• WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 • VOLUME 82 • NO. 48 • 2 SECTIONS Kendra Bramsen crowned Miss Centuria 2015
“Sleeping Beauty� presented at Grantsburg
Currents, page 9
eader der Lea INTER-COUNTY
Folle Avoine!s time machine ready for another trip
Page 11
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&'( & AMERY - prize from Weebly, a DIY website development company, for their creation of a website for their little girl. Myka, who is fundraising to adopt a baby brother from South Korea. Tyler and Greta McCarty created â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mykaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lemonade Stand,â&#x20AC;? (mykaslemonadestand.weebly.com), a website that tells the story of their familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pending adoption. To learn more - including where to cast a vote online (deadline is this Friday, July 17), go to #K=3 3@6 B3D7@FE D7F3 3@6 *K>7D #5 3DFK leadernewsroom.com and read reporter Danielle $ $ #'# Danfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s story. - Editor â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ SIREN - The annual Gandy Dancer Fly-In/Drive-In at the Siren Airport is this Saturday, July 18, and it promises to be bigger and better than ever. See story on back page of Currents. Later this month, (July 20-26), the Badger State will celebrate Wisconsin Aviation Week. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin are teaming up to promote, educate and celebrate the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aviation industry. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s airport system plays an important role in the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transportation network,â&#x20AC;? said WisDOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It handles the needs of business, passenger, freight and recreational air transportation and enhances the economic vitality of Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s communities.â&#x20AC;? In 2014,
7366398 :/9:6/ ,9+<./. -977/<-3+6 K312>= in Wisconsin. In addition, more than 119 million pounds of cargo were transported by air last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aviation industry links our stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residents and businesses to larger national and global markets,â&#x20AC;? said Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin Executive Director Craig Thompson. Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aviation system includes more than 722 landing facilities â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 127 of which are public-use airports. - from WisDOT
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DEADLINE: Copy must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Mondays to be considered for publication in that weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Leader. Thank you.
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DFE -;E5A@E;@ E77=E @A?;@3F;A@E MADISON - The seventh-annual Arts in the Community Awards, presented by Arts Wisconsin in partnership with the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, honor communities and civic leaders around the state for championing the arts as integral to economic, educational and community vitality. The deadline to submit nominations is Monday, Aug. 17. Visit artswisconsin.org for full nomination information. The award winners will be recognized at the League of Municipalitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; annual conference in Milwaukee on Thursday, Oct. 29. The awardees will also participate in a conference panel discussion on the arts and creative economy in Wisconsin communities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Arts in the Community Awards are a wonderful way to celebrate the visionary leadership in and for the arts in Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s communities,â&#x20AC;? says Arts Wisconsin Executive Director Anne Katz. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re proud to partner with the League of Municipalities to present these awards, and appreciative of the sponsors who make the awards possible.â&#x20AC;? Arts Wisconsin is Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice for the arts. Founded in 1992, Arts Wisconsin is the premier independent statewide membership organization working for the arts, arts education and the creative economy across Wisconsin. The organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission, to speak up, advocate for, and advance the arts, creativity and culture throughout Wisconsin, connects and serves the wide-ranging and creative constituency of people, organizations, businesses and communities making the arts come alive in every corner of Wisconsin. More info at artswisconsin.org. The League of Wisconsin Municipalities 3= + @96?8>+<C 898:<9J> +8. 898:+<>3=+8 +==9-3+>398 90 -3>3/= and villages that acts as an information clearinghouse, lobbying organization and legal resource for Wisconsin municipalities. More info at lwm-info.org. - submitted
>;@6 AKE A8 >343?3 3@6 ?7DK 9DAGBPE BDA6G5F;A@ :;9:>;9:F76 A@ -&( EAU CLAIRE - A Grammy Award-winning gospel music group playing in Eau Claire this weekend will be featured on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spectrum Westâ&#x20AC;? from Wisconsin Public Radioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ideas Network on Thursday, July 16, at 10 a.m. on 88.3 WHWCFM/ MenomonieEau Claire and 88.7 WRFW-FM/ River Falls. The show will also highlight the Chippewa Falls production of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oklahoma,â&#x20AC;? a weekend *:7 >;@6 AKE A8 >343?3 $ $ #'# event sponsored by a farming organization in Amery, and a Menomonie authorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historical rendering of 3-D postcards. Host Al Ross will talk with Jimmy â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jimsterâ&#x20AC;? Carter, the head man for The Blind Boys of Alabama, who are set to present at the Eaux Claires /=>3@+6 <3.+C ?6C '2/ 1<9?: 3= + J@/ >37/ <+77C winning gospel band from Birmingham. Carter will discuss the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest release â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Find a Way,â&#x20AC;? produced by Eau Claire-based musician Justin Vernon. The Hungry '?<>6/ 8=>3>?>/ 3= +8 7/<C ,+=/. 898:<9J> 9<1+83D+>398 of sustainable agriculture and land stewardship. KristenLee Charlson, executive director of this organization will be sharing information about the sponsored-event Hungry Turtle Weekend at the Amery Food Hub, which will include food demonstrations, tours and live music. Jim Oliver will share his conversation with Nancy Scobie, the director of the musical â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oklahoma,â&#x20AC;? a community production at the Heyde Center for the Arts in Chippewa Falls running July 17-19. Ross will also talk with David Tank, an award-winning photographer, about his latest book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Postcards from the Past,â&#x20AC;? which looks into Menomonieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history. The process uses 3-D reproductions of scenes over the last century in Menomonie, comparing the past with the present. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spectrum Westâ&#x20AC;? is a weekly program exploring the music, arts and humanities in western Wisconsin. The show includes in-depth behind-thescenes interviews and stories about area writers, musicians, theater, visual arts and much more. It is heard weekly on Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m. on Ideas 88.3 WHWC-FM/ Menomonie-Eau Claire and 88.7 WRFW-FM/ River Falls, with a repeat broadcast at 7 p.m. Fridays on 89.7 WUECFM/ Eau Claire and 90.7 WVSS-FM/ Menomonie. - from WPR
&?8.+C <97 +?.3>398= =/73J8+63=>= A366 ,/ =/6/->/. >9 :/<09<7 .?<381 >2/ J<=> .+C= 90 >23= C/+<I= !388/=9>+ &>+>/ Fair at 6 p.m. on the Leinie Lodge Bandshell stage. Winners 0<97 >2/ =/73J8+6= A366 -97:/>/ 38 >2/ J8+6= +> : 7 Sunday, Sept. 6, at the grandstand. Nearly $10,000 in total prize money will be awarded to >2/ J<=> >2<9?12 third-place winners in three divisions. Entries are accepted for all age groups, and categories are: Open Division, for any age, Teen Division, ages 13-18, and Preteen Division, ages 12 and under. Moriah Huerta, of Burnsville, Minn., who took the grand prize for her vocal solo performance last year, will </>?<8 >9 >2/ =>+1/ += >2/ 0/+>?</. +-> .?<381 >2/ J8+6= For more information, call 651-288-4395 or email msfent@ mnstatefair.org. - from MSF
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SHELL LAKE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Shell Lake Arts Center and The Potterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shed are pleased to present a rock band concert at 7 p.m., on Thursday, July 23, at The Potterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shed in Shell Lake. Performing original tunes and classic favorites, the band is sure to please every audience member! Come for an evening in the garden of The Shed and enjoy great music, food, beverages and the company of friends. Other upcoming free concerts include performances at the lakefront pavilion in Shell Lake by show choir campers on July 23 at 6:30 p.m., DA5= 43@6 5A@57DF I;>> 47 :7>6 ;@ *:7 &AFF7DPE and a rock band ):76 93D67@ A@ *:GDE63K G>K $ $ #'# camper performance on Friday, July 24, at 2 p.m. In case of rain, pavilion performances will be held in the arts centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aderman Auditorium. There will be a show choir camper performance at 7 p.m. in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium on July 24. To learn more about these events, or any of the camps at the arts center, please contact the Shell Lake Arts Center at 715468-2414, email at info@shelllakeartscenter.org, or visit theirwebsite at shelllakeartscenter.org. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; from SLAC
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(79;EFD3F;A@ 6736>;@7 @73DE 8AD EF3F7 83;D 3?3F7GD F3>7@F 5A@F7EF ST. PAUL, Minn. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; State Fair Amateur Talent Contest hopefuls have just two weeks remaining to register for auditions before the deadline at 4 p.m. Monday, July 27. Participants are encouraged to register online at mnstatefair.org. Entry forms may also be printed and returned through the mail. Auditions run Monday, July 27, through Sunday, Aug. 2, at the Leinie Lodge Bandshell on the fairgrounds and begin at 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and 11 a.m. on Saturday and
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St. Paul girl swept away by current on St. Croix River Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A 14-year-old St. Paul girl perished in the St. Croix River after leaving her canoe and being swept down and under the water south of Interstate Park on Sunday, July 12. According to the Polk County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department, the tragedy occurred at just after 3 p.m. on Sunday during a canoe trip by friends and family leaving from (/E !36 Taylors Falls, Minn. The group had stopped at a sandbar about two miles south of the park to take a break when Taw Meh, 14, stepped out into the water away from her group. She apparently did not realize there was a steep drop-off and was carried away by the current. She was apparently not a strong swimmer and was not wearing a
Tricky rescue from the water
Teen drowns on canoe outing
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enough swimmers to help her. A 911 call at 3:21 p.m. brought assistance from a variety of emergency agen-
cies, including the PCSD, Wisconsin DNR, National Park Service, Chisago County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department, Interstate Divers +8. J</ +8. </=-?/ :/<=988/6 0<97 + 8?7,/< 90 J</ ./:+<>7/8>= 38-6?.381 &> Croix Falls, Franconia Township (Minnesota), Osceola, Dresser and St. Croix Falls. There were apparently other canoeists in the area near the incident, but none A/</ +,6/ >9 J8. !/2 += =2/ =><?116/. >9 surface. In spite of the rescue efforts, the teen could not be found in time. Her body was recovered by Interstate Divers at 5:48 p.m., about 100 feet downstream from where she entered the river. Media reports have stated that the teen and her family were recent immigrants +8. .3. 89> =:/+5 K?/8> 8163=2 ,?> 3>I= unclear if language issues may have hampered efforts. Meh was a student at a Twin Cities charter school. Memorial services were not announced at press time. #0J-3+6= </738. >2+> >2/ <3@/< -?<</8>= can be dangerous, even to a strong swimmer, and that life jackets should be worn at all times. This story appeared on our website on Tuesday, July 14.
Teen tumbles down park cliff
at approximately 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 9, when he stumbled off a cliff edge, falling anywhere from 20 to 50 feet, although the exact distance was not known. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was with two other (hikers) when Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Authorities have it occurred,â&#x20AC;? stated park Superintendent revealed several details on a nearly fatal Kurt Dreger. â&#x20AC;&#x153;From what I understand, fall from an Interstate Park cliff last neither of the others saw exactly what Thursday, July 9, on the Wisconsin side 2+::/8/. =9 3>I= 89> ./J83>/ 98 A2+> caused the fall.â&#x20AC;? of the St. Croix River. Dreger and St. Croix Falls Police Chief While his name has not been released for a variety of reasons, Wisconsin De- <38 !?<:2C ,9>2 -98J<7/. >2+> 3> A+= + :+<>7/8> 90 "+>?<+6 %/=9?<-/= 90J-3+6= .30J-?6> +</+ >9 +>>/7:> + </=-?/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was about 20 or 30 yards south of have provided some details on the inciwhat they call the Rock Bridge,â&#x20AC;? stated dent. Apparently, the person who fell was a Murphy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not sure how far he actually 17-year-old male from Lino Lakes, Minn. fell, and nobody witnessed it, they only He was walking on the Summit Rock Trail heard it.â&#x20AC;? Murphy said they called in a variety of
rescue personnel involved in rescue efforts, with people from the St. Croix Falls Police and Fire departments, as well as the Polk County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department, St. Croix EMS, Wisconsin DNR and Taylors Falls Fire and Rescue. G > </+66C A+= + .30J-?6> :6+-/ >9 1/> >9 H </1/< -98J<7/. G'2/C 2+. >9 .9 >2/ rescue from the water.â&#x20AC;? Murphy said the teen was recovered a short time later and taken by St. Croix Falls Fire Department rescue boat to the shore, where he was taken to St. Croix Regional Medical Center and later airlifted to Regions Hospital in St. Paul, where he remains still. His condition was unknown, but one person on the scene said the teen suffered serious, visible injuries.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;Ś the cause of the fall? Who knows.â&#x20AC;? - Wisconsin Interstate Park Superintendent Kurt Dreger
The boy is reportedly making a recov/<C +6>29?12 29=:3>+6 90J-3+6= A9?6. 89> -98J<7 23= -98.3>398 â&#x20AC;&#x153;He did survive the fall, which was very good news,â&#x20AC;? Dreger said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But the cause of the fall? Who knows.â&#x20AC;? This story appeared on our website on Tuesday, July 14.
Luck man sentenced for swindling Mary Stirrat | Staff writer LUCK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Thomas Robert Clifton, 51, and his business partner, are serving sentences after being found guilty of swindling their workers. According to Hennepin County court records, Cliftonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s company failed to pay employees the prevailing wage on a job they were doing at Normandale College in Bloomington, Minn. Clifton, of Lake Elmo, Minn., also has a farm outside of Luck. He and his business
partner, Earl Keith Standafer, 57, Burnsville, Minn., were owners of C & S Electric Co., which was contracted to do electrical work at the college student center from August of 2010 to August of 2011. Both Clifton and Standafer pleaded guilty May 15 to one count of felony theft by swindle. Clifton was sentenced to 270 days in Hennepin County Adult Correction Facility, with work-release privileges, +8. J@/ C/+<=I :<9,+>398 &>+8.+0/< A+= sentenced to 210 days in the correctional facility and three yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; probation.
According to Hennepin County court records, C & S Electric failed to pay the prevailing rate of $58.50 per hour ($34.30 38 A+1/= +8.
38 0<381/ ,/8/J>= 09< the 16 company electricians. The company was required to pay the prevailing wage because the renovation of the college student center was state funded. Instead, court records show, C & S electricians were being paid less than $34.30 per hour. The total amount that employees were underpaid was approximately $257,250. Donlar Construction, general
contractor on the project, paid these back wages and later successfully sued C & S for the money, according to the Hennepin 9?8>CI= >>9<8/C #0J-/ During the Normandale project, according to the criminal complaint, Clifton was 80-percent owner of C & S Electric. Standafer owned 20 percent. The maximum sentence for felony theft by swindle is 20 years and/or $100,000.
Man faces sexual assault of children charges
Victims were 10 and 13 years old
Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A 29-year-old St. Croix Falls man is facing multiple felony charges for allegedly attempting to sexually assault two young girls, waking them from their sleep. The probable cause report gives some details on the incident, alleging how Thomas V. Johnson, 29, St. Croix Falls, broke into a Centuria home and at-
tempted to sexually assault two girls, ages 10 and 13, as they slept. Johnson allegedly snuck in and attempted to fondle the two, even trying to take the one girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pants off as he touched her, with (6=;/A * =6<A=< one victim stating he had tried to lick their faces and backsides as they slept. Both of the young victims were able to
escape to the bathroom, and as Johnson allegedly left the home, he even left his shoes behind as evidence. While the actual details and time line of events was unclear, it appeared that a parent of one victim found the defendant outside the home and engaged him in a J12> +8. 6/0> 237 ,6//.381 += 2/ 6/0> Johnson also reportedly attempted to contact one of the girls by social media, as police were interviewing one of the victims. Descriptions of the predator led police to his home, where he was discov/</. ?8./< >2/ 38K?/8-/ +8. A3>29?> 23=
shoes. His clothing met the description noted by the two victims, as well. Johnson was taken into custody and faces a variety of felony charges, includ381 ,9>2 J<=> +8. =/-98. ./1<// =/B?+6 assault of a child, as well as two felony counts of witness intimidation. He appeared in court before Judge Jeffery Anderson on Monday, July 13, where he set a $25,000 cash bond, with strict stipulations of no contact with the victims. His preliminary hearing has been set for July 23. He remains in custody at press time.
Motions hearing today in river stabbing case BALSAM LAKE - A motions hearing was held today, Wednesday, July 15, in the case against a Minneota teen accused in the April 14 stabbing death of a St. <93B +66= 7+8 38 + -<9== <3@/< J=2381 dispute. The case may have several, new twists ahead. Eric J. Nelson, the attorney representing Levi Acre-Kendall, 19, Cambridge, revealed possibly critical evidence supporting his story of self-defense in the death of Peter Kelly, 34, at Wisconsin Interstate Park.
Acre-Kendall is facing three felony charges related to the death, including J<=> ./1<// </-56/== 2973-3./ In one of several July 2 court motions J6/. ,C "/6=98 2/ 89>/. /@3./8-/ >2+> 2/ claims should dismiss the case outright, or at least require dramatically reduced charges, even citing 2011 Wisconsin Legislative action on the so-called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Castle Doctrineâ&#x20AC;? that he claims supports his clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alleged â&#x20AC;&#x153;defensive actions.â&#x20AC;? But it is the evidence of blood splatter " +8+6C=/= =:/-3J-+66C A2/</ >2+> blood was found - that may play a major
part in whether Judge Molly GaleWyrick moves to dismiss the case against AcreKendall. The Nelson motion to dismiss is based, in part, on evidence revealing that blood splatters found in the defendantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;getaway carâ&#x20AC;? suggests Peter Kelly really did try to pull Acre-Kendall from the passenger seat of a car, implying he was trying to get away from Kelly, and stabbed him in self-defense. That blood splatter location is also used to support Nelsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claim that the criminal complaint is â&#x20AC;&#x153;defective,â&#x20AC;? citing three
cases as precedent, implying that AcreKendall acted in self-defense and earned protection under the Castle Doctrine (Wisconsin State Statute 939.48), which he noted the 2011 Wisconsin Legislatureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Act 94 includes homes, businesses and the like, as well as motor vehicles, as places A2/</ ./+.6C 09<-/ ;?+63J/= += =/60 ./fense. Watch the Leader website, leadernewsroom.com, for an update on this morningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hearing. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Gary King
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Wastewater project comes in at $4.7 million
Mary Stirrat | Staff writer ( F '2/ @366+1/ 90 ?-5 2+= + J8+6 plan for upgrading its wastewater treatment facility, following months of discussions and changes due to new regulations and new funding opportunities. At its regular monthly meeting held Wednesday, July 8, the board took action that provides an additional $150,000 in grant money to add a component designed to reduce ammonia, as required by the Department of Natural Resources. Total cost for the project is estimated at $4,736,970, including $3.509 million for the wastewater treatment plant, $1.129 million for a collection system that will reduce runoff from entering the system and about $99,000 for equipment. At this point, the village will receive $650,000 in grants from the Clean Water Fund, and about $1.45 million in grants from the United States Department of Agriculture. Application has been made for an additional $500,000 in the form of a Community Development Block Grant, but whether or not that application is successful will not be known until August. If the village does not receive the grant, or if the grant is awarded in a reduced amount, the collection system will be reduced accordingly. > >23= :938> >2/ J8+8-3+6 -9773>7/8> by the village is $2.243 million. Of this, $2.023 million would be in the form of a 40-year loan from USDA, and $220,000 from village funds. Dan Greve, of MSA Professional Ser@3-/= >2/ J<7 7+8+1381 >2/ :<94/-> =+3. that the bids for the project should be awarded by the end of October. */1/<B 6=CA3 Two residents spoke during the pub-
90 +837+6= 98 >2/ 7+38 K99< 9< 38 >2/ basement. There is some water damage, 2/ =+3. +8. =97/ +</+= 90 >2/ K99< +</ buckling. A neighbor has trapped eight raccoons on the property.
=:4 1=C@A3 The 2015 season at the Luck Municipal Golf Course has been going great, the course superintendent, Kevin Clunis, told the board. Rounds played are up 75 percent over last year, at 7,842 to date versus 4,500 last year. The checkbook has a healthy balance, he said, and there is $34,000 in the donation. On average, said Clunis, each golfer is spending nearly $1 more than last year. Clunis then brought up a number of issues that need attention, particularly at the clubhouse. Examples included safety issues with the deck, faulty kitchen equipment, air-conditioning problems, brittle siding and carpeting that needs replacing. C19 A=>6=;=@3 (/<<3@ */< !3B3@ /BB3<232 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking at how we can do B63 +32<3A2/G C:G ;33B7<5 =4 B63 C19 *7: business better out there,â&#x20AC;? he told the :/53 =/@2 B= 3/@< 67A 7B7H3<A67> 7< B63 =; board. â&#x20AC;&#x153;How do we make things better, ;C<7BG ;3@7B 0/253 4=@ =G '1=CBA . #'# with the renewed interest we have in the + %+ ' %% ' game this year.â&#x20AC;? Trustee Sean Kinney pointed out that, lic comment period of the meeting. One according to the contract with the counthanked the village for help in removing try club, the village is responsible for the a downed tree, and both asked about the equipment and building needs. status of a vacant house in their neighborHe said he was irritated with the fact hood. that one year ago the village agreed to Public works director Seth Petersen take on the golf course mortgage with the said that holes in the house, located on understanding that the golf course would $+<5 @/8?/ 2+@/ ,//8 J66/. +8. >2/ ,/ =/60 =?0J-3/8> =90J>= +8. 0+=-3+ </:+3</. A38.9A Now, he said, he feels the table is being in the garage has been replaced, and the set for the golf course to come back to the lawn will be mowed every two weeks. village board to request money for rePetersen said he was inside the home pairs. and found it in good shape, with no signs Clunis said that the golf course commis-
sion is compiling all the information and will discuss a number of options. They are looking to apply for an economic development grant, he said, adding that all options including a â&#x20AC;&#x153;new footprintâ&#x20AC;? are on the table. Alan Tomlinson suggested that Clunis look into whether insurance would cover replacement of some of the equipment. Trustee Becky Rowe agreed that the clubhouse is owned by the village and said that the facility must be maintained.
#B63@ 0CA7<3AA â&#x20AC;˘ Tim Van Meter, of the community club, said that volunteers are needed to water the hanging baskets on Main Street. He also asked that the village board discuss options for making sure they get watered. The baskets get watered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and each watering takes about an hour. The issue will be put on the agenda for the next public services meeting. â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved the purchase of a liner for the ice rink at Central (Triangle) Park. After measuring out two different sizes, the public services committee recommended purchase of a 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-by-105â&#x20AC;&#x2122; liner kit from NiceRink. Total cost, after a 17-percent discount and including additional lumber that will be needed, is $3,350. Funds are in the 2015 budget. E '2/ J8+8-/ +8. :/<=988/6 -9773>>// will discuss reallocating $20,000 budgeted for extending the public works pole shed to a document scanning project and upgrading electronic security at the village hall.
Frederic School District food service recognized Gregg Westigard | Staff writer FREDERIC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Citing â&#x20AC;&#x153;the excellent nutrition program in place in your schools,â&#x20AC;? the Wisconsin Department of Public In=><?->398 2+= 3==?/. + -/<>3J-+>/ 90 +::</ciation to the Frederic School District. The award, which was presented at the school board meeting Wednesday, July 8, noted the dedication of Judy Shafer, the foodservice manager, and her staff. The district had hosted the DPI Small Victories training session for area nutrition professionals on May 19. That program provides networking and learning opportunities for food service personnel, with an emphasis on the correlation between good nutrition and learning.
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Milltown company receives up to $180,000 in state tax credits Mary Stirrat | Staff writer MILLTOWN â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Great Northern Innovation, an expanding company that will be leasing a building in Milltownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s industrial park, has received a state tax credit of up to $180,000 over the next three years. The amount of the tax credit, authorized by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., is dependent upon the number and
quality of jobs created by the company. According to company President Gabe Feuerhelm six employees will be hired when the new facility opens in October, with a total of 35 jobs created by the end of the third year. He said he plans to offer jobs to local residents who lost their jobs when a similar company in St. Croix Falls moved out of state.
Great Northern Innovation currently operates at a reduced capacity out of a facility on the east side of Milltown. The company manufactures molded rubber components for vibrating screens used in the mining and aggregate business. The new, 22,000-square-foot facility is under construction adjacent to Schaffer Manufacturing, who will lease the build-
ing to Great Northern Innovation. Feuerhelm said he looks forward to being involved in the Milltown community and having the community included in his operations. He plans to host an open house once the new facility is in operation.
Centuria Village Board praises police chief, public works director Marty Seeger|Staff writer CENTURIA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Centuria Police Chief Dan Clement and public works director and village Fire Chief Tony Weinzirl received praise at the monthly meeting of the village board Monday, July 13. The J<=> -97:637/8> A+= 09< 6/7/8> +0>/< updating board members on a successful and safe Memory Days celebration the previous weekend in Centuria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It went, from a law enforcement perspective, very well. Very calm, very quiet,â&#x20AC;? Clement said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Really a decent
crowd. No issues, no troubles, nothing to worry about. It was nice.â&#x20AC;? There were no other police reports mentioned at the meeting, but Weinzirl was also extended gratitude for recent road improvements in town. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Polk Avenue now is one of the smoothest roads in town,â&#x20AC;? said village President Dave Markert.
#B63@ 0CA7<3AA â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved a resolution for the compliance maintenance annual report, which deals with the domestic
wastewater treatment works. The water and sewer committee looked over the report and recommended the approval of it according to Weinzirl, who noted the village is graded with a mark similar to that of a grade-point average. The village received an overall grade of .295 for 2014, which is an improvement, and is continuing to improve. â&#x20AC;˘ A $2,500 bid for the village-owned 1990 International truck was approved by the village on Monday, as well as an operator license for William Schultz. â&#x20AC;˘ The board disallowed a claim submit-
ted by Robert H. H. Deal on recommendation by the village attorney. The claim was submitted pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 893.80 (1d) on behalf of Deal. â&#x20AC;˘ A resolution asking the village to vacate an alley and part of Superior Avenue between blocks 18 and 19, north of Third Street and south of Second Street, received unanimous approval by the village board. The property was being asked to be cleared to complete the sale of land, which was described in the agenda as the old Centuria School location.
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Frederic looks to tighten up on horse waste, loosen up on street parking
Cleaning up after the horses
Mary Stirrat | Staff writer FREDERIC â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Concerns and complaints about animal waste, particularly that of horses, on village streets could mean some changes in the village ordinances at Frederic. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is something thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been brought to my attention quite a bit,â&#x20AC;? Trustee George Hansford told the board at its Monday, July 13, meeting. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a 69> 79</ 29<=/ ><+0J- >2+8 A/ /@/< 2+. before.â&#x20AC;? Hansford went on to say that he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel that the village crew or the street sweeper should be responsible for picking up the piles. Current ordinances state that owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dog, cat and other pet, but there is nothing that indicates responsibility for horse waste. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have anything that addresses horse carriages,â&#x20AC;? said Hansford. Hansford said that Police Chief Dale Johnson provided copies of the ordinances used by two different communities as a place to begin looking at drafting one for Frederic. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think this is going to come as any surprise to horse owners,â&#x20AC;? commented Trustee Brad Harlander. Hansford and Trustee Terry Siebenthal will also be looking at the overnight parking ordinance, which currently prohibits parking on village streets year-round be-
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#B63@ 0CA7<3AA â&#x20AC;˘ Resident Jerry Laqua presented complaints about the board of review, and said the village should be mowing the vacant lots by his home. Harlander, who =;>@363<A7D3 >:/< tween 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. sat on the board of review, said that the A grant that would cover half the cost assessor adequately responded to Laquaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The ordinance may be changed to allow overnight street parking during the sum- of updating the villageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comprehensive complaints. mer, when snow removal is not an issue. plan will be turned back, with the underâ&#x20AC;˘ A resident publicly thanked PhernetHowever, noted village President Jim standing that the village will apply again ton for her extra efforts while the village Meyer, street parking in the summer can later this year. A9<5= >9 J66 @+-+8-3/= G 29:/ >2/ ,9+<. The village received the grant two years has some kind of plan,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(Pherinterfere with street sweeping. Public works director Ken Hackett commented ago, David Carlson of Short Elliott Hen- netton) should be congratulated for doing that this is really only a problem near the drickson told the board, but former ad- what sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doing.â&#x20AC;? ministrator Wondra asked that the project four corners. â&#x20AC;˘ The board voted to purchase new ac,/ :?> 98 296. ?8>36 >2/ '<+0J- @/8?/ counting software called Workhorse, at a work was completed. =0 =>3<7<5 cost of $21,500 including installation and Carlson said he worked with Phernet- training. With lower annual fees than the With village clerk Kristi Swanson on paid administrative leave pending the ton on an application to extend the grant current system, Workhorse should pay resolution of complaints about the spring for six months, but he recommended 09< 3>=/60 38 >2<// >9 J@/ C/+<= election, the village board voted to follow that the village turn the dollars back to â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved the reappointthe recommendation of the personnel the state. Updating, he said, takes a bit ment of Carey Lillehaug to the library committee and advertise for temporary of time on the part of village staff and board of trustees. /6/->/. 90J-3+6= :+<> >37/ 90J-/ 2/6: â&#x20AC;˘ Hackett said that the recycling bins â&#x20AC;&#x153;Based on the things you have on your put out at Family Days saved the village â&#x20AC;&#x153;This would be hiring a temp for a short period of time to help Jen (Phernetton, vil- plate,â&#x20AC;? Carlson said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I really thought it crew from needing to sweep the streets lage treasurer) out,â&#x20AC;? said Meyer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made the most sense for the village to at the end of the weekend. In the past, really snowed under.â&#x20AC;? Swanson and turn it back again.â&#x20AC;? 2/ =+3. /@/<C C/+< >2/ -</A A9?6. J66 + Applying later this year will not be a three-yard hopper with cans, bottles and Phernetton had shared administrative duties following the March 30 resignation of problem, he said. other trash. Johnson said the weekend The original grant included input from was a success, with only one ordinance village Administrator Dave Wondra and the April 3 termination of a part-time ad- the public regarding the downtown, and violation that was dealt with quickly. an evaluation on the potential for reuse +@381 90J-/<= 0<97 9>2/< ./:+<>7/8>= ministrative position. The new position would be 18 to 22 of three downtown buildings. How- on-site throughout the weekend was hours a week and would only last until ever, said Carlson, the village can scale helpful in making it a family-friendly the complaints are resolved, added Hans- the scope of the project down to what he event, he said. ford, of the personnel committee. The -+66/. + G-98./8=/. =37:63J/.H @/<=398 â&#x20AC;˘ The library will again be hosting an A+1/ A366 ,/ ,+=/. 98 >2/ ;?+63J-+>398= consisting of a simple update. antique appraisal event with Mike Moran. The plan is supposed to be updated The event will be held Friday, Aug. 7, at of the candidate hired. The board discussed the idea of using a every 10 years, and the village is â&#x20AC;&#x153;a little St. Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Methodist Church. There will temp agency, but Hansford and Trustee behind,â&#x20AC;? said Carlson. be time for about 40 four-minute appointTypically, according to Carlson, an up- ments, said library director Chris Byerly, Maria Ammend said that they were following what the village treasurer felt was date takes six to 12 months to complete, and preregistration through the library is and costs about $20,000. the best course of action. required.
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Termination of coach upheld Mary Stirrat | Staff writer ( F 1<3/@+8-/ J6/. ,C >2/ 09<mer head boys basketball coach at Luck resulted in a decision to uphold the school districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to terminate him from his coaching position. Rick Giller was removed from his coaching position Feb. 5 after a complaint made by the parent of a player was inves-
tigated. The complaint indicated that Giller had belittled and intimidated players, although 11 months earlier he had received written notice from the school board and administrator that such behavior would result in his termination as coach. 366/< J6/. + 1<3/@+8-/ 98 /, </questing that he be reinstated. During the
grievance hearing, according to the report J6/. ,C 37:+<>3+6 2/+<381 90J-/< '297+= Fiedler, Giller described his coaching style as â&#x20AC;&#x153;old school,â&#x20AC;? with high standards. He admitted to tossing a clipboard and yelling at his players. The hearing summary and determination, dated April 29, states that Giller understood the expectations of the school
board, that school administration conducted a thorough and fair investigation, and that Gillerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actions went against the expectations of the school board. The school board, at its June 29 meeting, approved payment of $10,353 to Weld Riley Prenn & Ricci for their services in handling the grievance.
Unityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ag program receives state recognition Mary Stirrat | Staff writer LUCK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Tuesday, July 14, meeting of the Unity School Board of Education began on a very positive note, with the presentation of state recognitions earned by the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ag program and agriculture education instructor Jeanne Alling. Unityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ag program, under Allingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leadership, was named the Outstanding Secondary/Middle School Program State Winner by the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators. The award was presented at the 2015 professional development conference of the WAAE in late June. The WAAE also recognized the Unity School District for its support of Alling during her term on the board of directors of the WAAE. Alling was on hand at the meeting to share the honors with the school board.
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SCF School Board as general contractors
Entryway issues; first board meeting for new administrator
Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; After months of discussions and debate, and with a muddy entryway just outside the boardroom window, the St. Croix Falls Board of .?-+>398 J8+63D/. 7+8C 90 >2/ </7+38ing issues on their revamped high school entrance project, which will include new lights, pavers, landscaping and possible eventual sculpture or water feature. Decisions and various issues involved in the entryway occupied much of the boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regular committee and full board meeting on Tuesday, July 14, which was +6=9 >2/ J<=> 0?66 ,9+<. 7//>381 09< 8/A district Administrator Mark Burandt, who started on the job earlier this month. Burandt replaces former Administrator Glenn Martin, who retired after a decade at the helm. Several people involved in the project, including Martin, were in attendance to assist with electrical and lighting questions for the entryway project, as the board even dismissed to the area for an up-close look at options, including how to deal with the transition between new and existing landscaping and brickwork. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re anticipating being done with plenty of time before school,â&#x20AC;? Burandt stated, noting that only the lighting issues may remain. But the board had several pressing is=?/= 98 >2/ :<94/-> 38-6?.381 6312> JBtures, bollards for the lights and even how to deal with where the wide edges of the ground-level entryway should open up for possible additional waiting and seating areas, or return in a convex manner, >9 K+</ 9?> +66 >2/ A236/ =>+C381 A3>238 the budget. The concave versus convex issue will be formally addressed later, but the consensus among the board was to go with the more usable, yet more expensive, concave approach. It would run about 16 feet down the wall on both sides, and may be used a spot for picnic tables, seating or other landscaping features. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That looks like the correct way,â&#x20AC;? board
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;But we are talking about something that is supposed to last at least 20 years. - Steve Bont
the district approach of phased roof replacement, so they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to do the entire roof at one time on all their campus buildings. He also noted that the district only spent $40,000 of their assigned fund balance from last year, and thus many of the items are carryover expenditures. â&#x20AC;˘ There was much debate but no action on possible changes to the athletic/activity code, primarily to get the grade eligibility issues in sync with the actual school year grading. The issue was complicated enough in possible effects that the board would like '16==: 0=/@2 ;3;03@A B==9 B= B63 1=<AB@C1B7=< H=<3 =4 B63 6756 A16==: 3<B@GE/G 4=@ / 1:=A3@ to weigh it further, and possibly enter:==9 /B >=AA70:3 :/<2A1/>7<5 =>B7=<A #'#& + % %&' " tain a presentation by the athletic director and/or coaching staff to clarify the posAfter some discussion, they agreed on =3,6/ 3==?/= +8. ,/8/J>= member Steve Bont said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It gives us â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an interesting conundrum,â&#x20AC;? stated lights with eight square bollards, which space for swings or a bench.â&#x20AC;? The board was in agreement with Bont, will need wiring prior to pavers. They board President Roni Schuler. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I see vaalthough the cost difference between the also approved spending up to $25,000 lidity to both sides.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;What weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re after here is clarity,â&#x20AC;? stated on replacing the 11 high school sidewalk two options was approximately $8,500. high school Principal Peggy Ryan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The â&#x20AC;&#x153;But we are talking about something lights, which were previously budgeted, that is supposed to last at least 20 years,â&#x20AC;? outside the entryway scope. They will current policy is rather murky.â&#x20AC;? The board will address the changes at have a similar design as the new entryBont added. High school Principal Peggy Ryan way lights, with one of the lights to have a future meeting, with no impact on student eligibility for the fall sports. agreed, noting that the extra space could + K99.6312> 09< >2/ K+1:96/ â&#x20AC;˘ Spanish Teacher Sharlene Prinsen &/@/<+6 J83=2 ./=318 3==?/= A366 ,/ ./be usable even as classroom space. gave a presentation on the so-called The board will pass some of the design cided in committee. BARR program, Building Assets Reducissues on to committee, such as brick and ing Risks, which the U.S. Department of landscaping stone colors, as well as other < =B63@ 0=/@2 /1B7=< â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved the resignation Education refers to as a program â&#x20AC;&#x153;... dedetails. The lighting issues were more compli- of Brian Jacobson as baseball coach, who signed to increase academic growth and cated, and needed some attention, due to has been the varsity coach for 21 years. achievement for (high school) students the installation of underground wire rout- Jacobson was thanked and praised for his by improving the effectiveness of their >/+-2/< >/+7= A3>2 =:/-3J- +>>/8>398 >9 time with the program and the team. ing, prior to pavers and landscaping. They also approved the resignation extending highly effective teachers reach After much debate, the board generally agreed on the style of lights and the bol- of one of their varsity assistant football to serve more students.â&#x20AC;? Prinsen pointed to data on ways the lard design, but several issues remain in coaches, Nick Johnson. â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved a bid of $13,690 district has addressed freshman students >2/ J8+6 J83=2 The board had allocated $100,000 from from Monarch Paving for a project at the with multiple failing grades, and how the their assigned budget fund, and although entryway and on the playground at the data shows that second-semester failures they are going to exceed that amount, Dresser Elementary School. The second are much more common, but that the mentor-based program can reduce the they will use their dedicated capital ex- bid was over $4,500 higher. The board approved an assigned fund volume of failing-grade trends. pense fund for additional improvements She noted that class failure rates have balance of $433,438 for the 2015-2016 to the entryway. suggested that while a freshman focus school year, which includes several previously carryover projects, such as $100,000 program cannot fully solve failure rates, toward the high school entryway and it can reduce the percentage of students another $53,000 for junior class comput- failing more than one class, compared to ers, to continue with their junior seminar a three-year average. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(The data also showed) targeted and program. intensive interventions with individual The approved fund balance also includes paying $88,000 for a new school students yields good results,â&#x20AC;? Prinsen bus, which comes with a discount because stated. The presentation also pointed to other it is last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s model, and about $7,000 ways the district is approaching ways less in cost. Other approved expenditures include to assist students who may have is$30,000 for a new pickup truck, shared by sues outside the school that affect their food service and maintenance, with a rear schoolwork, ranging from tutoring and hydraulic lift; they also approved $41,000 homework assistance to mental-health for a portion of the middle school gymna- evaluations and literacy. â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved several minor sium and roof project, and an estimated 09< >2/ J<=> :2+=/ 90 /B>/<39< J- changes to each schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s student handberglass entry panels, although that is a book. rough estimate. Burandt urged the board to continue
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=44713@A E3:1=;32 /B C@<3BB =C<BG &3>C0:71/< $/@BG ;33B7<5 SIREN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Burnett County Sheriff Ron Wilhelm and Sgt. Ryan Bybee, as well as Polk County Deputy Nick Bryant, were well received as they attended the Burnett County Republican Party monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 23. They had been invited to make a presentation regard381 >2/ A9<5 90 +3=/< >2/ .<?1 =830J81 German shepherd currently serving both counties. '2/ 90J-/<= .3=-?==/. 8/A -+=/ 6+A putting tighter limitations on the amount of time they could reasonably detain mo>9<3=>= +> + ><+0J- =>9: 0 >2/ 90J-/< 2+= reason to suspect there may be drugs somewhere in the vehicle, calling in Kai=/< 3= >2/ 79=> /00/->3@/ A+C >9 J8. >2/7 Because the dog and his handler, Bryant,
are both housed in Polk County, however, oftentimes they are not able to make it to the scene within the prescribed time frame. To help enable the Burnett County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department to apprehend drug trafJ-5/<= 9:/<+>381 38 >2/ -9?8>C )362/67 has made it one of the goals of his new administration to try to acquire a drug=830J81 .91 >9 =/<@/ ?<8/>> 9?8>C exclusively. He asserted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a 69> 90 .<?1 ><+0J-5381 >2<9?12 ?<8/>> County.â&#x20AC;? People have been stepping up to respond to the need immediately, making donations for this cause to the Citizenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auxiliary, which is already set up += + 898:<9J> 9<1+83D+>398 )362/67 89>/. >2+> >2/ .<?1 =830J81
dog in St. Croix County is funded entirely by donations. While cost estimates are rough and very preliminary, he projected that the program could run $12,000$17,000 to start up and $5,000-$8,000 annually thereafter to maintain, depending on the breed of dog chosen and the extent of its training. Fortunately, one of the best training academies in the country is in St. Paul, Minn., so acquiring a dog would not be .30J-?6> /-+?=/ 90 >2/ +-+./7CI= /B-/6lence, however, there could be a lengthy wait time. To demonstrate Kaiserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skill, Bryant hid some marijuana in the room, then brought in his canine companion to locate it. Although the room was fairly sizable,
Kaiser proved his mettle and sniffed out the dope in less than two minutes. He was rewarded with one of his favorite toys. Bryant pointed out that the nose of a German shepherd is 500 times more sensitive than the human nose. During their regular business meeting that followed the presentation, the Burnett County Republican Party enthusiastically discussed possibilities of coming alongside the sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s department to help raise money to fund this program in Burnett County. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Public safety is a very important issue that affects all of us,â&#x20AC;? stated Chairman Laurie Reimer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are excited to assist in meeting a need that will clearly ,/8/J> >2/ :/9:6/ 90 ?<8/>> 9?8>C H â&#x20AC;&#x201C; submitted
/B3 0:756B 6/A 67B 13<B@/: +7A1=<A7< Wisconsin potato industry could be affected, says soil expert Cheyenne Lentz | WPR News CENTRAL WISCONSIN - There has ,//8 -98J<7+>398 90 6+>/ ,6312> 38 >2/ -/8tral part of the state, according to Kevin Schoessow, an agricultural development agent for the University of Wisconsin Extension. The plant disease, caused by a pathogen known as phytophthora infestans, affects both potatoes and tomatoes, causing discoloration and eventually death of the plants tissue. The disease is perhaps bestknown for causing the Irish potato famine back in the 1800s. Schoessow said the disease is one to keep an eye on, given that Wisconsin has a substantial commercial potato industry. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wisconsin is third in the nation behind Idaho and Washington state in potato production,â&#x20AC;? Schoessow said. The spores of this fungus spread quite readily, which is why Schoessow recommends destroying the entire plant once the disease is found. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If we get this in our commercial potato
(63@3 6/A 033< 1=<47@;/B7=< =4 :/B3 0:756B 7< B63 13<B@/: >/@B =4 B63 AB/B3 /11=@27<5 B= 3D7< '16=3AA=E /< /5@71C:BC@/: 23D3:=>;3<B /53<B 4=@ B63 )<7D3@A7BG =4 +7A1=<A7< FB3<A7=< #'# + " '' J/6.= 9< /@/8 30 C9?I</ + 7+<5/> 1+<./8/< and you have a substantial amount of potatoes or tomatoes, late blight is really a tough disease to manage,â&#x20AC;? Schoessow said. To completely get rid of the plant, it needs to be completely uprooted, placed in a plastic bag, and then undergo a process called â&#x20AC;&#x153;solarization.â&#x20AC;? Soil solarization is a nonchemical method that kills soilborne pests using high temperatures captured from the sun, according to the
the leaves, and it causes the whole tissue to collapse and eventually the whole plant almost melts away,â&#x20AC;? Schoessow said. To determine if plants have late blight, samples can be sent to the Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just mention late-blight analysis on those samples and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll do it for no charge,â&#x20AC;? Schoessow said.
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Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of the University of California. After solarization, the plant should be disposed of. The signs to look for are different from typical blights found on tomatoes. Schoessow said with early blight, the leaves get lesions that have yellowing or halos around a dead spot on the tissue. With late blight, he said the signs are very different. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You get these kind of olive-brown to black, water-soaked, kind of oily areas on
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*3=7 ;F 8GDF:7D I think I am going to have to turn in my Tea Party green card and side with our dictator president on the sanctuary cities issue. Some of my conservative friends are questioning how a seven-time convicted felon who was deported five times can walk the streets of a sanctuary city San Francisco - with a gun and shoot a young woman walking with her dad. People who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand how this could happen are probably against abortion and gay marriage, too. Heck- they might even be Christians - God forbid! They sure donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live in a major city where this happens every day. Mexico is engaged in its version of the Mariel boatlift of 1980 where Cuba emptied its prisons and sent them to Florida, triggering a crime wave thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still an ongoing problem. Mexico is doing the same thing now. There are about 300 â&#x20AC;&#x153;sanctuary citiesâ&#x20AC;? in the U.S., that are allowed by Obama to thumb their nose at federal immigration law. Two of them are in Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Madison and Milwaukee. I like the idea of â&#x20AC;&#x153;sanctuary cities.â&#x20AC;? I would like to take it further. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s have â&#x20AC;&#x153;sanctuary states.â&#x20AC;? Since Obama has decided that the state sovereignty guaranteed in the Constitution applies to metropolitan cities, he should have no problem extending the same courtesy to states. In â&#x20AC;&#x153;sanctuary statesâ&#x20AC;? no federal government activity would be al69A/. ?86/== </;?/=>/. ,C + =:/-3J- act of the state legislature and signed by that stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s governor inviting federal people into the state to perform =:/-3J- >+=5= +8. >2/8 6/+@/ +1+38 No FBI. ATF, NSA, TSA, HUD, Dept. of Interior. No federal land grabs disguised as â&#x20AC;&#x153;heritage areas,â&#x20AC;? no EPA, OSHA, Dept. of Ed, Dept. of Health and Welfare, no IRS - no federal meddling in state or personal affairs of any kind unless the state asks. Make no mistake - the blood of that young woman - Kathryn Steinle - lies squarely on the spindly shoulders of Barack Hussein Obama. His oath 90 90J-/ </;?3</= >2+> 2/ /809<-/ +66 the laws. Choosing to ignore federal immigration laws is a political move aimed at furthering Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agenda of destroying America from within. The Republicans are complicit because they refuse to use the constitutional power at their disposal to stop this most lawless of all our presidents. Both parties have failed us and all three branches of government are now operating outside of their Constitutional boundaries. God help us! Bob Blake Rural Frederic
A4 I7>> 6A@7 As residents of Frederic, we sometimes take for granted the wonderful attitude and efforts of volunteers in the community, for example, the recent Family Days. Every year we expect the event to take place and that we can just go and enjoy it. This year was a real surprise. Everything was bigger, better and more interesting. The Frederic Chamber of Commerce has been and is responsible for planning and executing their vision of the events that take place each year. The Leader did a great job with coverage of the Family Days, both in articles and photos. Bremer Bank outdid itself this year with the Stillwater Trolley shuttling people to and from the downtown area and Coon Lake Park so that they could more easily participate in all the events. Rae Lynn Johnson, as usual, gave cheerfully of her time to manage the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parade with about 50 youngsters participating. The Frederic Arts Council had many diverse art events taking place at their facility across from the park. We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget the Frederic Chamber of Commerce volunteers who planned and executed their vision of events for all of us to enjoy. The chamber committee included Sally Miller from the Rose Garden, Maria Booher from Northwoods Bakery, Theresa Dunn from the Mud Hut, Kris Pike from Avalon, Linda Hoff from Lindaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Care, Mike Route from Red Iron Studio and Alissa Meyer from Red Iron Studio. It was a job well done. Mary Ellen Bechtel Frederic
:AAE7 ;@F79D;FK Words in the English language can be confusing. Consider the word polish. This can mean a paste used to make things shiny, such as shoe polish. But if we capitalize the P, it now means something pertaining to the people of the country of Poland. When we go to the meat department at the grocery store, are we confused when we pick up a link of Polish sausage, thinking it might be made of a paste used to make shoes shiny? Of course not. We all know it is meat prepared in a manner originated by people indigenous to Poland; no one needs to explain this; we just know it. At the SCF City Council meeting Monday, words were the focus of attention. A new business has chosen a name that many local citizens feel is offensive. One of the business owners spoke and simply said that he hoped the council would respect the
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businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, which is their First Amendment right. I believe most people in the audience, and there were many, were not challenging his right to what most felt is an offensive name. His business does have that right, but is it appropriate to exercise that right? A lot of people in this country have done some terrible things in the name of free speech. Desecrating the 7/<3-+8 K+1 -97/= >9 738. += 98/ of the more visceral of these things. The people who do these things are always quick to wrap themselves in the protection of the First Amendment. Can they do these things? Yes, we â&#x20AC;&#x153;live in a free countryâ&#x20AC;? they will loudly proclaim. But should they do these things that upset their fellow citizens? Probably not. Unlike the word polish, F-bomb pretty much has only one meaning. Two gentlemen who spoke in favor of the business name explained that the name in question, F-bomb, didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really mean what everyone thought it meant, i.e., the offensive four-letter word. In fact, they proclaimed, the owner(s) of the company are saying it really means â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freedom-bomb.â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never heard of this meaning of the word until I read it in a quote from F-bomb co-owner, Dr. Gorres, in the newspaper. Are the owners of this business really trying to change the meaning of this word? Their website boasts of high â&#x20AC;&#x153;integrityâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;ethics.â&#x20AC;? Maybe they have something going here. Unfortunately, no business owners conJ<7/. >2+> >2/3< 38>/8> 3= >9 -2+81/ the meaning of F-bomb to the more patriotic Freedom Bomb. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not sure if this was because none of them were prepared to announce this or if it is simply a fabrication that they hope weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll all embrace. Two patrons already have. Can they keep their name, which 7+8C J8. 900/8=3@/ #0 -9?<=/ 3>I= their right. But should they? Gorres, you said in the paper that F-Bomb can mean Freedom Bomb. If this is truly your belief, then stand behind your words and change your business name to Freedom Bomb. Choose high ethics and integrity.
Jon Cermin Dresser
Opinion? Email us @ editor@leadernewsroom.com
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be of that ilk themselves. Oddly enough, Hollywood liberals do not see themselves as part of that establishment either. Hmm! Gratitude is extended to the Luck LiThey have an obsessive compulsion to brary and History Museum and the Polk inform the mass ignorant Americans of County History Museum from their rewhat is best for this country. Unfortucent sponsorship of events to celebrate nately, their delivery is far more impresmy new book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Crops Look Good: =3@/ >2+8 >2/3< 7/==+1/ 8 >2/3< 38J83>/ News from a Midwestern Family Farm,â&#x20AC;? wisdom, they worship Zen, the Earth and Minnesota Historical Society Press. practice Scientology. Hollywood liberals After completing three book tours in the listen to Mozart, prefer a ballet and an Upper Midwest, I am pleased to say that opera. my readings in Polk County have been Liberals think that Caitlyn Jenner is a the most rewarding. That is partly due, I great hero, brave and bold, a wonderful expect, to the face that â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Crops Look example for young Americans by standGood,â&#x20AC;? is set in Polk County, representing ing erect, so to speak, for what he believes. a history that area residents understand Conservatives believe that Bruce Jenner on a very personal level. was a great Olympic champion that now I sincerely appreciate the efforts of suffers from severe gender confusion. He the museum staff and volunteers who also does not belong on a box of Wheaties. worked to organize and promote these Ann Krisik Have you ever been to a gathering of events. And gratitude is extended to all Amery people where nametags are displayed? If who attended. they read Christina, Ronald Johnson-Orlander, Charles, Richard III, Alexander or Sara DeLuca Roberto then it is probably a liberal cauPeachtree City, Ga. cus. On the other hand, if the tags read Chris, Ronny, Chuck, Dick, Alex or Bob )2/</ .9 C9? J> 38 #< .98I> C9? 9< then it is probably a conservative caucus. Liberals believe that the Constitution perhaps even care? Have you ever made a benign comment has outlived its usefulness and does not about unions and witnessed the veins apply to todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Americans. The Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Leader ofConservatives believe that the Constituemerge from temples and forearms? Be fers a clear picture of you as owner of the tion is a living, breathing document that very careful because they are most likely store whose signage we object to. will endure throughout our nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exisliberals and tend to be inexorably very, Many citizens spoke on June 29. Were tence. They believe it applies today just as very angry. you at the council meeting to hear conit did in 1789. Have you been to a local park or hikcerns, very few of which referred to miliIf the liberals are right, then why do we ing trail and witnessed bicycle riders with tary weapons? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worse if you werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need a Supreme Court? water bottles, helmets, fanny packs and present. Without facts, you chose to be Liberals believe that the human race is granola bars? They are probably liberals. 38K+77+>9<C #8/ 09<7/< 6+A /809<-/Sharon Foss On the other hand, if they are riding a solely responsible for the destruction of 7/8> 90J-/ </+. >2</+>= ,?66C381 38 C9?< Adrienne and John Gyllen Harley, carrying binoculars, a camera and the Earth, creating global warming, exacwords. Any truth? Marilyn B. and Al Kruger a licensed concealed weapon, they are erbating the extinction of rare species and You said that objectors â&#x20AC;&#x153;have an St. Croix Falls will ultimately lead to everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demise. probably conservatives. agendaâ&#x20AC;? and later expand to â&#x20AC;&#x153;a sort of Conservatives believe the Earth is selfA liberal believes that guns and Conpolitical agenda against the concept of sustaining and will endure the abuse of 0/./<+>/ K+1= 5366 :/9:6/ 98=/<@+>3@/= J</+<7= ./+6/<=23: H the human race. believe that crazy people kill people. In place of fabrications, here are truths: Living here in Northwest Wisconsin, The disparity list goes on and on. Who Liberals believe that helping the un1) Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no political agenda. Your sign one can never say that they have either is right and who is wrong? No one! Apaderprivileged is the responsibility of the affects good taste and decency across dif- learned enough or heard enough about thy still prevails for many or most. ferences in age, religion, political pref- Lyme disease. This is why the Lyme sup- government. The elections are a little more than a Conservatives believe that helping the erences. You insult in a way that brings port group in Amery will be showing the year away. I urge everyone to understand many together on a common-ground J67 G 8./73- 189<+8-/ C7/ 3=/+=/ underprivileged should come from the the issues and vote according to their bebottom up, not the top down. Top-down issue: removing offensively named signs Basics and Preventionâ&#x20AC;? at their upcoming liefs. from public view. 2) Objectors shop at meeting on Thursday evening, July 23. support reinforces dependency and a Most importantly, especially this elecsense of entitlement. Bottom-up support =>9</= >2+> =/66 J</+<7= 38 9?< +</+ "9 The meetings are always held at 7 p.m. at tion, you must have a good sense of creates an appreciation for community, one considers challenging businesses Our Saviors Lutheran Church, CTH F, on neighborhood, caring, friends and pro- humor. with inoffensive signs or signs located off the south end of town. motes the motivation for self-improveMain Street. '2/ /.?-+>398+6 J67 3= 38>/8./. >9 2/6: Rick Dahlstrom You claim F-bomb is a euphemism? A many different people. Basic facts and ment and self-reliance. Lewis Liberals tend to despise the under-serveuphemism is a mild or indirect word or prevention measures are meant to inform ing, very wealthy even though they may expression substituted for one consid-
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ered too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant. Your words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In military circles, the F-bomb can be used to denote Freedom,â&#x20AC;? say that again. Would one need a euphemism in place of the word, freedom? You state that no one would mind if the sign read â&#x20AC;&#x153;F-bomb records.â&#x20AC;? Sir, you underestimate our sense of decency and regard for our city. A 90-year-old clergyman, a young mom, and a local business owner can tell you what it means. If you listen to their shock and dismay at the public use of a vulgar expression, you will know there is no euphemism for F-bomb. That is why so many have called city hall, signed petitions, taken time out of their busy lives to attend public meetings. Your sign is vulgar, trashy and beneath the standards for citizens who prefer a higher quality of life for themselves, families and visitors. We note your untruths and the tone of disrespect you choose to show toward those of us who need not call upon the Constitution to claim rights. Adults know also that, just because something is â&#x20AC;&#x153;legal,â&#x20AC;? does not mean itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the right and decent thing to do. Mr. Gorres, your clumsy attempt to defend the indefensible is an affront to the efforts made by citizens whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve worked for years to improve the city by investing time, energy and money building trails, protecting natural resources and attracting services and businesses that are good for the residents and that invite visitors to stay awhile. We simply ask you to listen to the community and remove the sign.
the general public about the dangers of C7/ .3=/+=/ '2/ J67 >2+> A366 ,/ =29A8 also contains a large amount of detailed information about tick life cycles, as well += + ,+->/<3+ :<9J6/ '23= J67 2+= + <?8 >37/ 90 4?=> 738utes and it was designed to be shown in classrooms and support groups. It is straightforward in its presentation of facts pertaining to disease transmission, mak381 >23= J67 + @+6?+,6/ >996 09< =?::9<> groups and Lyme patients alike. If you are unable to attend the July meeting and wish to learn more about Lyme disease via your computer, some of the websites available are wisconsinlyme. net or lymedisease.org. Plan to attend the meeting on Thursday evening, July 23, at 7 p.m.
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Wisconsin is a net donor
istorically, Wisconsin has been a donor state. That is, residents and businesses combined paid more in federal taxes than the state received in federal spending. From 2003-2008, Wisconsin garnered between 83 cents and 91 cents of federal spending for each $1 of federal taxes its residents paid. That changed in 2009 and 2010. Wisconsin ,/8/J>/. 79</ >2+8 79=> =>+>/= 0<97 federal stimulus. Consequently, Wisconsin captured $1.36 in federal expenditures for every $1 in taxes paid in 2009, and $1.44 in 2010. Data is unavailable
for 2011 and 2012, but Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return on taxes fell to $1.03 by 2013. The Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance is + 898:+<>3=+8 898:<9J> </=/+<-2 9<1+nization dedicated to good government through citizen education since 1932.
Scam phone class continue IRS identifies five easy ways to spot suspicious calls WASHINGTON â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a consumer alert providing taxpayers with additional tips to protect themselves from telephone scam artists calling and pretending to be with the IRS. These callers may demand money or may say you have a refund due and try to trick you into sharing private information. These con artists can sound convincing when they call. They may know a lot about you, and they usually alter the caller ID to make it look like the IRS is calling. They use fake names and bogus
%& 3./8>3J-+>398 ,+.1/ 8?7,/<= 0 C9? donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t answer, they often leave an â&#x20AC;&#x153;urgentâ&#x20AC;? callback request. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These telephone scams are being seen in every part of the country, and we urge people not to be deceived by these threatening phone calls,â&#x20AC;? IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have formal processes in place for people with tax issues. The IRS respects taxpayer rights, and these angry, shake-down calls are not how we do business.â&#x20AC;? The IRS reminds people that they can know pretty easily when a supposed IRS -+66/< 3= + 0+5/ /</ +</ J@/ >2381= >2/ scammers often do but the IRS will not .9 8C 98/ 90 >2/=/ J@/ >2381= 3= + >/66tale sign of a scam. The IRS will never call to demand immediate payment, nor
will they call about taxes owed without J<=> 2+@381 7+36/. C9? + ,366 ./7+8. that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe; require you to ?=/ + =:/-3J- :+C7/8> 7/>29. 09< C9?< taxes such as a prepaid debit card; ask for credit, or debit-card numbers over the phone; or threaten to bring in local police or other law enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying. If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from the IRS and asking for money, hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what you should do. If you know you owe taxes or think you might owe, call the IRS at 800-829-1040. The IRS workers can help you with a payment issue. If you know you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t owe taxes or have no reason to believe that you do, re-
port the incident to the treasury inspector general for tax administration at 800-3664484 or at tigta.gov *9? -+8 J6/ + -97plaint using the FTC Complaint Assistant, choose other and then imposter scams. If the complaint involves someone impersonating the IRS, include the words IRS telephone scam in the notes. Remember, too, the IRS does not use unsolicited email, text messages or any social media to discuss your personal tax issue. For more information on reporting tax scams, go to irs.gov and type scam in the search box. Additional information about tax scams are available on IRS social media sites including YouTube and Tumblr where :/9:6/ -+8 =/+<-2 =-+7 >9 J8. +66 >2/ scam-related posts. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from IRS
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*$?$@$A$B$C$D$=$"$%$?$@$D With new eyes
our years ago this month, what the National Weather Service would call a â&#x20AC;&#x153;land hurricane,â&#x20AC;? or derecho, moved across Burnett County. A par particularly virulent swath of this storm, packing 110 mph winds, ran from the Clam Flowage out on CTH F all the way to Voyager Village and beyond, roughly following CTH C. As it happens, our home was right in the path of this portion of the storm, and my wife and I watched in disbelief from the door of the root cellar as the winds raged for 20 minutes, uprooting virtually every large oak and pine on our eastern 40 and sending a 160-year-old red pine air airborne across the front yard. We spent most of the next day cutting our way out of our 600-foot driveway, 986C >9 J8. >2/ >9A8 <9+. =></A8 A3>2 a tangle of fallen trees, power poles and power lines. By day three post-storm, a front-end loader had pushed its way through, opening up a one-lane roadway and by the fourth day, workers from surrounding electric co-ops had arrived to replace poles and restring the lines, restoring power to our neighborhood by that night. The rest of that summer was something of a blur. The cleanup went on for a couple of months, aided greatly in our case by the good folks at T and T Logging who somehow created order out of the tangled mess. When it was done, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d lost virtually 70 acres of woods and many old-growth pines. And we werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t alone. Portions of the east and west ends of Yellow Lake looked like a
(63 D73E 4@=; 63@3 Steve Pearson war zone, though miraculously there were no reports of death or serious injury in those areas. Going east along the county road, thousands of acres of trees were downed for miles on end, many falling on homes, cabins and vehicles, and familiar places seemed suddenly foreign. Our beautiful North Woods ambiance had been replaced by what to my eyes looked like large-scale ruin. As the leaves fell in the fall, more downed trees were exposed. We contemplated the strong possibility that, given our ages, we would never again see the kind of beauty we had known for the past several decades in our rural neighborhood. We gave thought to pulling up stakes and moving to the east or 89<>2 38 29:/= 90 J8.381 + ,31 A99.= again. Friends, trying to be helpful, reminded us that the forest would regenerate, but we were mostly inconsolable during this period. With each spring since that time, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve looked for evidence of that regeneration, sometimes literally measuring the new growth on the deciduous trees or the candles on the small pines. By last summer, the popples had grown taller than us and the maples and oaks, which came back in clumps, were beginning to look like honest-to-goodness trees. We took to driving the eastern
40 many evenings just to check out the emerging forest. We were beginning >9 -97/ 9?> 90 9?< .//: 0?85 +8. J8.>9 -97/ 9?> 90 9?< .//: 0?85 +8. J8. ing things to like about all that new growth. Still, the occasional mature tree left standing served as a reminder that things would never (meaning in our lifetimes) be the way they were. Last fall brought heavy rains, raising the water on area lakes and ponds to near record levels. Despite relatively meager snowfall during the winter, by spring the water was still up and soil moisture was relatively high when we turned over the gardens. By the end of May, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d had plenty of rainfall and a lot of good, sunny growing days, and the candles on the pines close to the house seemed particularly long. As it happens, pedaling our little boat around the pond in front of the house became a twice-daily part of my rehab regimen after knee surgery in late May. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been avoiding this simple activity since the big blowdown, mostly because we hated seeing all the downed trees around the pond and on the ridges up above. But pedaling felt good for the knee, and for the brain, too, and we soon took delight in the abundance of life along the edges of the pond. There were the turtles sunning themselves 98 + 691 +8. >2/ 1<//8 2/<98 KC381 low with its familiar squawk. The doe showed up in the little bay with her newborn fawn, and the great blue heron plunged its beak into the shallows looking for food of one kind or another. But what was inescapable in the midst of all this teeming animal life was the splendid backdrop. The big-growth
spring had covered up all the remaining rough edges from the storm and while it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the mature forest of yesteryear, it was green and thick and lush, early summer in all its glory, and with each dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ride, we felt restored, reborn in some sense, the increasingly joyful recipients of this abundant display of natural beauty. Some kind of line had been crossed, some new balancing of the elements had occurred, and we were back in that beautiful place weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d called home for so many years. June brought its challenges, but even as tragedy entered our lives, we still >995 >37/ /+-2 .+C >9 </K/-> 98 +66 >2+> beauty and to give thanks for its healing properties. It was as if we were seeing 3> +1+38 09< >2/ J<=> >37/ A3>2 8/A /C/= and that made all the difference. We 2+. J8+66C 7+./ 9?< :/+-/ A3>2 >2/ storm that took so much from us on that sultry July day back in 2011, and we moved on. As I write this, the forecast calls for an 80-percent chance of thunderstorms, some severe, for later today and tonight. These days, I always feel a little skittish when I read those words, though it looks as if extreme weather will be a fact of life in this new climate where what used to be hundred-year storms occur with much greater frequency. But for now, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll spend these precious summer mornings sitting out on the deck with a cup of coffee, looking south across >2/ :98. >9 A2/</ >2/ 09</=> 2+= J66/. in and is once again a veil of verdant green, savoring the newfound beauty of our little piece of this place we all call home.
Youth decisions ill Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s low wage growth W discourage young people from 'B/B3 />7B=: taking jobs in the Badger state? A recent report showed Wisconsin ranked 42nd in the United States in wage growth. Some who meet payrolls may think that is good news. Others, fresh with a new college degree or trade, may see the low rating as a warning sign. Wage growth is but one measuring tool for economic activity â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but it might be more of an issue for the young and those starting working careers than for older workers. Employers are bullish on the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economic future, but it remains unclear how Wisconsin compares to other states. That issue was raised when President Obama spoke recently in La Crosse and drew comparisons between Minnesota where Democrat Mark Dayton is governor and Wisconsin where Republican Scott Walker is in the governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chair. Kurt Bauer, president and CEO of Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the state chamber of commerce, concedes Minnesota has a higher per capita income, a lower unemployment rate and a better educated population. But he suggested in a recent column that Wisconsin needed more time for Walkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s policies to take effect.
Actions speak louder than words s I listened to some of my col colA leagues in the Senate during our debate on the 2015-2017 state budget, I
was reminded of a biblical quote. I John 3:18: â&#x20AC;&#x153;My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.â&#x20AC;? I heard a lot of words about how the budget did this or that, but when all is said and done, the budget should be judged for what it does, not for what the people who passed it said it would do. The next two-year budget cuts fund funding for the UW System, including two-year campuses like UW-Barron County and UW-Extension, by $250 mil million. Our public schools get no increase 38 1/8/<+6 +3. 38 >2/ J<=> C/+< 90 >2/ coming biennium, and see only a slight increase in the second. The budget returns less general state aid to our public schools than they got in 2010. We were told this is necessary because we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough money, because we have to keep taxes low. And yet somehow, there is enough money to increase state
"3EA:3BB3@ Matt Pommer
The Twin Cities have advantages over Wisconsin, Bauer wrote. Those Minnesota cities did not experience the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Great Migrationâ&#x20AC;? of some 6 million African Americans from the South who were recruited to factories in manufacturing centers of the Northeast and Midwest, particularly during the World War II era. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Milwaukee was (a destination for those workers), as were Beloit and Racine.â&#x20AC;? That wave of workers between the 1910s and 1970s subsequently created neigh neighborhoods disproportionately impacted by the later loss of manufacturing jobs to Asia, according to Bauer. That left â&#x20AC;&#x153;a legacy of poverty and crime absent in Minnesota,â&#x20AC;? he wrote. Milwaukee also has a competition prob problem with Chicago and the Twin Cities. Milwaukee â&#x20AC;&#x153;is geographically caught between a rock and a hard place. The rock is Chicago and the hard place is Minneapolis-St. Paul, both of which are
B6 7AB@71B '3</B3 3@7F 7I>7K aid for voucher schools by over $48 million during the next two years. Less money for struggling public schools in northern Wisconsin, more money for unaccountable private schools in southeastern Wisconsin. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hear any of my colleagues say that voucher expansion is more important than the school district of Spooner, but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what their actions say. The budget directs the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to come up with plans to handover successful state programs, like FamilyCare and IRIS, to 09< :<9J> 7+8+1/. -+</ 9<1+83D+>398= !9=> 90 >2/ 898:<9J> 1<9?:= >2+> -?<rently provide these services wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be able to continue serving the people in their communities. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hear any 90 7C -966/+1?/= =+C >2+> :<9J>= 09< 9?> of-state insurance companies are more important than the well-being of our
major draws for coveted young professionals,â&#x20AC;? Bauer wrote. Recent state policy decisions might be factors affecting a broad array of Wis Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s young people. The Republicancontrolled state government adopted a right-to-work law barring future labor contracts that require union membership of the workers. The right-to-work law is seen as a way to limit the size of any future wage increases. Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s minimum wage law re remains unchanged. While an increase in the minimum wage would largely impact entry-level wages, some suggest that it would eventually force employers to raise wage levels for lower managerial rungs. The Legislature also enacted Walkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposed changes in tenure on University of Wisconsin System campuses. The budget bill language gives the Board of Regents the power to lay off or dismiss staff based on budgetary changes. At other major universities, tenured 0+-?6>C -+8 ,/ 6+3. 900 .?/ >9 J8+8-3+6 emergencies or changes in educational programming. Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank, who sought a veto of the language, said Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recent changes would hurt the ability to recruit and keep top educators and researchers
in the national market for intellectual talent. These are the people who attract millions of dollars in federal aid and private grants, as well as draw students who want to attend a particular campus because of particular programs or academic expertise. Wisconsin also has changed the socalled â&#x20AC;&#x153;prevailing wage rateâ&#x20AC;? which determined hourly pay rates for large public-sector construction projects. That could lower both the cost of the projects and the amount earned by the construction trades. In 2011, Wisconsin gutted most provisions of public employee labor law, Walker has bragged in campaign stops 38 9A+ >2+> 3>I= 89A /+=3/< >9 J</ >/+-2ers in Wisconsin. Teaching opportunities may increasingly end up in private schools. The new state budget provides more taxpayer money for private voucher schools with lower pay schedules. Bauer wrote â&#x20AC;&#x153;business optimism is sky-highâ&#x20AC;? in Wisconsin. Yet young people may focus more on wages than the employers enthusiasm for the GOP policies.
elderly parents and disabled neighbors, but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what their actions say. The budget raises the fees you will have to pay to use Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s state parks. Annual and daily admission passes, camping fees and trail passes will all cost more. And it cuts funding for the scientists at the DNR who do the research underlying environmental regulation and wildlife management. At the same time, the budget makes it easier for oil companies to condemn property to expand oil pipelines and eliminates the ability of local governments to require these oil pipeline companies to have enough insurance to cover the complete costs of cleaning up after an oil spill. This could end up leaving taxpayers on the hook for oil company mishaps. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hear any of my colleagues say that oil company :<9J>= +</ 79</ 37:9<>+8> >2+8 C9?< rights to enjoy Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beautiful natural resources, but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what their actions say. The budget continues the attack on local control, removing the ability of local governments to use room tax revenue in a way that works best for their community, eliminates local governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s authority to adopt shoreline
zoning that makes sense for their lakes and rivers, and even goes as far remov removing local zoning authority entirely as it relates to the redevelopment of Department of Transportationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hill Farms of ofJ-/ -97:6/B -/<>+386C .3.8I> 2/+< +8C of my colleagues get up and say that they know more about what is good for your community than your locally /6/->/. 90J-3+6= ,?> >2+>I= A2+> >2/3< +-tions say. This was the third budget I have debated as a state legislator. Most of the things I heard from my Republican colleagues were things I heard back in 2011 and 2013. They promised then that the cuts they were making, and the tax breaks they were giving away, would result in a dramatically improved econ economy. Although I disagreed with their priorities, I hoped that what they promised was true. In my next column I will present some objective measurements of how well Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy has done over the last four years so you can decide if their actions live up to their words. As always, I welcome your input. I can be reached via phone tollfree at 800-469-6562 or by email at sen. bewley@legis.wi.gov.
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Spellbinding â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sleeping Beautyâ&#x20AC;? Priscilla Bauer | Staff writer GRANTSBURG â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The audience sat spellbound watching Grantsburg summer school students perform Disneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sleeping Beautyâ&#x20AC;? on Friday, July 10. The classic fairy tale was brought to life through song and dance with enchanting performances by the ensemble cast made up of fourth- through ninth-grade students.
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Photos by Priscilla Bauer
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Heart of the North Rodeo highlights
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Photos by Larry Samson
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Marty Messar talks 39-year career with Luck High School girls basketball Marty Seeger|Staff writer LUCK â&#x20AC;&#x201C; This fall and winter, the Luck High School sports programs will be see381 =3183J-+8> -2+81/= >9 >2/ -9+-2381 ranks that include Chelsey Foeller as the new Luck volleyball coach and Chad Eley assuming the head coaching duties of the boys basketball program. Former volleyball coach Jen Nelson and basketball coach Rick Giller had successful winning tenures with the Cardinals, as did head girls basketball coach Marty Messar, who resigned in April after 39 seasons at the helm. Messar coached 830 Luck High School girls basketball games since 1976, which is likely the second or third most games ever coached in Wisconsin girls basketball history. Messar is also quick to point out that in that time span, his overall record indicates 430 wins, to go along with 400 losses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The fact that I was a losing coach on 400 occasions also puts me at the very top of the all-time losingest list, but no, it was a great run, and I really love the sport of basketball and very grateful to the kids that played for me, the parents that supported me, and the school board that allowed me to continue coaching after I had retired from the classroom,â&#x20AC;? said Messar, who added that retiring wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t an easy decision, but once he evaluated everything, he felt comfortable with the thought of moving on to other things. Messar listed several factors for ending his coaching career after 39 years. His wife, Sue, and son, Jay, thought retiring after 40 years would be a nicer round number, yet Messar joked that 39 was a nice crooked number too. All jokes aside, Messar felt it was simply time. On Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day this year, Feb. 14, Messar was invited back for a basketball reunion at his hometown of Wausaukee, a place rich in basketball traditions. As a junior in high school, Messar was part of >2/ >/+7 >2+> A+= >2/ J<=> 38 =-2996 history to make the sectional tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We kind of got the ball rolling in terms of Wausaukeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basketball reputation at that point in time,â&#x20AC;? said Messar, who won seven varsity letters in football, basketball and track at Wausaukee High School. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a wonderful event,â&#x20AC;? Messar admitted, but after being recognized, he came to a new realization while watching the high school basketball game that followed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All of a sudden this great canyon separating the generations became very apparent to me, and it was obvious that time marches on. I think that was a contributing factor to my decision.â&#x20AC;? Another contributing factor, was being retired from teaching the previous four years. Messar said the 2014-15 Cardinals team had never had him as their science >/+-2/< /@/8 >29?12 2/ .3. J66 38 += + substitute from time to time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just the fact that by no longer being in the building on a regular basis and
ously, when the game was on the line, but nonetheless, before the game and after the game, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of fellowship and comradeship, and that, I will probably miss as much as anything,â&#x20AC;? Messar said. Along with a state tournament appear+8-/ 38 .?<381 23= J<=> C/+< += 2/+. coach, Messar was inducted into the Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association in 2013. He won eight conference titles and four regional championship games, while coaching three WBCA all-star games, as assistant in 1990 and 2003, and head coach in 1997. With 39 years coaching Luck High School girls basketball, Messar may very well hold the all-time record for coaching in one district. Messar brought up another factoid relating to longtime Luck coach Andy Dolny, who also men>9</. !/==+< A2/8 2/ J<=> -+7/ >9 >2/ Luck School Distict. Since 1951, there has been a Dolney or a Messar coaching Luck basketball. A new era begins this winter when Petersen begins her coaching career.
=<5B7;3 C19 63/2 57@:A 0/A93B0/:: 1=/16 !/@BG !3AA/@ :==9A =D3@ B63 1=C@B 7<
2C@7<5 67A B6 1/@33@ E7< !3AA/@ @3B7@32 4@=; 1=/167<5 7< >@7: /4B3@ G3/@A E7B6 / @31=@2 =4 - % $ #'# not having that classroom contact with my athletes, I think something gets lost in translation there,â&#x20AC;? said Messar, who feels blessed to have been able to coach as many years as he has, with the support of a family who he said had to put up with all of the interruptions that coaches have to experience. He is thankful for all of the years of support from assistant coach Barb Moline, and the previous two seasons with volunteer coach Britta Petersen, a former player and Messarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s replacement this fall. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a great run, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll turn it 9@/< >9 <3>>+ +8. I7 @/<C -98J./8> >2+> the future is going to be bright for that young lady,â&#x20AC;? Messar said. Petersen had a standout career with the UW-Stevens Point Pointers womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basketball team, earning All-American honors during her 2010-11 senior season. She was also the WIAC Player of the Year that season and Central Region Player of the */+< &2/ J83=2/. 2/< career with the secondmost points for field goals in Pointer history and was the fourthhighest scorer with 1,511 points, and many other accolades at the Britta Petersen
collegiate level. She is currently doing seasonal work with the Idaho Fish and Game service but will be back this winter to assume head coaching duties according to Messar. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The fact that Britta is going step into the position, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really exciting for me, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s probably more exciting for the kids, knowing theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to be having a collegiate all-American as their coach, instead of this old dinosaur,â&#x20AC;? Messar said. With a bit more free time this fall and winter, Messar says heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to try to get into bowhunting this fall or complete +8 /8>3</ 838/ .+C <3K/ 2?8>381 =/+=98 something he was never able to do because of basketball practices and other =-2/.?6381 -98K3->= / 7+C +6=9 ><C >9 sneak south in the winter to visit family members in Florida while taking in a golf game or two. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll just be a lot less stress in my life, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking forward to that. Just being able to go to the game, eating some popcorn.â&#x20AC;? One thing Messar said he will miss among many things is the camaraderie with other coaches before and after games, and establishing relationships with those coaches beyond the actual game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was always able to compete, obvi-
â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ OSHKOSH â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Several local athletes will be competing in the 2015 Wisconsin Football Coaches Association All-Star Game this weekend, Saturday, July 18, at Titan Stadium in #=259=2 '23= 3= +6=9 >2/ J<=> C/+< >2+> the eight-player all-star football game will be played in Oshkosh after previ9?=6C ,/381 29=>/. 38 &-29J/6. '2/ eight-man all-star game will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, with four Luck athletes listed on the roster including Trevor Dexter on the offensive and defensive line. Derek Hutton will be on the offensive line, and Sam Nelson is expected to play at tight end. Trent Strapon is listed as a quarterback and inside linebacker. Siren has two players headed to Oshkosh including Nathan Martin at quarterback and defensive back, and Bryce Highstrom on the offensive line and defensive end. The Division 4-7 small school 11man north team will be taking on the Division 4-7 south on Saturday starting at 2 p.m., with Grantsburgâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tony Britton J66381 + <9=>/< =:9> += + A3./ receiver. Britton is the lone area athlete on the 11-man roster. The Division 1-3 north and south squads will be play play381 >2/ J8+6 1+7/ 90 >2/ .+C =>+<>381 at 6 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The St. Croix Valley Raceway took the weekend off from racing July 10 but will be back again this Friday, July 17, with more racing action. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with submitted information
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! " # # $ % & ' $ ( ) $ % & ! * + % , !& Lucky Days in Luck Good times are sure to occur in Luck during the week ending on July 18. Expect former Luck athletes Jacques Hawkins, Paul Petersen, Joel Morgan, Al Tomlinson, Galen â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cootâ&#x20AC;? Skow, Kyle Johansen, Ronnie Petersen, Nick Mueller, Tyler Petersen, Brian Olsen, Al Murphy, Gerald Renstrom, Barry Morten and many others to be on the scene to enjoy the Luck festivities.
homecoming dance the cornerstone of their 40th class reunion celebration. (Call former Frederic track star and FFA basketball icon Walter Owens for details).
John Ryan !"#$%&'(!%
1975 revisited Mark your calendars for Sept. 27, 2015. The Frederic high school all-school homecoming reunion dance will again occur on that date at a recreation center somewhere on the south side of Frederic. Spies say the FHS Class of 1975 will make the
Ammend is back After a lengthy stint in China, spies are indicating that former Webster athlete Brett Ammend has returned to the good old U.S.A. Ammend is the son of Steve Ammend who once starred for the Northwest Passage slow-pitch softball team back in the glory days of Moline Field in Lewis back in the 1980s and 1990s. Welcome back, Brett! (And whatever happened to Bob Behan?) â&#x20AC;&#x153;I couldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve told you, Vincent ... (the world was never meant for one as beautiful as you) â&#x20AC;? Locals who attended a recent Minnesota Twins game at Target Field in Minneapolis were pleasantly surprised to encounter 1970s multisport Frederic High School legend David â&#x20AC;&#x153;Randyâ&#x20AC;? Vincent. Vincent was perhaps best known for his high school sports prowess under the tutelage of legendary Frederic high coaches Darryl Wikstrom, Bruce Shattuck and Duane Wisse, then later starred in his post-high
school years while playing town team baseball for the McKinley, and later, Frederic Braves, coached by the late Samuel Bearheart Sr. Incidentally, Randy Vincent was the older brother of Frederic icons Rick and Robert Vincent who later starred for the blue and gold. Top source for bowling A few years ago this column space was considered to be Northwest Wisconsinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No. 1 source for local bowling news. Unfortunately, critics chose to turn on this columnist, opting to chastise and admonish him for missing certain feats which occurred on the bowling lanes of Leader Land. Hence, since 2009 this columnist has chosen to stubbornly refrain from incorporating bowling news in this space. But times have changed! Beginning this autumn, this column will again include references to all 700 series in Webster, Centuria and Frederic along with exclusive interviews with successful bowlers at every opportunity. Keglers are encouraged to contact this columnist at jmr202@yahoo.com to report 300 games, 700 series and other feats of a bowling nature. We can have some fun with this.
Happy trails to you! (until we meet again) Local silent sports enthusiasts and others among the Leader Land populace were stunned and saddened to hear of the premature passing of local legend Daniel â&#x20AC;&#x153;Danâ&#x20AC;? Johnson. Johnson was frequently mentioned on these Leader sports pages and in this column, primarily for his accomplishments in the sport of bicycling. Those who personally knew Johnson were positively affected by his calm and kind demeanor which was often spiced with an understated and wry wit. Those who best knew the younger half of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Brothers Johnsonâ&#x20AC;? (see references to elder brother and fellow silent sports icon William F. Johnson IV) choose to take comfort in the belief that the irrepressible invincibility of Danielâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spirit continues to pervade the highways, byways and crisp zephyrs of Leader Land. Spies indicate that a memorial service for Daniel will occur in late August somewhere in north Leader Land.
Frederic Golf Course hosts pitch, putt and drive Contest FREDERIC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Frederic Golf Course hosted a pitch, putt and drive contest on !98.+C ?6C +8. J@/ ,9C= A366 ,/ advancing to the championship round, which will be held at the Luck Golf Course Saturday, Aug. 18. Several other courses are also hosting pitch, putt and drive contests including Amery, which held their contest on Monday, July 13. Luck is hosting their contest on July 20, and Glen Hills Golf Course in Glenwood City is hosting a contest on July 27. Frederic winners advancing to the championship in Luck on Aug. 18 include 10-year-old Ben Ones, who took J<=> :6+-/ >2+8 6/B+8./< A+= >2/ J<=> :6+-/ J83=2/< +7981 C/+< 96. -97:/>3>39<= +8. 2+=/ %9A/ >995 J<=> +7981 those age 16. Austin Rowe took second +8. <+8> %9A/ J83=2/. >23<. +7981 C/+< 96. J83=2/<= '2/ ?1 -2+7pionship will begin at 11 a.m.
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Keeping tabs on purple martins Decline in purple martin numbers gives Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society reason to identify colonies Marty Seeger|Staff writer FREDERIC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Some people may not know what itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like to wake up to morning sounds of purple martin, but for those who have, the song is unique, and tough to forget. Steve Betchkal grew up in Racine and his father had martin houses. He still remembers waking up to martin music, and at the age of 58, his fascination and love for the purple martin is as strong as ever. An avid birder and naturalist who has written books on birding in Wis Wisconsin, Betchkal resides in Eau Claire and is current president of the local Gaylord Nelson Chapter of the Audubon Society. In 2013, in his many travels across the =>+>/ 2/ /B:/<3/8-/. 23= J<=> C/+< A3>2out having recorded a single sighting of a purple martin. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In my usual travels and looking in places I had previously traditionally found martins, I found none. This was all across Wisconsin,â&#x20AC;? Betchkal said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was shocked, and I was saddened.â&#x20AC;? Betchkal did some research and with statistics from Partners in Flight, which helps keep track of bird populations, estimated that martins have declined 6 percent each year since 2004, when it was estimated that Wisconsin had approximately 30,000 birds. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a lot in comparison to species such as robins or red-winged blackbirds, which number in the millions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But if you take that number (30,000) since 2004 and reduced that number we would have less than half of that if it is true,â&#x20AC;? said Betchkal. Purple martins are decreasing and for a variety of reasons according to Betchkal. While the birds are strong in numbers farther south with more stable weather conditions, the weather in the northern half of the state sees extremes for purple martins, which spend winters in Brazil. Cold, wet springs have a big effect on the purple martin and the hot summers are
>/7@ =4 >C@>:3 ;/@B7<A >3@16 =< B=> =4 / 6=CA3 7< <=@B6E3AB3@< +7A1=<A7< E63@3 B63 /G:=@2 "3:A=< 6/>B3@ =4 B63 C2C0=< '=173BG 7A 933>7<5 B@/19 =4 <C;03@A E6716 /@3 A/72 B= 03 231:7< 7<5 - #'#& + ' ) ' tough on young birds. Along with that, purple martins are the only bird in eastern North America that is dependent on humans for nesting. Betchkal said Native 7/<3-+8= A/</ >2/ J<=> >9 +>><+-> 7+<>38= to gourd houses, and today, bird enthusi enthusi+=>= 90>/8 ?=/ 6+<1/ A23>/ +<>3J-3+6 19?<.= to attract the birds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have never seen a purple martin nest in a tree trunk or hole anywhere in Wisconsin, ever,â&#x20AC;? Betchkal said. Another reason for the decline could be that there are simply fewer people tending to bird birdhouses that attract martins. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People just bonded with the birds and this might have been the same thing with the native people, but certainly with oldtimers in Wisconsin. I challenge you to J8. 98/ C/+< 96. A29 3= 7+38>+38381 a martin house,â&#x20AC;? Betchkal said. The decline in numbers prompted Betchkal and GNAS to come up with a method to map the colonies within the 17-county area that encompasses GNAS. )236/ >23= A9?6. ,/ .30J-?6> >9 .9 A3>2 other bird species such as bluebirds or robins, the purple martin lives in colonies.
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The project is called Martin Mart, it began in 2014, and Polk County is one county that has several colonies, with bird enthusiasts who spend time cleaning nests, doing checks, counting or simply trying to take care of the birds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are people all over the place, that are these martin sponsors or mentors that just love the birds and are serving as this nucleus of people, keeping them going,â&#x20AC;? Betchkal said. So far, the Martin Mart project has been successful in locating 60 colonies, yet Eau Claire County, where Betchkal is from, has mapped none so far. Polk County and Burnett County have bird colonies that are going strong, due in part to those who are taking care of the nesting areas each year. However, Betchkal admits that the â&#x20AC;&#x153;artâ&#x20AC;? of taking care of martins and pass passing that love is disappearing. They also continue to face many challenges such as predators, weather, and in Brazil, where they spend winters, they are considered pests. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to keep them, and keep them coming back,â&#x20AC;? Betchkal said, but does see
$C@>:3 ;/@B7<A 5/B63@ =< / E7@3 a growing interest in the birds with Martin Mart. By registering birds, educating the public and linking purple martin enthusiasts with one another, bird numbers could possibly improve. Betchkal encourages anyone who knows of a colony to help the Martin Mart project with the plotting and record keeping. Simply visit gaylordnelsonaudubon. org and click on the Martin Mart link, A2/</ C9?I66 J8. >2/ -?<</8> 69-+6 -+>+loged colonies as well as a form that can ,/ J66/. 9?> +8. 7+36/. >9 />-25+6 +> 1325 South Farwell, Eau Claire, WI 54701. For more information contact Betchkal by phone at 715-832-7359 or email gonebirding88@hotmail.com.
Chukar makes itself at home near Indian Creek A>3173A =4 07@2 ;=@3 1=;;=<:G 4=C<2 7< B63 E3AB3@< AB/B3A 4=C<2 / 6=;3 <3/@ B63 <27/< @339 /@3/ @313<B:G :7A/ CAA A/72 B63 07@2 E6716 E/A :/B3@ 723<B74732 E7B6 63:> 4@=; / :=1/: 07=:=57AB /A / 16C9/@ 6/A 4=C<2 / 6=;3 /;=<5AB 63@ 167193<A /<2 1=;3A /<2 5=3A /A 7B >:3/A3A (63 07@2 /:A= @==ABA E7B6 B63 16719 3<A G3B CAA A/GA A63 7A <=B B@G7<5 B= 2=;3AB71/B3 B63 07@2 B 7A >=AA70:3 B6/B B63 16C9/@ E/A @/7A32 /<2 @3 :3/A32 =@ 3A1/>32 4@=; /<=B63@ :=1/: @3A723<B G3B CAA A/GA B63 07@2 7A<LB B/;3 /<2 E7:: 4:G /E/G 74 />>@=/1632 - #'# #(%' &+ # & (&&
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SCF council punts on business name issue
Praises staff for last-minute governor veto; accepts $500,000 grant on theater project
Greg Marsten | Staff writer ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dozens of residents J66/. >2/ &> <93B +66= 3>C +66 +> >2/ cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s common council meeting Monday, July 13, most of the addressing whether the council should take action regarding the controversial F-Bomb Ordnance.net business name at 121 South Washington St., in the former Red Brick Grill building. The issue has been a hot button of sorts in recent weeks, and was addressed on the council agenda as whether the name was an applicable violation of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nuisance ordinance, in regard to their window advertising. Comments general leaned toward the council taking some sort of action on the name, which many implied referenced a sexual term. Others cited freedom of speech, and whether the city had the power to make someone change their business name. While several people cited Second Amendment references, the issue was less about the business model than any wording that appeared to the public on the business windows. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to put this into perspective ... 3>I= 89> +,9?> >2/ "% "+>398+6 %3K/ =sociation), not about guns. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about the name of the store,â&#x20AC;? stated former Alderperson Loreen Clayton-Morrell. Others disagreed about the issue of being a â&#x20AC;&#x153;public nuisance,â&#x20AC;? such as Jeffery Roberts, who compared it to â&#x20AC;&#x153;drunks staggering down Main Street (at night),â&#x20AC;? and asked who was really harmed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Perhaps it offends a small amount of people,â&#x20AC;? Roberts said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But it erodes at our freedom of speech.â&#x20AC;? Former Mayor Brad Foss said the term in question had no real connection to the military or law enforcement, as some have said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just remove that name from downtown,â&#x20AC;? Foss asked. Tavern owner Kathy Cross disagreed with the â&#x20AC;&#x153;staggering drunkâ&#x20AC;? reference,
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to put this into perspective ... itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not about the NRA (National Rifle Association), not about guns. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about the name of the store.â&#x20AC;? - Loreen Clayton-Morrell
tor Joel Peck and city clerk Bonita Leggitt, A29 <+3=/. </. K+1= +8. -98>+->/. 69-+6 /6/->/. 90J-3+6= +,9?> + :<9@3=398 38 >2/ proposed state budget that would have eliminated the 300-seat liquor license pro'B @=7F /::A 7BG /:: E/A 47::32 B= B63 :7;7BA E7B6 >3=>:3 E37567<5 7< =< B63 1=<B@=D3@A7/: vision. That provision was needed as part 0CA7<3AA </;3 7AAC3 =< !=<2/G C:G
- #'# + % %&' " of the downtown hotel/restaurant development plan. After over 40 minutes of comments, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was an 11th-hour entry into the budthe council later debated and discussed get bill,â&#x20AC;? Blesi said, as he noted how local whether to take any action. 90J-3+6= :/<=?+./. >2/ 19@/<89< >9 @/>9 â&#x20AC;&#x153;If they really want to be part of the that provision. community, maybe they (F-Bomb) should â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s democracy in action, folks,â&#x20AC;? Blesi - Mike Stoffel change their name to Freedom Bomb?â&#x20AC;? said. stated Alderman Jerry Berger. â&#x20AC;&#x153;... Or do â&#x20AC;˘ The council approved a special assessthey want to be a thorn in the (side of the) ment rate for water laterals at 206 North but noted that the co-owners were in law community?â&#x20AC;? Jefferson St., and went with the requested enforcement, the military and medicine, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think we should take a time-out,â&#x20AC;? Al- 10-year payment plan with the owners, and whether it was appropriate for her to derman Bob Kazmierski said, endorsing versus a shorter billing period. use the â&#x20AC;&#x153;realâ&#x20AC;? word when she talked with further discussions. â&#x20AC;˘ The council approved a $119,341 :963-/ 90J-/<= +8. 9>2/<= += -?=>97/<= After brief discussions, the council â&#x20AC;&#x153;substantial completionâ&#x20AC;? payment to Rice â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I can just ask them â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;what the (ex- moved to table any action, and allow the Lake Construction for the new headworks pletive) do you want?â&#x20AC;? Cross said mock- administrator and mayor to continue a and wastewater treatment facility work. ingly. dialogue with the ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s group. Although they retain a 5 percent of the F-Bomb co-owner Mike Stoffel was J8+6 ,366 09< +8C 3==?/= >2+> </7+38 cordial as he commented on any possible < =B63@ 1=C<17: /1B7=< The project has an 11-month warranty council action on the name. â&#x20AC;˘ The council approved accepting a +8. 3= </+-2381 >2/ J8+6 G:?8-2 63=>H â&#x20AC;&#x153;We truly believe this is a constitutional $500,000 Wisconsin Economic Devel- state, where they must address any unissue,â&#x20AC;? Stoffel said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We hope (the coun- opment Corporation grant to provide J83=2/. 9< </7+38381 -98=><?->398 3==?/= cil) is respectful, as well.â&#x20AC;? assistance with the Civic Auditorium re- '2/C +8>3-3:+>/ >2/ J8+6 :+C7/8> A366 ,/ A number of people suggested the habilitation. made in September. council table the issue and try to work The grant provides for up to 25 percent â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some items take time to see after analwith the owners on a compromise, but of the project cost, up to $500,000, and the yses,â&#x20AC;? stated project manager Jon HerdMayor Brian Blesi seemed to suggest the city has the other funding in the works to egan of MSA Engineering. F-Bomb group was not intent on a name provide the necessary match. â&#x20AC;˘ The board also approved a WWTP change. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is big news , people!â&#x20AC;? Blesi said. heating, ventilation, air conditioning and â&#x20AC;&#x153;(Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had) frank, open and sincere â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really excited about this.â&#x20AC;? thermostat electrical wiring bid, going conversations (with the owners),â&#x20AC;? stated '2/ 1<+8> =:/-3J/= >2+> 90 3> with a low bid by Kilmer Electric for Blesi. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was left with the impression they go toward historical renovation, with the $4,490. +</ J<7 38 >2/3< :9=3>398 ,?> A9?6. 635/ other $300,000 for expansion. to continue the dialogue.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ Blesi praised the work of Administra-
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We truly believe this is a constitutional issue.â&#x20AC;?
Grantsburg airport and county cooperation discussed
Village board seeks community dialogue
Gregg Westigard | Staff writer GRANTSBURG â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Grantsburg Village Board responded to some deadlines relating to the village airport at its meeting Monday, July 13, and used the opportunity to discuss some joint actions with Burnett County. Those discussions, regarding economic development across the county, could involve the entire community, village President Glenn Rolloff said. Some of the issues raised will be decided at the Aug. 10 village board meeting. The proposed economic development ideas involving the county and the village include use of airport dollars, library funding, joint property reclamation funding and health insurance access. The ideas are included in a resolution written by Rolloff. That resolution was proposed and tabled.
The immediate airport issues that led to the discussion were the allocation of unused airport entitlement dollars and the condition of the grass runway. The Grantsburg Municipal Airport is entitled to receive $150,000 a year in federal funds but must act on receiving those funds within four years. The deadline for accepting the 2012 allocation is nearing. The grass runway is in need of maintenance work and is listed as closed. Both issues must be decided by the end of August. Burnett County is requesting the transfer of the 2012 $150,000 entitlement dollars to the county airport, repeating the action the village took in allocating the 2009, 2010 and 2011 aviation funds to the county. Burnett County Administrator Nate Ehalt told the board that the funds A9?6. ,/ ?=/. >9 79</ ;?3-56C J8+8-/ the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s six-year airport plan. The proposed resolution on economic development across Burnett County states that overall economic growth in the county is important to the village residents, supports the expansion of the
(67A 7A B63 B3@;7</: 0C7:27<5 /B B63 @/<BA0C@5 /7@>=@B #'#& + % &' %
:3D3< /7@>:/<3A /@3 0/A32 /B B63 @/<BA0C@5 !C<717>/: 7@>=@B county airport and encourages its use, and recognizes the importance of modern libraries for all county residents. It mentions issues with the redevelopment funds for the Kozak property by the post 90J-/ 38 <+8>=,?<1 +8. >2/ -9=> 90 2/+6>2 insurance for municipal employees. The resolution states that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the Grantsburg Village will share its economic conduits â&#x20AC;Ś with Burnett County on a continuing basis, in return for countywide consideration in (four areas).â&#x20AC;? Those areas are using the Grantsburg airport funds for the county airport expansion, increasing the county library reimbursement of local libraries to 80 percent of local dollars, covering 80 percent of reclamation costs on projects such as the Kozak property, and allowing Burnett municipalities to join the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health-care insurance network. Rolloff said that the village needs a dialogue with the county board on services that are important to the county. This is about cooperation with the county, he continued. All the towns and villages, all the libraries and airports, all the residents need to be involved in conversations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have landed on something which ,/8/J>= ?= +66 H @366+1/ ,9+<. 7/7,/< Rod Kleiss said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These are things we can
look back on later. This would start a dialogue.â&#x20AC;? Brent Blomberg and Dale Dresel, two of the three county board supervisors who represent parts of the village, were present at the meeting. Gene McLain was not present. Dresel said it takes the whole community to work on these issues. The board has until the end of August to allocate the 2012 airport funding to the county or lose it. Grantsburg has already allocated $450,000 to the county airport. The village has another $450,000 in funds for 2013, 2014 and 2015 that is available for use at the Grantsburg airport or for allocation to the county or other uses. The condition of the grass runway is also under discussion. It has not been mowed consistently and gophers have caused problems with the surface. The Federal Aviation Authority says that the runway is now listed as closed and will be permanently closed if the conditions are not improved by the end of August. Kleiss said he is talking to airport users about their commitment to the grass runway and the airport. The village crew will 6995 +> A2+> 3= 8//. >9 6/@/6 >2/ J/6. +8. eliminate the gophers.
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Special guest, samples at Burnett County Farmers Market SIRENâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;The Burnett County Farmers Market in Tesoraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parking lot in Siren features an extra booth from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 18. Sarah Denn, a registered nurse who works in the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s public health department, is also representing the Burnett County Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition. As an example of the kinds of healthy dishes that can be made from fresh, locally grown foods available at the market, Denn is featuring a refreshing cucumber salsa for visitors to try. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re excited to have her here,â&#x20AC;? said market manager Susan Armstrong, speaking on behalf of several vendors A29 =/66 :<9.?-/ ,+5/. 199.= K9A/<= and other locally produced items at the market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re always happy to have new ideas for preparing and serving the food that can be found here.â&#x20AC;? Samples can be found at many of the booths at the Siren market, but Denn so they can re-create the dish at home. The Siren market, held every Saturbrings something extra. Customers are given a copy of her cucumber salsa recipe day through October, is one of several
'/;>:3A 1/< 03 4=C<2 /B ;/<G =4 B63 0==B6A /B B63 C@<3BB =C<BG /@;3@A !/@93B 63:2 7< B63 (3A=@/ >/@97<5 :=B 7< '7@3< 0CB '/@/6 3<< E7:: 0@7<5 A=;3B67<5 3FB@/ B67A '/BC@2/G C:G
#'#& &( ! '' weekly markets sponsored by the Burnett County Farmers Market association since 2004. For more information, look for it on
Facebook or contact Armstrong at armstrong.sga@gmail.com. - submitted
Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling expands justifications for police stops Case involved man arrested for drugs after he was pulled over by mistake
381 13@/= :963-/ 90J-/<= >99 7?-2 6//A+C 38 ./-3.381 A2/>2/< + ><+0J- =>9: 3= 6/1+6 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The standard that our court has now +.9:>/. 38 /==/8-/ 09<13@/= +8 90J-/<I= mistake if a reasonable judge could see A2C >2/ 90J-/< A+= -980?=/. H =2/ =+3. Gilman Halsted | WPR News Schieber Jurss said that means motorMADISON - A ruling from the Wiscon- ists may be stopped even if they havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sin Supreme Court Tuesday, July 14, sets violated any law. Houghtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attorney a new standard for how police can justify Andrew Walter agrees. + ><+0J- =>9: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how citizens can avoid Police found marijuana in Richard being stopped because now itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not Houghtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car after they stopped him enough to follow the law,â&#x20AC;? Walter said. for having an air freshener and a GPS â&#x20AC;&#x153;You also have to make sure your conunit on his dashboard that allegedly ob- duct is within this broader prohibition of structed his view. A lower court ruled the >2381= A2/</ +8 90J-/< 7312> ,/63/@/ 3> 3= items on the dashboard were not illegal, illegal even when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not.â&#x20AC;? @C:7<5 4@=; B63 +7A1=<A7< 'C>@3;3 =C@B and therefore the stop and the search vio)+6>/< -+66/. >2/ <?6381 + =3183J-+8> (C3A2/G C:G A3BA / <3E AB/<2/@2 4=@ 6=E lated Houghtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rights. reduction in the liberties of all state resi- >=:713 1/< 8CAB74G / B@/4471 AB=> #'# + ( " But Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling says in some cases dents. % 3>I= </+=98+,6/ 09< +8 90J-/< >9 73=38>/<The courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 5-2 ruling written by Jus:</> ><+0J- </1?6+>398= +88+ &-23/,/< tice David Prosser notes that the court is Jurss, a state public defender who wrote +.9:>381 + 8/A =>+8.+<. 09< 29A ><+0J- ruling, Prosser cited a recent U.S. Suan amicus brief in the case, said the rul- =>9:= -+8 ,/ 4?=>3J/. 8 ./0/8.381 >2/ preme Court ruling that sets the same
standard Wisconsin is now adopting. That case, Heien v. North Carolina, was decided last year. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The question here is whether reasonable suspicion can rest on a mistaken understanding of the scope of a legal prohibition. We hold that it can.â&#x20AC;? That case involved a motorist stopped for a missing brake light. The stop led to a search that resulted in the discovery of a bag of cocaine. But Walter said there is no requirement that the Wisconsin court follow the U.S. Supreme Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interpretation of the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. He notes that the high court ruling also made it clear that such cases where searches are 4?=>3J/. 98 >2/ ,+=3= 90 +8 90J-/<I= 73=taken interpretation of law should be very rare and that most mistakes of law are not going to be reasonable.
Amazon to hire 1,000 additional workers in Kenosha Jobs experts say areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s employment picture continues to improve
expecting to hire between 1,700 and 1,800 workers, but the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recent announcement, â&#x20AC;&#x153;should blow those numbers out of the water.â&#x20AC;? Bartz said unemployed workers who are looking for work are starting to gain David Cole | WPR News the upper hand. KENOSHA - Online retail giant Amaâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Employers are starting to loosen a zon is out to hire another 1,000 workers little bit on their restrictions, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re 09< 3>= 8/A 9<./< 0?6J667/8> -/8>/< 38 starting to hire people who might have a Kenosha, exceeding its anticipated hiring few more barriers to employment,â&#x20AC;? said numbers by nearly 60 percent. The new Bartz. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And they have to because the unjobs are creating an even rosier employ- employment number is going down.â&#x20AC;? ment picture in an area of the state that Chris Isaacson, director of youth emhas already more than fully recovered ployment at the Boys and Girls Club in from the Great Recession. Kenosha, said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seeing evidence that Kenosha County Job Center manager some employers have grown hesitant to Doug Bartz said Amazon was originally rely so heavily on computers to do the
initial vetting of online applicants. He pointed to new hiring practices at local McDonaldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If the manager likes you, they will direct you over to the kiosk where you can do the online application and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll do it with you and try to help you,â&#x20AC;? said Isaacson. Amazon will host a recruitment fair Thursday, July 16, at the job center in Kenosha. Bartz said people who meet the -97:+8CI= ;?+63J-+>398= A366 ,/ 23</. on the spot with a starting pay of $12 an hour. #<:7<3 @3B/7: 57/<B ;/H=< 7A =CB B= 67@3 /< =B63@ E=@93@A 4=@ 7BA <3E =@23@ 4C:47::;3<B 13<B3@ 7< 3<=A6/ #'# + %
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Walker emphasizes â&#x20AC;&#x153;fighterâ&#x20AC;? reputation during presidential announcement Governor cites Wisconsin victories as he seeks Republican nomination MADISON - Gov. Scott Walker vowed >9 J12> 09< 7/<3-+I= 38>/</=>= +,<9+. and for his conservative policies in Washington, D.C., in his announcement on Monday afternoon, July 13, that he was seeking the Republican nomination for president. The governor launched his 2016 Republican presidential bid by highlighting his clashes with labor unions as his campaign taunted his Democratic critics. The 47-year-old Walker embraced his GJ12>/<H </:?>+>398 += 2/ 09<7+66C ./clared his candidacy in Waukesha with his family at his side. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are running to serve as your president of the United States of America,â&#x20AC;? Walker told the cheering crowd. Walker told supporters in Waukesha >2+> 2/I. J12> 09< >2/7 += :</=3./8> >2/ way heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d fought for them as governor of Wisconsin. As expected, Walker highlighted his collective bargaining law and his recall election victory, telling the crowd that he â&#x20AC;&#x153;took on the unions and won.â&#x20AC;? Walker began his speech by reminding supporters that he took on organized labor and won. He ended it by saying Americans deserved someone whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d J12> 09< >2/7 7+5381 +8 +::/+6 >9 =9-3+6 conservatives in the process. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Healthy or sick, born or unborn, I will J12> +8. A38 09< C9? H 2/ =+3. The governor also talked about his tax cuts, his defunding of Planned Parenthood, his signing of concealed carry and voter ID laws and his budget plan to require drug tests for some recipients of :?,63- ,/8/J>= 66 90 >23= )+65/< >96. the crowd, took place in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;blue stateâ&#x20AC;? of Wisconsin.
=D '1=BB +/:93@ :/C<1632 67A &3>C0:71/< >@3A723<B7/: 072 0G 6756:756B7<5 67A 1:/A63A E7B6 :/0=@ C<7=<A #'# + *" # "&#"
testers. She said Walker took away her union representation, and she hopes he 0+66= GK+> 98 23= 0+-/H 38 >2/ :</=3./8>3+6 race. Earlier on Monday, Walker released a video about what he said are his â&#x20AC;&#x153;big, bold ideas from outside Washington,â&#x20AC;? a likely reference to his efforts to weaken unions through a state law that strips them of bargaining rights. The governor talked about â&#x20AC;&#x153;fresh leadershipâ&#x20AC;? and pro79>/= 237=/60 += + G</09<7/< J12>/< +8. winner.â&#x20AC;? He also tweeted early Monday, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m in,â&#x20AC;? foreshadowing the announcement he 7+./ 90J-3+6 6+>/< 38 >2/ .+C Walker now heads on his announcement tour, hitting states including South Carolina, New Hampshire and Iowa. He was scheduled to stop in Las Vegas on Tuesday.
Democrats respond As Walker officially announced his â&#x20AC;&#x153;My record shows that I know how Republican to enter the GOP presidential presidential campaign, Democratic Na>9 J12> +8. A38 "9A 79</ >2+8 /@/< contest, but claims to occupy a unique tional Committee members criticized the 7/<3-+ 8//.= + :</=3./8> A29 A366 J12> =:+-/ 38 >2/ -981/=>/. J/6. )+65/< =+3. governor for what they said are an unand win for America,â&#x20AC;? he said. 2/ 89> 986C J12>= 09< -98=/<@+>3@/ :<38- promising economic record and a divisive Walker said if elected president, he ciples, but also wins elections and policy leadership approach. promised to work quickly to undo many debates in a state that typically supports R.T. Rybak, the DNCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vice chair, said of President Barack Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s priorities. Democrats. instead of moving forward and united, '2<9?12 J@/ C/+<= 38 90J-/ )+65/< 2+= Wisconsin under Walker has become â&#x20AC;&#x153;one He said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d immediately call on Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act enacted policies weakening organized la- of the most divided states in the country.â&#x20AC;? and block any nuclear deal reached with ,9<I= :963>3-+6 :9A/< +8. ,/-+7/ >2/ J<=> â&#x20AC;&#x153;And I suppose if a restaurant had Iran. He also said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d give states more governor in U.S. history to defeat a recall about half of the customers saying they power to make their own decisions when election. got a good meal and about half saying it comes to Medicaid, transportation and Natalie Perleberg, 18, of New Berlin, they got food poisoning, I guess they can education. He also said he would approve was one of the early arrivals to the event. call them a good success. But politically, She said she likes the way Walker moved that is not the way to run a state,â&#x20AC;? he said. the Keystone Pipeline. Wisconsin featured prominently in his to restrict public unions, as well as how %C,+5 +6=9 =+3. )+65/< 2+= K3: K9::/. speech, Walker told supporters that if he handled himself in winning the 2012 on issues including same-sex marriage, elected, he would lower the burden on recall election that followed. abortion and immigration reform, saying taxpayers. Protesters were gathered outside the different things in different states as he â&#x20AC;&#x153;And you know what? We can do it. convention hall as Walker made his an- enters the 2016 presidential race. - WPR We can do it because we did in Wisconsin nouncement. News Mary Mezera, a 46-year-old education and we can do it in America,â&#x20AC;? he said. )+65/< ,/-97/= >2/ >2 2312 :<9J6/ research coordinator, was among the pro-
Waiting to pick your babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name raises the risk of medical mistakes Katherine Hobson | National Public Radio NATIONWIDE - Some parents pick out a name for their child as soon as the pregnancy test turns positive. For others, the choice of a name is a game-time decision, taking minutes, hours or even a day or two after birth. This reporterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own baby went unnamed for about 20 minutes as my hus,+8. +8. ><3/. >9 J1?</ 9?> A23-2 90 9?< >9: -293-/= ,/=> J> 2/< =-</+7C 63>>6/ 0+-/ Hospitals, however, have to put an 3./8>3J-+>398 ,<+-/6/> 98 >2/ ,+,C & $ Most resort to generic names based on the momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last name, like Babygirl Hobson. And once the infant is in the system with that name, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s often locked in until discharge, even after the parents pick a permanent one. That convention, say the authors of a paper published Monday, July 13, in the journal Pediatrics, is a problem. The researchers believe that those widely used nondistinctive names in-
crease the risk of mistakenly giving a treatment to the wrong patient. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s especially a fear if the newborn is one of the 12 percent that ends up in the neonatal intensive care unit, given the complexity and high stakes of that environment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All neonatologists know this is a problem, but werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to quantify it,â&#x20AC;? says Jason Adelman, an internist and patient =+0/>C 90J-/< +> !98>/J9</ /+6>2 &C=>/7 in New York and an author of the study. Adelman and his colleagues came up with a new naming convention that in-9<:9<+>/= >2/ 797I= J<=> 8+7/ 8=>/+. of Babygirl Hobson, my daughter would instead be tagged as Katherinesgirl Hobson. Twins would be called 1Katherinesgirl and 2Katherinesgirl, rather than the conventional BabygirlA and BabygirlB. Another system using temporary names like CutiePie and BuggyBear was rejected, says Adelman. Researchers compared the rate of socalled retract-and-reorder events in the years before and after the intervention.
Retract-and-reorder is a tool that uses >2/ 29=:3>+6I= -97:?>/< =C=>/7 >9 K+1 medical orders retracted by a healthcare worker and then placed by the same worker on a different patient within a short time period. There was a 36-percent decline in those RAR events in the year after the intervention compared to the earlier period. '2/ </=?6> 3=8I> ./J83>3@/ :<990 >2+> >23= new system beats the old one, but it might be enough for some hospitals to consider switching, says Adelman. The study wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t big enough to say whether the =C=>/7 =:/-3J-+66C </.?-/. % % /@/8>= in multiple births. One caveat is that the RAR tool isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t measuring errors, but near misses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Say Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m driving down the highway and I almost take the wrong exit but then swing back into the right lane and take the correct exit later,â&#x20AC;? says Gautham Suresh, a 8/98+>96913=> A29 3= -23/0 7/.3-+6 90J-/< of Texas Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newborn Center in Houston. â&#x20AC;&#x153;RAR is catching those times
when I almost took the wrong exit.â&#x20AC;? RAR +6=9 =6312>6C 9@/<3./8>3J/= A<981 :+>3/8> errors because it includes some false positives, the authors note. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ultimately, we want to prevent harm,â&#x20AC;? says Suresh. He calls the research innovative and =+C= 3> 79@/= >2/ J/6. 09<A+<. ,?> >2+> itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not yet clear whether this system should be recommended for use elsewhere. The issue, he says, merits attention. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The way we name babies in the hospital has to really be thought of very carefully,â&#x20AC;? says Suresh. Adelman says while this study looked only at computerized orders, the new naming system also has the potential to lower the rate of other kinds of errors, like grabbing the wrong container of pumped breast milk out of the refrigerator. And Suresh notes that other factors may play into wrong-patient mistakes, such as human distraction or poor lighting. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pa>3/8> 3./8>3J-+>398 /<<9<= +</ -97:6/B and the name is only part of the puzzle,â&#x20AC;? he says.
Local author receives state award SUPERIOR â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Bonnie Brandt, Town of Bashaw, was awarded the Wisconsin State Garden Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Carol Hoppe Media Award on May 30 from the Wisconsin Garden Club Federationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s state convention in Superior for her book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spooner Garden Club, 80 years of History, 19322012.â&#x20AC;? Brandt joined the Spooner Garden Club in 2002 and is the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s archivist and co-photographer. The history book has 104 photos and information of past and present members, memorabilia of past meetings, awards won, K9A/< =29A= :9/7= 1+<./8381 238>= and much more. Brandt not only compiled the information but also designed the format, retouched photos, printed, bound and published the book herself. The Spooner Garden Club began in 1932. Today its 30 members reside not only in Spooner, but in Trego, Webster, Minong, Shell Lake and surround-
ing areas. Many beautiful gardens in Spooner are maintained by the Spooner Garden Club, including the ones at city hall, Triangle Park on CTH K, the library, Centennial Park in downtown Spooner, and the Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Hwy. 53. The club holds spring and fall plant sales, which help to sponsor scholarships for the Spooner and Shell Lake high schools and donations to the food pantry. The club participates in the Washburn County Fair, and co-sponsors a garden seminar in Minong and other civic programs. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; submitted =<<73 @/<2B 13<B3@ @3137D32 B63 +7A1=< A7< 'B/B3 /@23< :C0LA /@=: =>>3 !327/ E/@2 =< !/G $@3A723<B =4 B63 +7A1=<A7< /@23< :C0 323@/B7=< 'G:D7/ =E3:: :34B >@3A3<B32 B63 /E/@2 E7B6 /@;G< @=E< 27 @31B=@ =4 B63 <27/<63/2 7AB@71B =4 /@23< :C0A . #'# + " %
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Unityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long-range planning could include another referendum Mary Stirrat | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Unity School Board has been and will continue to gather information to determine if and when the district should proceed with another referendum vote to fund building needs. At the Tuesday, July 14, meeting of the board, member Jim Beistle and district Administrator Brandon Robinson provided an update from the committee, saying that surveys are being done to determine the needs and how to best meet them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A future referendum may be necessary to meet the strategic needs of the district in the years to come,â&#x20AC;? said Robinson in his report to the board. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The survey results and continued planning will help to determine the scope of the referendum.â&#x20AC;? Kraus-Anderson, general contractors and construction managers, and DSGW Architects worked together on the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most recent referendum, and have
said they will provide information and support for referendum planning at no cost to the school. The earliest that the district could hold another referendum vote is November. In order to do this, the school board would need to pass a resolution no later than the third week in August calling for the referendum. This past April voters in the Unity School District voted 708 to 483 against an $18 million referendum project. The needs must still be addressed, Robinson said at an earlier meeting.
:/AA A7H3A Concerns about class sizes in two grade levels were discussed by the board, resulting in the district administrator being +?>29<3D/. >9 J66 :9=3>398= += 8//./. Unity receives state aid for keeping class sizes at or below 18 in grades K through three, but anticipated secondgrade enrollment is already at 18.25 for !3;03@A =4 B63 )<7BG '16==: =/@2 B= & $/B /AB3<A /D3 !==@3 /<2 '63@G: =:;5@3<
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each of the four sections. The district will need to add another section in order to keep class size at the level required to qualify for small-class-size state aid. There are currently 84 students ex:/->/. 38 J0>2 1<+./ A23-2 7/+8= =>?dents per class. G >2385 >2/ J0>2 1<+./ 3= :</>>C 2312 H said board President Debbie Peterson, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and this board has always supported small class sizes.â&#x20AC;? Seventh grade is also large, with 82 students at this point
#B63@ 0CA7<3AA â&#x20AC;˘ At its May meeting, the school board discussed changing the school day starting time. After further consideration, said Robinson, it was determined that the start and end times would remain unchanged for the 2015-16 school year. Lunch times may change to â&#x20AC;&#x153;maximize time during the existing school day,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;˘ Robinson told the board that summer school numbers remain â&#x20AC;&#x153;outstanding,â&#x20AC;?
and that working with the Luck School District has been â&#x20AC;&#x153;very exciting.â&#x20AC;? Noting that the district is also working with the Lamar School on programming and hosts Red Cross swimming lessons for area residents, Robinsons said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a good model in regard to collaboration.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved the hiring of !+<3/>>/ 9/K/< += ,?=38/== /.?-+>398 teacher and Alexandria Toney as elementary teacher. â&#x20AC;˘ Revisions to the elementary, middle and high school student handbooks were approved by the board. The majority of the changes were in language, with the noted exception of adding academic eligibility requirements for participation in middle school sports. â&#x20AC;˘ The board approved the 68-page technology plan filed online with the Department of Public Instruction. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The technology plan uses a lot of technology,â&#x20AC;? said Robinson.
Area artists display talent at ArtReachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual members show
Exhibition includes the work of 53 artists from St. Croix Valley
STILLWATER, Minn. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The annual members show at ArtReach St. Croix opened on Thursday, July 9, with a reception and awards presentation. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exhibition celebrates the diversity of art created there and includes works by 53 artists who live or work in the St. Croix Valley. Two cash awards were presented at the reception. The River Moon Award which is selected and supported by members of the IkutaSchodde family went to James Shoop of St. Croix Falls for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ramautar,â&#x20AC;? a bronze sculpture of a gypsy dancer. This year, the Visual Arts Committee of ArtReach presented an award for best three-dimensional work to Elizabeth Belz of Stillwater for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Medusozoa,â&#x20AC;? a cast-iron and forged-steel sculpture depicting a jel6CJ=2 A third cash award, The Audience Award, will be announced at a closing reception on Saturday, Aug. 15, 2-4 p.m. Each gallery visitor during the run of the members show is invited to cast one vote for their favorite artist or piece. All votes
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ArtReach St. Croix are open Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m., Saturdays, noon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m., and extended Thursday hours during the members show are
10 a.m. - 8 p.m. The extended hours on Thursday evening will coincide with In>/<=/->398= +7:J</ 98@/<=+>398= 09< Artists that are designed to encourage artists to ask questions and imagine the possibilities for community-engaged art. ArtReach St. Croix is located at 224 N. 4th St., Stillwater, Minn. To learn more about this and other St. Croix Valley events, visit StCroixSplash. org. <>%/+-2 &> <93B 3= + 898:<9J> </gional arts organization committed to the mission of connecting communities to the arts throughout the St. Croix Valley from St. Croix Falls to Prescott in Wisconsin and from Hastings to Taylors Falls in Minnesota. ArtReach supports the work of artists and arts organization by coordinating events, marketing initiatives and education opportunities that foster and celebrate the visual, literary and performing arts in the St. Croix Valley. The work of ArtReach St. Croix is made possible through generous donations from individuals and businesses. ArtReach is a member supported organization. Visit ArtReachStCroix.org to learn more. - submitted
ReFresh English and Writing course offered at UWBC RICE LAKE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; A course to update English and writing skills for those who are entering college, returning to college to complete a degree, or upgrading job skills will be offered at UW-Barron County in Rice Lake. ReFresh English and Writing will meet on Wednesday, July 29, from 5-9 p.m. in
Room 402 of the student center. This class will prepare the participant to produce college-level writing. This condensed four-hour ReFresh class offers an over@3/A +8. -6+<3J-+>398 90 >2/ A<3>381 =5366= needed to succeed in Composition I. This includes organization skills, logical reasoning, grammar, proper paper format
and use of the writing process. The course registration fee is $25, however, a free voucher to cover the class fee will be given to adult students who have applied for admission to UWBC associate or bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree programs this fall. After the class, participants will have the opportunity to take the UWBC placement
tests, which are scheduled through the &>?./8> &/<@3-/= #0J-/ To register and pay online go to barron.uwc.edu/ce or call Doug Edwardsen in the UWBC continuing education department at 715-234-8176, ext. 5403, or email doug.edwardsen@uwc.edu. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; from UWBC
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Couple faces drug charges
Greg Marsten | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; According to a prob+,6/ -+?=/ </:9<> J6/. ,C >2/ $965 9?8>C Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department, two Osceola-area residents are standing accused of maintaining a drug house and being in possession of several types of narcotics, including heroin. One of the people arrested on Friday, July 10, was Maclaine Stener, 19, Osceola, the other was Abigail Jacoby, 19, Osceola. The duo were the subject of a search
warrant about possible drug activity at a private residence, where the duo lived. The two were the subject of a drug task force investigation, and had stopped Jacoby as she was driving. When stopped, she made â&#x20AC;&#x153;furtive movementsâ&#x20AC;? inside the car and may have used her phone. She admitted to recent heroin use and admitted to having some drug paraphernalia in the car. 89>2/< 90J-/< 2+. -98>+-> A3>2 &>/8/< at the same time, and noticed he had re-
ceived a text message from Jacoby, stating â&#x20AC;&#x153;get rid of everything.â&#x20AC;? The police searched the residence and +66/1/.6C 09?8. /@3./8-/ 90 .<?1 ><+0J-5ing, heroin and paraphernalia, as well as money and packaging equipment. Both were placed under arrest and taken into custody, facing possible felony charges. Jacoby had no criminal record, but Stener had only recently been part of a deferred judgment of conviction on felony
drug charges in St. Croix County, and appeared to be in violation of his probation, meaning he may be facing jail time, regardless of the outcome of the latest incident. 2+<1/= 2+. C/> >9 ,/ J6/. +> :</== time.
Spooner School Board announces complaint investigation findings
harassment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After review, I can see where disagreements The personnel committee held meetings on in approach have led to these claims,â&#x20AC;? said June 23, 25 and 30. Members of the commit- board member Clay Halverson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, I tee heard from the individuals that submitted do not believe that any of the claims met the complaints, reviewed pertinent documents or criteria of harassment. Through this process, statements from witnesses, and interviewed we received a lot of information that will be the administration. The comprehensive pro- very helpful moving forward.â&#x20AC;? cess concluded with the claims not meeting â&#x20AC;&#x153;After completion of this process, the board the standard of harassment and the district recognizes a need for helping staff understand considers the matter closed. the guidelines and process regarding alleged G 0>/< 7+8C -98@/<=+>398= +7 -98J./8> harassment,â&#x20AC;? said board President John Hedin our review of the facts,â&#x20AC;? said Randy Mc- lund. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was confusion between â&#x20AC;&#x153;bullyQuade, board personnel committee chair. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ingâ&#x20AC;? under Policy 411 and â&#x20AC;&#x153;harassmentâ&#x20AC;? under 511 process is in place to protect all of our em- $963-C '2/ ,9+<. A366 J8. A+C= >9 /8=?</ ployees. Harassment is a serious claim and our employees have more clarity about board polireview did not show evidence to support such cies in the future.â&#x20AC;? mistreatment.â&#x20AC;? This story was published on Friday, July 10, on â&#x20AC;&#x153;We respect those who have used the 511 the Washburn County Registerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website wcregisprocess,â&#x20AC;? said board member Christina Martin. teronline.com. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now that the review is over, we look forward to once again focusing on growing the !"#$%&'()&**)&*+, educational opportunities for our stu-./.0&12&34-516-46 ./8>= A236/ +..</==381 9?< 69-+6 J=-+6 547584.&5187. chal()*+,-.%/*01%23.% 91:;&5186.< lenges.â&#x20AC;? 4%5-6-%7%8%5-646&.=0&>/..07&12&.=0&
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Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Spooner School Board announced in a news release Friday, July 10, that on Tuesday, July 7, the board of education personnel committee concluded their review of complaints that had been submitted about alleged harassment and found that the claims did not meet the standard of harassment and the district considers the matter closed. The following is the unedited news release from >2/ &:998/< &-2996 3=><3-> 98 >2/3< J8.381 On Tuesday, July 7, the board of education personnel committee concluded their review of complaints that had been submitted about alleged harassment. With more than 15 hours of interviewing personnel, reviewing artifacts, and taking time for follow-up questions, the board took each claim seriously. Though most of the submitted claims were stated as bullying, the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 411 bullying policy is only related to students. The boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 511 harassment policy was used as the criteria for evaluating whether any actions constituted harassment. After careful review of all the information, the personnel committee came to the conclusion that the claims did not constitute evidence of
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ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. Call to Order 2. Evidence of Proper Notice 3. Roll Call 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Time of Reflection 6. Consent Agenda: a. Consideration of noticed agenda for July 21, 2015, meeting; b. Consideration/corrections to the published minutes of June 16, County Board Meeting 7. Public Comments - 3 minutes per person- not to exceed 30 minutes total 8. Receipt of Committee Reports and Discussion: a. Opportunity for Committee Chair comments on committee actions b. Other reports 9. Chairmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report, Wm. Johnson 10. Administratorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report, Dana Frey a. Legislative update and WCA Tax and Finance Steering Committee meeting b. Annual Report on the Condition of the County 11. Confirmation of Administratorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Appointments to the Board of Adjustment, effective May 1, 2015, (3-yr. term) Steve Arduser (alternate), Marilynn Nehring and Eugene Sollman (both reinstated) 12. Proposed Resolutions & Ordinances A. Resolution 24-15: Resolution to Authorize West Central Wisconsin Community Block Grant Housing Region to Submit Grant Application to the Community Development Block Grant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Assistance and Homebuyer Assistance Program B. Resolution 25-15: Resolution in Support of Sustainable Solution for Wisconsin Transportation System 13. Supervisors Reports 14. Adjourn This meeting is open to the public according to Wisconsin State Statute 19.83. Persons with disabilities wishing to attend and/or participate are asked to notify the County Clerkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office (715-485-9226) at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time so all rea630891 48L sonable accommodations can be made.
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Infinity Retail Services in Turtle Lake, Wisconsin, is seeking a full-time woodworking Machine Operator to join our team.
Responsibilities would include operating Weeke CNC machines, panel saw & edge banders proficiently, understanding blueprints for quality purposes and general shop duties as assigned. Skills preferred for this position would be previous CNC experience, knowledge of woodworking, laminate and edge banding, mechanical and mathematical skills (metric system), proficient computer skills, adequate knowledge of measuring tools for inspection and a positive attitude. Qualified individuals should send their resume to brock@infinityretailservices.com by July 24.
585 Western Boulevard â&#x20AC;˘ Turtle Lake, WI 54889 www.infinityretailservices.com
POLK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Polk County Government Center 100 Polk County Plaza, Balsam Lake, WI County Boardroom Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Regular Business Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Open Session
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Att: Human Resources PO Box 490 â&#x20AC;˘ 303 N. Wisconsin Ave. Frederic, WI 54837 715-327-4236 email address: iccpaonline@centurytel.net
Regular Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. 1. President Mrs. Amundson called the regular meeting of the Frederic Board of Education to order at 6:40 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, in the District Boardroom. Board members present: Mrs. Amundson, Mr. Holicky, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Ennis and Mr. Chell. Administration present: Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Steen and Mr. Fitzgerald. 2. Motion Holicky/Nelson to approve the consent agenda items, including the agenda as presented, minutes of the 5/13/15 regular Board meeting, invoices and receipts, budget and contracts (Middle School Position Reposted, Special Education Position Reposted, 1.0 FTE Elementary Music - Lisa Mattson .75 FTE Business Education - Donna Tietz, 2.25-Hour Kitchen Staff - Patty Wondra) as presented. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Persons Requesting an Audience with the Board: a. Julie Goodrum spoke on her concerns for not hiring a replacement teacher for family and consumer science. She would like to see the FCE program stay within the school. b. Attendees: Julie Goodrum and Parker Steen. 4. Board member Reports/Governance: a. Board discussed the upcoming WASB â&#x20AC;&#x153;Key Work of the School Boardsâ&#x20AC;? meeting on June 25, from 6 - 9 p.m. at CESA 11. b. Mr. Holicky presented on the Annual Convention and Organizational Meeting he attended at the beginning of June. There is also a meeting on August 12 at CESA. 5. Reports of the Administration: a. Mr. Robinson presented the District Administrator report. b. Mr. Fitzgerald submitted the Middle /High School report. c. Mrs. Steen presented the Elementary report. 6. Policies: None. 7. Action Items: a. Motion Holicky/Ennis to approve Parker Steenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eagle Scout project of building a Buddy Bench at the Frederic Elementary School to help bullied and lonely students. Motion carried: 5-0. b. Motion Holicky/Nelson to approve a $2,000 donation to Kinship of Polk County. Motion carried: 5-0. c. Motion Nelson/Chell to approve continuing with WPS for employee insurance with a 2% decrease in price for the 2015-16 school year. Motion carried: 5-0. d. Motion Ennis/Nelson to approve the meal prices for the 2015-16 school year with a price increase of $0.10 increase for 4K-12 students. Motion carried: 5-0. e. Motion Holicky/Nelson to approve building maintenance projects as presented. Motion carried: 5-0. f. Motion Ennis/Holicky to approve the 2015-16 preliminary budget as presented. Motion Carried: 5-0 8. Closed Session Meeting: Mrs. Amundson announced to the members of the Board that they should consider adjourning to closed session for the purpose of Personnel Discussion. Mrs. Amundson informed the Board the closed session would be proper and is authorized by Wisconsin Statutes: 19.85 (1) (c) in considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, (f) in considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person. Motion Nelson/Chell to convene to closed session. Vote by roll call was unanimous to convene in closed session and the motion carried 5-0. Time 9:03 p.m. Board members present: Mrs. Amundson, Mr. Holicky, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Ennis and Mr. Chell. Administration present: Mr. Robinson. Motion Holicky/Nelson to adjourn to closed session and return to open session. Motion carried 5-0. Time 10:16 p.m. 9. No action was taken as a result of closed session. 10. Motion Chell/Holicky to adjourn, carried 5-0. Time 10:16 p.m. Libby Cheever Recording Secretary Next regular board meeting: Wednesday July 8, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.
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Six seek title of Miss St. Croix Falls ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The 2015 Miss St. Croix Falls coronation will take place Saturday, July 18, at 6 p.m. at the St. Croix Falls Elementary School. Six young women will be vying for the title of Miss St. Croix Falls. Read their bios below and choose your favorite.
/B73 =>> Kopp is the daughter of Carl and Christine Kopp and is sponsored by Dalles Auto. She is involved in volleyball, basketball and softball. Kopp also participates in concert band, choir, jazz ensemble and chamber choir. After graduating, Kopp intends to go to a four-year college and continue her involvement with sports and music. Kopp believes that Miss SCF should be someone who is kind and who enjoys helping others. She believes that Miss SCF should have the qualities to work with others in the community and be able to inspire those around her. #:7D7/ 'B=443: Stoffel is the daughter of Mike and Jill Stoffel and is sponsored by Pizza Man. She is involved in forensics and volleyball. Stoffel really enjoys forensics because she loves being able to compete against herself and always strives to do better than before. After high school, she plans to go to college for a degree in business. Stoffel wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to live anywhere other than SCF because it is such a beautiful area with so much to do. She believes that being Miss SCF would be a great way to get more involved and volunteer in the community that she has grown up in. '=>67/ CBH;3@ Gutzmer is the daughter of Jeff Gutzmer and Danielle Foeller and is sponsored by Central Bank. She is involved in DECA, FFA and hockey. After high school, Gutzmer plans to go to college and become a behavioral psychologist. She believes that Miss SCF should be a strong, caring young woman, active in her community and a good role model for younger girls. St. Croix Falls for Gutzmer
is a great place to live because it has so many beautiful sights with the river and two interstate parks.
2@73<<3 'B=443: Stoffel is the daughter of Mike and Jill Stoffel and is sponsored by Swankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Meats. She is involved in volleyball, basketball, softball, clowns, church activities and S-club. After high school, Stoffel plans to go to a four-year college and get + ./1<// 38 >2/ 7/.3-+6 J/6. >9 ,/-97/ a nurse or physical therapist. Stoffel has looked up to past SCF royalty since she was a little girl and would like the opportunity to be that kind of role model for someone. She also would like to meet new people and have the opportunity to represent St. Croix Falls in a positive way. :GAA/ @=E< Brown is the daughter of Brian and Penny Brown and is sponsored by St. Croix Regional Medical Center. She is involved in football cheerleading, drama club, band, youth group and childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ministry at church. After high school, Brown would like to go to college for interior design and decorating and landscape architecture. She believes that being Miss SCF provides a great opportunity to get involved and volunteer in the community. She also thinks that it will be a great way to meet new people, learn new things and visit new places. '6/<<=< //A<==B Haasnoot is the daughter of Cory Haasnoot and Heather Zabel and is sponsored by Dalles House Restaurant and Lounge. She is involved with cheerleading. After high school, Haasnoot would like to attend college. She has always looked up to past royalty and would like to have that same opportunity to be a role model. Responsibility, leadership and teamwork are all qualities that Haasnoot believes are gained by volunteer work done by Miss SCF. She believes that SCF is a great place to live because it is a great city with lots of caring people. - submitted
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Sunday storm hits area hard
Leaves 1,200-plus without power; Monday sees follow-up winds for one-two punch POLK/BURNETT COUNTIES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Severe thunderstorms hit Polk and Burnett counties Sunday night, July 12, causing damage and power outages across the area. Many trees went down, causing damage to power poles and service wires. On Sunday, July 12, at approximately 9:30 p.m., Northwestern Wisconsin Electric customers experienced an outage caused by severe weather. High winds caused a tree to fall through the 69 KV radial transmission line feeding the NWE Atlas substation. Loss of the Atlas substation source caused an outage for approximately 1,290 NWE customers in the towns of Laketown, Sterling, Luck, Trade Lake, Anderson and West Sweden. NWE used the distribution system capabilities from adjoining substations to restore power to customers where it was possible. By approximately 1:30 a.m. Monday morning, NWE crews repaired the damage to the transmission line and the Atlas area substation was placed back into service. The high winds caused isolated damage to the area included closure of a portion of CTH Z in the Town of Trade Lake due to toppled trees. NWE crews worked with Burnett County crews to clear the trees and ultimately rebuild the electric distribution lines along the route in order to restore power to the remainder of customers in the area. Polk-Burnett also reported about 2,000 customers losing power during the storm on Sunday. Most of the outages were in the Bone Lake area east of Luck. Crews worked during the night and early-morning hours on Monday to repair broken poles and service wires. On Monday afternoon, a second area storm swept through Centuria, Milltown and Balsam Lake, toppling several trees. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with submitted information
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DANBURY - The weekend of Friday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sunday, July 24-26, will mark the 25th run running of the great Forts Folle Avoine Fur Trade Rendezvous. The crowds of participants and visitors provide a sharp contrast with what youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have found that time of year back in the summer of the original Forts Folle Avoine, 1802-05. During the summer, the original Forts Folle Avoine trading posts stood empty. The canoe crews needed to trek back to Lake Superior. There they would meet E7B6 1@3EA 4@=; /A 4/@ E3AB /A B63 %/17O1 A:=>3 E67:3 =B63@ 1/<=3 0@75/23A /@rived from the east bringing new trade supplies for the coming season. After a short â&#x20AC;&#x153;rendezvousâ&#x20AC;? all would reverse course; the western brigades restocked with trade goods, the eastern canoes loaded with the previous winterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trade in furs. Eventually ships would leave the port of Montreal and supply Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s warehouses with new furs Woodswhimsy the gnome to supply the fashion demands. Such were the logistics of handling furs and trade goods involving two continents in the fur trade times. Fast forward to 2015, and the picture changes. That abandoned collection of log huts known as Forts Folle Avoine, now reconstructed exactly where they once stood, will be hosting a new sort of rendezvous. While plenty of furs can be seen, and a vast A:3E =4 B@/23 5==2A B63 O3:2A /@=C<2 B63 67AB=@71 A7B3 E7:: 03 B33;7<5 E7B6 >3=>:3 @3A3;0:7<5 B6=A3 G=C ;756B O<2 0/19 7< B63 /<2 A E63< 4C@ B@/27<5 E/A a way of life. )63 >3=>:3 2@3AA32 7< >3@7=2 =CBOBA 6/7: 4@=; /1@=AA B63 1=<B7<3<B ,63< <=B >/@ticipating in the rendezvous, most live normal 21st century lives. But what brings them together at the Folle Avoine event and others across the country is their passion for the colorful tapestry that fur trade history represents to them. Studying the history is one thing, but these folks take it several steps beyond, they try to recreate what those times were like, as much as possible. With their curiosity O@32 B63G AB/@B >=97<5 /@=C<2 /<2 O<2 B63;A3:D3A ;/97<5 =@ >C@16/A7<5 A=;3 fur-trade-style clothes. Next comes some tools â&#x20AC;&#x201C; axes, kettles, knives, guns, anything a fur trade person might have been familiar with. Then they learn how to use them, and end up actually getting a feel for that sort of life in a direct fashion, even camping in tipis and tents styled after originals. Many of them then visit sites like Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park to learn more. In turn, the historic places organize rendezvous events where the new history enthusiasts can actually get together to exchange and show ideas about the life of those times. And, just as important, demonstrate to the siteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s visitors what went on back then. No one can really relive in its entirety another era, but the rendezvous people pull off that feat in pretty good style nonetheless. $4O17/::G 9<=E< /A B63 @3/B =@BA =::3 D=7<3 C@ )@/23 '3<23HD=CA B63 C:G 24-26 event at the park resembles a huge history carnival. Several hundred campers don historic garb and proceed to live out their roles representing men, women and 167:2@3< =4 4C@ B@/23 B7;3A =<B3ABA /@3 0C7:B /@=C<2 A97::A AC16 /A P7<B:=19 ;CAket shooting and tomahawk target throws. Some participants might have musical instruments handy, and some might dip into their reservoir of stories and share a tale or two. The key for visitors, as always, is to not just observe, but let your own curiosity loose, and ask questions (there are no dumb ones, by the way). You may never get a 03BB3@ 16/<13 B= D7A7B E7B6 A=;3=<3 4@=; B63 >/AB -=C ;756B 3D3< O<2 =CB B63GN@3 much like you. Ah, but the differences are what will hold the most appeal. But be warned - you might like it so well that you end up as one of the campers in the future, which is exactly how many of the participants got started. First they came as visitors, got hooked on the idea, obtained some supplies, learned the skills necessary, and ended up as a camper at future events. Some make going to rendezvous a focus of their familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s summer outings. Several participants develop highly skilled craft expertise, and their wares are often available for purchase at the events. Items on sale include furs, tools, clothing, candles, even foods. Speaking of the latter, Folle Avoineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own bread-making guru, : =6<A=< E7:: 03 O@7<5 C> 67A 6/<2 0C7:B &C3031 ABG:3 =CB2==@ 1:/G =D3< /<2 have his own savory historic edible bread loaves available to try. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bread with a bonus, as Al loves to tell the lore and history of these types of ovens which can be traced back thousands of years. )63 @3/B =@BA =::3 D=7<3 C@ )@/23 '3<23HD=CA E7:: 03 1/>>32 =44 >3@ CAC/: on Sunday morning when the siteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volunteers host a wild rice pancake breakfast at the visitors center. The site is located on Burnett CTH U, three miles west of the Hwy. 35/CTH U intersection between Webster and Danbury. The site offers regular
Stories from the NW Wisconsin community
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tours each week (closed Mondays/Tuesdays) and a historical research library opens 3/16 ,32<3A2/G "=@3 7<4= 7A /D/7:/0:3 D7/ 1/::7<5 =@ >3@CA7<5 B637@ website which is theforts.org. Signed, Woodswhimsy @ (5 05+,7,5+,5: =80:,8 56: (-E30(:,+ =0:/ 68:9 633, <605, 09:680*(3 !(82
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Two contestants vie for Fairest of the Fair
ST. CROIX FALLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Two contestants will be vying for the title of Fairest of the Fair at the Polk County Fair on Sunday, C5 /B > ; ;7:G @=AA /<2 C:7/ Owens are both well-qualified candidates. Come to the fair and support your favorite contestant.
in June this year. Also this year, she made the top 10 in Stoutâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history for weight thrower and hammer thrower. In 2012, she was the ambassador for Balsam Lake.
D;80 %F4=B Owens is the daughter of Roger and Kim Owens of Frederic. She is a graduate <8;H A>BB of Frederic High School and is currently @=AA 7A B63 2/C56B3@ =4 )@=G /<2 #7attending UW-River Falls, studying dairy 1=:3 @=AA /<2 (B/13G /<2 /< ,7:A=< science. She is involved with the UWRF She is a graduate of Unity High School. /7@G :C0 (63 6=>3A B= O<2 / 8=0 7< B63 She is currently attending UW-Stout with dairy industry. In the future, she hopes to a major in early childhood education and return home and take part ownership in a minor in coaching. After receiving her her familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dairy farm. 235@33 @=AA 6=>3A B= E=@9 7< / 167:2 Her hobbies include reading, watching movies, four-wheeling, working with care center with children ranging in age her cows, baking and cooking. She is a from birth to 5 years old, with the hope of member of the American Legion Ladies opening her own child-care center someday. She would also like to coach track Auxiliary. For the past two years she has /<2 O3:2 helped a young 4-Hâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;er learn some basic @=AA 7A 1C@@3<B:G / ;3;03@ =4 B63 /:dairy showmanship skills, using a calf sam Evergreen 4-H Club where she has from her familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farm for Little Britches. served as president for the last four years. She currently works on her familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farm, <8;H A>BB 8B 7>?8=6 C> A4248E4 C78B H40AMB D;80 %F4=B F8;; 14 2><?4C8=6 5>A C74 C8C;4 >5 Owens Farms Inc. She is also a member of the Student Wisconsin Education Association through C8C;4 >5 C74 08A4BC >5 C74 08A >= )D=30H D6
08A4BC >5 C74 08A 0C C74 &>;: >D=CH 08A In March, she was elected vice presi0C C74 &>;: >D=CH 08A >= )D=30H D6 dent of the Wisconsin Junior Jersey BreedUW-Stout. ers Association. Owens will be attending Her hobbies include working with her 0334 1/BB:3 OA67<5 6C<B7<5 /<2 >6=B=5@/>6G (63 6/A D=:C<B33@32 63@ B7;3 63:>7<5 the fourth class of the Jersey Youth Academy in Columbus, Ohio, this summer. In 2013, with the Milltown Community Thanksgiving dinner, helping her track team in a food A63 E/A B63 ,7A1=<A7< 3@A3G &C33< <
/<2 A63 1=;>3B32 4=@ B63 B7B:3 =4 B63 drive competition at UW-Stout for local food pantries and helping to clean up the cam- #/B7=</: 3@A3G &C33< 7< !=C7AD7::3 G (63 E/A </;32 B63
,7A1=<A7< C<7=@ >CA /<2 1=;;C<7BG =< /@B6 /G ,63< A63 E/A O<7A632 E7B6 A16==: /<2 63@ B@/19 Jersey Breeder of the Year. In 2014, Owens was elected as one of the four junior leaders A3/A=< A63 1/;3 6=;3 /<2 63:>32 1=/16 B63 *<7BG 756 (16==: B@/19 /<2 O3:2 B3/; for the Polk County Dairy group at the Wisconsin State Fair. 9;)40::,+ She currently works at Taco Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Menomonie. This year she was awarded the Scholar Athlete Honor by keeping her grade-point average above 3.5. She also received her state FFA degree at the state FFA convention
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Spotlight on The Village Players Community Theatre Spotlight on the actors
DANBURY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Patrons of a small-town bar sitting around all bundled up trying to keep warm seems an odd scene given the recent hot July temps but then these are no ordinary folks. Rachel Lee 7A B6@7::32 B= 03 >3@4=@;7<5 7< 63@ O@AB A6=E E7B6 B63 +=G/53@ +7::/53 They are the cast of this summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Village Players Community Theatre production, Players. She is a recent transplant to Burnett County from another faraway spot in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Hug Me.â&#x20AC;? Wisconsin. The musical comedy, from the book and lyrics written by Phil Olson and music by When not playing the strong-willed Northern Minnesotan, Clara Johnson, who has %/C: $:A=< 23A1@7032 /A L /@5=M ;33BA L)63 "CA71 "/< M 7A A3B 7< B63 O1B7=</: <=@B6- a penchant for yodeling, Lee can be found eating chocolate. ern Minnesota town of Bunyan Bay on the coldest day of the year. In addition to her chocolate eating Lee teaches at Webster Schools as the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s C<G/< /G 0/@P73A 6/D3 B637@ :7D3A BC@<32 C>A723 2=E< E63< 0/@ =E<3@ C<<3@ K-12 music and choir director. She also enjoys Johnson, announces he wants to sell the business singing with the Praise Band and just hanging out and move to warm Florida, a plan much protested /B 6=;3 231727<5 E6716 A1/@4 @3P31BA 63@ ;==2 by his wife, Clara. that day. Bunyan Barâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pretty waitress, Bernice Lundstrom, also wants out of Bunyan Bay to pursue a Rob Scherrer, who plays Bunyan Bay bar owner A7<57<5 1/@33@ E7B6 63@ O/<1I /<CB3 C<23@A=< C<<3@ =6<A=< 5@/2C/B32 4@=; $67= 756 begging her to just stay home. School in Ohio, Ill., and then received a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The two couplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bickering is interrupted when degree in physical education from the University 4/AB B/:97<5 9/@/=93 ;/167<3 A/:3A;/< /@D72 7Aof Wisconsin. selsen arrives at the bar promising to bring romance Scherrer taught at numerous schools in Wisconinto their lives through the magic of karaoke. sin before taking a position in the Webster School The cool and crazy songs and characters of District where he teaches 6-12 physical education â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Hug Meâ&#x20AC;? are sure to warm the audienceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and health. hearts. Scherrer is also head boys basketball coach and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Hug Meâ&#x20AC;? will be performed at the Voyassistant football coach for the Webster Tigers. ager Village Community Center, located on CTH Scherrer was previously a member of the Antigo A east of Webster, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Community Theatre group, performing in produc C:G
/<2 C5 /B > ; E7B6 tions of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Labor of Love,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;How to Succeed in Sunday matinees July 26 and Aug. 2 at 2:30 p.m. Business Without Really Tryingâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ChristFor ticket information go to villageplayerscommas Schooner.â&#x20AC;? 9;)40::,+ ;C<7BGB63/B@3 1=; =@ 1/:: (>1 )274AA4A (0274; "44
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First beach adventure of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ettesâ&#x20AC;? by Nanette Del Monaco One Saturday my father made the surprise announcement that the family was going to Redondo Beach the fol:=E7<5 2/G B E/A B63 AC;;3@ =4 My three sisters and I were ecstatic. We had never seen an ocean, and were looking forward to this adventure. Time seemed to slow down in our anticipation of Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arrival. That Sunday morning, my mother dressed us up in white blouses, our matching orange print skirts, complete E7B6 @C4P32 >3BB71=/BA E67B3 A=19A /<2 saddle shoes, and we were off to the bus stop with a blanket and lunch bags in hand. The bus took us to the main terminal on the seamy side of downtown. B E/A 4/;7:7/@ B= CA /A 7B E/A / @3G B E/A 4/;7:7/@ B= CA /A 7B E/A / @3G hound bus that had brought us from Wichita Falls, Texas, to Los Angeles just six months earlier. We quickly transferred onto the beach bus, and an hour later, we were there. My sisters, Suzette, Paulette and Rosette, were as awestruck as I was. We soon found that walking on the sand
in saddle shoes was not going to get us very far, and it was a good stretch to the waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edge. So off came the shoes and socks, and we savored the feel of warm sand between our toes. When we were all gathered near the ocean, my parents spread out the blanket and we all sat down. My sisters and I marveled at the oceanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roar, the gullsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cries, and the green stuff that rolled in with the tide. We saw kids breaking through the waves streaking to the shore, and others on boards, riding on the waves. Then turning around, they disappeared under the waves, popping up way out in the distance. It looked just like a scene from a beach movie. Of course, we could not sit still very long. We had to know how the water felt. It was calling out to us to put in our feet in and look down to see what was hidden in that wet sand. So slowly and cautiously, holding hands, we formed a straight line, and walked gingerly into the cool ocean. We made the mistake of looking down at the foam and water swirling around. For a mo moment we just stood there, mesmerized by the coldness and the tickling of the sand between our toes as it gave way beneath our feet. Then, slowly, one by one, we were
0A>DB4; overcome with dizziness, and like a slow-motion movie, we fell backward into the water. We had no idea what 6/2 6/>>3<32 /B O@AB $<3 ;7<CB3 E3 were standing there looking down at our feet, and the next, we were soaking wet in the sand and surf. I heard my parents shouting for us to get up, which was easier said than done in wet clothing. As we staggered to our feet I wondered how anyone made it into the ocean if entering it made you fall down. It was later from a friend that I learned that looking down as the water swirled around oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feet, was not a good idea. I, being the eldest, was blamed for the entire catastrophe, and we soon were slogging our way back to the bus stop for the two-hour ride home. Our punishment was to sit on a hard bus seat in =C@ A=/97<5 E3B /<2 ?C7B3 A/<2G @C4P3A You might wonder if this discouraged
me in any way from returning to a beach. Actually, it only convinced me that I had to return as often as I could. I wanted to be one of those kids I saw way out there riding the surf! About the writer: Nanette Del Monaco moved to St. Croix Falls four years ago, from Hampton, N.H., a state that she had lived in off and on for 32 years. She is now retired, and is an active volunteer in the Ice Age Alliance, the local food bank, Friends of the Interstate Park, a Reading Friend at the elemen elementary school, and is a mentor in the Kinship Program, mentoring two young siblings. She loves the river, the parks, and most of all, the friendly people in St. Croix Falls. Thanks to the Write Right Now class, she has found a passion in writing.
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Volunteers from Hudson give back Arianna Schultz | #7,*0(3 :6 :/, ,(+,8 LUCK - A group of members from the Mount Zion Lutheran Church in Hudson volunteered for a week with Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity on the build site in Luck. The Sandager home was just a basement when the volunteers came, and when they left, the house had set interior walls, set exterior walls and a roof. Volunteers at the Mount Zion Lutheran Church spent months raising money and building the interior and exterior walls for the Sandager home. The church also sponsored a stud fundraiser to raise money for studs. They sold each stud to another community member and, in return, the donors would sign and decorate the studs for the interior of the Sandager home. The volunteers collected all of the studs and built the walls at their church. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a tremendous gift from great vol volunteers in Hudson and from the Mount Zion Lutheran Church,â&#x20AC;? says President/ Executive Director Patricia Kytola. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These volunteers went above and beyond and they accomplished so much during the week they were here. We are truly blessed to have them!â&#x20AC;? The church group had a few other surprises for the Sandager family. On Wednesday evening the volunteers pre-
6A>D? >5 E>;D=C44AB 5A>< #>D=C /8>= "DC74A0= 7DA27 >5 D3B>= A424=C;H B?4=C 0 F44: F8C7 C74 -8;3 (8E4AB 018C0C 5>A D<0=8CH >= 0 1D8;3 B8C4 8= "D2: 5>A C74 )0=3064A 50<8;H pared dinner for the family and other Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity staff and board members. After dinner, the Mount Zion church presented an $800 donation to Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity. Volunteering is a key aspect for success
A whole roller ay after day we work hard for a >;3 CDA:4H D bit of comfort and luxury, a re respite from dirt and drudgery, and then on weekends we go camping. My own life is a prime example of this phenomenon. I have the privilege of living in a nice home on a very nice lake. The beach is sandy and never crowded, the water is clear and my boat is always ready. My house has many rooms, enough that I can have privacy anytime I want, yet on weekends I go camping in a small camper, with crowded sleeping arrangements, less than sanitary dining and limited options for personal hygiene. Murphyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Law was written for camping, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If something can go wrong it will.â&#x20AC;? I love camping. We have started grading the quality of our camping experiences by how much duct tape we use. Our last camping experience we used an entire roll of duct tape which put us into the excellent experience category. This was a memory builder sure to delight for years to come. If you go camping and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to repair anything, then nothing noteworthy happened. That is a camping trip soon forgotten. If you used only a few strips of duct tape, but you throw in a bandage or two, that is a step in the right direction. If you exceed a half roll of duct tape and you live to talk about it, then you have had a good camping experience. When you approach or exceed an entire roll, then you are starting to push the limits. Our daughter had visitors from New Zealand, and we decided what better way is there to show them Wisconsin than to spend a weekend camping in
John W. Ingalls, MD Wisconsin Dells. I know that isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t â&#x20AC;&#x153;real camping.â&#x20AC;? Camping in Wisconsin Dells is a hardship when the microwave doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work. Anyway, the plan was for us to take our camper and two tents and mingle with the hordes of others having the same idea. Two adults and six teens would enjoy the great outdoors in the heart of Wisconsin, the epicenter for amusement park overload. My wife and I drove our new truck pulling the camper while our daughter drove our other vehicle following us on the highway. Not 45 minutes into the adventure we heard a loud explosion, and suddenly the camper lurched and shuddered. One of the tires on the camper had expired suddenly, with its remnants hanging in shreds, cutting into the bottom of the camper with each turn of the wheel. We pulled as far off of the highway as possible and took stock of the situation. The spare tire was bolted to the back of the camper and the bolts were a different size than the lug nuts. I realized then that I had no tools other than a pair of pliers. As I grunted and wheezed trying to change the tire with a pair of pliers, huge semi-trucks would zoom by, inches away from us on the highway. The shock wave from the wind would shake and rattle the camper and threaten to topple it into the ditch. )63 A>/@3 E/A 6/:4 P/B 0CB /23?C/B3 B=
in every community. WRHFH is looking for wonderful, dedicated volunteers to help build the Sandager family home in Luck. If you or a group would like to vol volunteer and help build the Sandager home, 57D3 B63 ,' =4O13 / 1/:: /B /<NB AE7<5 / 6/;;3@ )63 (B get us to the next town. At the Walmart tire center while they changed the tire and checked the others for correct air pressure, I decided to get a set of tools to carry in the truck or camper so we would always be pre prepared. A Stanley 115-piece tool kit had everything I would ever need. The tire changed and the tool kit stored, E3 @3 3<B3@32 B63 6756E/G B@/4O1 $C@ children and their friends followed us in the second vehicle. The advantage of this arrangement is that they could identify any problems developing with the camper and call us on a cell phone to warn us. Shortly after entering into the sea of B@/4O1 =< B63 7<B3@AB/B3 B63 >6=<3 @/<5 "G 2/C56B3@ <=B7O32 CA B6/B / E7<2=E was partly open and the curtain was P/>>7<5 7< B63 ;>6 0@33H3 :==932 into the rearview mirror in time to see a window being ripped from the frame, bent by the wind and shatter into millions of pieces in midair as the remnants hurtled back at our kids! In the middle of the interstate with no exit in sight, we pulled over as far as possible to assess the damage. The window was gone and no one was injured, but our car sustained two nonfatal dents. Driving slowly to the next exit we found a small store. My only option was to buy a roll of duct tape and beg for an unused cardboard box. The window now repaired, we ventured onward, ar arriving without further interruptions at our reserved campsites. The campsite was a bit narrow and we wedged the camper in the shadows between two mammoth RVs with cavernous compartments that slide out and giant shaded windows.
Croix Falls and Spooner ReStores always need volunteers to help in the ReStore. For more information about volunteering, =@ 4=@ ?C3AB7=<A 57D3 B63 ,' =4O13 / call or go online to wildrivershabitat.org. Help your community by volunteering today. We listened to the soft humming of their air conditioners and stared at the black and gray panels encroaching on all sides of us, and we imagined ourselves in some undiscovered canyon, either that or a truck stop in Omaha. I hooked up the hose to a water faucet and when I turned on the water, it gushed out the other side of the camper! )63 A6@32232 P/B B7@3 6/2 /:A= 27A@C>B32 the insulation and water pipes on the bottom of the camper. No problem, I had my trusty tool kit. However, I was unable to open the Stanley 115 piece tool kit because it was screwed shut at the factory. They failed to tell you that you need to buy a screwdriver before you buy the tool kit. Two trips to a nearby '+ 23/:3@ 4/7:32 B= OF B63 >@=0:3; ,3 gave up and went out for pizza. In preparation for the return trip, I decided to cover the entire window with duct tape. Unable to reach the full height of the window, I enlisted the help of one our guests from New Zealand to sit on my shoulders while I stood on the cooler so we could cover the window from top to bottom with duct tape. I thought it would survive anything, but even that was shredded by the wind when we arrived home. The blinds that hung on the inside of the window were twisted and broken into dozens of pieces. Duct tape 1/<NB OF 3D3@GB67<5 0CB 7B 63:>A As a family trip, we all ranked this one as excellent. When we sit around the living room this winter sipping on hot chocolate and eating cookies by the O@3 E3 1/< @3;7<7A13 /0=CB B6/B 5@3/B tire slashing, window smashing camping trip. On the duct tape scale of excellence this was a whole roller!
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Tractor ride raises funds and awareness for those with cancer Priscilla Bauer | Staff writer ' #)( *' K )6=C56 B63 :7<3C> E/A A;/::3@ B67A G3/@ B63@3 E/A <= :3AA 3<B6Csiasm from the drivers, friends and family who gathered at the lineup of machines, =:2 /<2 <3E 4=@ B63 4=C@B6 /<<C/: )@/1B=@ @7D3 4=@ /<13@ /B B63 @/<BA0C@5 /7@grounds last Saturday, July 11. Harold Hall and Clayton Jorgensen organized the drive four years ago as a fun2@/7A3@ B= 03<3OB :=1/: 4=:9A /4431B32 0G 1/<13@ )63 >/7@ 5=B B63 7<A>7@/B7=< 4=@ B63 ride after seeing the Almelund Threshing and Tractor Show annual tractor caravan. The tractor drivers and their supporters took their time traveling the 15-mile ride, taking breaks along the way. The group stopped in at the Burnett Dairy Cheese Store where they were treated to 4@33 713 1@3/; 1=<3A /<2 B63< 63/232 B= =C@ C0A /@;A =E<32 0G @7A /@G /<2 Ben Peterson, for a tour of the family-owned farmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s milking operation.
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> H>D A4<4<14A Compiled by Sue Renno
50 years ago
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Maj. and Mrs. Howard Route purchased the Abel Jenssen farm in the Bone Lake area. Howard had retired from the Army after 24 years of service. The couple had previously lived in Tacoma, Wash., and had OD3 167:2@3< )3@@7 =C5:/A 6@7AB7<3 ::7A=< /<2 Lowell. Howard was the brother of Les Route, Frederic.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;One thousand tokens, each good for one â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cheerio,â&#x20AC;? were dropped from an airplane over Webster on July Fourth. Polk-Burnett Dairy Princess Susan Kay would be at the ice cream stand in Webster to hand =CB B63 4@33 16=1=:/B3 1=/B32 713 1@3/; 0/@A B= O<23@A =4 B63 B=93<A K#/<1G =:/A97 E/A </;32 B63 (C<OA6 &C33< =4 B63 ,7:2 '7D3@A @3/ K)3@3AA/ <23@A=< and Dale Jensen were married June 12 at the Lorain "3B6=27AB 6C@16 K O@3 /B B63 /::3A =CA3 (C>>3@ Club outside of St. Croix Falls caused about $100,000 in damage. Lightning and a kitchen broiler were the two main suspects as to the cause.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;A record crowd attended the Sterling Old Settlers picnic. Chris Christensen emceed the program, with Pastor Claire Whitmore as special speaker. Adeline Peterson and Viola Davis sang a Swedish song, there were other musical numbers, and over 300 people were served at the potluck lunch. People traveling the farthest were from California, Oregon and New York.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;The Donald F. Duncan Co., with headquarters in Illinois and a plant in Luck, was placed into the hands of receivers after an audit revealed their liabilities at $1.1 million and assets /B /0=CB )63 !C19 >:/<B 6/2 033< 1:=A32 4=@ a few weeks at that point. Sales of tops and yo-yos had slackened in the past year or two, and plastic versions were also being produced.
40 years ago
(424=C;H C74 DA=4CC >D=CH "0:4B 0=3 (8E4AB BB>280C8>= ?A>E8343 0
B27>;0AB78? C> C74 DA=4CC >D=CH "0=3 0=3 -0C4A >=B4AE0C8>= 4?0AC<4=C 5>A 0@D0C82 8=E0B8E4 B?4284B ?A4E4=C8>= &82CDA43 " C> ( (>64A $>4 "( ?A4B834=C &0D; !8??8=6 "( 1>0A3 <4<14A A03 !A0DB4 ) 8=C4A= 0E4 4AA8B "- 34?0AC<4=C 7403 D2: >>38=6 "( 1>0A3 <4<14A 0=3 )DB0= -0;;8= "( 1>0A3 <4<14A
Local students receive scholarships at VCTC $>A4 C70=
8= 0F0A3B ?A4B4=C43
tables with representatives from the families or organizations that generously donated the scholarship funds. Often donors create scholarship funds to memorialize a loved one, or support a cause, but it all comes down to EAU CLAIRE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chippewa Valley Technical College making a difference in the lives of the recipients. The local student receiving a scholarship was: ABC23<BA @3137D32 A16=:/@A67>A B=B/:7<5 ;=@3 B6/< $144,000 recently when the CVTC Foundation hosted its -41BC4A annual scholarship awards receptions. Mackenzie Koelz, Tri-County Medical Alliance EnAt the events, scholarship recipients were paired at dowment Scholarship. A 9;)40::,+
>==42C8>=B Olivia Kopecky
*F> M4AB ?DABD43 C748A 8=C4A4BCB 8= 5A>=C >5 C748A ;>20; 2>< <D=8CH ;0CC4= 0=3 #08H0 D;;4A 0A4 8= C74 2;>F=8=6 0=3 B4AE824 ;40A=8=6 ?A>942CB 8= C74 DA=4CC >D=CH ?A>6A0< >A 0 2>D?;4 >5 7>DAB C74H <034 10;;>>= 0=8<0;B 0=3 A0=6 14;;B 5>A C74 )0;E0C8>= A<H *74 <>=4H A08B43 C7A>D67 3>=0C8>=B C> C74 1D2:4C BC0HB ;>20; C> 74;? C74 )0;E0C8>= A<H <44C C74 =443B >5 C74 7><4;4BB 8= DA=4CC >D=CH .>DA 2>==42C8>= C> C74 2;>E4A 20= <0:4 0 38554A4=24 C>> >=C02C C74 +- GC4=B8>= %55824 0C C> ;40A= <>A4 01>DC
P==@ 1=::/>A32 7< B63 @323@71 4332 ;7:: /<2 B63 wall on the south side broke out. Wires were sev3@32 1/CA7<5 / O@3 )63 @323@71 7@3 3>/@B;3<B @3A>=<232 7;;327/B3:G /<2 1/::32 B63 !C19 @/<BA0C@5 /<2 (7@3< O@3 23>/@B;3<BA 4=@ 0/19C> 031/CA3 of the proximity of gas and oil storage tanks, but they E3@3 /0:3 B= >CB B63 O@3 =CB ?C719:G /<2 / 1=<P/5@/tion was avoided.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Susan Cesik and Jonathan Olson E3@3 ;/@@732 =< C<3 /B .7=< !CB63@/< 6C@16 =4 Trade Lake.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Alice Schmidt was named Miss Frederic
2C@7<5 @323@71 /;7:G /GA E7B6 %@7<13AA3A Molly Needham and Julie Schommer. The new Little "7AA @323@71 E/A ;G /@D7A K C:73 @/D3A3< 2/C56B3@ =4 "@ /<2 "@A '=253@ @/D3A3< ,30AB3@ E/A </;32 "7AA ,7A1=<A7< )33</53@ 4=@ /B / 1=<B3AB in Madison, and Webster Village President Romane ,37A >@=1:/7;32 C:G C:73 @/D3A3< /G K New Polk County Circuit Judge Michael B. Cwayna was sworn in on June 30.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;The Frederic High School marching band, under the direction of William Wallace, placed second in the Hayward Musky Festival parade among area marching bands. Medford took O@AB >:/13 K(B3D3< !33 (B @=7F /::A E/A 97::32 7< a rollover accident while driving a truck owned by his father, of Lee Logging.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Attorney Dennis Lieder, WebAB3@ / 5@/2C/B3 =4 B63 *<7D3@A7BG =4 ,7A1=<A7< !/E (16==: /B "/27A=< =>3<32 / :/E =4O13 7< (63:: Lake.
20 years ago Leader reporter Randy Hanson wrote a story about Herzl Camp on Devils Lake near Webster, and about singer-songwriter Bob Dylanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s days there, also mentioning other attendees of the camp who are now famous, including sportscaster Mark Rosen and writer )=; @732;/< K C:73 (B@/<5 5@/2C/B3 =4 ,30AB3@ High School and daughter of high school band director Dan Zimmer, was hired to work half time teaching 3:3;3<B/@G ;CA71 /B ,30AB3@ K)63 <3E "7AA @/<BAburg was Sarah Doskey, with First Princess Nikki Kingston and Second Princess Amanda Vlahadamis, !7BB:3 "7AA @/<BA0C@5 3AA71/ ==793@ /<2 !7BB:3 %@7<cesses Janessa Janes and Vanessa McKinley.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;The Rev. :/< 3=@53 E/A />>=7<B32 B63 <3E >/AB=@ /B B63 *<7B32 "3B6=27AB 16C@163A /B @/<BA0C@5 /<2 B:/A K 3AA71/ =G13 :=D3@ E/A 0=@< B= 7:: /<2 =3: :=D3@ @/<BA0C@5 =< C<3 CAB7< !33 $B7A E/A 0=@< =< June 10 to Erin Meyer and Kenneth Otis, Siren.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;A pointillism tempera painting called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sunset in Paris,â&#x20AC;? by Unity seventh-grader Amanda Aherns was chosen to be displayed in the school district boardroom. This was the institution of a new tradition for the school. A new middle school art piece would be chosen annually for the honor.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Stephanie Hansen was crowned Miss Milltown, with First Princess Bonnie McCurdy. Little Miss Milltown was Ashley James.
Brought to you by:
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Bernie Boelter
Patzy Wenthe
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Dr. Dann Rowe, DDS
Appointment information call 715-472-2211
0 3B52 "B52
308 1st St. S., Luck luckdentalclinic.com
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United Way distributes funds ST. CROIX VALLEY - The United Way St. Croix Valley Board of Directors recently approved the distribution of funds raised through the 2014-2015 annual fundraising campaign in Pierce, Polk and St. Croix counties. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have had another successful year thanks to the generosity of area businesses and individuals which allows us to build strong and successful communities,â&#x20AC;? said Executive Director John Coughlin. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our vision is for everyone to succeed in school, work and :743 /<2 =C@ >/@B<3@A67> E7B6 =B63@ <=<>@=OB /53<173A makes that possible,â&#x20AC;? he continued. < /227B7=< B= >@=D727<5 4C<2A B= <=<>@=OB /53<cies, United Way continues to focus on its three core initiatives: United Wayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Food Resource Center, Suc-
THANK YOU On behalf of the Stettler & Tobias families, we want to extent our heartfelt thanks to all of those who donated to Heatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s benefit. Whether your donation was time, talent, monetary or all of the above, we were more than moved at the outpouring of love. @ "? 1?
continue to raise funds until it is time to begin the fall appeal. See United Wayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website at unitedwaystcroix. org for further information. A -864 %50:,+ '(? #: 860> &(33,?
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cess By 6 and Shelter for All. United Way St. Croix Valley Board President Dan Draxler said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;United Way is unique because we look at the needs in our local communities and craft solutions that address issues and bring lasting change.â&#x20AC;? *<7B32 ,/G (B @=7F +/::3G /E/@232 7< 5@/<BA B= AC>>=@B ;=@3 B6/< <=<>@=OB /53<1G >@=grams and services. United Way allocated the funds to create lasting impact in the categories of meeting basic and emergency needs, strengthening children and families and promoting health and independence. An /227B7=</: E7:: 5= B= A>317O1 /53<173A 23A75nated by the donors. The total funds distributed will be *<7B32 ,/GNA =D3@/:: 03<3OB B= B63 1=;;C<7BG B67A G3/@ E7:: 03 =D3@ E63< 4==2 AC>>:732 by the Food Resource Center is taken into account. The 13<B3@ 6/A 27AB@70CB32 />>@=F7;/B3:G >=C<2A of food since opening in 2008. The food is distributed to area food pantries, shelters and senior dining sites. Agencies meeting basic and emergency needs will receive $132,050. Programs for children and families E7:: @3137D3 B63 :/@53AB 27AB@70CB7=< B=B/:7<5 United Way returns 50 percent of the funds donated by school district employees to the district for programs assisting students. Participating districts received 7< 5@/<BA B67A G3/@ (C>>=@B 4=@ >@=5@/;A B6/B 7;>@=D3 63/:B6 /<2 7<23>3<23<13 E7:: B=B/: Agencies in Burnett and Washburn counties will re137D3 7< 5@/<BA /<2
7< 2=<=@ 23A75nations from funds contributed by area residents, businesses and the owner and employees of Nexen @=C> 7< ,30AB3@ *<7B32 ,/G (B @=7F +/::3G E7::
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Rocky Ridge
BLUEBERRY FARM Will Be Opening Saturday, July 18, For The Picking Season.
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Hours: Thurs. - Sun., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call ahead for picking conditions â&#x20AC;˘ 715-653-4232
3441 90th St. â&#x20AC;˘ Frederic, Wis.
40/#/*+%,,*6/*8%<</#/($*"9/*,/2/,)*<-#*$0/)/*&-.'/$%$%-()= 40%)*%)*"*>?@@*/2/($3*A",,*$-8"7*$-*9/$*7-:#*&0%,8* )%9(/8*:'3 B? C%)%$*-:#*+/6)%$/*"$*+++=,:&19-,<&-:#)/=&-.* <-#*#/9%)$#"$%-(*<-#.=* D%.',7*'#%($;*<%,,*-:$*"(8*."%,*$-E
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Jon E. Cruz, DDS 24164 State Road 35 Siren, Wis.
:()&+*2,21*'+"*";"%4%5*,+4-"* &4004%5*2*'2&'1*5-2&&*$/*,4%"
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Open Some Fridays
Our team will take great care of you, from the initial placement to the final restoration. Call for a consult to learn more about dental implants.
NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! â&#x20AC;&#x153;Strengthing Our Communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Healthâ&#x20AC;? "
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Centuria Memory Days 2015 â&#x20AC;¢ Snapshots
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Siren Covenant Church to host blood drive
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SIREN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; An American Red Cross blood drive will be held at the Siren Covenant Church on Tuesday, Aug. 18, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Siren Covenant Church is located at !=4BG %7<3A '=/2 Many people want to give back to their community but may not have a lot of time to volunteer. The American Red Cross reminds eligible individuals that, in only about hour, volunteer blood donors can help save lives and feel instant 5@/B7O1/B7=< Blood is a perishable product that can only come from generous volunteers. By donating blood, individuals can make a difference in the lives of patients in their community and throughout the nation.
>F C> 3>=0C4 1;>>3 Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor app, visit redcrossblood.org or call 800-RED CROSS (800
B= ;/93 /< />>=7<B;3<B =@ 4=@ ;=@3 7<4=@;/B7=< All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license or two other 4=@;A =4 723<B7O1/B7=< /@3 @3?C7@32 /B 16319 7< <27D72C/:A E6= /@3 G3/@A =4 /53 E7B6 >/@3<B/: 1=<A3<B 7< A=;3 states, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. A -864 4,80*(5 ",+ 8699
Parkinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support group meetings set ' #)( *' K )63 %/@97<A=< AC>>=@B 5@=C> E7:: <=B meet in July. There will be a special meeting Friday, Aug. 14, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Burnett Medical Center with neurologist Dr. Haake. This is a change from the usual day and time. The September meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 24, at 2 p.m. at the Webster library. Dr. Travis Heinz, psychologist, will discuss mental issues like depression as related to Parkinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. In October, the group will meet at the Burnett Medical Center on Thursday, Oct. 22, at 2 p.m. A 9;)40::,+
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After 5 dinner meeting set SIREN - The Webster/Siren Area Christian Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club After 5 will hold its July dinner meeting on Mon2/G C:G /B > ; /B (7@3< AA3;0:G =4 =2 "CA71 E7:: 03 >@=D7232 0G /B73 "7::3@ @/<BA0C@5 Karla Kolle, of St. Cloud, Minn., will bring her extensive collection of teddy bears for the special feature, and she will also be the special speaker for the evening. Kolleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s talk, titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Journeys,â&#x20AC;? will describe how our paths can become smooth despite bumps and roadblocks. She enjoys crafts and collecting teddy bears. Ladies and girls of all ages are invited to attend this evening of Christian fellowship and encourage;3<B '3A3@D/B7=<A 1/< 03 ;/23 0G 1/::7<5 /<3 /B 566-0081. Cost is $10 inclusive. After 5 is a nondenominational Christian womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 43::=EA67> 5@=C> B6/B 7A /4O:7/B32 E7B6 (B=<31@=4B "7<istries whose headquarters are in Kansas City, Kan. 9;)40::,+
Everest VBS at Webster First Baptist
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, () ' D3@3AB =<?C3@7<5 6/::3<53A E7B6 =2NA Mighty Power is the theme for this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vacation Bible school at First Baptist Church in Webster, Sunday through Thursday, Aug. 2-6. Kids will discover what it means to 6=:2 =< B= =2NA ;756BG >=E3@ 7< 3D3@G2/G :743 B6@=C56 Bible learning, songs, games and adventure. Each day concludes with a Summit Celebration, and family and friends are encouraged to join the children during the Summit Celebration. Everest VBS runs Sunday through Thursday, Aug. 2-6, 4=@ 167:2@3< /53 B= 3<B3@7<5 O4B6 5@/23 4@=; B= > ; 3/16 2/G )63 (C;;7B 3:30@/B7=< 7A /B > ; 3/16 2/G @=; ;=@3 7<4=@;/B7=< 1/::
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Helen I. Glaim
Jamie S. Schwartz
3:3< :/7; / @3A723<B =4 B63 *<7B32 %7=<33@ Home in Luck, Wis., passed away on Saturday, July 11, 2015, at the United Pioneer Home. 3:3< E/A 0=@< =< $1B
7< /@@3BA=< ( the daughter of Albertina and John Hanson. She mar@732 (/; :/7; 7< "/@16 =4 and the couple moved to Rapid 7BG ( 7< E63@3 B63G @/7A32 their family. Sam passed away in
/<2 7< 3:3< ;=D32 B= the United Pioneer Home in Luck, so she could be near her family. Helen leaves to celebrate her memory her son, Steve (Nancy) :/7; =4 !C19 2/C56B3@ %/BBG !3A Sonnabend of Prior Lake, Minn.; grandchildren, Robyn (Marcus) Nooney of Minneapolis, Minn., Steve (Jenni43@ :/7; =4 /5/< "7<< 3<<743@ ,7::7/; 3<<3G :/7; =4 "7<<3/>=:7A (/@/6 'G/< %/C: =4 "7<<3apolis, Sean (Lynn) Sonnabend of St. Paul, Minn., and Sunny (Ryan) Barder of Minneapolis; great-grandchildren, Tatum, Eli, Zander, Audrey, Maggie and Elsa; nieces; nephews; and other loving family and friends. Funeral services for Helen were held on Tuesday, July 14, at the Kolstad Family Funeral Home in Centu@7/ ,7A +71/@ <573 CB<3G =4O17/B32 Helen was laid to rest alongside her husband at the Pine Lawn Cemetery in Rapid City, S.D. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with arrangements.
Jamie S. Schwartz, of Dresser, Wis., died unexpectedly on Saturday, July 11, 2015, at the age of 42. Celebration of Life services will be at 11 a.m. Sunday, C:G /B B63 /::3A =CA3 @3<16 '==; 7< (B @=7F Falls. A complete obituary will be published at a later 2/B3 @@/<53;3<BA 6/D3 033< 3<B@CAB32 B= B63 @/<2strand Funeral Home, grandstrandfh.com.
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Roads â&#x20AC;˘ Parking Lots â&#x20AC;˘ Driveways Free Estimates Bonded & Insured
Donald Leroy West
=</:2 !3@=G ,3AB >/AA32 /E/G C:G 3 E/A 0=@< /< /B 6=;3 7< B63 )=E< =4 Luck, Wis., to Worthy and Mabel (Hoffman) West. His 0@=B63@ '=03@B E/A 0=@< OD3 G3/@A later. The boys reveled in the outdoor life, and under their fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guid/<13 :3/@<32 B= OA6 6C<B /<2 B@/> /<7;/:A /B /< 3/@:G /53 )63G 03<3OBted from the love and nurturing of the extended West and Hoffman families and the West Sweden community. Donald graduated from Frederic Mary K. Krumrie, of Milltown, Wis., passed away Fri 756 (16==: 7< /<2 E3<B B= day, July 10, 2015, at her residence. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, July 16, work for the Polk County Highway Department. He was from 5 to 8 p.m., at the Congregational UCC Church, 201 drafted into the Army and served in the Korean War. The men he served with were truly his â&#x20AC;&#x153;friends for life.â&#x20AC;? Harriman Ave. N., Amery, Wis. 54001. Arrangements are entrusted to Rowe Funeral Home in Many of the children of that tight-knit group remain !C19 $<:7<3 1=<2=:3<13A ;/G 03 :34B /B family friends. He returned to Frederic after his Army service and rerowefh.com. sumed work for the highway department, until his reB7@3;3<B 7< He met Norma Jean Petersen of Milltown at the wedding rehearsal for his friend Roger Friberg and Normaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friend, Louann Johansen. Donald gave Norma a ride home that night, and they were married one year later =< C5 /B B63 ,3AB 3<;/@9 !CB63@/< 6C@16 3 @3:7A632 67A B7;3 A>3<B OA67<5 5/@23<7<5 6C<B7<5 trapping, making wood, picking berries and taking care of the property where they lived in West Sweden. Favorite spots away from home included Crex Meadows, and 7<<C;3@/0:3 :/93A /<2 @7D3@A @/<57<5 4@=; B7<G @7;6NA Lake in West Sweden to Eagle Lake in Ontario. He was a quietly dependable, generous and thoughtful person, adverse to the spotlight but observant and concerned for the needs of his family, friends and neighbors. He is survived by his wife of nearly 61 years, Norma, their two daughters, Arlene (Kevin Bevis) and Andrea (Michael Kowalski); grandchildren, Martin, Lillian and Charles Bevis and Elizabeth and Vivian Kowalski; and Everyone enjoys reading the Leader. two sisters-in-law, Donna Pedersen of Luck and Bonnie What better way to start your day? West Upton of Kalispell, Mont. His brother, Robert; and his parents preceded him in death. A memorial service was held July 15, 2015, at 2 p.m., at B545B93 (B !C93NA *<7B32 "3B6=27AB 6C@16 @323@71 =4O17/B32 )9B5> by Pastor Freddie Kirk. Cremains will be interred at the West Sweden Town )D B?9H 1<<C LEADERNEWSROOM.COM Cemetery at a later date. 549D?B <5145B>5GCB??= 3?= Memorials may be designated to Friends of the Crex Meadows, crexmeadows.org. Rowe Funeral Home, Frederic, is entrusted with the /@@/<53;3<BA $<:7<3 1=<2=:3<13A ;/G 03 left at rowefh.com.
Mary K. Krumrie
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8TH-ANNUAL KNITTING & CROCHET EXTRAVAGANZA Saturday, September 19, 2015, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Frederic High School, Frederic, WI There will be displays, demonstrations, workshops, special speakers and plenty of knitting and crochet time. A registration fee of $20.00 will include lunch and door prizes.
Trade Lake Swedish Mission Church
Old-Fashioned Church Service & Picnic Saturday, July 25 Service at 11 a.m. followed by Potluck Dinner Located at the junction of Agate Rd. & Co. Rd. M.
Everyone Welcome
0 4? @ "?
www.knittingandcrochetextravaganza.com or contact Konnie at 715-653-2619 or Lisa at 715-653-2510 by Sept. 4 to register.
Want A Brighter Smile? Receive a FREE Electric Toothbrush!
Cliff & Mary Askov
Of Luck, Are Celebrating Their 50th â&#x20AC;&#x153;Goldenâ&#x20AC;? Wedding Anniversary This Year! The couple met in southern California and were married in Westminster, CA, on August 21, 1965. They have been blessed with four children, nine grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. They will commemorate this important milestone at a celebratory dinner party hosted by their children on
Saturday, July 18
"? 0?
New patients 10 years Of age & up, at their New Patient appointment Which includes: New Patients Welcome! â&#x20AC;˘ Examination â&#x20AC;˘ Cleaning â&#x20AC;˘ X-rays Crowns â&#x20AC;˘ Bridges Will receive a FREE Partials â&#x20AC;˘ Dentures Electric Toothbrush! Fillings â&#x20AC;˘ Extractions Root Canals We now have DIGITAL X-RAYS (very low exposure to X-Ray & no waiting for developing) OPEN EVERY OTHER Emergency patients call before MONDAY â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;TIL 8 P.M. 10 a.m. for same day appointment
Gary Kaefer, D.D.S. Family Dentistry Webster Office
0 1 @ "
Grantsburg Office
Jerry Prokop ~ Funeral Home Associate Reenie Kolstad ~ Office Manager Tom Kolstad ~ Funeral Director Serving Your Family with Professional, Courteous and Caring Service. Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services, Cemetery Memorials, No Cost Consultation and Prearrangements Handicapped accessible.
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August William â&#x20AC;&#x153;Augieâ&#x20AC;? Staples Jr. August William â&#x20AC;&#x153;Augieâ&#x20AC;? Staples Jr. (Madweyaash9// =4 /<0C@G ,7A >/AA32 /E/G >3/134C::G =< Wednesday morning, July 8, 2015, with his brother, Sander, by his side. Augie, also known as Junior, was born in Ogema Township, Pine =C<BG "7<< =< "/G
/ A=< of the late August William Staples Sr. and Nancy Charlotte (Churchill) Staples. Augie worked for numerous years at North Star Steel Co. in Newport, Minn., and was a member of United Steelworkers of America. After retirement, he drove limousine and medical transport for St. Croix Tribal Center. He enjoyed playing the guitar and harmonica. Augie was a very amiable, A=17/0:3 ;/< 23O<7B3:G / >3=>:3 >3@A=< Preceding him in death were his parents; a son, Scott Staples; a grandson, Tony Staples; and siblings, Ward, Leland, Louise, and Baby Staples. C573 7A AC@D7D32 0G / A=< 3<3 63@G: (B/>:3A daughters, Julie Staples (Jim), Kathleen Staples and Angel Staples; spouse, Margaret (Jiron) Staples; and many grandchildren. He comes from a family of 15. Also surviving are brothers, Sander (Rita Joy) Staples, Lee Staples and Joseph (Kathy) Staples; sisters, Wanda Staples, Sandra (Archie) Cash, Myrtle (Bob) Liebgott, Nancy (Bob) Kassl and Vonnie (Jerry) Winiecki. He is also survived 0G / A>317/: <3>63E :3<< /<2 ;/<G =B63@ <3>63EA and nieces. A funeral service was conducted Sunday, July 12, at the St. Croix Tribal Hall in Danbury, with his brother, !33 (B/>:3A $07H//< =4O17/B7<5 <B3@;3<B E/A 7< /<bury Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ronald Staples, Larry Livingston, Ben Taylor, Karl Matrious, Carlos Corado and Lester Sutton. Honorary bearers are Shawn Songetay and Joe Matrious. Arrangements have been entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster. Online condolences may be expressed at swedberg-taylor.com.
Nancy Chipman #/<1G 67>;/< / @3A723<B =4 /GE/@2 ,7A 2732 Thursday, June 25, 2015, at the Waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Edge Care Center. #/<1G "3:D7</ @7BB3<23< E/A 0=@< C:G 7< Fort Dodge, Iowa, to parents Rosco and Sarah (Trobaugh) Crittenden. Her father died when she was 2 years old. After high school, she and her sister, Clara, moved to approximately seven miles northeast of Danbury where they helped to care for their aunt who was bedridden. $< C<3 A63 E/A C<7B32 7< ;/@@7/53 B= "/@D7< Chipman in Hinckley, Minn. The couple lived in Hayward for two years while Marv worked there being a Raleigh salesman. Because of the war, he couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get gas or tires, so they moved to north of Danbury where Marv went to work in the shipyards in Superior and farmed E7B6 67A 4/B63@ 4=@ / G3/@ )63 1=C>:3 B63< 7<63@7B32 acres in Danbury at the intersection of Hwy. 35 and Hwy. 4@=; 67A ;=B63@NA 4/;7:G /B E6716 B7;3 63 A=:2 67A 1/@ B= AB/@B / 5@=13@G AB=@3 7< B63 =:2 6=CA3 < B63G build a new store out of cement blocks that they ran for 32 years. After their retirement, the couple moved to Duluth, Minn., until 2003 when they moved to Hayward. Nancy enjoyed handiwork such as embroidery and crocheting. Nancy is survived by her son, Harry â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chipâ&#x20AC;? (Marlene) Chipman of Stone Lake, Wis.; seven grandchildren, Rick, 3< @/2 )/;;G =27 )3@@7 /<2 7; 5@3/B 5@/<2children; and other family and friends. Nancy was preceded in death by her parents; husband, "/@D A=< 3=@53 5@/<22/C56B3@ <573 A7AB3@ :/@/ Chipman; and brothers, Bill, Jim and Lee Crittenden. Funeral services for Nancy Chipman were held Mon2/G C<3 /B B63 /GE/@2 ,3A:3G/< 6C@16 E7B6 %/AB=@ "/@9 ,7:A=< =4O17/B7<5 "CA71 E/A >@=D7232 0G >7/<7AB !7<2/ 3@716 /<2 A=:=7AB =6< ==<3 <B3@;3<B followed at the Danbury Cemetery next to her husband. Casket bearers were Ken, Jim, Rick and Brad Chipman, Mike Heath, Dave Mroch and Ned Yoder. Online condolences may be left at bratleyfuneralservice.com.
Kevin Wayne Hodge
Pauline â&#x20AC;&#x153;Patâ&#x20AC;? Moore
Kevin Wayne Hodge, 58, of Hertel, Wis., passed away /B 67A 6=;3 7< 3@B3: =< )6C@A2/G C:G 3D7< E/A 0=@< 31 7< "=<tevideo, Minn. He was a veteran of the United States military. He worked for several years at the Little Turtle Express in maintenance. Kevin was currently retired and was enjoying his life raising his children at the Sand Lake Community. He loved playing Keno and watching the Minnesota Vikings, of which he was a big fan. Kevin leaves to celebrate his memory his wife, Nicole Hodge; children, Beau Hodge, Shilo Loberg, Brianna Duncan and Karma Duncan; stepdaughter, Courtney Oustigoff; mother-in-law, Tammy Rogers; sister, Tanya Matthews; brother, Chuck Hodge; nieces, nephews and other loving family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents and his daughter, Samantha Hodge. The funeral service for Kevin was held Tuesday, July 14, at 2 p.m., at the Round Lake Community Center, Luck, Wis. Kevin was laid to rest at the Town of Johnstown Cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Oiyotte, Charlie Rogers, Danny Bugg, Clinton Maxison, Chuck Hodge and Torri Maxison. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with arrangements.
%/C:7<3 L%/BM "==@3 E/A 0=@< C5 7< @7Abane, Australia. She was the daughter of Cecil and Joan (Hill) Barrett. She grew up in Australia and met a young American soldier on R and R. On May
A63 E/A C<7B32 7< ;/@@7/53 to that young soldier, Robert Hiram Moore. She came with Robert to the *<7B32 (B/B3A 7< E63@3 B63G ;/23 B637@ 6=;3 7< (>@7<5O3:2 ( < they moved to the Balsam Lake, Wis., area. Pat worked as a waitress at the Mill Inn in Milltown, Wis., and also worked at Stokeleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s during the canning season. She also spent some time working at the C<1/< -= G= 4/1B=@G 7< !C19 ,7A < A63 035/< E=@9 /B B63 O@AB )/@53B AB=@3 7< B63 /@3/ (63 1=;;CB32 and worked at the Roseville, Minn., store until retiring 7< #=B 037<5 =<3 B= 8CAB A7B /@=C<2 %/B 3<8=G32 cooking, knitting and crocheting and crafting. She made afghans for all the members of her family. She was a ;3;03@ =4 ==2 (/; >/@B =4 B63 >>:3 '7D3@ @74B3@A camping group and Coachman camping club for many G3/@A /1B7D3 E7B6 B63 7@: (1=CBA /<2 (BC2G :C0 '3becca Club and the VFW Women Auxiliary, Post 6856. In 2013, Pat was grand marshal of Balsam Lake Freedom Festival. Most recently she has spent time as a hospice volunteer helping others in need. The past four months Pat has been at the United Pioneer Home in Luck where A63 2732 =< @72/G C:G /B B63 /53 =4 G3/@A Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family wants to extend gratitude to St. Croix Hospice and United Pioneer Home for exceptional care. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert; her parents; brothers, Wesley, Raymond, Norman, Arnold and Warren; daughters, Joan and Carol; sons, Robert and Willits, and two grandsons. Surviving family members /@3 63@ A=<A @/3;3 3<<7<5 "/@5=B /<2 /@G "==@3 (Jean); daughters, Lyn Yates (Dan) and Sandy Hess )=; 5@/<2167:2@3< 5@3/B 5@/<2167:2@3< OD3 great-great grandchildren; sisters, Margaret and Lorna; as well as other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Tuesday, July 14, at Holy Trinity United Methodist Church in rural Centuria, Wis. Burial will be at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Min<3/>=:7A < :73C =4 P=E3@A %/B E=C:2 >@343@ 2=</B7=<A to St. Croix Hospice Interfaith Caregivers. You may view a video tribute and sign an online guest book at williamsonwhite.com. The Williamson-White Funeral Home and Cremation Services assisted the family.
Carol Jean Peterson Carol Jean Peterson, 82, of Webster, Wis., passed away July 5, 2015. /@=: E/A 0=@< (3>B B= @/ /<2 D/ (>==<3@ !=C23< (63 E/A ;/@@732 B= 2 %3B3@A=< =< 30 in Boone County, Ark. /@=: 3<8=G32 OA67<5 >7197<5 0:C303@@73A 1/;>7<5 painting, maple syrup, shopping and traveling, and was /:A= /< /1B7D3 ;3;03@ =4 B63 @/13 *<7B32 "3B6=27AB Church for 40 years. She was preceded in death by her parents; daughter, Debbie; brother, Russell; and sisters, Carmen, Irene and Marilyn. She is survived by children, Brad (Pam) Peterson, Lois (Doug) Steele, Sandy (Dana) Clark, Ken Cairns, Maria Cairns and Dean (Mary Jo) Peterson; sister, Jeaneane Aspinal; grandchildren, Shawn, KaTrina, Darie, Mallory, Spencer, Sarah, Trent, Will, Joshua, Leah, Jessie, Jenna and Jacob; great-grandchildren, Aeva, Blake, Lilly, @/13 A6B=< 00G C/< CBC;< 2/:33 "=<@=3 Dannielle, James, Shanae, Hannah, Brooklynn, Charlie and Colton; and great-great-grandchildren, Kiera and Phonex. (3@D713A E3@3 63:2 )6C@A2/G C:G /B @/13 *<7B32 Methodist Church Webster. Interment followed at the Orange Cemetery in Webster. Pallbearers were Eric Noble, Austin Denotter, Jerry Icard, Mike Taylor, Shane Denotter and Joe Taylor. Arrangements were entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster, Wisconsin. Online condolences can be made at swedberg-taylor.com.
Geraldine (Geri) V. Barton
3@/:27<3 3@7 + /@B=< /53 =4 (/<2AB=<3 "7<< formerly Askov, Minn., passed away with her family by 63@ A723 =< )C3A2/G C:G 3@7 E/A 0=@< 7< 671/5= :: =< /< She was a loving and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and friend, always putting others before herself. She had the most generous, loving heart and touched many lives with her presence. Her family and friends will always be thankful for the gift that was her life. 3@7 3A>317/::G 3<8=G32 A>3<27<5 time with her family and the many trips spent in Florida. She loved gardening, especially /@@/<57<5 P=E3@A /<2 /:A= 3<8=G32 /<G 97<2 =4 1@/4B7<5 projects. She was preceded in death by her parents, Steve and Helen Zack; and her brother, Robert. 3@7 7A AC@D7D32 0G 63@ :=D7<5 6CA0/<2 =4 G3/@A Dene Barton of Askov, Minn.; daughters and sons-in C27B6 << /::?C7AB %3/@A=< =4 @/<BA0C@5 :/E /B6G /<2 =@2=< "/B@7=CA =4 (/<2AB=<3 "7<< !=@7 /<2 '=03@B $:A3< =4 =BB/53 @=D3 "7<< A=<A /<2 Wis., passed away July 8, 2015. A daughter of Allan and Peggy Hallquist, Judith was daughters-in-law, Scot and Dena Barton of Stevens Point, 0=@< /<
7< "7<<3/>=:7A C27B6 E/A B63 :70@/@- Wis., Tim and Karen Barton of Lakeville, Minn.; grand7/< 7< @/<BA0C@5 4=@ G3/@A (63 /:A= @34C@07A632 B63 children, Shena and Christopher (Cassie) Matrious, BriJacobson Mill Site where she made her home. Judith was ana (Jeremy) Michels, Danielle and Brittany Olsen, Brett, Eva, Matthew and Amber Barton; great-grandchildren, a gracious, kind, woman who will be missed. She was preceded in death by her parents, Allan and Kylee, Breya, Deacon, Alayna, Ellie May and Kruz MaB@7=CA 63@ A7AB3@A :713 (B3D3 @/<9=EA97 /<2 (6/@=< Peggy. She is survived by her son, Rick Pearson; daughter, (Ray) Estevis; her brothers, Edward (Bernie) Zack and Wendy Pearson (Paul Krueger); sisters, Jill Blooston, Richard (Pam) Zack; her sisters-in-law, Shirley (Thomas) Mary Mithun and Heidi Collins; and brother, Bill Hall- Pimple and Ruby Bauer. A memorial service will be held celebrating her life on quist. @72/G C:G > ; /B B63 A9=D =;;C<7BG 3<Private services will be held. Arrangements were entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home Webster, Wis. B3@ =0;/53@5/23 A9=D "# Online condolences can be made at swedberg-taylor.com.
Judith Ann (Hallquist) Pearson
John W. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jackâ&#x20AC;? Schmid John W. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jackâ&#x20AC;? Schmid, 83, Centuria, Wis., passed /E/G =< )6C@A2/G C:G /B B63 @GAB/: /@3 3<ter in Minneapolis, Minn. /19 E/A 0=@< 30 7< "7<<3/>=:7A B63 A=< of Leonard and Lucille Schmid. Jack lived and worked in the Minneapolis area as a young adult, and it was there in South Minneapolis that he met and married Jacqueline (Jackie) Boie on #=D )63G :7D32 7< / B@/7:3@ 7< Coon Rapids, Minn., on Jackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s property, but then soon moved that trailer to a park in St. Anthony Village. < C:G =4 /19 E/A 2@/4B32 7<B= the Army where he served during the =@3/< ,/@ /<2 8CAB 4=C@ ;=<B6A :/B3@ B637@ O@AB =4 OD3 sons was born. When he returned home, they sold their trailer and bought a house in Mounds View, Minn., where they lived for 11 years. There they had three more sons and lost a daughter who was stillborn. They decided to move out of B63 17BG /<2 AB/@B 4/@;7<5 )63G 0=C56B B637@ O@AB 4/@; 7< Elk River, Minn., and then made their way to a big dairy farm in Kimball, Minn., where they had their last son. < B63G 0=C56B / 4/@; 7< C@39/ 3<B3@ ,7A /<2 B63< O</::G 3<232 C> A3BB:7<5 2=E< 7< 3<BC@7/ E63@3 theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve lived for the past 25 years. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Jacqueline (Jackie) Schmid; infant daughter; son, Terry Schmid; and two great-granddaughters, Karly Jo and Abigail (in infancy); and brothers, Leonard, Bob and Charlie Schmid. Jack leaves behind to celebrate his memory, sons, John (Pat) Schmid of Princeton, Minn., Jim (Karen) Schmid of Blaine, Minn., Scott Schmid of Centuria and Mike (Lizz) Schmid of Centuria; daughter-in-law, Cindy (John) Kreft, Luck, Wis.; and many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Also, brothers, Dale (Carol) Schmid of "1 @35=@ "7<< (B3D3 != <<3 (16;72 =4 "1 @35=@ "7<< /<2 /@G (6/@=< (16;72 =4 23< +/::3G "7<< A7AB3@ /@=:3 719 /CA '32O3:2 ( /<2 ;/<G E=<derful nieces, nephews, cousins and other loving family and friends. Funeral services were held Monday, July 13, at the Kolstad Family Funeral Home in Centuria. Jack was laid to rest at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis next to his wife and infant daughter on Tuesday, July 14. Casket bearers were John, Jim, Scott, Mike, Jake and Dean Schmid. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with funeral arrangements.
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+( $ -) A feast of goodness
â&#x20AC;&#x2122;m hungry!â&#x20AC;? I shouted after a long day at school. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a mother to do but feed her â&#x20AC;&#x153;starv7<5M B33</53@ A A==< /A A63 63/@2 the school bus, she cringed, knowing I would practically inhale one of her freshly baked loaves of bread. Momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s supply of oranges in the fridge also dwindled about as fast as our barn catsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bowl of fresh milk. No matter that sup supper came in just two hours, Mom knew I would deplete that meal as fast as my after-school snack. ==2 7A B/93< <=B =<:G B= O:: =C@ AB=; ==2 7A B/93< <=B =<:G B= O:: =C@ AB=; achs, but as a way to interact and relax with others. We enjoy a good meal or snack while visiting, while watching a
What to do when a parent canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let go of an adult child Q: Now that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m in my mid-20s, how can I help my mom understand Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not a kid anymore? She seems unwilling or unable to recognize that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m now an adult. What can I do? 7; "/<G >/@3<BA 6/D3 274O1C:BG /: 7; "/<G >/@3<BA 6/D3 274O1C:BG /: lowing a son or daughter to separate from the parent-child relationship and move ahead into full adulthood. There can be any number of factors involved. =@ 3F/;>:3 7BNA =4B3< / A75<7O1/<B issue in families with a history of mariB/: 1=<P71B )63 3;>BG <3AB G3/@A 1/< seem especially threatening to a woman who, for whatever reason, has been pouring her emotional energy into her children. In that context, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d suggest that trying to understand your motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s viewpoint could be a good start. What might be motivating her to hang on to your child6==2 A= B3</17=CA:G )6/B /E/@3<3AA can help inform a productive discussion as two adults. Establishing healthy boundaries will require a degree of assertiveness on your part. As gently and lovingly as possible, let your mom know that you love her, but you need to start estab-
C4A=0; ?4AB?42C8E4B Sally Bair movie, even while holding a formal meeting. Certain foods become part of our traditions. Think Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas Eve buffet, or an afterchurch Easter meal of ham or lamb. The best meals, of course, include all the essentials needed for healthy physical growth - protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals and some fat. We know that good food, and its presentation, also contributes to our emo-
lishing more emotional independence. While she may initially feel rejected, she needs to understand and acknowledge that this is a normal part of anyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth and maturation process. Meanwhile, make sure that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not enabling your mother to keep you in a childlike role. If you count on your par3<BA 4=@ O</<17/: AC>>=@B =@ /::=E G=C@ mom to do your laundry every week weekend, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re contributing to the problem. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still living at home, this is a good time to think about moving out and getting your own place. Once out on your own, I would advise that you keep the lines of communication open and continue to be sensitive to your momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feelings. Ul Ultimately, your relationship with her is more important than most disagreements. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Q: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been dating a very good, kind young lady for about three months now, and in the process Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve spent a lot of time with her entire family. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t anticipate beginning to feel a stronger attraction to her sister, but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exactly what has happened. Bottom line: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to pursue a deeper relationship with the sister, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to be responsible for causing dissension within the family. Any advice?
tional and mental health. Wise parents insist their children be present at dinner when possible, allow no arguing during a meal, and forbid the use of cell phones and other techno devices at the table. This results in relaxation, emotional closeness, respect and enjoyment. ,3 1/< 1=;>/@3 =2NA E=@2 E7B6 food. Full of needed spiritual nourish nourish;3<B 7B 6/A ;/<G 03<3OBA L :: (1@7>BC@3 7A 57D3< 0G 7<A>7@/B7=< =4 =2 /<2 7A >@=OB/0:3 4=@ 2=1B@7<3 4=@ @3>@==4 for correction, for instruction in righ righB3=CA<3AA B6/B B63 ;/< =4 =2 ;/G be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.â&#x20AC;? (2 Timothy 3:16) The Bible also tells us that it is â&#x20AC;&#x153;living and powerful.â&#x20AC;? (Hebrews 4:12) It penetrates as with a double-edged sword to the innermost parts of us and is able to dis-
>2DB >= C74 50<8;H Jim Daly @35 (;/::3G D713 >@3A723<B /;7:G Ministries: I suggest that you politely break up with the girl youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been dating and take a hiatus from any further contact with her family for a reasonable period â&#x20AC;&#x201C; maybe six months or so. That will allow time for the emotional dust to settle, for the girl and her family to heal, and for you to get in touch with your own feelings. At the end of that period, you can think about gradually re-establishing contact with the sister, if you still feel inclined to move ahead in that direction. Some people might experience pain in the process, but you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t control that. It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily your fault, and you neednâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t view yourself as being directly responsible for that aspect of the situation. At the same time, you do need to conduct yourself as a responsible person in all your dealings and interactions with these people. You need to respect the young lady youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been dating, and you also have an obligation to display
cern our thoughts and intentions. Many skeptics and atheists have read the word in an effort to prove its errors and have been drawn to Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s salvation during their study. /D72 E@=B3 B6/B =2NA E=@2 7A LAE33B3@ B6/< 6=<3G M %A/:;
It provides moral and spiritual light, convicts us when we sin, encourages us when we falter, promises peace when weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re anxious, and inspires faith. Whether weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re spiritual babes, teenag teenagers or mature believers, his word offers a veritable feast of goodness. 68+ :/(52 ?6; -68 ?6;8 30-, .0<05. 30-, 9;9:(0505. =68+ (? =, (3=(?9 /;5.,8 -68 0: 256=05. =, =033 ), E33,+ 5 ,9;9D 5(4, (4,5 89 (08 4(? ), 8,(*/,+ (: 9(33?)(08 .4(03 *64 a proper regard for the relationship youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve enjoyed with her and for the feelings of every member of her family. So I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think it would be a good idea to simply dump her and rush straight into a new relationship with her sister. Back off and let things take their course for a while. At that point, everyone will be in a better position to proceed, or not, with wisdom and sensitivity. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ 04 (3? 09 ( /;9)(5+ (5+ -(:/,8 (5 (;:/68 78,90+,5: 6- 6*;9 65 :/, (403? (5+ /69: 6- :/, B 6*;9 65 :/, (403?C 8(+06 786.8(4 (:*/ ;7 =0:/ /04 (: 104+(3?)36. *64 68 (: -(*,)662 *64 (3? 6*;9 67?80./: 6*;9 65 :/, (403? 6368(+6 #7805.9 5:,85(:065(3 *67?80./: 9,*;8,+ 33 80./:9 8,9,8<,+ 09:80);:,+ )? %50<,89(3 %*30*2 '(35;: #: (59(9 0:?
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Brought to you by:
Siren Assembly of God Siren
Church listings sponsored by the following area businesses: BASS LAKE LUMBER
â&#x20AC;˘ Complete Line of Building Supplies & Lumber â&#x20AC;˘ Cabotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stains Grantsburg, Wis. 715-488-2471 or 715-327-8766
Printers & Publishers â&#x20AC;˘ Office Supplies
CUSHING COOPERATIVE SOCIETY Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215
FREDERIC BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren
DAEFFLERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456
Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008
Corey T. Arnold, Agent Frederic, Wis. Phone 715-327-8076
Hwys. 35 & 48, Downtown Frederic Phone 715-327-5513
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Electric Servantâ&#x20AC;? Serving Polk & Burnett Counties â&#x20AC;&#x153;Use Energy Wiselyâ&#x20AC;?
Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4475
VAN METERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEATS
Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making â&#x20AC;˘ Ham & Bacon Cured & Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141
10022 Elbow Lake Road Siren, Wis. 54872 715-689-2539
Complete Lumber & Building Supplies
Phone 715-866-4238 Hwy. 35 N., Webster, Wis. Tom & Becky Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Owners
Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed Hwy. 35 North, Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059
SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131
Any area business wishing to help sponsor the church listings should contact the Leader at 715-327-4236.
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Rated PG-13, 117 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.
Dr. Daniel C. Satterlund 304 1st St. So. Luck, Wis.
Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Phone (715) 472-2121 Eye health exams, glaucoma checks, foreign body removal, full line of street wear, safety and sport wear, contact lenses
Christopherson â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ShellFrederic,Lake,715-327-4236 715-468-2314 Eye Clinic â&#x20AC;˘ St.â&#x20AC;˘CroixSiren,Falls715-349-2560 715-483-9008 Dr. T.L. Christopherson Dr. B.A. Christopherson OPTOMETRISTS
341 Keller Ave. N. Amery, Wis. 1/15
Phone 715-268-2020 Daily: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Visit The Leaderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Website:
Call 715-866-7261
Rated PG, 95 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.
Rated R, 124 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:35, 6:10 & 8:45 p.m.
Another great fireworks display from Victory Fireworks with special thanks to Larry, Randy and the entire gang for the great show. A big thank-you to the 10th Hole and Golf Course staff for all their work, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the greatest. Please stop at our food vendors to say thank you: Calâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mini Donuts; Nuttinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Like It; Lil Izzyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Snack Shack; Jbirds Flavor In Motion and Joshâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mini Donuts and Snowcones. All of our sponsors need a pat on the back also: Webster Fire Department; Webster Lions; Wonderland Sno Trails; Turf and Tundra; Gandy Dancer Saloon; Hopkinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sand & Gravel; Kirtland Electric; Yellow Lakes and Rivers Assoc.; Timâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Black & Orange; Bormanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Construction; Olsen Refrigeration; Christensenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s West Side Driving Range; and Houmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Resort. Some great family support from LaPlants; Barrs; Kirtlands; Plaths; Krugers and all the people that contributed in the donation jars. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because of all these generous people that we can continue this Independence Day Celebration. Please support these businesses and organizations.
Thanks Again From All Of Us!
Rated PG, 91 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. << C8?GC 1>4 C8?G D9=5C 256?B5 @ = )8?GC 1>4 C8?G D9=5C CE2:53D D? 381>75 ?B D85 =?CD E@ D? 41D5 C8?G D9=5C F9C9D ?EB G52C9D5 GGG D9=25BCD851DB5C 3?= )8?G D9=5C <9CD54 ?> 1>I ?D85B G52C9D5 =1I >?D 25 133EB1D5 "9;5 EC ?> 1352??;
K"9;5 EC ?> 1352??; 6?B E@3?=9>7 451<C L
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630746 37a 48L
Family Eye Clinic
â&#x20AC;˘ Commercial Printing â&#x20AC;˘ Office Supplies â&#x20AC;˘ Daily UPS Pickup â&#x20AC;˘ Fax & Copy Service See us for all your printing needs.
Agates, Minerals, Fossils, Gems and Jewelry On Display and For Sale
Free Admission Free Parking Free Agate Pit for Kids Door Prizes (Register at Main Door)
Demonstrations of: Faceting, Flint Knapping and Cabbing Lunch and Snacks Available by 4-H Club Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Frederic, Wisconsin, High School Gym ad Parking Lot (Off Highway 35 North end of Frederic)
Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home
Indianhead Gem and Mineral Society
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Distinctive Funeral Serviceâ&#x20AC;?
For Details Contact: Roy Wickman, 715-357-3223; John Park Sr., 715-825-2540; or Cindi Petersen, 715-497-7517
Webster, Wisconsin
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Centuria Memory Days 2015 â&#x20AC;¢ Snapshots
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Events Coming
MON!" WED! & FRI!# NOW$AUG! %& Luck
â&#x20AC;˘ Summer Recreation Playground at the elementary playground, noon-3 p.m., 715-349-2121.
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Amery â&#x20AC;˘ Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.
Balsam Lake â&#x20AC;˘ Autism support group at the government center, 7 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Polk-Burnett Bee Association meeting at the justice center, 7 p.m., 715-268-6793. â&#x20AC;˘ Polk County job fair at the job center, 404 Main St., 8-11 a.m.
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Clam Falls Dresser â&#x20AC;˘ Caring for the caregiver support group meeting at Peace Lutheran Church, 2 p.m., 715-755-2515.
Grantsburg â&#x20AC;˘ Wild edibles at Crex Meadows, 6-8 p.m. Preregister at 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org. â&#x20AC;˘ Little Wildlifers, 3-8 yrs., Outdoor Survival, at Crex Meadows, 10-11:30 a.m., 715-463-2739, crexmeadows. org.
â&#x20AC;˘ Dave Skrumpy, gem & mineral society, talking rocks at the library, 3:30-5 p.m., luckpubliclibrary.org, 715-4722770. â&#x20AC;˘ American Legion & Auxiliary meeting at the Lions Park, 6:30 p.m.
â&#x20AC;˘ Rubyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pantry at Home & Away Ministries. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. $20 donation. Distribution noon-1 p.m., 715472-2535. â&#x20AC;˘ Music in the Park - Highview, 6:30 p.m., luckwisconsin. com.
â&#x20AC;˘ Music in the Park: Al & The Bad Companions, 68 p.m.
Siren â&#x20AC;˘ Music in the Park at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Rex Cactus, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com.
St. Croix Falls
â&#x20AC;˘ Military family support group meeting at the community center, 6-7:30 p.m., 715-557-0557.
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FRI!$SUN!#')$'* Grantsburg â&#x20AC;˘ Watercross at Memory Lake. Races start noon Fri., 9:30 a.m. Sat. & Sun., grantsburgwatercross.com.
Luck â&#x20AC;˘ Lucky Days Festival. Craft fair; Sat. 5K, car, antique tractor & bike show, kickball and beanbag tourneys. Parade Sun., luckwisconsin.org.
â&#x20AC;˘ Kids & Family Night on the Overlook, 6:30 p.m., musicontheoverlook.com. â&#x20AC;˘ Sew Good Improv at Festival Theatre, 9-11 p.m., 715483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.
Falun â&#x20AC;˘ Free bread distribution, every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.
Osceola â&#x20AC;˘ Library Night at the Braves stadium, Oakey Park, 7:309 p.m, 715-483-1777, scfpl.org.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised)â&#x20AC;? at Festival Theatre, 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org. â&#x20AC;˘ Author Fred Brede at the library, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
â&#x20AC;˘ Pie and ice-cream social at Osceola United Methodist Church, 5-7 p.m. Music by The Alzen Family, 5:30 p.m.
St. Croix Falls/Taylors Falls, Minn.
â&#x20AC;˘ Christmas in July; food, arts and crafts, car show, etc., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
â&#x20AC;˘ Scott Volunteer Fire Department chicken BBQ at the
SATURDAY#'& Balsam Lake
â&#x20AC;˘ at Paradise Landing, 6 a.m.2 p.m. Preregister, 651-303-2913, classicbass.com. â&#x20AC;˘ The Durochers Live at East Balsam Baptist Church, 7 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Polk-Burnett Beekeepers meeting, 7 p.m., at the Polk County Justice Center. Speaker is Gary Reuter.
Danbury â&#x20AC;˘ Open house & lunch at Luther Park, 715-656-7244, lutherpark.com.
Franconia, Minn. â&#x20AC;˘ Kids make sculpture at Franconia Park, 1-4 p.m., franconia.org.
Balsam Lake â&#x20AC;˘ RSVP deadline for â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Little Mermaidâ&#x20AC;? bus trip Oct. 17, 715-825-2101 ext. 1560, unity.k12.wi.us.
St. Croix Falls
â&#x20AC;˘ Graziers pasture week at the Holt Farm, CTH F, 58 p.m., 715-520-2112 or 715-268-8778.
Amery â&#x20AC;˘ Music on the River at Michael Park, Charlie Uehlin & Chris Kroeze, 5 p.m.; Mighty Wheelhouse Band, 7 p.m.
â&#x20AC;˘ Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presentation, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Mattersâ&#x20AC;? at the library, 10 a.m.-noon, 715-4831777.
WEDNESDAY#%% St. Croix Falls
Leader Land
â&#x20AC;˘ Fri. 5 p.m. till Sat. noon weigh-in at Big Mikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 715-349-2400, 715866-4220.
â&#x20AC;˘ Coffee hour at Clam Falls Lutheran Church, 9 a.m.
FRI! & SAT!#') & '&
Taylors Falls, Minn. â&#x20AC;˘ Pioneer School at the Town House School. Preregister at 651-308-7790 or tfhspioneerschool@gmail.com, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Balsam Lake
â&#x20AC;˘ Author Sue Segelstrom, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Reminiscing: Grantsburg High School,â&#x20AC;? at the library, 7 p.m., 715-463-2244.
â&#x20AC;˘ Second Harvest food distribution at Connections, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 715-866-8151. â&#x20AC;˘ Author James Brakken at the library, 7-8 p.m., 715866-7697, webster.wislib.org.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Macroinvertebrate Mayhem,â&#x20AC;? kids program at Balsam Lake Beach, 10:30 a.m., 715-825-2313.
â&#x20AC;˘ Diabetes support group at the medical center, 6-8 p.m., 715-483-0431. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised)â&#x20AC;? at Festival Theatre, 2 & 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.
Siren â&#x20AC;˘ Webster/Siren Area Christian Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club After 5 meeting at Siren Assembly of God, 6:30 p.m. RSVP at 715-566-0081.
Grantsburg â&#x20AC;˘ 100-bird shoot at the rod & gun club, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., grantsburggunclub.com. â&#x20AC;˘ Craft fair at the library, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 715-463-2244.
Siren â&#x20AC;˘ Burnett County Fly-In/Drive-In Air Show at the airport. Breakfast 7 a.m., 5K, display, air show, rides, 715-566
Cushing â&#x20AC;˘ Music at Skonewood Retreat, Stringsmith, 6:30 p.m.
St. Croix Falls â&#x20AC;˘ Improv for YOUth at Festival Theatre, Thurs. 7:30 p.m., Fri. 9 p.m., Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.
â&#x20AC;˘ shelves, at Coyland Creek. Registration: 12:30 p.m., 1 p.m. shooting begins, familypathways.org.
Luck â&#x20AC;˘ Bone Lake School Reunion (LaFollette and Pleasant Dale) at the Bone Lake Park, noon, potluck.
Siren â&#x20AC;˘ Webster Library Win a Wine Cellar fundraiser at Tesora, 1-4 p.m., 715-866-7697.
St. Croix Falls â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Little Shop of Horrorsâ&#x20AC;? Festival Theatre, 2 p.m., 715483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.
MONDAY#%+ Centuria â&#x20AC;˘ Blood drive at Holy Trinity United Methodist Church, 1:30-6:30 p.m., redcrossblood.org, 800-733-2767.
â&#x20AC;˘ Central Burnett County Fair at the fairgrounds, facebook.com/CentralBurnettCounty, cbcfair.com. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Hug Meâ&#x20AC;? musical at Village Players Community Theatre. Thurs.-Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., villageplayers communitytheatre.com, 715-259-3982.
THURSDAY#%, Amery â&#x20AC;˘ Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Lyme disease education and support at Our Saviorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., 715-268-2856, 715-268-2035.
Grantsburg â&#x20AC;˘ Grantsburg Historical Society meeting at the senior center, 5:30 p.m., facebook.com/GrantsburgMuseum.
Siren â&#x20AC;˘ Burnett County Citizens Patrol meeting at the government center, jury room, 7 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Music in the Park at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Freeway Jam, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com.
Annual Gandy Dancer Fly-in/Drive-in this weekend Bigger and better than ever Carl Heidel | Staff writer SIREN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bigger and better seem to be the key words being used to promote B67A G3/@NA /<<C/: /<2G /<13@ :G 7< Drive-in at the Siren airport Saturday, July 18. Sponsored by area businesses and directed by airport manager Jeremy Sickler, the event always has a certain carnival air about it as families gather from all around the area.
3/2:7<7<5 B63 3D3<B :7AB E7:: 03 / PG in of vintage Howard aircraft. ManufacBC@32 =<:G 7< B63 A /<2 A =<:G /0=CB =4 B63 1@/4B B6/B 1/< PG /@3 AB7:: in existence. Of those 40, promoters are saying that they expect that as many as 15 may come to the Siren event. Another big attraction at the event will 03 P756BA =4 @3;=B3 1=<B@=: /7@1@/4B !3AB anyone think that these are merely small toys, some of those craft boast wingspans of up to 12 feet, and that is part of that bigger and better the promoters are talk-
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ing about. Now add all of the other attractions into the mix. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pancake breakfast offered by the Burnett County Ag Club to AB/@B B67<5A =44 /B / ; /7@>:/<3 /1@=0/B71 P756BA @C<A /<B7?C3 /<2 D7<B/53 automobiles, airplane rides, airplanes on display throughout the airport, and a Vietnam era Phantom F4 that will give visitors an opportunity to have their phoB=A B/93< 7< /< /1BC/: O56B3@ >:/<3 1=19pit. Then top all this off with food and
more food from multiple vendors. The best part of all of this is that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open to everyone free of charge thanks to the efforts of the Northwoods Flyers 6/>B3@ =4 B63 F>3@7;3<B/: 7@1@/4B Association which has worked to obtain the sponsorships that make the event free to all. As they say, bigger and better than ever, family fun for the weekend.