WCR | Feb 25 | 2015

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Feb. 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Vol. 126, No. 28 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch • Free community breakfast @ Spooner • Film series continues @ Shell Lake • See calendar on page 6 for details


Start of a tradition

Vintage Wisconsin:

Tunneling out of a Wisconsin winter Page 9

Curious about charter schools

Jeff Jewert was proud to escort his daughters, Amanda Jewert and Jessica Tomesh, at the Father/Daughter Ball held Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Shell Lake Community Center. His granddaughter, Brailee, is a little over a year old. Her father, Trapper Tomesh, escorted her to the dance in 2014. Jessica lost her husband and Brailee lost her father in a traffic accident, on Feb. 10. They plan to make the dance an annual family outing. More photos on page 2. – Photo by Larry Samson

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Parents Night at SHS & SLHS Pages 15 & 23


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SHELL LAKE — TitW’s 25th-anniversary season would not be complete without one of their largest productions to date, the musical classic “Oliver!” Leading the charge in this stage adaptation of the famous Dickens novel are co-directors Jody Peck and Laurie Bakkum, along with musical director Tam Smith. In this classic play we meet the young orphan Oliver, played by Jacob McNulty, who takes us on his heart-wrenching and heartwarming quest to find a family while surrounded by a gang of child pickpockets led by the conniving, and yet endearing, Fagin, played by Justin Peck. This production assembles one of TitW’s largest casts to date, showcasing the talents of more than 40 children and adults from throughout the area including Jack Starr, Janet Rowney, Troy Benham, Jessica de la Cruz, Miguel Barrett, Tansy Pocernich, Daniel Parish, Rylee Nelson and many, many more. Mark your calendars for the weekends of March 6-8 and 12-15 for a once-in-a-lifetime TitW event that will leave you singing for weeks to come. Oliver’s Tony Award-winning score includes music and lyrics by Lionel Bart with titles such as “Consider Yourself,” “Food, Glorious Food,” “You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two” and “As Long As He Needs Me.” “Oliver!” is a musical classic for audiences of all ages, and is sure to leave you begging, “Please, sir, may I have some more?” Make your reservation online at titw.org or call 715-468-4387. — from TitW

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Inside SPD: Week five

Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — “It’s hands and knees, we go through tons of flashlight batteries,” said Officer Trevor Peterson. Peterson, an officer with the Spooner Police Department, led the citizen academy class through crime scene investigations on Thursday, Feb. 19. The class learned the ins and outs of crime scene investigations, procedures and how important evidence is to cases. The scope of a crime scene is dependent on the type of crime committed and its location. Some scenes can be limited to a residence or a vehicle while others can involve several city blocks. Regardless of how large or small a scene is, SPD officers switch from patrol officers to evidence technicians to carry out crime scene investigations. “You have to be very meticulous because you only have one shot,” said Peterson. Once an investigation begins, making sure no possible evidence is overlooked is imperative because once they leave the scene its integrity is lost. Peterson explained that maintaining security of a scene is also very important. Keeping the number of people on the scene to a minimum keeps the chances of contamination or alteration that much lower. If evidence is compromised officers run the risk of losing the case. “You have to be on your ‘A’ game because the attorneys will be ripping it (the case and evidence) apart in a couple of months,” said Peterson. In some cases the evidence collected can make or break a case, and at the SPD it comes down to the officers following procedure. “I’d hate to lose a case because I was lazy with my evidence processing,” he said. Tools used to process crime scenes include fingerprint dust, extruders that are used to make molds, rulers used for scaling evidence, DNA swabs,

evidence bags and gloves. Recently the department purchased special bags for cell phones that block the ability to remotely wipe their data and plastic needle containers for safety. Each piece of evidence is placed in an evidence bag and labeled by case, and includes a description of the item and its chain of custody. “Part of our job is eliminating loopholes for the defense,” he said. Evidence that needs to be processed further for trial is sent to one of the state crime labs. Usually the district attorney determines if the case should need crime lab analysis of evidence. Wisconsin has three state crime labs, Madison, Milwaukee and Wausau. Evidence is directed to one of these three labs based on the geographic location of the crime. Washburn County, along with over 40 other counties in the northern part of the state, sends its evidence to Wausau for analysis. SPD is responsible for paying the cost of postage to the crime lab but, depending on the case, this can easily add up. In the event a case is appealed or other legal action occurs, evidence is kept by law enforcement for the entire time a crime is charged and a sentence is being carried out. Some evidence can sit for years. When an item’s evidentiary value is lost it is disposed of. Most evidence is incinerated with the exception of weapons and cell phones. Weapons can be used by a department, otherwise they too are incinerated. Cell phones are another item that can be repurposed. The SPD recycles working cell phones with the TimeOut Family Abuse Shelter in Spooner. The final class for the academy is this week, but the department intends on offering the course again for all interested individuals.

Sheriff hunts for wanted meth dealer Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The Washburn County Sheriff’s Office is on the hunt for Ross Wilson, a former Spooner resident, who is wanted in Washburn County for high-level dealing of methamphetamine in Northwest Wisconsin. The office released details of the situation via the department’s social media page on Monday, Feb. 16. The post calls out individuals who may be

providing assistance to Wilson in his attempts to avoid law enforcement and asks for people to share the post or information in order to capture Wilson. Wilson is wanted by Washburn County for felony bail jumping to avoid prosecution and four counts of manufacture or delivery of amphetamines and maintaining a drug-trafficking place. Wilson posted a $10,000 bond in WashSee Hunt, page 3

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