LEADER | May 13 | 2015

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• WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 • VOLUME 82 • NO. 39 • 3 SECTIONS Final honors for Deputy Seversen


INSIDE, Page .

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Grad issue inside Photos/info from seven schools

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&'( & GRANTSBURG - Associated Press reported this week that a federal worker 2!&%38 !'%-#8 )2 /1./.2)-' ! =-% !'!)-23 41-%33 !)18 ../%1!3)5% !&3%1 ! ,!- $)%$ )- ! '1!)- ")- )- .5%,"%1 The The Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced Monday, May 11, it was citing the cooperative for safety violations. The agency says the 52-year-old worker was trying to unclog a sump at the feed mill when he was engulfed in corn and died in the grain bin. Inspectors found that Burnett Dairy did not follow safety standards for entering grain bins, failed to deactivate a drag conveyor and allowed the worker to be in the bin while corn was moving. Burnett Dairy says it plans to challenge the citations. The co-op contends that the worker was trained and was wearing appropriate safety equipment. - with information from Associated Press ••• BALSAM LAKE – (1%% $!82 !&3%1 %-3%1)-' ! -.3 '4)+38 /+%! )- 3(% 23!"")-' $%!3( .& ! 3 1.)7 !++2 ,!- ! !,"1)$'% )-- 3%%- /.23%$ #!2( ".-$ !-$ 1%341-%$ 3. ()2 (.,% )- )--%2.3! Levi Acre-Kendall, 19, is 381B754 G9D8 RBCD 457B55 B53;<5CC 8?=93945 9> D85 61D1< CD1229>7 ?6 &5D5B N&5D5O Kelly, 34, last month. He posted bond Thursday, May 7, and was released from D85 &?<; ?E>DI 19< 35<< G85B5 85 814 255> 85<4 C9>35 259>7 1BB5CD54 @B9< 6?B D85 @B9< CD1229>7 ?>49D9?>C ?6 D85 2?>4 E@41D54 1D 89C @<51 851B9>7 on Monday, May 4, state that he is not to leave Minnesota except for future 3?EBD 1@@51B1>35C 9> -9C3?>C9> 5 G9<< G51B 1 &) 45F935 D? =?>9D?B 89C whereabouts, at his own cost, and his curfew is 9 p.m. daily. Acre-Kendall is accused of stabbing Kelly following a cross-river dispute that escalated to a face-to-face, ultimately violent, confrontation in a dark parking lot along the St. B?9H (9F5B 3B5 !5>41<<QC >5HD 3?EBD 1@@51B1>35 9C 1 CD1DEC 851B9>7 C5D 6?B E>5

G8938 =1I 9>3<E45 45D19<C ?> 1 @?CC92<5 DB91< 41D5 ?B 96 D85 DG? @1BD95C are addressing a possible plea agreement. He faces a possible sentence of 60 years in prison if convicted. - Gary King ••• )&%%$ ( (% 41-%33 .4-38 !-$ !-$ !3%1 .-2%15!3).- %/!13,%-3 6)++ "% #.-$4#3)-' !- !04!3)# )-5!2)5% 2/%#)%2 ,.-)3.1)-' 6.1*2(./ 9> 3?>:E>3D9?> G9D8 D85 -1C82EB> ?E>DI "- ?> )1DEB41I E>5 1D D85 )@??>5B 7 (5C51B38 5>D5B 6B?= 1 = D? >??> *85 DB19>9>7 1>4 B5C?EB35 materials provided in the workshop will help volunteers identify invasives such as Eurasian water milfoil, curly-leaf pondweed, zebra mussels and among ?D85BC BECDI 3B1IRC8 *85 DB19>9>7 G9<< 1<C? @B?F945 9>CDBE3D9?>C ?> 8?G D? organize an effective monitoring team, where and when to look for invasives, and what to do if you suspect that you have found an invasive plant or animal. 1>4C ?> C@5395C 945>D9R31D9?> G9<< 1<C? D1;5 @<135 *85B5 9C >? 3?CD D? 1DD5>4 the workshop. The AIS monitoring is designed to be easy and fun for all to participate in. It is tailored so you can select which species you are interested in 1>4 31> RD 9D 9>D? I?EB C3854E<5 )@135 9C <9=9D54 *? B579CD5B ?B 75D 49B53D9?>C please call Lisa Burns at 715-468-4654 or email lburns@co.washburn.wi.us or 6?B 1449D9?>1< 9>6?B=1D9?> 3?>D13D D85 EB>5DD ?E>DI "- 1D - submitted

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DEADLINE: Copy must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Mondays to be considered for publication in that week’s Leader. Thank you.

Baseball teams go extra innings Find out who in


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3@A7 7D;F397 3K E7F 8AD %3K )&%%$ ( *85 -9C3?>C9> 1>?5 5B9D175 #EC5E= 9C getting ready for its sixth-annual summer-season open9>7 5F5>D 1>?5 5B9D175 1I G9<< ?>35 1719> 25 85<4 on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, May 23, from 11 1 = D? @ = N 3?E<4>QD 25 =?B5 excited about our upcoming 2?1D C8?G O C1IC - # &B5C945>D #9;5 ?8>C?> N"1CD I51B we had canoes bought, sold and swapped. Our 5H8929D?B 1@@<931D9?>C D89C I51B 9>3<E45 C?=5 ?6 D85 R>5CD canoe builders in the Midwest plus offerings from many tal5>D54 <?31< 2E9<45BC O *85 @E2<93 9C 9>F9D54 D? D89C 6B55 5F5>D which, in addition to the boat show, will also include live =EC93 ?ED 6B?>D 6B?= *85 &?B38 ?7C =EC5E= D?EBC 1>4 open house in the museum exhibit hall, the unveiling of a new 2015 annual exhibit, and food and beverages available in the beer garden. For more information call 715-635-2479 or visit wisconsincanoeheritagemuseum.org. - with submitted information

winning TR look-alike and entertainer, plays the charismatic RooC5F5<D 1ED8?B + ) president, war hero, adventurer and conservationist. Roosevelt was an American president who faced issues that concern people then as D85I 4? D?41I ?@@?Btunity, conservation, judicious diplomacy and the role of government. This humorous and meaningful oneman play will leave audience members with an insight on the importance of leadership in developing the pride of a nation. This Wan 63? $;@6CG;EF 3E +766K )AAE7H7>F nigan Days special has $($ ') " (( limited seating for both shows. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online at fesD9F1<D851DB5 ?B7 2I @8?>5 1D 4EB9>7 2?H ?6R35 hours, Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., or at the 2?H ?6R35 D85 41I ?6 D85 C8?G 853; ?ED 5CD9F1<QC ?D85B upcoming events, The Fiddle Masters with Brian Wicklund ?> E>5 5CD9F1<QC D8 1>>9F5BC1BI 35<52B1D9?> 1>4 D85 ?@5>9>7 ?6 D85 CE==5B B5@5BD?BI C5B95C G9D8 N"9DD<5 )8?@ ?6 ?BB?BCO ?> E>5

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A@3F7 3 EFG6 8AD 3 :A?7 +($ ** &%"! %+$* ) -9<4 (9F5BC 129D1D 6?B Humanity is proud to announce the 2015 Stud Fundraiser for the Sandager-Hays home in Luck. Last year, 28 sponsors came together to raise over $4,400 for the Bantz family 8?=5 9> 5>DEB91 D8B?E78 1 3?==E>9DI )DE4 E>4B19C5B These studs were decorated and incorporated into the walls ?6 D85 1>DJ 8?=5 G8938 G1C R>9C854 D89C @1CD C@B9>7 Stud Fundraiser is an event for the whole community. Businesses and neighbors alike can buy a stud, decorate it and display it in their home or in their place of business. When all the fun is done, volunteers will put the decorated studs into the walls of the Sandager-Hays home. This year, stud sponsorships will again be offered $150 for a full stud and 6?B 1 :13; CDE4 N*89C 9C 1 7B51D ?@@?BDE>9DI D? @B?=?D5 your business or club, or to recognize, honor or memorialize someone close to you. A stud sponsorship is even a good alternative birthday present for the person in your life that 81C 9D 1<< O C1IC D85 9>D5B9= 5H53ED9F5 49B53D?B &1DB9391 !Itola. Sponsoring a stud is easy. When you are done decorating it, Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity takes care of the rest. If you or your business wants to sponsor a stud but may not have the time to decorate it, Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity will decorate it for you and display the stud, with your business information on the stud, at the Habitat 6?B E=1>9DI (5)D?B5 9> )D B?9H 1<<C )DE4 C@?>C?BC G9<< 25 9>F9D54 D? 1 CDE4 R>45B 5F5>D 16D5B D85 8?=5 9> "E3; 9C framed. At the event, sponsors will have the opportunity to meet the family and have their picture taken with their decorated stud. In addition, they will be invited and recognized 1D D85 8?=5 454931D9?> 35B5=?>I G85> D85 8?=5 9C R>9C854 The Sandager-Hays family was displaced when their previous home was knocked off its foundation in 2013. Since then, the family has been looking forward to a fresh start with their soon-to-be new home. Building on the home is 5H@53D54 D? CD1BD E>5 ?6

*85 CDE4 C@?>C?B 6E>4B19C5B G9<< 5>4 ?> E>5 1<< D?41I 1>4 75D 9>F?<F54 9> I?EB community. Those with interest in sponsoring a stud may 3?>D13D 1CC95 )81;5B (5C?EB35 5F5<?@=5>D , )* 1D 483-2700, ext. 17 or cassie@wildrivershabitat.org. - Cassandra Shaker | WRHFH

7EF;H3> 57>74D3F7E .3@@;93@ 3KE I;F: N)AAE7H7>F O )* (% . "") 5CD9F1< *851DB5 9C @B?E4 D? 35<52B1D5 D85 D8 -1>>971> 1IC 9> )D B?9H 1<<C *1I<?BC 1<<C G9D8 a tribute to the 26th president of the United States, Theodore (??C5F5<D N(??C5F5<D O 9C 1 ?>5 =1> C8?G D? 25 @5B6?B=54 by a Teddy Roosevelt look-alike, Adam Lindquist, on Satur41I E>5 1D 1>4 @ = "9>4AE9CD 1 >1D9?>1< 1G1B4

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@ 7H7@;@9 I;F: EFADKF7>>7D .;>?3 D3K WEBSTER - Luck storyteller Wilma Gray will speak at the "1BC5> 1=9<I &E2<93 "92B1BI ?> *8EBC41I #1I 1D @ = Adopted and then raised as a farm girl in both Iowa and Wisconsin, Gray had an inventive spirit which lent itself to theatrical storytelling. Early on, this was tamped down and lost. She left the farm at 18 and, after training as a medical assistant, moved D? 8 9 3 1 7 ? There, she met and married, unwisely, she says, 1 89317?1> whose work took him to radar sites 9> 1>141 1>4 .;>?3 D3K the northern U.S. She has two daughters from that marriage. After her divorce, Min>51@?<9C 7B55D54 85B 1C 1> N+@D?G> 9B< O G85B5 C85 N=5D 1>4 =1BB954 D85 B978D =1> O > C85 =?F54 D? D85 1BB5>C 9> &?<; ?E>DI 1 @<135 D81D G5<3?=54 1>4 5=2B1354 85B )85 G1C 1 I51B =5=25B ?6 D85 "E3; ?==E>9DI Education reading group, and is now on the board of that 7B?E@ )85 1<C? F?<E>D55BC G9D8 >D5B619D8 1B579F5BC B1I 2571> D1;9>7 1B?<I> -549>QC GB9D9>7 3<1CC 9>

D? C55 if the early inventive spirit for storytelling still lived within her. She found her voice and delights in writing short, hu=?B?EC N54E31D9?>1< 61>D1CIO CD?B95C G8938 ECE1<<I 9>3<E45 C?=5 1C@53D ?6 >1DEB5QC 2?E>DI )85 G9<< B514 6B?= and share her stories, in what is sure to be an entertaining evening. Today, Gray lives in Luck. - with submitted information

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Officer, medics receive special awards for TF mayor save 1%' !123%- : Staff writer * /%() "") #9>> L 89C17? ?E>DI )85B966 (93; E>31> <54 1 35Bemony to honor one of his own deputies and two Lakes Regions paramedics who were instrumental in saving the life of Taylors Falls Mayor Mike Buchite in March, after he had an early-morning heart attack. N-5QB5 7<14 I?EQB5 CD9<< 85B5 O E>31> told Buchite at the Thursday, May 7, cer5=?>I 85<4 1D *1I<?BC 1<<C 9DI 1<< E>31> 25CD?G54 1 )85B966QC "965C1F9>7 G1B4 D? )7D )81>5 1BB?<< G8? 9C 1<C? D85 *1I<?BC 1<<C 3?>DB13D @?<935 ?6R35B 6?B D85 ) E>31> 1<C? 71F5 5BD9Rcations of Excellence to medic Kirk Winkelman and EMT Ashley Anderson, both with Lakes Region. Duncan noted that while people often consider the work of people in public safety as exceptional or out of the nor=1< D85I ?6D5> <??; 1D 9D 1C N?EB ?B49>1BI G?B; 5F5BI 41I O But Duncan said that is slowly changing, and they have an established commitD55 G9D89> D85 ) D? B5F95G B5AE5CDC for various submissions on possibly heroic or exceptional actions by people involved in public safety, with the nomi-

Mayor’s lifesavers honored

“There were a lot of heroes, from start to finish.� - Mayor Mike Buchite

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& &'( # nations coming from the public. N$?D D?? =1>I 75D B5:53D54 O E>31> 14=9DD54 N ED G5 >554 D? >?D5 D85 G?B; ?6 D8?C5 G8? 7? 12?F5 1>4 25I?>4 O The incident that led to the May 7 awards involved an early-morning car4913 1BB5CD 1D E389D5QC *1I<?BC 1<<C 8?=5 D G1C 1BB?<< >45BC?> 1>4 -9>;5<=1> who not only responded within minutes, 2ED 56653D9F5<I B5CD1BD54 E389D5QC 851BD

on his way to the hospital. N D G1C 1 C31BI =?=5>D 4?>QD B5=5=25B =E38 O E389D5 D?<4 D85 7B?E@ N*85B5 G5B5 1 <?D ?6 85B?5C 6B?= CD1BD D? R>9C8 O Buchite gave a brief time line of the events of that day, March 27, which almost claimed his life and led to an amazingly fast recovery. He personally thanked the three award recipients, and also said that he has daughters and grandchildren who

are also very thankful. N 3DE1<<I G5 1<< 31>QD D81>; I?E 5>?E78 O 85 14454 G9D8 1 >?4 Duncan said the three honorees will also be honored later this year at a banAE5D 1>4 35B5=?>I 85<4 2I D85 89C17? ?E>DI )85B966QC ?E>41D9?> 9> 1 C@5391< ceremony meant to recognize a variety of local heroes and people who receive merit for their work in public safety. N D 9>3<E45C 1<< D85 @B5F9?EC I51BQC B539@95>DC 1>4 9C B51<<I 1 7B51D 8?>?B O E>can said in a later interview. He also outlined how the review committee has a variety of members who look closely at the incidents and actions of the submissions for heroism and bravery, and while few are denied, their job is to decide the most appropriate award. N*85 D89>7 9C D81D G5QB5 1<C? 75DD9>7 =?B5 CE2=9CC9?>C 6B?= D85 @E2<93 G8938 9C 7B51D O E>31> C194 N DQC 9=@?Btant that we also spread the news on the 7??4 G?B; D85I @5?@<5 9> @E2<93 C165DI do, and recognize those people for their efforts ... for the great work they do, every 41I ?> D85 :?2 O

Grantsburg man receives two prison sentences totaling 36 years (%1)++ 4,,%1 : Staff writer SIREN - A Grantsburg man was sentenced to two consecutive prison sentences with a sum total of 36 years in the EB>5DD ?E>DI ?EBDroom on Friday, May 8. The prison sentences are evenly divided between prison confinement and extended supervision. The sentences puts to end a long ordeal for the victim who exercised her right to a speedy dispo /<73: + sition three years ago in ==2@3;=B3 @ E>5

Daniel W. Goodre=?D5 B G1C C5>D5>354 D? I51BC ?6 @B9C?> 3?>R>5=5>D 1>4 I51BC ?6 5H-

D5>454 CE@5BF9C9?> ?> 1 <1CC 65<?>I ?6 incest. He was found to be having sexual relations with a 17-year-old biological daughter with whom he had lost his parental rights. Goodremote was also sentenced on a bail jumping charge from violations to house-arrest requirements. This consecutive sentence added on an additional D8B55 I51BC ?6 @B9C?> 3?>R>5=5>D 1>4 three years of extended supervision to the previous sentence. Another bail jumping charge, sex registry violation, exposing a child to harmful materials and two additional charges of incest were read in for sentencing purposes and dismissed. Any violation to the terms of the extended supervision would return Goodremote to prison conR>5=5>D The allegations against Goodremote

RBCD CEB61354 9> E>5

1>4 89C RBCD court appearance on charges of incest G5B5 9> E<I ?6

"571< @B?354EB5C slowed the progress of the charges because Goodremote was already a convicted sex offender and had served a prison sentence for inappropriate behavior with two stepdaughters in the 1990s. The court carefully determined the extent that the previous conviction could be brought up in a jury trial on the new charges. Goodremote also had three different attorneys over the course of the proceedings, causing delays so the new attorney could become familiar with the details. Additionally, Goodremote failed to appear for a status conference in November 2012. A warrant was issued for his arrest, but he did not appear in court again until September 2013.

The case was scheduled to go to trial 9> <1D5 1>E1BI

2ED ??4B5=?D5 9>CD514 @<514 7E9<DI ?> 1> During the sentence hearing there was a 2B51; 6?B C53EB9DI @EB@?C5C *85 C85B966QC department received a tip that Goodremote had a makeshift knife on him during the sentence hearing. After pausing the hearing so that he could be searched, the sentencing resumed. Goodremote is to undergo psychiatric treatment and alcohol assessment during his prison sentence. He is to have no contact with the victim or any minor children. He is to maintain absolute sobriety and not be in possession or consume any illegal substances. He is to register as a convicted sex offender and provide a DNA sample.

Motorized Gandy use returns to Polk County Board

1%'' %23)'!1$ : Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – The issue of motorized use of the Gandy Dancer State Trail G9<< B5DEB> D? D85 &?<; ?E>DI ?1B4 1D its meeting Tuesday, May 19. An agenda 9D5= E>45B D85 3819B=1>QC B5@?BD 31<<C for consensus to allow the two existing special use permitted events to be held in 2015.

Proposed downtown Civic Auditorium project reaches critical phase

?E>DI 2?1B4 819B -9<<91= ?8>son told the Leader that the two events would be the Model T tour of old cars 1>4 D85 F5D5B1>C *, B945 D? 5<52B1D5 >D5B>1D9?>1< &5135 1I 5 C194 D85 31B tour would be held over two days on the G55;5>4 16D5B "12?B 1I *85 *, B945 would be held on one day over a route 6B?= 5>DEB91 D? 1>2EBI 1>4 213; *85

antique car event has been held annually 6?B 12?ED I51BC *85 RBCD F5D5B1>C B945 was in 2013. Both events would also involve Gandy 1>35B *B19< EC5 9> EB>5DD ?E>DI > April, that county board approved the two events for one more time in 2015. The EB>5DD ?E>DI ?1B4 1<C? F?D54 D? 5>4 all motorized use of the Gandy in Burnett

SCF hotel project waits for study

study, which is meant to see if the downD?G> @B?:53D G?E<4 25 @B?RD12<5 1>4 1 good investment for the Abdo Market House Group, who are proposing to build a $4 million hotel on the corner and at the location of the current Edling Funeral 1%' !123%- :Staff writer Home, which would include a commu)* (% . "") L *85 =E<D9=9<- nity and event space beside the theater. lion dollar proposed downtown reviWhile several details of the project retalization project being groomed for the main only as proposed, and hence, withempty and semioccupied space beside out renderings or elaborate concept plans, D85 89CD?B93 9F93 E49D?B9E= 9C B51389>7 the proposed hotel has already changed a critical phase in the coming weeks, as in scope, going from 24 to 37 rooms in reD85 )D B?9H 1<<C ?==E>9DI 5F5<?@- cent weeks, with other adjustments to the ment Authority approved spending up proposal. to $15,000 on a feasibility study for the While the scope and feasibility of the project, which would include a boutique project remains in limbo, the feasibility hotel, restaurant, public space and other study was the main topic of discussion. improvements meant to tie in to the old N*85 >554C D? 3?>C945B D81D city theater on the corner of Washington G5QF5 C?E78D ?ED 1 45F5<?@5B D? C55 96 and Louisiana streets. D89C 9C F912<5 O #1I?B B91> <5C9 CD1D54 N-5 C8?E<4 ;>?G 9> E>5 96 G5 81F5 1 N*85IQB5 D85 24? B?E@ 9>D5B5CD54 1>4 @B?:53D O CD1D54 )D B?9H 1<<C 9DI 4- 5>D8EC54 2ED D85IQB5 >?D G9<<9>7 D? :ECD =9>9CDB1D?B ?5< &53; 1D D859B =55D- 81>7 1 <?D ?6 =?>5I ?ED D85B5 G9D8?ED D85 ing on Monday, May 11. CDE4I O *85 C@5>D D85 25DD5B @1BD ?6 1> The latest numbers to make the prohour debating whether it was appropriate posed project come to fruition have been for the city to be paying for the feasibility 21<<@1B; R7EB5C E>D9< F5BI B535>D<I 2ED

some of the numbers have emerged, and early estimates on portions of the project are also starting to go under the microscope, including estimates of nearly $1 million for theater lighting, which immediately drew question marks and likelihood of reductions. N-5 1B5 C559>7 @<5>DI ?6 G1IC D? 3ED down the costs, with some value engi>55B9>7 O &53; C194 The question of whether to pay for the study eventually resulted in a possible compromise, where the city would pay for the feasibility study upfront, which 9C 4E5 ?> E>5 G9D8 D85 24? B?E@ eventually deferring some of their proposed incentives to pay for a $20,000 hotel addition concept design by the Hey ?22C B389D53DEB1< RB= N*85I 24? 4?>QD G1>D D? 8?<4 D85 2EB45> ?6 5H@<?B9>7 1 3?>35@D O <5C9 C194 N D89>; D81DQC 1 B51C?>12<5 B5AE5CD O Other aspects of the proposal were also discussed, including the possibility D81D 5CD -5CD5B> &B5=9E= G?E<4 25 the Abdo partner involved, although it would likely not carry the Best Western name. They also revealed that the latest

?E>DI 16D5B

> @B9< D85 &?<; ?E>DI ?1B4 B5ferred the issue of Gandy Dancer Trail use ?F5B D85 3?=9>7 I51BC D85 &?<; ?E>DI ?>C5BF1D9?> 5F5<?@=5>D (53B51D9?> 1>4 4E31D9?> ?==9DD55 *81D 3?==9Dtee has not yet scheduled further consideration on the Gandy Dancer use.

proposal includes a swimming pool and the aforementioned additional rooms. *85 39DIQC @?BD9?> ?6 D85 45F5<?@=5>D 1>4 9F93 E49D?B9E= 5HD5B9?B B56EB29C8ing and adjacent event center upgrade G?E<4 3?=5 6B?= D1H 9>3B5=5>D1< R>1>39>7 G9D8 D85 9F93QC 9>D5B9?B E@7B145C slated to come from private funding, grants, sponsorships and donations. N-5 1B5 >?D 7?9>7 D? B19C5 D1H5C D? =1;5 D89C G?B; O &53; CD1D54 *85 1@@B?F54 D85

651C929<ity study, with the caveat of possible negotiations for a reduced incentive on the hotel concept design work, to cover the CDE4IQC 3?CDC *85I C5>D D85 9CCE5 ?> D? D85 39DIQC 3?==?> 3?E>39< 6?B 3?>C945B1D9?>

=@@31B7=< The article titled Libraries change <9F5C 9> <1CD G55;QC "5145B CD1D54 D81D percent of money raised would be designated for the endowment fund that will 25>5RD D85 <92B1BI 9> D85 6EDEB5 *89C R7EB5 C8?E<4 81F5 CD1D54

@5B35>D ?6 money raised would be designated for the endowment fund.

$ "( & #)"(- & " +' ' ( #" ! -

Trails, skating, library, farmers market all move ahead

 Grantsburg Village Board acts on variety of issues

1%'' %23)'!1$ : Staff writer GRANTSBURG – The monthly meeting ?6 D85 B1>DC2EB7 ,9<<175 ?1B4 #?>41I May 11, focused on coming activities for the village as it enters its 150th year. Most of the meeting involved giving the go-ahead to requests from groups to start and continue projects. Only one item, the paving of South Russell Street, caused any disagreement. The meeting started with newly elected board member Larry Ebersold joining returning trustees Rod Kleiss and Diane 1BD?> 1>4 F9<<175 &B5C945>D <5>> (?<<?66 1C D85I D??; D859B ?1D8C ?6 ?6R35 -9D8 the recent reappointment of Scott DeR?3;5B D? D85 2?1B4 D85 B1>DC2EB7 ,9<<175 government, which also includes trustees B57 &55B 1>4 (1I>1 )EB45I 9C 1D 6E<< strength. Ebersold replaces Dale Dresel who did not run for re-election after serving nine years on the board. 1B7=<A !B9CD9>1 !5<<I ?8>C?> B1>DC2EB7 ,9<<175 <92B1B91> B5@?BD54 D81D D85 =1>I library programs are all growing in use, including the after-school programs and guest readers. The summer reading pro7B1= C5B95C CD1BDC *E5C41I E>5 1>4 will continue each week at 2 p.m. with the ?B41> 2E3; &1E< E>I1> 1>4 4?7C G9D8 jobs as some of the themes. A monthly series of evening programs will look at the

the Sunday afternoon free skating time has grown to an average 60 participants a week over the 12-week period from late $?F5=25B D? =94 52BE1BI "1CD G9>D5BQC total of 717 skaters was more than double the number of users when the free skat9>7 CD1BD54 9>

&<1>C 6?B D85

season will be made in the fall. The farmers market was again approved for the coming growing season. It G9<< ?@5B1D5 ?EDC945 D85 F9<<175 ?6R35 5138 Monday from noon until 2 p.m. starting E>5 The pool staff for the coming swim season was also approved. The village crew will audit and document the chemical maintenance weekly and make sure all the requirements are correct. The pool G9<< ?@5> E>5 16D5B C38??< 9C ?ED A stretch of South Russell Street just south of Hwy. 70 will be paved this summer. The council approved the $68,000 project despite vocal opposition from /@@G 03@A=:2 &=2 :37AA 7/<3 /@B=< /<2 :3<< &=::=44 B/93 B63 =/B6 =4 =44713 /2;7<7AB3@32 council member Kleiss. He said the deci0G C@<3BB =C<BG C253 3<<3B6 CBH /A B63G AB/@B / <3E B3@; =< B63 @/<BA0C@5 *7::/53 =/@2 sion to proceed with the paving had not been planned, adding that there are many $($ , & '( & better uses for the village funds than a F9<<175 89CD?BI ?F5B D85 I51BC !5<<I ?8>- about the many natural resources in the road that he says is little used. Rolloff reson said the library committee is prepar- 1B51 )85 C194 D81D 9>3<E45C B5H #514- sponded, saying that all the roads lead9>7 6?B 1 EB>5DD ?E>DI ?1B4 3?==9DD55 ?GC #5=?BI "1;5 &1B; D85 )D B?9H 1>4 ing into the village are very important. meeting where they will ask the county Wood rivers, and the Governor Knowles Surdey said the village must maintain its for funding support to increase the )D1D5 ?B5CD %>5 ?6 D85 RBCD 13D9F9D95C infrastructure. The council approved the weekly opening time from 32 hours to 46. coming this weekend, is clearing the project by a vote of 6 to 1. The unpaved *85 B1>DC2EB7 (5F9D1<9J1D9?> &B?- -??4 (9F5B 4?G>CD51= D? D85 )D B?9H stretch, which connects to the paved town road to the south, is one of the last ungram received approval to place new in- for kayaking. formational kiosks in the village. Alyssa The Grantsburg Hockey Open Skate paved streets in the village. (E=@5< 3819B ?6 D85 (% *B19<C ?=- program has been a success, Michelle Lee mittee, said the kiosks will advise visitors reported. She said the attendance during

Burnett County eyeing drug canine program

%!- .%+9:Staff writer +($ ** %+$*/ )85B966 (?> -9<85<= D?<4 D85 EB>5DD ?E>DI &E2<93 )165DI ?==9DD55 D81D 89C 45@1BD=5>D 9C 45F5<?@9>7 1 4BE7 31>9>5 @B?7B1= N-5QB5 D85 ?><I 3?E>DI 9> D85 1B51 D81D 4?5C>QD 81F5 ?>5 O -9<85<= said. 449>7 4BE7 C>96R>7 4?7C 9C >?D 1 >5G 9451 1>4 =1>I ?6 D85 3?==9DD55 =5=25BC CE@@?BD 9D EBB5>D<I the county enlists the help of neighboring law enforcement agencies when the need arises. However, a recent )E@B5=5 ?EBD 31C5 81C BE<54 D81D 45D19>9>7 1 CEC@53D while waiting for a drug canine unit to arrive on the C35>5 9C 9<<571< #?B5 C@539R31<<I 1 <1D5 @B9< 4539C9?> 45<9F5B54 2I ECD935 (ED8 145B 9>C2EB7 9> D85 (?4B9guez v. United States case determined that it is a violaD9?> ?6 1 39D9J5>QC ?EBD8 =5>4=5>D B978DC D? @B?<?>7 1 DB16R3 CD?@ 25I?>4 1 B51C?>12<5 1=?E>D ?6 D9=5 D? 3?=-

plete the tasks tied to the reason for the stop. ?B 5H1=@<5 96 1 @1DB?< ?6R35B CD?@C 1 4B9F5B 6?B 1 B?ED9>5 DB16R3 F9?<1D9?> <9;5 C@5549>7 D85> 9D 9C E><1G6E< D? 45D19> D85 4B9F5B 9> ?B45B D? 3?>RB= D85 @B5C5>35 ?6 4BE7C 96 D85 ?6R35B 81C >? B51C?>12<5 7B?E>4C D? CEC@53D them. As Ginsburg put it, authority for the stop ends G85> D1C;C B5<1D54 D? D85 B51C?> 6?B D85 CD?@ N1B5 L ?B B51C?>12<I C8?E<4 81F5 255> L 3?=@<5D54 O N D EC54 D? 25 D81D G5 3?E<4 45D19> 1>4 G19D 6?B 1 31>9>5 E>9D O -9<85<= D?<4 3?E>DI CE@5BF9C?BC N 531EC5 ?6 D89C $52B1C;1 31C5 >?G D85 4?7 81C D? 25 ?> C9D5 O 33?B49>7 D? -9<85<= 4BE7 13D9F9DI 9> EB>5DD ?E>DI 9C 1 297 3?>35B> N-5QF5 255> 2ECI O -9<85<= 2571> 89C =?>D8<I B5@?BD N*81DQC >?D 1> E>45BCD1D5=5>D O As cabin owners return with the warmer weather, C?=5 49C3?F5B D85IQF5 255> 2EB7<1B9J54 N-5QF5 B53?F5B54 1>4 B5DEB>54 1 <?D ?6 CD?<5> @B?@5BDI O -9<85<=

C194 N ED 5F5BI ?>5 ?6 D85C5 2EB7<1BC 1B5 9> D85 4BE7 C35>5 9> C?=5 G1I ?B 1>?D85B L =?CD<I 1=@85D1=9>5C O Starting a new canine unit is no small undertaking. According to the online law enforcement newsletter, policeone.com, canine units are expensive, involve new equipment, special training and the implementation of special protocols. However, many research studies offer 5F945>35 D81D 31>9>5 E>9DC 9=@B?F5 ?6R35B C165DI 1B5 61B more effective in detecting the presence of illegal subCD1>35C 194 C97>9R31>D<I 9> D85 1@@B585>C9?> ?6 CEC@53DC and become a powerful public relations and education tool. *85B5QC 1 29D ?6 G?B; D? 25 4?>5 256?B5 D85 C85B966QC department presents a plan and a proposed budget. As -9<85<= CE==1B9J54 D85 566?BD D? 41D5 N DQC 9> D85 9>61>D CD175C O

No action taken on missing emails, manual

!18 3)11!3 : Staff writer "+ ! M "E3;QC R>1>35 1>4 @5BC?>>5< 3?==9DD55 took no action on emails and a personnel manual that G5>D =9CC9>7 6B?= D85 F9<<175 ?6R35 51B<95B D89C I51B Last month, the village board had referred discussion of the missing items to the committee for a possible recommendation. *85 3?==9DD55 3?>C9CD9>7 ?6 819B 53;I (?G5 1>4 =5=25BC <1> *?=<9>C?> 1>4 !I<5 ?81>C5> =5D -54>5C41I #1I G9D8 2?1B4 &B5C945>D 1F5 (1C=ECC5> D85B5 9> 1> 5H ?6R39? 31@139DI (1C=ECC5> 2B9>79>7 >5G 2?1B4 =5=25B !I<5 ?8>C?> up to speed on the issue, provided some background.

Referring to former village treasurer Kevin Kress, who left his position in early March to take a job as village 14=9>9CDB1D?B 1D <51BG1D5B #9>> (1C=ECC5> C194 N @@1B5>D<I G85> !5F9> <56D D85B5 G5B5 DG? G55;CQ ?6 emails that disappeared. The training and personnel =1>E1< 1<C? 49C1@@51B54 12?ED D81D D9=5 O At some point after Kress left, emails dated within the two-week period were found on what had been his computer. N*85B5 1B5 5=19<C 85B5 6B?= D8?C5 41D5C O C194 F9<<175 3<5B; "?B9 &1B4E> The manual, according to discussion at the meeting, had been developed by Kress during working hours and therefore belongs to the village.

The consensus of the committee, however, was that there was no course of action that could be taken on either the missing emails or the training manual that would not cost some money. The committee agreed that 9D G?E<4 >?D 25 G?BD8 NG1CD9>7 D1H@1I5B =?>5I D? R>4 9D O 1C CD1D54 2I (?G5 > ?D85B 2EC9>5CC D85 3?==9DD55 851B4 6B?= &1B4E> that the new point and pay system that will allow residents to pay their water/sewer bills and their property taxes with a credit card, either online or at the village ?6R35 G9<< 25 1F19<12<5 CD1BD9>7 #?>41I #1I

Police chief seeks to fill opening

!18 3)11!3 : Staff writer ( ( M (5@?BD9>7 D81D D85B5 9C 1> ?@5> @1BD D9=5 @?C9D9?> 9> D85 45@1BD=5>D @<EC ?>5 ?6R35B G8? G9<< 25 <5CC 1F19<12<5 B545B93 &?<935 8956 1<5 ?8>C?> requested permission from the village board Monday >978D #1I D? 89B5 1>?D85B @1BD D9=5 ?6R35B He said that the position would be less than half time, but Trustee Maria Ammend said she felt more details on the number of hours and the budgetary impact were necessary. )85 CE775CD54 D81D ?8>C?> 2B9>7 89C B5AE5CD D? D85 personnel committee, which can then make a recommendation to the village board at its next meeting. ?8>C?> @?9>D54 ?ED D81D D85 @?C9D9?> >554C D? 25 R<<54 256?B5 >5HD =?>D8 D? G8938 ==5>4 C194 N 31>QD 85<@ D85 31<5>41B O While the board acknowledged the need for an addiD9?>1< ?6R35B D85 3?>C5>CEC G1C D81D D85 B5AE5CD C8?E<4 7? RBCD D? D85 @5BC?>>5< 3?==9DD55 $? 41D5 G1C C5D 6?B a committee meeting.

partment, the parks board is planning a demonstration rain garden that will use storm water runoff to grow S?G5BC By landscaping a small depression in the ground, the rain garden will capture runoff that would otherwise 5>D5B D85 <1;5 &?<<ED1>DC 1B5 B5=?F54 1>4 C549=5>D 9C trapped, while the plants use the excess nutrients. *85 B19> 71B45> 45=?>CDB1D9?> 1D ??> "1;5 G9<< 25 a maximum of about 10 feet by 10 feet. A $1,000 match9>7 7B1>D D8B?E78 D85 &?<; ?E>DI "1>4 1>4 -1D5B (5source Department plus $1,000 budgeted by the village will cover the costs. The grant also includes some native plantings for the park. In other parks business, the board approved contracts for the park caretaker and for cleaning of the rest rooms and shelter.

#B63@ 0CA7<3AA K ?B=5B F9<<175 &B5C945>D -9<<91= ?8>C?> , @B?F9454 213;7B?E>4 9>6?B=1D9?> ?> D85 F9<<175QC 9>F?<F5=5>D G9D8 D85 (579?>1< EC9>5CC E>4 D81D 81C 25>5RDD54 $/@9A @3>=@B %F5B D85 >5HD G55;C F9C9D?BC D? ??> "1;5 &1B; G9<< local businesses in the past. He reviewed recent changes see some unusual activity in the area of the public rest 9> D85 6E>4QC 14=9>9CDB1D9?> D81D G9<< 16653D 6EDEB5 <?1>C from the fund. rooms. K *85 2?1B4 49B53D54 F9<<175 DB51CEB5B 5> &85B>5DD?> Working with the county land and water resource de-

to contact attorney David Grindell regarding details of a possible purchase of land by the village. The lot, owned by Debbie Rudell, is adjacent to the village hall and the RB5 81<< -89<5 >?D @5BC?>1<<I 9>F?<F54 9> D85 C1<5 6?Bmer village Administrator Dave Wondra had indicated to Grindell that he would be presenting it to the village board in April. • At the recommendation of public works director Ken Hackett, the board voted to switch garbage service D? ?<4DQC 9C@?C1< *85 3?CD G9<< 25 B?E78<I 81<6 G81D it is with the current provider.



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Frederic engages in natural disaster preparedness !18 3)11!3 : Staff writer ( ( M $? ?>5 >535CC1B9<I G1>DC to believe it could happen, but a look at other villages in the area show how quickly a natural disaster such as a tornado or high winds can destroy a community. Being prepared to deal with a disaster of that sort takes a lot of planning and ?B71>9J1D9?> B545B93 9B5 8956 B91> 156S5B 9>4931D54 D? D85 F9<<175 2?1B4 Monday night, May 11, as he urged the board to start getting involved. #5=25BC ?6 D85 RB5 45@1BD=5>D 81F5 received various types of training, he said, but it will take a bigger group of people to handle a large-scale incident. A local emergency planning committee is the vehicle for bringing the players together and making sure they know their role, 1>4 156S5B G1C 5>3?EB179>7 D85 2?1B4 to help get the process going. N DQC C?=5D89>7 D89>; 9C F5BI 9=@?BD1>D O 156S5B C194 N DQC >?D 1<< 12?ED D85 @B5DDI B54 RB5 DBE3;C @EDD9>7 ?ED RB5C O &?9>D9>7 D? D85

D?B>14? D81D 45molished much of the village of Siren, and more recent high winds that caused a great deal of damage in Grantsburg and "E3; 156S5B 65<D D81D D85 F9<<175 ?6 B54eric should do all it can to be prepared. N D89>; 9DQC F5BI 9=@?BD1>D G5 <??; 1D ?EB =1@C D1<; 12?ED 9D @<1> 9D O 85 C194 N2531EC5 9DQC C?=5D89>7 D81D 3?E<4 81@@5> D? B545B93 O 156S5B C194 85 G?E<4 <9;5 D? 81F5 an activate a village emergency planning committee to work with the county emergency management director to begin training and disaster exercises, adding that he would like to see the entire village board participate. Later this year, he said, he would like to see a full-scale exercise in the village to practice responding to an emergency. *BECD55 #1B91 ==5>4 1C;54 156S5B whether it would work to have two board members attend the planning meetings, but have the entire board take part in the training exercises. 156S5B 65<D D81D G?E<4 25 145AE1D5

=C@ <3E ;3;03@A 8=7<32 B63 @323@71 *7::/53 =/@2 /A / @3AC:B =4 B63 >@7: 3:31B7=<A < 0/19 B= & /@3 D7::/53 $@3A723<B 7; !3G3@ /<2 B@CAB33A @35 37<3 /<2 3=@53 /<A4=@2 < 4@=<B /@3 7<1C;03<B @/2 /@:/<23@ =C5 CAB/4A=< /<2 7<1C;03<B !/@7/ ;;3<2 !7AA7<5 4@=; B63 >6=B= 7A 7<1C;03<B (3@@G '7303<B6/: / $($' , &, ( && ( the land, it would lose $130 in property taxes. In addition, the village would be responsible for maintaining the property, which he and his son have been doing. According to Heltemes, he and Bechtel G?E<4 25 G9<<9>7 D? 1335@D &85B>5DD?>QC one-third interest in the lot and pay the additional property taxes. In his letter to the board saying he $@=>3@BG 2=</B7=< The board voted not to accept a piece would like to give the land to the village, of property offered to the village by Don &85B>5DD?> 71F5 >? 9>4931D9?> 1C D? G8I &85B>5DD?> >?D9>7 D81D :?9>D ?G>5BC ?6 he was interested in doing so. the property are not in favor of the idea. The property in question is a jointly #B63@ 0CA7<3AA • The Frederic Depot/Museum will owned, pie-shaped back lot located in a triangle formed by Hope Road, Elm Street open Saturday, May 23. Built in 1901, the depot is one of the few Soo Line depots and Lake Avenue North. Letters from the other two owners, that remain in existence. • The board voted to help with the (9381B4 1>4 &1E<5DD5 5<D5=5C 1>4 #1BI Ellen Bechtel, indicate that the lot was down payment for the fireworks disoriginally structured with three-way play. Total cost for the display is estimated at $3,500. ownership to prevent development. K &E2<93 G?B;C 49B53D?B !5> 13;5DD Heltemes noted that if the village takes

@B5C5>D54 D85

3?>CE=5B 3?>R45>35 report for the village water system, say9>7 N%EBC 9C B51<<I 7??4 O *85 C9>7<5 violation during the year was due to a missed water sample. The report provides information on 10 contaminants, including arsenic, lead and radium. • The public works committee will 25 =55D9>7 D? 49C3ECC D85 RB5 @B?D53tion charge that is now part of the water and sewer bill. Gustafson was questioning why the charge, which among other things goes toward hydrant maintenance, is not the same for all village properties. The charge, said Hackett, is based on meter size, so businesses with larger meters pay more. K $5G F9<<175 &B5C945>D 9= #5I5B 3?==5>454 D85 ?6R35 CD166 1449>7 N-5 81F5 DG? ?6R35 CD166 G?B;9>7 <9;5 =14 4?9>7 1 G?>45B6E< :?2 O 5 C194 D81D they will be looking at training and new software in the near future. Meyer also invited any interested board members to join him in prayer before the meetings.

noting that each member will need to be prepared in case the others are not available in the event of a disaster. Trustees Greg Heine and George Hansford were designated as village representatives to the local emergency planning committee.

@323@71 7@3 6734 @7/< /344:3@ 7A 63/2 7<5 C> B63 344=@BA 4=@ 27A/AB3@ >@3>/@32<3AA B6@=C56 B63 3AB/0:7A6;3<B =4 / :=1/: 3;3@53<1G >:/<<7<5 1=;;7BB33 7< B63 D7::/53 < 67A 6/<2 7A @323@71LA 3;3@53<1G ;/</53;3<B ;/<C/: E6716 E7:: 03 CA32 B= 63:> >3=>:3 C<23@AB/<2 B637@ @=:3A /<2 @3A>=<A707:7B73A 7< B63 3D3<B =4 / </BC@/: 27A/AB3@

New SCF School administrator opens up

Just hired, Mark Burandt finds a new challenge

1%' !123%- : Staff writer )* (% . "") L #1B; EB1>4D D85 =1> C5D D? B5@<135 <?>7D9=5 )D B?9H 1<<C School District Administrator Glenn Martin, met with the Leader in an interview on Tuesday, May 12, where he outlined a few of the things he is looking forward to in the coming years. N*? CD1BD ?ED Q<< 25 4?9>7 1 <?D ?6 <9CD5>9>7 O EB1>4D C194 5 C194 85 81C C5F5B1< 7?1<C 9> 89C RBCD year, including observing, listening, planning and seeing how the district operates, in many ways. N Q= <??;9>7 6?BG1B4 D? G?B;9>7 G9D8 the board on their priorities and working in concert with them ... to achieve our 7?1<C O 85 C194 Burandt currently works in human resources with the Menomonie Area School District, and while he has performed al=?CD 5F5BI S1F?B ?6 4EDI 9> 54E31D9?> from elementary teacher to coach to athletic director to principal, his new job is the culmination of a long-awaited goal. N QF5 255> 9> 54E31D9?> 6?B I51BC O EB1>4D C194 N >4 QF5 4?>5 1 <?D ?6 496ferent things ... the next logical thing was D? 253?=5 1 CE@5B9>D5>45>D O 5 C194 D81D G89<5 85 G1C NF5BI F5BI 8?>?B54O D? 25 38?C5> 1C D85 >5G 14=9>istrator, he was also very picky on which

<1=;7<5 'B @=7F /::A '16==: 7AB@71B 2 ;7<7AB@/B=@ !/@9 C@/<2B 4:/A632 / 075 A;7:3 /4B3@ /< 7<B3@D73E B67A E339 /0=CB 67A <3E 8=0 A3B B= AB/@B 7< C:G $($ , & &'( # school district he wanted to be part of that goal. Burandt cited several things that played 9>D? 89C @EBCE9D ?6 D85 )D B?9H 1<<C :?2 including the district size, proximity to D85 *G9> 9D95C CD514I 5>B?<<=5>D <?31< S1F?B R>1>391< CD129<9DI 1>4 <?31< 89CD?BI as ways the district met that criteria. N G1>D D? G?B; G9D8 39DI <5145BC 1C G5<< D? 3?>D9>E5 D? @B?=?D5 )D B?9H 1<<C for people who also want to be close to a 297 39DI 2ED >?D 25 9> 1 297 39DI O 85 C194

N*89C 9C 1 7B51D ?@@?BDE>9DI O Burandt admitted to some knowledge of past issues at the district, including the recently failed referenda on one-to-one technology, as well as past issues, including the closing several years ago of the EC89>7 <5=5>D1BI )38??< N B51<<I 14=9B5 @5?@<5QC <?I1<D95C CE38 1C 9> EC89>7 1>4 8?@5 D? 25 1 <9CD5>5B D? 1<< 3?>35B>C O EB1>4D C194 >?D9>7 D81D he has been part of several ballot questions in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, and has also been in districts that have discussed and worked on mergers and possible school closure or consolidations. N 719> D89>; 9DQC 9=@?BD1>D D? <9CD5> 1>4 D89>; D81DQC 1 297 @1BD ?6 =I :?2 O 85 said, pointing to his current Menomonie district, where the public has been asked in a ballot question about closing two of D859B C? 31<<54 NBEB1< C38??<C O N-5 C8?E<4>QD 25 ?F5B ?B E>45B5=@81C9J9>7 C=1<< C38??<C D85I 1B5 1> 9=@?BD1>D @1BD ?6 D85 49CDB93D O 85 C194 when asked about the Dresser Elementary School and its future. Burandt also admitted that the changes in state law, such as Act 10, have made for unique challenges in education. N Q<< 14=9D 9DQC 1 D?E78 D9=5 D? 25 1 D51385B 9> -9C3?>C9> O 85 C194 N ED Q= 1 liaison, the one employee who works for the school board, and sometimes, there 1B5 D89>7C G5 31>QD 3?>DB?< O He said how a district responded to the challenges of Act 10 is also a barometer of sorts of how the district operates, noting

“To start out, I’ll be doing a lot of listening.â€? - Mark BurandtÂ

how the laws changed, but different districts handled those changes in drastically different ways. N B51<<I D89>; C55;9>7 6554213; 9C 3B9D931< O EB1>4D C194 ?> D89>7C <9;5 81>4book requirements at the Menomonie 49CDB93D N-5 G?B;54 81B4 D? C55; 9>@ED 6?B 1<< C?BDC ?6 49665B5>D 7B?E@C 16653D54 by Act 10) and tried to make sure their F?935C G5B5 851B4 O He noted several challenges the St. B?9H 1<<C 49CDB93D 1>4 1<< BEB1< 49CDB93DC will face in the coming years, as money and state aid continues to tighten and maybe even fall. N%>35 1719> G5 B51<<I 31>QD 3?>DB?< 8?G =E38 =?>5I G5 75D 6B?= D85 CD1D5 O EB1>4D C194 N ED G5 31> 3?>DB?< 8?G G5 EC5 9D O Burandt said he and his wife, a teacher at Knapp, are looking at several local housing options, and have even considered building a new home. N D89>; 9DQC F5BI 9=@?BD1>D 6?B =5 D? <9F5 9> D85 49CDB93D O 85 C194 N >4 B51<<I G5 31>QD G19D D? =?F5 D? D85 1B51 9DQC 1> 5H39D9>7 @<135 O EB1>4D CD1BDC 89C >5G :?2 ?> E<I D1;9>7 ?F5B 6?B #1BD9> G8? B5D9B5C 9> E>5

Co-op to hold board election this month

$*+( L &?<; EB>5DD <53DB93 ?operative will hold an election this spring for board directors serving co-op districts 7, 8 and 9. All co-op members in those districts have an opportunity to participate. Ballots were mailed May 8, and election B5CE<DC G9<< 25 1>>?E>354 1D D85 3? ?@QC D8 1>>E1< =55D9>7 1D +>9DI )38??< E>5 19. N C 1 3??@5B1D9F5 &?<; EB>5DD 9C owned by its members and governed by a board of directors elected from its

=5=25BC89@ O 5H@<19>54 >D5B9= 5>5B1< #1>175B )D5F5 )DB?C81>5 N 5=?3B1D93 member participation is one of the greatest advantages of a co-op membership, and I encourage you to vote in the 2015 2?1B4 5<53D9?> O District 7 includes the towns of Webb "1;5 )3?DD 13;C?> 893?7 1C5I 1>4 Rusk. Maury Miller, of Danbury, is running unopposed for District 7 director. District 8 includes the towns of Swiss, Oakland, Union, Meenon and Sand Lake.

1>4941D5C ?> D85 21<<?D 6?B 9CDB93D 1B5 #1BI (9F1B4 ?6 1>2EBI 8E3; B??;C81G ?6 -52CD5B 9>3E=25>D 1>4 4 Weber, of Webster. District 9 includes the towns of Marshland, Lincoln, Grantsburg, Wood River, Daniels, Siren, Anderson and Trade Lake. The incumbent director, Tom Swenson, of Webster, is running unopposed for District 9 director. C 1 3??@5B1D9F5 &?<; EB>5DD 9C ?G>54 by its members and governed by a board

of directors elected from its membership. Board directors serve a three-year term and attend monthly meetings to guide @?<93I 1>4 2E475D 4539C9?>C 6?B &?<; EB>5DD <53DB93 ??@5B1D9F5 For a map of co-op districts and more 9>6?B=1D9?> 12?ED D85 3? ?@QC 2?1B4 ?6 49B53D?BC 1>4 5<53D9?>C F9C9D &?<; EB>5DD 3?= 3<93; ?> 2?ED &?<; EB>5DD ?B 31<< 800-421-0283. – from Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative

$ "( & #)"(- & " +' ' ( #" ! -

Anne Carlson honored at 25th Mayor’s Breakfast

Grantsburg native was world leader in disability services

1%'' %23)'!1$ : Staff writer ( $*) +( L N >45@5>45>35 9C D85 7B51D5CD B5G1B4 1 @5BC?> 31> 81F5 O B >>5 1B<C?> C194 *85 B1>DC2EB7 native, born 100 years ago, was a world leader in changing the lives of people with disabilities. She was born without forearms or lower legs during a time when children with multiple disabilities were institutionalized or hidden away. 1B<C?> G9D8 D85 CE@@?BD ?6 85B 61=9<I and community, was not hidden away. She went on to become a teacher, earn her doctorate degree, head a school for children with disabilities and play a leading role in crafting the Americans with Dis129<9D95C 3D 1B<C?> G1C 1 =5>D?B 1>4 advocate until her death at age 87.

1B<C?>QC CD?BI G1C D?<4 <1CD B941I #1I 1D D85 D8 #1I?BQC B51;61CD D85 annual gathering of Grantsburg citizens to share the successes of the Grantsburg 1B51 B93 #?>C?> % ?6 D85 >>5 1B<C?> 5>D5B 9> 1=5CD?G> $ G1C D85 651DEB54 C@51;5B 5 31=5 D? 1B<C?>QC birthplace on the 100th anniversary of her birth to retell her story and share information on where her life led after she left Grantsburg. 1B<C?> ?F5B31=5 B5:53D9?> 1C C85 @EBsued her dream of becoming a teacher, Monson said. That dream eventually led 85B D? 1 D51389>7 :?2 1D D85 B9@@<54 89<4B5>QC )38??< 9> 1=5CD?G> G85B5 C85 rose to the position of administrator of an institution, now named after her, that became a leader in improving the opportunities of people with disabilities. Monson C194 D85 >>5 1B<C?> 5>D5B 81C 5F?<F54 to meet changing needs and to provide a broader range of services. Today, the center is a leader in providing services for children and adults with complex medi(63 AB=@G =4 @ <<3 /@:A=< 7A B=:2 7< / >=AB3@ /B B63 @/<BA0C@5 *7::/53 #44713 /<2 =;;C <7BG 3<B3@ $($' , & '( & cal conditions and autism spectrum disorders, Monson said. N-5 =ECD 54E31D5 @5?@<5 D? C55 D85 similarities, not the differences – and to C55 D85 @5BC?> >?D D85 49C129<9DI O 1B<-

C?> C194 #?>C?> C194 D85 >>5 1B<C?> 5>D5B 9C 31BBI9>7 ?> D85 G?B; ?6 B1>DCburg native and world citizen Dr. Anne 1B<C?>

:==2;=07:3 7< ' !/G

@71 !=<A=< :34B 63/2 =4 B63 <<3 /@:A=< 3<B3@ @3137D3A / 93G B= @/<BA0C@5 4@=; D7::/53 1:3@9 3<<743@ .37:3@ /<2 D7::/53 $@3A723<B :3<< &=::=44

)* (% . "") "??;9>7 6?B 1 G1I D? 79F5 213; D? D85 3?==E>9DI 2ED 4?>QD have a lot of time to volunteer? The =5B931> (54 B?CC B5=9>4C @5?@<5 D81D in only about an hour, those eligible can help save lives by donating blood and 655< 9>CD1>D 7B1D9R31D9?> *85 =5B931> (54 B?CC <??4=?29<5 9C 3?=9>7 D? )D B?9H 1<<C ?> -54>5C41I #1I The blood drive will be held at Ameri31> "579?> &?CD &9>5 )D 6B?= @ = *? =1;5 1> 1@@?9>D=5>D 31<< *5BBI 1D ?B


LIFE. You may also make an appointment online at redcrossblood.org. As Americans become increasingly mobile, donors can feel good knowing that by donating blood they may be helping not only family and friends in their community, but also patients in need across the country. All blood types are needed. 4?>?B 31B4 4B9F5BQC <935>C5 ?B ?D85B 6?B= ?6 945>D9R31D9?> 1B5 B5AE9B54 1D check-in. - submitted

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Water, sewer issues dealt with at Milltown !18 3)11!3 : Staff writer # ""*%-$ M -1D5B 1>4 C5G5B 9CCE5C 4?=9>1D54 D85 #9<<D?G> ,9<<175 ?1B4 agenda Monday evening, May 11, with valves, inactive accounts and meter installations as the main topics. &E2<93 G?B;C 49B53D?B #9;5 $EDD5B 5H@<19>54 D81D @1BD ?6 D85 CDB55D 2I D85 RB5 hall will need to be dug up in order to replace a valve box kitty-corner from the RB5 45@1BD=5>D *85 @B?2<5= 85 C194 9C that there is not enough pressure, and replacing the valve box should address the issue. Secondly, said Nutter, water throughout the village will need to be shut off for a half hour or an hour some night in the next few weeks in order to replace the shut-off valve at well No. 3. He said that the village crew would start on the project at about 3 a.m., to disrupt as few people as possible. Once a date for the work is set, notices G9<< 25 @?CD54 1D D85 21>; @?CD ?6R35 1>4 library so that people will be prepared. *E5C41I #1I DB16R3 D? D85 9>4ECtrial park was rerouted from Industrial Avenue to Tiger Street, allowing a water main to be dug up and moved. The main goes through the lot adjacent to Schaffer Manufacturing, which is being developed 6?B 1 >5G 2EC9>5CC 6 9D G1C>QD =?F54 the main would go under the new structure. The work should have all been done Tuesday. Nutter also revisited the topic of water meters in the trailer park. Nutter brought up the issue last month, saying that a number of mobile homes do not have individual water meters. This means that they are charged the base rate, which may not be accurate. The board directed Nutter to research the cost of installing individual meters on the 10 to 15 trailers that do not currently have one, and this month he presented 1 R7EB5 ?6

D? 5138 6?B 9>CD1<<1tion. The village would buy the meters, at $190 each. N-5 31> 59D85B 4? C?=5D89>7 12?ED 9D O 85 C194 N?B G5 31> G19D E>D9< D85I =?F5 ?ED 1>4 4? 9D 1C D85 >5G ?>5C 3?=5 9> O The consensus of the board was to require mobile homes to install the meters as they move in, but leave the current situation as it is. Amy Albrecht, clerk/treasurer for the village, brought up two other issues related to water and sewer charges. First, she said, there is a property in town that had changed hands, gone into foreclosure, and become bank owned. It has now been sold, but preparations for the sale revealed water/sewer charges 6B?= 53

D8B?E78 E>5

G5B5 not paid. The village board voted to write off the undisclosed charges. Albrecht also told the board that through the village audit it became ap@1B5>D D81D D85B5 1B5 D? N9>13D9F5O accounts, some of which are businesses and some of which are residences. These inactive accounts have not been charged anything, she said, but they should actually be paying the base rate,

even if the water is turned off. The board decided that from here on out these inactive accounts will be charged the base rate. According to Albrecht, the recent hir9>7 ?6 ED9<9DI 3<5B; ?6R35 1CC9CD1>D 91>1 ,9B;EC 81C @B?F9454 D85 ?@@?BDE>9DI D? really look into the water and sewer utility, enabling the village to deal with problems that have gone unnoticed.

'C;;3@ :70@/@G >@=5@/;A Library director Deanna Wheeler reported on the summer reading program, with the theme Hometown Heroes. It begins with a kickoff Hometown HeB?5C 1I @1BDI E>5 1D 5B9>7 &1B; where kids and adults will be able to meet N5F5BI41I 85B?5CO 6B?= D85 3?==E>9DI The libraries in Milltown and Balsam Lake are working jointly on the program, she said, adding that Balsam Lake has done a great deal of work lining up events. Events include a program on bats, storytelling, Zumba for kids, a creativity camp facilitated by Festival Theatre, kids ;1B1D5 1>4 ?E7 D85 E7 :E77<5B )?=5 events are held at either the Milltown or Balsam Lake library, at the Balsam Lake 5138 1D 5B9>7 &1B; ?B 1D +>9DI )38??<C There are also three outdoor movies lined up for the summer, said -855<5B *85 RBCD 9C N)DE1BD "9DD<5 O G8938 G9<< 25 C8?G> 1D D85 #9<<D?G> ?==E>9DI 5>D5B E>5 %> E<I N 4F5>DEB5C 9> 01=25J91O G9<< 25 C8?G> 1D 1<6 Moon Lake landing. The third showing G9<< 25 E7 1D D85 #9<<D?G> ?==E>9DI 5>D5B G85B5 N 97 5B? O G9<< 25 shown. All movies will start at dusk. #B63@ 0CA7<3AA • Wheeler reported on the opening of the Milltown Market, a farmers market fundraiser for the library that opened May 9 in the parking lot of the future li2B1BI )5F5> F5>4?BC 1B5 3?>RB=54 C85 said, and they felt that opening day was CE335CC6E< N-5 814 1 <?D ?6 DB16R3 O C85 said. Anyone interested can email milltownfarmmkt@lakeland.ws. • Wheeler also reported that the )38G1>QC 6E>4B19C9>7 31=@197> 81C been renewed, and will start again May 21. A percentage of purchases made 6B?= )38G1>QC 7?5C 49B53D<I D? D85 <92B1BI project, and $650 was raised in this way last year. A new link will be posted on the library website for those who are interested. Wheeler also acknowledged the faithful library volunteers who do everything from shelving books to rearranging D85 <92B1BI D? 85<@ R>4 <?CD =1D5B91<C N-5 D81>; D85= 6?B D859B D9=5 O C85 C194 • Several times in the past weeks, Half Moon Beach has suffered vandalism in the form of one or more vehicles ripping up the grass. The village and the Town of Milltown split the costs associated with the beach, and both have agreed to place an ad in the paper to seek an on-site caretaker.


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I recently completed Nurturing Your Nonprofit, a group of four workshops focusing on fundraising, strategic planning, building partnerships and marketing. The series was sponsored by the $?BD8G5CD <<91>35 ?==E>9DI ?E>41D9?> &?<; ?E>DI +- HD5>C9?> 1>4 D85 =5BI B51 ?==E>9DI Foundation, and drew participants from throughout and beyond the county. Each of the sessions offered dynamic speakers and useful resources as well as opportunities to network G9D8 ?D85B >?>@B?RD 3?<<517E5C was impressed by the energy and passion expressed by the attendees representing their particular organizations, 1>4 ;>?G D81D &?<; ?E>DI 39D9J5>C 25>5RD 6B?= D85C5 81B4G?B;9>7 @5?ple dedicated to enhancing our quality of life. I want to commend the sponsors of $EBDEB9>7 /?EB $?>@B?RD 6?B @B?F94ing a most excellent series of informaD9?>1< G?B;C8?@C 6?B 1B51 >?>@B?RDC 8B9C I5B<I B545B93 &E2<93 "92B1BI Frederic

A??7@63F;A@E ?==5>41D9?>C 1B5 4E5 D85 "E3; High School choir, band and jazz band,and their respective teachers, 38?9B 49B53D?B 1>5D ?<4D 1>4 21>4 49B53D?B 5>>965B 9<8?9 6?B D859B outstanding work in presenting the spring concert Monday, May 11. What an amazing concert and amazing participation by students. We were also treated to a sampling of the many different solo and ensembles that performed at the state competition. One felt a sense of pride that students from our tiny school in Northwest Wisconsin could and did perform so well at this level. *85 R>5 B53?B4 ?6 @1BD939@1D9?> ?6 so many students at all levels reinforces the value of having this musical experience. The community, parents and friends celebrating the achievement of their children are also richer for having attended. )5<=1 8B9CD91>C5> Luck

What are we to think of a newspaper that has articles such as Steve &51BC?>QC -85B5 D85B5QC 1 G9<< Instead of a slanted viewpoint supported by the echo of endless party sound bites, or industry arguments, he presents both sides of each topic he explores. Such an approach causes readers to consider alternatives. How inconsiderate. He even explains rationales of those with opposing viewpoints, leaving readers D?? =E38 D? D89>; 12?ED DQC C? =E38 easier to just make a simple, dualistic, my-way-or-the-highway decision. He even injects common sense, but without labeling it, which makes 9D =?B5 496R3E<D D? 945>D96I D89>7C we are generally and automatically 1719>CD ?>C945B1D9?> ?6 ?@D9?>C is a dangerous thing ... it can cause 381>75 *89C D9=5 85 81C 7?>5 D?? 61B Stating that technology and science have suggested using sunlight might @?CC92<I 25 25DD5B 6?B D85 G?B<4QC 5>ergy needs, and global science has suggested using sunlight might posC92<I 25 25DD5B 6?B D85 G?B<4QC 5>5B7I needs and global warming challenges D81> RBCD EC9>7 E@ ?EB 12E>41>35 ?6 coal, oil, gas, perhaps even nuclear power, is an extreme suggestion. Next, he will probably want us to act reasonably, rationally and even go so far as to consider how all humans might be better off through change ... instead of ... just some. "5DQC 8?@5 C? )D5F5QC @B9< 1BD93<5 9> D85 "5145B *85 ,95G 6B?= 85B5 is one of the most informative, factual 1>4 E>?@9>9?>1D54 1BD93<5C QF5 C55> for some time. I applaud your making room for such a voice to share wisdom worthy of consideration with your readers. 3<?C5 G9D8 ?>5 ?6 =I @?5=C N*85 (135 ?6 #1> O N*85 B135 ?6 =1> 9C >?D to be run, or won. The race for man is D? 25 ?>5 O &89< &5D5BC?> )B St. Croix Falls

!@H7EF?7@F ;@ AGD 8GFGD7 -9C3?>C9>QC G?B<4 B5>?G>54 E>9versity system is under attack by an administration that does not value 54E31D9?> > D85 RBCD 2E475D million was cut and now $300 million.

D5&>! 6788

These dramatic cuts will cut into the marrow of many of the universities programs and services. The most severe cut of all cuts 25 percent of state support from UW-SteF5>C &?9>D *81D 9C 12C?<ED5<I 12CEB4 and draconian. These cuts threaten the future affordability of higher education for the children in our state and therefore will block them from future advancement into the middle class and beyond. It will push the full cost of education on to students and their families. ?>C945B 8?G D85 +- )ICD5= 9=pacts the economy of our state. In 39 different Wisconsin communities where a UW System college or university exists, it is providing good jobs and contributing to local economies. As a whole, the UW System has 1> 9=@13D ?6 29<<9?> D? D85 CD1D5QC economy. Facts are facts, we need our wonderful university system to move forward economically in our state. Our world-renowned UW-Madison has a connection with 218 companies in that region; it supports 9,300 jobs and has brought over $1 billion in research funds to Wisconsin. It also holds over 1,600 patents that span every major industry. We will be losing professors at these established institutions, and they will be taking their research grants with D85= -5 31>>?D 166?B4 D81D *85 DG? I51B +- ?<<575 31=puses are likely to suffer the most under these cuts and are located in smaller communities that will be hit even harder by their downsizing. However, they too contribute to the economy of their area. We need to make sure our beloved UW-Barron ?E>DI CEBF9F5C D89C 2E475D 89D D helps our local students begin their college career at a lower cost; it has helped nontraditional students, such as myself and others, to complete their education and to achieve a dream. Education is indeed the great equalizer and we need to keep our University System in its entirety. If our legislators value education and value CDB5>7D85>9>7 -9C3?>C9>QC 53?>?=I they have the opportunity to change D89C 2E475D )? 4? 9D N 6 F9BDE5 1>4 ;>?G<5475 1B5 496fused among the people they will never be enslaved. This will be their 7B51D C53EB9DI O M *8?=1C 5665BC?>

Dee M. Taylor Rice Lake

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AE93; @B5C3B9@D9?> 259>7 S?1D54 6?B @1BD ?6 D85 CD1D5QC R>1>391< G?5C =1;5 CD1D5 5=@<?I55C @1I =?B5 for their health insurance. It could be great politics for the Republican-con Republican-controlled government but it comes with warnings. > D<1>D1 21C54 3?>CE<D9>7 RB= C1IC the state could save from $50 million to $70 million if it shifted to self-insurance G9D8 454E3D92<5C C97>9R31>D ?ED ?6 pocket maximums, charging more for brand-name drugs and other changes. EBB5>D<I D85 CD1D5 @<1> 3?F5BC 12?ED 240,000 people including workers, families and some retirees. Most are getting their coverage through health maintenance organizations that have broad 25>5RDC 35>DB1< 7?1< ?6 D85 #%C 81C been to encourage care and treatment early in illnesses. Early care, it is argued, reduces overall medical costs. The trade organization that represents the HMOs has challenged the estimate ?6 C1F9>7C 6B?= D85 3?>CE<D9>7 RB= D >?D54 D85 R>1>391< B9C; 6?B @B?F949>7 care would be shifted to state govern-



> =I 4B51=C 31> SI CD1BD ?ED running, progressing to leaps and 2?E>4C 1>4 C??> Q= C?1B9>7 8978 above the landscape, freed from grav9DIQC 8?<4 )?=5D9=5C Q= S559>7 C?=5 threatening force or person, but more ?6D5> 9DQC 1<< 6?B D85 C855B :?I ?6 SI9>7 On some level, I always believed that one day the dream would become reality in some esoteric burst of mind over matter. Dreams die hard, but at least in the @8IC931< G?B<4 QF5 255> 7B?E>454 =I G9>7C 3<9@@54 -89<5 D81DQC >?D 1<< 214 QF5 814 D? <5D 7? ?6 D85 S978D 61>D1CI <?>7 G9D8 D81D 9DQC 7??42I5 D? @<1I9>7 baseball and softball, the passions of my younger days. And that marathon I might have run some day - too late now. DQC ;>55 B5@<135=5>D D9=5 1>4 D85 doctor says no more running, no more jumping, keep one foot on the ground at all times. So it goes. I work on that attitude of gratitude, and like you, I have many things to be 7B1D56E< 6?B DQC 255> 1 7??4 BE> 96 I?EQ<< @1B4?> D85 @E> 1>4 D85 B8I=5 but the cartilage is gone in my left knee, C? Q= C<?G 16??D >?G 1>4 <??;9>7 6?B some relief. Turns out the options are 65G 1>4 G85> I?EQF5 5H81ECD54 D85 other possibilities, joint replacement is @B5DDI =E38 1<< D81DQC <56D > D85 5>4 9DQC 1 CE2:53D9F5 D89>7 I?E 453945 G85> D85 @19> 9C C97>9R31>D<I 9>D5B65B9>7 G9D8 your quality of life. No one can make that decision for you. In my case, in early 2014, my left knee started to ache at the end of a bout of C391D931 C? R7EB54 D85I G5B5 C?=58?G related. I tried the chiropractor, my >59782?B 5BBI RBCD 5Q4 255> C?=5thing of a miracle worker with my back, 1>4 R7EB54 G81D5F5B G1C GB?>7 G9D8 D85 ;>55 85Q4 R>4 1 G1I D? RH 9D >4 it did seem to improve after his eclectic

WISTAX Facts: School referenda passing at unprecedented rates

'B/B3 />7B=: "3EA:3BB3@ %3FF (A??7D ment rather than the HMOs, which now C8?E<45B D85 1>>E1< @B?RDC ?B <?CC5C The Atlanta consultant said Wisconsin state government now pays more for employee health insurance than neighboring states, and by 2017 could face penalties under the federal Affordable 51<D8 1B5 3D G9D8 D8?C5 <5F5<C ?6 @1I 51<D8 1B5 3D G9D8 D8?C5 <5F5<C ?6 @1I ment. One of the goals of the act, dubbed Obamacare, is to limit the costs of health care. Many private employers have opted to provide health coverage for their workers through the same HMOs that contract with state government. Would the loss of state contracts have a major impact on the premiums for private em-

(63 D73E 4@=; 63@3 Steve Pearson mix of acupuncture, electro-stimulation and muscle manipulation. But soon the ache was back, and it was invading my sleep time. My re response to knee pain has always been to 2E9<4 E@ D85 AE14B935@C =EC3<5C :ECD above the knee) to take some pressure off the joint. I hit the bicycle hard but unlike times past, riding hard resulted in more knee pain, not less. It had me perplexed, so I did what we do these days when confronted by medical mys mysteries, I went to the Internet. A couple of hours of research and I was convinced I had a diagnosis - a torn posterior cruciate ligament. I lived with that for a few days before realizing that having the diagnosis was doing little to help the pain. I have an aversion to taking pills, so I resisted my G965QC 14F935 D? D1;5 92E@B?65> B?E>4 D85 3<?3; 2ED 494 R>4 3?E<4 75D C?=5 relief from taking two or three of those little red pills from time to time. But 4?9>7 D81D ?> 1> ?>7?9>7 21C9C 494>QD seem like a workable solution since I remembered reading about possible liver damage from continual ibuprofen use. The next logical step seemed to be D? 75D =I 1=1D5EB 4917>?C9C 3?>RB=54 so I called the orthopedic surgery group 9> E<ED8 G85B5 Q4 814 GB9CD CEB75BI previously and made an appointment. It was late August, 2014. My doctor limped into the room and 9>DB?4E354 89=C5<6 5Q4 :ECD 814 1> ankle replacement which he said he G?E<4>QD B53?==5>4 D? 1>I?>5 6D5B listening to my story along with the Internet diagnosis which he quickly

more than 60 per year during 2000-10. However, the number jumped to 71 last This spring, voters in 35 of Wiscon Wiscon- I51B 1>4 CD1>4C 1D D8B?E78 D89C I51BQC C9>QC C38??< 49CDB93DC G5B5 1C;54 D? spring elections. Another 40 districts approve 38 referenda to exceed state- asked voter permission to borrow money imposed revenue limits; 78.4 percent of for major capital projects, generally new those referenda passed. Over the past buildings or major remodeling projects. RF5 I51BC 1@@B?F1< B1D5C 6?B B5F5>E5 *G5>DI 6?EB @5B35>D @1CC54 @<9=9D B565B5>41 81F5 255> C97>9R31>D<I proval of borrowing referenda is also on higher than in the past. During 2004-10, the rise. Almost 50 percent passed during @5B35>D

?6 B565B5>41 @1CC54 2000-09, and that percentage rose to 59.3 Since then, 69 percent of revenue-limit percent during 2010-15. referenda have been approved. The Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance is The number of referenda was rela- 1 >?>@1BD9C1> >?>@B?RD B5C51B38 ?B71tively modest during 2011-13, averaging nization dedicated to good government 36 per year compared to an average of through citizen education since 1932.

ployers? Like most government programs, the devil would be in the details. How would medical care be impacted if feefor-service returned under self-insurance? Who would determine if too many tests or referrals to specialists were being 5=@<?I54 <51B<I D85 CD1D5 7?F5B>=5>D would want and need some watchdog if it, rather than the HMOs, was on the R>1>391< 8??; While it would have the ultimate responsibility to pay the bills, state govern government has often met red-ink problems by 45<1I9>7 @1I=5>DC 9>D? D85 6?<<?G9>7 RCcal year. Medical providers might have to wait for their payments. Earlier this year, the Atlanta consultant proposed requiring a $250 annual deductible for single coverage and $500 for family coverage. It proposed out-ofpocket maximums at $1,000 for single coverage and $2,000 for family coverage. Wisconsin went to the HMO concept in the 1980s when there were 25-30 per percent increases in the then-predominant fee-for-service state health insurance

costs. The changes were pioneered when 5=?3B1DC 85<4 D85 7?F5B>?BQC 3819B 1>4 both houses of the Legislature. That history could inspire Republicans to dump the HMO concept. There are lots of ifs, ands and buts on health-care issues. The U.S. Supreme ?EBD 9C 5H@53D54 D? BE<5 >5HD =?>D8 on a challenge that could undermine %21=131B5 1>4 6?B35 ?>7B5CC D? =1;5 changes. Some Republican presidential hopefuls like Gov. Scott Walker have vowed to eliminate Obamacare when they get to the White House. State governments may well have larger roles in medical care. Republi Republi31>C 9> ?>7B5CC 81F5 CE775CD54 CD1D5 governments get block grants from the federal government to fashion their own Medicaid programs for care of the elderly, poor and disabled. That may be a challenge for states like Wisconsin that have older-than-average @?@E<1D9?>C *85

5>CEC C8?G54 -9C3?>C9>QC 1F5B175 175 G1C D85 D8 oldest in the nation.

49C=9CC54 85 ?B45B54 . B1IC -85> D85 R<=C B5DEB>54 G5 <??;54 1D D85= together. He directed me to the place where the femur meets the tibia on the 9>C945 81<6 ?6 D85 ;>55 N*85B5 C8?E<4 25 1 71@ D85B5 O 85 C194 N2ED 1C I?E 31> C55 I?EQB5 2?>5 ?> 2?>5 /?EB 31BD9<175 9C 7?>5 O G1C CEB@B9C54 2ED C8?E<4>QD 81F5 255> 13; 9> D85 51B<I 1990s, I had a piece of cartilage removed from that knee and, according to the good doctor, that led to this outcome. N 1C931<<I D85B5 1B5 D8B55 D89>7C G5 31> 4? 6?B I?E O 85 C194 N Q<< 79F5 I?E 1 3?BD9C?>5 9>:53D9?> D?41I 1>4 G5Q<< C55 how well that works. Some people get B5<956 6?B 1 65G =?>D8C 6 D81D 4?5C>QD G?B; G5Q<< DBI 1>?D85B DI@5 ?6 9>:53G?B; G5Q<< DBI 1>?D85B DI@5 ?6 9>:53 tion, hyaluronic acid made from rooster combs, which we can do once every six months. A total knee replacement G?E<4 25 1 R>1< ?@D9?> 2ED G5 <9;5 D? @ED D81D ?66 1C <?>7 1C @?CC92<5 O The cortisone shot lasted a day, maybe two. Discouraged, I went back to the Internet. All this pain caused by a couple of little missing pieces of rubbery stuff called cartilage. Because it has no 2<??4 CE@@<I I?EB 2?4I 31>QD B57B?G 31BD9<175 1>4 D51BC 9> 9D G?>QD 851< D85=selves. Were cartilage transplants pos possible? There had to be something with more staying power than the injections and less draconian than a knee replacement. I found a couple of places that had been treating knee arthritis by smooth smoothing the bone ends with a stem cell paste, 6B?= D85 @1D95>DQC ?G> CD5= 35<<C 1>4 then implanting cadaver cartilage. They claimed to have good results 15 years out, but the surgery requires being on crutches for four weeks and living near D85 CEB75BI C9D5 <5F5<1>4 ?B )1> B1>cisco, for an extended time to receive physical therapy. Another website D1<;54 ?6 N1 >5G =5D8?4 D? B575>5B1D5 31BD9<175O D81D ED9<9J5C 1 8I4B?75< D81D 45<9F5BC 1 4BE7 D? D85 :?9>D G85> 9DQC E>-

dergoing repetitive movement which in turn stimulates growth of new cartilage. This process, being done at a research institute in Switzerland, is still years from reaching the market. I decided to proceed to step two, the hyaluronic acid injections, sometimes B565BB54 D? 1C N75< O *89C CE2CD1>35 made from rooster combs, is injected directly into the knee once a week for three weeks. I thought I felt some relief 16D5B D85 RBCD 9>:53D9?> 1>4 5138 G55; was progressively better. A week after the third one, I was feeling no pain and a month out, I was still a happy guy. By the end of two months, some pain was creeping back in and after three months, it was full-bore, bone-on-bone pain with 5138 CD5@ 1719> D G1C 1>E1BI ?6 D89C year. In late March, after a couple of months of unrelenting pain, I sur surrendered to the inevitable and began looking for a surgeon to do a knee replacement. My chiropractor recommended a doctor in Stillwater, Minn., G8? 814 @9?>55B54 1 N=9>9=1<<I 9>G8? 814 @9?>55B54 1 N=9>9=1<<I 9> F1C9F5O @B?354EB5 D81D E><9;5 1 DB149D9?>1< ;>55 B5@<135=5>D 4?5C>QD 3ED 9>D? the quadricep muscle or tendon, result resulting in a much shorter recovery time. So Q= @9>>9>7 1<< =I 8?@5C ?> D89C ?>5 ECD 12?ED 5F5BI?>5 QF5 D1<;54 D? G8? has had the surgery says their only re7B5D 9C D85I 494>QD 4? 9D C??>5B (E>>9>7 :E=@9>7 SI9>7 D8B?E78 the air. Sooner or later, we all lose that unbounded feeling of our younger days 1C 9DQC B5<571D54 D? D85 CDE66 ?6 4B51=C We content ourselves with long, leisurely walks or a bicycle ride on a quiet country road. We learn to keep one foot RB=<I @<1>D54 ?> D85 7B?E>4 2ED 1<ways with an eye to the sky and the posC929<9DI D81D ?>5 41I G5 :ECD =978D R>4 9> D85 9==?BD1< G?B4C ?6 D85 @?5D ?8> 9<<5C@95 #1755 D81D G5QF5 NC<9@@54 the surly bonds of earth and danced the C;95C ?> <1E78D5B C9<F5B54 G9>7C O

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Veterans memorial possible at Woodley Dam site

Polk Conservation Committee defines home businesses

1>4 * *89C G1C D85 C9D5 ?6 D85 Woodley Dam and a rather well-known nightclub. The property has sat vacant since the dam was removed after a long dispute. A group of veterans are working to develop a memorial for all those who 1%'' %23)'!1$ : Staff writer have served in the military in all wars ") # " ! L *85 &?<; ?E>DI 213; D? D85 9F9< -1B :ECD 16D5B -9C3?> ?>C5BF1D9?> ?==9DD55 D??; 1 CD5@ C9> 2531=5 1 D5BB9D?BI %<9F5B E>5 <51B away from its zoning ordinance work "1;5 1>4 5BBI #1BD9> "E3; D?<4 D85 when it met Wednesday, May 6, and committee that they have a vision for the worked on some other county issues. site which would include an entrance on It dealt with a proposed veterans me- * 1>4 1 C5D ?6 =?>E=5>DC 1>4 DB19<C morial, the next sale of tax-deed prop- across the walking bridge on the high erty, agriculture damage from wildlife, ground west of the river. They are asking contracting work for another county and the county to provide the land for the mepossibly giving up some of its many du- morial on what they call a beautiful spot ties. After three hours of dealing with that would draw people to the county these items, it spent an hour on the next from a large area. Aune and Martin are stage of the zoning rewrite. This was the ?6R35BC ?6 D85 >491>8514 ?E>DBI ,5D5B10th meeting of the conservation, devel- ans Memorial Association, a tax-exempt opment, recreation and education com- group involving 22 counties in Northwest mittee this year. Wisconsin. The next steps with the projThe veterans memorial has been pro- ect are being worked out with the county posed for the county-owned property before a formal property transfer is put where Hwy. 8 passes over the Yellow forward. River, near the intersections with Hwy. The county is getting ready to hold

9DC >5HD @B?@5BDI 1E3D9?> 52 &5D5BC?> property director, and Sally Spanel, from D85 DB51CEB5BQC ?6R35 D?<4 D85 3?==9DD55 Eight tax-forfeited properties will be of65B54 ?><9>5 9> 51B<I E>5 *89C G9<< 25 D85 seventh county property auction since April 2013. The committee authorized the Land and Water Resources Department to provide @B?65CC9?>1< C5BF935C D? EB>5DD ?E>DI Land and water Director Tim Ritten said these service agreements benefit both counties. It also denied an agricultural damage claim made by a property owner who did not follow the special hunting guideline for regulating deer damage. The denied claim was for $10,000. Most of the duties of the conservation committee are related to land use and protection, from zoning to land protection to county forests. But the new division of county committees has put the county buildings, a part of the basic county administration, under the committee. A proposal would switch that function to 75>5B1< 7?F5B>=5>D ?==9DD55 =5=25B B197 #?B91; C194 9D G?E<4 C@B514 D85

supervisors work among more people. Warren Nelson noted that some committees only meet for 20 minutes when they do meet, while conservation meets twice a month for four-hour sessions. A change of duties could be made by the county board. The hour devoted to the zoning ordinance was perfecting the new language on home-based enterprises. The result of that discussion, as of now, is that a home 2EC9>5CC 1 @B?65CC9?>1< ?6R35 BE> ?ED ?6 a home, and a home occupation, an occupation conducted by family members out of a home, would be allowed uses in residential areas that would not require a land use permit. No more than two people not family members could be employed at these places. As it now stands in the draft, there would be no regulations based on DB16R3 S?G ?B F?<E=5 D? 1 B5C945>35 The committee will continue to work ?> D85 R>1< =?B5 R>1< ?B =?CD R>1< draft of the new land use ordinance. It still wants to get a proposal to the county board by this summer.

School day may start earlier at Unity !18 3)11!3 : Staff writer ") # " ! M +>9DI CDE45>DC G9<< most likely be starting school up to 10 minutes earlier next year, assuring that the school district will be meeting requirements set by the state and federal governments. The change will also bring Unity more in line with other school districts, said district Administrator Brandon Robinson. N-5 G5B5 D85 <1D5CD CD1BD ?6 1>I C38??< 9> D85 1B51 O 85 D?<4 D85 C38??< 2?1B4 1D 9DC Tuesday, May 12, meeting. All students in elementary through 8978 C38??< 3EBB5>D<I CD1BD C38??< 1D a.m. The idea on the table is for all stu45>DC D? CD1BD =9>ED5C 51B<95B 1D N*85 1449D9?>1< D9=5 @5B 41I G9<< 1<<?G for some schedule changes during the C38??< 41I O C194 (?29>C?> 9> 89C B5@?BD D? D85 2?1B4 NG8938 G9<< 5H@1>4 D85 (5C@?>C5 D? >D5BF5>D9?> D9=5 O (* 9C 1> N1@@B?138 D? D85 51B<I 945>D9R31D9?> 1>4 CE@@?BD ?6 CDE45>DC G9D8 <51B>9>7 1>4 2581F9?B >554C O 133?B49>7 to RTI Action Network. High-quality instruction, ongoing assessments and tiered interventions are the main components, working together to ensure student success. N 449D9?>1<<I O C194 (?29>C?> 9> 89C B5@?BD ND85 381>75 9> D85 C3854E<5 G9<< =55D D85 -9C3?>C9> 5@1BD=5>D ?6 &E2<93

hours and minutes. N *85 51B<95B CD1BD D9=5 G9<< @B?F945 14equate additional time in the schedule to 5>CEB5 3?=@<91>35 O (?29>C?> C194 <5=5>D1BI CDE45>DC 1B5 B5<51C54 1D p.m., while middle school students go E>D9< 1>4 8978 C38??< CDE45>DC E>D9< >49>7 D9=5C G?E<4 >?D 381>75

CA 1=<B@/1B The board approved a three-year contract with Kobussen Buses to provide student transportation. The contract is tailored to Unity Schools, said Robinson, and states that Unity will continue to own D85 2EC5C 6?B RF5 I51BC <51C9>7 D85= D? Kobussen. !?2ECC5>QC CDB?>7 6?3EC ?> C165DI 1C G5<< 1C D859B 5H@5B95>35 1>4 56R395>3I said Robinson, contributed to the decision to contract services. Unity has 21 buses and runs 17 )<7BG 8C<7=@ +G/BB 'B3<03@5 7A B67A ;=<B6LA ABC23<B @3>@3A3<B/B7D3 B= B63 A16==: 0=/@2 / routes. The move will save the district more than $100,000 per year. $($ , &, ( &&( >CDBE3D9?>QC 9>CDBE3D9?>1< D9=5 B5AE9B5ments. This will provide adequate additional time in the schedule to ensure 3?=@<91>35 O Legislation passed in Wisconsin in 2014 changed the instructional requirement from 180 days to a minimum number of

#B63@ 0CA7<3AA K *85 2?1B4 85<4 9DC 5<53D9?> ?6 ?6R35BC B5 5<53D9>7 52295 &5D5BC?> 1C @B5C945>D 1=5C 59CD<5 1C F935 @B5C945>D 1>4 1F5 #??B5 1C DB51CEB5B &1D !1CD5>C B5@<135C Kelly Bakke as clerk. • The board approved the hiring of middle school softball coaches Madeline

(1=938 1>4 1B<I >35 1>4 C@5391< 54Ecation educator Michael Schmitz. The extended leave of absence for fifthgrade teacher Yvonne Sorenson was approved. No action was taken on the reD9B5=5>D B5C97>1D9?> ?6 1>5D #13;9>>?> • In compliance with the Department of Agriculture, all student meal prices will be increased by 10 cents. Adult and C5>9?B @B935C G9<< 9>3B51C5 35>DC ?=pliance means that the school will continue to qualify for grants and for free 1>4 B54E354 =51<C N*89C 9C =?B5 ?B <5CC 1 B5AE9B54 9>3B51C5 O (?29>C?> D?<4 D85 board. • The board approved a proposal to go with summer rather than spring baseball in 2016, on the condition that at least six or seven other schools within a reasonable traveling distance also commit to summer ball. • The board approved the 2015-2018 district long-range plan that gives a framework for facility maintenance and 9=@B?F5=5>DC ?F5B D85 >5HD RF5 I51BC D includes vehicles, curriculum and technology changes as well. • Following a closed session of the 2?1B4 &5D5BC?> 1>>?E>354 D81D 69>1< notices of non-renewal were approved 6?B 35BD9R54 CD166 $1=5C G5B5 G9D885<4 @5>49>7 >?D9R31D9?>

Clear Lake Speedway hosts Battle of the Buses (63 /BB:3 =4 B63 CA3A /B 32/@ /93 '>332 E/G "3E &716;=<2 :/AB E3393<2 0@=C56B 7< ;/<G /@3/ A16==:A E7B6 0CA3A B6/B 6/2 033< >@3>/@32 0G ABC23<BA /<2 B316<=:=5G 32C1/ B7=< 23>/@B;3<BA /@=C<2 B63 /@3/ +7:2;/< 7A / 32/@ /93 4/D=@7B3 E6= B@732 B= B/93 =CB B63 :3/2 0CA 2@7D3< 0G )<7BGLA B316<=:=5G 32C1/ B7=< 5C@C "37: /@A=< 0CB B= <= /D/7: /@A=< E/A /0:3 B= 2=253 /:: =4 B63 B=>>:32 =D3@ 0CA3A /<2 @C< B6@=C56 B63 47<7A6 :7<3 7< B63 :3/2 E7< <7<5 B63

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Fallen Polk County deputy remembered in Madison and D.C.Â

Final honors for Deputy Seversen

1%' !123%- : Staff writer BALSAM LAKE – A contingency of his friends, family and former co-workers 81F5 G?B;54 D? 25CD?G D85 R>1< 8?>?BC ?> 61<<5> &?<; ?E>DI )85B966QC 5@EDI #93815< )5F5BC5> G8? 4954 ?>5 I51B ago at the age of 50 from complications of a gun shot injury he received 23 years earlier, in an incident that not only left Seversen paralyzed from the neck down, but 1<C? 3<19=54 D85 <965 ?6 EB>5DD ?E>DI )85B966QC 5@EDI <<5> <255 G8? G1C 35 at the time of his death. While occurring 23 years later, )5F5BC5>QC 451D8 G1C 3?>C945B54 9> D85 line of duty and has led to a battery of honors in recent days in Madison, with pending honors this week in WashingD?> G85B5 89C >1=5 G1C @<1354 ?> the National Law Enforcement Memorial, 4?G>CDB51= 6B?= D85 + ) 1@9D?< E9<4ing. No less than 13 people went to Madison last week to attend the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Memorial ceremony on Satur41I #1I 9> #149C?> G85B5 )5F5BC5>QC name was etched into and revealed on the =5=?B91< 1D D85 CD1D5 1@9D?< N D G1C 1 @B5DDI B5=1B;12<5 D89>7 13DE1<<I O CD1D54 8956 5@EDI )D5F5> #?5 ?6 D85 & ) G8? G?B;54 25C945 )5F5BC5> for years and went to Madison for the honors. The Madison ceremony last week included comments from Gov. Scott Walker and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, with a keynote speech from for=5B &?<; ?E>DI )85B966 B197 5>G1B5 who was sheriff at the time of the shooting, and was also a close friend of Seversen. N B197 2B?E78D D81D 35BD19> @5BC@53D9F5 G8938 G1C F5BI >935 O #?5 C194 >?D9>7 that he spoke after both the governor and the attorney general. The Madison ceremony also marked the 25th anniversary of the memorial, G85B5 )5F5BC5>QC >1=5 G1C @<1354 ?> the same memorial monument as the late ) 5@ <<5> <255 G8? G1C 8?>ored similarly decades ago. The Madison contingency that went to honor the fallen deputy included several 3EBB5>D 1>4 6?B=5B 45@ED95C DG? &?<; ?E>DI ?1B4 CE@5BF9C?BC C5F5B1< ?6 89C friends and family, and even several of )5F5BC5>QC >EBC5C G8? 85<@54 89= 3?>tinue to lead such a full life over the years, albeit from his wheelchair, where he went through his life only able to move a few key muscles above the shoulder, operating his wheelchair with a series of sips and puffs. N 5 G1C >?D I?EB ?B49>1BI BE> ?6 D85 =9<< 7EI O #?5 C194 ?6 D89C <1D5 6B95>4 N 5 G1C B51<<I C?=5D89>7 O In a unique tie-in and honor, the man who laid the wreath at the foot of the memorial to honor Seversen was none other

past year. )5F5BC5>QC 3?>D9>75>3I 9C D5CD9=?>I to the broad impact he had on local law ?6R35BC 1>4 ?D85BC 9> D85 3?==E>9DI 1C his impact and legacy are honored. He is often noted for his years of dedication and work in law enforcement, even after that bullet claimed his mobility. He worked in many ways to raise awareness on a variety of issues and causes, and in spite of his disabilities, was among the most positive and upbeat people around. N DBE<I D89>; 9D G1C #9;5QC 1DD9DE45 D81D ;5@D 89= 1<9F5 1<< D8?C5 I51BC O #?5 C194 ?6 89C 61<<5> 6B95>4 N 5 G1C AE9D5 D85 7EI O Deputy Michael Seversen perished on @B9<

1D 89C 8?=5 9> )D B?9H Falls, surrounded by family and several friends. His funeral and visitation ceremony was among the largest of its type 5F5B 9> D85 3?E>DI 1>4 9>3<E454 ?6R35BC from dozens of law agencies from around the Midwest. He was later laid to rest beC945 89C =?D85B 1>4 61D85B !9DDI 1>4 ?5 Seversen, in Kost, Minn.

3>CBG !793 '3D3@A3< <=B =<:G =D3@1/;3 /2D3@A7BG /<2 ;=<C;3<B/: AB@C55:3A 0CB CA32 B6=A3 344=@BA B= B3/16 /<2 7<A>7@3 =B63@A J(= ;/93 B63 @756B 2317A7=<A K 63 A/72 7< /< 7<B3@D73E A3D3@/: /195@=C<2 It was on Tuesday, April 19, 1991, at G3/@A /5= '3D3@A3<LA $=:9 =C<BG '63@744LA 3>/@B;3<B D3AB 03/@7<5 67A @3B7@32 0/253 "= around noon that Seversen responded 7A A33< 0367<2 67; =< B63 :34B . $($ , & &'( # to an incident in Webster of an armed, wanted man in a residential neighborhood. Seversen tried to persuade that surrounded, desperate man to make the right decision, drop his gun and give up. However, it went horribly wrong. The man who was holding that loaded pistol, Robert Reineccius, 25, was stand 3>CBG '3D3@A3<LA </;3 7A 3<5@/D32 7< B63 +/A67<5B=< ;3;=@7/: /0=D3 /<2 B63 +7A ing just a few yards outside the locked1=<A7< ;3;=@7/: 03:=E % ! % $($' down Webster Elementary School. He was on the run and already wanted for drug charges, which led to his shooting a man in North Branch, Minn., the day prior, a shooting incident that ironically left that victim a paraplegic. Reineccius was spotted slowly walking through Webster, which led to a half 4?J5> 1B=54 ?6R35BC 6B?= C5F5B1< 45@1BDthan Shawn Albee, the son of the man ments telling him it was over and time to who died beside Seversen that afternoon give up. in Webster in 1991. Front and center of that group was N D G1C @B5DDI B5=1B;12<5 O #?5 C194 Seversen, who tried to persuade Reinec?6 D85 35B5=?>I N >4 85 )81G> <255 cius to give up and work it out. Instead <??;C :ECD <9;5 89C 414 O - Polk County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy ?6 79F9>7 E@ (59>5339EC DEB>54 1>4 RB54 point-blank at Seversen, who had report"/B7=</: 6=<=@A B67A E339 Steven Moe edly just lowered his gun to show he was ECD 1 65G 41IC 16D5B D85 #149C?> 35B5sincere in wanting to help him. mony wrapped up, a similar contingency ECD 1C 85 RB54 1D )5F5BC5> EB>5DD ?6 )5F5BC5>QC 6?B=5B 3? G?B;5BC 6B95>4C once again, including family members ?E>DI )85B966QC 5@1BD=5>D 9>F5CD971D?B and family trekked east to Washington, and friends, as well as several local law of 6?B >1D9?>1< 8?>?BC 1D D85 $1D9?>1< R35BC G9D8 3?>>53D9?>C D? D85 61<<5> 85B? Alan Albee jumped out from behind the Law Enforcement Memorial, where he 9>3<E49>7 &?<; ?E>DI )85B966 &5D5B ?8>- security of a squad car near the shooter, was to be honored this week in a variety C?> & ) @D )D5F5 )=9D8 B5D9B54 -9C- in an attempt to tackle Reineccius. Albee was also shot and died in the ex?6 35B5=?>95C 3E<=9>1D9>7 9> D85 ?6R391< 3?>C9> )D1D5 *B??@5B 1F5 &1E<C5> 1>4 reveal of his name on the NLEM, and 3EBB5>D & ) 45@ED95C 1<5 1<< 1B< 381>75 256?B5 45@ED95C ?@5>54 RB5 ?> D85 assailant, killing him on the spot. speeches by national dignitaries. Beaupre and Rob Rorvick, who drove a Seversen was shot in the jaw, with the )5F5BC5> 9C 1=?>7 D85 ?6R35BC ?6 <1G & ) CAE14 31B D? -1C89>7D?> 6?B D85 bullet shattering his third cervical verteenforcement honored for their line-of- 8?>?B1BI 35B5=?>95C G9D8 &1E<C5> brae, leaving him a quadriplegic. duty deaths, and is part of the annual (?BF93; 1>4 &1E<C5> 1BB9F54 G9D8 D85 He lived a noteworthy and remarkable tribute to law enforcement service and & ) CAE14 31B ?> #1I 9> D9=5 6?B C13B9R35 D81D 9C 85<4 5138 #1I 9> -1C8- the annual candlelight vigil and other life, in spite of his debilitating injuries. 9>7D?> 3E<=9>1D9>7 9> 1 F1B95DI ?6 ceremonies this week meant to posthuobservances that includes the annual can- mously honor the men and women in dlelight vigil on May 13, after press time. law enforcement who have died in the Seversen has a broad representation

“I truly think it was Mike’s attitude that kept him alive all those years.�

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Frederic’s Fine Arts Festival concert - 2015

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Photos by Becky Amundson

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2D=1/B3A A=17/: A3@D713A 3;>:=G33A D71B7; E7B<3AA 1==@27</B=@A /<2 :/E 3<4=@13;3<B /:: 1/;3 B=53B63@ =< >@7: B= >/G 6=;/53 B= AC@D7D=@A =4 A3FC/: D7=:3<13 /<2 B= B6=A3 E6= E=@9 =< 036/:4 =4 D71B7;A $($ ') " (( @B9< G1C 1> 5HDB5=5<I 2ECI =?>D8 1D ( *85 C53ond week we had a crew show up at the shelter to begin D85 496R3E<D D1C; ?6 B5@<139>7 1<< D85 @?CDC 6?B D85 65>35 G8938 CEBB?E>4C D85 389<4B5>QC @<1I7B?E>4 *85 @<1I area is large and there were 79 posts that needed to be replaced. Severe winds took down part of the fence last I51B BB?G E9<49>7 5>D5B 9> #9<<D?G> 4?>1D54 posts and Mike Fralick donated 44 posts and the hardG1B5 >55454 D? =?E>D D85 65>35 D? D85 @?CDC &1CD?B (938 ED389>C?> <??;54 1D D85 65>35 <1CD 61<< 1>4 D?<4 D85 ( staff he had an idea on how to replace the posts. He indicated it was late in the year and he would work on 75DD9>7 D85 @?CDC B5@<1354 9> D85 C@B9>7 &1CD?B (938 G1C true to his word. When the weather starting warming this spring he met with a group of guys at a Bible study and told them about our need. From this meeting a committee was formed and the fence became a reality. ( G?E<4 <9;5 D? 5HD5>4 7B1D9DE45 D? B>95 $1E=1>> #9;5 #?BB9C 8B9C "I=1> *54 *1E25 B197 Miles and Sherman Lillie for their very hard work in 85<@9>7 ( G9D8 D89C F5BI 9=@?BD1>D @B?:53D )@5391< 7B1D9DE45 D? 566QC )=1<< >79>5 9> #9<<D?G> 6?B D85 4?nation of their power auger which made quick work of 49779>7 D85 @?CD8?<5C ( CD166 1>4 =5=25BC ?6 D85 board of directors are grateful for the kind assistance of all those listed above.

work with victims are Lisa Ditlefson, sensitive crimes ?6R35B 5<9>41 1C8 F93D9= G9D>5CC 3??B49>1D?B 1>4 Dave Williams, victim/witness coordinator. Burnett ?E>DI @5BC?>>5< 9>3<E45 1B<5>5 *B517E5 G8? 9C D85 F93D9= G9D>5CC 3??B49>1D?B 1>4 ?6R35BC *B13I 9>38 1>4 E<95 #554C 6B?= D85 EB>5DD ?E>DI )85B966QC 5@1BD=5>D >4 9> 1BB?> ?E>DI G5 B53?7>9J5 #1BI ?71> who is the victims/witness coordinator and Mary DexD5B 1> ?6R35B 6?B D85 1BB?> ?E>DI )85B966QC 5@1BD=5>D who works on sensitive and sexual assault crimes. Working in conjunction with all of these dedicated and compassionate professionals are the sexual assault nurse 5H1=9>5BC G8? G?B; 6?B D85 )D B?9H ,1<<5I )5HE1< Csault Response Team or for the various medical centers in the region. These highly skilled nurses conduct the forensic examination of victims for evidence that will lead to successful prosecution of those who commit sexual assault. It is the collaboration of all these dedicated professionals which help victims to survive and to navigate the legal processes due to the crime of sexual assault. As communities we must honor their work and we must speak up when such crimes occur.


+300 /93 2=</B7=<A /<2 D7A7B=@A ( G1C @<51C54 D? 8?CD )81B?> !>?G<5B 1>4 1 7B?E@ of women from the Webb Lake area. Sharon is a longD9=5 F?<E>D55B 14F?31D5 6?B ( >> B5I ( QC 5Hecutive director, discussed the work of the agency and of the shelter. The women donated a quilt made by the "1;5C945 ?==E>9DI 'E9<D E9<4 1>4 4?>1D54 =1>I wonderful household and personal items to be utilized by the women who are escaping violence and residing in the shelter.

7@:A /G #CB This fun event was held Saturday, April 25, at Hum=5BQC (5>45JF?EC 9> 4?G>D?G> B1>DC2EB7 *8?C5 & >/@B717>/B32 7< 3<7; /G 7< $=:9 C@<3BB /<2 /@@=< participating were self-employed vendors who have products and services to sell to women. All proceeds 1=C<B73A Advocates, social services employees, victim/witness 6B?= D85 F5>4?BC 49C@<1I 655C G5B5 4?>1D54 D? ( coordinators and law enforcement all came together on ( 1<C? B16S54 1 C@1 @13;175 6?B DG? 1D D85 B1>4 Wednesday, April 29, to pay homage to survivors of sex- 1B=?>I )@1 B1>4 9>3;<5I 1C9>? *89C @13;175 ual violence and to those who work on behalf of victims. 814 255> 4?>1D54 D? ( 5CC931 #?DD ?6 B545B93 G?> >> B5I ( 5H53ED9F5 49B53D?B CD1D54 N*89C 9C D85 D85 C@1 @13;175 B16S5 =?=5>D G5 @1EC5 D? B5S53D ?> C5HE1< 12EC5 1>4 D8B?E78 our actions today commit to do all within our power to & @3137D3A 5@/<B 4C<27<5 4@=; 'B @=7F */::3G =C<2/B7=< ( 9C D85 @B?E4 B539@95>D ?6 1 7B1>D 6B?= D85 )D CD?@ D85 F9?<5>35 1>4 D? C1I $? =?B5 O D 9C 9=@?BD1>D D? recognize those who work with victims. Kristine Brede, B?9H ,1<<5I ?E>41D9?> *89C 7B1>D 9C 6?B ?EB 1=9<95C &?<; ?E>DI ,93;95 1E5B EB>5DD ?E>DI 1>4 5949 Improving Together program. This program provides ,5B8E<CD 1BB?> ?E>DI 1<< G?B; D9B5<5CC<I 6?B F93D9=C health and wellness opportunities for mothers and their D8B?E78 D859B G?B; 1D ( &?<; ?E>DI @5BC?>>5< G8? children residing in our shelter. We are grateful for this

$=:9 =C<BG /?C/B71 7<D/A7D3 A>3173A AB@/B3571 >:/< ;33B7<5A &%"! %+$*/ *85 @B5C5>35 ?6 1AE1D93 9>F1C9F5 species can have devastating impacts on native ecosystems, decrease property values and harm businesses that depend on water recreation. Residents have a stake in the prevention of aquatic inF1C9F5 C@5395C 9> &?<; ?E>DI 1>4 1B5 9>F9D54 D? 1DD5>4 two upcoming meetings to develop a strategic plan to @B9?B9D9J5 G8938 13D9?>C C8?E<4 D1;5 @<135 9> &?<; ?E>DI in response to aquatic invasive species. Meetings dates have been set for Wednesday, May 20, 1>4 -54>5C41I E>5 ?D8 =55D9>7C G9<< 25 85<4 1D D85 &?<; ?E>DI ECD935 5>D5B ?==E>9DI (??= 9> 1<C1= "1;5 6B?= @ = *85 E>5 =55D9>7 G9<< 25 85<4 9> 3?>:E>3D9?> G9D8 D85 &?<; ?E>DI CC?391D9?> ?6 "1;5C and Rivers meeting. By attending these meetings, persons can help shape countywide AIS priorities through sharing your ideas. The development of this plan is supported by a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources grant and the plan will help with obtaining grant funds for implementation of the plan. The draft strategic plan can be found online at co.polk. wi.us, Departments, Land and Water Resources, Reports. For more information please contact the Land and Water Resources Department at 715-485-8699. - from Polk County

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leadernewsroom.com editor@leadernewsroom.com


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One family’s decades-long battle brings lost WWII serviceman home

!-)%++% .% : Staff writer ) "" " ! M 6D5B ?F5B I51BC D85 CEBF9F9>7 61=9<I ?6 &FD BD8EB N E4O !5<45B G9<< R>1<<I 25 12<5 D? <1I 89= D? B5CD >5HD D? 89C @1B5>DC 9> 89317? E4QC closest living relative is Doug Kelder, a great-nephew, who resides in Shell Lake. !5<45B G9<< 1335@D E4QC B5=19>C ?> *E5C41I #1I 1D D85 -1C82EB> ?E>DI ,5D5B1>C %6R35 In a statement, the Kelder family said D81D D85I 1B5 N?F5B:?I54 D? <51B> D81D D85 + ) 5@1BD=5>D ?6 565>C5 9C R>1<<I going to return the remains of our missing 61=9<I =5=25B 6?B 2EB91< O Finding and identifying the bodies of + ) C5BF935 =5=25BC 9C D1C;54 D? D85 ?9>D &B9C?>5BC ?6 -1B #9CC9>7 9> 3D9?> 33?E>D9>7 ?==1>4 ?B & 2?ED

million is spent each year in the search for =5B931QC =9CC9>7 85B?5C 2ED D85 =9<9tary reported identifying only 60 service members in 2013. There are about 83,000 Americans from World War II, Korea and ,95D>1= D81D B5=19> =9CC9>7 81<6 1B5 considered recoverable. E4QC CD?BI 2579>C G9D8 89C C5BF935 1C a dental assistant at the American Hos@9D1< 9> #1>9<1 9> D85 &89<9@@9>5C 256?B5 America entered World War II. When war 2B?;5 ?ED 9> D85 1@1>5C5 1DD13;54 Manila where Bud, along with 12,000 American troops, were stationed. In April of 1942, the Americans at Manila surrendered, and Bud, along with thousands of other Americans and Filipinos, began what is now called the Bataan Death March. Bud survived that horrendous march but succumbed to pellagra, 1 F9D1=9> 45R395>3I 9> D85 121>1DE1> &%- 31=@ 16D5B 6?EB =?>D8C ?6 9=@B9Conment. A record kept by prisoners of the camp details each death by day. A record from Nov. 19, 1942, states 14 men died, 1=?>7 D85= G1C I51B ?<4 &FD BD8EB N E4O !5<45B 4514 1D @ = 9C parents were informed of his death in 1950 through the rediscovery of these re3?B4C 2ED 2I D81D D9=5 @8IC931< 945>D9R31D9?> G1C 9=@?CC92<5 E4QC @1B5>DC 4954 9> G9D8?ED ;>?G9>7 D85 61D5 ?6 E4QC remains, which were among 10 other unknown remains in a grave at the Manila

(63 !/<7:/ ;3@71/< 3;3B3@G /<2 !3;=@7/: 7< !/<7:/ $67:7>>7<3A 7A / >:/13 E63@3 B6=CA/<2A =4 ;3@71/<LA @3;/7<A @3AB /<2 E63@3 $DB C2 3:23@LA 272 A7<13 B63 A C<9<=E< B= 67A 4/;7:G / $($ $)&( ', $ ( " & # ((! $#)" #(' $"" '' $# =5B931> 5=5D5BI 1 613D D81D G1C>QD E>3?F5B54 E>D9<

2I ?8> 1;9> E4QC second cousin. Eakin, a Texan, is a veteran himself, 81F9>7 C5BF54 DG? D?EBC 9> ,95D>1= 1;9> RBCD <51B>54 12?ED E4 1C 1 389<4 1>4 E@?> 89C 61D85BQC 451D8 =145 R>4ing and returning Bud to the family his mission. In his search, Eakin persevered through many roadblocks, discovering D81D D85 121>1DE1> 451D8 B53?B4C G5B5 >5F5B B565B5>354 D81D & EC5C $ ?><I D? 3?>RB= 945>D9D95C >?D 1C 1 RBCD step, and other bureaucratic red tape. Three years later, Eakin was done trying D? 85<@ D85 7?F5B>=5>D 1>4 R<54 1 <1Gsuit, suing the Department of the Defense 9> +>9D54 )D1D5C 9CDB93D ?EBD 9> *5H1C The suit called for the government to disinter Bud and the other unknowns in the

)' ' ) () * &+ +!- * $DB @B6C@ J C2K 3:23@ :34B 7A A6=E< E7B6 67A 4/B63@ 3@;/< /<2 0@=B63@ 3@;/< @ C2LA @3;/7<A E7:: 03 @3BC@<32 G3/@A /4B3@ 67A 23/B6 4=::=E7<5 / 1=C@B @C:7<5 B= 67A 1:=A3AB AC@D7D7<5 4/;7:G ;3;03@ E6= @3A723A 7< '63:: /93 / $($ $)&( ', $ ( ! & " !, grave. After surviving many governmental attempts to dismiss, the court ruled in favor of the Kelder family in August of

C 1 B5CE<D D85 ?9>D &%- # 33?E>D9>7 ?==1>4 5>DB1< 45>D9R31D9?> "12?B1D?BI 945>D9R54 E4QC B5=19>C 6B?= D85 B5=19>C 9> D85 121>1DE1> 7B1F5 N*89C 5H8E=1D9?> 9C >?D 2531EC5 ?6 1 6?B5>C93 1>4 89CD?B931< B5F95G 2I & Our family provided the evidence of these 945>D9D95C >51B<I RF5 I51BC 17? 1>4 D85 Department of Defense has consistently denied that these remains were those of the men they now admit that they are. These remains are being exhumed from their graves in the Manila American 5=5D5BI ?><I 2531EC5 D85 5@1BD=5>D ?6

Defense is required to produce them in a 6545B1< 3?EBD @B?35549>7 O D85 61=9<I C194 in a statement. %> 1>

?E7 !5<45B G1C >?D9R54 ?6 D85 @?C9D9F5 945>D9R31D9?> 2I D5<5@8?>5 2I -9<<91= ?H 1CE1<DI 1>4 #?BDE1BI 6619BC %@5B1D9?>C 5>D5B + ) B=I E=1> (5C?EB35C ?==1>4 $?G 9> 12?ED DG? G55;C &FD BD8EB N E4O !5<45B G9<< 25 B5DEB>54 D? D85 1B=C of his family. The Kelder family has arranged to place Bud in the family crypt in the Norwood &1B; >59782?B8??4 ?6 89317? G85B5 85 grew up.

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Saints hang on in 11 innings over Luck/Frederic L!F sweeps at Elmwood tournament

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St. Croix Falls 4, Luck/Frederic 2 !138 %%'%1:Staff writer "+ ! L *85 )19>DC 21C521<< D51= 5Ccaped with a win in extra innings against Luck/Frederic Thursday, May 7, preserv9>7 D859B E>45651D54 -5CD "1;5<1>4 ?>ference record, while erasing a 2-0 lead. N-81D 1 7B51D 21C521<< 71=5 2?D8 teams made big plays when needed ‌ all four pitchers made big pitches when >55454 O C194 "E3; B545B93 3?138 (I1> Humpal. (?=1> &?9B95B 7?D D85 CD1BD 6?B "E3; Frederic and pitched a gem through eight innings, allowing two earned runs with three walks and nine strikeouts. Brady Leahy was the Saints starter and went seven innings with eight strikeouts, allowing six hits, with no earned runs and no walks. After three scoreless innings, Luck/ Frederic got two runs in the bottom of the fourth, starting with a hit batter, a single by Austin Kurkowski, and Trent Strapon B51389>7 RBCD ?> 1> 5BB?B G8938 <54 D? D85 RBCD BE> ?6 D85 71=5 !EB;?GC;9 G1C 12<5 to dive home for the second run on a suicide squeeze. "E3; B545B93QC <514 CD??4 CDB?>7 D8B?E78 D85 D?@ ?6 D85 R6D8 9>>9>7 256?B5 the Saints appeared to be heading for a 297 B1<<I B?3; &5D5BC 1>4 5CC5 "?5> both singled to lead off the inning, and G9D8 ?>5 ?ED 1 R5<45BQC 38?935 85<@54 2B9>7 8?=5 D85 )19>DC RBCD BE> "518I came up to bat with two outs, hitting a B?ED9>5 SI 21<< D? <56D D81D G1C 4B?@@54 and a stolen base put runners in scoring

C19 @323@71 1/B163@ (@3<B 'B@/>=< 1/;>A =CB C<23@ / 4:G 0/:: /<2 53BA B63 =CB /5/7<AB B63 '/7<BA

+7B6 0/A3A :=/232 7< B63 474B6 7<<7<5 C19 @323@71LA CAB7< /;/19 47@3A / B6@=E B= 47@AB B= 53B B63 =CB /<2 3<2 / 075 B6@3/B 0G B63 '/7<BA (63 7<<7<5 3<232 E7B6 / 1=<B@=D3@A7/: 1/:: /B 47@AB 0/A3 0CB B63 '/7<BA 3D3<BC/::G E=< B63 5/;3 7< 7<<7<5A . $($' , &(, & @?C9D9?> 13?2 13?2C?> G1<;54 D? <?14 D85 21C5C 1>4 <5H ?8>C?> 6?<<?G54 with a grounder to the left side of the inR5<4 ?8>C?> 1@@51B54 D? 251D D85 D8B?G but was called out, and the Saints threat soon ended. The controversial call was challenged but eventually stood, and Luck/Frederic escaped the inning with a 2-1 lead. The Saints eventually tied the game up 9> D85 D?@ ?6 D85 C9HD8 9>>9>7 1C 1> 9>R5<4 C9>7<5 6B?= ?8>C?> 1>4 C13B9R35 2E>D 2I !I<5 !?C89?< C5D E@ 1>4 B?3; &5D5BC smacked an RBI single. From there on, 1>?D85B @9D385BC 4E5< 5>CE54 G9D8 13?2C?> ?> D85 =?E>4 6?B )D B?9H 1<<C 1>4 )38=94D D1;9>7 ?F5B D85 R>1< D8B55 9>>9>7C 6?B "E3; B545B93 13?2C?> G5>D 6?EB 9>>9>7C G9D8 RF5 89DC 1<<?G54 1>4 no walks with six strikeouts, and Schmidt allowed just one hit with no walks and four strikeouts. But in the end, at the top

of the 11th inning, a pair of Luck/Frederic errors proved costly, as the Saints would get two runs. Loen reached on an 5BB?B 1>4 1> 5BB1>D D8B?G D? RBCD 16D5B 1 1;5 #EB@8I C13B9R35 2E>D 85<@54 C3?B5 a run. Tyler Henk followed with a single with nobody out, and a balk scored the second run of the inning. Luck/Frederic did manage to get a pair of leadoff singles from Kurkowski and Trevor Dexter, but 13?2C?> CDBE3; ?ED DG? 1>4 1 7B?E>4?ED 85<@54 R>9C8 D85 71=5 6?B 7??4 N G1C @<51C54 G9D8 ?EB D51=QC 129<9DI D? CD1I D85 3?EBC5 9> 1 71=5 R<<54 G9D8 =1>I @9F?D1< =?=5>DC O C194 3?138 B91> 13?2C?> E=@1< G1C 1<C? @<51C54 G9D8 89C D51=QC @<1I 45C@9D5 D85 <?CC N*89C G1C 1 7B51D 71=5 D? 25 @1BD ?6 yes we would have liked to be on the win-

See L/F baseball/next page

MADISON – Sunday, May 3, marked the end of the collegiate careers of Unity baseball player Brady Flaherty Matt Vold of St. Croix Falls Flaherty, and Siren’s Christian Hall.. Despite getting swept by UW-Stevens Point in their final two collegiate career games, the UW-Superior seniors were a big part of the Yellowjacket baseball team this season. Flaherty was 1!$8 +!(%138 a mainstay catcher for the Yellowjackets and led the team with a .299 batting average among all 40 games, and hit .314 in conference play. Flaherty also had four home runs and a .394 slugging !33 .+$ percentage. Vold was the Yellowjackets starting second baseman and was fourth on the team in batting average with .262. Vold led the team in total plate appearances with 171, while Flaherty was second (1)23)!- !++ with 165. Flaherty led the team in hits with 41 and Vold was second on the team with 39, and both players played in all 40 games this season. Siren’s Hall was 1 /5<<?G:13;5DC @9D385B 1>4 R>9C854 with a team leading 2.72 ERA and R>9C854 G9D8 1 B53?B4 ?6 5 pitched three complete games that included a complete game one-hitter against UW-Stout in April. Hall pitched just over 46 innings and had 59 strikeouts with 27 walks. For their efforts this season, both Hall and Flaherty earned an honorable men mention to the All-WIAC team. – from uwsyellowjackets.com ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an athlete playing collegiate sports in 2015 who hasn’t been mentioned, send us an email or call and we’ll take it from there. – Marty Seeger ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tidbits to share? Please contact the Leader by 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to go in Extra Points. – Marty Seeger

C19 @323@71LA CAB7< C@9=EA97 53BA 6=;3 =< / 63/247@AB A:723 2C@7<5 / AC71723 A?C33H3 7< B63 0=BB=; =4 B63 4=C@B6 7<<7<5

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Eagles win in extras over Siren/Webster Saints topple Unity 5, Siren/Webster 4 !138 %%'%1:Staff writer SIREN – For the second time in less than a week the Siren/Webster baseball team was able to make another great comeback against a good West Lakeland ?>65B5>35 ?@@?>5>D ?><I D? 61<< C8?BD 9> extra innings. The game at Unity on Monday, May 11, was met with soggy condiD9?>C G9D8 B19> =9CD9>7 D85 R5<4 ?> 1> ?66 throughout the evening, but teams stuck through the weather to make it a close contest. With the game tied 4-4 heading into the bottom of the eighth, Unity was able to 31@9D1<9J5 ?> 1 C13B9R35 2E>D 1>4 D8B?Ging error that led to the winning run and walk-off win for the Eagles. N-52D5B )9B5> D??; 7B51D 1D 21DC against us all night. We made four or RF5 B51<<I >935 @<1IC G8938 G1C D85 49665B5>35 9> D85 71=5 O C194 17<5C 3?138 #1DD E=@1< N%EB 5H53ED9?> ?> D85 base paths and playing small ball came through for us. It was nice to win this 3<?C5 ?>5 16D5B <?C9>7 1 3?E@<5 9> 1 B?G O Siren/Webster led 2-1 after three in-

*7<<G /@A=< =4 '7@3< +30AB3@ 6/2 / >/7@ =4 67BA /5/7<AB B63 /5:3A !=<2/G !/G

L/F Baseball/Continued

)<7BGLA 7::G <23@A=< 53BA 0/19 A/43:G B= 47@AB /A 4@3A6;/< /:30 $/@2C< =4 '7@3< +30AB3@ 1=D3@A /B 47@AB 0/A3 . $($' , &(, & >9>7C G9D8 C9>7<5C 6B?= 145 #3 1BD8I 89DD9>7 1 ?>5 ?ED C9>7<5 1>4 ,9>>I "1BC?> hitting an RBI single. Taran Wols was hit 2I 1 @9D38 1>4 566 1BB?<< 4B5G 1 21C5C loaded walk to score another run. Siren/ Webster led 3-1 after a one-run fourth inning before Unity tied it 3-3 in the bottom of the fourth. Unity took a 4-3 lead in the 2?DD?= ?6 D85 R6D8 9>>9>7 G9D8 85<@ 6B?= a Siren/Webster error but Siren/Webster capitalized on errors in the top of the seventh to tie the game and eventually send the game into extra innings. N%>35 1719> D85 7EIC G5B5 12<5 D? battle back and push the game into extra innings but ended up on the short end again. For the second game in a row we were able to tie it in our last at bat, which <?F5 12?ED D85 7EIC )8?GC D85I 4?>QD 81F5 1>I AE9D 9> D85= 1>4 R78D E>D9< D85 5>4 O C194 3?138 1BB?4 -1C82EB> 1BB?<< G1C )9B5> -52CD5BQC CD1BD9>7 pitcher through seven inning and allowed three hits, two earned runs with six walks and a career-high 11 strikeouts. -1C82EB> 65<D 1BB?<< 494 1 >935 :?2 ?> the mound but walks and errors plagued Siren/Webster in the end. N 5 494 CDBE77<5 1 <9DD<5 29D G9D8 89C 3?>trol though and walked six guys which in

the end, combined with a few bad errors, 9C G81D 494 EC 9> O C194 -1C82EB> Siren/Webster was also without start9>7 RBCD 21C5=1> B5DD (9389C?> G8? 81C been struggling with a bad case of poison ivy. N 9C 655D 814 2<9CD5BC C? 214 85 3?E<4>QD even walk good so we had to go with a young guy over there. Unity really tested 89= 2I 7?9>7 RBCD =?F5 ?> 566 G85> D85I got on base and it paid off big for them. 145 #3 1BD8I <54 )9B5> -52CD5B 1D D85 @<1D5 G9D8 DG? 89DC 1>4 1 G1<; ,9>>I Larson had a pair of hits. N%F5B1<< G5 494>QD CG9>7 D85 21DC 1C well as we have been the past couple of weeks. Hopefully we can bounce back and get back on the winning side of D89>7C *8EBC41I F5BCEC "E3; B545B93 O Washburn said.

Cameron 7, Unity 1 # (%$ L ?=5DC @9D385B #1H ,5Bdegan kept the Unity offense off balance 9> 1 <?CC 1D 1=5B?> *8EBC41I #1I The Eagles mustered just three hits on the night as Tevin Anderson had two triples 9> D85 RBCD 1>4 D89B4 9>>9>7C 2ED G1C <56D on base, and Brett Nelson hit an RBI dou-

N*B5F?B 5HD5B 814 89C <?>75CD ?ED9>7 of the year and threw into the seventh against Elmwood. Trevor did a real nice job pitching to contact and the defense behind him played real well. Austin Kurkowski once again came into to close 4?G> D85 F93D?BI O E=@1< C194 &?9B95B )38=94D (5>>93;5 1>4 )D55> each had a pair of hits and Trent Strapon was 1 for 2 and drove in two runs. Steen and Rennicke also drove in a pair. N%F5B1<< 9D G1C 1 7B51D 41I 6?B D85 @B?gram, we got all 15 guys in the game one way or another; we saw a lot of real nice things out of everyone on the squad. Fun to see kids step in the lineup and produce, puts pressure on the regular starters. Nothing wrong with competition for CD1BD9>7 C@?DC O E=@1< C194

ning end of this one, but we put ourselves in a great situation to play toe to toe with one of the better teams in D3. It was fun to watch both teams play with playoff intensity for 11 innings, this does not hap@5> D?? ?6D5> 9> D85 RBCD G55; ?6 #1I These types of games help teams on both ends; puts players in stressful situations 256?B5 1 @<1I?66 71=5 O E=@1< C194

Luck/Frederic 9, Bruce 2 "+ ! L C9H BE> 6?EBD8 9>>9>7 85<@54 Luck/Frederic power past Bruce Tues41I #1I (?=1> &?9B95B 814 D85 8?D bat for Luck/Frederic as he went 3 for 4, scored three times and drove in a run. N*89C G1C 1 7??4 >?>3?>65B5>35 G9> Bruce came into the game averaging ?F5B BE>C 1 71=5 O C194 3?138 (I1> E=@1< N ECD9> 1=13; 1>4 *B5F?B Dexter did an excellent job of controlling the game from the mound. Hamack threw four shutout innings, and Dexter closed D85 4??B 9> D85 R>1< D8B55 9>>9>7C O 1=13; 814 RF5 CDB9;5?EDC G9D8 5978D walks but allowed just one hit. Dexter had three strikeouts and one walk with four hits allowed. Dexter also went 1 for 2 at the plate and drove in two runs. Trent )DB1@?> &1B;5B )D55> 1>4 5B5; (5>nicke also drove in a run. N(51< >935 D? C55 EC @<1I 3<51> 4565>C5 behind the pitchers. It is amazing what happens when you only give a team 21 outs in a game. Always nice to see different guys step up and take over games. We have had a different kid each night lately, now if we can just put everything together at once we just might get things B51<<I B?<<9>7 O E=@1< C194 Luck/Frederic 10, Independence 1 Luck/Frederic 8, Elmwood 2 "+ ! L "E3; B545B93 21C521<< DB1Feled to Elmwood for a nonconference tournament on Saturday, May 9, going

'7@3< +30AB3@LA $/C: '/@53<B B@/19A 2=E< / 4:G 0/:: B= :34B 473:2 /A B3/;;/B3 (/@/< +=:A :==9A =< 2<5 9> D85 C5F5>D8 2ED 9D G1C>QD 5>?E78 D? ?F5B3?=5 1=5B?>QC C5F5> BE>C ?EB ?6 those runs were scored in the top of the sixth. N#1H ,5B4571> 81C 255> D?E78 ?> teams all year. We needed to do a better job of putting the ball in play to give us a 381>35 O C194 17<5C 3?138 #1DD E=@1< E>D5B &545BC?> G1C D85 17<5C CD1BDing pitcher. He went 5.2 innings and allowed two earned runs on nine hits with three walks and five strikeouts. Nate Heimstead pitched to under an inning with two walks and a strikeout.

C19 @323@71 >7B163@ &=;/< $=7@73@ 16319A B63 @C<<3@ /B 47@AB 2C@7<5 /< 7<<7<5 5/;3 /5/7<AB 'B @=7F /::A (6C@A2/G !/G . $($ , &(, &

/1=0 /1=0A=< 6/A 6/2 /<=B63@ A=:72 E339 =< B63 ;=C<2 E6716 7<1:C232 / B6@33 67B A6CB =CB =4 '63:: /93 !=<2/G !/G . $($ , &&, "'$#

2-0 on the day. N*85 G51D85B G1C 7B51D 1>4 G5 @<1I54 pretty good baseball down in Elmwood. D 9C 1=1J9>7 8?G 56R395>D 1 21C521<< team can be when they do not walk many and only give a team 21 outs. We did that in both games. All of the pitchers threw the ball real well. Austin Hamack threw 9>D? D85 R6D8 1719>CD >45@5>45>35 G9D8 ?><I 79F9>7 E@ ?>5 89D O C194 3?138 (I1> Humpal, who also used Zach Schmidt 1>4 ECD9> !EB;?GC;9 D? R>9C8 ?ED D85 game on the mound. Luck/Frederic piled on 19 hits against

Indepencence/Gilmanton, with seven players collecting multiple hits, including Kurkowski, who was 4 for 5 and scored twice with two RBIs and two doubles. (?=1> &?9B95B 814 D8B55 89DC 1>4 4B?F5 9> 1 BE> 1>4 &1B;5B )D55> )38=94D *B5>D )DB1@?> *B5F?B 5HD5B 1>4 &1ID?> <<56son each had two hits. Dexter also had three RBIs. > "E3; B545B93QC G9> ?F5B <=wood, Dexter took the mound and went six innings with three walks, three strikeouts with four hits and two earned runs allowed.

St. Croix Falls 10, Shell Lake 0 )* (% . "") L 13?2 13?2C?> pitched a shutout, the defense went error free and the Saints baseball team got their bats going against Shell Lake Monday, May 11, in a win that lasted six innings. N-5 @<1I54 F5BI C?<94 21C521<< 9> 1<< three phases of the game. Defensively we were error free, we had another outstanding pitching performance, and offensively ?EB 21DC R>1<<I 31=5 1<9F5 3?<<53D9>7 89DC O C194 )19>DC 3?138 B91> 13?2C?> %> D85 =?E>4 13?2 13?2C?> 1<lowed just three hits with nine strikeouts and one walk. The Saints were scoreless D8B?E78 D85 RBCD D8B55 9>>9>7C E>D9< 1 C9H run fourth inning. They added three more 9> D85 R6D8 1>4 1>?D85B 9> D85 2?DD?= ?6 the sixth. Kyle Koshiol went 4 for 4 at the plate G9D8 DG? ( C 13?2C?> 1>4 <5H ?8>C?> 2?D8 G5>D 6?B 1>4 ?8>C?> 4B?F5 in a pair of runs and hit a double and tri@<5 B?3; &5D5BC 1<C? 4?E2<54 1>4 4B?F5 in three runs in the victory.

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Pirate golfers finish first at conference meet in SCF !138 %%'%1:Staff writer )* (% . "") L *85 B1>DC2EB7 boys golf team finished five strokes 18514 ?6 +>9DI 6?B RBCD @<135 1D 1 3?>65B5>35 =1D38 85<4 1D D85 )D B?9H 1<<C ?<6 ?EBC5 #?>41I #1I B1>DC2EB7 R>9C854 G9D8 1> ?F5B1<< C3?B5 ?6 1>4 &9B1D5C :E>9?B ?B41> Knutson led all golfers with a score of 39 followed by Nathaniel Krause with 43, B5G <45B=1> &1E< #13;51> 1>4 <1;5 5>C5> Unity scored a 195 and was led by Ben *B1I>?B G9D8 1>4 #1B3EC 'E1<<5 ?>nelly Helms and Tanner Amrhien each 814 1 C3?B5 ?6 G89<5 ?B41> "?G5 C8?D 52. The Eagles posted a score that was 15 strokes better than the previous outing at D85 B1>DC2EB7 ?<6 ?EBC5 133?B49>7 D? coach Larry Stencil. N*?E78 41I G9D8 D85 G51D85B 2ED D85 @<1I5BC 8E>7 9> D85B5 O )D5>39< C194

according to coach Rick Giller. N ?BDI D8B55 9C 1 B51< 7??4 C3?B5 ?> D85 213; >9>5 1D *EBD<5213; O 9<<5B C194 N 81C5 81C 255> @<1I9>7 F5BI 7??4 5 9C learning to be more patient, and take his D9=5 =?B5 G85> @<1I9>7 O Freshmen Brant Rowe and Austin Rowe completed scores of 94, and 96 respectively and freshman Nick Aguado had a score of 115. +>9DI R>9C854 G9D8 1 C3?B5 ?6 1>4 )D B?9H 1<<C 814 1 C3?B5 ?6

'- 3@6 $'. @3/ 5=:43@A E3@3 ;3B E7B6 1==:3@ /<2 ;=@3 2/;> E3/B63@ /B B63 'B @=7F /::A =:4 =C@A3 !=<2/G !/G 0CB >:/G32 =< /A A1632C:32 =@2/< <CBA=< =4 @/<BA0C@5 53BA A3B B= B33 =44 2C@7<5 / ;33B 63:2 /B B63 @323@71 =:4 =C@A3 @313<B:G <CBA=< 6/A 1=;;/<232 / 075 :3/2 7< B63 1=<43@3<13 AB/<27<5A /<2 1=<B7<C3A B= 03 B63 ;32/:7AB /B 3D3@G 1=<43@3<13 ;33B . $($' ') " ((

@/<B &=E3 =4 @323@71 B/93A / AE7<5 /B B63 @/<BA0C@5 =:4 =C@A3 !=<2/G !/G

N 5> 31=5 9> G9D8 1 @<1I54 C=1BD golf. Kept the ball in play and away from bad locations. Impressed with the play of D85 1>4 @<1I5BC ?>>5<<I 5<=C 1>4 #1B3EC 'E1<<5 14 D859B 25CD B?E>4C ?6 the season to put us in contention to win D85 =1D38 O "E3; B545B93 G1C>QD 61B 2589>4 9> D89B4 @<135 G9D8 1 C3?B5 ?6

81C5 (?G5 R>9C854 G9D8 1>4 B1>D (?G5 was second on the team with 49, and Austin Rowe shot 52. Derek Steele shot 54 and Luke Woltz had 56. )D B?9H 1<<C @5>39<54 9> 1 C3?B5 ?6 with Kevin Koshiol scoring 54, followed

2I 81>35 5<9C<5 1>4 ?5 -1B4 5138 G9D8 ?2I 1<CDB?= 1>4 B5DD !E5>;5< 62.

(=C@</;3<B /B (C@B:30/19 ( " ! L *8B55 1B51 7?<6 D51=C 3?=@5D54 1D D85 *EBD<5213; ?<6 ?EBC5 in Rice Lake on Thursday, May 7, among

49665B5>D D51=C 1E <19B5 $?BD8 G1C the overall winner with a score of 311 and Hudson was a close second with 312. *85 "E3; B545B93 7?<6 D51= R>9C854 D8 ?F5B1<< G9D8 6B5C8=1> 81C5 (?G5 leading the way with an overall score of 91. He had a score of 43 on the back nine

Neil Oustigoff Jr. invited to National ScoutsFocus Elite Camp ) ( $ L )D B?9H 89@@5G1 DB921< =5=25B $59< %ECD97?66 B 81C 255> 9>vited to the National ScoutsFocus Elite 1=@ 1D D85 +>9F5BC9DI ?6 ,9B79>91 E>5 18-20. Oustigoff attended the ScoutsFocus <9D5 )8?G31C5 9> 89317? ?> @B9< It was there that he drew the attention of college scouts and scored high enough on his evaluations to be invited to ScoutsFo3EC <9D5 1=@ Invitees to the National ScoutsFocus <9D5 1=@ 1B5 @1BD ?6 1> 5H3<EC9F5 <9CD %6 the 17 showcases held around the country with 1,300 total players, only 80 players are invited to this national elite camp. 1=@ 9>F9D55C 81F5 D85 @?D5>D91< D? 51B> a college basketball scholarship. These campers will also have the opportunity to be seen by major scouts in a smaller setting. A number of college and NBA stars have attended the ScoutsFocus camps, including 2015 NBA Rookie of the Year Andrew Wiggins and Wisconsin Badger Bronson Koenig. %ECD97?66QC 13895F5=5>DC 4EB9>7 D85 past year speak for themselves. A junior at Siren High School, he was named to D85 -5CD "1;5<1>4 << ?>65B5>35 D51= and also led Siren in scoring, rebounding and shot blocking. It was his rebounding, shot-blocking ability and overall team play that drew the attention of scouts and college coaches in attendance at the Elite '7@3<LA "37: #CAB75=44 0:=19A / A6=B 7< / 5/;3 2C@7<5 67A 8C<7=@ A3/A=< E7B6 B63 @/5=<A '6=B )8?G31C5 9> 89317? 0:=197<5 @30=C<27<5 /<2 =D3@/:: /07:7BG E3@3 @3/A=<A #CAB75=44 E/A 7<D7B32 B= B63 "/B7=</: '1=CB Neil is the son of Neil Oustigoff Sr. and A =1CA :7B3 /;> /B B63 )<7D3@A7BG =4 *7@57<7/ C<3

. $($' ') " (( Billie Rosauer. – submitted

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Baldwin-Woodville steals one from Grantsburg Frederic, improving each game with better control. L/F shortstop Lara Harlander collected a solid single to spoil a no-hitter. &9B1D5 !1D95 #9<<5B 814 D85 8?D 21D 7?9>7 3 for 4 at the plate while collecting three RBIs.

Pirates drop to fourth

Baldwin-Woodville 6, Grantsburg 5 #.33 .&&,!-:Staff writer GRANTSBURG – Things were looking good, everyone was smiling and Grantsburg had a four-run lead and only needed D8B55 ?EDC D? R>9C8 ?66 @5B5>>91< @?G5Bhouse Baldwin-Woodville Friday, May 8. 9CD?B931<<I 9D G1C C?=5D89>7 D85 &9B1D5C have never done. To be fair, Baldwin is not the team they once were but as in Grantsburg, life goes on without all-state pitchers and players that graduate, and teams groom that next @<1I5B E@ B1>DC2EB7QC CD1BD9>7 31D385B ?B4I> #3!5>J95 G1C >EBC9>7 1 F5BI sore hand that she injured the previous 71=5 31D389>7 S1=5D8B?G5B "9F9 *E3;5B *85 &9B1D5C G5>D G9D8 D85 >5HD @<1I5B up, Britta Roufs, at catcher. Grantsburg <??;54 D? R>1<<I 81F5 D85 <13;81G;C number, jumping all over Baldwin-WoodF9<<5QC CD1BD5B !1I<1 EBB5B D1779>7 85B G9D8 89DC 1>4 RF5 BE>C C3?B9>7 !1D95 #9<<5B 1>4 1CC94I 'E9=2I 9> D85 2?DD?= ?6 D85 RBCD Tucker cruised through the Hawks batting order, collecting 14 strikeouts but also issuing an uncharacteristic eight G1<;C )? D85 &9B1D5C CD??4 9> D85 C5F5>D8 D8B55 ?EDC 1G1I 6B?= D859B RBCD 5F5B G9> over the bigger bully on the block, but 9D G1C>QD D? 25 -9<4 @9D385C 1>4 @1CC54 21<<C @<17E54 D85 &9B1D5C 1>4 D85 8?=5town crowd watched as their lead started C<9@@9>7 1G1I 1<4G9> 494>QD 79F5 E@ and hung in there, chipping away until they had tied things up, sending the game 9>D? 5HDB1 9>>9>7C 1<4G9>QC <ICC1 $9<Csen pounded a hard shot to the fence and

Grantsburg 2, Thorpe 0 Grantsburg 9, Hurley 3 Athens 3, Grantsburg 1 * %(& L *85 &9B1D5C C?6D21<< D51= won two and lost one at a tournament in Thorpe Saturday, May 9. They managed to get by Thorpe in a 2-1 game that went eight innings. Grantsburg got their two runs in the top of the eighth inning with singles from Britta Roufs, Megan Miller 1>4 <19B5 &1<=AE9CD &B9?B D? D81D 9>>9>7 D85 &9B1D5C G5B5 85<4 D? :ECD ?>5 89D which came in the top of the seventh inning by Katie Miller. %<9F91 *E3;5B R>9C854 G9D8 1>?D85B strong outing, allowing no runs on two hits, with three walks and 12 strikeouts. In a 9-3 win over Hurley, Grantsburg pounded out 18 hits en route to a big win, as Tucker went 5 for 5 at the plate with one RBI. Katie Miller went 3 for 5 and $7@/B3A >7B163@ 7D7 (C193@ B@73A 7< D/7< B= 933> B63 E7<<7<5 @C< 4@=; A1=@7<5 D3@ACA /:2E7< 1CC94I 'E9=2I G1C 6?B 6?<<?G54 2I @72/G !/G /A :GAA/ "7:AA3< A:723A 7< A/43 . $($' , $(( $ " # (891>1 &?38=1> 1>4 <19B5 &1<=AE9CD eventually scored to notch the game win- with walks, passed balls and wild pitches. each with a pair of hits. Tucker allowed >5B 6?B D85 <13;81G;C ?138 ?> :5<- ED "9F9 *E3;5B G1C 12<5 D? R78D D8B?E78 just three hits with nine strikeouts. *85 &9B1D5C <?>5 <?CC ?> )1DEB41I 31=5 <1>4 3?==5>D54 16D5B D85 71=5 N*89C the rain and cold to help take down L/F against Athens, by a 3-1 score. Athens G1C CE@@?C54 D? 25 D85 I51B G5 R>1<<I 15-0 in four innings Monday, May 11. Amundson was eventually picked off at scored three runs on seven hits while the 251D D85= O D89B4 2I B1>DC2EB7 31D385B ?B4I> #3!- &9B1D5C 814 D8B55 89DC 1>4 C3?B54 1 BE> 9> the third inning. They held the lead until enzie. Grantsburg 15, Luck/Frederic 0 Tucker surrendered one hit and two Athens came through with three runs in walks and struck out eight in a quick the sixth inning, which included a pair of GRANTSBURG – When Luck/Frederic 15-run rule, four-inning game. Fresh- home runs and a pair of singles. – Marty started the game off with the second bat- =1> 1CC94I 85>1< C8?G54 7B51D @?9C5 Seeger ter, Emily Amundson, reaching base on a and will have a bright future with Luck/ walk, stealing second and reaching third ?> 1 G9<4 @9D38 =1>I &9B1D5 61>C G5B5 8?@9>7 D81D D85 8?BB?B ?6 <1CD B941IQC Baldwin game would not happen again,

C19 @32 3@71LA ;7:G ;C<2A=< E/A E7B67< A756B =4 6=;3 >:/B3 0CB E/A B/5532 =CB 0G $7@/B3A 1/B163@ =@2G< !1 3<H73

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Let’s Club Cancer July 24 ( ( L 1>35B )E38 1 8?BB92<5 word. When the community continued to be plagued by more and more of its neighbors hearing those horrible words, a group of ladies at the Frederic Golf ?EBC5 4539454 D81D 9D G1C D9=5 D? 4? something that would help their friends and neighbors in Frederic and surrounding communities. *85I 3B51D54 D85 "5DQC <E2 1>35B Golf Tournament. The funding from the tournament would help those in need by providing not only monetary support to D85 <?31< =5B931> 1>35B )?395DI )?<5 Burner walk, but would also provide Holiday Store gas cards to those with 31>35B DB1F5<9>7 D? 1>4 6B?= 4?3D?BQC 1@pointments and cancer treatments. The gas cards are distributed through the InD5B619D8 1B579F5BC 9> &?<; 1>4 EB>5DD counties. Recipients can contact them to receive their card or they can take advantage of their volunteer program in which a ride will be provided for them to treatments and appointments. *85

"5DQC <E2 1>35B ?<6 *?EB-

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>1=5>D 9C C3854E<54 6?B B941I E<I 1D D85 B545B93 ?<6 ?EBC5 "1CD I51B D85 tournament raised $1,590, $1,300 of which will be distributed as gas gift cards. The hope is to double that amount for this I51BQC D?EB>1=5>D *51=C F?<E>D55BC and donations are needed. If you would like more information regarding the golf outing or would like to make a donation, send an email to letsclubcancer@gmail.com, visit their Facebook page or call the Frederic Golf ?EBC5 1D 6 I?E AE1<96I to receive a gas card or if you would like to join the volunteer driving program D8B?E78 >D5B619D8 1B579F5BC @<51C5 31<< 6?B EB>5DD ?E>DI 1>4

6?B &?<; ?E>DI >D5B619D8 1B579F5BC -?B;9>7 D?75D85B G5 31> <E2 1>35B This tournament is sponsored by joint 566?BDC ?6 D85 =5B931> 1>35B )?395DI >D5B619D8 1B579F5BC 1>4 B545B93 ?<6 ?EBC5 – submitted

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Feeling the sense of adventure at third-annual triathlon 1)2#)++! !4%1 | Staff writer GRANTSBURG – You could almost feel the sense of adventure building as participants gathered at Memory Lake on Saturday, May 9, before the start of the thirdannual Adventure Triathlon. Triathlon enthusiasts found the warm sunshine and cool morning temperature just the right mix for fun and RD>5CC The triathlon, consisting of an 18-mile bike trek, a three-mile paddle, and an eight-mile run, took the 64 individuals and 27 teams competing in the multiple-stage athletic competition through the beautiful wooded and G1D5B54 1B51C ?6 B1>DC2EB7 1>4 B5H #514?GC "1CD I51B 8978 1>4 61CD =?F9>7 G1D5BC ?6 D85 )D B?9H River literally had organizers changing the course in

=94CDB51= &81>D?= "1;5 ?> B5H #514?GC >?BD8 of Grantsburg, was chosen as the alternative paddling venue. *85

3?EBC5 G9D8 D85 &81>D?= "1;5 @144<5 G1C used again this year due to racers saying they liked the new course. The youth triathlon, started last year to inspire and motivate active and healthy lifestyles for all family members, was held again following the adult competition.

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Photos by Priscilla Bauer

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Siren/Webster pushes Pirates to extra innings out on top Grantsburg 5, Siren/Webster 3 #.33 .&&,!-:Staff writer SIREN – In another extra-inning game last week Grantsburg was able to score twice in the eighth to take Siren/Webster after a valiant comeback by the Tigers to tie the game in the bottom of the seventh and nearly win it outright. ECD9> )@166?B4 *1B1> -?<C 1>4 566 1BB?<< C3?B54 9> D85 2?DD?= ?6 D85 C5Fenth to tie the score as Tristan Brewer struggled to close out the game – a few 5BB?BC 2I D85 B1>DC2EB7 4565>C5 494>QD help. 13;C?> 5B25B G1C 12<5 D? 4B?@ a squeeze bunt to help score Avery Buggert and then Gerber scored on a single by &9B1D5C @9D385B *B9CD1> B5G5B D? 31@ ?66 D85 C3?B9>7 &9B1D5 8514 3?138 &5D5 ?8>son commented on a great game N) - 71F5 EC 1<< G5 3?E<4 81>4<5 -5 left 11 men on base and 10 of them were in scoring position. S/W came up big in the seventh inning and took advantage of 1 3?E@<5 ?6 ?EB =9CD1;5C O >4B5G ?I <54 D85 &9B1D5 ?665>C5 going 3 for 5, scoring twice and recording DG? ( C )9B5> -52CD5B G1C <54 2I 1BB?<< 7?9>7 6?B )9B5> -52CD5B ?138 1BB?4 -1C82EB> 3?==5>D54 ?> 89C CD1BDing pitcher and team. N 566 1BB?<< 814 1 7B51D 71=5 6?B EC going 3 for 4 at the plate and pitching very effectively into the sixth inning. I was really proud of the way the guys 21DD<54 9> D89C 71=5 1>4 494>QD 5F5B 79F5 E@ D G?E<4QF5 255> 51CI D? :ECD D8B?G 9> the towel, down three in the last inning, 2ED D85I 494>QD AE9D *B9CD1> B5G5B B51<<I D8B5G 1 7??4 21<<71=5 6?B D85 &9B1D5C doing a good job of throwing strikes and keeping us off balance with his breaking ball mixed in. We did get a few opportunities early in the game with some

@/<BA0C@5LA =@G '/<203@5 AE33>A / B/5 =< A:727<5 $/C: '/@53<B =4 '7@3< +30AB3@ 2C@7<5 /< 3FB@/ 7<<7<5 0/BB:3 (6C@A2/G !/G . $($ , $(( $ " # runners on base but he kept making the big pitch when he had to. He also made a really good defensive play in the seventh inning on that squeeze bunt that in my opinion won the game for them. We R>1<<I G5B5 12<5 D? 2B51; D8B?E78 9> D85 seventh and pushed three across to tie the game when I think he got a little tired and G5 7?D C?=5 85<@ 6B?= 1 297 5BB?B O

Grantsburg 6, Somerset 3 Grantsburg 11, Cumberland 1 GRANTSBURG – The Grantsburg baseball team picked up a pair of wins at a home tournament Saturday, May 9, over 2?D8 D85 )?=5BC5D )@1BD1>C 1>4 E=25Bland Beavers. *85 &9B1D5C @9<54 ?> 89DC 1719>CD the Spartans with Zach Tebow getting the start on the mound, going six innings with two strikeouts, six hits and DG? 51B>54 BE>C 1<<?G54 &9B1D5C C5>9?B F5BI E775BD R>9C854 D85 R>1< 6B1=5 ?> the mound.

N D G1C >935 D? 81F5 E775BD 3?=5 to the mound in the seventh and throw CDB9;5C D? C51< D85 G9> O C194 3?138 &5D5 ?8>C?> G8? G1C @<51C54 G9D8 D85 G9> over a solid Spartans team. He was also 81@@I G9D8 D85 &9B1D5C 4565>C9F5 566?BD N%>35 1719> ?EB 4565>C5 ;5@D D85 <94 ?> D85 )@1BD1>C O Grantsburg got two runs off four hits 9> D85 RBCD 9>>9>7 1>4 C3?B54 ?>5 BE> 9> D85 6?EBD8 1>?D85B 9> D85 R6D8 1>4 DG? 9> D85 C9HD8 >4B5G ?I ?C8 <?F5B ?B5I )1>425B7 1BD5B "55 E775BD 1>4 13;C?> 5B25B 5138 814 1 @19B ?6 89DC 6?B D85 &9B1D5C )1>425B7 4B?F5 9> D8B55 BE>C which included a two-run single in the RBCD 9>>9>7 *85 &9B1D5C C3?B54 BE>C ?> 5978D 89DC 9> D859B G9> ?F5B E=25B<1>4 75Dting a big six-run inning in the second ?66 6?EB 89DC 6B?= *B9CD1> B5G5B ?I Glover and Gerber. N > D85 C53?>4 9>>9>7 ?EB 7EIC G5B5 491<54 9> O ?8>C?> C194 N%> 1 <?>7 41I of ball, an inning like that can affect a D51= O *85 &9B1D5C <54 E>D9< D85 51F5BC picked up a lone run in the fourth inning, but that was the only run support the BeaF5BC G?E<4 75D 1C 1 @19B ?6 &9B1D5 @9D38ers kept them at bay. Richard Schneider started the game and went four innings. He had three strikeouts with two walks and gave up one hit, while Dakota Schultz went two innings with one hit, two walks 1>4 1 CDB9;5?ED *85 &9B1D5C 4565>C5 G1C also able to make a couple of rare defenC9F5 4?E2<5 @<1IC 9> D85 R6D8 1>4 C9HD8 innings. N*85 ?ED695<4 4?E2<5 @<1I 9C 1 B1B5 event. We were able to make two of these when we caught the ball with the runners 1<B514I 9> =?D9?> O ?8>>C?> C194 %665>C9F5<I 5B25B <54 D85 &9B1D5C 9> both tournament games, going 5 for 7 ?F5B1<< 1>4 ?I 814 1 7??4 41I 1D D85 plate with four hits and a walk. – Marty Seeger

Triathlon/Continued For complete list of winners, 7? D? bikepaddlerun.com and follow 2015 results link

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Luck/Frederic splits at home tournament Unity and Storm "# runs$ Saints hand Luck/Frederic 21, Hayward 2 Cumberland 15, Luck/Frederic 10 !138 %%'%1:Staff writer ( ( L *85 B545B93 C?6D21<< D51= crossed the plate 31 times during a twogame tournament in Frederic on Saturday, May 9, and came away with a split in a win against Hayward, and loss to E=25B<1>4 "E3; B545B93QC G9> ?F5B 1IG1B4 featured 21 runs as they led 3-2 after the RBCD 9>>9>7 1>4 >5F5B <??;54 213; 6B?= that point on. They scored two runs in the second, six in the third and another 10 in the fourth to end the game in four innings. Luck/Frederic totaled 11 hits as Lara Harlander, Tasian Arjes and Tiffany Brown each went 2 for 3. Arjes had two doubles and drove in four runs. Emily Amundson was 1 for 1 and scored four D9=5C G9D8 DG? ( C C125<<5 5>C5> =E>4C?> B??;<I> &5D5BC5> E<91 E3; 1>4 1CC94I 85>1< 5138 814 1 89D &5D5BC5> DB9@<54 9> D85 71=5 85>1< G1C D85 G9>>9>7 @9D385B 1719>CD Hayward with three strikeouts, two walks, two hits and two earned runs allowed. 719>CD E=25B<1>4 "E3; B545B93 was able to score 10 times but suffered the loss as the Beavers scored 15 times. Both teams had 15 hits. Five Luck/Frederic players had a multiple-hit game including Kyla Melin who went 3 for 4 and 4B?F5 9> DG? BE>C E<91 E3; G1C 6?B and drove in three runs, and Amundson, 1B<1>45B 1>4 85>1< 5138 814 1 @19B ?6 89DC E3; 1>4 E<91 B?G> 2?D8 814 4?Ebles and Melin tripled twice. Unity 24, Webster/Siren 13 BALSAM LAKE – An early 7-0 lead by the Webster/Siren Storm softball team was quickly erased as the Unity Eagles stormed back big to win a high-scoring affair Monday, May 11. The Storm is still <??;9>7 6?B D859B RBCD G9> ?6 D85 C51C?> and appeared as if they might take it Monday, but the Eagles scored in bunches D8B?E78 :ECD 6?EB 9>>9>7C D13;9>7 ?> RF5 BE>C 9> D85 RBCD C9H 9> D85 C53?>4 RF5 9> the third and eight in the fourth for the win. Unity outhit the Storm 20-8 with Samantha Ferguson going 3 for 4 at the plate G9D8 D8B55 ( C B91>1 &5D5BC?> G1C 6?B G9D8 D8B55 ( C 1>4 ?EBD>5I ,1<<5C;I 4B?F5 9> D8B55 BE>C ?> 1 @19B ?6 89DC 5Csica Grams had three hits in the game and Alexus Houman had a pair of hits with

@==9:G< $3B3@A=< A:723A 7<B= 6=;3 A/43 2C@7<5 / D71B=@G =D3@ /GE/@2 '/BC@2/G !/G

Sarah Rude. Three Saints drove in a pair of runs including Rude, Aguilar and &1B;C The five-inning game featured four )19>DC BE>C 9> D85 2?DD?= ?6 D85 RBCD 1 RF5 BE> D89B4 1>4 1>?D85B DG? BE>C scored in the fourth inning.

)<7BG 1/B163@ @7/</ $3B3@A=< B/5A =CB !7163::3 /:AD33< =4 +30AB3@ '7@3< !=<2/G !/G $3B3@A=< 2@=>>32 B63 0/:: 0CB /:AD33< E/A 1/::32 =CB 031/CA3 A63 4/7:32 B= A:723 =< B63 >:/G . $($ , &(, & two RBIs. The Storm had a good night at the plate G9D8 &1975 9B4 )81G>55 #5BB9<< 1>4 Kenna Gall getting two hits apiece. Ashley Davis, Allie Webster and Merrill each drove in a pair of runs and Gall had three RBIs. Mercedes Moody got on base three times with three walks and scored each time.

Cameron 12, Unity 2 # (%$ L *85 +>9DI 17<5C C?6D21<< D51= 4B?@@54 1 B?14 71=5 1D 1=eron Thursday, May 7, for the second time this season. The Eagles were blanked through three innings before scoring a pair of runs in the top of the fourth in>9>7 2ED D85 ?=5DC 1>CG5B54 G9D8 D8B55 runs in the bottom of the fourth, stretching their lead to 7-2. +>9DI 814 :ECD RF5 89DC 9> D85 71=5 1C ?EBD>5I ,1<<5C;5I G5>D 6?B G9D8 1> ( 1>4 5CC931 B1=C G1C 6?B 1>4 scored a run. Hannah Wagner had the R6D8 89D 6?B D85 17<5C

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St. Croix Falls 11, Osceola 1 )* (% . "") L *85 )19>DC C?6Dball team piled 11 runs on the Osceola 8956D19>C *8EBC41I #1I 6?B 1 297 nonconference win. Katie Kopp held the 8956D19>C D? :ECD DG? 89DC G9D8 6?EB CDB9;5outs and four walks to lead the Saints on the rubber, while the team collected 10 hits. Kopp went 2 for 4 with three RBIs, 1<?>7 G9D8 1 8?=5 BE> >>1<9C5 &1B;C also homered in the game, and Ella Kerkow and Brenna Sullivan each had a

pair of hits. N%C35?<1 G1C 1 71=5 ?6 C?=5 297 89DC Katie and Annalise hitting home runs G5B5 D85 RBCD 8?=5 BE>C G5 89D 1D 8?=5 9> 6?EB I51BC O C194 3?138 <1ID?> 1>C?> N << ?6 D85 79B<C @<1I54 7B51D 1>4 D85 21DC G5B5 1<9F5 1<< 71=5 3?E<4>QD 25 1>I =?B5 @B?E4 ?6 1<< D85 79B<C O Other Saints who had a hit included Hannah Matteson, Sophie Aguilar and

3A:73 $3B3@A=< E/7BA =< / 0/:: B6@=E< B= 47@AB 4=@ /< =CB /5/7<AB +30 AB3@ '7@3< =< !=<2/G . $($ , &(, &

St. Croix Falls 4, TL-C 3 %) %" L *85 )19>DC C?6D21<< D51= won a big game on the road against *EBD<5 "1;5 <1ID?> #?>41I #1I handing the undefeated West Lakeland ?>65B5>35 3?>D5>45B D859B RBCD <?CC ?6 the season. )D B?9H 1<<C 7?D C?=5 <1D5 85<@ 1D D85 plate as they trailed 3-0 heading into the top of the sixth inning, when Sophie Aguilar smacked a two-RBI single to bring the Saints within one run. In the top of the seventh inning, Katie Kopp singled to score the tying and go-ahead runs. She also helped seal the win on the pitching rubber, as she struck out four with three walks while allowing three runs on six hits. Kopp was also backed by a solid defense that committed no errors in the win. )D B?9H 1<<C 89D D85 21<< G5<< G9D8 >9>5 hits, with Hannah Matteson, Kopp and >>1<9C5 &1B;C 3?<<53D9>7 DG? 89DC 1@9535 !1<<9 8B9CD5>C?> <<1 !5B;?G 1>4 7E9lar had one hit apiece. N*85 *" <1ID?> 71=5 G1C 1 F5BI well played game. My girls really came to play. We played excellent defense and came up with some very timely hits. So@895 7E9<1BQC 89D G1C 1 71=5 381>75B !1D95 !?@@ @9D3854 1 7B51D 71=5 O C194 3?138 <1ID?> 1>C?>


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! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ) , ' ! - . , / !' )' %5%-32 .- 3(% horizon -5QB5 ?><I 1 =?>D8 away from two of "5145B "1>4QC =?CD prestigious amateur sports events. The 1%$%1)# ).-2 +!22)# bicycle tour/race/ timed trial is set for E>5 "?31< 3I3<9>7 fans are anxious to C55 96

G?=5>QC winner Kelly Swenson can repeat !"#$%&'(!% as champion and also are wondering if the ageless 13 !13)will again be part of D85 3?=@5D9D9F5 R5<4 Down in )++3.6- that same weekend, tireless )1')+ !-2%- and his team of volunteers will once again be hosting the !-2%- !1,2 .43( )+* tournament. Mark you calendars and watch the Inter .4-38 %!$%1 for additional publicity about these great events.

?8> Ryan


%6 &..3"!++ 1)5!+2 &.1 1%$%1)# A sneak preview of the 2015 1%$%1)# )*)-'2 football schedule reveals that D85 ,9;5C ?@5> 1D <5>G??4 9DI ?> E7

*89C G9<< 25 )QC RBCD C51C?> 9> D85 "1;5<1>4 )?ED8 3?>65B5>35 16D5B D85 ,9;5C won the Lakeland North crown in 2014. 1!-32"41' G8?= D85 ,9;5C G9<< 8?CD 9> a nonconference game Aug. 28, will be the only Leader Land opponent on the schedule. %> D85 E@C945 B545B93 G9<< 81F5 RF5 ?6 their nine games at home in their inaugural campaign in the South Lakeland. In fact, during the six Fridays from Aug. 28 to %3D D85 ,9;5C G9<< @<1I 1D 8?=5 ?> RF5 of six dates. Unfortunately, they will close the season by traveling to Lake Holcombe ?B>5<< 1>4 &5@9> <=1 B5C@53D9F5<I .1%+ %23)5!+ Our run of cool weather has slowed the development of the coveted morel =EC8B??= 1D <51CD 1D D89C <1D9DE45 /?EQ<< have to travel south if you want to get the jump on the popular edible fungus. If you 31>QD G19D 1 G55; ?B DG? I?E 31> 51D 1<< the morels you want May 15 through 17 if

you take a trip to 42#.$! for their annual .1%+ %23)5!+ DQC ?><I 1 =5B5 RF5 8?EBC away.) With cool temperatures hovering in the 50s and 60s in these parts for the next few days, ‘shroom hunting will not be at its peak. .#!+ ()*%12 !##%/3 1!-$ !-8.- challenge Fortysome odd years ago, daredevil ."%13 ; 5%+< -%5%+ attempted his illfated, nationally televised sky-cycle leap 13B?CC D85 )>1;5 (9F5B 1>I?> 9> 418? > the coming days a handful of Leader Land athletes hope to upstage Knevel by hiking to the bottom of the 1!-$ !-8.- and then back to ground level. Overall the hike typically takes eight to 16 hours, with most hikers camping overnight at the bottom of the canyon after their initial descent. ExFrederic athletes !18 )-$!(+ %+2.and offspring %- %+2.- will both make D85 7BE5<9>7 DB5; 1<?>7 G9D8 ??> ,1<<5I native and Webster coaching mainstay Greg Norman and his bride FHS grad Jill Norman. Although he still looks as though he could make the trek himself, 1967 Frederic

multisport athlete Simon Nelson has chosen instead to drive the support vehicle. 41*%8 2%!2.- 6)-$)-' $.6Local shotgunners and bird-watchers indicate the turkey population seems to have taken a dip after two previous rough winters. Still, a handful of local diehards have reported success, proving that if you know how to hunt and work hard enough you might still get lucky. Reports of 24- to 25-pound birds being taken in the vicinity of D85 "5145B ?6R35 @B?F945 5>3?EB175=5>D 6?B those who might try their hand at the autumn hunt. Hopefully the big birds population G9<< B53?F5B D81>;C D? D89C C@B9>7QC 81D389>7 and brooding season which is shaping up to be a good one. 1.43 =2()-' )- ,%1)#! Fishing has been good and the grill is hot. Season to taste, place a pat of butter in the cavity, wrap in foil. Four minutes per side.

Track teams getting set for conference meet !138 %%'%1:Staff writer SIREN – With the middle of May fast approaching and seniors wrapping up their high school educations weeks ahead D85B5QC @<5>DI ?6 1>D939@1D9?> 6?B D85 start of more serious competition among area track teams and individuals. With a handful of teams scattering competition at various track invitationals across the 1B51 D85IQ<< 25 =55D9>7 C??> 5>?E78 1D the conference meet set to take place at )D B?9H 1<<C *E5C41I #1I *51=C will get a chance to recuperate over the Memorial Day weekend holiday, before things get serious, starting Tuesday, May 26, when regionals begin. B545B93 G9<< 25 8?CD9>7 D89C I51BQC 9F9C9?> (579?>1< G9D8 <51B "1;5 B54-

5B93 "E3; B1>DC2EB7 &B19B95 1B= )85<< "1;5 )9B5> *EBD<5 "1;5 <1ID?> Unity and Webster all competing. Athletes moving on to sectionals will compete 1D ?<61H 1719> D89C C@B9>7 )D B?9H 1<<C G9<< 25 3?=@5D9>7 9> Division 2 at the Osceola Regional, and those advancing will compete at sectionals in Amery. After some track invitationals were postponed last week, some teams were able to compete including those participaD9?> 9> =5BI *8EBC41I #1I )D B?9H Falls competed at that invite, with both D85 )D B?9H 1<<C 2?IC 1>4 79B<C @<139>7 eighth among the 12 schools competing. ?=@<5D5 B5CE<DC 31> 25 6?E>4 1D @DD9=ing.com.

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High school trap leagues seeing growth, success trap shooters !138 %%'%1:Staff writer ( ( L %B1>75 49C3C 1B5 SI9>7 and high school students are connecting with the sport of clay target shooting once again this spring. Both Frederic 1>4 )D B?9H 1<<C :?9>54 G81D 9C ;>?G> 1C D85 -9C3?>C9> )D1D5 978 )38??< <1I Target League in the spring of 2014, with six teams across the state involved. Those numbers have since increased to as many as 24 teams from across the state, which 9>3<E45C C8??D5BC *85 B545B93 ,9;9>7C *B1@ <E2 9>3<E454 =5=25BC last year, but has grown to 22 shooters this season, under the direction of coach 1B< ;<?6 1C G5<< 1C 1CC9CD1>DC !5>D ?I5B 566 E==9>7C 1>4 &1D &5B<93; The Luck School District is also a co-op G9D8 B545B93 1C D85I 4?>QD ?665B 1 DB1@ <517E5 6 1 C38??< 4?5C>QD ?665B D85 C@?BD then they can co-op with another school near them. N(51<<I 9D G1C :ECD D85 ;94C R>49>7 ?ED from their friends how much fun they had, and I think the second year into it

(63 @323@71 (@/> :C0 6/A 5@=E< B67A A>@7<5 /4B3@ 53BB7<5 7BA 47@AB AB/@B 7< / AB/B3E723 :3/5C3 7<

/:=<5 E7B6 'B @=7F /::A #B63@ A16==:A 8=7<7<5 B63 :3/5C3 B67A A>@7<5 7<1:C23 '7@3< @/<BA0C@5 /<2 )<7BG C19 7A /:A= / 1= => E7B6 @323@71 . $($' , , ")# '$#

@323@71 (@/> :C0 ;3;03@ (G:3@ "3:A=< A6=B B63 B3/;LA 47@AB 3D3@ J AB@/756BK @3 13<B:G

they are broken down into different con conferences based on the number of shooters 9>F?<F54 )D B?9H 1<<C 9C 3?=@5D9>7 9> ?>65B5>35 G89<5 +>9DI 9C 9> ?>65B5>35 1>4 3EBB5>D<I RBCD @<135 9> D85 standings among the six schools in that conference. Frederic is currently third 9> D85 CD1>49>7C 9> ?>65B5>35 G89<5 Grantsburg is the standings leader among D85 RF5 D51=C 9> ?>65B5>35 G8938 1<C? includes Siren. Each week, team scores are entered online and standings can change from week to week. Eklof explained that the league takes 80 percent of the scores from each D51= D? 3?=5 E@ G9D8 D85 R>1< >E=25BC noting that if a team has 20 shooters, 16 of D8?C5 C3?B5C G?E<4 25 5>D5B54 1>4 85QC continually seeing improvement from the kids. N*85 C53?>4 I51B G5 7?D C?=5 @5?@<5 that have never shot before come out and 79F5 9D 1 DBI 1>4 9DQC 1 <?D ?6 6E> G1D389>7 D85= 7B?G F5BI2?4IQC 1F5B175C 81F5 9>3B51C54 1>4 D85IQF5 1<< @B?7B5CC54 O said Eklof ECD <1CD G55; D85 B545B93 DB1@ 3<E2 celebrated with Tyler Nelson, who be be31=5 D85 RBCD C8??D5B 9> D85 D51=QC DB1@ 3<E2 89CD?BI D? C8??D N CDB1978D O 138 week, shooters go through two rounds of C8??D9>7 G9D8 5138 B?E>4 9>F?<F9>7 RF5 C8?DC 6B?= RF5 49665B5>D CD1D9?>C $5<C?> R>9C854 89C DG? B?E>4C C8??D9>7 ?6 D1B75DC (9381B4 <1B; ?6 B1>DC2EB7 1>4 1B5DD ?G4 ?6 )D B?9H 1<<C 1<C? 89D 25-straight this spring. Each week, standings and scores are updated, and the top 10 male and female shooters are posted. Dowd of St. B?9H 1<<C 9C ?>5 ?6 D85 D?@ C8??D5BC this week with a season average of 23.25, which is third overall. Raegan Sorensen

of Unity is third among the females with an average of 18.5, and Tiffany Brown is sixth with 17.5 average. Lyndsey Nelson ?6 )D B?9H 1<<C 9C D8 G9D8 1 C3?B5 ?6 1>4 B545B93QC <5H9C #3<5?4 9C ?> the list with an average of 15.75. Eklof said those involved take the sport very seriously, especially in regard to safety. N%>35 I?E 75D D85= ?> D85 B1>75 D85IQB5 D?D1<<I 49665B5>D @5?@<5 D85IQB5 grown-ups. They respect everything 12?ED D85 C@?BD *85B5QC 12C?<ED5<I >? 9CCE5C 1C 61B 1C 1 C165DI CD1>4@?9>D 1D 1<< O he said. Along with league rules and their own D51= BE<5C D85B5QC 1 8E>D5B C165DI 9>structor on the course at all times, a range C165DI ?6R35B 1>4 D85 3?1385C >4 G89<5 D85 ;94C D1;5 9D C5B9?EC<I D85B5QC >? AE5Ction that fun is part of the shooting experience as well. Some of those involved, who might not be athletic, are excelling in trap shooting. *85 <1CD C8??D ?6 D85 RF5 G55; C51C?> will happen near the end of May for most teams, while others are hoping to compete at the state tournament in Rome, which is located about 10 miles south of -9C3?>C9> (1@94C ?> E>5 B545B93QC team already has up to 16 members who will hope to compete. The state tournament is at the Wisconsin Amateur Trap Shooting Association facility, which has trap houses lined up for three-fourths of a mile. Eklof said when kids get to see the 6139<9DI RBCD81>4 9DQC 1> 5I5 ?@5>9>7 5Hperience. N DQC <9;5 7?9>7 D? 9C>5I<1>4 9DQC :ECD CE@5B 1G5C?=5 O To check out the league and local and state standings, visit wiclaytarget.com.

;7:G +/@@3< =4 B63 @323@71 (@/> :C0 47@3A =44 / A6=B /B / 1:/G B/@53B /B B63 '=CB6 =@9 '>=@B 7<5 :C0 @313<B:G D85B5 G1C 1 <?D =?B5 7B?GD8 O ;<?6 C194 1C D? G8I D85B5QC 255> D85 7B?GD8 9> 9>D5B5CD 9> D85 C@?BD N*85I 6?E>4 ?ED 8?G much fun it is and everybody really had 1 7B51D D9=5 O Another reason for growth over the past year was community support. Eklof said they were able to provide shooting at no cost to the shooters this season. Donations from Youth Sports Unlimited, Kids $Q )@?BDC 1>4 3?==E>9DI 4?>1D9?>C as well as a brat fundraiser held during Labor Day last fall, helped provide a lot of help for the young shooters, who compete Sunday evenings at the South Fork

)@?BD9>7 <E2 >?BD8 ?6 B545B93 )9B5> also formed a trap club this spring and 1<C? 31<<C D85 )?ED8 ?B; )@?BD9>7 <E2 home. Eklof said the South Fork Sport9>7 <E2 81C 1<C? 85<@54 1 <?D 9> ;55@9>7 the costs of shooting down for the kids. Siren typically shoots on Sundays from 2-4 p.m., while Frederic shoots from 4-6 p.m. Shooting on Sundays allows those involved in other sports the opportunity to join the trap club. > 1449D9?> D? B545B93 )D B?9H 1<<C and Siren, Grantsburg, Unity and Turtle Lake have formed teams in the area. Although the 24 teams across the state are competing within the same league

“Keep Kids Fishin’!� )* (% . "") L #1>I 6?<;C 1B5 1<B514I <??;9>7 6?BG1B4 D? E>5 6?B another memory-making day for kids RC89>7 ?> 55B "1;5 1C @1BD ?6 D85 D8 annual Neil McKenzie Youth Fishing Derby. This is a free event for kids sponsored by family and friends of Neil McK McK5>J95

1>4 D85 &?<; ?E>DI )@?BDC=5>QC <E2 You are invited to help the coordina coordinators plan another fun and meaningful

day for kids by preregistering them early to ensure boats and pontoons are avail available for everyone who wants to learn how to fish. Fishing guides, boat/pontoon drivers, parking attendants and food pre preparers/servers make this event happen. Your volunteering is much appreciated. 6 I?E ;>?G ;94C G8? G?E<4 25>5RD from a day on the lake learning how to RC8 @<51C5 @B5B579CD5B D85= ?><9>5 2I Sunday, May 31, at NeilMcKenzieYouth-

9C89>7 ?>D5CD ?B7 ?B 2I 31<<9>7 ?I35 McKenzie, 715-646-2060. If you wish to volunteer, please call McKenzie. Mark your calendars for the May 31 registration 4514<9>5 6?B ;94C D? RC8 E>5 Each year many wonderful people 4?>1D5 D85 EC5 ?6 D859B @?>D??>C RC89>7 2?1DC RC89>7 B?4C 1>4 D13;<5 D9=5 talents, prizes and trophies to provide 1 6B55 41I ?6 RC89>7 6?B ;94C G8? =978D not otherwise have that opportunity. This

has been a legacy of love and pride in our area youth – a practice continued from how Neil McKenzie encouraged kids to 5>:?I 1>4 B5C@53D D85 ?ED4??BC &<51C5 feel free to join in the fun and preregister ;94C 2I #1I D? N!55@ !94C 9C89>Q � – submitted

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Construction season comes to Siren

(%1)++ 4,,%1 | Staff writer SIREN - The construction season has come to Siren. Two big projects began in and around Siren late last month and both are expected to end in August. By far the larger of the two is the work on the intersection of Hwys. 35/70 north of Siren. There the former T intersection will be replaced with a roundabout. Several severe accidents at the intersection prompted the change. The DOT ex@53DC D85 B?E>412?ED D? 9=@B?F5 DB16R3 S?G 1>4 C165DI 1D D85 9>D5BC53D9?> No major detours are planned, but drivers should expect width restrictions, shoulder and single lane closures +=@9 =< B63 7<B3@A31B7=< =4 EGA AB/@B32 =<:G / 1=C>:3 E339A /5= 0CB /:@3/2G 7B 6/A 16/<532 B63 :==9 /B B63 7<B3@A31B7=< (63 4=@;3@ ( 1>4 3B5GC 49B53D9>7 DB16R3 G9D8 CD?@ 1>4 7<B3@A31B7=< E7:: 03 @3>:/132 E7B6 / @=C<2/0=CB (63 >@=831B 7A 3F>31B32 B= 03 1=;>:3B3 /B B63 3<2 =4 C5CAB $($' , & !! )"" & slow signs. The other construction project is the water utility upgrade in the village. The project will loop dead-end water mains, increase the size of other water mains and replace some water hydrants. Some installation of curb and gutter in the southeast neighborhood is also included in the project. Last week work was centered around the industrial park and along Hwy. 70. ?==E>931D9?> 25DG55> 3?>CDBE3D9?> crews and businesses and residents affected by the work was a problem dur!7<<1=;; )B7:7BG 7A @3>:/17<5 C<23@A7H32 ing this phase of the project. E/B3@ ;/7<A <3/@ (63 $=C@ =CA3 (63 >@=8 The lack of communication was 31B E7:: :==> 23/2 3<2 E/B3@ ;/7<A 7<1@3/A3 2B?E78D E@ 1D D85 )9B5> ,9<<175 ?1B4 B63 A7H3 =4 =B63@A /<2 @3>:/13 A=;3 E/B3@ 6G meeting held Thursday, May 7. 2@/<BA '=;3 7<AB/::/B7=< =4 1C@0 /<2 5CBB3@ 7< #) &B?:53D #1>175B *5B5C1 >45BB63 A=CB63/AB <37560=@6==2 7A /:A= 7<1:C232 son said she was going to address the (67A A6=EA B63 #( >:/<A 4=@ B63 @=C<2/0=CB /B B63 7<B3@A31B7=< =4 EGA <=@B6 =4 7< B63 >@=831B '7@3< &$" ' $#' # problems.

Siren Chamber welcomes Trader Bill’s Discount Food SIREN - With prices out of this world, *B145B 9<<QC 9C3?E>D ??4 G1C G5<comed as a new member of the Siren 81=25B ?6 ?==5B35 ?> *E5C41I #1I 5. The business opened in Siren in October of 2014, on the corner of Main Street and Hwy. 35, in what owner Bill Ryan 31<<C D85 N@5B653D C@?D O (I1> B531<<C D81D he was looking for a retail location for over a year, having previously sold groceries and other items at auctions. *B145B 9<<QC 9C3?E>D ??4 C5<<C 5Ferything from groceries to clothing to pet food at discounted rates of about half the grocery store prices. For example, you can @EB381C5 1 @?E>4 217 ?6 S?EB 6?B canned goods starting at two for $1, coffee starting at $2 and brats for $2. They receive a new truckload of products every week. Ryan was raised and went to college in New York, but moved to the Midwest in the 1990s. First residing in Minnesota, he has now lived in the Siren and Webster 1B51 6?B RF5 I51BC (I1>QC F9C9?> 6?B *B145B 9<<QC 9C D? CECtain business in Siren for a long time to 3?=5 5 C1IC N-5 @1DB?>9J5 1>4 CE@port small local business and hope others will do the same. We also aim to help people by offering some great deals on 5F5BI41I 9D5=C O (I1> 5=@81C9J5C 89C focus on small business and local patronage to contribute to the Siren community in his business venture. *B145B 9<<QC 9C3?E>D ??4 9C <?31D54 at 24066 Hwy. 35 and may be reached by calling 763-568-1362 or by emailing tbilldiscount@hotmail.com. They can also be found online at their web-

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Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Day service set )&%%$ ( $?BD85B> -9C3?>C9> ,5D5B1>C #5=?B91< 5=5D5BI G9<< 8?<4 1 ceremony on Saturday, May 23, at 1 @ = 1D G8938 -9C3?>C9> CD1D5 )5> 1>5D Bewley will be the keynote speaker. A F9>D175 19B@<1>5 SI?F5B 4EB9>7 D85 35B-

emony, weather permitting, will take place. Spooner area Boy Scouts will place S17C ?> F5D5B1>C 7B1F5C B941I #1I

CD1BD9>7 1D @ = *85 5F5>D 9C 85<4 outdoors and those attending are encouraged to dress accordingly. Seating under

a tent will be available. Attendees may the Memorial Day ceremony, contact the 1<C? 2B9>7 D859B ?G> <1G> 3819BC &1B;- $-,# ?6R35 1D - submiting is available on the cemetery grounds. ted *85 35=5D5BI 9C <?31D54 1D $ ,5D5B1>C Way, just off Hwy. 53, three miles south of Spooner. For more information about

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Art show highlights Luck students

"+ ! L BDG?B; ?6 6?EB "E3; CDE45>DC is currently being showcased at the Luck Museum. The free exhibit opened with a reception Friday evening, May 8, and will run through Friday, May 22. The Luck High School Advanced Art Show highlights the work of Kim De=I4?G938 ?B41> 5>4B93;C?> )1= Nelson and Tanner Nielsen. 5=I4?G938QC G?B; 9C 1 C5B95C ?6 381<; @1CD5<C ?> 381B3?1< @1@5B D9D<54 N*85 53?>CDBE3D54 #?>CD5B O >6<E5>354 2I C395>35 R3D9?> 9<<ECDB1D9?>C C85 3B51D54 a mix of eyes, ears, a heart, veins and a 2B19> N*85 B51C?> G8I 38?C5 =?>CD5BC 9>CD514 ?6 615B95C O C85 C1IC 9> 85B 29?7B1@8931< C;5D38 NG1C 2531EC5 9D B5=9>454 =5 ?6 B1>;5>CD59>QC G?B; ?6 the parts separated and put together as a G8?<5 3?=@?>5>D O Hendrickson designed and built a 71=5 31<<54 N <1CC -1B61B5O 1C 89C 5H8929D @9535C N 5>:?I @<1I9>7 71=5C 1>4 learning the interworkings of each game D81D =1;5 D85= CD1>4 ?ED O 133?B49>7 D? 5>4B93;C?>QC 29? N 5C97>9>7 1 71=5 is something that I always wanted to 4? O 9C CDI<5 ?6 4B1G9>7 9C 9>SE5>354 by cartoons, said Hendrickson, and it reS53DC 31BD??> 8E=?B N 1BD??> 8E=?B can be found in nearly every aspect of my J :/AA +/@4/@3K 7A / 5/;3 23A75<32 /<2 1@3/B32 0G =@2/< 3<2@719A=< E6716 1=;07<3A 67A 1BDG?B; O 85 C194 N*89C 9C 5F945>D 9> D85 faces and shapes of the characters drawn 7<B3@3AB 7< >:/G7<5 5/;3A E7B6 67A 3<8=G;3<B =4 1/@B==<A / $($' , &, ( && ( 9> P <1CC -1B61B5 QO Nelson, according to his bio, was in- 8?EC5 N D G1C>QD :ECD D85 C=1<< 3E@C 1>4 giant unique pieces are what caught my spired to work in ceramics by his brother, 2?G<C G1C 9>D5B5CD54 9> O 85 C194 N*85 1DD5>D9?> D85 =?CD O 5 CD1BD54 D8B?G9>7 whose artwork was used around the clay on a wheel when he was a sopho=?B5 1>4 85 1C;54 1BD D51385B !I<5 <5=9>C 6?B 9>CDBE3D9?>C N G1C 5HDB5=5<I motivated and tried to be as good as my 2B?D85B O C194 $5<C?> N#B <5=9>C C1G how motivated I was and taught me new C;9<<C D81D 814 >? 9451 5H9CD54 O 5 81C since been able to help other students while continuing to do his own work. $95<C5>QC C5B95C ?6 3?=@ED5B 7B1@893C 85 C194 9> 89C 29? N9C D85 B5CE<D ?6 5H@5B9=5>D1D9?> 1>4 5H@<?B1D9?> O )D1BD9>7 G9D8 >? C@539R3 @<1> 2ED G9D8 1 75>5B1< idea of what he might want for a result, $95<C5> C194 D81D N5F5BI @B?:53D 9C 1 <51B>9>7 5H@5B95>35 1>4 1 381<<5>75 O -1>D9>7 D? <51B> 7B1@893C $95<C5> CD1BD54 ND9>;5B9>7O G9D8 1 3?=@ED5B @B?7B1= RBCD making objects like bowls and cups, but eventually modeling people and machin5BI N 6 D85B5 9C 1 C9>7<5 =5CC175 D81D 31> 25 D1;5> 1G1I 6B?= =I 1BD O 85 C194 N9D 9C D89C )?=5D89>7 D81D 9C 9>D5B5CD9>7 4?5C not have to be profound ‌ visually interesting things are all around us; some we (/<<3@ "73:A3< B/93A D73E3@A =< B63 8=C@<3G B6@=C56 B63 1@3/B7=< =4 67A 5@/>671A 4B3@ take for granted and some are in places 031=;7<5 >@=47173<B E7B6 / ;=23:7<5 /<2 @3<23@7<5 >@=5@/; 63 035/< 7<B35@/B7<5 7B 7<B= 274 G5 =978D >5F5B 5H@53D O — Mary Stirrat, 43@3<B A=4BE/@3 with information provided by the students

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Fri. & Sat., May 22 & 23, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Annuals - Perennials - Vegetables - Herbs - Baskets & Planters, many unique, one-of-a-kind planters (Rain Or Shine) 626138 1985 160th St. • Centuria 38-39Lp 715-553-2575 - Call for directions. 28-29a,dp

BENSON FAMILY SALE 7749 Clear Lake Street, Siren FRIDAY, MAY 22: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 23: 8 a.m. to Noon

KID STUFF: Gender neutral dbl.-umbrella stroller, single stroller, 2 high chairs, Pack ‘N Play, girls clothing (24 mo. to 3T), shoes (6-7), infant/toddler toys & books, train table/track, sm. metal swing set. HOUSEHOLD: Cookware, area rugs, dresser, chaise, lamps, tableware, lots of household furnishings, holiday decorations. MISC.: Golf clubs/bag, exercise bike, Shark steamer, walker, lift chair, Kirby vac. $@ 1@

WEBB LAKE COMMUNITY CLUB RUMMAGE SALE Town Hall Corner of Hwy. 77 & Namekagon Trail

Friday & Saturday, May 15 & 16

Everything Open 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. * Lunch & Pie Slices Sold


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* 1/2-Price Sale * $4 Per Bag of Clothing

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.� Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275. 445101 8a-etfcp 19Ltfc

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.34567689:*1;*<3=5=36>*(::6:7=5*)6?69@ is accepting applications for a position which includes caregiving and dietary job duties. 30 - 35 hours per week. Email resume to traditionsoffrederic@gmail.com or stop in to fill out an application. 107 Oak St. East, Frederic, WI 54837

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Evenings 2 - 10:30 p.m. CBRF certified a plus. Training will be provided. Apply At

LAWSON MANOR 625 S. 2nd Street • Luck, WI 54853 715-472-2164


$ 1 4

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The Polk County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. The Board will call the public hearing to order at 8:30 a.m., recess at 8:45 a.m. to view sites and reconvene at 12:30 p.m. at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. At that time, the applicant will inform the Board of their request. (The applicant must appear at 12:30 p.m. when the Board reconvenes at the Government Center.) MICHAEL & DEBRA SHERRY request a variance to Article 8C3(b) of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a third accessory building. Location: 806 Wapogasset Lake Ln., Lot 4+5, Breezy Point, Sec. 23/T33N/ R17W, Town of Garfield, Lake Wapogasset, Parcel 024-009980000. JOYLE ANDERSON requests a special exception to Article 15B1 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to excavate on 20% slopes or greater. Property affected is: Lot 5, CSM vol. 7/pg. 105, pt. of Gov’t. lots 2+3, Sec 36/T33N/R17W, Town of Lincoln, Bear Trap Lake (class 1), comp# 032-01287-0000. EWD LLC requests a variance to Article 11F2(b)(1)+(2) of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to exceed the 1,100-sq.-ft. footprint with addition to side of dwelling. Property affected is: 2241A Sunnyside Ln., pt. of Gov’t. lot 3, Sec. 8/T35N/R16W, Town of Georgetown, Bone Lake (class 1), comp# 026-00302-0000. MICHAEL & DEBORAH MEYER requests a variance to Article 11C, Table 1 and 11E3 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to have a garage less than 75’ from the ordinary high-water mark and less than 63’ from centerline of a town road. Property affected is: 352 180th St., Pt. of SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Sec 13/T32N/R18W & Pt. of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Sec. 18/T32N/R17W, Town of Alden, Paulsen Lake (class 1), comp# 002-00462-0000. $ /& 0$(




Hours 5:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Monday - Friday And One Weekend A Month. Weekend Position Part-time Laundry Every Other Weekend Only, 5:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

United Pioneer Home 623 S. 2nd Street, Luck, WI 715-472-2164 EOE

$ 1 4

TOWN OF STERLING MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING NOTE: DATE CHANGE The Monthly Town Board Meeting Will Be Held THURSDAY, May 21, 2015, At The Cushing Community Center At 7 p.m.

Agenda: Clerk minutes, Treasurer report, Decisions regarding delinquent personal property taxes, Citizen input, Approval of operators licenses, Board decision on minor 1 lot subdivision of Duane Doolittle property, Board decision on crack sealing for 2015, Board decision on reconstruction of 320th Ave., Review propane prices, Road maint. report, Set June agenda, Pay bills and Adjournment. 626751 39L 29a Julie Peterson, Clerk



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Church: 11 a.m. Speaker: Rev. Bob Fallt Potluck Picnic: Noon Cemetery Assoc. Meeting: 1:30 p.m. County Road O Grantsburg, Wis.



Full-time Summer, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. M - F & Every Other Weekend Part-time Nonsummer Wage depends on experience, support Luther Point’s Mission Statement, ability to work and communicate well with people and be a team player, experience cooking for large numbers of people preferred. Be ready to assume the Food Service Coordinator’s responsibilities in case of sickness or emergency. Please send resumes to:

11525 Luther Point Road, Grantsburg, WI 54840 Mark@LutherPoint.orgt

1 $



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Village of Siren FREE 2015 Spring Cleanup

PART TIME/ FULL TIME CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Duties Include: Sales • Running Cash Register Inspecting & Steaming • Tagging • Cleaning Requirements: Friendly Attitude • Team Player

MUST be available on Saturdays Pick up an application at the clothing counter 7715 Main St., P.O. Box 423 Siren, WI 54872

Peggy Strabel 715-349-5000

$ 1

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Spooner/Grantsburg and Hayward Teams We have an opportunity for a Social Worker to join our growing nonprofit, community-based Hospice and Palliative Care team. We are seeking a compassionate and experienced Social Worker to provide support and services to patients and families dealing with a life-limiting illness in their home setting. Responsibilities include psychosocial assessment, care plan development, coordination with community resources, counseling and emotional support. Candidates must demonstrate experience in a health-care setting, interdisciplinary team work, knowledge of community resources, grief support and clinical documentation. Hospice experience preferred. Must have strong patient/family relationship skills, be able to work autonomously with patients in their homes and other communitybased settings and be willing to travel to provide care to patients in our Spooner/Grantsburg and Hayward service areas. Benefits include flexible scheduling, paid time off, health and dental insurance, annuity, travel time and mileage reimbursement.

Please send resume to the Director of Social Services at

819 Ash Street, Spooner, WI 54801

1 2 3 B $


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Frederic fourth- and fifth-graders hold spring concert

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Photos by Becky Amundson

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@323@71 '== 7<3 23>=B ;CA3C; =>3<A !/G ( ( *85 B545B93 B51 9CD?B9cal Society starts its 20th year of bringing the history of Frederic to life at the Frederic Soo Line Depot/Museum Saturday, May 23. The 1901 Frederic Soo Line Depot is the last of its kind on what was once the major pipeline of commerce in this area through more than half of the last century – the railroad. The Soo Line railroad is what got Frederic started. When the Soo Line abandoned rail service through Frederic in 1989, the village acquired the depot and restored it with transportation enhancement grants from the Department of Transportation, as a rest stop on the Gandy Dancer State Trail and a museum of local history. The Frederic Area Historical Society is in charge of running the museum. In addition to the local history items archived in the depot, the original Fred5B93 "92B1BI 2E9<49>7 1> 9==97B1>DQC <?7

cabin from the late 1800s, and Soo Line wide-vision caboose No. 137 are featured and open to see. The depot/museum is open to the public from Memorial Day weekend through leaf season in the fall. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekends and holidays. There is no admission charged, but donations are welcome and help to fund the operation of the museum. Frederic Area Historical Society members will be on hand to share the history of Frederic, and the coffee will be on during the opening weekend. %> 49C@<1I 6?B D85 RBCD D9=5 9C D85 D5<5phone booth that marked the intersection of Hwy. 35 and Birch Street. Discontinued 6B?= C5BF935 DG? I51BC 17? 2I 5>DEBIlink, they were nice enough to donate it D85 =EC5E= 4 B59>;5 ?6 4QC ED? Body, was kind enough to repair the 2??D8QC 41=1754 C85<6 1>4 D85 89CD?B931< society extends gratitude to him for that gesture. The historical society is always looking for new members to help share the past through volunteering at the museum. This is an excellent opportunity to give back to your community and keep Fred5B93QC 89CD?BI 1<9F5 6 I?E 81F5 1>I 9>teresting memorabilia for display, from the Frederic area or the Soo Line railroad, please stop in or call 715-327-4158 or 715327-4892. The historical society usually =55DC D85 RBCD *E5C41I ?6 5138 =?>D8 1D D85 45@?D 1D @ = The society hosts several special events #< 27A>:/G 4=@ B63 47@AB B7;3 /B B63 @323@71 4EB9>7 D85 I51B 1D D85 45@?D CDB1G25BBI ;CA3C; 7A B63 B3:3>6=<3 0==B6 B6/B ;/@932 shortcake during Frederic Family Days, B63 7<B3@A31B7=< =4 EG /<2 7@16 'B@33B D89C I51B 9C D85 CD 1>>E1< ?> E>5

1 +7::7/; =6<A=< =4 B63 @323@71 @3/ 7AB=@7 pie social on Aug. 15, and a photo-op stop 1/: '=173BG 7A A6=E< 7<A723 B63 0==B6 for an antique car tour in early September.

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853; ?ED =EC5E= @93DEB5C 1D 6B545B93G9 3?= <93; ?> 45@?D 2015 Wisconsin State Trail passes, required for bicycle riders 16 years of age 1>4 ?<45B ?> &?<; ?E>DIQC CD1D5 29;5 trails, the Gandy Dancer and the Stower Seven Lakes, are available at the depot. There is a self-registration box located on the museum sign, so passes are available 24/7. - from FAHS

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.744 $3=7 )G??397 *3>7 @AF KAGD AD6;@3DK E3>7 !1+ %)$%+ | Staff writer - " ! DQC ?>5 @1BD 39B3EC ?>5 @1BD E@C31<5 B53I3<9>7 1>4 ?>5 @1BD 3?==E>9DI @B945 *1;5> 1C 1 G8?<5 9DQC D85 C5=91>>E1< -522 "1;5 ?==E>9DI <E2 BE==175 C1<5 B941I 1>4 )1DEB41I #1I 1>4 6B?= 1 = E>D9< @ = 5138 41I DQC 1> 5F5>D >?D D? 25 =9CC54 > 613D ?>5 1B51 61=9<I @<1>C 9DC 1>>E1< family reunion at the time of the sale so that the entire family can get in on the fun. The community club runs a year-round collection of anything and everything that people clear out of attics, garages, basements, back yards, anywhere that the material stuff of life gathers. Then in May and September they hold a rummage sale extravaganza to raise lots of money. In fact, over the years, they have raised somewhere in the neighborhood of $200,000. And they give it all away. Every penny goes to help people with >554C C38??<C 3?==E>9DI C5BF935 7B?E@C RB5R78D5BC 38EB385C )1<F1tion Army, and on and on. The list is endless. )? 3853; ?ED D85 @8?D?C D? 75D 1 C<978D 9451 ?6 G81D I?EQ<< R>4 D85B5 DQC =51>D D? 25 6E> 1>4 C1D9C6I9>7 5C@5391<<I 96 I?E R>4 D81D ?>5 D89>7 you want. But best of all, as you buy, you are making it possible for the community club to help others. D3@G=<3 <332A / 4@=5 3A>317/::G / 075 =<3

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Photos by Carl Heidel

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Currents Northern

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Stories from the NW Wisconsin community

Devil’s Chair collapse cause still unclear 10 years later Greg Marsten | Staff writer TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – Over a decade has passed since the mysterious overnight collapse of the Devil’s Chair, the iconic local landmark that was discovered missing, fallen, crumbled and gone in April 2005. The Devil’s Chair was among the most familiar images of the St. Croix Valley, going back centuries to early settlers, loggers and trappers. The strange rock formation was a popular sketch and painting subject, long before it was ever photographed. But then something happened. Something terrible. It was one of the boat captains on the Taylors Falls Sce83- 9+= &9>;< @29 J;<= 89=3-/. =2/ 6+-5 90 =2/ -2+3; =2+= April day 10 years ago, and word of the chair’s fall lit up the media at the time. “I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already,� stated Amy Frischmon of Wild Mountain. She is the one credited @3=2 J;<= ;+3<381 =2/ K+1 90 =2/ -2+3;I< 0+66 %2/ @+< <9 upset about it that she immediately went down to the spot and saw for herself. “I was a little bit crushed; it was a symbol that was so recognizable for the city and the whole area,� Frischmon said. “I couldn’t believe it was gone.�

2?ED D85 3819B The Devil’s Chair was a long-noted feature of the Dalles, literally translated from the French to mean “stone slab,� and was mentioned multiple times in ac accounts of the area, going back to the trappers and others in the 1700s, and possibly even earlier. Made up of what was apparently three rocks in a formation, the basalt formation was a bizarre and unusual feature, although the reason for it being called the Devil’s Chair is unknown, it possibly referenced the opposite of =2/ <>::9</. 2312/; :9@/; 38K>/8-/ 90 =2/ ;3?/; <>-2 +< the huge stone cross many credit for the river’s naming. But the chair was also a truly precarious structure, and like may other noted rock formations that seem to defy logic, it also had its issues with that harsh mistress of gravity. Frischmon has rich, vivid memories of the chair, going back to her youth, especially with her grandfather, the 6+=/ +:= 366 >66/; @29 <=+;=/. =2/ J;<= ,9+= =9>;< + century before the chair fell. “He said you could see it moving in a strong wind, my grandfather always said it was going to fall someday,� Frischmon said. “I grew up listening to that.� Others mentioned the formation’s fragile nature, as recently as 2000, when noted international climbing instructor and enthusiast Mike Farris referenced the for7+=398 38 23< J;<= /.3=398 90 F$9-5 637,381 388/<9=+ and Wisconsin,� where he stated that the chair was “... closed to climbing due to geologic instability.� Reports of the rocks’ fall state that the chair had to move almost a foot to fall off its precipice, but as noted earlier, Frischmon and others mentioned that you could see a slight sway in the formation in strong winds, and while the date and time of the actual chair fall is unknown, it is known to have occurred at night, the winds are generally less strong, and accurate weather data of the time of the fall is purely speculation. Frischmon and others have also mentioned the weather and season as a possible cause; mid-April can have warm days and cold nights, and with wet condi conditions, the freeze-thaw cycle is a powerful force of nature. Water is lazy, freezing water has hydraulic power that can move huge forces, and if the rock was so unstable, 29@ -9>6. 3= ,/ +8B=2381 ,>= 1;+?3=B +8. 8+=>;/ J8+66B combining to claim the chair, after 10,000 or so years of standing? But mysteries are never that easy, as we’ll see later.

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“He said you could see it moving in a strong wind, my grandfather always said it was going to fall someday.� - Amy Frischmon +85 3819B 9> 89CD?BI While it was an instantly recognizable and picturesque formation, the Devil’s Chair was also a sort of landmark among rock climbers, going back many decades to when =2/ :+;5< J;<= <=+;=/. =9 1+38 :9:>6+;3=B +< ,/381 ,9=2 scenic and noted for multiple climbing options, of which they are still known. The late Alonzo W. Pond frequently mentioned the formation in his 1937 guidebook of both parks, and he +6<9 3< 635/6B =9 2+?/ 2/6:/. 0+8 =2/ K+7/< 90 /?36 ;>79; “Below the third, or Steamboat Landing, about twothirds way up the cliff on the west is the famous Devil’s Chair, an isolated column of traprock shaped like a straight-backed chair. Good climbers frequently pose on this natural formation for their photographs. Some are reported to do so as proof of their kinship with his Satanic Majesty, others claim such pictures are evidence of their skills as a mountaineer.� As Pond also noted in that famous guidebook, the parks at the Dalles have several noted satanic reference names, mainly on potholes or “wells,� where several of the features have given the devil his due: Devil’s Kitchen, Devil’s Parlor, and even a place for party favors at the Devil’s Punch Bowl and the Devil’s Icebox. The devil, it seems, had a well-appointed residence at the park, with serving accoutrements, food storage and a handsome chair for his view above the park, 140 feet over the gurgling torrent below.

+85 5F9<OC 819B 9> 6?<;<?B5 Religious overtones and higher power references are ingrained in river and park history; while the true history behind the river’s name are varied, the term “St. Croix� literally means “Holy Cross,� so it’s no wonder that good and evil are also a part of that history. But Interstate Park is by far not the only place to have a Devil’s Chair. Over the centuries, the moniker was often used in folklore, and usually was applied to either rock outcroppings or stone cemetery features, manmade or natural. +77 Devil!s Chair B397

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Devil’s Chair has been applied to several rock formations, famous and otherwise, around the world, such as in the San Gabriel Mountains, near Pearblossom, Calif., where the Devil’s Punchbowl Natural Area also has a Devil’s Chair. Maybe that’s the satanic winter retreat? Who knew the devil was a snowbird. Other Devil’s Chairs exist in rock formations around the globe, from a feature that appears to have been carved atop a rock wall in Ulverston, Cambria, England, to another Devil’s Chair in Shropshire Hills, England, which has a truly natural outcropping of the name. Over the centuries, the term Devil’s Chair has been used countless times in urban legends, as noted by HauntedUSA. org and other websites. It usually surrounds carved or constructed benches and chairs, often at cemeteries, but also for natural features, such as the Taylors Falls site. “... Superstitions developed in association with the act of sitting in them. In a typical example, local young people dare one another to visit the site, most often after dark, at midnight, or on some speciJ/. 8312= <>-2 +< +669@//8 9; !/@ Year’s Eve. Variously, the stories suggest D D85 21C5 ?6 D85 C9D5 ?6 D85 6?B=5B 5F9<OC the person brave enough to sit in the chair at such a time may be punished for impu- 819B " & !" dence or rewarded for courage.� Some of the more bizarre Devil’s Chair legends in other places include tests of bravery, skill or fortitude for those who “Good climbers sit atop them, and can lead to good or bad luck, and even thirst, as is the case of the frequently pose on this Cassadega, Fla., Devil’s Chair feature at a Lake Helen cemetery, where legend states natural formation for their that a can of beer left on the chair at night, photographs. Some are either opened or unopened, will be empty by morning. reported to do so as proof Another legend from a cemetery in Kirksville, Mo., revolves around a carved of their kinship with his Devil’s Chair feature states that only those brave or dumb enough to sit on it at midSatanic Majesty.� night - Halloween again, is best - will lead to the sitter being greeted by a hand emerging from the grave, dragging said sitter to the underworld below. However, other legends go the opposite way, and reportedly lead to good luck and much fortune. Chances are, that legend came from the folks who were not dragged down. The name Devil’s Chair has been used in pop culture, as well, unrelated to the Taylors Falls rock, most recently in a 2007 British independent horror film, “The Devil’s Chair� by Soho Square Films. That mid budget thriller is based on an evil chair and the mysterious scenario it creates for all who sit upon it. While that J67 =+5/< :6+-/ =29><+8.< 90 736/< 0;97 this region at an English mental hospital/ insane asylum, it proves that the satanic moniker is still alive on the Internet and in English lexicon.

+85 B5=>1>DC ?6 D85 3819B C8?BD<I 16D5B D85 61<< 9> " ! # " !& " ! # "& )! " "

- Alonzo W. Pond

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+77 Devil!s Chair B397

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Flag retirement set for June 20 FREDERIC - In conjunction with Fred/;3- +736B +B< + '83=/. %=+=/< K+1 retirement ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 20. The Frederic American Legion, with the assistance of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Frederic area at 11:30 a.m., at Frederic Repair. The purpose of the retirement ceremony is to properly retire/dispose of American K+1< =2+= <29>6. 89= ,/ ></. ,/-+></ =2/B are worn, weathered or the owner has no 0>;=2/; ></ 90 =2/ K+1 9; K+1< Please drop off all American Flags that you would like to be retired to the Inter 9>8=B /+./; 90J-/ 38 ;/./;3- :;39; =9 Friday, June 19. &2/ K+1 ;/=3;/7/8= -/;/798B @366 ,/ 98 the property of Frederic Repair. Frederic Repair is located one-half mile north of Frederic on Hwy. 35 at the bottom of the hill on the west side of the road. Ample parking is available. The Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts in the area are invited to attend and to par=3-3:+=/ 38 =2/ K+1 ;/=3;/7/8= -/;/798B Scouts that attend are asked (if possible) =9 @/+; %-9>= -69=2381 3./8=3J-+=398 +8. be accompanied by a Scout leader or par parent. With Scout or parent supervision, the %-9>=< @366 =+5/ +8 +-=3?/ ;96/ 38 =2/ K+1 retirement. All community members are invited to attend this ceremony. - submitted

?<<?G D85 $5145B

Four strong women by Meryl Bishop Walsten Part III In a four-week series.



III. Nora Pautsch Bishop


pink footed cake plate and sauce bowl sit in my cup cupboard. These famous Depression glass items were sold during the hard times of the Great Depression. They have K9@/;< 6/+?/< +8. cherries etched on them. Three small feet a half inch high elevate the cake plate elegantly. A 12-inch clear glass plate with cherries pressed on the bottom sits close by. A clear glass toothpick holder with eight ridges carved from top to bottom has a daisy pressed on the bottom. A Pyrex eight-cup percolator ready to make an old-fashioned cup of coffee rests in a drawer. The shed is now home to the beat-up red enamel 12-inch cover with chips and a few bends. These all hold stories of the past; they belonged to a woman who knew how to survive whatever came her way. This remarkable woman was my mother, Nora Pautsch Bishop. Mom helped my dad with the farm duties, besides being a housewife and 79=2/; 90 J?/ 13;6< /; =+6/8=< @/;/ many and hard work did not stand in her way. Raising a family during the Depression and World War II, she knew how to be thrifty. Nothing was

wasted. She could take old coats and suit jackets, rip them apart vigorously, cut them down and make smaller coats with trim on the collars and cuffs for a new look. She made big rag dolls, sewing wool skirts and knitting sweaters for them. Many Christmas presents were homemade dolls, doll clothes, and stuffed animals. Nothing was nicer than coming into her kitchen with the smells of breads, cakes and cookies coming from the big old woodstove. Amazing how she could turn out such good meals without being able to control the temperature, until the late 1940s when she got a new gas range. Her outside work included chopping wood, milking cows, tractor driving, keeping a weed-free garden and yard, and raising chickens. She always wore a long-sleeve blue chambray shirt working in the sun. As time went on some things did get easier for her. In 1946 we moved to a farm that had electricity and modern conveniences became available. As I look at the pink cake plate I think of my mom’s delicious choco choco6+=/ 6+B/; -+5/< @3=2 79>8.< 90 K>00B seven-minute frosting or the angel food cakes with green frosting, made from

scratch. The pink sauce bowl would be J66/. @3=2 297/ -+88/. 0;>3= E +::6/< peaches, plums or pears. On the clear plate with the pressed cherry bottom rested cookies, bars or sandwiches, neatly arranged, and the table was al always set attractively, inviting her family, friends or strangers. The glass coffeepot represents the comforts of home that Mom made for her family, the aroma of freshly perk perking coffee, plop, plop, plop, with each perk heard and smelled stepping inside the door. The toothpick holder was in the cen center of the table for every meal served throughout the years. I look at it and wish it could share many of the mealtime stories that were told. The old red chipped enamel cover shows many years of hard use. It covered a gray enamel pot of boiling potatoes, beef stews, chicken soup and roasts. I compare that cover to Mother’s 2+8.< +8. 0+-/ 2/; J81/;< ,/8= +8. crooked, nails worn down. The work is now done, Nora Pautsch Bishop. It is time to rest. About the writer: Meryl Walsten enjoys her country home out by Atlas, sharing it with wildlife and birds. Her spare time is spent traveling, reading, quilting and writing about family history. She hosts many family-and-friends events of music and chili cook-offs in her party shed. Writer’s Carousel, a revolving menagerie of pieces for your enjoyment, is created by participants in Carolyn Wedin’s Write Right Now WITC Community Education classes in Frederic and Luck.

Auditions set for Village Players Community Theatre summer musical comedy DANBURY – Auditions are set for the Village Players Community Theatre ‘s summer production of the musical comedy, “Don’t Hug Me,� book/lyrics by Phil Olson, music by Paul Olson, produced by special arrangement with Samuel French. The production will start July 23 and run through Aug. 2, Thursday through


=I< ,//8 J?/ 798=2< <38-/ =2/ ,3;. K> @+< .3<-9?/;/. 38 =2/ ' % +8. despite the efforts of numerous agencies and scientists, we still don’t have any ./J83=/ +8<@/;< +< =9 29@ 3=I< <:;/+.ing so quickly. Scientists at the Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal agen agencies say they are “puzzled� by the H5N2 virus’ spread and acknowledge they know little about this particular virus. A scary scenario when you look at the numbers. According to the USDA, the total number of cases in the U.S. could surpass 20 million birds, the big big1/<= ./+=2 =966 0;97 + ,3;. K> 9>=,;/+5 in U.S. history. In Minnesota alone, it has wiped out 5.5 million birds and devastated the livelihood of 82 poultry producers. There seems to be a general consensus that the virus got here via wild birds as =2/B 731;+=/. +-;9<< =2/ #+-3J- =9 =2/ West Coast of North America. It’s how

Sunday performances only. Tryouts for the roles of two women and three men, all singing parts, will be Wednesday, May 20, from 4-6 p.m., and Saturday, May 23, from 10 a.m. - noon. An accompanist is also been sought for the production. Actors will be asked to sing a song of

+89C 2EC9>5CC ?6

61B=9>7 Roger Strom it’s spreading from enclosed barns on a farm to enclosed barns on another farm several miles away that has the experts stumped. Some scientists speculate that it may be spread by rodents or small birds tracking the virus into barns as they look for food. Others think the ?3;>< 7+B ,/ 23=-2235381 98 K3/< "; maybe the virus is being carried by the @38. '% 23/0 (/=/;38+;B "0J-/; Dr. John Clifford says they are looking at whether high winds could blow contaminated dust, feathers and other debris for short distances into neighbor neighboring bird barns. But if that were the case,

Hidden treasures


love a good treasure hunt. I have often thought about the idea of searching for hidden treasures in far-off lands or ancient civilizations. Lost treasures can reveal much about those who traveled this way in previous times. Who among us has not wondered about J8.381 + </-;/= =;/+<>;/ 7+: +8. .3<covering untold fortunes? I do not own a metal detector but I have always considered the possibilities of searching old homesteads and forgotten school yards. What interesting things might be revealed? Perhaps old coins, jewelry, buttons and rusted trinkets once thought valuable but lost or discarded over time only to be rediscovered and recycled as a treasure of the discoverer. While living on the old farm of my great grandparents I dug through the .3;= +8. 4>85 ,>;3/. ,/8/+=2 =2/ K99; of the old home where my grandmother was born. Old rusted pots, nails and

?<4 DEB;5I John W. Ingalls, MD broken jars were dug up from the dark recesses and then I discovered a coin. It was an Indian Head penny from 1907. Back in the day when it was lost =2;9>12 =2/ -;+-5 38 =2/ K99; 3= @+< worth a penny but a quick check of its value today says it is worth all of 98 cents in good condition. The real value to me was the fact that it was lost by my grandmother or one of her siblings or perhaps her parents over 100 years ago. Unfortunately I have since misplaced that same penny and it may yet be rediscovered by my own grandchildren. It has been said that a treasure may reveal much about those who went before us. It has also been said that the

their choice and read an excerpt from the play. Auditions will be at the Voyager Village Community Center. For more infor information on the auditions call Kat Sadlicki at 715-931-9496 or email her at tomkati2@ yahoo.com or Bunny Day at 715-259-7224. Check for production updates and

ticket ordering information for “Don’t Hug Me� on the VPCT website: villageplayerscommunitytheatre.com or email questions to theatreVPCT@gmail.com. submitted

@9>6.8I= 9>=.99; +8. ,+-5B+;. K9-5< have been infected at high rates as well? Another question without an answer. Humans and equipment are usually the reason a virus gets spread from farm to farm but with the high levels of biosecurity, which include the disinfecting of anything coming in or leaving a farm, that’s been pretty much ruled out. According to Minnesota state veteri veterinarian Bill Hartmann, the state veterinarians working this issue are leaning toward the airborne theory but he adds, “There is no evidence to substantiate that other than their observations.� He also says the latest epidemiology report provided no new clues as to how the disease is spreading. Carol Cardona, a professor of avian medicine at the University of Minne Minnesota, says, “This is so unusual that we can’t help but think something different must be going on.� That “something different� is being looked at by a group of researchers who

speculate the H5N2 virus is actually a new mutant of a different virus that’s found in Europe and Asia – an aggres aggressive version that can wipe out an entire K9-5 38 29>;< With no solid answers, the best hope right now is that summer temperatures will slow the spread of the virus. Clifford says, “When warm weather comes in consistently across the country I think we will stop seeing new cases. +<= )/.8/<.+B @+< =2/ J;<= .+B 89 new cases were reported in Minnesota.) >= '% 90J-3+6< +6<9 <+B 3=I< F23126B probable� that the outbreaks will pick up again in the fall as temperatures cool and the disease will potentially be carried by wild birds as they return to southeastern states. The same birds that will return to our region next spring.

garbage dumps of civilizations past re reveal much more. One person’s trash is another’s treasure. My daughter, home from college, decided to make herself helpful. She offered to clean my truck. I use my truck. It isn’t a showcase with shiny wheels, polished chrome and spotless mirrors. It is a truck that I use to haul wood, dirt and creatures both living and dead depending on the season. It can cruise down interstate highways or two rutted woodland trails with equal aplomb. It is rugged enough to tow heavy equip equip7/8= ,>= J8/ /89>12 =9 -+;;B 7B 69?381 <:9></ 09; +8 /?/8381 90 J8/ .38381 and entertainment. What I didn’t realize was how much of my life was accumulating in the ,+-5</+= 635/ =9 ,/ /0J-3/8= <9 3= @+< not uncommon to keep an extra jacket or hat within easy reach, available for any change in the weather. Then it is always nice to have a few tools in case 90 /7/;1/8-B +8. :/;2+:< + K+<26312=

What she discovered was something a bit more substantial. This is what she recorded on her own Facebook page. “A truck says a lot about a man ... 09>; 4+-5/=< =@9 :+8=< =@9 K+88/6 shirts, two pairs of shoes, three cans of bug spray, nine hats, three pairs of gloves, a water cooler, two trail cameras, coffee mug, two water bottles, #% =@9 #+-5/; K+1< ,389->6+;< two buckets, one candle, tool box, one @+=-2 J?/ ;/+66B 96. < :6/8=B 90 odds and ends and garbage, and $3.34. You’re welcome Dad.� I wondered what some future archaeologist might surmise after sift sifting through the backseat of my truck. It might be decided that I was a junk dealer or perhaps I was always ready for whatever the world throws at me. Or maybe it just means the mosquitoes are really bad in northern Wisconsin.

‌ Jus’ sayin’

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Talking tofu, politics and more over lunch with Timm Johnson Twenty questions with Osceola’s superinvolved “dictator�/collaborator Garth Olson | Special to the Leader OSCEOLA - Timm Johnson is talking about tofu. It’s also known as bean curd – a popular food in Japan and China. Johnson lives south of Osceola on his family farm that started with his grandfather 100-plus years ago. The farm includes some 300 acres, 100 acres are soybeans farmed by Scott Carlson and his father and brother. “Soybeans and rye grown here are sent to Japan for processing into tofu and rye bread which is utilized there,� Johnson explains. “Identity of the product is maintained throughout the process so one could visit the plant in Japan and trace it back to our farm.� For Johnson, understanding how local products interact in the global economy is a piece of the puzzle. And understanding Johnson’s worldview perhaps starts with his background as a retired farmer, his longtime state and national involvement with various groups, and now with volunteer efforts. He’s president of the Osceola School Board, Osceola Chamber of Commerce, Mill Pond Learning Foundation, Polk County Renewable Energy Committee, Alden Planning Commission and he’s also on the board of the Osceola Community Health Foundation, CESA Board of Control, Vision 2030 and the Horse Creek Watershed Council. 928<98I< 38?96?/7/8= 2+< =+5/8 237 38=9 90J-/< 90 governors, university presidents and deans of colleges, +< @/66 +< =9 )+<2381=98 +8. </8+=/ 90J-/< / believes that problems can’t always be solved on the national level, but rather, problems are better solved at the local level. “To understand what you have to do locally, you have to understand what’s happening globally,� Johnson said. Johnson shared a little formula he likes. “Ten percent of the time you have to study your past, 10 percent of your time should be to understand where you are and 80 percent of your time needs to be devoted to where you want to go in the future,� he explained. With Johnson, conversations can move quickly from sustainable living, solar energy, improving water quality to improving schools and communities. Johnson admits that he loves board meetings as well as reading and traveling. He’s visited 49 of the 50 states and has traveled overseas to many countries. His involvement on nine different boards quite simply makes him one of Polk County’s most involved citizen. = @9>6. ,/ .30J->6= =9 J8. +89=2/; :/;<98 38 =2/ /8=3;/ state with so much involvement in their community. Here are 20 questions Johnson answered while eating lunch in Osceola on a recent springlike day: Q: Which group/board that you volunteer with has the biggest challenge currently? A: The board with the greatest challenge at the present time is the school board. We are now dealing with =2/ =23;. ;9>8. 90 ,>.1/= ->=< =2+= 3< ./J83=/6B 37:+-=381 student opportunities, staff morale and deferred maintenance, transportation and technology investments. We are trying to maintain an excellent school system with less per-pupil state aid than in 2009, along with increased operating costs over the past six years. Q: Scott Walker for president? A: I sure hope not! None of us like paying taxes and want to pay less in taxes, but we also expect quality services and that requires adequate funding. From my experiences with many different groups, he is not a friend of the lower and middle class, with large tax breaks for the upper-income earners. These tax breaks have not transpired into the job development numbers that he promised @236/ <=366 -;/+=381 + 6+;1/ ,>.1/= ./J-3= Q: What are some things you’d like to share about the Discovery Center project? (Discovery Center is the name for the proposed new municipal building/library in Osceola.) &2/ 3<-9?/;B /8=/; @366 ,;381 8/@ ?366+1/ 90J-/< and public library to Osceola, but also bring community spaces for senior and youth activities, business development tools for the industrial park, display area for the historical society, and individual exploration opportunities. We have the school campus on the north end of town, the OMC campus on the south side, the industrial park on the east side and this will add economic vigor to downtown. Q: What would you name as a strength or weakness of

+9== "?8>C?> Osceola as a community? A: One of strengths of Osceola, which are many, is the abundance of natural resources we are blessed with. From the scenic beauty of the St. Croix River, productive agricultural land, diverse landscape and plenty of recreational opportunities. We also have a very generous community with diverse skills. Q: What is one thing most residents do not know about Osceola? A: That an Osceola resident named Elmer Swenson is credited with being the father of grapes for colder climates. Elmer was a self-taught grape breeder who only attended country school to sixth grade and farmed by Church Pine Lake. The Midwest wine industry utilizes many of his grapes for wine production and his grapes are grown in approximately 20 northern climate countries worldwide. Q: Can you tell us a news item (scoop) that you are working on? A: A scoop item that I am involved with is the creation of a video to market Osceola. It could be used by realtors with prospective home buyers, OMC for recruiting doctors, for recruiting new businesses to town, and anyone who would like to tout the many assets we have locally. It is potentially a partnership of the village, school, OMC, Central Bank and chamber, being led by Vision 2030. It 3< 9>; 38=/8=398 =9 ,/ J83<2/. ,B =2/ /8. 90 @/66 in advance of completion of the St. Croix River Crossing Bridge at Stillwater. Q: What’s new/happening with the Osceola Chamber? A: The Chamber of Commerce/Main Street is continuing to evolve from an events-driven organization to delivering value to all of our members. Not that the events are bad and they do enhance our quality of life, but we need to help our businesses in the industrial park, on +38 %=;//= +8. 297/ ,+</. ,><38/<</< ,/ 79;/ :;9J=able now and in the future. We also want to learn more about the next generation, Millennials, and how to help Osceola prepare for the future. Q: New elementary school coming to Osceola? A: At the present time we are doing a feasibility study with a community group about the future of our current elementary building. It is over 50 years old and in good shape, but does not have climate control for summer heat and humidity. With the investment in electronic equipment to aid in student learning, that factor plays into the life expectancy of that equipment along with staff and student comfort. The school district will be debt free in 2023, so it is a good time to evaluate how much to invest in the facility, potential future uses, and create a time line if it is determined to build a new elementary building. Q: How are you doing with your MS, do you mind talking about it? A: I don’t mind talking about it and quite often people

will ask about my MS which affects my physical ability to move and my balance, but have little pain. I have had symptoms for 30 years and diagnosed 20 years ago. MS is a progressive disease that becomes less aggressive as one gets older and with my age, it is the intent to keep it from progressing and normally between the age of 65 and 70 it stops attacking one’s nervous system. I appreciate all the little things people do for me, and the Affordable Care Act allowed me to purchase health insurance at less than half the rate previously paid without refusal due to a preexisting condition. Q: What’s the most interesting thing on your radar now? A: There are always several interesting items going on with the various activities I am involved with. The Mill Pond Learning Foundation is raising over $4 million to build the Discovery Center; with the Polk REC we are investigating 600 kilowatt-hours of electricity production by solar panels for the county on their buildings that utilizes third-party investors that could save over $2 million over the next 25 years at no cost up front to taxpayers; have been invited to be part of a Lake Michigan Water Quality event in Manitowoc in August detailing what our farmerled Horse Creek Watershed has been able to accomplish with producers improving soil health to improve water quality downstream; the marketing Osceola video mentioned before as part of Vision 2030; and to help shape the future of Osceola. Q: What if anything keeps you awake at night? A: Very little keeps me awake at night. It has to be a re+66B .30J->6= /?/8381 7//=381 =9 ,9=2/; 7/ +8. 30 3= .9/< then I share it with Helen. I fall asleep and then she tosses and turns and cannot get to sleep. If I get really stressed during the day, I take a nap and life is much better. Q: volved with so many local boards? 8B=37/ =2/;/ 3< + :9=/8=3+6 -98K3-= 90 38=/;/<= @3=2 the various boards I am involved with, there usually is + -98K3-= 90 38=/;/<= +1;//7/8= =9 <318 9>=638381 @2+= can and cannot be done. I do abstain from voting on any ./-3<398 =2+= 7+B -;/+=/ + ,/8/J= 0;97 98/ 9;1+83C+=398 to another. There is no personal gain from any of the activities and any compensation is the same as other board members or it is donated time. Q: What do you do for fun? A: For fun we travel a lot, read books, magazines and daily newspapers, watch or attend sports events and I’m a huge Packer, Badger football/basketball fan along with the Brewers. We own stock in the Green Bay Packers so we are part owners! Q: Are you more of a dictator or collaborator? A: Part dictator but more of a collaborator. Q: Name of few people in Osceola who probably have A: It is hard to mention anyone without overlooking someone, but here are several: Roseanne Anderson with the Open Cupboard who runs the local food shelf and Blessing Baskets for kids, Robyn Foster with the ambu6+8-/ </;?3-/ +8. K9@/;< 98 +38 %=;//= /;7+38/ $9<< with the chamber and trails, Don and Kate Cloutier with the Braves, and there are several who are active with youth activities. Q: Have you ever delivered a commencement speech or been a grand marshal in a parade? A: I have never given a commencement address but have given speeches to school groups like the National Honor Society. I have never been the grand marshal for the parade, but Helen did for her involvement in the community fair and I got to go along for the ride! Q: What is your favorite daily newspaper? A: Daily newspapers include the New York Times, Washington Post and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Q: What is one thing most people do not know about you? A: I got to skip fourth grade. Q: What is your summer plan? A: After we get back from San Diego there are some trips statewide, having our two grandsons stay with us for six to eight weeks which includes a hot air balloon ;3./ J<2381 +8. 4><= /849B381 <>77/; Q: Anything to add? A: I really appreciate the opportunities and blessings I have received and hope I have helped make Osceola a better place with my involvement. I am very lucky to have a life partner in Helen who lets me do all of the stuff I do.

UWBC’s first-ever bachelor’s degree students to graduate $ &2/ 1;+.>+=398 90 =2/ J;<= /?/; ,+-2/69;I< degree students will be celebrated at the University of Wisconsin - Barron County annual commencement ceremonies scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the UWBC Fine Arts Theatre. Campus Dean/CEO Dr. Dean Yohnk noted, “These ') <=>./8=< +;/ +7981 =2/ J;<= 38 =2/ ') 966/1/< system of 13 two-year campuses to be awarded our new Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree. Just two B/+;< +19 ') @+< +7981 =2/ J;<= 90 =2/ ') 966/1/ campuses approved by the UW Board of Regents to beginning offering this individualized bachelor’s degreecompletion program. As a campus, we are truly honored =9 -/6/,;+=/ =2/ <>--/<</< +8. +-23/?/7/8=< 90 9>; J;<= BAAS student ‘pioneers.’� Along with the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences candidates, the event will also honor Associate of Arts and Science degree candidates and special recognition will be given to students who have successfully completed 60 credits with a grade-point average of 2.0 or higher and

will be eligible to transfer. To mark this momentous occasion dignitaries from the ') 966/1/< -/8=;+6 90J-/ 38 +.3<98 @366 ,/ 38 +==/8dance including UW Colleges/UW-Extension Chancellor Cathy Sandeen, who will give the keynote address, and UW Colleges Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs Greg Lampe, who will personally congratulate the BAAS candidates as they receive their diplomas. The host for the ceremony is Ethan Severson of Clayton, UWBC Student Government Association president. The program will open with remarks from Yohnk and the faculty address will be presented by Dr. Troy Kozma, UWBC associate professor of philosophy. Greetings from the University of Wisconsin - Barron County Foundation will be given by President Jane Dvorak and the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award will be announced. Sundeen will then give the keynote address followed by the conferring of degrees. During the ceremony educational scholarship re-

cipients, outstanding service award recipients, the 2015 UWBC Foundation Distinguished Alumni, and summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude graduates will be announced. Area Associate of Arts and Science degree candidates to be honored at the ceremony are Lisa Schaefer, of Amery; ; Jonathan Larsen, of Centuria; Anthony Schultz, of Frederic; Keegan Marek, of Grantsburg; Nicole Coulter, of Luck; Krystal Ouellette and Kourtney Collins, of Milltown; Johnathan Lloyd and Tory Williams, of Shell Lake; Ian Martin and Murdock Smith, of Siren; Amber Booth, Brianna Christman, Kilian Donovan, Chelsea Kilmer and Ally Roberts, of Spooner; Laura Groothousen, of Tony; Amanda Kupsch, of Trego; and Anthony Long and Julie Orf, of Turtle Lake. Area students to be honored for having successfully completed 60 credits with a grade-point average of 2.0 or better are: Jenelle Larsen, of Centuria; Tyler Harrell, of Shell Lake; and Davida Brown, of Spooner. - from UWBC

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Burnett County law enforcement steps up seat belt checks for Click It or Ticket, May 18-31 BURNETT COUNTY – The Burnett County Sheriff’s Department and the Grantsburg, Siren and Webster Police Departments will mobilize along with hundreds of other law enforcement agencies throughout Wisconsin for the annual Click It or Ticket safety belt enforcement campaign from Monday, May 18, to the end of May. F">; 90J-/;< +;/ </;39>< +,9>= <+0/=B ,/6= /809;-/ment. We see far too many drivers and passengers needlessly killed or injured because they were unbuckled in a crash,� says Sheriff Ron Wilhelm. “During the Click It or Ticket mobilization and throughout the year, we will stringently enforce Wisconsin’s safety belt law. We’re not trying to write more tickets. Through enforcement and education, we’re striving to get people to buckle up every time they drive or ride in a vehicle.�

Although the state’s safety belt use rate of 85 percent is the highest ever, more than half of the drivers and :+<</81/;< 5366/. 38 )3<-98<38 =;+0J- -;+<2/< 6+<= B/+; were not wearing safety belts. In addition, last year there were more than 55,000 convictions for failing to fasten a seat belt. No matter whether it’s day or night, or a short trip or a long journey, drivers and passengers must buckle up. Wearing a safety belt is the best possible protection against being ejected from a vehicle during a crash or thrown around violently inside it and possibly hitting another person in the vehicle with massive force. >;8/== 9>8=B 6+@ /809;-/7/8= 90J-/;< 0//6 =2+=I< why Click It or Ticket is more than a slogan to all of them; it’s a lifesaving effort. - submitted

Hike, Bike & Learn theme for Spring Awakenings Celebration ST. CROIX FALLS - Hike, Bike & Learn is the theme for the second-annual St. Croix Falls Spring Awakenings Celebration - a three-day “be-outdoors-and-enjoy� event to take place Friday-Sunday, May 15-17. Highlighting the event is the Midwest’s premiere mountain bike race, The Woolly Mammoth, hosted by the Woolly Bike Club and the Minnesota Mountain Bike Association. “We saw over 400 racers in 2014,� says Woolly co-coordinator Matt Fisk, “and you can expect to see more than that this year racing the amazing trails of our city - there are races and fun for all ages in multiple races. Visit woollybikeclub.com to register or learn more.� Spring Awakenings is in partnership with the city of St. Croix Falls, the Woolly Mountain Bike Club, the St. Croix Falls Public Library, animal educator and gardener Randy Korb, Music On The Overlook coordinator Woody McBride, both Interstate parks and many talented community members. “Hikes, bikes and animals - they’re awesome!� says McBride. “Spring Awakenings truly captures the natural <:3;3= 90 %= ;93A +66< 90J-3+66B H&2/ 3=B 90 &;+36< I There are three days of activities for everyone - a great way to kick the spring and summer off right.� Two early-morning bird hikes start the Saturday programs - adults go to Wisconsin’s Interstate Park Silverbrook Trail at 7 a.m. - and the kids/families bird hike meets at Jerusalem Pond at 8 a.m. Friday’s activity is a 8312==37/ 0;91 235/ @3=2 $+8.B 9;, ,;381 + K+<26312= also start at Jerusalem Pond at 8 p.m. A wide variety of animal education programs will be 2/6. %+=>;.+B += =2/ 63,;+;B =9 38-6>./ 0;91< ,>==/;K3/< bees, invertebrates and more. The library will also host traditional American Indian dancers. The Feet to Fish inauguration will also take place - a unique street art sten-36 :;94/-= =9 23126312= =2/ J<2 2+=-2/;B 38 =9@8 //= += &2/ "?/;6995 += + 7 &2/;/ 3< + 1;/+= @36.K9@/; 235/ starting at Lions Park at noon Saturday with a community garden tour at 3:30 p.m. The annual Mayor’s Hike and Picnic will also take place. Meet for a shuttle ride to hike start by 9:30 a.m. at Lions Park. F ,/63/?/ =23< /?/8= 3< ,/-97381 + ./J8381 @//5/8. Burnett County 4-H hosted their annual cultural arts festival on May 3, at Siren Schools. 4-H’ers were judged in crafts, drama, choral readings, speeches and demonstrations. As our slogan says, 4-H is about “learning by doing.� With a wide selection of topics and projects to learn about, this youth development organization is a valuable resource in our community. You have the opportunity to be a leader and a teacher by connecting to 4-H.

? I?E B5=5=25B Compiled by Sue Renno

50 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wikstrom, owners of what was then called Bambi Land, announced a contest for children ages 4-12 to come up with a new name for their establishment on Hwy. 8 near St. Croix Falls. They needed a new name because of copyright issues with Disney. The grand prize was a pony and saddle.–The prom king and queen for Webster were Jerry Pardun and Linda Haug.–“Some Enchanted Evening� was the theme for the Siren prom. Jim Anderson and Jeanine Hunt were king and queen, with senior attendants Steven Rufsholm and Donna Cairns, juniors Gary Bruneau and Starr Anderson, sophomores Robert Thompson and Donna Ellis, and freshmen Dirk Benzer and Sandra Johnson.–Mark Riedasch was the Frederic delegate to Badger Boys State at Ripon College.–Three vehicles in the parking lot of the Land O’ Lakes plant in Luck were damaged when a freight carload of powdered milk was backed into by the Soo Line train that was picking it up. It was moving too fast, and the loaded car rolled backward, over the back stop on the railroad siding and off the track, into the parking lot.–Carol Lee Jarvis, daughter of Mrs. Claude Leep, was chosen to be Frederic’s representative to Badger Girls State.–Alfred Gorr, of St. Louis Park, Minn., purchased the former Vangsgard Shoe Repair Shop from Mrs. Virgie Vangsgard, Frederic. He planned to operate it in the near future as Al’s Shoe Shop

40 years ago

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" !# "" for our community and will be for years to come,� says Mayor Brian Blesi. “Eight miles of one of America’s National Scenic Trails, the Ice Age Trail, are in St.Croix Falls. On Saturday morning, May 16, a guided walk will cover some of the best miles. Please join local trail guide Paul Kuhlman and I for a great walk and a picnic.� For more info visit stcroixfallsevents.com and Facebook. – submitted


?>>53D9?>C Olivia Kopecky

Royalty for the Siren junior prom included King Dayton Daniels, Queen Carey Schauers, senior attendants Jody Imme and Susie Fenton, junior attendants Dan Good and Debbie Heath, sophomore attendants Doug Couyer and Mona Emery and freshmen Darrell Taylor and Debbie Haaf. The theme was “Pieces of April.�–The McPherson Family, from Minneapolis, performed at the Luck Assembly of God Church on May 4. Mrs. McPherson was a sister of Pastor Arnold Hanson, host pastor. The musical group included the parents and their four teenagers.–Rick Gustafson, of )/,<=/; =995 J;<= +7981 J0=2 +8. <3A=2 1;+./ -98testants in the Burnett County Sentinel Spelling Bee. The winner in the seventh- and eighth-grade division was Beth Coen, from Frederic, who was also awarded the championship trophy.–Mrs. Duane Lindh, Frederic, Mrs. Norman Fougner, Amery, and Mrs. Vern Johnson, Dresser, were area representatives for a Women In Action Fly-In to Washington, D.C. Ten <=+=/< :+;=3-3:+=/. 38 =2/ KB 38< +< =2/ +;7/;< '8398 7/= @3=2 :963=3-+6 90J-3+6< +8. ' % /:+;=7/8= 90 1;3->6=>;/ 90J-3+6< =9 ./?/69: +8 663+8-/ 09; 99. 7ployment and Resource Policy between farmers and consumers.–Jim Brekke, valedictorian, and MaryLyn Thor, salutatorian, were the top students at Frederic, with the rest of the top 10 graduating seniors being Peggy Anderson, Bonnie Bubendorf, Diane Hansen, Linnea Lundeen, Kirsten Moline, Jane Nelson, Ronda Nyren and Nancy Smith.

20 years ago Siren student Josh Engstrand was training and fundraising to participate in the eastern U.S. national basketball championships in Columbus, Ohio, in July.–A ;/-+66 :/=3=398 @+< J6/. 38 %= ;93A +66< =9 ;/-+66 their mayor, Bethel Haugen.–Bruce Kuhnly, Luck, a Schwan’s man, found himself making another kind of delivery on April 18, a snowy, slushy, rainy day, as his wife delivered their son, Benjamin, with only Bruce’s help, in their home, with the midwife unable to get there in time.–Leader reporter Mary Stirrat won + J;<= :6+-/ +@+;. 0;97 =2/ )3<-98<38 9>8-36 98 /velopmental Disabilities for a story she wrote about Frederic resident Brian Rogers.–Leona Cummings was honored by the Frederic Lions Club with the Melvin Jones Award.–The junior prom royalty at Luck were King Paul King and Queen Jennifer Cole-Opitz.–Royalty for the Unity High School prom were Queen Jenny Broome and King David Kemis.–The St. Croix Falls drama department put on a three-act comedy called “The Nit Wits.�–Colonial Craft in Luck was the subject of a feature story in this paper. They employed between 100 and 110 people at the plant and processed about 32,000 feet of lumber each shift, producing window grilles, mouldings and picture frames.–Corinne Hardenbergh won the contest for the button design for Frederic Family Days.–Amy Hesla was chosen queen of the Grantsburg prom, with King Jared Marek and junior royalty Brandon Fossum and Brittany Kozak.

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Bob Brewster

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Bren Nel Ward

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5F9<OC 819B 8DA? B397 94 D85 >1=5 <514 D? D85 61<< With the name being so ingrained in legend, good or bad, when the famous former rock formation tumbled down a decade ago, speculation ran amok about vandalism and some tried to connect it to the name, with good reason. Sadly, Interstate Park has a long history of vandalism, and according to several sources, and noted in the 1991 book by Roy W. Meyer, “Everyone’s Country Estate: A History of Minnesota’s State Parks,� vandalism is indeed one of the original reasons cited for the need to establish the craggy Dalles area on both sides of the river as protected parks. Many people have stuck to the vandalism theory, which has stayed alive in social media ever since. Even Wikipedia, which was a rarely used reference tool at the time of the fall, was among the many sites leaning toward a conspiracy and vandals: “In April 2005 a landmark rock formation called the Devil’s Chair collapsed. An investigation found that the basalt pinnacle was toppled by vandals using crowbars and possibly a hydraulic spreader. Despite a reward for tips, the ->6:;3=< 2+?/ 8/?/; ,//8 3./8=3J/. G But was there ever a consensus on the cause? Authorities from the Chisago County Sheriff’s Department and Minnesota DNR immediately looked into the chair’s fall in 2005, which led to an inves=31+=398 +8. <>77+;B J8.381< ,B /A:/;= climbers, who offered their own sort of forensic examination of the site. This author was given unprecedented access to the case several years ago, and while some of the names have changed since, the vandalism theory is still a question mark. “We haven’t had any new information or leads since,� stated Capt. Shane Carroll of the CCSD, who has led the investigation since the collapse and is also the -98=;+-= :963-/ 90J-/; 09; &+B69;< +66< F guess we really just don’t know.� An interview in 2007 of then Sheriff Todd Rivard echoed Carroll’s results, as he stated the case was still technically “open,� but not resolved. The CCSD released over 100 photos taken shortly after the incident, all of which were taken by contracted climbers from the Midwest Technical Rescue Training Associates. They were hired by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and were hoping to get a break in the case. Yes, those rarely seen photos show a number of strange marks, scrapes and possible pry marks from equipment, as well as a stray cotter pin, which led the climbers group to state in their initial report a conclusion of vandalism. There was much speculation that a hydraulic spreader was likely used to make the chair formation fall, but even that seemed .30J->6= += ,/<= “It was dark out, so we really don’t know,� Carroll stated, repeating the fact of darkness as another reason against vandalism. The investigative photos of the chair base did show some unusual markings, including scuff marks that the Midwest group attempted to recreate but could not, and they also repeatedly mention the red paint chipping. According to the report, climbers rarely use equipment that isn’t powder coated, and red is a rare color for climbing gear, possibly because of the marks it might leave. However, a hydraulic spreader like the type of tool the climbing consultants speculated might have been used is commonly painted red. Hydraulic spreaders are strong, light, cheap and relatively easy to haul around. Other photos of the investigation <29@/. ->;39>< 1;+0J=3 ,>= @3=2 89 6/1ible names and only a few cuss words. The photos did show a number of suspicious marks on the rocks, but they prove little, and that cotter pin found on the site also thickened up the chair mystery. Investigators at the time pointed to the red paint, the cotter pin and the sheer need for hydraulics as further evidence of vandalism, but without a baseline reference or photos of the the chair prior to the fall, it is still speculation. )5G1B4C ?665B54 Shortly after the climbers investigation results, authorities from the CCSD, Min-

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“It was dark out, so we really don’t know.� - Capt. Shane Carroll Chisago County Sheriff’s Department nesota DNR and other groups jumped on board to supported the vandalism hypothesis. Rewards were offered and press stories were fashioned to highlight cliff-climbing “spidermen,� pulling off the ultimate in daring pranks in the middle of a cold, April night - just because they could. Numerous people of the time glommed onto the speculation of the satanic name contributing to the reason vandals toppled it, and others noted the name of the feature contributing to the demise. “I don’t know if the name, ‘The Devil’s Chair,’ maybe didn’t agitate the whole thing a bit,� Rivard said in 2007. “You know, it made it a little more interesting.� Authorities even pointed to a letter to the editor in a local paper, published shortly after the fall, coming out in favor of the toppling, noting that “... anything named after the Devil ... is evidence of his existence, and thus, should be eliminated.�

+85 @E2<93 9C 1C;54 D? 85<@ People in charge at the various agencies were hoping that a cool cash reward of almost $5,000 would let greed do the work, and possibly coax someone to reveal the name(s) of the daring, gravitychallenging vandals, but alas, no credible information surfaced. “There were maybe a couple of tips that came in,� Rivard said in 2007. “But they were pretty far off.� Some of those tips were pretty far off, and were obviously made up, such as the person who said something about a pickup truck with a cable on Hwy. 8, trying to pull the chair over. Physics proved that tip wrong in every way, since the chair went east into the river, and not into the western hillside. At the time, the only “credible tip� was pretty vague, stating that they saw a person or people leaving the scene with lots of climbing equipment. That tip was too common in a city with some of the most active climbing spots in the Midwest.

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But nobody recalls any credible instances of of late-night rock climbing at the park, now or back then. “It’s just not something we ever hear of, and the park closes at 10 p.m.,� stated Ron Erickson, Minnesota Interstate Park manager since shortly after the fall. “That @9>6. 7+5/ 3= /?/8 79;/ .30J->6= I. think. Frischmon agrees, nighttime climbing 3< .30J->6= /89>12 6/= +698/ =;B381 =9 8/gotiate a multiton rock formation into the river below. “It’s pretty dangerous at night, that’s for sure,� Frischmon concurred. “Going up is not all that tough,� Rivard said in 2007. “But getting down is another matter.� Others agree with the nighttime issues, as there are no real ambient lights in the area, and even moonlight would be thin, at best. It would have taken not only an experienced, daring and resourceful climber to topple the chair, but someone with knowledge of the structure who also kept quiet afterward. “It was not an easy climb,� Frischmon added. “It’s a lot of work to get up there, with no footholds ... and if someone did that, I can’t; imagine they wouldn’t have bragged about it!� If it were locals pulling a prank, everyone seems pretty sure someone would have talked or bragged about it, but nothing ever came of the reward offer. &2/ 6+<= =3: -+7/ 38 4><= J?/ @//5< +0=/; the initial reward was offered. “Nothing at all since,� Carroll said with nod last week. “Not a word.�

*9>35 D85 61<< Frischmon said they really don’t even note the chair anymore on the scenic boat tours, since it is no longer there. And the Minnesota DNR has closed pretty much all the references to it since, as well. “It’s kind of an open question, but it’s not really talked about much anymore,� Erickson said from the park perspective. “It was kind of an iconic symbol for the park, but we’ve kind of moved away from that.� But as Erickson and Carroll both noted, the mystery of the chair’s fall is partly because nobody knows exactly when it occurred, since it was dark. “Rocks fall there all the time,� Carroll said. “ It’s just that we might have a witness in the daytime.� Erickson and others noted several minor rock falls just before the chair that spring, and a major piece of rock fell in nearly the same spot almost exactly a year later, near the Lower Landing. “Yeah, rock does fall there periodically,� Erickson said, pointing to a large rockfall last spring, about 25 feet upstream of the where the chair fell. “It’s all loose, it’s just a question of how loose.� Rockslides can have a number of causes or triggers, including smaller tumbling rocks and possibly even vibrations from the nearby Hwy. 8, as evidenced by the smaller boulders lying beside the highway up the hillside. “My take has always been that it was just nature,� Frischmon said with a sigh, again pointing to the swaying her grandfather pointed out, decades earlier. “He always said it was going to fall.� As the case slowly fades into the past, and memories cloud, it seems likely that the mystery of the chair will never truly be solved. And while many in the city of Taylors Falls still look to the Devil’s Chair as a lost landmark, the reality is that there are a number of other unique and bizarre rock formations to admire. “We’re so lucky to have so much in the area and on the river,� Frischmon said. “But it is sort of sad.� While the memory of the chair fades, even the riverboat captains no longer reference the chair, joking instead of the Devil’s Table and other nicknames, but it will never be the same. In fact, a few enterprising pranksters did make light of the chair a short time after the fall, and they somehow dragged a white toilet up to the Devil’s Tableau, which led to a brief round of jokes about other items for the devil to sit on.

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Webster Pop Concert a fun year-end tradition Staff writer WEBSTER—Every spring, the Webster High School -293; +8. ,+8. 29<= + -+<>+6 +8. 0>8 J66/. 7><3-+6 /?/8= called the pop concert. This year’s concert, held Friday, May 8, was a playful evening featuring contemporary music, a little bit of silli-

ness, and snacks for the audience. However, the concert can turn serious and emotional at times, because it is also when choir director Rachel Lee and band director Julie Strang hand out recognition and awards to departing seniors who are performing together for the last time. Seniors make up almost a third of the 41-member choir, and six seniors have been in the choir all four years. Madison Main was given the Outstanding Senior Award. Junior Cassidy Formanek was voted the choir’s MVP. The group sang four numbers, including a surprise performance of “The Circle of Life� from “The Lion King� – a nod to the group’s trip to Disney World earlier this spring. The 56-member band also performed four selections, including a medley from “Jersey Boys� and a Best of Journey collection. The band closed the show with another nod to Disney with a medley of songs from “Aladdin.� Prior to the end of the show, Strang recognized the 14 departing seniors and presented two special awards. Madeline Snow earned .52CD5B C5>9?BC 013 #?5<J 1>4 %1<<?BI 1>95<C ?> 2581<6 ?6 a distinction for her D85 7B14E1D9>7 21>4 CDE45>DC @B5C5>D 49B53D?B "E<95 *DB1>7 dedication and comand MalG9D8 1> 1G1B4 ?> %1I 1>4 D81>; 85B 6?B M9>C@9B9>7 EC D? 4? mitment lory Daniels received 7B51D D89>7C N the John Philip Sousa

Award. The students, in turn, expressed their gratitude and gave recognition to former band director Dan Zimmer and his wife, Mary. The couple remains very involved in the music program and plans the Disney trip every four years. The seniors also presented Strang with a gift and serenaded her with a medley of their own. As Daniels and fellow senior Zac Koelz handed Strang a Mickey Mouse trophy, Koelz spoke on behalf of the graduates by saying, “You inspire us to do great things. Thank you.�

Photos by Jean Koelz

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SCRA and St. Croix Valley Camera Club announce special speaker Program for photographers in St. Croix Falls

• 2 Sizes • 6 Accent Colors

ST. CROIX FALLS – As a kickoff to the St. Croix River Association Photo Contest, noted photographer Doug Ohman will be speaking at the St. Croix River Associa=398 90J-/ += % )+<2381=98 %= 38 %= ;93A +66< 98 Saturday, May 16, at 10 a.m. The event is co-sponsored by the St. Croix Valley Camera Club, stcroixvalleycameraclub.org. Ohman makes his living with his photography and lectures. He will discuss his many river adventures and show photos of his travels on the Mississippi and Rum Rivers, to name just a few. “Doug Ohman is a photographer and popular public speaker. His photographs are featured in the ‘Minnesota Byways’ series, which includes ‘Barns of Minnesota,’ ‘Churches of Minnesota,’ ‘Courthouses of Minnesota,’ ‘Schoolhouses of Minnesota,’ ‘Cabins of Minnesota,’ ‘Libraries of Minnesota,’ and ‘Prairie, Lake, Forest: Minnesota’s State Parks,’ all published by MHS Press. He lives in New Hope, Minn.� From the Minnesota Historical Society. The St. Croix Valley Camera Club and SCRA will have information and displays at Ohman’s talk. Join them and J8. 9>= 79;/ +,9>= % $ +8. % ( 900// @366 ,/ served at 9:30 a.m. Check out Ohman’s photos at pioneerphotography.com and if you are an amateur photographer, consider entering SCRA’s photo contest; the deadline for submissions is Aug. 14. Visit the Photo Contest page for complete details. - submitted

• 14 Designs • Printed on Card Stock

Custom Designs Available for Additional Fee 5" x 4" Cards 25 cards...................................$22.00 50 cards..................................$27.00 75 cards...................................$32.00 100 cards................................$38.00 Prices Include Envelopes

Master Gardener volunteers welcome iris expert BALSAM LAKE – On Monday, May 18, the Polk County Master Gardener volunteers will welcome William Dougherty to their meeting. Dougherty is a well-known expert on one of the most popular and reliable perennials, the garden iris. Many gardeners grow bearded iris, but there are many more iris to be grown in northern gardens. There is an iris for every environment; sun to shade; arid rock to water gardens. Learn of the aesthetic and practical functions of iris for northern gardens. Dougherty has been a regional vice president and garden judge for the American Iris Society; he has been growing iris all of his life; and he currently hybridizes many types of iris. He will be bringing iris for sale, and perhaps he’ll have some Asiatic and Oriental lilies as well. There’s always something new to learn and some new :6+8=< =9 7+5/ += 297/ 38 =2/ :/;/883+6 K9@/; 1+;./8 E check it out. Join them on Monday, May 18, at 7 p.m., at the Polk County Justice Center in Balsam Lake. As always their meetings, which begin at 6 p.m., are open to the public; their speaker programs are free to all; and they encourage and welcome guests. Any questions, please call Jackie at 715-268-8786 or Sally at 715-268-2926. - submitted

5" x 7" Cards 1 Pic 2 Pics 3+ Pics 25 cards........$26.00.........$29.00.......$32.00 50 cards.......$36.00.........$39.00.......$42.00 75 cards........$46.00.........$49.00.......$52.00 100 cards.....$56.00.........$59.00.......$62.00 Prices Include Envelopes

Plant sale to be held at the Fort

303 Wisconsin Ave. North Frederic, Wis.

24154 State Rd. 35N Siren, Wis.



107 N. Washington St. St. Croix Falls, Wis.


11 West 5th Ave. Shell Lake, Wis.


2 3 4 5 C $

Photo Release Forms May Be Needed. Check With Your Photographer. Minimum Order Is 25 Cards. Prices Shown Do Not Include $5 Handling Fee.

BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES - Spring is here. Time to think about adding perennials and annuals to your gardens. The Forts Folle Avoine plant sale will be held Memorial Day weekend, Saturday, May 23, and Sunday, May 24. They will have a wide variety of annuals, perennials, native plants and vegetables available to choose from. The Fort gardeners are looking for plant donations to sell during the sale - hostas, ferns, lupine, daisies, any other plants that have popped up in abundance in your gardens. They will be collecting the plants from May 18 to 22 before the sale. They are also looking for volunteers to help at the sale, as well as to help maintain the Fort gardens. If you have any plants to donate or want to volunteer, please call the Fort at 715-866-8890 or Carolyn Marquardt at 715-349-8005. - submitted

Sign up for emails of breaking local news @ leadernewsroom.com

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10th-annual Carlyle Sherstad 5K/10K is June 6 GRANTSBURG —The 10th-annual Carlyle Sherstad 5K/10K will take place on Saturday, June 6, during Grantsburg’s Big Gust Days. Parking will be at the Grantsburg High School, with packet pickup and race-day registration from 6:30 to 7:45 a.m. at the high school track. Both the 5K and 10K events will begin at 8 a.m. on Madison Avenue behind the track. Trophies will be awarded to the top 9?/;+66 7+6/ +8. 0/7+6/ J83<2/;< +8. 7/.+6< @366 ,/ +@+;./. =9 =2/ J;<= =2;// 7+6/ +8. 0/7+6/ J83<2/;< 38 /+-2 90 838/ age categories. There will also be a “Kiddie Carlyle,� where children age 7 and younger are invited to participate in a 100-yard dash. Each participant pays $1 and will get a 7/.+6 09; -;9<<381 =2/ J83<2 638/ The registration fee is $20 per preregistered participant and $15 for ages 16 and under. The race-day registration fee increases to $25 for ages 17 and older. Everyone who preregisters by Friday, May 15, will receive a moisture-wicking event T-shirt, so register early. Sorry, no refunds. Registration is available online at carlylesherstad.zapevent.com. Paper registration forms can also be downloaded from Burnett Medical Center’s website at burnettmedicalcenter.com. Race information is available under the Events tab. Forms can also be picked up at Burnett Medical Center. The Carlyle Sherstad 5K/10K is organized by Burnett Medical Center and sponsored by local businesses. Proceeds from the 2015 event will be given to the Grantsburg Revitalization Operation, an organization striving to develop opportunities for growth in Grantsburg. The funds will be used to promote the abundance of natural resources in the Grantsburg area, which may include the development of kiosks, trail signage and maps. The Carlyle Sherstad 5K/10K is held each year to honor the legacy of Carlyle Sherstad, a great promoter of physical J=8/<< 38 ;+8=<,>;1 +8. 09>8./; +8. organizer of the 16.2-mile Syttende Mai race, an annual event held for many years in Grantsburg that drew hundreds of runners from all over the Midwest. With this year being the 10th-annual Carlyle Sherstad 5K/10K as well as Grantsburg’s ses-

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2015 Frederic Area ACS Sole Burner Walk/Run best in 20 years

FREDERIC - The Frederic Area American Cancer Society Sole Burner Walk/Run on Saturday, May 9, had 153 registered participants and 23 teams. The total amount raised was $31,870.09, a 20-year high in the history of the Frederic cancer walk. Sponsors of this year’s event were Larsen Auto Center, Amery Regional Medical Center, St. Croix Regional Medical Center and The Ridge Eatery. Gratitude is extended to Honorary Chair Jordan Pechuman and all the cancer survivors who attended the walk. Signs of Hope, purchased by local businesses, were on display along the walk/run route.

+51= D?D1<C The 2015 team totals were: Sundown Saloon, $4,271; The Ridge Eatery, $2,575.09; Scrabble Fanatics, $2,430; Ash Street Gang, $2,401; Hansen Family and Friends, $2,290; Chill, $2,005; Dot Buecksler Family and Friends, $1,705; Hacker’s Lanes, $1,586; Team Karli, $1,500; Michele’s Rack Pack, $985; Georgetown Lutheran Church, $960; Schmidt Family, $862; Good Cheer Club, $490; Relativity, $445; Bone Lake Beavers 4-H, $340; Frederic Golf Course Let’s Club Cancer Tournament, $290; Frederic Lioness Club, $290; St. Luke’s Saints, $185; Gene Johnson Construction, $110; Luck Clinic, $90; Frederic Schools, $60; Lewis Lightning, $55; Bremer Bank, $40; and individual walkers raised $365. The top individual fundraisers were: Patti Fredericks, $4,271; Kim Pechuman, $2,480; Nancy Hardenbergh, $2,125; Karli Bartlett, $1,500; Jim Prodger, $1,125; Edna Martin, $1055; Colleen Draxler, $940; Elvira Schmidt, $772; JoAnn Gibbs, $490; Ron Hansen, $480; Sara Handy, $340; Kay Thorsbakken, $335; Clara Terlaak, $315; Dale Johnson, $330; and Jack Buecksler, $300. Signs of Hope raised $1,570, athletic shoes raised $475, =;3,>=/ K+1< ;+3</. +8. =2/ +>=91;+:2/. #+-5/; 099=,+66 silent auction raised $150, with Judy Marek having the highest bid. The 50/50 drawing raised $48, won by Samantha Otten. *E@@?BD 6B?= 2EC9>5CC5C 1>4 9>49F94E1<C Businesses and individuals gave their help and support to the walk. Bremer Bank contributed $250 to the walk, Avalon and Beckman Sisters Family Days Bingo each donated $250. American Cancer Society representatives Amanda Pilger and Kiera Evans were present for the event. The Rose Garden provided corsages for cancer survivors. Frederic Grocery provided apples, Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board and Polk-Burnett County Dairy Promotion provided string cheese, Syliva Hansen, Nancy Hardenbergh and Alisha Schengarth provided cookies and Travis McKenzie of Kinetico Water Systems provided water. Doug Panek, Gary King and Mary Stirrat of the InterCounty Leader provided publicity. • Committee member Wendy Knauber and ACS Representative Kiera Evans helped register participants. • Colleen Draxler and Judy Hammer served coffee, apples, water, cheese and cookies. • Samatha Everson sold, lettered and displayed tribute K+1< • Jessica Nelson ran the 50/50 drawing. • Marissa Nelson, Outstanding American Miss, helped line up teams for photographs. • Mary Ellen Ruhn helped with the silent auction of the Packer football. • Sylvia Hansen and Verlene Pearson distributed T-shirts. • Samantha Everson and Elvira Schmidt took team photos. • Sandy Hickey, Marlene Dahlberg and Kiera Evans did =2/ J8+6 -9>8= 90 798/B • Frederic Schools and Pat Anderson provided the registration site and public address system. • William Johnson helped with the PA system. • Jim Schommer provided needed items for registration area in school. • Hacker’s Lanes hosted the kickoff meeting and Linda Richter set up for the kickoff breakfast. • The Frederic Holiday Station provided breakfast sandwiches for the kickoff breakfast. • Pilgrim Lutheran Churh provided a meeting room for the committee. • Rebecca Harlander put the walk/run information on the Frederic village sign. • Terry Siebenthal created and put up the walk banner at the school. • Frederic Public Library displayed the poster of the 2014 honorary chair. • Larsen Auto Center displayed posters of previous ACS walks. • Joan Spencer and the Frederic Golf Course provided buy one-get one free golf vouchers for each participant and a free round of golf for the top fundraiser. • Phyllis and Scott Wilder put up and took down the Signs of Hope. • The Green Bay Packers donated the autographed football. • Vernon Knauber and Bruce Johnson staffed the ambulance. D "0J-/; 7+8.+ $>88/6< :;9?3./. 38=/;</-=398 :+=;96 and escorted money to the bank. Special gratitude to everyone who walked, supported a walker, or supported the walk in any way. The Frederic Area Walk/Run committee members are Sylvia Hansen, Kay Thorsbakken, Phyllis Wilder, Nancy Hardenbergh, Colleen Draxler, Phyllis Meyer, Amy Free, Samantha Everson and Elvira Schmidt. - submitted

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Photos by Gary King

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2015 Luck ACS Sole Burner Walk/Run

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Photos by Mary Stirrat

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Luck Spring Concert and Art Show • 2015

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Burnett County Historical Society Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Banquet held FAMILY DENTISTRY


Dr. Dann Rowe, DDS

Appointment information call 715-472-2211 !"#$%#&"%'#()'%!)"$*"+%+,")-./,%,#%0#& ?BDC ?<<5 F?9>5 9B53D?B *D5F5 .95BC3859= C81;5C D85 81>4 ?6 EB>5DD ?E>DI 9CD?B931< *?395DI -?<E>D55B ?6 D85 /51B 5?B75 %5I5B 1D D85 F?<E>D55B 1@@B5391D9?> 21>AE5D


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Words cannot express our gratitude for having been chosen Frederic Citizens Of The Year for 2015. We are blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community. Thanks to the Chamber and all those involved to make this such a special time for us. Thanks for all the calls, cards and words of kindness we received for days. Thanks to our wonderful family who worked so secretly together to get out-of-state family here as a total surprise. A community working together is the key to making all things happen and successful. We feel honored, blessed and humbled. We love you all. God bless you.

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DANBURY - The Burnett County Historical Society hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Banquet on Saturday, May 9. Lily Gleason and George Meyer were each selected as a Volunteer of the */+; +8. :;/</8=/. @3=2 + -/;=3J-+=/ 90 +::;/-3+=398 Gleason has volunteered at Forts Folle Avoine for 15-plus years, working in the kitchen during the wild rice pancake breakfasts. She is the reigning mix master, whipping up all the batter for the thousands of pancakes that are served every year. Director Steve Wierschiem informed the crowd that “George is one of those guys working behind the scenes, making sure all the little stuff gets done.� Meyer makes almost daily appearances to the historic site, providing friendly support to the staff and creating needed items in the wood shop. The soon-to-be opened logging museum has been an ongoing project made possible with his handiwork. - submitted

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Luck senior receives $100,000 music scholarship Mary Stirrat | Staff writer LUCK — On a fairly regular basis we hear of a graduating high school senior who is receiving a healthy athletic scholarship to a four-year college or university. It’s a more rare occurrence that a senior receiving a large music or arts scholarship is highlighted. But Luck’s Tanner Nielsen can attest to the fact that those scholarships are indeed available. Nielsen, who will graduate from Luck May 17, has been granted a $25,000 music scholarship for each of the next four years — a total of $100,000 — to attend Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. “There are a lot of colleges that offer a variety of music scholarships,â€? said Luck band director Jen Gilhoi. “Any student with musical talent who is interested in performing in college should look into the opportunities at the college they plan to attend.â€? Nielsen knew he wanted to double major in music composition and computer science, and Cornell, a 1,500-student private liberal arts college, has strong programs in both. Another thing that attracted him to Cornell was its “one course at a timeâ€? schedule. Students take one course for four hours a day for 18 days. Then you start a new class. “I really like that learning style,â€? said Nielsen. ••• As an early elementary student, Nielsen remembers, he would sit at the piano with his grandma, Lucy Nielsen, and just “mess around.â€? She would play a piece of music and Tanner would copy her, playing by ear and just having fun with the notes and rhythms. “My grandma is the person who got me into piano initially,â€? he said. “That’s what fueled my interest.â€? When Nielsen started piano lessons in fourth grade, said his piano teacher Vickie Peterson, it was clear that he had

-93;95 (5D5BC?> 81C 255> +1>>5B &95<C5>OC @91>? D51385B 6?B D85 @1CD >9>5 I51BC " ! & & " " “a very special gift.� Although he could not read music, he could play beautifully. “His grandmother had taught him some pretty advanced music by just showing him how to play the songs,� said Peterson. “Starting to teach him to read music was quite the challenge because, to him, the music looked so simple, yet 3= @+< ;/+66B .30J->6= 09; 237 =9 :6+B 3= G By the time he was in seventh grade, Nielsen had begun composing music. He had also started percussion in band, and Gilhoi became his band teacher that year. Both Peterson and Gilhoi fed his interest in composing, and that year he got third place at the Wisconsin School Music Association Student Composition Project. “I felt like he needed a challenge to keep him motivated,� said Gilhoi. “I started

:3/-/ 09; J?/ 7+66/=< 98 =2/ 7+;37,+ +8. earned the Exemplary Soloist Award for his efforts.â€? Gilhoi also encouraged him to audition for the Wisconsin State Honors Band. “He spent hours preparing his marimba solo, timpani solo, and working on sight-reading skills,â€? she said. “He went on to perform with the state honor band for three years in a row.â€? At Honors Camps, said Nielsen, he was able to take part in talent shows, where participants are not allowed to play whatever it was that got them into the camp. His percussion audition got him in, he said, so he was able to play his own compositions during the talent show. A hundred or more other students are there, said Nielsen, all of whom know music really well. “It’s great to have them saying how much they liked what I did,â€? he said. ••• The maximum scholarship that Cornell College offers is $25,000 per year. Nielsen was offered that amount as either an academic scholarship or a music scholarship, and chose the music scholarship because it came with free percussion, piano and composition lessons. The scholarship was awarded to him following an audition process, which Nielsen very much enjoyed. “The composition guy really liked me,â€? he said. “He said he’d really like to work with me.â€? His audition, said Nielsen, was “personalized,â€? where he had the opportunity to do a marimba piece, a percussion piece and a composition piece in front of several staff members. “It was pretty laid-back,â€? he said. Both Gilhoi and Peterson are excited to see and hear where Nielsen’s music will take him. “It has been an honor, joy and challenge to teach this young man for the past nine years,â€? Peterson said. “His composition skills are amazing, and it will be exciting to hear what he will compose in the future, with the skills he will learn as he continues his education.â€? “Tanner is a fantastic musician and intelligent young man with a very bright future,â€? said Gilhoi. “He has been a friend, a mentor, and an inspiration to many Luck students. I admire his musical gifts and eagerly look forward to seeing and hearing his musical progress in the future. “I’m thankful for having the opportunity to work with a gifted student who has always remained teachable. It’s been a fun ride and I’m so proud of him.â€? Although Nielsen is not positive that music composition will be his career choice, he knows that it will always be an important part of his life. “Music is obviously big in my life,â€? he said. “But I think I would like to be working more for a company as a computer programmer, or working on music software somewhere.â€? He’s already been combining his art, programming and music by writing computer games. “I’m passionate about both of them — music composition and computer science,â€? he said. will be a $E3; C5>9?B +1>>5B &95<C5> 1>4 21>4 49B53D?B "5> 9<8?9 1D “One hobby. We’ll see how that D85 C38??<OC =1B9=21 plays out.â€?

giving him more complex music and also introduced him to the marimba. I love the marimba and was hoping he would enjoy it as much as I did.� The next year she gave him two Class A marimba pieces, a duet and a solo. “He worked hard on them and took both events to state,� she said. He played the duet with a high school junior, Nielsen said, which was a great experience for an eighth-grader. They got a J;<= ;+=381 += <=+=/ The marimba at Luck Schools was “ancient� and sitting on sawhorse legs, said Gilhoi. Nielsen’s interest led her to apply to the St. Croix Valley Foundation for a grant for a new, full-sized marimba. “I’m certain that the new marimba gave Tanner even more motivation to push himself musically,� she said. According to Nielsen, he was learning more and more, “mainly by messing around.� His two teachers helped immensely, but didn’t try to direct him in +8B <:/-3J- @+B< “It was very helpful,� he said. He learned differently than her other students, Peterson said, choosing a challenging piece, then working on the structure, picking it apart technique by technique. “I did learn from Tanner in a new way again that each student learns differently,� she said, “and to try to adapt the normal teaching methods to what works for the individual student.� As Nielsen excelled, said Peterson, they found that half-hour lessons were not long enough. “There was always something new he would want to learn,� she <+3. F&+88/; @9>6. J8. <97/=2381 2/ heard, and even if it wasn’t music com:9</. 09; :3+89 2/ @9>6. J1>;/ 9>= 29@ to adapt it to the keyboard. “Keeping him challenged and motivated was never an issue for me. On the other hand, teaching him the basics and giving him the tools and methods to use in playing piano was the challenge.� Nielsen entered the composition project every year, said Gilhoi, and he won many awards for his work. “He also earned his way to state solo and ensemble for multiple events every year, from eighth grade through his senior year. “He earned several Exemplary Soloist Awards at the state level on both percussion events and piano events,� she said. “This year he even transcribed a

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Frederic • 715-327-4236 Siren • 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls 715-483-9008 editor@leadernewsroom.com

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Out and about with Head Start students Applications being accepted SIREN - The Mina Copeland Head Start in Siren ends the year this week and is taking applications for next fall. Mina Copeland, as with all Head Starts, is a comprehensive child development program for children ages 3 to 5 years old from low income families, including children with disabilities. Over-income families may be eligible depending on other needs within the family. During the year, children participate in a variety of educational activities designed to foster learning and social/emotional skills and physical development. Shown are activities from the last two full weeks of the year. For more information or to acquire an application, contact 715-8664867 or 715-532-4222. - Sherill Summer *! , &?BD8<1;5C ?==E>9DI <9>93 F9C9D54 D85 %9>1 ?@5<1>4 514 *D1BD ?> +E5C41I @B9< +85 389<4B5> <51B>54 12?ED 8?G D? 31B5 6?B D859B D55D8 1>4 =1>I ?6 D85= B5359F54 1 6B55 3853;E@ *9=?> ?@5>C G945 6?B "5>>965B (?<938 6B?= &?BD8<1;5C ?==E >9DI <9>93 =1>41 5I5BC 1>4 (?<<I D85 (1BB?D 6B?= D85 ?==E >9DI 1>; F9C9D54 %9>1 ?@5<1>4 514 *D1BD ?> .54>5C 41I @B9< +85I D1<;54 D? D85 389<4B5> 12?ED C1F9>7 =?>5I 1>4 C8?G54 D85= 49665B5>D =?>5I 6B?= 1B?E>4 D85 G?B<4 (?<<I D85 (1BB?D 9C C8?G> G9D8 D85 389<4B5> 6B?= D85 16D5B>??> C5CC9?>

Photos by Sherill Summer

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Find breaking local news @ leadernewsroom.com

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After 5 May dinner meeting set WEBSTER - The Webster/Siren Area Christian Women’s Club After 5 will hold its May dinner meeting on Monday, May 18, at 6:30 p.m., with the theme Life Changing Moments. All ladies of the area are invited to join them at Grace United Methodist Church in Webster. Sadie Koelz, a Webster High School student, will be providing music. Heidi Studer from Perham, Minn., will be the special speaker and will also bring the feature, giving information about Stonecroft’s special Christmas gatherings. %=>./; @366 <2+;/ <97/ ./J8381 797/8=< that transformed her life. She is a former

teacher and the mother of three. She facilitates Bible study and prayer groups in her community, and in her leisure time she enjoys biking, hiking, scrapbooking and spending time with family and friends. Join them for this evening of Christian fellowship and encouragement. Reservations can be made by calling Jane at 715566-0081. Cost is $10 inclusive. After 5 is a nondenominational Christian Women’s Fellowship Group that 3< +0J63+=/. @3=2 %=98/-;90= 383<=;3/< whose headquarters are in Kansas City, Kan. - submitted

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Blue Mass scheduled BALSAM LAKE - The Knights of Columbus council will be holding its 10thannual Blue Mass on Saturday, May 16, at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church. The Blue Mass is hosted to honor the work of public safety including law en09;-/7/8= 90J-/;< J;/J12=/;< +8. /7/;gency medical services. The term Blue Mass is a reference to the color of the uniforms worn by law enforcement ofJ-/; +8. .+=/< ,+-5 =9 0=/; %/:= 11, 2001, the Blue Mass was extended to

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Elks Lodge celebrates youth week

Highview bluegrass band to perform at North Valley Lutheran Church May 17 MILLTOWN – The Highview bluegrass band will be performing at the North Valley Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon, May 17, at 2 p.m. Highview is a local band that plays a variety of bluegrass as well as gospel and traditional country music. Bob Andrewson, guitar and vocals, picked up the guitar about seven years ago, and after picking and singing in his shed for years, decided to go to the Ladysmith Bluegrass Festival, where he met, unknowingly at the time, his future wife, Kelly Andrewson, banjo, mandolin, guitar and vocals. Kelly has been picking and singing bluegrass and old-time music since high school. Several years later, Bob and Kelly got married and decided to form a band. The Andrewsons are from Webster.

They looked high and low for a bass player and found Gerald Hershey, from Spooner. Hershey has been playing gospel, as well as traditional bluegrass, just about all of his life. He has played engagements as far away as Alaska, and plays in a band with his brother, Alan Hershey. Gerald also plays guitar and adds harmony vocals. &2/ ,+8. +6<9 8//./. + J..6/; +8. found Randy Hanson from Cameron. You 7+B 2+?/ 2/+;. +8<98I< J..638I <97/@2/;/ +;9>8. =2/ +;/+ +< 2/ 2+< ,//8 J.dling since he was a little guy. Come check out their show. They will sing you a story and get your feet tappin’! North Valley Lutheran Church is lo*1>4I (?<J9> 1>4 >>5 1<<1785B ?6 D85 )935 $1;5 <;C $?475 &? @?C5 G9D8 CDE45>DC cated 2-1/2 miles west of Milltown on 1>4 3?==E>9DI F?<E>D55BC G8? G5B5 @B5C5>D54 G9D8 1G1B4C 1>4 C38?<1BC89@C 1D D85 D8 1>>E1< CTH G. - submitted I?ED8 21>AE5D ?> .54>5C41I %1I " !# ""

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youth volunteers, athletes, scholars and winners of contests involving citizenship and drug awareness. Presenting the state and local MVS scholarships was part of RICE LAKE—The Elks National Foun- the program. The Rice Lake lodge serves a broad dation gives away $3.74 million in college scholarships each year, providing more geographic area, and event coordinator funding to students than any other orga- Sandy Polzin sent scholarship applicanization excluding the U.S. Government. tions last year to the 30 school districts Most of that money, $2.44 million, is given within its boundaries. Student appliaway through a program called the Most cations included information about Valuable Student competition, where 500 academic performance, extracurricular -966/1/ ,9>8. J8+63<=< ?3/ 09; =2/ -2+8-/ activities, community service, work histo win awards ranging from $4,000 to tory and an essay. Of all the applications $50,000. For applicants whose essays do the lodge received, six were forwarded to not advance to the national level, the Elks the state level, and one of those advanced state associations and individual lodges to the national competition. Among the award students on a regional and local winners was Webster senior Zachary Koelz who received a $1,000 state scholbasis. The Rice Lake Elks Lodge No. 1441 re- arship. – submitted cently celebrated Youth Week, culminating in a banquet held on May 6 to honor +85 978F95G 2<E57B1CC 21>4 G9<< 25 @5B6?B=9>7 1D D85 &?BD8 -1<<5I $ED85B1> 8EB38 ?> *E> 41I 16D5B>??> %1I 1D @ = ' " !# ""

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Joyce M. Davis

Ruth Ann Rust Johnson

Myrtis Elizabeth Mitchell

Joyce M. Davis, Siren, 89, passed away April 28, 2015, at her home with her loving family at her side. Joyce was born Aug. 24, 1925, in Hudson, and graduated from Hudson High School in 1943. She met the love of her life, Les (Bud) Davis from St. Paul, Minn., in 1943. They were married on March 23, 1946, after Les returned from three years of service in the Army Air Corps. They raised their family in St. Paul, Minn., three sons and one daughter. Les was employed by Western Bank in St. Paul, Minn., for 40 years, taking early retirement in 1982. They moved to their lake home on Connors Lake in Webster. They spent many happy years with family and 0;3/8.< <89@79,36381 196J81 +8. J<2381 Joyce was preceded in death by her parents, Lyle and Irma Udell; sister, Helen Guggemos; and daughter, Sue Ann. She is survived by her husband, Les; sons, Robert (Mary) from Burnsville, Minn., Lee (Patricia) from Roberts and Loren (Debra) from Vadnais Heights, Minn.; four grandsons; three granddaughters; two great-granddaughters; nine great-grandsons; brother, Roy (Fina) from Texas; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Private burial was at Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Spooner.

Ruth Ann Rust Johnson, 72, Prairie Farm, Wis., passed away peacefully May 6, 2015, at Christian Community Home of Osceola, Wis. Ruth was born Sept. 27, 1942, to Robert and Elaine (Delmore) Rust of Eau Claire, Wis. Ruth was the third of 11 children born to Bob and Elaine Rust. Ruth attended St. Patrick’s Elementary School and later attended Regis High School, graduating among the Class of 1960. Ruth married Mike A. Johnson of St. Paul in 1963. The couple resided in St. Croix Falls, Wis., for many years where she owned and operated The Mug & Jug and Owl Bar. Ruth’s 20 successful years in radio advertising sales and a move to Prairie Farm in 1986, expanded her friendships. Through many miles on the road, be it for work or pleasure, she formed strong bonds with many wonderful people. Family, friends, baking and entertaining were Ruth’s passion and delight. Ruth loved and cherished her six grandchildren, spoiling all of them and attending countless sporting and school events. Times spent with her family were her most treasured memories. Spare mo7/8=< @/;/ J66/. @3=2 196J81 <29::381 +8. =;+?/6381 with family and friends. She enjoyed making other people laugh with her jokes. Her infectious smile will forever be remembered. Ruth will be greatly missed by all that knew and loved her. Ruth is survived by her lifelong partner, T.J. (Thomas John) Montieth of Turtle Lake, Wis.; son, Scot Johnson, also known as Minagua Michaeleon, of Forest Lake, Wis.; son, Mark Johnson (Kristin) of St. Croix Falls; and daughter, Rene Lechman (Ross) of Dresser, Wis. She leaves behind six beautiful grandchildren, Justin and Allie Holmdahl, Bennet Lechman and Bret, Kacy and Madi Johnson. Ruth leaves behind hundreds of wonderful friends and people whose lives she has touched with her kindness and generosity. She was preceded in death by her mother and father, and sisters, Jeanette (Rust) Solberg and Nancy (Rust) Schrantz; brothers-in-law, James Schrantz and Larry Prell; and nephew, Michael Prell. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Saturday, May 9, at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Osceola. Interment will be in Prairie Farm at Sunset Cemetery. Arrangements by Grandstrand Funeral Home, grandstrandfh. com.

Myrtis Elizabeth Mitchell passed away May 8, 2015, at the St. Croix Good Samaritan Center. She was born Jan. 28, 1923, on the family farm north of Milltown. Her parents were Thomas and Elanora Bering Hermansen. Myrtis was baptized July 22, 1923, in the West Denmark Lutheran Church. She attended the Milltown School and graduated in 1942. During WWII she worked as a welder for Walter Butler Shipyards in Superior, Wis. Later she worked in the Mill Inn and the Co-op Store in Milltown. Myrtis married George Mitchell in 1950. He was in the Navy, and at that time stationed in Pensacola, Fla., where they lived for three years. During that time their J;<= <98 /88/=2 @+< ,9;8 !9;0965 (+ @+< =2/3; 8/A= 297/ ,+</ 09; J?/ B/+;< /;/ 3< @2/;/ 9>16+< @+< born. Myrtis made it their home wherever they lived. %2/ @9>6. J8. + -2>;-2 @3=238 @+65381 .3<=+8-/ +8. =9 do the shopping would catch a bus. They lived a couple of blocks from Chesapeake Bay where she and the boys spent a lot of time on the beach. When George had orders to go back to the Mediterranean in 1958, Myrtis and the boys moved to a farm on Half Moon Lake. This is where they lived when George put in the last four years of duty at Great Lakes Naval Base. The family joined Milltown Lutheran Church where Myrtis was an active member. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; three brothers, Herluf, Vernon and Robert; and two sisters, Margaret Dombrock and Belva Jacobson. She is survived by her children, Kenneth and his wife, Patricia, and family, Douglas and his wife, Carol, and family; grandchildren, Kendra Wettig, Kendra (Kevin) Wettig, Marcus Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell, Amanda Cook, Angelia Mandera, Jeffery Cook, Shelby Cook and Michelle Hopkins; great-grandsons, Gavin and Grant Wettig; sister, Lillian Huffman; cousin, Jean Bering Thorp; nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at Milltown Lutheran Church on Wednesday, May 13, with Vicar Angie Kutney 90J-3+=381 +8. 2/;B6 #/:/; +< 9;1+83<= B;=3< @+< 6+3. to rest at Milltown Cemetery following the service. Pallbearers were Norman Gage, Randy Freer, Kenny Kellogg, Larry Cox, Pete Falerity and Cliff Olson. An online guestbook is available at rowefh.com. Arrangements are entrusted to Rowe Funeral Home in Luck, 715-472-2444.

Lester H. Affeldt

Lenora Josephine Belknap

Lester H. Affeldt, 84, passed away on May 5, 2015, surrounded by his loving family. He was born in Portage, Wis., on July 15, 1930, and graduated from Portage High School in 1948. He attended the University of WisconsinStevens Point for one year, and then transferred to the University of Wisconsin - Madison, graduating with a law degree in 1954. After working for the Wisconsin attorney general for a year, he started his own law practice in Randolph, Wis. In 1955 he married his childhood sweetheart, Beth Morrison, and they would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in June. He continued to practice law until the mid-1980s when he sold his practice and became president and CEO of the former Dairyman’s State Bank until his retirement in 1990. He then divided his time between homes in Randolph, Fla., and his lake house in Webster, Wis. He was active in numerous organizations including a charter member of the Randolph Kiwanis Club, the Bethany Presbyterian Church and the Randolph Library Board, and he served as a Columbia County Supervisor. He is survived by his faithful companion and loving wife, Beth; daughters, Lisa Beekman, Randolph, Beth Ann Affeldt, Libertyville, Ill., and Laura (Brian) Snyder, %>8 #;+3;3/ )3< J?/ 1;+8.-236.;/8 /1+8 +;;/66 Hughes, Madison, Wis., Paul Albano, Lafayette, La., Phillip Gross, Libertyville, Ill., Sarah Snyder, La Crosse, Wis., and Nathan Snyder, Sun Prairie, Wis.; two great-grandchildren, Carson and Callie Hughes of Madison; sistersin-law, Annette Luckow, New Berlin, Wis., and Mary (Phil) Ekvall-Bauer, Wildwood, Fla.; and many nieces, nephews and friends. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, uncles and other relatives. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather who was happiest spending time at his lake house surrounded by his family and friends. He was a gentle, compassionate man who passed on his love of the outdoors to his family. We will cherish all of our wonderful memories. A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at The Tree of Life Chapel at Oakwood Village East, 5565 Tancho Drive, Madison, on Saturday, May 23, at 11 a.m. Friends may greet the family one hour before the service and at the luncheon following the service. Memorials may be made to the Oakwood Foundation; the Bethany Presbyterian Church, Randolph; or Agrace Hospice. A private burial will be held at the Hillside Cemetery, Columbus, Wis., at a later date. The family would like to thank Senior Helpers and Agrace Hospice for their loving care and support during /<I J8+6 49>;8/B &2/B +;/ 1;+=/0>6 09; =2/3; 2/6: @23-2 enabled Les to spend his last months at home.

Lenora Josephine Belknap, 86, of Centuria, Wis., passed away on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, at Sophie’s Manor in Centuria, with her loving family at her side. Lenora Lehman was born March 1, 1929, in Polk County, Wis., the daughter of Joseph and Cora (Olson) Lehman. Lenora lived most of her life in Burnett and Polk counties. She enjoyed Bingo, playing cards and spending time with her family. She will be dearly missed. Lenora leaves to celebrate her memory, children, Myron (Terri) Belknap, Grantsburg, Wis., Marilyn (Wayne) Hetrick, Luck, Wis., Brenda (Kevin) Rosen, Clear Lake, Wis., Brian (Bonnie) Burns, Clear Lake, Malinda Lovejoy, Katie, Texas, Stephanie (Mike) Knickerbocker, Farmington, Minn., Nina (John) Wortman, Apple Valley, Minn., Marvin (Sue) Belknap, Centuria, and Lu Ann (William) Nelson, St. Croix Falls, Wis.; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren; several brothers and sisters; and other loving family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Cora Lehman; brothers, Lester Lehman, George Lehman and Raymond Lehman; and a sister, Gladys Robinson. Funeral Services were held Tuesday, May 12, at the Kolstad Family Funeral Home in Centuria. Lenora was laid to rest at the Balsam Lake Cemetery in the family plot. Casket bearers were Rebecca Handy, Renee Schroeder, Ryan Belknap, Ashley Nelson, Samantha Hetrick and Wayne Hetrick Jr. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with arrangements.

Kenneth Mosay “Oogii maa wi gabaw� Kenneth Mosay “Oogii maa wi gabaw,� 71, of Balsam Lake, Wis., passed away on Sunday, May 10, 2015, at his home near Balsam Lake. Kenneth was born Aug. 8, 1943, in Round Lake, Wis., the son of Estella (Wakemeup) and Archie Mosay. Kenneth lived in Balsam Lake his entire life, attending Unity School, working for the Polk County Highway Department and on to the state of Wisconsin, and he retired after 45 years. His passion 09; 2>8=381 J<2381 +8. 1+=2/;381 @36. ;3-/ 3< @2+= 5/:= him going all these years, but the amount of love he had for his grandkids and great-grandkids was insurmountable and is what really made his life worth living. He did whatever it took to make sure they were happy and to see that they were well taken care of. He would help anyone, anyway he could, and if it meant giving the shirt off his back, he would have done it. His love for mankind was great and made him a great person and an awesome dad and pa. He will be truly and dearly missed. Kenneth is survived by his daughters, Karrie Mosay and Kevie Mosay (Tereso Alvarado); brother, Dan Mosay (Lucille DeLap); sister, Dora (Tony Sr.) Ammann; granddaughters, Jessica Mosay (Martin Gonzalez), Jamie Mosay, Jenna (Eduardo) Mosay Alcala, Shyler Mosay Rainey, Mariela Mosay Ortega and Kendra Mosay; grandsons, Nicholas Kenneth Mosay, Ridge D. Mosay, Randy G. Brunette and Alex Tirado Mosay; many greatgrandchildren whom he lived for along with many nieces and nephews and other loving family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Estella and Archie Mosay; brothers, Jimmy Mosay and Wayne Mosay; sisters, Betsy Schultz, Barbara Mosay Merrill and Carol Florez; son, Kendall Mosay; daughters, Sheila Dorie Mosay and Hollyleah M. Mosay Tirado. The funeral service for Kenneth was held Wednesday, May 13, at East Balsam Baptist Church. Kenneth was laid to rest at the Balsam Lake Cemetery following the church funeral service. Pallbearers were Martin Gonzalez, Clifford Robertson, Heladio Tirado, Tony Ammann III, William Merrill, Lester Merrill, Wynn Merrill, Travis Saros and Eduardo Alcala. Honorary pallbearers were Ridge Mosay, Nicholas Kenneth Mosay, Tereso Alvarado and Alex Tirado Mosay. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home of Centuria has been entrusted with arrangements.

Lloyd A. McClay Lloyd A. McClay, 83, of South Range, Wis., died Monday, April 27, 2015, at his residence. He was born Feb. 20, 1932, in Frederic, Wis., to Mark and Elsie McClay Sr. He served his country in the Marine Corps from 1952-1954. He was employed with the Soo Line railroad until his retirement in 1987. Lloyd is survived by his wife of almost 62 years, Joanne; three daughters, Betty (Clyde Gruebele) VanHolbeck of Superior, Wis., Cindy McNitt of South Range, Wis., and Debra (Gene) Richardson of South Range; one son, Calvin (Arleen) McClay of Iron River, Wis.; 13 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; two brothers, Mark (Lorraine) McClay Jr. of Lewis, Wis., and Richard (Beth) McClay of Turtle Lake, Wis.; many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Mary Jane Johnson, and son, Samuel; granddaughter, Crystal; and great-grandson, Cory. Memorial services were held Monday, May 4, at Country Peace Church in South Range.


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hen I was in Alaska by the Pa Pa-3J- "-/+8 /849B/. @+=-2381 =2/ 4/66BJ<2 &2/3; 19<<+7/; 7/7,;+8/< carried them along the tides and effortlessly thrust them upward in a burst of .+8-/ 9; ,;9>12= =2/7 K9+=381 .9@8ward into the depths. Here in the North )99.< @/ .98I= 2+?/ 4/66BJ<2 =9 @+=-2 but we can enjoy watching bald eagles +8. 2+@5< 38 K312= &2/;7+6 +3; ->;rents carry them along even in the midst 90 <=9;7< &2/3; K312= <//7< +< /009;=less as the shimmer of a leaf in a breeze. Many of us dream of moving about with such ease and independence. Who hasn’t rejoiced, when reaching age 21, in the freedom of belonging only to

D5B>1< @5BC@53D9F5C Sally Bair ourselves? Even newlyweds, who relish the feeling of belonging to and depending on their new mate, enjoy keeping some of their autonomy and independence. Actually, no one is totally free of con constraints; no one belongs only to himself. 66 90 >< /?/8 =2/ 79<= </60 <>0J-3/8= ones, must depend on someone else for food, clothing, shelter, for companion companionship, love and acceptance. It’s our choice

Teen may feel more comfortable talking to doctor alone

tor and discuss your concerns candidly but respectfully, particularly with regard to sexuality. Also, when it comes to such delicate procedures as a pelvic exam, some adolescents may want a parent present, Q: Should I insist on being in the while others prefer to be on their own. exam room when my child visits a doc- Discuss this possibility with your daugh daughtor? Recently, I took my 14-year-old ter in advance so that you can both condaughter for a checkup and was told sider her feelings on the matter. to wait outside. To be honest, I’m conMost importantly, continue investing cerned about messages my daughter time and energy into strengthening your might receive that may run counter to relationship with your daughter. Doing my values. so will make it more likely that she’ll Jim: We understand why you felt un un- look to you for guidance about impor imporcomfortable at being excluded from the tant matters and life choices, now and in ;997 @2/8 <>-2 <3183J-+8= 7+==/;< @/;/ the future. If you haven’t already, take being discussed. At the same time, mem- this opportunity to engage your daughbers of our Physicians Resource Council ter on the topic of sex and make sure she report that teens often feel freer to talk understands God’s design for human about things they might never mention sexuality. Focus on the Family can prowith Mom or Dad present. These aren’t vide you with resources to help you do necessarily troubling secrets or prob prob- <9 @3=2 -98J./8-/ lems, but issues that, for one reason or ••• another, teens don’t feel they can talk Q: Is it appropriate for wives to initiabout with anyone else. In such cases, a ate sex and to take the lead on occasion good doctor has a tremendous opportu- when it comes to lovemaking? My husnity to provide wise counsel and guid- ance during a confusing season in life. fying sex life, but that’s one thing I’ve That’s why we recommend seeking wondered about. I guess I’ve always out a health-care professional who shares felt that should be the man’s place. your values – or who is at least willing to There are times when I desire physihonor them. Talk to your daughter’s doc- cal intimacy, but I have doubts about

to decide on whom we should depend for our needs. Who should guard our house, the neighbor or a security system? Who should we trust with our secrets, a good friend or the guy down at the local bar? Can we actually trust anyone for all our needs? Yes, we need our families, friends, employers, teachers and government @9;5/;< =9 J66 7+8B 90 9>; 8//.< 8 some ways, we all belong to someone. But we know that few of us are totally trustworthy. The truth is, only God is totally trustworthy. And depending on the choices we make, we either belong to him or to sin. If we choose to belong to God, we gain freedom from sin. That’s quite a paradox, freedom by belonging, because belonging implies slavery.

?3EC ?> D85 61=9<I Jim Daly whether it’s right for me to get things started. Do you this this is OK? Greg Smalley, vice president, Family Ministries: I think I can safely answer for most husbands out there with an enthusiastic “Yes!� But personal interests aside, in a healthy marriage, both part partners should have the liberty to be honest and authentic with each other. This includes the freedom to express feelings and desires, sexual and otherwise, in open, transparent and nonmanipulative ways. That being the case, you can rest assured it’s good, healthy, right, proper and appropriate for both marriage partners to take an active role in initiating sexual relations. This will vary according to circumstances and each spouse’s mood, feelings and desires. Here, if any anywhere, a couple’s relationship should be characterized by the give-and-take of a dance. The most important thing is to maintain the kind of mutual affection and respect that enables you to be open

“Now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to 9. =2/ ,/8/J= B9> ;/+: 6/+.< =9 2963 9. =2/ ,/8/J= B9> ;/+: 6/+.< =9 2963 ness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.� (Romans 6:22-23) Lord, thank you for the freedom from sin that you offer through the suffering and death of your only Son, Jesus. Help us understand that our freedom comes only through total dependence on you. Help us

storms, depending on you alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen Mrs. Bair may be reached at sallybair@ gmail.com.

and honest with each another. Among other things, this means tak taking time to talk about sex outside the bedroom. Remember that in marital sex the two of you are co-creating something that is radically exclusive and uniquely your own. It’s a painting, a tapestry, a work of art that requires active input from both parties. It’s all about you and your spouse becoming who you want to be together. So be creative, set yourself free and use your imagination. ••• Jim Daly is a husband and father, an author, president of Focus on the Family and host of the “Focus on the Familyâ€? radio program. Catch up with him at jimdalyblog.com or at facebook.com/DalyFocus. Copyright 2014 Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995. International copyright secured. All rights reserved. Distributed by Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500. This feature may not be reproduced or distributed electronically, in print or otherwise, without written permission of Focus on the Family.

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The Family Of Irene Chasensky Invites You To Help Her Celebrate Her 90th Birthday At The Frederic Nursing & Rehab From 2-4 p.m. On Sat., May 16


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Proudly Supporting Our Students Electricity • Propane 1-800-421-0283

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Supporting our area students and their accomplishments.

Stop In or Call Us Today

2547 State Road 35, Luck, Wis. (in the Evergreen Plaza)


Helping young people reach towards their goals and promote kindness in a world that sometimes doesn't remember the significance of it. Helping people find their way in back in life.

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NOW THRU FRI!"#$ Frederic • Village cleanup week, 715-327-4294.

St. Croix Falls • Student art exhibit in elementary lobby, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., 715-483-9823, ext. 1170.

NOW THRU FRI!"%% Luck • Luck School Senior Art Show at the library.


Events Coming

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Balsam Lake Clam Falls


• Coffee hour at Clam Falls Lutheran Church, 9 a.m.



• Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.

• Caregiver support group meeting at Peace Lutheran Church, 2 p.m., 715-755-2515.

Baldwin • St. Croix Valley Beekeepers meeting at Peace Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., stcroixbeekeepers.org.

Luck • Ruby’s Pantry at Home & Away Ministries. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. $20 donation. Distribution noon-1 p.m., 715472-2535.

Dresser • Polk-Burnett Retired Educators meeting at the Pizzeria, 11:30 a.m.



• Military family support group meeting at the community center, 6-7:30 p.m., 715-557-0557.

• Grantsburg Fair consignment auction. Misc. items 6:30 p.m., livestock 8 p.m., 715-488-2472.



• Burnett County Democrats meeting at Whitetail Wilderness Resort. Dinner 6 p.m., meeting 7-9 p.m.

• 4K enrollments at the school, 2:30-4:30 p.m.



• Friends of Victims of Violence support group at North Valley Lutheran, 6 p.m., 800-261-7233.

Balsam Lake


• Doc Walk ! " 294-4936.

St. Croix Falls • 2nd-grade concert at the elementary school, 2 p.m., scf.k12.wi.us.

Webster • The Lake Country Pedalers Bicycle Club meeting at the library, 5:30 p.m., facebook.com/lakecountrypedalers.

FRI! & SAT!"#$ & #( Milltown

• 4-H garage, plant & bake sale south of town, 170th St., Schwartz residence, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Webb Lake • Community club rummage sale & lunch, 8:30 a.m.2 p.m.

FRIDAY"#$ Falun • Free bread distribution, every Friday until further notice at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.

Grantsburg • Pops choir concert at the high school, 7:30 p.m., 715463-2531.

St. Croix Falls • 1st-grade concert at the elementary school, 1 p.m., scf.k12.wi.us.

SATURDAY"#( A&H • Rx drug take-back day at the senior center, 10 a.m.1 p.m., 414-403-4437.

Amery • Salad luncheon at Balsam Lutheran Church. Register 10:30-11 a.m., program 11 a.m., lunch 12:30 p.m., quilt trunk show, 715-268-9291.

Balsam Lake

• at the rod & gun club, 11 a.m. • Debbie Swenson, essential oils at the library, 1 p.m., 715-485-3215.

Webster • Webster/Siren Area Christian Women’s Club After 5 meeting at Grace Methodist Church, 6:30 p.m.

• 5th- & 6th-grade concert at the school, 7 p.m., unity. k12.wi.us.

• Areawide garage sales.


Luck • Polk County genealogy meeting at the museum, 7 p.m. • Middle East peace activist to speak at West Denmark Lutheran, 7:30-9 p.m.


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• Northwoods Flyers Experimental Aircraft Assoc. meets at the government center, Rm. 165, 7 p.m.

Frederic • 6th- thru 8th-grade concert at the high school, 7 p.m., 715-327-4223. • Frederic Area Historical Society meeting at the Soo Line Depot/Museum, 6:30 p.m., 715-327-4892.

93I3<5C C9D @1B;54 B514I 6?B 13D9?> 9> D85 D89B4 1>>E1< 4F5>DEB5 +B91D8<?> 85<4 *1DEB41I %1I 1D B1>DC2EB7 " & ! # • Knights of Columbus Blue Mass at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church, 6 p.m.

Danbury • Dairyland Outdoors Veterans Retreat garage sale drop-off at Hillside Inn, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Dresser • Yard & garden sale at Bethesda Lutheran Church, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.


• Run for Reading 5K at the school, 9 a.m., 715-4632531. • Bird Fest at Crex, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., crexmeadows.org, 715463-2739. • Rx drug take-back day at the village hall, 10 a.m.1 p.m., 414-403-4437.

Hertel • Rx drug take-back day at the tribal police department, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 414-403-4437.


• Ice Age Trail guided hike and picnic at Lions Park, 9:30 a.m., 715-472-2248. • 2-hour morning bird walk at Interstate State Park, 79 a.m., 715-483-3747. • Photographer Doug Ohman to speak at St. Croix River " • St. Croix Valley Orchestra presents “Great Tastesâ€? at American Legion Post 143, 6-9 p.m.

Taylors Falls, Minn. • Dance at the community center for all ages, Mad Cow Band, 7-10 p.m., thevalleydances.com.

Webster • Last Hot Wheel Matchbox race at Yellow Lake Golf Course, 2 p.m.

SUNDAY"#) Balsam Lake • Ecumenical Baccalaureate for graduating seniors in the Unity School auditorium, 7 p.m.


• Chicken fry at the VFW, 4:30-7 p.m.

Oakland • Oakland, Swiss & Union cleanup free Sat. at collection center, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sarona • Prairie Fling at Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, 10 a.m.4 p.m., 715-635-6543, hunthill.org.

Siren • Village cleanup, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-349-2273. • Swedish Frukost breakfast buffet & Scandinavian homemade bake sale at Siren United Methodist Church, 8-11 a.m. • Rx drug take-back day at the sheriff’s department, 10 a.m.1 p.m., 414-403-4437.

Spooner • Master Gardener plant sale at the Ag Research Station, 8 a.m. until sold out.

St. Croix Falls • Performance by Trails youth Ojibwa dancers at the library, 2 p.m., stcroixfallslibrary.org, 715-483-1777.

• Glory Train to perform at Eureka Baptist Church, 11 a.m.

Milltown • Highview bluegrass band to perform at North Valley Lutheran Church , 2 p.m.

St. Croix Falls • Earth Day conference looking at threats to water at the library, 1-4 p.m., conference@stcroixscenicbyway.org. • Woolly Mountain Bike Races. Register 8 a.m. at high school, 715-483-3278.

MONDAY"#* Amery • Antiques appraisal event at the library, 4 p.m., 715268-9340.

Balsam Lake • Polk County Master Gardeners meeting at the government center, 7 p.m., 715-268-2926.

• Friends of the Library meeting, 6:30 p.m., 715-4853215. • Aquatic invasive species strategic plan meeting at the justice center, 7-9 p.m., 715-485-8699.

Danbury • Auditions for Village Players Community Theatre summer production, 4-6 p.m., 715-931-9496.

Siren • Poverty task force meeting at the government center, Room 615, 1 p.m.

THURSDAY"%# Amery • Bingo at the VFW post, 6:30 p.m.

Balsam Lake • Autism support group at the government center, 7 p.m. • Polk-Burnett Bee Association meeting at the justice center, 7 p.m., 715-268-6793. • Author Sally Bair, The Alaska Connection, at the library, 6 p.m., 715-485-3215. • Free spaghetti dinner and performance by the Teddy Bear Band at Polk County Early Learning Center. Dinner 5 p.m., show 6:30 p.m. RSVP 715-485-3413.

Luck • American Legion & Auxiliary meeting at the village hall, 7 p.m.

St. Croix Falls • Diabetes support group at the medical center, 68 p.m., 715-483-0431.

Webster • Second Harvest food distribution at Connections, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 715-866-8151. • Wilma Gray, Luck storyteller at the library, 7 p.m.

FRI! & SAT!"%% & %Webster

• Rummage sale for American Legion Otis/Taylor Post 96 at Webster Fairgrounds. Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

FRI!&SUN!"%%&%' Danbury • Dairyland Outdoors Veterans Retreat garage sale at Hillside Inn.

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Sunday, May 24, 2 p.m.


Sunday, May 17, 1:30 p.m.


Friday, May 22, 7 p.m.

St. Croix Falls


Sunday, May 31, 2 p.m.

Friday, May 22, 7 p.m.


Saturday, May 30, 2 p.m.


Saturday, May 16, 2 p.m.

Page 2 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

Our local schools

Frederic High School

Grantsburg High School

Luck High School

St. Croix Falls High School

Siren High School

Unity High School

Webster High School

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Brooke Claeys

Parents: Don Claeys and Cathi Rednour Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Khaliun Ganzorig

Host parents: Greg and Jill Lund Plans after graduation: Go back to Mongolia and

Parents: John and Jackie Kurkowski Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 3

Frederic Class of 2015

Makayla Arthurs

Leon Armbruster

Host parents: Todd and Cherrise Miller Parents: Nina and Rainer Armbruster Plans after graduation: Go back to Germany and stay in school as long as I can.

Austin Kurkowski

Graduation Issue

Parents: Debra Long and Lawrence Arthurs Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County for generals, then transfer to UW-River Falls.

Parents: Brian and Conny Plans after graduation: Attend the Salon Professional Academy in Eau Claire.

Larissa Harlander

Parents: Brad and Rebecca Harlander Plans after graduation: Attend college.

David Lindberg

Parents: Joe and Tammy Lindberg Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for biochemistry and pharmacy school after that.

Isabelle Burton

Parents: Phil Burton and Paul and Tammy Zarn Plans after graduation: Attend college to major in psychology.

Devin Eckstrom

Parents: Scott and Theresa Eckstrom Plans after graduation: Work.

Nicolas Hilde

Hoon Paisan Charoenroob

Host parents: Holly and Devin Moats. Parents: Chantima Singhaphon and Wasan Charoenroob Plans after graduation: Go back to my country and repeat my senior year.

Bradley Erickson

Parents: Lonnie and Jeanene Erickson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County.

Anna Hochstetler

Parents: Robert Hilde and Stacy Hilde Plans after graduation: Go to Colorado to study audio/video production.

Parents: Edward and Roselyn Hochstetler Plans after graduation:

Jared Lund

Abeni Lundeen Brooks

Parents: Greg and Jill Lund Plans after graduation: Go to Trinity International University and study elementary education.

Parents: Anthony and Lisa Lundeen Brooks Plans after graduation: Study cosmetology.

Eric Chenal

Parents: Rick and Teri Chenal Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire to study sports psychology.

Irric Erickson

Parents: Rex and Heidi Erickson Plans after graduation: Basic training and then attend UW-River Falls.

Peter Chenal

Parents: David Chenal and Brenda Chenal Plans after graduation: Play football at UW-Eau Claire and study kinesiology.

Jessica Evans

Parents: Julie and Robert Evans Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Alexis Hufstedler

Parents: Tammy Ysker and Sean Tretsven Plans after graduation: Become a tattoo artist.

Stephen Martin

Parents: Sarah Peterson and Mike Peterson Plans after graduation: Attend school in Ely or Eau Claire for conservation.

Alyssa Kelcher

Parents: Gina Blechinger and Mike Kelcher Plans after graduation: Take generals online at UW online and study to become a phlebotomist.

Zane Matz

Parents: Glenn and Shari Matz Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for engineering.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Page 4 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation Issue

Frederic Class of 2015

Melana Nelson

Parents: Jessica Olby and Rich Nelson Plans after graduation:

Zachary Schmidt

Parents: Brad and Kelly Schmidt Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for elementary education and special education.

Kayla Olson

Parents: Sandy Olson and Larry Wendelschafer Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Jami Siebenthal

Parents: Terry and Tara Siebenthal Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout.

Mark Olson

Parents: Bruce and Lisa Olson Plans after graduation: Study business at UW-Madison.

Hayden Swanson

Parents: Craig Swanson and Dar Swanson Plans after graduation: Attend school for sports massage and rehabilitation.

Gregory Peterson

Parents: David and April Peterson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls to major in business and play football.

Joshua Underwood

Parents: Jon and Kathy Underwood Plans after graduation: Attend college to major in elementary education.

Alexis Plunkett

Parents: Tonya and Kevin Plunkett Plans after graduation: Attend Pine Technical College for human services.

David Warwas

Parents: Michelle Warwas and Matthew Warwas Plans after graduation: Attend WITC - New Richmond for welding.

Inter-County Leader

Kassidy Roecker

Parents: Audra and Jason Roecker Plans after graduation: Attend Minnesota School of Cosmetology.

Zachary Williamson

Parents: Scott and Sonja Williamson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for athletic training.

Frederic’s Honor Students David Lindberg Zane Matz Abeni Lundeen Brooks Mark Olson Zach Williamson

Isabelle Burton Makayla Arthurs Alexis Plunkett Bradley Erickson Brooke Claeys

Frederic High School !"#$$%&'((')%*+,-+%./$(%#%0/123%'4% 2-#56%789$%:'81:%;8(3%(3+%4"';<

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Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 5

Frederic Class of 2015

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Anderson Construction Avalon Bass Lake Lumber Bremer Bank Burnett Dairy Cooperative Burnett Medical Center Carquest of Frederic Chell Trucking

D & L Financial Services Dale A. Johnson, CPA Drs. Harlander & Tesch Earth Energy Systems Festival Theatre Fiedler Ford Frandsen Bank & Trust Frederic Area Sanitation Frederic Clinic/St. Croix Regional Medical Center Frederic Fuel Company Frederic Grocery Frederic Liquor Frederic Nursing & Rehabilitation Community Frederic Stop Frederic Wash House Great Clips

Hair!s The Thing Tanning and Nails Indianhead Credit Union Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Johnson Motors, SCF Jimmy!s Drive In Larsen Auto - Frederic Linda!s Family Child Care Luck Clinic - Amery Hospital and Clinic Masonry Builders North Land Ambulance #975 Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company Northwoods Lumber Pioneer Bar Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op Skol Bar

State Farm Insurance Corey Arnold St. Croix Valley Business Clinic Sterling Bank The Ridge Eatery The Rose Garden Timbers Theatres Vasatka Systems/ Sam!s Motor Express Wayne!s Foods Plus

!"#$%&'()&'*"#+,$%&#'+-(%$ $%&.(&'/+,0%"1,'2/+/,-(+*#/++/+3 Auto Truck Center Bass Lake Lumber Bremer Bank Burnett Dairy Cooperative Burnett Medical Center D & L Financial Services Fiedler Ford Gary Nelson Insurance Agency

Grantsburg Telcom Great Clips Holiday StationStores Indianhead Credit Union Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Johnson Motors, SCF Larsen Auto - Frederic Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company

Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op State Farm Insurance Corey Arnold St. Croix Regional Medical Center Tavern Timbers Theatres Vasatka Systems/ Sam!s Motor Express

Yellow Lake Lodge

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Page 6 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

Grantsburg Class of 2015

Drew Alderman

Parents: Mike and Carol Alderman Plans after graduation: Attend Drake University for business.

Taylor Byers

Parents: Stephanie Martini and Lee Byers Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Rice Lake for medical assistant.

Joshua Glover

Parents: Joel and Jill Glover Plans after graduation: Missouri Valley Line Constructors Apprenticeship to become a journeyman lineman.

Cody Hoffman

Parents: Scott and Cheryl Hoffman Plans after graduation: Enlist in the U.S. Marines.

Anders Ames

Parents: Brian and Arlu Ames Plans after graduation: Enlist in the U.S. Navy for nuclear engineering.

Andrew Coy

Parents: Steve and Cheryl Coy Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for athletic training.

Taiylor Harmon

Parents: Kevin Harmon and Lindsey Studeman Plans after graduation: Attend school for costmetology.

Marissa Jensen

Parents: Arlen and Linnet Jensen Plans after graduation: Attend College of St. Scholastica for physical therapy.

Dylan Belkholm

Parents: Felicia Belkholm and the late Matthew Belkholm Plans after graduation: Attend Mankato State University for mechanical engineering.

Laura Drohman

Parents: Rob and Vicky Drohman Plans after graduation: Attend Duluth Business University to become a veterinary technician.

Sherice Hartley

Parent: Anna Whited Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Adam Johnson Jr.

Parents: Melinda Johnson and Adam Johnson Plans after graduation: Work.

Trevor Brewer

Parents: Trevor and Bridget Brewer Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stevens Point for business management.

Andrea Dumas

Parents: Mark and Heidi Dumas Plans after graduation: Attend Pine Technical and Community College for nursing.

Ethan Henneman

Parents: John Henneman and Larita Henneman Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for geological engineering.

Anneka Johnson

Parents: Cory Johnson and Kristina Kelley-Johnson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for biochemistry/molecular biology.

Anthony Britton

Parents: Ralph Britton and Tiffany Britton Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stevens Point for athletic training.

Kelsey Fiedler

Parents: Kraig and Julie Fiedler and April and Dan Freeman Plans after graduation: Attend North Dakota State University for dietetics and nutrition.

Avery Buggert

Parents: Bill Buggert and Carina Walpole Plans after graduation: Attend North Dakota State University for mechanical engineering.

Keaton Garnatz

Parents: Tina and Alan Stratton and Mark and Jane Garnatz Plans after graduation: Attend Lake Superior

Arik Hochstetler

Parents: Sally and Kent Lahners and Perry Hochstetler Plans after graduation: Attend Pine Technical and Community College for art.

Bryan Hoffman

Parents: Steve and Mary Hoffman Plans after graduation: Attend Minneapolis Business College for graphic design.

Cody Johnson

Parents: Nick and Annick Johnson and Jobie and Paul Bainbridge Plans after graduation: Enlist in the U.S. Marines.

Bill King III

Parents: Bill King Jr. and Charlene King Plans after graduation: Attend Pine Technical and Community College to become an electrician.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 7

Grantsburg Class of 2015

Nathaniel Krause

Benjamin Kottke

Parents: Jason Kottke and Sharon Payment Plans after graduation: Enlist in the U.S. Marines.

Kathryn Miller

Parents: Kevin and Betsy Miller Plans after graduation: Attend Bethel University for elementary education.

Jorden Otis

Parents: Erin Otis and Ken Otis Plans after graduation: Work.

Joel Rauchbauer

Parents: Bob and Arlene Rauchbauer Plans after graduation: Attend schooling to become an electrical lineman.

Parents: Brian and Ruth Krause Plans after graduation: Attend Pine Technical and Community College to become a machinist.

Matthew Miller

Parents: Kevin and Betsy Miller Plans after graduation: Work.

Christopher Parker

Parents: Michael and Chris Parker Plans after graduation: Attend North Central University for accounting

Emily Riewestahl

Parents: Jay and Theresa Riewestahl Plans after graduation: Attend Xavier University Louisiana for psychology/ premed.

Bryce Lee

Parents: Amy and Kurt Bertelsen and Charles and Larissa Lee Plans after graduation: Enlist in the U.S. National Guard, then attend WITCNew Richmond for diesel mechanics.

Sarah Morley

Parents: Greg and Betsy Morley Plans after graduation: Attend University of West Florida for elementary education.

Jasmine Pearson

Parents: Jessica and Erye DeMarre Plans after graduation: Work.

Corey Sandberg

Parents: Roger Sandberg and Jean Sandberg Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New Richmond for welding.

Carter Lee

Parents: Curt and Julie Lee Plans after graduation: Attend Minnesota State University - Mankota.

Mark Olson

Parents: Eric and Kathy Olson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls for agricultural engineering.

Tyler Peasley

Parents: Sandra Peasley and Dale Peasley Plans after graduation: Work.

DJ Scherer

Parents: Darwin and Tracee Scherer Plans after graduation: Attend Pine Technical and Community College for metal fabrication.

Clara Leonard

Parents: Philip and Cynthia Leonard Plans after graduation: Work.

Dylan Oman

Parents: Laurie Chell and the late Brad Oman Plans after graduation: Attend Lake Superior College for welding.

Carolyn Peterson

Parents: Scott and Debra Peterson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse for occupational therapy.

Anna Scheunemann

Parents: Shane and Karen Scheunemann Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for biology.

Andrew McKeag

Parents: Wendell and Laura McKeag Plans after graduation: Attend Central Lakes College for heavy equipment operation.

MacKenzie Omer

Parents: Mark Omer and Cyndie Omer Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Rice Lake for dental assistant.

Desirae Rasmussen

Parents: Jackie Henderson and Richard Rasmussen Plans after graduation: Attend Bemidji State University for prepharmacy.

Richard Schneider

Parents: John and Patti Schneider Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for engineering.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

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Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

Grantsburg Class of 2015

Heidi Schoettle

Parents: Bill and Linda Schoettle Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Northwestern for studio art.

Lydia Van Deusen

Parents: Pastor Dale and Pam Van Deusen Plans after graduation: Attend Trinity International University for premed/biology.

Kathryn Segner

Parents: Joel and Kim Segner Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Victoria Vitale

Parents: Dr. Blaise and Suzanne Vitale Plans after graduation: Attend UM-Twin Cities for computer science.

Jeremiah Stevens

Parents: Paul and Janell Stevens Plans after graduation: Attend Iowa State University for engineering.

Austin Zastrow

Parents: Janelle Zastrow and Kim Zastrow Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New Richmond for welding.

Alyssa Taylor

Nathan Swenson

Parents: Dallas Swenson and Patti Swenson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for biomedical engineering.

Alina Bak

Host parents: Guy and Lara Lerud Plans after graduation: Return to Ukraine.

Parents: Steve and Janine Meyer Plans after graduation: Attend UM-Duluth for biochemistry.

Yana Ivanova-Kurgan

Host parents: Keith and Kate Lehne Plans after graduation: Return to Russia.

Jacob Timmer

Parents: Mike and Gina Timmer Plans after graduation: Attend Southeastern University in Florida for youth/family ministries.

Moona Makela

Host parents: Jeremy and Erika Morton Plans after graduation: Return to Finland.

Mana Takada

Host parents: Keith and Kate Lehne Plans after graduation: Return to Japan.



Grantsburg High School !"#$$%&'((')%EC84+%0-81:$%/$%(+#-$F% $?8"+$%#19%?+?'-8+$F%3';+B+-F%(3+% (+#-$%9-6F%(3+%$?8"+$%4#9+F%0/(%(3+% ?+?'-8+$%"#$(%4'-+B+-<G% >%H/(3'-%I171';1 !"#$$%!'"'-)%J/-K"+ !"#$$%="';+-)%L8:+-%"8"6

Grantsburg’s Honor Students Drew Alderman Laura Drohman Kelsey Fielder Ethan Henneman Marissa Jensen Anneka Johnson Kathryn Miller Matthew Miller Sarah Morley Christopher Parker Carolyn Peterson

Desirae Rasmussen Emily Riewestahl Anna Scheunemann Richard Schneider Heidi Schoettle Kathryn Segner Jeremiah Stevens Nathan Swenson Alyssa Taylor Lydia Van Deusen

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Bryan Beverlin

Parents: Angela Sargent and Jesse Beverlin Plans after graduation: Take a year off and then continue with college.

Hailey Foeller

Parents: Alex and Chelsey Foeller Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout for interior design and minor in drafting.

Derek Hutton

Parents: Joey and Sandy Hutton Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls.

Katie Pfaff

Parents: Jeff and Lori Pfaff Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for social work.

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 9

Luck Class of 2015

Paul Byl

Parents: Michael and Joyce Byl Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Reilly Giller

Parents: Terrie and Gary Giller Plans after graduation: Attend Winona State University to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner.

Jeremiah Johnson

Parents: Doug and Lori Johnson Plans after graduation: Work at Minnesota Dirtworks or at Thomas and Betts.

Chelsea Pitts

Parents: William and Sheryl Forrestal Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Milwaukee or UW-Madison for veterinary medicine.

Bruce Campion

Parents: Bruce and Jessica Campion Plans after graduation: Attend school for accounting or computer programming and hardware development.

Angela Gore

Parents: Robert Gore and Georgeann Gore Plans after graduation: Attend a four-year university.

Zac Lindberg

Parents: Jon and Amy Lindberg Plans after graduation: Work for Pomp’s Tire.

Jamie Preiner

Parents: Nanette Preiner and Jeff Preiner Plans after graduation: Attend college for a career in animal rescue.

Kimberly Demydowich

Parents: Christal and Peter Demydowich Plans after graduation: Attend college.

Gabrielle Groh

Parents: Christopher Groh and Elizabeth Groh Plans after graduation: Attend college to become a social worker.

Sam Nelson

Parents: Al and Jen Nelson Plans after graduation: Attend college.

Elisa Scherfel

Host parents: Karen and Paul Pedersen Plans after graduation: Attend college in the United States.

Trevor Dexter

Parents: Jon and Brenda Dexter Plans after graduation: Enlist in the Army and then attend school to

Jordan Hendrickson

Parents: Marney Hendrickson and Wayne Hendrickson Plans after graduation: Attend the Milwaukee School of Engineering for software engineering.

Valentina Doria

Host parents: Lisa and Tom Marcellus Plans after graduation: Become an event planner and travel the world.

Jenni Holdt

Parents: Brian and Marni Holdt Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for accounting.

Tanner Nielsen

Parents: Steven and Joelle Nielsen Plans after graduation: Attend Cornell College and start a career in computer engineering or music composition.

Trent Strapon

Parents: Aren Gerich and Jamie Melin Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for social work or biology and minor in coaching while playing baseball for the school.

Jes Pedersen

Parents: Paul and Karen Pedersen Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for engineering.

Masha Todd

Parent: Jan Everson Plans after graduation: Attend Chippewa Valley Technical College to be a surgical technician.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

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Graduation Issue

Luck Class of 2015

Raelyn Tretsven

Parents: Karen Langer and Mark Tretsven Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout for dietetics.

Emily Warren

Parents: Scott and Harmony Warren Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls for biology and then move on to pharmacy school.

Inter-County Leader

Farrah Welch

Parents: Charlie and Johanna Welch Plans after graduation: I want to help people with mental disabilities or be a counselor.



Luck High School !"#$$%&'((')%EL3+-+%8$%1'%(+""81:%3';%

Victoria Wood

Parents: Christy Hovey and Chris Wood Plans after graduation: Attend Winona State University to become a dentist.

Krystal Zuniga

Parent: Kim Zuniga Plans after graduation: Get a bachelor’s degree in nursing and then become a midwife.

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Luck’s Honor Students Valentina Doria Hailey Foeller Reilly Giller Gabrielle Groh Jordan Hendrickson Jenni Holdt Tanner Nielsen Jes Pedersen


Katelyn Pfaff Chelsea Pitts Elisa Scherfel Masha Todd Emily Warren Farrah Welch Victoria Wood Krystal Zuniga

!"#$%&'()&'*"#+,)(!4,$%&.(&'/+, 0%"1,'2/+/,-(+*#/++/+3 Auto Plus of Luck Bremer Bank Burnett Dairy Cooperative D & L Financial Services Dale A. Johnson, CPA Festival Theatre Fiedler Ford Frandsen Bank & Trust Frederic Clinic/St. Croix Regional Medical Center Great Clips Holiday StationStores

Indianhead Credit Union Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Jenell!s Main Dish Jimmy!s Drive In Johnson Motors, SCF Larsen Auto - Frederic Luck Clinic - Amery Hospital and Clinic Maxwell Heating & Air Conditioning Nails by Cathi

Nana & Papa!s Laundromat North Land Ambulance #974 Oakwood Inn Peper Tire & Alignment Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op Scott Mellon / Polk County Realty Superior Siding / Clarke Construction Sterling Bank St. Croix Valley Business Clinic

Timbers Theatres Van Meter!s Meats Wayne!s Foods Plus Wilkin!s Bar and Resort

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 11

St. Croix Falls Class of 2015

Truman Ader

Linnea Aamold

Parents: Wayne and Judith Aamold Plans after graduation: Attend Superior Vo Tech.

Mitchel Berg

Parents: Matthew and Rebecca Berg Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Dalton Dockendorf

Parents: Gerry and Jenny Dockendorf Plans after graduation: Attend McNally Smith for audio production.

Felicia Fisk

Parents: Roger and Valerie Fisk Plans after graduation: Attend Winona State for nursing.

Parents: Karl and Gina Ader Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout for history.

Jeffrey Bursaw

Parents: Thomas Bursaw and Tamara Wyman Plans after graduation: Attend Inver Hills Community College.

Marley Doolittle

Parents: Brian and Michelle Doolittle Plans after graduation: Attend short course in Madison for dairy science.

Roy Flores

Parents: Rogelio Flores and Patricia Delao Plans after graduation: Attend Century College for accounting.

Cole Appel

Parents: Jeanne Kizer and Dave Appel Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County to become a tech specialist.

Rebecca Buss

Parents: Michael and Jill Buss Plans after graduation: Attend Globe University in Eau Claire to become a vet tech.

Thea Erickson

Parents: Donald and Jennifer Erickson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County for chemistry.

Jay Forsman

Parent: Brenda Swanson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for computer science.

Jaelyn Barkla

Parents: Heather Thomas and Paul Barkla Plans after graduation: Attend Anoka Tech to become a surgical technician.

Tyler Carlson

Parents: Ken and Jennifer Carlson Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Ryan Fenton

Parents: Richard and Laura Fenton Plans after graduation: Attend CVCT for residential construction.

Thomas Foss

Parents: Brad and Sharon Foss Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Kyle Bastin

Parents: Keith and LuAnn Bastin Plans after graduation: Attend Century College for criminal justice.

Margarita Castorena

Parents: Jacki Castorena and Javier Castorena Plans after graduation: Attend Riverland Community College to become a massage therapist.

Chase Belisle

Parents: Chad and Kelly Belisle Plans after graduation: Enlist in the Navy.

Marissa Chamernick

Parents: Mike and Lynette Chamernick Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls for psychology.

Jonathon Findlay

Parents: Karyn Findlay and Henry Findlay Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New

Amelia Fisk

Parents: Roger and Valerie Fisk Plans after graduation: Attend Winona State.

Casey French

Parents: Bobbi French and Corey French Plans after graduation: Enlist in the Navy.

Mitchell Gjovig

Parents: Mark and Maria Gjovig Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

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Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

St. Croix Falls Class of 2015

Joleen Gravelle

Evan Gorres

Parents: Brett and Angela Gorres Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Daniel Hendrickson

Parent: Trina Hendrickson Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Dayton Kinde

Parent: Renee McCurdy Plans after graduation: Attend college for psychology.

Brett Kuenkel

Parents: Aaron and Kristie Kuenkel Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County/UW-Milwaukee for computer engineering.

Parents: Jerry and Karen Gravelle Plans after graduation: Attend Concordia University for music and English education.

Jacob Jacobson

Parents: Brian and Shelley Jacobson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for education.

Alexander King

Parents: Scott and Roni Schuler Plans after graduation: Attend Gordon College for marine bio/physics.

Cody Larson

Parents: John and Terri Larson Plans after graduation: Attend Century College for cosmetology.

Noelle Gutzmer

Parents: Danielle Foeller and Jeff Gutzmer Plans after graduation: Attend college for English/Spanish.

Bethany Kalpin

Parents: Brad and Jodi Kalpin Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Henry Klein

Parents: Kevin and Amy Klein Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse for elementary education.

Parent: Barbara Fenton Plans after graduation: Attend Lake Superior College for nursing.

Sean Haasnoot

Parents: Glenn and Heather Zabel and Cory Haasnoot Plans after graduation: Attend Century College for business.

Cassandra Kalpin

Parents: Brad and Jodi Kalpin Plans after graduation: Attend Crown College for nursing.

Jacob Knight

Parents: Karl and Gina Ader Plans after graduation: Attend Chippewa Valley Tech to be a physical therapist assistant.

Howard Lindahl

Parents: Howard and Laura Lindahl Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Bailey Hansen

Parents: Scott and Kay Hansen Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for kinesiology/management.

McKenzie Katzmark

Parents: Tim and Linda Katzmark Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for nursing.

Caleb Hastings

Parent: Michele Sommer Plans after graduation: Attend MCTC for marketing/audio production.

Megan Kerkow

Parents: Jason and Kelli Kerkow Plans after graduation: Attend CVTC for nursing.

Angus Koschmeder

Parents: Sarah Adams and Kevin Koschmeder Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Jesse Loen

Parents: Craig and Janna Loen Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls for dairy science.

Kyle Koshiol

Parents: Greg and Sharon Koshiol Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout for applied science.

Hannah Matteson

Parents: Tim and Stephanie Matteson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for broadcasting/ communications.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 13

St. Croix Falls Class of 2015

Mariah Meyer

Samantha Melin

Parents: Scott and Amanda Melin Plans after graduation: Attend St. Cloud State for nursing.

Laura Peroceski

Parents: Lisa Randall and Sam Peroceski Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Miles Ruona

Parents: Leif and Cory Ruona Plans after graduation: Attend MCTC for software development.

Clover Stanze

Parents: Craig and Sloan Stanze Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Parents: Tim Meyer and Darcia Anderson Plans after graduation: Attend Globe University to become a vet tech.

Brock Peters

Parents: Daniel and Debra Peters Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Oshkosh for criminal justice.

Brandon Schumann

Parent: Shiela Schumann Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New Richmond for programming.

Jonathan Steinert

Parents: David Steinert and LeeAnn Linn Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Denna Moody

Parents: John and Jessica Stoeklen Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New Richmond for nursing.

Cooper Peterson

Parents: Chad and Pauline Peterson Plans after graduation: Enlist in the Navy.

Emma Seifert

Parents: Mike and Andrea Seifert Plans after graduation: Attend Iowa State University for nursing.

Samantha Stich

Parents: Shane and Laura Bussian Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Nikolas Neuman

Parents: Rhett and Julie Neuman Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Danielle Peterson

Parents: Lynelle Mellum and Mark Peterson Plans after graduation: Attend school for forensic anthropology.

Louis Sellman

Parent: Christine Sellman Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for computer science.

Brenna Sullivan

Parents: John and Angie Sullivan Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout for graphic design.

Bethany Oestreich

Parents: Scott and Amanda Oestreich Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Alex Raddatz

Parents: Bryan and Katie Raddatz Plans after graduation: Work.

Tristan Sheldon

Parents: John and Jessica Stoeklen Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Paige Swenson

Parents: Jodi Swenson and Chad Swenson Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Noah Olson

Parents: Lainie Olson and Joseph Korbal Plans after graduation: Attend college for psychology.

Mariah Rohm

Parents: Lisa Rohm and Larry Rohm Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Emily Singerhouse

Parents: Barbara Mills and Charles Singerhouse Plans after graduation: Attend community college.

Hassan Talbi

Parents: Larry Tran and Sandy Dolphin and Sara Dolphin Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New Richmond for nursing.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

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Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

St. Croix Falls Class of 2015

Ashley Tollefson

Rebecca Thayer

Parents: Mark and Patti Thayer Plans after graduation: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College for nursing/Spanish.

Alexander West

Parent: Michele West Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Johnathan VanPelt

Parent: Tammy Tollefson Parent: Kenneth Johnson Plans after graduation: Plans after graduation: Attend Minnesota School Undecided. of Cosmetology for cosmetology.

Charles Vezina

Parents: Richard and Susan Vezina Plans after graduation: Attend MCTC for business management.

Alanna Vossen

Parent: Carla Vossen Plans after graduation: Attend UM-Rochester for premedicine.

Parents: Allen and Sharon Plans after graduation: Attend college for music education and composition.

Sadie Woller

Parents: John and Desiree Woller Plans after graduation: Attend University of Northern Iowa for marketing management.



St. Croix Fall’s Honor Students Mitchel Berg Evan Gorres Alexander King Danielle Peterson Bailey Hansen Rebecca Thayer

Mark Wamp Wampfl fler fler Mariah Rohm Thea Erickson Emma Seifert



St. Croix Falls High School !"#$$%="';+-)%*38(+%-'$+ !"#$$%!'"'-$)%@'6#"%0"/+%#19% ;38(+

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 15

St. Croix Falls Class of 2015

!"#$%&'()&'*"#+,+'5,!%"*6,0&))+, $%&.(&'/+,0%"1,'2/+/,-(+*#/++/+3 Burnett Dairy Cooperative Boss Equipment Boyd!s Outdoor Power Central Bank City of St. Croix Falls Coffee Time Dalles Auto Sales Dallas House Restaurant & Lounge Edward Jones Investment, Rebecca A. Berg Express Employment Professionals Festival Theatre Fiedler Ford Frandsen Bank & Trust

Grandstrand Funeral & Cremation Services Great Clips Indianhead Credit Union Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Johnson Motors, SCF KJ!s Eurkea Bar Lamperts Lumber, SCF Larsen Auto - Frederic Luck Clinic - Amery Hospital and Clinic Marketplace Foods Martens Jewelry Mobil 1 Lube Express Panda King Chinese

Restaurant Pizza Planet Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op St. Croix Barbers St. Croix Family Dentistry St. Croix Regional Medical Center Sign-Xpress.com Small Engine Sales Steven L. McCormack, DDS Family Dentistry Swank!s Meats Tangen Drug Time & Again Shoppe and Buckwalter Bridal

Village Pizzeria Zen Hair Studio

!"#$%&'()&'*"#+,+*%/#,$%&.(&'/+, 0%"1,'2/+/,-(+*#/++/+3 Adventures - A Sporting Pub and Cafe Bremer Bank Burnett Dairy Cooperative Burnett Medical Center D & L Financial Services Daniels Plumbing and Heating Earth Energy Systems Fiedler Ford Fishbowl Insurance Agency Fourwinds Market

Frandsen Bank & Trust Great Clips Indianhead Credit Union Ingalls Clinic/St. Croix Regional Medical Center Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Johnson Motors, SCF Kris! Pheasant Inn Larsen Auto - Frederic Lee!s Sports Moms for Kids Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company

Northwoods Lumber Peggy!s Fashion Rack Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op Pour House Sign-Xpress.com Siren MotorSports Siren Telephone Company Sterling Bank Timbers Theatres Vasatka Systems/ Sam!s Motor Express Wayne!s Foods Plus

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

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Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

Siren Class of 2015

Casey-Jean Brown

Trenton Anderson

Parent: Tessa Anderson Plans after graduation: Attend Universal Technical Institute in Illinois.

Zoe Emery

Parents: Duane and Genny Emery. Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison College of Letters and Science.

Harriet Koball

Parents: Kathryn and Wayne Koball Plans after graduation: Attend University of Nebraska - Lincoln for prehealth.

Tyler Molamphy

Parents: Jody and Heidi Moody Plans after graduation: Work.

Parents: Eric and Kristy Brown Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Whitewater for media arts and game development.

Shyanne Ford

Parents: Michael and Shelly Ford Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Rice Lake/ Superior, for nursing.

Michael Kosloski

Parents: Wendy and Ron Kosloski Plans after graduation: Attend school to become a lineman.

Mercedes Moody

Parents: Jody and Heidi Moody. Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for forensic psychology.

Jeffery Carroll

Parents: Lisa Mackyol and Jamie Carroll Plans after graduation: Attend University of Wisconsin school and play baseball.

Reid Halverson

Parents: Marvin and Linda Halverson Plans after graduation: Attend a University of Wisconsin school for agricultural business and/ or criminal justice.

Travis Krenzke

Parents: Brian and Maria Krenzke Plans after graduation: Attend Universal Technical Institute.

Kristi Scanlon

Parents: Terrie Scanlon and Russ Nyman Plans after graduation: Working with animals.

John Dalsveen

Parents: Julie and Tony Dalsveen Plans after graduation: Attend school to become a lineman.

Bryce Highstrom

Parents: Craig and Rhonda Highstrom Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Platteville for engineering.

Nathan Fox Martin

Parents: Paul Martin and Julieann Fox Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison College of Engineering.

Hope Peterson

Parents: Sharon Peterson and Bill Peterson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for engineering.

Haylee Doriott

Parents: Lee and Erica Doriott Plans after graduation: Attend college for criminal justice or veterinary science.

Emily Howe

Parents: John and Rosie Howe Plans after graduation: Attend Northland College ecology.

Francis Maslow

Parent: Alan Maslow Plans after graduation: Attending training to become a machinist.

Anthony Dueholm

Parents: Ray and Heather Dueholm Plans after graduation: Work and go back to school to become a mechanic.

Daine Jewell

Parents: Heather Herwick and Tommy Jewell Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County.

Shawnee Merrill

Parents: Karen Washington and Neil Oustigoff Sr. Plans after graduation: Attend Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kan.

Kody Pettis

Parents: Julie Olson and Mark Pettis Jr. Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Jacob Reh

Parents: Tyann Russell and Eddie Reh Plans after graduation: Attend Le Cordon Bleu.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 17

Siren Class of 2015 Siren Honor Students Casey-Jean Brown Bryce Highstrom Emily Howe Harriet Koball

Ashley Teron

Nathan Fox Martin Mercedes Moody Hope Peterson

Sophie Vasatka

Parent: Misty Maddox Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Whitewater for accounting.

Parents: Mike and Judi Vasatka Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for music education.

SirenHigh School !"#$$%&'((')%%E!3#$+%6'/-%9-+#?$%0/(%#";#6$%71';%(3+% -'#9%;8""%"+#9%6'/%3'?+%#:#81<G V%L8?%&2U-#;

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Unity Class of 2015 !"#$%&'()&'*"#+,(#*'7,$%&.(&'/+ 0%"1,'2/+/,-(+*#/++/+3 5 J!s Sports Bar Adamark Repair Balsam Lake Hardware Hank and Rental Balsam Lake Motel Bradwell Enterprises Burnett Dairy Cooperative Central Bank Dale A. Johnson, CPA Doc!s Pub and Eatery Festival Theatre Fiedler Ford Frandsen Bank & Trust Gandy Diner, Centuria Great Clips

Hair!s The Thing Tanning & Nails Hansen Insurance Services Hauge Dental Clinic Holiday StationStores Indianhead Credit Union Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Indianhead Supper Club Interstate Veterinary Hospital Jeff!s Small Engine Johnson Motors, SCF Lake Services Unlimited Larsen Auto - Frederic

Luck Clinic - Amery Hospital and Clinic

Kolstad Family Funeral Home Marketplace Foods McKenzie Lanes Milltown Auto and Radiator Repair Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op Prudential Insurance/Steve B. Hansen Sign-Xpress.com

Sterling Bank Steve!s Appliance Plus Unity Clinic/St. Croix Regional Medical Center Volgren Insurance Agency Wayne!s Foods Plus

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Page 18 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation Issue

Unity Class of 2015

Tanner Amrhien

Mikayla Allison

Parents: Nina Hutton and James Allison Plans after graduation: Attend the UM-Duluth to study zoology.

James Butala

Parents: Joe and Becky Butala Plans after graduation: Attend college.

Bradley Eley

Parents: Jim and Angie Eley Plans after graduation: Make a living.

Connelly Helms

Parents: Robert and Holly Helms Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout to major in engineering technology.

Parents: John and Julia Amrhien Plans after graduation: Attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla., majoring in aeronautical science.

Gregory Coddington

Tevin Anderson

Parents: David and Lorene Anderson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse for physical therapy and play football.

Briana Colbert

Parents: Terrie Ruhl and Benjamin Coddington Plans after graduation: Attend college to obtain degrees in paleontology and/or archaeology.

Parent: Thomas Colbert Jr. Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County, then go to UW-River Falls to become a veterinary technician.

Bethany Erickson

Emily Ferguson

Parents: Dawn Ferguson Parent: Katy Dahlquist Plans after graduation: and Mark Ferguson Work and attend college. Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron Community College and attend UW-River Falls.

Ashlee Hoffman

Parents: Mark and Amy Hoffman Plans after graduation: Attend the UM-Duluth with an undecided major.

Beth Johnson

Parents: Larry and Debbie Johnson Plans after graduation: Attend YWAM Northwoods in the fall for a short-term missions program.

William Anderson

Parents: Dawn Swanson and Ed Anderson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls and major in astrophysics; then obtain a master’s or doctorate degree.

Elizabeth Colton

Parents: Jessica Colton and Joseph Colton Plans after graduation: Attend college for photography and writing.

Hunter Fjorden

Parents: Ted and Karen Fjorden Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse to study sports medicine.

Jordan Kletschka

Parents: Rick Kletschka and Tristan Divine Plans after graduation: Attend Blue Mountain College.

Damon Bearhart

Parents: Michaela Lowe and Gary Bearhart Jr. Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Shallena Davison

Parents: Greg and Leslie Davison Plans after graduation: Attend the Aveda Institute in Minneapolis for cosmetology and massage therapy.

Inter-County Leader

Sabrina Bratland

Parents: Tina Bratland and Darin Bratland Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Whitewater majoring in marine and freshwater ecology.

Kori Einberger

Parents: Lisa and James Einberger Plans after graduation: Get a steady job and save money.

Sabrina Flodin

Parents: Darrell and Diana Flodin Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Tatum Kline

Parents: Ed and Carol Kline Plans after graduation: Attend UM-Twin Cities School of Music to study music therapy.

Joshua Grams

Parents: Jon and Deb Grams Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Oshkosh to become a radiology technician.

Destinie Kobs

Parents: Tammy Seul and Scott Kobs Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New nursing assistant degree, then get a nursing degree.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Unity Class of 2015

Maxwell LeCaptain

Carrie Lamachia

Brian Locke Jr.

Parents: Megan Walker and Matthew Lamachia Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County for generals and then attend Virginia Tech.

Parents: Zoey Larson and Todd LeCaptain Plans after graduation: Attend a technical college and pursue a career in electrical engineering or music.

Parents: Meri Locke and Brian Locke Sr. Plans after graduation: Enlist in the National Guard to pay for college and go to UW-Eau Claire and get a degree in engineering.

Dylan McCurdy

Lakeesha MerrillFowler

Teanna Miller

Parents: Bonnie Landsverk and Duane Hugill Plans after graduation: Attend WITC for welding, then heating and air conditioning.

Amon O’Connor

Parents: Dave and Deborah Hemingway Plans after graduation: Attend the UM-Twin Cities, majoring in business administration with a music minor.

Evan Schlechter

Parents: Lisa Schlechter and Daniel Schlechter Plans after graduation: Attend WITC for an associate degree in the IT-network specialist program.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 19

Parents: Deanne Miller and Mark Thayer Parent: Mitch Fowler Plans after graduation: Plans after graduation: WITC-New Work in Clear Lake and Attend possibly attend college for Richmond to become a dental assistant. child care.

Connor Olson

Parents: Tanya and Robert Olson Plans after graduation: Attend basic training and then attend Century College to play baseball and to get a nursing degree.

Spencer Schultz

Parents: Dale Schultz and Penny Schultz Plans after graduation: Make money.

Nicole Paulzine

Parents: Dan Paulzine and Mari Paulzine Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-New Richmond under the human services associate program.

Bailey Soper

Parents: Darin and Melissa Soper Plans after graduation: Attend St. Catherine University and major in occupational therapy.

Jordan Lowe

Parents: Scott and Shelly Lowe Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse.

Michael Murphy

Parents: Mike Murphy and Winona Pierce Plans after graduation: Attend college for 3-D animation and graphic design.

Leslie Peterson

Parents: David and Carolyn Peterson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Green Bay for communications with a minor in theater.

Joshua Stage

Parents: Robin and Kelly Stage Plans after graduation: Make money.

Paige Lunsmann

Parents: Michael and Dawn Lunsmann Plans after graduation: Attend St. Catherine University for occupational therapy.

Noah Neault

Parents: Joelle Neault and Mike Neault Plans after graduation: Attend the Art Institute in Minneapolis for a degree production and pursue a

Eryn Mares

Parents: Tim Mares and Diane Mares Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire and major in biology.

Olivia Nelson

Parents: Chris and Kelly Nelson Plans after graduation: Attend Winona State University for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and minor in nutrition.

Dylan Ruck

Parents: Dan and Mindy Ruck Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse and to become an anesthesiologist.

Austin Thayer

Parents: Jamie and Michelle Thayer Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County and go into theater and possibly another college to study and acting.

Kennedy Sawyer

Parents: David Sawyer and Jamie Sawyer Plans after graduation: Attend WITC for a major in nursing and a minor in science.

Justin Thompson

Parents: Deborah Schauer and Rodney Thompson Plans after graduation: Attend a police academy or become a security

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Page 20 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader

Unity Class of 2015

Danielle Tonnar

James Toland

Parents: Roy Toland and Elizabeth May Plans after graduation: Join Job Corps and pursue a job as a network specialist.

Parents: Les and Michelle Tonnar Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Ben Traynor

James Vander Wyst

Parents: Jeff and Jill Traynor Plans after graduation: Attend Southeast Technical College in Winona, Minn., to become a radiology technician.

Parents: Mike and Tonya Vander Wyst Plans after graduation: Study music business and become a successful musician.

Zoe Vondrasek

Parents: George Vondrasek and Amy Vondrasek Plans after graduation: Attend college and pursue a career in psychology.

Brittany Weinzirl

Parents: Anthony and Lisa Weinzirl Plans after graduation: Attend school and have a steady job.

Unity’s Honor Students

Austin Willis

Parent: Veronica Sperr Plans after graduation: Attend college and play football.

Lucas Wood

Parents: Rodney Wood and Melanie Wood. Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Mikayla Allison Tevin Anderson William Anderson Sabrina Bratland Briana Colbert Hunter Fjorden Joshua Grams Ashlee Hoffman Beth Johnson Tatum Kline

Jordan Lowe Eryn Mares Olivia Nelson Amon O’Connor Nicole Paulzine Leslie Peterson Dylan Ruck Bailey Soper Ben Traynor Zoe Vondrasek

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Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

William Cooper

Parents: Laurie Cooper and William Cooper Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison for electrical engineering.

Daniel Formanek

Parents: Dennis and Laura Formanek Plans after graduation: Attend Lake Superior Technical College for radiography.

Parent: Tammy and Shawn Hayes Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 21

Webster Class of 2015

Marissa Bambery

Brendan Arntson

Parents: Robert and Patricia Arntson Plans after graduation: Attend WITC for welding.

Travis Hayes

Graduation Issue

Parents: Kim Zubrod, Barry Zubrod and Dan Bambery Plans after graduation: Work for a year and then attend school for cosmetology or to become a counselor.

Madyson Crawford

Parent: Joyce Cook Plans after graduation: Attend Superior College to become an elementary schoolteacher.

Matthew Freymiller

Parent: Michelle Freymiller and Steve Holmstrom Plans after graduation: Work.

Scott Hursh

Parents: Jeff Hursh and Phyllis Hames Plans after graduation: Enlisted in the U.S. Marines and obtain a degree in civil law.

Richard Bell Jr.

Parents: Mary Bell and Richard Bell Sr. Plans after graduation: Work, hopefully in the

Ryan Curtis

Parents: Kelly and Preston Curtis Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout to become a physical education teacher.

Kenna Gall

Parents: Kari Budge and the late Thomas Gall Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stevens Point for mortuary science.

Ashley Johnson

Parent: Angela Johnson Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Rice Lake to get a paramedic license.

Alyssia Benjamin

Parents: Clifford Benjamin Jr. and Nichole Benjamin Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron and CC-San Diego for business management and administration.

Mallory Daniels

Parents: Jeanne Daniels and Jim Daniels Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for premedicine.

Nathanael Gatten

Parent: Marty Gatten Plans after graduation: Attend UW-River Falls for preveterinary medicine and major in animal science.

Brandon Johnson

Parents: Steven Johnson and Jennifer Johnson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for journalism or marketing, and get the books I have been writing published.

Summer Bjork

Parents: Elaine Hawkins and Lee Hawkins Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County for social work.

Ashley Davis

Parents: Kris and Brande Davis Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse for elementary education.

Brandonn Chapman

Parents: Deb Chapman and Anthony Chapman Plans after graduation: Attend college to become a forester.

Samantha Emberson

Parent: Barbara Emberson Plans after graduation: Attend college for generals.

Samuel Grocholski

Parent: Deb Grocholski Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stout and major in golf enterprise management with a minor in business and realty management.

Tristan Kingbird

Parents: LeeAnna Wertz and Ron Kingbird Plans after graduation: Attend WITC to study criminal justice and then go active Army.

Alec Gustafson

Parents: Kelsey and Erica Gustafson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse and then Logan University for chiropractic.

Zachary Koelz

Parents: Peter and Jean Koelz Plans after graduation: Attend college for psychology.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Page 22 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation Issue

Webster Class of 2015

Vincent Larson

Brent Lamson

Parents: Brenda SpearsLamson and Richard Lamson Plans after graduation: Attend WITC for welding.

Katrina MatriousStaples

Parents: Larry Larson and Joyce Norlander Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior.

Steven McCain

Parent: Deb Matrious Plans after graduation: Attend WITC for marriage and family counseling in 2016.

Chelsea Nelson

Parents: Stacy and Jeremy Hollis and Anthony Nelson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Barron County to be a dental hygienist.

Nicholas Robinson

Parents: Mike and Mary Robinson Plans after graduation: Attend Vermilion Community College in Ely, Minn., for watershed/ water quality science.

Parents: Jody McCain and Mike Larson Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Rice Lake for automotive maintenance.

Breanna Nutter

Parents: Heather Vance, Jason and Michelle Nutter Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Rice Lake for cosmetology.

Carrie Rosenthal

Parents: John and Maria Rosenthal Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Eau Claire for biology with a minor in liberal arts.

Ciarra Lechman

Parents: Chad and Julie Lechman Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Stevens Point for veterinary technology.

Dade McCarthy

Parents: Thomas and Petra McCarthy Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for biology.

Alexis Piepho

Parents: Jolene Pirila and John Piepho Plans after graduation: Take a CNA class this summer and in the fall attend WITC-Superior for nursing.

Ellora Schaaf

Parents: Michael and Gwen Schaaf Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Platteville for mechanical engineering.

Essie Mackyol

Parents: Candie Rixman and Lonnie Mackyol Plans after graduation: Attend Minneapolis Business College for graphic design.

Kendel Mitchell

Parents: Theodore Mitchell and Tabatha Moser Plans after graduation: Attend college for early childhood education.

Austin Piepho

Parents: Jolene Pirila and John Piepho Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Olivia Schauls

Parents: Lynn and Dallas Schauls Plans after graduation: Attend UW-La Crosse to become a physician’s assistant, to use for pediatric oncology.

Madison Main

Parents: Laura and Todd Main Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Madison or UW-Eau Claire for a degree in education.

Kayla Morgan

Parents: Kim Smith and Michael Morgan Plans after graduation: Attend college for interior design.

Inter-County Leader

Sean Martinez

Parents: Tracey and Patrick Martinez Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Superior to be a dental assistant.

Sadie Mulroy

Parent: Connie Kraus Plans after graduation: Travel for a couple of years.

Emilie Pope

Parents: Debie Pope and Arlan Pope Jr. Plans after graduation: Attend University of Arkansas and FreedHardeman University for equine therapy.

Andrew Schrooten

Parents: Bill and Carolyn Schrooten Plans after graduation: Attend California State University of Long Beach for aeronautical engineering.

Brett Richison

Parents: Steve and Lisa Richison Plans after graduation: Attend Minnesota State University - Mankota for atmospheric sciences.

Sydni Schultz

Parents: Chuck and Robin Schultz Plans after graduation: Attend University of South Florida for psychology.

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Inter-County Leader

Graduation Issue

Webster Class of 2015

Madeline Snow

Brandon Smiley

Parents: Robert Smiley and Jessica Smiley Plans after graduation: Work on the pipeline.

Parent: Kari Roppe Plans after graduation: Go on a church mission for two years and then attend Brigham Young University in Idaho for performing arts.

Stefani Wambolt

Jacqueline Weber

Parents: Wade and Kim Wambolt Plans after graduation: Attend WITC-Superior to be a medical assistant.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Page 23

Parents: Harm and Lynda Weber Plans after graduation: Work for a year, then school for photography, interior design or day care.

Alexandria Spears

Parents: Kate Harasyn and Bryan Spears Plans after graduation: Attending UW-Superior for elementary education.

Bailey Weeks

Parent: Theresa Kegel Plans after graduation: Enlisting in National Guard and then attend Lake Superior College for dental hygiene.

Shawn Stevens

Parent: Jean Bradshaw Plans after graduation: Attend Chippewa Valley Technical School in Eau Claire for electrical power distribution.

Christina Weis

Parents: Sue and Charlie Weis Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Superior for marketing.

Megan Tyson

Parent: Shirley Tyson Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Mary Wilson

Parents: Jerome and Bonnie Wilson Plans after graduation: Attend UW-Platteville for music education.

Kelly Waltzing

Parents: Mike and Jean Waltzing Plans after graduation: Undecided.

Jessie Yezek

Parents: Julie and Steve Yezek Plans after graduation: Attend Hennepin Technical College for nursing.

!"#$%&'()&'*"#+,8/-+'/% $%&.(&'/+,0%"1,'2/+/,-(+*#/++/+3 Adventures - A Sporting Pub and Cafe Austin Lake Greenhouse Bremer Bank Burnett Dairy Cooperative Burnett Medical Center D & L Financial Services Fiedler Ford Fishbowl Insurance Agency Four Star Sports Gandy Dancer Saloon Gary and Rhonda Erickson Auctioneers

Great Clips Hill Home Center Holiday StationStores Hopkins Sand and Gravel Indianhead Credit Union Ingalls Clinic/St. Croix Regional Medical Center Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Johnson Motors, SCF Kris! Pheasant Inn Larsen Auto - Frederic Nexen Group, Inc.

Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company Northwoods Lumber Polk-Burnett Electric Co-op Pour House Sweeny!s Bar 10th Hole at Yellow Lake Golf Course Timbers Theatres The Tap Vasatka Systems/ Sam!s Motor Express Wayne!s Foods Plus

Whitetail Wilderness Campground Yellow Lake Lodge Yellow River Pharmacy

Webster’s Honor Students William Cooper

Ciarra Lechman

Zachary Koelz

Ashley Davis

Ellora Schaaf

Alexandria Spears

Mallory Daniels

Carrie Rosenthal

Madison Main

Alec Gustafson

Inter-County Leader graduation issue • 2015

Page 24 - Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Graduation Issue

Inter-County Leader


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Join Us To Celebrate The Graduation Of

Austin Kurkowski Sat., May 23, 2015

In Honor Of

$#/'$* 0')$1,"!

Bryce Highstrom

Noon - 4 p.m.

Sat., May 30 5 - 9 p.m.

At Ron & Cindy Yourchuck’s

22706 Bernie Road Siren, Wisconsin

24735 Old 35, Siren



Sun., May 24, 2015


At Our Home

John & Jackie Kurkowski

4 - 8 p.m.

Frederic Elem. School

305 Birch St. • Frederic WI +


We’re so proud of you, graduates, for passing the test and getting the job done. You’ve shown that you can set a goal and go for it! Now you’re moving on to bigger challenges and better opportunities. We wish you the best of luck as you pursue your dreams, wherever they may take you. Congratulations, graduates, you’ve made us proud!

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