hemby Endowed Scholarship Home Health & Hospice Care Endowed Scholarship HORIZONS Scholarships Jane Keller Travel Abroad Endowed Scholarship Jennifer Knight Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Judith W. Kuykendall Endowed Scholarship R. Dudley Miller Memorial Endowed Scholarship John F. Minges, III Criminal Justice Scholarship

Suellen G. Monk Endowed Scholarship Garrie Moore Outreach Endowed Scholarship Diane Murphrey “Make It Happen” Endowed Scholarship NAWIC - National Association of Women In Construction Roxanne Nelson Memorial Scholarship Timothy Oakley Endowed Scholarship Sandra Roberts Ott Memorial Scholarship PCC Foundation Employees’ Dependents Scholarship PCC Foundation General Scholarships PCC Foundation ROTC Scholarship PCC Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence PCC Institutional General Scholarships PCC Student Ambassadors Scholarships PCCAEOP Scholarship Karen Perry Memorial Endowed Scholarship Piggly-Wiggly Scholarship Pitt County Electrical Contractors Association (John Payne) Scholarship Christopher D. Pitts Memorial Scholarship President’s Scholarship Dr. Michael Priddy Scholarship Professional Construction Estimators Association Endowed Scholarship William P. “Bill” Rice Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ricks Automotive Scholarship Dr. Charles E. Russell Endowed Scholarship William H. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship State Employees Credit Union Scholarship Sylvia Jones Taylor Nursing Endowment University Health Systems Endowed Scholarship U.N.X./NCATS Scholarship VISIONS Scholarships Joan Warren Memorial Endowed Scholarship Danny Williams Memorial Scholarship

Pitt Community College Scholarships Baer Academic Endowed Scholarship Floyd & Hilda Boyce Nursing Endowed Scholarship James Brooks Scholarship Chick-Fil-A Scholarship Philip Clark Scholarship Joseph Downing Endowed Scholarship Finch Scholarship Golden LEAF Foundation Scholarship Addie Gore Scholarship High Demand/Low Enrollment Scholarship Lloyd Huggins Memorial Scholarship Dale Leary Endowed Scholarship NC Education Lottery Scholarship

PCMH Nursing Scholarship Peace Church Endowed Scholarship James J. & Mamie Richardson Perkins Endowed Scholarship Service Roofing Endowed Scholarship George Shoe Memorial Scholarship Beth Butler Smithwick Memorial Scholarship Van Nortwick Endowed Scholarship Vernon E. White Endowed Scholarship Wachovia Scholarship W.H. Howell Endowed Scholarship Winterville High School Class of 1943 Endowed Scholarship Danny Woods Memorial Endowed Scholarship


PCC FOUNDATION DONORS Circle of Excellence $10,000+ Alliance One International, Inc. BB&T David Vaughn Construction, Inc. Emily Monk Davidson Billy R. & Valerie T. Dunn E. R. Lewis Construction Co., Inc. Eddie & Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation Edwards Foundation Greenville Toyota - Craig Goess L.R. Griffin & Associates, Inc. Minges Bottling Group PCMH Foundation Parker & Becky H. Overton Southern Bank Foundation Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Walter L. & Marie S. Williams WITN-TV 7

Foundation Leaders $5,000 - $9,999 Aldridge and Southerland J. Paul & Diana S. Davenport III Metrics, Inc. Herman & Ursula Simon Suddenlink Communications The Grainger Foundation David & Sydney Womack

President’s Council $2,500 - $4,999 Fuji Silysia Chemical USA, Ltd. Dr. Peter J. & Amy Kragel Robert T. & Suellen G. Monk, Jr. North State Steel, Inc. Timothy D. & Sherri H. Randall Charles E. & Lorraine V. Russell, Ed.D. The Clement Companies Randy & Anne Walters David Lee & Stephanie H. Warren, Jr. S.G. Wilkerson & Sons, Inc.

Pitt Society $1,000 - $2,499 American Legion Post 151 ASMO Attends Healthcare Products, Inc. Barbers Rentals BB&T William & Jenni K. Bogey Dawn Cash-Salau CenturyLink Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Randy & Sue Collier CopyPro Doctors Vision Center East Carolina Chrysler Dodge Jeep Eastern Radiologists, Inc. Russell S. & Deborah B. Eaves Evolve, Inc. First Citizens Bank Robert B. Fulford, Jr.


Charles E. & Tatjana E. Goodman, Jr. Hastings Ford Gene & Marsha P. Hemby Hendrix-Barnhill Company Don Hicks & Susan Everett Todd Wade & Pamela T. Hilbert Mark & Kim Holland Kiwanis Club of Greenville Frank & Charlene Lee Dr. G. Dennis & Chikako S. Massey Graham M. Mills Dan & Beth T. Nichols Dalton & Susan Nobles PCS Phosphate Physicians East Pirates Place Chad E. & Laura S. Reynolds Dr. Donald & Sara Beth Fulford Rhodes Sam’s Club Foundation The Daily Reflector Stephen W. & Susan A. Tripp University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina John & Blair Van Coutren Dee W. & Denise D. Vinson XEROX

College Fellows $500 - $999 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Deborah L. Ambert American Legion Pitt County 39 American Truck Center, Inc, Woody & Rita L. Andrews Tred & Rhonda Asher Atlantic Coast Foods, Inc. (Burger King) William W. & Laurie W. Bailey Dr. Jerry & Debra Barker Beaufort Regional Health System Dr. Edward B. Bright Carolina Medical Products Bobby Lewis & Hope V. Clark Coastal Plains Restaurants, LLC Rickie A. & Roxanne W. Davenport Angela Davis Wayland & Elaine Denton Doc Moore & Son Pest Control Lisa C. Driver East Carolina Bank Eastern Headache & Spine ECVC, Inc. James O. Ensor, Jr. Tina L. Farmer Willard C. & Evelyn H. Finch Beth Fulford Anthony Garner Leslie K. Allison & David E. Ginsburg Larry Graham & Janet Mullaney Bruce E. & Debra Ann Hines Gray Greenville Convention Center Greenville Marine & Sports Center, Inc. Richard C. Grimes Michael W. & Dewey N. Grubb Rev. Roger A. & Tommianne L. Haithcock HD Supply Plumbing

Mary Daughtry Heath Ray & Melinda S. Howard Institutional Interiors, Inc. Roman & Thomasine Justice Svetoslav Lalov & Velislava K. Karaivanova Dr. Alfred S. & Betsy B. King Dave Kludt Michael L. & Holly Lyn Knight Donald E. & Karen Martin Lee Dr. William C. & Sharon Lee, Jr. Jeff & Lynn Lee David & Betsy Leech Bill & Angela K. Lewis II James B. & JoAnne B. Lewis Norman K. & Teresa B. Lilley David J. & Deborah K. Lusk Floyd Van & Katherine B. Madray, Jr. Mitch W. & Lou Jean Manning Daniel S. & Sarah H. Mayo David C. & Patricia W. McRae Microtel Inn & Suites Jack P. & Lydia J. Morgan, Jr. Mortgage Professionals of NC Greg & Heidi Parker Billy & Simone Pate Phil Flowers & Associates, Inc. Pitt Country Mart, Inc. Pitt County Memorial Hospital Stephen & Debra A. Premo Quality Collision Repair, LLC Raymond & Lois Reddrick Regional Acceptance Corporation Rivers & Associates, Inc. Robinson Jewelers, Inc. Sheetz, Inc. Ricky & Jan Stotesberry Taff Office Equipment Company Tands, Inc. (Bojangles) The Little Bank Randy & Linda Lynn Tripp Tony & Gina Tripp Rod M. & Lou A. Tugwell Walter G. Underwood Waters Carpet Center, Inc. Michael D. Weeks George F. Whitfield, Jr. Janipat W. Worthington

Honor Council $250 - $499 Kevin & Kim Adams Charles M. & Linda W. Asbell, Jr. Allen & Wendy W. Ayscue Patricia Ann Baldwin Art & Dr. Susan Bane Guerry & Maggie Barbee Thomas L. & Debra J. Barrington Hilda P. Barrow Susan S. Basnight Mack Beale Insurance Agency Jeff & Laura Bennett Keith W. Bielby Kyle & Vera W. Braswell Bobby G. & Marie H. Bright Dr. D. Gregory Chadwick Milton W. & Belinda Coates

The PCC Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following donors for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Brian Cooper Susan D. Counterman Mary Daniel Keith G. & Nicole S. Drury East Coast Equipment Company Caprice M. Ebron Fanette H. Entzminger André B. & Andrea R. Gregory Peter Edward Gregory Chuck & Stephanie D. Griffin III Dr. Virginia Hardy William B. & Linda D. Hofler Michael Derek & Emma W. Hunter John C. & Rosalie Jacobi Hutchens Margaret A. Johnson Donald M. & Michelle A. King James E. & Betty R. Langston Greg & Monica Lassiter Daniel T. & Rachel P. Lee Richard D. & Kay J. Lee David T. & Karen M. Lemoine Macthrift Office Furniture Charles C. & Joan L. Martin, Jr. Drs. William McConnell & Mary Raab McConnell Brooke McCray Kathryn T. Minnick Bill & Rose Paramore Curt & Mary S. Paramore Jordan D. Potter Jerry W. & Carolyn N. Powell Kenneth Ray & Phyllis P. Ross Glenn Royster Ruckerjohns Chris & Ashley Dews Smith Kenneth W. & Ludie C. Smith Norris W. & Dorothy E. Smith, Jr. T. Rhett Spencer, MD, PA Eddie C. & Candy Stallings David M. & Carrie Terrian Bobby & Donna D. Tripp Danny & Janice Webb Thomas V. & Pok Woolard, Jr.

PCC Advocates $100 - $249 Adams Insurance Services, Inc. Patricia G. Adams R. Edward & Lee Martin Adams Alpha Insurance Associate Brent & Amanda Anderson Stanley & Faye Armstrong Tammy J. Atchison Ella L. Atkinson Burt & Nancy Aycock Gregory P. & Patricia G. Baldwin Banks & Collins Investments, Inc. Clyn Willard Barber Eugene Bibb & Gretchen M. Baugh III Dr. David L. & Kathie A. Beckman Mickey & Margaret A. Best Eddie & Andrea Biggs Bob Barbour Honda, Inc. James O. & Connie M. Bond Michael L. & Wendy Bridgers Joe & Leslie P. Brittain R. Tildon & Becky B. Brittle

Ricky D. Brown Drs. Austin & Wanda Bunch Tavondia W. Burdett Ann B. Byrd Thomas A. & Kathy Carnes Gregory W. Carter Gary T. & Joanne T. Ceres Sharon G. Ceres Challender Insurance Agency Dr. Carter Childs Clark-Branch, Inc. Realtors Thomas E. & Lora C. Clark William H. Cobb & Cecilia MooreCobb Charles Cameron Coburn Dwight G. Collier Michael & Brenda Colombo Brian & Kendall Arlene Commodore Thomas H. & Francine Elks Cooke, Jr. William T. Cooper, Jr. Marty & Laura L. Corbett Thomas L. Craft, Jr. Dr. Paul & Sydney Cunningham Charles S. & Cathy Davenport R. Ed Davenport, Jr. DBS Construction Delano C. & Gaynell B. Deans Larry C. & Sherry Dendy Ed & Miriam P. Dennis, Jr. Mimi T. Denton Ulla Britta S. Dittmar Edgar & Janey H. Douglas, Jr. Allen & Lisa B. Elmore Brenda H. Ernest Farrior & Sons, Inc Lonnie W. & Betty C. Foreman Garris-Evans Lumber Co. Jean J. & Happy D. Gingras Jeff L. & Stacy H. Gise Rhys C. Godwin, Jr. Robert A. Goldberg, Jr. Mary Kay Gooding Edwin & Betsy Gray Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce David W. & Elizabeth Woods Haddock Brian & Sonya Hall John & Emily Lu Harrington Frank M. & Jeane C. Hemingway Thomas M. & Kandis Hill, Jr. William M. & Donna A. Hill Duane T. & Valentina Spencer Holder Dr. Michael House David J. & Lynne O. Howard Robert & Carolyn Hyatt Paul R. Ingbretsen Robert & Kim Jessup JKF Architecture Titus & Heather D. Johnson III Jody P. Jones Michael V. & Gail W. Joyner George J. & Judith G. Kasperek Norm & Jane H. Keller Bill & Eva King J. Bryant & Cindy Kittrell III Kiwanis Club Of Winterville Barry & Mandy Knowles Tim Clark & Dr. Linda Kuhn James Howard & Ann Brown Land

Brian & Jennifer LaPoint Vann Richard “Chip” Laughinghouse Ernis A. & Carla H. Lee Rita Leggett Hugh & Linda C. Leighty Katheryn C. Lewis Hilda Boyd & Buddy Little Charles E. & Jeanine S. Long Lori L. Lowry Paul Jeff & Joanna R. Majette David George Manning Harold L. & Janet D. Manning, Jr. Tom K. & Cathy J. Marsh Robert L. Martin Sandra L. Mathis Mark A. & Linda R. Mazer Richard H. & Marian N. McLawhorn III Merry Maids Larry & Linda R. Messer Brian P. & Jennifer M. Miller Don & Boots Mills John E. & Linda G. Monroe Garrie W. & LaVonne S. Moore Timmy & Kelly Diane Moore Anthony & Melanie Morgan Morgan Printers, Inc. Chris & Karen A. Mossman William E. Mozingo, Sr. Will & Donna Vick Neal, Jr. James A. & Beth Nelson, Jr. Ernie E. & Meredith E. Nichols Richard G. Owens David & Dana Cole Parker Don & Helen Parrott Mark A. & LuAnne A. Phillips Scott & Jane M. Power Michael D. & Susanne Sartelle Priddy R. R. Miller Construction, Inc. Sidney & Elizabeth P. Rabon Jeffrey S. & Joy G. Ramey Dr. William E. & Doris Rasberry William R. & Lisa M. Reichstein, Jr. Dr. Will & Regina Respess Michael & Tracy A. Riddle Mike & Kimberly W. Robinson Georgory E. Robison Rev. Greg D. & Leslie Rogers Tony & Stephanie Manley Rook Dr. Robert A. & Jon W. Shaw Eddie C. Sherrod Donald E. & Sue O. Skinner John B. & Charlotte Smith Lara H. Smith Lynn A. Smith Vernon G. & Jessica F. Snyder III James V. & Marguerite C. Stephens Thomas & Torrey Stroud Rusty & Jenny Sugg Jehu & Sally Taff Anna Thompson Dr. Earl Trevathan Carol Ann Tucker Mary F. Tyson Curt & Melanie Vanderhorst Charles M. & Sandra D. Vincent James Diezal & Carmen Vincent Lauren Elaine Ward Buddy & Janice Waters Jeanette D. Waters Stephen West Alice C. Williams Cassius S. Williams Raymond W. & Mavis G. Williams

Winterville Insurance Agency Harvey S. Wooten Worth & Darlene Smith Worthington Paul B. & Joan Wynn

Friends of PCC $1 - $99 Jake Adams, Jr. Richard & Lee Adams Jim & Ida P. Albright Jerry F. & Shelley C. Allen III Terry W. Allen Charles K. & Angela R. Anderson Bobby W. Andrews Brenda Jackson Andrews Lillie L. Andrews Beryalai & Homa Angar Ashleigh Wood Arp Ian Bradley Baer Shannon M. Baker Kisha S. Banks Timmy Ray Barfield Marilyn N. Beaumont Michael W. & Robin T. Bennett Donna H. Bivans Michael J. & Jessica P. Blake Margaret (Meg) M. Boles Linda S. Boryk James M. & Stephanie P. Bowers Ward Bradshaw Connally Branch Lorri C. Stanley Brewer Elisabeth A. Parsey Britt Tim & Deborah Broadwell John P. & Trudy Brooks, Jr. Dorothy Caroline Brown Jane Darden Brown Melonie T. Bryan John R. & Kelsey Buck Janet M. Bullock, EdD Nancy S. Bunch Janice Bundy Steve L. Burnette John D. & Amy H. Calhoun, Jr. Angela H. Campbell Christy Joyner Cannon Glenda Cannon David Lee Carmon Dr. Wayne & Marian L. Cascio Edwin W. & Faye T. Causey Clifton H. & Catherine G. Cahoon David W. & Lisa Farrior Chappell Charles & Yvette M. Eubanks Chauncey Joseph & Patti Devine Clark Thomas H. & Kathleen G. Clarke Russell Clift Angela Cline Scott & Tina Lynn Clinefelter Amy R. Cole Katherine Yopp Collins Ray & Jennifer King Congleton Nancy Daun Conrad Ernie Copenhaver Eleanor Corbin Dr. Shannon Cotnam Angela Council Brandi Elizabeth Cowan Kelvin Cox Blount C. & Leslie L. Craft Frankie L. & Pamela H. Dail Mae Lee Daniels

James L. & Frances Daugherty John M. & Sandra M. Daugherty Mary M. Daughtry Susan M. Daughtry Robert L. DeSoto Angelene R. Dixon Sheldon C. & Meta M. Downes Anthony Wayne & Amy B. Eason Tommy T. & Marybeth P. Eason Alan T. & Jenny B. Edwards Holly Edwards JoAnn L. Elkins Andrew Michael Ervin Gary L. & Wendy Evans LaTonya M. Evans Nancy W. Evans Faith P. Fagan Quashima Sharise Faison Janice L. Fisher Donnell L. & Gwendolyn P. Floyd Amy Fraser James & Leatrice Freer Lyudmila Galeyeva Tony Gallardo Jimmy F. & Carolyn A. Garris Teresa A. Garris Cyndra H. Gasperini Lisa Gay Timothy Tyler & Kim Gaylord Genesis Sunday School Philip & Louise Germain Obie D. & Becky A. Godley Pamela Paige Gorham Melva (Lois) Banks Gray David Griffith Belinda L. Grubbs Ralph & Barbara J. Hall Pat E. Hardee Ronald M. & Sandra M. Hardison Gayle Leatrice Hardy Andrea R. Harper Alton & Ella T. Harris Cassie E. Harris Leon & Judy H. Harris Lenora Charleston Harvey Don Hazelwood Raymond Heath Cara N. Herrington Clifton B. & Sandra A. Hickman Mary C. Higgs Henry W. & Debbie E. Hinton, Jr. Hobbs Insurance Agency, Inc. Julia Marie Hodges-Ray Rita S. Hodges Tia Stocks Holloman James R. Hriso Penny M. Hyde Victor E. & JoAnne J. James, Jr. Gregory W. & Stacy H. Jarrell Joseph Jeansonne Sue Jefferson Mark E. Jesmer Juanita F. Johnson Rosemary Brown Johnson Deshon Monquette Jones Jackie Jones James Earl & Sherry Jones Ruth B. Jones Gaston Valentino Jordan, Jr. Jennifer Garris Joyner Willard & Lottie N. Joyner Mani S. & Joan A. Kavuru Mary Duffy Corcoran Keeter

Helen Kelley Leonard M. & Andrea Collins Kelly Alicia King Cornelia J. King Alison S. Knox James Kornegay Shirley P. Kuhn Marcia J. Lambert Carnell & Deborah L. Lamm Dell Little Lane Greig S. & Beth Randalls Lane Roy C. Lanier Mack S. & Susan M. Leggett Eugenia M. Lentz J. Keith Letchworth Eddie & Cindy R. Lewis Kyle & Shawne Llewellyn Tracy Lynn Luton Thomas C. & Melanie C. Lyons Ruggie MacKenzie Norma Manning Angela Martin Linda M. Matlosz-McCarthy & Marlene Matlosz Brandy R. Maxwell Calvin J. Mayo Lynn E. McCormick Debra P. McGowan Michael A. & Marla A. McLawhorn Tabitha Miller Joseph & Janet G. Mintern Angela M. Moore April L. Moore Isaac D. & Jamelle G. Moore Rodney & Susan Broome Moore Bertha Ann Mooring Julie H. Moseley Donald & Karen S. Mozingo Gregory H. & Sarah M. Needham Phil & Gail Nichols Kevin Randall & Lori Hagan Nobles Mark Ephriam & Marguerite Parker Gayle C. Pate Robert Lee Peacock Jimmy A. & Angela S. Peaden Heidi Perkins James T. & Gail D. Pinkham Ella Barnes Pitt Michael Preuss Amanda Lynn Price Tommy & Amanda Price William E. Price Roger A. Pruhs Douglas L. & Theresa R. Rawls Miriam A. Reed Zia Ur Rehman Dr. Randall & Marilyn M. Renegar Russell H. & Melissa R. Rhodes, Jr. Michael E. & Mindy F. Richardson April Risby Cory Roberson Timothy L. & Priscilla Moore Rodgers Jack & Carolyn Rollins Carlos Lucien Romero Sonji Rowsom Donald F. & Phyllis P. Rudd Karen M. Sabo Lisa Kathryn Sadler Mary Lynn Sanderson Charles E. Saunders Kimberly T. Scholl Joseph L. & JoAnn Schuhbauer Terry Lynn Sellers

Sunil & Sonali Sharma William W. Sherman Ralph E. & Jean H. Sherrod Carol Frances Jones Shields Larry & Mary Lee Smart Allen Coleman & Jenni Drew Smith Lisa Ann Smith Nathan H. & Anita L. Smith Wanda Manning Smith Raymond E. Smithson Charles M. Smithwick Nancy O. Spainhour William & Karen W. Speight Donald R. Spell Freida Elaine Spencer Daniel V. Stanford Mark R. & Tilwanda L. Steinberg Edward Vann & Amy T. Stephenson Kenneth & Nanette B. Stillwell Andrew Stuart Bill & Leigh Sypawka Dr. Pal Hargittai & Dr. Katalin Szucs Clyde Ray Taylor Wanda C. Tenpenny Greg & Teresa W. Thompson Charles A. Tingen Lee W. & Elizabeth D. Toderick Joy C. Tucker Dustin P. Turner Meredith Ann Turner Prentice L. Tyndall Leonard & Jane Van Staalduinen Robert S. & Joanne (Jody) Bulow Venters Harold W. & Maurey D. Verzier Alton C. & Cynthia L. Wadford Michael James & Louise Waltenburg Terrence Eugene & Roneisha Denise Ward George Douglas Warren Bruce Warrender Kim H. Waters Michael & Diane O. Waters Henry D. & Beverly K. Webster Rhonda J. Wells Wayne S. & Ellen W. West Lee A. & Jane Whealton, Jr. Mary Thomas Whitehead Christi L. Williams Peggy Williams Robert E. & Rita Bullock Williams Willie Mae Williams Bryan J. Williamson Callie R. Woodard Linwood E. & Glenda O. Woodard, Jr. Stephanie T. Woodley Allyson Swain Woolard Wesley M. & Wendy Wooten Dawn M. Worthington Kathy A. Worthington Daniela Zemanek

We sincerely regret any omission or incorrect listing of any donor’s name. Please contact the Foundation office at 252-493-7287 with any corrections.


Pitt Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award Associate Degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Pitt Community College.

PO Drawer 7007 G r e e n v i l l e, N C 2 7 8 5 8 252-493-7200 w w w. p i t t c c . e d u Pitt Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer / Committed to Diversity. 2500 copies of this document were printed at a cost of $3,111.00 or $1.24 per copy. November 2010 - HP

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