Leader | Aug 5 | 2015

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• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2015 • VOLUME 82 • NO. 51 • 2 SECTIONS Polk County!s 100-year-olds honored at fair Currents, pages 14-15

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Unity grad!s childhood passion is now her Oscar dream CURRENTS FEATURE Readership 13,000

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One last chance for woman who attempted homicide

Stabbing, strangulation combined with past abuse leads to lesser sentenceÂ

“I can’t wait to watch the light leave your eyes.�

Greg Marsten | Staff writer #* $ # " N J62C @=5 =2JE@? H@>2? H9@ @C:8:?2==J 72465 2EE6>AE65 9@>:4:56 492C86D =2DE 72== 27E6C 2EE6>AE:?8 E@ DEC2?8=6 2?5 DE23 96C 9FD32?5 H2D 8:G6? 2 3C62< @7 D@CED :? 96C D6?E6?4:?8 :? '@=< @F?EJ :C4F:E @FCE @? .65?6D52J !F=J *2>2?E92 # =24<H6== =2JE@? H2D @C:8:?2==J 492C865 H:E9 >F=E:A=6 76=@?J 4@F?ED :?- '.:.;A5. 9.08D299 4=F5:?8 TCDE 568C66 2EE6>AE65 9@>:4:56 27E6C 2 5@>6DE:4 :?4:56?E H:E9 96C DA@FD6 =2DE &4E@36C E92E 6D42=2E65 :?E@ 96C 9:EE:?8 9:> FA E@ E:>6D D=2>>:?8 9:D 9625 :?E@ 2 C67C:86C2E@C 2D D96 D2E @? 9:D 496DE 2?5 2EE6>AE:?8 E@ DEC2?8=6 9:> 2D H6== 2D 9@=5:?8 2 DE62< <?:76 E@ 9:D E9C@2E 2?5 =2E6C DE233:?8 9:> :? 9:D =@H6C 324< 367@C6 2 7C:6?5 :?E6CG6?65 =24<H6== 92D 366? :? ;2:= D:?46 E96 :?4:56?E D96 =2E6C 28C665 E@ A=625 8F:=EJ E@ =6DD6C 76=@?J 492C86D @7 DEC2?8F=2E:@? 2?5 DF77@42E:@? DF3DE2?E:2= 32EE6CJ 2?5 TCDE 568C66 C64<=6DD 6?52?86C>6?E G6? H:E9 E96 C65F465 492C86D D96 72465 FA E@ J62CD :? AC:D@? 2D 96C D6?E6?46

- Samantha Blackwell, to her victim, while strangling him. (52 @2;A2;06;4 52.?6;4 =24<H6==SD D6?E6?4:?8 H2D 56=2J65 D6G6C2= E:>6D :? C646?E >@?E9D 2AA2C6?E=J 5F6 E@ 5:D4C6A2?4:6D :? 96C AC6D6?E6?46 :?G6DE:82E:@?D 2?5 :DDF6D @7 96C A2DE @776?D6D :?4=F5:?8 H96? D96 H2D 2 ;FG6?:=6 +96 D6?E6?4:?8 >@G65 7@CH2C5 @? .65?6D52J !F=J 367@C6 !F586 !6776CJ ?56CD@? '@=< @F?EJ :DEC:4E EE@C?6J 2? *E6776? C6A62E65=J A@:?E65 @FE =24<H6==SD @H? DE2E6>6?ED 23@FE E96 :?4:56?E H9:49 96 42==65 P7C:89E6?:?8 Q :?4=F5:?8 9@H D96 2EE6>AE65 E@ 4CFD9 96C G:4E:> 9FD32?5SD H:?5A:A6 2D D96 D2E @? 9:D 496DE 3C288:?8 9@H D96 P4@F=5?SE H2:E E@ D66 E96 =:89E 8@ @FE :? 9:D 6J6D Q P E9:?< E9:D :D 2D D6C:@FD 2D :E 86ED Q *E6776? D2:5 >2<:?8 9:D 42D6 2 7@C 2 D:8?:T42?E D6?E6?46 P ESD E96 DE2E6SD @A:?:@? E92E =24<H6== EC:65 E@ <:== 96C 9FD32?5 Q *E6776? ?@E65 9@H 96C G:4E:> C67FD65 E@ T89E 324< 2?5 J6E =24<H6==SD 2DD2F=E H6?E E@ E96 A@:?E E92E D96 DE23365 9:> :? E96 324< 27E6C 96C TCDE 2EE6>AE E@ DE23 9:> 42>6 FA D9@CE 5F6 E@ 9:D =62E96C ;24<6E 2?5 9@H D96 D=2>>65 9:D 9625 282:?DE E96 C67C:86C2E@C 2?5 E96? 2=>@DE DEC2?8=65 9:> E@ 562E9 2D 96 DE2CE65 E@ A2DD @FE @?=J DE@AA:?8 H96? 2 7C:6?5 DE@AA65 =24<H6== E@ 86E 96C E@ 4@@= @77 6C A2DE 9:DE@CJ @7 4C:>:?2= 24E:G:EJ 2=D@

“It’s the state’s opinion that (Blackwell) tried to kill her husband.� - District Attorney Dan Steffen

H2D 7C@?E 2?5 46?E6C 2D 96 ?@E65 2 9:DE@CJ E92E :?4=F565 DE@=6? 42CD 5:D@C56C=J 4@?5F4E 56=:?BF6?4J 5CF8D 2EE6>AE65 2CD@? 6IA@D:?8 96CD6=7 2?5 :?2AAC@AC:2E6 D6IF2= 24E:@?D 32EE6CJ E@ AC:D@?6CD 2?5 @E96C G:@=6?E 4C:>6D 6G6? 3C62<:?8 E96 H:?5@H @? 2 DBF25 42C 5FC:?8 2? 2CC6DE 8@:?8 324< E@ H96? D96 H2D 2 ;FG6?:=6 6 2=D@ D2:5 D96 H2D 2? P24<?@H=65865 82?8 >6>36C Q 2?5 ?@E65 9@H D96 925 52?8=65 96C 25@AE65 DE6A3C@E96C @FE 2

Bizarre motorcycle crash

Frederic man airlifted after Hwy. 87 crash

44@C5:?8 E@ '@=< @F?EJ *96C:77 '6E6C !@9?D@? E96 :?4:56?E H2D 42==65 :? E@ A@=:46 2E

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Fifth Polk County road fatality of 2015

'.:.;A5. 9.08D299 .A 52? @2;A2;06;4 52.? 6;4 6; $<98 <B;AF <B?A <; +21;2@1.F B9F

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Ladysmith teen dies in Clayton crash

'&#" &,%+0 J62C @=5 #25JD>:E9 H@>2? 5:65 .65?6D52J !F=J 2E )68:@?D @DA:E2= :? *E '2F= 2 52J 7@==@H:?8 2 EH@ G69:4=6 244:56?E E92E @44FCC65 +F6D52J >@C?:?8 !F=J ?62C =2JE@? J?E9:2 G:=6D H2D 5C:G:?8 2 @C5 :6DE2 D@FE93@F?5 @? HJ ?62C + H96? D96 DECF4< 2

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AD< C256092 .006 12;A (B2@1.F B9F ;2.? 9.FA<; 09.6:21 A52 9632 <3 F;A56. C692@ <3 .1F@:6A5 $($' &$" $! $)#(, & /' %(

Multiple rollover crash ends 15-hour crime spree by 14-year-old

Audio captures final minutes of high-speed chase exceeding 100 mph

Gary King | Editor &) *+ # " $:?? J62C @=5 25@EE J@FE9 H2D 2CC6DE65 2E 8F?A@:?E +F6D52J >@C?:?8 F8 ;FDE D64@?5D 27E6C 96 DE6AA65 @FE 7C@> 2 ECF4< E92E 925 ;FDE C@==65 2 92=7 5@K6? E:>6D 7@==@H:?8 2 9:89 DA665 492D6 @=6 #2:C5 H2D E96 DF3;64E @7 2 9@FC <92 .6?1 D62C49 3J H6DE6C? .:D4@?D:? 2FE9@C:E:6D :?-

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CORRECTION DE@CJ E92E C2? :? E96 .65?6D52J !F=J :DDF6 @7 E96 ?E6C @F?EJ #6256C E:E=65 2CE6C *:>@?SD H:D9 4@>6D ECF6 :?4@CC64E=J DE2E65 E96 ?2>6 @7 E96 C6AC6D6?E2E:G6 7C@> .2C?6CSD @4< :? %6H ):49>@?5 2D *E6G6 .2C?6C +96 24EF2= ?2>6 D9@F=5 92G6 366? *4@EE .2C?6C +96 #6256C 2A@=@8:K6D 7@C E96 6CC@C

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High-speed chase ends with man turning himself in

Brief chase ends with Milltown man fleeing into swamp

Greg Marsten | Staff writer #* $ # " N J62C @=5 $:==E@H? >2? :D 724:?8 76=@?J U66:?8 492C86D 27E6C 96 4C2D965 9:D >@E@C4J4=6 62DE @7 2=D2> #2<6 =2DE *F?52J F8 2?5 U65 :?E@ 2 DH2>AJ 2C62 44@C5:?8 E@ E96 AC@323=6 42FD6 C6A@CE T=65 3J E96 '@=< @F?EJ *96C:77SD 6 .0</ #@A?<D@86

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Siren has hired new elementary principal

Jean Koelz|Staff writer * ) % N *:C6? *49@@=SD ?6H " AC:?4:A2= 2CC:6 6C>2? DE2CE65 96C ?6H ;@3 @? $@?52J F8 2?5 D96 D2JD D96SD 9:EE:?8 E96 8C@F?5 CF??:?8 P E9:?< :E H:== 36 2 D>@@E9 EC2?D:E:@? Q 6C>2? H9@ C6A=246D *2C29 2CH:? D2:5 P6DA64:2==J 7@C E96 DE277 Q 6C>2? 2?5 2CH:? H6C6 23=6 E@ E2=< 2?5 5@ 2 AC@A6C 92?5@77 2?5 6C>2? D2JD E92E D96S== H@C< E@ 4@?E:?F6 2?5 6IA2?5 D6G6C2= @7 2CH:?SD :?:E:2E:G6D FCC6?E=J E96 D49@@= :D :? E96 >:5DE @7 D62C49:?8 7@C 2? :?E6C:> DFA6C:?E6?56?E E@ C6A=246 *4@EE !@9?D@? H9@ C6D:8?65 =2DE >@?E9 E@ 2446AE 2?@E96C A@D:E:@? :? %6H F3FC? .96? 2D<65 H92E :E H2D

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Gangster past explored

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“I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of ... I wish I could take them back.� - Samantha Blackwell, at her sentencing

“You were essentially tortured as a child.� - Judge Jeffery Anderson

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Dresser has a new librarian

Dresser Village Board welcomes Susan Stepka

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Per capita spending is highest in smallest towns


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 Budget bill prioritizes western Wisconsin projects

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Monthly Town Board Meeting Will Be Held Mon., Aug. 10, At 7 p.m. At The Town Hall, 612 Hwy. 8. Agenda to be posted. Lisa Carlson, Town Clerk


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MORNING STOCK CREW 5 a.m. - 9 a.m. 4, 5 or 6 Days/Week You Choose! Extra Incentive For Working Weekends Apply In Person At:


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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.� Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275. 445101 8a-etfcp 19Ltfc

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Balsam Lake liquor licenses

The story of six bars

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Destination Balsam Lake

More than licenses at village board meeting

Gregg Westigard | Staff writer #* $ # " N +96C6 H2D >@C6 E92? =:BF@C =:46?D6D @? E96 286?52 @7 E96 >@?E9=J >66E:?8 @7 E96 2=D2> #2<6 -:==286 @2C5 $@?52J F8 +96C6 H6C6 C6A@CED E92E <:5D 2C6 FD:?8 E96 =:3C2CJ E96 A@=:46 92G6 C646:G65 2 =2D6C F?:E 2?5 E96C6 2C6 EC@F3=6D 7@C @?6 @7 E96 + 5:DEC:4ED FE E96 >66E:?8 DE2CE65 H:E9 2 G:D:@? 7@C 6DE:?2E:@? 2=D2> #2<6 == D6G6? 3@2C5 >6>36CD H6C6 2E E96 >66E:?8 2=@?8 H:E9 2 ?F>36C @7 G:==286 6>A=@J66D E96 AC6DD 2?5 E9C66 C6D:56?ED P.6 ?665 E@ H@C< 7@C 6DE:?2E:@? 2=D2> #2<6 Q 2G6 )@3:?D@? E@=5 E96 3@2C5 5FC:?8 AF3=:4 4@>>6?ED 6 D2:5 E92E E96 G:==286 4@F=5 36 >256 2 56DE:?2E:@? 2 A=246

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Siren Summerfest & Reunion Weekend 2015 • Images

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Photos by

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Local girl becomes Miss Pre-Teen United States Sara-Alli Searle goes from state to national pageant, and wins Greg Marsten | Staff writer *+ )& / ##* N *2C2 ==: *62C=6 92D 925 2 3FDJ 76H >@?E9D D:?46 D96 =2DE E2=<65 H:E9 E96 #6256C =2DE H:?E6C +96 7@C>6C $:DD 'C6 +66? .:D4@?D:? 82G6 FA 96C E:E=6 :? $2J 2?5 >@G65 E@ 2 ?6H =6G6= 2 D9@CE E:>6 =2E6C 36:?8 4C@H?65 H:E9 E96 $:5H6DE E:E=6 D6G6C2= H66<D =2E6C H9:49 62C?65 96C E96 C:89E E@ 4@?E:?F6 @? :? 4@>A6E:E:@? >@G:?8 @? E@ E96 ?2E:@?2= E:E=6 282:?DE @E96C AC6E66?

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Christian Laettner coming to Grantsburg Legendary basketball player set to teach skills to local youth Marty Seeger|Staff writer ) %+* ,) N 4@==686 32D<6E32== =686?5 2?5 J62C G6E6C2? @7 E96 % :D 3C:?8:?8 9:D 32D<6E32== 42>A E@ C2?ED3FC8 :? %@G6>36C 9C:DE:2? #26EE?6C H9@ =65 E96 F<6 =F6 6G:=D E@ 7@FC DEC2:89E :?2= @FC 2AA62C2?46D 2?5 EH@ ?2E:@?2= E:E=6D :D 6IA64E65 E@ 9@DE 9:D 9C:DE:2? #26EE?6C 2D<6E32== 4256>J %@G 2D A2CE @7 2 7F?5C2:D6C 7@C E96 C2?ED3FC8 32D<6E32== AC@8C2>D H9:=6 2=D@ @776C:?8 2 F?:BF6 @AA@CEF?:EJ 7@C 4@2496D A=2J6CD 2?5 A2C6?ED :? E96 DFCC@F?5:?8 2C62 #26EE?6C DA@<6 H:E9 E96 #6256C +9FCD52J !F=J E@ E2=< 23@FE E96 42>A 2?5 @776C :?D:89E :?E@ H92E 2E9=6E6D 42? 6IA64E E@ 6IA6C:6?46 2E E96 42>A 2D H6== E96 E9:?8D 96SD =62C?65 @G6C E96 J62CD 7C@> =686?52CJ 4@2496D DF49 2D $:<6 "CKJK6HD<: P =@G6 8:G:?8 324< D@>6 @7 E9:?8D =62C?65 @? E96 4@FCE 7C@> D@>6 @7 E96 8C62E 4@2496D SG6 925 :? >J =:76E:>6 >J 72E96C 4@249 " >J 9:89 D49@@= 4@249 D@>6 @E96C 4@2496D :? E96 % ?5 E96? =@G6 8:G:?8 324< E@ E96 9:89 D49@@= 3642FD6 2=H2JD 8:G6 2 A@CE:@? @7 E96 AC@4665D E92E H6 >2<6 324< E@ E96 D49@@= D@ E96J 42? AFE E96 >@?6J :? E96:C 2E9=6E:4 56A2CE>6?E 3F586E Q #26EE?6C D2:5 =@?8 H:E9 9:D 92== @7 72>6 4@==686 32D<6E32== 42C66C 2?5 9:D >6>@C23=6 82>6 H:??:?8 D9@E 282:?DE "6?EF4<J 5FC:?8 E96 C68:@?2= T?2= #26EE?6C H2D 49@D6? E@ A=2J :? E96 &=J>A:4 82>6D 2=@?8D:56 H92E 3642>6 <?@H? 2D E96 C62> +62> C682C565 2D @?6 @7 E96 36DE 32D<6E32== E62>D 6G6C 2DD6>3=65 +96 C62> +62> @3=:E6C2E65 E96 4@>A6E:E:@? @? E96:C H2J E@ 2 8@=5 >652= 2?5

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••• FREDERIC – Eugene Ruhn, of Frederic, shot a pair of holes-in-one on the Frederic Golf Course during the last week of July. Ruhn says he was using his 5-wood on hole No. 15, a 127yard par 3 when his TCDE 6G6C 9@=6 :? @?6 occurred Sunday, July 26. He used the same club on the D2>6 9@=6 ;FDE 7:G6 Eugene Ruhn days later for the second hole-in-one of his career. – Marty Seeger ••• WEBSTER – Jim Wheeler of Danbury shot a hole-in-one on the Fox Run Golf Course in Webster on Thursday, July 23. Wheeler was using his 9 iron on the 101-yard No. 8 hole. – from Fox Run Golf Course ••• LUCK – The Luck Golf Course is 9@DE:?8 2 8@=7 7F?5C2:D6C E@ 36?6TE E96 Blizzard Youth Hockey Association Saturday, Aug. 15. The four-person scramble is set for a 3 p.m. shotgun DE2CE @DE @7 E96 6G6?E 4@G6CD 5:??6C 2?5 2 8@@5:6 328 +96C6 2C6 C27U6 items and fun games on designated holes and more. For more infor>2E:@? 42== @C G:D:E burnettyouthhockey.com. – with submitted information ••• ST. PAUL, Minn., – The Minnesota Vixen football team announces their second-annual football clinic for females only, age 12-50. The one-day 6G6?E H:== 36 96=5 *2EFC52J F8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Simley High *49@@= E9 *E ?G6C C@G6 6:89ED $:?? .@>6? @7 2== D<:== =6Gels are encouraged to join, no experi experience is necessary. Vixen coaches and players will be on hand to instruct the participants in numerous nonconE24E 7@@E32== DA64:T4 5C:==D :?4=F5:?8 throwing, punting and catching as H6== 2D 32D:4 @776?D:G6 =:?6 2?5 5676?D:G6 =:?6 D<:==D +96 :?:E:2E:G6 :D 2? effort to reach out across the state of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin and create opportunities for female athletes to experience football from an on-theT6=5 A6CDA64E:G6 2?5 ?@E ;FDE 7C@> E96 4@F49 +96 -:I6? H2?E E@ AC@G:56 a unique experience that can only be obtained from participating in football drills. The Vixen clinic allows women to try their hand at all three phases of the game; offense, defense and special teams, while directly working with Vixen coaches and Vixen players. Two local women athletes, including one 7C@> #F4< 2D H6== 2D C2?ED3FC8 92G6 played on the Vixen football team. )68:DEC2E:@? :D 2G2:=23=6 @?=:?6 2E MNVixen.com. – submitted

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Unity trap team receives donation from Unity Lions Club

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is hiring for both AM (6 a.m.-2 p.m.) & PM Shift (2-10 p.m.) Part & Full Time! Experience preferred but not mandatory.

Email resume to traditionsoffrederic@gmail.com or stop in to fill out an application. 107 Oak St. East, Frederic, WI 54837

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The Polk County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 18, 2015, at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. The Board will call the public hearing to order at 8:30 a.m., recess at 8:45 a.m. to view sites and reconvene at 12:45 p.m. at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. At that time, the applicant will inform the Board of their request. (The applicant must appear at 12:45 p.m. when the Board reconvenes at the Government Center.) LISA APPELHOF requests a special exception to Article 8D1(a) of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a tourist rooming house. Property affected is: 1767 Birchwood Terrace, Lot 18+19, Birchwood Terrace, Sec 30/ T34N/R17W, Town of Balsam Lake, Deer Lake, parcel #0061514-0000. KYLE & JENNA ZIMMER request a special exception and variance to Sec VIB4 of the Polk County Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance to have a small boarding kennel less than 1,000 ft. from neighboring residences. Property affected is: 1793 County Line Ave., Lot 1, CSM #6431, part of SW1/4 of the SW1/4, Sec 31/T32N/R17W, Town of Alden, parcel #002-00813-0000. THOMAS SUNDBOOM requests a special exception to Article 15B1 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to grade slopes of 20% or greater. Property affected is: 1205 170th Ave., Lot 11, CSM #1426, part of Gov’t Lot 5, Sec 1/T34N/R17W, Town of Balsam Lake, Balsam Lake, parcel #006-00074-0000. " ,$ -"& RICHARD WATERMAN requests a special exception to Article 8D3 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance for a family campground. Property affected is: SW1/ 4 of the SE1/4, Sec 32/T34N/R16W, Town of Apple River, Apple River/Markee Creek, parcel #004-00890-0000.

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Pursuant to S. 7.45, Wis. Stats., the assessment roll for the 2015 assessment year will be open for examination at the following time: Monday, August 17, 2015, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Milltown Fire Hall. At the open book session, instructional information and objection forms will be available. These documents will assist with scheduling a hearing before the Board of Review. The assessor will be present and available to answer questions at the open book. Keep in mind that objection forms must be filed with the Clerk of the Board at least 48 hours before the Board is conducted, unless the Board chooses to waive this requirement. Virgil Hansen, Town Clerk Town of Milltown 631942 40-41a,d 51-52L

August 1, 2015, Minimum Wages For Servers Increases To $7.25 + Tips

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TOWN OF MILLTOWN (>3@ A??;FF77 %77F;@9

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IMMEDIATE OPENING for an Overnight Security staff at our Webster, Wisconsin, program. Paid hourly, full-time benefits and regular schedule of 11 p.m. - 9 a.m. All applicants are subject to criminal history background checks. Responsibilities include supervision and regular checks of program residents, understand and follow agency policies, completion of nightly documentation, keep a clean/safe environment, communicate and follow through of program goals, positive role modeling and additional duties as needed. Please see our website for additional information on our programming, www.nwpltd.org To apply, please send a resume that includes 3 references to Debw@nwpltd.org


Seeking either an Interim, Part-time or Full-time Teacher depending on need this school year. General Music for Elementary and/or Secondary Choir. One-year position(s) for 2015 - 16 school year. May lead to continued employment. Applications available at the High School Office or online at jobcenterofwisconsin.com. Open until filled. Please include cover letter, resume with references, letters of recommendation and copies of license and transcripts.

School District of Luck

810 South 7th Street, Luck, WI 54853.

. "


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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Review for the Town of Milltown, will meet at the MILLTOWN FIRE HALL, on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing and examining the assessment roll of the real estate and personal property therein and correcting errors in said roll either in description of property or otherwise and to perform such duties as imposed by law. Please be advised on the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board: No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board of Review to testify to the Board or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view such property. After the first meeting of the Board and before the Board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board may contact or provide information to a member of the Board about the person’s objection except at a session of the Board. No person may appear before the Board, testify to the Board by telephone or contest the amount of the assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed because the person has been granted a waiver of the 48-hour notice of intent to file a written objection by appearing before the Board during the first two hours of the meeting and showing good cause for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and files written objection, that the person provides to the Clerk of the Board notice as to whether the person will ask for removal of any Board member and, if so which member will be removed and the person’s reasonable estimate of the length of time that the hearing will take. When appearing before the Board, the person shall specify, in writing, the person’s estimate of value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate. No person may appear before the Board, testify to the Board by telephone or subject or object to a valuation; if that valuation was made by the Assessor or the Objector using the income method of valuating; unless the person supplies the Assessor all information about income and expenses, as specified in the Assessor’s manual under Sec. 73.03(2a) of Wis. Stats., that the Assessor requests. The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability. Virgil Hansen, Town Clerk 631943 40-41a,d 51-52L Town of Milltown



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Photos by Greg Marsten

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Stories from the NW Wisconsin community

Danielle Danford | Staff writer

LOS ANGELES, Calif. - As a 6-year-old, Jahnna Lee Randall could be found with a minicamcorder documenting life on her family’s Balsam Lake farm. “I didn’t want to milk the cows or do other chores,� said Randall, laughing. For Randall, a graduate of Unity Schools Class of 2006, that childhood interest never left, only developing as she got older. At age 12, Randall began mod4;8=6 0=3 8= B74 6>C 74A RABC C0BC4 >5 02C8=6 BC0AA8=6 8= C74 ")+ B7>F O"H #4F !854 P )70C 4G?4A84=24 ;43 74A C> ?DABD4 74A B8;E4A B2A44= 3A40< full time and she moved to Los Angeles, Calif. O A40;8I43 >=24 <>E43 >DC C> ! B7>D;3 14 8= R;<8=6 P B083 '0=30;; )F> H40AB 05C4A <>E8=6 C> !>B =64;4B B74 BC0AC43 C> 64C 5ADBCA0C43 F8C7 C74 0D38C8>= ?A>24BB '0=30;; 4G?;08=43 C70C 0D38C8>=8=6 5>A A>;4B 8B 0 A>;;4A coaster-like process, from not always getting an audition for the right role, not getting compensated for time spent auditioning and most often landing B<0;; A>;4B >= B<0;; ?A>3D2C8>=B C70C B><4C8<4B 3>=QC 4E4= 64C R=8B743 O 9DBC BC0AC43 64CC8=6 543 D? F8C7 0;; >5 C70C C70C R6DA43 8C F0B C8<4 C> 2A40C4 <H >F= ?A>3D2C8>= 2><?0=H 0=3 BC0AC 2A40C8=6 <H >F= R;<B <H >F= BC>A84B 0=3 2A40C4 C74 A>;4B C70C 02CD0;;H F0=C C> ?;0H P B74 B083 )7DB three years ago, Why Wait Productions was born, Randall’s own production company. Since starting Why Wait Productions, Randall has created two Web series, <DB82 E834>B 2><<4A280;B 0=3 C7A44 B7>AC R;<B 4A ,41 B4A84B 0A4 20;;43 “2fur1� and “Dating Disasters,� which have both received several recognitions. “Dating Disasters� has been recognized for best Web series, best script 0=3 6A0=3 ?A8I4 9DAH 0F0A3B 0C >;;HF>>3 0=3 +8=4 8;< 4BC8E0; 0=3 F0B -4::- 11 %-:0-88 ;>535:-88E ;2 -8?-9 -71 35B1? 05>1/@5;: ;: @41 ?1@ ;2 41> 9;?@ >1/1:@ nominated best Web series at Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema. “2fur1� received best Web series at Idyllwild International Festival of Cin- ?4;>@ 2589 I ;?@ 5: '591 J @4-@ 5? /A>>1:@8E 5: <;?@<>;0A/@5;: .A@ 5: :110 ;2 2A:05:3 @; 25:5?4 %-: 0-88 5? <5/@A>10 4;805:3 41> 454A-4A- 5F9; C4; -8?; 4-? - >;81 5: @41 2589 4<0 14BC ,41 B4A84B 0=3 14BC 02CA4BB 0C >;;HF>>3 0=3 +8=4 8;< 4BC8E0; best webisode at Independent Film Quarterly Film Festival and lead voice actor and supporting actor at the LA Web Series Festival. “It is so much better because you are in control of what you want to cre0C4 P '0=30;; B083 01>DC BC0AC8=6 74A >F= ?A>3D2C8>= 2><?0=H )7DB 50A most of her work has been comedy based and Randall decided she wanted C> B7>F 74A 34?C7 0B 0 R;<<0:4A C7A>D67 0 BC>AH 2;>B4 C> 74A 740AC O"H 1A>C74AB B4AE43 8= A0@ 0=3 0;F0HB F0=C43 C> 2A40C4 0 <40=8=65D; 3A0<0 BC>AH 0=3 <H RABC R;< 4E4A 2A40C43 F0B F74= <H 1A>C74AB F4=C C> A0@ L 0< B> 2;>B4 F8C7 C74< 0=3 8C F0B A40;;H 70A3 F74= C74H ;45C P B74 B083 '0=30;;QB B7>AC R;< O!>BC 8= )8<4P 8B C74 ?A>3D2C >5 C70C 1>=3 '0=30;; DB43 74A ?4AB>=0; 4G?4A84=24B >5 34?A4BB8>= F8C73A0F0; 0=3 455>ACB C> 2>?4 F74= 74A CF> >;34A 1A>C74AB DBC8= 0=3 0B>= F4A4 34?;>H43 C> A0@ 0B C74 10B8B 5>A C74 R;< “I started with the concept of showing the perspective of the ones being left behind because in all military movies all you pretty much see is the battle, and I wanted to showcase what families go through instead of just overseas,� B083 '0=30;; F7> 8B C74 R;<QB 38A42C>A ?A>3D24A FA8C4A 438C>A 0=3 ;403 actress. With the help of Gizmo the Chihuahua, Randall’s personal pet dog 0=3 ?A>54BB8>=0; B834:82: C74 R;< 0=3 ;403 270A02C4A 64C B><4 2><82 A4;845 O 4 C>C0;;H BC40;B C74 B7>F 74 8B 0 F>A:8=6 02C>A 74 F>A:B 0;; C74 C8<4 P said Randall, laughing. O!>BC 8= )8<4P 70B 144= R;<43 438C43 0=3 8B =>F 8= C74 ?>BC?A>3D2C8>= ?70B4 C74 R=0; 1DC 2AD280; 0=3 4G?4=B8E4 ?70B4 5>A 0=H R;< O C F>D;3 14 7D64;H 0F4B><4 C> 64C 8C R=8B743 1420DB4 C74= F4Q3 B4=3 8C >55 C> C74 C>? R;< 54BC8E0;B F7827 F>D;3 14 ;8:4 (D=30=24 (>DC7 1H (>DC7F4BC 0;; C74 >=4B C70C 0A4 $B20A @D0;8R43 P B74 B083 5 O!>BC 8= )8<4P F8=B 6A0=3 9DAH 0C 0= $B20A @D0;8R43 R;< 54BC8E0; 8C F>D;3 @D0;85H 5>A C74 $B20AB Once at the Oscars, Randall’s name and the names of the 40 other talented individuals that helped bring Randall’s story to life would be seen by top industry producers and directors. O,74= H>D 2A40C4 B7>AC R;<B 8CQB H>DA 20;;8=6 20A3 8= C74 8=3DBCAH B> 8C would just mean so much to be able to tell this story, as well,� said Randall. O!>BC 8= )8<4P =443B C> 2><?;4C4 ?>BC?A>3D2C8>= 1DC '0=30;; 4G?;08=43 C70C C74H 7>?4 C> 64C 1420DB4 C74 <>A4 <>=4H C74H A08B4 C74 14CC4A C74 R;< F8;; 14 >E4A0;; '0=30;; 70B B4C D? 0 F41B8C4 01>DC C74 R;< 8CB =443B 0=3 0 B7>AC E834> F8C7 1478=3 C74 B24=4B 6;8<?B4B >5 C74 R;< 742: 8C all out at igg.me/at/lostintime. Randall’s Web series, “2fur1,� and episodes -4::- 11 %-:0-88K? 9;?@ >1/1:@ ?4;>@ 2589 C-? 5:?<5>10 .E 41> 1D<1>51:/1 ;2 /;<5:3 C5@4 @41 of “Dating Disasters� can be watched online at youtube.com. -.?1:/1 ;2 41> @C; .>;@41>? A?@5: -:0 -?;: C41: @41E C1>1 01<8;E10 @; >-=

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Fairest of the Fair

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Photos by Marty Seeger

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Final summer story time at Interstate Park () '$ - !!( M )74 BD<<4A B40B>= is winding to a close, and so is Summer nature story time at Wisconsin Interstate %0A: >=QC <8BB C74 R=0; BC>AH C8<4 >5 C74 B40B>= 0C 0 < >= )7DAB30H D6 Join the naturalists for a special story and activity chosen especially for young children and their parents. Check at the park >5R24 D?>= 0AA8E0; 5>A C74 ?A>6A0< ;>20tion within the park. After a fall break, the popular program will resume again on )7DAB30HB 0=D0AH C7A>D67 "0A27 =C4ABC0C4 %0A: 8B ;>20C43 8= (C A>8G 0;;B >= FH 9DBC >=4 70;5 <8;4 B>DC7 >5 FH #0CDA4 BC>AH C8<4 8B 5A44 >5 270A64 1DC 0 BC0C4 ?0A: BC82:4A 8B A4@D8A43 to enter the park. For more informaC8>= 20;; D;84 >A 0A1 0C 6> to dnr.wi.gov, or like them on Facebook at Friends of WI Interstate State Park. – sub mitted

Grantsburg Chorale to present summer concert ' #)( *' )74 A0=CB1DA6 7>rale will be performing on Sunday, Aug. 0C ? < 8= C74 A0=CB1DA6 867 (27>>; 0D38C>A8D< )74 B8=64AB 0A4 ?A4B4=C8=6 0 2>=24AC C8C;43 O >F 0= 44? A>< (8=68=6 P F7827 F8;; 8=2;D34 ?>?D;0A <DB82 B7>F 0=3 5>;: CD=4B )78B B7>D;3 14 0= 4=9>H01;4 BD<<4A 4E4=C ??A>G814 0= 4=9>H01;4 BD<<4A 4E4=C ??A>G8 <0C4;H 03D;CB 0=3 7867 B27>>; BCD34=CB have been rehearsing since June under the direction of Linda Benge, with Kari Java at the piano. )74 B8=64AB 70E4 F>A:43 70A3 >= <43leys of music from “Godspell� as well as folk songs and popular music by com composers such as Dolly Parton. In addition, several singers will perform solos or small ensembles. Following the concert, there will be an ice-cream social with donations to cover music costs and help provide scholarships for students when the chorale travels. )74A4 F8;; 14 => 03<8BB8>= 270A64 – sub mitted

A tribute to Dad


ou were born the year Lindbergh RABC S4F 02A>BB C74 C;0=C82 0=3 perhaps that is why you always loved F0C4A 0=3 B08;8=6 0=3 S867C .>D F4A4 lucky to live the American Dream, but RABC H>D 703 C> 6A>F up in the Great Depression and endure the fear and horror of ,>A;3 ,0A )7>B4 4G?4A84=24B B70?43 your core values and emotions, and you would remind us to never forget where -B50 !A881> we as a Danish immigrant family came from and what we as Americans had overcome. "H RABC <4<>AH >5 H>D 8=E>;E43 building something in the basement of C74 3D?;4G >= C7 (CA44C 8= "8==40?> (CA44C 8= "8==40?>;8B <0AE4;43 7>F H>D C>>: 144BF0G and gently scraped it across the threads >5 0 <4C0; B2A4F 145>A4 RA<;H CF8BC8=6 and securing two pieces of wood. So from the very beginning, I watched you work and learned to admire your skill, your patience and your craftsmanship. I can see you smiling now, that beautiful proud smile of yours, stepping back and looking up after completing an another one of your many projects. .>D 0;F0HB 703 >=4 RABC 5>A DB 0= and Dirk and I, a home of our own on Dupont Avenue that you let us pound a few nails into ourselves. You left the row of misdirected nails in place, vis visible for us to see from the basement. I think you were happy that we made the effort as young boys, proud to see us get to work. We, in turn, believed that everyone’s dad could build a home. We 703 => 8340 102: 8= 7>F 4G24?tional and talented you were. ,4 :=4F H>D 0B 0 20A?4=C4A RABC as a man who got up early and never missed a day of work, even when you slipped carrying planks on your shoulder across icy joists 12 stories up while constructing a hospital downtown. I can see you hanging on for dear life and your boss ordering you immediately back to work after you were rescued. God had plans for you, tested your faith, and you carried on like the humble servant you always were. We never knew until many years later, how close


->;A?18 we came that day to having a different family history. You persevered and became a builder, joining forces with Connie’s family to help construct some of the 6A40C 27DA274B B27>>;B 0=3 >5R24 1D8;3ings that still stand throughout the )F8= 8C84B 8=2;D38=6 C74 0338C8>= C> St. Peder’s where we celebrate your life C>30H )74 2><?0=HQB BD224BB 0;;>F43 you to enjoy being part of the growth of the American economy in the 1960s. You cherished your friends and valD43 H>DA 1DB8=4BB 0BB>280C4B )74 =4F shared prosperity allowed you to afford your own boats, new cars, vacations to Florida and California, and to improve the family place at Balsam Lake. We thought everyone lived like us, and you were there to remind us to appreciate all that we had been given through hard work and dedicated effort. You showed us your Christian faith daily 1H H>DA 4G0<?;4 0=3 BC0H43 7D<1;4 1H >?4=;H 4G?A4BB8=6 H>DA 6A0C8CD34 5>A God’s continuous blessings. .>DA <0AA8064 C> ">< ;0BC43 <>A4 than 64 years and stands as a shared legacy to steadfast love, dedicated devotion and the challenge of practic8=6 CAD4 5>A68E4=4BB )74 270;;4=64B >5 God’s plan served as a reminder, and 0;F0HB H>D F4A4 0 ;8E8=6 4G0<?;4 >5 a man who knew how to get up after a hard knock, shake the dust off and get back in the game. “Resilient� is the word for you, and always, resourceful. >=24 60E4 H>D C74 1>>: O >F "D27 (2A0? ,>>3 0= $=4 "0= (0E4 P 0=3 you just shrugged and laughed and B083 O,7> :=>FB P We thank you for your sense of humor and the ability to laugh at our >F= 5>;;84B .>D C0D67C DB C> R=3 C74 good, the silver lining in the clouds, and to truly appreciate the natural beauty around us. Out boating on Balsam Lake, H>D F>D;3 0;F0HB B0H O >F ;D2:H F4 are!� You loved the water and taught us to sail. You brought us to the two great oceans bordering America, and

gave us the thrill of sailing away, out of sight of land, and kept us safe, like you always did. You had skills, know-how, guts and endless curiosity to learn new C78=6B ,4 R6DA43 4E4AH>=4 703 0 50ther like you because you had the knack 5>A <0:8=6 4G24?C8>=0; 02784E4<4=CB seem normal, regular and ordinary. You portrayed yourself as the average guy who had proudly served his country in the Navy, learned to be tradesman, and was fortunate enough to become a prosperous man helping >C74AB C> R=3 C74 7><4 >5 C748A 3A40<B )74 B;>60= >= H>DA :4H2708= F0B O)74 %4>?;4 4;?4AP 0=3 C70C 8B 4G02C;H F7> you were. You had gifts and were more than willing to share them with others. You felt the need for love and acknowledgement just like we all do, and H>D 5D;R;;43 C74B4 34B8A4B 1H B4AE8=6 God through intentionally sharing your gifts with all your family and friends. )78B 022><?;8B7<4=C >5 B70A8=6 0=3 genuinely caring about others in life is no small thing; and for that alone, anyone would say that you have succeeded beyond your wildest dreams. Good enough, Dad! You have passed all your tests with SH8=6 2>;>AB .>D 70E4 BD=6 F8C7 ?4Afect harmony and danced the full circle. You have shown us how to live the grand life and enjoy the bounty and the endless blessings of staying on the path, no matter what. I can hear your many friends who have gone before you saying, “Well done, fellow traveler, and welcome to eternity.� Even though our hearts are heavy and we grieve and miss you so very much, we want you to know we are truly grateful for having shared in your journey! We will hold your spirit in our hearts until we meet again. As you C0D67C DB C> B0H 8= 0=8B7 O)DB8=3 tuk, Dad, a thousand thanks for everything!� About the author: David Muller’s dad died Dec. 6, 2013. David has replaced him as caretaker of the family cabin at Balsam Lake. David highly recommends the Write $ ' ## # ' ! + # # +"#$ ) "$( * & on Amazon. His second book is in progress. Writers’ Carousel, a revolving menagerie of pieces for your enjoyment, is created by participants in Carolyn Wedin’s Write Right Now WITC Community Education classes in Frederic and Luck.

Volunteers needed for AIS bridge snapshot day %$! $*#). $= (0CDA30H D6 29, from 9 a.m. to noon, the Polk County Land and Water Resources Department 0=3 C74 (C A>8G '8E4A BB>280C8>= F8;; team up with the River Alliance of Wis Wisconsin to host a one-of-a-kind volunteer event. Statewide, nearly 200 volunteers will help search for invasive species including escaped or intentionally released F0C4A 60A34= 0=3 0@D0A8D< B?4284B C70C could choke our rivers and streams. Locally, 10 volunteers are needed to monitor sites across Polk County. When asked why this event is im-

?>AC0=C 4A4<H >=4B 0@D0C82 8=E0B8E4 species program director for the River ;;80=24 >5 ,8B2>=B8= 4G?;08=43 O C the 2014 snapshot day, volunteers found invasive species in previously undocumented locations and painted a fuller pic picture of the distribution of species around >DA A8E4A BHBC4<B +>;D=C44AB ?;0H 0 :4H role in early detection on their local waters, and with their help we have more eyes on the water to prevent the spread of invasive species across the state. And, 14B834B H>D 64C >DC C> 4G?;>A4 0=3 70E4 fun in your local river or stream. What

2>D;3 14 14CC4A P 5C4A A4248E8=6 CA08=8=6 0C C74 (C A>8G '8E4A BB>280C8>= 8= (C A>8G 0;;B C40<B of volunteers will disperse to predeter predetermined monitoring sites on the Balsam Branch, Apple River, Behning Creek, >AB4 A44: 0=3 $B24>;0 A44: C> 74;? ;>>: 5>A B?4284B >5 2>=24A= )74 <>=8C>Aing sites vary from bridges spanning large rivers to culverts on country roads cross crossing small trout streams where invasives are likely to be introduced, intentionally or unintentionally. After monitoring their river or stream sites, volunteers will

reconvene to report on what they found and enjoy a provided lunch. )74A4 F8;; 14 A4=34IE>DB B8C4B 0A>D=3 C74 BC0C4 8=2;D38=6 (C A>8G 0;;B ??;4C>= 0=3 "8=>2@D0 +>;D=C44AB will monitor over 150 locations on rivers BD27 0B C74 >G '8E4A 78??4F0 '8E4A "8BB8BB8??8 '8E4A ,8B2>=B8= '8E4A 0=3 <>A4 3E0=243 A468BCA0C8>= 8B A4@D4BC43 and will be open until Friday, Aug. 14. For a complete listing of rendezvous sites and to register, visit wisconsinrivers.org/ events. – from Polk County LWRD

Wisconsin nonprofit puts new twist on ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ) *' M ALS Worldwide, a ,8B2>=B8= =>=?A>RC >A60=8I0C8>= C70C advances groundbreaking research and provides free support to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients locally and internationally, is urging people to put a drought-friendly twist on this year’s Ice Bucket Challenge by using alternatives to ice water and by donating directly to ALS research. O)74 !( 24 D2:4C 70;;4=64 8B=QC A4ally about ice or buckets, it’s about creat creating awareness and funding ALS research that will lead to a cure,� said Stephen H4A !( ,>A;3F834QB 2> 4G42DC8E4 director. “Water is a precious resource.

;80 @A>71E John W. Ingalls, MD


>;3 )DA:4H F8;; A4CDA= =4GC week.

,4QA4 0B:8=6 ?4>?;4 C> R;; C748A 1D2:4CB with something creative or to take the challenge in a pool, river, lake or ocean. One hundred percent of every donation received in August will be used to bring microneurotrophins, promising new ALS drugs, to an FDA-sponsored Phase 1 clinical trial for patients.� A family affair, ALS Worldwide was founded by Stephen and Barbara Byer, Fitchburg residents, after losing their son 4= C> !( 8= )F> H40AB 06> C748A daughter Sarah and her husband, Barry

Wein, whose grandfather died from ALS, joined forces to contribute their profesB8>=0; 4G?4AC8B4 C> C74 20DB4 ALS causes neurons in the brain and spinal cord to die, which leads to muscle weakness, paralysis and death, typically F8C78= CF> C> RE4 H40AB >5 3806=>B8B Every 90 minutes someone dies from ALS and another person is diagnosed. ALS Worldwide used Ice Bucket Challenge donations it received last summer to bring together a group of the world’s top neuroscientists to begin research on

microneurotrophins. Dr. James P. Bennett Jr., professor emeritus of neurology and ?7HB8>;>6H 18>?7HB82B 0C +8A68=80 ><monwealth University and the research consortium’s physician sponsor to the B083 O >A C74 RABC C8<4 F4 70E4 0 drug that targets the multiple pathways of motor neuron degeneration that are 270A02C4A8BC82 >5 !( "82A>=4DA>CA>?78= drugs protect and strengthen neurons in 0 E0A84CH >5 F0HB )74 ?A4;8<8=0AH A4BD;CB of the consortium’s research are very encouraging.� – with submitted information

Trading paper for plastic – eWIC is here !( " ! 2A>BB ,8B2>=B8= this summer, local Women, Infants and Children programs are rolling out brand=4F 4;42CA>=82 14=4RC 20A3B 20;;43 4, for participants. Polk County started issu issuing the eWIC cards in June and by the end of October all Wisconsin counties will be using the cards. Benefits of using the cards include 8<?A>E43 B7>??8=6 4G?4A84=24 5>A 1>C7 families and cashiers, no more hassle with checking WIC IDs or dates on the vouchers, participants purchase only

what they need each shopping trip and use their eWIC card as often as they want C> A4344< C748A <>=C7;H 5>>3 14=4RCB 0=3 , 2;8=82 E8B8CB F8;; 14 B8<?;8R43 “WIC families have been looking forward to this change,� says Andrea Seifert, Polk County WIC director. “I’ve been hearing from both families and cashiers that they love the easier and faster checkout process at the grocery store.� 1>DC 50<8;84B 0A4 B4AE43 4027 <>=C7 1H C74 %>;: >D=CH 40;C7 4?0AC<>=C7 1H C74 %>;: >D=CH 40;C7 4?0AC <4=CQB , ?A>6A0< )74 , ?A>6A0<

provides pregnant women, infants and children assistance to buy healthy foods, time to talk with a WIC dietitian, support for breastfeeding, help in monitoring healthy growth and development and re54AA0;B C> >C74A 740;C7 ?A>6A0<B )> ;40A= more about WIC and whether you or B><4>=4 H>D :=>F <0H @D0;85H ?;40B4 20;; >A E8B8C polkcountyhealthdept.org. – from Polk County Health Department

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Amery couple shares story of contest win, adoption status

Danielle Danford | Staff writer " '. N = D;H )H;4A A4C0 0=3 "H:0 "2 0AC7H >5 <4AH CA0E4;43 C> South Korea, a destination that isn’t typi20; 5>A 0 50<8;H E020C8>= )74 "2 0AC7HB made the trip for a different purpose and one that brought the family of three closer to becoming a family of four. )74 "2 0AC7HB 0A4 6>8=6 C7A>D67 the in-depth and costly process to adopt a South Korean boy named Levi. )74 =4FB C> 4G?0=3 C748A 50<8;H F0B 0 surprise for many in their lives and was A4E40;43 E80 0 D=8@D4;H BC 24=CDAH BCH;4 method; a self-built website. O"H F854 A4C0 148=6 0 <4380 B?4280;ist, has used Weebly in the past, so she thought it would be a good chance to combine what we were going through with the adoption to build a website for C74 2>=C4BC P B083 )H;4A "2 0AC7H ,44bly is a Web-based company that allows anyone with an understanding of computers and the Internet to design and 2A40C4 C748A >F= D=8@D4 F41B8C4 !0BC

month, Greta built a website about their decision to adopt Levi and advertise their 6-year-old daughter’s lemonade stand as part of a contest organized by Weebly, F8C7 D? 5>A 6A01B C> C74 F8==4A O#>C 8= 0 <8;;8>= H40AB P B083 "2 0Athy on if they thought they would win. 4 4G?;08=43 C70C C74A4 F4A4 CF> ;4E4;B of judging to get through in order to make 8C C> 14 >=4 >5 B8G R=0;8BCB )74 RABC F0B 0 ?0=4; >5 9D364B C70C ?82:43 C748A C>? B8G R=0;8BCB 1H DB8=6 C74 2>=C4BCQB 2A8C4A80 “We didn’t think we would even get past that ... and to think we would be able to accumulate more votes than any other R=0;8BC F0B=QC 4E4= 0 ?>BB818;8CH P 74 B083 4 4G?;08=43 C70C >=24 C74H <034 8C C> 14 >=4 >5 C74 C>? B8G R=0;8BCB C74H DB43 social media and word of mouth to get ?4>?;4 C> C74 E>C8=6 ?064 )74 03>?C8>= 8CB4;5 8B 8= C74 R=0; BC064B 0=3 C74 2>=C4BC F8= 70B 1A>D67C C74 4G28C8=6 ?A>24BB C> 0 new level. O,4 9DBC R=8B743 D? >DA 2>DAC 0??40Aances in front of the South Korean judge 0=3 0;; B44<43 C> 6> @D8C4 F4;; P 74 B083 about their recent trip to South Korea. #>F C74 "2 0AC7HB 70E4 C> F08C C7A>D67 the grace period where Levi’s emigration ?0?4AF>A: F8;; 14 ?A>24BB43 )74= C74H anticipate traveling back to South Korea to bring Levi home at the end of August. “Words can’t even describe how much C78B 74;?B 0=3 <40=B C> DB )74 2>BC >5 C74 03>?C8>= 70B 144= @D8C4 7867 B> C78B money is a world of help,� he said.

'41 !/ ->@4E 2-958E 25:-88E 4-0 @41 /4-:/1 @; 911@ @415> 2A@A>1 ?;: -:0 5: !E7- !/ ->@4EK? &5D E1-> ;80 !E7- !/ ->@4E ?4;C: ?1/;:0 2>;9 @41 >534@ ?@-:0? :1D@ @; !E7-K? 19;:-01 /-?1 85@@81 .>;@41> !E7- 5? ?4;C: 4-B5:3 - 91-8 &@-:0 @4-@ ?41 4180 -? - 2A:0>-5?1> @; 418< -0;<@ 1B5 C5@4 1B5 !

Stuff the Bus for the Grantsburg School supply drive ' #)( *' M 08C7 !DC74A0= Church of Grantsburg has been helping support area families for a number of years with an annual school supply distribution mission. )74 38BCA81DC8>= 0BB8BCB ?0A4=CB 8= C74 A0=CB1DA6 (27>>; 8BCA82C F8C7 C74 4Gpense of school shopping for their children by providing backpacks and other needed supplies. Over 115 students re248E43 BD??;84B 3DA8=6 C74

B27>>; year. For the second year, Grantsburg Lions

members are helping in the collection of items needed by students by having a “Stuff the Bus� school supply drive. )74 2>;;42C8>= F8;; F>A: <D27 0B 0 5>>3 3A8E4 3>4B >=;H 8=BC403 >5 R;;8=6 186 1>G4B with food the public will be asked to help R;; 0 B27>>; 1DB F8C7 B27>>; BD??;84B )74 !8>=B F8;; 14 F>A:8=6 F8C7 C74 Grantsburg Family Dollar Store on the Stuff the Bus project. Store employees have been busy tagging school items needed by local students using school supply lists coordinated with the Grants-

burg School’s staff. School items can be purchased anywhere and dropped off at Family Dollar or the bus parked in front of the store SatDA30H D6 F7827 8B C74 30C4 ,8B2>=sin Lions International has designated as Stuff the Bus day, when Lions all over the state will participate in school supply collection drives. )74 BD??;84B BCD5543 8=C> C74 B27>>; 1DB will be added to those Faith Lutheran has donated and together will be used for the distribution.

)78B 8B C74 B42>=3 H40A C74 !8>=B 70E4 partnered with Faith Lutheran to collect 0=3 38BCA81DC4 BD??;84B 0E8=6 C74 ?0ACnership helps the community to give area families a positive start to a new school year. Faith Lutheran will hold the annual school supplies distribution at the church 5A>< ? < >= )D4B30H D6 #% mitted

Countryside Co-op raises funds to feed kids %$! () '$ - $*#) ( >D=tryside Co-op is having a Drive to Feed 83B 20<?086= )74A4 0A4 <0=H 278;3A4= in their trade area who are hungry and F8C7>DC 5>>3 )74 <>=4H C74H A08B4 F8;; 14 68E4= C> 1>C7 C74 (C A>8G 0=3 %>;: counties backpack programs and the Eau ;08A4 443 "H %4>?;4 >>3 0=: )74 (0;E0C8>= A<H 8= (C A>8G 0=3 %>;: 2>D=C84B 0;>=4 74;? >E4A 50<8;84B with providing backpacks that are sent home with the kids over the weekends

so they have food when they are not in B27>>; )74 0D ;08A4 443 "H %4>?;4 Food Bank provides food to 14 counties in their trade area for their food banks. All of the money they raise will be split between these programs. )74 2> >? F0B 68E4= 0 )A0464A 86 )4G (<>:4A .4C8 2>>;4A 0=3 0 ">A4 "0:4A hunting knife by Nutra Blend, one of their feed-ingredient suppliers, as prizes 5>A C74 5D=3A08B4A )74H 0A4 F>A:8=6 with Nutra Blend, who donates money

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C7A>D67>DC ,8B2>=B8= "8==4B>C0 >F0 ;;8=>8B 0=3 "827860= C> 38554A4=C ?A>grams to help with hungry children, on C78B 3A8E4 )74H 0;B> F>A: F8C7 C748A 2DBtomers to promote the Drive to Feed Kids campaigns. >A 4E4AH ?4>?;4 3>=0C4 C74H 0A4 given a ticket for a chance to win the above three prizes. Items will be displayed at different stores throughout the <>=C7 >5 D6DBC )74 3A0F8=6 F8;; 14 74;3 )7DAB30H D6 .>D 20= 3>=0C4


for your support at the Polk County Quality Meats Auction, on Aug. 1, 2015.

Linnaea Wallis from the Pleasant Lake 4-H Club says THANK YOU for purchasing her swine! Thank you for your support to our community by being a bidder, buyer and supporter of our local youth.


at any of the Countryside Cooperative locations and need not be present to win. Countryside Co-op is also working with some of their larger vendors to see if C74H F8;; <0C27 5D=3B )78B 8B 0;; <>=4H staying in our own communities help8=6 >DA >F= =48671>AB 0=3 5A84=3B )74H 70E4 0;A403H A4248E43 0 6D0A0=teed match from Land O’ Lakes. – from Countryside Cooperative

Johnson Motors for purchasing my Grand Champion Market Lamb and for supporting the youth of the Polk County Fair Quality Meat Auction.

Garrett Lee

Forest View 4-H


Westdale Farm for your support at the Polk County Quality Meats Auction, on August 1, 2105. Lance Wallis from the Pleasant Lake 4-H Club says THANK YOU for purchasing his swine! The families of Dale and Rick Wester, we THANK YOU for your support to our community by being a bidder, buyer and supporter of our local youth.



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hope you are all enjoying the beautiful summer weather we’ve been having. It is also the time of H40A C> ?;0= B><4 5D= 0=3 4G28C8=6 CA8?B C> C0:4 Our new trip coordinator, Bonnie Sawyer, is looking for ideas for day trips. Contact Bonnie Sawyer at >A 4<08; 74A 0C stcrbonnie@yahoo.com with your ideas. Are you a vendor, have a home-based business or 3> H>D B4;; 2A05CB ,4 70E4 0 E4=3>A 4E4=C ?;0==43 for Saturday, Aug. 15, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. If you are 8=C4A4BC43 8= ?0AC828?0C8=6 C74 2>BC 8B 5>A <4<14AB 0=3 5>A =>=<4<14AB >=C02C DB 5>A 34C08;B 0C $DA =4GC 740;C7 0=3 F4;;=4BB 4G?> F8;; take place on Friday, Aug. 21, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. +4=3>A C01;4B 2>BC 0=3 C74 3403;8=4 C> A468BC4A 8B )D4B30H D6 %;40B4 9>8= DB >= ">=30H D6 0C

0 < C> 7>=>A 02: 0=3 (78A;4H )DA4: 5>A C748A 64=4A>DB 685C to the Amery Community/Senior Center. Following a short program there will be lunch followed by Shir;4HQB 20A3 ?0ACH %;40B4 '(+% 1H 20;;8=6 1H =>>= >= ">=30H D6 4 BDA4 C> 8=3820C4 85 you will be attending lunch as well as participating in Bridge, Poker or 500. >8= C74 8A2;4 >5 (8BC4AB )78B 6A>D? 8B 0 270=24 5>A @D8;C4AB B2A0??4AB :=8CC4AB 0=3 2A05C4AB C> 2><4 together for fellowship and fun with a craft of your 27>824 )74H <44C C74 5>DAC7 )7DAB30H >5 4027 <>=C7 5A>< 0 < ? < 8A2;4 >5 (8BC4AB 8B >?4= C> 0;; members of Amery Area Community Center. #443 0 ?;024 C> A4=C >=B834A <4AH ><<D=8CH

; E;A >1919.1>

91>E >1-

Compiled by Sue Renno

;99A:5@E 1:@1>

50 years ago

,HF4A ,;46;G@4A 4FF<FG4AG 7<E86GBE Center for that birthday party, anniversary celebration or wedding reception. Our rates are very reason01;4 0=3 F4 F8;; F>A: F8C7 ?A>RC 0=3 =>C 5>A ?A>RC organizations to help you with the perfect meeting place. CQB =>C C>> ;0C4 C> ?0AC828?0C4 8= C74 D=8@D4 %0E4 the Way community fundraiser. We offer dedication 1A82:B 5>A 48C74A >A )78B 8B 0 6A40C F0H C> 7>=>A 0 50<8;H <4<14A 5A84=3 >A 1DB8=4BB )74B4 make great wedding, anniversary or birthday presents. Each brick will be placed within the patio at Amery Area Community Center. )74 )D4B30H ?>>; F8==4AB F4A4 0AH (=4;;8=6 8= RABC ?;024 "0AH 8B74A 8= B42>=3 8< ,411 8= C78A3 0=3 +0; 0=B4= 8= 5>DAC7 ?;024 )D4B30H ,88 1>F;8=6 F8==4AB F4A4 0E4 $;B>= 8= RABC ?;024 4AAH !0=6;0=3 8= B42>=3 ?;024 0=3 "0AH 8B74A C>>: third. Wednesday Bridge winners were Sydney Lund 8= RABC ?;024 0C4 4;;4A<0= 8= B42>=3 0=3 "0AH Salewski in third place. Congratulations to all! 0E4 0 B054 0=3 F>=34A5D; F44:

Webb Lake Area Men’s Club to hold carnival , ! $= (0CDA30H D6 C74A4 F8;; 14 0 20A=8E0; 0=3 10A142D4 0C C74 RA4 70;; 8= ,411 !0:4 5A><

0 < C> ? < )74 20A=8E0; F8;; 8=2;D34 10;;>>= 30ACB 6>;5 0=3 <D27 <>A4 )74A4 F8;; 14 B><4C78=6 5>A 4E4AH>=4 M 278;3A4= C44=B 0=3 03D;CB (4E4A0;

Webb Lake restaurants will be serving barbecue. Other refreshments will be available. )74 4E4=C 8B B?>=B>A43 1H C74 ,411 !0:4 A40 "4=QB ;D1 >A <>A4 8=5>A<0C8>= 20;; >1 ,8ACI 0C >A %0D; D=;8554 0C – submitted

,!, % ,, ( !(% , + .'"('

A story in this paper, called Broiling bratwurst like they do in Sheboygan, praised the merits of brats, and 4G?;08=43 7>F C> 6A8;; C74< "A 0=3 "AB "0AC8= 045S4A 0C C74 ;>2:4A ?;0=C 8= A434A82 B083 1A0CB F4A4 14ginning to catch on here, and that tourists who knew F70C C74H F4A4 3>8=6 F>D;3 2><4 8= 5>A ;0A64 >A34AB M A group called Citizens for Better Schools organized in Webster, in response to the resignation of the school BD?4A8=C4=34=C 4>A64 "4H4AB )4<?>A0AH >5R24AB F4A4 %A4B834=C !4;0=3 ,78C=4H +824 %A4B834=C C74 Rev. Father Kelchak, Secretary Barbara Jackson and )A40BDA4A 'DC7 "8;;4A M"A 0=3 "AB '8270A3 07;8=6 >?4=43 '8270A3QB 8<4 (C>A4 8= (8A4= >= FH

M DA=4CC .>DC7 >A 7A8BC B?>=B>A43 0= 4E0=64;8BC82 C4=C <44C8=6 >= C74 B>DC7 B7>A4 >5 "D374= !0:4 F8C7 C74 '4E ,0AA4= "06=DB>= (C %0D; "8== 0B 6D4BC B?40:4A 0=3 "A 0=3 "AB 4= 4=C>= ?A>E838=6 <DB82 4= F0B C74 E>20; <DB82 8=BCAD2C>A 0C (C A>8G 0;;B 867 (27>>; M 8A<0= !4>=0A3 !0AB>= 0 Siren grad, completed basic training at Lackland Air >A24 0B4 (0= =C>=8> )4G0B M 0A4= DA0=3 0=3 0AH *A14= F4A4 <0AA843 >= D=4 0C (02A43 40ACB 0C7>;82 7DA27 8= ,41BC4A M >D6;0B 8B: 5A>< (C A>8G 0;;B 0=3 '>B4<0AH (C0<< F4A4 <0AA843 >= D;H 0C (C %0D;QB !DC74A0= 7DA27 8= ">34=0

40 years ago After postponements and schedule adjustments, Frederic school administrators canceled plans for summer school due to the uncertainty of state fund8=6 )74 B8G F44: B4BB8>= DBD0;;H 3A4F 01>DC BCD34=CB M)74 A434A82 867 (27>>; 10=3 C>>: RABC ?;024 in Class B competition at the New Richmond Fun FesC8E0; ?0A034 $B24>;0 C>>: B42>=3 8= ;0BB M!0DA84 0E8B>= 0=3 A43 "4H4A F4A4 <0AA843 >= D=4 0C (C ><8=82QB 8= A434A82 M,8==4AB 8= C74 %>;: >D=CH 3A4BB A4ED4 F4A4 0H;4 4H; >5 C74 '>2: A44: '>2:4CB 0=3 "0AH > A><A4H >5 C74 >A4BC +84F ;D1 1>C7 >5 (C A>8G 0;;B M'424=C A434A82 6A03D0C4 !8==84 !D=344=QB 0<DB8=6 4BB0H >= 50A< ;854 O 0C4 Being Liberated,� was recognized for its merits by the Northwest Regional Writers, even though they hadn’t sponsored a contest that year, and was printed in this ?0?4A M)74 7>=>A0AH @D44= >5 4=CDA80 "4<>AH 0HB F0B H40A >;3 ==0 =34AB>= A814A6 F7> F0B 1>A= 8= C74 !0<0A 0A40 0=3 <0AA843 G4; A814A6 >5 ,4BC (F434= 4=CDA80 F0B 24;41A0C8=6 8CB C7 0==8E4AB0AH >=>A0AH :8=6 F0B 0A; %0?4 M)74 RABC 101H 1>A= 8= C74 =4F A434A82 >B?8C0; F0B =C7>=H 0E83 %86<0= 1>A= C> "A 0=3 "AB >H3 %86<0= >= D;H

M(8A4= BCD34=C (74A8 %;D<<4A F0B B?4=38=6 C7A44 <>=C7B 8= 0;8 >;><180 (>DC7 <4A820 0B 0= 4G270=64 BCD34=C M(8A4= 6A03D0C4 8<<84 0H4 ,4;;B F0B =><8=0C43 5>A 0 O,7>QB ,7> <>=6 867 (27>>; (CD34=CBP 0F0A3 M%0<4;0 +8;BCAD? 0=3 A46>AH %0DCB27 F4A4 <0AA843 >= "0H 0C !D2: !DC74A0= 7DA27

20 years ago '41 &5>1: 8-?? ;2 4180 @415> @4 E1-> /8-?? >1A:5;: @45? <-?@ &-@A>0-E A3 -@ '1?;>- %1?@-A>-:@ 5: &5>1: ;:B1>?- @5;: -:0 919;>51? C1>1 9-01 ?5:/1 @45? 5? @41 25>?@ /8-?? >1A:5;: 8@4;A34 :;@ -88 C1>1 <>1?1:@ @41E C1>1 C5@4 @41 /8-?? 5: ?<5>5@ $5/@A>10 .-/7 >;C @; % >13 54:1> !-@@ $;@B5: :5@- ";>11: -/71> >5? 11.1 ->5 ;C-8?75 &@1221: >1:@ 185?81 -:0 4>5? ,A1/4 >;:@ 1:5 &59;:?1: 54:1> 188E ;C-8?75 $1@1>?1: 1::521> ;C1 E81 -:0 1::521> ;81 11

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= 0 A420;; 4;42C8>= 8= (C A>8G 0;;B 0E83 0=84;B>= 1420<4 C74 =4F <0H>A 34540C8=6 4C7 0D64= M "4<14AB >5 C74 *=8CH (27>>; 8BCA82C BC055 0=3 BCD34=CB F4A4 B7>2:43 C> ;40A= C70C )8< (>?:> 4867C7 6A034 science teacher, had died suddenly, of a heart attack, at 78B ?0A4=CBQ 7><4 8= "827860= 4 F0B H40AB >;3 M Sandi Egeland and Chris Oachs were married on April 0C /8>= !DC74A0= 7DA27 >5 )A034 !0:4 M,41BC4A =0C8E4 0AA>3 ,0B71DA= F0B ?A>R;43 8= C78B ?0?4A 0B he had recently been drafted by the California Angels baseball team and was playing on their farm team in >8B4 307> M >A38 DA:>FB:8 A434A82 F0B C74 BD1942C >5 0 ?A>R;4 1H #0=2H 0??4 >A38 703 A424=C;H moved up from sales associate to sales director for C74 "0AH 0H > M(C4E4 %D4CI A434A82 F0B B4;42C43 >=4 >5 ,8B2>=B8=QB >DCBC0=38=6 +84C=0< E4C4A0=B 1H C74 +84C=0< +4C4A0=B >5 <4A820 BC0C4 2>D=28; 28C8=6 78B O4G4<?;0AH 343820C8>= C> C74 H>DC7 >5 <4A820=P 0B 0 2><<D=8CH E>;D=C44A )4= ?4>?;4 F4A4 27>B4= 4027 H40A 5>A C78B 7>=>A M B 0 <4<14A >5 C74 ,8B2>=B8= (4;42CB 7>2:4H C40< H40A >;3 ">;;H =6BCA>< (8A4= F>D;3 ?;0H 8= C74 )40< "8==4B>C0 >2:4H 4BC8E0; 8= C74 )F8= 8C84B (74 F0B C74 RABC 68A; 4E4A C> 14 ?82:43 C> ?;0H >= 0 ,8B2>=B8= (4;42CB C40< M 8AC7 announcements included Zachary Ryan, to Nick and "0=34 D4274=<48BC4A >= D;H 70A;4B ;;4= C> )0<0C70 0=3 >4 !8=314A6 A434A82 >= D;H

7A8Btian Richard, to Lisa and Ronald Otto, Webster, on D;H "0A807 !8=3B4H C> 42:H 0=3 0A; =34AB>= Grantsburg, on July 5; and Katherine Elizabeth, to Erin 0=3 >D6 !8;94=14A6 ,41BC4A D;H

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&418@1> + $<1:5:3? Humane Society of Burnett County A4@87 '4??4 '4??4 64@8 GB HF I8EL HA78EJ8<:;G 4G 4 @8E8 CBHA7F BA 4 ?4E:8 7B: 9E4@8 /8EL 8@46<4G87 HG ABG 9BE ?BA: ABJ G;4G J8 ;4I8 ;8E

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NSTC revival of classic musical “Fiddler on the Roof�

SIREN DENTAL CLINIC Jon E. Cruz, DDS • 24164 State Road 35 • Siren, Wis. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Open Some Fridays

A Modern Approach To Straightening Teeth.

Sun., August 9 Sand Lake Town Hall

All current & past residents are invited. Please bring a dish to pass and memories to share. Paper goods, cutlery, cups & beverages will be provided. For more information, call

A Great Birthday Party Idea

Receive a FREE Electric Toothbrush! New patients 10 years Of age & up, at their New Patient appointment Which includes: New Patients Welcome! • Examination • Cleaning • X-rays Crowns • Bridges Will receive a FREE Partials • Dentures Electric Toothbrush! Fillings • Extractions Root Canals We now have DIGITAL X-RAYS (very low exposure to X-Ray & no waiting for developing) OPEN EVERY OTHER Emergency patients call before MONDAY ‘TIL 8 P.M. 10 a.m. for same day appointment

Gary Kaefer, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 0 1 @ "

Grantsburg Office


Jcts. 35 & 48 Luck, Wis. 715-472-2000 www.luckcountryinn.com

" 0






>@ ,4 0224?B CA43 >8;



Jordyn Hagert

SIREN DENTAL CLINIC Jon E. Cruz, DDS 24164 State Road 35 • Siren, Wis. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Open Some Fridays


www.sirendental.com sirendental@hotmail.com

Sonia at 715-296-0312


Want A Brighter Smile?


www.SirenDental.com SirenDental@hotmail.com


Call ahead for groups.

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' ! N #>AC74A= (C0A )740CA4 Company did “Fiddler on the Roof� in 2002 and is now bringing this beloved musical back to their stage with Patrick Liedl A4E8E8=6 78B A>;4 0B )4EH4 C74 4F8B7 milkman who is beset with the problems >5 R=38=6 7DB10=3B 5>A 78B RE4 30D67ters, scratching out a living in the small town of Anatevka, and facing the threat of eviction by the Russian czar. Change 8B 8= C74 08A 0B )4EH4 0=3 78B F854 >;34 played by Kim Graff, work with Yente the matchmaker, played by Joanne Schilling, C> R=3 B?>DB4B 5>A C748A 30D67C4AB )78B B7>F 8B ?A4B4=C43 8= ?0AC=4AB78? with Dairy State Bank and the Rice Lake 7A>=>CH?4 )74 70D=C8=6 <DB82 >5 4AAH >2: 0=3 (74;3>= 0A=82: 540CDA4B 50<8;80A =D<14AB ;8:4 O)A038C8>= P O(D=A8B4 (D=B4C P O 5 ,4A4 0 '827 "0=P 0=3 <0=H other memorable tunes. Performance dates are Wednesday through Saturday, Aug. 12-15, and 19-22,


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Luck, WI

Grooming Services Offered:

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Donate blood through the Red Cross in final weeks of summer *'# )) %$! $*#) ( N)74 American Red Cross urges blood donors C> 68E4 8= C74 R=0; F44:B >5 BD<<4A C> help prevent a blood shortage. Blood donations often decline in August as final summer vacations are planned and back-to-school activities ramp up. On average, during the summer months, about two fewer donors give blood at each Red Cross blood drive than what is needed. Donations are needed now to help ensure blood is available for patients in need. Donors with types AB, O negative, B negative and A negative blood are especially encouraged to donate. Plasma

from type AB donors can be transfused to patients of any blood type, as can type $ =460C8E4 1;>>3 )H?4 =460C8E4 0=3 negative blood can be transfused to Rh?>B8C8E4 >A =460C8E4 ?0C84=CB )74B4 0A4 the most in-demand blood types and are in constant need. Upcoming blood donation opportunities in Burnett County will be available 8= A0=CB1DA6 >= ">=30H D6 5A>< noon to 6 p.m. at the community center,

( '>14AC (C 0=3 8= (8A4= >= )D4B30H D6 5A><

0 < C> ? < 0C C74 >E4=0=C 7DA27 !>5CH %8=4B Road. In Polk County, you can schedule to

68E4 1;>>3 8= !4F8B (0CDA30H D6 5A>< 0 < C> ? < 0C C74 !4F8B "4<>A80; *=8C43 "4C7>38BC 7DA27

C7 St.; in Luck on Wednesday, Aug. 19, from

? < 0C C74 !D2: !DC74A0= 7DA27 510 Foster Ave. E.; in Balsam Lake on Fri30H D6 5A>< ? < 0C C74 4>A64C>F= !DC74A0= 7DA27 C7 E4 ) >A 8= <4AH >= ">=30H D6

5A>< =>>= C> ? < 0C $DA (0E8>AQB !DC74A0= 7DA27 4A>=30 (C

;C @; 0;:-@1 .8;;0 Simply download the American Red Cross blood donor app, visit redcrossblood.org >A 20;; ' '$((

C> <0:4 0= 0??>8=C<4=C >A 5>A more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s ;824=B4 >A CF> >C74A 5>A<B >5 834=C8R20C8>= 0A4 A4@D8A43 0C 2742: 8= =38E83D0;B F7> 0A4 H40AB >5 064 F8C7 ?0A4=C0; consent in some states, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health <0H 14 4;8681;4 C> 3>=0C4 1;>>3 867 B27>>; BCD34=CB 0=3 >C74A 3>=>AB H40AB of age and younger also have to meet cerC08= 74867C 0=3 F4867C A4@D8A4<4=CB – from American Red Cross

Tryouts for “The Tree Lot� to be held at the Quam ( !! ! N D6

0=3 <0H seem soon to be thinking about a white Christmas, but it’s never too early to start managing one’s time for that busy seaB>= )740CA4 8= C74 ,>>3B 70B 0==>D=243 O)74 )A44 !>CP 0B 8CB 7>;830H ?;0H )74 B4CC8=6 >5 C74 ?;0H 8B 0 7A8BC<0B CA44 ;>C )74A4 >4 C74 ?A>?A84C>A <44CB various members of his community as

they come by Christmas Eve day. Will C74H 1DH 0 CA44 C78B H40A >A =>C %4A70?B "0H14 0 ;8CC;4 <0682 <DBC 70??4= RABC Characters in the play are a widow and widower, a single mom with her rebellious teenage son, a husband of few words with a wife of many, a couple using their cell phones for calling some>=4 >C74A C70= 0 B?>DB4 0=3 $5R24A %4C4

Additionally, there are several small parts including a Salvation Army bell ringer and other nonspeaking roles. D38C8>=B >= )7DAB30H D6

BC0AC 0C ? < 0=3 4=3 0C ? < (0CDA30H Aug. 15, auditions will run from 9 to 11 a.m. Production dates are Dec. 4, 5, 11, 12 0=3

;; 0D38C8>=B F8;; 14 74;3 0C C74 A8:0 &D0< "4<>A80; )740CA4 8ABC

St., Shell Lake. Carolyn Burnett will direct the play. )740CA4 8= C74 ,>>3B 8B 0 =>=?A>RC community theater organization, now in its 26th season. For more information visit titw.org. — from TitW

Annual Twilight Garden Tour set (%$$# ' N *=8E4AB8CH >5 ,8B2>=B8= GC4=B8>= C74 (?>>=4A 6A82D;CDA4 '4B40A27 (C0C8>= 0=3 #>AC7 >D=CAH "0BC4A 0A34=4A +>;D=C44AB F8;; 14 7>;38=6 C748A C7 0==D0; )F8;867C 0A34= )>DA >= )D4B30H D6 )78B 8B >=4 >5 C74 A4gion’s premier outdoor gardening events and will be held in their award-winning )40278=6 0=3 8B?;0H 0A34= ;>20C43 on Orchard Lane, just east of Spooner on FH )78B H40AQB 02C8E8C84B F8;; BC0AC at 4 p.m., with guest speakers, displays and demonstrations available until dusk. )74 6D4BC B?40:4AB C78B H40A 0A4 A80= Smith, Dave Zlesak, Cora Lund Preston 0=3 4C7 0==0 (<8C7 8B 0 *, GC4=sion fruit and vegetable specialist from *, '8E4A 0;;B 4 F8;; 38B2DBB C>?82B related to both fruit and vegetables with emphasis on winter hardiness issues in fruit. Zlesak is associate professor of 7>AC82D;CDA4 0C *, '8E4A 0;;B 4 F8;; discuss roses and woody ornamentals with an emphasis on Earth-kind land-

scaping. Lund Preston is assistant coor38=0C>A >5 C74 *=8E4AB8CH >5 "8==4B>C0 ">=0A27 >8=C +4=CDA4 0 2>;;01>A0C8E4 project to protect the monarch migration 8= C74 * ( 0==0 8B C74 CA08=8=6 0=3 >DCreach specialist for the Wisconsin School Garden Initiative and will discuss how schools can develop sustainable youth gardening projects. D4BC B?40:4AB 0=3 "0BC4A 0A34=4A volunteers will be available to answer @D4BC8>=B B> 1A8=6 0=H 60A34= @D4BC8>=B and plant, insect or disease specimens. Pressure cooker gauge test-checks will also be offered. "0BC4A 0A34=4A E>;D=C44AB F8;; 70E4 several displays and demonstrations including composting, vermicomposting, miniature gardens, landscape design, drip irrigation, rain barrels and others. )74 ?>?D;0A 70H F06>= A834B 0A>D=3 portions of the station property to view the crops and sheep research facilities F8;; 14 0E08;01;4 )74B4 B7>AC C>DAB F8;;

be scheduled throughout the evening and F8;; 14 ;43 1H %78; >;<0= <0=064A >5 the Spooner Ag Research Station. )74A4 F8;; 14 C0BC8=6 >5 C><0C>4B 0=3 other ripe produce, fresh tomato and fruit salsa and grilled vegetables. )74 (42>=3 ,8=3 (CA8=6 0=3 F8;; ?A>vide music out in the garden again this year. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the music. )74 )40278=6 0=3 8B?;0H 0A34= 8B 0= >5R280; ;; <4A820 (4;42C8>=B 38B?;0H garden and was awarded a second-place R=8B7 8=

0=3 0 RABC ?;024 R=8B7 8= 2014 in a national landscape design conC4BC B?>=B>A43 1H ( )74 2>=C4BC C74<4 for 2015 is Garden Geometry. Stop on out and see if you can identify the geometric B70?4B 8= C74 S>F4A 38B?;0H )74 ( display includes both award-winning S>F4AB 0=3 E464C01;4B Organic vegetable gardening methods 8=2;D38=6 0 *, "038B>= B?>=B>A43 >Aganic tomato and pepper trial will be fea-

CDA43 )74B4 C427=8@D4B 8=2;D34 DB8=6 mulches, cover crops, trellising, garden compost, composted manure and inte6A0C43 ?4BC <0=064<4=C )74A4 0A4 B4Eeral themed vegetable garden beds in addition to over 25 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. As in the past, there is no charge for this educational event. "0A: H>DA 20;4=30AB 8=E8C4 H>DA friends, neighbors and relatives and make C74 3A8E4 C> (?>>=4A >= )D4B30H D6

5A>< ? < D=C8; 3DB: )74 )40278=6 0=3 8B?;0H 0A34= 8B located on Orchard Lane, just east of (?>>=4A >= FH ,0C27 5>A 0A34= )>DA B86=B >A <>A4 8=5>A<0C8>= ?;40B4 contact Kevin Schoessow at

or , or online at spooner. ars.wisc.edu/events/twilight-gardentour/ or on Facebook at facebook.com/ spoonerag. — from UWEX

(. -! #. ) + (+&, - &)%

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Snapshots

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Photos by Greg Marsten

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Polk County Fair 2015 • 4-H artists

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Photos by Gary King

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Demo derby Photos by Marty Seeger

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Snapshots

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Photos by Gary King unless otherwise noted

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Snapshots

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Photos by Gary King

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Polk County Fair 2015 • ADRC centenarian recognition

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">A4 0A4 ;8E8=6 C> 14 8= %>;: >D=CH 0=3 F>A;3F834 >;34BC 0=3 >=;H <0= 7>=>A43 8B Gary King | Editor () '$ - !!( %>;: >D=CH 7>=>A43 8CB 28C8I4=B who have reached the magic 100-year mark during a spe280; 24A4<>=H 0C C74 %>;: >D=CH 08A >= A830H D;H

A total of 20 centenarians and/or their family members were honored, three of whom were in atten30=24 "0A60A4C %0D;B>= Dorothy Lee and Apolonia Scott. Others were honored via the reading of a special proclamation, and two who turned 100 during the past year died within the past few months. George Doll, the only man among those recognized, is 102, and will CDA= >= $2C (44 -A>- "1B1 05>1/@;> ;2 % 5028=6 ?064 5>A ?A>R;4B "* * C18/;910 @41 />;C0 ;2 >5 24=C4=0A80=B Statistics show that ap- -.;A@ 3-@41>10 2;> @41 /1> ?A>G8<0C4;H ?4A24=C 19;:E of those 100 or over are female, due to the delay for women in developing stroke and heart attack problems. )74A4 <0H 14 <>A4 centenarians among Polk County residents, but those honored represent those who could be located, according to 0AA84 "H4AB A4B>DA24 specialist with the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Northwest Wisconsin. O)74 24=C4=0A80=B F4 have the hardest time finding are those who -B1 !/ >-:1 .;->0 /4-5> ;2 still live in their own % ;2 "* * /5@10 05221>1:/1? 7><4 P "H4AB =>C43 5: @41 C;>80 5: -:0 @;0-E “We contact the assisted living and nursing home 5028;8C84B 8= %>;: >D=CH )78B 8B F74A4 F4 R=3 >DC 01>DC most of our centenarians.� Each centenarian at Friday’s ceremony received a F>>34= ?;0@D4 F8C7 0 ?A>2;0<0C8>= 5A>< BC0C4 (4= (748;0 0AB3>A5 0=3 BC0C4 '4? 30< 0A27>F 0 24AC8R20C4 5A>< the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin and the Polk County 08A 1>0A3 0 ;4CC4A 5A>< * ( (4= 0=4C 4F;4HQB >5R24 0 ;4CC4A 5A>< '4? (40= D55HQB >5R24 0=3 0 <430;;8>= 5A>< the fair board. Duffy was represented at the ceremony by district direcC>A 5>A C74 C7 >=6A4BB8>=0; 8BCA82C 4BB4 0AI0 O,4 F0=C C> C70=: H>D 24=C4=0A80=B 5>A C74 >??>Atunities we have now,� Garza said. “You are special to C74 C7 >=6A4BB8>=0; 8BCA82C P 4 =>C43 C70C C74 5434A0; spending back in 1915, when centenarians were born, was <8;;8>= 2><?0A43 C> CA8;;8>= C>30H 0;C7>D67 C>30HQB R6DA4 8B <>A4 C70= D55H F0=CB 8C C> 14 4 0;B> noted that centenarians have seen a lot of American hisC>AH )74H F4A4 H40AB >;3 F74= %40A; 0A1>A F0B 0Ctacked and Frank Sinatra was born in 1915, he added. 0E4 "2 A0=4 C74 1>0A3 2708A >5 ' >5 #>AC7F4BC Wisconsin, noted that the wage back in 1915 was 22 cents an hour and there were only 140 miles of paved road in C74 *=8C43 (C0C4B "2 A0=4 >554A43 >C74A 2><?0A8B>=B 0B well as congratulations to the centenarians. 0A27>F ?A4B4=C43 C74 ?;0@D4B 0=3 >554A43 ?4AB>=0; congratulations to the three centenarians in attendance. Laura Neve, director of ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin, welcomed the crowd of about 100 gathered for the ceremony and thanked the family members for their participation in the event. Dale Wood of the Polk County Fair Board also thanked those in attendance and noted the fair’s role in recognizing the 100-plus population.

>;C5:3 5: :A9.1> Following a worldwide trend, the number of centenarians honored each year at the Polk County Fair has grown dramatically. !0BC H40A C74A4 F0B 0 C>C0; >5

%>;: >D=CH 24=C4=0Aians honored. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the centenarian ?>?D;0C8>= 70B 6A>F= ?4A24=C >E4A C74 ;0BC C7A44 342034B C> 5A>< C> Globally, the 100-plus population has nearly doubled every decade since the 1950s, and a third of those born C>30H 0A4 4G?42C43 C> A4027 C74 064 >5 "4H4AB B083 B74 7>?4B C74 F>A3 8B 64CC8=6 >DC 01>DC ADRC’s recognition each year at the fair, so more people contact them with information about their centenarian relative.

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Centenarian recognition

Alice Velander

Born July 20, 1915, in Luck Alice lived most of her life in "8==40?>;8B "8== F74A4 B74 F>A:43 0C >=4HF4;; =2 5>A >E4A 40 years. She traveled many countries, with Norway being her favorite. She still has many relatives there. Alice has lived at Comforts >5 ><4 8= A434A82 5>A C74 ?0BC 11 years.

Dorothy Edgell

Born March 7, 1914, in St. Paul Dorothy grew up in Cush8=6 0=3 0CC4=343 (C A>8G 867 School and later became a teacher. (74 C0D67C 5>A H40AB (74 <0AA843 A43 364;; 0=3 A08B43 RE4 278;3A4= )74H ;8E43 8= 4=CDA80 Dorothy now lives at Comforts of ><4 8= (C A>8G 0;;B

Mabel Finch

Born Aug. 7, 1913, in Iowa "01;4 F0B 0= 022>D=C0=C 0=3 10=: C4;;4A 5C4A 74A RABC CF> 7DBbands passed away, she moved C> >;>A03> <0=068=6 0 ;8@D>A store, and married for a third time. She later lived with her kids and now she resides at Golden Age "0=>A 8= <4AH

Thelma Hintz

Born June 24, 1915, in Dawson, Minn.

)74;<0 F>A:43 0B 0 B27>>;teacher during her adult life, ending her career in Scandia, "8== (74 4=9>HB ?;0H8=6 A8364 and reading. She moved to Polk >D=CH B8G H40AB 06> 0=3 =>F resides at Christian Community ><4 8= $B24>;0

Apolonia Scott

Born Jan. 26, 1915, in Minneapolis Apolonia moved with her family to Clear Lake when she was in eighth grade. She later became a schoolteacher and taught for 10 years until she married Russell (2>CC )74H 50A<43 0=3 A0= 0 60B distribution business. Apolonia now lives at Riverbend Assisted Living.

Edith Mae Propp

Born Sept. 17, 1913, in Oconto Edith loved riding horses as a child. She became a teacher. She and her husband, Orville, lived in Green Bay. She has always enjoyed gardening, reading, sketching and making cards and books from her artwork. She now lives at Comforts >5 ><4

Mabel E. Yunker

July 27, 1913 - May 31, 2015 "014; 6A4F D? 8= "827860= (74 became a nurse. She married John .D=:4A 0=3 <>E43 C> <4AH )74H later lived in Dresser. She worked 5>A ( '" 5>A >E4A H40AB (74 loved the outdoors, sports, reading, 0=3 F0C278=6 )+

Dorothy Peterson

Born May 25, 1914, in Polk County Dorothy has lived in Polk County her entire life. She married Eric PeC4AB>= )74H 50A<43 >= 0 4=CDAH Farm homestead started by her grandfather. Dorothy enjoys music, sewing, gardening, cooking and attending and helping at the Polk County Fair.

Dorothy Lee

Born March, 21, 1915, in Eureka Dorothy graduated from St. A>8G 0;;B 867 (27>>; (74 <0AA843 4AC !44 8=

(74 F0B 0 stay-at-home mom, raising four children, gardening, canning and raising chickens. She loves sports, 7D=C8=6 0=3 RB78=6 (74 B7>C 74A last deer at age 92. She now lives 0C *=8C43 %8>=44A ><4 8= !D2:

Elvera Amundsen

Born April 4, 1915, in Bone Lake Elvera graduated from Fred4A82 867 (27>>; 5C4A 74A RABC 7DB10=3 3843 B74 <0AA843 >Fard Amundsen. She worked as a seamstress, custodian and cook and also drove for the aging program at Balsam Lake. Elvera credits her longevity to loving and knowing the Lord.

Margaret Paulson

Born May 4, 1915, in Malmo, Sweden

C 064 "0A60A4C 0=3 74A 50<ily sailed to America and settled 8= (C %0D; )74H ;0C4A <>E43 C> <4AH "0A60A4C <0AA843 4A14AC %0D;B>= )74H 50A<43 0=3 A08B43 seven children. She lived at home D=C8; 064 (74 =>F A4B834B 0C (>?784QB "0=>A 8= 4=CDA80

Theoline Isaacson

Born Jan. 11, 1915, in Dressser )74>;8=4 ;8E43 <>BC >5 74A ;854 in Amery. She married Bert Isaacson. She worked at NW Federal Savings and Loan Association for <0=H H40AB )74>;8=4 BC8;; A4B834B in her home in Amery, wintering 8= )4G0B 8= 74A 7><4 C74A4 (74 still enjoys dancing, taking walks, reading and her family.

Dorothy Miller

Born July 2, 1915, in Nye >A>C7H <>E43 C> "8==40?>;8B 0C 064

(74 ;0C4A 9>8=43 C74 '43 Cross, traveling many countries. After WWII she worked in Saudi A0180 5>A H40AB (74 1420<4 0 ?A>54BB8>=0; ?7>C>6A0?74A 4A work is displayed at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. She =>F ;8E4B 0C ><5>ACB >5 ><4

Helen Glaim

October 11, 1914 - July 11, 2015 4;4= 6A4F D? 8= (>DC7 0:>C0 She became a beautician. She married Selmer Sam Glaim and after raising their two children, she became a licensed practical nurse. She and her husband enjoyed the outdors and traveling.

Marjorie Olson

Born June 10, 1915, in Osceola "0A9>A84 F>A:43 8= 0 502C>AH during WWII. She enjoyed gardening and sold her cucumbers for pickles. She enjoyed dancing, especially barn dances. She is very proud of her Irish heritage.

Violet Monson

Born March 10, 1913, in Polk County

+8>;4C 6A4F D? 8= (C A>8G 0;;B (74 <0AA843 =6>;5 ">=B>= )74H ;8E43 >= 0 50A< 0=3 703 RE4 278;dren. She worked as a cook for <0=H H40AB 8=2;D38=6 0C C74 "8;; == 05J +8>;4C 2DAA4=C;H A4B834B 0C >>3 (0<0A8C0= #DAB8=6 ><4 8= (C A>8G 0;;B

George Doll

Born Oct. 18, 1912, in Perham, Minn.

George married Joyce Wyman 5A>< $B24>;0 8= 4 B4AE43 8= WWII and was taken as a prisoner >5 F0A 4 F0B 0F0A343 C74 A>=I4 (C0A 4 F>A:43 5>A C74 <4AH A44 %A4BB 4 2DAA4=C;H ;8E4B F8C7 78B 30D67C4A 4 0CCA81DC4B 78B 740;C7 and longevity to God and garlic, in that order!

Irene Simon

Born Jan. 15, 1915, in Polk County Irene lived most of her life 8= <4AH (74 <0AA843 "8;C>= Simon. She attended business school and later worked for the school district and the city. She =>F ;8E4B 0C >;34= 64 "0=>A

Doris Rudell

Born Aug. 13, 1914, in South Dakota

Doris was raised in River Falls and became a teacher. She and her husband had nine children. She taught English at Frederic School District and also directed plays. Doris enjoys music, poetry, gardening and playing Scrabble.

Sophie Czyscon Skiba

Born May 4, 1913, in Minneapolis Sophie grew up in Wisconsin, the child of Polish immigrants. She learned to speak English in school and then taught her siblings. She <0AA843 ,0;C4A (:810 )74H 703 three children. She lived at home until she was nearly 100 years old. She now lives at Christian Com<D=8CH ><4B 8= $B24>;0

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Photos by Amanda Halek

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Revival meetings set at Danbury # *'. M )4AAH 0=3 4AAH ;4E4=64A 0A4 A4CDA=ing to Danbury this weekend to hold revival meetings A830H D6 0=3 (0CDA30H D6 Come join the Clevengers to seek the Lord for a greater >DC?>DA8=6 A4;40B4 >5 78B 6;>AH 0=3 >5 78B >;H (?8A8C )748A <8=8BCAH A40274B ?4>?;4 0C C748A 6A40C4BC =443 F8C7 2><?0BB8>= F8B3>< 0=3 :=>F;4364 )74 ;4E4=64AB will also pray for people’s needs physically, emotionally, spiritually and supernaturally. %0BC>AB )>< 0=3 '>B84 4A=84A 5A>< (DAA4=34A ,>AB78? "8=8BCA84B F8;; ;403 F>AB78? )74 <44C8=6B F8;; 14 74;3 A830H 0C ? < 0=3 (0CDA30H 0C 0=3 ? < 0C C74 0=1DAH )>F= 0;; >A 5DAC74A 8=5>A<0C8>= 20;; 42:H "2 >=:4H 0C submitted

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leadernewsroom.com editor@leadernewsroom.com

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Snapshots

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Helping neighbors Jean Koelz|Staff writer ( ' #N,78;4 <0=H 5>;:B 703 0;A403H BC0AC43 24;41A0C8=6 C74 Fourth of July weekend with family and friends, members of the Lions Club were out working. In a signature act of both kindness and community service, some of the local Lions picked up C748A 70<<4AB >= A830H D;H 0=3 1D8;C 0 70=3820? 0224BB81;4 ramp at the home of recent amputee Donna Winberg. O Q< 9DBC B> C70=:5D; P B083 ,8=14A6 F7>B4 A0<? 4GC4=3B from her back door to the rest of her deck and her backyard. “I want to make sure the Lions get credit.� Since its formation in 1969, the Siren Lions Club has raised and donated well over a million dollars. According to its website, the group contributes its success to having a widely talented and 343820C43 6A>D? >5 <4= ">A4 8=5>A<0C8>= 01>DC C74 !8>=B 20= be found at e-clubhouse.org/sites/sirenwi.

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Lawrence “Pup� Robert Denn

William “Bill� Otto Wagner

Judith A. (Nyberg) Johnson

Lawrence “Pup� Robert Denn, 61, of Frederic, Wis., ?0BB43 0F0H D;H 0C *=8C43 >B?8C0; (C %0D; "8== 05C4A 0 ;>=6 1>DC >5 D=3806=>B43 8;;=4BB !0FA4=24 F0B 1>A= $2C 8= 0BC8=6B "8== a son of William “Bill� and Josephine Gertrude “Phine� =44 '4DC4A 4== = "0A27 >5 C74 50<8;H <>E43 C> C74 )A034 !0:4 0A40 F74A4 C74H 4=9>H43 ;8E8=6 >= 0 small private lake. Lawrence worked many years with his brothers, Denn >=BCAD2C8>= 0=3 ;0C4A F8C7 78B 2>DB8= 4 F>A:43 8=stalling drywall, did interior plaster and painting, and 0;B> BCD22> 4 F0B ;0C4A 4<?;>H43 1A84SH F8C7 (C>:4;HQB 140= 502C>AH 8= A434A82 4 F>A:43 8=34?4=34=C;H doing odd jobs for a time. Pup loved being outdoors and enjoyed hunting and RB78=6 4 A08B43 2782:4=B 0=3 F0B ?A>D3 >5 78B 60A34= something he learned from the “master� of gardening, 78B 50C74A 4 ;>E43 0=8<0;B 4B?4280;;H 3>6B 0=3 703 them all his life. Pup loved to cook, and learned from the 14BC C70C 148=6 78B <>C74A 4 ;>E43 <0:8=6 7><4<034 pizza and french fries, and his nieces and nephew en9>H43 40C8=6 ?;4=CH >5 1>C7 4 703 0 B4=B4 >5 7D<>A 0=3 loved to tease. Pup also professed a love for the Lord and gave Christ the credit for bringing him through many 70A3B78?B 8= 78B ;854 4 703 C74 34B8A4 C> 14 10?C8I43 and had started a Bible study for this. Lawrence was preceded in death by his father, Bill, in (4?C4<14A 0=3 78B <>C74A >B4?78=4 >= "0A27 >5 C78B H40A 0;B> 1A>C74AB ,8;;80< 4== 0=3 48C7 R. Denn. Pup took loving care of his mother after Bill passed, and the last few years of her life he was faithful to visit her almost every day when she went into the nursing home. %D? 8B BDAE8E43 1H 78B B8BC4A %0CA8280 0AH 4=34A 0=3 CF> 1A>C74AB )7><0B , 4== 0=3 70A;4B 4== as well as numerous nieces and nephews and their families. A memorial service honoring the life of Lawrence O%D?P 4== F8;; 14 74;3 >= A830H D6 0C ? < at the Frederic Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Frederic, F8C7 %0BC>A >7= '43;827 >5R280C8=6 )74A4 F8;; 0;B> 14 0 <4<>A80; E8B8C0C8>= >= (D=30H D6 5A>< C> ? < 0C ,8B4 0<8;H D=4A0; ><4 (?A8=6B (C 0BC8=6B "8== =C4A<4=C F8;; 14 0C !0:4B834 4<4C4AH 8= 0BCings. Arrangements have been entrusted with Swedberg )0H;>A D=4A0; ><4 0=3 A4<0C8>= (4AE824B A0=CB1DA6 ,8B $=;8=4 2>=3>;4=24B <0H 14 4G?A4BB43 0C swedberg-taylor.com.

,8;;80< O 8;;P $CC> ,06=4A >5 (74;; !0:4 ?0BB43 0F0H >= A830H D;H

8;; <0AA843 C74 ;>E4 >5 78B ;854 A4=4 >= $2C at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oshkosh, Wis. Bill was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army Air Force as a sergeant and communications chief in 1949. Bill was very passionate about his education and received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from "0A@D4CC4 *=8E4AB8CH >= D=4

$E4A C74 H40AB 8;; 0=3 A4=4 A4B8343 8= "8;F0D:44 A44=R4;3 0=3 $B7 :>B7 ,8B 5C4A H40AB >5 B4AE824 0C 4=4A0; ">C>AB Corporation, Bill retired. Bill and Irene then spent several years in their home on Rooney Lake Road near Spooner, Wis., before later moving to the Glenview Assisted Living in Shell Lake, Wis., in 2012. Bill served on the board of directors for the PolkBurnett Cooperative and as an avid member, choir participant and endowment fund adviser for the Lakeside !DC74A0= 7DA27 8= ,41BC4A ,8B 8B >C74A 7>1184B 8=2;D343 3D2: 7D=C8=6 1D8;38=6 40C7 8CB 0=3 5DAC74A8=6 his education. Bill was preceded in death by his wife of 66 years, Irene Wagner; parents, Frank and Amalia Wagner; brother, Frank L. Wagner; sisters, Lenora Jorgensen and Anita Nimmer. 8;; 8B BDAE8E43 1H 78B B8BC4A "HAC;4 =6;4 B?4280; nephew, Darrick “Rick� Kolterjohn; special friend, Del Cottrell; and many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. A0C8CD34 8B 4GC4=343 C> C74 20A8=6 BC055 0C ;4=E84F Assisted Living in Shell Lake, Wis. Bill and Irene were very appreciative of the care they received and often said they couldn’t have found a better place to be. D=4A0; B4AE824B 5>A 8;; F8;; 14 74;3 >= )7DAB30H D6 6, at 11 a.m., with visitation from 10-11 a.m., at Lakeside Community Lutheran Church in Webster, with Pastor 8;; (7A>434A >5R280C8=6 =C4A<4=C F8;; 14 74;3 0C C74 #>AC74A= ,8B2>=B8= +4C4A0=B "4<>A80; 4<4C4AH 8= Spooner. Arrangements were entrusted to Swedberg)0H;>A D=4A0; ><4 ,41BC4A $=;8=4 2>=3>;4=24B <0H 14 4G?A4BB43 0C BF4314A6 C0H;>A 2><

D38C7 D3H >7=B>= >5 (8A4= ,8B ?0BB43 away on Aug. 4, 2015, from ovarian cancer. She was born >= "0H C> 0A; 0=3 "0A9>A84 Nyberg in Cumberland, Wis. D3H 6A03D0C43 5A>< (8A4= 867 (27>>; 8= 0=3 0CC4=343 *, !0 A>BB4 <>E8=6 C> C74 )F8= 8C84B C> work before returning to Siren. She worked at various occupations in Siren until accepting a position with First Bank of Grantsburg, now U.S. Bank, and worked her way up to branch manager. She retired in 2004 after >E4A H40AB >5 B4AE824 (74 F0B 0;B> C74 CA40BDA4A 5>A C74 )>F= >5 (8A4= 5>A H40AB = A424=C H40AB B74 703 worked part time at Best Western Northwoods Lodge and was currently employed by Inter-County CooperaC8E4 %D1;8B78=6 BB>280C8>= 8= C74 (8A4= >5R24 Judy was very active in the Siren community, being involved in many organizations such as the Siren Lioness Club, Siren Senior Center, serving on the board at ( B4AE8=6 >= C74 03E8B>AH 1>0A3 5>A ' "0A27 of Dimes, Salvation Army, Selective Service, member of Siren Covenant Church and was a primary contact for the Siren tornado relief efforts. She also served as conservator and guardian for numerous residents in town. She enjoyed serving and helping people in the community. Judy loved animals, from her raccoons when she was young to the many dogs and other animals through the years, always having her “Angel� at her side. She loved spending time with family and friends along with gar34=8=6 RB78=6 0=3 2>>:8=6 D3H <0AA843 ,0H=4 >7=B>= >= "0H 0C C74 (8A4= *=8C43 "4C7>38BC 7DA27 Judy was preceded in death by her parents, Earl and "0A9>A84 #H14A6 0=3 8=50=C B8BC4A %0<4;0 Judy is survived by her husband, Wayne K. Johnson >5 (8A4= B>= )>33 74AH; >7=B>= >5 (CA40<F>>3 ;; 30D67C4A 8<14A;H ;4= )0;<0364 >5 A434A82 6A0=3children, David, Cara and Jeremy Johnson of StreamF>>3 ;; "0CC74F 4==0 )0;<0364 >5 DBC8= "8== 0=3 02>1 )0;<0364 >5 34= %A08A84 "8== B8BC4A 8= ;0F 40= '>14AC ,78CF0< >5 0D ;08A4 ,8B =8424 !H== >= ;><BCA0=3 >5 <4AH ,8B =4?74FB '0=3H 0=3 (2>CC >>E4A 0;>=6 F8C7 <0=H 2;>B4 2>DB8=B 0=3 5A84=3B <4<>A80; B4AE824 F8;; 14 74;3 0C ? < A830H D6 0C (8A4= >E4=0=C 7DA27 F8C7 %0BC>A (C4E4 ,0A3 >5R280C8=6 +8B8C0C8>= F8;; 14 0C ? < AA0=64<4=CB F4A4 4=CADBC43 C> (F4314A6 )0H;>A D=4A0; ><4

The Leader is a cooperativeowned newspaper.


Certain Times In Life Require A Personal Touch

02: (E4314@6 #>=C<4=B #0@:4@ )0;4A %0B@82: ! )0G;>@ %E=4@ 8@42B>@ 4==8A , 7@8AB80=A>= 8@42B>@

We can help with • Prearrangements • Traditional Services • On-Site Crematory • Cemetery Monuments • Online obituaries can be seen at Swedberg-Taylor.com

Swedberg Taylor Family Funeral Homes and Crematory Grantsburg: 715-463-6700 Siren: 715-349-4800 Webster: 715-866-7131

Just know that Tom & Sue Holmquist, Jasmine & Wyatt Holmquist, Robert (Caitlin Ayd), Kendra & Serina Drake are all forever filled with gratitude. 632229 51Lp 41ap


Turn Your Feelings Into Flowers



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!"#$%&'() Thank you for all your prayers and kind words for our Mother, Luella Hochstetler. All the cards and gifts were very much appreciated. Thanks to the staff at Luck Pioneer Home for such excellent care of our Mother.

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The Family of Luella Hochstetler



To the Marines as well as Swedberg Taylor Funeral Home, we really appreciate your acts of kindness and helping hand for our family during/after the funeral service. It was comforting to us to know these details were in your hands. Thanks again to all those that served and made us all safe at the funeral. The Marine family is a strong family and went above and beyond taking care of all our families needs. The turnout for this funeral was above and beyond any of our expectations, and thank you for your thoughtfulness and special cards you sent during this time as well as those who came to our homes with various hugs and sustenance. We appreciate it so much! We have also received your emails and are thankful for your thoughts and support for our families during this difficult time. The Holmquist families would like to take this opportunity to express our sincerest appreciation for the thoughtfulness presented to us and all the love we have been given during our time of bereavement. We are so blessed to live in such a loving community that filled our world with positivity in this less than positive time in all of our lives. Carson was a great son, husband, father and friend to many people, all of whom are grateful to have had him in their lives. In Summary: Perhaps you sent a lovely card or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent those beautiful flowers, that we saw sitting there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say. Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts we thank you so much.

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Roberta “Robin� L. Kunshier

Kathaleen “Kay� Mabry

'>14AC0 O'>18=P !40 #4;B>= D=B784A >5 (C A>8G 0;;B ,8B ?0BB43 0F0H ?40245D;;H 0C 74A 7><4 >= D;H '>18= F0B 1>A= 8= !03HB<8C7 ,8B >= ?A8;

(74 F0B 0 ;>E8=6 6A0=3<>C74A mother, aunt and sister. She enjoyed music, dancing, soap operas, puzzles, crosswords and spending time with family and friends. Robin was preceded in death by )74>3>A4 0=3 "04 #4;B>= (74 8B BDAE8E43 1H "82:H 0=3 4=4 Clover, of Centuria, Wis., Jeffrey KueCC4; >5 (C A>8G 0;;B ,8B 40==0 0=3 A03 '0B<DBB4= >5 A4BB4A ,8B "0CC74F 0=3 (70D=0 Wheeler, of Frederic, and Dustin and Abbey Wheeler of Osceola; seven grandchildren; and boyfriend John Casey. <4<>A80; B4AE824 F8;; 14 74;3 (0CDA30H D6

a.m., at the Osceola Community Church.

Carol Zamudio

0C70;44= O 0HP "01AH >5 0;B0< !0:4 ,8B ?0BB43 0F0H ?40245D;;H D;H 0C C74 <4AH >Bpital. 0H F0B 1>A= 8= <4AH >= "0A27

C> ;<4A 0=3 A4=4 0A;B>= 0H F0B C74 >;34BC >5 B8G 278;3A4= 0H 6A4F D? 8= C74 ;0HC>= '0=64 )DAC;4 Lake area graduating from Clayton 867 (27>>; 8= 5C4A 7867 B27>>; she went to work for an insurance company in St. Paul. In 1949 Kay met and married the ;>E4 >5 74A ;854 ;<4A "01AH = 05C4A C74 2><?;4tion of Elmer’s education at River Falls, they moved back C> C74 50<8;H 50A< 9DBC >DCB834 >5 0;B0< !0:4 )> C78B union four children were born. After raising the children, Kay went back to school at New Richmond and C74= F4=C C> F>A: 0C C74 %>;: >D=CH )A40BDA4AQB $5R24 and retired in 1990. 0H F0B 0 E4AH 02C8E4 <4<14A >5 C74 >;H )A8=8CH *=8C43 "4C7>38BC 7DA27 8=2;D38=6 ;4038=6 C74 H>DC7 6A>D? F74= C74 :83B F4A4 H>D=6 0H F0B 0 ;4034A and shared many of her talents teaching knitting, sewing, @D8;C8=6 0=3 10:8=6 Kay and Elmer always enjoyed traveling with family and friends all over the world. Some of Kay’s interests and activities included snowmobiling, playing cards, oldC8<4 30=28=6 B@D0A4 30=28=6 F>A:8=6 2A>BBF>A3 ?DII;4B (D3>:D 60A34=8=6 5AD8CB E464C01;4B 0=3 S>F4AB Kay enjoyed following her children and grandchildren’s many school activities over the years. In Kay’s retirement years there was always something fresh baked for anyone who stopped in to have coffee and talk. Kay enjoyed good health until the very end of life, and she was greatly loved and will be sadly missed by her friends and family. Kay leaves to celebrate her memory her husband, ;<4A "01AH 0;B0< !0:4 278;3A4= A03 0A1 "01AH (C A>8G 0;;B 0C7H '8270A3 !8?:0 >D1;4 $0: )4G0B "0A: >==0 "01AH 0;B0< !0:4 0=3 0=4C "01AH <4AH 6A0=3278;3A4= (70==>= !8?:0 A8464; H;4 !8?:0 42:H B34= AD=4CC4 A80= "01AH A8= "01AH "8C27 D;E4A 11H 0:4 !>4= 0=3 8< D;E4A great-grandchildren, Aiden Kriegel, Owen and Colten AD=4CC4 B81;8=6B 8< (78A;4H 0A;B>= 4==8B (70A>= 0A;B>= 0=3 >==84 4AAH %4C4AB>= B8BC4AB 8= ;0F !4C0 0A;B>= E8B "01AH 8G84 0ABC>= 0=3 80=0 70A;84 )4=3AD? 1A>C74A 8= ;0F >=0;3 !>A4CC0 "01AH 0=3 many other loving family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Elmer and A4=4 0A;B>= B8BC4A 70A;>CC4 #H@D8BC 0=3 74A 7DB10=3 Bob; brother, Gene Carlson; great-grandson, Quinten AD=4CC4 50C74A 0=3 <>C74A 8= ;0F ;<4A 0=3 )74;<0 "01AH 0=3 >C74A 8= ;0FB )43 "01AH 4A; 0=3 4A= "01AH 0=3 !4'>H 0ABC>= )74 5D=4A0; B4AE824 5>A 0H F0B 74;3 0C C74 >;H )A8=8CH *=8C43 "4C7>38BC 7DA27 4=CDA80 >= (0CDA30H D6

%0BC>A A43384 8A: >5R280C43 (74 F0B ;083 C> A4BC 0C the Balsam Lake Cemetery following the funeral. Casket bearers were her grandchildren, Shannon Lipka Kriegel, H;4 !8?:0 42:H AD=4CC4 A80= "01AH A8= "01AH "8C27 D;E4A 11H !>4= 0=3 8< D;E4A )74 >;BC03 0<8;H D=4A0; ><4 >5 4=CDA80 F0B 4=trusted with arrangements.

0A>; /0<D38> ?0BB43 0F0H ?40245D;;H 0C (C A>8G '468>=0; "43820; 4=C4A >= D;H 0C ? < Carol was a graduate of Roos4E4;C 867 (27>>; 8= "8==40?>;8B "8== (74 F0B ?A>D34BC >5 her work for the Denver Police in their records department and the H40AB B74 B?4=C 0B 0= 4G>C82 30=24A She was loved strongly and reverently by her surviving family, which consists of a sister, Dona Wright of A4<4AC>= ,0B7 74A 30D67C4A +82:8 DAC>= 0=3 74A 7DB10=3 "0A: DAC>= >5 !D2: ,8B 74A B>= "82704; ,8=6 >5 (>DC7 %03A4 )4G0B 0=3 74A B>= )4AAH >7027 >5 0;85>A=80 (74 0;B> 703 6A0=3278;3A4= F7> ;>E43 74A 340A;H 0==07 0=3 !0DA0 0;AH<?;4 >5 >>= '0?83B "8== 0=3 0 6A40C 6A0=330D67C4A 30;ynn Stenger. She also has two grandchildren in California. She will be sorely missed.

Mabel E. Yunker

"014; ;8I014C7 +>64; .D=:4A >5 $B24>;0 ,8B ?0BB43 0F0H ?40245D;;H >= "0H

0C $B24>;0 "43ical Center. "014; F0B 1>A= D;H

0=3 A08B43 8= )A4=0AH "827 (74 703 RE4 brothers, Edward, Orville, George, ,0;;H 0=3 >B4?7 0=3 >=4 B8BC4A "DA84; (74 6A03D0C43 5A>< )A4=0AH 867 (27>>; 8= 0=3 0CC4=343 =DAB4B CA08=8=6 0C (C >B4?7QB >B?8C0; (27>>; of Nursing, Elgin, Ill., and graduated 8= (74 1420<4 0 A468BC4A43 =DAB4 >= #>E (74 F>A:43 0C (C >B4?7QB >B?8C0; 0=3 (74A<0= >B?8C0; 5>A C74 =4GC CF> H40AB Soon afterward, she met and married John Yunker 8= )74H <>E43 C> <4AH ,8B 0=3 ;8E43 >= C74 .D=:4A 50<8;H 50A< "014; F>A:43 5>A B4E4A0; H40AB 0B 0 ?A8E0C4 =DAB4 8= C74 <4AH $B24>;0 0=3 (C A>8G 0;;B area. = B74 0=3 >7= <>E43 C> A4BB4A ,8B >7= F0B 0 20A?4=C4A 0=3 4G20E0C8=6 2>=CA02C>A "014; F>A:43 0B 0 A468BC4A43 =DAB4 0C (C A>8G '468>=0; "43820; 4=C4A 5A>< (74 C74= 3428343 C> A4C8A4 05C4A 0 A4F0A38=6 343820C43 H40AB >5 B4AE824 "014; 703 >=4 BC4?B>= 82: .D=:4A 0=3 70B B8G 6A0=3278;3A4= >7= 8< D3H !8=30 '827 0=3 4834

6A40C 6A0=3278;3A4=

6A40C 6A40C 6A0=3278;3A4= 0=3 B4E4A0; =8424B 0=3 =4?74FB F7> ;8E4 8= C74 (C A>8G Dresser area, Elgin, Ill., and surrounding area, and St. Germain, Wis. "014; F0B 0= 0E83 3>F=78;; 0=3 F0C4A B:84A (74 0=3 John spent many summer weekends at their trailer on Deer Lake where they entertained family and friends and taught the nieces, nephews and grandchildren the joy of F0C4AB:88=6 (74 ;>E43 S>F4AB 1>F;8=6 6>;R=6 ?;0H8=6 20A3B 60A34=8=6 CA0E4;8=6 F0C278=6 )+ A4038=6 and going to coffee breaks at Louie’s Inn and the Chisago >DB4 "014; F0B ?A424343 8= 340C7 1H 74A ?0A4=CB 7DB10=3 RE4 1A>C74AB >=4 B8BC4A 0=3 B?4280; 5A84=3 >7= >F4H She lived at the Royal Oaks, Osceola, Wis., for the past nine years. A beautiful family memorial service was held >= D;H 0C %0=>;0 4<4C4AH (7054A "8== )74 '4E Daniel Bodin of St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Forest Lake, "8== >5R280C43 >==84 47A4=10274A %4C4 %4C4AB>= John F. Schmidt, 59, Siren, Wis., passed away after a

H40A R67C F8C7 20=24A >= (D=30H D6 and Warren Petryk provided music. John was born Dec. 11, 1955, in Cumberland, Wis., C> ,8;;80< 0=3 "0A8;H== 45CH (27<83C 4 6A4F D? >= 78B ?0A4=CB dairy farm, west of Clam Falls, Wis., "0A684 'H0= >5 A434A82 ,8B ?0BB43 0F0H (0CDA- attending Frederic schools and gradu0C43 8= 30H D6 0C ><5>ACB >5 ><4 8= A434A82 +8B8C0C8>= F8;; 14 74;3 )7DAB30H D6 5A>< C> 4 F>A:43 0 54F 9>1B 145>A4 B4C? < 0C '>F4 D=4A0; ><4 8= A434A82 A>B0AH ?A0H4A tling in at Ed’s Auto Body, where he F>A:43 5>A H40AB 4 0;B> C>>: >E4A B4AE824 F8;; 14 74;3 0C ? < 0C C74 5D=4A0; 7><4 )74 5D=4A0; "0BB F8;; 14 74;3 0C (C ><8=82 0C7>;82 78B 303QB 308AH 50A< 8= C74 <83 B 7DA27 8= A434A82 >= A830H D6 0C

0 < F8C7 until 1991 and then continued to have 0C74A 4==8B "D;;4= >5R280C8=6 )78B B4AE824 F8;; 14 ?A4- beef cows and farm the land. 24343 1H >=4 7>DA E8B8C0C8>= 1468==8=6 0C 0 < "0A684 >7= <0AA843 !0DA0 ! (:8==4A >= D=4 )74H F8;; 14 ;083 C> A4BC 0C (C ><8=82 0C7>;82 4<4C4AH =4GC lived east of Siren on her great-great-grandfather’s farm, F74A4 C74H A08B43 C7A44 B>=B )>64C74A C74H B?4=C <0=H to her husband, Jim, following the service. An online guestbook is available at rowefh.com. Rowe 7>DAB 0CC4=38=6 C74 C7A44 1>HB B?>AC8=6 0=3 4E4=CB D=4A0; ><4 8= A434A82 ,8B 8B 4=CADBC43 F8C7 5D=4A0; John loved to deer hunt, was in the trap and pool leagues, and loved spending time with family, especially 0AA0=64<4=CB his grandchildren. >7= 8B BDAE8E43 1H 78B F854 !0DA0 78B B>=B !>A8= 4BB820 >5 A434A82 ,8B 4E8= 4BB820 >5 A434A82 ,8B and Ryan of Webster, Wis.; grandchildren, Jonathon, Anna, Evan, Nathan, Lilly, Rylie, Bradon, Kaleb, Alayna, '8270A3 ' 07;BCA>< >5 !4F8B <>E43 >= A424=C;H )D2:4A 0=3 DBC8= 78B 303 ,8;;80< 1A>C74AB >=0;3 to his “ham radio in the sky.� !0DA84 AD24 7A8B 48C7 "8274;;4 0=3 ,0AA4= '82: 8B BDAE8E43 1H 78B 30D67C4AB 8=0 0=3 ">;;H RE4 0=4 B8BC4A ;824 <0=H =8424B =4?74FB 0D=CB D=2;4B 6A0=3278;3A4= 1A>C74AB )>< 0=3 '0H 0=3 B8BC4A 0H;4 and cousins. 4 8B 0;B> BDAE8E43 1H C74 01B>;DC4 ;>E4 >5 78B ;854 >B84 4 F0B ?A424343 8= 340C7 1H 78B <>C74A "0A8;H== O’Connel. brother, Carl; and grandparents. 4 F0B ?A424343 8= 340C7 1H 78B ?0A4=CB 0=3 B8BC4A A memorial service honoring John will be held Friday, Ginger. D6 0C =>>= F8C7 E8B8C0C8>= 5A>< 0 < M =>>= 0C )74A4 F8;; 14 0 24;41A0C8>= >5 '82:QB ;854 0C C74 !4F8B Bethany Lutheran Church in Siren, with Pastor Paul Pe+ , >= (0CDA30H (4?C )74A4 F8;; 14 => >C74A C4AB>= >5R280C8=6 54;;>FB78? ;D=274>= F8;; 5>;;>F services or arrangements.

John F. Schmidt

Margie D. Ryan

Richard R. Dahlstrom

Randall Raymond Olson '0=30;; '0H<>=3 $;B>= >5 DB78=6 ,8B ?0BB43 away at his home on Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015, with his loving family at his side. '0=30;; F0B 1>A= >= #>E in Wausau, Wis., the son of Raymond and Opal Olson. Randy spent most of his younger H40AB 6A>F8=6 D? 8= 4A>= "8== 8B sophomore year, the family moved back to the family farm in Cushing to farm with Unc. Randy grew up with CF> 1A>C74AB 0;4 0=3 "0A;H= 4 <0AA843 0A>;H= )7><?B>= 8= )74H 703 >=4 child, Shane, who gave Randy and Carolyn four wonder5D; 6A0=3278;3A4= (74;3>= )>=H !D:84 0=3 (0384 (74;3>= 60E4 '0=3H 0=3 0A>;H= RE4 6A40C 6A0=3278;3A4= Logan, Connor, Jayden, Brice and Carter. A graveside service and burial of cremains will be held at a later date in Cushing. )74 >;BC03 0<8;H D=4A0; ><4 >5 4=CDA80 70B been entrusted with arrangements.

Frank Theodore Huberty Jr. A0=: )74>3>A4 D14ACH A >5 4=H>= ,8B ?0BB43 0F0H D6 0C 8BCA82C $=4 >B?8C0; 0A810D;C "8== A0=: F0B 1>A= D6

8= (C %0D; "8== C74 B>= >5 A0=28B 0=3 "0A84 )78;; D14ACH A0=: 0CC4=343 school in St. Paul and at the age of 14 began working for the city of St. Paul. 4 F0B D=8C43 8= <0AA8064 C> 4E4A;H Ann Johnson on Dec. 1, 1951, at St. 6=4B 7DA27 8= (C %0D; )74 2>D?;4 ;8E43 8= E0A8>DB ?;024B 8=2;D38=6 "8;;C>F= ,8B 0=3 A0=CB1DA6 ,8B )74 couple later moved to Kenyon, where Frank worked at >;32A05C 4 ;0C4A F>A:43 0B 0 1>8;4A >?4A0C>A 5>A C74 20==8=6 502C>AH 8= 1>C7 4=H>= 0=3 $F0C>==0 4 C74= began working as a boiler operator and head custodian for the Kenyon School District. Beverly passed away "0H Frank loved to socialize with friends downtown and B?4=C <0=H 30HB E8B8C8=6 0C 4;3 74EA>;4C 4 4=joyed reading the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and when they stopped delivering to Kenyon, he’d drive to Faribault C> ?82: D? C74 ?0?4A 4 0;B> ;8:43 C> 3> B<0;; ?A>942CB around the house. 4 8B BDAE8E43 1H 78B 278;3A4= 40==8=4 D14ACH >5 4=H>= (C4E4= 4AAH D14ACH >5 %8=4 >;> 7A8BC8=4 40= 0A;B>= >5 DB78=6 ,8B 0=3 0E83 (74AH; D14ACH >5 4;;4 %;08=4 4867C 6A0=3278;3A4= RE4 6A40C 6A0=3278;3A4= 78B B81;8=6B >= "8364 D14ACH >5 (C %0D; !4>=0A3 0A1 D14ACH >5 (C %0D; 0C7;44= '0;?7 D<>=3 >5 "4=3>C0 4867CB "8== 4A0;38=4 !0<1027 >5 =E4A A>E4 4867CB "8== >4 D14ACH >5 '4<4A "0AH (74AAH ;0A4 >5 #H4 ,8B 0=3 0=3 '0H 0=8C7 D14ACH >5 '8E4A 0;;B ,8B 0=3 CF> B?4280; ( BCD34=CB C70C ;8E43 F8C7 C74 D14ACHB F78;4 BCD3H8=6 0C 4=H>= 867 (27>>; %4A 5A>< (F434= 0=3 4;4= from Iceland. 4 F0B ?A424343 8= 340C7 1H 78B F854 4E4A;H 78B ?0Aents; a brother and a sister. )74A4 F8;; 14 0 A424?C8>= 0=3 4;41A0C8>= >5 !854 5>A A0=: >= ">=30H D6 5A>< ? < 0C "82704;B>= D=4A0; ><4 4=H>= B7>AC A4<4<1A0=24 B4AE824 F8;; 1468= 0C ? < 0C "82704;B>= D=4A0; ><4 4=H>= F8C7 C74 '4E #0=2H 3F0A3B>= >5R280C8=6 DA80; F8;; 14 8= C74 4=H>= 4<4C4AH "4<>A80;B 0A4 ?A454AA43 C> C74 4=H>= +4C4A0=B "4<>A80; %0A:

Patricia Ann Gillum %0CA8280 == 8;;D< >5 AHBC0; "8== 5>A<0;;H >5 ,41BC4A ,8B ?0BB43 0F0H D6 Arrangements are pending at this time. Arrange<4=CB F4A4 4=CADBC43 C> (F4314A6 )0H;>A D=4A0; ><4 ,41BC4A ,8B $=;8=4 2>=3>;4=24B 0C BF4314A6 taylor.com.

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(% " *& Needed rain


he raspberry crop in my neighbor’s garden started strong. Big, 9D82H BF44C 14AA84B R;;43 <H 60;;>= ?08;B )74= C74 ;02: >5 A08= 0;<>BC brought the crop to an end, the berries turning smaller, harder and less abundant. Other varieties of berries are also suffering from dryness. I picture them crying out for moisture, panting like thirsty dogs. We would too if we went without daily drinks of water, our most needed substance for life. We also need the Living Water of Christ to keep us spiritually hydrated and fruitful. Jesus asked a woman at a well in Samaria one day for a drink of F0C4A 4 4G?;08=43 C> 74A C70C 0=H>=4

@1>:-8 <1>?<1/@5B1? Sally Bair drinking of the well water would thirst 0608= >F4E4A 74 C>;3 74A O L F7>ever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into ev ev4A;0BC8=6 ;854 P >7=

)74 F><0= 703 3AD=: >5 C74 F0C4AB of unclean living. When she discovered the living water, she couldn’t wait to

Set boundaries before neighbor kids visit

hood parents, keep in mind that this can be a great time to learn more about them, their backgrounds, their perspectives on life and their basic values. Discuss the Q: It seems every kid on the block limits you set for your kids behavior and hangs out at our house. We have stricter R=3 >DC 85 C74HQA4 >= C74 B0<4 ?064 5 rules than most parents on our street C74H 0A4 0=3 85 H>D 544; 2>=R34=C C70C about where our grade-school children C74A4QB 034@D0C4 BD?4AE8B8>= C74A4QB => are allowed to go, so all the kids end up reason why you can’t allow your kids to here. I’m pleased that they feel comfort- spend some time playing at their homes. able at our home, but sometimes it feels )70C F0H H>D 20= 1468= C> B?A403 C78B responsibility around the neighborhood overwhelming. What should we do? 8< )78B 8BBD4 70B <>A4 C> 3> F8C7 a little more evenly. While you want to protect your chilthe grown-ups in your neighborhood 8=SDthan with the kids. Uncomfortable as 3A4= 5A>< 30=64AB 0=3 =460C8E4 8=SD it sounds, I’d encourage you to initiate ences, it’s also important for their growth opportunisome friendly, straightforward conver- and development to look for opportuni sations with the other parents on your ties to lengthen the proverbial leash a bit BCA44C G?;08= C70C F78;4 H>D ;>E4 70E- whenever reasonable and appropriate. ••• ing their kids at your home, it would be Q: How do I train my 2-year-old to helpful if everyone could agree on some 6A>D=3 AD;4B >A 4G0<?;4 8C F>D;3 14 0 clean up after herself? She’ll go into her good idea if the kids brought along their sisters room and destroy it, and won’t own snacks, or snacks to share, rather help clean up unless I threaten to punthan raiding your fridge every time they ish her. Then she picks up only a couget hungry. You can also minimize some ple of things before getting distracted. of the bathroom cleanup by suggesting Frankly, it’s easier for me to clean it up that they make a habit of visiting the myself. My older girls complain that rest room at home before coming over they have to clean up, but their little sister doesn’t. I know this isn’t fair, but to play. When you’re talking with the neighbor- what else can I do?

tell everyone in her town about Jesus, the source. Some of us also turn to other sources of “water� such as alcohol, 3AD6B 4E4= 1DBH=4BB C> @D4=27 C74 thirst in our soul. But eventually our faith will wither and our Christian service sour. When we neglect our daily drinks for our spirit, we can become as dry and shriveled as a droughtdamaged berry, without substance and sweetness. Like the dry berries, our very bones 20= 142><4 1A8CC;4 )74 ?A>?74C I4:84; 1H C74 >;H (?8A8CQB ?>F4A F8C=4BB43 0 vision of a valley of dry bones that represented the Israelites who had resorted C> F>AB78?8=6 50;B4 6>3B )748A A414;lion, evil acts and idolatry caused God to turn away from them until they died

on the vine, so to speak, drier and more shriveled than raspberries. DC >3 8= 78B 8=R=8C4 ?0C84=24 breathed life back into them just as he 703 ?A><8B43 (44 I4:84; 4 F8;; breathe life back into our thirsty souls, too, when we ask. Lord, thank you for being our breath and our living water. Revive us, that we may bear the sweet fruit of your spirit and that we may glorify you. Bless our daily medita tion on your word and our fellowship with other believers to help us along in our spiri tual walk with you. In Jesus’ name, amen. Mrs. Bair may be reached at sallybair@ gmail.com.

cleaning up a few toys will transfer to greater responsibility in years to come. Resist the temptation to swoop in and clean up for her, but remember that you need to model what cleanup does look ;8:4 )74 4GCA0 C8<4 0=3 455>AC =>F F8;; be well worth it as your daughter grows. Jim Daly ••• Greg Smalley, vice president, Family Jim Daly is a husband and father, an au "8=8BCA84B B 0=H ?0A4=C :=>FB C74 thor, president of Focus on the Family and most challenging task of raising a tod- #$ $ ) %# $ (* " !" dler is setting boundaries. It is important gram. Catch up with him at jimdalyblog.com to teach your youngest daughter that she or at facebook.com/DalyFocus. Copyright has to clean up the messes she makes, but 2014 Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, that might be an impossible task if the CO 80995. International copyright secured. messes are too big. Part of teaching your All rights reserved. Distributed by Universal 2-year-old responsibility is not allowing Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO her to get into trouble or create messes # $%" ( $ that are too big for her to clean up. be reproduced or distributed electronically, in )> BC0AC F8C7 ;8<8C 74A ?;0H 0A40B 5 print or otherwise, without written permis she consistently trashes her sisters room, sion of Focus on the Family. make that room off-limits. Keep play B?024B 2>=R=43 C> 74A >F= A>>< >A 0 family room. And in those areas, limit the number of toys she has access to at 0 68E4= C8<4 >A 4G0<?;4 68E4 74A 0 choice between playing with the dollBrought to you by: 7>DB4 >A C74 1;>2:B )74= B7>F 74A 7>F to clean up one thing immediately before B74 <>E4B >= C> C74 =4GC Webster What she’s capable of handling is 6>8=6 C> 6A>F F8C7 C8<4 )74 ;4BB>= >5

;/A? ;: @41 2-958E

First Baptist Church

Church listings sponsored by the following area businesses: BASS LAKE LUMBER


• Complete Line of Building Supplies & Lumber • Cabot’s Stains Grantsburg, Wis. 715-488-2471 or 715-327-8766

Printers & Publishers • Office Supplies



CUSHING COOPERATIVE SOCIETY Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215

FREDERIC BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren

DAEFFLER’S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456

Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008

Corey T. Arnold, Agent Frederic, Wis. Phone 715-327-8076


Hwys. 35 & 48, Downtown Frederic Phone 715-327-5513


“Your Electric Servant� Serving Polk & Burnett Counties “Use Energy Wisely�


Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4475







Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making • Ham & Bacon Cured & Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141

10022 Elbow Lake Road Siren, Wis. 54872 715-689-2539

Complete Lumber & Building Supplies

Phone 715-866-4238 Hwy. 35 N., Webster, Wis. Tom & Becky O’Brien, Owners


Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed Hwy. 35 North, Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059

SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131

Any area business wishing to help sponsor the church listings should contact the Leader at 715-327-4236.

Churches 4/10


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Church Directory (% % '#%+ ADVENTIST

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The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper. Established 1933.


PARISH FESTIVAL 507 West Main St. • Balsam Lake, WI

Sunday, Aug. 9, 2015 - 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.



? < ? <

From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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Eye health exams, glaucoma checks, foreign body removal, full line of street wear, safety and sport wear, contact lenses

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Visit The Leader’s Website:

Phone (715) 472-2121


341 Keller Ave. N. Amery, Wis.

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5:0 A? ;: -/1.;;7 2-/1.;;7 /;9 5:@1>/;A:@E 81-01>

Hwy. 35 & “FF,� Webster Flowers Phoned Anywhere


Call 715-866-7261

AB D4 $> )8@4= - ">20; #>D84 "8=4 B8<14@AB740B@4A 2><

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Rated PG-13, 116 Minutes Every Day: 3:30 & 8:30 p.m.


Daily: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

“Distinctive Funeral Service�

Webster, Wisconsin


Rated PG-13, 104 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.


Rated PG, 91 Minutes Every Day: 1:00 & 6:00 p.m. ;; A7>EA 0=3 A7>E B8<4A 145>@4 ? < (7>EA 0=3 A7>E B8<4A AC1942B B> 270=64 >@ B74 <>AB C? B> 30B4 A7>E B8<4A D8A8B >C@ E41A8B4 EEE B8<14@AB740B@4A 2>< (7>E B8<4A ;8AB43 >= 0=G >B74@ E41A8B4 <0G =>B 14 022C@0B4

Phone 715-268-2020

Proceeds used to purchase equipment. 0 3 "


Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home


B B74 !C2: 8@4 0;; 011%,23%456137%#589%:5;%#<9% )<=%&58%>?

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Train Depot & Museum Sponsored by the Frederic Area Historical Society


Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

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Sponsored By The Frederic Area Chamber Of Commerce

304 1st St. So. Luck, Wis.

Country Store, Basket Raffle, Silent Auction, Meat Raffle, Pull Tabs, Beer Garden, Bingo


9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Family Eye Clinic

Dine-in or Carryout Available

Serving Brats, Hot Dogs & All-You-Can-Eat Corn Located At The Community Pride Shelter In Frederic

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Sat., August 15, 2015

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Frederic’s 26th-Annual

Chicken or BBQ Ribs, potatoes, corn on the cob, coleslaw, dinner roll & pie.

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Polk County Fair 2015 • Livestock judging ;:@1?@-:@? 711< @415> 1E1? ;: @41 6A031 ?4;C: -@ 812@ 0A>5:3 @41 ?411< 6A035:3 -@ @41 $;87 ;A:@E -5> 8-?@ >50-E A8E A035:3 />5@1>5- 5:/8A0 5:3 ;B1>-88 -<<1->-:/1 -:0 C1534@ C1>1 1D<8-5:10 @4;>;A348E 2;> /;:@1?@-:@? -:0 @41 -A051:/1 0A>5:3 @41 ?4;C5:3 @ C-? ;:1 ;2 ?1B1>-8 85B1?@;/7 6A035:3 1B1:@? @-75:3 <8-/1 -@ @45? E1->K? 2-5> $;87 ;A:@E -5> ?4;C -:0 1D45.5@ C5::1>? ->1 85?@10 ;: ;A> C1.?5@1 -@ 81-01>:1C?>;;9 /;9

Polk County Fair 2015 • Bale out >;9 9;:71E? @; 95:5;:? @41 4-E .-81 ->@C;>7 05?<8-E10 -@ @41 $;87 ;A:@E -5> @;;7 - 8;@ ;2 59-35:-@5;: -? C188 -? .8;;0 ?C1-@ -:0 @C5:1 @; />1-@1 ?@>-C B;@1 C-? @-71: -9;:3 2-5> 3;1>? -? @; @41 9;?@ <;<A8-> .-81 ;2 @41 2-5> .A@ >1?A8@? C1>1 A:7:;C: -@ <>1?? @591

Photos by Gary King


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MON!" WED! & FRI!# NOW$AUG! %& Luck

• Summer Recreation Playground at the elementary playground, noon-3 p.m., 715-349-2121.

THURSDAY#' Amery • Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.

Balsam Lake

Events Coming

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Webb Lake

• Men’s club summer carnival & BBQ 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 715-259-7844.

Webster • Used book sale and children’s book fair at the library, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-866-7697. • Webster Education Foundation 5K Walk/Run. Preregister or race day 6:30 a.m. Race starts 8 a.m., 612-7496980, websteref.org. • Harmony HCE Club whatnot/bake sale at Orange Schoolhouse, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. • Bake sale on Main St. for Webster Backpack Program.


• “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2â€? movie at the library, 5 p.m., 715-485-3215.

Balsam Lake • Our Lady of the Lakes parish festival, 10:30 a.m.2 p.m.



• Friends of the Library meeting at the library, 6 p.m., 715-825-2313.

• Music at Skonewood Retreat, First Four Quartet, 6:30 p.m.

Sand Lake

Shell Lake • Fred Eaglesmith and Tif Ginn at The Potter’s Shed, 7 p.m., 715-634-2100. 4:30-6:30 p.m.

• Town of Sand Lake picnic at the town hall, 12:30 p.m., 715-222-9375.


• Grantsburg Chorale performs “How Can I Keep From Singingâ€? at the high school, 3 p.m.


• Music in the Park at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Harmonic Balance, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com.

St. Croix Falls

St. Croix Falls

• National Park Service Walk along Nevers Dam on River Road, 9 a.m., 715-483-2274. • Song Circle at Festival Theatre with Lia Falls, 4:306:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

• Chronic pain support group at the medical center, 5-6:30 p.m., 715-483-0431. • “A Streetcar Named Desireâ€? at Festival Theatre, 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org. • Summer meal at the senior center, all welcome, RSVP. 5:30 p.m., 715-755-3364.

Wood Lake • Summer Celebration, quilt and craft auction at Luther Point. Worship 10 a.m., lunch 11 a.m.-1 p.m., auction 13 p.m., LutherPoint.org.

Webster • Lions & Lioness food distribution at Connections, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-866-8151. • Frederic Art Medley artists reception at Fresh Start Coffee Roasters Shop, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

MON!$FRI!#*+$*, St. Croix Falls • Summer camp for middle school girls, sponsored by AKA Sisterhood, through comm. ed, at the middle school. 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 651-303-5003, 715-417-2020.

FRI! & SAT!#( & &



• Revival meetings at the town hall, Terry & Kerry Clevinger. Fri. 7 p.m., Sat. 3 and 7 p.m., 612-508-5978.


• at Siren National. 1:30 p.m. shotgun start, burnettmedicalcenter.com.

Webster • Gandy Dancer Days, sales, crafts, food, walk/run, car show, etc., websterwisconsin.com.




Almelund, Minn. • Threshing show, almelundthreshingco.org.

Lewis • Charles E. Lewis Days, tractor show, parade Sun., kids carnival, etc.

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Franconia, Minn.


• Jack Pine Savage Days, jackpinesavagedays.com, facebook.com.

• Resident artists hot metal pour throughout the day, franconia.org.

• Movie “Big Hero 6â€? at Mill Pond Park, dusk, vil.osceola.wi.us.


• Crex Meadows Nature Photography Club meets at Crex, 10-11:30 a.m., 715-463-2739. • WILD Women Workshop: Firearm Safety at Crex Meadows, 9 a.m.-noon. Preregister at 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org. • Lions Stuff the Bus school supply drive at Family Dollar.


Balsam Lake • Author Chad Lewis - The Wisconsin Road Guide to Gangster Hot Spots at the Polk County Museum, 6:30 p.m. • Our Lady of the Lakes golf outing at Five Flags. Check-in 5:30 p.m. 715-405-2230.

Falun • Free bread distribution, every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.

Frederic • Antique appraisal event with Mark Moran at St. Luke’s. Register with the library, 715-327-4979. • Primetimers get-together potluck at Crosswalk Community Church, 12:30-2:30 p.m.



• Kickball tourney at Sundown Saloon. Register at 715566-2858. • Blood drive at the church, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., redcrossblood.org.


• Fire dept. corn feed, 2-7 p.m., 715-472-8191.

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Shell Lake • Evening with the Stars Gala at the arts center, 7-11 p.m., 715-468-2414, shelllakeartscenter.org.

Siren • Hazardous Waste Collection Event at the highway shop, 8 a.m.-noon, 715-635-2197, ext. 244, nwrpc.com. • Lions/Lioness yard sale donation drop-off at their building, 9 a.m.-noon, 715-349-2400.

St. Croix Falls • Hingepoint meeting for men battling sexual addictions, at River Valley Christian Church, 9 a.m.-noon, 715483-5376. • Relay for Life at the fairgrounds, relay.acsevents.org, 4 -11 p.m.

• Cancer support group at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 7 p.m. 715-268-6722 or 715-268-7290.

Luck • Music in the Park - Rex Cactus, 6:30 p.m., luckwisconsin.com.


• Karate demo at Bering Park, 5:30 p.m., 715-825-2313.

Webster • Effective Communication Strategies program for families of dementia patients, at the library, 1-3 p.m., alz.org or 800-272-3900.

WEDNESDAY#*% Cumberland • Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters, at the hosital, 4-5:30 p.m., alz.org or 800-272-3900.

Dresser • All-Library End-of-Summer Sports Night at the community hall, 6 p.m., 715-483-1777.

Siren • Program on reducing stress for caregivers of people with dementia, at the hospital, 10 a.m.-noon, alz.org or 800-272-3900. • Burnett County senior picnic at the senior center.

St. Croix Falls


• One-act play contest at Festival Theatre, 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.



• at the museum, 7 p.m. • “Big Hero 6â€? movie at River’s Park, dusk.


St. Croix Falls

• Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.

• Music on the Overlook, 1980s night, B52 & Devo tribute bands, 6:30 p.m., musicontheoverlook.com. • Sew Good Improv at Festival Theatre, 9-11 p.m., 715483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

Baldwin • St. Croix Valley Beekeepers meeting at Peace Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., stcroixbeekeepers.org.



• Webster Education Foundation Golf Tourney at Voyager Village. 1 p.m. shotgun start, 715-259-3911, websteref.org. • Pie social/sloppy joes at Grace United Methodist Church, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

• Family fun & fellowship with food, backpacks for kids & recreation & crafts at Holy Trinity Church, 5:307:30 p.m., 715-485-3363.


SAT! & SUN!#& & )

• Adults Older, Wiser Learning Series at Crex Meadows, 10-11 a.m., 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org.

• “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised)â€? at Festival Theatre, Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

• Friends of Victims of Violence support group at North Valley Lutheran, 6 p.m., 800-261-7233.


• Northwoods Flyers Experimental Aircraft Assoc. Club meets at the government center, Rm. 165, 7 p.m. • Music in the Park at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Bill Bittner Memorial Dixieland Band, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com. • Polk-Burnett Retired Educators meeting at the Pour House, 5:30 p.m.


St. Croix Falls


Amery • Ruby’s Pantry at Congregational Church. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Dist. 9 a.m. $20 donation. 715-268-7390. • The Camp Dawg Band performs at Balsam Lutheran Church, 7 p.m. 715-268-9291.

St. Croix Falls • “Little Shop of Horrorsâ€? at Festival Theatre, 2 & 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

Atlas • Thrift & bake sale at Atlas United Methodist Church, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Specials ($1 bag) start at noon.

Danbury • Fundraiser for Dairyland Outdoor Veterans Retreat at Fishbowl Bar, noon-6 p.m.

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