WCR | Oct 28 | 2015

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y

Register wcregist eronline.com


Oct. 28, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015 Vol. 127, No. 11 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch • Creepy Quam Night @ Shell Lake • Halloween party at Barronett • Fall harvest dinner @ Timberland See calendar on page 6 for details


Woeful Wednesday

Remembering class members from the Madge School Page 21 Earth notes: A dozen home hacks to save the planet Page 10 Aurora Moline plays the role of Wednesday Addams. “The Addams Family” was a popular cartoon that became a popular TV show. It was later made into a movie. She was part of the scary cast at the Haunted Schoolhouse held last Saturday, Oct. 24 at the Shell Lake Arts Center. More photos on page 2. - Photo by Larry Samson

Cross-country sectional competition

Expanding school board, filling vacancy is on agenda

Page 15

Special meeting of Spooner School Board next Wednesday, Nov. 4

Daylight savings time comes to an end Remember to fall back one hour at 2 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 1, as daylight saving time ends.


Got an idea for a story? Email us @ news@wcregisternewsroom.com

SHELL LAKE — Saturday, Oct. 31, is the time of year when costumed children will be walking around the neighborhood trick-ortreating. Shell Lake trick-or-treaters should be done visiting houses between 8:30-9 p.m., according to Shell Lake Chief of Police Dave Wilson. Wilson would also like to remind children to wear bright and reflective clothing. An adult, guardian or older sibling should accompany children. Residents of Lakeland Manor will welcome trick-or-treaters from 4-7 p.m. According to Shell Lake Fire Chief Keith Dahlstrom, from 5-8 p.m., the Shell Lake Area Fire Department personnel will be handing out fire-prevention and safety materials to adults as well as children, along with treats. There may also be an opportunity to tour a fire truck. The Shell Lake Student Council will be trickor-treating for the food pantry between the hours of 5 and 8 p.m. Members will cover the entire community of Shell Lake, but only approach those homes that have their porch light on. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible cash donation, please make checks payable to the Washburn County Food Pantry. If you don’t plan to be home on Halloween, and want to ensure the student council picks up your donation of food, coats or cash, you may email lagarded@shelllake.k12. wi.us. Drivers need to be extra alert as there will be more children on the streets and sidewalks, and those kids may be focused on gathering candy and the excitement of the holiday rather than being careful while crossing streets. — Suzanne Johnson

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SPOONER – On Wednesday, Nov. 4, the Spooner Area School District Board of Education will meet as a Committee of the Whole. The board intends to discuss the possible next steps associated with filling the board vacancy of Randy McQuade’s seat, discuss expanding the board and address a proposed apportionment plan. A Committee of the Whole will provide an opportunity for the board to discuss agenda items and receive community feedback. The time and location of the meeting will be announced along with the agenda at a later time. Community members are invited to attend. According to a news release issued by the school district the purpose of the meeting is to

“review recent events.” “On Sept. 17, 2015, the Board of Education received a petition with 166 signatures to increase the size of the school board under State Statute 120.02 (1),” the release states. “It was discovered at the October 19th Annual Meeting that the petitioners did not include a plan for apportionment and therefore limited a vote on additional board seats as advisory only. The Wisconsin State Statute 120.02 (2) requires a plan of apportionment if communities desire 11 or more seats.” “We prepared the petition in the manner in which we deemed valid,” said Paul Johnson, community member. “Based on the feedback from the annual meeting, we have redrafted our petition and added a plan for apportionment. We believe it now meets the requirements for a November vote.” “Rarely is this section of the statutes exerSee Special meeting, page 3

Washburn County crime trends: What you need to know Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER — Crime trends Washburn County law enforcement is currently dealing with often come around to one word: methamphetamine. That’s according to Mike Richter, chief deputy of the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office, who shared information about those trends, what people can do to help and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim. The presentation was held Thursday, Oct. 22, at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner. “Right now about 70 percent of our jail population is connected in some way to methamphetamine,” said Richter. Washburn County is seeing the impacts of methamphetamine use in cases from burglary, theft, assaults and domestic violence to child placements. “We have pretty close to 30 children who are out of the home right now, they’re housed in foster care,” said Richter. Law enforcement is in crisis mode dealing with meth use by adult care-

givers, because the children become the victims in those cases. He emphasized that it is not law enforcement or the Washburn County human services goal to displace families; they just want healthy families and parents that nurture and love their children. The opposite is happening with drug abuse, especially meth. Law enforcement is also fighting people’s perception of drugs, which is often developed through individual experience with drugs, namely marijuana. “This is nothing like marijuana, absolutely nothing like marijuana,” he said. Despite the stark differences between the two, Richter acknowledged the gateway side to drug use. Richter stated that most of the meth in Washburn County is coming out of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area where there are Mexican drug cartel connections. The effect has been both positive and negative, proximity of the suppliers has made local labs obsolete, while


See Crime trends, page 3


A haunting good time

Something goes very wrong in the chemistry lab. Aspen Klopp played the mad science student. Klopp was one of many actors at the Shell Lake Arts Center Haunted Schoolhouse on Saturday, Oct. 24. The event is a fundraiser for the Shell Lake Arts Center and the Shell Lake Education Foundation. The Shell Lake Chamber was also a sponsor of the haunted event.

For many people, clowns are scary. Clowns with chain saws are terrifying. Cumberland actress Sebastian Anderson played the role of a demented clown at the Shell Lake Arts Center Haunted Schoolhouse on Saturday, Oct. 24.

Photos by Larry Samson

RIGHT: Joey Green is not sure what to make of the Grim Reaper. He is not scared but remembered that his father, Scott Green, told him to be wary of strangers. This is as strange as it gets. The Grim Reaper was one of many creatures to greet the young children as they entered the haunted schoolhouse.

Logan Klopp and Katie Green were sent to the school nurse for a little playground injury.

The school lunch program was serving their “usual” school lunch of wormy apples, ribs and fresh-baked cinnabones. Patty Rausch and Cora Sower could not get Caleb to even try lunch.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

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Representation and lack of civic involvement raised by redistricting county board Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The issues of adequate representation of taxpayers and the lack of civic involvement in local government were often brought up in discussion by members of the Washburn County Board at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Those issues surfaced during discussion on a resolution to ordain the redistricting of the county board’s supervisory districts from 21 to 15. The original resolution to start the redistricting process was introduced and passed at the November 2013 county board meeting. In the time that followed, an ad hoc redistricting committee undertook the process of redrawing the supervisory district map to have 15 dis-

tricts. After undergoing a preliminary public hearing the final redistricting map came before the county board on Oct. 20 for its final decision. The Tuesday night meeting involved a public hearing before the board took the resolution up for discussion and a vote. Six county residents addressed the board about their opinion on redistricting. Of them, five stated their opposition to redistricting. They were Kate Melton, Town of Stone Lake; Rob Paine, Town of Stone Lake; Curt Hubatch, Town of Springbrook; Roy Hendricks, Town of Springbrook; and Lori Butala, Town of Stone Lake. Beverly Stencel, Town of Trego, also spoke, but didn’t clearly take a side.

When the board took up the resolution for discussion, 12 members shared their opinions on redistricting, sometimes including whether they would be voting in favor or against it. Six board members stated they would be voting against the resolution. Those that spoke in opposition to redistricting often stated that their constituents are against redistricting, concern for loss of representation, increased committee assignments and responsibilities for board members and little analysis into the actual savings of having a smaller board. Four board members stated they were in favor of redistricting. Those that spoke in favor of redistricting stated that the additional 300 people per representative

wouldn’t create representation issues, that there are many local elected officials like village, town, city and school boards to mitigate representation, that today’s communications options leave little argument for a lack of representation, and that there is a problem getting board members to run and remain in office. The resolution to redistrict the county board from 21 to 15 members failed on a roll call vote, nine in favor with 11 against. Jeffrey Kohler, corporation counsel, confirmed with the board that the failed vote guts the prior resolution and that if the board wanted to be neat and clean they could rescind the original resolution too.

township and or village outside of the city of Spooner and within the Spooner Area School District consisting of Bashaw, Bass Lake, Beaver Brook, Birchwood, Brooklyn, Casey, Chicog, Crystal, Dewey, Evergreen, Gull Lake, Long Lake, Madge, Rusk, Sarona, Scott, Spooner, Springbrook, Stone Lake and Trego. The remaining nine board members will be members at large.” “Board members have heard concerns that the petitioning process and overall

representation of the different communities within the district’s borders needs to be further discussed,” said clerk Christina Martin. “The Committee of the Whole will be open to the public per open meeting laws. Our intent is to discuss thoughts and concerns for next steps in an open and transparent manner.” - from the School District of Spooner

Special meeting/from page 1 cised,” said Barry Forbes, Wisconsin Association of School Boards. “There is only one school district in the state of Wisconsin that has 11 members on their board. To change the number of members on a common school board to 11, the petition would both need to request a change in the number of seats to 11 and propose a plan of apportionment for those 11 members,” said Forbes. “The petition filed did the former but not the latter. Petitions to change the number of board members in

general and change to 11 board members in particular are very rare – I have not encountered this question before in 32 years of practicing school law in Wisconsin.” A second petition was submitted to the board of education clerk Christina Martin on Oct. 20, the release notes. The second petition included 225 signatures and a plan for apportionment that stated, “One of the seats apportioned to the city of Spooner and one other seat apportioned from the combination of every other

Crime trends/from page 1 increasing dangers. “The level of violence from some of this stuff is like we have never seen before,” said Richter. When meth was a problem over a decade ago, Richter, who was a narcotics officer then, said there wasn’t the same level of violence associated with meth use. Richter believes the increased violence is due to how the drug is being ingested. Fifteen years ago meth was being snorted, inhaled or smoked and now about 50 to 60 percent of meth is taken intravenously, with needles, which is causing more violent reactions from the people that are using it. “There are a lot of guns out there right now. Just be aware of that. I say that because I think people need to know,” he said. Law enforcement is also seeing the use of weapons like firearms in meth-related activity. Richter explained that the people trafficking the drugs often arm themselves to protect the product they have or the money they get in exchange for the drugs. When meth first came into the county there were physical fights attributed to meth but not the use of firearms like law enforcement is seeing now. “If it looks suspicious, call the police,” said Richter. Citizens can make a difference by simply being observant and reporting suspicious activity to authorities. He said people need to watch out for their neighbors, pay attention to what is going on and help each other out because suspicious activity that goes unreported could be criminal activity. He pointed out that people addicted to meth can have upward of $300 a day habits, which are supported by other criminal activity like burglary and theft. “Not everybody is trustworthy and we can’t just leave everything open anymore,” said Richter. The best way to avoid burglary and theft is to lock windows and doors that allow entry. Using deadbolts on doors will make kicking down a door very difficult. Richter stated that burglary and theft are usually crimes of opportunity so having a deadbolt is often enough to deter the individual attempting to break in. Installing a home alarm system is another step a person can take to protect themselves. Richter stated home alarm systems are reasonably priced today and come with more options than were available before. Another simple way to protect your home is to install outdoor lighting. Lighting brings security in the exposure of places where burglars would attempt to enter your home under cover of darkness. Prevent vehicle burglary and personal safety away from home by parking near a light and have your keys ready before you

Community members listen to Mike Richter, chief deputy of the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office, share information about county crime trends, what people can do to help and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim. The presentation was held Thursday, Oct. 22, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner. — Photo by Danielle Danford get to your car so you aren’t caught off guard. If you have a vehicle with keyless entry use your body to shield the keypad when you type in the code to avoid people staking out your vehicle to get your code. Regardless of whether you have a keylessentry vehicle, don’t leave keys or potentially valuable items in plain view to limit the temptation of a theft occurring in the first place. Another trend the sheriff’s office is following is a high incidence of sexual assault investigations a week. Richter said that when violent crime spikes they often see the number of sexual assaults increase as well. More alarming is the fact that the majority of the victims of the sexual assault cases the sheriff’s office investigates are children, not adults. “People ask me is (the increase in sexual assault investigations) because of education and there is more awareness now or has it always been that way and nobody ever talked about it, and I really don’t know the answer to that, all I know is where we are right now and we have a lot of it,” he said. Richter also shared information about scams that have happened to local people, how they operate and how people can protect themselves from becoming a victim of them. Scams Richter talked about included fraudulent checks, fraudulent charity organizations, fraudulent tax returns and fraudulent government agency calls like the IRS. “What a lot of them have in common is they are looking for you to send them

money or a check,” said Richter. Richter’s No. 1 advice for a not becoming a victim of scams is to never give out your Social Security number over the phone. He also said that a lot of the scams involving credit cards are usually operated offshore, making it nearly impossible to track down and charge the people responsible. A scam that gets physical, and has happened in the county before, involves the scammer using a fraudulent credit card and using a shipping address belonging to someone that gets a lot of mail, or isn’t around often. The scammer will wait for the package to be delivered and will then remove it from the residence. “One thing nice about living in a small community is if we have a car parked down the street they’re only there for 15, 20 minutes before the phone starts to ringing,” said Richter. But that doesn’t mean people always call when they should. Crimes like burglary and theft often go unreported by neighbors because, after the fact, people say they weren’t sure what was going on. “A lot of people will say, “well, I don’t know what their intentions were.’ You don’t need to, just call in and we will see what their intentions are,” he said. That was Richter’s loudest message of the program: In the event something suspicious occurs, call the police. The sheriff’s office also has an anonymous tip line for people that want to report a crime or suspicious activity but don’t want to give a name. Richter said any tips are helpful but often they need more information to solve a case.

On Tuesday, Dec. 8, a communitywide presentation on methamphetamine will be held at the Spooner High School auditorium to help people understand how the county’s meth problem impacts everyone on a personal level. By being a confidential source instead, officers can follow up for that extra info which could further the case. The sheriff’s office is also on social media and people can call into dispatch to report activity, but those forms of reporting would not be anonymous. Getting the community informed about what is going on is a step law enforcement is taking against these types of crimes. On Dec. 8 a communitywide presentation on methamphetamine will be held at the Spooner High School auditorium to help people understand how the county’s meth problem impacts everyone on a personal level. “It’s very relevant to everyone in the community, it’s costing lots of money to all of us and there are some certain safety and danger things that you need to be aware of,” said Richter.


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR For my son, his education and future

This letter is for my son. His name is Trey. He’s 9 years old and he is my world. He also has Asperger’s. Last week Trey had his first meltdown. It took place in school. Routine is everything for children like him. His routine is gone. The staff that was with him from the start is gone. His aides are gone. His education is suffering and so is he. I attended the Oct. 19 Spooner School Board meeting and was disgusted with

what I heard. Our kids are leaving and transferring to other school districts, unfortunately, due to a court ruling. Trey is court ordered to attend Spooner School District. According to his GAL, my son couldn’t receive a good enough education in any other school district in this whole USA. My son cannot transfer to another school, so he is stuck in a school where the board has taken away the help that would assure him to succeed, a school

The Washburn County Homeless Coalition Board is happy to report that we are getting ever closer to an opening date for our homeless shelter. Inspections have been completed and we are moving forward. Paperwork is, of course, a never-

ending work in progress. We are looking forward to our first family. The home is being furnished with donations and the response has been great, but we do have a want list. If anyone wishes to donate any of the following,

Since I did not have an exit interview nor did the board of education or administration (except the high school principal in an informal lunch on my last day) ask me my reasons for leaving I need closure on my resignation with the district after 25 years. I was not ready to leave, however, actions of the administration sent a very strong message that I was no longer needed or wanted. I was not bullied or harassed, however, I was unfairly singled out without discussion and belittled on several occasions. I did discuss my feelings with administration several times and got temporary satisfaction but

district that by law is supposed to have a special education director where there is none. Lots of comments were made about money and how our schools were losing. I finally had to speak. My comments and questions still stand. This is about my son, your son, your daughter and your grandchild. If the school board is overworked, why won’t you accept help by way of more board members? What exactly are

Homeless shelter to open soon

please call Mary at 715-635-3742 and arrangements will be made to pick up any items you would like to donate. Items needed are a crib, TV, coffeepot, pots and pans, towels and washcloths, paper products and a Swiffer dry mop. Thank you in

Closure on a career of 25 years

soon learned that what I was being told was a smoke screen. Because of these actions, I began seeking alternatives to getting out. My strongest reason for staying with the district was the current staff, however, many of them left. The July BOE meeting was the final turning point for me. The Powerpoint pointed out the loss of income/benefits for the three lead building secretaries and the savings to the district by restructuring the paras. These are all student services positions. The next slide said nothing about the additions to the administrative team and administrative support services, which are not student

services positions. A few years ago, the community sent a message to the school board that they felt the district was top-heavy in administration. At that time, the high school assistant principal position was eliminated and the high school principal retired to satisfy the community requests. SASD has since increased administration and services to more than it was then. I cannot work for an organization that values management (admin) more than product (students). After the Powerpoint presentation, admin went on to explain other possible savings to the district by giving options

you afraid of? It was obvious to me that the people want a change. The votes showed that. To me it is obvious this is a power trip by the board. I say this because they could just approve the added seats but refuse to do so. This is about my son, his education and his future. Deb Pearse Spooner

advance for all your support. Washburn County Homeless Coalition Board

of eliminating unused sick leave and vacation separation benefits that were earned by being longtime, dedicated employees. It was at this point that I decided that not only did I want out because of the way I was being treated, but that I could not afford to stay either. I will truly miss all of the staff and former admin that I worked with over the years, as well as the students and parents. They were a great group of people. Cathi Hagen Sarona

LETTERS POLICY In general the Register welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to edit or to reject letters for any reason. Letters should be no longer than 400 words in length and contain the signature, address and telephone number of the author. All letter writers will be limited to one published letter per 30 days, with the exception of rebuttals. The number of exchanges between letter writers will be decided by the editor. Thank-you letters are most appropriately published in specially designed box ads. Vulgarity, racial slurs and other mean-spirited, insulting terms are not allowed. Complaints about businesses and individuals involving private matters will not be published. Letter writers should provide sources when citing facts. Opinions expressed in letters are not those of the newspaper but rather those of the individual, who is solely responsible for the letter’s content. Emailed letters are preferred. Letters may be emailed to news@wcregisternewsroom.com or mailed to Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

Opinion? Send it to us @ news@wcregisternewsroom.com

We’ve all had the experience, standing in line at

the grocery store or the bank, when you can’t help but overhear other conversations. Not that long ago, I did my best not to listen to the two men in front of me discussing pro football’s “deflategate” scandal. What started out friendly quickly got heated. One man’s comment stuck in my head: “It’s about the integrity of the game, about maintaining a level playing field.” Unfortunately, the governor and the Republicanled Legislature have made it clear that they think it’s perfectly OK to stack the deck. Twice in the last week they demonstrated that they don’t believe you and your neighbors in northern Wisconsin deserve a level playing field. On Tuesday at a construction site in the Fox Valley, the governor announced a plan to borrow $200 million that you and your children will have to help pay back. And spend it on projects in other parts of the state. Under the governor’s plan, this $200 million will be followed by another $150 million in new bonding later this session. That comes on top of $500 million in debt the budget already put on future taxpayers. We all support repairing Wisconsin’s roads, but we

Leveling the playing field State Senate 25th District Janet Bewley shouldn’t be putting it on a credit card. And we should be taking care of all our roads and bridges, not just those south of Hwy. 8. We owe it to our constituents to come up with a longterm transportation plan that is adequately and fairly funded. Another thing we owe our constituents is to make sure that we uphold the constitutional guarantee of equal protection of the laws. Sadly, in a hastily called midnight session on Wednesday, the Republican leaders of the Legislature did the opposite and passed a bill that exempts political crimes from being investigated using what is called a John Doe investigation.

The authors of the bill claim that John Doe investigations are too invasive and our grand jury system is more than enough. But if John Doe is so inappropriate, why would Republicans introduce a bill that only shields politicians for political crimes and not abolish it in its entirety? How do I explain to my constituents that I am protected from a procedure that they are not? This is wrong. Instead of focusing their energy on the things that the residents of Wisconsin are asking for - roads, schools and jobs - the governor and his colleagues are busy taking care of their friends and campaign contributors. In addition to violating the trust of the people that elected them, they are eroding what is left of our state’s once proud tradition of integrity. The uproar over the “deflategate” scandal demonstrated that we all value basic fairness. What is important when we’re talking about a football game is even more important when we’re talking about elected officials and state law. I’m going to keep fighting for a level playing field for you and your family, for everyone I represent in northern Wisconsin.

Shell Lake School Board OKs ice-fishing team Larry Samson | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake School Board held their regular school board meeting in the library on Monday, Oct. 19. The board voted for a 2.25-percent pay raise for teachers and staff members. The discussion centered around putting together a comprehensive benefit package for next year and this was a stopgap until then. Kelsey Egbert, a 2015 Shell Lake graduate, was hired to be an assistant adviser for the Science Olympiad program. The program has grown to the point that the adviser, science teacher Kelsei Seibel, needs help. Egbert is a former Science Olympiad member and has competed in the Destina-

tion ImagiNation program. Students applying for Youth Options was discussed and passed. This program allows seniors to take college credit classes that are not available in Shell Lake. The school picks up the cost. The Indianhead Medical Center contract was approved for physical therapy. The district will save by switching from Rice Lake to IMC. The next item on the agenda was to approve the rental agreement between Shell Lake Schools and the Shell Lake Arts Center. The arts center leases out their gymnasium for school use. The gym is used for basketball practice and games in the winter, and baseball and softball practice in the spring.

The board accepted the resignation of Danielle Williams as special ed aide. She left the school for a teaching position in Spooner. The board approved the hiring of Bonnie Swan as the long-term special education aide. The next item on the agenda was the formation of the Shell Lake school icefishing team. This was brought up at the Sept. 21 regular school board meeting and after a long discussion it was given the goahead. The ice-fishing program will be selffunded and will be run by the school. Rikki Pardun, Native American coordinator with Shell Lake Schools, will be the adviser. Students participating will be held to the same requirements that student athletes are held

to. Shell Lake will be the 58th school to join the Wisconsin Interscholastic Fishing Association. The team is tentatively scheduled for eight events. Other area schools that are members are Webster, Luck, Bruce and Prairie Farm. During the administration reports, high school Principal Heather Cox discussed her trip to Wolf Ridge with the seventhgrade class. She felt it was a positive and beneficial program and it was fun. Shell Lake has been working with Wolf Ridge Environmental Center for 18 years. The seventh-grade students spend five days in a collegelike setting situated on Lake Superior in Northern Minnesota.


An open letter to our youngest daughter

An open letter to our youngest daughter, as she

married her love and best friend on Oct. 17. The dream of every parent is to raise their children to be good people. Honest people. People who are good to others and who can support themselves. If as parents we are fortunate enough to have good parents and relatives to use as role models, our jobs are easier. Our purpose is, after all, to raise good adults, not to raise children. Once we understand that, raising our children becomes much easier, for we know how we want them to act as adults and the standards we want them to have. We know how we want them to behave. We know how we want them to treat others, and we know how important it is to be thought of as a good person. We instill in them the desire to not strive for money, but for goodness. After all, who we are is what is left after all that we own is gone, and what we are and stand for remain. We know that it is more

Community voices Jeri Bitney important to be kind than to be right, and that we must be patient with those who do not understand that. We know that when we marry someone, we truly marry their parents as well as what they stand for. No, we cannot fix the other person, any more than they can fix us — or either person admit that repairs are needed. We must choose well. In Evan, you have chosen well. You are marrying

your best friend, and he completes you. His parents are kind, decent, caring people, with intelligence, level heads, and they work hard to do what is right for themselves and for others. When we have children, we always worry about whom they will be taking care of and who will be taking care of them as they go through life. Our influence goes just so far, and after we finally realize that eventually we will have to let go, we hope and pray that there will be someone there waiting to grab onto them with both hands when we loosen our grip. It can be a tenuous moment without the proper foundation. Today we let go, dear Kelsey, confident that you are in the right hands. We love you very much, and are so proud of who you have become and whom you have chosen as your partner for life. Congratulations, Mrs. Uribe! Love, Mom and Dad

Drug and alcohol court team attends training HAYWARD — The Washburn County Drug and Alcohol Court team attended 20 hours of comprehensive training at the Heartwood Conference Center on Oct. 21-23. The Wisconsin Treatment Court Standards Training was conducted by the Wisconsin Association of Treatment Professionals for nine northwestern Wisconsin counties. The mission of the Washburn County Drug and Alcohol Court is to reduce substance abuse and criminal behavior in order to improve the lives of offenders, families and the community by providing intensive court supervision and substance abuse treatment while holding offenders accountable for criminal behavior. Drug and alcohol court is held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 8:30 a.m., and is conducted in open session. Washburn County averages six participants, referred predominantly by DOC area probation agents. For further information regarding the Washburn County DAC you can contact Kim Shafer at 715-468-4734. — from DAC

Attending the comprehensive training at Heartwood Conference Center from Washburn County Drug and Alcohol Court were (L to R): AODA treatment provider Darren Cox, circuit court Judge Eugene Harrington, case manager Lori Henderson-Olson, MH/AODA coordinator AJ Simon, jail Administrator Dan Brereton and justice programs coordinator Kim Shafer. Not pictured: District Attorney Tom Frost, probation agent Tammy Adler and public defender Martin Jarvis. — Photo submitted

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper. October is Co-op Month

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Oct. 19 - $35 Karen Leier, Roseville, Minn. Oct. 20 - $35 David Wilson, Spooner Oct. 21 - $35 Beverly Decker, Eau Claire Oct. 22 - $35 Marian Brincken, Shell Lake Oct. 23 - $35 Dick Tews, Spooner

Skinner Funeral Home Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2014 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25

High Low Precip. 50 33 61 40 53 39 54 39 57 39 .03” rain 55 47 63 48

2015 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25

High Low Precip. 59 27 68 41 61 43 60 30 60 31 .04” rain 51 45 .62” rain 55 31

Lake level: Monday, Oct. 27, 2014: 1,218.44’ MSL Monday, Oct. 26, 2015: 1,218.28’ MSL

Register memories 1955 – 60 Years Ago

• The Boy Scout Court of Honor was held. Skip Schultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Schultz, was the second Scout from Shell Lake to receive the highest award, the Eagle badge. Other boys receiving advancement honors were Tom Moen and Tom Hickox, tenderfoot; Ken Schultz, Jim Flottum and Dan Kallebach, second class; Jim Bitney, Bill Wigchers and Arthur Smith, first class. Merit badges were given to Arthur Smith and Sonny Jacobs. • “Babies Night Out” was presented by the Shell Lake senior class. Cast members were Betty Furchtenicht, Bill Taubman, Norma Drake, Don Miller, Warren Anderson, Karen Swan, Verna Holman, Joyce Mallo, Ronnie Olson, Bob Kruegar, Carl Duch, Sandra Hard, Neal Anderson, Pete Hubin and Reynold Rydberg. • Pvt. Gerald R. Hawthorne, son of V.E. Hawthorne, Sarona, and Pvt. Glenn Hile, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hile, Shell Lake, took part in Exercise Sage Brush, the largest Army-Air Force maneuver since World War II. • Pvt. Carl O. Meister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Meister, Shell Lake, arrived in Korea and was a member of the 7th Infantry Division.

1965 – 50 Years Ago

• Janet McNabb received her 35-year leadership medal and certificate at the 4-H Achievement Night. Mike Linton made the presentation. • The Swiss Chalet was under the new management of Charles McNabb. • Specials at Evan’s Drugs included Sylvania flashbulbs, carton of 12 for 99¢; Vick’s Formula 44 cough syrup, 66¢; Gleem toothpaste, 68¢; and Lanolin Plus hair spray, 48¢. • Ralph E. Foss, Shell Lake, escaped injury when at 3:30 a.m. his car, a 1961 Comet, hit a mound of dirt on a gravel

compiled by Suzanne Johnson road, causing the vehicle to roll over. The car was totally destroyed.

1975 – 40 Years Ago

• Ron Reimann was named as yard manager of the Shell Lake Lampert Yard. He and his family would be moving to the Shell Lake area from Spooner where Ron had been serving as Lampert’s assistant manager since 1968. He is a native of Primghar, Iowa. • At a special meeting, the Shell Lake City Council voted to increase the rate of garbage collection from $2.50 to $3 per month. The fee to camp at the municipal campground was raised to $5 a night with no weekly rate. • At 4-H Achievement Night, Greg Odden received the Outstanding Boy Award. Mary Biver and Rebecca Bush were co-winners of the Outstanding Girl Award. • A pink-and-blue shower was held at the home of Beverly Thomas’ in honor of Mrs. Bradley Wickman.

1985 – 30 Years Ago

• Beth Ann Meister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meister, Shell Lake, pledged to the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority at UWRivers Falls. She was a freshman majoring in elementary education. • Helen Stellrecht retired her duties as a correspondent for the Washburn County Register. She first reported happenings in West Sarona and, more recently, the news from Lakeland Manor. A resident of Terraceview Living Center, she turned over responsibility at Lakeland Manor to Harriet Stewart. Alberta Loverude, who retired from her teaching duties at Cumberland, volunteered to gather news from the Barronett community. • Suzette Ailport attended a high school students retreat at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.

• Dennis Pederson and Mark Ullom took a week’s hunting trip to Montana.

1995 – 20 Years Ago

• Andrew Harrington and Chad Greene were named commended students in the National Merit Scholarship program. • Shell Lake students enrolled at UWRiver Falls were Chad Benzer, Lance Benzer, Dawn Davenport, Keesha Hall, Katie Hewitt, Jessica Johnson, Angela Parker, Dustin Petz, Lance Scheffel, Jeffrey Smith and Lynn Swan. • The ground was broken by TH Inc. board members for the first duplex of Meadowview, leisure living for senior adults. • Mary Kruger, unit coordinator in the resident services department at Terraceview Living Center, was named employee of the month.

2005 – 10 Years Ago

• The Shell Lake volleyball team was regional champions. The Lakers football team captured the Small Lakeland Conference title. • Drivers for the Shell Lake School District included Don Bruce, Hannah Fellman, Frank Graf Jr., Trish Hayden, Glenn Hile, Larry Samson, Marlene Stariha and Jerry Ullom. Substitute drivers were Wayne Boyd, Pete Peterson, Judy Wilson, Jesse Hayden, Tim Ullom, Gary Hanna and Janice Organ. • Shell Lake Student Council officers were Amanda Haack, president; Lynette Scheu, vice president; Max Smith, treasurer; Hanna Christ, secretary; Katie Johnson, historian; Claudia Berlin, publicity chair; and Alex Mentel, Laker Lowdown editor. Patti Naglosky was the adviser. • Barb Shaw was retiring after 34 years of working as deputy city administrator for the city of Shell Lake.


Read me ... read me not

Accounting firm raises money for NOW

Sponsored by Friends of the Shell Lake Public Library

“Pagoo” by Holling C. Holling Reviewed by Malachi Trudell, 10


agoo is a baby hermit crab. But hermit crabs don’t start as crabs ... they start as plankton-like creatures. Pagoo is as small as a speck and as clear as glass. He is so hidden, not even an eagle could spot him. But still he does not have a very good chance of surviving. But luckily Old Pal, the instinct inside his head, will guide Pagoo. If he survives to the stage of a hermit crab, Old Pal will still be there. Old Pal will tell him how to molt, use his pinchers, how to eat and find food and find a shell. But Pagoo might come across more hermit crabs and other crustaceans. His adventures with Old Pal are countless. If you are looking for a good underwater book, this is the one.

Employees and partners of Johnson, Agen, Kupferschmidt & Associates Inc., Cumberland, recently raised money for the Nutrition Over Weekends program. Each quarter, staff people select a charitable organization and pay $2 to wear jeans on Fridays. The mission of the NOW program, initiated in 2012, is to provide nutritious, easy-to-prepare food for children who may not otherwise have enough to eat over the weekends or during school breaks. Presenting the check is Jenny Zappa, left, to Jean Gustafson and Beth Ranallo. Other members of the NOW volunteer team are Julie Neurer, Diane Stone and Kara Quam. For more information about this program, call 715-8222215 or 715-419-1646. — Photo submitted


Wednesday, Oct. 28 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Friday, Oct. 30 • The Washburn County Genealogical Society will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the city hall meeting room, library building, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The program at the end of the meeting will be “My Genealogy” by Marilyn Packel. The public is welcome to attend. Saturday, Oct. 31 • Creepy Quam Night, Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, Shell Lake, 6 p.m. concessions; 7 p.m. free Halloween movie; 8:30 p.m. costume contest; 9 p.m. door-prize drawing for ages 10-plus unless accompanied by an adult. • Barronett Civic Club annual Halloween party at the community center from 2-4 p.m. for children 10 and younger. There will be games, prizes, food and fun for all.


Sunday, Nov. 1 • Fall harvest dinner, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Timberland Free Lutheran Church. Monday, Nov. 2 • An evening of using music and entertainment to tell stories with Kevin McMullin, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake School Library.

Tuesday, Nov. 3 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Thursday, Nov. 5 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Nov. 6 • The Spooner GFWC Women’s Club will meet at 1 p.m. at the DNR Conference Room in Spooner. Trisha Bailkey will speak on Normal Aging Forgetfulness versus What’s Not. Remember to bring your Dads to Daughter articles. Guests and visitors are welcome. For more information contact Pat at 715-865-2250. • Shell Lake FFA Blood Drive, 3-12 school gym. See redcrossblood.org to sign up. Saturday, Nov. 7 • Shell Lake PTA Carnival, 4-7 p.m., 3-12 commons and gym. • Christmas Celebration in Lights setup at the Shell Lake Municipal Campground. For more information, contact Rob at 715468-2007. • Grief and the Holidays presentation by Richard Obershaw, 12:30-2 p.m., Spooner High School choir room. Sponsored by Spooner Health System. •Annual Scandinavian Ole and Lena lutefisk and meatball dinner,

EVENTS ... 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 2502 23rd Ave., Rice lake. Annual bazaar and bake sale beginning at 8 a.m. and continuing through the dinner. Monday, Nov. 9 • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. fall dinner meeting at Glenview. Social hour begins at5:30 p.m. with meal at 6 p.m. Call Suzanne at 715-468-2314 to RSVP by Nov. 6. Leave a message if necessary. • Youth Theatre Night at the Quam, Shell Lake. Call 715-4684387 or visit titw.org. Tuesday, Nov. 10 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. Thursday, Nov. 12 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. Friday, Nov. 13 • Kevin McMullin and Paul Imholte, at the Quam, Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. Call 715-468-4387 or visit titw.org for reservations.

Butler named Wisconsin Veteran Advocate of the Year


“The Odd Couple (Female Version)” at ETC

CUMBERLAND — Having played to large crowds during Cumberland’s Rutabaga Festival in August, the wild and wacky “The Odd Couple (Female Version)” will be playing for three more performances at the Enrichment Through Culture Arts Center. Evening performances on Friday, Nov. 6, and Saturday, Nov. 7, will be at 7 p.m., and the Sunday, Nov. 8, matinee is at 4 p.m. The female version of this classic comedy was written by Neil Simon 20 years after he wrote the male version that featured Oscar Madison, a slob, and the compulsively neat Felix Unger. The play being done at the downtown Cumberland theater replaces Oscar with Olive and Felix with Florence. They, like the male odd Veteran service officers in Northwest Wisconsin shown with Wisconsin Veteran Advocate of couple, struggle to live together despite the Year are (L to R): Renee Brown, Sawyer County; Kevin Johnson, Bayfield County; Jeff Buttheir very different habits and personaliler, Wisconsin Veteran Advocate of the Year; David Till, Pierce County; Lisa Powers, Washburn ties. Chris Johansen plays Olive Madison County; and Doug Stubbe, Burnett County. — Photo submitted and Dorene Weltzin plays Florence Unger. Tickets are available at Peter & Annie’s BARABOO — Jeff Butler, Frederic, was Recovery and local businesses. He also or- World Market in downtown Cumberland. recently honored with the County Veter- ganized several retreats. Butler humbles They can be reserved by calling Peter & ans Service Officer Association of Wiscon- himself in the presence of other veterans, Annie’s at 715-822-9959. Tickets will also sin Veteran Advocate of the Year Award. never asks for anything in return and di- be available at the arts center, 1595 Second Butler, a U.S. Army veteran, com- rects attention and credit to his partners. Ave., the day of the performance. mander of American Legion Post 249 and His driving force is his sincerity and river interpreter with the National Park passion for what he does for those who Service - St. Croix Scenic Riverway Trego served. office, was nominated for the award by The impact Butler has made for veterseveral county veteran service officers ans is echoed in a statement from Norb in Northwest Wisconsin including Doug Laufenberg, VA counselor at the La Stubbe, Burnett County; Kevin John- Crosse Vet Center, to Butler’s supervisor SHELL LAKE — Facebook and More son, Bayfield County; David Till, Pierce at the National Park Service as follows: is a hands-on class that explores the County; Lisa Powers, Washburn County; “Jeff may not be aware of the impact his many benefits and powerful tools of soand Renee Brown, Sawyer County. Those activities are having on veterans, but truly cial media by providing an overview of nominated for the award must provide, as a mental-health provider, I am amazed. Facebook and Twitter. Special emphasis or have provided, outstanding service to I have seen a marked improvement in soand a keen focus on security and privacy veterans and their families and have dem- cial skills and an increased interest and will help you navigate the Internet safely onstrated a high degree of compassion for participation in recreational activities. and securely. Basic computer skills and their constituents. Butler was nominated The program for veterans on the river has experience a plus. for this award for his selfless service to ignited an interest in our veterans that This is a great workshop to get your veterans by utilizing the outdoors to pro- was not there before and had been entoe in the water so you can connect with mote healing and wellness for veterans. couraged for years. Jeff’s commitment to family, friends and customers alike. The Butler has set up activities such as our veterans has changed their lives and evolution of social media has come upon camping, fly-fishing, canoeing, kayaking improved their quality of living.” us with meteoric speed and with quite and honor cruises for over 500 veterans Butler was presented his award at the and their families. His partners include CVSO Association of Wisconsin fall bancounty veteran service officers, UW cam- quet held Thursday, Oct. 8, in Baraboo. — pus veteran groups, MACV in Minnesota, from WCVSO The St. Croix River Association, Rivers Of

In addition to Olive and Florence, the characters in the play are Jesus and Manolo Constazuela, two Spanish brothers who live in the apartment building where the women live after separating from their husbands. The double date arranged by Olive does not go as planned, to say the least. Larry Werner plays the part of Jesus and Denny Epple plays Manolo. They will be joined by the group of women who gather in the odd couple’s New York apartment to play Trivial Pursuit: Mickey the cop, portrayed by Hope Lee Vicich; Sylvie, Veronica Vicich; Renee, Chris Olson; and Vera, played by Dana Warwick. The director is Eva Srubar. ETC, Cumberland’s arts council, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary as the city’s nonprofit umbrella organization for the visual and performing arts. The Cumberland Arts Center is a former church on the city’s Main Street that was converted into a performance center with theatrical lighting and sound systems. For more information, contact Werner at 612-743-5117 or lhwerner47@gmail. com. — from ETC

Last chance to register for Facebook and More class an impact. Participating in it calls for enhanced knowledge of the various social media applications, and a clear understanding of how to protect your privacy and maintain security. The class will be held Thursday, Oct. 29, from 5-6:30 p.m. There must be five participants for the class to be held. Instructor is Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Register by emailing jensenk@shelllake.k12.wi.us or call the Shell Lake School Community Ed office at 715-468-7815, ext. 1337. — from SLCE

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.

• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Shell Lake Farmers Market, 2-6 p.m., by campground and community center. For more information, call 715-468-7836. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245 •••

The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information. •••

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EVERY ... Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking. Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.


The sock monkey n Monday, Oct. 19, I had the opportunity to O meet The Sock Monkey Lady®, Dee Lindner. Beyond the She spoke at the Shell Lake Public Library along with her author husband, Gary, whose pen name is Nicolas D. Charles. His writings are 1930s private-eye detecoffice door tive fiction mysteries taking place in Chicago. As a photographer, author and craft person, Dee’s books at this time focus on the popular sock monkey. As I arrived at the library to attend this event hosted by the Friends of the Library, Dee was setting up her display of sock monkey friends. During her time of presentation, she spoke about her books including “Sew Cute and Collectible Sock Monkeys: For RedHeel Monkey Crafters and Collectors.” Dee gave the history of the red-heeled sock, talking about vintage and modern socks. As Dee spoke about her craft, she made the socks come alive with the different characters she has created. I was starting to get the nudge that maybe I should try my hand at this craft. Then I remembered … I don’t sew. When I was a child, we had sock monkeys in our home. I believe Mom made them for us. In fact, whenever I see a pair of the red-heeled socks, I don’t think of them as a covering for feet, but rather I see them as


Suzanne Johnson

a toy monkey. As a gift, my sister, Konnie, knit a monkey to resemble the sock monkey for my granddaughter, Adalyn. The monkey has a cute little hat to wear, too. A couple of years ago, husband Milt purchased a few pairs of red-heeled socks. When he bought them, they were a modern pair in traditional brown heather. It was after a pair of the socks got into the washing machine with a load of whites, which had bleach added, that Milt now sports a shade of orange heather

red-heeled socks. The first time I saw Milt wearing the more traditional color of redheeled socks, I tried to explain to him that those socks weren’t for his feet; rather they were to be sewn into a toy. And then I remembered … I don’t sew.

Konnie Didlo knit this toy to look like a sock monkey. The monkey does have a little hat, but at this time it may be at the bottom of the toy box. — Photo by Amanda McGrane

Dressing up for Halloween

ome person of the older generation will tell you, “Children did not go door-to-door begging for treats in the old days.” If the person is really old, that could be true. Where I lived growing up, the trick-ortreat established itself in our town when I was 14 years old. I was too old, but I went door-to-door with other kids and some folks, surprised and without anything to give to the little beggars, would give each one a penny. There may be many reasons why this kind of Halloween custom took hold, but I think it was because most people wanted to see an end to the kinds of tricks boys and girls played on adults in earlier days. They could tell you horror stories of wagons placed on barn roofs and outhouses tipped over, while the adult was in that outhouse. I remember the earlier times after Halloween. I walked along Main Street and saw store owners scrubbing shop windows to remove the soap marks and writing done the night before. I saw them with brooms, sweeping up the corn thrown at doorways and windows. Items of furniture could be found far away, resting in a tree. Valuable things from yards disappeared. Very few adults found the tricks funny. Those days are behind us. Most of the kids these days think of Halloween as the next best thing to Christmas. For me, passing out wrapped candy to costumed children is something I look forward to with pleasure every year. Dressing up in a costume has always been fun for the kids, especially the little ones. The parents accom-

Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen pany them and seem to have just as much fun. There must be some kind of desire for the dramatic in our family, because we always liked wearing costumes and becoming someone else if only for that time. We crave good stories and plays and I think other people are the same. While there are many different costumes in stores available for kids, in our family, we made costumes. It may have been because we had little money for such things, but we had a mother who loved making costumes. One time she dyed a pair of pajamas red and drew a mustache on my little brother and put a band around his head with little horns and turned him into a devil. He was so delighted with his getup that he danced around the yard and did somersaults and cartwheels. The dye rinsed out and the pajamas were used for sleeping again. My sister and two other little girls dressed as chefs, dressed in white with white aprons and tall white hats

my mother made from crepe paper. Some of the costumes she made were more fun than a three-ring circus. At times we were ghosts or witches, angels, kings or queens, princesses, princes, sailors, soldiers or pirates. My brother was a good scarecrow. I was dressed as a fairy with my little magic wand in my hand, and I walked on tiptoes, feeling like I was floating. One time I was a gypsy. My mother found lots of necklaces and bracelets, and I jingled when I moved around. I felt like dancing in that costume. With my kids, I followed my mother’s idea of making our own costumes, and it was the best part of the holiday. I have purchased items for their costumes, but I have never bought any costumes. No, actually one time I bought an angel costume for a granddaughter as a birthday gift. It had wings that I couldn’t possibly make myself. In school, when I was small, we always had a parade on Halloween in the afternoon. All the kids were led along the sidewalk around the school in their costumes. Some had bought costumes, and they looked all right. Many wore masks. My mother didn’t let us wear masks because you could fall if your sight was obstructed. She used makeup, and a lot of it, to make us look like we were in a theater production. The most creative and most applauded kids marching along were the ones with the homemade costumes. Neighbors and parents who came to see the kids had a great time. The kids probably found it memorable, because I remember those special days fondly.

Breakfast with FFA leaders

Alumni members Jack Olson, Jerry and Dee Zehm are shown with the Spooner and Shell Lake FFA officer teams. — Photo submitted SPOONER — Where was your high school student at 6:45 a.m. on Tuesday morning, Oct. 20? If they are an officer for either the Shell Lake or Spooner FFA chapters, they were probably at the annual breakfast meeting with the Shell Lake-Spooner FFA Alumni.

Each year the alumni hosts a breakfast at Nick’s Restaurant in Spooner for the officer teams of the two chapters and their advisers. The members have an opportunity to introduce themselves to both the alumni members that are present and the officers from a neighboring school district.

The Shell Lake-Spooner FFA Alumni is made up of individuals who support the two chapters through volunteering their time, talent and treasure. They meet monthly on a rotating basis between the two schools and do whatever they can to support the work of the agriculture

instructors and the FFA members. Their biggest fundraiser of the year is the annual silent auction held in conjunction with the Tri-County Dairy Breakfast in June. — from FFA alumni


“Night Watch” to be presented at UWBC RICE LAKE — Suspense and mystery will take center stage when the thriller “Night Watch” is presented ThursdaySaturday, Nov. 5-7, at 7:30 p.m., in the Fine Arts Theatre at the University of Wisconsin - Barron County in Rice Lake. As the curtain rises and the action is set into motion, Elaine Wheeler, unable to

sleep, paces the living room of her Manhattan town house, troubled by unsettling memories and vague fears. Her husband tries to comfort her, but when he steps away for a moment Elaine screams as she sees (or believes she sees) the body of a dead man in the window across the way. From this moment on, “Night Watch”

builds steadily in menace and suspense until the final, breath-stopping moment of its riveting, chilling climax and unexpected, “twist” ending. Cast members are Aisha Fultz, Rice Lake, as Elaine Wheeler; John Lloyd, Rice Lake, as John Wheeler; Skye Fairbanks as Blanche Cooke; Mack Yagilashek, New

Auburn, as Vanelli; Austin Thayer, Centuria, as Curtis Appleby; Brandon Bristow, Rice Lake, as Lt. Walker; Lucia Stroede, Hayward, as Dr. Tracey Lake; and Terry Wiesner, Barron, as Sam Hoke. Tickets can be reserved by calling 715234-8176, ext. 5457. — from UWBC

FREDERIC — Dawn Harlander readily admits that writing was not her best subject in elementary and high school. Yet, in less than a year, she has written, published and sold copies of her first novel, “Finding Apollyon.” In fact, the vast majority of the book was written in less than 30 days. Harlander competed in the National Novel Writing Month, meaning she would commit to writing 50,000 words in 30 days. This forced her to just let the words flow and edit them later. The idea for her science-fiction novel came during a conflicts in religion class she took in college, where the concept of dualism was one of the topics. The discussion included the ideas of good and evil as well as other

opposites. It got her thinking, she said, about what it would be like to have a superhero that, to be most effective, needed to be paired with another superhero that had the opposite power. This eventually became the central theme of “Finding Apollyon,” which rhymes with Napolean. Harlander is a fourth-grade teacher at Frederic Elementary School where she also was once a student. — from the InterCounty Leader ••• BARRON COUNTY — On Sunday, Oct. 18, at 2:30 a.m., a car driven by Trent Hanson, 25, Rice Lake, attempted a U-turn on CTH SS near 23rd Ave., and was struck by a truck driven by Justin Dennis, 22, Sa-

rona. Hanson was treated for minor injuries and processed for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. The occupants of the truck, Justin and Jordan Dennis, 24, Sarona, fled on foot before law enforcement arrived. K9 Chase successfully tracked and located them hiding outside on a property approximately one-half mile away from the crash scene. Both occupants were arrested for obstructing an officer, taken to the Barron County Jail and released with a court date of Nov. 11. More charges could be filed by the Barron County District Attorney’s office at a later date for leaving the scene of an accident. — from the Cumberland Advocate •••

RICE LAKE — The extreme challenge of the 150-mile Tuscobia Winter Ultra race has drawn filmmakers to use it as a backdrop for a movie in 2016. Filming of “Tuscobia” is planned in the Rice Lake area for two weeks in mid-January and March. Phillip Gary Smith, who is also writing the screenplay for the film, bases the film on the book “The 300-Mile Man.” The book tells the story of Roberto Marron, who completed the Tuscobia’s 150mile race route from Park Falls to Rice Lake and back on two consecutive days around New Year’s Day of 2013. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype


Sock monkeys and mystery writing topic at author event Suzanne Johnson |Staff writer SHELL LAKE — What do a 1934 private-eye detective fiction mystery and toy monkeys made out of red-heel socks have in common? Perhaps a new mystery story written by author Nicolas D. Charles will solve this question. Friends of the Shell Lake Public Library hosted Hayward authors Gary and Dee Lindner on Monday, Oct. 19, at the library. Sue Hansen introduced the couple, explaining that the talents of these two people were revealed to her when the avid book readers stopped at the Friends of the library’s book sale held during Town and Country Days. Hansen asked them if they liked to write, to which they both replied they were published authors on their way to Hudson for a book signing. As he looked around the room, Gary, aka Nicolas D. Charles, commented that he does not draw his inspiration from today’s authors. Rather, he looks to the work by seminal authors of the pulp fiction era, 1920s to early ‘50s. What he reads helps him in his research for his writing. After retiring from the corporate world about 18 years ago, Gary planned to pursue a music career playing classic guitar. After suffering permanent nerve damage, a side effect from a prescribed pharmaceutical, he was forced to seek a new outlet for his creativity and settled on writing. Although he has written six or seven books, “12 Days of Christmas: Chicago 1934” and “Nick Verriet’s Christmas: Chicago 1935” are the first in print. A third novel is being edited, and he is currently working on the outline for his fourth novel in the series featuring private eye Nick Verriet. “I write to entertain,” Gary commented. He likes to use hidden references and humor, completing his stories with a “good-feel ending.” Both books in print take place

Authors Dee and Gary Lindner, Hayward, are recognized as The Sock Monkey Lady® and Nicolas D. Charles. The couple shared the passion for their work with members and guests of the Friends of the Shell Lake Public Library on Monday, Oct. 19. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson during the Depression era. As a classical music fan, Gary starts with an outline for his book from “a small idea that germinates into a much bigger story.” Walking is a favorite creative time for both of the Lindners. Seeing the display of sock monkeys made out of vintage and modern redheeled socks presented by Dee, aka The Sock Monkey Lady®; a comment heard included the statement, “My grandmother made me one of those and now

Start Here - Finish Here theme of UWBC open house RICE LAKE — Start Here – Finish Here is the theme of the upcoming UW-Barron County open house to be held Thursday evening, Nov. 5. This customized open house is designed to answer individual questions for returning adult students who are thinking about starting or completing a UW degree through on-campus and online courses. The open house will run from 6-7:30 p.m. Activities begin in the UWBC Commons, followed by a campus tour and a brief overview of the associate degree and the new Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree, and conclude with individualized career/degree advice or appointments. Students have many options at UWBC. Blended course format combines in-class and online instruction, making it possible to attend class one or two nights a week. Students select courses and develop essential skills that fit their work or personal goals. Attendees will be offered

vouchers for future math and English ReFresh workshops, which are designed to introduce students to a positive learning environment at UWBC. The BAAS degree is a great option for students with a UW-Barron County or Wisconsin Technical College associate degree who need a bachelor’s degree to advance at work or get started in a new career direction. The BAAS combines oncampus core courses with online courses from up to six UW partners. Professional experience through service learning, internships and a capstone project are features of the degree. To register for a Start Here - Finish Here open house contact UWBC Student Services at 715-234-8176, ext. 1, or email uwbcinfo@uwc.edu. Prospective students can also arrange a customized appointment by calling 715-234-8176, prompt No. 1, or emailing kelli.coller@uwc.edu. — from UWBC

my grandchildren enjoy playing with it.” Most attending the authors’ visit on Monday evening have had a sock monkey or at least have seen them. It may have been as early as 1933, although it isn’t known exactly when, or even who, was the first to create a sock monkey from the red-heel socks. Rockford, Ill., is named the Home of the Sock Monkey, as that is where the trademarked red-heel sock was first manufactured at the Nelson Knitting Company. Dee explained the major difference between the vintage and modern red-heel socks, “The vintage red heel has a natural upward swing and the modern sock has an elongated oval red heel.” Dee’s first two books, “Monkey Love,” and “Friends Knock Your Socks Off,” are gift books based on her photography depicting her sock monkeys posing in different situations and settings. Her latest book, “Sew Cute and Collectible Sock Monkeys,” published by CPI International, is a craft book teeming with tips and secrets about how to create “ideal” sock monkey characters. Both of the Lindners books are available in area bookstores and online.

Evening of music and entertainment to tell stories to be presented

Kevin McMullin, an internationally known storyteller, will entertain the audience with stories on Monday, Nov. 2, 6:30 p.m., in the Shell Lake School Library. – Photo submitted

SHELL LAKE — Kevin McMullin, an internationally known storyteller, is ready to entertain the audience with his stories on Monday, Nov. 2, 6:30 p.m., in the Shell Lake School Library. Through his charismatic energy, McMullin will demonstrate listening and questioning skills and emphasize the important of attitude when stories are being told. McMullin has written and produced three musicals, more than half a dozen CDs, hundreds of songs and tunes, and scored a full-length movie. In between he

dashed off “One Nation,” a symphonic work for orchestra and Native American drum group. He is a founding member and fiddler for Duck for the Oyster, a traditional dance band with a loyal and growing following. From time to time he joins jazz violinist Randy Sabien onstage and the two have released a recording, “Cap a Cup of Dreams.” All ages are welcome to attend this evening of storytelling through music. — with submitted information



A dozen home hacks to save the planet

ere are 12 ideas to help inspire you and your family to do more to help save Mother Earth. Especially if you are feeling overwhelmed, or need some help getting started.

Use microfiber towels, not paper towels or disposable wipes Oh, the paper … paper waste is a simple place to start when thinking about ways you can reduce your family’s impact on the environment, and reduction can help conserve trees and reduce the pollution produced in the bleaching process. Think about this, if you use disposable wipes: 83,000 tons of them wind up in North American landfills every year. Also, microfiber towels can be found everywhere these days, they are more absorbent than paper towels, and also catch and hold dust instead of scattering it. Use only recyclable “safer” plastics. We all know that plastics are made from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource, and can contain toxins that leach into your food or beverages. What? Wait, you didn’t know that? Heating up your food in the microwave in a plastic container releases chemicals into the food, which you were about to put into your body. It’s oh so important to reduce your use of plastic wherever possible. When it can’t be avoided, check the resin identification number located inside the triangle to be sure they’re recyclable. Plastics marked No. 1 and No. 2 are relatively safe, however, No. 3, No. 6 and No. 7 should be avoided as much as possible. They contain polyvinyl chloride that can damage your hormonal system and cause cancer. Plastics marked No. 6 and No. 7 may also pose other health risks. On the bright side, all of these plastic containers marked No. 1 through No. 7 are recycled through the RCC drop boxes. There are 16 locations scattered throughout the two-county region of Washburn and Burnett. They may also be accepted by your curbside hauler but please call them to confirm. Use a rainwater catchment, not the garden hose Try installing a rain barrel next spring and watch the water rise! While some people in the world can’t get enough water to drink or bathe, Americans pour about 8 billion gallons of water a day on their lawns and landscaping. Make a difference by setting up a rainwater catchment system to collect water off your roof. The systems are easy to build and may be enough to satisfy your outdoor watering needs all season without ever having to turn on the hose. I use a 55-gallon food-grade barrel with a leaf and mosquito screen. My barrel also has a spigot at the bottom to attach a hose or fill up a bucket. I have seen optional charcoal filters that can be used to remove rooftop contaminants if that is a concern of yours.

Earth Notes Jen Barton Recycle your electronics In Wisconsin it’s illegal to throw out old electronics. We accept used electronics at a number of recycling sites - although not all - please call me and we can find one near you. Shop your way to waste reduction If shopping is a hassle, then consider shopping at an online site I just found called United By Blue. Since launching five years ago, they’ve picked up nearly 250,000 pounds of trash removed from oceans and rivers on behalf of their pledge to remove 1 pound of trash for each product sold. The company – staffed entirely by 20-somethings – sells a wide collection of really unique salvaged goods.

MADISON — U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency acting state Executive Director Warren Hanson reminds agricultural producers that FSA provides a receipt to customers who request or receive assistance or information on FSA programs. “If you visit our office, you’ll receive documentation of services requested and provided,” said Hanson. “It’s part of our mission to provide enhanced customer service for producers. From December through June, FSA issued more than 327,000 electronic receipts.” The 2014 Farm Bill requires a receipt to be issued for any agricultural program assistance requested from FSA, the National Resources Conservation Service and Rural Development. Receipts include the date, summary of the visit and any agricultural information, program and/or loan assistance provided to an individual or entity. In some cases, a form or document – such as a completed and signed program

Recycle your carpet, don’t fill up the dump If you’re about to remove or replace your carpeting, think twice before you haul it away to the landfill. It’s estimated that nearly 5 billion pounds of carpeting end up in the landfills each year. Instead, if it is still in usable condition, donate or sell any carpet or area rugs that are still in good condition.

Opt out of junk mail Reduce and eliminate direct mail by opting out of receiving both junk mail and catalogs. Did you know the average adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail each year? Reduce and eliminate direct mail by opting out of receiving both junk mail and catalogs by using services such as catalogchoice.org (free) and DMAchoice. org (free). Also, opt out of the yellow pages delivery and look up telephone numbers online instead. Do phone books still exist, anyway?

Turn your old athletic shoes into surfaces, don’t toss them. You can recycle your old stinky athletic shoes through RCC. We deliver them to Nike and they recycle them. The shoes become Nike Grind, which is a material used for playgrounds, basketball courts, school tracks and other play surfaces. The program is not restricted to Nike shoes — they’ll accept any brand as long as they don’t have cleats. Call Jen to locate a drop-off box for shoes in our region.

Purchase minimally packaged goods, not overpackaged goods When you purchase something, consider the packaging that you’ll be bringing home to just dispose of. Choose the option with less packaging and close the recycling loop by supporting manufacturers who use recycled materials in their packaging or who eliminate packaging altogether.

Use reusable cloth bags, not paper or plastic. OK, this one is super easy, yet I still find it rare to see people doing it. Approximately 100 billion plastic shopping bags a year are added to America’s landfills and less than 5 percent of shoppers in America are using canvas, cotton or mesh bags. It’s been estimated that a plastic bag takes 1,000 years to decompose. Take a reusable cloth bag to the store. If not for you, do it for sea life. Of all known species of sea turtles, 86 percent have had problems of entanglement or ingestion of marine debris. You can make a difference. Questions can be directed to Jen Barton at jbarton@nwrpc.com, or call me at 715-635-2197. Thanks for all you do to help protect this place we call home.

Recycle/reuse printer paper instead of using new paper Keep a bin next to your printer for used paper that has only been printed on one side. Use this when printing out documents that don’t need to be on pristine paper. You can also use the clean, unprinted sections of the used paper for notes and lists. When buying printer paper, look for post consumer waste recycled paper.

Farmers to receive documentation of USDA services Local offices issue receipts for services provided

Properly dispose of medication, but not down the drain Flushing pharmaceutical drugs down the toilet or pouring them down the drain creates major environmental hazards. If you live in town wastewater treatment plants cannot remove these chemicals and they end up back in our environment. If you live in the country, there are no wastewater treatment plants so ... you get the picture. Today, 46 million Americans are affected by trace concentrations of pharmaceutical drugs in their water. If you require medication, plan on taking them to a meds collection event held in conjunction with the summer household hazardous waste Saturday collections if they are expired or no longer needed. Or if the need is urgent, most sheriff departments now have anonymous drop boxes located at their office where you can dispose of medicines, call your local department to find out more.

enrollment form – serve as the customer receipt instead of a printed or electronic receipt. A service is any information, program or loan assistance provided whether through a visit, email, fax or letter. The Thursday, Oct. 22, announcement was made possible through the 2014 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill builds on historic economic gains in rural America over the past six years, while achieving meaningful reform and billions of dollars in savings for the taxpayer. Since enactment, USDA has made significant progress to implement each provision of this critical legislation, including providing disaster relief to farmers and ranchers; strengthening risk management tools; expanding access to rural credit; funding critical research; establishing innovative public-private conservation partnerships; developing new markets for rural-made products; and investing in infrastructure, housing and community facilities to help improve quality of life in rural America. For more information, visit usda.gov/ farmbill. To learn more about FSA, visit fsa.usda.gov or to find your local USDA office, visit offices.usda.gov. — from FSA

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Paranormal Wisconsin program at the Spooner library SPOONER — Tales of ghosts, UFOs and mysterious creatures all add up to the Spooner Memorial Library’s yearly visit from Chad Lewis of “Unexplained R e s e a rc h ” who will be presenting his program on Paranormal Wisconsin T h u r s d a y, Oct. 29, at 6:30 p.m. Lewis’ annual Halloween proChad Lewis will be at the grams at Spooner Memorial Library on the Spooner Thursday, Oct. 29. — Photo sublibrary almitted ways have continually drawn packed crowds. His unparalleled knowledge of Wisconsin history and lore provided an entertaining evening for believers and nonbelievers alike. Lewis states that the Paranormal Wis-

consin program is an eerie combination of all the other paranormal topics he presents. He has combined his strangest cases of alien abductions, haunted places, mysterious creatures, crop circles and everything else bizarre and unusual, covering the entire spectrum of Wisconsin’s supernatural activity. Aside from Lewis’ exploration of Wisconsin’s supernatural, he has also trekked across the world in search of the paranormal. From tracking vampires in Transylvania and chasing the chupacabras in Puerto Rico to searching for the elusive monster in Loch Ness and pursuing ghosts in Ireland’s castles, Lewis has over 20 years of research experience in the paranormal. He holds a Master of Science degree in applied psychology from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and is a paranormal researcher and author for “Unexplained Research.” For more information about the program, contact the Spooner Memorial Library at spoonerwislib.org or 715-63592792. For further information about Lewis, check unexplainedresearch.com. — from SML

Grief and the holidays presentation in Spooner SPOONER — Holidays can be one of the most difficult times of the year for those who’ve lost a loved one. Richard Obershaw, nationally renowned speaker and author, will share an informational program on grief, myths and coping to help you through the holiday season on

Saturday, Nov. 7. The presentation will be held from 12:30-2 p.m., in the Spooner High School choir room. There are no fees or obligations. All are welcome to attend this event sponsored by the Spooner Health System. — from SHS


Chippewa Tribe night hunt opens Nov. 1 Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE- — Beginning Sunday, Nov. 1, Wisconsin’s Lake Superior Chippewa Indians will conduct night hunting for deer on lands open to public hunting in ceded territory, an area roughly the northern third of the state. These new hunting regulations come following U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb’s approval of regulations allowing night hunting. Night hunting is the pursuit and harvest of white-tailed deer by members of the Chippewa Indian tribes. Tribal membership is required to be eligible and is established through ancestral ties to the historical tribe, but membership requirements may vary by tribe. Tribal members that want to night hunt must have an approved tribal shooting plan, possess a night hunting permit issued by the tribes, complete a 12-hour tribal night hunting training and adhere to special tribal regulations relating to night hunting. Those tribal members that meet requirements can hunt deer one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise beginning on Nov. 1 until midnight on Jan. 4, 2016. The Department of Natural Resources reports that while numbers are not conclusively known at this time, approximately 75 Chippewa tribal members expressed interest and completed a night hunting training session at the time

of the December 2012 court hearing on this matter. The issue of night hunting went under similar litigation in the late 1980s and early 1990s. “The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources remains disappointed with the Federal 7th Circuit Court’s decision to allow tribal night hunting despite the concerns raised over public safety,” said a DNR news release after the ruling. The news release goes on to state that the DNR will work at all levels to protect public safety and continue sound management of this shared resource. “GLIFWC and its member tribes welcome the night hunt as an additional opportunity for members to put meat on the table,” said a news release from the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission. GLIFWC is the Chippewa tribal conservation department responsible for administering the night hunting regulations. You can contact their office with questions at 715-682-6619 or online at glifwc.org. The DNR reports that anytime a citizen suspects a potential wildlife violation, they should contact their local conservation warden, local law enforcement, or the DNR hotline, 800-847-9367 or dnr.wi.gov/contact/hotline. html. If you would like to contact the DNR about tribal night hunting you can email dnrnighthuntingquestions@ wisconsin.gov.

Washburn County contest sparks local entrepreneur’s spirits

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER — Showing local people how to make their business dreams a reality was the goal of the Creative Concept Contest sponsored by the Washburn County Economic Development Corporation, which offers resources for new entrepreneurs or existing businesses. “The idea behind the contest was to generate ideas for new entrepreneurs or existing businesses that wanted to expand,” said Mike Spafford, director of the Washburn County Economic Development Corporation. The contest’s largest requirement was the business had to be operated in Washburn County. “We did have a good response, countywide, that I was ecstatic about,” said Spafford. This was the contest’s first year and it received a total of 11 applications that Spafford said were all merit worthy. The quantity and quality of the applications gave the contest’s panel of judges a hard time deciding the awards, so much that they ended up giving out three third-place awards. Spafford added that those who didn’t place still have many options. “I had at least half a dozen inquiries about the application that didn’t actually make the application, but we’re helping with in terms of financing options,” said Spafford. The contest also generated inquiries from potential new entrepreneurs that WCEDC will be working with in the future. The 2015 WCEDC Creative Concept Contest award winners are as follows: First place went to Paul and Lisa Parkos of Paul’s Pizza Den in Birchwood for their business plan to expand into the frozen pizza market. The Parkoses received $2,500 and $250 in radio advertising provided by WGMO/WCSW Radio. John Dabrowski was awarded second place with his business, Spooner Tactical and Outdoor, which will feature an outdoor paintball and airsoft course, retail sales

Night hunting for deer by Chippewa Indian tribal members will start Nov. 1. The night hunting activities can take place on lands open to public hunting within ceded territory, an area roughly the northern third of the state including Washburn and future expansion for an indoor shooting range in County. — Photo from WisDNR 2016-2017 at N4887 Hwy. 63, Spooner. Dabrowski received $1,000 and $250 radio advertising provided by WGMO/WCSW Radio. Carl Schult was awarded third place for his Gunfighter Targets business plan. Schult designed a reactive steel target with a quick reset capability for practice and competitive shooting, a new concept in the sport. Schultz received $500 to manufacture his targets for consumers. Dan and Bekki Burch were also awarded third place for their business expansion plan of The Burch Barn at N5921 CTH K, Spooner. The expansion included a pumpkin patch, corn maze, gunnysack slide, bouncy houses and corn pit with possible future expansion into Christmas tree harvest, snow-tubing hill, ice rink, sleigh and hay wagon rides along with hot chocolate available for winter family activities. The Burches received $500. Hans Rechsteiner received a third-place award for his business, Surgery Clinic of Spooner, which would be a facility using Botox and/or Juvederm for improved appearance with possible expansion into cosmetic skin resurfacing. Rechsteiner received $500.


Pack 51 celebrates Halloween

Even the leaders of Pack 51 dressed up for the October Cub Scout meeting held recently. — Photos by Stephanie Whiteside

Shell Lake Cub Scout Pack 51 had fun dressing up in costumes for their October pack meeting.

Spooner musicians to participate in WSMA state honors concert WAUNAKEE – After an intense audition, summer camp and rehearsal process, 426 of the finest young musicians in Wisconsin are about to unite for the peak of what could be the most rewarding musical experience of their lives, the Wisconsin School Music Association high school state honors concerts. Musicians from Spooner are Rachel Medley, treble choir, soprano; Gracia Gormong, mixed choir, alto; Nathan Chastek, mixed choir, bass; and Ally Jacoby, orchestra, percussion. “The high school state honors music project is more than just a concert that occurs in October. It is the culmination of efforts by teachers and students to prepare for the musical experience of a lifetime,” said Tim Wurgler, WSMA program director. When students come together for the first time in June, they meet their conductor, section coaches and each other for the very first time. Through the rehearsals with these

nationally recognized conductors, students become unified in one common musical goal. After camp, students remain in contact with their section coaches, conductors and each other as they continue to hone that common goal. “The result is concerts that are more than inspired but truly inspiring to everyone involved as well as the audience,” said Wurgler. For more information about the WSMA State Honors Music Project and other programs, go to wsmamusic.org. — from WSMA

FFA blood drive set SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake FFA is hosting one of their two annual Red Cross Blood Drives on Friday, Nov. 6, in the 3-12 School gymnasium. This is an opportunity to give back twice. As this is a school blood drive, not only do you give a life-giving gift with your donation but also your donation counts toward a scholarship for Shell Lake’s graduating seniors. The more pints given the more dollars the FFA has to give in scholarships. Please check out the Red Cross Web page and sign up for the Shell Lake FFA blood drive. Web address is redcrossblood.org/. — from Shell Lake FFA

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St. Francis School holds Halloween party

Addie Paffel came back to the school she loves and once attended just to scare the students.

Britney Wiemeri won first prize with her mad scientist costume at the St. Francis School Halloween party.

Photos by Larry Samson

Elsie Haskins came as Elsa from the movie “Frozen.� She was just perfect for the role.

There were a lot of Jedi warriors, stormtroopers and a little Princess Leia. The Schmitz family dressed in their homemade costumes. Shown (L to R): Henry, Maisy and Oliver Schmitz.

Annabelle Lambert tries her hand at rolling the dice. The children played various carnival games at the St. Francis de Sales annual Halloween party on Saturday, Oct. 24.

Little Red Riding Hood is not afraid of the big bad wolf, but she is afraid that the wolf is going to eat her cookie. Audrianna, Avalyn and Angie Bodislaw had a great time dressing as the characters from the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales.



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Shell Lake loses to Siren in regional finals

Caitlin Brereton slams the ball as Winter defender Morgan Dennis goes up to block.

It is a battle at the net between two veteran seniors, Bretta Wiley of Winter and Amber Anderson of Shell Lake.

Amanda Brereton tips the ball over the net at the Division 4 regionals at Winter Thursday, Oct. 22.

Savannah Soltis is on the attack. Soltis is a junior and plans to be back next year playing stronger and better.

Photos by Larry Samson

The starting six players are introduced at the Division 4 regional semifinals that were held Thursday, Oct. 22, in Winter. Shell Lake won 3-2 and advanced to the final in Siren where they lost to Siren 3-1. Shown (L to R): Caitlin Brereton, Amanda Brereton, Savannah Soltis, Amber Anderson, Sheri Clark and Grace Anderson.

Sophomore Grace Anderson gets full extension as she spikes the ball.

End of a season for Spooner volleyball Larry Samson | Staff writer MAPLE — The Spooner Rails ended their volleyball season at Northwestern losing 3-0 in the first round of the Division 2 regional playoffs. Spooner came out and played a strong game against the strong Northwestern team. It was a back-and-forth battle until Northwestern pulled away at the end, winning 25-18. The Rails had gone into that game pumped up and ready to play. Losing the first game took its toll on the Spooner players and they came out flat for the final two games losing 25-6 and 25-6. Coach Melissa Smith praised her team and singled out one player after the game. “Losing is always hard, especially when it is the last game of the season. We again want to say thank you to Meagan Vander Heyden, our varsity senior, for all her leadThe Spooner volleyball season came to an end as they lost to Northwestern 3-0 on Tuesday, Oct. ership and hard work this season and all 20. Shown (L to R): Danika McCumber, Meagan Vander Heyden, Jenna Curtis, Emmie Bassett, Carson the seasons before that, that she dedicated Johannes, Kayla Boutwell and Taylor Shutt. — File photo

to volleyball. We are going to miss her and wish her the best in every future endeavor. To our girls we say thank you for practicing hard, growing, and asking questions.” Smith thanked the parents and community for their continued support. “Thank you to our community, parents, and fans that have come out to our games and events to cheer us on. Spooner volleyball wouldn’t be what it is without you. Keep coming to events and keep cheering loud. Go Rails! A final thank-you to our coaches who plan every practice and work with our girls every night. Coach Eric Conner, coach Staci Sikora, coach Kayleigh Lutz, coach Shanon Huffer and coach Kristina Berget, you have done an amazing job this season, and we thank you for your time spent with each player.”



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Sectional cross-country tournament held at Telemark Golf Course

CABLE — The Shell Lake cross-country team had their last meet of the year in Drummond on Friday, Oct. 23. It was a wet and rainy day but that did not stop the students from doing their best. “It was a fun race to watch and everyone improved close to a minute on their previous best time of the season. However, (our) biggest improvements at the meet were Phabian Sturtz and Luke Savas. Phabian improved three minutes from his previous time and six minutes throughout the season. Luke improved two minutes from the conference meet and eight minutes throughout the season,” stated Katrina

Granzin, head cross-country coach. “The 2015 season was a fun season to remember. We had both Ulan Koxegenov and Konstantin Medvedev compete with us as part of the foreign exchange program. We had Luke with an eight-minute improvement at the end of the season, Alyssa Hodgett with a sevenminute improvement, Phabian Sturtz with a six-minute improvement and Ashlea Meister, Clare Walker and Linden Nelson all with a five-minute improvement. Each year I have seen improvements, but this is my best year for students making gains during season. These are

great students and we may not have anyone competing at state this year but the students reminded me of a saying, ‘Sportsmanship and pride equal victory every time.’ They are dedicated, hardworking and represent Shell Lake well at the meets they attend. They help each other and support each other and can still congratulate and respect other teams as they finish. I could not be prouder of the 2015 cross-country team. Congratulations on a great season everyone,” praised Granzin. — with submitted information

Photos by Larry Samson

Emily Parish finished her 5K race with a time of 24:18.3.

RIGHT: Ali DeLadi was the top runner for Shell Lake, finishing 30th in the girls 5K race that was held in the shadow of the old Telemark Ski Lodge near Cable. DeLadi felt confident that her time of 23:12.8 was a personal best. Shell Lake finished in fifth place out of 12 schools in the Drummond cross-country sectional tournament held on Thursday, Oct. 22.

Phabien Sturtze crosses the finish line in a rain-soaked 5K race. The cross-country race was held at the Telemark Golf Course in Cable among the beautiful rolling hills. He finished with a time of 23:45.1.

Linden Nelson and Marty Anderson start up the short hill just before the end of the race. With both racers pushing each other, they finished the race with good times of 21:55.9 and 21:57.2.

Cross-Country awards banquet held SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake cross-country team held their annual awards banquet on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Awards presented include: High school awards Captain: Marty Anderson Most valuable: Ali DeLadi, Julia Pokorny and Daniel Parish Rookie of the Year: Ali DeLadi Hardest worker: Daniel Parish Most improved: Alyssa Hodgett, Ashlea Meister, Claire Walker and Linden Nelson Most determined: Ashlea Meister Middle school awards Hardest workers: Frances Kevan, Brittany Clark and Isaac Hopke Motivator: Daya Lawrence Most improved: Jaydon Hodgett, 3.5 minutes Best on the track: Hadley Tims Funniest: Ethan Lyga, Eli Fritz Kindest: Madeline Naglosky and Hannah Schultz Most energetic: Malachi Trudell Quietest: Mary Clark, Ethan Lyga and Eli Fritz Most determined: Elliot Scott and Brittany Clark Most dedicated: Frances Kevan Most helpful: Michaela Hayes Best sportsmanship: Daya Lawrence and Nathan Scott. – submitted

WIAA Division 3 results

Shell Lake girls varsity Ali DeLadi, freshman, 23:12.8 Meredith Kevan, sophomore, 23:59.5 Emily Parish, senior, 24:18.3 Julia Pokorny, sophomore, 25:00.3 Ashlea Meister, sophomore, 25:04.8 Clare Walker, sophomore, 25:07.9 Katie Cox, freshman, 26:16.9 Shell Lake boys varsity Daniel Parish, senior, 20:03.7 Linden Nelson, junior, 21:55.9 Marty Anderson, senior, 21:57.2 Nathaniel Swan, senior, 22:43.0 Phabien Sturtze, sophomore, 23:45.1 Luke Savas, sophomore, 24:42.3 Stanley Medvedev, senior, 24:46.2

The Shell Lake cross-country team had their last meet of the year in Drummond on Friday, Oct. 23.

Meredith Kevan crosses the finishing line at 23:59.2. She was the second top runner for Shell Lake.



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Shell Lake Junior High finishes regular season undefeated

Photos by Larry Samson

RIGHT: The defense was a huge factor in the Shell Lake Junior High football team season. The team finished the season with a 9-1 record. Their only loss was a 20-0 loss to Barron, which is a Division 4 school.

Sawyer Shultz leaps for a catch for a touchdown.

Levi Meister is going to be a great high school running back. He is fast and quick on the outside, but he can take it up the middle in a crowd of defenders.

Running back Tyler Schunck breaks around on the outside and is in for a touchdown against the Flambeau defense. The Flambeau game was played Monday, Oct. 5.

LEFT: Quarterback Nick Kraetke is the ultimate quarterback. He has a good quick delivery and can run. As an eighth-grader, he will be moving up to high school next year with a handful of teammates. If they can keep this group of players together, a strong Laker team will return.



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Laker student athlete signs letter of intent with Viterbo University

Lindsey Martin had a great show of support from her family, current coaches and future coach for her signing with Viterbo University. Shown (L to R): Josh Schmidt and Katrina Granzin, Lakers track and field coaches; John Metelko, Viterbo University head track and field coach; Lindsey Martin, athlete; Kim Martin, mother; Andrew Martin, brother; and Pete Martin, father.

Winter sports meeting set Shell Lake student and track athlete Lindsey Martin signed her letter of intention with Viterbo University on Thursday, Oct. 22, at the Shell Lake 7-12 school as her parents and current coaches looked on. Martin will join the Viterbo track and field team. She will be participating in jumping and sprint relays. — Photos by Danielle Danford

SHELL LAKE — A meeting for students participating in winter sports at Shell Lake is set for Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 6 p.m. This meeting is for all athletes and parents or guardians. All attendees will meet in the gym

where Jim Campbell, athletic director, will go over the agenda for each team meeting. This meeting will also include the boys and girls Shell Lake hockey players. — from Shell Lake Athletic Department

Playoff fun

Tyler Rognholt and Jordyn Monson lead the Shell Lake students in a cheer at the regional game against Winterπ on Thursday, Oct. 22. LEFT: The Shell Lake pep band plays at the Northwood and Shell Lake game on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Shell Lake beat Northwood 3-1 to advance to the second round of competition.

Photos by Larry Samson

The Shell Lake student body traveled to Winter in support of their favorite team in the playoffs. Their positive support helped the team defeat a strong and determined Winter team. The school provided a fan bus for the Winter and Siren games, giving students a safe alternative ride to the games.

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Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Peggie Joy Zillmer Peggie Joy Zillmer, 78, Shell Lake, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2015, at Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. She was born Sept. 27, 1937, in Springbrook, the daughter of Richard LeRoy and Florence Barbara (nee Campbell) Lester. She was united in marriage to Merten Lee Zillmer on May 26, 1956, in Barronett. Peggie graduated from Shell Lake High School. She was employed as a cook for the Shell Lake Schools and later the Swiss Chalet Restaurant, retiring in 1981. Peggie had many hobbies and interests

such as collecting many different kinds of bells, baking, woodworking, gardening both flowers and vegetables, and canning. She could often be found hard at work on a jumbo word search. She is survived by her beloved husband, Merten, Shell Lake; her children, Wendy Axelson, Lake Wissota, Ricky (Nancy) Zillmer, Altoona, Lori (Delray) Melton, Spooner, and Chris (Mary) Zillmer, Malone; her sister, Barbara (Dave) Hartman, Spooner; son-in-law Fred Lloyd, Cumberland; and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and dear friends. In addition to her parents, Peggie was preceded in death by her daughter, Nancy Jo Lloyd; her brothers, Randy and Richard Lester; a son-in-law, Steve Axelson;

and her sister, Mae Hoyt. Memorial visitation will be held from 4-7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29, at Scalzo-Taylor Chapel, 306 Rusk St. in Spooner. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 30, at Lake Park Alliance Church, 505 3rd St. in Shell Lake. Pastor John Salstrom will officiate. Interment will be private. Arrangements are being made with Scalzo-Taylor Chapel in Spooner. Online condolences may be made at scalzo-taylor.com.

Michael Naglosky Michael Naglosky, formerly of Keizer, Ore., passed away Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015, at Glenview Assisted Living Center in Shell Lake. Michael was born Nov. 15, 1918, in Manifold, Pa., and served in the United States Coast Guard and Navy for six years, serving during WWII. He was united in marriage to Myrtle Dale in 1945 and they spent over 30 years in Southern California, where Michael owned a chain of barbershops. He was proud to be a barber, counting among

his clients John Wayne and Bing Crosby. He is survived by nephew Paul (Patti) Naglosky, Shell Lake; sister, Evelyn Kopach of Hobart, Ind.; sisters-in-law Bess Naglosky, Hobart, Ind., and Dorothy (Ken) Harper, Kent, Wash.; as well as many nieces and nephews, their children and grandchildren, to whom he was devoted. Michael was preceded in death by his wife, Myrtle; his brothers, John, Andrew, William, Paul and Henry; and sisters, Anne and Mary.

Interment of cremains, with military honors, will be held at the Shell Lake Cemetery at 2 p.m., on Thursday, Oct. 29. The family would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the staff at Glenview for their loving care and support while Michael resided there. Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

Kim S. Schlapper Kim S. Schlapper, 57, Spooner, formerly of Madison, passed away surrounded by family on Oct. 21, 2015, at Maple Ridge Care Center in Spooner. Kim was born on June 6, 1958, to Ferd and Diane (Higgins) Schlapper in Madison. He attended Malcolm Shabazz High School and graduated in 1976. He was united in marriage to Joeann Stariha in 1981. Together they had four children. Kim worked in construction and as a farmhand for many years, spending the last 15 years in the pharmaceutical equipment industry. Since 2010, he has spent his time working and living part time

in Germany managing and growing his business, RX Automation Specialists. Kim loved spending time with his children and granddaughter, relocating to Spooner permanently over the past years to be closer to them. He enjoyed fishing, traveling and sitting around the campfire with his family. Many trips over the years with his family to places like Eagle River and Grand Canyon National Park will be fond memories forever. Kim is survived by his children, Gordy Schlapper, April Schlapper, Charles Schlapper, all of Spooner, and Alex Schlapper, Woodbury, Minn.; granddaughter Aaliyah Evans; his parents, Ferd and Diane, Madison; brothers, Ferd (Deb) Schlapper, Woodbury, Minn., Kurt (Erika Alcala) Schlapper, Brooklyn, Wis., and Chris (Levi)

Schlapper, Madison; lifelong friend and business partner, George Kelling, Conover; and many nieces, nephews, family and friends. A celebration of Kim’s life was held Saturday, Oct. 24, at Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, with the Rev. Sue Odegard officiating. Honorary pallbearers were Gordy Schlapper, Chuck Schlapper, Alex Schlapper and Dave Schlapper. The family would also like to extend their thanks to the staff at Maple Ridge Care Center in Spooner for their support and care over the past several weeks. Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

Leonard “Joe” C. Peterson Leonard “Joe” C. Peterson, 73, Shell Lake, died Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, at Spooner Health System. He was born May 29, 1942, in Stillwater, Minn., to Leonard and Elizabeth (Ray) Peterson. Joe served his country honorably with the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. He was married in White Bear Lake, Minn., on Sept. 18, 1970, to Marjorie Croes. Joe worked as director of the Indianhead Residential

Care Facility for 18 years before opening Peterson’s Auto and Truck World on Hwy. 63. He later drove semi for over 20 years until retirement. He was an avid hunter and fisherman, and generally enjoyed being outside. Joe was a legendary joke teller and loved to share his time with his grandchildren. None of this would be possible if not for his AA family who aided his continued sobriety for the last 46 years, this month. Joe will be lovingly remembered by his wife, Marjorie, Shell Lake; his children, Kent (Karen) Peterson, Shell Lake and Tammy (Tucker) Fee, Birchwood; 14 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; four siblings, Carolyn

Brown, Minneapolis, Minn., Sylvia Bailey, Payson, Ariz., Phyllis Rosen, Tyler, Minn., James Peterson, Minneapolis, Minn.; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives. Military honors were accorded Wednesday, Oct. 28, at Northern Wisconsin Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery by the Wisconsin Military Honors Team. A time of gathering was held at the Skinner Funeral Home in Shell Lake. Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

Elmer Louis Talbert Elmer Louis Talbert, 56, passed away Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015, at his residence outside of Shell Lake. He was born May 4, 1959, in Burlington, the son of William and Annette (nee Glessing) Talbert. Elmer loved the outdoors, especially fishing, hunting and gardening. He also enjoyed traveling, and took time to sightsee in South Dakota and Estes Park, Colo. He also enjoyed Oktoberfest as an annual tradition with his best friend and life partner, Pam Pomykala. He is survived by the love of his life, Pam Pomykala, Shell Lake; his children, Monique Weber (Andy Miller),

Almena; Nathan Talbert, Siren, Michelle (Brian) Dusick, Webster, and Jessica Talbert, Siren; six grandchildren, Dane, Leigha, Evan, Daemon, Thomas, and Willow; his father, William Talbert, Shell Lake; his siblings, Jerry (Darla) Talbert, Shell Lake, Willy Talbert (Mary Christner), Webster, Kathy (Dave) Mercer, Wakefield, Mich., Ronny (Kathy) Talbert, Trego, Duane (Mary) Talbert, Barron, and Tabby Soltis, Shell Lake; his grandmother, Irene Glessing; and many nieces, nephews and dear friends. Elmer was preceded in death by his mother, Annette; his grandfather, Elmer Glessing (for whom he is named); his grandfather, Francis Carlson; his grandmother, Anna Carlson; his aunt, Doreen Drost; and his nephew, Billy Joe Cook. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., on Saturday,

Walter H. Bell Walter H. Bell, who was born Feb. 28, 1918, in Kit Carson, Colo., to Edward and Inez (Weber) Bell, died peacefully on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015, at his home. He served with the U.S. Army from August 1941 to December 1945, serving four years, four months and four days. He was married in Pine City, Minn., on May 22, 1948, to Eunice Shelton and the two settled in the Shell Lake area to live, work and raise a family. Walter worked for many years as a farmer and mechanic until health prevented him from heading to his garage to tinker. Over the past years, Walt enjoyed the company of his extended hunting family and visiting with friends and neighbors during breakfast at the Red Brick Cafe.

He is survived by his children, Henry Allen (Mary Jean) Todd, Barron, Larry (Lynne) Todd, Crystal Lake, Ill., Terry Bell, Shell Lake and Donna (Jeffrey Newton) Bell, Virginia Beach, Va.; grandchildren, David (Teri), Cherie, Kris (Steve), Eric (Angie) and Kim (Jacob); seven great-grandchildren and nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date at Red Brick Cafe, Barronett, with burial of his cremains in Lake Side Cemetery, Barronett. Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

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Nov. 7, at Lakeview Methodist Church, where visitation will be held from 10 a.m. until the hour of the service. Pastor Jack Starr will officiate. Interment will follow in Lakeview Cemetery. For information, please contact Scalzo-Taylor Chapel in Spooner at 715-635-8919 or scalzo-taylor.com. The Scalzo-Taylor Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements.



53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.

St. Alban’s


Full Gospel

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

Northwoods Baptist

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Shell Lake Full Gospel


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

Long Lake Lutheran Church

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School and adult studies. Office hours: Monday Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.



Lake Park Alliance


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

he world offers many gods. The only God to offer abundant and eternal life is the Living God, the Great I Am. This is a God we can come to know, for God knows us. Meet God – or meet God anew – this week in church.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Ruth 1:1-18 Hebrews 9:11-14

Mark 12:28-34

Psalm 146

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, November 1, 2015 All Saints Day onor gives recognition to the work of someone H other than ourselves. It is placing significance, importance or value on what they have done or accom-

plished. It places them above us in a position that commands respect for what they have done or who they are. To honor someone requires us, first and foremost, to be humble. We literally bow before them in recognition for what they have done for us or what they have contributed to our lives and to our well-being. What they have done has cost them something personally — perhaps they have had to make a sacrifice and the price is more than we can or are able to pay them for what they have done for us. Honoring someone is not always easy. Pride gets in the way. Self-importance or not wanting to stand aside while others move to the front of the line often complicates things. It is not easy to give credit to someone when I am obligated to them for what they have done. When we honor someone, we make them look good — often at our expense — and that at times is not easy. Who wants to admit his or her shortcomings or inadequacies to someone who is esteemed? The Psalmist wrote, “Honor him for he is your Lord!” Not a very complicated statement. The problem is not understanding the statement that gives so many Christians a problem. It is in applying it. Honoring or bowing down before God is difficult. Pride gets in the way and becomes a problem for many. Pride is what keeps us from serving him and loving others as Jesus loved them. Pride is what keeps us from being submissive to him when we refuse to serve him in our churches and witness his saving grace to others who are lost and dying.



Judy Pieper

Happy Halloween! There are so many things to do at this time of the year. If you missed the Barronett Dragons’ haunted trail last weekend you still have one chance to prove how brave you are. The trail will be open again this Friday, Oct. 30, from 7-10 p.m. The trail is located on Bob and Peg Thompson’s farm, on 28th Avenue, just across from Thompson Greenhouse and the mini-storage units. Just park at the mini-storage and someone will be there to give you a hayride to the trail. In addition to scaring you half to death on the trip through the dark forest and around the murky swamp, the 4-H kids will be selling good things to eat. By the way, even if you did take a trip through the trail last weekend, you’re welcome to stop by and go through again. And, of course, on Saturday, Oct. 31, the members of Barronett Civic Club will be hosting their annual Halloween party at the community center from 2-4 p.m. for children 10 years old and younger. There will be games, prizes, food and fun for all. Bring your little ones, or bring nieces, nephews, grandchildren, neighbors — whatever — but come on over and join the fun. And, I know that there are lots and lots of adult parties to go to that evening, but the very best one (I think) is going to be at Hilltop Retreat in rural Cumberland. Jay Olson is coming up from Missouri to play guitar and sing for us! I think the last time Jay played at the Hilltop for the Hal-

Stone Lake

loween party was that year we had that early blizzard and everything was shut down. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again. Anyway, the party is going to start at 7 p.m. By that time all the little trickor-treaters should be home counting out their candy, and you will be free to leave your house without worrying about any tricks. Put on the scariest costume you can find and come on up and join us for a really fun evening. Anitia Lehmann invited Geri Pittman and me to dinner at Hillcrest Mennonite Church last Friday evening. We had such a wonderful time. I’m not sure how many people were served, but there seemed to be more than 200 people there. Everyone was seated at the same time, the young people started serving the food, and within 20 minutes we were all eating. The food was delicious and we all enjoyed eating and visiting in the fellowship hall. After dinner we were all invited into the church where the young people sang several hymns, recited a poem, and then invited guests to pick out their favorite hymns and sing along. The evening couldn’t have been more perfect. I’m so glad Anitia invited me along. Duane and I had a really long — and fun — day on Saturday. We decided that we would go to a therapy horse show in Westfield which started at 10 a.m. Well, when we got there the show had been postponed because of the rain and it didn’t look as though the weather was going to improve much that day. After talking it over, we

Mary Nilssen

What fantastic fall weather we are having. The mornings certainly have been crisp and the white stuff will soon be here, so enjoy it while you can. First Lutheran Church of Stone Lake extends gratitude to everyone who helped make their pie/ice-cream social, baked goods and quilt sale during the Cranberry Fest a success. This includes all those who contributed items for the event, as well as everyone who made purchases or monetary donations during the fundraiser. Over $4,000 was raised and this will be distributed to several local organizations helping needy families. Your generosity has touched many lives. A children’s Halloween party, sponsored by the Stone Lake area community, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 4-7 p.m., at the Stone Lake Lions Hall. Stone Lake Wesleyan Church is accepting new and gently used coats, hats and gloves for the second-annual coat drive. They are currently in need of children’s items for all sizes and both genders. Coats will be given to needy families in the community starting Saturday, Nov. 7. You may contact the church at 715-8652881 for more information. The Stone Lake Area Historical Soci-

ety has another printing of the “Finding Pioneers and Places in Early Stone Lake” available. You may purchase a copy for $15 at the Stone Lake Hardware Store, Red Schoolhouse Wines or at the Holiday House (Betty Lou’s). If you would like to order copies, please contact Connie Schield at 715-865-4940. These books would make great Christmas gifts for people who either have family ties to Stone Lake or who still live here. Upcoming events: Saturday, Nov. 7, 6:30-9 p.m., Stone Lake Music Night. Come out for some fun and great music. Light refreshments will be available. Music night will be held on the first Saturday of each month. Saturday, Nov. 21, 4-7 p.m., hunters chili feed at the Stone Lake Lions Hall. Saturday, Dec. 5, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., children’s Christmas party at the Stone Lake Lions Hall. Saturday, Dec. 5, Stone Lake Music Night, 6:30-9 p.m. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night. Have a good week and be safe. Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-8654008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com.

Washburn County Area Humane Society Say hi to Bentley, what could be his mix, Here is one more question, can this dog do tricks. Will he get along with your dog, cats and kid, His owner before said that he surely did. He’s gentle and friendly, he’ll sit at your side, He also likes walks and to go for a ride. He needs a kind person, who will treat him good, And do all of the things that a pet owner should. Bentley’s just a year old and he’s medium size, Adopting him would be like winning a prize. Within a week’s time he’ll be ready to go, Bentley won’t be here long; this is one thing I know. Dogs for adoption: 4-year-old female tricolored walker hound; 3-year-old female black and tan hound; 2-year-old female black Lab mix and a 3-year-old neutered hound/pit bull mix. Cats for adoption: 12-week-old male

white/black shorthair tiger; 5-month-old male orange/white mediumhair tiger; 5-month-old female white/gray medium hair; 2-year-old female shorthair tortie; 10-week-old mediumhair black/gray tabby; 4-month-old mediumhair dilute tortie; 10-week-old orange/ white male shorthair tabby; 4-1/2-month-old female black/ brown/white shorthair tiger; 4-1/2-monthold male orange/white shorthair tiger; 4-year-old neutered four-paw declawed black shorthair; 1-1/2-year-old spayed shorthair calico; 5-year-old neutered white/ gray shorthair; two 6-month-old neutered shorthair black/white tigers and a 3-yearold female shorthair tortie. Also for adoption: 8-year-old white/gray male chinchilla. Shop at AmazonSmile and 0.5 percent of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases will be donated to Washburn County Area Humane Society.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 wcahs.com

decided to head down to Madison and go to the farmers market on the Capitol Square. Just our luck, we got there at about 1 p.m. and the vendors were all closing up their booths for the day. Not a problem, I love showing people around the state Capitol, so we went inside. Duane was astounded by the beauty of the place. We went up three flights so that he could see the artwork on the domed ceiling and get the view of the main floor from higher up. If you haven’t been to our state Capitol, believe me, it’s worth a trip to Madison just to see it. Then, because we had some time to kill before going to Denyse and Kevin Behnke’s home for dinner, I took him over to the University of Wisconsin Arboretum on Lake Wingra. He was even more impressed with that than the Capitol. There was a black gum tree, which had been planted in 1956, that was unbelievably beautiful. The leaves were a burgundy color and looked as if they were made of wax. We didn’t wander around too much because it was raining, but we are planning to spend an entire day there next May. He wants to see how everything looks in the spring. Then we went to Kevin and Denyse’s for a mystery dinner. The whole Copus family, except for Steve, was there and we had a lot of fun visiting and eating some really great food. I’m not even going to try to explain what a mystery dinner is, but each guest is given a menu and has to try to figure out from that what to order. Of course things on the menu are not called “potatoes” or “green beans.” I did end up with soup first, cake and ice cream second, lasagna third, and a salad for the last course. That was OK as Pat Olson says, eat your dessert first to make sure you have room. Anyway, it was a great way to spend the evening. Mary Kay Hefty called on Sunday evening. She wanted to let us know that she had been in the hospital for about a week but was at home and doing very well again. I asked Mary Kay when she and Curt would be down to visit again, and she said that they would probably be down again in May for Mother’s Day

and MayDeen’s birthday. Anyway, we were very glad to hear that she is doing fine and hope she continues to enjoy good health. Sharai Hefty was at Arrow Building Center in Spooner one day this past week, and someone had brought in black walnuts to be given away. Wow! Sharai put some in a box and brought them over to me and I was very happy to get them. I have Grandma Hefty’s recipe for southern cake, and it just doesn’t taste right if I have to substitute any other nut for the black walnuts. Just in case I run out of them, do you know of any store that sells them? I look in the baking aisle of grocery stores all the time, and I’ve never seen them for sale. Shari comes up with the goofiest jokes. She said that two brothers, bachelor farmers, bought a donkey. Well, the donkey’s ears were so long that he couldn’t get through their barn door. So they got busy and sawed a taller hole in the top of the door so he could get in. A little later a neighbor stopped by to see their new animal and saw what they had done to the door. He said to them, “You have a dirt floor in the barn. Why didn’t you just dig down a little bit instead of messing up the door?” One brother answered, “Humph! His ears are too long, not his legs.” Richard Pieper and Delores Schultz invited us to their home for a Halloween party on Sunday evening. They went all out preparing great food for us: sloppy joes, cupcakes, cookies and coffee. And their place is so decorated up for Halloween that a person can hardly walk across their lawn. If you happen to be in Barron, drive south on Fifth Street and take a look at all the blow-up ornaments they have up. It’s the house right before the street ends. It’s great, but I don’t know where they find the time or patience to put up all those decorations and take them down again. I guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Hope to see you at the community center for the kids Halloween party, and at the Hilltop Halloween party. Oh, remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night. See you next time.

Dewey-LaFollette Donna, Gerry, Nina and Lawrence Hines, and Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to Circle Pines, Minn., Thursday and visited Nick and Esther Mangelsen. They all enjoyed lunch, visiting and singing together. Pat Kage from Eau Claire visited her sister, Kris Fjelstad, on Thursday and stayed overnight. Karen Mangelsen traveled with Dave and April Close to Superior on Thursday evening to attend the performances of the UW-Superior Symphonic Band and the Tri-State High School Honors Bands. Karen’s granddaughters, Patty and Mandy Close, were among several Siren band students selected to play in the honors bands. Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Marlene Swearingen on Friday morning. Visitors of Kris Fjelstad on Saturday were her son, Roger Dawley, his friend Jody Retzloff, and granddaughter Abbi Dawley. They went to Rice Lake and had lunch at Casa Mexicana. Later Kris went to Rand’s Bowling Alley where some of her lady veteran friends were bowling for an Elks Club benefit. Afterward they all went to the Elks Club for supper. Visiting Karen and Hank Mangelsen on Saturday were Larry, Celie, Baxter, Jake,

Karen Mangelsen Hannah and Grace Mangelsen, and April, Dave, Patty and Mandy Close. The family members helped Hank and Karen get their home ready for winter. Dixie and Chuck Andrea, Paul, Penny and Scott Anderson, Connie Quam and grandson Aidan, Kay Krentz, Lida Nordquist, Nina and Lawrence Hines, Carol and Dan Makosky, Dave and Pam Dunn, Joe, Barb, Joe Jr. and Malila Durand, and Hank and Karen Mangelsen were among a large number of people who attended open mic night at Tesora Event Center on Saturday evening. Everyone enjoyed the variety of music presented, which included Christian gospel and pop. Weekend guests of Lawrence and Nina Hines were Chris, Wendy and Colin Harrison. Hudson Thomas Knoop received the sacrament of holy baptism Sunday morning at Lakeview UM Church. His parents are Drew and Jennifer Knoop. Grandparents are Donna Knoop and Steve Knoop, and great-grandparents are Gladys and Marv Knoop. Hudson’s sponsors were Garrett and Ashley Knoop. Lida Nordquist was a lunch guest of Gerry and Donna Hines on Sunday. Karen and Hank Mangelsen visited there later.

Senior lunch menu Monday, Nov. 2: Stuffed baked potato with ham, broccoli and cheddar cheese, sour cream and butter, grapes. Tuesday, Nov. 3: California burger, sweet potato fries, baked beans, chocolate pudding dessert. Wednesday, Nov. 4: Spaghetti and turkey meatballs, steamed green beans, toasted garlic bread, angel food cake. Minong: Brunch 10 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 5: Cheesy chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice and beans, stewed tomatoes, sugar cookie. Birchwood: Pot-

luck. Friday, Nov. 6: Cook’s choice. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.

Dining at 5 Minong, Monday, Nov. 2: Home-style ribs, cook’s choice potato, salad bar, surprise dessert. Call 715-4664448 for reservations. Suggested donation is $5.


Remembering the Madge School eighth-grade class of 1935

Sharon Tarr | Special to the Register TOWN OF MADGE — Thirty years ago, in 1985, one of Washburn County’s many country schools, the one in the Town of Madge, held a 50-year reunion to bring together all of those who had graduated from the eighth grade there in 1935. The following information about those graduates comes from various sources and is part of the Madge story that will be in Volume VI of the “Historical Collections of Washburn County” now being compiled. Vivian Toftness Milward, the teacher, was from the neighboring Town of Beaver Brook. Her (Toftness) family’s farm was where the Red Barn Campground has been now for many years. The campground was started by Vivian’s parents there on CTH B, just east of Shell Lake, and is still run by family members today. The Toftness family was listed in the 1930 Federal Census as, parents Wilhelm and Hulda Toftness; and their children, Irvin, 20; Vivian, 18; Harriet, 17; Aagot, 15, a daughter; June, 14; Luther, 12; Gordon, 10; Doris, 7; Gloria, 4; Forrest, 2; and Hulda’s widowed mother, Ingeborg Strand, 63. In the 1920 census, there was another daughter, Eva, listed, too. She was a year younger than Irvin and a year older than Vivian. Elnor Weideman Pietrowski, the first of the students profiled here, was nine years old in 1930 and living with her parents, Ernest and Mabel Weideman, ages 33 and 29 respectively; her twin brother, Elmer; her little sister, Verna, 7; her little brother, Gene, 5; and her uncle, Oscar, 25; at the home of her grandparents, Oscar and Mary Weideman, ages 59 and 57 respectively. The Weidemans were one of the families for whom the 1985 school gathering

Heart Lake

was like a family reunion, too, with Verna, Elnor and Wayne all attending. Elnor’s twin brother, Elmer, had passed away in 1976. Another student, Lois Jesse Klekamp, the daughter of Emil and Anna Jesse, and her siblings also had a family reunion that day. Lois, the youngest, was 8 years old in

Thirty years ago, Dorothy Batty Todd Akey, then 84, was among the oldest of the former Madge School students attending the 50-year reunion. It is likely she would have been an eighth-grade graduate about 1914 or 1915. — Photo submitted 1930; the others were John, 15; Josephine, 14; Vincent, 12; and Ruth, 10. Just six years after his eighth-grade graduation, Vincent returned to teach at the Madge School. Laura Todd Jellen and her mother, Dorothy Batty Todd Akey, both attended the Madge School reunion. Laura was a member of the Class of 1935. At age 84, Dorothy Akey was among the oldest of the

Helen V. Pederson

We were having rain Monday morning so it was kind of dreary, but we can always welcome rain. Steve and Cheri Minot drove to Eau Claire on Oct. 22 to take their twins, Michelle and Tonya, out to eat for their 25th birthday. Birthday blessings, girls. The Minots took Bill and Lori Sumner to Bistro 63 in Barronett on Oct. 24 for dinner. When I talked to Cheri on Sunday she was taking care of Madelyn Minot, Tony’s daughter. The Salem Singers were here at Glenview on Wednesday evening to entertain us. We appreciated their singing and we thank them. Peder Pederson joined a group of senior citizens, about 25-30 people, for a boat trip down the St. Croix River. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Arlys Santiago went with Chuck and Heidi Hile, Logan and Olivia to Northwestern University in St. Paul, Minn., to watch Logan, 17, play baseball. Logan is a catcher for the team. Sunday night, Jeff Pederson picked up pizza and came to Glenview along with son Brent and his wife, Nicole,

Dewey Country

former Madge School students attending the reunion and likely would have been an eighth-grade graduate about 1914 or 1915. Laura Todd’s siblings were her brothers, Alvin and Oliver Keith Todd; her halfbrother, Dale Akey; her stepbrothers, Lyle and Clare Akey; and her stepsisters, Florence, Ruby and Ina Akey. Laura, Alvin and Oliver Keith were the children of George and Dorothy Todd. George died in 1932, and three years later, Dorothy married Fred Akey. Dale Akey was their only child. When Laura died in 2013, Dale was the only surviving sibling. Laura was the treasurer for the Town of Evergreen for 26 years. This information is from Laura Jellen’s obituary and census records. Laura Jellen’s father, George Todd, was a brother to Alva Charles Todd and Bercia Todd Stouffer of Shell Lake. George Todd’s uncle, Charles R. Todd, was married to Mary (Mae) Stouffer. One of Charles and Mae’s children was William Raymond Todd Sr. William married Elsie King. Elsie was the teacher at the Madge School in 1927 and 1928, and she attended the 1985 reunion. William R. and Elsie King Todd married before 1930. They had a son, William Raymond Jr., who died young. Their other children were Raymond, David, Valerie and Sharon. The William and Elsie Todd family lived in Shell Lake. Those representing another Todd family at the Madge School Reunion that day were the children of Maurice and Anna Donaldson Todd, Melvin Todd, Evelyn Olson, Mae Ruport and Carol Bell. Also attending the school reunion were Evelyn’s husband, DeWayne Olson; May’s husband, Robert Ruport; and Carol’s husband, Charles Bell.

to share a piece with me for my birthday. Thank you. I received many cards and calls throughout the day. Tim and Sue Pederson were in Las Vegas for a few days and he called. Sue Winner had a concert at church so everyone is busy. Thanks for all the cards and calls received. Today I do feel a year older. David Swan of Eau Claire joined Joni and Mark Parker and Ruth Swan at noon for dinner out. Joni celebrated her birthday on Oct. 26. Happy birthday to Tim Pederson on Oct. 26 and to Jeff Pederson on Nov. 1. Have a good day. Good teachers are the ones who are able to challenge young minds, without losing their own.

Maurice Todd was another of Charles R. and Mae Todd’s children; he was the brother of William R. Todd. Maurice and Anna Todd’s other children, in addition to the four who were at the reunion, were Albert and Lonnie Todd, Theressa Vanderhyde and Cathy Wickware. The other member of the Class of 1935 at the reunion was Helen Baker Miller. She was the oldest daughter of George W. Baker Sr. and his wife, the former Hazel Donaldson. According to the 1930 Federal Census, Helen’s siblings were James, George W. Jr., Robert, Hazel, Marion, (Class of 1939); and Marjorie, who also attended the reunion. Another sister, Ruby, was born about 1935. Many stories like this one about people and places from the county’s past are now being compiled for the new Washburn County history, which is expected to be published in two to three years. Other neighborhoods, such as Trego, Lampson, Long Lake, and the Town of Spooner are already being developed. Stories about Civil War veterans, communities around the county and area resorts will be included, too. Anyone who would like to submit a family history or a history of their community should send it to Sharon Tarr, 306 Balsam St., Spooner, WI 54801 or email it to remembering44@yahoo.com. Please keep submissions to 10 typed pages or less. Washburn County Historical Society is still looking for additional funding to help make this history book available when all the information has been pulled together and is ready to go to press. Your donations can be sent to Washburn County Historical Society, P.O. Box 366, Shell Lake, WI, 54871. Thank you for helping with this important project to preserve our past for future generations.

Trunk or Treat at Beautiful Savior SPOONER — Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Spooner will hold a Truck or Treat from 1 to 4 p.m., rain or shine, on Saturday, Oct. 31. You are invited to drop in at any time during those hours. Members of the church are planning free, fun activities for all children, toddlers through fifth grade. Snacks, games and Christian-themed prizes will be offered. Bring your children before they go trick-or-treating. Costumes are optional. Children need to have an adult present. Beautiful Savior is located at N5015 Beaverbrook Ave. in Spooner, Hwy. 70 just west of Hwy. 53. For questions call the office at 715-635-7672 or preschool at 715-6357678. — from Beautiful Savior

Send news to news@wcregisteronline.com

Pauline Lawrence

What a beautiful day we had on Sunday, Oct. 24. Yes, another week of October 2015 is history. The time has certainly flown by hasn’t it? We had a great rain this past week, which is great. A very happy anniversary to Bob and Marie Lawrence as they celebrate 48 years together, with many more to come, on Oct. 28. Happy birthday to Bill Kane, Tiffany Hopwood, Jasmine Petz, Gabe Alger and to Karen Scribner, all on Oct. 28. Have a great one. Oct. 30, a very happy birthday to Jerry Sexton and to Jarret Casselious. Enjoy your special day. A very happy birthday Oct. 31 to our Halloween baby, Doug Vanderhoof. Have a great one, Doug. A very happy birthday to Abby Smith on Nov. 1. Have a wonderful day, Abby. A very happy birthday to Tyler Dorweiler on Nov. 2 when he turns 11. Have a great one Tyler. Nov. 3, a very happy birthday to Joy Hopke as she enjoys that special day with more to come. A very happy birthday to Glen Knoop on Nov. 4 with many more to come. At Jim and Sandy Atkinson’s on Saturday were Lisa and Dan Otto and children Marjorie and Charlie, Kyle and Becca Beaufeaux and Jimmy Atkinson. The group put up wood for Jim and Sandy. They think this is enough to last all winter. Sandy tells us Noel Beaufeaux hasn’t been up deer hunting lately so they haven’t seen the bear. Maybe the bear hunters chased him off. Talking with my sister Dot Gudlin, who had a knee replacement on Oct. 5 and spent three days in the hospital and then in a home for two weeks, she is now back home.

She says her left leg is very sore but she is so happy to be home. Her son, Bruce Gudlin, Rochester, Minn., came on Saturday to see his mom. Her daughter Nancy Michalek brought her home on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Dot tells us she is very glad to be home. My daughter Penny Ladd tells me Jeff left Monday night after school to go to Kentucky for the FFA. He will be back Saturday or Sunday. Butch VanSelus tells us he’s been busy cutting wood for the winter. It takes a lot of wood he says. Talking with Dewey Country Chairman Mark Knoop, he tells us Nov. 10 will be the budget meeting followed by the regular meeting. John Biver has resigned as our town assessor and they’re looking for another assessor and haven’t found anyone yet. They haven’t been mowing in our town. The county said they didn’t want to do it and a number of others. Mark tells us their son, Bryan, who is going to college, in Colorado, I think, likes school now that he’s used to it. It’s always hard for a kid to leave home isn’t it? We wish Bryan well. Talking with niece Janie Lauterbach, she tells us last Sunday Rich, Janie, Ryan, Noah, Ellianna and Grace were in Chippewa Falls for the baptism of Colton, son of Cory and Stephanie Cowel. After the baptism, they all enjoyed a ham dinner at Cory and Stephanie’s. Wednesday was Rick Lauterbach’s birthday so Janie made a steak dinner for him with Marie and Warren Quam and Jan Lauterbach also attending. Friday, Janie went to Cathy Melton’s and the two made homemade soap. Monday, Janie went out to her mom’s, Marie Quam’s, for a visit. Saturday, Rick and Janie took the children to Como Park Zoo and the kids dressed up in costumes. Janie said they really enjoyed the

day there. Sunday afternoon, Noah and Ellianna and little Grace were very busy caring pumpkins. Janie says she wants to can pumpkin yet this fall. She said she’s canned a lot of food so they certainly won’t get hungry this winter. Betty Meister tells us the Crosby brothers were combining the Meisters’ corn. It’s a great job to get done. Back to the moon. (See last week.) April is known as the Pink Moon, also the Full Sprouting Moon, Egg Moon or Full Fish Moon. May is called the Flower Moon, also the Corn-Planting Moon and Milk Moon. Some call it the Brewers Are Already Out of the Pennant Race Moon. June is called the Strawberry Moon, the Rose Moon and some call it the Freedom From Bondage Moon, as it coincides with the end of the school year. Remember to set your clocks back on Nov. 1 or Saturday night. Yippee, we get an extra hour of sleep! Hurray! Two pirates, Morty and Sol, meet in a bar. Sol has a patch over one eye, a hook for a hand, and a wooden peg leg, “Ye gad matey,” says Morty. “What happened to ya?” Sol says, “Me pirate ship was attacked and a lucky shot lopped off me leg. So now I got me a wooden leg.” “And yer hand?” asks Morty. “When me ship sank a shark bit me hand off. So now I got me a hook.” “OK, but what’s with the eye patch?” “I was standin’ on a dock and the biggest seagull I ever saw poops right in me eye.” “But ya don’t go blind from no seagull poop.” “True,” says Sol, “but it was me first day with the hook.” Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!



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Branden K. Draves, Shell Lake, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Dylan T. Sargent, Shell Lake, burglary, $818.00, probation, sent. withheld. Daeshele R. Sharlow, Hayward, ignition interlock device tampering, failure to install, $393.00, probation, sent. withheld. Gerald W. Steffen, Osceola, operating commercial motor vehicle without a license, $200.00. Trevor J. Welsch, Trego, theft, $299.00. Alyssa M. Acton, Hayward, deposit or discharge solid waste on public or private property, $200.50. Logan G. Bernecker, Madison, speeding, $175.30. Vanessa S. Cochran, Lino Lakes, Minn., permit minor to operate motorboat without certificate or supervision, $162.70. Terry D. Demulling, Osceola, operating ATV or UTV on private property without consent, $263.50. Janet M. Denison, Birchwood, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Brien J. Drain Spooner, failure of operator to notify police of an accident, $389.50; inattentive driving, $187.90.

Travis J. Euler, Germantown, speeding, $200.50. Desiree R. Harding, Radisson, violation of child safety restraint requirements, child 4 years but less than 8 years of age, $150.10; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Curtis J. Johnson, Shell Lake, operating ATV or UTV without registration plate attached as required, $150.10. Richard W. King, Spooner, passing in no-passing zone, $213.10. Elisabeth M. Knuth, Hayward, operating while suspended, $200.50. Robert T. Loftus, Bloomington, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Yvone L. Martinson, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Devon W. Melton, Spooner, operating ATV or UTV without valid registration, $200.50. Brandon C. Melton, Shell Lake, operating ATV or UTV without registration plate attached as required, failure to affix decals as required, $150.10. Devon W. Melton, Spooner, ATV or UTV operate without muffler, $175.30.

Rachel L. Noles, Rice Lake, illegally operate ATV or UTV on/in vicinity of highway, $200.50. William R. Paris, Machesney Park, Ill., speeding, $276.10. Jill L. Patrick, Louisville, Ky., speeding, $200.50. Jennifer A. Piper, Shell Lake, nonregistration of auto., $175.30. Brian M. Planque, Ironwood, Mich., ATV or UTV operating without muffler, $175.30. Garth P. Richter, Shell Lake, speeding, $200.50. Mary R. Sahr, Sarona, dog owner failure to pay license tax, no amount given. Tara S. Smith, Rockton, Ill., speeding, $175.30. Holna C. Storin, Eau Claire, issue worthless check(s), $531.54, restitution. Michelle J. Strate, Hales Corners, speeding, $200.50. Quinten P. Tannler, Osseo, ATV or UTV operating without muffler, $175.30. Gary A. VanGunst, Sarona, dog owner failure to pay license, $187.90. Tyler J. Vanbuskirk, Spooner, issue worthless check(s), $406.50, restitution. Dakota J. Waldorf, Minong, speeding, $200.50. Robert J. Wood, Hayward, speeding, $250.90. Paul W. Yerhot, Spooner, speeding, $225.70. David A. Zemaitis, Birchwood, passing in no-passing zone, $213.10. Joseph A. Zook, Birchwood, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00.




National School Lunch Week contest winners announced SHELL LAKE — Shell Lake Schools celebrated National School Lunch Week Oct. 12-16. To celebrate, they featured the district’s first-ever school garden baked potato bar for lunch to start the week off. “It went very well and the students loved it,” commented Joshua Schmidt, food service director. “We also

Winners of the coloring contest held during National School Lunch Week at the Shell Lake Elementary School were back row (L to R): Mia Bohl, Jayden Heller and Aaden Jensen. Front: Vickie Christenson, Maddie Naglosky and Keanna Mullenix.

had local apples from Smith’s Orchard on our menu.” National School Lunch Week is about celebrating the school lunch program. A coloring contest was held for primary and elementary students. — with submitted information

National School Lunch Week coloring contest winners at Shell Lake Primary School were (L to R): Charlie Juza, Zoie Richards and Spencer Palmer. — Photos submitted

Shell Lake and Webster students enjoy reading time

This is a very different kind of TV for these young students. It is a TV that can see you as you watch and they can communicate back and forth in real time.

Photos by Larry Samson The Shell Lake afternoon 4K students encountered their first ITV session on Thursday, Oct. 22, as they watched a storybook reading of “The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.” Students from Shell Lake and Webster were watching an interactive storybook reading where the reader was sitting in Turtle Lake at CESA 11. Heather Fritz is a parent chaperon watching over the class.

Rice Lake Elks Club promotes education Shell Lake third-grader Sean Christner holds the dictionary that he and his fellow classmates received from the Rice Lake Elks Club. Ann Gallagher, Elks Club member, talked to the third-grade class on Wednesday, Oct. 21, telling about the importance of education. — Photo by Larry Samson

Sometimes there is no real substitute for the real thing. Shonda Anderson reads to her students much like she does everyday. Reading to a young child stimulates the brain and instills in them the love for reading.

It’s carnival time SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake PTA is looking forward to its annual carnival. The event is set for Saturday, Nov. 7, 4-7 p.m., in the 3-12 commons and gym. There is no admittance fee. Tickets to

play games will be for sale. Food will be available. A Chinese auction and a sweet tooth walk are planned. Anyone wishing to make a donation may contact Tara at 715-790-0822. — from SLPTA

Shell Lake school menu Breakfast Thursday, Oct. 29: French toast sticks or homemade cinnamon apple bread (3-12 only). Friday, Oct. 30: Laker breakfast pizza or ham and egg with toast (3-12 only). Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students.

Lunch Thursday, Oct. 29: Hot Italian sub, mozzarella dippers (7-12 only). Friday, Oct. 30: Penne with meat sauce. Menus subject to change. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Spooner High School presents “Bone Chiller”

The behind-the-scenes staff instrumental in the success of the play were Emma Hendricks, stage manager; Abby Dubek, stage manager; Kelsie Gerovac, business manager; Karly Swan, student director; and Robert Thornley producer/director.

Photos by Larry Samson In an unusual twist for a murder mystery, the butler is not the suspect but the murder victim. Sebastian Couillard played the butler and Cheyenne Nowaczyk played the eccentric Zita Van Zok.

Cheyenne Nowaczyk had the opportunity to play the memorable character of Zita Van Zok, a clairvoyant who isn’t much help at solving the mystery. The Spooner High School Class of 2016 presented the production of “Bone Chiller,” a comedy mystery thriller, in four performances, Friday-Sunday, Oct. 23-25.

The murder suspects are revealed at the end of the play in a humorous turn of events. Shown (L to R): Ryan Schutt, Hannah Ford, Cassidy Quinton, Madison Mitchell, Alyssa Babich, Katie Hayward, Cheyenne Nowaczyk, Alison Barnes, Kayla Kielkucki and Aaron Durand.

LEFT: In a play where everyone is a possible suspect and potential murder victim, the plot can twist and turn with every scene. Shown (L to R): Hannah Ford, Elijah Hansen, Kayla Kielkucki, Madison Mitchell, Aaron Durand, Cassidy Quinton, Katie Hayward, Alison Barnes, Josiah Melton and Alyssa Babich.

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