June 30

Page 1

New royalty at Milltown

Time for the tour

Milltown celebrates

Currents, page 16

Currents feature

Currents section


WED., JUNE 30, 2010 VOL. 77 • NO. 45 • 2 SECTIONS •



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County offers economic support as recession takes toll PAGE 5


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New OWI laws July 1 marks first day of state’s new drunk driving laws PAGE 9

John Schneider, well-known local attorney, dies in building collapse

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Services Friday at Amery PAGE 3


Unemployment improves

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I think Polaris is moving from Osceola because: 1. Labor is cheaper in Mexico 2. Overall business decision for better profits 3. Due to unfriendly business climate in state 4. Combination of 1-3 Go to our online poll at www.the-leader.net (Weekly results on page 8)

Burnett out of double digits PAGE 2

Speedway lost

Former Milltown Speedway fans and racers recall lost glory See SPORTS It’s almost time for tea, and this little one takes great care in her preparations during the annual Yellow River Echoes celebration held this past weekend, June 25 - 27, at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park near Danbury. The annual event is hosted by the Burnett County Historical Society and offers visitors a glimpse of life during the fur trade era of the late 1700s and early 1800s along the banks of the Yellow River. More photos on page 2 of Currents section. - Photo by Carl Heidel

A proud mother’s refl fle ections Son graduates college and is commissioned into the Army by Anna Huebner Special to the Leader WEBSTER - On a Saturday in May, the old saying “once in a lifetime” was being said for the family of Theodore Huebner. He had completed four years of college and Army ROTC at St. Cloud State University. His family was there for his commission to second lieutenant. Back in October 2009, Teddy had asked his aunt Suzie and myself if we would do the honors of pinning his bars on when he was commissioned. Of course we agreed, not really knowing what we were in for. The ceremony was moving. There was a speaker who told about Army life and his career. Then each cadet was called on stage and the oath of office was administered to each, one by one. Then the people chosen by

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Huebner with proud members of his family. Photo submitted

the cadets to put on their bars were called to the stage to be introduced. Finally, each cadet was required to give a first salute to a member of the Armed Forces of his choosing. This person could be on active duty or retired. The choice for Teddy hadn’t been difficult; he had chosen his grandfather, Theodore Freymiller. His grandfather had served in the Army during WWII and the Korean War. Teddy had heard the stories since he was born about “the good old days” of being in the Army. His grandfather was enlisted and had reached the rank of sergeant. It is a tradition after the first salute for the cadet to give a coin to the person who receives the salute. The coin is tucked in the hand and given when they shake hands. For Teddy, he had found a 1923 silver dollar to give his grandfather. 1923 was the year his grandfather was born. A few of the cadets chose a family member

See Comissioned, page 2


• Judith Anne Harder • John Schneider • Jon K. Ormson • Albert Ravenholt • Patricia Antonson • Michael Budge • Walter Sanford Jr. • Wayne Friel • Clifford Cockerham • Rodney Littlefield • Walter C. Nelson • Erich O. Bretschneider • Harry L. Bottolfson Obituaries on page 22-23B

INSIDE Letters to the editor 9A Sports 15-19A Outdoors 20A Town Talk 6-8B Obituaries 22-23B Classifieds 26B Coming Events 28B Copyright © 2010 Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, Wisconsin

The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper • Since 1933

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