THE 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES MAKE ON THEIR WEBSITES BY ALEXIS LINCOLN | CRAFTECH COMPUTER SOLUTIONS In 2021, a website is often the first thing a consumer searches to find information on a business. Yet, not many business owners can say their website is top-performing and has no room for improvement. For many business owners, online presence is the last thing on their minds. Business owners are caught up in the day-to-day workload and don’t have time to focus on small details such as website design. However, having a good website can turn a visitor into a customer. Here is a list of the most common website mistakes CrafTech Computer Solutions sees on a daily basis: 1.
It Does Not Establish Credibility:
Reviews or testimonials are the best way to establish business credibility. Consumers do not want to be the first to use a service; they need evidence that the service is worth the investment. No one wants their purchase to feel like a gamble. Good reviews build trust, especially since reviews posted on platforms like Google are not editable by the business owner. Therefore, business websites should always post their reviews to convince potential buyers of their credibility. Another mistake business owners make is to not fully describe their services on their website. Don’t just write, “Our business does this, this, and this.” Show it. Write out the details of the service. Tell the reader why this business does it best. Bulleted
lists of services are not enough; they are not convincing. Consumers need to know if the service is for them and meets their individual needs. For example, writing “We do home renovations” is not enough. What kind of renovations? For what kind of homes? In what area? People are often too lazy to call a business for more information; the website needs to clarify what the company does and its audience. Make it easy for a buyer to do the research; give them as much relevant information as possible. Even better, connect reviews mentioning a particular service to that service’s description. Along with proper descriptions, people like visuals. The images on a website are one of the first elements to catch a visitor’s attention. The photos should be high resolution and formatted correctly (not stretched out, pixelated, or blurry.) Photos are an excellent opportunity to represent the company and show off work well done. But incorrectly formatted photos give the wrong impression to website viewers. 2.
It’s Hard To Get Information:
Websites often capture hesitant leads. Customers searching for the right business to meet their needs do not want to call multiple places to compare. In truth, some people will do anything to avoid making a phone call. So, an online form is the low-pressure, low commitment point of contact.