Ovata leading in succulents

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leading in succulents

Building Of tHe Year 2008

The new ovata building was designed in 2005 by the architect Hans kalkhoven, and in 2008 the bNA chose it as building of the year. It is primarily built of industrial materials like steel, glass and concrete.

interesting infOrmatiOn

THe coMPANy occuPIeS SoMe

8 HecTAReS.

80 MeTReS ARe VISIble fRoM THe RoAd. THe coNcReTe exTeRNAl wAll uNITS ARe 4 MeTReS HIGH. THe buIldING IS 9 MeTReS HIGH. oVATA HAS 3 dock SHelTeRS. oNly





7.300 M 2 AboVe THe ceNTRAl PRoceSSING AReA.


Since 2007 all production occurs in the new greenhouses. The company has seen a huge development in plant production as a result of which we are better able to control growth factors like water, nutrients, light and temperature.


water is supplied through a system of uctuating water levels which facilitates supply of the desired quantity of food elements speciďŹ cally per product. The plants are watered from below, which leaves the wax protective covering intact and avoids residues on the leaves. All water is recirculated and sterilized.

cOntainer sYstem

Plant production occurs in roll containers, the plants being placed and removed with the help of robots. A computer program allows retrieval of all data corresponding with any batch in the containers, and controls the transport vehicle which transports the containers fully automatically.


The desired quantity of light in the greenhouse is adjusted with the help of two horizontal screen installations to ensure optimal plant growth. At night the screens are closed to provide an insulating value of 75%. on warm days, the height of the greenhouse combined with the ventilation windows provides the ideal cooling.


we are MPS-A and MPS-GAP certiďŹ ed. No gas is used in heating the greenhouses, only residual heat from an electricity generating plant. The water supply system is completely closed. In short, there is no discharge of gases, fertiliser, herbicides, pesticides or polluted water.


To produce uniform plants, all batches are sorted with the help of a camera. during the camera sorting process the plants are placed in three different size categories in the container. The automated process means that all logistics steps and the camera sorting function independently.

tHe peOple BeHind Ovata

bReNdA VAN deR buRG - SAleS ASSISTANT “I work in the sales department and do administrative work. This combination of many activities is what makes my work at ovata so enjoyable.”

kARIN AMMeRlAAN - SAleS ASSISTANT “My work is providing administrative support to such sectors as MPS-GAP, energy management and sales.”

SANdeR HeeNeMAN - GeNeRAl MANAGeR “Since I started working for ovata in 1997, I have seen the company undergo enormous development. It is a modern company that is the market leader in the field of succulents. with the help of the new automation and mechanisation, we are directing our efforts towards further improving company operations.”

HANS AMMeRlAAN - MANAGING dIRecToR “Thirty-five years ago I started growing succulents as a hobby. I never thought that one day I would be leading such an enthusiastic team. ovata is an exciting company where I am happy to focus all my passion and energy.”

Rob de Vroed - Grower “Twenty-five years ago I was the first employee to join Ovata. Back then the company was called the Hans Ammerlaan Nursery. I am responsible for the growth and maintenance of the plants.”

Gertjan van den Burg – Sales Manager “It is a pleasure working for a company that has such an appeal. My work focuses on creating good long-term relationships with customers.”

Pieter Dijkshoorn - Quality Manager “Since I started working for Ovata in 1997, the company has experienced tremendous growth. After six years of working in the growing department, I have greatly enjoyed working in order processing and quality care for the past four years.”

Ilse Kellevink – Accountant “Ten years ago I started working for Ovata to set up the financial, personnel and payroll administration, which was previously done by the accountant. I am still enjoying it.”

pilOcereus aZureus

pilOcereus cHrYsOstHele

pilOcereus menesianus

austrOcepHalOcereus dYBOwsKii

austrOcepHalOcereus purpureus

stetsOnYa cOrYne

isOlatOcereus dumOrtieri

HeliOBravO cHende

vatricania guentHeri

peruvianus mOnstruOsus

peruvianus mOnstruOsus ruBra

cereus Jamacaru mOnstruOsus

eupHOrBia enOpla

eupHOrBia fimBriata

eupHOrBia incOnstantia

eupHOrBia pentagOna

parOdia cHrYsancantHus

parOdia penicillata v. alBispina

mammillaria BOmBYcina

mammillaria camptOtricHa

mammillaria ernestii

mammillaria HaHniana

mammillaria Hildagensis

mammillaria leptacantHa

mammillaria matudae

mammillaria neJapensis

mammillaria spinOsissima alBispina

mammillaria spinOsissima ruBra

nOtOcactus scOpa alBispina

nOtOcactus scHlOsseri

eriOcactus leningHOusii

eriOcactus magnificus

eriOcactus warasii

ecHinOcactus grusOnii

tricHOcereus candicans

cOleOcepHalOcereus gOeBeliaus

HawOrtHia pentagOna

HawOrtHia cYmBifOrmis

agave filifera

alOe BrOOmii

alOe aculeata “crOuss”

alOe aristata

alOe peglerae

alOe reitZii

crassula minOva

crassula HOBBit

crassula HOBBit special

crassula Ovata

crassula minOr

crassula undilatifOlia

crassula magical tree

ecHeveria pelucida

ecHeveria purple pearl

ecHeveria green pearl

added value

Brasil green

Brasil purple


added value

BarOK greY

BarOK terracOtta


added value

BarOK BlacK

las vegas


added value

grand canYOn




crassula mix

alOe mix

succulent mix

cactus mix

cactus BulB mix

eupHOrBia mix

cactus cOlumn mix

index cacti austrocephalocereus dybowskii........8 austrocephalocereus purpureus........8 CEREUS JAMACARU MONSTRUOSUS..........9 coleocephalocereus goebelianus.... 11 echinocactus grusonii...................... 11 eriocactus leninghousii.................... 11 eriocactus magnificus...................... 11 eriocactus warasii............................ 11 euphorbia enopl a.................................9 euphorbia fimbriata.............................9 euphorbia inconstantia.. .....................9 euphorbia pentagona.. .........................9 heliobravo chende...............................8 isol atocereus dumortieri.. ..................8 mammill aria bombycina.. .................. 10 mammill aria camptotricha.. ............ 10 mammill aria ernestii......................... 10 mammill aria hahniana..................... 10 mammill aria hildagensis.................. 10 mammill aria leptacantha................ 10 mammill aria matudae....................... 10 mammill aria nejapensis.. ................... 10 mammill aria spinosissima rubra...... 11 mammill aria spinosissima albispina.10 notocactus schlosseri...................... 11 notocactus scopa albispina............. 11 parodia chrysancanthus....................9 parodia penicill ata v. albispina..........9 peruvianus monstruosus....................9 peruvianus monstruosus rubra.........9 pilocereus a zureus...............................8 Pilocereus chrysosthele.. ....................8 pilocereus menesianus.........................8 stetsonya coryne.. ...............................8 trichocereus candicans.. .................. 11 vatricania guentheri...........................8

Succulents agave filifera.. .................................... 12 Aloe aculeata “crouss�.. ................... 12 Aloe aristata.. ..................................... 12

Aloe broomii....................................... 12 Aloe peglerae.. .................................... 12 Aloe reitzii........................................... 12 crassul a hobbit.. ................................ 13 crassul a hobbit special.. ................... 13 crassul a magical tree...................... 13 crassul a minor.................................. 13 crassul a minova................................ 12 crassul a ovata.. ................................. 13 crassul a undil atifolia...................... 13 echeveria green pearl........................ 13 Echeveria pelucida............................. 13 echeveria purple pearl....................... 13 haworthia pentagona....................... 12 haworthia cymbiformis.................... 12

added value barok bl ack........................................ 16 barok grey.......................................... 15 barok terracotta.. ............................. 15 blister.................................................. 17 brasil green........................................ 14 brasil purple....................................... 14 grand canyon.................................... 17 kilimanjaro......................................... 17 kenya 12 cm......................................... 15 kenya 10.5 cm...................................... 16 l as vegas.. ........................................... 16 tanzania.............................................. 14

examples Aloe mix.. ............................................. 18 cactus bulb mix.................................. 18 cactus mix.......................................... 18 cactus column mix............................ 18 crassul a mix.. ..................................... 18 euphorbia mix..................................... 18 succulent mix..................................... 18


Ovata BV

Tel: +31 (0)10 524 10 88

Hoefweg 152

Fax: +31 (0)10 524 10 80


Website: www.ovata.nl

The netherlands

E-mail: info@ovata.nl

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