Leader | aug 19 | 2015

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Frederic’s Fine Arts Festival

Crowds turn out for Danbury’s early Oktoberfest



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“Follow the Leader�

Passing the torch CURRENTS FEATURE Readership 13,000

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&'( & POLK COUNTY - Owen Williams, a longtime prominent trial lawyer in Northwest Wisconsin, died Monday, Aug. 17, at his home in rural Amery. He was 76 years old. His body was discovered when he failed to show up for a court hearing. Authorities said he may have died from carbon monoxide poisoning after accidentally leaving his car running, something he had done frequently in recent weeks due to a substantial hearing loss. However, autopsy results are not yet known. Williams served as the St. Croix County district attorney for several years in the 1970s and spent the last 40 years in private practice. Funeral services are pending. ••• MILLTOWN – A grand opening/ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Angels Island playground next to the Milltown Community Center will be held Sat Saturday, Aug. 22, beginning at 1 p.m. Activities at the event will include a picnicstyle lunch that will be served after the program until gone, kids activities, a guessing game with a family prize, music, a bounce house and dunk tank. The release of a CD written for Angels Island will be available for a freewill dona donation. There will also be an opportunity to write a message to the angels and send it up in a helium balloon at 3 p.m. The Angels Island playground was built to honor the memory of three young cousins, Laynie Jo Amos, Lydia Milberg and Clara Pavek, who were killed in a tragic car accident in December 2013. – with submitted information ••• STATEWIDE - Bicycle deaths in the U.S. have gone down over the last four decades, but adults are dying at a higher rate than children children, a new report shows. A review of data from the federal Fatality Analysis Reporting System shows the rate of fatal bike collisions with cars declined 44 percent between 1975 and 2012. Jason Vargo of the University of Wisconsin’s Nelson Institute wrote about the issue in the Centers for Disease Control’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. He speculates fewer children may be dying on their bikes because they travel fewer miles. “What we think might be happening is that those are the groups that are cycling less, in the case of children. And the - Photo by Shoehorn99 groups that are cycling more, in the case of adults,â€? said '*;08 ,,8;-270 =8 <=*=. .9*;=6.7= 8/ &;*7<98;=*=287 H0>;.< =1.;. 1*?. been eight bicycle fatalities so far this year in Wisconsin. That’s higher than all of last year. - Shamane Mills | WPR Radio

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DEADLINE: Copy must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Mondays to be considered for publication in that week’s Leader. Thank you.

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FD;4GF7 43@6 B>3KE D;63K ST. CROIX FALLS - The annual Classic Rock ‘N ‘Roll Night at Music On The Overlook is going to be extra rockin’ for sure this Friday night, Aug. 21, in downtown St. Croix Falls. Back by popular demand after drawing over 1,000 people last summer, USA’s No. 1 AC/DC tribute band, Hells Bells, returns for a free show at The Overlook. More sound, more lights, more food and the St. Croix Falls Fire Department will be selling beer. “Everyone is excited to hear all the great AC/ DC songs - ‘Shook Me All Night Long,’ ‘Thunderstruck,’ ‘For Those About To Rock,’ ‘Whole Lotta Rosie,’ ‘Let There Be Rock,’ ‘Hells Bells,’ ‘Live Wire’ and on and on,� 7>>E 7>>E 3@ FD;4GF7 43@6 D7 says MOTO coordinator Woody McBride. “Not to FGD@E FA F:7 %H7D>AA= 75= ;@ )F DA;J 3>>E mention all the AC/DC F:;E D;63K G9 FA B7D8AD? 3F #%*%RE antics, costumes and the- (A5= Q$ Q(A>> $;9:F #'# &( ! '' atrics you love.� MOTO features many styles of music each summer - polka, bluegrass, country, blues, folk singers, clogging, jazz and reli religious music. “We try to offer something for everyone ... but our annual rock ‘n ‘roll night is time to kerrrrrrrrank it up a few notches, loosen up, blow off some steam and have some fun in this wacky world we live in,� says McBride. “Tell all your friends, and your parents, and your parents’ parents that this will be a great night of music.� In addition to food and drink on-site at The Overlook, rest rooms, beer, wine and coffee are available at the SCF Civic Auditorium hosted by Festival Theatre during each show. MOTO draws crowds from 300 to 1,200 people so please bring your own lawn chair, arrive early to get a good seat and get a bite to eat. Please drive safely near The Overlook and be respectful to the city grounds and the city auditorium. MOTO pledges to be as low a waste event as possible. There are great local bars in town for after the show. Friday, Aug 28, is the MOTO sea<87 H7*5. /.*=>;270 =1. &@27 2=2.<G 8 +5>.0;*<< +*7- The Roe Family Singers. - with submitted information

A>57 -;@6 'G;@F7F B7D8AD?E D;63K HAYWARD - The Cable Hayward Arts Council pres presents an evening of classical music Friday, Aug. 21, at the Park Center with Dolce Wind Quintet, featuring former Hayward resident Megan Dvorak. Since 1995, Dolce Wind Quintet has been customizing and performing programs of classical and popular music for artists series, recitals, weddings, receptions, wor worship services, charity benefits, and other public and private events. Last December, Dolce was featured on Classical MPR’s “Holiday Sampler� broadcast hosted by Steve Staruch. Dolce also performed live on-air *:7 A>57 -;@6 'G;@F7F I;>> B7D8AD? D;63K G9 during MPR Day in ;@ 3KI3D6 ):AI@ 5>A5=I;E7 8DA? FAB >78F $3@5K Rochester, Minn., -G5:7DB87@@;9 8>GF7 #793@ HAD3= A4A7 !3D7@ and for MPR’s 3@E7@ 5>3D;@7F ,;5=; -:77>7D D7@5: :AD@ 3@6 Music Alive event AD6 3?B47>> 43EEAA@ $ $ #'# hosted by Alison Young at Calhoun Square in Minneapolis. Dolce Wind Quintet performs for The Schubert Club Courtroom Concert series in St. Paul each season and for the Munsinger/Clemens Gardens summer concert series in St. Cloud. For Chamber Music Minnesota, Dolce videotaped a live performance and interviews used in music education programs nationwide. - submitted

;@3> # *& 7H7@F F:;E )3FGD63K GRANTSBURG - The Grantsburg Music Festival Society invites everyone to the last Music In The Park event of the summer, Saturday, Aug. 22, at Memory Lake Park. Come *7- .738B 6><2, *7- .7=.;=*276.7= +B ;*087IB * 58,*5 band playing a variety of music going back as far as the 1940s through the present, including a polka for Wisconsin residents only. The band begins playing at 6 p.m. with the Wood River Beavers 4-H Club serving food and refreshments beginning at 5:30 p.m., so come early and get some good eats. The rain location for the event is Faith Lutheran Church in Grantsburg. For rain relocation updates call 715222-2195. The Grantsburg Music Festival Society appreci-

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AGD 7EF;H3> 35FADE 3@5:AD O)FD77F53D P ST. CROIX FALLS - St. Croix Festival Theatre continues its run of Tennesee Williams’ iconic play “A Streetcar Named Desire� on Thursday, Aug. 20, with a matinee and evening performance, and six additional performances through Sept. 6. Williams’ play explores the characters of two sisters, Blanche DuBois and Stella Kowalski, brought up in the privileged tra tradition of the Deep South and two men, Stella’s rough and virile husband, Stanley, and Stanley’s friend Harold Mitchell (Mitch) who is Blanche’s last chance at redemption from a life of rejection and loneliness. “Tennessee Williams gives us four vivid and complicated characters, each trying so hard to find happi 7EF;H3>RE 3DF;EF;5 6;D75FAD 35 ness,� says Mark Baer, director >K@ A:@EA@ B>3KE >3@5:7 ;@ F:7 of “Streetcar.� “It’s been my goal BDA6G5F;A@ A8 O )FD77F53D $3?76 to tell each of their stories with 7E;D7 P @AI B>3K;@9 3F 7EF;H3> equal passion and compassion. *:73FD7 ;@ )F DA;J 3>>E # Like a jazz quartet, when their '#& &( ! '' stories are played together they call and answer, creating dissonance and harmony. We’ll try to play it true for you.� The production showcases the talents of four of Festival Theatre’s performers: Festival’s artistic director Jaclyn John Johnson as Blanche, Josiah Laubenstein as Stanley, Rachel Kuhnle as Stella, and Steven Czajkowski as Mitch. Kimberly Braun will be playing the role of Stella in the Sept. 3 through 6 productions. Johnson’s portrayal of Blanche is an intimate look into the world of a woman whose life has unraveled through events largely be be(35:7> !G:@>7 yond her control. The family home has been lost through a series of what she describes as the “epic fornications� of her male ancestors. Married at a young age to a talented and beautiful young man, her dreams are )F7H7@ L3<=AIE=; shattered when she discovers his past. < =1. 95*B 89.7< @. H7- 5*7,1. on her sister’s doorstep and as the action unfolds, we discover that while Blanche holds herself out as a proper and discreet woman, her history is to AE;3: "3G47@EF7;@ the contrary, she has lost her position as a teacher and is penniless. Other Festival actors appearing in “Streetcar� are Abi Leveille, Andrew Bradford Benson, David Holmes, Jerry Kurek, Sydney Pare Paredes, Ed Moersfelder, Lis Athas, Elizabeth Albers and Megan Clark. To purchase tickets for “A Streetcar Named Desire� please call the St. Croix Festival Theatre box office at 715-483-3387, email at festivaltheatreboxofH,. 06*25 ,86 8; 6*4. reservations online at festivaltheatre.org. - with submitted information " * @6D7I 7@EA@ 3@6 )F7H7@ L3<=AIE=; ;@ 3 E57@7 8DA? O )FD77F53D $3?76 7 E;D7 P N E;D7 P N #'# &( ! ''

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Hit-and-run driver bound over for trial

Star Prairie woman pleads not guilty

Greg Marsten | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – The 22-year-old Star Prairie woman accused of not stopping after she allegedly struck a pedestrian with her car on Aug. 8 at highway speeds was bound over for trial by a Polk County Circuit Court judge on Thursday, Aug. 13, where she was subsequently arraigned and entered a not guilty plea. Katrina Willey, 22, had been free on a cash 0CA8=0 +8;;4H bond since shortly after she was arrested and charged with felony hit-and-run - causing injury, as well as felony reckless driving - causing great bodily harm, as well as a misdemeanor obstruction charge after she allegedly drove into and struck a man who was walking along Hwy. 35, near 55th Street, south of Osceola, at just after 10 p.m. on Saturday evening, Aug. 8, sending the man to the hospital with multiple broken bones, lacerations and apparent cervical spine injuries. Willey appeared in court Aug. 13 before Judge Jeffery Anderson for her preliminary hearing, where the state presented a portion of the evidence they had against Willey, for the judge to decide if they had enough probable cause to bind her over for trial. Polk County assistant prosecutor Stephen Dorrance and Polk County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Dale Hall outlined the incident and presented evidence that they believe proved Willey was the driver of the car that struck the man, who is still recovering from his injuries at last word. Hall noted that while two men were walking at the time, only one was struck, but that he was hit so hard he was thrown into the other man, sending them both into the ditch. It was the other man with the victim whose eyewitness testimony

“She said she thought she had hit a parked car.� - Sgt. Dale Hall

had struck something, and had not been <=;>,4 27 =1. 9*;4270 58= %1. *5<8 ,5*;2H.- why she left the scene. “She said she thought she had hit a parked car,� Hall said. Willey’s defense attorney, Bruce Anderson, did try to get Hall to clarify if the duo had been walking on the highway shoulder, in the dark. “So it’s possible that person was on the roadway?� Bruce Anderson asked. “That’s correct,� Hall stated, later clarifying that it did not seem like the driver had swerved off the road to strike the pedestrians, possibly raising questions on the reckless driving aspect of the charges. Hall also indicated that at no time during the initial Willey interviews did she admit or believe that she had swerved off the road and struck a person. With little hesitation, except for some 0CA8=0 +8;;4H 0??40A43 8= 2>DAC >= (7DAB30H D6

F8C7 74A 0CC>A=4H AD24 =34AB>= '74 argument on the second felony charge of BC0=3B 022DB43 >5 54;>=H 78C 0=3 AD= 0B F4;; 0B 54;>=H A42:;4BB 3A8E8=6 - #'# + % %&' " reckless driving, Judge Anderson bound Willey over for trial on all three counts. “At the very least, I believe (there is sufspine injury. Hall noted. Hall later detailed to the court how the H,2.7= .?2-.7,. 8/ * /.587B +.270 ,86“(The two men) were walking southbound on Hwy. 35, on the west shoulder, <1.;2//G< 8/H,. 1*- ;.,.2?.- * ,*55 /;86 * mitted,� the judge said. At a later arraignment, Willey pleaded when a vehicle drove by and struck his man a short time after the crash, regardnot guilty to all charges, with her next friend,� Hall said. “It happened at high- ing damage to his wife’s car. court date set for this coming Friday, Aug. way speeds, and (the driver) did not stop “We had a call that Ms. Willey had after the crash.� damage done to her (Chevrolet) Equinox 21, where they will review the charges PCSD deputies checked the evidence at the Christian Community Center home, and set a possible trial date. Willey remains free on a $500 cash 87 =1. <,.7. H7-270 * ,*; 62;;8; *7- 2=< located behind the Osceola Medical Cenbond, with conditions that she has no con18><270 @12,1 =1.B 5*=.; 2-.7=2H.- *< ter,� Hall said. “We were not sure if this likely coming from a late-model Chevro- was the vehicle involved in the crash ... tact with the victim. Police have not suggested, nor have let Lumina or an Equinox, which is what but we had observed parts belonging to they found any signs of Willey being inWilley was driving at the time. an Equinox.� Hall said the victim had a variety of Hall said they dispatched an Osceola =8A2,*=.- 8; >7-.; =1. 27I>.7,. *= =1. obvious injuries, including a protruding Police officer to the Willey home in time of the incident, and she did submit to =2+2* H+>5* /;*,=>;. *< @.55 *< * 6*38; Star Prairie, and that the missing parts evidentiary breath and blood tests shortly laceration to his left arm. He was trans- “matched damage to parts on the scene.� after being arrested. The Leader will not reveal the name of ported to Osceola Medical Center for imOnce confronted, Willey had “varying the victim, unless he wishes to have his mediate treatment and later airlifted to accounts of the events ... and went back identity revealed. a Twin Cities hospital for treatment of on her story,� Hall said. those injuries and the apparent cervical Hall said she later admitted that she

Unity to hold $17.5 million referendum vote Nov. 3 Mary Stirrat | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE — The April defeat of Unity’s referendum did not mean that space, safety and infrastructure issues disappeared, and the Unity School Board took action at a special meeting held Tuesday, Aug. 18, to again try to address the problems with a $17.495 million referendum vote in November. The April referendum sought $18.035 million and was defeated by a vote of 706 to 551. About $2 million in work was cut from the April proposal, but construc=287 ,8<=< 1*?. <..7 *7 9.;,.7= 27I*=287 increase, so the $2 million in cuts means the referendum amount has decreased by about $500,000.

closed and have voters in those municipalities cast their ballots at other polling places. This is allowable by law if the number of voters in those municipalities comprised less than 10 percent of voters in the last school board election. In April, a total of 1,257 votes were cast. Six were cast in the Town of Laketown, four in the Town of Johnstown and 104 in Eureka. Board member Jim Beistle noted that Unity residents in the Town of Eureka live on the east side of the town while the polling place is on the west side, as much as 12 miles away. Allowing those voters to cast ballots closer to home would be more convenient, according to discussion at the meeting. In addition, the board agreed, having (74 ?A>942C the polling place open and election workMany items from the April referendum (74 )=8CH '27>>; >0A3 74;3 0 B?4280; <44C8=6 (D4B30H D6 0=3 0??A>E43 0 A4B>;DC8>= C> .;< 12;.- @8>5- 78= +. ?.;B ./H,2.7= /8; are included in the upcoming November proposal, but on a scaled-back or altered 7>;3 0 <8;;8>= A454A4=3D< E>C4 8= ">E4<14A A>< ;45C 8B B27>>; 1>0A3 ?A4B834=C 41184 the towns of Laketown and Johnstown. basis to save money while still address- =24 $4C4AB>= 0=3 1>0A3 <4<14AB $0C 0BC4=B 0E4 !>>A4 0=3 4;;H 0::4 ">C B7>F= 0A4 8< #C74A 1DB8=4BB ing the issues, said district Administrator 48BC;4 '74AH; >;<6A4= 0=3 &H0= $4C4AB>= . #'# + %+ ' %% ' • The board, in closed session, disBrandon Robinson. “There are some components that are ing advantage of the natural slope on that .,.6+.; /8558@.- +B =1. H7*5 +8;;8@- cussed a proposal from the owner of property adjacent to the school who very similar,â€? he said, “but it compacts side of the building. ing of $7.495 million next spring. the proposal a little bit so we can emphaThe district has nearly $2 million in wishes to sell land to the district. No acEntries to the elementary, middle and size the infrastructure.â€? high schools would be remodeled and/ debt that will be paid off by 2017, and tion was taken. • The board approved the hiring of JesOne important item still included is the or updated, including new security sys- splitting the borrowing will allow the tax renovation and upgrade of much of the tems. A new driveway and parking lot impact to remain steady throughout the sica D’Ambrosio as elementary teacher and Breanna Whitmer as middle school electrical, HVAC and air-handling sys- would be added to the east and north- entire 20-year repayment period. tems throughout the entire building. The estimated impact is 60 cents on teacher. east of the elementary playground, which The new plan still includes the addition would be used for middle school drop-off every $1,000 in property value, or $60 per of a two-station gym and an auditorium, and for visitor and event parking. year on property valued at $100,000. The but both have been scaled back from The southern portion of the parking lot April referendum put the mill rate inServices pending for James 14,000 square feet to 12,000. These would by the elementary school would be re- crease at 70 cents per $1,000. On a be located on the east side of the high vamped to use for buses, with sidewalks monthly basis, the current referendum Talmadge school by the current entrance, which extending from the main entrances to the would cost taxpayers $5 per month on would be remodeled into special educa- bus lot, and a new entrance would be con- property valued at $100,000, compared James Talmadge, St. Croix Falls, passed =287 ;886< =1. 1201 <,1885 8/H,. * 58++B structed off Hwy. 46 to the bus garage. with $5.83 per month for the April refer- away early Wednesday, Aug. 19, at St. and an expanded cafeteria and commons Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minn. endum project. area. Services for James are pending. A full (0G 8<?02C To the north of the gymnasium addition obituary will be published at a later date. $8+.;= ( *2;- =1. -2<=;2,=G< H7*7,2*5 $>;;8=6 ?;024B would be another addition to house sci- *-?2<.; 1*< -.?.589.- *7 .A*695. HAs part of the resolution authorizence classrooms and a greenhouse. The nancing plan for the referendum, break- ing the referendum vote, the board also existing science rooms would be remod- ing the borrowing into two episodes. The agreed to keep polling places in the towns eled as a classroom and delivery area, tak- H;<= 6255287 @8>5- +. +8;;8@.- =12< of Eureka, Johnstown and Laketown


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SCF football field enhancements coming

Tennis court issues may stand in the way

Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS – Plans to enhance =1. 12<=8;2, %= ;82A *55< /88=+*55 H.5- have started to become more clear, as fundraising efforts move forward to enhance the football complex with a variety of upgrades, including visitors bleachers, handicapped and senior parking and an 80-foot-long concession area with actual indoor plumbing. The football complex on Vincent Street at the base of a hillside is among the most unique and historic in Northwest Wisconsin, with handcrafted stonework from Depression-era Works Project Administration craftsmen, and a tree line that =8@.;< 8?.; =1. H.5- *7- +5.*,1.;< +>25= into a hillside. But the complex is also lacking in some very basic amenities, including locker rooms, plumbing and rest rooms of any sort, relying on portable bathrooms and the like for decades. The new plans were detailed by St. Croix Falls Board of Education member Dr. Steven Bont and varsity football coach Grant Belisle at the St. Croix Falls Plan Commission meeting on Monday, Aug. 17, as they asked for the city’s blessing on the project. “The land is owned by the city,� Bont said, noting how they lease the property, and how they planned to move forward with the fundraising efforts to make it happen sooner than later. “We’re not asking the city to pay, except maybe for some infrastructure, water/sewer and the like, maybe,� Bont said. “The school is on board ... but it’s up to you, it’s your land.� The plans for a new concession stand would also include a 20-by-80-foot open air portion, with a roof for inclement weather, as well as a concession stand/ kitchen and rest rooms, and at least one locker room, although through the discussions, the commission suggested they add a visitor locker room, as well. It would also include additional bleachers on the eastern “visitor side,� allowing home fans to stay on the same side, and keeping cheerleaders and fans separated. “You want to keep your opponents on =1. 8=1.; <2-. 8/ =1. H.5- F .52<5. <*2- about the additional bleachers. The projected cost of the concession stand and bleacher upgrades is approximately $85,000, although that may change with suggested exterior enhancements for the concession building. However, one sticking point may be =1. 95*7 =8 <*,;2H,. =1. -25*92-*=.- =.7nis courts beside the proposed concession building, even using some of the fencing

“The school is on board ... but it’s up to you, it’s your land.� - Dr. Steve Bont

ing you the property,� Blesi said with a grin. The school district currently has a 30year lease for the land that was last renewed in 2003. They have also done some refurbishing of the seating areas, and plan to rehabilitate some of the stone wall caps, which have suffered from exposure and time. While the commission was all in favor, they took no action to the proposal, until the plans were looked at under the eye of the scenic overlay, which may require some changes to the exterior, with more earth tones, possibly stone half walls and =1. 524. =8 +.==.; H= =1. *;.* “I fully support the concept,� Blesi said. “But we’re not ready to endorse it.� They will also look into zoning issues, *< @.55 *< =;B =8 0.= * H;6 *7<@.; 87 =1. tennis court issues before they reconsider the plan and send it on to the full common council for approval. The improvements are also expected to allow many more neutral-site playoff 0*6.< @12,1 =1. H.5- 2< ,>;;.7=5B 78= .52gible for, due to the lack of visitor seating and other issues.

(74A4 8B ;8:4;H C> 14 0 =4F 2>=24BB8>= BC0=3 0=3 A4BC A>>< 5028;8CH 0C C74 'C A>8G 0;;B 5>>C10;; 2><?;4G >= C74 =>AC7 B834 >5 C74 78BC>A82 584;3 54F 270=64B =443 C> 14 <034 C> C74 ?;0=B 1DC 28CH ;4034AB 0A4 5D;;H 1478=3 C74 4=70=24<4=CB - #'#& + % %&' " for security. is soon to be completely refurbished with St. Croix Falls Mayor Brian Blesi noted new curb, gutter, infrastructure and roadthat the tennis courts were resurfaced and way, allowing the city to possibly work in upgraded in 1998 with a $12,000 grant, concert with the group to make a drop-off which the school district is “on the hook lane or better access, handicapped parkfor,� he said. ing and pedestrian crossing. The district may have to pay back all or “Actually, I believe we’re open to sellsome of the tennis court money, if they decide not to maintain it anymore or raze the courts. Bont said the school board may need to address that before they go much further, although some estimates to refurbish the court may cost several times the amount they might need to pay back. Bont said the volunteer supporters were looking for some direction on the project, and while the commission was very supportive, they did need to comply with scenic overlay standards, like any other new building, which means they should make it look “less like a pole building,� one of the commissioners said. Commissioner Nathan Waterworth was excited about the proposal, calling the complex, “one of the really neat =1270< B8> <.. @1.7 B8> H;<= ,86. 27=8 the city.� Other commissioners shared that sentiment, and hoped that the enhancements might make it available for even more than football, with possible concerts or other gatherings using the new facilities. “It would be great to enhance it even further, and maybe see how we can make it a gateway (to the city),� Blesi said. #=4 BC82:8=6 ?>8=C C> C74 =4F 2>=24BB8>= 0A40 8B C74 38;0?830C43 C4==8B 2>DACB F7827 F>D;3 14 Blesi and city Administrator Joel Peck ;>BC 1DC <0H A4@D8A4 C74 B27>>; 38BCA82C C> ?0H 102: 0 6A0=C 5A>< also noted that the adjacent Vincent Street

Luck receives $500,000 grant for wastewater treatment project Mary Stirrat | Staff writer LUCK — Earlier this month, the village of Luck received word that its application for a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant for wastewater treatment plant upgrades was approved. Village President Dave Rasmussen made the announcement at the Wednesday, Aug. 12, meeting of the village board, where the letter of acceptance was signed immediately. The grant means that the village can add a component to the plant that brings ammonia levels into an acceptable range, without adding to the village share of the costs or scaling down another part of the project. The total project is estimated at $4.7million, of which more than half will be covered by grants from the Clean Water Fund, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Wisconsin Community Development Block Grant. About $2 million will be funded through a USDA loan, with another $220,000 coming directly from the village budget. Rasmussen said that the project will likely be bid out in October, which is early in the bidding season and should mean that the village will receive competitive pricing. C7 'CA44C ?A>942C Bids came in below the budgeted

amount for resurfacing 5th Street from Butternut to Foster Avenue, and from Park Avenue, north to the dead end. The 2015 budget included $34,873 for the project, and low bidder was Monarch paving at $29,262. At the recommendation of the public works staff, the board agreed to add about $2,000 to the project in order to extend the asphalt closer to the end of the street and to add some low asphalt curbs along the east side north of Park Avenue. This is necessary, said public works director Seth Petersen, to prevent water runoff /;86 I88-270 27=8 =1. 9;89.;=B *= =1*= corner. The portion of the project from Butternut to Foster Ave. has been approved for $8,600 in local road improvement project funds. Initial asphalt removal will be done by the village and the township starting at the end of the month. The road will be without pavement for about a month so =1. ?255*0. ,;.@ ,*7 H7- <8/= <98=< *7- repair them. Paving will take place at the end of September.

D2:H 0HB 18;;B Each year, Lucky Days brings large numbers of people into the village, and with that comes the need for porta potties and dumpsters. In the past, the village has paid 25 percent of the cost of the porta

potties, with the community club paying 75 percent. This year, however, the community club has asked the village to pay half the cost of both the dumpsters and the porta potties, which totaled $970. Trustee Sean Kinney asked whether paying half for both items would set a precedent, opening the door to similar requests for other events in the community. He noted that recently, at the request of the community club, the village board agreed to pay half the cost of new Christmas lights for Main Street. Trustee Ross Anderson pointed out that the community club and village crew both work hard to ensure the success of Lucky Days. Each town has its festival, he said, and Lucky Days is Luck’s event. Rasmussen commented that the event brings a lot of business into town and is good for the community. It particularly +.7.H=< =1. +><27.<<.< 27 =8@7 *--.- Trustee Becky Rowe, so members of the community club are actually helping themselves when they help with Lucky Days. Rasmussen scanned the 2015 budget, noting applicable areas that still have funding available, and found that there are funds to cover the $485 that would comprise half the cost. Again Kinney asked whether the action would set a precedent, saying, “It’s my

cynicism coming out right there.� Trustee Alan Tomlinson commented that the event helps the taxpayers in the village, and the expenditure would be worthwhile. The board voted to pay the $485 to cover half the costs of the porta potties and dumpsters.

#C74A 1DB8=4BB • The board approved a street permit for Ben’s Northern Bar for its third-annual BBQ contest. The event will be Saturday, Sept. 19, and Main Street from Hwy. 48 to 2nd Avenue will be closed from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. A street permit for the secondannual Gandy Dancer Marathon on Oct. 10 was also approved. Main Street from Hwy. 35 to 3rd Avenue will be closed from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. • Police Chief Monte Tretsven said that =1. +*74 1*< H7*55B +.0>7 =1. /8;.,58<>;. process on a house on Park Avenue that has been raising complaints from neighbors. The house has been vacant for more than three years. • The board voted to rescind an old resolution providing members of the water and sewer commission with a $10 to $12 stipend per meeting. Board members Anderson and Kinney, who are members of the commission, abstained from voting.

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Frederic man faces felony strangulation charge

Paul Villella has lengthy history of run-ins, lawsuits against local officials

continually threatened deputies with the H7.< *< @.55 *< *7B87. 27?85?.- with the case. He appeared before Judge Jeffery Anderson on Monday, Aug. 17, where the judge was supposed to set a bail or bond Greg Marsten | Staff writer amount. BALSAM LAKE – A Frederic-area man However, Anderson refused to take faces over half a dozen years in prison if the case, noting his own history with Vilconvicted on charges of lella, apparently when he was in private felony strangulation/ practice as an attorney, where he noted suffocation after he is his “previous knowledge� of what apalleged to have struck peared to be similar accusations. Anderand then kicked his son would not comment on the record, spouse with pointed but Assistant District Attorney Stephen cowboy boots, and then Dorrance noted that the case needed atattempted to strangle tention. her before a teen in the “She (the victim) believes he tried to kill household called police. her,� Dorrance said, trying to set a high According to a crimibond amount. $0D; *8;;4;;0 7*5 ,8695*27= H5.- +B Anderson still refused to set bond or $0D; *8;;4;;0 0C 78B 8=8C80; 2>DAC 0??40A0=24 >= the Polk County District even appoint an attorney for Villella, and Attorney’s Office, Paul-Francesco Vil- !>=30H D6 - #'# + % %&' " 27<=.*- @8;4.- =8 H7- * 3>-0. @2=18>= lella, 50, Frederic, faces a felony charge a history with the Frederic man, which of strangulation/suffocation - domestic peatedly told him that he would “owe 2< -2/H,>5= *< 1. 1*< * 5.70=1B 12<=8;B 8/ abuse, as well as misdemeanor battery - him (Villella) $100,000 (in fines),� as ,2?25 *,=287 *0*27<= 6*7B 58,*5 8/H,2*5< domestic abuse for an incident that is al- @8>5- =1. <1.;2//G< 8/H,. -2<=;2,= *==8;7.B loosely based on so-called “sovereign imleged to have occurred on the afternoon and judges. munity.� of Sunday, Aug. 16. Villella, shirtless, intoxicated and wearAnderson suggested a court date with In the complaint, it is noted how a teen ing pointed cowboy boots, also said that Judge Molly GaleWyrick, but Villella procalled 911 to request an ambulance for his his wife was trespassing. tested, noting a previous incident. mother, who was involved in a domestic The victim told police they were having “I’ve sued Judge GaleWyrick in federal incident at their home in rural Frederic. an argument when Villella struck her in court,� Villella said. “It scares the crap out The dispatcher told deputies that the situ- the face several times and then kicked her of me to have her.� ation was “escalating quickly.� The report with his pointed cowboy boots when she Anderson recused himself from Vilstates that Villella had been drinking and was down on the ground. lella’s case, and later in the day was able @*< H01=270 @2=1 12< @2/. She told police she lost consciousness, =8 H7- * ,8>;= ,8662<<287.; =8 <.. 126 Villella had also called police, but not waking up dizzy and disoriented. The where he set bond at $1,000, with absofor the same reasons, as he told the dis- report stated that she had swelling on lutely no contact with the victim, and patcher that his wife was “grabbing his the left side of her face and a large bruise that he was not be within one mile of the property,� and that he wanted her ar- where she was allegedly kicked, claiming residence where the incident is alleged to rested, as he had “every right to protect her kidney hurt from the injuries. have occurred. his property.� The woman told police that when she He has a hearing set for this Friday, When police arrived on scene, they got up from being kicked, Villella then Aug. 21, although it is unclear who will found the teen hyperventilating and grabbed her by the throat, making it hard hear the case. upset, telling authorities that Villella had for her to breathe. The woman said she Villella has a lengthy history of run-ins “struck his mother several times.� was in fear for her life, and told her hus- with law enforcement, including a convicWhen a Polk County sheriff’s deputy band,� You’re going to kill me!� tion for battery - domestic abuse in 2003, @.7= >9 =1. -;2?.@*B =8 H7- =1. @86*7 She said Villella told her that was as well as other incidents and violations Villella confronted him, stating that the “good.� since, with a 2009 civil case resulting in deputy was trespassing and that he reVillella was placed under arrest and * 3>-0. <=*=270 =1*= =1.B EH7- < ;.*<87-

“She (the victim) believes he tried to kill her.� - Prosecutor Stephen Dorrance

able grounds that domestic violence has occurred.� He was also charged and convicted of domestic abuse last year, after an incident 27

*7- @*< /8;,.- =8 9*B * H7. As to the federal court case he referred to in the preliminary hearing, court re,8;-< 27-2,*=. '255.55* H5.- * /.-.;*5 ,2?25 lawsuit against a variety of local law ofH,2*5< 27 =8=*5 ;*70270 /;86 =1. -2<trict attorney to several judges, sheriff’s deputies, the sheriff himself, even the jail administrator who was in charge of him during his being incarcerated. All were named as defendants in his federal suit H5.- 27 *7>*;B That case was in reference to an incident where he was placed under arrest for battery - domestic abuse, as well as disorderly conduct - domestic abuse. He was eventually found guilty at trial and was forced to serve jail time. However, Villella claimed that county *7- <=*=. 8/H,2*5< 1*- ?285*=.- 12< ,2?25 rights by trespassing on his property to arrest him for the battery charge. He claimed to have had a “land patent� right, *7- =1*= =1. 58,*5 8/H,2*5< 1*- 78 *>=18;ity over him. He claimed those property rights overruled any prosecutorial action *0*27<= 126 *7- ,5*26.- =1*= =1. 8/H,2*5< had trespassed on that land, overruling any subsequent prosecution. That case was thrown out by U.S. Federal Judge Barbara Crabb, who chastised '255.55*G< ,2?25 H5270< *< E ,8695.=.5B -.void of merit,� and that his case was “ ... so insubstantial and implausible ... (that it was not even) a federal controversy.� During one of his multiple proceedings, Villella reportedly told the court he had renounced his citizenship, and had destroyed his Social Security card in protest.

Wild game hunting within village approved at Luck Mary Stirrat | Staff writer LUCK — Each year, large numbers of geese in the village of Luck cause problems at the golf course and at the beach. Golfers must be on guard to avoid the droppings, and in past years bacteria from those droppings has sometimes meant the closing of the Big Butternut Lake beach. An ordinance approved by the Luck Village Board last Wednesday, Aug. 12, should alleviate the problem, since it will allow the hunting of wild game within village limits at times and places and in such manner as designated by the board. The ordinance reads, “Hunting of wild game shall be permitted when it has been determined by the village board that such hunting is necessary for proper game management or to protect persons, parks or other property and would not pose a threat to health and safety in the area where such game hunting shall take place.� Police Chief Monte Tretsven will be working on a permitting process, including the criteria for obtaining a permit. Special rules will be developed to be followed during any hunt within the village. Hunting will only be allowed with a permit issued and approved by the police chief, the ordinance states, and will be allowed on public or private land.

The ordinance was approved by the board following a public hearing that no one attended.

>;5 2>DAB4 The number of rounds played to date this year at the Luck Municipal Golf Course has already exceeded the total number of rounds for all of last year, course superintendent Kevin Clunis told the board. That number is up 60 percent to date. Financially, he said, revenue from greens fees and the driving range is up, and money spent in the clubhouse is up 50 cents per round. Clunis made a request to the board that the golf course be allowed to purchase a used rough mower that he found at a good price. New, he said, the equipment costs more than $60,000, but he found a 2014 Toro with 400 hours of use on it for $44,950. They typically run for 5,000 to 6,000 hours. The golf course received a $100,000 donation, Clunis reminded the board, half of which was designated for equipment and half for operations. The equipment half has already been spent, but the donor has no problem with using the remaining operations money for the mower. Clunis said that, with the membership drive this year being so successful, the

operations budget is looking very good without the donation money. Right now, about $37,000 remains in the donation fund. Clunis said that the country club, which usually gives the golf ,8>;<. 9.;,.7= 8/ 2=< 9;8H=< *= =1. .7- of the season, has offered to give $5,000 now toward the mower. The golf course checkbook has the last $3,000 to $4,000 needed, he said. “Our rough mower is 20 years old,� he told the board. “It’s had a useful life.� "*;=< *;. 1*;- =8 H7- 1. <*2- *7- .A9.7sive when they do become available. Trustee Kinney asked how the pur,1*<. H=< @2=1 =1. 8?.;*55 7..-< 8/ =1. golf course, bringing up the fact that last month Clunis talked to the board about safety issues with the deck, faulty kitchen equipment and air conditioning problems. Telling Clunis and the board that he was confused, Kinney asked why the donation fund wasn’t being used to address safety issues rather than buying the mower. Clunis replied that the golf course commission, particularly Chris Petersen, has been researching the costs of some of the needed repairs and upgrades. The commission is also looking at an overall plan, including funding sources and resources that could help.

The board approved the purchase of the mower for $44,950. Job descriptions for the superintendent and the clubhouse manager, a position held by Gwen Anderson, are being reviewed and updated, and during the discussion the board realized that winter duties for the superintendent are not included. The golf course commission and village board will continue to work on this. The superintendent position is full-time year-round, while the clubhouse manager is full-time seasonal. Clunis told the board that during peak season both he and the clubhouse manager work in excess of 60 hours a week, and both positions are salaried. Kinney asked whether it would be a good idea to hire more help during the busy season, to alleviate the heavy workload. Clunis again noted that both positions are salaried, so the cost is the same whether he and Anderson work 40 hours or 60. Kinney commented that new regulations governing overtime pay are coming down the pike, adding, “My preference would be to pay you and Gwen for the hours you work.�

More changes at Siren School Jean Koelz|Staff writer % $ D %,1885 8/H,2*5< *= %2;.7 1*?. 1*- =1.2; 1*7-< />55 <=*/H70 >9 /8; =1. coming school year. In addition to subcommittee meetings, school board members will have met three times more frequently than usual this summer in an effort to replace outgoing Superintendent %,8== 817<87 *7- H55 8=1.; ?*,*7,2.< 7

all, seven special meetings have been held since June, over and above the regular monthly meetings. The good news is that an interim superintendent, Dr. Kevin Shetler, stepped 27=8 =1. 8/H,. 87 >0 *7- =1. +8*;- has hired a number of other teachers and staff members. In addition, the board has established a process for conducting the search for a permanent district adminis-

trator. The bad news is that the board had to <,;*6+5. =12< @..4 */=.; =1. <,1885G< Hnance director, Sharon Peterson, tendered her resignation to accept an opportunity in southern Wisconsin. In the absence of a district secretary, Peterson has been 92=,1270 27 =8 H55 =1. ?82- &1. <,1885 1*< promoted payroll specialist Laura Les<*;- =8 H7*7,. -2;.,=8; *7- 3><= 12;.-

Cassandra Henderson as the new secretary. The board also hired a part-time custodian, Dan Peterson, and appointed Ryan Karsten as the interim athletic director. The next regular monthly school board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 24, at 6 p.m.

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Third International Peace Day ride for vets Sept. 19 Jean Koelz|Staff writer BURNETT COUNTY—For the third year in a row, Cmdr. Chris Sower and American Legion Post 132, along with a group of volunteers that include event founder and ATV enthusiast Richard Costerisan, are planning a special ATV ride up the Gandy Dancer Trail for disabled veterans. The event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 19, to coincide with thousands of events held around the world in observance of the United Nation’s International Day of Peace on Monday, Sept. 21. The ride will begin at 7:30 a.m. in Centuria, and additional riders will join the group in Siren at approximately 9 a.m. A key difference in this year’s ride is that the opening ceremony will take place in Danbury, just prior to lunch at the St. Croix Casino. Organizers are planning to include a tribute to Larry Koch, one of the event founders, who passed away suddenly last year. Normally, motorized vehicles are not allowed on the Gandy Dancer Trail. However, the organization has worked with both Polk and Burnett county governments and the DNR to obtain special permission to host the event. Earlier this year, the DNR advised the county governments that unless they revised their master plans to include this type of use, it could no longer grant approval. Unfortunately for the veterans organization, when Burnett County attempted to revise its master plan to accommodate this spe-

$840,000 project replaces submersible pumps and the control building for three lift stations Sherill Summer | Staff writer WEBSTER - A public hearing for a wastewater utility upgrade was held Wednesday, Aug. 12. The village has received a $410,000 Community Development Block Grant to partially fund the estimated $840,000 project. Three of the villages lift stations have been in service for over 25 years and are in need of rehabilitation so that they function as intended into the future. The scope of the project includes new submersible pumps and a new prefabricated concrete building to house the controls for all three lift stations. Two of the three lift stations will receive new valves and valve vaults, and the main lift station at the fair0;8>7-< @255 ;.,.2?. * 7.@ I8@ 6.=.; Bids for this portion of the project will be opened Thursday, Aug. 20. The upgrade to the wastewater utility will also attempt to reduce the amount

>20; E4C4A0=B >= C74 0=3H 0=24A (A08; 0B ?0AC >5 C74 =C4A=0C8>=0; $4024 0H A834 ;0BC '4?C4<14A - $ #'# cial request going forward, silent sports – hiking, biking, bird-watching, etc. – en=1><2*<=< ,87?27,.- .5.,=.- 8/H,2*5< =1*= the trail was intended exclusively for nonmotorized use and the plan revisions failed. The issue is still being reviewed in Polk County. Because planning was

already under way for the 2015 event, a concession was granted for this year. “While we don’t know what will happen next year,� said Sower, “we want to thank the community and all the sponsors for their support.� Organizers still plan to host an event in 2016, but they won’t

know what it will look like until Polk County completes its review and makes any potential changes to the trail’s master plan. The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 and is observed around the world every Sept. 21. In 2001, the U.N. Assembly voted unanimously to establish the day as an annual day of nonviolence *7- ,.*<. H;. ,*55270 *55 7*=287< *7- 9.8ple groups to end all hostilities during the day and engage in education and public awareness of issues related to peace. According to the United Nations website, the theme of this year’s commemoration is Partnership for Peace – Dignity for All, which aims to highlight the importance of all parts of society working together to strive for peace. The purpose of the local ride is to honor veterans from Burnett and Polk counties, while recognizing the need for world peace. The ride is open to all veterans from all branches of service, and represents an opportunity for vets to make new friends and reconnect with old ones. Volunteers who provide a seat on an ATV for a vet will also be permitted to participate. Organizers would like to encourage the public to cheer for the convoy as it passes through each town on the trail. Veterans and volunteers are encouraged to contact organizers as soon as possible to get more information or to sign up. Contact Sower at 715-653-2231 or Costerisan at 715-349-2511.

Webster lift stations get upgrade

(78B ;85C BC0C8>= 0C C74 508A6A>D=3B F8;; A4 248E4 CF> =4F BD1<4AB81;4 ?D<?B 0 =4F 5;>F <4C4A =4F E0;E4B E0;E4 E0D;C 0=3 0 =4F ?A4 501A820C43 2>=2A4C4 1D8;38=6 C> 7>DB4 0;; C74 2>=CA>;B #'#& + % (!! % of water entering the wastewater collection system through the manholes and sewer lines in low-lying areas. All of this so called “clear water� must be pumped and treated once it is in the wastewater

(78B ;85C BC0C8>= >= 82:>AH 'CA44C F8;; A4248E4 CF> =4F BD1<4AB81;4 ?D<?B 0=3 0 =4F ?A4 (78B ;85C BC0C8>= 0C C74 8=3DBCA80; ?0A: F8;; A4 501A820C43 2>=2A4C4 1D8;38=6 C> 7>DB4 0;; C74 248E4 CF> =4F BD1<4AB81;4 ?D<?B =4F E0;E4B 2>=CA>;B E0;E4 E0D;C 0=3 0 =4F ?A4501A820C43 2>=2A4C4 system, increasing costs. Both the DNR 1D8;38=6 C> 7>DB4 0;; C74 2>=CA>;B *7- " @*=,1 /8; .A,.<<2?. 27I8@ *7- 27H5=;*=287 8/ ,5.*; @*=.; The village intends to borrow to cover Replacing the manhole castings and project costs not covered by the CDBG. resealing the manholes will help reduce They potentially will borrow from the clear water. Depending on the bids for State Trust Fund and use the DNR Small the lift-station portion of the project, there Loan Program. may be funds to reline sewer mains in low-lying areas.

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Opening of new event center draws complaints

Mary Stirrat | Staff writer MILLTOWN — Saturday’s grand opening of No Genre, the new event center on Milltown’s Main Street, brought complaints, concerns and discussion to the Monday, Aug. 10, meeting of the village board. During his report to the board, police Chief Ed Collins stated that there were between 125 and 145 people in attendance at the event, which included rap performers and other musicians. Some of the attendees were bused in from the Twin Cities area, and gang colors were evident. There were many incidents of theft, open intoxicants and drug use, according =8 85527< &@8 8/H,.;< @.;. 87 ->=B 1. said, but for similar events in the future at least four should be on hand. The board agreed that No Genre’s manager, Victor Archibong, would be responsible for the costs of additional law enforcement. Village President LuAnn White was directed to talk with the village attorney to determine what enforcement options are available. Once these options are determined, a meeting will be arranged between White, Collins and Archibong. No Genre plans to have live events every other weekend, with a DJ on the weekends in between. The facility has no liquor license, and the evening event this past Saturday was for age 18 and older. According to village clerk Amy Albrecht, original discussions regarding the business indicated it would be familyfriendly. She said she was disappointed, and that Saturday’s event was not a good H= /8; =1. ?255*0.

"> 4=A4 0 =4F 4E4=C 24=C4A 8= !8;;C>F= >?4=43 '0CDA30H D6 F8C7 0 2A>F3 C70C A08B43 2><?;08=CB . #'#& + %+ ' %% ' +8*;- H7*5 9;.<.7=*=287 @255 =1.7 +. made to the board.

#C74A 1DB8=4BB • Jim Martin, owner of Rapid Repair, expressed concerns regarding the condition of the sidewalk in front of his building. Due to budget constraints, said White, no sidewalks will be repaired this year, but the budget will be reviewed to make sure. • The board voted to donate $500 to Kids Night Out. A $200 check from River’s Rally was presented to the event. • The public works director reported that the water tower will be drained at the end of the month in order to inspect a rust spot. Residents will not be affected. He reported the roof at the community center needs to be reshingled, and was directed to get estimates for removing/replacing 8=0=280; ?;0==8=6 The board voted unanimously to con- the air-conditioning units on the roof and =;*,= @2=1 15.;< * H7*7,2*5 *-?2<8;B the reshingling. • Following up on a complaint from MiH;6 =8 -.?.589 * H?. B.*; H7*7,2*5 95*7 for the village. The plan will assist the vil- chael Moos last month, the public works lage in utilizing both internal and external committee met and inspected what he resources, and in providing a framework felt was a blocked access to his property at Hwy. 35 and West Bering Street. The for prioritizing projects and needs. Cost is not to exceed $9,500. Patrick committee determined that the property Malloy of Ehlers said that work on the he was complaining about is not a desigplan will begin in September with two nated highway entrance, and that Bering workshops with the village staff and Street West is a dead-end road.


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Demolition of old Webster School will cost estimated $830,000 Sherill Summer | Staff writer WEBSTER - It seems like a great idea. Why not replace the deteriorating, vacant old school building along Hwy. 35 with a new clinic, since Ingalls Clinic on Main Street, operated by St. Croix Regional Medical Center, is short on space with no room to expand. Especially since the current owner of the building also likes the idea. So, the Webster Village Board hired % =8 H7- 8>= @1*= .7?2;876.7=*5 hazards are present at the site and to put together an estimate on the demolition costs and the restoration of the property to a buildable state.

The estimate is in, and the idea is not cheap. It will take an estimated $830,000 to bring the idea to fruition. Dave Rasmussen from MSA presented the estimate and a few funding suggestions that the village board can use to help fund the project at a full board development and annexation committee meeting held on Wednesday, July 29. %27,. =1*= 6..=270 =1. H7*7,2*5 +8*;- of St. Croix Regional Medical Center has +..7 78=2H.- 8/ =1. .<=26*=.- ,8<=< 8=1 the St. Croix Regional Medical Center Board and the Webster Village Board are studying options available.

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F:3@A> 3@6 A;> 5A?B3@;7E The petroleum industry would like you to believe that the recent $1 gasoline price spike is due to a prob5.6 *= 87. ;.H7.;B *7- 2< * ;*;. 8,currence affecting what is normally a “free market� system. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because America has not built an 825 ;.H7.;B <27,. =1. 825 ,86panies are able to manipulate prices by holding back production of refined petroleum products pretty much anytime they want. Thankfully, over the last decade a glimmer of hope has developed for consumers. America’s ethanol 27-><=;B 1*< +>25= +28;.H7.;2.< since the year 2000. Together, they produce almost 15 billion gallons of

motor fuel at a price that is lower than gasoline - even in the best of times for oil prices. Ethanol is 100-percent renewable and 100-percent made in America. Ethanol also has an octane of 113, as opposed to the typical 84 octane of gasoline. With enhanced octane, engines run better, which is why 62 percent of new cars are can run on E15, not just E10. >=86*4.;< <.. =1. +.7.H=< 8/ higher octane for consumers, but oil companies refuse to allow the many “branded� stations under their control to sell E15. They also spend millions lobbying politicians for the repeal of the renewable fuel standard so they can keep their stranglehold on retail pricing. The RFS is the only policy which allows market access for our fuels to the consumer.

Today wholesale gasoline is selling for $2.71, almost exactly $1 higher than just a few days ago. Ethanol is priced at $1.43 and has not moved appreciably with the gas spike. Without ethanol in the marketplace, the price spike would have been much more severe. If we had more E15 in the marketplace, the price spike would have been noticeably less severe. Remember that the next time you hear someone repeating the petroleum industry’s line about “free markets.� For oil companies, free markets mean markets controlled by them and higher prices for you.

Iowa’s governor supposedly is telling presidential candidates that if they want to win Iowa they should come out in favor of the mandate. It has been a boon to Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other farm states by creating a new market for corn and new jobs in the 9;8->,=287 *7- ;.H7270 27-><=;B It all makes for some interesting reading - and depending on what sources you trust, or believe, the arguments in the ethanol debate are +.,86270 68;. -.H7.- Pro-ethanol forces argue pretty much what the letter to the editor *+8?. -8.< =1*785 1.59< H01= -.pendency on foreign oil, increases ./H,2.7,B 27 .7027.< ,;.*=.< 6.;2can jobs and brings down the price of gas at the pumps. Expand the mix from 10 percent to 15 percent, they say. Critics, who have been mounting in number, say ethanol is another government boondoggle - a taxpayer subsidized experiment that didn’t pan out. They claim the indirect environmental costs involved - including growing, harvesting and processing ,8;7 27=8 />.5 *;. <2072H,*7= They also note it diverts corn from the food supply, driving up the cost of food, and can damage small engines such as outboards, lawn mowers and chain saws. And they claim it is more expensive when compared with conventional gasoline due to its lower energy density, causing consumers to get 3 to 4 less miles per gallon (fueleconomy.gov), thereby causing them to purchase more gas - in essence, a hidden tax. According to an editorial published just this past week by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (“To

protect the environment, repeal biofuel mandate� by John M. DeCicco, a research professor at the University of Michigan Energy Institute), ethanol is far from being a cleanerburning alternative as promised and is “worsening greenhouse gas emissions and harming the environment in many other ways.� The author notes, in part, “To turn it into ethanol, corn must be fermented and distilled, releasing even more pollution. Researchers from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration and University of Colorado found that the country’s third-largest corn ethanol ;.H7.;B .62=< =26.< 68;. 9855>tion than was assumed ... � That argument will no doubt be used as the proposed bill to do away with the ethanol mandate is debated. The bill is supported by three dozen groups, ranging from industry groups like the American Petroleum Institute and the National Marine Manufacturers Association to environmental organizations like the Clean Air Task Force and Friends of the Earth. And then there’s this, published by Popular Mechanics: A New Zealand chemist has found a good use for spent yeast normally discarded after brewing beer - beer-based ethanol. E =G< 78= =1. H;<= =26. +..; +*<.- ethanol has been used to power cars,� the article notes, “but New ).*5*7-.;< ,*7 H55 >9 87 8,tane(!) booze-fuel for a limited time. The mix is 90 percent gas to 10 percent beer ethanol.� They call it brewtroleum. Cheers to an expanded debate. Gary King

Erik Huschitt, president Wisconsin BioFuels Association Madison

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' "# &&( % * " This summer’s corn crop looks

extremely good, even if you’re not a farmer. Thoughts of corn for most of us are limited to the kitchen table, but 2/ B8>G;. *-62;270 * ,8;7H.5- =1.<. days you might be thinking biofuel .=1*785 =8 +. <9.,2H, * +B9;8->,= of corn that is added to our fossil fuel with intentions of saving our environment while at the same time lessening our dependence on foreign oil. That’s one important job - or cob, in this case. Our only letter to the editor this week comes from the president of the Wisconsin BioFuels Association, and makes some strong points in favor of ethanol and against the oil industry. It’s obvious the ethanol and oil industries have squared off against each other. Lower gas prices earlier this year put the squeeze on ethanol producers, who produced more fuel, sold it at lower prices and took * 12= 87 9;8H=< ,,8;-270 =8 =1. Minneapolis Star-Tribune, ethanol plants in Minnesota and other states reported second-quarter operation earnings that were a fraction of levels a year ago. And, to make things worse for the ethanol industry, there’s a proposal in Washington that could affect the subsidies and current federal mandate to add ethanol to gasoline. It even plays in to the 2016 presidential race. Our governor, Scott Walker, has been cornered on his stance on this issue. He is against government mandates in general but has shown a bit of indecision on the ethanol mandate.


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Delivering on property tax relief

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roperty taxes remain one of the top issues for Wisconsin homeowners and small businesses, as the annual 9;89.;=B =*A +255 ;.9;.<.7=< * <2072H,*7= expenditure on household checkbooks and entrepreneurs balance sheets. While many pay property taxes through an escrow account or monthly savings, unexpected changes in property tax bills often prove challenging for homeowners and small-business owners in these times of tight budgets. In response to the concerns I have heard from many area residents over the years, providing property tax relief continues to be one of my top priorities. Prior to the change in control of state government in 2011, the trend of property tax increases was at an unsustainable level for many Wisconsin residents as property taxes had increased by 27 percent over the prior decade. Particularly for working families, seniors and

):7;>3 3DE6AD8 8=1.;< 87 HA.- 27,86.< 9;89.;=B =*A.< were accounting for greater portions of family budgets and tax increases meant cuts and belt-tightening at home. The impact of continually rising property tax bills meant less money for groceries and clothes, reduced savings, and delayed repairs or improvements. In 2010, after several years of tax in increases, the median property tax bill in Wisconsin was $2,963. Had that trend of tax increases continued, the median property tax bill would have risen to over $3,300 in 2016. These increases were unacceptable to me, and that is why I have supported reforms that have provided tax relief to property owners.


he “new year� is about to arrive in Wisconsin as public schools ready for the early-September opening. Some will disagree that September is the “new year,� preferring to mark it in January. But to hundreds of thousands of young people, their parents, grandparents and thousands of teachers, the start of school is the “new year.� As the opening neared, more Wisconsin school districts were having trouble H55270 =.*,1270 ?*,*7,2.< .<9.,2*55B 27 math, science and special education. Wisconsin is not alone in struggling to H55 89.7270< =G< * 7*=287*5 =;.7- The situation isn’t a surprise. Rural school districts talked about the issue during the last legislative session and urban districts chimed in that they, too, saw problems ahead. Colleges that train teachers said fewer undergraduates were opting for education and careers in the teaching profession. Part of the situation may be the expectations of families. It’s natural for parents and grandparents to think, like residents of the mythical Lake Woebegone, that their children and grand-

'C0C4 0?8C>; "4FB;4CC4A #3FF &A??7D children are all above average. If their better-than-average children struggle in school, many want to blame the teachers and principals. That sort of attitude probably has helped promote the concept of the tax9*B.;< H7*7,270 ?8>,1.; *7- ,1*;=.; schools that draw money away from the traditional public schools. Debate will continue to rage over whether these alternatives will produce better-educated children. The state Capitol is fertile ground for ideas on how to change education. Twenty years ago, then-Gov. Tommy &1869<87 I8*=.- =1. 2-.*< 8/ *--270 another week of instruction to the school

The outcome of these reforms are that property taxes will be reduced each of the six years since 2011 due to legislation enacted by the state Legislature. As a result of our efforts to pass prop property tax relief, the median property tax bill in 2016 is projected to be $2,828. &12< H0>;. 2<

5.<< =1*7 @1*= =1. median property tax bill was in 2010 and represents real savings for seniors and families that keeps more of your hard-earned money in your pocketbook. Overall, property taxes have fallen by 4.4 percent for a typical Wisconsin homeowner since 2010. Compared to the trend line under the prior administration, property taxes will be approximately $500 less in 2016 than if the expected increases had taken effect, with the cumulative savings over the past six years estimated to be over $1,700. Using another measure, a recent analysis by the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance found that property taxes as a share of personal income has now dropped to 3.6 percent, the lowest level seen since 1946.

It is important to note that the effect of local referenda and property im improvements also have impacts on actual 9;89.;=B =*A +255< < =1. H0>;.< *+8?. relate to a property taxpayer in the state with a median-valued home, individual property owners will see variations depending on local factors and property values. While our work to control spending has been successful in holding down property tax increases, it is important that we continue to promote growth and economic development as a means to broaden the property tax base. Increasing the value of property through a growth and prosperity agenda will not only help increase job opportunities, but will also help in distributing the property tax burden and holding down property taxes. I look forward to continuing to advance this agenda as the legislative session continues. Please feel free to contact me by call270 6B 8/H,. *= 800-862-1092 or 608-2667745 or by sending me an email at Sen. *;<-8;/ 5.02< @2 08?

year for elementary and secondary pub public schools. It could better educate young people, he suggested. Thompson quickly found that cherished summer vacations and schedules would prevail. The tourism industry didn’t want to shave off a week of family vacations. Taxpayer watchdog groups reminded him that it would drive up costs. Pay for hourly workers – cooks, maintenance workers, janitorial staff and bus drivers – would need to be considered. Wisconsin law establishes that public schools, including higher education, start after Sept. 1. The tourism industry promoted that law, indicating it didn’t want to lose its college-age summertime workers. It initially sought a start after Labor Day. &1. 9;8+5.6 8/ H7-270 =89 78=,1 trained teachers seems to have sociological and economic roots. Young women are seeing job opportunities across the work spectrum. Private employers also are seeking to diversify their ranks with minorities. Pay opportunities probably are

brighter in the private sector. The state budget limits the amount of money school districts can raise through the property tax and that affects teacher salaries. That’s unlikely to change anytime soon. The $250 million reduction in the University of Wisconsin System budget is proof that the future is not bright for education funding in Wisconsin. Indeed, public schools may not be near the head 8/ =1. 527. @1.7 2= ,86.< =8 H<,*5 -.,2sions. Two years ago, the Legislature approved a $30 million personal-incometax break for families who send their children to private elementary and secondary schools. Legislative proponents said it was a way to help parochial schools survive. .?.; 627- *7B H<,*5 05886 &1. “new year� comes next week with anticipation and promise for Wisconsin fami families. It’s far more exciting than any Jan. 1.nd Ford Campbell (bassoon).

Western Wisconsin city agrees to let farmers shoot pigeons

Mondovi officials say birds have been causing a mess in the community

Rich Kremer | WPR News MONDOVI - The city of Mondovi in Buffalo County is looking to solve its “pigeon problem� by allowing farm farmers to shoot the birds. Pigeons and the mess they make are a familiar problem in many urban $864>=B 0A4 2A40C8=6 0 <4BB 8= communities. In Mondovi, said city council C74 28CH >5 !>=3>E8 - #'# %#! member Gerry Rud, the *$% #%

'4E4= A40B>=B 8= B4E4= F44:B =>C C> ;460;8I4 <0A89D0=0 8= +8B2>=B8= Reason No. 5: Economic development

Marijuana use by the workforce is associated with more absences, tardiness, workers’ comp claims and turnover. The federal government, including Wisconsin, continues to categorize marijuana as a Schedule I Controlled Substance, meaning it has no accepted medical use and has high abuse potential. In Wisconsin, one of the largest productivity losses due to alcohol was in the workforce, which is an estimated $1.3 billion loss. One can only imagine what adding marijuana will contribute to that amount of lost productivity. For more information or questions, contact Lil Piùero at 715-349-2155 or Tammy Hopke at 715-3492117. – from the Burnett County Adolescent AODA Prevention Coalition

birds perch on the taller buildings, scattering droppings in front of businesses. In a recent unanimous vote, the council passed a reso resolution allowing farmers inside the city limits to shoot pi0.87< /..-270 27 =1.2; H.5-< *7- ;88<=270 87 =1.2; 5*7- Rud said many options were considered, but that shooting the birds seemed most effective. “I think that’s probably the way to get rid of a bunch

of them, but probably if you get them down a little bit, then (we’ll) do some trapping to get rid of them right downtown,� he said. Rud said there have also been discussions about the city’s goose-dropping problem at a lakefront park, but no action is being taken at this time.

Wisconsin property values resume growth


qualized property values in Wisconsin rose 2.4 percent in 2015, following a 2.5-percent increase in 2014. Equalized values are estimated fair market values of all taxable property in the <=*=. &1. =@8 B.*; 27,;.*<. /8558@.- H?. ,87<.,>tive years of decline. At $490.7 billion in 2015, total equalized property values are almost $25 billion off the 2008 peak of $514.4 billion. Property value growth throughout the state was inconsistent. Counties in the west and northwest generally outperformed the state, with the Twin Cities’ bedroom counties of Pierce, 6.7 percent, and St. Croix, 6.2 percent, leading the way. Property values in Eau Claire, Chippewa and Dunn counties all increased more than 4 percent. Kenosha, 4.8 percent, was strong, as was the Madison area, i.e., Dane County, 4.2 percent. Subpar appreciation occurred in the north, e.g., Douglas, 0.0 percent, Oconto, 1.7 percent, and Oneida, 0.5 percent, and also in parts of the east/ southeast. Property value growth in Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Sheboygan and Walworth all grew less than 1 percent.

The Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance is a nonpartisan, "

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Bicycling bliss


*,4 27 =1. <>66.; 8/ H?. of my buddies and I took a trip to the Porcupine Mountains of the U.P. from the Twin Cities area. We were 14 and 15 years old, and we traveled by bicycle. We rode three-speeds and one-speeds with large, overloaded back racks. We were on the road for 10 days and pedaled just over 500 miles. One of us would call home collect from a pay phone each night, and the parent who took the call would let the other parents know we’d survived another day. It remains one of the greatest adventures of my life. We set out that summer from the northern suburbs, somewhere around Scandia. Once we crossed the river into Wisconsin at Taylors Falls, we made our way east to Centuria following town roads. From there, I don’t remember our exact route, but by the second night of the trip, we were in Webb Lake. We were awestruck by the relatively untraveled system of county and town roads through rolling, idyllic farmland and forests that came right up to the roadside across Polk and Burnett counties. During my college years, the bicycle remained my primary mode of trans transportation. When we needed to go far, we stuck out our thumbs or hopped an occasional freight train, once going all the way from San Diego, Calif., to St. Paul, Minn. But the bicycle was my day-to-day way of getting around town. /=.; ,855.0. +8>01= 6B H;<= ,*; +>= still used the bike for short trips and as my favorite form of recreation. In my mid-20s, I began looking for land in earnest, dreaming of a rural life. After 26 years of suburban and city living, my future wife and I made our break and landed on 40 acres just north of Danbury, a direct result of what I saw bicycling through the county more than 10 years earlier. I had found my right place - clean air, a billion stars in the sky at night, peace and quiet, and endless miles of paved secondary roads for bicy bicycling. I declared to anyone who would listen, tongue only slightly in cheek, that I’d landed in bicycle paradise. It was and still is just that. In my township alone, there are over 50 miles of paved town roads, most with very lit lit=5. =;*/H, (1.7 6B +24270 +>--B 87 and I go out for a 20-mile ride, we rarely see more than a handful of cars and trucks. We cross wild rivers, pass blue, pristine lakes, and ride down heavily

(74 E84F 5A>< 74A4 Steve Pearson forested roads that feel like tunnels of green. Drivers are generally courteous, giving us a wide berth. I’ve been many places across this country of ours, and I’ve never seen the equal of the combination of paved secondary roads and natural beauty that Polk and Burnett counties offer. And we have a crushed limestone trail for bikes that runs the length of the two counties. G?. *5@*B< +..7 * 52==5. 6B<=2H.- =1*= we don’t see more bicyclists out there. And I’ve often wondered why there isn’t more vigorous promotion of our counties’ great bicycling attributes. That is, until a recent ride down Webster’s Main Street, all the way to the west end, dispelled some of that. There it was, right down at the end of the street on the north side, just a stone’s throw from the Gandy Dancer Trail: Webster Cog and Sprocket, a shiny new bike shop, and as far as I know, the only one of its kind in the county. You can see what I saw at facebook.com/WebsterCogandSprocket. Seems that somehow this new business, which has been up and running since July 1, had escaped my notice. I

got the lowdown from co-owner Sher Sherrill Summer at the front counter. She and her husband, Bill, a self-described “Webster boy,� made the big move after tiring of having “eight or 10 bikes in our living room at one time.� It seems Bill has been doing bicycle repair out of their home for several years, and the time seemed right to take it retail. And what a nice-looking shop it is, along with the kind of friendly service you’d expect in Webster. They have a variety of new and used bikes and an expanding inventory of parts and accessories. And judging from the large number of bikes in the shop area of the store, word is out that Bill knows bike maintenance and repair. But that’s not all, and here’s where I got particularly excited. Sherrill and Bill are doing more than just selling bikes they’re promoting the sport of bicycling through a club they call Lake Country Pedalers. The club organized 12 Rides of Summer that take you through some of those beautiful parts of our two counties mentioned earlier. And more often than not, they start at a local business, allow allowing for a before-ride cup of coffee with breakfast or some after-ride food and libation. You can check out the full listing of rides at facebook.com/lakecountrypedalers. And when you do, you’ll see that you’ve got two more chances to get out with the group. This Saturday, Aug. 22, they’ll do a 12-mile loop rated “easy to moderate� that starts at Lind-

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berg Park on Mudhen Lake at 8 a.m. Next Saturday, Aug. 29, they’ll meet at Fresh Start Coffee Roasters in Webster at 10 a.m. and ride a 12-mile route rated “easy� by the club. If you’re inspired, you can take it to the next level and join other bicyclists for the Passage Gravel Ride, a 75-mile tour of the Gandy Dancer Trail on Saturday, Sept. 26, starting at 7:30 a.m., to be /8558@.- +B &*<=. 8/ =1. &;*25 * +.7.H= for Northwest Passage Treatment Center featuring local food, wine and beer at the In A New Light Gallery just south of Webster. Check out nwpltd.org/tasteof-the-trail for more information. These are exciting times for bicycling in the two-county area. Bicycle tourism is big business in southeastern Minnesota and southwestern Wisconsin, and those areas have nothing over ours. As more people are exposed to the unalloyed joys of cycling here, word will spread fast and our area will become a destination for bicycle tourists seek seeking the beauty and serenity we have to offer. And if Sherrill and Bill Summer have their way, we may well become a year-round destination for silent sports; they have plans to add cross-country skis and fat bikes to their inventory, giving people more options for getting out and enjoying our beautiful part of the world in all seasons.

24154 State Rd. 35N Siren, Wis.


107 N. Washington St. St. Croix Falls, Wis.


11 West 5th Ave. - Lake Mall Shell Lake, Wis.


Wisconsin’s rural schools weigh impact of Affordable ffordable Care Act ff Danielle Kaeding | WPR News NORTHERN WISCONSIN - Some schools in northern Wisconsin are keeping a close eye on the number of hours that staff work and how that could relate to President Barack Obama’s health-care law. 2<=;2,=< *;. =;B270 =8 +*5*7,. H7*7,.< @2=1 ,1*70.< under the Affordable Care Act. Wisconsin Association 8/ %,1885 ><27.<< !/H,2*5< A.,>=2?. 2;.,=8; (88-B Wiedenhoeft said employers are watching whether substitute teachers would qualify for health insurance. “Employers are having to be very careful to track hours that people are working on that 30-hour rule =8 6*4. <>;. =1*= =1.2; H7*7,.< <=*B =1. <*6. /8; =1*= insurance scenario,� said Wiedenhoeft. Washburn School District Administrator Tom Wiatr said schools don’t anticipate budgeting for extra in insurance and rural areas like Washburn have a limited number of subs. “You’re pulling from the same group,� Wiatr said. “So, you try to have the most competitive rates or incentives to make sure that the quality subs are working in your school district.� Districts in northern Wisconsin are seeking clarity 87 @1.7 8; 2/ 9.895. :>*52/B /8; +.7.H=< >7-.; =1. Affordable Care Act. Cooperative Educational Ser Services Agency 12 Administrator Ken Kasinski said that could have an impact on school district budgets. “There’s some question about when would or if a person becomes eligible for that,� Kasinski said. “They may not even be. We’re still looking at and exploring =1*= *7- ;.*55B 0.==270 * -.H72=2?. *7<@.; F CESA 12 represents 17 school districts in six coun=2.< 27,5>-270 8>05*< *BH.5- *7- <15*7- ,8>7ties.

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Enjoying ice cream at Emma’s House Priscilla Bauer | Staff writer GRANTSBURG –Visitors to Emma’s House had a hard time deciding which plate of delicious-looking cake they should take. The Grantsburg Historical Society’s annual icecream social held at the turn-of-the-century home located on the museum’s grounds, held Saturday Aug. 15, offered guests not only great goodies but a look back in time.

In honor of Grantsburg’s 150th birthday bash, which will be held in conjunction with the Grantoberfest fall festival, historical society members have set up an exhibit at the museum of memorabilia and photos from the town’s 1965 centennial celebration. Guests were entertained throughout the evening by local vocalist and guitarist Aaron Crandle.

Photos by Priscilla Bauer

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Nonstop action on Kids Night Nikki Lehnertz|SCVR ST. CROIX FALLS – The grandstands were packed with youngsters pining for 87. 8/ =1. -8C.7< 8/ +24.< ;*/I.- 8// St. Croix Valley Raceway completed its Ultimate Kids Night celebration in con3>7,=287 @2=1 =1. H;<= .?.; &;*25.; $*,. Nationals on Friday, Aug. 14. The Centuria Fire Department was on hand, giving kids the opportunity spray a real-life H;. 18<. D *7- ,885 8// * 52==5. 27 =1. 9;8 9;8cess, as several youths used the spray as a stand-in for a lawn sprinkler. Rod Dahl, of Grantsburg, claimed the $750 top prize in the inaugural Trailer Race Nationals event over 14 other entrants. The evening was capped off with an intense and loud H;.@8;4< -2<95*B &1. H7*5 <*7,=287.- ;*,. 8/ =1. 7201= was the Polydome WISSOTA Midwest 8-2H.-< @12,1 ,8695.=.- * 7201= 8/ 9.;/.,=287 /8; =1. ;*,.;< D *55 H?. /.*=>;. races were completed devoid of caution I*0< 8; =1. 2-@.<= 68-2H.-< ;2, Lamm continued his emergence in the division, winning for the second time in three weeks with his No. 88 racer. The Zimmerman, Minn., pilot was racing in 3><= 12< H/=1 .?.7= *= % '$ +>= 1. 1*< quickly displayed a penchant for getting around the quarter mile in jackrabbit-like fashion. On Saturday, Lamm used his outside-front-row starting position to his advantage, getting the jump on front-row starting mate Jason Schill and leading the entire 20-lap distance. Behind Lamm, Tony Schill tussled with Jason Schill for second and Joe Chaplin Jr., Mitch Weiss, David Mastell and Josh Bazey all vied for fourth. Tony Schill emerged from the battle for second, and Lamm was strong throughout, but the battle for fourth never settled down. At the double checkers Lamm scored the comfortable win over Tony Schill, Jason Schill, Mastell and Bazey. In yet another one of their patented thrill-fests, the UMSS Traditional sprints whipped the packed house into a frenzy @2=1 *7 .A,2=270 H72<1 = =1. 8>=<.= 2=

&>3 07; >5 A0=CB1DA6 2;08<43 C74 C>? ?A8I4 8= C74 8=0D6DA0; (A08;4A &024 "0C8>=0;B 4E4=C >E4A >C74A 4=CA0=CB 0C C74 'C A>8G *0;;4H &024F0H A830H D6 - #'#& #(%' &+ # " ' %&#" *99.*;.- *< 2/ =1. H72<1 6201= +. * /8;.gone conclusion, with fountain-of-youth discoverer Jimmy Kouba taking off from the outside pole and steadily opening up a sizable lead. James Giossi occupied the runner-up spot while there was spirited jockeying for third between Rick Kobs, Rob Caho and Johnny Parsons III, with most racers running a higher groove. With 10 laps remaining Kouba had stretched his lead to nearly a full straightaway over Giossi. But that is about the point at which Parsons’ No. 12 sprinter started streaking forward. Racing as far back as H/=1 95*,. "*;<87< 68?.- =8 12< /*6252*; haunts, the lowest groove on the track, and started gobbling up his foes. First it was two-time series champion Caho, then Kobs and Giossi met the same fate. With just over a handful of laps remaining, Par-

sons was in second and staring at Kou Kou+*G< 1>0. *-?*7=*0. &1. H7*5 -*<1 @*< “elbows up� for Parsons, as he steadily erased Kouba’s big lead, catching him with just two circuits remaining. In the H7*5 1*5/ 625. "*;<87< H72<1.- =1. 38+ *7 put and exclamation point on another exciting TSCS main event, relegating Kouba to second in front of Giossi, Kobs and Cam Schafer. The win marked the third visit of the 2015 season to the rockauto. com victory lane for Parsons. After picking up a win in her heat race, Krysta Swearingen sat on the pole for the pure stock feature and proceeded to put on a clinic, cruising to her third Valley win of the summer. While Swearingen raced unchallenged at the front, the battle for second was one for the ages. “The Mighty� Tucker Quinn and Mike Grover ran virtually the entire race welded together at the door handles, with neither driver able to shake the other. Unfortunately, contact between the combat combat*7=< <.7= #>277 <9277270 27=8 =1. 27H.5exiting the second turn with just a few 5*9< ;.6*27270 #>277 @*< *+5. =8 ;.H;. and continue on, rejoining the race a lap later, a lap down to the leaders. The spin moved Monte Knoll up to third in the H7*5 H72<1270 8;-.; *1.*- 8/ H;<= =26. visitor James Clausen with Dave Nogle ;8>7-270 8>= =1. =89 H?. )77 SCVR $7JF B397

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••• HAUGEN – The Osceola Braves baseball season came to an end durdur#'! -" ,- - *. +- +4' % ! & #' .-#'! -" ,- - *. +- +4' % ! & #' . ! ' -.+ 2 .! " + / , %(,- to Prescott 10-3. After advancing to -" , &#4' % & - ".) ! #',- Sparta -" , &#4' % & - ".) ! #',- Sparta,, Sparta Prescott %(,- -(.!" (' #' #' Prescott %(,- -(.!" (' #' #''#'!, ' -" ,- - " &)#(',"#) ! & ) +- )% 2 -" Chaseburg-Coon Valley Blues Blues 0"( ' .) -#'! ) +- (+ -" ,- - -#-% – with information from wisconsinbaseball.org ••• LEADER LAND – The Friday, Aug. Ladysmith Ladysmith at Unity football game is being broadcast on 104.9 FM start start-#'! - ) & " Prairie Farm versus Luck football game at Cameron can " + (' -.+ 2 .! (' ,- +-#'! - ) & Hayward ,- +-#'! - ) & Hayward at Amery football ' " + (' +# 2 .! ,- +-#'! - ) & The Green Bay Packers at Pittsburg )+ , ,(' ! & ' " + - '((' .' 2 .! (' " Oakland at Minnesota Vikings footfootball ! & (' -.+ 2 .! ' ball ! & (' -.+ 2 .! ' " + (' !#''#'! - ) & ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an ath% - )% 2#'! (%% !# - ,)(+-, #' who hasn’t been mentioned, send us ' & #% (+ %% ' 0 3%% - $ #- +(& there. – Marty Seeger ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tid tid-bits to share? % , ('- - -" + 2 ) & (' (' 2, -( !( #' 1-+ Points. – Marty Seeger

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Molly Engstrom to play for NWHL hockey team STAMFORD, Conn. – Two-time Olympian Molly Engstrom has agreed to play with the Connecticut Whale of the National Women’s Hockey League for the upcoming season, General Manager Harry Rosenholtz announced Monday, Aug. 17. “Molly brings so many great things to our program and our community,� said Rosenholtz, “She embodies the character and the leadership of the players we want to have in this league.� “She’s a role model,� he continued, “She’s the player that everyone on our team will be looking up to. Her humility, her great passion for the game and her commitment to the sport all contribute to her being one of the most highly respected defensemen in the world.� Engstrom earned a silver medal at the 2010 Olympic Games, scoring three goals and four assists, and was a bronze medalist in the 2006 Olympic Games, joining *;5* *, .8- *< =1. H;<= =@8 (2<,87<27 players to represent the United States in the Olympics. Engstrom’s illustrious career includes the honors of the Media AllStar Team and Directorate Award for Best Defenseman at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver. During her 112-game national team career, Engstrom helped the U.S. claim four IIHF Women’s World Championship

gold medals, in 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2011, and two silver medals, in 2004 and 2007. She earned the Directorate Award as the IIHF tournament’s Top Defenseman in 70<=;86 *5<8 ,*9=>;.- * H;<= 95*,. win with the U.S. at the 2008 Four Na=287< >9 *7- H?. <.,87- 95*,. H72<1.< in 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010. Engstrom played in the early years of the CWHL, playing for the Brampton Thunder in the league’s inaugural season. Engstrom scored an overtime goal against the Mississauga Chiefs to win the ( G< H;<= ,1*69287<129 0*6. 70strom later reached the Clarkson Cup Final with the Minnesota Whitecaps in 2009-10, and again with the Thunder in 2011-12, before ending her CWHL career with the Boston Blades in 2012-13. Engstrom played college hockey at the University of Wisconsin from 2001-2005, scoring 85 points with 28 goals and 57 assists in 140 career games. A two-time WCHA Defensive Player of the Year, Eng<=;86 @*< *5<8 7*6.- * =89 H7*52<= /8; the 2005 Patty Kazmaier Award. Follow!>;;H =6BCA>< F8;; 14 ?;0H8=6 7>2:4H 5>A C74 >==42C82DC +70;4 0 C40< 5A>< C74 "0C8>=0; ing Engstrom’s junior year at Wisconsin, +><4=MB >2:4H 406D4 1>E4 =6BCA>< ?>B4B F8C7 0 ;854C8<4 >5 7>2:4H 640A 8= 74A '8A4= the defenseman was presented the Bad7><4 =>C ;>=6 05C4A 0==>D=28=6 74A A4C8A4<4=C 5A>< )' 7>2:4H 8=

=6BCA>< B?4=C C8<4 8= ger Award, given to the player who best 0F088 145>A4 <>E8=6 C> >==42C82DC F74A4 B74 0224?C43 0 7403 2>0278=6 ?>B8C8>= 5>A C74 8< .A.6952H.< 9*<<287 1>6252=B *7- >72=B For more information visit nwhl.co. 10;; )=8>= 2034<H 68A;B 7>2:4H C40< 5>A C74 B40B>= - % $ #'# + %'+ % !

Scenes from the local football scrimmages

A434A82 *8:8=6B 5>>C10;; ?;0H4A C70= '27<83C 70D;B 8= 0 ?0BB 3DA8=6 0 B2A8<<064 0608=BC '74;; 0:4 A830H D6 0C '74;; 0:4 (74 *8:8=6B (74 D2: 0A38=0;B 24=C4A 0=3 '8A4= A06>=B A867C 4867C ?;0H4A 5>>C10;; C40<B F4=C 7403 C> 7403 0C 0 B2A8<<064 74;3 8= D2: A830H <>A= 58ABC 60<4 >5 C74 B40B>= 8B C78B A830H D6 0C 8=6 D6 >C7 C40<B 0;>=6 F8C7 C74 A4BC >5 C74 4867C ?;0H4A 2>=54A4=24 F8;; 14 ?;0H8=6 0C 0<4A>= C78B '0CDA30H D6 5>A C74 90<1>A44 74;3 8= 0<4A>= C> 74;? :82: >55 C74 B40B>= D2: 8B B2743D;43 C> ?;0H $A08A84 0A< 0C ? < 0=3 '8A4= ?;0HB !4;;4= 0C ? < - #'#& + %'+ % ;4=F>>3 8CH - #'# + %%+ !&#"

SCVR/Continued Five UMSS Micro Sprints took the green I*0 *7- =1. -2?2<287G< =1;.. -8627*7= drivers led the way. Ty Sampair jumped to the point early, followed by reigning series champion Jack Berger and Jeremy *<24 @277.; 8/ /8>; 8/ =1. 5*<= H?. /.*tures. After dueling with Berger, Kasik completed the pass on lap two and set his sights on two-time series champion Sampair. But the hottest driver in the division wasn’t able to summon the requisite speed on this night. While Kasik was able to mount a few challenges, Sampair was .:>*5 =8 =1. =*<4 27 6*27=*27270 * I*0 =8 I*0 @27 12< <.,87- 8/ =1. <>66.; *1.*- of Kasik, Berger, Bryan Patrick and Dave Madsen. In minivan/future four competition, Steven Johnson sat on the pole and capped his season championship with a clean-sweep feature win. While Johnson led, behind him was brewing a tremendous sibling rivalry – between the Reding brothers – two-time feature winner Derek and older brother Trevor. Damon Roberts was close behind, watching the brothers duel while looking for an open-

= <8=8E0= 5DCDA4 5>DA 2><?4C8C8>= 'C4E4= >7=B>= 20??43 78B B40B>= 270<?8>=B78? F8C7 0 2;40= BF44? 540CDA4 F8= 0C 'C A>8G *0;;4H &024F0H A830H D6 - #'# + " ' %&#" ing to pass. Leaving that battle behind was Johnson, who had built up a commanding lead ‌ at least until the halfway 9827= = =1. ,;8<<.- I*0< &;.?8; $.-ing’s No. 01 car found a burst of speed *7- H7*55B @;.<=.- =1. ;>77.; >9 <98= away from little brother and blasted off

for the leader Johnson. With just two laps remaining, the older Reding caught the rear bumper of Johnson and began sizing up the leader. As the lead duo took =1. @12=. I*0 $.-270 *99.*;.- 982<.- =8 +;.*4 =1;8>01 /8; 12< H;<= .?.; @27 @1.7 suddenly, as they raced through turn two,

Reding’s car sputtered and chugged – and dramatically slowed just 800 feet from checkers. Johnson sped off to his third trophy of 2015 in front of Derek Reding, Roberts and Tim Thoennes, while Trevor $.-270 -;2/=.- +*,4 =8 * H/=1 95*,. H72<1 St. Croix Valley Raceway will take a one-week sabbatical, with no event scheduled for this Friday, Aug. 21, in order to 9;.9*;. /8; * 0;*7- =1;.. @..4 H72<1270 I>;;B &1. 0;*7--*--B 8/ =1.6 *55 =1. fourth annual Open Wheel Nationals, is >9 H;<= E .7-.; ;.. ;2-*BF @255 <.. ( %%!& 2-@.<= 8-2H.-< *7- ( %%!& 8-2H.-< 3827 =1. +8=1 =1. =;*-2tional and 360 winged sprint cars of the UMSS for the ßber show on Friday night, Aug. 28. The following Friday features WISSOTA Late Models and Street Stocks plus UMSS Traditional Sprints at the Russ and Brent Laursen Classic before the season wraps up at the 23rd-annual Kouba memorial on Sept. 11. More information regarding future SCVR events can be found on the track’s website, SCVRaceway.com, or on their Facebook page.

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! " # # $ % & ' ( & ) $ * + , ) - *$ A perfect night for high school football Meteorologists who monitor local weather patterns tell us that Friday, Aug. 21, will be a perfect night for high school football in St. Croix Falls, Webster and Unity. While all seven Leader Land teams will open play this week, only the above three will be playing on their home !"#$%*.+!% gridiron. Expect sunny skies and a mellow latesummer evening with temperatures hovering near the 70-degree mark when the footballs are kicked off at 7 p.m.

John Ryan


Leonhard retired? Former Flambeau Falcon Jim Leonhard, who scored numerous high school touchdowns on Polk and Burnett counties /88=+*55 H.5-< 1*< *99*;.7=5B ;.=2;.- */=.; * 10-year NFL career. As recently as June of 2015, Leonhard had said he might consider rescinding his retirement announcement @12,1 @*< H;<= 6*-. 5*=. 27 Hole-in-one Yes, that was St. Croix Falls elementary school Principal and former SCF golf coach Jeff Benoy @18 <18= =1. H;<= 185. 27 87. 8/ 12< 5870 *7- -2<=270>2<1.- *6*=.>; 085H70 career. Benoy’s ace came last Monday night on the par-3, second hole of the St. Croix Falls golf course. Scholars indicate that odds of an amateur golfer sinking a hole-in-one are at 12,500 to 1. A pro golfer’s odds are 2,500 to 1. But it was the late North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Il 1941—2011 who set the

standard for golf immortality, reportedly once making 11 holes-in-one in a single 18hole round of golf back in 1991 or 1994. Electronic deer harvest registration At long last, tired, dirty or fuel-conscious deer hunters will no longer be required to drop everything, load their deer into a truck or trailer and drive in to a registration station. Yes, successful Wisconsin hunters still must register each and every harvested deer as they have for decades, but beginning in 2015 all registrations will occur via electronic means, either by phone or the Internet. (See the 2015 Wisconsin deer hunting regulations for more information.) But there’s good news for those hunters who wish to maintain the old ritual of inperson registration at a designated station. According to the DNR website, there will be three Burnett County registration stations which will offer customers the opportunity to electronically register their quarry. They

are: The Country Store and Crex Meadows DNR station in and near Grantsburg, and the Trade Lake Store in suburban Trade Lake. In Polk County the Wolf Creek Bar is at this time the lone designated station. Thank you, Wisconsin DNR deermanagement team, for bringing deer registration into the 21st century. Final pheasant The last two of the 2014 South Dakota 91.*<*7=< @.;. ,*;./>55B H55.=.- .*;52.; =12< week in order to become the key ingredient in a delectable entree known as “poppy seed casserole.� A sparsely stocked freezer can only mean the 2015 bird-hunting season is just around the corner. And that means there’s plenty of freezer space for a few doves, some grouse, a goose or two, a handful of ducks, and of course, the venerable Dakota ringneck. It won’t be long now.


Osceola Braves receive sportsmanship award


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“Where did the summer go?� the Swami asked rhetorically Tuesday evening as a steady rain beat upon the tin roof of his rustic cabin somewhere out on the eastern edge of Leader Land. Of course, it’s an unanswerable question but it’s one !"#$%&'() frequently posed by those who have passed the 50-year milestone. Meanwhile, for youth who crave the fun and excitement of the school year, summer probably lasted too long. The Swami will cut right to the chase and issue his prognostications for firstweek football action while adding savvy

The Swami


commentary to each prediction. “As the season progresses you’ll see poetry, alliterations and possibly even prediction limericks,� he added. Spring Valley 22, St. Croix Falls 16 – A disappointing opener for the Saints. Grantsburg 34, Cumberland 20 – Many pundits are picking the Pirates for a conference title. Webster 20, Clayton 12 – A satisfying victory for WHS. Unity 36, Ladysmith 8 – Unity has a great group of athletes. Prairie Farm 54, Luck 27 – Leader sports editor Marty Seeger’s alma mater has turned into the eight-man football mecca of Northwest Wisconsin. Siren 35, Mellen 12 – The Dragons kick off =1. <.*<87 27 H7. /8;6 Frederic 22, Glenwood City 20 – All things considered, this will be a bit of an upset.



Friday, August 21, 7 p.m.

First 250 people at tailgate party at 6 p.m. receive a free SAINTS FOOTBALL backpack. Compliments of Bont Chiropractic


The St. Croix Falls School District, along with their Board of Education, will be hosting a meet and greet to introduce and welcome Mark Burandt as the new superintendent of the St. Croix Falls School District. The meet and greet will take place on Wednesday evening, August 26, 2015, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. near the boardroom located in the high school. This will coincide with the open houses being held at the same time at the elementary, middle and high schools. Cake and coffee will be served.



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READ LEADER SPORTS leadernewsroom.com


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Summer dreams There’s got to be a better time to hang a tree stand than in hot, humid weather while the woods is H55.- @2=1 @88- =2,4< and mosquitoes, but I haven’t been able to H7- 87. 5*=.5B &1. /*55 Marty bow-hunting season is rapidly approaching Seeger the Sept. 12 start date, and I’ve spent many bits and pieces of my !01$ =26. =12< <>66.; H7. 234435$ tuning the bow in my backyard, and feeding 6781 my brain with thoughts 8/ H55270 * =*0 * +2= .*;lier this year ‌ and that’s called wishful thinking. On this particular outdoor excursion I unsuccessfully tried to sneak quietly and quickly into an area I’m intent on hunting during the archery opener. With long sleeves and no bug spray, I treated it like an actual hunt. I paid attention to scent control and tried not to trim too many branches in the process, knowing that any larger, mature buck or even an old doe would sense the intrusion and head for safer ground, which isn’t far away from the small parcel of land I’ve hunted for several years now. Rain was in the forecast for the late afternoon, and my hope was that any scent I did leave behind would be minimized or washed away completely. That actu actually did happen, but the midday sun was beating down hard, and my legs, back and brow were soaked with sweat as gnats and mosquitoes circled my head. It was miserable, but I couldn’t help but to think how amazing it would be to put a tag on a big buck’s antlers in the early season and hang him on the wall, while adding some venison to the freezer. Currently, only one package of venison stands in the way of our freezer being void any wild game.

#=4 >5 C74 54F ?7>C>B >5 0= 4;DB8E4 0=3 20DC8>DB 1D2: 50A A867C 20D67C >= CA08; 20<4A0 1H C74 0DC7>A C78B BD<<4A - #'# + %'+ % “We don’t have enough money for a head mount this year,� my wife reinformed me recently, while also hinting that venison is once again desired. E G55 H7- * @*B -87G= B8> @8;;B *+8>= 2= F <*2- 1*5/ 384270 @255 H7- * @*B 3><= 524. G6 08270 =8 =;B *7- H7- * @*B to shoot a good buck in September. There’s a particular deer on my trail camera this summer that has been giving me another thing to lose sleep over and consuming some portions of my daytime activities. I’ve hunted this particular area since I was old enough to hunt yet I’ve found myself staring at topographic maps, trying to come up with ways to enter and exit the area without being detected. Up to this point, I haven’t really found one, so to be safe, I hung the stand a bit farther away from where I feel the deer has been bedding. It’s located among a small stand of white oak trees leading 8>= =8 * +.*7 H.5- %86. 1>7=270 .A9.;=< might call this a staging area, where deer might be seen during shooting hours, as they browse or feed on acorns before entering a larger food source as darkness nears. Or they’ll visit this staging area on

their way to bed down in the mornings. In a perfect world, this scenario will play out as planned and I’ll be dancing over a carcass Saturday evening, Sept 12, but again, that’s wishful thinking. Far too many factors will affect the pattern of this buck as the bow-hunting opener grows near. Food sources in the area are already changing and the oaks where I hung this particular stand appear to have a smaller crop than what I’ve seen in years past. B H;<= 05269<. 8/ =1. -..; 87 ,*6.;* @*< 27 5*=. >7. *7- ,*7 875B ,87H;6 one other time he has visited the area since that time. He appears nervous and knows the camera is there. I have another camera roughly 200 yards away, and the buck has yet to show up in that spot, where coincidentally, I hung my tree stand. The last time I had him on camera was July 31, and it was the only time I’ve had daylight pictures of the deer, and even then, light was fading. It would seem logical to hang a stand near the camera in which the deer has already shown himself, yet there re re*55B 2<7G= * @*B =8 0.= =1.;. @2=18>= H;<=

spooking deer along the way, or a decent tree in which to hang a stand. The area is so overgrown with prickly ash and invasive buckthorn it’s nearly impossible to walk through with the exception of the =;*25 5.*-270 =8 *7- /;86 =1. +.*7 H.5- which they seem to be using now, but could change in September. I’ve only checked cameras twice this summer, using rain to my advantage and going in at midday, doing the only things I know how to do in order to limit detection of my presence. Just knowing he’s there makes the start of the archery season more exciting, and really the only reason I feel motivated enough to hang a tree stand in 90-degree weather with long sleeves and no bug spray. It was more than two hours before I was able to leave the woods that afternoon, ,87H-.7= =1*= =1. <=*7- @*< <.,>;. *7safe for opening weekend. I doubt I left the area without leaving some trace of human activity, but with a little luck this could be shaping up to be another memorable fall.

Trap league announces top finishers Marty Seeger|Staff Staff writer WEBSTER – The Fishbowl Sportsmen’s Club in Webster wrapped up their sum summer trap league and named their 2015 Top Guns along with their averages. For the men it was Jason Johnson who topped the league with 24.1, followed by Bryan Bjorklund, 23.4; Wade Rufsholm, 23.2; Mike Chell, 23.06; Rick Leffelman, 23.06; Ken Erickson, 23.03; Chuck Govin, 23; Scott Finch, 22.9; Dave Burke, 22.9; and Ross Tollander, 22.83. Among the Lady Top Guns it was Patty Bjorklund leading the way with 19.9, followed by Maria Helin, 19.76; Deb Rufsholm, 19.33; Laura Doriott, 18.33; Susie Ingalls, 18.33; Vanessa Ries, 18.26; Deb Root, 18.26; and Valerie Belland, 16.26.

The top youth shooters included Colton Stuart with 16.70 and Ross Daniels with 15.13. The Fishbowl Sportsmen’s Club is be beginning their six-week skeet league on Wednesday, Aug. 26, and all are wel welcome. The league begins at 4:30 p.m. – Marty Seeger with submitted information

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Public wolf howl program GRANTSBURG – Have you ever heard a timber wolf howl in the wild? Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area offers you the opportunity to hear the harmonious howls of the “Crex Pack� while learning how to howl like one of them. Conduct a wolf howling survey with the conservation educators Friday, Aug. 28. Begin at Crex Meadows Visitor Cen Center with a brief slideshow overview of wolf ecology and changing perceptions of this elusive animal. Then the group will carpool to one or more special loca-

tions on the property where wild wolves may answer the imitations given by staff. There, they will attempt to get the wolves to howl. Wolves usually answer, but like all wild animals, they are unpredictable and may not respond. This popular evening program is a fun and educational opportunity to listen to the unique calls of the wolf. The program starts at 7:30 p.m. and lasts about two hours. The program is not recommend for children younger than 5. Bring insect repellent and dress for the

weather; howling will occur except with lightning or heavy rain. Do not bring pets. Space is limited to 40 participants. The program will be hosted at Crex Meadows Wildlife Education and Visitor Center. Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area is located at 102 East Crex Ave., Grantsburg. Wildlife conservation education programs are supported by Friends of Crex, donations always appreciated. Crex Meadow staff encourages the public to get outdoors to learn more about

Wisconsin’s mammals. For more information and to register, please contact Kristi Pupak, WDNR wildlife conservation educator, at 715-463-2739 or via email: Kris=27* 9>9*4 @2<,87<27 08? For complete details and updated infor information join the Friends of Crex. Receive newsletters, event invites and discounts. For regular updates, photos, news and more, visit crexmeadows.org or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest. – submitted

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SCF gun business controversy claims former mayor

Claims of harassing emails, social media postsÂ

Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS – The riffs involving * -8@7=8@7 %= ;82A *55< H;.*;6 *7- *,,.<<8;B -.*5.; <9.,2H,*55B *+8>= =1.2; controversial name, F-bomb.net, have led to an investigation into possible criminal and/or civil charges against a prominent ,2=B 8/H,2*5 Former St. Croix Falls Mayor Bradley Foss resigned his position on the St. Croix Falls Plan Commission on July 30 after he was confronted about a series of emails and social media posts about the business in the city’s downtown. After an investigation, Foss admitted to the “anonymous� social media posts, which, while technically were not threats, according to law enforcement, did possibly violate state statutes regarding unlawful use of computerized communication <B<=.6< *7- <9.,2H,*55B * <>+<.,=287 8/ the law that references obscene or lewd language. E(. 1*?. 78= H5.- ,1*;0.< F %= ;82A Falls Police Chief Erin Murphy stated. While the business owners have not pressed for criminal charges, Murphy said they consulted with the county pros.,>=8; 87 =1. 6*==.; *7- =1.B -2- H7- <>/H,2.7= .?2-.7,. 8/ 98<<2+5. ,;2627*5 activity, under state statute. “I wouldn’t say there were any threats,� Murphy said. “It’s more of a language issue.� He said that the issue was brought to their attention by the F-Bomb owners group last month, after a series of social media posts that used the questionable 5*70>*0. <9.,2H,*55B =1. @8;- =1. Bomb group has denied their name implies. The owners group has been the subject of a name controversy for the last few months, which has led to a volume of calls for the city to take action to make them change their name or at least alter their <207*0. =8 78= ;.I.,= =1. 86+ 7*6. and logo.

“I wouldn’t say there were any threats ... It’s more of a language issue.� – Chief Erin Murphy

The police investigation into the alleged harassment included tying the anonymous messages to the Internet Service Protocol addresses to a computer used by Foss, who had correspondence with one of the owners for different reasons. The investigation also included a look into allegations that Foss may have also made potentially harassing calls to one of the owners places of business, St. Croix Regional Medical Center. He has denied that to police but did say he had sent a signed complaint about that co-owner to the hospital. Murphy said the medical center had not sought charges in the matter, either. The evidence was detailed in a report released to the Leader, although city leaders refused to comment on the matter, calling it a “civil issue,� city Administrator Joel Peck said. Foss said he had no comment on the F(74 2>=CA>E4ABH 8=E>;E8=6 C74 =0<4 >5 C78B 3>F=C>F= 'C A>8G 0;;B 1DB8=4BB 70B Bomb allegations, but he did make a state;43 C> C74 A4B86=0C8>= >5 0 5>A<4A <0H>A 5A>< ment on his reasons for resigning from the C74 28CHMB ?;0= 2><<8BB8>= - #'#& + % St. Croix Falls Plan Commission, stating they were not related to any controversy. %&' " “I resigned from the plan commission However, the owners have suggested because my life is taking another directhe real issue is not the name but that they tion,� Foss said. “My interest in joining *;. * H;.*;6< -.*5.; @12,1 *568<= *55 8/ the plan commission was to further our those involved have denied. city’s understanding of what is next in “The small, outspoken group ... (is try- residential growth. After the conclusion ing) to trump and override the United of the UW - River Falls student project in States and Wisconsin Constitutions to the spring, I felt my contributions have <1>= -8@7 * H;.*;6< +><27.<< F =1. 8@7- been completed and thus I can move on ers group stated. to other endeavors.� Ironically, the primary issue of conFoss is a former mayor of St. Croix Falls cern noted by many people in regard to and currently works for the Veterans Adthe business has to do with that same ministration, which drew more ire of the word used in the alleged “harassing� so- F-Bomb group, stating they think his accial media posts, and the sexual expletive tions were “appalling,� as two of the coit is considered “F-Bomb� may represent, owners are military veterans. but the co-owners have said it stands for “(F-Bomb co-owners are) ashamed at “Freedom,� and not the word in question.

A03 >BB B?40:8=6 0C 0 A424=C 2><<>= 2>D=28; <44C8=6 his and the group’s behavior, especially as a ... resident and business owner of St. Croix Falls and even more as a military veteran,� the owners group stated in a letter to several media sources. “(We) can’t believe someone that is supposed to be assisting military veterans as a social worker for the VA is now actively threaten(ing) those same ... veterans.� Murphy said the owners group did not want to pursue charges, but instead @*7=.- =8 H7- 8>= @18 @*< +.127- =1. posts and messages, so the harassment would stop. Murphy cited Wisconsin State Statute 947.0125 (3A) as a possible violation, where the “ ... obscene, lewd language� issue arose regarding computer communications, although he again stressed that “no threats have been made.� “They just wanted the harassment to end,� Murphy said. Plan commission vacancies are by appointment, and Foss’ term was set to end next year. His possible replacement on the commission has not been made.

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Summer projects toured at Unity

BALSAM LAKE — Summer has been a busy time for maintenance projects at Unity School, and some of the improvements were toured by the school board prior to its Tuesday, Aug. 11, meeting. Among other things, storage areas have been created and organized, fenc-

ing replaced, sidewalks repaired and the 42=,1.7 1*55@*B I88;.- $886< 1*?. been freshened, baseball areas have been upgraded, and basketball shooting stations have been installed in the high school gym. – Mary Stirrat

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SCF Plan Commission addresses river access

UW-River Falls group makes bold proposals

ton Street as a sort of grand entrance to the river, with a walkway, staged decking and water feature. The property might also be used as a sort of way to enhance the downtown Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS – Several months of connection to the river, near the hydrowork by UW-River Falls and UW-Exten- electric dam. “We looked for the pathways that made sion planners and students have resulted the most sense,â€? Johnson said. in a bold proposal for the city of St. Croix They also looked at possibly partnering Falls on how to best utilize the river beside the city, which has few, if any, easy with other groups to bring some of the ideas to fruition. public ways to truly access the water. “We were trying to do things we could Land use and community development +2=. 8// H;<= F 817<87 <*2- ;./.;.7,270 specialist Todd W. Johnson was asked last spring to address the issue, which he did that some of the proposals would cost with the help of several other groups and relatively little, while others may reindividual stakeholders. He revealed the quire land purchases and infrastructure H7*5 95*7 9;898<*5 =8 =1. %= ;82A *55< changes. “It all adds up to marketing ourPlan Commission at their regular meeting selves ... it includes some really doable projects.â€? on Monday, Aug. 17. The commission was very supportive of The River and Trail Access summary report includes several very unique ap- the ideas and the plan, but did not take proaches, including possibly purchasing any action, as they will review and weigh the historic Barlow House on the river- the proposals and possibly bring it before way to be used as a sort of multiuse con- the full common council for their ideas. nection to the river, tourism destination and possible rental venture for several = >C74A 2><<8BB8>= 1DB8=4BB • The commission held a public heargroups with ties to the National Scenic 270 87 *6.7-.- I88- 95*27 -*=* +B =1. Riverway and the arts. It included better bike trail lanes and United States Geological Survey on the road markings, possible raised decks on hydro dam, and what the likely impact wetlands, as well as a north to south trail, would be if the century-old dam was eiwith several river connections from the ther breached or had an overtop incident. In general, the impact would be minicity’s downtown. It also included a possible pier and gazebo on the river, although mal to city residents, but might have an impact on the Interstate State Park campice may be an issue to contend with. The full plan is lengthy and will likely ing areas on both sides of the river, as well lead to several possibly phased-in pro- as farther downstream. There were no objections to the posals in the future, and includes using several parcels of land the city already amended data, although several quesowns, such as the “empty spaceâ€? south of tions did emerge, such as emergency the Franklin Square building on Washing- management plans and details about the

>F C> 14CC4A 0224BB C74 'C A>8G &8E4A 5A>< 3>F=C>F= F0B C74 A40B>= 1478=3 0 1>;3 =4F ?A>?>B0; 1H 0 6A>D? 5A>< )+/ &8E4A 0;;B 0=3 B4E4A0; ;>20; BC0:47>;34AB - #'#& + % %&' " long-range plans for the dam. The commission approved the data report and forwarded the information on to the full common council for approval. The Leader will have a more complete coverage of the amended data when it is considered by the council in the coming (74 K4<?CH B?024L B>DC7 >5 C74 A0=:;8= '@D0A4 D8;38=6 3>F=C>F= 8B >=4 ?>BB81;4 4=70=24 weeks. • The commission entertained a pro<4=C ?A>942C 8= C74 5DCDA4 (74 28CH >F=B C74 ;0=3 0=3 70B 34E4;>?43 B>;83 F8;35;>F4A 0=3 1DCC4A 5;H 5A84=3;H E464C0C8>= (74 ?;0= 2>D;3 ?>BB81;H :44? C74 E464C0C8>= 0=3 0;B> 14 0 A8E4A 60C4F0H posal on enhancements and improvements to the St. Croix Falls High School F8C7 0 F0C4A 540CDA4 0=3 ;0=3B20?43 0A40 C> C74 A8E4A =40A C74 7H3A> 30< 14;>F

football complex on Vincent Street. They did not take action, but did make several recommendations for exterior appearance and possible ways to make it even more useful for nonfootball events. (See full story elsewhere in this issue.)

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Wisconsin’s newest political party to promote progressive policies

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MULTIFAMILY RUMMAGE SALE Fri., Aug. 21, 2015 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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At: 20684 State Road 87. About 7 miles south of Grantsburg.

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(/',(/ &(', . #% % , * + / it’s focusing for now on the nonpartisan elections in Mil#' % ' +#, waukee in April 2016. Dimitrijevic had a list ready when asked if there are currently sitting Democrats that $!*(-' deserve challenges from more left-leaning candidates. #*+, &('," & ! “We have our own Milwaukee County Sheriff David

Clarke who runs as a Democrat, and (it’s) very hard to make that argument,� she said. “And then we also, in Milwaukee County, have what I like to call Mr. 1 percent, and that is County Executive Chris Abele, who has not stood up for working families at all in Milwaukee County.� 1-1/2-BR Apartment Downtown St. Croix Falls.



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While the name won’t appear at polling stations in the next state-level election, Dimitrijevic said the party does plan to run candidates in April’s nonpartisan elections in Milwaukee. “I think working families across the nation have seen that the major parties are not doing a good enough job Scottie Lee Meyers | WPR News to stand up for people who are struggling to make ends MADISON - Wisconsin’s newest political party will meet. We plan on being a champion who is unafraid and aim to promote core progressive policies and won’t be who will deliver results for working families,� she said. cautious about taking on Democrats who it believes have The party’s platform focuses on economic inequality, drifted too far to the right, according to its new leader. racial justice, debt-free higher education and climate The Wisconsin Working change, according to Dimitrijevic. It’s also calling for !"#$%&'()&*+)&,-./%&*0 Families Party tapped Mila $15-per-hour minimum wage and guaranteed paid ,1"12&34&56,738,68 waukee County Supervisor sick days. 7697:61&73:91 and former board Chair 8; <4.9=2,< 8/ I.-0270 9852=2,*5 9*;=2.< =1*= -87G= *9;3<=&73:81> woman Marina Dimitrijevic pear on ballots, Dimitrijevic pointed to the Tea Party and 68&1?2&@"1129&34&1?2& to lead the organization last 2=< ,>;;.7= 27I>.7,. 27 =1. 9852=2,*5 .7?2;876.7= 2,1"12&34 month. The national party @"9A"921&?2<28&3<,38 “While (the Tea Party) is in the hands of a few wealthy now has branches in nine B3CD&E#FG&'()&'(*' individuals, we obviously stand for something totally states but does not yet have 8H/IJ-&/H&7K-LI/HKM opposite, but we plan to operate with a similar type of ballot status in Wisconsin. !6NOHKPQF&"LPINIM/KQ/IHN0 brand,� she said. Dimitrijevic is a registered Democrat and has been 7QM-&8H%&'RS;9SRR !""#$%!&$'( throughout her political career. However, she said too ;<2",2&1"=2&831672D )'*+#$%,(-, many Democrats have abandoned the party’s core val'%& "N& Q..FIJQ/IHN& OHK& INOHKPQF& !""#$%&'$()* +(,* -.'&$#* /#&00* !* ues. QLPINIM/KQ/IHN&TQM&OIF-L% *%& 1U-& L-J-L-N/)& TI/U& LQ/-& HO& 1$23(,* 1$%.)0.* '(* 0.##* $)'(4$%&'5 “What we’re looking to do is not necessarily attack the VIK/U& E#FG& '()& '(*')& QNL& LQ/-& HO& $)6*#$23(,07 party, but attack corporate Democrats who have been 8(*'9.*:$##&6.*;(&,<=*:$##&6.*(+* L-Q/U& @QKJU& *+)& *W'R)& TQM& unwilling to be true champions for issues like economic LHPIJIF-L& IN& ;HFX& 7H#N/G)& ,/Q/-& >$,.)=* ;3,).''* /(3)'?=* @$07* 89.* and racial justice, just to name a few,� Dimitrijevic said. 3)<.,0$6).<A HO& 5IMJHNMIN)& TI/U& Q& PQIFIN$& While the party hopes to grow throughout the state, QLLK-MM& HO& 'WR& 2%& 3QX& ,/K--/)& >'7*/,($4*/9$"".B&*C)<$&)0*(+*

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The director of Wisconsin Working Families Party hopes to challenge both GOP and corporate Democrats

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Lake, Wisconsin, to consider the following district change and other agenda items: KAYLA ROE: Agricultural to Commercial. Location: 30th Ave. County Rd. F, part of N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Sec. 24/T32N/R16W, Town of Black Brook, 30’ x 62’ area.

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Pick up an application at United Pioneer Home

623 S. 2nd St., Luck, Wisconsin EOE


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Apply in person at


The St. Croix Tribal Aging Unit invites you to attend a public hearing for the purpose of public review and comments on the proposed 2016-2018 Tribal Aging Unit Plan.

Danbury Nutrition Site Monday, August 24, 10 to 11 a.m. 7530 Riversmeet Road Danbury, WI 54830 Sand Lake Nutrition Site Monday, August 24, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. 4460 Highway 70 Webster, WI 54893 A copy of the plan will be made available to you at the public hearing. An online copy will also be available at https:// www.stcciw.com/ on or by Monday, August 24, 2015. Written comments to the plan will also be accepted. Please mail them to: Melissa Fowler, Aging Unit Director 24663 Angeline Avenue Webster, WI 54893 or by email at melissaf@stcroixtribalcenter.com.


Burnett Dairy Cooperative is currently accepting applications for the position of Night Packager. This position is responsible for boxing/ weighing/stacking/palletizing cheese, monitoring the machinery and ensuring quality of the product and setting up/breaking down machines daily. This job requires steady standing, lifting and stretching. It also requires frequent lifting and carrying of 50 lbs. Employee must be able to work as part of a team in a very fast-paced work environment, be 18 years of age or older and have flexible availability. This shift starts at 8 p.m. and goes until the work is completed, usually about 8 hours. All night packers are eligible for benefits including holiday pay, 401(k), profit sharing and discounts in all Burnett Dairy Cooperative departments. Full-time employees are also eligible for health, dental and life insurance, long-term disability, vacation and sick time. Hourly wage is $12+.

Burnett Dairy Office 11631 State Road 70, Grantsburg, WI 54840. Or submit an application through our website: www.burnettdairy.com/employment


24663 Angeline Avenue, Webster, WI 54893 715-349-2195 Fax 715-349-5818

Burnett Dairy Cooperative is seeking a motivated, hardworking individual to join our shipping and receiving department as a Warehouse Assistant. Burnett Dairy specializes in making mozzarella and provolone cheese. Our cheese is shipped to 28 states and to more than 160 large, foodservice customers. Within our busy shipping and receiving department, the Warehouse Assistant is responsible for receiving, storing and distributing materials and products to the proper department within the company. The right person for this position must be able to work as part of a team in a fast-paced work environment, have strong leadership qualities, warehouse experience, excellent computer skills and a good work ethic that would include following good manufacturing practices and safety rules. Must be willing to provide references upon request. This is a 1st-shift, full-time position with competitive pay and exceptional benefits.

Apply in person at

St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin


Burnett Dairy Office 11631 State Road 70, Grantsburg, WI 54840. Or submit an application through our website: www.burnettdairy.com/employment


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Burnett Dairy Cooperative, is seeking qualified individuals to join their Cheese Store staff. Burnett Dairy Cheese Store is a multifaceted retail shop that carries over 100 varieties of cheese, unique gifts, locally made grocery items, wine and also has a gourmet bistro. The right person for these positions must be customer-service oriented, eager to learn about new products and excited to represent a growing company. Current Openings: • Cheese Store Clerk • Bistro Server These positions are part time with a flexible schedule, pleasant work environment and benefits package including holiday pay, 401(k), profit sharing and discounts in all Burnett Dairy Cooperative departments. Apply in person in the

Burnett Dairy Office At 11631 State Rd. 70, Grantsburg, WI 54840 or submit an application through our website www.burnettdairy.com

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McKinley 4-H holds corn feed

MCKINLEY – A successful corn feed was held at the McKinley Town Hall Saturday afternoon, Aug. 15, to start a scholarship fund for the McKinley Viking 4-H Club. Mark Renstrom donated sweet corn, and A1 Septic, Burnett Dairy, Nilssen’s Foods, Sterling Bank, AgStar and many members of the 4-H and community donated needed items to make the day a success. The corn was freshly picked and shucked by the 4-H club families early Saturday and boiled throughout the day by Todd Zager in his homemade cooker. Antique cars and tractors were on display. There were games for the children. The sheep, calves, chicken and dog at the petting zoo entertained everyone. Ken Peterson of Luck approached the club a year ago about holding the corn feed as a way to give something to 4-H and to get the community together. McKinley 4-H leaders Ed and Pam Dittbrenner were very pleased with the community assistance and attendance. They plan to make this an annual event.

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Many residents were pleased to have a fun event to bring the people together and enjoyed the activities and conversation. – submitted

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Shelter takes vigorous approach to homelessness

Users of shelters doubled in past year Mark Peacock | Special to the Leader POLK COUNTY - Northwoods Homeless Shelters, based in Amery, deals with its percentage of Polk County’s homeless in a positive and rigorous way. Rather than simply housing homeless families and individuals, Northwoods uses houses and a customized program

for each situation to try to prevent people from becoming homeless again. How big an impact that makes is anyone’s guess because no one knows exactly how many homeless people there are in the county. Rural homelessness is a hidden problem. “It’s not the guy with a bottle sitting in a doorway,� said Virginia Ormsby, Northwoods Homeless Shelters sole employee. “We have no soup kitchens. Anyone can become homeless.� Polk County’s homeless shelters always are full. The Salvation Army runs two

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the back electric bill,� said Ormsby. The shelter pays for a gas card as residents look for work. Residents take a budgeting course taught at the nearby Congregational Church, and Ormsby works with families on meal planning and budgeting. If someone needs a job, the plan calls for * <9.,2H.- 7>6+.; 8/ 38+ 27=.;?2.@< .*,1 week. When people become homeless, important documents often get lost in the process, so Northwoods helps people replace IDs and driver’s licenses. “We’ll pay for work clothes, medical and dental bills and non-narcotic prescriptions,� said Ormsby. “In short, our mutual objective is to get people on their feet.� The topper is when someone gets a job, after the bills are paid, Northwoods saves 75 percent of the remaining pay,1.,4 /8; H;<= *7- 5*<= 687=1G< ;.7= *7- the security deposit that makes it pos*8A68=80 #A<B1H 8B C74 B>;4 4<?;>H44 >5 sible to move on to permanent housing. ">AC7F>>3B ><4;4BB '74;C4AB #'# + Northwoods Homeless Shelters operates four residences, a far cry from its % # H;<= -87*=.- 68+25. 186. 3><= 8>=<2-. shelters serving Polk County residents, of Balsam Lake. One Amery house has and its three-county director, Duana two bedrooms downstairs that can house Bremer, agrees with Ormsby. “Last up to seven people. Upstairs, there is winter we got at least a call a week for *7 ./H,2.7,B *9*;=6.7= /8; * /*625B 8/ shelter,� she said. Her shelter popula- four. The Amery transition house is a tion doubled in 2014, which accords three-bedroom, two-bath home that can with a 17-percent jump in reported house up to seven people, while the Luck homelessness in Wisconsin since 2010. house, owned by the Lutheran Church Some homeless people have no place next door, is a three-bedroom two-story to live through no fault of their own. home that can house up to eight people. Ormsby tells of a suddenly disabled Jennifer, the former resident, said living in couple that “had done everything right� a Northwoods Homeless Shelter was not but lost their nearly paid-off home to 524. 52?270 27 * <1.5=.; E&12< @*< -.H72=.5B foreclosure. Others, like Jennifer, whose not dorm-style living. Our daily routine last name cannot be used because of was as if we were in our own home.� ,87,.;7< /8; 1.; <*/.=B I.- @2=1 1.; The Northwoods Shelters operate with daughter from an abusive situation. an annual budget of $100,000-$110,000, “I had no clothes when I came,� said with $3,900 of that in 2014 coming from a Jennifer. “Now we have clothes. When state of Wisconsin shelter subsidy grant. we first came, Virginia gave us pil- Half its budget comes from grants. The lows. I know it’s corny, but that was program has been able to build its supthe first thing I could call my own.� port so the balance comes from individuPillows and clothing are not the only als and groups. A seven-member board things Northwoods Homeless Shelters of directors that is representative of the provides to those who come. “We ask, county oversees the program. Volunwhat’s it going to take to get this family teers provide help, as needed, with such on its feet again?� said Ormsby. Together, things as preparing monthly newsletters, Ormsby and the shelter’s clients develop fundraising and shelter maintenance. a plan of action and meet at least weekly Jennifer, the former resident, praises the to monitor its implementation. If it’s an program and Ormsby, who, she said, proeducation that’s needed, the shelter pays vided a tremendous support system. “I for getting a GED or for becoming a CNA. can’t imagine a better program for anyone “When it comes time to move into per- who wants to get out of their situation,� manent housing, you can’t get electricity she said. with an old unpaid electric bill, so we pay

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Currents Northern

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Stories from the NW Wisconsin community

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His :EN7F? >249:?6 H2D D6E ;FDE D@ 2?5 D@>6E:>6D hobbies are hunting, camping and writing. 76H C@F?5D 4@>A=6E65 E96 324< ?66565 8C62D:?8 2?5 @:=:?8 7 :E H2D He has published a children’s book, “The DH2E9 *@@? E96 S6=5 H2D D92G65 @7 :ED 86EE:?8 52C< E92E 4@F=5 H2:E E@ E96 ?6IE Night Before Easter.� EC62DFC6 ?@H =J:?8 @? E96 8C@F?5 :? 52J H9:=6 E96 56H H2D H62C:?8 @77 C@HD %:89E >:=<:?8 2?5 DFAA6C H6C6 ? E96 >@C?:?8 27E6C 49@C6D 2?5 Writers’ Carousel, a revolving menagerie E96 ?6IE @C56C @7 3FD:?6DD +@>@CC@H 3C62<72DE @E96C 72C>6CD 42>6 @?6 3J of pieces for your enjoyment, is created by H@F=5 36 2 D9@4<:?8 52J @?6 H:E9 E96:C EC24E@CD 2?5 92J H28participants in Carolyn Wedin’s Write O+2<6 E9:D 92J 7@C< P ,?4=6 -:4 D2:5 @?D +96 D6A2C2E@C H2D 36=E65 2?5 =6GRight Now WITC Community Education O2?5 A:4< E96 3F?5=6D FA H:E9 :E &?=J 6=65 C625J E@ A2CE E96 8C2:? 7C@> E96 classes in Frederic and Luck. 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SIREN DENTAL CLINIC Jon E. Cruz, DDS • 24164 State Road 35 • Siren, Wis. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Open Some Fridays

www.SirenDental.com SirenDental@hotmail.com

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Want A Brighter Smile? New patients 10 years Of age & up, at their New Patient appointment Which includes: New Patients Welcome! • Examination • Cleaning • X-rays Crowns • Bridges Will receive a FREE Partials • Dentures Electric Toothbrush! Fillings • Extractions Root Canals We now have DIGITAL X-RAYS (very low exposure to X-Ray & no waiting for developing) OPEN EVERY OTHER Emergency patients call before MONDAY ‘TIL 8 P.M. 10 a.m. for same day appointment

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Grantsburg Office


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Compiled by Sue Renno

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50 years ago

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40 years ago >>@=F7;/B3:G

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Northwest Wisconsin Enterprises Inc.


Sun., Aug. 23 - Noon Shotgun Start At Siren National $75 per person entry fee • 4-person Scramble $400…1st Place; $200…7th Place $200…14th Place; $200…21st Place

!"#$###%&'%()*+,&',)'+%-.&/+0 01&'%234+ -.&/+0%)'%+5+.6%()*+

Dinner following at Kris’ Pheasant Inn

Sign up at Pheasant Inn or call for more details, 715-349-5755


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!"#$#"%&'()* Jazz * Tap * Ballet * Lyrical * Toddler Tumbling

- A Full Dance Program at a Fraction of the Price! For girls and boys 2 years old - 12th grade. Located in Frederic and Grantsburg.*

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* Limited ages in Grantsburg (4K - 6th Grade).

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308 1st St. S., Luck luckdentalclinic.com


Dr. Dann Rowe, DDS

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Appointment information call 715-472-2211

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Frederic Fine Arts Festival • 2015

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Frederic Fine Arts Festival • 2015

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Bethany Lutheran Preschool Open House

Family of Judy Johnson

Thursday, September 3 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Preschool Runs Tuesday & Thursday Throughout School Year 9 - 11:30 a.m.; 12:30 - 3 p.m.

Classes Start Tues., Sept. 8 Need more information, contact:

Bethany Lutheran Church, Siren, 715-349-5280 Jamie Nelson - 715-220-9409 Mary Yambrick - 715-349-5660

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Come Join Us For A Great Year!

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Jerry Prokop ~ Funeral Home Associate Reenie Kolstad ~ Office Manager Tom Kolstad ~ Funeral Director Serving Your Family with Professional, Courteous and Caring Service. Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services, Cemetery Memorials, No Cost Consultation and Prearrangements Handicapped accessible.

Crosswalk Community Church to host Living Proof Live simulcast ) ) M &? *2EFC52J *6AE C@DDH2=< @>>F?:EJ 9FC49 H:== 36 9@DE:?8 E96 #:G:?8 'C@@7 #:G6 D:>F=42DE H:E9 6E9 $@@C6 +9:D J62CRD E96>6 :D F524:@FD 32D65 @? $@@C6RD D@@? E@ 36 C6=62D65 3@@< @7 E96 D2>6 ?2>6 +96 D:>F=42DE CF?D 7C@> 2 > E@ A > +9@D6 H:D9:?8 E@ 2EE6?5 42? C68:DE6C @?=:?6 2D 2? :?5:G:5F2= 2E E96 5@@C @C E96J >2J 4@?E24E E96 49FC49 @7S46 367@C692?5 2E D< 7@C :?5J @I =F?496D 2C6 36:?8 >256 2G2:=23=6 7@C AFC492D6 7@C 3FE >FDE 36 AC6@C56C65 3J +9FCD52J *6AE == 2C6 :?G:E65 E@ 2EE6?5 3FE 2D E9@D6 >@C6 72>:=:2C H:E9 $@@C6 <?@H D96 92D 2 >:?:DECJ 5:C64E65 A2CE:4F=2C=J E@ H@>6? - submitted

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Diana L. Pullins

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The Leader is a cooperativeowned newspaper.

Darwin Wayne Young 2CH:? .2J?6 0@F?8 @7 2?3FCJ .:D A2DD65 2H2J .65?6D52J F8 2CH:? H2D 3@C? &4E :? 6C>2? $:?? 2 D@? @7 =:K236E9 2?5D49F8 2?5 ==6? 0@F?8 :D 62C=J J62CD H6C6 DA6?E H:E9 E96 72>:=J :? E96 2:CJ=2?5 2C62 6 E96? D6CG65 9:D 4@F?ECJ :? E96 , * C>J 5FC:?8 E96 "@C62? .2C &? !F?6 2CH:? >2CC:65 #@:D !62? 25=@4< 2E ':=8C:> #FE96C2? 9FC49 :? *FA6C:@C .:D +96J 3C:6TJ =:G65 :? *FA6C:@C 2?5 E96? >@G65 324< E@ E96 2:CJ=2?5 2C62 H96C6 E96J 92G6 D:?46 =:G65 2CH:? H@C<65 2E & $ C2:? =6G2E@C 2?5 E96? H2D 6>A=@J65 3J =J56 C@?H@C<D 7@C >2?J J62CD F?E:= 9:D C6E:C6>6?E 6 2=D@ 32=65 92J 2?5 H@C<65 2D 2 =@886C 6 H2D 2 =:76E:>6 >6>36C @7 E96 -6E6C2?D @7 @C6:8? .2CD +9@>2D *E6:? '@DE 6 925 2=D@ 36=@?865 E@ E96 %2E:@?2= ):T6 DD@4:2E:@? 2?5 H2D 2 7@C>6C >6>36C @7 E96 *:C6? #:@?D =F3 2CH:? 6?;@J65 566C 9F?E:?8 SD9:?8 :46 SD9:?8 42?@6:?8 2?5 8@:?8 @? 92JC:56D 6 H2D 2 G6CJ 42C:?8 72>:=J >2? H9@ 925 D:>A=6 ?665D =E9@F89 96 4@F=5 36 G6CJ H:==7F= @C A6CD:DE6?E 96 H2D 56S?:E6=J =@G623=6 2?5 =@G65 9:D 72>:=J G6CJ >F49 2CH:? 925 2 H@?56C7F= D6?D6 @7 9F>@C 2?5 H2D <?@H? E@ AF== >2?J ;@<6D 2?5 AC2?<D ?@E @?=J @? 9:D 72>:=J 3FE 7C:6?5D 2?5 24BF2:?E2?46D E@@ 6 H2D AC646565 :? 562E9 3J 9:D A2C6?ED =:K236E9 2?5 ==6? 2?5 D:3=:?8D "6??J 0@F?8 ):492C5 0@F?8 !24< 0@F?8 '9J==:D !:> "6H:8 =:77@C5 0G@??6 0@F?8 2?5 EH@ 3C@E96CD :? :?72?4J 2CH:? :D DFCG:G65 3J #@:D 9:D H:76 @7 @G6C J62CD 49:=5C6? @??:6 0@F?8 C6?52 !@6 2EE6?36C86C #@C6EE2 2? )2AC286C 6??:D 0@F?8 2?5 '9J==:D *4@EE $665D >2?J 8C2?549:=5C6? 2?5 8C62E 8C2?549:=5C6? D:DE6C :2?6 @? +926>6CE D:DE6CD :? =2H @??:6 0@F?8 92C=@EE6 0@F?8 2?5 !2?:46 0@F?8 2?5 ?:646D 2?5 ?6A96HD +96 >6>@C:2= D6CG:46 7@C 2CH:? 0@F?8 H2D 4@?5F4E65 *F?52J F8 2E *H6536C8 +2J=@C F?6C2= @>6 2?5 C6>2E:@? *6CG:46D .63DE6C H:E9 '2DE@C *E6G6 .2C5 @7S4:2E:?8 F== >:=:E2CJ 9@?@CD 7@==@H65 E96 D6CG:46 &?=:?6 4@?5@=6?46D >2J 36 6IAC6DD65 2E DH6536C8 E2J=@C 4@>

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Vernon Allen Bushey -6C?@? ==6? FD96J @7 .63DE6C .:D A2DD65 2H2J F?6IA64E65=J +F6D52J F8

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Son’s violent behavior raises red flags for worried parents Q: Should we be concerned about our son’s abusive behavior? We’re constantly on him about hitting his younger siblings, and lately he’s also been hurting the dog. !:> &FC 4@F?D6=@CD C64@>>6?5 E92E J@F SCDE =@@< 7@C DEC6DD@CD E92E >:89E 36 42FD:?8 J@FC D@? E@ 24E @FE :? E9:D H2J D E96C6 E6?D:@? @C 5JD7F?4E:@? 2E 9@>6 @?T:4E 36EH66? $@> 2?5 25 )646?E @C :>A6?5:?8 5:G@C46 D E96C6 EC@F3=6 2E D49@@= 3F==:6D :? E96 ?6:893@C9@@5 2 562E9 :? E96 72>:=J @C D@>6 @E96C EJA6 @7 EC2F>2 @C =@DD :C4F>DE2?46D =:<6 E96D6 4@F=5 E@F49 @77 E96 2?8CJ 288C6DD:G6 364@F=5 E@F49 @77 E96 2?8CJ 288C6DD:G6 36 92G:@C E92E J@FRC6 56D4C:3:?8 ? 42D6D =:<6 E96D6 :ERD 6DD6?E:2= E@ 562= H:E9 E96 F?56C=J:?8 42FD6 SCDE &?=J E96? H:== :E 364@>6 A@DD:3=6 E@ 562= 5:C64E=J H:E9 E96 23FD:G6 24ED E92E 2C6 42FD:?8 J@F 4@?46C? @?D:56C H96E96C J@FC D@?RD 24E:@?D 42? 36 EC2465 E@ @FED:56 :?TF6?46D D E96C6 2?@E96C 3@J :? E96 ?6:893@C9@@5 H9@ EC62ED 9:D A6ED 4CF6==J 2D J@FC D@? C646?E=J 366? 6IA@D65 E@ 2 =@E @7 G:@=6?E E6=6G:D:@? @C G:56@ 82>6D C6 E96C6 @E96CD :? 9:D =:76 H9@ 5:DA=2J 23FD:G6 E6?56?4:6D )6>6>36C 49:=5C6? =62C? 3J

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CUSHING COOPERATIVE SOCIETY Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215

FREDERIC BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren

DAEFFLER’S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456

Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008

Corey T. Arnold, Agent Frederic, Wis. Phone 715-327-8076








Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making • Ham & Bacon Cured & Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141

10022 Elbow Lake Road Siren, Wis. 54872 715-689-2539

Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed Hwy. 35 North Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059

SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131

Churches 8/10


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“Your Electric Servant� Serving Polk & Burnett Counties “Use Energy Wisely�


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Follow the Leader.



304 1st St. So. Luck, Wis.

633091 1Lp 43ap

Register Online Or At The Following Locations. August 26 - Webster Middle/ High School 4 - 8 p.m. August 27 - Webster Elementary 3 - 6 p.m.

Family Eye Clinic

Christopherson Eye Clinic

• Frederic, 715-327-4236 • Shell Lake, 715-468-2314 • Siren, 715-349-2560 • St. Croix Falls 715-483-9008

Dr. T.L. Christopherson Dr. B.A. Christopherson

Visit The Leader’s Website:


341 Keller Ave. N. Amery, Wis.


5909 Hwy. 70 Webster, WI 54893



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7<2 CA =< /130==9 4/130==9 1=; 7<B3@1=C<BG :3/23@

Hwy. 35 & “FF,� Webster Flowers Phoned Anywhere


Daily: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

“Distinctive Funeral Service�

Webster, Wisconsin

At The Tesora Event Center Siren, WI If anyone would like to donate something for the silent auction, or help out with the benefit, please contact Julie at 715-349-8540 or Staci at 715-529-0000.

! " "

! ! !


Rated PG-13, 131 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:40, 6:20 & 9:00 p.m.


Rated PG-13, 116 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.


Rated R, 108 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.


Rated PG, 91 Minutes Every Day: 1:00 & 6:00 p.m.


Rated R, 99 Minutes Every Day: 3:30 & 8:30 p.m. && ,")0, ( ,")0 -#' , )+ * ' ")0, ( ,")0 -#' , ,. $ - -) " (! )+ -" '),- .* -) - ,")0 -#' , /#,#- ).+ 0 ,#- 000 -#' +,-" -+ , )' ")0 -#' , &#,- )( (1 )-" + 0 ,#- ' 1 ()- .+ -

Phone 715-268-2020

4 - 7 p.m.


Call 715-866-7261


Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home


Roads • Parking Lots • Driveways Free Estimates Bonded & Insured

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/21*6,0( 200(4&,$/ 2$1 )),&(4 ,1 6+( 6 42,: $//5 $4($

Classes For Girls And Boys Ages 3 & Up New Boys Program

Dr. Daniel C. Satterlund



Starts August 24

Check us out at www.northwoodsgymnastics.com 612-986-1399

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We currently have team openings for Tuesday Classic (3person, no handicap), Wednesday Night (5-person team), Friday Night Mixed (4-person team) and Sunday Afternoon Youth. If interested, call Frederic USBC Bowling Association, 715-327-5645, or Hacker’s Lanes, 715-327-9969.

The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper. Established 1933.

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The 2015 - 16 Bowling Season Starts At Hacker’s Lanes Sept. 8

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Threshing the oats in rural Luck Remembering farming as it was Gregg Westigard | Staff writer ),) # #, " M +96 @2ED H6C6 E9C6D965 E96 @=5 H2J 2E CG 2?D6?RD 72C> :? CFC2= #F4< =2DE *2EFC52J F8 249 J62C 2?D6? 92CG6DED 2?5 E9C6D96D E96 @2E 4C@A E96 @=5 H2J FD:?8 6BF:A>6?E E92E H@F=5 92G6 366? FD65 @? E96 72>:=J 72C> :? E96 Q D 2?5 Q D +92E :?4=F565 E96 @4<D9FEE EC24E@CD 2 $@56= >256 :? 2?5 2 $@56= 7C@> H:E9 DE66= =F8865 E:C6D 2?5 E96 $4 @C>:4<

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• ,G??7D +75D73F;A@ )>3K9DAG@6 at the elementary playground, noon-3 p.m., 715-349-2121.


• -D73EGD7E E3>7 at Siren Covenant Church, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Events Coming

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• GF:AD D767D;5= >3@5: at the library, 2 p.m., 715-3274979.

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• GF;E? EGBBADF 9DAGB at the government center, 7 p.m. • )A>= GD@7FF 77 EEA5;3F;A@ meeting at the justice center, speaker Ginger Reuter, 7 p.m., 715-268-6793.

• 3?;>K 53?B8;D7 BDA9D3? Bear Hunt, at Crex Meadows, 7-8:15 p.m., 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org.



• GD@7FF AG@FK +7BG4>;53@ )3DFK ?77F;@9 at the government center, 7 p.m., 715-349-2859.

• 3D67@ F73 at the Forts, noon. RSVP at 715-866-8890 or theforts.org.


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• *G3DF7D>K >G?@; A8 ,F DA;J +79;A@3> &76;53> 7@F7D 7?B>AK77E 3@6 HA>G@F77DE at the Pizzeria, 11 a.m., 651465-5023.

• (B7@ D?E :AEF76 4K >>;3@57 :GD5: A8 F:7 /3>>7K &73> 87>>AIE:;B, 5-6:30 p.m., 715-483-1100. • P&A>F7@ %3H3 3@6 &7>F76 "57 Q 9:30 a.m. program at Interstate Park, 715-483-3747, dnr.wi.gov.


• $D;EF; )GB3= A8 D7J &736AIE P-:DAG9: F:7 ,73A@E Q at the library, 7 p.m., 715-463-2244.




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• ;347F7E EGBBADF 9DAGB at the medical center, 6-8 p.m., 715-483-0431.


• ,75A@6 !3DH7EF 8AA6 6;EFD;4GF;A@ at Connections, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 715-866-8151. • )A7F 744;7 -D3@FAI at the library, 7 p.m., 715-8667697. • 0:;E=7K 0AA6IAD= I:;FF>;@9 IAD=E:AB at In a New Light Gallery, 6-8 p.m. RSVP: 715-309-4254, audreym@ nwpltd.org.


• 3;DK>3@6 (GF6AAD /7F7D3@E +7FD73F 93D397 E3>7 on Main Street, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 320-438-4331.


• GE:;@9 G@ 3KE EA8F43>> FAGD@7K ,3F B3@53=7 4D73= 83EF PA>6 EFG88Q ?3D=7F EA3B4AJ 67D4K EFD77F 63@57 7F5 , co.polk.wi.us.


• AA6 D;7@6E 5A??G@;FK 6;@@7D at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 5 p.m.

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• GF:AD A8 P+GE: A8 !73H7@ Q ?3 &5$;@>7K FA EB73= at high school, 7-8:30 p.m.


• ;E: 8DK at United VFW, 4:30-7 p.m.


• &35=7@L;7 ,I7@EA@SE 3DF 7J:;4;F P+AAFE 0;@9E Q at Tesora’s Event Center, 6-10 p.m.

,F DA;J 3>>E

• ≥5 A@ F:7 (H7D>AA= FD;4GF7 !7>>E 7>>E 6:30 p.m., musicontheoverlook.com. • ,7I AA6 "?BDAH at Festival Theatre, 9-11 p.m., 715483-3387, festivaltheatre.org. • P"8 F:7 +;H7D AG>6 -3>= Q 3 p.m. program at Interstate Park, 715-483-3747, dnr.wi.gov. • * 3@6 B;7 EA5;3> at United Methodist Church, 47 p.m.


• -D3BB7D 76G53F;A@ 5>3EE Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Preregister at 715-463-2896, crexmeadows. org.


• ≥5 A@ F:7 +;H7D at Michael Park, Car & Cycle Show, Ten Mile Creek, 5 p.m.; Lightning Creek, 7 p.m., amerywisconsin.org.

• ≥5 ;@ F:7 )3D= D39A@8>K at Memory Lake, 6 p.m., 715-222-2195. • GF:AD A@ &;>>7D 4AA= E;9@;@9 at the library, 9:30-11:30 a.m., 715-463-2244.

• ,G??7D D736;@9 BDA9D3? 9D3@6 8;@3>7 I;F: # 63@57 B3DFK at the library, 5-8 p.m., 715-485-3215. • >AA6 6D;H7 at Georgetown Lutheran Church, 12:306:30 p.m., 800-733-2767, redcrossblood.org.

• ,F DA;J AG@FK 7?A5D3FE 3@@G3> B;5@;5 EB73=7DE at Weitkamp Park, 648 Oneil Road, 3 p.m.

3>E3? %3=7


• D77 4D736 6;EFD;4GF;A@ every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.


• 0AD=;@9 E7EE;A@ 8AD D73=;@9 -:DAG9: -:AE7 D;5= 03>>E ;@6;@9 -:3F %AEF @57EFAD 3@6 AF:7D ;F7?E @776 ;@9 :7>B at the museum, 1-4 p.m. • )A>= AG@FK 97@73>A9K ?77F;@9 at the museum, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Program: Genealogy Roadshow - George Nelson.



• ≥5 ;@ F:7 )3D= at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., 2nd Time Around Band, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com.

3>E3? %3=7

• 6ABF;A@ EGBBADF 9DAGB Unity High School band room, 7:15 p.m.

• ;@9A at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.


• 'ADF:>3@6 77=77B7DE EEA5 ?77F;@9 at the government center, 7 p.m., 715-866-5122.

• ≥5 ;@ F:7 )3D= -:7 !AG@6E 6-8 p.m. • );@FA 7>>3 !AABES G@ I;F: !G>3 !AABE at Bering Park, 1:30 p.m., 715-825-2313.


• %;A@E * • +75A9@;F;A@ 4>7EE;@9 E7DH;57 8AD 5AG@FK 7?7D97@5K E7D H;57 BDAH;67DE at the fairgrounds, 3 p.m. & potluck.


• P ,FD77F53D '3?76 7E;D7Q at Festival Theatre, Thurs. 2 & 7:30 p.m., Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

• ?7D;53@ %79;A@ GJ;>;3DK ?77F;@9 at the village hall, 7 p.m.

Siren National, noon, 715-349-5755.



• @97>E "E>3@6 &7?AD;3> )>3K9DAG@6 D;44A@ 5GFF;@9 57D 7?A@FK 9D3@6 AB7@;@9 at Milltown Community Center, 1-3 p.m.


• BB>7 +;H7D ;D7 +7E5G7 B3@53=7 4D73=83EF dept., 6-11 a.m.

,:7>> %3=7

• GD@7FF AG@FK !G?3@7 ,A5;7FK I;@7 F3EF;@9 8G@6D3;E7D at Clover Meadow Winery, 1-5 p.m., hsburnettcty.org.


• %3=7 AG@FDK )763>7DE 4;=7 D;67 starting at Lindberg Park on Mudhen Lake, 8 a.m., 715-431-0455.

,F DA;J 3>>E

• -:7 ,B;D;F A8 F:7 DG? at Festival Theatre with Don Karsky, 10 a.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org. • .@;H7DE7 ;@ F:7 )3D= at Interstate Park, 9 a.m., 715-4833747, dnr.wi.gov. • P,@3=7E Q 3 p.m. program at Interstate Park, 715-4833747, dnr.wi.gov. • !;=;@9 F:7 5:A 3@KA@ 4:30 p.m. at Interstate Park, 715-483-3747, dnr.wi.gov.


• !;EFAD;53> ;@EB;D;@9 ?GD3> G@H7;>;@9 at the elementary school, 1-3 p.m. Unveiling at 1:15 p.m.


• ≥5 3F ,=A@7IAA6 +7FD73F &KEF7DK &AG@F3;@ AKE 6:30 p.m.


• 3>> 87EF;H3> at Assumption Catholic Church, 6;@@7D 3G5 F;A@E D388>7 93?7E, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.


• '3F;A@3> )3D= ,7DH;57 03>= at the Loop Trailhead on CTH S, 9 a.m., 715-483-2274.


• 7@78;F EGBB7D 43=7 E3>7 E;>7@F 3G5F;A@ 8AD ):K>>;E $A B75=K at Tesora, 4-7 p.m., 715-349-8540. • GD@7FF -3H7D@ %739G7 ,387 +;67 A>8 -AGD@3?7@F at

,F DA;J 3>>E

• ,5:AA> 6;EFD;5F EGB7D;@F7@67@F ?77F 9D77F at the high school & elementary/middle/high school open houses, 4-5:30 p.m., scfk12.wi.us.


• GD@7FF AG@FK 9 ,A5;7FK 3;D at the fairgrounds. Thurs. :ADE7 E:AI67A; Fri. >3I@ ?AI7D D35;@9; Sat. B3D367 67?A; Sun. BG>>E; etc., grantsburgfair.com.


• ;@9A at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m. • %K?7 6;E73E7 76G53F;A@ 3@6 EGBBADF at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., 715-268-2856, 715-268-2035.


• D;7@6E A8 F:7 %;4D3DK ?77F;@9 at the library, 6:30 p.m., 715-327-4979.


• ,5:AA> AB7@ :AGE7 5-8 p.m. A??G@;FK !73>F: 07>> @7EE H7@F 5-7:30 p.m., 715-472-2152, ext. 140.


• GD@7FF AG@FK ;F;L7@E )3FDA> ?77F;@9 at the government center, jury room, 7 p.m. • ≥5 ;@ F:7 )3D= at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Sonny Winberg, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com.

,F DA;J 3>>E

• !73>F: 53D7 B>3@@;@9 8AD D7F;D7?7@F 7H7@F at the medical center, 5:30-7:30 p.m., 715-720-2840, ext. 1218.


• 03F7D5A>ADE 0;@7 IAD=E:AB at In a New Light Gallery, 6-8 p.m. RSVP: 715-309-4254, audreym@nwpltd.org. • %3=7 AG@FDK )763>7DE ?77F;@9 at the library, 5:30 p.m., facebook.com/lakecountrypedalers.

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