T U E S D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 • V O L U M E 7 7 • N O . 1 4 • 2 S E C T I O N S • S E C T I O N A
• Lighting Festival @ Taylors Falls • Thanksgiving Dinner @ Siren • Elk chili feed benefit at Lewis • Community dinner at Centuria See Coming Events, stories inside
An award-winning weekly Reaching more than 7,500 readers
Serving Northwest Wisconsin Where does that money go? Shooting case will go to panel
Recordings, names released by sheriff; legal counsel retained PAGE 3
Injured eagle leads to spiritual experience CURRENTS FEATURE
Rediske will resign from county board Moriak will not seek re-election PAGE 4
Tensions rise in area ELCA congregations Trade Lake excursion boats Currents, page 4
Part II: What ELCA actions led to the tension? PAGE 14
Prison time for OWI
Webster man found guilty of OWI, 5th offense PAGE 2
Little kid, big buck See Outdoors, page 22-23
Athletes hit the hard court and mats Inside this section
December is filing time for spring elections County board, school board, village and city council seats open PAGE 4
It’s that time of year again when bell ringers and red kettles make their presence at the front of stores in Polk and Burnett counties. Money collected by the Salvation Army is used throughout the year and goes toward helping residents in these counties with rent, utilities, transportation, and other areas of need. It takes a lot of change to keep the assistance available for families in need, and the Red Kettle Campaign will go until Jan. 1 to help collect that change. Volunteers are needed for bell ringing. This youngster is not only a bell ringer, but is also a bit curious at what the top of the kettle looks like. See stories inside. –Photo by Duana Bremer
A journey of hope by Priscilla Bauer GRANTSBURG – Hope surrounds visitors as they enter the new retreat center located in a large log home on CTH O near the St. Croix River. Hope is seen in the eyes of the small and dedicated group of people as they work to bring the dream of the Hopes Journey retreat center to fruition. Hope is heard in their voices as they speak of how they want to give people going through serious illnesses a place for relaxation and support. Hope is felt from their hearts as they tell of fulfilling a friend’s dream
to use his home to help others. “This was Kerry’s home,” said longtime friend and neighbor Lori Sandvig, as she stood near the huge stone fireplace in the center of what will become a gathering area for those staying at Hopes Journey. Sandvig’s neighbor, Kerry Lund, often spoke of “doing something” with his house. Sandvig recalled that before Lund’s death in 2008 he tossed around several ideas for his home and property, including making it into a camp for special needs children or a
See Hopes Journey, page 32
Siren school administrator given vote of confidence School board shows support PAGE 11
Volunteer LaRae Willis-Halvorsen stands by one of the paintings hanging in the Hopes Journey retreat center. - Photo by Priscilla Bauer
The Inter-County Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper
Arnold to greet festival-goers
Serving Northwest Wisconsin
A cooperative-owned newspaper, the Inter-County Leader is published every Wednesday by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837. Second Class postage paid at Frederic, WI 54837.
MANAGER Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR Gary B. King gbking@centurytel.net STAFF Nancy Jappe njappe@centurytel.net Tammi Milberg tammi@centurytel.net Marty Seeger mseeger@centurytel.net Brenda Sommerfeld brendals@centurytel.net Sherill Summer sherill33@gmail.com Gregg Westigard greggw@lakeland.ws Carl Heidel cheidel389@centurytel.net Priscilla Bauer cilla@grantsburgtelcom.net Mary Stirrat marystirrat@hotmail.com Greg Marsten marscafe@lakeland.ws EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Raelynn Hunter rael@centurytel.net
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How to subscribe:
The Inter-County Leader [ISS No. 87509091] is published weekly. Subscription prices are $34/yr. in Polk and Burnett counties; $38/yr. in Barron, Chisago, Washburn, St. Croix counties; $41/yr. anywhere in the United States $23/yr. for servicemen or women; $23/yr. for students or schools (9 months). Payment is needed before we can start the subscription. No refunds on subscriptions. Persons may subscribe online at www.the-leader.net, write us at Inter-County Leader, Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837, or stop by one of our three offices.
Eight-foot tall Arnold the fuzzy puppet will tower over people at the Taylors Falls Lighting Festival’s official opening event on Friday, Nov. 27, at 6 p.m. He’s shown here with his 5’4” creator, Karen Nelson. Come early to find your viewing spot and stay late to take in all the fun. Boxes to hold nonperishable food items will be at many of the event sites, so be a “Star” and bring food for our local food shelves. Arnold is a generous gift to the Lighting Festival from Nelson, daughter of Clarence and Geri Nelson, who created him in her spare time. Karen is a gifted puppeteer who works for the Vee Corporation, the maker of puppets for Sesame Street Live. Names for the puppet were submitted by Taylors Falls Elementary School third-graders. Of the many, Trace Fleming, son of Todd and Amy Fleming, from Mrs. Spray’s fifth-grade class, came up with the name, Arnold, which seemed most fitting for the tall green-and-orange character. Opening day of the three-day Lighting Festival is filled with events especially for everyone in the family. Festival schedules with a map showing the location of each event are available from downtown Taylors Falls businesses, at www.fallschamber.org and find us on Facebook. - Special photo
Gargoyle’s view of Paris
Board of directors Vivian Byl, chair Charles Johnson Merlin Johnson Janet Oachs Carolyn Wedin
An award-winning newspaper 2008 Member
by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – A Webster man was sentenced to prison for a fifth offense of operating while intoxicated, which is a felony, on Friday, Nov. 13, at the Washburn County courthouse. Darren D. Merrill, 44, was arrested May 18, 2008, for OWI, after a police officer found him in his vehicle outside an establishment on Summit Street, Spooner. According to his report, the officer was on patrol around 6 p.m. when he saw someone come out of the building and reach into a parked vehicle, where he could see a man in the driver’s seat, who appeared slouched over. The officer made contact with the person reaching inside, who said that the others in the building had been watching the man in the vehicle, later found to be Merrill, for some time, and they’d been trying to wake him up, but couldn’t. Those inside the building did not remember seeing Merrill pull up, but that they’d noticed him there at least 15 minutes before. They said he was there by himself and didn’t see anyone else come or go. The engine was running, but the vehicle was in park, and Merrill was belted in and asleep. The officer reported finding an open beer can in the console. When the officer was finally able to wake Merrill, he said he was dropped off by a friend, but he didn’t know where he came from or where the friend was. The officer reported smelling intoxicants, though after running to his vehicle to do a license check, the open beer can from the console was gone. Merrill had wetness on his shirt, though he said there had never been a can in the vehicle. The report said the officer had removed the keys from the vehicle, but that Merrill pulled out another set and tried to start the vehicle. The officer was able to stop him, and after having him perform field sobriety tests, arrested Merrill on suspicion of a fifth OWI. He was taken to the hospital, where a blood draw later reported a .22 blood-alcohol content, and then to the county jail, where Merrill told the officer, “I’m going to give you one chance … to shoot me, because I’m going for your gun.” The report said that the officer later found the can crushed behind the passenger seat, empty, and three bottles of mixed medications. Merrill’s friend was contacted, and he reportedly said he had not driven him anywhere or used his vehicle. Merrill was originally charged with the felony OWI count, along with having a blood-alcohol level of over .02 for a fifth or sixth time; the latter was later dropped. The first charge has a maximum sentence of $10,000 and six years of imprisonment, along with a 24- to 36-month license revocation. In August, Merrill pleaded guilty to the OWI charge. He was sentenced to two years of imposed and stayed imprisonment in a state prison, and two years of imposed probation, with six months of jail time. The jail time could be served either through electric monitoring or house arrest. His driver’s license was suspended for 24 months. He was also ordered to abstain from alcohol and establishments selling it, and to enter a driver’s safety treatment plan.
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Fifth OWI gets man prison time
Former St. Croix Falls Mayor Brad Foss is sharing his travel photos after returning from a recent trip to France. He found his way to the top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and photographed this gargoyle, one of several demon looking creatures carved in stone, that look out over the city from atop the centuries-old church. Some gargoyles have a passageway inside that carries rainwater from the roof and out through their mouth to provide drainage. - Photo by Brad Foss
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Briefly Brace yourself. The real November is expected to show up later this week, with consistent freezing temperatures, but who can complain? The 11th month turned out to be the most pleasant of the last two, possibly three months. ••• MADISON – Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced that Wisconsin schools will be participating in a national poster contest being launched to commemorate National Amber Alert Awareness Day, which will be observed on Jan. 13, 2010. Each year the United States Department of Justice sponsors a national poster contest and announces the winner at the annual National Missing Children’s Day Ceremony in Washington, D.C. Wisconsin fifthgraders schools participating in the event will have the opportunity to submit their winning poster for judging. Completed posters should be sent to: Susan A. WhiteHorse, Manager, WI Clearinghouse for Missing & Exploited Children & Adults, Wisconsin Amber Alert Coordinator, 17 West Main St., P.O. Box 7857, Madison, WI 53707-7857. Each state’s Missing Children Clearinghouse will then submit the single winning state poster to the U.S. Department of Justice for final judging. The national judging will take place in April 2010, and one national poster contest winner will be selected. The theme for this year’s poster contest is “Bring Our Missing Children Home.” For a complete packet of information relating to the contest go to: http://ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/programs/posterco ntest. - from state attorney general’s office
Rollover fatal for Webster man TOWN OF MEENON - A Saturday night accident took the life of 64-year-old Theodore W. Schneller of Webster. According to the police report, Schneller was eastbound on Pike Bend Road in Meenon Township, Nov. 21, when he lost control of the vehicle and entered the ditch on the south side of the road. The vehicle rolled several hundred feet and hit a few small trees before coming to a rest. At some point, the driver was ejected out the front passenger-side window, and was found about 9 feet from the vehicle. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Officers are not sure of the exact time of the accident. It appeared that Schneller was not wearing a seat belt. - with information from Burnett County Sheriff’s Dept.
The St. Croix Grille, located next to the Grantsburg Fitness Center just west of Grantsburg on Hwy. 70 will be reopening this weekend with a new name and new owners. David Corty and his niece Corrinne Scheele have purchased the bar and restaurant, which has been closed for several months, and have renamed it Dreamers, The St. Croix Bar and Grille. Corty said the bar will be open for business starting on Friday, Nov. 27, and the restaurant will be opening within the next few weeks. Photo by Priscilla Bauer
w w w. t h e - l e a d e r. n e t
Shooting case will go to panel
Recordings, names released by sheriff; family retains legal counsel
by Gary King POLK COUNTY A 31-year-old Frederic area man shot and wounded by one of three sheriff’s deputies responding to reports of a possible suicidal man driving around with guns, was released from Regions Hospital in St. Paul this past week. Jason King suffered a gunshot wound to his upper torso after deputies thought they saw him reaching for one of two guns in a vehicle. The shooting occurred early Monday morning, Nov. 16, in the town of Clam Falls. The matter is currently under investigation by the St. Croix County Sheriff’s Department. Polk County Sheriff Tim Moore this week released the names of the three officers present at the scene of the shooting. He also released a 48-minute audio recording of dispatcher traffic, including conversations between King and a dispatcher during a chase in the minutes leading up to the shooting. Administrative leave Sgt. Michael Stoffel, a 16-year veteran of the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, was identified as the shooter. He has been placed on administrative leave pending a decision by a shooting review panel, according to Moore. The St. Croix County Sheriff’s Department is expected to complete its investigation of the incident on or about Dec. 1 and will present its findings to the panel on Dec. 3, beginning at 9 a.m. That presentation is expected to take the majority of that day, Moore noted. Stoffel responded to the scene of the shooting that evening as did deputies Karl Beaupre and Nathan Ferris. The deputies, aware King had guns in his vehicle, had been drinking and was despondent, and had been uncooperative with a sheriff’s dispatcher who had been on the phone twice with King during the evening, positioned themselves around King’s vehicle as it sat parked in the driveway of his family’s home. King allegedly failed to respond to officer commands. One of the officers allegedly yelled “Gun!” after seeing King apparently make a movement toward one of the weapons (he had a long rifle and a shotgun) in his vehicle. Stoffel shot through a window of the vehicle and struck King. Detailed information regarding the incident is expected to be released at the end of the investigation. The King family was unavailable for comment by phone. The reports According to a sheriff’s report on the incident released last week and the 48minute recording released this week by Moore, the incident began at 11:25 p.m., Nov. 15, when the sheriff’s department received a call from a woman who said King, apparently despondent over a breakup with her, had been texting her that evening, making suicidal threats. She said she didn’t call police earlier because she didn’t believe he had a gun, but when he fired a shot into the air out the window of his vehicle, she became more concerned. She believed King may have been drinking earlier that day and said his family members had started searching for him prior to her calling 911. Through a T-Mobile hotline for law enforcement, a T-Mobile technician was contacted and she traced King’s mobile phone signal and gave local authorities coordinates using local cell phone towers. Authorities soon spotted King driving a white Suzuki Samurai on a rural road near Lewis at about 12:18 a.m.
A chase ensued, authorities were able to puncture King’s tires using stop sticks, but King continued the chase, driving at speeds ranging from 30 to 55 miles per hour. Phone contact Moore stated he received media requests last week to release the 911 transcripts. He felt the release of recordings of dispatcher communications that evening, some of it heard that night by members of the public via scanner traffic, would not compromise the investigation and would possibly shed light on the events of the evening, including the level of cooperation by King. A phone call from King to authorities was routed through the Burnett County Sheriff’s dispatcher to a Polk County dispatcher. In that call, King can be heard demanding the dispatcher call off the deputies following him. “Tell the deputies behind me to stop following me or it will (expletive) end,” King states. “... I won’t pull over - I can guarantee that - if I pull over it will be over.” King, thinking the police car behind him was being driven by a female officer, stated, “If you don’t pull her off from me right now, can you imagine the write-up in the (expletive) paper? Can you imagine it? ... I’ve heard about it before with Polk County deputies - they kill people because they won’t (expletive) stop their officers.” In a second phone call minutes later, King is told by the dispatcher, “We just want this to end peacefully.” King said he didn’t need officers chasing him and again told the dispatcher to pull them back, saying he had a gun against his chin and that if deputies backed off, “I just might be OK.” When he realizes deputies aren’t stopping, King yells, “Back them off now!” and telling the dispatcher, “You had better start thinking (about calling the officers off) or it’s about to end really (expletive) badly.” The dispatcher, in a calm voice, indicated more than once during both phone conversations with King that he couldn’t call off the officers and said deputies just wanted to talk to him and to help him. When King asked if the dispatcher wanted him (King) to pull the trigger on himself, the dispatcher said, in part, “I don’t want you to do that,
Jason.” King soon ended the conversation by apparently hanging up. The dispatcher then advised officers of King’s comments and state of mind as they approached the scene in their vehicles. He also received the call from an out-of-breath officer at the scene in the moments following the shooting. He dispatched Frederic ambulance and an air ambulance, contacted Moore and dispatched other officers to the scene. The review Moore requested that an independent investigation of the incident be conducted, in accordance with his department’s policy in shooting cases, and requested the St. Croix County Sheriff’s Department conduct the investigation. When completed, the report will be presented to the shooting review board, which Moore will be a part of. Moore, in fact, wrote the department policy regarding procedure for such investigations approximately 10 years ago when he was a sergeant with the sheriff’s department. The review panel will also consist of a patrol supervisor and a firearms instructor from the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, and three to five outside law enforcement officials. They will hear the evidence and issue a finding. The three officers involved in the incident were interviewed Nov. 17, approximately a day following the shooting. Moore said he was not part of those interviews in order to remain unbiased in the shooting review process. He said he also asks investigators to not tell him anything about their work during the investigation. Legal representation Jason King is represented by Tim O’Brien of the Bakke Norman legal firm of New Richmond. O’Brien confirmed he has notified the Polk County Sheriff’s Department he is representing the family in relation to the shooting but said he wanted to withhold any comment, pending the outcome of the investigation. “In all fairness to both Jason and Deputy Stoffel, the facts are still being developed,” O’Brien stated. “I trust they’ll (St. Croix County) do a thorough job in presenting the facts to the shooting review board. From there, we’ll see how the process plays out.”
Pondering a big move
A giant chess board drew the attention of fifth-grader Zach Meyer during the annual National Community Education Day held at Luck Schools, Nov. 18. More photos, page 31. - Photo by Mary Stirrat
December is filing time for spring election
County board, school board, village and city council seats open
is registered. The signing period starts Tuesday, Dec. 1, and ends Tuesday, Jan. 5. After Jan. 5 the candidate list is completed for the April 6 spring election.
by Gregg Westigard POLK AND BURNETT COUNTIES – The elections are next April, but many candidates must file in December to get on the ballot. Voters next spring will elect the entire Polk and Burnett county boards, some seats on every school board, and offices in the cities of Amery and St. Croix Falls. In addition, the villages of Clear Lake, Dresser, Osceola and Turtle Lake use nominating papers for candidates to gain ballot access. Candidates in these villages must get involved in December while candidates in the other villages in the area can wait until nominating caucuses in January. Candidates for these noncaucus races get on the ballot by filing nomination papers during the month of December. The rules for getting on the ballot are fairly simple. Candidates, including incumbents, must first register their campaign with the clerk for the election. That is the county clerk for county board seats, the school district office for school boards and the village or city office for municipal seats. For school board candidates, registration completes the process. Other candidates must circulates nomination papers and obtain at the signatures of at least 20 voters in their district. No nomination papers can be signed until the candidate
County board Every county board seat in Burnett and Polk counties is up for election in April. The county supervisors are elected to a two-year term. This will be the last election using the present district lines. The boards elected in April will draw new district lines after the 2010 census is completed. School boards School board members are elected to three-year terms and some board seats are up for election each year. There are 15 school districts serving Polk and Burnett counties. The boards range in size from five members to seven members. When a school board vacancy occurs and that seat is filled by an appointment, the appointed person must run for the remainder of the term in the next election. That situation occurs this year in the Frederic and Shell Lake districts. These are the incumbents whose seats up for election next April in the 15 area school districts, listed roughly north to south. Webster – Mark Elliott and Kitty Holmquist. Siren – Bill Ellis and Michelle Renberg. Grantsburg – David Dahlberg, Russell Erickson, and Jim Sundquist. Shell Lake – Stuart Olson, Tim Mikula and Mary Ann Hook-Swan. Hook-Swan
resigned her seat when she was absent from the district for an extended period. She was reappointed to that seat for a term that ends in 2011. Electors will vote for three candidates. The two persons with the most votes will get three-year terms. The third-place candidate in April will get a one-year term. Spooner – Maureen Revak and Willie Kaufmann Jr. Cumberland – Kristin Olson and Eric Stone. Turtle Lake – Scott Westlund. Frederic – Scott Nelson, Rebecca Amundsen and Chuck Holicky. Holicky was appointed to fill the vacancy created when Terry Taylor resigned. The two persons with the most votes in April will get three-year terms. The third-place finisher will serve until the 2011 election. Luck – Robert Clifton and LeRoy Buck. Unity – James Beistle, David Moore and Chad Stenberg. St. Croix Falls – Ken Stensven and Max Fehrenbacker. Osceola – Timm Johnson and Cathy Olson. Amery – Dale Johnson and Jane Johnson. Clayton – Mary Smith. Clear Lake – Sheri Overby. Cities and villages The cities of Amery and St. Croix Falls in Polk County elect mayors and some alderpersons next April. Four villages use nominating papers for ballot access, while the other nine villages select candidates at caucuses in January. Villages
elect three trustees in the even-numbered years such as 2010, and three trustees plus the village president in the oddnumbered years. Several towns in Polk County have five-member boards and will elect two supervisors in April. The towns of Alden, Clayton and St. Croix Falls will nominate candidates for two seats at January caucuses. No other towns have elections in 2010. These are the incumbents whose seats are up for election in April. City of Amery. Mayor – seat vacant after the death of Harvey Stower. Wards 1 and 2 – Richard Davis. At large seat – David Meyers. City of St. Croix Falls. Mayor – Darrell Anderson. Ward I – Debra Kravig. Wards II and III – Paul Kuhlman. Village of Clear Lake. Trustees – Vern Engebretson, Lori Martin and Jerry Peterson. Village of Dresser. Trustees – Bryan Raddatz, James Rochford Jr. and Kristi Scheel. Village of Osceola. Trustees – Mark Campbell, Donald Stocker and Rodney Turner. Village of Turtle Lake. Trustees – Tom Flottum, Ray Hall and Jean Pabst. The Leader will update these races during December and list all the candidates for each contest once the filing period closes in January. In addition, where caucuses are used for nominations, we will review the open village and town board seats in late December and list the dates of the nominating caucuses.
Rediske resigning from Polk County Board
Moriak not running for re-election
by Gregg Westigard POLK COUNTY – The first two seats on the Polk County Board are opening up as the 2010 election season starts. Keith Rediske will resign his seat Dec. 4 and move out of the area. Craig Moriak has filed a statement of noncandidacy and will not run for a full term next April. Rediske has bought a home in Stillwater, Minn., and under a federal incentive program must take occupancy of the
house immediately. He represents District 8, the city of St. Croix Falls north of Hwy. 8. Rediske is first vice chair of the board and serves on the personnel and land information committees. He was elected to the county board in 2004 when John Brown retired, and he was reelected in 2006 and 2008. County board Chair Bryan Beseler has the option of appointing an interim supervisor to serve until the April election. Moriak was appointed to the board in May to fill the vacant District 12 seat which includes all of the town and village of Clayton and parts of the towns of Lincoln and Clear Lake. Moriak told the
Leader that work demands make it difficult to do the supervisor duties. He serves on the human services and land information committees. The 2010 election will be the seventh time the district 12 seat has changed hands in recent years. Gerald Newville was appointed to the seat in May 1999 and elected to a two-year term in 2000. Craig Benware defeated Newville in 2002 and lost to Newville in 2004. Newville was re-elected in 2006 and served until October 2007 when he moved from the district. Duana Bremer was appointed to the seat in December 2007. Bremer ran for a full term in April
2008 and was defeated by Patricia Messicci, who ran as a write-in candidate. Messicci resigned in February 2009 and was replaced by Moriak. The entire Polk County Board is up for election next April. Candidates for the board must register their campaign with the county clerk and collect at least 20 signatures on their nomination papers. The filing period for candidates, including incumbents, starts Tuesday, Dec. 1, and ends Tuesday, Jan. 5. The spring election is April 6. If more than two candidates file for any of the 23 seats, the field will be reduced to two at the Feb. 16 primary election.
DNR requests town of Bone Lake to remove dam TOWN OF BONE LAKE – In the fall of 2007, responding to a letter from a concerned citizen, the Wisconsin DNR notified the town of Bone Lake of the unauthorized structure located at the bridge crossing in Section 34-36-16 on 250th Avenue. The Wisconsin DNR maintains that this obstruction must be either totally removed or have a properly
permitted dam built in its place. At the annual town meeting in the spring of 2008 concerned citizens were unanimous in their support of maintaining the current water level of the affected stretch of the Straight River, and to that end the town board formed an advisory committee to research the steps involved in attaining such a goal. Over the past
year, this advisory committee met regularly and gathered data from a variety of sources, all with the aim of preserving the river that many fisherman, duck hunters, paddlers, bird watchers and Ice Age Trail hikers enjoy today. Soon that data will be presented to the board and to the town planning commission for review. Those interested in the
future of the Straight River are encouraged to watch for upcoming information regarding the meetings where the information gathered thus far will be presented and discussed. – submitted by Darrell Frandsen, town clerk, and Dan Beal, plan commission chairman
Town of Bone Lake encourages compliance with comprehensive plan
TOWN OF BONE LAKE – The Bone Lake Town Board and its plan commission recently met with a surveyor to discuss a planned subdivision of the Darrin Erickson property in Section 29, south of the Bone Lake Cemetery on CTH I. The plan commission informed the
POLK COUNTY - Whether you have confidential files for patients, customers or detailed financial records, Polk County can securely shred all documents at the recycling center in St. Croix Falls. Paper documents are stored in a secure locked container when delivered to the recycling center and then shredded by trained staff. An added measure of secu-
board that this property is totally under the county shoreline ordinance. Future structures and sanitation restrictions are therefore not under the jurisdiction of the town board. Because of a reluctance on the part of town citizens to participate in the county zoning plan, future develop-
ment plans will be considered by the town’s planning commission. Developers’ plans will be examined to be in compliance with the comprehensive plan ordinance. Developers are encouraged to become familiar with the town’s comprehensive plan. The town board meets on
Recycling center offers shredding
rity is taken with completed verification forms to ensure documents are received, stored in locked enclosure, shredded and then recycled. Not only will it put your customers at ease knowing their personal information is handled properly and confidentially, but it will also safeguard your business from potential litigation of information
disclosure. Shredding confidential documents can also help prevent identity theft. When looking to dispose of any files, bills or records, shredding them securely is the best option. By working with Polk County’s shredding program you are also supporting adults with disabilities that are employed through the recycling center.
the second Thursday of each month at the clerk’s home. The plan commission meets at the Bone Lake Church, usually on the first Tuesday of the month. – submitted by Darrell Frandsen, town clerk, and Dan Beal, plan commission chairman
Partnering with the county for your paper shredding needs will benefit everyone involved. Paper shredding incurs a modest fee of 6 cents per pound. For information, contact Mike Voltz at 715-483-1088 or at mike.voltz@ co.polk.wi.us. - submitted
ADRC in Burnett County looks for improvements the time line. It is not expected that the money will be available next year. Supervisor Eldon Chuck Awe questioned the need for a second handicap door that is not all that far from the main entrance when he commented, “Just because money is available doesn’t mean that we should spend it.” Supervisor Eldon Frazee disagreed by pointing out that frail elderly tend to park in front of the building and have to walk to the main entrance and then toward the office. “Not until you walk in the shoes of the elderly do you know what they go through.” Neve also pointed out that there might be perceived favoritism if special signage is put up for one department and not another. While the infrastructure committee did not made any final decisions, they did pass a motion to seek an architect’s option of the cost and a time line that handicapaccessible doors could be installed.
by Sherill Summer SIREN - The Aging and Disabilities Resource Center in the Burnett County Government Center is attempting to put the finishing touches on the center. Director Laura Neve came before the infrastructure committee on Wednesday, Nov. 18, with three options to make it easier for the elderly to visit the center located in the northeast corner of the government center. There is money to add these finishing touches to the center as long as it is done this year. The first option that Neve presented to the supervisors was to install two handicap-accessible doors on the east end of the building near the ADRC and place the ADRC logo on the glass door or on the building to direct ADRC traffic to the east door. Another option would be to create a new entrance directly into ADRC and create a sidewalk and ramp from the parking lot to the new ADRC entrance. The final option would be to direct ADRC traffic to the main entrance, which is already handicap accessible, and place another directional sign indoors to indicate the location of ADRC. Neve favored either of the first two options, and the supervisors walked down to the ADRC to look over the options firsthand. Of the first two options, the supervisors felt that installing handicap-accessible doors on the east end of the building was more feasible, especially considering
Burnett County Supervisor Chris Sybers looks carefully at an interior door on the east end of the government center as Supervisor Eldon Frazee looks on. ADRC is requesting one interior and one exterior handicap-accessible door at this entrance if at all possible. - Photo by Sherill Summer
Salvation Army kettle campaign kicks off BURNETT COUNTY – The Salvation Army in Burnett County needs help bringing holiday joy and hope to the less fortunate. The Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign contributes dollars to support residents in Burnett County. The money collected in Burnett County by bell ringers with the red kettles stays in Burnett County. With those kettle donations, the Salvation Army provides rent, utilities and transportation assistance to families. This assistance is a one-time annually per family contribution and because funds are extremely tight in Burnett County, the Salvation Army may only be able to help with transportation and medication expenses unless more donations are received. Duana Bremer, Polk, Burnett and St. Croix County
Social Services director, says that Burnett County is in need of donations to keep the services provided by the Salvation Army going. “There are so many families in need and things are tight in Burnett County,” she said. “Our goal is to raise $20,000 to help those less fortunate in our community.” Bell ringing begins Nov. 24 and continues through Jan. 1. All money collected funds assistance to families throughout the year. “We provide the assistance to residents of Burnett County directly from the red kettle campaign dollars,” said Bremer. “We have several locations for kettles and bell ringers.” The locations are Fourwinds Market in Siren, Family
Foods and Burnett Dairy Cheese Store in Grantsburg, Wayne’s IGA in Webster and The Log Cabin in Danbury. Contacts for Burnett County are Lori 715-349-8744 and St. John’s Catholic Church 715-866-7321 for donations or to volunteer to ring those bells. “We still have openings for volunteers,” said Bremer. “Most people sign up for one hour, but no one needs to sign up for a shift more than two hours.” Donations can be sent to Salvation Army, P.O. Box 67, Siren, WI 54872. Please indicate in the memo what area of assistance you would like your donation to go toward. – submitted
Municipal judges up for election in April by Gregg Westigard BURNETT/POLK COUNTIES – Several municipalities in the area have set up municipal courts to handle local issues including traffic cases. The judges for those courts are elected for two-year terms, all of which are up with the April election. Candidates for some of these seats must file nominating papers in December while others will be nominated in caucuses next January. While most of the local courts serve one municipality, some are multijurisdictional and follow a different set of election rules. And one local court may be eliminated.
The multijurisdictional courts are in the Osceola and Turtle Lake areas. The first of these serves the villages of Osceola and Dresser and the towns of Osceola and Farmington. The judge for that court is John Harvieux. The other court serves the villages of Almena and Turtle Lake and the town of Almena. That court’s judge is Dennis Zemke. Candidates for these multijurisdictional courts file their nominations with the Polk and Barron county clerks. Three cities in the area use nominating papers for candidates to get ballot access as municipal judge candidates. The current judges for those courts are Jerome
Wittstock in Amery, David Danielson in St. Croix Falls and Andrew Lawton in Spooner. Webster uses the January caucus to nominate candidates for its court, where Brian Sears is the incumbent. Frederic also has a municipal court, with Sherry Gjonnes as its judge. However, that court may be eliminated as a cost-savings measure. The Frederic Village Board will make that decision at its December meeting. If the Frederic Municipal Court continues, candidates will be nominated at the January caucus.
To fix or not to fix? by Sherill Summer SIREN – A frustrated Burnett County Highway Commissioner Bob Morehouse asked for some direction from the infrastructure committee on Wednesday, Nov. 18, asking, “How much should I try to upgrade the highway department building?” Morehouse was referring, in part, to new fluorescent lights he planned to put in the highway department
Rusted metal support beams in the highway shop building. – Photos by Sherill Summer
that would save enough money in electricity to pay for the lights in 2-1/2 years, until the money for the lights was pulled out of the final budget. But Morehouse’s question went beyond lightbulbs, as he explained that the energy cost to heat and light the highway department is about as much as it costs to heat and light the main government building. “No other department, except for the maintenance department, has to budget for energy costs,” he pointed out. The supervisors did not have any immediate answers. Almost any discussion about the highway department soon touches on the overall condition of the highway department buildings. A 2009-space-needs study that examined all the Burnett County buildings, including the highway department, recommended building a new highway department structure and demolishing the old. However, the $8 million-plus project to construct a new highway department will likely be on hold until the looming $3.4 million communication project that must be operating by 2013 is complete. Morehouse is aware of the 2009 study recommending a new highway department building. It’s similar to the recommendations in 2001 to construct a new highway department building and yet another study in the late 1990s that recommended a new building. Which is possibly why he was asking the above question.
A view of grass growing, as can be seen from the inside of the highway shop building.
Cardinal Accounting expands into new office
by Mary Stirrat LUCK —Luck welcomed the expansion of a local business last week, celebrating an open house for Cardinal Accounting at Evergreen Plaza at the intersection of Hwys. 35 and 48. Owner Martin Dikkers, CPA, and his family have been a part of the Luck community since 1996 when he, his wife, Kathryn, and their 1-year-old daughter, Haley, moved to Luck from the Twin Cities. “We noticed we were coming up every weekend to visit family,” said Dikkers. “We’ve since added three more children, John, Eli and Ruthie, and have fallen in love with everything about the area, especially the accessible nature trails and lakes, our church family, friendly community and outstanding schools.” After moving to Luck, Dikkers worked locally six years as a cost accountant, then as a finance manager at a medical device company in the Twin Cities, then as controller for a local manufacturer. Meanwhile, in 2005, he earned his MBA with an accounting emphasis from the University of St. Thomas. That same year, finding that he was doing more and more tax returns, Dikkers formed Cardinal Accounting. The next year he sat for the CPA exam, passing all four sections on the first try.
Martin Dikkers and Lori MacKean of Cardinal Accounting. Not shown is Kevin Johnson. – Photos by Mary Stirrat
Cardinal Accounting recently opened a new office in Luck and hosted an open house last Thursday, Nov. 19. With owner Martin Dikkers, CPA, left, are Larry Merrifield, Kathryn Dikkers, Brian Johnson, and Alex Merrifield. “During the testing process,” he said, “Kathryn was managing four kids, so I figured I was only going to get one shot at it.” Dikkers started operating Cardinal Accounting full time out of his home in 2007. Primarily through word of mouth, his business has grown to the point of needing more office space. Now working with Dikkers are Kevin Johnson and Lori MacKean. According to Dikkers, MacKean and Johnson, their greatest satisfaction lies in helping people. “On a tax return,” said Dikkers, “that means taking time to ask a few extra questions or do a little digging to ensure we capture every deduction the client is entitled to. “Helping people in business includes providing timely, accurate, and meaningful financial reports that help companies plan and make decisions. Our CFO/controllership services flow out of this concept. As businesses grow, contract or change, the type of information needed to manage the business also changes. “Since most companies can’t afford to staff a full-time controller or chief financial officer when these changes start to take place, contracting them for a fraction of the cost makes a lot of sense.” Dikkers noted it is common for their CFO/controllership services to pay for themselves just in the year-round tax planning. “Having an on-site re-
source focused on delivering meaningful financial data, oversight and cash management is where the investment really takes off,” he said. Dikkers, Johnson and MacKean have extensive accounting experience in manufacturing, construction, retail, food service and professional services. Areas of tax expertise cover most personal and business situations, including partnerships and corporations, sole proprietors, farming and rentals. “We bring our wide experiences to every engagement. Whether we are doing the accounting from A to Z, some bookkeeping, or just checking things over, we look for business insights and tax-planning opportunities at every step,” said Dikkers. Also offered are payroll processing and reporting services, with expectations to soon launch an online, paperless solution. “All of our work is guaranteed,” said Dikkers, “so our clients don’t have to worry about late fees, penalties or IRS notices.” “When the day is done,” said Dikkers, “Cardinal Accounting’s mission is to serve the community by providing first-class professional accounting services.” The new office at Evergreen Plaza is a means of doing just that. Check out the Web site www.cardinalaccounting.com.
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Village administrator given lead role at Luck Village Adminstrator Kristina Handt said last week she had called and noticed the meeting according to the procedure set forth in the ordinance governing her position. During the Nov. 23 meeting the board also voted to approve ordinance changes that will increase the cost of cigarette and liquor licenses. The increases are expected to bring in an additional $950 per year, which has been included in the 2010 budget. Following Monday night’s meeting, Webster-Smith said she was concerned about the board’s apparent lack of consideration of attorney Anderson’s comments. She emphasized that her remarks were strictly her own opinion. The board, she said, has received a great deal of information regarding the drafting and approval of ordinances, including a recommendation from Anderson that a firm specializing in this area be used to properly draft new ordinances. These services ensure that ordinances are properly cross-referenced, are not in conflict, and are compatible with each other. Money is annually being set aside to hire this type of firm to codify the entire ordinance book, and proposals to provide these services are now being sought, yet ordinance changes are being developed without attention to legal counsel. Anderson went on record at the meeting, as well as earlier, to say that the changes are in conflict with other codes. “We were all given a very sound legal opinion and those board members chose to go against that advice,” said WebsterSmith. “(Anderson) has many, many years of experience as our village attorney. Why would he recommend something that is not in our best interest?” She also expressed concerned that the proposed changes were in their final form when brought to the meeting, indicating that a decision had already been made. “Something as important as that, that the board will have to abide by, was obviously predetermined,” she said, adding that this was “disappointing” to her. Webster-Smith, again saying that she was speaking her own opinion, said that she felt the number of special board meetings being called was “excessive” and a “misuse” of the authority to call special meeting, leading to the “burnout” of trustees. Three special meetings have been called since the Nov. 11 regular meeting, one of which was cancelled (see above). “That’s not acting as responsible board members,” she said. The frequency of the special meetings has affected participation by the full board, said WebsterSmith, and they should be scheduled in such a way as to accommodate all members. The urgency of passing the ordinance changes, she felt, was misplaced, particularly since two of the three will have no impact on the budget until January. These two other changes that were approved at the Nov. 23 meeting will increase the cost of cigarette and liquor licenses. The increases are expected to bring in an additional $950 per year, which has been included in the 2010 budget. All three approved ordinance changes will become effective after publication in the Leader.
“My formula for success is, rise early, work late and strike oil.” J. Paul Getty
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500735 3c,d 14L
The Burnett County Coordinated Community Response Team would like to say “Thank You” to the following individuals and groups who helped to make the October 21 Domestic Violence Awareness Event a success: Heidi Jones Maxine Peterson Siren Assembly of Shelly Hatch D.A. William Norine God Darlene Treague Judge Kenneth Kutz Rick and Christopher Kathy Erickson The Family of Lynn Nanez Chattering Squirrel Bean Anderson Hopkins Sand and Coffee Cafe Ruby’s Pantry Gravel The Gallery Jack at Dividend CRA Staff Jack Elliott Lumber And thank you to those who attended the event in honor of all the victims and survivors of domestic violence in Burnett County. If you have an interest in making a difference in the lives of Burnett County families who are affected by domestic violence or sexual assault, then you are invited to attend the next meeting of the Burnett County Coordinated Community Response Team:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010, Noon-1 p.m. At the Burnett County Government Center, Room 165 We Hope To See You There! 500911 14L
Recall election As of press time, no candidates have filed with the Luck Village clerk to run against Trustees Gene Cooper and Marsha Jensen in a recall election. Deadline for filing is 5 p.m. today.
The Leader is a cooperativeowned newspaper.
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by Mary Stirrat LUCK — At a special meeting called for Monday evening, Nov. 23, the Luck Village Board voted to approve an ordinance change that lessens the role of the village president and increases the role of the village administrator. The meeting was to have taken place last week, but village attorney Bruce Anderson notified trustees that proper procedure had not been followed in calling the meeting. On Monday night, with President Nancy Webster-Smith and Trustees Gene Cooper, Peter Demydowich, Marsha Jensen, and Lori Pardun in attendance, the board voted 4 to 1 to approve the changes. Only Webster-Smith was opposed. Trustees Jen Nelson and Steve Nielsen were absent. For weeks the board has wrangled with interpretations of the long-standing ordinance outlining the village president’s role and the more recent ordinance regarding the village administrator. The change approved Monday makes the administrator, under the direction of the village board, responsible for day-today oversight of village operations and employees. It removes the statement that the village president is the chief executive officer, and states that the “executive authority of a village president is a shared authority with all other members of the village board.” The president has specific duties outlined in the state statutes, but otherwise is deemed equal to village trustees. At the start of the meeting Pardun read a prepared statement saying she would vote in favor of the change with the understanding that the position of the village administrator doesn’t have “the freedom to do whatever they want, the decisions need to be brought to the board for approval.” Disciplinary actions should be brought before the finance and personnel committee before they are acted upon, Pardun continued, and there should be consequences for unacceptable behavior. “These are issues I won’t discuss now,” she said, “but need them addressed at our finance and personnel committee meeting.” Webster-Smith asked the board for comments on the proposed change, and Jensen took the opportunity to speak in favor. “I feel we have beat around the bush for quite a long time,” she said. “The village is suffering from ineffective procedures. We need this ordinance to correct some of the problems.” Attorney Bruce Anderson recommended the changes not be adopted, saying he felt the changes to be significant and in conflict with existing ordinances, previously recommending that an entity that deals with village codes be consulted before changes are approved. He added that the creation and adoption last year of the ordinance relating to the administrator did not follow proper procedure, and questioned the haste with which the board wanted to act on the current changes. Anderson has brought several procedural issues to the board, one of which caused the rescheduling of the meeting originally set for last Thursday. On the day of the meeting Anderson sent a notice to village clerk Kathy Hanson stating that the scheduling was not done according to village ordinance. Anderson cited the ordinance stating that the village clerk must receive a written request for a special meeting at least 48 hours before the meeting is to take place. The clerk is also to set the meeting and give notice according to the open meeting law. Conducting the meeting, Anderson continued, could be subject to sanctions under the open meeting law.
L e a d e r Results from last week’s poll:
We b Po l l This week’s question:
My favorite Thanksgiving food is:
To take part in our poll, go to www.theleader.net and scroll down to the lower left part of the screen
1. Turkey 2. Pumpkin pie 3. Stuffing 4. Cranberries 5. Squash/sweet potatoes
J o e H e l l e r
F O R U M Remembering others
There’s a lot to remember during the Thanksgiving holiday. How important our families are, for one. Those fighting for their lives, economically, physically...emotionally. Those in our military risking their lives on behalf of all of us. At times we become so focused on our personal survivial that it becomes difficult to step back and see our larger roles. That’s probably where Thanksgiving comes in, providing time to reflect as families on the condition of our communities. Strategizing Christmas, if you will, aside from shopping and visiting schedules, might involve discussing how to help someone in need this holiday season. Operation Christmas, the Salvation Army, food shelves, church projects and benefits - they all offer outstanding opportunities to help others - even as our own family priorities loom. And for those who prefer the wink and a nod, there are simple and low-key ways of helping others - and it may not involve money or food or labor, but a visit and a few simple and kind words, encouragement to brighten a day. Without belaboring the point, we’ll offer reference material - the Sam Walter Ross poem, “House by the Side of the Road.” If you have a few minutes, Google it and read it. It’s probably even printed in a book somewhere. A simple and powerful poem.
Congratulations, Grantsburg Schools
Wisconsin spent more than $10 billion during the last school year to educate more than 850,000 public school students, according to the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance. That breaks down to a public investment of more than $150,000 per student over their 13-year elementary and high school career. The return on that investment can be difficult to prove, but the WTA presents results from a valiant attempt by the state to measure academic progress using the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exams. The exams have been used for nearly 15 years. Grantsburg Public Schools scored among the top 11 schools out of 320 districts for consistent reading gains from the 2005-06 school year through 2008-09. Grantsburg showed increases in proficiency every school year and a total gain of 10 percentage points or more. Northwood and Bruce were two other area schools among those top 11. Nearly 68 percent of the 320 schools studied showed gains, but obviously not the consistent and large gains shown by the top 11. WTA dissects a head-spinning amount of information provided by the exams, breaking down results in math and reading, by race - which is understandable but becoming somewhat of a distraction in overall results these days - and studying the trends over various amounts of times. In the end, it's an encouraging report that tells us we're getting our money's worth locally, with most area schools showing gains - and particularly at Grantsburg, which can take pride in being one of the very best in the state in producing increased proficiency among its students.
Life after QEO
Views expressed on these pages or by columnists elsewhere in the paper do not necessarily represent those of the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association management or board
Where to Write
President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ Governor Jim Doyle P.O. Box 7863, Madison, WI 53707 wisgov@mail.state.wi.us
Congressman David Obey (7th District) 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 or Federal Building, Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 842-5606 Rep. Nick Milroy (73rd District) Room 221 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952, Madison 53708 E-mail: rep.milroy@legis.state.wi.us
T h e
Rep. Ann Hraychuck (28th District) State Capitol, P.O. Box 8942 Madison, WI 53708 Phone: 608-267-2365 • Toll free: 888-529-0028 In-district: 715-485-3362 rep.hraychuck@ legis.state.wi.us Rep. Mary Hubler (75th District) Room 7 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708 or 1966 21-7/8 St., Rice Lake 54868 (715) 234-7421• (608) 266-2519 rep.hubler@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Senator Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 (715) 832-8492 senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov
Senator Robert Jauch (25th District) Room 19 South, State Capitol P.O. Box 788, Madison, WI 53707 E-mail: Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us Senator Sheila Harsdorf (10th District) State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 (608) 266-7745 • (715) 232-1390 Toll-free - 1-800-862-1092 sen.harsdorf@legis.state.wi.us
It’s been 16 years since state legislators, following the lead of then-Gov. Tommy Thompson, enacted the Qualified Economic Offer element of school financing. The QEO capped annual teacher compensation increases at 3.8 percent for pay and benefits combined. And as long as a school district offered an annual increase in compensation to teachers of at least 3.8 percent, arbitration was not required. The QEO came into being in a time when property taxes were increasing at a rate of about 9 percent a year, mostly due to rising public school costs. Tensions were high among local property taxpayers and school districts locally and statewide in the late 1980s and early 1990s, some of that tension driven by costly arbitration between districts and school unions. Teachers wanted, in part, to bring their pay level up to standards being set by other districts and property owners basically saying they couldn’t afford further tax hikes, which they blamed, in part, on rising teacher salaries. The QEO was repealed this past June as part of Gov. Doyle’s 2009-11 state budget - and a lot of people across the state - including school administrators, teachers, school board members and general taxpayers - are waiting with baited breath to see where life without QEO will lead us. Many feel the logical path is that teacher pay will jump, along with property taxes. Others feel that the state-mandated revenue caps still in place, along with the current economic conditions, will prevent any drastic, sudden changes. Pre-QEO numbers, according to the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, show pay and benefits for teachers rose an average of about 7.5 percent each year and property taxes about 9 percent. Post-QEO analysis showed those numbers each dropped to about 4 percent. Meeting the need to properly compensate teachers while considering the pocketbooks of taxpayers is a balancing act that local school board members will return to in coming years - and who or what will give in the end remains to be seen.
U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold SDB 40, Rm. 1, Washington, D.C. 20510 or 1600 Aspen Commons Middleton, WI 53562-4716 (608) 828-1200 senator@feingold.senate.gov
I n t e r ! C o u n t y
Editorials by Gary King
L e a d e r
i s
Letters t o t h e e d i t o r Big no vote
If this health-care bill becomes law, I feel life as we have known it, freedom as we have exercised it, and privacy as we have enjoyed it, will cease to be. The bill, as I see it, will raise our taxes, steal our freedoms, invade our privacy and ration our health care. Putting everyone’s eggs in one basket on the off-chance government gets it right is questionable, just so you are spared from having to choose like a responsible adult human being. Carol Makosky Webster
Read it for yourself This letter is to people who believe the Bible is true. I challenge all of them to begin at Matthew and read the entire New Testament. Don’t flit around from book to book, but begin at the beginning of the New Testament and read it all. Perhaps read it aloud to your family. As you read, sit back and contemplate and ponder about what you have read. Discuss it with family, friends and your pastors. Throw out your notions and ideas about the Old Testament and focus only on the New Testament. You are going to learn much and be surprised at your findings. Don’t let others tell you what is in the pages of your Bible. Read it for yourself. It was not written to be difficult for anyone to understand as some people try to make you believe. If one version of the Bible seems more difficult, perhaps try another version. Many are available. Compare the verses as you read from one version to another. You may have gone through seminaries, but maybe you have never actually read the Bible for yourself. Often you are taught to open it to one chapter or one verse. But I challenge each pastor and the entire congregation to read it like you would read a good book. I guarantee, once you begin, you will want to learn more and more. You will find answers to all your ques-
Prevocational services Prevocational services will remain an option for Wisconsin residents Over the past few weeks, I have been contacted by many constituents regarding new policies instituted by the Department of Health Services that would impact local services offered to adults with disabilities. Diversified Services, Inc., and the Polk County Adult Development Center are facilities in the 28th Assembly District that may have been affected by the recent policy change. I wanted to use this week’s column to update you on the agreement that was just reached on Friday, Nov. 20. This issue initially arose when the federal government mandated that all individuals served by prevocational work centers must work toward the goal of community-integrated employment. DHS defined this goal in such a way that could have jeopardized the ability
tions and perhaps you will find things you never heard of before from your teachers, pastors or other sources. If you are a serious person who wants to do right and follow Bible truths, you need to do this. Don’t be misguided by people who tell you things that are or are not in your Bible. Jesus told the learned men of his time, i.e. the scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees that they were hypocrites, fools and blind guides who were leading the people astray. That is in Matthew 23. It seems like many people are trying to do that today as I read letters to the editor and articles about an important issue that is in the limelight today. Don’t believe all their rhetoric and their idea of interpretations. Some sound like the blind guides in Jesus’ day. Begin your own quest for the truth within the pages of your New Testament. Don’t let anyone tell you what to believe. Read it for yourself. When you complete reading the entire New Testament, you will have all the answers you need to decide what is right and moral for you and perhaps your congregation if you’re the pastor or leader of a church. Please take my challenge. Begin today and read. Vow to do this on a daily basis. Read at your own pace and learn. The answers are all there within those pages written for us to read. It is not some outdated book to scoff at or to lay on some shelf covered with dust. It is as important today as it was when the believers first wrote it to the beginning congregations. Perhaps you will find you’ve been believing concepts that are not entirely true. Perhaps you will be assured you’ve been believing the correct things. In any case, take my challenge and persevere. Don’t say it takes too much time or I believe and let it go at that. Search those pages. Read the truth. See if you do believe rightly. It will be the most important thing you’ve ever done for yourself, for your loved ones and for your congregation. Begin today. Tom J. Braddock Dresser
for individuals to remain in work centers. Upon learning of this policy change, I immediately spoke with my colleagues in the Legislature and we requested that the Department of Health Services officials revisit this Ann and develop a Hraychuck issue solution. DHS 28th District replied that they want to fix this Assembly did policy so that it met the federally mandated guidelines but allowed individuals to retain meaningful access to work centers. Under the clarified agreement, anyone currently taking advantage of prevocational services will not have their
New Frederic
First of all, imagine the possibilities of developing the green space between the Gandy Dancer Trail and the post office into a village centerpiece. Trees, shrubs, flower beds, a walking path, a fountain, a band shell, a sculpture park and a playground. All in the center of town. This would create a public sphere for art functions, outdoor classroom (nature sketching, plein air painting) and musical performance. With grant money for development, and possibly TIF district financing, they could purchase the best of the four empty buildings downtown in the center of Frederic. The corner building at the intersection of Hwys. 35 and 48 could become The Frederic Fine Arts Center, a gallery/classroom/coffee bar/music/dance or studio art space. The location of green space development in the center of the village could provide some much-needed social, artistic, intellectual and spiritual growth, giving residents a place to come together and be a part of enriching the quality of life through crossgenerational, gender and ethnic interaction, as well as providing an area of interest for tourism, thus augmenting the local economy. This would be a great task and a joint effort. Members of the village board, the parks committee, the planning committee, Frederic Arts, other civic groups and the public at large could combine their talents, vision and time to make this happen. A community meeting/planning session could take place to gain public input. This could be a success story for the village of Frederic. Next to it, the feed mill lot, Traffic Avenue, multiple parking lots. Lots of empty space waiting for rebirth. A widened street, small shops, new local businesses, expanded existing ones,
program services disrupted, and these services will continue to be available for Family Care participants. The extent to which Family Care members will use prevocational services will be based on that individual’s personal goals, and made with his or her care-planning team. Wisconsin’s community rehabilitation providers will continue to play a role in serving Family Care members. The goal of prevocational services is to enable each individual to attain the highest possible wage and work in the most integrated setting matched to the individual’s interests, strengths, priorities, abilities and capabilities. I am pleased that all parties with a vested interest were able to come to the table and negotiate a solution that everyone could agree upon. Constituents throughout the state spoke up, and their voices were heard loud and clear. I have seen firsthand how valuable prevocational work centers are to the
Community Voices Kelly Green
what isn’t possible here in the center of town? To see these parallel spaces develop together, to have a unifying plan, would go a long way toward making Frederic more vibrant. The defunct Lonesome Lil’s coffee shop could become a new coffee shop (that wasn’t too much of a stretch, eh?) The vacant dollar store, soon to be replaced by another dollar store around the corner, could become a used bookstore/video store. That just leaves the old empty video store across the street. They could all be new places for locals and tourists alike to spend time in. What about the defunct restaurant around the corner? Thai food, anyone? Or the one north of town? What about the two nonfunctioning churches in town being used for storage? One is privately owned, but if the other still belongs to a religious order, can we negotiate with them to have it donated for use as a Frederic Town Hall, community center or performing arts center? We have the imagination, and can probably find the money, to create New Frederic, don’t we? Kelly Green is crazy, has 20 books of poetry under his belt, has sprouted up in Frederic after being run out of every other town he’s inhabited and is incredibly fortunate to live with the fantastic potter Win Herberg. See their work at poetrypottery.com
employees since visiting Diversified Services, Inc. in Burnett County and the Polk County Adult Development Center. Local work centers teach essential job and life skills while encouraging independence in the participants. I am glad that the guidelines that have been agreed upon ensure prevocational services remain a viable option for participants in the Family Care program. Helping more people enter the workforce is absolutely critical to Wisconsin getting back on track. With so many people struggling to get by, we must give them all the tools they need to succeed. As always, if you have any questions regarding this or any other state legislative matter, please feel free to contact me toll-free at 888-529-0028 or by e-mailing me at Rep.Hraychuck@legis.wisconsin.gov.
CORE to form new denomination Conservative Lutherans plan to break away from the largest Lutheran denomination STATEWIDE - Lutherans are split over a recent vote by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that will allow gays in committed relationships to serve as clergy. That resolution becomes effective next April. Conservative Lutherans now plan to
break away from the largest Lutheran denomination. The conservative group Lutheran Coalition for Renewal – or CORE – decided last week that it will leave the ELCA to form a new denomination. Lutherans are now wondering what that will mean for their congregations. Timothy Duesenberg is pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Holmen. Duesenberg says he would like to see his congregation become a member of Lutheran CORE. He says it’s unsure whether that’s possible, and he adds
they would likely lose some of their 700 members. But Duesenberg believes his church would gain members since a number of people are looking for a church with an ELCA background that stands firm on “plain-sense teaching on marriage and sexuality.” Mark Solyst is pastor of English Lutheran Church in La Crosse. Solyst says he hasn’t heard many in his 1,400member congregation talking about leaving. He says the prevalent view at his
c o o p e r a t i v e ! o w n e d
church seems to be that some aren’t happy with the ELCA decision, but they feel everything else at English Lutheran is great and they aren’t planning to leave. Either way, both pastors say the division among Lutherans is painful. So far, five congregations have left the ELCA. Eighty-seven others voted to leave the ELCA, but 28 lacked the two-thirds vote necessary to leave. The ELCA has more than 10,000 congregations nationwide.Wisconsin Public Radio (Danielle Kaeding)
n e w s p a p e r
Hraychuck announces insurance premium dividend to help local budgets MADISON – State Rep. Ann Hraychuck, D-Balsam Lake, is pleased to announce that many local units of government in the 28th Assembly District will be getting much-needed relief in their property insurance premiums for 2010. The Local Government Property Insurance Fund is administered by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance and provides property insurance to counties, cities, school districts and other units of local government for publicly owned property. A report released in June by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau found that as of March 2009 the fund had a surplus of $40 million. Despite recordhigh claims in fiscal years 2005-06 through 2007-08, due in part to a significant number of weather-related claims, the fund’s surplus balance has increased by $12.2 million since June 2004. The Assembly unanimously passed Assembly Bill 403 in the beginning of November, which directed the Commissioner of Insurance to disperse this surplus back to the fund’s contributors. “Now more than ever, units of local
government need financial relief,” Hraychuck said. “As a co-author of AB 403, I believed that providing a credit on property insurance premiums means municipalities, counties, school districts and other public entities that pay into the Local Government Property Insurance Fund will see property insurance premium obligations decrease. Some may even see their premiums cut in half.” The Legislature’s Joint Audit Committee Co-Chairs Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, and Rep. Peter Barca, DKenosha, worked with Insurance Commissioner Sean Dilweg to create a mechanism to give a one-time $12 million dividend credit statewide based on the participation of local units of government in the fund over the past five years. The dividend will be credited in 2010. “Returning this surplus to the fund’s contributors is a great opportunity to offer assistance to local governments,” said Hraychuck. “Every dollar of relief will help, and the timing couldn’t be better, as local units of government across the state are putting together
their annual budgets. I hope that this dividend credit can help buffer some of the potential cuts.” Hraychuck reported that local governments in the 28th Assembly District will receive credits totaling $236,282. Government Unit Amount Burnett County $1,510.00 Polk County 36,703.00 St. Croix County 43,612.00 CESA No. 11 7,801.00 Clayton School District 5,377.00 School District Of Frederic 13,671.00 School District of Grantsburg 7,914.00 School District of Siren 9,209.00 9,628.00 Somerset School District Unity School District 14,751.00 Webster School District 13,058.00 City of Amery 7,531.00 City of St. Croix Falls 4,744.00 Town of Alden 992.00 Town of Beaver 753.00 Town of Bone Lake 71.00 Town of Clayton 2,773.00 384.00 Town of Clear Lake Town of Dewey 537.00 Town of Farmington 1,057.00 Town of Garfield 381.00 Town of Lafayette 1,778.00 Town of Lincoln 580.00
Town of Lorain 315.00 Town of McKinley 693.00 Town of Milltown 631.00 Town of Osceola 604.00 Town of Roosevelt 171.00 Town of Rusk 539.00 Town of Sand Lake 690.00 Town of St. Croix Falls 587.00 Town of Union 60.00 Town of Webb Lake 1,844.00 Village of Balsam Lake 3,645.00 Village of Centuria 2,106.00 Village of Clayton 2,958.00 Village of Clear Lake 6,471.00 1,957.00 Village of Dresser Village of Frederic 3,929.00 Village of Grantsburg 3,726.00 Village of Milltown 3,099.00 Village of Somerset 3,060.00 Village of Webster 2,649.00 Clear Lake Municipal Ambulance Service 76.00 Indianhead 636.00 Federated Library System Webster Rural Fire Association 413.00 Totals 236,282.00
– from the office of Rep. Hraychuck
Area Ne ws at a Glance Coroner appointed
HAYWARD – Gov. Jim Doyle announced Nov. 17 that he has appointed David Dokkestul of Hayward as Sawyer County coroner. Dokkestul will fill the vacancy created by the death of Dr. John Ryan on Aug. 26. He will begin serving immediately. “David Dokkestul is an experienced medical professional,” Doyle said. “I am confident he will provide excellent service to the people of Sawyer County.” Dokkestul has served as chief deputy coroner for Sawyer County. He has experience as an emergency medical technician, firefighter, certified nursing assistant and first responder. He also works as an instructor at Wisconsin Indianhead and Chippewa Valley Technical Colleges. “I’m looking forward to serving Sawyer County in this capacity,” Dokkestul said. “I am grateful to those I’ve worked with during the difficult transitional period since Dr. Ryan’s death.” - Sawyer County Record
Warrant issued for alleged library vandal
CHETEK – An arrest warrant was issued last week for James J. Peet, 23, Chetek, who is accused of burglarizing Chetek’s Calhoun Memorial Library in 2008 and causing nearly $15,000 worth of
damage. Peet is charged in Barron County Circuit Court with felony burglary and misdemeanor criminal damage to property. - Rice Lake Chronotype
County found responsible
SUPERIOR – A jury of 12 found the Douglas County Highway Department was responsible for a 2006 accident between a logging truck and an asphalt paver along Hwy. 35. The verdict was handed down last week in Douglas County Circuit Court. The original complaint had been filed by Local Government Property Insurance Fund, which provides property insurance coverage to Douglas County. The insurance company asserted the truck driver, Christopher C. Currie of Hayward, was at fault for the accident, which damaged his truck and the paver. The accident occurred Oct. 16, 2006, one mile north of CTH M. The highway department crew was paving the stretch of highway with hot asphalt when a light rain began to fall, forming thick steam. Currie was flagged to proceed slowly ahead in the southbound lane. He told law enforcement officers he began to drive forward, than saw workers in the lane ahead of him, so he swerved back into the northbound lane and hit one corner of the paver. Two county employees were in-
jured and both vehicles were damaged. The jury also determined the fair compensation cost of the paver to be $105,000. According to Douglas County Chairman Doug Finn, there was no cost to county taxpayers or the county for the legal action. - Superior Telegram
hended shortly thereafter by Wyoming police officers and Chisago County sheriff’s deputies. Two other defendants in that case, Blake Nelson and Justin Lonnquist, still await trial. McGinnis’ sentence was in accord with the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines. - redrockonair.com
Teen sentenced in robbery Hunter airlifted
CHISAGO COUNTY, Minn. – Demetrius A. McGinnis, 19, was sentenced to 50 months in prison Wednesday for aggravated robbery in the first degree, according to the Chisago County Attorney’s Office. McGinnis, of Hugo, pleaded guilty in October, admitting that he was one of four people involved in the armed robbery of Rick’s Liquor store in Wyoming, Minn., on Jan. 23. In that case, two masked men entered the store with a rifle, while the other two individuals remained in the getaway car. The two masked robbers demanded money from the clerk. They left with approximately $3,000, and all four were appre-
BARRON – One hunter was flown to an Eau Claire hospital after being shot in the leg. The Barron County Sheriff’s Department says around 10 a.m. Sunday a 21-year-old hunter from Hubertus was shot in the right thigh while hunting in a cornfield near Barron. It says he was between two cornfields when he was hit. Deputies say they believe the victim was shot by one of two hunters in a neighboring property who were shooting at a deer running through a pasture. There is no word on the hunter’s condition and the case is being investigated by the Barron County Sheriff’s Department along with the DNR. - WEAU.com
ST. CROIX FALLS – Vaccines are still the best “tools” to prevent influenza. As the government makes H1N1 flu vaccine available, it is currently being given to priority groups based on the Centers for Disease Control guidelines. More vaccine was released on Nov. 19 for the next priority group. Beginning Thursday, Nov. 19, the following populations became eligible for vaccine: • Pregnant women. • People who live with or provide care for infants under 6 months (parents, siblings and day-care providers). • Healthy children ages 6 months through 4 years. • Children and adults ages 6 months through 24 years. (Public health will be holding vaccine clinics at schools). • Adults ages 25 through 64 years with chronic health conditions. St. Croix Regional Medical Center staff ask that you schedule a nurse appointment for a flu shot if you fit within these
populations. The cost of the vaccination is $15 for patients who pay when they receive their shot, or $25 if the medical center submits it to their insurance company. For current and comprehensive information on seasonal flu and H1N1 (swine) flu, please go to the Polk County Flu Web site at: www.polkcountyflu.com. There you will find the latest local flu updates, local health-care providers and vaccination clinic locations. Remember: The H1N1 (swine) flu vaccine is not intended to replace the seasonal flu vaccine. Instead, it should be used together with the seasonal flu vaccine. This means that individuals will need to get both a seasonal influenza vaccination and an H1N1 influenza vaccination. SCRMC does not have seasonal influenza vaccine at this time, though staff expect to receive more vaccine within the next several weeks. - submitted
501039 14L 4a-e
SCRMC offering H1N1 vaccine to expanded groups
Siren School Board issues vote of confidence in administrator SIREN – During open session following closed-session discussion Monday, Nov. 23, the Siren School Board issued a vote of confidence in District Administrator Scott Johnson. The board directed the vote toward individuals who have, in their words, “referred to themselves as the ‘Concerned Citizens’ of the Siren School District.” “Each school board member feels very confident in the professional relationship of mutual trust and respect that exists between each school board member and Mr. Johnson. It means we believe that Mr. Johnson has demonstrated to this school board that he has pro-
vided a level of leadership and professionalism that, when given the proper amount of support and respect he is entitled, he will continue to move the Siren School District forward with ongoing improvements sure to benefit all students,” the board stated. They added that a vote of confidence should not be interpreted to mean there are no areas in the school district that have room for improvement, that the school board does not have a mind of its own and that everything that comes before them gets approved without the scrutiny of all seven board members. “Meaningful discussion, differences of opinion and
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compromise has been the order of business for this school board and administration in our combined efforts to make the Siren School District better every day,” the board’s statement read. The board also asked that public attacks on Mr. Johnson’s character and professional reputation cease immediately, and that all individuals begin working with the school board and administration rather than against them. – Nancy Jappe from a statement signed by the seven members of the Siren School Board
Ad copy: 10 a.m. Tuesdays News copy: 4:30 p.m. Mondays
American Red Cross review class for students BALSAM LAKE – The American Red Cross is offering the following classes: Adult/AED CPR – Monday, Nov. 30 - 5:30-8:30 p.m., first aid – Tuesday, Dec. 1 - 5:30-7:30 p.m., Infant/Child– Thursday, Dec. 3- 5:30-8:30 p.m. These classes will be held at the Polk County Red Cross Office located in Balsam Lake. Preregistration is requested. To register call Terry Anderson at 715-485-3025 or register online at www.scvarc.org. Classes may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. - submitted
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Dress code sets length and depth limits
Luck goes on record in favor of WIAA realignment
by Mary Stirrat LUCK — A draft dress code developed jointly by students and staff at Luck will be presented to the school board for consideration as a school policy. It includes limits on how short skirts or shorts can be, and how low tops can be cut, among other things. The policy will come to the board in December for a first reading. In January, after students, staff, and the public have the opportunity to comment on the proposal, the board will consider adopting it as an official policy. High school teacher Dean Roush, one of the teachers on the dress code committee, presented the draft proposal to the board at its Nov. 23 meeting. He said there has been some opposition to the code, but the group of students and faculty who have worked on the policy realize that students represent the school, and dress style has deteriorated. “We didn’t want the dress to be a distraction in the classroom,” said Roush. “Trends come and go, but we want to raise the standards.” Having all students in one building, he said, makes it easy for dress styles to make their way from the high school to the elementary. “We don’t want the poorly dressed trend to go down to the elementary,” said Roush. The code is designed to last through the ups and downs of fashion trends and fads, providing general guidelines. “As styles become shorter, lower and more revealing,” says the code, “we feel that we need to be clear about appropriate dress for students at school. Clothes should not be a distraction, and dress that interferes with the educational process will not be permitted.” Tops that are lower than the top of the armpits cannot be worn without something underneath, and bare midriffs or backs are prohibited. Skin above lowrise jeans must be covered, and no undergarments can show on either male or female students. Transparent or mesh garments cannot be worn without proper undergarments. “It’s difficult for a male teacher,” said Roush. “You have a female student who is well-endowed — it’s very difficult and very uncomfortable. They don’t realize it can be a real stress factor.” Shorts cannot be shorter than where the thumb is if arms are down at the sides. Skirts and dresses must come to the tip of the longest finger. Elementary Principal Ann Goldbach, part of the dress code team, said that the students, themselves, came up with the
High school teacher Dean Roush presents the proposed dress code to the Luck School Board Monday night. – Photo by Mary Stirrat length limits. No sleepwear will be allowed at school, according to the proposed code. “There’s a pattern of kids rolling out of bed and coming to school,” Roush said, adding that an extra five minutes in the morning would allow students to come to school dressed. Clothing with alcohol, tobacco, ethnic or racial slurs, or reference to sex will not be allowed, nor will clothing with obscenities, questionable language, statements with double meaning, or statements advocating pain, death, or suicide. Sunglasses, hoods, bare feet and stocking feet will not be allowed, nor will visible chains or spike collars. “Any student not suitably dressed or groomed may be removed from classes until the violation involved has been corrected,” states the code, “after which the student may go back to class or schoolrelated activity.” The students on the dress code committee developed the consequences for violations, said Roush. For a first offense, the student will be asked to change clothes. If he or she chooses not to comply, parents will be notified, the student will be sent home to change, and there will be a 30-minute detention. A second offense will incur a staff/student conference, a call to the parents, and a 60-minute detention. A third offense will include the same consequences, except an in-school suspension rather than a detention. A fourth offense will mean a conference, parent phone call, and a one-day out-of-school suspension. High school Principal Mark Gobler will enforce the code once the board approves it. It is expected to be in place by second semester.
WIAA A proposal to realign football conferences across the state got the nod from the school board, with the board acknowledging that the district was looking at a change anyway. District Administrator Rick Palmer said that Luck had already requested to be taken out of the Large Lakeland conference and added to the Small Lakeland, and it had already been acknowledged that distances would increase and some rivalries might be lost. By not playing against Luck’s traditional rivals, said Palmer, the district could see a loss of $2,000 to $3,000 at the gate. WIAA’s proposal would place similarsized school districts into the same conference. The change would be for football only, and the districts would be realigned every two years. “I think it’s important for our kids to be competitive in the conference they’re playing in,” said board member Jake Jensen. “The plan is the best I’ve seen to alleviate the problem of realignment,” agreed high school principal and athletic director Mark Gobler. The board voted to go on record in favor of the proposal. If WIAA approves the changes, the new districts would be effective for the 2010 football season.
Audit Auditor Larry Stotz of Stotz and Company commended the school on its fiscal responsibility, telling the board, “This is probably the best-run school we work with.” Stotz had been responding to a question from board member Jake Jensen about whether the district should address any additional budget cuts. “Absolutely not,” said Stotz. He said that the district had an excellent staff, excellent programs, a positive open enrollment situation, and good staff retention. “I wish it would put money in your fund balance,” he added. Luck’s fund balance at the end of the year was $1.125 million, but the 2009-10 budget calls for using as much as $290,000 from it. Stotz had reviewed last year’s audit for the board, noting that the fund balance decreased by $83,463 while the net assets increased by $96,583. This year, thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, federal funding is up about $325,000. State aid, however, dropped a corresponding $300,000. According to Stotz, revenue increased by just less than 1 percent, not enough to keep up with rising costs.
The Internal Revenue Service, he said, will be requiring districts to compile and prepare more and more of the reporting documents needed for the audit. The idea is to provide checks and balances, so the audit company is not auditing the very documents it prepares. However, he said, many districts do not have the expertise to compile the schedules, nor do they have the funds to hire someone to do it. Luck, he added, is in a great situation, with district bookkeeper Dawn Bille taking on more and more of the responsibility. “Dawn is exceptionally knowledgeable,” he said.
Levy comparisons In his report to the board, Palmer provided a comparison of the school’s taxing mill rate compared with other area schools of a similar size. Luck’s mill rate of 9.51, which means $951 in school taxes on a $100,000 property, is about in the middle of the pack, he said. Frederic’s mill rate is 10.82, while Unity’s is at 9.1. Siren is at 9.41 Other business • Palmer reported that recently passed state and federal legislation mean additional mandated health-care benefits for district employees. The new required benefits include mental health and substance abuse services, autism treatment, coverage of dependents up to age 27, hearing aids for children under age 18, and contraceptives. The mandates will add 2 to 3 percent, or about $30,000, to the district’s health-care premiums. • Goldbach updated the board on the process of bringing the district into compliance on the Response to Intervention initiative. The nationwide initiative is designed to identify at an early age and respond to students needing extra attention in specific areas, while enabling more advanced students to attain their potential. • The board voted to hire Chad Eley as C-squad boys basketball coach. Rick Bergland, Larry Wright, and Plat Dittbrenner were approved as volunteer wrestling coaches. The cooperative contracts with Unity for girls golf, cross country and tennis were approved. • Students in grades kindergarten through sixth will have a “Polar Express Day” Friday, Dec. 11. They will be able to wear their pajamas to school and watch the movie “Polar Express,” enjoying hot chocolate and cookies during intermission.
Calendar artists recognized
Virtual school enrollment at an all-time high
STATEWIDE - Wisconsin’s virtual schools say enrollment this year is the highest it’s ever been. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction says 3,635 students are on the state’s open enrollment roster for virtual schools. Julie Thompson of the Wisconsin Coalition of Virtual Families says that’s up 46 percent from last year’s total of 2,487 students. Thompson says one factor was a new enrollment cap of 5,250 enacted by the legislature last year. Many families opted to sign on quickly rather than risk being put on the wait list. Thompson says virtual schools were short of the enrollment cap this year, but if enrollment increases like it did this year, virtual schools will be over the cap for the 201011 school year. Thompson says open enrollment did exceed the cap early on, but then many
families switched back to brick-andmortar schools rather than wait all summer to know if their child got in. She adds publicity over the battle to legalize virtual schools likely drew large numbers of curious parents to explore them as well. The harsh economy may have also played a part in the increase. Rick Nettesheim is principal of iQ Academy, which has 200 more students this year than last. He says iQ Academy saw an increase in former private school students who saw them as a more affordable option. Nettesheim says last spring’s H1N1 scare didn’t play a role in this fall’s enrollment increase because open enrollment was over before the virus was detected in Wisconsin. - Wisconsin Public Radio (Brian Bull)
Grantsburg Women Working Together met on Nov. 16, and the students whose artwork is featured on this year’s birthday calendar were recognized. Pictured in the back row are (L to R) Ericka Davison, Ellie Corbin, Gabrielle Witzany, Stacey McKenzie and Quentin Premo-Blume. Front row: Megan Rod, Gracie Gerber, Alyssa Swenson, Evie Carter and Nicole Swift Not pictured but recognized were Lora Glover, Wendy Roberts, Samantha Schweiger, Tabitha Wanless, Lauren Romanowski and Ingrid Ames. Calendars are available at the Grantsburg Library. - Special photo
Kick off the holidays with Christmas in a BAAG
by Hattie Landers SIREN – Kick the holiday season off with a festive outing to the Burnett Area Arts Group’s boutique show: Christmas in a BAAG on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the North Wind Arts and Gallery in Siren. There will be lots to do and see for adults and children at Christmas in a BAAG: live music, face painting, handcrafted ornaments, local artists demonstrating their skills in jewelry making, pottery and painting with their original works for sale. Other regional artists’ work, including that of Jens Rasmussen, is for sale in the gallery. “We always have a free kids makeand-take art project at our BAAG events, and this one is no exception,” says BAAG President Harriet Rice. “Children can design and make tree ornaments with pine cones and clear glass balls on site and take them home. We provide the materials, supervision and instruction at no charge.” There will be a prize drawing at 4 p.m. to give away a 3-foot-high original chain saw bear sculpture by Bronson Fischer. The bear holds a Welcome sign, which, when reversed, reads Go Away! Tickets can be purchased at North Wind Arts.
Special showing of “New Moon”
The cash bar at the Lakeview Event Center will serve hot and cold alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks that go well with BAAG members’ home-baked holiday goodies being sold as a fundraiser. There are art gifts available in every price range. “Unusual, unique and useful presents that are locally made such as pottery platters or bowls, greeting cards, bookmarks or calendars do not cost a lot. And giving something handmade is more meaningful, both to the recipient and to the artist or crafter,” she notes. In addition to the gallery, The North Wind Arts shop offers a variety of art kits – great gifts for children to encourage creativity and learning – as well as supplies for the adult artist. North Wind Arts also offers custom framing for any kind of artwork. North Wind Arts is located on Hwy. 35/70, adjacent to the Lakeview Event Center. The Burnett Area Arts Group is made up of artists, crafters and arts patrons of all ages from all walks of life who believe the arts are vital to quality of life in Burnett County. The group meets monthly and welcomes new members. For additional information, call 715-349-8448. - submitted
Chris Byerly (L), head librarian at Frederic Library, presented a red carnation and packet of goodies to Cora Sower, Siren, and each woman or girl who came in to Timbers Theatres, Siren, Saturday morning, Nov. 21. The occasion was a special showing of the movie, “New Moon,” based on the book of the same name by Stephenie Meyer. The special showing was a pool volunteers/library-supported fundraiser for a new pool in Frederic. Sower’s mother, Faith Barnes, taught many young people how to swim at the Frederic pool 50 years ago, the main reason for Sower’s interest in a new pool for the community. – Photo by Nancy Jappe
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Tensions rise in area ELCA congregations (Part two of a series
What ELCA actions led to the tension? by Carl Heidel “Lutherans ... are upset at their synod’s new policy of allowing practicing gay and lesbian pastors in their pulpits.” That sentence, which appeared recently in an area newspaper, illustrates one of the problems that congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are coping with in the aftermath of actions which the ELCA took at its churchwide assembly this past August. The problem is that there is a lot of confusion about the actions, and a lot of misinformation about what was done. To begin, the ELCA is not a “synod” but a church that has 65 synods which are regional administrative groups. One of these synods is the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin which serves ELCA congregations in Burnett and Polk counties. It was the ELCA as a whole, not a local synod, which made several decisions with regard to human sexuality. Those decisions were the result of a lengthy study which the ELCA initiated in 2001. At that time, the church undertook a series of extensive studies that examined what the Bible says about human sexuality. First it studied human sexuality in general, and then it took a look at homosexuality in particular. The study involved thousands of members of the ELCA, laity and clergy.
The results of that study were communicated to the committee managing the undertaking, and the committee in turn gave this input to the various boards, councils and committees responsible for crafting an ELCA understanding of what the Bible says about the matter of sexuality and how that applies to life in the USA today. The result was a social statement, “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust.” This official statement explains the ELCA understanding of such matters as marriage, families, the safety of children, same-gender relationships, friendships, sexual intimacy, sexuality in society and much more. All of this grew from a biblical perspective which reflects the thinking of a wide variety of members of the ELCA. The assembly approved this statement by a vote of two to one. Following this, the assembly took up the matter of homosexuality. In the course of the eight-year study it became obvious that the ELCA was not of one mind on this subject. Those who participated in the study followed different methods of understanding the Bible, and this led to different understandings about homosexuality. So the first thing the assembly did when this topic came to the floor for action was to approve a resolution which directed the ELCA to “commit itself to bear one another’s burdens, love the neighbor, and respect the bound consciences of all.” This resolution recognized that the differing understandings reflected be-
liefs drawn from the deep faith of all involved, and all felt bound to their own understandings by their consciences. The assembly and the church would honor and respect each of the differing consciences. The intent was to follow biblical injunctions about the way in which persons speak of each other. They were to defend one another’s good character and reputation, to speak well of them, and put the best construction on everything. This resolution passed by a margin of more than three to one. Then came the matter of same-gender relationships. This was not a discussion of “practicing gay and lesbian” persons. It was a discussion of “publicly accountable lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.” The distinction is important. A “practicing” homosexual is anyone who participates in homosexual behavior. This is generic, general, non-specific language that includes any form of homosexual activity from a committed relationship with one person to relationships with several partners, from a lifelong commitment to one-night stands. What the ELCA was considering was a very specific kind of same-gender relationship. It is one in which the partners commit themselves to a “lifelong monogamous” relationship. It’s a “‘til death parts us” commitment, and that commitment is to only one partner. And the relationship is one that will be “publicly accountable.” The public will hold it to the same standards of love and faithfulness that apply to the marriage
of a man and a woman. The consideration of such relationships is nothing new in the ELCA. But previously the ELCA has given no sanction to such relationships within the church as a whole. At this assembly, again on the basis of the extensive study of the Bible, the voters approved a resolution that called on the ELCA to “commit itself to finding ways to allow congregations that choose to do so to recognize, support, and hold publicly accountable” such relationships. The decision of how to treat these relationships, and the responsibility for that decision shifted from the church as a whole to the individual congregations. It is important to note that the term used in this resolution is “relationships.” The ELCA does not regard such relationships as “marriage,” and this resolution does not commit the church to create a rite of “blessing” for these relationships. In taking this action, the ELCA reinforced the structural relationship between the church as a whole and the individual congregations. It determined that in this matter congregations are autonomous. They may deal with the matter of same-gender relationships as seems appropriate to the local congregation. Part Three: Same-gender relationships among rostered leaders. Part Four: The impact and importance of the ELCA actions.
Shop locally and lower your taxes
POLK COUNTY – With Black Friday and the holiday shopping season quickly approaching, Polk County residents can help lower their property taxes with a swipe of a credit card or a cash purchase. The Polk County Tourism and Promotion Council is reminding everyone to
“shop locally – lower your taxes.” Polk County has a half-percent sales tax that is used to reduce the property tax levy. Over the past several years, the amount of sales tax revenue that was subtracted from the Polk County tax levy
rose as high as $2.6 million in 2006. With the faltering economy, a little effort to shop locally and support area businesses could reduce taxes over $2 million in 2010. Why spend money to drive out of Polk County to shop and help someone else
lower their property taxes, or help build a new stadium for the Vikings? Keep the dollars here – spend them in Polk County, lower your taxes and support neighborhood businesses. – submitted by Polk County Tourism and Promotion Council
WIAA opposes being subject to open meetings laws
MADISON - The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association – which governs high school sports in Wisconsin – is fighting efforts to make it subject to the state’s open government laws. The WIAA has registered as a lobbying group to, among other things, defeat a bill in the state Assembly to make it subject to the same kind of transparency as local governments. Rep. Tony Staskunas is a Democrat from West Allis. He introduced the bill because he says it’s wrong for the WIAA to take money from public member schools, and then make private decisions. Staskunas says the
WIAA is funded by state and local tax dollars, but acts as a private organization. The WIAA counters that it makes its annual board of directors meetings, and meeting minutes available to the public. But there are times when hot-button decisions need to be made behind closed doors. WIAA President Dave Anderson says the organization addresses many sensitive issues in the 700 studentwaiver requests it deals with each year, and helps schools process code of conduct violations or terminate a popular coach. Anderson says Staskunas is wrong when he says the
organization is publicly funded. He says 90 percent of its operating budget comes from state tournament ticket sales, and most of any money collected from schools, public or private, are returned to the schools. Wisconsin Newspaper Association (Terry Bell)
New Siren Post officer in charge
Group believes public financing of campaigns is over MILWAUKEE - As political candidates begin to fill their war chests for next fall’s election, a Milwaukeebased think tank says the state’s campaign public financing system is dead. The calendar is filling up with dates for candidate fundraisers, and special interest groups are mapping out their strategies for attack ads. Meanwhile, election campaign reformers are still holding out hope that the next election will not be a spending free-for-all. But Mike Nichols of the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute says if they’re hoping candidates will avail themselves of the state’s public financing program they shouldn’t hold their breath. He says taxpayer support for the income tax check off has been waning since the
program began in 1977. Nichols says taxpayer support has fallen from 20 percent in 1977 to about 5 percent last year. He doesn’t expect Wisconsin taxpayers to reverse that trend since it hasn’t happened around the country. But public financing advocates like Mike McCabe of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign have a different view. McCabe points to neighboring Minnesota for evidence that a well-run public election fund can lead to lower cost elections. McCabe says if Minnesota can do it so can Wisconsin. But WPRI’s Mike Nichols says any change in the current system depends on taxpayer willingness to fund it. - Wisconsin Public Radio (Gil Halsted)
Theft of cherry schnapps leads to OWI arrest POLK COUNTY - Darren Olson, 21, Clear Lake, was arrested on Friday, Nov. 20, after allegedly stealing a bottle of Dr. McGillicuddy’s Cherry Schnapps from the SuperAmerica store on Hwy 8. Police were called after Olson, accompanied by David Knowles, 23, Wheeler, had come into the SuperAmerica. While Knowles paid for $2 worth of gas with dimes and nickels, Olson walked in the liquor aisle. After the men left, the clerks noted a missing bottle of schnapps. Police were called to watch for the older
white Cadillac the men were driving. They were stopped not long after that. A bottle of Dr. McGillicuddy’s Cherry Schnapps, valued at $13.99, was found in the car. Olson appeared intoxicated. Field sobriety tests were given, and Olson was charged with OWI and theft. Knowles had told the officer that Olson could not have stolen the liquor as he had never gone into the store, and Knowles was charged with obstructing an officer. — with information from the Polk County Sheriff’s Dept.
Cassie Blaser is the new officer in charge at the Siren Post Office until further notice. Blaser has been with the U.S. Postal Service for the past nine years, working out of the Milltown office. Former OIC Greg Schewe has been reassigned as a route supervisor at the Spooner Post Office. – Photo by Nancy Jappe
Siren Dragons girls basketball
Their only loss all year was at state, and they can fix that by Greg Marsten SIREN – It’s hard not to notice. But to use a poker term, there is a subtle “tell” among the Siren Dragon girls basketball squad this year. You know, the girls who were undefeated until their semifinal match with St. Mary Central in midMarch in Madison. That “tell?” They seem to smile, a lot. Of course, coming off your best season ever and first state appearance can inspire confidence. But it also seems, well, fun. The smiles are plentiful in Siren, and that quiet confidence is going to be tough to overcome for their opponents, especially when they have eight of their nine starters returning this year. They may not be very big - nobody is over 5 feet 10 inches - but the Dragons are quick, adjust well and are as deep as any squad around. “I think we’ll be as tough as we’ve always been on defense,” head coach Ryan Karsten said confidently. “Experience from last season will really help us,” Karsten said, not underplaying that lone graduate, Janey Emery, was among the best players in the region. “I think we will be able to score this season, but it will be interesting to see how the loss of Janey Emery hurts us,”
Extra Points
Siren’s Jamie Fischbach drives the ball down the lane in a game against Shell Lake last season. – Photo by Marty Seeger he admitted. His team depth is impressive, and he has some of the best guards anywhere to fill those missing spots. The list of his junior talent is deep: Two-time all-conference junior Carley Emery (who Karsten thinks will score her 1,000th point in late January) and allconference junior Ashley Guevara, who averaged over 12 points per game and six boards last season. Add those juniors to senior all-conference honorable mention Meghan Baasch and senior Sarah Howe, whom Karsten says is very smart on the court and
“has a motor that just won’t quit.” It’s safe to say this squad is tough as any on the court. “We’re hoping to be in the mix for the conference championship,” Karsten said gracefully. “Hopefully we’ll be peaking at the right time ... to make a run through the playoffs!” He almost cryptically said another goal this year was to return to the state championships in Madison. After last season, that might be worth a sly smile.
Luck Cardinals boys basketball Expect the Cards to field an exciting and talented team again by Greg Marsten LUCK – Long before H1N1 swept through the region, there was a different type of fever in Luck, and it was contagious in a good way: Cardinal Fever. To say there was a renewed interest in hoops at Luck’s Andy Dolny Gymnasium was an understatement. It was the hottest ticket in town, and this could very well be another feverish season. The Luck boys basketball squad was 11 and 1 last season in conference, 20 and 2 overall, and under coach Rick Giller, they turned the Cardinal gym floor into some pretty sought after real estate. Giller is reluctant to compare his teams, especially when they graduated several quality, exciting players such as Brennan Olson, Harry Severson-Dickinson, Mitchell Klatt, Nick Morgan and others. But Giller is hoping this year’s model has all the right moves to regain that spirit. Relying heavily on returning starters Cole and Alec Mortel for size, and Car-
son Giller at point for quickness, he has plenty of skill to aim at opponents for the first time, such as Logan Hacker, Gary Ekholm, Collin Svoboda and Brady Klatt. “They’re all players to watch,” Giller said confidently, and probably as an understatement for anyone who saw the depth of the Cardinal JV squad last year. They know what the phrase “talent pool” really means. But the Cards lost some stars who played well together, regardless of who was on the court, which is one of the real successes that can carry over. Yes, they have big shoes to fill, but with the solid defense and talent-rich depth he expects and relies on, Giller’s boys will be competitive from the start this year. One of the big issues, he admits, is getting those returning players to “Gel with the players who moved up to varsity,” he said. “But we’re going to try and be competitive in every game,” Giller stated. “We’re going to have fun. Make it a memorable year.” For many fans and family, they could stand another little touch of Cardinal Fever. RIGHT: Cole Mortel goes up for a block last year, and will go for more again for the Cardinal boys basketball team this season as a junior. – Photo by Sue Tolan
••• DULUTH, Minn., – The University of Minnesota-Duluth football team is moving onto the NCAA Division 2 quarterfinals after a 42-7 win over Nebraska Kearney last Saturday. Former Unity athlete Cole Strilzuk had two tackles in the game along with one tackle for a loss of 3 yards. The Bulldogs will battle Grand Valley State University on Saturday, Nov. 28. Last year, the Bulldogs defeated Grand Valley in a nailbiting 19-14 overtime win. ••• SIREN – The Blizzard varsity boys hockey team will be hosting a Thanksgiving Tournament at the Lodge Center Arena Friday Nov. 27, and Saturday Nov. 28. The Friday games start at 5 p.m. featuring Spooner and North Branch followed by the Blizzard playing Chippewa McDonnell at 7 p.m. On Saturday, the consolation game will start at 5 p.m., followed by the championship game at 7 p.m. These are the first Blizzard boys hockey games of the season under new coaches Grant Nicoll and Tony Samuelson. – submitted ••• LEADER LAND – The Clayton at Luck boys and girls basketball games can be heard on 1260 AM on Tuesday, Dec. 1, with the first game beginning at 6 p.m. The Monday, Nov. 30, Rice Lake at Amery boys basketball game is on 1260 AM beginning at 7:30 p.m. The Tuesday, Dec. 1, Hayward at Amery girls basketball game begins at 7:30 p.m., on 1260 AM radio. ••• GREEN BAY – The Green Bay Packers at Detroit Lions game is being broadcast Thursday, Nov. 26, beginning at 11:30 AM on WXCX 105.7 FM. ••• MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – The Chicago Bears at Minnesota Vikings game is being broadcast Sunday, Nov. 29, beginning at 3:15 p.m. on WLMX 104.9 FM. ••• MADISON – The Duke at Wisconsin Badger men’s basketball game can be heard on Wednesday, Dec. 2, on 1260 AM. The Badger men’s college hockey game at Michigan State on Nov. 27 and 28 can be heard on 1260 AM at 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., respectively. ••• LEADER LAND – Local sports tidbits to share? Please contact the Leader by 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to go in Extra Points. – Marty Seeger ••• LEADER LAND – Leader Sports strives to follow the college careers of area athletes. If you know of an athlete who will be playing collegiate sports in 2009 and hasn’t been mentioned, send us an e-mail or call and we’ll take it from there. – Marty Seeger
SPORTS RESULTS DEADLINES: WEDNESDAY - MONDAY: 1 p.m. the following business day. TUESDAY: 7 a.m. on Wednesday. Missed deadlines mean no coverage that week! S P O R T S N E W S O R S C O R E S T O R E P O R T ? • P H O N E : 7 1 5 - 3 2 7 - 4 2 3 6 • FA X : 7 1 5 - 3 2 7 - 4 1 1 7 • E - M A I L : m s e e g e r @ c e n t u r y t e l . n e t
Unity Eagles wrestling and has a good shot at beating Joe Mabry’s mark of 138. Dylan Koethe, Jared Peper, Luke Nelson and Dylan Hendricks were all sectional qualifiers last season and have state qualifying potential. There’s also the more immediate goal of fighting for a conference title. “We’d like to win it for once instead of placing second again. It’ll be tough with two holes in the lineup, but I think we’re pretty tough in the weights that we’re filling,” Ferguson said. The team is out just two graduating seniors from last season, and the bulk of the Eagles experience lies in the 125-285 weight classes. All are returning letter winners. At the present time the team is without a 103-pound and 112-pound wrestler, but Ferguson is still working on filling those roles.
Eagles have another exciting season ahead by Marty Seeger BALSAM LAKE – The Eagles wrestling team will have a lot to look forward to this year as they return state runner-up Dustin McKinney and four sectional qualifiers. “It would be great if I got about five state qualifiers this season, and it’s totally possible, but we’ll see how everything pans out,” said coach Mark Ferguson, who took two to state last year including Dennis McKinney. Dustin McKinney missed his goal of becoming state champion last year in the finals match to junior Rudy Chagoya of Tomahawk by a 6-2 decision. McKinney went 43-1 on the season last year and is no doubt hungry for another shot at achieving a state title. He also has a number of school records to shoot for, including most takedowns in a season, and most wins in school history. McKinney ended last season with 125 career wins
LEFT: Unity junior Luke Nelson will be just one key to the Eagles success this season. – Photo by Marty Seeger
St. Croix Falls Saints wrestling
SCF looking for a conference title
by Marty Seeger ST. CROIX FALLS – It’s hard to beat the season Joe Raygor had last year. The 171-pounder became the eighth Saint in school history to become a state champion, and did so with an undefeated 400 record. This year as a senior Raygor has a chance to become the first-ever twotime state champion in school history. Although he’s been working out with the team, and practicing already this year, it might not be until Christmas that Raygor wrestles his first match. Last summer he suffered a knee injury that kept him from playing football. Coach Dan Clark wants to make sure he’s at full strength before putting him in any matches. “He’s been working out and practicing with us and he’s looking good where he’s at in the rehab process,” Clark said. The Saints have a chance to be serious conference contenders this year with Raygor, senior Shaw Amundson and
Saints wrestler Joe Raygor will be on the hunt for a second state championship, which is something the St. Croix Falls High School hasn't had in school history. – Photo by Marty Seeger
junior Spencer Walters being the most seasoned wrestlers. Both Amundson and Walters had around 30 wins last year, and there are six sophomores that are back this year, and all started as freshmen. Three of the six sophomores include Jake Rademacher, Ryan Nussbaum and Grant Simpson. All three had around .500 records and Clark hopes they’ll be able to make the next step. “They’ve looked good here in the first week of practice. A lot of those kids have put a lot of time in the weight room, and wrestling camps over the summer,” said Clark. As far as numbers go, Clark said it’s about average. He said there are around 22 kids wrestling this year and that all of the weight classes should be filled. There will also be a few freshmen starters, and they’ll need to wrestle well in order for the team to be successful. “Our goal is to win the conference tournament at the end of the season, and that’s an achievable goal if we work hard and get better,” Clark said.
Luck/Frederic/Grantsburg wrestling
Small in numbers but big on lower weight classes
by Marty Seeger LUCK – The Luck/Frederic/ Grantsburg wrestlers are ready to hit the mat again this season, and nearly every athlete is back. However, nearly 90 percent of them are 145 pounds or less according to coach Chris Bartlett, which makes it challenging for him. The upper weight classes for LFG this season either show inexperience or are just low in numbers. “Everyone else that is back from last year are key players. They are all competitive, and push each other in practice,” Bartlett said, and added that several other teams in the area are tough in the same weight classes, which will make for some exciting dual matches throughout the season. “I think you are going to see some good matches at each meet. Overall I feel we may be able to pull out a few more
Sophomore Brent Johnson of Grantsburg is one of over 20 wrestlers on the LFG roster this season. – Photo by Marty Seeger
dual meet wins if our upper weights stay healthy,” Bartlett said. Last year LFG’s top wrestler was Grantsburg student Austin Eskola, who wrestled at 112 pounds. Eskola took fourth place at the Division 2 sectional tournament last year in Osceola, and finished with a record of 25-16. “Being one match away from state last year got him focused for this year,” Bartlett said. With around 20 athletes on the roster, there are only three seniors, including Claire Erickson of Frederic, Eskola and Lakeysha Schallenberger of Luck. Ben Ackerly of Frederic is a junior this season but just missed sectionals last year with a third-place finish at 130 pounds. Sophmore Ray Kurkowski, also of Frederic, took third last year at regionals at 103 pounds, and will be another key wrestler. “If I was able to spread out some of my kids to other weight classes it would make things a lot nicer. Even though we have low numbers a lot of the kids will be on JV, because there won’t be a weight class for them,” Bartlett said.
Grantsburg Pirates boys basketball players with varsity-level playing experience, while others will start their varsity career this season. “We have a fairly young squad, but we think we have some talented kids,” Hallberg said. “We’ll see who steps up when the season starts.” Every team has strengths and weaknesses that their coach sees in the beginning of the season. This year, Hallberg says his team has solid guard play and great team chemistry, but they lack height. He does feel his team will be competitive, keeping the same style Judd used with the team. “I think we can contend for the conference title,” Hallberg commented. “These kids are looking for even more than that, so that’s good.”
New coach starts with a young team by Brenda Sommerfeld GRANTSBURG – When Danny Judd resigned from his position as Grantsburg’s head boys basketball coach in September it was unknown who would take his place. Last year’s assistant coach Nick Hallberg chose to take over the responsibility after five year’s experience coaching in Grantsburg. “I love the game and I like the kids,” Hallberg explained, stating his reasons for taking over as head coach. “I’m looking forward to getting these kids on the floor in December.” Hallberg comes into the program losing all five of last year’s starters, Trent Bonneville, Tyler Myers, Connar Goetz, Ben Larson and Jason Jensen, to graduation. Last year the Pirate team took second in conference and finished with an 18-4 overall record, losing to St. Croix Central in the second round of regionals. This year’s team will have only a few
LEFT: Brent Myers got some time on the floor for the Pirates last season. – Photo by Marty Seeger
St. Croix Falls Saints boys basketball
“We will be senior/junior dominated and have some depth and size with most guys getting some valuable experience last year,” Voss said. “We have good size with three guys at 6’5” and good guard play.” One guard, Nick Johnson, is recovering a bit from a football injury and likely won’t make it back to the team until Christmas. Voss said that the team will be adapting to some offensive changes this year, but based on varsity experience there are several that will be able to make the adjustment. Key players include Austin Whittenberger, Cory Gebhard, Kyle Christensen, Gus Koecher, Matt Vold, Ben Anderson, Josh Larcom and Zach Christenson. Marcus Campbell, Jared Spreiter, Nathan Graveson and Ryan Jaremczuk will also be necessary to achieve a winning record. “I believe we will contend in the conference, but it will be more balanced this year with Luck still the team to beat. Look for Unity, Webster, Grantsburg to contend and Siren and Frederic much improved,” Voss said.
Size, athleticism highlight Saints boys
by Marty Seeger ST. CROIX FALLS – The St. Croix Falls boys basketball team will look to compete for a conference title this year under coach Todd Voss. Despite a first-round playoff loss to Prescott last year, the Saints are bringing back all but one starter from last year’s 8-4 conference team. Unfortunately, the team will likely be out two starters from last season with the knee injury suffered by Ryan Larson early in the football season. Larson was a big presence under the basket for the team and Voss says it’s unlikely he’ll be back this season. Still, the Saints have the potential to be a great team this season, not only with size but depth too. RIGHT: Saints senior Cory Gebhard takes a shot in a game last season against Luck. Gebhard has leadership and is one of the best point guards in the conference. – Photo by Marty Seeger
Siren Dragons boys basketball
In a conference full of talent, coach Ruud looks toward Spooner
by Greg Marsten SIREN – There is plenty of room on the starting court for the Siren Dragon boys. Head coach Jon Ruud relied heavily on two freshman “phenoms” last year, Elijah Hinze and Andrew Brown, who between them averaged over 20 points per game. Add to that the steady play of sixth man Christian Hall, who is half the senior talent on the squad this year, and there are quite a few question marks remaining. “We’ve got lots of spots open,” Ruud admits confidently. “But they’re working really hard.” The Dragons played .500 ball last year, with a 6-
and-6 conference record, and a similar 11-and-11 record overall. But Ruud is quick to point out how the season doesn’t end with conference placement - it ends with the last game of the year, and Ruud hopes that game is late in the playoffs. “The conference title is not our goal,” he said without missing a beat. “It’s to get to Spooner and beyond in the playoffs.” In only his second year at the helm for the Dragon boys, Ruud has over a decade of experience with other teams, and he sees some real promise in the squad this year. “Our work ethic is very good,” he said. “And we’re going to try and get better, every single night.” The spine of his team remains with Hinze and Brown, who really never left the floor last year, except when foul trouble struck. Add the steady play off the bench from Hall and Ruud, and they have an interesting, and possibly different lineup every night. That bevy of new and unfamiliar faces may make defending the young Dragons
difficult, and with so many untested players, they may have new weapons developing all season long. “We’re lacking in varsity experience, but we’ve got a lot of sophomores and juniors to choose from!” Ruud said. The Dragons may get lost in a conference full of favorites like Luck, Grantsburg and St. Croix Falls, but Ruud has no problem letting them battle it out amongst themselves, wearing themselves down all year. That’s when the Dragons may make their move, and do all they can to be “giant killers” in the regionals “That’s the true test of a team, how they do in the playoffs,” Ruud clarified. “And I really think we’ll go far when we play teams our own size in the tournaments!” LEFT: Andrew Brown will be a key component for the Dragons this season, and has the varsity experience. Siren is a young, talented team looking to make waves in the conference. – Photo by Marty Seeger
St. Croix Falls Saints girls basketball 12-9 overall, losing in the first round of the playoffs to Glenwood City. They have just two returning starters from last year with sophomore point guard Sarah Petznick and senior forward Marissa Campeau. Both made all-conference last season and will be a definite key in the Saints success. “Sarah and Marissa need to lead this team,” Maternowsky said. Campeau will likely be a force in the paint this season, but is versatile enough to shoot from the perimeter. Petznick has the ability to shoot the ball as well, but the rest of the team’s roster remains to be seen. Several of the athletes have a lack of varsity experience, but Maternowsky says the team has a little more height than last year. “We will grow as a team as the season progresses,” Maternowsky said.
Saints girls look to be competitive in conference by Marty Seeger ST. CROIX FALLS – The Saints girls basketball team is looking to be a conference contender this season according to seventh-year head coach Angie Maternowsky. In order to be successful, the Saints will need to rely on a relatively young team this season. Last year, the Saints had a pretty solid record at 8-4 in the conference and went
LEFT: Senior Marissa Campeau takes the ball to the hoop in a game last season. Campeau can shoot the ball from all angles on the court, and will be a tough girl to stop this season. – Photo by Marty Seeger
Luck Cardinals girls basketball
Steady board work, good size and athleticism will make the Cards contenders
by Greg Marsten LUCK – Marty Messar’s latest Luck Cardinal squad is going to be an interesting group. All his top scorers and rebounders are returning, and he’s added a taste of the future, as well. Fresh in the shadow of a season where they went 7 and 5 in conference and 11 and 10 overall, Messar and assistant coach Barb Melin will have plenty of athletic starters and defensive specialists to take some of the pressure off their backcourt. In the paint, the Cards are as good as it gets with Morgan Denny, Aleah Lemieux and Taryn Pilz. Their combined average of approximately 20 points and 20 rebounds per game gives them plenty of opportunity for their outside shooters to get a first, second and maybe even a third chance if needed.
Aleah Lemieux fights for the ball in a game against Siren last year. Lemieux and the rest of the Luck Cardinals will be a tough team to beat. – Photo by Greg Marsten “We do have good size and athleticism,” Messar said. “The question mark MAY be our depth.” That bench could be tested at times, es-
pecially if any of those returning starters have early foul issues. Messar is relying on Lemieux, Pilz and Denny to play steady, skillful team ball, night after
night. Adding a little spice to that mix is the very deft Bailee Swenson and newbie freshman Avery Steen, who has a downtown shot that will make the Cards offensive court seem much bigger than it really is. Messar is looking to Swenson and Steen to step into those starting roles filling in the quick and reliable shoes of graduates Melissa Jenssen and Krystal Stage. Last year the Cards finished third in conference, and went down in the first round of the playoffs. But the 34th edition of Messar Cardinals promises to be competitive at least, and according to Messar, one of the better-balanced squads in a very talented conference. “Play as a team. Play with skill. Play with intensity,” Messar said. “Just keep improving.” They have some of the best rebounders in the region in Lemieux, Denny and Pilz, and with Messar’s experience and patience, they promise to field an exciting team that can play with anyone.
Frederic Vikings girls basketball
Certain to face a tough conference, the Vikings try to control with D
by Greg Marsten FREDERIC – Frederic Vikings girls basketball coach Troy Wink is quick to point out that his team is quick: Quick on the court, off the dribble and hopefully, quick to learn. The Vikings graduated a lot of their core team from last year, giving several players a chance to put in some quality minutes and really shine this year. That squad was 6 and 6 in conference play, but had an impressive 14-8 record overall. Add to that a good postseason, where it took a tenacious Clayton squad to wrench them from the regional final. RIGHT: Kendra Wells is one of the Viking leaders this season, as well as a team captain. – Photo by Marty Seeger
That kind of steady success can be contagious, and it’s something Wink is banking on this year. “I expect our strength to start at the top, with the seniors,” he said. “They have been through it for three years, with the last year on varsity. So they will be our starting point, with additions coming in different forms from the rest.” That’s going to be good news for players like Chrissy Chenal and Kendra Wells, who are not only the captains, but the mentors and leaders who will carry the Vikes through what may be one of the most talent-rich conferences in the region. “Our West Lakeland Conference has seven of the strongest teams this year since I have been here,” Wink said. “I am not sure how a team is going to win more than nine conference games!” He may be right. But the Frederic team is relying on a defensive mentality and some fresh feet and lungs to make those opponents work for every point. Nothing will be easy against the Vikings. Wink’s goal is to be competitive every night: “Play the game the right way and
give us a chance to pull out a victory each night,” he said. “Put ourselves in position to win the game in the fourth quarter.” That strategy is likely to lead to low scoring games, and with some of his players still working for their final spots, the shot selection and ball handling will be critical early in the season, as players move in to fill roles and find their specialties. Wink has been at the helm for a decade now, and because of that longevity, Wink and his assistant of eight years, Sharon Schmidt, have seen these girls play at different levels, but never when they had so much on the line. He is confident they will find their strengths and get a chance to shine, but admits that varsity inexperience is one of their issues. But for many of the Vikings, that just gives them more of a chance to shine.
Webster Tigers girls basketball Junior class is strength of team by Brenda Sommerfeld WEBSTER – The Webster Tigers girls basketball team graduated two starters last year leaving them with three, juniors Michelle Gibbs, Rachel Salas and Chris Stoll. This year’s only senior Kendra Spurgeon and junior Mary Johnson also saw lots of playing time last season. “I just think we’re going to be much more experienced this year than we were last year,” second-year coach Jeff Roberts said. “We played a lot of sophomores last year, hopefully that’ll be a strength.” The team has 10 juniors returning for the season and most of them either got playing time on varsity or were able to participate in several junior varsity RIGHT: Webster’s Mary Johnson comes down with a rebound in a game last season, and will provide stability on the Tiger girls basketball team again this year. – Photo by Brenda Sommerfeld
games. “We look for big things from Kendra,” Roberts commented, “but I think that everybody understands that our junior class is kind of our strength right now.” Roberts expects his younger team to bring back some good defense and to play a pretty good inside game. He believes shooting was a weakness last season, but that it should be improved after all their time put in on the court over the last year. “They all got a lot of basketball experience last year and this summer as well,” Roberts said. “I’ve got a great bunch of kids and they’ve worked hard. We’re only four days in and so far I’ve seen a lot of things that I like and I think we’re going to be much improved over last year.” The Webster girls hope to improve over last years record and they would like to be a contender in the conference championship game this season. “I wouldn’t say that we’re going to win it (the conference championship), but I guess that would be a goal,” Roberts stated.
Unity Eagles girls basketball
Unity girls could surprise in the conference this year
by Marty Seeger BALSAM LAKE – Experience will be a nice key to the Unity girls basketball team this year, as several of its girls have varsity experience. “I feel like we are going to be a muchimproved team,” said coach Chuck Holicky. “I have kids who put in more time than we have in the past, our skill level is better and I think we should be able to generate more offense.” The team is still young, yet the athleticism is there, and the potential for versatility on the court could make these Eagles a force in the conference. Junior Marisa Hacker and sophomore Brittany Thomfohrda should provide stability at the point guard position this year, and junior Crystal Donahue is a legitimate scorer according to the coach. Junior Hayla Bader can play multiple positions as well junior Jessica Kutina. Sen-
iors Sam Ince and Brittany Petznick will also be able to contribute. “All that being said, our numbers are low once again,” Holicky said. The roster includes the two seniors, five juniors, one sophomore and eight freshmen. At least one member on the team will be out the first month of the season due to illness. Holicky expects that some freshmen may need to step up and fill in for that first month. By the end of the season, however, Unity could be a strong team to compete with this winter, but several other teams will be competitive as well. “I think our conference is going to be very strong,” Holicky said, adding that Siren is out just one player from last year’s state qualifying team, and Luck, Webster, Frederic and Grantsburg have a great shot to be tough. “Although we will be much improved, I don’t know if that will mean more wins,” said Holicky. LEFT: Crystal Donahue could be a key scorer for the Eagles this year. – Photo by Marty Seeger
Grantsburg Pirates girls basketball
New coach brings varsity experience
by Brenda Sommerfeld GRANTSBURG – Penny Curtin replaces Lisa McKinley as the head coach for the Grantsburg Pirates girls basketball team. Curtin coached varsity girls basketball in Grantsburg for a few years until she moved to coaching middle school teams in 1996. When the varsity coaching level came up for grabs this season, she took the chance to come back to the position. “I’m excited for the season and happy to be part of Grantsburg varsity athletics again,” Curtin said. “It is my goal to build up the program in quality and in numbers.” This season’s numbers are made up of juniors, sophomores and freshmen, but no seniors. It means the team is young, RIGHT: Kortney Morrin led her team in scoring last year, and will again be tough to stop in the conference. – Photo by Marty Seeger
but that they will develop skills this year that they are able to bring back for another season next year. “They’re working really hard and striving to become competitive,” Curtin commented on her players. The Pirates struggled last season, winning only two games, putting them at the bottom of the conference. Curtin is confident that this year’s team will be able to be competitive with all the other West Lakeland Conference teams in their upcoming games. “I think we’ll be competitive in the conference,” Curtin said. Curtin has her own focus and coaching style that she’s bringing back into the Grantsburg gym for the girls. “My focus has always been to work hard on fundamentals, develop basketball skills and have lots of fun,” Curtin stated. “My coaching preference is to play a fast-paced, hustle-style game where I can take advantage of Grantsburg’s many athletes.”
Webster Tigers boys basketball ers. Wethern is currently recovering from a football injury, but Hedrick is hopeful that he’ll be cleared to play soon. Karl Weber and Nolan Kriegel are the tallest members of the Tiger team at 6 feet 2 inches. They will have to work hard to go up against the taller teams for rebounds, but with several guards Hedrick feels his team will be competitive. “If we shoot the ball well, we can play with anybody probably,” Hedrick commented. “That’ll be a key, we’ll have to shoot the ball well and make good decisions with the basketball and we’ll have some success.” Hedrick feels his players this year have a little more speed than last year’s squad, who finished fifth in the conference and had a 6-14 record overall. “I think the kids know what it takes to be successful from cross country and football this year,” Hedrick said. “They’re willing to work and that’s always a positive.”
Same height and numbers as last year by Brenda Sommerfeld WEBSTER – According to eighth-year coach Randy Hedrick, this year’s Webster Tigers boys basketball team is about the same as last year’s in height and numbers. He lost seniors but has underclassmen coming up to replace them and the team has no one over 6 feet 2 inches. Last year’s tallest was Adam Baum at 6 feet 4 inches, who graduated. “We’re basically kind of the same group of kids,” Hedrick said. “They don’t have as much experience as the seniors that left but I think we’ll be alright.” James Wethern and Austin Elliott are the most experienced players on the team and will be looked to as key playRIGHT: Webster’s James Wethern takes the ball to the hoop in a game against Unity last season. Wethern is still recovering from a football injury. – Photo by Marty Seeger
Unity Eagles boys basketball
son, Eric Goulet and Seth McKenzie. Fisher says he still has a handful of younger players that will be competing for playing time. “I’m also interested to see who else steps up to fill in. We have some guys competing pretty hard, which will make our entire team better,” Fisher said. The Eagles finished 4-17 last season but have a shot at making substantial improvements this year. Fisher said several of his athletes put a lot of time into playing ball over the summer and spent a lot of time in the weight room. With the varsity experience, Fisher said they’re also playing with more confidence. The Eagles have also added a new coach to the mix with Kevin Fisher, who will be coaching the C-squad. “We are very excited to have him on staff,” coach Fisher said.
Eagles bringing more experience to the floor this season
by Marty Seeger BALSAM LAKE – Being a young team last year could bode well for the Eagles basketball team this year as they return several key players. “We were a pretty young team last year and [they] gained very valuable varsity experience. We are looking for them to continue to improve and be leaders,” said coach Shaun Fisher. Juniors Brady Flaherty and Rush Hickethier and seniors Luke Hilleshiem, and Tyler Bublitz spent a lot of time on the court last season and will have a huge impact on the team’s success. Only three graduated seniors will not be back this year, which include Sam Bengt-
LEFT: Rush Hickethier is one of several Unity Eagles that will be back this year with varsity experience. The team is young, but should be able to compete in every game this year. – Photo by Marty Seeger
Frederic Vikings boys basketball
Depth and speed keep coach Ryan Lind’s squad going and going and going...
by Greg Marsten FREDERIC – Second-year head coach Ryan Lind has good reason to be confident. His Frederic team could be a big surprise this year. "Smaller, faster, offensively better," Lind rattled off about the latest Viking squad, compared to last year. In spite of losing three seniors, the team has grown in depth at every corner, and there is reason for Lind's quiet confidence. And he really may be on to something. His practices resemble choreographed workouts. Lind and assistant/JV coach Ethan Bergstrom keep track of every player across the gym, watching like a bus driver scans for deer, and everyone keeps moving. Lind admits they may be giving up
Will Primm makes a move to the basket against Luck last year. Primm is part of a Frederic Vikings team that has some depth this year. – Photo by Marty Seeger some size to opponents, and the defense is still a question mark.
"But we are optimistic," Lind said. "We will play our hardest every game, and
hopefully that will pay off for us in the end." He has solid confidence in the senior leadership department: Co-captains Ethan Cook and Will Primm take a combined 15 points per game, five assists and plenty of boards with them for the rest of the squad to build on. Frederic comes off a five-point loss to Turtle Lake in the first-round regional last year, after a winless season in a truly difficult conference, they still pulled six strong wins out last year. Both numbers could go quite a bit higher. With the Vikings speed and depth, a healthy bench could be a critical advantage in close matches with high fouls. The Vikings may indeed surprise some opponents this year and should be an exciting, fast squad to watch. "I like the group of guys we have this year," Lind stated. "We'll approach every game as if we can win." With that kind of confidence, fans may want to save some money and go for the season pass.
West Lakeland Standings Team Conf. 0-0 Frederic Vikings Grantsburg Pirates 0-0 Luck Cardinals 0-0 0-0 St. Croix Falls 0-0 Siren Dragons Unity Eagles 0-0 Webster Tigers 0-0 Upcoming Monday, November 30 7:30 p.m. Solon Springs at Frederic Tuesday, December 1 6 p.m. Grantsburg at Shell Lake 7:30 p.m. Clayton at Luck Turtle Lake at Webster
Overall 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
0-0 Upcoming Tuesday, November 24 7 p.m. New Richmond at Grantsburg Friday, November 27 2:30 p.m. at Baldwin vs. St. Croix Fusion at Baldwin vs. Cap City Cougars 7 p.m. Saturday, November 28 1 p.m. at Baldwin vs. Hayward Blizzard
West Lakeland Standings Team Conf. Frederic Vikings 0-0 Grantsburg Pirates 0-0 Luck Cardinals 0-0 St. Croix Falls 0-0 Siren Dragons 0-0 Unity Eagles 0-0 Webster Tigers 0-0 Upcoming Tuesday, December 1 6 p.m. Clayton at Luck Turtle Lake at Webster 7:30 p.m. Unity at Clear Lake Bruce at Frederic Grantsburg at Shell Lake
Lady Blizzard
Overall 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
Friday, November 27 5 p.m. Tourney at Siren Saturday, November 28 5 p.m. Tourney at Siren Tuesday, December 1 7 p.m. Moose Lake at Grantsburg
Upcoming Tuesday, December 1 7 p.m. LFG at St. Croix Central
WOMEN’S POOL LEAGUE Team Luck-E Wise Guys VFW Suzy Q's Glass Bar Hack's Blacksmith Shop JJ's Kassel Tap Hog Wild
Score 40 38 37 36 35 31 27 26 26 16
Amery Special Olympian off to National games
MADISON – After two days of intense sports training and meetings at the assessment and selection camp held Sept. 11-13, Special Olympics Wisconsin selected 64 athletes to represent Team Wisconsin at the second-ever Special Olympics 2010 USA National Games in Lincoln, Neb., July 18-23. Congratulations to Crystalynn Fougner, 22, an Amery athlete who will join more than 3,000 athletes from across the country at the 2010 National Games. Fougner was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and a cleft palate. After seven years of moving between foster homes, Crystalynn was adopted by Carol Fougner. “With care and love she has become a beautiful young lady,” Carol Fougner said. “She is proud to be part of the Special Olympics family, her church and her community. She is a team player and gives 100 percent of the time.” Fougner became involved in Special Olympics 11 years ago and has won medals in basketball, bowling and snowshoeing over the years. She said being part of a team is a very gratifying experience. “I have met so many people, have many new friends. It has been great, fun and rewarding.” This is Fougner’s second time attending the National Games. “[It] is an honor
and so exciting, I love to promote Special Olympics and be a good representative for it,” she said. When she’s not competing in Special Olympics events, Fougner enjoys working at Dick’s Market. Her hobbies including riding horses, biking, drawing, baby-sitting, 4-H and working with children at her Sunday school. During the six-day National Games, Team Wisconsin athletes will compete in aquatics, athletics, bocce, bowling, golf, gymnastics, power lifting, tennis, basketball and soccer. An official training camp will be held April 16-18 for Team Wisconsin. The 2010 USA National Games will kick off with the opening ceremonies which will include a parade of athletes, lighting of the torch and entertainment and 13 sporting events. Educational seminars will be offered to athletes and their families. Additional programming will be aimed to increase public knowledge and understanding of the qualities and capabilities of people with intellectual disabilities. To learn more about Team Wisconsin, visit SpecialOlympicsWisconsin.org. For more information about National Games, visit 2010SpecialOlympics.org. submitted
Monday Night Ladies Standings: Hacker’s Lanes 44, House of Wood 42, Mane Attractions 40, Chicks 38, The Bottle Shop 36, AnchorBank 32. Women’s games: Jennifer Renfroe (C) 227 Ramona Renfroe (C) 200, Barb Morgan (AB) & Joann Pomerleau (MA) 191. Women’s series: Ramona Renfroe (C) 537, Jennifer Renfroe (C) 518, Barb Morgan (AB) 467. Team games: Chicks 671, Mane Attractions 610, The Bottle Shop 579. Team series: Mane Attractions 1759, Chicks 1690, Hacker’s Lanes 1642. Men’s Tuesday Classic Standings: Great Northern Outdoors 87, Hacker’s Lanes 80, Bottle Shop 76.5, Yellow Lake Lodge 75, Pioneer Bar 59.5, Olsen & Son 51. Individual games: Josh Henry (PB) 268, Gene Ackland (YLL) Brett Daeffler (BS) 245. Individual series: Gene Ackland (YLL) 706, Josh Henry (PB) 687, Ron Skow (GNO) 655. Team games: Pioneer Bar 664, Yellow Lake Lodge 649, Bottle Shop 647. Team series: Yellow Lake Lodge 1874, Pioneer Bar 1846, Bottle Shop 1805. Consecutive strikes (5 or more): Josh Henry 8x = 268 & 5x = 224; Gene Ackland 6x = 235 & 6x = 248; Maynard Stevens 5x = 234. Games 50 or more above average: Josh Henry 268 (+73); Gene Stevens 248 (+51); Maynard Stevens 234 (+53). Series 100 or more above average: Gene Ackland 706 (+115); Josh Henry 687 (+102). Splits converted: 3-10: Tom Coen, Rita Bohn. 6-7-10: Dale Gregory. Wednesday Night Early Men’s Standings: Skol Bar 30, 4 Seasons Wood Products 29.5, A-1 Machine 26, Cummings Lumber 25, Pioneer Bar 25, Larsen Auto Center 22.5, Lewis Silo 17, Bye 1. Individual games: Ed Phelps (4S) 244, Brett Daeffler (4S) 236, Buck Hanson (B) 222. Individual series: Brett Daeffler (4S) 630, Mark Bohn (SB) 622, Don Swanson (CL) 616. Team games: 4 Seasons Wood Products 1034 & 1004, A-1 Machine 984. Team series: 4 Seasons Wood Products 2865, A-1 Machine 2767, Cummings Lumber 2668. Thursday Late Mixed Standings: Hansen Farms Inc. 25, Rural
B O W L I N G American Bank 24, Stotz & Company 23, Johnson Upholstery 21, North Wind Arts 20, Hog Wild BBQ & Grill 19, Fisk Trucking 16. Women’s games: Kelsey Bazey 226, Rhonda Bazey 179, Amy Goalen 148. Women’s series: Kelsey Bazey 576, Rhonda Bazey 481, Amy Goalen 390. Men’s series: Aaron Arjes 255, Eugene Wynn Jr. 238, Oliver Baillargeon 237. Men’s games: Oliver Baillargeon 673, Aaron Arjes 601, Jon Anderson 595. Team games: Hansen Farms Inc. 975, Johnson Upholstery 913, Rural American Bank 902. Team series: Hansen Farms Inc. 2788, Johnson Upholstery 2544, Stotz & Company 2527. Saturday Night Mixed Standings: Skowl 22, Dead Eyes 21, Generation III 18, Lakers 18, Handicaps 18, BJ’s 18, Alley Bratz 15, Luck-E 8. Women’s games: Deb Ingram (SK) 180, Linda Giller (LE) 178, Kathy Java (L) 168. Women’s series: Linda Giller (LE) 505, Deb Ingram (SK) 504, Kathy Java (L) 450. Men’s series: Ron Skow (SK) 269, Curtis Renfroe (GIII) 222, Terry Ingram (SK) 221. Men’s games: Ron Skow (SK) 687, Curtis Renfroe (GIII) 578, Terry Ingram (SK) 563. Team games: Skowl 793, 690 & 685. Team series: Skowl 2166, Generation III 1932, Luck-E 1802.
McKenzie Lanes
Tuesday Early Mixed Standings: Wild Boys 24, Lane Crashers 17, Lamar Stars 15, Mom’s Boys 13, Lemon Heads 11, Jim’s Flooring 4. Women’s games: Brenda Lehmann 183, Tesa Denver 142, Judy Olson 140. Women’s series: Brenda Lehmann 483, Linda Larson 401, Tesa Denver 378. Men’s games: Zach Gurtner 232, Glen Minnick 225, Tim Lehner 212. Men’s series: Glen Minnick 626, Jeff Lehmann 593, Tim Lehner 591. Team games: Wild Boys 535. Team series: Wild Boys 1498. Tuesday Women’s Day Standings: Custom Outfitter 142.5, B & H Builders 115, Kassel Tap 112.5, Hauge Dental 108.5, Gutter Dusters 100.5, Tomlinson Insurance 100.5, Country Gals 84.5, Bye 52. Individual games: Kelley Hill 214, Denise Donaghue 211, Norma Hauge 193.
Individual series: Kelley Hill 520, Denise Donaghue 514, Norma Hauge 513. Team games: (Handicap score) Hauge Dental 822, Gutter Dusters 802, Custom Outfitter 796. Team series: (Handicap score) Hauge Dental 2338, Gutter Dusters 2293, Tomlinson Insurance 2287. Tuesday Night Men’s Standings: McKenzie Lanes 47, Nel-LoHill Farm 41, Glass Bar 32, Dream Lawn 29.5, Centurview Park 28, The Dugout 23, Hack’s Pub 23, Steve’s Appliance 16.5. Individual games: Gene Braund 279, Jeff Lehmann 267, Jim McKenzie 257. Individual series: Mike Hill 760, Jim McKenzie 715, Roy Price 682. Team games: (Handicap score) Nel-LoHill Farm 1342. Team series: (Handicap score) Nel-LoHill Farm 3805. Wednesday Early League Standings: Top Spot 44, Hendrick’s Motor 42, Glass Attractions 42, Suzie Q’s 39, Cutting Edge 34, Lite House 34, Hack’s Pub 26, Holiday StationStores 25. Women’s games: Janice Fox 202, Dixie Welling 167, Amy Eibs 167. Women’s series: Janice Fox 481, Amy Eibs 474, Dixie Welling 438. Men’s games: Mike Welling 222, Joe Warner 216, Merlin Fox 212. Men’s series: Mike Welling 604, Merlin Fox 598, Ricky Weimer 578. Team games: (Handicap score) Top Spot 742. Team series: (Handicap score) Top Spot 1974. Wednesday Night Men’s Standings: Tiger Express 18, Edina Realty 16, Harvest Moon 14, Hanjo Farms 14, McKenzie Lanes 12, Reed’s Marina 8, Davy’s Construction 8, Dalles Electrical 6. Individual games: Darren McKenzie 268, Rick Katzmark 243, Jim McKenzie 242.
R E S U L T S Individual series: Darren McKenzie 742, Jim McKenzie 676, Daryn Sylvester 646. Team games: (Handicap score) Dalles Electrical 1084, Edina Realty 1009. Team series: (Handicap score) Dalles Electrical 2997, Tiger Express 2968. Thursday Night Ladies Standings: Cutting Edge Pro 40, Eagle Valley Bank 37, KJ’s 31.5, Hack’s Pub 31.5, RiverBank 29, Bont Chiropractic 28, Truhlsen Chiropractic 23.5, Hauge Dental 19.5. Individual games: Annette Norlander 208, MJO Hacker 207, Jackie Patterson 203. Individual series: Annette Norlander 571, Norma Hauge 530, Denise Donaghue 527. Team games: Eagle Valley Bank 794, Hauge Dental 772, Truhlsen Chiropractic 764. Team series: Hauge Dental 2229, Eagle Valley Bank 2212, Truhlsen Chiropractic 2181.
Black & Orange
Early Birds Standings: 10th Hole 25-15, Log Cabin Store 20-20, Black & Orange 18-22, Gandy Dancer Saloon 17-23. Individual games: Donna Koon (10th) 178, Rosie Pumper (GD) 168, Marcy Viebrock (B&O) 165. Individual series: Donna Koon (10th) 447, Marcy Viebrock (B&O) 433, Donna Crain (B&O) 426. Team games: 10th Hole 831, Gandy Dancer Saloon 820, Black & Orange 803. Team series: 10th Hole 2425, Gandy Dancer Saloon 2391, Black & Orange 2304. Monday Night Men’s Standings: Glass & Mirror Works 23-17, Black & Orange 21-19, Larry’s LP 20-20, Pope’s Construction 16-24. Individual games: Art bliven (L) 202, Josh Johnson (L) 201, Jack Witzany (L) 198. Individual series: Larry Johnson (L) 539, Doug Liljenberg 536, Art Bliven 521. Team games: Larry’s LP 971, Pope’s Construction 932, Glass & Mirror Woks 916. Team series: Larry’s LP 2735, Pope’s Construction 2622, Glass & Mirror Works 2604. Games 50 or more above average: Josh Johnson 201 (+63). TNT Standings: Flower Power 31-13, Larry’s LP 24-20, Cashco 19-25, Hole in the Wall
14-30. Individual games: Jennifer Kern (L) 202, Vicki Tollander (C) 173, Mary Reese (FP) 168. Individual series: Jennifer Kern (L) 526, Mary Ellen Smith (C) 479, Lucy Hansen (FP) 451. Team games: Larry’s LP 874, Flower Power 851, Hole in the Wall 837. Team series: Flower Power 2469, Larry’s LP 2439, Hole in the Wall 2427. Wednesday Night Men’s Standings: Cashco 34-6, Lions 28-12, 10th Hole 21-19, Northview Drive Inn 2020, Black & Orange 13-27, Vacant 4-36. Individual games: Monte Rinnman (C) 225, Roger Tollander (C) & Jake Lamb (NDI) 214, Mike Young (NDI) 195. Individual series: Monte Rinnman (C) 546, Mike Young (NDI) 536, Bill Simmons (L) 528. Team games: Cashco 970, Northview Drive Inn 946, Black & Orange 911. Team series: Northview Drive Inn 2691, Cashco 2687, Lions 2605. Consecutive strikes (5 or more): Monte Rinnman. Games 50 or more above average: Jake Lamb 214 (+81). Early Risers Standings: Hole in the Wall 26-18, A+ Sanitation 23-21, Gandy Dancer 22-22, 10th Hole 17-27. Individual games: Lucy Hansen (HITW) 177, Evelyn Engebretson (HITW) 163, Barb Caliguire (10th) 162. Individual series: Barb Caliguire (10th) 442, Donna Crain (GD) 431, Marlys Ericson (GD) 424. Team games: Gandy Dancer 705, Hole in the Wall 693, A+ Sanitation 668. Team series: Gandy Dancer 1993, A+ Sanitation 1951, 10th Hole 1928. Thursday Night Ladies Standings: Lip’s 28-16, Check Services 27-17, Webster 18-26, Pour House 1529. Individual games: LuAnn Mattison (PH) 189, Jackie Churchill (L) 175, Angie Olson (CS) 169. Individual series: LuAnn Mattison (PH) 475, Angie Olson (CS) 472, Jackie Churchill (L) 470. Team games: Pour House 680, Lip’s 664, Webster Motel 657. Team series: Lip’s 1940, Pour House 1920, Webster Motel 1890. Games 50 or more above average: LuAnn Mattison 189 (+59).
Hunt of a lifetime at age 10
Tyler Nelson’s mom, Denise, assured that the big buck story her son told the day before was a lot better. Perhaps he was a little worn out from a long day of school at FredMarty eric Elementary, or from simply repeating Seeger his story to other hunters. The Sunday before was quite a day The for the 10-year-old Bottom fifth-grader after he took the buck of a lifeLine time while hunting with his dad, Tom. Tyler was one of 9,592 other 10- and 11-year-old hunters that participated in Wisconsin’s firstever mentorship hunting program that began earlier this year. Part of the requirements of the mentored hunt are that the mentor must be within arm’s reach of the hunter, no matter what age. It was also the first time in 36 years that Tom opted not to purchase a hunting license, knowing that he’d be spending much of his time teaching Tyler. Only one gun is allowed between the two hunters and although Tom could have still purchased a hunting license, he certainly didn’t need to purchase one in order to enjoy the experience he shared with his son. “It was pretty amazing, and everything happened so fast,” Tom said. Both father and son hunted the very first mentored hunt in Wisconsin back in mid-October without success. Tyler missed a couple of does with a 20-gauge shotgun and iron sights during that hunt, but he and his dad did a little more practicing with the gun to get him more comfortable and confident with his shooting. When opening day arrived on Saturday, Nov. 21, both Tyler and
Tyler Nelson, 10, of Frederic, bagged the buck of a lifetime on opening weekend of the 2009 gun deer season, along with the help of dad, Tom Nelson. The buck will likely exceed over 160 inches according to Tom, who had it scored by two different people. – Photo courtesy of www.greatnorthernoutdoors.com Tom hunted nearly the entire day, without success, in a two-person ladder stand. Tyler did shoot at a doe, but missed. That didn’t stop him from wanting to go back, and the next day, he and his dad spent the morning in a different area inside a pop-up turkey blind. “I hunted in the morning, and we didn’t see much, and then in the afternoon we went out about 2:30, and then in about 20 minutes he comes by chasing a doe,” Tyler recalled shyly. It was Dad who spotted the buck as it
first appeared, mostly because Tyler was busy playing a handheld game of video Yahtzee. “I hollered at him and he threw it on the ground,” Tom said. At that time the buck was a mere 35 yards away. “I kinda got a little excited, but I couldn’t see if it was a buck right away, so when it stopped I got more excited,” Tyler said, adding that his dad was trying to be as quiet as he could. In an instant, Tyler took his first shot, but a maple tree with the diameter of an
apple was in the way of the slug from his 20-guage, and he blew a hole in the tree. The deer quickly spun, as Tyler and Tom had to move to another window in the blind and get a second shot. By that time the buck was out at 60 yards and heading for safe cover, but Tyler had to wait for a clear shot as the buck ran between the hunters and their parked vehicle. “He ran back the way he came, and I shot at him on the run and he fell over,” Tyler said. Because everything happened so fast, neither Tom nor Tyler realized the buck was as big as it was until they approached it. Tom admits he was probably more excited than Tyler, and the moment made him well up with a tearful joy and lots of laughter. He regarded it as a learning experience for the entire family who has always had the tradition of hunting, but was thankful to have had such a great opportunity. “It wasn’t easy, and I had reservations about the mentoring program,” Tom admitted, but he and wife Denise were obviously pleased with the results. He said he knew of other parents and kids involved with mentored hunting in Minnesota, where that state has similar programs that have been going on for the past two years now. “The parents and mentors had the same feelings I did, but once they did it over there they said it went really good,” Tom said. For Tyler, he understands that he may never shoot another big buck like the one he took on Sunday. Several hunters have told him so many times already. It doesn’t seem to bother him any, because he was quick to point out to his mom and dad after the experience that he still has a doe tag yet to fill. Tom says they have a 15-year-old son who has a buck tag to fill, so for now, they’ll be focused on trying to get him a deer too. Some hunters wait their entire life to take a buck as big as the one Tyler shot on opening weekend. But he’s got a lifetime ahead of hunting to try and top it.
Hunters register 100,330 deer on opening weekend MADISON – Warm temperatures and heavy fog in many areas greeted hunters on the opening weekend of Wisconsin’s 158th gun deer hunt. Hunters participating in the traditional November nineday gun deer hunt registered a preliminary tally of 100,330 deer over the first two days of the hunt. The 2009 preliminary count compares to a similar opening weekend count of 133,828 from 2008. Buck harvest statewide in 2009 was 49,583 (52,477 in 2008) and antlerless harvest was 50,478 (81,351 in 2008) “We want to remind folks that these preliminary numbers come from a staff call-around to deer registration stations this morning,” said Tom Hauge, DNR wildlife management director. “The final opening weekend tally will likely be somewhat larger, when all the registration stubs are entered into the database over the next couple of months.” This fall, wildlife staff indicated that they expected lower total harvest numbers - especially antlerless deer harvest numbers - due to several factors including lower deer numbers in many areas of the state, fewer herd-control units and no Earn-a-Buck units outside of the chronic wasting disease management
zone. “There was pretty dense fog until 1011 a.m. opening morning,” reported Kris Belling, DNR West Central Region wildlife expert. “The fog, coupled with wet conditions, made it hard to hear anything coming and definitely impacted the morning hunt. Hunters I talked to (in West Central Region) enjoyed the mild temperatures and it was comfortable enough for them to stay out hunting, and that seems to have offset the original difficulties due to the fog. Overall, it was just a nice weekend to be out. Lots of interest in getting the deer butchered quickly.” However, the weather improved later in the day. “Those deer are still out there,” said Keith Warnke, DNR big game ecologist. “Many folks take this week off leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday and given the slower start to the season, there should continue to be good opportunity out there in many areas. There is still a lot of hunting left.” As of early Monday afternoon, 571 opening-weekend hunting-trip reports have been recorded on the department’s new online reporting database. Hunters reported seeing 796 total deer on those trips, which translates to an average of
1.39 deer per trip. These numbers will also likely change as trip reports were still coming in at a rapid pace. Hunters who wish to report their hunting experiences can do so from the DNR Web site. Deer license and tag sales continue through the hunting seasons. The long custom of buying a license on the way to deer camp is also intact. Over 43 percent – nearly half - of all deer hunters purchased a license in the eight days preceding the gun deer opener; 82,463 licenses were sold on Friday. At peak, which occurred at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, the DNR’s online licensing system – known as ALIS – was processing 212 transactions per minute Nearly 270,000 licenses were issued in the eight days preceding the season opener. Of the hunters hitting the woods on Saturday: • 592,287 (95 percent) were residents and 34,117 were nonresidents; • More than 79,000 youth hunters under 18 years old participated in this year’s hunt, representing 13 percent of the total number of deer hunters; • More than 54,000 hunters were age 65 or older, and over 191,000 (31 percent) are under 30 years old;
• Females represent 8.5 percent of the total hunters, and 20 percent of new 10and 11-year-old hunters; • Hunters throughout the U.S. and several foreign countries purchased a Wisconsin gun deer license. The highest number of nonresident hunters came from Minnesota (16,413), Illinois (8,568), Michigan (1,078) and Florida (898); • The most deer licenses were sold in Dane County (29,024), with Brown, Washington, Marathon and Waukesha counties following; • More than 170,000 antlerless deer tags have been sold this year. Wisconsin Conservation Congress delegates also shared their experiences over the weekend. Scott McCauley, Conservation Congress delegate from Wood County, was hunting in Waupaca County and noted that for his party opening day was off to a promising start. “Last year we had our best season ever, taking nine deer. This year is looking even better with five people taking three deer and the season is just starting,” said McCauley. Mike Riggle, Conservation Congress
See hunters next page
Successful hunters highlighting 2009 gun hunt
Dakota Schultz, 10, shot his first buck, a 10-pointer, on opening morning.
Harlei Hennessey, 13, shot her buck in the evening on opening day near Alpha.
Cole Webb took his first 4point buck as a mentored hunter during the gun opener Jim Hutton of Luck took this 190-pound 14last weekend. Cole is 10 years pointer on opening weekend. The buck old. sported a 20-inch spread.
Cousins Katie Tendrup (L), 10, of Webster and Devin Popham, 12, of Pepin, shot their first bucks during their first year of hunting. Katie took her 4-pointer Mark Bohn of Frederic shot this 9Saturday morning and Devin took his 4point buck on Sunday. pointer on Sunday morning.
Clifford Amundson harvested three does and a buck on opening morning of the gun-deer opener. Amundson turned 80 in April this year.
Adam Olson registered this giant 10-point at Trade Lake Store during the gun opener.
LEFT: Joel DeRocker poses with the 5-point buck he shot, which he registered at Trade Lake Store.
Ashton Erickson holds up a 10-pointer he shot, and registered at Trade Lake Store.
– Photos submitted and from Trade Lake Store
Ed Hawkins shot this 11point buck on opening weekSam and Scott Melin hoist up their 6- and 8-point bucks regTroy Johnson is all smiles end. istered opening weekend at Trade Lake Store. with this trophy 10-pointer.
Hunters continued delegate from Taylor County called in, “Seven in camp now, including 11-yearold Austin Riggle hunting for his first time as a mentored hunter. Austin didn’t see anything but enjoyed being in camp and will be out again having a good time.” Injury report There were no confirmed fatal shooting incidents recorded during the first two days of the hunt but there were five nonfatal firearm-related incidents, reports DNR Hunter Education Administrator Tim Lawhern. “We are grateful these five incidents
were not fatal and wish a speedy recovery to the victims, but the fact remains that all five could have been prevented if strict firearm safety rules had been observed by the shooters and by the victims who wounded themselves.” Three woundings occurred on Saturday. In Grant County a hunter was struck in the back of the leg by shrapnel when a hunting companion’s gun discharged into the door of a vehicle as he attempted to unload the gun. In Price County, a hunter suffered a self-inflicted wound in the left hand from a handgun, and in Green County a hunter sustained a gunshot wound to his leg when he slipped crossing a stream on a log and his shotgun discharged
On Sunday, a Barron County hunter was wounded in the thigh by a bullet, and in St Croix County a hunter sustained a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the right hand from a .30-30 caliber rifle. Lawhern noted that historically about half of Wisconsin’s shooting incidents happen during deer drives, usually because someone wasn’t where they were supposed to be or someone shot at a deer when they did not have a safe backstop or in a direction they should not have been shooting. “It is really important that hunting parties wanting to drive deer have a plan and that they follow that plan to the letter. Knowing where your hunting mates are and where safe shooting lanes are is critical,” he said.
Kirk Hischer shot this wideracked 9-point buck opening morning.
Statistically, about half the hunting incidents happen during opening weekend. “I am hoping we buck that statistic and can avoid further incidents this year,” Lawhern said. “Compared to the ‘good ole’ days,’ hunting is safe and getting safer. In 1915, of the state’s 155,000 hunters then, 24 were killed and 26 were injured. That meant one in about 3,100 hunters could expect to be killed or injured. Today it’s one in 100,000 or better. Still, any shooting incident is one too many. Hunters need to remember the shooting TAB-K safety rules and be careful with deer drives later this week,” he said. – from the DNR
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Sunrise River Energy Project presented by Tammi Milberg TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – The city council for Taylors Falls heard a presentation from Blake Wheatley, assistant vice president of LS Power Development out of Missouri, regarding a proposal for an energy plant to be located near CTH 14 between North Branch, Minn., and Lindstrom, Minn. The proposal is being made at this time to cities in Chisago County, the school district and the county itself, to see how it will be received. Wheatley explained the basic idea behind the proposal to the council including the following key points: The plant would be a natural-gas-fired electric-generating facility with fuel oil backup. It will have an anticipated electric output of 726 megawatts. It will be run by one intermediate combined cycle unit and four peaking units. A capital investment of $500 million is required. The
plant will use treated water from Chisago Lakes area for operation. Specs of the project indicate no groundwater will be used for cycle cooling; no wells in Mt. Simon-Hinckley Aquifer; and no discharge of project wastewater with zero liquid discharge present. It is a new power generation without new transmission lines and will reduce pollutants to the Sunrise and St. Croix rivers and Lake Pepin, using municipal wastewater. There will be new revenues to the county, township and school. Five hundred construction jobs will be created over two years of construction including 25 high-paying operator positions. Another key point to proceed is the approval of a developer’s agreement including a payment in lieu of taxes. Wheatley stated that with the costs of permitting the project and other related expenses, if the property were personal property tax, the financial outlook
would not be good. Wheatley stated it is vital to have a payment in lieu of taxes for this project to move forward. The development agreement being considered by the Lent Township Board of Commissioners and the Chisago County Board of Commissioners includes the following language: the generating equipment at the plant to be exempt from personal property taxes. Without the personal property tax exemption, the project is not economically feasible. Sunrise River Energy will still pay real estate taxes. There will also be a host fee agreement under which Sunrise River Energy will make an annual $600,000 payment in lieu of personal property taxes to the township, the county, and independent school 138 (North Branch Area Public Schools). In addition to the $600,000 payment in lieu of taxes, Sunrise River Energy will make an annual $100,000 contribution to the county for improvement of the environ-
ment within the county. Sunrise River Energy will only run high-voltage transmission lines from the site to the adjacent Chisago County Substation and will not otherwise construct transmission lines off of the site associated with the project within Chisago County. There are other provisions in the developer’s agreement, but these are the key points brought forward in Monday’s discussion. The Lent Township Board will meet Tuesday, Dec. 15, to have an opportunity to approve the agreement. That is the next step in the project. Wheatley stated that everything is very preliminary at this time. Taylors Falls Mayor Michael Buchite thanked Wheatley for his presentation and keeping the council informed of what’s happening in the area. Persons interested in the project details and a map of the project can visit the Web site www.sunriseriverenergy.com.
St. Croix Valley brighter with holiday tour Dec. 6 ST. CROIX VALLEY – Over the river and through the woods 15 inns will be dressed in their holiday splendor Sunday, Dec. 6, in the St. Croix Valley. The Inns of the Valley are celebrating their first Holiday Tour du Valley from 1 to 5 p.m. Innkeepers will share holiday traditions that day and guests will enjoy vast differences in style, size and décor. From a cottage-style one-suite inn (The Cottage in Taylors Falls, Minn.) to a 40room historic hotel (Water Street Inn in Stillwater, Minn.) and from a Victorian six-suite delight in town (Phipps Inn in Hudson) to a modern with a traditional twist four-bedroom charmer in the country (Country Cove in Stillwater, Minn.) – all are unique. Having a chance to enjoy the geography of the valley is part of this adventure as choices are as far south as Hastings, on the Minnesota side (Classic Rosewood Inn), to as far north as St. Croix Falls in Wisconsin (Wissahickon Farms Country Inn). Some photo opportunities with snow glistening on icy water include the Afton House in Afton, Minn., Kinni Creek in River Falls, Escape by the Lake in Hudson and both Pleasant Lake and St. Croix River Inn in Osce-
ola. Touring inns during the holidays is like paging through Better Homes and Gardens Christmas issue, but here your other senses may be aroused too. The innkeeper’s individuality shines during the holiday season. You may be pleasantly surprised by “Dancing with the Stars” music at Asa Parker House in Marine as the innkeepers also own a dance studio. It is sometimes the ethnic heritage of the innkeeper that prevails in their décor as well. Enjoy Argentinian accents at Outing Lodge in Stillwater, a bit of the Irish at Cover Park Manor also in Stillwater, Minn., and a Scandinavian velkommen at Summit Inn in Center City. Some inns have a tree in every room, and at one stop there is a tree decorated with baby shoes of all decades in what was once this mansion’s nursery. There are Santa collections at a few inns and an angel collection you won’t want to miss. Tickets for the Holiday Tour du Valley are $15 each. Order online at www.innsofthevalley.com or call 715386-0800. The Inns of the Valley span from Hastings to St. Croix Falls. Enjoy
Karen’s mug shot
Local pottery artist Leif Bjornson, of LB ArtWorks in St. Croix Falls, presented Coffee Time’s Karen Osterbauer with a personalized mug last week out of the blue. Bjornson stated that he felt the local coffee shop owner should have a coffee mug from the local potter. LB ArtWorks is celebrating their 25 year in business. – Photo by Tammi Milberg
this event at a leisurely pace and choose a region of the valley with five or six inns or squeeze in all 15. The cost is the same no matter how many you choose to tour. Get a jump on your gift giving and treat yourself, your family or your friends and do the tour in a limo from Cities Limousine (www.citieslimo.com). They will pick you up and escort you from inn to inn and back again. The cost of their service varies depending on group size and vehicle chosen. A great holiday bonus is the ticket cost of $15. This is the discount available for
purchasing a $100 gift certificate that day at any one of the inns. Get $15 off each and every $100 gift certificate that day only. To promote this holiday tour this group of B&Bs are offering a twonight package from Dec. 1-21 that includes a 25-percent discount the second night. Stay at any inn two consecutive nights, and receive 25 percent off the second night or lower-priced night’s room rate. This offer cannot be combined with any other specials. Check with a particular inn for complete details. – submitted
St. Croix Casino giving away $25,000 in Christmas Cash TURTLE LAKE – Need extra Christmas cash? Then head to the St. Croix Casino during December. The Turtle Lake casino is giving away $25,000 in Christmas Cash. You could win a cool $500—or more. The casino will hold $5,000 worth of Christmas Cash drawings every Tuesday in December. One $500 winner will be chosen on the hour from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
each Christmas Cash drawing day. All winners must be present. Pick up one free entry per week starting at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 25. Earn extra entries for your play. The more entries you earn, the better your chance of winning. Complete rules are posted at the St. Croix Casino. - submitted
Red kettle campaign begins in Polk County POLK COUNTY – The Salvation Army of Polk County began the red kettle campaign bell-ringing on Nov. 13. The bell ringing campaign raises funds for assistance to Polk County families in need throughout the year. Transportation, rent, and utility assistance are the services donations go to support. Eightnine percent of all funds raised in Polk County support Polk County residents. “With the economic downturn and job loss in our community, help is needed more than ever,” said Duana Bremer, director of the Polk, Burnett and St. Croix County Social Services. “We have a goal of $90,000 to be raised from Nov. 13 to Jan. 1. We still need volunteer bell ringers to help with collecting donations.” Bremer said that through the donations, gas vouchers, milk coupons at every pantry or food shelf, rent and utility assistance and medication assistance are provided to families to help them during hard times. The assistance is available once a year per family, or a limit of $150 per family. Locations for the bell ringing are at the following businesses: Wayne’s Grocery in Luck, Wal-Mart and MarketPlace Foods in St. Croix Falls, Nilssen’s Mar-
ket in Clear Lake, St. Croix Casino in Turtle Lake, Balsam Lake Deli and Grocery, Alco, Chet’s, Dick’s Market, and Sav-a-Lot in Amery, and Dick’s Market in Osceola. “We provide backpacks with food for students on free/reduced lunches every Friday in Amery and the Polk County Head Start. We are looking at fundraising to do the same at Unity Schools,” Bremer said. “All of this is paid through the red kettle campaigns as well as the other assistance like tenant-based rent assistance which helps families that can’t pay their rent and are imminent for eviction, they then pay 30 percent of their rent for up to 18 months to help get them back on their feet and we have 35 families who are on that program. They work with a case manager to help them weekly to set goals, and get back on their feet.” The contacts for bell-ringing volunteer sign-up are Shirley 715-338-9393 or Linda at 715-485-1221. In the Luck area, call Sue at 715-472-8906. Donations can be made to Serenity House/Salvation Army, 200 Polk County Plaza, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. Indicate in the memo what type of assistance you prefer your donation to go toward. – submitted
Polk County circuit court Michael R. Headley, Osceola, seat belt violation, $10.00. Rona S. Hedrick, St. Croix Falls, seat belt violation, $10.00. Kaitlyn J. Henck, Clear Lake, inattentive driving, not guilty plea. Adam L. Hensel, Barron, speeding, $175.30. Thomas F. Herner, Edina, Minn., ATV operation on highways, $200.50. Kristopher R. Hicks, Webster, speeding, $175.30. Jonathan R. Holloman, Amery, speeding, $175.30. Branndon L. Hood, Osceola, seat belt violation, $10.00. Richard J. Hutchinson, Poplar, speeding, $175.30. Laura N. Istel, Clear Lake, inattentive driving, $105.00. Robert L. Jarrell, Siren, speeding, $175.30. Ashley N. Johnson, New Richmond, speeding, $213.10. Jesse W. Johnson, Osceola, operate w/o valid license, $200.50. Robert D. Johnson, Iver Grove Heights, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Terry L. Johnson, Centuria, interfere w/fishing/hunting/ trapping, not guilty plea. Julietta J. Johnston, Rice Lake, speeding, $213.10. Kevin J. Kalkbrenner, Shakopee, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Dario H. Kanevsky, Plymouth, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. David L. Kanogh, Deer Park, driving too fast for conditions, not guilty plea.
Kiera G. Kantrud, Maplewood, Minn., seat belt violation, $10.00. Max E. Karl, Bayfield, fail./yield right/way from stop sign, $160.80. Susan H. Kelly, Plymouth, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Albert C. Kempf, Hopkins, Minn., speeding, $225.20. Victoria M. Kes, Comstock, speeding, $175.30. David S. Kolb, Maple Grove, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Chad A. Koonce, Cushing, speeding, $175.30. Albert E. Krogman, Eau Claire, speeding, $213.10; seat belt violation, $10.00. Zoey L. Larson, Balsam Lake, truancy, $186.00. Kenneth R. Leckel, Trego, violate Class A Hwy. weight limits, $2,713.00. Curtiss D. Lunde II, Milltown, seat belt violation, $10.00, twice. Angela R. Mandera, St. Croix Falls, speeding, $200.50. Anthony D. Marach, Menomonie, speeding, $175.30. Chadwick J. Marik, Osceola, speeding, $175.30. David A. Marmon, Osceola, no tail lamp/defective tail lamp – night, $162.70. Theodore J. Marrs, Bethel, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Paul D. Martin, Ham Lake, Minn., speeding, $175.30. William H. McCord Jr., Hammond, speeding, $200.50. Meat Mafia Inc., Wabasso, Minn., violate Class A Hwy. weight limits, $1,065.41. Todd J. Meinke, St. Croix Falls, load/discharge firearm in/from a vehicle, $243.60; place/transport loaded firearm/vehicle, $243.60. Sherry A. Minor, Clayton, seat belt violation, $10.00.
One Bedroom $ 3 75 / m o . + utilities & deposit
715 - 4 6 3 - 2 5 41
Roseann M. Moen, Crystal, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Timothy A. Moore, Stillwater, Minn., speeding, $200.50. David M. Mott, Frederic, speeding, $175.30. Courtney M. Nelson, Grantsburg, speeding, $175.30. Tyler G. Nelson, Rice Lake, speeding, $200.50. Robert L. Newell, St. Croix Falls, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .10 or more, 8-month rev. AODA, $817.50. Megan E. Olson, Amery, fail./yield right/way from stop sign, $175.30. Elden E. Ouverson, Pine City, Minn., speeding, $295.00. Jeffrey W. Owens, Frederic, speeding, $175.30. Anita J. Paul, Cottage Grove, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Steven O. Paulson, Minnetonka, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Kyle J. Perreault, Cambridge, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Jefferey M. Peterson, Roseville, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Phetnongphay NMI Phouvahn, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Dawn S. Piburn, Champlin, Minn., speeding, $225.70. Mindy K. Pierre, Luck, fail./yield right/way from stop sign, $175.30. Mario Pinedo, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Kim M. Pranschke, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Andrew J. Procai, Glenwood City, speeding, $175.30. Renee T. Radecki, St. Anthony, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Katelyn M. Radke, Balsam Lake, seat belt violation; display unauth. veh. registration plate, not guilty pleas. Jon R. Resech, Hudson, speeding, $175.30. Rhyan H. Richison, Siren, seat belt violation, $10.00; violation of child safety restraint requirements – child 4 yrs. but less than 8 yrs. of age, $150.10. Douglas H. Rinke, Ft. Myers, Fla., speeding, $175.30. Stacy L. Rippentrop, Bock, Minn., speeding, $213.10. Anthony P. Santell, Houlton, speeding, $175.30.
Paul W. Schiebel, Stacy, Minn., fraud in obtaining a license; twice, not guilty pleas. Jeffrey R. Selleck, Eden Prairie, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Jeffrey P. Servais, Lake Elmo, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Leslie J. Smith, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Scott E. Spencer, Frederic, speeding, $183.30. Penny J. St. Germain, Grantsburg, violation of child safety restraint requirements, child under 4 yrs. of age, $175.30. Gary R. Swenson, Stillwater, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Raymond C. Sykora, Deer Park, vehicle equipment violations, group 1, $238.50; nonregistration of vehicle > 10,000 lbs., not guilty plea. Donald T. Thornson, Stone Lake, speeding, $225.70. Robert S. Tschida, Stillwater, Minn., operating while suspended, $200.50. Jovita C. Valtierra, Balsam Lake, daughter out of school without excuse, 25 days plus, rescheduled. Tyler D. Voght, Amery, operate motor veh. w/o adequate muffler, $175.30. Joanne L. Vondrak, Lakeville, Minn., speeding, $200.50. John F. Wackerfuss, Cumberland, speeding, not guilty plea. Scott R. Wallis, St. Croix Falls, speeding, $213.10. Amanda K. Warwas, Frederic, seat belt violation, $10.00. Carl M. Webber, Champaign, Ill., speeding, not guilty plea. Theresa A. Wida, Cedar, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Hans Z. Willis, Balsam Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00; display unauth. veh. registration plate, $238.30. Nicholas G. Zentic, Webster, operating while under influence, not guilty plea. Philip K. Anderson, Clear Lake, illegal passing of school bus, $326.50. Fred J. Bischoff Jr., Hudson, speeding, $200.50. Doris L. Christianson, Birchwood, speeding, not guilty plea.
Continued on page 27
500789 3-4a,dp 14-15Lp
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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275. 445101 8a-etfcp 19Ltfc
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Steven J. Cox, Shell Lake, speeding, $183.30. John K. Culver, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Kenneth L. Culter, Edina, Minn., speeding, $213.10. Christina M. Dean, Spring Valley, speeding, not guilty plea. David R. Denzer, Columbus, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Joseph T. Derks, Cambridge, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Brandon J. DeRosier, New Richmond, nonregistration of auto, etc., $175.30; seat belt violation, $10.00. David C. Dropps, Siren, operating while under influence; operating with PAC .10 or more, not guilty pleas. Judy Ennells, Luck, placement of a bus, $375.00. Evergreen Lawn Care & Landscapes Inc., Cumberland, vehicle equipment violationsgroup 3, $175.30; nonregistration of vehicle <=10,000 lbs., $175.30. Peter P. Fairbanks, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Melissa M. Forqueran, Amery, seat belt violation, $10.00. Willis A. Garceau, Negaunee, Mich., speeding, $175.30. Omar Gaytan, Turtle Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Ivo J. Gorshe, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Frank J. Gremsperger, Big Lake, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Douglas M. Hammen, Oshkosh, speeding, $200.50.
497414 48atfc 7Ltfc
Stanley R. Allen, Maryville, Tenn., interstate record of duty status, $236.50. Riley A. Auna, La Crosse, speeding, $200.50. Carol A. Barritt, Tavares, Fla., speeding, $213.10. Gerald M. Beauchamp, Luck, speeding, $175.30. Leta M. Becker, Amery, speeding, $175.30. Luis M. Benitez, Turtle Lake, speeding, $175.30. Nina E. Benz, Canby, Minn., seat belt violation, $10.00. Blaise C. Bereiter, Webster, speeding, $175.30. Aubrie R. Bettinger, Boyceville, speeding, $175.30. Eugene H. Bohn, Balsam Lake, operating left of centerline, $213.80. Chad A. Boyd, Amery, seat belt violation, $10.00, twice. Mark P. Branco, Amery, speeding, $175.30. Sharla L. Brand, St. Anthony Village, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Christopher M. Bryant, Brentwood, Tenn., speeding, $175.30. Hilary N. Buchan, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding; operate w/o valid license, not guilty pleas. Haley M. Carson, Grantsburg, speeding, $225.70. Tyler B. Cloutier, Osceola, speeding, not guilty plea. Sean H. Cook, Hugo, Minn., speeding, $200.50; operate motorcycle w/o valid license, $200.50. Loren D. Cox, Clayton, speeding, $263.50.
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Burnett County criminal court Krystal L. Janusch, 16, Luck, operate ATV without headgear, $137.50. Robert R. Roatch, 47, Spooner, fail to stop at a stop sign, $175.30. Peter J. Rose, 22, Hopkins, Minn., operate without carrying a license, $186.00. Chelsea M. Thompson, 17, Hertel, operate without valid license, $186.00. Bryce R. Larson, 18, Stillwater, Minn., operating left of centerline, $213.10. Mark P. Lemerond, 45, Green
Bay, speedometer violations, $175.30. Cary L. Rand, 32, Webster, speedometer violations, $175.30. Tina A. Sturz, 45, Cadott, speedometer violations, $175.30. Nathan D. Quast, 26, Apple Valley, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Rodney Garayt, 53, Minnetonka, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Troy E. Hoover, 45, White Bear Lake, Minn., speeding, $225.70.
Amery man charged for 10th OWI POLK COUNTY - David Waalen, 46, Amery, was arrested and charged with OWI on Thursday, Nov. 19, at about 3 a.m. Police were sent to check on a running vehicle. The police officer found that Waalen’s car had crossed the center of the road, gone into the ditch and stopped against a post. Waalen was slumped over in the car behind the wheel and
Michael L. Schon, 49, Crystal, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Leif P. Bjornson, 50, St. Croix Falls, speeding, $175.30. Michelle M. Kostner, 38, Bloomer, speeding, $225.70. Amy M. Berglund, 24, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $137.50. Joseph R. Thomas, 51, Webster, speeding, $160.80. Robert B. Villebrun, 39, Webster, operating while suspended, $200.50; OWI, $817.50, license revoked eight months, alcohol assessment. Garrett L. Bennett, 20, Du-
luth, Minn., selling alcohol to underage person, $263.50. Jessika J. Ilgen, 17, Grantsburg, underage drinking - possess, $263.50 alcohol assessment. Justin A. Will, 28, Webster, operate with controlled substance, $677.00, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment. Todd H. Lockwood, 42, Danbury, OWI, $691.50, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment. Bradley M. Belisle, 31, Webster, OWI, $677.00, license re-
voked six months, alcohol assessment. Brady M. Pribula, 27, Luck, OWI, $691.50, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment. Jason A. Johnson, 25, Grantsburg, OWI, $691.50, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment. Jamie L. Kasel, 26, Webster, issue worthless check, $249.00. Lisa M. Olson, 28, Hudson, issue worthless check, $309.00. Magan M. Martinson, 24, Webster, operate without valid license, $186.00.
Christopher P. Knoll, 40, Pine City, Minn., battery, oneyear probation, restitution to be announced, no contact with victim, complete anger management program, alcohol assessment, $88.00. Bradley J. Turnbull, OWI, $1,213.00, 80-day jail sentence, Huber release granted, license revoked 24 months, alcohol assessment. No consumption of alcohol and restricted from premises that sell or serve alcohol.
Repeat offense OWIs charged there was half a case of beer in the car. The officer woke Waalen, administered field sobriety tests, and arrested him. His preliminary breath test read .175. Dispatch reported Waalen had nine previous convictions for OWI. The charge against him reads “OWI, seventh, eighth or ninth.” On Sunday, Nov. 22, Roger Hagen, 63, Maplewood, Minn., was arrested and charged with OWI. He had multiple previous OWI’s. That evening at about 8:30 p.m. he was seen driving erratically on Hwy. 35 north of Milltown, crossing the centerline and fog-
500893 14L
line. A police officer stopped him, administered field sobriety tests and arrested him. His PBT read.16. The charge against him was OWI, fifth or sixth offense. Scott Goulet, 39, Amery, was arrested and charged with OWI, third offense, on Friday, Nov. 20, at about 7:30 p.m. Police were called with a report of a silver truck that had driven into a yard, almost hitting a house. The witness had followed the truck to a home on CTH G near Hwy. 35. When the police officer arrived, Milltown police were also there. Field sobriety tests were given, including a
PBT, which registered .208. Dennis Torgerson, 38, Osceola, was charged with OWI, second offense, on Sunday, Nov. 22, shortly before 3 a.m. Torgerson was stopped for not using a turn signal, field sobriety tests were given and he was arrested. Torgerson had a previous OWI conviction in Minnesota and had a Minnesota driver’s license. — with information from the Polk County Sheriff’s Dept.
500986 14L
speeding, $175.30. Jesse J. Nichey, Clayton, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, $343.50. Amanda S. Ophelan, Clear Lake, speeding, not guilty plea. Tammy L. Springer, Luck, speeding, $175.30. Heather L. Thibodeau, Luck, speeding, $175.30. Tanya V. Tretsven, Milltown, operate without valid license, not guilty plea. Jennifer L. Williams, Cushing, speeding, $175.30.
Siren police report bury, was cited for operating while intoxicated, operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration of .10 percent or higher and unsafe lane deviation in a traffic stop on Hwy. 35/70 and Works Progress Street.
Polk marriage licenses Lisa A. Launderville, St. Croix Falls, and Richard A. Randall, St. Croix Falls, issued Nov. 16, 2009. Annette M. Langenback, Balsam Lake, and Scott R. McGee, Balsam Lake, issued Nov. 17, 2009.
Polk Co. deaths
Kayla M. Stoeklen, Osceola, and Matthew R. Martin, Osceola, issued Nov. 17, 2009. Tracy L. Mackenburg, town of Sterling, and Jeffrey A. Heinz, town of Sterling, issued Nov. 17, 2009.
Notices (Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY AnchorBank, fsb f/k/a S&C Bank, Plaintiff, v. Barbara A. Geissinger and Unknown Spouse of Barbara A. Geissinger, Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Case No: 09 CV 245 Case Code: 30404 Judge: Robert H. Rasmussen PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on the 1st day of June, 2009, in the amount of $735,533.94, the Polk County Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: DATE/TIME: December 30, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS:10% of successful bid must be paid to the Sheriff at sale in cash or by certified check. Balance due within 10 days of court approval. Purchaser is responsible for payment of all transfer taxes and recording fees. Sale is AS IS in all respects and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Polk County Sheriff’s Office, 1005 West Main St., Suite 900, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. DESCRIPTION: Lot 54, and that part of the Lot 56 of the plat of Park Addition to the Village of Balsam Lake consisting of a strip of land of uniform width of 50 feet South of and adjacent to the North boundary line of said Lot 56, and extending from the water’s edge of Balsam Lake, being the East boundary line of said Lot 56, thence West to the boundary of said Lot 56, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 901 Park Drive, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. Timothy G. Moore Polk County Sheriff ECKBERG, LAMMERS, BRIGGS, WOLFF & VIERLING, P.L.L.P. Nicholas J. Vivian (#1047165) Attorney for Plaintiff 1809 Northwestern Avenue Stillwater, MN 55082 (651) 439-2878 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose.
500097 WNAXLP
(Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY AnchorBank, fsb, f/k/a S & C Bank, Plaintiff, vs. John W. Kowalski and Jane Doe, the unknown spouse of John W. Kowalski, and Citibank (South Dakota), Defendants. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 09 CV 183 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 9, 2009, in the amount of $45,019.54, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 16, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down, in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: The front lobby of the Polk County Judicial Center located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 23 Plat of Pixie Acres Mobile Home Subdivision, in the Village of Milltown, being part of the Northwest 1/4 and Southwest 1/4, Section 8-35-17. Said land being in the Village of Milltown, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 516 Milltown Avenue North, Milltown, WI 54858. Dated this 19th day of October, 2009. /s/ Timothy G. Moore Polk County Sheriff Ronald L. Siler VAN DYK, WILLIAMSON & SILER, S.C. Attorney for Plaintiff 201 South Knowles Avenue New Richmond, WI 54017 Van Dyk, Williamson & Siler, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. If you previously received a discharge in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this communication should not be construed as an attempt to hold you personally liable for the debt. 498979 WNAXLP
A fine was levied and a court date of Dec. 9 set for Wendy L. Ortiz, 47, Siren, on a charge of illegal dumping in a dumpster belonging to another person. The incident occurred at 11 p.m. Oct. 6.
Clara A. Karpenski, 73, Amery, died Nov. 2, 2009. Carl Volgren, 95, Apple River Township, died Nov. 14, 2009.
(Nov. 25, Dec. 2) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT RICHLAND COUNTY JOHN T. SWENSON 376 GOLF DRIVE CLEAR LAKE, WI 54005-0531 Defendant: Published Notice Case No. 09SC332 You are being sued by Westby Co-op Credit Union, in Small Claims Court. A hearing will be held at the Richland County Courthouse, 181 W. Seminary St., Richland Center, Wis., on December 14, 2009, at 2 p.m. or thereafter. If you do not appear, a judgment may be given to the person suing you. A copy of the claim has been mailed to you at the above address. 500888 WNAXLP (Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS R. BROWN Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 09 PR 77 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was April 16, 1918, and date of death was October 16, 2009. The decedent died domiciled in Polk County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of: 402 North Adams, St. Croix Falls, wI 54024. All interested persons have waived notice. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before February 23, 2010. Jenell Anderson Probate Registrar November 19, 2009 Steven J. Swanson Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
500913 WNAXLP
Nov. 12: Greg G. Johnson, 23, Webster, was arrested, cited for disorderly conduct and then released in connection with threats made at a Siren residence. Melanie L. Imme, 23, Dan-
(Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee under Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2007, Equifirst Loan Securitization Trust 2007-1 Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-1 by: Barclays Capital Real Estate, Inc., d/b/a Homeq Servicing, as its Attorney-In-Fact 4837 Watt Ave. North Highlands, CA 95660, Plaintiff, vs. MARK D. FOOTE and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Mark D. Foote 268 50th Avenue Clear Lake, WI 54005, Defendants. Case No. 09-CV-688 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00 FORTY-DAY SUMMONS THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO: MARK D. FOOTE and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Mark D. Foote, 268 50th Avenue Clear Lake, WI 54005 You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after November 25, 2009, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court Polk County Justice Center 1005 West Main Street Balsam Lake, WI 54810 and to O’Dess and Associates, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address is: O’Dess and Associates, S.C. 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff By: M. ABIGAIL O’DESS Bar Code No. 1017869 POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 1414 Underwood Ave., Ste. 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.
Polk County is accepting applications for the following position: Corrections Officer $19.55/hr. Full Time Deadline To Apply: December 14, 2009 JOB DESCRIPTION, JAIL RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OUTLINE AND APPLICATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM POLK COUNTY’S WEB SITE AT: www.co.polk.wi.us, or Polk County Dept. of Employee Relations, 100 Polk Co. Plaza, #229, Balsam Lake, WI 54810, 715-485-9176. YOU MUST COMPLETE OUR SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT APPLICATION TO BE ELIGIBLE. AA/EEOC 500922 14L
(November 11, 18, 25) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Livingston Financial, LLC as successor in interest to Elan Financial Services 1800 Fifth Street Towers 150 S. 5th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Plaintiff, vs. Eric J. Hughes 403 Pearl St. Apt. 7 P.O. Box 402 Balsam Lake, WI 54810 Defendant(s)
(Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY CITIFINANCAIAL AUTO 7958 South Chester Street Englewood, CO 80112 Plaintiff vs. STEVE Q. BURT 206 North Jefferson Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 Defendant SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Case No. 09 CV 759 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN
SUMMONS Case Code: 30301 CASE NO. 09CV815 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To each person named above as a Defendant: You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is attached, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within forty (40) days of November 11, 2009, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is Lois Hoff, Clerk of Circuit Court, 1005 West Main Street, Ste. 300, Balsam Lake, WI 54810 and to Messerli & Kramer, P.A., Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 3033 Campus Drive, Suite 250, Plymouth, MN 55441. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within forty (40) days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. MESSERLI & KRAMER, P.A. Jillian N. Walker #1066378 3033 Campus Drive Suite 250 Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: (763) 548-7900 Fax: (763) 548-7922
To each person named above as a Defendant: You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit of other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served upon you, states that nature and basis of the legal action. Within forty-five days after November 25, 2009, you must respond with a written answer as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin statutes, to the complaint. The Court may reject or disregard and answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the Court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court, Polk County Judicial Center, 1005 West Main Street, 300 Judicial Center, Post Office Box 549, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 54810-0549 and to Michael C. Koehn, plaintiff’s attorney whose address is Post Office Box 92, Eau Claire, WI 54702-0092. You may have an attorney, help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within forty-five days, the court may grant Judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 12th day of November, 2009. Michael C. Koehn, S.C. Attorney for Plaintiff State Bar ID 1006590 131 South Barstow Street Suite 600 Post Office Box 92 Eau Claire, WI 54702-0092
500993 WNAXLP
Lake, nonregistration of auto, $175.30. Jennifer M. Hicks, Centuria, operating while revoked, not guilty plea. Jesse L. Hoff, Almena, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Judy J. Larsen, Osceola, speeding, $200.50. Ky D. Larson, Milltown, operate motor vehicle without adequate muffler, not guilty plea. Vicki L. Lundeen, Coon Rapids, Minn., speeding, not guilty plea. Dallas T. Mante, Clear Lake,
499976 WNAXLP
Stephanie D. Evenson, New Richmond, speeding, $175.30; operate after revocation/suspension, $175.30. Fragile S. Gilpin, Osceola, operate while revoked, $249.00. Travis R. Goepfert, St. Paul, Minn., violation of child safety restraint requirements, $175.30. Cassandra M. Haasnoot, Milltown, operate without valid license, $200.50. Beau D. Handy, Grantsburg, possession of paraphernalia, $249.00. Tyler N. Hanson, Balsam
500674 WNAXLP
Polk County circuit court continued
The Frederic School District is accepting applications for the following coaching position:
Middle School Girls Basketball Coach
Send letter of application, resume and credentials to: Bob Pyke, Athletic Director, Frederic School District, 1437 Clam Falls Drive, Frederic, WI 54837. Telephone 715-327-4223. Deadline for application is December 4, 2009. 500549 13-14L 3-4a The Frederic School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Polk County Land Information Committee will hold Public Hearings on Wednesday, December 2, 2009, at 10:30 a.m. in the Government Center (1st floor, County Boardroom), Balsam Lake, Wis. The Committee will call the public hearing to order at 8:30 a.m., immediately recess to view sites and will reconvene at 10:30 a.m. at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, Wis., to consider the following and other agenda items: 500593 13-14L 3a,d WNAXLP S & S TREE SPECIALIST, INC., requests a Special Exception from Article 8D4 of the Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance to operate a retail/wholesale business to sell wood mulches, bird feeders, birdhouses, birdseed, etc. Property affected is: 2063 275th Ave./County Rd. B, Lot 2, CSM #5097, Vol 23/Pg 4, Pt of SW1/4, NW1/4 & pt of SE1/4, NW14, Sec 15/T36N/R18W. Town of Laketown, pond/Trade River (class 3+2).
NOTICE is hereby given that the Village of Luck Plan Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 21, 2009, at 6 p.m., in the Village Hall, to hear testimony with regard to amending Village of Luck Ordinance 10-1-142: Fences and Hedges. The proposed amendments would increase the height of fences in residential areas to six (6) feet and allow decorative fence post caps not more than 12” above the maximum fence height. Copies of the proposed changes are available at Village Hall, 401 Main St., Luck, WI 54853. This notice is being provided pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 62.23(7)(d)2. All interested parties are invited to come and be heard. Kristina Handt, Village Administrator 500887 14-15L WNAXLP
Julie Crabtree-Pfannes Studio Holiday Show 2459 220th St., Co. Rd. Z, Cushing, WI 54006 715-648-5779 www.jcrabtreeart.com
Two Weekends: Fri., Sat. & Sun., November 20, 21 & 22 & November 27, 28 & 29, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Stitchery Art • Prints • Cards • Ingridware Pottery • Copper Art • Silk-Dyed Scarves • Handmade Soaps 500169 • Up-North Jewelry • Knitwear • Beaded Jewelry 2-3a,dp • And creations from many other artists. 13-14Lp CUSHING
STUDIO X CO. Z 220th ST.
HWY. 87
* Also a personal show at the Textile Center * 3000 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN
Nov. 2 - Dec. 30 Mon. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Notices Burnett County warrants Daniel W. Bugg, 45, Luck, warrant - failure to appear, Nov. 16. Barry C. Johnson, 57, Danbury, arrest warrant - Nov. 16. Lucas L. Merriman, 24, Faribault, Minn., warrant - failure to appear, Nov. 18.
Burnett Co. deaths Keith A. Van Wyhe, 57, Roosevelt, Nov. 4. John Buchard, 62, Oakland, Nov. 6.
Charlie A. Flocken, 45, Minneapolis, Minn., warrant - failure to appear, Nov. 18. Jason T. Olson, 39, Grantsburg, warrant - failure to appear, Nov. 19. Michelle M. Parsons, 24, Webster, warrant - failure to appear, Nov. 20.
Burnett Co. marriage licenses John M. Geopfert III, Grantsburg, and Sada A. Ostrowski, Grantsburg, Nov. 20.
The Siren Sanitary District meeting will be held on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 6:30 p.m., at the Siren Town Hall. Immediately following the Sanitary District meeting the Town of Siren will hold a Board meeting at approximately 7 p.m. If you wish to be on the agenda please call Mary Hunter, Clerk. Mary Hunter, Clerk 500717 14-15L 715-349-5119 (Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY WESTconsin Credit Union 444 South Broadway Menomonie, WI 54751, Plaintiff, vs. BARRY J. THORUD 733 100th Street Amery, WI 54001, Defendant Case No. 08 CV 752 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Code: 30404 By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on December 19, 2008, I will sell at public auction at the Polk County Courthouse in the City of Balsam Lake, in said Polk County, on January 14, 2010, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., all of the following described mortgaged premises, to-wit: Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map No. 2459, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Polk County, Wisconsin, in Volume 11 of Certified Survey Maps, page 167, Document No. 568323, located in Government Lot 2, Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Thirty-three (33) North, Range Sixteen (16) West, Town of Lincoln, Polk County, Wisconsin. The above property is located at 733 100th Street, Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. TERMS: 1. 10% cash or certified check down payment at time of sale, balance upon confirmation by Court. 2. Sale is subject to all unpaid real estate taxes and special assessments. 3. Purchaser shall pay any Wisconsin real estate transfer fee. 4. Property is being sold on an “as is” basis without warranties or representations of any kind. 5. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining possession of property. Dated at Menomonie, Wisconsin, this 6th day of November, 2009. Tim Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin SCHOFIELD, HIGLEY & MAYER, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Bay View Offices, Suite #100 700 Wolske Bay Road Menomonie, WI 54751 715-235-3939 500174 WNAXLP
(Nov. 11, 18, 25) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Bremer Bank, National Association, 605 Second Street East, Menomonie, WI 54751-0010 Plaintiff, vs. Northwest Homes of Wisconsin, Inc. 300 Harriman Avenue North Amery, WI 54001, and Polk County 100 Polk County Plaza, Suite 110, Balsam Lake, WI 54810 Defendants. SUMMONS Case No. 09CV749 Code No. 30404 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN TO EACH PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS DEFENDANT: You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff, Bremer Bank, National Association, named above, has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The Complaint, which is attached, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within (20) (45) days of receiving this summons, you must respond with a written Answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the Complaint. The Court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirement of the statute. The Answer must be sent or delivered to the Court, whose address is 1005 West Main Street, Suite 300, P.O. Box 549, Balsam Lake, WI 54810 and to Attorney Adam C. Benson, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 370, Siren, WI 54872. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within (20) (45) days, the Court may grant judgment against you for the award of money and other legal action requested in the Complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 25th day of September, 2009. Adam C. Benson State Bar Number 1032855 Attorney for Plaintiff 24161 Highway 35 North P.O. Box 370 Siren, WI 54872 Phone: (715) 349-5215 Facsimile: (715) 349-7511
Dated at Balsam Lake, Wis., this 29th day of October, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin Steven J. Swanson No. 1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787
(Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, Plaintiff, vs. CRAIG D. KNUTSON and JENNIFER J. KNUTSON, Defendants. Case No. 09 CV 279 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on May 14, 2009, in the amount of $131,821.92, I will sell the described premises at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin, on: Thursday, December 17, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m. TERMS OF SALE: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: Outlot Seventy-nine (79) of Assessor’s Plat of the City of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin. Parcel 2: Including a Perpetual Easement for ingress and egress over and across that parcel of land commencing at the Southwest corner of Outlot 80 of said Assessor’s Plat, which point shall be the point of beginning, thence North a distance of 300 feet to the point where said Alley-way intersects Louisiana Street; thence West along said Louisiana Street, a distance of 20 feet; thence South a distance of 300 feet, thence East 20 feet to the point of beginning, in the City of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin. PIN: 281-01073-0000. STREET ADDRESS: 131 N. Madison Street, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin 54024. Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, this 29th day of October, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin Steven J. Swanson No. 1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787 499641
(Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY RURAL AMERICAN BANK, Plaintiff, vs. RICHARD A. HUTTON, Defendant. Case No. 08 CV 783 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on December 29, 2008, in the amount of $53,882.62, I will sell the described premises at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin on: Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., TERMS OF SALE: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. DESCRIPTION: Part of the E1/2 of NE1/4, Section 26-36-17, described as follows: Beginning at a point which is South 50 feet and West 416 feet from the Northeast corner of the NE1/4 of NE1/4, Section 26-36-17, thence South 416 feet; thence West 208 feet; thence South 1,040 feet; thence East 624 feet to the East line of SE1/4 of NE1/4, Section 26-36-17; thence South to the Southeast corner thereof; thence West to the Southwest corner thereof; thence North to a point which is South 456 feet from the Northwest corner of NE1/4 of NE1/4, Section 26-36-17; thence East 416 feet; thence North 208 feet; thence East 208 feet; thence North 208 feet; thence East to the point of beginning. PIN: 036-00600-0100 & 03600610-0000. Town of Luck, Polk County, Wisconsin. STREET ADDRESS: 1312 State Road 48, Luck, WI 54853.
499748 WNAXLP
(Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. KERRY L. LYSDAHL, et al Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 29 AMENDED NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on April 9, 2009, in the amount of $109,736.42 the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 29, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% of successful bid must be paid to Sheriff at sale in cash or by certified check. Balance to be paid upon confirmation PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 4134, recorded June 26, 2003, in Volume 18 of Certified Survey Maps, on Page 164, as Document No. 660373, in the Town of Eureka, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2284 190th St., Centuria, WI 54824. TAX KEY NO.: 02-00279-0120. Dated this 16th day of November 2009. /s/Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (174402)
The Village of Siren will hold their December Board Meeting on Thursday, December 3, at Siren Village Hall. The meeting will begin immediately after the budget hearing, which is scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. An agenda will be posted prior to the meeting. Ann Peterson, Village Clerk/Treasurer 500661 14L
(Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY EAGLE MORTGAGE & LOAN, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. DAWN HOULISTON, et al., Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Case No. 08-CV-500 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale entered in the above-entitled matter, the undersigned Sheriff of Polk County, Wisconsin, will sell at public auction Polk County Justice Center, 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, on January 26, 2010, at 10 a.m., the real estate and mortgaged premises as directed by said judgment to be sold and hereinafter described as follows: The South 20 feet of Lot Fourteen (14), and all of Lot Fifteen (15), Block Twenty-four (24), City of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin. -andAll that part of Government Lot One (1), Section Seven (7), Township Thirty-four (34) North, Range Eighteen (18) West, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Government Lot 1, 850 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof, said point also being the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 366; thence S10˚41’13”E 573.95 feet; thence N89˚23’10”W to the Easterly right-of-way line of the town road known as River Road as the same is now laid out, constructed and traveled; running thence Northwesterly along said right-of-way line of said road to the North line of said Government Lot 1; thence Easterly along the North line of said Government Lot 1 to a point of beginning. Property Address: 308 S. Adams, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024. Terms of sale are cash, unless other arrangements are made prior to sale. Down payment of 10% of the amount bid by cash or certified check with the remainder due upon confirmation of sale. Buyer shall be responsible for all costs of sale, any real estate taxes due and any real estate transfer fee. The property is being conveyed “AS IS.” Dated: Nov. 19, 2009. Timothy G. Moore Polk County Sheriff Drafted by: MAIN STREET LAW OFFICES, LLC 504 Main Street, Suite 200 La Crosse, WI 54601 608-784-1355 This communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
(Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, Plaintiff, Vs. CALVIN C. THOMPSON, and RACHEL E. CARDIN, and CAPITAL ONE BANK USA, Defendants. Case No. 09 CV 371 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-entitled action on June 30, 2009, in the amount of $129,345.24, I will sell the described premises at public auction at the Main Front Entrance of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the Village of Balsam Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin, on: Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009, at 10 o’clock a.m. TERMS OF SALE: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, Plat of Scenic Ridge, Polk County, Wisconsin. PIN: 024-01301-0600 Street Address: 945 187th Street, Dresser, WI 54009 Dated at Balsam Lake, Wis., this 6th day of November, 2009. Timothy G. Moore, Sheriff Polk County, Wisconsin Steven J. Swanson No. 1003029 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 609 105 South Washington Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 715-483-3787 500302 WNAXLP
500533 WNAXLP
500723 WNAXLP
(Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MERLIN I. EVERSON Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 09 PR74 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was July 23, 1925, and date of death was October 12, 2009. The decedent died domiciled in Polk County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of: 475 Golf View Lane, Apt. 213, Amery, WI 54001. All interested persons have waived notice. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before February 22, 2010. Jenell L. Anderson Probate Registrar November 12, 2009 Joseph D. Boles, Attorney 219 N. Main Street P.O. Box 138 River Falls, WI 54022-0138 715-425-7281
Notices/Employment opportunities
Distinctive Floral Co., a Minnesota corporation 4045 Hwy. 101 Plymouth, MN 55446, Bailey Nurseries Inc., a Minnesota corporation 1325 Bailey Road St. Paul, MN 55119, Hermes Floral Co. Inc., a Minnesota corporation 1450 W. Larpenteur Avenue Falcon Heights, MN 55113, Prince Corporation, a Wisconsin corporation 8351 Highway H East Marshfield, WI 54449, Gary E. Nelson 2329 Beede Lake Trail St. Croix Falls, WI 54024-7931, FPC Financial, F.S.B., a federal savings bank P.O. Box 6600 3400 NW 86th Street Des Moines, IA 50306-6660, Tilsner Carton Company, a Minnesota corporation 162 York Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55117, Mitchell Metal Products, a Wisconsin corporation P.O. Box 207 905 S. State Street Merrill, WI 54452-0207 Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development 201 East Washington Avenue, A-300 P.O. Box 7946 Madison, WI 53707-7946, Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered in the aboveentitled action on June 15, 2009, the Sheriff of Polk County, Wisconsin, will sell the following described real property at public auction as follows: TIME/DATE: Dec. 17, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 10% of successful bid must be paid to Sheriff at sale in certified funds, with the balance due and owing on the date of confirmation of the sale by the Court. PLACE: Lobby of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Eleven (11), Timber Ridge II, Town of Osceola, Polk County, Wisconsin (“Property”). (FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: Plaintiff believes that the property address is located in Town of Osceola, Wisconsin) Dated this 27th day of October, 2009. Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County, Wis. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: ANASTASI & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 14985 60th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-2951 DCA/14163 499489 WNAXLP
(Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, AS SERVICER FOR U.S. BANK NA, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF AEGIS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES TRUST MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-4 Plaintiff, Vs FRANK DEMYDOWICH, et al Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 80 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on April 2, 2009, in the amount of $175,286.77 the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: Jan. 6, 2010, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 28, Township 36 North, Range 17 West, Village of Luck, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 4869 filed in Volume 21, Page 196, as Document No. 699681 (Parcel No. 146-481). PROPERTY ADDRESS: 303 1st Street North, Luck, WI 54853. TAX KEY NO.: 146004810000. Dated this 11th day of November 2009 /S/ Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County J. T. Lovett State Bar #1019525 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (177596)
TOWN OF ST. CROIX FALLS Polk County, Wisconsin • www.townofstcroixfalls.org PLAN COMMISSION NOTICE OF HEARING December 9, 2009 The Town of St. Croix Falls Plan Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, at the Town Hall at 1305 200th Street & U.S. Hwy. 8, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. At that time the applicant will inform the Commission of their request. (THE APPLICANT MUST APPEAR AT 6 P.M. WHEN THE COMMISSION CONVENES AT THE TOWN HALL.) Written evidence, testimony or comments, if any, must be delivered in person or by mail to the Town Hall. Woods ‘n Water Taxidermy requests a SPECIAL EXCEPTION for a taxidermy business in the Commercial District. The property address is 1991C U.S. Hwy. 8, St. Croix Falls, WI. The property is located in Section 26; the parcel number is 04400708-0000. Jim Alt, Zoning Administrator 500876 14-15L WNAXLP
NOTICE OF SPRING ELECTION April 6, 2010 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the Village of Frederic, on Tuesday, April 6, 2010, the following officers are to be elected, for a term of two years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms will expire on April 19, 2010. Office Incumbent Village Trustee Kerry Brendel Village Trustee Jamie Worthington Village Trustee Brad Harlander NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a village caucus for the purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the spring election ballot for the above-listed offices will be scheduled during the month of December. The caucus will be held on a date not sooner than January 6, and not later than January 27, 2010. Notice of the scheduled date of the caucus will be given at least five days before the caucus. Done in the Village of Frederic, this 24th day of November, 2009. Kristi Swanson, Village Clerk 500923 14L WNAXLP
MANAGER TRAINEE Great benefits and earning potential. Career opportunities available upon completion of training program. Bachelor’s degree in a business field required. Must be open to relocation. Addl. $2.50 per hour for weekend hours. Apply In Person At:
1285 208th Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 500915 14-15L 4-5a,d
(Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. TESSA M. AUNE and JOHN DOE, unknown spouse of Tessa M. Aune and JANE DOE and/or JOHN DOE, unknown tenants Defendants. Case No. 08-CV-717 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on January 14, 2009, in the amount of $143,156.44, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 6, 2010, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4 NE1/4), Section Eighteen (18), Township Thirty-five (35) North, Range Seventeen (17) West, Village of Milltown, Polk County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 18, Township 35 North, Range 17 West; thence South 486.50 feet; thence West 448 Feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of parcel to be described; thence South 150 feet; thence West 115 Feet; thence North 150 Feet; thence East 115 Feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 210 3rd Avenue, Village of Milltown. TAX KEY NO.: 151-003730000 Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County, WI O’DESS & ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt. 500178 WNAXLP
Plan Committee Meeting Monday, Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. Milltown Fire Hall Virgil Hansen, Clerk
PART-TIME MILKER WANTED on dairy farm. Must be dependable.
Call Sara,
715-648-5717 Leave a message
500988 14L
501016 14Lp 4ap
(Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK, a Minnesota banking corporation Plaintiff, Vs. MICHAEL J. CURTIS; LINDA K. KOUBEK; BULL DOZEN, INC.; SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF MINNESOTA; DISCOVER BANK; U.S. FOODSERVICE, INC.; WISCONSIN BUREAU OF CHILD SUPPORT, Defendants. Case No.: 09-CV-416 Case Code: 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on August 24, 2009, in the amount of $487,746.99, the sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 16, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: Pursuant to said judgment, 10% of the successful bid must be paid to the sheriff at the sale in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds, payable to the clerk of courts (personal checks cannot and will not be accepted). The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds no later than ten days after the court’s confirmation of the sale or else the 10% down payment is forfeited to the plaintiff. The property is sold “as is” and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: In the foyer area of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the City of Balsam Lake, Polk County. DESCRIPTION: LOT ONE (1) OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 4015, RECORDED IN VOLUME 18 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPS ON PAGE 45, AS DOCUMENT NO. 652361, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (SW1/4 OF NOW 1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP THIRTY-FOUR (34) NORTH, RANGE SIXTEEN (16) WEST, TOWN OF APPLE RIVER, POLK COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1361 100th Street, Amery, WI 54001 MURNANE BRANDT Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 E. 7th Street, Suite 3200 St. Paul, MN 55101-4919 Timothy G. Moore Polk County Sheriff Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. 499236 WNAXLP
(Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY CITIBANK, NA as Trustee for WaMu Series 2007-HE2 Trust, Plaintiff, vs. JOSHUA MALEITZKE and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Joshua Maleitzke, and JOHN DOE and/or JANE DOE, UNKNOWN TENANTS, Defendants. Case No. 08-CV-352 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on October 30, 2008, in the amount of $402,529.47, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 6, 2010, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin DESCRIPTION: The Northerly 100 feet of the Southerly 200 feet of that part of Government Lot Six (6) of Section Seventeen (17), and of Government Lot Four (4) of Section Eighteen (18), both in Township Thirty-five (35) North of Range Sixteen (16) West, Polk County, Wis., laying between Bone Lake and the North and South Highway running through said Government Lot 4. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2100 Bone Lake Drive W., Town of Georgetown. TAX KEY NO.: 026-007070000 Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County, WI O’DESS & ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.
If you love libraries and enjoy people, consider part-time work as a library clerk in a friendly, busy library. Responsibilities include circulation desk and general library work. Position is for 9 flexible hours per week, usually afternoons and some Saturdays. High school diploma or equivalent, library experience a plus. Please contact Frederic Public Library, 715-327-4979 or fredericpl@ifls.lib.wi.us for an application, which will be accepted until position is filled. 500444 13-14L
500175 WNAXLP
(Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Case Type: 30404 Case No.: 09-CV-270 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE The RiverBank a Minnesota banking corporation 2183 U.S. Highway 8 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 Plaintiff, vs. St. Croix Floral Company, Inc. a Wisconsin corporation 1257 State Road 35 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024, Bruce E. Nelson 928 235th Street Dresser, WI 54009, Mary L. Nelson 928 235th Street Dresser, WI 54009,
(Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ND Plaintiff, vs. PAM KOOSMANN, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ND, WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY, INC. Defendants. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 09 CV 145 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on August 21, 2009, in the amount of $192,847.09, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 8, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Lobby of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 OF CSM 20-163, MAP NO. 4611, A PART OF THE SW 1/4 -SW 1/4, SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH, RANGE 15 WEST (IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MCKINLEY), POLK COUNTY, WISCONSIN. TAX KEY NO: 038-00537-0100 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2602 10th Street, Cumberland, WI 54829 Gunar J. Blumberg State Bar #1028987 Attorney for Plaintiff 230 W. Monroe Street Suite 1125 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 541-9710 Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 498492 WNAXLP
500367 WNAXLP
THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: ANASTASI & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 14985 60th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-2951 DCA/14163 499468 WNAXLP
Notices/Employment opportunities
HELP WANTED PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR Sheet-Fed 11x17 2 color & 14x20 4 color Also work with paper cutters and various other bindery equipment. Must be able to work without direct supervision and maintain good quality and work flow. 3 - 5 days a week. Benefits include: Vacation, holidays, family/sick leave, 401(K) and profit sharing. No phone calls! Apply in person or send resume to:
500554 13-14r,L 3-4a-e
(Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. LISA K. WOODS, et al Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 185 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on April 22, 2009, in the amount of $150,000.47, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 9, 2009, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Front Entrance to the Polk County Justice Center located at 1005 W. Main St., Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 5244, filed in Volume 23, Page 151, as Document No. 720911, located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 23, Township 37 North, Range 17 West, in the Town of West Sweden, Polk County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3252 140th St., Frederic, WI 54837. TAX KEY NO.: 048-00542-0000. Dated this 2nd day of November, 2009. /s/Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (169644)
(Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY AnchorBank, fsb f/k/a S&C Bank, Plaintiff, vs. John D. Gehrman, Unknown Spouse of John D. Gehrman, NABPCO Auto Parts, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Case No. 09 CV 201 Case Code: 30404 Judge: Robert H. Rasmussen PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 1, 2009, in the amount of $75,989.56, the Polk County Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows. DATE/TIME: December 30, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 10% of successful bid must be paid to the Sheriff at sale in cash or by certified check. Balance due within 10 days of court approval. Purchaser is responsible for payment of all transfer taxes and recording fees. Sale is AS IS in all respects and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Polk County Sheriff’s Office, 1005 West Main St., Suite 900, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. DESCRIPTION: Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Plat of Luck, Village of Luck, Polk County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 603 6th Street, Luck, WI. Timothy G. Moore Polk County Sheriff ECKBERG, LAMMERS, BRIGGS, WOLFF & VIERLING, P.L.L.P. Nicholas J. Vivian (#1047165) Attorney for Plaintiff 1809 Northwestern Avenue Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-2878 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose.
Where the Heart Is… Home Health & Hospice Care ADORAY Home Health & Hospice is a Caring, Empathetic Environment, providing services in Polk, Pierce & St. Croix County. We are searching for
wanting to work weekends and/or on-call evenings & nights with hospice & home health patients. Flexible Scheduling. Pay Differential. We are willing to discuss options that will meet both your needs and our patient’s needs. For more information, contact Mary T. at 715-684-5020. Otherwise send resume or access application at www.adoray.org and mail to: 2231 Hwy. 12, Suite 201, Baldwin, WI 54002
500559 13-14L 3-4d,e
(Nov. 25) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY THE RIVERBANK P.O. BOX 747 ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 54024 Plaintiff(s) -vsHEATHER A. LARSON 429 7TH ST., APT. 2 LUCK, WI 54853 Defendant(s) Small Claims Publication Summons And Notice Case No. 09 SC 1026 Publication Summons and Notice of Filing TO THE PERSON(S) NAMED ABOVE AS DEFENDANT(S): You are being sued by the person(s) named above as Plaintiff(s). A copy of the claim has been sent to you at your address as stated in the caption above. The lawsuit will be heard in the following Small Claims court: Polk County Courthouse. Telephone Number of Clerk of Court: 715-485-9299. Address: 1005 West Main St., Suite 300. City: Balsam Lake. State: WI. Zip: 54810. on the following date and time: Date: Dec. 14, 2009. Time: 1:30 p.m. If you do not attend the hearing, the court may enter a judgment against you in favor of the person(s) suing you. A copy of the claim has been sent to you at your address as stated in the caption above. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. You may have the option to Answer without appearing in court on the court date by filing a written Answer with the clerk of court before the court date. You must send a copy of your Answer to the Plaintiff(s) named above at their address. You may contact the clerk of court at the telephone number above to determine if there are other methods to answer a Small Claims complaint in that county. If you need help in this matter because of a disability, please call 715-485-9299. Plaintiff/Attorney Amber Chapman 715-483-9800 Nov. 19, 2009
499467 WNAXLP
payment is forfeited to the plaintiff. The property is sold “as is” and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: In the foyer area of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 West Main Street, in the City of Balsam Lake, Polk County. DESCRIPTION: Lot 48, Glacier Ridge, Polk County, Wisconsin; (BCI Premises #1) And Lot 2, Glacier Ridge, Polk County, Wisconsin; (BCI Premises #2) And Lot 7, Whispering Waters, A Planned Unit Development, Polk County, Wisconsin; (HBB-Amery Premises #1) Lot 8, Whispering Waters, A Planned Unit Development, Polk County, Wisconsin; (HBB-Amery Premises #2) And Lot 3, Whispering Waters, A Planned Unit Development, Polk County, Wisconsin; (HBB-Amery Premises #3) And Lot 3, Glacier Ridge, Polk County, Wisconsin; (HBB-St. Croix Falls Premises #1) And LOT 47, Glacier Ridge, Polk County, Wisconsin; (HBB-St. Croix Falls Premises #2) AND LOT 49, Glacier Ridge, Polk County, Wisconsin; (HBB-St. Croix Falls Premises #3) PROPERTY ADDRESSES: 1415 Interstate Avenue, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024; 1302 Prairie Lane, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024; 208 Greenview Lane, Amery, WI 54001; 212 Greenview Lane, Amery, WI 54001; 211 Greenview Lane, Amery, WI 54002; 1303 Prairie Lane, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024; 1414 Interstate Avenue, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024; 1416 Interstate Avenue, St. Croix Falls, WI 54024. Timothy G. Moore Polk County Sheriff MURNANE BRANDT Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 E. 7th Street, Suite 3200 St. Paul, MN 55101-4919 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our clients behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. 498767 WNAXLP
(Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2009) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY The RiverBank 304 Cascade Street P.O. Box 188 Osceola, Wisconsin 54020 Plaintiff, vs. Biermann Contracting Inc., 437 Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066 Homes by Biermann Amery, LLC 437 Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066 Homes by Biermann St. Croix Falls, LLC 437 Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066 Mark Biermann 743 Aspen Avenue Red Wing, Minnesota T. Kroll’s Inc. 15125 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Simon Electric Construction Co., 345 St. Croix Avenue New Richmond, WI 54017 Dee-Co Holdings, Inc. f/k/a Bernco Inc., 17877 179th Trail West Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 And Consolidated Lumber Co., 808 North Fourth Street Stillwater, MN 55082, Defendants. Case No.: 09-CV-236 Case Code: 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 26, 2009, in the amounts of (a) $281,263.06, (b) $409,637.68, and (c) $411,467.88, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 2, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: Pursuant to said judgment, 10% of the successful bid must be paid to the sheriff at the sale in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds, payable to the clerk of courts (personal checks cannot and will not be accepted). The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds no later than ten days after the court’s confirmation of the sale or else the 10% down
(Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT POLK COUNTY Case Type: 30404 Case No.: 09-CV-270 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE The RiverBank a Minnesota banking corporation 2183 U.S. Highway 8 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 Plaintiff, vs. St. Croix Floral Company, Inc. a Wisconsin corporation 1257 State Road 35 St. Croix Falls, WI 54024, Bruce E. Nelson 928 235th Street Dresser, WI 54009, Mary L. Nelson 928 235th Street Dresser, WI 54009, Distinctive Floral Co., a Minnesota corporation 4045 Hwy. 101 Plymouth, MN 55446, Bailey Nurseries Inc., a Minnesota corporation 1325 Bailey Road St. Paul, MN 55119, Hermes Floral Co. Inc., a Minnesota corporation 1450 W. Larpenteur Avenue Falcon Heights, MN 55113, Prince Corporation, a Wisconsin corporation 8351 Highway H East Marshfield, WI 54449, Gary E. Nelson 2329 Beede Lake Trail St. Croix Falls, WI 54024-7931, FPC Financial, F.S.B., a federal savings bank P.O. Box 6600 3400 NW 86th Street Des Moines, IA 50306-6660, Tilsner Carton Company, a Minnesota corporation 162 York Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55117, Mitchell Metal Products, a Wisconsin corporation P.O. Box 207 905 S. State Street Merrill, WI 54452-0207 Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development 201 East Washington Avenue, A-300 P.O. Box 7946 Madison, WI 53707-7946, Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered in the aboveentitled action on June 15, 2009, the Sheriff of Polk County, Wisconsin, will sell the following described real property at public auction as follows: TIME/DATE: Dec. 17, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 10% of successful bid must be paid to Sheriff at sale in certified funds, with the balance due and owing on the date of confirmation of the sale by the Court. PLACE: Lobby of the Polk County Justice Center, 1005 W. Main Street, Balsam Lake, WI 54810. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Certified Survey Map No. 3497, recorded in Volume 16 of Certified Survey Maps, page 10, Document No. 619940 (a division of Lot 5 of Certified Survey Map No. 2843), located in part of the Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), Section Five (5), Township Thirty-five (35) North, Range Seventeen (17) West, Town of Milltown, Polk County, Wisconsin (“Property”). (FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: Plaintiff believes that the property address is located in Town of Milltown, Wisconsin) Dated this 27th day of October, 2009. Timothy G. Moore Sheriff of Polk County, Wis.
Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. with dinner being served at 11:30 a.m.
Frederic, Wisconsin Three directors will be elected, reading of the annual report, and such other business transacted as may properly come before the meeting. Janet Oachs, secretary 500831 14-15L
National Community Education Day celebrated at Luck Photos by Mary Stirrat
RIGHT: Dan and Evie Beal displayed a collection of rocks, fossils, minerals and lapidary, giving students a chance to cut into a geode. Third-grader Addie-Mae Musial takes a turn at the saw, assisted by Beal.
LEFT: Luck graduate Nikki Hollingsworth, mother of second-grader Dominic Caroon, demonstrates the art of saw-blade painting.
Nearly two dozen members of Luck and the surrounding community share their talents and interests as part of the annual National Community EducaSecond-graders in Mrs. Bielmeier’s class stop by the Luck Library table to make tion Day at Luck Schools Nov. 18. Among them the Manfred Schonauer of Pipe Dream Center, on the keyboard. Performing with Manfred are Lydia bookmarks. and Jesse Rennicke. Not shown is Steve Vogt on harmonica.
Shopping local at Peggy’s
Shoppers lined up at the cash register in Siren early Friday, Nov. 20, for a special discount sale. Peggy Strabel, owner of Peggy’s Fashion Rack and Gifts, held a special sale (with almost everything in the store at a 40-percent discount) for four hours on the Friday before Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving and the busiest shopping day in the year. Strabel adamantly urges shoppers to check what their local stores have to offer before going out of town for their purchases. RIGHT - Robin Hallanger, Frederic, was one of the early shoppers at Peggy’s Fashion Rack and Gifts, Siren, Friday, Nov. 20. The store opened at 7 a.m., offering a substantial discount on purchases from then until 11 a.m. This was part of the store’s emphasis on shopping locally, a focus not only during the holiday season but throughout the year. — Photos by Nancy Jappe
Hopes Journey/from page 1 horse camp. “Kerry had a desire that his home be filled with love and laughter,” said Sandvig. “He always had a heart for people and wanted to help them,” added another of Lund’s friends, Marian Nelson. Sandvig said before her husband’s death, they talked for some time about creating a place for people to get away and relax. “We wanted to carry on Kerry’s dream.” When another friend of Sandvig, LaRae Willis-Halvorsen, came for a visit and took a tour of Lund’s home, she had a similar idea. “I saw the space and said this would make a great women’s retreat,” said Willis-Halvorsen, who has a background in dance. She and Sandvig then began brainstorming and planning how to make Lund’s home into a retreat and wellness center. Sandvig contacted David Schmidt, another longtime friend who had been appointed as the personal representative of Lund’s estate. “It was immediately clear,” writes Sandvig in the retreat’s information sheet, “we both wanted to create a warm and welcoming Christian-based retreat for people who have been challenged by the emotional and physical effects of cancer as well as other chronic diseases.” Sandvig also writes in Hopes Journey’s information sheet how much she feels Lund would have approved of his home being turned into a retreat and wellness center. “Kerry had a heart for ministry. He would reach out to hurting people. If Kerry were alive, he would be pleased that his home is being used to minister to people, nurture people and help them in their journey.” According to the Hopes Journey information sheet the retreat center’s mission is “to offer comfort, support and a variety of wellness activities in a tranquil, northwoods atmosphere to cancer survivors and other people who have been challenged by major illnesses.” Sandvig says the center is a place where they can put reality on hold for a few days. “Our goal is to give people a safe and neutral place.” The location of Hopes Journey is cer-
The officers and volunteers of the nonprofit retreat center, Hopes Journey, relax by the center’s cozy fireplace during the center’s open house on Saturday, Nov. 14. Shown (L to R) are: Bonnie Linquist, volunteer and massage therapist; LaRae Willis-Halvorsen, secretary and dance-movement instructor; Marian Nelson, volunteer; Tim Bramhall, vice president and Lori Sandvig, president.– Photos by Priscilla Bauer tainly one on a path less taken and that is exactly what the group thinks people in need of nurturing will find appealing. “For years, I’ve watched people who are normally city dwellers come here and get transformed by the healing power of nature. Nature can be a source of solace, healing, insight and regeneration,” Sandvig concludes in her writing on the background of Hopes Journey. Sandvig, who is president of the nonprofit retreat center, says while the group does expect to draw people from the Twin Cities they want local residents to get involved with Hopes Journey, too. The center will offer variety resources and activities for support including yoga, Pilates, dance therapy, arts and crafts, reflection, prayer and mediation, and massage treatments. The center’s wooded setting and close proximity to the St. Croix River makes it ideal for outdoor activities such as canoeing, hiking and cross-country skiing. The group also has plans to add horseback riding in the future. A full opening of the center is planned for June of 2010 and in the interim the group plans to hold weekend retreats for women and couples and possibly some scrapbooking weekends and other events.
The Hopes Journey retreat center is located on six wooded acres in the Governor Knowles State Forest and is adjacent to 40 miles of trails that follow the St. Croix River. The center is south of Grantsburg, approximately 15 miles west on CTH O. - Special photo As the center starts to take shape Sandvig and others in her group feel Lund and Sandvig’s husband are looking down on them and smiling. They hope to soon be putting smiles on those coming for a stay at Hopes Journey. Hopes Journey is located on six wooded acres in Governor Knowles
Massage therapist Bonnie Linquist gives volunteer LaRae WillisHalvorsen a massage during the Hopes Journey open house held on Saturday, Nov. 14.
A large stone fireplace is the center of a gathering area in the Hopes Journey retreat center.
State Forest and is adjacent to 40 miles of trails along the bluffs of the St. Croix River. The retreat center is approximately 10 miles west on CTH O. For more information on the retreat center call: 651-2700549 or go to the Web site: www.hopes-journey.org.
Hopes Journey retreat center offers guests eco-friendly accommodations for up to eight people. The natural log walls, hardwood floors and wood ceilings blend with the center’s natural setting.
Photos by Priscilla Bauer
Currents N
‘Follow the Leader’
News and views from the NW Wisconsin community
An injured eagle leads to spiritual experience by Carl Heidel DANBURY — The legends and lore of our land are filled with stories about the American Eagle. To the Native Americans it is a sacred bird. To Americans in general it is a revered national symbol. As the tales about this bird are spun out, one senses a certain mystical quality to those words. The recitations of human encounters with eagles frequently suggest that the eagle can link this world and the spirit world, and that such encounters always draw people together. This is one of those stories, the story of an injured eagle and what happened when it entered the lives of those who live here. The tale begins last month, Thursday, Oct. 22. It began as a bad day for David Hughes. He remembers the thought that went through his mind as he left home that morning: “Where is God?” Hughes had been unemployed for some time, and not having work was deeply troubling to him. He prides himself on earning his own way, on being self-sufficient, on being a contributing member of society. For him to have to use food pantries, to accept handouts, had been a real blow to his self-esteem. Within minutes of asking his agonized question, he saw the eagle. She was in the middle of Hwy. 35, just north of Danbury, bleeding from her left eye and her head. She had been struck by a passing vehicle. Hughes was encountering something that would change his life. The intake report at the Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota would later read, “Open fractures, head injuries, neurological deficits, dehydration, anemia ... significant weight loss. Fair prognosis.” And then it would add, “Ear injury, ocular disorders ... soft tissue injuries.” “Oh, my Lord, how did this happen?” thought Hughes. For him this was something close to sacrilege. This was the symbol of his country in the middle of the road. Hughes acted quickly. “I treated her like a person,” he later recounted. “I got her off the road and covered her with my sweater.” Then it happened. The eagle looked at him. “She winked at me,” was the way he remembered it. Hughes needed help. He contacted Mary Wicklund, a volunteer who works with Crex Meadows rescuing injured eagles and swans. Wicklund set out immediately, but it would be an hour before she could reach the scene. Hughes needed help right away. So he jumped into his car, floored the accelerator, and raced the 6-1/2 miles to Markville to pick up his old dependable friend, Tracy Erickson. Hughes and Erickson had been friends “from practically forever,” and together they raced back to the eagle. The two of them managed to keep the
Kathy Marlow, twin sister of Kay Kettula, prepares to release “Kay the eagle.” - Photo by Carl Heidel bird safe until Wicklund arrived to take it to the Raptor Center for treatment by its veterinarians. But before Wicklund left, she informed the two men that they would have to give the bird a name. For Erickson it was an easy choice. “Kay,” he said. Life was as painful for Erickson as for his friend Hughes. Two days earlier his friend Kay Kettula lost her fight for life and moved from this universe to the next. She had touched many lives in many communities in this area. There were her children, her significant other, her siblings and her parents. There were her many friends in the Native American community. And there was Erickson. His grief had become part of the grief of that blended community. And so the eagle became “Kay.” Something was beginning to change in Erickson now, and something was stirring in the extended family of friends and loved ones. They couldn’t see Kay
anymore, but they could see the eagle, and somehow Kay the eagle connected sad people to the Kay they had lost. There was a bridge between two worlds that would keep Kay alive among her loved ones. So while the Raptor Center worked to save the eagle and return it to health, it seemed as though the eagle was working to heal the people who had found her. Within days of meeting the eagle, Jack Links in Minong asked Hughes to come in for a job interview. “The Lord works in mysterious ways,” Hughes commented. He had experienced an immense sense of fulfillment from his part in Kay’s rescue, and now he suddenly had the possibility for employment again. He felt sure that the eagle had brought him closer to God. For Erickson the experience was “incredible.” He felt honored to have been included in the rescue effort. As he spoke of it afterwards, he sounded for all the world like someone who had begun
to find healing for grief in an awesome and spiritual experience. The effect of Kay the eagle on the rest of the extended community became fully apparent when the day came to return a healed eagle to her home in the wild. It was Saturday, Nov. 21, just one day shy of a month since Hughes found her. The release was scheduled for 11 a.m. in Greg Johnson’s large open area north of Danbury, near where Kay had been injured. By 10:30 that morning, the field had begun to fill with vehicles and what by now had become “friends of the eagle.” By 10:50 more than 50 people had gathered, and they continued to flow in up to the time of the release. Quite a collection of different skin colors, different ethnic backgrounds, different social and economic standings, different vocations and educations. The eagle had connected the dots and had forged links between all these people. As diverse as they were, they had become one through an eagle named Kay. They were also linked in a common healing. These were the people who had mourned the death of a friend, and now because of the eagle, there was a feeling of comfort and peace that passed among them. And while the crowd gathered on the ground, another kind of gathering had begun high in the air over the field. From the time of the accident until the time of the release, there were continuous reports of eagle sightings over the area where Kay the eagle had been found. All of the sightings reported three eagles, a male and two immature eagles. Those who saw them noted that eagles mate for life, and the speculation was that these were Kay the eagle’s mate and offspring looking for her. Shortly before the release, several spectators saw the trio high above the field, perhaps waiting for Kay’s return. When the moment for the release came, the eagle was given to Kay Kettula’s sister, Marlow, and with a toss, Kay the eagle took flight. With strong wing beats the majestic bird flew low out of the field and into the woods to the west, a healed eagle returned to her home. It was an emotional moment. There was a loud cheer of celebration, and a great deal of applause. But there were also many moist eyes, and here and there a hand wiped away a tear from a cheek. Kay Kettula’s mother, Ruby, seemed to sum up the thoughts and emotions of all who had gathered. “I’m speechless,” she said. “I’m absolutely happy.” She commented that this rescue and release had helped her greatly with her grief. “It was like releasing her (Kay’s)
See Eagle, page 2
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Terry Headley (holding the eagle) and Mary Wicklund (right) were two of the volunteers in the team effort to rescue the eagle. Wicklund was the one who brought the eagle from the scene of the accident to the Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota.
The two who rescued the eagle. David Hughes (L) found the eagle and his friend Tracy Erickson (R) helped keep it safe until help arrived.
Eagle/from page 1 spirit,â&#x20AC;? she said. And thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the story. But what is the story about? Just the story of an injured eagle and the people who helped her to recovery? Or is there more to it? Those who believe in nothing more than coincidence can explain it all away
as a story of chance happenings. It just happened that way. But there are others who can see deep meanings in such experiences. A man who had his doubts about God, a man who grieved the death of a friend, a community in its sorrow.
An eagle linked all of them into a supporting community. An eagle created a sacred space. An eagle brought healing and hope and peace to people in their brokenness. So for people who see this way, there is no such thing as coincidence. This has
been something spiritual. This is the story of an injured eagle who made an opening between two worlds so that something sacred could enter this human existence.
The moment of release comes for the eagle on her return to the wilderness.
We have liftoff! With one last shove from Kathy Marlow, the eagle begins her ascent on her return home. Photo by Mary Wicklund
Photos by Carl Heidel unless otherwise indicated
RIGHT: Spectators watch as Kay the eagle soars above the treetops. Photo by Mary Wicklund
Santa is coming to Webster on Saturday, Dec. 12 WEBSTER - The Webster Area Chamber of Commerce has planned a fun day for the whole family starting when Santa arrives at the Webster Community Center for a visit from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children (in grades K-4) can give Santa their wish lists, have a photo taken with the jolly old fellow and participate in a coloring contest. Each child will also receive a free treat bag full of sweets and surprises. Vendors will be selling holiday gift items in the community center so parents and adults can shop while the kids are having fun. Look for local business holiday open houses and in-store holiday sales. Enjoy a hot dog or bowl of homemade chili with all the fixing’s being sold at the community center by chamber members starting at 11:30 a.m. until gone. Outside on Main Street, you can hop aboard a horsedrawn sleigh or wagon for a ride around the town. Starting at 3 p.m. come to the races at the west end of Main Street! First up is the third-annual snowblower race down Main Street. Watch as the fastest snowblower operators in and around Webster race down the street. We are looking for a few good snowblowers and their owners to participate so come on down to win an award and prize. New to Santa Day this year are the sawing races. See who is the fastest in a chain-sawing competition. Anyone interested in competing just bring your saw and come to the end of Main Street. The competition begins at 3:30 p.m. Prizes to the winners! As evening comes so does the music! Webster High School choir members “a-caroling will go” to businesses on Main Street from 4 to 5 p.m. Webster High School band members will perform traditional Christmas music at 5 p.m., just before the tree lighting ceremony at the west end of Main Street. At 5 p.m., the winner of the chamber’s 50/50 holiday cash drawing will be announced, followed by the traditional tree lighting by the Webster Area Citizen of the Year. Tickets for the 50/50 holiday cash drawing are on sale at Webster area businesses. (Proceeds will be used to help fund the Santa Day events). Ticket holders can also win door prizes. Winners need not be present to win 50/50 cash but must be present to win door prizes. Santa Day activities are free and open to the public. Santa Day is organized and sponsored by the Webster Area Chamber of Commerce. For additional information, call Priscilla at 715-222-2195, Tim at 715-349-7499 or visit www.websterwisconsin.com for a complete listing of all the Webster Santa Day activities. - submitted
Happy Thanksgiving by Gladys Frokjer My husband and I were expecting my sister and her family from St. Paul to be at our house for Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey was in the oven and we were busy preparing the other goodies that the family liked on this special day. We were looking forward to their coming so when she called and said the weather was so bad they had decided not to come, we were disappointed. It was snowing hard and drifting, and we could understand their decision. But what would we do with all that food? It wasn’t long before a neighbor called. When she found out we were going to be alone, she invited us to her house. We decided to pool our food and have Thanksgiving together. Then the phone rang again. It was a friend who was going to pick up her daughter and grandson in Eau Claire and bring them home for Thanksgiving
Northwest Regional Writers The Northwest Regional Writers meet at 1 p.m. the second Friday of the month either in Frederic or Grantsburg. Call Mary Jacobson at 715-349-2761 for more information about the organization.
puppy paws. I stand perfectly still in the is hard to know what to do with woods on a carpet of fallen wet leaves. Thanksgiving. I stand alone in the woods and listen to On one hand, it seems almost unnecesmy breath. Nothing I do or say will bring sary. Thankfulness is a habit, we are told, back time that is gone. Nothing will retrieve that we need to master daily. I know that I the walks I did not take or the afternoons I have been given so much more than most let pass unnoticed. Nothing I have worked of the world. I know that I hold the key to for or achieved will ever allow me the my own contentment. I know that happichance to live in this moment— now— ness is not outside me, but that I will only more fully or with more gratitude. be happy when I appreciate what I already Today, at Thanksgiving dinner, there will have within. be fresh bread and sweet potatoes and a But still, on this day when the autumn no turkey and at least four different kinds of longer grants us a reprieve, when the expecpie. We will all eat more than we need to tation of winter is too close to be ignored, and feel a little too full. Then we will have a we gather together to give thanks for a harcup of coffee and another piece of pie. It is vest that most of us had no hand in growing Letters from Thanksgiving, after all. and enjoy a bounty that, for nearly all, was But before we eat, we will join hands and never really in doubt. say the blessing. We used to just fold our And yet, we are a nation of want. hands, (we are a Scandinavian family) but We want time. We want peace. We want nowadays, especially at Thanksgiving or when the to rest. We want an end to the days of busyness. We family is together, we will join hands. And my whole want an end to loneliness. We want to stop the worry, to slow the passage of time, to take back things we little nephew Beau will hold his grandpa’s hand, and said or did, to return to times that were less complex I will hold my sister’s and we will say thanks before we eat. and a world that seemed less threatening. And it is in that moment, I think, when we stand in We want the time to be still. We want to hear the wind rattle the leaves that remain on the trees, and a circle, holding onto one another’s hands, that I will watch geese in formation as they fly overhead. We have my Thanksgiving. We will have time, before the want time to play with our children, our nieces, sweet potatoes and the four kinds of pie. We will nephews, and grandchildren while they are still have time, before the dishes are washed and coffee young. We want time to hear the stories of our par- is cooked. We will have time, in that moment. We will be together, holding onto each others’ ents, our aunts, uncles, and grandparents while they hands and, in that moment, we will have all the time are still here with us to tell them. we need. This Thanksgiving I am with my family in the Happy Thanksgiving. north woods. I take a walk with Milo through the Till next time, evergreens and nearly naked birch. Milo runs off – Carrie ahead of me, delighted to be off leash, a thunder of
Carrie Classon
WPCA Radio 95.7 FM presents Christmas with the Troops AMERY - WPCA Radio 95.7 FM in Amery will hold a first-of-its kind Christmas with the Troops celebration. On Saturday, Dec. 19, at 9 a.m. WPCA Radio will open its doors for a community celebration and allow family members and friends of troops serving the country to come into the radio station and put their holiday wishes for their loved ones on the air. That means if a person has someone serving in Iraq, they can come in and talk to that person on the radio and wish them a Merry Christmas! The way the military will be able to hear the message is by utilizing the Listen Now option that WPCA Radio has available on their Web site, www.wpcaradio.org. WPCA staff has been in contact with a division that is currently serving in Iraq and is hoping that those family members will make the trip to the station to
Writer’s Corner dinner. Because of the weather, she was not sure how long this would take, so asked if we would go to her house and take the turkey out of her oven at about 4 o’clock. The devil must have been hovering near because I could sense him suggesting that we should play a trick on her. I remembered a Cornish hen in our freezer! We went to the neighbors’ house in the snowstorm and enjoyed a delectable dinner with all our food. We visited awhile until shortly before time to do the turkey errand. But first we went home, took the Cornish hen from our freezer, and we were on our way. When we reached her house, a short distance away, we took her well-done turkey from her oven and replaced it with the lonely little frozen Cornish hen. We hid the big turkey out of sight
Christmas story submissions Please submit any Christmas stories by Dec. 7.
voice all their holiday wishes for their loved ones. Also during the celebration, Miss Amery Lauren Saleh and WPCA Radio staff member Eric Lee will play live piano Christmas tunes to entertain those listening and those in attendance. Veterans services officer Rick Gates will also deliver holiday wishes to the troops. WPCA Radio would like to invite anyone who has family serving anywhere to come on down to the station that day. WPCA wishes to bring the troops a taste of home for the holidays and what better way than on the radio from their home town or county. There will be Christmas cookies and refreshments available to celebrate the day for all those who come to participate. Call 715-268-9722 for more details. - with submitted information
in a back room and we returned home. When my friend and her daughter and grandson, hungry and weary from driving through the storm, arrived at her house, her grandson ran to the kitchen stove and opened the oven door to view the turkey. His face fell as he cried, “Grandma, they shrunk the turkey.” On viewing the bird, Grandma knew immediately what had happened and they all laughed as they searched for the real turkey. She told me that on every succeeding Thanksgiving she thought of the little turkey and had a good laugh.
My first day at school by Kathryn Weis All scrubbed clean, so fresh and new, of summers fun and skies of blue, to greet this day I’ve dreaded so, the first day of school. I hope my teacher’s good and kind, not like the one I left behind, stirring every rule. I hope she’ll have a friendly smile, and maybe even talk awhile, that would be nice too. My hair‘s a mess, two hours till recess,
I’ll try to make it through. The class has begun, here comes the fun, of guess, guess, guess, who’s smartest, me or you. I’ll muddle through this day somehow, and maybe even take a bow, for something brilliant I can do, that’s wishful thinking too. I’ve met a friend I like a lot, she seems to know my every thought, it helps to share this anxious spot, with someone just like you. We’ll make a plan and ditch this clan, at 3:30 sharp; who cares who’s smart, it’s not so bad, I’ve met a friend, and I am glad it’s you!
PoCo Penners The PoCo Penners meet the second Friday of the month at 2 p.m. in the Conference room, next to the restroom, in the Justice Center in Balsam Lake. Contact Brenda Mayer at 715485-3571 or Iris Holm 715-294-3174 for more information.
Submissions should be typed, double-spaced on one side only of 8 -1/2 x 11 white paper, leaving a minimum of 1-inch margins all around. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. Submissions should be no more than 800 words. Submissions may be delivered to The Leader’s offices in Frederic or Siren, mailed to Box 490, Frederic, WI 54837 or e-mailed to the-leader@centurytel.net. We prefer e-mailed copy. If hand-delivered or mailed, please write "Writers’ Corner" somewhere on the front of the envelope. If e-mailed, please use "Writers’ Corner" as the subject and include the submission as body text of the e-mail. No attachments, please. Your submission to Writers’ Corner grants The Leader one-time rights to publish the item in the weekly newspaper. The author retains the copyright and all future publication rights. The Leader may edit submissions for grammar and punctuation, clarity and length. If you have any questions about this feature, please contact us at the-leader@centurytel.net or call 715-327-4236. - Editor
Collected by
Russ Hanson
River Road
Ramblings Trade Lake excursion boats by Stanley Selin Gasoline-powered launch boats were used on Big Trade Lake and Long Trade Lake to give rides during special celebrations in the early 1900s. The launches were 24 feet long with passenger benches on both sides. The gasoline engine was equipped with a 750-pound flywheel on the propeller shaft which helped make a smoother ride. The cost of a ride was 15 cents per person and they were especially popular during the yearly Fourth of July celebrations. One launch was owned by Willie Gabrielson, Alfred Swerkstrom and John Holm. The last ride took place in 1916 (the United States entered World War I in 1917). The following program was given at Central Park on Big Trade Lake to celebrate Independence Day in 1912: Music by Trade Lake Cornet Band Declaration of Independence read by August Dahlberg Speech by the Rev. A. Anderson Music by Orchestra
A gasoline-powered excursion launch on Long Lake in Atlas. – Photos from Selin collection Song by Quartette Music by Trade Lake Cornet Band Dinner Served Music by Trade Lake Cornet Band Song by Quartette Speech by A. P. Nelson of Grantsburg Music by Trade Lake Cornet Band Music by Orchestra Declamation Music by Trade Lake Cornet Band Races at 2:30 p.m. Baseball game at 3:30 p.m. between Grantsburg and Frederic (played on the east side of the road).
View of the passengers from the front. The launch is all decked out with flags for the Independence Day celebration in 1914. An ad in the Burnett County Sentinel telling about the 1909 Fourth of July celebration at Central Park on Big Trade Lake. It says two gasoline launches will be in operation.
View of a launch with a full passenger load out for a ride on Big Trade Lake on July 4, 1914.
The Trade Lake Cornet Band shown in front of the pavilion in Central Park.
Launch docked by the shore. Alfred Swerkstrom of Atlas is standing at the far left.
Russ’ kneecap can be seen upper right. The bone below is extensively supported and tied together with metal pieces and screws along with some cadaver bone graft segments. The area between the two bones was extensively rebuilt too. Dr. Sems, who is the primary “really mucked up knee” surgeon at Mayo, was quite proud of his reconstruction job. “Should heal up fine!” Russ’ career and insurance is with Mayo, so he managed to get ambulanced from Cushing on down so he could stay “in network.” You can reach him at riverroadrambler@gmail.com or 507356-8877 or 15397 Co. 27 Blvd., Pine Island, MN 55963 where he and Margo have hunkered down for the winter.
Russ managed to get some grainy prints of X-rays of his knee to share with RRR readers. The whiter parts are metal plates/cups and screws. The lower knee bone was fractured many places, so a metal sort of cup was placed on one side and screwed through the bone to keep bone in place while healing. The Rambler is being well treated at home with son Scott and wife Margo catering to his every need. – Photos from Mayo Clinic.
Giving thanks on Thanksgiving We thank you, Lord, for this very impressive American holiday. Not turkey day, but thankyou day. For blessings that come our way, For a long, beautiful fall, For an abundant harvest of vegetables from our gardens, Apples from our orchards, Firewood from our woods, Our very land.
Behind the Signpost
We thank you for work to do, For warm, comfortable homes, For family members and friends, Enough to eat, A good roof overhead, books to read, Good memories. A church in our little town, A church family to call our own. Interesting church projects, Inspirations, too. Saving grace, Life here in northern Wisconsin. All the amenities, Fishing, swimming, hiking, Picnics in the park, Hunting, skiing, skating, Four seasons of the year. Being an American. Brave men and women, Willing to fight for peace, In far-off lands. Elected officials to lead us, Checks and balances, To do their best to serve, We choose, elect, reject, Aiming for right decisions. Give us thankful hearts, For our beautiful USA, For democracy, Sound investments, Hope and future security, For all good things. We gather together To count the Lord’s blessings. And thank him, always.
Holy e-mail One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So he called one of his angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time. When he returned, he told God, “Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95 percent are misbehaving and only 5 percent are not. God thought for a moment and said, “Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion.” So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When the angel returned he went to God and said, “Yes, it’s true. The Earth is in decline; 95 percent are misbehaving, but 5 percent are being good.” God was not pleased, so he decided to e-mail the 5 percent that were good, because he wanted to encourage them and give them a little something to help them keep going. Do you know what the e-mail said?
OK, I was just wondering, ‘cause I didn’t get one either.
Do you remember ?
Ten tips for staying young Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why we consult them. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Enjoy simple things. When the children are young, that is all that you can afford. When they are in college, that is all that you can afford. When you are on retirement, that is all that you can afford! Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. Laugh so much that you can be tracked in the store by your distinctive laughter. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life is ourselves. Be alive while you are alive; don’t put out a mailbox on the highway of death and just wait in residence for your mail. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. Cherish your health. If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. Don’t take guilt trips. Go to the mall, the next county, a foreign country, but not to guilt country. Tell people you love that you love them at every opportunity. And always remember … life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. – Polk County Senior Voices 2002
Compiled by Bernice Abrahamzon
Whispering Pines United Methodist Camp I don’t know how united we are in our feelings about closing the camp on Spirit Lake, but some of us are sad. We consider it a loss, but the decision is made to sell it. There are questions, of course, what will happen to the Fred Brancel Center building constructed as an Eagle Scout project? Beautifully constructed. Could it be moved, or dismantled and rebuilt in a nearby park? Will some of the amenities be moved to other United Methodist camps? Boats, outdoor chairs, banners, paintings? Some items are too good to be junked. I assume a piece of property can be de-sanctified, no longer a religious place to worship, but if you’ve seen the sunlight filtering through the trees and felt a gentle breeze, the place is forever holy to us and to our God. A friend and I said our goodbyes early this past summer. We sat in chairs around the firepit, and feasted our eyes on the trees, the lake, the curve of the land. It had been judiciously developed. Changes are inevitable. Land will be cleared and trees will be sacrificed. Development will follow. Sacred places are disappearing as progress moves in. I am told, “Bernice, let it go.” I am trying, but the lump in my throat is pretty big. Let’s hope that wiser heads than mine will see that covenants are being put in place, to save what it is that makes Whispering Pines beautiful. So be it. Until next week, Bernice
Choral Vespers part of Taylors Falls Lighting Festival TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – The Taylors Falls Lighting Festival will host Choral Vespers at the l861 United Methodist Church, 4:30 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 28. The public is invited to this ecumenical service. Vespers has become a community tradition, now in its 18th year. Come to sing familiar carols and hear selections by a communitywide chorus under the direction of Marty Harding and accompanied by Pat Remer. The Methodist church is located at 290 W. Government St. in the Angel Hill Historic District next to the 1855 Folsom House Museum, which is open for Christmas tours until 7 p.m. that evening. The 1861 New
England-type church building, decorated for the Christmas season, makes a beautiful setting for this service. A freewill offering will be taken. Before and following vespers, in the lower level of the church, there is an international bazaar of SERRV items, baked goodies, sloppy joes and hot dogs. Coffee is complimentary. Many more Lighting Festival events take place Friday through Sunday, Nov. 27 - 29. Festival schedules are available from Taylors Falls shops and restaurants, at www.fallschamber.org or find it on Facebook. - submitted
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50 Years Ago The Frederic Senior Class presented the play “The Defiance of David Charles.” The play cast included Ronald Lindblad, Larry Tietz, Larry Swanberg, Donald Moses, Michael Weiser, Betty Camplin, Marlene Teske, Janice Graf, Margaret Schommer, Kenneth Rich, Fred Route, Roselle Aubert, Kay Nichols, Diane Wikstrom and Carol Jesse. Between acts Donald Callaway played accordion and a girls trio composed of Karen Engen, Sharon Gjonnes and Janice Graf sang. The play director was Donald Riedasch.Wisconsin jobless payments totaled $1,583,700 in October.- There were 404 students who had audiometer tests at the Frederic School.-No hunting or no trespassing signs at the Leader office were 10 cents each or six for 50¢.-Rudell Motor Co., Frederic, sold reconditioned A-1 used cars and trucks including a 1955 Buick, a 1955 Plymouth, a 1954 Lincoln, 1951 Nash, 1951 Willys 4-wheel-drive pickup, etc.-Specials at Route’s Super Market, Frederic included Swedish potato sausage at 49¢/lb., bananas at 2 lbs. for 29¢, oranges at 2 lbs. for 59¢ and assorted candy bars at 24 bars for 95¢.-Prices for processing venison at Cushing Co-op Lockers included 5¢/lb., 2¢/lb. grinding and $1.50 for skinning.-“South Pacific” was playing at the D’Lux Theatre, Luck.
40 Years Ago Specials at the Frederic Co-op Food Market included Tom turkeys for Christmas at 39¢/lb., ham at 89¢/lb., apples at 1/3 bu. at $1.69, navel oranges at 10 for 99¢, lettuce at 19¢/head and bacon at 79¢/lb.Obituaries included Chester Magnus and Mrs. Art Petersen.-Advotech planned to offer a child dare class at Webster.-The Burnett Board of Supervisors requested a permit for new dam.-A wedding dance was set for Dec. 20, at Indian Creek, given by Irene Erickson and William Mattson.-District taxpayers charges were brought against the Frederic School Board with misconduct in office.-The book “The World of the Red Fox” was received and available at the Frederic Library.-Pastor Bervia Scott was serving Methodist churches in Lewis, Siren and Grantsburg.Pastor Reinhart Pedersen served Clam Falls Lutheran and Zion Lutheran Church of Bone Lake.Gustafson’s was pushing peppermint-candy ice cream as a Christmas treat.-Pheasant Inn, Siren, would be closed for two weeks starting Dec. 15.Christmas specials at Anderson’s Store, Siren, included panty hose at 99¢, woven rugs at $1.39, ladies dresses at $3.98 and up and nylon-quilted jackets at $19.95.-Olsen & Son Drugstore, Frederic, had Kodak Instamatic cameras on sale for $18.88 and Veg-OMatic appliances at $7.77. Also gift certificates, Fanny Farmer candy, billfolds, wallets, Zenith radios, cosmetics, etc.
20 Years Ago Please do not cut pages out of our bound volumes. You are destroying bits of history. Either copy it on separate paper or ask someone to make a copy on the copy machine.-The wedding of Colleen Murphy and Jim Cancroft on Sept. 3, was reviewed in this newspaper in late October. It always takes time for wedding photos to be available.-Luck Village was preparing its budget.-Possible Siren utility extensions were being studied.-A countywide groundwater study was proposed in Burnett County.-Burnett Dairy feed mill draws 1,500 visitors for open house.Polk County Board tabled decision on treaty litigation.-Marie Taylor became an American citizen. She was a native of the Philipines and came to America and she and Kevin Taylor were married for almost five years.-A gift of $2,000 was received by the Scholarship Foundation from Wedum Foundation.-Bert Hopkins, University of Connecticut law professor, died at age of 86 years.-Other obituaries included Roy Gordon, Agnes Hunt, Rex Johnson, Burl Dwyer and Andrew Petersen.-Henry and Gert Winberg of Frederic observed their 50th wedding anniversary with open house at the Frederic Senior Center. It was also Gert’s 84th birthday.-The Laketown Dump closed.-Webster residents were hoping for good news on sewage plant.-A sale of land for delinquent taxes brought in $80,950 in Burnett County.-A holiday fair was held at Siren High School on Oct. 28.
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Hi, everybody! Blacky here from Humane Society of Burnett County. I guess there’s a big deal involving turkeys this week, so I was asked to get my article in early. If you read my column with any regularity, you know I scratch my ears wondering what I am going to tell you for news when I feel like I just told you all I know! This dog’s mind isn’t that quick, unless it’s to do with tree rats, and even then....oh, forget it. On the plus side, the week after a holiday I can virtually open the spigot on shelter news. I do have one important thing to ask of you, and, please, tell all your friends. Our shelter is trying to raise some money via a contest being held through Care2. They are an organization that dedicates itself to helping causes like ours. We are trying to win the grand prize award of $10,000 for our shelter, but we have some stiff competition. Not that we are any less important, or caring, or efficient. Let me explain: A lot of shelters are in busier areas where they have more people and computers and dogs and cats and friends, and, and ... and so they get more votes. I would love it if a tiny shelter like ours could get enough votes to enable
us to win this money that we really need. I’m biting my nails, which is probably good since I won’t let anyone trim them, so please jump on your magic box and go to the shelter’s Web site and vote. It’s easy! On the shelter’s home page, just scroll to the bottom and click on the “click me” box, and it’ll take you where you need to go. (Our Web address is always at the YAPpenings end of my column, right after my farewell.) You can even leave a comment or two, if you so desire, as long as you don’t say that Blacky is a big doofus hack. I’m kidding. You can say whatever you want about me. Just vote, please. Also, if you are a fan of shopping for stuff online, there’s another way you can help my shelter pals. If you head over to www.goodsearch.com, you can buy things
Blacky Shelter
and have a portion of your dollars go to the shelter! That’s p r e t t y c o o l . There are so many stores affiliated with goodsearch that I couldn’t even get through the whole list! I did notice there was one called 39-dollar glasses, which would come in handy if the Waggin’ Wagon happened to accidently run over your eyeglasses at the vet’s office. I will save that story for another time. Ha! Anyway, every little bit helps my friends, so if you’re going to do any holiday shopping online, why don’t you try out goodsearch? Do it for me, and my buddies at the shelter. They need you. I have one new friend to tell you about beMaggie Sue is a young fore I go. Lab/retriever mix who was found along Cranberry Marsh Road in the Hertel area.
320-242-3933 President Fran Levings gave a report on the health bill that was passed by the House of Representatives at the meeting of the East Pine County Wanderers last week. Mary and Frank Schaaf brought the birthday cake and door prize. Fran won the prize, a tin of Belgian treats. The November birthdays were Shirley Blokzyl and Sandi Drake. The craft and bake sale held by the Dorcas Circle of Zion Lutheran Church was a big success. The group will decide at their December meeting the charity that proceeds will be donated to. Darlene Merimonti and Evelyn Johnson
had a wonderful four days in Las Vegas recently. They stayed at the Fremont Hotel and Cheryl Wickham, who was visiting her son in Vegas, came over to have lunch with them one day. When Mike Lilly came up to do some chores for his mom Clara awhile back, he took her to Wayne’s Supermarket in Danbury and then to lunch at the Log Cabin Café. Mary and Frank Schaaf had lunch with his nephew Marty and his wife Jill at the Grand Casino on Sunday. Jill, incidentally, is a former student of Fran Levings. On another day, the Schaafs visited Lois at the care center in
Grantsburg. Tuesday had them in St. Cloud, Minn., with Frank’s sister Marie and Gene Stardick, St. Stephen, his brother Ed, Dassel and Gina Schaaf, Kingston, Minn. Leon Berg went deer hunting in Eagle Bend with his brother Denny and shot an 8point buck this year. Awhile before that, Denny and his family had come to the Berg home with their camper and spent time in their yard. They had a lot to catch up on. Pam Berg attended the conference of the Federation on Spinners and Weavers at the Mt. Carmel Bible Camp in Alexandria in October. She had a wonderful time.
Siren Senior Center The senior monthly meeting was held Nov. 17, with 23 people attending. The group discussed and finalized details for the ham dinner and the annual Thanksgiving dinner. It was decided that we would decorate the center for the Christmas holidays on Tuesday, Dec. 1, beginning at 9 a.m. This is a big job and it would be nice for a change if we had more people that could volunteer a few hours of their time so we can make a big job easier in a short time. Don Oltman and Jeff Larson have done their part by repairing and replacing the outdoor lights, which, by the way, look very impressive at night from the highway. If you are thinking the standard excuse that your not very good at decorating, there are lots of other little things that have to
be done that take very little brainpower and a not a whole lot of muscle. Come and have a cup of coffee and some Christmas cookies. After our decorations are up we will bring the new Christmas cards out of storage and again offer them free for the taking. We have recycled our Christmas cards for several years and found that so few were sold that it wasn’t worth the time and effort that was put into them, so the cards that you have donated have gone to several other sources that are making good use of them. The cards that people have donated that have never been written on have been put aside and these we will happily provide to anyone in need of some Christmas cards. The H1N1 flu vaccine is available at the
349-2964 Not too much hunting activity going on out in bear country during the opening weekend of deer season. The only thing seen the first weekend from husband Art’s stand so far were several tree rats that seemed to persist in giving him the business for being out in their area of the woods. Some of the hunters I have talked to seem to feel that if there were some snow on the ground it might be a much better season. However, as I have said before, there just doesn’t seem to be the deer in our area as there has been in years past. If we are not careful and continue to over hunt, we just might not have any to hunt at all. Ho, ho, ho, Santa will be in Siren on Satur-
day, Dec. 5, at the Siren Schools Commons from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. So bring the kids in to see Santa and enjoy a free hot dog lunch and receive a free gift bag. If you wish to have your kids pictures taken with Santa this year you need to bring your own cameras, as photos will not be provided this year. Our own Siren Lionesses puts on this event. The Siren Lionesses had their November monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at the Siren Senior Center. This month's lunch was served by Judy Roe and Bev Beckmark. The annual hunters ham dinner at the Art Beckmark’s was held Saturday evening, Nov. 21, as usual. Those who were present were
FIREWOOD Mixed Hardwoods
government center. To make an appointment or if you are in need of information call 715349-7600, ext. 1251. Seasonal flu shots will be available around the first part of December and for further information on that vaccine you may also call the above number. Sorry to say we missed Shirley Holmes, former manager of the kitchen, last Wednesday. She was kind enough to come and join Don Oltman in a game of cribbage. Shirley has a new enterprise making and selling her fry bread and as soon as we find out where she is located we will let you know so we can all hightail it to wherever to purchase some goodies. As the weather has been holding out we have been fortunate to have good attendance
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She is about 1-1/2 years old and is black with longish hair. This poor thing came in loaded with ticks and is also now being treated for worms. Parasites are no fun. Puppies are fun, though, and this week I have a couple of photos to share with you. There are too many pups at the shelter for me to show them all to you, so I’m just picking out one apiece from the two litters we have right now. Aren’t they adorable? You can come and visit them, you know, and all of my other furry pals. Take care, everyone, and I’ll see you here next week. HSBC is saving lives, one at a time.
Fran Levings Brian Mishler shot an 8-point buck also and Sally, his brother Jason’s wife, brought down a spike buck. Long-ago former Cloverton resident George Nelson had open-heart surgery recently and is doing well. Plans are under way for the all-community Christmas party, which will be held on Dec. 12, at the Cloverton Town Hall. It will be a potluck event and people are asked to bring two to four inexpensive prizes. Please wrap the prizes and label them child or adult. The fun begins at 5 p.m.
Barb Munger at our Dime Bingo, 500 and Spade games. Cribbage not so hot, still waiting for that activity to come to life. Remember we play Dime Bingo on Tuesday, Cribbage on Wednesday morning, 500 Wednesday afternoon and Spades on Friday. Everyone is welcome to come and join us. The center is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. If you have any questions regarding activities at the center please call 715-349-7810. Questions and information about the nutrition program will be handled at 715-349-2845. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Bev Beckmark
Mike and Gidget Bell and daughter Abbie, Grandma Sue Bell and Gidget’s niece Allison Wettig, all of Bay Port, Minn., brothers Steve Bielke, of the Twin Cities area, and Fred Bielke, of the Pine City, Minn., area. The Bielke brothers enjoyed a more successful hunt opening day than Art did and couldn’t help digging him just a bit. Andy Wethern and wife Char welcomed a baby boy born on Thursday, Nov. 19, at the Wyoming, Minn., hospital. No name was known at the time of this column. Andy is the son of the Grandmas group’s only deceased member, Ila Mae Wethern. So another little
one is added to the Grandmas group’s growing list of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Don’t forget if you are alone and wish to enjoy a great Thanksgiving meal with no cooking come to the Siren Senior Center Thanksgiving day from noon to 2 p.m. This meal is free to all and is put on by the Siren, Webster and Danbury communities. Congratulations to elementary student Zach Doriott and high-schooler Mackenzie Erickson for being chosen Siren Schools students of the week.
St. Croix Valley Senior Center by Ione White
Ah, a new reporter this week. Haven’t we had wonderful weather? Tuesday we had 26 for 500 cards and six for Dominoes. Winners for cards were Marian Edler, Shirley Sims, Elaine Edlund, Norma Lundgren and Laurie Lambert. Winners at Dominoes were Martha Lundstrom, George Meixner and Gladys Weikert. On Wednesday we had our annual holiday Christmas Tea with 16 in attendance. Wayne Greenley played several songs for us on his harmonica. Following lunch the ladies had an opportunity to pick from donated clothing and
keepsake Christmas ornaments. Leone Montgomery won the door prize. Thursday 500 winners were: Brennel Ward in first place, Bob Norlander and Roger Greenlly tied for second place and third place went to Ray Nelson. Beryl Hard, Bingo coverall winner, won a holiday ham. We are open daily, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Come in for games, coffee, treats and visiting. Closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. Good luck and safe wishes to our hunters and travelers. Our building is available for rentals. Call Joyce at 715-483-3466.
Follow the Leader
TOWN TALK/COUNTRY CHATTER Anyone for a car ride? Chase loves to ride in the car. He enjoys the sights and the anticipation of what is around the next bend. This love affair with the automobile began as a puppy and has only become more revered at the ripe old age of 10. His loves to co-pilot in the passenger seat. What could be better? Chase is a purebred neutered male shih tzu with a white-and-tan coat. He is the perfect dog for a senior citizen. He is housetrained and needs assistance to get up on the couch, the indoor version of the passen-
Arnell Humane Society Happy Tails
ger seat. Chase is spunky and enjoys the pleasures of a walk in the sunshine with the breeze on his face. He has years of love to give in a new home. Adoptions were steady last week; not fast and furious, but ongoing. We are thankful for
each and every potential adopter that comes through the door. Our animals have to do the rest and they are up to the task. Still available are three yellow Lab mixes, all males; Dallas, Chewie and Freckles. Freckles has red heeler genealogy and the energy to prove it. Dallas is a confident gentleman with a handsome face and soft brown eyes. Chewie wants to be a lap dog with lots of kids to cuddle with. New faces in the dog kennel are Mabel, the 2-year-old cairn/Jack Russell terrier mix female and Hootie, a sensitive black-andwhite male springer spaniel and Maya, a dalmatian/Border collie mix. Meisha and Murray, both middle-aged Labs, are also waiting patiently. Every kennel in the cat adoption room is full. Young kittens and handsome adults are cohabiting, each with something different to
Lewis Sympathy is extended to the family of Darlene Jensen of Luck, especially to her husband, Harry. Darlene was diagnosed with acute leukemia at a city hospital and passed away within a few days. She was a member of the Frederic Scrabble Club and her death was a shock to them. She had worked at the Luck Post Office and was a former proofreader at the Leader. Word has also come of the death of Gary Gjonnes, and sympathy is also extended to his family. Doris Pederson spent several days in the
hospital but is now back home at the Frederic Care Center. Take care. Special Thanksgiving greetings to Doris, Emma Jensen and all the residents and workers at the above care center. Very few in church on Sunday. Guess some faithful ones were worshiping in the woods that day. Sheila Staples and Rick Abrahamzon attended a poultry/pigeon show at New Ulm, Minn., on Saturday, at the fairgrounds. It’s a German-style town with a fabulous Glockenspiel to mark the hours, good sausage, won-
Bernice Abrahamzon
derful baked goods and chocolate. Very unique community. The Christmas party of the Northwest Regional Writers will be held the second Friday in December, at the Asian restaurant in Grantsburg. The assignment is to write a short Christmas story to share by reading aloud. Order off menu. Grandchildren Ethan and Emmy were weekend guests at the home of Carol and Lee Mangelsen, with Jenny visiting on Sunday. Children of Disciples of God and leaders
Frederic Senior Center Monday, Nov. 16, Spades was played at 1 p.m., with the following winners: Willis William, Eleanor Bonneville, Norma Nelson and Marlyce Borchert. Tuesday Whist or cards were played and a time of visiting was enjoyed. Five days a week, coffee early-morning time and pool players enjoying their game makes the center hum with activities.
Wednesday and Friday Pokeno players bring a good time to the center and coffee time is enjoyed. Thursday night 500 cards was played at 6:30 p.m. with the following winners: David Peterson, Marlyce Borchert, Tim Abrahamzon and Arnie Borchert. Saturday noon buffet, Nov. 14, was enjoyed, cards and Bingo or Pokeno played
A boy, Canaan Keith Louis, born Nov. 8, 2009, to Troy and Nichole Louis of Lake Villa, Ill. Canaan weighed 5 lbs., 15 oz., and was 19-1/2 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Richard and Barbara Howland of White Heath, Ill. Paternal grandparents are Elsie Louis and the late Keith Louis of Grantsburg. - submitted •••
lbs., 13 oz.
share and all with friendly feline companionship on their resume. Shadow and Bessie are declawed adults that understand the worth of a quiet window seat. Kittens Daisy, Dewey, Scooter, Scout, Murphy, Mindy, Holly and Skip make good use of the playroom and are looking for a larger arena to show off their moves. Tabbies, calico, long hair, short, orange, tuxedo and beyond; they are all waiting for you. Don’t give your pets turkey bones this week. Do give them a hug and let them know how much you appreciate their brand of unconditional love. Happy Thanksgiving. Arnell Memorial Humane Society, 185 Griffin St. E, Amery, 715-268-7387 or online: arnellhumane.org. Hours: Monday – Saturday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
decorated the church for Christmas Wednesday night. A little early, but easier to do before deer-hunting season. The December church newsletter is in the works. Pastor Tom spoke on what it means to have a family or be part of a family in his message on Sunday morning. No coffee hour that morning. Hunters are hunting and cooks are busy preparing food. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Ardyce Knauber
after dinner. We really enjoyed Clareese Marek‘s chocolate cake. Refreshments served for afternoon coffee. The center will be closed Thursday, Nov. 26, for Thanksgiving. No cards Thursday night. We will have our Thanksgiving dinner Saturday, Nov. 28, at noon. We will have music at 11:15 a.m.
Our executive board will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 27. We wish a happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all our friends and neighbors from the center.
Birth announcements
A girl, Avery Grace Woodbeck, born Nov. 10, 2009, to Edwin Woodbeck and Jennifer Norton, Lindstrom, Minn. Avery weighed 6
Dewey - LaFollette
468-2940 Sympathy is extended to Sharon (Larrabee) Koelsch and other family members due to the recent death of Sharon’s son, Michael Krenty Koelsch. He lived in Illinois, but a memorial service was held for him Saturday, Nov. 14, at Swedberg Funeral Chapel in Siren. His cremains were buried at Hertel Lakeview Cemetery next to his grandparents, Max and Gladys Larrabee.
••• A girl, KayAnna D-Elizabeth Miller, born Nov. 12, 2009, to Ann and Kevin Miller, Balsam Lake. KayAnna weighed 7 lbs., 15 oz. ••• A girl, Rowan Dale Kovarik, born Nov. 13, 2009, to Jace and Sara Kovarik, Osceola. Rowan weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz. ••• A girl, Kaylyn Elizabeth Rommel, born Nov. 13, 2009, to Nicholas and Crystal Rommel, Luck. Kaylyn weighed 6 lbs., 3 oz. •••
A number of ladies from Faith Lutheran Church of Spooner and members of Clam River Tuesday Club enjoyed a holiday open house at the home of Dixie and Chuck Andrea Tuesday afternoon. They all brought some items for the Burnett County food shelf. Tuesday evening visitors of Don and Lida Nordquist were Karen and Hank Magelsen and Nina and Lawrence Hines.
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A boy, Wyatt Howard Chartrand, born Nov. 14, 2009, to Bradley and Polly Chartrand, Luck. Wyatt weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz. ••• A boy, Andrew Melvin Lindo, born Nov. 14, 2009, to Jeff and Amber Lindo, Center City, Minn. Andrew weighed 10 lbs., 1 oz.
A girl, Iylee Mae Videen, born Nov. 15, 2009, to Nicole and Michael Videen, Balsam Lake. Iylee weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz. •••
Karen Mangelsen
Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Gerry and Donna Hines Wednesday evening. Friday evening visitors of Maynard and Ronda Mangelsen were Karen, Hank, Larry, Celie and Baxter Mangelsen. Dylan Longhenry was a weekend guest there. Donna and Gerry Hines were lunch guests of Inez and Arvid Pearson Sunday. Guests over the weekend at the home of
Lawrence and Nina Hines were Colin, Chad and Chris Harrison. Weekend visitors of Hank and Karen Mangelsen at various times were Baxter, Celie, Larry, Grace, Hannah, Holly and Jake Mangelsen, Mandy, Patty, Dave and April Close, Don Nordquist and Earl Joslyn.
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Born at SCRMC:
••• A girl, Cassiella Bari King, born Nov. 10, 2009, to Beth and Shawn King, Frederic. Cassiella weighed 9 lbs., 1 oz. ••• A girl, Marissa Rose Kruse, born Nov. 11, 2009, to Chelsea Bjornstad and Sean Kruse, Osceola. Marissa weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. ••• A boy, William Lewis Determan, born Nov. 12, 2009, to Jaime and Ed Determan, Isanti, Minn. William weighed 8 lbs., 5 oz.
Tooth decay is the most chronic disease in children in the United States. Untreated tooth decay can cause pain and infection that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing and learning. It is recommended that your child by examined by your dentist between the ages of six to 12 months of age. We would like to be part of your child’s dental health care. 483306 Call for an appointment for your child today. 35Ltfc
866-4334 For whatever cyberspace reason, my emailed column never made it to the paper last week, so I am incorporating it all together with this week’s news. I told you before that I would furnish you with the address of Peggy Lawless’ daughter, Susan (Long) Anderson, who had been hospitalized with level two Parkinson’s disease in Arizona. Susan didn’t enter a nursing home but instead has been allowed to go home with the daily assistance of a home health aide. Her address is 7655 E. Spouse – Apt. C, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314, and Peggy informs me that Susan is looking forward to receiving cards and letters from former classmates and friends. Come on now, let’s all give her a shower of cards of cheer and encouragement. Thirty people enjoyed the roast beef dinner served by Nicky on Tuesday’s Dining at Five evening meal. We were happy to have Jean and Jim McLauglin as first-time diners, in addition to Lydia Crowley who is a neighbor of Wes and Norma Maurer. It was Lydia’s birthday and the Maurers treated her to dinner and everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to her. Winners of the homemade goodies furnished by Nicky were Earl Boelter, Jane Wardean and Jim McLaughlin. Bruce Behrens, Gene Johnson, Dave Wardean and Earl Boelter managed to get in a couple games of pool afterwards. Nicky was very grateful to Lily Gleason, Gladys Beers, Judy Behrens, Mary Martin and Margel Ruck for their volunteer help. There was a lot of fun and laughter going on during Wednesday afternoon’s dime Bingo as there were 15 ladies playing. Everyone enjoyed refreshments furnished by Millie Hopkins. We were happy to have Peggy Kearn join the group.
Otis Taylor Post 96 American Legion hosted their annual Veterans Day dinner on Wednesday evening at the Webster Community Center with a potluck meal and the Legionnaires furnishing ham and buns. Legion Commander Jerry Vogel gave a brief presentation and then Dan Erickson gave a report on his experiences at Badger Boys State. Legion Auxiliary President June Dopkins gave a report of the auxiliary’s activities during the past year and presented membership pins as follows: Marion Barber-Johnson and Doreen Murray – 55 years; Marcella Weis – 40 years; Gladys Sasse – 30 years; Wendy Larson and Martha Cooke – 5 years; and junior members Rachel, Chelsea and Tailor Larson – 5 years. Rachel Larson was ill and unable to be present to give a presentation of her experiences at Badger Girls State. The Thursday congregate diners were treated to Nicky’s “stone soup” and sandwiches. Some people were heard saying “Stone soup, what in the world is stone soup?” never having read the familiar old story of the poor community that made stone soup with contributions from all the neighbors. The Burnett County Aging Advising Board met with Aging Director Lois Taylor on Thursday afternoon at the Government Center. Director of Interfaith Family Caregivers Barb Blodgett was there with her monthly report and brought samples of “Chippers” – chocolate-covered Red River Valley potato chips sent to her by her friends Carol and Kennedy Widman of Fargo, N.D. She also reported that Interfaith Caregivers are in great need of cash donations for their Christmas For Kids program. Please call her at 715-866-4970 if you have any questions regarding this urgent
Mary Martin
need and can contribute. What with the galelike winds whipping about on Thursday, it was no wonder that a small aircraft was flipped upside down at the Burnett County Airport late in the afternoon. It was a relief to the emergency personnel arriving at the scene to find that the pilot was not inside the plane at the time. It was a little unnerving to hear the sirens and watch the action from a second-floor window of the Government Center and wonder if anyone was injured. Pat O’Brien, Dave Wardean, Harold Peterson and Earl Boelter enjoyed their evening of pool on Thursday, while Nancy O’Brien, Theresa Gloege, Jane Wardean, Margel Ruck, Gladys Beers and Bernie Boelter played cards. They had their usual fix of fun, frivolity and food, which I missed out on. Connie Geiger of St. Paul, Minn., and I made a trip to Waseca, Minn., on Saturday to visit my daughter, Julie Anderson. Julie was overjoyed to have a visit from her Mommy and sister and looks forward to being back home with all of her family. At the monthly senior meeting, Maxine Peterson was appointed with board approval, to take over the treasurer’s position effective Jan. 1, 2010, due to Jane Wardean’s desire to retire from the position and take a muchneeded break. Jane has done an excellent job over the past years and we appreciate her dedication and hard work. She plans on staying active at the center and would like to focus on fundraising for special projects and ongoing expenses. Sixteen ladies played dime Bingo again on Wednesday and had a great time. We were delighted to have Ruth Jerome join us again together with Millie Hopkins’ sister, Vera
Burnett Community Library There will be no book club meeting in December. In January, the group will discuss “Driftless,” by David Rhodes. If you need a copy, please contact the library at 715-8667697 and we will be glad to order you a copy of the book. Preschool story hour meets on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. on the lower level. We have several toddlers enjoying Charlotte’s programming, but would love to have more. The Friends of the Library will be having their December book sale on Saturday, Dec. 12, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. On Tuesday, Dec. 15, from 6 until 7 p.m., the Friends of the Library will be sponsoring a poetry reading. LaMoine MacLaughlin, first poet laureate of Amery, will read poetry from his new book, “A Scent of Lilac and other poems.” Refreshments will be served. Books will be available for purchase and for signing by the author. This event will take place on the lower level of the library building.
New juvenile books
• “The Unfinished Angel,” by Sharon Creech • “Four Friends at Christmas,” by Tomie De Paola
• “Mouse and Mole: Fine Feathered Friends,” by Wang Herbert Yee • “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days,” by Jeff Kinney • “Under the Snow,” by Melissa Stewart • “Crow Call,” by Lois Lowry
New adult fiction books
• “Kindred in Death,” by J.D. Robb • “An Echo in the Bone,” by Diana Gabaldon • “The Lacuna,” by Barbara Kingsolver • “Rainwater,” by Sandra Brown • “Candor,” by Pam Bachorz • “The Shadow Dragons,” by James A. Owens • “The Sound of Sleigh Bells,” by Cindy Woodsmall • “The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour Vol. 7” • “A Quilter’s Holiday: An Elm Creek Quilts Novel,” by Joyce Chiaverini • “Charmed and Dangerous,” by Lisi Harrison • “New York,” by Edward Rutherfurd • “A Touch of Dead,” by Charlaine Harris • “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet,” by Jamie Ford
500484 13-14L 3-4a
9 a.m. - 1 p.m. $10 per person There will be a silent auction of wonderful items.
This is a fundraiser for Interfaith Caregivers Christmas For Kids
• “Blood Game,” by Iris Johansen
New adult nonfiction books
• “90 Minutes in Heaven,” by Don Piper • “From Where the Sun Now Stands,” by Henry Will • “The Writer’s Market 2010,” edited by Jane Friedman • “America’s Most Wanted Recipes,” by Ron Douglas • “Senior Housing: The Gilbert Guide,” edited by Nikki Jong • “Benjamin Franklin,” by Edmund S. Morgan • Dictionary of American History • Merriam-Webster’s Geographical Dictionary
The library will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 26, to observe Thanksgiving Day. Regular hours: Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., 715-866-7697. Online catalog http://merlin.nwls.lib.wi.us/search. Have you visited our new Web page at http://webster.wislib.org?
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Tromberg, of Virginia, Minn. Yours truly furnished refreshments. The Webster Lioness Club met on Thursday evening at the Webster Community Center. Prior to their dinner meeting, they set up the prelit community Christmas tree purchased from funds donated by the Alyce Foote family in her memory. They made plans for their annual Christmas party, which will be held on Dec. 3, at Ike Walton Lodge. They will be collecting cash donations from Lioness members that will be donated to our local food shelf. As part of their business they donated $500 to the Webster Senior Citizens Center, and made a pledge for $1,000 to the Burnett Community Library Building Fund. We were happy to have Dean Phernetton and Jay Heyer come to the center on Friday afternoon and assist in moving the heavy front desk with computer equipment and filing cabinets around to a more practical location. It seems that they are happy to work for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies that Nicky gladly furnished. Thanks guys! Happy birthday to Ed Peterson, Kathy Ingalls, Brenda Christianson and George Meyer who celebrated birthdays this past week. Our special gratitude goes to Carol Peterson for her donation of puzzles. Our prayers and get-well wishes continue to go out for and to Susan Anderson, Harold Hills, Edyth Spafford, Carolyn Berglind, Robert Buboltz, Jan Olson who is recovering from cataract surgery, and Judy Baker who is recovering from hip replacement surgery. Our sympathy and prayers also go out to the families of Ronald Christianson, LaVone (Peterson) Olson, and John Burchard in their recent passing. In 1834, Charlotte Elliott was an invalid who was overwhelmed by her helplessness in her inability to help her family raise money to build a school in Brighton, England. One evening as she lay in bed, sleepless and in despair, she started to pray. Her sadness soon turned to joy as she realized that God accepted her just as she was. Her experience inspired her to write these well-loved words: “Just as I am, without one plea but that Thy blood was shed for me, and that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!” When she published the poem in The Invalid’s Hymn Book, she included it with John 6:37. “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will by no means cast out.” Jesus accepts people as they are. People came from miles around to hear Jesus, and when the crowd became hungry, he miraculously fed them with a boy’s unselfish gift of five loaves and two fish. Then the Lord offered himself as “the bread of life,” promising that he would not turn away anyone who came to him. It’s still true today. No one who comes to Jesus will be turned away. Come to Him with all your sin, and he’ll accept you just as you are. No one is too good or too bad to be saved. “Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, with welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! – Elliott. See you at the center!
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HOURS: Monday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday Closed 445673 19Ltfcp Thursday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Burnett Community Library
Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed Sunday Main Street
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TOWN TALK/COUNTRY CHATTER Luck Senior Center Well, a happy Thanksgiving to you and happy holidays to follow that. Members of the center extend an invitation to all to participate in our Christmas party. Last year we had our celebration at the Oakwood Inn in Luck. We enjoyed our atmosphere so much that we are using the same facility this year. We will celebrate Christmas on Dec. 11, on a Friday, at 6 p.m. We will order off the menu. We will
each bring a “white elephant” gift. Find something cute (not expensive) in your home that you no longer need, wrap it up, and make another soul happy with your gift. If you wish to attend the party, please sign up at the center. As many of you know, we are open only on Wednesday for the time being. We will be closed the day before Thanksgiving, so members can attend the funeral of Darlene
Fall in the Northwoods Thanks to the residents who “threw in their 2 cents” on the issue of Pay as You Throw in regards to solid-waste disposal. To remind those that missed the article two weeks ago I wrote: According to the EPA, more than 7,000 communities have instituted “pay-as-you-throw” programs where citizens pay for each can or bag of trash they set out for disposal rather than through the tax base or a flat fee. When
Jen Barton Earth Notes
these households reduce waste at the source, they dispose of less trash and pay lower trash bills. We had mixed reactions from those that replied. Some thought it would increase recycling toncollected nages which would be a good thing, some thought it was a good idea because it would reward those
Jensen. We extend our condolences to Harry and all of his family. We will miss Darlene. Our facility is for rent for special occasions–if you are interested, please call Kathy Mueller at 715-472-2474 or the center on Wednesdays at 715-472-8285. We recently had our annual election to elect three board members. Carol Weitz and Eiler Ravnholt were re-elected and Judy Ran-
that recycle more because they would only pay for what they threw away, one thought it was a bad idea because they thought it would increase litter. I very much appreciate those that replied to my question via e-mail. Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcome! As winter approaches remember to winterize those paints and chemicals you have in your garage by putting them inside — safely away from kids and pets — or in your basement. By winterizing your chemicals you are reducing the need to purchase replacements, thereby diminishing the need to
Kathy Mueller dall is our newly elected board member. Tom Pliska, who is a representative for Medica Health Insurance will hold an informational session at the center on Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 10 a.m. If you are interested in attending, please call Kathy 715-472-2474.
produce more hazardous chemicals. Hey, every little bit helps! That goes for your batteries too. Bring them in during cold months or they will lose their life in the cold requiring you to purchase a new one. My request to hunters this fall: collect garbage if you find it while you’re in the woods. When you get home, take a picture of what you’ve collected and e-mail it to me and I will send you out a free gift!
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I often wonder why we have Thanksgiving. I know the story of the pilgrims and the Indians and all the good food that was shared, but why aren’t we thankful every day and share what we have? It should be Thanksgiving every day. I don’t want turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes every day, but I can be thankful for a Big Mac if I want. I can be thankful that I can share the food I have with someone who has none. I can be thankful that they would share with me if I had no food. I have decided to be thankful every day and make every day Thanksgiving. That works best for me. I should probably stock up on stuffing makings just in case someone wants stuffing with their Big Mac. Actually these thankful thoughts are not entirely my thoughts. My daughter and I were talking today and decided we are pretty lucky we are from the same family. Like she said, if we weren’t, she would feel pretty silly calling me Mom. If we didn’t belong to the same family, it would be very sad because we love each other so much. We like things just the way they are. Sometimes I don’t like that she is so much more sensible than I am. I tend to be a little flighty (duh!!!) and she is more down to earth. I pretty much let things happen as they may and that drives Denny crazy. He has to plan everything. Write it down and have a plan. There is something to be said for his way of thinking, but mine is much easier and takes much less time and much less paper if we don’t have to write
everything down. you Remember, must not waste and I decide to not waste paper. I waste blush and eye shadow (it flakes off as I put it on) but I will not waste paper. Speaking of my daughter, there is a room downstairs Blodgett that is behind the fireplace. A little room, long but narrow, and there is a lot of “stuff” in there. Kelsey, daughter No. 1, says we are going to clean that room when she is here. I am actually afraid of that room. First of all there are spiders. I have seen spiders the size of my hand go in there and, well, maybe not that big, but big anyway. Those spiders and I don’t have to meet or form a relationship. I am afraid to step on them, because I might miss and they will come after me. I am 67 years old and still afraid of heights and spiders, spiders being the scariest. Back to “the room.” There are boxes in there that we did not unpack 20 years ago when we moved to North Dakota or 18 years ago when we moved here. I think they are full of Denny’s high school memories and spiders. I remember once I took a shirt of his to a thrift store. He recog-
nized it and asked what his shirt was doing there. I tried to tell him it was just like the one he had and not his, but I lie bad and he caught me. I do have a picture of him in that shirt in 1965 and it was really time to retire it. We do still have his old bowling shirt. He glares at me every time I mention that maybe it would look good hanging on a hanger somewhere other than our house. If my column is suddenly not in the paper for a long time, it is because one of two things happened. I either tried to get Denny’s bowling shirt out of here and got caught and I was banished to the world of lost bowling shirts, or I am in the room behind the fireplace. If that is the case, someone please come find me and save me from the spiders. Enough nonsense. Down to business. Adventures Restaurant on Hwy. 35/70 and Interfaith Caregivers would like you to join us at brunch. This is a fundraiser for Christmas for Kids and it promises to include a fabulous meal and some wonderful silent-auction prizes. The event is on Sunday, Nov. 29, and will take place from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The cost is $10 per guest. You need not be present if you win an auction prize, you need only bid a lot of money. Remember, all of the proceeds go to Christmas for Kids and the children need a Christmas. If there are some people out there who do not know what Christmas for Kids is I have one thing to say. You have not been reading the paper or paying attention to my begging for toys, clothes or money
for the children. We want to give them a Christmas they may not otherwise have. You want to help, I know you do. Call if you have questions. If you get tired of listening to me go on and on while on the phone, you are welcome to just hang up. I tend to carry on when I am talking about my passion and Interfaith Caregivers is my passion. I know there are people who cross the street so as not to listen to me. I know who you are and I will run into you when you least expect. You cannot escape. Do you know it is less than six weeks till 2010? What a frightening thought. Time is flying by. They say it flies when you are having fun and I must be having a ball. I don’t even remember when 2009 started. Wasn’t it last week or so? I only have one more thing to say, or maybe two, and then I will stop. Keep in mind there may be an elderly person near you or someone you know who will be alone this holiday season. Call us and we will see that someone spends some time with them. What fun that would be. One of my favorite things to do is visit. I would love to visit someone during the holidays. I have a list, but can add to it. Remember, the number is 715-866-4970. My second thought is, I am thankful for my loyal readers and I wish you all a very blessed Christmas. Barb
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How to fold the flag
Folding the Flag NATIONWIDE — At the Veterans Day program held Wednesday, Nov. 11, at Shell Lake School, the local Girl Scout troop demonstrated the folding of the American flag. After the flag was properly folded, it was presented to Shell Lake veteran Larry Samson. The flagfolding ceremony represents the same religious principles on which our great country was originally founded. The portion of the flag denoting honor is the canton of blue containing the stars representing states our veterans served in uniform. The canton field of blue dresses from left to right and is inverted only when draped as a pall on the casket of a veteran who has served our country honorably in uniform. In the armed forces of the United States, at the ceremony of retreat, the flag is lowered, folded in a triangle fold and kept under watch throughout the night as a tribute to our nation’s honored dead. The next morning, it is brought out and, at the ceremony of reveille, run aloft as a symbol of our belief in the resurrection of the body. • The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life. • The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life. • The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks and who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world. • The fourth fold represents our weaker nature; for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for his divine guidance. • The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, “Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right, but it is still our country, right or wrong.” • The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States
The Shell Lake Girl Scouts participated in a flag-folding ceremony at the Veterans Day program at Shell Lake. Presenting the flag to 1970-1974 veteran Larry Samson were (L to R): Renae Lloyd, Courtney Roat, Samson, Dakota Robinson and Deylayna York. — Photo by Tom Cusick of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. • The seventh fold is a tribute to our armed forces, for it is through the armed forces that we protect our country and our flag against all enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic. • The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor our mother, for whom it flies on Mother’s Day. • The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood, for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded. • The 10th fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since he or she was first born. • The 11th fold, in the eyes of Hebrew
citizens, represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. • The 12th fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost. When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, “In God We Trust.” After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington and the sailors and marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the armed forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy. — submitted
The Leader is a cooperative-owned newspaper Santas helpers
Santa’s helpers Mickey Gebhard (volunteer manager), Jackie Hillman (gift shop manager) and Stephanie Robinson (gift shop volunteer) will be on hand at the St. Croix Regional Medical Center gift shop to help the public select that perfect gift for that someone special. SCRMC’s gift shop open house will be held on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 3 and 4, and they welcome you to stop in, check out the new shop and sample some of their soups and dips. The shop now carries many new items. If you stop by the shop on Dec. 3 around 4 p.m., you can also attend the Love Light ceremony in the atrium, which is always a very moving event. To better accomodate all customers, SCRMC will be extending gift shop hours to include weekends the four weekends following Thanksgiving, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Special photo
Christmas for Kids
Barb Blodgett from Interfaith Caregivers accepts checks from Larry Brooks, president of Webster Lions (R), and Norm Bickford, Webster Fire Chief (L). The money is for Interfaith’s Christmas for Kids program. With the slumping economy, Interfaith expects an increase in the number of children needing toys or clothes for Christmas. It is hopeful that other organizations and citizens will donate new clothes, toys or cash to help Interfaith supply Burnett County children with toys and clothes that they would not otherwise have for Christmas. Donations may be sent to Christmas for Kids at PO Box 676, Webster, or call 715-866-4970 before Dec. 14. You are welcome to stop at the Webster Fire Hall Dec. 14-17 to watch the process of sorting gifts for distribution. Interfaith, Webster Fire Department and the Webster Lions are very appreciative of all you can give for the kids of Burnett County. - Special photo
Habitat for Humanity hands over key to home #17
Dave McGrane, on behalf of the board of Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity, presented a key to her new home to Jennifer Lee Saturday, Nov. 21. Looking on were Lee’s son, Tanner, and Marilyn Kooiker, who presented Lee with her Homeowner’s Class certificate. Lee is credited with providing 821 volunteer hours during the building of the home, which is way above the amount required of the homeowner. The Golden Hammer awards for this year’s 17th build by Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity in Burnett and Polk counties were given Saturday, Nov. 21, to Earl Baker (L) and Greg Schwartzbauer. The two young men worked many hours on the construction of the house as part of the community service program offered through the Burnett County Restorative Justice Response. “This was a way for them to give back to the community for mistakes made earlier in their lives,” commented construction Superintendent Jerry Livingston as he made the presentation. – Photos by Nancy Jappe
Jennifer and Tanner Lee are the occupants of a home in Siren built by volunteers from Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity.
Pastor Cindy Glocke, Grace United Methodist Church, Webster, offered the opening prayer during the dedication, referred to as a service of blessing, Saturday, Nov. 21, of Jennifer and Tanner Lee’s new home. The home was built by volunteers working through Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity, a Habitat chapter with offices in Luck and coverage provided in Burnett and Polk counties. Phil Nolan and his wife, Helen, Webster, attended the blessing of Jennifer and Tanner Lee’s new Habitat for Humanity home in Siren Saturday, Nov. 21. Nolan did all the electric wiring for the home, a construction project he has done for all the Wild Rivers Habitat homes built in the past eight years. A volunteer appreciation coffee was held following the blessing ceremony at nearby Siren Covenant Church.
This is the 17th house built by volunteers from Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity. The home, in Siren, was blessed during a ceremony Saturday, Nov. 21, and officially turned over to its new occupants, Jennifer and Tanner Lee.
Mick Peterson, on behalf of Lakeside Lutheran Church at A and H, presented a new handmade quilt to Tanner Lee. Peterson smiled as he gave Tanner the quilt, saying, “You crack me up.”
Taylors Falls names Royal Lady of the Village Lighting Festival this weekend by Tammi Milberg TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – The city of Taylors Falls is hosting the 25th-annual Lighting Festival celebration Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 27-29. The festival kicks off with the grand lighting of the village at 6 p.m., followed immediately by the parade. The parade always hosts an ambassador of good will to the city chosen every year for their contribution to the community, the Royal Lady of the Village. This year’s Royal Lady is Marlys Breeden. Marlys Breeden (nee Anderson) was born and raised in St. Croix Falls and is a graduate from St. Croix Falls. She went to Phoenix during her winters as a child with her parents, spending the winter months is school there, and eventually began going to Florida in the summers instead. It is in Florida where she met her husband, Wayne. When she and Wayne were married, they lived in Florida for a while, then moved to Taylors Falls. Wayne worked for a telephone company that was going out of business. It was then his father-in-law, who operated the Stop and Swap in Taylors Falls in the 1950s, suggested Wayne buy the Falls Café. In 1965, the Breedens purchased and operated the Falls Café and started a restaurant in Barnum, Minn. ,also. “Eventually, we had to decide between the two businesses because it was more work than we thought to keep running them both,” said Breeden. “We decided to concentrate on one restaurant and enlarge it. We expanded and changed the name of the restaurant from Falls Café to the Chisago House.” The expansion involved the coffee shop. The dining area was the original
Marlys Breeden was selected the Royal Lady for the village for Taylors Falls. She will ride on an antique sleigh set on a flatbed during the parade this Friday evening. – Photo by Tammi Milberg café space. The Breedens coined the name of the Chisago House after the Chisago Hotel, which stood on the site before the Falls Café. When her parents passed away, Marlys and Wayne inherited the Stop and Swap building. They partnered with another couple and decided to make that property the Livery
Mall. It was a thriving building with shops for years. The Breedens no longer operate the Chisago House or the Livery Mall, which has since burned down. “We named it the Livery Mall because it was originally a livery,” said Breeden. “We sold it before the fire, but it was sad to see it burn down.”
Besides being a part of downtown development in Taylors Falls, Breeden and her husband are active in the community in other ways. Wayne has served off and on as president of the Taylors Falls Lions Club for a number of years. Marlys plays piano and organ at First Baptist Church, and has been a guide for the Historic Folsom House and served as secretary for the Taylors Falls Historical Society. Marlys also taught members of the local Hmong population English as a second language, and helped many of them study for their citizenship tests. “It was a very rewarding experience and I learned about their culture and they learned about our culture.” She worked at the bank in town, where Barb’s Family Hair Care now operates, and for the past 20 years, she has been working in patient accounts at Hazelden in Center City, Minn., processing accounts for all Hazelden locations. She and her husband are the proud parents of three children and proud grandparents of eight grandchildren. “ The criteria for this award is that the person has made significant contributions to Taylors Falls and has been active in promoting Taylors Falls above and beyond the ordinary. Marlys has been very active not only in what she has done with businesses, but also in just who she is,” said Barb Young, first Royal Lady from 1989, and Lighting Festival committee member. Breeden will ride in an antique sleigh set on a flatbed during the Lighting Festival parade on Friday, Nov. 27, at 6 p.m. She will also participate in the Wannigan Days parade in July, and any other events in which the community requests the Royal Lady’s presence.
Library hosts gingerbread house contest Luck celebrates Santa Day Dec. 5 by Mary Stirrat LUCK — Luck’s annual Santa Day will be Saturday, Dec. 5, when Santa Claus will be making a visit to the library. He will be on hand between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to listen to Christmas wishes and hand out goodies provided by the Luck Community Club. The day will include craft demonstrations, read alouds and a gingerbread house contest. Entries in the gingerbread house contest will be judged for prizes, with prizes given for the most creative and the best all-around in three age categories. The categories are age 17 and under, age 18 and older, and a teen category with entrants of two different ages. Luck businesses are encouraged to enter. The houses must be primarily made of gingerbread, and entries must be received no later than 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. They must be mounted on sturdy cardboard, chipboard, foam board, or other material allowing them to be moved without breaking. The mounting material can measure no more than 12 inches by 12 inches, and the house cannot be more than 14 inches high. Kits are allowed, but all entries must be fresh for 2009. Houses made in previous years will not be accepted. Houses can be picked up after judging Dec. 5 or they can remain on display in the library. Those not picked up by Jan. 2, 2010, will be discarded. Contact the library at 715-472-2770 for an entry form or more information
Other events The Luck Area Historical Museum will be open Dec. 5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for Santa Day. A special Christmas exhibit, designed and built by Ted Anderson, will be on display throughout the holiday season. The exhibit features model trains, including an eight- by 16-foot Christmas train and a modern monorail circling through farm settings, village settings, and even an antique ski slide. There will also be a special antique toy display, including a 1910 wooden horse and tin cart, a wooden doll house, Lil Abner and Dogpatch items, and 50-yearold Tonka Toys. In addition to Santa Day, the museum will be open during special holiday hours. Friday, Dec. 11, and Friday, Dec. 18, the museum will be open from noon to 4 p.m. Both Saturday, Dec. 12, and Saturday, Dec. 19, it will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Refreshments and snacks will be available at the library and museum, as well as at some of the local businesses, on Santa Day.
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• E-edition • A Christmas tree decorated with origami cranes welcomes visitors to the Luck Library and Museum, where the 2009 Santa Day will be hosted. Library volunteer Julia Nargis of Luck adds a crane to the tree. — Photo by Mary Stirrat
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Grantsburg Middle School Science Fair
Grantsburg sixth-graders Spencer Louis and Brett Anderson showed the power created by their homemade battery versus that of a regular battery. The two middle school students demonstrated their experiment on electricity at the middle school science fair held on Nov. 19.
Jordan Phillips demonstrated how an orange can generate enough electricity to power a small bulb at her “The Power of Fruit” exhibit at the Grantsburg Middle School Science Fair held on Friday, Nov. 19. “It’s actually pretty interesting how it works,” said Phillips, adding she really likes playing with wires and electricity.
Carolyn Peterson and Anneka Johnson held up the sweet results of their science fair experiment, which looked at the effect corn syrup has as an ingredient in lollipops. The Grantsburg Middle School students said the large lollipops, one made with corn syrup and one without, took two hours each to make. After finishing their confections the cooks concluded that including corn syrup in the recipe was not necessary to get a good lollipop.
Molly Byers heard a presentation from Hannah Jones, Alyssa Anderson and Cassidy Quimby when she stopped at the student’s ornithology exhibit at the Grantsburg Middle School’s Nov. 19 science fair. When asked why the girls chose the subject of ornithology, the students said it was because they really liked birds and wanted to share their interest in the feathery friends. - Photos by Priscilla Bauer
Grantsburg Elementary students wanted a closer look at Sherice Hartley’s “dancing raisins” when they visited her exhibit at the middle school’s science fair on Friday, Nov. 19. Hartley explained how when the raisins were placed in sparkling water carbon-dioxide molecules stuck to them bringing the raisins to the surface. Then as the carbon dioxide was released into the air the raisins were forced back down to the bottom again.
Laura and Becca Drohman were all smiles as they showed Courtney Hawkins, Grantsburg Middle and High School FACE teacher, their exhibit on the solar system at the Grantsburg Middle School Science Fair held in the school’s gymnasium on Friday, Nov. 19.
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Polk-Burnett is drop-off site for holiday gift drive CENTURIA – Polk-Burnett offices in Centuria and Siren will serve as gift drop-off sites again this holiday season. Co-op members and the public are invited to bring new, unwrapped gift donations to their nearest Polk-Burnett office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., now through Dec. 16. All gifts will be distributed through county-approved programs to local children.
“Polk-Burnett is pleased to host its fourth-annual holiday gift drive as part of our co-op commitment to community,” said Joan O’Fallon, Polk-Burnett’s communications director. “We hope to continue the tradition of making a difference for children for years to come, and we invite you to get involved.” Polk-Burnett in Centuria, 1001 Hwy. 35, is accepting gifts to benefit Polk
County children through Operation Christmas. Polk-Burnett in Siren, 7298 Hwy. 70, is accepting gifts to benefit Burnett County children through Interfaith Caregivers Christmas for Kids. “Your gift donations will make this holiday season a little brighter for a child,” said O’Fallon. “Gift ideas for toddlers to teens include games, toys, books,
blankets, hats, mittens, coats and gift cards.” Holiday gifts are donated by co-op employees, members and the public, and do not affect electric rates. For more information, contact PolkBurnett, 800-421-0283. – from Polk-Burnett
Operation Christmas and mitten tree
Lions present check to library fund
Operation Christmas and the mitten tree have begun. The tree, that is pictured, is on display at Bremer Bank in downtown Frederic waiting for your gifts. Those of you who have been busy knitting and crocheting items for the tree can now bring them to the bank. Warm items such as sweaters, scarves, hats, mittens and gloves are needed and can be handmade or bought. There is yarn at the bank that you can pick up and take home to make your speciality item or items for the tree. You can also leave children’s gifts as well as adult’s gifts under the tree. All items are to be left unwrapped. Please drop off your items at the bank as soon as you can, because all items will be delivered to Balsam Lake in the early part of December. Times are tough for everyone, but always remember those who have less or nothing. ‘Tis the season for giving. - Photo submitted
Webster Lions President Larry Brooks presented a check and pledge of $10,000 for the Burnett Community Library Fund to library President Laura Rachford. The Lions are always looking for ways to give back to the Community and the people who support the Lion fundraisers. The community library building project is a very worthwhile venture, and the Webster Lions hope that others will help the project by donating. Donations or pledges given and sent to the library at Box 510, Webster before Dec. 31 will be matched by Nexen Group Corporation. - Special photo
American Red Cross class for new students BALSAM LAKE – The American Red Cross is offering the following classes. Adult/AED CPR – Monday, Dec. 14 5:30-9:30 p.m., first aid – Tuesday, Dec. 15 - 5:30-8:30 p.m., Infant/Child– Thursday, Dec. 17- 5:30-9:30 p.m. These classes will be held at the Polk
County Red Cross Office located in Balsam Lake. Preregistration is requested. To register call Terry Anderson at 715485-3025 or register online at www.scvarc.org. Classes may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. submitted
MONDAY Pop-Tart.
BREAKFAST Omelet and sausage. LUNCH Tacos, assorted toppings, corn OR chicken taco salad.
BREAKFAST Bagel pizza. LUNCH Pretzels w/cheese, cottage cheese, winter mix vegetables OR beef taco salad.
LUNCH Beef and cheese chimichanga, Spanish rice, corn OR ham salad.
LUNCH Ham stacker w/cheese, fresh fruit, chips, cooked carrots OR beef taco salad.
LUNCH Mini corn dogs, baked beans, pretzels OR Oriental salad.
LUNCH Chicken burger, chicken noodle soup, mini carrots, pineapple, apples, oranges, bread basket.
LUNCH Spaghetti, meat sauce, garlic toast, peas, applesauce, apples, oranges, bread basket.
LUNCH Pizza, lettuce salad, corn, sliced pears, apples, oranges, bread basket.
LUNCH Grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup/crackers, fresh veggies, dip, pickle spear, banana, apples, oranges, bread basket.
LUNCH Hot ham & cheese sandwich, french fries, green beans, mandarin oranges, apples, oranges, bread basket.
BREAKFAST Cereal/bagel. LUNCH Italian dunkers, dipping sauce, green beans, fruit sauce. Alt.: Chicken patty, 7-12.
BREAKFAST Cereal/waffles. LUNCH Chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, peas, fruit sauce. Alt.: Hamburger, 7-12.
BREAKFAST Cereal/long john. LUNCH Cardinal burger, french fries, baked beans, fresh fruit. Alt.: Chicken patty, 7-12.
BREAKFAST Cereal/donut holes. LUNCH Cheese or sausage pizza, rice, green beans, fruit sauce. Alt.: Chicken nuggets, 7-12.
BREAKFAST Cereal/cinnamon roll. LUNCH Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, corn, fresh fruit. Alt.: Hot dog, 7-12.
BREAKFAST Assorted cereal and toast, juice and milk. LUNCH Lunch Brunch: Cheese omelet, French toast sticks, sausage, veg. beans, veggies, applesauce. Alt.: Cook’s choice.
BREAKFAST Breakfast pizza, juice and milk. LUNCH Chicken patty, oven potatoes, coleslaw, beans, pineapple, mandarin oranges. Alt.: Lasagna.
BREAKFAST Assorted cereal and toast, juice and milk. LUNCH Tater tot hotdish, Tostitos, shredded lettuce, corn, pears. Alt.: Mexican potatoes.
BREAKFAST Mini pancakes, juice and milk. LUNCH Cheeseburger casserole, garlic bread, lettuce salad, carrots, applesauce. Alt.: Turkey/cheese sandwich.
BREAKFAST Assorted cereal and toast, juice and milk. LUNCH Chicken corn dogs, rice, veggies, beans, mixed fruit, pudding. Alt.: Cook’s choice.
BREAKFAST Breakfast pizza. LUNCH Chicken patty, bun, potato wedges, steamed peas, spicy apples. Alt.: Cheeseburger, chicken noodle soup.
BREAKFAST Scrambled eggs and toast. LUNCH Mini corn dogs, tater tots, baked beans, mandarin oranges. Alt.: Pizza dippers w/marinara sauce.
BREAKFAST Waffles and sausage. LUNCH Spaghetti w/meat sauce, lettuce salad, garlic toast, broccoli, pears. Alt.: Chicken Alfredo over noodles.
BREAKFAST Pretzel and cheese. LUNCH Hot turkey sandwich, mashed potatoes, green beans, sliced peaches. Alt.: Corned beef & Swiss.
BREAKFAST Cinnamon roll and yogurt cup. LUNCH Pepperoni pizza, lettuce salad, steamed corn, applesauce. Alt.: Ham and cheese sandwich, Wisconsin cheese soup.
BREAKFAST Breakfast pizza. LUNCH BBQ shredded turkey stacker and cheesy hash browns.
BREAKFAST Belgian waffles with toppings. LUNCH Chicken nuggets and rice.
BREAKFAST French toast. LUNCH Lasagna or ravioli, green beans and garlic toast.
BREAKFAST Breakfast pockets. LUNCH Hot dogs and macaroni and cheese.
LUNCH Chicken nuggets, au gratin potatoes, Monaco blend veggies, pears.
LUNCH Pizza, fresh veggies, fresh fruit, Shape-up.
LUNCH Hot dog, bun, macaroni and cheese, green beans, mandarin oranges.
LUNCH Sub sandwich, lettuce, sliced tomatoes, peaches.
Each building will have their own breakfast menu.
LUNCH Pizza calzone and creamed corn. LUNCH Hot ham & cheese, bun, sliced potatoes, green beans OR fish sticks, twice baked mashed potatoes, carrots, pineapple.
Unity High School Honor Roll Honor roll Freshmen Alisha Aronson, Justin Aronson, Sarah Bader, Emily Bethke, Elaine Butala, Kourtney Collins, Anna Ebensperger, Taylor Heathman, Kasey Heimstead, Morgan Hoehne, Janet Hunter, Kayla Johnson, Kelsy Johnson, Shauna Jorgenson, Mercedes Kobs, Aaron Koshatka, Brittany Kruse, Anna Luepke, Evan Lunda, Dawn Michaelson, Justin Mooney, Justin Moore, Shay Nelson, Hailey Olson, Marissa Paulzine, Morgan Peterson, Jacob Ruck, Sarah Sarber, Colton Sorensen, Kyle Sorensen, Ethan St. Amand, Zakary Turner, Megan Volgren, Benjamin Zahler and Kaina Zygowicz. Sophomores Steven Anderson, Jade Baerg, Benjamin Bengtson, Brittney Bublitz, Kevin Bystrom, Jenna Christensen, Paige Gurtner, Ashley Johnson, Etta Johnston, Alec Larson, Connor MacKinnon, Kaitlyn MacKinnon, Kristy Mikl, Amanda Minke, Emily Petzel, Michelle Rindal, Brittany Thomfohrda, Elizabeth Thuerkoff, Brady Turner, Jennifer Vlasnik and Amanda Vondrasek. Juniors Hayla Bader, Elizabeth Bethke, Beau Davison, Nathan Dorrance, Katherine Ebensperger, Brady Flaherty, Alicia Glenna-
Rindal, Marisa Hacker, Dylan Hendricks, Rush Hickethier, April Johnson, Kayla Johnson, Josephine Kalenda, Jessica Kutina, Erin Mabry, Sofia Malutta, Dale Michaelson, Brandon Mooney, Julia Moore, Mickey Muller, Lucas Nelson, Alisha Nutter, Bryana Petersin, Jessica Raboin, Haley St. Amand, Emily Stelling, Lindsey Voss and Naomi Williamson. Seniors Madeline Anderson, Amanda Bestland, Amanda Brunotte, Tyler Bublitz, Alexandra Davison, Dustin Dunsmoor, Brooke Gillespie, Joseph Grovum, Steven Gustafson, Cadi Harper, Logan Hilleshiem, Luke Hilleshiem, Derek Jorgenson, Amanda Koethe, Laura Krueger, Amanda Langermann, David Lindquist, Dustin McKinney, Jacob Monahan, Jared Mork, Kristen Norlund, Brittany Petznick, Kelsey Radke, Fabian Schuller, Monique Slate, Grace Thuerkoff, Ty Traynor, Jared Tunheim and Kayla Turner. Honorable mention Freshmen Scott Bever, Billie Bracht, Mitchell Egge, Katie Jensen, Megan Jones, Michael Jones, Anthony Kreft, Elizabeth Krizak, Jonathan Larsen, Andrew Lieske-Daniels, Elijah Marek, Brandon McKenzie and Antonio Newman.
Sophomores Reide Bibeau, Zach Cardot, Nathan Despiegelaere, Xavier Foeller, Mollie Hanson, Steven Krueger, Autumn Peterson, Luke Peterson, Matthew Schultz and Jonathan Struck. Juniors Steven Acosta, Doug Bengtson, Jacob Bengtson, Brandon Bielmeier, Reid Binfet, Tyler Brooks, Derek Campbell, Samuel Foight, Mitch Galle, Nicholas Hoag, Kaitlyn Johnson, Alexis Jones, Amber Koethe, Brandi Larson, Alison Lennartson, Denise McKenzie, Justin McKenzie, Hannah McMeekin, Kari Owens, Nicole Slate, Brandon Stencil, Ashley Thompson, Jason Vlasnik, Erin Williams and Kathryn Zahler. Seniors Joy Albrecht, Alec Carlson, Zach Cherry, Joshua Eaton, Timothy Hallin, Clinton Holin, Stephanie Hunter, Samantha Ince, Jessica Larson, Tayler Matteson, Kellie Montpetit, Kaylynn Olson, Jared Peper, Matthew Picton, Rodrigo Quiroga, Jacob Thomfohrda, Andrew Walker, Jihang Wang and Kalvin Zygowicz.
Webster High School Honor Roll A honor roll Grade 5 David Greiff, Jonah Mosher, Synclare Stubbe, Sunny Cone, Logan Grey, Andrew Pavlicek, Jameson Matrious, Sadie Koelz, Allison Mulroy, Emma Rachner, Tiringo Mosher, Jenna Curtis, Emily Sabatka, Sophie Phernetton, Andrew Ruiz and Victoria Tyndall. Grade 6 Kayaire Guernsey, Daniel Okes, Tate Fohrenkamm, Samantha Culver, Cassidy Formanek, Alec Ralph, Annika Hendrickson, Elizabeth Freymiller, Kyle Matrious, Nicole Hursh, Tyler Grey, Caitlynn Hopkins, Darrick Nelson, Connor Raschke and Max Norman. Grade 7 William Cooper, Ryan Curtis, Mallory Daniels, Ashley Davis, Marissa Elmblad, Zachary Koelz, Brett Richison, Ellora Schaaf, Raelyn Tretsven, Madison Main, Ciarra Lechman, Alexandria Spears, Alexis Frazee, Diana Jennings, Dade McCarthy, Sean Martinez, Andrew Schrooten, Taylor Elmblad, Kendel Mitchell, Julia Saraceno, Nathanael Gatton, Samantha Emberson, Alec Gustafson, Christina Weis, Alyssia Benjamin, Carrie Rosenthal, Bryce Menge and Kenna Gall.
Grade 7 Daniel Formanek, Megan Tyson, Nicholas Robinson, Madeline Snow, Kimberly Thielman, Vincent Larson, Jessie Yezek, Ashley Johnson, Shawn Stevens, Emilie Pope, Summer Bjork, Zachary Kilgore and Kelly Waltzing. Grade 8 Steven Stoll, Michael Johnson, Cybil Mulroy, Lydia Bentley, Cassandra Kilgore, Emma Robinson, Alexander Hopkins, Aaron Dietmeier, Whitney Smith and Casey Sperling. Freshmen Molly Brown, Charles Mahlen, Tianna Stewart, Cassandra Heller and Samantha Schindeldecker.
Sophomores Leslea Wiggins, Joshua Baer, Austin Bork, Sarah Nyberg, Sharon Zabel, Tatyana Pope, Bradley Krause, Michael Bambery, Tanya Johnson, Kimberly Reed, Alyce Deblase, Danielle Dyson and Cody Hughes. Juniors Kayla Duclon, Selina Eichhorn, Elise Windbiel, Austin Elliott and Croix Swanson. Seniors Daniel Erickson, Christina Becker, Joseph Cook, Adam Eichman, John Elmgren, Ashley Robinson-Madsen, Mackenzie Nordstrom, Sarah Walsh, Sean Snorek, Karl Weber, Maegan Fornengo and Brittany Ballard.
Grade 8 Harley Berthiaume, AmySue Greiff, Mikayla Hatfield, Aleah Heinz, Alexandria Holmstrom, Jess Petersen, Lance Preston, Jack Ralph, Ashley Starks, Janie Waltzing, Kristine Watral, Paige Young, Evon Maxwell, William Arnold III, Shianne Jennings, Tamera Quatmann, Erik Larson, Roxanne Songetay, Marissa Elliott, Megan Hophan, Sarah Thielke, Sydney Stellrecht, Cullan Hopkins, Jalicia Larson, Ashley Dietmeier, Cabrina Hopkins, Logan Rutledge, Lindsay Schilling, Alex Spafford, Robert Cook, Julio Calixto Rosas and Devon Rondou.
Freshmen Amber Davis, Darren Deal, Jacob Hunter, Kaleiah Schiller, Danielle Formanek, Chelsey McIntyre, Brianna Phernetton, Nikkita Emberson, Brenna Nutt, Alyxandria Hatfield, Matthew Smith, Emma Kelby, Gabriella Schiller, Tessa Schiller, Samantha Perius and Victoria Pope.
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Sophomores Matthew Kophan, Olivia Kopecky Mackenzie Koelz, Chelsea Larson, Audrey Mulliner, Mary Arnold, Melissa Gustavson, Katlyn Payson, Miranda Burger, Shauna Rein, Brittany Maxwell and Joseph Erickson. Juniors Devin Greene, Shaina Pardun, Callan Brown, Jan (Onwara) Likitworawan, Laura Melzer, Mason Kriegel, Kayce Rachner, Jenna Anderson, Michelle Gibbs, Siiri Larsen, Greg McIntyre, Breeanna Watral, Bryana Andren, Annie Kelby, Samantha Kopecky, Alyssa Main, Billie Ingallas, Connor Pierce and Nicholas Smith. Seniors Nolan Kriegel, Allison Leef, Bryan Krause, Nick Doriott, Nicole Steiner, Bethany Nutt, Rachel Larson, Chaz Heinz, Benjamin Shives, Andrea (Andrew) Bondanese, Andrea Yezek, Phillip Preston, Nicholas Koelz, Ellie Isaacson, Judson Mosher, Violet Wilkie, Kevin Packard and Kendra Spurgeon. B honor roll Grade 5 Bradley Brown, Joseph Moen, Savannah Varner, Tailor Larson, Darbi Young, Jordan Larson, Courtney Lunsman, Paige Bird, Destiny Inkman and Carolina Calixto Rosas. Grade 6 Grant Preston, Nicole Moretter, Emma Olsen, Joseph Clendening, Paul Sargent, Toni Petersen, Jonathan Rein, Kayla VanTassel, Kaela Lundeen, Kaitlyn Moser and Brandon Moen.
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CHURCH NEWS No other Gods
One of my favorite Bible stories is that of the prophet Elijah calling down God’s fire before the 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah had instructed them to lay a bull of their choosing on an altar of dry wood and call upon Baal to burn the sacrifice with fire. They called from morning till noon and even leaped around their altar. Elijah mocked them. Perhaps Baal was meditating, he told them, or busy, or on a trip, or sleeping. They cried out louder and even cut themselves in their frenzy to get Baal to Perspectives answer. But Baal had no voice, no power. Elijah’s turn. He rebuilt the broken altar of the Lord, built a new altar of stone—hard to burn. Using lots of water on and around the altar, he called on the Lord. “Hear me, O Lord … that this people may know that you are the Lord God, and that you have turned their hearts back to you again.” (1 Kings 18:37) The Lord answered Elijah, coming down in fire to consume the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the dust, and the water. Do we worship other gods without even realizing it? Food, for instance. “This candy bar will make me feel less depressed.” Drink. “I need one more drink to ease my stress.” Money. “I need just this much more for a new car.” Health. “I can’t miss a day of exercise. I can’t shake anyone’s hand or I’ll get the flu.” Cell phones. “I have to know what’s going on.” Tradition. “We must put up a tree and decorations or it just won’t be Christmas without them.” Sports events/heroes. “Nothing can keep me from watching my favorite team.” Family. “I can’t survive without my kids. They’re my life.” Stuff. “I must have that … and this … and ...” Our list could reach the ocean bottom. We’re all guilty of putting other things—even good things or even people—ahead of the one true God. We often allow these things to crowd God out of our lives. Like Elijah, we need to rebuild the broken, cluttered altar of our hearts, making room for God by choosing other things with wisdom and in moderation. Then when we call on him, he’ll show up in fire as he did for Elijah. His fire will burn in our cleansed hearts with power, love and peace. Lord, make us willing to remove the Baals from our life so there will be room for you alone. May your power and love in us draw others to you. In Jesus’ name, amen. (Mrs. Bair may be reached at sallybair@gmail.com).
Sally Bair Eternal
Swedish Klub to meet AMERY – The Swedish Klub celebrates Christmas starting at 6 p.m., on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Amery. It features Sankta Lucia girls and Star Boys in the Swedish tradition. The Klub has invited members of the German Club and of Sons of Norway to join in a potluck meal and the festivities. Entertainment is by accordionist Bev Moll. Further information at foreverswedish.org. - submitted
2010 state trail passes available for holiday gifts POLK COUNTY – Looking for that last-minute gift for the bike riders, skiers or equestrian enthusiasts on your list? 2010 state annual trail passes are available at the Polk County Information Center in St. Croix Falls. State trail passes are required for bikers on the Gandy Dancer Trail, other state bike trails, and some equestrian and ski trails in Wisconsin, 16 years of age and older. An annual state trail pass opens up the whole network of state trails that require passes. Annual passes are priced at $20 and are good through 2010. Trail pass sales generate about $5,000 a year for Polk County that becomes part of the county’s revenue that offsets the tax levy and lowers your taxes. So, if you are planning to use a state trail in 2010, it pays to buy your pass in Polk County. Polk County’s primary trial, the Gandy Dancer State Recreation Trail, is a limestone-surfaced trail that stretches 47 miles, from St. Croix Falls to Danbury. It is operated by agreement with the DNR, as a nonmotorized trail in the summer and a snowmobile trail in the winter. Passes are also available from the Polk County Parks, Buildings and Solid Waste Department office. For more information call 800-222-POLK, www.polkcountytourism.com or 715-485-9294. – submitted by Polk County Tourism and Promotion Council
Thanksgiving and the Giving of Thanks
enjoy. After Jesus had cleansed 10 lepers, only one of them thanked Him for it. Jesus asked, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to Even though we do not observe Thanksgive glory to God except this foreigner?” (Luke giving as a holy day or a religious holiday, it 17:17-18) Those who receive blessings from is a time when most Americans are thankful must be thankful to Him. God for the blessings they have received. Christians ought to be even more expresSuch an expression of gratitude is proper. sive and fervent in their expressions of But rather than expressing it just one day thanksgiving to God because not only are each year, we ought to be thankful every they blessed with those material blessings day. We receive blessings on a daily basis, sustain physical life but also receive all that therefore we should be thankful daily. In the spiritual blessings in Christ (Eph. 1:3) which model prayer of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:11, Jesus taught us to pray to Preacher’s sustain them spiritually and enable them to overcome sin and death in order to live eterGod so that He might, “Give us this day our nally. daily bread.” 1 Timothy 4:3 states that God Those spiritual blessings, if you are not recreated foods which are “to be received with ceiving them now, are available to you if you thanksgiving.” Verse four continues the thought by will submit to the gospel for the salvation of your saying, “For every creature of God is good, and nothing is soul. There is no better way to show gratitude to God to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.” for that which He has graciously given to us than by Our thanksgiving should be directed to God for the in submission to His will; loving, acknowledgliving blessings we have because He is the source of all good ing, and thanking Him as obedient children. Thanksthings. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from giving Day, and every day, let us give thanks to God. above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with (Written by Gene Taylor) whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James If readers have questions you would like answered 1:17). “God, who made the world and everything in it, in this weekly column or simply wish to know more since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temabout the Church of Christ, we would like to invite ples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s you to call 715-866-7157, visit our Web site hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all (www.burnettcountycofc.com) or stop by the church life, breath, and all things” (Acts 17:24-25). Many of the building at 7425 W. Birch St., in Webster. Sunday Bible people who will be thankful on Thanksgiving Day begins at 9:30 a.m. and worship begins at 10:30 class will fail to be thankful to God. Since “all things” we a.m. We also meet Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. Ofreceive are from God, we should thank Him for all fice hours are Tuesdays through Fridays 9 a.m. noon. things — all the physical blessings and privileges we
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Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association 303 N. Wisconsin Ave. 107 N. Washington St. Frederic, Wis. St. Croix Falls, Wis.
24154 State Rd. 35N Siren, Wis.
11 West 5th Ave. Shell Lake, Wis.
497795 3a,b,c,d 14r,L
OBITUARIES Edmund E. Ellis
Joan Linnea Anderson
Mary Janet Fleming
Edmund E. Ellis, Dresser, died Monday Nov. 2, 2009, at Golden Age Manor in Amery at the age of 76. Ed was born Oct. 13, 1933, in Colfax. He attended Colfax schools through the eighth grade. On Feb. 14, 1975, he married Beverly McNite at St. Peters Lutheran Church in Dresser. He worked as a mechanic for Ecklund Ford and Swanson Bros. Implement. Ed enjoyed fishing, hunting, puttering, cutting wood and gardening. Ed was preceded in death by his parents; a brother and sisters. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; son, Mike, of Luck; and daughter, George Ann (Charles) West of St. Croix Falls. Memorial services were held Friday, Nov. 6, at Peace Lutheran Church with the Rev. Wayne Deloach officiating. Interment was in the Peace Lutheran Cemetery. The Grandstrand Funeral Home, Osceola, was entrusted with arrangements.
Joan Linnea Anderson, 77, a resident of Dairyland, died Nov. 18, 2009, at her home. Joan was born on April 19, 1932, in Minneapolis, Minn., to Elmer and Linnea Erickson. The family moved to Duxbury, Minn., when Joan was a little girl. She graduated from Sandstone High School in 1950. Joan met Charles and they were united in marriage on July 1, 1950. They made their home in Cozy Corner (Dairyland). They were blessed with four children: Linnea Jo, Kenneth, Ricky and Sandra. Joan was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Charles; daughter, Linnea; and son, Ricky. Joan is survived by her son, Kenneth (Debra); daughter, Sandra (Ron) Gallagher; and daughter-in-law, Joanne Anderson. Also survived by her grandchildren: Chad and Mark Estridge, Carrie Moen, Edward Carlson and Nicole Sear; great-grandchildren, Brandon Moen, Abria and Chaya Carlson, Jason and Linnea Estridge, and Aaron and Melina Estridge; stepgrandson, Shane Gallagher; and step-great-grandchildren, Zane and Ayslin Gallagher; along with many cousins, other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009, at Swedberg-Taylor Family Funeral Homes with Pastor Tim Faust officiating. Music was provided by Amanda Carlson and Fran McBroom. Interment followed at Riverhill Cemetery in Dairyland. Casket bearers were Edward Carlson, Louie Moen, Mike McIvor, Todd Knobbe, Wayne Knobbe and Dan Sear. The Swedberg-Taylor Family Funeral Homes, Webster, was entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences can be made at www.swedberg-taylor.com.
Mary Janet Fleming (nee Tobin), 79, New Richmond, died Nov. 16, 2009, at Deerfield Gables Care Center in New Richmond. Mary is survived by her daughter, Patricia (David) Anderson and grandchildren, Zachary and Allison of Frederic; her sister, Patricia (Thomas) Joyce of Inver Grove Heights, Minn.; her brother, Malcolm (Florence) Tobin of Oakdale, Minn.; and many nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held Monday, Nov. 23, at the Rowe Funeral Home in Frederic, with the Rev. Catherine Burnette officiating. Music was provided by Mary Lou Daeffler and Kelly Steen. Interment was at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Frederic. Memorial donations may be made in Mary’s name to the Burnett County Humane Society, 7347 Midtown Road, Siren, WI 54872, or a charity of your choice. The Rowe Funeral Home and Cremation Services in Frederic was entrusted with the arrangements.
Dorothy E. Dahlstrom Dorothy E. Dahlstrom, 87, St. Croix Falls, formerly of Minneapolis and Ft. Myers, Fla., died Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009, at the Good Samaritan Home in St. Croix Falls. Memorials preferred to the Lyle A. French Chair Department of Neurosurgery, c/o Minn. Medical Foundation McNamara Alumni Center, 200 Oak St. S.E., Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55455-1663. A private memorial service will be held at a later date. The St. Croix Valley Funeral Home and Polk County Cremation Society, St. Croix Falls, was entrusted with arrangements.
Morris Blomgren Morris Blomgren, 92, died Nov. 1, 2009, at his home near Falun, where he was born on Nov. 19, 1916, to William and Lydia Blomgren. Morris farmed and operated a sawmill for many years, but his real interests were auctions, flea markets and machinery shows. He enjoyed traveling around the area in search of farm equipment and other collectibles. Morris was preceded in death by his parents, William and Lydia Blomgren; sisters, Florence Blomgren and Olive (Frank) Marek. He is survived by his nephew, Roland (Dona) Marek and niece, Janet Freeman. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m., Dec. 1, at Calvary Covenant Church, Alpha. The Edling Funeral Home, Grantsburg, was entrusted with arrangements.
Harriet Suckow Frank Harriet Josephine Frank, 86, Deer Park, died Sunday, Nov. 22, 2009, at Our House Assisted Living, River Falls. Harriet was born to Frank and Anna (Behl) Suckow on Dec. 3, 1922, at Forest. Funeral service will be held at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Forest on Saturday, Nov. 28, 1 p.m. Visitation will be one hour before at the church. Services will be conducted by Pastor Michael Scholz with music provided by Mona Karau and David Frank. Interment will be at St. John’s Cemetery in Forest. The Scheuermann - Hammer Funeral Home of Clear Lake was entrusted with arrangements.
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Rose E. Weissmann of Osceola died Sunday, Nov. 22, at her home at the age of 58. Memorial services will be held Wednesday, Nov. 25, at the Grandstrand Funeral Home in Osceola with Pastor Danny Wheeler officiating. Private interment will be in the Oakwood Cemetery in Red Wing, Minn. Condolences may be left at www.grandstrandfh.com. A full obituary will be published in a later edition.
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Gary Gjonnes
Gary Harold Gjonnes, Frederic, died Friday, Nov. 20, 2009, at home with his family, of acute myeloid leukemia. He was born Sept. 5, 1945, at home east of Frederic, to Harold and Evelyn Gjonnes. Gary attended Pleasant Dale School until fourth grade when his family moved to Frederic. He graduated from Frederic High School in 1963 and attended the University of Superior on a basketball scholarship. Gary served in the United States Army and spent a year in the Vietnam War in 1967. He returned home and continued his education at Dunwoody Institute, graduating with a certificate in survey engineering. Gary worked with his father since he was a child in Gjonnes Construction, an excavating business located in Frederic since 1954. Gary bought the business from his father in 1984. He built many roads in the region, golf courses, school grounds, building developments, clearing, building ponds, dams, lakes and other “dirt” work projects. He sold his business to stepson, David, in 2008 and retired. Gary and Sherry loved to take long drives around the United States, racking up 6,000 to 7,000 miles on any vacation and loved to spend time with grandchildren and family. Gary lived in Frederic most of his life and participated in community events and projects. Gary was preceded in death by his parents; and sister, Donna. He is survived by his wife, Sherry; son, Kyle; stepchildren, David (Heidi) Olson, Eric Olson and Deb (John) Liedl; grandchildren, Nicholas, Emily, Mia and Kaylee; sisters, Sharon (Jack) Garberg and Carmen (John) Burke; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Frederic on Wednesday, Nov. 25, at 11 a.m. Visitation was held on Tuesday evening and will also be held on Wednesday at the church beginning at 10 a.m. and will continue until the service begins. The Rowe Funeral Home of Frederic was entrusted with funeral arrangements.
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In Memory Of
Remembering all the fun we had, The good times that we shared, Makes this deeply sad time, So very hard to bear. So we’ll hold your memory in our hearts, And keep it safely there, For the treasure of your friendship, Is a gift beyond compare. Leighton & Judy Brenholt
Darlene Mae Jensen, 78, died Thursday, Nov. 19, 2009, at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minn. Even though she had already battled cancer, her passing was due to leukemia. Darlene was born in Minneapolis, Minn., to Lyle and Ethelmae Cunningham on July 30, 1931. Darlene and Harry were married June 7, 1952, where they lived on the family farm outside of Luck. She helped farm for many years until she started working at the school kitchen, then at the Luck Post Office, and finally as postmaster in the town of Centuria. Later she worked at the Inter-County Leader as a proofreader until she retired. Darlene was always active in the community with Danish Brotherhood, the senior center, ladies auxiliary for the Pioneer Home. She also belonged to NARFE. She got together with friends and played Scrabble every Monday afternoon. She sat on the board for the Care-a-van and was proud to be a Red Hat Mama. She loved music and also played the piano like her father. She had a witty sense of humor and loved a good joke. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother, Warren; granddaughter, Candice; and brother-in-law, Lauritz. She is survived by her three children, Steven (Susan), Alan (Loann) and Karen (Mike); grandchildren, Jenny, Cody, Brian, Autumn, Kristian, Jared, Jay and Joel (the grandchildren came over every Christmas to make Peppernedder – even some of the great-grandchildren helped); she is also survived by seven great-grandsons and six great-granddaughters; and many nieces and nephews whom she loved deeply. Funeral services will be held at West Denmark Lutheran Church, west of Luck, on Wednesday, Nov. 25, at 2 p.m. Visitation was held on Tuesday evening and will also be held at the church on Wednesday beginning at 1 p.m. and will continue until the service begins. The Rowe Funeral Home of Luck was entrusted with funeral arrangements.
We Miss & Love You Gabby, Mom, Dad, Troy & Jenna
500930 14Lp
500934 14Lp
Bryan Daniel Madsen
Darlene M. Jensen
Gary H. Gjonnes
P.O. Box 408 • 7697 Johnson St. 500394 3a 14L Siren, WI 54872
Sometimes responsibility is learned the hard way
life that Mom and Dad couldn’t come running to rescue him from the unpleasant consequences. (Unfortunately, many American parents still try to bail out the grown children even when they are in their 20s and live away from home.) What is the result? This overprotection produces emotional cripples who often develop lasting characteristics of dependency and a kind of perpetual adolescence. How does one connect behavior with consequences? By being willing to let the child experience a reasonable amount of pain or inconvenience when he behaves irresponsibly. When Jack misses the school bus through his own dawdling, let him walk a mile or two and enter school in midmorning (unless safety factors prevent this). If Janie carelessly loses her lunch money, let her skip a meal. Obviously, it is possible to carry this principle too far, being harsh and inflexible with an immature child. But the best approach is to expect boys and girls to carry the responsibility that is appropriate for their age and occasionally to taste the bitter fruit that irresponsibility bears. In so doing, behavior is wedded to consequences, just like in real life. ••• QUESTION: At what age should discipline begin? DR. DOBSON: There should be no physical punishment for a child younger than 15 to 18 months old, regardless of the circumstance. An infant is incapable of
QUESTION: How can I acquaint my 12-year-old with the need for responsible behavior throughout his life? He is desperately in need of this understanding. DR. DOBSON: One important objective during the preadolescent period is to teach the child that actions have inevitable consequences. One of the most serious casualties in a permissive society is the failure to connect those two factors, behavior and consequences. A 3-year-old child screams insults at his mother, but Mom stands blinking her eyes in confusion. A firstgrader defies his teacher, but the school makes allowances for his age and takes no action. A 10-year-old is caught stealing candy in a store but is released to the recognizance of her parents. A 15-year-old sneaks the keys to the family car, but her father pays the fine when she is arrested. A 17-year-old drives his Chevy like a maniac, and his parents pay for the repairs when he wraps it around a telephone pole. All through childhood, loving parents seem determined to intervene between behavior and consequences, breaking the connection and preventing the valuable learning that could and should have occurred. Thus, it is possible for a young man or woman to enter adult life not really knowing that life bites – that every move we make directly affects our future – and that irresponsible behavior eventually produces sorrow and pain. Such a person secures his first job and arrives late for work three times during the first week. Later, when he is fired in a flurry of hot words, he becomes bitter and frustrated. It was the first time in his
Dr. James
Dobson Focus on the Family
comprehending his or her “offense” or associating it with the resulting consequences. Some parents do not agree and find themselves “swatting” a baby for wiggling while being diapered or for crying in the midnight hours. This is a terrible mistake. Other parents will shake a child violently when they are frustrated or irritated by incessant crying. Let me warn those mothers and fathers of the dangers of that punishing response. Shaking an infant can cause serious neurological damage, which can occur as the brain is slammed against the skull. Do not risk any kind of injury with a baby! Especially during the first year, a youngster needs to be held, loved and calmed by a soothing human voice. He should be fed when hungry and kept clean and dry and warm. The foundation for emotional and physical health is laid during this 12-month period, which should be characterized by security, affection and warmth. ••• Dr. Dobson is founder and chairman emeritus of the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80995 (www.focusonthefamily.org). Questions and answers are excerpted from “Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide” and “Bringing Up Boys,” both published by Tyndale House. COPYRIGHT 2009 JAMES DOBSON INC., DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106; 816581-7500
Brought to you by:
Pilgrim Lutheran Church Frederic
Carols by Candlelight program set at East Balsam Baptist BALSAM LAKE – East Balsam Baptist Church will host the eighth-annual Carols by Candlelight Christmas concert on Sunday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m. The holiday program will feature piano, organ and flute music by Vickie Peterson of Luck and Lois Hemingway of Balsam Lake. Carols by Candlelight has been a staple of the Christmas season for several years and is enjoyed by many in the surrounding towns. “It’s our gift to the church and to our communities,” says Vickie Peterson. Lois Hemingway adds, “Even though Christmas can be a crazy time with many commitments, it’s important
to slow down and spend time as a family remembering the reason that we celebrate.” Among the many favorites that will be featured during Carols by Candlelight are “Joy to the World,” “What Child is This?,” “Silent Night,” “Mary, Did You Know?,” “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear,” “O Holy Night” and “Sweet Little Jesus Boy.” Carols by Candlelight is the first of three Christmas events at East Balsam Baptist Church. On Sunday, Dec. 13, at 9 a.m. the Sunday school classes will present their comical and timely Christmas program, “Christmas at Bethlehem Gulch.” The annual Christmas Eve service
will take place on Dec. 24. “We are excited about these programs and invite everybody to come out and enjoy them with us,” says Pastor David Sollitt. East Balsam Baptist Church is located five miles east of Balsam Lake on CTH I. The Sunday morning worship service begins at 9 a.m. Sunday school starts at 10:30 a.m. For more information on East Balsam Baptist Church, call the church office at 715-857-5411 or visit www.eastbalsam.org. - submitted
Church listings sponsored by the following area businesses: BREMER BANK, N.A. Full-Service Banking Member FDIC Frederic - Danbury - Siren
DAEFFLER’S QUALITY MEATS, INC. Wholesale & Retail Meats Custom Butchering & Processing Phone 715-327-4456
Frederic, Wis. - 715-327-4236 Shell Lake, Wis. - 715-468-2314 Siren, Wis. - 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls, Wis. - 715-483-9008
Corey T. Arnold, Agent Frederic, Wis. Phone 715-327-8076
BEAN’S COUNTRY GRIDDLE Hwys. 35 & 48 Downtown Frederic Phone 715-327-5513
“Your Electric Servant” Serving Polk & Burnett Counties “Use Energy Wisely”
WEBSTER CASHCO BUILDING SUPPLIES Complete Lumber & Building Supplies
Phone 715-866-4238 Hwy. 35 N. Webster, Wis. Tom & Becky O’Brien, Owners
Frederic, Wis. 715-327-4475 110 Oak Street Frederic, Wis. 715-327-4208 Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5 Not Open On Saturday Duane Lindh
• Gravel • Sand • Rock • Top Soil • Trackhoe 715-472-2717 Mobile 715-491-1861 1065 290th Ave. Frederic, Wis.
Government Inspected Slaughtering and Processing, Sausage making • Ham and Bacon Cured and Smoked Sides and Quarters of Beef and Pork Available Old-fashioned Fresh Meat Counter Tim Van Meter and Ross Anderson, Owners Luck, WI 54853 Plant 715-472-2141
Sand, Gravel, Ready-Mix, Concrete, Black Dirt, Dozer Work, Landscaping & Septic Tanks Installed
• Complete Line of Building Supplies & Lumber • Cabot’s Stains Grantsburg, Wis. 715-488-2471 or 715-327-8766
1988 World Champion Cheesemaker Earl Wilson, Cheese Plant Mgr. Clif Gipp, Ag. Supply Mgr. for Feed, Propane & Fertilizer Alpha, Wis. 715-689-2468 • 715-689-2467
Feed Mill - Grain Dept. Cushing, Wis. 715-648-5215
By Willits Jerry & Pat Willits, Owners We sell flags, banners, wind socks, pennants, flag poles & accessories. Installations Available 2815 285th Ave. • Sterling Township 715-488-2729
Hwy. 35 North Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-4157 M.P.R.S. #03059
SWEDBERG-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME Webster, Wis. Phone 715-866-7131
Churches 5/09
Wrecker - Flatbed Air Conditioning & Computerized Car Service - Cold Weather Starts
Webster, Wis. 715-866-4100 Days • 715-866-8364 Eves.
Your Full-Service Drugstore Siren, Wis. Phone 715-349-2221
Any area business wishing to help sponsor the church listings should contact the Leader at 715-327-4236.
Church Directory ADVENTIST
609 Benson Road. Pastor Curtis Denney Sat. Worship 11 a.m.; Sabbath Schl. 9:30 a.m.
ALLIANCE CHURCH OF THE VALLEY Senior Pastor Bob Morton 1259 Hwy. 35 S., St. Croix Falls Sunday Worship: 8:30, 9:45 & 11 a.m.
Meeting in homes. Elders: Cliff Bjork, Jon Zens, 483-1357 and 755-3048 Sun. Fellowship - 10 a.m.; Wed. 7 p.m.
1115 Mains Crossing, 1/2 Mile South Hwy. 8 On 110th St.; Pastor Matt Faarem Sun. Worship 9 a.m.; Sun. School 10:15 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.; Wed. LOGOS 3:20 p.m.
Gene E. Jahnke, Pastor, 715-635-7672, Hm. 715-354-7787, Hwy. 70 at 53, Spooner Sun. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School & Bible Classes For All - 10:45 a.m.
Pastor Jay Ticknor, 715-463-5746 3 miles So. of Grantsburg on Hwy. 87 Sun. Schl. - 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.
Hwy. 35, 1/2 blk. N. Main St. Pastor John Clasen; Pastoral Serv. 349-5280 Sun. Schl. 8:15 a.m.; Sun. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.
BETHESDA LUTHERAN - DRESSER (LCMC) www.bethesdalutheran.ws
Pastor Mark Richardson, 715-755-2562 Pastor Mike Winick 1947 110th Ave., Dresser Praise Serv. 8:15 a.m.; Heart Song Serv., Adult Ed & Sun. Schl. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Trad. Serv. 10:45 a.m.
BONE LAKE LUTHERAN bllc@lakeland.ws Pastor Mary Ann Bowman, 5 mi. E. of Luck on Hwy. 48, 1/2 mi. S. on I; 472-8153, Office/Kit. - 472-2535 Sun. Schl. & Adult Bible Study 9 a.m.; Fellowship 10 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Pipe Lake CTH G & T, 715-822-3096 Sun. Serv. 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:15 a.m. during school year; Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sun.
Pastor Gary Rokenbrodt - 715-653-2630 Communion 1st Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.
faithlutheran@lakeland.ws Pastor Diane Norstad 715-485-3800; CTH I & Mill Street Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:40 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st & last Sundays
Pastor Victor St. George, 715-463-5388 Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School 10:45 a.m.
5561 Chestnut St., Taylors Falls, MN 651-465-5265 Traditional Wor. 8:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. & Youth 9:45 a.m.; Adult Learning 10 a.m.; Contemp. Wor. 11 a.m.
Pastor Dorothy Sandahl, 648-5323 or 648-5324 Sun. Wor. 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:15 a.m.
Pastor Maggie Isaacson, 715-825-3559 3 mi. W. of Milltown on “G” Sun. Wor. - 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Rev. Jody Walter, Interim, Phone 327-8608; Church Phone 866-7191 Sun. Wors. - 9:15 a.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
2355 Clark Road, Dresser, WI, 715-755-2515 Web site: plcdresser.org Pastor Wayne Deloach, Intern Lori Peper Sun. Wor. 8:30 & 11 a.m., Sun. Schl. 9:35 a.m.
PILGRIM LUTHERAN - FREDERIC (ELCA) Pastor Catherine Burnette 507 Wisconsin Ave. N., 715-327-8012 Sunday Schl. 9 a.m.; Sunday Wor. - 10 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st & 2nd Sundays www.pilgrimlutheranfrederic.org
(Wisconsin Synod) Pastor Gene DeVries 200 N. Adams St., St. Croix Falls Sun. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 8:30 a.m.
ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN (Wis. Synod) 350 Michigan Ave., Centuria Sun. Wor. - 10:45 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10 a.m.
1614 CTH, North Luck Office Ph.472-2605; Dial-A-Devotion 472-2345 Sun. Worship - 9 a.m.
140 Madison St. South, St. Croix Falls Pastor Mark K. Schoen Sun. Service - 9 a.m.; Sun.School - 10:30 a.m.
10 mi. W. of Cumberland on Hwy. 48 (McKinley) - Pastor Neal Weltzin GT Office 857-5580, Parsonage 822-3001, TR Office - 822-3001 Wor. Serv. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion - 1st Sunday
Rev. Jody Walter, Interim Home 715-327-8608; Church 715-866-7191 Sunday Worship Service - 7:45 a.m. Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Hwy. 70 East, 689-2271 Pastor: Carl Heidel Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Communion -Every Sunday
300 Seminole Ave. (CTH M) Mark Kock, Pastor, 715-294-2828 Sunday Worship at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School (ages 4 thru 12th grade), Fellowship, Adult Bible Class at 9:15 a.m.
Rev. Rexford D. Brandt 447 180th St., Osceola, 715-294-2936 Sun. Wor. 8 & 10:30 a.m.; Sun Schl. 9:15 a.m. Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
Pastor Gary Rokenbrodt - 715-653-2630 5 mi. E. of Frederic on W, 2 mi. south on I; Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Communion - 1st Sunday
Pastor Martin Weigand - 715-294-3489 Sun. Schl. 9 a.m.; Adult Bible Class 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.
CTH H, 1/2 mi. N. of CTH A & H on H Church Off. 715-635-7791 Roger Pittman, Pastor Sun. Schl. 9 a.m.; Worship Serv. 8 &10 a.m.; Sat. 7 p.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Pastor Dorothy Sandahl Sun. Wor. 10:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 10:30 a.m.
510 Foster Ave. E. Office 715-472-2605; Home 715-472-8424 Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Cindy Glocke, Pastor, 715-866-8646 Sun. Worship - 9 a.m.
Pastor Tim Faust Worship - 11 a.m.; Sun. School - 10 a.m. Holy Communion - 1st & 3rd Sunday
Pastor David Almlie, 715-327-8384, 715-327-8090 Fellowship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m. Communion - 1st & 2nd Sundays
Rev. Bruce Brooks - 715-483-3550 719 Nevada St. , (between Simonson & Tower Roads) , St. Croix Falls Worship - 10 a.m. (Nursery provided) Sun. Schl. - Child.- 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - Adults - 8:45 a.m.; Communion 1st Sunday
Rev. Thomas E. Thompson, 715-247-3310 139 Church Hill Rd., Somerset Mass Sun. 8:30 a.m.; Wed. 9 a.m. Sacrament of Penance Sun. 8 a.m.
Pastor Father Daniel Bodin, 651-465-7345 25293 Redwing Ave., Shafer, MN Sunday 9 a.m.
Cindy Glocke, Pastor, 715-866-8646 Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Michael J. Tupa, 715-866-7321 Cedar & Muskey Ave. - Webster Mass Sun 10:45 a.m., Wed. 5:45 p.m. (SeptMay), Fri. 9 a.m. (Summer) Sat. 8:15 p.m. on Sept. 1
Holytrinity@wisconsinumc.org 1606 165th Ave., CTH I, Centuria Paul Foulke, Pastor, 715-485-3363 Sun. Wor. - 9 a.m.
Pastor Jack Starr Wor. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - during worship hour
LEWIS MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST Tom Cook, Pastor Worship 8:45 a.m.; Sunday Schl. 10 a.m.
Pastor Annie Tricker Sun. Wor. 11 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m. Potluck dinner 1st Sunday
oumc@centurytel.net 306 River Street, Osceola, 715-755-2275 Pastor Mark Gilbert Adult Class - 8:30 a.m.; Sunday Schl. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship - 10 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st Sunday
ST. CROIX FALLS UNITED METHODIST Rev. Mike Weaver Sunday Worship Service - 10 a.m. Sun. School is at 9 a.m., Nursery available
Pastor Arveda “Freddie” Kirk, 327-4436 Early Wor. 8:30 a.m.; Sun. Wor. 10 a.m. Souper service Wed. 5:15 p.m.
Tom Cook, Pastor Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship - 10:15 a.m. (Nursery available)
290 W. Government Street, 715-294-4436 Reverend Dr. Rolland Robinson Sunday Service - 10 a.m. with nursery Sunday School - Sept. - May at 10 a.m.
WOLF CREEK UNITED METHODIST Rev. Mike Weaver Sunday Worship - 8:15 a.m. COVENANT
Pastor Scott Sagel, 715-689-2541 Sun. Schl. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Wor. 10:30 p.m.; Elevator provided, welcome
Pastor Dave Guertin 7686 Lofty Pines Drive, Siren, 715-349-5601 Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.
Rt. 1, Balsam Lake, WI (Fox Creek) Pastor Neal Weltzen; GT Office - 857-5580, Parsonage - 822-3001, TR Office - 822-3001 Wors. Serv. 10:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:15 a.m.; Holy Communion - 1st Sun. of each month
(Missouri Synod) Pastor Jody R. Walter, 327-8608 Sun. Schl. - 8:45 a.m.; Service - 10:45 a.m. Communion - 1st & 3rd Sun.
Pastor Carolyn Saunders, 715-463-2624 Worship - 9 a.m.; Sun. School - 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Carolyn Saunders, 715-463-2624 Sunday School - 11 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.
Pastor Gary Tonn Praise Time 8 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:20 a.m.
1/2 mi. W. of Hwy. 35 on U, 715-866-8281, Pastor Ray Reinholtzen, Douglas Olson and Roger Kampstra Services begin at 9:30 a.m.; Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
Phone 327-4340, 327-8384, 327-8090 Pastor David Almlie Worship 9:15 a.m.; Sun. School 10:30 a.m. Communion - 1st & 2nd Sundays
Pastors Mike & Linda Rozumalski 1 mi. west of Luck on N, 2478 170th St., Luck Sun. Schl. 9 a.m.; Fellowship 9:45 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.
ELCA - 501 Hwy. 35, 646-2357 Mel Rau, Pastor Sunday Worship & Holy Communion - 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School - 10:40 a.m.
113 W. Main St.. W., Phone 715-825-2453 Pastor Danny G. Wheeler 9 a.m. Prayer & Praise; 9:30 a.m. Sun. Schl.; 10:40 a.m. Worship Serv..
ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Rev. Thomas E. Thompson, 715-247-3310 255 St. Hwy. 35, East Farmington Mass Friday 9 a.m.; Sacrament of Penance Sat. 3:30 p.m.
Pastor - Father Daniel Bodin 490 Bench St., Taylors Falls, 651-465-7345 Sat. Vigil 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Tues. - Thurs. 7:30 a.m.
Danbury - 7586 St. Rd. 77, 866-7321 Pastor - Father Michael J. Tupa Mass - Wed. 5 p.m. (Summer), Fri. 9 a.m. (Sept.-May). Reconciliation as per bulletin & by appt.
Balsam Lake - Rev. John A. Drummy, Pastor - 405-2253 Mass: Sat. eves. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8:30 a.m.; Tues. 5:30 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m.Sacrament of Reconciliation 7:30 a.m. Sun. or by appt.
404 Wis. Ave., Amery, 715-268-7717 Father John Drummy, Pastor Sat. Mass 4 p.m., Sun. Mass 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat., 3:30 p.m. or by appt.
Rev. Thomas E. Thompson, 715-294-2243 255 E. 10th Ave., Osceola Masses: Sun. 10:30 a.m., Tues. 5 p.m. Thurs. at 10 a.m. at Osc. Nursing Home ASSEMBLY
Pastor Don Wiltshire, 715-640-6400 Centuria - Phone 715-646-2172 Sunday Service: 10 a.m.
Pastor Larry Mederich, 715-294-4332 www.occconnect.org Mtg. @ St. Croix Art Barn; Sun. Serv. - 9 a.m. Nursery and children church
Pastor Andrew Bollant Sun. Schl. - 9:15 a.m.; Morn. Serv. - 10:15 a.m.; Supervised Nursery; Wed. Evening - Worship Serv. 6:30 p.m.
Pastor Dale VanDeusen, 715-488-2296 or 715-488-2653 20296 Hwy. 87, Grantsburg Morn. Wor. - 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. - 10:45 a.m.; Nursery provided for all services
716 S. Robert St., Grantsburg, 715-463-5699 Sr. Pastor Brad Moore David Ahlquist, Assoc. Pastor Sun. Wor. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m.
Pastor Doug McConnell Youth Pastor Chris Radtke At Grantsburg High School, 715-463-5794 Sun. Serv. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 11 a.m.
Pastor Andy McDaniel, 715-327-8402 Sun. Schl. - 9:15 a.m.; Wor. Serv. - 10:15 a.m.; Wed. 6:30 p.m. Bible Study; Nursery provided.; www.tradelakebaptistchurch.org
Minister Garret Derouin, 866-7157 Musky & Birch St., Avail. in office 9 a.m. noon, Tues.-Fri.; Sun. Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m.
Dairyland - Rev. Andrea Wittwer 715-244-3649 Sunday School - 10 a.m.; Worship - 11 a.m.
FULL GOSPEL WOOD RIVER CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Pastor Dan Slaikeu 4 mi. SE of Grantsburg on Williams Rd. Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Wor. 10:30 a.m.
231 Bluff Drive, 715-247-2435 Services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Call Pastor Darryl Olson at 715-755-3133 for information and directions
1751 100th Ave., Dresser Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Morn. Wor. 10:30 a.m. Evening Services Sun. 6 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m.
Pastor Bruce Tanner, 715-268-2176 942 U.S. Hwy. 8, Amery Sun. Schl. 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible study 7 p.m. Pastor Greg Lund, 715-327-8767 700 Churchwood Lane; 505 Old CTH W Sun. Schl. - 9 a.m.; Morn. Worship - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided for all services BAPTIST
EAST BALSAM BAPTIST - BALSAM LK. Pastor David Sollitt 715-857-5411 or 715-268-2651 Wor. Serv. - 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl.-10:15 a.m.
2393 210th Ave., St. Croix Falls Pastor Willis Christenson, 715-483-9464 Sun. Schl. - 10 a.m.; Wor. Serv. - 11 a.m.
Hwy. 35 and CTH N., Luck Bill McEachern Pastor, 715-485-3973 Sun. Bible study - 9 a.m.; Sun. Wor. - 10 a.m.
131 Broadway St., 715-268-2223; www.fbcamery.org Pastor Charlie Butt, Lead Pastor Sunday Worship: 9 - 10:15 a.m. & 10:30 11:45 a.m.; Childrens church ages 3-4 Sun. Schl. for Pre-K to 5th; Sun. Schl. for Jr./Sr. high meet in teen center Nursery available
Pastor Kevin Miller Associate Pastor Roger Inouye Sunday School - (all ages) - 9:30 a.m. Church Serv. - 10:45 a.m.
Pastor Marlon Mielke, 715-825-3186 Sun. Schl. 9:45 a.m.; Wor. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.
Located across from elemen. school on West St., Pastor, Dr. Kevin Schumann; 651-465-7171 Sun. Morn. - Sun. Schl. for all ages - 9 a.m. Morn. Worship - 10:15 a.m.; Nursery provided.
Pastor Father Michael J. Tupa CTHs A & H - 715-866-7321 Crescent Lake Voyager Village area. Mass Sun. 8:15 a.m., Thurs. 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation as per bulletin and by appt.
Pastor: Rev. Dennis M. Mullen, 715-327-8119 St. Dominic: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 10:30 a.m. Immaculate Conception: Sun. 8:30 a.m. Call the office for daily & holy day Mass times
Church Phone 715-866-4111; Rev. Merrill Olson - Pastor Sun. Schl. - 9:30 a.m.; Wor. - 10:45 a.m (Nursery Provided)
“The Cure for the Common Church” 722 Seminole Ave., Osceola Pastor Dr. Kent Haralson; 715-294-4222 or 715-755-3454; info@gracechurchosceola.com Sun.: Praise & Worship Serv. 9 am., Adult Bible Study 10:45 a.m., Children’s Sun. Schl. 10:45 a.m.
523 1st St., Clayton, 715-948-2493 Fr. Christopher Wojcik, Pastor Sat. Vespers - 5 p.m.; Sun. Liturgy - 9:30 a.m. Meeting at Zion Lutheran Church, 28005 Old Towne Rd., Chisago Lakes, MN Fr. Robert McMeekin, pastor hcomm.org Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
CALVARY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 510 S. Vincent, St. Croix Falls Pastor Lori Ward, 715-483-3696 Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:45 a.m. & Wed. 6:30 p.m.
7535 Peet St., Danbury, 715-656-4010 Reverend R.A. Luebke Adult Bible Service 9 a.m.; Services: Sun. 10 a.m.; Sunday School during church service.
CENTERPOINT CHURCH “Come as you are”
Pastor Dick Enerson, www.centerpointstcroix.com 715-294-1833, Meeting at SCF High Schl. Main entrance 740 Maple Drive, St. Croix Falls Sunday Worship 10 - 11:15 a.m.
NEW LIFE COMMUNITY - AMERY Pastor Timothy Barnes Sat. 7 p.m. prayer; Sun. Worship 10 a.m.; Children’s Church to 6th Grade
Meets at Dresser Elem. School, Dresser Pastor Michael Brand, 715-417-2468 Adult Class 9 a.m.; Sun. Schl. 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service 9:45 a.m.; Nursery available
NEW WINE CHURCH - CENTURIA 309 5th Street, 715-338-2751 Pastors Randy and Pam Stone Sunday 10 a.m.; Wednesday 7 p.m.
NORTHERN PINES FRIENDS WORSHIP GROUP 715-733-0481 or 715-733-0480 for time of meeting.
1289 160th St. (Hwy. 65), St. Croix Falls 715-483-5378 Pastors Dan and Claudia Denissen Asst. Pastor Ken Janes Sun. School 9 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m.
church directory
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Students of the Week GRANTSBURG
Heath Tietz has been chosen Frederic Elementary School’s student of the week. He is in fourth grade and is the son of Joe and Donna Tietz. He is a hard worker who always goes out of his way to help others. He enjoys school, but his favorite pasttime is spending time with his cow, Speckles. Phy ed is his favorite subject, and he likes to both play and watch football. Someday, Heath plans to farm like his dad.
Lexi Domagala has been chosen Frederic Middle School’s student of the week. She is in eighth grade and the daughter of Brad and Paula Domagala. She is involved with her church, basketball, softball and volleyball. She is a great school citizen and is a pleasure to have in class. She plans to attend college after she graduates.
Claire Erickson has been chosen Frederic High School’s student of the week. He is a senior and the nephew of Todd and Cherrise Miller. He is involved with FFA and plays football, wrestling and baseball. He is a hardworking young man with integrity. He plans to enlist in the Air Force.
Jadyn Watt has been chosen Grantsburg Elementary School’s student of the week. She is in first grade and the daughter of Robyn and Josh Watt. She is very responsible, is willing to help classmates and is a great listener. She likes when the class makes a craft project. She likes gym and art. She is involved in Girl Scouts, plays hockey and likes to play with her friend, Anna, and spending time with Grandma.
Kim Demydowich has been chosen Luck Middle School’s student of the week. She is in seventh grade and the daughter of Christal and Peter Demydowich. She is a student who quietly observes the world around her and considers all of her options before making a choice. She stays focused and she is helpful to her classmates and teachers. She plays basketball. She enjoys playing softball, basketball, swimming and walking.
Tatia Hibbs as been chosen Luck High School’s student of the week. She is a freshman and the daughter of Nathan and Gail Hibbs. She is a great student who does her best every day. She is willing to work with anyone in class, but also works great on her own. She answers questions with thoroughness, which helps in her understanding of the subject. She is involved in FCCLA, youth group, church activities, art club, piano, volleyball and basketball. She plans to attend college.
Megan Eighmy has been chosen St. Croix Falls Elementary School’s student of the week. She is in fourth grade and the daughter of Mike and Mary Beth Eighmy. She has two sisters. She enjoys science because it lets her be creative, do experiments and she learns new things. At home Megan enjoys reading good books and making beaded necklaces and bracelets. She is a very polite and pleasant girl always wanting to learn and to help people.
Cody Whittier has been chosen St. Croix Falls Middle School’s student of the week. He is in sixth grade and the son of Tiffany Whittier. He has a sister, Britt, and his pets include Rose the dog and Tiki the cat. He is involved in hockey. He also enjoys golf and whittling. His favorite subject is math. A teacher commented, "Cody is a good student, has many friends, and is very involved outside of school."
Cassie Petherbridge has been chosen St. Croix Falls High School’s student of the week. She is a senior and the daughter of Mike and Julie Petherbridge. She has three brothers, Daniel, Michael and Johnathon, and one sister, Kristin. She loves horseback riding, swimming, reading and farming.
Nicole Heller has been chosen Siren Elementary School’s student of the week. She is a very conscientious, hardworking student. She enjoys school and is always ready to learn. She is a very good friend to her classmates, always making sure she includes others and makes them feel accepted. She favors computer class and she loves to slide during recess.
Jessica Glover has been chosen Grantsburg High School’s student of the week. She is a freshman and the daughter of Joel and Jill Glover. She brings a positive attitude with her to class every day. She is always happy to participate, does excellent work on daily assignments and is willing to help out her classmates and teachers. Her warm personality and smile are contagious. She is involved in FCCLA, 4-H, youth group and plays soccer.
Coral Melin has been chosen Luck Elementary School’s student of the week. She is in kindergarten and the daughter of Aren Gerich and Jamie Melin. Her favorite things in school are art and gym, and she likes to draw and color. Coral is nice to everyone, and she is a great role model for others.
Amanda Corry has been chosen Grantsburg Middle School’s student of the week. She is in sixth grade and the daughter of Jason and Radene Corry. She has an excellent attitude towards her schooling. She is conscientious, organized and well-mannered in the classroom. She is respectful to other students. Science is her favorite class, but she also enjoys music, gymnastics, volleyball, riding her horses and playing the piano.
Mackenzie Brown has been chosen Siren Middle School’s student of the week. She is the daughter of Asheton and Melaine Brown. She works hard to keep her grades at an exceptional level and participates in volleyball and basketball. She enjoys reading science fiction novels and writing short stories. She aspires to become a New York Times selling author as an adult.
Staci Kopecky has been chosen Siren High School’s student of the week. She is a senior and the daughter of Dave Kopecky. She is always friendly, kind and very helpful in class. She is always willing to help her teachers and classmates. She is a responsible person that takes on large tasks like planning her senior class trip. She is involved in band, SHE club, library club and AODA. After graduation, she plans to attend WITC majoring in early childhood.
Casondra Thielman has been chosen Webster Elementary School’s student of the week. She is in first grade and the daughter of Terrance and Jennifer Thielman. Her favorite subject is math. She also enjoys drawing and playing at recess. She has excellent classroom manners and is very helpful. She enjoys spending time with her family and playing with her cat and bunnies.
Alexis Frazee has been chosen Webster Middle School’s student of the week. She is in seventh grade and the daughter of Jerry Frazee and Virginia Cichoski. She is a great student that really focuses on her work. She has a very busy life with sports and all and was almost a straight-A student last term. She is a really fun and pleasant student to have in the classroom. She is involved in volleyball and enjoys hunting and fishing.
Jake Hunter has been chosen Webster High School’s student of the week. He is a freshman and the son of Greg and Raelynn Hunter. He is a great student. He really cares about getting his work in on time and done correctly. He proved this by getting straight A's last term. He is very kind and helpful in the classroom. He is involved in basketball. He enjoys hunting, fishing and archery. He plans to attend college for something in the DNR field.
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STUDENT OF THE WEEK Please Call 715-327-4236
Wyatt Stenberg has been chosen Unity Middle School’s student of the week. He is in sixth grade and the son of Chad and Heidi Stenberg. He is a conscientious student, has a good attitude and is active in his learning. He has a smile on his face every day, and works well with his peers. He has a very good attitude and is fun to have in class.
Renae Mckenzie has been chosen Unity High School’s student of the week. She is a freshman and the daughtr of Laverne and Leisha Mckenzie. She enjoys dancing and going on bike rides.
• Pokeno at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Cribbage at the senior center, 9-11:30 a.m. • Ruby’s Food Shelf open, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
Coming events
• Exercise 10-11 a.m. and Skip-Bo 11 a.m.noon at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
SATURDAY/5 Balsam Lake
• Poet LaMoine MacLaughlin presents poems at the library, 1 to 2 p.m.
• Cozy Country Christmas on 4th Street, 715825-2131.
• 25th-annual Christmas Craft Gift Sale at the community center, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 715-463-2603. • School music department’s cookie walk at the senior center & Grantsburg Family Foods, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
• Cookie walk at West Denmark parish hall, 8 a.m.-noon. • Santa Days at the library/museum, 10 a.m.4 p.m.
• Food shelf & senior center closed.
• Free Thanksgiving Day Dinner, noon, at Bone Lake Lutheran Church. Call 715-472-2535 for reservations by Nov. 23.
Shell Lake
• Holiday Saturday Craft Fair, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 715-468-1205. • Bazaar brunch at United Methodist Church, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Christmas in Siren. Santa at the school commons, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.. Christmas in a BAAG at North Winds Arts & Gallery, 10 a.m.5 p.m., 715-349-8448. Parade 5 p.m., www.visitsiren.com
• Ruby’s Food Shelf closed. • Cribbage at the senior center, 9-11:30 a.m. • Community Thanksgiving dinner at the senior center, noon-2 p.m., 715-866-4878.
• Exercise 10-11 a.m.; Skip-Bo 11 a.m.-noon and 500 Cards 6:30-10 p.m. at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
FRI. & SAT./27 & 28
St. Croix Falls
• Birds of prey program with live Harris hawk at the library, 10:30 a.m., 715-483-1777. • Ring of Kerry Christmas concert at the Festival Theatre, 7:30 p.m., 888-887-6002.
Taylors Falls, Minn.
• Young House tours. Fri. 1-9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
• Julie Crabtree – Pfannes Studio Holiday Show at 2459 220th St., CTH Z, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., 715-648-5779.
What me worry? Turkey season is over and everyone has that big buck on their mind. — Photo by Larry Samson
Taylors Falls, Minn.
• Lighting Festival. • Christmas at Folsom House. Fri. 1-9 p.m., St. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sun. 1-7 p.m.
FRIDAY/27 Frederic
• Pokeno at the senior center, 1 p.m.
• Elk chili feed benefit at South Fork Sporting Club, 4-8 p.m., 715-653-2592.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise 10-11 a.m.; Skip-Bo 11 a.m.-noon and Bridge 10 a.m.-noon at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
Taylors Falls, Minn.
• Holiday at the Depot Art and Craft Sale, community center, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
SATURDAY/28 Frederic
• Noon buffet and cards or Pokeno at the senior center, 1 p.m. • Ruby’s Pantry at the school bus garage, doors open at 7:30 a.m. and distribution at 8 a.m., date change this month only.
• Holidazzle Stop & Shop at Hog Wild, 4-8 p.m.
• Brunch fundraiser for Interfaith Caregivers Christmas for Kids at Adventures Restaurant, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
• Exercise 10-11 a.m., Skip-Bo 11 a.m. and 500 cards and Dominos 12:30 p.m. at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
Taylors Falls, Minn.
• St. Croix Valley Orchestra Winter Concert, 3 p.m. at United Methodist Church. • Star Watch Party presented by WCCO Radio Meteorologist Mike Lynch, 6 p.m. at the elementary school.
MONDAY/30 Frederic
• Spades at the senior center, 1 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise 10-11 a.m. and Skip-Bo 11 a.m.noon at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
• Introduction to Home Funerals/Green Burials at the Webster High School, 6-8:30 p.m.
• Swedish Klub meets at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 6 p.m., foreverswedish.org.
Taylors Falls, Minn.
• Otis Taylor Post 96 American Legion Auxiliary will meet at Log Cabin Eatery for meeting and Christmas party, 11:30 a.m.
• Christmas art & craft show at the United Methodist Church & St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Elm Street, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. • Bingo for cash at community center, 6:30 p.m. • Wassail Party Craft Fair, at the community center, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. • "A Christmas Quilt," 1 p.m. and Ecumenical Choral Vespers, 4:30 p.m. at the Methodist church.
SUNDAY/29 Centuria
• Free community dinner at Holy Trinity United Methodist Church, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
Clam Falls
• Coffee hour at Clam Falls Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.
• Booster Club is holding a Winter Warm-Up Soup & Sandwich Supper at the high school, 4:30-7 p.m.
• Poet LaMoine MacLaughlin to read at the library, 7 p.m., 715-825-2313.
• Blood pressure screening at Bremer Bank, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
• Dining at Five dinner at the senior center, 5 p.m., 715-349-2845. • Marine Corps League Meeting, at Little Mexico, 7 p.m. For info, 715-327-4882.
St. Croix Falls
• Love Lights remembrance ceremony at SCRMC atrium, 4 p.m., 715-483-0331. • Exercise 10-11 a.m., Skip-Bo 11 a.m. and 500 cards 6:30 p.m. at the senior center, 715483-1901.
• Lioness Christmas party at Ike Walton Lodge.
FRI.-SUN./4-6 Clear Lake
• Candlelight Christmas Tea at United Covenant Church, 7-8:30 p.m., 715-948-2153.
• Christmas at the Fort at Forts Folle Avoine. Fri. 4-7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.4 p.m., www.thefort.org.
• Holiday art sale at Café Wren, Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Bridge 10 a.m. and Bingo 1 p.m. at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
Taylors Falls, Minn.
• Christmas at Folsom House, 1 to 5 p.m.
Balsam Lake
• Carols by Candlelight Christmas concert at East Balsam Baptist Church, 7 p.m., 715-8575411.
MON.-SAT./7-19 Balsam Lake
• Polk County Operation Christmas Collections. Drop-off at Unity School or Unity VFW, 715-485-8863, 715-485-8405.
MONDAY/7 Frederic
• Honor choir at the high school, 7 p.m.
TUESDAY/8 Milltown
• Fifth- & sixth-grade band and choir concert at Unity school auditorium, 7 p.m.
St. Croix Falls
• Exercise 10-11 a.m., Skip-Bo 11 a.m. and 500 cards and Dominos 12:30 p.m. at the senior center, 715-483-1901.
WEDNESDAY/9 St. Croix Falls
• Make-It and Take-It Cookie Day at First Presbyterian Church, 9 a.m.-noon, 715-483-3550. • December birthday party at the senior center at noon, 715-483-1901.
THURSDAY/10 St. Croix Falls
• Exercise 10-11 a.m., Skip-Bo 11 a.m. and 500 cards 6:30 p.m. at the senior center, 715483-1901.
FRI.-SUN./11-13 Luck
• Holiday art sale at Café Wren, Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
FRIDAY/11 Grantsburg
• Northwest Regional Writers meeting & Christmas party at the Jade Dragon.
• Senior center Christmas party at Oakwood Inn, 6 p.m., 715-472-2474, 715-472-8285.
Marilyn Mays and Jim Walker present "A Christmas Quilt" in Taylors Falls TAYLORS FALLS, Minn. – Taylors Falls Lighting Festival is pleased to host the 2009 production of “A Christmas Quilt.” It will be performed at a 1 p.m. matinee at the l861 United Methodist Church, 290 W. Government St., on Saturday, Nov. 28. Festival Theatre actors Marilyn Mays and Jim Walker have performed at the Lighting Festival for the past 14 years, and over this time have amassed 15 binders of holiday material, so each year their selections are different. They quilt together funny, festive and reflective selections about the holiday season that delight all ages. Admission is $2 for adults, kids under 12 are free. The church in the Angel Hill Historic District next to the l855 Folsom House Museum. The quaintness of the decorated church building provides a beautiful setting for “A Christmas Quilt.” - submitted
Festival Theatre actors Marilyn Mays and Jim Walker will delight all ages with their quilt of holiday stories and poems on Saturday, Nov. 28, at 1 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Taylors Falls. – Photo submitted