LEADER | July 8 | 2015

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• WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 • VOLUME 82 • NO. 47 • 2 SECTIONS Festival!s featured artist

Amanda Mattson crowned Miss Balsam Lake

Currents, page 4

Currents, page 11

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“Follow the Leader�

Webster church marks 100th year this Sunday CURRENTS FEATURE Readership 13,000

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DEADLINE: Copy must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Mondays to be considered for publication in that week’s Leader. Thank you.

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New twists in river stabbing case

Blood splatters suggest stabbing happened in car; Castle Doctrine may applyÂ

Greg Marsten | Staff writer $+ % $ # O AGDF 6A5G?7@FE D7H73> F:7 53E7 393;@EF F:7 %;@@7EAF3 F77@ 355GE76 ;@ F:7 BD;> EF344;@9 673F: A8 3 +F DA;J 3>>E ?3@ ;@ 3 5DAEE D;H7D UE:;@9 6;EBGF7 ?3K :3H7 E7H7D3> @7I 5D;F;53> FI;EFE 3:736 HA>>7K A8 ?AF;A@E U>76 >3EF I77= 4K F:7 3FFAD@7K D7BD7E7@F;@9 $7H; 5D7 #7@63>> 3?4D;697 %;@@ D7H73>76 BAEE;4>K 5D;F;53> 7H;67@57 EGBBADF;@9 :;E EFADK A8 E7>8 6787@E7 ;@ F:7 673F: A8 (7F7D #7>>K A@ BD;> 3F /;E5A@E;@ !@F7DEF3F7 (3D= 5D7 #7@63>> ;E 835;@9 F:D77 87>A@K 5:3D97E D7>3F76 FA F:7 3D7 1@3 3<2/:: 673F: ;@5>G6;@9 UDEF 679D77 D75=>7EE :A?;5;67 !@ A@7 A8 E7H7D3> "G>K 5AGDF ?AF;A@E U>76 4K 5D7 #7@63>>TE 6787@E7 3FFAD@7K D;5 " &7>EA@ :7 @AF76 7H;67@57 F:3F :7 5>3;?E E:AG>6 6;E?;EE F:7 53E7 AGFD;9:F AD 3F >73EF D7CG;D7 6D3?3F;53>>K D76G576 5:3D97E 7H7@ 5;F;@9

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“....(The Castle Doctrine) effectively removes questions of ‘reasonableness’ and the ‘ability to retreat.’� - Defense attorney Eric J. Nelson

(67A >/@97<5 :=B /B +7A1=<A7< <B3@AB/B3 $/@9 7A E63@3 $3B3@ 3::G /<2 3D7 1@3 3<2/:: A1C4 4:32 C:B7;/B3:G :3/27<5 B= 3::GLA 23/B6 4@=; / AB/0 E=C<2 + !%!$ ) # #$% & $$ !% !% #( $ #7@63>> AD ;8 E:7 67@;7E F:7 ?AF;A@ ;F ?;9:F 67F7D?;@7 I:3F 3 <GDK ?;9:F 47 34>7 FA :73D ;@ 3 FD;3> ;8 ;F E:AG>6 97F FA F:3F BA;@F ,:7 &7>EA@ ?AF;A@ FA 6;E?;EE ;E 43E76 ;@ B3DF A@ 7H;67@57 D7H73>;@9 F:3F 4>AA6 EB>3FF7DE 8AG@6 ;@ F:7 6787@63@FTE Q97F3I3K 53DR EG997EF #7>>K D73>>K 6;6 FDK FA BG>> 5D7 #7@63>> 8DA? F:7 B3EE7@97D E73F A8 F:7 53D ;?B>K;@9 :7 I3E FDK;@9 FA 97F 3I3K 8DA? #7>>K 3@6 EF34476 :;? ;@ E7>8 6787@E7 ,:3F 4>AA6 EB>3FF7D >A53F;A@ ;E 3>EA GE76 FA EGBBADF &7>EA@TE 5>3;? F:3F F:7 5D;?;@3> 5A?B>3;@F ;E Q67875F;H7 R 5;F;@9 F:D77 53E7E 3E BD75767@F ;?B>K;@9 F:3F 5D7

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)66 "3E BE7ABA A286

Gov. Scott Walker backs away from changes to open meetings law

Budget measure’s wording similar to recent documents from governor and DOA

Dee J. Hall | Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism +, , /! O ;F I;F: 3@ 3H3>3@5:7 A8 5D;F;5;E? 8DA? 35DAEE /;E5A@E;@ AH +5AFF /3>=7D 3@6 *7BG4>;53@ >79;E>3F;H7 >7367DE :3H7 39D776 FA D7?AH7 >3@9G397 8DA? F:7 EF3F7 4G697F F:3F IAG>6 :3H7 9GFF76 F:7 EF3F7TE AB7@ D75AD6E >3I !@ 3 <A;@F EF3F7?7@F /3>=7D 3@6 F:7 '( >7367DE A@ +3FGD63K "G>K E3;6 F:7K :36 675;676 FA D7?AH7 F:7 5A@FDAH7DE;3> ?73EGD7 Q;@ ;FE 7@F;D7FKR 38F7D QEG4EF3@F;H7 6;E5GEE;A@ R GF F:7 CG7EF;A@ D7?3;@E /:A ;E D7EBA@E;4>7 8AD BGFF;@9 ;F ;@ F:7 4G697F ;@ F:7 UDEF B>357 !F ;E 3 CG7EF;A@ F:3F >79;E>3F;H7 >7367DE 3@6 /3>=7D I:A ;E E7F FA 3@@AG@57 :;E DG@ 8AD F:7 BD7E;67@5K @7JF I77= :3H7 D7B73F76>K 6A6976 E;@57 F:7 BDABAE3> I3E E>;BB76 ;@FA F:7 EB7@6;@9 B>3@ >3F7 ,:GDE63K "G>K 3E D7E;67@FE :73676 AGF FA 479;@ 57>74D3F;@9 !@67B7@67@57 3K I77=7@6 D7H;7I 4K F:7 /;E5A@E;@ 7@F7D 8AD !@H7EF;93F;H7 "AGD@3>;E? E:AIE E;?;>3D;F;7E 47FI77@ D757@F D75AD6E D7CG7EF 67@;3>E 8DA? F:7 9AH7D@ADTE A8U57 3@6 F:7 EF3F7 7B3DF?7@F A8 6?;@;EFD3F;A@ 3@6 5:3@97E ;@E7DF76 ;@ F:7 4G697F 4K *7BG4>;53@E A@ F:7 "A;@F ;@3@57 A??;FF77 P E;?;>3D;F;7E F:3F D3;E7 CG7EF;A@E 34AGF I:7F:7D /3>=7D :;?E7>8 I3E ;@HA>H76 ;@ F:7 4G697F BDABAE3> D;F;5E 8DA? F:7 >78F 3@6 D;9:F 39D77 F:7 ?73EGD7 IAG>6 :3H7 3>>AI76 EF3F7 3@6 >A53> A8U5;3>E FA 5D38F >3IE 3@6 BA>;5;7E

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or opinions of UW-Madison or any of its af

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Downtown SCF gun dealer cites free speech, and state approval, in response to calls for a name change Greg Marsten | Staff writer +, *'!0 $$+ O ,:7 >A53> AI@7DE:;B 9DAGB 47:;@6 3 +F DA;J 3>>E 9G@ 3@6 3557EEADK 673>7DE:;B F:3F D757@F>K ?AH76 ;@FA 3 H353@F 6AI@FAI@ 4G;>6;@9 ;E UD;@9 435= 393;@EF BG4>;5 5A??7@FE 8DA? 6AL7@E A8 D7E;67@FE ?367 >3EF I77= 3F 3 +F DA;J 3>>E A??A@ AG@5;> ?77F;@9 A?4 'D6@3@57 $$ D757@F>K ?AH76 ;@FA F:7 8AD?7D *76 D;5= D;>> 4G;>6;@9 A@ /3E:;@9FA@ +FD77F 6AI@FAI@ 38F7D EF3DF;@9 F:7;D 4GE;@7EE >A53>>K 34AGF E;J K73DE 39A ,:7K :3H7 7JB3@676 F:7 4GE;@7EE 8DA? I:3F 5A AI@7D D 7A88D7K ADD7E 53>>76 3 Q:A44KR ;@FA 3 QFDG7 4D;5= 3@6 ?ADF3D 4GE;@7EE R ,:7 4GE;@7EE 53?7 G@67D UD7 3F F:7 %A@63K "G@7 5AG@5;> ?77F;@9 I:7D7 3 @G?47D A8 5;F;L7@E HA;576 A4<75F;A@E FA F:7 4GE;@7EE BD;?3D;>K FA F:7 @3?7 I:;5: E7H7D3> A8 F:7 A4<75FADE E3;6 I3E ;@3BBDABD;3F7 ,:7 F7D? Q A?4R ;E 5A??A@>K 5A@E;67D76 3 7GB:7?;E? 8AD 3 5A??A@ HG>93D 8AGD >7FF7D H7D4 8AD E7JG3> ;@F7D5AGDE7 3@6 F:7 4GE;@7EE >A9A E:AIE 3@ A>6 83E:;A@76 EFK>7 4A?4 I;F: 3 >;F 8GE7 ADD7E 6;E39D776 F:3F F:7 @3?7 ;E ;@3BBDABD;3F7 3@6 E3;6 F:7 4GE;@7EE @3?7 :3E

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Returning fire “Is it a euphemism for a swear word? I guess that’s in the eye of the beholder.” - Dr. Geoffrey Gorres

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Wisconsin receives fewer federal dollars than most states


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••• FREDERIC – The Frederic Golf Course is hosting a Pitch, Putt and Drive Contest for ages 8-18 Monday, July 13. Participants will compete in three skills events, and the top three boys and top three girls (cumulative points) in each age group will advance to the championship round along with advancing participants from other courses. Those interested in competing in the contest must preregister before Friday, July 10. The public is welcome to watch the event, beginning at 10 a.m., and volunteers are still needed. Contact the Frederic Golf Course for ?AD7 ;@8AD?3F;A@ AD EFAB 4K F:7 A8U57 8AD 3 D79;EFD3F;A@ 8AD? FA U>> AGF F:3F can be dropped off at the Frederic Golf Course by Friday. – with submitted information ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an athlete playing collegiate sports in 2015 who hasn’t been mentioned, send us an email or call and we’ll take it from there. – Marty Seeger ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tid tidbits to share? Please contact the Leader by 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to go in Extra Points. – Marty Seeger

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World Championship Snowmobile Watercross set for July 17 - 19 * &,+ -* O &AI ;@ ;FE F: K73D F:7 /AD>6 :3?B;A@E:;B +@AI?A4;>7 /3F7D5DAEE 7H7@F 6D3IE F:AGE3@6E A8 EB75F3FADE FA 473GF;8G> %7?ADK $3=7 ;@ 6AI@FAI@ D3@FE4GD9 735: K73D ;DEF :7>6 ;@ "G>K I:7@ D357DE E;?B>K 5A?B7F76 FA E77 I:A 5AG>6 ?3=7 ;F EFD3;9:F 8DA? F:7 ;E>3@6 FA F:7 E:AD7 3BBDAJ;?3F7>K 877F 3I3K F:7 7H7@F :3E 7HA>H76 6D3?3F;53>>K AH7D F:7 K73DE I;F: D357DE 475A?;@9 ?AD7 E=;>>76 ?35:;@7E ?AD7 BAI7D8G> 3@6 F:7 5A?B7F;F;A@ ?AD7 ;@F7@E7 ,A63K E>76E D735: GB FA ?B: 3@6 F:7 AH3>E 5A?B7F;F;A@E 678K 3>> >A9;5 I:7@ 5A@E;67D;@9 ;FTE E@AI?A4;>7E A@ AB7@ I3F7D ,:7 I77=7@6 8G@ 479;@E D;63K "G>K 3@6 5A@5>G67E +G@63K 7H7@;@9 "G>K ,:7 7H7@F ;E FDG>K 3 G@;CG7 7JB7D;7@57 8AD F:7 7@F;D7 83?;>K A887D;@9 ?7D5:3@6;E7 8AA6 3@6 47H7D397 H7@6ADE 3@6 EFD77F 63@57E 4AF: D;63K 3@6 +3FGD63K 7H7@;@9E F:3F 873FGD7 FAB @3?7 D79;A@3> 43@6E ,:7 :G97 UD7IAD=E 6;EB>3K AH7D %7?ADK $3=7 :7>6 +3FGD63K 3F 6GE= 4D;@9E ;@ F:AGE3@6E A8 EB75F3FADE 735: K73D 3E I7>> /3F7D5DAEE D35;@9 ;E E3@5F;A@76 4K F:7 !@F7D@3F;A@3> /3F7D5DAEE EEA5;3F;A@ 3@6 D3@FE4GD9TE IAD>6 5:3?B;A@E:;B ;E 5A@E;67D76 F:7 9D3@66366K A8 3>> F:7 D357E I;F:;@ F:7 K73D>K 5;D5G;F 'H7D D357DE ;@5>G6;@9 FAB 5A?B7F;FADE 8DA? F:7 -@;F76 +F3F7E 3@6 3@363 5A?7 735: K73D :AB;@9 FA 53BFGD7 F:7 /AD>6 :3?B;A@E:;B /3F7D5DAEE F;F>7 3;>K 3@6 I77=7@6 B3EE7E 3D7 3H3;>34>7 8AD BGD5:3E7 AD 3 5A?B>7F7 I3F7D5DAEE 7H7@F E5:76G>7 3@6 ?AD7 ;@8AD?3F;A@ H;E;F 9D3@FE4GD9I3F7D5DAEE 5A? 7?3;> ;@8A 9D3@FE4GD9I3F7D5DAEE 5A? AD 53>> '0 3>> 8AD 53?B;@9 ;@8AD?3F;A@ 8AD F7@FE 53?B7DE AD ?AFAD :A?7E

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Siren’s Fourth of July • Freedom Five Run (63 '7@3< @332=; 7D3 037<5 =< B63 =C@B6 =4 C:G /:E/GA 0@7<5A =CB <23>3<23<13 /G 2@3AA 3:=E /<2 /B @756B /@3 / 43E 3F/;>:3A 4@=; B67A G3/@

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! " # # $ % & ' $ ( ) $ % & ! * + % , !& High school football season begins next month! ,:7K E3K EG??7D ;E Q3>> 6AI@:;>> 38F7D F:7 AGDF: A8 "G>K R @6 FA BDAH7 F:3F ;E A@57 393;@ F:7 53E7 :7D7 ;E $7367D $3@6TE AB7@;@9 I77=7@6TE 8AAF43>> E5:76G>7 8AD G9 3@6 G9 Grantsburg at Cumberland; Clayton at Webster; !"#$%&'(!% Ladysmith at Unity; Spring Valley at St Croix Falls; Frederic at Glenwood City. @6 ;@ 7;9:F ?3@ 35F;A@ ;F I;>> 47 Luck vs. Prairie Farm 3@6 Mellen vs Siren ,:7 FIA 7;9:F ?3@ 93?7E I;>> 47 A@ G9 ;@ 3?7DA@ 355AD6;@9 FA I;EEBADFE @7F ,:;E I;>> 47 D767D;5TE UDEF K73D ;@ F:7 $3=7>3@6 +AGF: A@87D7@57 !F I;>> 47 ;@F7D7EF;@9 FA E77 ;8 F:7 .;=7E 53@ I;@ 3 F:;D6

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The chickens are out. /;>6 ?GE:DAA? :G@F7DE 3D7 D7BADF;@9 F:7 UDEF U@6E A8 Laetiporius Sulphureus, which ;E 3 :;9:>K BD;L76 3@6 B>7@F;8G> EB75;7E A8 76;4>7 8G@9GE 8AG@6 ;@ F:7 /;E5A@E;@ IAA6E $3KB7AB>7 D787D FA F:7 EB75;?7@ 3E Q5:;5=7@ A8 F:7 IAA6E R &AF FA 47 5A@8GE76 I;F: D;8A>3 8DA@6AE3 I:;5: ;E =@AI@ 3E Q:7@ A8 F:7 IAA6E R 1AG 53@ U@6 F:7 4D;9:F>K 5A>AD76 8G@9; A@ 6736 AD 6K;@9 D76 A3=E 3@6 F:7 A553E;A@3> 3E: 3@6 EA?7F;?7E A@ 3 8D7E: A3= EFG?B F:3F :3E 477@ 5GF I;F:;@ F:7 >3EF FIA AD F:D77 K73DE %3@K 4;D6 :G@F7DE 8;@6 EG??7D ?GE:DAA? 5DG;E;@9 FA 47 3 9D73F I3K FA EF3K ;@ 4;D6 :G@F;@9 E:3B7 We’re about to go a-huntin’ bear >F:AG9: F:7 34AH7 ;E 3@ A8F CGAF76 B:D3E7 8DA? F:7 E C.W. McCall 5>3EE;5 EA@9 Q A@HAK R ;F :3E B7DF;@7@F ?73@;@9 8AD 6A9 AI@;@9 473D :G@F7DE F:DAG9:AGF F:7 @ADF:7D@ :3>8 A8 /;E5A@E;@ ,:3FTE 4753GE7 "G>K ?3D=E F:7 AB7@;@9 A8 F:7 473D 6A9 FD3;@;@9 E73EA@ %3@K B7AB>7 I:A 3D7 @AF 473D :G@F7DE >AA= 8ADI3D6 FA F:7 "G>K 6A9 FD3;@;@9 E73EA@ 3E I7>> E;@57 ;F F7@6E FA

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Bjelland back on the diamond in Grantsburg %3@=3FA ,:7 %3H7D;5=E 5A?B;>76 3@ AH7D3>> D75AD6 5A@87D7@57 5:3?B;A@E 3@6 I7D7 & *79;A@3> CG3>;U7DE ;@ 3@6 <7>>3@6 3>EA EB7@F A@7 E73EA@ 3E 3@ 3EE;EF3@F EA8F43>> 5A35: 8AD F:7 A>AD36A +5:AA> A8 %;@7E 3@6 :7>B76 F:7 'D76;997DE FA F:7 *% 5A@87D7@57 5:3?B;A@E:;B ;@ <7>>3@6 I3E 3 FIA EBADF EF3@6AGF ;@ HA>>7K43>> 3@6 EA8F43>> 3F /;@A@3 +F3F7 -@;H7DE;FK ;@ %;@@7EAF3 I:7D7 E:7 I3E 3 8AGD F;?7 &+! >> A@87D7@57 B>3K7D 3@6 A@7 F;?7 & >> ?7D;53@ A@ F:7 6;3?A@6 <7>>3@6 9D36G3F76 8DA? /;@A@3 I;F: 3 679D77 ;@ 4GE;@7EE 3@6 36?;@;EFD3F;A@ 3@6 AI@E 3 ?3EF7DTE 679D77 8DA? %;@@7EAF3 +F3F7 ;@ EBADFE ?3@397?7@F – Scott Hoffman with information from Missouri Western State University website, gogriffons. com

All!Americans team up for softball clinic in Grantsburg * &,+ -* O D3@FE4GD9 5>G4 83EF B;F5: I3E :3BBK FA :AEF 3 EA8F43>> E=;>>E 5>;@;5 /76@7E63K 3@6 ,:GDE63K "G>K 3@6 B>73E76 FA I7>5A?7 >> ?7D;53@ AGFU7>67D %A>>;7 <7>>3@6 3@6 FIA F;?7 >> ?7D;53@ B;F5:7D "35=;7 ;E:AB AF: 3D7 3EE;EF3@F 5A35:7E 3F %;EEAGD; /7EF7D@ +F3F7 -@;H7DE;FK AGF A8 +F "AE7B: %A !@ F:7 E73EA@ ;E:AB I3E 5:AE7@ ;DEF ,73? & >> ?7D;53@ +75A@6 ,73? 3=FDA@;5E >> ?7D;53@ ;DEF ,73?

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Clean boats, clean waters on Blake Lake Boat checks part of DNR Landing Blitz over holiday weekend $+ % $ # O .A>G@F77DE 8DA? F:7 ;9 >3=7 $3=7 (DAF75F;A@ 3@6 *7:34;>;F3F;A@ ;EFD;5F 76G53F76 4A3F7DE 3@6 5A@6G5F76 8D77 4A3F 5:75=E AH7D F:7 AGDF: A8 "G>K I77=7@6 3E B3DF A8 F:7 E7H7@F: 3@@G3> EF3F7I;67 &* $3@6;@9 >;FL 'H7D >3=7E I7D7 B3DF A8 F:7 4>;FL F:;E K73D +F3F7I;67 >3EF K73D AH7D 4A3FE I7D7 ;@EB75F76 3@6 B7AB>7 I7D7 5A@F35F76 6GD;@9 F:7 :A>;63K !@EB75FADE IAD= FA 3EEGD7 F:3F 4A3F7DE 6A @AF 355;67@F3>>K EBD736 GD3E;3@ I3F7D ?;>8A;> L74D3 ?GEE7>E 3@6 AF:7D 3CG3F;5 ;@H3E;H7 EB75;7E ,:7 HA>G@F77D ;@EB75FADE :7>B 4A3F7DE G@67DEF3@6 /;E5A@E;@TE ;@H3E;H7 EB7 EB75;7E >3IE 3@6 I:3F F:7K ?GEF 6A FA 5>73@ 7CG;B?7@F 7@F7D;@9 AD 7J;F;@9 F:7 I3F7D Q!@H3E;H7E 3D7 3 E7D;AGE F:D73F FA I3F7D CG3>;FK 3@6 BDAB7DFK H3>G7 K 8A>>AI;@9 E;?B>7 EF7BE 4A3F7DE 53@ BD7E7DH7 F:7 CG3>;FK A8 AGD >3=7E 8AD AGD 9D3@6=;6E FA 7@<AK R E3KE (799K $3GD;FE7@ >73@ A3FE >73@ /3F7DE !+ 5AAD6;@3FAD Q/7 :3H7 676;53F76 HA>G@F77DE I:A 9;H7 :AGDE B7D E73EA@ FA :7>B BDAF75F I3F7D CG3>;FK A@ >3=7 $3=7 R !@H3E;H7 EB75;7E 5DAI6 AGF @3F;H7 EB75;7E 6;EDGBF >3=7 75AEKEF7?E 3@6 ;@F7D87D7 I;F: 4A3F;@9 UE:;@9 3@6 AF:7D D75D73F;A@

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Boat decontamination unit visits Polk County to aid in preventing aquatic invasive species +, *'!0 $$+ % *1 O E 3 D7EG>F A8 3 B3DF@7DE:;B 47FI77@ F:7 +F DA;J *;H7D EEA5;3F;A@ (A>= AG@FK $3@6 3@6 /3F7D *7EAGD57E 7B3DF?7@F /;E5A@E;@ 7B3DF?7@F A8 &3FGD3> *7 *7EAGD57E F:7 ,AI@ A8 3DU7>6 3@6 F:7 $3=7 /3BA93EE7F 3@6 73D ,D3B $3=7 +3@;F3DK ;EFD;5F 3 4A3F 675A@F3?;@3F;A@ G@;F 8DA? +BAA@7D I;>> 47 H;E;F;@9 (A>= AG@FK A@ +3FGD63K 3@6 +G@63K "G>K

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Helmet your head DNR warden urges ATV!UTV riders to protect their brains Joanne M. Haas|DNR Bureau of Law Enforcement +, , /! ,:7 7B3DF?7@F A8 &3FGD3> *7EAGD57E GD97E 3>> 3>> F7DD3;@ 3@6 GF;>;FK F7DD3;@ H7:;5>7 D;67DE A@ BG4>;5 3@6 BD;H3F7 BDAB7DF;7E FA D7?7?47D F:;E E;@9>7 ;?BADF3@F AGF6AAD >7EEA@ 7>?7F KAGD :736E &* 6?;@;EFD3F;H7 /3D67@ 3DK 66K E3KE :7>?7FE 3D7 3@ 73EK I3K FA :7>B F:7 D;67 EF3K 8G@ 3@6 E387 Q'@7 A8 F:7 ?AEF 78875F;H7 EF7BE 3>> ,. 3@6 -,. D;67DE 53@ 6A FA ?3=7 EGD7 F:7K 3D7 E387 I:;>7 :3H;@9 8G@ AGF6AADE A@ F:7E7 ?35:;@7E ;E FA :7>?7F KAGD :736 R 66K E3;6 366;@9 F:7 :7>?7F E:AG>6 47 3BBDAH76 4K F:7 7B3DF?7@F A8 ,D3@EBADF3F;A@ Q 35: K73D ?AEF A8 F:7 EF3F7TE ,. 3@6 -,. 83F3>;F;7E I7D7 @AF I73D;@9 :7>?7FE R 66K E3KE D;67DE I:A I3@F FA FDK F:7 EFG@FE 3@6 6D;H;@9 F75:@;CG7E E77@ ;@ ,. 5A?B7F;F;A@E A@ F7>7H;E;A@ 3@6 ;@ B7DEA@ E:AG>6 @AF7 F:7E7 5A?B7F;FADE 3@6 7JB7D;7@576 BDA87EE;A@3> D;67DE I73D :7>?7FE 3@6 AF:7D E387FK 973D Q+A?7F;?7E ;F ;E 73EK FA 8AD97F 34AGF F:7 E387FK 7CG;B?7@F D7CG;D76 A@ AGD BG4>;5 BDAB7DF;7E 3@6 FD3;>E I:7@ D;6;@9 A@ BD;H3F7 BDAB7DF;7E R 66K E3KE Q,:7 :7>?7FE 3D7 F:7 I3K FA 9A FA BDAF75F KAGDE7>8 EA KAG 53@ 5A?7 :A?7 3@6 F7>> F:7 9D73F EFAD;7E 34AGF F:7 8G@ D;67E R 66K GD97E KAG@9 D;67DE FA 3>I3KE 5:75= ;@ I;F: F:7;D B3D7@FE AD 3@ 36G>F 478AD7 F:7;D D;67E 3@6 :3H7 F:7E7 36G>FE 5:75= F:7;D :7>?7FE 3@6 3BBDAH7 F:7;D FD3H7> DAGF7E Q ,. -,. D;6;@9 ;@ EG??7D ;E 3 83@F3EF;5 E73EA@ 8AD 3>> 397E FA 97F AGFE;67 3@6 7@<AK /;E5A@E;@ R 66K E3KE Q,:7 &* I3@FE 3>> D;67DE FA 47 E387 I:;>7 7@<AK;@9 F:7 AGF6AADE 7>?7F KAGD :736 FA EF3K E387 R

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Full-time position available with Burnett County in N.W. Wisconsin. www.burnettcounty.com for further details or 715-349-2181, Ext. #6. Application accepted until position filled. EOE. 630322 36a,b,c 47L

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REQUEST FOR ROAD CRACK SEALING BIDS Town of Balsam Lake Polk County, Wisconsin Notice is hereby given that the Town of Balsam Lake is accepting bids for Crack Sealing. The following locations in the Town of Balsam Lake: (1) 130th St. from 140th Ave. to 150th Ave. (2) 150th Ave. from 130th St. to County Rd. 46. (3) 120th Ave. from 170th St. to Town Line. (4) 150th Ave. from 170th St. to 180th St. Chip Sealing. (1) 150th Street from Hwy. 8 to Village Line. (2) 120th St. from Hwy 8 to 120th Ave. (3) 170th St. from 160th Ave. to County Rd. I. For more information and specifications please call Brad Mabry at 715-485-3844. All bids to be considered must be received by 5:00 p.m., July 18, 2015. Please mail or deliver your bid to: Town of Balsam Lake. c/o Brad Mabry 1493 160th Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 Bids will be opened at the regular meeting of the Town Board to be held on Monday, July 20, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. The Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any, any part of, and/or all bids and further reserves the right to award the bid in the best interest of the Town of Balsam Lake. Brian R. Masters, Clerk 630344 36-37d 47L WNAXLP

NOW HIRING: MEDICAL COORDINATOR Northwest Passage is a residential treatment program dedicated to restoring hope through innovative mental health services for children and families. We are looking for a parttime Medical Assistant to fill a vacancy within our dynamic and sophisticated clinical team at our Frederic, WI, location. Must be able to multitask, prioritize duties, take initiative and be an effective problem solver. Important to be dependable, reliable and friendly person with a team player attitude. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the medical/pharmacological fields. Duties include but are not limited to: • Packaging and distributing medications. • Coordination of informed consent for medication documentation. • Track medical incidents of residents. • Takes vitals and assist with new resident intakes. • Order, prepare and maintain medical supplies and equipment. Part-time hours at 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Pay is $15 - $18 per hour. Please see our website for additional information on our programming. To apply send a resume and references to DebW@nwpltd.org , !



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The Polk County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. The Board will call the public hearing to order at 8:30 a.m., recess at 8:45 a.m. to view sites and reconvene at 12:45 p.m. at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. At that time, the applicant will inform the Board of their request. (The applicant must appear at 12:45 p.m. when the Board reconvenes at the Government Center.) ROBERT & MARCIA HANSEN request a special exception to Article 8D1(a) of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a tourist rooming house. Property affected is: 2325 Woodland Shores Dr, Lot 1, CSM #2294, Vol 11/Pg 1, Sec 5/T35N/R16W, Town of Georgetown, Bone Lake (class 1), parcel 026-00153-0000. JOHN SCHEIBEL requests a variance to Article 11C, Table 1 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a garage less than 5’ from side lot line. Property affected is: 2092 Pipe Lake Ln, Lot 20, Nessens Pipe Lake Shores, Sec 22/T35N/R15W, Town of Johnstown, Pipe Lake (class 1), parcel 028-00979-0000. JOHN & LITA EVRARD request a variance to Article 11C, Table 1 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a patio & fire pit less than 75’ from the OHWM. Property affected is: 1892 West Bone Lake Dr, part of Gov’t Lot 2, Sec 31/T35N/R16W, Town of Georgetown, Balsam Lake (class 1), parcel 026-1285-0000.

! *# +!% NICOLE LOCHMANN & HEIDI JOHNSON request a variance to Article 11C, Table 1 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a travel trailer/building less than 100’ from the ordinary high-water mark. Lot 7, Glenna Lake Vincent Plat No 1, Sec 9/T35N/R16W, Town of Georgetown, Vincent Lake (class 3), parcel 026-01447-0000.

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Siren’s Fourth of July • Kiddie parade

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Siren’s Fourth of July • Bed races

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Photos by Sherill Summer

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Stories from the NW Wisconsin community

Celebration this Sunday includes community dinner Sherill Summer| Staff writer WEBSTER - The Catholic church in Webster, St. John the Baptist, will celebrate its 100th anniversary this Sunday, July 12. A 10 a.m. Mass will be followed by a community dinner at the Webster Community Center. The village of Webster will not celebrate its 100-year anniversary until next year, so the church’s history goes back further than the history of Webster itself. And, if counting the years before the formal incorporation, the Catholic presence was in the area a generation before Webster was formed, especially if taking into consideration the Webster Area Catholic Community as a whole. The Webster church has always been part of a tri-parish community that includes Webster, Danbury and Crescent Lake near A and H. The Danbury church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, has already celebrated its 100th year. Even if the Danbury church is older, Webster has always been the base for the larger Catholic community, and for a time, Webster was home base far beyond the tri-parish. Church history notes that Father Shaney lived in Webster and was the priest in charge of not only the three parishes, but also Frederic, Grantsburg, Clam Falls, South Range, Lake Nebagamon, and even Winneboujou, which is located along Hwy. 27, south of Brule. = 0= 4867C A>>< A42C>AH F0B 1D8;C 039024=C C> C74 OABC 0C7>lic church that was also the living quarters for Frederic, Grantsburg and Clam Falls pastor of the Missions. *74 OABC 0C7>;82 27DA27 1D8;C 8= 8B BC8;; BC0=38=6 C 8B ;>20C43 >=4 block west of the current church and is now a private residence. Longtime -41BC4A A4B834=C "0,>==4 %N A84= A4<4<14AB 0CC4=38=6 C78B OABC 27DA27 prior to her move to the area in the early 1960s. She remembers the church as very traditional and crowded during the summer months.

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On Saturday, June 27, the National Park Service, Crex Meadows and the Burnett County Family Resource 4=C4A 74;3 C74 OABC 0==D0; DA=4CC County Family Nature Day. Over 70 people enjoyed a fun day of free activities at Nelson’s Landing on the St. Croix River. Park rangers provided kayaks, canoes and guidance for families who wanted to paddle down the river. At the landing, 50<8;84B 4=9>H43 0 20<?OA4 ?82=82 PH CH8=6 OB7 ?A8=C8=6 >= * B78ACB 0 scavenger hunt, educational topics, a =0CDA4 2A05C C01;4 OB78=6 60<4B 0=3 safety topics with volunteers and park rangers. - submitted

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Centuria celebrates Memory Days this weekend

Morning Glories by Denis Simonsen

CENTURIA – Centuria’s annual Memory Days celebration will be held this weekend, Thursday through Sunday, July 9-12. The weekend will kick off Thursday with a classic car get-together at the Gandy Diner from 4-7 p.m. and the queen coronation will be held at the Unity School beginning at 7 p.m. Friday’s highlights include softball tour tournaments at the park beginning at 7 p.m. and continuing all weekend. A street dance on Main Street will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with music by Straight Shot. Saturday’s events will start at the park F8C7 C74 ;D<=8 C7 0==D0; ! #8;: Run beginning at 7:30 a.m. Other events taking place on Saturday include a pan pancake breakfast, goat show, car show, sidewalk chalk extravaganza, book sales at the library, crafts and trades, toilet bowl and lawn mower drag races, medallion hunt, F>>3 278? ?8;4 F0C4A O67CB 3D=: C0=: pie and ice-cream social at Fristad Lutheran Church, pet show, music and bull riding. A street dance will be held on Main Street from 9 p.m. to midnight with music by the "0=B14AAHB *74 OA4F>A:B B7>F F8;; 1468= at 10 p.m. Sunday’s events include the FFA antique tractor show, chicken dinner at Fristad Lutheran Church, the queens tea at Berg Bergmann’s Country Junction, the kiddy parade at 1 p.m. and the grand parade at 1:30 p.m. on Main Street. A pedal tractor pull and an antique tractor pull will be held following the parade. Other events taking place throughout the weekend include community garage sales, 8=6> 0=3 A05P4 3A0F8=6B >A <>A4 8=5>A 8=6> 0=3 A05P4 3A0F8=6B >A <>A4 8=5>A mation, visit their website at centuria-wi. org. – with submitted information

The morning glories raise their heads And tumble from their P>F4A 143B For dawn comes early in July And days get hot and deadly dry.


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They sip the dew and tease the bees By swinging freely in the breeze And hiding midst the tendriled vine As skyward green and purple climb. The midday heat has stopped the show As breeze and dew and shade must go And dare we say that now perhaps It’s time for morning glory naps.

Shade, It wasn’t always so precious. Like love or chocolate You don’t miss it until it’s gone So, you stand and wonder What you need to do to bring it back. Later, give or take ten years, We’ll look back And think about How we got here from there And about things sweet Like love and chocolate And shade.

About the writer: Encouragement by his parents to become an avid reader at an early age fostered Denis Simonsen’s love for books and an appreciation for both prose and poetry. He has always enjoyed creative writing but after retiring he expanded his horizons by joining other writers and sharing his sense of creativity. Poetry is his passion, but he enjoys occasionally composing a short story or recalling on paper events that have occurred in his past. Whatever he writes, he tends to emphasize feelings and emotions that go along with the experiences and places. The two poems he shares here are from his recently published book, “Patchwork Poetry.� Denis lives near Siren with his wife, Liz. He has two grown children and two grandchildren. Writer’s Carousel, a revolving menagerie of pieces for your enjoyment, is created by participants in Carolyn Wedin’s Write Right Now WITC Community Education classes in Frederic and Luck.

Spotlight on the Village Players Community Theatre Priscilla Bauer | Staff writer DANBURY - Cast members have only three weeks more of rehearsals before this summer’s Village Players Commu Community Theatre production, “Don’t Hug #4 L 78CB C74 BC064 !0C )03;82:8 F8;; 14 directing the musical/comedy. This season’s VPCT play will again be performed at the Voyager Village Community Center, located on CTH A east of Webster. Performances will be Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, July 23, 24,

0=3 D6 0C ? < F8C7 )D=day matinees, July 26 and Aug. 2, at 2:30 p.m. Come early and enjoy concessions and beverages before evening performances. Have a sweet treat with ice-cream sun304B 0=3 A>>C 144A P>0CB 0E08;01;4 145>A4 Sunday matinees.

mented Sadlicki. “But I’m really looking forward to my directorial debut for this B40B>=NB ,& * <DB820; 2><43H L Sadlicki said she would be drawing on her musical and dance background for )@?D<978D ?> D85 49B53D?B Katalin Sadlicki was born in Hungary. directing this year’s play. She performed At the age of 11, she immigrated to the with the Gilbert and Sullivan Company United States, ending up in Chicago 8= 78206> 5>A OE4 H40AB 0=3 C74 %?4A0 where she married and lived in the sub- 02C>AH 5>A OE4 H40AB After enjoying her opera gigs, Sadlicki urbs until 1997 when her husband de9>8=43 0 B4<8?A>54BB8>=0; )?0=8B7 P0cided to move to Hayward. *74 2>D?;4 ;8E43 C74A4 5>A H40AB menco dance company, Los Preferidos, until three years ago when they moved and was with the troupe for seven years. Sadlicki still loves to sing and enjoys to Voyager Village. Sadlicki and her hus10=3 0 ?8;>C ;>E4 C> PH 0=3 C74 ,>H064A being part of her church choir. When airstrip allows them to be up in the air a she’s not singing, Sadlicki likes to gar34= 0=3 ?;0H 74A O33;4 0=3 :4H1>0A3 lot, going here and there. “When I was asked to direct the play I was a little hesitant because I’d never 3>=4 0=HC78=6 ;8:4 C78B 145>A4 L 2><For ticket information go to villageplayerscommunitytheatre.com or call .

Grantsburg summer school presents musical “Sleeping Beauty� summer school began on Wednesday, D=4 *74 ?4A5>A<0=24 F8;; 14 8= C74 high school auditorium on Thursday, July 9, at 7 p.m. The cast and directors have been enjoy enjoying working on the familiar story with the

An honest fisherman


hen Jesus went about Israel in search of some disciples he avoided doctors, lawyers and presi presidents of major corporations because he was looking for character. That is why 74 27>B4 OB74A<4= 20=NC A40;;H B0H what went through his mind when he picked the tax collector but apparently it worked out OK. Fishermen have what it takes to make the world a better place. When confronted with a project that needs to be completed before we can 6> OB78=6 F4 0CC02: 8C F8C7 ?DA?>B4 and determination. The other endearing @D0;8CH >5 0 CAD4 OB74A<0= 8B 7>=4BCH :=>F C74A4 0A4 OB74A<4= OB74AF><4= OB74A 278;3A4= 0=3 ?A>101;H 4E4= CA0=B64=34A OB74A ?4>?;4 >DC there but for the purposes of this dis2DBB8>= KOB74A<0=L >A KOB74A<4=L 8B inclusive of all who wet a line in pursuit of slippery, scaled water dwellers. Hav Hav8=6 0 1A>03 34O=8C8>= 5>A OB74A<4= however, may lead to entirely different stories about the same event which

?<4 DEB;5I John W. Ingalls, MD would seem to be contradictory. You must also realize that there are casual OB74A<4= F44:4=3 OB74A<4= 0=3 CAD4 OB74A<4= 4?4=38=6 >= F7827 20C4gory a person is in could also determine the margin of error in any story. A caBD0; OB74A<0= C4=3B C> 14 <>A4 ?A428B4 F74A40B 0 CAD4 OB74A<0= F>D;3 C4=3 C> estimate. Someone at the boat landing might 0B: K >F <0=H OB7 383 H>D 20C27 L *74 CAD4 OB74A<0= F>D;3 A4B?>=3 K ?08; 5D;; L 85 C74 OB78=6 F0B ?>>A %5 course we don’t know the size of the pail either. The weekender would reply, K 54F L 0=3 C74 20BD0; OB74A<0= B>= >A 30D67C4A >5 C74 CAD4 OB74A<0= F>D;3 B0H K-4 >=;H 20D67C C7A44 L 5 C74 OB78=6 F0B 6A40C C74= C74 CAD4

same songs that we know from the animated Disney movie. “It has been an intense summer proj42C L B0HB 4=64 K*74B4 0A4 C0;4=C43 0=3 hardworking students who are doing a great job. We are rehearsing the show in OB74A<0= F>D;3 ;8:4;H B0H K-4 6>C 0 2>D?;4 L #0=H OB74A<4= BC>? 2>D=C8=6 after 10 anyway unless they happen to be barefoot, so exact numbers are always estimates. $D<14AB >5 OB7 20D67C 0=3 C74 B8I4 >5 C74 OB7 20D67C 0A4 1>C7 BD1942C C> 8=P0C8>=0AH ?A4BBDA4 *78B 8B=NC 0 38Btortion of the truth but rather a normal process. If you put some money into an interest-bearing account (these aren’t 0E08;01;4 0=H<>A4 H>D F>D;3 4G?42C the balance to increase with time. It is C74 B0<4 F8C7 OB78=6 8B7 1A>D67C 8=C> the boat have a slower growth rate than those that were just close to the boat. #0=H OB74A<4= =>F ?A02C824 20C27 0=3 A4;40B4 F7827 8B 6>>3 5>A C74 OB78=6 resource. It is always better to release them about 4 feet from the boat because C74B4 0A4 C74 ;0A64BC OB7 70E4 703 <0=H OB7 20D67C 0=3 A4;40B43 >E4A C74 years that have grown to respectable sizes but only those released about 4 feet from the boat were true trophy caliber. I am sure some of them were near world records. Paul Quinnett, noted ?BH27>;>68BC 0DC7>A 0=3 OB74A<0=

commented on this phenomenon. He A40;8I43 C70C OB74A<4= =4E4A ;84 C74H 9DBC KA>D=3 D? L The idea that successful anglers are secretive about their best spots is actually a misunderstanding by the general ?D1;82 CAD4 OB74A<0= 8B 0;F0HB F8;;ing to reveal his or her secret locations, especially to those novices wishing to graduate to the next level. K-74A4 383 H>D 20C27 M4< L *74 20BD0; OB74A<0= F>D;3 ;>6820;;H 68E4 driving instructions along with the GPS ;>20C8>= 1DC C74 CAD4 OB74A<0= F>D;3 B8<?;H A4B?>=3 K&>C0C> "0:4 L *74 CAD4 0=6;4A 8B=NC ;H8=6 K&>C0C> "0:4L is the name he has bestowed on all the good spots and after a few years it is very likely that he doesn’t remember the original name anyway. = 7>=4BC OB74A<0= 8B 0 2>=D=3AD< to some and an oxymoron to others but C74 CADC7 0B B?>:4= 1H 0 CAD4 OB74A<0= should never be questioned. Remember CAD4 OB74A<4= 0;F0HB A>D=3 D?


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different sections in the mornings as regu regular summer school, and then putting it all C>64C74A 8= C74 05C4A=>>= L Tickets will be available at the door. submitted

Appointment information call 715-472-2211

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( $*) +( C>C0; >5 BCD34=CB in fourth through ninth grades will be ?A4B4=C8=6 8B=4HNB K);44?8=6 40DCHL in a special version just for kids to per perform. They have been working with directors Linda Benge and Wendy Hoefs since

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)* (% . "") 4BC8E0; *740CA4NB C7 B40B>= 8B well under way with the July Fourth opening of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged, (4E8B43 L *74 B<0AC ?;0H5D; 2><43H B?>>5 540CDA4B three actors including director of development Andrew Bradford Benson, portraying over 40 roles in <8=DC4B B>AC >5 ;8:4 0= K838>CNB 6D834L C> )70:4speare’s 37 plays. “I was so excited when we announced that ‘Com?;4C4 ->A:BN F>D;3 14 ?0AC >5 >DA

B40B>= L B083 Benson. “This show is everything I love about theater - broad humor, over-the-top energy, an absolute riot to perform and something that any audience member 20= 4=9>H L Benson, now in his fourth season in St. Croix Falls and his second year in a two-year fellowship at the C740C4A 70B @D82:;H 142><4 0 OGCDA4 0C 4BC8E0; 0B 0= actor, director, choreographer and costume designer. Benson grew up in Davenport, Iowa, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in theater at St. Ambrose University in 2011 where he was named the 2011 outstanding theater major. After spending a year in New York City, Benson became a guest artist at Festival and since his debut in 2012 has appeared in several productions 8=2;D38=6 K#0= >5 "0 #0=270 L K CNB ->=34A5D; "854 L K*74 >A486=4AL 0=3 K*74 )C4?B L 4 0;B> directed the 2013 Youth and Family production of K 0<4B 0=3 C74 80=C &4027 L

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51DEB54 BD9CDC and this season’s production of “Snow White and the )4E4= F0A5B L =3 C78B season, Benson will appear in K )CA44C20A $0<43 4B8A4 L K$>8B4B %55L 0=3 K 7A8BC<0B 0A>; L In addition to his theater training, Benson also trained for six years in classical ballet, three years in intensive tap and jazz classes and took B146?B4 5>C?> performance workshops at the Globe Theatre in London, England, during his junior year at St. Ambrose. These skills were soon recognized by Jaclyn Johnson, Festival’s artistic director, and put to great use in his outstanding choreography for 2013’s production of K A0IH 5>A />D L ;0BC H40A 8= K D==H *78=6 0??4=43 >= C74 -0H C> C74 >AD<L 5>A F7827 74 F0B both the choreographer and actor playing the role of Hysterium, and this year in his choreography for

K"8CC;4 )7>? >5 >AA>AB L K-74= A4P42C >= <H C8<4 C7DB 50A 0C 4BC8E0; L said Benson, “I immediately think of the word home, both in the sense of having an artistic home, which is important to me, and also in the sense of the love that I feel from this community every day. Whether it be a board member stopping by to say hello, a patron striking up a conversation in a greeting line, or a business owner from the community telling me how important he or she thinks the theater is for our city, every day reminds me why we work so hard to produce live the0C4A 74A4 8= )C A>8G 0;;B L Johnson says of Benson, “Andrew is not just an incredibly versatile actor, he is a ridiculously hardworking teammate. He has high expectations of himself and his cast members, and puts all his energy into his work onstage. In addition to being wonderful to watch and to work with, Andrew is an impeccable person to work beside as a staff member and representative of the theater as he truly cares about the work we do in this community, and he loves the community C70C F4 0A4 ;D2:H C> F>A: F8C78= L In those rare moments when he is not at work at 4BC8E0; H>D <867C O=3 4=B>= 18:8=6 C74 0=3H Dancer, at a Minnesota Astronomical Society star party, camping along the St. Croix or sitting quietly, reading a play or novel.

Aug. 1 at FSP is hot, hot, hot! Iron artists at Franconia Sculpture Park revel in 2,700-degree heat at the 19th-annual community collaboration hot metal pour FRANCONIA, Minn. - Heat up your summer and come to Franconia Sculpture Park as it hosts its annual community collaboration hot metal pour on Saturday, Aug. 5A>< 0 < C> ? < Get elemental with your arts. This sizzling experience includes both the chance to watch professional sculptors create unique metal art and the opportunity to create a mold that will become your own cast-iron sculpture. Be sure to join the hundreds of visitors who attend the event and be a part of the artistic melting pot. The pour is led by artists Tamsie Ringler, professor at the University of Minnesota Minneapolis, and Araan Schmidt, professor at Colorado Mesa University, along with *85C5 69>9C854 B5<956 C3E<@DEB5C G5B5 =145 2I B1>3?>91 3?==E>9DI =5=25BC eight iron artists and three intern iron artists. You’ll be sure to see some amazing works by the end of the day as well as create your very own sculpture. *74 4G28C8=6 ?A>24BB 1468=B F8C7 A42H2;43 8A>= 148=6 <4;C43 8= 0 2D?>;4CC4 5DA=024 8BCB 8B 0B <>;C4= 0B C74 ;8@D4O43 8A>= F8C7 <DCD0; ;40A=8=6 0=3 8=E>;E4<4=C 14=4OC8=6 to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. When the iron has been broken down and released, the 0;; />D 70E4 C> 14 2>>; C> 70=3;4 7>C ;8@D83 <4C0; L 6;>F8=6 ;8@D83 <4C0; P>FB 8=C> 0 ?>D=3 ;03;4 C> 14 ?>DA43 8=C> H>DA B2D;?CDA4 Franconia Sculpture Park is an innovative arts organization that provides opportu<>;3 *74A4 F8;; 14 01>DC

?>D=3B >5 ;8@D83 <4C0; ?>DA43 3DA8=6 C78B 4G28C8=6 nity for emerging and established artists. With a collection of more than 100 contemevent. porary sculptures, you can’t miss the fun and wonder provided by local, national and For those who want the extra thrill of creating their own sculpture, sand molds are 8=C4A=0C8>=0; 0AC8BCB *74 A0=2>=80 )2D;?CDA4 &0A: 8B 5A44 0=3 >?4= C> C74 ?D1;82 0E08;01;4 5>A ?DA270B4 *74B4 P0C >?4= 50243 <>;3B 0A4 <034 >5 70A34=43 B0=3 0=3 days a year and always has something new to offer. 20= 14 4C2743 0=3 B2A0C2743 C> 2A40C4 H>DA D=8@D4 34B86= C74= O;;43 F8C7 <>;C4= 8A>= This activity is made possible, in part, by the voters of Minnesota through a grant %=24 2>>;43 0=3 D=<>;343 C74 O=8B743 ?A>942C F8;; 14 0 C8;4 ;8:4 B2D;?CDA4 A403H C> from the East Central Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from be exhibited. the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. - from FSP *> 033 C> C74 54BC8E8C84B ?4A5>A<0=24B 1H C74 2>=C4<?>A0AH K5>D=3 >1942CL ?4A2DBsion band, Savage Aural Hotbed, will be running at 12:30, 2:30 and 4 p.m. For more information on the band, visit savageauralhotbed.com. Prior to the event, attendees are invited to attend four free community mold-making workshops: SatDA30H 0=3 )D=30H D;H 0=3 5A>< ? < and Wednesday and Thursday, July 29 and 30, from ? < (4B4AE4 H>DA ?;024 0=3 B0=3 <>;3 C>30H 1H E8B8C8=6 5A0=2>=80 >A6 <>;3F>A:B7>? 7C<; >A 1H 20;;8=6 (4B4AE0C8>=B 0A4 A4@D8A43 5>A C74 D;H F>A:B7>?B A4B4AE0C8>=B 0A4 A42><<4=343 for the Saturday, Aug. 1, workshop, as mold quantiC84B 0A4 ;8<8C43 #>;3 ?A824B 0A4 0=3 34pending on size. For more information, email info@ 5A0=2>=80 >A6 >A 20;; Franconia Sculpture Park artistic director John >2: 34B2A814B C78B 4E4=C 0B K0 C4AA8O2 >??>ACD=8CH for both our community and the artists involved, especially since this experience challenges artists to do 3?==E>9DI =5=25B 9C C8?G> G?B;9>7 ?> 85B C1>4 =?<4 B1>3?>91 1BD9CDC 69<< C?=5 ?6 D85 ?@5> 61354 C1>4 =?<4C their best work. This melding of community and art- G8938 G9<< 25 69<<54 G9D8 =?<D5> 9B?> 1D D85 E7 =5D1< @?EB


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Walmart Community Grant program helps fund local nonprofit

Compiled by Sue Renno

50 years ago

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ST. CROIX FALLS - Recently, Northern Waters Learning received a community grant from the St. Croix Falls Walmart. The grant will be used to fund a new NWL program for 21st century career and college readiness. NWL’s executive director, Jill Leahy, explains, “We see a need to connect high school students and adult learners with professionals and employers in the local communities. This program will allow students to see what career paths local community members took and what education was necessary to reach that position. It’s important to show our students what opportunities are out there as well as how life can take H>D >= 0 9>DA=4H H>D =4E4A 8<068=43 L )C A>8G 0;;B 1DB8=4BB C40274A #0A84CC4 >4P;4A 7>BC43 >=4 B4<8=0A this past spring. Students visited with two local professionals, Lynda Flores, of Weir Linatex manufacturing, and Dr. Joel Enochs, of Valley View Vet Clinic. These

community members spoke about their personal and professional history and gave students the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice. The Walmart Community Grant is reviewed by the local Walmart management and then sent on to their 2>A?>A0C4 >5O24 85 8C <44CB C74 ?A>6A0<NB 2><<D=8CH initiative. The goal of Walmart’s community program is to create a positive impact in the neighborhoods where their stores are located. By sponsoring this grant to Northern Waters Learning, Walmart has given students and adults in Polk County the opportunity to learn about local businesses as well as set new career and college goals. To learn more about Northern Waters Learning pro6A0<B ?;40B4 20;; >A ;>>: D? C748A F41B8C4 at northernwaterslearning.org. – submitted

Red Cross seeks blood donations to offset seasonal decline POLK COUNTY — The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to help offset a seasonal decline in donations and prevent a shortage this summer by giving blood. During June, July and August, there are about two fewer donors than needed at each Red Cross blood drive. This can add up to more than 100,000 fewer donations during the summer. Many schools that host blood drives are out of session and vacation schedules can make regular donors less available, both contributing to the seasonal decline. Donors of all blood types – especially those with types AB, O negative, A negative and B negative – are needed to help ensure blood products are available to hospital patients this summer. Type AB donors have the universal plasma type, which can be given to patients of all blood types. Plasma helps maintain blood pressure and supplies critical proteins for clotting immunity. It is often needed for burn, trauma and cancer patients. Upcoming blood donation opportunities in Polk County include: Centuria, Monday, July 20, from 1:30-6:30 p.m. at Holy Trin-

8CH +=8C43 #4C7>38BC 7DA27 C7 E4 )C A>8G 0;;B #>=30H D;H 5A>< 0 < ? < 0C )C A>8G (468>=0; #43820; 4=C4A )C0C4 )C 0=3 )C0A &A08A84 *7DAB30H D;H 5A>< ? < 0C 4C70=H "DC74A0= 7DA27 A8364 E4

?G D? 4?>1D5 2<??4 Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor app, visit redcrossblood.org >A 20;;


C> <0:4 0= 0??>8=C<4=C >A for more information. All blood types are needed. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms >5 834=C8O20C8>= 0A4 A4@D8A43 0C 2742: 8= =38E83D0;B who are 17 years of age, 16 with parental consent in some states, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High B27>>; BCD34=CB 0=3 >C74A 3>=>AB H40AB >5 064 0=3 younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. – from American Red Cross

Movie Night at Coon Lake Park FREDERIC – The Frederic Area Chamber of ComMovie Night will be held the second and fourth merce invites you to Movie Night at Coon Lake Park Thursday of each month this summer, weather permitThursday, July 9, at dusk. The free movie showing will ting. Like the Frederic Area Chamber on Facebook to 14 K(>>:84 >5 C74 /40AL >= C748A =4F 5>>C B2A44= receive movie updates. – submitted Concessions open at 7:30 p.m.


Want A Brighter Smile? Receive a FREE Electric Toothbrush! New patients 10 years Of age & up, at their New Patient appointment Which includes: New Patients Welcome! • Examination • Cleaning • X-rays Crowns • Bridges Will receive a FREE Partials • Dentures Electric Toothbrush! Fillings • Extractions Root Canals We now have DIGITAL X-RAYS (very low exposure to X-Ray & no waiting for developing) OPEN EVERY OTHER Emergency patients call before MONDAY ‘TIL 8 P.M. 10 a.m. for same day appointment

Gary Kaefer, D.D.S. Family Dentistry Webster Office


1 2 A #

Grantsburg Office


July 1-30 “ONE FAMILY - IT’S IN OUR NATURE� The creative influence of Dale & Helen Hostvet, including works in pastel, watercolor, acrylic, drawing, photography, collage and woodworking.

Steven Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delroy PeC4AB>= A0=CB1DA6 F0B 4;42C43 C> C74 >5O24 >5 BC0C4 superintendent of public instruction at Badger Boys State, and Nancy Orgeman, Frederic, was elected senator of District 6 at Badger Girls State.–Clam Falls farmer John Weiser was back in the hospital, after being pinned under his tractor, when it was found he had broken ribs and a possible fractured pelvis.– Pharmacist Bruce Bergstrom and his wife, the former Shirley Jorgensen from Frederic, purchased and were operating the Johnson Drug Store in Centuria and planned to move in to the apartment above the store.– Senior Cadet Willis A. McClain, of Frederic, graduated 5A>< C74 >5O24A 20=3830C4 2>DAB4 0C C74 #8==4B>C0 Military Academy.–The Webster Wild Rivers Area Centennial Committee planned a canoe race for July 0=3 F>D;3 2A>F= 0 K)D=OB7 'D44=L >= D;H 5A>< among contestants Virginia Lindquist, Linda Crosby, Sharon Larrabee, Linda Pelton, Diane Sears, Janice Crosby, Nancy Kolaski, Sharon Kringle, Linda Fahlin and Jean Krause. The winner would wear an Indian feather crown made by Woodrow Patterson.–Clifford Glowacki, of Spooner, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry at Eau Claire State University and accepted a position at Archer-Daniels Midland Co. as an analytical research chemist.

40 years ago High school student Tami Johnson, of St. Croix Falls, was planning to spend the summer in West Germany as part of the National FFA Work Experience Abroad Program.–A Holiday Village store opened in Siren on June 4, with manager John Krueger and assistant manager Bill Trautman.–The St. Hans Festival in Grantsburg had festivities beginning with the raising of a maypole on the grounds of the Northwoods Motel, with hundreds in attendance. Thousands attended the re-enactment of a Norwegian country wedding, with a dance and a BBQ.–The Polk County 4-H dairy judg8=6 C40< ?;0243 OABC 8= 38BCA82C 2><?4C8C8>= #4<14AB were Neil Jensen, Walter and Roger Owens, and Laurie Kuskie.–Driving instructor Bill Johnson presented Herman Hansen, of Frederic Auto Company, with a ?;0@D4 8= 0??A4280C8>= >5 H40AB >5 ?A>E838=6 20AB 5>A behind-the-wheel training without charge to the Fred4A82 867 )27>>; J$4F >5O24AB >5 C74 "D=3 A>F= <4A820= "468>= &>BC F4A4 0A; $>A38= 2><<0=34A >1 "44 OABC E824 2><<0=34A (0H<>=3 =34AB>= B42>=3 E824 2><<0=34A "0E4A= "0AB4= 039DC0=C 02: 43;D=3 O=0=24 >5O24A 0=3 (0?740; !>B;>B:8 sergeant at arms.–Golden wedding anniversaries were celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Osmer Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Soderberg.

20 years ago A fund was set up for the family of 7-year-old Jason Heller, Siren, who was hospitalized in the Twin Cities after being struck by a car while riding his bike.– The village of Siren agreed to help Northern Wood )?4280;C84B 02@D8A4 O=0=28=6 C> 1D8;3 C748A 502C>AH in the new industrial park.–Kevin Fossum, Barb and Denny Blodgett and Mark Dahlberg wielded shovels at the ground-breaking ceremony of Blossum Acres in Grantsburg.–Torrie Bjelland, Grantsburg high schooler and a member of the U.S. Junior Olympic ,>;;4H10;; *40< F0B ?A>O;43 8= C78B ?0?4A J A434A82 School District Superintendent Reg Gobin resigned his post in order to become superintendent at Howards Grove School District, about an hour north of Milwaukee, which was closer to his family.–Zach Anderson, 4-year-old son of David and Pat Anderson, Frederic, F>=

8= 0 0<8;H 0HB A05P4 3A0F8=6 J 4A=824 Abrahamzon wrote reminiscences in her column about her mother-in-law, Ina Abrahamzon, and about vacation Bible school, which had been a two-week, allday program, then shortened to one week, 9 a.m. - 3 ? < 0=3 ;8BC43 C40274AB K;>E8=6;H A4<4<14A43 L 8= addition to Ina, Ida Westlund, Pearle Rackman, Inez Pearson, Lorraine Grienke and Margaret Chapman.– Retired Lutheran minister Tom Wersell wrote a book >5 ?>4CAH F8C7 8;;DBCA0C8>=B 20;;43 K &;024 F0H L about life at his family’s vacation home on Pine Lake east of Luck.–Corrie Fuda and Toby Olson were married on June 17 at Picnic Point on Spirit Lake, part of Whispering Pines United Methodist Camp. June 17 was also the day Fuda passed her Miss Frederic crown to the new queen.–New Frederic royalty included Miss Frederic Jessica Young, First Princess MacKenzie Amundson, Second Princess Susie Carlson, Little Miss Frederic Alyssa Kaiser, Little First Princess Kathleen Jerry and Little Second Princess Dawn Harlander.

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Arts in Hand Gallery open in new location

)&%%$ ( K-4NA4 >?4= 5>A 1DB8=4BB 0=3 0A4 F4 4G28C43 L of the 13 northwest counties served by the Passage. “Now that 4G2;08< C74 C4=0=CB >5 ACB = 0=3 0;;4AH 05C4A =40A;H OE4 we have so much more space, we can expand our offerings, and months of dedicated efforts by many workers and volunteers we invite artists who are interested in selling their work to conto relocate the 2-year-old gallery from one downtown Spooner C02C DB L B083 40= )?40:4A C74 60;;4AHNB 2DA0C>A 0=3 0 1>0A3 building to another. member. Seven artists representing Burnett, Polk and St. Croix counThe WNHP is a member-supported, award-winning tax-exC84B 0A4 0;B> 70??H *748A ?08=C8=6B O14A 0AC ?>CC4AH 0=3 94F4<?C =>=?A>OC 0ACB >A60=8I0C8>= 5>A<43 8= F8C7 C74 4Gelry now have a larger, brighter and more accessible showcase. press purpose of educating the public to the presence and value Those artists are Jim Springett, Judy Hostvet-Paulsen, Harriet of the local creative economy as well as nurturing and encouragRice, Kris Haugen, Greg Rochester, Kristan Martin and Bonnie ing local artists in these Northwest Wisconsin counties from the Kohl. Great Lake, Superior, to the Great River, Mississippi: Ashland, “We’re thrilled with our new location at the corner of Hwy. 0AA>= 0HO4;3 DA=4CC D== >D6;0B &>;: (DB: )0FH4A 0=3 -0;=DC )CA44C L B083 (DC7 ):484 )?>>=4A 10B43 @D8;C4A Washburn, St. Croix, Pepin and Pierce. and treasurer for Wisconsin’s Northwest Heritage Passage, now AIH Gallery is staffed by volunteers. It is funded by memberdoing business as Arts in Hand. “I love the large front windows, ships, gallery income and private donations. Throughout the more display space, the park next door and our exterior east 5B1=93 @5>41>D >53;<135C 2I -9> 5B25B7 ?6 year, the gallery hosts artists demonstrations and participates B545B93 1B5 1F19<12<5 1D BDC 9> 1>4 1<<5BI in special events such as the Fall Splendor Art Meander. Not F0;; F8C7 C74 <DA0; L “Tony and Darin Baier, the owners of the building, worked only artists, but also anyone interested in supporting the arts in hard to transform a very-lived-in tavern to this stunning galNorthwest Wis;4AH L =>C43 0A<4;;0 A0=34;; )74;; "0:4 O14A 0AC8BC 0=3 consin is inWNHP vice president. “We are so grateful for their understanding and generosity. vited to become a member. Not only did they create a beautiful art space, but they’ve also made a great contribuFind AIH Gallery at 210 Walnut St. C8>= C> )?>>=4ANB 3>F=C>F= 0CCA02C8E4=4BB L The hours are Monday through Fri*74 E8=C064 A>F >5 1D8;38=6B F0B 2>=BCAD2C43 0A>D=3 >A 05C4A C74 6A40C OA4 30H 0 < ? < 0=3 )0CDA30HB C70C 34BCA>H43 <D27 >5 #08= )CA44C )?>>=4A *74 2>A=4A B8C4 F0B 0 10=: D=C8; C74 a.m.-4 p.m. Artists interested in having vault still exists. It was a men’s rest room as a succession of taverns occupied the space their work shown in the gallery can leaving behind layers of smoke and bar business residue. visit artsinhand.com, email winhp@ +=34A=40C7 0;; C7>B4 ;0H4AB F0B A4E40;43 0 B?42C02D;0A C8= 248;8=6 70A3F>>3 P>>A 24=CDAHC4; =4C >A 20;; – 0=3 C782: 2>=2A4C4 F0;;B C70C B0E43 C74 1D8;38=6 5A>< 34BCAD2C8>= 5A>< 0=>C74A OA4 8= submitted *74 C8= 248;8=6 8B 2;40=43 0=3 ?08=C43 0 1A8;;80=C 2>??4A *74 30A: 70A3F>>3 P>>A 8B BCA8??43 B0=343 0=3 A4O=8B743 C> B7>F 8CB >0: ;DBC4A *74 2>=2A4C4 F0;;B 0A4 2A40< colored with a splash of artsy turquoise. “The space itself is a work of art and worth visiting just to witness C74 CA0=B5>A<0C8>= L A4<0A:43 A0=34;; 0338=6 K*78B 8B 0 E4AH 4G28Cing time for the Arts in Hand – Heritage Passage organization. We have room for new artists and have new work from artists who exhib8C43 8= C74 >;3 60;;4AH L *74 60;;4AH 540CDA4B <>A4 C70= CF> 3>I4= 0AC8BCB A4?A4B4=C8=6 OE4

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Volunteers revitalize local building in Luck LUCK - A few months ago, Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity received a phone call from the Home and Away Ministries organization in Luck. The Home and Away Ministries building was in great need of a new coat of paint. The only problem was that the building is large and they needed a lot of help. Through a partnership between WRHFH, the Herzl Camp in Webster and Home and Away Ministries, a daylong painting event was planned for Tuesday, June 29. C>C0; >5 ?;DB E>;D=C44AB 5A>< 018C0C 5>A D<0=ity, Herzl Camp and Home and Away Ministries spent an afternoon painting the building in Luck. The group of young volunteers arrived at Home and Away Ministries around 11 a.m. and spent the afternoon painting the exC4A8>A >5 C74 1D8;38=6 0B F4;; 0B 1D8;38=6 B74;E4B *74 young adults were split up within their cabins and used >E4A 60;;>=B >5 ?08=C C> 2>E4A C74 B@D0A4 544C >5 the building. Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity partnered with Herzl Camp and Home and Away Ministries through WRHFH’s Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative. Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity believes that for families to succeed, sometimes the dynamics of their neighborhoods have to change. Neighborhood Revitalization expands Habitat’s traditional partnership with local organizations and community members to impact the com-

munity they are volunteering in. While new home construction continues to play a vital role, Neighborhood Revitalization and other repair services allow Habitat to serve more families in the four counties they serve. “We love it when young volunteers can B?4=3 0 30H 74;?8=6 C748A 2><<D=8CH L B083 President/Executive Director Patricia Kytola. K-4 F4A4 1;4BB43 C> 70E4 C74< 74A4 5>A 0 30H L Volunteering is a key aspect for success in every community. WRHFH is looking for wonderful, dedicated volunteers to help build the Sandager family home in Luck. If you or a group would like to volunteer and help build C74 )0=3064A 7><4 68E4 C74 -( >5O24 0 20;; 0C

0=NC BF8=6 0 70<<4A The St. Croix Falls and Spooner ReStores always need volunteers to help in the ReStore. For more information about volunteering or 5>A @D4BC8>=B 68E4 C74 -( >5O24 0 20;; >A go online to wildrivershabitat.org. Help your community by volunteering today. – from WRHFH

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Webster’s Fourth of July • Water fights

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Balsam Lake’s Fourth of July • Car show

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Photos by Marty Seeger

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Amanda Mattson crowned Miss Balsam Lake

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Balsam Lake’s Fourth of July • Parade

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Photos by Marty Seeger

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Balsam Lake’s Fourth of July • Garden tractor pull

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Balsam Lake’s Fourth of July • Queens Tea

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Photos by Marty Seeger


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)D ?8> D85 1@D9CD 38EB38 9EB@ C4:8 *74= 0B =>F C74A4 F0B 0= 8=PDG >5 C>DA8BCB 3DA8=6 C74 summer. Father Joseph Kelchak, who was appointed to -41BC4A 8= F0B 0C C74 A867C ?;024 0C C74 A867C C8<4 C> make a tremendous mark on the three church buildings in the tri-parish. New churches were built in Webster and Crescent Lake and a new wing was built on the Danbury church during his time in the Webster Area Catholic Communities. The cornerstone for the current St. John the Baptist Church was laid in 1960, three years before Vatican II’s introduction of vernacular Mass. Even then there was movement in the church to better include the congregation in the Mass, so the altar at the new church was built away from the west wall so that the priest could face the congregation. O’Brien remembers the old-timers at the Webster church complaining about the change in the altar location and later, after Vatican II, the shift away from the Latin Mass. But if some of the congregation did not like the new style sweeping the Catholic Church, others were impressed with the Webster church’s design. In 1963 the church received a Cardinal Lercaro silver medal for excellence in architecture and liturgical arrangement. O’Brien also remembers that after the new sanctuary was in use, the old church was used for meals after funerals and such, requiring the congregation to cross the parking lot between the old and new churches. = 0 <D;C8?DA?>B4 24=C4A C70C 7>DB43 0 38=8=6 A>>< 2;0BBA>><B 03<8=8BCA0C8>= >5O24B 0=3 27DA27 >E4AP>F F0B 1D8;C *74 BC08=43 6;0BB F8=3>FB 5A>< C74 27DA27 F4A4 8=2>A?>A0C43 8=C> C74 0338C8>= A>< then on, the church building that was so forward looking for its time also held the prized windows from the old, traditional church. %=4 O=0; =>C4 5A>< C74 0C7>;82 27DA27NB 78BC>AH *74 distinctive bell tower with the three bells that mark the hours in Webster was built in 1972.

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Photos by Sherill Summer

unless otherwise noted

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Sterling Settlers gather for annual picnic +) $ )D=30H D=4 CDA=43 >DC C> 14 0 F>=34A5D; BD==H 05C4A=>>= 5>A C74 5A84=3B F7> 0CC4=343 C74 C7 0==D0; )C4A;8=6 )4CC;4AB ?82=82 0C C74 DB78=6 Community Center. The day started promptly at noon with an abundance of food and fellowship with friends. Marcie Marquardt gave the welcome and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Special gratitude was extended to Shirley Christianson for all her years as hostess of the picnic, as she passed her job to Marquardt. Upon request, she led the group in singing the table prayer prior to the meal. The program started with acknowledging all who helped make the day possible, from the board members to the Sterling, Eureka and Laketown Historical Society and C74 DB78=6 0=: 5>A 824 2A40< (DBB 0=B>= 0B:43 5>A 0 <><4=C C> A4P42C >= C74 loss of friends that had passed away this past year: Russell Brenizer, Bernice Olson, Norman Syrjala, Ruth Boatman, Loran Hoffman, Eleanor Bonneville and Pastor Dave Ahlquist, former speaker and music provider. Kristen Hanson sang a song before Pastor Mike Brubaker spoke. The day ended with 0 ?82CDA4 >5 C74 >E4A 60=6 0=3 20:4 0=3 824 2A40< )CA0F14AA84B 0A4 102: C70=:B C> Mary Jo Ewing and George Williamson. Many took the opportunity to look at the SELHS museum at the Cushing Community Center. There are many photos and much memorabilia on display around the room. This year old toys and games were featured. Many took advantage of the

opportunity to join or renew their membership with the SELHS. Some received a bottle of Hanson maple syrup. If interested in joining, contact Russ Hanson of the SELHS. Each year awards are given to the oldest woman, oldest man and the longest-married couple. This year ribbons went to oldest woman Jennie Nelson, >;34BC <0= #HA>= 4A6BCA>< 0=3 C74 ;>=64BC married couple ribbon went to Myron and Verle Bergstrom for 67 years. Couples married over 40 years included Bill and 0=4 "8=307; H40AB "H;4 0=3 #0A;H4=4 07= H40AB ">A4= 0=3 4D;07 $4;B>= H40AB (DBB 0=3 >CC84 30<B H40AB ,4A=4A 0=3 ,8 07;14A6 H40AB #HA>= 0=3 ,4A;4 4A6BCA>< H40AB DAC8B 0=3 >A0 )F4=B>= H40AB 0=3 (DBB 0=3 #0A6> Hanson, 43 years. Plan to attend the picnic next year. The picnic is held the Sunday after Father’s Day. – submitted

Photos submitted

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A blast from the past Larry Samson | Staff writer SPOONER — Former Spooner High School band students will be marching one more time as the Spooner Alumni Marching Band marches down Hwy. 63 in the Spooner Rodeo parade on Saturday, July 11. The alumni band is the brainchild >5 <H A44=O4;3 0=3 74A <DB82 C40274A Mr. Fitz. Mr. Fitz is the name that Joe Fitzgerald’s students affectionately called him. The students loved and respected their music teacher who taught 31 years at Spooner. The marching band has been an annual tradition in the Spooner Rodeo parade’s 62 years of existence. The idea of an alumni band came together a year ago. A44=O4;3 F4=C C> 74A 5>A<4A C40274A 0=3 presented him with the idea. He loved the idea and since then the two have put a lot of work into it. Joanie Fitzgerald, the third member in this group, has been a behindthe-scenes organizer in making the idea a reality. There are 72 former members F7> F8;; 14 <0A278=6 >= )0CDA30H 10=3 <4<14AB P06B 0=3 5>DA 20AAHing banners. They will be coming from as far away as Nevada, Georgia and Texas to play in the band. Dave Davenport will

be the oldest member, he graduated in the 1960s. The band will be wearing special shirts for this occasion sporting the Spooner muscle train logo and the old Spooner marching band overlays. The overlays were rescued from the dumpster shortly after the plans were being made. A little cleaning up and they were as good as new. The band will be meeting at the old 5>>C10;; O4;3 0C F70C 8B =>F C74 )?>>=4A #833;4 )27>>; >= A830H D;H 5A>< p.m. for practice. Practice and dinner are being planned for that night. The alumni band will be playing two songs for the parade, “Spooner Victory #0A27L 0=3 K%= -8B2>=B8= L

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Catch a Dream makes fishing memories SHELL LAKE — Regional Hospice of Spooner/Grantsburg recently was honored to grant a Catch a Dream to one of their Regional Hospice patients. After a terminal diagnosis, Hospice became involved with Gary Kibler in April. Kibler expressed his wish to make the best of each good day, and spend as much time as he could with his grandchildren this summer. Kibler’s Regional Hospice registered nurse talked to him about Regional Hospice’s Catch a Dream program. Regional Hospice Services offer a little gift of love. They believe that quality of life can be enhanced through the simplest things life has to offer, such as a candlelit dinner for two, rental of a golf cart so a patient can remain mobile in their own yard, a sailboat ride, or in Kibler’s case, a guided OB78=6 CA8? >= )74;; "0:4 F8C7 78B CF> grandsons, Brendan and Josh Helstern. Regional Hospice will assist in provid8=6 C74 ?7HB820; >A O=0=280; 0BB8BC0=24 C> make that dream a reality for their patient. So on a beautiful Saturday evening, Kibler and his grandsons made their way to the lake of Kibler’s youth, Shell Lake, 0=3 <4C F8C7 OB78=6 6D834 8< )CA>434 With a cooler packed with snacks and #1;9>7 D85 25CD ?6 5138 41I 1BI !92<5B 1>4 89C 7B1>4C?> ?C8 5<CD5B> C@5>D D9=5 69C89>7 2>;3 3A8=:B C74 OB78=6 2A4F 34?0AC43 It was a perfect evening. Mother Na- CDA4 2>>?4A0C43 0B 383 C74 OB7 !81;4A came to a close, each carried a memory dream was caught, along with some nice got to watch each of his grandsons land with them that will last forever. Another OB7 C748A OABC 4E4A F0;;4H4B B C74 4E4=8=6

B5>41> 5<CD5B> @B?E4<I @?C5C G9D8 D85 69BCD G1<<5I5 85 81C 5F5B 31E78D *89C 9C 1 41I 85 G9<< B5=5=25B Gratitude is extended to Jim Stroede, guide service, for helping making this dream come true. For more information on Regional Hos?824 ?;40B4 2>=C02C C748A >5O24 0C 9077. — from Regional Hospice

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Walk to End Alzheimer’sŽ scheduled for Sept. 19

Walkers, teams and volunteers needed

turytel.net. Walk to End Alzheimer’sŽ is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support SPOONER — The Alzheimer’s Asso- and research. “The goal of the walk is to ciation Walk to End Alzheimer’sŽ will be raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disheld in Spooner on Saturday, Sept. 19. The 40B4 L B0HB #>A4H K*74 BC0C8BC82B 01>DC Spooner walk will begin and end at Trin- Alzheimer’s disease can be overwhelmity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., ing. We also raise funds because we have F8C7 30H >5 A468BCA0C8>= 5A>< C> hope that someday there will be an end to a.m. Early registration is encouraged on- ;I748<4ANB L “I have been involved in the walk for line at alz.org/walk. There will be a short 10 years because my mother had Alprogram at 10 a.m. followed by a walk apI748<4ANB L 033B #>A4H K*4= H40AB 06> proximately two miles in length. A walk committee has been hard at it seemed like many people didn’t even work making plans for this year’s event know about the disease and today almost and are welcoming new team captains, everyone is impacted by the disease in team members, individual walkers and one way or another. They or someone day-of volunteers. If you are interested in they know have the disease or have been starting a team, joining a team, walking a caregiver for someone with the disease as an individual or volunteering at this or affected in some other way. “I encourage you to participate in the year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’sŽ event, Spooner Walk to End Alzheimer’’ on Satplease contact Spooner Walk Chair Jene Morey, at orjenemorey@cen- DA30H )4?C L B0HB #>A4H K/>D <0H start a team, join a team, walk as an indi-

vidual, volunteer to help with the walk or make a donation. We appreciate any way you are able to support this great and F>AC7H 20DB4 L The Alzheimer’s Association provides programs and services free to any family affected by Alzheimer’s disease. The association provides a 24/7 helpline available anytime, day or night, at

for anyone needing answers to questions as well as ALZ Connected, ALZ Navigator and support groups to help families learn and stay connected. It offers early, midand late-stage education to families and also provides trainings to professional caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Association 8B C74 F>A;3NB ;0A64BC =>=?A>OC 5D=34A >5 Alzheimer’s research. #>A4 C70= <8;;8>= <4A820=B 0A4 ;8E8=6 F8C7 ;I748<4ANB 38B40B4 H

up to 16 million will have the disease. Of <4A820=B 064B 0=3 >;34A >=4 8= 4867C has Alzheimer’s disease and one in three >;34A C70= 70B C74 38B40B4 =>C74A American develops Alzheimer’s disease

4E4AH B42>=3B H

0= <4A820= will develop the disease every 33 seconds. One in every three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Deaths 5A>< ;I748<4ANB 38B40B4 8=2A40B43 percent between 2000 and 2010, while deaths from diseases such as heart disease, prostate cancer and breast cancer declined. Dementia is the second largest contributor to death among older Americans, second only to heart failure. The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s research, care and support. Their mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advance<4=C >5 A4B40A27 C> ?A>E834 0=3 4=70=24 20A4 0=3 BD??>AC 5>A 0;; 05542C43 0=3 C> reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. The association can be reached 24/7 at

or at alz.org. — from Alzheimer’s Association

State Patrol Law of the Month: Speeding is not worth the risk SPOONER — A recent change in state law increased the speed limit to 70 mph >= <>A4 C70=

<8;4B >5 8=C4ABC0C4 highways in Wisconsin. Although speed limits may have increased in some areas, the Wisconsin State Patrol is reminding drivers that there are still many situations when they legally must slow down below the posted limits. • State law requires drivers to adjust their speed to what is reasonable and pru34=C 10B43 >= CA05O2 0=3 A>03 2>=38C8>=B Factors such as severe weather, road conBCAD2C8>= >A 740EH CA05O2 A4@D8A4 A43D243 speeds. A violation for driving too fast for

conditions costs $213.10. • The state’s Move Over Law requires drivers to shift lanes if possible or at least slow down when approaching a law en5>A24<4=C E4782;4 0<1D;0=24 OA4 CAD2: tow truck, highway maintenance vehicle or utility vehicle on the side of a road with 8CB F0A=8=6 ;867CB P0B78=6 ,8>;0C8>=B 20= result in a $263 citation. • When encountering road construction and maintenance projects, speed limits may be reduced in work zones to protect motorists and workers. Fines for B?4438=6 0=3 >C74A CA05O2 E8>;0C8>=B 8= work zones are double the usual amounts

when workers are present. Posted work zone speed limits are still in force even when workers are not present. DA8=6 BD<<4A <>=C7B F74= CA05O2 fatalities generally spike because of more vehicles on the road traveling at higher speeds, exceeding the posted speed limit is inherently dangerous. K A8E8=6 9DBC <?7 >E4A C74 ;8<8C ?DCB drivers, their passengers and everyone else on the road at a greater risk of a serious crash. Stopping distances increase and reaction time decreases at higher B?443B L B0HB -8B2>=B8= )C0C4 &0CA>; "C Dori Petznick of the Northwest Region.

Speeding can be expensive as well as dangerous. Under state law, the costs of B?4438=6 28C0C8>=B A0=64 5A>< C> along with three to six demerit points. Despite the dangers and expense of speeding, too many drivers willingly exceed posted limits. Speeding is by far C74 <>BC 2><<>= CA05O2 2>=E82C8>= 02cording to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Last year in Wisconsin, there were more than 140,000 speeding convictions. Approximately one out of OE4 CA05O2 2>=E82C8>=B ;0BC H40A F0B 5>A speeding. — from WSP

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% *+ ( ) Grace Ann Anderson A024 == !8A: =34AB>= "D2: ?0BB43 ?40245D;;H >= D;H

H40AB C> C74 30H 05C4A 74A <>C74A 8= ;0F D;80 Anderson. Grace was born to Leon and Margaret on May 26, 1929, in Ladysmith, Wis. The family and Kirk Well Drilling soon moved to the quaint Danish Community of West Denmark near Luck, Wis., where Grace and her four older siblings, sisters Evelyn, Marie and Gladys, and brother, Ray, were raised and attended Luck High School. Standing behind the meat counter at Anderson Fairway Store on Main Street, Grace found the love of her life ... Ted, who had served in WWII on the U.S. hos?8C0; B78? )0<0A8C0= *74H F43 8= D=4 >5 -8C7 A024 by his side, the two set off on an illustrious adventure, with *43 K*74 D=20= /> /> 70<?L 34<>=BCA0C8=6 H> H>B throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The Andersons settled back in Luck where two daughters were born, Teddi and Kandi. A024 F0B 0;B> K#><L C> 0;; C74 :83B C7A>D67>DC 74A 30HB in the Luck Public School Cafeteria. Happy summer days were spent camping with dear friends and making memories on the beautiful lakes and rivers of Minnesota/Wisconsin. <>E4 C> %A;0=3> ;0 8= 1A>D67C H40AB >5 5D= 0=3 sun with numerous new friends and adventures. One of their favorites was taking young and old as their guests to the many Disney Theme Parks. Gracie was the ultimate hostess, happiest with a house full of hungry friends and relatives who enjoyed her delicious meals and specialties. Of course, the night wouldn’t be complete without singing and harmonizing in the air. Despite a loss of vision, Grace enjoyed following sports, especially the Minnesota Twins, cherished her times and phone calls with family and extended family, and loved her grand dog, Kirby, and grand kitty, Allie. After retiring, the Andersons spent summers on the shores >5 86 DCC4A=DC 0=3 4E4=CD0;;H 3428343 C> A4CDA= K7><4L C> Luck, where they were honored in 2011 as grand marshals of the Luck Winter Carnival/Lucky Days festivities. Grace is survived by her beloved of 67 years, Ted AnderB>= 30D67C4A *4338 ;02: >A38 30D67C4A !0=38 #0834= 0AH; B8BC4AB E4;H= >70=B4= 0=3 #0A84 &4C4AB>= B8BC4A 8= ;0F ;4=8B 434600A3 4=4 6>330D67C4A #0A=84 >70=B4= 0=3 <0=H ;>E8=6 =8424B =4?74FB 6A40C 0=3 6A40C 6A40C =8424B 6A40C 0=3 6A40C 6A40C =4?74FB 0;>=6 F8C7 74A K03>?C43L :83B 0=3 6A0=3:83B A casual summer celebration of Grace’s life will be held at Luck Lutheran Church, Luck, Wis., on Monday, July 20, at

? < = ;84D >5 P>F4AB 2>=CA81DC8>=B 20= 14 <034 C> "D2: Lutheran Church or a charity close to your heart. A big thank-you to the amazing staff of Lawson Manor and United Pioneer Home for their great care and patience. There is love that will live forever, and there are memories that will shine through sorrow. An online guest book is available at rowefh.com or wicremationcenter.com. Arrangements are entrusted to Rowe Funeral Home in Luck, 0=3 C74 $>AC7F4BC -8B2>=B8= A4<0C8>= 4=C4A 8= #8;;C>F=

Swedish Club meeting set AMERY - The Swedish Club will meet Tuesday, July 14, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on Deronda Street in Amery for a lecture by retired UW-Whitewater Professor Carolyn Wedin on noted Swedish playwright August Strindberg. The public is invited to join the members for this event, followed by refreshments. For further information, visit foreverswedish.net. – submitted

United Methodist Churches to hold combined worship services BURNETT COUNTY – The churches of the Danbury, Grace of Webster, Siren and Lewis United Methodist fourpoint charge will hold two combined worship services on )D=30H D;H 0C )8A4= +# 0C 0 < 0=3 0C A024 at 11 a.m. There will be no services at Danbury and Lewis on July 12, so that the four individual congregations can be together to welcome Pastor Eddie Crise and his wife, Katie, who moved to the Webster parsonage on July 2. Crise has been appointed by Wisconsin Conference UMC Bishop Hee Soo Jung to serve as lead pastor for the charge. The Rev. Tom Cook will remain as associate pastor for the four churches, which will resume their regular worship times on July 19. *74 27DA274B >5O24 ?7>=4 =D<14A 8B - submitted

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Mirza Leslie Agard

Thomas Winton Dawkins

Mirza Leslie Agard, nee Janecky, 77, passed away on D=4

05C4A 0 B7>AC BC0H 0C (468>=B >B?8C0; 8= )C &0D; C 74A 143B834 8= 74A O=0; 7>DAB F4A4 <0=H 50<ily members, including husband Steve, sister Lisa, and daughter Heidi. "4B;84 F0B 1>A= #0H 8= 0A=4BE8;;4 #8== C74 OABC >5 OE4 30D67C4AB >5 4>A64 "4B;84 0=42:H 0=3 #8nerva Qualey. She was a graduate of the University of #8==4B>C0 )74 F0B ?A424343 8= 340C7 1H 74A ?0A4=CB B>= 0B>= >=4B 0=3 B8BC4A 02@D4;8=4 )74 8B BDAE8E43 1H 74A 7DB10=3 >5 H40AB )C4?74= K >2L 60A3 B>= $0C70= $82>;4 60A3 30D67C4A 4838 >=4B 0=3 6A0=3sons, Montgomery Maldonado and Beau Daniel Agard. 4A >C74A C7A44 B8BC4AB 0;B> BDAE8E4 74A "8B0 )C4E4 811 >5 (>;;06 #8== )DB0= #82:4;14A6 >5 )0=C0 4 $ # 0=3 #0A8;H= &0D; 0<4B >5 (468=0 )0B:0C274F0= 0=030 In the 1970s, Leslie and Steve acquired the abandoned farm in the Town of West Sweden which had formerly been the property of Henry and Myrtle Smith. They then began the battle to reclaim the farm from nature, and to develop it as a suitable place for eventual retirement. During those early years they were assisted in many ways by their neighbors who became friends: Dalan and Dora Cimmers and Clifford and Alice Baldwin. Ten acres were put into white pine, the grass was mowed, gardens were started, a new house was built, and Doc began what would be a lengthy tenure with the Grantsburg Lumber softball team. Many of those pine seedlings planted by the Frederic Boy Scouts in 1977 are now over a foot in 380<4C4A 0=3 >E4A 544C C0;; %C74AB F7> F>D;3 1420<4 long-term friends and advisers were Doralyn Peterson of Frederic and the late Jim Anderson of Siren. Current neighbors and friends are Jim and Flo Wikstrom, Bruce and Bambi Rowe, sons Chase, Brant and Austin, and Adam and Kelly Olson. In 2013 Steve and Leslie sold their house in Stillwater, #8== 0=3 1A84PH 0CC4<?C43 C> <0:4 C748A 7><4 0C C74 K50A< L 1DC "4B;84NB 740;C7 703 142><4 C>> 5A068;4 5>A country living, and the grand plan had to be abandoned. Her last two years were passed in an apartment in Stillwater, where she could still enjoy regularly caring for and generally appreciating her infant grandson, Beau. A memorial service for Leslie will be held on Saturday, July 11, at the First United Methodist Church of StillwaC4A -4BC #HAC;4 )C )C8;;F0C4A #8== ,8B8C0tion will start at 10 a.m. with the service to follow at 11 a.m. Memorials can be sent in care of the church and will be passed on to NAMI of Washington County.

Thomas Winston Dawkins passed away Monday, June

0C C74 064 >5 BDAA>D=343 1H 78B 50<8;H 4 passed away at Sophie’s Manor, Centuria, Wis., after a long battle with diabetes. Thomas was born in DeQueen, Ark., May 9, 1941. Later his family moved to Albuquerque, N.M., where he graduated high school. Straight out of high school, Thomas joined the Navy. He worked as a chief interior communication electrician on numerous battleships, submarines, aircraft carriers and bases. While in the service, he was stationed at Subic Bay, Phillippines, F74= 74 <4C 78B F854 C74H F4A4 <0AA843 41 Later that year, his daughter was born in the naval hospital in Subic Bay. Six years later his son was born in the naval hospital located in Glasgow, Scotland. At the end of his service, he found himself an instructor at Great Lakes Naval Training Base. After 20 years of service, he A4C8A43 5A>< C74 $0EH 0C C74 A0=: >5 27845 ?4CCH >5O24A After the Navy he moved his family to Beloit, Wis. He worked at various companies, including Fairbanks #>AB4 4 O=0;;H 5>D=3 0 6>>3 OC 0C D=8C4 F74A4 74 was an electrical engineer. He also followed his passion of being an educator and volunteered his time to the Stateline Literacy Council and other charities. After he retired from Gunite, he moved to Luck, Wis. He told his daughter that Luck and the surrounding areas was a beautiful area for his retirement, and he was happy that he was able to live here. Thomas was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas 4BB4 0=3 3=0 A03;4H 0F:8=B 4 8B BDAE8E43 1H 78B F854 4 /10AA4C0 78B 30D67C4A )D4 == A80= >CC>;5B>= 78B B>= >7= *7><0B #>=820 0F:8=B 0 1A>C74A 70A;4B 0F:8=B 0=3 78B OE4 grandchildren, Dylan Dawkins, Kayla Dawkins, Anastasia Adams, Brandon Dawkins and Justin Adams. There was a celebration of his life at his daughter’s house on Friday, July 3. An online guestbook is available at rowefh.com or wicremationcenter.com. Arrangements are entrusted C> (>F4 D=4A0; ><4 8= "D2: 0=3 C74 Northwest Wisconsin Cremation Center in Milltown,

Jerry Fox

Jerry Fox, beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, entered his eternal heavenly home on *D4B30H D=4

4AAH F0B 1>A= >= 42 C> 4AC 0=3 #0AC70 >G in St. Croix Falls, Wis. Jerry graduated from St. Croix Falls High School and was active in school activities. Jerry then joined the Army and served for two years in New Orleans. He marA843 78B OABC F854 40= >= D=4 *74H A08B43 OE4 278;3A4= 8= 0BC Farmington, Wis. 40= ?0BB43 0F0H >= ?A8;

Jerry married Ann Cotch on May 11, 1997. Jerry loved and welcomed Ann’s children into his family. Jerry started at Andersen Windows loading boxcars in 4 A4C8A43 0B ?;0=C BD?4A8=C4=34=C 8= Jerry enjoyed spending time with family and friends at the cabin in Webb Lake, Wis., and the snowbird group in Orange Beach, Ala. Jerry also enjoyed traveling to numerous destinations, cheering on his grandchildren 0C B27>>; 4E4=CB 20A?4=CAH 6>;O=6 0=3 H0A3 F>A: 4 was actively involved and played an important role at St. Joseph’s Church, the Osceola Medical Center, and other various organizations for the village of Osceola. 4AAH F0B ?A424343 8= 340C7 1H 78B ?0A4=CB 1A>C74AB *>< 0;4 0=3 >1 0=3 F854 40= 4AAH 8B BDAE8E43 1H F854 == 1A>C74A DBC4A #0A80= >G B8BC4A D3A4H 0A;B>= 278;3A4= 455 ">A8 Fox of Dresser, Wis., Jim Fox of West St. Paul, Minn., >34=4 >1 0A3F4;; >5 )C4F0ACE8;;4 #8== 4==H >G >5 )C8;;F0C4A #8== 4A><4 <H >G >5 78206> ;; 0;4 #0AH >C27 >5 )C0A &A08A84 -8B 8;; "0AAH 0A;B>= >5 %B24>;0 -8B 0=3 4838 )27A>2: >5 %B24>;0 6A0=3278;3A4= (414220 >C27 A8= #8:4 "0AB>= A8CC0=H )27A>2: *>33 8;; >G ;HBB0 )27A>2: >A30= >G (H0= #460= 0A;B>= 0=84;;4 >7= (>;0=3 >G 4E0= 0= &><H:0;B:8 ">60= )27A>2: 0=nah Bardwell, Mariah Schrock, Lydia Bardwell, Abigail Bardwell, Birdie Bardwell, Trevor Carlson, Bailey CarlB>= )0< $4;B>= )0A07 $4;B>= 0=3 H;0= >C27 6A40C grandchildren, Renee Doyle, Jack Roland, Tom Larson 0=3 <8;H "0AB>= 0=3 B4E4A0; =8424B 0=3 =4?74FB Jerry will be remembered by his family as a constant pillar of love, support and devotion. His presence will continue to guide us through our journey. Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Joseph’s CathoMarie K. Barton, 91, of Grantsburg, Wis., died July lic Church in Osceola on Monday, July 6. Interment was at the St. Mary Cemetery in Farmington. Memorials are

A private family service will be held at a later date. suggested to: Osceola Medical Center, Christian Community Home or Open Cupboard. grandstrndfh.com. #0A8>= "D4;;0 (H<:DB 0;B0< "0:4 -8B ?0BB43 A full obituary will follow. Arrangements were en0F0H >= )D=30H D;H

0C (468>=B >B?8C0; 8= )C trusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Grantsburg Chapel. Online condolence can be made at swedbergPaul, Minn. taylor.com #0A8>= F0B 1>A= D;H 8= D38C7 K D3HL == )484ABC03 >5 D<14A;0=3 3843 Balsam Lake, the daughter of Inez and )D=30H D;H

0C D<14A;0=3 40;C720A4 )4AE824B Matthew Anderson. are pending at this time. Marion graduated from Balsam "0:4 867 )27>>; 8= 0=3 0CC4=343 and graduated from the University of 0A>; 40= &4C4AB>= >5 -41BC4A -8B ?0BB43 0F0H Wisconsin - Superior in 1949. She reD;H

ceived her master’s degree in June of ,8B8C0C8>= F8;; 14 -43=4B30H D;H ? < 0C )F431962 from Central Michigan Univerberg-Taylor Funeral Home. Services will be held Thurssity. Marion married Alex Rymkus on day, July 9, at 11 a.m., with visitation from 10-11 a.m., at May 12, 1962, in Crystal Falls, Mich. Grace United Methodist Church Webster. Marion taught math in Green Bay, Wis., for many Arrangements were entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor FuH40AB 0=3 A4C8A43 8= 0=3 C74= A4CDA=43 C> 0;B0< neral Home, Webster, Wisconsin. Online condolences can Lake where she enjoyed her retirement years. She was a be made at swedberg-taylor.com member of Faith Lutheran Church in Balsam Lake, and a lifetime member of the American Legion Auxiliary, +=8C >5 0;B0< "0:4 #0A8>=NB ?0BB8>= F0B ?;0H8=6 Bridge with her card-playing friends. Marion leaves to celebrate her memory nephews, Keith *4AAH =34AB>= 0;B0< "0:4 0=3 !4=C =34AB>= 0AB>= 8CH $4E =8424 4=8B4 A03 -8;;80<B>= 0;B0< "0:4 6A40C =8424B 0=3 6A40C =4?74FB 6A40C 6A40C =8424B and other loving family and friends. She was preceded 8= 340C7 1H 74A ?0A4=CB 7DB10=3 ;4G >= 41 1A>C74A #0AE8= =34AB>= 70;5 1A>C74A *7><0B #2 >=0;3 =4?74F !8< =34AB>= 0=3 =4?74F &0CA82: #2Donald. Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 9, at 4 p.m., at Faith Lutheran Church in Balsam Lake. Marion’s family will greet visitors at the church beginning at 3 p.m. until the time of the service. Memorials are preferred to Faith Lutheran Church. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has 13; )G5425B7 $?>D=5>C $1A;5A *1<5B been entrusted with arrangements.

Marie K. Barton

Marion Luelle Rymkus

Judith “Judy� Ann Seierstad

Carol Jean Peterson

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Certain Times In Life Require A Personal Touch

)E2C3B925 1>4 SAVE

Aileen Johnson (nee Perry)

Her Heavenly Father called her Home after a long, full, beautiful and healthy life. She is deeply loved, and her presence here will be forever missed, treasured and remembered. Aileen is survived by her 2 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren and cousins. Graveside service will be held Thursday, July 9, 2 p.m. at Edinburg Ceme #@ tery, Edinburg, Illinois.

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We can help with • Prearrangements • Traditional Services • On-Site Crematory • Cemetery Monuments • Online obituaries can be seen at Swedberg-Taylor.com

Swedberg Taylor Family Funeral Homes and Crematory Grantsburg: 715-463-6700 Siren: 715-349-4800 Webster: 715-866-7131

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+( $ -) Our best defense When people are desperate enough, they’ll do almost anything to survive. The pioneering Donner and Reed families, for instance, resorted to cannibalism in order to survive starvation while they were stranded without food for weeks in the snow-choked California Sierras. Sadly, we often think we’re desperate, so we resort to actions we shouldn’t. The Old Testament tells of Jacob’s brother, Esau, who came home hungry enough to trade his valuable birthright, the right to claim his father’s inheritance, for a bowl of soup. How easily we yield to temptation because we take our eyes off a moreworthy prize. Think about Jesus when he was tempted by Satan in the wilder-

Be wary of loaning money to friends or family members Q: Do you think it’s wise to have loans among family members, for example, brother to brother, adult to child, parent to child, etc.? Jim: Financial counselor Ron Blue highlights one all-important point to bear in mind in any situation like the one you’re envisioning: Whenever money is loaned, the relationship between the parties involved changes. It’s no lon longer simply brother-sister, father-son or friend-friend, it’s borrower-lender. When you loan money to a family mem member, you’ve introduced another level of complexity into the relationship. This would also apply in the case of cosigning on a loan for a family member, in other words, putting yourself in the position of becoming a surety for that person’s debt. This is, in effect, the same thing as lending the money yourself. If a member of your family is truly in need, you may want to seriously con consider the option of simply giving him the money. Giving generously, with no strings attached, is a commendable and positive virtue. However, if you have reasons for be believing that this would be impractical or

D5B>1< @5BC@53D9F5C Sally Bair ness prior to his ministry. After eating no food for 40 days, he naturally grew hungry. He could have commanded the stones under his feet to become bread, as the devil tried to persuade him to do. Instead, he used God’s words to counter the temptation. “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of >3 NL #0CC74F When tempted to lay claim to and prove his authority by jumping off a

unwise, then Blue recommends that you take steps to establish a formal borrowerlender relationship with repayment C4A<B 0=3 8=C4A4BC A0C4B 2;40A;H 34O=43 Both parties should understand and agree to these terms up front. Don’t leave anything to uncertainty or chance (as in, K%7 9DBC ?0H <4 102: F74= H>D 20=L Those terms should be documented in writing so the expectations for repayment are plain to all concerned. Again: However you approach the situation, lending to or borrowing from family members is a potentially danger dangerous thing to do precisely because of the F0H 8C 270=64B A4;0C8>=B78?B 8C F8;; 0;most certainly introduce tension at some point or other. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to get into an arrangement like this, but it’s something that needs to be approached with caution and discernment. ••• Q: I’m a stay-at-home mom and my husband works hard to support our family, but we’re living on a shoestring budget. How can I give my kids the chance to try different activities and programs when we don’t have much money? I don’t want them to miss out on life-enriching opportunities. Greg Smalley, vice president, Fam Family Ministries: The happiest, most well-

cliff so angels would rescue him, Jesus refused, again by using his Father’s words. The devil’s third temptation appealed to man’s perceived need for things. Imagine Jesus, creator and owner of everything with his father, aware of having been stripped of life’s comforts and possessions. Yet again, he fought the temptation. Rather than giving in to the devil’s request to worship him, for the sake of regaining all he’d lost, Jesus quoted Scripture. “Away with you, Satan! For it is writ written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your >3 0=3 78< >=;H H>D B70;; B4AE4 NL #0CC74F We can be mindful each day of Jesus’ example of using God’s powerful word against any temptation we face. Whether we’re hungry, lonely, disappointed, in distress or bondage, we

?3EC ?> D85 61=9<I Jim Daly adjusted children aren’t those who are involved in a million different activities and who own every tech device on the market. Rather, the kids who thrive best are those who have committed, caring parents who spend time with them on a regular basis and emphasize the im importance of character over comfort and consumerism. So if you’re feeling guilty because you can’t buy your kids every everything our culture says they need – don’t. There are dozens of ways you can provide stimulating activities for your children that don’t cost much money. A great place to start is your local library. Books and DVDs can introduce them to people and places they’ve never dreamed of be before. If they’re old enough, they can get their personal library cards and select their own materials to check out. You should also take advantage of public museums, science centers and zoos in your area, most of which offer low-cost or free children’s programs. If you live in a rural location, this may involve a special weekend trip once in a

don’t have to give in to or resort to the devil’s temptations. His answers will always, always leave us shortchanged and wanting something better. And God promises us something better in the form of righteousness, right standing with him and the undisputed peace and joy that come from it. Nothing can top that. What is your defense against any C4<?C0C8>=B H>D 5024 "4CNB 5>;;>F 4BDBN example and use the powerful word of God, with which we can overcome every one of them. Lord, thank you for your word which strengthens us against temptation. Give us the wisdom, will and perseverance to use it in every situation. In Jesus’ name, amen. Mrs. Bair may be reached at sallybair@ gmail.com.

while, but it’s well worth the time and effort. Finally, don’t overlook the world of music and drama. Many communities and universities offer concerts and theater productions for kids. There are also a number of classical radio stations across the country that produce educational programs aimed primarily at children <0=H >5 F7827 BCA40< >E4A C74 -41 These are just a few suggestions. I’m sure you can come up with many more ideas on your own, or from other moms. ••• Jim Daly is a husband and father, an author, president of Focus on the Family and host of the “Focus on the Familyâ€? radio program. Catch up with him at jimdalyblog.com or at facebook.com/DalyFocus. Copyright 2014 Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995. International copyright secured. All rights reserved. Distributed by Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500. This feature may not be reproduced or distributed electronically, in print or otherwise, without written permission of Focus on the Family.

Brought to you by:

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Frederic

Church listings sponsored by the following area businesses: BASS LAKE LUMBER


• Complete Line of Building Supplies & Lumber • Cabot’s Stains Grantsburg, Wis. 715-488-2471 or 715-327-8766

Printers & Publishers • Office Supplies



CUSHING COOPERATIVE SOCIETY Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215

FREDERIC BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren

DAEFFLER’S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456

Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008

Corey T. Arnold, Agent Frederic, Wis. Phone 715-327-8076


Hwys. 35 & 48, Downtown Frederic Phone 715-327-5513


“Your Electric Servant� Serving Polk & Burnett Counties “Use Energy Wisely�


Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4475







Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making • Ham & Bacon Cured & Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141

10022 Elbow Lake Road Siren, Wis. 54872 715-689-2539

Complete Lumber & Building Supplies

Phone 715-866-4238 Hwy. 35 N., Webster, Wis. Tom & Becky O’Brien, Owners


Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed Hwy. 35 North, Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059

SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131

Any area business wishing to help sponsor the church listings should contact the Leader at 715-327-4236.

Churches 4/10



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6B@ '(0

FOR RENT 2-BR Main-Level Apartment, Downtown Centuria

Nice backyard with fire pit.


per mo. AVAILABLE AUG. 1

Water, sewer & garbage included. Background check. First month’s rent, last month’s rent and damage deposit ($1,000).



Water, sewer, garbage pickup included. No Smoking - No Pets Deposit & References

PARKWAY APTS. 715-485-3402

#@ 1 4@

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Dr. Daniel C. Satterlund Family Eye Clinic 304 1st St. So. Luck, Wis.

Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Phone (715) 472-2121 Eye health exams, glaucoma checks, foreign body removal, full line of street wear, safety and sport wear, contact lenses

1 4C63 #C63

• Commercial Printing • Office Supplies • Daily UPS Pickup • Fax & Copy Service See us for all your printing needs.



341 Keller Ave. N. Amery, Wis.

Visit The Leader’s Website:


The Leader is a cooperativeowned newspaper. Established 1933.


Daily: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

“Distinctive Funeral Service�

Webster, Wisconsin

Everyone enjoys reading the Leader. What better way to start your day?


B545B93 )9B5> )D B?9H 1<<C 549D?B <5145B>5GCB??= 3?=

WEBSTER ALL-CLASS REUNION 11 a.m. - Noon Social Hour Noon Lunch


Ike Walton Lodge on Yellow Lake

Cost: $16 Per Person Reservations: 715-866-7101 By Wednesday, July 15

Dale & Teressa Jensen Sun., July 12, 1-3 p.m.

Georgetown Lutheran Church


Balsam Lake (Fox Creek)

445101 8a-etfcp 19Ltfc



Thursday, July 16




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Saturday, July 11, Noon to 4 p.m. Unity School - 1908 WI 46, Balsam Lake

Join us for Kids’ Activities, Face and Hair Painting, DJ, Bingo, Silent Auction Randi suffered a traumatic brain injury and shattered pelvis in an auto accident on July 11, 2014. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in October and married in November. Even with insurance, MS medications run from $200 - $1,000 per month. This does not include Randi’s office visits with her MS doctor, pain management specialist or orthopedic surgeon. Randi’s 22 screws and 3 plates make her very vulnerable to future surgeries. She is currently unable to work on a regular basis and the future of MS patients is always uncertain.

Please join us to help Randi and to celebrate her optimistic, grateful and enthusiastic attitude in the face of all of her new challenges! 1 4@ #@

!"#$%!"&# #@ 1@

Hwy. 35 & “FF,� Webster Flowers Phoned Anywhere

Call 715-866-7261

AT THE LODGE BC E5 %? *9A5> . #?31< $?E95 #9>5 C9=25ABC851CA5B 3?=

) %- * # ) %( ( +"/ * (+ * +() +"/

MAGIC MIKE XXL Rated R, 115 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.


Rated PG, 95 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 & 8:30 p.m.


" 1 4

Rated PG-13, 125 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:35, 6:10 & 8:45 p.m.


Rated PG, 91 Minutes Every Day: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. << C8?GC 1>4 C8?G D9=5C 256?B5 @ = )8?GC 1>4 C8?G D9=5C CE2:53D D? 381>75 ?B D85 =?CD E@ D? 41D5 C8?G D9=5C F9C9D ?EB G52C9D5 GGG D9=25BCD851DB5C 3?= )8?G D9=5C <9CD54 ?> 1>I ?D85B G52C9D5 =1I >?D 25 133EB1D5

Phone 715-268-2020

Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.� Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.


Christopherson ••ShellFrederic,Lake,715-327-4236 715-468-2314 Eye Clinic • St.•CroixSiren,Falls715-349-2560 715-483-9008 Dr. T.L. Christopherson Dr. B.A. Christopherson

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MON!" WED! & FRI!# NOW$AUG! %& Luck

• Summer Recreation Playground at the elementary playground, noon-3 p.m., 715-349-2121.


THURS!$SAT!#'$(( Spooner • Rodeo. Thurs. exceptional rodeo, family night; Fri. performance; Sat. parade, performance, spoonerrodeo.com, 800-367-3306.

Events Coming

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Siren • Central Burnett Co. Fair bike run. Registration and breakfast at Tavern on Main, 9 a.m., 715-566-0382. • Lions/Lioness yard sale donation drop-off at their building, 9 a.m.-noon, 715-349-2400.

St. Croix Falls • Hingepoint meeting for men battling sexual addictions, at River Valley Christian Church, 9 a.m.-noon, 715483-5376. • Jazz festival 7 p.m., 715-483-9463. • “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised)â€? at Festival Theatre, 2 p.m., 715483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

Trade Lake • Garage sale at Zion Lutheran Church, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.



• Used book sale at the library, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-8667697.



• Memory Days. Sales, food, etc. Thurs. pageant; Fri. street dance; Sat. 5K; Sun. parade, centuria-wi.org.


THURS!" SAT! & SUN!# '" (( & (%

• Chicken dinner at Fristad Lutheran Church, 11 a.m.1 p.m., 715-646-2357.

Cushing • Music at Skonewood Retreat, Right Reverends, 6:30 p.m.

St. Croix Falls

• “Little Shop of Horrorsâ€? at Festival Theatre. Thurs. & Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m., festivaltheatre.org, 715-4833387.

Danbury • Paddle with a Ranger from CCC Landing to Riverside Landing, 3:30-8 p.m. Register at 715-483-3300 or stcroixriverassociation.org.



• Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.



• St. Croix Valley Beekeepers meeting at Peace Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., stcroixbeekeepers.org.

• Blood drive at Willow Ridge Healthcare, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., redcrossblood.org, 800-733-2767.

Balsam Lake


• RSVP deadline for swimming lessons at the school, ages 5-12, 715-825-2101 ext. 1560, unity.k12.wi.us. • Kids Zumba Night at the library, 5 p.m., 715-825-2313.

Taylors Falls, Minn. • Pioneer School at the Town House School. Preregister at 651-308-7790 or tfhspioneerschool@gmail.com, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Frederic • “Rookie of the Yearâ€? movie at Coon Lake Park, dusk, Frederic Area Chamber on Facebook.




• Adults Older, Wiser Learning Series at Crex Meadows, 10-11 a.m., 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org. • Summer school students present “Sleeping Beautyâ€? musical at the high school, 7 p.m.

• Cancer support group at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., 715-268-6722 or 715-268-7290. • Swedish Club meeting at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church with speaker Carolyn Wedin, foreverswedish.net.



• La Companie Fur Trade Re-enactment Company at the library, 3:30-5 p.m., luckpubliclibrary.org, 715-4722770.

• RSVP deadline for Taylors Falls Christian Women’s Club meeting at Oak Forest, Mon., July 20, 715-4633290.



• Friends of Victims of Violence support group at North Valley Lutheran, 6 p.m., 800-261-7233.

• Little Wildlifers, 3-8 yrs., Nature’s Pollinators, at Crex Meadows, 10-11:30 a.m., 715-463-2739, crexmeadows. org.

New Richmond • Veterans open house at WITC, 1-6 p.m., 715-2466561, witc.edu/newrichmond.

Siren • Northwoods Flyers Experimental Aircraft Assoc. Club meets at the government center, Rm. 165, 7 p.m. • Music in the Park at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Dragon • Natural Resources Conservation Service Work Group meeting at the government center, 1:30-3:30 p.m., 715-635-8228 ext. 1, to participate.

St. Croix Falls • Musician/storyteller David Landau will be at the library, 6 p.m., 715-483-1777, scfpl.org.

FRI! & SAT!#() & (( Centuria

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• Wheels & Wildlife 20-mile bike ride at Crex Meadows, 8:30 a.m. Preregister at 715-463-2739, crexmeadows.org.

• Music in the Park - Rick & Kenny Duo, 6:30 p.m., luckwisconsin.com.

Milltown • Storyteller Tracy Chipman at the library, 5:30 p.m., 715-825-2313.




• Master Gardener volunteers seminar at the ag station, Pretty Pots, 6 p.m., spooner.ars.wisc.edu, 800-528-1914.

• Crex Meadows Nature Photography Club meets at Crex, 10-11:30 a.m., 715-463-2739.

• Movie “Maleficentâ€? at Mill Pond Park, dusk, vil.osceola.wi.us.


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• Randy Walker Scholarship Fund garage sale, 601 Polk Ave., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

FRIDAY#() Balsam Lake • Poco Penners meeting at the library building, 2 p.m., 715-648-5244.

Falun • Free bread distribution, every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.

Frederic • Head injury support group at the library, 2 p.m. • “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day,â€? movie at the library, 2 p.m., 715-327-4979, fredericlibrary.org. • RSVP deadline for kids 8-18 Pitch, Putt & Drive Contest at the golf course on Mon., July 13, 715-327-8250.

St. Croix Falls • Music on the Overlook, jazz night: Robert Everest Expedition, 6:30 p.m., musicontheoverlook.com. • Sew Good Improv at Festival Theatre, 9-11 p.m., 715483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

SATURDAY#(( Amery • Ruby’s Pantry at Congregational Church. Doors open 8:30 a.m. Dist. 9 a.m. $20 donation, 715-268-7390.

Balsam Lake

Balsam Lake • Friends of the Library meeting, 5:30 p.m., 715-4853215.

Siren • Poverty task force meeting at the government center, Room 615, 1 p.m.

Webster • Deadline to register for Webster all-class reunion at Ike Walton Lodge on Thurs., July 16, 11 a.m., 715-8667101.

THURSDAY#(, Amery • Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.

Balsam Lake • Autism support group at the government center, 7 p.m. • Polk-Burnett Bee Association meeting at the justice center, 7 p.m., 715-268-6793.

Grantsburg • Author Sue Segelstrom, “Reminiscing: Grantsburg High School,â€? at the library, 7 p.m., 715-463-2244.

Luck • Dave Skrumpy, gem & mineral society, talking rocks at the library, 3:30-5 p.m., luckpubliclibrary.org, 715-4722770. • American Legion & Auxiliary meeting at the village hall, 7 p.m.

Milltown • Music in the Park: Al & The Bad Companions, 68 p.m.


• Ski show on Balsam Lake, 7 p.m., balsamlakecc.com. • Randi (Funk) Fisk at Unity school, noon-4 p.m.

• Music in the Park at Crooked Lake, 6:30 p.m., Rex Cactus, 715-349-8399, visitsiren.com.


• Diabetes support group at the medical center, 6-8 p.m., 715-483-0431. • “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised)â€? at Festival Theatre, 2 & 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, festivaltheatre.org.

• Pie social and musical fundraiser at Fristad Lutheran Church. Pie: 4:30-6:30 p.m., music 7 p.m.

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Franconia, Minn.

St. Croix Falls

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