Leader | April 6 | 2016

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• WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 • VOLUME 83 • NO. 34 • 2 SECTIONS

Indian Creek’s egg hunt

Tomahto and the warthog




Walker signs Holmquist Highway bill Back page


Readership 13,000




Trump carries area counties, Sanders takes two of three Bradley wins all three for Supreme Court; more unofficial results inside PAGE 4

No link to school board’s censure of member School board president issues statement PAGE 3

Teen forced to drive on booze cruise Eighteen-year-old Alexi Gloodt of Siren voted for the first time at the April primary election at the Daniels Town Hall. He commented, “Choosing a president or even a senator isn’t something that just affects your life right now. It helps shape the social agenda for younger students who share a common concern on where our generation is truly headed.” - Photo by Becky Strabel.


Scared and from out of town, unlicensed child driver asks bartender for help PAGE 3





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• Crex fundraiser @ Grantsburg • “Peanuts” movie @ Balsam Lake • Food distribution at Webster • Gun show @ Amery “Cinderstein” play @ SCFalls • Variety show @ Webster See Coming Events for details

James Bryce Morden Carmen L. Fisher Dorothy Lucille Baker Arlene Mary Belknap Michael James Burke Jr. Marshall Christopher Fisk Angela Jean “Angie” Chelmo Robert Dale Nancy Bottke Hvambsal Morten

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These charts show the unofficial victories by county of the main presidential candidates with the GOP race (Trump in dark red, Cruz in orange) and the Democratic race (Clinton in dark blue and Sanders in green). Note Trump, despite losing big to Cruz, won counties in northern Wisconsin and the 7th Congressional District, including Burnett, Polk and Washburn counties. These are not final indications. Updated information will be available on our website at leadernewsroom.com. - from Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel

West Lakeland baseball gets under way See front page of


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FREDERIC GRAD PART OF MSNBC TOWN HALL MEETING A cooperative-owned newspaper Board of directors:

Manager: Doug Panek

Charles Johnson, chair Ann Fawver Merlin Johnson Janet Oachs Richard Erickson

Frederic 2002 graduate Andrea Felmer was a member of the audience at the MSNBC Town Hall meeting with presidential candidate Donald Trump and moderated by Chris Matthews, held at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay on Wednesday, March 30. Shown at far left in the photo above, Felmer, daughter of Bill and Konnie Didlo of Frederic, got to experience a behind-the-scenes look at what has become somewhat of a historic moment in the campaign due to the controversy it generated. “It was very interesting being in the audience and hearing how he answered the questions, and then later reading certain media outlets’ takes on how he answered the questions and how out of context things were being reported as to what he actually said.” Security for the event was high, beginning with an extensive background check by MSNBC on those seeking tickets. Officers from UW-Green Bay, the city of Green Bay, the Brown County Sheriff’s Department, Wisconsin State Patrol and the Secret Service were there in force. Secret Service agents were at various locations in the studio and accompanied Trump to the stage, some of them sitting in the audience that surrounded Trump and Matthews. Felmer said everyone got an index card to write down a question they wanted asked of Trump, and before taping began, producers let people know who was going to ask questions, moving them up to the front row. Trump, she said, spoke passionately but he never shouted or yelled the way the media often portrays him to be. She said he was “very respectful of everyone there, even the people asking the tough questions from the audience.” The experience, Felmer said, was “really awesome and I’m glad I got to be a part of it ... everyone was very professional, knew their stuff and everything flowed very smoothy.” - Special photo

WOODLAND CHORALE TO PERFORM AT FREDERIC The Woodland Chorale, a regional choral group under the direction of Dr. Harry Johansen, will present a concert titled “How Sweet the Sound” at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 16, in the Frederic High School Performance Center. Accompanied by pianist Christine Johansen, the 40-member choir will perform choral classics by Joseph Haydn, Daniel Pinkham, Bela Bartok, Maurice Durufle, Lloyd Pfautch, Eric Whitacre and Byron Smith. Haydn, known as the “father of the Classical style,” will be represented by his “Saint Nicolas Mass,” composed in 1772 and still often performed in our time. Soloists in the Mass will be Jill Lund, Janet Holdt, Shawn Gudmunsen and Lloyd Wilson. The music of Bartok, a 20th century Hungarian composer noted for employing folk melodies, will be heard in his “Four Slovak Folk Songs.” Pinkham’s “Wedding Cantata,” a staple in the choral repertory of the 20th century, is a setting of texts from the biblical Song of Songs. The choir will also perform works by Durufle and Pfautch, a gospel tune by Byron Smith with Rachel Lee as soloist, and settings of humorous poems about animals by Ogden Nash in equally humorous choral settings by Eric Whitacre. Woodland Chorale is in its fifth year as an organization and is made up of singers from a large geographical area ranging from Rice Lake to St. Croix Falls, and Webster to Amery. A freewill offering will be received at the door and all proceeds will benefit public school music programs. The performance is sponsored by the community education organizations of Frederic and Luck school districts. For more information call Amy Aguado at Luck schools at 715-472-2151. - submitted



Editor: Gary King editor@leadernewsroom.com

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Voters are required to go through several additional steps now to cast a ballot, which did slow things down, at times, in polling places across the state. This is the Town of Luck town hall polling place. – Photos by Greg Marsten


The Inter-County Leader [ISS No. 8750-9091] is published weekly. Subscription prices are $39/yr. in Polk and Burnett counties; $43/yr. in Barron, Washburn, St. Croix counties; $46/ yr. anywhere in the United States $27/yr. for servicemen or women; $27/yr. for students or schools (9 months). Payment is needed before we can start the subscription. No refunds on subscriptions. Persons may subscribe online at leadernewsroom.com, write us at Inter-County Leader, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837, or stop by one of our three offices.


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Artist Will Mickey of Heart Wood Studio in Webster has received two special recognition awards in the 18th-annual Judeo-Christian Juried Online International Art Exhibition hosted by Upstream People Gallery in Omaha, Neb. This international exhibition received approximately 100 art entries from around the world and 21 artists were selected by the juror Laurence Bradshaw, professor emeritus of art and art history at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Professor Bradshaw noted “Will Mickey has a unique approach to carving, creating the imagery inside a piece of red cedar wood. ‘Jesus Carrying The Cross’ is quite nice with the two colors in the wood. His ‘Messiah’ is also richly stated with the imagery carved to represent the three scriptural passages.” Mickey noted: “Both pieces were inspired by God. ‘Jesus carrying the cross’ is one of five I have made and it was the first piece I sold, giving me courage to try it for a business. ‘Messiah’ was more direct in the way God inspired it. I found out about this art exhibit while looking for arts and craft shows, and I wanted to submit a piece. I had no idea what to do, so I prayed and thanked God for answering. It was a week later that I looked at a picture of an open Bible and all the other pieces just came together. I normally sketch it on paper first, before I draw it on the actual piece. This time it just flowed out of my hand onto the piece. Thank you very much for the recognition but all the recognition goes to God, I was just his instrument.” - with submitted information

A cooperative-owned newspaper, the Inter-County Leader is published every Wednesday by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837. Second Class postage paid at Frederic, WI 54837.


No link to school board’s censure of Kopecky Siren school open records request produces information mostly relating to his time as school district employee Gregg Westigard | Staff writer SIREN – The Leader has received a response to its open records request to the Siren School District relating to the school board’s actions on Feb. 10, asking for the resignation of board member Jim Kopecky and then censuring him. Jim Kopecky The response to that request, received on March 23, includes a large amount of information on Kopecky relating to his time as a Siren school teacher through May 2014 but no documents after April 24, 2015. But there is nothing in the records the Leader received that indicate why the school board called its special meeting and initiated its actions on Feb. 10. On Feb. 10, the school board held a special meeting and immediately went into closed session. When the board returned to open session, a motion was made asking board member Jim Kopecky to resign. After Kopecky said he would not resign, a second motion was made to censure Kopecky. Both motions were made by board member Mark Pettis and seconded by Duane Emery. Both motions carried by a vote of six to one, with Kopecky voting against each. Jim Kopecky was a Siren school teacher for 21 years. He retired as a teacher in an

agreement signed by him and the district in mid May 2014. Kopecky was elected to the Siren school board in April 2015.

The request and the documents received The Leader’s open records request asked for “any and all information on school board member James Kopecky, including information shared with the school board at its February open and closed session.” The Leader request was broad. The documents received included information from Kopecky’s personnel file. A board member indicated that the records the Leader received were not shared with the school board members at their Feb. 10 meeting. The Leader received 117 pages of documents. The cover letter from Stephen Weld, Weld Riley, the district’s counsel, said that certain personal identifying information was removed from the documents and that information regarding the negotiations leading to Kopecky’s retirement agreement were not included to protect the district’s negotiating strategy in future agreements. The documents relate to Kopecky’s time as a Siren school teacher. Several incidents of interaction with students are identified, some of which led to written reprimands. Kopecky filed grievances several times and the settlement of those grievances are presented in detail. The earliest situation was in May/June of 2004. The next issues were in 2009, the fall of 2010, the spring of 2011, the fall of 2012, and the spring of 2013. During that period Kopecky was dealing with district administrator Scott Johnson and school principals Jason Wilhelm, Joe Zirngibl and Peggy Ryan. There are documents written by Kopecky where he expresses criticism of Johnson and others. In one grievance, undated but apparently written May 2013, Kopecky says “this document will be one of many that will lead to Mr. Scott Johnson’s resignation or dis-

missal.” An incident arose in May 2014 that resulted in Kopecky leaving his teaching position. On April 29, Kopecky had received a preliminary notice of contract non-renewal. A document written by 7-12 Principal Sarah Johnson states that Kopecky approached a student and asked her to try and rally students to make a statement in support of him during the upcoming graduation ceremony. The conversation with Sarah Johnson took place on May 1. On May 4, administrator Scott Johnson placed Kopecky on immediate administrative leave, restricted him from all school activities, and directed him to have no contact with students until the matter was decided. The May 4 document cites “an attempt to manipulate students for your personal gain.” In addition Kopecky is “also charged with making disparaging comments toward school officials and unnecessarily attempting to politically influence a student.” On May 14 the district and Kopecky had agreed on the language of a retirement agreement. That six-page document, signed on May 19, states that the parties entered into the agreement in a mutual effort to avoid potential litigation. Kopecky was placed on unpaid suspension from May 8 through June 30, the end of the school year. He was not allowed to participate in or attend school events, enter school property or have any contact with district students or 2013-14 graduates. He agreed not to make negative or disparaging comments about the district, its personnel or the students. After that retirement agreement, the records request includes three sets of documents, an undated statement which starts “I have a personal agenda!,” some memos on a contact with district office staff on April 20 and 23, 2015, and the minutes of the Feb. 10 school board meeting.

School board president issues statement Becky Strabel | Staff writer SIREN - Siren School Board members Jim Kopecky, Mark Pettis, and Peggy Moore (president), were contacted after the Leader reviewed information the school district provided in response to the Leader’s open records request. Each were asked to identify the reason(s) for the Feb. 10 censuring and request for resignation. Kopecky couldn’t provide an answer, saying, “It is all tied up in closed session and I can’t take a chance in saying something that will be held against me.” Pettis referred the Leader to Moore,who had been in contact with the school’s legal representation. Moore issued the following statement: “Regarding your questions about the issues leading up to the board’s request for Mr. Kopecky to resign, I have consulted with the school’s attorney and have been told I can release the following statement: “‘Board members, acting as individuals, are not entitled to access anything any other elector may not access. A board member would have to file a request for records, such as the paper did, to access information. Mr. Kopecky demanded access to documents that he was not entitled to have and meetings he should not have attended. His actions caused staff members to feel harassed and threatened. Due to privacy issues, I have not seen the contents of the file that was released to you. However, I believe it may show a continuing pattern of behavior that began when Mr. Kopecky was an employee of the district.’” When asked to clarify meetings he should not have attended, Moore replied, “Individual board members are not to attend staff meetings unless directed by the board as a whole.” Moore said this week that a board cannot legally censure a board member for anything that happened prior to their time on the board.

Teen forced to drive on booze cruise Scared and from out of town, unlicensed child driver asks bartender for help Greg Marsten | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – Police were called to a Balsam Lake bar over the weekend for a report that a 13-year-old Detroit girl, lost and behind the wheel, was forced to taxi her father’s passedout 35-year-old girlfriend from liquor store to various rural taverns, where the child finally sought help from a bartender. Charity Rogers, 35, Luck, is facing multiple charges, including felony Charity Rogers reckless endangerment, for the alleged incident, where she was reportedly so intoxicated, she almost passed out, leaving the teen lost and seeking help from a bartender, who called the police. According to the criminal complaint filed on Monday by the Polk County Dis-

Correction In the March 23 Leader story about charges of attempted homicide in Osceola, the story should have read that defendant Paul Krueger has two previous convictions, both misdemeanors and both in Burnett County: one in 2000 for battery and the other in 2002 for resisting arrest. The Leader regrets the error.


Charity Rogers appeared in Polk County Circuit Court on Monday, April 4, facing charges of felony reckless endangerment, child neglect and contributing to the delinquency of a child for allegedly having a 13-year-old girl “practice drive” for her on a veritable tavern tour, of sorts. - Photo by Greg Marsten

trict Attorney’s Office, Rogers is accused of starting the day by taking her boyfriend’s 13-year-old unlicensed daughter out “practice driving,” which quickly turned into a sort of “booze cruise” for Rogers, which included a stop at a local convenience store, so she could buy alcohol, which she drank from while she had the child drive her to a tavern on Hwy. 8, where Rogers is accused of having two more Bloody Mary drinks, then nearly passing out in the car seat, leaving the unlicensed teen lost and driving west on a state highway. The complaint narrative notes how the child told police that she “drove a long way in one direction” with Rogers passed out and mumbling in the passenger seat. That was when the teen decided to turn off the road they were on, ending up at a Balsam Lake tavern, where Rogers tried to buy another drink, but was refused for being too intoxicated. That was when the unlicensed teen sought help from the bartender, who called police. When police arrived on the scene, they found Rogers behind the wheel of a car in the Thirsty Otter tavern parking lot at around noon on Saturday, April 2. She was reportedly too intoxicated to communicate with Polk County Sheriff’s deputies, who is quoted in the complaint as saying the unlicensed teen was “scared,

upset and had no idea where she was or how to get back to her father.” Rogers was taken to a local hospital, due to her level of intoxication, and she did have a preliminary breath test of .295-percent blood alcohol concentration, almost four times the of state .08-percent BAC legal threshold. “That (PBT) reading was also with a light breath,” Polk County Sheriff Peter Johnson confirmed. Rogers made an initial appearance in Polk County Circuit Court on Monday, April 4, where she faces charges of felony second-degree reckless endangerment on top of two misdemeanor charges of contributing to the delinquency of a child and child neglect. Rogers is facing over 11 years in prison, and/or $45,000 in fines if convicted on all three counts. Judge Molly GaleWyrick set her bond at $10,000, with a June 26 preliminary hearing, where the judge will determine if there is sufficient evidence to bind her over for trial. To be released, Rogers must maintain absolute sobriety and cannot have any contact with the child. Court records indicate that Rogers has at least two prior convictions for driving while intoxicated. She remains in custody at press time.

FIRST READ MADISON – On March 24, the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s Criminal Information Bureau’s Firearms Unit issued the 300,000th concealed carry permit since the program’s inception in 2011. Handgun Hotline checks and concealed carry applications have been at record high levels in recent months and interest in firearm ownership shows no signs of subsiding. Since January 1, 2016, the Wisconsin DOJ Criminal Information Bureau processed 19,515 concealed carry applications and the Handgun Hotline completed 46,658 background checks, which is required for the transfer of a handgun from a firearms dealer in our state. By comparison, for the entire calendar year 2015, the Firearms Unit processed 45,549 concealed carry applications and handled 131,648 requests for Handgun Hotline background checks. Data collected by Wisconsin DOJ also shows that from the period 2001-2005 to the period 2011-2015, the total number of Handgun Hotline checks increased from 162,208 to 599,141, a 369-percent increase over the 10-year period. “The dedicated professionals at the Department of Justice have provided a safe, secure and efficient process for the issuance of concealed carry permits since 2011. Act 35 went into effect on November 1, 2011,” said Attorney General Brad Schimel. “Wisconsin has always had a rich tradition of firearms ownership, and I am proud to lead the agency that ensures law-abiding citizens can exercise their rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment.” To learn more on how to apply for a concealed weapon license, please visit doj.state.wi.us. - from DOJ


Dresser Board reviews water study

Extensive review of flooded area reveals answers

Greg Marsten | Staff writer DRESSER – The Dresser Village Board spent the great portion of their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 4, reviewing options to deal with storm-water flooding issues in and around 206 South St., near the intersection with Blaisdell Avenue. Flooding at the 206 home over the past six years has been a frequent point of contention between the village and the homeowners, who paid to have a berm constructed near their home, but they were hoping to have the village assist with the cost of the berm. Since the berm’s construction, the flooding has not occurred, which led the village to commission the Cedar Corp. engineering firm to review the hydrological features of the area, and better understand if the berm is enough, or if other issues are lying just below the surface. The Cedar Corp. study led to an extensive, 1-inch-thick project review that includes dozens of pages of detailed hydrologic runoff reviews and modeling, revealing that while the berm seems to help, it would easily be overtopped with a “five-year rainfall event,” and needs another foot of height to help with such an event. “It appeared that the berm, was sufficient to hold back a two-year storm, (which is about 3 inches of rain in a 24hour period),” stated engineer Isaac Steinmeyer. “But in a five-year event, it appears the berm would be overflowing.” Elevation models show the top of the berm lines up with the basement level on the home, and they suggested adding another foot of height to that berm, combined with one of several options that included a potential storm sewer rerouting on Polk Avenue; increasing outlet pipe size, buying additional land for a reten-

Cedar Corp. engineers Isaac Steinmeyer and Len Schreiber pictured left to right, outlined suggestions from a hydrological study the firm created to address storm-water flooding in one area of Dresser. The presentation was part of the regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 4. - Photo by Greg Marsten tion pond or a combination of several options. In the end, the Cedar study concluded that the best option to defray the possible flooding of a 25-year storm event would be to do the sewer reroute, but combine it with the berm height addition, they concluded that the home would likely be protected from a more significant event. Pretty much all of the options came in with similar cost estimates of between $48,000 and $56,000. The combined berm increase and storm sewer reroute fell in that range, as well. “The best option was to reduce the flow (by rerouting down Polk Avenue), combined with raising the berm, it would allow protection for a 100-year storm event, which is around a 6.5-inch rainfall (in 24 hours),” Steinmeyer stated.

While there were a few trustee questions about the other options, and possible increased costs, the study will now go to committee for full review, but the board did suggest the they begin to implement part of the plan, by increasing the berm height by at least a foot. “Increasing the berm option could prove faster, for a more short-term solution,” village President Bryan Beseler suggested, which the board agreed to implement.

In other village action: The board approved a plant to do their annual spring cleanup from April 25 May 12, with village residents allowed up to 1,000 pounds of dumping per household. The village is coordinating with Waste Management on the effort.

The board authorized a $1,000 stipend for Barb Williamson for village park work and maintenance. Brock Geyen, of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, gave a brief update on the village’s 2015 audit. In general, Geyen gave positive reviews, and said the efforts to restructure their water and sewer rates goes a long way toward bringing black ink back to the village utility funds. “So that should turn around soon,” Geyen said of the utility accounts. Beseler joked that they were finally not being scolded for their water and sewer accounts. “It’s been so long!” Beseler said. The Dresser Easter egg hunt held last week raised $2,250 for kids books and other activities. The board approved having a villagewide garage sale on May 5 through May 7, and will have several other events coordinating with the event, including a craft exchange at the Dresser Community Hall, organized by library members. Beseler gave a brief update about the ongoing odor issues from the F & A Dairy ponds, west of town. “So, after our last (board) meeting, it has smelled a couple of days,” Beseler said, outlining how he met with F&A Dairy officials to review the “numeric results” of recent work the firm has paid to have done to enhance aeration at the ponds. “We went over the science numerics ... and we could see results,” Beseler said. “What I can see is that scientifically, levels are coming down. Fingers crossed, we continue to see progress.” Beseler said that high winds help stir the ponds, and they have seen dramatic reductions in odor levels at some of the ponds, and he hopes the efforts will continue to pay off. “The DNR is asking for our patience,” he added.

Maple and Vincent project set

Bids come in close to estimates

“Hoping to start in early May ...” - Jon Herdegan - MSA engineer

Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS – After having to delay voting on a variety of issues, due to not having a quorum for their regular council meeting on March 28, the St. Croix Falls Common Council was able to gather several days later in a special meeting on Wednesday, March 30, primarily to address final bids on the extensive Maple Drive and Vincent Street project and utility improvement they hope to start soon. The council had three bids to choose from for the Maple/Vincent project, which came in very near the projected estimate of $1,951,000. They also reviewed a bit of background on the construction staging process and ways to adjust the final bill for the project from engineer Jon Herdegan, of MSA, the city’s engineering firm overseeing the road project that includes curb gutter, full infrastructure and road rebuilding, some of which on the hilly Maple Drive. “Our recommendation is to go with Haas (& Sons, Inc.),” Herdegan said, confirming that Haas’ & Sons of Thorp, Wis., not only returned the lowest bid, but also received the thumbs-up from MSA,

which has worked with the firm on other projects. The Haas bid came in at $2,025,034, which is about $40,000 less than the next

Becky Strabel | Staff writer SIREN - Members of the Siren Fire Association opened bids for the new fire station on Thursday, March 31, at the Daniels Town Hall. Millennium Construction submitted the lowest bid. However, the company wants to withdraw it. The owner found an error for $62,000. The

catch is that there is a 5-percent bid bond associated with the process. The Siren Fire Association tabled the item pending legal advice from Ryan Benson of Benson Law Office in Siren. The board has been looking for additional funding for several months. The towns associated with the fire hall,

Broken pavement and a steep grade are behind the city of St. Croix Falls road rehab project on Maple Drive and Vincent Street. - Photo by Greg Marsten highest bid, and almost $167,000 under the high bidder on the project. However, the final low bid came in just slightly higher than the final MSA estimate.

Bids opened but no action taken

Towns of Siren, LaFollette and Daniels along with Siren Village, previously approved $1.2 million for the station. The association received bids that were over that threshold but was awarded an Otto Bremer Trust Fund Grant of $75,000. Other grants and funding opportunities are being looked for.

Herdegan also presented ways the city can alter or adjust a few portions of the project, including how they address the boulevards, storm sewer piping material (plastic versus concrete) and sidewalk materials, decisions of which they have a little time to decide, as the combined options could save up to approximately $100,000. Herdegan said they are hoping for a preconstruction meeting in the coming weeks, “... hoping to start in early May,” he added. There are a few issues to still be resolved, but they are minor, such as how to dispose of the old concrete, and where to stage all of the extensive materials and equipment for the project life. “I’ve advised the (St. Croix Falls) school district that the football field parking lot will be (still in use) at the season’s start,” Mayor Brian Blesi stated. With that final discussion, the council approved the Haas & Sons contract, meaning the project is slated to go ahead in the coming weeks.

In other business, it was noted that Gov. Scott Walker would like to attend the ground breaking for the Siren Fire Hall and the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19, at 8 p.m., at Daniels Town Hall.

Future food co-op to host Earth Day event ST. CROIX FALLS - The public is welcome to celebrate Earth Day and learn more about a food cooperative that is being planned in St. Croix Falls. The event will be held at the St. Croix Falls Library

on Friday, April 22, starting at 5 p.m. with Drumming for the Earth, led by Don Karsky and George Free. At 5:45 p.m., Lia Falls will lead an Earth sing-along. At 6:30 p.m., there will be a showing of the film

“Fresh” that features the rising movement of people and communities across America who are reinventing our food system. Guests are invited to stay for discussion afterward. All events are free and are

sponsored by Fine Acres Market, Future Fine Acres Co-op Steering Committee and the St. Croix Falls Library. For more information, visit fineacres.com. – submitted


Looking back to the 2012 election Gregg Westigard | Staff writer NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - Rick Santorum won the Republican Party Presidential Preference vote in our area in the 2012 primary. He bested Mitt Romney in Burnett, Polk and Washburn counties in

Filling open seats may take some time Gregg Westigard | Staff writer SIREN AND ST. CROIX FALLS – The search for candidates started in early De-

Possible vacant seats in Luck, St. Croix Falls Gregg Westigard | Staff writer POLK COUNTY – With fresh uncon-

Santorum wins in area primaries a race that had four other Republicans on the ballot. Statewide, Romney won 44 percent of the votes, Santorum took 37 percent, Ron Paul, father of Rand Paul, received 11 percent of the total and Newt Gingrich took 6 percent. Michelle Bachmann and Jon Huntsman each received less than 1 percent of the votes. On the Democratic side, Barack Obama was running unopposed for re-election. With no Democratic contest, the primary

cember and by election day, Tuesday, April 5, there were still no candidates on the ballot and no registered write-in candidates for two local positions. The blank spots are for the Siren Village Board and the St. Croix Falls School Board. The person with the most votes in a write-in contest will not necessarily be the

Gregg Westigard | Staff writer BURNETT/POLK/WASHBURN COUNTIES – Donald Trump carried Burnett, Polk and Washburn counties in the Republican presidential primary election Tuesday, April 5. Bernie Sanders won in Burnett and Washburn, while Hillary Clinton took Polk County. Rebecca Bradley led in the Supreme Court election in all three counties.

tested election victories in hand, two local officials have said they may be resigning from office. Both are incumbents and both are unopposed on the April 5 ballot. In the city of St. Croix Falls, Jerry Berger has said he may be resigning from his District 1 alderperson seat on the city coun-

with 79 votes. The third open seat in the election was won by Katie Peterson with 75 votes. Incumbent Tom Boettcher received 67 votes and Jeremiah Lunsmann had 63 votes. – Marty Seeger

The vote totals Republican presidential primary County Trump Cruz Kasich Polk 3,542 3,001 804 Burnett 1,628 1,169 342 Washburn 1,926 1,359 443 Democratic presidential primary County Sanders Clinton Polk 2,395 2,921 Burnett 993 917 Washburn 1,417 1,059 Wisconsin Supreme Court County Bradley Kloppenburg Polk 6,347 5,069 Burnett 2,501 2,081 Washburn 3,049 2,776

Johnson defeats 22-year incumbent Lindeman BURNETT COUNTY - Duane Johnson will be a new face on the Burnett County Board of Supervisors after defeating incumbent Philip Lindeman by a margin of 153 to 102 votes in the Tuesday, April 5, spring primary election. It was the only contested seat on the board. Johnson will represent District 17 which includes southeastern section of the county and includes the Towns of Dewey and Roosevelt.

Johnson is a 1981 graduate of Shell Lake High School and a third-generation farmers who farms 350 acres on CTH H. For the past 15 years he has served as Farm Services Agency representative on the Burnett County Land and Water Conservation Committee and as a supervisor for the Dewey Town Board. Lindeman was the longest serving supervisor on the county board, representing District 17 for the past 22 years. - Gary King

John Dickinson joins Grantsburg Village Board Peer and DeRocker re-elected Gregg Westigard | Staff writer GRANTSBURG – The Grantsburg village board will have one new member when it organizes in mid-April. John


Dickinson was elected to the board Tuesday, April 5, taking third place and replacing incumbent Rayna Surdey who finished fourth with 125 votes. Incumbents Greg Peer and Scott DeRocker received the most votes with 305 for Peer and 229 for DeRocker.



Primary 2,461 7,030 3,361 Governor 6,537 16,067 7,092 President 8,660 22,533 9,267 A comparison of total votes by election contest and county

vote was better than three to one for the Republican side of the ballot. The spring election turnout is always lower than the fall election vote, and more

person who takes the office. That winner must first decide if they wish to accept the position. Voters can write in any name on the ballot but, with no registered write-in candidates, the person with the most write-in votes may not want to serve. In the case where the write-in winner declines the election, that spot remains

Two election winners may resign

Trump carries area counties Sanders takes two of three, Bradley wins all three for Supreme Court


No candidates for two offices

Centuria Village Board election results CENTURIA – One incumbent and two new candidates were elected to the three open seats on the Centuria Village Board after the results were tabulated from the election held Tuesday, April 5. Incumbent Kevin Kamish received the most votes with 84, followed by Steven Sylvester

2012 2014 2012

cil. Berger was appointed to the council in December 2014 to replace Don Anderson, who moved out of town. Ross Anderson says he will resign his seat on the Luck Village Board at the end of his term in mid-April. Anderson told the Leader he decided after the ballot was

voters turn out in November when there is a presidential vote. In 2012, the spring election totals were a third of the fall vote for president.

vacant until the newly elected board or council takes office in mid-April and decides how to fill the vacancy. The appointment of a new person to fill each of the three positions could take awhile.

finalized that he wanted to spend more time with his family. In each case, the newly elected council would decide how to fill the vacancy once the new terms start in mid-April.

2016 Contest Elections Municipal and School Winners listed first Burnett County Board District 17 Duane Johnson - 153 Philip Lindeman (I) - 102 Burnett Villages Grantsburg Greg Peer (I) - 305 Scott DeRocker (I) - 229 John Dickinson - 212 Rayna Surdey(I) - 129 Burnett Schools Grantsburg / 3 seats plus 1-year term (fourth place serves one year) Dan Ohnstad (I) - 1,186 David Dahlberg (I) - 1,161 Russ Erickson (I) - 1,131 Josh Prusinski (I) – 1,060 (one year term) Webster / 2 seats Mark Elliott (I) - 1,039 Katie Smith - 1,016 Michelle Geisler Messer - 766 Spooner / 2 seats plus 1-year term Karen Soreson - 2,703 Kevin King - 2,085 Robert Hoellen (I) – 1,928 (one year term) Miles Macone (I) - 1,589 Kyle Pierce (I) - 1,300 Jim Dienstl - 1,121 Polk County Board District 2 Doug Route – 428 Patricia Schmidt (I) - 381 District 4 Chris Nelson - 446 Kathryn Kienholz - 345 District 6 Brian Masters – 524 Marilyn Nehring - 367 District 13 Russell Arcand (I) - 571 Jared Cockroft - 289 Polk Municipal St. Croix Falls City (Not yet available) Alderperson, District 2: (Jeff Huenink not running) Al Kruger Arnie Carlson

Villages Balsam Lake Jeff Reed (I) – 186 Steve Biza – 155 Caroline A. Rediske (I) – 154 Guy Williams - 146 Centuria Kevin Kamish (I) - 84 Steven Sylvester - 79 Katie Peterson - 75 Tom Boettcher (I) - 67 Jeremiah Lunsmann – 63 Dresser Darron Nelson (I) - 129 Cathy Frandsen (I) - 124 Elina Kuusisto (I) - 107 Jeff Gutzmer - 90 Frederic (4 absentee ballots outstanding) Brad Harlander (I)- 214 Todd Miller -157 Richard Heltemes -133 Allan Lahti -132 William Johnson - 124 Towns / two supervisors each Alden Barry Ausen (I) – 455 Gary Dado (I) - 337 Lucus Evenson - 228 Clayton Scott Gilbertson – 159 Jake Balog - 147 Roger Olson (I) – 137 Tom Nonemacher (I) - 84 Eureka / two new seats, town board increased in size Janet Krueger - 236 Randall Clark - 215 Stephen Jacobs - 155 Robert Lubben - 108 Polk Schools Clear Lake / 1 seat Nettie Bergmann – Groat – 489 Thomas Levendowski (I) – 309 Unity / 3 seats (Results not available) James H. Beistle (I) David Moore (I) Patricia C. Kastens (I) Jerry Larsen

Balsam Lake Village election results BALSAM LAKE – The Balsam Lake Village Board election results showed a close race with incumbent Jeff Reed receiving the most votes with 186. Steve Biza will be a newcomer to the village board as he received 155 votes, and incumbent Car-

oline A. Rediske was re-elected for her fourth term, with 154 votes. Former board President Guy Williams finished with 146 votes. Write-in candidate, Brandon Scheuer, finished with 21 votes. – Marty Seeger


Dresser Board keeps status quo Incumbents all return Greg Marsten | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – The three incumbent trustees seeking a return to their seats on the Dresser Village Board were all successful, as the lone challenger came a few votes short.

According to the final vote tally, incumbents Darron Nelson, Cathy Frandsen and Elina Kuusisto will return, as challenger Jeff Gutzmer fell short. The final results showed Nelson as top vote-getter with 129, followed by Frandsen’s 124 votes and Kuusisto’s 107. Gutzmer received 90 votes in the end.

27’ long, 78,000 miles, stored inside.




Follow the Leader Whether you are

Sincerest “Thank You”

On April 6, 2015, our lives were forever changed. Our beloved Kody was in an accident sustaining serious, life-threatening injuries. We have so many thanks to give, those who we cannot thank personally and those that we would like to specifically recognize, including: • The 911 caller, EMT Response Team, Burnett Medical ER staff and Life Link & crew • Regions Trauma Center & staff: Dr. Mendes, neurosurgeon Those who provided special support to family members: • St. Croix Tribal Head Start: Karrie Davis, E.M. Manager; Annette & Phil Atkins; Dan & Renee Gullickson • Lakeview United Methodist Church members Kody M. Pettis will graduate from Siren High School in May. Thank you Mr. “B,” Mrs. O’Brien and the therapy staff. Finally, thank you to all our family and friends! Janet and Leroy Nelson; Julie Nelson

644436 34Lp

Gregg Westigard | Staff writer POLK COUNTY – The Polk County Board of Supervisors will have five new members when it organizes April 19. The election Tuesday, April 5, saw the defeat of one supervisor, the re-election of another and the election of four new supervisors to fill the seats of retiring board members. There were four contested elections among the 15 districts. Two new supervisors ran unopposed for open seats, and nine supervisors were re-elected without opposition. Doug Route defeated incumbent Patricia Schmidt in District 2 by a vote of

428 to 381. Schmidt is the longest serving member of the county board. Incumbent Russell Arcand was re-elected with a vote of 571 to challenger Jared Cockroft’s 289 in District 13. In the contested open seats, Chris Nelson won in district 4 with 446 votes to Kathryn Kienholz’s 345. Former board member Brian Masters returns to the board in District 6 with 524 votes to Marilyn Nehring’s 367 votes. Brad Olson in District 1 and Michael Prichard in District 7 are the other new board members elected to open seats. The other incumbents returning to the Polk County Board are Dean Johansen, Craig Moriak, James Edgell, Kim O’Connell, Larry Jepsen, Jay Luke, Warren Nelson, John Bonneprise and Joe Demulling.

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Route, Nelson, Masters, Arcand win contested seats


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Five new faces on Polk County Board

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SCF Common Council has a new member

Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS – A retiring alderman has made for a true race to fill a vacant St. Croix Falls Common Council seat, with a race between Arnie Carlson and Al Kruger for the District 2 seat that was previously held by Jeff Huenink. The contested vote resulted in a win for Arnie Carlson, who has served several

terms in the past on the council, and is currently a St. Croix Falls Plan Commission member. The unofficial final count had Carlson garnering 181 votes to Kruger’s 105. The other common council seat in District 1 had just one candidate, incumbent Jerry Berger, who was returned to his seat handily with 257 votes. Also sweeping to an easy victory were incumbent Mayor Brian Blesi and longtime municipal Judge David Danielson, who received 529 an–––d 522 votes, respectively.

SCF School Board has an apparent write-in winner Incumbent Steve Bont returns, other seat was up in the air

Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS – As expected, there is a bit of uncertainty over who will fill a vacant St. Croix Falls Board of Education seat, but a last-minute, official write-in has seemed to prove successful for Matt Brice, a district parent who offered up a veritable 11th-hour campaign for the vacancy. The lone incumbent seeking a return, Dr. Steven Bont, easily earned a return to his seat, but that other spot on the ballot had no official takers during the typical filing period, and they relied on a combination of a winning write-in candidate

who also agrees to serve on the board. “While we don’t have all the results in from all the precincts, it appears that Matt Brice is the unofficial candidate,” stated district Superintendent Mark Burandt early Wednesday, April 6, just before press time. Brice had offered his name up just a short time prior to the election, and Burandt said that he would also seem likely to accept the seat, which is a requirement for a write-in. “He did file (official) paperwork,” Burandt said. “So it looks like he will be the (board member.)” Final, unofficial voting results had Steve Bont with 1,686 votes, and Matt Brice earning 172 write-ins, with many scattered write-ins. Final canvassing will take place on Tuesday April 12 at 8:00 a.m.

Elliott returns to Webster School Board

Becky Strabel | Staff writer BURNETT COUNTY - The Webster School Board of Education voted to keep Mark Elliott on the school board for another term. Elliott received a service award in March for his 20 years on the

board. An open seat vacated by Rick Estridge will be filled by Katie Smith. Unofficial counts for the three on the ballot were Katie Smith receiving 1,016 votes, Miki Geisler-Messer with 766 votes and Mark Elliott with 1,039.

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Frederic 715-327-4236 Siren 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls 715-483-9008 editor@leadernewsroom.com


The Luck School District will be conducting a developmental screening for children ages birth to five years old, with the primary emphasis on threeand four-year-olds, on the morning of Monday, April 18. The areas of screening will include: fine motor development, gross motor development, and speech and language concepts. Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted by a nurse from the Polk County Public Health Department. A representative from Birth to 3 services will also be assisting with the screening. If you have concerns about your child’s development in any of these areas, please call the Luck Elementary School Office at 472-2153, extension 108, by Wednesday, April 13. Appointments will be scheduled beginning at 8:30 a.m. with each screening 643547 32-34L 22-24a lasting about 45 minutes.

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Incumbents all return; Arnie Carlson is back after a hiatus

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Landslide changes Hwy. 8 detour and plans

MnDOT details issues with Taylors Falls repairs

Greg Marsten | Staff writer TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – “A significant portion of this work will result in congestion,” is the first phrase on the Minnesota-Department of Transportation Hwy. 8 project Web page for “traffic impacts,” and that was before recent rains changed and somewhat hurried portions of the project ahead, and sort of “leveled the playing field” for the project detour. The $11.2 million MnDOT project is an effort to roll several road improvement, safety and engineering changes into one fell swoop of a detour. The project is an effort to coordinate the construction of a single-lane roundabout at the intersection with Hwy. 95 South, beside the Franconia Sculpture Park, at the same time as they repair the road surface, install concrete barriers, stabilize the hillside and improve drainage between that Hwy. 95 South intersection and the very busy downtown Taylors Falls intersection, which has an average daily traffic count of approximately 10,000 vehicles. A planned detour that was previously supposed to “split” truck traffic and allow passenger vehicles a much shorter detour through scenic Taylors Falls won’t happen for some time, according to Ryan Coddington of MnDOT. A series of landslides along one of the steep slopes beside the heavily traveled state highway has changed and accelerated some of the planned work. “The initial (land) slide occurred on March 16,” Coddington noted, how just 1 solid inch of rain from the previous day led to the slide. “MnDOT closed the road March 22. (They were) hoping to reopen the roadway on April 1.” But then it got even wetter, and the plans changed again. “We received an additional half-inch of rain on March 30 that caused some addi-

Heavy equipment will be the norm this summer, in and around Taylors Falls. tional soil movement and instability,” he added. “The roadway will remain closed until October to allow for a more permanent fix to be performed.” The change means the detour is the same across the board for everyone, and does not separate trucks from the equation, in spite of some of the signage around the perimeter. “There is only one detour for the project,” Coddington confirmed. “All traffic, trucks and cars, must follow the original truck detour: Hwy. 95 South, Hwy. 243 East, Hwy. 35 North, back to Hwy. 8. (or the reverse for westbound Hwy. 8 traffic).” Previous plans to split the traffic have been delayed for a spell. “All trucks will need to use this detour until the project is completed,” Coddington clarified. That split detour was hinging on MnDOT’s plans to pave over the currently gravel Tern Avenue township road, for a

detour off Hwy. 8 just west of the new roundabout. The Tern Avenue project is still planned, but the landslide issue came up too fast. “Once Tern Avenue is paved, the cars will move to the car detour route: Tern Avenue North, east on 310th Street/ County Road 37, straight across the bridge to continue east on Hwy. 8,” he said. Traveling from Wisconsin it would be just the reverse. The Tern Avenue paving project was forced into the equation somewhat quicker with the landslides, and Coddington confirmed that they are trying to shorten the time line, allowing the shorter passenger vehicle detour, through Taylors Falls. “The contractor is working on setting up Tern Avenue up to be paved,” he stated. “It is scheduled to be paved in the middle of May. MnDOT is working with the contractor to look for ways to acceler-

ate this work to get it done faster.” When the Tern Avenue paving process is completed, the detours will go back to the original “split” plan for trucks versus passenger vehicles. “Yes, the detours will (then) follow the original plan,” Coddington stated. “Trucks will need to follow the truck detour (current Osceola route) ... The cars will follow the car detour.” As noted earlier, once Tern Avenue is ready, that car detour will allow passenger cars to simply slide past the Hwy. 8 construction between Franconia and downtown Taylors Falls by using Tern Avenue North, heading east on 310th Street/County Road 37, straight across the bridge to continue east on Hwy. 8. Traveling from Wisconsin it would be just the reverse. The car detour shortens the detour from 14 miles down to just slightly longer than the actual five-mile route between Franconia and downtown. In total, MnDOT is working on about three miles of Hwy. 8. As is the case with any major construction project, the route does put additional strain and potentially heavy traffic on roads that are typically much less traveled. Hwy. 8’s 10,000 AADT count is expected to almost double the traffic on the Hwy. 243 bridge, and stresses out several other routes, including local roads in downtown Taylors Falls where backups are continued to be expected, with MnDOT adjusting the intersection with Bench Street to alleviate some of the concerns. Coddington stressed that local access will be maintained for several critical recreational areas, including Interstate Park. “Local residents and Wildwood Campground visitors can continue to access the area from the west end of the Hwy. 8 closure,” Coddington said. “Access to Interstate Park is provided from the east end of the Hwy. 8 closure.”

Approaching the Hwy. 243 in downtown Osceola, drivers are greeted with a variety of signage. MnDOT has been working to create a less intrusive intersection in downtown Taylors Falls for the planned “car detour” that will go up the hill and around the road project. - Photos by Greg Marsten


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This evening is designed for parents only, so they may have a better understanding of the kindergarten program and details of their child’s day at school. If your child is currently enrolled in our 4-K Program in Balsam Lake, your child will bring home a registration packet to be completed by you and returned on April 19. If your child does not go to the 4-K Program, then a packet may be picked up at the Luck Elementary School Office anytime between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.. Those children that are not enrolled in 4-K will also need to bring their child’s birth certificate and immunization records. A school physical will be required to attend Kindergarten. According to state law, (chapter 429, section 118.14), a child must be five years old on or before September 1, in order to go to kindergarten in the fall. If you have questions regarding this, please call us at 715644234 23-25a 34-35L 472-2153, ext. 108.



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What about our children? April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month, a time when the community, from every household, is to come together for just one day, a few short hours, to support our children, to be their voice, to show them that we not only stand with them, but we are also on the front lines for them. But questions arose. Where was the police department, hospital personnel, therapists, child protection services, fire department, first responders, shelters, teachers and organizations that flood our children’s weekly mailers? Where were they? There were groups, non-

profit organizations, of survivors, who don’t get paid to protect and work with our children. They do this because they know what it’s like to survive, and will go beyond their will to stand on the firing line so our children thrive. But where were the folks who get paid to protect, paid to teach, paid to heal, paid to house the lost, broken and neglected? The mayor takes a vacation, and Sen. Sheila Harsdorf scrambled from another event to make it to Million March Against Child Abuse, bless her. This was a perfect time to voice your concern to one of the folks that represent our state, to carry our message all the way to the top. Folks, you want change, you’re mad at the system for failing our children, you

stand behind those who put themselves out there to speak the truth. I don’t want praise, I want you to support our children, be present. Actions speak louder than words. I want accountability, because it shouldn’t hurt to be a child. Every single department, area of profession, that serves people places blame on the next when the system fails, when our basic human rights are not met. What about our children? Rise up! Penny Johnson Coordinator/advocate for Million March Against Child Abuse St. Croix Falls

POLITICAL LETTERS Letters to the editor regarding political races should be limited to 400 words (longer letters may be published at the discretion of the editor), should contain no personal attacks and if endorsing a candidate should state an issue or issues as to why the writer favors that candidate. The same applies when being critical of a candidate - it must be based on issues. Letter writers should provide sources for their claims. We reserve the right to limit publication to one letter per person or group per month. We may not publish some letters if we feel an organized campaign is attempting to flood the opinion pages with letters for a particular candidate and likewise, we will not publish letters that make serious charges against a candidate, especially close to election day, when there is a limited opportunity for us to fact check the claims or for the candidate to respond. Since the Leader is published once a week, some letters may be published on our website and not in our printed edition, in an attempt to allow for timely response. We urge writers to keep the discussion civil. Any letter deemed as a personal attack or nasty in general won’t be published. - Editor

Tax stories “Why are you asking about him?” The clerk in the state Department of Revenue was puzzled at my request about whether an individual had paid Wisconsin income tax in a previous year. His answer was “zero,” but, regardless, he collected the $1 fee for the information. Translated, the “zero” meant the person had filed a state income tax return but had not paid any money. If he didn’t file a return, there would be no fee to pay. Usually similar requests from reporters focus on elected officials or candidates who want to be elected officials. This name was unfamiliar to the clerk. The man had served as a guard at an infamous Nazi concentration camp, I explained. The group seeking to locate Nazi war criminals felt he was in America, but the trail had gone cold more than three decades after World War II ended. Rumors in Chicago ethnic communities suggested he ended up somewhere in Wisconsin. A reporter for the Chicago Daily News asked my help with Wisconsin government databases. Just knowing he had been in Wisconsin would help the Nazi hunters. Tax law prevents the Department of Revenue from providing addresses or phone numbers,

State Capitol Newsletter Matt Pommer things that would be available from tax returns. I mentioned the guard’s alleged conduct at the concentration camp. The clerk listened and excused himself. He returned with a receipt for the fee and casually talked about Clark County. I told the Daily News reporter that the sought-after guard may be in Clark County. The Nazi hunters went to the Clark County sheriff who easily identified his location. The days of him just being an anonymous citizen were gone. State law requires the individual be notified about the tax information request. There often are surprises in checking whether individuals had filed their tax returns. One of those came when I asked for four years of information about Congressman and later U.S. Sen. Robert Kasten. The clerk had three years of taxpaid numbers, asking for $3 in fees. I said I wanted four years of information. He replied only that the fee I owed was just $3.

When the news stories about the lack of a tax return for a year surfaced, Kasten said he had done nothing wrong. Later Kasten would blame his tax woes on a staff member whom he said had failed to mail in the return. The state tax folks were unmoved by Kasten’s explanation or by his apparent suggestions he didn’t have to pay the interest penalties spelled out in the law. Wisconsin eventually was the winner in this tax matter. Grumbling about the income tax is a popular pastime as the April filing deadlines approach. In Wisconsin, the income tax system is used to provide property tax relief. It’s a way to get state aid to individuals while bypassing commercial and corporate interests. Critics also may want to remember that it was the income tax system that allowed the federal government to send Al Capone to prison. This year the state tax folks are also after the bad guys and girls who want to use stolen private information to get your tax refunds. That may slow tax refunds, but in order to fight the crooks it’s a small matter. The content in this column does not reflect the views or opinions of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association or its member newspapers.

The Inter-County Leader was established in 1933 by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association. Read about the cooperative’s history at iccpaonline.com

WHERE TO WRITE President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 whitehouse.gov/contact/ Gov. Scott Walker Wisconsin State Capitol Madison, WI 53707 transition@wisconsin.gov Congressman Sean Duffy (7th District) 1208 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 PH: 202-225-3365 U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin 1 Russell Courtyard Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-5653 FAX: 202-25-6942 Rep. Adam Jarchow (28th District) Room 19 North, State Capitol. P.O. Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708 608-267-2365 • 888-529-0028 FAX: 608-282-3628 rep.Jarchow@legis.state.wi.us Rep. Romaine Quinn (75th District) Room 7 West, State Capitol P.O. Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708 608-266-2519 • 888-534-0075 rep.Quinn@legis.wisconsin.gov U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson 2 Russell Courtyard Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-5323 Sen. Janet Bewley (25th District) Room 126 South, State Capitol P.O. Box 7882, Madison, WI 53707 608-266-3510 sen.Bewley@legis.state.wi.us Sen. Sheila Harsdorf (10th District) State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-7745 • 715-232-1390 Toll-free - 800-862-1092 sen.harsdorf@legis.state.wi.us Rep. Nick Milroy (73rd District) Room 8 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8953, Madison 53708 rep.milroy@legis.state.wi.us

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Double your impact As you age, it’s not as easy to do some of the things you used to do. Maybe you don’t drive anymore. Maybe you are lonely and just need a visitor. Maybe you are disabled and unable to get to the grocery store or the bank or doctor. Maybe your family lives far away and can’t help you out with housekeeping. These are the kind of good folks that ask for help from Interfaith Caregivers every day. On Tuesday, April 26, all Polk County communities will come together for giveBIG St. Croix Valley. This is a fundraising event that encourages everyone from the area to donate to the 47 participating nonprofits in Polk County. And this is the perfect time to join the supporters of Interfaith Caregivers by giving a donation. This year we have two secret donor couples who will give us a total of $12,500 if we raise an additional $12,500. Your gift will be doubled by contributing during the giveBig event! By giving a donation you can help seniors and adults with disabilities live in

their homes and communities for as long as possible. A gift from you might help make the difference between someone staying at home or having to move to assisted living or a nursing home. Your contributions go toward finding more volunteers to provide rides, visits, chores and other services. Act now, double your gift, double the impact you can have on a senior or disabled neighbor. Give on April 26, give local, giveBIG! Your donations to Interfaith Caregivers of Polk County can be made: Online at giveSCV.org now through April 26, search for Interfaith Caregivers of Polk County; or write a check to Interfaith Caregivers, put giveBIG in the memo, and mail it to Interfaith Caregivers, P.O. Box 65, Milltown, WI 54858. Pam DeShaw Milltown Editor’s note: The author is board president and three-year volunteer/Fit & Friendly instructor, Interfaith Caregivers of Polk County

Good job, Walker Wisconsin’s poverty rate at 30-year high Other recent informative newspaper articles in the Amery Free Press and other local newspapers across Wisconsin: 1. Gov. Walker muzzled the elections watchdog, The Gab. 2. Walker repeals Wisconsin’s state fair pay. 3. Walker/Jarchow/Republicans introduce bill seeking to gut open Wisconsin’s records laws, as one article stated. Unlimited and secret corruption 4. Walker choses to reject federal money to expand BadgerCare, essentially stripping health care to 63,000 Wisconsinites. Governors across the country, Republican and Democrat, decided to expand healthcare coverage by joining in this program. Not Walker, his actions cost Wisconsin’s taxpayers an estimated $1 billion. 5. Numerous news articles on Republicans inserting fake Democrat candidates

to help Walker’s bid for governor of Wisconsin. 6. Numerous other local and national articles on Walker’s aides indicted on campaign corruptions charges. 7. News articles on Republican redistricting/gerrymandering, which is illegal but hard to prove. 8. Ninety-one percent of elections in America are won by candidates with the most money, Koch Brothers/Walker. Note: This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are too many other actions by Walker that have and will have severe consequences for working citizens of Wisconsin, but also for small businesses, as more and more people fall into the low-income class and have no chance of being able to afford necessities or have any disposable income to support local business. Dennis Klinkhamer Black Brook

Village of Balsam Lake discusses array of topics at monthly meeting Marty Seeger|Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – The Balsam Lake Village Board discussed an array of topics at their hour-long monthly meeting Monday, April 4, from a village auditor’s review, alcohol licenses and new boating laws. Police Chief Tom Thompson discussed his monthly report focusing on DNR training and upcoming boat patrols for the busy summer season. During training it was discussed that accessory LED lighting is now prohibited on the outside of the boats, as it might appear they are flashing. Another new boating law Thompson described as a move-over law boaters should be aware of that requires boats to have no-wake when traveling within 100 feet of a stopped patrol boat. Another thing patrols will be watching for involves boat registration, particularly for those who reside out of state. A boat must be registered in Wisconsin if someone out of state plans to keep their boat at their cabin during the summer months. This has always been the case, but the language has changed from “state of principal use,” to “state of principal operation.” Thompson said much of the funding for their boat patrols and other DNR functions, comes from registration fees and is based on the amount of registered boats used in the state. Thompson also explained that they’ll be trying to do more compliance checks this summer, checking boats for proper safety equipment and other items, especially life jackets.

Balsam Lake Village Board member Glen Jones thanked the board and former police chiefs for “a good two years” serving on the village board. Jones chose not to run for re-election this spring, ending his public service. “The one that they really want checked, is the life jackets. They want to make sure that everyone on board has a life jacket and it’s a proper size, so that’s something we’ll be pushing this year,” Thompson said. Among some of the other main topics discussed was a 2015 financial statement review from village auditor, Brock

Village attorney Terry Dunst, (center), discusses liquor license issues with the board and members of the public.

Village auditor Brok Geyen, far right, gives the Balsam Lake Village Board the 2015 financial statement review, Monday, April 4. – Photos by Marty Seeger

Geyen, who went through topics such as borrowing from the general fund, revenue bonds, principal payments and debt, which he explained was down from a year before. Overall, he said the audit revealed pretty good results. “It’s good to see improvements in certain areas,” he said, adding later that things are trending in the right direction.

Reserve alcohol license A reserve alcohol license issue appears to have been resolved on Monday. A claim by The Captain’s Bar and Grill owner Dave Robinson questioned whether he was issued the correct Class B reserve license at the previous board meeting. The claim prompted village board President Geno D’Agostino, to investigate the matter further. “That bothered me and I wanted to get to the bottom of this once and for all. So after the meeting, about two days later, I called the state of Wisconsin, requesting a meeting with one of their head agents,” D’Agostino, said, while adding that he also contacted the agent who first inspected the establishment for the meeting. The village met with Department of Revenue agents Mario Altuzar and Brian Waldherr, who had visited the premises, in a conference call to review issuance of alcohol licenses. Along with the help of village attorney Terry Dunst, it was determined that the village had issued the correct licenses. Dunst, along with Robinson, traded questions and answers during a portion of the meeting, but ultimately, the village had the last say.

“The conclusion that the state reached was that from day one, the village of Balsam Lake has been doing things correctly,” D’Agostino said.

Other business • Village Fire Chief Mark Anderson reported that there were 10 rescue calls and six fire calls in March. They also had a turnout of about 125 kids for their annual Easter egg hunt. • The Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for Freedom Fest in July and discussed adding park benches on the nature paths. • The public works committee discussed adding crosswalks on Hwy. 46 N., near Lakeview Park. The existing crosswalk had been repaved over and never replaced. Another crosswalk includes the spot on Main Street, near Royal Credit Union Bank and the Ledger Enterprises office, as well as near the Polk County Highway Department. Pending county approval, a motion to approve the projects was unanimous. • Before adjourning the meeting, D’Agostino thanked board member Glen Jones, who was not running for re-election after serving a two-year term on the board. “He will be sorely missed, and he’s been a very big asset on the public protection committee,” D’Agostino said. “It’s been a good two years,” Jones said. “I got to work with a great board and two very excellent (police) chiefs. It was great working with both of you guys, thanks.”


Herb Kohl honors area students, teachers and principals CHIPPEWA FALLS - A luncheon to honor the achievements of Northwest and west central Wisconsin students, teachers and principals was held Sunday, April 3, at Chippewa Falls Middle School in Chippewa Falls. Herb Kohl attended. The Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation and the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation recently announced the recipients of $3,000 Initiative Scholarships, Excellence Scholarships, teacher Fellowships and, new this year, principal Leadership awards. The April 3 luncheon recognized the accomplishments of the area’s outstanding students, educators

and administrators. Thirteen teacher Fellowship recipients, 22 Excellence Scholarship recipients, 18 Initiative Scholarship recipients and one principal Leadership recipient were honored. Kim Marggraf, spokesperson for the Herb Kohl Foundation, said that Herb Kohl, representatives of co-sponsoring organizations, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools, Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Service Agencies, Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, Association of Wisconsin School Administrators, and the families and friends of

Northwest and west central Wisconsin award recipients were part of this program. “The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation believes that it is important to publicly acknowledge and applaud the efforts of Wisconsin’s leading teachers, students and principals. We are very pleased to have Herb Kohl join us for this special recognition of excellence in education,” Marggraf said last week. “Herb Kohl will be making formal award presentations to the recipients at the luncheon,” Marggraf added. The Herb Kohl Foundation will issue the

$3,000 Excellence and Initiative Scholarship grants to the postsecondary institution that each student will attend. Each teacher and principal will receive a $3,000 award and an additional $3,000 grant will be awarded to each teacher’s and principal’s school for use in innovative educational projects. The Chippewa Falls event is one of five regional award programs sponsored by the Herb Kohl Foundation. – from Wisconsin News Tracker

Kerik Stubbe earns Eagle Scout rank

K e r i k Stubbe, of Boy Scout Troop 564, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

Boy Scout Troop 564 members were present at Kerik Stubbe’s Court of Honor held at Forts Folle Avoine Sunday, April 3. – Photos submitted Your One Stop Shop For all Your Electronic Needs

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from either 8:30 - 11:20 a.m. or 12:15 - 3:00 p.m. Please call 715-327-4221 to schedule your child. Registration for your child will be with the Kindergarten team during Kindergarten Kamp held on April 22, 2016.

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Another strong year set for West Lakeland teams St. Croix Falls set to defend West Lakeland title again Marty Seeger|Staff writer LEADER LAND – The 2015 West Lakeland Conference champion St. Croix Falls baseball team is under the direction of a new head coach this year, Mark Gjovig, who replaced longtime head coach Brian Jacobson, who retired after the 2015 year. Gjovig has spent as many as 14 years in the Saints baseball system at various levels, from T-ball to JV and varsity assistant for the past seven years. He also coached JV at Richland Center for five years. “What I am most excited about this year is the opportunity to work with a talented group of athletes and the potential to repeat as conference and regional champions,” Gjovig said. Replacing some of the leaders who graduated in 2015, including pitcher and leading hitter Jacob Jacobson, as well as three key position players, will be a difficult one. The Saints also have less depth this season, but Gjovig doesn’t see that as a weakness as several other talented players are ready to contribute. They’ll also be backed by returning all-conference pitcher Brady Leahy, who pitched five hitless innings against Amery in their first game of the season. “With a lower number of participants the past few years we will be looking to incorporate as many players as possible into the pitching rotation to support returning all-conference senior pitcher

Mark Gjovig took over as head coach of the Saints this spring, in place of longtime, successful coach Brian Jacobson, who retired from coaching after the 2015 season.

Saints senior Brady Leahy is already off to a solid start for the Saints baseball team, beginning right where he left off last season as the team’s top pitcher from 2015. Leahy held Amery to no hits in four innings on Thursday, March 31. – Photos by Marty Seeger Brady Leahy. The loss of Jacob Jacobson, all-conference pitcher and our leading hitter last season to graduation, along with key position players Kyle Koshiol, Brock Peters and Jesse Loen, will make our job a difficult one. However, with key returning player and the incoming freshmen, we feel that we can be as competitive as we were last year,” said Gjovig. Along with bringing back Leahy, the Saints have several key position players and hitters who have either started or had success in previous years. They include Jake Johnson, Tyler Henk, Alex Johnson, Jacob Murphy, Jameson Kahl, Aaron Riley, John Petherbridge, Josh Skallet and Trevor Warner. “I am looking forward to maintaining the level of play that we enjoyed last season. However, there is always room for improvement and things that we can do to increase our chances to repeat as conference and regional champions,” Gjovig said. Along with Gjovig, the coaching assistant staff is similar to last year with Chad Hall and Mike Leahy helping out. They will be key parts in the winning equation, especially in rearranging players to best fill the starting roster. “Placing players in the best position to utilize their talents will be one of the keys to our success this season. Along with leadership from the upperclassmen with the incoming freshman through good mentoring of work ethic and technique ,we will build a strong team for the future. Finally, we will need to maintain focus on our strengths and compete at our highest level in each and every competition in order to be successful, Gjovig said.

Grantsburg Pirates The Grantsburg baseball team was right on the heels of the West Lakeland Conference champion Saints in 2015, and all three of their games in 2015 were decided by one run. The Saints eventually edged the Pirates 3-2 in the regional championship game, and 2016 will likely be another battle between the two teams. But Grantsburg will have a different look this season according to coach Pete Johnson, who is in his 24th season as Pirates skipper. The team will have different jerseys, but more significantly, different athletes in nearly every position on the diamond. “It’s exciting to start fresh and think about the possibilities. As coaches, we will have to find this team’s identity and play to our strengths,” Johnson said. Along with the head coach, the Pirates have Ted Gerber on the squad as assistant in his 16th season, as well as Adam Olson, ninth, and Bryan Vilstrup, fourth. Athletes include four seniors, five juniors, six sophomores and seven freshmen. Johnson commended his coaching staff for their knowledge on baseball and each has two to three specialties they utilize to coach and teach the players. Plus, the Pirates have a long history of winning baseball, and they’re usually the ones other team’s strive to compete with each season. Johnson feels they have another good shot to compete with the rest of the West Lakeland. “I think we will be able to compete with the other teams in the West Lakeland this

See Baseball/Next page

Extra Points

••• ST. PAUL, Minn. – The UW-River Falls men’s track and field team competed at the Hamline Invite on Sunday, April 3, with a handful of former local athletes finishing strong in their respective events. Colton Sorensen, a sophomore from Unity, finished second overall in the pole vault with a height of 15 feet, 5 inches. Robert Swanson, a freshman Falcon from Unity, competed in the discus with a throw of 133-03 and took sixth overall. Teammate A.J. Walsh-Brenizer, a former Luck athlete, and Falcons junior, took fifth with a height of 13’11 25”. Michael Johnson, a 2014 Webster graduate, has not only lettered in football the previous two years at River Falls, but also joined the track team in throwing events, which include hammer and discus. – with information from uwrfsports.com ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an athlete playing collegiate sports in 2016 who hasn’t been mentioned, or could be mentioned again, send us an email or call and we’ll take it from there. – Marty Seeger ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tidbits to share? Please contact the Leader by 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to go in Extra Points. – Marty Seeger

SPORTS RESULTS DEADLINES: WEDNESDAY - MONDAY: 1 p.m. the following business day. TUESDAY: 11 p.m. on Tuesday. Missed deadlines mean no coverage that week! SPORTS NEWS OR SCORES TO REPORT? • PHONE: 715-327-4236 • FAX: 715-327-4117 • EMAIL: mseeger@leadernewsroom.com

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Baseball/Continued year. I believe most of our conference will be pretty even, with Turtle Lake/ Clayton bringing back the strongest team of returning players. As always, there will be a team in the mix that surprises everyone.”

land Conference teams including Turtle Lake/Clayton, Cameron, Grantsburg, Luck/Frederic, St. Croix Falls and Unity. “The change in divisions will be a nice change and it’s great that both schools will have enough kids to each have a team this season,” said coach Jarrod Washburn, who is in his fourth year as head coach. “With the change we have new staff, so this year my assistants will be Jovin Kroll and Scott Hoefs.” Washburn says he is excited as always to get the season under way and to see how his team will improve. The team includes 23 athletes who signed on to play, which allows them to play a JV schedule. “It will allow us to play a JV schedule for the first time since I’ve been coaching which is vital for the younger kids development,” said Washburn. The team has steadily improved since Washburn, a former major league pitcher for the Anaheim Angels and Seattle Mariners, began coaching in 2013. They finished 6-8 in the conference and 8-11 overall. They also won a Division 2 playoff game against Rice Lake in 2015, before falling to Hayward in the regional semifinal. They return what Washburn says is good senior leadership with Paul Sargent and Taran Wols who have played varsity all four years. “I’m confident they’ll do a great job of leading what will be a pretty young team,” Washburn said, adding that their biggest keys to winning this year will be throwing strikes and limiting mental mistakes. They have also added depth in pitching. Freshman pitcher Jack Washburn, went over four strong innings in the Tiger’s first game of the season in a doubleheader. Trevor Gustafson closed out that game with his first varsity win and Jack Washburn hit the game-winning RBI double. In the team’s second game of the doubleheader Brad Sigfrids pitched a no-hitter into the fifth inning and finished with only one hit allowed. Caleb Pardun also pitched with a pair of strikeouts.

Luck/Frederic Former Luck/Frederic athletes Trent Strapon of Luck and Zach Schmidt of Frederic are assisting sixth-year head coach Ryan Humpal in 2016. L/F finished 4-10 in the conference and went 9-13 overall last season, and Humpal is excited to see how his roster will improve this spring. “Going to be fun to watch our guys get better every night out. We have some first-time players that have a lot of upside,” said Humpal. “We are not going to be as talented as we have been in the past, but these guys work real hard and are excited to get better. So, I am hopeful that we can reach their highest talent levels.” So far the team has 21 members, which is about average compared to previous years. They have three returning players including all-conference athlete, Roman Poirier, who brings speed along with Austin Hamack and Ethan Schmidt. “If we can figure out a couple more pitchers at the varsity level things might get interesting for us later this spring. Right now, early on, the keys are going to be playing good defense and getting better at the plate and on the mound.” One of the team’s strengths will be speed, which they hope will turn into some runs as players have the ability to not only reach base, but steal as well. The team also added a couple of former track players to the roster, which will also boost their speed. As far as weaknesses, Luck/Frederic only has two returning pitchers back this spring that had significant time on the mound, but time will tell in what Humpal feels will be another tough West Lakeland Conference. “Look for Turtle Lake/Clayton, Unity, Grantsburg and St. Croix to be battling at the top. There will be a lot of quality players throughout the conference this year which makes it fun each night out,” said Humpal. Unity Eagles Matt Humpal is entering his 10th season coaching the Unity Eagles baseball team, and ninth as head coach, and his crop of 2016 players will be bringing a competitive edge to the game. “We have some super competitive athletes right now. They have battled for playing time in every sport all year long. Baseball won’t be any different,” Humpal said. The Eagles finished third in the conference standings last year behind St. Croix Falls and Grantsburg, but more importantly, it was the most wins, 14-9, that the team had since moving to spring baseball. “With some of the youngsters getting more playing time, we could be even better,” said Humpal. The Eagles have a total of 25 players

The Webster Tigers are a younger team this season but are bringing some heat with its pitching staff and a handful of quality and talented senior leaders that could make this the start of many memorable years to come for the Tigers. Above, freshman Jack Washburn throws against New Lisbon on Friday, April 1. Webster is also no longer a co-op with Siren, who will be fielding their own team in 2016. – Photo submitted vying for a spot in both JV and varsity, which is typical for the team. They return 11 letter-winners but will need to replace five starters from the 2015 season. “I believe we have we have 17 players or so that could see some varsity time throughout the season. The depth of the team is a strength, which includes their pitching staff, but Humpal said there’s a chance they could stumble against solid pitching from opposing teams. “Our keys will be throwing strikes and playing good defense. We will then have to find a way to score enough runs to win.

We may struggle to hit really good pitching at times but I think everyone around here is in that same boat.”

Webster Tigers The most noticeable change for the Webster Tigers baseball team will be their split with Siren for 2016. This not only creates a ninth team in the West Lakeland Conference, it allows Webster to move from Division 2 to Division 3, and gives Siren an opportunity to play in Division 4, which is the smallest spring baseball division. Webster will be included in the same regional as most of the other West Lake-

Siren Dragons The Siren Dragons baseball team will become one this spring after splitting up the previous co-op with Webster. Head boys basketball coach Jon Ruud has taken over the head coaching duties of the baseball team along with assistant coach Brian Webster. Another notable change for Siren will be their spring schedule, which will only include West Lakeland Conference games. The Dragons will also not be playing in the WIAA playoffs this season, but will be be playing in the playoffs next season. Athletic Director Ryan Karsten said this will be a trial year to simply get the interest in the sport back up in Siren again, as they add even more players, the baseball tradition in Siren will continue again.

Luck/Frederic baseball starts off with a win Unity goes nine innings against Amery Luck/Frederic 5, Chetek 4 Marty Seeger|Staff writer LUCK – The Luck/Frederic baseball team got the season off to a good start with a win over Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Monday, April 4. “It was great to finally get on the field for a game,” said coach Ryan Humpal. “With limited time outside so far this spring we knew there would be situations that came up during the game that would be the first time for it. Cannot replicate game situations too well in a gym. Even though it was our first game we did some

nice things.” Roman Poirier got the start on the mound and went five strong innings with eight strikeouts and two runs allowed. Austin Hamack helped pitch the rest of the way and lock down the win. Humpal said the team had just four hits but had good discipline at the plate to draw 11 walks. “One promising thing is we executed on the bases pretty well for it being an early game by stealing six bases and putting a lot of pressure on the defense with guys in motion. This is something we will keep getting better at throughout the season and hope to be a big threat on the bases as a team come later this year,” Humpal said. “A great way to start the season with a win and nice to finally see some things that we need to work on as a team. Hopefully we can get another

game in this week with the weather but it is not looking to good.”

Unity 3, Somerset 3 SOMERSET – The Unity baseball team ran out of sunlight in a nine-inning game against Somerset Monday, April 4. With the game tied 3-3 after the ninth inning was completed, the game was called. It was a low scoring game for much of the way but the Spartans scored first in the bottom of the first, and held a 1-0 lead through four innings. In the top of the fifth, Unity got the bats going with a double by Wyatt Stenberg, and singles from Logan Bader and Austin Donahue. Phillip Sorensen also hit a sacrifice bunt in the inning. Trailing 2-1, Somerset got right back into the game and regained the lead with two runs in the bottom of the fifth.

“We battled back twice when we were down. We had our chances to win but I am sure they would say the same thing. Both teams left some runs on the bases,” said coach Matt Humpal, adding that the team had two “superb” defensive plays, including a game saving catch by Sorensen in the bottom of the eighth. Humpal said it was one of the best catches he’s ever seen. “Our pitchers did a great job pounding the strike zone. Nate, Hunter and Dylan (Stenberg) were consistently ahead in the count which is integral in getting outs,” Humpal said.





Saints baseball survives Amery Brady Leahy throws no-hitter through four innings St. Croix Falls 5, Amery 4 Marty Seeger|Staff writer AMERY – Amery and St. Croix Falls baseball teams played through a blustery afternoon for baseball Thursday, March 31, and got a taste of what’s to come in their first game of the season. Saints senior Brady Leahy was sharp in his first trip to the mound. He pitched four innings while allowing no hits with nine strikeouts, while the Saints held a 3-0 lead through the top of the fifth inning. St. Croix Falls scored their first run of the game in the top of the first as Tyler Henk hit a leadoff single and Leahy dou-

bled deep to right field to score Henk. After a scoreless second inning, the Saints capitalized in the third on an Amery error on the throw to first. Junior Tyler Henk rounded first on the throw and a dead ball allowed him a trip to third base. Alex Johnson hit an RBI single later in the inning to give the Saints a 2-0 lead, which stood through the top of the fifth when another Amery error, this time in the outfield, helped score the third Saints run of the game. With the cold temperatures and with it being both teams first game of the year, Leahy was replaced by Johnson on the hill in the bottom of the fifth. Johnson had three strikeouts, but Amery scored three runs as defensive mistakes piled up for the Saints in the late innings. The Warriors scored four runs including a tying run in the bottom of the sixth, but only one run was earned with Johnson on the

Junior Tyler Henk rounds first base on a throwing error and eventually reaches third base during a game against Amery on Thursday, March 31. The Saints got great pitching from starter Brady Leahy, who pitched a no-hitter through four innings. – Photos by Marty Seeger

Saints junior Jake Murphy slides safely back to first base on a pickoff play by the Amery Warriors.

mound. Jake Johnson would finish the game on the mound for St. Croix Falls. He allowed two hits and had three strikeouts. The Saints got the go-ahead run in the

top of the seventh when Johnson led the inning off with a triple and Jameson Kahl drove in Johnson on a groundout to short.

Webster baseball sweeps in doubleheader Snow dampens games the following day Webster 9, New Lisbon 8 Webster 14, New Lisbon 4 Marty Seeger|Staff writer MAUSTON – The Webster Tigers banked a pair of wins in their season opener Friday, April 1, at Woodside Sports Complex in Mauston. Despite snowy weather forcing the cancellation of the following day’s games, the Tigers completed their doubleheader with wins over New Lisbon, while coach Jarrod Washburn said the JV team also got valuable innings in a scrimmage with Hillsboro.

Senior Paul Sargent of Webster gets set for the next pitch.

Jordy Larson of Webster makes contact with the ball during a game held at the Woodside Sports Complex in Mauston on Friday, April 1. The Tigers played New Lisbon in a doubleheader and won both of their first two games of 2016. – Photos submitted

Austin Spafford gets back to first base against New Lisbon.

In the first game New Lisbon got off to a 4-0 start in the top of the first inning but Webster responded, eventually winning the game in an eight-inning thriller. Freshman Jack Washburn got the start and went 4-1/3 innings with six strikeouts, and came through with the winning hit in the bottom of the eighth on an RBI double. Trevor Gustafson pitched the final 3-2/3 innings and got his first varsity win. Offensively Webster was led by Austin Spafford, Gustafson, Washburn and Trenton Wols, who each had a pair

Gustafson led the offensive with three hits. Spafford, Wols and Paul Sargent each had two, and Spafford drove in five runs, which included a bases loaded triple. “Overall I am very happy to the start of the season for our team. We were able to do many positive things as well as find out what we need to improve upon if we want to compete in the conference. We are looking forward to an exciting season,” Washburn said.

of hits. “In game two the Tigers bats came alive right from the start to go along with some excellent pitching for a 14-4 victory,” coach Washburn said. “Brad Sigfrids got the start and didn’t disappoint, taking a no-hitter into the fifth inning. He finished with four innings pitched allowing only one hit and three walks to go along with seven strikeouts to earn his first career varsity win.” Caleb Pardun also pitched in relief with two strikeouts.





Unity track team competes at Simpson invite Marty Seeger|Staff writer SUPERIOR – The Unity girls and boys track teams competed at the Simpson Invitational at Northwestern High School on Friday, April 1. The girls had several top performances among eight other schools competing, and placed third overall, while the boys finished fourth. For the girls Raelin Sorensen had a standout day, taking first place in the 400meter dash with a time of 1:04.03 and first place in the triple jump with a distance of 31-06. Emma Moore placed third in the triple jump with 29-09. Sorensen was second in the high jump with a leap of 4-10, while Sierra Fjorden took sixth in the event. Sorensen also competed with the 4x400-meter relay team that took first place with a time of 4:43.75. The team includes Sorensen, Fjorden, Ali Kreft and Kendra Bramsen. The 4x800-meter relay team also finished

in first place, which includes Mary Johnson, Fjorden, Bramsen and Stella Nelson. They completed a time of 11:27.12. The 4x200-meter relay team, which includes Kreft, Moore, Natalie Albrecht and Anna Bradley, finished third with a time of 2:08.18. In the 55-meter dash Bradley took second with a time of 8.26 and was second in

Boys highlights Nathan Cousins and Dylan Slanina highlighted the Eagle boys competition at Northwestern. Cousins took first place in the 400-meter dash with a time of 56.99 and teammate Nathan Bradley finished seventh in the event with 1:00.11. Slanina was a first-place finisher in the high jump with a height of 6-02. Bradley took fourth in the high jump with 5-06. Slanina was also fourth in the triple jump with a distance of 37-02 and Bradley tied


with Slanina with the same distance. In the boys shot put, Erik Peterson took fifth overall with a distance of 40-02. In the 800-meter run, Logan Jensen was second with a time of 2:10.46 and Eli Vos Benkowski placed fifth in the event with 2:15.62. Matt Peterson placed fifth in the 1,600-meter run with a time of 5:13.04. The Unity boys relay teams raced strong in the 4x200-meter relay with a third-place finish, followed by a second place in the 4x400-meter relay, and second in the 4x800-meter relay. Names for the boys relay teams were not listed on the results sheet.

Siren High School hosts athletic banquet

LEADER SPORTS SCOREBOARD Lakeland-West Standings Team Conf. Webster 0-0 St. Croix Falls 0-0 Luck/Frederic 0-0 Grantsburg 0-0 Shell Lake 0-0 Siren 0-0 Turtle Lake/Clayton 0-0 Unity 0-0

the 200-meter dash with 29.94. Fjorden placed sixth in the 1,600-meter run with a time of 6:10 and Zenia Moore was sixth in the 3,200-meter run with 15:12.57. In the long jump, Johnson took fifth with 13-08 and Emma Moore was sixth with 13-07. In the shot put, Danielle Ahlm was fifth with a throw of 30-00.

SOFTBALL Overall 2-0 1-0 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

Scores Thursday, March 31 St. Croix Falls 5, Amery 4 Friday, April 1 Webster 9, New Lisbon 8 Webster 14, New Lisbon 4 Monday, April 4 Unity 3, Somerset 3 (Canceled after nine innings due to darkness) Luck/Frederic 5, Chetek-Weyerhaeuser 4 Tuesday, April 5 Unity at Clear Lake (Canceled) Upcoming Thursday, April 7 5 p.m. Grantsburg at Glenwood City St. Croix Falls at Webster Friday, April 8 4:30 p.m. Clear Lake at Luck 5 p.m. Baldwin-Woodville at Grantsburg Spooner at Unity Northwood at Webster Saturday, April 9 11 a.m. Tournament at St. Croix Falls (Spooner, Colfax, St. Croix Falls) Monday, April 11 5 p.m. Siren at Shell Lake Grantsburg at Unity Tuesday, April 12 5 p.m. Unity at Cumberland Webster at Prairie Farm Luck/Frederic at St. Croix Falls

Lakeland-West Standings Team Conf. Frederic/Luck 1-0 Cameron 0-0 Grantsburg 0-0 Shell Lake 0-0 St. Croix Falls 0-1 Turtle Lake/Clayton 0-0 Unity 0-0 Webster/Siren 0-0

Overall 1-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0

Scores Friday, April 1 Spooner at Webster (Canceled) Rush City, Minn., at Frederic (Canceled) Monday, April 4 Unity at Amery Osceola 13, Frederic 3 Tuesday, April 5 Northwestern at Grantsburg (Canceled) Upcoming Thursday, April 7 5 p.m. Grantsburg at Baldwin-Woodville Frederic/Luck at Cumberland Webster/Siren at St. Croix Falls Friday, April 8 5 p.m. Clear Lake at Frederic St. Croix Falls at Somerset Monday, April 11 5 p.m. Frederic/Luck at Clayton Grantsburg at Unity

TRACK & FIELD Upcoming Thursday, April 7 4 p.m. Track invitational at St. Croix Central (St. Croix Falls) Monday, April 11 4 p.m. Track Invitational at Flambeau (Unity) Tuesday, April 12 4 p.m. Track meet at Webster (Webster, Grantsburg, St. Croix Falls, Siren) 4 p.m. Track meet at Cameron (Frederic/Luck)

All seniors were recognized at Siren’s athletic banquet held at the St. Croix Casino in Danbury on Thursday, March 31, including three members of the class who received their 1,000th point basketballs to honor their achievements. They include (L to R): Caitlyn Daniels, Neil Oustigoff and Aaron Ruud. – Photos submitted

Look to the sports section for your school's sports schedules, game recaps, weekly highlights and more!

Frederic • 715-327-4236 Siren • 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls 715-483-9008 editor@leadernewsroom.com

St. Croix Casinos CEO Leva “Dino” Oustigoff accepts a Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association Distinguished Service Award from Siren School’s athletic director, Ryan Karsten. The award is presented to the tribe for their support of area athletic programs.





Girls softball season slowly getting under way LEFT: A Unity Eagles catcher and pitcher collide during the team’s first game of the season at Amery Monday, April 4, and can’t make the play to first. RIGHT: Unity’s third baseman camps out under a fly ball and makes the easy catch against Amery. The Eagles ended up losing to Amery 13-3. – Photos by Marty Seeger unless otherwise noted

LEFT: Frederic/ Luck infielder Sydney Domagala attempts a throw to first base but the throw is not in time against Osceola Monday, April 4. RIGHT: Tasian Arjes makes a great catch along the backstop against Osceola, but the Frederic/Luck softball team lost the nonconference game, 13-3.

AREA BOWLING RESULTS Hacker’s Lanes Monday Afternoon Standings: Vultures 35, Swans 29, Bears 27, Eagles 26, Hummingbirds 25, Mallards 24, Badgers 23, Night Hawks 19. Men’s games: Dale Johnson 225, Jerry Richter 210, Jim Merritt 196. Men’s series: Dale Johnson 565, Dave Bannie 498, Jerry Richter 482. Women’s games: Sandy Bannie 189, Nancy Anderson 178, Mona Renfroe 171. Women’s series: Sandy Bannie 510, Mona Renfroe 484, Barbara Austad 445. Team games: Vultures 707, Eagle 698, Night Hawks 617. Team series: Eagles 1885, Vultures 1875, Night Hawks 1718. Tuesday Classic Standings: Maurer Power 116.5, Yellow Lake Lodge 114.5, House of Wood 100, S&G 84.5, Pioneer Bar 53.5. Individual games: Curtis Renfroe 242, Don Swenson 234, David Hall 229. Individual series: Curtis Renfroe 631, Dale Frandsen 624, Dale Gregory & Don Swenson 600. Team games: Yellow Lake Lodge 638, Maurer Power 622, House of Wood 617. Team series: Yellow Lake Lodge 1754, House of Wood 1720, Maurer Power 1706. Games 50 pins or more above avg.: Dale Gregory 244 (+51). Wednesday Night Early Standings: Hansen Farms 36, Pioneer Bar 35, Skol Bar 31, Cifaldi Motors 30, Cummings Lumber 27, Luck Laundry 24, Stotz & Co. 24, Bye 1. Individual games: Oliver Baillargeon (HF) 278 & 253, Brett Daeffler (SB) 256. Individual series: Oliver Baillargeon (HF) 746, Brett Daeffler (SB) 693, Moose Wilson (SB) 632. Team games: Skol Bar 1066, 1057 & 961. Team series: Skol Bar 3084, Hansen Farms 2785, Cummings Lumber 2705. Thursday Early Standings: Fab Four 49, Red Iron Studios 37.5, LakeLand Communications 35.5, American Family Siren 34.5, Grindell Law Offices 31.5, Hell Raisers 28.5, Backwoods Beer & Bait 25, Wikstrom Construction

18.5. Individual games: Brian McBroom (AFS) 276, Mark Bohn (FF) 237, Edward Bitler (RIS) 233. Individual series: Brian McBroom (AFS) 711, Edward Bitler (RIS) 673, Mark Bohn (FF) 652. Team games: LakeLand Communications 602, Red Iron Studios & American Family Siren 591. Team series: Red Iron Studios 1714, Fab Four 1666, American Family Siren 1661. Consecutive strikes (5 or more): Brian McBroom 276 (8x), Edward Bitler 230 (5x). Games 50 or more above avg.: Dave Hall 225 (+51), Brian McBroom 232 (+52), Bruce Wikstrom 216 (+56). Series 100 or more above avg.: Brian McBroom 276 (+103). Series 150 or more above avg.: Brian McBroom 711 (+192). 700 series: Brian McBroom 711. Splits converted: 2-4-10: Brandon Ayd (GLO). 3-10: Kanan Hackett (HR). 4-7-8: Edward Bitler (RIS). 4-9: Derek Ayd (LC). 5-10: Duane Wisse (GLO), Mike Renfroe (RIS). Friday Night Standings: Frederic Design & Promotion 47, The Leader 45, Junque Art 45, Pin Heads 31. Individual games: Margie Traun 214, Karen Carlson 201, Sheila Hansen & Terri Pearson 190. Individual series: Margie Traun 544, Karen Carlson 529, Sheila Hansen 519. Team games: Junque Art 718, Pin Heads 637, Frederic Design & Promotion 573. Team series: Junque Art 1849, Pin Heads 1808, The Leader 1610. Games 50 or more above avg.: Margie Traun & Terri Pearson. Splits converted: 3-6-7-10: Margie Traun. 5-7: Edla Meyer.

McKenzie Lanes Monday Night Ladies Standings: Edina Divas 95.5, Sam’s Carpentry 90, Jensen Sundquist Insurance 83.5, McKenzie Lanes 78.5, Gutterbugs

Grill 3139, 3132. Thursday Night Ladies Standings: Soul Sisters 87.5, Hack’s Pub 83.5, JJ’s 83.5, Central Bank 81.5, Hauge Dental 80.5, Eagle Valley Bank 70.5, TL Enterprise 63.5, Cutting Edge Pro 61.5. Individual games: Jennifer Whelan 226, Jackie Patterson 203, Carrie Hutton 198. Individual series: Jennifer Whelan 660, Jackie Patterson 513, Carrie Hutton 502. Team games (Handicap): Hack’s Pub 729, Cutting Edge Pro 654, Hauge Dental 632. Team series (Handicap): Hack’s Pub 2031, Cutting Edge Pro 1792, Eagle Valley Bank 1786. 57, Wolf Creek Log Furniture 54.5. Individual games: Pattie Johnson 251, Kathy McKenzie 224, Linda Giller 223. Individual series: Kathy McKenzie 572, Pattie Johnson 543, Linda Giller 533. Team games (Handicap): Wolf Creek Log Furniture 897. Team series (Handicap): Edina Divas 2516. Tuesday Night Men’s Standings: Hack’s Pub 66.5, The Cobbler Shop 65.5, GA Screenprinting 58.5, Steve’s Appliance Plus 55, The Dugout 49, Logoton PC 43.5, Edina Realty 40, Bye 0. Individual games: Nate Wille 288, Rick Katzmark 278, Jamie Booth 258. Individual series: Rick Katzmark 687, Rick F. Fox 676, Nate Wille 670. Team games (Handicap): The Cobbler Shop 1259. Team series (Handicap): Edina Realty 3541. Wednesday Night Men’s Standings: Tiger Express 30, Captain’s Bar & Grill 27, McKenzie Lanes 25, Jeff’s Small Engine 25, Hanjo Farms 22, Fox Ridge Farm 20, Dalles Electric 20, 5 J’s Sports Bar 11. Individual games: Rick F. Fox 277, Daryn Sylvester 269, Rick Katzmark 258. Individual series: Rick F. Fox 697, Gordy Johnson 677, Craig Willert 672. Team games (Handicap): Hanjo Farms 1106, Tiger Express 1094. Team series (Handicap): Captain’s Bar &

Black & Orange Monday Night Standings: Bruce’s Auto 37-11, Yellow River Saloon 27-21, Larry’s LP 17-31, Black & Orange 15-33. Individual games: CJ (B&O) 251, Neil Huppert (YRS) 246, Tony Wilson (BA) 218. Individual series: CJ (B&O) 647, Neil Huppert (YRS) 642, Curt Phelps (BA) 578. Team games: Black & Orange 1052, Yellow River Saloon 1027, Larry’s LP 1018. Team series: Black & Orange 2975, Yellow River Saloon 2926, Larry’s LP 2913. Games 50 or more above avg.: Neil Huppert 246 (+64), CJ 251 (+62). Tuesday Tippers Standings: The Shop, A&H Country Market, Gob’s Gals, West Point Lodge. Individual games: Char Vanous (A&H) 187 & 162, Vivian Marx (GG) 168. Individual series: Char Vanous (A&H) 483, Vivian Marx (GG) 458, Laura Main (TS) 423. Team games: Gob’s Gals 582, The Shop 544 & 536. Team series: Gob’s Gals 1617, The Shop 1591, A&H Country Market 1553. TNT Standings: Northwoods Lumber 42-10, Flower Power 31-21, Larry’s LP 29-23, Vacant 2-50. Individual games: Cheryl Scallon (NL) 179, Sue Eytcheson (FP) 176, Jennifer

Kern (L) & Sandy Buhil (NL) 171. Individual series: Cheryl Scallon (NL) 496, Sandy Buhil (NL) 487, Sue Eytcheson (FP) 482. Team games: Northwoods Lumber 913, Flower Power 857, Larry’s LP 814. Team series: Northwoods Lumber 2605, Flower Power 2499, Larry’s LP 2363. Wednesday Night (3/23/16) Standings: Bump’s Lakeside 28.5-15.5, Northwoods Lumber 25-19, Lions 18.525.5, Black & Orange 16-28. Individual games: Neil Huppert (BL) 277, Fred Zajac (NL) 268, Mike Anesi (B&O) 207. Individual series: Fred Zajac (NL) 683, Neil Huppert (BL) 657, Mike Zajac (NL) 559. Team games: Northwoods Lumber 1027, Bump’s Lakeside 1023, Black & Orange 987. Team series: Northwoods Lumber 2984, Bump’s Lakeside 2970, Black & Orange 2912. Games 50 or more above avg.: Neil Huppert 277 (+89), Fred Zajac 268 (+76). Series 100 or more above avg.: Fred Zajac 683 (+107). Wednesday Night (3/30/16) Standings: Bump’s Lakeside 29.5-18.5, Northwoods Lumber 28-20, Lions 20.527.5, Black & Orange 18-30. Individual games: Neil Huppert (BL) 257, Gene Ackland (BL) 245, Lloyd Katusky (L) 237. Individual series: Mike Anesi (B&O) 659, Gene Ackland (BL) & Mike Zajac (NL) 644, Fred Zajac (NL) 610. Team games: Bump’s Lakeside 1076, Northwoods Lumber 1047, Lions 1040. Team series: Northwoods Lumber 3092, Bump’s Lakeside 3044, Black & Orange 3040. Games 50 or more above avg.: Neil Huppert 257 (+67), Gene Ackland 245 (+54), Lloyd Katusky 237 (+59), Mike Anesi 235 (+57). Series 100 or more above avg.: Mike Anesi 659 (+127).




Head to Crex for a Learn to Hunt Turkey event, April 22-24 GRANTSBURG – Those interested in building a strong connection with nature, learning more about conservation, eating locally and sustainably, and receiving hands-on training from hunting experts are encouraged to head to Crex Meadows Wildlife Area in April for a Learn to Hunt Turkey event. Learn to Hunt events welcome novice adult and youth (12 years and older) hunters. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources encourages friends or families with no hunting connection to sign up in groups and enjoy this unique experience together. Wisconsin’s hunting tradition is all about families learning and hunting together, and Wisconsin’s woods and fields in spring is the perfect place to experience hunting for the first time. This Learn to Hunt Turkey event will pair each student with an experienced hunter. Here, attendees will learn about conservation, hunting tactics, and firearm safety during the classroom portion of the event, and will also have an opportunity to experience turkey hunting in Wisconsin. A classroom segment and range session for shooting practice is scheduled for Friday, April 22 from 4:30– 8:30 p.m. at Crex Meadows - dinner will be provided onsite. A turkey hunt for students will occur April 23 and April 24. Pre-registration is required before April 15 for those interested in this event - space is limited to 12 participants. This Learn to Hunt event is free of charge. Since novices will be hunting with a mentor, hunter education requirements are waived and no

A northwestern Wisconsin gobbler tries to impress a pair of hens during the early spring, which can be a great time to go turkey hunting. You can learn what it takes to hunt turkeys this April at a Learn to Hunt Turkey event at Crex Meadows April 22-24. – Leader file photo by Marty Seeger license is required. Hunting gear will be provided if needed, and bunkhouses are available to participants. If you are interested in becoming a mentor (must be 18 years of age or older with five or more years of turkey hunting experience), contact Kristi Pupak, DNR wildlife conservation educator, at 715-463-2739. Crex Meadows State Wild-

life Area is located at 102 East Crex Ave., Grantsburg. Wildlife conservation education programs are supported by Friends of Crex. For more information, visit crexmeadows. org or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please report your Crex wildlife observations via email: information@crex-

meadows.org. For more information regarding Learn to Hunt events, visit dnr.wi.gov and search keywords Learn to Hunt. To learn more about turkey hunting in Wisconsin, search keyword turkey. – submitted

“Right to Hunt Act” signed into law Marty Seeger|Staff writer STATEWIDE – A bill signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker at the 52nd-annual Wisconsin Bear Hunter’s Association Convention in Rothschild, will strengthen a current law set to protect hunters, trappers and anglers from harassment. The “Right to Hunt Act” was authored by state Rep. Adam Jarchow, Balsam Lake. SB 338, according to legis.wisconsin. gov, “will make changes to the laws prohibiting certain activities that interfere with hunting, fishing and trapping.” The bill expands the definition to include “scouting, target shooting, dog training, and animal baiting and feeding.”

About a year ago, a group of local hound hunters invited Jarchow to a small meeting outside of Amery, to discuss hunter harassment. Hunters informed Jarchow about a group known as the Wolf Patrol, led by Rod Coronado, a convicted felon and known eco-terrorist. According to hunters speaking to Jarchow, the group was “following the hunters around, videotaping them, interfering with their dogs and hunting areas, and even parking at the end of hunters’ driveways so they could follow them around while they hunted,” according to a press release issued by Jarchow’s office. It was also noted that hunters were fearful of the group ha-

rassing them, especially with their known violent past. After meeting with law enforcement and the DNR, Jarchow determined that the current law had a gap that made it difficult for law enforcement and prosecutors to stop this type of behavior. The bill eventually passed both the Senate and Assembly on voice vote. “As a hunter, I was appalled to hear about the tactics being used to harass other hunters. Protest all you want, but don’t harass hunters or ruin their day in the field. I am hopeful the Right to Hunt Act will restore some sanity and give law enforcement the tools necessary to protect

hunters from anti-hunting extremists,” Jarchow said. Coronado, who founded wolf patrol. org, gave a lengthy response to the bill on his website, dated Oct. 2015: “By introducing the Right to Hunt Act, Rep. Jarchow is asking that the constitutional rights of those opposed to bear baiting and hound hunting be illegally restricted. If the law is passed, Wolf Patrol will continue its monitoring of bear hunting and any other activity that threatens wolves and challenge this unconstitutional law in the courts.”

Spring Hearings and Conservation Congress meetings held in each county of the state MADISON – People interested in natural resources management in Wisconsin have an opportunity to provide their input by nonbinding vote and testimony on proposed rule changes and advisory questions relating to fish and wildlife management at the 2016 spring wildlife and fisheries rules hearings. The hearings will be held in each county beginning at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 11. Due to changes in process for establishing new administrative rules, this year the Department of Natural Resources is only recommending a limited number of rule change proposals. There are eight statewide wildlife questions and two statewide fisheries questions, as well as advisory questions from the state Natural Resources Board and Wisconsin Conservation Congress. The complete 2016 spring rules hear-

ings questionnaire is available for review on the DNR website by searching keywords spring hearings and at local DNR service centers. Individuals without Internet access may be able to view the online questionnaire by visiting their local library. County residents also have the option to run for a seat on the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, or elect other delegates from their county to represent their county views regarding natural resources on the Conservation Congress. The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is officially recognized as the only advisory body in the state where citizens elect delegates to represent their interests on natural resources issues on a local and statewide level to the Natural Resources Board and the DNR. Individuals will also have the opportu-

nity to bring forth new conservation ideas or issues to the attention of the Conservation Congress through the citizen resolution process. Two of the statewide wildlife questions relate to allowing the unattended, overnight placement of portable stands and blinds on department owned and managed lands located north of state Hwy. 64. Two questions relate to issuing antlerless deer hunting permits on a first-come, first-served basis as is currently done or through a random drawing, which would include an application deadline and preference categories for people who are unsuccessful in previous drawings. Two questions relate to the recently adopted beaver management plan and whether the beaver and otter season should be shortened to meet management goals. Another question would establish that

legal hours for taking game be referred to as “shooting hours” rather than “hunting hours” in regulations. The two statewide fisheries questions both relate to establishing a process separate from spring hearings that would allow for more quickly making changes to the most common or “statewide” regulation for a specific fish species on inland waters to more quickly respond to changing conditions or fish consumption advisories. Meeting results, along with written comments on the evening’s questions and DNR recommendations are used to advise the state Natural Resources Board. Votes are nonbinding and are presented to the Natural Resources Board as advisory. – from dnr.wi.org


Sheriff speaks out on methamphetamine Decision on drug-sniffing dog coming soon E. Royal Emerson | Staff writer SIREN - Burnett County Sheriff Ron Wilhelm, appearing before a special session of the board of supervisors, spoke out strongly about methamphetamine addiction in the county, pressing the need for the county to secure a K9 drug-sniffing dog. The Burnett County Board of Supervisors met as a committee of the whole on Thursday, March 31. “Burnett County is inundated with narcotics,” Wilhelm said. “We are just like a drug haven up here. The impact of methamphetamine addiction to the county is just amazing. In the last year we’ve had $300,000 in property stolen that we attribute to meth users. But the impact of meth is not just on property crime. It is impacting our families. We have kids that need care and once the parents get going on this stuff the care, is just no longer there.”

Community support for drug dog Wilhelm provided the supervisors with a four-page, detailed worksheet estimating the costs to obtain, train and maintain a K9 drug-sniffing dog in the county. According to the sheet, initial start-up costs for the K9 are estimated at $15,000 - $20,000. Once the dog is trained, annual operating expenses are estimated at $10,000 per year. Wilhelm hopes to secure community donations for drug-dog expenses. A representative of the St. Croix Valley Foundation also attended the meeting. The foundation can secure tax-deductible donations for the K9 and act as a passthrough for paying drug-dog expenses. Such a service would come at a cost. “The only real benefit to using the foun-


Burnett County Sheriff Ron Wilhelm spoke out strongly against methamphetamine addiction in Burnett County as he pressed the board of supervisors for support of a county drug-sniffing dog. - Photo by E. Royal Emerson

dation is for the donor being able to secure a tax deduction. Our in-house people are fully capable of handling the funds,” said Don Taylor, chair of the board of supervisors. “We haven’t even formally solicited funds for this program,” Wilhelm said. “We’ve already raised $4,000 in contributions and we haven’t even had a kickoff event. The support is just overwhelming. The community is very much behind it. The lake associations have been very generous. I’ve been very impressed with the support we’ve received in this commu-

“Not in our county” The K9 will be deployed to assist field and detective operations on a county-wide basis. The K9 unit will regularly visit schools, community events and fundraisers to promote public awareness. The K9 may also be called out to assist local agencies when needed, Wilhelm explained. “We live in a dangerous world,” Wilhelm said. “When we enter a drug house it’s not your everyday Good Housekeeping home. The homes we enter are just a disaster. We recover a lot of meth, but one wonders what we may have missed because we did not have a K9 available. When we pull over a suspicious vehicle, the K9 unit can do a walk around. I think it would be a tremendous advantage to have a K9.” Wilhelm’s worksheet outlines the purpose and justification of the K9 unit. “The drug problem in Burnett County is directly tied to property crime. Drug addicts commit theft and burglary to support their habit. Homefacts Crime Statistics for Siren indicated that in 2014 our larceny theft score was 205 percent higher than the national average. The Burnett County Sheriff’s Office served several drug warrants and burglary-related warrants in 2014 and 2015. These searches led to the arrest of several high-ranking drug dealers. A K9 unit would only help enforce the message, ‘Not in our county,’” the statement read. Decision coming soon County Administrator Nate Ehalt provided supervisors with a timeline for securing the K9 drug-sniffing dog. Under the timeline, Wilhelm is to provide donor agreements and other fund-raising details in the coming weeks. Dr. Greg Palmquist, owner of Grantsburg Animal Hospital,

has agreed to waive fees for veterinary services for the life of the K9. The county would like Wilhelm to have that, and other agreements, more formally detailed. “What we really want to do is to secure firm commitments,” Taylor said. Supervisors will vote on moving forward with the drug dog at its regular meeting on April 19. The sheriff’s department will spend the summer securing donations. The K9 is expected to report for duty on Jan. 1, 2017. “We’ll have to build costs into our budget in case we do not get the funds,” said Supervisor Chuck Awe. “What is our fund solicitation program? How will we raise money on an annual basis?” “We have to understand that the drug dog is going to be making money for the county,” said Supervisor Gene Olson. “It’s not like all of the money is going to be coming out of our pockets. We will be getting some money rolling in. If we intercept a $100,000 cache in drugs, the federal government will dispense a portion of that back to the county,” Olson said. “Most police K9 programs in America are funded by donations,” Wilhelm explained. “Raising funds for a K9 program is a great way to bring the community together. The partnership also promotes positive relationships between the citizens and the police that serve them.” “We want a lot of community involvement,” Wilhelm said. “We want the child in the school to get to know the dog. We want the kids growing up with the dog. We are asking for the approval of county supervisors to implement this K9 program. We are asking the county to support us in spirit and with partial funding to get the program started,” Wilhelm stated.

Siren School kicks off April with autism presentation Becky Strabel | Staff writer SIREN - The Siren School held its second-annual Autism Awareness Month presentation on Friday, April 1. Autism spectrum disorders aren’t something to joke about when the district’s student population exceeds the 1-68 average ratio that the Centers for Disease Control recently released. Paraprofessional Kelly Abbas explained to the students why coming to work each day is so rewarding. “I get to come to work each day and work

with people who think outside of the box and who see the world from a different perspective, and it makes me see things in a whole new light.” There isn’t one strict definition of autism, but rather a range or “spectrum” of characteristics. These characteristics make each individual on the spectrum just as unique as anyone else. And while there are life challenges that everyone must deal with, these challenges are exaggerated for autistic students. The presenta-

Siren High School Principal Jason Hinze welcomes Siren students to the autism awareness presentation as Lisa Seaman interprets on Friday, April 1. April 2 is known as Light It Up Blue Day and is sponsored by Autism Speaks.

tion included an award-winning video by a New Jersey high school student. Examples from the short film highlighted distractions and missed cues, but also included how concentration and memory can be positive. Did you know that Bob Dylan, Tim Burton, Bill Gates and the late Robin Williams were on the spectrum? These people are considered greats in their fields and, like anyone else, they want acceptance and understanding. Abbas challenged the

middle and high school students to show their understanding and acceptance of people effected by autism. Awareness pins are available for purchase from the high school office. The students will celebrate the end of the month with a viewing of Tim Burton’s “Edward Scissorhands” and blue slushies as they continue to “light it up blue” all month long.

Greta Johnson, Eric Bruss, Kelly Abbas, Tristan Ortez and Makayla Staples participated in Siren School’s second-annual autism awareness presentation. - Photos by Becky Strabel

Rainbow of Fun carnival coloring contest winners announced SIREN - Congratulations to all of the Siren Elementary School students that competed in this year’s Moms For Kids 26th-annual Rainbow of Fun Carnival coloring contest. The competition was fierce and the judges struggled but the top three from each grade, early childhood through fifth were selected. Winners are: early childhood - James, Jasper and Tanner; pre-K - Alayna Peterson; kindergarten - Tattianna Simmons, Emma Swanson and Nolan Herwick;

first grade - Ethan Miles, Ronald Hatch and Madison Allen; second grade - Libby Swanson, Aubrianna and Rylie Schmidt; third grade - Taylor Winberg, Samantha Andrea and Kelsey Douglas; fourth grade – Paige Balluf-Huntley, Emma and Jordyn Hagert; and fifth grade - Lilly Johnson, Mackenzie Hicks and Wyatt D’Jock. The winners received tickets to use at the carnival that will be held Saturday, April 9, at the Siren School, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – submitted

RIGHT: Pictured (L to R) back row: Jordan Hagert, Paige Balluff-Huntley, Emma Morse, Wyatt D’Jock, Mackenzie Hicks and Lilly Johnson. Front row: Nolan Herwick, Tattianna Simmons, Ethan Miles, Madison Allen, Aubrianna Gray, Libby Swanson, Rylie Schmidt, Kelsey Douglas, Samantha Andrea and Taylor Winberg. Not pictured: James, Jasper, Tanner, Alayna Peterson, Emma Swanson and Ronald Hatch. - Photo submitted


Home preservation project applications now being accepted by WRHFH ST. CROIX FALLS - Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity is now accepting applications for its 2016 home preservation projects. Home preservation work includes painting, patching, minor repair, landscaping and replacement of building materials for maintaining good or sound condition to the home’s exterior. Home preservation work does not include going into the home’s interior. Projects accepted will be scheduled for completion between April and October of 2016. The projects must be located in Burnett, Polk, Rusk or Washburn counties of Wisconsin. Homeowners must live in their homes full time. Trailer homes must be on the owner’s lot or permission from the lot owner must be secured. The homeowner must have insurance on their home. Home preservation helps preserve homeownership by partnering with homeowners struggling to maintain their home. Homeowners are eligible to participate based on factors such as the condition of the home, income or a demonstration of challenging circumstances such as disability, illness or age that prevent them from doing the work by themselves. Qualifying homeowners contribute sweat equity by working side-by-side with volunteers to complete the work, if they are able, or an agreed-upon alternative if unable. There are expenses and materials involved in all the projects, and Habitat’s mission is to give a hand up, not a handout. A payment plan will be set up with the homeowner.

Guidelines • Families may not be making more than 60 percent of their respective counties area median income. For example, in Burnett, Rusk and Washburn County, the income level for a one-person home needs to be between $12,400 and $33,000 per year. In Polk the income level is a little higher at $13,000 to $34,650. • All able-bodied homeowners and residents of the home are required to work alongside volunteers. • Homeowners are expected to be cooperative partners with staff and volunteers. Volunteers perform 95 percent of the work to be done. • Costs may not exceed $2,500 or 50 percent of the home value. Background, sex offender and credit checks will be performed before applicant is accepted. Cost, $25. •Repairs needed must match the scope of work Habitat home preservation program covers including exterior painting, scraping, soffit and fascia repair, fence repair/ replacement, window or door replacement, glass replacement, minor siding repair/ replacement, minor roof repair, yard cleanup/light landscaping, deck/porch repair or replacement, exterior caulking, exterior accessibility ramps, railings gutter repair/

Meet “Marathon Man” at Larsen Family Public Library WEBSTER - “Marathon Man” Jim Anderson, author of “Discovering America One Marathon at a Time,” will be at the Larsen Family Public Library in Webster on Thursday, April 14, at 7 p.m. Anderson is a member of the unique 50 States Marathon Club. He did not start out running marathons, unless you consider running the bases or the length of a football field a marathon. As a high school junior, he contracted spinal meningitis and was told that running would not be a part of his future. Not one to give up, he decided to try cross-country skiing. He first skied the American Birkebeiner in 1977 and has not missed a race since. He is nothing if not persistent. In 1982, Anderson decided that if he could ski, he could run. Although he had completed it many times previously, the first marathon on his “official” 50-state list is Grandma’s in Duluth, Minn., in June 1993. However, it wasn’t until a few years later, after being told he was too old, that he decided to run a marathon in all 50 states. His quest ended with the Maui Marathon in Lahaina, Hawaii, on Sept. 21, 2014. He credits his success to his competitive spirit, his “stick-to-itiveness,” and to his wife, Denise. He says, “Denise never had to persuade me to keep after the goal, but she did have to help keep me from being too critical of

Minor siding repair and painting were completed by volunteers in a past Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity home preservation project. – Photo submitted replacement and weatherstripping. Homes built prior to 1978, and some after, contain lead paint. If lead paint is involved, houses will be considered on a case-by-case basis after inspection by a lead-safety certified individual. • Homeowner meets WRHFH homeowner selection guidelines. • Homeowner’s agreement and promissory note need to be filled out and signed. • An escrow account will need to be set up and kept up to date. Home preservation helps revitalize the appearance of the neighborhood, strengthens connections within the community and helps preserve affordable housing stock. Call Denise at 715-483-2700, ext. 10, for more details, to have an application sent to you or to see how you can help your neighbors. – from WRHFH

Wisconsin relies on income tax more than most states


isconsin relies on the individual inThe Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance is a nonparticome tax to fund state gov- san, nonprofit research organization dedicated to ernment more than most good government through citizen education since states. According to the U.S. 1932. Census Bureau, the tax actax is New York, where it accounts for counted for nearly a third, 43.0 percent of revenue. Oregon, 42.2 31.4 percent, of total state revenue in percent, California, 41.3 percent, Con2013, excluding federal aid. Of the 43 necticut, 40.1 percent, and Massachustates with an income tax, collections setts, 39.7 percent, follow. Seven states accounted for a greater share of revdo not have an income tax: Alaska, enue in only 14. On average, income taxes represented 26.7 percent of states’ Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. revenue. The state most reliant on the income

Tobias receives DNR award Author and runner of marathons, Jim Anderson, aka “Marathon Man,” will be at the Larsen Family Public Library in Webster on Thursday, April 14, at 7 p.m. – Photos submitted

myself for not doing well enough in some of the marathons.” Anderson chronicles the marathons in his book, “Discovering America One Marathon at a Time.” This book is more than the mechanics of running a marathon. It is also the backstory of each place, the history and people, and it is this that captivates the reader. He brings a fresh and distinctive perspective to each setting. For Anderson, 50 marathons in 50 states is not enough. As he says, “I’m already starting on my next goal of running the provinces and territories of Canada. I’ve completed Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Winnipeg, Manitoba. I’m also looking at The Great Wall of China Marathon to start the continents.” Anderson is a retired teacher living in Cable. – submitted

WOODRUFF - Tim Tobias, a 1987 graduate of Shell Lake High School and a 1991 graduate of Stevens Point, was recently honored by receiving the Department of Natural Resources’ Fisheries Management Technician of the Year Award. He is the son of Don and Sharon Tobias, Shell Lake. In addition to his normal duties, Tobias has volunteered to take on and assist with several cross-program projects, including duck and goose banding with the wildlife program. He has been functioning as a paraprofessional to the biologist and has worked on many higher level projects over the past year; he took the initiative and contacted a number of private lake landowners and worked with them to gain access with the department’s large boom shocker. Tobias has also shown tremendous leadership in his work with the inland lake trout plan. In addition to his strong leadership on these projects, it should be noted that he always has a “can-do” attitude and will step forward to take the lead on any particular work task. Tobias has worked for the DNR since 1998 and is currently a fisheries technician and resides with his family in Woodruff. — submitted


Polk County deaths Arnold I. Daniels, 69, Town of Clear Lake, died March 19, 2016. Florence D. Maiden, 87, Osceola, died March 19, 2016. Anton M. Peterson Jr., 89, Webster, died March 20, 2016.

Florence E. Smith, 78, Town of Apple River, died March 20, 2016. William C. Mayes Jr., 63, Amery, died March 23, 2016. Ardyce I. Haglund, 87, Luck, died March 24, 2016.

HUDSON – U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy’s team is once again putting on a job fair in Barron County on Thursday, April 14, from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the conference center on the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College campus in Rice Lake. Veterans are encouraged to attend between 10 and 11 a.m. Duffy said, “Our district thrives on the spirit of our local businesses and the hardworking people who call this part of the country home. This job fair will bring the best of what our community has to offer together in one place.” The Barron County Job Fair will be held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, Barron County Job Center, Barron County Veterans Service Office and other public partners. To register for this free event, fill out and submit a form at duffy.house.gov/congressman-duffys-rice-lake-jobfair-job-seeker-registration. If you have questions, email Briggs.LeSavage@mail. house.gov or call the Hudson office, 715-808-8160. – from the office of Rep. Sean Duffy

If you ride a motorcycle, you need a motorcycle endorsement on your driver license SPOONER - As motorcyclists get their bikes and protective gear ready for the road, they also need to make sure they are ready to ride legally. “Having a regular Class D license allows you to drive a car or light truck. However, you need a motorcycle endorsement on your Class D license to legally operate a motorcycle in Wisconsin,” says Wisconsin State Patrol Lt. Dori Petznick of the Northwest Region-Spooner post. A violation for operating a motorcycle without the proper endorsement costs $200.50 along with three demerit points on a driver license. To obtain a motorcycle endorsement on your driver license, you must demonstrate competency in operating a motorcycle. This can be done in two ways: • Passing a Wisconsin Department of Transportation-administered motorcycle driving skills test. For the WisDOT driving skills test, the applicant must provide a motorcycle in good working order and wear eye protection and an approved helmet. Skills tests are conducted by appointment (wisconsindot.gov/Pages/online-srvcs/sch-road-test/ schedule.aspx) at DMV service centers (wisconsindot. gov/Pages/online-srvcs/find-dmv/default.aspx) located throughout the state. • Obtaining a waiver for the skills test by successfully completing a WisDOT-approved Basic Motorcycle RiderCourse, 3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse, or the Basic RiderCourse2, for experienced riders. More information about the courses is available on the WisDOT website at dot.wisconsin.gov/safety/vehicle/motorcycle. “Riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience. But it also takes more physical skill and mental concentration than driving a typical car or light truck,” Petznick says. “To protect themselves and others on the road, we urge motorcyclists who are not properly licensed to get a motorcycle endorsement on their driver license before they start riding this season.” — from WSP



Burnett Dairy Cooperative Cheese Division is currently accepting applications for a full-time night Makeroom Operator. This employee will work in our cheese production area. Job duties include monitoring machines throughout the cheese process including the flow of cheese from belt to cooker, the temperatures of the cooker, PH and acid of cheese and lining cheese in the brine room. Some cleaning of forms, general housekeeping and miscellaneous job duties throughout the cheese plant required.

Applications are available at www.burnettdairy.com/employment You can apply for this position at:

Burnett Dairy Office, 11631 State Road 70, Grantsbrug, WI 54840 or send your resume and application to jobs@burnettdairy.com.

644545 34-35L 24-25a,d,e

This position has a competitive wage and comprehensive benefits package. The shift is 3 days a week 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. and 1 day every other week, 9 p.m. - 5 p.m., includes some weekends. Candidates must be able to lift up to 60 pounds occasionally, stand on feet entire shift and be able to work in a warm or cold environment.

news@ leadernewsroom.com


The Annual Meeting Will Be Held Tuesday, April 19, 2016, At 7 p.m., At The Cushing Community Center. 644432 34L


Patsy Gustafson Town Clerk

(Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BRUCE GUSTAFSON Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 16 PR 21 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth September 20, 1960, and date of death February 12, 2016, was domiciled in Polk County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 322 State Road 65, Amery, WI 54001. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is June 30,30, 2016. 5. A claim may be filed at the Polk County Courthouse, Balsam Lake, Wis., Room 500. Jenell L. Anderson Probate Registrar March 14, 2016 Maxfield E. Neuhaus Rodli, Beskar, Neuhaus, Murray & Pletcher, S.C. 219 North Main Street P.O. Box 138 River Falls, WI 54022 715-425-7281 643533 Bar No.: 1031885 WNAXLP

Wed., April 20, 2016 7 p.m. Milltown Fire Hall Milltown, WI

Virgil Hansen, Clerk

NOTICE OF MEETING Village of Frederic The regular Monthly Village Board Meeting will be held on Monday, April 11, 2016, at 7 p.m., at the Village Hall, 107 Hope Road W. Agenda will be posted at the Village Hall. Janice Schott Clerk 644121 34L



No burning allowed until after 6 p.m. from April 1 until June 1, 2016.


State Patrol Law of the Month

(Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY GSMPS MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-RP2, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005RP2, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCESSOR-IN-INTEREST TO WACHOVIA BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE c/o CitiMortgage, Inc. Plaintiff, vs. JAMES F. HOOBER and UNKNOWN SPOUSE of James F. Hoober Defendants. Case No. 15-CV-363 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $10,000.00 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on January 14, 2016, in the amount of $132,504.69, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: April 19, 2016, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4) Section Twenty-two (22), Township Thirty-four (34) North, Range Eighteen (18) West, Town of St. Croix Falls, Polk County Wisconsin, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 thence East along the South line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, 302.0 feet to the point of begInning; thence continuing East, along said South line 458.0 feet; thence North, parallel with the West line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, 951.0 feet; thence West, parallel with said South line 458.0 feet; thence South parallel with said West line, 951.0 feet to the point of beginning. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2041 140th Avenue, Town of St. Croix Falls. TAX KEY NO.: 044-00543-0000. Peter M. Johnson Sheriff of Polk County, WI O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt. 643506 WNAXLP

Got a news tip? Opinion? Event? Send your information to


Duffy announces Barron County Job Fair

Arlene E. C. Jones, 85, Amery, died March 24, 2016. Florence S. Simons, 74, Town of Sterling, died March 24, 2016. Eleanor L. Jepsen, 83, Town of Apple River, died March 25, 2016. Sarah E. Maloney, 64, Town of Turtle Lake, died March 25, 2016. Larry W. Maier, 72, Amery, died March 27, 2016. Philip E. Arnold, 74, St. Croix Falls, died March 28, 2016.


Patsy Gustafson Town Clerk


The April meeting of the Village Board of Siren will be held Thursday, April 7, 2016, at 2 p.m. at the Village Hall. Agenda posted. Ann Peterson 644123 Clerk-Treasurer 34L


Monthly Board Meeting Monday, April 18, at 7 p.m. Milltown Fire Hall Virgil Hansen, Clerk 643891 23-24a,d 34-35L

LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION VILLAGE OF LUCK Notice is hereby given that the following application has been received by the undersigned Village Clerk for the Liquor License for the ensuing year ending June 30, 2016. TA Operating LLC d/b/a Minit Mart for Combination Class “A” Beer License and “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License at their place of business known as Minit Mart located at 106 State Road 35 in Luck, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that the Village Board, Village of Luck, will meet in session on April 13, 2016, to act on the above application. Lori Pardun 644364 34L Village Clerk WNAXLP


The Annual Meeting for the Town of Siren will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. at the Siren Town Hall. The Annual Report will be posted at the Siren Town Hall. Mary Hunter, Clerk, 715-349-5119 644120 34-35L WNAXLP

NOTICE - SIREN SANITARY DISTRICT TOWN OF SIREN BOARD MEETINGS The Siren Sanitary District will hold their monthly Board Meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Siren Town Hall. Immediately following the Sanitary District Meeting, the Town of Siren will hold their monthly Board Meeting at approximately 6:45 p.m. The agenda will be posted. If you wish to be on the agenda, please call Mary Hunter, Clerk. Mary Hunter, Clerk, 715-349-5119 644087 33-34L WNAXLP

TOWN OF MILLTOWN BID NOTICE The Town of Milltown is accepting bids for roadwork. Bids for: Approx. 1-1/2 Miles Of Pulverizing & Blacktop Approx. 3 Miles Of Chip Sealing Contact Jeff at the town shop or call 715-825-3486 for the details. Bids are due Monday, April 18, 2016. 644458 34-35L 24-25a,d

Virgil Hansen, Town Clerk Town of Milltown

FREDERIC SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING NOTICE Wednesday, April 13, 2016 6 - 12 District Boardroom

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275. 445101 8a-etfcp 19Ltfc

The Frederic School District Board of Education will conduct its regular board meeting on April 13, 2016, in the District Boardroom at 6:30 p.m. The most current agenda is available after 4/12/16 on the Frederic School District website: www.frederic.k12.wi.us 644446 34L


Brand-new, 1-BR unit




All utilities included except phone & electric. Lawn care/snow removal included. Located one block off Main St. Close to library, clinic & shopping.

South First Street, Luck, WI

Call Kyle At 715-566-3432

641948 27Ltfc 17a,dtfc

Gary G. Sandberg, 63, Town of Union, died March 12, 2016.

644063 33-35L

Burnett County deaths



If you would like to know more about the information contained in this report, please contact Jay Heyer at 715-866-4211.

Opportunity For Input on Decisions Affecting Your Water Quality

The Village of Webster regularly scheduled meeting takes place the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

Health Information

Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to containat least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s safe drinking water hotline (800426-4791). Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health-care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Environmental Protection Agency’s safe drinking water hotline (800-426-4791).

Source(s) of Water

Educational Information

The sources of drinking water, both tap water and bottled water, include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Contaminants that may be present in source water include: • Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife. • Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining or farming. • Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff and residential uses. • Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are byproducts of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff and septic systems. • Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. FDA regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water, which shall provide the same protection for public health.

Detected Contaminants

Your water was tested for many contaminants last year. We are allowed to monitor for some contaminants less frequently than once a year. The following tables list only those contaminants which were detected in your water. If a contaminant was detected last year, it will appear in the following tables without a sample date. If the contaminant was not monitored last year, but was detected within the last 5 years, it will appear in the tables below along with the sample date.

Source ID Source Depth (in feet) Status 3 Groundwater 242 Active 4 Groundwater 215 Active To obtain a summary of the source water assessment please contact Jay Heyer at 715-866-4211.

Microbiological Contaminants Contaminant COLIFORM (TCR)


Count of Positives


Presence of coliform bacteria in >=5% of monthly samples



Typical Source of Contaminant


Yes, Ended Naturally present in the environment 11/20/15

Inorganic Contaminants Contaminant (Units)


Level Found



Sample Date (if prior to 2014)

Typical Source of Contaminant









BARIUM (ppm)




0.018 - 0.029










NITRATE (N03-N) (ppm)





SODIUM (ppm)





Erosion of natural deposits; runoff from orchards; runoff from glass and electronics production wastes.


Discharge of drilling wastes; discharge from metal refineries; erosion of natural deposits. Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong teeth; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories. Runoff from fertilizer use; leaching from septic tanks, sewage; erosion of natural deposits.




Sample Date (if prior to 2014)


Contaminant (Units)

Action Level


90th Percentile Level Found

COPPER (ppm)




0 of 10 results were above the action level



Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives.

LEAD (ppb)




0 of 10 results were above the action level



Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits.

# of Results

Typical Source of Contaminant

Radioactive Contaminants Contaminant (units)

Level Found




Sample Date (if prior to 2014)


Typical Source of Contaminant

GROSS ALPHA, EXCL. R 15 & U (pCi/l)






Erosion of natural deposits

RADIUM, (226 + 228) (pCi/l)







Erosion of natural deposits








Erosion of natural deposits

Health Effects For Any Contaminants With MCL Violations/Action Level Exceedances Contaminant Health Effects: Coliform (TCR). Coliforms are bacteria which are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems. Additional Health Information: If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Webster Waterworks is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at www.epa.gov/safewater/lead. Corrective Actions Taken: Chlorination took place for the four positive tests. Chlorination continued well after the negative results were obtained for the tests that were taken. Information on Monitoring for Cryptosporidium and Radon: Our water system did not monitor our water for cryptosporidium or radon during 2014. We are not required by State or Federal drinking water regulations to do so.


This project will involve the line painting of our West and South parking lots, and the blacktop sealing of our West and South parking lots. To view the project sites, and make an appointment, please contact the Director of Building and Grounds, Don Fleischhacker, at 715-349-7392 ext. 403. All bids must be received by April 15, 2016, at 4 p.m. sealed and marked parking lot bids. Mail bids to: Siren School District, Attn: Don Fleischhacker, 24022 4th Avenue North, Siren WI. The Siren Board of Education retains the right to reject any and all proposal bids. 644017 33-34L 23-24a


April 12, 2016, at 7 p.m. at Daniels Town Hall.

TOWN OF DANIELS SEMIANNUAL ROAD TOUR April 16, 2016, at 11 a.m. Meet at Daniels Town Hall


April 19, 2016, at 7 p.m. at Daniels Town Hall Notices, agendas, minutes and financial reports will be posted at Town Website: www.townofdaniels.com and at the Town Hall. Liz Simonsen, Clerk 644387 34L WNAXLP

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LUCK SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Monday, April 11, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Boardroom

AGENDA 1. Call to order; approval of the agenda. Jacob Jensen 2. New Business a. Work Groups: Values, Ideals, Interests & Beliefs (VIIB) b. Whole Group discussion on VIIB c. Work Groups: Vision d. Whole group discussion on Vision e. Approve district nonnegotiable guiding principals, its Values, Ideals, Interests and Beliefs f. Approve District Vision g. Other business allowed by Wisconsin Statutes. 3. Motion to convene into Executive Session per Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) 4. Reconvene to Open Session with possible action on Executive Session items 5. Motion to adjourn 644457 34L


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Eureka, Polk County, Wisconsin, is accepting bids for lawn mowing at the Town hall and Shop located at 2395 210th Avenue, St. Croix Falls. Bids to be considered must include proof of insurance and be submitted to the Town Chairman, Gene Krull, by Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Bids can be sent by email to mageinc@centurytel.net or mailed to 2246 215th Avenue, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024. If additional information is needed, please contact Chairman Gene Krull at 715-5544147 or the town hall at 715-483-9899. The Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any, any part of, and/or bids and to waive irregularities and information therein and further reserves the right to award the contract in the best interest of the Town of Eureka. Janet Krueger, Town Clerk 644362 34L 24d WNAXLP

Definitions AL MCL MCLG MFL MRDL MRDLG mrem/year NTU pCi/l ppm ppb ppt ppq TCR TT

Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. Maximum Contaminant Level: The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. Maximum Contaminant Level Goal: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. Million fibers per liter Maximum residual disinfectant level: The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants. Maximum residual disinfectant level goal: The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants. Millirems per year (a measure of radiation absorbed by the body) Nephelometric Turbidity Units Picocuries per liter (a measure of radioactivity) Parts per million, or milligrams per liter (mg/l) Parts per billion, or micrograms per liter (ug/l) Parts per trillion, or nanograms per liter Parts per quadrillion, or picograms per liter Total Coliform Rule Treatment Technique: A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminent in drinking water. 644369 34L WNAXLP

REQUEST FOR BIDS CONCRETE SIDEWALK REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT SIREN SCHOOL DISTRICT The School District of Siren is now taking bids for the removal and replacement of approximately 1,020 square feet of concrete sidewalk. To obtain further specifications and view job site, please contact the Director of Buildings & Grounds @ 715-349-7392, ext. 403 to make an appointment. All bids must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on April 15, 2016, in a sealed envelope marked CONCRETE SIDEWALK BID. All mailed bids should be sent to Don Fleischhacker, Director of Buildings & Grounds, School District of Siren, 24022 4th Avenue, Siren, WI. The Siren Board of Education retains the right to reject any and all proposal bids. 644015 33-34L 23-24a

NOTICE The Monthly Board Meeting For The Town Of LaFollette Will Be Held At The LaFollette Town Hall On Mon., April 11, 2016, At 7:30 p.m. Agenda: Verification of posting; clerk’s minutes; treasurer’s report; resident issues; road items; Siren Fire Dept.; annual meeting April 23, 2016, at 2:30 p.m.; pay bills and look at correspondence. Next meeting May 9, 2016. 644413 Linda Terrian, Clerk 34L 24a (April 6, 13, 20) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Royal Credit Union, a Wisconsin state chartered credit union, 200 Riverfront Terrace Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703, Plaintiff, vs. Christopher R. Dietrich 2189 200th Street Centuria, Wisconsin 54824, John Doe, Mary Roe, and XYZ corporation, Defendants. Case Type: 30404 Case No. 15CV336 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of that certain Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Order for Judgment, and Judgment executed and filed on February 26, 2016, in the aboveentitled action, the Sheriff of Polk County, Wisconsin, will sell the following described real property at public auction as follows: DATE/TIME: April 26, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 10% of successful bid must be paid to Sheriff at sale in certified funds, with the balance due and owing on the date of confirmation of the sale by the Court. PLACE: Lobby of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 15, Township 35 North, Range 18 West, Town of Eureka, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 4153, filed in Volume 18, Page 183, as Document No. 661618. (FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: Plaintiff believes that the property address is 2189 200th Street, Centuria, Wisconsin). Dated: March 25, 2016. Peter Johnson Sheriff of Polk County, Wisconsin THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: ANASTASI JELLUM, P.A. 14985 60th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-2951 Garth G. Gavenda/#16502 644365 WNAXLP

Must have excellent people skills and be detail-oriented. Retail experience preferred, but not required. Flexible schedule and benefits available. Add’l. $2.50 per hour for weekend hours.

Apply In Person At...




MENARDS 1285 208th St. St. Croix Falls, WI 54024

34-36L 24-26a,d

643403 32-34L

The next meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the FREDERIC RURAL FIRE ASSOC. will be TUES. APR. 12, 6 p.m. at Fire Hall

(April 6, 13, 20) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff vs. ANGELA C. JOHNSON, et al. Defendants Case No. 13 CV 377 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on January 26, 2016 in the amount of $108,984.47, the Polk County Sheriff will sell the premises described below at public auction as follows: DATE/TIME: May 3, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens, encumbrances, and payment of applicable transfer taxes by purchaser. PLACE: In the Lobby of the Polk County Justice Center, located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 54810. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 6402, recorded in Volume 29, page 66 as Document No. 824897, located in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 15, Township 36 North, Range 18 West, Town of Laketown, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Commencing in the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, thence South on West boundary line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 360 feet, thence East in line parallel with North boundary line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 680 feet, thence North 360 feet to said North boundary line, thence West on said North boundary line 680 feet to the point of beginning. ADDRESS: 2016 275th Avenue, Luck, WI 54853. TAX KEY NO: 030-00374-0000. Dated this 23rd day of March, 2016. Peter M. Johnson Polk County Sheriff Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff Mark R. Cummisford State Bar #1034906 7071 South 13th Street Suite #100 Oak Creek, WI 53154 414-761-1700 Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, LLC is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 644080 WNAXLP


Thurs., April 21, 2016, 7 p.m. at the Webster Fire Hall 7420 W. Main St. Webster, Wis. Please note that the regular scheduled meeting for April will follow this Annual Meeting. Deanna J. Krause, Clerk 644082 34L 24a WNAXLP


Tuesday, April 19, 2016, 6:30 p.m. The 2016 Annual Meeting For The Town Of West Sweden Will Be Held Tues., April 19, At 6:30 p.m. At The Town Hall. The 2015 financial report will be presented. The regular monthly town board meeting will immediately follow the annual meeting. 644433 34-35L





644290 34-35Lp 24-25ap


APRIL 6, 2016 - INTER-COUNTY LEADER - NEWS SECTION - A - PAGE 21 (Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 13) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF SPENCER JARED JOHNSON By (Petitioner) Spencer Jared Johnson Notice and Order for Name Change Hearing Case No. 16CV102 Full-time position available with Burnett County in N.W. Wisconsin. NOTICE IS GIVEN: www.burnettcounty.com for further details or 715-349-2181. AppliA petition was filed asking to cation deadline: Until position is filled. EOE. 643778 22-23a,b,c 33-34L change the name of the person listed above: From: Spencer Jared Johnson To: Spencer Jared Steek Birth Certificate: Spencer Jared Johnson IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in Now accepting applications for full-/part-time staff for the Circuit Court of Polk County, for the following positions: State of Wisconsin, Judge • Kitchen Prep Jeffery Anderson, Polk County • Dishwashers Courthouse, 1005 W. Main • Kitchen Cleaning/Sanitation Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin • Security - 2nd & 3rd Shifts - Must Be 25 Or Older 54810, April 22, 2016, 2:00 p.m. Please call 715-866-8177 or email If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disbilcampoffice@herzlcamp.org for an application. ity to participate in the court Criminal background checks required for all employees process, please call 715-4859299 at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. BY THE COURT: Jeffery Anderson Circuit Court Judge 644028 March 24, 2016 WNAXLP

LICENSED OR EXPERIENCED CHAIRSIDE DENTAL ASSISTANT Please send resume to email: mccormackdentistry@gmail.com

Steven McCormack, DDS St. Croix Falls


Phyllis Wilder, Clerk

Sponsored By: Workforce Resource Polk County Job Center Bernick’s Pepsi American Legion Post 143

643928 33-34L 23-24a,d

2016 Polk County Job Fair Tuesday, April 19, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Open To The General Public American Legion 143 807 Pine Street, St. Croix Falls, WI (Across from Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hwy. 8)


Discover Career Opportunities Meet Potential Employers • Distribute Your Resume Employers Attending: • Courtesy Corporation • Andersen Windows • Christian Community Home • Sanmina Corp. • Masterson Staffing Solutions • Division 8 • International Brotherhood of • St. Croix Casino Electricians Union • Spartan Staffing • Frederic Nursing & • Quanex Rehabilitation • SCRMC • Kapco • Hormel Foods/Jennie-O • Hudson Staffing Turkey Store • Veterans Services • Aurora 644376 34-35L • Amery Medical Center 24-25a,d


Webster, WI Nexen is a leading manufacturer of industrial clutches and brakes, precision linear and rotary motion control devices and control systems. Responsibilities will include maintaining responsible business system metrics, product forecast, capacity and production planning, along with balancing targeted inventory levels while ensuring customer on-time delivery objectives are met. This individual will lead the daily production meeting, along with scheduling and guiding the flow of material throughout the various manufacturing processes. Communicates production issues, status or changes to appropriate departments and management. Prepares reports, assists with the budgeting, standard cost setting, inventory management and other material controlling activities. Works directly with Nexen sales personnel regarding customer expedites and inquiries. Qualified candidates will have a minimum BA/BS degree - Business or Technical, along with four or more years of Production Control experience in a manufacturing environment. Strong understanding of Process Management and Lean Principles. APICS certification preferred. Should be a self-starter, organized and analytical, with excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Must be able to work in a team environment and always maintain a professional demeanor. Strong computer skills including, word processing, spreadsheets and databases. Must also have strong problem-solving skills, and be able to work independently. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package. If you are interested in joining a dynamic and forward-looking company, and have a positive and enthusiastic approach to work, fax or send a resume to:


Human Resources 26837 Industrial Avenue • Webster, WI 54893 Fax 715-866-6350 materials@nexengroup.com Equal Opportunity Employer

644304 34-35r,L 24-25a-e

(April 6, 13, 20) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Nationstar Mortgage LLC Plaintiff vs. ESTATE OF JAMES L. REDING, et al. Defendant(s) Case No: 15 CV 43 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on December 4, 2015, in the amount of $83,891.26, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: May 3, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff sale, prospective buyer is consenting to be bound by the following terms: 1.) 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) Plaintiff opens bidding on the property, either in person or via fax and as recited by the sheriff department in the event that no opening bid is offered, plaintiff retains the right to request the sale be declared as invalid as the sale is fatally defective. PLACE: Polk County Justice Center at 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, the North 5 feet of Lot 7, and the South 62.18 feet of the North 75.83 feet of Lot 8, all in Sylvester’s Second Addition to the City of Amery, Polk County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 428 Birchwood Avenue, Amery, WI 54001. TAX KEY NO.: 201-00745-0000. Dated this 14th day of March, 2016. /s/Sheriff Peter M. Johnson Polk County Sheriff Jordan C. Staleos J. Peterman Legal Group Ltd. State Bar No. 1085629 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.jpeterman legalgroup.com to obtain the bid for this sale. J. Peterman Legal Group Ltd. is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 644081 WNAXLP


Please send or stop in with your resume: Bella Salon and Day Spa Attn.: Jenna, P.O. Box 317, Luck, WI 54853 715-472-4222


IMMEDIATE OPENING for an Overnight Care Supervisor at our Webster, Wisconsin program. Paid hourly ranging from $13-15 an hour dependent on experience and a regular schedule of 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Monday - Friday. All applicants are subject to criminal history background checks. Responsibilities include supervision of Overnight Care personnel to ensure all duties and/or job tasks are consistently performed. This includes regular checks of program residents, understanding and following agency policies, completion of nightly documentation, keep a clean/safe environment, communicate and follow through of program goals, positive role modeling and additional duties as needed. This position includes full-time benefits such as health/life insurance, paid time off, as well as disability and dental options. Please see our website for additional information on our programming. www.nwpltd.org To apply, please send a resume that includes 3 references to Debw@nwpltd.org Northwest Passage is an equal opportunity employer.

644242 23a,b 34L



The Webster School District is looking for a highly qualified Elementary School Counselor. Candidates must have a Master of Science Degree in School Counseling and a current Wisconsin license in school counseling. Duties include conducting classroom lessons with grades preK-4, as well as individual and group counseling. This position also involves working collaboratively with the teaching staff and administration regarding mental-health needs and student behavior and being a building testing coordinator. Excellent communication and technology skills are preferred, along with a proven ability to work with elementary-aged students. The application deadline is April 18. Please submit your letter of application, resume, transcripts and references to: Martha Anderson Webster Elementary Principal P.O. Box 9 Webster, WI 54893 If you have any questions regarding this position, please call 715-866-8210 or email at: manderson@webster.k12.wi.us The School District of Webster is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, handicap or physical, emotional or learning disability. 644406 34-35L 24-25a



NEI Electric in St. Croix Falls, WI, is seeking a detailoriented individual to fill a full-time position for a growing company. Duties include: answering phones, creating documents, filing, scheduling meetings and other tasks as assigned. Successful candidate will have high school diploma, minimum 1 yr. of experience, Microsoft Office experience required. Competitive salary, benefit package and 401(k) plan. Submit salary requirements and resume to customerservice@neielectric.com. 644327 34-36Lp 24-26dp

Northern Aquatic Services hereby notifies as specified per Chapter NR 107, WI Administrative Code, that it intends to treat approximately 33 acres in these lakes (Trade River system) with aquatic pesticides to control nuisance exotic aquatic vegetation curly-leaf pondweed and eurasian water milfoil. The herbicides proposed for use are Aquathol K, Aquathol Super K ai Endothall; Reward or Tribune ai Diquat, Navigate, Sculpin G or DMA 4 ai 2,4-D. The proposed treatment would occur during the spring of 2016. Additional information including maps and a copy of the permit application can be found at the lake association’s website tradelakeassoc.org. Northern Aquatic Services will conduct a public informational meeting on the proposed treatment if five or more individuals, organizations, special units of government or local units of government request one. Any request for a public meeting on this treatment must be made within five days after this notice is published. The request must specify the topics to be discussed at the meeting, including problems and alternatives and must be sent to: Northern Aquatic Services, 1061 240th Street, Dresser, WI 54009 and to the 644418 34Lp WDNR, 810 W. Maple Street, Spooner, WI 54801. WNAXLP

Now Accepting Applications For

Servers, Bartenders & Dishwashers Please apply in person weekdays For questions, call 715-349-7878


} }


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be held in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, on November 8, 2016, ten electors for President and Vice President of the United States, one for each congressional district and two for the state at-large, are to be elected. The names of presidential electors do not appear on the ballot, but each vote cast for a presidential candidate is a vote for the electors of the candidate. Independent candidates for President or Vice President may circulate nomination papers beginning July 1, 2016, and must file nomination papers with the Government Accountability Board no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 2, 2016. The Government Accountability Board is located at 212 E. Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Madison, Wisconsin.


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, at a primary to be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, and at an election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the following officers are to be nominated and elected:


ONE UNITED STATES SENATOR, for the term of 6 years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 3, 2017: Ron Johnson ONE REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, for the term of 2 years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 3, 2017: 7th Congressional District Sean Duffy


ONE STATE SENATOR, from the even-numbered Senatorial Districts of the State, each for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 2, 2017: District 10 Sheila Harsdorf TWO REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ASSEMBLY, each for the term of two years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 2, 2017: District 28 Adam Jarchow District 75 Romaine Robert Quinn Congressional and legislative district boundaries are described in Chapters 3 and 4 of the Wisconsin Statutes. A copy of the boundary descriptions can be obtained from the Government Accountability Board or the Legislative Reference Bureau at 1 East Main Street, Suite 200, Madison, Wisconsin. ONE DISTRICT ATTORNEY, for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 2, 2017: Polk County Dan Steffen


COUNTY OFFICERS, for each county of the State for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbents in the office of County Clerk, Treasurer, Register of Deeds and Surveyor, whose terms of office will expire on January 2, 2017: Polk County Clerk - Carole Wondra Polk County Treasurer - Amanda Nissen Polk County Register of Deeds - Laurie Anderson


644456 34L


Restaurant 644180 23a 34L

643815 22-23a,d 33-34L

Bella Salon and Day Spa is seeking a Cosmetologist to join our staff. Positions available at both our Grantsburg and Luck locations.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day for circulating nomination papers is April 15, 2016, and the deadline for filing nomination papers is no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. All federal and state office candidates, including district attorney candidates, file with the Government Accountability Board. All county partisan office candidates file with their respective county clerks. DONE in the Village of Balsam Lake, this 4th day of April, 2016. Carole T. Wondra, Polk County Clerk 100 Polk County Plaza, Suite 110 Balsam Lake, WI 54810 644404 34L 715-485-9226 WNAXLP


} }

ELECTION OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of Burnett County, Wisconsin, on November 8, 2016, ten electors for President and Vice President of the United States, one for each congressional district and two for the state at-large, are to be elected. The names of presidential electors do not appear on the ballot, but each vote cast for a presidential candidate is a vote for the electors of the candidate. Independent candidates for President or Vice President may circulate nomination papers beginning July 1, 2016, and must file nomination papers with the Government Accountability Board no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 2, 2016. The Government Accountability Board is located at 212 E. Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Madison, Wisconsin.

PARTISAN PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the several towns, villages, wards, and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, at a primary to be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, and at an election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the following officers are to be nominated and elected:

CONGRESSIONAL OFFICERS ONE UNITED STATES SENATOR, for the term of 6 years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose term of office will expire on January 3, 2017: Ron Johnson ONE REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, each for the term of 2 years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose term of office will expire on January 3, 2017: 7th Congressional District Sean Duffy

LEGISLATIVE AND STATE OFFICES ONE STATE SENATOR, from the even-numbered Senatorial Districts of the State, each for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose term of office will expire on January 2, 2017: District 10 Sheila Harsdorf THREE REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ASSEMBLY, each for the term of two years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 2, 2017: District 28 Adam Jarchow District 73 Nick Milroy District 75 Romaine Robert Quinn Congressional and legislative district boundaries are described in Chapters 3 and 4 of the Wisconsin Statutes. A copy of the boundary descriptions can be obtained from the Burnett County Clerk at 7410 County Road K, #105, Siren, WI 54872. ONE DISTRICT ATTORNEY, each for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose term of office will expire on January 2, 2017: Burnett County William L. Norine

COUNTY OFFICERS COUNTY OFFICERS, for each county of the State for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbents in the office of County Clerk, Treasurer and Register of Deeds, whose terms of office will expire on January 2, 2017: County Clerk Wanda Hinrichs Treasurer Joanne Pahl Register of Deeds Jeanine Chell

CIRCULATION OF NOMINATION PAPERS NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first day for circulating nomination papers is April 15, 2016, and the deadline for filing nomination papers is no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. All federal and state office candidates, including district attorney candidates, file with the Government Accountability Board. All county partisan office candidates file with their respective county clerks. DONE in the County of Burnett, this 30th day of March, 2016. Wanda Hinrichs, Burnett County Clerk 7410 County Rd. K, #105 Siren, WI 54872 Voice: 715-349-2173 FAX:�715-349-2169 644086 34L WNAXLP email: whinrichs@burnettcounty.org


Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway is official Gov. Walker comes to Grantsburg to sign Senate Bill 147 into law

GRANTSBURG – Gov. Scott Walker signed Senate Bill 447 into law Tuesday, April 5, at Grantsburg High School. The bill designates and marks Wisconsin Hwy. 87 as the Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway. Sgt. Carson Holmquist served as a motor transport maintenance chief with Battery M, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, Marine Forces Reserve. “Sergeant Holmquist risked his life to serve his country, and on July 16, 2015, he lost his life in an attack on the U.S. Naval Operation Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee,” Walker said. “He was a native of Grantsburg, so it’s fitting that we’re here today in his hometown to sign legislation honoring his memory and sacrifice by marking Wisconsin Highway 87 as the Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway.” Senate Bill 447 directs the Department of Transportation to designate, and upon receipt of sufficient contributions from interested parties, marks the route of Wisconsin Hwy. 87 as the “Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway.” Under the bill, no state funds, other than from contributions received from interested parties, may be used for the erection or maintenance of any sign markers along the specified highway route. Authored by Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R – River Falls, and Rep. Adam Jarchow, R – Balsam Lake, the bill passed the Senate on a voice vote and was concurred by the Assembly on a voice vote. It is Act 347. – rom the office of Gov. Scott Walker

Jasmine Holmquist, with son, Wyatt and daughter, Wrylin, were joined at the Grantsburg High School by friends and family and local and state dignitaries, including Gov. Scott Walker, on Tuesday, April 5, for the governor’s signing of Senate Bill 447, designating Hwy. 87 as the Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway. Holmquist, a 2008 graduate of Grantsburg High School, lost his life in a shooting in July of 2015 at a military facility in Tennessee. More than 3,000 signatures were gathered for a petition to approve the renaming of the highway from St. Croix Falls to Grantsburg. RIGHT: Gov. Scott Walker makes comments prior to signing Senate Bill 447 at Grantsburg on Tuesday. Jasmine Holmquist, son Wyatt and daughter Wrylin, are shown with the governor. - Photos courtesy Grantsburg HIgh School

Sgt. Carson Holmquist



Ellis Avenue, Siren, WI 54872

Plastic Injection Molding Full-time, long-term, production workers for our 2nd and 3rd shifts. $9.50 starting wage. Benefits offered by North States Industries include: • Clean & safe work environment • Paid vacation after 1 year • Dental insurance • Health insurance • Life insurance • 401(k) • Paid holidays including your birthday • Excellent retirement with Employee Stock Ownership Plan • Discretionary year-end bonus depending on business climate. ($1,500 average bonus over the past 4 years)

Contact and/or send resume to Mark Foote 715-349-5591 • mfoote@northstatesind.com TAKE PRIDE IN MANUFACTURING LOCAL PRODUCTS IN A WORLD-RENOWNED MARKET. WE HOPE TO MAKE YOU A PART OF OUR TEAM! North States Industries is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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644381 34L


Jackson Fire Dive Team recovers ATV, fishing gear The crew from Jackson Fire Department’s Dive Team was busy Saturday morning, April 2, in near blizzard conditions on Nicaboyne Lake in the Town of Webb Lake, recovering an ATV and fishing equipment that fell through the ice a few weeks ago and were in 32 feet of water. Ironically, the ATV owner was in sunny Hawaii on a band trip when his ATV and fishing gear were being recovered. Photos courtesy Jackson Fire Department

OLD CHURCH USED FOR BURN EXERCISE Amery Fire Rescue members were able to participate in a two-day live burn training exercise sponsored by Apple River Fire Rescue which involved burning down the old Balsam Lutheran Church. Many mutual aid departments throughout Polk County were in attendance. This exercise is important not only to train agencies to work together on different fire ground functions, but to also build relationships among departments and their members. Numerous burns were made in various rooms of the building. Many church members were in attendance. Amery Fire Rescue extended gratitude to Apple River Fire Rescue and the Balsam Lutheran Church members for allowing them to be a part of the valuable training experience. - Photo from Amery Fire and Rescue Facebook page

Th e


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Frederic 715-327-4236

Siren 715-349-2560

St. Croix Falls 715-483-9008 644425 34L


Currents Northern

Stories from the NW Wisconsin community

t’s a 10-minute walk down a path from where we’re staying on the outskirts of the town of Victoria I Falls to the bridge over the Zambezi River connecting

Zimbabwe to Zambia. We’re at the Kingdom Hotel on the Zimbabwe side. The hotel name is a reference to the Shona kingdom, whose people built a great walled-in fortress city complete with a tower and a complex of buildings in what is now Zimbabwe from the 11th to the 15th centuries. This ancient city was known as Great Zimbabwe, and when the government of what was then the Republic of Rhodesia conceded defeat to the majority black population led by Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo in 1980, the new Zimbabwe was born. Mugabe was a hero to many and became the first leader of the new nation that Steve Pearson same year. Since then, he has tightened his rule over the country through violence and intimidation, and recent elections have been called into question by international observers. The economy is in disarray with massive inflation and high unemployment. Our first afternoon here, we set out for the bridge, well-known to adrenaline junkies because of the bungee-jumping platform halfway across where the willing plunge 350 feet into the Zambezi River gorge just below the famous Victoria Falls. Check it out at youtube.com/ watch?v=Z6qMaOdmTRM. Within seconds after leaving the hotel grounds, we’re besieged by young men selling woodcarvings of “big five” animals along with wooden bowls, salad utensils and other small items. The pressure is heavy and unrelenting the entire length of the footpath to the bridge despite the fact that we make it abundantly clear that we’re carrying no money. The next morning as we walk the same path, this time to view the falls from inside the national park above the bridge, we’re once again surrounded by young men pleading with us to buy their wares, and they accompany us all the way to the park entrance. It’s not an unfamiliar scene to me, we had similar experiences in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi, a few years back, but the desperation is far greater in this country of grinding poverty with unemployment hovering around the 80-percent mark. Once inside the park, we follow an elaborate brick pathway to several lookouts that provide excellent views of the falls, considered the largest in the world when vertical drop and width are combined. Robert Livingstone, the Scottish explorer, named the falls for Queen Victoria back in the 1800s when he encountered them while searching for a water route across Africa. Local tribes know them as Mosi-oa-tunya, for “the smoke that thunders,” and that name is used for the national park on the Zambian side. The falls are a spectacular multisensory experience, a lush rain-forest environment. Their sheer size and power are enough to create a microclimate of frequent downpours, and we’re thankful for our umbrellas which keep the top half of our bodies dry and allow for some picture taking that would otherwise be impossible. We spend a couple of hours viewing the falls from many perspectives, then head back to the hotel to get out of our wet clothes and soggy shoes. Once again, we’re accosted by the young men, who now talk to us as if we’re longtime acquaintances and have given me the moniker, “Papa.” “You remember Charles, Papa, help me out, please, you said you liked big five, remember, Papa, $20 for big five, help a young man out, please, Papa ...” It’s gut-wrenching, irritating and overwhelming all at once. We know from experience that buying from one person will only increase the pressure to buy from the others, so we resist for now and retreat to the quiet of our room back at The Kingdom. Later that day, I walk into town following the main drag, and I see no less than five warthogs along the way, one grazing in the grass between the sidewalk and the road. These plucky little animals are a common sight in town, we’re told, along with vervet monkeys, baboons and even the occasional elephant. But it’s the warthogs who capture my attention with their unassuming nature, funny little waddle and unorthodox look, a strange assemblage of mismatched parts. In the late afternoon, I set out for the bridge again, determined to get a shot of the double rainbow that we saw the first day when we went sans camera. I gird myself for the onslaught of selling, determined this time to engage the young men in conversation about their plight. Real person-to-person contact with local people

The view from here

The bridge over the Zambezi, built in 1904-5. flight. In one of the small curio shops near the gate, I find a warthog made almost entirely of sisal fibers over papier-mache. I roll it over in my hands, marveling at how amazTomahto - Photos by Steve Pearson has been rare so far in our three-week African adventure. I make it a point to look into their eyes, to hear their stories, all the while trying to get at the truth of what they’re saying and what, if anything, can be done to make life better here. It’s ultimately a fool’s errand; my time here is short, too short to really understand or make a difference of any kind, but still I want to experience a deeper reality than the buyer/seller one we’ve known to this point. And I’m pleased to discover that these young men want to tell me their stories. I hear about intertribal tensions, the impossibility of finding employment, and hunger. Three say they’ve eaten nothing all day, and that a few dollars would buy some bread from a street vendor, so we approach one and buy bread. It’s a sobering experience and it leaves me reeling with the kind of despair that comes from knowing that solutions are hard to come by, especially in the short term. I walk out on the bridge in the company of a rail-thin man who tells me his name is Tomahto, as in, “You say tomato, I say ...” In addition to being older, his lowkey approach sets him apart from the others. He shows me the copper bracelets he makes, but he also wants to talk about the U.S., and he’s incredibly well-informed about the presidential race and other matters. He has a nuanced opinion about Robert Livingstone, who is regarded reverentially by many locals for his role in ending the slave trade in this part of Africa. His mind is laser sharp for a guy with a primary-school education. Tomahto expresses an elaborate spiritual view of the world despite, or maybe as a result of, dealing with hunger on a day-to-day basis. I marvel at his knowledge and wisdom and wish we had more time to spend together, but the hour is late and we’re scheduled for a sunset cruise on the Zambezi. The irony isn’t lost on me. Before I leave, he offers to take photos of me on the bridge with my camera, then allows me to photograph him. As we part, I try to buy him a bottle of water from a vendor, but he refuses it. I tell him I’ll be returning to the bridge for one last look in the morning, and that I’ll hope to see him there. I make a mental note to bring $20 to buy one of his bracelets. But it isn’t to be. The next morning, we have breakfast and return to the room to pack our bags. I run a quick errand to town for my wife, taking the shortcut through a gas station/convenience store lot. A family of warthogs crosses the path right in front of me. Apparently, they’re tracking my movements. When I return, it’s checkout time. We have an hour until our taxi is supposed to arrive to take us to the airport, but the front desk tells us the driver is here already and it’s now or never for getting to the airport, so off we go. No time for goodbyes. I think about Tomahto on the way to the airport, about the great loss of human potential attributable to extreme poverty, about the unfairness of the world. Our taxi driver hands off a piece of paper from our previous driver, a man who would never see us again, with handwritten answers to some flora/fauna questions we had on the way in from the airport a few days ago. You could have knocked me over with a feather. We arrive at the airport three hours early for our

A view from the bridge.

ingly lifelike it is, but it seems rather fragile for the long trip ahead. I walk out empty-handed, but an hour or so later, I decide to go back and get it. The warthog has become somehow emblematic of this trip for me, and I’ve got to have that little guy. I poke my head in the door, and the young woman behind the counter catches my eye. “Hees gawn,” she says, knowing exactly what I was looking for. I’ve already worked up some emotion about leaving Africa, and this little loss sends me into a bit of a tailspin. “I was supposed to have that warthog!” I exclaim to my wife, oblivious to how ridiculous that sounds. I wallow in self-recrimination for a bit, kicking myself for letting it get away until she reminds me that, in the

Your basic warthog in the bush.

See View, page 2


ACS Frederic Area Sole Burner kickoff meeting held FREDERIC – The kickoff meeting for the Frederic Area American Cancer Society Sole Burner was held Wednesday, March 30, 7:30 a.m. at Hacker’s Lanes. Presenting sponsorship checks were Jack Buecksler from Frederic Auto Center, Alex Holsman from Amery Regional Medical Center, Jessica Minor from St. Croix Regional Medical Center and Colleen Draxler, representing Avalon. Walk sponsors help defray the costs involved in a walk so that the money raised all goes to fight cancer. Funds raised from the Sole Burner have helped the ACS save lives through expanding research, providing greater access to cancer information, supporting legislation to protect public health, providing access to health care and offering programs and services to cancer patients and their families. Amanda Pilger, American Cancer Society community relations specialist, shared the mission of ACS and how cancer patients Freddie Nelson, a 7-year-old second-grader benefit from services the organization proat Frederic Elementary School, is this year’s vides. Freddie Nelson is the honorary chair this honorary chairperson for the ACS Frederic year. Freddie is the son of Stephanie and Area Sole Burner Walk/Run. Freddie was diSteve Nelson. Freddie attends Frederic El- agnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia ementary School. He is 7 years old and in in March 2013, and will complete a three-year second grade. He will celebrate his eighth treatment the end of May. He will celebrate his birthday on Saturday, May 7, the day of the eighth birthday on Saturday, May 7, the day of walk. He was diagnosed with acute lym- the run/walk. - Photos submitted phoblastic leukemia in March 2013, and will complete a three-year treatment for ALL the end of May. The 2016 walk will be held on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 9:15 a.m. Registration will be at the Birch Street Elementary School from 8-9 a.m. Registration forms for the walk and tribute flag forms are available at Larsen Auto Center, Bremer and U.S. Banks and Frederic Pharmacy. You may also register online at soleburner.org.frederic. Preregistration is $10 and is due by Wednesday, May 4, to Kay Thorsbakken at Box 221, Frederic, WI 54837. Registration forms will also be available the day of the walk and will be $15. Walkers may choose a two-, three- or five-mile route. Refreshments will be available at the walk, and top fundraisers will be recognized. Every walker who brings in at least $60 in pledges will receive a T-shirt. Teams that bring in $500 or more will receive a framed picture of their team. Businesses will have an opportunity to purchase “signs of hope” for $35 that will be placed along the walk route with the name of the sponsoring business. Tribute flag forms will be available at the businesses that have the registration forms. Honor a cancer survivor or loved one by purchasing a tribute flag for $5. The flags

will be displayed the day of the walk at the Birch Street Elementary School. Sole Burner athletic shoe cutouts are also available for purchase for $1 in various businesses in the Frederic area. The athletic shoes have the name of the person who purchased it and are displayed in store windows or in the interior of the business. All funds raised from the signs of hope, tribute flags, athletic shoes and the walk go to the American Cancer Society. The Frederic Sole Burner committee urges you to participate in the fight against cancer. Join your family, friends and neighbors on May 7, and enjoy the great outdoors and a healthy, fun activity. Freddie Nelson, this year’s honorary chairperson for If you are unable to walk, please consider making a donation to a the Frederic Area Sole Burner, is shown with his parents, walker or purchasing a tribute Stephanie and Steve Nelson. flag in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of a loved one who died of cancer. If you would like to make a donation, the checks should be made out to the American Cancer Society and may be sent to Elvira Schmidt, 3348 30th St., Frederic, WI 54837. For further information on the walk, contact Schmidt at 715-653-2684. – submitted

Sponsorship checks were presented at the kickoff meeting for the American Cancer Society Frederic Area Sole Burner Walk/Run on Wednesday, March 30, at Hacker’s Lanes in Frederic. Shown are (L to R): Colleen Draxler from Avalon, Alex Holsman from Amery Regional Medical Center, Jessica Minor from St. Croix Regional Medical Center, Sylvia Hansen, Elvira Schmidt, Nancy Hardenbergh and Jack Buecksler from Frederic Auto Center.

Siren fourth-graders go to Madison MADISON - On Friday, March 18, the Siren fourth-graders took their annual field trip to Madison. While in Madison, they visited the Wisconsin Historical Museum and the Wisconsin state Capitol. This is a great field trip for the students as they are able to experience being visitors in another community, as well as learning about and seeing their state’s Capitol in person. For the fifth year in a row, they took a coach bus, courtesy of the St. Croix Tribe. The students and staff would like to extend gratitude to them for the donation and support. The trip is a memory that the students will have for a lifetime. The students had some great things to say about the day. Here are a few comments pulled from the fourth-graders writing about their day: “I saw a starfish fossil that was over 100 million years old!” “When you look at the dome, it’s like you

are looking into the heavens.” “I liked the fur trade part at the museum the most.” “The guide told us that little people, like leprechauns, knock on rocks to know where the lead is.” “I learned that the Civil War camp was where the Wisconsin Badgers football stadium is.” “I thank the school who gave us the money to eat and see all the beautiful stuff. I also thank the tribe for the bus.” “My favorite part was, I saw real gold in the Capitol!” “The ride was my favorite because we got to ride in a coach bus.” “I was so tired when we got home, I didn’t even change into my pajamas!” It was a great day and fun was had by all. – submitted

The Siren f our t h- gr ad ers visited the state Capitol during a field trip to Madison on Friday, March 18. They also visited the Wisconsin Historical Museum. - Photos submitted

The Siren fourth-graders rode in a coach bus provided by the St. Croix Tribe on their annual field trip to Madison on Friday, March 18.

View/from page 1 great scheme of things, this doesn’t even register on the meter. And she’s right, of course. Having spent much time with those who have little, I’d already forgotten what really does matter. Two days later, back in my own bed, I awaken at 4:30 a.m. It’s 11:30 a.m., Africa time, so it’s no wonder I don’t feel tired, I tell myself. I close my eyes, hoping to find sleep again, but I see Tomahto in my mind, his long slender fingers combing the air, emphasizing his point. I hear the young men along the path pleading for help, for bread, for money. I remember the puzzled look on the young waitress’s

face at the hotel restaurant as she’s being berated by the German tourist for not serving him fast enough. The people get inside you, they live in you, and they beckon you. Where they take you only time will tell.

The main falls at Victoria Falls. – Photo submitted


General Tso’s Chicken A lot of Chinese restaurants in the

states serve General Tso’s chicken, but just like chop suey and fortune cookies, they are totally unknown to the native Chinese. Unlike Colonel Sanders, who created his famous “finger licking chicken with 10 secret herbs and spices,” there is no living proof that Gen. Tso has anything to do with this famous dish. Actually, we don’t know if Gen. Tso even liked the taste of chicken. So, where is the connection? That’s something charming and romantic about food and beverage, many memorable entrees or drinks were created a long time ago and somehow remain famous after many generations. Do you know who created Caesar salad? No, not Julius Caesar from the mighty Roman Empire, but a chef named Caesar Cardini, who was an immigrant from Italy. It was in his restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico, that he first introduced this famous salad. And how about margaritas? They are found in block letters in most menus of Mexican restaurants, but who created it? Funny enough, both versions of that story involve Tijuana, Mexico. Tijuana must have been a swinging town back then. One version is that in 1938 a restaurateur named Carlos “Danny” Herrera wanted to please the famous movie star Majorie King, but she couldn’t drink the popular tequila because it was too potent. So, he blended some sweetened lime juice with triple sec (an orange-flavored liqueur) and mixed them with tequila and then served her. And she loved it. Another story surfaced 10 years later. A Dallas socialite named Margarita Sames served a special drink for her party hosted

Wok & roll Peter H. Kwong at her home in Acapulco, Mexico. Her guests loved the drink. One of the guests was Tommy Hilton, the owner of the famous Hilton hotel chain. He brought the recipe back to the States, introduced it to his hotels and the name “margarita” became a household word overnight. Yes, Gen. Tso did exist, but there was no proof that he created the famous dish. He was indeed a general in the Qing Dynasty. Actually, his name is pronounced as Juo (not Tso) Jung Tang. He led his army and defeated the Taiping Rebellion, 1862 – 1877. He was considered a hero in his hometown of Hunan, which is famous for its spicy cooking. However, one cannot find “General Tso’s chicken” served in any restaurants in Hunan, or even in China. So, who should take the credit? Though many chefs have claimed ownership through all these years, this one story has the most credibility. There was a chef named Peng Chang Kwei, or P.C. Kwei, who was one of the master chefs for Gen. Cheng Kai Shek. Then, when the communists took over China after WWII, the National Party fled to the little island of Taiwan. During the ‘60s, Kwei and his family migrated to the States and settled down in New York City. Kwei eventually opened a restaurant. He specialized in Hunan cooking, which is hot and spicy, and the American folks weren’t very keen

on spicy foods then. So, seeing that sweet and sour pork was very popular with the Americans, chef Kwei took one of his favorite chicken dishes and modified it with a sweet and spicy sauce. He didn’t have a name for the new creation yet. Then, he remembered his childhood hero Gen. Tso Jung Tang and named the dish after him. Hence, General Tso’s Chicken was born. It was an instant success. Even Henry Kissinger favored the dish and had a picture taken with chef Kwei which still hangs in the restaurant. There are a hundred versions of how to make General Tso’s chicken, and they are all tasty and yummy. But, wouldn’t it be funny if Gen. Tso was still alive, just to see his name connected to chicken, if he was a vegetarian? So, let’s get serious and cook us some great food. I modified the recipe somewhat and came with my own version. I tested it on my friends and neighbors, and they all give me the thumbs-up. General Tso’s Chicken (feeds four) Ingredients: Chicken cubed, 1 lb. (I personally like dark meat) Egg whites, three ea. Cornstarch, one-half cup Flour, one-half cup Chili pods, 7-10 Salt and pepper to taste

Sauce: Chili paste, 1 tsp. (add more if you like hot and spicy) Cornstarch, 8 tsp. White wine, 2 cups Vinegar, one-fourth cup Brown sugar, 12 tbsp. Soya sauce, 2 tbsp.

Plum sauce, 4 tbsp. (same as hoi sin sauce) Ketchup, 2 tbsp. Marmalade, 2 tbsp.

Method: Pat dry chicken pieces, season to taste, and dip in egg white, then cornstarch and flour mix. Note: Most recipes just call for cornstarch, but the added flour will give the chicken a softer crunch and it will be more golden-brown. Heat up wok/pan and add 2 inches of oil. Brown all pieces, six to eight pieces at a time; center of chicken should be white, not pink. Pick up and place on plate with paper towels to absorb excess grease. In separate pot, add 2 tbsp. oil, then add chili pods and all sauce ingredients, and gently stir till it thickens. If it is too thick, add more water/wine. Taste the sauce to your liking, you can add more sugar if you like more sweet, or add vinegar if you like more ‘pucker’. Add the fried chicken to the sauce, make sure that all pieces are nicely coated. Serve with steamed jasmine rice. For garnish, circle the plate with steamed broccoli crowns (that’s optional). Enjoy, and may the spirit of Gen. Tso be with you. Peter Kwong will be teaching Chinese Cooking 101/Wine Pairing through Spooner Area Community Education. The classes will run four Friday evenings, April 15 – May 6. Contact Karen Collins, 715-635-0243, for more information, or see spooner.k12.wi.us.

Party for a Lifetime at Sundown Saloon LEWIS - Come and join in the fun and help to ensure that one day everyone will be able to “party for a lifetime” in a world that is cancer free. The sixth-annual Party for a Lifetime will be held Saturday, April 23, from 2-8 p.m. at Sundown Saloon in Lewis. Pro-

Grandma and Liam go to the theater by Vicki Engel

ceeds will go to both the Luck and Frederic Sole Burner Walk/Runs that will be held Saturday, May 7, and to those in need in the community. Come and join in family Bingo and kids games from 2 to 5 p.m. A live auction with Glenn Meier as auctioneer begins at

5 p.m. Raffles, door prizes and food will be available throughout the event. The fun continues at 8 p.m. with live music by Freeway Jam under the direction of Steve Wilson. The band features classic rock from the ‘60s and ‘70s, but also performs ‘50s rock ’n’ roll and Coun-




hen Liam, age 4-3/4, reached the monumental goal of reading 1,000 books, with the help of his mommy and daddy, Grandma just knew there had to be a celebration! She collected ideas from librarians, family and retired teaching friends. The stellar idea was to take Liam to the current play, “The Snowy Day,” at the Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis. Grandma had given Liam this Caldecott Award-winning picture book, one of many, from her kindergarten teaching days. So he knew the story and it was winter, so perfect timing! Arrangements fell into place for a Feb. 20, Saturday 2 p.m. performance. Liam’s family drove him down from St. Cloud to rendezvous with his grandma at his Aunt Kacia’s house. As they drove from there to the theater, Liam told Grandma about his very first violin lesson he’d had that morning. In front of the theater, Mommy took a picture of Grandma and Liam, commemorating this special day. Thirty-six years ago, his mommy had attended her first play there, “Cinderella,” at age 3, as “mascot” of her mommy’s first-grade Brownie Scout troop. So Grandma considered this a legacy event. Liam willingly held Grandma’s hand to the “will call” window to pick up their tickets, then very carefully used the railings to climb two sets of 16 granite steps to the second-floor windowed lobby. There Liam sat with his grandma as she caught her breath.

He was fascinated by the bumpytopped vinyl-covered wall benches that were interlocking cube sections, with peaks (Liam called them “hills”) and valleys pointing up. So when Liam tried to sit on the center peak he tilted and slid down the slope a little. Where Grandma sat, the cubes were rotated 90 degrees forward, so the surface was flat. Liam looked all around - up to the very distant ceiling and down, out the windows, at parents and children arriving through the theater’s entrance below. It was crowded in line as they waited to have their tickets scanned by a friendly attendant and were told which door to enter. Behind them, they heard a lady say “Liam.” When they turned to look, they saw another grandma with a little boy, so Liam’s grandma asked the little boy how old he was. He said “4,” just like our Liam! A grandpa-aged usher handed them a program book as they entered the theater. The theater was red, with bright red seats and bright red carpeting! They hung onto the silver railing as they descended the deep, shallow steps, until they reached Row 8, Seats 8 and 9, as their tickets read. Liam enjoyed counting the brass plate seat numbers till they found their seats, took off their coats and settled in, as soft background music filled the spacious place. Liam looked spiffy in his navy cowl-

necked cardigan, shirt and pants. He said he forgot to put on the tie he had planned to wear. As they waited for the play to start, Liam turned around and counted the empty seats behind them as they filled in. Then, promptly at 2 p.m., an actor walked onstage to welcome the audience and tell them about the three actors and the shadow stick puppets they’d be using to tell the four Ezra Jack Keats stories, starting with “The Snowy Day.” Liam was captivated by the actor in a red pointy-hooded jacket who played Peter, first appearing in front of the shadow surface, then disappearing behind two humungous tall and flat rectangular boxes on wheels. Liam giggled and laughed out loud at the funny parts. For the next story, the actor came back in a yellow rain slicker and hat, appearing and disappearing while the lights focused on stick puppet shapes of Peter and his dachshund dog, Willie. Liam laughed at the funny sound of Peter’s


try swing. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. Together, the dollars we raise will one day find the cure for a disease that has robbed too many before they could live their “lifetime.” – submitted

puckered-up attempts to whistle and tried to whistle along. Once the lights at the front of the stage shone on puppets to project a chase scene of figures running around the interior walls of the theater. This involved the whole audience in the chase, as the gigantic puppet shadows whizzed past them. Liam sat on the edge of his seat the entire 65 minutes, totally enthralled! After the finale, Liam and Grandma applauded appreciatively for the bowing actors, and waited until the theater emptied before exiting. Liam reread the seat numbers and aisle alphabetical row letters as they went out into the lobby, where the actors lined up to meet and greet the children. Liam looked down through the big windows and spotted his mommy waiting to pick them up. Grandma and Liam waved at her, walked across the lobby, used the handrails one last time to descend the granite steps, went out the heavy glass front doors, and met up with Mommy at their car. This special time together, celebrating Liam’s reading with a first trip to CTC, will be a lifelong memory for Grandma and hopefully for Liam! About the author: Vicki Engel, retired after 40 years of kindergarten teaching, writes stories and poems about her grandchildren, family events, her cabin in the North Woods and memories from the seasons of her life. “I love words and humor! And I am a lifelong learner,” she says. Writers’ Carousel, a revolving menagerie of pieces for your enjoyment, is created by the participants in Carolyn Wedin’s Write Right Now WITC Community Education classes in Frederic and Luck.


Free computer and cell phone recycling on April 27 AMERY – In recognition of Earth Day, eight HealthPartners and Park Nicollet hospitals and clinics, including Amery Hospital and Clinic, are partnering with Tech Dump, a local electronics recycling nonprofit, to collect unwanted computers or cell phones that are gently used, obsolete or damaged. Sustainability is an important part of the HealthPartners mission, which is to improve health and well-being in partnership with those they serve. By caring for the places where they live and work, they’re creating healthier and cleaner communities for themselves, their members, patients and future gen-

erations. “The computer and cell phone recycling event is another example of HealthPartners’ comprehensive efforts on sustainability and community outreach. We invite our staff and the community to participate in this event and support our recycling and eco-friendly efforts,” says Dana Slade, manager, sustainability, HealthPartners. Gather up your broken laptops, desktops, motherboards, ancient cell phones, random cords and more. Appliances are not accepted. HealthPartners and Tech Dump are partnering to host eight free

electronics recycling events across the metro during a few weeks in April. Regardless of where you work or live, from St. Louis Park to the St. Croix Valley, we’ve got a location where you can unload those old computers or cell phones and feel good about supporting Earth Day and a healthier, cleaner environment. The local event will be held at the northwest corner of the Amery Area Community Center parking lot, corner of Scholl Street and Harriman Avenue, on Wednesday, April 27, from noon to 3 p.m. The hospital or clinic location’s green team is hosting the event and will have

volunteers on hand to assist participants with their computer or cell phone recycling needs. Tech Dump will destroy all information and data at their facility in Golden Valley or St. Paul, Minn., prior to recycling or reselling the equipment that will be collected. For a complete list of accepted materials, and those not accepted, visit techdump.org/healthpartners. Tech Dump is a Minnesota and Hennepin County licensed electronics recycler. For more information about HealthPartners commitment to sustainability, visit healthpartners.com/sustainability. – submitted

Workshop offers help for caregivers AMERY - Do you help an aging or disabled loved one or friend in some way that allows them to continue living in their own home? Or maybe your loved one, who you used to care for, has moved into an assisted living facility or nursing home but you still worry about them, help them make health-care decisions and ensure all areas of their health and well-being are being addressed. You are not alone. Caregiver stress and

burnout is real, and support is available. Join the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Northwest Wisconsin for Powerful Tools for Caregivers this spring in Amery. Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an evidence-based educational workshop series for unpaid caregivers caring for an aging or disabled friend or family member. Family caregivers come in all forms, from the son that checks in on Mom and

Dad once a week to the spouse providing full-time direct care to her husband with Alzheimer’s. This workshop gives these caregivers a chance to learn and develop the skills needed to balance life with this added role of caregiver. The interactive lessons, discussions and brainstorming included in each session helps participants put the tools learned into action in their life. The workshop will be held Wednes-

days, from 10 a.m. until noon, May 4 June 8 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Amery. The cost is $10. For more information or to register, contact Carrie Myers at the ADRC of NW WI at 877-485-2372. Avoid caregiver burnout and get the support you need! - from ADRC


Frederic Elementary staff and students put together 20 shoe boxes of love for the children of the Philippines. The shoe boxes contain many different items such as card games, shoes, play items, pictures and gifts from students, crayons, paper, pens, pencils and candy, just to name a few.


Siren School District was congratulated by state Superintendent Tony Evers for being one of the schools in the state to receive Wisconsin Title I School of Recognition honors for the 201516 school year during a special ceremony on Monday, March 14, at the state Capitol in Madison. Shown in the photo are (L to R): Duane Emery, Rick Larson, Siren School Administrator Kevin Shetler, Evers, Becky Wicklund and Karen Johnson. “We are very proud of the parents, teachers and staff at the Siren High School/Middle School for their contributed efforts to educate the students of our district,” said Shetler. – Photo submitted

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Jolene Brask, right, is taking the shoe boxes to the Philippines to give to the children there. Brask left for the Philippines on Tuesday, April 5.

Red Cross asks for blood donations this spring POLK COUNTY – The American Red Cross encourages eligible blood donors to donate blood this spring to ensure a sufficient supply for patients at approximately 2,600 hospitals across the country. Donated blood is perishable and must constantly be replenished to keep up with hospital patient need. Red blood cells are the blood component most frequently transfused by hospitals and must be used within 42 days of donation. Eligible donors can give red blood cells through either a regular whole blood donation or a double red cell donation, where available. During a double red cell donation, two units of red blood cells are collected while most of the plasma and platelets are returned to the donor. Double red cell donors must meet additional eligibility criteria, which will be determined at the donation appointment. Debbie Cody-Nabors is a blood donor who gives double red cells. Her mother received transfusions twice a week during treatment for aplastic anemia. “I donate blood as often as I can in memory of my mom,” she said. “Please donate blood if you can to help save lives as you never know when you’ll be on the receiving end.”

Donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types O, A negative and B negative. Whole blood can be donated every 56 days, up to six times a year, and double red cells may be donated every 112 days, up to three times per year. Upcoming opportunities to donate blood in Polk County are Monday, April 18, from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 2355 Clark Road, in Dresser; Monday and Tuesday, April 25-26, from noon to 6 p.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 217 Deronda St., in Amery; and Friday, April 29, from 1-7 p.m. at Osceola Medical Center, 2630 65th Ave., in Osceola. To make an appointment to give blood, download the free Red Cross blood donor app, visit redcrossblood.org or call 800RED CROSS (800-733-2767). Blood donors can save time at their next donation by using RapidPass to complete their predonation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, prior to arriving at the blood drive. To get started and learn more, visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and follow the instructions on the site. – from American Red Cross


Do you remember?

What’s in a name?


’ve been doing a lot of reading of Polk County’s history as a result of “friending” the Polk County Again Facebook page. Oh, the stories of our founding folks! What’s really neat is to see some of the same names from over a century ago still present in our county today. There are a whole bunch of folks out there in Polk County who think the majority of the population here has Scandahoovian heritage. They would be wrong. Oh sure, we’ve got a ton of Andersons, Olsens and Johnsons. And make sure you know and learn the distinction between “son” and “sen”! (Someone defined that distinction as “sen” is Swedish and “son” is correct!) If you were to go through our donor database, you’d see plenty of them have Nordic names. But we also have a bunch of British names, some dating back to the very settling of the county. Germans and Danes, some Czech, Polish and other Eastern European names, a few Irish and Scottish names – all of them indicators of the immigrants who settled here to find something new, something better. There are indigenous names from the folks who were here before the settlers came and some East Indian and Malaysian names from folks who have much more recently moved here. When you look at the history and backgrounds of the families who chose this place, you could use one or two words to describe them all: Strong and stubborn! They’re a bunch of independent-minded, “I’ll do for myself” characters who are better at giving than taking. You see that behavior all the time around here, too. Someone gets cancer and there’s a spaghetti dinner that almost completely takes care of the out-of-pocket expenses. A developmentally disabled man whose bicycle (his only way to get to work) gets run over receives a brand-spanking-new bike and helmet and lights from the community he lives in. You get it. You’ve attended the events, eaten the tacos in a bag, played the games, bid on the silent auction items you may or may not need. That’s why it’s a privilege to fundraise here. I’m in a constant state of gratitude and recognition of saintly acts all the time. And probably never more so than during the month of April – particularly the actual day of giveBIG St Croix Valley. That’s when Polk County citizens pull out their credit/debit cards and make a huge difference in the effectiveness of their local nonprofits. giveBIG SCV is a 24-hour chunk of time during which 47 Polk County nonprofits attempt to raise var-

Interfaith Caregivers

of Polk County Michele Gillickson ious-sized pots of money to use to help others here in the three communities participating - Amery, Osceola and St. Croix Falls – and throughout the rest of the county. It’s a fundraiser’s dream date! Last year, we raised $227,251; all because you all are better at giving than taking! I’m going to tell you a secret about how you can get even more money to your favorite nonprofit: Make your online donation either very early in the morning on Tuesday, April 26, – from 12:05 a.m. to 6 a.m. – or make it after 10:30 p.m. until 11:55 p.m. Fewer people give at those times, so your nonprofit stands a bigger chance of getting something called a “Golden Ticket.” The folks that help us organize all this onto one Web page pick a name from each hour’s donors and reward the nonprofit that person gave a donation to an extra $100. Since not many are awake at those times, it narrows the field of possible winners! Clever, eh? On another topic entirely, we have a question for those of you who lead service groups: Would you have a day – or a half-day – to rake, prune and tidy up for someone who can’t get out in their yard like they used to? As a result of the early thaw and a couple of warm days, we’ve already received a few calls asking for help. We’re in need of more yardwork volunteers, and service groups (Scouts, 4-H’ers, church Bible study groups, homemakers, committees of Lions, Elks or other such zoological groups, etc.) make some of the best helpers! Call us at 715-8259500 and let us know when y’all are available to help. And speaking of needing help, we are still in need of new volunteers in the St. Croix Falls area (or who don’t mind driving to SCF and helping out). So if you know of someone who’s in need of something to do to keep from being bored to death, we’re your answer. (Wives of newly retired men who have been a bit too much help around the house, this is your chance to find him something else to do before he drives you crazy.) Our address is P.O. Box 65, Milltown, WI 54858 – or – email me your question at michele@interfaithpolk. org – or – call me at 715-825-9500.

DCF honors local professional with Caring for Kids Award

Compiled by Sue Renno

50 years ago A referendum question on the April 5 ballet was a proposal to abolish the office of justice of the peace. This was a natural step, since only about 230 people in the state were serving in that role, out of 1,800 towns, villages and cities that should have had one.–The St. Croix Falls School Board approved raises for the district’s teachers. The new maximum pay after 14 years was raised to $7,600, with $300 additional for heads of families.–Siren’s Bethany Lutheran Church held a mortgage-burning ceremony at their March 27 worship service, for the mortgage on the new building that was first used March 29, 1959.–The Siren Chamber of Commerce chose Siren-A-Rama as the name of their summer celebration, to be held July 15-17.–The State Capitol Newsletter section reported that state officials had settled on a spot in Green Bay for a new branch campus of the University of Wisconsin System, but said their would be controversy, because of “boiling resentment of Appleton and its neighboring communities” over this choice.–The St. Croix Valley Conference coaches choices of 10 best basketball players were Jerry Viebrock and Terry Ruhsam, Osceola; Dale Erickson, Dann Rowe and Merritt Cogswell, Luck; Don Brekke, Frederic; Todd Voss, Unity; Bruce Ward, Amery; Gary Burnstad, St. Croix Falls; and Jon Christian, Grantsburg.–All-conference wrestlers were Jeff Ince and Tom Edgell, Unity; Dave Olson, Randy Soderbeck and David Johnson, Grantsburg; Larry Gorres and Greg Brusletten, Amery; Ken Kromrey, George Groves, Brian Viebrock, Roy Compeau, Ron Neuman and Bruce Christianson, Osceola; and Jeff Minar, St. Croix Falls.

40 years ago A feature story in the Leader gave some history of Frederic and of the Olsen family, starting with Edward J. Olsen, who came to America from Norway during the Civil War. Their Olsen & Son dry goods store, at the time of the writing, had become Hagberg’s, and the First National Bank building, across the street, had been remodeled to become the Olsen & Son Drug store, operated by Robert Coen, son-in-law of Edward and Beth Olsen.–Pearl Cairns, 53, working as a bartender at the Corral Bar in Spooner, was murdered and the bar robbed. Police had arrested a suspect, a man recently released from prison.–The Frederic girls gymnastics team placed fourth at the sectional meet in River Falls, a good showing, with the Altoona and Rice Lake teams moving on, but Frederic’s Lise Fruehling qualified for state as an individual on the uneven bars.–Former Frederic High School Principal Elmer Young was honored by the Phi Delta Kappa educational fraternity for 85 years in Wisconsin education. He started as a student of 6 years old, retired as a principal in 1953 but substitute taught until he was 83, and was still driving each morning, at 91 years old, to teach a boy who was confined to his home by muscular dystrophy.–Boys basketball all-conference selections were Kevin Schwoch and Tom Waggoner, Amery; Scott McElfresh and Dennis Schmidt, Osceola; Brett Southard and Rod Carlson, Frederic; Mark Westrom and Mike Hanson, Grantsburg; Jeff Sorenson, Luck; Wayne Dickinson, St. Croix Falls; Steve Liesch, Unity; and George Weir, Webster.

20 years ago

(L to R): DCF Secretary Eloise Anderson, along with Inger Leclair, award winner, and Allison Fern of Burnett County. – Photo submitted

March is Social Work Month MADISON – In recognition of March as Social Work Month, a local social work professional from Burnett County is among those honored for their outstanding service to families. Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Secretary Eloise Anderson presented the Secretary’s 2016 Caring for Kids Awards during a ceremony Thursday, March 31, in the Assembly Chamber of the state Capitol. Child welfare professionals from around the state were honored for their exceptional dedication to serving people in their communities. Inger Leclair has worked for over a decade as one of only two child protection investigators for the Burnett County Department of Health and Human Services. She is a member of the county’s Children and Families Unit

and serves children and families throughout the Burnett County region. Leclair was recognized for initiating a work group of regional child protection and ongoing case workers that meets regularly, and for setting up a network of contacts that assists workers in the western region of the state. “These awards serve as a way to recognize the work that these caring professionals do to help children and families have better lives,” said Anderson. “Social work assists people in all stages of life and helps meet the basic needs of all people, especially the most vulnerable.” Award selection criteria included years of service and experience, adapting to new initiatives, advocacy, leadership and a proven record of ensuring the well-being of children and families. Visit the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families website at dcf.wi.gov. - submitted

The North Lakeland boys basketball all-conference first team included Luke Johnson, Webster; Jason Haas, Frederic; Todd Plomski and Jason Nichols, Luck; and Mark Bergman, Grantsburg. Girls first team included Heidi Giller and Jessica Wallin, Luck; Jamie Wondra, Siren, Jill Byrne, Frederic; and Amy Sundquist, Grantsburg.–Ken Hackett was named street superintendent for the village of Frederic.–Siren student Ian Connel was the best speller in the sixth grade at a four-school spelling bee at Luck in March.–Siren native Rod Coyour, a nurse/anesthetist working in St. Paul, shared stories with Leader reporter Nancy Jappe about his trip to Peru as part of a team providing free reconstructive surgeries for people with cleft palates and cleft lips. He was planning to go on a similar trip in January, 1997.–Jason Slaikeu, from rural Cushing and a Grantsburg grad attending UW-Eau Claire, won a gold medal in the high jump at the NCAA Division 3 indoor track and field competition in Massachusetts, clearing the bar at 6 feet, 11 inches.–The Unity School play was “M*A*S*H.” Marcel Wilson played Hawkeye Pierce and Luke Eilderts was Col. Blake.–The Webster High School play was “The Diary of Anne Frank,” with Jean Zimmer in the role of Anne.

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TOWN TALK • COUNTRY CHATTER Hello friends, We had one of those revolving-door weeks at the shelter with many animals coming and going. Two of last week’s stray dogs were reclaimed by their owners, the lovely German shepherd and the American Staffordshire terrier. We had a stray shih tzu come in midweek and she also was reclaimed. On Friday, we had two 6-month-olds arrive, one an orange and white cat who was found on Old Hwy. 35 by CTH D, and a German shepherd mix puppy that was found on West River Road out of Grantsburg. We named the cat Ollie and the puppy Dina. Tucker is the name that was given to the stray English springer spaniel that arrived on Saturday afternoon. He appears to be around 2 years old and was found by Austin Lake Road and Okerlund Road. Adoptions were twofold with sweetheart dog TrufCadbury fle and spunky cat



Humane Society of Burnett County Calvin both going to new homes. Our featured dog is a 1-year-old German shepherd mix named Bronx. Bronx came to the shelter as a surrender when his owner could no longer take care of him. He is a happy young dog who enjoys most any activity. The hardest part of walking Bronx is the hooking up part, he gets quite excited at the prospect of an outing. Once on the trail he does quite well, aside from a bit of zig-zagging in front of his walker. He is a quick study and has picked up some training very easily. He is very attentive to his walker, he looks for clues and listens well to commands. I heard that he is a dynamo in the play yard and really enjoys a good game of fetch. Bronx is a very handsome dog with a lovely brown and black coat, and intelligent golden-brown eyes. I found him to be a very nice fellow and I’m sure you would, too. Our featured cat is an adorable 5-month-old kitten named Cadbury. Cadbury was picked up

Frederic Senior Center Our weather remains fairly nice, even though Mother Nature decided we needed a little more snow.

The winners for Spades were Darwin Niles, Jim Anderson, Lorna Erickson and John LaFond. The winners for 500 were Steve Wenthe, Dave

Siren news

Swearingen on Thursday morning. Nina, Lawrence and Donna Hines visited Lida Nordquist on Thursday afternoon. Brian Hines was a Friday visitor of Gerry and Donna Hines. Karen Mangelsen went to Siren on Friday evening and attended the Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre

seems to think they got about two ice-cream pails full, about right for two days. Sympathy is extended to the family of Angela “Angie” Chelmo, who passed away March 31. Last Wednesday, a group of eight Lionesses enjoyed a lunch out and visiting at Adventures in Siren. All you knitters and crocheters, I hope you’re all busy making those hats, mittens, scarves, headbands and slippers for our mitten tree at the U.S. Bank. The Siren Lionesses appreciate all those beautiful items for kids. On Friday, hubby and I took off for the weekend to Chippewa Falls for the 32nd-annual Lions Clubs District 27-E1 convention. We met up with three other Siren Lions and their wives. On Saturday morning we woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow. It was still snowing but it stopped around breakfast time. Several other clubs came in on Saturday morning, stating the roads were terrible. Congratulations to Jason Peterson for being chosen Siren Schools student of excellence for the week. You rock. Congratulations to elementary student Evan Hunter, middle schooler Taedon Nichols, and high schooler Jason Peterson for being chosen Siren Schools students of the week. Way to go, guys.

Webster Senior Center Welcome to April. It feels like March but the weather people say 60s are right around the corner. Birthday wishes to Gladys Beers, Nancy Pieper and Judy Bauerfeld and all others celebrating their special day in April. Fourteen came to play Dime Bingo. There is always room for more. No need to call, just come in. We play every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. There were six players for Dominoes with Judy B. winning. I might mention that she is the scorekeeper. Could there be something in her pen that causes that? Wii bowling was exciting and competitive as usual. Pat N. had high individual game with 299 and also high series at 526. Good job! The Happy Strikers had high team game and series, 780 and

invited to come and join in the fun. I hope everyone is enjoying spring. We hope to see you at the center.

Remember we offer Wi-Fi, coffee and goodies and the book nook. For meal reservations call 715-463-2940. For hall rent or other questions contact Patzy Wenthe at 715-222-6400 or Wally Mitchell at 715-463-2940. For questions about the center ask for Patzy or Wally. You can even email us at gburg118@gmail. com.

month, 11 a.m. • Bingo the second Wednesday of the month, 2:30 p.m. Bring a $1 to $2 wrapped gift. • Grantsburg men’s golf meeting, Thursday, April 14, 10 a.m. • Medica workshop, Tuesday, April 19, 2 p.m. • Ladies tea day, Friday, April 29, 9-11 a.m. • Fun with friends, every day. Wi-Fi available.

Coming events: • Business meeting the third Thursday of the

Karen Mangelsen

Bev Beckmark 715-349-2964

Well folks, it’s going to be a rather early and busy summer here in bear country. I informed you we were raided on Easter Sunday while in church. Come Tuesday morning, I looked out the living room window to see if anything might be down on the front yard. Then I noticed my red metal apple bird feeder was no longer hanging on the hook. I opened the door to see if it was on the deck floor. Sure enough, it was. Well, let me tell you, we no longer have a red apple feeder. Maybe I should call it my red Easter egg. It has to be a small bear, as he tried to bite it and got one of his teeth stuck in it. The birds don’t seem to mind at all. March came in like a lamb this year and left pretty much like one too. However, on April Fools’ Day, Old Man Winter was around, shaking his bag of white stuff, making everything look like it had been sprinkled with powdered sugar. As pretty as it was, it didn’t last long. Hubby and I were gone for the weekend, only to come home to a mess in the bird yard once again. The funny thing is, however, they didn’t touch the disc blade feeder at all. The tree rats must not have been happy about missing out on the walnuts each morning. They took it upon themselves to get what they wanted. They chewed a hole in one of his garbage cans and took what they wanted. Hubby

Peterson, Susie Hughes and Arnie Borchert. Remember that we play Spades on Monday at 1 p.m. and 500 on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is

Patzy Wenthe

helping. We were so glad to see Pete and Judy back from their spring/Easter trip to Omaha. Did I mention they were just in time to help at the sale, too? We also welcomed the first of our snowbirds, Carol and Bob, who just returned from Arizona this week, too. There was plenty to do between the changing seasons, days of the weekend from plays to music, or maybe you helped celebrate a 90th birthday. Right, Andy (Otmer) Anderson?

Dewey-LaFollette Trudy DeLawyer, Dixie Andrea, Connie Quam, Kris Fjelstad, Karen Mangelsen, Beth Crosby and Lida Nordquist went to Cumberland on Tuesday afternoon to visit Lorraine Crosby. Beverly Brunclik and Shirley Mack joined the group also to help Lorraine celebrate her 90th birthday. Karen Mangelsen called on Marlene and Bruce

undertones and her lively green eyes. She has one ear tip, her right one, that tips a little bit backward and a couple of white eyelashes that stand out next to the other black ones, very unusual. Cadbury would likely fit into most any home environment, she puts up with other cats and dogs alike, and she loves people. Have you all noticed that the ticks have arrived already? About mid-March I started pulling them off my Lab, and it prompted me to start her Frontline protection shortly after, earlier that usual this spring. I’ve heard there are quite a few different products out there, both oral and topical, to use to ward off and kill those awful ticks. As another heads-up, we will be into mosquito season soon which can sometimes lead to heartworm problems in dogs and cats. We’ve treated many dogs that came to the shelter with heartworm, and it is a long, difficult and expensive problem to treat. It’s so much better to prevent it than cure it. The Humane Society of Burnett County, hsburnettcty.org, is saving lives, one at a time. Phone 715-866-4096, license No. 26335-DS. Check us out and like us on Facebook too. Have a great week.

Dave Peterson

Grantsburg Senior Center Friends and family were fortunate to be treated to Lois Anderson’s cinnamon rolls and goodies she baked for us on Friday in celebration of her 80th birthday. Happy birthday and thank you, Lois. Well, after working all week preparing for our rummage sale, we awoke Saturday morning to wildly wicked winds and blowing snow surrounding us. Thankfully, we still had many attend the sale to help make it a success. Gratitude is extended to all who helped by giving donations or by physically

on CTH H as a stray on March 22. She has settled in to life at the shelter with ease, as most kittens do. On Thursday when I went to the shelter, Cadbury was playing with, or should I say ignoring, lively kitten Calvin in the office. He would run up to her and try to engage Bronx her in trouble just to be hissed at or ignored completely. This confident little miss just wanted to do her own thing and wasn’t about to be sidetracked by our little orange troublemaker. Cadbury was too busy exploring the office and checking out the toys to be bothered. After walking the dogs, I stopped back in to get some pictures of her. She had tired out a bit by then and took up residence on my lap while I was visiting with the office staff. She was so friendly and sweet that I hated to make her move from her comfy position when it was time for me to go. Not only is she a sweet kitten, she is really pretty with her black coat with chocolate

Bernie Bolter

1,557. Bill B. picked up the 2-5-7 split, Harvey the 4-7-10 and Fred the 5-7. There were several in the 200 club, Bill B. 212, 212 210, Gordy 200, Pat 227, Bill P. 207 and Vickie 200. We will be playing Horse Race the second Saturday of the month starting Saturday, April 9, at 1 p.m. We are also going to have a Wii bowling day for anyone who wants to join in, the third Saturday of every month beginning Saturday, May 21, at 10 a.m. The April menus are out. Stop in and pick one up. Be sure to sign up for your favorites. A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles. See you at the center.

presentation of “Robin Hood.” Gerry and Donna Hines, and Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Lawrence and Nina Hines on Saturday afternoon. A large number of people attended the surprise anniversary party for Marvin and Gladys Knoop Saturday afternoon at the Dewey Town Hall. Congratu-

lations to them on their 63 years of marriage. Lida Nordquist called on Nina and Lawrence Hines on Sunday noon. Later, Lida and Marlene Swearingen spent some time visiting Donna and Gerry Hines.

St. Croix Valley Senior Center Pat Willits We were traveling through the oil fields of eastern Colorado on Sunday afternoon, about 66 degrees and rising there. I sure hope we are bringing home the warmth with us. There were lots of huge hay fields, antelope and cattle as we rode along. I hope everyone made it to the voting polls on Tuesday. The senior center invites all those over 55 living in Polk County, and our close Minnesota neighbors, to join in our activities. To learn more about the center, attend the monthly meetings the third Tuesday of each month. At these meetings we welcome your input and suggestions for activities. We have a potluck lunch before the meeting with cards to follow the meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting but have questions, please call the center on Tuesdays. We play cards on Tuesday afternoons, most

Sunday afternoons and Thursday evenings. There is Bridge every Friday at 10 a.m. We play Bingo on the first and third Friday afternoons, Pokeno the second and fourth Fridays and Mahjong at noon on Wednesdays. The Tuesday, March 29, 500 winner was Arnie Borchert. The nine bid went to Norma Lundgren. Hand and Foot winners were Gladis Welkert, Bill McGrorty and Russ Adams. The Thursday, March 31, 500 winners were Betty Wilson and David Thelen. Join us for potluck lunch most Tuesdays and Sundays, and stay for cards. Bring a friend along. The senior center is located downtown at 140 N. Washington, St. Croix Falls, phone 715-483-1901.

Siren Senior Center We are getting items in for the silent auction and door prizes. We have a large selection to bid on. Stop in to the center and check out the items. We are hoping people will stop in and do some bidding to support the senior center. Remember our center is available to rent for meetings, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Our 500 winners were Barb Geske, Sandy Hickey, Marilyn Niles and Dave Peterson. Spades winners were Marilyn Niles, Gerry Vogel, Virginia Martin, Steve Wenthe and Barb Geske. We woke up on Saturday to a white ground again. One nice thing is we know this white stuff is not going to stick around.

Nona Severson

Dates to remember: Wednesday, April 6: Our evening meals will start again, 4:45 p.m. Menu will be roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad bar and lemon pie. Tuesday, April 12: Driver training class from 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 13: An ambulance driver will be at the center at 10 a.m. to give a presentation on how to use the automatic exterior defibrillator. Wednesday, April 13: Potluck at 11:30 a.m., come for the presentation and stay for our potluck and then 500 at 1 p.m. Make it a whole day at the center. Thursday, April 21: Monthly meeting. Wednesday, April 30: 500 card party 1 p.m. with silent auction, door prizes and lunch. Thursday, June 2: Music in the Park will start again.

See every page in color with our online e-edition • leadernewsroom.com



Birth announcement Born at Burnett Medical Center: A boy, Lucious James Lightfeather, born April 3, 2016, to Danielle Keller and James Lightfeather of Webster. Lucious weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz. and was 21 inches long. Siblings are Keira, Phoenix, Teah, Angel, Olivia, Jolena, Kyleigh and James Jr. Grandparents are Danny and Sarah Keller of Siren and Linda Lightfeather of Hertel. Great-grandparents are Dana and Sandy Clark of Danbury and Esther Martin of Hertel. •••

Born at St. Croix Regional Medical Center: A boy, Grair Phillip Carlson, born March 17, 2016, to Kendra and Michael Carlson of Balsam Lake. Grair weighed 8 lbs. ••• A girl, Lauren Edith Peterson, born March 19, 2016, to Allison Peterson of Balsam Lake. Lauren weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz. ••• A boy, Finley Floyd Edaburn, born March 21, 2016, to Elise Eichman and Buddy Edaburn of Luck. Finley weighed 9 lbs., 11 oz.

••• A boy, Ryker John Janes, born March 22, 2016, to Sierra Erickson and Dustin Janes of Grantsburg. Ryker weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz. ••• A boy, David Allen Riggle, born March 23, 2016, to Crystal and Jason Riggle of Amery. David weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz. ••• A girl, Olivia Maezelle Geske, born March 24, 2016, to Jessia Spafford and Dylan Geske of Webster. Olivia weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz. ••• A girl, Emma Nikolai Werdier, born March 24, 2016, to Justin and Galina Werdier of Webster. Emma weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. ••• A boy, Howard Calvin Koch, born March 25, 2016, to Rachel Thornock of Grantsburg and Andrew Koch of St. Croix Falls. Howard weighed 8 lbs., 7 oz. ••• A boy, Miles Justin Schuh, born March 26, 2016, to Justin and Carrie Schuh. Miles weighed 8 lbs., 9 oz.

Unity Community Education Please register for Unity Community Ed classes online at unity.k12.wi.us/district/communityeducation or contact Deb Paulsen by email at depaulsen@unity.k12.wi.us or call 715-825-2101, ext. 1560. TRX fitness class: Mondays, April 11 - June 6, no class May 30; and Wednesdays, April 13 - June 1, 5:45-6:30 p.m., upper gym. Instructor: Amy Williamson. Cost: $40 for each eight-session class, choose Monday or Wednesday, or $72 for all 16 sessions. Space is limited to the first 10 registrants. Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast”: Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m. meal, 1 p.m. show at Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. Bus departs Unity School at 8:45 a.m. Cost: $95. Preregister by Friday, April 15. Limited number of tickets available. Aqua Zumba: Tuesdays for six weeks, beginning April 5 and May 17, 5-5:45 p.m., Unity pool. Instructor: Michelle Flaherty. Cost: six classes $30/$17.25 seniors, payable to WITC. Morning yoga: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:157:15 a.m., auditorium. Instructor: Kim Butler. Cost: $5 per class or $54 for 12 classes, payable to instructor at class. Zumba: Mondays, April 18 – May 23, new session starting June 6, 6-7 p.m., high school gym. Instructor: Michelle Flaherty. Cost: $5 per class or $54 for 12 classes, payable to instructor at class. DNR boating safety certification: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, April 18, 19 and 21, 5:30-8 p.m., school library. Instructor: Deputy Jeff Hahn. Cost: $10, payable to community ed. Participants must be at least 11 years old, but the certificate earned in class does not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. You will need to bring your DNR customer identification number with you to class. If you have not had one assigned yet, contact the Wisconsin DNR at 888-936-7463. Preregister through community ed. Class is limited to the first 30 registrants.

Baby sign language basics: Wednesdays, May 4 and 11, 4-5:30 p.m., elementary school conference room. Instructor: Leslie Peterson. Cost: $20. Preregister by Wednesday, April 27. Logging era learn and lunch: Friday, May 13, 11 a.m., Polk County Museum, Balsam Lake.Cost: $15. Preregister by Friday, April 29. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum: Tuesday, June 7, 10:30 a.m. garden tour. Bus departs Unity School at 8:15 a.m. Bus leaves the Arboretum to return home at 2 p.m. For more information, visit arboretum.umn.edu. Cost: $45. Preregister by Tuesday, May 31. Wild food rambles: Wednesdays, May 4, 11 and 18; June 15, 22 and 29; July 6, 13 and 20, 6-7 p.m., instructor’s home. Directions given upon registration. Instructor: Tanna Worrell. For more info, visit foodandspirit.com. Cost: $12/one class; $30/three classes; $55/six classes; $72/nine classes. Spring birding: Sunday, May 22. Sterling Barrens, 4-8 a.m., meet at 4 a.m. at the St. Croix Falls Lions Park; Straight Lake State Park, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Instructor: Brian Collins. Cost: $5/person or $15/family. Concrete leaf casting garden art: Tuesday and Thursdays, June 9, 14 and 16, 6-7 p.m., middle school art room. Instructor: Missie Sogge. Cost: $12, payable to community ed, and $10 supply fee, payable to instructor at class. Preregister by Thursday, June 2. Red Cross swimming lessons: Monday – Thursday, June 13-23, for levels 1 and higher, and June 13-16 for infant and prelevel 1, 12:45-3:30 p.m., Unity pool. Check website for specific class times. Instructors: Laurie Paulsen, Sharon Stoll and Jeanne Wallis. Cost: $35 for level 1 and higher, $30 for infant and prelevel 1. Registration deadline is noon on Friday, June 3, but classes will close earlier if spaces are filled.


Arnell Humane Society of Polk County her leg, requiring a rubber bootie before each venture outdoors, the amazing Mazey is ready to get on with her life in a big whoop-it-up way. She will be learning the ropes from a senior dog and going to work at a plant nursery with her new mom. We are so happy for her! Not to be outdone, Katie, the playful black and white imp of a kitten, has been adopted after four months of shelter life. Katie kept her sense of humor. She loved the cat trees and shelving in the adoptable cat room, but life with her significant other in her own apartment is so much better. Katie will be entertaining her new mom for years to come. Our nonprofit shelter has two donation fundraisers in the works; one is happening now and the other at the end of the month. MarketPlace Foods in St. Croix Falls is hosting a “shelter supplies wish list” brown bag fundraiser now through the month of April. All of the supplies and treats we use on a regular basis are bagged up, ready to purchase and donate at the check stands. Items that would normally come out of our budgeted dollars are donated through this great event at wholesale prices. By receiving supplies in a donation, you are helping us free up funds to do even more for the animals. On Tuesday, April 26, Amery, Osceola and St. Croix Falls are working together to promote giveBIG St. Croix Valley, a once-a-year, 24-hour online fundraising extravaganza. Your donation to Arnell Humane Society will help us provide shel-

Mazey and mom ter to homeless dogs and cats, reunite lost pets with their owners and create new beginnings for adopting families and pets. The official 24-hour fundraiser through Razoo.com begins at midnight and ends at 11:59 p.m. on April 26. Select Arnell from any of the three communities to make your donation. AMHS has a $500 matching grant from Nestle-Purina, followed by a $2,500 matching grant from Arnell board members. Help us use every cent of these generous contributions. Go online to giveSCV.org to find the Arnell Humane Society giveBIG page. Last year we raised over $7,000 on this one day. We are hoping to reach $10,000 this year. Spread the word. Ask your friends and family to consider giving on that day. All donations go directly to caring for stray, surrendered and abandoned pets. We depend on community support to continue our support of the animals that depend on us. Please help us help them. Arnell Memorial Humane Society, Amery, 715 268-7387 (PETS), or online, arnellhumane.org and Facebook.

Frederic Community Education Social media for businesses: Wednesdays, April 6 and 13, 5:30-8:30 p.m., high school, $30/$17 seniors. Intro to banjo: Saturday, April 9, 1-4 p.m., high school band room, $18. Fly tying: Thursday, April 14, 6:30 p.m., high school. Woodland Chorale Concert: Saturday, April 16, 7:30 p.m., high school, freewill donation. Learn Mahjong: Wednesdays, April 20 - May 25, 2 p.m., Frederic Public Library. Make your own porch pot: Tuesday, April 26, 6:30-8 p.m. at the Rose Garden in Frederic, $10 plus materials. Intro to Facebook: Thursday, April 21, 6-8:30 p.m., high school, $21.50/$13 seniors. Microsoft Excel: Tuesday and Thursday, May 3 and 5, 6-8:30 p.m., $30/$17.25 seniors, high school lab. Horse crazy: Tuesday and Thursday, May 17 and 19, 3:15-5:15 p.m., elementary school, $10. Youth mosaic drink coasters: Monday and Tuesday, May 23 and 24, 3:15-5:15 p.m., elementary school, $14. Driver’s education orientation: Wednesday, June 1, 6 p.m., high school. Driver’s education classes June 6-28, contact SafeStartDrivingSchool.com for more info. Summer Creativity Camp:

Monday-Friday, Aug. 15-19, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., elementary school, ages 5-12, $85.

Ongoing Zumba: Every Wednesday, 6 p.m., elementary school gym. Zumba toning: Every Sunday, 6 p.m., elementary school gym. Clogging: Mondays, 5:30-7:30 p.m., elementary school.

Trips Duluth history and brew tour: Saturday, May 7, 7:45 a.m.-6 p.m., pickup and drop-off at high school, $60. Contact Frederic Community Education for more info. If you would like to register for a class or need more information, please contact Mary at 715-3274868, ext. 1117, or email millerm@frederic.k12. wi.us. Follow them on Facebook at Frederic Community Education. Registration forms and other helpful information can also be found on the website, frederic.k12.wi.us/community-ed.



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Terri Ann McKinney and Jared James Anderson are happy to announce their engagement. Terri is the daughter of David and Sherry McKinney of Frederic. She is a 2010 graduate of Frederic High School. She is currently employed at the Polk County Early Learning Center in Balsam Lake. Jared is the son of Jim and Nancy Anderson of Cushing. He is a 2007 graduate of St. Croix Falls High School. He is currently employed at Northwire in Osceola. Their wedding is planned for June 18, 2016, in Indian Creek. - Photo submitted

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Suzette is a petite walker coonhound. She is knee high, about the size of a large cocker spaniel. She could be a Beagle. We aren’t exactly sure because she came to the shelter as a stray. And since a beagle is basically a petite walker coonhound, it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Suzette is a friendly, tricolor scent hound mix with a perky personality. She is 1 year old, playful and adorable. She enjoys a brisk walk, nose to the ground or in the air, floppy ears in the breeze. Suzette has that gentle demeanor, so loved in the hound breeds. She is spayed and ready to go home. Animals have been getting adopted so fast we don’t even have time to put them on Petfinder or the website. Last week five dogs and two cats went home. Dooley, a middle-aged chubby beagle, found a single, middle-aged gentleman in need of a friend. Splenda, a brindle Chihuahua/terrier mix, will be making life complete for a family. Daisy the 7-pound shih tzu was scooped up by a senior couple looking for the “last dog we will ever own.” She will be joining two other small senior dogs in her new home. Remy, a black and white hound/pointer mix, found his boy. Remy was quite smitten with his new boy and likewise for the boy. A boy and his dog, a heartwarming story. Our amazing Mazey, the Australian shepherd mix stray puppy with a broken leg, has made a full recovery and hopped right into the lap of a wonderful adopter. After six weeks of suffering through life wearing a cone and a Suzette rigid splint to stabilize

607469 32a,dtfc 43Ltfc


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LIBRARY CORNER Grantsburg Library news National Library Week April 11-15, celebrate and rediscover all that our nation’s libraries and librarians have to offer. Fun and celebration all week! • Monday, April 11 - the library’s new longer hours begin • Tuesday, April 12 - we’re honoring our many volunteers with a token of appreciation • Wednesday, April 13 - kids get a free book at story time • Thursday, April 14 - is open mic night. Sign up to participate at the library • Friday, April 15 - free library gala dinner tickets

Spring gala

join Kristi Pupak of Crex Meadows Wildlife Area for a fun and educational story time on Wednesday, April 6, at 10:30 a.m. Kristi will provide interactive activities with read-aloud stories.

Board at the Library Board at the Library is held Mondays at 1 p.m. It’s back to the good old days. Bring out your deck of cards or an old-fashioned board game! The library’s learning center will be reserved for people who want to play board games, card games and socialize.

Materials coming soon. . . Books

Schedule an appointment to meet with volunteers from the AARP Tax preparation program. Upcoming appointment openings are offered the mornings of Thursday, April 7, and Friday, April 8. Call the library to schedule an appointment and to find out if you qualify for the program, 715-463-2244.

“The Last Mile” by David Baldacci “The Widow” by Fiona Barton “Wedding Cake Murder” by Joanne Fluke “A Place Called Winter” by Patrick Gale “Hide Away” by Iris Johansen “The Watcher in the Wall” by Owen Laukkanen “A Girl’s Guide to Moving On” by Debbie Macomber “Me Before You” by Jojo Moyes “As Close to Us As Breathing” by Elizabeth Poliner “The Obsession” by Nora Roberts “Extreme Prey” by John Sandford “The Summer Before the War” by Helen Simonson “Blind Reef” by Peter Tonkin

Preschool story hour

Audio books

The Friends of the Library annual spring gala will be held on Saturday, April 30, at 6 p.m. This year the guest speaker will be author Tom Combs. Combs’ had a career as an emergency room physician that now provides the foundation for his riveting medical mystery plots. A dinner will also be served. Ticket information at the library or by calling 715-463-2244.

Free tax assistance

On Wednesday, March 23, kids attending the library story hour were read to by Tammy Lindquist and her grandson, Dayton. The duo read Easter stories and treated the kids attending to an egg hunt.

Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to

“The Last Mile” by David Baldacci

Library hours and information

“Off the Grid” by C.J. Box “The Gangster” by Clive Cussler “Extreme Prey” by John Sandford

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, noon – 6 p.m.; Wednesays, 10:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m. – noon. Phone number: 715-463-2244. Website: grantsburg.wislib.org. To find out about the latest library events, follow us on Facebook.

DVDs “Brooklyn” “The Revenant” “The Room” “Spotlight”

Larsen Family Public Library news Our wild rice cookbooks are on sale at the library and the coffee shop for $12. The next Second Saturday Used Book Sale is April 9, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Paperbacks, 50 cents; hardcovers, $1; plastic bag of books, $4; paper bag of books, $5. The Friends will host an author event featuring Jim Anderson on Thursday, April 14, at 7 p.m. Jim is the author of “Discovering America One Marathon at a Time.” On Wednesday, April 13, at 3:30 p.m. Kathryn Schiedermayer, Master Gardener, will present “Container Gardening.” Topics covered will include plants suitable for containers, maintenance and growing herbs in containers.

National Library Week Join us during the week of April 11-16 to celebrate National Library Week. Check out our flier with our list of events on our webpage, webster.wislib.org, to find out more information about our fun-filled week.

The Great Courses Pat Soderbeck donated three more courses to our library’s collection: Great Masters: Mozart - His Life and Music, Great Masters: Beethoven - His Life and Music, and Leonardo da Vinci and the Italian High Renaissance. All of our Great Course DVDs are available for checkout.

Table tennis (pingpong) We will meet in April on Wednesdays, April 20 and 27, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is not a tournament - just some fun playing pingpong no matter what your skill level. Everyone is welcome.

Preschool story time Please join us every Wednesday morning at 10:30 a.m. for stories, snacks, activities and socialization (for the children and the adults!) Everyone is welcome - we love to see new faces. And don’t forget our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program - babies love to hear you reading to them. During National Library Week, the children will receive a

free book at story time, April 13.

Another opportunity for story time Annette will be back reading for story time on the third Saturday of each month. Bring children to the library on April 16, at 11 a.m. to share wonderful stories, snacks and a chance to socialize with other children. Sponsored by Burnett County Family Literacy.

Adult book club The title for our April 26 book club discussion is “The Boston Girl” by Anita Diamant. We meet at 10 a.m. the fourth Tuesday of every month (except December) in the Nexen Room. Everyone is welcome, even if you haven’t had time to read the book. Call the library to reserve your copy. “Anita Diamant follows the life of one woman, Addie Baum, through a period of dramatic change. Addie is ‘The Boston Girl,’ the spirited daughter of an immigrant Jewish family, born in 1900 to parents who were unprepared for America and its effect on their three daughters. Growing up in the North End of Boston, then a teeming multicultural neighborhood, Addie’s intelligence and curiosity take her to a world her parents can’t imagine—a world of short skirts, movies, celebrity culture and new opportunities for women. Addie wants to finish high school and dreams of going to college. She wants a career and to find true love. From the one-room tenement apartment she shared with her parents and two sisters, to the library group for girls she joins at a neighborhood settlement house, to her first, disastrous love affair, to finding the love of her life, eighty-five-year-old Addie recounts her adventures with humor and compassion for the naïve girl she once was.” (review taken from Amazon.com)

Newly acquired materials Juvenile • “The White Cat and the Monk” by Jo Ellen Bogart • “When Spring Comes” by Kevin Henkes

• “The Tree in the Courtyard” by Jeff Gottesfeld • “Goodnight Hockey, “ “Goodnight Football,” Goodnight Baseball,” all by Michael Dahl • “Sports Nutrition for Teen Athletes” by Dana Meachen Rau • The Science of Sports series • “Cheer Tryouts and Training” by Marcia Amidon Lusted • “Aaron is a Good Sport” by P.D. Eastman • “Big Book of Why” by Sports Illustrated • “My Body Needs Exercise” by Jenna Lee Gleisner • “My Body Needs Food” by Jenna Lee Gleisner • “The Science of Sports with Max Axiom Super Scientist” series by Nikole Brooks Bethea • “Science of Summer Olympics” series • “Jim Nasium” series by Marty McKnight • “The Bowling Lane Without Any Strikes” by Steve Brezenoff • Jake Maddox Sports Stories series by Jake Maddox • “Cheerleading Really Is a Sport” by Julie Gassman • Game On! series by Brandon Terrell • “The Otter” by Cynthia Rylant • “Captain Jack and the Pirates” by Peter Bently

Adult • “Fool Me Once” by Harlan Coben • “Treachery at Lancaster Gate” by Anne Perry • “Darkness” by Karen Robards • “Brush of Wings” by Karen Kingsbury • “Journey to Munich” by Jacqueline Winspeare • “Death Sits Down to Dinner” by Tessa Arlen • “Dead to the Last Drop” by Cleo Coyle • “The Atonement” by Beverly Lewis • “The Cracked Spine” by Paige Shelton • “Family Jewels” by Stuart Woods • “Lilac Girls” by Martha Hall Kelly • “Brooklyn”

Audio CD book • Penn Cage Collection Series by Greg Iles • “Private Paris” by James Patterson • “The High Mountains of Portugal” by Yann Martel

Hours and information Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. For more information, contact the library at 715-866-7697, website: webster.wislib.org. Online catalog: merlin. nwls.lib.wi.us/search.

2 - 8 p.m.



Located On Hwy. 35 Between Frederic & Siren Lewis, WI


Fri., April 22, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Wed., April 27, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. 643848 22-27a 33-38L Wed., May 4, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

• “A Little Bit of Dirt: 55+ Science and Art Activities to Reconnect Children with Nature” by Asia Citro • “The Bullhead Queen” by Sue Leaf • “Portage: A Family Canoe” by Sue Leaf • “A Love Affair with Birds: The Life of Thomas Sadler Roberts” by Sue Leaf

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Open House Events

Adult nonfiction


Frederic Elementary “Mite-Y-Vikes”

Children turning 4 on or before September 1 will be eligible to enroll in Frederic’s 4K program for the 2016/2017 school year! Please call the elementary office to register your child and schedule a time to visit our classroom and meet the teacher! 715-327-4221

• “The Good Dinosaur” • “In the Heart of the Sea” • “War Room” • “When Calls the Heart” • “Game of Thrones: Complete 5th Season” • “Audism Unveiled” (Documentary) • “Room” • “Alvin vs Brittany” • “The Hateful Eight” • “Mockinjay: Part 2”

Featured Artists For The Month Of April Gloria Adrian - “Dual Perspective, 200 Years Later” Oil Paintings Walter Van Blaircom - “Portraits, Landscapes and Wildlife” Barb Tanner - “Jewelry Made By Hand” Amery High School Student Art Exhibit 208 Keller Avenue • Amery, Wisconsin • 715-268-8600 Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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Friends of the Library


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Together we can make a difference!


Understanding child abuse and neglect The Say Something, Do Something for Kids initiative is one way to show how everyone can be an ally to a child or a family in the community. Child abuse can occur anywhere and is not restricted to a particular group, race, income or location. Wherever there are children, there is the potential for abuse. In order to do your part, it is important to understand and recognize the warning signs for child abuse and neglect.

What is child abuse and neglect? Child abuse is an act or failure to act by a parent or caregiver that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or that creates an imminent risk of serious harm to a child. Child abuse typically refers to harm caused by parents or other caregivers, but acquaintances, strangers and other people may also be responsible for abusing a child. Child abuse and neglect in Wisconsin are legally defined in Wisconsin’s Children’s Code, Chapter 48. Neglect Neglect is failure, refusal or inability on the part of a parent or caregiver to provide necessary care that may seriously endanger the physical health of a child. Neglect may include or be characterized by a lack or absence of the following basic care needs: Proper food, medical and dental care, hygiene, shelter, clothing, education, love and attention, supervision and setting limits and abandonment. In 2014, there were 3,437


estival Theatre welcomes featured artists Tom Anderson and Sherry Pearce. Anderson grounds the Joad family as Pa, and Pearce astonishes as Grandma and others in “The Grapes of Wrath.” The show opens Saturday, April 9, at the Franklin Square Black Box and runs Thursdays - Sundays until Sunday, April 24. Adapted by Frank Galati from the original novel by John Steinbeck, the show contains adult themes, violence and strong language. Jaclyn June Johnson returns to Festival for this large-cast show, sponsored by ArtReach and the Unity Area FFA Alumni. Anderson grew up in North Branch, Minn., where he participated in high school and community theater. He has a degree in wildlife biology and worked 30 years as a naturalist and director of the Lee and Rose Warner Nature Center in Marine on St. Croix, Minn. His love of science and theater collided in the one-man show he wrote and performed, “Following the Footsteps of Linneaus.” The show was about the “father of botany,” Carl von Linneaus, who also pioneered the system we use to name organisms, for example, the scientific name for humans is Homo sapiens.

Blue Ribbon

Campaign substantiated incidents of neglect in Wisconsin.

Sexual abuse Sexual abuse includes sexual intercourse, exploitation and any sexual contact, touching or nontouching, with a child. This includes, but is not limited to: • Nontouching sexual offenses including frank discussions about sexual acts intended to arouse the child’s interest, obscene telephone calls, exhibitionism, voyeurism, pornography and allowing children to witness or hear sexual acts. • Touching sexual offenses including rape, incest, touching of breasts, attempted intercourse and fondling of the genitals. In 2014, there were 1,177 substantiated incidents of sexual abuse in Wisconsin. Physical abuse Physical abuse is physical injury inflicted on a child by other than accidental means. Physical abuse includes, but is not limited to, physical beatings, slapping, hitting, burns, strangulation and human bites. In 2014, there were 901 substantiated incidents of physical abuse


Featured Artists Like Pa Joad, Anderson has spent a lot of time exploring the United States and beyond. Last year alone he spent time at his outpost in the wilds of the Yukon Territory, cycled miles Tom Anderson of Minnesota roads, paddled Utah’s Green River, canoed into the Alaskan Arctic, fished in Quetico Provincial Park, backpacked the Lake Superior Hiking Trail and winter camped in the BWCA. When not in motion, Anderson enjoys reading and writing, including his blog, Aligning with Nature.

in Wisconsin.

Emotional abuse Emotional damage is harm to a child’s psychological or intellectual functioning. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that attacks children’s emotional development, their spirit and self-concept and makes them feel unloved, unlovable and worthless. It is thought to be the most common form of abuse. Emotional abuse usually accompanies other forms of abuse and has long-lasting effects on the individual. This type of abuse includes, but is not limited to, constant criticizing, belittling, insulting or rejecting a child; withholding love, support and guidance; and manipulation. In 2014, there were 26 substantiated incidents of emotional abuse in Wisconsin. Unborn child abuse Child abuse in Wisconsin also includes cases where an unborn child is endangered due to the expectant mother’s “habitual lack of self-control in the use of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree.” Unborn child abuse includes serious physical harm to the unborn child or the risk of serious physical harm to the child when born as a result of the mother’s substance abuse. Manufacturing methamphetamine The manufacturing of methamphetamine is also recognized as a form of child abuse or neglect in cases where a

Anderson is looking forward to working with a great group of folks at Festival, challenging himself with this role and bringing this great American classic to the stage. Pearce has performed with singing groups since high school, but did not get involved with acting until about 20 years ago, when she moved to Minnesota. She earned an Associate of Science degree in biology from Cypress College in California. More recently, Pearce studied theater at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis and at Anoka-Ramsey Community College in Cambridge, Minn. Pearce has been bringing her one-woman Bible-based drama to South Dakota, Illinois, Indiana and local churches. She also sings at a local nursing home each week. Pearce’s favorite role was modern-day Sala in “Letters to Sala.” The play centers around Sala, a Polish Jew sent to the Nazi labor camps during World War II. The play is based on primary source documents and letters she saved from that time. Pearce was inspired by the impact the show had on audiences. After a performance, she connected to

child is physically present during the manufacture or it occurs in a child’s home, on the premises of a child’s home or in a motor vehicle located on the premises of a child’s home. Under any circumstances, a reasonable person should have known that the manufacture would be seen, smelled or heard by a child. Throughout the month of April, the Polk County Citizen Review Panel will be promoting a countywide Blue Ribbon Campaign through various activities. You may notice blue ribbon yard signs and parenting information throughout the communities, hear information over the radio, see articles in the paper, and talk to your children about what they heard at school. Say Something, Do Something for Kids is an initiative of the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board, Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin, a program of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services and Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. To learn more about child-abuse prevention and for more ideas how to become involved, visit Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin, preventchildabusewi. org; Department of Children and Families, dcf.wisconsin.gov; and Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board, wichildrenstrustfund.org.

one man who told her of his own mother who had been in many of the labor camps that Sala had been in. Pearce was moved by how much a piece of theater could Sherry Pearce help this man understand part of his mother’s history he had never known. Pearce provides an incredible performance as Grandma Joad and other ensemble characters. The ensemble creates the world around the Joads as they struggle to find their place in California. Pearce is looking forward to learning a lot from other actors and production staff during the show. “I am surprised at what they teach me and what they are able to bring out of me.”

Siren FCCLA to host Dashing for Donuts Becky Strabel | Staff writer SIREN - Siren School’s Family, Career and Community Leaders of America organization is only in its third year at the high school level. In FCCLA, success can be measured by the number of participants that earn the right to compete in

Students Taking Action with Recognition events at a state or national level. In the charter year, two members made their way to San Antonio, Texas, for national competition and last year, one member went to Washington, D.C., to compete. Later this April, 12 members are

WWOA to meet in Hayward tuary, near Solon Springs on Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m. Current and former DNR employees will describe the ecosystem and lead a brief motorized tour to highlight some of the features of the area. After lunch, a forester from Douglas County will conduct a short motorized tour of Douglas County Forest to showcase the county’s forestry efforts and the contrast with the barrens habitat. A soup and sandwich lunch will be available for a small cost. Please RSVP for a lunch count to Kent Makela, 715-364-2598, or ausdauerdogs@cheqnet.net by Saturday, May 14. Detailed directions to follow. The fall field day is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 15. A specific location will be determined. – submitted



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HAYWARD - The Northwest Chapter of Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association will hold its annual meeting and conference on Saturday, April 16, at the Flat Creek Inn and Suites, 10290 Hwy. 27 S., in Hayward. Topics include update on forestry best management practices to protect water quality, black bear damage and nuisance control, and marketing wood products to mushroom growers. Registration, coffee and rolls will begin at 9:30 a.m., and the meeting will begin at 10 a.m. Lunch will be available for $10. Following the presentation on wood products for growing mushrooms as a hobby or for market to growers, there will be a demonstration inoculation of a log with shiitake spawn. The spring field day will be at the Douglas County Wildlife Area, bird sanc-

competing at the state level with a chance with the $20 registration fee. Forms can be to earn a trip to nationals in July in San found online at siren.k12.wi.us. For more Diego, Calif. information, contact Heather O’Brien, Why such an increase in participation? FCCLA adviser, at 715-349-2277, ext. 204. After seeing the high school chapter sucO’Brien stated, “This event will be receed , the middle school wanted a chapter placing the annual Glow Run that has of its own. A number of the 12 compet- been held the past two years. So, be sure ing at state include middle school youth. to sign up for this event, you ‘donut’ want Along with the increased numbers in- to miss this.” clude increased costs, and that leads us to donuts! The Dashing for Donuts 5K is an event to raise more than just donuts but funds, too. After finishing each kilometer, competitors get to snack on a donut as they continue on their way. For added fun, you can come 307 N. Cascade St. dressed as a donut, too. 715-294-2566 The fun run/walk will be held on Saturday, April 23, at the Siren School, with packet pickup at 9 a.m. and the race starting at 10 By Appointment Only a.m. A T-shirt is included

Mon. - Fri. 9:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Gift Certificates Available


OBITUARIES Judy K. Berg Judy K. Berg, 67, passed away March 14, 2016. She was born April 9, 1948. A visition will be held Saturday, April 16, 2016, from 10 to 11 a.m., at Lewis United Methodist Church in Lewis, Wis. A prayer service will follow the visitation, officiated by Pastor Eddie Crise and Pastor Tom Cook. A luncheon will follow at the church.

Holy Trinity UMC to host appreciation service and potluck BALSAM LAKE - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church, Balsam Lake/Centuria, is hosting a short service on Tuesday, April 26, in appreciation of the beautiful Wisconsin spring and summer seasons, followed by a community potluck supper. The service will begin at 5 p.m. with a potluck meal following at 5:15 p.m. Bring food to share. For those interested in continuing the themed evening, carpool or caravan to Interstate State Park in St. Croix Falls at 7 p.m. to hear a local author speak about his Alaskan kayaking adventure in Prince William Sound. Holy Trinity UMC is located on CTH I between Balsam Lake and Centuria, 1606 165th Ave. – submitted

James Bryce Morden

Nancy Bottke Hvambsal Morten

James Bryce Morden, 54 of Turtle Lake, Wisconsin passed away on Thursday, March 31, 2016 in Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. James was born on May 1, 1961 in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. James was a humorous man and enjoyed making people laugh. He was very entertaining. He was a musician and enjoyed playing the guitar and writing music, he was an artist as well. He loved spending time with his family particularly his children and his grandchildren. He will be dearly missed. James leaves to celebrate his memory: children, James Morden, Jr., Kelly Morden and Rebecca Morden, grandchildren: Tiana, Draven, Blake and Kiley Morden, the mother of his children, Angie Dodge, sister, Tammy Rogers, brothers, Tyler (Carol) Buck, Sr. and John Buck, adopted brother, Dave Morten, nieces, nephews, cousins and other loving family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Melvina Buck, adopted parents, Clara and Arthur Morden, brothers, Tim Buck, Tom Buck, Jr. and Terry Buck and his sister, Dora Buck-Mann. The funeral service was be held at the Round Lake Community Center on Sunday, April 3 at 2 p.m. He was laid to rest at the Johnstown Township Cemetery. Casket bearers were Kelly Morden, Rebecca Morden, Joyce Knopps, Joseph Rogers, Buck Zaner, Tyler Buck Sr. and Lonnie Benjamin. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with arrangements. kolstadfamilyfuneralhome.com

Devoted mother, wife, caregiver and friend Nancy Bottke Hvambsal Morten, 77, died Friday, April 1, 2016, at her Trade Lake home with her family by her side. Nancy was born Oct. 26, 1938, in Morristown, Minn., to Edward and Elsie Bottke. She grew up on a small farm with four brothers and one sister. In 1959 she graduated from St. Barnabas Nursing School in Minneapolis, which started a 50-year career in nursing and the health-care field. She also held her bachelor’s degree in patient care administration from the University of Minnesota. During her career, Nancy held a variety of positions which included staff nurse, director of nursing, teacher and hospice nurse. In her off time, Nancy continued to promote health-care programs by volunteer teaching CPR and working with Frederic’s Town and Country Ambulance Service. While her career was a constant in her life, family, friends and having fun was her passion. Nancy loved to golf, fish, bowl, play cards, craft, garden and host gatherings. She was always up for a new adventure. She nurtured this adventurous spirit and has passed it onto her children and grandchildren and is something they celebrate most about her life. Nancy was preceded in death by her first husband, Burns Erling “Bumps” Hvambsal, whom she married on Oct. 31, 1959, and four children were born. Nancy is survived by her second husband, Jim Morten; siblings, Gladys (Don) Longpre, Wayne (Shirley) Bottke and Marvin Bottke (Carole); children, Blake (Cathy) Hvambsal, Blaine (Nancy) Hvambsal, Beth (Dan) Rosema and Brenda Hvambsal-Lake (Dave Lake); seven grandchildren; three stepchildren, Barry Morten, Danette Olsen and Rene Morten; 12 step-grandchildren; and many cousins, nieces, nephews and countless friends. A Celebration of Life will be held at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Frederic, Wis., on Saturday, April 23, at 11 a.m. with visitation one hour prior to the service. Lunch will be served following the service. Visitation will also be held at Pilgrim Lutheran Church on Friday, April 22, from 4-7 p.m. Memorials are requested in lieu of flowers. Organizations that were special to Nancy included Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Frederic Lioness Club, Maple Grove Cemetery and Regional Hospice Services. The Rowe Funeral Home in Frederic is assisting the family with arrangements. Feel free to sign the guest book online at rowefh.com, 715-327-4475.

CHURCH NEWS Bethany Lutheran celebrates 95 years SIREN - Bethany Lutheran in Siren is recognizing their 95th anniversary at their church service Sunday, April 10, at 8:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend the service and the fellowship following. If there are descendants of the original founders of the church in the area, a special invitation is extended to join the parishioners at the church. Violet Beckmark is the only living member listed in the original minutes of the organizational meeting. She is the child of one of the founders, Chas. V. Blom. Those listed in the April 10 original minutes were Chas V. Blom, R. Raasch, J. E. Spangberg, P. H. Block, Carl A. Bloom, N.

Nelson, William Deuse, Chas G. Peterson, Frank Carlson, Hjalmar Peterson, Arthur Anderson, Fred Aduser, Wm. Block and Frank Lannquist. Other members recorded in the minutes who signed up to support the church the first years were T. Tobias, Geo Nelson, J. Lundblad, F. Nordin, G. Tjomsland, Oscar Carlson, Esther Tobias, Elias Tobias, Carl Rydell and R. M. Brown. A short history of the first 10 years of Bethany Lutheran as recorded by the secretary at that time will be available at the church. – submitted

After 5 dinner meetings for women resume WEBSTER - All ladies are invited to the Webster/Siren area After 5 dinner meeting at Grace United Methodist Church in Webster on Monday, April 18, at 6:30 p.m. The theme of the meeting is April Showers and the special feature will be provided by Duana Bremer, social services director of the Salvation Army Faith House in Siren. Each lady attending is asked to bring a female hygiene item, shampoo, lip balm, deodorant, etc., to donate to Faith House in an effort to “shower” the occupants with love and much-needed items. Guest speaker Sherian Foster, of Lodi, will give a talk titled “What’s the Good News?” as she shares her journey through good news, bad news and the best news of all. Special music will be provided by Rachel Lee, of Webster. Please bring a friend. The cost is $10 each and reservations can be made by calling Jane at 715-566-0081. – submitted

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OBITUARIES Angela Jean “Angie” Chelmo

Arlene Mary Belknap

Dorothy Lucille Baker

Angela Jean “Angie” Chelmo, 50, of Frederic, Wis., passed away at her home on Thursday morning, March 31, 2016. Angela was born in Red Wing, Minn., on Sept. 7, 1965, a daughter of the late Ralph and Norma (Marrow) Kirchner. She attended public schools in Ellsworth, Wis., and was a 1984 graduate of Ellsworth High School. Angie also attended classes and received training to become a registered nurse. She moved with her parents to Webster, Wis., shortly after graduation. On Nov. 2, 1985, Angie was united in marriage to Gordon Lee “Gordy” Chelmo. The ceremony was performed at the Siren United Methodist Church in Siren, Wis. Angie was employed as a nurse at Capeside Cove Good Samaritan Center in Siren and at the Frederic Care Center in Frederic until 2001. A few years later she became a staff member of Siren United Methodist Church, serving as the church secretary for six years. Angie was a talented artist and loved crafting that included cross-stitching, sewing and quilting, as well as watercolor painting, making dollhouses and floral arranging. She was also musically inclined and took great delight playing the piano and accordion. An incredibly amazing and remarkable person, Angie was hardworking, strong-willed, loving, kind, caring and giving. Family and friends reveled at Angie’s great skills in the kitchen, as she was an amazing cook. She also received a great deal of pleasure from her Solomon Island Eclectus parrot, named Ruby, and her basset hound that she named Webster. Angie was preceded in death by her parents, Ralph and Norma Kirchner; and her brother, Joseph Kirchner. She is survived by her husband, Gordy; their sons, John Chelmo and Sonny Chelmo; a sister, Susie (Lee) Robbins; nieces, nephews and their spouses; Jamie (Angie) Kirchner, Jenny (Randy) Hanson, Steve Stoetzel, Sean (Kristin) Robbins and Connor Robbins; as well as many greatnieces and great-nephews. Angie is also survived by her “extended family:” Dave McConnell, Gail and Steve Ward, and Mary and William Yambrick. The memorial service honoring the life of Angie Chelmo will be conducted at 11 a.m. with visitation 9:30 to 11 a.m., Saturday, April 9, at Siren United Methodist Church at 24025 First Ave. in Siren, with Pastor Eddie Crise officiating. A fellowship luncheon will follow the service. Arrangements have been entrusted with Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Webster. Online condolences may be expressed at swedberg-taylor. com.

Arlene Mary Belknap, 79, of Centuria, Wis., passed away Friday, April 1, 2016, at the Willow Ridge Nursing Home in Amery, Wis. Arlene Clover was born June 11, 1936, in Harris, Minn., the daughter of Laurence and Marcella (Nelson) Clover. Arlene moved to Centuria in 1948. She married George Lehman in 1955, and together they had four children, they later divorced. Arlene was employed at Kroy Industries in St. Croix Falls, Wis., for many years and then Kroy Industries in Osceola, Wis., until retiring. She married Marvin Belknap in 1979 and they made their home in Centuria. She was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Centuria and enjoyed volunteering at Sophie’s Manor in Centuria. She leaves to celebrate her memory her children, Monica Bowers, Milltown, Wis.; Coralee Lehman, Coon Rapids, Minn.; Georgine Anderson, St. Croix Falls, and Randal Lehman, Centuria; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; brother, Gene (Marsha) Clover, Centuria; sister, Mailee (Kenny) Aubart, Centuria; and other loving family and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, Laurence; mother, Marcella; husband, Marvin Belknap; stepfather, Bill Hazel; and a grandson, Anthony Bowers. A memorial service will be held on Thursday, April 7, at 11 a.m., at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Centuria. The family will greet visitors beginning at 10 a.m. until the time of service. Guests are invited to join the family for lunch and fellowship in the church basement following the service. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with arrangements. Kolstadfamilyfuneralhome.com.

Dorothy Lucille Baker, 93, of St. Croix Falls, Wis., formerly of Centuria, Cushing and Osceola, Wis., passed away peacefully at the Good Samaritan Home in St. Croix Falls on Sunday, March 20, 2016. Dorothy was born June 22, 1922, in Dresser, Wis., to Guy L. and Augusta H. (Volde) Clark. She grew up on a farm west of Dresser, Wis., learning how to work and accept responsibility, which she contined to do all her life. Dorothy attended eight years of Dresser grade school and four years of high school in Osceola. She attended two years of teacher college at St. Croix Falls Normal Teacher College and from there she went to River Falls to finish her teaching degree. Dorothy taught one year at the Ubet country school and then taught one year at the old Cushing grade school, west of town. She stayed with the Abe Skone family and became very much a part of their family. While staying with the Skone family she became friends with Marcella Baker Hansen. Marcella’s brother, Louis, came home from serving in the Army, having served in the Pacific battlefront. Marcelle decided she needed to get Louis and Dorothy together, so she arranged a blind date. They married July 14, 1946. Their love was one that lasted forever. Dorothy and Louie worked side by side, operating a garage and filling station until their retirement in December of 1993. They became very active in their church and community. Everyone became part of their lives, making many memories for each and everyone as well. The door to Dorothy’s home was always open and welcoming. She was one that always had time to listen, smile or shed a tear, a refuge for some. She always had a warm smile and a warm hug. She will always be missed but memories will always remain. She was always there. Dorothy leaves to celebrate her memory, son, James Baker; grandson, Leon Baker; nieces, nephews and other loving family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Louis Baker; sisters, Gertrude Pomeroy, June Dobbe and Janet Olson-Feder; and one brother, Lehman Clark. A memorial service for Dorothy was held Tuesday, March 29, at First Lutheran Church in Cushing. She was laid to rest at Cushing Cemetery following the service. Memorials are preferred to the Cushing Cemetery or to the favorite charity of the gifter. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria was entrusted with arrangements.

Marshall Christopher Fisk Marshall Christopher Fisk, infant son of Jacqueline O’Connell and Addam Fisk of Ellsworth, Wis., went to be with the Lord on Saturday, March 26, 2016. Marshall was born Jan. 26, 2016, at the Hudson Hospital. His smiles and coos filled his parents with happiness, and big brother, Noah, loved kissing him on the head. Although his time on Earth was very short, he brought sunshine into the lives of those who knew him. Marshall will forever remain in the hearts of his loving parents, Jackie and Addam; brother, Noah O’Connell; maternal grandparents, Tom (Nicki) O’Connell, Suzie (Joe) Lange; paternal grandparents, Christopher Fisk, Teri (John) Engquist; aunt and uncles, Aaron and Lucas O’Connell; Amber (Cody) Leehe and Austin Eckard; maternal great-grandparents, Pat and Dick Colbeth, and Janet O’Connell; paternal great-grandparents, Roger and Suzie Fisk, Joann Olson and Shirley and Duane Berg; paternal great-great-grandpa, Leroy Fisk; and many more extended relatives. Marshall joins in heaven his great-grandpa, Emmett O’Connell. A visitation celebrating Marshall’s life was held March 31 at the Roberts Congregational United Church of Christ in Roberts. Arrangements are in the care of the O’Connell Family Funeral Home of Baldwin, Wis., 715-684-3434, oconnellfuneralhomes.com.

Michael James Burke Jr. Michael James Burke Jr., 30, Green Bay, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family on Sunday, April 3, 2016. He was born to William and Tammy O’Connell on August 1, 1985, in River Falls, Wis. Mike was adopted by Michael Burke Sr. and Helena Burke. He graduated from St. Croix Falls High School in 2004. He moved to Green Bay to pursue his college career. He received a degree in business management from NWTC in 2010. While attending UW-Green Bay he worked part time at Walmart where he met his future wife, Jenny Jurkowski. They were married on June 27, 2009, at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church. He later gained employment with Target and had returned to school at UW-Green Bay. He planned to graduate in May to become a biology teacher. Mike was proud to bring two children into the world, Michael James Burke III and Kaitlyn Elizabeth Burke. He enjoyed music and singing. He had a passion for gaming and movies, and a particular talent for never losing at the board game Risk. Mike had an infallible Christian faith and it showed in his unconditional love for all those in his life. He was beautifully devoted to his wife and children. Mike will be missed by his wife, Jenny; two children, Michael and Kaitlyn; parents, Helena Burke, Mike Sr. (Patty) Burke, Bill and Tammy O’Connell; godmother, Dorothy Bormet; five siblings, Liam, Moretta and Shea O’Connell, Karen (Andy) Ives, Mandy and Vicky Talmage and all of the other family and friends who celebrated his life. The funeral service was Wednesday, April 6, at Faith Lutheran Church in Green Bay, with the Rev. Joshua Errer and the Rev. Mark Schoen officiating. Online condolences may be expressed at prokowall.com. Mike’s family would like to thank the staffs of Bellin Memorial Hospital and the Bellin Cancer Team, Aurora BayCare Medical Hospital, all the transporting EMS personnel, and Rennes Rehab for their compassion and care. Arrangements were entrusted to Proko-Wall Funeral Home, Green Bay.

In Loving Memory of my Wife,

Betty Tromberg,

who passed away 2 years ago April 9th. There is a bridge of memories, from here to Heaven above, that keeps you very close to me, it’s called the bridge of love. As time goes by without you, and days turn into years, they hold a million memories, and a thousand silent tears. To me you were so special, what more is there to say, except to wish within my heart, that you were here today. I love you. 644124 34Lp



The family of Dorothy Baker wishes to thank Good Sam for their special care, Pastor Chuck & Pastor Mark for their many visits, family and friends for visits, cards and memorials for Dorothy.

Randy & Sandy Clark Burnell & Paulette Hanson 644403 34Lp

Carmen L. Fisher Carmen L. Fisher, 55, of Hudson, Wis., passed away on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. Carmen was born to Bob and Kay Thorsbakken on July 6, 1960, in Shell Lake, Wis. Carmen was baptized at Dallas Lutheran Church in Dallas, Wis. She spent her childhood in Frederic, Wis., where she grew up with two sisters, Sheri and Julie. Carmen loved her horses and all the animals that came with living on a hobby farm. Carmen was confirmed at Calvary Covenant Church and graduated from Frederic High School in 1978. She attended Rice Lake WITC where she majored in accounting. Carmen married Steve Robb. This union was blessed with the joy of her life, Kevin Lee Robb. Carmen spent many years working in human resources at UFE in Stillwater, Minn. She later began a career with Feggestad and Hill as a job recruiter in Hudson, Wis. Carmen married Todd Fisher, the love of her life. They enjoyed golfing, vacationing and just being together. Carmen was preceded in death by her husband, Todd Fisher; and her father, Robert Thorsbakken. She is survived by her son, Kevin Robb; and grandson, Grayson; her stepson, Grant Fisher; her mother, Kay Thorsbakken; her sisters, Sheri (Ed Peterson) and Julie (Brad Jerrick); nieces, nephews and many amazing friends. Carmen was an amazing mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend. She was an adventurous, fun-loving person. She lived each day to the fullest and loved all of the adventures her earthly life provided. Carmen’s memorial service was held April 5, at Bethel Lutheran Church, Highlands Campus; 504 Frontage Road in Hudson. Interment will be in the Willow River Cemetery in Hudson. Memorials preferred. Funeral services entrusted to the O’Connell Family Funeral Home of Hudson.

Robert Dale Robert Dale, 61, of Trade Lake, Wis., died April 3, 2016. Funeral services are pending at this time. Arrangement were entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster. Online condolences can be made at swedberg-taylor. com.


OBITUARIES Collene Nelson

Eleanor Lucille Jepsen, 83, was born Feb. 25, 1933, in the Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wis. She was the daughter of Otis and Lillian (Elkins) Peters. She grew up in Georgetown and graduated from the Luck High School. On July 27, 1951, she was united in marriage to Fred Willard Jepsen at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bone Lake, and together they had six children. Eleanor was a loving wife, mother and homemaker. While living on the farm you could always count on three meals a day, fresh-baked bread and desserts. Eleanor was a skilled seamstress and enjoyed sewing clothes for her children while they were young. In her later years, quilting, knitting and crocheting were her passion. She also spent time providing day care for neighborhood children, and also worked at the Ben Franklin Store in Amery, Wis. The past few years she has seen some difficult times with her health, and she spent the past year at the Amery Memory Care in Amery. She died at the Amery Hospital on Friday, March 25, 2016, at the age of 83 years. Eleanor was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Fred; son, Gary; brothers, Theodore and Glen Peters; and sister, Shelby Hanson. Left to mourn are her children, Neal (Judi) Jepsen, Laurie (Barry) Anderson, Judy (Ron) Kappers, Roy (Lorna) Jepsen and Dale (Lori) Jepsen; 13 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren; brother, Raymond (Helga) Peters; sister, Mary (Bill) Schilling; as well as other relatives and friends. Memorial services were held at the Bone Lake Lutheran Church in rural Luck, Wis., on Saturday, April 2. Burial was at the Bone Lake Cemetery. You may sign an online guest book and view a video tribute at williamsonwhite. com. The Williamson-White Funeral Home and Cremation Services assisted the family.

Collene Nelson, 74, of Grantsburg, passed away on Thursday March 31, 2016, at the Grace Edgewood Assisted Living in Altoona, Wis. Collene was born on Oct. 26, 1941, in St. Paul, Minn., to parents Roland and Uva (Blake) Amey. Collene served as a caregiver for most of her life, both in her own home and at the Burnett Medical Center as a certified nursing assistant, for many years. Together, Collene and her husband, Laurence, raised their seven children on the family farm. Collene always had a strong faith in God which she instilled upon all of her children. She enjoyed art, painting, coloring and spending quality time with her family. Collene will be remembered for her tender heart and her ability to express unconditional love toward all of her children and grandchildren. Collene was preceded in death by her parents, Roland and Uva; stepfather, Melvin “Bill” Johnson; beloved husband, Laurence Nelson; son, Laurel Nelson; two granddaughters; brothers, Bud (Mona) Amey and Tommy Amey; and sister, Tinkie (Ralph) Krause. She is survived by her children, Cheryl (Scott) Hotchkiss, Charlene (Don) Strabel, Cindy (Jerry) Olson, Annette (Laurel) Nelson, Julie (Paul) Uhren, Tammi (John) Perkins and Jenny (John) Oxley; grandchildren, Kimberly (Aaron), Kristi (Jay), Megan (Billy), Charles (Anna), Sheri (Tim), Missy (Dale), Matt (Melissa), Mitch (Callie), Paul, Jim (Mariah), Samantha, David, Daniel, Bekah (Ryan), Aly, John, Emily, Laurence, Stephanie, Lauren and Madelyn; great-grandchildren, Baby Graves, Ethan, Jaelyn, Gage, Jed, Jonah, Alex, Isaac, Luke, Kate, Eli, John, Braden, Brett, Ben and Noah; siblings, Geri (Bounce) Mohar, Roland (Sharon) Amey and Terry (Jackie) Amey; and many other nieces, nephews, in-laws, relatives and friends. A funeral service was held Monday, April 4, at the Grace Baptist Church in Grantsburg with Pastor David W. Frazer officiating. Interment was at Wood River Baptist Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jay Foust, Donald Strabel, Jerry Olson, Paul Nelson, Paul Uhren, John Perkins and Joyce A. Rimer, 77, of Malmo and Isle, Minn., for- John Oxley. Honorary pallbearers are Armand Luedtke merly of Dresser, Wis., and Bayport, Minn., died Satur- and Dean Nelson. day, March 26, 2016, at the Mille Lacs Nursing Home in The family would like to extend gratitude to the Grace Onamia, Minn. Edgewood Assisted Living and to the St. Joseph’s Home Joyce was born Feb. 3, 1939, at Osceola, Wis., the daugh- Care and Hospice for their exceptional care and compaster of Peter and Ruby (Frank) Kammerud. She attended sionate staff. grade school in Dresser and high school in Osceola, Arrangements have been entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor graduating from Osceola High School in 1957. She mar- Funeral Home in Grantsburg, Wis. Online condolences ried Donald C. Rimer on Feb. 8, 1958, in Dresser. They may be expressed at swedberg-taylor.com made their home in Bayport, Minn., where she worked a couple of jobs and then went to work for Andersen Windows. She worked for them for about 20 years. When she and her husband retired from Andersen Windows, they moved to Malmo, Minn., in 1989 and made their home on Orville “Red” Swager, 91, of Amery, Wis., passed away Mille Lacs Lake. After her husband died in 2003 she lived on the lake for a time, but then moved to Isle, Minn., and Thursday, March 31, at Amery Hospital. Orville was born July 1, 1924, near Clayton, Wis., the has resided there since. She was a member of Bethesda Lutheran Church at Malmo. She and her husband had son of Harry and Myrtle (Lewis) been Cub Scout leaders in their early years. She enjoyed Swager. He grew up in the Clayton/ Range area, working on farms, the baking and was known as the “pie lady.” She is survived by brothers, Iver and Jan Kammerud of pickle factory in Amery and planting St. Croix Falls, Wis., Marshall and Marianne Kammerud trees for the county forests. Early in of Columbus, Ohio, Earl Kammerud of Milwaukee, Wis., the 1950s he moved with his parents and John and June Kammerud of Reedsburg, Wis.; and to a farm outside of Balsam Lake. In 1956, he met Hazel Raska and also nieces, nephews and many friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband and one sister, they were married Dec. 1, 1956. To this union one child (Charlene) was Marilyn. A memorial service will be held Saturday, April 9, at born. At this time he was employed at the Amery Tele11 a.m. from Bethesda Lutheran Church in Malmo with phone Co. as a lineman, staying there 20-plus years until the Rev. James Raisanen officiating. Visitation will be one his retirement. Orville remained on the farm after the hour prior to the service at the church. Burial will be at a passing of his parents as well as his wife, Hazel. In 2011 later date in the Pleasant Prairie Cemetery at Osceola. Ar- he moved in with Charlene at her home near Frederic. He rangements were made with the Sorensen-Root-Thomp- was there until a stroke in August 2015 forced him into Golden Age Manor in Amery. son Funeral Home in Aitkin, Minn., srtfuneral.com. Orville liked hunting, fishing, dancing and gardening. He was known for having tomatoes at the farmers markets. Orville was preceded in death by his parents; and wife, Hazel; as well at one sister, Olive (Mewes); and four Pierre Schwederske, 71, passed away on April 1, 2016. brothers, Richard, Harold, Leslie and Bernard. He is survived by his daughter, Charlene (Roland) RogPierre was born in Turtle Lake, Wis., ers of Frederic; granddaughter, Jennifer (Jeffrey) Jensen of to Andrew and Henrietta Schwederske Watford City, N.D.; grandson, Donald (Stacey) Rogers of on June 18, 1944. Perry graduated from Menomonie, Wis.; and greatgrandson, Evan of Watford Turtle Lake High School and worked City, N.D. He is also survived by one sister, Ida Stauner, on the family farm. He then joined the of Amery; and one brother, Clifford Swager, of Clayton. 53rd Signal Battalion Army and went Services were held Saturday, April 2, at Williamson to Vietnam. When he returned, he marWhite Funeral Home in Amery. Interment will be at the ried and had two sons. He worked in Amery Cemetery. To sign and online guest book and masonry and then at Andersen Winview a video tribute please visit williamsonwhite.com. dows for 24 years. Perry enjoyed riding his tractors, cutting the grass or cultivating gardens. Funeral arrangements were made with the Williamson He enjoyed fishing, deer hunting and watching Western White Funeral Home and Cremation Services in Amery. movies and the Green Bay Packers. He was preceded in death by his parents, Andrew and Henrietta; and sister, Gloria Schwederske. He is survived by his sons, Tim (Rochelle) Schwederske of Osceola and Brad “Joe” Schwederske of Cushing; nephew, Rich Feste, of California; and grandchildren, Brandan Collins, Alexander Schwederske and Carmine Garza. A celebration of his life was held at Grandstrand Funeral Home, Osceola, on Tuesday, April 5, grandstrandfh. com.

Joyce A. Rimer

Orville “Red” Swager

Pierre Schwederske

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Carmen B. Frizzell Carmen B. Frizzell, 93, of Grand Rapids, Minn., passed away March 25, 2016, at Grand Village. Carmen was born in 1922 in Webster, Wis. She was a proud Marine WAC stationed at Cherry Point, N.C., during WWII. Carmen was employed by Pacific State Hospital in California and later moved to Minnesota and worked at Mickey’s Diner. She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary, American Legion Auxiliary and the Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary where she served as the Eagle president from 1992 – 1993. Preceding her in death were her parents, Emil and Ollowene Fosmo; son, Hugh Craig Frizzell; and two brothers, Faye Fosmo and Irwin Fosmo. Carmen is survived by her brother, Stewart (Barbara) Fosmo; sons, Stephen (Irene) Frizzell, Walter (Linda) Frizzell and Irwin (Connie) Frizzell; daughters, Maureen Frizzell, Mariann Varin and Candice Monroe; 14 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. A gathering of family and friends to celebrate Carmen’s life will be Tuesday, April 19, from 4 to 6 p.m., at Eagle’s Club in Grand Rapids. Arrangements are with Rowe Funeral Home and Crematory, Grand Rapids, Minn. To sign the online guest book or send condolences visit rowefuneralhomeandcrematory.com.

Mary E. (Ott) Sjoberg Mary (Ott) Sjoberg, 76, of Mora, Minn., passed away on Sunday, March 27, 2016, at her home. Mary Ellen (Ott) Sjoberg was born on Nov. 28, 1939, to Emmert and Anna (Nath) Ott in Hartley, Iowa. She was the second oldest of seven children. Mary graduated from Everly High School in 1957, where she was a star basketball player. Mary graduated from Methodist Hospital Nursing School in Sioux City, Iowa, in 1960. Mary married Alan Sjoberg in 1964. They had four children and also raised three special nieces/nephew when Mary’s sister, Margaret Brown, passed away in 1986, 12 wonderful grandchildren and one great-grandson. Mary started her 47-year nursing career at the University of Minnesota Hospital in 1960. Al and Mary moved their family to Mora in 1970, and she continued her passion of caring for others in the Mora hospital and clinic until she retired in 2005. Mary was a wonderful nurse; she loved her patients and her fellow heath-care workers. She worked with Dr. Brettingen for 25-plus wonderful years. They were a great team and became very good friends. She appreciated what a great doctor and person he is. Mary had many passions in life. She attended many school activities with her children and grandchildren. She loved to golf with her family and friends, and was very good at it! She had two holes-in-one and three club championships! Mary loved spending time with her family and friends, as well as gardening, reading and traveling with her “magnificent seven.” Mary passed away peacefully in the comfort of her home, surrounded by her family. She was preceded in death by her parents, Emmert and Anna Ott; her in-laws, Algot and Myrtle Sjoberg; her daughter, Gayle Sjoberg; her sister, Margaret Brown; her brother, Maynard Ott; niece, Krista Ott; nephew, Frank Sgambato; sister and brother in-law, Vera and Delbert Wicklund, and their son, Glen Wicklund; and cousins, Sandy and Elizabeth May. Mary is survived by her husband, Alan; her children, Judy (Matt) Deis and their children, Sarah, Stephanie and Danny, of Plymouth Minn., Michael (Corinne) Sjoberg and their son, Logan, and Corinne’s daughter, Jana (Cody) Garmaker, of Mora, Minn., Ann (Dan) Tetnowski and their children, Nikki (son Caiden) and Aaron, of Mora Minn., and granddaughter, Jami Ann Wallgren (Jesse Nelson) of Brainerd, Minn., Teri (Rob) Heggernes and their son, Joshua, of Mora, Minn., Jerry (Laura) Brown and their son, Lane, of Aberdeen, S.D., and Kari (Darwin) Tetnowski and their sons, Jacob and Zachary, of Mora, Minn. Mary is also survived by brothers, Merle (Mary) of Portland, Ore., and their children, Mark and Michelle, Marvin (Mary) of Grand Rapids, Minn., and their children, Rebekka and Kevin, and Melvin (Linda) of Leland, S.C., and their children, Jimmy, Danny, Julie and Mitch of Spencer, Iowa. Mary is also survived by brother Maynard’s children, Glen Ott, Randy Ott, Shane Ott and Denise (Ott) Everman. Mary’s daily prayer was, “Dear God, please keep all my loved ones safe, happy, healthy, strong and wise. Thank you for my blessings!” A visitation and prayer service were held Friday, April 1, at Dresser-Methven Funeral Home in Mora. The prayer service was officiated by Marv Ott. Arrangements were made by Dresser-Methven Funeral Home.

In Memory Of

Robert “Crush” Villebrun Born 5/22/1970

Died 4/8/2015

Family & friends miss you and love you.

Love, Mom, Patricia, Jessica & Sharon Kids Kalen & Deven Sterling

644324 34Lp

Eleanor Lucille Jepsen


Luck’s Spring Show kept everyone laughing

Michael Delany hands cruise brochures to “the ladies who lunch,” Tasian Arjes, Maddie Joy, Emma Pedersen, Isabelle Jensen, Brooklyn Petersen and Alyssa Foeller.

Villager Eli Dikkers proves that he is smart enough not to need a belt because he is wearing two pairs of pants.

Ryley Fosberg, Jake Aguado and Meredith Thompson try to convince insomniac and hypochondriac Matt Lane, clutching the petroleum jelly, that he is simply having another bad dream during Luck’s annual Spring Show held Friday and Saturday, April 1-2.

Miss USA’s first runner-up Tasian Arjes and Miss America Alyssa Foeller look on with distaste as Miss USA confesses to breaking more laws and that she has made plans to enter “rehab.”

Photos by Lori Nelson

Thieves, Nick Aguado, left, and Billy Lipoff, right, relieve Flamingo Falls residents Alaura Lemieux and Tasian Arjes of their valuables.

Austin High and Billy Lipoff perform the song “Little Things” during the skit with the same title. The Spring Show was held at the Luck School Friday and Saturday, April 1-2.

644425 34L


Indian Creek Easter egg hunt • 2016

Mason Nusberger won the bunny in the 9-12 age group.

Zely Edaburn tries out the bike she won at the Indian Creek Easter egg hunt sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 396 on Saturday, April 2.

Photos by Jackie Peterson

Delanie Wooten won the bunny in her 5-8 age group. A total of 50 boys and girls showed up in Indian Creek on Saturday, April 2, to find filled eggs in the snow, cold and wind and enter their names in a drawing for six bikes and three stuffed bunnies.

Harris Feidt was the youngest winner of a bunny. One bunny was given away in each age group.

Kayden Nusberger was one of the winners of a bike in his 5-8 age group. A total of six bikes were given away at the Indian Creek Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 2.

Charles Wooten was a bike winner in the 0-4 age group.

Afton Reuter was a lucky winner of a bike at the Easter egg hunt and bike giveaway sponsored by Indian Creek American Legion Auxiliary Unit 396 on Saturday, April 2. Afton is in the 5-8 age group.

In addition to finding Easter eggs in the snow, Mira Niles was the lucky winner of a bike in the 9-12 age group.


“Our Town” production artfully chronicled life in a small town Priscilla Bauer | Staff writer GRANTSBURG – Grantsburg High School students artfully performed their roles as the smalltown characters in Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play, “Our Town,” presented April 1-3 at the GHS auditorium. Since the play’s set is the actual theater where it’s performed, the actors needed to mime their actions without the use of props. Josh Curtin gave a talented performance as the stage manager chronicling the lives of the people in small-town Grover’s Corners between 1901 and 1913, speaking directly to the audience during the three-act production and also playing some roles. The cast evoked the audience’s emotions with fine portrayals of characters going through life’s bittersweet ups and downs.

The stage manager, played by Josh Curtin, called for clarification on the population of Grover’s Corner as reported by Professor Willard, played by Linda Harmon.

Photos by Priscilla Bauer

The play’s stage manager, played by Josh Curtin, gave a commentary on life and love in Grover’s Corners while in the background newly united Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs sealed their marriage with a kiss.

Emily Webb, played by Megan Miller, expressed wedding anxiety to her father, played by Everett Wincek.

Grover’s Corners baseball team members had fun teasing fellow member George Gibbs (not pictured) about his upcoming nuptials. George Gibbs, played by Sven Johnson, professed his passion to stay in Grover’s Corners to future wife Emily Webb, played by Megan Miller.

Mrs. Webb, played by Cassidy Quimby, scolded her daughter’s soon-to-be husband, George Gibbs, played by Sven Johnson, and her husband, played by Everett Wincek, for their silly table talk.

Dr. Gibbs, played by Colt Lien, and his wife, played by Kathryn Curtin, shared a moment together in the moonlight. RIGHT: Emily Webb, played by Megan Miller, dreamed of her prospects as she gazed at the moon from her window.

Residents of the Grover’s Corners cemetery got ready to welcome a new addition to their permanent place of rest on the hill above town. RIGHT: Newly departed Emily Gibbs, played by Megan Miller, had many questions on how to handle her death, for the longtime residents of the Grover’s Corners cemetery.

Mrs. Gibbs, played by Kathryn Curtin, and Mrs. Webb, played by Cassidy Quimby, listened as neighbor, Mrs. Soames, played by Amber Pedersen, gossiped about the intoxicated church-choir director.


90th birthday celebration for Andy Anderson

Priscilla Bauer | Staff writer GRANTSBURG – A 90th birthday celebration was held for longtime Grantsburg Legionnaire and World War II veteran Andy Anderson on Saturday, April 2, at the Grantsburg Legion Hall. Family and friends came to offer birthday wishes to Anderson, who reminisced about his service during World War II and his many years as Legion member. Anderson, whose full name is Otmer Gordon Anderson, joined the Navy in 1943 serving on the USS Southerland as a Machinist mate second class until 1947. After returning home to the Grantsburg area, Anderson joined the Brask-Fossum- Janke American Legion Post 185 in 1958, serving as the post commander in 1962 and as state vice commander from 1985 to 1986. Anderson operated Andy’s Bait Shop in Falun for many years with his wife, Delores, who died several years ago and whom he wished could have shared the day with him.

Photos by Priscilla Bauer Andy Anderson’s children, Debbie and David, joined their dad for a family photo during the 90th birthday party held for their father.

Andy Anderson visited with fellow Legion member Don Anderson during his 90th birthday party at the Grantsburg Legion Hall.

A photo of a younger Andy Anderson when he served as the Grantsburg Legion post commander in 1962 is displayed with other photos of former commanders in a special cabinet at the Legion hall.

A 90th birthday celebration was held for longtime Grantsburg Legionnaire and World War II veteran Andy Anderson, on Saturday, April 2, at the Grantsburg Legion Hall.

Andy Anderson reminisced about his service in the Navy on the USS Southerland during World War II.

Wildlife art silent auction to benefit new building at Crex GRANTSBURG - The Friends of Crex is holding a silent auction at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Education and Visitor Center of wildlife prints that have been donated to Crex Meadows. These prints include wildlife art from many renowned artists such as Thomas Moen, Ron Brown, David Maass and Louis Raymer. The prints are on display now, and bidding will close at 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 16. Winning bidders need not be present at the close of the auction and will be notified within two days of the auction close. All proceeds from the auction will benefit the construction of a new education and dining building at the Crex Meadows headquarters. This building will be used during the summer by the Crex Meadows Youth Conservation Camp as a classroom and dining hall. The camp is run by Northwest Wisconsin Concentrated Employment Program and serves at-risk, economically disadvantaged and special-needs youth residing in Northwest Wisconsin. In daily work with the DNR, Habitat for Humanity, and other regional organizations, NWCEP campers have gained career skills as well as appreciation for the natural world and its conservation. In turn, the surrounding communities and the DNR have benefited from thousands of hours of work projects completed by campers over 20 years of CEP Summer Camp operations at Crex Meadows. The building will be available for use by other organizations and by the wildlife conservation education program at Crex the remainder of the year. Donations to the building fund can be made to the Friends of Crex at 102 E. Crex Ave., Grantsburg, WI 54840. The Friends of Crex is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax adviser. Please stop by the visitor center to view and bid on the artwork and to see what’s going on at Crex this spring. – submitted PHOTOS: This is a sampling of prints that are part of a silent auction to raise funds to benefit the construction of a new education and dining building at Crex meadows headquarters in Grantsburg. - Photos submitted



SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST - FREDERIC 605 Benson Road; Pastor John Redlich Sat. Worship 11 a.m.; Sabbath Schl. 9:30 a.m. ALLIANCE


ALLIANCE CHURCH OF THE VALLEY 1259 Hwy. 35 S., St. Croix Falls Senior Pastor Gary Russell Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m.



WORD OF LIFE CHURCH Meeting in homes. Elder: Cliff Bjork, 715-755-3048 Sun. Fellowship - 10 a.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. LUTHERAN


BALSAM LUTHERAN CHURCH 1115 Mains Crossing, Amery 1/2 Mile South Hwy. 8 On 110th St. Sun. Worship 8:30 a.m.; Sun. School 9:45 a.m. BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN (WELS) Gene E. Jahnke, Pastor, 715-635-7672, Hm. 715-354-7787, Hwy. 70 at 53, Spooner Sun. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School & Bible Classes For All - 10:45 a.m. BETHANY LUTHERAN - BRANSTAD Pastor Jay Ticknor, 715-463-5746 3 miles So. of Grantsburg on Hwy. 87 Sun. Schl. - 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m. BETHANY LUTHERAN - SIREN Hwy. 35, 1/2 blk. N. Main St. Pastor Paul Peterson, Cell # 715-566-3758 Pastoral Serv. 715-349-5280 Sun. Worship - 8:30 a.m.; Sun. School 9:45 a.m. BETHESDA LUTHERAN - DRESSER (LCMC) www.bethesdalutheran.ws Pastor Peter Rimmereid, 715-755-2562 1947 110th Ave., Dresser Blended contemp./traditional serv. 9 a.m.; Education hour and fellowship 10:15 a.m. BONE LAKE LUTHERAN bllc@lakeland.ws Pastor Ann Fenlason, 5 mi. E. of Luck on Hwy. 48, 1/2 mi. S. on I; Office - 715-472-2535; Pastor - 715-472-8153, 9 a.m. Sun. Schl., Adult Bible Study & Middle Schl cafe; 9:15 a.m. SHY; 10:30 a.m. Worship with Communion 1st & 3rd Sun. Of The Month; 11:30 a.m. Fellowship CHRIST LUTHERAN (LCMS) Pipe Lake CTH G & T, 715-822-3096 Pastor Steve Miller Sun. Serv. 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:15 a.m. during schl. yr.; christlutheranpipelake.com CLAM FALLS LUTHERAN (AALC) Pastor Gary Rokenbrodt, 218-371-1335 715-327-4461 Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10:15 a.m. FAITH LUTHERAN - BALSAM LAKE faithlutheran@lakeland.ws Pastor Diane Norstad 715-485-3800; CTH I & Mill Street Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:40 a.m. FAITH LUTHERAN - GRANTSBURG Rev. Sandra Hutchens; 715-463-5388 myfaithlutheran.org Sunday Worship with Communion 9:30 a.m.; Sun. service radio broadcast 100.9 FM FIRST EVAN. LUTHERAN 561 Chestnut St., Taylors Falls, MN, 651-465-5265; tflutheran.org Sun. Worship 9 a.m. (Memorial Day - Labor Day) FIRST LUTHERAN - CUSHING Pastor Marilyn Crossfield, cushingparish.org 715-648-5323 or 715-648-5324 Sun. Wor. 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9 a.m. FRISTAD LUTHERAN - CENTURIA ELCA - 501 Hwy. 35, 715-646-2357, Mel Rau, Pastor Sun. Worship 9 a.m. GEORGETOWN LUTHERAN - ELCA 877 190th Ave., CTH G, Balsam Lake, WI (Fox Creek) serving@georgetownlutheran.net Interim Pastor Paul Settergren; Parish Office - 715-857-5580 Wor. Serv. 10:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:30 a.m. GRACE LUTHERAN - WEST SWEDEN Phone 715-327-4340, 715-327-8384, 260-336-5974, Pastor Thomas McShannock Worship 9:15 a.m.; Sun. School 10:30 a.m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN - FREDERIC (Missouri Synod) Pastor Jody R. Walter Office: 715-866-7191; Parsonage: 715-866-4622 Sun. Schl. - 8:45 a.m.; Service - 10:45 a.m. LAKESIDE COMMUNITY LUTH. - ELCA CTH H, 1/2 mi. N. of CTH A & H on H Church Off. 715-635-7791, Pastor Bill Schroeder Sun. Wor. w/Comm. 10 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9 a.m. LAKETOWN LUTHERAN - CUSHING Pastor Marilyn Crossfield, cushingparish.org Sun. Wor. 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:45 a.m. LUCK LUTHERAN Pastor Ralph Thompson - 715-977-0694 Office 715-472-2605; lucklutheran.org Sun. Wor. 8 & 10:30 a.m. (Sept. 13 - May 29); Sun. Schl. 9-10:30 a.m. (Sept. 27 - May 8) MILLTOWN LUTHERAN Vicar Angie Kutney, Pastors Mel Rau & Maggie Isaacson; 113 W. Main St.. W., 715-825-2453 9:30 a.m. Sunday Schl.; 10:30 Worship Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month

NEW HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Senior Pastor Emory Johnson, 715-463-5700 newhopelutheranchurch.org 685 W. State Road 70, Grantsburg Sun. Wor. Serv. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m. NORTH VALLEY LUTHERAN Pastor Maggie Isaacson, 715-825-3559 3 mi. W. of Milltown on “G” Sunday Worship - 9 a.m. OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN, (LCMS) WEBSTER Pastor Jody Walter Office: 715-866-7191; Parsonage: 715-866-4622 Sunday Worship - 9 a.m. facebook/OurRedeemerWebster PEACE LUTHERAN - DRESSER (ELCA) 2355 Clark Road, Dresser, WI, 715-755-2515 plcdresser.org Rev. Alan Buresh Sun. Wor. 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl 9:35 a.m. PILGRIM LUTHERAN - FREDERIC (ELCA) Pastor Paul Peterson 507 Wisconsin Ave. N., 715-327-8012 Sun. Worship - 10:30 a.m. pilgrimlutheranfrederic.org REDEEMER EV. LUTHERAN (Wisconsin Synod) Pastor Timothy Blauret 200 N. Adams St., St. Croix Falls Sun. Wor. - 9:15 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 8:15 a.m. ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN (Wis. Synod) 350 Michigan Ave., Centuria Sun. Worship - 10:45 a.m.; Sun. School - 10 a.m. ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN - LCMC 1614 CTH B, North Luck, 715-472-8190 Pastor Roger Kastelle Sunday Worship - 9 a.m.; Adult Bible Study Thurs. 6:30 p.m. SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) 140 Madison St. South, St. Croix Falls Pastor Mark K. Schoen Sun. Service - 9 a.m.; Sun.School - 10:30 a.m. TRINITY LUTHERAN - ELCA 10 mi. W. of Cumberland on Hwy. 48 (McKinley) Interim Pastor Paul Settergren Parish Office 715-857-5580 Church 715-822-3001 Worship Service - 9 a.m.; Sunday School - 10:15 a.m. TRINITY LUTHERAN - FALUN Hwy. 70 East, 715-689-2271, Pastor Jay Picknor Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10:15 a.m. TRINITY EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH (WELS) 300 Seminole Ave. (Hwy. M), Osceola, WI 715-294-2828, Pastor David Rosenow www.trinity.osceola.com Sunday Worship 9 a.m., Bible Class 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Worship 7 p.m. WEST DENMARK LUTHERAN Pastor Linda Rozumalski 1 mi. west of Luck on N, 2478 170th St., Luck Sunday Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. Fellowship 11 a.m. WEST IMMANUEL LUTHERAN - ELCA Rev. Rexford D. Brandt 447 180th St., Osceola, 715-294-2936 June 7, 2015 - Sept. 6, 2015 Sun. Wor. 9 a.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday YELLOW LAKE LUTHERAN 1/2 mi. W. of Hwy. 35 on U, 715-866-8281, yellowlakelutheranchurch.org Pastors Douglas Olson, Roger Kampstra, Myron Carlson and Danny Wheeler Service at 9:30 a.m. ZION LUTHERAN - BONE LAKE (LCMC) 5 miles E. of Frederic on W, 2 miles south on I; Church: 715-472-8660 Pastor Mike Fisk, 715-417-0692 Sunday Schl. & Adult Study 9:15 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. ZION LUTHERAN - EAST FARMINGTON (WELS ) Pastor Martin Weigand - 715-294-3489 Sun. Schl. 9 a.m.; Bible class 9:15 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Thurs. Serv. 4:30 p.m. Communion 1st & last Sunday of month ZION LUTHERAN - MARKVILLE Pastor Janeva Stromberg, 320-679-1012; Council Chair, 715-244-3301 Worship - 11 a.m.; Sunday School - 10 a.m. ZION LUTHERAN - TRADE LAKE Pastor Thomas McShannock 715-327-8384, 260-336-5974 Fellowship - 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m.



FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Pastor Barbara Anne Keely 715-483-3550 719 Nevada St., St. Croix Falls Fellowship - 10:15 a.m.; Sunday Wor. - 11 a.m. METHODIST


ATLAS UNITED METHODIST - UPPER ST. CROIX PARISH Rev. Kris Johnson; Rev. Mike Brubaker, 715-463-2624 Sunday School - 11 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m. CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST - UPPER ST. CROIX PARISH - GRANTSBURG Rev. Kris Johnson; Rev. Mike Brubaker 715-463-2624 Wor. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10:30 a.m. DANBURY UNITED METHODIST 7520 Water St., 715-866-8646 Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor Sunday Worship - 8:45 a.m.

GRACE UNITED METHODIST - WEBSTER 26503 Muskey Ave., 715-866-8646 Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor, Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor Sun. Schl. 9:15 a.m., Sun. Worship - 10:30 a.m. HOLY TRINITY UNITED METHODIST htslumc@gmail.com 1606 165th Ave., CTH I, Centuria Pastor Freddie Kirk, 715-485-3363 Sunday Worship - 8:30 a.m. LAKEVIEW UNITED - HERTEL Pastor Jack Starr Wor. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - during worship hour LEWIS MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST 3482 115th St., 715-866-8646 Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor Worship 8:45 a.m. OSCEOLA UNITED METHODIST osceolaunitedmethodistchurch@gmail.com 306 River Street, Osceola, 715-755-2275, Rev. Carolyn Saunders Sunday Worship - 10 a.m.; Fellowship - 11 a.m. Wed. School: Weds. 3:30-5 p.m. Oct.-May ST. CROIX FALLS UNITED METHODIST UPPER ST. CROIX PARISH Rev. Kris Johnson; Rev. Mike Brubaker Sunday Worship Serv. - 10 a.m.; Sunday School is at 9 a.m., Nursery available ST. LUKE UNITED METHODIST - FREDERIC 100 Linden Street, Frederic Pastor “Freddie” Kirk, 715-327-4436 Sun. Wor. 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Serv. 5:15 p.m. SIREN UNITED METHODIST 24025 1st Ave. So., 715-866-8646 Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor Sun. Schl. 9 a.m.; Wor. - 10:15 a.m. (Nursery available) TAYLORS FALLS UNITED METHODIST 290 W. Government Street, 715-294-4436 Reverend Dr. Rolland Robinson Sunday Service - 10 a.m. with nursery Sunday School - Sept. - May at 10 a.m. WOLF CREEK UNITED METHODIST Rev. Kris Johnson; Rev. Mike Brubaker Sunday Worship - 8:15 a.m. COVENANT


CALVARY COVENANT - ALPHA Pastor Scott Sagle, 715-689-2541 Sunday Schl. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Wor. 10:30 p.m. Elevator provided, welcome SIREN COVENANT Pastor Brian Pardun 7686 Lofty Pines Drive, Siren, 715-349-5601 Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. UNITED COVENANT - CLEAR LAKE Pastor Dan Pearson Sunday School 8:45 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m. CATHOLIC


ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Rev. Andy Anderson, 715-247-3310 255 St. Hwy. 35, East Farmington Mass Sunday 9 a.m. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION - GRANTSBURG Rev. Tom Thakadipuram, 715-327-8119 Mass: Sat., 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30 a.m. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Danbury - 7586 St. Rd. 77, 715-866-7321 Pastor - Father Michael J. Tupa Mass - Sat. 4 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m. (Sept.-May). Reconciliation as per bulletin & by appt. OUR LADY OF THE LAKES Balsam Lake Father Gene Murphy; Pastor - 715-405-2253 Mass: Sat. eves. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8:30 a.m.; Tues. 5:30 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation 7:30 a.m. Sunday or by appt. SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS & MARY Pastor Father Michael J. Tupa CTHs A & H - 715-866-7321 Crescent Lake Voyager Village area. Mass Sun. 8 a.m., Thurs. 9:30 a.m. Reconciliation as per bulletin and by appt. ST. DOMINIC - FREDERIC Rev. Tom Thakadipuram, 715-327-8119 Mass: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 10:30 a.m. Call the office for daily & holy day Mass times ST. ANNE PARISH Rev. Andy Anderson, 715-247-3310 139 Church Hill Rd., Somerset Mass Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 7 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Pastor Father Frank Wampach, 651-465-7345 25293 Redwing Ave., Shafer, MN Sunday 9:30 a.m. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Pastor Father Michael J. Tupa, 715-866-7321 Cedar & Muskey Ave. - Webster Mass Sun 10 a.m., Wed. 5:30 p.m. (Sept.-May), Fri. 9 a.m. (Summer) ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Pastor - Father Frank Wampach 490 Bench St., Taylors Falls, 651-465-7345 Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:30 a.m. Tues. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC 1050 North Keller Ave., Amery, 715-268-7717 Father Gene Murphy, Pastor Sat. Mass 4 p.m., Sun. Mass 10:30 a.m. Mass Wed. & Thurs. 9 a.m.

ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC Rev. Andy Anderson 255 E. 10th Ave., Osceola, 715-294-2243 Saturday Mass 4 p.m.; Sunday Latin Mass 8:30 a.m., Mass 11 a.m. ASSEMBLY


OSCEOLA COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Larry Mederich, 715-294-4332 2492 Education Drive Sunday Serv. - 10 a.m. Child care offered at both services SIREN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Andrew Bollant Morn. Serv. - 9:30 a.m.; Supervised Nursery; Wed. Evening Youth



APPLE RIVER COMMUNITY (EFCA) Pastor Justin Hosking, 942 U.S. Hwy. 8, Amery, 715-268-2176 Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. CROSSWALK COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Greg Lund, 715-327-8767 700 Churchwood Lane; 505 Old CTH W, Frederic Sunday School - 9 a.m.; Morning Worship - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided for all services HOPE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 933 248th St., Osceola Pastor Dave Williams Morning Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School Sept.-May 8:45 a.m. Children’s Church & Nursery provided TRADE RIVER EVANGELICAL FREE Pastor Dale VanDeusen, 715-488-2296 or 715-488-2653 20296 Hwy. 87, Grantsburg Morning Wor. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Schl. 10:45 a.m.; Nursery provided for all services BAPTIST


EAST BALSAM BAPTIST - BALSAM LK. 1816 108th St., CTH I Pastor Gabe Brennan, 715-857-5411 eastbalsam.org Wor. Service - 9 a.m.; Sun. School - 10:30 a.m. EUREKA BAPTIST 2393 210th Ave., St. Croix Falls 715-483-9464 Wor. Service - 9 a.m.; Adult Sun. Schl. - 10 a.m. FAITH FELLOWSHIP Hwy. 35 and CTH N., Luck Bill McEachern Pastor, 715-485-3973 Sun. Bible study - 9 a.m.; Sun. Wor. - 10 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST - AMERY 131 Broadway St., 715-268-2223; fbcamery.org; Email: churchoffice@fbcamery.org Reg. office hours: Tues.-Thurs. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pastor Charlie Butt, Lead Pastor; Nick Buda, Associate Pastor Sun. Serv.: 9 - 10:15 a.m.; All ages Sun. Schl. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.; Nursery available FIRST BAPTIST - FALUN 715-689-2125 or 715-689-2156 Mike Kleven, Lead Pastor Steve Ward, Assoc. Pastor of Visitation Sun. School (all ages) 9:30 a.m.; Church Serv. 10:45 a.m.; Nursery provided FIRST BAPTIST - MILLTOWN Pastor Marlon Mielke, 715-825-3186 Assoc. Pastor Dan Mielke Sunday Schl. 9:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m., 7 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST - TAYLORS FALLS, MN Located across from elemen. school on West St., Pastor, Dr. Kevin Schumann; 651-465-7171 Sun. Morn. - Sun. School for all ages - 9 a.m. Morn. Worship - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided. FIRST BAPTIST - WEBSTER Church Phone 715-866-4111 Pastor Tim Quinn Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 10:45 a.m (Nursery provided) GRACE CHURCH OF OSCEOLA “The Cure for the Common Church” 722 Seminole Ave., Osceola Pastor Dr. Kent Haralson; 715-294-4222 or 715-755-3454; info@gracechurchosceola.com Sun.: Praise & Worship Serv. 9 am., Adult Bible Study 10:45 a.m., Children’s Sun. School 10:45 a.m. GRACE BAPTIST - GRANTSBURG 716 S. Robert St., Grantsburg, 715-463-5699 Sr. Pastor Brad Moore George Selbher, Assoc. Pastor Sunday Schl. 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. LIVING HOPE CHURCH Pastor Doug McConnell Youth Pastor Chris Radtke At Grantsburg High School, 715-463-5794 Sun. Serv. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m. TRADE LAKE BAPTIST Pastor David Prince, 715-327-8402 Sun. Schl. - 9:15 a.m.; Wor. Serv. - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided.; tradelakebaptistchurch.org



CHURCH OF CHRIST - WEBSTER Minister Garret Derouin, 715-866-7157 Musky & Birch St., Avail. in office 9 a.m. - noon, Tues.-Fri.; Sun. Bible Study 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST - FREDERIC Minister Guy McCarty Frederic Senior Citizen Building Robert Rutherford, 715-327-8387 Sunday Worship 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. WESLEYAN


WOODLAND WESLEYAN Dairyland - Rev. Andrea Wittwer 715-244-3649 Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.



WOOD RIVER CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Pastor Dan Slaikeu 4 mi. SE of Grantsburg on Williams Rd. Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School 10:30 a.m. HOPE FELLOWSHIP OF SOMERSET 231 Bluff Drive, 715-247-2435 Services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. DWELLING POINT Timbers Theatre in Siren, 912-424-5993 Pastors Bryan and Rebekah Davis Sunday Worship 10 a.m.



EL SALEM/TWIN FALLS CHRISTIAN CENTER 1751 100th Ave., Dresser Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Wor. 10:30 a.m. Evening Services Sun. 6 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. Call Pastor Darryl Olson at 715-755-3133 for information and directions



HOLY TRINITY ORTHODOX 523 1st St., Clayton, 715-948-2493 Fr. Christopher Wojcik, Pastor Sat. Vespers - 5 p.m.; Sun. Liturgy - 9:30 a.m. HOLY CROSS ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN Meeting at Zion Lutheran Church, 28005 Old Towne Rd., Chisago City, MN; holyx.net Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m. NAZARENE


CALVARY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 510 S. Vincent, St. Croix Falls Rev. Richard Brunner, 715-483-3696 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. FAITH COMMUNITY 7534 Peet St., Danbury, 715-656-4010 Pastor Jason Peterson Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.



ST. CROIX UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 715-483-1113 201 N. Adams, St. Croix Falls Services On 1st 3 Sundays of the Month, 10 a.m. www.scuuf.org



CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN CHURCH 28509 CTH H, 1/8 mi. north of A&H intersection Pastor Tryg Wistad 715-635-4816 crossroadschurch@gmail.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. NEW LIFE COMMUNITY - AMERY Interim Pastor Craig Jorgenson Sunday Worship 10 a.m.; Children’s Church: K to 6th Grade NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY 201 Hwy. 35, Dresser (formerly The Boulevard) Pastor Tony Minell, 715-417-1982; Office 715-417-0945 Sunday Wor. 9:30 a.m.; Nursery available. NEW WINE CHURCH - CENTURIA 309 5th Street, 715-338-2751 Pastor Scott Petznick Sunday Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. NORTHERN PINES QUAKER MEETING 715-866-5016 or 715-733-0480 for time of meeting OSCEOLA MEDICAL CENTER SPIRITUAL CARE 2600 65th Ave., Osceola, 715-294-5645 Rev. Thomas Reaume MyOmc.org/specialtyserv 1chapel.php Chapel open daily for meditation.



RIVER VALLEY CHRISTIAN 1289 160th St. (Hwy. 65), St. Croix Falls, 715-483-5378 Senior Pastors Paul and Sonja Hanson Sunday Adult Bible Class 9 a.m. Worship and Children’s Sunday Schl. 10 a.m. ST. PETER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH “Faith on Purpose” (Love God, Love People...period) faithonpurpose.org CTH F, Dresser, 715-553-1800, Pastor Rick VanGundy Sunday Worship 10 a.m.

church directory





ne night while camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, the air was so warm that we slept outside our tents. The skies treated us to a special sight of stars, big and small, from one end to the other. Dozens of stars burst through the darkness, shooting across the sky like bullets. The experience reminded me of a Bible verse. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1) God declares his glory through his creation. He spoke to Moses in a burning bush. He got Saul’s attention through a blinding light while he walked the Damascus road. He spoke to

Forgiveness will take time for wronged wife Q: Is there a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation in a case of marital infidelity? A year ago, I discovered that my husband had resumed a previous long-term emotional affair with a friend of mine. Their relationship has ended and I believe I’ve forgiven him, although I’m still having a hard time trusting or feeling any affection for him. Jim: I’m sorry to hear of the deep hurt you’ve experienced. There are, in fact, some very significant distinctions between forgiveness and reconciliation. For one thing, forgiveness is an individual decision, whereas reconciliation is a joint venture. Forgiveness is an element in the larger process of reconciliation. Without true forgiveness there can be no reconciliation, but one can forgive without necessarily being reconciled. A great deal depends on the other person’s response. There’s also an important difference between the choice of forgiveness and the emotion of forgiveness. Once you’ve determined to let go of a past offense, it can sometimes take a while for your feelings to catch up with your cognitive decision. Changes of this nature don’t usually happen overnight.

Eternal perspectives Sally Bair Bethlehem shepherds through angels. The Bible is filled with other unexplainable, visual ways God spoke to his people. Even today he speaks to many of us in such supernatural ways as visions and dreams. Reports say that nonbelievers who have never heard the name of Jesus, have seen and heard God in a dream. How many have experienced strange “coincidences” that likely were

Given the circumstances, your emotions are completely understandable. You husband must give you the time you need to work through those feelings of betrayal and invalidation. He must also realize that before there can be true reconciliation, he needs to respond to your forgiveness by taking the initiative to rebuild trust into the relationship. That means acknowledging his betrayal, entering into your pain, and demonstrating daily his fidelity, reliability and trustworthiness as a person. That’s what repentance is all about. In the meantime, your task is to stay open to trusting him again in spite of the baggage of the past. If you’d like to discuss your situation further with one of our caring licensed counselors, I’d encourage you to call us at 855-771-HELP (4357). They’ll be happy to assist you in any way they can. ••• Q: We’re considering our family’s plans for the summer, and a friend suggested that a camp experience could be really good for our kids. What do you think? Danny Huerta, executive director, Parenting: I’d encourage you to give it some serious thought. Summer camp can provide a child with some unforgettable memories along with opportunities to stretch themselves physically, emotion-

God’s way of speaking to them? And wherever we turn, we hear of people who have been supernaturally healed. When God wants our attention, he even uses our circumstances or the words of authority figures such as pastors, parents or bosses, to tell us to do what we don’t want to do, but know we should. Such “unspiritual” ways may seem that God isn’t speaking. But God uses whomever he needs to turn us toward him. The most common way God speaks to us is through his word. A person told me once that since she had read the Bible through one time, she quit reading. However, life changes and so do the messages we receive when we reread the word of God. Daily we need to learn fresh words from his word that

Focus on the family Jim Daly ally, intellectually and spiritually in a fun-filled environment. Today’s camps are designed to accommodate and meet a wide range of interests and needs with something for almost everyone, from the intellectually curious child to the sportsminded and physically active, as well as those with special needs or specific health challenges. Other camps are faithbased, with an emphasis on encouraging spiritual growth. While weighing different options, it’s important to consider not only your child’s particular interests, but also their personality, temperament and stage of development. For instance, if your child tends to be anxious or is younger than fifth grade, it’s generally best to begin with short day camps. Preteens and teens, on the other hand, are usually ready to begin experiencing the healthy independence that overnight camps can offer. In either situation, connecting your child with another attendee beforehand can help reduce apprehension and facili-

will inspire, encourage and strengthen us for a new task. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Has God spoken to you lately? In what way? How have you responded? Lord, thank you for speaking to us in ways that draw our attention to you. Open our ears to hear what you want us to hear. Use whatever means you want, whether through creation’s wonders, dreams or visions, the advice of others, or everyday circumstances. We want to hear your voice. In Jesus’ name, amen. Mrs. Bair may be reached at sallybair@ gmail.com. tate deeper bonds between campers. With summer on the horizon and many camps filling up in the early spring, I’d encourage you to introduce the idea and begin exploring options with your kids. If you’re not sure where to start, Focus on the Family would be happy to put you in touch with several excellent camps and camp organizations. Feel free to call us at 800-A-FAMILY. ••• Jim Daly is a husband and father, an author, president of Focus on the Family and host of the “Focus on the Family” radio program. Catch up with him at jimdalyblog.com or at facebook.com/DalyFocus. Copyright 2014 Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995. International copyright secured. All rights reserved. Distributed by Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500. This feature may not be reproduced or distributed electronically, in print or otherwise, without written permission of Focus on the Family.

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CUSHING COOPERATIVE SOCIETY Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215

FREDERIC BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren

DAEFFLER’S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456

Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008

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Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making • Ham & Bacon Cured & Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141

10022 Elbow Lake Road Siren, Wis. 54872 715-689-2539

Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed Hwy. 35 North Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059

SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131

Churches 8/10


Hwys. 35 & 48, Downtown Frederic Phone 715-327-5513


“Your Electric Servant” Serving Polk & Burnett Counties “Use Energy Wisely”


Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4475

Any area business wishing to help sponsor the church listings should contact the Leader at 715-327-4236.



“JUNKYARD/SALVAGE YARD/RECYCLING CENTER” means an open area where waste or scrap materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, disassembled or handled for commercial or noncommercial purposes including, but not limited to, scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires and bottles. A junkyard/salvage yard/recycling center includes, but is not limited to, an automobile wrecking or dismantling yard or an area where more than one unlicensed or inoperable motor vehicle is kept on a regular basis.

(Effective March 15, 2016)

The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Polk does ordain as follows: Article 1. Title................................................................................................................................0 Article 2. Statutory Authorization............................................................................................... 0 Article 3. Purpose and Intent.......................................................................................................0 Article 4. Definitions.....................................................................................................................1 Article 5. General Provisions.......................................................................................................5 Article 6. Shoreland Zoning District Boundaries.......................................................................6 Article 7. Shoreland-Wetland District.........................................................................................6 Article 8. General Purpose District...........................................................................................10 Article 9. Classification of Waters............................................................................................ 13 Article 10. Reclassification of Waters.........................................................................................13 Article 11. Lot Requirements, Setbacks,....................................................................................13 & Minimum Shoreland Lot Dimensional Requirements....................................13 Article 12. Shoreland Protection Area........................................................................................18 Article 13. Open Structures in Shoreland Setback Area...........................................................20 Article 14. Land Use Runoff Rating.............................................................................................20 Article 15. Filling, Grading and Ditching.....................................................................................21 Article 16. Off-Street Parking and Loading................................................................................22 Article 17. Administrative Provisions..........................................................................................23 Article 18. Changes and Amendments.......................................................................................26 Article 19. Enforcement and Penalties.......................................................................................27

“LANDSCAPING” means the removal or alteration of topsoil. “LAND USE RUNOFF RATING” The land use runoff rating is mitigation to reduce the effects of development, particularly impervious surfaces, on water quality. “LOT” means a legally recorded piece of land with designated boundaries. “MITIGATION” A technique used to balance property owner’s rights with those of the public. “MOBILE HOME” is that which is or was originally constructed and designed to be transported by motor vehicle upon a public highway and designed, and used or intended to be used primarily for sleeping, eating, living quarters and must be skirted. If assessed value of additions, attachments, annexes, foundations and appurtenances is greater than 50% assessed value, it does not qualify as a mobile home. “MOTEL” means a hotel that furnishes on-premise parking for motor vehicles of guests as part of the room charge, without extra cost, and that is identified as a “motel” rather than a “hotel” at the request of the operator. “NAVIGABLE” means all lakes, ponds, flowages, rivers and streams in Polk County shall be presumed to be navigable if they are listed in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ publication Surface Waters Resources of Polk County, or are shown on the United States Geological Survey Quadrangle Maps. Lakes, ponds, flowages, rivers and streams not included in these documents may also be determined to be navigable. Also, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, all natural inland lakes within Wisconsin and all streams, ponds, sloughs, flowages and other waters within the territorial limits of this State, including the Wisconsin portion of boundary waters, which are navigable under the laws of this State. Under Section 281.31(2)(d), Wisconsin Statutes, notwithstanding any other provision of law or administrative rule promulgated there under, shoreland ordinances required under Section 59.692, Wisconsin Statues, and Chapter NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code do not apply to lands adjacent to farm drainage ditches if: 1. Such lands are not adjacent to a natural navigable stream or river; 2. The drainage ditch was not a navigable stream before ditching; and 3. Such lands are maintained in agricultural use.

Article 1. Title This ordinance shall be known as the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance. Article 2. Statutory Authorization This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authorization in Sections 59.692 and 281.31, Wisconsin Statutes. Article 3. Purpose and Intent A. The purpose of these shoreland regulations is to ensure the proper management and development of the shoreland of all navigable lakes, ponds, flowages, rivers and streams in the unincorporated areas of Polk County. The intent of these regulations is to further the maintenance of safe and healthful conditions; prevent and control water pollution; protect spawning ground for fish and aquatic life; control building sites, placements of structures and land uses; and preserve shore cover and natural beauty. For those reasons, development and alterations that may affect the natural function of the shorelands of Polk County shall be controlled and regulated so as to cause no harm. The Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance shall be interpreted in harmony with federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to, the Polk County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Polk County Nuisance Ordinance, Polk County Flood Plain Ordinance, Polk County Chapter 18 Subdivision Ordinance and others. Where any provision is inconsistent with applicable federal, state or local laws, rules and regulations, such provision shall be deemed void, but the remainder of this ordinance shall apply and remain in full force and effect. This ordinance shall conform to Chapters 30, 59 and 281 of Wisconsin Statutes Wis. Admin Code Chapter NR 115 and the American Disabilities Act. B. To the extent that any of the provisions of this ordinance is interpreted to be more restrictive than the state shoreland standard as provided by NR115.05(1)(a)-(g), said ordinance provision shall lack application and the applicable state standard is hereby incorporated by reference as expressly provided herein so as to comply with Wisconsin Statute Section 59.692(1d) and to allow for lawful issuance of any permit, special exception permit, as provided by this ordinance and to allow for the enforcement by ordinance of the state shoreland standard.

“ORDINARY HIGH-WATER MARK” (OHWM) means the point on the bank or shore up to which the presence and action of surface water is so continuous as to leave a distinctive mark such as by erosion, destruction or prevention of terrestrial vegetation, predominance of aquatic vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristics. “ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR” means those activities necessary to maintain the structural integrity and current function of the existing structure. Ordinary maintenance and repair may include replacement of windows, doors, siding, insulation, roofing and roof replacement provided the pitch does not exceed the pitch necessary to match the existing roof. “PATIO” means any unrailed, open, wooden or paved area, not to exceed nine inches above existing grade. “PERMIT” means a written form issued by the Zoning Department (See Article 17.B.). “PRE-EXISTING USE” means a building, structure or use, which lawfully existed on the effective date of this ordinance as revised and the use of which has been continued uninterrupted and that does not conform to this ordinance. “SETBACK” means the shortest horizontal distance from the structure to a lot line, or in case of the shoreland setback the shortest horizontal distance from a structure to the OHWM. “SETBACK AVERAGING” means setback averaging formula as described in Article 11.IC. Table 1.

Article 4. Definitions The following definitions apply to the provisions of this ordinance:

“SHORELAND” means area landward of the ordinary high-water mark within the following distances: 1,000 feet from a lake, pond or flowage; and 300 feet from a river or stream or to the landward side of the floodplain, whichever distance is greater.

“ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR USE” means a detached subordinate structure or a use which is clearly incidental to, and customarily found in connection with, the dwelling or use to which it is related, and which is located on the same lot as that of the dwelling.

“SHORELAND PROTECTION AREA” means a vegetative strip of land 35 feet measured perpendicular from the ordinary high-water mark.

“ATTACHED STRUCTURE” means a structure connected to another structure by a common wall or roof.

“SHORELAND-WETLAND DISTRICT” means the zoning district, created as a part of this shoreland zoning ordinance, comprised of shorelands that are designated as wetlands on the wetland maps.

“BED & BREAKFAST” means any place of lodging that provides 8 or fewer rooms for rent to no more than a total of 20 tourists or other transients for more than 10 nights in a 12month period, is the owner’s personal residence, is occupied by the owner at the time of rental, and in which the only meal served to guests is breakfast.

“SHORELINE” means landward of the established ordinary high-water mark. “SPECIAL EXCEPTION” means a use that is permitted as well as listed by ordinance provided certain conditions specified in the ordinance are met and that a permit is granted by the Board of Adjustment.

“BOATHOUSE” means a structure designed solely for boat storage and storage of related marine equipment and not used by humans as a place of settled residence or habitat in any manner or form.

“STRUCTURAL ALTERATION” means any change in the supporting members, such as bearing walls, columns, purlins, rafters, beams or girders, footings and piles.

“CAMPGROUND” means any public or private premise established for overnight habitation by persons using equipment designed for the purpose of temporary camping.

“STRUCTURE” means a principal structure or any accessory structure including a garage, shed, boathouse, sidewalk, stairway, walkway, patio, deck, retaining wall, porch or fire pit.

“DECK” See “Structure.” “DESIGNATED AS WETLAND” means those wetlands shown with boundaries and classifications on the wetland map adopted and made part of this ordinance.

“TOURIST OR TRANSIENT” means a person who travels to a location away from his or her permanent address for a short period of time for vacation, pleasure, recreation, culture, business or employment.

“DEVELOPMENT” means any manmade change to real estate, including, but not limited to, the construction of buildings, structures or accessory structures; the construction of additions or substantial alterations to buildings, structures or accessory structures; the placement of mobile homes; ditching, lagooning, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations; and the deposition or extraction of earthen materials.

“TOURIST ROOMING HOUSE” means single-family tourist cabins and cottages in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to a maximum of 2 tourists or transients per bedroom plus 2, not to exceed 8. It does not include private boarding or rooming houses not accommodating tourists or transients, bed and breakfast establishments regulated under ch. HFS 197, or hotels and motels.

“DIRECT DRAINAGE” means runoff from riparian areas within 300 feet that flow directly into a surface water resource as defined within the ordinance.

“TRANSIENT LODGING” means any bed & breakfast, hotel or motel that requires a license from the State Department of Health and Family Services.

“DWELLING” means a main building or principal structure designed for human habitation. “EXCAVATING” means to remove by scooping or digging out.

“TRAVEL TRAILERS” means any vehicle, house car, camp car or any portable mobile vehicle on wheels, skids, rollers or blocks either self propelled or propelled by other means which is used or designed to be used for residential living or sleeping purposes as defined in Wisconsin Administrative Code HFS178.

“FARM ANIMALS” means cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, ponies and mules, or similar animals raised or kept for agricultural purposes. “FEEDLOT” means a lot or building, or combination of contiguous lots and buildings, intended for the confined feeding, breeding, raising or holding of animals and specifically designed as a confinement area in which animal waste may accumulate, or where the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained within the enclosure. For purposes of these parts, open lots used for feeding and rearing of poultry (poultry ranges) and barns, dairy facilities, swine facilities, beef lots and barns, horse stalls, mink ranches and domesticated animal zoos, shall be considered to be animal feedlots.

“UNDEVELOPED LOT” means a lot that does not have a well and an installed sanitary system, not including a privy. “UNNECESSARY HARDSHIP” means for area variances, compliance with the strict letter of the restrictions governing area, setbacks, frontage, height, bulk or density would unreasonably prevent the owner from using the property for a permitted purpose or would render conformity with such restrictions unnecessarily burdensome. An unnecessary hardship must be based on conditions unique to the property rather than considerations personal to the property owner when reviewing a variance application.

“FLOODPLAIN” means the land that has been or may be hereafter covered by floodwater, during the regional flood. The floodplain includes the floodway and the flood fringe as those terms are defined in Chapter NR 116, Wisconsin Administrative Code.

“VARIANCE” means an action, which authorizes the construction or maintenance of a building in a manner inconsistent with the dimensional requirements of a zoning ordinance. A variance may only be granted in cases of unnecessary hardship and when the spirit of the ordinance is not violated.

“GRADING” means the filling, placing or moving of rock and soil material. “GENERAL PURPOSE DISTRICT” means district that includes all shorelands subject to regulation under this ordinance and not designated wetland areas on a shoreland zoning map.

“VIEWING CORRIDOR” means an area in which all trees and shrubs may be removed to create a visual view.

“HANDICAP ACCESS” means any temporary deck extension, walkway, ramp, elevator or any mechanical device used as a means of movement or access by a handicapped person, which is deemed medically necessary.

“WETLANDS” means those areas where water is at, near or above the land surface long enough to support aquatic or hydrophytic (water-loving) vegetation and which have soils indicative of wet conditions.

“HEIGHT” is defined as the elevation from the lowest exposed grade of the structure to the highest peak of the roof, excluding window wells and stairways.

Article 5. General Provisions A. Areas to be Regulated - The shorelands area shall be considered as those lands within one thousand (1,000) feet of the OHWM of any navigable lake, pond or flowage, and those lands within three hundred (300) feet of the OHWM of any navigable river or stream, or to the landward side of the flood plain, whichever is greater.

“HOTEL” means a place where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to transients, in 5 or more rooms, and all related rooms, buildings and areas.

“INOPERABLE” means not able to perform its normal function. “INDUSTRIAL USE” means industrial district or restricted as defined within Polk County Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance.

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“IMPERVIOUS SURFACES” means surfaces that do not allow the infiltration of water to occur.

All land within the shoreland area shall be placed within one of the zoning districts listed in Article 6.A. Uses within the shorelands shall conform to requirements of those respective districts and in addition, each use and property shall be subject to the requirements of this Ordinance.

PAGE 20 • INTER-COUNTY LEADER - NORTHERN CURRENTS, SECTION B • APRIL 6, 2016 B. Greater Restrictions - The provisions of the shorelands and wetlands regulations supersede all the provisions of any county zoning ordinance adopted under Chapter 59, Wisconsin Statutes, which relate to shorelands. However, where an ordinance adopted under a statute other than Chapter 59, Wisconsin Statutes, applies and is more restrictive than this Ordinance, the more restrictive provision of said ordinance shall continue in full force and effect only to the extent of the greater restrictions that are applicable, but not otherwise. Section 4.B.3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance is not applicable from 0 to 300 feet. In addition: 1. Shorelands and wetlands regulations shall not require approval or be subject to disapproval by any town or town board. 2. If an existing town ordinance relating to shorelands is more restrictive than this Ordinance or any amendments thereto, the town ordinance continues in all respects to the extent of the greater restrictions, but not otherwise. 3. The shorelands regulations are not intended to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing deed restrictions, covenants or easements. However, where this Ordinance imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this Ordinance shall prevail. C. Height Restrictions - The maximum height is 35 feet for principal structure. The maximum height of any accessory structure is 25 feet. D. The use of phosphate fertilizers within shoreland areas is prohibited. E. Septic systems shall comply with the applicable federal, state and local laws, including other county ordinances.

(d) The construction and maintenance of electric, gas, telephone, water and sewer transmission and distribution lines, and related facilities by public utilities and cooperative associations organized for the purpose of producing or furnishing heat, light power or water to their members, provided that: (1) The transmission and distribution lines and related facilities cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland; and (2) Any filling, excavating, ditching or draining that is done is necessary for such construction or maintenance and is done in a manner designed to minimize flooding and other adverse impacts upon the natural functions of the wetlands. (e) The construction and maintenance of railroad lines provided that: (1) The railroad lines cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland; and (2) Any filling, excavating, ditching or draining that is done is necessary for such construction or maintenance and must be done in a manner designed to minimize flooding and other adverse impacts upon the natural functions of the wetlands. E. Prohibited Uses - Any use not specifically enumerated in Article 7.D, is prohibited, unless the wetland or portion of the wetland is rezoned by an amendment of this ordinance in accordance with the requirements of Section 59.69 (5)(e), Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter NR 115, Wisconsin Administrative Code and Article 7.F. of this Ordinance. F. Rezoning of Maps and amendments of text in the Shoreland-Wetland District - The following procedures shall be required for rezoning of lands within the Shoreland-Wetland District: 1. For all proposed text and map amendments to the Shoreland-Wetland District, the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources shall be provided with the following: (a) A copy of every petition for a text or map amendment to the Shoreland-Wetland District within 5 days of the filing of such petition with the County Clerk; (b) Written notice of the public hearing to be held on a proposed amendment, at least 10 days prior to such hearing; (c) A copy of the County Zoning Department’s findings and recommendations on each proposed amendment, within 10 days after the submission of those findings and recommendations to the County Board; and (d) Written notice of the County Board’s decision on the proposed amendment, within 10 days after it is issued. 2. A wetland, or a portion thereof, in the Shoreland-Wetland District shall not be rezoned if the proposed rezoning may result in a significant adverse impact upon any of the following: (a) Storm and flood water storage capacity; (b) Maintenance of dry season stream flow, the discharge of groundwater to a wetland, the recharge of groundwater from a wetland to another area, or the flow of groundwater through a wetland; (c) Filtering or storage of sediments, nutrients, heavy metals or organic compounds that would otherwise drain into navigable water; (d) Shoreline protection against soil erosion; (e) Fish spawning, brooding, nursery or feeding grounds; (f) Wildlife habitat; or, (g) Areas of special recreational, scenic or scientific interest, including scarce wetland types. 3. If the Department of Natural Resources has notified the County Zoning Department that a proposed amendment to the Shoreland-Wetland District may have a significant adverse impact upon any of the criteria listed in Article 7.B., that amendment, if approved by the County Board, shall contain the following provision: “This amendment shall not take affect until more than 30 days have elapsed since written notice of the County Board’s approval of this amendment was mailed to the Department of Natural Resources.” During that 30-day period, the Department of Natural Resources may notify the County Board that it will adopt a superseding shoreland ordinance for the county under Section 59.692(6) of the Wisconsin Statutes. If the Department does so notify the County Board, the effect of this amendment shall be stayed until the adoption procedure under Section 59.692(6) is completed or otherwise terminated.

Article 7. Shoreland-Wetland District A. Designation - The Shoreland-Wetland District includes all shorelands subject to regulation under Article 5.A, which are designated as wetlands on the wetlands maps that have been adopted and made a part of this ordinance under Article 6.B. B. Locating shoreland-wetlands boundaries. Where an apparent discrepancy exists between the Shoreland-Wetland District shown on the official wetlands maps and actual field conditions at the time the maps were adopted, the Zoning Administrator shall contact the appropriate field office of the Department of Natural Resources to determine if the Shoreland-Wetland District, as mapped, is in error. If the Department of Natural Resources staff concurs with the Zoning Administrator that a particular area was incorrectly mapped as a wetlands, the Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to immediately grant or deny a land use permit in accordance with the regulations applicable to the correct zoning district. In order to correct wetland-mapping errors shown on the official map, the Zoning Administrator shall complete a map amendment in a timely manner. C. Purpose and Importance - The purpose of the Shoreland-Wetland District is: to maintain safe and healthful conditions, to prevent water pollution, to protect fish spawning grounds and aquatic life, and to preserve shore cover and natural beauty. D. Allowed Uses - Allowed uses within the Shoreland-Wetland Zoning District are specifically enumerated in this paragraph. The following uses enumerated shall be allowed, subject to the regulations of this ordinance and the applicable provisions of Federal, State and local laws. The following uses are allowed within the Shoreland-Wetland District: 1. Allowed - The following uses are allowed and do not need a permit, so long as the use involves no filling, flooding, draining, dredging, ditching, tiling, excavating or grading: (a) Hiking, fishing, trapping, hunting, swimming, boating and fish farming. (b) The harvesting of wild crops, such as marsh hay, ferns, moss, wild rice, berries, tree fruits and tree seeds, in a manner that is not injurious to the natural reproduction of such crops. (c) The pasturing of livestock and the construction and maintenance of fences. (d) The practice of silviculture, including the planting, thinning and harvesting of timber. (e) The cultivation of agricultural crops. (f) The construction and maintenance of duck blinds 2. Allowed - The following uses are allowed, but an erosion control plan shall be filed with and approved by the Land and Water Resources Department for: (a) The construction and maintenance of piers and walkways, including those built on pilings. (b) The maintenance, repair, replacement and reconstruction of existing town and county highways and bridges. (c) Upon the approval of this ordinance, the Highway Commissioner shall develop an erosion plan for existing and future roadway maintenance and construction. 3. The following uses do not require the issuance of a zoning permit and which may involve filling, flooding, draining, dredging, ditching, tiling or excavating to the extent specifically provided below: (a) Temporary water level stabilization measures, in the practice of silviculture, which are necessary to alleviate abnormally wet or dry conditions that would have an adverse impact on the conduct of silviculture activities if not corrected. (b Dike and dam construction and ditching for the purpose of growing and harvesting cranberries. (c) Ditching, tiling, dredging, excavating or filling done to maintain or repair existing agricultural drainage systems only to the extent necessary to maintain the level of drainage required to continue the existing agricultural use. 4. The issuance of a zoning permit is required before the following uses may be commenced: (a) The construction and maintenance of roads which are necessary to conduct silvicultural activities or are necessary for agricultural cultivation provided that: (1) The road cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland; and, (2) The road is designed and constructed to minimize the adverse impact upon the natural functions of the wetland and meets the following standards: (A) The road is designed and constructed as a single lane roadway with only such depth and width as is necessary to accommodate the machinery required to conduct agricultural and silvicultural activities; and (B Road construction activities are carried out in the immediate area of the roadbed only; and (C) Any filling, flooding, draining, dredging, ditching, tiling or excavating that is done is necessary for the construction or maintenance of the road. (b) The construction and maintenance of nonresidential buildings used solely in conjunction with raising of waterfowl, minnows or other wetland or aquatic animals or used solely for some other purpose which is compatible with wetland preservation, if such building cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland, provided that: (1) Any such building does not exceed 500 square feet in floor area; and, (2) No filling, flooding, draining, dredging, ditching, tiling or excavating is to be done. (c) The establishment and development of public and private parks and recreation areas, boat access sites, natural and outdoor education areas, historic and scientific areas, wildlife refuges, game preserves and private wildlife habitat areas, provided that: (1) Any private recreation or wildlife habitat area is used exclusively for that purpose. (2) No filling or excavation is done except for limited filling and excavation necessary for the construction of boat access sites which cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland. (3) Ditching, excavating, dredging, dike and dam construction in wildlife refuges, game preserves and private wildlife habitat areas, but only for the purpose of improving wildlife habitat or to otherwise enhance wetland values.

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Article 6. Shoreland Zoning District Boundaries A. The shorelands of Polk County are hereby divided into the following Districts: 1. Shoreland-Wetland District 2. General Purpose District B. The following maps have been adopted and made part of this ordinance and are on file in the office of the Polk County Zoning Administrator: 1. Department of Natural Resources Shoreland Wetland District Maps 2. FEMA Floodplain Maps (Federal Emergency Management Agency) 3. Lake Classification List 4. County Identified Wetland Maps

Article 8. General Purpose District A. Designation - This district includes all shorelands subject to regulations under Article 5, which are not designated as wetland areas on the shoreland zoning maps in Article 6. B. Purpose - The General Purpose District shall be used to allow a wide range of uses, subject to the general provisions of this ordinance which are designed to further the maintenance of safe and healthful conditions, protect spawning grounds, fish and aquatic life; and preserve shore cover and natural beauty. C. Allowed Uses - All allowed and sanctioned uses that increase the impervious surfaces that are within 300 feet of the OHWM and have direct drainage to a water resource are required to comply with the Land Use Runoff Rating. The following uses are allowed within the General Purpose District: 1. Any use allowed under Article 7. 2. Single-family dwelling for owner occupancy, rent or lease. 3. Accessory buildings, incidental to the primary use of the property provided that: (a) Such buildings shall not be used for human habitation; and (b) No more than two (2) accessory buildings, including a boathouse, shall be allowed on a lot within 300 feet of the OHWM. 4. Where boathouses are allowed, they shall meet the following requirements: (a) The maximum dimension is: 14’ in width by 26’ in depth by 11’ in height. (b) Open handrails under 3-1⁄2 feet tall may be constructed on the roof of the boathouse. (c) The roof must pitch away from the lake. (d) Designed solely for boat storage and storage of related marine equipment and not used by humans as a place of settled residence or habitat. (e) Shall not extend below the OHWM. (f) Toilet facilities are excluded from the structure. (g) Must be at least 10 feet landward of the OHWM. (h) Legal boathouses which existed prior to the date of ordinance adoption are allowed ordinary maintenance and repair. (i) Must be located within the allowed access and viewing corridor. 5. General agricultural buildings, provided that: (a) Nonfarm residences shall not be located within 300 feet of any feedlot or structure housing farm animals. (b) Farm buildings housing animals, barnyards, feedlots and animal waste disposal facilities shall be located at least 100 feet from any navigable water and shall be so located and constructed that there will be no drainage either directly or indirectly from such facilities into any navigable water. 6. Home occupations, including professional offices, incidental to the residential use of the property, provided that no more than 50 percent of the one floor shall be devoted to such offices contained within the dwelling. (a) Home occupation, when such occupation is incidental to the residential use of the premises and does not involve any external alteration that would effect a substantial change in the residential character of the building; provided further that no article is offered for sale that is not produced by such home occupation, that no stock in trade is kept or sold and that no person other than a member of the resident family is employed. (b) Professional office, when such office is conducted solely by a member or members of the resident family, entirely within the residence and incidental to the residential use of the premises: provided further that there shall be no external alterations that would effect a substantial change in the residential character of the building and that not more than two persons not members of the resident family may be employed in nonprofessional capacities in any such office. 7. Snowmobile bridges have received written approval from the Department of Natural Resources.

APRIL 6, 2016 - INTER-COUNTY LEADER - NORTHERN CURRENTS, SECTION B - PAGE 21 8. A travel trailer will not be allowed on any lot for more than one fourteen-day period in any sixty consecutive days. One travel trailer may be placed on a piece of property by the owner of the property for storage purposes only, if a main building exists. A temporary permit may be issued if the property owner has installed a stateapproved septic system and well and has provided the Zoning Administrator a plan to begin constructing a dwelling within one year. Travel trailers must meet the setback requirements of Article 11. 9. Structures, including but not limited to, school bus stop shelters, deer stands, playhouses, doghouses, tree houses and ice-fishing shacks shall not be deemed an accessory structure or use, do not require permits unless size limitations are exceeded, and shall conform to the lake classification setbacks and cannot be used for storage. Size limitations reference is in Article 11.G. 10. Any other structures that are customarily associated with a dwelling. 11. All agricultural activities that follow Best Management Practices as adopted by the Conservation, Development, Recreation and Education Committee acting under Wisconsin Statute 92.06, Federal, State and Local rules and ordinances. D. Special Exceptions - The following uses are authorized upon the issuance of a special exception permit according to the procedure set forth in Article 17. Unless a greater distance is specified, any structure shall be at least 100 feet from a residence other than that of the owner of the lot, his/her agent or employee; 75 feet from a residential property line; or 25 feet from a lot line. Erosion control plans and storm water management plans shall be required. 1. Hotels, transient lodging, condominiums, including 2 or more single-family dwellings for rent or lease, motels, restaurants, dinner clubs, taverns, private clubs, power generating stations, churches and cemeteries. (a) Tourist Rooming Houses are exempt from Article 8.D.1. setbacks. The side yard setback as defined in Article 11.C.Table 1. for Principal Structures shall apply to tourist rooming houses. 2. Institutions of a philanthropic or educational nature. 3. Recreational camps and campgrounds provided all buildings are more than 100 feet from the side lot line. Recreational camps shall conform to Chapter HFS 175, Wisconsin Administrative Code and campgrounds shall conform to Chapter HFS 178 Wisconsin Administrative Code. 4. Businesses customarily found in recreational areas. 5. Marinas, boat liveries, sale of bait, fishing equipment, boats and motors, forest industries, snowmobile sales, service and maintenance, recreational archery, custom rod building, indoor archery range, storage units and licensed day-care centers. 6. Mobile home parks, provided that: (a) The minimum size of mobile home parks shall be 5 acres. (b) The maximum number of mobile homes shall be 8 per acre. (c) Minimum dimensions of a mobile home site shall be 50 feet wide by 100 feet long. (d) All drives, parking areas and walkways shall be hard surfaced or graveled, maintained in good condition, have natural drainage, and the driveways shall be lighted at night. (e) In addition to the requirements of Article 11, there shall be a minimum setback of 40 feet from all other lot lines and a minimum shoreline setback of 150 feet. (f) The park shall conform to the requirements of Chapter ATCP 125 Wisconsin Administrative Code. (g) No mobile home site shall be rented for a period of less than 30 days. (h) Each mobile home site shall be separated from other mobile home sites by a yard not less than 15 feet wide. (i) There shall be 2 surfaced automobile parking spaces for each mobile home. (j) Unless adequately screened by existing vegetation cover, the mobile home park shall be screened by a temporary planting of fast-growing plant material capable of reaching 15 feet or more, and so arranged that, within 10 years, there shall be formed a screen equivalent in screening capacity to a solid fence or wall. Such permanent planting shall be grown and maintained to a height of not less than 15 feet. (k) The mobile home park site shall meet all applicable town and county subdivision regulations. (l) Any mobile home site shall not have individual on-site soil absorption sewage disposal system unless it meets the minimum lot size specification as stated in Article 11. 7. Travel trailer parks provided that: (a) The minimum size of the travel trailer park shall be 5 acres. (b) The maximum number of travel trailers shall be 15 per acre. (c) Minimum dimensions of a travel trailer site shall be 25 feet by 40 feet. (d) Each travel trailer site is separated from other travel trailer sites by a yard not less than 15 feet wide. (e) There shall be 1-1⁄2 automobile parking spaces for each trailer site. (f) In addition to the requirements of Article 11, there shall be a minimum setback of 40 feet from all other exterior lot lines. (g) The park shall conform to the requirements of Chapter HFS 178, Wisconsin Administrative Code. (h) The screening provisions for mobile home parks shall be met. (i) The travel trailer park site shall meet all applicable town and county subdivision regulations. 8. Nonmetallic mining - The extracting of the material consisting of, but not limited to, stone, clay, peat and topsoil. 9. Industrial use. E. Prohibited Uses - Any use not specifically enumerated in Article C and D above is prohibited.

(b) Lots served by public sanitary sewer: (1) Minimum lot area....................................7,500 sq. feet (2) Minimum lot width...................................50 feet (3) Minimum average lot width....................50 feet 2. Dimensions of Building Sites After June 1, 1967, But Before Passage Of This Amendment: (a) Lots not served by a public sanitary sewer: (1) Minimum lot area....................................20,000 sq. feet (2) Minimum lot width...................................90 feet (3) Minimum average lot width....................100 feet (b) Lots served by public sanitary sewer: (1) Minimum lot area....................................10,000 sq. feet (2) Minimum lot width...................................60 feet (3) Minimum average lot width....................65 feet 3. Dimensions of Building Sites After July 1, 1996, But Before the Passage Of This Amendment: (a) Lots not served by a public sanitary sewer: (1) Minimum lot area....................................43,560 sq. feet (2) Minimum lot width...................................100 feet (b) Lots served by public sanitary sewer: (1) Minimum lot area....................................20,000 sq. feet (2) Minimum lot width...................................90 feet B. Other Substandard Lots 1. “Substandard lots” A legally created lot or parcel that met the minimum area and minimum average width requirements when created but does not meet current lot size requirements, may be used as a building site if all the following apply: a. The substandard lot or parcel was never reconfigured or combined with another lot or parcel by plat, survey or consolidation by the owner into one property tax parcel. b. The substandard lot or parcel has never been developed with one or more of its structures placed partly upon an adjacent lot or parcel. c. The substandard lot or parcel is developed to comply with all other ordinance requirements. 2. “Planned Unit Development” A nonriparian lot may be created which does not meet the requirements of Article 11.C. Table 1 if the county has approved a recorded plat or certified survey map including that lot within a planned unit development, if the planned unit development contains as least 2 acres or 200 feet of frontage, and if the reduced nonriparian lot sizes are allowed in exchange for larger shoreland buffers and setbacks on those lots adjacent to navigable waters that are proportional to and offset the impacts of the reduced lots on habitat, water quality and natural scenic beauty. C. All New Developed Lots and Construction Allowed After July 14, 2015, That Have Riparian Access Must Conform To Table 1.

Article 9. Classification of Waters A. Navigable waters in Polk County are classified according to criteria established in the Polk County Lakes Classification System, which was adopted by the Polk County Board of Supervisors on April 20, 1999, and is hereby incorporated herein and made part of this ordinance. B. Polk County waters are classified into three (3) classes. C. Class 1 waters are those that are least vulnerable; Class 2 waters are those that are moderately vulnerable and includes all rivers and streams; and Class 3 waters are those that are most vulnerable and includes all lakes that are twenty (20) acres or less in size, and all unnamed lakes not appearing on the DNR publication titled: Surface Water Resources of Polk County. The Zoning Administrator shall make available a copy upon demand. D. Any named lake inadvertently omitted from the DNR’s Surface Water Resources of Polk County will be classified according to available information. Article 10. Reclassification of Waters Waters may be reclassified by amendment of the Polk County Waters Lakes Classification System under Article 10 of this ordinance. A petitioner for reclassification shall provide evidence related to each of the criteria described below and identify the waterway or specific portion of a waterway, which is the subject of the request. To avoid fragmentation of watersheds by numerous management strategies and to preserve administrative efficiency, a contiguous portion of a waterway, which is less than 0.5 mile in length, may not be reclassified. The following criteria shall be the sole basis for the County Board decision on the petition: The criteria specified in the Polk County Waters Classification System. Lot Requirements, Setbacks & Minimum Shoreland Lot Dimensional Requirements A. Pre-existing Lots of Record Any owner must obtain a permit prior to improving an existing lot. The Zoning Administrator shall not issue a permit unless the subject property meets shoreland and side yard setbacks in Article 11.C and the lot area and dimensions as follows: 1. Dimensions of Building Sites for Lots Recorded Prior June 1, 1967: (a) Lots not served by a public sanitary sewer: (1) Minimum lot area....................................10,000 sq. feet (2) Minimum lot width...................................65 feet (3) Minimum Average Lot Width..................65 feet

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Article 11.

*Minimum lot size and width for lots served by a public sewer system. **New lots are also subject to the requirements of the Polk County Subdivision Ordinance D. Private Access Outlots 1. Any lot created to provide lake access shall meet the following requirements: (a) Such access strip must be a minimum of 50 feet in width for its entire depth. (b) No private access strip may serve more than five single-family dwellings. (c) No camping or RV parking is allowed on such access strip. (d) No structures are allowed on such access strip. (e) Private access strips must be at least 1,000 feet apart. E. For all properties located within the Shoreland Zoning District, the following setback requirements shall apply: 1. The setback from any state or federal highway shall be 110 feet from the centerline of the highway or 50 feet from the right of way, whichever is greater. 2. The setback from any county highway shall be 75 feet from the centerline of the highway or 42 feet from the right of way, whichever is greater. 3. The setback from any town road, public street or highway shall be 63 feet from the centerline of the road or 30 feet from the right of way, whichever is greater or as required by the Polk County Subdivision Ordinance. 4. The setback from any private road shall be 35 feet from the centerline of the road. 5. All buildings and structures shall be set back from the OHWM of navigable waters as required by the table of dimensional standards in Article 11.C. Table 1. Such setback shall be measured as the shortest horizontal distance from the structure to the OHWM. 6. The following structures are exempt from shoreline, drainage way and wetland setback requirements: (a) Shoreline protection structures permitted by the Department of Natural Resources; (b) Piers, boat hoists, public boat ramps, fences with open construction, and TV satellite dishes that are one meter or less in diameter; (c) Elevated pedestrian walkways, stairways and railings essential to access the shore due to steep slopes or wet soils and which comply with Article 12. Such stairways or walkways may be no more than five (5) feet in width and landings may not exceed 32 square feet; (d) Erosion control projects designed to remedy significant, existing erosion that cannot otherwise be controlled provided the project is received prior to project start and approved by the Land and Water Resource Department. 7. Boathouses shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from the ordinary high-water mark of nonnavigable streams and drainage ways. 8. All buildings and structures except for those permitted to be within wetland areas shall be setback at least 25 feet from the boundary of mapped wetlands. F. For nonconforming principal structures located within the applicable setback areas, the following will apply:


Article 12. Shoreland Protection Area A. The shoreland protection area of all lots shall conform with Admin Code NR115.05 (3)(c) trees and shrubbery. Developed lots can be maintained in their present condition without removal of trees and shrubs within the shoreland protection area. Accordingly: 1. In the vegetated strip of land 35 feet wide measured perpendicular from the ordinary high-water mark, no more than 35 ft. in every 100 ft. measured parallel to the shore, on any lot shall be clear-cut (removal of all trees and shrubs) for a viewing corridor. 2. In the shoreland areas more than 35 feet wide inland, trees and shrubbery cutting shall be governed by consideration of the effect on water quality and consideration of sound forestry practices and soil conservation practices. 3. The tree and shrubbery cutting regulation shall not apply to the removal of dead, diseased or dying trees and shrubs. B. Allowed uses by permit or Special Exception Permit in a shoreland protection area. 1. Placement of a pier, wharf, temporary boat shelter or boatlift shall be confined to waters immediately adjacent the viewing corridor described in Article 12.A.1. unless such location is not feasible due to steep slopes, wet soils or similar limiting conditions. 2. One developed pedestrian access to the shoreline may be provided if: (a) It is located within the viewing corridor unless such location is not feasible due to steep slopes, wet soils or similar limiting conditions; (b) It is located and constructed so as to avoid erosion; (c) It is located and constructed so as to maintain screening of development from view from the water; (d) It is the minimum construction necessary to provide access and includes no additional construction other than railings essential for safety; (e) It is no more than five (5) feet wide with landings of 32 square feet or less; and, (f) It is constructed of materials that blend with the natural ground cover in the vicinity of the pathway. 3. An elevated walkway or powered lift may be added to a developed access if: (a) It is the minimum construction essential to access the shore because of steep slopes, wet soils or similar limiting conditions; (b) It complies with the standards for location and construction of such pathways; (c) Construction plans are approved by the Zoning Office; and (d) Stairways on 20% or greater slopes are constructed to minimize erosion. 4. Shoreline protection activities authorized by a state permit with erosion control measures approved by the County Land and Water Resources Department must be designed to remedy significant, existing erosion problems. 5. Removal of dead and diseased trees that are a safety hazard, which endanger structures, and the removal of noxious vegetation which posses a threat to health or safety, (i.e., poison ivy).

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1. An existing structure that was lawfully placed when constructed but that does not comply with the required shoreland setback may be maintained, repaired, replaced, restored, rebuilt or remodeled if the activity does not expand the footprint of the nonconforming structure. Further, an existing principal structure that was lawfully placed when constructed but that does not comply with the required shoreland setback may be vertically expanded unless the vertical expansion would extend more than 35 feet above grade level or is limited by another provision of this ordinance. 2. Nonconforming principal structures: The following shall apply to pre-existing principal structures: (a) Lateral expansion within the setback area provided the following requirements are met: (1) The use of the nonconforming structure has not been discontinued for a period of 12 months or more if a nonconforming use. (2) The existing principle structure is at least 35 feet from the OHWM. (3) Lateral expansions are limited to a maximum of 200 square feet over the life of the structure. No portion of the expansion can be closer to the OHWM than the closest point of the existing principle structure. (4) Limitations on land disturbing activities in Article 15 are observed. (5) The mitigation requirements of Article 14 are received, approved and implemented. (b) Expansion beyond the setback area provided the following requirements are met: (1) May be expanded horizontally, landward or vertically provided the expanded area meets the building setback requirements under Article 11.C. Table 1 and all other provisions of this ordinance. (2) The mitigation requirements of Article 14 are received, approved and implemented. (c) Relocation of a principal structure provided the following requirements are met: (1) The use of the nonconforming structure has not been discontinued for a period of 12 months or more if a nonconforming use. (2) The existing principal structure is at least 35 feet from the OHWM. (3) No portion of the relocated structure will be closer to the OHWM than the closest point of the existing principal structure. (4) The county determines that no other location is available on the property to build a principal structure of the same square footage as the structure proposed for relocation that will result in compliance with the shoreland setback under Article 11.C. Table 1. (5) Limitations on land disturbing activities in Article 15 are observed. (6) The mitigation requirements of Article 14 are received, approved and implemented. (d) Nonconforming principal structures less than 50 feet from the OHWM shall not exceed a 750 square foot footprint including an attached garage unless they are expanded under provisions (A) & (B) above. Any expansion over the allowed 200 square foot lateral expansion within the setback area to achieve the 750 square foot footprint must be on the landward side. (e) Nonconforming principal structures 50-75 feet from the OHWM shall not exceed a 1,100 square foot footprint including an attached garage unless they are expanded under provisions (A) & (B) above. Any expansion over the allowed 200 square foot lateral expansion within the setback area to achieve the 1,100 square foot footprint must be on the landward side. G. Size Limitations – Playhouses and tree houses that have a footprint greater than 64 sq. ft. or a height greater than 11 feet and doghouses that have a footprint greater than 16 sq. ft or a height greater than 6 feet shall require a permit. H. Boathouses - Maintenance and repair of pre-existing boathouses that extend beyond the ordinary high-water mark of any navigable waters shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 30.121(3) Stats. I. Special Exception Permit - A special exception permit to develop a reduced lot size and width may be granted when subdividing an existing riparian lot that was created prior to the effective date of this ordinance provided: 1. The existing lot has enough frontage to provide that one new lot meet the minimum lot dimension as to frontage and acreage for its Lake Classification, and any new lot created must be at least 75% of the minimum dimensions as to width and acreage for its Lake Classification; 2. The landowner applies for a Special Exception Permit. The Board of Adjustment shall hold a public hearing on a request for a Special Exception Permit. A Class 2 notice shall be published for the hearing. Additionally, notice shall be mailed to the town(s) and lake district (if applicable) in which the proposed subdivision is located, any municipality with extraterritorial subdivision approval jurisdiction and adjacent landowners. The Land Records Director shall be responsible for providing all notices. The applicant shall pay a hearing fee before the hearing is scheduled; 3. The Board of Adjustment shall make a decision of the application for Special Exception Permit within ten (10) days of the hearing. Written findings of fact, conclusions, and the reasons for the decision shall be prepared and signed by the members of the Board of Adjustment. The original decision shall be filed in the Land Records Director’s office. A copy of the decision shall be mailed to the landowner, the town(s), lake districts and municipalities; 4. Any persons that are affected by the decision on the application of Special Exception Permit may commence an action in circuit court seeking the remedy available by certiorari. The procedures in Section 59.694(10), Wisconsin Statutes, apply to this action.

6. Roadways be constructed adjacent to permitted stream crossings. 7. Public and private watercraft constructed launching sites are authorized only by the following standards and are authorized as a special exception use permit provided the following are maintained: (a) Construction allowed on slopes of less than 20%. (b) There is no general public access otherwise available to the waterway. (c) Launching sites on residential property shall not be paved. (d) Access sites shall be located within the viewing corridor unless such location is not feasible due to steep slopes, wet soils or similar limiting conditions. (e) A State Chapter 30 permit shall be obtained for all construction and also be required when areas of 10,000 square feet are disturbed above the OHWM and must be obtained prior to said county application, and; (f) Vegetation removal and land disturbing activities minimized and runoff diverted or controlled so that erosion within the access corridor is avoided. 8. Fish and wildlife habitat management projects included in a Department of Natural Resources approved management plan. 9. Commercial timber harvest is allowed and exempt from permit requirements of Article 12.A-B, if one or both of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) Such activity complies with appropriate practices specified in Wisconsin’s Forestry Best Management Practices For Water Quality published by the Department of Natural Resources or a plan approved by the County Forest Committee. (b) Such activities are conducted on public lands and conform to Federal, State and County management plans. Respective master plans are deemed to meet the intent of this Ordinance by established riparian protection standards through aesthetic managements zones and appropriate management practices to maintain water quality and wildlife habitat. 10. Agricultural cultivation is allowed exemption from the provisions of this Section related to the vegetation protection area and land disturbing activities if such activity complies with Federal, State and local laws or ordinances. Article 13. Open Structures in Shoreland Setback Area A. As required by Section 59.692(1v), Wis. Stats., the construction or placement of certain structures within the shoreland setback area shall be granted special zoning permission. An Administrative Land Use Permit will be issued for the structure for record keeping purposes. Structures will be allowed if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The structure has no sides or has open or screened sides. The structure shall not be attached to any other structure unless the side of such structure at the point of attachment is open or screened; 2. The part of the structure that is nearest to the water is located at least 35 feet landward from the ordinary high-water mark; 3. The total floor area of all structures in the shoreland setback area on the property will not exceed 200 square feet. This calculation shall include the area of any deck, patio, the portion of any pier landward of the OHWM and any other structure, but boathouses, walkways and stairs shall be excluded; 4. The side yard setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet; 5. The structure shall not exceed a height of 13 feet; and 6. The county must approve a plan that will be implemented by the owner of the property to preserve or establish a vegetative buffer zone that covers at least 70% of the half of the shoreland setback area that is nearest to the water. Article 14. Land Use Runoff Rating A. The land use runoff rating is a means to reduce the effects of development, particularly impervious surfaces, on water quality. The Land Use Runoff Rating is based on the amount of storm water runoff from various land uses provided in Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release 55, June 1986, Natural Resources Conservation Services, United States Department of Agriculture. The Land Use Runoff Rating numbers indicate the amount of runoff from a lot. The rating number of 69 represents an average allowable runoff from developed lots. B. The Zoning Department will provide all materials needed to determine or calculate the Land Use Runoff Rating applicable to the lot that will be developed. C. Land Use Runoff Rating - A rating number is determined for the entire lot, up to 300 feet of the ordinary high-water mark and drains directly to the lake, for lake Classes 1, 2, 3 and rivers. To calculate the runoff rating the landowner/agent must complete the following steps: 1. Measure each land use of the lot and draw them to dimension or scale. Convert the land use areas into percentages of the lot. 2. Determine the Hydrologic Soil Type (HST) from a map that will be provided by the Zoning Department which indicates the assigned HST number. 3. Multiply each land use percentages by the HST number, and add the products of all the land uses resulting in the land use rating applied to the lot. 4. If the rating number for the lot is less than or equal to the rating of 69, the landowner/agent is not required to take any action to reduce the runoff rating. If the runoff rating is greater than 69, then the landowner/agent must implement measures as approved by the Zoning Department to arrive at a runoff rating of 69 or less. Such measures are as follows, but are not limited to: rain basins, retention ponds, vegetative areas, redirecting water away from the navigable water. 5. Point Credits: (a) One point credit will be applied for the lots with public sewage and a 1.5 point credit for landowners who establish continuous vegetative cover starting from the OHWM and continuing landward. 6. Runoff rating plans approved after September 1 of each calendar year must be completed by June 1 of following year; all others must be completed by October 31 of the same calendar year. 7. All structural practices must be installed prior to issuance of permit and any runoff control practices installed must have an operation and maintenance plan and have that plan recorded on the deed. D. Alternate Mitigation – A maximum 15 percent impervious surface limit along with a restored vegetated strip meeting the requirements of Article 12.A.1, 2 and 3. E. Equal Runoff Alternate for lots that are predominately D type soils - The postdevelopment runoff rating shall be less than or equal to the predevelopment (current conditions) runoff rating. 1. Use the method described in Article 14.C. to determine the predevelopment and postdevelopment runoff ratings. 2. If the postdevelopment number is greater than the predevelopment number, the landowner/agent must implement measures as approved by the Zoning Administration. Such measures can include but are not limited to rain basins, retention ponds, vegetative areas or redirecting water away from navigable waters. Article 15. Filling, Grading and Ditching A. Filling, grading, lagooning, dredging, ditching or excavating which does not require a permit may be allowed in the Shoreland-Wetland Zoning District Area provided that: 1. Such activities are implemented in a manner designed to minimize erosion, sedimentation, and impairment of fish and wildlife habitat. 2. All applicable federal, state and local permits are obtained. 3. An erosion control plan shall be required and reviewed by the Land and Water Resources Department. B. Except as provided in Article 15.C, a special exception permit is required before filling or grading of any area which is within 300 feet of the ordinary high-water mark of a navigable water and which has surface drainage toward the water and on which such activities will occur: 1. On areas having slopes of 20% or more. 2. Areas of 1,000 square feet or more on slopes of 12% to 20%. 3. Areas of 2,000 square feet or more on slopes of 12% or less. 4. Revegetation of existing slope without alteration requires a permit only. C. Excavating for dwellings and sanitary systems in addition to soil conservation practices including, but not limited to, terraces, runoff diversions and grassed waterways which are used for sediment retardation shall not require a special exception permit provided: 1. Soil conservation practices that are planned and supervised by the Land and Water Resources Department may be exempted from a special exception permit. Soil conservation practices examples include, but are not limited to, terraces, runoff diversions and grassed waterways, which are designed to retard sediment or control animal waste runoff.

APRIL 6, 2016 - INTER-COUNTY LEADER - NORTHERN CURRENTS, SECTION B - PAGE 23 2. Excavation for dwellings, garages and sanitary systems are exempted from special exception permit under Article 15.B. if the excavation plan has been approved by the Zoning Office prior to construction. A landscaping permit shall be required unless a land use permit for the structure or state sanitary permit has been issued. D. In granting a special exception permit under Article 15.B., the Board of Adjustment shall attach the following conditions where appropriate, in addition to those provisions specified in Article 17: 1. Ground shall be exposed for as short a time as feasible. 2. Temporary ground cover (mulch or jute netting, etc.) shall be used and permanent vegetation cover shall be established. 3. Diversion berms, silting basins, terraces, filter fabric fencing and other methods shall be used to prevent erosion. 4. Fill shall be stabilized according to accepted engineering standards. 5. Filling shall comply with any local Floodplain Ordinance, and shall not restrict a flood way or destroy the flood storage capacity of a flood plain. 6. Channels or artificial water courses shall be constructed with side slopes of two (2) units horizontal distance to (1) unit vertical or flatter which shall be promptly vegetated, unless bulkheads or riprap are provided.

tion to those required elsewhere in this Ordinance as are necessary to further the purposes of this Ordinance. Violations of any of these conditions shall be deemed a violation of this Ordinance and result in immediate revocation of the Special Exception Permit. Such conditions may include, without limitation of a specific enumeration: type of shore cover; increased setbacks and yards; specific sewage disposal and water supply facilities; landscaping and planting screens; period of operation; operational control; sureties; bonding; deed restrictions; location of piers, docks, parking and signs; and type of construction. To secure information upon which to base its determination, the Board of Adjustment may require the applicant to furnish, in addition to the information required for a Special Exception Permit, the following information: (1) A plan of the area showing contours, soil types, ordinary high-water marks, groundwater conditions, bedrock, slope and vegetative cover. (2) Location of buildings, parking areas, traffic access, driveways, walkways, piers, open space and landscaping. (3) Plans of buildings, sewage disposal facilities, water supply systems and arrangements of operations. (4) Specifications for areas of proposed filling, grading, lagooning or dredging. (5) Other pertinent information necessary to determine if the proposed use meets the requirements of this ordinance. (d) Notice and Public Hearing - Before passing upon an application for a special exception permit, the Board of Adjustment shall hold a public hearing. Notice of such public hearing, specifying the time, place and matters to come before the Board of Adjustment, shall be given as a Class 2 notice under Chapter 985, Wisconsin Statutes, and notice shall be mailed to the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources at least 10 days prior to the hearing as well as all property owners within 300 feet of the site under consideration. The Board of Adjustment shall state in writing the grounds for refusing a Special Exception Permit. (e) Recording - When a special exception permit is approved, an appropriate record shall be made of the land use and structures permitted and such permit shall be applicable solely to the structures, use and property so described. A copy of any decision on a special exception permit shall be mailed to the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources within 10 days after application for the special exception permit is granted or denied. (f) Revocation - Where the conditions of a special exception permit are violated, the special exception permit shall be revoked by the Zoning Department. (g) Expiration - Special Exception Permits for construction, alteration or removal of structures shall expire twelve months from their date of issuance if no building activity has begun within such time. 3. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment - Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board or bureau of the county affected by any decision of the Zoning Administrator or other administrative officer. Such appeal shall be taken within a feasible time, as provided by the rules of the Board of Adjustment, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and with the Board of Adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the ground thereof. The Zoning Administrator or other officer from when the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board of Adjustment all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appeal was made. 4. Hearing Appeals - The following procedures shall be taken in hearing any appeals: (a) The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal. The Board shall give public notice thereof by publishing a Class 2 notice under Chapter 985, Wisconsin Statutes, specifying the date, time and place of hearing and the matters to come before the Board, and shall mail notices to the parties within 300 feet of the site under consideration and the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources at least 10 days prior to the public hearing. (b) A decision regarding the appeal shall be made as soon as practical and a copy shall be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources within 10 days after the decision is issued. (c) The final disposition of an appeal or application to the Board of Adjustment shall be in the form of a written resolution or order signed by the chairman and secretary of the Board. Such resolution shall state the specific facts which are the basis of the Board’s determination and shall either affirm, reverse, vary or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed in whole or in part, dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction or persecution or grant the application. (d) At the public hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. (e) All decisions may be reviewed by a court of competent jurisdiction. E. Fees - The Conservation, Development, Recreation and Education Committee may, by motion, adopt fees for the following: 1. Land Use Permits. 2. Erosion Control Plan reviews. 3. Storm water Management Plan review. 4. Public Hearings. 5. Legal Notice Publications. 6. Special Exception Permits. 7. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment. 8. Amendments of Ordinance on Petition.

Article 16. Off-Street Parking and Loading A. Loading Space - All commercial uses shall provide sufficient maneuvering, loading and parking space on the premises for pickup, delivery and service vehicles necessary for normal operations. B. Off-Street Parking - Each parking space shall be 200 square feet in area. Each use shall provide the following minimum off-street parking spaces: 1. Dwellings - one space for each dwelling unit. 2. Restaurants, taverns and similar establishments - one space for each 50 square feet of floor space devoted to patrons. Drive-in eating stands offering car service - five spaces for each person employed to serve customers. 3. Motels and tourist cabins - one space per unit. 4. Retail businesses and service establishments - one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. 5. Warehouses - one space for each two employees on the premises at a maximum employment on the main shift.

Article 18. Changes and Amendments A. The County Board may from time to time alter, supplement or change the boundaries of use, districts and the regulations contained in this Ordinance in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 59.69(5)(e), Wisconsin Statutes, and Article 7 where applicable. B. Amendments to this Ordinance may be made on petition of any interested party as provided In Chapter 59.69(5)(e), Wisconsin Statutes. C. In the instance that a petition for an ordinance amendment is filed by a member of the county board or by the agency designated by the board to consider county zoning matters, the petitioner shall be exempt from the fee required to propose such amendment. D. Every petition for a text or map amendment filed with the County Clerk shall be referred to the County Zoning Agency. A copy of each petition shall be mailed to the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources within 5 days of the filing of the petition with the County Clerk. Written notice of the public hearing to be held on a proposed amendment shall be mailed to the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources at least 10 days prior to the hearing. E. A copy of the County Board’s decision on each proposed amendment shall be forwarded to the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources within 10 days after the decision is issued.

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Article 17. Administrative Provisions A. Zoning Administrator - The Zoning Department staff shall have the following duties and powers and the Land & Water Resources Department staff shall assist in the same: 1. Advise applicants on the provisions of this ordinance and assist them in preparing permit applications and appeal forms. 2. Issue permits and inspect properties for compliance with this ordinance. 3. Keep records of all permits issued, inspections made, work approved and other official actions. 4. Must have permission to access any premises between 8:00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. for the purpose of performing duties set forth in this ordinance. 5. Submit copies of variances, special exceptions and decisions on appeals for map or text interpretation and map or text amendments within 10 days after they are granted or denied to the Department of Natural Resources. 6. Investigate and report all violations of this ordinance to the Conservation, Development, Recreation and Education Committee. B. Zoning Permits - The following applies to the issuance and revocation of permits: 1. When Required - Except where another section of this ordinance specifically exempts certain types of activities, development from this requirement, a zoning permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Administrator before any said activity or development, structural alteration or repair, as defined in Article 8, is initiated. 2. Application - An application for a zoning permit shall be made to the Zoning Administrator upon forms furnished by the County and shall include, for the purpose of proper enforcement of these regulations, the following data: (a) Name and address of applicant and property owner. (b) Legal description of the property and type of proposed use. (c) A sketch of the dimensions of the lot and location of buildings from the lot lines, centerline of abutting highways and the ordinary high-water mark at the day of the sketch. (d) Whether or not a private water or septic system is to be installed. 3. Land Use Permits for land use changes shall expire twelve months from their date of issuance where no action has been taken to accomplish such changes or two (2) years after issuance. C. Revocation - Where the conditions of a zoning permit, Special Exception Permit or a variance are violated, the same are deemed revoked. D. Board of Adjustment - Subject to confirmation of the County Board, The County Administrator shall appoint a Board of Adjustment under Section 59.694, Wisconsin Statutes, consisting of 5 members, with no less than 1 of the members being a riparian landowner. The County Board shall adopt rules for the conduct of the business of the Board of Adjustment as required by Section 59.694 (3), Wisconsin Statutes. 1. Powers and Duties - The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers and duties: (a) The Board of Adjustment shall adopt such additional rules as it deems necessary and may exercise all of the powers conferred on such boards by Section 59.694 Wisconsin Statutes. (b) It shall hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirements, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement or administration of this ordinance. (c) It may authorize upon application, in specific cases, such variances from the terms of the ordinance as shall not be contrary to the public interest, where owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship. (1) In the issuance of a variance, the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. No variance shall have the effect of granting or increasing any use of property, which is prohibited in that zoning district by this ordinance. 2. Special Exception Permits - the following shall apply to Special Exception Permits: (a) Application for a Special Exception Permit - Any use listed as a special exception in this ordinance shall be permitted only after an application has been submitted and an appropriate application fee paid to the Zoning Administrator and a special exception permit has been granted by the Board of Adjustment. (b) Standards Applicable to All Special Exceptions - In passing upon a Special Exception Permit, the Board of Adjustment shall evaluate the effect of the proposed use upon the following criteria: (1) The maintenance of safe and healthful conditions. (2) The prevention and control of water pollution including sedimentation. (3) Existing topographic and drainage features and vegetative cover on the site. (4) The location of the site with respect to floodplains and floodways of rivers and streams. (5) The erosion potential of the site based upon degree and direction of slope, soil type and vegetative cover. (6) The location of the site with respect to existing and future access roads. (7) The need of the proposed use for a shoreland location. (8) Its compatibility with uses on adjacent land. (9) The amount of septic waste to be generated and the adequacy of the proposed disposal system. (10) Location factors that: (a) Domestic uses shall be generally preferred; (b) Uses not inherently a source of pollution within an area shall be preferred over uses that are or may be a pollution source; and (c) Use locations within an area tending to minimize the possibility of pollution shall be preferred over use locations tending to increase that possibility. (c) Conditions Attached to Special Exception Permit - Upon consideration of the factors listed above, the Board of Adjustment shall attach such conditions, in addi-

Article 19. Enforcement and Penalties A. Any development, any building or structure constructed, moved or structurally altered, or any use established after the effective date of this Ordinance contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, by any person, firm, association, corporation (including building contractors or their agents) shall be deemed a violation. As authorized by Wis. Stat. CHAPTER 66, the Zoning Administrator or the County Zoning Agency shall issue citations for any violations of this Ordinance. Any person, firm, association or corporation who violates or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than two-hundred ($200.00) dollars nor more than onethousand ($1,000.00) dollars per offense, together with the taxable costs of action. Each day of continued violation shall constitute a separate offense. Every violation of this Ordinance is a public nuisance and the creation thereof may be enjoined and the maintenance there may be abated by action at suit of the county, the state or any citizen thereof pursuant to Section 87.30(2), Wisconsin Statutes. The County also retains the summons and complaint avenue for forfeitures and remedial action as provided by Wis. Stat. Section 59.69(11). B. There shall be a penalty fee of five-hundred ($500.00) dollars added to the regular fee in those cases where building is commenced without first obtaining a land use permit, providing the structure is in conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance. C. The Zoning Department may issue an on-site stop work order, as appropriate, whenever it determines that a violation of this Ordinance or the building permit is taking place. Effective Date: This amended Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication, effective on the 15th day of March, 2016.



2. For structures with an overall height of more than 200 feet, increases the overall height of the structure by 10 percent or more. 3. Measured at the level of the appurtenance added to the structure as a result of the modification, increases the width of the support structure by 20 feet or more, unless a larger area is necessary for colocation. 4. Increases the square footage of an existing equipment compound to a total area of more than 2,500 square feet.

The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Polk does ordain as follows: Telecommunication Towers, Antennas and Related Facilities Ordinance Article I. Article II. Article III. Article IV. Article V. Article VI. Article VII. Article VIII. Article IX. Article X. Article XI. Article XII. Article XIII. Article XIV. Article XV. Article XVI.

Purpose and Intent.......................................................................................................2 Definitions.....................................................................................................................2 Special Provisions: Pre-existing or Nonconforming Transmission Facilities and Exceptions to this Ordinance.................................4 General Requirements.................................................................................................5 Prohibitions...................................................................................................................5 District Requirements..................................................................................................6 Performance Standards...............................................................................................6 Permit Requirements for New Construction or Substantial Modification of Mobile Service Facilities and Support Structures...............................................7 Permit Requirements for Colocation on Existing Support Structures....................9 Biennial Report.............................................................................................................9 Safety Inspection..........................................................................................................9 Appeal Procedures.......................................................................................................9 Enforcement and Penalties.......................................................................................10 Severability.................................................................................................................11 Fee Schedules...........................................................................................................11 County Zoning Ordinances.......................................................................................11

“Support structure” means an existing or new structure that supports or can support a mobile service facility, including a mobile service support structure, utility pole, water tower, building or other structure. “Tower” Any structure that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas including guy towers, monopole towers and lattice Towers. “Transmission Facility” Any mobile service facility, radio or television tower, or any equipment or accessory structure other than an electric transmission line. “Wireless Communication” Any wireless telecommunication service as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, including FCC licensed commercial wireless telecommunications services such as cellular, personal communication services (PCS), specialized mobile radio (SMR), enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR), paging and similar services that currently exist or may be developed. Article III. A. B.

Article I. Purpose and Intent The purpose of the regulations and requirements of this ordinance is to: A. Accommodate communication, radio, and television needs while protecting the public health, safety and general welfare; B. Minimize adverse visual impacts of wireless communication service and other transmission facilities through careful site and design standards; C. Avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from the construction, location and operation of wireless communication service and other transmission facilities through structural standards and setback requirements; D. Maximize the use of existing and approved towers, buildings or structures to accommodate new wireless communication service and other transmission antennas to minimize the number of towers needed to serve the county and adverse visual impacts; and E. Minimize hazards to birds.

C. D.


Article II. Definitions The following definitions apply to the provisions of this ordinance:


“Abandoned Facility” Any transmission facility that is unused for the purpose for which the permit was granted for 18 consecutive months shall be considered abandoned. “Antenna” means communications equipment that transmits and receives electromagnetic radio signals and is used in the provision of mobile services.

Article IV. General Requirements A. All transmission facilities shall comply with all FCC and FAA rules and regulations. B. Design and installation of any transmission facility shall comply with the manufacturer’s specifications. Plans shall be approved and certified by a registered professional engineer. C. Installation of any transmission facility shall comply with all applicable state and local building and electrical codes. D. For leased sites, written authorization for siting a transmission facility must be obtained from the property owner and indicate the duration of the lease term. E. Any transmission facility must be adequately insured against personal injury, wrongful death and property damage claims. F. Any abandoned facility must be removed and site restored within a reasonable time, but not more than three months after removal is requested by the county. Upon removal, the site shall be restored to its original or an improved condition. Any below-grade anchoring elements used to secure the structure, shall be removed to a depth of at least 8 feet below ground level. If removal or restoration is not completed, the county is authorized to complete the removal and site restoration and charge the cost to the performance bond. G. Proposals to erect a new transmission facility shall be accompanied by any required federal, state or local agency license or application for such license. H. Only one tower is permitted on a parcel of land. I. Transmission Facility Height. 1. All transmission facilities shall be built to the minimum height required to meet the applicant’s needs. J. Applications for Structures on Publicly Owned Lands. 1. The applicant must provide documentation to the permitting authority proof of acceptance (either by approved permit or other documentation) by the applicable governing authority that has jurisdiction over the publicly owned land. 2. For applications within the St. Croix Riverway District, the permitting authority may allow location of a stealth facility on National Park Service-owned lands within the riverway provided that the applicant is able to show by clear and convincing evidence that there is no viable location outside the riverway boundary for locating a stealth facility that can accommodate the applicant’s requirements. K. Adequate parking for maintenance of transmission facilities must be available.

“Colocation” means class 1or class 2 colocation or both. “Class 1 Colocation” means the placement of a new mobile service facility on an existing support structure such that the owner of the facility does not need to construct a freestanding support structure for the facility but does need to engage in substantial modification. “Class 2 Colocation” means the placement of a new mobile service facility on an existing support structure such that the owner of the facility does not need to construct a freestanding support structure for the facility or engage in substantial modification. “Department” The Polk County Zoning Department is the permitting authority under this ordinance where required. “Distributed antenna system” means a network of spatially separated antenna nodes that is connected to a common source via a transport medium and that provides mo- bile service within a geographic area or structure. “Equipment compound” means an area surrounding or adjacent to the base of an existing support structure within which is mobile service facilities. “Existing structure” means a support structure that exists at the time a request for permission to place mobile service facilities on a support structure is filed with a political subdivision. “FAA” Federal Aviation Administration. “Fall zone” means the area over which a mobile support structure is designed to collapse. “FCC” Federal Communications Commission. “Guyed Tower” A telecommunication tower that is supported in whole or in part by guy wires and ground anchors or other means of support besides the superstructure of the tower itself. “Height” The distance measured from ground level to the highest point on a tower or structure, including any antenna. “Lattice Tower” A telecommunication tower that consists of vertical and horizontal supports and crossed metal braces. “Mobile service” means a radio communication service carried on between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, and by mobile stations communicating among themselves, and includes (A) both one-way and two-way radio communication services, (B) a mobile service which provides a regularly interacting group of base, mobile, portable, and associated control and relay stations (whether licensed on an individual, cooperative, or multiple basis) for private one-way or two-way land mobile radio communications by eligible users over designated areas of operation, and (C) any service for which a license is required in a personal communications service.

Article V. Prohibitions A. No advertising message or sign shall be affixed to any transmission facility. B. No transmission facility shall be artificially illuminated unless required by FCC or FAA regulations. C. No part of any transmission facility shall extend across or over any right of way, public street, highway, sidewalk or property line. D. A temporary mobile transmission facility site is not permitted except in the case of equipment failure, equipment testing, equipment replacement or emergency, and provided that prior authorization is obtained from the department. Use of a temporary site for testing purposes shall be limited to 24 hours, and the use of a temporary site for equipment failure, equipment replacement or emergency shall be limited to 30 days, unless extended for good cause in writing by the department.

“Mobile service facility” means the set of equipment and network components, including antennas, transmitters, receivers, base stations, power supplies, cabling and associated equipment, that is necessary to provide mobile service to a discrete geographic area, but does not include the underlying support structure. “Mobile service provider” means a person who provides mobile service. “Mobile service support structure” means a freestanding structure that is designed to support a mobile service facility. “Monopole” A telecommunication tower of a single pole design. “Nonconforming” means a pre-existing telecommunication facility that does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. “Permit” means a permit, other than a building permit, or approval issued by the department which authorizes any of the following activities by an applicant: 1. A class 1 colocation. 2. A class 2 colocation. 3. The construction of a mobile service support structure. “Pre-existing Transmission Facility” Any transmission facility constructed prior to January 26, 1999. “Search ring” means a shape drawn on a map to indicate the general area within which a mobile service support structure should be located to meet radio frequency engineering requirements, taking into account other factors including topography and the demographics of the service area. “St. Croix River Buffer Zone” The St. Croix River Buffer Zone is the area located outside the St. Croix Riverway District and within two miles of the St. Croix River, measured from the ordinary high-water mark.

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“Stealth Facility” A mobile service facility or other transmission facility which appropriately models or mimics in size, shape, scale and color something which exists in the immediate landscape, which could legally be placed there or already exists there at the time an application is submitted, (e.g., a silo in farm settings or a tree in forested lands), and which is unrecognizable to a casual observer as a transmission facility. “Substantial modification” means the modification of a mobile service support structure, including the mounting of an antenna on such a structure that does any of the following: 1. For structures with an overall height of 200 feet or less, increases the overall height of the structure by more than 20 feet.

Special Provisions: Pre-existing or Nonconforming Transmission Facilities and Exceptions to this Ordinance Any pre-existing or nonconforming transmission facility shall not be required to meet the requirements of this Ordinance, except for the provisions of Article X - Biennial Report. Any pre-existing or nonconforming transmission facility shall comply with all FCC and FAA rules and regulations. Any addition or change to a pre-existing or nonconforming transmission facility shall comply with all applicable requirements of this ordinance. The following are permitted without department approval (no permit required): 1. Television antennas, satellite dishes, receive-only antennas and freestanding antennas 45 feet or less in height; provided, however, that the primary use of such equipment is not part of a transmission facility and that such equipment is only ancillary to the primary use of the site where located. 2. Antennas and associated towers, poles and masts that are owned or operated by federally licensed amateur radio operators or citizen band radio operators. 3 Antennas mounted on utility poles where the antenna is 30 feet or less in height above the highest part of the utility pole. Any owner of a pre-existing transmission facility shall accept all additional colocation antennas on reasonable terms. Transmission facilities approved by the department with a county land use permit may be modified if the modification is in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. The department may approve the modification only after the applicant submits a modified land use permit application and the appropriate fee under the current fee schedule as adopted by the Polk County Board.

Article VI. District Requirements A. A county land use permit may be issued by the department. The department shall not issue such a county land use permit prior to ten working days after mailing notice of the application to the town in which the transmission facility is proposed to be located. All transmission facilities shall be regulated in accordance with the regulations applicable to the zoning district (as defined in the Chapter 10 Polk County Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance) in which the facility is located. All requirements of the zoning district other than the standards provided in this ordinance must be met. The following are the use standards for the various districts: 1. Residential, Residential-Agricultural 5, Agricultural 10 & 20, Farmland Preservation, Commercial, Small Business Commercial, Industrial, Mining Districts, Shoreland, Floodplain, Natural Resources, and any area not zoned by a County Zoning Ordinance. a. The following are permitted with a county land use permit from the Department issued under this Ordinance: (1) New construction of a mobile service or telecommunications facility. (2) Substantial modification to an existing mobile service facility or structural support. (3) Class 1 Colocation on an existing mobile support structure. (4) Class 2 Colocation on an existing mobile support structure. 2. St. Croix River Buffer Zone and St. Croix Riverway Districts. No transmission facility except a stealth facility is allowed in these districts. Except: a. With a land use permit issued by the department under the provisions of this ordinance, an antenna attached to an existing tower or structure and not extending more than 20 feet above the highest point of the tower or structure. b. A stealth facility, with a county land use permit issued by the department, provided all the provisions of this ordinance and Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 118 are met.

APRIL 6, 2016 - INTER-COUNTY LEADER - NORTHERN CURRENTS, SECTION B - PAGE 25 Article VII. Performance Standards A. Except as provided in this ordinance, any transmission facility must meet the dimensional standards applicable to the parcel within the zoning district in which it is located. Where the transmission facility is the principal use on a parcel, the parcel shall meet the minimum lot size requirements of the zoning district in which the parcel is located. On a parcel of land that already has a principal use, the transmission facility shall be considered an accessory use and a smaller area of land may be leased for it, provided that all requirements of this ordinance are met. B. Setbacks 1. Generally, any tower shall be set back from the nearest property line a distance equal to the height of the tower. This setback may be reduced if the applicant submits an engineering report from a registered professional engineer that certifies that the tower is designed and engineered to collapse upon failure within the distance from the tower to the property line. C. Screening and Landscaping. The Transmission Facility shall be located on the site so as to have the least visual impact. The site shall be landscaped and maintained with a buffer of plant materials that effectively screens the view of all Tower accessory structures, equipment and improvements at ground level from adjacent properties year around. Existing mature vegetation and natural landforms on the site shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. D. Security Fencing and Lighting. 1. Any Transmission Facility shall be reasonably protected against unauthorized access. The bottom of the Tower from ground level to 12 feet above ground shall be designed to prevent unauthorized climbing and shall be enclosed with a minimum of a 6 feet high chain link fence with a locked gate. Guyed anchors of guyed towers shall be similarly protected. 2. Security lighting for on-ground structures and equipment is permitted, as long as it is down-shielded to keep light within the boundaries of the site. E. Color and Materials. Any Transmission Facility shall use building materials, colors, textures, screening and landscaping that blend the Transmission Facility with the surrounding natural features and built environment to the greatest extent possible.

notification shall specify in detail the required information that was incomplete. Within fortyfive (45) days from the date of submittal of the application, the department shall consider and decide upon the question of issuance of the land use permit. Action by the department may be postponed past the 45-day limit by written agreement between the department and the applicant, or upon determination by the department that additional information is required. A. Application Submittal Information 1. A completed county land use permit application and appropriate fee under the current fee schedule as adopted by the Polk County Board. 2. A copy of the construction plans approved and certified by a registered professional engineer. 3. A structural analysis approved and certified by a registered professional engineer. Article X. Biennial Report Owners, providers or permittees shall submit each even-numbered year on or before January 31, a transmission facility information report, on a county form provided by the county. The report shall detail the use, maintenance and condition of the transmission facility since the previous report, availability of the transmission facility for added colocation and other information reasonably deemed necessary by the department. Failure to submit the report by July 1 of each even-numbered year shall result in the county taking enforcement action under Article XIII. Article XI. Safety Inspection If the County has reason to believe that a transmission facility is a safety risk, it may require the permit holder to perform an inspection by a registered engineer and provide a copy of the inspection results to the department within sixty days. The county shall provide the owner with information forming the basis for belief that the transmission facility is a safety risk before requiring inspection. Article XII. Appeal Procedures A. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment - Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board or bureau of the county affected by any decision of the Zoning Administrator or other administrative officer. Such appeal shall be taken within a feasible time, as provided by the rules of the Board of Adjustment, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and with the Board of Adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the ground thereof. The Zoning Administrator or other officer from when the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board of Adjustment all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appeal was made. B. Powers and Duties - The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers and duties: 1. The Board of Adjustment shall adopt additional rules as it deems necessary and may exercise all the powers conferred on such boards by section 59.694 Wisconsin Statutes. 2. It may authorize upon application, in specific cases, a variance from the terms of this ordinance as shall not be contrary to public interest, where owning to special conditions, and a literal enforcement of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship. 3. In the issuance of a variance, the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. No variance shall have the effect of granting or increasing any use of the property, which is prohibited by this ordinance. C. Hearing Appeals - The following procedures shall be taken in hearing any appeals: 1. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal. The Board shall give public notice thereof by publishing a Class 2 notice under Chapter 985, Wisconsin Statutes, specifying the date, time, place of the hearing, the matters to come before the board, and the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources at least 10 days prior to the public hearing. 2. The final disposition of an appeal or application to the Board of Adjustment shall be in the form of a written resolution or order signed by the chairman and secretary of the Board. Such resolution shall state the specific facts which are the basis of the Board’s determination and shall either affirm, reverse, vary or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed in whole or in part, dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction or persecution or grant the application. 3. At the public hearing, any party may appear in person, by agent or by attorney. 4. All decisions may be reviewed by a court of competent jurisdiction. D. Appeals to the circuit court - Appeals to the circuit court of the county may be taken by any person aggrieved by the final decision of the department or Board of Adjustment.

Article VIII.

Permit Requirements for New Construction or Substantial Modification of Mobile Service Facilities and Support Structures The construction or installation of any mobile service facility requires a county land use permit under this ordinance. The permit will specify the use or uses allowed. If the department deems the application incomplete, the department shall notify the applicant in writing within ten (10) days of receiving the application. The written notification shall specify in detail the required information that was incomplete. Within ninety (90) days from the date of submittal of the application, the department shall consider and decide upon the issuance of the land use permit. Action by the department may be postponed past the 90-day limit by written agreement between the department and the applicant, or upon determination by the department that additional information is required. The applicant shall conduct an informational presentation to the town board in the town in which the new mobile service facility is to be located. A. Application Submittal Information 1. A completed county land use permit application and appropriate fee under the current fee schedule as adopted by the Polk County Board. 2. Applications. In addition to the application requirements of Chapter 10 of the Polk County Zoning Ordinance, all applications for county land use permits for new mobile service facilities shall include the following information: a. A report from a registered professional engineer and other professionals which: (1) describes the transmission facility’s height and design, including a cross section and elevation; (2) certifies the transmission facility’s compliance with structural and electrical standards; (3) describes the transmission facility’s capacity, including the potential number and type of antennas that it can accommodate; (4) describes the lighting to be placed on the transmission facility if required by the FCC or FAA; (5) certifies that the transmission facility will not cause destructive interference with previously established public safety communications systems; and (6) describes how the requirements of Articles IV, VI, VII and VIII of this ordinance will be met by the proposed transmission facility. b. Each application shall include a facility plan containing the following information: (1) Written description of the type of consumer services each applicant will provide to its customers (radio, television, cellular, PCS, SMR, ESMR, paging or other anticipated Wireless Communication services). (2) A list of all of the applicant’s existing sites, existing sites to be upgraded or replaced, and proposed sites within the county. (3) Map of the county that shows the applicant’s existing and proposed geographic service areas. c. Landowner acknowledgement. Written acknowledgement by the landowner and lessee of a leased site that they will abide by all applicable terms and conditions of the county land use permit, including the restoration and reclamation requirements of Article IV F. of this ordinance, and a copy of the lease. d. A performance bond in a form acceptable to the department in an amount of $20,000 to provide for removal of the transmission facility and restoration of the site for the life of the facility. e. Additional information and analysis: The department may, at their discretion, require a visual analysis of the proposed transmission facility, including photo simulations of the view of the vicinity of the transmission facility before and after the proposed transmission facility is built. The simulation may include a photo montage, field mock-up, view-shed analysis, or other techniques to provide the department with evidence that the proposed facility meets the requirements of this ordinance. 3. Colocation/Sharing of Facilities. No new Tower shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates to the department that no existing Tower or structure can accommodate the applicant’s proposed Antenna. An explanation as to why the applicant chose the proposed location and why the applicant did not choose colocation, including a sworn statement from an individual who has responsibility over the placement of the mobile service support structure attesting that colocation within the applicant’s search ring would not result in the same mobile service functionality, coverage, and capacity; is technically infeasible; or is economically burdensome to the mobile service provider. Examples of supporting evidence are: a. No Tower or structure is located within the geographic area/search ring that meets the applicant’s engineering requirements. b. No existing Tower or structure is of sufficient Height to meet the applicant’s engineering requirements. c. No existing Tower or structure can be modified at reasonable cost to support applicant’s proposed Antenna. d. Electromagnetic interference would interfere with an existing or proposed system. e. The fees, cost or contractual provisions required by the applicant to share an existing Tower or structure or to adapt an existing Tower or structure for sharing are substantially more expensive than new construction considering factors such as, without limitation, depreciation, technical obsolescence, maintenance and land acquisition. f. The applicant establishes other facts that render colocation unsuitable.

Article XIV. Severability A. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such a decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Polk County Board of Supervisors declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more such provisions be declared unconstitutional or invalid. B. To the extent that any of the provisions of this ordinance is interpreted to be invalid or inconsistent with statute 66.0404, said ordinance provision shall lack application and the applicable state standard is hereby incorporated by reference as expressly provided herein so as to allow for lawful issuance of any permit as provided by this ordinance and to allow for the enforcement by ordinance of the state standard. Article XV. Fee Schedules Upon recommendation of the Committee, the Polk County Board of Supervisors shall, from time to time, establish and review fees that are applicable to this Ordinance. No application shall be considered filed with the County unless and until said application is accompanied by the appropriate application fee.

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Article IX. Permit Requirements for Colocation on Existing Support Structures Colocation on any existing transmission facility requires a county land use permit under this ordinance. If the department deems the application incomplete, the department shall notify the applicant in writing within five (5) days of receiving the application. The written

Article XIII. Enforcement and Penalties A. Any development, any building or structure constructed, moved or structurally altered, or any use established after the effective date of this Ordinance contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, by any person, firm, association, corporation (including building contractors or their agents) shall be deemed a violation. As authorized by Wisconsin Statute, the Zoning Administrator or the County Zoning Agency shall issue citations for any violations of this Ordinance. Any person, firm, association or corporation who violates or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than two-hundred ($200.00) dollars nor more than one-thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per offense, together with the taxable costs of action. Each day of continued violation shall constitute a separate offense. Every violation of this Ordinance is a public nuisance and the creation thereof may be enjoined and the maintenance there may be abated by action at suit of the county, the state or any citizen thereof pursuant to Section 87.30(2), Wisconsin Statutes. The County also retains the summons and complaint avenue for forfeitures and remedial action as provided by Wis. Stat. Section 59.69(11). B. There shall be a penalty fee of five-hundred ($500.00) dollars added to the regular fee in those cases where building is commenced without first obtaining a land use permit, providing the structure is in conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance. C. The Zoning Department may issue an on-site stop work order, as appropriate, whenever it determines that a violation of this Ordinance or the building permit is taking place.

Article XVI. County Zoning Ordinances A. Any reference in this Ordinance to a Polk County Zoning Ordinance includes the Chapter 10 Polk County Zoning Ordinance, Floodplain Zoning Ordinance, Lower St. Croix Scenic Riverway Ordinance, Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance, as each existed at the time this Ordinance went into effect and any amendments made subsequently to any of these Polk County Ordinances. Each said Ordinance is applicable and incorporated to the extent referenced herein. B. In the instance that a petition for an ordinance amendment is filed by a member of the county board or by the agency designated by the board to consider county zoning matters, the petitioner shall be exempt from the fee required to propose such amendment.

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DRESSER, OSCEOLA & GARFIELD FIRE ASSOCIATION h t 0 1 Annual Saturday, April 9, 2016


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Food Served From 3 - 7 p.m. At The Dresser Fire Hall

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Adult Raffle Drawing!

Includes Several Guns And Much More!

Kids Drawing

1 Boys Bike 1 Girls Bike Plus More Priz es

Door Prizes

Raffle 3 p.m. until gone. Handicap Parking at Fire Hall (Shuttle bus from Trollhaugen lot, 3 - 9:30 p.m.)




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34L 24a


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Saturday, April 9, 2016 Luck Fire Hall

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Saturday, April 9 Downtown Grantsburg 10:30 a.m. - Close


Pinko Jam is a benefit for local special-needs people.


Hatty Swiggs...................................................Noon - 1:30 p.m. Side Iron.................................................................2 - 3:30 p.m. Studebakers...........................................................4 - 5:30 p.m. Smiley Sundquist..................................................5:56 - 6 p.m. Scott Harter and Friends.........................................6 - 8 p.m. Freeway Jam..................................................8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Gel..........................................................................11 p.m. - Close


Vernon Bistram.......................................................1 - 1:30 p.m. Aaron Crandell.......................................................2 - 3:30 p.m. The Ethan Bergstrom Band................................4 - 5:30 p.m. Goepfert Band.............................................................6 - 9 p.m. Swamp Water........................................9:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. All lineups and venues are subject to change. 643595 23a,d 34L


Students of the Week Frederic

Timber Dodds has been chosen Frederic Elementary School’s student of the week. He is the son of Ben and Angel Dodds. Timber is an energetic 5-year-old in the Mite-y-Vikes 4K program and loves to learn. He has many friends and is kind and caring. He enjoys art projects, dancing, sports and recess. He is eager to participate and helps his peers and teachers whenever he can. When he grows up, he wants to be a dirt bike racer.

Grace Otto has been chosen Frederic Middle School’s student of the week. Grace is in seventh grade and the daughter of Trevor and Heather Otto. She is involved in volleyball, basketball, softball and Destination ImagiNation. When not in school, she likes playing outside and jumping on the trampoline. She is a great student who works very hard. She is very polite and friendly. She plans to attend college and study science.

Taeven has been chosen Luck Elementary School’s student of the week. Taeven is a very hard worker at school. She has met many new friends in the past year and she is a great friend to others. She takes her schoolwork very seriously and has a great attitude at school. Overall, she is a real team player and a joy to have in class.

Dominic Caroon has been chosen Luck Middle School’s student of the week. Dominic is in eighth grade and the son of Nicole and Ryan Grey. He is a super helpful and compassionate student. He volunteers for any task mentioned and always has a kind word for anyone who needs it. He is involved in confirmation, choir, youth wrestling, track and field, football and wrestling. He enjoys being outside, hunting, fish, aviation, scuba diving and swimming.



Dylan Strait has been chosen Frederic High School’s student of the week. Dylan is a senior and the son of Denise Strait. He puts forth effort and continues to make academic gains. He is willing to help others and has empathy for others. He is involved in baseball. When not in school, he enjoys snowboarding, basketball, running and hanging out with friends. He plans to attend WITC-New Richmond and study welding.

Jared Fonda has been chosen Luck High School’s student of the week. Jared is a sophomore and the son of Christi Nelson. He is a student who is new to art class and he is creating pottery at a level most do no reach until their senior year. He is involved in driver’s ed and football. He enjoys spending time with family, fishing and fixing his car. He plans to attend college to be a veterinarian.

St. Croix Falls

Kylie Thompson has been chosen St. Croix Falls Elementary School’s student of the week. Kylie is in second grade and she lives with her brother Ethan, 5, sisters Zoey, 9, and Elliana, 9 months, and her mom and dad. They have two gerbils, two fish, and a bird. At home, the family likes to play on the play set. At school, she likes to do math. When she grows up, she is not sure about what she wants to be but maybe a teacher or a doctor.

Aidan Nieman has been chosen St. Croix Falls Middle School’s student of the week. Aidan is in sixth grade and the son of Sara and Dewey Nieman. He has a brother, Alex. He enjoys playing football and baseball. His favorite subject is social studies, because it is interesting and awesome. He loves the Packers, Twins and Badgers. A teacher said, “Aidan is a hardworking, pleasant student who shares great ideas in class. I appreciate his dedication to detail.”

Lily Korbal has been chosen St. Croix Falls High School’s student of the week. Lily is a junior and the daughter of Laine Olson. She is a member of the concert choir and is just an overall nice person to everyone.

Jaxon Finch has been chosen Grantsburg Elementary School’s student of the week. Jaxon is in first grade and the son of Shane and Natalie Finch. He is a hardworking student with a great attitude. He is always willing to help his classmates and always sets a good example. He is a great kid to have in class. His favorite thing about school is P.E. He likes to play catch, and is really good at playing football. Outside of school, he likes to play tag with his little sister, Allie.

Micah Stellrecht is Grantsburg Middle School’s student of the week. Micah is in fifth grade and the son of Rob and Terri Stellrecht. He is a very polite and respectful person. He started school here in December and has been a wonderful addition to the class. He is a very hard worker and always tries his best. When something needs to be done, he is one of the first to jump up and help out. His favorite class is social studies and he also enjoys playing sports.


Jasper Fingerson has been chosen Siren Elementary School’s student of the week. Jasper is a pre-K Dragonfly and the son of Brandon and Jessica Fingerson. He is very nice and always has a smile on his face. He loves to share stories with everyone he meets. He is a super good listener and he has become such a hard worker. At school, he loves to play with friends and eat lunch. He enjoys playing at the park and going to the beach. When he gets older, he would like to be a pilot.

Jordyn Hansen has been chosen Unity Elementary School’s student of the week. Jordyn is in second grade and the daughter of Kendra and Chad Hansen. She is a very hard worker and exceptionally talented student. She is a great role model for her classmates, always showing kindness and acting respectfully to everyone she encounters. She has a wonderful, creative spirit and is a joy to have in class.

Jade Perron has been chosen Unity Middle School’s student of the week. Jade is in seventh grade and the daughter of Daniel and Alexandra Perron. She was chosen for having a positive attitude and great work ethic.


Raelin Sorensen has been chosen Unity High School’s student of the week. Raelin is a senior and the daughter of Jim and Melinda Sorensen. She was chosen because she is an outstanding student. Her favorite subject is chemistry. Her hobbies include volleyball, basketball, track, hunting, fishing and being with family and friends.

Proudly Supporting Our Students


Jona Matrious has been chosen Webster Middle School’s student of the week. Jona is in seventh grade and the daughter of Karl Matrious and Christina Bearhart. She is very respectful with her teachers and her peers. Her positive attitude and her work ethic make her a joy to have in class. She plays volleyball and also practices with a traveling team outside of school. She is also involved in softball. Her hobbies include fishing, hunting, biking and swimming.

Austin Tinman is Siren High School’s student of the week. Austin is a sophomore and the son of John and Jill Tinman. He is very polite and respectful and does well in his classes. He has a passion for airplanes and flying, and is currently taking a distance learning course called Ground School. Besides his distance learning course, his favorite subject is U.S. government. He is involved in band, football and track and field. He plans to attend UND.


Electricity • Propane 1-800-421-0283 Logan Boyd has been chosen Webster Elementary School’s student of the week. Logan is in first grade and the son of Dennis and Amanda Boyd. He enjoys coloring rainbows, reading and helping others. He is a diligent worker and enjoys learning. His bright smile lightens the classroom.

Olivia Brock is Grantsburg High School’s student of the week. Olivia is a freshman and the daughter of Van and Roxane Brock. A teacher said, “She is one of the most positive students I have had the opportunity to work with. She goes out of her way to help others and is well liked and respected by her peers.” She is involved in volleyball, basketball, forensics, library club and plans to join golf. Her hobbies include sports and swimming. She plans to go into the business field.

Elizabeth Freymiller has been chosen Webster High School’s student of the week. Elizabeth is a senior and the daughter of David Glienke and Susan Freymiller. She is very friendly, motivated and never gives up. She is a great role model on how students should give it their all. She has completed seven college credits this year and she is always willing to try something new. She is involved in track and cross country. Her hobbies include reading, jogging and gardening.

Supporting our area students and their accomplishments.

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Helping young people reach towards their goals and promote kindness in a world that sometimes doesn't remember the significance of it. Helping people find their way in back in life.





NOW.-SUN./6-10 Rice Lake • “The Tragedy of Macbeth” TeensOnStage production at Northern Star Theatre. Wed.-Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., 715-736-4444.

NOW.-SAT./16 Grantsburg • Silent auction fundraiser bidding for Crex construction ends April 16, 4 p.m., 715-463-2739.

THURS. & FRI./7 & 8 Grantsburg • AARP tax assistance at the library, 715-463-2244 for appointment.


Events Coming


Northwest Passages InANewLight featured photo


by Michael, 16

St. Croix Falls • “The Grapes of Wrath” theater tour and book discussion at Chateau St. Croix Winery, 6:30 p.m., 715-3274979.

Center City, MInn. • Free Women’s Health Conference at Hazelden CORK Center 5:30 p.m., scrmc.org.

Webster • “Discovering America One Marathon at a Time,” with author Jim Anderson, at the library, 7 p.m.

Dresser • GriefShare, support group for those grieving a death, at New Life Christian Community in Dresser, 6:30-8 p.m., 715-755-1431.

FRI. & SAT./15 & 16 Grantsburg


• Midwest Crane Count at Crex. Training Friday 7 p.m., count Saturday 5:30-7:30 a.m. RSVP to 715-483-9603, Dave, crexmeadows.org.

• Friends of the Library meeting at the library, 6 p.m., 715-825-2313. • Domestic violence family group, 5-6 p.m., 800-2617233. • Domestic violence support group, 6-7 p.m., 800-2617233.

FRI.-SUN./15-17 St. Croix Falls • Festival Theatre’s “The Grapes of Wrath” at Franklin Square. Fri. & Sat. 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 2 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

Rice Lake • “Living the Good Life: What Psychology Research Tells Us,” at UWBC Blue Hills Lecture Hall, 12:301:20 p.m., 715-234-8176.



Falun “I saw this eagle on a branch that was hanging over a road. I was able to take a couple of pictures of him before he flew away. I enjoy going on photo trips and if I wasn’t at Passage I wouldn’t have been able to take a picture like that and appreciate it.” InaNewLight is a therapeutic nature photography program at Northwest Passage. This program emphasizes skilled expressive arts training and nature immersion, ultimately empowering marginalized youth to define themselves by their strengths rather than their weaknesses. To see more of the kids’ work please visit the gallery one mile south of Webster or visit the website inanewlight.org.

FRI. & SAT./8 & 9 Amery • VFW gun show at the hockey arena, Fri. 3-9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

St. Croix Falls • “Cinderstein” play at the elementary school, by middle school drama team. Fri. 7 p.m., Sat. 1 p.m.

FRIDAY/8 Balsam Lake • Poco Penners meeting at the library building, 1 p.m., 715-483-9738. • Coffee and Crayons, coloring for adults at the library, 10:30 a.m., 715-485-3215.

Falun • Free bread distribution, every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.

Frederic • Head injury support group at the library, 2 p.m. • Northwest Wisconsin Regional Writers meeting at The Ridge Eatery, 1 p.m., 715-349-2291.

• Pinko Jam fundraiser at Denny’s, Hummers & the Legion, noon-closing. • Youth Photo Club meeting for ages 12-plus at Crex Meadows, 1-3 p.m. 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org. • Maple Syrupin’ Time demo at Crex Meadows, ages 8-plus, 1-3 p.m. RSVP required, 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org.


• VFW Post 10232 meeting at the hall, 11 a.m.

Luck • EMT smelt fry at the fire hall. Food 3:30-7 p.m., auction 7:30 p.m.

Milltown • Color Run at the community center. Register 8:30 a.m., run 9:15 a.m. Register at UnityColorRuneventbrite.com. • Angels Island Bingo fundraiser at the community center. 5 p.m. taco bar, 6:30 p.m. Bingo. Must prebuy ticket, facebook.com/angels/playground.


• Bat Night at Crex Meadows, ages 12-plus. RSVP required, 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org.

• Rainbow of Fun Carnival at the school, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. • Larry Moody Memorial Dart Tourney at the Pour House. Sign-up 5 p.m., start 6 p.m. • Lions/Lioness yard sale donations drop-off day at their building, 9 a.m.-noon, 715-349-2400.


Turtle Lake


• Variety show at the high school, 7 p.m.

SAT. & SUN./9 & 10 St. Croix Falls • Festival Theatre’s “The Grapes of Wrath” at Franklin Square. Sat. 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 2 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

• Smelt fry at the Legion, 4-8 p.m., 715-556-5664.

Webster • Used book sale at the library, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-8667697.

MON.-WED./11-13 Webster


• AARP tax assistance at the library, 715-866-7697 for appointment.



• Bowls of Hope & piano music at the high school, 5-6:30 p.m., 715-483-9823. • Classic Movie Monday at the library, 1 p.m., 715-4831777.

Webster • Joe Molitor, coin collecting through the years, at the library, 1-5 p.m., 715-866-7697.

TUESDAY/12 Luck • Free medical clinic at Home & Away Ministries, 25 p.m., 715-472-7770 for appointment, myfreeclinic.org.

Sarona • Soup lunch at Hunt Hill with retired DNR conservation officer Dave Zeug, noon, hunthill.org, 715-635-6543.

Siren • AARP Smart Driving Course at the senior center, Eldon Freese, 715-463-3203 to register.

Webster • Friends of the Library meeting at the library, 9:30 a.m., 715-259-3219.

WEDNESDAY/13 Luck • RSVP deadline for preschool development screening for birth to 5 at the school on Mon., April 18, 715-4722153, ext. 108.

Siren • Presentation on how to use a defibrillator at the senior center, 10 a.m., 715-349-7810. • Men’s and ladies softball leagues meeting at the high school, 7 p.m., sirenballpark.org.


• Ruby’s Pantry at Congregational Church. Doors open 8:30 a.m. Dist. 9 a.m. $20 donation, 715-268-7390. • Concert by Cornerstone at Balsam Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., 715-268-9291.

• Annual DNR Spring Hearings at Unity School, 7 p.m., 715-268-2304.

• Skywarn Weather Spotter training class at the fire hall, 6:30 p.m., 715-468-4730. • Regis. deadline for apple grafting workshop at the ag station on Apr. 14, 6:30-8 p.m., spooner.ars.uwex.edu, 800-528-1914.




Balsam Lake

• Spring Bash at the community center. Lasagna supper 4-7 p.m., Bingo 4:30-6:30 p.m., live auction 7 p.m., 715488-2467.

• Free clothing event at Peace Lutheran Church, 26 p.m., 715-755-2515.

• D.O.G. Fire Assoc. spaghetti fundraiser at the fire hall. Food 3-7 p.m., raffles 3 p.m.-?.

• American Legion Post 185 meeting, 7 p.m., 715-4635724.


Frederic • Spaghetti & meatballs at the Masonic Lodge, 11 a.m.1 p.m.


• Crex Meadows Nature Photography Club meets at Crex, 10 a.m.-noon, 715-463-2739.

Rice Lake • Job Fair at WITC Conference Center, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., special time for veterans, 10-11 a.m. Regis. at duffyhouse. gov.


Balsam Lake


Milltown • Domestic violence family group, 5-6 p.m., 800-2617233. • Domestic violence support group, 6-7 p.m., 800-2617233.

• Apple-tree pruning workshop at Burch farm. Preregister. 3-5 p.m., 800-528-1914, spooner.ars.uwex.edu.

• “Peanuts” movie at the library, 4:30 p.m., 715-4853215.

• “Love of the Land” art show at Amery Community Food Hub. Reception Fri., Apr. 8, 5-8 p.m., 715-268-4500.

Frederic • Legion Auxiliary meeting at The Ridge Eatery, 6 p.m.


• AARP Tax Aides at the library, 9 a.m.-noon. Call for appointment, 715-268-6640. • Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.


Dresser • GriefShare, support group for those grieving a death, at New Life Christian Community in Dresser, 6:30-8 p.m., 715-755-1431.

• Northwoods Flyers Experimental Aircraft Assoc. Club meets at the government center, Rm. 165, 7 p.m.


• Lions & Lioness food distribution at Connections, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-866-8151.

Baldwin • St. Croix Valley Beekeepers meeting at Peace Lutheran Church, 6 p.m., stcroixbeekeepers.org.

Grantsburg Siren • Annual DNR Spring Hearings at the courthouse, 7 p.m., dnr.wi.gov/about/wcc/springhearing.

St. Croix Falls • AARP Driver Safety Class at the hospital, 12:154:30 p.m., 715-483-3261.

• Fall prevention workshop at Grace United Methodist, 9-11 a.m., 877-485-2372, Carrie. • Blood drive at the high school, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., mbc. org. • Container gardening with a Master Gardener at the library, 3:30 p.m., 715-866-7697.

THURSDAY/14 Amery • Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.

• Free bread distribution, every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.

Grantsburg • Crex Bird Club meeting, 8-10 a.m., 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org.

Leader Land • RSVP deadline for Nifty Thrifty Shopping Sat., April 23, 715-463-4701. • RSVP deadline for Mall of America trip on Sat., April 23, 715-463-4701. • RSVP deadline for “Beauty and the Beast” at Chanhassen Theatre, Sat., May 14, 715-825-2101, ext. 1560.

Milltown • Fish fry at the United VFW, 4:30-7 p.m.

St. Croix Falls • 4K registration at 9:30 a.m. at the elementary school. Kindergarten registration for those now in 4K call, 715483-9823, ext. 1100.

SATURDAY/16 Amery • “An Evening of Classical Favorites” by Northern Lakes Chamber Orchestra at the arts center, 7:30 p.m., 715-268-6811, northernlakescenter.org. • Norwegian Smorgasbord at Trinity Lutheran Church, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m.

Frederic • Woodland Chorale spring concert at the high school, 7:30 p.m., facebook.com/woodlandchorale.

Grantsburg • Crex cleanup day. RSVP at 715-463-2739, 9 a.m.-noon, crexmeadows.org. • Rummage sale at IC Catholic Church, 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

Leader Land • Midwest Crane Count, volunteers/participants needed, 5:30-7:30 a.m., 715-307-4712, cranecount.org.

Luck • 10th-annual Spring Fling Sale at Bone Lake Lutheran Church, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 715-472-2535.

Milltown • Spaghetti dinner, auctions, etc. benefit for Angie Eichten-Semmens, at the community center, 4-9 p.m. Facebook.com/teamangiesemmens.

Siren • Community shredding at Bremer Bank parking lot, 10 a.m.-noon.

St. Croix Falls • Mammoth Gravel Classic mountain bike races. Sign up at Cyclova, 7 a.m. Races start at 8, 9 and 10 a.m., facebook.com/WoollyBikeClub. • Polk County Democratic 2016 campaign headquarters grand opening and meet & greet at 2048 Hwy. 8, 1-4 p.m.

SUNDAY/17 Siren • Piece Corps to meet at Bethany Lutheran to sew quilts for vets, 10:30 a.m., 715-222-6852.

Send event information (include contact information) to news@leadernewsroom.com

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