Currents, page 11
Currents feature
St. Croix Casino Danbury opens its doors
DSI: A great place to work
A love for lillies
Page 15 WED., AUG. 4, 2010 VOL. 77 • NO. 50 • 2 SECTIONS •
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Shooting Man wielding knives is shot by police officer; shooting under investigation PAGE 3
Federal charges
Men from Danbury, Somerset and Prescott named in 10-count indictment PAGE 4
Spafford joins sheriff’s race
Meet the candidate Sunday PAGE 2
For a demo or to subscribe go to: Fresh off a multicolored hair stylin’, these kids lit up the Polk County Fair with their hair. Pictured, (L to R): Sophie Albrecht, Madison Coen, Emilie Albrecht, Natalie Albrecht and Isabelle Coen. More photos of the fair in Currents section. - Photo by Greg Marsten
The relic hunters
Secret expedition goes back in time
by Greg Marsten Leader staff writer DRESSER – No fedora hats, whips or assistants with names like "Short Round" accompanied the group, and while there was a former sheriff in the team, the threat from Eastern European monocle-wearing bad guys was probably overblown. However, the goal of keeping the location relatively secret was paramount to the future of the expedition. The group of scientists and others with local historical concerns were searching the woods of central Polk County, east of Dresser, cutting through the jungle-thick brush in
See Relic hunters, page 13
Chasing Invasives Part 4: A quiet plant that rules the woods
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More than 1,000 reports of child abuse in Polk County in 2009
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How can we draw more tourists to Burnett and Polk counties? 1. Better promotion and better planning between communities 2. Big event or concert each summer 3. We’re doing fine when it comes to tourism 4. More kid/family events Go to our online poll at (Weekly results on page 8)
Some of the bone fragments discovered at the "mystery site" in question were similar to the finds made during Depressionera excavations at Interstate Park in St. Croix Falls. CCC workers unearthed a number of bones in Lake O’ the Dalles, near the St. Croix River, including this complete Bison occidentalis skull. Dozens, if not hundreds, of similar skulls and bones were discovered at the mystery site, but are in the hands of The Bell Museum in Minnesota. For a number of reasons, they have not been available for scientific study, which may lead to some rather unorthodox attempts by the landowners of the find to stake a claim to study the items. - Photos by Greg Marsten LEFT: Former Polk County Sheriff Dan Mosay joined the expedition as a representative of the Polk County Historical Society and as a representative of Native American tribal interests. Mosay is seen here taking a breather during the trip through the thick, bug-rich brush.
• Warren T. Klinger • Paul S. Johnson • Bette Johnston Pickard • “Ron” Salzmann • Steven L. Bottineau • Mildred G. Lindberg • Wayne L. McFetridge • Betty J. Jensen • William E. Johnson Jr. • Sharon K. Keopple • Ruth E. Thompson • Adeline Martha Larson • Joyce Sessions • Marlene Richardson • Darren Moyer • Toddy Deiss Obituaries on page 18-19B
INSIDE Letters to the editor 8-9A Sports 16-17A Outdoors 18-19A Town Talk 6-8B Coming Events 32B Copyright © 2010 Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, Wisconsin
The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper • Since 1933