• WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 • VOLUME 83 • NO. 30 • 2 SECTIONS
Siren’s St. Pat’s Day celebration CURRENTS Page 11
Angie chooses life CURRENTS FEATURE Readership 13,000
No summer ATVs on Gandy Proposed trail master plan goes to Polk County Board PAGE 10
Horse ranch owner settles on remaining cases Plea reached to avoid a trial, previous “sentence staggering” approved for Michael Feist PAGE 5 It was all in a day’s work for Polk County Sheriff’s Deputy Don Burrows last Friday, March 4, when he rescued a bald eagle which had struck a power line at Hwy. 35 and 40th Avenue in rural Osceola, and was lying in a ditch. Burrows contacted a fellow deputy, Tamara Larson, who runs a wildlife rescue/sanctuary, took the eagle into her care for recovery and rehabilitation with consultation of a raptor center. - Photo by Tamara Larson
Boathouses to be allowed on Burnett lakes PAGE 3
A fly on the bench Polk County judge allows the Leader an inside look into a day on the judicial bench Greg Marsten | Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – The Leader was recently offered a rare opportunity to “ride along” with a circuit court judge during a day of open court hearings, seeing the legal world beside the eyes of the Honorable Jeffery Anderson, Polk County’s Branch 2 judge. The “ride-along” chance is unusual, but does have a semi-local precedent, as elected officials, administrators and others in government have been offered the chance or have sat beside judges in Barron County and other regional courts; other counties across the state have offered similar chances to see, up close and personal, what challenges court officials, judges and others face every day. The Friday of the ride along was a fairly
See A day on the judicial bench, page 4
SPRING FORWARD It’s the time of year when we spring ahead by changing our clocks one hour ahead and enter into daylight saving time. Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday, March 13. The new time begins at 2 a.m.
* St. Patrick’s Day activities in Siren • Fish fry @ SCFalls • Youth hockey fun day and spaghetti dinner @ Eureka • Snowmobile ride @ Grantsburg • Chili fundraiser @ Luck • Fundraiser supper and raffles @ Milltown • Museum Day Live! @ Luck See Coming Events for details
Clara Ethel Diede Bob Nelson Margaret Lois Asp Carl E. Holmgren Jr. Gerald (Jerry) R. Handlos Richard “Dick” John Flaherty Elsie Mae Benson Micheal Howard Tjader
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Judge Jeffery Anderson consults with state public defender Brian Smestad in the courtroom on a case that has just been resolved. - Photo by Greg Marsten
Unity, Luck boys headed to sectionals See front page of SPORTS
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