Greater Bangor CVB Guidebook

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Your Gateway to More of Maine


region guide • event planning • visitor information

Visiting Maine is like coming home.

Everyone is friendly even the moose!


Welcome to the Greater Bangor Region! The Greater Bangor region offers a surprising mix of cosmopolitan Kerrie Tripp, experiences and old Executive Director world traditions.The unique spirit of the Greater Bangor region is evident in its charming shops, delicious dining and world-class performing arts. The opportunity to indulge in culture and nature will beckon you at every turn and is all within the city limits or just a short drive away. The Bangor International Airport makes the region easily accessible by air, and our proximity to major roadways makes traveling by motor coach and car simple. Bangor, known as the “Gateway to The Maine Highlands Region,” is centrally located in the state and is within a 90-minute drive of Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Baxter State Park and the Moosehead Lake Region. Whatever your business, whatever your pleasure, you will find it all right here in the Bangor Region. Just Ask ME — I live here!

Kerrie Tripp Executive Director

Greater Bangor Convention & Visitors Bureau 40 Harlow Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE



Our Heritage


Culture & Arts


Outdoor Recreation & Healthy Living


Winter Activities


Family Adventures




Day Trip Ideas


Events in the Area


Planning Your Visit




Dining & Nightlife


Accommodations & Event Spaces


Convention Services


Membership Directory



ur Gateway to Mo o Y r o g n re of M Ba aine

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Bang or, the Quee n City of Main e, is loca ted on the wes tern bank of the migh ty Peno bsco t Rive r. The prox imity of the rive r made Bang or the “lumb er capit al of the worl d� for much of the 19th cent ury. Bang or is the thir d-la rge st city in the stat e and the reta il, cult ural and serv ice cent er for cent ral, east ern and nort hern Main e, as well as Atla ntic Cana da.

Orono bog w


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Our Heritage

The river flowed clear and sparkling to the sea, with forests of evergreen rising from its banks. Bangor’s rich and storied history can be seen today in the architecture, monuments, parks and even the stories that are still a part of our community. Nestled at the confluence of the Penobscot River and the Kenduskeag Stream, Bangor has not forgotten the Native communities that first settled these lands. The Wabanakis, or People of the Dawn Land, camped along the river’s shore, fished its tributaries, relied on its route for access to the sea and gave to its beautiful valley a name: Penobscot. Among the many monuments throughout downtown Bangor are two memorials dedicated to the first European chroniclers to land on these shores. Searching for gold in 1525, Portuguese explorer Estevan Gomez found a temperate country and welcoming Native community – but no gold. And in 1604, Samuel de Champlain (more famously known for founding the City of Quebec) first explored Eastern Maine. His journey up the Penobscot River landed him near the Kenduskeag Stream; today a memorial to his travels stands in Brewer.

of the Penjajawock Stream in 1772, and within 20 years this small town had grown to 576 souls. Deciding that it was time to petition the Massachusetts legislature for an act of incorporation (Maine was still a part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony until 1820), the town sent Reverend Seth Noble to Boston. This “hard-drinking frontier Calvinist” set off with instructions to change the name of Kenduskeag Plantation to Sunbury. Stories about what subsequently happened are varied and doubtfully authentic; however, whether by accident or design, the plantation’s new name communicated by Rev. Noble at the crucial moment of incorporation was Bangor, the name of a favorite yet rather mournful Welsh hymn.

Bangor played a small role in the Revolutionary War. In 1779, ten American ships were scuttled at the convergence of the Penobscot River and the Kenduskeag Stream, where they remained until the late 1950s, when construction of the Joshua Chamberlain Bridge disturbed the site. Six cannons were removed from the riverbed, five of which remain on display throughout the region (one was thrown back into the river The community of Kenduskeag by area residents angered that the Plantation began as a lumbering town archeological site was destroyed for when a sawmill was built at the mouth the bridge construction).


banks, two fire stations, nearly a hundred businesses, six churches, a synagogue and 285 private residences – a total of 55 acres.

The river not only raised Maine’s lumber trade to the top of the global economy, but also bricks, leather and ice (which was cut and stored in winter, then shipped to Boston, and even China, the West Indies and South America).

Just as every city’s history must also contain its dark side, so too does Bangor’s. In 1937, downtown Bangor was the scene of the bloodiest shootout in Maine history, complete with big-time gangsters (the FBI’s Most Wanted: Al Brady and his gang) and federal agents. Thinking that Maine was a perfect hiding place to avoid the authorities, Brady and his gang came to Bangor to purchase weapons. However, their stories of purchasing semi-automatic pistols and Tommy guns for hunting didn’t sit with the Maine merchants, who called in the authorities.

In 1911, one event changed the face of downtown Bangor forever. On April 30 a fire started in a hay shed, quickly spread to the surrounding downtown buildings and blazed through the night into the next day. When the damage was tallied, Bangor had lost its High School, Post Office & Custom House, Public Library, Norumbega Hall, telephone and telegraph companies,

The community rebuilt itself, and in the process became a showplace for a diverse range of architectural styles, including the Mansard style, Beaux Arts, Greek and Colonial Revival. The historic Bangor House served as one of the nation’s great palace hotels and hosted luminiaries including Jack Benny, John Philip Sousa, Gene Autry, Rudy Vallee, Bette Davis and Duke Ellington.

tory ter for His n e C & m u e s ery Bangor Mu pe Cemet o H t n u o Tour of M

“We are the oldest cultural institution in Bangor. Founded in 1864, we have a collection that tells the story of Bangor —from the rowdy Devil’s half acre to the homes and lives of the wealthy lumber barons. Come join us on a tour and learn a piece of Bangor’s rich history.”

Our Heritage

By the mid-1830s Bangor had grown into a thriving lumber town, the portal through which the bounty of the inland forests flowed to the rest of the world. Bangor’s lumber barons built impressive mansions, many of which remain today in the city’s historic districts. By 1860, Bangor was the world’s largest lumber port, with 150 sawmills operating along the river. The city shipped over 150 million board-feet of lumber a year, much of it in Bangor-built and Bangorowned ships. In 1860 alone, Bangor’s waterfront saw 3,300 lumbering ships pass by its docks.

Dana Lippitt, Bangor Museum & Center for History 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE 9

What followed was the most infamous scene in Bangor’s history, with a shoot-out between Federal agents and gangsters, not ending until the Brady Gang members were either dead or in handcuffs. Central Street today features a memorial marker to this event and the community that foiled the FBI’s Most Wanted.

Memorial Parks & Statues For more detailed directions please visit

Bangor Historic Districts

Chamberlain Freedom Park North Main Street, Brewer

Bangor is a city rich with fascinating history; visit the following historical and architecturally significant areas to see how Bangor has evolved. For more information, visit our website’s historic districts section at

Gomez Park Broad Street, Bangor

Broadway to Garland Street Garland Street, Essex Street, State Street, Park Street and Center Street

West Market Square Main Street, Broad Street and West Market Square

Thomas Hill Road Thomas Hill Road from Highland Avenue to Ohio Street

Great Fire of 1911 Harlow Street, Center Street, Park Street, State Street, York Street and Central Street

Korean War Memorial Mt. Hope Cemetery, Bangor

State Street Includes State, Salem, Court Street and part of Newbury Street

Luther H. Peirce Memorial Harlow Street, Bangor

Main Street Main Street from May Street to Hammond Street, crossing Union Street and Middle Street

Lady Victory & Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Central Street, Bangor

High Street High Street, North High Street and Middle Street from Union to Hammond Streets Bangor Theological Seminary Pond Street and Cedar Street from Hammond Street to Union Street Whitney Park West Broadway, part of Cedar Street and Hayward Street


Though the frenzy of the lumbering industry has shifted to more western states, Bangor maintains its position as the cultural and economic center of Northern, Central and Eastern Maine. Sporting events, cultural activities, education, recreation and shopping draw visitors from across Maine and beyond to the Bangor that has developed out of its vibrant history.

Kenduskeag Parkway & Hannibal Hamlin Statue State Street, Bangor

Paul Bunyan Statue & Park Main Street, Bangor

Purple Heart Memorial Cole Land Transportation Museum, Bangor

Greater Bangor Historical Museums

Maine Air Museum Maine Avenue, Bangor Old Town Museum Main Street, Old Town Page Farm & Home Museum University of Maine, Orono Penobscot Indian Nation Museum Wabanaki Way, Indian Island

“TommyKnockers & More” Bus Tour

Our Heritage

Bangor Museum & Center for History Thomas A. Hill House Remember the Maine Memorial Union Street, Bangor Davenport Park, Main Street, Bangor Bangor Police Museum The Pound Summer Street, Bangor Route 15, Orrington Clewley Museum Thomas Hill Standpipe Wilson Street, Brewer Thomas Hill Road, Bangor Cole Land Transportation Museum Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Perry Road, Bangor Norumbega Parkway Central Street, Bangor Hose 5 Fire Museum State Street, Bangor Vietnam War Memorial Cole Land Transportation Museum, Bangor Hudson Museum University of Maine, Orono WWII Memorial Cole Land Transportation Museum, Kinsley House Museum Bangor Main Rd. S. Rt. 1A, Hampden

Leonard’s Mills, Maine Forest & Logging Museum Route 178, Bradley

The Only Stephen King Literary Tour in Maine Four Public Tours a Year Step-On Guides Available

Advanced paid reservations are required. Make your reservations now!!—800-91-MOOSE

11 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE

Culture & Arts

The beauty of the Greater Bangor Region lies in its wide variety of arts, culture and great entertainment experiences that are available any time of the year. “Penobscot Theatre is proud to be an anchor in the rich variety of arts and cultural offerings that Bangor is famous for. We’re thrilled to bring the power of professional theatre to residents and visitors alike and hope you will say hello when you come in to our historic venue to see a show!” Scott Levy, Producing Artistic Director Penobscot Theatre Company

There’s music. Take in a performance by the Bangor Symphony Orchestra, which has brought the joy of live music to the area since 1896, making it one of the oldest orchestras in the country. If you’re visiting Bangor during the holiday season, don’t miss the annual performance of “The Nutcracker” by the Robinson Ballet Company.

There’s drama. Visit the architecturally magnificent and historic Bangor Opera House to take in a show by the Penobscot Theatre Company. The company creates highly-acclaimed professional productions ranging from side-splitting comedies to joyous musicals that keep you thinking long after the curtain has fallen.

In warmer months, enjoy the Cool Sounds concert series in Pickering Square, the energetic sounds of the Bangor Band, or one of the many music festivals on the Bangor Waterfront, including the American Folk Festival. Held during the last weekend of August, this capstone event features the music, songs and dance traditions of cultures that make up America today. The Waterfront is transformed for three days with food and craft vendors, as more than 20 different musical groups from Cajun and Irish to Quebecois and Blues appear on numerous stages.

There’s art. Exhibits at the UMaine Museum of Art at Norumbega Hall showcase work by local and worldfamous artists. The museum has four galleries that feature a new exhibit every three months. The collection has over 3,100 works and features modern, contemporary art and a constant rotation of the museum’s collection. The Robert E. White Gallery on the Husson University campus is dedicated to exhibiting works by Maine artists in every possible medium including watercolors, still life, oil paintings, pastels, sculptures, acrylics, photographs and etchings.

rs ommyknocke T e h t g in t a narr Scott Levy ater Bangor e r G e h t r o f reau & More Tour Visitors Bu Convention &


Celebrate! An exciting schedule of modern and contemporary art exhibitions in the heart of downtown Bangor.

40 Harlow Street Bangor, ME 04401 207.561.3350

There are educational opportunities. The Bangor Public Library, housed in an historic downtown building, hosts many free events and is home to more than 450,000 books. The Bangor Museum and Center for History features artifacts and guided tours. If you have kids in tow, be sure to visit the Maine Discovery Museum. The largest children’s museum north of Boston has rotating interactive exhibits and hands-on activities guaranteed to keep kids of all ages amused for hours.

Each August in Bangor Music, dance and culture from traditions across America August 26, 27 & 28, 2011 August 24, 25 & 26, 2012

Culture & Arts in Greater Bangor American Folk Festival on the Bangor Waterfront Bangor Arts Bangor Ballet Bangor Band Bangor Museum & Center for History Bangor Public Library Bangor Symphony Orchestra Collins Center for the Arts

Cool Sounds Concert Series Hudson Museum Maine Discovery Museum Penobscot Theatre Company River City Cinema Robinson Ballet Company Robert E. White Gallery University of Maine Museum of Art

Culture & Arts

And there’s more. Catch a free film on warm Fridays, as the River City Cinema hosts its annual summer festival in Pickering Square. The Collins Center for the Arts (CCA) at the University of Maine’s Orono campus offers a varied schedule of performances from worldrenowned artists to live simulcasts of the Metropolitan Opera. Be sure to see the collection at The Hudson Museum, housed in the CCA, which features thousands of Native American artifacts.

Traditional Arts

For a complete list of culture & arts offerings, please visit


Early morning fly fishing in the Millinoc ket area

“Beyond Bangor you can easily access prime moose watching, fishing,camping and hiking. However, don’t be fooled by the seemingly remote location. The north woods of Maine offers fine dining and lodging. If you find yourself heading north, The New England Outdoor Center can help you design a Maine experience to suit all your outdoor endeavors. Letthe Maine North Woods be your great escape.”

Matt & Wendy Polstein, New England Outdoor Center & River Drivers Restaurant 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE 14

Maine is known for its natural beauty and the Greater Bangor Region is no exception. Located on the banks of the Penobscot River amid handsome forests, the Greater Bangor Region entices residents and visitors alike to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

Outdoor Recreation & Healthy Living

There are also many parks where you can stretch your legs or simply grab a bench to catch up on some reading. Cascade Park, a longtime favorite, features a regal fountain, inviting picnic tables, benches and even a waterfall. The park is a pleasant place for outdoor gatherings and an amazing backdrop for any wedding. Are you a bird watcher? A good place to take a bird or nature walk is the Field’s Pond Audubon Center in Holden. There are smooth manicured trails, and in the spring and early summer, red-winged blackbirds and bluebirds sing as bitterns hide in the marsh. Maine Audubon has another sanctuary off Essex Street in Bangor, the West Penjajawoc Grasslands, that features a beautiful green field with mowed paths that are easy to walk, and where you can often find bobolinks in the spring and early summer. Hirundo

Wildlife Refuge and Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge are two sanctuaries that are home to over 200 different bird species and 45 species of mammals. The Bangor City Forest (Roland Perry’s City Forest) is home to hundreds of wild animals, including deer, moose, bears, turkeys, beavers and rabbits. Walk, hike or bike the nine miles of groomed trails on over 680 acres of land at the forest, as well as four miles of access roads. There you may find yourself admiring a doe and her fawns or marveling at the vibrant autumn colors of changing trees. Nearby, the Orono Bog Boardwalk adds an educational slant to a delightful walk. If you’re a winter enthusiast, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy outdoor recreation. Visitors are able to cross-country ski, snowshoe or just take a long winter walk. Families often choose to spend a day at Hermon Mountain, a popular destination that offers skiing, snowboarding and tubing.

Keeping fit in Bangor is easy. The area boasts a number of local fitness centers and gyms that are affiliated with national chains, so you can just drop in with your membership from home and they will be more than glad to welcome you. Many of our fitness centers have a full range of high-quality fitness equipment and options, from swimming pools to spinning classes to free weights to racquet courts that will suit your exercise needs. Can’t wait to hit the course every spring? The Greater Bangor Region has some of the best golfing opportunities available. If a manicure, mud bath or facial are more to your liking, pamper yourself at a local spa. You can also find places to get a massage, acupuncture and more!

Outdoor Recreation & Healthy Living

Spurred by the popularity of the American Folk Festival, Bangor’s waterfront was recently revitalized and walkers love to stroll along its scenic banks, have a picnic lunch, or just enjoy the view.

Enjoying the Greater Bangor Region could not be easier! From dogsledding adventures to a leisurely, educational stroll through the Orono Bog Boardwalk, Bangor is centrally located and has everything you need to make your visit the best it can be!


Hiking and Trails in the Greater Bangor Region: Bald Mountain, Dedham – Hike up a lone mountain to an abandoned fire tower with superb views. This hike is well off the beaten path but views from the summit of surrounding farmland and Phillips Lake make this daytrip worthwhile. The steep trail, which is approximately a half mile, follows a road carved out of ledge. DeMeritt University Forest, Old Town – With over 15 miles of trails, the forest is ideal for walkers, joggers, cyclists and equestrians. During the winter months, skiers and snowshoers are welcome to enjoy the many miles of trails as well. Ecotat Gardens and Arboretum, Hermon – Eighty-eight acres of land containing 280 varieties of trees and over 1,500 varieties of perennials boasts an abundance of animals, birds and insects. Visitors can enjoy tours of the gardens during the growing season, hikes through the fall season or cross-country skiing on trails during the winter.

Hirundo Wildlife Sanctuary, Old Town – This site is a private wildlife refuge covering 1,500 acres with well-marked walking trails. Jeremiah Colburn Natural Area, Orono – Fifty-five acres of densely wooded, sloping terrain and an abundance of bird life make this an enjoyable stop. Littlefield Ornamental Test Gardens, Orono – This is a 12-acre facility dedicated to research and teaching. Marsh Island Natural Area, Orono Heavily wooded with spruce and hemlock, this 45-acre property has old logging trails that are not tagged but are easy to follow. Watch for the beautiful blossoming of wild plum trees in the spring.

Sunkhaze Meadows, Milford – This is a National Wildlife Refuge and Maine’s second largest peat bog, which can be explored by canoe, on foot, by cross-country skis or on a snowmobile. More than 200 species of birds have Fields Pond Audubon Center, Holden been identified in the refuge. Enjoy 192 acres of fields, wetlands and forests, 1,600 feet of lakeshore, and a Walden–Parke Preserve, Orono 22-acre island in Fields Pond. Join an Featuring a portion of the Caribou organized field trip, or just walk, bird Bog, this 206-acre property has watch or sit and contemplate nature. softwood forests and beaver wetlands. Visit for more information 16

Walks in Greater Bangor Bangor City Forest and Orono Bog Boardwalk Tripp Dr., Bangor Bangor Waterfront Front St., Bangor Brewer Waterfront Trail South Main St., Brewer Brown Woods Ohio St., Bangor Cascade Park State St., Bangor Dorothea Dix Park Main Road South, Hampden Essex Woods Watchmaker St., Bangor Kenduskeag Stream Trail Downtown Bangor Mount Hope Cemetery Mount Hope Rd., Bangor Northeast Penjajawoc Preserve Kittredge Rd., Bangor Prentiss Woods Grandview Ave., Bangor West Penjajawoc Grasslands Fox Hollow Ln., Bangor

Bangor Partnership

The heart of Bangor features a lively mix of shops, pubs, restaurants, walking trails and waterfront views all year long!

Outdoor Recreation & Healthy Living


Here you will find everything from historic buildings to modern museums; professional theatre to artists’ studios; free concerts to large festivals and so much more! Downtown is a “foodie” destination where pubs and ethnic restaurants rub shoulders with the finest of dining. And shopping is an enjoyable and relaxing experience full of antiques, art, books, clothes, crafts, comics, collectables, hardware, home décor, jewelry, kayaks, Maine-made products, musical instruments, specialty foods, toys, wine and much, much more! For more information on dining, shopping, parking, things to do and more visit:

17 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE

Bangor Parks Information on each of Bangor’s parks can be found online at Bangor City Forest (Roland Perry) Tripp Drive, Bangor Bog Boardwalk, Walking Trails, Primitive Trails, Mt. Biking Trails

“Come join the American Folk Festival on the beautiful Bangor Waterfront in August. Watch as Downtown Bangor comes alive, with over 60 performances celebrating music, dance, cultures and traditions from across America and the World.” Maria Baeza, Chair, American Folk Festival

Bangor Gardens Knox Avenue, Bangor Basketball Court, Misc. Playground Structures, Walking Path Broadway Park Broadway & Pine Street, Bangor Playground, Picnic Shelter, Open Space Cascade Park State Street, Bangor Gazebo, Fountain, Walking Trails, Picnic Tables Chapin Park Forest & Parkview Avenue, Bangor Playground, Open Space, Walking Path Fairmount Park Royal & Norway Road, Bangor Playground, ½ Basketball Court, Walking Path

Folk e American h t t a u o y ee “I hope to s ear!” ~Maria y is h t l a Festiv


Hayford Park 13th Street, Bangor Playground Structures, Tennis Courts, Basketball Court Little City Park Linden & Norfolk Street, Bangor Playground, 2 Tennis Courts, Open Space Paul Bunyan Park Main St. Bangor Paul Bunyan Statue, Band Stand Skate Park Dutton Street., Bangor Half Pipe, Ramps and Fun Boxes Stillwater Park Howard Street., Bangor Playground, ½ Basketball Court Union Street Complex Union Street, Bangor 3 Lighted ASA regulation Softball Fields, 2 Youth Soccer Fields Waterfront Park Front Street, Bangor Picnic Area, Walking Paths, Open Space, Marina Brewer Auditorium Wilson Street, Brewer Playground, Pool, Indoor Facilities

Over 25 Different Classes of Cars Live Entertainment Great Food & Free Admission

Need help planning your trip? Contact the Greater Bangor Convention & Visitors Bureau today for your FREE Visitor Information Packet. 800-91-MOOSE Always on the Second Weekend of September

Golf Courses

Beth Pancoe Municipal Aquatic Center 13th Street, Bangor Zero-entry Pool, Waterslides

Bangor Municipal Golf Course 278 Webster Avenue, Bangor 27-Hole Golf Course designed by Geoffrey Cornish

Dakin Pool Pine Street, Bangor General Swim Pool

Hermon Meadow Golf Club 281 Billings Road, Bangor 18-hole golf course

Brewer Municipal Pool Wilson Street, Brewer General Swim Lura Hoit Memorial Pool 146 Western Avenue, Hampden General Swim, Indoor Pool

Hampden Country Club 25 Thomas Road, Hampden 9-Hole Golf Course Pine Hill Golf Club 23 Pine Hill Drive, Orrington 9-Hole Golf Course Island Green Golf Center 1 Main Rd., Holden 9-Hole Golf Course

Lucerne-in-Maine Golf Course Route 1A, Holden 9-Hole Golf Course Kenduskeag Golf Course & Country Club 947 Grant Road, Kenduskeag 9-Hole Golf Course Hidden Meadows Golf Club 238 West Old Town Road, Old Town 9-Hole Golf Course Penobscot Valley Country Club 366 Main Street Orono 18-Hole Golf Course

Outdoor Recreation & Healthy Living

Public Pools

Rocky Knoll Country Club 94 River Road, Orrington 18-Hole Golf Course


Winter Activities

The Greater Bangor Region is perfectly located to accommodate all your Maine winter adventure needs. Because of Maine’s superior climate and spectacular scenic views, we are home to some of the world’s best snowmobiling trails. There are more than a dozen Maine Snowmobile Association-recognized clubs within The Maine Highlands region. We have many trailside accommodations in our region, with access to thousands of miles of groomed and maintained trails. For the snowmobiler without a snowmobile, we have many rental agencies that are more than willing to help get you on the trail! There is nothing more beautiful than a freshly snow-covered forest in the early morning. Spending time in our woods is one of the best ways to truly experience winter. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing provide the peaceful escape that many seek when visiting. There are miles of groomed and ungroomed trails specifically for cross country skiing and snowshoeing adventurists. Another unique adventure in the Greater Bangor Region is the 20

opportunity to take sledding to a whole new level, either behind a team of dogs or at Hermon Mountain. There are many formal sled-dog races and opportunities to try out dog-sledding in our area. Hermon Mountain provides a lift to the top of the mountain and over 600 feet of “chutes” for specially-designed tubes — riders can experience the thrill of a lifetime! Hermon Mountain also offers downhill skiing and snowboarding opportunities and lessons, which is the perfect combination of winter activities to excite the whole family!

Family Adventures

Maine is an amazing place for people of all ages - and there’s lots to do that everyone can enjoy together! various craft projects. These are usually Sports lovers can also visit the home free events and a schedule can be found of the UMaine Black Bears on the on the respective libraries’ websites. University of Maine’s Orono campus. While you’re there, stop and visit the Want some good, old-fashioned family Maynard F. Jordan Planetarium, a fun? The Cole Land Transportation fascinating place to learn about the Museum is the place to see antique stars and our galaxy. cars, planes and trains and learn about the transformation of military tanks Don’t forget that you can take your and helicopters. If sports are more to adventures outdoors. Rent a canoe or your liking, take in a baseball game kayak and drop it into one of our many Public libraries in Bangor, Brewer, at Mansfield Stadium, a spectacular lakes and ponds, take a stroll along the Orono and Old Town provide plenty of park built for youth baseball by famous Orono Bog Boardwalk, or ride bikes activities for children, like story hour and author and Bangor native Stephen King. through the Bangor City Forest. Experience the agricultural side of life with a visit to the farms at the University of Maine. Other local farms also welcome visitors, especially on Open Farm Day when people can visit, meet the animals, sample food like goat’s milk and venison and learn how a farm works. The Greater Bangor Region is dotted with parks that both children and adults can enjoy – many have swings, slides and jungle gyms that will engage the kids for an afternoon. The Bangor State Fair, an annual event held in late July/early August, is one of the region’s greatest traditions where kids will love the carnival rides, snacking on corndogs and cotton candy, all while checking out the fascinating agricultural events that make the fair a truly cultural tradition and great family fun.

Winter Activities • Family Adventures

Families will have a blast at the Maine Discovery Museum, which is the largest children’s museum north of Boston. Watch your children’s faces light up as they explore interactive exhibits and take part in hands-on activities. Rotating exhibits invite you to explore the worlds of nature, geography, children’s literature, music, art, science and anatomy.


New England &


Bangor to…. Augusta - 80 miles Portland – 130 miles Boston – 235 miles New York City – 445 miles Saint John, New Brunswick – 170 miles Quebec City, Quebec – 235 miles Montreal, Quebec – 290 miles Halifax, Nova Scotia – 460 miles See page 30 for customs information.




Day Trip Ideas

Bangor can surely keep you busy, but the locals here will tell you that there’s plenty more to see and do nearby – beautiful towns, spectacular scenery and lots of fun. With its convenient central location, let Bangor be your jumping off point for exciting adventures!

species. No matter what they’re doing, visitors enjoy panoramic scenic vistas. For those a bit more daring, mountain biking, skiing, snowmobiling and ATV adventures await.

state’s highest point at 5,267 feet and the queen of Baxter State Park. The park alone covers more than 200,000 acres of mountains, lakes, streams and forests, offering great opportunities for canoeists and kayakers. Wildlife observers get the chance to see deer, moose and black bears – come prepared. When you visit, you’ll learn that no pets are allowed in the park and Leave No Trace principles apply.

Greenville hosts a number of annual festivals: Moose Mania in the spring, the International Seaplane Fly-In in the fall and the Snowfest in the winter, a celebration featuring a 100-mile sled dog race. You won’t want to miss the popular ice fishing tournament with NASCAR driver Ricky Craven. While you’re in town, check out the cute shops, cozy bed and breakfasts and local family-operated restaurants.

Just south, Millinocket and the nearby communities of East Millinocket and Medway greet all kinds of visitors. Cross-country skiers and snowmobilers enjoy hundreds of miles of groomed trails. Rafters tackle extraordinary white water, like the Class-5 Cribworks on the west branch of the Penobscot River. Climbers, hikers and other adventurers flock to the breathtaking area to enjoy nature unspoiled.

For more day trip ideas and sample itineraries, please visit the web site The Maine Highlands – Bangor, Katahdin and Moosehead Lake Located at the very heart of the state, The Maine Highlands encompasses six distinct regions: Moosehead Lake, Katahdin, Lincoln Lakes, Sebasticook Valley, Southern Piscataquis Valley and Greater Bangor. The region boasts the longest river, tallest mountain, largest freshwater lake and the Grand Canyon of Maine, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Moosehead Lake Moosehead Lake Chamber of Commerce; 207-695-2702,

Katahdin & Baxter State Park Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce; 207-723-4443, You’ll long remember the haunting cry of a loon or the sight of a lumbering moose after visiting Moosehead Lake, The Katahdin region offers a fantastic the largest freshwater lake in Maine. family experience for wildlife and While anglers wrestle with landlocked wilderness enthusiasts. At the salmon, trout and bass, birders marvel northern end of the Appalachian at majestic eagles and plentiful winged Trail sits Mount Katahdin, the


Lincoln Lake Region Lincoln Lakes Chamber of Commerce; 207-794-8065, A visit to the Greater Lincoln area is a hunter’s dream. Starting in the spring and continuing through the winter, an abundance of wildlife and waterfowl populates the area. Beautiful

woodlands and 14 lakes make Lincoln the largest New England town in total square acreage and a lovely place to visit. Ever growing and always looking forward, Lincoln still maintains a certain, unmistakable down-home charm. As locals like to say, “All roads lead to Lincoln.” Sebasticook Valley Region Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce; 207-368-4698,

relaxation and reconnection that is reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting. Better yet, there’s time for visitors to enjoy outdoor recreation, local festivals and cultural offerings away from the rush of everyday life.

The gateway to The Maine Highlands, the Sebasticook Valley is the ideal destination for all types of water sports, fishing and boating. That’s because every town in the valley lays claim to a major body of water. The region also boasts a rich sense of Maine history, embodied in historic buildings such Greater Bangor as the Stetson Meeting House and the Greater Bangor Convention and Levi Steward Library in Corinna. Visitors Bureau; 800-91-MOOSE, From the quintessential New England town of St. Albans to Exeter, a town The Maine Highlands wouldn’t that professes to have more cows than be complete without the Greater people, the pastoral beauty of the Bangor region, which encompasses 21 Sebasticook Valley will charm and communities from Bradley in the east delight you with one picture-postcard to Carmel in the west and Hudson scene after another. in the north to Winterport in the south. Bangor, the third largest city in Piscataquis River Valley Region Maine, sits at the hub and serves as a The Piscataquis River Valley promises great location to use as home base to a slower pace, allowing time for all your excursions and day trips.

“The Moosehead Lake region is all about the outdoors; from fishing to hiking to white water rafting to snowmobiling, we have it all. A lake region so vast there’s enough room for everyone... where moose outnumber people three to one.” Bob Hamer, Executive Director, Moosehead Lake Chamber of Commerce

Day Trip Ideas

Known as a place where you can visit the shore without going to the coast, the Piscataquis River Valley will keep visitors happy. Southern Piscataquis County swims with the kind of yearround fishing action anglers dream about and visitors with a sharp eye are likely to spot moose, deer and smaller game. Gulf Hagas, also known as the Grand Canyon of Maine, is a spectacular narrow gorge filled with pools, waterfalls, cliffs and sheer rock faces that call to eager hikers.

k trout, land-locked Catch your wild broo h bass in the salmon or small mout ion. Moosehead Lake reg 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE 25

cenic splendor Enjoy Maine’s s cot Narrows from the Penobs ervatory. Bridge and Obs

“The 420’ high enclosed observation deck overlooking historic Fort Knox, the Penobscot River and the head of Penobscot Bay is on top of the only bridge observatory in the western hemisphere. Wabnaki Legends, American History and three centuries of engineering technology merge to create a worthwhile visit for young and old alike.” Alvion Kimball, Owner, Orland House B&B

Mid-Maine Coast Refreshing sea breezes, magnificent views, flea markets, antique shops and galleries, boat shows and jazz festivals, succulent lobster and chilled wine will help welcome you to the amazing Mid-Maine coast. Belfast and Searsport Flea markets and antique shops abound in these charming oceanfront towns. Spend an afternoon exploring the historic buildings at the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport or head to Belfast for the Belfast Historical Museum and shopping at the fine boutiques in historic downtown. For an evening treat, reserve your seat at the old railroad terminal playhouse for a performance by the Belfast Maskers Community Theatre. The Belfast area is an hour drive from Bangor. Camden, Rockland and Rockport 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE 26

The salt is always in the air in these bustling towns. From boat shows, jazz and lobster festivals to skiing and toboggan championships, you’re sure to find something going on. Take a walk to the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse at the end of a 4,346-foot

stone path on Penobscot Bay, or visit Camden Hills State Park. Camden, Rockland and Rockport are full of art galleries like the Farnsworth Art Museum and Wyeth Center and also extraordinary shops and restaurants. You’ll be glad you took this scenic excursion from Bangor. The Rockland area is about two hours from Bangor.

Down East & Acadia Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island Only an hour from Bangor, this stunning seaside region is a major tourist destination for visitors worldwide. Bar Harbor’s history as home to the rich and famous from the late 1800s to the early 1900s and its proximity to Acadia National Park make the small town a huge draw for visitors and locals alike. Drive to the summit of Cadillac Mountain, listen to the roar of the ocean at Thunder Hole and gaze in amazement at dangling Bubble Rock. Don’t miss your chance to hike, bike, or even ride horseback along the park’s 57 miles of carriage trails.

Lighthouses. Blueberries. Moose. That’s Maine. While you’re in town, take advantage of whale watching, sailing, kayaking, swimming, lobstering and more. Or stroll through town to enjoy shopping and dining at many of the area’s excellent stores and restaurants.

intersect in the heart of the city and of historic Fort Knox. It’s well worth connect it to places along the coast the short, half-hour trip from Bangor. and to the interior. The Ellsworth Castine and Blue Hill area is about 45 minutes from Bangor. Dotted with blueberry fields and Bucksport, Prospect and Verona Island surrounded by rugged coastlines, these towns are authentically enchanting Walk along the revitalized waterfront Ellsworth and among the most picturesque in of Bucksport or – if you want a simply Maine. In Castine, take a tour of a Museums, historic buildings, tree- awesome view of Penobscot Bay and Maine Maritime Academy ship docked lined streets and the unique Grand beyond – try the observation deck on in the harbor. In Blue Hill, visit the Theater make Ellsworth the place to the new Penobscot Narrows Bridge. famous and rare reversing falls, where visit and stay awhile. Major highways Grab an ice cream or peruse the gift the tide feeds into a narrow channel. shops before exploring the dark tunnels Both towns offer sea kayaking tours, interesting shops and restaurants. The Castine and Blue Hill area is one hour In New Brunswick, Canada from Bangor.

“Discover my beloved Campobello Island!”

Explore the summer home and nature preserve that Franklin D. Roosevelt and his family so loved during the early years of the 20th century.

• 34-room cottage filled with family mementos • 30-minute tour of gardens & grounds • Visitor Center: exhibits, film • 2800-acre nature park: picnic, hike, drive • Miles of carriage roads and walking trails • Stunning seascapes; observation decks • Conference Center Program available • FREE Admission Daily 9–5 EDT, May 29–Oct 11

Roosevelt Campobello International Park Great day trip—“The #1 site to see east of Bar Harbor.” ~ Maine: An Explorer’s Guide

Prepare for a daytrip like no other! Remember your passport and head to Eastport to enjoy a leisurely ferry ride to Campobello Island. Walk in the steps of the Roosevelts and experience the rustic beauty of the land and sea they treasured and enjoyed. This is a unique 2,800-acre park administered by both the Canadian and U.S. governments. On your way back through Eastport, be sure to take in the miles of beautiful cobble beaches, tidal coves, rivers, streams and inland lakes, which lends itself to be truly one of the last unspoiled stretches of Maine coast.

Day Trip Ideas

Eastport and Roosevelt Campobello International Park

877.851.6663 • Across the bridge from Lubec, Maine • 6855_RCIP_BVGEPad.indd 1

3/15/10 8:41:36 AM


Events in the Greater Bangor Region January Annual Maine Wedding Association Bridal Show Eastern Maine Cheerleading Competition SnowCon - Central & Northern Maine’s Social Gaming Convention

y r a u r b Fe

V show R d n a g Campin Bangor erfront t a W r e Brew est Winterf n Maine Easter ournament ball T Basket


Thomas Hill Standpipe Tour Bangor Boating & Marine Show Eastern Maine Sportsmen’sShow Maine Maple Sunday Horse-drawn Sled Rides


Bangor State Fair


Mount Hope Cemetery Tours Ghost Lamp Tours Cool Sounds Concerts & Outdoor Market Free Outdoor Movies 4th of July Parade Tommyk nockers & More Bus Tour Summer at Leonard ’s Mills United Maine Crafts men Arts & Crafts Show Thomas Hill Standpi pe Tour 28

Bangor State Fair

Mount Hope Cemetery Tours Ghost Lamp Tours

To mm yk no ck er s & Mo re Bu s To ur

st iv al WL BZ 2 Si de wa lk Ar t Fe rie s Se nio r Le ag ue Wo rl d Se od s Lu mb er ing in th e Ma ine Wo

st iv al Ka hB an g Mu si c & Ar t Fe Am er ic an Fo lk Fe st iv al


Mount Hope Cemetery Tours Ghost Lamp Tours Labor Day Road Race Annual Bluegrass Festival Penobscot County Conservation Club Gun Show T om my k no ck er s & M or e B us T ou r

B an g or C ar S ho w W he el s on th e W at : er fr on t B an g Po p! C om ic & Po p C ul tu re C on v en ti on Pe no bs co t T he at re C om pa ny S ea s on Op en s

These are just a sample of the events happening in the Greater Bangor Region! Find the exact dates and details at


Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race Home & Better Living show Anah Shrine Circus Woodsmen’s Day Bangor Garden Show Robinson Ballet Spring Show


r emetery Tou Mount Hope C ur S t a n d p ip e T o T h o m a s H il l Parade M e m o r ia l D a y ay at C h il d r e n ’s D ls L e o n a r d ’s M il


Mount Hope Cemetery Tours Ghost Lamp Tours Cool Sounds Concerts & Outdoor Market Free Outdoor Movies West Market Festival Northern Writes New Play Festival


Mount Hope Cemetery Tours Ghost Lamp Tours


United Maine Craftsmen Show Veterans Day Parade

Living History Days Thomas Hill Standpipe Tour

Annual Christmas Craft Show

We are so glad visiting! If y you're questions at aou have any us at 800-91 ll, please call -MOOSE. Have a great trip! - GBCVB

Tommyknockers & More Bus Tour


Or ch es tr a B an g or S ym ph on y S ea s on Op en s F ri g ht at th e F or

Fe st iva l of Lig ht s Par ade

Ba ng or Do wn to wn Co unt dow n


Ho lid ay Pro duc tio ns at Pe nob sc ot Th ea tr e Co mp any Th e Nu tc rac ke r

a cocoa on t o h d n a h ride A sleig ect winter day! perf

Sa nt a’s wo rk sh op


Planning Your Visit Information Centers

Bangor International Airport 287 Godfrey Boulevard • 992-4600 or

To keep our drivers and passengers safe, Maine requires seat belts for all ages – with special rules for children.

















Because we care about our children, Bangor was the first city in the U.S. to ban smoking in vehicles carrying passengers under the age of 18.










Most public places, including all restaurants and bars, are also smoke-free.











Greater Bangor Convention & Visitors Bureau 40 Harlow Street • 947-5205


Hampden Interstate South I-95 South, Hampden • 862-6638 Maine Tourism Information 888-624-6345

Area Codes

Sales tax: 5% Lodging and dining tax: 7%


Please drink responsibly when you’re visiting the Greater Bangor Region. You should know that…

All area codes are 207

• Legal drinking age in Maine is 21; Identification is required


• Hours of legal service are 6:00 am to 1:00 am

Bangor: 32,000 Maine: 1,318,300

Travel and Driving Information

For travel and road conditions, call 511 or 866-282-7578

Average High/Low Temperatures (˚F) January

Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce 519 Main Street • 947-0307

Hampden Interstate North I-95 North, Hampden • 862-6628


Seat Belts

• Maine has a strict OUI policy that makes it a crime to operate a motor vehicle if your blood alcohol level is 0.08 or higher

Border Crossings

New passport regulations that were effective in June 2009 now require visitors crossing the U.S./Canadian border by land to have either a valid passport card or regular passport. If traveling by air or sea, visitors must possess a valid passport – the passport card is not valid for this type of travel. Please refer to the U.S. Passport Services Bureau for more information on border crossing policies: 1-877-4USAPPT or online at

For more detailed information on planning your stay, visit us at or give us a call at 800-91-MOOSE. Airport

Bangor International Airport 287 Godfrey Boulevard 992-4600 • 866-FLY-BANGOR

Bus Service

BAT Community Connector 481 Maine Avenue, 992-4670 The BAT provides scheduled transportation throughout Bangor, Old Town, Veazie, Orono and Hampden. The bus makes regular stops at the airport and in Pickering Square in Downtown Bangor. Concord Coach Lines 945-4000 • 1-800-639-3317 Cyr Bus Line 827-2335 • 1-800-244-2335

Car Rental Companies in the Area Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz and National

Taxi Service (Area Code 207) AAA Yellow Cab 945-6441 A Cab 991-8335 Ace Taxi 249-9090 A-1 Taxi 945-9555 Airport/River City Taxi 947-8294 B&J’s Taxicab 745-0940 Brad’s Cab 941-9695 Dick’s Taxi 942-6403 Penobscot Taxi Service 947-4894 Town Taxi 945-5671

West’s Coastal Connection 1-800-596-2823

Planning Your Visit

Vermont Transit 1-800-894-3355

“Fly to BGR and land closer to all Maine has to offer. Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Down East & Acadia Region, Mid-Coast and Northern Maine are all within easy reach. Plus, BGR is a ‘user-friendly’ airport, with convenient services. Let BGR welcome you to Maine. Visit us at FlyBangor. com.” Monty, the Maine Moose BGR Mascot

Bangor-Bar Harbor Shuttle 479-5911 Greyhound Bus Lines 942-1700 • 1-800-894-3355

207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE

Watch for Moose! They are very large and hard-to-see wildlife. They can usually be seen by the roads in early morning or around dusk. Deer also regularly visit Maine’s roads. Please keep aware!

Fo ll o w M onty’s a www.Fly dventures at Bangor. com.


Shopping al n is home to sever Bangor’s Downtow the summer. open air markets in

“One of my favorite things to do during the summer is hit up the Outdoor Market. There are so many unique items available that you can’t find elsewhere. Bangor really is my one-stop for all my shopping needs. I can be at the mall and within a ten minute drive be at a really cool boutique in Downtown. So many options!” Kayley Walker, Student at New England School of Communications 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE 32

From antiques to boutiques, the Greater Bangor Region has many unique shopping experiences available. Whether you’re looking for the perfect souvenir, like a sparkling piece of Maine tourmaline or even a lobster-themed cookbook, you’re bound to find that special something. Start Downtown, where Bangor’s historic district invites visitors to enjoy a wide variety of shops, from high-end clothiers to unique one-of-a-kind gift shops. Downtown is home to many outdoor markets, festivals and even fashion shows. From rare coins to comics, antique books to home décor, it can be found in Downtown Bangor. Then head over to the Bangor Mall area, between Hogan Road and Stillwater Avenue, where you can shop ’til you drop! This area is home to many of the larger big-box stores, as well as some smaller locally-owned shops.

Be sure to visit one of the gift shops in the area to pick up your bag of the Original Bangor Brownie. According to baking folklore, the very first brownie was baked right here in Bangor, Maine! In the early 1900s a Bangor housewife was baking a chocolate cake and it fell. Instead of disposing of the cake, the frugal baker cut the collapsed cake into squares and served it to her guests. Needless to say, it was well received and brownies have been enjoyed all over the world ever since. You can also order Bangor Brownie mix online at

Dining & Nightlife

The Greater Bangor Region has a wide variety of cuisine, from family restaurants to exotic tastes spanning the globe – there’s a place for every taste. Whatever your taste, whatever your budget, Bangor has the food that will satisfy you and keep you coming back for more!

You can’t leave town without trying some of Maine’s famous seafood, and there are plenty of places where you can get the taste of real Maine lobster or even have some shipped to your house. If you are looking for a chance to sample some local Maine brews or ales and even lagers from around the

world, there are microbreweries and friendly Irish pubs ready to quench your thirst. If nightlife is what you are after, Hollywood Slots Hotel & Raceway is the place to be. Offering harness racing, off-track betting and 1,000 of your favorite slot machines, as well as the opportunity to dine like a star and hear live music on the weekends, Hollywood Slots is a can’t--miss entertainment experience. Don’t miss the many opportunities to catch a play, see a movie, hit the dance floor or just relax on the deck of a pub overlooking the Penobscot River. Whatever kind of nightlife you are looking for, you can find it in the Greater Bangor region.

“One of the great things about Bangor is the variety of restaurants and eateries available. From seafood to pub fare, you can find it all. We even have a great microbrewery right on the Waterfront; be sure to stop by and sample some of the local flavor!” Ann Spellman, Sea Dog Restaurant

Shopping • Dining & Nightlife

Stop in one of the many local sandwich shops, an ethnic restaurant, or a sidewalk café for a gourmet coffee, bagel, wrap, or delicious pastry made from scratch. Fine dining is also at your fingertips with many locallyowned, unique restaurants that will satisfy the appetite of any foodie.

“Great handcrafte d brew with a beautiful Maine v iew!”

Get your bag of the Original Bangor Brownie Mix today!! 800-91-MOOSE 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE


519 Main Street Bangor, Maine 04401 (207) 947-0307

We are on your way home! BANGOR 942-6711

HAMPDEN 862-5611

Waterfront | Residential | Commercial | Acreage



Market Bistro for the love of food

Formerly known as “Bennett’s Market & The Unbridled Bistro”

Dinners Wed.–Sat. 5–9 p.m. Sunday Brunch 9 a.m.–2 p.m. 56 Main Street, Bangor • 941-9594 | 941-9480 Baked fresh daily

All menu items prepared on premises

Open 7 days a week from 11:30 AM - 1:00 AM serving pub fare with flair and the freshest Maine-Brewed Ales!

Shopping • Dining & Nightlife

Hours: M-Th: 6am-6pm Fri: 6am-5:30pm Sun: 6am-2pm Sat: Closed

Visit Us On The Penobscot!

 26 Front Street, Bangor, Me 04401 ph: 207-947-8009

                     35

Dining & Nightlife Here are some suggestions for local cuisine. For more choices please visit us at Bagel Central

33 Central Street, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 947-1654 • (800) 947-1654 fax. (207) 947-9689

6:00 am - 6:00 pm Mon.-Thur.; 6:00 am - 5:00 pm Fri.; 6:00 am - 2:00 pm Sun.; Closed Sat.

Ethnic Seating Capacity: 75



Black Bear Café

4 Godfrey Drive, Orono, ME 04473 ph. (207) 866-7120 • fax. (207) 866-7433

City Park Grille

170 Main Street, Old Town, ME 04468 ph. (207) 827-3030

5:00 - 8:00 pm Mon. - Sat.


on-site catering only

7 Days Varied Hours





American Seating Capacity: 20 Function Rooms: 4 Max Seating: 275 American Lounge Capacity: 80 Entertainment: Karaoke

Courtyard by Marriott Bistro 326 Sylvan Rd, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. 207-262-0070 • 800-321-2211 fax 207-262-0090

6:30 - 10:30 am Mon.-Fri. 7:00 - 11:00 am Sat.-Sun. 5:00 - 10:00 pm, 7 Days

Casual Lounge capacity: 50 Function Rooms: 1

Epic Buffet

Hollywood Slots Hotel and Raceway 500 Main Street, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (877) 779-7771

7 Days Varied Hours

Godfrey’s Grille

308 Godfrey Blvd., Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 947-6721 • fax. (207) 941-9761

Market Bistro

735 Main Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 ph. (207) 941-9594 • fax. (207) 941-9480








7 Days Varied Hours

Hilton Garden Inn

250 Haskell Road, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 262-0099 • fax. (207) 947-6807


7 Days Varied Hours

5:00 - 9:00 pm Wed.-Sat.; 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Sun.; Closed Mon.-Tues.

bus tours welcome with advance notice


limited catering available

Buffet Seating Capacity: 252 Private Rooms: 2 Max Seating: 36/52 American Seating Capacity: 85 Lounge Capacity: 50 Function Rooms: 5 Max. Seating: 130 American Seating Capacity: 50 Lounge Capacity: 40 Entertainment: live jazz Thurs. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Bistro, Sunday Brunch Seating Capacity: 35

Pairings at Winterport Winery


279 South Main Street, By Reservation Winterport, ME 04496 ph. (207) 223-0990 • fax. (207) 223-4624 or Appointment



handicapped accessible first floor only

Pete and Larry’s Lounge and Grill Holiday Inn 404 Odlin Road, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 947-0101 • (800) 914-0101 fax. (207) 947-7619




7 Days Varied Hours

reservations suggested for large groups

Sound Stage Lounge

Hollywood Slots Hotel and Raceway 500 Main Street, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (877) 779-7771

Thistles Resturant

175 Exchange Street, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 945-5480 • fax. (207) 990-3836


Lounge Capacity: 62 Bar Capacity: 27 Entertainment: live music Fri. & Sat.; see website

11:00 am - 2:30 pm & 4:30 - 9:00 pm Tues. - Sat. Closed Sun. - Mon.

Seating Capacity: 60 Lounge Capacity: 6 Function Rooms: 1 Max. Seating: 28 Entertainment: live music on weekends





bus tours welcome with advance notice

Woodman’s Bar & Grill

31 Main Street, Orono, ME 04473 ph. (207) 866-4040 fax. (207) 866-2233

American Grill Seating Capacity: 65 Lounge Capacity: 75 Function Rooms: 1 Max Seating: 75 Entertainment: Tues., Fri., Sat.

7 Days Varied Hours

8:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon. - Sat. 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Sun.

2 Mill Street, Orono, ME 04473 ph. (207) 866-4004

Function Rooms: 3 Max. Seating: 70

4:00 - 10:00 pm Mon. - Sat.; 4:00 - 9:00 pm Sun.

Burritos, Breakfast / Lunch Seating Capacity: 40

American Grill & Entrees Seating Capacity: 50 Lounge Capacity: 20 Entertainment: live music; see website


* All properties listed above are smoke-free, handicap accessible, and accept credit cards. Lunch

Breakfast Breakfast




Take Out

Kids’ Menu

Bus Tours Welcome


Reservations Accepted

Catering Available

Accommodations & Event Spaces

There are many convenient locations to rest your weary head once you get here. Whether you’re fresh from the airport or driving from the interstate, plenty of comfortable, affordable and quality accommodations are right at your fingertips in the Greater Bangor Region.

If you are arriving in an RV or want to rough it by tent camping, there are numerous places to stay and enjoy the great outdoors! For more choices and to book your room online, please visit us at

Black Bear Inn Conference Center and Suites

4 Godfrey Drive, Orono, ME 04473 ph. (207) 866-7120 • fax. (207) 866-7433 events:

Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 60 Suites: 8

The Charles Inn

20 Broad St., Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 992-2820 • fax. (207) 992-2826

Event Rooms:4 Max Seating: 400 7,500 sq ft Auditorium: 400 Classroom: 250 Banquet: 275

Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 33 Suites: 1

Event Rooms: 2 466 sq ft Auditorium: 30 Classroom: 15 Banquet: 20


Rooms: 95 Suites: 2


Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 92 Suites: 4

Event Rooms: 1 Max Seating:35 500 sq ft Auditorium: 30 Classroom: 25 Banquet: 30

Bed and Breakfast

Rooms: 3


Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 33 Suites: 18

Event Rooms:1 Max Seating: 50


8 miles to airport

pets limited, $25 fee there is a small fee for shuttle service 3 miles to airport

Country Inn at the Mall

936 Stillwater Ave, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 941-0200 • (800) 244-3961 fax. (207) 942-1167

Courtyard by Marriott

236 Sylvan Road, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 262-0070 • (800) 321-2211 fax. (207) 262-0090

Fiddlehead Inn Vegetarian B & B 5 East Summer St, Brewer, ME 04412 ph. (207) 989-1854 • (888) 983-4466

5 miles to airport

6 miles to airport

full breakfast only 6 miles to airport

Fireside Inn & Suites

570 Main Street, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 942-1234 • fax. (207) 942-1234

complemetary breakfast 4 miles to airport

* All properties listed above are smoke-free, handicap accessible, accept credit cards, and have wi-fi. 38

Bus Tours Welcome

Shuttle Available

Indoor Pool

Pets Allowed


Contentential Breakfast


Fitness Center


Exhibit Space

AV AV Capability

Lafayette of the


Bangor Region White House Inn

207-862-3737 Exit 180 off I-95 155 Littlefield Avenue Bangor, Maine 04401 • Wireless internet • Business center • Exercise room • Pets welcome • Indoor hot tub • Seasonal walking path • Perfect day trip headquarters • Free hot continental breakfast • Seasonal outdoor heated pool • 4 miles to Hollywood Slots

936 Stillwater Avenue Bangor 1-800-244-3961

l a r u t c e t i h c r a An t r a e h e h t n i m ge of the historic ict r t s i d n w o t n w o d

Just like home, on the road

Ask about our themed rooms.

✦ Great downtown location ✦ 30 spacious guest rooms ✦ Meeting and small Next to Hollywood Slots and the Bangor Auditorium. • 17 fireplace rooms • Pets welcome • Wireless internet access • Free continental breakfast • Geaghan’s Restaurant & Pub on site • Every room with microwave & fridge

Black Bear Inn Conference Center & Suites

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

banquet facilities Free deluxe continental breakfast Free coffee/tea station Free local calls Wireless internet access Computer business center

207-866-7120 Exit 193 off I-95 4 Godfrey Drive Orono, Maine 04473

• Black Bear Café • Pets welcome • Suites available • Non-smoking hotel • Wireless internet access • Free continental breakfast • Full service conference center Minutes from U Maine campus.

brccad_2.indd 1

Accommodations & Event Spaces


207-942-1234 Exit 3B off I-395 570 Main Street Bangor, Maine 04401

The Charles Inn 20 Broad St., Bangor, ME 04401 Tel. 207-992-2820 39

4/21/10 3:36 PM

Four Points by Sheraton Bangor Airport

Accommodations & Event Spaces

308 Godfrey Blvd, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 947-6721 • fax. (207) 941-9761

Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 111 Suites:1

Hilton Garden Inn

250 Haskell Road, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 262-0099 • fax. (207) 947-6807

Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 141 Suites: 17

Holiday Inn-Bangor

404 Odlin Rd, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 947-0101 • (800) 914-0101 fax. (207) 947-7619

Hollywood Slots Hotel and Raceway 500 Main St, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (877) 779-7771

Accomodation Event Space

Accomodation Event Space

Rooms: 208

Rooms: 148 Suites: 4

Pairings at Winterport Winery

279 South Main St, Winterport, ME 04496 ph. (207) 223-0990 • fax. (207) 223-4624

Event Space

Accomodation Event Space


Rooms: 23

University of Maine Museum of Art 40 Harlow St, Bangor, ME 04401 ph. (207) 651-3350 • fax. (207) 651-3351

Event Space


Event Rooms: 4 Max Seating: 300 4300 sq ft Auditorium: 300 Classroom: 175 Banquet: 250



5 miles to airport

Event Rooms: 1 Max Seating: 75 812 sq ft Auditorium: 75 Classroom: 50 Banquet: 50



Gold’s Gym onsite 3 miles to airport

Event Rooms: 2 Max Seating: 160 2300 sq ft Classroom: 110 Banquet: 160



5 miles to airport AV

17 miles to airport


Event Rooms: 3 Banquet: 60 (two locations)

114 miles to airport

Event Rooms: 2 1450 sq ft Classroom: 35 Banquet: 48



located at airport

Event Rooms: 3 400/800/1200 sq ft Auditorium: 80 Classroom: 35 Banquet: 65

Roosevelt Campobello International Park

459 RT 774 Campobello Island NB, Canada, E5E 1A4 ph. (506) 752-2922 • (877) 851-6663 fax. (506) 752-6000 •

Event Rooms: 7 Max Seating: 130 6347 sq ft Auditorium: 130 Classroom: 80 Banquet: 110

2 miles to airport

Bass Park Complex Bangor Auditorium & Civic Center

Event Space: Function Rooms: Up to 10 Auditorium Capacity: 6,000 Classroom: 750 Banquet: 750-800

100 Dutton Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 ph. 207-947-5555 • fax. 207-947-5105



27-Hole Golf Course is Adjacent Live Harness Racing Concerts, Sporting Events, Conventions

* All properties listed above are smoke-free, handicap accessible, accept credit cards, and have wi-fi. Bus Tours Welcome


Shuttle Available

Indoor Pool

Pets Allowed


Contentential Breakfast


Fitness Center


Exhibit Space

AV AV Capability

IT’S A NEW STAY Bangor Airport

Your Getaway to Maine and Beyond!

A refreshing swim in our indoor heated saline pool An invigorating work-out any time of day in our state of the art fitness center FREE Wireless Internet in all guest rooms and public areas FREE 24-hour Business Center Bottled water in your room – of course it’s FREE – it’s water! Friendly and helpful staff on–duty 24 hours Godfrey’s Grill open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and Kids 10 and under EAT FREE Godfrey’s Lounge open daily 5pm – 12:30am featuring specialty wines and ales – many made locally! Parking in our 24-hour monitored lot is always FREE (tickets validated at front desk)

Breakfast & Dinner Bistro Meeting Room Indoor Saline Pool & Spa Wireless High Speed Internet 32” LCD Flat Screen TVs

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Accommodations & Event Spaces

Toll Free 888.236.2427 or Direct at 207.262.0070 For reservations, visit 236 Sylvan Road Bangor, Maine 04401

Contact our meeting specialist,

Contact sales team Contact our our meeting specialist, Jesse Michaud at or Contact Contact our meeting meetingspecialist, specialist, Kathleen Whittyour Jesse Michaud at or call 1-207-262-0099 or 1-877-TOPHILTON for more information or callJesse 1-207-262-0099 1-877-TOPHILTON for more information Jesse Michaud Michaudat at or or call 1-207-262-0099 or 1-877-TOPHILTON for more information call call1-207-262-0099 1-207-262-0099or or1-877-TOPHILTON 1-877-TOPHILTONfor formore moreinformation information

Visit us on the web at Visit us on the web at Visit Visitus uson onthe theweb webat


Convention Services Greater Bangor Looks Forward to Meeting You! make the Let us help you Region your Greater Bangor destination. nt e ev or g in et e preferred m

"The Maine Society of CPAs sponsors member events throughout the state; many times in different locations on the same date. As an organization with a small staff, it is difficult to be present for each event. Knowing that we can rely on the professionals of the Bangor Convention and Visitors Bureau to handle our event registrations flawlessly from start to finish has given us peace of mind, eased our time constraints and saved us money. We look forward to working with them for many years to come!" Karen Vincent, Maine Society of CPAs 207-947-5205 • 800-91-MOOSE 42

The Greater Bangor Convention & Visitors Bureau is your “onestop shop” for event planning in northeast Maine.

GBCVB’s membership network offers the most complete and comprehensive range of resources that will assure your peace of mind and the success of your gathering event. We represent top-notch lodgings, event spaces, conference and support services, as well as the myriad attractions that make the Bangor region such an engaging destination. Let’s get together – whether you’re expecting 6 or 6,200 guests, we can show you a diversity of venues and help you determine which suit your needs best.

Let us help you organize your meeting or event with the following free services:     

Requests for Proposals Site Visits Unique Venues Catering Registrations


We’ll do the legwork for you – let us know what accommodations you need and we’ll send out bids to our lodging providers. We’ll compile the results and assist you in choosing the perfect match to your specifications and budget. As your region-wide concierge, we can help you book entertainment, cater your meals, print your handouts, stage your presentations, ship your stuff – in short, all the details that’ll make your event run smoothly. Call 1-800-91-MOOSE or email today and make your meeting in Greater Bangor a memorable one.


Membership Directory 800-336-2463

Best Western White House Inn


Black Bear Inn Conference Center & Suites


Charles Inn


Comfort Inn


Country Inn at the Mall


Courtyard by Marriott


Days Inn


Fairfield Inn


Fiddlehead Inn - Vegetarian B&B


Fireside Inn & Suites


Four Points by Sheraton Bangor Airport


Hampton Inn


Hilton Garden Inn


Holiday Inn


Hollywood Slots Hotel & Raceway


Loon Hollow


Lucerne Inn


Milford Motel on the River


Motel 6


Nonesuch Farm Bed & Breakfast


Old Winterport Commerical House, Antique Shop and Bed & Breakfast


Orland House Bed & Breakfast


Ramada Inn


Riverside Inn


University Inn


Wild Fox Resort


American Folk Festival on the Bangor Waterfront


Atlantic Sports Group


Bangor Museum and Center for History


Bangor Public Library


Bangor Symphony Orchestra


Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company


Blackbeard’s USA


Bob’s Sugarhouse


Cole Land Transportation Museum


Crab Apple Whitewater


Downeast Windjammer Cruises


Friends of Fort Knox


Hollywood Slots Hotel & Raceway


Maine Air Museum


Maine Discovery Museum



Convention Services & Membership Directory

Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Conference Center


Membership Directory Attractions continued

New England Outdoor Center


New Hermon Mountain


North Country Rivers


Penobscot Theatre


Rapid Shot Paintball


River City Cinema


Roosevelt Campobello International Park


Sports Arena Bar & Grill


UMaine Museum of Art


White Mountain Attractions


Wilderness Expeditions & The Birches


Winterport Winery


Campgrounds Front Ridge Cabins


Red Barn Campground


Bass Park


Jeff’s Catering


Morgan Hill Event Center


Richard E. Dyke Center for Family Business


Spectacular Event Center


UMaine Conference Services Division


Awards, Signage & Trophies


Bronson Audio Visual & Event Services, Inc.


First Light Shows LLC


Gossamer Press


Headlight Audio Visual, Inc.


MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.


Monique Bouchard Design


Sephone Internet Solutions


Transcontinental Printing


UPS Store


W.S. Emerson


Bangor Theological Seminary


Husson University


Bangor Daily News


Bangor Metro


Maine Ahead




MPBN - Maine Public Broadcasting Network


Real Maine Weddings


The Maine Edge




Caterers & Event Spaces

Convention Support Services




Membership Directory

Non-profit Action Committee of 50


Bangor Parks & Recreation Department


Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce


Bangor, City of


Brewer, City of


Downtown Bangor Partnership


Eastern Maine Development Corporation


Healthcare Charities


Old Town, City of


Bangor Savings Bank


ERA Dawson Bradford Co.


Getchell Brothers Inc.


Loiselle, Goodwin & Hinds


Quirk Auto Park


Town & Country Realtors


Travel Media Distributors


Verizon Wireless


Windswept Gardens


Bagel Central


Barnaby’s (Ramada Inn)


Bugaboo Creek


City Park Grille


Coach House Restaurant



Dunkin Donuts



Epic Buffet at Hollywood Slots


Fiddlehead Restaurant


Frank’s Bake Shop


Geaghan’s Restaurant & Pub




Godfrey’s Grill (Four Points Hotel by Sheraton)


Governor’s Restaurant – Old Town


Governor’s Restaurant – Bangor


Ground Round Restaurant


Market Bistro


Montes International Catering & Gourmet Café


Muddy Rudder


Nicky’s Cruisin’ Diner


Oriental Jade Restaurant


Paddy Murphy’s




Pete and Larry’s (Holiday Inn)


Sea Dog Brewing Co.


Texas Roadhouse


Thistles Restaurant




Woodman’s Bar & Grill


Convention Services & Membership Directory



Membership Directory Retail

Bangor Mall


Bella Luna


Metropolitan Soul


Rock & Art Shop


Allegiant Air


American Cruise Lines


Bangor International Airport


Bay Ferries, Ltd.


Concord Coach Lines


Cyr Bus Line/Cyr Northstar Tours


Hollywood Custom Rides



enterprising community I love Bangor – the energy, the people, the architecture, the opportunities. My clients hear me promoting Bangor, encouraging them to invest in it, and they know I mean it, because every move I make is an investment in Bangor, too. Newly renovated buildings and new businesses opening tell me we’re headed in the right direction. Paul Cook, Real Estate Investor, Downtown Bangor

ENTERPRISING: bold, spirited, resourceful, productive, creative... BANGOR. Call our Economic Development Team at 207-992-4240 • •


Photography: Cover: Downtown Bangor - Robert P. Powers; Acadia, Pinecone, Moose - • p3: Kerrie - Jessica Donahue • pp4-5: Bangor - Butch Moor, Maine Aerial Photography; Standpipe, Orono Bog Walk - Roger Merchant; Cascade Park, Flag Boat - Bangor International Airport / Risteen Masters; Hannibal Hamiln - Paul Hilchey-Chandler• pp5-6: Country Lane - Roger Merchant; West Quoddy - Bangor International Airport / Risteen Masters; Moose; Schooners - Paul Hilchey-Chandler • pp8-9: Sled, Leonard’s Mills - Roger Merchant; Opera House postcard c. 1920 - public domain; Standpipe - GBCVB; Bangor Streetmap 1875, drawn by Augustus Koch - Public Domain; Dana Lippitt - Bangor Museum and Center for History; Covered bridge - Bob Hamer • pp10-11: Leonard’s Mills, Cole Museum, Riverdrivers, Canon, Leonard’s Mills - Paul Hilchey-Chandler • pp12-13: Scott Levy - Shane Leonard; Pipers, Steel Band - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Theatre - Penobscot Theatre Company; Bangor Symphony - BSO; UMMA - University of MaineMuseum of Art • pp14-15; Rafting - Three Rivers Whitewater Rafting; Campfire, Waterfall - Bob Hamer; Apple Picking - Kerrie Tripp; Runners - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Hirundo - Monique Bouchard; Fly Fishing NEOC • pp16-17: Butterfly - Shelley Crosby; Field’s Pond - Maine Audubon Society; Orono Bog Walk - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Hikers, Cascade Park - Roger Merchant; Canoe - Lloyd Hall • pp18-19: Maria - Kerrie Tripp; Carver, Park, Summer Concert, Rainbow - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Golf - Jessica Donahue • pp20-21: Dogsled Roger Merchant; Carriage - GBCVB; Winter picnic - Bob Hamer; Carshow - Annie Collins; Pumpkins - Monica Bailey; Snowshoeing - The Maine Highlands; Lighthouse - Paul Hilchey-Chandler • pp24-25: Katahadin, Snowmobile, Fall, ATV, Mt. Kineo - Bob Hamer; Bob Hamer - David Hamer • pp26-27: Ocean View, Stud Mill Road Robert P. Powers; Kayak - John Belvin; Jordan Pond, Surf - Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce; Fort Knox - Leslie Wombacher / Sundial Photography • pp28-29: State Fair, Garden Show, Folk Festival, Corn Maze - - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Sleigh Ride, Pumpkins - Monique Bouchard • pp30-31: Monty - Bangor International Airport / Risteen Masters; Horseriders - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Bikers - Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce; UMaine, Fall Tree - Monique Bouchard, Moose - Bob Hamer • pp32-33: Quilts, Outdoor Market - Paul Hilchey-Chandler; Fashion - Shane Leonard; Chef David - The Maine Edge, Mike Fern; Lobster - Mary Gibouleau; Diners Hollywood Slots; Ann Spellman - Jessica Donahue • p41: Hotel - Black Bear Inn & Convention Center • p42: Convention - GBCVB; Maps: Joel Greenwood, Monique Bouchard Design: Monique Bouchard Design; Thank you to our contributors: Kelly Cotiaux, Mike Fern, Scott Levy, Risteen Masters, and Heather McCarthy.

Explore Bangor’s Arts and Culture

To learn more about these organizations visit

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