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Nov. 16, 2011



Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011 Vol. 122, No. 13 • Shell Lake, Wis.

Weekend watch

• For all the hunters in the area, it’s gun deer hunting season opener. It will last 9 days. See Events, page 8

w c r e g i s t e r. n e t


Never too young


Cross country and basketball See page 12 & 13

Area Veterans Day programs See pages 2, 11, 14 & 15

People you should know: Shelley Leckel See back page


Got an idea for a story? E-mail us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

SHELL LAKE/SPOONER — Shell Lake Lions, along with the Spooner-Trego Lions, will be collecting deer hides in the special orange collection boxes through Monday, Dec. 12. The hides are used to raise funds for the Wisconsin Lions Camp, a camp that provides a fun, safe and memorable camping experience for disadvantaged children. Hides may be dropped off any time in the special orange collection boxes at the Shell Lake Marine on Hwy. 63 and Cenex on Hwy. 63 in Shell Lake; AutoStop, Pamida and the DNR Ranger Station on Hwy. 70 in Spooner; and Saw This in Trego. For more information about the Lions camp go to Web site www.wisconsin lionscamp.com. — from Shell Lake Lions ••• MADISON— This week Gov. Scott Walker signed the new state of Wisconsin Emergency Response Plan. The new plan follows the national response framework but also has incident specific annexes for events including severe weather, radiological incident and cyber security. “This year Wisconsin has suffered many disasters and emergencies from a blizzard to a deadly heat wave in July,” said Walker. “The one thing that all these events have in common is the importance of various government, volunteer agencies and the private sector working together to respond and recover from emergencies.” The new state emergency response plan contains a basic plan with 15 emergency support functions ranging from evacuation and transportation, search and rescue, and firefighting. It also contains event specific annexes. Those annexes include response procedures for events including severe weather conditions, hazardous material releases and radiological/nuclear incidents.Various state agencies, private sector and volunteer organizations developed the all-hazards plan. In addition, planning guidance and templates have been provided to county, local and tribal emergency management programs. This is to ensure that all levels of government are able to mobilize and coordinate response and recovery efforts to a disaster or emergency. The new Wisconsin Emergency Response Plan is available at emergencymanagement.wi.gov. - from the office of Gov. Walker

Early copy, please

SHELL LAKE — Due a change in the print schedule during the Thanksgiving holiday, the deadline for all news copy as well as ad copy for the Tuesday, Nov. 22, edition of the Washburn County Register is noon on Friday, Nov. 18. The newspaper office will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25. — WCR

This week’s poll question:

Who would you vote for to be president?

1. President Obama 2. Herman Cain 3. Mitt Romney 4. Michelle Bachmann

5. Ron Paul 6. Rick Perry 7. Newt Gingrich 8. None of the above.

Go to wcregister.net to take part in the poll.

You are never too young to learn about the sacrifices that veterans have made for their country. Mary Zimmer of Webster walks with her 18-month-old granddaughter, Mary Gustafson, at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Friday, Nov. 11. — Photo by Larry Samson

New firearm rules take effect

EDITOR’S ADVISORY: This news release has been updated to reflect DNR Law Enforcement determination that the new law does not allow for loaded guns to be inside of vehicles, even if the vehicle is stationary.

MADISON – New legislation signed Friday, Nov. 4, by Gov. Scott Walker modifies state law concerning the manner in which long-barreled firearms, bows and crossbows can be transported in motor vehicles or placed in or on stationary vehicles. The new law will be published in time to take effect Saturday, Nov. 19, opening day of the traditional, nine-day, 2011 gun deer season. In its essence, the new law can be boiled down to a single statement, said Tim Lawhern, DNR division of enforcement and science administrator. “Unless otherwise prohibited, you can carry a long gun, uncased and unloaded, in or on a motor vehicle in Wisconsin at any time,” Lawhern said. The DNR is preparing a more

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detailed analysis of the law and frequently asked questions that will be available later on the law enforcement pages of the DNR Web site. While the law has changed, Lawhern said, there will still be many people who will continue to use a carrying case to transport unloaded firearms in motor vehicles, as hunters have been and will continue to be advised in hunter education courses. “It’s a great way to protect your investment in your firearms,” Lawhern said. As is always the case with a new law, Lawhern said, the first year is an educational opportunity. DNR chief Warden Randy Stark has already provided the state’s warden force with detailed instructions on the new law and its enforcement. Wardens will use a mix of enforcement, communication and education to help hunters understand and comply with the new law,

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See New rule, page 3

Veterans Day program


Shell Lake

Shell Lake Veterans Day program honors those that served

SHELL LAKE – A Veterans Day program was held Friday, Nov. 11, at Shell Lake Schools. In addition to keynote speaker Pete Hopke, Badger State representatives Abigail Granzin and Josiah Kay spoke. Music was provided by the Shell Lake High School band, under the direction of Aimee Pashby and the high school choir under the direction of Steve Bulgrin. Special tributes to veterans were read by fourth-graders Rachel Milton, Brady Nielsen, Camryn Nasman and Mike McCue. Names of the deceased comrades for 2010 and 2011 were read. Johnathan Lloyd and Brett Holman played the taps and currently enlisted seniors Steven Frey, John Grassl and Dillon Hopke did the flag folding. Elmer Anderson presented Charles Lutz with the American Legion 60-year award.

The following is the keynote address, “True Calling,” given by Pete Hopke: “Today is Veterans Day. However, many may not fully understand what this day is all about. As a child I grew up and attended Shell Lake School District. In high school I participated in sports under coach Campbell, played in the band and sang in the choir under Mr. Bulgrin. While I can distinctly remember participating in Memorial Day ceremonies, because the high school band would play some songs at the Memorial Park by the beach, I do not recall ever participating in any Veterans Day program. I am sure that there was some type of program that was held each year, but the emphasis on this day was not what it is today. For many, Memorial Day is remembered by everyone because it is a holiday and there are a number of ceremonies held to honor service members that have died in combat. But Veterans Day, in my mind, is just as important. It is a day to remember all who have died in combat as well as honor all of those that have served in combat and have returned home. “Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day, which designated the end of World War I. This armistice signed between the Allies and Germany took effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. It was a celebration of the end of the largest world war in modern history. It continued to be referred to as Armistice Day until 1954 when the name was changed to Veterans Day in order to honor not only service members from World War I and II, but also the Korean War. It is a day to remember all men and women that have served their country in the armed forces. “A number of people have served in the armed forces, but what inspired these individuals to answer the call of service? I am sure that if you ask any of these veterans present here, you will get a number of different answers. Some might have been looking for a career, some might have wanted to see the world, some might have been drafted and others might have felt some conviction to serve due to an enemy threatening the U.S. Whatever it is, these individuals made a commitment to serve. As veteran, their commitment to serve included, in many cases, time overseas away from family and other loved ones, and often in harm’s way. “My personal story began, as I said earlier, right here in this community. I graduated from Shell Lake High School and had no intention of joining the military. I went to college and quickly realized I needed to have a source of income in order to pay for college. After a year of college, I enlisted and served during the Gulf War. This conflict ended so quickly, with such a decisive victory, that everyone in the military felt invincible. We continued to train for some fictitious enemy but there seemed to be no real threat from other countries. The Soviet Union had collapsed and no else had the resources to mount an organized attack. Yes, there was a small setback to our growing persona in Somalia, but it was just a few special operatives, not the U.S. military machine. Through all of this, I didn’t feel a drive or a true sense of purpose for my military career. I was like many in the military at that time. I was looking for a way to pay for college and a paycheck. After some growth to my family, I decided to leave the military, spend more time as just a civilian, and I became a teacher. This was my true sense of purpose. “On Sept 11, 2001, I started the day very much like any

Folding the flag at the end of the program were National Guard members and Shell Lake students Pvts. John Grassl, Dillon Hopke and Steven Frey. These young men have already taken their oath and entered the military. — Photos by Larry Samson

Charles Lutz was recognized for his 60 years as a member of the American Legion by Elmer Anderson. other day. I was in my classroom, working with some stu- the grief of separation from family and friends. Family dents, when one of my colleagues called and said to turn members have very similar emotions. They are anxious on the news. There on the television screen, the North about the safety of their soldier, they are overwhelmed with Tower was smoking and the broadcasters were speculat- the extra responsibilities during the deployment and they ing about the cause of the incident. I distinctly remember are grieving the separation from their soldier. During these the lack of alarm that was being conveyed through their dark times for the soldiers and families, many different discussions. Then, the most dramatic event occurred as my communities and organizations stepped up to show supclassroom was watching the commentary. The second port by sending cards, care packages and calling cards to plane hit the South Tower. It was so surreal that one of my soldiers that were deployed. Personally, I received Christstudents thought that it was a game or joke. The room be- mas cards and pictures from Mrs. Marker’s first-grade class came very quiet because everyone else was in shock. What on my last deployment. These acts of kindness and genhad just happened? During lunch, the 800-plus students at erosity made the days seem brighter and gave soldiers a New Richmond High School were quieter than normal, sense of appreciation. “Veterans Day is a day in which many talk about duty most talking about the events that were unraveling before them. All were trying to make sense of the sheer magni- and service to our country. Yes, serving in the military is tude of terror that had never been witnessed by any of us the most common response when discussing duty and present. Even though we weren’t present at the scene, we service. However, not everyone is able to serve in the military. Fulfilling that sense of duty and service can happen all felt a sense of loss. “In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, I was filled with for everyone through volunteering, acts of kindness and a sense of urgency and vulnerability. As a father of four service to the community, or serving as a member of pochildren, I was concerned about their safety as well as the lice, fire, emergency or border patrol forces. Any type of safety of the nation. As in 1941. when the U.S. rallied from service to our country and fellow countrymen is way to the attack on Pearl Harbor, I was part of the force that ral- honor all veterans that have served, fought and died for lied to meet the threat of the radical groups that attacked our freedoms. Likewise, it is a disservice to our veterans to the United States. I re-enlisted with the Wisconsin National expect something from society without giving anything Guard in order to fulfill an internal call to duty and service back in return. President Kennedy stated it correctly during his inaugural address when he said, ‘Ask not what your to our country. “During the current war on terrorism, many active duty, country can do for you, ask what you can do for your counReserve and National Guard troops were deployed over- try.’ I challenge you to look within yourselves and deterseas. Many different emotions were experienced by both mine what you can do for your school, community and soldiers and families. Soldiers are concerned about family country. Show your respect to veterans through your servmembers, the anxiety of going to a hostile environment and ice to others.”

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King gbking@centurytel.net OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Jessica Beecroft REPORTER: Larry Samson CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Katie Grey ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

PH: 715-468-2314

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

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Dan Harrington chosen to fill city council vacancy


by Jessica Beecroft

SHELL LAKE – On Monday, Nov. 14, the Shell Lake City Council listened to three interested people express their backgrounds and discuss any priorities they would have if chosen to serve on the city council. Dan Harrington, Tara Burns and Chris LaPorte all shared with the council, and then Harrington was voted to fill the vacancy left by Randy Baker’s resignation last month. The vote was four to three with Burns coming in with three votes. Harrington will fill the term until next April, when he will be put on the ballot along with Chad

Shelton for election. Harrington works for the Department of Natural Resources in Spooner and has been with them since 2000. As a DNR water management specialist he has worked to protect lakes, streams and wetlands from harm due to improper physical alterations. He evaluates habitat, water quality and quantity, and water use to make decisions on whether to permit waterway or wetland alterations. He also is a technical assistant to the local government officials who conduct similar activities.

Timber sales take a blow

In Washburn County, a 1,500-acre bite

by Rich Kremer Wisconsin Public Radio

NORTHWESTERN WISCONSIN Counties in northwestern Wisconsin expect to earn less from timber sales, because a windstorm last summer damaged tens of thousands of acres of forest. More than 130,000 acres of forest in the northwest of the state were damaged during a severe windstorm on July 1. But for counties, primarily Burnett, Douglas and Washburn, the damage will be felt for years to come in the form of falling timber revenue. Jason Nichols is administrator of the Burnett County Forest and Parks Department. He says during a flyover he estimated that 20,000 acres of county-owned forest had been impacted and nearly half of that would need to be clear-cut, "Most of it is this 30- to 35- to 40-year-old stuff, so

we're in there about 10 years early having to clear-cut a lot of this aspen. That's taking it off the books for the next 10 to 15 years that we had planned on." On top of that, Nichols says the damaged trees only go for half the price of standing timber. He says he's still working to calculate the economic loss. In Washburn County, forest administrator Mike Peterson says they got off easy with only about 1,500 acres needing to be clear-cut. But even that will take a big bite out of forestry revenue, "Over the long term we're going to eventually have a loss of between $500,000 to $750,000." Douglas County has the biggest countyowned forest in the state, topping out at more than 270,000 acres. County Administrator Andy Lisak says about 10,000 acres of that is in the process of being salvaged. Lisak says with those dollars, they've created a forest recovery fund to replant the damaged areas and make up for dwindling timber sales during the next two years.

Did the ball drop in Pinter case?

by Jessica Beecroft LONG LAKE – Was there enough done by local authorities to prevent a Sarona man from committing homicide? James L. Pinter, 52, who killed his brother John, was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic “a long time ago,” according to one of his sisters. “He took care of my mother, along with John,” the sister said. “Jimmy is a good guy - he just needed to take his medicine and that wasn’t happening. We expressed our concern about court orders not being followed in his case.” After family members complained to authorities that no one was checking in on Pinter, they were told that he has to endanger himself or someone else before they could act, the sister said. A social worker was supposed to come out to the home once a week and collect a urine sample to be sure he was taking his medicine, said the sister. She believes that because of the large dog on the property, the social worker was scared and just simply did not do what she was supposed to. She said she didn’t want to name anyone. Washburn County Director of Human Services Lori Bina said they are not al-

lowed to comment on the case because of confidentiality. James Pinter was recently deemed incompetent to stand trial after admitting to killing his brother. Judge Eugene Harrington recused himself from the trial because his first cousin, Brandon Harrington, was one of the arresting officers in the case. However, the court had concurred with Pinter’s attorney, Martin Jarvis, Assistant District Attorney Angeline Winton, and the doctor’s report. The court found the defendant, Pinter, lacks competency to understand or assist the attorney to his defense and is not competent to refuse psychotropic meds as of Sept. 22. Pinter was transferred to a state institution and will be re-evaluated, and a status conference is set for Dec. 1 at the Washburn County Courthouse. After responding to a call detailing a dead body on July 7, the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department found themselves in a standoff with the suspect. After taking Pinter into custody, Pinter admitted to shooting his brother for stealing his belongings. Once in court, Pinter said “I’m pleading the fifth and that’s all I’m going to say.”

Lawhern said. “We are always ready to help people in the field, to answer their questions and to provide advice,” Lawhern said. Here are a few things hunters might need to know about the new law: • A caveat to the uncased long gun rule – the new legislation does not change Wisconsin law regulating the practice of shining (illuminating) wild animals at night with artificial light. It will still be illegal to possess a firearm of any kind, loaded or unloaded, while shining wild animals. • The new law allows individuals to hunt from a stationary nonmotorized vehicle, such as a hay wagon, so long as it is not attached to a motor vehicle. Previously, hunting from any vehicle was pro-

hibited, without the distinction of whether the vehicle was motorized or stationary. This change previously had been sought by warden administrators. “People used to have to take one or more wheels off the hay wagon to comply with the letter of the law,” Lawhern said. • It will be legal to possess and transport uncased bows and crossbows in a vehicle. However, bows may not have an arrow nocked. A crossbow may not be cocked unless it is unloaded (meaning the bolt or arrow is removed) and cased. • If a firearm is a loaded rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader, it can only be placed on the top or exterior of a vehicle which is stationary. It remains illegal to place a loaded rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader inside any motorized vehicle or to load any

New rule/from page 1

Shell Lake Mayor Sally Peterson welcomes Dan Harrington to the city council. - Photo by Jessica Beecroft WEB UPDATES: The complete city council story, along with a story from Tuesday evening, Nov. 15, will appear on our Web site: www.wcregister.net

Keeping it local

Northwest Land & Recreation hosting open house on Thursday

by Jessica Beecroft SPOONER – Kyle Pierce, 33, has been in the real estate business for over 15 years. He worked with Masterjohn before recently purchasing Northwest Land & Recreation from Brian Swanson. He takes over the business with intentions of keeping a business local instead of becoming part of a franchise. “I got into real estate right after high school in 1996,” Pierce said. “I followed up with marketing classes at WITC and then followed up with continued education. I received my broker’s license in January 2001.” He added, “My goals are providing a service to the community, by giving back to the community. I want to help people get into the dream homes, cabins, or buying their dream piece of land. Brian Swanson started about four years ago, so I had a good road paved ahead of me (with Northwest Land & Recreation) and they started out and were successful, and since our agents are very experienced, I believe we can keep building on that and make it a very successful business.” Pierce explained his decision to purchase the real estate business. “I thought about it over the last couple years, and finally this year I was approached by Brian Swanson about possibly buying out his business. Since my wife, Keri, and I are both born and raised here in Spooner, we thought it was a good opportunity to follow in our parents footsteps. They have both owned and operated their own businesses since the mid to late ‘70s. My dad (Jeff Pierce) is a contractor in Spooner and has bought and sold a lot of real estate in my life-

rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader while the firearm or person loading the firearm is still inside the vehicle. All long guns must be outside of a motorized vehicle before a person may load these firearms. A loaded firearm can be set down on the top or exterior of a stationary vehicle, but it must be unloaded before the firearm is placed inside or transported in or on the vehicle. Wisconsin hunters, as a group, are among the best-trained and safest hunters in the world, said Lawhern. This is thanks in large part to the legions of volunteer hunter safety instructors who donate their time each year to educate new hunters. “Our hunters have established an enviable safety record,” Lawhern said. “We

Kyle Pierce is the new owner of Northwest Land & Recreation. – Special photo

time. My wife’s parents opened up a dental office in town.” Her father is Dr. Knoepke. The Pierces have one son, Jacob, 11, who is an outdoorsman like the rest of the family. “We kept with the outdoors theme because our area is based off of the recreation area. In the summer we have all the lakes and rivers, and county properties for people to hike and camp. It’s beautiful country. In the fall we have a lot of good area to hunt. In the wintertime, Rolling Hills Area Snowmobile Club does a great job and we have good snowmobile trails. Springtime we have people coming to open up their cabins and getting ready for summer.” Northwest Land & Recreation will be hosting an open house on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 2-7 p.m. Real estate professionals and all interested persons are encouraged to come see the office and meet the staff. Refreshments will be served.

fully expect the vast majority of hunters in Wisconsin will continue to use common sense and safe practices when handling firearms. For most of us, these practices have become second nature.” Here are the four basic rules of gun safety, as taught in hunter education: • Treat every firearm as if it is loaded. • Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. • Be certain of your target and what’s beyond. • Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot. For the most current information on the new law, and to see the frequently asked questions visit dnr.wi.gov. – from the DNR



Send letters to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

College system isn’t working

It strikes me that those students that are participating in the Occupy Wall Street protest and who are unhappy about the size of their college loans should be protesting in front of the administrative offices of the various colleges where they attended. According to an article in Money Magazine, average college tuition has increased 439 percent since 1982. For comparison, during the same time frame the Consumer Price Index has increased 108 percent, the price of energy about 108 percent, and medical costs, which everyone complains about, just 251 percent. Across the nation former students owe the government over $1 trillion, which is more than is owed on all the nation’s credit cards. Why such an outlandish increase in col-

lege costs over the past couple of decades? Could it have something to do with the unholy alliance between college administrations, facilities and politicians? It would work like this: Colleges boost salaries, build buildings and increase operating costs – necessitating tuition increases because they are assured by their politician friends that more student aid for grants and loans will be provided. What do the politicians get in return? One thing is campaign fund contributions from administrators and professors. A vast majority of the college hierarchy are liberal Democrats. Another benefit for liberal politicians is that these professors will surely instruct the students under them what to think politically, socially and economically, and how they should vote in the future.

It is too bad that for many students the degrees they receive are next to worthless and do not help them find gainful employment. Many degrees in political science, sociology, gender studies and certain other social sciences leave students tens of thousands of dollars in debt and unable to obtain a job to pay back their loans. It seems to me that students that find themselves in this situation have some responsibility for their circumstances. Students with parental advice need to do more thinking about what they will be doing after college. So what should be done about this? President Obama seems to think part of the solution is to forgive a student’s college loans after 20 years of paying on them even if the student still owes a ton of money. This is another wealth redistribution scheme. In

many cases it would transfer money from lower paid taxpayers to former students who are now being well paid. One thing that I think should be done is that Congress should cut back on the amount of student aid available and force the colleges to compete more for students. Then we would see tuition hikes moderate and probably even see tuition decreases. One thing is obvious; the current college financing system is not working and needs some changes.

The Select Committee on Deficit Reduction is to reduce the federal budget deficit by $1.2 trillion over 10 years by Nov. 23. If they fail, the result would be automatic spending cuts, called trigger cuts, in June 2014. Half would come from Pentagon programs. Medicaid and Medicare benefits would be exempt. Nearly 200 lobbyists already fill the hallways to ply their wares on the Big Twelve. Lobbyists represent the special interests that are the conduit for vast sums of money that keep the congressmen and women in power. It took jail time for the king of all lobbyists, Jack Abramoff, to tell us the truth; that it is bribery pure and simple. Whereas the select committee’s lack of political leadership and flexibility, along with continued political posturing, is making a decision unlikely; and

Whereas the House of Representatives will be in session for 109 weekdays in 2012, and will be in recess for 151 weekdays so members can campaign back in their districts, and there are only six scheduled congressional workdays in January, three in August, and five in October; and Whereas there is an ever-increasing barrier between Congress and its constituents due to its incestuous relationship with likeminded lobbyists, many of whom are former members of Congress, It is proposed that by executive order the aforementioned select committee be relieved of its duties for a period of two weeks. They will retire to a location selected by Habitat for Humanity to work side by side on a renovation project. They will have no access to mass media, i.e. newspapers, magazines, radio or TV, as

well as computers, cell phones or land-line phones and the U.S. mail service. There will be no public pronouncements or contact with family members or constituents of any kind. Committee members will reside in a modest setting; two to a room – one Democrat with one Republican. They will make their own lunches and eat together on-site. Breakfast and dinner will be at separate tables for two. Construction hours will be 8 a.m.-2 p.m. after which they will meet with citizen groups of the area and listen. No reporters will be present. Thereafter, they will return to their rooms with pad and pencil and each other. What if no agreement? A) Loss of 75 percent of each benefit, i.e. retirement monies, health coverage, etc. Fifty-one percent of Congress is currently

in the top 1 percent of earners, over $516,000 per year. B) A charge of misfeasance, conviction of which results in banishment from Washington, D.C. The engine fails on a boat, with several families, just above Niagara Falls. Two groups of men are on the shore with two lengths of rope of different composition. Both are too short to reach the boat. But tied together they can reach and save the folks. But as the boat drifts ever closer to the chasm all they can hear are the two groups arguing about who has the best rope! Hang on, for here we go!

Here we go!

James Lewis Shell Lake

Jack Neely St. Paul, Minn.

Shell Lake Education Foundation awards grants to Shell Lake staff

by Jessica Beecroft SHELL LAKE – At the Shell Lake Education Foundation monthly meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, the SLEF board of directors awarded five grants to Shell Lake teaching staff, fully funding all of this year’s requests. As SLEF has done for quite a few years, they have supported the teachers at Shell Lake with grant money to fund extra or new activities and projects. This year they are giving $100 to the fourth-grade class to fund their field guides that they make on local animals of their choice. Students research the animals, learning about habitat, range, adaptations, behaviors, food intake and other interesting facts. They then use the computers to produce the field guides. The money will help to fund books that have the information about the animals to help the students gather the information they need for the project. SLEF will be giving $300 to Mrs. Wendel and Mrs. Naglosky to fund a joint project between student council and the school

store. This money will partly fund some of the necessary purchases for the school store as well as fund a new program recognizing students that wear Laker clothing on Fridays; with a new program called Laker Pride Fridays. They also funded up to $300 for a new project recognizing students through the WOW program, student of the month and Presidential Academic Awards. Mrs. Wendel also received funding for a new project called TEEMates where students are going to be encouraged to show empathy and empowerment to peers. Some of the goals of this project are to get students to make everyone feel welcome and a part of Shell Lake School. The ultimate vision is to get students to interact with each other and to mutually respect other perspectives and personalities. The last project SLEF funded was $1,000 toward the band trip to New York to help make it possible for the participants to be able to go to a Broadway show while on the trip. The cost of the show was not in

Recall of Walker begins

SHELL LAKE – Following is the statement of Democratic Party of Washburn County Chair Susan Hansen regarding the recall efforts of Gov. Scott Walker that began this week. “Today, the Democratic Party of Washburn County joins dozens of grassroots groups across the state in beginning the recall of Scott Walker. We do not begin this undertaking lightly, but Walker has put Wisconsin’s way of life in jeopardy with a radical agenda that puts the good of corporations and cronies before the good of the citizens of our state. Massive cuts to education and health care have been accompanied by assaults on democratic institutions and the ability of citizens to have their

voices heard. “Since Scott Walker would not listen to the people of Wisconsin, and since he has made clear that he will continue to deceive the public and employ scorched-earth tactics that run contrary to our norms and traditions, we now employ the tool of recall to help preserve our state. “The road ahead is long, and Walker’s corporate allies will shower our state with millions of dollars in unregulated sleazy money to preserve their agenda, but, in the end, no amount of money can keep Scott Walker from accountability, and that begins today.” - from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin


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the original budget and the instructors did not want to ask parents to pay more than already asked to pay. These opportunities would not be available to Shell Lake students and staff without the efforts of the SLEF. The SLEF board of directors will be holding additional fundraising activities in the near future. Next week they will be taking butter braid bread orders. Students will be bringing order forms home and the form will also be available online through the foundation Web site, which is linked through the

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school Web address. They are going to sponsor the Holly Day craft fair on Dec. 3 this year. The biggest fundraiser on the horizon for SLEF is a waffle and sausage supper to be held on Thursday, Jan. 6, 2012, during the doubleheader basketball game against Unity. Dad’s Belgian Waffles will be at the school cooking homemade waffles and sausage. Advanced sales tickets will be available at the school, bank and at athletic events during the month of December.


Area news

ST. CROIX FALLS — A 30-year-old St. Croix Falls man is facing several criminal charges after he was mistakenly stopped for a driving violation, but was arrested for numerous other violations when he went to his home to prove his innocence. Jared T. Norlander was pulled over after a St. Croix Falls police officer saw him driving and believed he had an expired driver’s license. However, Norlander had cleared his previous violation and was reinstated, which he told the officer he could prove if he took him home. When the officer released Norlander into his home, he told him he would need to go with him into the home. While Norlander searched through paperwork to find his reinstatement information, the officer noticed a 10”x10” mirror atop the TV with a powdery white substance, cut into lines. When asked what it was, Norlander said it looked like cocaine. The officer performed a test on the substance and found it to be methamphetamine. The officer obtained a search warrant upon the discovery and also found more meth, paraphernalia, notebooks on drugs, marijuana and a scale. Norlander was taken back into custody and charged with felony meth possession, two counts of felony bail jumping and misdemeanor charges for possessing a switchblade knife, marijuana and paraphernalia. — from The Inter-County Leader •••

FREDERIC — As hundreds of football fans packed the stands and sidelines in Frederic on Saturday, Nov. 5, for a ballgame that certainly lived up to the hype, the Frederic Vikings football season ended in the Level 3 playoff game against Clayton 22-21. This season, the Vikings earned their first conference title since 1968. — from The Inter-County Leader ••• BARRON COUNTY — Food pantries in Barron County hope deer hunters are in a generous mood this month. After last season, in which fewer deer were donated in the state program to help food pantries provide meat to the needy, the hope is that a presumed larger deer heard will translate into more venison donated. “Meat is the most expensive item for food pantries. Getting venison really spreads our food budget,” said Louise Driver of Chetek, who coordinates the deer donation program in Barron County. — from The Rice Lake Chronotype ••• RICE LAKE — Mayor Romaine Quinn announced that he would not seek re-election in the spring as he wants to pursue his education. Quinn, who is now 21, was elected in April 2010. At that time, he was the youngest mayor in the history of Rice Lake. His election as mayor followed a term on the city council. — from The Rice Lake Chronotype

Poll results • Last week’s question


Gymnasts compete in Duluth

DULUTH, Minn. — Competing in level 4 competition Saturday, Oct. 29, in Duluth, Minn., was the Kipsters team from Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center in Rice Lake. Team standings were Northwood 105.1, Grand Rapids 104.975, Twin Ports 104.7, Bemidji 104.4, Northern Twistars 104.15, Midwest Motion 103.0, Deutsch’s 102.825, The Gymnastics Academy 102.6, Duluth YMCA 100.05, and Bay Area 91.925. Local gymnasts competing had the following results: Logan Springer, Spooner, had personal bests on vault with 8.9, floor with 7.0, and all-around with 32.35. She also had personal bests and earned team points on bars with 8.4 and beam with 8.05. Noelle Nelson, Shell Lake, took first

Free flu vaccine for children

SPOONER — The Washburn County Health Department is holding two walkin flu shot clinics for infants and children age 6 months through 18 years. The vaccine is provided through the Vaccine For Children Program and is intended for children that do not have insurance that covers vaccines or are on BadgerCare. The vaccine cannot be given to anyone over age 18. The vaccine will be offered at no cost. Both shot clinics will be held at the Washburn County Health Department, 222 Oak St., Spooner, on Tuesday, Nov. 22, from 1-4 p.m.; Friday, Nov. 25, 8-11:30 a.m. Both injectable and nasal spray vaccine will be offered. Vaccine supply is limited and will be given on a first-come, firstserved basis. Please call 715-635-4400 if you have any questions about the children’s flu shot clinics. — from WCHD

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

November 7 - $30 Bud Hinaus, Solon Springs November 8 - $30 Greg Harrell, Spooner November 9 - $30 Karen Sorenson, Spooner November 10 - $30 Pete Frey, Shell Lake


Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels

Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2010 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13

2011 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13

High 51 59 63 67 64 49 40

High 53 47 46 43 36 48 61

Low Precip. 31 32 44 44 39 30 32 2.0” snow

Low Precip. 36 23 28 31 .4” snow 23 29 31

Lake level Monday, Nov. 15, 2010: 1,217.79’ MSL Monday, Nov. 14, 2011: 1,217.37’ MSL

Big cat rescue

place on bars where 9.475 was a personal best and earned team points. She took second on beam and earned team points with 8.65. Her 35.275 in all-around was a personal best, giving her third place. She also scored team points in floor with 8.05. She took 9.1 on vault. Lyndsey Hanson, Spooner, earned team point with her personal best on vault with 9.3 and floor with 8.05. She had a personal best on bars with 7.8 and received 7.45 on beam and 3.26 in allaround. Meghan Stone, Shell Lake, earned team points and took ninth place on beam with 8.2. She received an 8.3 on vault, 5.6 on bars, 7.2 on floor, and 2.93 in all-around. — from Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center

A Big Cat Rescue educational display was at the Cedar Mall Wednesday, Nov. 9, through Sunday, Nov. 13. The exhibit featured lemurs, baby tigers, baby lions and other exotic animals from the world’s rain forests. The show’s mission was to educate the public about the dangers of owning exotics and what you can do to preserve their environment. Shown with Cedar Mall manager Gregg Morgan (C) are Michele and Nikki King of Chetek with 8-week-old baby tiger cubs. — Photo submitted

Annual Gifts from the Heart toy drive begins Nov. 28

NORTHWEST WISCONSIN — It’s time to make Christmas a little merrier for needy children in Northwest Wisconsin. The St. Croix Chippewa of Wisconsin’s 19th-annual Gifts from the Heart toy drive runs from 8 a.m., Monday, Nov. 28, through midnight, Friday, Dec. 2. Bring a new unwrapped toy or gift to any of these casinos — St. Croix Casino Turtle Lake, St. Croix Casino Danbury or St. Croix Casino Hertel Express — and receive $5 in Turtle Bucks slot play. Donate two toys or gifts and receive $10 in Turtle Bucks. Toys and gifts for all ages from infancy to high school age are welcome. Acceptable donations include toys, games, winter clothing items, cos-

metic items, jewelry and gift cards. Guests may donate once per day at each casino. A valid players club card is required. Items collected will be distributed to charities in Barron, Burnett, Polk, St. Croix, Sawyer and Washburn counties during the week of Dec. 5. Since 1993, more than 88,000 toys have been collected and distributed through the Gifts from the Heart program. For more information on the Gifts from the Heart toy drive, contact Judy Warmanen at 800-846-8946 or stcroix@ stcroixcasino.com. — from St. Croix Casinos

Register Memories

1951 - 60 years ago

• The six returning lettermen to the Laker squad, coached by Ellis Axon, were Denny Dahl, Ronnie Masterjohn, Jim Masterjohn, Peter Quam, John Plahn and Junior Ireland. • The Shell Lake High School football team were honored guests, along with other championship teams of this area, at the sixth-annual Northwest Wisconsin high school football banquet held in Eau Claire. • John Clanton was elected president of the junior class at Superior State College. John, the son of Mr. and Mrs. P.E. Clanton, was also president of Semper Compares fraternity on campus and sport editor of the Peptomist, school newspaper. He was majoring in English and minoring in speech and biology. • The Shell Lake junior class play was “The Groom Said No.”

1961 - 50 years ago

• Births announced at Shell Lake Memorial Hospital were Angela Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Owen, Barronett; Timothy Allen to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Magnus, Spooner; and Bryan Keith to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rydberg. • The American Legion Auxiliary was collecting labels and strips from containers of Butternut Coffee to be turned in to the Butternut Coffee Co. in exchange for toys for needy children. • Pvt. Arthur Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo B. Smith, Shell Lake, was undergoing basic training at Monterey Peninsula Training Center. Upon completion of the eight-week program he would rejoin his National Guard Unit. • Grandpa Swan’s wood for the winter got there in a hurry when his sons and grandsons held a wood hauling bee. Rodney Olson, along with Byron Wickman, were home from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

1971 - 40 years ago

• Ryan Rydberg, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rydberg, was presented with a Remington .308 automatic by Don Jacobs, representing the Shell Lake Amer-

Sen. Jauch to hold questionand-answer session

RICE LAKE — State Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, will hold a question-and-answer session on Friday, Nov. 18, from noon-1 p.m. in the Blue Hills Lecture Hall at UW-Barron County. The event will provide constituents an opportunity to hear from Jauch and to give him their input and questions. For more information about this Public Affairs Lecture Series event please contact UW-BC Assistant Professor of Political Science Eric T. Kasper at 715-234-8176, Ext. 5472 or eric.kasper@ uwc.edu. — from UW-BC

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

ican Legion Post 225 that sponsored the drawing. • Frank Kubista, Sarona, escaped injury when he swerved to miss a deer and ran his car, a 1968 Mustang, into the ditch on a city road just off CTH D past the diversion ditch. Officer Ralph Van Meter reported approximately $325 damage to the car. • New officers of the Excella 4-H Club were Rose Gaulke, president; Carrie Parker, vice president; Heidi Kraemer, secretary; Mary Gaulke, treasurer; and Penny Perry, reporter. • Basketball coach Rodger Studt had nine returning lettermen, giving the Lakers depth and size to make the team strong conference contenders. Returning lettermen were Brian Hansen, Mark Bruce, John Schullo, Dave Ekern, Jerry Soholt, Jim Rohlik, Tony Masterjohn, Don Lempke and Tom Dahlstrom.

1981 - 30 years ago

• The Shell Lake Future Business Leaders Association were raising club funds by offering a 10-pound turkey as a prize in a drawing. The organization was also donating fixings and trimmings for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to be given to an area family. • Work started on two construction projects on the north side of Shell Lake. Catholic Charities home for the elderly, known as Evergreen Apartments, was under construction as was a new dental clinic to house the offices of Dr. Edward Dunbar. • Accepted into the All-American Hall of Fame Band Foundation for their outstanding musical dedication and service were Shell Lake students Karen Mortensen, Laurie Schnell, Carrie Bixby, Jill Hile and Nancy Slater. • Shell Lake students attending UWEau Claire were Peggy Carlson, Linda McMeen, Tamara Aderman, Laura Stovring, Wendy Johnson, Susan Erickson, Douglas Henderson, David Ruhl, Judy Cornelison, Jeffrey Hebert, Mark Knoepke, Richard Lager and Frederick Welter. Students for Sarona were Cindy Campbell, Warren Weber and Paul


1991 - 20 years ago

• Kristine Cardwell, Shell Lake, placed second at the Wisconsin Land Conservation Association State Speaking Contest held in Wisconsin Rapids. She competed in the senior division, and her speech was titled, “Recycling: The Next Generation.” • Poster winners for Red Ribbon Week were Carolyn Adams, James Green, Alan Nord, Hannah Albers and Meghan Pesko. • Chosen good citizens at Shell Lake Elementary School were Aaron Hanson, Lori Larson, Pat Olson, Katie Pederson and Kyle Linton. • Kim Tast, ambulance manager, accepted a check for $4,600 from Indianhead Community Health Care President Jan Ogden, which covered the cost of a heart defibrillator for North Ambulance. EMTs at the presentation were Angie Kloop, Karen Peterson and Theresa Keehn.

2001 - 10 years ago

• City officials, along with several members of the community, were present at Shell Lake City Hall to hear Congressman Dave Obey’s announcement that $750,000 in federal funds would be made available for the proposed lake water diversion project. • Named volleyball all-conference were Jasmine Dahlstrom, second team; Jessica Butterfield, Casey Bruce and Teresa Regenauer. • Members of the Terraceview Community Foundation Inc. held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Family Walk of Memories. Officers of the group were Joe Rounce, president; Marilyn Mercier, vice president; Agnes Anderson, treasurer; and Beryl Rydberg, secretary. Other members present were Audrey Erdman, Jan Ogden and Richard Rydberg. • Shell Lake High School students Ben Kunselman presented “A Veterans Day Message” at the Shell Lake High School Veterans Day program.


SHELL LAKE — The public is invited to a used book sale on Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Shell Lake Public Library. Donated books, children’s books and weeded books will be for sale for a goodwill donation. Donations from this fundraiser will be used to better the library. — from SLPL

Washburn County Area Humane Society

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Calico kitties we have quite a few, We have lots of other breeds and colors too. But calico cats they are truly unique, Their colors so different some so bold and sleek. Here are some facts that you just may not know, Interesting facts about our calicos. Their colors can vary, some dull and some bright, Dilute calicos are the duller that’s right. But here is a fact that will most interest you, Calicos always are girls it’s true. Luci and Angel are pictured above, Just two of our calicos you’re sure to love! Cats for adoption: 2-1/2-month-old male gray medium-hair kitten; 6-month-old male black shorthair; 6-month-old male black/white shorthair; 6month-old female black/white medium-hair; 4-month-old male buff/white shorthair tabby; 5month-old male orange/white longhair; 2-monthold male black/white shorthair; 2-month-old female shorthair tortie; 1-year-old spayed brown/white shorthair Abyssinian mix; 3-month-old male orange/white longhair; 3-year-old spayed tiger/calico shorthair; 7-month-old female black/white shorthair; 6-year-old neutered orange shorthair tiger; 2 young shorthair calicos; 4-year-old neutered gray/white shorthair tiger; 2-month-old black longhair male; 2-year-old shorthair calico and her 6week-old kittens, 1 black/white, 1 orange tiger; and three 7-week-old black/white kittens. Dogs for adoption: 2-year-old female black/brown Chihuahua/dachshund mix; 5-monthold male black Lab mix; 2-year-old brindle male pit bull; 5-1/2-month-old male black/white Lab mix; 5year-old neutered brown/white American Staffordshire terrier; 2-year-old neutered male black Lab; 5-year-old neutered brown/tan min pin/Chihuahua mix; senior black/brown neutered miniature pinscher and three 9-week-old terrier mix pups, two females, one male, Strays include: Adult neutered black/white springer/beagle mix found north of CTH F on Hwy. 63.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 www.wcahs.com


HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Brickyard Pottery

Friday, November 25 & Saturday, Novemebr 26

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Great Selection Of Local, Handmade Gifts. Appetizers & Refreshments Register To Win A Gift Certificate

Seven miles south of Shell Lake and just west of Hwy. 63.



Brickyard will be open Thursdays through Sundays until December 24 549790 13r

An evening of art at Spooner Memorial Library

SPOONER — The public is invited to a student art exhibition presented by Creative Collaborations and the PTA Reflections program on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 67:30 p.m. at the Spooner Memorial Library. The event is a culmination of an eight-week free art series. The art series had support and involvement from Lakeland Family Resource Center, Washburn County 4-H, UW-Extension in Spooner, Girl Scouts, Spooner Public Schools and PTA.

Local artists donated their time to teach participants about an art form and dedicated a class period to guiding the students to create an art product. The finished art pieces include dance, two-dimensional art, film/photo and writing. This year’s theme was Diversity means ... Participating Girl Scouts will receive Community Art badges. Refreshments provided. — submitted

Programs focus on giving toys to families in need

SHELL LAKE — All are invited to donate new or gently used toys to the donation bin at the Shell Lake Public Library now through Thursday, Dec. 8. On Saturday, Dec. 10, from 8-11 a.m., the Spooner MOMs Club will give the toys away on a first-come,

first-served basis at the Faith Lutheran Church, W7148 Luther Road, Spooner. A free toy will be given to each child in the family. This program is sponsored by Spooner MOMs Club. — from SLPL

Environmental series to continue

HAYWARD — Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College, in cooperation with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Happy Tonics Butterfly Sanctuary and the LCOOCC Ag/Equity Education Program is proud to be sponsoring “Gasland: Can You Light Your Water On Fire?” a documentary produced by Josh Fox focusing on the issue of fracking as a means of extracting natural gas from deep inside the Earth’s surface. This film presentation on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at noon,

will also feature guest speakers Patricia Popple, of Concerned Chippewa Citizens, and Frank Koehn, editor of The Water’s Edge.com. The second movie in the annual LCO Environmental Film Series is open to the public. Guests are encouraged to bring their lunch and spend the afternoon with others concerned about the issues being presented. For more information contact Amber Marlow at 715634-4790, Ext. 156. — submitted

Intro to yoga offered through community ed

SHELL LAKE — When you practice yoga, you tend to feel better. When you practice yoga better, you tend to feel great, so get your practice started right. Classes will be held Mondays, Dec. 5, 12, and 19, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. You will be introduced to the 24 base postures in yoga. We will cover a few of these postures each week, moving slowly to learn proper physical alignment and discuss any modifications that may be necessary for the individual. Learning the physical postures in this detailed way can increase mental focus and body awareness. You will learn key movements and breathing techniques and receive clear instruction on what to do in your postures, and what not to do. Participants will have the opportunity to try out the props in the Om Sweet Om Yoga studio and learn how to use them to improve the quality of postures, which

can improve the way you feel in the postures. You’ll learn how to practice in a way that increases strength and flexibility while reducing physical/mental stress and tension. All participants of this series will be well-prepared for home practice and beginner/level-one classes and will receive 20 percent off their first punch card at Om Sweet Om Yoga. Please wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement or breathing. Mats and props provided or bring your own. Instructor is Lorrie Blockhus. Location: Om Sweet Om Yoga Studio. Fee: $12 for series or $7/one class. Register through Shell Lake Community Ed and Rec by calling 715-468-7815, ext. 1337 or jensenk@ shelllake.k12.wi.us. — from SLCE

It’s here


t has finally arrived for those that have been patiently waiting. The signs of the season are upon us. The grocery lists have been made to accommodate the palate as well as the calorie requirements. Many have been saving up their vacation days just for the season we are now entering. Some homeowners’ yards are adorned with the items blowing in the breeze, giving off a blazing-orange color as the garments are being aired out after being in storage for several months. Yes, I am writing about the nine-day deer gun season, which opens Saturday, Nov. 19. Is the excitement running wild at our house? No, not really. I have relatives that are hunters but I have never hunted and

Milt stopped hunting several years ago. We do enjoy hearing a good hunting story though. For some of the nonhunters of the whitetail, there are those that may be on a hunt of their own, seeking out the paths they will follow to find and attend all the hunters widows events that are planned for opening weekend. Being advertised are several events showcasing arts and crafts as well as special promotions for those that are interested in shopping rather than braving the elements for outdoor excitement. So whether you are hoping for the trophy buck or the best deal for your bucks, have a fun and safe hunting season.

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson Come Enjoy The Old-Fashioned Atmosphere Of Christmas In The Country!


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We will be open all Saturdays & Sundays in Nov., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. We will then close and reopen May 5, 2012! 549624 13rp www.homesteadcraftsonline.com

549481 2a,b,cp 13rp 13Lp

Holiday book sale set


Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day in Wisconsin

STATEWIDE — To acknowledge the critical role of snowplow drivers in keeping the state’s roadways functioning even during the coldest, snowiest months of the year, Gov. Scott Walker has proclaimed Monday, Nov. 21, as Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day in Wisconsin. Walker’s proclamation notes that before, during and after winter storms, Wisconsin’s snowplow drivers apply years of knowledge and skill in a determined effort to keep roadways safe for all motorists and maintain the mobility of commerce to support the state’s economy. The proclamation also encourages motorists to exercise caution whenever they encounter snowplows and to limit travel during storms to allow snowplow driv-

ers to complete their jobs safely and efficiently. “Removing snow and ice from more than 100,000 miles of roads and streets in Wisconsin is a tremendous challenge performed primarily by county and municipal highway departments,” said Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb. “Snowplow drivers often work extraordinarily long hours during the worst imaginable weather conditions to maintain safe roads and keep commerce flowing. They do their jobs, and we can do our part.” The Wisconsin Department of Transportation offers these safety tips for driving during winter weather: • Before venturing out, call 511 or go online to www.511wi.gov to check road conditions. • If there’s ice and snow, take it slow. The posted

Activities planned at LFRC

SPOONER — The Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, has several events planned for November and December. The FAST program will continue on Mondays through Nov. 21 at Shell Lake High School beginning at 5 p.m. Also on Nov. 21 at 5 p.m. the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group will meet at LFRC. Kidstime-Parentime on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 10 a.m., will feature guest speaker Amy Jain, sex offender registration specialist who will present information to parents and caregivers on how to educate and prepare children on protective behaviors as well as answer oneon-one questions. On Wednesday, Nov. 30, Kidstime-Parentime will meet at 10 a.m. with a potluck at 11:15 a.m. Monday, Dec. 5, at 10 a.m. First Friends Playgroup birthday party will be held and also the Grandparents


ov. 7: Felipe Martinez Meza, assistant at Biosphere Monarch Butterfly, Zitacuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, confirmed that monarch butterflies had arrived at their overwintering sites in Mexico. He performed fieldwork at the sanctuary the first week of November. His research was reported back to Learner Organization at www.learner.org/jnorth/monarch/fall2011/ update101311.html True to their encounter with nature and pre-Hispanic tradition, monarch arrival coincided with the Day of the Dead in Mexico on Nov. 1. There were butterflies in their wintering sites in historic sites: The first colony in Ejido El Rosario had occupancy of approximately 50 trees while a second group on Nov. 2 was detected in 10 trees. It is too soon to say what this means as far as monarch concentrations are concerned. Are they doing better or worse this year? Have the migration numbers increased or decreased? In December, scientists will travel to Mexico, from Learner Organization at the University of Kansas, to determine the health and vulnerability of the Mexican butterfly population and the overwintering sites. We can only hope that the butterflies were able increase in number, especially since their numbers have been dwindling due to climate change, habitat loss and environmental fires, floods, oil contamination and other risks along their 2,000-mile migration. Happy Tonics noticed record numbers of monarch butterflies in Shell Lake in 2011 at the Monarch Butterfly Habitat. The last butterflies were seen on Oct. 12, which is very late. Many people called to let us know they too saw many monarchs this year. It could be that the abundant rains increased milkweed growth and enabled the monarchs to propagate beyond normal numbers.

Raising Grandchildren raffle drawing will take place. Saturday, Dec. 10, 9 a.m.-noon, Santa will make his annual visit to LFRC. It’s time to relax and enjoy the holiday season with family and friends at LFRC. Bring the family for a special visit with Santa while enjoying holiday refreshments and creating simple seasonal projects. Preregistration is not necessary. An adult must accompany children. Monday, Dec. 12, 4:30 p.m., Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group will have movie and pizza night. Wednesday, Dec. 21, Kidstime-Parentime holiday party will be at 10 a.m. with potluck at 11:15 a.m. There will be no programs the week of Dec. 26 through Dec. 30. For more information please call 715-635-4669. — from LFRC

Monarch butterfly cluster at Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary in Michoacán, Mexico. — from Learner Organization at University of Kansas ••• Get ready for Holiday Saturday on Dec. 3. Happy Tonics is having an open house at the visitors center/store at 25 Fifth Avenue, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served. We invite parents and grandparents to come in and view the book “My Name is Butterfly.” The illustrated children’s book features the artwork of Stevie Marie AubuchonMedoza and is written by Mary Ellen Ryall, CEO of Happy Tonics and the Monarch Butterfly Habitat in Shell Lake. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the holidays and honor youth in their hometown. Books are available on Amazon. A limited number of copies will be available on Dec. 3 for those who wish to see the book and obtain autographed copies for their families.

Butterfly Corner • Mary Ellen Ryall

SPOONER — The local Northwoods Support Team and all of Santa’s helpers are busy collecting items for the Christmas stockings going to our soldiers in Afghanistan this year. Because of some complications earlier this summer, the committee was wondering if they could meet their goals. Thanks to the community and everyone’s help, they will be able to make this year bigger and better. The Northwoods Support Team is an ongoing project. They keep in contact with the national Adopt-A-Soldier organization to see what the needs are and get a unit assigned to them. The team then sends valentines, Easter cards, neck coolers in the summer all with treats included, and this fall, they added a Halloween package with the Christmas Stocking project by far being the biggest project of each year. “It is so heartwarming when we receive a thank-you from a soldier who has received one of our goodie packages as they have so much more important things to do and think about,” commented a member of the Northwoods Support Team. If you have a family member in the military, please let the committee know, and they will be glad to include them. “We have received information about some homeless women veterans that we want to include this Christmas. They are so deserving of help after coming back from their deployment and trying to get back on their feet,” stated a team member. If you would like to help, it isn’t too late. Items still needed include nail clippers, granola bars, hard individually wrapped candy, pocket-size tissue, silly string and crossword or find-a-word puzzle books. To obtain a complete list of items needed, you may call Darlene Heller at 715-635-2930 or e-mail Darlene_heller@yahoo.com or Lynda Marquardt at 715-635-6237 or lyn_marquardt@ hotmail.com. Monetary donations are also welcome to help with postage. Checks can be made out to the American Legion Auxiliary with Northwoods Support Team written on the memo line. Items and money can be dropped off at the Community Bank of Spooner or at Heller’s home. Again if you have questions or want to help you can contact Heller or Marquardt at the phone numbers or email addresses listed above. — from NST


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The newspaper office will be closed Thurs., Nov. 24 & Fri., Nov. 25

Christmas spirit abounds with the Northwoods Support Team


549349 2a,b,c,d 13r,L

549161 12-13r

Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the deadline for all copy for the Nov. 22 edition of the Register is Friday, Nov. 18, at noon.

speed limits are based on dry pavement. Those speed limits may be hazardous when roads are slick. Most traffic crashes in winter are caused by driving too fast for conditions. • State law requires that you stay at least 200 feet behind a working snowplow. When you’re following a snowplow, make sure that you can see the driver’s mirrors to ensure the driver is able to see you. You never know when a snowplow driver may have to back up. • If you have to pass a working snowplow, be careful. The snowplow can create a cloud of snow that could obscure your vision. Also, remember that the roadway behind the snowplow is in better condition than in front of it. • And always buckle up and drive sober to help reduce the number of preventable traffic deaths to zero in Wisconsin. — from WDOT

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David P. Ford

Investment Representative



November Thursday, Nov. 17 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting provided. • An Evening of Art, Spooner Memorial Library, 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. 715-635-4669. Thursday, Nov. 24 • Lighting of the Christmas Celebration in Lights, 2011 Winter Wonderland, Shell Lake Municipal Campground and Park, 5 p.m. Sponsored by the Shell Lake Lions Club. Saturday, Nov. 26 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. • 31st-annual Christmas Art and Craft Show, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., United Methodist Church, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Elm St., Spooner. Tuesday, Nov. 29 • Washburn County American Cancer Society Relay For Life meeting, 6 p.m., Faith Lutheran Church, W7148 Luther Road, Spooner. Steve at 715-416-0486. Wednesday, Nov. 30 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. December Thursday, Dec. 1 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce Christmas party at Lakeview Bar & Grill. Social hour 6 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Betsy at 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday-Sunday, Dec. 2-4 • “An O. Henry Christmas” at Theater in the Woods, Shell Lake. For reservations 715-468-4387 or www.titw.org. Saturday, Dec. 3 & Sunday, Dec. 4 • Christmas at the Fort, Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park, 8500 CTH U, Danbury. The North Pole theme. Saturday 11 a.m-6 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 715-8668890 or visit www.theforts.org. Saturday, Dec. 3 • Shell Lake’s Holiday Saturday. Breakfast with Santa 9-11 at community center. Craft fair at school. Special events throughout the day. • Barronett Lutheran Scandinavian smorgasbord 1-5 p.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 6 • Flood risk information open house, 6 p.m., county boardroom Elliot Building, 110 Fourth Avenue, Shell Lake. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. Wednesday, Dec. 7 • Washburn County HCE all-member holiday luncheon, 11:30 a.m. Installation of officers. Bring items for food pantry. • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, 5:30 p.m. 715-635-3496 to confirm. Donations accepted. • Washburn County Health Department Open Immunization Clinic, Spooner, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Walk-ins on that day only. Appointments are available by calling 715-6354400. Suggested donation of $5. Bring child’s immunization record. Thursday, Dec. 8 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. 715651-9011 or 715-237-2798. Friday-Sunday, Dec. 9-11 • “An O. Henry Christmas” at Theater in the Woods, Shell Lake. For reservations 715-468-4387 or www.titw.org. Saturday, Dec. 10 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets, 9 a.m. Distribution, 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Chuck 715-635-9309, Bill 715468-4017 or Ardys 715-222-4410. • Spooner Moms Club community toy drive distribution day, 8-11 a.m., Faith Lutheran Church, W7148 Luther Road, Spooner. • Christmas at the Fort, Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park, 8500 CTH U, Danbury, 11 a.m-6 p.m. 715-8668890 or visit www.theforts.org. Monday, Dec. 12 • Diabetes education meeting, 2-3 p.m., Spooner Health System. Topics and speakers vary each month. Information call Claudia at 715-635-1217. Tuesday, Dec. 13 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stay-at-home or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. Wednesday, Dec. 14 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Railroad Memories Museum board of directors meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall building. All volunteers welcome. • Downtown Book Chat, 3:30 p.m., Faith Lutheran Church, W7148 Luther Rd., Spooner.

Santa! Nope, it’s Jack

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Jack Harrington, of the Shell Lake city crew, hangs a Christmas ornament on the light post as Shell Lake and the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce gear up for the Christmas season. Shell Lake will once again host Holiday Saturday, Dec. 3, with most businesses hosting special events from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. — Photo by Larry Samson

Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their Web site and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Terraceview Living Center Inc. is providing opportunities for talented volunteers skilled in group and 1:1 interactions with the elderly. Seeking services between 3-7 p.m. daily. There will be flexibility in scheduling your services. Orientation is provided. If you are interested please stop by their office and fill out an application. ••• Volunteer help at the Shell Lake Arts Center is needed for special occasions during the school year. We need help with the middle school honors band, bulk mailings, the piano festival, middle school honors choir and the Gala. If you are interested in volunteering please call 715-468-2414. ••• Faith in Action of Washburn County is looking for volunteers to provide direct services to seniors and adults with disabilities. Tasks might include transportation, light housekeeping, light yard work, fix-it jobs, telephone and in-person visits. Training is provided, and all volunteers choose what they want to do and when they want to volunteer. For more information, please call 715-635-2252 or e-mail Faith In Action at faithinactionwc@yahoo.com. ••• The Shell Lake Arts Center is in need of a volunteer with bookkeeping experience to work three to four hours per week between now and June 2012. Activities include payroll processing, bill payment and documentation, and communicating with the center’s finance committee. Familiarity with QuickBooks is essential. Contact Tara Burns at the SLAC if interested, 715-468-2414. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office, or call 715-468-2314. Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.

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A 10-point buck makes his way through the woods avoiding the bow hunters. He will need all his wiles if he is to make it through the nine-day gun season that starts Saturday, Nov. 19. Over 600,000 hunters expected to take to the woods that is home to an estimated 1.1 million deer. — Photo by Larry Samson

Volunteer opportunities

Shell Lake State Bank


Big buck

••• Amber Bednar, RN, Washburn County Health Department, is available at the public health office to provide breastfeeding basics, how-tos and postpartum support. Appointments can be made at 715-635-4400. Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. The Washburn County Genealogy Research Room, 106-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. The room can be opened upon request, weather permitting. Call 715635-7937 or 715-635-6450, for more information. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking 10 a.m. AA Sunday 6 p.m. AA Beginners Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA AA 7 p.m. Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. Al-Anon 2 p.m. AA Friday 7 p.m. AA Step Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie YaekelBlack Elk at 715-349-8575. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • The Washburn County Historical Society Research Room, 102 West Second Avenue, Shell Lake, open Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. throughout the year. • Bridge at Friendship Commons, Fourth Avenue, Shell Lake, 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Practice your Bridge skills. Beginners welcome. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above.

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Lady boxer

by Diane Dryden SPOONER - Teresa Hanson, 26, was born in Elk Mound on a dairy farm that milked 150 cows. She grew up with two brothers and a sister and was used to hard work and constant activity. It seemed only natural that she would end up at UW-River Falls, majoring in agriculture with animal science for a minor. She put herself through college by working on an organic dairy farm helping the farmer/owner milk 90 cows. It wasn’t that she didn’t like farm work, or milking for that matter, but after a lifetime of barn work she looked elsewhere for her career. Shortly after graduation she found out that Crystal Creek on Roundhouse Road in Spooner was looking for a dairy nutritionist and she applied. Happily, she got the job and spends her days working with farmers wanting science-based animal health supplements by providing personalized dairy nutrition services. She has clients from Maine to Kentucky, South Dakota to Indiana, including all the states in between. “Minerals seem to be the biggest thing lacking in dairy herds and it’s so important,” she says. “We have nutritional supplements that deal with the cow’s immune system as well as milk fever and scours.” She loves her job, but having been ac-

tive all her life, this single woman was looking for something physical that would help her keep in shape and active. She had played almost every sport in high school and when she moved to Spooner, found a gym and joined. “I was getting tired of my workout routine so I decided that maybe what I needed was a change. I joined the fitness center in Shell Lake because it was a nice gym that was in my price range, and its more friendly. I usually worked out four days a week for an hour or so and when they added the Back Alley Boxing, owner Matt Dryden asked me if I would be interested in boxing. Not only did it pique my interest, the classes were held in the late afternoon, so I said, why not? “I really liked the class because it was so different and it worked different muscles and it was a great cardiovascular workout. I always keep it in the back of my mind to be careful what I do for sports or workouts because I want to still be able to walk at age 60. There has always been a safety factor in all the things I do. I did the Mud Run in Dresser this year in September, but it was to raise money for multiple sclerosis, which my aunt has. I had a good time running the 6.2 miles of mud with its 86 obstacles. I was covered completely with mud by the time the run was over, but I plan to do the run again next year.”

After boxing, but only using the bag, Dryden approached Hanson about going to the Danbury casino for an actual bout. The fight would be sanctioned by the State of Wisconsin Boxing Club and the spar After participating in a mud run for would be strictly multiple sclerosis this year, Teresa controlled as to Hanson was covered from head to toe safety concerns in mud. – Photos by Diane Dryden like strikes to the Teresa Hanhead and the ability for the coach to Shell son, throw the towel into the ring at any point if he thought a forfeit was necessary. Re- Lake, suited up membering all of her safety concerns, she for her first decided to go for it because she would fight last Octowear a head and a chest protector along ber and will be with her gloves and mouth protection. fighting again at Grandma’s Her first bout was set for October. “I had serious doubts whether I could Sports Garden Duluth’s hit another woman at first, but she threw in the first punch and then I realized that I Canal Park this would have no problem hitting back. coming JanuNot only do you learn the importance of ary. footwork when you train, you also learn the competition. I still self-confidence. I have another bout work out using my usual routine four scheduled for this coming January and times a week, but boxing has really I’m training for it and looking forward to added the spark I needed.”

We’ve had some beautiful sunsets in the November sky and the big wolf moon at night. Since time change, it’s dark early. Woke up Thursday morning, Nov. 10, surprised, the ground was white. It didn’t stay that way long this time but the time is coming. This week you’ll see the orange coats on the lines airing out! It’s that season, men out hunting and gals out shopping! Mark West, Bob Dahle, Bill Marschall and three other guys got back on Thursday after a week in Colorado elk hunting. They came back empty-handed, just memories. Hope the gun-deer hunt here will be more successful for them. Bill and Duffy Sauer’s grandson, Steven Hansen, and Angelica Gonzales wedded on Oct. 29 in Dallas, Texas. Among those attending were Carolyn West and Paula Kodesh, Rice Lake; Mark Sauer, Sarona; Carla Townsend, Centuria; John and Linda Sauer, Sauk City.

Report a fun time and congrats to the newlyweds. Mavis Schlapper is back in the swing of things, said she didn’t do the hot polka but she did go dancing with her sister, Joyce Wade, and friend Adela Koel on Tuesday in Cameron and again on Thursday in Amery. Joyce stayed all night with Mavis on Thursday. Mavis is expecting her son, Dean, and wife up Friday night and son Wayne from Stevens Point coming for deer hunting. Skip and Colleen Hoyt visited Marlene Hansen on Sunday evening. The meal-in-a-peel at Sarona Methodist Church was again a real success with around 160 potato meals served. Ray and Debby Johnson joined the Sarona Methodist Church on Sunday. That little church has sure been an active one. Get-well wishes to Val Anderson, Nate’s wife, who had a hip replacement

Halloween day but ended up back in the hospital last Thursday because it popped out so now she has a brace on it and hopes that works or otherwise she will need another surgery, her mother-in-law, Barb, reported. So we wish her the best. Sympathy is extended to Butch and Evelyn Shaffer in the recent death of his mother, Jean Brekke, Cumberland. Her funeral was at Faith Lutheran Church in Clayton last week. She was a sweet lady. She and her husband, Vic, owned and operated the bowling alley in Shell Lake some years back then moved to Clayton. At one time she was a cook at the Shell Lake School and also at Shell Lake restaurants. She was 84. Sarona folks also send condolences to the family of Linda Lubensky, 69, whose funeral was Nov. 11 at the funeral home in Shell Lake with burial in the Sarona Cemetery. She and her husband, Dan, owned and operated Marawaraden Re-

Sarona by Marian Furchtenicht

sort since 1979. She was a kind and caring lady and will be missed by all who knew her. The Spooner Class of 1950 got together at Jerseys on Wednesday for the once-amonth luncheon with 18 attending with Wally and Barb Koel in charge. Carolyn West, Bobbie Bailey, Mary Krantz and I attended from this way. Sue Krantz reports granddaughter Lainey Hutton was chosen good citizen for the quarter for Shell Lake’s fifth grade. Good girl, McClaine. Virginia Stodola’s daughter Sue came for her sister-in-law, Linda’s, funeral. She came by bus getting here Thursday and left on Monday to go back to her home in Oklahoma. Bev Helmer’s friend, Ben, from Waldo came up for a few days for her birthday last week. They enjoyed a great meat at Bistro 63 in Barronett for the occasion. The Backwood Saloon is having live music for the opening day of deer season. There was a big crowd and a fun party Saturday at the Getaway. The occasion was Cobra’s 40th birthday. Many more is wished. I enjoyed a delicious supper Thursday night at daughter Mary’s with their family. Baked ham, freshbaked buns and pumpkin pie and it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet. Kyle and Sara were up from Cumberland. Birthday wishes this week to Julie Butterfield down in Florida, Dennis Johnston and Irene Glessing, her 96th, on Nov. 16; Joe Elliott and Steven Hubin, Nov. 18; Eric Bedner, Brad Doll, Andrea Campbell and Sue Thornberg, Nov. 19; Josh Paulson, Nov. 20; Mark Cusick, Travis Zaloudek and Brenda Lang, Nov. 21; Paul Dan King, Gerri Baker and Germaine Paulson, Nov. 22; and Amy Bolterman, Nov. 23. I don’t know of any anniversaries this week. Guess nobody gets married around deer season; there are other more important things to do. Hunt safe and good luck 549837 13r hunters.

Veterans Day program



The keynote speaker was retired Col. Ray Boland who spoke about the Contract with America, “The real contract is the oath every enlisted man and woman makes when they raise their hand. ‘I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic.’” He added that a grateful nation can also be a forgetful nation.

Honoring the Women Veterans was the theme of the Veterans Day program held at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Friday, Nov. 11. People from northern Wisconsin gathered for the afternoon to show their support and respect for the veterans. — Photos by Larry Samson Retired SGM Dawn Anderson, assistant Veterans Service Officer Barron County, spoke of the women in the military. Having served 22 years in the National Guard, she spoke of the strength and courage of those who went before us. “The heart of the war is not limited by gender.”

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 an armistice between Germany and the Allied nations set the stage for Armistice Day. The day was set aside to honor the contributions the World War I servicemen made. In 1954 the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all American service men and women.

The Spooner High School select choir, under the direction of Destiny Schultz, brought tears to the eyes of many veterans with their beautiful renditions of “Blades of Grass” and “Amazing Grace.”

Thank you veterans for your service. Register Staff

Jean Gustafson plays taps as a young boy sits quietly and respectfully. Reserved for funerals and memorials, the 24 notes are burned into our minds and souls.

Posting the colors for the program at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Spooner, were veterans Toni Carter, Wendy Larson and Gwen Schaaf.



Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Looking back on the cross-country season

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Schools cross-country team held their end-of-the season banquet on Monday, Nov. 7. The following awards were presented. Cross-county high school awards Team captains: Abby Granzin and Ben Butenhoff Most valuable: Emma Anderson Rookie of the year: Emma Anderson Most improved: Kayla Blazer State qualifier: Emma Anderson with a time of 18:26.6 Hardest working: Jessica Irvine

Middle school awards Hardest worker: Keagan Blazer Motivator: Daniel Parish and Marty Anderson Most improved: Ariana Udovich Most valuable: Lauren Osborn Best on the hills: Daniel Parish Best on the track: Nicole Mikula Sweetest: Logan Pashby Funniest: Marty Anderson Kindest: Cassie Skindzelewski Most energetic: Ariana Udovich and Marty Anderson Quietest: Nathaniel Swan

Coach Granzin hugs graduating senior Abby Granzin at the cross-country banquet held Monday, Nov. 7. The banquet was a time to reflect on the past season and to set new goals for the next season.

Shell Lake Junior High cross-country team members were back row (L to R): Nicole Mikula, Lauren Osborn, Keagan Blazer, Daniel Parish and Nathaniel Swan. Front: Morgan Maher, Ariana Udovich, Logan Pashby and Marty Anderson. — Photos by Larry Samson

Making up the Shell Lake High School cross-country team were back row (L to R): Dillon Hopke, Emma Anderson, Abby Granzin and Ben Butenhoff. Front: Jessica Irvine, Jill Butenhoff, Kayla Blazer, Kourtney Klassa and Seth Quinton.

Jessica Irvine is shown holding Elana Granzin, coach Granzin’s newborn daughter. Elana was born just two days after the team competed at the sectional meet in Solon Springs.

Angler education mentor training workshop in Hayward Nov. 30

Notice to hunters in city of Shell Lake

HAYWARD — Fishing club members, youth leaders, after-school care providers, classroom teachers and civic leaders are encouraged to attend a hands-on angler education workshop on Wednesday, Nov. 30, where they can gain the training and materials needed to start a fishing program in their community. The workshop is sponsored by the Department of Natural Resources and conducted by Frank Pratt, a retired DNR Hayward fish biologist, and Theresa Stabo, DNR’s aquatic education director. Participants at this angler education mentor training workshop will make dazzling lures, receive Junior Angler and Hook, Line and Thinker materials, and learn strategies for getting a fishing program started, says Stabo. “This is a great opportunity to get a head start on a fishing program in your community that can help bring people together, help kids grow in positive ways, and sustain our natural resources,” she says. Stabo notes that research has shown that academic test scores improve when children get a chance to get outdoors and encounter biological principles firsthand, in this case, through fishing. All the course materials workshop participants receive are aligned to the state

academic standards so help to reinforce many common core concepts. Stabo encourages people to attend as a team or form one at the workshop so that they can share their strengths when they launch a program, whether it is in a classroom or community center. “We want to move beyond the one-day annual fishing event to a model that allows for repeated opportunities to wet a line,” she says. Successful models include after-school fishing clubs, summer enrichment classes, camps, school-family events and Scout merit badge fulfillment sessions. The workshop is set for Nov. 30 from 5-9 p.m. at the Sherman & Ruth Weiss Community Library, 10788 Hwy. Y 27/77, Hayward. Registration is limited to 25 people. Reserve your seat and register now. The session features a free tailgate dinner. There is a $15 commitment fee for the workshop that is refundable upon arrival. Details about the fee on the registration form. Questions can be directed to Pratt in Hayward at 715934-2411 or Stabo, 608-266-2272 or Kim Anderson, 608261-6431 in Madison. — from WDNR

SHELL LAKE — Most areas within the Shell Lake city limits are closed to hunting. Anyone who intends to hunt within the city limits is advised to review the Firearms Discharge Regulations Zones map at the city administrator’s office. Hunters are also advised to use extreme caution in the areas that are open for hunting as there may be occupied dwellings near these areas. Property owners permission must be obtained. According to Shell Lake Police Chief Clint Stariha his department will be enforcing state hunting regulations within the city. — from the Shell Lake Police Department




Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net

Junior high team hits the basketball court taking a loss

Zach Melton cuts past the Cameron defender as he drives the basket. The Shell Lake Junior High team lost their game to Cameron 49-16 on Friday, Nov. 11.

Caleb LaFave gets a jump shot off against a tough Cameron defense on Friday, Nov. 11.

Isaac Otterson rebounds under the basket.



Junior high boys basketball Tuesday, Nov. 29: At Northwood High School, 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1: Vs. Clear Lake, at SLAC, 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5: At Clayton High School, 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8: Vs. Prairie Farm, at SLAC, 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12: At Cameron Middle School, 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16: At Turtle Lake High School, 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 19: Vs. Northwood, 5 p.m. Boys varsity basketball Saturday, Nov. 26: Scrimmage at Unity, 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29: Doubleheader vs. Siren 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2: Vs. Grantsburg, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5: Vs. Northwood, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12: Vs. Flambeau, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16: At Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22: Doubleheader vs. Birchwood, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3: Doubleheader at Luck, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 6: Doubleheader vs. Unity, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10: Doubleheader at Clayton, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20: Doubleheader at Northwood, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24: Doubleheader vs. Prairie Farm, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27: At Bruce, 7:30 p.m.

Photos by Larry Samson

Friday, Feb. 3: Vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7: At Solon Springs, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9: At Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14: Doubleheader at Frederic, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21: Vs. Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24: Vs. Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Girls varsity basketball Tuesday, Nov. 22: Scrimmage at SCF with Unity, 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29: Doubleheader vs. Siren, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2: At Spooner, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20: At Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22: Doubleheader vs. Birchwood, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3: Doubleheader at Luck, 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 6: Doubleheader vs. Unity, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10: Doubleheader at Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17: Vs. Grantsburg, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20: Doubleheader at Northwood, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24: Doubleheader vs. Prairie Farm, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31: Vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2: Vs. Webster, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7: At Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14: Doubleheader at Frederic, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17: Vs. Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21: At Solon Springs, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23: Vs. Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28: At Winter, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 1: Vs. Northwood, 7:30 p.m.

Keep hunting and donate your deer

WASHBURN COUNTY — Saturday, Nov. 19, marks the beginning of the nine-day gun deer season for Wisconsin hunters. Hunters are able to keep hunting and donate deer for families that are in need of venison. For information on how to donate for Washburn and eastern Burnett County go to www.fnbwa.org and click on Deer Donation in the left column. Register the deer and call a recipient on the list to set up a drop-off location. It is the recipient’s responsibility to process the deer. This is a great way to contribute to the local community. Information on how to donate for the rest of the state is available at dnr.wi.gov/org/land/wildlife/ damage/donation/mainindex.htm. The following is a list of places and times to register deer in Washburn County and eastern Burnett County: Ed’s Pit Stop, Birchwood, 715-354-7991, 6 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sportsman’s Headquarters, Minong, 715-4662171, opening weekend 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving; Teddy Bear Tap, Sarona, 715-469-3660, 10:30 a.m.-2 a.m.; Country Pride, Shell Lake, 715-468-2302, 6 a.m.-10 p.m.; AA Sports, Spooner, 715-635-3011, Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday-Sunday, 6 a.m.-6 p.m.; Holiday Express North, Spooner, 715-635-9421, opening weekend closed, Monday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-10 p.m.; Holiday Station Store South, Spooner, 715-635-9112, 6 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Uncle Mike’s Bar and Grill, Trego, 715635-9042, 11 a.m.-midnight; Thirsty Minnow, Hertel, 715-468-7620, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; A&H Country Market, Spooner, 715-635-8429, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. If you have any questions please call Nancy Christel, DNR wildlife biologist, at 715-635-4091 or 715-6450072. — from WDNR

Veterans Day program


Shell Lake

Shell Lake High School Badger Boys State delegate Josiah Kay spoke about his one-week trip to Madison. Abby Granzin attended the Badger Girls State Convention. The event was hosted by the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary.

Brett Holman played taps near the end of the ceremony. Jon Lloyd was at the other end of the room playing echo taps. — Photo by Larry Samson ABOVE: Placing the flag over his heart and carrying it out of the ceremony is Pvt. Dillon Hopke.

Shell Lake Elementary students Brady Nielson, Camryn Nasman, Mike McCue and Rachel Milton read from their favorite poem or essay about the soldiers.

Capt. Pete Hopke, U.S. Army National Guard and Shell Lake special education teacher, welcomed the students, staff and community to the Veterans Day program at Shell Lake High School.

Veterans Day program



After the presentation of the flags, everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members of the community from around the county came to hear Master Sgt. Tim Kessler speak. The elementary students walked over to the high school to be part of the Veterans Day program.

Sportsmen Against Hunger

by Larry Samson SPOONER — The Safari Club International Lake Superior Chapter is offering Sportsmen Against Hunger, an opportunity to donate your deer to help a family in northern Wisconsin. The venison will be processed and distributed through the local food pantries. To donate your deer, simply drop it off at the following businesses: Northwood Animal Artistry, Hayward, 715-934-2430; Hursh Meats, Poplar, 715-364-6855; Lock and Load, Grantsburg, 715-288-2931; AAA Sports Shop, Spooner, 715 635-3011; Sportsmen Headquarters, Minong, 715-466-2171; The Meat Market, Rice Lake, 715234-6335 and D & E Custom Butchering and Smokehouse, Hayward, 715-634-3100.

Serving the community since 1889


The Spooner High School choir sang several songs for the event. – Photos by Jessica Beecroft

the following words: “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…” Veterans Day continues to be observed on Nov. 11, re-

gardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to Nov. 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. – with information from the Department of Veterans Affairs

by Selene Jaoudi-Escaler Wisconsin Public Radio MADISON - The first federally mandated bilingual ballot in Wisconsin will soon debut in Milwaukee. Latinos now make up over 17 percent of the city’s population. Because of this, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that Milwaukee must comply with the Voting Rights Act, which requires language assistance for voters in a language minority group if they reach more than 5 percent of the voting-age population. This means that all election materials, including the election commission Web site, signs at the polling place and ballots, must be offered in Spanish. Bilingual poll workers must also be available for certain communities. Susan Edman is the director of the city of Milwaukee Election Commission. She says her office is already working to comply with the mandate, “What we’ve done thus far is we have completed most of the materials on our Web site, it is now in English and also in Spanish. We have sent out 52 letters to individuals that we have identified as leaders in the Hispanic community asking them to help us recruit bilingual poll workers.” Some critics of the Voting Act requirement say the cost of going bilingual will put an added financial strain on local jurisdictions like Milwaukee. Edman says the state

Government Accountability Board will cover some costs, but the translation of the Web site and ballots will fall under the city’s election budget. She says she does not believe the long-term costs will be that expensive since it will be a single ballot, “The instructions will appear in English and then below that they’ll appear in Spanish. And then under all the contests, anything written will appear in English and then Spanish underneath it.” Edman says Milwaukee voters can expect to see the changes by the Feb. 21 local primary election.

Bilingual ballot to debut in Milwaukee

549989 13rp

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – All over the county we come together to honor our local veterans. This year the date fell on 11/11/11. But where did the date come from? World War I – known at the time as The Great War officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. For that reason, Nov. 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.” In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with


Dewey Country

by Pauline Lawrence

What did we wake up to on Thursday morning, Nov. 10? Snow! Yes, we had our first snowfall but by noon it was all gone. Too bad it didn’t stick around for all to enjoy, don’t you think? Happy birthday to Matthew LaVeau on Nov. 17. Have a great day, Matt. A very happy birthday to Irene Glessing who turns 96 years young Nov. 17. Have a wonderful day Irene with many more. Happy birthday to Caleb Urek on his special day, Nov. 18. Caleb is the grandson of Glen and Karen Knoop. Hope you have a wonderful day, Caleb. Who turns 65 on Nov. 19? Well it’s Scott Hotchkiss. Have a wonderful day Scott with many more. Happy birthday to Liam Kaiser on his special day Nov. 19. Also birthday wishes go out to Ruby Erickson on her special day, Nov. 19, with many more to come. Nov. 20, it’s happy birthday to Rachel Jensen on her special day with many more to come. Here’s a special happy birthday to Phyllis Roth of Spooner on her special day Nov. 21. Have a great one Phyllis. Happy birthday to a special niece, Debbie Quam, on Nov. 22. Have a wonderful day, Debbie. Happy birthday to Everett Lindstrom, Frank Taylor and Haley Noel Stariha, all on Nov. 22 with lots more to come. Nov. 23, it’s happy birthday to Bennie LaVeau on his special birthday with many more to come. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Leonard Sheenan of Hayward. Leonard was in a nursing home and wasn’t well. His family prayer service was last Thursday evening in Hayward with the funeral on Friday. Leonard was a cousin of Sunshine’s but I don’t think I ever met him, like so many others. Early Saturday morning, son Richy, Jeff and Remington Ladd, and I think three other guys, went to South Dakota to hunt pheasants. The guys planned to be back on Tuesday. Hopefully they’ll get their limit. Sunday, Patty and Noel Beaufeaux and sons, Kyle and Mitch, were at Jim and Sandy Atkinson’s for dinner and then it

was head for the woods to bring one more load of wood up for Jim and Sandy for the winter. How lucky you both are to have a wood furnace and to snuggle down. Betty Meister told me her hubby, Carl, hadn’t felt good on Friday. So Betty took him to Marshfield Clinic in Rice Lake, and it was found he had a very fast heartbeat. Carl has had this for a number of years and eventually he may have to have a pacemaker. Please keep Carl and Betty in your special thoughts and prayers. Paula Cramer and Penny Ladd and little Reyana came Saturday to go to my dear favorite aunt, M. Pauline Smith’s, funeral. Going over to church we found about 75-plus neighbors, friends and relatives there. All six kids were there from J. Truman, C. Brent Smith, Maryalta Cooper, Ralph Smith Jr., Lois Hodgson and Craig. Plus there were lots of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and greatgreat-grandchildren. It was a sad funeral for me as she was my favorite aunt, and we did so many things together until the 2001 tornado, and then she lived with her kids and later at a rest home. It was so good to see everyone who came, especially the six children of Ralph and M. Pauline Smith. Please keep Jim Toll in your special thoughts and prayers. Some of the grandchildren were up and he got a very bad cold from them. He tells us they are busy putting the machinery away for another season, and they can say amen for another bountiful harvest. Tammy Moe’s son, Travis Moe, and Tiffany Stroscheien were married in Comstock at a small church. Later they had a reception at the Turtle Lake Legion Hall. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Travis Moe many years of happiness. Dave and Marilyn Toll were up for the wedding also. Get-well wishes go out to Phil Lindeman as he got back from pheasant hunting in South Dakota with his son. I understand he had dropped his son, Jeff, off and was on his way home. He was hit broadside. He has a very bad concussion, and the doctors tell Phil to watch his head. Well, well, well! Guess who got home

three or four days ago? It’s none other than 92-year-old Art Swan. He says he gets around without a walker and says he’s doing wonderful. That’s great, Art! The Dewey Township Board met at the Dewey Town Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. Apparently there was an issue by someone on Poquette Lake and our Chairman Mark Knoop was contacted. Mark straightened it out. There was a discussion on the possible action on special school registration deputy, which the state has sent to each township. Pam Brown tells us she will take care of this. There was quite a discussion about the front of our Dewey Town Hall entrance. Ten years ago, our town hall was up to code, but we now find we have to make the cement or whatever they use to make it wider for people with wheelchairs. This is being worked on by Gary Mackenzie. Possible action will also be done on the election parking. The TRIP application was discussed. Woody gave a road report of what he has been doing. The next Town of Dewey meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 6, with the town budget being done before the regular meeting. Everyone welcome. Jan. 1 is a comin’ up. Yes, if you have your driver’s license when you go to vote you can use it. As long as it has your picture on it. I think our township has a front door problem. The light in the middle of the front of the town hall has a light, and it’s on all day and not at night. Yah have to feel your way and hope you get your car! Oh yea! Woody has the plows on and is just awaiting for the snow. My favorite sister, Marie Quam, and also my sister, Betty Meister, and Diane Hulleman were at M. Pauline’s funeral. Marv Knoop has been busy as a bee cutting up wood. He also tells us he helped Mark a lot. Good for you, Marv! Lynn Smith tells us that Sunday was the last day to buy apples and bakery goodies she bakes with just a smidgeon of love. She says she’s really beat, along with Bob. So if you didn’t get apples or Lynn’s special baking, it’s too late and it’s amen for the Smiths. News from the Fjelstad Palace finds Monday Bob and Kris visited Marv and

Gladys Knoop. Tuesday, Kris had the exercising at the LVUNC at 10 a.m., and Kris tells us everyone is welcome. Tuesday Bob visited Marv and Mark Knoop. Wednesday Kris attended the Lakeview UMC ladies circle with plans being made for a Christmas party potluck on Dec. 14 at noon. Cherie and Emily Dorweiler visited the same day with Bob and Kris. Thursday found Bob in Rice Lake. Friday Kris was in Eau Claire for the funeral of her uncle, Dale White. He had cancer and short of one month would have been 80. Kris stayed with her sister, Pat Kage, and another sister, Kitty Strassman, came over and the three girls had a wonderful time. Bob visited Marv and Mark Knoop on Friday. Kris came home Saturday after Pat and Kris had lunch with Kris’ son, Roger Dawley, and his girlfriend, Jodi Tetzloff. Saturday, Sue, Doug and Dylan Buhl, Cottage Grove, Minn., visited Bob and Kris. When Kris went to Eau Claire, she stopped at their friends, Phil and Rose Deede, and got very bad news. Rose, 68, has lung cancer and cancer of the lymph nodes around her voice box. She says she wasn’t feeling very good and went to her doctor and this is what he found. This cancer is inoperable. Monday, Cecil and Evelyn Melton picked up Cecil’s sister, Doris Linton, and they went to the funeral of Evelyne Olson. Evelyn Melton tells us her honey, Cecil, is eating so much better even though he only weighs 138 pounds. Cecil has always been a go-getter. Evelyn says they have 16 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grands. That’s a family! We see on TV there are lots more layoffs a comin’. Do we really need to know this? Sunday supper guests at Garry and Beth Crosby’s were Jerry and Robin Denver, Dixie and Chuck Andrea, and Greg and Judy Leonard. Beth tells us Judy is getting along very well after having knee surgery. Beth attended Pat Stariha’s funeral last Wednesday. Congratulations to Michael Patrick Murray and his wife, Sonya, on the arrival of a little boy on Nov. 6. Charles Michael weighed in at 9 pounds and 5

The hunters supper was held at the Barronett Community Center on Friday evening. We had a choice of beef or chicken stew served in a bread bowl. I had the chicken, Duane had the beef, and they were both great. Dennis Free cooked the chicken stew, Mike Forster cooked the beef stew, members of the civic club supplied dessert (bread pudding) salads, etc. If you didn’t make it for the dinner, let me tell you, you really missed something great. We sat with Pooch and Ken Olson and Anitia Lehmann. Don was out combining corn, so Anitia picked up an order to

go for him. If you know Don at all you know that he hates to miss a good meal. The lucky winners of the raffle were Bud Matton from Turtle Lake, the Mossberg 270; Kayla Thompson of Barronett, the Marlin .243; Jerry Rydberg of Shell Lake, the trail camera; and Nathan Hargrove of Barronett, the .22 in a dice raffle. Congratulations everyone. Ruth Grover, Pooch Olson and Anitia Lehmann had a busy girls day out on Saturday. They went into Cumberland for the bazaar at the American Legion first thing in the morning. Anitia said that there was a huge selection of crafts

and baked goods to choose from. After they left the bazaar, they went to Hayward for dinner and, of course, stopped by the candy shop where they indulged (or over3indulged) in sweets. Ruth said that they had a lot of fun all day long. On Sunday, Ruth and Dick went to Apple Valley to attend Brody Simmons’ first birthday. Brody is one of Ruth’s great-grandchildren. The house was full of friends and relatives helping Brody celebrate, so Ruth and Dick got a chance to visit with everyone and spoil the other great-grandchildren a little bit. Brody and his mom and dad, Michelle and James, are living in a new home, and it was the first time Ruth and Dick had been there, so they were given a tour of the house, too. Sounds like they had lots of fun, but I’ll bet Dick and Ruth are ready to sit down and put their feet up for a little while. My daughter, Lynn Thon, and I usually have a little discussion (not quite an argument) about whether or not it’s more expensive to use a dishwasher or do dishes in the sink. I don’t particularly care for dishwashers, so you can probably tell which side of the fence I’m on. Anyway, I called our local expert on electric bills, Cheryl Jaastad, and she told me that if you run a dishwasher once a day, every day of the month, it will probably cost about $2.66. I doubt if Lynn reads the Barronett News, so I’ll probably forget to tell her about my little talk with Cheryl. The brown-bag lunch series topic at Thomas St. Angelo Library in Cumberland sounds very interesting this month. Rochelle Pennington will be there talking

about, and showing pictures of, the true account of the Christmas tree ship that sunk in Lake Michigan in 1912. Artifacts from the sunken ship will also be on display. And, of course, a brown-bag lunch will be served. The date is Wednesday, Nov. 29, so if you would like to attend, please call the library to register. You remember last week I mentioned that our Scandinavian smorgasbord is coming up soon, Saturday, Dec. 3, actually. Well, when I got home a couple of days ago, a 50-pound bag of rutabagas had magically appeared on our porch. I certainly hope that I can talk our friendly rutabaga deliverer into coming to the smorgasbord to see how nicely they go with all the other food we prepare. Oh, it will be earlier this year, too. We’re going to start serving at 1 p.m. so that people who don’t like to drive in the dark and farmers who have evening chores will be able to join us. Told you I’d be mentioning it for the next month. I just want to be sure everyone knows about it. I’m sure you know that rifle season starts this weekend. Lots of hunters were out sighting in their rifles this week. Jerry and Savanna Marsh went out with the Lehmann family, Ryan, Suzy and Miriah, to sight their rifles in. Savanna, who is 15, got a bull’seye. Wouldn’t it be neat if she got a trophy buck this year. I bet that head would be mounted and put right in her bedroom. Well, I guess that’s about it from Barronett this week. If you are one of our hunters, good luck, and be very careful out there. See you later.

Barronett by Judy Pieper

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See Dewey Country, page 17

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen

Joleen and Richard Funk bought lunch out for Don and Lida Nordquist Tuesday. Gerry, Donna, Lawrence and Nina Hines also joined them to enjoy the meal. Mary Dunn, Diana Mangelsen, Sharon Syverson, Marlene Swearingen, Lida Nordquist and Nina and Donna Hines were Tuesday afternoon guests of Karen Mangelsen. They enjoyed a time of visiting and playing cards. Brea Williamson and Kaylea Reinaas were Thursday evening visitors of Ronda and Maynard Mangelsen. Don and Lida Nordquist, Lawrence and Nina Hines and Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Gerry and Donna Hines Thursday evening. They helped Gerry celebrate his birthday. Donna and Gerry Hines went to Vadnais Heights, Minn., Friday and stayed with Brenda and Tim Sweet for several days. On Saturday, Donna and Gerry visited Emily, Josh and Noah Hennagir in Chaska, Minn. Later, Gerry’s birthday was celebrated with family at Brenda’s house. Weekend guests of Karen and Hank Mangelsen were Baxter, Celie, Larry, Grace and Hannah Mangelsen. Nick and Esther Mangelsen visited Sunday afternoon.

Area Writer’s corner

Has folk music faded away?

by Mary B. Olsen There was this PBS special about folk music the other evening. A mournful soprano with guitar was wailing. My cat let out a loud cry, the kind she uses when she hears cats outdoors fighting at night. I had to turn off the television to quiet her. “It’s only music, my dear, and that kind of music is over.” I told her. There was a kind of folk music in this country before the protest songs took over the term, folk music. When I was young there were songbooks filled with the kind of music we called folk music that everybody seemed to know and remember. There was sheet music and songs were recorded. Some of them were even played on radio and in movies. We have always had square-dance songs and old-time songs like “The Old Gray Mare” and “Grandfather’s Clock” and “My Darling Clementine.” Some of the old hymns could have been considered folk music because they, too, were songs known by almost everyone. Some say it started when some artists sold records that went over the top. Some still remember Jimmie Rodgers. Called the legendary father of country music, he leaned a bit into folk music way back with his hits, “T for Texas,” “Standin’ on the Corner” and “In the Jailhouse Now.” And he sang a railroad song. It could easily have risen from the songs of the Everly Brothers, with folklike “Wake Up Little Susie.” Most people think it was really the songs of Woody Guthrie (1912-1967), “This Land is My Land” and Bob Dylan, “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “The Times They Are aChangin’” that started it all. And there was Pete Seeger’s “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” I don’t have to search through old records and cassettes because I recall the folk music craze that enveloped our young people. It started with The Weavers who sang “Goodnight Irene,” “On Top of Old Smokey” and “Kisses Sweeter Than Wine.” Joan Baez sang “We Shall Overcome.” Peter, Paul and Mary sang Bob Dylan’s and Pete Seeger’s songs. I think their biggest hit was “Puff the Magic Dragon,” which may have been a hit because most people thought it was a children’s song. There is a dividing line between the early folk music and the political and social protest music. I think John Denver straddled that line with his “Rocky Mountain High” and “Take Me Home Country Roads.” I loved “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” and “Leaving on a Jet Plane.” The Kingston Trio sang “Tom Dooley.” The Smothers


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Downstairs American Legion Bldg. - 1/2 mile east of Hwy. 63 on Hwy. 70.

Dewey Ctry./from pg. 16


Chris, Carly, Chad and Colin Harrison were weekend visitors of Nina and Lawrence Hines. Angie Quinton hosted a surprise birthday party for her dad, Dick Quinton, Saturday evening at his home. A number of relatives and friends were there to congratulate him on his 80th. Lida and Don Nordquist, Donna and Gerry Hines and Nina and Lawrence Hines attended a party Saturday night for Rick and Angela Funk in Centuria. It was in honor of their recent marriage. Hank, Karen, Larry, Celie, Baxter, Hannah and Grace Mangelsen attended the play “Annie” at the Siren School auditorium Saturday evening. Hank and Karen’s son-inlaw, Dave Close, was an actor, and granddaughter, Patty Close, was an actress in the production. Ronda and Maynard Mangelsen went to Grantsburg Sunday afternoon to attend a baby shower for their niece, Sarah, and baby Jace. Sunday visitors of Don and Lida Nordquist were Marlene Swearingen, Julie McQuade and Nick and Esther Mangelsen.

Brothers, with their songs and appearances on their hit TV show, added to the folk music scene. Some memorable songs by Simon and Garfunkel were more like pop-folk songs. Remember “Bridge Over Troubled Water”? It was one of my favorites at that time. The old style of folk music arose from our heritage sung in early music halls. It came into its own and its words sang of our work and our humorous ways of looking at ourselves. The songs may have been sad or full of fun, or they may have been simply about love and family. The music came from Tin Pan Alley, minstrel shows and from songs brought to this country by early settlers from Europe, sung to the music of banjos, fiddles and guitars. Who can forget the train songs like “The Wabash Cannonball” and “The Rock Island Line” or Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” There were many songs of social unrest and they are forgettable. Nowadays there is so much music our young people can choose: popular, rock, rap and country categories in between - maybe there just isn’t room for folk music. My hope is that the true folk music will overcome.


ounces and was 22 inches long. Happy grandparents are Mike and Nancy Murray and Bruce Swearingen and the late Tammy Swearigen. Greats are Emma Hall, Marlene Swearigen and Diane Hulleman. On Sunday the little guy was baptized at Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner with Megan and Tim Nickel and Sonya’s sister, Sharon, as sponsors. You can bet that dear little fellow will be loved. Diane went to Nancy Murray’s for supper Saturday night and Mike, Sonya and Charles came. A dear friend of Diane’s, Robin, came to Diane’s and the two gals went up by Trego to a little occasion craft shop. Diane says they have beautiful things, but the price is right there, too. Sunday, Sonny Meister and his son, Kevin Carl, came to visit Carl and Betty Meister. Of course, we all know that Betty spoils Kevin Carl. Janie Lauterbach and family, Rick, Noah and her little peanut, were out to Warren and Marie Quam’s on Sunday. Janie was busy making halibut for supper. She says she was going to try it two different ways, herb and butter and teriyaki along with spuds, and she says she made a blueberry cream and butterscotch pie. Gene and Debbie and Buddy, Mike and Marie and Warren were going to enjoy the feast. Ya know what our country needs? They need more of the above. Janie tells us they have a very busy life with Noah skating, Ryan is in basketball and Rich is wrestling. Kathy McDodal is president of the community toy drive. Talking with Janie Lauterbach she tells us they are looking for new or gently used toys, no stuffed animals. Dec. 8, four different youth groups will come and clean all the toys up and Dec. 10, from 8-11 a.m., families are to come to Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner to pick out toys. To collect all these toys there are boxes at Shell Lake Cenex and the Shell Lake Library. In Spooner, boxes are at Economart, Pamida, Family Dollar, the two Holiday stations, Trego Travel, Spooner Library, Faith Lutheran Church and Lakeland Family Resource Center. I got a very nice call from Bev Boyd, a former Dewey resident who lives in Cumberland. She told me recently Wayne, Brian, niece Terri and Rosie and Bev drove to Richmond, Ore., to attend the funeral of Matthew Boyd, son of Dennis Boyd. She said the funeral was sad and she talked about Matthew. Call again next time with good news Bev as I enjoy talkin’ with you. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

Long Lake winter location hours and battery recycling for households

have a correction regarding winter and the Long Lake recycling site. Last week an article was placed in the paper reminding residents that the Long Lake site is now closed for the winter months, but to feel free to utilize the Sarona landfill for recycling. I mentioned the site in Sarona as being open 24/7. The actual hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., and one Saturday per month. Please call the landfill for more info and to find out what Saturday they will be open for the month, their number is 715469-3356. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. I often get the question, “What do I do with alkaline batteries?” Proven cost-effective and environmentally safe recycling processes are not yet universally available for alkaline batteries. Today’s standard household batteries — the AA’s, AAA’s, C’s, D’s, and 9-volts that you pick up at the supermarket or drugstore — have been re-engineered so that the components in them are of low toxicity, making them safe to dispose of with your normal trash as long as your garbage goes to a modern sanitary landfill. However, one-shot batteries are a waste in many applications. Even if they’re not hugely toxic, billions of them sitting in landfills isn’t a good thing, and battery consumption just seems to keep going up. Consider this: If you’re using more than a dozen or so disposable batteries per year, you can probably save a lot of money by going to rechargeable. Currently, the best bet is the nickel metal hydride battery — a rechargeable with no toxic heavy metals. These store more electricity, outlast other rechargeables and cost about the same. There is one warning regarding tossing dead household alkaline batteries in the trash though. If you’re rooting around in a closet, drawer, or storage bin and happen upon old batteries that might have been manufactured prior to 1997 — that is, prior to passage of the MercuryContaining and Rechargeable Battery Management Act of 1996, which began the phaseout of mercury-based household batteries — then they likely contain mercury, should be considered toxic waste, and should be

recycled, just save them in a plastic bag for the Cleansweep collections. Burning batteries is no better, and maybe worse. If they are incinerated/burned, the toxins are released into the atmosphere, and the ash becomes contaminated and thus harder to dispose of safely. Incineration is the major cause of environmental mercury contamination. Other types of batteries collected at the Cleansweep collections, as well as recycling site locations throughout the two-county service region include zinc carbon, nickel metal hydride, nickel cadmium, lithium ion, lithium, mercury, silver and lead acid. The button batteries used in cameras, calculators and hearing aids can contain mercuric oxide, silver oxide or lithium – all of which are toxic and should be recycled properly. Vehicle batteries are accepted free of charge at a number of recycling sites throughout the two-county region. Call Jen for locations at 715-635-2197. There is one program I found that does accept alkaline batteries for recycling; they are called Battery Solutions Inc. This program was designed to help individuals recycle the alkaline batteries they have accumulated from household products. Go to http://www.batteryrecycling.com to download the step-by-step household battery recycling instructions. For $24, they will send you a container that holds approximately one year’s worth of batteries for an average household, approximately 12 pounds. The iRecycle Kit is a complete battery and handheld electronics recycling kit for households and small business. The kit includes an approved collection box, prepaid shipping and prepaid recycling — everything you need to begin recycling today. For more information on Battery Solutions, please call 800-852-8127. If you’re not sure about the toxic content of your worn-out batteries and can’t recycle them, dispose of them as hazardous waste. Given the energy waste and risk of pollution most batteries represent, however, you may want to take a hard look at your battery needs and see how many you can live without.

Earth Notes • Jen Barton



Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

Senior Lunch Menu

Monday, Nov. 21: Hearty beef stew, sweet potato biscuit, pickled beet salad, coconut cream pie, milk, coffee. Tuesday, Nov. 22: Sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, impossible peach/berry pie, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, Nov. 23: Glazed ham, cranberry/sweet potato bake, creamy coleslaw, baked apple slices, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, Nov. 24: No meals. Thanksgiving Day. Friday, Nov. 25: No meals. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715-468-4750.


To all our friends and family who made our 50th wedding anniversary such a very special day. Thanks to the staff of the Tracks Restaurant, to all our friends and family who sent cards and congratulations. And special thanks to Lorrie and Steve, Adam, Justin and Brandon. May God bless you all.

Sincerely, Dick and Kathy Meronk


549929 13rp

Arleen “Rene” Pieper

Arleen “Rene” Pieper (Adams), 89, Minnetonka, Minn., formerly of Shell Lake, passed away Nov. 13, 2011, at the Golden Living Center. She had resided in the Minnetonka area for the past 10 years. She was born Dec. 29, 1921, to Michael and Barbara (Schrieber) Adams in Shell Lake. She married David Pieper on Dec. 29, 1945, lived in Shell Lake and celebrated 60 years of marriage before David preceded her in death in 1997. Arleen was also preceded in death by four sisters, Kay Hopke, Agnes Wennerberg, Marie Ullom and Helen “Missy” Adams. Arleen loved her role as homemaker, hosting many wonderful family celebrations. She enjoyed reading, sewing, playing cards and dancing. During her time in Shell Lake she worked as a waitress for the Open Kitchen and Red Fox in Spooner, Spanky’s in Barronett and Tiptown in Shell Lake. Arleen’s daily outlook was to handle whatever life presented. Multiple sclerosis shaped her daily routine, but she did not complain about her struggles. Her faith and strength were an in-

spiration to all of us. She is survived by three daughters, Barb (Jerry) Graf, Minnetonka, Minn., Bonnie (Lloyd) Holmberg, Onalaska, and Paula Wallin, Apache Junction, Ariz.; grandchildren, Dan (Nancy Shefferly) Graf, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Kari Neubauer, New Hope, Minn., Darcey (Andrew) Holmberg-Peterson, Woodbury, Minn., David (Edie) Wallin, San Tan Valley, Ariz., Jayson Wallin, Florence, Ariz., Jaime Wallin, Apache Junction, Ariz.; five great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Services were held at the Skinner Funeral Home in Shell Lake on Wednesday, Nov. 16, with Father Ed Anderson officiating. Burial was in the Shell Lake Veterans Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jerry Graf, Kari Neubauer, David Wallin, Andrew Peterson, Jerry Ullom and Dan Ullom. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church or the National MS Society. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Monday was a typical fall morning. Skies were gray with a slight wind and temps in the 40s. We did wake up with snow one morning last week but not as much as Stevens Point. They had 6 inches and even more to the north of them. It was not cold so it melted fast. Sympathy to the family of Linda (Haynes) Stodola who passed away on Oct. 26. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Nov. 12, at Skinner Funeral Home. Lillian Ullom attended the funeral of Linda on Saturday. Arlys Santiago attended her Lions meeting last week. A Thanksgiving turkey dinner was served by Lois’ Country Cupboard. Salem Lutheran Church welcomed their new interim pastor and his wife at services Sunday, Pastor Don and Helena West, who will be living at the parsonage. We welcome to Glenview newcomers Darwin and Ruth McConkie, former residents of Poplar. Jerry and Carla Gronning have moved into their new house on Hilltop Road. Sons Samuel and Luke and spouses are living in their area, on Pond View Drive. Luke built a new house.

Myron Bolterman spent the weekend helping some friends move in southern Wisconsin. Last Thursday, Peder Pederson visited his brother, Arvid, at Terraceview Living Center, reporting that he is doing well. Mavis Flach and Roger spent some time with an oncologist in Eau Claire last week. Mavis was busy getting ready for the fall dinner at Salem that was held Tuesday, Nov. 15. Get-well wishes to Art Swan who had hip surgery last week. Last Friday, members of the fourth-grade class in Shell Lake came to give us a short program for Veterans Day. Some tenants told us about their family members who served in the war. On Thursday, Jeff Pederson took his mom, Helen V., to Rachel and Jerid’s to visit with their children, Elizabeth, Daniel and Joshua. That was fun. Daniel Pederson celebrated his third birthday on Sunday. Jeff Pederson attended the funeral of Pauline Smith on Saturday. Her son Craig Smith was a classmate of Jeff’s. On Sunday, Sue and Larry Winner came to take Helen V. Pederson to church and out to eat. “How’s the drought out your way?” a Kansas farmer asked his friend. “Pretty bad. Just yesterday two of my cows started giving powdered milk!”

Heart Lake news

Washburn County

R e g i s t e r www.wcregister.net WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES



Recipients must complete form and pledge to be home (or have an adult present) between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Friday, December 23, to receive the basket. (You must reside in either the Spooner or Shell Lake School District)



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Names of families needing assistance requested no later than Friday, December 16


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Lake Park Alliance 53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 7 p.m.


St. Joseph's Catholic

Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 10 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thurdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

United Methodist 312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

Long Lake Lutheran Church

Full Gospel

Northwoods Baptist

Spooner Baptist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Praise and Worship 10:30 Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday - Thursday


W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Faith Lutheran

St. Alban's


W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake Interim Pastor Don West 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www.spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. - 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; FISH Youth Group Wednesday, 7:30 - 9 p.m.

Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Team Kid 4 years-6th grade 6:30 p.m.

Sarona Methodist Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday worship 9 a.m.


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Youth present their stories at Young Authors Short Story Festival

Third-grader Brooke Lehnherr read from her book, “How I Found My Home.”

Fourth-grader Levi Meister read from his book, “The Two Friends Amazing Adventure.” His book and the other books written by students for the festival will be on display at the parent/teacher conferences.

Third-grader Skylar Leach read from the book that she wrote and illustrated, “The Perfect Tree.” It was part of the fun at the Young Authors Short Story Festival held Tuesday, Nov. 8, at the Shell Lake Elementary School.

LEFT: Elementary Principal Kimberly Osterhues was the guest reader. She read from one of her children’s favorite books, “I Love You Stinky Face.”

Photos by Larry Samson

Brenda O’Brien read to the class from her book, “Bob the Bear’s Ice Cream Adventure.” Her daughter, Vicki Christensen, has grown up listening to her mother reading to her. Children who have been read to at a very young age usually do better in school and become lifelong readers. It is the best gift a parent can give a child.

mentary principal, was guest reader. She read her family’s favorite story, “I Love You Stinky Face.” The students’ books will be on display during the 3-12 parent/teacher conferences on Thursday, Nov. 17. They will also be entered into the annual Shell Lake Media Fair. — from The Laker

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breaking dawn

549983 13r


715-635-2936 238 Walnut St. Spooner, Wis.

PG-13 Fri., Nov. 18: 12:01 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun., Nov. 19-20: 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 Mon.-Wed., Nov. 21-23: 1:00 & 7:00 p.m.

HAPPY F EET T WO PG Fri., Nov. 18: 7:10 p.m. Sat. & Sun., Nov. 19-20: 1:10, 4:10 & 7:10 Mon.-Wed., Nov. 21-23: 1:10 & 7:10 p.m.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats


549930 13rp 3a-ep

549990 13rp

SHELL LAKE — The Young Authors Short Story Festival was held Tuesday, Nov. 8, in the 3-12 school library. Students in third to sixth grades had the opportunity to write and illustrate a five-page story and present it at the festival. Kimberly Osterhues, Shell Lake Ele-


The Shell Lake School District is recruiting a FULL-TIME AmeriCorps volunteer to work with Shell Lake Community Education & After-school Program. Through the Marshfield Clinic AmeriCorps program., the School District of Shell Lake has been identified as a ‘Host Site’ for a full-time AmeriCorps volunteer to serve students during out-of-school-time academic and enrichment opportunities. The ultimate goal of this position is to add capacity to the After-school Program in an effort to achieve positive outcomes as they relate to: Academic success, personal/ social development and healthy active living. Benefits: Biweekly living allowance of approximately $465 (gross) every two weeks Medical health-care insurance (premium paid by Marshfield Clinic) for individual Child care reimbursement (if applicable) Vacation time Marshfield Clinic AmeriCorps training – including reimbursement for mileage, meals & lodging AmeriCorps Team service gear Educational award of $5,550 upon completion of service Requirements: Commitment to serve with the program for 1,700 hours, averaging 35 hours/week Commitment to service from December 2011 through September 2012 Commitment to following all Shell Lake School District policies in addition to Marshfield Clinic AmeriCorps program requirements Interest in working with young children, middle school students, teachers and community members Mandatory New Member Orientation December 12 - 14, 2011, in Marshfield, WI Mandatory Midterm Training January 9-11, 2012, in Marshfied, WI Applicants must be 21 years of age Possess a high school diploma or GED/HSED and agree to a criminal background check and Department of Motor Vehicles check. 549509 12-13r 2-3b To Apply: Call 715-468-7815, Ext. 1337 or stop by the Shell Lake 3-12 School - Elementary Office to pick up an application or visit www.shelllake.k12.wi.us and click on “For Community” to print off the AmeriCorps Volunteer Application packet.

Washburn County

Register Serving the community since 1889 www.wcregister.net

Timothy L. Evanson, Elmwood, speeding, $225.70. Raul C.R. Giovani, Minong, OWI, $817.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Cynthia R. Hilburger, Savage, Minn., defective tail lamp, $189.00. Chet M. Jacobson, Weyerhaeuser, violate Class A highway weight limits, $516.58. McKee Trucking Inc., Crandon, raw forest product overweight violation, $855.20. Rodney W. Tucker, Trego, disorderly conduct, $169.00. William R. Benson, Stewart, Minn., disorderly conduct, $299.00.

Brittany J. Bier, Rice Lake, possession of THC, $299.00. Thomas M. Forrestal, Bloomer, OWI, $1,424.00, license revoked 36 months. Raul C.R. Giovani, Minong, operating without valid license, $175.30. Alex L. Klinger, Clear Lake, resisting or obstructing an officer, $299.00; disorderly conduct, $299.00. Walter K. Radomski, Birchwood, possess drug paraphernalia, $243.00. Michael P. Rizzo, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $243.00; possession of THC, $243.00.


State of Wisconsin County of Washburn City of Shell Lake NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the City of Shell Lake on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, the following officers are to be elected: MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF SHELL LAKE for a term of two years to succeed Sally Peterson whose term will expire April 17, 2012. ALPERSON FOR THE FIRST WARD for a term of one year to succeed Chad Shelton whose term will expire April 17, 2012. ALDERPERSON FOR THE FIRST WARD for a term of two years to succeed Andy Eiche whose term will expire April 17, 2012. ALDERPERSON FOR THE FIRST WARD for a term of two years to succeed Jeri Bitney whose term will expire April 17, 2012. ALDERPERSON FOR THE SECOND WARD for a term of one year to succeed Dan Harrington whose term will expire April 17, 2012. ALDERPERSON FOR THE SECOND WARD for a term of two years to succeed Connie Graf whose term will expire April 17, 2012. ALDERPERSON FOR THE SECOND WARD for a term of two years to succeed Terry Leckel whose term will expire April 17, 2012. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2011, and the final day for filing nomination papers is Tuesday, January 3, 2012, at the City Administrator’s office. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held Tuesday, February 21, 2012. Signed in the City Hall this 14th day of November 2011. Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer 549947 13r WNAXLP


STATE OF WISCONSIN } } County of Washburn }


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, there will be held a Presidential Preference Vote to express preferences for the person to be the presidential candidate for each party.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, the following officers are to be elected: JUDICIAL OFFICERS COURT OF APPEALS JUDGES, each for the term of six years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms of office will expire on July 31, 2012: District III Vacant COUNTY BOARD SUPERVISORS A COUNTY SUPERVISOR for each county supervisory district, for a term of two years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose term will expire on April 16, 2012: James Pearson District 1 Lester “Skip” Fiedler District 2 Steven P. Waggoner District 3 Nell Lee District 4 Thomas J. Mackie District 5 Thomas Ricci District 6 Robert Lester District 7 Elizabeth Esser District 8 William Allard District 9 Clay Halverson District 10 Robert Washkuhn District 11 Tim Brabec District 12 Gregory Krantz District 13 David Haessig District 14 Romaine Quinn District 15 James Dohm District 16 Larry G. Ford District 17 Don Quinton District 18 Steven “Fluffy” Sather District 19 William L. Campbell District 20 Dan Hubin District 21 Information concerning county supervisory district boundaries may be obtained from Washburn County Clerk, Lynn Hoeppner, 715/468-4600. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2011, and the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 3, 2012. Judicial Office candidates file with the Government Accountability Board. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. DONE in the City of Shell Lake, this 7th day of November, 2011. 549622 13r WNAXLP Lynn K. Hoeppner, Washburn County Clerk

Richard A. Romportl, Barronett, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Derek S. Siegle, Duluth, Minn., criminal trespass to dwelling, $107.00; theft, $4,220.00. Danial J. Sirianni, Comstock, cause injury while operating while under the influence, $1,109.00, license revoked 1 year.

Sunday, Nov. 6 Michael K. Lakken, 35, Sarona, was southbound on CTH D, a quarter mile north of Little Bear Road in the Town of Long Lake when he apparently crossed the opposite lane and left the shoulder of the second lane. Lakken was driving with one wheel on and one wheel off the blacktop, then struck a power utility pole head on. The pole was severed off at the base and lay across both lanes of traffic. The vehicle came to


rest after going backwards into two information from the Washburn trees and still touching the pole. The County Sheriff’s Department accident occurred at 1:10 a.m. The (Nov. 9, 16, 23) vehicle was towed due to very seSTATE OF WISCONSIN vere damage to the undercarriage. CIRCUIT COURT No injuries were reported. WASHBURN COUNTY Jesse L. Stumph, 26, Cameron, IN THE MATTER OF THE was driving westbound on CTH A, ESTATE OF JOE A. ROBOTKA, when he hit a deer at the intersecAKA JOSEPH A. ROBOTKA tion of CTH N in Spooner at 5:30 Notice to Creditors p.m. The deer was deceased from (Informal Administration) the impact, but Stumph kept the Case No. 11 PR 48 deer since it was a nice buck. – with PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:


Pursuant to WI Statute 65.90, notice is hereby given that the 2012 proposed budget, as presented by the Financial Administration Committee, will be considered at a special City Council meeting to be held Thursday, December 1, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall. The meeting will include budget presentation, public hearing and adoption. 2010 2011 2012 Summary Actual Projected Proposed General Government $209,457 $215,356 $242,870 Public Safety 335,882 367,360 372,304 Public Works 356,860 368,402 376,426 Health & Human Services 500 250 300 Culture, Recreation & Ed. 211,246 225,198 234,836 Conservation & Development 34,201 19,178 17,235 Debt Service* 571,476 535,287 575,726 Outlay 5,086 42,000 17,000 TOTAL OF ALL EXPENDITURES $1,724,708 $1,773,031 $1,836,697 Less: All revenue other than general property - 988,580 TOTAL PROPOSED CITY LEVY $848,117 City Tax Levy For Budgets 2012 $848,117 (4.69%) 2011 $810,091 2010 $806,421 *2010 Adjusted for bond issue. The detailed budget is available for public inspection at the City Administrator’s office during regular office hours. Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator 549844 13r WNAXLP

1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth April 6, 1924, and date of death March 27, 2010, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 218 Euclid Avenue, Birchwood, WI 54817. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedents estate is February 16, 2012. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, P.O. Box 316, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Marilynn Benson Probate Registrar November 2, 2011 Mark E. Coe Coe, Dalrymple, Coe & Zabel, S.C. P.O. Box 192 Rice Lake, WI 54868 715-234-9074 Bar Number 1000202

549499 WNAXLP

Washburn County Court news



REGULAR BOARD MEETING Monday, October 17, 2011

President Jeri Bitney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call found the following board members present: Tim Mikula, Jeri Bitney, Wendy Muska, Stuart Olson, Mary Ann Swan, Linda Nielsen and Phil Holman. Also present: Jim Connell, Don Peterson, Kimberly Osterhues, Sage Dunham, Pam Brown, Phyllis Bergeron and Debby Schufletowski. There were no public comments. The Student Council report was given by Sage Dunham. She spoke about Homecoming Week and of National School Lunch Week where Student Council members served a meal to the cooks and also helped with serving lunch to students. Student Council members will be going to homes during Halloween to collect canned goods to be given to the Washburn County Food Pantry. Mr. Holman moved to accept consent agenda items a-c, seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Debby Schufletowski from Robert W. Baird and associates spoke about the school district’s financial situation and went over the final budget. Mrs. Muska moved to adopt the 2011 - 2012 school budget as presented on Wisconsin Department of Public instruction recommended worksheet at mill rate of .01155622, seconded by Mrs. Nielsen. Fund 10 General Fund: $7,677,846 both revenue and expenditures. Fund 27 Special Education Fund: $1,077,851 for both revenue and expenditures. Fund 38 Nonreferendum Debt Service Fund: $55,070 for revenue and $53,590 for expenditures. Fund 39 Referendum Approved Debt Service Fund: $1,500 for revenue and $235,751 for expenditures. Fund 41 Capital Projects Fund: $30,100 for revenue. Fund 50 Food Service Fund: $299,312 for both revenue and expenditures. Fund 72 Private Purpose Trust Fund - Nonexpendable: $5,200 for both revenue and expenditures. Fund 74 Private Purpose Trust Fund: $6,600 for revenue and $24,960 for expenditures. Fund 80 Community Service Fund: $66,014 for revenue and $81,266 for expenditures. Fund 82 After School Fund: $72,606 for revenue and $65,929 for expenditures. The motion carried. Mr. Holman moved to set the 2011 - 2012 levy at $4,448.787, seconded by Mrs. Nielsen. Fund 10 General Fund: $4,335,787 Fund 38 Nonreferendum Debt Fund: $0 Fund 39 Referendum Approved Debt Fund: $0 (Payment on building) Fund 41 Capital Improvement Fund: $30,000 Fund 80 Community Service Fund: $83,000 Total Levy of $4,448,787 for 2011 - 2012. The motion carried. Administrative Reports: Kimberly Osterhues • WOW (a student recognition program that recognizes students for doing the right thing) slips will be given out frequently to students. • Ms. Osterhues, Carrie Herman & Kristina Stearns were in Madison on October 12, 2011, to accept the New Promise Award given to Shell Lake Elementary School. Don Peterson • The 2012 - 2013 modified block schedule is being reviewed now. Homeroom times may be longer. • ITV technology would benefit from some updating. • The President’s Education Award, which recognizes academic success in the classroom, is something Mr. Peterson is working toward.

Jim Connell • Interested in having an electronic sign put up on the school’s property close to the highway. • Gave an update on food service - a salad bar is being served every Tuesday and Thursday and is popular with students and staff. • Is getting quotes on long-term disability and dental insurance. Mrs. Muska moved to adopt Policy 341.34, Nutrition, seconded by Mrs. Swan. The motion was withdrawn and the policy will go back to the Policy Committee. Mrs. Nielsen moved to adopt Policy 342.3, gifted and talented, with the words, “in Prekindergarten through grade 6” taken out, seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Mr. Mikula moved to adopt Policy 345.1, Grading, seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Mary Ann moved to adopt Policy 345.4, Promotion and Retention, seconded by Linda Nielsen. The motion carried. Mrs. Nielsen moved to adopt Policy 341.4, Driver’s Ed with changes in 2nd paragraph and last paragraph, seconded by Mrs. Swan. The motion carried. Mrs. Swan moved to adopt Policy 347, Student Records, seconded by Mr. Holman. The motion carried. Mr. Olson moved to accept these revisions of the Employee Handbook: Strike the word “paid” from page 6; an overload shall be paid if a teacher does not have a prep time, remove that teacher will pay for a sub under personal leave and that it will not come off of their sick leave; seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Mr. Mikula moved to accept the bus bid of $1,300.00 from the District Lions Club - Mission to Mexico program, seconded by Mr. Holman. The motion carried. Jeri Bitney, Stu Olson, Jim Connell and Mary Ann Swan will be attending the WASB State Education Convention in Madison on January 18 - 20, 2012. New Business Mr. Connell discussed with the Board that Shell Lake Schools is in need of more time for technology services. Mr. Mikula moved to approve all Youth options applications for the 2nd semester of the 2011 - 2012 school year, seconded by Mrs. Swan. The motion carried. The board retreat agenda will include Perception Survey, employee handbook update from action committees on strategic goals. Mrs. Swan moved to hire Andrew Johnson as middle school boys basketball coach, seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Mr. Holman moved to approve the Nondiscrimination SelfEvaluation report, seconded by Mrs. Swan. The motion carried. Mrs. Muska moved to hire Katrina Granzin as 20% time project coordinator for the PEP Grant at $14.00 an hour, seconded by Mrs. Swan. The motion carried. First reading of Policy 366, K - 12 Guidance Policy. Committee & president’s reports were done. Mr. Mikula moved to suspend the regular meeting to convene an executive session in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(a) to discuss employee compensation, 19.85(1)(b) to discuss employee discipline and 19.85(1)(c) to discus s the bus Lemon Law, seconded by Mr. Holman at 8:55 p.m. Roll call found all members voting aye. The motion carried. Mrs. Muska moved to adjourn the executive session reconvene reconvene into open session, seconded by Mr. Olson. The motion carried. Mrs. Muska moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Holman. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m.

549791 13r


The Classifieds

(Sec. 120.06(6)(B), WI Stats.) Notice is hereby given to qualified electors of the Shell Lake School District that a school board election will be held on April 3, 2012, to fill the following board positions: three members at large. An elector desiring to be a candidate for a position on the school board must file a campaign registration statement and a declaration of candidacy at the District Administrator’s office, 271 Highway 63, Shell Lake, Wisconsin 54871, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., on Monday through Friday, mailed to address above or filed personally with the school district clerk or school district deputy clerk prior to 5:00 p.m., on the first Tuesday in January. Dated this 7th day of November 2011. Linda Nielsen, District Clerk 549618 13-14r WNAXLP

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(Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec. 7) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT EAU CLAIRE COUNTY BRANCH 2 ROYAL CREDIT UNION 200 Riverfront Terrace Eau Claire, WI 54703 Plaintiff vs.

EUGENE J. GEISSLER 319 E. Lake Drive Shell Lake, WI 54751 CHRISTINE M. GEISSLER 245 Dwight Street Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 CHEM-MASTER, INC. 1912 Truax Blvd. Eau Claire, WI 54703 GTP Towers II, LLC 750 Park of Commerce Blvd., Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-3612 ACC TOWER SUB, LLC 750 Park of Commerce Blvd., Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-3612 THE BANK OF NEW YORK c/o ABS Structured Finance Services 101 Barclay Street, Floor 4 West New York, NY 10286 Defendants Case No.: 10CV505 Case Code: 30404 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above-entitled action on September 10, 2010, the undersigned Sheriff of Washburn County, Wisconsin, will sell at public auction at the front entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse in the City of Shell Lake, in said county, on the 14th day of December, 2011, at 10:30 a.m., the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by the judgment to be sold, therein described as follows: Lot Three (3), Block Three (3), Pine Lane Plat, City of Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 319 E. Lake Drive, Shell Lake, Wis. TERMS OF SALE: Cash DOWN PAYMENT: A deposit of 10% of sale price to be deposited in cash or by certified check with the Sheriff at the time of sale; balance to be paid by cash or certified check within ten days after confirmation of sale. Dated this 27th day of October, 2011. Terry C. Dryden, Washburn County Sheriff Donald R. Marjala - Lawyer SPANGLER, NODOLF, BRUDER & KLINKHAMMER, LLC P.O. Box 1030 Eau Claire, WI 54702-1030 715-839-7786 Attorneys for Plaintiff Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtained will be used for that purpose.

(Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 2 ST. CROIX COUNTY ANCHORBANK, FSB Assignee of S & C BANK Plaintiff DAVID H. RAILSBACK II ARLA J. RAILSBACK LAMPERT YARDS, INC. ANTCZAK CONSTRUCTION, INC. STATE OF WISCONSINDEPARTMENT OF REVENUE JOHN DOE #1 AND JOHN DOE #2 the unknown tenants of the premises located at W8389 Carlton Rd., Spooner, WI 54801 JOHN DOE #3 AND JOHN DOE #4 the unknown tenants of the premises located at N5126 Greenfield Road, Spooner, WI 54801, Defendants. Case No. 10CV822 Case Code: 30404 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above-entitled action on October 20, 2010, the undersigned Sheriff of Washburn County, Wisconsin, will sell at public auction at the front entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse in the City of Shell Lake, in said county, on the 7th day of December, 2011, at 10:30 a.m., the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by the Judgment to be sold, therein described as follows: The NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and S 1/2 of the NW 1/4, the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, lying S of the road and the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4; lying S of the road, all in Section 34, Township 39 North, Range 13 West, Town of Evergreen, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W8389 Carlton Road, Spooner, WI N5126 Greenfield Road, Spooner, WI. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DOWN PAYMENT: A deposit of 10% of sale price to be deposited in cash or by certified check with the Sheriff at the time of sale; balance to be paid by cash or certified check within ten days after confirmation of sale. Dated this 24th day of October, 2011. Terry C. Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Donald R. Marjala, Lawyer Spangler Nodolf, Bruder & Klinkhammer, LLC P.O. Box 1165 Eau Claire, Wis. 54702-1165 (715) 830-9771 Attorney for Plaintiff Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtained will be used for that purpose.

(Nov. 16, 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14, 21) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING, LLC AS SERVICER FOR U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE TERWIN MORTGAGE TRUST 2006-7, ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, TMTS SERIES 2006-7 Plaintiff vs. DEBRA L. MAGNUS, et al. Defendant(s) Case Number: 10 CV 281 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 27, 2011, in the amount of $90,990.51, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 4, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot Three (3), Block Twenty-nine (29), Third Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 306 West Hazel Street, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1231-0-0-7375. Dated this 17th day of October, 2011. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Annie M. Schumacher State Bar #1074726 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. 278685

(Nov. 16, 23, 30) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Michael James Yeazle DOD: 3/24/2011 Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 11PR49 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth 9/07/1961 and date of death 3/24/11, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W7363 Little Valley Road, Spooner, WI 54801. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is Feb. 16, 2012. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Marilyn E. Benson Probate Registrar November 3, 2011 Form completed by: Katherine M. Stewart P.O. Box 364 Spooner, WI 54801 Telephone 715-635-9081 Bar Number: 1005716

549623 WNAXLP


(Nov. 16, 23, 30) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Mary Jenkins Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 11 PR 50 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration as filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth 4-26-1932, and date of death 10-22-11, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 211 Pederson Dr., Shell Lake, WI 54871. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is Feb. 16, 2012. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Marilynn E. Benson Probate Registrar 549701 Nov. 8, 2011 WNAXLP


Plaintiff vs. GLORIA G. DAVIS, et al. Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case Number: 09 CV 157 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 20, 2009, in the amount of $84,047.88, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: December 14, 2011, at 10:15 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 12 of the Village of Birchwood, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 214 S. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817. TAX KEY NO.: 65-106-2-37-1025-0-0-5530, 65-106-2-37-1025-0-0-5535 & 65-106-2-3710-25-0-0-5540. Dated this 20th day of October, 2011. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Scott D. Nabke State Bar #1037979 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. 278907

548455 WNAXLP


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(Nov. 9, 16, 23) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Michael F. Nelson DOB: 09/30/1953 Order Setting Time to Hear Petition for Administration and Deadline for Filing Claims (Formal Administration) Case No. 11-PR-19 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth September 30, 1953, and date of death November 18, 2010, was domiciled in Douglas County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 1318 Catlin Ave., Superior, WI 54880. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 West 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Circuit Court Judge/Circuit Court Commissioner Eugene D. Harrington, on December 5, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 1, 2012. 3. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 4. Heirship will be determined at the hearing on petition for final judgment. 5. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. BY THE COURT: Hon. Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge October 26, 2011 David L. Grindell 105 West Oak Street P.O.Box 585 Frederic, WI 54837 715-327-5561 Bar No. 1002628

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549619 WNAXLP

549620 WNAXLP

(Nov. 16, 23, 30) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NELLIE ROCKAWAY Order and Notice for Hearing on Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) Case No. 11 PR 03 A petition for final judgment was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth May 28, 1910, and date of death July 9, 2010, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 802 County Highway B, Shell Lake, WI 54871. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Hon. Eugene D. Harrington, Court Official, on December 19, 2011, at 9 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. Notice by publication is required. Publication of this notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. If you require reasonable accommodations due to disability to participate in the court process, please call 715-4684688 at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. Please check with the person named below for exact time and date. BY THE COURT: Hon. Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge November 7, 2011 George W. Benson Attorney at Law BENSON LAW OFFICE LLC P.O. Box 370 Siren, WI 54872 715-349-5215 Bar Number 10102978

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Good citizens announced at Shell Lake Schools

First-quarter good citizens at Shell Lake Primary School are back row (L to R): Ethan Jacobson, Chloe Zebro, Chandler Thompson, Cade Hanson and Isaac Hopke. Front: Hope Larson, Aubri Hanson, Emily Swan and Morgan Hoffman. Missing: Donavan Balts.

SHELL LAKE — Students being named as good citizens for the first quarter at Shell Lake elementary and primary Sschools were announced on Friday, Nov. 11. Donavan Balts, kindergarten, is always kind, helpful and respectful to others. He comes to school every day with a smile on his face and always does his best. Donavan is a good role model for others. Congratulations, Donavan! ~ Ms. Crede Hope Larson, kindergarten, has a kind heart and is willing to help anyone who needs it, whether it is zipping a coat, washing the table or helping pick up someone’s pencil box that just crashed on the floor. She remembers to raise her hand when she has something to say, uses good manners, gets right to work on projects and papers and plays nicely with the other children during free play. Hope seems happy every day and is a joy to have in the classroom. Keep up the good work, Hope. We cheer for you! ~ Ms. Miller Emily Swan, kindergarten, is always ready to learn when she is in our classroom. She follows all of the school rules and always does her very best work. Way to go, Emily! Keep smiling and shining! ~ Mrs. LaFave Aubri Hanson, kindergarten, comes to school with a smile and does a wonderful job listening and following directions. She gives her best at school and enjoys learning new things. She is a role model in the classroom and is a wonderful friend. Great job, Aubri! Keep up the great work! I am so proud of you! ~ Mrs. Muench Chloe Zebro, first grade, is always willing to lend a helping hand. She takes responsibility of our classroom by using the tools the right way and putting things back where they belong. Chloe is excited for her classmates when they are successful. Thanks for being a great role model! ~ Mrs. Marker Chandler Thompson, first grade, is always ready to learn. She helps her friends when they need a helping hand. She displays very good manners and follows our classroom rules and makes sure others are doing the same. Thank you for making our classroom a little brighter. ~ Mrs. Roux Morgan Hoffman, first grade, is a kind, well-mannered student. She is always willing to help, and she works very hard to do her best. Morgan follows school rules and she is a great role model for others. Keep up the great work in first grade, Morgan! ~ Mrs. Schroeder Cade Hanson, second grade, comes to school each day with a super attitude to learn all he can learn. He is usually the first student to help others out. The work he turns

Good citizens at Shell Lake Elementary School for the first quarter are back row (L to R): Blake Fogelberg, Phabien Sturtze, Lainy Hutton, Christian Johnson and Stephanie Carrillo. Front: Heidi Dougard, Ariel Christianson, Keolani Baumgart, Logan Bush and Cody J. Swan. — Photos by Suzanne Johnson

in is done neatly and to the best of his ability. Students know they can count on him to be their friend. He treats everyone with kindness and respect. Thank you, Cade, for all you do and bring into our room each day. What a super role model you are! ~ Mrs. Butenhoff Ethan Jacobson, second grade, is kind to everyone at school. He loves to help and he cares about other people’s feelings. Ethan has a smile for everyone. He is a hard worker who gives everything his best. ~ Mrs. Bulgrin Isaac Hopke, second grade, is very deserving of the Good Citizen Award. He is helpful to others while working in small groups, voluntarily picks up the daily five areas, is cooperative and kind, is a good friend to everyone, and he always has a smile on his face. I love seeing that smiley face walk into the room each morning! ~ Mrs. Butler Logan Bush, third grade, is always eager to help out his friends and teachers. He is hardworking and always comes to school with a good attitude and a smile. Congratulations, Logan! ~ Mrs. Skinner Stephanie Carrillo, third grade, is a great girl with a great attitude. She gives 100 percent in everything she does. She has such a caring heart and is always there to encourage her classmates with some positive words or a helpful hand. Way to go, Stephanie! ~ Mrs. Hanson Ariel Christianson, third grade, is a great role model in our class. She is respectful, kind and courteous to all and tries her best in everything she does. Ariel is a sweet friend and a responsible student, and I am so happy to have her in my third-grade class this year! ~ Mrs. Sauve Cody J. Swan, third grade, is a caring, kind and considerate boy. He always comes to school with a positive attitude and a big, warm smile. Cody always tries to do his very best in everything he does. It is great to have him in our classroom. ~ Mrs. Hagen Christian Johnson, fourth grade, has had an outstanding quarter! He always has a smile on his face and is ready to jump right in to help. He participates in class discussions and asks questions when needed. Keep up the great work, Christian! Congratulations! ~ Mrs. Behling Heidi Dougard, fourth grade, is truly deserving of this award. She is always there to greet us with a smile, a hello, or even a nice compliment to make our day. Heidi shows genuine courtesy to her classmates and is very helpful in the classroom. Congratulations, Heidi! ~ Mr. Kevan Lainy Hutton is new to Shell Lake this year and has proved in the first quarter to be an asset to the fifth grade. Lainy is an excellent student, always striving to do her best in every subject. She is helpful and kind to her classmates

Students of the month

and is a wonderful example of a model student! Welcome to our school! ~ Mrs. Gothblad Keolani Baumgart, fifth grade, cares and it is evident in every part of her day. She arrives with a smile on her face each morning, and is willing to take on any task that is asked of her. Keolani takes responsibility to do many classroom jobs, without being asked, and expects nothing in return. When it comes to her schoolwork, working hard and achieving good grades is a goal she has set for herself. Congratulations to a well-deserving good citizen! ~ Mrs. Haack Blake Fogelberg, sixth grade. I am pleased to announce Blake as our good citizen of the first quarter. Blake is a kind and conscientious student who comes to school each day with a smile on his face, a kind word to all and a willingness to do his best in everything he does. Congratulations, Blake! ~ Mr. Bouchard Phabien Sturtze is a new addition to the sixth grade this year. He has quickly made friends and is polite to his classmates. He is always willing to lend a helping hand, offer discussion during class and always tries his best with everything he does. Congratulations, Phabien! ~ Ms. Stearns

School menus

Breakfast Monday, Nov. 21: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Nov. 22: Juice, yogurt, toast. Wednesday, Nov. 23: No school. Thursday, Nov. 24: No school. Friday, Nov. 25: No school. Lunch Monday, Nov. 21: Chicken wrap, lettuce, cheese, green beans, peach slices. No Laker. Tuesday, Nov. 22: Chili, cheese, crackers, peas, pineapple tidbits. Laker: Quesadillas. Wednesday, Nov. 23: No school. Thursday, Nov. 24: No school. Friday, Nov. 25: No school. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Whole-grain bread and buns and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only. Laker salad bar available to grades 3-12.

SHELL LAKE — StuSage Alberts, junior, is the dents of the month for Ocdaughter of Shasta Andertober were recently selected son. Her favorite subjects for Shell Lake Schools. are world history, English Hope Balts, seventh and band. She is a member grade, is the daughter of of the concert band as well Lana and Kyle Balts. Her faas the jazz band. In addition vorite subjects are math and to music, she also likes to science. She is involved in play video games. “I feel volleyball, softball and enpretty honored for getting joys the school climate. She October students of the month for Shell Lake High School (L to Junior high students of the student of the month. I’m also enjoys riding horse and R): Emma Anderson, Sage Alberts, Colleen Knoop and Alecia Meis- month for October are (L to R): glad my hard work is paybeing outdoors. When ter. — Photos submitted ing off. Thanks to the staff Lauren Osborn and Hope Balts. asked how she felt about who voted for me.” being named student of the month her reply was, “It is a SMILES. “I feel very honored to be chosen as student of Emma Anderson, senior, is the daughter of Joel and the month! Thanks so much! I hope that other people will Cristy Anderson. Her favorite subjects are science and good achievement. I am happy.” Lauren Osborn, eighth grade, is the daughter of Lesa also get the chance to go through this.” gym. She is involved with volleyball, cross country, basColleen Knoop, sophomore, is the daughter of Donna ketball, track and SMILES. She enjoys watching movies and Paul Osborn. Her favorite subjects are math, language arts, band and choir. She is involved in cross coun- Knoop and Steve Knoop. Her favorite subjects are busi- and hanging out with friends. “I feel extremely honored try, softball and track. She enjoys art, hanging out with ness workshop, choir and gym. She is involved in to be nominated for student of the month. I’m glad to friends and running. “I feel good about being chosen and SMILES, student council, yearbook and sports. She en- know the staff members noticed all my hard work.” — joys cake decorating, hunting and fishing. “I am very from Shell Lake Schools hope others will see that I am a good student.” Alecia Meister, freshman, is the daughter of Mark and thankful for being chosen as student of the month. It is Dawn Meister. Her favorite subjects are algebra and Eng- nice to know that hard work and leadership is noticed by lish. She is involved in band, choir, student council and our faculty and students. Thank you.”

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People you should know

Shelley Leckel

Since high school, Shelley Leckel has discovered some untapped talents, mostly in her writing. “For 12 years I put out a small newsletter titled Grace, which was intended for a few close friends. Its purpose was to encourage them in their faith by providing short stories, poems, jokes, etc. to put a smile on their face and plant hope in their hearts. I began with 15 people, and over the years it has expanded to approximately 105 readers. Unbelieveable. I titled it Grace because of Ephesians 2:8-9, where it states that it ‘... is by grace we are saved,’” Leckel said. Her other hobby is crocheting. “As my friends know, I cannot go anywhere without yarn and a crochet hook. I make my own afghan Shelley Leckel patterns, but I have more recently ventured out into making other things, such as a sweater, some slippers and crocheted flowers,” she said. In September of 2004, she married Mike Leckel. They live in Shell Lake and have an adorable little boy, Henry. “He is a blast, and it is so fun to watch him grow and learn new things!” As for her job, Leckel says, “I work for my parents, Dennis and Nancy Fredrickson. They own Northwood Gables in Rice Lake. This is a home for developmentally disabled adults, and I work as a care provider there at the home.” Leckel is crafty, an artist and a fun person to be around. She is definitely someone you should know.

Know of a candidate for People you should know? E-mail us at wcregister@centurytel.net

The Shelley Leckel file

Full name, age: Shelley Ann (Fredrickson) Leckel, 33 Family: Mike (husband), Henry (son) Occupation: Full-time care provider at Northwood Gables, part-time ward clerk at Indianhead Medical Center Washburn County resident since: 1993 Hobbie/interests: Writing (mostly poetry), reading, crocheting, listening to music Claim to fame: I have crocheted over 50 afghans since December 2000, most of which have been given to family and friends for weddings, Christmas gifts, birthdays, etc. My favorite sport to play: Does Scrabble count? Ha ha! Favorite sport to watch: Pro football. Go Pack Go! Place I would most like to visit: California, so I can see my brother. Dinner companion, dead or alive: My great-grandma, Lillis Fredrickson. She was one of my best friends. The person I most admire: My mom, Nancy Fredrickson Best movie I ever saw: “Anne Of Green Gables”

Favorite movie line: “You’re talking jibberish!” from “That Thing You Do!” Favorite TV show: Not sure, I don’t watch much TV Music I listen to: Mostly contemporary Christian, some country artists as well. Favorite Stooge: Never watched them. Sorry. Favorite dish: Spaghetti noodles with butter and parmesan Last book I read: “Castaway Kid,” by R.B. Mitchell My friends would describe me as: I would hope my friends describe me as a good listener, an encourager, someone who makes them laugh, feel loved, and is there for them when times are tough. Someone they can count on to pray for them. My first job was: Hardee’s in Spooner I’d like to be remembered for: I would like to be remembered as a loving, giving person who gently encouraged others that God is always with them. Someone who put a smile on your face and a chuckle in your day.


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On Monday, Nov. 7, the Glenview tenants were treated to an afternoon of casino fun … Red Hat ladies style. The theme, Casino on the Seas, was played up big with a luncheon of seafaring dishes and fun games for the tenants to participate in. Dealing up the laughs and smiles (L to R): were Janice Organ, Glenview’s activity director; Georgean Kruger, Gloria Elliott and Gerry Chartraw. — Photo submitted

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