W E D N E S D AY, J A N U A RY 9 , 2 0 0 8 • V O L U M E 7 5 • N O . 2 0 • 8 , 0 0 0 C O P I E S • S E C T I O N A
WEEKEND WATCH: • State poet laureate @ Cafe Wren, Luck • Ruby’s Pantry @ Siren and Frederic • Invasive species meeting @ Spooner • Writers forum @ Amery • Snowmobile safety course @ Grantsburg • See Coming events and stories
Serving Northwest Wisconsin
Tribe plans to get fishery running again 2008 promises to be an unusually eventful year for St. Croix Tribe PAGE 2
Snowy welcome
Cory Rand of the Army’s 1st Cavalry Division received a special welcome home from his sister, Jessica Jones. Rand is returning from a 15-month deployment in Iraq. This snow painting; can be seen in Webster’s east Main Street at the home of the their grandmother. – Photo by Sherill Summer
Two on ballot for mayor at SCFalls
Cooperative to mark 75th year in 2008
Anderson to challenge Foss
Annual report shows a challenging fiscal year in 2007; Stower re-elected director
BL village discusses police issues
by Gary King FREDERIC - This year will mark the 75th anniversary of the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association, and it was noted at the co-op’s annual meeting held Saturday at Hacker’s Lanes, that plans are under way to include the public and former employees in celebrating the milestone,
Fire department gets pay raise PAGE 3
Car in lake identified after 40 years BACK PAGE
Tribute paid to Dorothy Richard After 39 years with Burnett County
Co-op board chairman Vivian Byl told approximately 170 in attendance that plans include designing a float for area parades this summer, hosting a picnic for present and past employees in August and holding an open house in October that will include tours of the Frederic plant. The year will culminate at next year’s annual meeting with distribution of a souvenir booklet. The cooperative was created in 1933 by area residents - mostly farmers - who felt the establishment of a newspaper would provide them with a public platform for their concerns. The co-op still publishes the weekly Inter-County Leader newspaper along with five Advertisers. The Advertisers have provided a
strong financial vehicle for the cooperative since being established in the 1960s, but it was noted at Saturday’s meeting that in recent years, mostly due to a struggling economy, advertising revenue has been on the decline. This past year the cooperative’s revenue from advertising dropped $270,000, noted manager Doug Panek, who said the loss contributed to the lowest net profit the cooperative has experienced since 1972. An increase in revenue from inserts of $70,000 offset the advertising losses somewhat, bringing the overall decrease of advertising revenue to $200,000. “Ask any of our salespeople and they
See Annual meeting, page 4
Saints upset Pirates Actor Adam Beach has message for St. Croix Tribe youth
The Inter-County Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper
Serving Northwest Wisconsin
A cooperative-owned newspaper, the Inter-County Leader is published every Wednesday by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837. Second Class postage paid at Frederic, WI 54837.
MANAGER Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR Gary B. King, Editor gbking@centurytel.net STAFF Nancy Jappe njappe@centurytel.net Marty Seeger mseeger@centurytel.net Tammi Milberg tammi@centurytel.net Brenda Sommerfeld brendals@centurytel.net Gregg Westigard greggw@lakeland.ws Prisclla Bauer the-leader@centurytel.net Erik Barstow the-leader@centurytel.net Carl Heidel the-leader@centurytel.net Sherill Summer the-leader@centurytel.net EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Raelynn Hunter rael@centurytel.net
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St. Croix Falls
Box 338, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 (M-W, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.) 715-483-9008 Fax - 715-483-1420
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The Inter-County Leader [ISS No. 87509091] is published weekly. Subscription prices are $30/yr. in Polk and Burnett counties; $34/yr. in Barron, Chisago, Washburn, St. Croix counties; $37/yr. anywhere in the United States $22/yr. for servicemen or women; $22/yr. for students or schools (9 months). Payment is needed before we can start the subscription. No refunds on subscriptions. Persons may subscribe online at www.the-leader.net, write us at Inter-County Leader, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837, or stop by one of our three offices.
Board of directors Vivian Byl, chair Charles Johnson Harvey Stower Merlin Johnson Janet Oachs
An award-winning newspaper Member
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Tribe plans to get fishery running again
The St. Croix Tribal Council has an ambitious agenda this year, including constitutional reform by Gary King HERTEL – For the St. Croix Tribe, 2008 promises to be an eventful year – with changes that will not only affect how the tribe is governed - but it’s overall economic growth and success, mixing old and new ventures. On the tribe’s agenda this year: • The partnering with the University of Wisconsin –Milwaukee’s Great Lakes Water Institute to resurrect the tribal fishery on the St. Croix River. • Constitutional reform. • A final decision from the BIA and Gov. Jim Doyle concerning the future of the proposed Beloit Casino Complex Project. • The completion of its new Hole In The Wall Casino and Resort in Danbury. • Growth of Emerald Systems, the software company purchased by the tribe in 2005. With the help of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee’s Great Lakes Water Institute, the St. Croix Tribe hopes to see one of its largest investments - the St. Croix Waters Fishery, back in operation in 2008. In late November, tribal chairwoman Hazel Hindsley signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the GLWI and the tribe which calls for the two to work together to develop ways to rear and domesticate certain species of freshwater fish. Hailed as the largest recirculating water fish production system in North America upon its completion in 2000, the fishery has been inactive for nearly five years due to wastewater issues. Construction of the 170,000-squarefoot building which houses more than 300 fish production tanks began in the summer of the year 2000, and the first fish were brought into the facility in October of 2001. The tribe had hopes of raising and selling yellow perch and hybrid striped bass in large quantities, providing jobs and a healthy source of income for the tribe as it diversified using profits from its casinos. But the Environmental Protection Agency, which classifies the St. Croix River as an “outstanding resource,” claimed the water being used to raise the fish and then filtered and returned to a lagoon, did not pass strict pollution guidelines. The project represents a $20 million plus investment for the tribe, which attempted at one point to address wastewater issues by hauling wastewater by truck to a wastewater treatment plant at Superior. Scientists from GLWI are expected to conduct on-site studies to gather information that will enable them to get the plant back into production. “We are doing our best to get this project up and going,” Hindsley said. “It’s our dream to have a business that will have employment for many tribal members.” ••• In December, the tribe held a general membership meeting attended by 200 tribal members. During that meeting Hindsley noted that the council elected last June was the very first to provide a financial summary to its members. The June election unseated three incumbent council members and seated supporters and members of the five-year Elder Coalition which had fought for more openness in the tribal government. At the general membership meeting, Hindsley said she felt it was a “very
St. Croix Tribe Chairwoman Hazel Hindsley (R) signs the Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Great Lakes Water Institute as tribal vice chair Gloria E. Benjamin looks on. - Photo courtesy St. Croix Vision
The 170,000-square-foot St. Croix Fishery plant is located near Danbury. special photo exciting time” for the tribe. “The efforts ect was approved by the regional office we made will surely pay dividends and of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Minneapolis last January and then forprovide a brighter future,” she said. Council member and former tribal warded to the BIA’s Washington offices. Should that office approve the applicachairman Elmer “Jay” Emery reported that Emerald Systems, the software com- tion, the issue would be forwarded to pany acquired by the tribe in 2005, had Gov. Jim Doyle for his approval or denial recenlty become certified with the - the final step in the process - and one United States Small Business that may occur in 2008. - with information Administration which makes it eligible from The Vision, the St. Croix Chippewa’s Monthly Newspaper and the Beloit Daily to bid on federal procurements. “It will be a multimillion dolar compa- News ny,” he said. A detailed report of the tribe’s revenues, expenses and 2009 spending preSleigh parade will dictions was presented at the meeting. ••• donate to TAPS For the past eight years the tribe has FREDERIC – This year’s Frederic worked with the Bad River Tribe, the city Sleigh Parade, scheduled for Saturday, of Beloit and developers, to establish a Jan. 19, will offer half of its proceeds to casino-waterpark-convention center TAPS – Tragedy Assistance Program for near Beloit. In order for the project to proceed, Survivors – a program that helps surapproval from the Bureau of Indian viving family members of military perAffairs and governor of Wisconsin is sonnel killed in action. The program is designed to offer suprequired. Recently the tribe filied a lawsuit port to families, offering seminars, peer against Secretary of Interior Dirk groups and other types of support. “TAPS is a lifeline for families who Kempthorne and Assistant Secretary of have suffered loss,” said founder Indian Affairs Carl Artman, claiming the men exceeded their authority by Bonnie Carroll. “This is a place they can attempting to change the trust land call 24 hours a day, seven days a week approval process in such a way it would and know that at the other end of the make it easier for the agency to deny an phone they’ll be talking with someone else who not only understands from the off-reservation casino. Last week 11 Indian tribes with pend- head, but feels from the heart, what ing applications to take land into trust they’re experiencing.” TAPS also offers the Good Grief for proposed off-reservation casnios received letters from the Departent of the Camp for young survivors. At a recent Interior denying their request - but the camp, kids released balloons into the sky with messages to their lost loved Beloit application was not among them. That’s likely because of the pending ones. The sleigh parade will be held on the lawsuit brought by the tribe. high school grounds. Units will be Joe Hunt, a spokesperson for the Beloit viewed at 11:30 a.m., followed by judgCasino Complex Project, told the Beloit ing and the parade at 1 p.m. Although Daily News that the tribe is looking forrecent warm temperatures have melted ward to its day in court. No decision is expected on the Beloit much of the snow that fell in December, Project until a judge can hear the case. A there will likely still be more snow for the event than in recent years, according hearing is set to begin Jan. 15. The trust land application for the proj- to organizer Liz Petersen. – with submitted information
BURNETT COUNTY – There were more Texans in Burnett County in late December than Wisconsinites as the Peterson clan rolled into Siren for their family reunion, many of the younger ones experiencing snow for the first time in their lives. “The little grandkids are going crazy,” Russell Peterson said, noting how much fun a snowball fight can be when it’s your first one ever. The Petersons, with family members who live on Devils Lake and in Webster, gathered four years ago in Siren for a Christmas Day family reunion party at the Siren Village Hall, but there was little snow to be found. This year, they rented rooms at the Northwoods Lodge Best Western in Siren and held their party at the Moose Lodge on Hwy. 70. They rented snowmobiles in Webb Lake and went further north to do some snow tubing. Peterson, a native Minnesotan who moved to Texas years ago, said the recent experience made him appreciate his parents, who raised six kids in oldfashioned winter weather, much more. Getting kids into and out of winter garb was a new experience for some at the family reunion. “Aren’t you glad you don’t have to do this every day?” was a question overheard often. - submitted ••• FREDERIC – Frederic High School softball will host its annual Coon Lake Classic ice-fishing contest on Saturday, Jan. 26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with registration open at 9 a.m. A $5 registration fee includes one free door prize ticket. Tickets will also be sold at the event for $1. More than 50 door prizes will be given away. Tickets for the ice auger raffle are $5 or five for $20. Cash prizes will be given away - $100 for largest northern, $75 for the largest panfish and bass with second- and third-place awards of $40 and $20 for panfish and bass and $50 and $25 for northern. – submitted ••• BALSAM LAKE – American Red Cross CPR and First Aid classes will be held Jan. 22, 23 and 24 at the Polk County Red Cross office located in Balsam Lake. The Adult CPR class will be held Jan. 22 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., the Infant/Child CPR class on Jan. 23 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. and the First Aid course will be held Jan. 24 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Persons may preregister by calling Terry Anderson at 485-3025. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. – from Polk County Red Cross ••• POLK COUNTY - Polk County Clerk Catherine Albrecht announced this week that her office will no longer handle the selling of DNR licenses.
BL Village discusses police issues
Fire department to get a raise in pay
by Marty Seeger BALSAM LAKE – The Balsam Lake Village Board held its monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 7, with an opening discussion about the public hearing that took place regarding village Police Chief Sheryl Gehrman. A public protection meeting was recently held, but went into a closed session yet, trustee Judy Swenson asked the board for some kind of explanation about what went on in the meeting. “I would like to see some kind of explanation given by this board as to what happened, what was discussed,” Swenson told the board. Swenson was not present at the closed session meeting, but has been asked by concerned citizens as to what is being done to address the issues. Trustee Eugene “Gino” D’Agostino wasn’t sure what could be said about the meeting since it went into a closed session. Swenson replied “But all we need to know is that the problem has set forth and been somewhat resolved, or at least you’re working on a resolution or something in general,” she said. D’Agostino said the board discussed some of the issues and comments raised with Gehrman about the public meeting that took place Dec. 5, and that Gehrman was cooperative. “I thought the general tone of the
meeting was good…I thought it was constructive rather than destructive,” D’Agostino said, adding that issues were raised from all angles and all sides. Trustee Mike Voltz agreed with D’Agostino about the meeting. “I think it was a very good meeting. I think we had covered a lot of topics and I think we came to some sort of agreement on most issues,” Voltz said. Fire department salary increases Balsam Lake Fire Chief Ed Hill discussed salary increases for fire department members with the finance committee on Dec. 10. A letter was given by Hill to the board which compared salaries from the village of Milltown, and city of St. Croix Falls. After discussion, it was decided that a salary increase was not budgeted for 2008, but a small increase could be given now. The fire department didn’t get the total amount asked for, but they will be looking into their own budget to raise it further. The board will review the issue again in July to see if another increase could be given. A committee will meet in September to review a salary increase for the 2009 budget year. A motion was made on Monday night to approve salaries for the fire department as discussed in the finance committee meeting. Chief $2,000; Asst. Chief $600; Captain $400; Lieutenant $200; Treasurer $400; Secretary $400; Fire calls $6/$8.50/$9.50; First responders $10/$12; Inspections $7.50 each; Meetings and trainings remain the
same at $20 per night. Other business • David Schofield of the Cedar Corporation met with the board Monday night to discuss the Pleasant Avenue project pay request and final quantities. He said he has worked with Minncomm Utility Construction to come to an agreement on final quantities for the project. The final construction cost of the project is $1,446,015.. However, a retainer of 5 percent has been withheld from the payment, but will be released when the project is completed in spring. The board motioned to approve payment to Minncomm Utility Construction in the amount of $75,155.96 upon recommendation of Schofield. • It was discussed that trustee Sheila Albrecht will not be running for re-election on the village board. The board extended gratitude for her service to the village. • Near the end of the meeting Monday night D’Agostino extended a thank-you to Ed Hill and Hills Family Foods for their years of service to the community. Hill’s Family Foods grocery store is closing soon. “I would just like to thank him for his efforts through the years…for supplying groceries to the village,” D’Agostino said. ”It will be sorely missed.”
Two on ballot for mayor
ST. CROIX FALLS - Alderman Darrell Anderson will challenge Mayor Brad Foss for the city’s mayor position in the April election. Anderson and Foss will be the only two people on the ballot for mayor. Former Mayor Lee Uhrhammer publicly announced his candidacy but did not file papers for candidacy by the Jan. 2 deadline and, therefore, his name will
not be on the ballot. Anderson’s vacated alderman seat will also be up for re-election. Donald Anderson and Debra Kravig will be on the ballot for that position. Also up for re-election is the alderman seat now held by Laurie Erickson, who is not seeking re-election. Paul Kuhlman will be on the ballot for that spot.
Municipal Court Judge David Danielson is seeking re-election unopposed. In the St. Croix Falls School Board election, Patricia Schmidt will be on the ballot for the position now held by Steven Bont, who has announced he will not seek re-election. – Gary King
Bathroom brawl leads to battery charge
POLK COUNTY – A 22-year-old Osceola woman faces a charge of battery following a 3 a.m. incident New Year’s Day at a rural Dresser tavern. Jamie L. Hinz allegedly struck another female in the head, causing her to bleed from her forehead. According to a criminal complaint, Hinz and a friend
were talking in a bathroom stall, there was a line in the bathroom and people started knocking on the stall door. Hinz allegedly tossed toilet paper over the door. A fight ensued, and the victim said she was attacked by Hinz with a bottle. Hinz admitted she struck the victim but said her ring must have cut
the woman’s head, not a bottle. Hinz was placed under arrest for battery and taken to the Polk County Jail. She was listed as being cooperative with authorities. – with information from Polk County Sheriff’s Department
Number of working poor in NW Wisconsin exceeds state poverty rate Editor’s note: The following is the first article in a series on working poor in Wisconsin, produced by Wisconsin Public Radio. by Danielle Kaeding SUPERIOR - People living paycheck to paycheck often have to contend with more than life’s day-to-day needs; they also have to battle discrimination. Twenty-one-year-old Vallery Brown of Superior says people think she’s just having kids to live off the system, and she says she’s not. She’s came to Superior’s Salvation Army with one of her three kids to sign up for a Christmas food basket. Brown came to them for help a year ago when no one would hire her after she became pregnant. She saw the looks some people sent her way. She says she really does want to work for her kids and have them have a good life, better than what she had. Brown says people were often quick to judge. She says a person shouldn’t be judged based on what they look
W i s c o n s i n ’s Wo r k i n g P o o r like. Rather, she says to judge them for what they’ve done, not what they’re going through. She’s not the only one on the receiving end of such looks. Mandy Sather also signed up for a basket. She believes prejudice can keep those in need from reaching out. She says some are worried about what others think, so instead of coming out and asking for help, they’re more worried about what the people they ask for help are going to think. Sather says she and her husband struggle to provide for their kids. She asks those critical to do what she does for a day and see how they like it, especially those who say “you can change it.” She says it’s difficult, especially with the economy the way it is. Democratic state Rep. Frank Boyle agrees. He says the number of working poor in northwestern Wisconsin exceeds the state poverty rate of 10 per-
cent. For instance, 14-1/2 percent of the people in Ashland County and 16 percent in Douglas County live in poverty. Boyle thinks people forget the struggles of their neighbors. He says there are a thousand things that could be done to help poor children and poor families lift themselves up the social ladder, but he says “it’s just sad.” He says he sees people who have done that, and are now pulling the ladder up behind them. He says they simply say, “I’ve made it. I made it pulling myself up with my own two boot straps—so can you.” Boyle says it doesn’t work that way. Others like Republican state Rep. Frank Lasee claim people are already doing plenty to help Wisconsin’s poor. He says he doesn’t want regular taxpayers to have an ever-increasing tax burden. He says he gets e-mails from people all the time saying they’re sick and tired of making their living and
paying for it too. He says they say they’re just “going to quit and go on the other side and collect, and let the government take care of me too.” Superior Salvation Army social worker Dawn Hastings says most people who seek help aren’t abusing the system. She says some people feel bad, and feel guilty or embarrassed because they’re coming into the food shelf for help. She says she tells them to not feel bad since they’re not choosing a way of life. Hastings says it’s hard for some people to understand unless they’ve walked in a poor person’s shoes. Regardless, Brown says everyone has their struggles, and she’s going to keep doing the best she can. She says she’s going to keep on trying, and doesn’t care what everybody else thinks. She says she’s just trying to do what’s best for her family. – Wisconsin Public Radio
Annual meeting/from page 1 will tell you it’s very difficult out there,” Panek said. “Customers are cutting back on the size of their ads and there are more dollar stores around today than big box stores - and dollar stores are closing.” There were no advertising rate increases in 2007, he said, but the cooperative has implemented a rate increase effective Jan. 1. Panek reported that miscellaneous sales from the co-op’s four offices at Frederic, Siren, Shell Lake and St. Croix Falls increased by $28,000 in 2007 and revenue from subscriptions and jobwork printing remained about the same. He noted that the cooperative again presented $6,000 worth of scholarships to graduates at eight area high schools – Frederic, Siren, Webster, Grantsburg, Unity, St. Croix Falls, Luck and Shell Lake. He acknowledged employees recogHarvey Stower was re-elected to his nized this past year for years of service fifth term as a board of director of the and thanked all employees and board Inter-County Cooperative Publishing members for continued support. Association last Saturday during the 2007 annual stockholders’ meeting. Auditor’s report Members are elected to a three-year The cooperative’s overall gross mar- term. Stower is also the mayor of gin in 2007 dropped to $4.43 million, Amery and an ordained minister. The compared to $4.63 million in 2006. cooperative is celebrating its 75th There was a decrease in overall opera- anniversary this year. – Photo by tional expense, which dropped from Wayne M. Anderson $4.12 million to $3.94 million - including decreases in payroll and postage “We have a good report - we don’t expense - and an increase in general expenses from approximately $397,000 have a great report,” auditor Roger Van in 2006 to approximately $407,000 in Someran told shareholders. “I think 2007. Administrative costs went up this is reflective a little bit of our econofrom approximately $57,000 to approxi- my.” Van Someran said his firm works mately $93,000, including a write-off of with a lot of cooperatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin and he is seeing a variety $20,000 in bad debt.
of factors in cooperative success. “On the consumer side it seems like the economy is a little sluggish but on the ag side it’s really exciting. Commodity prices are at an all-time high.” Van Someran said the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association remains very strong financially, evident by its balance sheet which shows total current assets of $1.3 million and fixed assets of $3.8 million. The co-op’s general reserve remains around $2 million, permanent capital that stays within the organization, he noted. The setting aside of that money over the years is why the co-op doesn’t have any longterm debt, he added. Van Someran, who also reviewed the co-op’s other investments and patron equities, characterized the co-op as “solid.” Investments The cooperative grew its jobwork department in 2007, building a 60- by 60-foot warehouse to allow for more storage of printing stock and mail carts, purchasing a two-color press to replace an aging press and a UV coating system that produces a durable gloss finish on printed products. The building addition cost $200,000 the press $80,000 and the coater $44,000. Manager Panek said the co-op was able to pay for the press equipment outright and will be paying off the building addition this coming year. Internet challenge Board chair Vivian Byl, in her report, challenged those present who have yet to learn Internet technology to log onto the Inter-County Leader’s Web site at
www.the-leader.net. “It’s a good place to start,” she said. “Even the queen of England decided to use a computer this year - and she’s older that most of us. It’s never to late to use new technology.” Byl reviewed some of the features of the Web site, noting she is one of 670 site subscribers who receive an e-mail when the site is updated weekly - or in cases of breaking news, such as the recent story on the Polk County tax increase. She reviewed statistics from a recent three-day period (Wednesday through Friday) showing an average of 1,000 people a day had logged on to the site from across the United States and 12 foreign counties, including Great Britain, Canada and Sweden. She asked audience members born in 1933 - the year the Leader was started to raise their hands to receive a prize and four people in attendance responded - JoAnn Hallquist, Wayne Shirley, Delores Hermstad and Virgil Bjorklund. Board election Harvey Stower of Amery was re-elected as a director in a vote among 104 voting shareholders present. He defeated Richard Coen of Luck, who was seeking his first term on the board. Stower thanked Coen and his wife, Carol, for his being a candidate for the position. Stower then led those in attendance in a prayer prior to the meal. The cooperative’s board consists of Vivian Byl, chair, Charles Johnson, vice president, Janet Oachs, treasurer and directors Harvey Stower and Merlin Johnson.
Man faces charge of OWI - fifth offense
POLK COUNTY – A 32-year-old rural Luck man faces a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated – fifth offense, a felony, and operating after revocation following a traffic stop in search of a stolen vehicle. Ronald J. Merrill told the arresting officer he did not know who owned the 1995 Toyota Camry he had been driving. The officer smelled intoxicants and noted Merrill had poor balance and his eyes were “barely open.” Merrill was taken to Amery Regional Medical Center for a blood draw and was in and out of consciousness while in the hospital. He was later taken to the Polk
County Jail. Records show Merrill had a record of being charged with operating a vehicle without owner’s consent, criminal trespassing, resisting or obstructing an officer, theft, disorderly conduct, battery, bail jumping and possession of THC and drug paraphernalia. In another OWI arrest this past week by the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, Richard Vandenheuval of rural Balsam Lake faces a charge of OWI – 4th offense, disorderly conduct and attempted battery to law enforcement officer. According to the officer’s report,
Vandenheuval was driving north on 150th Street when his vehicle crossed the roadway, ran over a mailbox and got stuck in the snow. He needed assistance standing and repeatedly stated “I’m drunk. Just write me a ticket and let me go home,” according to the arresting officer. Vandenheuvel blew a PBT of .22. He was later taken to St. Croix Regional Medical Center where, according to the complaint, he loudly shouted various forms of insults using the fword and had to be physically restrained by county and St. Croix Falls city officers in order to complete a blood draw. During the draw, Vandenheuvel
allegedly grabbed onto the wrist of a hospital employee and refused to let her go, causing her pain and discomfort and attempted to spit on one of the officers and attempted to bite him. During transport back to jail from the hospital, Vandenheuvel intentionally struck his head against the Plexiglas divider between the front and back seats of the squad car, yelling “I’m going to kick you’re a—, you (expletive) punk!” – with information from Polk County Sheriff’s Department
Hill’s Family Foods closing after 19 years
Twenty-four employees will need to find work elsewhere
by Marty Seeger BALSAM LAKE – After 19 years of service to the Balsam Lake community, Hill’s Family Foods will be closing its doors for good. The grocery store has been a family-run business for the entire 19 years by Ed Hill, wife Kim, two sons, Jonathan and Michael, and daughter, Mallory. All three siblings have worked at the store over the years, and two are currently employed full time. “It’s been hard on them,” Ed Hill said, but he admits it’s been hard on everyone. Before moving to the Balsam Lake area 19 years ago, Hill operated a grocery store in Sandstone, Minn., with his parents before he and his father built the store in Balsam Lake. Hill says the grocery store currently employs 24 people, with about 11 fulltime employees. One employee has been working at the store since it first opened back in November 1988. Although she recently retired, she still works at the store as a part-time employee. Hill and others are currently
Hill’s Family Foods in Balsam Lake will be closing its doors after 19 years. – Photo by Marty Seeger working on getting their existing employees help on finding new jobs. He said the county is coming in to talk about options on what they can do to find new jobs and help them out. Along with its employees having to find different jobs, Hill says it will also be difficult to part with many memories the family and employees have shared with its customers. The sole reason for the store’s closing it doors is its decline in profits. Hill said
that for 16 years the store was successful, but when Wal-Mart became a supercenter in May 2005, a dramatic drop in profits could be seen. “Ever since Wal-Mart opened three years ago, it’s affected us,” Hill said. He added that when Wal-Mart opened, they faced about a 15-percent decline in profits. Hill says they did gain some over the last few years, but they’re still down about 8 or 10 percent. “We’ve gained, but just not enough to
pay the bills,” he said. Hill’s Family Foods had been a popular place to shop during the summer months, and profits made during that time helped to sustain the store through the winter. But lately, the winters have been the most difficult months. Despite the life-changing decision to close the grocery store, Hill and his family remain optimistic about the future. “I’m looking at this as a turning over a new leaf in 2008, it’s a new life,” Hill said, and added “Things have gotta be better than the last three years,” Hill said. After spending long hours at the store throughout the weekdays and weekends, Hill said his family hasn’t been able to go on many family vacations. Someone always had to be there in order to keep the store running. On a brighter note, Hill said they’re actually looking forward to possibly getting a nice weekend together as a family. It is not known yet whether or not the building will be run as a grocery store in the future, but Hill says it’s not likely at this point as long as he and his family are running it. The store will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., and although there has been no official closing date yet, Hill said it could be in early to mid-February.
Candiates nominated in cities and four villages
St. Croix Falls has only race; blank spots on three village ballots
by Gregg Westigard POLK COUNTY – The two cities in Polk County, Amery and St. Croix Falls, have received nominations for spots on the April 1 election. In addition, the four villages, Clear Lake, Dresser, Osceola and Turtle Lake, that use nominating papers rather than caucuses to get candidates, have their slates, but there will be blank spots on the ballot in three of the villages. The remaining villages are selecting their candidates at caucuses in
January. In St. Croix Falls, Mayor Brad Foss is the only incumbent seeking re-election to the council. He is being challenged for a second term by Darrell Anderson. Two of the four city council seats are up, and neither incumbent will be on the ballot. Debra Kravit and Donald Anderson are running in Ward I to replace Darrell Anderson, the challenger for mayor. Paul Kuhlmann is the sole candidate for the Ward II/III seat being vacated by Lori Erickson. Municipal Judge David Danielson is running uncontested for another term on the local bench. Amery will have no contests in April, but one new face will join the council. Unopposed are incumbents Mayor Harvey Stower and alderpersons Diane Taxdahl, Michael Karuschak Jr. and
Sidney Bjorkman. Kristen Strobusch is the only name on the ballot for the atlarge council seat being vacated by Kay Erickson. Municipal Judge Jerome Wittstock is unopposed for another term. Villages have three of the six trustee positions on the village board up for election each year. In three villages, one of the seats will be filled by a write-in candidate as only two persons filed for the open offices. In Clear Lake Village, only incumbent Vern Engebretson and new candidate Lori Martin are on the ballot, leaving one position to be filled with write-in votes. Danny Kuhl and Ronald Leslie are not running for re-election. Dresser has an election for an interim village president seat as well as three council seats up. Richard Flandrena is
uncontested in his race for the remaining year on the president seat where he was appointed to replace Sherman Leske. Present trustee James Rochford Jr. is running for another term. Bryan Raddatz is seeking one of the two other seats, leaving one for a write-in candidate. Trustees Richard Durand and Debra Jacobson are not running again. Osceola Village also has a blank ballot spot with two of the three incumbent trustees retiring. Wayne Tomfohrde and Mark Campbell are not running, leaving incumbent Rodney Turner and new candidate Donald Stocker as the only names for the three seats. Turtle Lake had no problem filling its April ballot. All three incumbent trustees, Jean Pabst, Ray Hall and Tom Flottum are uncontested for re-election.
No contests for five Polk County school boards
Primaries in four districts
by Gregg Westigard POLK COUNTY – There are 11 school districts serving Polk County. There are elections for seats on all these boards April 1. The candidate filing period ended last Wednesday, Jan. 2, and the names of those running have been announced. Five districts will see no races, as the candidates are unopposed. Four districts have a surplus of candidates and will hold primary elections Feb. 19 to reduce the field. Several races are the result of incumbent board members retiring. In Frederic, Terry Taylor is the only candidate for the seat Kay Friberg is giving up. Taylor had served on the board until last April. Longtime Luck School Board member Todd Route is retiring. Jacob Jensen and Vicki Gross are running for the open seat.
There is no contest for the Unity board. Senior board members Debbie Ince-Peterson and Steve Glaim are both seeking re-election. Steven Bont is stepping down from the St. Croix Falls School Board after one term. Patricia Mitchell is unopposed for the open single seat. Osceola will have a primary election Feb. 19 since five people have filed for the four ballot spots. Sue Gross is retiring creating an open seat. On the ballot are incumbent Craig Brunclik plus John Gearin, Rick Lowney, Margo Johnson and Allan D. Johnson. Amery will also hold a primary to fill the vacant seat once held by John Northway. The three candidates for the single seat are Keith Anderson, Peggy Green and Fritz Coulter. Only the two incumbents are on the Clayton ballot, Paul Ladwig and Barry Ketz. Clear Lake has a seat for one of its two races. Five
people will be on the February primary ballot, incumbent Randy Dean plus Peter Wieczorek, Greg Friendshuh, Charlie Barney and Phyllis A. Ness. Tom Grosskreutz is retiring after serving on the board since 1995. In Turtle Lake, incumbents Carol Wick and Ruth Morton are being challenged by Renee Lutz in April. Cumberland has a primary for the open seat of retiring Toniann Knutson. Jennifer Olson Hyatt, Jonelle R. Gideo and Cyril D. Bayer will be on the February ballot to see which two will be in the April 1 election. Lastly, in Grantsburg two incumbents, David Ahlquist and Cindy Jensen, are unopposed for re-election. School board terms are three years with onethird of the five or seven board members up for election each year.
Poet laureate at Café Wren
LUCK – Dee Sweet, the poet laureate of Wisconsin, will read from her new work on Friday, Jan. 11, at Café Wren in Luck. Sweet is a Native American enrolled at the White Earth Nation, and is associate professor at UW-Green Bay. She is author of five books of poetry, including “Songs for Discharming” which has earned awards. One of her poems is etched in into the granite walls of the Midwest Express Center in Milwaukee. She has presented over 200 public reading, throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, and Great Britain, and it has been said that she can reach diverse audiences from children to elders; urban to rural and the barely literate to the well educated. Also reading will be Kelly Green of Frederic, who is the author of 17 books and chapbooks of poetry and prose. He has been writing, publishing and performing his work for over 20 years. This reading is co-sponsored by The Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets. Founded in 1950 in Madison, it is an organization of people interested in securing fuller recognition of poetry as one of the important forces making for a higher civilization, and to create a finer
Kelly Green of Frederic, author of 17 books and chapbooks of poetry and prose, will be at Café Wren on Friday, Jan. 11. – Photos submitted
appreciation of poetry by the public at large through seminars, readings and critical study. For more information, contact the Cafe Wren at 715472-4700. - submitted
Dee Sweet, the poet laureate of Wisconsin, will read from her new work on Friday, Jan. 11, at Café Wren in Luck.
Informational tours on proposed new highway facility set
POLK COUNTY - The Polk County Public Works Facility Steering Committee has announced the dates for informational highway facilities tours for the voting public. Tours of the current facility and information about the feasibility study to build a new facility will be shared on the following dates and times. The committee and highway department encourage everyone to attend an informational tour to assist in the decision process for the upcoming referendum. Jan. 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Jan. 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m.
Jan. 31 from 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 6 from 10 a.m. to noon and 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 8 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m.
The highway department is located at 518 Main Street in Balsam Lake. Parking is available on the south side of the highway building. Weekly press conferences will follow, targeting the five topics of discussion below:
• Equipment and how it is affected by the current environment • Employee health and well-being • Environmental issues • Energy issues • General overview Anyone looking for information or unable to attend any of the above open houses is encouraged to contact the highway department at 715-485-8700 for assistance. – from Polk County Public Works Facility Steering Committee
Veterans invited to tell their story
DRESSER – A gathering of veterans who want to share their stories of military service will be held Thursday, Feb. 7, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Bethesda Lutheran Church Hall in rural Dresser. Rob Lubben, USAF, retired, a community outreach liaison facilitator with Counseling Associates of St.
Croix, notes that the meeting will offer “coffee, confidentiality and respect.” Veterans are asked to share their feelings on what their military service meant to them, how it changed them and how they made a difference. Directions to the church: Take Hwy. 8, then go south
on CTH Y 2.7 miles to 11th Avenue. Turn right and go one-half mile to the church. Further information is available by contacting Lubben at 715-483-3544 or going to www.counseling4u.org on the Web. - submitted
Webb Lake returns to three supervisors
by Sherill Summer WEBB LAKE – The board of Webb Lake Township returned to a threemember board midway through the January monthly meeting when Pat Pockrandt was successfully voted onto the town board. Since the November meeting, the Webb Lake Town supervisors were down to two members, brothers Larry and Greg Main. The idea of holding a special election in April or picking among the previous election candidates were considered, but no action was taken during the November or December meetings. Although Pockrandt had been following the recent Webb Lake news, she had never attended a town meeting prior to Monday’s meeting and did not know either of the current town supervisors or former supervisor Dave Johnson who’s resignation caused the vacancy. It was this detachment from the current contention in the town that made Pockrandt feel that she could contribute to the town by bringing harmony. That, and the fact that she had local-government experience prior to retirement when she was a council person for the city of Minnetrista, Minn., in Hennepin County. As council person, she was the
The town of Webb Lake again has three town supervisors after the January monthly meeting. (L to R) Greg Main, Pat Pockrandt and Larry Main. – Photo by Sherill Summer council representative of the parks and planning commission and watershed
Two contested races for Burnett County Board BURNETT COUNTY – Although all 21 incumbent county board supervisors have filed for re-election, only two will face challengers in the April 1 election. Incumbent District 17 supervisor Phil Lindeman will be challenged by A.J. (Alvin) Kangas.
In District 21, county board chair Larry Main is being challenged by Harry Patneaude. The Leader will publish profiles of the four candidates in the contested races in a future issue. - Gary King
commission. She was also public safety commissioner for four years.
Someone who knew of Pockrandt’s experience approached her with the idea of serving on the board. When she expressed interest, this person then approached both Greg and Larry Main before Monday’s meeting to introduce the idea to them. She was nominated and voted onto the board without incident and began her service immediately. There was also no comment on her addition to the board during the publiccomment portion toward the end of the meeting among the approximately 25 town members in the audience. Pockrandt thinks that many were surprised that she is now on the Webb Lake Town Board, “but not people that know me or my history. I came out of retirement because I knew that I could help. I have no agenda except harmony and communication between the board and the residents of Webb Lake,” she said. Even with a full board, there is still uncertainty in the town surrounding allegations of embezzlement. The subpoenaed township financial records were turned over to the Burnett County Sheriff’s Department for review midDecember. As of yet, no charges have been filed.
Grantsburg teen airlifted after accident GRANTSBURG – A Grantsburg 17year-old girl was airlifted to North Memorial Hospital after an accident of Monday, Jan. 7. Tina Zimmermann was northbound on North Williams Road at about 4:35 p.m. when she lost control of her vehicle, rolling it into trees. The
driver was ejected out of the rear window. Passing motorists stayed with the injured driver until the ambulance arrived. She was approximately 200 yards from her home at the time of the accident. – Sherill Summer
Burnett County School Board races set Primaries in two districts No contests for two of seven boards by Gregg Westigard BURNETT COUNTY – There are uncontested school board elections in two of the seven districts serving the county, but two districts will have primary elections to narrow the field of candidates. Incumbents are retiring from several boards. Filings closed last Wednesday, Jan. 2, for all school board elections. The spring election is April 1 and the primary date is Feb. 19. Webster The largest field of candidates is in Webster, one of the districts with a primary election. Incumbent Sheldon Olesen is seeking a second term, but Nels Koerper is retiring after one term. Joining Olesen on the Feb. 19 primary ballot are Tom Oswald, Terry Larsen, Wendy Larson, Brenda Rachner and Chris Phernetton. The four persons with the most votes will go on the April ballot. Siren Siren will have a less crowded ballot, with three candidates for two open seats. Incumbent Jeff Howe will face Burt Lund Jr. and Jacob Mangelsen. Sid Sherstad is not running again. Grantsburg The Grantsburg election is even quieter, with two incumbents running unopposed for two seats. On the ballot are David Ahlquist, who joined the
school board in 1993, and Cindy Jensen, who has served since 1999. Shell Lake Four persons are running for three seats on the Shell Lake School Board. The regular three-year terms of Robert Hall and Jeri Bitney are up this year. Hall is running for another term while Bitney is seeking a seat on the Shell Lake City Council. Mary Ann Hook-Swan was appointed to the board last fall to replace Anne Mentele and will also be on the ballot. The other two candidates are Wendy Muska and Linda Nielsen. Electors will vote for three persons. The two with the most votes will serve threeyear terms while the third-place candidate will serve the remainder of the Mentele term until 2009. Spooner Three seats are open in Spooner and all three incumbents, Bev Bohac, Paul Goellner and Mary L. Lawrence, are seeking re-election. Also on the ballot is former board member Kurtiss C. Krueger. Frederic Former Frederic board member Terry Taylor is the sole candidate to succeed the retiring Kay Friberg. Cumberland The other school primary is in the Cumberland district, where three person have filed to replace the retiring Toniann Knutson. On the Feb. 19 ballot are Jennifer Olson Hyatt, Jonelle R. Gideo and Cyril D. Bayer. The two with the most votes face off in April. The Cumberland district includes the south half of Roosevelt.
Foreclosure wave trickles into Burnett County
by Sherill Summer SIREN – The total number of Burnett County foreclosures for all of 1999 was 17. Skip ahead eight years, and there were 16 foreclosures in one month alone, October 2007. There were a total of 103 foreclosures in 2007, over onethird more than the 2006 total of 75 foreclosures. Although the Burnett County yearly total pales in comparison to national foreclosure figures that are estimated to be in the millions, this does not make it less painful for Burnett County residents experiencing one. The foreclosure procedure is long. Typically it takes months of nonpayment on a mortgage before a bank will begin the foreclosure process. The
homeowner has time to respond to a foreclosure notice before a judge can rule on a default judgment. Often a sixmonth redemption period is then ordered, giving the homeowners yet another chance to work something out. Only after the redemption term has expired is a property sold to the highest bidder in an auction. Often the bank holding the mortgage is the only bidder and takes procession of the property. The whole process can take more than a year. Considering the increase in gas, food and heating bills together with the tightening of the lending industry, few familiar with foreclosures in Burnett County think that the number of foreclosures will decrease any time soon.
Burnett County Sheriff Dean Roland auctioned off a foreclosure property at the Burnett County Government Center. As with many auctions of foreclosure properties, the bank who holds the mortgage was the only bidder of the property. – Photo by Sherill Summer
L e a d e r
We b Po l l
Last week’s poll results 9%
Total votes: 105
My local property tax bill this year
9 votes Went down from last year
10 votes Stayed about the same
31 votes Went up slightly
55 votes Went up significantly
Who is your favorite candidate for president so far: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Barack Obama John McCain Mitt Romney Hillary Clinton Other or none of above
To take part in the poll go to www.the-leader.net and scroll to the lower left portion of page.
J o e H e l l e r
Wisconsin’s working poor
isconsin Public Radio did an outstanding job recently in putting W together a 10-part series on the working poor in Wisconsin.
Whether it sounds better to hear it on the radio or absorb it through the printed word is debatable, but certainly it merits the ink we’re giving it over the next several weeks. The phrase paycheck-to-paycheck hits home with most of us - and for those who may not identify with the term, they certainly know of someone who - or can remember when they themselves - made decisions on which bills to pay first - and which could be put off another week or two. Some argue that our quality of life is far better off - for far more people - today than it was for earlier generations. There’s some truth to that. But as the chasm between the rich and the poor grows in this country, so does despair. Don’t let anyone tell you that money isn’t the key to true happiness because that person probably doesn’t have to worry about where their next rent payment is coming from - and they likely don’t have to toss their dignity to the wind to enter a line for free food or a place to stay through the grace of others. Enough money can certainly help obtain security and peace of mind, elements necessary for happiness - but some people cannot even reach the most basic level of that goal. The WPR series brings up some interesting aspects to the plight of the working poor. Among them: • The impact of poverty on children who have no way to escape poverty. Statewide, more than 9 percent of Wisconsin families aren’t sure where their next meal will come from and participation in the food stamp program, now called FoodShare is up to nearly 400,000. That increase is among the highest in the nation. • A man who makes $6.25 an hour and pays $300 a month in child support has opted to stay in a shelter rather than a hotel, to make ends meet. • Wisconsin’s emergency rooms are seeing more people who can’t afford a regular doctor visit. Some rural and urban clinics provide care for those without enough insurance - or none at all. There’s just no guarantee the doctor will get to everyone who comes through the door. • An estimated 30 percent of young adults, ages 18 to 24, have no health insurance. • The Wisconsin Works program, or W2, is the best way to pull a family out of poverty, many agree - but it pulls the safety net out from under those individuals and families who might have a good reason whey they are not able to support their family through work. • The sub-prime mortgage mess is causing more homeowners to lose their home or pay a lot more to keep it. Housing subsidies go to more than 75,000 households in Wisconsin. Take a few minutes to read the series as they appear in the Leader - or you can go to www.wpr.org and read the series in its entirety. The stories of so many of us being negatively impacted by economic factors should make us all sit up and take notice. All editorials on this page by editor Gary King
W h e re t o Wr i t e
President George Bush 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 president@whitehouse.gov
Governor Jim Doyle 115 East, State Capitol Bldg. Mailing address: P.O. Box 7863 Madison, WI 53707 wisgov@mail.state.wi.us Congressman David Obey 7th Congressional District 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 or Wisconsin office: Federal Building Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 842-5606 Rep. Ann Hraychuck 28th Assembly District State Capitol, P.O. Box 8942 Madison, WI 53708 Phone: 608-267-2365 Toll free: 888-529-0028 In-District 715-485-3362 rep.hraychuck@legis.state.wi.us
Rep. Frank Boyle 73rd Assembly District Room 221 North State Capitol P.O. Box 8952 Madison 53708 E-mail: Rep.Boyle@legis.state.wi.us
Rep. Mary Hubler 75th Assembly District Room 7 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952 Madison, WI 53708 or 1966 21-7/8 St. (Hawthorne Lane), Rice Lake 54868 (715) 234-7421• (608) 266-2519 rep.hubler@legis.state.wi.us Senator Robert Jauch 25th Senate District Room 19 South State Capitol P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 E-mail: Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us
Senator Sheila Harsdorf 10th Senate District State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 (608) 266-7745 • (715) 2321390 Toll-free - 1-800-862-1092 sen.harsdorf@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold SDB 40, Rm. 1 Washington, D.C. 20510 or 8383 Greenway Blvd. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 828-1200 senator@feingold.senate.gov U.S. Senator Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov Congressman Ron Kind 3rd Congressional District 1713 Longwirth Office Bdg. Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-5506 888-442-8040 (toll-free)
The crew of the Inter-County Leader in the late 1930s at a Centuria parade. Formed in 1933, the newspaper quickly expanded to Burnett and Washburn counties.
From the first issue of the Inter-County Leader, November 2, 1933 “...stock has been sold with the understanding that this is to be a cooperative-owned paper serving the best interest of the common people, whether they be farmers, professional men or businessmen. The welfare of one group should mean the welfare of the other groups...”
Views expressed on these pages do not necessarily represent those of the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association management or board
T h e
I n t e r ! C o u n t y
Bennie Bye, editor
L e a d e r
i s
L e a d e r F O R U M Letters t o t h e e d i t o r Thanks for Santa Day Webster’s Santa Day was again lots of fun for all attending. This great annual community event happens because of the help of many people. This year it was great to have snow. Though the weather was a bit nippy, people really enjoyed taking a horsedrawn buggy ride and watching the snowblower races, a new event this year. Over 150 children, parents and other relatives came to the community center to see Santa, warm up with a bowl of Tex’s chili and shop at the vendors tables. The Webster band and choir members playing and caroling added so much to the festivities. The tradition of the Webster Citizen of the Year signaling the lighting of the community trees followed by the awesome fireworks was a wonderful way to end the day. Santa Day is a Webster Area Chamber sponsored event and as with other annual chamber events a committee, made up of chamber members and other volunteers, was set up to organize and work at Santa Day. But the committee couldn’t do it alone. It also took the help of many other people who volunteered their time, talents and resources to make this year’s event the great success it was. The Santa Day Committee would like to thank everyone who helped with this year’s Santa Day. We encourage all chamber and community members who would like to help with upcoming events to come to our monthly chamber meetings at the Yellow River Saloon and Eatery the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Sincerely, The Webster Area Chamber Santa Day Committee Webster
A heck of a highway A NAFTA Super Highway is a highway wide enough for vehicles, railway tracks, petroleum pipes, electrical cables, water line and most anything else. This highway will link Mexico, the United States and Canada. This highway since has been scaled down. Also there is another highway planned. It’s called the Trans-Texas Corridor, which was unveiled in 2002. This was an idea by GOP Rick Perry. Is this the same deal as the so-called Super Highway only under a different name? The plan is to confiscate millions of acres of land by authority. The main goal is not just a super highway, but an intergrated North American union. Elected officials aren’t acting alone. There is an alliance of foreign officials from several governments pushing the idea. The main goal is not just a super highway, but an intergrated North American union complete with a currency, a cross-national bureaucracy, and
unlimited trade within the union. More than one organization wants to improve commerce between the North American countries. It is to increase security cooperation against terror threats and to improve trade. The contractor of this so-called Super Highway is Cintra-Zachry a Spanish-Texan that expects to earn a profit by the collection of toll charges. Rudy Giuliani’s law firm represents Cintra. Is this situation a conspiracy of some sort? As I recall some years back there was a highway planned (by whom I don’t know) from the Southern tip of Argentina, through South America, Central America, Mexico, the United States, Canada, and into Alaska. It seems, as we now know, nothing ever came of this pipe dream. Will the same nothing come of this so called Super Highway or Trans-Texas Corridor? We will just have to wait and see what develops of these latest pipe dreams, if anything. Jack Rued Balsam Lake
Speak now against NAIS To all liberty-loving Wisconsinites: we need your help! The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is gearing up to implement Phase II of NAIS in Wisconsin. NAIS is the National Animal Identification System. Under NAIS, all people who own livestock, from cows, horses, pigs, and goats to sheep, llamas and chickens, will be required to place a radio frequency identification device in or on their animals, and report the movement of the animals to the federal government, all under the guise of disease control. Phase I of NAIS was premises registration, which was vehemently opposed by Wisconsin farmers. Last year our state government made premises registration mandatory, and told Wisconsin dairy farmers that they would lose their milk producer’s licenses if they didn’t register their premises (a milk producer’s license is required to sell milk to a processor). Noncompliance with premises registration meant that a farmer would effectively lose his or her livelihood. Fortunately, there was so much resistance by farmers last year that DATCP decided not to enforce mandatory premises registration. Even though many farmers opposed Phase I - premises registration - DATCP is now looking at imposing Phase II the RFID monitoring of our livestock. With Phase II, every animal will receive a RFID microchip with a unique 15digit number. The owner will be required to report the birth date of an animal, the application of every animal’s ID tag, every time an animal leaves or enters the property, every time
an animal loses a tag, every time a tag is replaced, the slaughter or death of an animal, or whether any animal is missing. Such events must be reported within 24 hours, or unstated enforcement actions will be taken, probably in the form of fines or the confiscation of the livestock. (Read about David Dobbin, a British farmer whose entire herd of 567 dairy cows was destroyed by the British government because they believed his paperwork contained a number of unspecified irregularities http://www.warmwell.com/07mari4 muck.html -or Greg Niewendorp, a Michigan farmer who refused to comply with RFID, and the state, with a warrant and state troopers, showed up on his doorstep and forcibly tagged his animals http://www.nicfa.org/gregtest.pdf.) Never before has the government demanded to monitor our property like this. NAIS violates a number of U.S. Constitutional Amendments (First, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth). Many in the Amish and Mennonite communities, who see the tagging of their livestock as the Mark of the Beast, foretold in the book of Revelations, have sold their livestock because their religious beliefs forbid them to comply. And don’t forget: not only will this program cost the Wisconsin taxpayers an estimated $1 million per year to administer, but will only increase the costs to farmers, who are already struggling financially. Will the increased costs to the farmer be passed along to the consumer, or will they push more farmers out of business? What can you do? DATCP has scheduled listening sessions this week on the implementation of Phase II, so the time to tell our officials we don’t want NAIS in Wisconsin is now! Please, write or call your elected officials, the governor and DATCP. Squeal bloody murder to everyone and anyone who will listen. We need all of your help to stop this oppressive and costly surveillance system. After all, after we let them tag and monitor our livestock, it begs the question: are we next? For more information on NAIS, check out the following Web sites: www.familyfarmdefenders.org, www.farmandranchfreedom.org and www.libertyark.net. Cheryl Wedin Grantsburg
Don’t abandon GAM residents To residents of Golden Age Manor, it is still a time of uncertainty. I encourage persons in the area to visit a nursing home and consider the situation nursing home residents confront. Unfortunately, Golden Age Manor seems to be treated in the same way as other departments in the county.
Where are our priorities? Some residents of Golden Age Manor have no family except for the many fine employees who work there. Imagine how difficult it is to give up your independence and have someone else make decisions for you. Add to this the uncertainty of the future of Golden Age Manor and the worry about not having a home. It is time to look at the big picture. Become familiar with Golden Age Manor by visiting and/or volunteering. Show residents that you care by giving them the greatest gift—love. Become aware of the tremendous cost if Golden Age Manor is sold to a private concern. It could cost $741 per day to place patients not acceptable to private nursing homes at Mendota State Hospital, Madison. Golden Age Manor has been providing quality nursing home care and good employment opportunities for almost 50 years. There is no question that Medicaid reimbursements have not been keeping up with the financial needs of many GAM residents. But this is not the time to abandon them. Karen Hornick GAM retiree with 30 years of service Clayton
Spaceship in Siren Am I the only one who cannot imagine the proposed “retro 1950s” silver and glass diner sitting on the edge of a Wisconsin woods? I’m referring to the article and photo that ran Dec. 5, 2007, in the Leader, Retro 1950s-style drivethru restaurant proposed. It would be one thing if it had actually been there since the ‘50s and we all had fond memories of hanging out there. Also, I’m not one to promote a town where all the buildings look the same, i.e. logs and stone. But a shiny “spaceship” seems like a stretch of the imagination when it comes to a plan for the future look of Siren. Jodie McClure Siren
Letters to the editor
The Leader welcomes letters to the editor. Diverse and varied opinions are welcomed. Letters are subject to being edited for length, taste and/or clarity, and we urge writers to be brief and limit their letters to 500 words or less. Writers must provide their name and give their complete address and phone number. Content that will cause letters to be rejected include: Crude language, poor taste, disrespectful comments regarding a group’s or individual’s ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, sexual orientation or race; other incendiary language, poetry or personal attacks.
Highest court race will have just two rivals – Butler and Gableman MADISON There will be no February primary in this year’s race for Wisconsin’s Supreme Court. As of the filing deadline last week, only two candidates had submitted the necessary signatures to make the ballot for this year’s Supreme Court contest. That means incumbent Justice Louis Butler and his challenger, Circuit Judge Michael Gableman, can focus all of their attention on the April 1 general election. Sun Prairie Attorney Charlie Schutze decide last week to drop out of the race for health reasons.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Political Science Professor Charles Franklin says he expects the race to be somewhat of a repeat of last year’s battle for the high court, with third-party groups weighing in heavily. He says partisans and ideological groups have found more and more that they think are at stake in Supreme Court decisions, and they’ve realized that they can influence the composition of the court through electoral politics. He says he doesn’t think it’s possible to “put this genie back in the bottle,” and he says,
“certainly you can’t put it back in easily.” The big difference between this year and last is that this is not an open seat. Justice Butler has held his seat since 2004, when he was appointed to the court to fill a vacancy. Historically, it’s very tough to knock off an incumbent justice in Wisconsin. Franklin thinks that could play to Butler’s advantage, but he says it’s not as big an advantage as it would be if he had won election on his own previously. He says Justice Butler has taken part in some controver-
c o o p e r a t i v e ! o w n e d
sial decisions on the court, especially from the point of view of business interests, so Franklin says it’s hard to believe he won’t draw a good deal of opposition. The Supreme Court race is officially nonpartisan, but Butler is generally backed by Democrats and Gableman by Republicans. Butler lost a bid for the high court back in 2000 against thenincumbent Justice Diane Sykes. – Wisconsin Public Radio (Shawn Johnson)
n e w s p a p e r
Former governor, political maverick dead at 81
WAUKESHA - Former Wisconsin Gov. Lee Sherman Dreyfus died Wednesday night, Jan. 2, in his Waukesha home. He was 81. Dreyfus was governor from 1978 until 1982. He’s remembered for his energy and his ability to captivate audiences with off-the-cuff speeches. He’s also remembered for running a long-shot gubernatorial campaign, the likes of which Wisconsin has not seen since. Dreyfus was the chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point when he decided to run for governor. He started out with virtually no money and no name recognition. Dreyfus’ own Republican Party chose thenCongressman Bob Kasten as its candidate. But Dreyfus forged on anyway and eventually won both the GOP primary and the 1978 general election. Bob Williams was his communications director. He says the press got Dreyfus elected because they couldn’t get enough of him. He says Dreyfus said things in joc-
ular and educational way. He says it was a lot of “fun and games” that made for wonderful copy. A Dreyfus campaign stop was more than just a speech: it was a show. Bill Kraus was Dreyfus’ campaign manager. He says they couldn’t afford any media campaign and had to make news or attract attention. He says “if you want to attract the attention of television, what you do is you do something colorful that moves.” Dreyfus found that niche by traveling around the state with an old bus painted like a locomotive. At each stop a high school band would play on the bus roof. Dreyfus would sport his trademark red vest and speak to crowds from a platform on the back of the bus. He said that once he was elected, he could continue to be available to hear the concerns of the public. Dreyfus followed through on that pledge, especially with the press. John Powell covered Gov. Dreyfus for Wisconsin Public Radio. Powell says when Dreyfus’ term began, the Capitol
press corps was still used to covering former Democratic Gov. Pat Lucey. He says Lucey was more calculated, but Dreyfus was the exact opposite. Powell says Dreyfus would throw out ideas off the top of his head at press conferences without having done any research on them, “and reporters would madly write them down.” Dreyfus aides say every speech he gave was impromptu. Even his State of the State addresses to the Legislature were unscripted. Those who knew Dreyfus say party politics had little appeal for him. Dreyfus also had sharp words for interest groups who tried without success to get him to answer surveys. He said he was unwilling to let somebody else’s rhetoric determine the content, and all he would get “is a yes or no.” Dreyfus made a promise to voters that he would return to them what was then a $1 billion state surplus, and kept his promise in office. Soon after, the country fell into recession, creating a fiscal nightmare for the state. Dreyfus was later
asked about the move by Wisconsin Public Television. He said people told him he shouldn’t have given the surplus back, pointing to the later recession. He said once he promised that’s what he was going to do, it was going to be done, and said he didn’t care what party leaders did at the time. He said he felt it was a contract between himself and the people of the state, and they had after all expressed their will in putting him into office. Dreyfus served only one term and chose not to run for re-election. He traveled the state giving speeches afterward. He served several years on the UW Board of Regents, and wrote a column for his local newspaper for 17 years, until this past August. Flags at all state buildings will be flown at half-staff until Dreyfus’ funeral. – Wisconsin Public Radio (Shawn Johnson)
AMERY – Palmer H. Sondreal, a man whose name was synonymous with newspaper publishing in northwestern Wisconsin, is one of three persons to be inducted into the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation’s Hall of Fame.
The honor will be conferred at the association’s annual meeting and convention Jan. 31 through Feb. 1 in Lake Delton. Also being inducted are William D. Behling, an editor and a publisher in
Beloit and Rhinelander and Jim Burgess, a newspaper publisher in Montana and Wisconsin. Sondreal owned and published the Amery Free Press for 65 years. A native of Cooperstown, N.D., he began developing his journalism skills as a high school student. After graduating at age 16 as valedictorian of his class, Sondreal worked as a linotype operator in Iowa, Montana and Minnesota before moving to Amery in 1941. Sondreal purchased the Free Press in 1943 and became the writer, pressman, ad salesman and publisher – always dedicated to making Amery a better place to live. Through his efforts, the Free Press became an integral part of Amery community life and remains so today. Sondreal gave freely of his time and energy to his community; he loved music, athletics and just about anything
in which children were involved. Sondreal organized Publisher’s Printing Service, Inc., to serve the printing needs of several small publications in the region. He served as president of the Wisconsin Press Association, forerunner to WNA, and chairman of the board of the American Newspaper Representatives, which processed advertising for newspapers nationwide. Ignoring the computer age, Sondreal wrote his weekly column, Ambling in Amery, on an IBM Model D typewriter. He often referred to himself as “Ye Ambler,” ending each week with “the groaner,” a joke aimed at making people smile, and perhaps groan. For many of his 65 years at the Free Press, Sondreal worked beside his sons, Jerry and Steve. Sondreal was 86 when he died May 20, 2007. - With information from WNA
Sondreal inducted into Newspaper Hall of Fame
Hraychuck authors bill to increase access to health services
MADISON - Rep. Ann Hraychuck, DBalsam Lake, is the author of legislation that would create a state income tax credit for physicians and dentists that provide a high rate of service to Medical Assistance patients. “Many independent or small partnership medical practitioners are reluctant to accept MA patients or expand the number of MA patients that they presently see due to the lack of reasonable Medicaid reimbursement for their services,” said Rep. Hraychuck. “Because of this, many Wisconsin residents that rely on MA programs have extremely limited access to health care services.” ?Currently there are 12 counties in Wisconsin that have 15 or fewer physicians that are seeing MA patients, and Burnett County is one of them, where there are only four physicians serving 2,602 MA recipients. Statewide, the ratio of MA patients to physicians is 41:1; in some of these counties the ratio exceeds 650:1. Burnett, Polk, and St. Croix counties are three of the 50 counties in the state that have 15 or fewer dentists that are seeing MA patients. “Simply put, private practitioners can-
not easily absorb the difference in what it actually costs to provide medical or dental services and the allowable reimbursement. Large systems are able to soak up some of the costs and reallocate a large proportion to privately insured and uninsured patients. This is especially true for dentists, since most of them are independent practitioners and have no where to cost-shift the loss,” said Rep. Hraychuck. MA providers received only a 1-percent increase in the reimbursement rate for 2008-09, as part of the most recent state budget. Prior to that, physicians and dentists had not received an increase since the 2001-03 state budget, and that was 1.1 percent. “This bill will help offset the lack of consistent increases in the reimbursement rate. Providing additional avenues for dentists and physicians to recoup some of their financial losses incurred by serving MA patients will provide incentives to keep current providers in our communities, and hopefully encourage other physicians and dentists to expand the number of MA patients they currently see,” Hraychuck said. - from the office of Rep. Hraychuck
Web site proposed for deadbeat parents
MADISON - Parents behind in child support may get more scrutiny. A Fox Valley lawmaker wants to put their names online, like Wisconsin currently does for delinquent taxpayers. Collecting child support can be difficult; parents are sometimes unwilling or unable to pay. It’s an obstacle the state has tried to overcome through both administrative and judicial means like court charges, property liens, garnishments and suspension of licenses required for driving, hunting or certain professions. Still, Rep. Steve Wieckert notes the unpaid bill for child support in Wisconsin totals more than $3 billion. He says more needs to be done. He says
"# t h S e n a t e D i s t r i c t
Property tax alarms It is that time of year again when homeowners are hit with property tax bills. Clearly, property taxes rank as one of the most pressing issues. While nearly the entire property tax bill is made up of taxes levied by local governments, what those levies are determined by are a number of factors, including reassessments, level of local spending and amount of state aids. In an effort to control the property tax burden, I have fought for a real property tax freeze on local levies. For nearly
three years, the governor obstructed a real property tax freeze with vetoes. Such a freeze would have enabled local governments to exceed levy limits with a growth adjustment, only Sheila after getting local Harsdorf voter approval. While the governor finally signed legislation to impose levy limits in 2006, it was not before weakening them with his partial veto
authority. This session, due to the persistence of legislative Republicans, strict local levy limits were again included in the state budget bill, but not before being weakened by the Senate Democratic majority. Then the governor used his Frankenstein Veto to nearly double the allowable increase in the local property tax levy limits. The Frankenstein Veto is a phrase I coined to describe a veto that combines parts of two or more sentences to create new laws no legislator voted for. I have strongly advocated for local and state government spending limits
he salutes those trying to collect this money, but he says efforts need to be redoubled in Wisconsin. The Appleton Republican wants the state to post the names of parents owing past-due child support online, something it already does for delinquent taxpayers. He says everyone has an ego and a little bit of pride. He says with regard to overdue child support, if the public knows about it, one’s boss knows it, colleagues at work know it and friends know it, “you get shamed into paying up.” If enacted, Wieckert’s proposal would post online the names of parents at least $500 behind in child support. – Wisconsin Public Radio (Shamane Mills)
and cost-saving measures, such as mandate relief and public employee health care reform. Also, I authored a tax reform measure to overhaul financing of Wisconsin’s technical colleges. These changes are difficult, and we need political will and voter support to succeed. Ultimately, state government must provide local governments with the tools to control spending while elected officials at all levels make tax relief a priority. I will fight for these changes and against the special interests that protect the status quo which Wisconsin taxpayers cannot afford.
Democratic representatives visit Burnett County
by Sherill Summer SIREN – Congressman Dave Obey is visiting all 20 counties in his district through the beginning of February. He made his Burnett County stop on Thursday, Jan. 3, at the Burnett County Government Center. With him were Democrat Ann Hraychuck, 28th Assembly District, and Democrat Bob Jauch, 25th Senate District. Obey is chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee that makes funding decisions on federal programs, and much of his talk was about federal spending on various programs. Despite the last election when the Democrats gained control of both the House and the Senate, Obey described this past year as a struggle to change policy in Iraq and fund Democratic
domestic priorities. He went on to say that without at least six more progressive voices in the Senate and a president with a different set of priorities, there will be little change. Obey considers the 2008 election one of the most important elections in history, saying, “It is the general public that gets to determine if the county will turn the page with respects to our influence around the world, and whether or not we finally address the gaping holes in the economic safety net which have developed.” Despite the difficult environment for Democratic initiatives, Obey says that $40 billion has been added to domestic programs such as rural health care, vocational education, medical research, veterans health care and more. The
Members of the audience listening to Dave Obey, Ann Hraychuck and Bob Jauch were able to ask questions about specific issues. Contractors in Iraq, loss of pensions, campaign finance reform and Lyme disease were some of questions fielded by the representatives. - Photos by Sherill Summer
U.S. Rep., Dave Obey (standing) is visiting all 20 counties in his district. In Burnett County he was joined by (L to R) Ann Hraychuck, Wisconsin State Assembly, and Bob Jauch, Wisconsin State Senate.
spending bills have passed with an average of 50 Republican votes, usually enough to override a presidential veto. Obey predicts a similar year in 2008, although there is an option of delaying the spending bill until after the 2008 election. Jauch complimented Obey on what he has accomplished in a dysfunctional environment and says that the political landscape in Wisconsin is similar to Washington, D.C.’s. He explained by saying that in the Wisconsin Assembly there are 35 extreme conservatives who’s goal is to have the least amount of government and to starve resources for education, higher education or health care. It was these same Assembly
members that were happy the state budget was late because as long as it was not passed, no money was spent on important programs. Hraychuck talked about health care reform being the No. 1 issue in a survey she conducted and called for three more Democratic seats in the Assembly so that health care reform could be a priority. Questions were taken from the audience on such topics as contractors in Iraq, loss of pensions, Lyme disease and campaign finance reform. The three representatives continued the call for more progressive voices in government in their responses to these questions.
Problems surround placement of sex offenders
STATEWIDE - Some cities and towns in Wisconsin that have passed ordinances restricting where sex offenders can live may soon find they can’t enforce the new rules. A bill moving through the state Legislature would invalidate many of those ordinances. Republican state Rep. Don Friske of Merrill says there’s a serious problem with sex offender residency restrictions, especially for rural districts like his. When communities draw 2,000-foot circles around parks, schools, day-care centers and churches, he says the result is there’s nowhere left for sex offenders to live. Friske says urban communities are protecting them-
selves at the expense of rural towns and villages. He says it’s unbelievable how many of the large municipalities are basically “circled out,” and all of the offenders are placed into rural communities where he says there is much less law enforcement capabilities and the individual would have much less supervision. Friske’s bill would re-enforce a state statute that requires released sex offenders to return to their county of origin. If local restrictions make that impossible, the ordinance would become invalid. Probation agent Jed Neuman supervises sex offenders in Green Bay, one of 19 communities that have
enacted residence restrictions. He says it’s created another hoop for sex offenders to jump through, but there’s also been an upside. Neuman says there’s a lot more communication between local officials and probation agents. He says the local officials are aware of what agents do and how they do it, and are comfortable in the job that they do. He says it’s “that fine balance” of protecting the community and ensuring in that process the rehabilitation of the offender. There’s no hard evidence that residency restrictions prevent sex offenders from committing new crimes. Friske hopes his bill will make communities think twice before pushing their sex offenders across the border into another community that also doesn’t want them. – Wisconsin Public Radio (Gil Halsted)
Two apparent suicides reported BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES – Two recent area deaths were apparently self-inflicted, according to information from authorities. On New Year’s Day, a 31-year-old male in Grantsburg died at his home of a gunshot wound to the head sometime between 3 and 5 p.m. Burnett County Medical Examiner Mike Maloney said the body was taken to Coon Rapids, Minn. facility for an autopsy. At Centuria, a 52-year-old man apparently took his own life by shooting himself with a rifle in front of his residence, Saturday, Jan. 5, at 6:30 p.m. Emergency medical help was called for his wife, who reportedly showed signs of a heart attack after discovering what had happened. – with information from Burnett and Polk County Sheriff’s Departments
Baasch to replace Richard as register
Jackie Baasch, legal secretary to Burnett County Corporation Counsel David Grindell, has been chosen to replace Dorothy Richard as the county’s register in probate/juvenile clerk. Baasch has been a county employee for the past 15 years. Because of her work for the corporation counsel, she is already familiar with some of the aspects of the job held by the now-retired Richard. – Photo by Nancy Jappe
Few contests for Polk County Board
Most changes from retirements
by Gregg Westigard BALSAM LAKE – There will be only five contests among the 23 Polk County Board seats up for election April 1. Two of those races are for open seats and only three incumbents are facing a reelection challenge. This is a reversal of two years ago when there were 17 contested elections and 11 supervisors were defeated. The nomination period for the spring election ended last week. Five supervisors, Robert Blake, Kay Friberg, Kenneth Olson, Stefan Milberg and Tom Nilssen, are not running for re-election. There are contests to fill only two of the open seats with three persons set to join the board without opposition. One of
the contested seats drew three candidates, setting off a primary election. The supervisors who have drawn opponents are William Hughes, Carl Holmgren and Rodney Littlefield. Details Robert Blake is retiring in District 1 after three terms, a limit he had set for himself. Seeking to replace him are Steve Larson, Lorain, a dairy farmer and Bob Dueholm, Bone Lake, an accountant. District 2 has three people in the running to replace Kay Friberg, who is moving from the area. The candidates are Jody Walter, Frederic, a Lutheran pastor, Joan Peterson, West Sweden, a retired state patrol trooper, and Fred Grimm, West Sweden, a business consultant. Since there are three candidates, a primary election Feb. 19 will reduce the field to two for the April election. Dean Johansen, town of Luck, is the
Short county board agenda Closed session on employee performance
by Gregg Westigard BALSAM LAKE – The Polk County Board will be back to its normal meeting day, the third Tuesday of the month, and its normal time 6 p.m. when it holds its monthly meeting on Jan. 15. The meeting at the government center in Balsam Lake is open to the public. There are only four resolutions on the agenda, but much of the meeting may be in closed session to discuss the performance evaluation and personnel problems of an employee. In cases like this, the name of the employee being discussed is not revealed. There is no agenda item to take action on the issue in open session. Of the four resolutions, one is to
restore funds to the clerk of court office for remodeling and equipment. The department had unused personnel funds available at the end of the year that could have been transferred to the project. Despite unanimous support for the fund transfer from the public protection committee, the finance committee denied the transfer. This resolution seeks to override finance’s decision and fund the office remodeling. The only other resolution of note is the gopher bounty payment. This year Polk County will pay $14,316 for 9,403 pocket gophers ($1.50/each) and 423 stiped gophers at 50 cents each if the resolution is passed.There is no mention of the possible sale of Golden Age Manor on the agenda. All county board meetings start with a period for public comment.
Assault meant to stop reports, man states
POLK COUNTY – A 22-year-old Milltown man faces a charge of seconddegree sexual assault following an incident Jan. 2 during which he allegedly forced a woman to have sex because he was angry the woman had reported him to police for alleged earlier incidents of abuse he inflicted on others. According to a report filed with the district attorney’s office, Chad Alan Tourville admitted to authorities that he had sexual intercourse with the woman
without her permission and felt the assault would prevent her from further reports to authorities about him. He said he knew it was against the law, and he could be arrested for it. Tourville allegedly drove the victim to a back road instead of taking her home. He parked the car and assaulted her and then drove her home. The woman then called authorities. –with information from Polk County Sheriff’s Department
only candidate to replace the retiring Ken Olson in District 3. Johansen is a schoolteacher and town chairman. Also running unopposed for an open seat is Kathryn Kienholz in District 6 where Stefan Milberg is retiring. Kienholz, town of Milltown, is an accountant. In District 9, Jim Edgell is challenging twoterm incumbent William Hughes. Edgell, Centuria, is a former village and school board member. Hughes, town of St. Croix Falls, owns a bakery. District 10 also has a contest. Incumbent Carl Holmgren, Balsam Lake Village, a retired city planner, is facing Brian Masters, town of Balsam Lake, a semiretired bookkeeper. The last contested election is in District 11 where incumbent Rodney Littlefield, Beaver, a
farmer, is on the ballot with Ken Sample, Apple River, a town clerk. The last change will be in District 23. Tom Nilssen, the senior member on the board, is not seeking another term. The only candidate for his seat is Gerald Newville, Clear Lake. Newville resigned from the board in October when he moved out of his former district. Fifteen incumbents face no opponents as they seek another term. They are Patricia Schmidt (District 4), Jeff Peterson (5), Marvin Caspersen (7), Keith Rediske (8), Duana Bremer (12), Russell Arcand (13), Michael Larsen (14), Jay Luke (15), Diane Stoneking (16), Bryan Beseler (17), Larry Jepsen (18), Kim O’Connell (19), Gary Bergstrom (20), Neil Johnson (21) and
Short meeting for Dresser Village
by Tammi Milberg DRESSER–The start of the new year left no real surprises for the village of Dresser at their regular January board meeting Monday. A note of a vacancy for a position on the board was made along with notice of other nomination papers filed for the board. Election seats are up for Rick Flandrena, who served as village president as of late when Sherm Leske resigned the post. Flandrena has filed his papers for the position and is running unopposed. Three trustee seats are up, held by James Rochford Jr., Richard Durand and Debra Jacobson. Noncandidacy was noticed by Durand and Jacobson. Two persons filed for the three trustee seats: James Rochford Jr., and Bryan “Fatboy” Raddatz. This means one seat is unfilled for the election and if someone is written in for the seat, they will be elected to it. If no one is written in, the position will be filled by appointment.
Other business •A vacant seat was filled on the planning commission when the board approved the appointment of Kristi Scheet. •A request for waiving rental fees for a benefit at the community hall was denied by the board. The benefit will take place at the community hall for Cindy Cronick on Feb. 16. •The board based their denial of fee waiver upon the fact she was not a village resident. The board also approved an operator’s license for Kristina Berry. •Heard a report on the Osceola Ambulance for August to November 2007. No action was taken on the informational item. •Announced a reminder that Christmas trees would be picked up by public works during the month of January. •Next village board meeting is Monday, Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m.
Citizens invited to Caring About Mental Health Care meeting ST. CROIX FALLS – An evening of dialogue and discovery entitled Caring About Mental Health Care, open to all citizens of the St. Croix Valley, will be held Jan. 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the choir room of the St. Croix Falls High School.
The forum is sponsored by Counseling Associates and the Butterfly House, both of St. Croix Falls. Further information is available by calling 715-483-3544 or going to www.counseling4u.org. - submitted
Unity FFA attends State Leadership Conference
STEVENS POINT - Amy VanDeBrake, Unity FFA president, and Johanna Alling, Unity FFA secretary, attended the Wisconsin Association of FFA HalfTime Leadership Conference held at the Country Springs Hotel in Stevens Point, Jan. 4-5. More than 400 FFA members, advisors and state FFA officers participated. The Half-Time Leadership Conference provides FFA chapter leaders from around the state the opportunity to set goals and prepare for the second half of their year of service in their local FFA chapters. FFA members attended workshops focused on leadership and personal development, membership and chapter development, opportunities in FFA and publicity through FFA week activities. They learned about applying for awards, preparing an FFA banquet and getting involved in community service. In addition, FFA members had an opportunity to hear from Rick Henningfeld, former National FFA
Amy VanDeBrake and Johanna Alling of the Unity FFA Chapter were welcomed to the 2008 FFA Half-Time Conference in Stevens Point by state FFA President Andrew Christensen from Amery. - Photo submitted Washington Leadership Conference and Workshop presenter, who is also an agricultural education instructor at Big Foot High School in Walworth.
The Half-Time Conference is a 25-year tradition for Wisconsin FFA members that brings top leaders together to assist in leadership development and local
FFA chapter activities. This year’s leaders conference was designed and conducted by the 2007-08 Wisconsin State FFA Officers. “Half-Time is one of the premier leadership conferences in our state and designed by student leaders. It allows FFA chapter leaders to develop their leadership skills, learn more about FFA activities and meet people while having fun,” said Cheryl Zimmerman, state FFA executive director. “We are able to provide young people with an excellent experience to develop their leadership skills and get them excited about agriculture, agriculture education and the FFA so they can build their local programs.” FFA is a national organization for students interested in gaining valuable leadership experience. The FFA’s mission is to develop premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agriculture education. - submitted
Burnett County circuit court Niyi Adekunle, Maple Grove, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Yolanda Kuuipo Ahuna, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $211.20. Robert L. Albright, Roberts, speeding, $186.00. Josh K. Alling, Balsam Lake, harvest reporting requirements, $168.20. Keith L. Andersen, Webster, failure to keep vehicle under control; operate without valid license; nonregistration of auto, not guilty pleas. George W. Anderson, Trout Creek, Mich., operate overlength vehicle without permit, $194.00. Jennifer M. Anderson, Siren, automobile following too closely, $186.00. Joyce A. Anderson, Hudson, speeding, $160.80. Robert E. Anderson, Luck, speeding, not guilty plea. James Armstrong, Lac du Flambeau, underage drinking, possess, not guilty plea. Scott J. Bauer, White Bear Lake, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Tammy L. Baxter, Siren, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .10 or more, not guilty pleas. Gail M. Bearhart, Danbury, inattentive driving, $173.40. Brianna L. Bearheart, Shell Lake, underage drinking, possess, not guilty plea. Gerald A. Becker, Danbury, ATV operation adjacent to roadway, not guilty plea. Chase M. Belille, Otsego, Minn., seat belt violation, $10.00. Robert R. Belisle, Webster, inattentive driving, $173.40. Garrett L. Bennett, Frederic, speeding, $160.80; operating while suspended, $186.00. Christine A. Benson, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Ann L. Berg, Cambridge, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Danielle W. Berg, Edina, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Lawrence E. Bildeau, Siren, operating while suspended, $186.00. Scott R. Bissonette, Spring Lake Park, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Lynnell M. Blakey, Spooner, speeding, $160.80. Todd C. Bork, Hinckley, Minn., speeding, $236.50, 15day license suspension. James D. Boutin, Webster, drink open intoxicants in motor vehicle, $186.00. Alex M. Bowlin, St. Paul, Minn., operate without valid driver’s license, $186.00. Douglas V. Brown, Danbury, speeding, $211.20. William B. Buggert, Grantsburg, seat belt violation, $10.00. Vernon D. Buskirk, Webster, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .08 or more; OAR; inattentive driving, not guilty pleas. Miranda E. Byers, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Matthew J. Carter, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Anthony A. Castillo, Cologne, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. David S. Challman, New Brighton, Minn., speeding, $211.20. Jacob J. Chell, Webster, speeding, $186.00. Shannon C. Conroy, Danbury, speeding, $160.80. Cheryl M. Covey, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Hattie G. Crass, Superior, inattentive driving, $173.40. Clark D. Crebar, Eden
Prairie, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Nicholas J. Cristan, Rice Lake, speeding, $160.80. Kaci C. Deering, Webster, failure to yield right of way, $173.40. Frederico De La Huerta, Danbury, permittee ooperate without instructor; speeding, not guilty pleas. Tammy J. Desantis, Stacy, Minn., speeding, $160.50. Adrian Diazzurita, Minong, speeding, $160.80. Jeffrey R. Dittel, Cottage Grove, Minn., operating while under influence; operating with PAC .10 or more; speeding; failure to notify police of accident; deviation from designated lane, not guilty pleas. Lynnetta L. Dockendorf, St. Croix Falls, seat belt violation, $10.00. Shawn J. Donahue, Mounds View, Minn., unlawful control aquatic plants-bio. agent, not guilty plea. Daniel A. Doskey, Grantsburg, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .08 or more; OAR; fail to stop at stop sign, not guilty pleas. James R. Driggs, Dripping Spring, Texas, speeding, $160.80. Richard M. Dujmovic Jr., Coon Rapids, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Gary W. Easland, Webster, nonregistration of auto, $160.80. Karen B. Edwall, No. St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Steven S. Elofson, Ramsey, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Terence P. Essen, Solon Springs, speeding, $160.80. Avery L. Fagerberg, Siren, seat belt violation, $10.00. James M. Farrell, Minnetonka, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Jim Farrels, Bloomington, Minn., construct building without permit, $248.00. Brandon J. Fornengo, Danbury, speeding, $186.00. Ryan Forsman, St. Paul, Minn., construct or use elevated device, $186.00. Caira B. Freer, Farmington, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Gregory W. Gaffney, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Donald S. Ganje, Oakdale, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Debra K. Garbers, Brookings, S.D., speeding, $160.80. James L. Garvin, Lakeville, Minn., speeding, $160.80. John A. Gerlach, Forest Lake, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Margaret M. Gorkiewicz, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Larry A. Graf, Grantsburg, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .08 or more; speeding, not guilty pleas. Jordan C. Gross, Cushing, display unauthorized vehicle registration plate, not guilty plea. Elizabeth a. Hallas, New Hope, Minn., operating while under influence; inattentive driving, not guilty pleas. David K. Hansen, Cottage Grove, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Molly E. Harens, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Wayne T. Harmon, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Thomas F. Healey, Plymouth, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Travis A. Heller, Siren, operating while suspended, $186.00. Patrick H. Henderson, Webster, nonregistration of auto, $160.80.
Burnett County deaths Harley M. Jensen, Grantsburg, Dec. 19
Dorothy M. Phernetton, 71, Sand Lake, Dec. 31
Burnett County criminal court Gary A. House Jr., 40, Blaine, Minn., vehicle operator flee or elude an officer, two-year probation, license suspended six months, 90 days’ jail sentence stayed for 60 days, if defendant enrolls in inpatient treatment, teen challenge or Salvation Army ARC progam, jail sentence waived in successfully complete program, $263.00.
Joel M. Crandall, 40, Frederic, possession of THC, license suspended for six months, $273.00. Damon D. Kennedy, 34, St. Anthony, Minn., OWI, $894.00, alcohol assessment, 10 days’ jail sentence, license revoked 12 months. Jeffrey W. Stager, 31, Siren, disorderly conduct, $249.00.
Michael J. Henning, Frederic, nonregistration of auto, $160.80. Tim J. Herzog, Sleepy Eye, Minn., ATV operation adjacent to roadway, $186.00. Thomas B. Higgs, Webster, fail to properly maintain exhaust system, $160.80. Dennis E. Hocevar, Bethel, Minn., construct or use elevated device, $186.00. Carson A. Holmquist, Grantsburg, discharge firearm from/across highway, $203.40; place/transport uncased firearm in vehicle, $203.40. Christopher D. Holmquist, Grantsburg, operating while suspended, $186.00. William F. Horbach, Spooner, speeding, $160.80. Jeffrey P. Hugdahl, Eau Claire, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .08 or more; speeding, not guilty pleas. Bradley R. Huser, Webster, OAR; speeding, not guilty pleas. Andrew J. Huttner, Brooklyn Center, Minn., operating while under influence; operating with PAC .08 or more; speeding, not guilty pleas. Dan M. Jaastad, Barronett, hunt within 50 feet of road’s center, $208.40. Terrance J. Jablonski, Wyoming, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Mark R. James, Luck, speeding, $160.80. Maria Janssen, Danbury, speeding, $160.80. Ivalynn M. Jawish, Grantsburg, speeding, $186.00. William A. Karns, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Sirae A. Kettula, Webster, speeding, $211.20. Tracy L. Kist, Frederic, operate after rev./susp. of registration, $160.80. Kevin H. Koch, Morton, Minn., speeding, $160.80; seat belt violation, $10.00. Theresa M. Kraemer, Danbury, operating while under influence; operating left of center; speeding, not guilty pleas; speeding, $160.80. Patrick A. Kurkowski, Frederic, operating while revoked, not guilty plea. Michael Lamb, Osceola, speeding, $236.40. Timothy J. Layer, Lakeville, Minn, speeding, $186.00. James R. Lener, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.00. Kenneth H. Lind, Rush City, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Kyle D. Lindus, Grantsburg, ATV operation on roadway; operate ATV without valid registration, not guilty pleas; operating while suspended, $186.00. Scott T. Loehr, Orange Park, Fla., hunt within 50 feet of road’s center, $208.40. Christopher Lopez, Balsam Lake, operating while under influence, $730.00, license revoked 7 months, alcohol assessment order. Shari L. Louis, Grantsburg, speeding, $160.80. Charles M. Lunsman, Danbury, seat belt violation, $10.00. Kevin J. Lyne, Eagan, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Gregory A. Mahle, Webster, operating left of center; operating while under influence; operating
with PAC .08 or more, not guilty pleas. Melanie F. Manninen, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Carissa E. Marsh, Frederic, speeding, $160.80. Christopher R. Martin, Hayward, speeding, $223.80. Donald C. Mason, Hayward, operate without valid license, $186.00. Claudette L. Matrious, Danbury, operate without valid license, not guilty plea. Michael W. McDonough, Cottage Grove, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Timothy A. McNitt, Webster, speeding, $160.80. Jon D. Mendlik, Cumberland, speeding, $186.00. Kenneth A. Mengelkoch, Maple Lake, Minn., speeding, $236.40. Douglas L. Meyer, Owatonna, Minn., speeding, $160.80. John E. Meyer, Siren, operating while under influence, $793.00, license revoked 7 months, alcohol assessment ordered; place/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $243.60. Zachary J. Meyer, Grantsburg, nonregistration of auto, $160.80; operation without required lamps lit, $148.20; failure to properly maintain exhaust system, $160.80. Gregory M. Miller, Hudson, seat belt violation, $10.00. Jeanette E. Molamphy, White Bear Lake, Minn., speeding, $236.40. Shirley A. Montzka, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $186.00; nonregistration of auto, $160.80. Carol A. Morton, Eagan, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Matthew J. Moyer, Webster, unsafe lane deviation, not guilty plea. Alton L. Munkelwitz, Isle, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Brian M. Murphy, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Brandon M. Museus, Danbury, operating left of center, not guilty plea. Nicole M. Nefs, Siren, failure to stop at stop sign, $160.80. Matthew C. Neitge, Chippewa Falls, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, not guilty plea. Keith A. Nelson, Siren, speeding, $160.80. Cassandra L. Nitti, Blaine, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Gerald E. Oachs, Danbury, speeding, $186.00. Roxanne L. Oberlander, Hastings, Minn., speeding, $160.80. James P. Okeefe, Maplewood, Minn., speeding, $160.90. Scott A. Olmstead, Anoka, Minn., fail to display back tag while deer hunting, $168.20. Steven L. Olson, Webster, speeding, $160.80. William A. Ott, Grantsburg, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .08 or more; OAR, not guilty pleas. John E. Paulson, Siren, nonregistration of auto; improper registration of auto, not guilty pleas. Dustin L. Petersen, Askov, Minn., interstate record of duty status, $257.00. Richard A. Peterson, Ashland, speeding, $160.80.
Burnett County marriages David J. Hatch, Siren, and Shelly A. Daniels, Siren, Dec. 31.
Cowan J. Bruss, Siren, and Amanda K. Shipley, Siren, Jan. 2
Burnett County warrants Kelly L. Tank, 42, Webster, commitment, Jan. 2. Joshua Sandberg, 32, St. Louis Park, Minn., commitment, Jan. 2. Matthew A. Norton, 23, Barronett, commitment, Jan. 2. Patricia Bearhart, 43, Danbury, commitment, Jan. 2. Shaun J. Belisle, 21, Webster, commitment, Jan. 2. Chester R. Larue, 78, Crystal, Minn., commitment, Jan. 2. Nicholas B. Arcand, 19, Webster, commitment, Jan. 2.
Nathaniel D. Reynolds, 18, Webster, commitment, Jan. 2. John R. Armstrong, 41, Siren, commitment, Jan. 2. Jellisa A. Reynolds, 18, Shell Lake, commitment, Jan. 2. Mark R. Oswald, 30, East Bethel, Minn., commitment, Jan. 2. Michael L. Nelson, Grantsburg, warrant – failure to appear, Jan. 2. Cheryl A. Hunter, 44, Danbury, warrant – failure to appear, Jan 2.
Keya-Sinte B. Pipeboy, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $186.00; operate without valid license, $186.00. Jason D. Plessel, Grantsburg, failure to notify police of accident, $249.00. Robert L. Plummer, Webster, speeding; reckless driving, not guilty pleas. David J. Poggenpohl, Danbury, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .10 or more; speeding, not guilty pleas. Kim M. Points, Maplewood, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Sarah K. Radke, Shell Lake, speeding, $280.50, license suspended 15 days. Derick M. Rapley, Eau Claire, seat belt violation, $10.00. Brian K. Rasmussen, Shoreview, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Ryan S. Reetz, Richfield, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Elizabeth K. Reinertson, Duluth, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Kati J. Renno, Forest Lake, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Janis L. Reynolds, Grantsburg, speeding, $211.20. Travis E. Rikkola, Grantsburg, disorderly conduct with motor vehicle, $185.00. Brent P. Ringlien, Trego, speeding, not guilty plea. Charles R. Robinson, Webster, operate without valid license, $186.00. Glen A. Roepke, Milltown, cracked/damaged vehicle windshield, $160.80. Eric M. Rottier, Shorewood, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Thomas E. Rozmark, Blaine, Minn., speeding, $211.20. Kyle D. Rufsholm, Siren, fail to display back tag while deer hunting, $168.20; speeding, $160.80. Wade A. Rufsholm, Siren, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, $530.00. Herman F. Saas, Siren, speeding, $160.80. Ryan M. Saathoff, Apple Valley, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Megan N. Sartwell, Danbury, speeding, $211.20. John S. Sherman, South Range, speeding, not guilty plea. Douglas A. Shilling, Otisville, Mich., speeding, $161.00. Renee J. Shimek, Prior Lake, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Richard A. Sindelir, Morton, Minn., seat belt violation, $10.00. Paul A. Sondrall, Sauk Rapids, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Jerry W. Stenback, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Kermit E. Stephens Jr., Eden Prairie, Minn., speeding, $160.80. Brian L. Sternquist, Grantsburg, OAR; unnecessary noise prohibited, not guilty pleas. Henry G. Stocker, Osceola, speeding, $160.80. Glen K. Stowe, New Auburn, speeding, $160.80. William E. Stuntz, Rice Lake, speeding, $160.80. Thomas M. Sullivan, West
St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $186.00. Melissa R. Sunderland, Grantsburg, possession of drug paraphernalia, $185.00. Krissa M. Swanson, Frederic, speeding, not guilty plea. Michael A. Tarman, New Richmond, construct or use elevated device, $186.00. Justin J. Taylor, Grantsburg, cracked/damaged vehicle windshield, $160.80; sale/operate vehicle without directional lights, $148.20; failure to properly maintain exhaust system, $160.80. Kirby B. Thalin, St. Croix Falls, operating while revoked, not guilty plea. Mark R. Thorson, Leroy, Minn., operating while under influence, $665.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment ordered. Leif M. Throngard, Grantsburg, failure to stop at stop sign, $160.80. Ryan J. Tollander, Siren, speeding, $186.00. Rachel A. Trittelwitz, Grantsburg, dog running at large, $138.00. Bradley J. Turnbull, Siren, operating while under influence, not guilty plea. John W. Webber, Eau Claire, speeding, not guilty plea. Karen A. Weiss, West St. Paul, Minn., unsafe passing on right, $217.50. Paula A. Whitworth, Minnetonka, Minn., disturbance with motor vehicle, $185.00. Shane M. Whorton, Inver Grove Heights, Minn., cracked/damaged vehicle windshield, $160.80. John Wiant, Danbury, speeding, $160.00. Daniel D. Wicklund, Grantsburg, place/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $160.00. Debra L. Wicklund, Webster, violation of child safety restraint requirements – child under 4 years of age, $160.80; violation of child safety restraint requirements – child 4 years of age but less than 8 years of age, $135.60. Thomas L. Widgren, Hudson, place/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $243.60. John L. Wiener, Glidden, cracked/damaged vehicle windshield, $160.80; operate vehicle without stopping lights, $148.20; failure to maintain windshield washer fluid, $160.80. Rodney D. Wilson, Danbury, speeding, $186.00. Michael R. Young, Webster, operating while under influence; operating while suspended, not guilty pleas. Eddie J. Zalesky, Grantsburg, hunt sharp-tailed grouse without permit or carcass tag, $228.50. Mary A. Zamora, Ramsey, Minn., speeding, $186.00.
Burnett Co. sheriff’s report Accidents Town of Swiss, Jan. 2: George C. Russell, 52, Eagan, Minn., reported hitting a deer while on Hwy. 77. No injuries were reported. Town of Wood River, Jan. 3: Kit A. Drake, 33, Grantsburg, was east on Crosstown Road when he hit a patch of ice and lost control. The vehicle left the roadway and rolled over. The driver was transported to Burnett Medical Center, and the vehicle was towed. Arrests Town of Meenon, Dec. 24: Rory A. Smith, 40 Webster, was arrested for disorderly conduct, resisting an officer and reckless driving. Town of Sand Lake, Dec. 28: Matthew S. Alwine, 24, Hertel was arrested for disorderly conduct. Town of Meenon, Jan. 1: Rodney Staples, 41, Webster, was arrested for domestic battery. Town of LaFollette, Jan. 1: Randell J. Tochollke, 21,
Hinckley, Minn., was arrested on a Burnett County warrant. Other Incidents Town of Anderson, Jan. 2: Wayne M. Jensen, Minneapolis, reported a burglary to a property he is caretaker of. A bulldozer is missing from a shed. The incident is under investigation. Town of Blaine, Jan. 3: Robert J. Meisner, Dayton, Ohio, reported a pole barn burglarized. There is evidence that copper wire has been taken, but a list of other missing items is not yet available. The incident is under investigation. Town of Siren, Jan. 4: Gary H. Boylan, Webster, reported a game camera taken from his property. The incident is under investigation Town of Jackson, Jan. 5: Northland Builders reported gas stolen from a bulk tank. The incident is under investigation. Village of Webster, Jan. 5: Ferrell Gas reported a storage shed entered. Nothing appears to be missing. The incident is under investigation.
I N T E R! C O U N T Y L E A D E R
F R E D E R I C • G R A N T S B U R G • L U C K • S T. C R O I X F A L L S • S I R E N • U N I T Y • W E B S T E R
Saints savor great night over Grantsburg tive, [and] we were much more patient on offense.” Maternowsky said that the teams confidence has improved with the win after a tough early start. “We started the season with a tough schedule and lost a couple of games we should not have,” Maternowsky said. Marissa Campeau led the Saints with a double-double featuring 17 points and 10 rebounds to go along with four steals on defense. Megan Yunker had 12 points to go along with nine rebounds and three steals. Sasha Bryant had seven points and 10 rebounds. “Offensively we were much more effective than we have been in the past, taking the ball to the basket,” Maternowsky said. “I thought it was a well-played game for both teams.” Maternowsky said it was one of the best games the Saints have played so far this season. The Pirates didn’t let up throughout the entire game despite being down by 10 for much of it. With under two minutes to go, the Pirates cut the lead to six points, but the Saints held on. Kortney Morrin led Grantsburg with 13 points and Megan Finch added 12. Ingrid Ames contributed eight points and Sarah Wald added four.
Boys and girls get wins over rival Pirates SCF (Boys) 54, Grantsburg 52 by Marty Seeger ST. CROIX FALLS – The Saints boys basketball team entered Friday night’s game against rival Grantsburg with momentum on their side—that is, until just 10 minutes before the game. That’s when the team learned they’d be without starting point guard, Cory Gebhard, who found out that he had broken his wrist in an earlier against game Ellsworth. Fortunately, Gebhard was out on the court again against Luck on Tuesday night. Despite having a great outing against Ellsworth during a Cory Gebhard holiday tournament in Glenwood City, the Saints couldn’t come up with the win. That was the same case against Clayton just a short time before, but what they really needed was a “W,” and that doesn’t come easy against a team like Grantsburg. “We knew we needed the effort, and we had a really good game against Ellsworth, so we kind of had a little momentum going from that [but] what we really needed was to actually get a W,” said Loney, who was filling in for a missing head coach Todd Voss, who was on vacation in Mexico for a wedding for his youngest son. The game went back and forth between both teams for the entire night, with the Jason Loney
Saints forward David Lund powers up against Grantsburg's Trent Bonneville last Friday night. Lund had 18 points. - Photos by Marty Seeger Pirates in control for a good portion of the first half, but it wasn’t by much. Loney knew the Saints had a battle on their hands, and it wouldn’t be easy. “I knew we were going to have to work hard on defense,” Loney said. He cited the quickness of the Pirates team and its ability to drive, dish and shoot. “We gave up a couple of easy ones, but overall we were solid,” Loney said. Despite a low-scoring first half, the Saints turned it around in the third period with the help of Ryan Larson and David Lund. Larson led the team with 11 rebounds, with most coming in the second half, and Lund produced 18 points in the paint. Larson and Lund combined for 24 points in the second half, and Trygve Chinander added eight in the second half, and totaled 14 for the game. “Larson’s second half was huge, he gave us a little spark out there,” Loney said. The Saints were down by three in the early goings of the third but took the lead midway through, and maintained momentum. As a team the Saints made 21 of 28 attempts from the line, and 19 of 22 in the second half. Team Grantsburg St. Croix Falls
1 2 3 4 F 11 10 10 21 52 7 11 14 22 54 Individual Statistics Grantsburg 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Kevin Johnson 3 3 0/0 3 15 Ben Larson 4 1 1/2 4 12 Shawn Pavlik 0 0 2/3 2 2 Tyler Myers 2 1 0/0 2 7 Jason Jensen 4 0 0/0 5 8 Trent Bonneville 4 0 0/0 3 8 Totals 17 5 3/5 13 52
Saints senior Sasha Bryant forces her way to the basket over Megan Finch Friday night.
St. Croix Falls Jacob Larcom Dan Roach Trygve Chinander Sam Schmidt Ryan Larson David Lund Greg Kadrmas Totals
2s 2 0 0 0 3 6 1 12
3s FTM/A F 0 2/2 1 0 1/4 4 3 5/6 1 0 2/2 3 0 5/6 0 0 6/8 1 0 0/0 0 3 21/28 10
TP 6 1 14 2 11 18 2 54
“I think they started to believe they could win the game after that,” Loney said. Grantsburg’s Kevin Johnson had a nice second half scoring 12 of 15 points in the second half. Ben Larson added eight points on the night, as did Trent Bonneville. Johnson managed to hit a crucial 3-pointer with just 24 seconds left in the game, but free throws proved to be a powerful tool in the Saints’ huge conference victory. “We’re almost to the halfway point calendarwise, we’ve only played seven games, so we got a lot of games left,” Loney said. SCF (Girls) 52, Grantsburg 45 Saints girls control Pirates The Saints girls basketball team kept control of the Pirates for much of the nigh last Friday. At one point during the second quarter, the Saints led by 13 points, and sustained the lead for much of the game. “We focused on man in the half court,” said coach Angie Maternowsky. “The defense and rebounding was effecTeam Grantsburg St. Croix Falls
1 2 3 4 F 4 11 11 19 45 14 14 10 14 52 Individual Statistics Grantsburg 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Abbey Vaksdal 1 0 0/2 2 2 Sarah Wald 2 0 0/0 3 4 Kortney Morrin 4 1 2/2 4 13 Megan Finch 1 3 1/7 2 12 Ingrid Ames 3 0 2/4 5 8 Stephanie Jensen 1 0 0/0 1 2 Jessica Moyer 1 0 0/0 0 2 Vanessa Kleiss 1 0 0/0 3 2 Totals 14 4 5/15 20 45 St. Croix Falls Alex Confer Jenny Benoy Annie Confer Marissa Campeau Kelsey Douglass-White Megan Yunker Sasha Bryant Amanda Larson Totals
2s 0 3 1 6 1 6 1 1 19
3s FTM/A F 0 3/6 2 1 0/0 1 0 0/0 0 0 5/7 3 0 0/0 2 0 0/2 3 0 3/6 2 0 0/0 0 1 11/21 11
TP 3 9 2 17 2 12 5 2 52
Extra Points ••• LEADER LAND – On Jan. 10, the high school Superior at Lady Blizzard game will be broadcast on 105.7 FM WXCX at 7 p.m. and Somerset at Amery hockey on 1260 AM WXCE at 7 p.m. On Jan. 11, Webster at Grantsburg boys and girls basketball will air on 105.7 FM WXCX starting at 6 p.m., while the Luck at Unity boys and girls games are on 104.9 FM at 6 p.m. and Somerset at Amery girls basketball is on 1260 AM WXCE at 7:30 p.m. On Jan. 14, the Grantsburg at Amery girls basketball will be on 1260 AM WXCE at 7:30 p.m. The Lady Blizzard at River Falls can be heard on Jan. 15 on 105.7 FM WXCX at 7 p.m. while the Amery at BaldwinWoodville hockey game is on 1260 AM WXCE at 7:30 p.m.– Brenda Sommerfeld ••• LEADER LAND – The Green Bay Packers NFL football game can be heard on 105.7 FM WXCX on Jan. 12 at 3:30 p.m. The Wisconsin college hockey game at Denver will air on 1260 AM WXCE at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 12. – Brenda Sommerfeld ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tidbits to share? Please contact theLeader by 4 p.m. on Tuesdays to go in Extra Points! – Marty Seeger and Brenda Sommerfeld ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an athlete who will be playing collegiate sports in 2008 and hasn’t been mentioned, send us an e-mail and we’ll take it from there. – Marty Seeger and Brenda Sommerfeld
SPORTS RESULTS DEADLINES: WEDNESDAY - MONDAY: 1 p.m. the following business day. TUESDAY: 7 a.m. on Wednesday. Missed deadlines mean no coverage that week! S P O R T S N E W S O R S C O R E S T O R E P O R T ? • P H O N E : 7 1 5 - 3 2 7 - 4 2 3 6 • FA X : 7 1 5 - 3 2 7 - 4 1 1 7 • E - M A I L : m s e e g e r @ c e n t u r y t e l . n e t o r b r e n d a l s @ c e n t u r y t e l . n e t
Cardinals control Saints 54-39 was right there with him adding 11 to the board. Brian Gibbs had eight and others put in a few here and there. The Tigers had a great 69-percent night from the line to help them add up some points, while Frederic only had four chances at the line, but they made two of the four. Kyle Swenson put in 13 points for the Vikings and Zach Anderson had six for the night, including the only two in the first period. – Brenda Sommerfeld
Luck boys remain unbeaten Luck 54, St. Croix Falls 39 by Marty Seeger LUCK – The Cardinals last game was way back in mid-December when they defeated Frederic 63-26. On Tuesday night they showed that they haven’t missed a step by winning over the Saints to remain on top of the conference standings, and control their undefeated record. “Our press worked well for us on the plus side, but we found ourselves in serious foul trouble with Brennan Olson (2), Tyler Petersen (2) and Cole Mortel (3) before [the] half,” said Cards coach Rick Giller. Cody Richert was on top of his game as he led the Cardinals with 27 points. The Saints kept pressure on the Cards for much of the first quarter, while forcing turnovers, but had trouble getting their offense going. The Cards stretched a 17-5 lead at the end of the first quarter with the help of Richert’s 12 points. Brennan Olson scored 14 points for the Cards, and Tyler Petersen added six. David Lund scored 11 points for the Saints, and Trygve Chinander scored eight, with Greg Kadrmas adding six. Cory Gebhard was back on the floor for the Saints after suffering a possible season-ending wrist injury during the team’s holiday tournament in Glenwood City. Gebhard broke his wrist, and sat out in their game against Grantsburg, but started against Luck 1 2 3 4 F 5 13 10 11 39 17 16 9 12 54 Individual Statistics St. Croix Falls 2s 3s FTM/A F TP 0 0 1/2 3 1 Jake Larcom Dan Roach 1 0 0/0 1 2 Trygve Chinander 2 1 1/2 1 8 0 0 1/4 0 1 Cory Gebhard Gus Koecher 1 0 2/2 0 4 2 0 0/0 4 4 Ryan Larson David Lund 2 0 7/8 1 11 1 0 0/0 1 2 Austin Whittenberg Greg Kadrmas 1 0 4/5 2 6 Totals 10 1 16/23 13 39
Team St. Croix Falls Luck
Luck 2s 0 Mitchell Klatt Cody Richert 9 Harry Severson-Dickinson 1 Cole Mortel 1 Tyler Petersen 1 Brennan Olson 4 Carson Giller 0 Totals 16
3s FTM/A F TP 1 0/0 3 3 3 0/0 2 27 0 0/0 0 2 0 0/0 4 2 0 4/5 4 6 0 6/9 3 14 0 0/0 1 0 4 10/14 17 54
Luck's Cody Richert shoots through a pile of Saints defenders on Tuesday night. Richert led the team with a season-high 27 points. - Photo by Marty Seeger Tuesday night. The Saints host Siren this Friday night, and Luck travels to Unity. Both games are doubleheaders. Grantsburg 82, Unity 56 GRANTSBURG – The Pirates won easily over the Eagles on Tuesday night with Ben Larson and Trent Bonneville piling on 16 points apiece. Kevin Johnson and Jason Jensen added 11 points to the mix and Tyler Myers contributed 10. For the Eagles it was Chad Strilzuk with 12 points as well as Justin Bader, who also had 12. Technical problems resulted in no box score this week. Sorry for the inconvenience. - Marty Seeger
In the fourth quarter the Vikings scored in the double digits with 13, while holding Webster to four, but it was not enough to take the game over, with Webster up 16. Brian Thill was Webster’s main scoring man with 12, while Adam Baum
Siren 58, Northwood 62 MINONG – Tuesday, Jan. 8 was another close game for the Siren boys basketball team when they played the Northwood Evergreens, losing 62-58. The teams were tied 6-6 after the buzzer of the first quarter, and Siren pulled ahead 25-22 going into halftime, but Northwood stepped it up a notch, scoring 23 points in the third while Siren managed only 12. The fourth was in Siren’s favor with Adam Daniels putting in three 3-pointers, Charlie Brown with two from the field, Brennen Moose with a field goal and a few free throws from different people to have them score 21, while they kept the Evergreens to only 17. It was just not enough to pull off the win in the end. Daniels was again the Dragons lead in scoring with 17 points, Brennen Moose was close behind with 15 points and Charlie Brown had 13. Travis Freese helped out with six. – Brenda Sommerfeld
Webster 44, Frederic 28 FREDERIC – Webster boys put away another conference game when they were up against the Frederic Vikings on Tuesday, Jan. 8, taking the win 44-28. The Tigers held Frederic to a total of six points in the first half, while they racked up 26 to lead by 20. The third quarter Frederic put up nine, while the Tigers made 14.
Frederic sophomore Will Primm attempts to dribble past Webster's Alex Main on Tuesday night. - Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld Team Siren Northwood
1 2 3 4 F 6 19 12 21 58 6 16 23 17 62 Individual Statistics Siren 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Christian Hall 1 0 0/0 1 2 Brennen Moose 6 0 3/4 4 15 Adam Daniels 2 4 1/1 2 17 Thad Baasch 0 0 0/0 3 0 Jordan Potvin 1 0 1/2 3 3 Travis Freese 1 1 1/2 5 6 Vince Nasman 1 0 0/0 4 2 Charlie Brown 6 0 1/8 2 13 Totals 18 5 7/17 20 58
Grantsburg's Shawn Pavlik puts a shot up over Unity Tuesday night in the Pirates 82-56 win. - Photo by Carl Heidel
Northwood Jesse Melby Reese Stariha Joe Martin Gerrod Richard Zaxh Haynes Mike Benson Thomas Ross Kevin Pagorek Totals
2s 0 1 6 1 2 2 4 2 18
3s FTM/A F 0 0/0 1 2 2/3 4 0 8/13 1 0 1/4 3 0 3/5 5 0 0/0 2 0 1/4 1 0 5/8 1 2 20/24 18
TP 0 10 20 3 7 4 9 9 62
Team Webster Frederic
1 2 3 4 F 13 26 14 4 44 2 4 9 13 28 Individual Statistics Webster 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Brian Gibbs 4 0 0/1 1 8 Nick Wolfe 2 0 0/0 3 4 AJ Holmquist 1 0 1/2 0 3 Quentin Johnson 1 0 0/0 0 2 Mitchell Elliott 0 0 0/0 2 0 Dylan Geske 0 0 2/3 2 2 Brian Thill 3 1 3/4 1 12 Alex Main 1 0 0/0 0 2 Adam Baum 3 0 5/6 1 11 Totals 15 1 11/16 10 44 Frederic Nolan Neumann Will Primm Ben G. Anderson Zach Anderson Kyle Swenson Andrew Kurkowski Kanan Hackett Peter Draxler Ben Nelson Totals
2s 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 7
3s FTM/A F TP 0 0/0 3 0 1 0/0 1 3 0 0/0 3 2 0 0/0 1 6 3 0/0 1 13 0 0/0 1 2 0 0/2 1 0 0 2/2 0 2 0 0/0 3 0 4 2/4 14 28
Vikings escape Tigers grip effort during this competition. Frederic point guard Kelly Wondra played well with 10 points, six steals, five assists and five rebounds to help her team succeed. Fellow Viking Becca Anderson and Erin Schmidt were the lead scorers of the night. Anderson led the team with 13 points, and Schmidt put up 12 points and got to the boards for nine rebounds. Melanie Chenal also added nine to the scoreboard. “Becca made some clutch shots in the fourth including the last two free throws to seal it,” Wink said. Anderson made a 3-pointer, a field goal and two free throws in the last few seconds to bring them up to their score of 47. Webster’s Amanda Alberg and Sam Hogle did what they could, and they each nailed a few shots in the fourth to close up the score. “Sam and Amanda did what they needed to do to give us a chance,” Widiker stated. Alberg was the leader in points for the Tigers with 10 total. Michelle Gibbs was handling the ball well and nailing some outside shots for nine. Hogle had a few layups and jumpers for eight, while Reba Smallwood helped out off the bench with four points and controlling rebounds.
Strong start credited to the win Frederic 47, Webster 40 by Brenda Sommerfeld FREDERIC – Frederic girls started out strong and were able to take another conference win 47-40, Tuesday, Jan. 8, when they played the Webster Tigers. The first half was Frederic’s with them hitting shot after shot to knock in 25 points compared to Webster’s 14. The Tigers did come back in the second half to get within a few points several times but never quite took it past the Vikings. “It was a full 32-minute game,” Frederic coach Troy Wink commented. “We played hard and kept control of the lead throughout, but never were able to put it away totally.” “We played well enough to be in it, but struggled to finish,” Webster coach Greg Widiker said. Both teams players made a great 1 2 3 4 F 9 5 14 12 40 13 12 9 13 47 Individual Statistics 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Webster Samantha Hogle 3 0 0/1 3 6 4 0 4/6 4 12 Amanda Alberg 2 0 0/1 3 4 Reba Smallwood Beth Baer 2 0 3/3 5 7 1 0 0/0 0 2 Rose Kopecky Michelle Gibbs 3 1 0/0 2 9 15 1 7/11 17 40 Totals
Team Webster Frederic
Frederic Ana Miller Megan Anderson Kelly Wondra Erin Schmidt Adrianna Otte Melanie Chenal Becca Anderson Totals
2s 0 0 4 6 0 4 2 16
3s FTM/A F 1 0/0 0 0 0/0 1 0 2/4 3 0 0/0 3 0 0/1 0 0 1/2 2 2 3/7 2 3 6/14 11
TP 3 0 10 12 0 9 13 47
Frederic's Erin Schmidt blocks a shot by Webster's Amanda Alberg on Tuesday night. - Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld
Siren falls to Northwood Free throws could've done it Northwood 47, Siren 43 by Brenda Sommerfeld MINONG – The Dragons met their match on Tuesday, Jan. 8, when they visited the Northwood Evergreens losing 47-43. The two teams were closely matched with Northwood 7-2 and Siren 6-0, but it was Northwood this time. “Northwood played well,” coach Jon Ruud said, “and we have a lot of work to do.” The Dragons had the lead during the first two quarters with Carley Emery putting in a couple 3-pointers and field goals, and Janey Emery with one 3pointer, while Northwood stayed within a few points ending the first two quarters in Dragon favor 17-16. The third quarter is where things slipped away from Siren little by little, with the Evergreens having several girls Team Siren Northwood
1 2 3 4 F 9 8 8 18 43 7 9 14 17 47 Individual Statistics Siren 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Haily Mulroy 1 1 0/0 1 5 Jennifer Mitchell 1 0 0/2 5 2 Courtney Daniels 0 2 0/0 1 6 Carley Emery 4 2 4/7 5 18 Janey Emery 3 1 0/0 4 9 Lynette Renberg 1 0 1/6 2 3 Totals 10 6 5/15 18 43 Northwood Ashlee Blegen Deanna Scheller Taylor Fellbaum Janie Murray Ashley Albano Erin Okonek Annie Block Totals
2s 0 1 1 0 6 1 1 10
3s FTM/A F TP 0 5/6 3 5 0 0/0 2 2 2 0/0 1 8 0 2/2 0 2 2 6/10 0 24 0 1/4 3 3 0 1/2 3 3 4 15/24 12 47
Win or lose, the Siren rowdy section is always ready to cheer. - Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld hitting in shots, and the Emery girls each were the only players from the Dragons to put any in. Siren got put down 14-8 points, bringing Northwood to the front 30-25. Eighteen points were scored for Siren in the fourth with Courtney Daniels blowing out two 3-pointers, Haily Mulroy with a 3-pointer and a field goal, Lynette Renberg, Jennifer Mitchell, and Janey Emery each putting in a field goal, and Carley hitting a free throw. These 18 were not enough to put them in the lead with Northwood putting in 17, which were mostly free throws.
“We lost track of Albano in the crucial fourth quarter, and she scored nine points and hit three big outside shots to give them the lead and stretch it to eight points at one time,” Ruud commented. “If we fix the free-throw situation alone, we win the game,” Ruud explained. “We, on average, go to the line 22 times a night, and on average we make 16 or 70 percent of those free throws. Also on average, other teams go to the line against us only 12 times a night, and they have only been averaging about five of 12. Last night due to our foul trouble, those stats were
Jennifer Mitchell goes up for a shot for the Dragons recently. - File photo by Brenda Sommerfeld switched on us.” Carley led the team with 18 points, Janey had nine total, Daniels made six points and Mulroy helped with five.
Rikkola reaches wrestling milestone Team wrestles well at Chetek invite by Marty Seeger CHETEK – It could be compared to the equivalent of 4,000-plus careerrushing yards in high school football, or 1,000 career points in basketball. Either way you look at it, 100-plus career wins in wrestling is an important goal in any high school wrestling career. According to Saints wrestling coach Dan Clark the St. Croix Falls wrestling program can boast about 15 or 20 wrestlers that have reached 100 career wins, but senior Justin Rikkola (119) could reach well above that mark by season’s end—a whole new Justin Rikkola level in wrestling accomplishments. “If you can get to 100 wins, you’re in pretty elite company,” says Clark, and added that more than 120 wins is even more elite company. Rikkola has a chance to make it to 120 wins or more this season. Last year he had 43 wins, and this year he has 19, with a lot more wrestling left to go. Former Saints wrestler Dustin Raygor reached 150 wins last season in his senior year, eclipsing the old school record of 122, which is a good benchmark in
Justin Rikkola took a pin over Alex Peper in their dual match against Unity last Thursday, just one of many in his memorable career. - Photo by Marty Seeger
gauging the success of Rikkola’s career. Last weekend, the Saints traveled to Chetek for a duals tournament featuring five schools, and Rikkola reached his 100th win in his last match of the day, to go 5-0 for the tournament. One of the big keys to Rikkola’s success has been his ability to stay healthy. Clark says Rikkola has been fortunate to stay uninjured throughout his career, which actually began in Luck. Rikkola, a Grantsburg native, wrestled his freshman and sophomore years for the Luck/Frederic/Grantsburg co-op. About 40 wins came from those years, and 60 have come in St. Croix Falls. “He’s had a nice career and I just hope he can finish it off with a state championship,” Clark said. Other wrestlers that enjoyed a good day of wrestling in Chetek were sophomore Joe Raygor, who went 5-0 after defeating opponent Garret Bonte of Glenwood City. Bonte had defeated Raygor at Northern Badger. Spencer Walters (103), Dan Larson (135), and Jesse Wilson (140) won four of their five matches last weekend. Clark says that with regionals only about three weeks away, the focus is starting to turn to the individuals making strides toward the state tournament. At the beginning the goal was to win the regional as a team, and Clark says the goal is still feasible, but they still have to improve quite a bit to achieve that goal.
Pirate gymnasts win vault event Three Grantsburg girls placed in all-around by Brenda Sommerfeld GRANTSBURG – Vault was the event the Pirates placed the highest on during their meet against the Rush City/Pine City/Hinckley/Finlayson team on Thursday, Jan. 4. They scored 30.0 as a team and had three placed in the top five. Alyssa Ryan received second place during the vault event with a score of 7.8, which was just below Rush City’s Rachel Miller who received first with 8.15, while Michelle Lund received fourth place by getting 7.5 and Jessika Ilgen got fifth with 7.45. Even though they scored above the Rush City team in the vaulting event, coach Kathy Lund felt it wasn’t up to their full potential. “Our vaulting didn’t quite have the dynamics,” Lund explained. “We can make good improvement on vault because there are three of the five that can be scoring in the eights, so they were all at least five-tenths lower than they could be.” The all-around athletes for Grantsburg are seniors Ryan and Maarja Anderson and sophomore Michelle Lund. Rush City only had two all-around competitors. This helped Lund receive second, Anderson third and Ryan fourth. Rush City’s Miller received first place all-around and Jamie Bottomley took fifth. “This meet always sneaks up on us because they had two days of school and then the meet,” Lund said about coming back from Christmas vacation after only having a few practices. The event that three of the Pirates did score in the eights was with their unique floor routines. Anderson got fourth place with 8.15 and Lund with
Alyssa Ryan, Jessika Ilgen, Megan Branstad and Marika Grundtner were in the front of the lineup of the Grantsburg team as they were all introduced to start the meet. - Photos by Brenda Sommerfeld Team Rush City/Pine City Grantsburg Individual Scores Jessika Ilgen Lauren Finch Michelle Lund Maarja Anderson Alyssa Ryan Katty Peterson Emily Cole Megan Branstad
Vault/Place 29.65 30.0
Bars/Place 30.20 26.95
7.45/5th 6.30 7.50/4th 7.25 7.8/2nd -
6.0 7.75/3rd 5.6 6.85 6.35 -
8.1. Ryan was not far behind with an 8.05 but it wasn’t enough to put her in the top five. “The judges said that they were all so unique and that you could really see some personalities and that was fun to see,” Lund said. “They loved Maarja’s routine. Actually Michelle (Lund) had more difficulty, but Maarja won them over I think.” Anderson gave a nice performance with her hip-hop music and attitude and her tumbling passes were all very clean with her body staying in nice
Beam/Place 32.65 29.05 7.75 7.9/4th 5.15 6.15 7.25
tie for fourth. The next meet will be held on Saturday, Jan. 12, when the Grantsburg girls compete in the River Falls Invitational. The only downfall for the Pirates will be that all-around Anderson will not be present, so they will have to find an athlete from the junior varsity team to move up to the varsity level to compete in each event. “Emily Cole did really good on JV and is going to be bumped up anyway,” Lund stated. Freshman Cole competed for varsity on the beam and received a 6.15 and competed at the JV level on the uneven bars where she scored 4.1 and on floor where she received first place with 6.9. Cole will be the one to compete for varsity on floor during the River Falls invite, and senior Katty Peterson will compete in vault, but the beam competitor has not yet been decided.
Floor/Place All Around/Place Place 32.8 125.30 1st 30.5 116.50 2nd 5.45 8.10/5th 8.15/4th 8.05 6.20
18.90 6.30 31.1/2nd 28.9/3rd 27.85/4th 6.35 6.15 13.45
form. The uneven bars still proved to be the Pirate’s hardest event when they scored 26.95 overall. This score was, however, up from the Superior meet’s 25.80 score so they will continue to improve. Lund was the only one to place with her score of 7.75 to take third. “I thought we did well on bars,” coach Lund said. “The score went up a little bit.” Beam was a little tough for Grantsburg with the only ranked girl being Anderson when she scored 7.9, to
Freshman Emily Cole competed at the varsity level on beam during the Rush City meet.
Eagles undefeated on new mats Rout Saints in a near-flawless dual Unity 54, St. Croix Falls 21 by Marty Seeger BALSAM LAKE – Coach Mark Ferguson was in good spirits Thursday night, joking a little a bit about the Eagles’ fancy new mats. “We’re undefeated on the new mats,” Ferguson said, but all humor aside, the Eagles came out with fierce momentum Thursday night to stomp the Saints to win their second dual match in a row at home. It was a nearly flawless performance for the team. “There was hardly anything that went wrong for us tonight,” said Ferguson. In a match that both Ferguson and Saints coach Dan Clark deemed could go either way, the Eagles proved to have the upper hand. Ben Hendricks (189) won the first match by forfeit and Unity’s Josh Eaton (215) pinned Ryan Jarimczuk in just under a minute, and Todd Nutter (285) pinned Brian Backus in 1:38. After taking a break from the Northern Badger Tournament, Dylan Koethe wrestled an exciting match against Spencer Walters. With Walters up 3-2 in the final seconds, Koethe escaped to tie it at three and send it to overtime. Koethe won the match with a reversal to give the Eagles a 21-0 lead. Saints Northern Badger champ Justin Rikkola (112) ended the Eagles early
The Eagles Nate Reda goes for the pin over Jesse Wilson of St. Croix Falls with a little help from assistant coach Shawn Perkins (L) and head coach Mark Ferguson (R). - Photo by Marty Seeger lead with a pin over Alex Peper. Dustin (125) and Dennis (130) “He’s tough,” Ferguson said. “He’s a Mckinney pinned Taylor Sempf and pinner…once he gets you on your back, Garret Ridenzel. Then Dylan Hendricks it’s awfully tough to get out of it.” (135) landed a pin over Mike Kingery in
under a minute. Unity’s Tim Reed and Dan Larson wrestled for about the sixth time this season, with Reed coming out on top this time in a 9-5 decision. Reed has improved from being a below .500 wrestler last year to one of the team’s most solid wrestlers in his senior year. “It just goes to show that all of the extra hard work and effort really pays off,” said Ferguson. Both Nate Reda (145) and Jason Vlasnik (152) notched pins for the Eagles over Jesse Wilson and Galen Hanlon. The Saints ended the evening on a brighter note with Joe Raygor and Will Springer getting pins over Jared Peper and Joe Swanson. “I’m proud of the kids, I’m proud of the way they work, and I’m proud to represent them,” Ferguson said of the match. The Saints were without two wrestlers Thursday night including Nick Campbell (103) and Shaw Amundson. Coach Clark says it hurts to have kids out of the lineup, but he’s not about to make excuses. “They (Unity) just got on a roll and they outwrestled us plain and simple. They were a better team by far tonight,” Clark said. Clark says the team still has a lot of work to do to get better as a team. “There’s no excuses, we just need to get better. We’re not where we need to be right now,” he said.
Clear Lake cruises over Cards notice some great improvements out of his wrestlers since the beginning of the year. “That tells me we are making positive progress,” Bartlett said. Joe Grovum was pinned in the second match of the night, but it was tied 11-11 going into the third period. Landon Strilzuk also had a close one after being down by one after the second period. Opponent Matt Barney of Clear Lake was a third-place finisher at Northern Badger. “The kids know they wrestled well,” Bartlett said. “The score doesn’t show it, but we know we took a lot of positives from the match.” LFG will host Spooner this Thursday night at 7 p.m., which takes place along with the Rush City invite that was cancelled because of bad weather.
Warriors pin seven, yet Cards show improvement Clear Lake 60, LFG 18 by Marty Seeger LUCK – The Warriors proved how solid their team is this season after coasting easily over the Cardinals last Thursday. Clear Lake won first place as a team at Northern Badger and has proven to be one of the tougher teams in the area. Seven of 10 Cardinals were pinned, yet three were able to lock a strong finish. Justin Eley (125) pinned Jake Anderson in the first match of the evening in 2:46. Russel Harr (189) won his match 9-3 over Woody Reindahl and Ben Ackerley took his first-ever varsity match win over Josh Morse by an 8-1 decision. “We only won three head-to-head matches, but the kids wrestled hard,” said coach Chris Bartlett. “They didn’t make it easy on their opponents.” Bartlett says spectators have started to
LFG senior Jeff Gackle wrestles hard for the team in an earlier match this season. - File photo by Marty Seeger
Eagles nish strong at New Richmond LFG wrestles well Saturday by Marty Seeger NEW RICHMOND – The Eagles wrestling team had a good finish after the New Richmond tournament last Saturday. Brothers Dustin (125) and Dennis (130) McKinney each took firstplace finishes. This is Dennis’ second New Richmond championship and Dustin’s first according to coach Mark
Ferguson. As a team, the Eagles finished in fourth place out of eight teams. The top two teams were Division 1 schools including New Richmond and River Falls, with Clear Lake topping them all. Currently Clear Lake is ranked in the top three at state. Senior Tim Reed (135) took second place at the tournament, as did Ben Hendircks (189). Alex Peper took third and Luke Nelson took fourth. Josh Eaton nailed down a fifth-place finish and Dylan Hendricks, Jason Vlasnik
and Todd Nutter took sixth. LFG tournament results The LFG wrestling team finished last out of eight teams last Saturday in New Richmond, but coach Chris Bartlett said the kids still fought through it. He said it was an OK day and the wrestlers are a little frustrated and hate to lose. “I keep trying to tell them they are young, and to be patient,” Bartlett said. Justin Eley (119) had the teams best day with a second-place finish. He had three pins and one tech fall-over before losing by a close 2-1 match in the finals.
Russel Harr finished fourth in one of the toughest weight classes in the tournament. He took two wins in the beginning but ended with three losses. Jeff Gackle wrestled at 215 and Devin Douglas wrestled up at 285. Gackle finished seventh and Douglas took fifth. Ben Ackerly and Joe Grovum each placed sixth. The team travels to Medford this weekend for a tournament taking place on Saturday.
Siren girls hold off Tigers Tiger boys roar by Dragons
Team Siren Webster
1 2 3 4 F 9 13 6 10 38 8 9 3 8 28 Individual Statistics 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Siren 0 0 1/3 2 1 Haily Mulroy Jennifer Mitchell 1 0 0/0 5 2 Sarah Howe 0 0 0/0 1 0 4 0 3/4 4 11 Carley Emery Janey Emery 4 0 0/0 3 8 Lynette Renberg 4 0 4/8 2 12 2 0 0/0 2 4 Ashley Guevara 15 0 8/16 12 38 Totals
Siren 38, Webster 28 by Brenda Sommerfeld WEBSTER – The Tigers started with the lead against the undefeated Dragons, and they held on for most of the game, but Siren kept them at arm’s length to take the win 38-28. “I thought that Webster played a great game against us,” Siren coach Jon Ruud stated. “Coach Widiker did a nice job of getting his girls prepared for what we do defensively.” Webster had the lead in the first quarter until the last minute where Carley Emery made a steal and got the layup to pull ahead 9-8 ending the first quarter. During the second, Siren was able to score 13 while they held Webster to only nine to widen the gap at halftime 22-17. “We didn’t really know where we were at as far as how we match up, and Siren being one of the top teams, it was competitive most of the game,” Webster coach Greg Widiker stated. “It’s been awhile since we’ve had a competitive game with Siren, and even though it was a loss we came out feeling pretty good about this week.” “I thought that our girls did not come ready to play that night,” Ruud explained. “Part of that could be because of the fact that we didn’t play a game for three weeks.” Competitive is a good description of the game. With the Dragons scoring three more points than the Tigers in the third and two more in the fourth, they pulled above with the win. Both teams had some difficulty with free throws and the players fouls, each having a girl foul out in the fourth quarter. “To put ourselves in a position to win the game and then miss 12 free throws,” Widiker said, “You’re not going to win most games shooting 35 percent. We need to do a better job from the foul line. It’s not going to give us a chance to win those close games shooting below 50 percent.” Webster made seven of their 19 free throws, while Siren made eight of their 17, putting them at 47 percent which was higher then the Tigers. Siren’s Lynette Renberg put up 12 points for her team, while Carley Emery made 11, Janey Emery made six, Ashley Guevara put in two field goals for four and Hailey Mulroy made one free throw to score one. “Our goal was to shut down the Emery girls and Mitchell,” Widiker explained. “The were below their averages. The younger Emery girl still had 11, but to hold Janey to six, I think is an accomplishment.” Webster’s team had Chelsey Bereiter make four field goals and one free throw to score nine for her team, while Beth Baer had two field goals and three free throws for seven. Amanda Alberg scored with a three and two free throws for five, Hogle put up three points and Kathryn Krause and Michelle Gibbs each scored two. “Chelsey had a good first half,” Widiker said. “She came out strong, but we’re still missing scoring somewhere and I’d like to see that.” Webster 72, Siren 35 WEBSTER – The home court was in favor of the Tiger boys when Siren came to play on Friday, Jan. 4, with a win of 72-35. The Tigers struggled a little in the first quarter shooting, but ended up with 22
Webster Samantha Hogle Amanda Alberg Kathryn Krause Leah Janssen Chelsey Bereiter Reba Smallwood Beth Baer Michelle Gibbs Totals
Siren’s Lynette Renberg goes up for a shot as Tiger’s Rose Kopecky tries to block on Friday night. Renberg was the Dragons’ lead scorer with 12 total points. - Photos by Brenda Sommerfeld points while their defense held the Dragons to only four, with field goals from Brennen Moose and Jordan Potvin. “We struggled shooting,” Webster coach Randy Hedrick said. “We’re always going to struggle shooting. I mean, that’s just us.” The score didn’t make it seem that the Tigers had trouble shooting, but they did put up more than went in. The second quarter the Dragons were able to put up 10 points, but it did not compare to Webster’s 20, ending the first half 4214. The second half was the same story, but Siren never gave up with the last quarter the closest they had in points, Siren making 14 and Webster 15. “He’s (Coach Anderson) got them playing until the end,” Hedrick explained. Webster’s points were spread out between players, with Brian Gibbs putting up 18, A.J. Holmquist with 12 and
2s 1 0 1 0 4 0 2 1 9
3s FTM/A F TP 0 1/3 5 3 1 2/3 3 5 0 0/1 1 2 0 0/0 1 0 0 1/1 3 9 0 0/2 0 0 0 3/5 3 7 0 0/0 0 2 1 7/15 14 28
Brian Thill scoring 10. Dylan Geske helped out with eight from two out of two free throws and two 3-pointers, while Adam Baum put in five of his five free throws and one from the field for seven and Alex Main put in three field goals for six. Siren had some shooters step up to put in their points with Adam Daniels making 11 points, Brennen Moose put up seven, Vince Nasman had three field goals for six and Thad Baasch and Jordan Potvin each put in two field goals for four points. Webster has a big game coming up on Friday, Jan. 11 when they visit the Grantsburg Pirates. Both teams have proved to be strong competitors in the conference and only one team can win. “It’ll be interesting,” Hedrick said. “They have a nice squad. We’re looking forward to it, it’s always a nice rivalry between the two of us.” Hedrick mentioned that the Pirates play full-court defense all of the time so his team will need to take care of the basketball, and they need to also make some of the shots that they missed on Friday night’s game.
Team Siren Webster
1 2 3 4 F 4 10 7 14 35 22 20 15 15 72 Individual Statistics Siren 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Christian Hall 0 0 0/0 3 0 Brennen Moose 3 0 1/2 1 7 Adam Daniels 3 1 2/2 4 11 Thad Baasch 2 0 0/0 1 4 Jordan Potvin 2 0 0/0 3 4 Travis Freese 0 0 1/2 3 1 Vince Nasman 3 0 0/0 1 6 Charlie Brown 1 0 0/0 4 2 Totals 14 1 4/6 20 35 Webster Peter Walsh Brian Gibbs Nick Wolfe AJ Holmquist Quentin Johnson Mitchell Elliott Dylan Geske Brian Thill Alex Main Adam Baum Totals
2s 2 1 0 6 2 0 0 4 3 1 19
3s FTM/A F 0 0/0 0 4 4/6 1 0 1/2 2 0 0/0 0 0 0/0 2 0 2/4 1 2 2/2 3 0 2/4 2 0 0/0 0 0 5/6 4 6 16/24 16
TP 4 18 1 12 4 2 8 10 6 7 72
Webster’s Dylan Geske goes for a shot while Thad Baasch and Christian Hall try to get in the way.
Frederic girls chalk up another win in the ballgame. While Holicky said the team made a great game for the fans, they still need to work on finishing out the game. “When the game’s on the line, we need to be able to execute and finish. Right now that’s where we’re struggling,” Holicky said. Becca Milligan had a nice game for the Eagles with a team-high 15 points. Stephanie Kothlow finished with seven points and Brianna Schmid contributed six. - Marty Seeger
Luck girls start new year off right, Unity girls fall to Cameron, boys teams lose Frederic 60, Bruce 47 FREDERIC – The Vikings came back from their vacation with intensity and brought it all against the Bruce team on Friday, Jan. 4, when they chalked up another win by scoring 60 while Bruce only put up 47 points. “Bruce only has one win on the year,” Frederic coach Troy Wink explained, “but they sure played better than that. They really played with energy.” Ending the first half up by seven, Frederic still had a ways to go in order to take the game home as a win, but they accomplished that scoring 32 in the second half while their defense held Bruce to only 26. “The first half wasn’t as good as we wanted it,” Wink said, “but then we stretched it out to 20 at one point in the third quarter. Defensively we probably weren’t where we wanted to be, but offensively to put up 60, we were happy with that.” Those 60 points were scored by a number of the Viking players with Erin Schmidt and Becca Anderson at the top of the list. Schmidt scored with six from the field, and she made five of her six free throws to score 17, while Anderson had two field goals, two 3-pointers and seven of her nine free throws to also add 17. “Erin did a lot of her work on getting to the basket and scoring that way, and Becca was more of an outside presence,” Wink explained. “Both of them did a great job shooting free throws on the night, which I thought was key.” Wink said that Schmidt set the tone with all of her free throws being shot in the first quarter and her making five of six of them. “It right away was a good sign for things to come,” Wink said. Good things did come with Melanie Chenal scoring nine points, three being free throws, Kelly Wondra scored seven with one free throw and three field goals, Anna Tesch put up four points and Megan Anderson, Michelle Owens and Lisa Chelmo each helped with two. The Vikings ended the night making 18 of their 27 free throws for a good average of 67 percent from the line. “We’re pretty satisfied,” Wink stated. “Our goal is to keep improving and getting better and hopefully at the end of the year we end up with a nice record, and if things go our away, maybe, we could still sneak in and grab a share of the conference championship. We’ll see.” - Brenda Sommerfeld Team Bruce Frederic
1 2 3 4 F 13 8 8 18 47 13 15 17 15 60 Individual Statistics Bruce 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Lynne Grancia 4 0 3/6 3 11 Lauralee Kopras 3 0 0/0 2 6 Jessica Behnke 2 0 0/0 0 4 Hope Villiard 2 2 0/0 5 10 Ellie Dahle 5 0 1/1 2 11 Molly Osuldsen 2 0 0/0 2 4 Lydia Kopras 0 0 1/2 5 1 Totals 18 2 5/9 18 47 Frederic Ana Miller Megan Anderson Kelly Wondra Erin Schmidt Adrianna Otte Melanie Chenal Becca Anderson Michelle Owens Lisa Chelmo Anna Tesch Candace Buck Totals
2s 0 1 3 6 0 3 2 1 0 2 0 18
3s FTM/A F 0 0/0 1 0 0/0 0 0 1/6 0 0 5/6 2 0 0/0 4 0 3/3 2 2 7/9 2 0 0/0 1 0 2/2 0 0 0/0 1 0 0/1 2 2 18/27 16
TP 0 2 7 17 0 9 17 2 2 4 0 60
Lisa Chelmo (#34) and Megan Anderson stretch high to get a rebound during their game against Webster Tuesday night. - Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld Luck 38, New Auburn 27 LUCK – Luck coach Marty Messar can boast his Cardinals as an undefeated team in 2008, after their win over New Auburn last Friday night. “To paraphrase a long-dead romantic poet: “’A win is a win is a win,’” Messar commented. This is Luck girls second win of the season, with Sarah Petersen leading the team with 10 points on the night, and Megan Hacker and Briana Stage contributing six each. Brittany Danielson led Megan Hacker with 10 rebounds and Petersen had nine. “We did some good things both offensively and defensively…but we need to get more consistency in our play. We shot 17/58 for the game,” Messar said. “Eight players put up points, which is a real positive for us.” - Marty Seeger Cameron 42, Unity 36 CAMERON – The Unity girls played a tough first half against Cameron last Friday night, but fell just short of their mark. According to coach Chuck Holicky the game was even with just over a minute to play. “We had a couple of good shots from the block, wide open and didn’t convert,” Holicky said. But in the end Unity was forced to foul and the Comets converted to make the difference Becca Milligan Team New Auburn Luck
1 2 3 4 F 6 8 2 11 27 11 12 5 10 38 Individual Statistics New Auburn 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Maura Schwagel 2 0 0/0 4 4 Lacy McFarlane 0 0 1/2 0 1 Danielle Goodremote 1 1 2/4 1 7 Sarah Pope 1 1 2/4 3 7 Marissa Baldry 0 0 1/3 3 1 Sasha Nelson 1 0 5/6 4 7 Totals 5 2 11/19 15 27 Luck Erica Wilson Briana Stage Melissa Jenssen Megan Hacker Sarah Petersen Krystal Stage Chelsea Rasmussen Brittney Danielson Morgan Denny Taryn Pilz Totals
2s 2 3 1 2 4 1 0 2 0 2 17
3s FTM/A F TP 0 0/0 5 4 0 0/0 2 6 0 0/0 1 2 0 2/5 3 6 0 2/4 3 10 0 0/0 1 2 0 0/0 1 0 0 0/0 4 4 0 0/1 0 0 0 0/0 0 4 0 4/10 20 38
Shell Lake 45, Frederic 43 SHELL LAKE – The Vikings boys had their work cut out for them on Friday, Jan. 4, when they visited the Shell Lake Lakers. They were down by four going into halftime 16-12, but came out to lead most of the second, and then a Laker put in a 3-pointer in the last 15 seconds. With Frederic not able to get another shot off, Shell Lake took the win 45-43. “We took care of the ball a lot better,” coach Ben Nelson stated. “We only had 12 turnovers, so that’s encouraging because it’s something that’s been haunting us all year I guess.” With Shell Lake changing it up from a 1-2-2-zone defense to a man-to-man, the Vikings had a little trouble, but were able to take care of the ball. Hanging onto the ball and getting better shots are both helping Frederic to improve. “We’re getting better,” Nelson said. “We’re making progress. We still need to find some scoring other than Kyle though, but they’re not giving up. They play hard the whole game.” Kyle Swenson was the lead scorer, with 19 points including five of his six free-throw attempts, while Zach Anderson stepped up with 11 points, Ben Anderson put up five, Ben Nelson and Nolan Neumann each had a 3pointer and Brent Crandell scored a field goal. - Brenda Sommerfeld
Cumberland 73, Unity 40 BALSAM LAKE – The Unity boys team faced an uphill battle against Cumberland last Friday night, and struggled to do the things they did well against Somerset just two weeks earlier. The Eagles hadn’t played a game since Dec. 21, and coming off the break may have been a factor in the team’s sluggish play. “I’m hoping that’s what it was, I guess,” coach Shaun Fisher said. “Over the holidays we didn’t practice very well.” Fisher is happy to be getting back to the normal routine, but the road doesn’t get easier. The team is in the midst of one of its toughest schedules of the season. With Cumberland over, it’s on to Grantsburg, Luck and Cameron. “It’s definitely a good test for us,” Fisher said. - Marty Seeger
Eric Goulet handles the ball while looking for an open man. - Photo by Carl Heidel Team Cumberland Unity Cumberland J. Coil A. Taylor M. Molls N. Weltzin J. Helberg B. Grewe M. Forster B. Enget K. Mattison Totals
Frederic’s Ben Nelson brings the ball down the court. - Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld Team Unity Cameron
1 2 3 4 F 12 13 3 8 36 9 6 10 17 42 Individual Statistics Unity 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Cailin Turner 1 0 0/0 1 2 Brianna Schmid 1 0 4/4 3 6 Becca Milligan 6 0 3/5 4 15 Stephanie Kothlow 3 0 1/1 0 7 Briana Bielmeier 0 0 0/0 2 0 Elizabeth Ebensperger 1 0 0/0 1 2 Andrea Thompson 2 0 0/0 3 4 Totals 14 0 8/10 12 36 Cameron Sally Marske Kelsey Zych Anna Walther Katie Hill Brianne Moon Liz Jacobs Heidi Czyscon Totals
2s 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 13
3s FTM/A F TP 2 3/4 3 11 0 0/0 0 2 0 0/0 5 8 1 2/3 2 7 0 0/0 1 6 0 2/2 1 6 0 0/2 3 2 3 7/11 14 42
1 2 3 4 26 18 14 15 8 19 9 4 Individual Statistics 2s 3s FTM/A 9 0 1/1 1 0 0/1 0 0 0/0 6 2 2/4 2 0 0/0 5 0 0/0 3 0 0/0 3 0 0/1 3 0 0/0 32 2 3/8
Unity Sam Bengston Seth McKenzie Chad Strilzuk Cory Tunheim Justin Bader Ryan Flaherty Eric Goulet Brady Flaherty Lance Peper Tyler Bublitz Totals
2s 0 0 2 1 6 1 0 1 2 2 15
F 73 40 F TP 2 19 0 2 3 0 0 20 0 4 1 10 2 6 1 6 0 6 9 73
3s FTM/A F TP 0 0/1 2 0 0 0/0 2 0 1 1/1 0 8 0 0/0 1 2 1 0/0 3 15 1 0/0 2 5 0 0/0 1 0 0 0/0 1 2 0 0/0 3 4 0 0/0 0 4 3 1/2 15 40
Team Frederic Shell Lake
1 2 3 4 F 10 4 7 5 43 21 17 16 9 45 Individual Statistics Frederic 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Brent Crandell 1 0 0/0 3 2 Ben Nelson 0 1 0/0 0 3 Ben G. Anderson 1 1 0/0 0 5 Zach Anderson 4 0 3/6 2 11 Kyle Swenson 4 2 5/6 5 19 Nolan Neumann 0 1 0/0 0 3 Totals 10 5 8/12 10 43 Shell Lake Bob Scheu Jordan Forsythe John Cusick Brady Marcshall Brandon Degner Evan Fox Tony Mikula Luke Gronning Totals
2s 1 1 4 0 0 6 2 1 15
3s FTM/A F 0 1/1 0 2 0/0 1 2 1/4 4 0 0/0 2 0 0/2 1 0 0/0 3 0 1/2 1 0 0/0 3 4 3/9 15
TP 3 8 15 0 0 12 5 2 45
Blizzard continues damage in area stayed, as neither team could put one past the other’s goalie. Coach Sears and assistant coach Adam Broten had bet their team that if they won the holiday tournament, they would join them in the team unity: everyone has blond hair. After winning that tournament, the team held them to their word, kidnapped the coaches before the team meal, and got them a new do. “Not a big fan of my new hair color,” Sears admitted, “but I would do anything for my guys. It’s a great group.” Hair color and a lot of talent must be what helps keep this team undefeated halfway through their season.
Coaches lose bet, get blond hair Blizzard 3, Pine City 2 by Brenda Sommerfeld GRANTSBURG – The Blizzard continues its damaging path throughout the area with another win on Friday, Jan. 4. This one was a close one, with them beating Pine City, Minn., 3-2. During the Pine City game, it was a close match until the very end. “Pine City always plays us tough,” coach Greg Sears said. “Nice little rivalry we got going with them.” It wasn’t an easy match, but Travis Close nailed in the first goal five minutes into the first period on a power play, with assists from Dave Harlander and Robbie Billings. Pine City couldn’t get through the Blizzard defense to score in the first, but got out in the second and put one in within the first two minutes. The Blizzard answered back 10 minutes later with a goal by Cameron Hughes on the assist from Robbie Billings. The third quarter got nerve-wracking for the Blizzard when Pine City got a
Team Pine City (MN) Blizzard
2 1 1
3 1 1
F 2 3
Scoring First Period – 1 B Travis Close (Dave Harlander, Robbie Billings) 5:17 Second Period – 1 PC Nathan Theisen (Dan Sebastian, Brady Schumacher) 1:52, 2 B Cameron Hughes (Robbie Billings) 13:31 Third Period – 2 PC Terry Kraft (Tyler Will, Michael Schouveller) 6:36, 3 B Cameron Hughes (Travis Close) 7:46 Goalies Saves – B Mike Billings (23),PC James Fregein (37)
David Harlander takes the puck up the ice during the Holiday tournament previously this season. - File photo by Brenda Sommerfeld power-play goal to tie them up 2-2. There was never any cause for concern with Cameron Hughes putting in his
1 0 1
second for the night one minute later, with help from Travis Close to take the lead back 3-2. This is where the score
Lady Blizzard falls to New Richmond with New Richmond getting in their second goal five minutes into the third period, the Lady Blizzard had to put another one past the Tiger goalie. They tried and had a few opportunities, but could not find the back of the net this time. Thursday, Jan. 10, the Lady Blizzard will go against Superior at the Siren Lodge Arena. – by Brenda Sommerfeld
Allie Briggs scores goal for Lady Blizzard New Richmond 2, Lady Blizzard 1 by Brenda Sommerfeld SIREN – Tuesday, Jan. 8 looked good for the Lady Blizzard in the first period when they had the lead, but the New Richmond Tigers scored one in each of the next two periods to take the win home with them, 2-1. Allie Briggs scored an even-strength unassisted goal in the first period, to take the Lady Blizzard off to a good start, putting them in the lead while the defensive team kept New Richmond from scoring. The second period turned to a tie 11:49 into it, with the Tigers putting a goal in the net by goalie Tiffany Meyer on a power play. The game was still either teams’, but
LEFT: Defenseman Sasha Chell gets possession of the puck during a previous game. - File photo by Brenda Sommerfeld Team New Richmond Lady Blizzard
1 0 1
2 1 0
3 1 0
F 2 1
Scoring First Period – 1 LB Allie Briggs 4:31 Second Period – 1 NR Caitlynn Singerhouse (Megan Cox) 11:49 Third Period – 2 NR Leah Egan (Emily Cook) 5:08 Goalies Saves – LB Tiffany Meyer (18), NR Elizabeth Nadeah (17)
Youth hockey results Burnett Youth Hockey December 28-29
U-12 Girls
Coon Rapids 6, Grantsburg/Burnett 0
Saves: Hope Tucker (10), Gabby Schiller (9)
Grantsburg/Burnett 9, Superior 0
Goals: Wendy Roberts (3), Ashley Dietmier, Tianna Stewart, Sam O’Brien, Danielle Pardun, Brittney Luedtke, Paige Johnson Assists: Johanna Lauer (3), Sam O’Brien (2), Brittney Luedtke (2), Danielle Pardun, Laura Harlander, Kassie Lien Saves: Hope Tucker (0)
U-12 Girls
January 5-6
Goals: Paige Johnson (2), Danielle Pardun, Brittney Luedtke, Taylor Heathman, Wendy Roberts, Sam O’Brien, Laura Harlander Assists: Ashley Dietmier (3), Sam O’Brien, Breanna Phernetton, Paige Johnson, Johanna Lauer, Danielle Pardun Saves: Hope Tucker (2)
Grants./Burnett 7, Western Wis. Stars 0
Goals: Ashley Dietmier (2), Laura Harlander, Tianna Stewart, Paige Johnson, Taylor Heathman, Wendy Roberts Assists: Wendy Roberts, Brittney Luedtke, Sam O’Brien, Paige Johnson, Johanna Lauer Saves: Hope Tucker (1)
Grantsburg/Burnett 5, Buffalo 1
Squirt A
Grantsburg/Burnett 9, Hayward 1
Goals: Vincent Larson (4), Brett Richison, Brady Mangen Assists: Nick Robinson, Brady Mangen Saves: Bailey Mangen (15)
Goals: Kassie Lien (2), Ashley Dietmier, Paige Johnson, Taylor Heathman Assists: Johanna Lauer, Laura Harlander Saves: Hope Tucker (6)
The Grantsburg/Burnett U-12 girls went to the Hayward tournament last weekend and won first place. Pictured back row (L to R): Assistant coach Craig Johnson, Ashley Dietmier, Kassie Lien, Breanna Phernetton, Taylor Heathman, Johanna Lauer, Paige Johnson, head coach Darren Lien and assistant coach Teri O’Brien. Middle row (L to R): Tianna Stewart, Wendy Roberts, Sam O’Brien, Danielle Pardun, Laura Harlander and Brittney Luedtke. Pictured front row is Hope Tucker. – Photo submitted
Grantsburg/Burnett 8, Menomonie 0
Goals: Sam O’Brien (3), Wendy Roberts (2), Brittney Luedtke, Kassie Lien, Danielle Pardun, Ashley Dietmier Assists: Paige Johnson (2), Tianna Stewart (2), Johanna Lauer (2), Brittney Luedtke, Danielle Pardun Saves: Hope Tucker (7)
Burnett 6, Somerset 2
Somerset 3, Burnett 0
Saves: Bailey Mangen (20)
Read Leader Sports!
Siren sixth-grade girls win two at tournament PREPS
NAME: Ryan Larson SCHOOL: St. Croix Falls YEAR: Sophomore COMMENTS: Saints forward Ryan Larson was a force in the Saints huge win over Grantsburg last Friday night. Larson posted a double-double of 11 points and 11 rebounds and sunk five of six shots from the charity stripe. Ryan Larson "Larson's second half was huge, he gave us a little spark out there," assistant coach Jason Loney said. Most of Larson's rebounds came in the second half. – Marty Seeger
NAME: Brittney Danielson SCHOOL: Luck YEAR: Sophomore COMMENTS: Luck sophomore Brittney Danielson helped lead the Cardinals to their first conference victory of the season with 10 points and five rebounds. The Cardinals have won two-straight in 08' and led a balanced Brittney Danielson scoring attack and took an agressive approach on defense. Coach Marty Messar said it was the girls’ best allaround game of the season. – Marty Seeger
LEFT: The Siren sixth-grade girls basketball team won two games at the Great Northwest League Championship Tournament this past weekend, Jan. 5-6, in Eau Claire. The top 32 teams in the league were invited to the tournament, which consisted of 185 teams from Minnesota and Wisconsin. The members of the Siren sixth-grade girls basketball team that participated in the tournament are front row (L-R): Whitney Yambrick, Stefani Wambolt, Mackenzie Smith, Sydney Erickson and Jessica Strabel. Second Row (L-R): Emily Howe, Mercedes Moody, Zoe Emery, Carly Good and Amber Moore. Seated in the back is Coach Ryan Karsten. – Photo submitted
A R E A Hacker’s Lanes Sunday Afternoon Mixed Standings: D & Bs 21, Spare-Us 19, The Hee Haws 12, Gems 11, Hot Shots 11, Sandbaggers 10. Women’s games: Edla Meyer 190, Bea Moyer (Sandbaggers) (Sandbaggers) 186, Gail Linke (The Hee Haws) 182. Women’s series: Gail Linke (The Hee Haws) 515, Edla Meyer (Sandbaggers) 504, Barb Morgan (D&Bs) 484. Men’s games: Scott Morrison (Gems) 202, Brandon Barfknecht (Hot Shots) 181, Theony Gardner (D&Bs) 175. Men’s series: Scott Morrison (Gems) 564, Chuck Moyer (Sandbaggers) 501, Brandon Barfknecht (Hot Shots) & Jim Loomis (Spare-Us) 490. Team games: Sandbaggers 833, SpareUs 811, Gems 805. Team series: Sandbaggers 2420, Hot Shots 2335, Gems 2333. 50 pins above series: Bea Moyer (+53). Sunday Nite No Tap Mixed Couples Standings: Long Shots 24, Knaubers 24, Packer Backers 21, Jeff’s Team 20.5, Late Comers 19, Happy Campers 19, No Names 13, Chuck’s Team 9.5. Women’s games: Linda Richter (LS) 245, Debbie Swanson (PB) 231, Yvonne Snyder (HC) 219. Women’s series: Linda Richter (LS) 609, Yvonne Snyder (HC) 597, Gwen Larsen (HC) 547. Men’s games: Chris Rowell (NN) 300, Leonard Knauber (K) 300, Gene Hansen (JT) 280. Men’s series: Leonard Knauber (K) 766, Gene Hansen (JT) 761, Chris Rowell (NN) 741. Team games: Knaubers 871, Long Shots 837, No Names 833. Team series: Long Shots 2488, Knaubers 2306, Packer Backers 2247. Wednesday Afternoon Ladies Standings: Hacker’s Lanes 5-9, Frandsen Dairy 5-8, Eggs 2-7, Pioneer Bar 2-4. Individual games: Laur Fisk (PB) 172, Betty Schandorff (HL) 171, Laur Fisk (PB) 169. Individual series: Betty Schandorff (HL) 564, Laur Fisk (PB) 453, Julie Young (PB) 448. Team games: Pioneer Bar 589, Frandsen Dairy 568 & 559. Team series: Frandsen Dairy 1640, Pioneer Bar 1636, Hacker’s Lanes 1557. Wednesday Night Early Men’s Standings: Parker 4, Larsen Auto Center 4, Lewis Silo 3, Four Seasons Wood Products 2, Cummings Lumber 2, Pioneer Bar 1, A-1 Machine 0, Skol Bar 0. Individual games: Don Swanson (CL) 256, Steve Baillargeon (A-1) 254, Don Hughes (4S) 247. Individual series: Don Hughes (4S) 704, Shawn Olson (LS) 683, Dale Gregory (4S) 662. Team games: Four Season Wood Prod.
B O W L I N G 1057, Wood Team 3088, 2864.
Lewis Silo 1031, Four Season Prod. 1019. series: Four Season Wood Prod. A-1 Machine 2866, Lewis Silo
Thursday Early 3-Man Standings: Full Timers 10, K-Wood 8, Fab Four 8, Wikstrom Construction 7, Grindell Law Offices 6, Hell Raisers 5, Frontier Trails 5, CenturyTel 3. Individual games: Ed Bitler (K-W) 296, Don McKInney (FF) 267, Mike Sullivan (WC) & Blake Douglas (GLO) 257. Individual series: Ed Bilter (K-W) 725, Dennis Lieder (FuT) 669, Don McKinney (FF) 654. Team games: Grindell Law Offices 697, Full Timers 680, Fab Four 649. Team series: Full Timers 1877, K-Wood 1752, Grindell Law Offices 1710. Consecutive strikes (5 or more): Ed Bitler 11x = 296; Don McKinney 7x = 267; Dave Grindell 6x = 226; Brian McBroom 5x = 236; Dennis Lieder 5x = 236. Games 50 or more above average: Ed Bitler 296 (+88); Dennis Lieder 236 (+69) & 234 (+67); Blake Douglas 257 (+62); Mike Sullivan 257 (+60); Don McKinney 267 (+55). Series 100 or more above average: Dennis Lieder 669 (+168); Ed Bitler 725 (+101). Most points: Dave Hall (HR) 35. Splits converted: 4-7-10: John Hickey. 2-4-10: Ed Bitler. 5-10: John Anderson. 310: Marlin Larson x2; Jim Wikstrom x2; Joel Struck; Curt LaPree. Thursday Late Men’s Standings: Hog Wild 4-0, Hansen Farms Inc. 3-1, Fisk Trucking 3-1, Stotz & Company 1-3, Johnson Upholstery 1-3. Individual games: Dale Frandsen 256, Nile Peterson 246, Gene Wynn Jr. 233. Individual series: Dale Frandsen 690, Ole Baillargeon 652, Dave Gabrielson 638. Team games: Hansen Farms Inc. 947, Fisk Trucking 937, Stotz & Company 923. Team series: Hansen Farms Inc. 2757, Fisk Trucking 2616, Stotz & Company 2611. Friday Night Ladies (from 12/28/07) Standings: Meyer’s Plus 5, The Leader 4.5, Tin Cup Promotions 4, Junque Art 3, Hole in the Wall 2.5, Skol Bar 2. Individual games: Jen Carlson 196, Cindy Denn 190, Linda O’Donnell 184. Individual series: Cara Holicky 523, Jen Carlson 506, Cindy Denn 485. Team games: Junque Art 676, Skol Bar 636, Meyer’s Plus 620. Team series: Junque Art 1911, Skol Bar 1839, Meyer’s Plus 1759. Games 50 or more above average: Tammy Lindberg. Friday Night Ladies (from 1/4/08) Standings: Meyer’s Plus 10, Hole in the Wall 7.5, Skol Bar 7, The Leader 6.5, Tin Cup Promotions 6, Junque Art 5. Individual games: Gail Linke 187, Myrna Magnuson 186, Jen Carlson 183. Individual series: Edla Meyer 534, Gail
Linke 498, Missy Hernandez 496. Team games: Skol Bar 652, Meyer’s Plus 644, Junque Art 618. Team series: Skol Bar 1906, Meyer’s Plus 1810, Junque Art 1709. Games 50 or more above average: Myrna Magnuson. Saturday Night Mixed Standings: Generation III 40, Skowl 39, Lakers 35, Dead Eyes 32, X It 30, Handicaps 29, Schmidt House 4 26, CC Lupinos 21. Women’s games: Deb Ingram (SK) 198, Jenn Renfroe (GE) 197, Kathy Underwood (SUB) 178. Women’s series: Kathy Underwood (SUB) 502, Jenn Renfroe (GE) 491, Kelly Schmidt (SC) 467. Men’s games: Ron Skow (SK) 267, Jeb Clarin (DE) 235 & 222. Men’s series: Jeb Clarin (DE) 660, Ron Skow (SK) 632, Brad Schmidt (SC) 599. Team games: Skowl 762, Lakers 718, X It 706. Team series: Lakers 1989, Skowl 1958, X It 1917.
McKenzie Lanes Tuesday Women’s Day Standings: A-1 Machine 12, Kassel Tap 11, Country Gals 10, Hauge Dental 10, Custom Outfitters 7, Gutter Dusters 6, B&H Builders 5, Bye 7. Individual games: Norma Hauge 210, Audrey Ruck 204, Denise F. Donaghue 198. Individual series: Norma Hauge 601, Audrey Ruck 542, Denise F. Donaghue 499. Team games: Country Gals 796, Hauge Dental 795, Gutter Dusters 775. Team series: Country Gals 2234, Hauge Dental 2188, Kassel Tap 2184. Wednesday Night Men’s Standings: Davy’s Construction 8, McKenzie Lanes 8, Harvest Moon 6, Hanjo Farms 6, Edina Realty 2, Dalles Electric 2, Tiger Express 0, Reed’s Marina 0. Individual games: Jim McKenzie 278, Dennis Kindem 247, Dan Peper & Craig Willert 245. Individual series: Craig Willert 708, Jim McKenzie 693, Dick Wallis 673. Team games: Edina Realty 1054, Harvest Moon 1051. Team series: Davy’s Construction 2936,
R E S U L T S Harvest Moon 2914. Thursday Night Ladies (from 12/27/07) Standings: Hauge Dental 67, Eagle Valley Bank 65.5, Balsam Lake Hardware 63, Century 21 63, K.C. Electrical 59, Hack’s Pub 56.5, RiverBank 54, Deer Lake Block 52. Individual games: Jen Whelan 212, Denise Donaghue 202, Debbie Korsan 202. Individual series: Shannon Cox 543, Jen Whelan 521, Denise Donaghue 505. Team games: Hack’s Pub 1028, Deer Lake Block 1006, Eagle Valley Bank 1003. Team series: K.C. Electrical 2910, Deer Lake Block 2870, Hack’s Pub 2869. Thursday Night Ladies (from 1/3/08) Standings: Hauge Dental 79.5, Eagle Valley Bank 75, K.C. Electrical 73, Century 21 70.5, Balsam Lake Hardware 67.5, RiverBank 66.5, Hack’s Pub 65.5, Deer Lake Block 62.5. Individual games: Penny Kammerud 210, Debbie Korsan 208, Melanie Erickson 199. Individual series: Denise Donaghue 523, Annette Norlander 505, Lana McKenzie 497. Team games: K.C. Electrical 1048, Century 21 966, Eagle Valley Bank 954. Team series: K.C. Electrical 2864, RiverBank 2757, Hauge Dental 2743. Saturday Junior League Standings: Jeff’s Small Engine 43, Firecrackers 37, McKenzie Lanes 36, Pink Panthers 26, Dragon Bowlers 0, Bye 0. Girls games: Amelia Fisk 120, McKenzie Karzmar 118, Amelia Fisk 115. Girls series: Amelia Fisk 323, McKenzie Katzmar 317, Felicia Fisk 298. Boys games: Cory Crowell 202 & 193, Andrew Johnson 153. Boys series: Cory Crowell 542, Andrew Johnson 428, Beau Davison 370.
Black and Orange Lanes TNT Ladies Standings: Cashco 6-2, Wild Bill’s 4-4, Flower Power 4-4, Larry’s LP 2-6. Individual games: Lylah Nelson (C) 179, Jennifer Kern (L) 169, Cheryl Hansen (WB) 162. Individual series: Lylah Nelson (C) 483, Jennifer Kern (L) 473, Julie Remund (WB) 448. Team games: Cashco 867, Wild Bill’s 835, Flower Power 825. Team series: Cashco 2486, Wild Bill’s 2396, Larry’s LP 2383. Early Birds Standings: 10th Hole 9-3, Gandy Dancer Saloon 8-4, Black & Orange 5-7, Log Cabin Store 2-10. Individual games: Marcy Viebrock (B&O) 233, Michelle Lisdahl (10th) 180, Donna Crain (B&O) 179. Individual series: Marcy Viebrock (B&O) 521, Donna Crain (B&O) 481, Michelle Lisdahl (10th) 455.
Team games: Black & Orange 923, 10th Hole 894, Gandy Dancer 845. Team series: Black & Orange 2573, 10th Hole 2504, Gandy Dancer 2468. Consecutive strikes (5 or more): Marcy Viebrock 5. Games 50 or more above average: Michelle Lisdahl 180 (+52); Marcy Viebrock 233 (+83). Monday Night Men’s Standings: Bruce’s Auto 4-0, Pope’s Construction 4-0, Parker 2-2, Larry’s LP 2-2, Glass & Mirror Works 0-4, Vacant 04. Individual games: Mike Zajac (GM) 202, Curt Phelps (BA) 199, Dean Eytcheson (BA) 193. Individual series: Dean Eytcheson (BA) 546, Curt Phelps (BA) 542, Larry Johnson (L) 514. Team games: Larry’s LP 932, Pope’s Const. 927, Parker 904. Team series: Larry’s LP 2675, Bruce’s Auto 2628, Pope’s Const. 2606. Others (triplicates, all-spare games, etc.): Josh Johnson - triplicate 147. Wednesday Night Men’s Standings: Black & Orange 4-0, Lions 31, 10th Hole 3-1, T&P Tree Service 1-3, Northview Drive Inn 1-3, Cashco 0-4. Individual games: Monte Rinnman (C) 241, Kris Peterson (B&O), Kevin Swanson (B&O) & Chuck Anderson (10th) 189, Larry Johnson (L) 186. Individual series: Monte Rinnman (C) 561, Larry Johnson (L) 534, Kevin Swanson (B&O) 509. Team games: Black & Orange 946, 10th Hole 945, Cashco 939. Team series: Black & Orange 2671, Lions 2614, Cashco 2584. Games 50 or more above average: Monte Rinnman 241 (+72). Early Risers Standings: 10th Hole 8-4, Hole in the Wall 6-6, Gandy Dancer 6-6, A+ Sanitation 4-8. Individual games: Lucy Hansen (HITW) 192, Donna Koon (10th) 160, Angel Paulzine (HITW) 159. Individual series: Angel Paulzine (HITW) 444, Lucy Hansen (HITW) 440, Celia Leehe (HITW) 424. Team games: A+ Sanitation 727, Hole in the Wall 698, Gandy Dancer 655. Team series: A+ Sanitation 1960, Hole in the Wall 1959, 10th Hole 1896. Games 50 or more above average: Lucy Hansen 192 (+60). Thursday Night Ladies Standings: Black & Orange 5-3, Lipsy’s 4-4, Hole in the Wall 4-4, Pour House 44, Ben Ott Const. 4-4, Check Services 35. Individual games: Angie Olson (CS) 211, Audrey Pardun (HITW) 200, Pam McCormick (HITW) 181. Individual series: Angie Olson (CS) 514, Audrey Pardun (HITW) 501, Jennifer Kern (B&O) 470. Team games: Hole in the Wall 729, Ben Ott Const. 727, Check Services 716.
Luck ladies roll Saints
Team Luck Webster St. Croix Falls Grantsburg Unity Siren Frederic
Conf. 4-0 4-0 3-1 3-2 1-4 1-4 1-5
Overall 8-0 10-1 3-3 6-2 2-7 1-8 1-10
Friday, January 4 St. Croix Falls 54, Grantsburg 52 Webster 72, Siren 35 Shell Lake 45, Frederic 43 Cumberland 73, Unity 40 Tuesday, January 8 Webster 44, Frederic 28 Grantsburg 82, Unity 56 Luck 54, St. Croix Falls 39 Northwood 62, Siren 58
Coming up
Luck 42, St. Croix Falls 32 by Marty Seeger LUCK – The Luck girls continued to make a memorable New Year as they defeated the Saints at home on Tuesday night. This is Luck’s first conference win of the season and second consecutive win of 2008. “Luck girls played their best game of the season in defeating St. Croix Falls 42-32,” said Cards coach Marty Messar. Luck had a one-point lead at the half but exploded in the second half with 27 points. Taryn Pilz came up big with five assists in the second half, as well as eight points. Brittney Danielson led Luck with 10 points and five rebounds. Megan Hacker had nine points, and Sarah Petersen added eight points. “Our defense played well…we really put great effort into the victory,” Messar remarked. Friday Luck will play at Unity. 1 2 3 4 F 7 14 11 9 41 15 15 14 16 60 Individual Statistics 2s 3s FTM/A F TP Unity Tina Edgell 0 0 3/6 3 0 Cailin Turner 2 0 0/0 1 4 2 0 1/4 0 5 Brianna Schmid Becca Milligan 1 3 0/4 3 11 0 0 0/0 2 0 Stephanie Kothlow Briana Bielmeier 1 1 0/0 1 5 1 0 0/0 1 2 Elizabeth Ebensperger Andrea Thompson 1 3 0/0 4 11 Totals 8 7 4/14 15 41 Team Unity Grantsburg
Grantsburg Abbey Vaksdal Sarah Wald Kortney Morrin Megan Finch Ingrid Ames Stephanie Jensen Vanessa Kleiss Alison McKinley Laura Skifstad Totals
2s 1 2 4 1 6 0 2 0 2 18
3s FTM/A F 0 0/0 1 0 0/0 1 3 2/4 0 2 5/8 2 0 1/6 2 0 1/2 0 0 0/0 2 0 0/2 2 0 0/2 2 5 9/24 12
TP 2 4 19 13 13 1 4 0 4 60
Grantsburg 60, Unity 41 GRANTSBURG – The Pirate girls basketball team took care of the Eagles easily in Tuesday night action, just four days after their conference loss to the Saints last Friday night. Freshman Kortney Morrin led the Pirates brigade with a barrage of 19 points, while Ingrid Ames and Megan Finch piled on 13 points apiece. Sarah Wald, Vanessa Kleiss and Laura Skifstad added for points each. Andrea Thompson led the Eagles with 11 points, as did Becca Milligan. Brianna Schmid and Briana Bielmeier each contributed four points. The Eagles will be hosting Luck this Friday night, and the Pirates host Webster.
1 2 3 4 F 7 7 9 9 32 7 8 13 14 42 Individual Statistics St. Croix Falls 2s 3s FTM/A F TP 0 0 0/0 1 0 Alex Confer Jenny Benoy 2 1 1/3 2 8 1 0 0/0 1 2 Annie Confer Marissa Campeau 7 0 0/4 3 14 1 0 0/0 1 2 Kelsey Douglass-White Megan Yunker 1 0 0/0 3 2 Sasha Bryant 1 0 2/4 5 4 Totals 13 1 3/11 16 32
Team St. Croix Falls Luck
Luck Erica Wilson Briana Stage Melissa Jensen Megan Hacker Sarah Petersen Krystal Stage Brittney Danielson Taryn Pilz Totals
2s 2 1 0 4 3 0 4 3 17
3s FTM/A F TP 0 0/1 2 4 0 0/0 3 2 0 1/2 2 1 0 1/2 0 9 0 2/2 3 8 0 0/0 2 0 0 2/2 1 10 0 2/8 3 8 0 8/17 16 42
Thursday, January 10 7:30 p.m. Siren at Drummond Friday, January 11 7:30 p.m. Frederic at Northwood (DH) Webster at Grantsburg (DH) Luck at Unity (DH) Siren at St. Croix Falls (DH) Monday, January 14 7 p.m. Weyerhaeuser at Frederic Tuesday, January 15 7:30 p.m. Pine City at Grantsburg Cameron at Unity
West Lakeland Conference Standings
Team Siren Frederic St. Croix Falls Grantsburg Webster Luck Unity
Friday, January 4 Grantsburg 3, Pine City 2
Coming up
Saturday, January 12 Puis at Siren 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 15 Moose Lake at Grantsburg 7 p.m.
Thursday, January 10 Turtle Lake/Clayton at St. Croix Falls 7 p.m. Clear Lake at Unity Spooner at Luck Saturday, January 12 9 a.m. Unity at St. Croix Falls Invite 10 a.m. LFG at Medford Invite
A relatively crummy (for me, anyway) 10-4 record last week dropped my overall mark to 56-10, or 85 percent. Still, I’m proud of nailing several games really close, including the SirenMinong girls game. I’m still stunned over what happened at St. Croix Falls last Friday when the Saints THE AMAZING BYNOR swept the doubleheader from Grantsburg. But as I look over the list of upcoming matchups, it seems like it will be a really easy and successful week for me and my success rate should climb again.
The Amazing Bynor
Siren 55, Drummond 54—What the heck—I’m going out on a limb for my Dragons. St. Croix Falls 58, Siren 43—The Saints keep their title hopes alive. Grantsburg 50, Webster 49—People might think I’m nuts after last Friday’s SCF debacle, but I don’t care. I’ve never backed away from a challenge, and I ain’t about to start now. Luck 66, Unity 40—The Cards make it look easy. Grantsburg 74, Pine City 70—The Pirates always enjoy the opportunity to play Minnesota-style basketball. Frederic 53, Weyerhaeuser 44—The
Conf. 4-0 4-1 2-1 2-2 1-3 1-3 0-4
Overall 6-1 8-1 3-5 2-5 3-5 3-6 0-7
Friday, January 4 Siren 38, Webster 28 St. Croix Falls 52, Grantsburg 45 Luck 38, New Auburn 27 Cameron 42, Unity 36 Frederic 60, Bruce 47 Tuesday, January 8 Grantsburg 60, Unity 41 Luck 42, St. Croix Falls 32 Northwood 47, Siren 43 Frederic 47, Webster 40
Coming up
Friday, January 11 Frederic at Northwood (DH) 6 p.m. Webster at Grantsburg (DH) Luck at Unity (DH) Siren at St. Croix Falls (DH) Monday, January 14 7:30 p.m. Grantsburg at Amery Webster at Birchwood Tuesday, January 15 Clear Lake at Unity 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Shell Lake at Frederic Luck at Weyerhaeuser St. Croix Falls at Cameron
Boys games
Unity's Andrea Thompson attempts to dribble past Sarah Wald. The Pirates won easily. Photo by Carl Heidel
LEADER S P O R T S S C O R E B O A R D West Lakeland Conference Standings
Luck Senior Erica Wilson attempts a drive against St. Croix Falls' junior Alex Confer. - Photo by Marty Seeger
Lady Blizzard
Tuesday, January 8 New Richmond 2, Lady Blizzard 1
Coming up
Thursday, January 10 Superior at Siren 7 p.m. Saturday, January 12 2 p.m. Northland Pines at Siren Tuesday, January 15 7 p.m. Blizzard at River Falls
Saturday, January 12 12 p.m. Grantsburg at River Falls St. Croix Falls at River Falls
Wildcats have only one win and even lost to LCO earlier this week. Unity 48, Cameron 46—The Eagles pull off a mild nonconference upset. Girls games Siren 50, St. Croix Falls 34— After stumbling out of the post-holiday blocks, the Dragons get back in gear with a solid performance. Minong-Northwood 55, Frederic 41— Earlier I said the Vikes would have a nine game winning streak when they face Siren on Jan. 22, but the streak will stop at six. Frederic 51, Shell Lake 30—No contest. Cameron 45, St. Croix Falls 36—The Comets are a good team Grantsburg 40, Webster 38—The Pirates prevail in a thriller. Luck 29, Unity 24—There will be plenty of whistles and play-stoppages, but when the smoke clears the Cards will have their third-straight W. Birchwood 48, Webster 38—Birchwood has some scoring punch. Amery 58, Grantsburg 39—Give GHS credit for scheduling a tough nonconference foe. Birchwood 43, Luck 31-The Cards’ minirun comes to an end. Clear Lake 41, Unity 29-A bit closer than the last time these teams clashed.
Making time for jerky I spent the bulk of my time last Friday night in St. Croix Falls, covering the basketball doubleheader. But afterwards, it was a mad scramble to the nearMarty est grocery store in Seeger search of the perfect jerky seasoning. My wife’s birthday The was soon approaching, and she request- Bottom Line ed that I make a batch of jerky as part of her birthday present. Not a bad gift, or request by any means, but somehow I felt like most husbands probably do during times like these, scrambling for that last-second birthday gift. At least I remembered, or maybe it was her that reminded me. Either way, I probably should have checked the cupboards before I left home because there was plenty of seasoning after I started digging a little. Making jerky during the off-season has become a yearly habit for me, and it’s a great way to utilize all available meat on the deer to ensure that nothing goes to waste. About a month ago I spent an afternoon digging through the chest freezer, sorting through every package of venison, and making sure it was still edible. I found two packages from 2005—probably not something to sink your teeth into, so I reluctantly threw them out. They looked badly freezer burned, so rather than taint the entire batch of
meat I figured it would be best not to risk it. The amazing thing is that after moving about three or four times in the past three years, those two packages managed to move with me. Fortunately, everything else in the freezer remained up-to-date, and ready to send off to the processor. It turns out that in my freezer totaled 107 pounds of trimmings from deer harvested over the past two years, not including the two my wife and I harvested during the rifle season. I brought it to a local processor and had about 40 pounds made into snack sticks and ring bologna. The rest was ground straight into neat, 1-pound packages, which is the meat I use for dehydrating jerky, and making my own sticks from scratch. I spent Saturday morning mixing together 3 pounds of venison, while following the directions on the seasoning packets carefully. A cheap scale was used to ensure that I didn’t overseason the meat, and the process was simple and quick. In just a couple of hours the first round of jerky was in the dehydrator, and it took roughly five hours for everything to completely dry. It was ready to eat right off the tray, and just in time too. That evening we had company, and two of the visitors, Denny and Joseph, hailed from the great state of Maryland. Deer hunting, and the taste of fresh venison jerky isn’t something they’re accustomed to, but after taking the first bite, Joseph exclaimed: “I’ve never had jerky before, but this is by far the best I’ve ever tasted.” He said it jokingly, and he had certainly had jerky before. But when he insisted on taking a small taste home with him, I knew it couldn’t have tasted all that bad. He might have offered
It may take a few weekends to make a lot of jerky, but it's definitely worth the wait. - Photo by Marty Seeger to take it all home with him, but my wife wouldn’t have allowed it. Of the 3 pounds of ground venison I used up last weekend, I was able to get about 1 pound of jerky. The entire process took the bulk of two days, and I may have been able to make 2 pounds of jerky had I spent the entire weekend near home. It’s a good thing the winters
are long, because I’m going to need nearly every weekend this winter to convert 60 pounds of ground venison into 20 pounds of jerky.
Hunters register 11,925 birds in fall wild turkey hunt MADISON – Wisconsin wild turkey hunters registered a preliminary count of 11,925 birds from the 2007 fall turkey hunting season. This is slightly fewer birds than the previous 2006 fall harvest when 12,033 birds were registered. The 2007 count may still increase, say wildlife officials, as registration stubs are still arriving. “The fall 2007 turkey hunt marked a couple of new beginnings,” said Scott Hull, upland game ecologist for the Department of Natural Resources. “Turkey hunting with dogs was available on a trial basis to hunters in a ninecounty area in the southwest. We don’t have specific harvest statistics to com-
pare yet for those counties, but anecdotal reports suggest that the trial season went well. “Also new this year was a longer fall season. The fall season was extended by 21 days over previous years giving hunters more flexibility and opportunity,” Hull added. The season ran from Sept. 15 through Nov. 15. Turkey managers set a permit level of 94,800 permits available for the 2007 fall season. The DNR issued 80,262 permits in a lottery drawing and sold another 13,071 remaining permits over-thecounter after the drawing had been completed. The 11,827 registered birds compute to a success rate of 14.7 percent
compared to 15.4 percent in 2006. Remaining spring 2008 turkey hunting permits on sale March 28; regulations now online The application period for spring season permits closed Dec. 10. The drawing for permits will be held in late January. There are just under 213,000 permits available for the spring season. Any spring permits remaining after the drawing will go on sale over-the-counter at 10 a.m. March 28. The spring 2008 season runs April 16 through May 25. Wisconsin’s second annual statewide youth turkey hunting season will he held April 12 and 13. Another change in fall 2008 turkey
Public comments sought on private sh farm licensing BALSAM LAKE — A public hearing to gather input on a permit application to license lakes and ponds as private fish farms will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 23, in the east conference room of the Polk County Government Center. Gollen Bait and Fish Farm Inc. plans to license the following
waters as private fish farms: Laketown Township: Lake Wallin and unnamed ponds in a portion of T36N, R18W, Sect. 13, 29 and 30; Eureka Township: Tuttle Lake and unnamed ponds in T35N, R18W, Sect. 30 and 31; Luck Township: Unnamed ponds T36N, R17W, Sect. 6; Lincoln Township: T33N, R17W, Sect. 1; Milltown Township T35N,
R17W, Sect. 5. The waters are landlocked, shallow ponds on lands leased by Gollen Bait and Fish Farm Inc. Anyone who wishes to provide comment on the pending permit application should attend the hearing. The east conference room is on the second floor of the government center at 100 Polk County Plaza,
hunting season will be implemented as the state moves to consolidate the current 40-plus turkey management zones into seven larger zones. The move will give hunters more hunting opportunity over a wider area than the current system, which uses smaller zones, can provide. Hunters wishing to get an early look at the 2008 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations can do so now on the Hunting and Trapping Regulations page of the DNR Web site. The first of the six five-day spring turkey hunting periods starts April 16. For more information contact Scott Hull at 608-2677861. – From the DNR
Snowmobile safety class to be offered in Grantsburg by Marty Seeger GRANTSBURG — A snowmobile safety class is set to take place at the Crex Meadows visitor center on Jan. 15, 17 and 24. The cost is $10 per person and the times will be from 5:30-8:30 p.m. each night. For more information contact the DNR office in Grantsburg at 463-2897.
Read Leader Outdoors! www.the-leader.net
Polk County sheriff’s report Accidents Dec. 21, 9:15 a.m., Balsam Lake Twp., CTH I/165th Avenue, JACQUELINE M. BRETTNER, 64, Centuria, was eastbound on CTH I. The driver states she lost control of the vehicle due to the slippery, snow-covered roads. Unit 1 entered the ditch on the south side of CTH I and rolled onto its driver’s side. Dec. 22, 2:10 a.m., Luck Twp., 250th Avenue/CTH N, .25 mile east of 170th St., JOSHUA M. HARVEY, 19, Luck, was westbound on 250th Avenue/CTH N. Unit 1 was negotiating a curve on the wrong side of the roadway when it struck a deer and then overturned. The driver was impaired and fled the scene. Driver was cited for failure to report an accident to police and underage transporting intoxicants in motor vehicle. Dec. 22, 11:02 a.m., Balsam Lake Twp., Hwy. 8, .3 mile east of 170th Street, JAMES L. COWART, 58, Woodbury, Minn., was eastbound on Hwy. 8. Operator lost control and unit 1 left the roadway to the left and crashed into a large satellite dish (owner: Randy Hiltner, Amery). Dec. 25, 3:30 a.m., Garfield Twp., CTH Y/190th Street, .2 mile south of 93rd Avenue, JOSEPH L. LOCKE, 45, Milltown, was traveling north on CTH Y when the vehicle drifted off the road and into the east ditch. After entering the ditch, the vehicle struck several trees with the passenger side. After striking the trees, the vehicle struck a culvert, which stopped the vehicle. The driver later
indicated he fell asleep at the wheel. Driver cited for failure to report an accident to police. Dec. 25, 11 a.m., Clear Lake Twp., 60th Avenue, .2 mile west of CTH JJ, MARIA L. STAFNE, 32, Clayton, was traveling eastbound on 60th Avenue. A noncontact unit was traveling westbound toward unit 1. As unit 1 began to move to the right, the tires caught the shoulder, pulling the vehicle into the ditch. Unit 1 continued and struck a power pole, knocking it down. Unit 1 came to rest just past the pole, facing east. Dec. 25, 6 p.m., Clear Lake Twp., Hwy. 63/60th St., 30’ south of CTH A/10th Avenue, SHAWN E. EVERHART, 26, Chanhassen, Minn., was southbound on Hwy. 63, approaching CTH A at approximately 45 miles per hour due to snow. Unit 1 lost control in the intersection, spun and entered the east ditch of Hwy. 63. Unit 1 continued to slide, striking county highway sign and came to rest in the east ditch. Dec. 26 4:40 p.m., Clayton Twp., 70th Avenue, .25 mile east of CTH P/20th St., #1—MARVIN J. OSTENSON, 43, Amery; #2—CHRISTINA M. TOPPER, 48, Prairie Farm; unit 1 was plowing a driveway at 173 70th Ave. Unit 2 was eastbound on 70th Avenue, saw unit 1 plowing snow and slowed down. Unit 2 slows to approximately 5 mph and sees unit 1 pull into the driveway and unit 2 then proceeds east, thinking unit 1 will yield. Unit 1 backs onto the roadway, striking unit 2, pushing it into the south ditch. Driver of unit 1 claims he never saw unit 2. Driver of unit 1 cited for unsafe backing. Dec. 26, 5:37 p.m., Milltown Twp., 180th Street, .75 mile north of CTH G, TYLER J. OTLO, 17, Luck, was northbound on 180th Street. The
vehicle traveled to the west side of the road before the vehicle traveled back into the northbound lane and entered the east ditch. Unit 1 struck several trees, causing damage to the front end of the vehicle. Driver cited for driving too fast for conditions. Dec. 26, 9:10 p.m., Osceola Twp., Hwy. 35, 1/8 mile south of 90th Avenue; #1—WILLIAM NESKA, III, 18, Osceola; #2— DEBRA A. HAUANGSTAD, 19, Cumberland; Unit 2 was making a left turn when unit 1 tried to pass. According to all parties, unit 2 did have a turn signal on. Unit 1 driver states he didn’t think she would turn into oncoming traffic. Unit 1 driver was cited for passing into oncoming traffic. Unit 2 driver was cited for nonregistration. Dec. 28, 9:18 p.m., Balsam Lake Twp., CTH I at 160th Street, KAYLI A PAULSEN, 16, Balsam Lake, was westbound on CTH I, began to negotiate a left curve onto 160th Street. Unit 1 loses control on the icy roadway, slides into the right shoul-
der. Upon impact with the snow, unit 1 rolled onto the driver’s side and came to rest off the roadway, west of 160th Street. Jan. 1, 12 a.m., Balsam Lake Twp., Courthouse Avenue, 100’ west of Hwy. 46, #1—legally parked vehicle owed by URSULA M. ADAMS-CARLSON, Balsam Lake; #2—hit and run vehicle. Unit 1 was legally parked behind the Top Spot Bar in an alley way servicing 107 Courthouse Avenue, the owner of unit 1’s residence. An unknown vehicle struck unit 1 and left the scene without reporting it. The incident occurred sometime between 10 p.m. on Dec. 31 and 5 p.m. on Jan. 1. No suspects were identified. Jan. 1, 4:30 a.m., Farmington Twp. Polk-St. Croix Road, .25 mile east of 250th Street, DMITRIY A. KOVALSKIY, 24, New Richmond, was eastbound on Polk Street-St. Croix Road from Hwy. 35. Driver states he lost control and hit the right shoulder. He then overcorrected and entered the left (north)
ditch backwards. The vehicle rolled onto its roof and landed on a fence (fence not damaged). Roadway had been slippery, with icy spots. Driver cited for failure to report accident to police. Jan. 2, 5:39 p.m., Garfield Twp., 90th Avenue, .5 mile east of 155th Street, ERIC W. KELLING, 32, Dresser, was traveling eastbound on 90th Avenue approximately .5 miles east of 155th Street when it struck a horse walking on the roadway. The horse caused damage to the hood, windshield and front bumper area. There was also damage to the inside passenger compartment. Owner of the horse: Jeannine M. Andren, Amery. Other incidents Dec. 31, an employee of Super Stop gas station located on Hwy. 46, just north of Amery, reported the theft of gasoline. Suspect was driving a 1996 Chevy S10 pickup, maroon with a black hood and black left front fender.
Dec. 31, MARK PAUTSCH, Woodbury, Minn., reported the theft of his 2000 Caravan twoplace snowmobile trailer from his property located on 140th Street, Balsam Lake. Jan. 2, LARRY and JILL CARLSON, RR Osceola, reported a burglary to their residence. Mrs. Carlson was arriving home and observed a white (possibly) Bronco parked in the driveway of her residence. A young female was at the steering wheel and a male subject left the Carlson garage and entered vehicle, which then pulled out onto 35th Avenue. The Carlsons report they are missing a Kodak digital camera, Kodak printing dock and two video cameras. Jan. 1, RONALD FOX, Lake Magnor, Clayton Township, reported his ice fishing house had been burglarized. Nothing was missing. He reported at least three other ice fishing houses on Lake Magnor had their locks cut off, also.
Siren police report Dec. 18: The Siren officer on duty responded to the report of a harassing phone call received by a Siren resident at 2 a.m. Letters were sent to Aaron Rinnman, Siren, and Tracie Peterson, Webster, regarding videos that had not been returned to Lightning Video, Siren. Siren Auto Stop notified the Siren Police Department that Edwin Vernon Hoyer, 44, Red Wing, Minn., had kept two movies taken out from Siren Auto Stop for more than 50 days. A letter was written by the police chief Dec. 26 to Hoyer, notifying him of the overdue movies and also of the valid
warrant in Burnett County against him for failure to appear. Dec. 29, 2007: Mathew L. Wiesbrock, 20, Tonica, Ill., a passenger in a vehicle, was cited for underage drinking at 9:03 p.m. on Hwy. 35/70 and Parks West Street. Dec. 30, 2007: Jason Allen Kennedy, 23, Coral Springs, Fla., was cited for nonregistration of a vehicle at 12:10 a.m. on Old Hwy. 35 between Dahlberg Road and Main Street. Jan. 1: Vincent James Gallagher, 43, Edina, Minn., was cited for speeding at 4:47 p.m. on Hwy. 35/70 at Works Progress Street. At 5:51 p.m., the Siren officer
was dispatched to assist the Burnett County Sheriff’s Department in the possible suicide by gunshot wound of a Grantsburg-area resident. Jan. 2: Warrant arrests were executed at 1:40 p.m. on Marissa N. Gaddy, 20, and Christopher M. Swosinski, 18, both from Siren. The warrants were from Polk County relating to unpaid fines. Jan. 4: At 8:05 p.m., the Siren officer assisted the Burnett County Sheriff’s Department by transporting Kyle D. Rufsholm, 20, Siren, to the county jail on possible drug charges. The officer also helped in a search of
Rufsholm’s residence. Jan. 5: Two witnesses reported seeing a person, later identified as Matthew J. Worcester, 23, Cedar, Minn., kick out a window at Masterjohn Realty on Hwy. 35/70 about 9:40 p.m. Worcester was cited for criminal property damage. Jan. 6: At 5:20 p.m., the officer was dispatched to check on the report that two types of telephone cable belonging to Siren Telephone Company were missing. One is a large-diameter black cable, Label BJF 300-24, reel #2001-17. The second was Reel PB. The cable was kept on the corner of Third Avenue and Landquist Street.
Notices E-mail us @: the-leader@centurytel.net
E-mail us @ the-leader @centurytel.net
Employment / Notices
Longtime Burnett County forester retires from DNR by Sherill Summer WEBSTER – A longtime DNR forester is retiring this week. Neil Ambourn has worked for the DNR for 32 years, 26 of those years in Burnett County, out of the Webster ranger station. For the last seven years he has been the liaison between the Burnett County Forestry Department and the DNR, and has been instrumental in helping Burnett County earn around $1 million from the county forest three years in a row, and four times in the last five years. Forestry team leader for Burnett County, Bob Hartshorn, says that Ambourn is going to be hard to replace because he has so much experience in Burnett County forests, a county that is one of the more active in the forestry industry. Although Ambourn will no longer work as a DNR forester full time, he is
DNR forester Neil Ambourn retires from the DNR this week after 26 years in Burnett County.
forester who must determine which of the forest is to be harvested and organize or set up a timber sale. Ambourn described how he used to determine the size of a timber sale by pacing off the boundary line, using a compass to help keep a straight line. Now coordinates are simply punched into a global positioning system, or GPS, and satellite technology is used to pinpoint a timber sale’s size and location. Another technological resource foresters now use is a geographic information system, or GIS, which is a computer program that stores, edits and analyzes information and is used in managing Burnett County’s forest resourses. With all of these technological innovations, Ambourn has needed to learn new ways of doing things over the years. The industry has changed in other ways. Before any timber sale is approved, the forester must check that no endangered species’ habitat will be DNR forester, Neil Ambourn, shown at work in a Burnett County forest. - destroyed. The site must also be Photos submitted by the Burnett County Forestty Department checked for any historical or archeological significance before any logging can begin. Conducting these types of backnot ready to say goodbye to the forests once were. Today’s loggers are more ground checks was not practical before in Burnett County altogether. He will than likely sitting in an air-conditioned the so-called information age. Even the still be a consultant to private landown- cab of a tree harvester. Ambourn says markets for Burnett County wood are ers, and may also work for the Burnett these machines do an amazing job and now a part of the global market and County Forestry Department part time. are better at not disturbing nearby even small factors from around the A milestone such as leaving a job after young trees or compacting the forest world can influence the demand for our 32 years is an opportune time to talk floor than the logging practices of yeswood dramatically. about changes in the forestry industry, terday. Today’s logging equipment is It is not surprising that Ambourn feels and Ambourn was quite willing to do not cheap, however. Hard work alone that today’s industry would astound so. He explained that technology has may not be enough to keep a logger in those working 30 to 50 years ago. It will changed the forestry industry tremen- business. As a result, today’s loggers be interesting to see what the next 30 dously. Loggers are no longer the are usually accomplished businessmen. years will bring. rugged individuals armed with chain It is not just the loggers that technolosaws that get paid by the log that they gy has affected. It has also affected the
First babies of 2008 First baby born in 2008 at St. Croix Regional Medical Center ST. CROIX FALLS – Rebecca and Steve Stenberg of St. Croix Falls had something very special to celebrate during the first week of the New Year: the birth of their daughter, Anne Rachel Elizabeth. Dr. Rene Milner and father, Steve, delivered her on Jan. 1, at 10:46 a.m. Anne is the first baby born at St. Croix Regional Medical Center in 2008, and perhaps the first in Polk County. Anne weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 20 inches long at birth. She joins three other children in the family,
two girls and a boy. “Anne is our third child born here at St. Croix Regional Medical Center,” said Rebecca. “The medical center in St. Croix Falls is wonderful. Dr. Milner and Bonnie Springer, our nurse, were extremely helpful during labor and delivery. We were blessed to have such an amazing birth experience. It couldn’t have gone better! The care we received after the birth was so thoughtful and professional. Bonnie and the rest of the staff were
able to answer all our questions and provide help when needed while still meeting our desires for quiet and privacy. We received excellent care and really appreciated the little extras, like the special meal and birthday cake we enjoyed to celebrate Anne’s birth.” As the parents of the first child born in 2008 at St. Croix Regional Medical Center, the proud and happy couple received a gift of a pastel baby blanket from the medical center that was monogrammed with Anne’s name, birth date,
and the medical center’s logo, a $50 gift basket for Mom and baby from the SCRMC Auxiliary/Gift shop, a gift certificate for their choice of baby or family pictures from Falls Photo, a $50 gift certificate from MarketPlace Foods, a $50 savings bond and a $50 Visa card from The RiverBank, and a $50 Wal-Mart gift certificate. SCFMC is grateful to these merchants for generously offering these gifts for the baby and family of the first child of 2008. - submitted
BCMC First Baby of 2008
Burnett County Medical Center delivered its first baby of 2008. Jason James Aronson was born to Katie Clifford and Jeff Aronson, Grantsburg, on Sunday, Jan. 6, at 9:12 a.m. Jason weighed 7 lbs., 5 oz. and was 20 inches long. – Photos by Priscilla Bauer
Pictured in their birthing suite at St. Croix Regional Medical Center are (L to R) Bonnie Springer, RN, Dr. Rene Milner, Rebecca Stenberg and baby Anne, and Steve Stenberg. — Photo submitted
Adam Beach visits tribe
Native American actor Adam Beach visited the St. Croix Tribe during its annual Traditions Respecting American Indian LifeStyles, or TRAILS Youth Conference and Powwow in December. Beach, shown above with St. Croix Tribal Elder Frances Decorah, is the star of several movies, including “Smoke Signals,” “Flags of Our Fathers,” “Windtalkers” and HBO’s 2007 production of “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.” He currently stars on TV’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” He spoke to tribal youth saying he wants to see young Native people grow up culturally strong. “I’ve seen the stereotype in Hollywood…of the drunken Indian who lost his culture,” he said. “There’s no balance.” Beach was born on the Dog Creek Lake Reservation two hours north of Winnipeg, Manitoba. His mother was Ojibwe and his father was Ojibwe and Icelandic English. Through a friendship with Napolean Ross, a spiritual leader from the Fond du Lac Reservation in northern Minnesota, Beach was introduced to Ross’ friend, Frederica Decoteau, also of the Fond du Lac Tribe and director of St. Croix’s Ain Dah Ing Halfway House in Spooner. Decoteau, Beach and Ross, through a long conversation, discovered that together they shared the notion that the youth, as future leaders, should be the focus of their efforts. Beach readily accepted Decoteau’s invitation to the TRAILS conference, and he was impressed with the St. Croix youth. “I’ve never met a group of younger generation people so aware and quiet,” he said. “St. Croix has a strong cultural togetherness.” In addition to a nationwide campaign to promote cultural awareness, Beach has formed other partnerships to help Native youth and adults alike, recruiting his “Law & Order” castmate, actor and rap star Ice-T to help bring Natives to mainstream America by planning a recording company and discovering the first Native pop music star. He is also working with the Gila River Indian Community south of Phoenix to create the first Indian-owned motion picture studio. – Photo/text courtesy of The Vision, St. Croix Chippewa’s Monthly Newspaper with information from story by Aimee Juan
Car in the lake identified
by Gregg Westigard ST. CROIX FALLS – Just before midnight on a summer night in the mid1960s Gene Eaton of St. Croix Falls arrives at work. He delivers bundles of the Pioneer Press newspaper to the local carriers in western Wisconsin. Eaton works for Duane Chinander, the area Pioneer Press distributor. After a long drive, Eaton arrives back at St. Croix Falls about 7 a.m. to discover that his car has been stolen. End of story for 40 years. Until a week ago. One of Eaton’s brothers, while looking at the Leader’s Year in Review, saw the photo of the car pulled out of Long Lake last summer. “That’s Gene’s car,” he thought. Eaton died several years ago, but his brother, after checking out the details and looking at the photos, feels that a family mystery has been solved. (The Eaton family at
the time lived on a farm on old Hwy. 35 south of St. Croix Falls.) Brother John Eaton, who now lives in Minnesota, thinks that the person who took the car drove it into Long Lake by mistake, driving too fast on a road, 170th Avenue, that turns into a boat launch. The car may have planed across the water before diving to the bottom. When recovered, the front end, which had been buried in the mud for 40 years, was in perfect shape. The doors opened. The exposed rear end was corroded away, with only the frame remaining. The rest of the story? If anyone wants to share the story of how the car ended up in the lake, contact the editor or the writer. Your name is not necessary, but a conclusion to the story would be interesting.
World Hot Dog Champ
On Christmas Eve Day, Glen Plake - the famous three-time World Hot Dog Champion skier - made an unexpected appearance at Trollhaugen. He and his wife, Kimberly, are on their fifth Down Home Tour, where they take time out from their busy schedule to tour the resorts of the nation. Plake has been in multiple Warren Miller films, including the most recent “Off the Grid.” He spent Christmas Eve Day hitting the slopes, tearing up the terrain park and signing autographs. It was an unexpectedly spunky holiday at Trollhaugen. – Photos submitted
‘Follow the Leader’
Currents N O R T H E R N
January 9, 2008 2nd Section B Inter-County Leader
News and views from the Northwest Wisconsin community
Tribute paid to 39-year retiring Burnett County employee by Nancy Jappe SIREN – Retiring Burnet County Register in Probate/Juvenile Clerk Dorothy Richard was honored during a party in the county courtroom Friday, Jan. 4. An estimated 80-90 people were on hand for a program of tribute for the service given by Richard over the years. District Court Administrator Gregg Moore, Wisconsin 10th Judicial District, called Richard a great resource and mentor for new registers in probate. Moore also told county taxpayers that Richard was always on the lookout for ways to
Dorothy Richard is shown with her only grandchild, 8-month-old Luke, son of Tim Richard and his wife, Kristin. The young Richard family has been living in Colorado Springs, Colo., for the past two years. Grandma Dorothy is looking forward to more time in her grandmother role during retirement.
A plaque signed by Benjamin D. Proctor, chief judge of the Wisconsin 10th Judicial District; Scott R. Needham, deputy chief; and Gregg Moore, district court administrator for the past 24 years, was presented by Moore to Dorothy Richard at the retirement party given for her Friday, Jan. 4, in the courtroom of the Burnett County Government Center. Richard has worked for the county for the past 39 years, starting in the veterans service office and going from there to register in probate/juvenile clerk. save their tax dollars. Retired Burnett County Circuit Court Judge James Taylor praised Richard for being good at her job. “Dorothy’s reputation is built on the way she did her job,” Taylor said. “Dorothy had compassion and empathy. That’s what her rep-
Jackie Baasch (L) is replacing Dorothy Richard as Burnett County Register in Probate/Juvenile Clerk. Baasch brings 15 years of county experience to the job, having served as legal secretary to the county’s corporation counsel.
At the end of the speeches, a tearful Dorothy Richard was hugged by her husband of 41 years, Vern. As the photo shows, others were moved to tears by the emotions expressed by a number of people, including Richard herself.
utation is based on.” Taylor warned her that retirement is a recruitment tool for the county board and that on Monday morning, her phone would ring (with a request for her service). “You are free by the Constitution, to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Go out and pursue it,” he concluded. Richard’s son, Tim, talked about his mom’s loyalty, working for 39 years in one place, for two years prior for Wood County and marriage for 41 years to his father, Vern. He mentioned her integrity and honesty. “She works hard. Her hard-working and honesty have really paid off,” Tim said. In addition to on-the-job performance, Tim told well-wishers that his mother is fun to be around. “I enjoy spending time with my mom. She is full of life,” he
said. Burnett County Circuit Court Judge Mike Gableman turned over the floor to anyone who wanted to make a comment about Richard, with the understanding that she would have the last word. “It has been a privilege and pleasure to work with Dorothy. She is a blessing to the community, and the best part was becoming her friend,” commented court reporter Roberta Bitler. “I am going to miss her,” added tearful clerk of court Trudy Schmidt. Longtime county board chairman Charlie Tollander praised Richard for her knowledge and ability to give guidance, in addition to her always giving a straight answer to anything he asked her. Current county supervisor Gary Lundberg expressed appreciation to Richard of behalf of the county board. Judge Gableman recognized the number of people who took time from their busy lives to come to the government center to commend Richard on a job well done. He talked about Richard’s dedication and vigor and how she always functioned with an under-riding tone of goodwill. “This day has been splendid,” the judge said. “It doesn’t end here. A new day starts in about 12 hours that will be just as splendid as today.” Richard said that she is looking forward to the next part of her life and to being a grandma to 8-month-old grandson Luke. She started working in January 1969 at the age of 23, working in the Veterans service office with Leroy Harmon until September 1973. From there, she worked part time, then full time in register in probate office. “I have really enjoyed working with the people of Burnett County,” Richard said. “The best part of my job was having such variety (of things to do). I never knew what the day would bring. Working with three judges (Gunderson, Taylor and Gableman) was very good, and the job would not have been half as enjoyable without these three judges.” Richard mentioned the work she has done with guardians, and their work
See Richard, page 2
Tim Richard talked about how fun it always is to be with his mother, retiring Burnett County employee Dorothy Richard. “I enjoy spending time with my mom,” he said, adding, “In pictures, she is not just smiling, she is laughing. She enjoys life, and is fun to be around.”
Richard/from page 1 with appointed wards and how the guardians are able to help their wards. She stressed the county’s need for more people to become guardians. She referred to the staff at the government center as family, and passed on the
This photograph shows employees at the Burnett County Government Center during the early years of Dorothy Richard’s employment. Circuit Court Judge Gunderson and County Clerk Vera Wicklund, included in the picture, were responsible for Richard applying for the job as register in probate/juvenile clerk. Vern Richard listened as tributes were paid to Dorothy, his wife for the past 41 years. Dorothy retired at the end of 2007 after 39 years with the county, first as secretary in the veterans service office and then as register in probate/juvenile clerk.
hope that her successor, Jackie Baasch, will enjoy the job anywhere near as much as she has.
Photos by Nancy Jappe
Musician George Rydel brought his keyboard to the Burnett County courtFriday room afternoon, Jan. 4. His job was to provide background music during the retirement party for Dorothy Richard.
Richard re ects on long career Dorothy Richard’s counterpart in Polk County, register in probate/juvenile clerk Jenelle Anderson, presented Richard with a U.S. flag that had flown on top of the national capitol during Richard’s retirement party Friday, Jan. 4.
Retired Burnett County Circuit Court Judge James Taylor was one of the speakers at the retirement party for register in probate/juvenile clerk Dorothy Richard. “Dorothy’s reputation is built on the way she did her job. She was good at what she did,” Taylor said.
by Sherill Summer SIREN – Dorothy Richard recently took a few minutes out of her day to talk about her job as register in probate/juvenile clerk and her plans after retirement, following 39 years at the job. As a register in probate/juvenile clerk, Richard helps distribute assets of a deceased person as instructed by a valid will, or distribute the assets of a person without a will. She also deals with guardianships, juvenile matters and adoptions. The types of cases vary, and Richard says she never knows what will be next. But, since all of these types of cases are emotional for those involved, being a people-person is her greatest asset. Richard works directly with Burnett County Judge Michael Gableman, the third judge she has worked with. She has had a good relationship with all the different judges. In fact, it was a judge that asked her to apply for the job as clerk of probate in 1973. At the time, Richard was working in the veterans office at the old Burnett County Government Center in Grantsburg, a job that she had held since 1969. Judge Gunderson told Richard that he felt she would be good for the job in the probate office. Richard might not have applied for the job otherwise, and it has proved to be a job she has enjoyed for 35 years.
The job was part time at first which worked out well at the time since Richard had a young child. Richard says she always worked; always wanted to work, and she got her first job right out of high school. Naturally, the job of the register of probate has changed in the years she has held the job. The computer in the workplace is the No. 1 change. Richard explains that the computer did cut down some of the work since everything was manual before its arrival. Yet, paradoxically, they also bring about the opportunity to do more work. The type of cases she handles has also changed through the years. In 2007, she thinks she has worked on about 210 cases, keeping her quite busy. Jackie Baasch, currently a child support specialist, will replace Richard beginning next week. Baasch has been training with Richard the month of December to learn the job. Once she is retired, Richard plans to travel with her husband, already a retired fourth-grade teacher. They are looking forward to a trip to Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas, where the temperature during the winter months hovers between 68 and 80 degrees. There is also a new grandchild in Colorado that must be visited frequently.
Next? by Carolyn Marquardt Actually every day is a new beginning, but some days are truly milestone new beginnings. A couple of Mondays ago, Jerry and I had a new beginning. His name is Buck, a 4-year-old yellow Lab, golden retriever mix. It was a new beginning for Buck too. He spent several months in a shelter and we were warned that he may have forgotten his house manners. Well, he did—but not too badly. But that is a side issue. The main issue for me was that Buck was not Foster. I was surprised at myself. I love animals. The minute I saw Buck I thought, that’s the dog for me. But when I brought him home, the memory of Foster overwhelmed the pleasure of a new dog. It was then that I realized I still missed my dog. The two months since he died had not dulled my affection for him. Somehow Buck just didn’t measure up. He wasn’t black, he was tan. He didn’t come running to the door when
Northwest Regional Writers The Northwest Regional Writers meet at 1 p.m. the second Friday of the month either in Frederic or Grantsburg. Each month we have a topic to write about and read to the group. The following writing was read at the last meeting. Call Mary Jacobson at 715-349-2761 for more information about the organization.
Writer’s Corner I came home like Foster did. I wondered if I would ever feel the same about Buck as I did Foster. So I fed, walked, and petted Buck. But it wasn’t the same. Buck didn’t like lying on the basement carpeting near the computer as I worked like Foster had. He preferred Foster’s, oops Buck’s, pad on the kitchen floor. But he came when I called and he went in his kennel by himself. I didn’t have to force him in leg by leg, like Foster. He gave me kisses. Foster didn’t know how. Foster was obviously deprived as a puppy. He needed my love. Buck obviously had a normal puppyhood. He learned how to give kisses and play ball—things Foster knew nothing about. He didn’t need me as much. Wednesday came. I was wondering if I had made a mistake getting another dog. I had errands to run so I took Buck along with me, just like I used to take Foster. He didn’t lie down calmly in the back seat like Foster. He sat, leaning against the back of the seat as though he would throw up soon. I was worried. Needlessly, fortunately. He loved his ride, just like Foster. I was warming up to him. When I returned to
the car after shopping, there he was in the driver’s seat. As I opened the door, he squeezed himself in the foot hole in front of the passenger seat. Oh, he knew he was bad, all right. I didn’t have to say a word. I laughed. He did have some of Foster’s personality. In the week that has followed, we have grown to like each other more each day. I am enjoying playing tug-of-war with him and ball. He catches Frisbees in the air and loves to have his tummy rubbed. He is the perfect follow-on dog to Foster. I will always have tender memories of Foster, as I have of Shadow, Butch, Rusty, Chrissie, Smoky and Wagsy. But for now, Buck, my new beginning, is all I need for the walks and play and companionship that a truly great dog adds to life. ••• Now, three years later, I look at Buck and I wonder. He is so much a part of our lives. But he is failing. He no longer runs ahead of me on walks or chases rabbits out of the yard when I am not looking. I have to screech for him to hear me and I wonder about his eyesight. I will miss him every bit as much as I missed Foster—and I’ll look forward to the one who will take his place in my life and in my heart.
Poco Penners The PoCo Penners meet the second Friday of the month at 2 p.m. at the county boardroom in the government center in Balsam Lake. Contact Gladys Frokjer at 483-3208 or Iris Holm 284-3174 for more information. - submitted
Submissions should be typed, double-spaced on one side only of 8 -1/2 x 11 white paper, leaving a minimum of 1-inch margins all around. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. Submissions should be no more than 800 words. Submissions may be delivered to The Leader’s offices in Frederic or Siren, mailed to Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837 or e-mailed to the-leader@centurytel.net. We prefer e-mailed copy. If hand-delivered or mailed, please write "Writers’ Corner" somewhere on the front of the envelope. If e-mailed, please use "Writers’ Corner" as the subject and include the submission as body text of the e-mail. No attachments, please. Your submission to Writers’ Corner grants The Leader one-time rights to publish the item in the weekly newspaper. The author retains the copyright and all future publication rights. The Leader may edit submissions for grammar and punctuation, clarity and length. If you have any questions about this new feature, please contact us at the-leader@centurytel.net or call 715-327-4236. - Editor
Second leading cause of lung cancer could be in your home NORTHWEST WISCONSIN – Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odorless gas that is dispersed in outdoor air, but when trapped in buildings, can be harmful at elevated levels. The science on radon has been formidable over the years, but never before have we had such overwhelming scientific consensus and robust data to support that exposure to elevated levels of radon causes lung cancer in humans. The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that radon causes between 15,000 and 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year, about one third of them preventable. Because it is so widespread and unpredictable, the only way to know if radon is elevated in your home is to do a
radon test. The style, structure or age of your home has very little to do with radon entry since all structures have negative pressure in the lower half of the building. Testing homes for elevated levels of radon is simple and inexpensive. If discovered, radon problems can be fixed by qualified contractors for a cost similar to that for many common home repairs (between $800 and $1,500). The most recent test results show the percentage of homes with radon levels above 4.0 pCi/L (the recommended maximum level based on EPA guidelines) in the Northwest Wisconsin Radon Information Center area are as follows: Polk County 37.8 percent (148 tests); Douglas County 13.0 percent (16 tests),
Washburn County 55.0 percent (20 tests); and Burnett County 32.4 percent (34 tests). January 2008 is National Radon Action Month, and the Polk County Health Department, along with the Wisconsin Department or Health and Family Service, and the U.S. ERA, is conducting a campaign to educate Americans about the dangers of radon exposure and to encourage them to take action to identify and fix radon problems in their homes. During the month of January, the Polk County Health Department, serving as the Radon Information Center for Burnett, Douglas, Polk and Washburn counties, is providing radon test kits at a reduced price of $5 ($7 by mail) to draw
attention to radon as a serious public health issue and, more importantly, to motivate citizens to take action to protect themselves from radon health effects. To obtain a radon test kit call 715-485-8500 or stop at the Polk County Health Department in Balsam Lake. The Polk County Health Department urges residents to take action during Radon Action Month by testing their homes for elevated levels of radon. It is a serious public health hazard with a straightforward solution. For more information on radon, radon testing, and radon mitigation, see www.lowradon.org or call l-888-5697236. - submitted
Blood donations needed; Siren/Webster site announced BURNETT COUNTY - As a new year begins, the American Red Cross recognizes and honors all blood donors during National Blood Donor Month. Since 1970, National Blood Donor Month has been celebrated in an effort to educate Americans about the importance of regular blood donation and the impact it can have on patients in need. In celebration of National Blood Donor Month, the Red Cross encourages people to add another New Year’s resolution to their list and become regular blood donors. Every year the demand for blood increases by up to 8 percent, while the an-
nual blood donations increase by only 2 or 3 percent. Currently, only about 5 percent of eligible blood donors actually donate. Now that a new year has begun, please resolve to help increase that number by donating blood at community blood drives. “This year, Red Cross is not only thanking current blood donors, but challenging the rest of America to follow their lead and start donating blood,” said Rick Panning, CEO of the local Red Cross Blood Services Region. “Make an appointment to give blood today – please.” Donors have the chance to give
Festival Theatre to hold auditions for "Charlotte's Web" ST. CROIX FALLS - Festival Theatre will hold auditions on Saturday, Jan. 12, for community youth and adult roles in the children’s theatre production of “Charlotte’s Web.” “The cast includes the whole barnyard: children, adults and farm animals,” said education director Amy Klein. “Professional actors will also participate in the show and instruct theater arts workshops which will be open to the public.” Registration is required to audition,
and all the details can be received by sending an e-mail request to boxoffice@festivaltheatre.org. An audition workshop held on Thursday, Jan. 10, will help beginning actors know what to expect during the audition process and to answer questions about participation. St. Croix Festival Theatre is located in downtown St. Croix Falls at 210 North Washington Street. For more information or to register for auditions, call the Festival Theatre Box Office at 715-4833387. - submitted
on a regular basis: whole blood every 56 days; double red cells every 112 Days; platelets every three days and plasma every 28 days. The blood supply is particularly vulnerable during and after the holiday season. Donations are down due to busy schedules and winter weather, while need is up due to after-holiday surgeries and postponed procedures. Giving blood now can help rebuild the blood supply and help ensure enough blood is on hand for patients in the weeks to come. Something else to consider is that there is a special shortage just now of type O blood. If you’re type O, this invitation is especially for you.
The time to think about donating blood is now, not after someone you love is in need. Come and join your Webster/Siren community in this vital gift at the Webster Community Center Tuesday, Jan. 15, 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For an appointment call Katie at 349-5049. Type O blood is needed. A blood donor card, driver’s license or two other forms of ID are required at check-in. Donors must be at least 17 years old and must weigh at least 110 pounds. For more information call 1-800GIVELIFE, 800-448-3543, or visit givebloodgivelife.org. The gift of live runs through you. Give Blood. - submittted
Write Right Now! FREDERIC – Perhaps you want to record some of the events of your wild and crazy (or tame and thoughtful) life for your children or grandchildren or other posterity—or just for yourself. Perhaps you have a story you want to tell in a way that will reach and excite a child or a young person or an adult. Perhaps you are working on an article, or a letter, or a newsletter, or a report and could use some feedback. Maybe you have seen the outlets for writing in area papers or in magazines, and would like to get into print yourself.
Any and all of these writing activities will be more possible and more fun in a group of sympathetic other writers with other projects who can benefit from your thoughts about their work, too. So join them! WITC Write Right Now! Instructor, Dr. Carolyn Wedin, Tuesdays, Jan. 22-Feb. 26, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Frederic High School. The cost is $10. Books (“The 3 A.M. Epiphany,” by Brian Kiteley) will be available from the instructor, $11. For information contact 715-3274868. – submitted
River Road Ramblings
collected by Russ Hanson
Christmas in Wisconsin 1955
by David Lester Glassel Returning in time to my childhood, I often recall the Christmas of 1955. I was 10 years old that year. The events are etched in my mind as if it happened only yesterday. I often reflect upon the priceless memories of my Wisconsin-farm-boy youth. I pass them on for your enjoyment. Certain events stand out above others, especially this one about Christmas. Reliving these memories brings much pleasure to me. Perhaps you too will enjoy them as much as I do. This story is about the Christmas of ‘55. It was a good year on our St. Croix Falls farm. It was the most lucrative year the 80acre Wisconsin dairy farm had ever experienced. We were milking 18 cows; a rainbow herd of Jerseys, Holsteins and Brown Swiss. Every stanchion was occupied, and Dad built four more stalls on the north side of the barn to accommodate the growing herd. The milk house required an auxiliary cooling tank to hold all of the milk cans. One summer day we filled 20 cans. The milk hauler did not have enough room on the truck, and that required the driver to make a return pickup. Spring came early that year. The local farmers had their corn planted by the first of June. Sunshine, heat, and rain were in abundant supply, and the crops were the best ever witnessed in the Lone Maple Valley. Every cornfield in the area experienced “Knee high by the Fourth of July” status. The hayfields appeared to be at full growth at all times. Dad and Grandpa Glassel filled more silos that year than ever before. Dad arose each morning at the crack of dawn to start the milking and then left for the fields. Mom (pregnant with Markie), myself, and Danny finished the milking. It was a busy time. Folks all over the valley could witness my father’s train of custom field-chopping equipment and forage wagons moving from farm to farm, anywhere from Lone Maple to Cushing. Dad’s custom harvest business was flourishing. Mom was living her dream as the owner of a productive Wisconsin dairy farm. The strawberry crop was unbelievable that year, and the older kids spent every other day on our knees picking strawberries for Grandma Glassel and Aunt Gertude. Gertie would come and get us in her new, white 1952 Chevy coupe—A real treat compared to riding in the worn out old Buick we had or grandpa’s rattletrap old `39 Chevrolet. The shift lever was on the steering wheel not the floor. Wow, how automobile technology had advanced in the `50s! This was an exciting discovery for a 10-year-old boy in 1955. The chickens were laying eggs like never before, and Mom’s cucumber and string-bean garden east of the house produced many gunny sacks of produce each day. It was Lois’ job to gather the eggs. I can still hear her whining about girls having to do chores; so I helped her. Mom graded and separated the eggs with a rack Dad had made for her with light bulbs underneath. Danny would put the eggs on the rack; Mom would examine them and hand them to me to put in the correct size egg crate. Every Tuesday and Thursday
we would load them in the ‘39 Buick; the egg crates on the back seat and the bags of beans and cukes packed in the trunk and on the back seat floor. Dad insisted the egg crates be on the seat as Mom’s driving involved some severe jerking when initial movement of the car took place. Off we went to Katz Brothers in Centuria to cash in. Dad often accused Mom of letting the Irishman cheat her on the produce payment. It wasn’t until later in life I realized that Katz was not an Irish name and then better understood what Dad was referring to. On the first day of July, Mark Glassel was the first baby born in the new St. Croix Valley Hospital. The Glassels made the front page news in the Standard Press and prizes from merchants located all over Polk County were forthcoming representing everything from silver dollars to gift certificates. In September, Dad bought a new-used car. It was a 1946 Ford fourdoor sedan. It boasted a V-8 engine and a new green paint job. The old `39 Buick sedan was made into a feed-mill truck. Life was good at the Sigrid and Lester Glassel dairy farm located on County Road I, one-half mile east of Hwy. 87 in far West Central Polk County. St. Croix Falls is a very unique Western Wisconsin town located 40 miles north of St. Paul, Minn., on the St. Croix River, the dividing line between the two states. Main Street boasted three hardware stores, two drug stores, two grocery stores, and a Ford dealership and a Chevy dealership directly across the road from each other. Each dealership had one new four-door automobile on display at all times. And, of course, it had a liquor store on each end of town. (Dad referred to them as the drunk stores.) The merchant stores stayed open until 9 p.m. on Friday nights. A weekly ritual that Mom, my brothers and sisters, and I lived for. All of the farmers took their wives and offspring to town on Friday night. My Dad did the same. While the farmer’s wives and kids did the weekly shopping, the majority of the farmers patronized the drunk stores. At 9 p.m. when the merchant stores closed, cars were filled with wives and children waiting for their drivers to exit from the “dens-of-iniquity” as Dad called the two bars. On the far north end of the town, separated from the other businesses, was the movie theater. The theater was off limits for us Glassel kids as movies and dancing were not allowed in our Baptist religion. I confess my first taste of sin was a sneak into the theater one Saturday afternoon with Bobbie Christianson. The movie was “The Viking.” I lived for years in the fear that my Dad would find out my sin. But I remember the movie well! My sister, Lois, and I were prepared for Christmas that year. We had saved our strawberry-picking money and were ready to go shopping. We wandered back and forth from the Coast to Coast store on the north end of town to the Our Own Hardware on the south end of town. Then we went across the street to the new Gambles Store. The son of the owner was in Lois’ grade in school. I think she liked him, and so the Gambles store got our
Seymour Brandt welcomes shoppers in the Ben Franklin.
David Glassel and his family did their Christmas shopping in 1955 in downtown St. Croix Falls. Gas stations, car dealers, many stores and bright new streetlights kept downtown busy in the evening. Photo looking north up Main Street courtesy of the St. Croix Falls Historical Society. business. Lois had $13.65 saved up. I had $9.20 and Danny had $3. The store was full of the toys we all wanted for each other. We walked around and around all of the displays with younger siblings, Loretta, Ruthie, Tim and Jon to find out what they really wanted for Christmas. Lois and I took turns going to the back of the store with the kids where they had of all things—a television set. It was there I got my second taste of sin—television. My Dad used to say how evil it was. In later years when Mom bought a used one for $15 at the Centuria Hardware Store, Dad was livid, but he soon got over it when he was introduced to the Lawrence Welk Show. He once admitted to me that Elvis Presley had a good voice. Lois, Dan, and I carried the Christmas stash back to the car and hid the bags in the trunk. Then we went back to the Gambles Store and waited for Mom and Dad who were at the Coast to Coast hardware across the street doing their shopping. We all walked down the Main Street of St. Croix Falls together; one big happy family. It was snowing out, but it didn’t feel cold. Dad looked in Tangen Drug store and the counter was empty. We all went in and sat at the soda counter. The choice was a small glass of cherry coke or an orange crush; it was Dad’s treat. The Glassel brood at its best! I am sure we made an impression 48 hours before the Christmas of ‘55 The green Ford was across the street in front of the U.S. Post Office. We all piled in, and much to our dismay the car wouldn’t start. That was not uncommon for that car. Dad grew to hate the Ford and all that it represented. Six months later it was history when the “‘lemon Ford” got traded for the used white 1950 Chevy Sedan at the Minar and Minar Ford dealership in St. Croix. “Darn Fords” Dad would always say, “ Davie, help me start the car.” He would touch the cables of a 12-volt booster battery to the 6-volt while I pushed the starter button on the dash. The worn-out motor would spin fast enough to start, and we were on our way again. These are fond memories of car problems during the Christmas of ‘55. When we got home, Lois and I elected to keep the gifts upstairs in her room until we could wrap them. Saturday they were all put under the huge tree Dad had put up in the west living room. It took up the whole wall! Lots of lights and bulbs and tinsel; packages from wall to wall. We opened the family-member presents on Christmas Eve. That has always been a memorable experience for me. I cannot remember any content of any gift I received; I just remember the excited and happy looks on my brothers and sisters faces when they opened the presents they got from me. Surely it was more blessed to give than receive during the Christmas of ‘55. Christmas was on Sunday that year. We all got up early and helped with the chores (except Lois who insisted that chores were not for girls). I helped Dad pasteurize the milk we brought to Pastor Michelson each week, and for the first time in many months we made it to the Eureka Baptist Church in time for a full hour of Sunday school class. During the main service, we occupied the total second pew on the righthand-side of the church, directly in front of the Christmas tree. Aunt Gertude played the piano and Vera Jackson sang “Oh Holy Night” as she
did every year. Vera was my first introduction to a great singer. I will remember her always; another fond memory from the Christmas of ‘55. After church we went directly to Grandma and Grandpa Glassel’s house. Lois got to ride with Aunt Aggie and Aunt Millie in Aggie’s new Nash Ambassador, and I got to ride with Aunt Gertie, Grandpa and Grandma. After dinner we opened presents and sat in the big living room in front of the window; the sun shining in on the floor keeping everything warm. Grandpa Glassel, a German wood craftsman if there ever was one, made Mom a sewing cabinet and gave it to her for Christmas. Mom cried like a baby and I remember hugging her and asking her why she was crying. I truly believe there was some underlying factor in the lovehate relationship experienced between Mom and Dad’s side of the family. If for only a while, it went away on Christmas day of ‘55 We stayed at Grandma’s house until four or so then went home, fed and milked the cows, and headed back to the Eureka Baptist Church for the eight o’clock service. After the sermon the ushers passed out the bags of candy from under the tree to all of the kids. We all piled in the green Ford (it started) and headed for home, energized by the hard candy but exhausted from the Christmas of ‘55. Christmas was never the same after 1955. Early in ‘56 Dad lost all but three of the dairy cows to a local epidemic of bangs disease. The government destroyed the cattle and the bank subsequently was forced to accelerate the farm loans. By midyear the doctors confirmed the severe state of little Markie’s cerebral palsy and Mom started her subsequent decline into a 20-year depression. Dad took an hourly job at Johnson’s Feed Mill in St. Croix Falls. Grandpa Glassel survived an attack from a mad cow escaping death but resulting in a severely broken leg, only to die some months later from a stroke triggered by a blood clot in the leg that refused to heal. The bright spot in the future was the birth of my little sister Rebecca. Perhaps she was the salvation in Dad and Mom’s life after the little Markie diagnosis and all the other downers they were destined to experience. I don’t remember much about any other childhood Christmas, but I will always remember the Christmas of ‘55. ••• Thanks to Judy Wester of the Polk County Historical Society who passed David’s story to us and copied the photos with Durand Blanding’s help from the St. Croix Historical Society. Remember to send those history stories to russhanson@grantsburgtelcom 507-356-8877 or 15937 Co 27 Blvd., Pine Island, MN 55963. We are still looking for more Cushing history as we put the book together in January and February. Any pictures, stories, or other Cushing info we can use will earn you a free copy of the book due in April! So far we have 25 contributors! My last visit was with Gordon and Marion Fox who passed along Burnstad and Petersen (Handy Pete) information and some nice pictures! I am on the trail of when Harold Jensen started his garage (1928?), when the Creamery Store started, and pictures and histories of the houses, businesses and events in Cushing.
The Gospel according to Edith Bunker When we got a TV dish, we thought we’d enjoy new, up-to-date, avant-guard programs. Instead we are privileged to see old-time films from 50 years ago when stars were stars. Our viewing is filled with Clark Gable, Doris Day, Katherine Hepburn, the Duke, Archie Bunker and yes, Edith. I am watching old movies and sitcoms I watched half a century ago. Accordingly, I am sharing an old church newsletter clipping. (Sermon synopsis by Rev. John Francis, Oconomowoc) The Gospel according to Edith Bunker That suggestion might cause us to want to stop a moment and think. Can it be that Edith, who has never been regarded as having an overabundance of either brains or beauty, has good news about life for us? Does Edith, this much maligned, laughed at and scorned person, who her husband calls a dingbat, and have any insight to offer us on how life can be lived? Yes, I believe so. Edith lives without pretension. While other members of the family may take off on flights of fancy pretending they are more than they really are, it is Edith who stays on even keel, who knows and accepts her limitations. Also, it is Edith who can serve as the mediator, the go between. Because she is sensitive to the feelings of other persons, she can reconcile, bring people back together. It is this sensitivity for people that brings the gospel – the good news – to us through Edith Bunker. As a little Christ, Edith is Paul’s foolishness of God incarnate. Despised and rejected, but yet she possesses knowledge of life that can feel, that has insight into life, that can care and act lovingly. In our everyday lives, along with Edith Bunker, we can proclaim the good news about life. Snowmobile code of ethics Do you know there is a snowmobile code of ethics? Well, there is. Read on. It is very comprehensive. I will be a good sportsman. I recognize that people judge all snowmobile owners by my actions. I will use my influence with other snowmobile owners to promote sportsmanlike conduct. I will not litter trails or camping areas. I will not pollute streams or lakes. I will not damage living trees, shrubs or other natural features. I will respect other people’s property and rights. I will lend a helping hand when I see someone in distress. I will make myself and my vehicle available to as-
sist in search-and-rescue parties. I will not interfere with or harass hikers, skiers, snowshoers, ice fishermen or other winter sportsmen. I will respect their rights to enjoy our recreation facilities. I will know and obey all Bernice federal, state and local rules Abrahamzon regulating the operation of snowmobiles in areas where I use my vehicle. I will inform public officials when using public lands. I will not harass wildlife. I will avoid areas posted for the protection or feeding of wildlife. I will stay on marked trails or marked roads open to snowmobiles. I will avoid country travel unless specifically authorized – Wis. Conservation Bulletin.
An old-timer is someone who: • Remembers when money stayed around long enough for germs to grow on it. • Remembers when the most popular family on the block was the one with the TV set. • Remembers when the wealthiest man in town owned a two-car garage. • Remembers when you wouldn’t upset anybody just by telling the truth. • Remembers when a naughty child was taken to the woodshed instead of to a psychiatrist. (David Greenberg) • Remembers when a baby-sitter was called mother. – From Over the Hill and on a Roll There are three kinds of memory – good, bad and convenient. – Over the Hill and Still Rolling Most people would rather look backward than forward because it is easier to remember where you’ve been than to figure out where you’re going. – Over the Hill and Still Rolling Until next week, Bernice
Luck Area Historical Society to meet Jan. 15
Search continues for first museum exhibit artifacts LUCK _ The Luck Area Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 15, in the Luck Village Hall. Main topics will include library and museum building progress and exhibit planning. If you have driven by the corner of Main Street and Third Avenue recently, you have seen that the new Luck Library and Museum building is well under way. With the scheduled grand opening of the building next spring, the Luck Area Historical Society is now planning the first displays. While there are lots of paths to describing Luck’s past, the Luck Society has identified six themes for its opening exhibits. These are: The history of our local St. Croix Chippewa, the lumbering era, early European immigration, early agriculture, Luck’s changing Main Street and the YoYo era. If you have historical items you would like to share with our commu-
The new Luck Library and Museum building is well under way. With the scheduled grand opening of the building next spring. – Photo submitted
nity and museum visitors, now is the time to contact us so we can build our exhibits around them. Artifact donations have already come in from our local area and from places as far away as Florida and Washington state. We are especially interested in items or pictures that fit into our first six themes, but will also gratefully accept items that might fit other later themes as we rotate exhibits to keep our museum fresh and interesting. Family pictures can be scanned or copied with the donor keeping the original. Other donated artifacts might be exhibited immediately or stored for a later, more appropriate, exhibit in the future. Our Luck museum is an ideal place for these personal treasures to be enjoyed by many for years to come. Contact our curator, Edwin Pederson at 472-2795 or assistant curator Alan Tomlinson at 472-2290 (Tomlinson Insurance) if you have questions or items to donate. The market value of any items given to the museum may be deducted as charitable donations for tax purposes. – from LAHS
Do you remember ? Compiled by Bernice Abrahamzon
50 Years Ago A Farmland Grassland meeting was held at Balsam Lake.-An after holiday was held at Windas Apparel, Frederic.-The film “Perri” (Walt Disney) was playing at the Auditorium Theater, St. Croix Falls.-A boy, Gordon Wayne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Matrious of Danbury on Dec. 23 at the Siren Community Hospital.-Also born there were Paul Walden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Johnson of Falun on Dec. 24 and also a girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Albin Lundgren of Cushing on Dec. 25.-The January special at Carlson Hardware, Frederic, was a household broom at 99¢.-Amery Farm Family Day to include Pakistan visitor.-The March of Dimes kicked off its campaign at a dinner meeting at the Starlight Club, Balsam Lake.-Art Comer was the new Polk County Fair secretary.-Taxes were higher in Osceola.-Seven men would report for induction in Polk County in February.-Trade Lake farmers won prizes at livestock exposition.-Arthur Fossum was appointed new mail carrier on Frederic route.-Wisconsin Co-op Wool Growers Association would meet at Portage on Jan. 23.-Fluffo was 3-lb. tin for 85¢, lettuce was 2 heads for 35¢ and pork chops were 49¢ lb. at Route’s Super Market, Frederic.
40 Years Ago A new pastor was coming to Milltown Baptist Church. His name was the Rev. Jim Kramm.-Betty Marlow had a porch sale on Jan. 6 at Siren.-A fish plate special was served for $1.10 at the Fish Bowl, Siren.-Specials at the Clover Farm Store, Frederic, included bananas at 10¢ lb., fish sticks at two 8-oz. pkgs. for 49¢, and coffee at a 2-lb. tin for $1.25.-The January special at Carlson Hardware was a small aluminum saucepan for 49¢.-A Frederic bank cashier, LaVern Olson, accepted an Amery position.-Polk Sno-Rovers planned outings on a biweekly schedule.-The president of the Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative, Clarence Hallberg, died.-A Homemaker award was given to Pam Erickson at the Luck school.-A chicken barn was lost to fire near Amery.A service engineer found evidence of vandalism at the Frederic Theatre.-Specials at the Frederic Co-op Store included Swansdown cake mixes at four for $1, pancake mix at 3-lb. package at 59¢ and grapefruit at 10 for 49¢.-The film “In the Heat of the Night” was playing at the Auditorium Theatre, St. Croix Falls.-A garden clinic would begin in Burnett County and run weekly for four consecutive Thursdays.-School directors faced higher budget estimates in Frederic.-A garage building would be a new classroom at Frederic.
20 Years Ago A New Year’s baby was born Jan. 3, at the St. Croix Falls Hospital. A son, Michael, was born to Lisa and David Sampson of Centuria.-Fun Day was observed on Sunday at Luck.-The R Country Gals were making care gifts Jan. 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lewis VFW.-A bill will provide $500,000 for Interstate Park maintenance.-The movie “Three Men and a Baby” was playing at the Auditorium Theatre, St. Croix Falls.-WITC had a variety of adult classes.-A benefit dance was given for Bob and Faye Tietz on Sunday, Jan. 17, at the 300 Club in Frederic, with live music, food and door prizes.-Lakeside Trailer Court at Luck was sold to be expanded.-Obituaries included Lois Hayden, Mary Phannes, Maurice Swanson, Mavis Bildeau, James Helmer, George Sater, Roy Linstrand, Adelaide Fischer, Cora Chappelear and Ralph Smith.-Medicare enrollment began.-Courses began for EMTs at Balsam Lake.-Quit smoking hypnosis offered at St. Croix Falls.-Polk County records show traffic-related deaths.-The sale of Triple Z property announced.-No primaries needed for school board elections in Burnett County.
Biofuel, we’ve all heard the word, read the word, you can’t hardly pick up a paper and not see article after article written on this, or watch your nightly news and hear about it. What is this product and why has this word seemed to replace the word ethanol. Here we go again, change. Biofuel refers to a fuel processed from plants, such as corn, soybeans, and some grasses, sugar cane, etc. Ethanol uses the sugar of plants to produce an alcohol which is then used as an additive to gasoline. Biodiesel uses the oils from plants to produce an additive which is used as an additive to diesel fuel . Ethanol, specifically E85, is a mix of 85 percent ethanol with gasoline, and is expected to emit 14 percent fewer greenhouse gases than regular gasoline. Greenhouse gases are a combination of pollutants that have an impact on air quality and climate change. But, E85 releases a greater percentage of harmful organic compounds, which contribute to the creation of groundlevel ozone or smog, and particulate matter, which can be harmful to the heart and lungs. Most of these pollutants from E85 are released through the farming of crops and the making of ethanol, which happens in rural areas so it’s not as noticed. So when the urban driver fills up and takes off, the emissions that cause the smog are already out of the product, which is good for urban areas but then there’s the emissions that are already released in our air through processing. The one drawback here is that the particulate matter released is worse on human health. “Biodiesel is worse than regular diesel in terms of particulate matter - one of the pollutants more dangerous to human health. And due to its evaporative properties, ethanol at low concentrations can, in fact, worsen ground-level ozone and other air pollutants,” a quote by Josh Domer, spokesman for the Sierra Club in Washington, D.C. A lot of people argue that it’s a shame we produce products that could be processed for food and burn them up, so many hungry people in the world. I agree, but money talks. In the poorer countries, like the vast savanna in Africa, there are some grasses the could be planted, that thrive in arid areas, and actually leave the soil in better shape than before. They leave humus behind which acts as a fertilizer for the dry soil. Crops like these would bring prosperity and encourage development. Here in our own country I don’t know what the answer is. One headline I read says “Biofuels boom may hurt water supply,, “Biofuel Emissions: A complex debate about cleaner,” and “Biofuels are cleaner than traditional forms of fuel.” Why are there so many conflicting stories on the subject? Either it is or it isn’t. Then there’s the issue of global warming thrown into the mixture. I do believe that this is a natural evolution of our earth. There are many hints in the earth’s past that everything at one time was green and lush. Then there’s the ice age, and the warming back up,
there weren’t many people around then. What caused the global then? warming The studies by people, not necessarily scientists, but the greenPam people house want us to believe Dodds that biofuels are the way, maybe they are, but if we’re the only country going to do this, does this make a lot of sense? How many hybrid cars are the people going to buy that live in ghetto areas around the globe? Not many. I know, it’s got to start somewhere, why not here? I’m really not against any biofuels, I guess what makes me mad about this whole thing is that everybody isn’t 100percent sure this is going to help, everybody isn’t jumping on the bandwagon to say this is the solution. With so many critics for either side, it’s hard to make your own decision. Now they say we should monitor the methane and nitrous oxide, two of the big three greenhouse gases, these are the gases produced by ruminating animals, cows, are specifically named as the culprit here, but lets not forget the other animals involved, eland, mountain goat, llamas and buffalo. No one mentions the other animals, why is that? There are species that are dying out because of the warmer weather, some will adapt and some will not. This is the story of our planet. Today we are not co-existing with dinosaurs because they became extinct. Would we be rallying to their defense if their population was dwindling today? Then there’s the issue of our ground water. With the ever-increasing temperatures, it takes almost 2,000 gallons of water for every bushel of corn irrigated. A biorefinery that produces 100 million gallons of ethanol a year would use the water supply for a town of about 5,000 people. Eventually there’s going to be a limit on the amount of water used here. Nebraska’s monitored water table over the past 50 years has declined 190 feet. Counties west of Chicago have drawn down the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer by more than 800 feet of water since 1850. This seems not to be a renewable source. We are going to have to choose here, somebody better start making decisions and they better be the right ones. . We try to go green, we use up our water source and still have to deal with pollutants. We buy our oil and have to deal with higher prices at the pump and deal with pollutants. Not sure if I want to have water to drink or fuel to drive. Our natural resources have to be protected. People need to get educated, start reading all material not just the print from the green people, also the opposing side, draw your own conclusions, vote people in that think the way you do. There is so much more I could write about but don’t have the room, papers are filled with stories. Don’t get thrown into the ideology that the sky is falling.
Heartland INSIGHT
Ag scholarship offered, deadline Jan. 30 SIREN - Persons wishing to apply for the Siren Community Ag Association’s scholarship are asked to call one of the following persons for scholarship information: Grant Burdick at 327-8861; Bert Lund, Jr. at 349-5544 or Jack Hedlund at
349-5152. The final date to apply for the scholarship is Jan. 30, so those interested are asked to call as soon as possible. - with submitted information
Born at Indianhead Medical Center: A girl, Brooke Marie Wolf, born Dec. 26, 2007, to Laura and Ryan Wolf of Siren. ••• Born at Amery Regional Medical Center: A girl, Piper LoKay Jensen, born Dec. 13, 2007, to Tonya Jensen, Luck. Piper weighed 6 lbs., 11-1/2 oz. ••• A girl, Sarah Catherine Marie Burns, born Dec. 16, 2007, to Bernadette and William Burns, Luck. Sarah weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz. ••• A boy, Titus John Allen Coffman, born Dec. 17, 2007, to Stephanie and Christopher Coffman, Hammond. Titus weighed 6 lbs., 10 oz. ••• A boy, Ethan Coral Tyman, born Dec. 17, 2007, to Jennifer and Damon Tyman, Amery. Ethan weighed 8 lbs., 14 oz. ••• A son, Aiden Steven Lake, born Dec. 21, 2007, to Alison Lake and Ryan Keith, Frederic. Aiden weighed 6 lbs., 4-1/2 oz. ••• A girl, Chloe Marie Bengston, born Dec. 22, 2007, to Ashley Eley and Nicholas Bengston, Luck. Chloe weighed 7 lbs., 13 oz. •••
A girl, Ashley Renee Grosskreutz, born Dec. 23, 2007, to Kelly Sunday and Christopher Grosskreutz, Clear Lake. Ashley weighed 7 lbs., 5-1/2 oz. ••• A boy, Austin Henry Allman I, born Dec. 28, 2007, to Carrie Jo Gullickson and Aubert Allman III, Clear Lake. Austin weighed 6 lbs., 13-1/2 oz. ••• A girl, Anissa Jo Marie Kerns, born Dec. 30, 2007, to Ashley McCarty and Thomas Kerns Jr., Clear Lake. Anissa weighed 7 lbs., 1/2 oz. ••• A girl, Evalynn Grace Baumann, born Jan. 3, 2008, to Rachel and Chad Baumann, Amery. Evalynn weighed 7 lbs., 6-1/2 oz. ••• Born at Burnett Medical Center: A boy, Jason James Aronson, born Jan. 6, 2008, to Katie Clifford and Jeff Aronson, Grantsburg. Jason weighed 7 lbs., 5 oz. and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Deb Hess (Vern) of Pine City, Minn., Scott and Vonnie Clifford of Rush City, Minn., and Marti Clifford of North Branch, Minn. Great-grandparents are Elanore Aronson of Grantsburg, Sandra Laphapelle of North Branch, Minn., and Francis (Bud) Clifford of Rush City, Minn. •••
Born at St. Croix Regional Medical Center: A boy, Lucas William Popenhagen, born Dec. 17, 2007, to Bob and Jennifer Popenhagen, Turtle Lake. Lucas weighed 7 lbs., 10 oz. ••• A boy, Lincoln Marc Vaudrin, born Dec. 18, 2007, to Amy and Chad Vaudrin, Shafer, Minn. Lincoln weighed 6 lbs., 14 oz. ••• A girl, Graisyn Joy Lee, born Dec. 18, 2007, to Chuck and Larissa Lee, Grantsburg. Graisyn weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz. ••• A boy, Xavier Richard Nadeau, born Dec. 20, 2007, to Steven and Beth Nadeau, St. Croix Falls. Xavier weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz. ••• A girl, Lexi Kay Geyer, born Dec. 22, 2007, to Wes and Jolene Geyer, Osceola. Lexi weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz. ••• A girl, Anne Rachel Elizabeth Stenberg, born Jan. 1, 2008, to Rebecca and Steve Stenberg, St. Croix Falls. Anne weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz. •••
The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper Barb Kallman retires after 21 years of service ST. CROIX FALLS – Barb Kallman, who joined the former River Valley Medical Center in May 1986, recently announced her retirement from St. Croix Regional Medical Center. During her 21-year career, Kallman worked as a file clerk in Health Information Services (Medical Records). Looking back to the beginning of her career in the original medical clinic, Kallman is astounded at how much has changed, especially the size of her workspace and the number of staff. “There were only five of us in this department when I began,” Kallman recalled, “all squeezed into a 12’ x 12’ room where we often had to manually sort through files which, at times, were stacked on the floor.” She also has weathered several remodels of the department and giant moves of data. “Here at the end of my career, the workspace is 10 times larger with many more employees and rows of movable shelving for records. And soon, our records will be paperless and electronically delivered.” Kallman looks back fondly on many good—and sometimes funny—memories. “Once when our colleague, Joyce Nelson, was in charge, all of us called in sick, one at a time,” Kallman recalled. “It was April Fool’s Day, but she didn’t realize it. Needless to say, Nelson was really panicking, until we all arrived. She was so relieved. I will always cherish the special friendships I’ve had over the years with my co-workers.” “I am excited about retiring, as I want to have time to travel,” said Kallman. “My immediate plans are a trip to California in February to visit my sister. In the summer, my husband, Bob, and I will spend a lot of time at our cabin north of Danbury.” The Kallmans also plan to take a trip south for a few weeks after they sell
Barb Kallman has announced her retirement from St. Croix Regional Medical Center after 21 years of service. – Photo submitted their cattle in a year or so. The two, who have been married 45 years, own a farm in Trade Lake where they raise beef cattle and cash crops. Kallman will be honored with a retirement party on Jan. 11 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the clinic conference room. – submitted
TOWN TALK/COUNTRY CHATTER Hello, everyone! Reed here from Humane Society of Burnett County. This week I have some good news, and I have some bad news. I’ll give you the bad news first: This is my last column for the shelter. The good news? I have been reunited with my Reed family! I’ll let you in on a little secret also; Reed is not my real name. It is my nom de plume. You see, it has been my lifelong dream to bark YAPpenings out a few stories in print, and these last few weeks I got to realize that dream, even if only for a short while. Now that I have done so, it’s time for me to go back home. Well, that and I finally and completely broke my bed from jumping up and down on it. Sorry, shelter folks. I am not certain who will be writing your shelter news. A lot of my kennel mates are gearing up for a new adventure and moving to a bigger shelter in the Twin Cities this week, where they will get more exposure. There are 34 of us crammed in here now because we have some new arrivals. Let me tell you about them. Three strapping boys came in, two are broth-
Oh what a variety of wildlife that shows up in our backyard. We have the usual deer, about a dozen of moms and their fawns and even a buck who, when he comes, likes to boss them around. He shakes his horns at them getting them to give up their spots at the feeders. Also three turkey hens enjoy the day scratching up the snow under the bird feeders to get the dropped sunflower seeds, thus making it easier for the many smaller birds to find the smaller seeds. Can’t forget the antics of the crew of gray squirrels who come every day, so much time is spent running each other out of the bird yard in fear that they might not get any seeds. We even have a beautiful black one, who, when he comes, takes over and is king for the day. The late Wilbur (Woody) and Clarice Woods clan got together on Dec. 30 at the Siren American Legion Hall for their annual Christmas get together. Woody and Clarice had seven children, three have passed away but the remaining four, along with the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, about 50 in all, were there to enjoy the day. Art and Bev Beckmark were included in the group as Art is a cousin to the Woods kids and spent much of his younger years with them. Sympathy to the family of Alfred C. Spaude who passed away Dec. 20. Congratulations to elementary student Emily Howe, middle schooler Annie (Qi Xin) Li and high schooler Travis Freese for being chosen Siren schools students of the week. Peggy Strabel out on Waldora Road spent several days in the St. Croix hospital, but is back home recouperating. The Siren Methodist church members got a shock on
St. Croix Valley Senior Center Back again after the holidays. It was a fun time with family and friends. And the snow was great. Our January birthdays are: Don Benson, Carol LeVasseur, Peg Frey, Janet Len-Rios, Evelyn Podeszwa, Jeanne Thomfohrda, Carol Olson, Olga Young and Deloris Benson. Happy birthday to each of you. Dec. 20, 500 card winners were: Leroy Booth in first place, Roger Greenlee in second place, Elroy Petzel in third place. Dec. 27 card winners were: Arliss Rosen in first place, Olga Young in second place and Jeanne Thomfohrda in third place.
Throughout the year
ers and, guess what? The aren’t even black Labs! They are Labs, though. One snow Lab and one golden. They are about 2 years old and are a couple of nice guys. The other big dog is a golden retriever that came in as a stray. He is a little more reserved than the Lab boys, but he is a nice fella. I giggled when I saw the next two strays come in. Birdie and Chloe are a Pom and a Chihuahua, respectively. Why do little dogs shake so much? Birdie is about 5 years old and has a pretty gray/black coat. Chloe is about 2, was carried in by fleas, and is white with some black and brown markings (she is now flea free). I said to her, “Yo quiero Taco Bell?” but I guess she doesn’t actually speak Spanish, because she just looked at me like I had three heads. (Wouldn’t that be something?!) Well, it sure has been fun being a part of the shelter and relating stories to you, my readers, out there. Thanks to everyone who cared for me and the volunteers that came in to visit and chase me around the play yard. You are a swell bunch of people, and I will miss you all. HSBC is saving lives, one at a time. www.hsburnettcty.org 866-4096.
If all the warmth of Christmastime was only made to last. The troubles of the world could be just relics of the past. If that kind, friendly spirit could be kept throughout the year. Then we should all be happy, and our lives be full of cheer. If we could give, from day to day, the yuletide love and thought. Before another year comes round, what changes would be wrought! So let us now resolve to try to keep within our hearts, the friendliness, the warmth, the cheer, when Christmastime departs. New Year’s Day the domino and card players met for the usual games. The domino winners were: Deloris Benson in first place, Janice Mevissen in second place, Don Anderson in third place. 500 card winners were: Cliff Qualle in first place, Elroy Petzel in second place, Leone Montgomery in third place. Bingo is played the first and third Friday of the month. Come and enjoy the fun. Thursday evening 500 card winners were: Jeanne Thomfohrda in first place, Kim Rosen in second place and Don Anderson in third place. Happy New Year to each of you!
Bev Beckmark
Sunday morning before service when they learned Pastor Mike Ascher was put on incapacity leave. Pastor Tom Cook will be the minister for the month of January. My best wishes go out to Pastor Mike Ascher and his wife, Candy, as well as prayers.
Frederic Senior Ardyce Center Knauber The news was published early because of the New Year’s holiday, so we have had lots of activity since the last publication. Thursday night 500 cards was played on Dec. 27 with the following winners: first was Annie Borchert, second was Lonnie Jones, third was Ruth Johnson and fourth was Bob Holm. Friday Pokeno was played as always. The group enjoyed being together and enjoyed refreshments after the game. Saturday get-together with food, fellowship and games was enjoyed. Executive board meeting was held Dec. 28, at 9:30 a.m. On Monday, Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve the spades group played with the following winners: first was Vi Luke, second was Shirley Sandquist and third was Deloris Potter. New Year’s Day was our holiday share-a-lunch. A large group attended enjoying the food, cards, bingo and good fellowship. Clareese Marek has supplied us with wonderful cakes this year. We look forward to a new recipe each time. A Happy New Year! Grant that I may bring no tear to any eye When this new year in time shall end, Let it be said I’ve played the friend, Have lived and loved and labored here And make of it a happy year. Wednesday Pokeno was again enjoyed by the group. Refreshments were shared after the game. Thursday night 500 cards was played with the following winners: first was Arvid Pearson, second was Nina Vold, third Marlyce Borchert and fourth was Duane Roufs. Friday was the monthly meeting at 1:30 p.m. with 17 members attending. Cards and refreshments followed. Saturday share-a-lunch and birthdays of the month were celebrated. Donald Danielson and Robert Larsen on Jan. 5 and Arnie Borchert on Jan. 25. Abbie Larsen served birthday cake and ice cream for her husband, Robert Larsen’s birthday as he was 90 years old. Donald Danielsen was 89 and he served strawberries for the ice cream. Abbie’s sister and husband attended the party, which made it special. Bingo and cards were played and everyone had an enjoyable day. Our center is open six days a week and, if you’re lonely, drop in and have coffee with us and see how nice it is to have a group together enjoying each other’s company.
Dewey - LaFollette
Karen Mangelsen
Lida and Don Nordquist and Hank and Karen Mangelsen were supper guests of Donna and Gerry Hines Friday. Saturday visitors of Gerry and Donna Hines were Barry, Josh and Olivia Hines, Brenda, Bryce and Jessica Sweet and Bryce’s friend Paul. Rod Coyour, Bonnie Ackland and Judy Albee visited Harold Owens in the afternoon Saturday. That evening, Bonnie and Judy had supper with Robert Einweek and Rod, and then they all enjoyed a time of playing cards. Karen and Hank Mangelsen went to River Falls Sunday to visit Larry, Heidi, Celie and Baxter Mangelsen. They helped Baxter celebrate his fourth birthday. Sympathy is extended to Sonny Phernetton and family due the death of Sonny’s wife, Dorothy. She was 71. Bruce and Jan Quinton and family were guests of Dick and Shirley Quinton for several days over Christmas and New Year’s. Monday evening, Kerry and Chuck Russell visited Judy Albee. New Year’s Eve guests of Don and Lida Nordquist were Inez and Arvid Pearson, Donna and Gerry Hines, Karen and Hank Mangelsen and Marlene Swearingen. They enjoyed a time of playing cards. Marlene stayed overnight. On Tuesday, Lida, Don, Gerry, Donna, Hank and Karen and Marlene joined Bruce Swearingen at Tracks for lunch to celebrate New Year’s Day. Judy Albee visited Beverly Brunclik Tuesday. Clam River Tuesday Club met Jan. 2 at the home of Judy Albee. After the meeting, the ladies played several lively rounds of the dice game. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Judy Leonard. There will be an exchange of Valentine gifts ($7 - $8), for those who card to participate.
Fran Krause
LaVonne O’Brien
Nancy Krause went to Marquette, Mich., to pick up her daughter, Leslie, to visit her and Kent for a few days. Fran Krause spent New Year’s night with the Mark Krauses. The Webster eighth-grade boy’s basketball final tournament was in Hayward on Saturday, Jan. 5. Sympathy to the family of Becky O’Brien on the passing of her mother, Dorothy Phernetton. Pat and Nancy O’Brien spent New Year’s with relatives in Minneapolis, Minn. Visitors at Maxine Stone’s last week were Donna Carlson, Betty Kulbeck and Elaine Paulus.
News from the Service Air Force Airman Michael T. Kerber has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization, and military customs and courtesies; performed drill and ceremony marches, and received physical training, rifle marksmanship, field training exercises, and special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Kerber is the son of Maureen Kerber of Centuria. The airman is a 2007 graduate of Unity High School, Balsam Lake.
Happy Corners
Mardel Barnette
Vern Catlin took his granddaughter out for New Year’s Eve lunch on Monday afternoon in Spooner. Mardel Barnette and Shawn and Pat Richards were in Rice Lake on Friday afternoon. Pat Richards has been staying at the Mardel Barnette home for a few days. Vern Catlin was flown down to Luther Hospital in Eau Claire on Thursday evening and he is in the ICU ward with a lot of problems. He is not responding too well, and I have been calling every other day for a update on him. Gene Doster had New Year’s Day supper at the Mardel Barnette home.
866-4334 I am so thankful that the holiday season is over and I don’t have to be tempted with leftover Christmas cookies and candy that call out “eat me!” I just packed it all up and gave it away. Joyce Smith, Gladys Beers, Theresa Gloege and I attended the New Year’s Eve party at the Baptist Church and we enjoyed the potluck supper, playing golf cards with Wes and Norma Maurer and Doris Janssen, and then watching the awesome movie “Facing the Giants.” My big night out ended up with me being home and in my “jammies” by 10:30 p.m. It was a great evening though, and it was well attended by a large number of adults and youths, as the young people also had their own entertainment. Deb’s meal of beef stroganoff over noodles was quickly eaten up by three tables of hungry diners at Wednesday’s congregate meal. Afterwards, eight ladies played dime bingo and everyone enjoyed the tasty array of refreshments furnished by Edna Schroeder, Gladys Beers, Jane Wardean and Theresa Gloege. Duane Lockhart of Grantsburg stopped at the center for a visit on Thursday morning. He used to live in Siren and occasionally came in to eat with us.
Higgins is a 3-year-old, neutered, male Border collie. He has a glossy coat with standard issue Border collie markings, a white ruff, tail tip, nose and snip between the eyes. Higgins is an uncommon Border collie in that he is calm. His maturity gives him that extra edge; he saves his energy for play and other Arnell such canine activities. Higgins is friendly, well-behaved and houseHumane trained. He is the ultimate companSociety ion country dog and needs a home where he will be appreciated. Annual dog licenses are due at the end of January. In Wisconsin, all dogs over the age of 5 months must be licensed no matter where they live, in the city or country. Licensing of Higgins dogs is closely tied to the mandatory rabies vaccination requirement in that all dogs over 5 months of age must be vaccinated against rabies in order to obtain a license. These two requirements are placed on dog owners to create a rabies immunity barrier between the domestic dog population and humans. Rabies is primarily a disease of nondomesticated animals. It is most commonly found in bats, raccoons, fox and skunks. In the United States, wildlife accounts for over 90 percent of reported cases of animal rabies. It is generally not feasible or desirable to attempt wild carnivore or bat population reductions as a means of rabies control. Dogs are more likely than humans to come into contact with infected wildlife, and therefore are required to be vaccinated. Since 1960, the mandatory vaccination of dogs in the United States has largely controlled canine and human rabies. Cats are also vaccinated for rabies, but it is not mandatory, and feline rabies is now more common than canine rabies in the U.S. Pet vaccination programs and prompt treatment of animal bites has greatly reduced the number of rabies cases in the United States to an estimated five per year. Rabies has traditionally been associated with dogs more than any other animal, and in parts of the world where vaccination programs are limited, dogs remain the most common source of the disease for people. There are an estimated 65,000 human rabies cases each year throughout the world. Knowing the reasons for these requirements helps us to understand the need for pet licensing. Many local veterinarians are offering rabies vaccination discounts or clinics this month to help pet owners meet the state requirements for pet vaccination and licensing. Check with your veterinarian clinic or watch for ads in the paper for these clinics. With rabies certificate in hand, don’t forget to license your dog with your city or township clerk. Funds from the Dog License Fund are used to pay dog damage claims and are paid to the Arnell Humane Society for taking in all stray dogs from Polk County. Wandering pets are a public health and safety issue. Arnell operates to provide an animal control facility for the county, as well as an adoption agency for unclaimed animals. The ability of Arnell to provide this service would be greatly compromised without these funds. You are supporting the animal shelter when you license your dog. It is a win-win situation for the citizens and animals of Polk County. Arnell Memorial Humane Society, 715 268-7387 (PETS) or online: www.arnellhumane.org.
The regular group of guys, Ken Hayes, Dave Wardean, Pat O’Brien, Gene Johnson and Harold Peterson, had a good time playing pool on Thursday evening. They missed their buddy, Sam Williamson, as he was off doing his Boy Scout thing. Mert Kisselburg, Margel Ruck, Jane Wardean, Theresa Gloege and Gladys Beers played several games of golf cards and also brought goodies for all to enjoy. There were only eight diners at the center on Friday, and I think that is about the lowest count we have ever had. I know I am guilty of not being there as much as I used to, and I hope to do better in the future. We need more congregate diners to keep the nutrition program going. As a note to the home-delivered meal recipients, with all the snow we have received so far this winter, you need to be sure and have someone keep your driveways, sidewalks and porches clear for the volunteer drivers to have better access. The next Dining at Five evening meal will be on Thursday, Jan. 31, and Deb will be serving a roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings, so call 866-5300 to make your reservation. Because of the dark and cold winter weather, the home delivered clients will have a choice of a frozen meal for January, February and March instead of the regular evening meal. The frozen meals will be sent out on Wednesday, the day before the evening meal. In April, 2008, we will resume sending out a hot meal for the monthly evening meal. Congratulations to Ryan and Laura Wolf who are the proud parents of a new baby girl, Brooke Marie, who was born about 6:15 p.m. on Christmas Day. Don’t forget, ladies, that the next Ravishing Rubies Red Hat Society luncheon will be held at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at noon at the Ike Walton Lodge, 7861 Birch Street, on the north side of Big Yellow Lake located off Co. Rd. U, Webster.
Our special thanks go to Gladys Packer for donating poppy seed bread and caramel rolls for morning coffee and the congregate diners on Wednesday; Berenice Quernemoen – candy; and the anonymous donor of aluminum cans. Our get-well wishes and prayers continue to go out to Mary Garbe who will be receiving a kidney transplant on Thursday, Jan. 10, at Hennepin County Medical Center from her daughter who is the donor; Bob Ramstrom, Jerry Enns, Fran Arnold, Belva Ollikain, Albert Doriott and Arlene Fink. Our sympathy and prayers also go out to the family of Dorothy Phernetton in her recent passing. So many people are in such a hurry to get off to work or school that they don’t have time to eat even a bowl of cereal for breakfast. They just grab a breakfast bar to eat on the way. It isn’t the most nourishing meal, but it is the most convenient, and convenience seems to be what most people want today. In the U.S. alone, in one year companies introduced 50,000 new beverages, health, beauty, household and pet products, and the most popular emphasize convenience. We seem to be hooked on the quick and easy approach to almost everything. But it is dangerous to base our spiritual life on what is most convenient. If we only read the interesting stories and fail to read the Bible and take time to pray, our life can quickly slide into turmoil. The Bible reveals that in the midst of teaching, healing, traveling and preaching, Jesus never allowed the pace of life to keep him from spending time with his heavenly father. We need to resist the lure of convenience and take time to be alone with God. “In the stillness of the morning, before a busy day of care, how sweet to be alone with God, through his holy word and prayer.” – Anderson. “Having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Mark 1:35. See you at the center!
Written for this week.
You were looking for last week’s news and you didn’t find it? It was brought in Monday morning but somehow it didn’t make it into print. It was written, however. Last week’s news is now what is called “common knowledge,” although it’s happy news. The engagement of Mickey Lenz and John Glockzin was announced, and the couple received best wishes and congratulations from their church friends. Retired Pastor Tom Cook was in charge of Sunday’s service on Jan. 6, at Lewis and Siren UM churches as Pastor Mike is on medical leave due to poor health. Wishing him better! Tom Cook is a retired pastor residing in Frederic. It was also communion Sunday. Coffee and muffins were served after services, followed by a business meeting as there are adjustments to be made as we start a new year. Lewis and Siren are yoked together to work as a team and 2008 will bring changes. More meetings on schedule for this week. Your cooperation is needed. LaVerne Leep accompanied Carol and Lee Mangelsen up north to visit LaVerne’s sister, Elsi, for several days. Jennie and Krist and family also visited there. The NW Regional Writers will meet Friday, Jan. 11, at Sunrise Apts., Frederic. The assignment is write on a new leaf or turning a new one. Best wishes to June Moline at the hospital in Grantsburg. She is still struggling with pneumonia. Carol Bohn served several kinds of muffins on Sunday after the church service. Where did Christmas go? It’s already time to undeck the halls and yards.
Mary Klar
Bernice Abrahamzon Written for last week.
On a white, crystal night on Christmas Eve, a candlelight service was held at both the Lewis and Siren United Methodist churches with Pastor Mike in charge. It was very moving. The December church board meeting was cancelled and will be held sometime in January. The Lewis UMW will meet Wednesday, Jan. 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church. It’s time to fill out dates and choose hostesses for 2008. The sanctuary was bright with poinsettia plants at Sunday’s service. Robin Peterson helped Pastor Mike with the service, and LaVonne Boyer read Scripture. Ethel Lane served goodies after the service, and her granddaughter, Ann Nelson, helped behind the service counter. She is a student at the UW-Superior and home on Christmas/New Year’s vacation. Ann’s sister, Jessica, and husband, Brian Ford, were also home at the Scott, Marlene and Nicole home in Lewis during holidays. The annual meeting of the Inter-County Co-op Publishing Company will be held Saturday, Jan. 5, at Hacker’s Lanes, Frederic. Cards were sent out to co-op members to determine if they planned to attend. A Lewis Board meeting will be held next Sunday following the Jan. 6 church service. Very important to attend to cast a vote. It will also be Communion Sunday. Are we having an old-fashioned snowy winter? Snowmobilers, skiers, tobaggoners, users of the Gandy Dancer trail are also happy.
Luck Senior Center
Happy New Year to one and all! Our new schedule for the winter months is as follows: Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Our snowbirds have flown the coop (get it: snowbirds, flown the coop, ha!), anyhow, Kathy and Dave are still here, but as soon as Dave’s doctor gives him the OK, they will be flying the coop too, bummer! I still have Christmas cookies, getting a little tired of them, so today I made oatmeal and sugar cookies, yum, yum. I found some Amish breads in my freezer, so I will have them on the menu, along with carrots and celery sticks and angel food cake for diabetics. Mark this date on your calendar, Saturday, Jan. 26, at noon, will be our monthly potluck/birthday meeting. I will
Shirley Lund
be giving a presentation on my trip to the Holy Land. All are welcome. I’m hoping 2008 will be a big turnaround for our center, remember, you don’t have to be a member or a senior citizen to come in for a cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa and some sweets. If you are interested in becoming a member, please let me know. Also, did you know you may rent the center for the day for a birthday party, anniversary party, etc.? Come on in and check us out. Want to play pool, or maybe you want to play cards or practice the piano. We have all of that and more, so come on in, see what fun we have. That’s all for now, hope to see you all soon.
Amery Public Library The Amery Public Library has been acquiring some boxed sets of television shows on DVD, so if you need something to get you through these cold winter days, these might be the ticket. The following are boxed sets we have recently added to our DVD collection: “The Addams Family” Season 2 and 3; “The Andy Griffith Show” Season 1 and 2; “Barney Miller” The First Season; “The Beverly Hillbillies” Volume 1 and 2; “Bewitched;” “Brady Bunch” Seasons 1, 2, and 3; “Brideshead Revisited”; “Bonanza” Volume 1 and 2; “The Carol Burnett Show Show Stoppers;” “Chico and the Man;” “Chips;” “Colombo” Seasons 1 and 2; “Daniel Boone” Season 1; “The Best of the Dick Van Dyke Show;” “Diagnosis Murder” Volume 1 and 2; “Dragnet;” “The Electric Company;” “Good Neighbors;” “Green Acres;” “Gunsmoke;” “Happy Days” and “Star Trek” 1, 2 and 3.
discuss “Prodigal Summer,” by Barbara Kingsolver. Pick up a copy at the circulation desk if you would like to join this group for exciting book talk. The Teens Read book group meets on Monday, Jan. 28, to discuss “Bound,” by Donna Napoli, this historical novel which deals with foot binding will make fascinating reading. We meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for snacks and book talk if you are 13 or older. Otaku Club meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. for teens who love manga and anime. Stop in and check our our manga selections. Friends of the Library will meet on Jan. 14, at 5:30 p.m. Watch for more information on Amery’s Got Talent, the fundraiser at the Amery High School Auditorium on Feb. 24. Thank you to everyone who remembered the Amery Public Library and the staff in the holiday season.
Library notes Story time will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday mornings. Everyone is welcome for songs and stories. Friends of the Library book group meets on Monday, Jan. 14, at 7 p.m., to
Library hours Regular hours are Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. Croix Falls Public Library Upcoming fundraising events Mark your calendar for snow tubing at Wild Mountain on Sunday evening, Feb. 3. Need a gift for that special someone? Consider giving a gift to the library in their name. The St. Croix Falls Public Library is the place that encourages pursuit of knowledge and an exchange of ideas. The library reflects our area’s values and ideals. It continues to be one of our most revered community resources, and it truly brings us together. If you or someone you know would like to discuss a special gift, please contact library director Sarah Adams at 715-483-1777 or e-mail scflibrary@ifls.lib.wi.us. Saturday Talk About the Book Club The book club will meet the fourth Saturday of January, Jan. 26, at Sit-ASpell in Les Amis Shops, 9:30 a.m. The current selection is “Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name,” by Vida Vendala. New members welcome. Friends of the Library The next meeting of the Friends of the
St. Croix Falls Public Library will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 30, at noon in the library. Technology Free wireless is available at the library. Also, visit the library Web site stcroixfallslibrary.org to get information on the building project, programs at the library and much, much more! Story hour Listen to stories, create great art and have fun with other kids and parents every Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. Check it out! Make a New Year’s resolution to read more books. Check out books on all kinds of the usual resolution topics: Dieting, exercise, cookbooks, organizing, relaxing, travel, etc. See what’s available at www.more.wi.lib.us. Tax forms are available at the library! Hours, contact The library is open from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. every day except Saturday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Closed on Sundays.
“Window to the World” Chase off cabin fever this winter with the “Window to the World” lecture series at Milltown library where local travelers will share their firsthand knowledge of faraway places, people and international issues.
Thank you to the Friends of the Clear Lake Public Library for raising funds for us to purchase music CDs. New adult fiction arrivals “There’s No Place Like Here,” by Cecelia Ahern (Author of “PS, I Love You”) “Dragon Harper,” by Anne and Todd McCaffrey “Free Fall,” by Fern Michaels “Hide and Seek,” by Fern Michaels “The Senator’s Wife,” by Sue Miller “Shooters: A Presidential Agent Novel,” by W.E.B. Griffin “Size 12 is Not Fat,” by Meg Cabot “Big Boned,” by Meg Cabot New juvenile fiction “New American Girl Series” “Meet Julie” “Julie Tells Her Story” “Happy New Year Julie”
Hours Monday 1 – 5 p.m., Tuesday 1 – 8 p.m., Wednesday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Thurs-
Movie night returns Come join us on Jan. 28, 6:30 p.m. for “Spiderman 3” (Rated PG-13). Regular library hours Monday: Noon - 7 p.m.; Tuesday noon - 6 p.m.; Wednesday 3 - 9 p.m.; Thursday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.; Friday: noon - 5 p.m.; and Saturday: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. We can be reached by phone at 715-2632802 or by e-mail at clearlakepl@ifls.lib.wi.us.
day 1 – 8 p.m., Friday 1 - 5 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. to noon.
Polk County Library Federation Happy New Year! Check out the great selection of diet and exercise books at the Polk County Libraries. Some titles you may want to look at are: “Curves: Permanent Results Without Permanent Dieting,” by Gary Heavin and Carol Coleman, “How to Feel Fabulous Today!” by Stephanie Tourles. “Mark Anthony’s Once-A-Week Workout,” by Marc Anthony, “Pilates: A Beginner’s Guide,” by Roger Brignell, “Walking Fit: Advice and Programs To Get Walking Fit,” by Rose Leach and “The 15 Best Exercises: Secrets from Men’s Health Magazine,” edited by Joe Kita.
The Polk County Libraries also have many books on tape and CD; these are great to listen to while you are exercising! So let the Polk County Libraries help you become healthier in 2008. Check it out! For further information contact the library at 485-8680. The director is Colleen Gifford, assistant director/youth services is Molly Kessler, and the library clerk is Stephanie Fansler. The Polk County Library Federation is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Centuria Public Library Hours The Centuria Public Library is open Monday from noon to 5 p.m., Tuesday from noon to 7 p.m., Wednesday from
noon to 5 p.m., Thursday from noon to 7 p.m., closed Friday, and open 10 a.m. to noon Saturday.
Osceola Public Library
The first event in this series, about Haiti, was a huge success! Don’t miss the next “Window to the World” presentation, which will take audiences to Chiapas, Mexico, on Saturday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m. Join us on Saturday, Feb. 2, at 2 p.m. for a presentation about South Africa. Hours Library hours are Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Book discussion “Truck: A Love Story,” by Michael Perry. Perry chronicles a year during which he struggled to grow his own food, live peaceably with volatile neighbors, and fix his pickup truck, at a time when he also fell in love and befriended
Amery Public Library
“Julie and the Eagles” “Julie’s Journey” “Castle Corona,” by Sharon Creech “Dragon’s Egg,” by Sarah Thomson “Who Ordered This Baby?, Definitely Not Me,” by Henry Winkler (#13 in Hank Zipper series) “Alex and The Ironic Gentleman”
Luck Public Library
Cold Nights, Hot Reads Kickoff! Join the library staff and Friends of the Osceola Public Library for the Cold Nights, Hot Reads Kickoff on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 11:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Warm up with a cup of soup with library staff and the Friends of the Osceola Public Library and sign up for the third-annual Adult Winter Reading Program. Snuggle up with a good book and start reading your way to great prizes.
Milltown Public Library Story hour Milltown Public Library offers story time every Tuesday at 10 a.m. yearround. Story times are free and are designed for children under 6 and their caregivers. Each story time lasts 30 to 45 minutes and includes time to browse and check out books.
Clear Lake Public Library
Balsam Lake Public Library
a paraplegic and quadriplegic biker team. Join the discussion at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan 29. New participants are always welcome to attend! Library mailing list If you would like to be taken off the library news and events mailing list, please send an e-mail to osceolapl@ifls.lib.wi.us. Hours, contact Our hours are Monday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our phone number is 715-294-2310, and our Web address is www.osceolapubliclibrary.org.
Frederic Public Library Join us for Tuesday treats The library has added Tuesday open hours from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., and we invite you to visit during January Tuesdays for coffee, cookies and giveaways. Frederic businesses have generously donated items and gift certificates, so be sure to put your name in the hat for special drawings each Tuesday. Join us for story time Jan. 16 Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to a lively hour of stories and activities all about Mischief on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 10:30 a.m.
our Friends to develop some special community programs and fundraising projects. Please complete an interest card at the library to be contacted with more information.
Dresser Public Library is located at 117 S. Central Ave., Dresser, WI 54009. The Dresser Public Library Board of Trustees will hold its monthly meeting Jan. 28, at 6 p.m., at the library.
Cleaning your bookshelves? The library is planning its February bake and book sale, and we gladly accept donations of gently used books, movies, music CDs, and audio books for our sale. You may drop off the materials anytime during library open hours, and we can provide a receipt for the number of items you donate. This is one of two large fundraiser book sales held at the library each year, and we appreciate your support.
Library hours Monday 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Tuesday noon5 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m.–noon and 1–7 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Book groups to meet Jan. 17 The Thursday morning reading group will meet Jan. 17, at 10 a.m. to discuss “The Poisonwood Bible,” by Barbara Kingsolver. The evening book group will meet Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. to talk about “Colored People: a Memoir,” by Henry Louis Gates. New members are always welcome.
Wireless access available The library offers free wireless Internet access for patrons who bring in their laptops installed with wireless cards. No more waiting to use the public access computers!
The Friends of the Frederic Library need you A Friends group is beginning to formally organize, and we invite you to become a member. We need Friends to help at the twice-a-year bake/book sales, and we also want to work with
Hours and information Frederic Public Library, 127 Oak Street West. 715-327-4979, e-mail fredericpl@ifls.lib.wi.us. Regular open hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; and Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Balsam Lake Public Library Book review “Capital Crimes” by Stuart Woods. This is a story of intrigue and danger, politics and power. It is the story of an assassin who enjoys picking off some of the nation’s high-level political persons. If you enjoy mysteries, this is one that I found hard to put down.
struggles of a woman forced to choose between the roles of mother, wife, lover and intellectual. Elegantly written and remarkably rich in detail, “Loving Frank” is a fitting tribute to a courageous woman, a national icon, and their timeless love story. Book Club meets Jan. 16, at 3 p.m. All ages welcome.
Story time Story time is at 11 a.m. every Wednesday here at the library. All ages are welcome to join us for stories, crafts, music and snacks.
Hobby and craft group Join us Saturday, Jan. 12, at 10 a.m. here at the library - bring a hobby or craft of your choice. Share ideas, learn new hobbies, hone skills and enjoy camaraderie. All ages welcome. Messy Art will be held Friday, Jan. 18, 1:15 – 2 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 19, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. All ages are welcome to make messy art projects for free.
New books for January “Appeal” by John Grisham, “Beverly Hills“ by Stuart Woods, “Duma Key” by Stephan King, “The Shooters” by W.E.B. Griffin, “Killing Ground” by Jack Higgins, ”Shadow Music” by Julie Garwood, “Blasphemy” by Douglas Preston, “Holding Out and Hanging On-Surviving Hurricane Katrina” by Thomas Neff. Book club “Loving Frank” by Nancy Horan. In this ambitious debut novel, fact and fiction blend together brilliantly. Drawing on years of research, Horan weaves little-known facts into a compelling narrative, vividly portraying the conflicts and
Dresser Public Library
Friends group Friends group will meet Wednesday, Jan. 30, 3 p.m. at the library. Balsam Lake Public Library, (under the water tower) at 404 Main St., Balsam Lake. Hours are Monday 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Tuesday 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Friday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. E-mail: balsamlakepl@ifls.lib.wi.us Web site www.balsamlakepubliclibrary.org.
Three Internet computers: You must physically present a MORE library card to library staff and library fines must be under $10 to use a computer. New adult books Many new books by very popular authors arrived in January. Among these are “Light of the Moon” by Luanne Rice, “Secret Between Us,” by Barbara Delinsky, “Sizzle & Burn,” by Jayne Ann Krentz, and “Deadly Gamble,” by Linda Lael Miller. Mystery lovers can look forward to new titles by Stuart Woods, Robert Parker, James Patterson and Michael Palmer. What a great way to begin a new year. Place your request on the MORE Online Catalog to get in line to read these popular works. Stop in and check us out! We have more for you! Coming up Lapsitter and preschool story times resume at 10:30 a.m. each Thursday. Join us then for stories, songs, fingerplays,
crafts and more. Food for Fines will run the entire month of January! Bring one nonperishable item for a local foodshelf for each dollar in fines on Dresser Public Library materials. MORE policy restricts us from waiving fines on materials from other libraries. Book club Our adult book club resumed Jan. 8, from 10 – 11 a.m. Our new book is W. Somerset Maugham’s “Of Human Bondage.” Multiple copies of the book, including large print, and audiobooks are available at the library! New members are always welcome. Crochet class Crochet class will resume on Jan. 15, 6:30 p.m. Thank you Gratitude is expressed to everyone who has visited Dresser Public Library this year! We have enjoyed serving you and wish you a wonderful holiday season with friends and family! Contact the library at 715-755-2944 which is our telephone and FAX number or e-mail us at www.dresserpl@ifls.lib.wi.us. Our Web site, www.dresserpubliclibrary.org. also has information about story times, days closed, reference links, library policy and much more.
Polk County Badger alumni accepting '08 scholarship applications POLK COUNTY - The Wisconsin Alumni Association’s Polk County chapter announced that it is now accepting applications for the 2008 chapter scholarship. Polk County students who will be sophomores and juniors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the 2008-2009 academic year are invited to apply. One scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore, and one will be awarded to a junior. The scholarship amount may vary each year, but awards range from $800 to over $1,000. “We hope that these scholarships will encourage high school students in Polk County to attend UWMadison and help them complete their education there,” said chapter founders and Amery natives, Peter
Eng and Kimber Liedl. “It is rewarding for the UW alumni in the Polk County Chapter to give back to students in our communities.” The application deadline for the 2008-2009 academic year scholarships is Feb. 1, 2008. Scholarships will be awarded to the recipients at the chapter’s May 2008 Founder’s Day dinner, and the money will be applied towards Fall 2008 tuition. Eligible students should contact Mrs. Pat Cwayna with any additional questions at 715-268-7270. For more details about the Polk County Chapter of the Wisconsin Alumni Association or the scholarship, please visit the chapter’s Web site: http://www.uwalumni.com/polkcounty. - submitted
Interstate State Park News
Nature story time at Interstate Park
A popular program for preschool children and their parents has started at Wisconsin Interstate Park. Thursdays at 10 a.m., through March, naturalist Julie Fox will share a story and activity with preschoolers and their parents at the Ice Age Center. A short activity following the story will reinforce the story’s nature-related theme. Nature story time will generally last between 30-45 minutes, depending on the participants. “It is a great opportunity for parents to get out to the park with their little ones during this time of the year,” commented Fox. Participants will spend time indoors and outdoors, weather permitting, so parents should dress their children accordingly. Candlelight Night at the Park Mark your 2008 calendar for Candlelight Night at Interstate Park on Saturday, Feb. 9, from 6 - 9 p.m. Experience a winter evening by candlelight as hun-
dreds of candles are lit to guide skiers, snowshoers and hikers on separate trails. Come when you can, ski at your own pace on the Quarry Cross-Country Ski Trail. Snowshoers will discover the winter solitude of Lake O’ the Dalles (snowshoes are available for use free of charge for ages 6 and up). Hikers can enjoy a candlelit walk beside the St. Croix River. Or perhaps you would prefer a comfortable ride in a horse-drawn wagon. Purchase a ticket and hop aboard a wagon pulled by the Amador Clydesdales for a ride past river and lake (tickets available for purchase at the event). Refreshments and warming fires are available at the trailheads near the Camp Interstate Shelter building. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Daily and hourly passes are also available. Interstate Park is located in St. Croix Falls, on Hwy. 35 just one-half mile south of Hwy. 8. Nature story time is free of charge, but a Wisconsin State Park sticker is required to enter the park. Annual passes for 2008 are $25 for Wisconsin residents or $35 for nonresidents. For more information call Julie at 715483-3747.
SCF Scholarship Foundation Chili Cook-Off Second-annual fundraiser Jan. 22 ST. CROIX FALLS–The second-annual Chili Cook-Off and silent auction to raise money for St. Croix Falls senior scholarships will take place Tuesday, Jan. 22, from 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., at St. Croix Falls High School commons. Enjoy the basketball games after you eat: SCF Saints versus Unity Eagles, girls varsity at 6 p.m., boys varsity at 7:30 p.m. There are 25 entry spots available for chili cooks who wish to enter. Businesses, clubs, families and individuals are invited to join. Requirement of five quarts of chili is a minimum, although much more is appreciated (remember there will be a large, hungry crowd). Contestants to furnish: Slow-cooker or cooker, serving utensils, banners, appropriate and unique setups. Entry deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 18. Grand prize is naming rights to a scholarship to be presented at the annual St. Croix Falls District Scholarship Foundation Banquet in May. For registration information contact Wanda Brown at 715-483-9469. Not a cook? Enjoy all-you-can-eat chili at an exciting event organized to raise money for the St. Croix Falls District Scholarship Foundation and vote for your favorite recipe, or make a donation for the silent auction. All proceeds are tax deductible and will go to the St. Croix Falls District Scholarship Foundation. The foundation awards scholarships to graduating St. Croix Falls High School seniors and alumni. Tickets for the Jan. 22 event are $5 per person or $20 per family. Preschoolers eat free. – submitted
Webster kindergarten caring and sharing
During Cc week, Mrs. Swenson’s Webster kindergarten class did lots of caring and sharing! The group made special cards and cutout cookies to bring the residents at Cedarwood Manor in Webster. During their visit, they sang carols and enjoyed a story, read by one of the kindergarten moms, Mrs. Pardun, who joined them for the walk to Cedarwood. Mrs. Ingalls and Grandma Doreen also came along.
Red Cross looking for a book
Mary Andrea and Sharon Moretter from the Webster Food Shelf came to the class, to pick up the food that the class had collected. The students brought gifts of food for others in the town. They learned the real life lessons of helping others during the Christmas season. – Photos submitted
55th Class reunion held
Members of the Luck High School Class of 1952 that were present at the 55th reunion were: Back row (L to R) Steve Sonmore, Robert Nelson, Jim Lund and Arlen Walsten. Middle row: Margie (Effefron) Nelson, Beverly (Peterson) Gustafson, Jo Ann (Solstad) Warn and Janice (Norling) Parker. Front row: Lloyd Nelson, Virginia (Anderson) Nelson and Gladys (Krogh) Peterson. – Photo submitted
SCRMC offers scholarships ST. CROIX FALLS – St. Croix Regional Medical Center is again offering scholarships to high school graduates and those seeking to continue their education in the fields of health care. Since the inception of their scholarship program in 1984, they have awarded scholarships totaling $76,550. Funding comes from interest on trusts set up in memory of TeBina Boomgaarden and Irene Daellenbach, two auxilians and hospital employees, who devoted years of their time and talents to the betterment of the auxiliary. The proceeds from the Love Lights at Christmastime are also used for scholarships. Candidates are selected by a committee according to financial need, favorable grades, work experience, extracurricular activities, community service, qual-
ity of references and neatness of the application. Applications from students from the St. Croix Falls, Unity, Luck, Frederic and Siren school districts are being accepted. Students living in Taylors Falls, Minn., as well as hospital employees and their families, are also eligible. Students may pick up an application from a guidance counselor in their school district. Applications are also available at St. Croix Regional Medical Center from the volunteer coordinator. You may also call or write to the hospital for an application. The deadline for the applications is April 10. The hospital’s address is: St. Croix Regional Medical Center, Attn: Volunteer Coordinator, 204 South Adams Street, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024. – from SCRMC
POLK COUNTY – The Polk County Branch of the American Red Cross is looking for “Polk County Wisconsin in the War.” A copy was found at the Balsam Lake Library, and it has wonderful history of the beginnings of the Red Cross in Polk County. This book was copyrighted in 1919 by Oscar W. Lund, publisher, Harald H. Lund, editor, in Luck. If you have this book and would be willing to donate it to the American Red Cross please call 715-485-3025. submitted
New owners at Video Vault
Brian and Jean Chryst are the new owners of Video Vault in downtown St. Croix Falls. Longtime owners Donna and Dale Colberg, and their daughter Donna, sold their business to Jean, a longtime employee. The Chrysts officially took over the store Jan. 1. The storefront and location will remain the same. The store offers an ever-expanding 5,000-plus DVD selection, VHS tapes, PlayStation 2 and 3, Xbox 360s and many games to choose from. The Chrysts will continue the special of five movies five days for $5.55, and they also offer tanning packages as well. – Photo by Erik Barstow
Full Wolf Moon snowshoe hike set at Crex GRANTSBURG - Crex Meadows Wildlife Area has scheduled a Full Wolf Moon Snowshoe Hike for Tuesday, Jan. 22, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The program is held at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Area Education and Visitor Center. This is a family-oriented program to learn about the facts and fiction of the timber wolf and then venture outside to walk by the light of the full moon. The wolf program will be about 30 minutes
long and held inside the visitor center before snowshoeing, which will last approximately 1-1/2 hours. Please dress warm and bring snowshoes if you have them or you may borrow a pair of snowshoes at the center, available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Hot chocolate will be served after the program. Preregistration is required. Donations of $3/person or $5/family is appreciated. Call Carly at 715-4632739. – from Crex Meadows Wildlife Area
More good news from Iraq Good news Every day more good news comes trickling out of Iraq. Every day progress is made. Every day our part of the war is coming to an end. The “surge” is working. The Iraqis are stepping up, and we are stepping back—and eventually stepping out. This was the good news I reported, while embedded with our Wisconsin National Guard last summer. And thank God the story has not changed come winter. Lt. Col. Yoswa “We’ve got the Iraqi security force really being able to step up,” said Lt. Col. Joe Yoswa. “The ability for al-Qaida not to be able to push back and not being able to instigate the violence,” is a sign the tables have turned. Lt. Col. Yoswa is the deputy public affairs officer on Gen. David Petraeus’ staff in Iraq and was stateside for Christmas. I first met “Fighting Joe” in Baghdad and interviewed him recently in St. Paul at the home of his proud parents. He doesn’t paint a rosy picture in Iraq. He paints a hopeful picture with caution around the borders. The daily reports he gets over there say there are daily signs showing things are getting better. News reports also confirm normalcy is returning. One recent example is families are getting in their cars and driving to and enjoying a safe time at the Baghdad zoo. And in battle, the good guys are defeating the bad guys! “The Iraqi security forces,” said Lt. Col. Yoswa, “are truly stepping up and are fighting on the ground.” Yes, they “still need to mature.” In many cases the Iraqis are starting from scratch. But here’s the real sign of hope: They are willing.
Lt. Col. Joe Yoswa on the Fourth of July 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq. – Photo Wayne Anderson
Wayne M. Anderson
True citizens When you have a Columnist Wayne Anderson interviews Lt. Col. Joe Yoswa in St. Paul during people like the Con- Christmas. – Photo by Bonnie Anderson cerned Local Citizens willing to take on al-Qaida, armed fanatics, to protect Iraqi colonel One high-ranking Iraqi commander laid it on the their communities; mothers and fathers willing to table. stand in harm’s way and sacrifice for their family; “We can say two years and the Iraqi army will be "The People" willing to die in defense of their counable to depend on itself,” said Col. Eaad Abdultry; you have the powerful makings of a country. Of course the Democrats were right from day one mahdi, commander of Iraq’s 6th Motor Transportawhen they said: “This war cannot be won militarily. tion Regiment in Taji. “If we get provided with all the equipment and It must be won politically.” And that is why Gen. Petraeus’ strategy of winning weapons we need so we can face the (terrorists) and the “hearts and minds” of the Iraqis was pivotal in defeat them…I can say two years,” he said through a the overall surge policy. A war cannot be won if the U.S. Army interpreter. This prediction was uttered six months ago. And it people are not behind it. The evidence of the surge working is coming in looks like events are right on course. Make no misfrom all parts of Iraq. Yes, dangerous areas remain. take, death and destruction remain in Iraq. But neiBut fundamentally there is a geometric shift. The ther forget victory and hope shines in that darkness. Lots of fine people deserve praise for the good Iraqis are increasing their responsibilities and the news coming out of Iraq: Gen. Petraeus, Lt. Col. Coalition Forces are decreasing in duty. Yoswa, our great troops…the brave Iraqis. Troops coming home The Iraqis are taking on more. We are taking on President Bush But unlike some, I praise our president. In a time less. We are coming home. “We are starting to see troops come back,” said Lt. of war, he never faltered and never surrendered. As a commander-in-chief, that is paramount. Just ask any Col. Yoswa. On the Army side “the total reduction is the five soldier standing their post. “As a soldier…I will tell you that President Bush combat brigades (15,000 to 25,000).” has had a very trying time in making some deciThe Marines are cutting forces too. “We’ve got a Marine expeditionary unit (2,200 sions…none of which have been easy,” said Lt. Col. troops) that wasn’t replaced,” he said. “And two Ma- Yoswa. “But he has stood by them and has stood by rine battalions (1,000 to 3,500 troops) that weren’t re- his convictions and that is well respected in the military.” placed.” Good news is trickling out of Iraq. It’s a trickle, not All of these troops are coming home by summer a wave, so it’s not big news—but it is good news. and will not be replaced. When I was in Iraq last June and July, I asked sev- And this is welcomed news for hopeful Americans. eral military and political leaders when Americans We welcome another democracy in the world—and could see the end of our part—when could our peo- all our brave troops coming home to theirs soon. ••• ple come home? For more information and videos on Iraq, visit Wayne at his Web site: www.theandersonreport.com.
Milltown 4-H held wood carving workshop
Members of the South Milltown 4-H held a wood carving workshop in November with master woodsman Dave Grossmann. Youth were taught how to carve wooden utensils like spoons, forks and butter knives out of a variety of woods. Those participating included front: Jena Alling, Austin Donahue and Joe Larsen. Back: Amanda Kuske, Eric Kuske, Johanna Alling, Dave Grossmann, Jenelle Larsen and Julia Larsen. – Photos submitted
Youth teaching youth is a way 4-H members learn as they grow. South Milltown 4-H members had a chance to get together for a craft workshop over the December holiday break to learn how to do glass etching, scrapbooking and wood carving. Other 4-H clubs from the Unity area were invited to attend. Glass etching was conducted by Jena and Jeanne Alling. Scrapbooking was conducted by Deborah Raboin. Wood carving was conducted by Dave Grossmann. Youth in attendance included front: Lexi Anderson, Owen Raboin, Jessica Raboin, Eddie Harr and Johanna Alling. Back: Jenelle Larsen, Joe Larsen, Oliver Raboin, and visitors from the Northern Lights 4-H club were Jon Larsen and Anna Larsen. Not pictured that participated were: Eric Kuske, Reina Cox and Jena Alling.
Polk Juniors perform at State Jr. Holstein Convention POLK COUNTY – Twenty Polk County Junior Holstein members traveled to Middleton, Thursday morning, Dec. 27, for the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention. The group had been preparing for convention activities since early September. Many quiz bowl practices, project meetings, and tons of planning went into preparing for the event. The time had finally come for the educational and fun weekend. Nearly 400 Holstein enthusiasts from across Wisconsin attended the convention hosted by Jefferson County Junior Holstein members. Thursday afternoon they arrived at the National Dairy Shrine where they toured the history-filled museum that highlights past leaders, influential cows and bulls, and advancements in technology. The newly renovated museum also featured a movie on the making of cheese, farming changes over the years, and the health benefits of dairy products in the diet. Following the time at the Dairy Shrine, the group headed to Hoard’s Dairyman Farm, also located in Fort Atkinson. Corey Geiger, Associate Editor at Hoards Dairyman magazine, served as tour guide, explaining the newly build state-of-the-art dairy facility at Hoards, just completed in June. The dairy houses 250 Registered Guernseys, which are milked in a herringbone double 10 parlor and housed in sand-bedded freestalls. The group then headed to the hotel to prepare for the many activities planned for the weekend. Friday morning, started with Julia Larsen giving her speech on water quality, juniors taking their craft and photography entries to the contest room, and dairy bowl team members taking the written test, used to seed the teams. Polk County had two junior quiz bowl teams. Polk Gold team was made up of team members: Kristin Solum (Deer Park), and Bethany, Ethan, and Trent Dado, all of Amery. Polk-A-Dot team was comprised of team members: Katie and Justin Peper (Centuria), Alek KellerBetzold (Amery), and Christopher Rassier (Osceola). Polk-A Dot team won its initial round and answered all of its individual questions correctly, but lost its next two in the double elimination contest. Polk Gold was seeded second on the written test, and advanced into the fifth round, but lost two close matches including a loss to the eventual second place junior Dairy Bowl team. There were 27 junior quiz bowl teams entered. Youth answer questions on dairy products, cattle care and nutrition, Holstein history and current events. Carole Peper (Centuria), Jacob Loen (Cushing), Mary Johnson (Cushing), Kipp Hinz (Osceola), Hans Johnson (Star Prairie) and Jessica Lundgren (Cushing) participated in Senior Dairy Jeopardy which also took place on Friday afternoon during junior quiz bowl competitions. Kristin Solum, Bethany Dado and Katie Peper participated in Intermediate
Front Row: Jake Loen, Katie Peper, Paul Byl, Ethan Dado, Trent Dado, Bethany Dado, Hannah Johnson and Associate Editor of Hoards Dairyman Magazine Corey Geiger. Back row: Carole Peper, Kipp Hinz, Jessica Lundgren, Hans Johnson, Chris Rassier, Julia Larsen, Alek Keller-Betzold, Justin Peper, Kristin Solum, Hannah Melin, Mary Johsnon and Laura Byl. – Photos submitted
Bethany Dado poses with her thirdplace Folding Display. Dairy Jeopardy. Saturday started with the senior quiz bowl competition. Polk’s senior quiz bowl team was comprised of Hans and Hannah Johnson (Star Prairie), Kipp Hinz (Osceola), and Jessica Lundgren (Cushing). In the junior jeopardy contest Ethan, Trent, and Bethany Dado, along with Christopher Rassier, Alek Keller-Betzold and Justin Peper competed individually demonstrating their dairy knowledge. Chris Rassier advanced into the semi-finals. District caucuses were held where Mary Johnson ran for the Junior Activities Committee position for the Northwest district. This committee is the leadership of the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association. Jessica Lundgren
spoke on her behalf and Johnson advanced to the general election where Brian Coyne of Pierce County was elected. Saturday night was the formal awards banquet. Jessica Lundgren was selected as Wisconsin Holstein Royalty and will serve as Wisconsin Holstein Princess Attendant for the upcoming year. She also was honored as a Distinguished Junior Member. Selection was based on an application, interview with judges and public speaking at the junior luncheon. Katie Peper was recognized as a Younger Member Award recipient. Trent and Ethan Dado were awarded the 12 & Under Member Recognition Award for their work with their Holstein projects. On Sunday morning at the breakfast banquet, additional awards were presented. Carole Peper received Junior Progressive Breeder Awards for Pepst Durham 346 and Pepst James 144. She also received her Jr Holstein lapel pin, as she graduated from the junior association this year after many years of active participation in the junior programs. In the Arts and Crafts competition, Laura Byl (Cushing) entered a farm collage and Julia Larsen (Centuria) entered a drawing. Katie Peper’s etched glass plate earned top honors in the competition and was also people’s choice award winner. In photography, Paul Byl (Cushing) placed third with his farm people’s photo in the junior division. In the farm scene category, Katie Peper placed second and was the People’s Choice Winner. A newer competition was the folding display contest. Bethany Dado earned third place on her display promoting the benefits of milk in the diet. Kristin Solum was awarded 3rd overall for her junior dairy bowl seating exam score. She was third out of 108 junior quiz bowl competitors. Hannah Melin, Bethany Dado, Hannah Johnson and Laura Byl prepared the Polk County scrapbook. Older members were encouraged to enter the essay contest, where they wrote on issues facing
Front row: Ethan Dado, Paul Byl, Trent Dado, Justin Peper. Middle Row seated: Amy Busby, Hannah Johnson, Kristin Solum, Bethany Dado, Julia Larsen. Standing: Jessica Lundgren, Hannah Melin, Laura Byl, Alek Keller-Betzold, Kipp Hinz, Hans Johnson, Chris Rassier, Jake Loen, Mary Johnson, Katie Peper, Carole Peper.
Hannah Melin posed with her state winning essay the dairy industry today. Hannah Melin earned first place in this statewide competition. The juniors relied on fundraisers to help cover some of the costs of attending the convention. The semen auction held during the summer at the county picnic at Minglewood in Deer Park was the largest fundraiser and the club would like to thank those AI companies that donated semen and to the dairy producers who were the successful buyers. Funds to cover lodging at the convention were also raised at the spring dairy banquet where themed baskets (cheese-lovers, games, chocolate-lovers, gardening, etc) prepared by the juniors were also auctioned along with handmade quilts made by the junior members. These Polk juniors will also be recognized at the Polk County spring banquet where they will speak about the convention and receive awards. The Polk County Juniors will be heading to convention again, next winter when it will be held in Middleton again, but hosted by the Green County Junior Holstein members. The junior Holstein association is active in promoting and learning about Holsteins and dairy products. You can see these enthusiastic juniors in June serving ice cream in front of MarketPlace Supermarket promoting June is Dairy Month, or at Polk County
Sr Quiz Bowl Team in competition: (L to R): Hannah Johnson, Jessica Lundgren, Hans Johnson, Kipp Hinz.
Earth Arts group attends the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit Members from the local artists’ group, Earth Arts, attended the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts Jan. 6. Pictured are Jane Meinz, David DeMattia, Earl Duckett, John Bailey, Jan Duckett, Laura Tiede, Kevin Etherton and Tiffany Meyer. For information about Earth Arts, its activities, events, or meetings, go to: www.earthartswi.org or call 715-488-2957. The next meeting of Earth Arts is on Jan. 12. – Photo submitted
Christmas Day sleigh
Packer greats coming to Expo 2008
SIREN – The new Mix 105, WLMX-FM Classic Hits 105.7, WXCS-FM, WCMP AM/FM radio stations, along with the Burnett Youth Hockey Association have announced that Packer legends Frank Winters and Chris Jacke will appear at Expo 2008. Winters and Jacke will sign autographs and pose for photos from noon to 2 p.m., Sunday, April 20. Expo 2008 is Saturday, April 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Siren’s Lodge Center Ice Arena. The event is the primary fundraiser for Burnett Youth Hockey Association. Like last year, BurNinty-year-old Vernon Peterson of Siren did something this year that he had nett Youth wanted to do for a long time – drive a team of horses on Christmas Day. PeterHockey will son is shown with Tom Haines and two Pecheron mares, Nell and Nan. – Photo receive 50 percourtesy of Tom and Grace Haines cent of all profits from the event. Expo 2008 will feature free admisChris Jacke sion for every-
Wonderland Snowmobile Club donates to organizations
one along with everything for y o u r lifestyle, plus lots of fun stuff and prize giveaways every hour, as well many as many kids Frank Winters activities and a food court. All four Red Rock Radio stations will broadcast live both days from the event. Last year’s Expo saw nearly 3,000 people come through the doors and visit nearly 50 exhibitors. It also saw an appearance by Packer legend Leroy Butler who raised thousands of dollars for his breast cancer foundation. For more information in Expo 2008 contact Ron Revere at Red Rock Radio, toll free at 888-629-7575 or go to www.sirenexpo.com for information. -
Photos from the web
Men’s club to host 25th-annual contest Bonnie Raymond displays a portion of the toys and food contributed by members of Wonderland Snowmobile Club. The Wonderland Snowmobile Club celebrated Christmas with a dinner/dance at Ike Walton Lodge which 122 members attended. In addition to the individual donations, the club also gave $500 to the Indianhead Food Shelf and $500 to the Interfaith Caregivers of Burnett County. – Photo submitted
The Leader is a cooperativeowned newspaper
WEBB LAKE - The Webb Lake Area Men’s Club will be hosting its 25th-annual ice fishing contest on Saturday, Feb. 2. It will be held on Lower Webb Lake at the Oak Ridge Inn from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There will be trophies for the largest bass, northern and panfish caught by children under 12. All children catching legal fish will be entered into a drawing for three $50 EE bonds. Anyone over 12 catching the largest fish in each category will receive $50. Drawings will be
held for an underwater viewing system and three $100 EE bonds. The men’s club uses the proceeds to maintain the Webb Lake area cross-country ski trail and to make donations to organizations such as Crescent Lake Community Outreach, Webb Lake area first responders and local fire departments. For further information contact Paul Cunliffe 715-259-7927 or Bob Wirtz 715259-7844. - submitted
Seven inducted into National Honor Society at Frederic On Thursday, Jan. 3, Frederic High School inducted seven new members into the National Honor Society. Pictured Front row: River Karl*, Sarah Lexen*, Megan Anderson*, Anna Tesch*, Adrianna Otte* and Alex Puetz. Middle row: Savanna Pearson, Danielle Gadbois, Soppeland, Amy Megan Neumann, Melanie Chenal, Holly Stoner and Ashley Heine. Back row: Ben G. Anderson, Zach Anderson* and Austin Boykin*. * represents new members. – Photo submitted
Red Cross offers classes BALSAM LAKE – The American Red Cross is offering the following classes: Infant/Child - Jan. 23 - 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. First Aid - Jan. 24 - 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. These classes will be hled at the Polk Conty Red Cross Office located in Balsam Lake. Preregistration is requested. To register call Terry Anderson at 485-3025. Classes may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. - submitted
Academic news Peterson named to dean's list
Howe named to dean's list
ST. PAUL – Ashton Peterson, of Balsam Lake, was named to the dean's list at Hamline University's College of Liberal Arts for the fall term of the 2007-2008 academic year. Members of the dean's list achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Peterson, who is undecided in a major, is a graduate of Unity High School and the daughter of Bryan and Susan Peterson. - submitted •••
ST. PAUL – Lauren Howe of Siren was named to the dean’s list at Hamline University’s College of Liberal Arts for the fall term of the 2007-2008 academic year. Members of the dean’s list achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Howe, whose major is undecided, is a graduate of Siren High School and the daughter of William and Karen Howe. - submitted •••
Polk HCE, Community Ed offers scholarship WISCONSIN – Polk County Home and Community Education is once again offering the following scholarships. If there are any questions you may call Betty Zager at 715-822-2602 or Lisa at the extension office, 715-485-8600. Jones-Lee Scholarship The Nellie Kedzie Jones and Blanche L. Lee scholarships were established to honor two outstanding state leaders of UW-Extension. To encourage more applicants, the two scholarships were combined in 2001 into one $1,000 scholarship. The Jones-Lee Scholarship is open to HCF members in good standing, their children, grandchildren and stepchildren. Applicant must be a resident of Wisconsin and may receive the scholarship one time only. This scholarship maybe used at a college or vocational school. Criteria: Two letters of recommendation (not a relative) must be sent in sealed envelopes to WAHCE Scholarship Chairman, postmarked by April 1. Pick
up an application at the Extension Office or call Lisa at 485-8600 to have one mailed to you. High school senior/college student scholarship This year Polk County HCE will give one $600 and one $400 scholarship to a child, stepchild, grandchild or greatgrandchild of an HCE member. This scholarship is for continuing education beyond high school. High school seniors/college students may get an application by writing the Polk County Extension Office, 100 Polk Plaza, Suite 210, Balsam Lake, Wl 54810 or calling the office at 485-8600 and having an application mailed to them. The form is easy to fill out, and three letters of recommendation are required. Give your application careful consideration as it will be judged for accuracy of following instructions as well as qualifications and grades. Applications should be returned to the office by April 16 to be considered at the April board meeting.
Ruth B. Sayre Scholarship Ruth Sayre attained national and international recognition championing a better way of life for rural people. Her efforts on behalf of rural women and families spanned three decades and earned her high posts in state, national and international organizations. The aim of this memorial scholarship is to lift people in her name, by helping them to help themselves through education. Eligibility: Applicant shall be a woman and a resident of the U.S., have financial
need, show ability to complete education and show potential for leadership. The scholarship shall be paid up to the amount of $500 for a period of study not to exceed 12 months. Monies shall be sent to the educational institute where the student is attending. Send completed application by Feb. 20 to ACWVW/CWC State Society President. Stop in or call Lisa at the extension office to get a copy of this scholarship. - submitted
Wisconsin State Patrol Law of the Month What is the real cause of wintertime crashes? SPOONER — Ice and snow on roadways are often blamed for wintertime traffic crashes. But all too often, blaming winter weather hides the real culprits for crashes. “Most wintertime crashes are caused by irresponsible decisions by drivers, like driving too fast for conditions, not the ice or snow on roads,” says State Patrol Lt. Nick Wanink of the Northwest Region, Spooner Post. “If more drivers would slow down when highways are slippery, fewer vehicles would end up in the ditch. There also would be fewer rear-end collisions and other crashes. When road conditions are treacherous or visibility is reduced, driving at the speed limit may actually be too fast for conditions. Speed limits are set for when roads are clear and dry, not when they’re snow or ice-covered.”
Slowing down when driving conditions are poor is not just sound advice — it’s also the law. It is illegal to drive at speeds that exceed what is reasonable and prudent under existing road conditions. Drivers are required to adjust their speeds to take into account both the actual and potential hazards due to weather, highway conditions or other traffic. A violation of this state law costs $198.60 with four demerit points added to the driver’s record. A second offense within a 12-month period costs $249 with an additional four points. “The slogan Snow Means Slow is always true even for four-wheel drive and other heavy-duty vehicles,” says Lt. Wanink. “It’s too late to change your driving behavior after your vehicle is in the ditch or involved in a crash. If you drive too fast for conditions, you may end up with an expensive ticket in addition to towing and vehicle repair bills.” — from Wisconsin State Patrol
Special Ed CD class hosts party
The Frederic High School Special Ed CD class hosted a Christmas open house party for parents and staff Dec. 20. The students prepared holiday goodies and greeted over 52 guests. Posing with guests Runnels and Berdal, back row are Kelsey Dahm, Anne Runnels, Laura Richter, Jordan Warwas and Merry Berdal. Front row are Ryan Johnson and Jarvis Warwas. - Photo submitted
EDUCATION VIBRATIONS Unity Community Education
Scuba Diving Instruction. Northland Equipment and Diving provides instruction and certification for Scuba diving through Unity Community Education. Call for details. Free Square Dancing Lessons. Wednesdays through Jan. 23, 7-9:30 p.m. No cost, but please call Phil Wendt at 715-268-7512 to register. Hotshots Gymnastics. Monday or Thursday night, 4-week sessions. Intermediate $30, beginner/advanced beginner $20. You must preregister by call instructor Teri Wilkie 715-8252263. Yoga. Wednesdays, six-week sessions, 6 to 6:45 p.m. Cost: $36 per person. Instructor: Ardis Miller. Water Aerobics. Six-week sessions beginning Jan. 8, Feb. 19 and April 1. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5 to 5:45 p.m. Cost: $31.62 $4 for seniors age 62+. Shake, Rattle and Roll with your Toddler. Times and dates to be announced, starting after the holidays. Cost: $12 parent/child team, plus $3 each additional child. Instructor: Peggy Gilbertson.
Investments 101. Thursday nights, Jan. 10-31, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $15/individual, $20/couple. Instructor: Rebecca Berg. Come in from the Cold Creativity Expo. Saturday, Jan. 12, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Unity School. Balance your Hormones - Naturally. Monday, Jan. 14, 78 p.m. Cost: $20. Instructor: Jelaine Tiffany. Red Cross Swim Lessons. Saturdays, Jan. 12 to Feb. 16. Cost: $28 per child, all levels. Preregistration by Jan. 10. 99:45 a.m. Level 1, 10–10:45 Level 2, 11-11:45 Level 3 and up. Preschool ages 3-5, 9-9:30 a.m., 9:45-10:15 a.m., 10:30-11 a.m. Infants 6 months to 3 years, 11:15-11:14 a.m. Calligraphy. WITC #24266, Wednesday, Jan. 16-30, 6:308:30 p.m. Cost: $17.81 registration fee to WITC ($4 for seniors aged 62+), plus $5 material fee paid directly to instructor. Instructor: Jeanne Reinhardt. Organic Gardening: Soil Building. Tuesday, Jan. 22, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $15. Instructor: Ken Keppers, Turtle Lake. Felted Handbag. Thursdays, Jan. 25 – Feb. 7, 6:30 – 8:30
p.m. Cost: $30. Instructor: Audrey Anderson. Get Fit F.A.S.T. Monday, Jan. 28, 7-8 p.m. Cost: $20. Instructor: Jelaine Tiffany. Organic Gardening: Rotational Planting. Tuesday, Jan. 29, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $15. Instructor: Ken Keppers. Organic Gardening: Compost and Mulch. Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $15. Instructor: Ken Keppers. Open Computer Lab for Beginners. WITC #24257 Wednesdays, Feb. 6-20, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $17.81 registration fee to WITC. $4 seniors, 62+. Instructor: Jeanne Reinhardt. Responsible Beverage Service. WITC #47-31-400, Class #24750. Monday, Feb. 11, 6 – 10 p.m. Cost: $20 ($10.70 for students ages 62+). Organic Gardening: Companion Planting and Extending your Growing Season. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $15. Instructor: Ken Keppers. Organic Gardening: Starting Plants from Seeds. Tuesday, Feb. 29, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $15. Instructor: Ken Keppers.
Luck Community Education Luck Area Youth Cross-Country Ski League. Sundays 1 – 3 p.m. through Jan. 20, for children 9 and older. Location: Paul and Karen Pedersen farm. Call for details and questions 715-825-3837. How to use your SLR Digital Camera. Mondays, Jan. 7, 14 and 21, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Class ID 25176, Cat. # 42-103460. Fee: $17.81/$4 for seniors 62+. Instructor: Mike Chalgren. Call WITC at 800-243-9482, ext. 4221 or visit the WITC Web site at http://www.witc.edu. Quilting with Mary Wolf: Stack and Whack. Saturday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Fee: $17.81/$4 for seniors 62+. Let’s Cook Soup! Monday, Jan. 14, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Fee: $15/$10 seniors 62+. (Fee includes ingredients.) Instructors: Barb Kass and Emma Miles. Winter Thaw at Snap Fitness in Milltown. January 21 – March 15, Community Ed is teaming up with Snap Fitness to offer special winter savings.
Understanding Property Taxes. Monday, Jan. 14, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Instructor: Bob Clifton. Knitting Christmas Stockings. Thursdays, Jan. 17, 24 & 31, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Class ID: 25144, Cat. # 42-815-408. Fee: $17.84/$4 for seniors 62+. Instructor: Barb Kass. Call WITC at 800-243-9482, ext. 4221 or visit the WITC Web site at http://www.witc.edu. Write Right Now. Thursdays, Jan. 24 – Feb. 28, 4 – 6 p.m. Cat.#42-801-402, Class ID 25013. Instructor: Carolyn Wedin. Fee: $12. Social Security: What you should know. Monday, Jan. 28, 7 – 9 p.m. Fee: Free. Sponsored by Northern Lights Consortium. Instructor: Ken Hess. Long Bows with Tony Jensen. Thursdays, 6 – 9 p.m. Cat. #60-409-601. Class ID 25047. Fee: $79.60 (sorry no break for seniors). Instructor: Tony Jensen. To register for this class, call WITC at 800-243-9482 x 4221 or visit the WITC Web site
at http://www.witc.edu. Coming up Ask the Electrician-dates to be announced Driver’s Ed, April 21 – May 14 Responsible Beverage Service, May 12 Little Luck Wrestling Sign-Up, Thursday, Jan. 10, 6:30 p.m. at the Luck Cafeteria. For more information call Kurt Stonesifer 715-472-8184 Reader’s group. Mondays, Jan. 21, “Ironweed,” by Kennedy, Feb. 11, “The Thirteenth Tale” by Setterfeld and March 17, “Cannery Row”. Note discussion starts at 7:30 p.m. Readers meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Luck Elementary Classroom 216 during the school year and at the Luck Library during the summer. For other dates and book titles, e-mail Sue Mattson at smattson@lakeland.ws.
Frederic Community Education Setting up your baby for success. Thursday, Jan. 17, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Erin Hansford. Free. Knit for Charity. Mondays, Jan. 21 – Feb. 11, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Konnie Didlo. Fee: $22.41/$4 Sr. 62+. Drama in Northwest Wisconsin. Henrik Ibsen at the Guthrie. Mondays, Jan. 21 – Feb. 25, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Wedin. Fee: $10. Write Right Now! Tuesdays, Jan. 22 – Feb. 26, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Wedin. Fee: $10. Quilting: Snails Trails. While learning paper piecing. Tuesdays, Jan. 22 – 29, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Lorraine Lunzer. Fee: $17.81/$4 Sr. 62+. Spanish Advanced Conversation. Thursdays, Jan. 24 – March 20, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Mabel Crandell. Fee: $45.42/$4 Sr. 62+. The Terrible Twos. Thursday, Jan. 24, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Erin Hansford. Free. Spanish For Beginners. Tuesdays, Jan. 22 – March 18, 6-8 p.m. Instructor Mabel Crandell. Fee: $45.42/$4 Sr. 62+. Computers: Beginner. Mondays, Feb. 4 – 25, 5 – 7 p.m. (No class on Feb. 18.) Instructor: Melinda Sorensen. Fee:
$17.81/$4 Sr. 62+. Spanish For Youth. Recommended for grades 3+. Tuesdays, Feb. 5 – 26, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Instructor: Mabel Crandell. Fee: $13.21. Quilting – Applique: A celtic knot. Tuesdays, Feb. 5 – 19, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Instructor: Lorraine Lunzer. Fee: $22.41/$4 Sr. 62+. Weight Room Training for Women. Tuesdays, Feb. 5 – 26, 4 – 6 p.m. Instructor: Jason Pickering. Free: $22.41/$4 Sr. 62+. Weight Room Training for Students. Thursdays, Feb. 7 – 28, 3:30- 5:30 p.m. Instructor: Jason Pickering. Fee: $22.41. Getting Read for School. Thursday, Feb. 7, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Erin Hansford. Free. Computers: Buying and selling on eBay. Tuesdays, Feb. 12 – 26, 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Kay Friberg. Fee: $17.81/$4 Sr. 62+. Cooking Italian. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 5 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Betty Linden. Fee: $25. Drawing – Basic Drawing Principles. Tuesday, Feb. 12 – March 4, 6:30 – 9 p.m. Instructor: Bonie Urfer. Fee: $27.01/$4
Sr. 62+. HSED/GED Learning Services at Frederic High School, Room 127, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 4-7:30 p.m. Instructor: Kessea Karl. No Fee. Open Ice Skating for Families. At Frederic’s Skating Rink, located east of the elementary school. Rink and warming house open daily from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. Rules are posted at the rink. Creative Memories Workshops. Saturday, Jan. 19, 9 a.m. – noon. Check Mimi’s Web site: www.mycmsite.com/mimis. Please RSVP with Mimi, 715-327-8122. Men’s Basketball League at the Frederic High School, Sunday 7 p.m. $1 fee per time. Weight room: Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7-8 a.m. and 3:30-4:45 p.m. No Fee. Walking at the Birch Street Elementary. Monday-Friday, 78 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. No Fee. For more information on any class or to register for Frederic Community Education Classes call Ann Fawver 715-3274868 or e-mail fawvera@frederic.k12.wi.us.
Grantsburg Community Education Preschool Playtime. Started Monday, Jan. 8 and runs through March, 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Grantsburg Elementary Gym. $5/season/family or $1 session. Volunteer coordinators are Pete and Deb Johnson. Line Dancing. Five sessions, Mondays, Jan. 14 and 21, Feb. 4, 11 and 25, 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the GHS Auditorium. Fee: $18. Instructor: Jeanette Harder. Bob Ross Landscape Oil Painting Class. Five-hour workshop, Saturday, Jan. 26, 9 – 3 p.m. at the Grantsburg High School. Cost: $40 + $25 for materials. Instructor: Shari Schommer. Indoor Walking - The Grantsburg High School is open daily for your winter walking from 6 to 7:30 a.m. and again at the end of the school day starting at 4 p.m. In the morning please enter the building at the District Office entrance. Please wear rubber-soled shoes. Questions call Comm. Ed. Step-Pilates Combo—30 minutes step aerobics followed by 30 minutes of Pilates. Tuesdays - Two 6-week sessions (you may take one session or both). $35/person for each 6-
week session. Session 1 begins Jan. 22 – Feb. 26 and Session 2 begins March 4 - April 8, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m., at the GES Gym. Instructor: Natalie Doornink. Introduction to Origami. Tuesday, Jan. 22, 6 – 8 p.m. in the GHS ITV Room. Cost: $15. Instructor: Phillip Ruffolo. Financial Workshop for Investors. Tuesdays, Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, 12, 19 and 26, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Cost: $12. Instructor: Mike Langevin. Social Security—What you should Know. Monday, Jan. 28, 7 – 9 p.m. in the GHS ITV Room. Instructor: Ken Hess. Cost: $5. Tae Kwon Do. Classes held Thursday evenings from 6-7 p.m. for children and 7-8 p.m. for adults. Classes are $25 a month or $65 per session. (3-month period). Classes began Jan. 3 and are held at the GES Gym. Instructor: Jake Levings. Jewelry Basics for Beginners. Saturday, Feb. 2, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Fee: $20 plus materials. Instructor: Janna Levings. Signing with Toddlers and Preschoolers. Tuesdays,
Feb. 5 thru Feb. 19, 6 – 8 p.m. at the GHS ITV Room. Instructor: Ann Krance. Cost: $24 plus $5 book. STEP informational session. Monday, Feb. 11, 7 p.m., at the GHS Library. No charge. Italian Cooking. Thursday, Feb. 14, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., at the GHS FACE Room. Instructor: Betty Linden. Cost: $25/each. Scrap a Little...Scrap a Lot. Saturday, Feb. 23, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., at the GHS Library. Cost: $12. Grantsburg Community Education Trips – Register Early – Must be accompanied by payment Disney’s “Nemo on Ice” - March 8 - 11:00 a.m. show. We have two choices in seating: VIP seats which are $70 each and regular seats for $48. Both sets of tickets are on the lower level. Reservations must be made (including payment) by Feb. 20. Fee includes the coach bus and ticket. Old Log Theatre: “Incorruptable” - Thursday March 13 - Leave Grantsburg: 9 a.m. Cost: $55 includes coach bus, lunch and show.
Osceola Community Education For complete details on classes and to print registration forms, please visit the Osceola School District Web site at www.osceola.k12.wi.us and click on the Community Education link. If you have questions, contact Lala Graf – Community Education director at 715-294-2127 Ext. 407 or by e-mail at ComEd@osceola.k12.wi.us. Arts & Crafts Opportunities Birthday Stamp-a-Stack, Monday, Feb. 18, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the OIS Library. Cost: $5 plus $25 for supply fee. Instructor: Abby Jensen. Registration deadline Friday, Feb. 1. DNR Opportunities DNR—Turkey Hunter Education Clinic, Monday, Feb. 25, 6:30 – 9 p.m. at the OHS LGI. Cost: Free. Presenter: Dean
Swenson. Class size is limited. Register through Comm. Ed. Registrations are due by Feb. 20. Exercise & Fitness Opportunities Scuba Diving. Academic and pool training will be taking place in Osceola sometime during January or February of 2008. Instructors from Over E-Z Dive Center will be coming to town to prepare you for this lifelong sport. For more information please contact Lala Graf at Community Education 294-2127 Ext. 407. Language Opportunities Conversational German – Beginning, Tuesday and Thursday, Jan. 29 – Feb. 14, 6:30 – 8 p.m., in the OHS ITV (use main door). Cost: $20. Instructor: Heidi Paulson.
Parenting Opportunities Becoming a Love and Logic Parent, Thursdays, Jan. 31, Feb. 7 and 21, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the OES Media Room. Cost: $15 person/$25 couple. Instructor: Lynn Kolpack. Safety NET – Parent Forum, Monday, Feb. 18, 7 – 8 p.m. in the OHS LGI (use main entrance). Cost: $5 after Feb. 15 $7. Strengthening Families, Tuesdays, Feb. 26 – April 1, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dresser. Cost: Free. Instructor: Gail Peavey. To register contact Gail Peavey at 715-485-8600 or Peace Lutheran Church at 715-755-2515. Registrations are due by Feb. 19.
Tavern League donated to Operation Christmas by Tammi Milberg POLK COUNTY–The Polk County Tavern League, consisting of about 60 tavern establishments, raised money again for Polk County’s Operation Christmas. During the second week of December, patrons could buy paper trees with values of $1 up to $100 to be posted behind the bar. The money goes to Operation Christmas with a match from the State’s Tavern League Foundation up to $1,500. Vice president of the Polk County Tavern League, Curt Liljenberg, said the taverns raised over $10,000 and toys were distributed at the Milltown VFW during
Curt Liljenberg, vice president of the Polk County Tavern League, presented a check to Alberta Olson, director for Operation Christmas. The league raised over $10,000 with a state Tavern League Foundation match of $1,500 for Polk County families. –Photo submitted.
the weeks of Dec. 3-15 to needy families in Polk County. The Operation Christmas program is directed by Alberta Olson, and it helps parents who may not be able to afford Christmas presents for their children select new toys at the distribution center to wrap for their children.
Planet Supply show this Sunday ST. CROIX FALLS - Doors open at 6 p.m. Sunday at Planet Supply in downtown St. Croix Falls with a variety of musical acts taking the stage for an early evening show. Performing are Potential Caskets and the PUSH from North Dakota. Also, the awaited return of Dorothy Fix and the ever-elusive Leroy. This will likely be the only show in January. All ages are welcome and donations are accepted and greatly appreciated. Planet Supply is located under the post office, next to the Redbird Music Store and Red Brick Grill. - with submitted information
The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper
The top fundraisers for this year’s campaign were all based in the St. Croix Falls area. Kassel Tap took first place, St. Croix Tavern claimed second place and Crystal Tavern took third in the dollar amounts raised.
OBITUARIES Allen (Bud) George Peterson
Lynette (Pigman) Schroeder
LaVerne Guy Miller
Allan (Bud) George Peterson, 91, St. Croix Falls, died Jan. 4, 2008, at Good Samaritan Nursing Home, with his wife of 66 years at his side. He was born Nov. 2, 1916, in Polk County to George and Luella (Brown) Peterson. He attended Lone Maple School. In 1936, he was in the CCC Camp in Minong, but was released from there to return home to farm with his father. On May 17, 1941, he married Elsie M. Rasmussen. They lived north of St. Croix Falls, where they ran a dairy farm owned by D.I. Cobb. In 1952, they moved to the Lamar Community and farmed until 1969. They bought a smaller farm and raised crops until they moved to Centuria in 1994. They had three children. He enjoyed doing yard work and always had a beautiful yard. He liked to drive around to see what the farmers were doing after his own retirement. He loved visiting with family and friends and loved all animals. He entered Good Samaritan Nursing Home on March 7, 2005, due to failing health. He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters, Charlotte and Lois and brother, Donald. He is survived by his wife; children, Leslie (Sharon) Peterson of Amery, LeAnn (Steven) Sylvester of Centuria and Susan (Merle) Bergren of Amery; five grandchildren, Laurie, Jennie, Chad, Tara and Daryn; six great-grandchildren; sister, Ruth Anderson of St. Croix Falls; brother, Lester Peterson of Cortey, Colo.; nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at the United Methodist Church in St. Croix Falls. Pastor Mark Peacock officiated. Interment was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Eureka Township. The Edling Funeral Home, St. Croix Falls, was entrusted with arrangements.
Lynette Blanch Pigman, Grantsburg, died Jan. 2, 2008, at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minn. She was 59 years old. She was born on Oct. 6, 1948, to Ronald and Leota Pigman in Glenwood, Minn. Lynette was the seventh of 10 children. Lynette attended grammar school through fifth grade at the Foredam School in Raymond, S.D. In December of 1959, Lynette’s family moved to Frederic. Lynette graduated from Frederic High School in 1966. In the fall of 1966, Lynette moved to Milwaukee, where she attended nurses training at the DePaul Rehabilitation Center and earned her degree as a certified nursing assistant. After finishing her schooling, Lynette moved to La Crosse, where she was employed at La Crosse Lutheran Hospital where she worked for three years. While in La Crosse, Lynette met and married her husband, James R. Schroeder. They were married 34 years. After they were married, Jim and Lynette moved to Minneapolis, Minn., where Jim was employed for U.S. Steel Company. At this time, Lynette became a housewife. On Dec. 3, 1977, Jim and Lynette were blessed with their son, Philip John, who was their miracle baby and became the love of their lives. In 1978 Jim and Lynette moved to Grantsburg, where Jim was employed at Parker Hannifin for 26 years. Lynette was very active. She enjoyed swimming, bicycling and walking. She also had a love for dogs, especially her miniature Border collie, Buddy. In 1993, Lynette went back to work as a CNA at Shady Knoll Assisted Living Center in Grantsburg. She was employed there for four years until her diabetes forced her to retire. Lynette lost her husband in February 2003. After Jim’s passing and her poor health, her home became Burnett Medical Center Continuing Care Center. After Lynette entered the Extended Care Unit, she still continued to walk outside when weather permitted and up halls of the unit and over to the hospital and back again when she had to be inside. Lynette resided there until the time of her death. Lynette was preceded in death by her parents, husband James, brother Gayle, and sister Lavonne. Lynette is survived by her son, Philip (Renee) Schroeder of Grantsburg, brothers, the Rev. Dennis (Helen) Pigman of Jacksonville, Ark., Lyle (Carolyn) Pigman of Lebanon, Ore., Veryln (Geraldine) Pigman of Richland, Wash., Randy (Billie) Pigman of Spencer, Tenn., and Boyd Pigman (Tressa Cain) of Ridgeland; sister-in-law, Barbara Radke (Pigman) of Siren; sister, Rhonda (Gary) Erickson of Webster; many nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends. Funeral services were held Monday, Jan. 7, 2008, at First Baptist Church in Falun with Pastor Kevin Miller and the Rev. Dennis Pigman officiating. Music was provided by Craig and Delane Jorgenson and Billie Pigman. Interment followed at the Luck Cemetery in Luck. Casket bearers were Kevin Kruger, Myron Belknap, Kevin Pigman, Andrea Pigman, Sherry Pigman and Brian Erickson. The Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster, was entrusted with arrangements.
LaVerne Guy Miller, age 61, of Frederic, died Monday, Dec. 24, 2007, of cancer at Vets Hospital – Minneapolis, Minn. He was born in Rice Lake, on Oct.13, 1946, to Viola and Guy Miller of Barron. He was united in marriage to Evelyn Diesterhaft on Dec. 22, 1975, at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Frederic. They resided in Frederic for 33 years. He was preceded in death by his father, mother- and father-in-law, brother-in-law, two nephews and one niece. He is survived by his high school sweetheart of 32 years; his daughters, Nicole Miller and Krissa (Chad) Swanson and grandson, Christian – all of Frederic; his mother, Viola Miller of Barron; sister, Beverly (Douglas) Gunderson of Amery; brothers-in-law, Paul Diesterhaft of Almena, Martin (Kay) Diesterhaft of Charlotte, N.C., Robert Diesterhaft of Chetek; sisters-in-law, Janet (Melvin) Nyhus of Cumberland, Carol (Douglas) Bartels of Bonduel, Barbara Smead of St. Paul, Minn., Donna (Bruce) Knutson of Cumberland, Bonny Diesterhaft of Rice Lake; 26 nieces, 16 nephews, and three babies due in 2008; many relatives, friends and former co-workers. LaVerne graduated from Barron High School, Barron, in 1964. In 1966 he earned an Accounting Assoc. Degree at Rice Lake Tech College. He was proud to have served his country with the Army in Germany and Vietnam 1966-1968. He was dedicated to his work and loved people. He worked at Poskin Feed Store in Poskin for several years. He worked for Jerome’s Turkey processing mill in Barron. He worked as a manager of Parity Co-op Store also in Poskin for four years. In October 1975, he took a management job at Farmers Exchange Co-op in Frederic until retiring the job in March of 2003. He worked for Burnett Dairy Co-op 2003-2004. His last and most rewarding job was with Amery Post Office as a City Carrier 2-1/2 years until he took a medical leave. He enjoyed people, collecting stuff, Twins, Packers, yard work, and his dog, Lucky. He loved nature and being out in the woods. He also loved western movies and Andy Griffith. LaVerne was a member of the VFW in Barron. He was also a member of Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Frederic. Pallbearers were Melvin Nyhus, Douglas Gunderson, Lee Giesel, John Baker, Wally Anderson and Kenneth Hackett. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Jan. 12, at 11 a.m. at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Frederic, with Pastor Catherine Burnette officiating. A visitation will be held Friday, Jan. 11, from 5-7 p.m. at Rowe Funeral Home in Frederic. A visitation will also be held one hour prior to the service at the church on Saturday. Interment will be held Monday, Jan. 14, at 11 a.m. at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Spooner. The Rowe Funeral Home of Frederic was entrusted with arrangements.
EDLING FUNERAL HOME 201 N. Adams St. St. Croix Falls, WI (715) 483-3141
EDLING TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME 387 State Rd. 70 Grantsburg, WI (715) 463-2994
Joanne P. Dillon Joanne P. Dillon, Comstock, died Jan. 4, 2008, at Clairemont Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Eau Claire. She was 67 years old. She was born May 24, 1940, in Hagerstown, Md., to John and Phoebe (Earnshaw) Huntsberry. Joanne was raised in Hagerstown and graduated from high school there. She was married in Hagerstown, Md., on Sept. 20, 1959, to Roger Dillon. They lived in the Washington, D.C., area and Cincinnati, Ohio, area before moving to Minnesota where they lived in Cottage Grove and Woodbury. They moved to Wisconsin in 1996. Joanne worked in an accounting firm in St. Paul for several years. She served as treasurer for the town of Johnstown in Polk County until September 2007. She is survived by her husband, Roger, Comstock; daughter Linda (Kevin) Hendrickson, Britt, Minn.; sons John (Bobbi) Dillon, Vadnais Heights, Minn., and Jim (Therese) Dillon, Buford, Ga.; and grandchildren Nicole and Ashley Hendrickson and Dana, Nicholas, Connor and Katelyn Dillon. Funeral services were held Jan. 8 at Skinner Funeral Home, Cumberland, with the Rev. David Halaas officiating. The Skinner Funeral Home, Cumberland, was entrusted with arrangements.
Gail (Staples) Wahl Gail (Staples) Wahl, 64, of Great Falls, Mont., a homemaker, died Friday, Jan. 4, 2008, at Peace Hospice from complications of auto-immune disease. Gail was born Nov. 21, 1943, to Laurence and Elizabeth (VanPelt) Staples in Frederic. They moved to Lewistown in 1955, and later moved to Great Falls. She received her education in Lewistown and Boise, Idaho. Gail worked with Easter Seals in the mid-80s and retired to become a homemaker in 1987. She was a member of Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church, and worked as a greeter for 16 years. She enjoyed her cats, writing poems and spending time with family and friends. Gail was preceded in death by a son, David Gunnels in 1986 and two brothers, Patrick and Frederick Staples. She is survived by her husband, Kaare Wahl of Great Falls, Mont.; son, Corey Granot of Bozeman, Mont.; daughter, Rosie of Arizona; an adopted daughter, Jessica Suta; two sisters, Laura (Joe) O’Meara of Teigen, Mont., and Sally Holmes of Page, Ariz.; brother, Warren Staples of Kentucky; grandson, Steven (Tami) Rodarte of Helena, Mont., and his son, Jaden. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2 p.m., at Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church. Memorials are suggested to Peace Hospice, 2600 15th Ave. S., Great Falls, MT 59405. The Schnider Funeral Home, Great Falls, Mont., was entrusted with the arrangements.
Joan M. Vollrath
Dorothy Madge Phernetton
Viola E. Moser
Joan. M. Vollrath, age 58, of Amery, died Dec. 27, 2007, after a long illness. She was preceded in death by parents, Joseph and Catherine Korsan and sister Patricia Millen. She is survived by husband of 36 years, Dennis; sons, Chad (Bernice), Jason (Emily) and Ryan; four grandchildren; sister, Cathy (Dan) LaPlante; brother, Joseph (Debbie) Korsan, and many nieces, nephews, other loving family and friends. Joan graduated from Unity High School in 1968, and was united in marriage to Dennis Vollrath in 1971. She enjoyed plants, gardening and spending time with her family and grandchildren. Memorial services were held Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2008, at the Williamson-White Funeral Home in Amery with Deacon Bud Heiser officiating. Music for the service was provided by Pam and Audrey Ruck. The Williamson - White Funeral Home in Amery,was entrusted with arrangements.
Dorothy Madge Phernetton died at the age of 71 at her home in Hertel on Dec. 30, 2007. Dorothy was born on March 31, 1936, to Melvin and Ethel Hoag. She grew up in the Siren area and graduated from Siren High School. On Nov. 5, 1955, she married Sonny Phernetton. They had six children: Rebecca (Tom) O’Brien, Ruby (Robert) Taylor Ashlin, Randy (Val) Phernetton, Rocky (Laurie) Phernetton, Robert (Lisa) Phernetton and Russell Phernetton. From these children, they have 20 grandchildren and several greatgrandchildren. Dorothy did everything with Sonny at her side. Together they enjoyed spending time with family and friends. She enjoyed sewing, baking, working on puzzles and feeding hummingbirds. Memorial services were held Thursday, Jan. 3, 2008, at the Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home in Webster. The Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster, was entrusted with arrangements.
Viola E. Moser, age 85, of Webster, died suddenly Dec. 17, 2007, at Shell Lake Hospital, Shell Lake, surrounded by her family. Viola Elizabeth Beckstrom was the youngest of three children born to Arthur and Ruth Beckstrom on Feb. 24, 1922, is St. Paul, Minn. She grew up on the east side of St. Paul. When she was a teenager her mother and stepfather moved to Siren and bought the Stop Inn Resort. Vi met Pete Moser from Webster, they married on Jan. 3, 1942, at St. Johns Catholic Church in Webster. Pete and Vi started their family in Webster then moved to Superior where Pete worked for the railroad. They returned to Webster in 1952. In 1955, they moved into what once was the Mattson one-room schoolhouse, which they remodeled to raise the 11 children they had in their first 15 years together. In 1970, Pete and Vi built and operated Voyager Superette on North Sand Lake until Pete’s health forced them both into retirement. Vi deeply loved her family and was able to remain in her home until Dec. 17, when she was taken by ambulance to Shell Lake Hospital. Vi is survived by her daughters, Judy (Stan) Nelson of Two Harbors, Minn., Janice (Keith) Carlson of Webster, Jean Lodermeier of Danbury, Jolyne (Charley) Peterson of Oakdale, Minn., Joy (Larry) Larson of Webster, June (Scott) Smith of Webster; sons, Jim (Laurel) Moser of Webster, Jerry (Phil) Moser of Wyoming, Minn., Jack (Bonnie) Moser of Webster, Jeff Moser of Dresser, Jay Moser of Webster. Also her 46 grandchildren, 100-plus great-grandchildren, four great-greatgrandchildren, sisters-in-law, Rosemary and Betty; and many nieces, nephews and friends. Vi was preceded in death by her husband, Pete; parents, Arthur and Ruth Beckstrom; sister, Dorothy Felix; brother, Edward; grandson, Chad Larson; and son-inlaw, James Lodermeier. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Church, Crescent Lake, A & H with Father Michael J. Tupa presiding, Dec. 21. Music was provided by Rose Bauman. Interment was at the Jackson Cemetery.
Daniel J. Boyer Daniel J. Boyer, 57, a resident of Webster, died Jan. 3, 2008, at Burnett Medical Center. Memorial services were held Wednesday, Jan. 9, at the Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster. A full obituary will be published in a later publication. The Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster, was entrusted with arrangements.
Charles Lewis Mullin Charles Lewis (Moon) Mullin, age 74, resident of Laughlin, Nev., died at his home on Dec. 28, 2007, with his wife by his side. Moon was born Aug. 29, 1933, and was raised in Muncie, Ind. He entered the U.S. Navy in 1950 and served in the Korean War on the USS Gunston Hall. He started his 40-year gaming career in Las Vegas, Nev., and moved to Laughlin in 1983 to open the Edgewater Casino for the Circus Circus Corporation and later opened the Colorado Bell Casino. He retired in March 1993 from the Circus Circus Corporation. He thoroughly enjoyed his retirement playing golf, fishing and enjoying life at his cabin in Siren. Moon leaves behind his wife, Maureen (Mo); daughter, Kathy; stepson Tim; two granddaughters; brother, Don (Jo) Mullin and many nieces, nephews and friends. Memorial services will be held at Dimond & Sons Silver Creek Chapel, on Saturday, Jan. 5, in Laughlin, Nev. The Dimond & Sons Silver Creek Chapel, was entrusted with arrangements.
Merle Leslie Merle Leslie, Spring Valley, died Thursday, Nov. 22, 2007. He was 80 years old. He was born on Sept. 13, 1927, in Rock County, Minn., to Roy and Viola Leslie. He married Betty Buffington in 1948, and had seven children. He lived in many places over the years, including Turtle Lake, Clayton, Amery, and Spring Valley and worked as a farmer until his last job, which was at Andersen Windows. After 15 years there, he retired in 1989, shortly before Betty’s death. In 1991, he married Wilma Keck. He was preceded in death by his parents, sisters Helen and Dorothy, first wife Betty, son Gary, daughter-in-law Donette, grandson Randy, and stepdaughter, Diane McRoberts. He is survived by his wife Wilma, daughter Diane (Mike) Juhnke, sons Merlyn (Kathy Capelle), Keith (Gail), Danny (Mary), Ronnie, and Todd (Michelle Iverson), daughter-in-law, Rhonda, 13 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, sisters Georgia, Evelyn, Alta, Mildred, and Ruth, and brothers Leo, and Howard. He also leaves his stepchildren, Dale McRoberts, Delrita (Richard) Bignell, Daniel (Kathy) McRoberts, Thomas (Jean) McRoberts, Doug McRoberts, and Jeremy (Kristin) Christiansen, 12 step-grandchildren, and seven step-great-grandchildren. His cremains will be interred in his family plot at the Amery Cemetery. A memorial visitation will be held Saturday, Jan.12, from 1 – 6 p.m. at the Amery Area Senior Center, located one block west of Main Street at 608 Harriman Ave. Lunch will be served.
Theodore Merrill Theodore Merrill, “Gwiiwiis,” resident of Round Lake, died Jan. 1, 2008, at the Cumberland Extended Care Unit. He is survived by his children, Lester Merrill and wife Melissa, Estella Merrill and husband Cliff, Kim Slater and husband Ron; grandchild, Kristen Merrill; nieces, Anna Merrill, LouAnn Merrill and Claretta Merrill; nephews, William Merrill, Wynn Merrill and Jason Merrill; and sister, Leona Merrill. Services were held at the Round Lake Community Center in Johnstown Township on Friday, Jan. 4, with speakers Eugene Bearheart and Melvin Eagle officiating. Internment was at the Round Lake Cemetery. The Rowe Funeral Home of Frederic was entrusted with funeral arrangements.
Shirley B. Nelson Shirley Nelson, age 62, of Centuria, died Dec. 29, 2007, after a short, but brave battle with lung cancer. Shirley was born Aug. 26, 1945, in Amery to Wilfred and Alta McKenzie. She graduated from Unity in 1963. After spending the first years of their marriage in the Twin Cities area, they moved back to Centuria in 1971. She enjoyed traveling with Jack in their motor home, going to the casino, and mostly spending time with family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Wilfred and Alta McKenzie. She is survived by her husband of 44 years, Jack; daughter, Dana (Matt) McHenry; son, Dustin (Ellie) Nelson; six grandchildren; brothers, Dale (Gail) McKenzie and Jim (Kathy) McKenzie; many nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Funeral services were held Friday, Jan, 4, 2008, at Milltown Lutheran Church with Pastor Danny Wheeler officiating. Music was provided by organist Priscilla Fjorden and soloist Kathy Glunz. Pallbearers were Larry Kuske, Albert Alling Jr., Scott Lusche, Andy Markert, Tom Netland, Dave Culver, Greg Mielke and Dustin Nelson. Interment was at Milltown Cemetery. The Rowe Funeral Home of Luck, was entrusted with arrangements.
Marlys Joan Fick Marlys Joan Fick, (nee Tonder), age 72, born in Shelly, Minn., died at home, surrounded by family, on Jan. 1, 2008, after a long illness. Marlys was part owner of St. Croix Valley Hardwoods of White Bear Lake, Minn., and Luck. She was preceded in death by her infant son, Robert. She is survived by husband, Gordon; children, Scott Oien, Beth Pearson, Danette Oien, David Oien, Jill Bisker, Brenda Fick, Jana Kyute, Jon Fick, David Fick and Douglas Fick; 17 grandchildren and two sisters. Funeral service was held Saturday, Jan. 5, at the Luck Lutheran Church. Interment was Monday, Jan. 7, at Marsh River Cemetery in Shelly, Minn. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to the luekemia and lymphoma society. The Johnson-Peterson Funeral Home, White Bear Lake, Minn., was entrusted with arrangements.
Leroy Cole Leroy Cole, Shell Lake, died on Jan. 5, 2008, at the Terraceview Living Center in Shell Lake. He was 79 years old. Leroy was born on May 14, 1928, in Darien Township, Walworth County, to Leon and Bessie (Hart) Cole. After school, Leroy joined the Merchant Marines for two years and then hired on to the railroad. On Jan. 12, 1949, he was united in marriage to Layfetta Sue Jones in Fond du Lac. Leroy retired from the railroad in 1970, at Bayport, Minn. He enjoyed his retirement with pastimes such as hunting, fishing, working on cars, traveling out west, and even at Terraceview, feeding the wildlife. Leroy was preceded in death by his parents. Leroy is survived by his wife, Sue, Shell Lake; children Dave Cole, Siren, Tom (Debbie) Cole, St. Paul, Minn., Guy (Sheri) Cole, Danbury, Rick Cole, Hayward, Sandy (Roger) Hinkfuss, Springbrook; 12 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. A private family service will be planned at a later date. The Scalzo-Taylor Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements.
Curtis D. Olson Curtis D. Olson, 77, a resident of Grantsburg, died Jan. 5, 2008, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Visitation will be held Friday, Jan. 11, from 5 – 7 p.m. at the Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Siren Chapel. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Jan. 12, at 11 a.m. at the Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Siren Chapel. Interment will follow at Riverside Cemetery in Grantsburg. A full obituary will be published in a later publication. The Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Siren, was entrusted with arrangements.
Randy Walker Randy Walker, 52, Centuria, died Sunday, Jan. 6. Visitation will be Friday, Jan. 11, 4 - 8 p.m. at the Kolstad Family Funeral Home in Centuria and one hour prior to services. Services will be Saturday, Jan. 12, 11 a.m., at the Fristad Lutheran Church in Centuria. Burial will be at St. John's Cemetery in Centuria. A full obituary will be published in a later publication. The Kolstad Family Funeral Home, Centuria, was entrusted with arrangements.
CHURCH NEWS Family discipline
One of my favorite books is “The Gift of the Deer,” by Helen Hoover. It tells about the exploits of three generations of deer which the Hoovers fed at their cabin near the boundary waters of Minnesota. One particular episode is an excellent example of how children learn by dis- Sally Bair cipline. As usual, Peter, the buck, guarded his mate, Mama, and their twin PERSPECTIVES fawns, Pig and Brother, while they fed in the clearing. After a time, Peter signaled Mama who tapped Brother on the neck to take over guard duty. Brother, young and inexperienced, guarded his family with obvious nervousness. When his turn ended, Mama went over and licked his nose. And then it was Pig’s turn to guard. Pig acquired his name honestly. His main interest was food, but stubbornness ruled his actions, too. With Peter watching him furtively while eating, Pig guarded the others with obvious reluctance. When Peter and Brother had their backs turned, Pig sneaked around Mama and went for the food. Peter suddenly charged Pig, giving him a swat on the rear with his front hooves, and took chase. No match for his big, powerful dad, Pig fell behind. Peter whirled around and, front hooves raised, threatened the fawn. Pig fell down, scrambling up to take his neglected post to guard his family. We recognize that such teaching and disciplining on the part of Peter and Mama could mean the difference between life and death for the family. Similar teaching and disciplining of our own children also brings good results. Proverbs 13:24 says: “He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.” A parent’s loving discipline is modeled after God’s loving correction. “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest his correction; for whom the Lord loves he corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights.” (Proverbs 3:11) God promises to deal with us as with sons—as Peter did with Pig—through discipline. Whether it comes as conflicts, trials, sufferings, troubles, or even persecution because of our faith in Christ, discipline is necessary if we are to remain in God’s family. Lord, we want to be worthy and fit for your Kingdom. We want you to treat us as your children—like Peter did with Pig. Give us the willingness and strength to endure your discipline. In Jesus’ name, amen. (Mrs. Bair may be reached at sallybair@gmail.com)
of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye I recently came across a number of interbaptized in the name of Paul?” (1 Corinthians esting quotations regarding the name Chris1:12-13) tian. I thought that I should share them and • Luke, the inspired writer of Acts: “…and give others the opportunity to read them: disciples were called Christians first in the • Henry Ward Beecher (Presbyterian minAntioch.” (Acts 11:26) ister): “Let me speak in the language of When we choose to wear a name that repheaven and call you Christians.” resents our religious belief, we ought to do as • Albert Barnes (Methodist commentator): Garret the inspired writer Peter recommended. We “These divisions should be merged into the Derouin should be willing to suffer for it, we should holy name Christian.” not be ashamed of it and most of all we • Martin Luther (founder of the Lutheran make sure it glorifies God and not should church): “I pray you leave my name alone. THE someone else. (1 Peter 4:16) “…if any man sufDo not call yourselves Lutherans, but Chrisfer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but PREACHER’S tians.” let him glorify God on this behalf.” • John Wesley (founder of the Methodist If readers have questions or simply wish to church): “I wish the name Methodist might more about the Church of Christ, we know never be mentioned again, but lost in eterwould like to invite them to call 715-866-7157 nal oblivion.” or stop by the church building at 7425 W. Birch St. in • Charles Spurgeon (famous Baptist preacher): “I Webster. Sunday Bible class begins at 9:30 a.m. and say of the Baptist name, let it perish, but let Christ’s worship begins at 10:30 a.m. We also meet Wednesname last forever. I look forward with pleasure to the evenings at 7 p.m. Office hours are Tuesdays day day when there will not be a Baptist living.” • Paul, the apostle: “Now this I say, that every one through Fridays, 9 a.m. - noon.
What's in a name?
Fristad Lutheran Church awards scholarships Pastor Mel Rau (far right) and Kathy Glunz representing the scholarship committee (far left) at Fristad Lutheran Church presented scholarships to Dustin Turnquist and Twyla Bublitz of Centuria. Turnquist is pursuing an associate degree in law enforcement and Bublitz is enrolled in the Hazelden Graduate School Studies Program. – Photo submitted
News from the Pews at Pilgrim Lutheran Church
FREDERIC – Pilgrim invites everyone to attend Sunday morning worship at 9 a.m. Call the church office at 715-327-8012 for more information or go to their Web site www.pilgrimlutheran.org which is currently under construction, but parts of it are functioning just fine. - submitted
Norah Mae Ohley was baptized during worship services on Sunday, Dec. 23. This is a four-generation picture with great-grandmother, Margaret Ulick (left); mom, Heather, and grandmother, Elvira Schmidt (right). Norah lives in Edmonds, Wash., with her family which includes father, Bob; brother, Joseph, 2 -1/2, and sister, Sydney, 12. Her sponsors were Dolf and Heather Jo Schmidt. The lovely vintage baptismal gown that Norah wore was made by Schmidt in about 1970 for her daughter, Heather’s, baptism and was worn again by Dolf at his baptism. The pattern for the gown was from an antique baptismal gown. Schmidt made alterations to custom fit the gown for Norah’s special day.
Also from Dec. 23 are pictured special guests from Mexico City, Mexico, Beth (Swanberg) Acosta and her husband, Alfredo. They were home for the holidays along with their son Charlie, 6 months, visiting family and friends in the area. – Photos submitted
CHURCH NEWS Remember to rekindle romance in long-term relationships Q: My wife and I love each other very much, but we're going through a time of apathy. We just don't feel close to each other. Is this normal, and is there a way to bring back the fire? DR. DOBSON: This happens sooner or later in every marriage. A man and woman just seem to lose the wind in their romantic sails for a period of time. Their plight reminds me of seamen back in the days of wooden vessels. Sailors in that era had much to fear, including pirates, storms and diseases. But their greatest fear was that the ship might encounter the doldrums. The doldrums were an area of the ocean near the equator characterized by calm and very light shifting winds. It could mean certain death for the entire crew. The ship's food and water supply would be exhausted as they drifted for days, or even weeks, waiting for a breeze to put them back on course. Well, marriages that were once exciting and loving can also get caught in the romantic doldrums, causing a slow and painful death to the relationship. Author Doug Fields, in his book "Creative Romance," writes: "Dating and romancing your spouse can change those patterns, and it can be a lot of fun. There's no quick fix to a stagnant marriage, of course, but you can lay aside the excuses and begin to date your sweetheart." In fact, you might want to try thinking like a teenager again. Let me explain. Recall for a moment the craziness of your dating days - the coy attitudes, the flirting, the fantasies, the
chasing after the prize. As we moved from courtship into marriage, most of us felt we should grow up and leave the game playing behind. But we may not have matured as much as we'd like to think. In some ways, our romantic relationships will always bear some characteristics of adolescent sexuality. Adults still love Dr. James the thrill of the chase, the lure of the Dobson unattainable, excitement of the new and boredom with the old. Immature impulses are controlled and minimized in a committed relationship, of course, but they never fully disappear. This could help you keep vitality in your marriage. When things have grown stale between you and your spouse, maybe you should remember some old tricks. How about breakfast in bed? A kiss in the rain? Or rereading those old love letters together? A night in a nearby hotel? Roasting marshmallows by an open fire? A phone call in the middle of the day? A longstem red rose and a love note? There are dozens of ways to fill the sails with wind once more. If it all sounds a little immature to act like a teenager again, just keep this in mind: In the best marriages, the chase is never really over. ••• Q: We have a 5-year-old son who has been diagnosed with ADHD. He is really difficult to handle, and I have no idea how to manage him. I know he
has a neurological problem; I don't feel right about making him obey like we do our other children. It is a big problem for us. What do you suggest? DR. DOBSON: I understand your dilemma, but I urge you to discipline your son. Every youngster needs the security of defined limits, and the ADHD boy or girl is no exception. Such a child should be held responsible for his behavior, although the approach may be a little different. For example, most children can be required to sit on a chair for disciplinary reasons, whereas some very hyperactive children would not be able to remain there. Similarly, corporal punishment is sometimes ineffective with a highly excitable little bundle of electricity. As with every aspect of parenthood, disciplinary measures for the ADHD child must be suited to his or her unique characteristics and needs. ••• Dr. Dobson is founder and chairman of the board of the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995 (www.family.org). Questions and answers are excerpted from "Solid Answers" and "Bringing Up Boys," both published by Tyndale House. COPYRIGHT 2007 JAMES DOBSON INC., DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE, 4520 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. 64111; 816-932 6600.
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Faith Fellowship Luck
Ladies Morning Retreat set FREDERIC - The women of Frederic Evangelical Free Church welcome you to Ladies Morning Retreat, Friday, Jan. 18, from 9:15-11:15 a.m. Deanna McWilliam is going to present “You Are What You Eat.” What to feed your soul so that you abound in hope. Through her ex-
perience and teaching from the Bible, McWilliam will help the group to taste and see that the Lord and his promises are good. Refreshments are served and child care is provided. Frederic Evangelical Free Church is located on Old
CTH W and Churchwood Lane, in Frederic. Please call 327-8767 for more information. - submitted
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Students of the Week GRANTSBURG
Lara Harlander has been chosen Frederic Elementary School’s student of the week. She is in fifth grade and the daughter of Brad and Rebecca Harlander. Lara has a positive attitude, is a hard worker and is determinated to succeed in school. She is currently involved in band and bells and plays hockey for the U-12 Girls Blizzard team. Lara likes to draw and enjoys needlepoint. She aspires to become a professional women’s hockey player.
Megan Amundson has been chosen Frederic Middle School’s student of the week. She is in eighth grade and the daughter of Doug and Becky Amundson. Megan is bright, helpful, honest, trustworthy and kind to others. She is involved in track. Megan enjoys running, swimming and spending time with friends. Her future plans include going to college.
Peter Draxler has been chosen Frederic High School’s student of the week. He is a junior and the son of Ray and Colleen Draxler. Peter is a great addition to the classroom. He is honest, hardworking, loyal and dedicated. Peter is involved in football, basketball and baseball. His hobbies are reading, video games and sports. His future plans include going to college.
Lane Johnson has been chosen Grantsburg Elementary School’s student of the week. He is in first grade and the son of Kristina Kelly-Johnson and Cory Johnson. Lane helps others without being asked. He takes pride in school, has a great attitude about learning and is always ready for a challenge. Lane enjoys math and recess. His hobbies are sledding, playing in snow, climbing snow hills and playing Star Wars.
Laurie Jorgenson has been chosen Luck Middle School’s student of the week. She is in eighth grade and the daughter of Craig and Delane Jorgenson. Laurie displays kindness and good values that help others around her to react in a positive way. She is involved in band and basketball. Laurie enjoys playing with her puppy, playing drums, painting, making jewelry and baking cookies.
Jimmy Mellon has been chosen Luck High School’s student of the week. He is a junior and the son of Trudi Mellon. Jimmy is willing to give the extra effort to help others and make life better for those around him. He is involved in AODA, church, drama and works in the school store. Jimmy both plays and coaches soccer. He enjoys snowboarding and spending time with his family.
Tori Wendorf has been chosen St. Croix Falls Elementary School’s student of the week. She is the daughter of Scott and Traci Wendorf. Tori enjoys phy. ed. because she can run and play games. She likes being outside sledding and making snowmen; and in the summer riding bike and swimming. Tori has a collection of seashells which she has found in different parts of the U.S. She also likes reading and drawing.
Maddie Ramich has been chosen Unity Middle School’s student of the week. She is in sixth grade and the daughter of Doug and Larura Ramich. Maddie has a positive attitude and is respectful. She is a caring student with a great sense of humor. Maddie is kind and willing to participate.
John Houliston has been chosen St. Croix Falls Middle School’s student of the week. He is in sixth grade and the son of Jack and Dawn Houliston. He has three sisters, one dog and three cats. John is involved in drama, basketball, football, baseball and soccer. His favorite subject is math because it comes easy for him. John enjoys sports and being with friends.
Ethan Michaelson has been chosen Unity Elementary School’s student of the week. He is in first grade and the son of Ted Michaelson and Sarah Broome. Ethan is an outstanding student. He demonstrates determination and dedication in his daily work. Ethan is kind and considerate. He is very positive, shows great leadership skills and is very cooperative with his teachers and peers.
Katty Peterson has been chosen Grantsburg High School’s student of the week. She is a senior and the daughter of Mike and Tracy Peterson. Katty is very responsible, takes action when she sees something that needs to be done and is cooperative and willing to help others. She is involved in gymnastics, track, FCCLA, Link group, is class president and a dietary aide part time at BMC. Katty plans to attend a 4-year university majoring in business.
Maddie Joy has been chosen Luck Elementary School’s student of the week. She is in fourth grade and the daughter of Ray and Angie Joy. Maddie is a friendly and happy student and has many friends. She is very cooperative and has good study habits. Maddie is fun to have in class. She is a hard worker and is very responsible about her work. Maddie loves to read and is involved in Girl Scouts and sports.
Brittney Luedtke as been chosen Grantsburg High School’s student of the week. She is in fifth grade and the daughter of Brad and Carmen Luedtke. Brittney excels in school. She works hard and is always willing to help others. Her favorite subjects are reading and writing. Brittney is involved in hockey and softball. She enjoys baby-sitting. Brittany has an older brother and a younger sister.
Kelsey Jensen has been chosen Unity High School’s student of the week. She is a junior and the daughter of Jim Jensen and Michelle Sherrard of Milltown. Kelsey is enthusiastic, has a good attitude and is a good student. She enjoys farming, hunting and running. Kelsey plans to attend UW-River Falls for dairy science and farm management after she graduates.
Timmie Fornengo has been chosen Webster Elementary School’s student of the week. He is in 4-year-old kindergarten and the son of Joshua and Brandie Fornengo. Timmie is a good friend to all his classmates and he is always excited to come to school. He is very polite, uses good manners, and he always follows the classroom rules.
Alex Spafford has been chosen Webster Middle School’s student of the week. He is in sixth grade and the son of Angela Olson. Alex gets good grades, is a good role model and is fun to have in class. He enjoys playing football, riding bike and fishing.
Annie Kelby has been chosen Webster High School’s student of the week. She is a freshman and the daughter of Tom and Sarah Kelby. Annie is a good student who is friendly, polite, respectful and kind. She is involved in band, choir, youth group, cross country and track. Annie enjoys reading, running and spending time with her family. She wants to go to college and then medical school to become an OB.
VA distributes 2008 insurance dividends WASHINGTON – More than a million veterans are in line to share $349 million in annual insurance dividends during 2008, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. “These dividends are a commitment from a grateful nation to safeguard the interests of America’s veterans,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake. VA operates one of the nation’s largest life insurance programs, providing more than $1 trillion in coverage to 7.1 million service members, veterans and family members. The dividend payments will be sent to an estimated 1.1 million holders of VA insurance policies on the anniversary
date of their policies. Sent automatically through different payment plans, the amounts will vary based on the age of the veteran, the type of insurance and the length of time the policy has been in force. The dividends come from the earnings of trust funds into which veterans have paid insurance premiums over the years, and are linked to returns on investments in U.S. government securities. VA officials caution veterans about a long-running scam in which various groups charge fees to locate veterans who are eligible for the dividends. Veterans eligible for the dividends have had VA life insurance policies in effect since they left the military and have received
annual notifications from VA about the policies. Dividends are paid each year to veterans holding certain government life insurance policies and who served between 1917 and 1956. World War II veterans holding National Service Life Insurance (“V”) policies comprise the largest group receiving 2008 insurance dividend payments. They are expected to receive total payments of $269.6 million. An additional group of World War II era veterans, those who have Veterans Reopened Insurance (“J,” “JR” and “JS”) policies, will in total receive dividends of $9.2 million. Korean War era veterans who have
maintained Veterans Special Life Insurance (“RS” and “W”) policies can expect to receive dividends totaling $69.3 million. Dividends totaling $875,000 will be paid to veterans who served between World War I and 1940 and who hold U.S. Government Life Insurance (“K”) policies. Veterans who have questions about their policies may contact the VA insurance toll-free number at 800-669-8477 or send an email to VAinsurance@va.gov. They may also visit VA on the Internet at www.insurance.va.gov. — from Department of Veterans Affairs
• Birthday party at 11:45 a.m., at the senior center. RSVP one day prior.
• 500 Card Night at the senior center, 6:30 p.m.
Coming events
• A Young Performers’ Concert, 7:30 p.m., at The Northern Lakes Center for the Arts, 715258-6811.
• Franconia Sesquicentennial Committee holds history day at town hall on Hwy. 95, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
• Annual Sleigh Parade at the high school, 11:30 a.m. viewing, 1 p.m. parade. • Food, games & fellowship at the senior center.
Rice Lake
• 2008 Corn Conference at the Turtleback Country Club, 9:30 a.m.-3:45 p.m., 715-5376250.
St. Croix Falls
• Community forum at Festival Theatre, 10 a.m.
• Public meeting on invasive species at the Ag Research Station, 5:30 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise by YMCA, 10-11 a.m.; Skipbo, 11 a.m.-noon; 500 cards, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at the senior center.
• Bingo played at the senior center, 6:30 p.m.
• Spades played at the senior center, 1:30 p.m.
• Ruby’s Pantry food distribution behind The Place To Be, 4 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Art Group, 9:30 a.m.-noon, at the senior center.
FRIDAY/11 Amery
• Bingo at 1 p.m.; 6:30 p.m., members Wii game night, at the senior center.
• American Red Cross offers First Aid classes at Red Cross office. Preregistration is requested. Call Terry at 715-485-3025.
Balsam Lake
• Pokeno played at the senior center, 1 p.m. • Northwest Regional Writers meeting at Sunrise Apts., 1 p.m. Assignment: Write about turning a new leaf.
TUESDAY/22 Amery
• 500 card party at the senior center, 6:45 p.m.
• Dee Sweet, poet laureate of Wisconsin, reads from her new work at Café Wren, 7:30 p.m., 715-472-4700.
• A Writers’ Forum, 7:30 p.m., at The Northern Lakes Center for the Arts, 715-258-6811.
Early-morning fog coupled with slick roads made for a white-knuckled commute from some area drivers this week. – Photo by Gary King
St. Croix Falls
• Art Group, 9:30 a.m.-noon, at the senior center.
• Pool tourney, 9 a.m., at the senior center. Call 715-268-6605 for info.
• Food, games & fellowship at the senior center. • Earth Arts meeting 6 p.m. More info at www.earthartswi.org or 715-483-3150.
St. Croix Falls
• Auditions for “Charlotte’s Web” at Festival Theatre, 715-483-3387 or boxoffice@festivaltheatre.org.
• Mixed Sampler Quilt Guild meeting, 9 a.m., at the senior center. Any questions call Betty, 715-472-4117.
SUNDAY/13 Grantsburg
• Foster parent information meeting at Espresso Cabin, 2:30 p.m., 715-349-7600 ext. 1319.
• Head Injury Support Group meets, 1-2:30 p.m., at the Covenant Church. Call Karen at 715-349-8985 for more info.
MONDAY/14 Amery
• Trip to Treasure Island sponsored by the senior center, call 715-268-6605 for more info.
• Spades played at the senior center, 1:30 p.m.
Clam Falls
• Coffee Hour, 10 a.m., at the Lutheran Church.
Clear Lake
• Polk County United Aging Group meeting, 1:30-3:30 p.m., at the Ridgeview Apartments. Call 715-485-8599 for more info.
• Ruby’s Pantry food distribution at the elementary school bus garage, 5 p.m. For info call 715-327-4143. To volunteer call 715-327-8484.
• Snowmobile Safety class at the Crex Meadow’s Visitor Center from 5:30-8:30 p.m. For more info call the DNR at 715-464-2897.
Menomonie & Rice Lake
• UW Extension Dairy Road Show, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. For info call UWEX at 715-4858600.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise by YMCA, 10-11 a.m.; Skipbo, 11 a.m.-noon; 500 cards & Dominos, 12:30-4 p.m., at the senior center.
• Lioness Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., at the senior center. • Origin USA Adoption Support Group meeing at the government center, 6:30-8:30 p.m., 715-689-2295.
WEDNESDAY/16 Frederic
• Pokeno played at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Poker at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• 500 Card Night at the senior center, 6:30 p.m.
• Snowmobile Safety class at the Crex Meadow’s Visitor Center from 5:30-8:30 p.m. For more info call the DNR at 715-464-2897.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise by YMCA, 10-11 a.m.; Skipbo, 11 a.m.-noon; blood pressure check, 11:30 a.m.; potluck lunch 12:30 p.m.; general meeting, 1 p.m.; 500 cards, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at the senior center.
• American Legion Auxiliary meets at the village hall, 2 p.m.
FRIDAY/18 Amery
• Hardanger at the senior center, 1:30 p.m.
• Ladies Morning Retreat at Evangelical Free Church, 9:15-11:15 a.m., 715-327-8767. • Pokeno played at the senior center, 1 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Bingo 1-3 p.m., at the senior center.
Go, Pack, Go!
A Frederic resident, Galen “Coot” Skow, displays his holiday cheer and loyalty as a fan to the Green Bay Packers together in one with this sleigh and sign in his front yard on Linden Street. ABOVE: Coot’s view on the NFL Network. – Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise by YMCA, 10-11 a.m.; Skipbo, 11 a.m.-noon; 500 cards & Dominos, 12:30-4 p.m., at the senior center.
WEDNESDAY/23 Balsam Lake
• Public hearing on licensing fish farms at the government center, 7 p.m.
• Pokeno played at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Stick knitting class at the senior center, 1 p.m. For info and to register call 715-268-6605 or 715-268-2253.
• 500 Card Night at the senior center, 6:30 p.m.
• Snowmobile Safety class at the Crex Meadow’s Visitor Center from 5:30-8:30 p.m. For more info call the DNR at 715-464-2897.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise by YMCA, 10-11 a.m.; Skipbo, 11 a.m.-noon; crafts, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; 500 cards, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at the senior center.
FRIDAY/25 Amery
• Member Nintendo Wii game night at the senior center, 6:30 p.m.
• Pokeno played at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Celebrating the Haggis! At The Northern Lakes Center for the Arts, 7:30 p.m., 715-2586811.