W E D N E S D AY, J U LY 1 5 , 2 0 0 9 • V O L U M E 7 6 • N O . 4 7 • 2 S E C T I O N S • S E C T I O N A
• Wannigan Days @ SCFalls and TFalls • Watercross championship @ Grantsburg • Lucky Days at Luck • Wildflower expedition @ Grantsburg • Iver’s Mountain benefit @ SCFalls • Humane Society Adoption Day @ SCFalls • Free carnival @ Siren See Coming Events, stories inside
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7th, 8th defendants sentenced St. Croix Tribal drug investigation results in convictions PAGE 29
15 percent Jessica Raboin crowned Miss Centuria Inside this section
A s u m m e r c r us h
Four area school districts among dozens to lose 15 percent of their state aid PAGE 3
Larsen offers building for new library “Stars align” for Webster project PAGE 11
Tom’s triumphs Currents feature
Teen faces charges for providing alcohol
Arrest made PAGE 3
SCF residents unhappy with Xcel plans
Appear before city council PAGE 14
Unity grad moth expert Inside this section
Watercross comes to Grantsburg this weekend
Inside this section
“I was just crushed against the side of the car,” said Kim Lotten of Kimberly, after she rode the Sizzler last Thursday at the Central Burnett County Fair in Webster with sons Tyson (center) and Mason. More photos of the fair in Currents section. - Photo by Chet Newman
Desperate need for rain Ongoing wildfire season a concern for rangers who rely on public awareness for prevention by Gary King BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES - It could be the heat from an ATV’s muffler. Or a spark from farm machinery. It doesn’t take much to start a wildfire in an extremely dry summer season, and for local fire rangers, those types of fire sources have become more of a worry than the usual source - debris burning. There were two major wildfires in Burnett County last week, including one known to have been started by faulty farm machinery. Last Thursday, July 9, a wildfire along the Burnett-Polk county line burned 36 acres, the flames fanned by a warm sum-
See Wildfires, page 2
Malfunctioning farm equipment sparked this fire on Swenson Road in Burnett County last Tuesday, July 7. - Photo courtesy DNR
The Inter-County Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper
Eagle on 46
Serving Northwest Wisconsin
A cooperative-owned newspaper, the Inter-County Leader is published every Wednesday by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837. Second Class postage paid at Frederic, WI 54837.
MANAGER Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR Gary B. King gbking@centurytel.net STAFF Nancy Jappe njappe@centurytel.net Tammi Milberg tammi@centurytel.net Marty Seeger mseeger@centurytel.net Brenda Sommerfeld brendals@centurytel.net Sherill Summer sherill33@gmail.com Gregg Westigard greggw@lakeland.ws Carl Heidel cheidel389@centurytel.net Priscilla Bauer cilla@grantsburgtelcom.net Mary Stirrat marystirrat@hotmail.com EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Raelynn Hunter rael@centurytel.net
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The Inter-County Leader [ISS No. 87509091] is published weekly. Subscription prices are $34/yr. in Polk and Burnett counties; $38/yr. in Barron, Chisago, Washburn, St. Croix counties; $41/yr. anywhere in the United States $23/yr. for servicemen or women; $23/yr. for students or schools (9 months). Payment is needed before we can start the subscription. No refunds on subscriptions. Persons may subscribe online at www.the-leader.net, write us at Inter-County Leader, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837, or stop by one of our three offices.
Board of directors Vivian Byl, chair Charles Johnson Harvey Stower Merlin Johnson Janet Oachs
Byron Higgin- Special photo
Higgin now publishing Minneota Mascot MINNEOTA, Minn. - Former Burnett County Sentinel publisher and editor Byron Higgin has been named publisher of the weekly newspaper, the Mascot, in Minneota, Minn. Higgin, in cooperation with Jeff and Julie Meyer, publishers of the Pelican Rapids Press in Pelican Rapids, Minn., have announced the purchase of the newspaper from Jon Guttormsson. They began publishing the Mascot on July 8. “This is exciting,” said Higgin, adding, “Many years ago I owned and published The Clarkfield Advocate, within about 25 miles of Minneota. While I never thought I’d return to this area, I’m happy to be back amongst friends and associates from those many years ago.” Minneota is a community of about 1,500, situated 10 miles north of Marshall, Minn., south of Canby, Minn., and is very close to the South Dakota border. After leaving The Sentinel last December, Higgin has been working as an advertising sales representative in Redwood Falls, Minn. “While my wife, Bev, and I are still planning to keep our home in Grantsburg and are making plans to retire there some day, this seems like a logical move at this time,” said Higgin. Bev will continue to work part time as a caregiver and will maintain the Grantsburg home. Byron is renting in Minneota as he begins his career as publisher in that community. “I miss my friends, contacts and associates in the Grantsburg area, and I’ll always hold my years at the Sentinel as very special. And someday I plan to live there full time once again. But at this time it’s a challenge to publish The Mascot and I’m looking forward to the challenge,” Higgin said. Minneota is a community bouyed by a strong school district. The Minneota Vikings athletic teams and individuals have attained much success in the past. Higgin’s love for sports and athletes seem to be a natural in a community that not only maintains a strong public school image, but also has a Catholic grade school up to the eighth grade. He also served as sports editor at the Sentinel. “My Frederic friends may be happy to know I am now a Viking, since the school nickname is the Minneota Vikings,” said Higgin. “Minneota should be easy to remember ... it’s just Minnesota without the “S,’” Higgin said. - Jon Guttormsson
Karen Bunda was on her way to work July 1 when she came across this eagle on Hwy. 46, just south of Hwy. 8. He was having his breakfast, a rabbit. - Photo by Karen Bunda
Wildfires/from page 1 mer wind. Firefighters from Frederic, Luck and Siren responded to help DNR personnel put out the fire. DNR firefighters had to return to the scene the next three days to put out smoldering areas. The cause remains under investigation. Two days earlier, July 7, a wildfire was started when a farmer’s equipment malfunctioned as he was cutting hay on Swenson Road. That fire consumed 151/2 acres. The Siren Fire Department aided the DNR in extinguishing that fire. Due to lack of rain, the wildfire season has extended beyond its usual time frame, which is typically April and May, according to DNR Forest Ranger Renae Paulson at Webster. “We desperately need rain,” she said. Rain arrived Tuesday evening for much of the area, but it will take much more to make up for the lack of moisture. “One day of rain isn’t going to help us anymore,” said DNR Forest Ranger Bob Hartshorn at Grantsburg. “Since Jan. 1, we’ve had only about half the moisture we had last year during the same time period. We’re hoping that the whole weather trend gets back to normal, with some moisture day to day.” The fire on Swenson Road last Tuesday was followed by a fire Wednesday just southwest of Grantsburg, about an acre in size, amidst jack pines on private land. Cause of the fire is unknown. Thursday saw the county line fire that burned 36 acres, and a fire Saturday
night burned a small area in a forested area off Spaulding Road. Structures were threatened in the Wednesday and Saturday fires and both were brought under control by the DNR and Grantsburg Fire Department. A DNR spotting plane was used in the Tuesday and Thursday fires. Burning permits are not being issued, Hartshorn noted, but he said the public has stopped burning anyway, well before the permits were shut down. “We’re well beyond being careful with debris burning – now it’s being careful with anything you do outside,” Hartshorn said. Farmers, if there is no dew in the morning, aren’t even cutting hay, knowing a simple spark from a blade hitting a rock, could start a fire, he added.
Fireworks spark Bone Lake blaze MILLTOWN — Fireworks are believed to have sparked a Monday morning grass fire that spread to engulf a shed before it was put out by the Milltown Fire Department Assistant fire Chief Mike Nutter said that firefighters were called to the Mike Lunsmann property at 2084 West Bone Lake Drive in the late morning, fighting the fire for about 30 to 45 minutes. The fire is still under investigation, but Nutter said fireworks are believed to be the cause. — Mary Stirrat
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The pilot of a DNR spotter plane captured the scene of a 36-acre wildfire last Thursday in Burnett County. - Special photo
15-percent cut in state aid
Frederic, Unity, Webster and Siren among 97 out of 426 districts statewide to get hit with a substantial cut in state aid ST. CROIX FALLS - The “mystery woman” sitting on the bench in front of the Auditorium Theatre in St. Croix Falls, published in our June 24 edition, has been identified as Jean Anderson. Thank you to the readers who responded to our request for help in finding her identity. Jean Stannard of St. Croix Falls wrote to say Anderson, now 90 years young, is a former Balsam Lake resident who now lives at the Rose Garden Apartments in Bloomer. Her husband Jim, and partner, Barney Anderson, operated a small variety and icecream shop on Main Street in Balsam Lake for many years. The photographer, Erik Barstow, planned on getting a copy of the photo to Mrs. Anderson. ••• STATEWIDE – Wolves have killed an unusually high number of bear hunting hounds this month, according to the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association. Insight into the problem will be the focus of “The West Side Outside” this Thursday, July 16, at 5 p.m. on 88.3 WHWC/Menomonie-Eau Claire and on 88.7 WRFW/River Falls. –from Wisconsin Public Radio ••• ST. CROIX FALLS - If you missed last year’s appearance of Elvis and Marilyn Monroe during the 1950s-themed Wannigan Days parade, then you certainly don’t want to miss this year’s disco-themed parade.You may even catch a glimpse of Tina Turner! The Wannigan Days parade starts at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 18, beginning on the north end of downtown St. Croix Falls and finishing on the north end of downtown Taylors Falls, Minn. Directly after the parade, enjoy a free disco-fever dance and family-fun event on Thompson Parkway, just one block east of downtown St. Croix Falls. - submitted ••• SIREN – The Siren School Board has hired a new district bookkeeper, Andrew Licata. Licata is a licensed business manager and business owner. He has had several years of professional experience as a bookkeeper and business manager in three other public school districts. Authorization to hire came in open session following a listening session with certified staff employees Monday, July 13. Other meetings with the school board include a listening session with support staff and a listening session for the public scheduled for Monday, July 20, in the high school media center. - Nancy Jappe
by Gary King BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES – Four of the 10 school districts within the borders of Burnett and Polk counties received the grim news this week that they will lose 15 percent of their state aid monies as part of the new state biennium budget passed recently. Frederic will receive the 11th- highest cut in state aid – 15.21 percent or $476,026 – among the 336 district due to receive less state aid in the 2009-10 budget than last year, according to figures released by the Department of Public Instruction.
Webster will lose 15.18 percent of its state aid or $248,000. Unity will also lose 15.18 percent or $405,387. Siren will lose 15.10 percent or $227,286. Those four local districts were among 97 statewide to get cuts of 15 percent or more. Other districts in Burnett and Polk counties will also lose state aid: Luck will lose 10.83 percent or $271,867; Amery 7.12 percent or $688,875; Grantsburg 4.42 percent or $267,697; Clear Lake 3.25 percent or $153,198; Clayton 2.37 percent or $67,680; Osceola .46 percent or $50,285; and St. Croix Falls .68 percent or $31,725. One school district, North Lakeland, a smaller district near Manitowash Waters, lost 100 percent, or just over $8,000, in state aid. Under the budget signed by Gov. Jim
Doyle, the state will decrease its general school aid payments to schools from a little less than $4.7 billion in the 2008-09 school year to a little more than $4.5 billion in the 2009-10 school year, saving the state $151.7 million. According to the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, state lawmakers – in the final days of budget negotiations, included a provision intended to prevent any school district from losing more than 10 percent in aid, but due to the complicated nature of the schoolfunding formula, that effort was unsuccessful. The WASB, in a legislative update newsletter dated July 13, states that property taxpayers should be prepared to pay more money the next two years to help their school districts make up for the loss of state dollars.
Clayton teen faces charges in fatal accident BARRON COUNTY - A 17-year-old Clayton woman was taken into custody Monday evening, July 13, charged with supplying alcohol that became a factor in a fatal, one-vehicle rollover, July 4, south of Turtle Lake. Danielle Nordquist was one of three teens ejected from a Ford F-150 pickup truck when a 14-year-old driver lost control of the vehicle and it went off the road, up an embankment and rolled. Rhonda Hellstern, 17, was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, which occurred on Third Street in the town of Vance Creek in Barron
County. The driver, Hanna Yager, was airlifted from the scene to Regions Hospital in St. Paul. Nordquist was taken to Amery Hospital and then airlifted to Regions. Both are recovering from their injuries. Authorities said alcohol and speed are believed to have contributed to the crash and that none of the three teens were wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash. The case against Nordquist has been forwarded to the Barron County District Attorney Angela Holstrom’s office for review. Nordquist, who was taken to the
Barron County Jail on Monday evening, was scheduled to appear in court Wednesday, July 15, on possible charges of providing alcohol to a minor causing injury. According to a report by the Rice Lake Chronotype, Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald said Nordquist refused to talk to investigators, but statements from witnesses indicated Nordquist had supplied the alcohol. – Gary King with information from Barron County Sheriff’s Dept.
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Services held for sheriff’s deputy
Services were held Tuesday for Jason R. Whittier, 38, of St. Croix Falls, who died Friday, July 10, at St. Croix Regional Medical Center following a battle with cancer. He was well-known in Polk County as a police officer and sheriff’s deputy. Polk County Sheriff Tim Moore cut short his vacation out West to attend his friend and co-worker’s funeral. “He was a good guy and way too young (to die),” noted Moore. “I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore.” A complete obituary can be found elsewhere in this issue. - Special photo
As of Tuesday, July 14, an Alltel cell tower under construction was giving the Webster water tower some competition as the tallest structure in town. - Photo by Sherill Summer
Worthless-check diversion program introduced to Frederic
by Brenda Sommerfeld FREDERIC – By request of Police Chief RJ Severude, Daniel Siebenaler, investigator for Financial Crimes Services, LLC., presented the worthless-check diversion program to the Frederic Village Board members during the Monday, July 13, meeting. Siebenaler, representing President and CEO Scott Adkisson, explained what the program is and how it works. “Writing a bad check, bouncing a check, anywhere in Wisconsin is a crime,” Siebenaler said. “Wisconsin Legislature about three years ago passed a law and it’s called a worthless-check diversion program. What we do is we work on the premise that not everyone that bounces a check is a criminal. “The Legislature recognized that sometimes people deserve a second chance and so they created the diversion program,” Siebenaler continued. “If they (the bad check writer) are willing to pay the check and they pay the fees that go along with that check and they’re willing to take a class and learn how not to do this again, we’re going to start them with a clean slate.” Because of the high costs of investigating and prosecuting people who issue worthless checks, Polk County District Attorney Daniel P. Steffen’s office, in conjunction with Financial Crimes Services, implemented a worthless check diversion program for Polk County. “We work under direct contract for the district attorney’s office,” Siebenaler explained. “That’s where we get our authority from under Wisconsin statute. We work for the district attorney’s office, not for individual cities.” Any merchant or individual in Polk County is able to send checks into FCS at no cost to them. “We’ll take care of it for your merchants at no cost to them, at no cost to you (the village), at no cost to your police department and at no cost to your district attorney’s office,” Siebenaler said. Anyone issued a bad check in Polk County may contact the Polk County district attorney’s office or FCS directly. From there they are asked to send in the check to FCS and sign a memorandum of understanding for that one check. FCS makes contact with the check writer by phone, mails them a letter about the program and sets up a payment plan for the check. “When they submit the check to us,
be allocated the money in the next month. Severude will be purchasing equipment from the state’s list that will enhance better vehicle-safety checks and patrols.
Daniel Siebenaler, investigator for Financial Crimes Services, LLC., spoke with the Frederic Village Board about FCS joining with the Polk County district attorney’s office in adopting the worthless check diversion program. – Photos by Brenda Sommerfeld
Arlen Peterson gave the village board a breakdown of expenses and revenues of this year’s Frederic Watercross during the July 13 meeting. Peterson asked for approval of dates for the 2010 race. The decision will be made at the August meeting.
they will get 100-percent face value of the check,” Siebenaler said. “We will ask them to donate to us the $30 NSF fee, but beyond that they get the full face value of the check. The bad guy will pay the costs of this whole program. Under Wisconsin law, they pay $100 for the class.” After a check is sent into FCS, they check the surrounding area to see if the check writer has any other bad checks anywhere else. The offenses are aggregated together to get the maximum offense. If the offender starts but does not finish paying for all the costs of the check, they are brought to court by the district attorney’s office. “If they miss so much as $1, your district attorney’s office is really good about taking them to court,” Siebenaler stated. “They want them to complete the program.” FCS accepts any dishonored checks, including closed accounts, inappropriate stop payment checks, NSF checks and electronic payments. Any dishonored check that is less than three years old may be prosecuted. The program has a 49-percent rate of getting all money back, compared to most collection agencies 7 percent. “The diversion program has a track
record of success,” Siebenaler said. “Those people who complete the program, go through the training and learn how to manage their finances only repeat their offenses 1 percent of the time.” FCS may be contacted at 800-906-8182 during business hours of 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. “Here’s another program we’ve tried to bring to the community and people of the area to say we’re here to help, you just need to ask us if there’s something directly or indirectly that you need help with we’re more than happy to help out,” Severude said. Police department given grant During the busy Fourth of July weekend, the police department of Frederic counted 687 cars from out of state go through town on Friday and 936 on Sunday. During the busy weekend, the department made several stops for speed-control checks, safety checks and inspections. “With our combined efforts of providing safety, not writing tickets but doing good checks, making sure people were buckled in their cars,” Severude said. “We were allotted a $1,000 grant from the state of Wiscosnin.” The Frederic Police Department will
Other business • An application to make the 80 acres on the east side of Coon Lake a community/school forest will be filed. • The revolving loans for Northern Image and Rossow were moved to be written off the village books. • The Green Acres Estates Mobile Home Park license renewal was passed after being tabled from the June meeting. Green Acres was not current on fees to the village but have now paid to date. • On request of library director Chris Byerly, Carey Lillehaug and John Lindquist were appointed to the library board for terms ending June 30, 2012. • Arlen Peterson requested the board to approve the dates of June 12 and 13 for the Frederic Watercross. The board will discuss and make a motion one way or the other during the August meeting. • The streetlight by Avalon on Wisconsin and Maple was replaced, and the sewer pipe that collapsed, causing a hole behind the bakery, was fixed. • Land and Water Department of Polk County employee Jeremy Williamson talked to park board about a management plan for Coon Lake. • Historical society will be trying to hold more meetings and events at the depot to bring people into the community. • The Frederic Public Library had their highest circulation of 1,998 items go out last week. • Public hearing will be held Wednesday, July 15, to hear comments on expanding the TIF district south along Hwy. 35 to encompass the old elementary lot and the Northern Image building. • Division 8 will be closing on the Northern Image building July 20. They are thinking they will be moving the company up in September, after remodels are done to the building. • Ordinances and other information are going to be put on the Frederic Village Web site. • Feed mill project is complete under budget, totaling $182,763. • A couple has been speaking with village Administrator Dave Wondra about purchasing the Good Ol’ Drive In.
Border agreement proposed between Milltown township, village
Eventual consolidation likely
by Mary Stirrat MILLTOWN — Losing its lake property through annexation has prompted the township of Milltown to approach the village for a border agreement. Down the road, the border agreement will most likely lead to a consolidation of the township and village. Harlen Hegdal, chairman of the township, met with the village board Monday evening, July 13, and said that the village of Balsam Lake has been annexing lakeshore property that had formerly been located in the township. If annexation continues, he said, the township will need to lay off crew members. Eventually, the township will not be able to function due to lack of a tax base. Entering into a border agreement will not necessarily stop the annexation, admitted Hegdal, but including a clause that the two municipalities will eventually consider consolidation could be a way to slow the problem. The state of Wisconsin reviews each annexation request, and if a border agreement with fu-
ture consolidation possibilities is in the picture, it may be more likely to stop the annexation. The township chose to seek out the village of Milltown for a border agreement, said Hegdal, because the township surrounds the village, the two municipalities share a name, and the two have been cooperating for years on the jointly owned beach at Half Moon Lake. Once a border agreement is in place, according to Hedgal, the village will exercise territorial zoning rights in the township. The township will administer the zoning ordinances within its boundaries at no cost to the village until consolidation. There would be no liability to the village, he assured the board, and there will be no changes in public protection. The village will continue to operate its police department and the township will continue to be patrolled by the county sheriff’s department. Consolidation, Hegdal said, would be years down the road. The border agreement would not tie the hands of future boards, he said, but would have language referencing the possibility of consolidation.
“There won’t be anything to haunt the village,” he said. “We’ve got some big development in the southern part of our township,” he said. “It will be a good deal for everyone involved.” Hegdal said that he understands but doesn’t agree with the desire and need for Balsam Lake to acquire lakeshore property to help its tax base. Trustee Bob Jones asked if, by entering into a border agreement, some type of “border agreement war” might start. Hegdal said no, although he knew that Balsam Lake would not be happy. Some people in Balsam Lake, he said, would like to see the village annex all the property up to Unity School. “That would be the end of our township,” he said. “This is a big step,” he said, “but we didn’t want to be like St. Croix Falls, pulled apart in pieces.” This type of cooperative agreement is becoming more common, Hegdal said, and is being encouraged by the state of Wisconsin. River Falls, Hudson and other communities have completed the process to allow for expansion without annexation, he said.
The township will hold a public hearing Aug. 3 on the ordinance changes needed for a border agreement, and the village will address the agreement at its Aug. 10 meeting. The state of Wisconsin must give the agreement its seal of approval before it can be made official.
Children’s Theatre Camp production set BARRON – “Gary Grinkle’s Battles With Wrinkles” will be staged on Friday, July 31 and Saturday, Aug. 1 as the culmination of Barron Spotlighters Children’s Theatre Camp. Both shows start at 1:30 p.m., and all seating is general. Reservations can be made either by calling Barron Spotlighters at 715-537-9212 or sending an e-mail to tickets@barronspotlighters.org. Tickets will also be available at the door. - submitted
Liability for parade candy throwers still a concern for village board by Nancy Jappe SIREN – The July 4 parade through Siren turned out to be the biggest parade ever, according to many people. However, as with other years, one area still presents concern to the police department and members of the Siren Village Board. That concern involves the throwing of candy from parade vehicles to youngsters waiting along the curbs, and the chance for injury to the children and liability for the village. “This is an issue that comes up every year and, while it needs to be dealt with, should not detract from the overall way in which the parade was conducted,” commented village Administrator Randy Surbaugh after the meeting. After discussion at the July 9 village board meeting, board members pointed out the need to notify parade units a couple weeks ahead about not throwing
candy from vehicles, not telling them at the last minute, giving them time to plan ahead. “This is something we have to pay attention to,” said police Chief Chris Sybers. After discussion, the board set up the people who will go through applications for the police department’s vacant parttime administrative-assistant position and those who will interview the five or six top candidates. Surbaugh, Sybers and board President Jan Hunter will go through the applications Wednesday, July 15, with board members Dave Alden and Josh Henry to do the interviewing Thursday, July 23. The deadline for applications was Monday, July 13. Acting on a recommendation for the board’s public safety committee, a motion was passed, amending the All-Terrain Vehicle Route Ordinance to include
routes on: First Avenue between Main and the south end of First Avenue, Johnson Street between Third Avenue and Hwy. 35, Anderson between First Avenue and Hwy. 35 and between Hwy. 35 and Third Avenue, Tower Road between Third Avenue and the village limits and park roads within Crooked Lake Park. By roll-call vote, the board approved an ordinance addition stating that ATV operators must be 16 or older. Among the items approved by the board at this meeting were: 1) A recommendation to amend the Sewer Rate Ordinance to change penalties on past-due balances to a rate of 1 percent a month compounded. 2) A recommendation to amend ordinance 5-1-3(c) to charge penalties on past-due balances at a rate of 1 percent per month compounded. 3) A recommendation to sell two acres of village-owned property on Nyberg Road
to Rick and Kristin Kosloski. 4) A recommendation from the Plan Commission to allow a conditional-use permit for a home beauty salon at 23950 First Avenue, the home of Julie Hall. 5) A recommendation to award the bid for the Clear Lake Street overlay project to Monarch Paving for a bid price of $12,917.50. Monarch was the only bidder on this project. 6) Purchase and have installed Radio Read water meters. Village board meetings for the month are as follows: Buildings, Grounds and Parks – Tuesday, July 21, 9 a.m. Personnel and Finance – Wednesday, July 29, 9 a.m. Public Safety – Wednesday, July 22, 11 a.m. The next village board meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 6, starting at 2 p.m.
‘Tis the season for blue-green algae bloom BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES - Now that summer is under way and the lakes have warmed up, it is the season when toxic blue-green algae may bloom in ponds and lakes, state health officials warn. “It’s great to have fun in Wisconsin waters, but coming into contact with or swallowing water with high levels of blue-green algae poses a health risk and can make you sick,” said Dr. Seth Foldy, state health officer. “People and pets should avoid swimming where the water looks like paint or pea soup.” Algae blooms can form thick, foulsmelling layers on the surface of water and can range in color from green and fluorescent blue to red. Most adults will
avoid entering water with an algae bloom, but kids and pets can be hard to keep out of the water - no matter how it looks or smells. Always shower off with soap and water after swimming in lakes and rivers. If you come in contact with bluegreen algae bloom, you may experience eye, throat, nose or skin irritation and gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Symptoms can appear between a few hours and several days after exposure. Contact a physician if you experience muscle cramps, respiratory difficulties, nausea or vomiting following swimming in a lake or river. Foldy added that dogs exposed to algae should be rinsed off to prevent
Strabels to host Nelson family reunion WEBSTER – Don and Charlene Strabel will host a huge Nelson family reunion at their farm in rural Webster on Saturday, July 25. A program and photos are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Nelson descendants are asked to bring their own beverages and a dish to pass. The reunion will be held, rain or shine. The reunion is coming full circle this summer. Mrs. Didrick Larsen held Nel-
son family reunions back in the 1930s at her farm in Karlsborg. The only remnant of the community today is the Karlsborg Cemetery, where many Nelson family descendants are buried. Thanks to the Strabels, the reunion is once again being held in Karlsborg. Descendants are being asked to wear the color assigned to them. For more information, call the Strabel farm at 715349-5935. – with submitted information
them from ingesting algal toxins while grooming themselves. Get immediate veterinary care if your pet develops any signs of illness. For more information or to report a
human or animal illness related to bluegreen algae, call the state’s Division of Public Health at 608-266-1120 or visit http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/ch/bluegree nalea - submitted
Grantsburg Area Chamber of Commerce to hold annual meeting GRANTSBURG – The Grantsburg Area Chamber of Commerce annual meeting will be held on Thursday, July 30, at the Crex Convention Center located in the Gateway Plaza on Hwy. 70 in Grantsburg. The event will begin with a social hour at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m. followed by the meeting. This year’s gathering, themed the Past, Present and Future of Grantsburg, will include pictures and memories of Grantsburg back in the days when the chamber of commerce was first incorporated in 1966. Members will have the opportunity to discuss where Grantsburg is today and where we see the town
in the future, putting Grantsburg back on the map as “the place to be.” Cris Peterson will be moderating the event and special guests will also be sharing memories. Attendees will have a chance to win door prizes, too. Nominations will also be held for the chamber board. Any firm or individual sharing a common interest in community improvement is welcomed and encouraged to attend. For more information and to R.S.V.P. by July 24, e-mail info@grantsburgchamber.com or call 715-415-2886. – submitted
Young tree huggers
Stimulus funds give senior meal program a boost by Sherill Summer BURNETT COUNTY - Last fall Burnett County’s health and community service committee reluctantly stopped serving meals one day a week at each of the county’s four senior centers in an attempt to save money. But now, the centers will be open five days a week for the next couple of months, thanks to a stimulus grant that is pumping money into the program. The home-delivered meals program also received a grant and is now expected to offer breakfasts. The one-time grant to expand services to the meal program awarded $7,123 for meals served at the centers and $3,500 for home-delivered meals, for a total of slightly over $10,600. With the grant come strict requirements that the money must be spent in the respective programs and must be used to expand existing service. Additional requirements limit what the money can be spent on. Burnett County Aging Director Lois Taylor explained that the additions for the services planned for should spread
Burnett County Aging Director Lois Taylor explained how Burnett County plans to use a stimulus grant awarded to the senior meals program. – Photo by Sherill Summer the stimulus money evenly through the four senior sites in the county.
Cindy Bertalan, education coordinator at Crex Meadows, looks on as tree huggers take part in Grantsburg Goes Green summer reading program at the Grantsburg Public Library. - Special photo
Residents oppose industrial park plans
Little Butternut Lake isn’t the place for it, they say
by Mary Stirrat LUCK — Luck residents standing outside the village hall after the July 8 meeting of the village board seemed to feel they had heard conflicting messages during the meeting. On the one hand, the board voted against a proposed expansion at Wayne’s Foods Plus that, according to Wayne’s management, would employ local contractors, add employees and generate property and sales tax revenue (see separate story and letter to the editor). On the other hand, the board continues to pursue the purchase of 109 acres of land on CTH N across from Little Butternut Lake in order to develop an industrial park that will, if undertaken, provide jobs and generate tax revenue. The purchase price for the land, owned by Robert Peterson, is $218,000 Discussion of the two projects drew nearly 30 people to the board meeting. While the land-purchase process continues, the board tabled a resolution to levy taxes and borrow from the state trust fund in order to complete the purchase. Developing an industrial park on land right across the road from Little Butternut Lake, neighboring property owner Lynn Gregorash told the board, would negatively impact lake quality, property values and nearby landowners. This past May, he said, the board approved a comprehensive plan that designates the property as rural and resource preservation. The plan cost $20,000, Gregorash pointed out, yet was “kicked aside” to look at building an industrial park at that location. Saying that he attended the meeting of the village planning commission when the idea was discussed, Gregorash felt that questions regarding cost, impact and other development opportunities were not asked. “I can’t disagree strongly enough with the stand they have taken,” he said of the planning commission’s support of the project. Gregorash said he is on the Little Butternut Lake Management Association and has been asked by that group to speak against the proposal. “They are unanimously opposed to it,” he said, “because there’s going to be a decrease in property values.” There are 230 lakes in Polk County, he said, and people looking to buy lakeshore will not look at a lake with an industrial park across the road. The board is hoping that the industrial park will attract technology companies, said Gregorash, adding, “We have as much of a chance of getting a turkey pro-
cessing plant as a high-technology software company.” Trustee Steve Nielsen, a member of the planning commission, said he understands Gregorash’s point of view. “But the characterization that there wasn’t thought put into it isn’t correct,” he said. “They didn’t just decide one day to do this willy-nilly. I don’t like it characterized that we just didn’t think about this.” Nielson said that there are a lot of contingencies to be worked through before the purchase can be finalized, but the village wanted to establish an area for industrial development because there have been inquiries. The current industrial park is filled, with two undeveloped lots owned by existing businesses. Agreeing with Gregorash’s assessment that the project could actually increase property taxes during development, Nielsen said the quickest way to reduce taxes is to bring in a large business with a large tax base. “The train isn’t lined up with the cars in the order you’d like,” he said. As a village resident paying taxes, said Nielsen, the idea “scares the heck” out of him. However, he said, the board is trying to take advantage of an opportunity that is available. “It was thinking about an opportunity more than anything else. Sometimes they come at a cost.” The area’s natural resources, repeated Gregorash, are what draws people here. “Industry isn’t everything. Industry isn’t the be-all and end-all.” He pointed out that the city of Edina, Minn., has no industry, yet it thrives. Besides, the budget is tight, said Gregorash. “Now isn’t the time to look at something like that. It really seems like a poor use of the dollars we have. It’s an ill-conceived notion.” Conversely, said Nielsen, property will cost more when times get better. “The times are right for making purchases like that,” he said. “It’s favorable right now. It’s an opportunity to act.” Resident Don Tomlinson said that the cost of developing the property, given the current economic climate, will have a disastrous impact on taxes. Luck, he said, is noted for two things — high taxes and having “the poorest roads in Polk County.” With local industries laying off employees, said Tomlinson, moving forward with the project would be “the biggest mistake.” Luck’s stores are known for providing good quality items at a fair price, he said, so if industries move into existing industrial parks in neighboring communities the village will still benefit from people shopping here. Douglas Pedersen Sr. and his wife, Theresa, own property near the proposed industrial site and have long ties
with the community. “I love this town,” he said. “I’ve always felt Luck to be basically my home. I fear that if the village purchases this land it will limit my personal freedom.” For one thing, Pedersen said, property values will go down. In addition, the noise will be a factor, and it will be amplified across the lake. “I don’t want to be surrounded by noise,” he said. Pedersen also said he was concerned about the effect of water runoff on his property, and whether he will still be able to hunt his land. “To a lot of us old Danes out in West Denmark,” he said, “Little Butternut is almost sacred. There must be some better option.” Another Little Butternut property owner, Mike Cummings, said, “I’ve got a beautiful view over there. There’s got to be a better spot (for an industrial park). I just feel this is being dumped on us.” Art Johnson, who owns commercial property on Main Street, also commented on how the lakes, not industry, are the drawing card for the area. At meetings of the planning commission, reiterated in the comprehensive plan, he said, it was apparent that protection of our natural resources and rural atmosphere is important. “It doesn’t make sense to build this across from a lake,” he said. Cris Moore, owner of Thrivent Financial on Main Street, said that if the board is looking to improve the tax situation in Luck it should possibly consider selling the golf course. Another business owner, Dave Swenson of Hog Wild, said that he feels the important thing is to bring more people to Main Street. “Industry does help,” he said. “Is it the right time? Nobody knows. But we have to be a little more proactive to keep industry in the town.” The project isn’t as far along as people might think, according to Nielsen. “You’re talking like this is done, and it isn’t even close,” he said. “We’re not marching down the road waiting to take more money from you for this grandiose plan. I’m the last guy that’s thinking grandiose things.” Contingencies A series of contingencies must be met before the property purchase is finalized, with earnest money totaling $10,000 paid in various stages. At this point $1,000 in earnest money has been paid. The first $100 went with the offer to purchase. A second installment of $900 is now due, upon receiving a determination from Cedar Corporation that the property will qualify as a TIF district. The determination meets the second contingency that accompanies the offer
to purchase and includes the statement that the property “will qualify as a TIF for future financing purposes and will have assurance of electrical and natural gas service utility adequate for a viable industrial park.” When trustee Gene Cooper said he felt it was impractical to expect the amount of development that will be needed to offset the cost, village attorney Bruce Anderson said that the contingencies, not the feasibility, are being considered. Anderson emphasized that the determination simply states that the property qualifies for TIF designation and has assurance of electrical and gas, not whether it’s appropriate to move forward with the project. Since the contingency has been met, the earnest money must be paid and the next step must be taken. The contingencies, said Anderson, are relevant to “will we purchase this property,” not “will we create a TIF.” The next contingency is to successfully annex a portion of land owned by the Polk County Highway Department, which is necessary in order to annex the property itself. Following that, the next contingency is to gain approval from the county board of supervisors to annex the property. The next step will be to gain state approval for the annexation. The remaining contingencies state that the village must get a legal opinion that there is no more than one acre of wetland on the property in excess of that which is shown on the county’s soils map. The county highway department must grant access to the property from CTH N, culverts must be approved for the access road, and the 2009 hay crop can be harvested free of charge by the current owner. Handling the sale for property owner Robert Peterson is Art Anderson Realty and handling it for the village is Ron Hanson of Baker Land and Title. Each contingency is accompanied by a deadline, and the board gave village Administrator Kristina Handt authority to make a one-time 30-day adjustment on a deadline. Trustee Jen Nelson was opposed to allowing the adjustment. Current industrial park Both St. Croix Valley Hardwood and Wood Goods own a vacant lot in the industrial park. Village President Nancy WebsterSmith said that the planning commission, at its June meeting, recommended that these two industries be contacted to see if they would be willing to sell these lots. The recommendation was sent back to the planning commission to decide who from the village will make the connections with Wood Goods and St. Croix Valley Hardwoods.
Youth mission to Virginia There are 30 youth from Peace Lutheran Church in Dresser on a life-changing experience as they donate their time and skills to help the people of the Blue Ridge Mountain area near Lynchburg, Va. That area is full of rich American history but many of the homes were built before the turn of the 20th century and expensive to maintain and heat. Peace Youth will join together with 400 other youth from around the United States to make a difference by repairing homes, painting, winterizing, building wheelchair ramps and much more. The youth will bring their hands to repair homes and their faith and encouragement to bring hope to many people. Participants in the July 9-19 trip (not necessarily in order) are: Cody Anderson, Sarah Gustafson, Alli Strese, Alex Bussewitz, Kyle Bussewitz, Olivia Wilson, Peter Meyer, Ellyn Swenson, Hannah Haley, Sarah Haley, Alli Isaacson, Emile Nelson, Steph Nelson, Kelly Wassberg, Caitlin Reardon, Bryan Chryst, Mike Blomberg, Dylan Blomberg, Sonja Degerstrom, Aaron Degerstrom, Lincoln Howard, Jacqy Hall, Allison Langer, Anna Smith, Kelly Brinker, Lauren Pauley, Deb Hall, Cody Brunclik, Lucas Sletten and Wynter Burrill. – Special photo
Greenhouse, birdseed business coming to Milltown Adult development center takes last lot in industrial park
Clients at the adult development center have been growing and selling plants for the past two summers, using a greenhouse south of Balsam Lake. The new location at Milltown will be completely accessible, allowing clients of all abilities to take part in the process. month,” she said, “but we already have seven wholesale accounts.” The ADC also offers a seller’s kit to area church, youth and sports groups, allowing them to purchase Birders’ Select at a discount to sell as a fundraiser. By moving the Birders’ Select enterprise to the industrial park, Manning added, space in the adult development center will be freed up to “respond to the growing demand for assisting the most severely involved adults.” Focus on Energy is providing $11,700 to help build the greenhouses, anticipating that each will save $20,000 in energy costs every year. There will be one wholesale greenhouse and one retail greenhouse, each measuring 40 by 140 feet. The old greenhouses, said Manning, were not ADA compliant, but a rotation schedule was developed that allowed many clients to do watering, weeding, and planting, as well as cleaning and assembling hanging planters. Accounts already established for 2010 call for 1,000 hanging baskets and hundreds of flats of bedding plants. The new greenhouses will be open year-round, and a garden will provide
produce to sell at farmers markets. There will be a display garden as well.
Fly In
Drive In
Saturday, July 25, 2009 490781 36-37a 47-48L
by Mary Stirrat MILLTOWN — Adjusting to economic changes over the past two years that eliminated work opportunities for clients of the adult development center, officials at the center ventured into new territory to raise and sell greenhouse plants and birdseed mixes. Now, to accommodate a growing business that employs up to 70 adults with disabilities, the center has acquired the last lot in the Milltown industrial park on which to build new greenhouses and a store. For the past two summers, Summer Place Greenhouse has operated out of greenhouses south of Balsam Lake. That has changed, with an announcement last month from Gov. Jim Doyle, that the center, through the village of Milltown, received $260,000 in federal recovery funds. In addition, the village donated its final lot in the industrial park to the ADC. The lot is 5.7 acres, and is valued at $114,800. According to Diana Manning, interim executive director at the ADC, the main intent of the project is to allow adults with disabilities to be more integrated into the community. About six people from the community will also be hired at the facility. Two highly energy-efficient greenhouses will be built on the lot, along with a retail space and area for Birders’ Select operations. Birders’ Select is an enterprise that produces 12 blends of birdseed, all of which ADC clients mix, bag and label. “A majority of the adults with disabilities that we serve would be able to gain paid employment through various facets that are involved in the production of Birders’ Select products,” according to Manning. “Birders’ Select is only in its eighth
“We want it to be a nice experience for those who come there,” said Manning. A visit to the Milltown location will be educational as well as pleasing to the eye. Tours will be conducted of the greenhouses, with an explanation of how various components save energy and help protect resources. The project is expected to cost between $700,000 and $800,000. The ADC is seeking a community-development block grant as well as other grants, and is looking into commercial loans. To avoid large monthly payments, said Manning, the ADC hopes to avoid a loan. According to discussion at the July 13 meeting of the Milltown Village Board, the adult center will either pay property taxes or a payment in lieu of taxes. Village President LuAnn White said the village board will determine the amount of the payment in lieu, which would be comparable to what the property taxes would be.
6:30 - 11 a.m.
Pancake Breakfast Sponsored by the Siren Area Ag Club. Featuring
Price will be
6 for adults and $3 for children under 10.
The Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin appoints the members of the District 11 Committee of the Office of Lawyer Regulation. This committee investigates and reports on attorney conduct to ensure the ethical and competent practice of law by Wisconsin attorneys. I am honored to have been selected chairman of that committee. I have successfully handled injury and death cases since 1977. Home, hospital and office appointments are available. Cases are handled on a contingent fee basis, such that if there is no recovery, there is no fee. When you, a relative or a friend, need an attorney, you should contact John Grindell at Grindell Law Offices, S.C., Box 585, Frederic, WI 54837. Telephone: 715-327-5561. 406435 8Ltfc 50atfc
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Polk County Adult Development Center will build two energy-efficient greenhouses at its new lot in the Milltown industrial park. One will be for retail sales and one for wholesale, with an adjacent retail shop.
Cakewalk Games & Prizes Sawdust Pile For Ages 7 & Under Silent Auction
10:30 a.m. - Polka Mass 11 a.m. - Country Store
Homemade With Heart! Breads & Bakery Items Home-Canned Goods White Elephant Items Grab-Bag Items Quilt Raffle
Noon - 2 p.m. - Cash Prizes Every 10 Minutes 3 p.m. - Raffle Drawing
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Grilled Chicken Dinner Adults $7.50 5-12 $3.50 4 & Under Free
490825 47-48L 37a,d
L e a d e r Results from last week’s poll:
We b Po l l
This week’s question: How has the economy been treating you lately? 1. Better 2. Worse 3. Still no job 4. No change To take part in our poll, go to www.theleader.net and scroll down to the lower left part of the screen
J o e H e l l e r
F O R U M Beastly budget ?
It’s getting more and more difficult to reconcile the recently passed state budget. A lot of rhetoric has already been spread about how responsible it is, citing severe sacrifices it includes during these difficult economic times while at the same time maintaining basic services, including education. Yet this week, the Department of Public Instruction released information about state aid cuts to local school districts which, in effect, could mean serious sacrifices by school districts and/or another $75 to $125 tacked on to the average homeowner’s property tax bill over the next two years. Maybe more disconcerting is how some smaller districts – Siren, Frederic, Luck, Unity – are losing a higher percentage of their state aid than many larger districts. Lawmakers and taxpayers alike, realize there’s no perfect budget. Often overlooked is the good stuff lawmakers fight for and get. Extra money to lower class size, money to help districts struggling with declining enrollment, money to help impoverished districts. Do we send thank you notes to our legislators for that? Still, every budget offers a chance for constructive criticism - sometimes politically motivated, sometimes motivated by common sense. A few items to consider about the latest state budget: A news item from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards this past week notes that state lawmakers had planned to prevent any school district from losing more than 10 percent of their state aid in the proposed budget “but due to the complicated nature of the school funding formula, that effort was unsuccessful.” That’s a cue to simplify the formula, an issue that has been the focus on ongoing discussion. Why should any student benefit over another in this state by virtue of what public school he/she attends, at least in regard to state aid? From the WASB: “The Legislative Fiscal Bureau estimates that school district property taxes statewide will increase on average by 8.1 percent in 2009-10 and by 5.5 percent in 2010-11, with net property tax levies increasing by 5.8 percent and 5.4 percent, respectively, under the final budget. In dollar terms, that means a $93 increase on this December's tax bills and an additional $123 next year on a median-valued Wisconsin home, worth about $166,685.” From a Wisconsin Public Radio item: “Wisconsin's schools chief says lawmakers never consulted him as they rushed to finish the new state budget, and mistakenly used outdated numbers in the process. State Superintendent Tony Evers says his office could have prevented some of a lopsided cut in state aid … Evers also says that instead of using the 2008 school year as the "base" year for developing this funding change, lawmakers used the previous year. He says that could have been prevented if his office had been consulted, and he suggests the legislature be a ‘little more careful in the future.’ Wisconsin State Journal columnist Scott Milfred wrote this week: “Gov. Jim Doyle and state lawmakers have no bigger task than putting together the state budget every two years. And by far the largest portion of that budget is state aid to public schools. That means they just screwed up the biggest part of their most important job.” Unfair statements? Maybe. However, shifting more burden to local taxpayers and other certain aspects of this budget – including an across-the-board car insurance rate hike that will put another dent in all of our checking accounts – seem curious – and almost disrespectful in these times of economic hardship. Lawmakers should at least consider revisiting these school aid cuts. Most taxpayers realize they are beasts of burden, to an extent – in a responsible society. But they want to see lawmakers use discretion with the whip they hold. Editorials by Gary King
Views expressed on these pages do not necessarily represent those of the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association management or board
Where to Write
President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ Governor Jim Doyle P.O. Box 7863, Madison, WI 53707 wisgov@mail.state.wi.us
Congressman David Obey (7th District) 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 or Federal Building, Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 842-5606 Rep. Nick Milroy (73rd District) Room 221 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952, Madison 53708 E-mail: rep.milroy@legis.state.wi.us
T h e
Rep. Ann Hraychuck (28th District) State Capitol, P.O. Box 8942 Madison, WI 53708 Phone: 608-267-2365 • Toll free: 888-529-0028 In-district: 715-485-3362 rep.hraychuck@ legis.state.wi.us Rep. Mary Hubler (75th District) Room 7 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708 or 1966 21-7/8 St., Rice Lake 54868 (715) 234-7421• (608) 266-2519 rep.hubler@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Senator Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov
Senator Robert Jauch (25th District) Room 19 South, State Capitol P.O. Box 788, Madison, WI 53707 E-mail: Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us Senator Sheila Harsdorf (10th District) State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 (608) 266-7745 • (715) 232-1390 Toll-free - 1-800-862-1092 sen.harsdorf@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold SDB 40, Rm. 1, Washington, D.C. 20510 or 1600 Aspen Commons Middleton, WI 53562-4716 (608) 828-1200 senator@feingold.senate.gov
Letters to the editor The Leader welcomes letters to the editor. Diverse and varied opinions are encouraged. Letters are subject to being edited for length, taste and/or clarity, and we urge writers to be brief and limit their letters to 500 words. Thankyou letters and/or thank-you language will not be published. Writers must provide their name and give their hometown and phone number. Only the letter writer’s name and home town will be published, plus an e-mail address if requested. Content that will cause letters to be rejected include: Crude language, poor taste, disrespectful comments regarding a group’s or individual’s ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, sexual orientation or race; other incendiary language or personal attacks. Letters deemed unfit for publication on our opinion page shall not be printed elsewhere in the newspaper, including as a paid advertisement. Frequent letter writers will be published no more than once a month and will be allowed one rebuttal letter, at the discretion of the editor. Political letters pertaining to candidates will not be published in the issue prior to election day, however letters from candidates themselves may be published that week to clarify any misinformation that may have been published the week before.
I n t e r ! C o u n t y
Follow the Leader L e a d e r
i s
Letters t o t h e e d i t o r Very thoughtful
Thank you, Mr. Michael Rust for your very thoughtful response to my column. Your statistics comparing Canadian and U.S. health care appear to be accurate. I do have a bias against government intervention. I don’t believe we will have better health care or cars if the government is involved in the management of those services and products. When our government representatives vote on thousand-page legislation without reading it, I get nervous about them managing my health care. I have personally experienced good outcomes from our health-care systems. That said, the costs of health-care procedures are astounding to me. I have a suspicion there is too much bureaucracy sucking up the money. My departed friend Dr. John Grimmel used to relate how he would barter his services. This was before HMOs and the myriad of insurance companies. What changed was the quantum leap in technology and runaway tort law litigation. Back then we didn’t have CT, MRI, Robotic surgery, organ transplant, neonatal ventilators and the myriad of specialists. Today the physicians pay tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars for insurance because of the litigious atmosphere. Health-care providers have more office clerks than caregivers because of the daunting records and billing systems. Unlike most services, you will never be turned away from a hospital in your time of need; consequently, not everyone elects to have insurance which increases the cost to you and me. If you are impoverished you are covered by Medicaid. We could withhold health care from people that don’t wear their seat belts or helmets, life jackets, drink beer, drink and drive, take illegal drugs, smoke, eat cheese, bacon, brats and rib eye and don’t exercise. That would cut costs. Socializing medicine probably won’t cut the cost unless the salaries of the managers and caregivers are cut and new technology is curtailed. I don’t want a disgruntled doctor taking care of me. In spite of your statistics being accurate, I’m not aware of anyone going to Canada for health care like the Canadians coming to Mayo, Marshfield, Gunderson, MeritCare, etc. Health care is a people-oriented business that is labor intensive; consequently, it will always represent a large part of our expenditures. Competition should correct any inadequacies as long as the marginal providers are not subsidized, as I would suspect with socialized medicine. Health care is not constitutionally guaranteed, although there is that perception. Brooke Biedinger Frederic
Silent no more
We will be silent no more! People are becoming more and more disgusted with government at all levels. They are sick of buyouts, bailouts, payoffs, ripoffs, Ponzi schemes, bonuses, pork-laden stimulus and restimulus, lies and trillion dollar programs being tossed about like Frisbees in a park. They are worried about how our kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids will survive and pay for the additional debt they are being saddled with by our out-of-control government. They are scared that national health care will leave them like our counterparts in Canada and Great Britain – with poor health care but huge taxes to pay anyway. They are tired of being told by the politicians to trust them because they know what’s best for us. If they want to change retirements and health care, why not put us on the same plan they have? If you’re fed up, join us for a grassroots peaceful protest on Saturday, July 18, at 4 p.m., rain or shine, at the Heritage Center in New Richmond, to provide people an opportunity to send our politicians a message and blow off some steam at the same time. Bring your signs, your attitude and your determination to send the politicians a message they will not be able to misunder-
stand. We are fed up and they need to hear it from us. See you there. For more information, please e-mail us at OolongRuby@gmail.com. or go to www.fightbackwisconsin.com. See the Events link. Bill Blair Osceola
Comparisons Everyone seems to believe that, based on what Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi say, nationalized health care will solve all the issues. They continue to compare their program to England, Canada, Norway, Sweden and Mexico. I would like to point out a few facts. First, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester has more CT scanners than all of the provinces in Canada. Their program is funded by alcohol taxes. A case of beer costs around $50 U.S. and a bottle of spirits cost around $70. Second, in England, if you are over 59, bypass surgery, stents and open-heart surgery are considered too costly to have done. Their tax rate on earned income is around 36 percent (no deductions). Third, the system in Mexico is hardly noteworthy. Having spent seven years working in the Juarez area, I can tell you that most citizens of Mexico went across the border to get free health care at the hospitals in El Paso, Texas. Of U.S. citizens going to Mexico for care, most went for dental work. The price of getting a gold filling is about 20 percent of what it costs in the U.S. About once a month, a report would identify a person dying while having dental care in Mexico. Fourth, Norway and Sweden have excellent health care for life. Their taxes on earned income is 57 percent in Sweden and 37 percent in Norway. Only one problem with Norway and Sweden, you MUST be a naturalized citizen. You can go to school there or visit, but you cannot work there or immigrate to either, which is a requirement for nationalized medicine. Fifth, Germany is now reviewing their entire nationalized medical coverage. They opened their door to immigrants, and that is now taxing the system with no good way out. Their tax rate is around 27 percent. England is facing a similar problem, according to the BBC. On top of all the aforementioned taxes, all have a VAT tax which ranges from 7 percent to 21 percent. VAT tax is a sales tax on all goods and services. I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over seven years, with contact with the agencies in Australia, England, Germany, U.S., Japan and Canada. The most stringent agency I found was the TGA in Australia. If they find serious violations, they lock your door until the violations are rectified. They can appear at your door unannounced. In the U.S., the FDA must give “proper notice” of their intention to inspect any facility. If violations are found, you have up to 30 days to correct them. Most people complain about the U.S. pharmaceutical companies spending millions and millions of dollars on lobbying. Who do they lobby? The U.S. taxpayer? No. They pay huge sums into the political system to bribe legislation. The average anesthesiologist pays $350,000/year in malpractice insurance; the average M.D. pays over $100,000/year in malpractice insurance. Does this protect the citizens? No, only the insurance lobby. The real solution is to get tort reform (whoops, the politicians have to protect their fellow conspirators) and outlaw the lobbyists which bribe the politicians through campaign funding contributions. The likes of David Obey and Herb Kohl want everyone to hurry up and get the bill through Congress and the Senate, similar to what they did with the Obama bailout package. Neither has probably read any proposals, just like they did with the bailout bill (Obey admitted he did not read any of it). Pelosi wants to tax pensions, IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401ks and any other retirement savings as a “windfall” tax of up to 40 percent. Dave Wilhelmy Siren
We won’t outlive our parents Community
As a physician and member of the baby- boomer generation, I have had the privilege of seeing great advances in science and medicine that have impacted millions of people for the better. New discoveries, building on the research of dedicated people over the past 50 years, has resulted in greater refinement of treatment options, more effective medications and procedures, lower complication rates and generally better outcomes than at any other time in modern history. The sad truth remains. We are not a healthy society. In my opinion the average life expectancy in America has probably peaked and will likely decline. As Pogo, the comic strip character, once stated, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Unless we start dealing with health issues at the most fundamental level and less at the high-tech interventional level, we will never make any headway into the improvement of the general health of the nation. With respect to the health of individuals and that of society in general, we aren’t suffering from a lack of anything as much as suffering from the excess of nearly everything. Dr. Richard Swenson, MD, coined the phrase of “Overload Syndrome” describing the excesses we are facing and the associated consequences. I think his diagnosis is accurate. As a health care professional, administering care, filing insurance forms and dealing with the myriad peripheral issues of modern health-care delivery, I have developed a sense of hopelessness about the future of health-care in America. The irony is that I love my job and I enjoy helping people. The expenses associated with operating a health care facility, large or small are staggering. The bewildering array of rules for Medicare and insurance companies require constant attention to avoid not only financial penalties but also potentially criminal penalties. I believe that unless we deal promptly with the manner of delivering care soon, we are on the verge of imploding into a severe and chaotic mess. The level of complexity in delivering health care in America is incredible, leading to dissatisfaction, increased cost, less time for actual patient care and reduced access to care. Much of this is the result of attempts to manage the rising costs through government and insurance involvement in the delivery of care. A larger and more fundamental problem is the rising lack of personal responsibility in self-care. Obesity is rampant. In my opinion this is not a medical problem so much as it is a social and cultural problem. Unfortunately it creates serious and multiple health problems. Parents seem powerless to prevent the problems from developing in their children because they frequently are unable to manage themselves. As a physician we are now increasingly pressured to treat children for obesity, high cholesterol levels and metabolic syndrome with potent medications when the real treatment is avoid junk food, get away from the television and video games and lead active lives. There is an even greater threat to our health that is not likely disappear. Increasing stress and a pervasive sense of anxiety, depression and hopelessness in the general population are resulting in very significant over medication of our nation’s young people. At a summer camp near our home, I was shocked to find out that nearly a third of the children ages 8-18, were on multiple medications for attention deficit disorder,
c o o p e r a t i v e ! o w n e d
John Ingalls depression, anxiety and a number of other psychiatric disorders. They were taking stimulants in the mornings and sedatives to help them sleep at night. This was a summer camp for normal healthy children, not for children with specific health issues or disabilities. Young children are making reckless choices and even choosing to take their own lives rather than deal with the worsening problems we all face. The social and cultural fabric of the world is frayed and on the verge of ripping. Never before have I sensed such a degree of uncertainty about such a wide array of issues. Threat of nuclear conflict, financial collapse, political disasters, environmental concerns, threats of major infectious disease pandemics and others all create a pervasive sense of doom. I had a patient in my office last week who suddenly asked the question, “Tell me the truth, is this really the end of the world?” He had no specific religious affiliations or perspective, but he did have a sense that things were going to get worse and that we as a society were generally helpless and clueless about fixing it. My basic point is simple. Unless we have a broad cultural refocus on fundamental approaches to living our lives, taking responsibility for our own well being, managing our stress levels, and maintenance of our general health we will experience a lower quality of life and poorer health and die earlier. The real positive note about this is that it doesn’t require a political fix or expensive ineffective health-care policies. I am not implying that advances in diagnosis and treatment of illness are not necessary or welcome. Medications and surgical or interventional advances are generally effective at treating diseases once they develop. We need to work on preventing or delaying the onset of illness by some basic lifestyle changes. Simplifying your life in a complex society is not easy. Take control of your own life without blaming others, reduce the complexity and stress in your lives, get active and avoid poisoning your own bodies with processed junk food. Turn off the television and stay away from the internet to avoid stressing your minds with visions of dire events and destruction. Eat healthy natural foods and strengthen relationships with family and friends. Write a real letter of encouragement and send it to someone you haven’t seen for a while. Look beyond the trivial garbage in our lives and define real priorities. You can’t change the world, but you can change the way you respond to the world. It can be life saving. Dr. John W. Ingalls, MD, attended the University of Wisconsin medical school graduating in 1989. Following graduation he attended a University of Wisconsin Family Practice Residency program in Eau Claire. In 1992, he joined Grantsburg Clinic in Grantsburg, as an employee of Allina Health System based out of Minneapolis. In 2001, he and his wife, Tammy Ingalls RN, purchased a satellite clinic from Allina, based in Webster. They have operated this clinic independently since 2001 under the name of Ingalls Family Medicine Clinic located in Webster. He and his wife have four daughters, two of them now married and entering into health-related careers. They enjoy traveling and many outdoor recreational activities.
n e w s p a p e r
Letters t o t h e e d i t o r Grassroots effort A lot of farmland and many farmers were saved because of the overwhelming public opposition to a last-minute state budget amendment that would have jeopardized use value assessment of agricultural land. One state representative told me that he had 200 contacts from his constituents regarding this issue! The Wisconsin Farm Bureau wants to thank all of the people who responded to our call to arms on this issue, and of course a big thank-you to those legislators who listened to their constituents and took this ill-conceived provision out of the state budget. For all of you who care about preserving our farmers and their land, keep your ear to the ground. We may have won this battle, but rest assured there will be more to come. Roger Cliff Madison Editor’s note: Roger Cliff is the chief administrative officer for the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation.
More taxes How can our representative to the Assembly be proud of the budget bill she voted for? The bill she voted for increases state spending over 6 percent and raises taxes and fees over $2 billion. Our representative voted to increase taxes even on garbage; she voted to double it. Why did our representative vote to increase taxes on her constituents? Maybe it was to pay for $46,000 worth of recycling bins for the residents of Wrightstown and Oconto. Maybe it was to pay for refurbishing an opera house in Oshkosh to a tune of $500,000 or to refurbish a stone barn for $100,000. I guess our representative believes we don’t pay enough in taxes, such as taxes on hospital and nursing-home beds, property taxes, gasoline tax and others that she voted to increase. If anyone thinks we don’t pay enough in taxes already and likes the idea of raising them more, please give her a call and thank her. Thankfully, our state senator, Sheila Harsdorf, said no to these increases. I know Harsdorf knows that when government grows our paychecks shrink. Mark Pettis Hertel
The Leader e-edition: Get your local paper online before the paper version hits the streets.
Summer boating safety tips
innesota may be known as the land of 10,000 lakes, but most Wisconsin residents will be taking advantage of the more than 15,000 lakes located right here in the Dairy State. While Wisconsinites can partake in a great number of summertime water activities, including boating, fishing, sailing and canoeing, with over 635,000 boats registered in Wisconsin and hundreds of thousands visiting from other states, safety must always come first. First and foremost, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol before or during the operation of a water vehicle. It is common knowledge that drinking and driving, even on water, is dangerous because the alcohol affects one’s reaction time, balance coordination and overall judgment. However, many do not know that other external factors, such as sun, glare, vibrations and noise amplify these effects. According to the Depart-
To stimulate or not… Last Wednesday I attended the Luck Village Board meeting to get approval for a building project at our Wayne’s Foods Plus store and left confused and surprised. The project was tied into getting a liquor license for the store. We have been committed to providing a progressive consumerdriven grocery store. Expanding and diversifying our services is an important part of staying competitive with the larger supercenters. In our presentation we talked about the upside to the community and local economy, as this project was set to add not only jobs in our store, but by adding 1,500+ square feet, would help stimulate jobs for electricians, painters, tile layers, paving contractors and builders. Furthermore, materials from local lumberyards, increased phone service, alarmsystem upgrades, increased taxes for the village (due to the expansion) and the county ($40,000 additional projected tax collection from sales tax) are but a few other important aspects to this project. Prior to voting on the application, the board discussed buying land to attract new businesses/industry to help stimulate the local economy. This is something that I believe every community needs to look at and consider as it will certainly make the village stronger i.e. larger tax base, more jobs, etc. It appeared that the board was in full support of this notion; my confusion comes from the board’s decision to vote “no” to our application, which would be contrary to the aforementioned notion. The inconsistency and the lack of support for a local business that is continually trying to add jobs, increase the tax base and stay relevant in an economy that is as fragile as ever is disappointing to say the least. At the previous board meeting the following statement was made by one board member “thank you for coming and involving us in the process, and this is consistent with what this board wants to do in terms of economic development and you’re one of the first places that people see when they come to town so it’s very exciting that you are interested in expanding.” You can imagine how extremely perplexing and frustrating this would be after hearing this and then hearing the outcome of this recent meeting. Our business will continue to invest in our people and the community; I only hope the board members that voted “no” look at this decision and truly realize the impact, not only on the store but the countless local contractors/businesses it affects. To the board members that voted “yes,” we appreciate your support. Chanda Elliott Wayne’s Foods Plus Luck
ment of Natural Resources, 35 percent of all boating deaths and 20 percent of all reported accidents in 2008 involved drug or alcohol use. It is also crucial that people in water vehicles have the proper safety Ann equipment. This Hraychuck includes having one life jacket on- 28th District board for each individual. The DNR Assembly Web site states that 16 of the 20 people killed while boating last year were not wearing life jackets. In addition to life jackets, other safety items such as fire extinguishers, boat lights, flares, maps and first aid kits should also be onboard and functional. Boating safety classes are also recommended for all boat owners and people who intend on operating motorized water vehicles. In fact, all people born
Who is misguided? Mark Pettis writes “life in the once-free United States will change forever with the Democrat-led charge against capitalism through cap and trade legislation recently passed...” His argument appears to be based on the assumption that any government action which encourages the substitution of renewable energy sources for fossil fuels is an attack on the capitalist system. We have had cap and trade in noncarbon air pollution control since 1990. Government involvement in favor of a better environment goes back a lot further than that. In the early nineteenth century, England reduced public drunkenness with a heavy tax on gin. In more modern times we have reduced the addiction of our young to cigarettes with a heavy tax. For many years we encouraged the development of cheap oil and gas with large depletion allowances and other tax advantages secured by the oil and gas lobby which was one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington when I first went to work in the U.S. Senate almost 50 years ago. And we should not forget that taxes built our roads and infrastructures that contributed to our heavy consumption of fossil fuels Everyone likes cheap power but we should measure the true cost not just of climate change but the cost of the foreign policy and defense expenditures, which have been imposed upon us by our government in order to retain access to cheap oil. It is far more than the trillion dollars we have spent on the Iraq War and goes back a lot
further than that. Will anyone deny that the Sept. 11 attack had more to do with anger over our oil-induced foreign policy actions than the touted “hate of our freedom?” The Pettises of our world in their antitax fetish would have us go back to the era of gravel roads with impassability at frost breakup each spring, no transportation infrastructure and no interstate highway system, all of which have been built with tax dollars. Let’s get real! Eiler Ravnholt Luck
“Sicko” showing If you are not healthy and wealthy, you owe it to yourself to come to the Burnett County Government Center, Room 165, Tuesday, July 21, at 7 p.m., to see a free movie that will tell you how our U.S. health-care system compares with other countries (not just Canada or British) and why our system is broken and ranks 37th among the world’s industrial nations. The movie is “Sicko,” produced by Michael Moore. Back in 2007, insurance companies spent a lot of money and effort to discredit Moore and his film. It’s especially important to see it now because the Senate and House are hard at work trying to come up with a health-care bill that will get affordable health care that includes all Americans. Joan Kramer Spooner
Evers: DPI not consulted in final stages of budget process STATEWIDE - Wisconsin’s Schools chief says lawmakers never consulted him as they rushed to finish the new state budget and mistakenly used outdated numbers in the process. State Superintendent Tony Evers says his office could have prevented some of a lopsided cut in state aid that hit many school districts if it had been given the chance. The final budget included a provision that was supposed to keep school districts from getting more than 10-percent of their state aid cut. But estimates now show that districts including Madison, Oconomowoc and New Berlin will see bigger cuts than they were promised at roughly 15 percent. The intended 10-percent limit was one of those issues legislative leaders agreed to privately on the last day of negotiations and then voted on just hours later. after 1988 who intend on operating a motor boat are required to take a boater safety course. DNR statistics said that four out of five people who die in boating accidents in Wisconsin every year did not have formal training prior to going out on the water. These courses are designed to teach boaters basic rules from who has the right of way to what to do in emergency situations. For more information on boater safety courses offered in a classroom, please visit the DNR Web site at www.dnr.state.wi.us. You can also visit www.boat-ed.com/Wisconsin if you are interested in learning more about the boater safety course available online. Lastly, Northwestern Wisconsin has a lot to offer water enthusiasts. One popular spot is the Apple River in Somerset, which provides tube rentals. This is a perfect option for families looking to spend some quality time together and relax without breaking the bank. If tubing is not the activity for you, then there is always kayaking or canoeing. There are numerous rental facilities located near the St. Croix River, most of which
Evers says the Department of Public Instruction was consulted during most of the budget process, but not in those final hours to provide updated information. He describes the final stages as “soup” as lawmakers hastened to wrap things up. Evers also says that instead of using the 2008 school year as the base year for developing this funding change, lawmakers used the previous year. He says that could have been prevented if his office had been consulted, and he suggests the Legislature be a “little more careful in the future.” Lawmakers could yet revisit this issue. But given the way the school funding formula works, a bigger than expected cut in state aid could mean deeper cuts or bigger property tax hikes at the local level. – Wisconsin Public Radio (Shawn Johnson) even provide shuttles to the water for all rentals. For more information on fun water activities across the state, please visit www.travelwisconsin.com or call the Department of Tourism’s toll-free number at 800-432-TRIP. You can also visit the Burnett County Information Center in Siren, which is located inside The Lodge at Crooked Lake, at 24271 Hwy. 35 North, online at www.mylodge.com/things_00.htm or you can call toll-free 877-THE-LODGE. Those wishing to get out and about in Polk County, the Information Center is located at the intersection of Hwys. 8 and 35 (710 Hwy. 35) in St. Croix Falls. You can reach the center toll-free at 800222-POLK or on the Web at www.polkcountytourism.com. If you would like more information on this issue, or have other legislative concerns, please feel free to contact me tollfree at 888-529-0028 or by e-mailing me at Rep.Hraychuck@legis.wisconsin.gov.
Larsen offers to donate former dealership building for library “Stars align” by Sherill Summer WEBSTER - The Burnett Community Library Board in Webster has struggled for years to improve the library building on Webster’s Main Street hoping to make the library larger and handicapped accessible. Now, in a matter of months, plans to improve the library seem to be gathering momentum. Terry Larsen has offered to donate his former auto dealership building on Main Street to the village to use as a library.
The former Larsen Chevrolet building at the intersection of Main Street and Hwy. 35 in Webster may house the Burnett Community Library in the near fuBackground ture now that Terry Larsen is offering to donate the building to the village to The library board has been working use as a library. The village has not accepted the offer as of yet and is lookwith MSA profession services to secure a ing over the details of Larsen’s proposal. – Photo by Sherill Summer Community Development Block Grant to help fund the improvements. To say As exciting the the development seem the grant writing process is going well and secure the grant for the project. The building has sat empty since to be, Stusek is cautioning that all of the seems to be an understatement. Dave Rasmussen of MSA called the CDBG Larsen closed the Webster branch of details with Larsen’s offer have not been grant for the Burnett Community Li- Larsen Chevrolet early in 2008 - apart worked out yet. He met with corporate brary in Webster the easiest grant he has from occasionally housing a fireworks council last Wednesday, July 8, prior to the village board meeting later that ever written because long before the stand. night. There was a public hearing prior grant application was even typed up and to the regular board meeting on the lisigned, a confirmation letter was sent out Dramatic change of course With the offer, the library improve- brary project using the Larsen building informing Rasmussen, the library board and village president that the library ment plans take a dramatic change of as the proposed library site. The public project was approved for a $360,000 course because the library board is no hearing was needed as part of the CDBG longer considering remodeling the cur- grant application. Despite securing the grant. It seems that CDBG program, flush rent library building. Instead they want block grant funds prior to the formal application, the application still needs to be with stimulus dollars and looking for to use the Larsen building. Unlike the current library building, the submitted, and the village approved a high-profile “shovel ready” projects to fund, found the library project an ideal Larsen building is already handicapped- motion to submit an application and anproject. The library board knew that the accessible and a library in the Larsen other motion to conduct a environmenCDBG program was looking for projects building would use about 6,000 square tal site assessment of the Larsen property and decided earlier this year to try for a feet, much more that the 2,600 square during the board meeting that followed CDBG grant, using plans drawn up a feet the current library has and much the public hearing. couple of years ago to remodel the exist- more than the 3,700 square feet the liing library building, making the project brary would have if it remodeled the ex- Fundraising may still be needed isting building. Plus, the location has At the public hearing new estimated “shovel ready.” Rasmussen did some preapplication ample parking, and the current library project costs and plans were unveiled inquiring that was very effective because would not have to close during renova- using the Larsen building as the proposed library site. The Larsen building the CDBG grant was apparently tions to the new library space. would need extensive alteration to make awarded on that information. The Many of the advantages of the Larsen it suitable for a library, including gutting awarded grant amount of $360,000 is about 50 percent of an estimated project building were known by people who are the ceilings, floors, walls, electrical costs using plans drawn up a couple of working to improve the library, and al- wiring, plumbing and ventilation. A years ago. The other 50 percent must ternative plans using the Larsen building new main entry would be constructed come from a local match. The library were drawn up and submitted to MSA and a new heating a cooling system conhad raised over $150,000 for the project, for review even before Larsen offered to sisting of sealed-combustion furnace with ductwork would be installed. New but still needed about $210,000 to satisfy donate the building for use as a library. The library board went to Larsen to see plumbing and electrical systems would the local match and securing that amount in a tight economy might have if they could purchase building when also be needed. Larsen instead offered to donate the Estimated costs for new shelves, furnibeen a tough task. building. ture, window treatment, computers, new roof, new siding, landscaping and new Count as matching funds pavement were also included, but a liLarsen’s donation of his building, Stars aligned Now that Larsen has offered to donate brary could open in the Larsen building worth $225,000 (asking price), would the building, Webster Village President without these items. The estimated cost count towards a local match. The building’s value would more than Tom Stusek mused that the stars all seem is between $956,500 and $1,180,000. Minus the $360,000 grant, the donated satisfying the local-match requirement aligned on this project. looking for any error that would allow it to cancel the policy. Likewise, if a small company's employees make too many claims, the insurer, Potter pressure, CIGNA finally says, "very likely will jack up granted coverage for the prothe rates so much that your emcedure. But it was too late. ployer has no alternative but to Two hours later, Nataline leave you and your co-workers died. without insurance." While visiting family in This week, as the House and Tennessee, Potter stopped at a Amy "medical expedition" in Wise, Goodman Senate introduce their healthcare bills, Potter warns, "One Va. People drove hours for thing to remember is that the free care from temporary clinics set up in animal stalls at the local fairground. health-insurance industry has been anPotter told me that weeks later, flying on ticipating this debate on health care for a CIGNA corporate jet with the CEO: "I many years ... they've been positioning realized that someone's premiums were themselves to get very close to influenhelping me to travel that way ... paying tial members of Congress in both parfor my lunch on gold-trimmed china. I ties." Montana Sen. Max Baucus chairs thought about those men and women I the Senate Finance Committee, key for had seen in Wise County ... not having health-care reform. Potter went on, any idea (how) insurance executives "(T)he insurance industry, the pharmalived." He decided he couldn't be an in- ceutical industry and others in health care have donated ... millions of dollars dustry PR hack anymore. to his campaigns over the past few Insurance executives and their Wall Street investors are addicted to massive years. But aside from money, it's relaprofits and double-digit annual rate in- tionships that count ... the insurance increases. To squeeze more profit, Potter dustry has hired scores and scores of says, if a person makes a major claim for lobbyists, many of whom have worked coverage, the insurer will often scruti- for members of Congress, and some nize the person's original application, who are former members of Congress."
Top health insurance whistle-blower knows where the bodies are buried Wendell Potter is the health-insurance industry's worst nightmare. He's a whistle-blower. Potter, the former chief spokesperson for insurance giant CIGNA, recently testified before Congress, "I saw how they confuse their customers and dump the sick -- all so they can satisfy their Wall Street investors." Potter was deeply involved in CIGNA and industrywide strategies for maintaining their profitable grip on U.S. health care. He told me: "The thing they fear most is a single-payer plan. They fear even the public insurance option being proposed, they'll pull out all the stops they can to defeat that to try to scare people into thinking that embracing a public health-insurance option would lead down the slippery slope toward socialism ... putting a government bureaucrat between you and your doctor. They've used those talking points for years, and they've always worked." In 2007, CIGNA denied a California teenager, Nataline Sarkisyan, coverage for a liver transplant. Her family went to the media. The California Nurses Association joined in. Under mounting
building and the money already raised by the library, the library project needs about $220,000 to about $440,000 to finish the project as planned. While the amount still needed for the project is substantial, Rasmussen indicated that there is room for potential savings in areas of the plan. Village Trustee Tim Malony stressed that the remaining amount to be raised to complete the library will not be placed on the levy. It will have to be raised through fundraising by the library board or it will not get done. Assuming Larsen’s proposed donation is accepted, and more money is raised for the project over the summer, construction will likely begin this fall.
OWI 6th and 3rd arrests made LINDSTROM - Timothy Hall, 44, of Lindstrom, Minn., was arrested July 6 and charged with OWI, sixth offense, as well as operating after revocation, possession of marijuana and of drug paraphernalia. That day, just before 9 p.m., police were alerted as to a possible drunk driver. An officer was dispatched, stopped the vehicle, and after field sobriety tests, administered a preliminary breath test. It registered a .24. Marijuana and a pipe were found in Hall’s pocket. He was taken to the Polk County Jail after being taken to the Osceola Medical Center for a blood draw. Richard Greene, 29, Star Prairie, was arrested and charged with OWI, third offense, on July 11, at about 10 p.m. Police were called to a vehicle in the ditch that night on 10th Avenue. A witness at the scene had seen the vehicle, a Pontiac Sunfire, slowly driving on 10th Avenue and go into the south ditch. The officer administered field sobriety tests, including a preliminary breath test, which registered .15. Greene was taken to St. Croix Regional Medical Center for a blood alcohol test and then to the jail. Three other individuals were charged with OWI first offense this past week: Jeffery Bickford, 42, Osceola; Sean P. Lundgren, 41, Amery; and Adrian Mattson, 22, Luck. — with information from the Polk County Sheriff’s Dept. The insurance industry and other health-care interests are lobbying hard against a government-sponsored, nonprofit, public health-insurance option, spending, according to The Washington Post, up to $1.4 million per day to sway Congress and public opinion. Don't be fooled. Profit-driven insurance-claim denials actually kill people, and Wendell Potter knows where the bodies are buried. His whistle-blowing may be just what's needed to dump what's sick in our health-care system. ••• Denis Moynihan contributed research to this column. ••• Amy Goodman is the host of “Democracy Now!,” a daily international TV/radio news hour airing on more than 700 stations in North America. Her column’s appearance in the Leader is sponsored by the local group, The Gathering, an informal group of people of diverse ages, experience, and philosophies who meet every other week at a member's home for silent meditation and lively discussions about peace, justice, spirituality, religion, politics, environment, global cultures and humanity.
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Taylors Falls, Xcel Energy back on track by Tammi Milberg TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – The city of Taylors Falls held a short meeting July 13, and according to reports, it seems the city and Xcel Energy are on the same page and the Chisago Project is back in line with the 2000 mediated settlement agreement. The city credits the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission for making the decision to have Xcel Energy work with the city on issues the power company deviated from in the original agreement in their recent permitting process. According to Ross Rivard, steering committee member and vice mayor for the city council, things are back to what they were in 2000. One of the issues was that Xcel indicated that in the permitting process the line would go east of CTH 20, but the agreement specified it should go west. At the
steering committee meeting, Xcel indicated they did not have enough property on the west to locate the line there, but the city offered the alternative of vacating a portion of Mulberry Street to give Xcel ample room for the approved route on the west, providing enough room for a pole transition from overhead to underground lines. It is not a done deal yet, however, because the city is required to hold a public hearing for street vacations. The city set the public hearing for Monday, Aug. 24, at 7:05 p.m. at city hall. The city council can then pass a resolution to vacate a portion of Mulberry Street to provide Xcel with ample right of way for construction on the west of CTH 20, and the steering committee recommend this to be in the best interest of all parties.
It was noted in communications that the city owns a water main in that portion of Mulberry Street, and they would retain easement rights to the 8-inch water main. In other business, the fire department received a $1,000 donation from the Wal-Mart Foundation for the purpose of purchasing emergency response equipment. The city also approved a resolution designating Aug. 4 as National Night Out. The council approved a temporary beer license to the Lions Club to sell beer at the Lions Park during the Wannigan Days Tug Across the River event Saturday, July 18, with wristbands to designate persons old enough to consume the alcohol and signs placed to keep the drinking in a contained area as done in past years.
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Residents unhappy over Xcel’s proposal for line construction
by Tammi Milberg ST. CROIX FALLS – The city of St. Croix Falls council heard from a group of residents from Blanding Woods Road who were unhappy with the update they received that Xcel Energy was planning on saw cutting down the middle of the road to bury the duct for the underground powerline and patching the road down the middle. Tom Engel, resident, stated that Xcel is supposed to return the road to as good as or better condition than what it was before construction and that a patch down the middle is not going to be good enough for the residents of Blanding Woods Road. The whole debate began when the city heard from Mike Dunham, project manager for both Wisconsin and Minnesota sides of the Chisago Project powerline construction. Dunham stated that the schedule was to get the duct line buried for three areas in the city this year, so that in 2010, the line can be pulled through the buried duct line. The three areas include the hydro dam to Louisiana, the industrial park section to the substation
owned by Dairyland Power Co-op and Blanding Woods Road. Dunham said he was hoping for an August timeline to begin constructing that duct line. He indicated that the duration for Blanding Woods Road would be about four months of construction. “We would not be in front of one place for four months straight; we would dig, install and restore as we go down the road, to reduce the strain on residents,” he said. Councilman Brian Blesi stated he was not on the council for the entire background of the project, understanding it began in 1998 with an agreement in 2000. “I wonder, what is the driving force now, some nine years later, to start this,” he stated to Dunham, adding, “I see no schedule, no plans, yet there are things set up on Pine Street, and it is a concern to me that there is this push to approve a schedule when we haven’t seen one. I am very interested in seeing the design plans and schedule before making any kind of motion.” Dunham claims that reliability is the driving force or urgency for getting the line built. He explained a transmission load that runs from Wisconsin to Shafer and a
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line that runs through Minnesota to Chisago City that would affect people along the entire line if there was an outage anywhere. He compared the line to a vehicle’s check-engine light. “You know when that light comes on you think there’s nothing happening now, but some day something is going to happen and we are rated on our reliability with other companies.” Residents questioned the school-property option and why that is no longer on the table. Blanding Woods resident Phil Peterson stated all the residents signed a paper in favor of the school option and felt that was a done deal. They questioned why that is no longer the case, indicating it would be better for the residents of Blanding Woods, easier for Xcel to construct and a benefit to the school. Dunham said that Xcel provided all the information the school requested, but the school indicated they were no longer interested. That statement is partly accurate. School board background At the last school board meeting, June 23, the school board indicated they had requested a representative from Xcel Energy to present information on EMF (electromagnetic field) because they did not want to expose students to high EMFs if they were walking along a road that had a buried line under it on school property. No one was present from Xcel at that meeting to answer the board’s questions. Superintendent Glenn Martin stated Xcel was unwilling to budge with their deadline of June 15 for the board to consider the offer to grant an easement to Xcel Energy. The board left that meeting directing Martin to contact Xcel and let them know the board wished to have the line down the center of the road and allow more time for public comment to be taken. If Xcel would agree to that, the board would continue in negotiations. If not, the board indicated they would no longer be interested. The official motion by Mona Schmidt, board president, was to table denying the easement to Xcel until July 28 in order to allow the public to comment, though there was not much public comment being received at the time. She stated she did not want to rush things and wanted to give the public time to comment before taking any action. According to what transpired at the board meeting, the school has not yet said officially they will not work with Xcel for the easement, but rather Xcel was unwilling to extend their June 15 deadline. Council meeting continued Many residents were unaware of the school board’s actions or discussions because they did not attend the meetings, but indicated they would be attending the July 28 school board meeting to express their wishes and urged Xcel to wait on a Blanding Woods Road construction schedule until they hear from the school board officially. Dunham said that Xcel would be willing to hold off if the board made their decision on July 28, because they cannot afford to keep putting the project off month by month, implying that the school board has been stalling. The city council agreed to wait until the school makes a decision before endorsing the construction schedule. Paul Kuhlman moved to have the city attorney submit their legal opinion and have the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin give their opinion on an alternate route and that there would be no formal decision about the Blanding Woods Road portion of the project until Aug. 15.
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Buy Local Bucks nets $14,000 to downtown
Theatre resolution In other business, the council approved a resolution identifying a way forward regarding the future discussions on the city auditorium theater. The city owns the auditorium building and the library will be moving out of that space in September when the new library will be
Frederic Eastern Star You Are A Star Award Duane Norgard, second from left, recently achieved 50 years of membership in Eastern Star. The You Are a Star Award honored Norgard, Mary Norgard (far left), Dorene Grove and LaVerna Petersen for their over 209 cumulative years of service. Duane is a member of Landmark Masonic Lodge No. 244 in Frederic, Aurora Masonic Lodge No. 100 of Brainerd, Minn., and other Masonic bodies. – Photo submitted by Mary Norgard
completed. Festival Theatre operates a nonprofit professional theater out of that building, paying rent, sharing utility costs and even incurring improvement costs. The theater is not financially able to take on the responsibility of the building on its own, but there are things that need to be done to improve the building. The resolution, in essence, delegates the city plan commission to review and gather information for the purpose of developing a comprehensive resolution regarding the theater to come before the council. The resolution indicates no lease negotiations will take place, the city will commit to a strategy to improve the HVAC, and the plan commission will focus on an Auditorium Master Plan with achievable priorities, fundraising plans and grant application for historic preservation and possible VISTA loca-
tion in the library space was also included in the resolution. All members voted in favor of the resolution. The process begins with the next plan commission meeting, July 20. This meeting will focus on building-improvement strategies. The following is a schedule of the upcoming meetings and presentations: •July 20: City Auditorium buildingimprovement strategies •Aug. 17: Future use ideas for library space/brainstorming. •Sept. 21: First draft of comprehensive plan/discussion/brainstorming •Oct. 19: Adopt refined plan w/recommendations to city council.
Cub Foods scholarship presented Cub Foods has awarded 40 high school seniors who plan to continue their education with a total of $40,000 in scholarships to institutions of their choice. The scholarship program was part of Cub’s yearlong 40th-anniversary celebration. Ashley Elfers from Milltown was awarded a $1,000 scholarship. She plans to pursue higher education at Hamline University majoring in prelaw. Elfers is a 2009 graduate of Unity High School. Presented by the Cub Cares Community Foundation, which is committed to supporting education and fighting hunger, the 40 $1,000 scholarships were awarded to high school seniors with a minimum of a 2.5 grade-point average on a 4.0 scale who show dedication in the classroom, provide service to their community and participate in extracurricular activities. “Cub Foods is proud to support students and their families as they prepare for the increasing costs of higher education,” said Brett Wing, chairman of the Cub Cares Community Foundation Board. “These scholarships will help students achieve their long-term goals and pursue something truly meaningful to their future and the future of their communities.” Students who are residents of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois were eligible to apply. Scholarship recipients must have plans to continue their education at an accredited twoor four-year college, university, vocational or technical school. Scholarship Management Services, a division of Scholarship America, reviewed and selected recipients from nearly 2,000 submitted applications. Special photo
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by Tammi Milberg ST. CROIX FALLS – The city council heard an encouraging update from Julie Hildebrand, VISTA, on the Buy Local Bucks campaign that ran in June. Buy Local coupons were distributed to residents of the city, renters and businesspeople to spend in the city to promote shopping in town, locally. The first such promotion took place in December, netting 304 coupons redeemed. This second promotion in June netted 628 redemption coupons, but twice as many were handed out to residents this time. While the redemption numbers increased slightly, the dollars coming into
downtown through the Buy Local program netted $14,000 spent in the downtown for June. Hildebrand stated the local money spent above and beyond the coupons, increased from December and that was exciting. She stated that the local businesses benefit from and need that local support. The Buy Local promotion will take place again in the future based on the success of revenue coming into the downtown.
490335 46-47L
Resolution on Festival Theatre future passes
Call 715-485-3571 for more information.
ATV made possible with Yamaha grant
BURNETT COUNTY - The Burnett County Law Enforcement Citizens Auxiliary was recently awarded a $2,500 grant by the Yamaha Off-Highway Vehicle Access Initiative Grant. The grant helps to establish and promote responsible riding practices and open access to off-highway vehicles. A Yamaha ATV, made possible by the grant, will be used by members of the BCLECA ATV Patrol Unit and the Burnett County Sheriff’s Office for ATV trail/route patrol, enforcement and education at ATV safety classes. According to Todd Hoffman, “Yamaha has supported Burnett County in the past through the loan of a Yamaha Rhino Light Utility Vehicle which was used extensively during the Keith Kennedy search during the summer of 2008.” The new Raptor is equipped with emergency lights, siren and radar. Since the start of the 2009 ATV season, the Burnett County trail system has been ac-
tively patrolled every weekend. An average day on the trail usually exceeds eight hours and 60 miles of patrol coverage. Deputy Ryan Bybee reported, “In the past the sheriff’s office has had to return leased ATVs with no promise of a replacement for the following year of patrol; this ATV is our’s to keep.” The sheriff’s office will be seeking future grant funding for similar projects. If you would like to join the BCLECA on the trail as a member of the trail patrol unit, contact the Burnett County Sheriff’s Office at 715-349-2121. – from BCLECA LEFT: Burnett County Law Enforcement Citizens Auxiliary members Cora and Chris Sower, Todd Hoffman and Deputy Ryan Bybee unveil the new Burnett County Sheriff’s Office Yamaha Raptor 660R ATV. – Special photo
Tile and Pottery Tour July 24-26 Climbing wall donated in memory of Cody Harlene Fitzpatrick was the first to climb the new climbing wall at the Unity School. The climber was purchased, with funds raised from a benefit in January, in memory of her son, Cody Ward, who died on Oct. 3, 2008. - submitted
Wedding announcement
NORTHWESTERN WISCONSIN The seventh-annual Pottery and Tile Tour will be held Friday through Sunday, July 24-26. Five potters and tile makers located in Danbury, Foxboro and Lake Nebagamon ask you to enjoy the beauty of the Wisconsin northwoods and help support the local economy by taking advantage of the unique opportunity to tour five private studios that are only open to the public one weekend a year. Just follow the black and yellow signs to studios tucked in the woods and purchase wood-fired tile and pots, porcelain, dinnerware and mosaics from nationally known, award-winning potters. For more information go to www.nwwisconsinpotterytour.com or call Cabin Fever Pottery at 715-656-3305. – with submitted information RIGHT: Rows of pottery shown here were created by Marty Pearson of Danbury, who is opening his studio during the seventh-annual Pottery and Tile Tour that will be held July 2426. Five potters and tile makers will open their studio for the tour, including three studios in the Danbury area. – Photo by Sherill Summer
One Nation Under God organizer presented wth plaque
Fisk/Richards Josie L. Fisk was married on June 6, 2009, to Bramwell T. Richards. The marriage was performed at United Methodist Church, Taylors Falls, Minn., by the Rev. Rolland Robinson, followed by a reception at the Taylors Falls Community Center. The bride is the daughter of Jody Lee Carlson of Barron, and Jonathan Fisk of Cumberland. Richards is the son of Jacquelyn Richards and the late Lloyd Richards, CD, of Barrie, Ontario. Josie wore an ivory ball gown with an organza/tulle skirt and carried a bouquet of white roses, purple hydrangea and lavender delphinium. JulieAnne Larson, aunt of the bride, served as matron of honor. Amanda Fisk, sister-in-law, was her bridesmaid. The bride’s nieces, Annabelle and Marissa Fisk, were the flower girls. Bramwell’s best man was Thomas Warriner of Erin, Ontario, and his groomsman was Brad Dishan of London, Ontario. Jeremiah Fisk and Nicholas Fisk, brothers of the bride, served as ushers. – Special photo
Dan Kaye (L), organizer of the One Nation Under God extravaganza held in Webb Lake on the Fourth of July, was presented a plaque by acting veterans Administrator Chris Sower. This year the event raised over $2,000 for Burnett County veterans. This was the eighth year for One Nation Under God, an event that combines a fundraising auction and sale by day, and a fireworks show later in the evening. The fireworks, reportedly one of the biggest fireworks displays in the state, is taped and sent overseas for active servicemen to enjoy. Past events have raised money for the food shelf and this was the case again this year, but part of the proceeds also supported veterans. – Photo by Sherill Summer
CENTURIA - The Unity FFA Alumni sponsored their annual antique tractor show during Memory Days on Sunday in Centuria. As a part of the historical display, people had a chance to walk down memory lane to see the tractors that used to (and some that still are fully operational) run the fields to make our area the agricultural site is is today. Karl Fahrendorff, Milltown, displayed the oldest running tractor with his 1939 Farmall F20. Fahrendorff is a member of the Unity FFA Alumni and will be the new chairman of the event for 2010. “I’ve already got ideas of tractor games and more awards that we can give away to make it even bigger and better!” he commented. New this year was giving honors to the Best of Show in the different tractor categories. Best of Show awards were
Kids enjoyed the water slide at Centuria Memory Days.
2 0 0 9
presented to: Case-Spirit of 76, displayed by Bob Swanson of Cushing; Farmall-H, displayed by Dean Thaemert of Centuria; Ford, displayed by Dean Thaemert of Centuria; Allis Chalmers-D21, displayed by Kyle Swanson of Cushing; International-674, displayed by Dean Thaemert of Centuria; Cockshutt, displayed by Al Deiss of Centuria; John Deere-G, displayed by Neil Lofgren of Milltown. “It is great to see the tractors on display; it reminds of us what our area was founded on - our rich agricultural heritage,” commented Jeanne Alling, Unity FFA advisor. “I look forward to working with our new committee, to have an even better display next year with new activities associated with the festivities.” – submitted Kids games were played near the Centuria park to benefit the Unity High School band trip.
The Unity FFA Alumni Tractor Show at Centuria’s Memory Days found the John Deere exhibited by Neil Lofgren to be the Best of Show in the John Deere category. Pictured near the tractor were: Alicia Milander and Jessica Larson, Unity FFA officers, with Neil Lofgren, Nathan VanMeter (back) and Nick Lofgren.
Karl Fahrendorff’s 1939 Farmall was the oldest running tractor exhibited at the Unity FFA Alumni Antique Tractor Show at Memory Days in Centuria.
C E N T U R I A M E M O RY D AY S K I D S P E D A L P U L L • 2 0 0 9
Cody Handlos, Centuria, had a great time participating in the Kids Pedal Pull in Centuria during Memory Days on Sunday.
Larysa Bakke, Centuria, placed second in the Unity FFA Alumni Kids Pedal Pull in Centuria for the 5- to 6-year-old category.
Brett Weinzierl, Centuria, took first place in the Unity FFA Alumni Kids Pedal Pull in Centuria for the 7- to 8-year-old category. – Photos by Jeanne Alling
Students of the Attitudes Dance Academy in Siren made their way down the streets of Centuria Sunday, July 12. – Photos by Brenda Sommerfeld and Jeanne Alling
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Children wait with their bags open, hoping for candy to be thrown from floats during the parade held in Centuria Sunday afternoon.
Milltown United VFW 6856 and Auxiliary was the second float to pass spectators in Sunday’s parade. Polk-Burnett Voiture 236 train swerved back and forth through Centuria streets.
Greta Nelson, Polk County Fairest of the Fair, led Bella, a pygmy goat, during the Centuria Memory Days parade.
The Shriners Zor Road Runners performed during the Centuria Memory Days parade on Sunday. The Unity FFA Alumni sponsored the Shriners in the parade.
Centuria Grand Marshal Gene Ludack waved as he passed.
In between floats, one little boy found ways to occupy his time. While eating a piece of candy, and holding his sucker, he pushes his truck on the blacktop.
The Unity band performed during the Memory Days parade in Centuria. Joe Larsen, freshman, played the tuba during the parade.
The float carrying Miss Centuria Jessica Raboin and her 2009 court was one of the first floats to go through the streets of Centuria in the parade.
F R E D E R I C • G R A N T S B U R G • L U C K • S T. C R O I X F A L L S • S I R E N • U N I T Y • W E B S T E R L E G I O N B A S E B A L L • A M AT E U R B A S E B A L L
Maki sets goals high for ‘09
by Kerri Harter GRANTSBURG – Two years before he could legally drive a car on the highway, Chad Maki was driving 70 mph on the water, passing and cutting under other drivers, and bringing home big trophies. Son of 12-time World Champion Mark Maki, this young man has not had a bad watercross season in his entire six years of racing. He has clinched at least one year-end points title every year he has raced, including 800 stock drags, semipro-stock ovals, semipro open ovals and pro stock ovals. It only makes sense Maki’s goal is to complete his set of yearend points trophies with one that says pro-open class. “My goals this season are to win as many races as possible, I guess,” said Maki. “I want to win the pro-open season-points championship and hold onto the pro-stock championship as well. If all else fails, I’d just like to beat Howie Steenberg. He’s the only guy I’ve never been able to beat at least once.” Maki, who grew up watching his dad race against Steenberg, laughed and said, “someone has to stop Howie from winning Grantsburg three years in a row, and it might as well be me!” Last year, Maki not only took the yearend points for pro stock but went totally undefeated in that class. “I was really excited about that,” said Maki. “I’d like to have another undefeated season in stock, but obviously, that’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I’m still hoping to pull off a few victories though.” Maki also ran in the mod drags last year and took second in year-end points. “I felt that was really good,” said Maki. “Considering my mod sled only has a few modifications done to it and is not fully modded out like my competitors’ sleds.” In the pro open, Maki’s first full year in that top class, he made all but one final and ended the year in third place. Although he never won a final, he won many of his heats and was often one of the top qualifiers. “It was more than I
lap finals, but this year I think I’ll be able to run with the best of them for eight laps,” said Maki. Eighteen-year-old Maki graduated from Inver Grove Heights, Minn., high school this past May and is looking toward the next stage of his life, attending Winona State University in the fall, where he will be majoring in business administration and marketing. As for racing during his college years Maki said, ”I’m not quite sure yet. I love racing, and it’s a total blast, but it’s a lot of work. My dad and I usually spend weeknights and weekends working on the sleds, preparing and maintaining them for the season. I’ll be two hours away and it might be difficult to get everything set up the way it needs to be to achieve the results my dad and I like. I’ll also be an adult and have to worry about paying for other things, and so the financial factor will come into play. Unfortunately, I can’t have Dad as the main sponsor forever!” Maki ended by saying, “I’d like to give a huge thanks to all of the fans that come out to the races and the Hockey Association for putting on the World Championship Watercross. It’s an event like no other! The fans are what keep us going. Thanks!”
Extra Points
Chad Maki, Class of 2009, will race in the pro-stock and pro-open classes this season. – Photo submitted could have hoped for, and I am hoping to win a few finals this year in that class,” said Maki. Last year at Grantsburg Maki drew lane one in the final race. “It was exciting,” said Maki. “Of the six finalists, I
was one of two guys that had never won the world championship before. I made a mistake and almost sank in the second corner but still came back to finish third. My dad was just happy that I somehow didn’t sink. I wasn’t used to the eight-
South defeats North in all-star baseball game South 4, North 3 by Brenda Sommerfeld OSCEOLA – A battle between the North St. Croix Valley Legion League All-star baseball players versus the South took place in Osceola for the second-annual all-star game on Thursday, July 9. Three players from each of the Cumberland, Grantsburg, Luck, St. Croix Falls and Unity teams made up the North, while Amery, Baldwin, New Richmond, Osceola and Somerset played on the South team. Both teams were pretty equally matched going into the game. The South
See All-star game, next page North team catcher, Gus Koecher of the St. Croix Falls Blue A’s Legion team tags out Michael Jensen of New Richmond at home plate at the allstar game last Thursday at Oakey Park. – Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld
••• LEADER LAND – The St. Croix Falls at Unity Legion baseball game can be heard on 1260 AM beginning at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 21. ••• MILWAUKEE – Milwaukee Brewers games being broadcast on WXCE 1260 AM can be heard on the following dates and times. The Brewers at Reds four-game series on July, 16-19 begin at 6 p.m., on the first three nights, and noon on July 19. The Brewers at Pirates series on July 20-22 begins at 6 p.m., 6 p.m. and 11:30 a.m., respectively. ••• MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., – Minnesota Twins games being broadcast on WLMX 104.9 FM can be heard on the following dates and times. The Twins at Texas series on July 17-19 starts at 7 p.m. each night. The Twins at A’s games on July 20-21 begin at 9 p.m., and the July 22 game against the A’s begins at 2:30 p.m. ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tidbits to share? Please contact the Leader by 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to go in Extra Points. – Marty Seeger and Brenda Sommerfeld ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an athlete who will be playing collegiate sports in 2009 and hasn’t been mentioned, send us an e-mail or call and we’ll take it from there. – Marty Seeger and Brenda Sommerfeld
SPORTS RESULTS DEADLINES: WEDNESDAY - MONDAY: 1 p.m. the following business day. TUESDAY: 7 a.m. on Wednesday. Missed deadlines mean no coverage that week! S P O R T S N E W S O R S C O R E S T O R E P O R T ? • P H O N E : 7 1 5 - 3 2 7 - 4 2 3 6 • FA X : 7 1 5 - 3 2 7 - 4 1 1 7 • E - M A I L : m s e e g e r @ c e n t u r y t e l . n e t
Kalmoe, Tomek take gold at World Cup Help women’s quad to silver by Marty Seeger LUCERNE, Switzerland – The 2012 summer Olympic Games set for London seem like a long time coming, but for those seeking to compete, the hard work, training and competition is well under way. For Megan Kalmoe, St. Croix Falls, and rowing partner Ellen Tomek, Flushing, Mich., the path to London in 2012 is off to a great start. Last summer Kalmoe and Tomek were Olympic finalists in the double sculls at Beijing, where they took fifth. Last Sunday, they rowed their way to a gold medal as part of the U.S. rowing team at the 2009 Rowing World Cup Regatta in Lucerne, Switzerland. Kalmoe and Tomek competed against 11 different crews, including the same German crew that defeated them in Beijing and took home the silver medal. “Ellen and I had a very successful go this weekend in Lucerne and are very excited about our results!” said Kalmoe in an e-mail conversation. “After our fifthplace finish in Beijing last summer, we’ve been working very hard to make our double combination faster in order to keep improving our international results in that event. Things have been going re-
Ellen Tomek, left, and Megan Kalmoe won the women’s double sculls repechage at the summer games in Beijing last summer, which advanced them to the finals where they took fifth. – AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian ally well, and Lucerne was really our first chance to test our speed against some very fast crews, and we were thrilled to come away with the gold.” Kalmoe and Tomek finished the double sculls race with a time of 6:57.48, in front of Poland, who finished with a 6:58.39. One of the more interesting turns of events came later in the day, when ill-
nesses with team members forced several lineup changes. Just three hours after winning the gold medal in the double sculls, Kalmoe and Tomek filled in for two ill teammates in the quadruple sculls. The team, which had never raced together before, won the silver medal. Germany ended up taking home the gold medal with a time of 6:30.25, and the U.S. finished with 6:30.80, but it wasn’t without a fight. “Hot seating at an international regatta is not an opportunity that comes around too often for scullers, so while the reasoning behind the experience was not ideal, getting to have that experience was pretty neat, and we had a blast lining up with our teammates in a completely unknown lineup and giving the Germans a real run for their money,” Kalmoe stated. With the stellar finish in Lucerne, Kalmoe and Tomek qualify for the world championships in Poznan, Poland, this August.
Pirates honored at Miller Park
Engstrom attending Women’s National Festival in August BLAINE, Minn., – Molly Engstrom, formerly of Siren, is one of the 41 athletes invited to the Women’s National Festival, set for Aug. 19-24. USA Hockey is conducting the festival at the National Sport Center’s Schwan Super Rink in Blaine, Minn. It serves as a selection camp for the 2009-10 Women’s National Team, which will compete in the 10game Quest Tour leading up to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games held in Vancou-
ver, Canada. The Women’s National Festival is open to the public and media on Wednesday, Aug. 20, through Monday, Aug. 24, when the Women’s National Team will be named. The festival includes daily practices and scrimmages, and a complete schedule of the events will be posted on USAHockey.com in early August. – Marty Seeger with information from www.usahockey.com
The Grantsburg Pirates softball team was honored at home plate in Miller Park for winning the 2009 Division 3 state championship on Wednesday, July 8, just prior to the start of the Brewers/Cardinals game that evening. Each players name was called, and shown on the parks jumbo screen in centerfield. – Photo by Scott Hoffman
All-Star game/continued ended up winning, 4-3. The North scored three runs in the first five innings. The South had two in the first three and got their third in the seventh. A triple in the ninth inning put the South in the position to win. The runner scored a run after tagging up on a pop-fly catch. “I love the equality of the two divisions, the small North teams versus the big South teams,” North team coach Scott Lindholm said. “Real solid defense, good crowd and beautiful field. Wish we would have won, but it was stellar.” The North team had seven batters put on base by balls, and Cumberland’s Ryan Behling was hit by pitches twice during the game. The North had the bases loaded in the first inning, but followed with two strikeouts to end it. Behling scored the team’s first run in the second inning. Behling got on base by fielding errors and was able to score, stealing as the South took out the runner stealing second. Grantsburg’s Austin Eskola in his first time at bat, during the fifth inning, hit a triple to center, bringing in two runs. Behling was close to scoring in the sixth but was tagged out on a throw from first base. Cumberland’s Graham Miller, Unity’s Luke Nelson and St. Croix Falls’ Matt Vold each took their turn at the mound for the North against the South. They totaled four strikeouts, gave up six hits
Luke Nelson of the Unity Eagles Legion team slides safely into second base on a steal as Osceola’s Darby Nelson fields the ball. – Photos by Brenda Sommerfeld and walked five. The South’s first run was scored on a wild pitch. A triple in the third and ninth each led to runs. In the seventh, a walk and fielding errors led to a run. The catcher, St. Croix Falls Gus Koecher, kept
the South from scoring a second in the seventh, tagging out the runner on a throw from third.
Matt Vold of the St. Croix Falls Legion closed out the all-star game for the North last Thursday.
Unity FFA Alumni 5K Milk Run
Running as a family has been a great way for this Greenville family to spend quality time together while staying in shape. Stacy and Patrick Jarvis thought it would be fun to run with Patrick’s sister, Amber Berklund, in the 5K milk run in Centuria during Memory Days. “Patrick started running in middle school. Every weekend, I would drive him to a local race and wait at the finish line. He’s 41, and still running,” commented his mother, Sheila Berklund of Luck. “The kids are going into third and fifth grade (Michael and Stephanie). They have competed in the National Youth Triathlon for the last three years,” added Berklund.
ABOVE: The Unity FFA Alumni 5K Milk Run winners included front row (L to R): Centuria Princess Jenelle Larsen, Stephanie Jarvis, Alec Larson, Taylor Larson and Michael Jarvis. Back row: Joel Anderson, Julie Madison, Debra Dunsmoor, Jean Christensen, Amber Berklun, Stacy Jarvis, Patrick Jarvis, Jennifer McMeekin and Miss Centuria Jessica Raboin. All winners received a half gallon of milk from the FFA alumni and all runners received chocolate milk as a promotion from the South Milltown 4-H to replenish their hydration and calcium needs. Jean Christensen, the most experienced runner in the 5K milk run, commented that this was her 10th year participating in the run in Centuria. RIGHT: Joel Anderson, Frederic, was congratulated by Centuria Princess Jenelle Larsen and Miss Centuria Jessica Raboin after he won the Unity FFA Alumni’s 5K milk run Saturday during Memory Days, July 11. – Photos by Jeanne Alling
10U baseball held at the Siren Ballpark
Austin Hamack, Presten Lane and Graham Hershfield of Luck took second place in the relay competition.
The St. Croix Falls A baseball team took first place last weekend, July 10-12, at a 10U tournament held at the Siren Ballpark with three wins and one loss. Unity took second at 2-2, Luck took third at 1-3 and Siren/Webster finished fourth with a 0-4 record. – Photos submitted
Landon Hendrickson of the Unity A baseball team took first place in the overall baserunning competition with a time of 3.24 seconds.
Casey Ogilvie and Jerry Sanford of the Luck A baseball team took second in the baserunning pairs competition.
Unity’s Dylan Stenberg, George Bibeau and Austin Donahue of the Eagles AA baseball team took second in the relay competition. Unity took fourth overall with a record of 2-2.
The St. Croix Falls A relay team featuring Tyler Henck, Alex Johnson and Jake Murphy took first place in the relay competition with a time of 3.5 seconds.
Landon Hendrickson and Jack Volgren represented the Unity A baseball team with a first-place finish in the baserunning pairs competition with a time of 6.50 seconds.
This could be the year The 2008 Webster Tigers football team proved that anything is possible, as they secured a longawaited conference title, culminating with a stunning road win at St. Croix Falls. The Frederic Vikings football championship drought now stands at 40 years, with the last crown earned way back in 1968 when the likes of Jim Shattuck, Erick “Rick” Anderson, Gary Lenz and Bob Johnson roamed the gridiron of R.P. Glynn field under the stern and watchful eye of coach Darryl Wikstrom. Could this be the year that coach Ken Belanger and his charges finally shed the Shell Lake monkey from their collective backs? The Vikes will hit the ground running on opening night on Aug. 28, as they travel to Flambeau to face the always-tough Falcons. Also, take note that two local teams will have the privilege of participating in this year’s Bob and Steve’s BPAmoco Gridiron Classic at UWStout. The aforementioned Webster Tigers clash with Lake Holcombe on
J o h n R y a n
Thursday, Aug. 27, while the Unity Eagles will tussle with Shell Lake the following afternoon. It will be the Tigers first appearance at the Classic. Favre countdown at 16 days Will he, or will he not? That’s the question Minnesota Vikings fans are asking as they wait with open arms and wallets, ready to welcome Brett Favre to their team and into their hearts. But will the future hall-of-famer commit to the Vikes by the opening of training camp on July 31? Time will tell. “I never liked the Packers,” said one local Viking fan, “but I always admired and respected Brett Favre, so it hurts me when I hear that all those Packer fans who used to admire him are suddenly turning on him faster than Hitler turned on Stalin back in World War II.” People who were hanging out on the Metrodome plaza last Saturday night prior to the Twins-White Sox game noted there are already numerous nonlicensed but professionally made purple and gold “Favre No. 4” jerseys being worn by Minnesota sports fans. Lousy mushrooming Those who engage in the silent sport of mushroom gathering have found that the dry conditions have made 2009 a very subpar year. By this time in 2008, copious amounts of morel, oyster, sulphur shelf, chanterelles and bear’s tooth ‘shrooms had found their way into
area frying pans and freezer pouches. But pickings have been inordinately slim this summer in these parts. Marauding fisher decimates flock Last Saturday night east of Frederic, a stealthy predator which was almost certainly a fisher, slithered through the woven wire fence and into a poorly secured chicken coop, killed and ate two old hens and apparently snatched the third bird “for the road” as nary a trace of it remained. The hens were the last vestige of what was once a much larger flock which thrived in the 1990s when the birds were blue-ribbon winners at the Polk County Fair. But thanks to the vicious and voracious member of the weasel family, at least one poultry farmer is now out of the business. Dear readers, please secure your chicken coops and, meanwhile, take note that unfortunately, the fisher is a protected and managed creature which cannot be killed until the trapping season, which begins on Oct. 17. (And even then, it can only be taken on a limited basis. Check the Wisconsin trapping regulations). As much as we hate to see our livestock cruelly taken from our midst, it’s still rather cool that nowadays we can almost-routinely see the likes of bear, wild turkeys, fisher and wolves. Jacko sports trivia You may have heard that Michael “Wacko Jacko” Jackson recently passed
from this earthly vale of tears. This week’s trivia exercise honors the late King of Pop with an exam, which incorporates some of his greatest hits with local sports names or events. 1) This early Jackson Five hit “I Want You Back” could relate to the return of a former title-winning football mentor who is returning to the head-coaching ranks after a several-year absence. (hint: Luck) Name the coach 2) It was a No. 1 Jacko hit with guitar provided by Eddie Van Halen, and bicyclists and runners are always trying to do this to their previous best time. Name the song. 3) This MJ solo hit was from the soundtrack of a movie about a rat (i.e. Willard) and not about a recent former Frederic multisport star, who went on to play some college football at UW-Eau Claire. (hint: Chenal) Name the song. 4) This 1987 Jackson song also had a one-word title and some used it to describe the Frederic football teams of the late 1990s. Name the song. 5) Minnesota fans are hoping that Brett Favre will soon call Viking owner Zygi Wulf and utter these three words from a hit Jackson song before the opening of training camp on July 31. (Hint: Mariah Carey sang the song at Jacko’s memorial service) Correct answers: 1) Don Kendzior 2) “Beat It!” 3) Ben 4) Bad 5) “I’ll Be There”
First-annual Jane Wisse Open Golf Tourney set for Sunday, Aug. 9
Hoffman Photo
FREDERIC – The inaugural Jane Wisse Open Golf Tournament and memory celebration has been set for Sunday, Aug. 9, at the Frederic Golf Course. The fourperson golf scramble will have a shotgun start at 11 a.m., followed by a Reception with Jane’s Friends at 3 p.m. and Memory Celebration Dinner at 4 p.m. Participants can attend all events or just the reception/dinner. Proceeds will benefit a new Jane Wisse Frederic High School Scholarship and individual projects Wisse would have embraced related to health, youth programs, etc. Wisse, who taught physical education and health at both Frederic and Siren schools, coached the Frederic gymnastics team and was an avid golfer, lost a 15-month battle with uterine cancer in March 2006. According to her daughter, Jennifer Greenquist, Wisse’s friends wanted to create a fun event that would
Team Overall Century 21 11-1 Chell Well 10-2 Sundown 10-2 God Squad 9-3 Pour House 7-5 Grantsburg Sanitary 6-6 Fur, Fins & Feathers 6-5 Lake Lena 3-9 Shooters Bar 1 3-9 Shooters Bar 2 1-10 Da Crew 1-12 Scores Wednesday, July 8 Pour House 17, Shooters Bar 1 5 Lake Lena 14, Shooters Bar 2 11 Century 21 19, Chell Well 13 Sundown 19, Grantsburg Sanitary 8 Fur, Fins & Feathers 22, Shooters Bar 2 21 God Squad 28, Da Crew 6 Monday, July 13 Shooters Bar 1 20, Da Crew 8 God Squad 17, Fur, Fins & Feathers 12 Grantsburg Sanitary 14, Shooters Bar 2 7 Chell Well 16, Sundown 4 Century 21 15, Lake Lena 5 Pour House 22, Da Crew 4
Team Overall Falun Churches 6-1 Siren Assembly 5-2 Trade Lake Baptist 5-2 Siren Covenant/Bethany 5-3 Webster Baptist 4-3 W. Sweden/Zion Lutheran 3-4 Calvary Covenant 3-4 Frederic Free 2-4 Trade River Free 2-5 Faith Lutheran 1-6 Scores Thursday, July 9 Siren Assembly 20, Falun Churches 13 Webster Baptist 7, Trade River Free 5 Friday, July 10 Trade Lake Baptist 11, Faith Lutheran 9 Siren Covenant/Bethany 7, Frederic Free 3 Calvary Covenant 23, W. Sweden/Zion Lutheran 6
Standings Team Overall Chell Trucking 9-0 Coyland Creek 8-2 Maurer Construction 3-6 Clam Falls/Pheasant Inn 3-6 Smith Family Eye Care 3-5 Bobbie’s World 2-7
encourage golfers and nongolfers alike to get together and raise money for several causes. “We wanted to build on the fantastic response to the Jane Wisse Wellness Walk that takes place in Siren at the beginning of the summer,” said Greenquist. “We’re particularly excited about the opportunity for folks to share their favorite memories of Wisse and her love of golf, gymnastics, the Badgers and other fun activities!” To register for the Jane Wisse Open, reception/dinner or make a donation, contact Greenquist at 651-260-4770, jgreenquist@mmm.com, Duane Wisse at 715-491-5200, Edina Realty/Frederic, or go to www.janewisseopen.com. Registration forms can also be picked up at Frederic Golf Course. – submitted
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Washburn ends solid first half by Marty Seeger SEATTLE, Wash. – Webster High School graduate, Jarrod Washburn ended a great first half of the season before the all-star break with his sixth win of the season over Texas last Sunday, July 11. Washburn allowed only one earned run on four hits with two walks, and three strikeouts in seven innings. But the left-hander’s outing against Baltimore one week earlier overshadows all he’s accomplished so far this season. Washburn pitched a one-hit DATE July, 11
TEAM Rangers
2008 Mariners 2009 Mariners CAREER TOTALS
GS 17
W 1
20 17 289
5 6 104
shutout and earned Safeco Field’s first one-hit shutout by a Mariner. It was Washburn’s fourth career shut-out, but first-ever one hitter. The only hit allowed came in the Jarrod Washburn fourth inning on a single to left field. Since 2005, Washburn is still the worst supported pitcher in terms of offensive support in the American Leagues. – Marty Seeger with information from mlb.com
JARROD WASHBURN STATS: L ERA IP H 0 3.08 7.0 4 8 4.50 6 2.96 106 4.06
. . .
118.0 112.1 1,800
R 1
135 62 94 40 1,789 863
ER 1
HR 0
BB 2
SO 3
59 37 811
14 11 228
34 28 548
67 72 1075
I N T E R! C O U N T Y L E A D E R
Bird shoot held at Grantsburg
by Kerri Harter GRANTSBURG – The Grantsburg Rod and Gun Club’s annual 100-bird shoot was held Saturday, July 11. Approximately 70 shooters attended to try their luck at the Lewis Class event. Top shooters were Rene Brackenbury, Pine City, Minn., and Dale Clark, Osceola with 97s. Scott Harter, Grantsburg, came in second with a 96 and Wally Johnson, Grantsburg, took third with a 95. The next public shooting event hosted by the club will be the annual turkey shoot in September. Go to www.grantsburggunclub.com for more info. Enjoying the shoot and the day are (L to R) Rene Brackenbury, Scott Harter, Joe Trumble, Rodney Meyer and Dean Josephson. – Photos submitted
Bryan Bjorklund, Webster, after shooting 100 rounds.
An uphill climb in August The beginning of August is deadline time for those looking to score on tags for the upcoming hunting season. Aug. 1, in particular, marks the application deadline for Marty the fall turkey permit, as well as for the bobSeeger cat, fisher and otter seasons. As for me, August The has become a month Bottom filled with deadlines, with one in particular Line that will last from now until the early part of September. Between now and then, I’ll be preparing for an archery elk hunt in the central portion of Colorado with two other hunters. One is a longtime friend, Wade Lamphere, and the other is a cousin of his, and both have been hunting the same areas out
A squad of shooters line up for their turn on the range. west for the past three or four seasons. Wade asked if I was interested in going about two weeks ago, and it’s a hunting trip I’ve declined at least twice before. This year I finally decided (with my wife’s permission) to give it a shot, but before I do, I’ll need to get in serious shape and the September deadline is approaching fast. In the newspaper business, deadlines are a weekly thing, so I’m used to it, but I’ve been known to procrastinate on certain tasks on more than one occasion. So far, I’ve procrastinated about two weeks for the big hunt, but last Monday I finally got a little energy together. I’ve concluded that it’s probably not a good idea to wait until the last minute to start getting in shape for an elk hunt. The Colorado experience I was fortunate enough to travel through Colorado once during high school, and it was an experience I won’t soon forget. White-water rafting was an intense ride, and conquering Pikes Peak on the cog railway was pretty sweet too. Many of the activities, however, took little to no effort at all, and it was about 13
Eurasian water milfoil found in Little Trade Lake by Sherill Summer BURNETT COUNTY - Eurasian water milfoil has been found at Little Trade Lake in Trade Lake Township. The problematic aquatic plant can alter a water body’s ecology when it forms dense mats of vegetation on the surface of the water, choking out native plants, and milfoil is especially problematic because it can spread easily, infesting an entire lake within two years of introduction, if not treated immediately. Eurasian water milfoil is generally the species that come to mind when thinking of invasive aquatic species. Little Trade Lake is the third lake in
Steve Martini, Pine City, Minn., scores in the tower.
Burnett County that has been confirmed to have the plant, joining nearby Round Lake and Ham Lake northeast of Webster. Nearby Long Trade Lake in Polk County also has had Eurasian water milfoil for many years. Both Polk and Burnett counties have programs at public boat landings informing boaters about the importance of removing aquatic plant debris from boats and trailers before launching the boat, and it is at boat landings where most lakes are first contaminated.
years ago. I might still be young, but since then I’ve exercised very little, with the exception of conquering countless miles of the flat woods here in Wisconsin. So, as I began my workout regimen in the comforts of my home on Monday, I envisioned what it’s going to be like if it comes to a point where I’ll need to pack an elk off the mountain – without the aid of a cog railway, coupled with some awfully thin air. After about the 20th trek to the top of my stairs I couldn’t breathe very well, and I was dripping sweat. You could almost hear my body yell, “man, you’re really outta shape,” with a few expletives in between. An online article I had read recently had a good suggestion to breathe through my nose in order to prepare my midwestern lungs for that refreshing, less-oxygenated mountain air. I even had 35 pounds of weight in a backpack to simulate a hunk of elk meat and other gear. My hope is to increase that weight by double toward the end of the month, but for the first time, I thought I’d go light.
It was fortunate Monday evening that my wife, Laura, hadn’t come home from work yet, because the way she reacted when I told her what I had done that evening said enough. “I did my first workout today,” I exclaimed proudly. She replied, “Oh yeah, where did you go?” “Nowhere, I just stayed at home, and…” Before I could even get out the last of my sentence she was already laughing, and probably for good reason – we only have about 12 steps from the basement on up. Balsam Lake isn’t exactly known for its mountainous terrain, and I simply took advantage of what was available at the time. The good news is that it was my first step toward preparing for a physically demanding hunt. And, I’m one step closer to losing the weight-mass centered just above my waistline and gaining some much-needed strength in a pair of legs only a chicken could love.
Great Northern Outdoors Thursday Bass Fishing League Week 9 1. Aaron Long, 3 lbs. 13 oz. 2. Aaron Bistram, 3 lbs. 11 oz. 3. Marc Wiehl, 3 lbs. 8 oz. 4. Adam Bistram, 3 lbs. 7 oz. 5. Vern Knauber, 3 lbs. 4 oz. 6. Adam Memmer, 2 lbs., 12 oz. 7. Al Briese, 2 lbs. 2 oz. 8. Bryan Cox, 2 lbs. 9. Bruce Dau, 1 lbs. 7 oz. 10. Rob Buchholz, 1 lbs. 5 oz. 11. Tim Hutton, 1 lbs., 1 oz. Week 10 1. Aaron Long, 8 lbs., 9 oz. 2. Aaron Bistram, 7 lbs. 7 oz. 3. Tim Hutton, 5 lbs., 3 oz. 4. Vern Knauber, 3 lbs. 9 oz. 5. Al Briese, 3 lbs., 8 oz. 6. Jamie Magnuson, 2 lbs., 11 oz.
7. Tony Peterson, 2 lbs., 8 oz. 8. Bryan Cox, 2 lbs., 4 oz. 9. Bruce Dau, 2 lbs., 2 oz. 10. Adam Bistram, 2 lbs., 1 oz. 11. Kathy Erickson, 1 lbs., 9 oz. 12. Marc Wiehl, 1 lbs., 7 oz. Standings 1. Aaron Long, 36 lbs., 10 oz. 2. Rob Buchholz, 31 lbs., 2 oz. 3. Troy Olson, 30 lbs. 4. Adam Memmer, 29 lbs.. 5. Al Briese, 27 lbs., 2 oz. 6. Tim Hutton, 19 lbs., 2 oz. 7. Shawn Hutton, 17 lbs., 3 oz. 8. Aaron Bistram, 16 lbs., 13 oz. 9. Marc Wiehl, 16 lbs., 6 oz. 10. Bryan Cox, 15 lbs., 13 oz. 11. Vern Knauber, 15 lbs., 11 oz. 12. Jamie Magnuson, 14 lbs., 15 oz.
13. Bruce Dau, 11 lbs., 10 oz. 14. Cory Meyer, 10 lbs., 9 oz. 15. Adam Bistram, 10 lbs., 5 oz. 16. Kirk Miller, 8 lbs., 7 oz. 17. Dean Clontz, 8 lbs., 3 oz. 18. Micheal Clontz, 5 lbs., 13 oz. 19. Tony Peterson, 5 lbs., 10 oz. 20. Rebecca Hutton, 2 lbs., 11 oz. 21. Kathy Erickson, 2 lbs., 5 oz. 22. Ralph Britton, 0 23. Rick Hutton, 0 Big bass weekly winners Week 9: Aaron Bistram, 2 lbs., 5 oz. Week 10: Aaron Long, 5 lbs., 2 oz.
Grantsburg takes McNally lot, dirt and all
No ATVs on village streets for now
by Gregg Westigard GRANTSBURG – The Grantsburg Village Council has accepted the recently cleared lot at Broadway and Pine, the former McNally site in years past, despite complaints from some residents about the condition of the site. The council, at its monthly meeting Monday, July 13, also postponed a decision on allowing ATVs to operate on the village streets. About eight members of the public attended the meeting to voice opinions on the two topics. Action on the property, most recently the site of an economic enterprise center owned by Northwest Regional Planning, came first. The council voted unanimously to accept the property “as is” after listening to comments and complaints from a half-dozen residents. That included a statement from former council member Dale Dresel that the contractor who cleared the property should have done more to prevent dust from blowing on the lot. He also questioned whether the DNR would require more storm-water runoff control. Rick Roeser, speaking for NWRPC, said the agreement with the village called for NWRPC to turn over a buildable lot. The council agreed, but several members said the village should seed the lot as soon as possible. The lot is being offered to the Grantsburg Fire Association as the site for a new fire hall. In May, the village offered the property to the fire association for the appraised price of $135,000. The fire association, on June 15, approved a counter-offer of $125,000, with $75,000 paid at the time of
Use up 65 percent this year as course shows profit by Gregg Westigard GRANTSBURG – Several years ago, the Grantsburg Golf Course was almost closed. The village-owned course was
ATV use of its roads and there is no designated route for ATVs to reach the village. Council member Glenn Rolloff said he has sought opinions on the issue and found that most people he has talked to aren’t compelled to grant the right to have the machines on the village streets. A discussion followed on what constitutes an ATV. It was explained that there is a Wisconsin legal description of ATVs, which differentiates them from go-carts, golf carts, scooters and other motorized vehicles. “When you get route permission from the town of Grantsburg, come back and talk to us,” Panek told the Turf and Tundra visitors. “Then we will talk about a benefit for the village.”
This lot, the former McNally site northwest of the Grantsburg Village Hall and library, is the proposed site of a new fire station. Some residents complained that the recently cleared site has too much blowing dirt and should be planted with grass. - Photo by Gregg Westigard the sale and payments of $25,000 in the second and third year after the sale. The council, Monday, responded with a new offer of $125,000 within 60 days of receipt of a clear title or $135,000 paid in three equal yearly payments. The property agreement goes back several years, when the village agreed to take ownership of the property, including a smaller lot to the west, once the vacant buildings were cleared and the sites were prepared for development. This was part of the village economic development plan that included construction of a new enterprise center in the industrial park. The lot to the west required additional work to remove contaminated soil and has not yet been approved for
transfer to the village. ATVs in the village Carl Hanson, speaking for Turf and Tundra, an ATV-trail maintenance organization, told the council that the group was ready to help put up route signs and cover some of the cost once Grantsburg approves some village streets as ATV routes. Hanson said that Siren and Webster and some other Burnett towns have street designated for ATV use. He said these routes are an economic draw to the area, allowing riders to reach businesses in the villages. Village President Roger Panek pointed out that the town of Grantsburg, which surrounds the village, has not allowed
Success at the golf course
losing money, had used up all its reserves and required money from the village taxes to operate. After many months of study and debate, a group of area residents came forward with a plan to lease and operate the course. A report to the village council says that plan has been a success. Through the end of May, play was up 65 percent over the same period last year.
Biggest little food drive in county under way “Because few burdens are heavy when everybody lifts,” is the motto of a Neighbors for Neighbors program started by St. Luke United Methodist Church in Frederic. The church hopes to fill the Frederic and surrounding area food shelves with donations from the public. A clothing collection will be held from noon to 2 p.m. on both Saturday, July 25 and Sunday, July 26, at St. Luke’s on Hwy. 35. They are seeking donations of quality back-to-school wear, career wear and playwear for boys and girls, young men and women and adults. Givers are asked to wash and press clothing before delivering it on those days. On Aug. 22 there will be a Neighbors for Neighbors open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church where every guest – for the price of any food shelf item donation – can enjoy free shopping for fall and winter clothing, along with a light lunch and lemonade reception and gospel music. The event is hosted by members of the church. For further information, contact Pastor Freddie Kirk at 715-327-4436 or Kordi Kurkowski at 715-338-2368. – Special photos
David Huff, speaking for the lease partners, writes that zero rain days has helped but says the course is in fine condition. Total memberships, now 114, are already equal to all of 2008 and that number is expected to rise when youth memberships are purchased. There were 1,631 rounds of golf played through May 31, compared to 987 for that period in 2008. Income for 2009
Other business • The St. Croix Grille received a 60-day extension of its liquor license to give owner Rick Pearson more time to sell the business. Pearson said it is easier to sell the now-closed restaurant if it has a liquor license. The village is allowed only five on-sale liquor licenses and all are allocated. • Proposals for the repair of the swimming pool are still being worked on. The council will make a decision on repairs later, with work to be done before the 2010 season. • The council turned down requests for donations from Habitat for Humanity and the Burnett County Land & Water Conservation Department. Wild River Habitant asked for $200 to support its work of meeting the local housing needs. Land and Water asked for $250 each year for four years as part of a local match for a grant to protect the county lakes and rivers from invasive species.
through May 31 was $42,149, while expenses were $21,565. That leaves a net income, or profit, of $20,584 with the season just starting. Huff reports that the partnership is developing a proposal for a long-term lease on the facility, which is in the second year of the original two-year lease.
Locks of love donated Elle Anderson, daughter of Daron and Joleen Anderson from Germany, recently donated her hair for the second time to Locks of Love, while visiting her grandmother, Berna Anderson of rural Frederic. Elle is shown with Nora of Avalon hair salon in Frederic. Elle first donated her hair for the program, which uses donated hair for hairpieces for cancer victims, when she visited her family members in Iowa. Her father is stationed in Germany. – Special photo
Water X donation Frederic Water X Racing, Inc. member Arlen Peterson hands a check in the donation amount of $100 to the Friends of the Pool President Maria Ammend. – Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld
Budget process month behind schedule
Health insurance may avoid increase
by Gregg Westigard BALSAM LAKE – Polk County’s employee relations director said the 2010 budget schedule is a month behind and lacks a clear direction. The personnel committee chair said it is wrong to start with cutting employees when the board refused to act on other cuts first. And it was reported that the county may avoid a health-insurance rate increase for a fourth year. The personnel committee meeting Thursday, July 9, covered many topics. “The schedule is a month behind,” Andrea Jerrick, employee relations director, said at the start of the meeting. “Last year, the committee started reviewing staffing plans the first week in August. This year, I anticipate that won’t start until the end of August.” “There is a need for clear directions on the county’s goals,” Jerrick continued.
“The employees need to know what the philosophy of the county board is on the budget. There have been different approaches presented.” Jerrick was referring to the fact that the executive committee has not met to set out the guidelines for the 2010 budget and staffing process. That meeting should have been held by June 15, under county policy. It will be held on July 21. “I don’t support your resolution at all,” Russ Arcand, chair of the personnel committee, said to Supervisor Herschel Brown. “We don’t start with cutting the employees’ wages and benefits. We should have started with the nonrepresented employees. The board voted down that step. We are doing this backwards. We have binding agreements made with the employees in good faith.” Brown was asking committee support for a county board resolution directing the personnel committee to reopen contract talks with the unions on the agreements covering 2009 through 2011. Arcand was referring to the county board’s action in June when it defeated,
by a vote of 11 in favor and 12 against, a resolution that would have suspended a July 1 wage increase for the nonunion (mostly management) employees and reduced the mileage reimbursement for supervisors. Arcand went on to say that if the supervisors had started with reductions for themselves and management, he could see approaching the other employees. He said this resolution was the wrong starting point. “We must show reductions for others first,” Arcand said. “If last month’s resolution had passed, we would be talking now. We said no at the county board. The talks need to be done but not this way. It is totally backwards.” “The unions should help lead the way,” Brown said. “They are part of the community. If we make cuts for the nonreps and the board and the unions say no, then what?” “Then the layoff would come,” Arcand responded. Brown’s resolution is going to the county board in July with the support of
fellow personnel committee member Patricia Schmidt. “I don’t foresee an increase in healthinsurance premiums again this year,” committee member Gerald Newville said. “We have maintained a reserve of over $2 million in our fund for two years. The fund could stay above $2 million for the rest of the year. We don’t need to project a $100,000 increase. That will help the budget work now.” Newville was referring to the county’s health-insurance fund which had a balance of $2,227,955 on May 31. The fund went over the $2 million mark in August 2008 and has stayed above that level since. Newville called this an almost-excessive reserve. Arcand cautioned that it is too early to go on record with the recommendation of no premium increase, saying things could still change. The county pays 90 percent of the employee health premium.
Wayne’s denied a liquor license
by Mary Stirrat LUCK — For at least the third time Wayne’s Foods Plus in Luck has been denied a license to sell liquor, putting a halt to plans for an addition to the store. The village board last Wednesday, July 8, voted four to three to deny the application for a liquor license. If it’s any consolation to the business, this is the closest the vote has ever been. Early in the meeting store manager Bob Determan told the board, “There is not a day that goes by that I don’t get a request for wine or spirits.” There are currently 47 people employed at the Luck store, he said, adding that the store was “clean and friendly,” and that it offered “unparalleled customer service.” Should the liquor license be granted, he said, a 1,500-square-foot secure addition would have been built, with five to six employees added. Local contractors would be hired for the construction, and the current space allocated to beer could be used for additional grocery inventory. Not only that, said Determan, the property would be reassessed and the village would see additional tax revenue. Kent Petersen, owner of the Bottle Shop at the corner of Main Street and
About 30 people attended the July 8 meeting of the Luck Village Board to protest the board’s plans to purchase acreage by Little Butternut Lake for an industrial park and to discuss issuing a liquor license to Wayne’s Foods Plus. Kent Petersen, standing, is owner of the Bottle Shop on Luck’s Main Street and spoke against issuing the liquor license. — Photo by Mary Stirrat Hwy. 48, voiced his opposition to the idea of approving a liquor license for Wayne’s. He told the board that, unlike Wayne’s or the local bars and restaurants, his only source of revenue is offsale alcohol. “We’ve got a town here of 1,200 or 1,300 people,” he said. “I just don’t think there’s enough to go around. Some-
body’s going to end up going out of business.” Already, said Petersen, he is facing some stiff competition with the local bars and restaurants being able to sell off-sale until midnight, whereas he must close his store at 9 p.m. In all, added Don Tomlinson from the audience, there are five establishments in
Luck that sell off-sale. Also questioning the idea was Cris Moore of Thrivent Financial. “It’s liquor store vs. liquor store,” he admitted, “and I guess free enterprise is free enterprise.” However, said Moore, what might be lost is people coming to Main Street. “I just have a problem any time we give people a reason not to come down to Main Street,” he said. “Main streets in most small towns are slowly dying. Anything that moves that way is a problem for me. “I would hate to see another nail in the coffin.” Voting to deny a liquor license to Wayne’s were village President Nancy Webster-Smith and trustees Marsha Jensen, Jen Nelson and Steve Nielsen, while voting in favor were trustees Gene Cooper, Peter Demydowich and Lori Pardun. Prior to the vote, Demydowich said that an expansion like that proposed at Wayne’s is a way to provide needed increases in the tax base. The project would provide local contractors with work, would employ people and create additional property-tax revenue, he said.
Students propose after-school program
Gene Cooper gives hydrant fee history
by Mary Stirrat LUCK — Two Luck students are hoping to host an after-school program at the old Luck Library building this fall, and last week their proposal was brought to the Luck Village Board at its July 8 meeting. Kalley Lunsmann, who will be in seventh grade this fall, and Erin Frank, who will be in fifth grade, would run the program five days a week through the school year. Kalley, who attended the meeting, said it would be for second- through fifthgraders “who do not feel comfortable being home alone.” Erin’s mother would be a chaperone, she said, and the programwould include snack time and various activities. The building is currently empty and for sale, and Kalley said that they are holding garage sales to raise the money for the snacks, chairs, tables and decorations. In response to a question from the board, she said that the building would not be used as a gymnasium.
Kalley Lunsmann, who will be a seventh-grader at Luck this fall, spoke with the village board about opening an after-school program in the old library building. — Photo by Mary Stirrat “The property is for sale,” said village President Nancy Webster-Smith. “We will have to consider that as well.” The proposal was referred to the police and property committees for further investigation.
Hydrant fee Trustee Gene Cooper took to task residents claiming that the method of charging for fire hydrant rental was changed in order to hire a village administrator. The timing makes it easy to link the two — village Administrator Kristina Handt was hired last fall, and this year the hydrant rental is showing up as a new fee on the water and sewer bill. In the past, the fee was included in property taxes, but state statutes allow it to be billed as a user charge instead. Cooper, saying he’s heard many comments about the situation, provided copies of a memo he presented to the village board in September 2003, at least four years before discussions on hiring a village administrator began. In it he proposed that the cost be taken out of the property taxes and included as a service fee on the water and sewer bill. At that time, Cooper pointed out that nearly 60 properties in the village were not served by the hydrant system yet were being charged for it on their property-tax bill. He also said that nine taxexempt properties had hydrant service yet were not paying anything for it. Removing the fire hydrant rental from
the property taxes and placing it on the water bill, he said back in 2003, would “place the burden of the hydrant benefits upon only those who benefit, including the tax-exempt properties.” He admitted in his memo that the “downside” of the proposal was that the quarterly water bills would increase. Other business • The board voted to pay one-third the cost of the jackets for Winter Carnival royalty, amounting to $105, and $800 for an ad in the Wisconsin Indianhead Country booklet. The amounts are included in the 2009 advertising and promotion budget. • The hiring of Kristi Stroubusch as a part-time police officer was approved. • Upon recommendation of the parks and recreation committee, the village play equipment at the corner of 8th Street and Park Avenue will be removed and placed at Fort Luck. The piece of equipment with the slide at Fort Luck is unsafe and will be removed. • The board voted four to three against establishing a committee of the whole to meet once a month.
Unity uses stimulus funding for online learning
Teacher recalled for prekindergarten program by Mary Stirrat BALSAM LAKE — Federal stimulus money gave Unity principals the opportunity to revisit online curriculum they looked at last year but put on the back burner due to its cost. Elementary Principal Wayne Whitwam and middle school Principal Elizabeth Jorgensen told the Unity School Board Tuesday night, July 14, that the Compass online learning program would qualify for purchase with stimulus funding and would be a great addition to the tools available to students. Stimulus dollars cannot be used to supplant funding for an existing program, said Jorgensen, and must be used for something that the district will continue into the future. Jorgensen presented a sample of the Compass program, which offers short, interactive lessons in math, language arts, social studies and science. The program adjusts to each individual student, targeting the areas they need additional practice in to gain skill. As a student masters a skill, the program takes him or her to a different skill.
If the student makes a mistake, the program provides an explanation of the problem and allows another try. Several different explanations are given, if needed, to determine where the student is having difficulty, then the program targets that specific area. Teachers can print out reports on any or all students to find out which subject areas they have used, where they had problems, and what levels they are at. Compass will not replace teaching time, said Jorgensen, but will provide a productive use of downtime. The program will be accessible from any computer with Internet, and each child will have a password. Ninety percent of families enrolled at Unity have Internet access at home, said Jorgensen, and accommodations can be made for the other 10 percent, who have access at the library or often at the home of an extended-family member. “We do believe it will increase student achievement,” said Whitwam. Purchasing the program involves a one-time cost of $43,504 and annual fees of $3,680. “I do think it fits the niche that’s been identified,” said district Administrator Brandon Robinson regarding the conditions on the stimulus money. The board approved the purchase,
County board to look at vehicle tax Polk budget process starts a month late by Gregg Westigard BALSAM LAKE – The Polk County Board will consider adopting a $20 vehicle registration fee at its monthly meeting Tuesday, July 21. The evening meeting, which will also look at resolutions to reduce mileage payments for board members, will be preceded by a long-delayed meeting of the executive committee. That session will set guidelines for the 2010 budget process. The 6:30 p.m. board meeting at the government center in Balsam Lake is open to the public. A vehicle registration fee is one of the only revenue sources a county is allowed to collect. The annual fee would apply to all automobiles and to trucks with a weight under 8,000 pounds registered in Wisconsin and kept in Polk County. The fee would be collected by the state and would be collected for five years. Funds from the vehicle tax would be used to maintain the county’s highways and bridges, according to the resolution submitted by Supervisor Gerald Newville. Two other resolutions on the short agenda relate to the county budget. One would reduce the mileage reimburse-
ment rate paid to county board members and committee members to 75 percent of the allowed IRS rate. A similar proposal was part of a resolution that was defeated by the board in June. The other, submitted by Herschel Brown and Patricia Schmidt, would authorize the personnel committee to meet with the unions representing county employees to reopen the contracts covering wages and benefits. Those agreements cover the years 2009 through 2011. The 4 p.m. meeting of the executive committee is supposed to establish guidelines for the 2010 budget process. County policy says the meeting was to be held by June 15. The executive committee, composed of the county board chair and the chairs of the 10 governing committees and boards, is directed to provide guidance to the county departments as they prepare their budgets and staffing plan requests for the coming year. The proposed 2010 budget and staffing-plan must be presented to the county board in mid-October. The board meeting will include a presentation on the county’s restorative justice program and a report on the audit of the county’s finances for 2008. All county board meetings include a period for public comment.
Luck Lions deed turnover
The deed turnover/fundraiser, on Saturday, July 11, was to officially turn the ownership of the DBS hall to the Lions Club. The president of the Danish Brotherhood Society is shown having just handed over the deed for the building to the Lions Club president. Shown (L to R) are Bob Dueholm, Millie Erickson, Phil Warhol and Ron Erickson. - Special photo
using stimulus money that has been allocated to Unity for its reading and math programs. The annual fee will be covered through the after-school program, special education funding, and the reading and math programs. Teacher recall Due to higher-than-expected enrollment, the school board voted to recall prekindergarten teacher Ashley Parent, who was laid off earlier this year. There are currently 76 students enrolled in the Busy Bugs prekindergarten program, with four teachers, which works out to about 19 in each class. Adding another teacher will mean about 15 children in each of the five classes. “We have solid ground to recall a prekindergarten teacher,” said Whitwam. Another recall may occur in August, when the board looks at first-grade enrollment numbers. Those numbers could be higher than expected also, with 88 students currently registered. There are currently five teachers in place for that grade, putting 17 to 18 students in a class, which could jeopardize SAGE funding for small class size. Since the end of the school year, said Whitwam, first-grade enrollment has fluctuated between 83 and 90. If enrollment drops to below 83, then current staffing will be adequate. At 88, however, an additional teacher will be warranted, and teacher Kate Maki will be called back. Budget update School administration and the budget/finance committee continue to work on the 2009-10 budget, said Robinson. Approval of the state budget has solidified some of the details, but not all. Unity’s revenue limit — the amount it can collect from property taxes and state aid — has been reduced by $88,000 for the 2009-10 school year. The annual increase in per-pupil spending allowed by the state has been cut from $275 to $200. In addition, the district will see a 15percent decrease in state aid, from $2,671,385 last year to $2,265.99. For
each of the past three school years, Unity has seen a 10-percent reduction in state aid. On the other hand, the school will receive $130,895 in state aid to highpoverty districts. If put against the decrease in state aid, the net loss of aid for 2009-10 is 10.3 percent, which is about the norm, said Robinson. Pieces still missing are the equalized valuation of property within the district and actual enrollment numbers. At this very preliminary time, however, said Robinson, it looks like the tax mill rate will increase from $8.30 per $1,000 in equalized property values to $8.70 per $1,000. Unity’s stimulus allocation, expected to be around $330,000, will provide a “one-year reprieve,” said Robinson. About half of the funds will be used to offset special education costs, freeing up general funds usually needed to cover these costs. Other business • Jorgensen reported on the peer review of the science and Spanish programs that took place last spring, saying that both were very favorable. The review, done by educators from other schools, includes strengths and weaknesses in a number of areas as well as strategic plans for improvements. • Johnson Controls was selected as the energy-performance contract company, with a bid of about $23,000. The firm will do an energy audit to identify possible areas of energy savings within the school. Any improvements the district makes as a result of the audit are paid for through guaranteed energy savings. • Robinson reported that 425 students have participated in summer school, which is the highest number in three years. Yet to come are a summer physical-education opportunity in July and a week of summer school in August that is designed to help interested students get ready for the school year. • Whitwam praised the 40 volunteers who helped with the playground improvement project July 11.
Duffy announces run for Congress
HAYWARD - Sean Duffy announced his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives in Hayward on Wednesday, July 8. Duffy was raised in Hayward, and for the past seven years has been the district attorney for Ashland County. Duffy says he has never strayed far from his Wisconsin roots. His great, great-grandfather was one of the state’s early pioneers and a laborer for the Northwestern Lumber Company. His great-great-grandfather, one of the city of Hayward’s founding settlers, was a sawyer for 27 years. Four generations later, he’s carrying on the family tradition Sean Duffy and his family. – Special photo as a nationally recognized professional lumberjack athlete. He has been a color commentator for ward, and having experienced a quintesESPN’s Great Outdoor Games, as well as sential small-town childhood, he wanted a Badger State Games Honorary Athlete nothing less for his own family. Now, 9and he takes pride in bringing national year-old Evita, 7-year-old Jack, 5-yearattention to a sport with vital roots in old Lucia-Belen, 3-year-old John-Paul, and 1-year-old Paloma are growing up Wisconsin’s proud history. Among Wisconsin’s younger voters, surrounded by the idyllic beauty and Duffy is well-known for having been cast solid values of northwestern Wisconsin. For more information on Duffy’s camon MTV’s iconic reality show, “The Real please visit World.” It was through the show that he paign, www.duffyforcongress.com. - from met his wife, Rachel Campos. Most of Duffy’s very large family (he’s www.wis-news.com the 10th of 11 siblings) still lives in Hay-
Syren Area Garden Club annual garden tour SIREN – The Syren Garden Club is holding its annual tour on Sunday, Aug. 2, from noon to 5 p.m. There are many garden varieties, from cottage to shade gardens and numerous perennials on display. There are 11 gardens on the tour this year, and the cost is $5 per person, children under 18 free and seniors over 55
just $4. All proceeds will be used to maintain and purchase perennials for the Lilac Community Garden in downtown Siren. The following gardeners will have their gardens on the tour: Dean and Shelly Roland, Mike and Ladonna Kelly, Steve and Ruth Anderson, Kay and Galen Daniels, Cindy Vilstrup and Greg
Miller, Barry and Mary Jane Stewart, Richard and Sherry Estensen, Sandy Wickman, Bob and Trish Berquist, Duane and Virginia Catt and Cameron Stone. Viewing these gardens and talking to their owners will give you many creative ideas for your own gardening endeavors.
A free map and list of the gardens on display can be obtained from Adventures Restaurant, Timberland Gifts and the Siren Farmers Market, on Saturdays, or by calling Joan Jendro at 715-653-4242 or Carla Phillips at 715-349-8386. – submitted
Rock garden on a previous garden tour. – Photos submitted
Siren Class of 1968 A free map and list of the gardens on display can be obtained from Adventures Restaurant, Timberland Gifts and Siren Farmers Market on Saturdays.
Kevin McMullin performing in Siren
The Siren Class of ’68 celebrated its 41st reunion Saturday, June 27, at the home of Jim and Jill (Ramsdell) Anderson. Seated (L to R) are: Pat Demulling, Wanda Taylor, Carolyn Marlow, Rosemary Peterson, Steve (Pete) Tjader and Barb Burford. Standing are: Brian McBroom, Sandra Churchill, Jill Anderson, Carol Krauss, Elton Morse, Vicky Anderson, William Lamphere and Larry Tucker. Carol Benson and Charlene Nedland attended, but left before the photo was taken. – Photo by Bonnie Tjader
SIREN – Entertainer Kevin McMullin will be performing in Siren’s Crooked Lake Park band shell Thursday, July 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. McMullin’s performance is a combination of music and narrative, humor and drama, using traditional and original material. His material is said to resonate with audiKevin McMullin
ences of every generation and background. To read more on McMullin visit his Web site at www.kevinmcmullin.com. In case of rain, the Siren school auditorium is the alternate location for the show. Burnett County Adult Day Services will be providing refreshments. Agstar Home Mortgage, Chattering Squirrel Coffee Café, Daniels Plumbing & Heating and Syren General Store are the business sponsors. – Brenda Sommerfeld with submitted information
Girl Scouts care for veterans and recycling
Grantsburg Girl Scouts participated in the Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys Community Service project Caps Off with Girl Scouts. They joined forces with AVEDA to collect plastic bottle caps for a new recycling initiative. AVEDA will create a second life for the discarded plastic caps by making tops for future products. The girls learned what they could do at home and school to save energy in the U.S. The girls enjoyed this activity and feel that they need to continue. The rules are that the caps must be plastic and screw on to the bottle. No margarine or cottage cheese pop-on caps allowed. If you save these caps for the Girl Scouts you may give them to any girl in troops 50226, 500020, 53511, 51259, 51977 or 52534, or their troop leaders Diane Barton, Theresa Andersen, Tammi Horky or Stephanie Martini.
The Girl Scouts in troops 50226, 50020, 53511, 51259, 51977 and 52534 made personal care packages for the veterans at the Minneapolis Veterans Hospital. They made 15 packages, 10 for men and five for women that are brought in under emergency situations and arrive without having been able to bring anything with them. The girls would like to extend gratitude to all the veterans that have served their country in peace and in war. – Photos submitted
Adventures Restaurant and Pub in Siren donates to Moms for Kids
Experience Life at
The Royal Oaks Senior Community The Royal Oaks Independent Senior Community has now added Certified Individualized Assisted Living to our warm, welcoming environment. Helping Seniors feel at home in their living environment, giving you the opportunity to enjoy your lifestyle and maintain your independence.
Give us a call to see what The Royal Oaks can offer you or your loved one. The Royal Oaks, Inc., 304 8th Avenue East, Osceola, WI 54020. 715-294-1600.
490949 47L
The Royal Oaks provides: • Spacious Private Apartments • Fellowship • 24-Hour On-site Staff • Environment designed to meet changing needs • Emergency Response System • Assistance as needed • Independence By being certified Assisted Living we can offer your whatever assistance you may need as it becomes necessary so there is no need to move from your apartment.
Sharon D’Jock (L), president of Moms for Kids, recently accepted a check for $185 from Juli Kannenberg, owner of Adventures Restaurant and Pub, Siren. The money was raised Mother’s Day at the restaurant. They donated $1 to Moms for Kids for every mother that came in. Fudge made by Judi Trigg at neighboring Timberland Gifts and Goods was also given to each mother. The money will be used by Moms for Kids for scholarships and other projects benefiting Siren’s schoolchildren. – Photo by Nancy Jappe
Memorial fund set up for Glienke family WEBSTER – A memorial fund has been set up for the family of Amber M. Glienke at U.S. Bank in Webster. Glienke passed away unexpectedly June 14 at the young age of 24. Glienke was a Webster High School graduate, wife, mother, and was employed at the Black and Orange. She leaves behind her husband, Brad, and their three small children, Alex, 6, Konnor, 4 and Keigan, who will be 2 in August.
490842 47r,L
Currently, Brad Glienke works construction on homes and is unemployed at this time. Donations to help the family pay for funeral expenses and daily living expenses can be mailed to: Amber Glienke Memorial, U.S. Bank, P.O. Box 47, Webster, WI 54893, or dropped off in person at the U.S. Bank branch in Webster. –Tammi Milberg
490750 47L
Former local man to appear on “Wisconsin Gardener”
Wisconsin Public Television show “Wisconsin Gardener” will be airing a segment visiting with former Unity graduate Stuart Baker and his cecropia moths. Baker and his wife, Debra (Moslet) Baker, have been raising cecropia moths for the past 10 years at their home in Madison. “Wisconsin Gardener’s” host, Shelley Ryan, will show gardeners that cecropias are not dangerous to the garden, either as caterpillars or moths, and should not be destroyed. The program will be showing on Wisconsin Public Television Thursday, July 23, at 7:30 p.m. – Photo submitted
More defendants sentenced in tribal drug investigation MADISON – Stephen P. Sinnott, acting United States Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin, announced that two more defendants were sentenced Tuesday, July 14, in the St. Croix tribal drug investigation: George Rainey, 29, Rice Lake and Bruce Rainey, 30, Eau Claire. United States District Judge James T. Moody, a visiting judge for the Northern District of Indiana, sentenced the defendants for their role in distributing crack cocaine on St. Croix tribal lands from approximately January 2001 through September 2008. Moody sentenced George Rainey to 14 years in federal prison without parole, and sentenced Bruce Rainey to 17 years, six months in federal prison without parole. These two defendants are the seventh and eighth defendants sentenced as a result of this investigation into drug deal-
ing on St. Croix tribal lands. The previous defendants sentenced are set forth in sidebar. Defendants Andrew Sonnenberg, Diana Martin and Margrette Cobb have also pleaded and sentencing hearings will be scheduled in the near future. These two defendants, and other members of the conspiracy, worked together to obtain and distribute crack cocaine on St. Croix tribal lands from at least January 2001 through September 2008. Each of the members of the conspiracy, at various times, traveled with Jean Sonnenberg to obtain crack cocaine from her sources in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn., area. The drugs were then sold to customers on tribal lands in northwestern Wisconsin. During the first several months of 2008, an individual working with law enjorcement officers
purchased crack cocaine from these five defendants on several occasions. Each of these purchases was recorded by law enforcement officers. Sinnott stated that Tuesday’s sentencings were the result of a long-term investigation being conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation-Narcotics Bureau; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the St. Croix Tribal Police Department; the Rice Lake Police Department; Name Joseph Merrill Manley L. Williams Christifer Sonnenberg Jean Sonnenberg Bruce Sonenberg Amanda Sonnenberg
the Barron County Sheriff’s Department; the Burnett County Sheriff’s Department; the Polk County Sheriff’s Department; the Native American Drug and Gang Initiative; and the Wisconsin State Patrol. Sinnott stated that the investigation is continuing and additional indictments and arrests are expected. Prosecution of these cases have been handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney John W. Vaudreuil. – from the office of the U.S. Attorney Western District of Wisconsin
Crime of conviction Distribution of crack cocaine Distribution of crack cocaine Distribution of crack cocaine Conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine Conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine Distribution of crack cocaine
Sentence imposed 4 years 8 years, 4 months 5 years, 6 months 19 years, 7 months 24 years, 4 months 3 years, 10 months
Rough night ends in arrest for 21-year-old woman AMERY – Megan Norlund, 21, Luck, was arrested and charged with battery, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct on July 12, shortly before midnight. Police were called to Uncle Bob’s bar that night with a report of a woman who was fighting with the bartender. When police arrived, the bartender, also a woman, and pregnant, showed the officer a handful of hair Norlund had allegedly pulled from the bartender’s
head. Norlund had just left the bar. The officer went outside to look for her, finding her hiding in a large trash receptacle. The officer instructed her to get out of it, which she did, but upon seeing the bartender, who was nearby, she reportedly “went after her” again. The officer put Norlund across the hood of a truck. Norlund resisted, making a fist and kicking at the officer’s groin. The officer put handcuffs on Nor-
Fairgrounds fight ends with arrest ST. CROIX FALLS - Adrian Mattson, 21, Luck, was charged on July 12 with substantial battery. Police were called to the St. Croix Regional Medical Center that night where a man had been taken after a fight at the Polk County Fairgrounds. Witnesses who were also at the hospital reported to the officer that Mattson had kicked the alleged victim in the face and knocked him out. Mattson was
lund behind her back, while she allegedly continued to kick and scream at him. She was then put in the back of the squad car. The officer went into the bar and was told that Norlund and her boyfriend had been arguing. A man in the bar was laughing and Norlund thought it was at her. She dumped a beer over the man’s head. She was then asked to leave. She did go outside, but threw a bottle and a cocktail glass against the front door. She then allegedly came back in the bar, pushed the bartender up against the bar
already in the Polk County jail, charged with OWI at about 1:40 a.m. The officer went to the jail to question him. Mattson said he had tried to stop the fight and admitted punching the alleged victim in the face. The hospital reported McGrath had several facial fractures. Mattson was charged with substantial battery. — with information from the Polk County sheriff’s department
and pulled out a large clump of hair from her head. At this point, the officer heard Norlund banging her head and screaming in the squad car. He went out and told her to stop and warned her that she would be sprayed if she didn’t. She didn’t stop and the officer used pepper spray. Norlund stopped banging her head but continued screaming. They rinsed her face to help with the burning and then took her to the jail. — with information from the Polk County Sheriff’s Dept.
Clean air zone
Van Hollen announces settlement in Rusk County case MADISON – Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced recently that his office has settled a case with Gerald O’Driscoll involving the illegal fill of a wetland lake bed on O’Driscoll’s Lake Pulaski property. In the complaint filed in the Rusk County Circuit Court on July 11, 2008, the Department of Justice alleged that O’Driscoll violated state water pollution laws by placing fill, sand and yard waste on the bed of a navigable water, Lake Pulaski, and by discharging into the shoreline wetland on his Rusk County lake property. O’Driscoll agreed to and has accomplished removal of the illegal fill. In ad-
dition, he is ordered to pay forfeitures and penalties totaling $5,000. “The law is clear. Those wishing to fill lake beds and wetlands must seek a permit from the Department of Natural Resources,” said Van Hollen. “This process ensures the state’s waters are protected, for the benefit of Wisconsin citizens and the environment.” Assistant Attorney General Cynthia R. Hirsch prosecuted the case. The settlement was approved by Rusk County Circuit Court Judge Frederick A. Henderson. - from the office of the state attorney general
Three Polk County youths were on hand in Superior on Friday, July 10, to see Gov. Jim Doyle declare an area business a clean-air zone. Hillary Porter, Amery, and Jessica Kutina and Elizabeth Ebensperger, both of Balsam Lake, watched as The Shack Smokehouse and Grille went smoke free a year ahead of the statewide smoking ban set for July 5, 2010. For more information on the new smoke-free air law, contact the Polk County Tobacco Free Coalition at 715485-8517. - Special photo
Burnett County sheriff’s report Accidents July 6: John E. Schneider Jr., 16, Siren, was nouthbound on Hwy. 48 in Grantsburg Township when he lost control of his vehicle, left the roadway and hit a culvert, flipping the vehicle onto its roof. The driver and a passenger were transported to the hospital for injuries. The vehicle was severely damaged during the acci-
dent. The driver was cited for inattentive driving. July 7: Samuel D. Boustead, 20, Holyoke, Minn., was driving an escort vehicle for Monarch Paving in the construction zone on Hwy. 70 when he backed the truck he was driving into the vehicle driven by Jonathan J. Young, 48, San Francisco, Calf., who was stopped, waiting for the escort vehicle to lead him
Polk Co. marriage license Sarah J. Lemieux, Frederic, and Jashua J. Reuter, Hastings, Minn., issued July 9. Andrea M. Lakeberg, Farmington, and Shane M. Whalen, Farmington, issued July 10.
Amanda L. Daniels, Eau Claire, and Jacob A. Bennett, Eau Claire, issued July 10. Katie R. Langman, Sioux Falls, S.D., and Michael A. Thiry, Sioux Falls, S.D., issued July 10.
through the construction zone. There were no injuries or citations reported. July 10: Adam C. Pardun, 27, Wahkon, Minn., was westbound on Hwy. 70 in Daniels Township when he reported hitting a deer. There were no reported injuries.
July 10: Benjamin R. Stewart, 30, Siren, was southbound on Range Line Road in Wood River Township when he reported hitting a deer. No injuries were reported. July 12: Renee L. Schlittler, 21, Eagan, Minn., was eastbound on Lake 26 Road in Swiss
Polk County deaths Wanda M. Monchilovich, 73, June 12, 2009, McKinley Township Alvin J. Schommer, 94, June 12, 2009, Frederic Mildred L. Bayliss, 93, June 18, 2009, Amery Janic B. Nelson, 59, June 24, 2009, Clear Lake
Roxanne M. Peterson, 45, June 24, 2009, San Antonio, Texas Beatrice A. Carlson, 84, June 25, 2009, Amery Arlene J. Elmer, 81, June 26, 2009, Amery Clifford N. Winberg, 85, June 27, Emerald
Township when she lost control negotiating a curve, left the roadway and hit a tree, flipping the vehicle onto its roof. The driver reported swerving to miss a deer. Two citations were issued and two injuries were reported.
July 13: Chad J. Morse, 33, Siren, was westbound on CTH B in Siren Township when he reported hitting a deer. There were no injuries reported.
Burnett Co. 4-H Leaders Assoc. would like to thank the following for their donations & assistance with the Central Burnett County Fair 4-H Food Stand: Wayne’s Foods Plus; Burnett Dairy; Kinetico; Lindy’s Berries; Bill Summer; Sharon Moretter; Webster Athletic Assoc.; Alex & Will. 491126 47L
Garage Sales/ Real Estate FREDERIC FARMERS MARKET OPENING SATURDAY, JULY 18, 2009 8 a.m. - Noon
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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.
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1689 243rd Ave., Luck, Wis.
715-327-8322 405361 6Ltfc 48atfc
Energy efficient, 944 q. ft., finished 2 BRs, 1 bath, look out split-entry with attached 2-car garage. All appliances included. 1.74-acre lot in West Denmark Estates.
Call today for showing. Gary Brunclik Construction,
Large 2-Bedroom, Downtown, Upstairs Apartment Air conditioned, hot water, water & sewer, normal garbage included. No pets.
688 Moody Road, St. Croix Falls
491077 47L
488204 42Ltfc 32a,dtfc
Don Tomlinson Work, 715-472-2299 • Home, 715-472-2368
109 Pearl St., Balsam Lake
No Maintenance!!
1-BR Apartment In Balsam Lake
Includes: water, sewer, garbage pickup, coin laundry. No pets.
375/month plus deposit
All Furnished Ground-Floor Efficiency Apartment In Balsam Lake
Includes: water, garbage pickup, cable, no smoking, no pets. Clean & quiet.
400/month plus deposit
800/mo. rent/
$ 490424 46-47Lp 36-37a,dp
490462 36-37a,d 36w 47-48L
Plus utilities and deposit. Small pets considered with pet deposit. Call for application.
491034 47-48L 37a,d
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sat., July 18,
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
In Centuria
490722 36a,dp 47Lp
Fri. & Sat., July 17 & 18
option to buy/ owner financing 2 BRs, 1-1/2 baths, attached garage.
715-825-4497 491038 47L 37d
445101 8a-etfcp 19Ltfc
Frederic Housing Authority Low Income, Elderly & Disabled HUD Subsidized Projects Utilities included, secured building and minimal security deposit.
For An Application, Please Stop By The Golden Oaks Office At 104 3rd Ave., Frederic, WI, Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Or For Additional Information Or Questions, Please Call: Frederic - 715-327-8490 490275 46-47L 36-37a Luck - 715-472-2032
Garage included. SECURED BLDG. No pets. No smoking. 43Ltfc 33atfc www.fredericapartments.com 488596
Call Carol at 715-472-8670
or 715-554-0009
80 acres in McKinley Township, 12 miles east of Luck. Prime deer, turkey, goose and duck hunting. Oak ridges and new-growth poplar valleys for deer browsing. Two natural ponds and Clam River runs through it. Borders 2,500 acres of Polk County forestland.
For Sale By Owner
Phone 715-349-2457
490563 36a-ep 47Lp
plete HSED or GED, alcohol assessment, $185.04. Corey S. Bearheart, 41, Webster, criminal damage to property, $190.50 restitution, , $181.93; OWI, $677.00, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment. William J. Bearhart, 32, SAndstone, Minn., disorderly conduct, 45-day jail sentence, $88.00. Darlene M. Matrious, 52, Danbury, disorderly conduct, one-year probation, no abusive contact with victim, $188.00. Bennett J. Taylor Sr., 42, Danbury, disorderly conduct, 10day jail sentence, Huber release granted, alcohol assessment, $188.00. Aaron S. Holmstrom, 23, Waupun, 23, disorderly conduct, one-year probation, $8.00 restitution, $88.00. Jacoby R. Mosher, 18, Danbury, disorderly conduct, $309.00. Charles D. Coon, 31, Siren, operating while revoked, 30-day jail sentence, Huber release granted. Alexander L. Bryan, 22, Minneapolis, Minn., criminal trespass to dwelling, two-year probation, four-month jail sentence, forfeiture of 1993 Lincoln, $738.00, alcohol treatment, $250.00; possession of THC, two-year probation, six-month license suspension, four-month
jail sentence, consecutive to other jail sentence, $250.00. Buck R. Zehner, 33, Webster, issue worthless check, $309.00. Rachel D. Tober, 16, St. Croix Falls, OWI, $803.00, license revoked eight months, alcohol assessment. Terry R. Fish, 17, Webster, OWI, $677.00, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment. Crystal M. Brady, 28, Grantsburg, inattentive driving, $123.00. Michelle A. McPhillips, 47, Danbury, inadequate or defective brakes, $123.00. Nickilas E. Meister, 25, Maplewood, Minn., operate vehicle in navigable water, $123.00. Donald E. Kline, 47, Hayward, possession of marijuana, $309.00. Ricky A. Mork, 48, Osceola, possession of amphetamine / LSD / Psilocin, two-year probation, six-month jail sentence, $88.00; possession of THC, twoyear probation, license revoked six months, $88.00. Cory R. Powell, 21, St. Paul, Minn., operating with PAC or .08 or more, 80-day jail sentence, Huber release granted, license revoked 24 months, alcohol assessment, $1,219.00. Bradley Lehmann, 33, Danbury, OWI, $1,030.00, five-day jail sentence, Huber release granted, license revoked 16 months, alcohol assessment.
Burnett County deaths Rita E. Heideman, 57, Scott, July 1.
(July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY HSBC MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC., Plaintiff, Vs. CLIFFORD HARPER and DARLA DIXON HARPER, husband and wife and JANE DOE and/or JOHN DOE unknown tenants; and BENEFICIAL WISCONSIN, INC., and LAMPERT YARDS, INC. Defendants Case No. 08-CV-233 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 3, 2008, in the amount of $170,927.96, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 25, 2009 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 7, Block 8, Original Plat of the City of Amery, Polk County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 224 Harriman Avenue South, Amery. TAX KEY NO.: 201004240000 Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County, WI O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt. 490459 WNAXLP
Notices (June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the auction of Charter Bank Eau Claire vs. Donald H. Bottolfson, et al, Polk County Case No. 08CV673, I will sell at public auction in the foyer area of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2009, AT 10 A.M. the following described premises, located in Polk County, Wisconsin: Lot Six of Certified Survey Map No. 5283 recorded in Volume 23 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 190 as Document No. 723208, being a division of Lot Four of Certified Survey Map No. 3911 recorded in Volume 17 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 174 and a division of Lot Six of Certified Survey Map No. 4897 recorded in Volume 22 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 4, located in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section Twelve, Township ThirtyThree North, Range Seventeen West, Town of Lincoln, Polk County, Wisconsin. Together with the 40 foot wide easement area for the benefit of Lot Six over and across the north 40 feet of Lot Seven of Certified Survey Map No. 5283, Volume 23, Page 190, Document No. 723208. Property Address: 1083 120th Street, Amery, Wis. Notice is further given that the successful purchaser will be responsible for the lien of real estate taxes, for the municipal charges, if any, the Wisconsin real estate transfer fee, and is responsible for obtaining possession of the property, which is sold “as is.” TERMS OF SALE: Cash with 10% to be paid at time of sale. Sheriff Timothy G. Moore Polk County, Wisconsin James Flory Wiley Law, S.C. 21 S. Barstow Street P.O. Box 629 Eau Claire, WI 54702-0629 Phone: 715-835-6171 Fax 715-835-4222
488428 WNAXLP
Leif M. Throngard, 24, Grantsburg, OWI, $904.00, license revoked 12 months, alcohol assessment, 10-day jail sentence, Huber release granted. Jon G. Isker, 42, Grantsburg, OWI, three-year probation, license revoked 36 months, 330day jail sentence, Huber release granted, must maintain employment, provide DNA sample, follow rules as order by probation, alcohol assessment. Lawrence J. Johnson Jr., disorderly conduct, one-year probation, no abusive contact with victim. $88.00. Erin R. Bearheart, 17, Webster, criminal damage to property, one-year probation, $970.37 restitution, must com-
488914 33a,dtfc 44Ltfc
Burnett County criminal court
Burnett County warrants Spooner, failure to pay fines, July 8. Mary L. Bilkasley, 49, Hayward, failure to pay fines, July 8. Tammy J. Bostrom, 26, Danbury, failure to pay fines, July 8. Tianna Z. Brodsky, 17, Shoreview, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 9. Arin M. Colalilo, 24, Luck, failure to pay fines, July 9. Maria L. Dearbin, 27, Webster, failure to pay fines, July 8. Aaron N. Dehl, 34, Webster, failure to pay fines, July 8. Norma B. Diver, 47, Sandstone, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Joseph D. Downing, 30, Turtle Lake, failure to pay fines, July 8. Brian L. Granger, 40, Brooklyn Park, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 9. Robert F. Harmon, 74, Spooner, failure to pay fines, July 9. Spencer T. Holden, 36, Eau
Claire, failure to pay fines, July 8. Tyler D. Jacobson, 19, Rogers, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Sadie M. Jirik, Jordan, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 9. David J. Kennedy, 39, Frederic, failure to pay fines, July 8. Michales E. Kravll, 29, Eagan, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Patrick A. Kurkowski, 54, Siren, failure to pay fines, July 8. Kelly E. Lamb, 26, Plymouth, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Aaron C. Lamson, 35, Webster, failure to pay fines, July 9. James J. Lee, 23, North Oaks, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. David R. Madsen, 57, Webb Lake, failure to pay fines, July 8. Michael M. Madsen, 28, Danbury, warrant - failure to appear, July 9. Jean F. Monn, 34, Webster, failure to pay fines, July 9. Allan J. Mosay, 19, Webster,
warrant - failure to appear, July 10. Heather A. Mulroy, 25, Almena, failure to pay fines, July 8. Robert J. Nelson, 26, Amery, failure to pay fines, July 8. Scott D. Nelson, no date of birth given, warrant - failure to appear, July 8. Daniel N. Osterby, 60, Wausau, failure to pay fines, July 8. Kim A. Parenteau, 53, Danbury, failure to pay fines, July 8. Darin Peterson, no date of birth given, Barronett, failure to pay fines, July 8. Farrah J. Pierre, 20, Milltown, failure to pay fines, July 9. Thomas G. Pittman, 47, Danbury, failure to pay fines, July 9. Jessy M. Rex, 29, Grantsburg, failure to pay fines, July 8. Richard Rice, 34, Green Bay, failure to pay fines, July 9. Lawrence V. Schaefer, 77, Roseville, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8.
Rosalia E. Schwamb, 21, Madison, failure to pay fines, July 8. Thomas W. Snyder, 23, Sandstone, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Brian L. Sternquist, 26, Webster, failure to pay fines, July 8. Renee J. Stine, 47, St. Michael, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 9. Darlene D. Stinehart, 51, Shell Lake, failure to pay fines, July 9. Aaron M. Stroot, 20, Siren, warrant - failure to appear, July 10. Curtis J. Sutherland, 20, Grantsburg, failure to pay fines, July 8. Nicholas G. Sweere, 26, Bloominton, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Krista L. Thompson, 20, Spooner, failure to pay fines, July 8. Sharon J. Villebrun, 42, Boyceville, failure to pay fines,
Siren police report stop at the stoplight on Hwy. 35/70 and CTH B at 11:11 a.m. Driver Richard M. Eggers, 56, Frederic, was going west on CTH B with the green light. Sol, who was northbound on Hwy. 35, went through the red light and hit the passenger side of the Eggers’ vehicle. July 13: Report of a possible Peeping Tom was investigated at 12:09 a.m.
(June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY HSBC MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC., Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM F. BOKENYI and SHERRI D. BOKENYI, husband and wife; and JANE DOE and/or JOHN DOE, unknown tenants, Defendants. Case No. 08-CV-608 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on October 17, 2008, in the amount of $199,967.55, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 4, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 32 of First Addition to Montriol Estates. Said land being in the City of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 684 S. Moody Road, St. Croix Falls. TAX KEY NO.: 281-1341-0000. Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County, Wis. O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.
(June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, Plaintiff, Vs. BRENT M. NIEMAN, and JOLENE L. NIEMAN, and WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, and KATHLEEN M. GIONIS, and CAPITAL ONE BANK, Defendants. Case No. 08 CV 799 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on January 26, 2009, in the amount of $144,565.65, I will sell the described premises at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wis., on: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m. TERMS OF SALE: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. DESCRIPTION: Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map No. 2300, Recorded in Volume Eleven (11) of Certified Survey Maps, page 7, Document No. 559128, located in the Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 of NE1/4), of Section Seven (7), Township thirty-six (36) North of Range Eighteen (18) West. PIN: 030-00166-0100. Street Address: 2863 230th Street, Cushing, Wis. 54006 Dated at Balsam Lake, Wis., this 2nd day of June 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin
(July 1, 8, 15) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY U.S. Bank National Association ND, Plaintiff, vs. James D. Gaudette and Cara L. Gaudette, Defendants. Case Classification: 30404 SUMMONS (For Publication) Case No. 09 CV 407 Hon. Robert H. Rasmussen THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to Defendant Cara L. Gaudette: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. This is a real estate foreclosure auction. Therefore, within 40 days after July 1, 2009, (60 days as to the United States of America), you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is Clerk of Court, Polk County Courthouse, 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, WI 54810 and to Ralph Moore, Plaintiff’s attorney whose address is 332 Minnesota Street, Suite W - 1650, St. Paul, MN 55101. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 40 days (60 days as to the United States of America), the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. The object of this action is to foreclose two mortgages each recorded with the Register of Deeds for Polk County, Wisconsin, on May 20, 2008, as Document Nos. 745642 and 745644. Date: June 26, 2009. STEIN & MOORE, P.A. By: s/ Ralph L. Moore ID #1046351 Attorneys for Plaintiff 332 Minnesota St. Suite W-1650 St. Paul, MN 55101 651-224-9683
Steven J. Swanson No. 1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
489791 WNAXLP
Steven J. Swanson #1003029 Attorney for Plaintiff 105 Washington Street South P.O. Box 609 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
garding an unreturned movie from Siren Auto Stop. Johnson must return the movie by July 17 or face a theft charge. Lucille M. Chelmo, 89, Siren, was cited for unsafe backing of her vehicle in the Siren Senior Center parking lot at 12:30 p.m. Kami A. Rudd, 26, Siren, was cited for speeding on Main and Ellis at 10:21 p.m. July 11: Kimberly N. Sol, 16, Osceola, was cited for failing to
488466 WNAXLP
(July 1, 8, 15) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN E. PHERNETTON and LESA M. PHERNETTON Defendants. SUMMONS Case No. 09 CV 412 Case Classification No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage TO: LESA M. PHERNETTON 621 220th Street Osceola, WI 54020 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within forty (40) days after July 1, 2009, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the Court, whose address is: Clerk of Court Polk County Justice Center 1005 West Main Street, Ste. 300 Balsam Lake, WI 54810 and to plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is: Steven J. Swanson 105 Washington Street South P.O. Box 609 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper Answer within forty (40) days after July 1, 2009, the Court may grant Judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Complaint and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Complaint. A Judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A Judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated the 25th day of June, 2009.
dall Neumann, Minneapolis, Minn., was reported on Hwy. 70 by Siren National Golf Course. July 7: A theft of money was investigated at 8:14 p.m. There is a possible suspect, but no citations were issued. July 8: Maria Arntson, 39, was cited for failure to stop at the stop sign on Ellis Avenue and Main Street at 11:03 p.m. July 10: Jessica Johnson, Eau Claire, was sent a letter re-
488669 WNAXLP
(July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs FORD G. FRIDAY, et al Defendants Case Number: 08 CV 731 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on February 13, 2009, in the amount of $139,579.20, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 18, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Outlots 93 and 94 of the Village of Clayton, a part of the Southwest 1/4 Southeast 1/4 of Section 24, Township 33 North, Range 15 West except: a) Records 212-529 b) Records 351-166 c) Records 384-385 d) Records 426-304 e) Records 441-530 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 239 E Clayton Avenue, Clayton, WI 54004. TAX KEY NO.: 112-00255-0000. Dated this 24th day of June, 2009. Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County Chaz M. Rodriguez State Bar #1063071 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C,. is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (158231)
489727 WNAXLP
July 4: A little black and white dog wearing a blue collar with no tags was found running around by the stoplights at 4:35 p.m. The officer on duty took the dog to the humane society shelter. Terry. R. Fish, Webster, was cited for operating after suspension at 7:45 p.m. in Crooked Lake Park. July 6: Theft of items from an unlocked motor vehicle belonging to Brenda Minder, Grantsburg, parked in Crooked Lake Park, was reported at 5:43 p.m. A car versus bear collision involving a vehicle driven by Ran-
489674 WNAXLP
July 1: A letter was sent to Joanne Klink, Grantsburg, reference returning movies that were due back to the video store by Feb. 3. Klink had until July 10 to return the movies or make arrangements for their return. July 3: A warning was given to Siren residents Ashley and James Burton regarding loud music and the accumulation of refuse/junked vehicles in their yard. The Burtons were given 10 days to clean up the yard or face an ordinance/violation citation.
July 9. Tina A. Widell, 36, Grantsburg, warrant - failure to appear, July 8.
Notices NOTICE
Notice is hereby given that the Balsam Lake Town meeting will be held on July 20, at 8 p.m. at the town hall. The agenda includes: Approval of bills and updates on town road projects. Approval request for building per491042 47L 37a mit request. Brian R. Masters, Clerk (July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. CLAYTON R. HENSCHKE, et al Defendants. Case Number: 08 CV 769 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on February 18, 2009, in the amount of $433,985.50, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 20, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main St., Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: Lot 6 of Certified Survey Map No. 1813 recorded on February 28, 1995, in Volume 8, Page 161, as Document No. 527587, being part of Government Lot 4, Section 7, Town 35 North, Range 16 West, in the Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wisconsin. Parcel 2: An Easement for the benefit of Parcel 1 for ingress and egress over that part of Government Lot 4, Section 7, Township 35 North, Range 16 West, in the Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as Outlot 1 of Certified Survey Map recorded February 28, 1995, in Volume 8 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 162, as Document No. 527588. Parcel 3: A 66-foot-wide private roadway easement for the benefit of Parcel 1 for ingress and egress as shown on the subject Certified Survey Maps over Government Lot 4, Section 7, Township 35 North, Range 16 West and Government Lot 1, Section 18, Township 35 North, Range 16 West, in the Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2222 117th St., Milltown, WI 54858. TAX KEY NO.: 026-00246-0060. Dated this 25th day of June, 2009. /s/Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County Chaz M. Rodriguez State Bar #1063071 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (158444)
489726 WNAXLP
Magan M. Martinson, 23, Webster, warrant - failure to appear, July 2. Scott E. O’Brien, 42, Webster, arrest warrant - complaint, June 30. Regina L. Polaski, 22, Webster, warrant - failure to appear, July 2. Craig A. Stevens, 36, Danbury, arrest warrant - complaint, June 30. Allan Woodrich, no date of birth given, warrant - failure to appear, June 2. Janet E. Andresen, 47, Siren, warrant - failure to appear, July 10. Brenda Aronson, no date of birth given, Grantsburg, warrant failure to appear, July 9. Cleona J. Beaulieu, 23, Redlake, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Lisa M. Benjamin, 27, Hinckley, Minn., failure to pay fines, July 8. Ronald R. Bideau, 28,
Vs. LUCAS R. SWAGER and HEATHER L. SWAGER, Defendants. Case No. 08 CV 879 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on January 27, 2009, in the amount of $111,289.53, I will sell the described premises at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin on: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m. TERMS OF SALE: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax.
Steven J. Swanson No. 1103029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
488464 WNAXLP
DESCRIPTION: Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), Except the South 15 feet thereof, Plat of Meadow Lane, Village of Centuria, Polk County, Wisconsin. PIN: 111-00343-0000. Street Address: 107 Meadow Lane, Centuria, WI 54824. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wis., this 2nd day of June, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin
(June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. SUSAN K. ROBERTS, et al Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 155 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on April 14, 2009, in the amount of $167,591.04, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: July 28, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Plat of Lamperts Addition, City of Amery, Polk County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 669 Otis Avenue, Amery, WI 54001. TAX KEY NO.: 201-01147-0000. Dated this 5th day of June, 2009 /s/Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (155576)
Voyager Village Inc. vs. Brooks W. Krueger, Danbury, $2,293.72.
TOWN OF WEST SWEDEN Notice Is Hereby Given That The Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting Will Be Held On Wed., July 22, 2009, At 6:30 p.m., At The Town Hall
490581 47L
Agenda: 1. Call meeting to order 2. Clerk and Treas. Reports 3. Any corrections on the printed agenda in the newspaper. 4. Public input 5. Old Business A. Noise Ordinance Discussion B. Comprehensive Plan Review C. Gentleman’s Club Ordinance Discussion 6. Employee report 7. Correspondence 8. New Business 9. Bills/vouchers 10. Set next meeting date 11. Move to adjourn Andrea Lundquist, Clerk
(July 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Plaintiff vs. Jane Kearns Robin Kearns Unknown Tenants Defendants SUMMONS Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Case No. 09 CV 411 Honorable Molly E. GaleWyrick Case Code: 30404 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the following party named as a defendant herein: Jane Kearns / Robin Kearns You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served on you, states the nature and the basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after July 15, 2009, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wis. Stat., to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Polk County Clerk of Circuit Court 1005 West Main Street Balsam Lake, WI 54810-9071 and to Chaz M. Rodriguez/ Blommer Peterman, S.C., plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is: Blommer Peterman, S.C. 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days from the date stated above, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 26th day of June, 2009 Chaz M. Rodriguez / Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1063071 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. (159559) 490583 WNAXLP
Diagnostic Radiology Association vs. Mary Abbott, Webb Lake, $1,407.03. Cach LLC vs. Deborah Olson, Danbury, $2,502.02. RMB Funding Inc. vs. Kathleen L. Heule, Danbury, $2,414.24.
(June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Archie and Kathy Lessard Family Limited Partnership, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Owen McKenzie, And KLC Financial, Inc., Defendant. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 09 CV 148 Case Code: 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage By virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on the 15th day of May, 2009, I will sell at public auction at the foyer area of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin, on the 25th day of August, 2009, at 10 a.m., all of the following described mortgaged premises, to-wit. Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE 1/ 4 SW 1/4), Section 22, Township 37 North, Range 17 West, lying West of State Highway #35, right lane, except the West 8 rods thereof. Town of West Sweden, Polk County, Wisconsin. Property Address: 3201 State Hwy. 35 North, Frederic, Wis. Terms of the sale: Cash due upon confirmation of sale. Down payment: Ten Percent (10%) of amount bid by certified check due at time of sale. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, this 29th day of May, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin GRINDELL LAW OFFICES, S.C. John Grindell P.O. Box 585 Frederic, WI 54837 715-327-5561 487949 Plaintiff’s Attorney WNAXLP (July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, Plaintiff, vs. GERALD R. WONDRA, JR., and ROYAL CREDIT UNION, Defendants. Case No. 08 CV 422 AMENDED NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on November 25, 2008, I will sell at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin, on: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m., all of the following described mortgaged premises, to-wit: The East 67 feet of Lot 3, Block B, Peterson’s Addition to the City of Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. PIN: 201-00503-0000. STREET ADDRESS: 218 South Street, Amery, Wisconsin. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DOWN PAYMENT: 10% of amount bid by cash or certified check. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, this 21st day of May, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin Steven J. Swanson No. 1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
Capital One Bank vs. Jean M. Didier, Webster, $3,073.59. Community Bank vs. Dana P. Clark, Danbury, $683.15. Discover Bank vs. Sandra Brenzier, Siren, $5,092.70.
Gary Kaefer vs. Travis Heller, Siren, $720.00. Gary Kaefer vs. Erica Stark, Webster, $417.80. Gary Kaefer vs. Sandy Clark, Danbury, $391.47.
Frederic police report The Frederic Police Department handled 110 incidents during the month of June. Incident Amount Abandoned property 1 Abandoned vehicle 1 Accident 1 Aid citizen 2 Alarm 1 Animal complaint 5 Assist motorist 1 Assist other department 1 Assist PCSD 1 Attempted forced entry 1 Background check 4 Bail jumping 2 Child custody complaint 1 Child neglect/abuse 1 Citation 12 Disorderly conduct 4
Disturbance EMS Fire Fireworks complaint Harassment Informational Juvenile Loitering Loud noise Medical OWI Paper service Recovered property Suicide attempt Suspicious activity Theft/larceny (UCR) Traffic enforcement Vehicle violation Warning traffic Total
1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 4 7 13 24 110
Burnett Co. marriage license Michael R. Ryan, Frederic, and Britta E. Anderson, Grantsburg, July 8.
Get the entire paper online with our e-edition. www.the-leader.net (July 15, 22, 29) WI009554 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY RESURGENCE FINANCIAL, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company Plaintiff, vs. DEREK G. BYSTROM 2114 210TH ST. CENTURIA, WI 54824 Defendant(s). PUBLICATION SUMMONS Case No. 09 CV 418 Case Code: 30301 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the said defendant(s): You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit against you. The Complaint, which is attached hereto, stated the nature and basis of the legal action. Within forty (40) days of 7/14/ 2009, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of Wis. Statutes, to the Complaint. The Court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: P.O. Box 549, 1005 W. Main St., Balsam Lake, WI 54810-0549 and the Legal Department of Resurgence Financial, LLC, whose address is 6980 N. Port Washington Rd., Suite 204, Milwaukee, WI 53217. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer to the Complaint or provide a written demand for said Complaint within forty (40) days, the Court may grant a judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated: July 6, 2009. RESURGENCE FINANCIAL, LLC By One of Plaintiff’s Staff Attorneys Robert I. Dorf State Bar No. 1027887 RESURGENCE FINANCIAL, LLC Legal Department 6980 N. Port Washington Rd. Suite 204 Milwaukee, WI 53217 877-694-7500 490584 WNAXLP WI009554
(July 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY AnchorBank, fsb, Plaintiff, vs. Roy Peckman and Mary Peckman, as husband and wife Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Case No: 08 CV 823 Case Code: 30304 Judge: Molly E. GaleWyrick PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on the 9th day of February, 2009, in the amount of $122,523.45, the Sheriff of Polk County will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: DATE/TIME: September 1, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 10% of successful bid must be paid to the Sheriff at sale in cash or by certified check. Balance due within 10 days of court approval. Purchaser is responsible for payment of all transfer taxes and recording fees. Sale is AS IS in all respects and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Polk County Sheriff’s Office, 1005 West Main St., Suite 900, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 54810. DESCRIPTION: A part of Government Lot 4, Section 3, Township 34 North, of Range 17 West, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north-south quarter line in said Section 3, that is 325 feet North of the 1/4 post between Section 3 and 10; thence West at right angles 488 feet; thence North parallel to the 1/4 line 125 feet; thence due East 488 feet to the 1/4 line; thence South 125 feet to the point of beginning. Said land being in the Village of Balsam, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 109 Idlewild Drive, Balsam Lake, WI 54810 /s/Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff ECKBERG, LAMMERS, BRIGGS, WOLFF & VIERLING, P.L.L.P. Nicholas J. Vivian #1047165 Attorney for Plaintiff 1809 Northwestern Avenue Stillwater, MN 55082 (651) 439-2878 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose.
490582 WNAXLP
(June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY SCHANON MORTGAGE, INC. 228 N. Keller Ave. Amery, WI 54001 Plaintiff vs. JOHN T. ARONSON and DEON M. ARONSON, his wife 1072 E. Neibel Lane Balsam Lake, WI 54810 Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Case No. 08 CV 74 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered in the above action on March 23, 2009, the undersigned Sheriff of Polk County, Wisconsin, will sell at public auction in the foyer area of the Polk County Justice Center, in the Village of Balsam Lake, State of Wisconsin on Tuesday, July 28, 10 a.m., the following described premises: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 9, Township 35 North, Range 16 West, Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wis. described as Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 3182 filed in Volume 14, page 204, as Document No. 602781. TERMS: Cash; subject to all unpaid property taxes, special assessments, penalties and interest. Buyer to pay transfer fee and costs of sheriff’s sale. DOWN PAYMENT: 10% of amount bid by certified check. BALANCE DUE: Within ten (10) days of confirmation of sale. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 963 Big Round Avenue, Luck, WI 54853. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, on June 5, 2009. Timothy Moore Polk County Sheriff Kenneth Wm. Jost Jost Law Office P.O. Box 54, Chetek, WI 54728 487947 WNAXLP
Burnett County civil court
490444 WNAXLP
488139 WNAXLP
490867 WNAXLP
(July 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP Plaintiff, vs. RUTH M. SCHADEWALD, et al. Defendants. Case Number: 06 CV 57 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on February 24, 2009, in the amount of $179,104.22, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: September 1, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% of successful bid must be paid to Sheriff at sale in cash or by certified Check. Balance to be paid upon confirmation. PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 4217, recorded in Volume 18 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 247, as Document No. 666504, locate in the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 35 North, Range 18 West, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 22852285A 230th Street, Cushing, WI 54006 TAX KEY NO.: 020-00177-0300 Dated this 9th day of July, 2009. /s/Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County Deborah A. Blommer State Bar # 1000749 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C. is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (160961)
The Frederic School District is accepting applications for the following coaching position:
Assistant High School Girls Volleyball Coach
Send letter of application, resume and credentials to: Jeff Carley, Athletic Director, Frederic School District, 1437 Clam Falls Drive, Frederic, WI 54837. Telephone 715-327-4223. 490250 46-47L 36a Deadline for applications is July 17, 2009. The Frederic School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Frederic School District, Frederic, WI, will accept bids for the 2009-2010 school year on the following: 1. Sliced hamburger, hot dog and sub buns. Bread: Sliced white and wheat. 2. Gasoline and diesel (diesel mix can be 80-20 except from November 1-March 31 when the blend must be 70-30. 3. Snow removal (call 715-327-5630 for bid specifications). Further details may be obtained by calling Gerald Tischer, Superintendent, at 715-327-5630. All bids are due by 2 p.m., July 30, 2009. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 490853 47-48L (July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, Plaintiff, vs. COLIN D. MUELLER, and CAROLYN M. MEYER f/k/a CAROLYN M. MUELLER, and VILLAGE OF LUCK, and STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BUREAU OF CHILD SUPPORT, and DAVID R. MUELLER and KATHRYN A. MUELLER, Defendants. Case No. 09 CV 222 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on June 19, 2009, in the amount of $89,745.62, I will sell the described premises at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wis., on: Thursday, August 20, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m., TERMS OF SALE: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 28-3617, described as follows: Beginning at a point 255.4 feet East and 105 feet North of the Quarter Post of Sections 28 and 33-26-17, thence East 153 feet, thence North 73 feet, thence West 153 feet, thence South 72 feet to the point of beginning, Village of Luck, Polk County, Wisconsin. PIN: 146-00552-0000. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, this 24th day of June, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin Steven J. Swanson No. 1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
490442 WNAXLP
(June 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, Plaintiff, vs. THOR L. JEPSEN, and CHRISTINE M. JEPSEN, and HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP III, and CAPITAL ONE BANK, Defendants. Case No. 08 CV 547 AMENDED NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on October 3, 2008, I will sell at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin, on: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. all of the following described mortgaged premises, to-wit: A parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (SE1/4 of SW1/4), Section 8, Township 35 North, Range 17 West, Village of Milltown, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block “D,” First Addition to the Village of Milltown; thence N 00 degrees 14 minutes East, 8.0 feet on the West line of said SE1/4 of SW1/4; thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes East 367 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes East 32 feet which is the point of beginning; then N 00 degrees 14 minutes East, 114 feet; thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes East, 102 feet; thence South 31 degrees 50 minutes East to a point directly East of the point of beginning; thence West to the point of beginning. PIN: 151-00244-0000. Street Address: 212 First Avenue East, Milltown, WI 54858. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DOWNPAYMENT: 10% of amount bid by cash or certified check. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, this 14th day of May, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin Steven J. Swanson / #1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787 489209 WNAXLP
Burnett County is currently seeking applicants for a full-time Custodian/ Engineer position on the afternoon shift. This position is required to perform higher skilled maintenance, plumbing, electrical and mechanical repair work in addition to regular custodial duties. Requires two-year degree from a vocation/technical school in building maintenance or engineering plus two years’ working experience preferred, or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Must possess a valid motor vehicle operator’s license. Starting salary: $15.29 per hour plus excellent fringe benefits. Contact the Burnett County Administration/Human Resources Office, 7410 County Rd. K, #116, Siren, WI 54872. www.burnettcounty.com or mthalacker@burnettcounty.org. Phone: 715-349-2181, Fax: 715-349-2180. Application deadline: July 24, 2009. 491022 47-48L AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 37a,b,c
Residents of the Town of Lorain, your comprehensive plan is complete. Residents will have 30 days to examine the plan. Please call the following for copies of the plan: Mike Sparish 715-653-2688 Richard Egger 715-653-2551 Dan Beecroft 715-653-2634 County Agent Tim Anderson 715-485-9225 Ext. 8225 An open meeting will be held to ratify the plan at a later date. Please consult the paper for time and date. Residents this is your plan for the future of your town. This plan will or will not be ratified by the residents who are interested to come to the meeting and vote.
Mike Sparish, Chairman
The Town of Clam Falls is accepting applications for a full-time employee. The position includes general maintenance and upkeep of: 1. Township properties. 2. Approximately 44 miles of road (paved and gravel), including snowplowing, sanding, brush cutting, mowing, patching, etc. 3. Township equipment, machinery and tools including trucks, tractor, grader, dump truck, loader. Must be able to work independently, keep accurate records and comply with drug and alcohol testing program. Heavy equipment experience and a CDL are required. Send resume to Betty Knutson, Clerk, Town of Clam Falls, 3335-90th St., Frederic, WI 54837. Application deadline August 3, 2009. 490856 47-48L 37-38a
Adult Day Care Coordinator (Grant Funded) $22.04/hr. The Haven - Human Services Full time, 40 hr./week Deadline to apply: Open until filled Haven Program Assistant $12.73/hr. The Haven - Human Services Part time, 10 hr./week Deadline to apply: Open until filled YOU MUST COMPLETE A POLK CO. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION TO BE ELIGIBLE. For application, complete position requirements and details, please visit our Web site at www.co.polk.wi.us, Employment Opportunities, or in person at 100 Polk Co. Plaza, #229, Balsam Lake, WI 54810, 715-485-9176. Please, no faxed applications. AA/ EEOC 491087 47L 37a-e
(July 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JORGE R. DIMAS Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 09 PR 48 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was July 6, 1985, and date of death was June 14, 2009. The decedent died domiciled in Polk County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of: 518 Pinewood St., Amery, WI 54001. All interested persons have waived notice. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before October 20, 2009. Jenell L. Anderson Probate Registrar July 9, 2009 Thomas R. Schumacher Bakke Norman, S.C. Personal Representative/ Attorney 990 Main St., Suite 200, Box 54 Baldwin, WI 54002 715-684-4545
490844 WNAXLP
The Polk County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. on Tues., Aug. 4, 2009, at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, Wis. The Board will call the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m., recess to view each site(s) at 8:45 a.m. and reconvene at 10:30 a.m. at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, Wis., to consider the following and other agenda items. The Board may go into closed session under Wisconsin State Statutes, s.19.85(1)(a), for the purpose of deliberating the decision of the appeal, which is concerning a case which was the subject of any judicial or quasi-judicial trial or hearing before that governmental body. (THE APPLICANT MUST APPEAR AT 10:30 A.M. WHEN THE BOARD RECONVENES AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTER.) JOSEPH & MARY BETH WALDO request a variance from Article 11C, Table 1 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to build a new dwelling which will be closer than 75’ from the ordinary high-water mark and closer than 25’ from the rear lot line – a continuation from 6/30/09 hearing. The Board may take additional testimony as it relates to location of property lines and placement of structures on the following property: 85-A South Horseshoe Lake Dr., desc. as Lot “H” of unrecorded South Shore Park, Pt. of Gov’t. Lot 3, Sec. 13/ 490851 T34N/R15W, Town of Beaver, Horseshoe Lake – class 1. 47-48L 37a,d
(July 1, 8, 15) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DEAN R. ANDERSON Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 09 PR 44 An application has been filed for infomal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was March 27, 1925, and date of death was April 23, 2009. The decedent died domiciled in Polk County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of: Good Samaritan Center, 750 East Louisiana St., St. Croix Falls, WI 54024. All interested persons have waived notice. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before September 30, 2009. Jenell L. Anderson Probate Registrar June 24, 2009 Steven J. Swanson Personal Representative/ Attorney P.O. Box 609 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
The Luck Village Board, at their June 15, 2009, Special Village Board Meeting, adopted the change in Ordinance 7-81 amending the Street Use Permits section of the ordinance deleting (e) (1), (5) and (g). A copy of the ordinance may be viewed at the Luck Village Hall. Effective upon publication. Signed/Nancy Webster-Smith, Village President, and Kathy Hanson, Clerk/Treasurer.
490745 47L
SATURDAY CUSTODIAN WANTED Unity School District is taking applications for a Saturday Custodian. EOE. Qualifications: Possess high school diploma, commercial driver’s license (CDL) with school bus endorsement required. The District may assist with obtaining a CDL. Qualified, interested persons should send a letter of application, resume, two letters of recommendation and the Unity School District application to Brandon W. Robinson, Unity School District, P.O. Box 307, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. District applications may be obtained from the District Office (715-8253515), or downloaded from the Unity Web site: www.unity.k12.wi.us. Deadline for applying is July 27, 2009. 490796 36-37a 47-48L
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS VILLAGE OF LUCK Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the following projects will be received by the Director of Public Works until 4 p.m., July 29, 2009, at the Luck Municipal Building, P.O. Box 315, 401 Main St., Luck, WI 54853. Project 1 includes milling or pulverizing approx. 1,200 sq. yds. of asphalt; removal of asphalt; grading; paving and compacting 3” of hot mix asphalt. This is a Local Road Improvement Project (LRIP). Project 2 includes milling or pulverizing approx. 1,200 sq. yds. of asphalt; removal of asphalt; grading; paving and compacting 2.5” of hot mix asphalt. Project 3 includes saw cutting; fine grading; and paving of a section of street approx. 800 sq. yds. removal of asphalt will be done by Village. Details are available at the Luck municipal building, 401 S. Main St., Luck, WI. The Village of Luck reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. Luck Village Board 490499 46-47L WNAXLP
The Village of Webster is seeking sealed bids for the following street work until 4:30 p.m., August 11, 2009. The Village of Webster reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or select the bid which may be most beneficial to the Village of Webster. Each bid listed is a separate bid, please submit your bids separately. Milling approximately 1-1/2 inches, of 56 feet x 125 feet and 38 feet x 550 feet of street on East Main Street with 1-1/2” overlay of hot-mix asphalt. and Pulverizing existing pavement and replacing with 2 inches of hot-mix asphalt on Kola Street, Locust Street and Maple Street the following dimensions: 22 feet x 525 feet each. For full specifications, contact: Jay Heyer, Director of Public Works at 715-866-4211. Send bids marked, “Street Work Bids” to: Village of Webster, P.O. Box 25, Webster, WI 54893.
490973 47-48L 37-38a
X Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Works until 4 p.m., July 29, 2009 at the Luck Municipal Building, 401 Main St., Luck, WI 54853, for the crack filling and chip sealing of approximately 12,000 sq. ft. of asphalt surface. The Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Luck Village Board 490501 46-47L WNAXLP
489762 WNAXLP
Special School Board Meeting
7 p.m., Monday, July 20
Wed., July 22 - 7 p.m.
Siren High School Library
At the Luck Village Hall 490969 47L 36a
491080 47Lp
Job Title: H.R. Contact: Telephone: Job Description:
Mental Health Professionals, Bachelor’s degree in a human service related field with one year of crisis experience, who are interested in being mobile crisis workers. Mobile workers will assist law enforcement in assessing a client’s mental health crisis and coordinate appropriate services. We are looking for Mobile workers for our 4:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. shift. The shift would be one night per week and every fifth weekend. Compensation for the position is $25.00 per night for being on-call and $25.00 per hour for going mobile, mileage reimbursement is also available. We are looking for people in Polk County that are within a 30-minute response time to Balsam Lake, St. Croix Falls and Frederic. If you are interested, please provide a resume and cover letter by July 23, 2009, Please mail to:
Iris Ostenson
P.O. Box 409, Rice Lake, WI 54868 e-mail iris@nwpass.com or fax to 715-434-1027 NWCGC is an E.O.E. 491062 47L 37a,d
489415 WNAXLP
Call to Order Evidence Of Proper Notice Roll Call Prayer: Supervisor Casperson Pledge Of Allegiance Approval of Agenda Approval of June 16, 2009, Minutes Public Comments - 3 minutes per person - not to exceed 30 minutes total Presentations: a. Brooke Whitley (Restorative Justice) b. Audit Presentation by Larson/Allen Finance Director’s Report Resolutions A. To Authorize One County Integrated Computer Network System B. Approving Farmland Preservation Applications C. To Reduce the Mileage Reimbursement Rate to Members of the County Board of Supervisors and Citizen Members of County Administrative Boards and Standing Committees D. Polk County Annual Vehicle Registration Fee Ordinance E. To Authorize Proposals Affecting Terms and Conditions of All Polk County 2009-2011 Collectve Bargaining Agreements F. To Amend Policy 881 to Include Supporting Documentation With Budgetary Proposals – Capital Improvement Projects Standing Committees/Boards Reports a. Highway: Supervisor Caspersen b. Finance: Supervisor Bergstrom c. Personnel: Supervisor Arcand d. Property, Forestry and Recreation: Supervisor Larsen e. Extension, Land and Water Resources, Lime Quarry: Supervisor Jepsen f. Public Protection: Supervisor Luke g. Land Information: Supervisor O’Connell h. Human Services Board: Supervisor Stoneking i. Board of Health: Supervisor Johnson j. Golden Age Manor Board: Supervisor Dueholm Approval of Annual Reports Supervisor Reports Chairman/Administrative Coordinator’s Report Adjourn 490953 47L 37a,d
NOTICE OF FREDERIC SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 20, 2009, 6:30 p.m. Frederic 7 - 12 School, Room 107
1. Call to order 2. Opening ceremonies A. Approve agenda B. Welcoming remarks C. Audience to visitors and delegations 3. Reports of officers A. Minutes from previous meetings B. Invoices and receipts C. 2008 - 09 budget D. Board member reports/Governance 4. Reports of the administration A. Superintendent B. High School Principal C. Elementary Principal D. Buildings and Grounds E. Food Service F. Football Press Box 5. Unfinished business A. 2009 - 2010 Budget 6. New business A. Personnel 1. Staffing (Elementary, Counseling, Agriculture) 2. Resignation (Counselor) 3. Contracts B. Purchase - Food warmer C. WI Association for Equity in Funding D. K - 6 & 7 - 12 Handbook approvals 7. Closed session: Wisconsin statutes 19.85 (1)(c)(i), Negotiations, staffing 8. Business as a result of closed session 9. Adjourn 491041 47L
Job Title: H.R. Contact: Contact Phone: Job Description: Qualifications:
How to Apply:
Job Address: Web Site: Description: 490827 47-48L
west 1/4, Northeast 1/4, Of Section 17, Township 39 North, Range 15 West, Town Of Sand Lake, County Of Burnett, State Of Wisconsin And More Particularly Described As Follows: Commencing At The Southwest Corner Of The Southwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4 Of Section 17; Thence South 89° 29’ 16” East 910.44 Feet Along The South Line Of The Southwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4 To The Point Of Beginning; Thence Continuing South 89° 27’ 16” East 24.11 Feet Along Said South Line; Thence North 33° 23’ 14” West 33.45 Feet To A Point On The Southerly Right-Of-Way Line Of Whistler Road; Thence Southwesterly Along Said Right-Of-Way Line 20.07 Feet On The Arc Of A Circle Concave To The Northwest Whose Radius Is 199.75 Feet The Chord Of Said Arc Bearing South 61° 07’ 53” West 20.06 Feet; Thence South 33° 23’ 14” East 21.57 Feet To The Point Of Beginning; Parcel 2) Beginning At The Easternmost Point Of Lot 1 Of Certified Survey Map No. 3312, Volume 16, Page 58 And 59; Thence North 55° 26’ 24” West 10 Feet To A Point; Thence North 33° 23’ 14” West To The North Line Of The Northwest 1/4, Southeast 1/4, Of Section 17, Township 39 North, Range 15 West; Thence Westerly Along Said Line To The Northeast Corner Of Said Certified Survey Map; Thence South 33° 23’ 14” East 110.26 Feet To The Point Of Beginning. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 26232 WHISTLER ROAD, Town of Sand Lake. TAX KEY NO.: 07-026-2-39-1517-4-02-000-013000. LEGACY PIN: 026-3217-03-210. Dean Roland Sheriff of Burnett County, WI O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.
490488 46-47L 36a
(July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BURNETT COUNTY EVERHOME MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. FRANK R. FLEISCHHACHER and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Frank R. Fleischhacher; and PATRICIA A. OMUNDSON and JOHN DOE, unknown spouse of Patricia A. Omundson a/k/a Patricia A. Osmundson; and JANE DOE and/or JOHN DOE, unknown tenants; and BURNETT DAIRY COOPERATIVE; and LARRY’S L.P., INC., Defendants. Case No. 08-CV-296 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000 Code No. 30405 Other Real Estate AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 18, 2008, in the amount of $85,343.17, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 11, 2009, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Burnett County Government Center, located at 7410 County Road K, Siren, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 Of Certified Survey Map Survey Map No. 3312, Volume 16, Pages 58 And 59, A Part Of The Northwest 1/4, Southeast 1/4 Of Section 17, Township 39 North, Range 15 West, Burnett County, Wisconsin; Together With A Nonexclusive Easement For Ingress And Egress Over And Across The Following Described Parcels Of Land: Parcel 1) A Parcel Of Land Located In The South-
7 - 12 Guidance Counselor Raymond Draxler, 7 - 12 Principal 715-327-4223 This is a full-time position to begin in August 2009. Candidates should be knowledgeable in a number of student service categories including, but not limited to: Student scheduling, AODA, At-Risk student programs, alternative/online/virtual school programs/scheduling, crisis and career counseling and state testing programs. Qualifications: Wisconsin certification (54/966) required and K 12 certification is preferred. How to Apply: Send letter of application, resume, and credentials to: Raymond Draxler, 7 - 12 School Principal, Frederic School District, 1437 Clam Falls Drive, Frederic, WI 54837. Telephone: 715327-4223; Fax: 715-327-8655. Employer: Frederic School District 1437 Clam Falls Drive Frederic, WI 54837 Closing Date: July 24, 2009 Description: K - 12 School District in Frederic, WI, which is located in northwestern Wisconsin on Hwy. 35. The Elementary School and 7 - 12 School have a combined enrollment of 560 students. For further information on the Frederic School District, please visit our Web site at www.frederic.k12.wi.us The Frederic School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Job Description The Webster Boys Hockey Co-op is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Head Boys Hockey Coach. The position will begin for the 2009-2010 hockey season. The Webster WIAA Hockey Co-op is an established program in its fifth season, and just renewed its two-year WIAA co-op application in April. The co-op consists of players from Webster, Siren, Frederic, Luck and Grantsburg. We just joined the newly formed Two-Rivers Hockey Conference which consists of Minneapolis East, Minneapolis West, Moose Lake, Mora, North Branch, Pine City, Meadow Creek and the Webster Co-op. The Grantsburg Hockey Association and Burnett Youth Hockey Associations support and fully fund the program. The co-op has two hockey facilities located in Siren and Grantsburg. Qualifications The Webster Co-op is seeking highly motivated candidates who possess excellent communication skills, discipline, organization and can successfully teach hockey to adolescent players. Requirements Successful hockey coaching experience is preferred. How to Apply Please send an application portfolio consisting of: 1) letter of application; 2) resume, 3) letters of recommendations, 4) references to: Tim Widiker Athletic Director, Webster High School, P.O. Box 9, Webster, WI 54893. The application deadline is Friday, July 31. Web Site http://www.webster.k12.wi.us 491024 47-48L
Elementary Teacher Kathleen Coppenbarger 715-463-2320 100% FTE Elementary Classroom Teacher Appropriate Wisconsin Certification: 71Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (Birthage 11) or equivalent. The ideal candidate will have experience with differentiation, Everyday Math and Guided Reading. Desire to work in a team of collaborative progressive thinking educators focused on the development of the whole child. Candidate must have the ability to provide a safe and positive learning environment for all students. Technology literacy is also desired. Send letter of application, resume, e-mail address, credentials, including three letters of recommendation, transcripts and a copy of license by July 24, 2009. Grantsburg School District 475 E. James Ave. Grantsburg, WI 54840 Same as the employer address. http://www.gk12.net Grantsburg School District is a K-12 school system of 1,000 students that is located in NW Wisconsin. It is located just over an hour from the Twin Cities Metro area. Grantsburg is located on the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway and is the home of Crex Meadows Wildlife Center.
The School District of Grantsburg does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or handicap.
2 0 0 9
Jessica Raboin was crowned Miss Centuria 2009 by former Miss Centuria, Brooke Gillespie. Looking on are candidates Jenelle Larsen and Jessica Golz.
Centuria’s 2009 court includes back row (L to R): Princess Jessica Golz, First Princess Katie Bestland and Miss Congeniality Jenelle Larsen. Front row: Miss Centuria Jessica Raboin and Little Miss Centuria Billie Jo Erickson. – Photos by Marty Seeger
For her talent, Jenelle Larsen created an original essay titled, “The Royal Choice.” Larsen wrote an inspirational story about the loss of her father, how to prevent a serious disease known as bacterial meningitis, and the importance of getting vaccinated. Larsen was also chosen Miss Congeniality.
Jessica Golz performed three different clarinet solos during the talent competition, which included explanations as to why she chose each song.
The 2009 Miss Centuria candidates performed a dance routine to the tune of Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll.” From (L to R): Jessica Raobin, Katie Bestland, Jenelle Larsen and Jessica Golz.
Brooke Gillespie gives a final wave to the audience. She was crowned Miss Centuria in 2008.
Billie Jo Erickson crowned as Centuria’s Little Miss for 2009.
Jessica Raboin delighted the audience with a baritone saxophone solo during the talent competition.
Katie Bestland had the crowd rolling with laughter with her comedy dance routine.
The 2009 Little Miss Centuria candidates performed a dance routine to “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”
Heart of the North Rodeo!
Sally Bishop finishes her act by racing around the arena flying the colors, a great act for this Canadian.
Photos by Larry Samson Fred Boettcher of Rice Lake had this 2,000-pound bull roll over on him and lived to talk about it; the other cowboys were joking that he should enter the steer wrestling.
Dauntay Erickson, (C), Grantsburg, will never forget competing in the Exceptional Rodeo and the new friends he made. Shown back row (L to R) are: Whitney Skinner, barrel racer, and Erickson’s grandmother, Sandra Erickson. Front: Sandy Brandli, barrelrace rider, Erickson and David “Hippie” Engelkes, the rodeo clown. Gary Olson was a hometown favorite as he and Eric Olson competed in the team roping event. Gary had to lasso the steer’s back leg as it was running away from him.
Judd Tinkle, Poolville, Texas, exemplifies how tough these cowboys are; he was dragged twice around the arena after being tangled up in the rope. The animal kicked him, stomped on him and used the fence to dislodge him. LEFT - Tinkle after he picked himself off the ground.
Currents N
‘Follow the Leader’
News and views from the NW Wisconsin community
T om my 's T ri um p hs
by Priscilla Bauer RICHFIELD, Minn. – There will be an empty chair among the inductees at this year’s UW-Superior Athletic Hall of Fame banquet on July 16. One of UW-Superior’s best wrestlers, Tommy Thompson, won’t be there to pick up his individual award into the Hall of Fame or to hear the accolades for him, given by his fellow Yellow Jacket wrestling teammates, fraternity brothers and friends. Thompson, a champion high school wrestler from Willoughby, Ohio, arrived at UW-Superior in January of 1964, well after the school year and wrestling season had begun. He didn’t let his late entry onto Mertz Mortorelli’s Yellow Jackets team deter him, but instead he handled it as he did with most things in his life, with a fervor and determination to succeed. He quickly began making up for lost time and by the end of February, Thompson had won the conference wrestling championship. Thompson and the 1966-67 team continued to excel, becoming the best wrestling team in UW-Superior history, with an outstanding record of 11-4. At the state intercollegiate wrestling tournament, the team scored 66 points, the most ever in the contest and finished second only to the UW-Madison Badgers. Thompson and teammates Richard Kuzminsky and Mike Garside became state champions. The Yellow Jackets went on to have five medal winners in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics National Championship for the first time in team history and seven of the team members, including Thompson, became All-Americans. One of Thompson’s teammates, Dave Karpenske, described the ‘66-67 Yellow Jackets wrestling performance and team bond as unique. “Guys on that team had come from a lot of states and we just gelled at the right time as a team.”
Tommy Thompson’s grandchildren, Alex, Owen and Evan Osborn sported commemorative T-shirts with their grandpa’s photo as a young wrestler the day Thompson received his Hall of Fame award at his home in Richfield, Minn. Their sister, Olivia, though just as proud of her grandpa as her brothers, opted to wear a dress for his special day. – Photos by Priscilla Bauer Thompson’s leadership abilities gained him team captain status. He also held an impressive individual record, two-time conference champion, twotime state champion and two-time Most Valuable Player. Karpenske smiled as he described what it was like watching Thompson wrestle. “Tommy was a beast on the mat. He had the talent and the moves. He had grit with a capital G and he was tenacious in his wrestling.” Close ties After college, friends and members of college athletic teams go their separate ways and as time passes they often lose touch with each other, but not so with the ‘66-67 Yellow Jackets. Even though they had to give up their days of wrestling glory they were not about to give up on the tight bond they Tommy Thompson’s book is filled with clippings and photos of the UW-Superior Yellow Jackets 1966-67 wrestling team. Thompson’s fellow teammate and longtime friend, Richard Kuzminsky, described the book as the best chronological history of UW-Superior wrestling in the state.
had formed as a team and have remained close friends to this day. “I don’t know of any other group of guys on a team who are still such close friends after all these years,” said Karpenske. Thompson also continued to share close ties with his Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity brothers (some of whom were also his wrestling teammates) who often spoke of his great sense of humor, wit and yes, craziness. “Tommy was a guy that always made me laugh. Tommy was crazy but lov-
Tommy Thompson when he was an oustanding wrestler for UW-Superior. - Special photo able. He was a great fraternity brother to all of us. He was a character. He was the best,” said fellow brother, Tony Iacone. When Thompson and his wrestling buddies got together the talk would naturally turn to their Superior wrestling days. Thompson would often express his desire to see the team recognized for their outstanding record. Diagnosis In 2002, Thompson was diagnosed with multiple brain tumors and the tenacity he had shown in his wrestling would be called on again to carry him through three brain surgeries and See Triumph, next page
Wrestling teammates and longtime friends Dave Karpenske and Richard Kuzminsky, stand on either side of UW-Superior Director of Alumni Relations Tom Bergh; Orv Clark, Hall of Fame Committee member (and also one of Tommy’s fellow Phi Sigma Epsilon brothers); and UW-Superior Chancellor Julius Erlenbach, to pose for a photo with Thompson just after he was presented with his Athletic Hall of Fame plaque.
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Trimuph/from page 1 painful side effects from several rounds of radiation therapy. When Tom and his wife, Trish, talked about his condition, Tom would just say he was going to keep going until he couldn’t anymore. His illness eventually left him unable to work and it was during this time his thoughts and attention turned once again to his Yellow Jackets team. Though fully understanding his illness was a match he couldn’t win, he wasn’t about to give up on life, but rather set out to make the most of the time left. Thompson’s teammate, Richard “Kuz” Kuzminsky, said his friend of 50 years was a man with a big heart. “Everyone loved Tommy,” Kuzminsky said. “He made me a better wrestler and a better person. He was my brother; he took care of me and I took care of him.” Kuzminsky also remembered Thompson as being an athlete who wrestled with intensity. “Tommy had a ‘no-quit philosophy,’” he said. So even as his health continued to deteriorate, and with sight now lost in one eye, Thompson continued that no-quit attitude he had carried with him all through his life. On a mission Thompson chose to focus not on his illness but on achieving a new goal, compiling a complete history of his team’s record and to see them inducted into the UW-Superior Hall of Fame for 2008. “Tommy said he thought our team should be recognized and wanted to collect a history of UW-Superior wrestling,“ said Kuzminsky. Kuzminsky described the way Thompson went about completing the team history as that of man on a mission. “Tommy had a plan,” Kuzminsky said of how Thompson approached the project. “Just as he had been in wrestling, determined to succeed.” “It was as if Tommy had been writing a thesis. He found sources and started making the most accurate account of the team. He called so many people, including the NAIA and the NCAA, to obtain all the information they had on UW-Superior wrestling,” said Kuzminsky. “He really was excited about finding all the information and would call me two or three times a day to talk about it.” Kuzminsky said Thompson must have sent out hundreds of e-mails for information, and he contacted all his old teammates for clippings from their personal
Tommy Thompson was diagnosed with multiple brain tumors in 2002 but didn’t let it deter him from a project near and dear to his heart, compiling this complete and accurate historical record of the 1966-67 UW-Superior wrestling team. – Photo submitted scrapbooks. Thompson and his wife also made several trips to Superior to go through the Superior Telegram newspaper archives for the Yellow Jacket team articles. He worked tirelessly every day on his book, always looking at ways to make the historical record he was putting together better and better. “After several years, Tommy sent out binders to all the teammates filled with clippings and photos,” recalled Kuzminsky. But true to form, Thompson was still not satisfied and wanted more information. “He just wanted that book to be the best.” Completion Last year Thompson completed his book, which not only chronicled his team’s record but all of UW-Superior’s wrestling history. “Tom’s book is the best chronological
Knowing Thompson’s illness would prevent him from attending this year’s Hall of Fame banquet to receive his award, a special presentation was arranged for him at his Richfield, Minn., home on June 18. “We are extremely grateful for Tommy Thompson’s hard work in compiling a book on the 1966-67 men’s wrestling team,” said UW-Superior Chancellor Julius Erlenbach, as he presented Thompson with his award. “It was an honor for us to be able to present the plaque to Tommy Thompson, and it was also a privilege to meet his family and to celebrate this occasion with them.” – Photo by Priscilla Bauer
history of UW-Superior wrestling in the state,” Kuzminsky said, the obvious pride for his friend’s accomplishment showing on his face. “Lots of people are asking for copies.” Last year, the 1966-67 Superior Yellow Jackets wrestling team made it into the Hall of Fame with teammates crediting Thompson’s hard work compiling their history as a major factor in the team being chosen for induction. “Tommy’s book got the ’66-67 team in the hall,” said Karpenske. “He deserves an honorary degree for all the work he did putting the history together. I sent him some papers I had from coach Mertz with stats but Tommy said all of them weren’t there so he started researching until he found them. I don’t know how, but he did it. It was so important to Tommy.” Triumphant day Thompson learned this spring he had been chosen for individual induction into the Hall of Fame. He told his wrestling buddies and family he was doing his best to make it to the July banquet even though his health was rapidly worsening. By June it was apparent Thompson’s hope of attending the banquet to receive
his award would not be realized. Knowing how much the Hall of Fame honor meant to Tommy, fellow Phi Sigma Epsilon brother, Orv Clark, who also serves on the Hall of Fame committee, discussed the idea of Thompson receiving his award early with UW-Superior Chancellor Julius Erlenbach and Tom Bergh, director of alumni relations. “We moved forward in working with the plaque company to accelerate the manufacturing of Thompson’s plaque,” said Bergh. Clark then worked with Thompson’s family to set up a date for the presentation to be made at his Richfield, Minn., home. On June 18, with his family (including grandsons Alex, Owen, and Evan sporting T-shirts with the photo of a young Thompson in his wrestling attire) and several teammates and fraternity brothers at his side, Thompson gathered all his strength to stand and greet Erlenbach to receive his award. “It was an honor for us to be able to present the plaque to Tommy Thompson, and it was also a privilege to meet his family and to celebrate this occasion with them. We are extremely grateful for Tommy Thompson’s hard work in compiling a book on the 1966-67 men’s wrestling team, which we are proudly displaying at UW-Superior,” Erlenbach later remarked of the day. An emotional Thompson accepted the Hall of Fame plaque with all the dignity and style those who knew Thompson would expect. Tears began to well in his eyes and in the eyes of those who loved him, as he finally realized the recognition he so deserved. It was truly a triumphant day for Thompson. Final triumph Thompson died on July 5, just two weeks short of the Hall of Fame banquet he had so wanted to attend. Thompson’s chair will be empty next Thursday evening, but many others will be filled with family, teammates, fraternity brothers and friends. Their hearts will be filled, too, with respect and admiration for a much-missed husband, father, grandfather, teammate and brother. And while finishing his book and his induction into the Hall of Fame were indeed a great triumphs Thompson was able to realize before his death, his best and last triumph will be that those who loved him will always remember him. Editor’s note: Thompson was the brotherin-law of Leader reporter Priscilla Bauer. His book of the UW-Superior wrestling history is currently displayed in the University Advancement Office in Room 237 of Old Main at UW-Superior. The book will also be displayed at the upcoming Hall of Fame banquet.
Hall of Fame plaques detailing Thompson’s and his 1966-67 wrestling team’s accomplishments are displayed proudly in Thompson’s Richfield, Minn., home. The Yellow Jacket ’66-67 team was inducted into the UW-Superior Athletic Hall of Fame in 2008 and this year Thompson was inducted into the hall as an outstanding individual wrestler. – Photo by Priscilla Bauer
Family reunion photography by Walt Fluegel The rain started shortly before we arrived at Maxine’s sister’s house for the Lott family reunion. Everyone could squeeze inside wherever there was room. Adults were standing in clusters in the garage, shop, kitchen, living room or hallway. Kids were scattered all over the place. We mingled, recognized Max’s relatives, said hello to kids we did not recognize and began to settle into the mix. In the meantime the kitchen countertops were being filled with potluck items brought by other members of the clan. In between the “and-how-have-youbeen-since-we last-saw-you” talk, it was my unofficial task to take photos. Everyone was from Maxine’s side of the family and I knew only her siblings and their spouses, and hardly recognized their growing and grown-up kids. And these children had children of their own. Some teenagers brought their latest boyfriend or girlfriend to balance
Writer’s Corner
PoCo Penners
out the adult interests. So kids outnumbered adults. Infants in numbers were more than a handful to be left alone. The younger generation ignored me completely, and I them except if they became a photo target. It seemed that I was the only one with a camera. I felt like a hawk circling around for the opportunity to catch my prey with my digital P&S camera. I first concentrated on Max’s brothers and sister who were in conversational clusters. These groups soon broke up and assembled with others. So in the course of the afternoon, I assured myself I got a good mix of the immediate Lott family. The rest of the in-laws, outlaws, cousins, and crawly kids, with their antics, actions, and interactions with each other, were fair game for my flash and click. At one time I heard a “one, two, three!” behind me and a giggling infant. I turned around and saw a big burly man had lifted the infant up in the air.
The PoCo Penners meet the second Friday of the month at 2 p.m. at the county boardroom in the government center in Balsam Lake. Contact Brenda Mayer at 715-485-3571 or Iris Holm 715-294-3174 for more information. - submitted
Summer is almost here. We would like to run favorite summer memory stories throughout the summer. Submit your story to the Leader by mail or e-mail.
After the giggling stopped, there was another “one, two, three!” and my flash. Several more until the giggling became more apprehensive. The actions of adult and child, teenager and teenager, grandparent and infant, gave me a variety of activity. Faces in glee, thought, excitement, wonder, or just a stare were captured. Hands holding food, or fabric, or pointing at a book, or patting the rump of an infant in arms were natural targets for the lens. The rain diminished, and most kids spread to the outside and that eased the composition of each snap indoors. Backgrounds were less busy then, but the “clutter” of picnic items here and there were unavoidable. Seldom was anyone alone except for one time when I noticed a young woman holding her child. She was talking quietly to him. Her hairstyle made her look more mature than the other young mothers. In the background she was framed by a window with a translucent blind and a light-colored floral curtain. She smiled gently when I arrived, and continued to interact with her child regardless of each flash. I thanked her and moved on. I don’t know who she was or the relationship to the Lott family but it was the most effective of all parent and child photos I took that day. Because of the gathering, there was a heap of tennis shoes near the opened, but screened front door. Mostly kid’s shoes. The directional lighting, the soft-
ened shadows, the color, the floppy tongues, the wet laces draped on wet floor tile, and the occasional upturned sole made an intriguing composition. I could not pass this up. Click. I thought I captured many a good photo that afternoon, all informal, and many whose compositions were good enough to put into an album or burn into a disc. At home the next day I exported the memory card contents into the computer. I deleted bad shots, cropped to the essential scene, and enhanced where needed. After that I worked with Maxine to select those images we would put in a folder to burn on a disc for each of her siblings. In a fleeting thought, I realized that I was perhaps one of thousands across this country and elsewhere who were processing similar images. The Lott family, the Jones family, the Andersons, the Barretts, the McKintys, the Truesdales, the Chang or Mendosa families ... and other families had their gatherings, and someone there had a camera, and the photographer who took the images will also send a disc or prints to other family members.
Northwest Regional Writers The Northwest Regional Writers meet at 1 p.m. the second Friday of the month either in Frederic or Grantsburg. Call Mary Jacobson at 715-349-2761 for more information about the organization.
Submissions should be typed, double-spaced on one side only of 8 -1/2 x 11 white paper, leaving a minimum of 1-inch margins all around. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. Submissions should be no more than 800 words. Submissions may be delivered to The Leader’s offices in Frederic or Siren, mailed to Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837 or e-mailed to the-leader@centurytel.net. We prefer e-mailed copy. If hand-delivered or mailed, please write "Writers’ Corner" somewhere on the front of the envelope. If e-mailed, please use "Writers’ Corner" as the subject and include the submission as body text of the e-mail. No attachments, please. Your submission to Writers’ Corner grants The Leader one-time rights to publish the item in the weekly newspaper. The author retains the copyright and all future publication rights. The Leader may edit submissions for grammar and punctuation, clarity and length. If you have any questions about this feature, please contact us at the-leader@centurytel.net or call 715-327-4236. - Editor The most wonderful surprise for my birthday arrived a few days early. My oldest daughter came to visit for a while. She is an organizer and a cleaner. With her relentless pushing we are beginning to clean and organize. If you have not used something in five years it goes in the rummage sale box for someone else to put away and resell in five years when they have still not used it. Her theory is, if you don’t use it, don’t know how to use it, have not seen it since you bought it, then it goes, either in the garbage or on to someone who knows what they are doing and how things are suppose to work. So far we have cleaned out the living and dining rooms, organized my files and now we have moved on to the basement. Up to this point, we have found no bodies down there, but I was sure there were people who had gone down there and never come up. We haven’t ventured to the place under the stairs. I don’t even think she ever thought to look there. That would take a cleaning crew of four and a forklift to get all of that stuff out of there. Of course a huge Shop Vac might do the trick too, just suck that stuff out it would be gone forever. You know, I would miss none of it, considering I have not looked there for at least five years or maybe even more. Kelsey, my daughter, puts me in a “throwing out” mood. I love to get rid of stuff I had to have because Billy Mays (God rest his soul) said I could not do without it; pieces are gone or they never worked in the first place because Billy was not here to tell me that I was using
it all wrong. Now you can buy all of those things in WalMart, but you don’t get the second one for free! Free is a good word. I like things that are free. I was reading a women’s magazine just yesterday that said to avoid clutter, never take something that Blodgett is free. You don’t need it, won’t use it and it will go in the place under the stairs until you finally throw it away, that is unless you think you might try it again. I guess I am totally inept. I can’t fix the scratches on my car without it looking like I tried to paint over them, I can’t mend the seams in my husband’s pants without them being hard and scratchy. I can’t use the onion chopper that you crank, but then why would I? Chopping by hand has worked for ages. There is a rule when you are “cleaning out.” Don’t let your husband help. I have heard things like, “Maybe we will use it some day,” or, “Are you just throwing it out so we can go buy a new one?” more times than I care to admit. OK, so I wasn’t smart to buy something in the first place, but I do know when it has served its purpose and has outlived its life or never worked.
Speaking of my husband’s pants. The people who invented denim and jeans were geniuses except it is nearly impossible to mend those pants in the seam. Remember the thimble? I tried that and cannot even imagine how my grandmother used it for all mending. A needle simply won’t go through the layers of denim in the seam of jeans even if I push with a thimble. I don’t have a sewing machine and would not know how to use it if I did. I have a Buttoneer ( I may be spelling it wrong) but that won’t mend seams, it will just put buttons on shirts temporarily. I have the handy dandy hand sewing machine for a quick hem fix, but that won’t get through the seams of jeans. I clearly need a professional because I have thrown out more jeans than I care to mention because I can’t mend the seam that tore when he bent over. That is a sad thing, I threw them out when there are people who have no clothes. He won’t wear a pair of jeans that allows his underwear to show. Underwear showing is in fashion these days. Doesn’t he know that/ Remember when we would have died of embarrassment if our bra strap showed or if our slip showed or if we had a run in our stockings? You’ve seen the new fashions, everything shows, and I do mean everything. Plunges and slits are all the rage. The lower or the higher the better. I am glad I was of the era when showing cleavage meant you worked in a house with a lot of other women and the “showing” brought in business. Not that I approved, mind you, they were
just an enterprise that few knew anything about and those who did never talked about. My father always called me a scatterbrain. I am glad he is not around to read these articles The thoughts that run through my mind are important at the time and they come fast and furious. It seems I am always thinking just beyond what I am typing. Never at a loss for words, I just put it on paper when I think of it and hope it makes someone remember something, smile or cringe because it might not entirely make sense. If that happens to you, read a few lines above or below and it will all come together Mr Maurer came up with a very sophisticated term for my scatterbrainedness, but I can’t remember what it was. Sounded good and made my jumble of thoughts seem almost acceptable. Right now my thoughts have wandered and almost stopped. I can only think of going back to bed to take a nap before I have to get up for real. I always think of my middle-of-the-night escapades as practice for the real thing that begins at the time most people get up. Comments, corrections or complaints about my column are always welcome. I just feel privileged to be able to express myself, however disjointed that may be. Hope your day is terrific. Blessings, Barb
Wisconsin Interstate Park open house set ST. CROIX FALLS – Wisconsin Interstate Park and the Friends of Interstate Park invite you to an open house event at the park on Sunday, Aug. 2, to celebrate the completion of a new addition to the Ice Age Interpretive Center. A pancake breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. to noon, and a special dedication of the addition will take place at 11 a.m. at the Ice Age Center. There will be free admission to the park for the event.
The pancake breakfast, sponsored by the Friends of Interstate Park, will serve as a fundraiser to furnish the new classroom addition. Funds will also be used to build a nearby shelter building for use for educational field trips. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children under 10. The dedication at 11 a.m. will include comments from WDNR Parks Director Dan Schuller, northern region Director John Gozdzialski, Rep. Sheila Harsdorf
and Rep. Ann Hraychuck. Tours of the addition will be provided, and public input for additional programming and event ideas are welcome. Please bring friends and family and join park staff and the Friends of Interstate Park for this special open house event on Sunday, Aug. 2. Admission to the park is free; all are welcome! Interstate Park is located in St. Croix Falls, on Hwy. 35, just one-half mile south of Hwy.
8. The Friends of Interstate Park is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the education program at the park through memberships, sales, fundraisers and donations. For more information about the Friends, or the open house event, call Julie at the park at 715-4833747. – submitted
Stokely’s field crew String beans spilled out from the broken 4x4x4 wooden box and spread all around it on the ground. It was my first day on the job with Stokely’s field crew and I already had screwed up! Riding around the field, standing on the back of the Chisholm-Ryder bean picker while Conrad drove it slowly down the two rows of beans, my only responsibility was to make sure the box dumped safely to the ground so Clarence could pick it up and load it on the truck with the forklift tractor. As Conrad pulled the trip lever, I hopped off the trailer as the box slid off quickly onto the ground hitting with a jolt that broke it apart and spilled the beans. Clarence climbed off the backwards Ford forklift tractor. “Some of these bean boxes are rotten and should be thrown away - but Stokely’s is too cheap to buy new ones. You gotta hold it back so it comes sliding down real slow.” He helped me clip the box back together and drove away as I spent the next half hour refilling, a handful at a time. We worked out of the Frederic plant. The harvest season started after the Fourth of July holiday and lasted until the freeze in September or until all the fields were done - and my brother Everett and I returned to River Falls college. Each machine was a modified tractor - raised higher and underslung with double rollers on each side to pick the beans, a conveyor belt under the belly to run them back under a hydraulically run fan to suck out the leaves and then up to dump into one of two adjacent wood boxes on a short trailer behind. They were big, clumsy, noisy machines that, along with we 16 field crew, ground their way through thousands of acres of string beans, spread from Hastings, Minn., to Indian Creek, over a three-month season. There were eight machines, each with a two-man crew along with a couple of fieldmen, mechanics and the truck drivers. At Hastings, we were put up at the old Gardner Hotel on Main Street – no air conditioning, a bathroom per floor down the hall, and three or more per room with cots here and there. We bought and paid for our own meals and kept the receipts for reimbursement during the two weeks we stayed at Hastings before moving the machines back to Wisconsin and again living at home. The work was dull; in the field from sunrise to sunset for three months, seven days a week with most weeks between 90 and 100 hours. We drove the machines 1.25 miles per hour back and forth on fields moving from farm to farm as the beans grew ready for the factory in Frederic. We needed to pick enough to keep it going 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What kept the job entertaining were the people who worked on the crew. There was a mixture of retired farmers, a few college students like my brother, Everett, and I trying to make enough money for another year of school, and some “regulars,” who worked there every year, starting early in the spring with bean planting and continuing into late fall with the picking and then machinery maintenance. The regulars depended on unemployment during the winter. Most of them were in their 50s or early 60s. Uncle Lloyd, a regular, got us on.
River Road
V. R. Hanson drives a Stokely’s string-bean picker back in the late 1960s. He filled in sometimes for crew members who needed time off from their seven-day weeks that often reached 100 hours or more. - Photo by Everett Hanson We were “farm boys, used to running machinery, needing money for college.” He personally vouched for us, and we didn’t want to let him down! While we were at Hastings, a few of the men who were away from home, and their wives, went directly to the Gardner bar when they came in at 9 p.m. and spent the next four hours drinking, a few hours in bed and then at 5 a.m. got up for breakfast at the café across the road and headed to the fields. After a few days of this they were pretty tired and cross. Coogan was probably in his 60s (or maybe in his 40s, showing signs of a hard life), and his nickname meant “little barrel” in Norwegian, named for his ability to hold beer. After a hard night, he fell asleep on the tractor and soon the huge unit was heading cornerwise across the field, aiming for the fence. Reynold chased after him and hollered until he woke up. Levi was normally an easygoing guy. He doubled as a mechanic and did a good job. However, after a few days at Hastings, away from his wife, he started to look pretty haggard; unshaven, unbathed and bleary-eyed. Clarence drove the forklift and came up behind Levi riding on the back of the picker and motioned to dump the bean box for loading on the truck. Levi got off and jumped on the forklift and punched Clarence in the mouth. Later, when we asked why he did it, “It just seemed to me Clarence needed to be punched,” was all he would say. Most of the time we road to and from Frederic with Emeryn in “Marty,” his 1949 Chevrolet four door. The car was falling to pieces, with boards covering the holes in the floor. Every time he hit a little bump, the front wheels would start wobbling and the whole car shook, until he wrenched the steering wheel hard left and back straight to calm it down. He raised beans on his farm near Trade River. Some years were good, many not so good. After a very good year with his whole farm in beans, we kidded another Trade River crewman, Conrad, “You must be rich now!” “No, yust moderately well-ta-do,” he replied with a broad smile in his Swedish brogue. One summer was particularly dry and dusty. By the time we came in to punch out on the Stokely’s factory time clock in the late evening, we were really dirty. There were always some other people from the plant waiting in the
Burnett Community Library
Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed Sunday Main Street
Russ Hanson
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time-clock line to punch in and out. “Must be pretty dry out there,” someone would usually comment, looking at us. “Yup,” replied Lloyd one night, “it’s so dusty, it gets in your lungs real bad,” and then he raised his closed hand to his mouth and with a loud, long cough sprayed the room with dust to the shocked then laughing people. He had brought a handful all the way back from the field and with his cough blew it all over for a joke! One day, Emeryn finished a field last and headed out fast to catch up with the others already leaving for the next field. He took a shortcut through the ditch and in the tall grass dropped the front wheel into a cement culvert and folded it right back under, bending the whole mechanism of bean picker No. 1. He was kidded mercilessly thereafter, and at any new field it was “better let Emeryn go first and find the culverts.” Old No. 1 was never the same after that. I got old No. 2 in its fourth year, when the engine was pretty worn. It used a quart of oil and had lost some of its power and road speed. Ray, the mechanic, said it was due for an engine overhaul that winter. Whenever we finished one farmer’s field, the fieldman, Martin or Ernie, told one of the crew where the next field was. Often it was a few miles and a complicated set of directions. As we finished, we emptied our loads and in sort of a strung-out parade headed to the next field following the leader. Sometimes we were too far behind and got lost. Number 2 and I straggled farther and farther behind the parade as the season progressed. I mentioned this to Uncle Lloyd, who said with a hint of a smile “a person could adjust the throttle rod to get more rpms, but the mechanics would not approve.” Parking away from the others one night after work, Everett and I got our wrenches out and adjusted it a lot. After that, even with a weak engine, I could now keep up and actually pull away from the others if I had wanted to. Over the winter, No. 2 was overhauled and next season, Clarence (who had seniority) took it. He seemed to be the one that always struck out first for the next field, and driving wide open with a fresh engine and the speeded-up throttle, left us in the dust. After a few weeks of this, Everett and I stayed late one night and undid our previous ad-
Frederic, WI 54837
HOURS: Monday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday Closed 445673 19Ltfcp Thursday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
justment and added a few extra turns for good measure. “I don’t know what is wrong with No. 2, but it just don’t seem to have any git anymore,” Clarence complained a few days later while we were greasing up. Uncle Lloyd looked over at Everett and me and with a mostly suppressed grin replied, “You know Clarence, maybe you damaged it driving it so hard when you were breaking in the new rings.” With little to keep from getting bored, people did odd things. One week, Willie chose to pull up tightly behind Everett with his front wheel almost touching the big back trailer wheel ahead. When Everett speeded up, so did Willie. Getting very annoyed, Everett watched until Willie was daydreaming and then suddenly stepped on his clutch coming to a stop while pretending to have trouble with the blower. Willie drove right into the back wheel ahead of him, snapping the bolt on his own front wheel, requiring a long explanation to the mechanic how he drove into a machine in front of him. Everett never looked back. The first years we all rode to the field in a beat-up old Carryall passenger van. It was in pretty rough shape, but the motor had been overhauled. Stokely’s was notoriously cheap and although we complained, never got around to fixing many problems it had. One day when I was driving the crew through Osceola coming home from the fields, a cop pulled us over and said “Your brake light is burned out. I’m giving you a fix-it ticket.” “This vehicle belongs to Stokely’s, not me,” I replied. “Well, I’ll give you a fix-it ticket to give to Stokely’s.” “You know,” I said, “the turning signal doesn’t work either.” “OK, I will add that to the ticket,” said the cop. Then Everett said, “The emergency brake won’t work either.” “The dash lights are out too,” added Willie. “You know, the front end shakes and it steers bad to the left,“ added Lloyd, and Conrad said “you should look at the front tires - they are almost down to the threads,” as the cop wrote it all down, grinning hugely. I turned the ticket in that night to the boss, “We got a real hard-nosed cop.” Two days later the Carryall was back, all fixed! I didn’t tell you about our wildcat strike, trucks rearing up on the St. Croix hill, agate and Indian artifact finds and lots more. Everett said “The main reason I went back to college each fall was so I wouldn’t have to work 100 hours a week at Stokely’s anymore!” Luck museum news This Saturday morning during Lucky Days, the Luck Library has a book sale. Stop in and while you are at it tour the museum. Local author Buz Swerkstrom will be here 9 to 11 a.m., autographing and selling his wonderful new book “Polk County Places.” I think we are selling aebleskivers (those round Danish pancakes) in the back of the Cardinal Shop this year.
Mark D. Biller Specializing In Criminal, Traffic and OWI Mark D. Biller Trial Lawyer P.O. Box 159 Balsam Lake, WI 54810
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Instruction for Life from The Dalai Lama Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. Follow the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others, Re- Abrahamzon sponsibility for all your actions. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. Spend some time alone every day. Open you arms to change, but don’t let go of your values. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, don’t bring up the past. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the Earth. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
Behind the Signpost
Pass this mantra along to other people and your life will improve. Read on A while back I read the book “A Walk in the Woods,” by Bill Bryson and jotted down several paragraphs I found interesting. He was walking parts of the Appalachian Trail. He wrote that the continents of the earth were once a single mass called Pangaea, surrounded by the Panthalassan Sea.
The mass started to break apart and drift off 470 million years ago. After that the Appalachians first pushed up. Florida once belonged to Africa. A part of Staten Island was once a part of Europe. The seaboard from New England up to Canada once appeared to have been a part of Morocco. Parts of Greenland, Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia have the same rocks as eastern United States. They are in fact ruptured outposts of the Appalachians. I find the above information fascinating. It’s amazing that everything is firmly anchored in place and won’t be drifting around. Walking the Appalachian Mountains sounds like hard work and dangerous besides with wild animals. There are platforms for sleeping at night located high off the ground. Making any progress is slow, and the miles don’t add up very fast. With today’s ecomomy, there will be very little money designated for trails and national parks. Facilities at best are primitive. I think I could cover more miles studying world maps, trying to visualize what pieces of land broke off from where. It is hard to conceive millions of years and the changes. I understand students in schools today learn the above, but we were not exposed to it in our school days. Quote “The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life – the children; those who are in the twilight of life – the aged; and those who are in the shadows of life – the sick, the needy and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey Good thought It’s on the path you do not fear that the wild beast catches you. – African proverb And another To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. – Chinese proverb And finally He who has no vision of eternity will have to get a true hold of time – T. Carlyle Until next week, Bernice
Northwoods Respite: Burnett County Adult Day Service SIREN – Northwoods Respite, Burnett County Adult Day Service, invites the public to an open house on Tuesday, July 21, at 24146 4th Ave., Birchwood Manor, Siren. The open house goes from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Northwoods Respite is a dual-purpose day respite program for people with memory loss, due to Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. The primary focus of adult day care is to allow a break for the caregiver. However, it is equally important for the person with memory loss, because it can increase their stimulation and allows them to stay involved in the community. Many caregivers feel guilty about putting their loved one in an adult day care, but the person with memory loss often sees it as another group or club that they be-
long to. They make new friendships and really enjoy their time together. The open house allows hesitant caregivers a chance to experience firsthand what their loved one would while at Northwoods Respite. Professional caregivers, family members or anyone touched by memory loss is encouraged to stop by to see the program and see other resources they have to offer. Northwoods Respite currently meets from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in Siren and Webster. Visitors are welcome during operating hours. If you are a caregiver and want more information on how to get your loved one into respite care, please contact Northwoods Respite Director, Julie Dalsveen at 715-349-5250. – submitted
Athletic screenings offered OSCEOLA – Osceola Medical Center is again sponsoring athletic screenings for Wisconsin and Minnesota students interested in sports and cheerleading for the 2009-2010 school year. The 17th-annual Athletic Screening Day is Wednesday, July 29, from 4 to 8 p.m. This year the screening day will be in the Rehabilitation Services Department at the new Osceola Medical Center, just south of town. The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association and Minnesota State High School League require a physical exam for students to participate in sanctioned athletic activities, every two years for Wisconsin students and every three years for Minnesota. Eligible students are those entering grades seven through 12. The Athletic Screening Day includes flexibility testing, athletic screening, heart-rate recovery and vision screening. A representative from Osceola Schools will
also be on hand to talk about athletic activities, especially fall sports. Sports physicals are available from your regular health-care provider at any time prior to the start of each sport’s season. However, this screening day has been set aside to conveniently pull together health-care providers, physical therapists and school representatives for screenings and informational opportunities for student athletes and their parents. As in the past, OMC will donate the $15 screening fee to the athletic programs at Osceola Schools. Registration for the screening days is required. Space is limited for this day and is expected to fill quickly. For registration information, contact OMC Rehabilitation Services directly at 715-294-3500. Information is also available at the Osceola Middle School and High School. - submitted
Follow the Leader.
Do you remember ? Compiled by Bernice Abrahamzon
50 Years Ago Kaufman’s had a special sale on wool shirts and jackets at their Webster store.-Siren Jubilee was set for July 18-19.-Windus Apparel in Frederic had a July dress sale with one rack of dresses at $5 and millinery at $1.99$2.00.-Specials at Route’s Super Market, Frederic, included watermelon, 18-20-lb. avg., for 69¢ each, canned peas at 10¢/can, 4-1/2-oz. tin of shrimp at 37¢ and tuna fish at four cans for 89¢.-Eskiel G. Erickson was named as Burnett Co. FHA committee.-Burnett County judging teams did well at Rice Lake.-Obituaries included Estella Cooper, Ardell Peterson, Ida Nation and Clarence Anderson.-The film “In Love and War” was playing at the Grand Theatre, Grantsburg.-The Frederic Theatre featured fight films, Floyd Patterson and Ingemar Johansson.-Frederic real estate went up slightly with personal property down.-Work started on the new Lutheran church in Luck.-Easter Seal sales in Polk County totaled $1,884.12.-Frederic’s bean pack got underway.-Specials at the Clover Farm Store, Frederic, included 1/2-gal. ice cream at 59¢, shortening at 3 lbs. for 69¢, 20-22-lb. watermelon at 79¢, Sure Jell at 6 pkgs. for 77¢ and ends and pieces bacon at 23¢ lb. (Oh, to be shopping back then!).The Siren Jubilee parade was declared the biggest in history.-The state will have a smaller pig crop this fall.-The Heat Ass’n. was having an exhibit at the Grantsburg Fair.-Ella Rae Garber, 6, passed away.-Coomer Old Settlers planned to have a picnic at the Siren Park on Aug. 2.
40 Years Ago A feature article centered on Andrew Hayman and his hatchery in Burnett County.-New 1970 Ski-Doos were on display on July 25, at Maki’s at Grantsburg with free coffee and donuts served.-Specials at Route’s Super Market, Frederic included liver sausage at 47¢/lbs., pork chops at 15¢ each, Kool-Aid at 12 pkgs. for 49¢ and kidney beans at two cans for 29¢.-Kenneth Abrahamzon was filling in at the editor’s desk, writing such headlines as: Many lovelies to compete for title in 1969 Siren Area Pageant. Candidates included Judith Goodman, Terri Dilling, Rose Thorsbakken, Katherine Pedersen, Margaret Jensen, Candice Shutt, Colleen Flanigan, Renee Jensen, Janice Wonka, Gale Madsen, Cheryl Nelson, Karen Drohman, Beverly Doriott and Kathy Peterson, 14 in all.-Chest freezers at the Frederic Farmers Union Co-op were $219.95.-Al Brown, Frederic, was written up as an artist, beekeeper, photographer and trap shooter.The Leader staff was all on vacation for two weeks, so news stories were written in advance with features and special coverages.-An Ellsworth man, A.M. Anderson, was the new chairman of Advotech 18.-The Siren Chamber of Commerce extended a warm welcome to George W. Benson, attorney at law, as the newest professional resident, wishing him a long and gratifying stay.-Specials at the Frederic Co-op Super Market were cantaloupe at 4 for $1, tomato soup at nine cans for $1, Thompson seedless grapes at 19¢/lb. and dog food at 12 cans for $1.-Mr. and Mrs. Gail Dutton were congratulated on the completion of their new Minerva Marina, 3 miles northeast of Danbury.
20 Years Ago The Eye to Eye column featured Diane Foote, Burnett County’s emergency medical services director, who was making the EMS program a goal.-A Brat Fest was held in early June in the Burnett County Moose Lodge, east of Hwy. 35 on Hwy. 70 out of Siren.-Wisconsin cyclists began a coast-to-coast trek June 5.-Recycling drop-off boxes arrived in this area in June.-Candidates for the Frederic Queen Pageant were Donna Christopherson, Tara Svoboda, Sara Sventek, Jennifer Edling, Shanda Tschumperlin, Susan Sanborn and Sara Lauer, seven in all.-It was said, “A farm is a dangerous place for toddlers,” and for adults too.-A feature article on Don Byerly told how he was striving to improve science education.-Farm families under stress was a course offered at Siren and Amery.-Obituaries included Nathan Larson, Charles Campbell, Robert Green, Martha Anderson, Arthur Fahland, Hank Kubicka, Frank Hiller and Alma Hillman.-Gerald Dexter, the police chief at St. Croix Falls, resigned.-Al and Doris Ronningen celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 11, 1989, at St. Luke Methodist Church, Frederic.-Trail bridges in Burnett County would get repairs and villages were asked to plan.
866-4334 A special welcome to Janice Denotter who comes to us through the Experience Works program and started assisting Nicky in the kitchen on Monday. We are very happy and fortunate to have her join us and feel that she will be a real asset to our nutrition program and center. Lily Gleason has been cheerfully helping by volunteering after completing her home-delivered meal run every day, and Nicky has been very appreciative of all her help. Thanks Lil. Twenty-one diners enjoyed Nicky’s lasagna meal on Wednesday. Afterward, Gene Johnson and Harold Peterson got in several games of pool before cards started. Only 11 ladies played dime Bingo in the afternoon, but even when the card player numbers are down, everyone has a wonderful time visiting and playing together. Thanks to Bernie Boelter for furnishing the dessert. There was lots of activity on the north and west sides of the center on Wednesday as carnival rides, booths and campers were being set up for the county fair. The nutrition site was closed on Thursday but pool players Pat O’Brien, Harold Peterson, Dave Wardean, Earl Boelter, Chuck Lehman and Ken Hayes had a good time in the evening as did Bernie Boelter, Nancy O’Brien, Margel Ruck, Theresa Gloege,
Gladys Beers and Donna Lehman while playing cards. Margel Ruck was delighted to have a visit with her cousin Bill and Ardyce Gehrke of Seeley Lake, Mont., on Thursday afternoon at the home her mother, Olive Gehrke, in Balsam Lake. They were here to attend the all school reunion on Saturday at the American Legion Hall in Balsam Lake. Arvilla Voltattorni, Mert Kisselburg, Sam Williamson, Theresa Gloege, Lily Gleason and Gladys Beers were at the home of Berenice Quernemoen on Thursday afternoon to celebrate the birthdays of Arvilla and Mert. Happy birthdays ladies! There is still time to sign up at your local senior center/nutrition site for the annual Burnett County Senior Dining Picnic being held on Thursday, July 16, at noon at the Crooked Lake Park in Siren. Our prayers and get-well wishes continue to go out to Ellen Hanninen; and to my brother David Smith who had surgery on his left wrist on Friday following his July Fourth injury at the Manor. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Bailey family in the recent death of their brother, Jim, of Belgrade, Mont. A man was observed standing near the intersection of a very busy highway on a very
Burnett Community Library Another patron’s response during National Library Week: My public library is important to our community because “… our library contains tons of valuable information available for everyone and any needs. School, home, public information, etc.” Wednesday evening the village of Webster held its public hearing for the CDBG grant for the library facility renovation project. The village board voted unanimously to submit the application to CDBG. If the grant is awarded, the library can begin work this fall in the renovation of the Larsen building. Ron Handberg spoke Saturday, July 11, at a Friends of the Library author’s luncheon. The library has copies of his books available: “Cry Vengeance,” “Malice Intended,” “Dead Silence” and “Savage Justice.” The library building fund sponsored a bottled water sale during the Fourth of July parade. The sales brought in about $100. The summer reading program meets at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays for children ages four and up. The toddlers story hour meets at 11:30 a.m. The Burnett Community Library book club will be reading “Moloka’i,” by Alan Brennert, to be discussed on Tuesday, July 28, at 10
a.m. If you need a copy, please call the library at 715-866-7697 and we will be glad to obtain one for you.
New juvenile books
“My Dog, Buddy” by David Milgrim “Marley & Me: Meet Marley,” by Natalie Engel “Marley & Me: Merley to the Rescue,” by M.K. Gaudet “Curious George: The Boat Show,” by Kate O’Sullivan “Curious George Takes a Trip,” by Rotem Moscovich “Max amd Mo Make a Snowman,” by Patricia Lakin “Max and Mo’s Halloween Surprise,” by Patricia Lakin “Pip Squeak,” by Sarah Weeks “Pedro’s Burro,” by Alyssa Capucilli
New adult books
“Swimsuit,” by James Patterson
Monday through Thursday open from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Every year I go to both the Webster and the Grantsburg fairs and I always come away thinking this year the 4-H kids have really outdone themselves with the projects they entered for all to see. I, for one, am a staunch supporter of getting your kids involved in a 4H group. Our kids were in 4-H and both my husband and myself served as project leaders, making it a family thing, as many in 4-H do. I firmly believe it builds character and shows responsibility to kids, thus giving them a solid footing as they become adults and go out into the world. For those of you who over the years have enjoyed the rendezvous at Forts Folle Avoine between Webster and Danbury, mark your calcendars for the weekend of Friday, July 24 through Sunday, July 26. The rendezvous will be held those days. There will be many activities going on to watch or participate in with fun for all ages. Plus on Sunday a wild-rice pancake breakfast will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost for the breakfast is just $5 per person. Tickets to get into the weekend event at the fort are $8 for adults, kids 6-12 are $5 and kids under 6 are free. If you come in as a family party of two adults and two kids the price is just $24. This is a great event to both watch and also to learn a little of the past years in our history. The second-annual Siren Community Block
Bev Beckmark
Party is coming up Sunday, July 19, at the Siren Covenant Church, starting at 4 p.m. Bring your own chairs and enjoy an evening of entertainment, food, games and more. This is fun for the whole family and the best part of it all is it is free. Coming up on Saturday, July 25, is the FlyIn Breakfast at the Burnett County Airport from 6:30 to 11 a.m. Come and enjoy a great breakfast of wild rice pancakes and ham, price is just $6 for adults and $3 for kids. This breakfast is sponsored by the Siren area’s own ag club. There has been a flurry of activity out west of Siren this past week, as Hwy. 70 gets a new facelift from the St. Croix River all the way into Siren. There has been no bear problems in Bear Country with all this going on. I don’t know who the crew is on the job, but even though traffic gets heavy at times, especially on Friday, they have, for the most part, been able to keep it running rather smoothly. Art and Bev Beckmark received word from grandson Steven Beckmark that they are great-grandparents again. Steven and his wife Brittany’s second daughter was born on July 12, her great-great-grandfather Otto Martin’s birthday. The name isn’t for sure, but they think she will be called Cheyenne Emma Beckmark.
cold and blustery winter day. The next day, he was there again, and also the day after that. Through hot weather and cold, rain and snow, he was always there. One day it was finally revealed that he had a daughter about 7 years old, who was going to school. She had to cross the road just at the brow of a hill. There was a constant stream of cars, trucks and buses going both ways. The father knew of the perils, and he loved that girl enough to be there in all kinds of weather to guider her safely across the dangerous highway. Life is a busy highway, and our loving heavenly FaHi, everybody! Blacky here from the Humane Society of Burnett County. Wow, get this! When I went to the shelter the other day, I saw three tiny kittens who came in after their mom was hit by a car. (Sad.) When I looked at them I thought, “Gee, I’ve chased tree rats smaller than these kitties.” I felt kind of guilty, sort of, but then again I haven’t caught a tree rat in a very long time. OK, never. Anyway, this trio is about 4 weeks old and won’t be ready to go anywhere for awhile, until they learn to eat on their own and motor around without being all jerky and fragile. They sure are cute. There are two boys and one girl. Ella is the girl, and she is black with some white markings. Omar is her brother. He is orange and is a wee bit bulkier and stronger than his siblings, but he still looks like he could get beat up by a dandelion. Vince is buff colored and the smallest of the three. I think he is my favorite, but don’t tell anyone. I’m not supposed to be biased. Shhhh. When I was playing with my friends this week, Wade, the black Lab mix, asked if I’d pass along a message, and I said I would, so here it is: “Hi, I’m Wade. Do you have a farm? Do you think you might have room for a guy like me there? I tried to live in town, but I needed more exercise than my folks could muster so it didn’t work out so well. I’m a young black Lab mix with the softest fur you could pet, and I’m really not so hard to live with. I’m affectionate, handsome and am mostly well-behaved. Heck, I was at the shelter’s wine tasting party and was a model citizen! Even Blacky says I acted better than he did that day. Give me a chance, please. I just want a home where I fit in and won’t be too confined. Thank you, Wade.” Cripes, who could turn down an appeal like that? I know how he feels about being cooped up though; last week my mom had a bum wheel and couldn’t walk my brother and me for three whole days! That was when I learned a little something about patience. We were bouncing around and driving her nuts, and then my brother stepped on her sore foot. That was not good, because then Mom said, “Let’s go outside and I’ll try and shoot apples off your heads for something to do!” I don’t know about my brother, he’s kind of
Mary Klar ther waits to help us past the spiritual dangers that we face today, tomorrow, and the next. When we place our hand in his and accept his guidance, he helps us to deal successfully with all of life’s dangerous temptations. Safety is not found in the absence of danger but in the presence of God. “Fear not, I am with thee – O’ be not dismayed, I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.” – Keith. “You, O’ Lord, are a shield for me.” – Psalm 3:3. See you at the center. dense sometimes, but that comment made my ears stand up! I decided I’d stay on the porch until things were back to normal and we got back into our routine. I know she was only kidding, but us dogs tend to make the best out of our circumstances anyway. If your dog has a behavioral problem, you YAPpenings might want to step back and look at your own circumstances, your pet’s training and exercise routine (or lack of), and gain a new perspective. It’s not always our fault when we misbehave or drive you bonkers, so if you want to be a good pet owner, you need to have the smarts and the tools to work with us. In my case last week, I’m just used to being spoiled and at first, thought my mom was just being lazy. I get it now, and thank goodness, we have no apples around! Aside from the long list I gave you last week, I have just a couple of additional things to ask for this time. We need some puppy food for my growing friends, and we still are in need of some garbage bags. We’ve got bigger-ticket needs that I mentioned last week, and if you want details on those or how you can help, please give the shelter staff a jingle at the number below. Don’t forget - this Saturday, July 18, is Adoption Day at Tractor Supply Co. in St. Croix Falls. My pals will be there from 10 a.m until 2 p.m. with goodies, cool ID tags and accessories for sale, microchipping services, and some nice dogs and cats that want to find a permanent home. I’m not going because my mom heard I want to run amok through the store, but I hope all of you that are interested in seeing my furry pals will try and stop out. If you can’t, why not visit my friends at the shelter? They would love the company, and you will never get a better reception when you walk in a room. Dogs and cats, everybody! You gotta love ‘em. HSBC is saving lives, one at a time. www.hsburnettcty.org, 715-866-4096.
Blacky Shelter
Grantsburg Public Library Summer reading programs
Grantsburg Public Library’s summer reading program continues in full swing. Author David Shannon will be featured next week. Pirate coloring sheets will be available to entered in the prize drawing. Two events coming up will require registration. Thursday, July 30, from 7:30-9 p.m. Twilight Tales, a fun time featuring scary stories by author Alvin Schwart. So bring a flashlight and be prepared to have your teeth chatter and your spine tingle. Mystery Madness will be held Thursday, Aug. 20, from 7:30-9 p.m., involves solving a library mystery. These sessions are for third- to sixth-graders. Registration sheets are on the circulation desks. A special preschool reading hour will be Wednesday, Aug. 12, at 10:30 a.m.
New books
A few of the new books for July are “Lace Makers of Glenmara,” by Heather Barbieri; “In the Dark Place,” by Brian Freeman, “A Plague of Secrets,” by John Lescroart; “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,” by Steig Larsson and “The Embers,” by Hyatt Bass. Two of the new audio books on CDs are “Singing Them Home,” by Stephanie Kallos and “Fixer Upper,” by Mary Kay Andrews. New book list can be found at the circulation counter.
Regular hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, noon to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The library will be closed Saturday during the summer months. E-mail address for the library is library@grantsburg.nwls.lib.wi.us.
Check out the Leader’s e-edition @ www.the-leader.net
TOWN TALK/COUNTRY CHATTER Lewis A congregation pancake breakfast was served after Sunday services by the United Methodist Men. Those who helped Pastor Tom with the Sunday service were: Sylvia Schaetzel and Robin Peterson, plus ushers. The choir sang. The United Methodist Women are sponsoring a bake sale on Thursday, beginning at 4 p.m., outside the Dairy Queen in Siren. They hope to use the proceeds for a special project such as a church scholarship. An order has been placed for nice weather. Rain on Sunday was greeted by applause. A planning meeting for the Charles E. Lewis weekend and tent revival will be held this Wednesday at 5 p.m., at Sundown Saloon on Hwy. 35. To help plan or suggest something, please feel welcome. The Big Weekend is Aug. 9, 10 and 11. Activities are planned for several locations. Please mark calendars. Lewis may be little, but oh, my! Historian Clayton Jorgensen is getting ready to include Lewis in his history of Clam Falls Township, using existing pictures and taking additional ones. If any readers have pictures they’d like to share, he will have
Bernice Abrahamzon
them copied at the Leader and safely returned to you. Contact Clayton Jorgensen or Bernice Abrahamzon. Open house will be held for Amy Jones on Saturday, July 18, at the Jones’ home in Lewis. It is being held in honor of Amy’s recent graduation as an honor student at the Frederic High School, and also as a farewell party, as Amy has volunteered to go into service and will soon be called up. We are very proud of her and the family. We wish Amy the best in life. The usual two-day flea market will be held Aug. 10-11 on the back lot of the Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church. If interested in setting up a display, contact Ethel Lane at Frederic, see directory for details. Small charge for setting up either day or for both. Tamy Baxter has volunteered to handle the Little Miss/Little Mr. Lewis contest during Charles E. Lewis Days. The winner is chosen by a drawing near the ball monument on the church grounds. Ages are flexible, between 5 and 9, or thereabouts. Contact Tammy through the Lewis church phone number. At the annual conference of the United Methodist Churches
of Wisconsin held at Appleton, Harvey Stover retired as a UM pastor. For a while in recent years he served as pastor at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Frederic and pastor at the Lorain United Methodist. The Lorain church is officially closed and many of the furnishing, even the floor, are gone. Pastor Alan Hagstrom, who once served Grantsburg, Siren, and Lewis United Methodist churches, retired from active ministry at the Osceola United Methodist. Old-time parishioners in Lewis remember him posing as an early circuit rider, dressed in period clothes, riding a horse one Sunday as a historical event. He often brought youth members with him from Grantsburg to perform chancel dramas. After leaving this area, he served as a chaplain in a city hospital. Wishing him a happy retirement. Sheila Staples spent the extended Fourth of July weekend at the home of Larry and Sharry Nelson in Bayfield. This last Saturday Sheila tended the Polk-Burnett Retired Educators booth at the Central Burnett County Fair in Webster.
Siren Senior Center We had a beautiful day for the bake sale and gratitude is extended to the members who baked and donated bakery items. We would especially like to extend our gratitude to Mel and Marge Nielsen and Elaine Lamson, who happened to wander in and stayed to assist Marge Nyberg, Myrna Thomas and myself with the sale of cards, items from the craft shop, bakery goods and greeting cards. I don’t have the exact total but I think in round figures we grossed over $250. A reminder that the senior picnic will be held on Thursday, July 16, so if you care to come and haven’t signed up at the local senior center you are welcome to come and join us at the Crooked Lake Park in Siren at noon. The suggested donation is $3.50 or your dining nutrition ticket. The Feet First gal will be at the center this coming Monday, July 20, and it is sug-
gested that you make an appointment either by calling 715349-7810 or stopping by the center and putting your name on the list. She will be at the center from 9 a.m. to noon and the going rate is $20 per session. Believe me, it is well worth it. Our senior monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 21, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and we will celebrate the July birthdays with our usual birthday cake after the meeting. Get-well wishes and a speedy recovery to Don Brand who was due to have surgery last week but as of this date we haven’t had word on how he is progressing. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Don. Hurry back. We have had good response to all of the fun activities at the center this week. Winners at 500 on Wednesday were: Arvid Pearson, Doris Knopik, Marie Van Guilder, Mary Ellen
Bubb is a playful bundle of love on four long legs. He wears an original shorthair Sylvester suit complete with white tuxedo bib, mittens and facial hair. With his long agile limbs, Bubb has perfected the sideways sashay when eliciting play from his fellow shelter kitty playmates. Bubb enjoys a fun play session followed by a sun-drenched nap to recharge his solar-kitten battery. He also enjoys a warm cuddle with humans. The cat adoption room is full. Each kennel holds a lifetime of love and entertainment for the lucky applicant. Kittens alone include: Bubb, Bobber and Billy, 12-week-old brothers all marked differently. Bubb with the Sylvester coat, Bobber, long hair, orange tabby and Billy, shorthair, white with buff spots. All are neutered. Deena, Daisy and Jasmine are 12-week-old female siblings to the boys above. Deena is a scene-stealing tortoiseshell, Daisy,
a brown tabby with big eyes and Jasmine has mediumlength black hair. Tango and Cash are 10-week-old kitten siblings. Tango is a happy camper, neutered male, buff and white. His sister Cash is a pistol. She is a beautifully marked diluted calico, soft grey, peach and white. Cash is independent, playful with emphasis and in general, a little firecracker. Socks is also 10 weeks old
Arnell Humane Society Happy Tails
Barb Munger Vorwald and Dwaine Bentley. Winners at Friday Spades were Clara Palomaki, Virginia Martin, Marie Bentley, Darlene Groves and Marie Van Guilder. We play Dime Bingo every Tuesday, 500 on Wednesday and Spades on Friday. All of these activities begin at 1 p.m. sharp. There is no charge for Dime Bingo, all you are required to do is bring your dimes and have a good time. The center requests $2 from each person playing 500 and Spades. The money that is collected is divided equally, half of the funds are awarded to the winners of the games and the other half is donated to the center for their monthly operations. And I close with my typical plea, please remember our donation box for the humane society. They appreciate all that we can give them. and also wears a Sylvester suit. She is sweet and playful. Betty and Wilma are look-alike gray and white sisters. They are as cute as a pair can be. They are playful and sweet and snuggly, at different times. All of these healthy kittens are waiting for their turn to win your heart. Also available for adoption in the Arnell dog kennel are: Lulu, 10-week-old black Lab-mix female pup, Alex, Frank and Norm, all three black Lab males, Daphne, 2-year-old Brittany spaniel-Lab mix female and Ben, an 8-year-old, kid-friendly Chihuahua, neutered male. Visit them online: arnellhumane.org The shelter isolation kennel addition will be finished Aug. 1. The exposed soil and landscaping surrounding the project will need to be tackled yet this fall. Any landscaping agencies or talented volunteers wanting to help out with this job in any way would be greatly appreciated. This project is a great way to get your hands dirty and help the animals at Arnell. Please call the shelter if you can help. Arnell Memorial Humane Society, Amery, 715-268-7387 (PETS).
Cloverton-Markville Independence Day has come and gone out here in the little townships of Arna and New Dosey. Some Fourth of July activities to report and some just regular things have been going on. Don and Marlene Mishler joined Sharon (Nolan) and Doug Panek, Phil and Helen Nolan, and Sandy and Eldon Johnson at the Woodland Restaurant in Grantsburg on Friday night for dinner. Prior to that, Don and Marlene, his son, Brian, and wife, Robin, and family members of Robin all spent five days at the Paradise Shores Resort in Brainerd, Minn., over the Fourth. Don was especially happy to catch some bass, crappies and
Fran Krause
LaVonne O’Brien
Fran Krause attended the Sarah Circle meeting at Wanda Flanigan’s on Wednesday. Saturday Fran attended the luncheon for the Friends of the Library. Kathryn Krause spent the weekend at UW- River Falls visiting friends. Mark Krause spent a few days last week at the Boundary Waters fishing. Harmony HCE got a first on their booth at the Webster fair. All the Burford children and some of the grandchildren spent the week with their dad, Bob Burford. John and Reeny Neinstadt spent the weekend with daughter, Sandy, and celebrated three grandsons’ birthdays. Congratulations to Denni Doriott Brown and Dave Lunsman on their marriage Saturday. Jack and LaVonne O’Brien were supper guests of Anita, Kathleen and Sharon O’Brien Saturday evening. Coming events: Orange school reunion noon July 19 at the Orange Center. Everyone welcome. Webster all-school reunion July 17 at Ike Walton Lodge.
sunfish on Long Lake. Mike Lilly and his grandson, Travis, picked mom, Clara, up on the Fourth and took her to the home of Larry Matrious in Danbury to celebrate with other family members. Clara said she got to see people she had not seen for ages. Jeff Allen, Stillwater, Minn., came up to spend a week with his mom, Helen, before the Fourth. They visited a cemetery in Finlayson. Helen is originally from Finlayson. They also had lunch that day at Amy’s Cafe in Sandstone, Minn. The Zion Lutheran Church Smorgasbord will be held on July 25, beginning at 5 p.m. The Markville Reunion is scheduled for August 15 this year. More about that in a future column. Ed Carlin went to Miltona for the joint birthday party for grandsons Cole and Devin, sons of daughter Angie and her husband Brian. Son Bill and his wife Amanda went with him. While down there, Ed fished on Lake Miltona and caught a
big walleye. Beverly got to stay home and deliver pigs. Marge Wolf spent a few days in Hastings babysitting granddaughter, Danielle, age 9. They saw the movie “Ice Age” and spent one and a half hours in the library one day. Mary Schaaf reports that her hip replacement surgery went perfectly and she feels marvelous. She is still using a walker, but will transfer to a cane soon. She is also taking physical therapy treatments in Webster. We’re happy for you, Mary. My husband, Dave, and I went to the home of Sherry and Tom Wilson on Big Island Road for the Fourth of July. There were about 12 of us there to eat, visit and sit around the campfire in the evening. The next day, we took my nephew, Alex Wolden, and his girlfriend, Kristin, to lunch at the Red Lobster in Duluth, Minn., then went back to their apartment in Superior to play with the pet rabbits. Love your pets, wherever you are.
Dewey - LaFollette
Karen Mangelsen visited Ruby Erickson at the Spooner Nursing Home Thursday. Later she called on Marlene Swearingen. Chuck and Marie Jorgenson, Dick and Phyllis Ehlers, Roger and Karen Route and Bob and Mary Anderson came to the home of Sue and Roger Mroszak Friday. They enjoyed a time of playing cards and visiting. Chuck and Marie spent the weekend there in their fifth-wheel camper. Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Wayne, Marie and Jason Romsos at the Romsos Farm Saturday afternoon, and they were supper guests there too. Connie Quam and Bob Watkins each provided special music during the Sunday morning worship at Lakeview UM Church. This was to say thank you and farewell to the interim
Karen Mangelsen
pastor, the Rev. Joan Goebel. Several from Lakeview attended the good-bye potluck picnic for Pastor Joan at Spooner UM Church. Donna Hines spent Friday visiting Marlene Swearingen. Bob and Pam Benty visited Karen and Hank Mangelsen Sunday afternoon. Gerry and Donna Hines visited Nina and Lawrence Hines Sunday afternoon and evening.
Follow the Leader
TOWN TALK/COUNTRY CHATTER Academic news BEMIDJI, Minn. – Jessica Niles, Frederic, graduated from Bemidji State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice and Emily Brookshaw, Webster, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in exercise science at the conclusion of the 2009 spring semester. ••• Bemidji State University has also announced its spring semester dean’s list. The following area student is included: Jacob T. Schmidt, Frederic. - submitted ••• ST. PAUL, Minn. – Sarah Imme, Frederic, graduated from Hamline University with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. Imme, a graduate of Siren High School, is the daughter of Jody and Susan Imme, Webster. – submitted ••• Michael Vincent Mahlen received his Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from the University of Wisconsin – Superior, on May 16, 2009. Mike is a 2006 graduate of Web-
ster High School and is pursuing a career in law enforcement. He is the son of Thomas and Catherine Mahlen of Danbury. – submitted ••• MILWAUKEE – The Milwaukee School of Engineering has announced its spring quarter dean’s list. The following area student is included: Alexandra M. Puetz, Frederic. – submitted ••• PLATTEVILLE – UW-Platteville has announced the chancellor’s list for the 2009 spring semester. Students on the chancellor’s list must have grade-point averages of 4.00 and have a minimum of 12 credits for the semester. Jacob A. Friberg, Frederic, is on the chancellor’s list of UW-Platteville. Friberg is in the colleges of engineering, mathematics and science. – submitted •••
Birth announcements A boy, Andrew Michael Swenson, born May 22, 2009, at United Hospital, St. Paul, to Michael and Wendy Swenson, Grantsburg. Andrew weighed 3 lbs., 13 oz. and was 17 inches long. Grandparents are Charles and Dolores Swenson, Grantsburg, and Antoinette and Jerry Horky, Luck. Greatgrandmother is MaryJane Meyer, Grantsburg. ••• Mitch and Callie Olson would like to announce the birth of their son, Elijah Alan Olson. He was born June 16, and weighed 8 lbs., 11 oz., at St. Mary’s Hospital in Duluth, Minn. Grandparents are Jerry and Cindy Olson and Don and Debbie Bjelland, all of Grantsburg. ••• Born at Amery Regional Medical Center: A girl, Brenna Marie Gale, born June 19, 2009, to Tonya and Jerome Gale, Clayton. Brenna weighed 8 lbs., 4.5 oz. ••• A girl, Morgan Lia Martell, born June 20, 2009, to Cerissa Harding and Leo Martell, Clear Lake. Morgan weighed 8 lbs., 15.5 oz. ••• A girl, Kaylei Ann Vance, born June 20, 2009, to Sadie and Jamie Vance, New Richmond. Kaylei weighed 5 lbs., 10.5 oz. ••• A girl, Gracelyn LaRae Finley, born June 22, 2009, to Baillee Denman and Eric Finley, Clayton. Gracelyn weighed 7 lbs., 12-1/4 oz. ••• A boy, Gabriel James Arcand-Danielson, born June 23, 2009, to Laura Arcand and Kerry Danielson, Clear Lake. Gabriel weighed 8 lbs., 4-3/4 oz. ••• A girl, Lyla Mae Ronkainen, born June 24, 2009, to Elizabeth Phernetton and Aaron Ronkainen, Frederic. Lyla weighed 7 lbs., 8.5 oz. ••• A girl, Julianne Laura Meyer, born July 2, 2009, to Shaya Bonde and Ethan Meyer, New Richmond. Julianne weighed 5 lbs., 13 oz. ••• A boy, TaeVion Travis Allen, born July 2, 2009, to Melissa Hubred and Mirage Allen, Amery. TaeVion weighed 8 lbs., 1.5 oz. ••• A girl, MaKenna Ann Raffesberger, born July 4, 2009, to Savannah and Joshua Raffesberger, Almena. MaKenna weighed 6 lbs., 3 oz. ••• A girl, Rian Grace Wallberg, born July 6, 2009, to Gretchen and Daniel Wallberg, Amery. Rian weighed 6 lbs., 9.5 oz. ••• A boy, Hunter David Beestman, born July 7, 2009, to Katey Vanderwyst and Isaac Beestman, Clayton. Hunter weighed 5 lbs., 12 oz.
••• A girl, Mallory Louise Wade, born July 7, 2009, to Wendy and Michael Wade Sr., Amery. Mallory weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz. ••• A boy, Bennett Jameson Fuller, born July 8, 2009, to Rachel and Robert Fuller II, Clear Lake. Bennett weighed 7 lbs., 9.5 oz. ••• Born at St. Croix Regional Medical Center: A girl, Payton Anne Raiolo, born June 25, 2009, to Michael and Heidi Raiolo, Baldwin. Payton weighed 6 lbs., 7 oz. ••• A boy, Donovan David Stertz, born June 26, 2009, to Casey and David Stertz, North Branch, Minn. Donovan weighed 7 lbs., 15 oz. ••• A boy, Matthew Hollister Doolittle, born July 1, 2009, to Miranda and Andrew Doolittle, St. Croix Falls. Matthew weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz. ••• A boy, Hayden Charles Kurkowski, born July 1, 2009, to Kristina Erlitz and Patrick Kurkowski, Luck. Hayden weighed 8 lbs., 9 oz. ••• A boy, Dominick Marshall Hepner, born July 2, 2009, to Carol and Marshall Hepner, Taylors Falls, Minn. Dominick weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz. ••• A boy, Stephen Joe Stevens III, born July 2, 2009, to Rachel and Stephen Stevens Jr., Frederic. Stephen weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz. ••• A girl, Charlisia Ann Hacken, born July 2, 2009, to Brandi and Brian Hacken, Osceola. Charlisia weighed 5 lbs., 10 oz. ••• A boy, Konnor Richard Bader, born July 4, 2009, to Bridget and Randy Bader, Frederic. Konnor weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz. ••• A boy, Austin Derick Meyer, born July 6, 2009, to Cory and Jolene Meyer, Grantsburg. Austin weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz. ••• A boy, Luke David Mikle, born July 6, 2009, to Paula and Toby Mikle, Balsam Lake. Luke weighed 9 lbs., 7 oz. ••• A boy, Griffin Adam Wilcox, born July 7, 2009, to Joseph and Brooke Wilcox, Amery. Griffin weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz. ••• A boy, Aaden Andrew Lundin, born July 8, 2009, to Nina Northquest, Grantsburg. Aaden weighed 5 lbs., 15 oz. ••• A boy, Jayse Quintin Blomker, born July 8, 2009, to Jamie Gardner, Kankakee, Ill. Jayse weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz. •••
Blake/Cook Katie R. Blake of Frederic and St. Paul, Minn., and Paul D. Cook of Danbury, are pleased to announce their engagement. They will be married on Aug. 29, at 3 p.m., at Coyland Creek, Frederic. Their parents are Robert and Marilyn Blake of Frederic and Paul and Barbara Cook of Arkdale. Katie attended the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, Minn., and graduated from St. Cloud State University in 2006 with a degree in land surveying and mapping sciences. She is employed as a land surveyor with Yaggy Colby Associates in Eagan, Minn. Paul graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in 1995 with a degree in reclamation. He is employed as a conservationist for the Burnett County Land and Water Department in Siren. - submitted
Interstate Park news Naturalist programs at Wisconsin Interstate Park Friday, July 17
A Billion Years on the Pothole Trail, 3 p.m. at the Pothole Trail sign. Join naturalist Barb Walker and hike back in time to see the geological wonders created over the last billion years.
Saturday, July 18
Family Fun: Frisbee Trees! 10 a.m. at the Camp Interstate Shelter. Come and test your Frisbee tossing ability and tree identification skills at the same time. Join naturalist Julie Fox for a fun activity that the entire family can enjoy. Paul Bunyan, Log Jams and River Rats, 2 p.m. at the Summit Rock Trail sign. Join the naturalist for a hike up to the summit and hear colorful stories of lumberjacks and white pine. A Trapper’s World, 4 p.m. at the Camp Interstate Shelter. See a display and demonstration as Interstate Park Ranger Rusty Weise illustrates the tools of modern-day trapping and explains the different styles used as well as the importance of trapping for wildlife management. Wannigan Days Parade, 6 p.m. The annual Wannigan Days Parade starts in St. Croix Falls and ends in Taylors Falls, Minn. Wannigan is the Native American word for the floating cook shack used by lumbermen during log drives.
Wednesday, July 22
What a beautiful weekend we just had, and it looks like it will continue through most of this week. Hopefully a bit of moisture will come our way very soon, before all the crops are lost and the flowers shrivel up to nothing. Last week on Tuesday, there were 26 players for 500 cards. Guess the ladies could have stayed home or gone shopping, as the men claimed all the top winner spots. They were Ray Nelson, Wally Quist, Roger Greenly, Lonnie Jones and Bruce Medchill. Bruce Medchill took the 9-bid. For the Dominos game, the top winners were the ladies, with Donna Schlosser, Martha Lundstrom and Janice Mevissen taking honors. Skip-Bo winners in the morning were Carol Van Buskirk and Ione White. Thursday evening 500 winners were Ray Nelson, Grace Howitz, Bob Norlander, Phil Mevissen and Wilma Bird. Don Benson and Irv Bird captured the 9-bid for the evening. Keep learning; learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” And the devil’s name is Alzheimer’s. This weekend is Wannigan Days in St. Croix Falls, and the senior center will be extremely busy. Along with playing
500 cards and Dominos on Tuesday and Thursday and Bridge and Bingo on Friday, the center will be busy setting up for their bake sale and the sale of pork chops on a stick, brats and hot dogs, all done to perfection by chef Ron. This will all be on Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. So stop by and check us out. Stay in town for the Wannigan parade at 6 p.m., and catch a glimpse of the senior float. Thursday will be our general meeting, which will follow a potluck lunch. Phil is trying something new with the 500 cards. We will be playing cards and Dominos following the meeting. This is to let those of us who don’t want to be out at night or have a bit longer drive to enjoy everything all in one trip. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it’s family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies or whatever. Your home is your refuge. Until next week, I hope to see you in downtown St. Croix Falls enjoying some of what we have to offer. And remember, our coffeepot is always on, we do have Internet service and our building can be rented for a very nominal fee.
Thursday, July 23
Nature story time, 10 a.m. Join naturalists Julie Fox or Barb Walker for a story and activity chosen especially for children pre-K through kindergarten and their parents. Check at the park office upon arrival for program location. Interstate Park is located in St. Croix Falls, on Hwy. 35, just one-half mile south of Hwy. 8. For more information call Fox or Walker at 715-483-3747.
After 75 years in Grantsburg, Cub Scouts may come to an end.
We have the Scouts. We need volunteers to lead them. We are asking all former Scouts, parents of Scouts, godparents of Scouts and friends of Scouts, to attend a meeting about the future of Cub Scouts in Grantsburg,
on Thursday, July 23, at 6 p.m., at Central United Methodist Church.
491026 47-48Lp
SCF Senior Center
The Secrets of Eagle Peak, 10 a.m. at the Eagle Peak Trail sign in the Pines Group Camp. Join naturalist Barb Walker for a hike up the trail to learn the secrets of the peak and see a beautiful view of the St. Croix River Valley.
Amery Senior Center I cannot believe it is already the middle of July! Where has the summer gone?!! The weather has been just gorgeous lately. I haven’t been out with my parents on the pontoon as much as I would like this summer; we should all try to take time to take advantage of this lovely weather before the snow starts flying again. July 24 and 25 the senior center will be holding another brat stand fundraiser at Dick’s Market – Janet and Byron Dopkins do a fantastic job running this event and we appreciate the hard work they do. Stop on by and have a tasty brat or hot dog in support of the center. If you are on our Centennial Bell mailing list but come to the senior center often, how about picking up your newsletter there, instead of having us mail it? Or, do you have Internet service? You can read your Centennial Bell online! These are just a couple of ways that you can help us save on postage. Let one of the staff members know if you want to be taken off the mailing list. And remember to always check your newsletter to find out about what is coming up. We always try to have something new for you to look forward to. Do you have a special recipe that you would like to share? We are starting to collect them right now and encourage you to gather as many as you can from your family, friends and personal collection. Drop them off in the office, and we will take it from there! We need to collect 350 recipes. You don’t have to be a member to contribute, but we do need to get them in. Please help us out. We now have Wii fit. This works with our
Nintendo Wii system and is a fun way to get your strength training and aerobic exercise. The use of this is free for members – ask at the office for details on how to use it. All data is private to you only, so no one else can see your results and scores. Don’t forget, we are always taking rummage sale item. Did you have a sale of your own and have some leftovers? Are you going through your stuff and finding you have more than you need? Drop your items off at the senior center between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and pick up a tax-deductible receipt. We appreciate the support. Ruth Ann Riley was first in Monday Bridge, with Helen Magnuson in second. Tuesday’s pool had Paul Hartung in first place, with Carl Johnson in second, Paul Seidel in third and Jerry Fisher fourth. Paul Seidel was first in the bowling tournament with a score of 648, with Carl Johnson in second and Ed O’Neill in third. Shirley Turek was first in Wednesday Bridge, with Betty Toftness in second, Sandy Thorn following in third, Pat Stokes in fourth and Margaret Dietz fifth. For those of you who know the story, the kitten is alive and well and doing wonderfully. He truly is a little miracle. He is walking better and better each day as his legs are getting stronger. Thanks for all of your prayers as we watch the little bugger get healthier each day. We’ve been attempting to name him, but as of yet, it is still unknown. When we thought she was a female, it was going to be Grace – Amazing Grace – but that didn’t quite fit when we found out she was a male! Have a great week. God bless you all.
490736 36d 47L
by Kari Fladwood, director
Frederic Senior Center by Ardyce Knauber
Monday, July 6, Spades was played at 1 p.m. with the following winners, Stub Ruhn in first place, Ed Berdal in second place, Eleanor Bonneville in third place and Donald Danielson in fourth place. Whist and cards were played Tuesday. Each morning coffee hour is enjoyed. The guys enjoy playing pool. Wednesday Pokeno was played at 1 p.m., with a large group enjoying their game and refreshments Card game talk is busy and refreshments at coffee time enjoyed. Thursday, July 9, 500 cards was played at 6:30 p.m. with the following winners: Arnie
Borchert in first place, Willis Williams in second place, Tim Abrahamzon in third place and Myrna Veik in fourth place. Friday Pokeno was at 1 p.m. They always enjoy their game. Our flowers are blooming and are very pretty in spite of the dry weather. We thank Larry for his good care and watering. Saturday a light refreshment is available at noon and cards, Pokeno or Bingo in the afternoon. Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.
Jumbo Paper Clips
Luck Senior Center by Marlene Denissen
Hello folks. We are all appreciating this beautiful weather, aren’t we? But I think we would all like a few more rainy days. We’ve had nothing special happening at the center the last week, just lots of fun visiting. Of course, there is a big weekend coming up. On Saturday, for Lucky Days, we will be serving our usual barbecue and chips along with pie and ice cream, coffee, pop and lemonade. We always have a huge variety of homemade pies. (Many of our pies are donated by the TOPS organization which meets every week at the center.) We will be serving food from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please come in for lunch, just pie, or for just a need to get off your feet. It’s cool inside. Everyone is welcome to come to our cen-
ter whenever we are open. We are especially inviting anyone interested in playing pool to come in. This means people of any age; we do like to see a few younger faces now and then. We have a beautiful pool table that would like to be used more. The Indianhead Gem and Mineral Society meets at the center every first Monday of the month during summer months (except August). Meetings start at 7 p.m. This is a very interesting and active group of people (and their president is a really funny person–he keeps the whole group chuckling most of the evening). This group will be having a rock show at the Frederic High School the weekend of July 24 and 25. This is a very interesting show and fun for kids.
Tuition freeze at UW-Barron County RICE LAKE - Tuition at the University of Wisconsin-Barron County in Rice Lake will remain at the 2006 rate for the upcoming 20092010 academic year. At its July meeting in Madison, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents approved an annual operating budget and accepted UW System President Kevin P. Reilly’s budget request to freeze tuition for the third-consecutive year for 12,735 resident students enrolled at the 13 freshman-sophomore UW Colleges campuses. “Maintaining tuition at 2006 rates for the 2009-2010 academic year means that the UW Colleges will continue to be the most affordable access point for anyone who wants to start, continue or complete a degree,” said UW Colleges and UW-Extension Chancellor David Wilson, who has spearheaded the push to keep the UW Colleges affordable, especially in these challenging economic times. With this tuition freeze, UW-Barron County
will maintain its long-held reputation as an affordable choice for incoming students of all ages who can then complete a baccalaureate degree at any four-year UW campus. The tuition for two semesters at UW-Barron County will remain at $4,268 for 2009-10. This is approximately $1,100 less than the fouryear comprehensive campuses, $2,600 less than at UW-Milwaukee and $3,000 less than the tuition at UW-Madison. According to UW-Barron County Dean Paul Chase, “You don’t have to put your higher-education plans on hold just because of the current economic situation. By attending UW-BC and living at home (no dorm or food costs), you can actually save over $6,000 a year while receiving the same UW quality education.” UW-Barron County is still accepting applications for the fall semester. Contact the student services office at 715-234-8024 for more information. - from UWBC
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LIBRARY NEWS Amery Public Library “Clara’s War: One Girl’s Story of Survival,” by Clara Kramer Clara Kramer was a teenager in a small town in Poland at the outbreak of World War II. Her diary, which tells her family’s story during the German invasion while she and her family were hidden in a bunker to keep them safe from the concentration camps, makes a compelling read. Eighteen people lived in a bunker dug out of their neighbor, the Beck family’s basement. For over 20 months they ate, slept and remained hidden while SS men drank beer upstairs, and one of the female neighbors had an affair with Mr. Beck. Amazingly, unlike Anne Frank, Clara lived to tell her story, move to the United States, marry and have a family. Her story is now part of the permanent collection of the United States Holocaust Museum. A wonderful read taken from the journal of a teenage girl about an amazing act of generosity that saved 18 of the 50 Jews who survived out of a population of 5,000 who originally lived in this Polish town. Library notes Summer reading, Be Creative at Your Library, continues with 325 children participating. The program runs until Aug. 26 so you can still sign up for the last two months of summer. The program next week in the story time hour at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 15, will be Flamenco Espana, a
Homegrown strawberries Although it has been a dry summer, gardening is worth the hard work. Greenhouses still have a good variety of plants, and it’s not too late to add to your garden or plant a patio pot. The library has several new gardening books for loan, including “All New Square Foot Gardening,” by Bartholomew; “Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening;” “Encyclopedia of Color Combinations,” by Lord; and “The New Self-Sufficient Gardener,” by Seymour. Looking ahead to the harvest, be sure to check out “The Garden-Fresh Vegetable Cookbook,” by Chesman or “Canning & Preserving for Dummies,” by Ward. These titles and many more are waiting for you at the library.
Library hours Hours are Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Book groups to meet The Thursday morning book group will meet July 16, at 10 a.m., to talk about “Excellent Women,” by Barbara Pym. The evening book group will meet Thursday, July 16, at 7 p.m., to discuss
going to be “Loud at the Library.” Stop in Wednesday, Aug. 19, at 1 p.m., to see and hear real live opera singers from the Minnesota Opera take the stage. Preschoolers and an accompanying adult are invited to partake in Milltown Public Library’s story time. Enjoy a half hour of fun and stories every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. Enjoy a cup of fresh-brewed coffee and our fast wireless Internet. Hours The library hours are Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; Sunday closed. Visit the library on the Web at www.milltownpubliclibrary.org.
Luck Public Library Thursday, July 16, from 4 to 7 p.m., we will be having Wii Family Gaming. You don’t have to be a teen to enjoy the Wii. It’s a great time to bond with family, friends, mentors and also a great way to meet new people. Join us on Thursday nights for Wii Family Gaming. Friday, July 17, the monthly movie will be “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." The library closes at 5 p.m. and will reopen again at 6 p.m. The show begins at 6:30 p.m. Parents, take the kids to West Denmark Church for baby-sitting and take a parents night out at the library. It’s all free. Lucky Days is coming this weekend. Stop by the library for the book sale on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be many hardcovers, paperbacks, audio tapes, magazines and childrens picture books. We will also have a limited supply of old books. Be sure to stop in. There will be something for everyone. The Friends of Luck Library will be holding their annual Lucky Days Rum-
Festival Theatre comes to the library Kids of all ages are invited to come to the Festival Theatre creative drama class at the Frederic Library Thursday, July 16, from 2 to 3 p.m. This will be an exciting opportunity to work and play with people who use their imaginations for a living. Be sure to also check out the other exciting July activities at the library by filling out a registration slip when you come in.
dance program. Come early to get a good seat. A great time was had by all with the Traveling Lantern Theatre performing “The Life of Beetoven.” The program on Wednesday, July 22, will be hilarious author Katie McKy. Don’t miss that one. Story Time on the Road will be held behind the Twin Pines Apartments on Minneapolis Avenue at 5 p.m. on Mondays. Stop in for stories with Christinia and Katelyn. Congratulations to the fundraising committee and the Friends of the Library for their efforts on behalf of retiring the library debt. The Friends of the Library will meet on Monday, July 20, at 4:30 p.m. for their monthly meeting. The Friends of the Library Book Group meets on July 20, to discuss “The Rapture of Canann,” by Sheri Reynolds at 7 p.m. Pick up a book at the circulation desk and join them. Otaku Club meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. for teens and older who love gaming, manga and anime. Teens Read meets on July 27, to discuss “The Pearl,” by John Steinbeck from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Pick up a book at the circulation desk and join us if you are a teen.
Milltown Public Library The Milltown Public Library has over 150 young people (birth - 18 years of age) registered for the summer reading program, but we’re always looking for more. Stop in to register and start reading your way to hairdos, ice-cream cones, stuffed animals and other cool prizes around town. Fill out 10 reading records and you win a T-shirt. On Saturday, July 25, from 1-3 p.m., join in the poetry workshop facilitated by local writer Debbie Trantow. Students age 10-18 are invited to participate in the workshop and are encouraged to bring along poetry they have written or are currently crafting. Enjoy an afternoon of creative writing and sharing. Watch for the opera coming to the Milltown Public Library in August. It’s
Frederic Public Library
mage Sale at the old DBS hall. The Lions Club has taken the building over and the library sale will begin at 9 a.m. After the parade at 3 p.m., everything left at the sale will be 50 percent off. Check out the deals. Now taking donations We are still taking donations for both the book sale and the yard sale. Please contact the library if you have anything to contribute. 715-472-2770. Hours Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sunday, Ancestry.com tutorial only from noon – 4 p.m. Library is closed to checkouts and browsers.
“The Tenderness of Wolves,” by Stef Penney. New members are always welcome and invited to join in for a lively conversation about books. Help keep our local food shelf filled Some customers regularly bring in a food shelf item when they return their books, and it’s a great way to teach children about compassion and community spirit. Do a good thing for the local food shelf this summer by donating items such as canned goods, flour, sugar, rice, pasta, cereals and fresh vegetables and fruits each time you visit the library. Looking for a cool place in town? If you’re doing errands and want to take a break, drop by our air-conditioned library for a comfortable chair and a chance to catch up on the news with the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the InterCounty Leader, the Burnett County Sentinel, the County Ledger Press or one of more than 80 magazine subscriptions on our shelves. The conversation is lively, the coffeepot is always on and some days we even serve cookies! Hours and information Frederic Public Library, 127 Oak Street West. 715-327-4979, e-mail fredericpl@ifls.lib.wi.us. Regular hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Story time is held every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. for preschoolers and their caregivers.
St. Croix Falls Public Library Wannigan Days book sale and bake sale The Wannigan Days book sale and bake sale will be out in front of the library. With so much going on you may need a book to read and a baked goodie to snack on while you’re hanging out in town for the Wannigan Days festivities. Brought to you by the Friends of the Library. Summer Reading 2009 You are invited to Be Creative at the St. Croix Falls Public Library. Join us for free fun events on Wednesdays, July 1 – 29, 7 p.m. The St. Croix Falls Library and the Festival Theatre have received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to host The Big Read in February 2010. Its third-consecutive award, the partnership between the Festival Theatre and the St. Croix Falls Public Library is one of 269 nonprofits to receive a grant to host a Big Read project between September 2009 and June 2010. The Big Read gives communities the opportunity to come together to read, discuss and celebrate one of 30 selections from U.S. and world literature. The Big Read in Polk and Burnett counties in Wisconsin and Chisago County in Minnesota will focus on the literary and dramatic works of Thornton Wilder. Have you seen the new building site? How exciting! Shrubs and trees have been planted; native perennials will be planted in late August. The projected grand opening is Sept. 26. It’s double your donation! Our second $100,000 challenge grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation started in April. The library has one year to raise $50,000 and the foundation will match that figure. The mission of the Otto Bremer Foundation is to assist people in achieving full
economic, civic and social participation in and for the betterment of their communities. One in a hundred Purchase raffle tickets to win two coupons for a scenic boat tour or two coupons for canoe or kayak rental from Taylors Falls Recreation/Wild Mountain, you choose. Only 100 tickets will be sold. You don’t have to travel far to experience one of the most beautiful scenic riverways in our country; it’s right here, enjoy it! Purchase your ticket at the circulation desk. Brought to you by the Friends of the Library/St. Croix Falls, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Check out the library Web site and explore the links – you can even make a donation online! Go to www.stcroixfallslibrary.org and click on the new library building more information link. Let’s match that challenge grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation. Technology Free wireless Internet is available at the library. Also, visit the library Web site, www.stcroixfallslibrary.org, to get information on the building project, programs at the library and much, much more! Story hour Listen to stories, create art and have fun with other kids and parents every Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. Hours, contact The library is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 715-483-1777. Email: scflibrary@ifls.lib.wi.us. Online: www.stcroixfallslibrary.org.
Collected by
Clayton Jorgensen
Clam Falls area
152 years
Editor’s note: This is the tenth in a series on the history of the Clam Falls area, compiled by local historian Clayton Jorgensen
A new person arrived in Clam Falls Township during 1900. His name was Charles E. Lewis. He was a Minneapolis wheat broker and a great lover of nature. Lewis bought all of O. Knapp’s 680 acres and when he was done his land holdings were over 1,500 acres. He named his new property Seven Pines. At that time the settlement located at the west end of the present-day Lewis was called Knappville. It was a rough and rowdy place of shanties and taverns. The Green Front saloon was one of them and was owned by Carl Almquist and Mauritz Engstrom. In 1903, he built a mansion home near the grove of seven pines trees for which he had named his property. The death of a tree was to him like the passing of a friend. When one of the seven pines was destroyed by a storm, Mr. Lewis had it made into a frame enclosing a stained glass window and finished part of it into a front door for his house. The house is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Lewis made his first trip to Clam Falls from Taylors Falls with horses and wagon. He was the first man to drive an automobile into northern Polk County. Many people had settled in this part of the township and helped develop the area long before Lewis arrived, but he had a vision that made the Lewis area a popular place to live and visit. Next to the Lewis mansion was the house on the property homesteaded by August Danielson and later owned by Frank Dinger. The two houses were close in distance, but far apart in the re-
ality of daily life at that time. Lewis continued to improve his place by building some outbuildings such as the gatehouse and carriage house. He had a telegraph line built from Lewis to his house. One of the reasons he bought the property was for the creek and fishponds started by Mr. Knapp. He developed more fishponds and built a fish hatchery in 1909. This was the start of a special industry that still exists in the area. Lewis also built a very nice dairy farm with an outstanding herd of purebred Holstein cattle. The bull was said to be the largest around and perhaps the biggest in the state. Mr. Lewis wanted to know, so he measured the animal from nose to tail and found it was 17 feet long. The farm did not have a scale big enough to weigh the bull, so they walked it to Lewis and used the big freight scale. After walking the distance the bull’s feet got so sore it would not do a thing for weeks. The record of the weight has not been found. (When I told my neighbor this story he said it sounded like a little bull to him.) Lewis had a vision of a full-service town. His vision included the railroad coming through his new town. In 1911 the area built a new school. The 1880 Knapp-Seven Pines School was replaced by the new Almquist School located a short distance south of the new village on Almquist property. Some called the building Lewis School. They always had a good educational system. The train finally came to Clam Falls Township, but not to the village of Clam Falls, but to Lewis, in 1912. At that time the Soo-Duluth line was extended north from Frederic. Mr. Lewis had some land platted and soon the new village of Lewis sprang into a thriving and progressive town with conveniences of much larger towns. The land that the village is located on was a big wild blueberry area at the time. Lewis started with a store, bank, post office and soon a hotel to accommodate travelers. The Campbells store was a very large general store serving many needs of the
Early train to Clam Falls Township and Lewis, 1912.
Seven Pines House in 1903.
Third Avenue in Lewis.
Clam Falls dam and power plant. area. It burned down and some think it was arson. In honor of his parents, Mr. Lewis built a beautiful new church. It was first called the People’s Church and later the Methodist Church. This building was the third church built in Clam Falls Township. The building burned in 1986, but a beautiful new one was rebuilt. The priceless old windows were saved. It cost $20,000 to restore them; it was well worth it and they can still be seen in the new church. The first hydroelectric plant in north-
ern Polk County was built in 1913 at the Clam River falls replacing the old logging dam. A power line was constructed from Clam Falls to Frederic and homes could be hooked up along the way for $1 per month. Marion Smith succeeded Lester Sund, the first rural mail carrier in the township. He carried the rural mail out of the Clam Falls post office from 1913 to 1962, or nearly 50 years. Thank you to the Abrahamzon family for helping with the Lewis history.
Marion Smith and his snowbird, used for carrying the mail. – Photos submitted
The 1909 fish hatchery at Seven Pines.
Festival’s Featured Artist ST. CROIX FALLS – As it is with many actors, early opportunities at church allowed Jessica Balts to experience the excitement of performing in front of an audience. “The earliest I remember being on stage was when I was 3 and I was singing a duet with my pastor at church. Also, I remember having a pretty big part in a church Christmas program when I was about 5, but I didn’t really get into theater per se until I was a freshman in high school.” A Wisconsin girl through and through, Jessica grew up on a dairy farm in Dallas, and after high school she got very involved with the Barron Spot-
lighters community Theater where she learned how to build sets, make costumes, do makeup, play to the audience, and of course, strike Jessica Balts sets. She went to college at UW-Barron County in Rice Lake where she studied art and theater. Jessica has also trained with the Brave New Workshop and taken classes with
Sandra Horner. Some of Balts’ favorite roles were Tzeitel in “Fiddler on the Roof,” June in “Smoke on the Mountain” (where she learned to play spoons and a washboard), Isabel in “Crossing Delancy” and Aunt Julia in “Sabrina Fair.” The role of Julia was initially a disappointment to Balts since she had to age up about 40 years. Then she realized what a fantastic acting challenge it was, and her work was recognized with a Best Actor award. Balts has had a very busy summer, having opened Festival Theatre’s season playing the lead role of Lenny in “Crimes of the Heart,” working as a server at Hard Rock Café in Minneapo-
lis, Minn., gardening and motorcycling. She has enjoyed getting to know the St. Croix Falls community and meeting new actors and artists through Festival Theatre. In her second production with Festival, Balts plays a total of four roles in the off-Broadway montage of four short plays entitled “Four by Two.” Jessica is hard at work with her acting partner, Shawn Boyd, and their four directors in preparation for opening night on July 23. “Four by Two” runs for two weekends only (including Thursday and Sunday matinees) through Aug. 2.
Frederic 1921
the car. Special order blanks may be secured by dropping a card to the county agent, Klinka, of Balsam Lake. Potato crop: was really good, 23,600 cars of 700 bushels each. Sometimes, because of low prices throughout the season, potatoes were fed to livestock or otherwise disposed of on the farm. Cheerfulness: Learn to laugh; a good laugh is better than medicine. Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself; the world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows; learn to stop croaking; if you cannot see any good in the world, keep the bad to yourself; learn to hide your aches and pains under pleasant smiles; no one cares to hear whether you have headaches, earaches or rheumatism. Learn to meet your friends with a smile; a good-humored man or woman is always welcome, but the dyspeptic is not wanted anywhere, and is a nuisance as well. Don’t cry; tears do well enough in novels, but are out of place in real life. Above all, give pleasure; lose no chance of giving pleasure. You will pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that you can do, or any kindness that you can show to any human being, you had better do it now, do not defer or neglect it. Summer fashions in colored veils, women’s hats, it is the short veil that was made to flatter the women wearing it. They are woven with black or white or colored mesh, and many have allover dots in a contrasting color. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Wold … became the bride of Dr. Dwight
Nelson, a dentist from Osseo, Wis. The Lindeman Brothers performed in the motorized show at the ballpark, band and calliope concert. Grand Parade before the show, long and varied program. Streets were lined with Fords and all packed with people. Last evening was Ford night in Frederic, and was evident as you looked down the street and saw the long line of Fords parked at the curbs or visited the Rex Theatre, where there was a packed house. At the theater, a movie showed how the Ford cars are assembled and tested and very good pictures of the Fordson tractor and the work it will accomplish. The show ended with Fatty Arbuckle and his show troupe. The prizes offered, were awarded to first – Mr. and Mrs. Gronlund of Atlas, with 10 in the family, and drove nine miles. They received a 31/2x30 tire. Second – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen, of Half Moon Lake, eight in the family and came 15 miles. They received a 3x30 tire. Third – Mr. and Mrs. Gotlieb Mohs, eight in the family and came seven miles. They received a set of Jensens. Fourth – M.Y. Jensen, eight in the family and drove 16-1/2 miles. They received an inner tube for coming longest distance. Chesterfield Cigarettes – You’ll know you’ve “struck it rich” when you discover Chesterfield. You’ll say “They satisfy.” A wonderful blend, the pick of Turkish and domestic tobaccos, put together in the Chesterfield way, that’s why they satisfy. And the Chesterfield
blend cannot be copied – Liggett and Myers Tobacco Co. American Legion will stage big field day of an exhibition of their flying circus out of St. Paul, Minn. A man will walk on the top wing of an airplane, another man will jump from 5,000 feet and open a parachute at 1,000 feet from the ground. There will also be a program of field sports of all kinds, ballgame, running races and many other contests. A man who “has more money than he knows what to do with,” always seems to know what to do with it. He keeps it. The Patriotic Ladies of Frederic will be serving a 200-lb. ox to be roasted. Wild man near town; neighbors frightened by man appearing without clothing, Mrs. Freitag was chased by the man. She came up to the Lindsley home for protection. The city officials where notified and a large party of armed men went out to find him. The man was not found, the fellow appeared in the Davis’ pasture last summer, and was seen and chased by them and disappeared in the swamp. Members of the Hoover crew saw him near the same swamp. The affair was reported by Sheriff Peterson. It is mentioned in 1921 of two communities, named Wildcat Hollow and Shady Dell. (I’ve never heard of them or where they were located). Murphy and Norton moved into their building just west of the depot, and getting settled for the handling of their business (a tire repair business). – from Betty Fenton, director of public relations, Frederic Area Historical Society.
The Frederic Fire Department will put on their annual show at the Rex Theatre. The firemen put on a show once a year and aim to get the best there is for their entertainment. For the show, they have secured, for the leading feature, eight reels of “The Miracle Man,” one reel of “Travelogue,” and two reels on fire prevention, “Convincing an Unbeliever.” This makes this one big show of eleven reels for the price of an ordinary show. The boys are doing this to raise money for the supplying of material and equipment for their use in the fighting of fires and are deserving of your assistance. Lucky Strike cigarettes started in this year, ”It’s Toasted” – flavor is sealed in by toasting. Guaranteed by the American Tobacco Co. (Has picture of a Native American on the advertisement.) New explosive for farmers, picric acid is being prepared so it can be used for land-clearing purposes. It has a high shattering and slightly stronger that ordinary dynamite used in land clearing. It is being shipped to Frederic, and will cost nine cents a pound if taken out of
Betty Fenton Historical
Water vapor WeatherQuestions.com defines water vapor as follows. Water vapor is water in its gaseous state-instead of liquid or solid (ice). Water vapor is totally invisible. If you see a cloud, fog, or mist, these are all liquid water, not water vapor. Water vapor is extremely important to the weather and climate. Without it, there would be no clouds or rain or snow, since all of these have their source in water vapor. All of the water vapor that evaporates from the surface of the Earth eventually returns as precipitation - rain or snow. Water vapor is also the Earth’s most important greenhouse gas, giving us over 90 percent of the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect, which helps keep the Earth warm enough to support life. When liquid water is evaporated to form water vapor, heat is absorbed. This helps to cool the surface of the Earth. This “latent heat of condensation” is released again when the water vapor condenses to form cloud water. This source of heat helps drive the updrafts in clouds and precipitation systems. Oh my gawd! If Algore and Con-
gressman Obey hear about this I’ll have to pay a “water credit” for the rain. Since carbon dioxide is such a miniscule gas (387 ppm) in the atmosphere this is going to ruin Cap and Trade. Wall Street traders will loose their commissions on Carbon Credits. Farmer won’t be allowed to irrigate. Hardware stores won’t be able to sell hoses and sprinklers. Wading pools will be outlawed. Since 70 percent of Mother Earth is water, we will have to implement lots of legislation. Algore will have to produce a new fable. If we don’t put a cover over the oceans the temperature of the Earth will go up 1 degree Fahrenheit by 3018 AD; too bad I’ll miss the warm up.
Tickets on sale for fundraising cruise
Brooke Biedinger
Check out the Leader’s e-edition @ www.the-leader.net
The Taylors Falls Princess will feel a little like the Mississippi Queen on Thursday, Aug. 6. That evening, Festival Theatre supporters will board for the annual Riverboat Fundraising Cruise, which is open to the general public. Sponsored by Wild Mountain’s Scenic Boat Cruise, The Copy Shop and Eagle Valley Bank, the riverboat cruise provides patrons of the arts with the opportunity to support the efforts of Festival Theatre in keeping professional theater alive and well in the upper St. Croix River Valley. A limited number of tickets are available for this gala social event with boarding at 6:30 p.m. and departure at 7 p.m. Tickets are $100 each for the scenic boat cruise, gourmet hors d’oeuvres, entertainment and delectable desserts. The spirit of riverboat gambling will be present for entertainment only. Auction and raffle items include mini-vacation packages to regional theater destinations. Fundraising efforts support the Theatre Series of Festival Theatre, now in its 20th season. For additional information or to purchase tickets to the fundraising cruise, call 888-887-6002 or 715-483-3387. – Special photo
The future of the past
Woodswhimsy here ... just back from foraging around a bit. As some of you know, gnomes are small peoplelike beings who only roam about at night. And, as some of you have also noticed, for the last several weeks I’ve written here regarding things I’m discovering about current happenings at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park. There’s another curious event coming up there weekend after next, that being July 24-26. Something they refer to as a rendezvous. Now, being somewhat curious about humans, I’ve studied a bit of the history they’re always talking up at the Forts, and turns out there never was any historic rendezvous that took place there. Rendezvous was the term used to refer to summer meetings where furs traded with the Native Americans over the winter were exchanged for new cargoes of trade goods shipped via canoes all the way from Montreal (who in turn received their supplies from Europe on ships). In our region, those historic rendezvous sites were at Grand Portage or Fort William. Perhaps some of you have visited there as well. The trading crews who had wintered over on the Yellow River followed the St. Croix-Brule rivers north, returning here in autumn. So I can only surmise why a rendezvous is being held at Forts Folle Avoine, a recreated fur trading site of 1802-05, when in fact the historic gatherings of that
Folle Avoine Chronicles Woodswhimsy the gnome
name took place on Lake Superior. Here’s what I found out ... Seems that the Forts, being the rare and unique site it is, really represents two eras—that of the 1802-05 winter trading stations that have been rebuilt, and the fur trade in general. Wow—that covers the years 1600 to 1850 in these parts, almost 300 years (a tad short of a typical gnome’s life span, by the way). And so the Great Forts Folle Avoine Fur Trade Rendezvous is one way of expanding the site’s programming. So who shows up, anyway? According to site director Steve Wierschem, “All of our participants wear authentic garb, live in period-style camps, and demonstrate their expertise for
Past meets present at the Great Forts Folle Avoine Fur Trade Rendezvous to be held July 24 – 26. – Photo submitted park visitors via musket shoots, tomahawk-throwing contests, craft demonstrations, and many of them have handmade items for sale.” I also found out period foods will be available, including bread fresh from a wood-fired outdoor clay oven recently completed at the site. With a variety of kids games thrown in for good measure, the Great Forts Folle Avoine Fur Trade Rendezvous bodes to be, as Wierschem puts it, a “grand family event.” I’ll have to
snoop around a bit more and issue another report about the curious future of the past next week. Forts Folle Avoine is located on CTH U, three miles from Hwy. 35, in the Yellow Lake vicinity of Burnett County. Guided tours are conducted Wednesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. daily. Signed, Woodswhimsy
Follow the Leader
490961 47L
490987 47L
Michael Wampfler of the Wood Creek 4-H Club received a grand champion ribbon and was later named as one of two to have an Overall Fair Exhibit in the Junior Division at the Central Burnett County Fair that was held this past weekend in Webster.
Some of the Junior Division trophy winners from the Central Burnett County Fair took time out of their busy fair day to pose for a group shot. They are front row (L to R): Ellie Isaacson, Hannah Smith, Jessica Glover and Jorden Otis. Back row: Danielle Pardun, Melinda Linke, Olivia Kopecky, Austin Otis and Brittney Casey.
What can be more at home at a fair than a carnival ride? This model of a carnival ride even included little riders that were enjoying the ride. - Photo by Raelynn Hunter
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Can you feel the stickyness? Gretchen Lee of Grantsburg enjoys cotton candy at the fair in Webster on Saturday, July 11. - Photo by Sherill Summer
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Old brown and white Border collie/blue heeler vicinity of high school. Red, white and blue collar with tag from Marathon or Lincoln county. She is very hard of hearing so must speak loudly. Answers to Tipper.
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Tooth decay is the most chronic disease in children in the United States. Untreated tooth decay can cause pain and infection that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing and learning. It is recommended that your child by examined by your dentist between the ages of six to 12 months of age. We would like to be part of your child’s dental health care. 483306 Call for an appointment for your child today. 35Ltfc
Carl Rachner, Webster, accomplished a 243'4" pull during the truck and trailer pull on Friday at Webster. Rachner was driving a Farmall A.
Cole Fornengo, Danbury, received first place in the gas stock truck class at the Central Burnett County Fair truck and tractor pull on Friday, July 10 at Webster.
Horse Showdeo Horse Showdeo High-Point Winners Junior Class First place - Hannah Smith Second place - Caitlyn Hopkins Third place - Emma Rachner Intermediate Class First place - Brittney Casey Second place - Tasha Blankenship Third place - Michael Blankenship Senior Class First place - Kim Meader Second place - Barbie Antill Third place - Jeanna Colombo Senior Plus Class First place - Heather Powell Second place - Brenda Rachner Third place - Donna Carlson Chuck Lehman participated Saturday morning,
July 11 in the showdeo at the Central Burnett County Fair. – Photos by Raelynn Hunter
Rod Hopkins, Webster, competed in the senior plus divison in several events at the horse showdeo during the Central Burnett County Fair on Saturday.
Truck and Tractor Pull
Amanda Reyer, Osceola, received second place for her 234'3" pull on Friday night during the Central Burnett County Fair. Reyer was driving a 1938 J.D. A. – Photos by Raelynn Hunter Announcers Choice Trophy - Al Becker, Almena
Second place - Scott Demulling, New Richmond
Farm Stock 5,500 lb. First place - Kurt Johnson, Oak Grove, Minn. Second place - Scott Bierbrauer, Osceola Third place - Jim Larson, Lindstrom, Minn.
Antique Farm Stock (1951 or older) 4,500 lb. First place - Carl Benck, Somerset Second place Amanda Reyer, Osceola Third place - Clifford Thompson, Shell Lake
6,500 lb. First place - Lloyd Easlund, Isanti, Minn. Second place - Bruce Brown, Rush City, Minn. Third place - Jim Larson, Lindstrom, Minn. 7,500 lb. First place - Dennis Segelstrom, Grantsburg Second place - Sean Eastlund, Isanti, Minn. Third place - Ken Wicklund, Trade Lake 9,000 lb. First place - Richard Eggers, Indian Creek Second place - Josh Wilhelm, Milaca, Minn. 11,000 lb. First place - Bob Cherney, Rice Lake Second place - Scott Demulling, New Richmond Third place - Todd Eggers, Comstock 13,000 lb. First place - Jared Olson, Cushing Second place Todd Eggers, Comstock 15,000 lb. First place - Ryan Peterson, Osceola
5,500 lb. First place - Josh Wilhelm, Milaca, Minn. Second place - Kurt Johnson, Oak Grove, Minn. Third place - Carl Benck, Somerset Hot Farm Stock 10,500 lb. First place - Al Becker, Almena Second place - Tyler Moore, Milltown 11,500 lb. First place - Al Becker, Almena Second place - Joe Lakeland, Rush City, Minn. Third place - Seth Olson, Milltown Powder Puff Tractor First place - Charlene Strabel, Webster Second place - Alison Woltz, Cushing Third place - Hannah Smith, Alpha Truck Pull Winners Gas Stock Truck First place - Cole Fornengo, Danbury Second place - Chase Fornego, Danbury Third place - Bob Holstrom, Danbury 8,000 lb. Diesel Unlimited First place - Jeff Harbeck, Turtle Lake Second place - Joey Meng, Tony Third place - Dallas Zunker, Conrath
Emma Rachner (L) took third place in the junior class divison for highpoint winners. Rachner is shown here during one of her events.
Caitlyn Hopkins, (R) Webster, received second place as a high-point winner during the showdeo on Saturday morning.
Horse Pull
This team of horses digs in to pull a load at the horse pull at the Central Burnett County Fair in Webster. - Photo by Sherill Summer
The horse pull was the first grandstand event for this year’s Central Burnett County Fair in Webster. The event was held on Thursday night, July 9. - Photo by Sherill Summer
Demo Derby
Jasmin Jones, St. Croix Falls, took first place in the full-size car class at the demo derby in Webster at the Central Burnett County Fair on Saturday evening. – Photos by Raelynn Hunter
Dallas Miller of Danbury received the best-appearing vehicle trophy before all the damage was done to his vehicle on Saturday during the demo derby. Compact-Size Stock Car Crowd pleaser - Josh Staples of Grantsburg First place - Jordan Werdier of Webster Second place - Paul Muelle of Milltown Third place - Greg Hart of Hinckley, Minn. Compact-Size Pickup Crowd pleaser - Scott Clifford Jr. of Pine City, Minn. First place - Lacy Clifford of Pine City, Minn. Second place - Scott Clifford Jr. of Pine City, Minn. Third place - Doug Roatch of St. Paul, Minn.
This truck took a beating during the demo derby on Saturday evening. This vehicle continued running long after it lost its wheel.
The large crowd that attended the demo derby in Webster witnessesed the lift this driver received during the event.
Full-Size Car 1980 or Newer Crowd pleaser - Tom Guanella of Chisago City, Minn. First place - Shawn Swanson of Grants-
burg Second place - Tom Guanella of Chisago City, Minn. Third place - Clint Rammer of Osceola Full-Size Car Crowd pleaser - Jason Corry of Grantsburg First place - Jasmin Jones of St. Croix Falls Second place - Jeremy Tucker of Dresser Third place - Jason Corry of Grantsburg Full-Size Pickup winners: Crowd pleaser - Jonathan Mewes of Clayton First place - Pay Lyons of Clear Lake Second place - Kenny Johnson of Clayton Third place - Ryan Christiansen of Cushing
Tom Guanella of Chisago City, Minn., received second place in the full-size 1980 or newer class on Saturday. Guanella also received the crowd-pleaser award.
C E N T R A L 2009 Central Burnett County Fair Best of Show (Note: If an exhibitor is listed more than once in a division, it is because they won Best of Show multiple times in that division) Overall Fair Exhibits Junior Division - Olivia Kopecky and Michael Wampfler Open Class - Donna Bybee, Richard Shutt Jr. Senior Citizen - Muriel Anderson, Lillian Anderson Dairy Overall Open Class Dairy Product - Rhonda Peterson Beef Overall Junior Division Beef - Jorden Otis Intermediate Showmanship - Austin Otis Posters - Jessica Strabel Overall Open Class Beef - Austin Otis Sheep Overall Junior Division Sheep - Tony Otis Jr. Showmanship - Tony Otis Intermediate Showmanship - Austin Otis Horse Intermediate Showmanship - Austin Otis Senior Showmanship - Melinda Linke Intermediate Western Horsemanship - Danielle Pardun Senior Western Horsemanship - Brittney Casey Intermediate Trail Class - Jessica Glover Senior Trail Class - Barbie Antill Junior Barrels - Abby Koslowski Intermediate Barrels - Hannah Smith Senior Barrels - Brittney Casey Intermediate Pleasure Class - Danielle Pardun Senior Pleasure Class - Brittney Casey Intermediate Halter Class - Austin Otis Senior Halter Class - Melinda Linke Horse Display Exhibit - Olivia Kopecky Model Horse Exhibit - Hannah Smith Poultry Junior Poultry Exhibit - Emma Rachner Intermediate Poultry Exhibit - Jessica Glover Senior Poultry Exhibit - Rose Kopecky Intermediate Showmanship - Jessica Glover Jr. Div. Poultry Exhibit, Eggs - Jessica Strabel Overall Open Class Poultry Exhibit - Orlando Simon Rabbit Overall Junior Divison Rabbit - Mikhaila Lampert Intermediate Showmanship - Jessica Glover Overall Open Class Rabbit - Christian Stewart Cat Junior Showmanship - Nicole Moretter Senior Showmanship - Ellie Isaacson Stockman Award (Donated by Burnett Dairy Co-op) - Jessica Glover Best 4-H Barn Stalls (Donated by the Central Burnett County Fair Board) First place - Hannah Smith Second place - Otis Family Cattle Exhibit Third place - Melinda Linke Plant and Soil Science Junior Division - Jessica Glover and Cody Isaacson Open Class - Renelle Sears Senior Class - Lillian Anderson Flowers, Houseplants and Landscape Junior Division - Chelsey Nichols, Chelsey Nichols, Danielle Pardun, Rose Kopecky, Jessica Glover, Jacob Stiemann, Chelsey Nichols and Synclare Stubbe Open Class - Linda Thill, Charlene Strabel, Julie Derouin, Renelle Sears, Richard Shutt Jr., Charlene Strabel, Linda Thill, Julie Derouin, Monica Johnson, Linda Thill and Janna Anderson Senior Citizen - Fran Krause, Eldora Brown, Fran Krause, Annette Hanson, James Dittmar, James Dittmar, Eldora Brown and Eldora Brown Natural Sciences Junior Division - Kendra Peterson Exploring Overall Explorer Trophy - Hannah Hoyland Overall Explorer Face-to-Face Judging - Daniel Rognrud Grand Champions - Cassandra Maslow, Daniel Rognrud, Hannah Hoyland, Ruth Paquette, Jordan Webster, Kerik Stubbe, Jamie Glover, Christian Stewart, Joshua Moretter, Ellyn Lindquist and Derek Highstrom. Cultural Arts Jr. Division - Kody Menke, Emily Stiemann, Mandy
Close, Olivia Kopecky, Lora Glover, Hannah Kaefer, Jessica Strabel, Dianna Olson, Dianna Olson and Rose Kopecky Open Class - Nikki Derouin, Barbara Steeg, Donna Bybee, Scott Anderson, Betty Steeg and Michelle Brown Senior Citizen - Rosemary Yaekel, Pat Soderbeck, Eldora Brown, Eldora Brown and Lillian Anderson Photography Junior Division Junior - Emily Stiemann, Allie Webster Intermediate - Daniel Formanek Senior - Barbie Antill and Toni Derouin Open Class - Rhonda Peterson, Josh Johnson, Sheila Derouin, Julie Derouin, Jen Bybee and Rhonda Peterson Senior Citizen - Joyce Glover, Joyce Glover, Joyce Glover and Rosemary Yaekel Computer Junior Division - Lucas Stiemann Woodworking Junior Division - Michael Wampfler Mechanical Projects Junior Division - Kody Menke Foods and Nutrition Junior Division - Chelsea Larson, Sam Kopecky and Alan Strabel Open Class - Renelle Sears Clothing Junior Division - Emily Stiemann Clothing Review State Fair Candidates - Jacob Stiemann and Jillian Schinzing Open Class - Nikki Derouin Senior Class - Pat Soderbeck Knitting/Crocheting Junior Division - Toni Derouin Open Class - Janet Frazee Senior Citizen - Lillian Anderson Home Furnishings/Home Environment Junior Division - Adam Menke Open Class - Kandis Olson Senior Citizen - Muriel Anderson Child Development Junior Division - Toni Derouin Youth Leadership/Self-Determined Projects Junior Division - Ellie Isaacson Health, Social and Political Science Junior Division - Jacob Stiemann 4-H Billboard Sign Contest Winner - Wood Creek 4-H
Animals are a big part of the Central Burnett County Fair. - Photos by Julia Summer and Raelynn Hunter
The excitement of the fair proved too much for this rooster. He needed a little downtime Saturday afternoon. Photo by Sherill Summer
Jeanna Colombo, St. Croix Falls, received a blue ribbon for this photo in the digital photography class. – Photos by Raelynn Hunter
Julie Derouin of Webster, had one of many entries in the flowering and houseplant class at the Central Burnett County Fair over this past weekend.
This gingerbread house display won Renelle Sears of Webster a blue ribbon.
Brenda Rachner, Webster, received a blue ribbon for this quilt at the Central Burnett County Fair in Webster.
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Arne and Miriam Lagus named SCF grand marshals ST. CROIX FALLS–The Wannigan Days celebration is always a much-loved and festive event, but this year it will have added significance, as two of the community’s stalwart institutions—St. Croix Regional Medical Center and Eagle Valley Bank—celebrate their 90th anniversaries. Serving as this year’s Wannigan Days parade grand marshals from St. Croix Falls will be St. Croix Regional Medical Center’s Dr. Arne Lagus and his wife, Miriam Lagus. Both of these remarkable people have contributed much to the medical center and to the communities it serves since they came to St. Croix Falls in 1966. Escorting them in a classic Bonneville convertible will be Iver and Jan Kammerud, a former officer of Eagle Valley Bank. The natural beauty of the river and the canoeing possibilities first attracted Dr. Lagus to the area. A University of Minnesota Medical School graduate, board certified in family medicine and geriatrics, Lagus was the seventh physician to join the medical staff of the St. Croix Falls Clinic. “I had a strong interest in cardiology, dermatology and sports medicine in addition to family medicine,” Lagus said, “and I was considering returning to school in one of those subspecialties.” In the end, however, he couldn’t decide which he wanted most, so he continued in family practice. Lagus also had opportunities to join other clinics in the Twin Cities and elsewhere, but says that he was so impressed with the quality of the physicians, nurses, and other staff at the clinic and hospital in St. Croix Falls that he had to stay. “It was just too good a medical center to chance leaving, and looking back, this was clearly a good decision! Over the years, I believe we have maintained those very high standards of care.” In addition to his medical practice, Lagus has served on the clinic board of directors, the Board of Wisconsin Academy Family Physicians and has been active for
Dr. Arne Lagus and his wife, Miriam will be the Wannigan Days parade grand marshals from St. Croix Falls this year. — Photo submitted many years in the Wisconsin Medical Society, where he now serves on the board of directors, playing an important role in policy recommendations for the state of Wisconsin. The society has endorsed a statewide ban on indoor smoking and the need for health-insurance reform. Lagus is also currently on the Polk County Board of Health. For many years, Miriam Lagus has been a volunteer par excellence. She has given nearly 7,000 documented hours (and many more that were never tallied) to St.
Croix Regional Medical Center. Her contributions include organizing and directing the volunteer fundraising project with Dayton’s (now Macy’s) and Herberger’s for over 25 years, organizing and guiding kindergarten tours and holding various positions on the SCRMC Auxiliary’s board of directors. Miriam’s volunteer reach extended far beyond her work at SCRMC into the community at large. Those contributions included master gardener volunteer hours, membership on the boards of the St. Croix Falls Library, the Festival Theatre and Wisconsin Interstate Park, vision and hearing screening for the St. Croix Falls School District, serving on task forces and committees for her church and being Polk County Medical Society Auxiliary president. Miriam also has been chairing a fundraising project for the roof restoration of her father’s 500-year-old church building in Martna, Estonia. Since 1998, this group has raised over $90,000. Both Miriam and Dr. Lagus were honored with the St. Croix Valley Health Care Foundation’s Health Care Advocate award, which is presented each year by the foundation to recognize the efforts of an individual who promotes the ideals of health care and who contributes significant time and effort to further the mission of health care in the local community. Dr. Lagus not only advocates an active and healthy lifestyle for all, he is also a fitness role model. He exercises on a daily basis and not only continues to compete in the 30-mile Birkebeiner ski race, he’s still finishing in less than four hours. In addition to cross-country skiing, he and Miriam enjoy hiking and biking. He is a member of St. Croix Falls/Taylors Falls Rotary and enjoys participating in choral music. The Lagus’ have two sons, John and Mark, and three grandsons Sam, Matthew and Jacob. – Joe Moriarity, Erin Communications
Leland and Delores Rivard named TF grand marshals by Tammi Milberg TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – The city of Taylors Falls named Leland and Delores Rivard as the grand marshals for Wannigan Days 2009. The Rivards live in their home on Walnut Street and have been active in Taylors Falls history over the years. Leland’s father, A. J. Rivard, came to Taylors Falls in 1923 and bought the creamery in town. He ended up buying and operating several businesses in the area including Val Croix Ski Resort, which is now known as Wild Mountain. Delores and Leland remember helping A.J. build Val Croix. They also had a hand in some of the other businesses, including a grocery store, sporting goods store and a farm. Leland is one of five sons and each son was in charge of one of A.J. Rivard’s businesses. Leland was in charge of the grocery store for 40 years. He began work there when he returned home from World War II, where he served in the Navy from 1944-1946. Leland, who has always been from Taylors Falls, met Delores, a farmer’s daughter from Almelund, and the two have been married 61 years. They built their house on Walnut Street 56 years ago. After Leland operated the grocery store his father started, he and Delores built the Cherry Hill Meat Processing business and later sold it.
Leland and Delores Rivard are pictured in their Taylors Falls backyard that overlooks the bluffs of the St. Croix river. –Photo by Tammi Milberg
In their spare time, they managed to raise five children, Ross, Tim, Joel, Robin and Cindy. When the children were grown, Delores worked for nine years at the Taylors Falls School as a cook. They have many interests, including involvement in the VFW, where Leland is the commander of post 1678 and Delores is a member of the auxiliary, the American Legion, Taylors Falls Historical Society and St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, where they took care of the flowers on the grounds for 10 years. Gardening is a big hobby for both of them. The Rivards also planted flowers along the intersection of CTH 37 and West Street for 25 years and placed a bench there for people to rest and enjoy the area if they were walking up the hill. They did this on their own and furnished the flowers and hauled water down the hill to beautify the area. This is just one of the reasons the city of Taylors Falls named the Rivards the River Valley Stewardship Award recipients this spring. The stewardship award is an annual honor bestowed on persons who demonstrate a sense of pride, protection and promotion of the St. Croix River Valley. The Rivards also have 15 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. They were honored to be named the grand marshals for Taylors Falls, and are both recovering from surgeries. Their participation in the parade Saturday is uncertain, but both say they would love to be in the parade.
The peacock and the cactus LEFT - The cactus in the garden of Wally and Vonnie Anderson in Frederic is thriving in this almost desertlike summer the area has been experiencing. Vonnie said she received the cactus three years ago as a gift from good friend Caroline Leckel of Spooner. It goes dormant in the winter but comes back strong every spring. It blossoms for just a day or two in the summer. She said it had a few more blossoms last summer, possibly due to the fact there was more rain then. – Photo by Gary King RIGHT: Petey the Peacock did survive the winter, and Frederic resident Rich Rohan took this photo recently as proof. “They are members of the wild turkey family and are known to flock with them in winter,” Rohan notes. “We’re not sure how he made it, but we are glad to see he did.” - Photo by Rich Rohan
Locavores at your local farmers market by Colleen Draxler BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES - Dad was so proud to gather us around the supper table and watch us fill our plates with tangy cucumbers sliced in vinegar, thick slabs of Early Girl tomatoes, juicy ears of corn, tender green beans and crispy sunfish filets. A homegrown meal. Dad was a seasonal locavore before it was a word. A locavore prefers to eat food grown or produced locally, usually within a hundred miles. Dad’s region was even smaller - his own garden and the lake down the hill. Nearby farmers markets will supply you with the same quality of fresh, tasty vegetables and fruits that our family so enjoyed through the years. Local growers harvest early in the morning to give you fresh-from-the-field flavor and quality. They transport their produce in pickups and vans all the way from Trade Lake, Grantsburg, Lewis and Indian Creek to provide you with homegrown goodness. No, the corn and tomatoes are not ready for picking here in Polk and Burnett counties, but you will see, or better yet, taste, the first beans, cucumbers and raspberries at the markets this week. A locavore eats with the seasons and this is the season for great veggies and fruit in Western Wisconsin. How about being a locavore for a meal? This savory zucchini boat recipe works great with all varieties of summer squash also. Stuffed Zucchini Boats Ingredients: 4 medium zucchini or summer squash 1 egg 1 cup chopped fresh spinach 3/4 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 cup salsa or, for a milder flavor, use tomato sauce
Eager buyers looking for the first summer squash and beets of the season were pleased with the selection of produce at the Grantsburg Farmers Market. - Photos by Colleen Draxler 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Swiss cheese Directions: Slice off the ends of the zucchini and cut in half lengthwise. Scoop out the pulp, leaving a 1/4-in. shell. Finely chop the pulp and set aside. In a bowl, beat the egg; add spinach, bread crumbs, salsa, Parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, pepper and zucchini pulp. Spoon into zucchini shells. Place in an ungreased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish and add 1/4 cup water to bottom of dish. Bake, covered, at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until tender. Top each boat with Swiss cheese. Bake 5-10 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Don’t want to
maine were abundant. Asparagus lovers snatched up the last spears of the season. This reporter chatted with two college-age workers from Melon Vine Farms, Ruth (St. Cloud State) and Carol (Northern Michigan) Dillenburg. These sisters have planted, watered, transplanted, weeded, harvested and sold flowers and produce for the last seven years. Everyone is wishing for more rain. Most farmers are watering each morning and afternoon. By the time they finish it’s time to start all over again. Melon Vine Farm uses strips of plastic mulch to thwart the weeds and places tricklers under the plastic to water the plants. Beets, baby carrots, basil, dill, lettuce and four boxes of beans were the big sellers at the Siren market, Saturday. The beans were just a teaser. More will be available in the next week. The Siren Senior Citizen Center held their bake sale at the market also. Nut and fruit breads were the first to go. People couldn’t resist the chocolate chip cookies or the oatmeal raisin cookies. The Frederic Farmers Market will open Saturday, July 18, 8 a.m. to noon, in the Inter-County Leader parking lot. The Siren Farmers Market is open on Saturdays from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Siren Senior Citizen Center parking lot. The Grantsburg Farmers Market is on Mondays, noon to 2 p.m. at the village offices/library. The Spooner Farmers Market is open Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. between the canoe museum and the train museum. Milltown’s farmers market is open Fridays from 3 to 7 p.m. The Balsam Lake Farmers Market is in the Balsam Lake Market & Deli parking lot and features a church bake sale each Friday from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
If you didn’t get that garden planted this year or didn’t have space for a zucchini plant or two, the farmers market is for you. Zucchini in all sizes are available now.
Weeding, Ruth and Carol Dillenburg confessed, is their least-favorite job. Weeding at The Melon Vine Farm is done by hand and on their knees, as their jeans attest.
heat up the kitchen? Try microwaving the zucchini boats in a covered dish with a little water for 10-12 minutes. Add cheese and let melt or place under the broiler for a couple of minutes. Yield: 8 servings. At the Grantsburg Market on a recent sunny Monday afternoon, Sweet Meadow Flower Farm was selling bouquets of Asiatic lilies. Artist and blacksmith Chuck Awe, had many of his ironworks on display and is able to accept special orders to meet customer’s needs. Summer squash, zucchini, kohlrabi, broccoli, head lettuce and ro-
Red lilies from Sweet Meadow Flower Farm captured attention at the Grantsburg Farmers Market. Joan will have mixed arrangements of lilies, veronica, echinops and other small flowers at the Siren and Frederic markets this week.
Meet the Village Players VOYAGER VILLAGE – Father and daughter join the cast of Village Players Theatre to play opposite one another in “The Foreigner.” Lee Gillis plays Betty Meeks, a widow and owner of the cabin on a lake in Georgia. Gillis’s father, Steve Rogers, plays evil Owen Musser, a Southern man bent on destroying the cabin. Not exactly a newcomer to our area, Rogers and his wife, Nancy, bought a cabin on Birch Island Lake in 1992. Rogers has been a part of Village Players since director Bunny Day talked him into appearing in his first mystery dinner theater. He is hooked and can claim five dinner theater performances. Audiences either love or hate him because he is so convincing as an actor and some may remember his Roberto, the Italian chef in
“Murder, Medium Rare.” His ability to do accents will impress. This will be his first summer production and the first time he and his daughter will perform together. Gillis is also familiar with theater because she directs middle school productions in Bloomington, Minn. She also teaches seventh-grade reading and English. Her pride and joy is 1-year-old Wyatt, and being the wife of Michael Gillis. They live in Prior Lake, Minn., and she is thankful that her husband and mom are willing to take on some of the home chores so she can act in the play with her father. To see them perform together, order tickets from Jeri Schell at 715-259-7995.
23 women vie for Miss St. Croix Falls
by Tammi Milberg ST. CROIX FALLS – Twenty-three young women are contestants for the title of Miss St. Croix Falls. The queen pageant will take place this Friday, July 17, at 8 p.m. in the St. Croix Falls elementary school gym. The little miss pageant takes place prior, at 7 p.m. Wannigan Days begins July 16 with the talent show on the overlook deck at 6:30 p.m., and events continue through the weekend with the queen pageant Friday, parade and fireworks Saturday, and a pancake breakfast and St. Croix River Bandits baseball game Sunday. See separate story for a complete list of events. The following are profiles of the 23 contestants: Kellie Brown is the 16-year-old daughter of Denise Defiel and is sponsored by Polk County Abstract Co. Kellie enjoys music, being outside and spending time with friends. After high school, Kellie would like to be a veterinarian for rescued animals. One addition she would like to see in the St. Croix Falls area is a teen center or arcade where friends could have fun. Kellie would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels it would be a good experience and a chance to meet new people. Richelle Wood is the 16-year-old daughter of Wendy Thomas and Dale Wood and is sponsored by Martens Jewelry. Richelle is currently employed at Dairy Queen. Her hobbies include photography and music. In school, Richelle is involved in gymnastics and Girl Scouts. Richelle plans on attending college for photography or criminal justice. A business Richelle would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a place for teens to spend time playing games or watching movies. Richelle would like to become the next Miss St. Croix Falls because it would be an amazing experience. “I would love to get to know the surrounding communities and people in them,” she said. Bridgette Bayle is the 16-year-old daughter of Dennis and Amy Bayle and is sponsored by Larsen Auto and Motor Sports. Bridgette’s hobbies include soccer, singing, being outside and youth group. In school, Bridgette is involved in cheerleading, choir, drama and S-Club. Future plans include attending college to become a substance-abuse counselor. A new business Bridgette would like to see in St. Croix Falls is an affordable place for teens to go and spend time rollerblading or bowling. Bridgette would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she would like to make memories and have a positive role in the community. Lauren Lund is the 16-year-old daughter of Heather Gaylord and Kevin Lund and is sponsored by Gionis Law Office. Lauren’s hobbies include singing, reading, dancing and being with friends. Lauren is employed by Gionis Law Office. In school, Lauren is involved in school plays, dance line, Forensics and SOS. Future plans include attending college for a degree in medicine. One new business Lauren would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a restaurant located downtown that overlooks the St. Croix River. Lauren would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she would like to be active in the community. “I believe I would represent St. Croix Falls very well because I am a very personable person who loves meeting new people and am comfortable with duties that Miss St. Croix Falls is required to fulfill,” she said.
Jessica Derrick is the 16-year-old daughter of Tim and Becky Derrick and is sponsored by Swanson Law Office. Jessica enjoys running, hunting, fishing, camping, and spending time with friends and family. In school, Jessica is involved in basketball, youth service, band, choir and cross country. Future plans include attending college for nursing or radiology. A new business Jessica would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a department store that would provide more local jobs and attract more people to the community. Jessica would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels she would be a good representative. Katelyn Brenholt is the 16-year-old daughter of Patrick and Nancy Brenholt and is sponsored by Shear Image. Katelyn enjoys music, animals and the outdoors. Katelyn is employed at McDonald’s. She is involved in softball, volleyball, basketball, yearbook, DECA and FFA. Katelyn’s future plans are to attend college and begin a family. New businesses Katelyn would like to see in St. Croix Falls are sports stores. Katelyn would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels it would be a great experience and a chance to do more for the community. Mara Martinson is the 15-year-old daughter of Paul and Diana Martinson and is sponsored by Clayton Hardware and Radio Shack. Mara’s hobbies include clogging, knitting, traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends. In school, Mara is involved in basketball, Clowns, youth service, band, choir, and cross country. Future plans are to attend college for a degree in dietary health. A new business Mara would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a safe recreation and tutoring center for teens located in the empty Cinema 5 theatre building. Mara would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she says, “I would be proud to represent St. Croix Falls and its qualities with others I meet.” Courtney Appling is the 16-year-old daughter of Kathy Nelson and David Appling and is sponsored by MarketPlace Foods. Courtney’s hobbies include shopping, music and spending time with friends. Courtney would like to attend college at River Falls and pursue a degree in women’s studies. A new business that Courtney would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a YMCA facility. Courtney would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels that it would be a great experience. “I feel that if I were Miss St. Croix Falls I could help the community and meet new people,” she said. Alicia Chelberg is the 16-year-old daughter of Larry and LuAnn Chelberg and is sponsored by The RiverBank. Alicia’s interests include rollerblading, dancing, shopping and youth group. In school, Alicia is involved in volleyball, softball, SOS, student council, choir, band, Clowns, Kinship and S-Club. After high school, Alicia would like to attend college and pursue a degree in education. One new business she would like to see in St. Croix Falls is an athletic complex facility where youth could enjoy staying active. Alicia would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she says, “Representing the town that I have grown up in would not only be an honor but a valuable experience.”
Brooke Parks is the 16-year-old daughter of Lori and Mike Parks and is sponsored by The Dalles House. Brooke enjoys snowboarding, singing, dancing and being with friends. She is employed by Wild Mountain. In school she is involved in yearbook, Kinship, S-Club, softball, gymnastics and cheerleading. Brooke’s future plans are to attend college to become a doctor or nurse. A new business Brooke would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a homeless shelter. Brooke would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she would like to give back to the community. Jenna Bartusch is the 16-year-old daughter of LeAnne Vitzthum and is sponsored by St. Croix Tavern. Jenna’s hobbies include music and fishing. In school Jenna is involved in SOS, cheerleading, FFA, S-Club and choir. Jenna’s future plans are to attend college and pursue a degree in animal science. New businesses that Jenna would like to see are more little shops added to the downtown area. Jenna would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels it would be a rewarding experience. “I think it would be a lot of fun, and I really want to be part of that,” she said. Kanessa Raymond is the 15-year-old daughter of Cindy Raymond and Jeff Anderson and is sponsored by St. Croix Regional Medical Center. Kanessa enjoys swimming, gymnastics and drawing. After high school, Kanessa would like to join the Air Force and become a nurse. One business addition she would like to see in St. Croix Falls is an Arby’s restaurant or a clothing store. Kanessa would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels it would be a great opportunity to meet people from other places. Alora Breault is the 15-year-old daughter of Brian and Georgia Breault and is sponsored by Falls Orthodontics. Alora is currently employed at Tangen Drug. Her hobbies include swimming, tubing, horseback riding and being with friends. Alora’s future plans are to attend college to be an elementary art teacher. New businesses Alora would like to see in St. Croix Falls are clothing stores and a Taco Bell restaurant. Alora would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels it would be a great opportunity to get to know other people. Stephanie Stich is the 16-year-old daughter of Shane and Laura Bussian and is sponsored by Wal-Mart. Stephanie’s hobbies include dirt biking, fishing, swimming, and being with friends. Stephanie is employed at Wal-Mart. Future plans include attending college to become a teen psychologist. A new business Stephanie would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a teen center that includes games and a workout area. Stephanie would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she would have the opportunity to meet a variety of people. “It sounds like a great experience,” she said.
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Katelynn Meyer is the 16-year-old daughter of Tony Meyer and Kim Hoverman and is sponsored by Johnson Motors. Katelynn’s hobby is singing. In school Katelynn is involved in choir, gymnastics, track, volleyball, Kinship and S-Club. Future plans are to attend college and pursue a degree in health and fitness training. One new business Katelynn would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a nutrition, weight and wellness center to educate the community on healthy food choices. Katelynn would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she would like to have a positive influence on the community. “I can provide younger children with a positive role model and get to kow my community and the people who live here,” she said. Danae Meyer is the 15-year-old daughter of Tony and Deanna Meyer and is sponsored by the Village Pizzeria. Danae is also employed by the Village Pizzeria. She enjoys singing, swimming and volleyball. In school Danae is involved in gymnastics, track and choir. Danae’s future plans are to have a career working with children, either as a day care provider or as a preschool teacher. One new business Danae would like to see in St. Croix Falls is an athletic department store. Danae would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels that it would help her confidence and she would enjoy meeting other people in neighboring communities. Bailey Bergmann is the 16-year-old daughter of Justin and Marnie Bergmann and is sponsored by Pins ‘N’ Needles. Bailey enjoys going to movies, snowboarding, swimming, running and being with friends. She is currently employed at the 46 Store. Bailey is involved in SClub, FFA, cross country and track. Bailey’s future plans are to attend college and become a lawyer. A new business that Bailey would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a fitness center for the community to spend time improving their health. Bailey would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because it would be an enjoyable experience meeting new people and representing the town. Lauren Frokjer is the 16-year-old daughter of Alan and Ginny Frokjer and is sponsored by Trollhaugen Winter Recreation Center. Lauren’s hobbies include basketball, music, dancing, water sports, and spending time with friends and family. Lauren is currently employed at Tangen Drug. Future plans are to attend college for architecture and interior design. A new business Lauren would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a teen center and volunteer organization that gathers people together for community-service events. Lauren would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because it would be an amazing experience. “I would really enjoy being Miss St. Croix Falls, because it’s a great opportunity to meet new people and get to know other girls,” she said. Tess Hedrick is the 15-year-old daughter of Rona Hedrick and is sponsored by St. Croix Laundry and Car Wash. Tess’ hobbies include singing, painting, watching movies and spending time with friends. School activities include DECA, 4-H, golf, softball, FFA and S-Club. Tess is currently employed by the latchkey
See Miss SCF, next page
Ruby’s Pantry expands in NW Wisconsin SIREN - Home and Away Ministries announces three new outreaches to serve Northwest Wisconsin, a thrift store, a food shelf and a distribution center located at 24534 Hwys. 35/70 in Siren. Ruby’s Pantry Food Shelf is located in the middle 1,500 square feet of the 11,000 square foot center. It will serve people located in the Siren School District. Initially it will be open on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Julie Werner is the coordinator of the food shelf, and she has 15 years’ experience managing the Pine City, Minn. food shelf. Opening is scheduled at the end of July. For more information prior July 31, please e-mail to julie@rubyspantry.org or call 651-6742537. Ruby’s Second Hand is an exciting concept in a thrift store with a variety of new and next-to-new clothing, furniture, dishes and collectibles. This 4,500square-foot thrift boutique has something for everyone as it strives to provide quality essentials at reasonable prices.
Home and Away Ministries announces three new outreaches to serve Northwest Wisconsin, a thrift store, a food shelf and a distribution center located at 24534 Hwys. 35/70 in Siren. - Special graphic Ruby’s Second Hand is now collecting assorted items and clothing in all sizes. It will provide clothing that is slightly used but in excellent condition. All donated clothing should be new or gently used, clean and in good repair. “If we would not wear an item, we do not expect our guests to do so either,” said a news release. The expected opening is early August. The setup of Ruby’s Sec-
Heartsong to perform at St. Luke’s
St. Luke United Methodist Church in Frederic will present the Heartsong Quartet in concert in the church courtyard on Sunday, July 19 at 10 a.m. The southern gospel group performs across the United States, sharing a form of music that is based on the traditional values Christians in America have lived by and cherished over the past two centuries. Following the concert, at 11 a.m., there will be a cookout in the church courtyard, featuring brats, potato salad and ice-cream sundaes with lots of toppings. A dish to pass would be appreciated. The public is invited to attend – bring your own chairs for the concert. – Special photo
Miss SCF/from previous page program at St. Croix Falls schools. She would like to attend college and become a health teacher. A new business Tess would like to see in St. Croix Falls is an animal shelter. Tess would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because it would give her the opportunity to meet new people. “It would be a good way to reach out and show other towns what a great community St. Croix Falls is,” she said. Lynell Packer is the 16-year-old daughter of Lee Packer and is sponsored by Shipping & Handling. Lynell’s interests include music, shopping, dirt biking, swimming and spending time with friends. Lynell is also involved in Girl Scouts. After high school, Lynell would like to pursue a degree in fashion. One new business she would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a mall on top of the hill. Lynell would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because it would be a new and fun experience. Taylor Stowell is the 16-year-old daughter of Brad and Shelly Stowell and is sponsored by Bont Chirpopractic. Taylor enjoys golfing, reading, movies, music and being with friends. She is employed by the latchkey program at St. Croix Falls schools. In school she is involved in cheerleading, Clowns, Girl Scouts, drama and S-Club. Her future plans are to attend college to become a teacher. A new business Taylor would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a drive-in movie theater. Taylor would like to become Miss St. Croix Falls because she
says, “It would be a wonderful opportunity to meet other girls and help our community.” Molly Austin-White is the 16-year-old daughter of Milo and Jane Austin-White and is sponsored by Eagle Valley Bank. Molly’s hobbies include shopping, swimming, and spending time with family and friends. Molly is currently employed by Wild Mountain. In school Molly is involved in softball and basketball. Molly’s future plans are to attend college. New businesses that she would like to see added to the community are more assisted-living facilities and care facilities for elderly and handicapped. Molly would like to be Miss St. Croix Falls so that she could be a positive role model. Samantha Peterson is the 16-year-old daughter of Anthony and Sherry Lorsung and is sponsored by Dalles Auto Sales. Samantha’s hobbies include doing things with her friends, shopping and being outside. Samantha loves to be on the lake. Samantha is currently employed by Kentucky Fried Chicken. In school, her activities include basketball, cheerleading, SOS, softball and choir. Samantha’s future plans include going to college to study in the medical field. A new business she would like to see in St. Croix Falls is a sports store, because she feels that would be a great fit for the area. Samantha would like to be Miss St. Croix Falls because she feels she could make a difference and do as much as possible to help others in that role.
ond Hand is being coordinated by Loreal Lindstrom. She may be reached by email at loreal@homeandaway ministries.org or call 651-674-2537. The remaining 5,000 square feet of the center is being used for warehousing items for the food shelf and Ruby’s Second Hand. It will also be serving as a distribution center for other area food shelves with surplus food when it is
available. It will also host the monthly Siren Ruby’s Pantry food distribution hosted by the Siren Covenant Church men’s group. Ruby’s Pantry is in its sixth year of serving rural communities with donated surplus food and goods to fight hunger and disease. It provides large quantities of food for distributions directly to families in 13 rural communities covering seven counties in Northeast Minnesota and Northwest Wisconsin. It will shortly announce the location of additional warehouse distribution centers in Northwest Wisconsin and Northeast Minnesota. It is a community food outreach program of Home and Away Ministries, Inc. with its main distribution center and offices at 39404 Grand Ave., North Branch, Minn. 55056. For more information please see their Web site at www.rubyspantry.org , e-mail goodnews@rubyspantry.org or call 651-6742537. - from Home and Away Ministries
Library road trip winners announced by Mary Stirrat POLK COUNTY — “It was plain delightful,” is the way Joyce McKenzie, one of the winners of the 2009 Polk County Library Road Trip, described her travels to all 10 public libraries in the county. This was the third-annual road trip, and McKenzie and Renae Bodenner were among those who completed it by visiting all 10 libraries. Their names were selected to each receive a $50 gas card. It was the first time either of them had visited some of the libraries. Bodenner, who lives outside Amery, volunteers at the library in Dresser and at the Polk County Library Federation. She says she loves libraries and any aspect of libraries. “I grew up going to the Amery library,” she said. “It’s a great experience getting to know authors and meeting other people.” Although she has wanted to do the road trip in previous years, said McKenzie, this is the first year she was able to try it. “I just got into the whole thing,” she said. “I got to libraries I would never have thought of going to.” Each library was different in its atmosphere and its offerings, she noticed. She described Dresser Public Library as “charming,” while at Luck she found an interesting book, curled up in one of the comfortable chairs and read. “It was so fun to see the bikes propped up outside the libraries,” said McKenzie. “It just tickled me that the kids were there using it.” She was amazed, said McKenzie, to find out all the different classes, groups and programs that the libraries are offering. The MORE online library system,
Browsing the stacks at the Centuria Public Library is Joyce McKenzie, one of the 2009 library road trip winners. The winners each received a gas card to cover the cost of visiting all 10 public libraries in the county. — Photo by Mary Stirrat which allows patrons to order materials from any of the 48 participating libraries and pick it up at whichever library they wish, she said, is an amazing service. But a common thread through them all, McKenzie said, was how welcoming, cordial and helpful all the librarians were. “What a neat experience,” she said.
Renae Bodenner, left, was one of two winners in the 2009 library road trip. She is shown with Colleen Gifford, director of the Polk County Library Federation. — Photo submitted
Author Ron Handberg is speaker at Burnett Library luncheon by Nancy Jappe WEBSTER – With four books published and already out of print and a fifth ready for printing, author Ron Handberg is ready to call it quits. “I’m 71 years old and the idea of spending a year and a half away from my nine grandchildren and things that are going on, writing another book is probably not what I should do,” Handberg told a group of Burnett Community Library supporters during the annual author’s luncheon in Webster Saturday, July 11. Handberg has been a resident of Burnett County for the past 40 years, spending time with his wife, Carol, and grandchildren at his cabin in the woods, the place where all of the books have been written. He considers writing a job, one that requires specific time to be set aside for the solitary task of putting words on paper from thoughts that develop in his head. If the writing is going well, he will write into the evening but tries not to do that very often. Editing a day’s work is done the next morning.
All my writing career has been based on writing a good story. - Ron Handberg
When Handberg was in seventh grade at Robbinsdale High School, he wrote a story to go along with a photo of two GIs going into the jungle that his teacher had cut out of a magazine. The teacher was so impressed with the story that he called the assistant school principal in to read it. That success led to the start of Handberg’s career in journalism. A graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Journalism, Handberg began his career in broadcasting as a news writer and reporter for WCCO Radio in 1960. He moved to WCCO TV in 1964. His success with the stations led to his induction in the Museum of Broadcasting Hall of Fame Oct. 11, 2008. For 30 years he wrote news stories, and before the end of his active career he had served as vice president and general manager of WCCO TV and was its on-air editorial voice. During this time, the station won five national Emmy Awards, five Peabody Awards and many other broadcast honors. He is proud of being the person who hired TV anchors Don Shelby and Pat Miles. In 1989, Handberg retired from WCCO TV to pursue his dream – that of writing a book. He came up to the cabin in Burnett County, sat down, and waited for words to come. He had thought it would be too easy to write about something he knew, the TV world, so he’d try something else. After sitting and looking at a blank computer screen for a couple of days, he said, “I ought to write about
Former WCCO Radio and TV executive Ron Handberg traced his writing career for those who attended the annual author’s luncheon at the Webster Community Library Saturday, July 11. Handberg has been a Burnett County resident for the past 40 years and has written five books, four published, one not yet published, at his cabin in the woods. – Photos by Nancy Jappe
Author Ron Handberg is shown autographing a copy of “Savage Justice,” one of his four published books, which was won as a door prize by Karen Brooks, Danbury. A second book, “Malice Intended,” was won by Marian Woodard, also from Danbury. Handberg was the guest speaker at the annual author’s luncheon sponsored by the Friends of Burnett Community Library. TV.” “Savage Justice,” his first book, published in 1992, was the result. The book, about the investigation of a judge about to be assigned as a state supreme court justice who is suspected of being a pedophile preying on young men and boys, has part of its setting in Burnett County. The county sheriff at that time is mentioned, along with the local mortician, when the body of one of the characters is discovered here. The writing of “Savage Justice” took about six months. When the book was finished, Handberg offered it to Dave Tripp, a Burnett County resident who owned a publishing company at that time, to read. “You know, Ron, this is not great literature, but it is a great story,” Tripp responded after reading the book. He sent the book to an agent who, the same day the book was received, offered to represent it. The agent started the publisher bidding process but came up with rejection after rejection. “I went from high to low,” Handberg said. After reworking the book and cutting out 100 pages, the book was reoffered to bidders, and Handberg was offered a two-book contract. The idea for the fourth and last published book, “Dead Silence,” came after Handberg had read a short newspaper article about a man who was going to Arizona to find out if he was the missing sibling of a man who lived out there. Handberg remembered the cold case of the three Kline brothers who went missing after playing along the Mississippi River banks in 1951. Fifty years later, nothing had been found of the three boys except for two hats found along the shore at the time.
Laura Rachford (L) and Bonnie Jedlund were among those who greeted author Ron Handberg when he arrived at the Webster Community Center Saturday, July 11. “The Minneapolis StarTribune called Handberg one of the 150 most-influential Minnesotans in the last 150 years,” Jedlund said as she introduced her Burnett County neighbor to his audience.
Handberg was intrigued, not only because of the mysterious disappearance of the boys, with no trace of them found over the years in the river waters, but because of what effect an event like that would have on the boys’ family. Because he wanted his story to be pure fiction, Handberg didn’t talk to the Kline family before he wrote it. He did contact them for their permission, however, before the story was published. The boys’ mother liked the story particularly because of the statement that Handberg included to the effect that if one or more of the boys were still alive, they could be assured that their parents and siblings were still waiting for them to come home. Handberg and the mother became friends, and the family was delighted with the book. “Sweet Revenge,” the story that has not yet been published, is based on the 20-plus-year-old murder of a young girl that has never been solved. A strange quirk in this story is that after a period of time, the girl’s parents started receiving birthday cards and other items (supposedly from the girl). Handberg had access to the case file from a retired detective who had worked on the case. This helped him understand how a case like this would be investigated. “Savage Justice” is Handberg’s admitted favorite story. “It’s a gritty book and my favorite, because it has a satisfying ending,” he said. However, because he doesn’t have the ending in mind when
Maxine Peterson, Webster, has just been added as a member of the Burnett Community Library Board of Directors. She was on hand Saturday, July 11, to serve punch to those who attended the library’s annual author’s salad luncheon, with salads prepared by the Webster Area Lioness Club members and desserts by the Friends of Burnett Community Library.
he starts to write a book, as most mystery authors do, Handberg had to rewrite one of the character’s parts to make the ending more logical to readers. According to Handberg, publishers want stories that move, chapters that move and that make you want to go on to the next chapter, main characters to be persons of action and to be likeable. “If you want to get known quickly as an author, writing paperbacks is your answer,” he commented. Handberg’s books include: “Savage Justice,” published in 1992, “Cry Vengeance,” in 1993, “Malice Intended,” in 1997 and “Dead Silence,” in 1999. All are currently out of print, but all can be accessed through the Burnett Community Library in Webster. Handberg’s biggest regret is that he didn’t buy out all the paperback books published by HarperCollins Paperbacks. “I could sell them at events like this,” he told his Webster audience. As it was, he brought along two books, “Savage Justice” in hard cover and “Malice Intended” in paperback, which he gave to the library to use as door prizes. Note: When Handberg pulled up in front of the Webster Community Center Saturday, July 11, he was met by a man from St. Anthony Village, Minn. Paul Christopherson lived across the street from the Handbergs when their three children were growing up. He and his family had been visiting in Siren and saw a poster advertising Handberg as the speaker at the library’s author luncheon. Christopherson then drove up to Webster to say a quick hello to his former neighbor.
Laura Rachford is president of the Burnett Community Library Board of directors. Rachford and other board members are excited, because once the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed, the board will have a big announcement to make in August about their new library. “The board is working on plans to expand. We need donations from book sales, but we also need somewhere between $200,000 and $400,000 more to renovate the property. It should be a fabulous library when we get finished,” she said, adding that the library has already raised $153,000, and has to match a $350,000 donation from the Department of Commerce.
Wannigan Days this weekend by Tammi Milberg ST. CROIX FALLS/TAYLORS FALLS – The cities of St. Croix Falls and Taylors Falls host the annual Wannigan Days festivities this weekend, beginning July 16 with the 10th-annual talent show at the overlook deck at 6:30 p.m. The festivities continue with the queen pageant Friday evening where 23 young women will compete for the title of Miss St. Croix Falls. Music by The Dweebs will happen in St. Croix Falls at 9 p.m. that evening. The grand parade is Saturday night and the cities have chosen grand marshals Arne and Miriam Lagus, St. Croix Falls, and Leland and Delores Rivard, Taylors Falls (see separate stories). Fireworks are planned for Saturday evening at dusk. Sunday is the final day, with a pancake breakfast in the morning and a baseball game featuring the St. Croix River Bandits in the afternoon. Below is a complete rundown of events for the July 16-19 Wannigan Days celebration.
Thursday, July 16 •6:30 p.m., 10th-annual Wannigan Days Talent Show at the overlook deck in St. Croix Falls. Friday, July 17 •Sidewalk sales downtown all day. •90th-anniversay celebration of Eagle Valley Bank and St. Croix Regional Medical Center from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with a free lunch at SCRMS and root beer floats at Eagle Valley. •St. Croix Skatepark fundraiser will hold a car wash and skate clinic, $5. Skate clinic is for beginners as well as trick tips for more advanced riders. •Taylors Falls kiddie parade at 6:30 p.m. •Bingo at the Taylors Falls Memorial Community Center at 7 p.m. •Little Miss St. Croix Falls pageant at 7 p.m. at the St. Croix Falls Elementary School gymnatorium. •Miss St. Croix Falls pageant at 8 p.m. at the St. Croix Falls Elementary School gymnatorium. •Street dance and beer tent in Thompson Parkway, St. Croix Falls with Room
Historical society's ice-cream social GRANTSBURG - The Grantsburg Area Historical Society invites everyone to its annual ice- cream social, Thursday, July 23, 6:30 to 8 p.m. on the museum lawn at
Saturday, July 18 •Sidewalk sales downtown all day. •Car show in Thompson Parkway in St. Croix Falls from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. •Bake sale at the St. Croix Falls Senior Center at 10 a.m., pork chop on a stick sales from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the center. •Lions Park activities for kids at both Taylors Falls and St. Croix Falls Lions parks from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with food and beverage sales, pontoon rides and river tours, and music. •Third-annual Tug Across the St. Croix takes place from noon to 3 p.m. at both Lions parks. •St. Joe’s Eats food tent at Taylors Falls St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on Main Street from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. •Baseball game featuring the St. Croix River Bandits vs. Menomonie Eagles at the St. Croix Falls High School field at 1 p.m. with free admission. •Free wine tasting at Indian Creek Orchard Winery and Grille in St. Croix Falls from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., with donations ac-
cepted. •Wannigan Days Grand Parade starting in St. Croix Falls and ending in Taylors Falls begins at 6 p.m. sharp. •Following the parade in Taylors Falls is a street dance at Romayne’s featuring music by The Lost Boys. •Following the parade in St. Croix Falls is a DJ dance and family fun time with games, cakewalk and contests in Thompson Parkway, a street dance at the Dalles House featuring the band Monster of the Mock, and a street dance at St. Croix Tavern featuring the band Hard Days Night. •Fireworks at dusk Sunday, July 19 •Pancake breakfast from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Thompson Parkway by the St. Croix Falls Fire Department. •Baseball game at the St. Croix Falls High School field featuring the St. Croix River Bandits vs. Hudson River Rats at 1 p.m. with free admission.
Duathlon comes to town
OSCEOLA – Athletes wishing to parPine and Oak streets. The museum, small jail and Emma’s House will be open for ticipate in the third-annual Osceola touring. Entertainment will be provided. Duathlon can get training help through - submitted a Duathlon Clinic Wednesday, Aug. 5. This clinic will help athletes prepare for the three-mile run, 22-mile bike and onemile run contest. A second, preride clinic is scheduled for Sept. 19. “This first clinic will provide you with a training schedule and information on Getschel, Cody Getschel, Hannah Johnhow to prepare for this event,” accordson, Hannah Melin, Kristen Solum, Abby Swenson and Erik Swenson. The team is ing to Mike Colaizy, a National Age coached by Walter Owens, Jered Haase Group Triathlon Champion and former Ironman Triathlon competitor. and Karrie Melin-Swenson. Colaizy, clinic presenter and program The Polk County junior team placed director at Wild River Fitness, said the first in the junior team competition at the contest. Ethan Dado was third-high indi- clinic “is open to beginners, established vidual, Laura Jensen was sixth-high indi- runners and bikers, and everyone one in vidual, Trent Dado was seventh-high between.” In addition to training help, the clinic individual, Mikayla Getschel was 10thhigh individual, Jordan Jensen was 14th- “will also give participants information high individual, Karen Klugow was on race nutrition, hydration and equip15th-high individual, Paul Byl was 20th- ment,” according to Sally Williamson, high individual, Jillian Jensen was 26th- clinic presenter and physical therapist at high individual and Julia Owens was Osceola Medical Center. 31st-high individual. “Proper understanding of nutrition The members of the Polk County jun- during training and hydration during ior team are: Paul Byl, Luke Christensen, competition is very important to safety Thomas Christenson, Madelyn Doolittle, and success,” Williamson said. Marley Doolittle, Ethan Dado, Trent The training clinic is 7-8:30 p.m. at Dado, Mikayla Getschel, Chelsey Jensen, Wild River Fitness, 933 248th St., north Jillian Jensen, Jordan Jensen, Laura of Osceola on Hwy. 35 in the Hope EvanJensen, Max Kaul, Karen Klugow, Jesse Loen, Julia Owens. The team is coached by Karrie Melin-Swenson, Kirsten Klugow and Gretchen Johnson. Christopher Rassier won the showmanship division of the dairy-judging competition, Summer Johnson received a blue ribbon and Brenna Loen received a red ribbon.
4-H dairy-judging competition POLK COUNTY – The Polk County 4H dairy-judging teams won the dairyjudging competition at the Northwest Area Animal Science Day in Ladysmith on Wednesday, July 1. Area animal-science days are educational and competitive events that are sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Extension service and take place at four locations across the state each June. The teams will advance to the state 4-H dairy-judging contest on Friday, July 31, at the Polk County Fair in St. Croix Falls. The Polk County senior team placed first in the senior team competition along with winning the oral-reason division of the contest. The team also placed first in the Ayrshire breed division and third in the Holstein, jersey and guernsey breed divisions. Bethany Dado was sixth-high individual at the contest and fifth in reason, third in Holsteins and first in Ayrshires. Brett Getschel was seventh-high individual in the contest and eight in reasons. Cody Getschel was eighth-high individual in the contest. Kristen Solum was ninth in reasons and fifth in guernseys. Abby Swenson was fifth-high individual at the contest, fourth in reasons and fourth in Ayrshires. The members of the Polk County senior team are: Bethany Dado, Brett
For Gray performing at 7 p.m. and The Dweebs performing at 9 p.m.
gelical Free Church. The second preride clinic is Sept. 19 in Oakey Park in Osceola. That clinic will feature a preview ride of the bike route and transition practice into running the last leg of the contest. The duathlon, sponsored by The RiverBank, OMC and Wild River Fitness, “is geared for those people who are familiar with triathlons, but are unsure about competing in them,” Williamson said. “A duathlon provides a more comfortable and attainable venue for them,” she said. The Osceola Duathlon is travels along the scenic roads around Osceola Oct. 11. It starts, transitions and stops in Oakey Park. Competition begins with a Kids Duathlon the day before, Oct. 10, also at the park. Children participate in races broken down by age groups and distances, such as a 50-foot, 500-foot, 50foot race for 4-year-olds to a half-mile, 1-mile, half-mile race for 12-year-olds. All events will start and stop in Oakey Park. More information and registration forms are available on midwestsportsevents.com; click on Osceola Duathlon or call 800-429-8044. - submitted
Mike Colaizy, a National Age Group Triathlon Champion and former Ironman Triathlon competitor, and physical therapist Sally Williamson, of Osceola Medical Center, are hosting a Duathlon Clinic Aug. 5. The clinic will help prepare those interested in participating in the third-annual Osceola Duathlon. For more information on the duathlon, v i s i t www.midwestsp ortsevents.com or call 800-4298044. – Photo submitted
Rural St. Croix Falls tractor caravan will visit Almelund ST. CROIX FALLS/TAYLORS FALLS – The seventhannual tractor caravan to Almelund will take place Sunday, Aug. 2, departing from Chateau St. Croix Winery and Vineyard at 10 a.m., for a leisurely ride down Hwy. 87 into Main Street St. Croix Falls, over the bridge into Taylors Falls, Minn., and ending at the Almelund Threshing Showgrounds. The winding 24-mile route provides two advantages. It showcases some beautiful views and keeps the group away from higher-traffic areas. The tractor caravan precedes the 53rd-Annual Almelund Threshing Show that begins the following Friday, Aug. 7. In previous years the caravan has commenced from rural Stillwater, North Branch and Rock Creek, Minn. This is the first year that the caravan has started in Wisconsin. While they are in St. Croix Falls, they will stop for a pit stop at the National Park Service Headquarters and Visitors Center, then pass by a group of senior citizens, bussed there from the nearby Good Samaritan Society facility, then past a panel of local judges that will select the best-decorated unit. “This is a great way to get your tractor to the show and have a lot fun doing it,” says caravan organizer, Bruce Nelson. Last year 90 tractors, some pulling trailers and wagons, participated. Some 200 people joined in on this fun event. “We have the mayors and police departments from both St. Croix Falls and Taylors Falls to thank for their coordinated efforts to make this event happen,” Nelson added. Once in Taylors Falls, the caravan will go north just a couple of blocks to River Street, where the participants will see beautiful river scenery on their right and beautiful 100-year-old homes on their left. From River Street, the caravan will go north on CTH 16, to Wild Mountain, where it will stop for a second pit stop. The caravan will head north and west on CTH 16 to CTH 12, enjoying views of some of the state’s wildest areas.
The seventh-annual tractor caravan to Almelund will take place Aug. 2, departing from Chateau St. Croix Winery and Vineyard at 10 a.m. – Special photo The caravan will turn left on CTH 12 and make its way to the Amador Heritage Center for the last pit stop. The heritage center will be open and everyone is welcome to tour the buildings and the interesting displays inside. On the trail again, the caravan will head southeast on Hwy. 95 to the showgrounds. Upon arrival at the showgrounds, at approximately 2:30 p.m., a picnic lunch will be served. There will be a freewill donation collected for the meal; otherwise this whole day is absolutely free to participants. Once finished with their lunch, participants are invited to place
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Celebrating Life!
tractors on the showgrounds for the threshing show coming up on Aug. 7. For those who need a ride, two motor coaches will take people back to the winery. Make plans now to view or participate in the seventh-annual Almelund Threshing Show tractor caravan. No reservations needed; tractor drivers should meet at the Chateau St. Croix Winery and Vineyard at 9 a.m. for coffee and donuts. Roger’s Towing from North Branch, Minn., will provide rescue service if there are any breakdowns. Caravan speed will be 8 to 10 mph, mobile outhouses will be provided. For additional information contact: Bruce Nelson, 715-825-4237, noon to 8 p.m. or fatmanvb@lakeland.ws or Al Deiss, 715-646-9393 or rosewoodrestoration@yahoo.com, www.almelundthreshingco.org. - submitted
Adoption Day set for July 18 ST. CROIX FALLS – The Tractor Supply in St. Croix Falls will be hosting an Adoption Day for the Humane Society of Burnett County on Saturday, July 18, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Everyone is invited to come and meet some of the dogs and cats that are available for adoption at HSBC. Adoption applications will be on hand, as well as low-cost microchipping for your pet. For more information please call HSBC at 715-866-4096. submitted
"Sicko" to be shown free at government center SIREN - The movie “Sicko,” which compares the U.S. health-care system with that of other countries, will be offered free of charge to the public Tuesday, July 21, at the Burnett County Government Center in Room 165, at 7 p.m., by the Burnett County Democratic Party. “Sicko,” which was produced by Michael Moore, is back in the news as “Bill Moyers Journal” TV program focused last week on the role of the health insurance industry played in attempting to discredit the film that was released in 2007. Wendell Potter, a former executive of CIGNA, the fourth-largest health insurance company, was a guest on The Journal, July10, and revealed how the health insurance companies attempted to discredit Moore and gave talking points to the Republicans on the dangers of government-run healthcare systems. They also focused on warning Democrats that embracing Moore would be a threat to the Democrats larger agenda. They emphasized that embracing Moore was a one-way ticket to minority party status. Fred Kramer, chair of the Burnett County Democratic Party, in announcing the showing of the film, said, “We believe ‘Sicko’ is now an especially relevant movie as the House and Senate are heavily engaged in debating the essential elements of a health care bill.” – from the Burnett County Democratic Party
CHURCH NEWS There are many ways single people can build relationships QUESTION: In your book "Love Must Be Tough," you suggested some ways unmarried people can build healthy relationships and not smother each other. Would you share those again and apply the "tough love" principle to those of us who are not married? How does the issue of respect relate to our romantic relationships, and how can we build and preserve it? DR. DOBSON: The principles of loving toughness are the same for those who are single as for those who have been married for decades. There are circumstances, however, that are specific to the courtship period. Let me cite seventeen suggestions that will help you avoid the common pitfalls among those who are trying to win the heart of another. 1. Don't let a relationship move too fast in its infancy. The phrase "too hot not to cool down" has validity. Romantic affairs that begin in a frenzy frequently burn themselves out. Take it one step at a time. 2. Don't discuss your personal inadequacies and flaws in great detail when the relationship is new. No matter how
Dr. James
Dobson Focus on the Family
warm and accepting your friend may be, any great revelation of low self-esteem or embarrassing weaknesses can be fatal when interpersonal "valleys" occur. And they will occur. 3. Remember that respect precedes love. Build it stone upon stone. 4. Don't call too often on the phone or give the other person an opportunity to get tired of
you. 5. Don't be too quick to reveal your desire to get married -- or that you think you've just found Mr. Wonderful or Miss Marvelous. If your partner has not arrived at the same conclusion, you'll throw him or her into panic. 6. Most important: Relationships are constantly being tested by cautious lovers who like to nibble at the bait before swallowing the hook. This testing procedure takes many forms, but it usually involves pulling backward from the other person to see what will happen. Perhaps a foolish fight is initiated.
Maybe two weeks will pass without a phone call. Or sometimes flirtation occurs with a rival. In each instance, the question being asked is "How important am I to you, and what would you do if you lost me?" An even more basic issue lies below that one. It wants to know, "How free am I to leave if I want to?" It is incredibly important in these instances to appear poised, secure and equally independent. Do not grasp the other person and beg for mercy. Some people remain single throughout life because they cannot resist the temptation to grovel when the test occurs. 7. Extending the same concept, keep in mind that virtually every dating relationship that continues for a year or more and seems to be moving toward marriage will be given the ultimate test. A breakup will occur, motivated by only one of the lovers. The rejected individual should know that their future together depends on the skill with which he or she handles that crisis. If the hurting individual can remain calm, the next two steps may be reconciliation and marriage. It often happens that way. If not, then no amount of pleading will change anything. 8. Do not depend entirely upon one another for the satisfaction of every emotional need. Maintain interests and activities outside that romantic relationship, even after marriage.
After 5 July dinner meeting set WEBSTER/SIREN - The Webster/Siren Area Christian Women’s Club After 5 invites all women to attend a dinner meeting on Monday, July 20, at 7 p.m. This meeting will be held in the fellowship hall of Bethany Lutheran Church located on Hwy. 35 in Siren. With the theme A Taste of Summer, Suzie Geigle, Hudson, will present Taste-
fully Simple as the feature for the evening. Arlene Beckwith of Red Wing, Minn., will be the singer and special speaker. Her presentation is entitled “Life’s Melodies.” This is a musical journey through detours and roadblocks that lead to personal fulfillment. Beckwith is a music teacher, cancer survivor and inveterate shopper.
For reservations call Jane at 715-5660081 or Carol at 715-349-7006. Casual dress for summer is encouraged. Invite a friend. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10, but reservations are needed. After 5 is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. – submitted
9. Guard against selfishness in your love affair. Neither the man nor the woman should do all the giving. I once broke up with a girl because she let me take her to nice places, bring her flowers, buy her lunch, etc. I wanted to do these things but expected her to reciprocate in some way. She didn't. There are eight more "Love Must Be Tough" principles to be discussed, and we'll take a look at them next week. ••• Dr. Dobson is founder and chairman emeritus of the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80995 (www.focusonthefamily.org). Questions and answers are excerpted from "Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide" and "Bringing Up Boys," both published by Tyndale House. COPYRIGHT 2009 JAMES DOBSON INC., DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106; (816) 581-7500
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Siren/Lewis United Methodist Churches Siren, Wis.
Lewis, Wis.
VBS at Grace Church in Grantsburg set GRANTSBURG – Vacation Bible school at Grace Church in Grantsburg will be held for children in kindergarten through sixth grade. A Galactic Adventure will be held from Aug. 3 – 7, from 9 a.m. until noon. For information, call 715-463-5204. – submitted
Church listings sponsored by the following area businesses: BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren
DAEFFLER’S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456
Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008
Corey T. Arnold, Agent Frederic, Wis. Phone 715-327-8076
BEAN’S COUNTRY GRIDDLE Hwys. 35 & 48 Downtown Frederic Phone 715-327-5513
“Your Electric Servant” Serving Polk & Burnett Counties “Use Energy Wisely”
WEBSTER CASHCO BUILDING SUPPLIES Complete Lumber & Building Supplies
Phone 715-866-4238 Hwy. 35 N. Webster, Wis. Tom & Becky O’Brien, Owners
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• Gravel • Sand • Rock • Top Soil • Trackhoe 715-472-2717 Mobile 715-491-1861 1065 290th Ave. Frederic, Wis.
Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making • Ham and Bacon Cured and Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141
Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed
• Complete Line of Building Supplies & Lumber • Cabot’s Stains Grantsburg, Wis. 715-488-2471 or 715-327-8766
1988 World Champion Cheesemaker Earl Wilson, Cheese Plant Mgr. Clif Gipp, Ag. Supply Mgr. for Feed, Propane & Fertilizer Alpha, Wis. 715-689-2468 • 715-689-2467
Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215
By Willits Jerry & Pat Willits, Owners We sell flags, banners, wind socks, pennants, flag poles & accessories. Installations Available 2815 285th Ave. • Sterling Township 715-488-2729
Hwy. 35 North Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059
SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131
Churches 5/09
Wrecker - Flatbed Air Conditioning & Computerized Car Service - Cold Weather Starts
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Your Full-Service Drugstore Siren, Wis. Phone 715-349-2221
Any area business wishing to help sponsor the church listings should contact the Leader at 715-327-4236.
Childlike Ah, spring and early summer, the time for baby critters. We enjoy watching fawns cavort in the meadow, kit foxes tumble over each other in play, and baby robins clamor in the nest for the tasty worms Mama and Daddy bring home. We’ve even been entertained by a resident chipmunk that joins me in the garden at times. Her baby often follows along. Watching babies and very young children can bring endless delight Perspectives because of their unique attitudes and attributes. They’re sincere. In their desire to please or to receive something, they usually are straightforward and honest. They exhibit no pretenses or hypocrisy. What you see in a child is generally what you get. They’re eager. We all know kids are full of enthusiasm about everything around them. It doesn’t take much to get them excited. They’re trusting. There’s no doubt in their minds that Dad will catch them before they fall, or Mom will lead them safely across the street. They’re dependent. Instinct tells them to rely on their parents wholly. But it doesn’t take long for some children to change from their childlike qualities into childishness—that is, being foolish and stubborn. The same unique attitudes and attributes of children that help them face their world apply to us spiritually. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of o d . G Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Mark 10:15) In other words, Jesus would have us be sincere in our faith—straightforward and honest, rather than presenting an untrue picture of ourselves. It’s called transparency. If we try to hide our bad habits and sins, how is anyone going to know when or if we need help and prayer? Jesus would have us be eager in our Christian walk, too. “Rejoice in the Lord always,” Paul tells us in Philippians 4:4. We should be full of enthusiasm while serving the Lord and others. Jesus would have us be totally trusting of his Word and dependent on his power and grace. When we are, we won’t waver in our faith. Lord, make us more childlike in our faith, more unafraid of faltering and failing. Help us to be more sincere in our relationship with you and others and more eager to share your love. Help us to be as trusting of your word and dependent on your power as the baby critters are of their parents. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Sally Bair Eternal
Quilt presented to Derek Letch
The Women of the Church from St. Peter’s Lutheran, north Luck, made this quilt with much love and presented it to Derek Letch for his graduation from Luck High School. They told him to remember his “church family” at St. Peter’s every time he uses it. - Special photo
Can God's thoughts be our thoughts? “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9) The above passage is sometimes cited to affirm that God’s thoughts and ways are so far beyond man’s as if to make God both completely transcendent and supremely unapproachable. But is this the real meaning of this passage? Is Isaiah really saying that God is so far beyond man that we cannot have any idea as to what, or how, he thinks? Is it really impossible to have any understanding of God’s ways? Let us consider this passage in a little more detail. In the opening verses of the chapter God, through Isaiah: (1) Encourages the children of Israel to focus on what is truly valuable as opposed to what only fills the belly (vs 1); (2) Tells them that what is truly valuable costs them no money (vs 1); (3) Instructs them that if they listen to God they will “eat what is good” (in an ultimate, spiritual sense first, but not necessarily excluding physical food) and their souls will delight in abundance (vs 2); (4) Asks that His children listen and pay attention to Him so that their souls would live (vs 2); (5) Promises to make a covenant with His people (vs 3); (6) Instructs them about the “sure mercies of David” (vs 3); (7) Tells them that David (and his mercies) was given as a witness to God’s people (vs 4); (8) Questions why Israel would call on a foreign nation for help rather than rely on the Holy One of Israel (vs 5); (9) Commands them to “seek the Lord while He may be found” (vs 6); (10) Pleads with them to “Call upon Him while he is near” (vs 6); (11) Orders that the “wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts” (vs 7); and (12) Promises mercy and pardon to those who return to the Lord (vs 7). It is after this that God, through Isaiah, says that His thoughts and ways are not Israel’s thoughts and ways, but are higher than theirs. But it is not because Israel could not know God or follow God’s will ... rather, it is because they WOULD NOT know God and follow His will. They simply refused to do so. Note that in verse two Isaiah told Israel to listen to God, that verse three instructed Israel to “incline your ear,” that verse six commands them to seek the Lord and call upon him. Note that all of these verses, and others too, enjoin hearing and obedience on the part of Israel. What is hearing and obedience? Is it not making God’s thoughts our thoughts (hearing, as well as believing) and making God’s ways our ways (obedience). Rather than proclaiming that God was so distant and transcendent from man, verses eight and nine boldly proclaim that man can know God’s
thoughts and ways. When the unrighteous man forsakes his thoughts, he will begin to think like God thinks (vs 7). When the wicked forsakes his ways, he will began to act like God wants him to act (vs 7, i.e., by following God’s ways). Furthermore, the closing verses in this chapter reinforce the effectiveness of God’s word. It does not go forth from His mouth in vain and it will not return to Him void (vs 11). “It shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (vs 11) And what Preacher’s exactly does God want His word to accomplish? What was the purpose of sending it? Was it not for man to hear? Was it not for man to obey? IF (1) it is God’s pleasure to do His will (Is 46:10; Eph souls (1 Tim 2:3-4; I Tim 4:10; 1 Jn 2:1-2; 2 Pet 3:9; Jn 4:34; Mt 19:10; Lk 18:11), AND IF (2) souls are only saved when they hear and obey the word of God (Jn 6:44-45; Acts 11:14; Rom 10:8ff; James 1:22ff), THEN (3) it must be true that we can think as God would have us to think (have God’s thoughts) and act like God would have us to act (follow God’s ways). Is this not what we do when we read His word? Do we not have the “mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:16) when we read the inspired message? Do we not have the mind of Christ when we humbly obey His will (Phil 2:5ff)? Do we not bring every thought captive to Christ and thus think like God and Christ when we trust and obey (2 Cor 10:4)? Surely, instead of telling us that God can never be known and never be obeyed, God, through Isaiah, is telling us that he can be known and he can be obeyed. Let us all strive to learn the word and will of the Father more diligently, and in love and obedience strive to implement it more fully in our lives. When we do so we “shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, And instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree; And it shall be to the LORD for a name, For an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.” (Isaiah 55:12-13) (Written by J. L. Apple) If readers have questions they would like answered in this weekly column or simply wish to know more about the Church of Christ, they are invited to call 715-866-7157, visit the Web site at www.burnettcountycofc.com or stop by the church building at 7425 West Birch St. in Webster. Sunday Bible class begins at 9:30 a.m. and worship begins at 10:30 a.m. We also meet Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. Office hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. - noon.
Garret Derouin
20 young people affifirrmed their faith
Sunday, May 3, 20 young people affirmed their faith at Peace Lutheran Church, Dresser. Shown are front row (L to R): Rachel Nelson, Allie Holmdahl, Autumn Erickson, Casey Danielson and Kyle Chapman. Center row: 2008 Intern Doug Andersen, Andrew Moris, Randall Mortel, Taylor Woller, Braden Chryst, Colton Goepfert, Tiffany Willey, Ashley Jones and Pastor Wayne Deloach. Back row: Tyler Backes, Matthew Gjovig, Jacob Sommer, Kailey Ekstrom, Bryce Byl, Angela Peterson, Emma Western, Hayley Jaremczuk and 2009 Intern Bob Sinclair. – Photo submitted
Jason R. Whittier
Ewald Jerome (Jerry) Johnson
Ada M. Toombs
Jason R. Whittier of St. Croix Falls died Friday, July 10, 2009, at St. Croix Regional Medical Center at the age of 38. Jason was born Sept. 12, 1970, at St. Croix Falls to David and Roberta Whittier. He graduated from Taylors Falls High School in 1989. He attended law enforcement school at Century College and Chippewa Valley Technical College. On April 20, 1991, he married Tiffany Nelson at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Taylors Falls, Minn. He worked as a police officer in several Polk County communities and as a deputy sheriff with Polk County. Jason was a member of the Balsam Lake Knights of Columbus and had been on the Taylors Falls Fire Department while living there. He enjoyed hunting big game, fishing, camping, listening to and playing music and especially his family. Jason was preceded in death by grandparents, Hal and Sue Whittier and Philip Larson. He is survived by wife, Tiffany; daughter, Brittany; son, Cody; parents, David and Roberta Whittier; grandmother, Evelyn Larson; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Tuesday, July 14, at Our Lady of the Lakes Church in Balsam Lake, by Fr. Thomas Thompson and the Very Rev. John Drummy. Interment was in St. Croix Falls Cemetery. The Grandstrand Funeral Home, Osceola, was entrusted with arrangements.
Ewald Jerome “Jerry” Johnson, 96, Ashland, died Monday, June 22, 2009, at Northern Lights Health Care Center in Washburn. He was born Jan. 14, 1913, in Webster, the son of Olof and Martha (Engebretson) Johnson. He was born, raised and worked on the family farm in Webster. His passion was his three horses, Molly, Kit and Meg. Jerry graduated from Webster High School in 1932. He met Ruth A. G. Johnson in Lake Geneva, where he worked as a greenskeeper. They were married in Chicago on Oct. 1, 1938. Jerry owned and operated his own concrete business in Chicago for over 25 years. He semi-retired and moved to Ashland in 1971 and did various construction jobs in the Ashland area. He was a lifelong member of the First Covenant Church of Ashland. He is survived by three children, Caryl (Arthur) VanBerschot of Owasso, Okla., Craig (Sharon) Johnson of Bayfield and Connie (Gale Trombley) Johnson of Ashland; six grandchildren, Barton VanBerschot, Chad VanBerschot, David (Billie Jo) Johnson, Jessica (Steve) Howe, Jennifer (James) Turmure and Billie (Craig) Hoopman; 12 great-grandchildren, Derek, Mitchell and Julia VanBerschot, Andrew, Abigail and Amelia Johnson, Ryan and Olivia Howe, Margaret Turmure, Emily, Ellie and Wyatt Hoopman; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Ruth on Aug. 25, 2006; two brothers, Harold and Donald; and two sisters, Louise and Catherine. A funeral service was held on Thursday, June 25, at the Frost Home for Funerals in Ashland with the Rev. Ernest Bliss officiating. Interment was in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Ashland. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund will be established.
Ada M. Toombs, 88, Coon Rapids, Minn., formerly of Spooner, died July 3, 2009, at Park River Estate Care Center in Coon Rapids, Minn. She was born May 10, 1921, in Burnett County, to Byron and Mary (Mewforter) Lawrence. She was married March 4, 1938, to Harold Sheehan who preceded her in death in 1963. Ada married Elwood Toombs in St. Paul on Nov. 11, 1961, and he preceded her in death in 1984. She was also preceded in death by son Scott; granddaughter Dawn; grandson Larry; stepdaughter Irene; stepson Ronald; brothers Clarence, George, William, Harry and Edgar; and sisters Nellie, Beatrice, Abigail and Annabell. She is survived by daughter LuluBelle (William) Gorr, Blaine, Minn.; sons Lester (Beverly) Sheehan, Cumberland, Chester Sheehan, St. Paul, Minn., and Harold D. Sheehan, Amery; stepdaughter Shirley Toombs, St. Paul, Minn.; 15 grandchildren; 17 greatgrandchildren; seven step-grandchildren and 14 stepgreat-grandchildren. Funeral services was held July 10 at Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, with the Rev. Carol Ann McArdell officiating. Burial was in Greendale Cemetery, Spooner. Pallbearers were Chester Sheehan, Lester Sheehan, Lester Sheehan Jr., Jeff Wolters, Ron Reinking and Bill Gorr. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.
Rodney Pagh
Bonnie Curry Wolf died July 11, 2009, at the St. Croix Regional Medical Center. She was 82 years old. Bonnie was born Feb. 17, 1927, to Zella and Edna Curry in St. Paul, Minn. Bonnie was married to John (Jack) Wolf on April 23, 1949. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack; son, Gary; two brothers and two sisters. Bonnie is survived by son, Paul (Carrie) Wolf; daughter, Janet (Darrell) Otto; daughter, Lynn (Tom) Kieger; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The Cremation Society of Wisconsin was entrusted with arrangements.
A memorial service is being held for Rodney Pagh on Saturday, July 25, 2009. The service will be held at 11 a.m., at the Bethesda Lutheran Church, Dresser, at Sand Lake.
Nellie (Smith) Martinsen Nellie (Smith) Martinsen, 100, resident of Milltown, died Tuesday, July 7, 2009, at St. Croix Regional Medical Center in St. Croix Falls. Nellie was born to Nels and Ellen Smith on March 28, 1909, in the village of Milltown. She was baptized and confirmed at Milltown Lutheran Church. Nellie was Circle chairman for many years, and was also a past vice president and president of the Women of the Church. She is also a charter member of the Milltown Senior Citizen Center, where she has served as president, treasurer and director for many years. Nellie was united in marriage to Louie Martinsen on July 14, 1928. To this union, seven children were born with six surviving: son, James (Marilyn) Martinsen of Luck; five daughters, Donna Mae (Bob) Hoyt of Auburn, Wash., Mary (Herbert) Fagnan of New Richmond, Carolyn (Jim) Nelson of Centuria, Linda Martinsen of Milltown and Norma Lundgren of St. Croix Falls; 23 grandchildren; 45 great-grandchildren; 24 great-great-grandchildren; along with many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Louie; son, Robert; one grandson; her parents; and five brothers, Harry, Clifford, Donald, Ray and Ross. Funeral services were held at Milltown Lutheran Church in Milltown, on Saturday, July 11, with Pastor Danny Wheeler officiating. Music was provided by organist Cheryl Peper; a trio by Brenda Marek, Sharon Moore and Velma Broome; and a duet by Pastor Danny Wheeler and Clayton Johnson. Pallbearers were Bobby Martinsen, Barry Martinsen, Charles Fagnan, Jeff Fagnan, Mike Martinsen and Tommy Nelson. Honorary pallbearers were Randy Freer, Randy and Teresa Vollrath, Arlo and Dorothy Miller, Dick Westerman, Cary Dean and Bonnie Eastvold, Brian Eder and Rose Sheperd and Curt and Jo Bille. Interment followed the service at Milltown Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to the Milltown Lutheran Church. Rowe Funeral Home of Luck was entrusted with arrangements.
Bonnie Curry Wolf
Joseph G. Hudalla Joseph G. Hudalla, 86, St. Croix Falls, formerly of Cumberland, died July 4, 2009. Joseph was a longtime Cumberland businessman. He is survived by his children, Diane Hudalla, Mary Jo (Jim) Hofer, Karen (Fred) Hanson; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Funeral Mass was held Tuesday, July 7, at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Cumberland, with Fr. David Lusson officiating. Casket bearers were Joseph’s grandchildren. Interment followed the service at Lakeside Cemtery in Cumberland. The Edling Funeral Home, St. Croix Falls, was entrusted with arrangements.
Susann (Sue) M. Blair Susann (Sue) M. Blair, age 82, a resident of Danbury, died July 9, 2009, at Spooner Health System. Sue was born on April 14, 1927, in Berwyn, Ill., to Kenneth and Margaret MacGill. She married Ben Blair on Oct. 26, 1946, in Columbia, Mo. Sue was a past Lioness member and was an election official for Union Township. She was also an active volunteer coordinator for Forts Folle Avoine. Sue was preceded in death by her husband Ben Sr.; parents; brother, Kenneth; and sister, Marjorie. Sue is survived by her children, Sandy (Mark) Ridgway of Stillwater, Minn., Debbie (Ryan) Hoss of Fargo, N.D., Ben Blair of Osceola and Greg (Liz) Blair of Maple Grove, Minn.; grandchildren, Allison (Mike) Cossetta, Eric Bender, Matt (Tanya) Hoss and Katie (Chad) Nielson; great-grandchildren, Nicholas and Emily Cossetta and Madelyn and Noah Hoss; brother, Robert (Dorothy) MacGill; as well as special friend, Nancy Merle. Sue will be remembered for her love of family and nature, especially her birds and flowers. A private celebration of Sue’s life will be held at a later date. Memorials are preferred to Forts Folle Avoine. The Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster, was entrusted with arrangements.
Rosella Dversdall-Alhgren A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, July 21, for Rosella Dversdall-Alhgren at the Clam Falls Lutheran Church. Service will be at 11 a.m. with fellowship and lunch to follow. All friends are invited to attend.
Blanche R. (Kuhn) Nelson Blanche R. Nelson, age 96, of Amery, formerly of Clear Lake, died on Friday, July 3, 2009, at the Golden Age Manor Nursing Home in Amery. Blanche Rachel Nelson was born on May 1, 1913, in New Haven Township, Dunn County, the daughter of Arthur and Sara (Ryder) Lee. She grew up in New Haven Township, attending Bolen Country School and Downing High School. Blanche was married to Frank R. Kuhn at the Methodist Church in Emerald on May 8, 1931. Together they farmed in the Clear Lake area and raised five children, Carmalita, Arthur “Peter,” Cordelia, Rebecca and Myrna. After Frank’s death in 1972, Blanche lived on their farm in Clear Lake until she married Harold Nelson on Sept. 17, 1976. For the next ten years, she and Harold made their home in Woodville. After his death in 1986, Blanche returned to South Manor in Clear Lake. Over the years she was active in the Methodist Church Ladies Aid, the Homemakers Club, the Band Mothers Club and was a Girl Scout Leader. Blanche also assisted Dr. Campbell with deliveries and cared for the mothers and their babies in her home. She also enjoyed sewing, baking and doing crafts. Blanche had been a resident of Judy’s Cottage at the Golden Age Manor since 2005. She is preceded in death by her husbands, Frank Kuhn and Harold Nelson; daughter, Rebecca Yurik; son, Arthur “Peter” Kuhn; grandson, Timothy Weier; great grandson, Bryce Weier; parents, Arthur and Sara Lee; sons-in-law, William Martin and Ciro Alfaro; daughter-in-law, Ginger Kuhn; brothers, Richard (Alaine) Lee, Arnold (Helen) Lee and James (Dorothy) Lee; sister, Inez (Ray) Brophy; and brother-in-law, Robert Swenby. She is survived daughters, Carmalita Martin of Ramsey, Minn., Cordelia Alfaro of Nagog Woods, Mass., Myrna (William) Cress of Hastings, Minn.; son-in-law, Michael Yurik of Spooner; 17 grandchildren, Shawn, Kelly and Jennifer Martin, Daniel, Jane, David and Kristin Weier, Michele and Shannon Yurik, Philip and Sheila Kuhn, Chad, Jason and Stacy Cress, Jeanine and Jeff Kuhn; 23 great-grandchildren and two greatgreat-grandchildren; sister, Violet Swenby of Boyceville; many relatives, family and friends. Funeral service was at the United Covenant Church, Clear Lake, on Saturday, July 11, 2009. The Rev. Jayneann Gagner officiated. Music was provided by Jaette Carpenter. Interment was at Clear Lake Cemetery in Clear Lake. Casket bearers were Jason Cress, Shawn Martin, Stacy Cress, Phillip Kuhn, David Weier, Michele Heffner and Sheila Wolff. Scheuermann-Hammer Funeral Home and Cremation Services of Clear Lake was entrusted with arrangements.
CHURCH NEWS/OBITUARIES Bishop joins Immaculate Conception in celebrating centennial by Kerri Harter GRANTSBURG – Immaculate Conception Catholic Church of Grantsburg warmly welcomed their bishop to join in their centennial celebration. The Most Reverend Peter F. Christensen, bishop of the Diocese of Superior, presided over the 10:30 a.m. Mass held July 12 with Father Dennis Mullen, parish pastor, as concelebrant and Stan Marczak, deacon. The parish choir was joined by mem-
bers of the Diocese of Superior Chorale and members of the choirs of Nativity of Our Lord and St. Joseph Choir. The congregation, numbering nearly 200, had a catered meal by Kelli’s Catering Kitchen following the Mass in the social hall. During this 2009 yearlong centennial celebration, Immaculate Conception is recognizing a different aspect of its parish each month, including family, youth, councils, religious ed and history
Bishop Christensen during the consecration of the bread and wine. Also pictured are Deacon Stan Marczak and choir member Ken Kutz. - Photos by Kerri Harter
of the church, to name just a few. The bishop’s Mass marked the halfway point
of the 12-month celebration.
The Knights of Columbus lined the aisle for the procession prior to Mass.
Bishop Christensen leads the Lord’s Prayer with Father Dennis Mullin on the right and Deacon Stan Marczak on the left.
Elsie Ann Hacker
Alter server Cody Hoffman holds the Book of Gospels for Bishop Christensen.
Jacob William Ernst Jacob William Ernst, 77, Grantsburg, died July 6, 2009, at the Burnett Medical Center. Jake was born Aug. 11, 1931, in White River, S.D., to Alfred and Elizabeth Ernst. He lived there until his late teens, at which time he moved to the Grantsburg area. Over the next several years he worked in the Twin Cities area. He was united in marriage to Patricia Finch on April 30, 1955. They were blessed with three sons, Randy, Rodney and Kevin; and a daughter, Valerie. Jake will be remembered as an avid golfer or groom-
In Loving Memory Of
Dominic Fornengo
490983 47Lp
July 12, 1920 - July 15, 2003 We thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, And days before that too. We think of you in silence, We often speak your name. All we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, With which we’ll never part. God has you in his keeping, We have you in our hearts. Love you, Ardyce, Cindy, Tom, Hannah and Sam
ing the golf course itself. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; sons, Randy (Linda), Rodney (Jean Sandberg) of Grantsburg, Kevin (Jean) of Webster and daughter, Valerie (Raymond) of Dassel, Minn.; four grandsons, four granddaughters; 10 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Marge Zibell of Pierre, S.D., and Mary Bromwich of Cambridge, Minn. Jake was preceded in death by his parents; an infant daughter; five brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held on Saturday, July 11, 2009, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Falun. The Edling Funeral Home, Grantsburg, was entrusted with arrangements.
Dorothy Ward Dorothy (Kaegbein) Ward, 70, formerly of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died at home June 4, 2009, in Littleton, Colo., of cancer. Memorial visitation and services will be held Saturday 1 p.m., Aug. 1, at Kolstad Family Funeral Home in Centuria. Pastor Maggie Issacson will officiate. She will be laid to rest at the Balsam Lake Cemetery. A full obituary will appear in a future edition of the Leader. Kolstad Family Funeral Home has been entrusted with funeral arrangements.
Elsie Ann (Berg) Hacker, 69, daughter of Viona (Pautsch) and Henry Berg, was born on May 9, 1940, in Grantsburg. She was baptized on Nov. 17, 1940, and confirmed in her faith at Milltown Lutheran Church on June 6, 1954. Elsie was in the first graduating class of 1958 from Unity High School. Graduation was held outside of the Centuria School. Elsie married Verle Hacker on Oct. 11, 1958. To this union were born Bradley, Betty Ann, Brian, Brent and Bryce. Elsie enjoyed many activities, including bowling on league at Frederic and Centuria, pitching horseshoes in a league, camping, going up north to the cabin, collecting dolls, shopping, sewing and quilting. She enjoyed assisting Verle in their business with the bookkeeping and also helping her daughter-in-law at the laundromat and ice-cream shop in Luck. After the death of their son Bryce, Verle and Elsie started a fishing and golf tournament to fund the Bryce Hacker Memorial Scholarship. Elsie was involved at North Valley with the women’s group, WELCA, where she was treasurer for many years. She also was a church council member, synod delegate, quilter and had volunteered at Ruby’s Pantry. She taught Sunday school and VBS, not only at North Valley, but also at Luck, Deronda and Milltown. Elsie was a Cub Scout leader in Amery and Luck. Elsie was preceded in death by her parents; son, Bryce; daughter, Betty Ann; two unborn children; and brothers, LaVerne, LeRoy and Don. She is survived by her husband of 50 years; son, Brad (Mary Jo), Balsam Lake and their children Marisa and Caleb; son, Brian (Sheri), Luck and their children Megan and Logan; son Brent, Milltown and his children, Bryce and Lily; sister, Delores (Roger) Anderson of Milltown; sister, Judy (Jim) Glenna, St. Croix Falls; brother, Duane (Shirley) Berg, Menomonie; brother, Harvey (Jeanine) Berg, Luck; brothers-in-law, Kenny (Mona) Hacker, Idaho, Myron (Sandy) Hacker, Cushing; stepmother-in-law, Jean Erickson, Luck; many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 16, 11 a.m., at Luck Lutheran Church, with Pastor Maggie Isaacson officiating. Interment will be at Laketown Lutheran Cemetery. Visitation is Wednesday, July 15, 4 to 8 p.m., at the St. Croix Valley Funeral Home, St. Croix Falls and also one hour prior to the service. Pallbearers are Mark, Wayne, Andy and Adam Anderson, Steve Jorgenson and Jamey Glenna. The St. Croix Valley Funeral Home and Polk County Cremation Society, St. Croix Falls, were entrusted with arrangements.
Church Directory ADVENTIST
609 Benson Road. Pastor Curtis Denney Sat. Worship 11 a.m.; Sabbath Schl. 9:30 a.m.
ALLIANCE CHURCH OF THE VALLEY Senior Pastor Bob Morton 1259 Hwy. 35 S., St. Croix Falls Sunday Worship: 8:30, 9:45 & 11 a.m.
Meeting in homes. Elders: Cliff Bjork, Jon Zens, 483-1357 and 755-3048 Sun. Fellowship - 10 a.m.; Wed. 7 p.m.
309 5th Street, 715-640-1450 Pastors Randy and Pam Stone Saturday 6 p.m.
1115 Mains Crossing, 1/2 Mile South Hwy. 8 On 110th St.; Pastor Matt Faarem Sun. Worship 9 a.m.; Sun. School 10:15 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 8:30 a.m. Wed. LOGOS 3:20 p.m.
Gene E. Jahnke, Pastor, 715-635-7672, Hm. 715-354-7787, Hwy. 70 at 53, Spooner Sun. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School & Bible Classes For All - 10:45 a.m.
Pastor Jay Ticknor, 715-463-5746 3 miles So. of Grantsburg on Hwy. 87 Sun. Schl. - 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.
BETHANY LUTHERAN - SIREN Hwy. 35, 1/2 blk. N. Main St. Pastor John Clasen Pastoral Serv. 349-5280 Sunday Worship - 9:15 a.m.
BETHESDA LUTHERAN - DRESSER (LCMC) www.bethesdalutheran.ws
Pastor Mark Richardson, 715-755-2562 1947 110th Ave., Dresser Sun. Contemp. Serv. 8:15 a.m.; Trad. Serv. 9:30 a.m.; Outdoor Wor. Sched.: May 31, June 28, July 26 & Aug. 30, 9:30 a.m.
BONE LAKE LUTHERAN bllc@lakeland.ws Pastor Mary Ann Bowman, 5 mi. E. of Luck on Hwy. 48, 1/2 mi. S. on I; 472-8153, Office/Kit. - 472-2535 Adult Bible Study 8:30 a.m.; Worship 9:30 a.m.; Fellowship 10:30 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Pipe Lake CTH G & T, 715-822-3096 Sun. Serv. 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:15 a.m. during school year; Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sun.
Pastor Gary Rokenbrodt - 715-653-2630 Communion 1st Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.
faithlutheran@lakeland.ws Pastor Diane Norstad 715-485-3800; CTH I & Mill Street Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:40 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st & last Sundays
Pastor Victor St. George, 715-463-5388 Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School 10:45 a.m.
5561 Chestnut St., Taylors Falls, MN 651-465-5265 Traditional Wor. 8:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. & Youth 9:45 a.m.; Adult Learning 10 a.m.; Contemp. Wor. 11 a.m.
Pastor Dorothy Sandahl 648-5323 or 648-5324 Sun. Wor. 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:15 a.m.
ELCA - 501 Hwy. 35, 646-2357 Mel Rau, Pastor Sunday Worship & Holy Communion - 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School - 10:40 a.m.
Rt. 1, Balsam Lake, WI (Fox Creek) Pastor Neal Weltzen; GT Office - 857-5580, Parsonage - 822-3001, TR Office - 822-3001 Wors. Serv. 10:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:15 a.m.; Holy Communion - 1st Sun. of each month
Phone 327-4340, 327-8384, 327-8090 Pastor David Almlie Worship 9:15 a.m.; Sun. School 10:30 a.m. Communion - 1st & 2nd Sundays
(Missouri Synod) Pastor Jody R. Walter, 327-8608 Sun. Schl. - 8:45 a.m.; Service - 10:45 a.m. Communion - 1st & 3rd Sun.
CTH H, 1/2 mi. N. of CTH A & H on H Church Off. 715-635-7791 Roger Pittman, Pastor Sun. Schl. 9 a.m.; Worship Serv. 8 &10 a.m.; Sat. 7 p.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
LAKETOWN LUTHERAN - CUSHING Pastor Dorothy Sandahl Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
510 Foster Ave. E.; Mark E. Hall, Pastor Office 715-472-2605; Home 715-472-8424 Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
113 W. Main St.. W., Phone 715-825-2453 Pastor Danny G. Wheeler 9:30 a.m. Worship
Pastor Maggie Isaacson, 715-825-3559 3 mi. W. of Milltown on “G” Sun. Wor. - 9:15 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN, (LCMS) WEBSTER Rev. Jody Walter, Interim, Phone 327-8608; Church Phone 866-7191 Sun. Wors. - 9:15 a.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
2355 Clark Road, Dresser, WI, 715-755-2515 E-mail: peace@centurytel.net Pastor Wayne Deloach, Intern Bob Sinclair Sun. Wor. 9 a.m., Wed. 7 p.m.
PILGRIM LUTHERAN - FREDERIC (ELCA) Pastor Catherine Burnette 507 Wisconsin Ave. N., 715-327-8012 Sunday Worship - 9 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st & 2nd Sundays www.pilgrimlutheranfrederic.org
Rev. Bruce Brooks - 715-483-3550 719 Nevada St. , (between Simonson & Tower Roads) , St. Croix Falls Worship - 10 a.m. (Nursery provided) Sun. Schl. - Child.- 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - Adults - 8:45 a.m.; Communion 1st Sunday
Pastor Carolyn Saunders, 715-463-2624 Sunday School - 11 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.
CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST - GRANTSBURG Pastor Carolyn Saunders, 715-463-2624 Worship - 9 a.m.; Sun. School - 10:30 a.m.
Cindy Glocke, Pastor, 715-866-8646 Sun. Worship - 9 a.m.
Cindy Glocke, Pastor, 715-866-8646 Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.
ST. DOMINIC - FREDERIC & IMMACULATE CONCEPTION - GRANTSBURG CATHOLIC MASS SCHED. Pastor: Rev. Dennis M. Mullen, 715-327-8119 St. Dominic: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 10:30 a.m. Immaculate Conception: Sat. 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30 a.m. Call the office for daily & holy day Mass times
Rev. Thomas E. Thompson, 715-247-3310 139 Church Hill Rd., Somerset Mass Sun. 8:30 a.m.; Wed. 9 a.m. Sacrament of Penance Sun. 8 a.m.
Pastor Father Daniel Bodin, 651-465-7345 25293 Redwing Ave., Shafer, MN Sunday 9 a.m.
Pastor Michael J. Tupa, 715-866-7321 Cedar & Muskey Ave. - Webster Mass Sun 10:45 a.m., Wed. 5:45 p.m. (SeptMay), Fri. 9 a.m. (Summer) Sat. 8:15 p.m. on Sept. 1
404 Wis. Ave., Amery, 715-268-7717 Father John Drummy, Pastor Sat. Mass 4 p.m., Sun. Mass 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat., 3:30 p.m. or by appt.
Holytrinity@wisconsinumc.org 1606 165th Ave., Centuria Paul Foulke, Pastor, 715-485-3363 Sun. Wor. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10:15 a.m.
Rev. Thomas E. Thompson, 715-294-2243 255 E. 10th Ave., Osceola Masses: Sun. 10:30 a.m., Tues. 5 p.m. Thurs. at 10 a.m. at Osc. Nursing Home
Pastor Marty Nolet Wor. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - during worship hour Tom Cook, Pastor Worship 8:45 a.m.; Sunday Schl. 10 a.m.
Pastor Kevin Millen Associate Pastor Jim Carmon Sunday School - (all ages) - 9:30 a.m. Church Serv. - 10:45 a.m.
716 S. Robert St., Grantsburg, 715-463-5699 Sr. Pastor Brad Moore David Ahlquist, Assoc. Pastor Sun. Wor. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m.
Pastor Doug McConnell Youth Pastor Chris Radtke At Grantsburg High School, 715-463-5794 Sun. Serv. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m.
Pastor Andy McDaniel, 715-327-8402 Sun. Schl. - 9:15 a.m.; Wor. Serv. - 10:15 a.m.; Wed. 6:30 p.m. Bible Study; Nursery provided.; www.tradelakebaptistchurch.org
Minister Garret Derouin, 866-7157 Musky & Birch St., Avail. in office 9 a.m. noon, Tues.-Fri.; Sun. Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m.
Dairyland - Rev. Jack Martiny 715-244-3649 Sunday School - 10 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.
Pastor Don Wiltshire, 715-640-6400 Centuria - Phone 715-646-2172 Sunday Service: 10 a.m.
Pastor Dan Slaikeu 4 mi. SE of Grantsburg on Williams Rd. Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Wor. 10:30 a.m.
oumc@centurytel.net 306 River Street, Osceola, 715-755-2275 Pastor Alan J. Hagstrom, 715-294-3195 Adult Class - 9 a.m.; Sunday Schl. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship - 10 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st Sunday
1614 CTH, North Luck; Mark E. Hall, Pastor Office Phone 472-2605 Dial-A-Devotion 472-2345 Sun. Worship - 9 a.m.
Pastor Andrew Bollant Sun. Schl. - 9:15 a.m.; Morn. Serv. - 10:15 a.m.; Supervised Nursery; Wed. Evening - Worship Serv. 6:30 p.m.
(Wisconsin Synod) Pastor Gene DeVries 200 N. Adams St., St. Croix Falls Sun. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 8:30 a.m.
ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN (Wis. Synod) 350 Michigan Ave., Centuria Sun. Wor. - 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10 a.m.
140 Madison St. South, St. Croix Falls Pastor Mark K. Schoen Sun. Service - 9 a.m.; Sun.School - 10:30 a.m.
10 mi. W. of Cumberland on Hwy. 48 (McKinley) - Pastor Neal Weltzin GT Office 857-5580, Parsonage 822-3001, TR Office - 822-3001 Wor. Serv. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion - 1st Sunday
Rev. Jody Walter, Interim Home 715-327-8608; Church 715-866-7191 Sunday Worship Service - 7:45 a.m. Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Pastor Annie Tricker Sun. Wor. 11 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m. Potluck dinner 1st Sunday
Rev. Mike Weaver Sunday Worship Service - 10 a.m. Sun. School is at 9 a.m., Nursery available Pastor Arveda “Freddie” Kirk, 327-4436 Early Wor. 8:30 a.m.; Sun. Wor. 10 a.m. Souper service Wed. 5:15 p.m.
Tom Cook, Pastor Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship - 10:15 a.m. (Nursery available)
290 W. Government Street, 715-294-4436 Reverend Dr. Rolland Robinson Sunday Service - 10 a.m. with nursery Sunday School - Sept. - May at 10 a.m.
WOLF CREEK UNITED METHODIST Rev. Mike Weaver Sunday Worship - 8:15 a.m.
Hwy. 70 East, 689-2271 Pastor: Carl Heidel Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Communion -Every Sunday
300 Seminole Ave. (CTH M) Mark Kock, Pastor, 715-294-2828 Sunday Worship at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School (ages 4 thru 12th grade), Fellowship, Adult Bible Class at 9:15 a.m.
Pastors Mike & Linda Rozumalski 1 mi. west of Luck on N, 2478 170th St., Luck Worship - 9:30 a.m.; Fellowship after service.
Rev. Rexford D. Brandt 447 180th St., Osceola, 715-294-2936 Sun. Worship June 7 to Sept. 13 - 9 a.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
1/2 mi. W. of Hwy. 35 on U, 715-866-8281, Pastor Ray Reinholtzen, Douglas Olson and Roger Kampstra Services begin at 9:30 a.m. Communion 1st & 3rd Sun.
Pastor Gary Rokenbrodt - 715-653-2630 5 mi. E. of Frederic on W, 2 mi. south on I; Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Communion - 1st Sunday
Pastor Scott Sagel, 715-689-2541 Sun. Schl. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Wor. 10:30 p.m.; Elevator provided, welcome Pastor Dave Guertin 7686 Lofty Pines Drive, Siren, 715-349-5601 Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.
Pastor Gary Tonn Praise Time 8 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:20 a.m. CATHOLIC
ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Rev. Thomas E. Thompson, 715-247-3310 255 St. Hwy. 35, East Farmington Mass Friday 9 a.m.; Sacrament of Penance Sat. 3:30 p.m.
Pastor - Father Daniel Bodin 490 Bench St., Taylors Falls, 651-465-7345 Sat. Vigil 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Tues. - Thurs. 7:30 a.m.
Danbury - 7586 St. Rd. 77, 866-7321 Pastor - Father Michael J. Tupa Mass - Wed. 5 p.m. (Summer), Fri. 9 a.m. (Sept.-May). Reconciliation as per bulletin & by appt.
Pastor Tim Faust Worship - 11 a.m.; Sun. School - 10 a.m. Holy Communion - 1st & 3rd Sunday
Balsam Lake - Rev. John A. Drummy, Pastor - 405-2253 Mass: Sat. eves. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8:30 a.m.; Tues. 5:30 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m.Sacrament of Reconciliation 7:30 a.m. Sun. or by appt.
Pastor David Almlie, 715-327-8384, 715-327-8090 Fellowship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m. Communion - 1st & 2nd Sundays
Pastor Father Michael J. Tupa CTHs A & H - 715-866-7321 Crescent Lake Voyager Village area. Mass Sun. 8:15 a.m., Thurs. 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation as per bulletin and by appt.
Pastor Larry Mederich, 715-294-4332 www.occconnect.org Mtg. @ St. Croix Art Barn; Sun. Serv. - 9 a.m. Nursery and children church
Pastor Dale VanDeusen, 715-488-2296 or 715-488-2653 20296 Hwy. 87, Grantsburg Morn. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10:45 a.m.; Nursery provided for all services
Pastor Bruce Tanner, 715-268-2176 942 U.S. Hwy. 8, Amery Sun. Schl. 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible study 7 p.m.
Pastor Greg Lund, 715-327-8767 700 Churchwood Lane; 505 Old CTH W Sun. Schl. - 9 a.m.; Morn. Worship - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided for all services BAPTIST
231 Bluff Drive, 715-247-2435 Services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Call Pastor Darryl Olson at 715-755-3133 for information and directions
1751 100th Ave., Dresser Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Morn. Wor. 10:30 a.m. Evening Services Sun. 6 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m.
523 1st St., Clayton, 715-948-2493 Fr. Christopher Wojcik, Pastor Sat. Vespers - 5 p.m.; Sun. Liturgy - 9:30 a.m.
HOLY CROSS ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN Meeting at Zion Lutheran Church, 28005 Old Towne Rd., Chisago Lakes, MN Fr. Robert McMeekin, pastor hcomm.org Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Pastor David Sollitt 715-857-5411 or 715-268-2651 Wor. Serv. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl.-10:15 a.m.
510 S. Vincent, St. Croix Falls Pastor Lori Ward, 715-483-3696 Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:45 a.m. & Wed. 6:30 p.m.
2393 210th Ave., St. Croix Falls Interim Pastor, 715-483-9464 Sun. Schl. - 10 a.m.; Wor. Serv. - 11 a.m.
Hwy. 35 and CTH N., Luck Bill McEachern Pastor, 715-485-3973 Sun. Bible study - 9 a.m.; Sun. Wor. - 10 a.m.
131 Broadway St., 715-268-2223; www.fbcamery.org Pastor Charlie Butt, Lead Pastor Sunday Worship: 10 - 11:15 a.m. Sunday School for Pre-K to 5th; Sunday School for middle and high school 8:30 a.m. at teen center; Nursery available
Pastor Marlon Mielke, 715-825-3186 Sun. Schl. 9:45 a.m.; Wor. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.
“The Cure for the Common Church” 722 Seminole Ave., Osceola Pastor Dr. Kent Haralson; 715-294-4222 or 715-755-3454; info@gracechurchosceola.com Sun.: Praise & Worship Serv. 9 am., Adult Bible Study 10:45 a.m., Children’s Sun. Schl. 10:45 a.m.
7535 Peet St., Danbury, 715-656-4010 Reverend R.A. Luebke Adult Bible Service 9 a.m.; Services: Sun. 10 a.m.; Sunday School during church service.
CENTERPOINT CHURCH “Come as you are”
Pastor Dick Enerson, www.centerpointstcroix.com 715-294-1833, Meeting at SCF High Schl. Main entrance 740 Maple Drive, St. Croix Falls Sunday Worship 10 - 11:15 a.m.
NEW LIFE COMMUNITY - AMERY Pastor Timothy Barnes Sat. 7 p.m. prayer; Sun. Worship 10 a.m.; Children’s Church to 6th Grade
Meets at Dresser Elem. School, Dresser Pastor Michael Brand, 715-417-2468 Sun. Schl. 8:45 a.m.; Adult Class 9 a.m.; Worship Serv. 9:45 a.m.; Nursery available
Located across from elemen. school on West St., Pastor, Dr. Kevin Schumann; 651-465-7171 Sun. Morn. - Sun. Schl. for all ages - 9 a.m. Morn. Worship - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided.
715-733-0481 or 715-733-0480 for time of meeting.
1289 160th St. (Hwy. 65), St. Croix Falls 715-483-5378 Pastors Dan and Claudia Denissen Asst. Pastor Ken Janes Sun. School 9 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m.
Church Phone 715-866-4111; Rev. Merrill Olson - Pastor Sun. Schl. - 9:30 a.m.; Wor. - 10:45 a.m (Nursery Provided)
church directory
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Visit The Leader’s Web Site:
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PUBLIC ENEMIES Rated R, 143 Minutes. Wed., July 15 - Thurs., July 23 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m.
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More Freedom Fest fun
Balsam Lake royalty were hot dogging it at the Hot Dog Eating Contest. Loving those dogs were: Stephanie Hunter, Queen Naomi Williamson and Allison Lennartson (daughter of the hot dog champion).
Nicki and Britta Norlund rode horses for the Unity FFA and FFA Alumni during the Balsam Lake Freedom Festival last weekend.
Balsam Lake Hot Dog Champion Donny Lennartson shows his winning technique.
Keith Zygowicz, Milltown Fire Department, showed his technique during the water fights in Balsam Lake.
The Balsam Lake Water Fight was a sight to behold when the Milltown Fire Department was up against the Balsam Lake Fire Department. The New Richmond Fire Department won the water fight.
Lexi Kothlow won the Karaoke Idol contest in Balsam Lake during the Freedom Festival. She sang “Picture to Burn” and “Kerosene” in the finals. Kothlow was sponsored by Indianhead Chiropractic.
Mike and Brandon Bielmeier show off their second-place trophy at the Balsam Lake car show.
Photos by Jeanne Alling
EVERY Monday
• Grantsburg Farmers Market at the village offices/library, noon-2 p.m.
• Eureka Farmers Market, in salt/sand building, Eureka Center, 3-7 p.m.
• Frederic Farmers Market at the Leader parking lot, 8 a.m.-noon (Opening July 18). • Siren Farmers Market at senior center, 1-3 p.m.
Coming events
• Christian Women meet at the senior center. Call Pam Aldarado, 715-463-5853 for reservations.
• Music in the Park, Harmonic Balance, in Triangle Park, 6:30 p.m. • Ruby’s Pantry at the school bus garage. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Distribution starts at noon.
Rice Lake
• Senior meeting at the center, 9:30 a.m., with July birthdays celebrated after. • Open house at Northwoods Respite, Burnett County Adult Day Service at Birchwood Manor, 1:30-3:30 p.m., 715-349-5250. • Lioness Club monthly meeting at the senior center, 6:30 p.m. • Free showing of the film, “Sicko,” at the Government Center, 7 p.m.
• Exercise 10-11 a.m., Skipbo 11 a.m.-noon, 500 cards and Dominos, 12:30 p.m. at the senior center.
WED.-SUN./15-19 • Barron County Fair, www.barroncountyfair.com.
St. Croix Falls
St. Croix Falls
• Wannigan Days.
• Pokeno at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Lioness Club meeting at Coon Lake Park, 5:30 p.m. for a potluck picnic and meeting to follow. • 500 cards at the senior center, 6:30 p.m.
• Red Cross blood drive at Luck Lutheran Church, 1-7 p.m., 800-448-3543, givebloodgivelife.org. • Northland Ambulance quarterly meeting at the village hall, 7 p.m.
• Neighborhood Mass at Dave and Darlene Rudolph residence, 6 p.m., 715-327-8119.
• American Legion & Auxiliary picnic at Lions Park shelter, 6:30 p.m. • Pie and ice-cream social at North Valley Lutheran Church, 7 p.m. Entertainment by Alzen Family Bluegrass Band.
• Bake sale outside Dairy Queen, set up by Lewis Methodist Women, 715-653-4281. • Annual Senior Dining Picnic at Crooked Lake Park. Sign up at your local senior center. • American Legion and Auxiliary annual picnic at Crooked Lake Park, 5 p.m. • Music in the park, Kevin McMullen, Crooked Lake, 7-9 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise 10-11 a.m., Blood pressures 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., General Mtg. (potluck) 12:30 p.m. and 500 cards 6:30 p.m. at the senior center.
• Webster All-Class Reunion at Ike Walton Lodge, 11 a.m.-noon social, noon lunch, 715866-7101.
FRI.-SUN./17-19 Grantsburg
• World Championship Watercross. • Lucky Days.
FRIDAY/17 Frederic
• Pokeno at the senior center, 1 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Bridge 10 a.m. and Bingo 1 p.m.at the senior center.
• Scott Fire Department Chicken BBQ Fundraiser, 11:30 a.m.
This double rainbow was seen near Webster on Friday evening, July 10. – Photo by Raelynn Hunter • Brian Richard’s magic show- Readers Are Leaders! at the library, 10:30 a.m.
• Ruby’s Pantry at the school bus garage. Distribution starts 8 a.m., 715-327-4143. • Light lunch at the senior center, noon, cards, Pokeno or Bingo.
• Friends of the Library rummage sale at the Lions/DBS Hall, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. • American Legion Auxiliary bake sale in front of Jensen’s Furniture Store, 9 a.m. • Senior center serving barbecues, pie and ice cream, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. • LHS Class of 1964 reunion at Hog Wild, 5 p.m.
• Wildflower expedition Crex Meadows, 8:5011 a.m., 715-463-2739.
• Burnett County Tea Party and Tax Protest Rally at Crooked Lake Park, 10:30 a.m., 715566-2464.
St. Croix Falls
• Iver’s Mountain benefit at The Chateau St. Croix Winery, 1-5 p.m., friendsofiversmountain.org. • Humane Society of Burnett County Adoption Day at Tractor Supply Co., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. • Davina & the Vagabonds at Festival Theatre, 7:30 p.m., 715-483-3387, 888-887-6002.
followed by cookout in the courtyard at 11 a.m.
• Annual school picnic, noon.
St. Croix Falls
• American Legion Post 143 Wannigan Days Sunday breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon.
• 2nd-annual community block party at Siren Covenant Church, 4 p.m., 715-349-2486.
MONDAY/20 Frederic
• Spades at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Danish Brotherhood Society (DBS) picnic at Lions Park shelter, 5:30 p.m.
• Free carnival at Siren Park, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 715-349-2922. • Siren taxpayers and concerned citizens special meeting at the high school, 7 p.m. • Webster/Siren Area Christian Women’s dinner meeting at Bethany Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., 715-566-0081, 715-349-7006.
TUESDAY/21 Amery
• Sjoland Lodge 5-635, Sons of Norway will meet at First Lutheran Church, 7 p.m.
• 500 cards at the senior center, 6:30 p.m. • Rally for a Cure golf scramble, 715-3278250.
• Preschool-kindergarteners Music and Movement at Crex, 10-10:45 a.m., 715-4632739. • Future of Grantsburg Scouting meeting at Central United Methodist Church, 6 p.m. • Historical society ice-cream social on the museum lawns/Pine & Oak streets, 6:30-8 p.m.
• Frederic Class of 1952 reunion at the Pour House, noon. • Ruby’s Pantry at 24534 Hwy. 35/70. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Distribution starts at 5 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise 10-11 a.m., Skipbo 11 a.m.-noon, Health seminar 1 p.m. and 500 cards 6:30 p.m. at the senior center.
FRI. & SAT./24 & 25 Amery
• Brat stand fundraiser at Dick’s Market for the senior center.
• The Great Folle Avoine Fur Trade Rendezvous at The Fort, 715-866-8890, www.theforts.org.
• Friends of Kent’s First-annual Garden Tour, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 715-483-1775, www.kentsplants.com, for more info.
• Glory Train musical program at Skonewood Christian Retreat Center, 7 p.m.
Balsam Lake
• Preschool-kindergarteners Music and Movement at Crex, 10-10:45 a.m., 715-4632739.
• Heartsong performs at St. Luke’s, 10 a.m.,
• Coffee hour at Clam Falls Lutheran Church, 9 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Voyager Village
• Village Players Community Theatre play “The Foreigner.” Thurs.-Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., 715-259-7995.
Clam Falls
It's Lucky Days this weekend LUCK — Don’t be out of Luck this weekend, because you’ll miss Lucky Days, July 17-19. The celebration starts Friday with Main Street sidewalk sales beginning at 9 a.m., and the food court on Second Street opening at 10 a.m. Friday evening, at 5 p.m., Rex Cactus entertains at the food court stage, and the bed races are at 5:30 p.m. on Main Street. The day ends with a free street dance featuring country rock by Brian Mac Band. Luck Shoe and Saddlery is sponsoring stagecoach rides both Friday and Saturday, and the co-ed softball tournament at the ball field will be all three days. On Saturday, the classic car and antique tractor show on Main Street starts at 8 a.m., with the used book sale at the library and the library garage sale at the Lions Hall starting at 9 a.m. Clues for the medallion hunt will be posted hourly at the food court, starting at 10 a.m. From 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the Big But-
The Lucky Days parade will be Saturday, July 18, at 3 p.m. This photo of the 2009 Luck Royalty was taken at the Balsam Lake Freedom Festival parade July 5. — Photo by Mary Stirrat
ternut Lake Management Association will present, “How We Impact Big Butternut Lake” at the library along with a pontoon classroom on the lake, meeting at the boat landing. There will be plenty of food, with the American Legion bake sale by Jensen Furniture starting at 8:30 a.m., barbeque,
pie and ice cream at the senior center from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the food court opening at 11 a.m. For a special treat, don’t miss the historical society’s aebleskiver at the Luck Museum from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For kids, the Luck Girl Scout kiddie carnival will be open from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. on First Street between Luck Dental and the eye clinic, and the sawdust pile sponsored by Colonial Craft will be at 10 a.m. at Fort Luck Park. The public is invited to attend the queen’s tea at the Luck School media center at 1:30 p.m., followed by the parade at 3 p.m. After the parade, Rex Cactus will entertain at the food court stage from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., followed by a free street dance from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The street dance will feature ‘70s and ‘80s rock by City Vibe. Sunday events begin at 10 a.m. with the softball tournament. A bike show and the BBQ chicken dinner at Hog Wild begin at 11 a.m. At noon don’t miss the Luck FFA Alumni tractor pull on Duncan Street by the industrial park. Lucky Days wraps up with music in the street by The Studebakers, featuring top-40 music, at Hog Wild. — Mary Stirrat