Register wcregist eronline.co m
Dec. 4, 2013
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013 Vol. 125, No. 15 • Shell Lake, Wis.
We e ke nd w atch • Night in Bethlehem @ Spooner • Holiday Jingle Mingle @ Spooner • Shell Lake’s Holiday Saturday celebration
See Events page 6
Llama, Llama Read-A-Rama
Home to Heartwood Page 2
Starting the holiday season with music Page 20
A sneak peek at Laker girls basketball
SPORTS Page 9-10
Brennan Shafer enjoyed the llama that visited the Shell Lake Primary School on Thursday, Nov. 21, during Family Literacy Night. More photos on page 19. - Photo by Shonda Anderson
Got an idea for a story? Email us @ wcregister@centurytel.net
SHELL LAKE — The city of Shell Lake is all set to celebrate Holiday Saturday on Dec. 7. Santa will be at the community center between 8-10 a.m. for the annual Santa breakfast. The after-school program is hosting a craft sale from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the 3-12 school. Shell Lake United Methodist Church bazaar is from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. with coffee and rolls available. Several downtown businesses will be running specials. Lake Mall will be open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. with specials and complimentary refreshments, and a bake sale raising funds for the community Christmas fund. Donation boxes for new clothing and toys for the Christmas fund and a box for new toys for Toys For Tots are also located in Lake Mall. The Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce warmly invites everyone to visit Shell Lake and to share in this day to kick off the holiday season. •••
Holiday concert schedule
Tuesday, Dec. 10: Shell Lake 7-12 holiday concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 gym. Tuesday, Dec. 17: Shell Lake Elementary School holiday concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 gym. Thursday, Dec. 19: Shell Lake Primary School holiday concert, 4K-second grade, 9:30 a.m. and a 1:30 p.m.
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Giving local youth a voice Danielle Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Six area youths have the opportunity to be selected to take part at the county government level for the 2014 school year. The youth leadership initiative gives local young people the chance to serve on the Washburn County Board of Supervisors as youth representatives. “It is a local leadership opportunity for older youth, and it engages them in local governance,” explained Beverly Stencel, community resource development educator with the Washburn County University of Wisconsin-Extension. UW-Extension started Youth in Governance with the goal of giving young people a voice in local government to encourage civic involvement and to mentor future leaders. Since 2005, Washburn County youth have built on 4-H Youth Development programs to provide leadership training and opportunities for local youth. Three area young people will be selected to serve as representatives on the Washburn County Board of Supervisors along with three alternates. In order to be eligible anyone interested in representing their district must be in grade 9, 10, or 11, and submit an application with two references by Friday, Feb. 28, 2014. Youth representatives go through initial training and receive additional education to help them understand the different processes of
local government. “Throughout the year they go through other trainings, like we did one on the budget so that they understand how making a budget and voting on it works,” explained Anna DeMers, Washburn County 4-H youth development educator at the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Those that serve on the board take part in board discussions and vote, but their votes do not affect the outcome of any board resolutions. “In other words their opinions are solicited, they are able to thumbs-up or thumbs-down, but because they are not elected it is not a part of the official vote,” Stencel clarified. There are three youth supervisory districts and the those interested in serving should apply to the youth district they live in. The north youth supervisory district includes districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The central supervisory district includes districts 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18 and 19. The south supervisory district includes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20 and 21. To find out what the supervisory district boundaries are refer to a map of the county districts available on the Washburn County Government website at co.washburn. wi.us. Applications for youth representative positions can be found at the Washburn County University of Wisconsin-Extension website, washburn.uwex.edu, search for youth development.
T h e Reg i st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d news pa per
Diane Dryden | Staff writer MINONG - If you live in the area you are probably aware of the Heartwood Conference and Retreat Center, 30 minutes from Spooner or 10 minutes from Minong. You might have even attended a wedding or meeting or party there, like over 25,000 people did last year. Thirty percent of Heartwood’s business is weddings, 30 percent of the events are when owner, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, holds their corporate activities, including an Advent weekend and retreats. And the balance incorporates education, corporate meetings and weekends for the Girl Scouts and moms and daughters and more events just like them. This year, the conference center, which has an impressive rating of 4-1/2 out of five stars, is tapping into Christmas, which is only natural when you take into consideration where they’re located – right in the middle of a virgin forest with a lake tucked in right outside the facility. According to Dana Morlock, Heartwood’s director of sales and marketing for the past eight years, “We want people to know that we are not closed to the public ... far from it. This past October we had a festival every Friday and Saturday with lots of activities for everyone and we entertained many first-time visitors. This year we’re pulling out the stops for our Festival of Lights event that goes through the entire month of December each Friday and Saturday night from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m.” They are lighting the walkway by the lake and hosting a Walk of Trees event
Home to Heartwood
Dana Morlock has been Heartwood’s director of sales and marketing for the past eight years. This might be the year you finally decided to visit the Heartwood Conference and Retreat Center which is all decked out for Christmas and is only 10 miles west of Minong, because they’ll be hosting something special each weekend in December, much of it absolutely free. - Photos by Diane Dryden that will have trees and lights available for any group that wants to be part of the decorating, using their own theme, and prizes will be awarded by popular vote with the prize money going to the charity of the winner’s choice. The registration forms to reserve a tree are accessible online.
Tree of Lights
Washburn County Area Humane Society extends gratitude to everyone who made a donation in honor or in memory of their beloved pet(s). The money raised will go toward the care of the animals that patiently wait at the shelter for a loving home of their own. A few of WCAHS’s friends and staff joined together for a picture around the tree at the shelter in Spooner after the lighting on Sunday, Dec. 1. Shown are Anna Retzlaff, Kenneth Parker, Alice Simundson, Penny Dunn Teresa Temple, Kim Adams and Matt Richter. — Photo submitted
They’ll also have their giving tree, where they are offering an opportunity for folks to bring new mittens and winter hats to place on the tree and there is also lots of room underneath for coats and items for the food pantry.
New management, fresh start Danielle Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — “I know we are a hotel, but we try to make it like a bed and breakfast,” said Paul Deal. Formerly of Antigo, Deal is the new manager of the America’s Best Inn and Suites located next to the Cenex gas station in Shell Lake. Built in 2005 and bought by the current owners, Nick and Devi Rai, in 2008, Deal and his fiancée, Amy Beth Kegler, started bringing better customer service to hotel guests in August. Deal and Kegler spent their first two weeks cleaning and now maintain a facilitywide deep clean schedule that is performed every month. Deal has also seen to upgrades on existing equipment. Half of the 40 rooms are now outfitted with new flat-screen TVs, new refrigerators, and the pool area received a new heating system. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed and are evident as soon as you set foot in the cozy NorthWoods-style entry. “Even returning customers say, “I forgot how nice it was in here.” “We want to keep it that way,” Deal said. Last year, a full-service lounge bar was built into the hotel’s lobby and now offers guests frozen pizzas. The hotel boasts additional amenities like the two water slides, a kiddie wading pool with water slide, whirlpool, sauna, free hot breakfast and free high-speed wireless Internet. “We want to make it a home away from home, and that is the feedback we have been getting back from a lot of guests,” Deal said. The hotel has received the Chairman’s Award for cleanliness and customer service three years in a row since 2010. This is Deal’s first time in the hospitality business but has 15 years of managerial experience. Bolstered by confidence, passion and a caring attitude, Deal takes pride in his experiences of reestablishing struggling businesses totheir
Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King gbking@centurytel.net OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Moe CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON
PH: 715-468-2314
There will be a bonfire outside with complimentary hot chocolate, cookies and S’mores fixings, and a fire burning in the indoor fireplace in case the evening gets too cold. “We’re working on getting a sleigh for rides through the woods, and the ski trails will be open as well as an ice bar among the lights,” Morlock noted. For more information their toll-free phone number is 800-577-4848.
Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900
• FAX: 715-468-4900 • EMAIL: wcregister@centurytel.net • WEB: wcregisteronline.com
Paul Deal stands with his fiancee, Amy Beth Kegler, in the lounge of America’s Best Inn and Suites in Shell Lake. Deal is now the new manager of the hotel, but ownership remains the same. — Photo by Danielle Moe rightful glory. “To me this is just another challenge in my life to get in here and make this place where it should be,” he stated. Making everyone’s stay the best they have ever had, be it for an afternoon of free swim or a weeklong vacation, is Deal’s objective. In the first two months alone, Deal reports they have seen increases in both profit and positive online reviews. “The more people I can get to come stay here at America’s Best Inn and Suites just means more business for Shell Lake, period,” he said.
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Shell Lake Fire Department receives donated first responder bags
Northwest Wisconsin Independent Insurance Agents Association recently donated toward first responder bags for the Shell Lake Fire Department. The fire department purchased 10 bags and NWIIAA paid for half. NWIIAA also donated to the Spooner Fire Department’s thermal image camera project. Shown (L to R): Tom Downs, Mertz-Rookey, Solon Springs, vice president; Aaron Marsh, Marsh Agency, Rice Lake, secretary; Chief Keith Dahlstrom, Shell Lake Fire Department; and Dave Schraufnagel, Lake Insurance, Shell Lake, president. — Photo submitted
WITC presents earns award SHELL LAKE — Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College President Bob Meyer recently accepted the District 3 National Council for Marketing and Public Relations Pacesetter Award. The Pacesetter of the Year Award recognizes a community college president or CEO who has demonstrated special leadership and support in marketing and public relations. It is awarded annually in each of NCMPR’s seven districts, and district recipients automatically become a nominee for the national award, which is presented at the national conference. “I am enormously humbled and honored to receive this recognition,” said Meyer. “This award also reflects on the many staff that have dedicated themselves to our students and contributed to WITC’s national ranking. Achieving such a high ranking really helps our marketing efforts.” Throughout Meyer’s tenure, WITC has enjoyed a positive image in the media and community. He strives to advance two-year colleges regionally and nationally through advocacy. Last year, WITC celebrated its centennial, which provided media attention for the college, and the college was recently named fourth best two-year college in the nation by Washington Monthly magazine. Meyer includes this in his public relations communications and advocacy efforts with key stakeholders and legislators. To advance the college nationally, Meyer attends the National Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C., every February ac-
Bethany Belles to perform SHELL LAKE — Eight bell ringers from Bethany Lutheran Church, Rice Lake, will charm the Theatre in the Woods audience with music of the season, processional and recessionals, as well as quartets and quintets, Sunday, Dec. 15, at 2 p.m. A variety of selections will keep the audience tapping their toes and wishing for more. The Bethany Belles were organized in 1978. Although their primary ministry is to offer music in worship, the choir has traveled to nuBethany Belles, shown back (L to R): Jan Wick, Darlene DeNucci, merous churches in Minnesota, Illinois Tammy Roberg, Audrey Kusilek and Sonja Wilson. Front: Sue Hildebrand, and Wisconsin, and Wendy Markgren, Gail Olah, Tina Henningsen and Tammy Lundquist. have performed for — Photo submitted over 100 banquets Ringing bells is a team effort, with exand community functions. This bell choir is one of five bell choirs at Bethany Lu- actness in ringing at the precise second theran, beginning with fifth-graders and needed to fit into the music. Bell ringers are required to have excellent rhythmic progressing to two adult choirs. Each musician is assigned a bell posi- skills as well as sight-reading ability. tion whereby she rings bells of different Many of the Bethany Belles have been sizes and tones. The ringer also controls part of this group for 20-30 years. Admisthe chromatic tones that go with the basic sion includes festive refreshments of the tone. Depending on the difficulty of the season. Reservations can be made by callmusic, and depending on the number of ing the TitW box office at 715-468-4387, or ringers needed, there are times when one online at titw.org. — from TiTW ringer has control over six to 10 bells at once.
Write a letter to Santa Bob Meyer, WITC president. — Photo submitted companied by other administrators in the college to meet with Wisconsin senators and congressmen and women. Under Meyer ’s leadership, WITC added several new programs to respond to the needs of the community while expanding its online offerings. “I regard this award as more of an acknowledgement of others accomplishments as much as my own journey,” said Meyer. “In fact, I’m more of a facilitator of a college full of Pacesetters and a statewide consortium of Pacesetters.” For more information, call 800-243WITC or visit witc.edu. — from WITC
SHELL LAKE — Come to the Shell Lake Public Library to mail your letter to Santa. Drop your letter off any time before Wednesday, Dec. 18, and Santa will write you a letter back.
Library hours are Monday and Wednesday, noon to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. — from SLPL
FFA fruit is arriving SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake FFA fruit is arriving on Thursday, Dec. 12. If you ordered from an FFA member expect them to deliver your order. If you called into the school, please come and pick up your order. Pickup times will be Thursday between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. or Friday between 3:30 and 5 p.m., at the new technology/
agricultural Shop located behind the school across from the technology shop/ school. There is plenty of extra fruit, so feel free to come in and make a selection. All proceeds go to FFA leadership workshops. — from Shell Lake FFA
December is National Drunk and WITC EMT-paramedic program receives Drugged Driving Prevention Month national accreditation
NEW RICHMOND - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College has received national accreditation of its emergency medical technician paramedic program by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. The standard by which the program is measured was developed by professionals involved in the paramedic discipline. It is intended to reflect what a person needs to know – and be able to do – to function successfully within the profession. It also assures the public that first responders are well-prepared and qualified to provide health-care services. Steve Mackiewicz, district emergency medical services program director; Linda Avery-Patz, district paramedic specialist; and Charles Patz, paramedic accreditation and simulation technician, led the complicated process, which began with a self-study of how WITC’s program meets the standards and guidelines. They wrote the application, which was followed by an on-site WITC visit by accreditation committee representatives who wrote a review. The review was passed on to CAAHEP, which made the decision for accreditation.
“I think it’s pretty terrific that we are one of only six accredited paramedic programs in Wisconsin,” says AveryPatz. “Our students are able to test for certification and compete for employment wherever they need to go.” At WITC, students can complete the one-year emergency medical technicianparamedic program, then choose to take the second year of the program to become a paramedic technician. Graduates are eligible to take the licensing examination, which, upon passing, gives them state and national qualifications. Ranked fourth best two-year college in the nation by Washington Monthly magazine, WITC serves the educational and career needs of more than 25,000 residents of northwestern Wisconsin each year. With multiple campuses, WITC offers career-focused associate degree programs, technical diplomas, short-term certificates, customized business training, and a wide array of courses for personal or career enrichment. WITC is a member of the Wisconsin Technical College System. For more information, call 800-243-WITC or visit witc.edu. – from WITC
Drugged drivers in Wisconsin face severe punishments
SPOONER — December 2013 marks the 10th anniversary of a Wisconsin law that prohibits drivers from having any detectable amount of a controlled substance in their system, such as marijuana, cocaine or heroin, while operating a motor vehicle. The law also makes the legal penalties for drugged driving the same as drunken driving. The Wisconsin State Patrol and other law enforcement agencies are constantly on the lookout for all forms of impaired driving, including drugged driving. “Law enforcement officers have extensive training and experience in identifying drivers impaired by alcohol. Officers use many of those same procedures to identify drugged drivers,” says Wisconsin State Patrol Lt. Dori Petznick of the Northwest Region. “Drivers who exhibit signs of drug use must submit to a
blood test that determines the presence of drugs. Refusing to submit to the blood test means an automatic revocation of the driver’s license.” In addition to illegal drugs, the overuse and abuse of prescription or over-thecounter medications, especially when combined with alcohol, will often impair driving ability and judgment. State law prohibits drivers from being “under the influence of any drug to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving or under the combined influence of an intoxicant and any other drug, to a degree which renders him or her incapable of driving safely.” Petznick says, “Drivers under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or a combination of the two are deadly threats to everyone on the road. That’s why officers never take a break — even during the holiday season — from arresting those who choose to get behind the wheel while impaired.” — from WSP
Send letters to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email wcregister@centurytel.net
Who is extreme? Politics is more polarized than ever today. However, this does not provide a license for hyperbole and mudslinging as happened in the Nov. 20 Register article, page 15, titled, Redistricting reform the antidote to majority party extremism: Assembly Democratic freshmen urge support for nonpartisan redistricting reform as fall session ends, submitted by 13 Assembly Democratic freshman legislators. For example, the title has already judged the other party guilty, but I am old enough to know that griping happens every 10 years, regardless of which party is in power. It doesn’t deserve the “extreme” label. Yes, work to make it better if you can. Then Republicans are said to have “an extreme agenda that focuses on issues like voter suppression, undermining woman’s health care, race-based mascots and a power grab on the state Supreme Court.” The words are chosen for spin value but the issues are OK. You need identification to get a fishing license, board an airplane, obtain a library card, etc. If both parties work to ensure
that all have the needed identification, then Election Day is not a problem and democracy wins with fairly run elections. “[U]ndermining women’s health care?” I think, if they would lay out the items, you will find that the Republicans are simply being life affirming. That sounds like a good thing. Yes, race-based mascots have been put on the politically incorrect list but there are two sides here. Why not debate it? Finally, the Supreme Court power grab, I assume, refers to the last election. Again, does that make the Republicans “extreme” because their candidate won the election? No! So, this redistricting article was not about the facts but slanted to distort and polarize. Certainly our Democratic freshman legislators can do better than this. With another election cycle only a year away, I respectfully ask the Register to raise journalism standards for the next round. Leonard Wildauer Trego
Meet the FSA candidates SPOONER – The Farm Service Agency office in Washburn and Burnett counties is currently holding an election for positions on the local county committee to represent producers in Local Administrative Area 3, which consists of the towns of Bashaw, Blaine, Dewey, Jackson, Rusk, Sand Lake, Scott and Webb Lake; and in LAA 5 which consists of the towns of Barronett, Beaver Brook, Birchwood, Long Lake, Madge, Roosevelt and Sarona, according to Evie Moore, director of the FSA office in Washburn/Burnett County. The 2013 Farm Service Agency County Committee elections begin on Friday, Dec. 20, when ballots are mailed to eligible voters. The deadline to return the ballots to local FSA offices is Friday, Jan. 17, 2014. County committee members are an important component of the operations of FSA and provide a link between the agricultural community and USDA. Farmers and ranchers elected to county committees help deliver FSA programs at the local level, applying their knowledge and judgment to make decisions on commodity price support programs, conservation programs, incentive indemnity and disaster programs for some commodities; emergency programs and eligibility. FSA committees operate within official regulations designed to carry out federal laws. To be an eligible voter, farmers and ranchers must participate or cooperate in
an FSA program. A person who is not of legal voting age, but supervises and conducts the farming operations of an entire farm may also be eligible to vote. Eligible voters in local administrative areas of 3 and 5 who do not receive ballots in the coming week can obtain ballots from their local USDA service center. Friday, Jan. 17, 2014, is the last day for voters to submit ballots in person to local USDA service centers. Ballots returned by mail must also be postmarked no later than Jan. 17. Newly elected committee members and their alternates will take office Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014.
The candidates Duane I. Johnson is nominated in LAA 3, Burnett County, to serve as a committee member. Johnson resides in the Town of Dewey and produces corn and soybeans on about 600 acres. Steven J. Hubin is nominated in LAA 5, Washburn County, to serve as a committee member. Hubin resides in the Town of Beaver Brook and produces corn and soybeans on about 500 acres. More information on county committees, such as the new 2013 fact sheet and brochures, can be found on the FSA website at fsa.usda.gov/elections or at a local USDA service center. Producers in Washburn and Burnett counties can call 715-635-8228 for more details. — from FSA
Baldwin supports amnesty for illegal immigrants When I contacted Tammy Baldwin about not supporting amnesty, all she said was that we have always had immigration. We have always had immigration, but true immigrants have come here legally and respected our laws. Some illegals want to be given amnesty for breaking our laws and having absolutely no respect for our country or our laws. Perhaps every illegal immigrant should be deported until they can come here legally. In my opinion, one requirement for citizenship should be to learn English, and a second would be to have no criminal background.
Baldwin is nothing more than one of Obama’s puppets who goes along with everything Obama wants, just so he can get some more votes, no matter how much it hurts real Americans. Giving amnesty to illegal immigrants is just another way of rewarding criminal behavior. Baldwin should be working for Americans and not catering to illegals and Obama. Illegal immigrants are a disgrace to every true immigrant who worked hard and came here legally. Sandy Bjurman Shell Lake
Let freedom ring In my last letter to the editor, I mentioned that in order to pass Obamacare the Obama administration joined with big insurance to cut some sweet deals for both. I might also note that big pharma was in on it, too. Yes, buddies they were, then. With the botched rollout of Obamacare, few people have signed up for the more expensive plans offered by the insurers, which the law required. Being concerned about bottom lines, the insurers met with Obama to see if anything could be done to improve the situation and to be assured that all would be well. A writer to the paper in Shell Lake asserted I had to be wrong; the insurers weren’t worried because their stocks had risen greatly over the past year. To my mind the soaring insurance companies’ stock prices told less about the attitude of the insurance executives than the foolishness of the investors in those stocks. Yes, a bubble is at hand, and investors are buying stocks on the greater-fool theory. That is the notion that a greater fool than I will certainly buy the stock from me at a higher price, and I’ll get out just before it crashes. The insurance executives apparently drove a fairly hard bargain with Obama.
In the Obamacare law there is what are called risk corridors. This language in the law provides that if an insurance company loses money on the exchanges, insurers that make money will help out those that are losing. If not enough money is available to make the losers whole, then the taxpayer will kick in funds. Yes, you read that right, a bailout for the insurance companies. This is crony capitalism, which has gone wild at the federal level and at the state level, too. Who gets hurt in deals like this? It is the ordinary citizen through higher prices and less choice. Free enterprise and open markets are not perfect, no system is, but these have shown that they are the best for allocating resources and bringing about prosperity. The United States standard of living is good proof of that. The government and private business cutting deals is really a form of fascism. Its ability to provide the people with goods and services pales in comparison to an open market with minimal government interference. I like freedom of choice not government coercion and control. Let freedom ring! James Lewis Shell Lake
Forum on health and well-being of Barron and Washburn counties to be held RICE LAKE — The community is invited to a forum on issues concerning the health and well-being of residents in Barron and Washburn counties on Monday evening, Dec. 9. The forum will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Blue Hills Lecture Hall on the UW-Barron County campus, Rice Lake. This forum is hosted by students enrolled in the new Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences core course titled Creativity and Problem-Solving. This course is taught by UW-Barron County professor of communication Mary Hoeft and is one of the core courses in the new four-year liberal arts degree that is now being offered at the university.
For their final project, these pioneers in the new four-year degree program will present their findings on issues concerning the health and well-being of residents in both Barron and Washburn counties. Students will present speeches on such varied topics such as gastric bypass surgery, iPads that enable autistic children to communicate, sexual abuse and the threat that strip clubs pose in local communities. For more information concerning the new four-year baccalaureate degree now being offered at the UW-Barron County, contact Deb Neuheisel at 715-234-8176, ext. 5445. — from UWBC
Local Democrats hold holiday party Mary Burke, former Trek executive and Democratic candidate for governor, attended the annual Washburn County Democrats holiday party on Sunday, Dec. 1. Shown (L to R): Sen. Bob Jauch, Rep. Stephen Smith, Burke, Rep. Nick Milroy, Rep. Janet Bewley, Jon Richards and former Congressman Obey. — Photo credit Burke for Wisconsin
A new month, a new season
unday, Dec. 1, not only started the last month for 2013, it was also the beginning of Advent for the Christian church. The season of Advent is the time of preparation for the celebration recognizing the birth of Christ, which is celebrated on Christmas Day. To mark the days leading up to Christmas Day, some people enjoy marking the days off with a special calendar. When my children were little, we had a cloth calendar with little pockets to place a little cloth mouse into. Each day we would move the mouse one day closer to Christmas. We would go from 25 down to 1. While strolling through the aisles at a store, my eye caught a slim box that had photos of popular children’s princesses
on it. The box had perforated windows to open one each day leading up to Christmas. Behind each window was a piece of chocolate. I passed up the idea of getting one for each of the grandchildren. My daughter has a set of boxes that were used as children by my son-in-law and his siblings during Advent. Taking turns, a box was opened each day by one of the children. Inside the box was something special for that day. Perhaps it is a piece of candy or a
small toy. For last year’s holiday season, Amanda used the boxes. She came up with creative ideas for each day. Some boxes held the promise of a special craft to do or the opportunity to read a favorite story. This fall, I saw on a social media site the idea of wrapping up a storybook for children to open a different package each day of Advent. The suggestion was to make the time special time by wrapping up nice and cozy in a blanket to read the new story. My grandchildren have always been exposed to books and enjoy having stories read to them daily. Keeping in mind that I had read about the Shell Lake Public Library being part of the literacy program, 1,000 Books
Before Kindergarten project, I was motivated to find additional storybooks to do the one-book-per-day markdown to Christmas for my grandchildren. The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program’s goal is to foster a love for reading and to help a child develop the skills necessary to grow as an independent reader. I won’t be with my grandchildren, Adalyn and Cole, each day that they open up a new book to read during Advent. I do, however, look forward to hearing about their special time and story during our phone conversations.
Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson
Spooner Health System receives Press Ganey 2013 Guardian of Excellence Award Achieves 95th percentile in employee engagement
SPOONER — Spooner Health System is proud to announce it has been named a 2013 Guardian of Excellence Award winner by Press Ganey Associates Inc. SHS is being recognized as a topperforming facility for its achievement of over the 95th percentile of performance in employee engagement. SHS began surveying its employees in 2009 and contracts with Press Ganey to complete the annual survey. The survey measures both employee engagement and satisfaction. The results have been outstanding as shown below. Employees will be asked to complete the 2013 survey later this month.
Year Percent Favorable
2009 74.6 2010 83.9 2011 90.5 2012 93.3
The Press Ganey Guardian of Excellence Award is a health-care industry symbol of achievement. Fewer than 5 percent of all Press Ganey clients reach this threshold. Press Ganey partners with more than 10,000 health-care organizations worldwide, including 50 percent of all U.S. hospitals, to create and sustain high-performing organizations, and, ultimately, improve the overall healthcare experience. “We are proud to partner with Spooner Health System,” said Patrick T. Ryan, CEO of Press Ganey. “Achieving this level of excellence reflects the organization’s commitment to delivering outstanding service and quality. Their efforts benefit patients in Spooner and will lead to improved patient experiences.”
National Percentile Ranking Satisfaction Engagement Overall Partner 9th 64th 96th 99th
12th 50th 88th 98th
12th 59th 94th 98th
One may wonder how SHS made such progress in the areas of employee satisfaction and engagement in such a short time frame. In 2009, SHS made the decision to embark on a Commitment to Excellence journey and partnered with Studer Group, a health-care consulting firm that helps hospitals achieve and sustain clinical, service and operational excellence. They’ve implemented many of Studer Group’s evidence-based tools
to make SHS a better place for employees to work and patients to receive care. “Our Commitment to Excellence isn’t just another program,” says Mike Schafer, CEO. “It’s a culture change. We are simply not the same organization that we were five years ago.” Because of SHS’ success, Schafer has been asked several times by Studer Group to serve on a CEO panel for their national preconference session. The preconference is specifically for rural health-care organizations. In November, Schafer traveled to New Orleans to give a keynote presentation at the preconference. He was asked to share what SHS has done to improve employee satisfaction and engagement, which leads to a better patient experience. “Though we have had pretty remarkable results in many areas,” adds Schafer, “we are honestly looking at ways we can continue to better ourselves as an employer and to improve our patients experience. Our commitment to excellent service helps us fulfill our mission of providing high-quality health care for our community.” — from SHS
Area news at a glance BALSAM LAKE — The process to start reducing the Polk County Board of Supervisors from 23 to 15 started Dec. 1, when candidates for the April 2014 could start circulating their nomination papers. In 2012 county voters passed a referendum to reduce the county board by eight members. — from the Inter-County Leader ••• CABLE — The new owners of the Telemark Lodge in Cable have announced they’re turning off the power at the historic resort and letting nature take its course. After buying the property in October, a group called Mount Telemark Partners, LLC, said they had no interest in running the 214-room lodge but would let someone else manage it. For a while, it seemed the Central Cross Country Ski Association, or CXC, was interested in running the lodge as an Olympic training facility. Mount Telemark Partners spokesman Rick Carpenter says it was too much for them. “As they did their due diligence and looked at the disrepair of the lodge, they decided that it was just too big of a mountain to climb,” he says. Carpenter says Telemark needs a complete overhaul, and renovating the
Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Nov. 25 - $30 John Milligan, Shell Lake Nov. 26 - $30 Matt Dryden, Shell Lake Nov. 27 - $30 Barbara Glessing, Spooner Nov. 29 - $300 Gary/Marge Bergmann, Cumberland
Lois’ County Cupboard Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio
11 West 5th Avenue Lake Mall wcregister@centurytel.net wcregisteronline.com
Shell Lake, Wis. 715-468-2314
heating and cooling system alone will cost $1 million. So, he says, the owners are cutting the power. While the lodge won’t be available, Telemark’s owners have agreed to lease the property for this year’s American Birkebeiner Cross-County Ski Race. — from the Inter-County Leader ••• WEYERHAEUSER — With help from Canadian National Railway, the Weyerhaeuser Community Club is well on its way to preserving and restoring the historic Weyerhaeuser Depot building. The depot, originally built in 1909, had been destined for the wrecking ball this fall, when the club negotiated the sale of the building with the railroad for $1.
It was lifted and moved to a donated site across the highway, where it will be restored. Kevin Soucie, director of government affairs for CN Railway, presented the club with a $15,000 check toward the restoration project, which is estimated to cost about $200,000. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype ••• RICE LAKE — When JoAnn Martin taught English at WITC-Rice Lake from 2000-2006, it reminded her of the years she was a college student and the financial challenges she had faced. Martin lived and also taught in Spooner, and over the years owned two businesses, rewarded local teens for good grades, and taught
communication skills and English as a second language to adults. In 2012, she and her husband, Andrew Licata, moved to New Jersey where he had grown up. Sadly, Martin was diagnosed with cancer in December 2012, and she passed away this September. It was her decision that upon her death, WITC would receive $25,000 to start the JoAnn Martin Supplies and Textbook Fund. This gift will establish an endowment fund that will generate $1,250 each year for the purpose of helping promising students defray the cost of course materials they need. — from the Barron News-Shield
Washburn County Register • Serving the Washburn County community since 1889.
Register Memories 1953 - 60 years ago
• Ben Pieper caught a 25-1/2-pound northern that measured 46”. He caught the fish from in front of his home on Shell Lake. • Ski passes to Lockhaven Ski Area were $15 for an adult season ticket; $25 for a husband and wife season ticket, plus $5 per child up to 18 years old. Daily admission fees were $2 adult and $1 for children up to 18. Spectator tickets were 50 cents. • A wedding dance honoring Mr. and Mrs. Herman Furchtenicht was held at Springer’s Steak House. • The Double D 4-H Club held its meeting at the Ernest Furchtenicht home. President Betty Furchtenicht called the meeting to order. After the meeting she entertained on the piano.
1963 - 50 years ago
• Minnie Hansen, hospitalized as a result of a fall on Thanksgiving Day, celebrated her 94th birthday at the Shell Lake Memorial Hospital. • New officers for the Happy Corners 4-H Club were Sharon Pfundheller, president; Lester Atkinson, vice president; Ralph Smith Jr., secretary-treasurer; and Lemice Pfundheller, club reporter. • Shell Lake seventh-graders were studying the Earth, its rocks and waters. Special topics were given by Ted Biver, Bob Viltz and Steve Haremza. Leonard Brown and Larry Johnson set up a demonstration illustrating the principle of the seismograph. • First-year members of the Excella 4-H Club were Marilyn Love and Dale Schlapper. First-year members of the Peaceful Valley Club were Mark Fiedler and Susan Tolene.
1973 - 40 years ago
• Twenty-six students in Muriel Penning’s class at Shell Lake Junior
Compiled by Suzanne Johnson
High were taking crocheting instead of home ec. When home ec was cut for the eighth-grade girls, Penning suggested substituting a class in crocheting. Because it was progressing much faster than she thought, she also considered knitting for a project. • Births announced at the Indianhead Memorial Hospital were Eric William, to Mr. and Mrs. William Holmson, Shell Lake; Mark Anthony, to Mr. and Mr. Thomas Cusick, Sarona; Jeffry Scott, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ottosen, New Brighton, Minn.; Alyssa May, to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Loomis, Shell Lake; and Rebecca Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stellrecht, Spooner. • Staff at the Washburn County Register was John Schullo, Mrs. Bernie Soderlind, Verjean L. Schullo, Lee Allen, Lenore Swan, Joyce Swan, Jeanne Brown, Gerald Visger, Gary Peterson and Gary Campbell. • Donald Furchtenicht gave a special thank-you to all his customers for the past 15 years and asked them to call Carl Avery for continued service with Curtis Breeding Service.
1983 - 30 years ago
• Judy White, Fran Nielsen, Pat Smith, Polly Penning and Barb Pederson were at Rodeway Motel in Bloomington, Minn., to wish good luck to Bluerock as the group left for Nashville. Bluerock’s Ken Pederson called home after the first night’s performance and said, “Everything went just great.” • Shell Lake High School’s winter pom-pom squad placed second in class C competition. The girls, coached by first-grade teacher Kitty Ebel, were Heidi Nielsen, Amy Richie, Deidre Degner, Mary Roubik, Kathy Mortensen, Chris Burns, Kim Kessler, Lori Stellrecht, Paula Lawrence, Peggy Land, Karen Cathers, Cheryl Soltis, Barb Smith and Theresa Schultz. • Winners of a $250 scholarship each
from the Washburn County Farmers Union were Regina Ailport, daughter of William and Barbara Ailport, and Rick Roeser, son of Tony and Frenchy Roeser. • The former Lund American boat factory in Shell Lake would be sold to the Horton Company.
1993 - 20 years ago
• Sara Reimann, Shell Lake High School senior, was a member of the Wisconsin Masonic Show Choir directed by Darrell Aderman. The choir presented a fundraising concert at the UWIndianhead Arts Center. Proceeds from the concert went to the Shell Lake High School band department. • A Badger party was held at Lakeview Hotel Bar to cheer the Badgers to a victory over Michigan State and to celebrate the Badger’s first Rose Bowl berth in over 30 years. • Johannah Feeney was baptized at Salem Lutheran Church. • Shell Lake FFA members Tina Sargent, Jon Schmitz, Tom Viltz, Trudy Smith and Lynn Schmitz participated in National FFA contests at the World Dairy Expo in Madison.
2003 - 10 years ago
• Named students of the month at Shell Lake were Jennifer Haack, seventh grade; Bethanna Peterson, eighth grade; Hanna Christ, freshman; Lynette Scheu, sophomore; Amanda Burton, junior; and Mike Madison, senior. • Scott LaVeau shot an 8-point buck opening day of the gun-deer season. Dressed, the deer weighed 200 pounds. • At the November meeting of the Shell Lake School Board, the board approved a resolution changing the student fee for driver’s education from $60 to $250. • Dennis and Amenda Johnson, Shell Lake, were the November $300 Lions calendar winners.
Thursday, Dec. 5 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday- Sunday, Dec. 6-8 • Night in Bethlehem, Friday 6-8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 4-7 p.m., Cornerstone Church, 106 Balsam St., Spooner. Wander the busy streets of Bethlehem for an interactive drama.
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Friday, Dec. 6 • Washburn County Genealogical Society Christmas party, 12:30 p.m., at Tracks, one mile west of Spooner on Hwy. 70. Meal is self-pay. A $5 gift man for man, lady for lady may be brought. There will be no meetings in November or December. Saturday, Dec. 7 • Shell Lake’s Holiday Saturday celebration at local businesses, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Santa will meet for breakfast at the community center 8-10 a.m. • Community Christmas Fund bake sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Suburban Propane, Lake Mall, Shell Lake. • Shell Lake United Methodist Church holiday bazaar, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. • Holiday Saturday after-school program craft sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 3-12 school. • Santa’s visit, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 9 a.m.-noon. • Alzheimer’s Day Respite Holiday Home Tour, 1-4 p.m. Touring four decorated homes. Tickets available at Dahls Home Store, Spooner, Mercantile, Thimbles Quilt Shop, Shell Lake State Bank in Spooner and Shell Lake, and Spooner Elementary School. All funds go to support the Alzheimer’s Day Respite program held at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • Christmas cookie walk, Trinity Lutheran Church, CTH K across from Spooner Elementary School, 9 a.m.-noon. Monday, Dec. 9 • Holiday Jingle Mingle to be held immediately following the high school choir concert that starts at 7 p.m. in the Spooner High School auditorium. The culinary arts students will serve homemade appetizers and sweets in the commons. Tuesday, Dec. 10 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. • Shell Lake 7-12 holiday concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 gym. Wednesday, Dec. 11 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. • The Shell Lake Library will be receiving a visit from Santa Claus 6-7:30 p.m. Santa will be reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” listening to wish lists and giving out treat bags. Bring your camera. Children are encouraged to wear pajamas. Thursday, Dec. 12 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Washburn County food distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715-4684017, or 715-222-4410. • Shell Lake High School band chili feed, 6-8 p.m., 3-12 school commons.
Shell Lake, Wisconsin
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Friday, Jan. 17 • Shell Lake Education Foundation Dad’s Belgian Waffles during doubleheader basketball against Northwood. Advanced tickets are available from any SLEF board member or the district office at the 3-12 building.
Powwow to be held in Hertel
HOLIDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 - 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. 23 Fifth Avenue Shell Lake
Friday, Dec. 13 • Spooner Women’s Club will meet at 1 p.m. at Glenview in Shell Lake. Dr. Emory Johnson will lead Christmas carols. Bring a plate of goodies to share. Visitors, please contact Pat at 715-865-2250 for more information. Saturday, Dec. 14 • Springbrook VFW children’s Christmas party, 11 a.m.3 p.m. Adult party 6-9 p.m. • Christmas cookie walk, United Methodist Church, 312 Elm St., Spooner, 8-11 a.m. Monday, Dec. 16 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. • Holiday Jingle Mingle to be held immediately following the high school band concert that starts at 7 p.m. in the Spooner High School auditorium. The culinary arts students will serve homemade appetizers and sweets in the commons. Tuesday, Dec. 17 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. • Shell Lake Elementary holiday concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 gym. Wednesday, Dec. 18 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday, Dec. 19 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. • Shell Lake Primary School holiday concert, 9:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 21 • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys For Tots distribution, noon-2 p.m., Rice Lake Armory. For more info, call Larry Miller, 715-234-1792 or Butch Holmes, 715-822-2118. Sunday, Dec. 22 • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys For Tots distribution, noon-2 p.m., Barronett Civic Club. For more info, call Larry Miller, 715-234-1792 or Butch Holmes, 715-8222118. Donations of new, unwrapped toys being accepted at Lake Mall in Shell Lake. Thursday, Dec. 26 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Saturday, Dec. 28 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted.
Thurs. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
HERTEL — The St. Croix Tribe would like to cordially invite you and your family to attend the 30th-annual St. Croix T.R.A.I.L.S. Powwow on Saturday, Dec. 14. The powwow is held at the St. Croix Tribal gymnasium in Hertel with the grand entry beginning at 1 p.m. The powwow will continue until 10 p.m. on Saturday evening. The powwow is a family celebration. There will be no alcohol or drugs allowed on the premises. “This is a traditional powwow that we hold every year in honor of our youth,” said Mark Soulier. “The crowning of the new T.R.A.I.L.S. princess and brave will take place at the powwow on Saturday.” Traditional dancing and singing will envelop the day. Your children will enjoy watching the traditional St. Croix Tribal descendants royalty contest. Native American clothing, crafts and custom Native American jewelry will be for sale.
Authentic Native American foods will be available. William Hindsley, master of ceremonies, will introduce a full regalia of women dancers in traditional buckskin, fancy shawl, jingle and ribbon dresses. Traditional male grass dancers will perform as well. The grass dance is based on a tradition of men knocking down tall grass to provide a place to gather. Trick dancing and fast dancing will captivate the crowds. Grand entries are scheduled for 1 and 7 p.m. The host drum is the Cumberland Singers, and Raining Thunder is the co-host. The St. Croix Tribal Center is located on Hwy. 70, halfway between Spooner and Siren. For more information, please contact Soulier, coordinator at 800-2362195, ext. 5310. — from St. Croix Tribal Council
Tickets available from select local merchants
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Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their website and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or email wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Terraceview Living Center Inc. is providing opportunities for talented volunteers skilled in group and one-to-one interactions with the elderly. Seeking services between 3 and 7 p.m. daily. There will be flexibility in scheduling your services. Orientation is provided. If you are interested please stop by their office and fill out an application. ••• Faith in Action of Washburn County is looking for volunteers to provide direct services to seniors and adults with disabilities. Tasks might include transportation, light housekeeping, light yard work, fix-it jobs, telephone and in-person visits. Training is provided, and all volunteers choose what they want to do and when they want to volunteer. For more information, please call 715-6352252 or email Faith In Action at faithinactionwc@yahoo.com. ••• Washburn County Unit on Aging is in need of volunteer drivers for the Meals on Wheels program and the medical escort program. This is a great opportunity to socialize, meet new people, travel and help others. Mileage is paid to volunteers who use their own vehicles when transporting and/or delivering. You must possess a valid state of Wisconsin driver’s license and be able to read maps, road names and street signs. If interested, please contact Eva at the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Spooner at 715-635-4460. ••• ICAA Crossroads Literacy is looking for tutors in reading, health and computer skills. If interested, please contact coordinator Jean Walsh at 715-790-7213 or email walsh7213@yahoo.com. ••• Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity ReStore is looking for volunteers to help out in the ReStore, 805 River St., Spooner cleaning, selling, stocking and picking up donations. Contact Paul, 715-520-8200, for more info. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. Email it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office, or call 715-468-2314. Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.
246 Industrial Blvd. • Shell Lake, WI 54871 Studio Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - Noon Studio: 715-468-2232
Volunteer opportunities
Monday: Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christcentered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. • Washburn County Historical Society Research Room open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Located in the basement of the main museum. Also by appointment. Call 715-468-2982. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday and Saturday: Washburn County Genealogy Room, 1061/2 - 2nd Avenue, Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Appointments can be made during the winter, weather permitting. Call 715-635-7937 for information. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA Monday Noon AA Open Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.
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by Debby Johnson, at Lake Mall, Shell Lake Saturday, December 7, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
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596544 5bp 16rp
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Handmade hats & headbands, stocking stuffers & crafts. Saturday, December 7, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
596543 5bp 16rp
Lake Mall, Shell Lake
Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Holiday Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. CHAOS
CHRISTMASCANDY FUND BAKECORNER SALE 5bp 16rp Lake Mall, Shell Lake 596534Chocolates Featuring Hand-dipped
Hours: Tues. - Fri. 10 a. m. - 5 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.;
596527 5b 16r
596533 5bp 16rp
Tues. & Wed. 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. All other times by appointment. Call 715-468-2404.
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Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce invites you to
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Santa is coming to Shell Lake Public Library
SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Public Library will be receiving a visit from Santa Claus on Wednesday, Dec. 11, from 6-7:30 p.m. Santa will be reading “‘Twas the Night
Before Christmas,” listening to wish lists and giving out treat bags. Bring your camera. Children are encouraged to wear pajamas. — from SLPL
596529 5b, 16r
Enjoy Coffee, Rolls, Scones
596525 16rp
Doors Open 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
8 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Pancakes, sausage, strawberries, coffee, milk and juice
Adults $4 Children & Senior Citizens $3
Pictures with Santa - $2 Cash donation or an item for the food pantry.
596530 5b, 16r
Make It & Take It Crafts Milk & Cheese Provided By Tri-County Dairy Promoters
December happenings at LFRC SPOONER — Santa will visit at the Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to noon. On Monday, Dec. 9, 10 a.m., First Friends play time with Wilma takes place. Wilma will also be available at KidstimeParentime on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. There will be a potluck lunch at 11:15
a.m. Monday, Dec. 15, 5 p.m., is Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group. The center has a wish list that includes zipping plastic bags; graham crackers; colored pencils and pretzels. LFRC will be closed Monday, Dec. 23, through Wednesday, Jan. 1. — from LFRC
Sports reporter: Larry Samson Email results to: wcregister@centurytel.net
A sneak peek at Shell Lake girls basketball
Head coach Dan Kevan used the Tuesday, Nov. 26, scrimmage with Unity as a learning experience. It was an opportunity for him to work with his players in a game situation prior to the start of the season. Shell Lake started their season with a game in Winter on Tuesday, Dec. 3. They will be playing Cameron in a home game on Friday, Dec. 6, with a 7:30 p.m. start.
Shell Lake junior Amy Bouchard plays her opponent in a man-to-man situation.
Hannah Cassel with a jump shot. She is a point guard that can shoot outside but likes bringing it to the basket.
Senior and team captain Jen Connell directs Amy Bouchard as she sets up the play. Connell is one of five seniors that will make this one of the most experienced teams Shell Lake has put together.
Sophomore Sheri Clark goes with a jump shot. She and Amanda Brereton have shown that they will be able to come off the bench to help the team in the stretch. A deep bench is something that the team will have this year.
Shell Lake loses to Frederic
Larry Samson|Staff writer FREDERIC — After starting the season with a 44-43 win over Bruce on Nov. 21, Shell Lake traveled to Frederic on Tuesday, Nov. 26, where they lost 59-49 in a nonconference game. It was a close game that got away from Shell Lake in the fourth quarter. At halftime Shell Lake trailed 25-22. Shell Lake stayed in the ballgame, trailing by five going into the fourth. The Lakers could not close the gap to win the game. David Brereton and Adam Hungerbuhler led the team in points with 16 and 15 points respectively. They each had five rebounds for the night. On defense, Jesse Sibert had three blocks. It is early in the season and Shell Lake turned the ball over 32 times to cost them the game. They were shooting 47 percent from the free-throw line and 51 percent from the floor. Shell Lake traveled to Prairie Farm on Tuesday, Dec. 3, for their first conference game. The results were not available at press time. The Lakers will host Cameron in the first game of a doubleheader on Friday, Dec. 6. The game starts at 5:45 p.m. On Monday, Dec. 9, Shell Lake boys will host Turtle Lake in their third Lakeland Central Conference game.
fall sports
Boys varsity basketball
Photos by Larry Samson
Shania Pokorny is doing what she does so well, getting a shot off under pressure. She is Shell Lake’s top scorer and is approaching the 1,000-point mark.
Friday, Dec. 20: At Spooner, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 27: At Luck, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 3: Vs. Unity, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7: At Clayton, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 6: Vs. Cameron, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12: Vs. Flambeau, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 16: At Solon Springs, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20: At Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 27: At Luck, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 3: Vs. Unity, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7: Vs. Siren, 7:30 p.m.
Varsity wrestling
Girls varsity basketball
Monday, Dec. 9: Vs. Tomahawk, Hayward Sports Center, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10: At New Richmond, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14: Vs. Hudson, Hayward Sports Center, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 6: Vs. Cameron, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13: At Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 16: At Solon Springs, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 5: Vs. Unity, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14: Spooner Tournament, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 19: Vs. Cameron, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 21: At Northwestern, 9 a.m. Friday, Dec. 27: Away, TBD, 9 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 9: At Bruce, 7 p.m.
Girls varsity hockey (Hayward, Spooner, Northwestern, Ashland, Shell Lake)
Tuesday, Dec. 17: Vs. Chippewa Falls, Hayward Sports Center, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 19: At Superior, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 26: Blaine Invitational, Fogerty Ice Arena, Blaine, Minn., 7 a.m. Friday, Jan. 3: Vs. Proctor, Hayward Sports Center, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 4: At Onalaska, 7 p.m.
Boys varsity hockey (Spooner, Shell Lake, Barron, Cumberland) Saturday, Dec. 7: Vs. Regis, Barron, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10: Vs. Hayward, Spooner Ice House, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12: Park Falls, 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13: Vs. Black River Falls, Cumberland, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 26 - Saturday, Dec. 28: Tournament, Spooner Ice House, TBD. Friday, Jan. 3: At Ashland, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7 Vs. Altoona, Spooner Ice House, 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9: At Baldwin-Woodville, 7 p.m.
Sports reporter: Larry Samson Email results to: wcregister@centurytel.net
Spooner girls basketball varsity team
The Spooner girls basketball team will start their season with a home game against Barron on Friday, Dec. 6. Playing varsity for Spooner this year are Sarah Dettle, senior; Cassidy Quinton, sophomore; Kelsie Gerovac, sophomore; Julie Bray, junior; Adriana Shabani, junior; Sarah Taylor, senior; Michelle Richardson, senior; Katie Gobel, junior; and Alexandria Hotchkiss, senior. — Photo by Larry Samson
Wilderness hockey returns to Ice House Sean Solveson | Contributing writer SPOONER — The Wisconsin Wilderness Junior A hockey team returns to the Spooner Ice House on Saturday, Dec. 7, as they host the Fort Francis Lakers. The Wilderness has continued to struggle as they play right with teams and then suffer a letdown for about a half period each game. A new coach, John McCreary, was brought in midseason to offer his experience to right the ship. His plan is to put new systems in place, complete the unfilled roster with new talent and to bring a new culture to the
team. McCreary stated that, “Junior A players need structure and a high level of discipline in order to compete at this level.” McCreary highlighted the recent play of Sawyer Jacobson, forward from Montana; Justin Gregory, forward from Colorado; and Austin Arnold, forward from Nebraska, as being bright spots for the team in recent games. The Wilderness season is approaching its midpoint and the team’s goal is to now play .500 hockey. The individual talent on the team mixed with the right mentality could be the recipe for success. Time will tell if they’ve been able to make the
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corrections to be competitive again. Lars Geary, the Wilderness owner, appreciates all the continued fan support during this rebuilding season. After Saturday’s game,
Share the Spirit of Christmas!
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Give so others will enjoy the holiday! Gifts of money, new toys and new clothing may be dropped off at the following locations:
Holiday Open House
Saturday, December 7, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Offering Subscription Savings
Lake Mall, 11 5th Ave. Shell Lake
Lake Mall Shell Lake, WI 715-468-2314
102 5th Ave. Shell Lake
596833 16r
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ad And Copy Deadline: Noon Monday
the next home games for the Wilderness are Thursday and Friday, Dec. 12 and 13.
INDIANHEAD CREDIT UNION 104 E. Maple St. (Hwy. 70 East) Spooner
251 E. Maple St. (Hwy. 70 East) Spooner Monetary donations may be mailed to: “CHRISTMAS FUND” P.O. Box 321, Spooner, WI 54801 Names of families needing assistance requested no later than Tuesday, Dec. 10 Gift Basket forms available at: Washburn County Human Services Office, Shell Lake Washburn County Food Pantry Washburn County Public Health, Spooner Spooner Advocate Washburn County Register PLEASE, ONE APPLICATION PER FAMILY
596902 16r
595397 12-16r
Recipients must complete form and pledge to be home (or have an adult present) between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Friday, December 20, to receive the basket. (You must reside in either the Spooner or Shell Lake School District)
In the spirit of the season
Photos by Larry Samson
The Allar family has made it their Thanksgiving tradition to spend the day with others in the community. For the last two years they have prepared a Thanksgiving Day dinner at the Lakeland Manor. Danielle Allar, Matthew Allar, Steve Allar, Carri Allar, Michael Allar and Taylor Rohow worked together as a family to share their special love.
Steve Allar has the duties of carving the two turkeys.
Matthew Allar carefully ladles punch into the glasses for the special guests. He has learned to work and to give of himself by his parents example in the spirit of Thanksgiving. While attending a Thanksgiving community dinner sponsored by Cleghorn Neighborhood Center at St. Joseph’s Church in Fitchburg, Mass., on Wednesday, Nov. 27, Sheila Lumi, director, Central Massachusetts Art and Agriculture Coalition, announced that the Mexican monarch butterfly population was reported as only 3 million returning monarchs to Mexico around All Souls Day, the day that monarchs normally return to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere in Michoacan. The count was observed around All Soul’s Day, Nov. 1. The count is the lowest number ever recorded in over 20 years of observation. Many scientists from around the country have feared that the monarch butterfly might not be able to rebound from record low numbers this past summer in the United States. According to James
Brugger, “As Watchdog Earth noted earlier this year, they have been losing habitat in the heartland to farming practices that don’t allow hardly any milkweed to grow. Yet they depend on milkweed, which hosts the butterflies’ caterpillars and chrysalises.” I only saw one monarch flutter by in Fitchburg, Mass., this past summer. The Monarch Butterfly Habitat in Shell Lake experienced a drought, and no monarchs were sighted. It is more than sad to realize that the natural world is breaking down to the point that we are watching an indicator species in trouble. What does this mean for humans? One out of
Thanksgiving Day dinner, including turkey and ham with all the fixings, awaited the residents and their families of Lakeland Manor in Shell Lake on Thursday, Nov. 28.
every three bites of food needs animal pollination. Butterflies are the second largest group of pollinators in the world, keeping the native plant gene pool alive. The monarch teaches us that mankind needs to transform, become sustainable, and stay connected to the natural world. This is the only way that the web of life can continue in harmony. To read the full article visit blogs. courier-journal.com/
A monarch on thistle in New Mexico. — Photo by Mary Ellen Ryall
w a t c h d o g e a r t h / 2 0 1 3 / 11 / 2 3 / t h e c o n t i n u i n g - c o l l a p s e - o f - m o n a rc h -
Butterfly Corner • Mary Ellen Ryall
Spreading clover love Danielle Moe |Staff writer WASHBURN COUNTY — Seven million people worldwide pledge, 3,068 counties in the U.S. organize, and 156 youths in Washburn County participated last year. Recognized as the largest youth program in the world, 4-H fosters leadership, citizenship and life skills. This year, six area young people were chosen to represent the Washburn County 4-H program as 4-H ambassadors. Laura Ritchie, Cheyenne Nowaczyk, Mariah Skogstad, Kate Rosenbush, Willow Stroede and Lucia Stroede were all named the 2014 Washburn County 4-H ambassadors. These six young ladies are responsible for promoting the Washburn County 4-H program. As an ambassador they “are spreading the bridge between non 4-H’ers and 4-H’ers … we are just trying to get people to want to become a part of it, so you have to spread clover love,” explained Lucia Stroede. At 16, Lucia is in her third year of being an ambassador for the Washburn County 4-H program, but works hard every year to become eligible for the honor again. Each 4-H hopeful must meet specific criteria in order to be qualified to be selected as an ambassador. “To become an ambassador, the youth have to go through an interview process and do record books for the past 4-H year,” explained Anna DeMers, Washburn County 4-H youth development educator at the University Wisconsin-Extension. In addition they must have been in the junior leaders or youth leadership program for one year
Lucia Stroede, right, stands with other 4-H ambassadors during an annual ambassador training session. — Photo by Gretchen Granzin and been an active 4-H member for at least the past two years.
Throughout the year the ambassadors will do public service announcements,
talk to community groups, and represent 4-H at community events to bridge the gap between the public and the organization. They also help the organization by assisting in other clubs, working with leaders and members, and keeping everyone in the organization up to date on what the ambassadors are doing. The responsibilities of being a 4-H ambassador are great, but the role gives participants new experiences. “Ambassadors have a lot of opportunities to talk with people they would not ordinarily talk to, or going on trips too,” said Lucia. Feb. 18 and 19, Stroede and other county 4-H ambassadors will be attending one of their first trips of the year at Superior Days in Madison. For over 29 years the annual event brings issues from across Northwest Wisconsin to the attention of legislators. Participants in Superior Days come from different backgrounds and ages from across Northwest Wisconsin. Business owners, local politicians, college students, parents, high school students and other community members come together to improve their communities. Being a role model, participating in new experiences, and building citizenship makes the ambassador program a goal for many a 4-H’er. For Lucia being in 4-H has opened a world of possibilities, and one she hopes may include a future career in photography. “For me 4-H has opened so many doors that I did not even know really existed either, until I got involved,” she said.
Pep band performances
Shell Lake freshmen Heidi Steines and Cassidy Schroeder play in the pep band for fun and to be a part of the school spirit. The pep band performs at football and volleyball games in the fall. In the winter, they perform at boys and girls basketball games as well as in some of the dual wrestling matches.
Photos by Larry Samson
Jordyn Monson stands quietly holding her tuba during the national anthem.
Andrew Dahlstrom, Lauren Osborn and Keagan Blazer make up the saxophone section in the pep band. For these students, the pep band adds to an already busy schedule, but they would not have it any other way.
Denotter bags 10-pointer
Matthew Denotter, Hertel, shot a nice 10-pointer during the recent gun-deer hunting season. — Photo submitted
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53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday School 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Faith & Friends, K - 6th grades, Wednesdays 3:15 - 5 p.m.; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.
Lake Park Alliance
Northwoods Baptist
W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.
Spooner Baptist
W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.
St. Joseph’s Catholic
100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.
St. Catherine’s Catholic
CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
St. Francis de Sales
St. Alban’s
Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel
293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;
Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.
409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.
W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday services, 9 a.m. Sunday school 9:15 a.m.
Salem Lutheran, ELCA
803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..
Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran
20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran
1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Schools 9:15 a.m. Office hours: Monday Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
United Methodist
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.
Faith Lutheran
Long Lake Lutheran Church
135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc
Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.
United Methodist
(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship, 8 a.m. with Holy Communion 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Praise worship with Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays
312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.
Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Church of the Nazarene
Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.
Spooner Wesleyan
Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Joel Simpson, Worship Arts Director 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.
Cornerstone Christian
Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m.
Trego Community Church
Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 9, 2013
osiah Wedgwood was the founder of one of the world’s finest pottery businesses. It was his practice to walk through his plant carrying a little hammer. Whenever he detected the slightest defect in any of his earthenware, he would break it and shout, “Only the best is worthy of the name of Wedgwood.” That is why his china has maintained the reputation of being among the world’s finest. Have you ever considered what it means to be called “Christian?” It means that we are being called by the name “Christ.” What a privilege! But are we worthy? Often individuals find fault with the way some who are called Christian behave. It is not that those in question believe wrong, it is simply that they do not behave right. It is an observation about how they live and what they do. The world finds no fault with Christ, but has difficulty understanding why those who represent him do not live as they are expected to. Perhaps this is why many do not receive him. Too many of those who claim his name find it easier to talk as he did rather than to walk as he walked.
This message is sponsored by the following businesses: Shell Lake State Bank
Your Locally Owned & Controlled Bank Shell Lake: 715-468-7858 Spooner: 715-635-7858 Sarona: 715-469-3331 MEMBER HOUSING www.shelllakestatebank.com FDIC EQUAL LENDER
Family Owned 4 Locations Full-Service Funeral Home And Crematory • Preplanning information • Full burial & cremation options • Online obituaries & register books • Monuments & Grief Resources Licensed in WI & MN Funeral Directors: Robert Skinner - William Skinner Brian Hyllengren - Albert Skinner Taylor Page - April Carr
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Silver Shears Salon
506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.
For Appointment 715-468-2404
White Birch Printing, Inc. Quality Printing Since 1963 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis.
Benedictine Health System
1/2 mi. south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63 • 715-468-7424
LAKESIDE MARKET 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Sat.; 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun.
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Washburn County Area Humane Society
ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Lizzy’s been featured here one time before, Since she’s been here, we have learned a bit more. Lizzy showed us how she really loves cats, But I don’t know a cat who should be loved like “that.” So no cats for Lizzy, a home yes indeed, A home is the one thing that sweet Lizzy needs. Someone had found her, this older Lab mix, We think that our Lizzy’s about 5 or 6. When you rub her belly and give her a treat, You will wonder why she was left out in the street. Why not come meet her and visit a while, ‘Cause what you will get is this face and this smile. Dogs for adoption: 4-year-old female Staffordshire terrier; two 1-year-old male brindle/white Staffordshire terriers and a 5-year-old female black Lab mix. Cats for adoption: 3-year-old shorthair tortie; two 4-month-old female shorthair black/brown/orange tigers; 8-week-old female shorthair tiger; 10-week-old male black/white shorthair; 2-year-old female black/ white shorthair; two 6-month-old Birman mix and an 8-year-old neutered/declawed black medium-hair. Also for adoption: Two male guinea pigs and a 1-year-old brown/white male rat.
Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)
715-635-4720 wcahs.com
OBITUARIES Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email wcregister@centurytel.net
Ida A. Johnson
Ida A. Johnson, 87, Chippewa Falls and formerly of Shell Lake, died Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013, at Wissota Health and Regional Vent Center in Chippewa Falls. She was born July 3, 1926, in Shell Lake, to Oscar and Marie (Miller) Johnson. Ida was a very generous sister and aunt who always put her family first. She made excellent lemon meringue pies. Ida was a fun loving, adventurous woman who created many unforgettable memories. She often had a smirky smile and a twinkle in her eye. Ida took pride in being an accountant and worked in various places such as a law firm in Minneapolis and The Anchorage Municipality. Ida is survived by her sister, Hilda (Albert) Sommerfeld, Spooner; brother, Marvin Johnson, North Pole, Alaska; and sister-in-law, Ann Johnson, Shell Lake;
We would like to thank our family and friends for their prayers and support in the passing of our mother, Minnie Cantley. A special thank-you to Dr. Haesemeyer and his staff, the staff at Terraceview Living Center and at the Shell Lake Hospital for your caring ways. Thank you to Bill Skinner for his kindness and support. Thank you to Pastor Jahnke for his beautiful service and the ladies for serving lunch.
Will and Marlene Wahler 596966 16rp Don Cantley
Senior lunch menu
Monday, Dec. 9: Cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, creamy cheesy veggies, cake. Tuesday, Dec. 10: Beef tips with gravy over noodles, baby carrots, gelatin with fruit. Wednesday, Dec. 11: Sliced roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, buttered rutabagas, brownie. Thursday, Dec. 12: Chicken a la king with vegetables over baking-powder biscuits, small salad, cookie. Friday, Dec. 13: Lemony baked cod, hash browns, peas and pearl onions, spiced apple rings, pears. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.
Find us online @ wcregisteronline.com
1 to 4 p.m. Please join us for a unique holiday experience by touring 4 beautifully decorated homes – one of them being a YURT as pictured above. Tickets are available at Dahls Home Store, Spooner Mercantile, Thimbles Quilt Shop, Shell Lake Bank both in Spooner and Shell Lake and at Spooner Elementary School. Tickets are $10 each. All funds go to support the Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program which is held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner.
along with many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by parents; brothers, Iver, Reuben, Melvin, Herman and Vincent Johnson; and sister, Clarinda Johnson. Funeral services were held Nov. 30 at Salem Lutheran Church, Shell Lake, with the Rev. Susan Odegard officiating. Burial was in Clam River Cemetery, Town of Bashaw. Pallbearers were Dave Sommerfeld, Dennis Sommerfeld, Doug Sommerfeld, Dan Sommerfeld, Dale Johnson and Duane Johnson. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.
Dalen “Dean” Soholt Dalen “Dean” Soholt, 80, Johnson Creek, passed away Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013, at Alden Estates, surrounded by his loving family. Dalen was born on July 25, 1933, in Sarona, son of the late Gustav and Ruth (Hendrickson) Soholt. He married Gay Erdman on Nov. 11, 1961, at Faith Lutheran Church on Spooner; she preceded him in death on Dec. 19, 2011. Dalen proudly served in the United States Seabees from 1953-1957 during the Korean War. He was an ironworker at Chilstrom Erecting in Milwaukee, retiring in 1991. Dalen was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Johnson Creek, Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner, and the American Legion Post 305 in Johnson Creek. Dalen was an avid hunter and outdoorsman who passed on his love of the sport to his children and grandchildren. He was a wonderful man who put everyone’s needs ahead of his own. He was cherished as a father, fatherin-law, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle. He always made time for his family and friends and was a superb storyteller. His quick sense of humor will always be remembered by those who were fortunate enough to meet him. A smile was always on his face and he treated everyone as a longtime friend. Dalen was one of the longest surviving Parkinson’s patients in Wisconsin, having a 30-year history. He was a truly unique man and will be deeply missed by his five children, daughter, Kristy (Jeff) Wichman, Johnson Creek; sons, Kurt (Zenaida) Soholt, Stafford, Va., Craig (Julie) Soholt, Johnson Creek, Brian (Darla) Soholt, St. Cloud, Minn., Joshua (Trisha) Soholt, Helenville; 11 grandchildren, Levi (April), Ron, Justin, Lexi, Layci, Leif, Arianna, Kaity, Brynn, Sari and Lars; and two great-grandchildren, Haylee and Augest; sister, Dorothy Soholt, Spooner; and brother, Donald (Bev) Soholt, Parker, Colo. He was preceded in death by brothers, Art Soholt and Richard Soholt; and sisters, Marie Soholt, Julia Klein, Beulah Soholt, Florence Bortz and Gladys Brett. Visitation and services will be held Friday, Dec. 6, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner. A burial with full military honors will follow at the veterans cemetery in Spooner. Those wishing to express sympathy through memorials may direct them to Rainbow Hospice or St. John’s Lutheran Church in Johnson Creek. Taylor Family Funeral Home in Spooner was entrusted with arrangements. Visit scalzo-taylor.com to leave a condolence.
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Project Lifesaver’s mission is to use state-of-the-art technology in assisting those who care for people with Alzheimer’s, other cognitive disorders and persons who wander. Local emergency teams respond to calls resulting in an average rescue time of less than 30 minutes.
For more information about this program, please contact Tyler Walsh at the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office 715-468-4700. 715-468-4700
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by Judy Pieper
Yea, hunting season is over. We can, once again, go for walks in the woods without wearing the very fashionable blaze-orange caps and jackets. Most of the hunters I talked to said that they saw very few deer this year, and that the ones they saw weren’t anything to write home about. We did hear lots of shots, so there must have been some running around, and there must have been a few lucky hunters. Bill Forrestal, John’s brother, was one of the very lucky and skillful hunters this year. He got a beautiful 13-point buck in the McKenzie area on Saturday. He didn’t weigh it, but John thought it must have been over 200 pounds. Bet that rack will be proudly displayed in his home somewhere. You know that Merl Overvig’s son and daughterin-law, Brian and Patsy, moved to Arizona about three years ago, but Brian comes back every year to go hunting with his dad. Well, the weather on opening morning was freezing cold and the wind was howling. That’s not exactly the kind of weather Brian likes or is used to anymore. Anyway, on opening morning, he braved the elements and was standing and shivering in the windswept woods behind the Overvig home. He got out there at about 6:55 a.m., and a few minutes after 7 a.m. he shot his buck. Shirley is sure he got it just to get the torture of shivering over. Of course, the only problem with that is that, after a hunter gets his buck, he is expected to do drives for the others. Friends, and hunting companions, expect anyone with a hunting license to stay in the woods as long as there is even one tag that hasn’t been filled. John Schmidt was back in town for a few days last week. Naturally he stopped by the Red Brick to have breakfast and to gab with some of his friends. John said that he plans to be living back here again by the time he retires. That will be great. He really should have just stayed here instead of moving back to Colorado anyway. Curt Hefty called to wish us a happy Thanksgiving and chat for a while. I don’t know when he and Mary Kay will be back for a visit, but I hope it’s soon. I told him that their bedroom is still empty. We had a nice visit, and then he talked to Duane. Do you have any idea how
Heart Lake
boring men’s conversations are? Duane and Curt talked about a lathe, that’s some kind of machine for making marks in metal, almost the whole time. I can’t imagine why men find things like that so fascinating. Anitia Lehmann hosted her annual family Thanksgiving dinner at the shack again this year. In addition to making the turkey and ham, she made all the pies herself and even had time to make lefse. I honestly don’t know how she does so much, but she certainly seems to enjoy doing it. The shack was filled to capacity with all the Lehmann kids, grandkids and friends. Anitia’s sister, Mary Jane, was there, too. She had come down from Grand Marais to visit for a few days. One nice thing about the weather this year is that the lakes and ponds are absolutely perfect for skating. That little lake on the Lehmann farm is so smooth and it has almost no snow on it. The Lehmann kids are all skaters, and they have been out on the lake almost every day this past week. On Thanksgiving Day they were in the shack only long enough to eat, and then they were right back out there. On Sunday Lauren, Emma and DaShawn had a little bonfire going so they could get warm without going in the house. Man, wouldn’t it be nice to have so much get-up-and-go again? Advent season is here. Pastor Todd lit the first Advent candle Sunday morning during the worship service. I’m sure Peg Thompson and her helpers will be starting rehearsals for the Christmas pageant during Wednesday evening kids’ church. And we will be putting up and decorating the tree soon, probably after the service and council meeting next week. Yea! Christmas season is so exciting. The candlelight service at Wiesner Chapel was, once again this year, very very nice. During the fellowship hour before the service, the Friends of Wiesner Chapel were serving hot apple cider and cookies. The chapel was beautifully decorated, and there were lots of candles and oil lamps burning. The little woodstove kept it so warm in there that someone opened the back door for a while so it could cool off some. Pastor Jeff Martin led the service again this year and it was wonderful. After each Bible reading the congregation sang old familiar carols.
That little chapel was packed. I don’t think there was an empty seat anywhere. If you missed it, you’ll have another chance to go next year. The women of Barronett Lutheran will be hosting their Christmas party this Saturday, Dec. 7, starting at noon. All women are invited, whether you attend our church or not. We have so much fun. We sing carols, eat lots of good food, play games, steal gifts, the fun goes on and on. If you plan to attend, please bring a couple or three very inexpensive, wrapped gifts for our dice game. This will be a perfect time to come and visit and get to know the women of Barronett Lutheran a little better. Terry Goodrich, aka the friendly neighborhood moocher, called and said that he is definitely not going to starve. Friends have brought him four pumpkin pies recently. And, Pat and Doug Sweet are way too good to him. They came over on Sunday afternoon and brought him lots of food so he doesn’t even have to cook. The man is spoiled. Oh, and Terry told me that he was talking to a friend of his the other day and she told him a pretty funny story. Seems that she was talking to a man from Shell Lake who had read some of the stories in “Hobos and Watering Holes,” and he asked who Terry Goodrich was. Terry’s friend told him that he was someone who had grown up in Barronett. The guy asked her if he was the friendly neighborhood moocher, and she laughingly admitted that he was. Then the guy said, “Oh, I thought that was just someone Judy Pieper made up.” Hmmm. Wait a minute. All those stories about Terry are mostly true. I couldn’t make that kind of stuff up. In fact, I have to tone some of it down in order to put it in a family newspaper. So, yes, AJ, there really is a friendly neighborhood moocher. Condolences go out to the family of Sandy Borrman Nyberg, who passed away unexpectedly at home this past weekend. Please keep the Borrman family in your prayers during this time of sorrow. I guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Hope to see you at our Christmas party on Saturday. See you later.
by Helen V. Pederson
Well, it’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas! We’re having a light snowfall on Monday, Dec. 2. Aren’t we glad hunting season is over? I am. Last Friday, Tim Pederson of Amherst along with sonin-law, Cary, and a few friends came up to hunt with Jeff and his boys. He returned to Eau Claire to have Thanksgiving with his girls, Stephie and Corey and Megan and Dustin. Myron and Jude Bolterman spent a few days in Garrison, N.D., visiting Amy and Charlie and granddaughter, Abigail. Peder Pederson joined Cheri and Steve Minot, Eric, Tony and his wife, Michelle, and Tanya for Thanksgiving dinner at Bill and Lori Sumner’s. Lillian Ullom had dinner with son Mark and Judy and supper with Donna and Norman Ness.
Dewey Country We’re in the last month of the year. Yes, the first of December was on Sunday. How fast this past year has gone. We hadn’t had snow until Monday, Dec. 2. The hunters were done for another season on Sunday. Let’s go back and think of all the anniversaries we’ve had. First it was New Year’s, then Valentine’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and then Thanksgiving. Yes, and we survived them. A very happy birthday to my Sunshine on Dec. 14. He would have turned 70. Also happy birthday to Helga Petersen on her day, Dec. 14. Have a great day Helga. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Astrid Johnson who passed away this past week with funeral services in Shell Lake on Nov. 30. Astrid grew up in Dewey Country. Her dad was a good friend of my dad’s and he would come down and visit. Later Astrid worked out and later went to Alaska where her brother, Marvin, worked. In Alaska, she worked at a bank for many years. At Carl and Betty Meister’s were their children, Mary and Beth Hanson, Ryan and Alyssa, Bev and Jarret Casselious and son Erik, and Sonny Meister and his son, Kevin. They enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, Nov. 30. Carl and Sonny got their bucks. Talking with Sandy Atkinson, she tells us she had Thanksgiving at their daughter and son-in-law’s, Pattie and Noel Beaufeaux in Eau Claire. Also coming to the feast were Jimmy Atkinson, and Scott and Kristen Carls and their children. They didn’t have much luck either amongst the four hunters. Yah know it’s been 15 years now since Jim Atkinson had a brain tumor and almost died. We’re certainly glad you’re here Jim! Thanksgiving guests at Diane Hulleman’s were Chad, Colleen and Izzy Jensen, Jack and Ginny Schnell, their daughter and family, Amanda, Aaron and baby Jackson, Steve Hulleman, Chris and Tiffany Perlt, Jackie Perlt, and Mike and Nancy Murray. Diane makes a turkey and a big ham. Yum! A very happy anniversary to Dale and Lois Stellrecht on Dec. 14. Have a wonderful day.
Louise Schade came up to spend the weekend with Florence Carlson. Lillian Ullom joined them for a visit Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to Donna Ness who received the Barron Electric’s Megawatt Community Service Award for all her volunteering. Tam Smith had a few piano students here at Glenview last week. John and Mary Marschall had a Tuesday night dinner for an early Thanksgiving for her family including Sara and husband, Marion Furchtenicht and Wealthy Marschall. On Thursday, John and Mary joined Darryl Marschall and his friend, Cookie, in River Falls for dinner. Happy birthday to Sara Mathison who celebrated her 25th birthday Saturday night at Bona Casa with her
family including Marion and Wealthy. Jeff Pederson came up on a big black bear when he was hunting Sunday but nothing came of it. Dinner guests of Mavis and Roger Flach on Thanksgiving were Wayne and Kim, Ashley and David, Brad and Kelly and Hailey and Troy Lundegam of Cumberland. Hailey got a 10-point buck. Congratulations, Hailey. Arlys Santiago spent Sunday afternoon working in the park and setting up holiday displays. Several of Glenview tenants went out for Thanksgiving while a few ate here at Glenview for a good dinner. Did you hear about the Finn who froze to death at the movies? He went to a drive-in to see “Closed for the Season.”
by Pauline Lawrence News from Beth Crosby finds Garry and Beth spending a week at Branson, Mo. They came home and found Chad there while Ashley and the kids were at her parents, the Doug Coyours. Tyler Crosby got a buck and Katie Ann got a doe. Beth says everyone got meat. Darrell and son Mark Crosby were up to the Crosbys enjoying hunting for the week. Thanksgiving Day found Garry and Beth Crosby, Tom Crosbys, Shorty and Melissa Crosby, Tyler and Katie Ann, Darrell and Mark Crosby, Donna and Jerry Melin and Chad Crosby enjoying the feast. Donna Melin made the dinner. Friday evening 45 people showed up at Garry and Beth’s for the annual chili feed made by Chad. Chad also made split-pea soup with ham while Beth made chicken noodle. Saturday there was a wedding shower for Kara Spears at the Mike and Kathy Spears home. A large number attended the shower. Kara will be getting married to Austin on Feb. 15. Kara is a surgical nurse in La Crosse and her honey to be is a Dishnet installer. Cecil and Evelyn Melton and Robin Melton went to Vicki and Don Trott’s for Thanksgiving. There were a number of other guests there also. Friday, the Meltons played cards with Robin, Vicki and Peggy. They also played cards at Thanksgiving. Marv Knoop didn’t go hunting this year. His grandson and granddaughter, Bryan and Alecia, got a doe and a buck. Thanksgiving Day found 33 people enjoying the feast put on by Gladys. Talking with Doug and Karen Vanderhoof, they tell me they haven’t hunted for a number of years, as it’s just too much with the work they have with the new barn. We find Travis got a nice buck. Karen is busy making Christmas gifts. Karen and Doug plan on having their Christmas dinner on Dec. 14 with both sets of parents coming, along with Dave and Katie Kinde, Logan and Megan, Travis and Ashley Vanderhoof, MaKenna and Conner, Kyle Vanderhoof, and Trent and his honey and three kids. Karen has a big job ahead of her. I do remember those days with so many coming and I’d get
nervous, Karen. Ashley Vanderhoof has to work for seven days straight so imagine Karen gets to baby-sit. Thanksgiving Day found Jerry and Gretchen Best going to Gwen Strege’s for the feast. A good 21 people attended the potluck dinner. Friday evening found Jerry and Gretchen Best going to Mitchell Strege’s cabin with a potluck for all 21 people. Ah yes, Jerry Best got a 10-point buck. Great for you Jerry. At Diane Hulleman’s, Diane’s grandson, Chris Perlt, got a doe but Chad Jensen didn’t get anything, and neither did Mike Murray. Diane tells us her house was busy over the Thanksgiving holiday. She also has taken the time to decorate her house for Christmas. And believe me, she has it decorated with two trees, plus much more. Last Monday found Diane at the nursing home in Shell Lake making goodies for the people to use at Christmas. This Monday Diane made cranberry bread, sugar cookies, rolled cookies and peanut-butter kisses. Tuesday Diane planned to go to the doctor about her shoulder, as it’s been very painful. Taking with Ann Johnson we find she went to Cherie and Erik Amundson’s for Thanksgiving. Also going were Duane and Diane, and Duane’s two kids, Kyla and Iver, Dale and Doc Sue Johnson and Greta. Yah know I didn’t know Dale Johnson was the police chief at Frederic. Congratulations Dale. Butch and Loretta VanSelus left Nov. 22 for Montana. They enjoyed seeing John and Paula, their daughter and hubby, and their grandkids and great-grands. Loretta tells us she had a wonderful time with the little ones and this year she didn’t have to make Thanksgiving dinner. They returned home Dec. 1. News about my pups. Yah know I like to listen to Christmas music so I put the stereo on. Well this must have been the first time for Rammy as all he did was bark and bark. He noticed something was different. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!
by Marian Furchtenicht
Just turned to the last calendar page of this year, to a month that will fly by fast, too. Hope you were a successful deer hunter and you got lots of good bargains while shopping on Black Friday. Thanksgiving, a time that brought many families together, and without a doubt, a family is the greatest wealth one will ever possess. There isn’t anything more important in life. One will go for miles to go home and be with loved ones. Some get-togethers include: Mavis Schlapper had all her kids home except daughter Karen didn’t make it. Dean and wife from Texas were here for the week and he got his deer. Ann and husband, Dave Pestorious, Emmons, Minn., and Pam and Allan Cernocky and their kids, Lea and husband and Bob from Elk Mound and Wayne from Stevens Point. Fritz and Mary Mancl, their kids, Nicole and daughter, Stacey, and Scott and children, Christina and Scott Jr., also joined them for turkey day dinner. Anton and Gloria Frey had most of their family over on Thursday and a few others joined them. Grandson Steve’s wife’s parents from Rice Lake and her grandma from Illinois joined in, so they had around 20 for dinner at their house. Gary Sauer from San Diego, Calif., spent the week in Sarona and bagged a small buck. Thanksgiving Day for dinner at Paul and Cathy Hagen’s were their kids, Geoffrey and Mandy, Mark and Julie Sauer, Bridgett and Dan Looney and children from Cottage Grove, Minn., Drew Sauer and Brad and daughter Kimberly from Rice Lake, and Gary Sauer. So they had a good group, but not
Stone Lake
as many as usual. Virginia Stodola’s boys, Jim and Jack, were here for hunting and her grandson, Jeff, and his son, Ryan, from Germantown until Wednesday. For Thanksgiving Day were Jack and Judy from Onalaska and Jim from Germantown. Sue Krantz reports she is glad the hunting season is over. Some of the family was there for turkey day dinner. She went to her brother, Bill Smith’s, in the evening. Otherwise their kids were home and were in and out hunting all week. Debbie West and sister Jessie and Deb’s daughter, Gina Noterman, went to Oconomowoc for turkey day at Sarah and Ryan Schmits’. Tory Wagner, Florida, and Jeb Wagner, Chetek, visited at Grandma Elfreda West’s, and went hunting. They are daughter Ellen’s sons. Brett Holman visited Casey Furchtenicht on Wednesday night when they were both home from college for Thanksgiving. It was so nice they came over for a little while and visited me. They both had bagged a deer. Last weekend my daughter, Cindy Wilkans, drove up from Fox River Grove, Ill., staying Friday through Sunday. Her son, Duane Swanson, Menomonie, and friend Kasey also spent the weekend with me. Saturday evening, Cindy and I attended a bridal shower for my grand-nephew, Mike Lee’s, fiancée that was held at Kathy Pulss’ in Spooner. We had a really nice time.
by Mary Nilssen
I hope each of you had a very special Thanksgiving and all you hunters had a very successful hunt. With all of that behind us now, we can start focusing on the most beautiful holiday of the season, Christmas. The beautiful white snow we are having should put everyone in the mood for this wonderful event. Don’t forget about the upcoming 25th-annual community choir Christmas cantata at the Hayward High School auditorium on Thursday, Dec. 5, 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7, 7 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 8, at 3 p.m. A social hour with coffee and cookies will follow each
performance. There will be a Stone Lake Lions children’s Christmas party held at the Lions hall on Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-noon. Children can create Christmas crafts and ornaments and enjoy cookies and punch while waiting for Santa’s arrival with a bag full of treats. The Stone Lake Historical Society would like everyone to know that their newsletter will be going out within the next few days, so please watch for it. If anyone would like to receive this interesting and informative newsletter by email, please send your email address to tncmcd@aol.
Ashley M. Smith, Spooner, intentional failure to provide food for animal, $883.00, probation, sent. withheld. Jameck T. Tolefree, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $443.50, restitution, costs. Timothy J. Wallace, Spooner, resisting or obstructing an officer, $312.00, local jail, costs. James R. Brewster, Frederic, speeding, $200.50. Tammy J. Clark, Poplar, disorderly conduct, $299.00.
Savanna A. Coss, Spooner, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Jennifer P. Dailey, Seattle, Wash., failure to notify police of an accident, $389.50. Shane M. Easland, Siren, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Kyle A. Fornengo, Shell Lake, underage drinking, $515.50, license suspended 60 days, alcohol assessment. Barbara A. Geisler, New Richmond, speeding, $175.30. Marvin J. Gilman, Golden Valley, Minn., speedometer violations, $225.70. Richard A. Moen, New Auburn, speedometer violations, $451.40. Kimberly M. Mrozinski, Blaine, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Cory J. Nelson, Frederic, operating without valid license, $200.50. Lisa M. Olson, Poplar, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Benjamin J. Paul, Spooner, operating motor vehicle by permittee without instructor, $200.50. Breanna J. Schreiber, Siren, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Alan L. Stewart, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Derrick M.A. Tate, Wilmington, N.C., operating without valid license, $200.00. Harold R. Thompson, Minong, keep open intoxicants in motor vehicle, $263.50. Nicholas D. Urban, Barron, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment.
For breaking local news go to: wcregisteronline.com
com. The next newsletter will be in April. The Feed-A-Family campaign is taking place in Stone Lake. Money donations may be dropped off at Marie’s or the Lakes Community Co-op. Please make checks payable to Feed-A-Family. If you have any questions, please call Jim at 715-865-6989. If you have any news you would like to share with others please call or email me. Have a safe week!
Washburn County Court Lakotah R. Brown, Spooner, criminal damage to property, $299.50, other sentence, community service. Gregory S. Deal, River Falls, operating while revoked, $200.50. Emma R. Fairbanks, Exeland, possession of paraphernalia, $299.00, community service. Tanya M. Gates, Spooner, resisting or obstructing an officer, $299.00. Jason L. Lindner, Spooner, disorderly conduct or resisting or obstructing an officer, $127.50, community service. Michael R. Maggard, Minong, disorderly conduct or resisting or obstructing an officer, $263.50. Kaydee L. Mortensen, Spooner, disorderly conduct or resisting or obstructing an officer, $299.00. Jane M. Nynas, Minong, operating while revoked, $200.50, community service. Wayne R. Peterson, Spooner, bail jumping, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld.
I joined daughter Mary’s family for an early turkey day meal at the Marschall’s on Tuesday evening. On Thanksgiving evening, I went to son Russ and Nancy’s for a big meal with her side of the family, with 20 folks there. Saturday evening, I went to Bona Casa, to help granddaughter Sara Mathison celebrate her 25th birthday with her folks, brothers Brady and Ashley, Brian Marschall, Grandma Wealthy from Amery and her uncle, Daryl, and Cookie from Hudson. Mary Krantz and I attended the funeral for Bob Rene, Town of Madge, at the Dahl Funeral Home on Wednesday. We got to see classmate June Johnson Ellison from Green Bay. The Johnson family lived just across the field from my folks in the Town of Crystal. Sympathy to his wife, Evelyn Johnson Rene, and family. Cindy Furchtenicht also attended the visitation. Belated birthday wishes to the Sarona Methodist pastor, Steve Miller, Dec. 1; and this week a happy day is wished for Sarah West Schmidt, Mary Ann Carlson, Mary Shimek, Chuck Tomesh and Ellie Mae Krantz, Dec. 5; Jim Frey and Sarah Kubista Fox, Dec. 6; Denise Sando, Taelor Schafer and LeRoy Haynes, Dec. 7; Jessica Haynes, Martha Riedell, Sharon Baker and Naomi Keenan, Dec. 8; Jackie Rux, Patti Butterfield and Katie Foote Chapman, Dec. 10; Libbie Detrent, Gloria Elliott and Janet Donetell, Dec. 11. A happy anniversary to Gene and Sherri Kasten on Dec. 7, also Pearl Harbor Day; and Tim and Laurie Studt on Dec. 10.
Notice is hereby given that the Bashaw Town Board shall hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at 6 p.m., at the Bashaw Town Hall. Agenda: Call meeting to order; minutes from the November 12, 2013, town meeting; treasurer’s report; public input; Exchange of maintenance of sections on Hilltop Road between Town of Barronett and Town of Bashaw; permits/applications; truck/grader; set next meeting date; approve vouchers and adjourn meeting. A current agenda will also be posted at the following sites: Corner of Tozer Lake Road and Green Valley Road, corner of Sand Road and Sunset Road and N3410 Sawyer Creek Road, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Town Hall) Lesa Dahlstorm, Clerk 596714 16r WNAXLP Town of Bashaw
MEETING NOTICE CITY OF SHELL LAKE The Shell Lake City Council will hold their regular monthly meeting Monday, December 9, 2013, at 7 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall. AGENDA: Public comment, Tanya Borg - Cat Trap Neuter Return Program; Approval of minutes; Reports from appointed officials; Reports from committee chairpersons; New Business: Possible recommendation to vacate streets near the airport, Special assessments curb/gutter and sidewalk, Sewer rate increase, Possible recommendation to bid on used jet/vac sewer truck, Appointment of Election Inspectors 2014-2015; Unfinished Business: 2014 wage/benefit proposal; Mayor’s report; any other items that may be added to this agenda will be posted at City Hall. Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator 596970 16r WNAXLP
is seeking applicants for the Elder Benefit Specialist with the Washburn County Unit on Aging. This position serves as the community-level, primary service provider of the Elder Specialist Program; to assist persons age sixty and older in obtaining or retaining public or private benefits, entitlements and legal rights for which they are eligible. Bachelor’s Degree in Health and Human Services or related field preferred and at least one year of relevant professional work experience; or any combination of education, training or experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience, and includes an excellent benefit package. Download an employment application from the County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us/ or contact the Washburn County Human Resource Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Ph. 715-468-4624, fax 715468-4628). Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 23, 2013. EOE. 596710 5-6b 16-17r
Currently Has An Employment Opening For:
Part-Time PM Dietary Aide Apply In Person:
Terraceview Living Center, Inc. 802 East County Highway B Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-468-7292, ext. 29
596835 5-6a,b,c 16-17r
Notice is hereby given that the City of Shell Lake is contracting for a fabricated concrete building. WAGE RATES Pursuant to Section 66.0903, Wisconsin Statutes, the minimum wages to be paid on the project shall be the higher of the wage scale established by either the Federal or State wage rates. This project will be using Wisconsin DNR Clean Water Fund Program funding. We encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), including Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs), and Small Businesses in Rural Areas (SBRAs) to inquire about the project if interested. For procurement details, contact Teresa Anderson, P.E., MSA Professional Services, Inc., 15 West Marshall Street, Ste. B, Rice Lake, WI 54868, 715-234-1009. Procurement conforms to WDNR EIF requirements. 596965 16r Published by authority of the City of Shell Lake. WNAXLP
Washburn County is seeking applicants to fill the PT Cook position at the Lakeside Senior Center in Birchwood and LTE Cook positions at the Senior Centers in Minong and Spooner. Responsibilities include performing a wide variety of duties connected with preparation of daily meals and the maintenance of the kitchen and supply inventory. Position requirements include graduation from a standard high school curriculum or equivalent, ServSafe Certification or the ability to obtain certification, plus experience in volume food preparation and service, inventory and portion control, proper sanitation and storage methods or any combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities. Download an employment application from the County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us or contact the Washburn County Personnel Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Ph. 715-468-4624, fax 715-468-4628). Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 Friday, 596596 15-16r 5-6b December 13, 2013. EOE
The Classifieds
LOUISIANA PACIFIC is looking for Flatbed Owner Operators. Pay 88% of line haul 100% FSC. Home Weekends. Require 2 years OTR, 6 months flatbed. 100% O/O. 800/494-3055 https://intelliapp2.driverapponline. com/c/newwaverly?r=craigslist Drivers: Class A CDL Tractor/ Trailer Daycab Drivers Wanted. Competitive Pay, Frequent Home Time. JOIN THE DEBOER trans TEAM NOW! 800-825-8511 www. drivedeboer.com (CNOW)
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The Shell Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District Board of Commissioners will hold their quarterly meeting Monday, December 9, 2013, at 6:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. AGENDA: 2013 Aquatic Invasive Species Inspection Report (summary); Annual Report for Technical Oversight Committee; Update on Recent Studies: USGS Report, Aquatic Plant Survey, Shoreline Inventory; Lake Management Plan: Report on Accomplishments From 2005 Management Plan, 2014 Proposed Revisions; Update On June 28, 2014, Annual Lake District Meeting Preparations. Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator 596971 16r WNAXLP
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REVENUE CATEGORIES Property Tax Levy Taxes (other than levy) Intergovernmental Grants & Aids Licenses & Permits Fines, Forfeitures & Penalties Public Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources Total General Fund Revenues
5,917,615 1,290,076 1,018,011 148,768 99,177 403,782 484,214 474,650 9,836,293
5,973,563 1,365,822 600,637 146,793 103,632 420,122 469,214 123,310 9,203,093
6,130,159 1,269,419 623,227 142,674 97,225 412,355 219,387 238,248 9,132,694
6,130,159 1,281,520 623,227 160,109 85,200 391,633 274,205 559,718 9,505,771
6,153,692 1,347,470 600,451 147,795 87,227 375,426 230,719 367,851 9,310,631 -2.05%
General Fund Equity December 31
6,130,159 1,823,751 1,082,372
6,130,159 1,823,751 1,082,372
6,153,692 1,816,455 1,032,372
County Equalized Value
5,917,615 1,890,728 1,144,321
5,973,563 1,867,856 1,144,321
15,650 10,499,564
15,750 10,482,740
17,800 10,482,740
17,800 10,482,740
17,800 10,482,740
REVENUES General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Fund Proprietary Fund Type: Highway Department Copy Machine Fiduciary Fund Type Total Revenues Total Tax Levy Total All Revenues EXPENDITURES General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Fund Proprietary Fund Type: Highway Department Copy Machine Fiduciary Fund Type Total Expenditures Income (Loss)
2,550,763,300 2,480,184,700 2,373,421,900 2,373,421,900 2,320,241,500
County Tax Rate 4.116 4.227 Per $1,000 of Equalized Value Estimated General Obligation Debt as of December 31, 2013: $1,930,000
3,156,939 5,677,487 127,000 4,545,547
3,918,678 7,329,050 2,107,991 1,660,038
3,229,530 7,659,727 361,169 1,714,169
3,002,535 6,746,821 195,736 3,048,814
3,375,612 6,989,595 195,736 4,460,359
4,777,092 6,107 20,374 19,819,330 10,499,564 30,318,894
4,169,665 7,580 21,456 17,163,296 10,482,740 27,646,036
5,912,797 7,525 20,439 18,934,667 10,482,740 29,417,407
6,179,317 11,500 19,000 21,231,119 10,482,740 31,713,859
9,114,075 9,102,735 3,322,625 1,510,980
8,704,572 9,468,430 1,511,130 990,981
10,112,897 8,748,918 1,245,721 2,449,623
10,494,665 9,468,585 1,245,721 2,769,788
6,688,174 7,369 42,061 29,788,019
6,256,396 8,413 37,804 26,977,726
7,338,357 8,450 39,832 29,943,798
7,607,975 36,500 36,800 31,660,034
596969 16r WNAXLP
6,340,170 22,550 22,000 19,891,693 10,482,740 30,374,433 -4.22% 9,353,746 7,467,196 1,107,372 3,590,390 7,802,591 22,550 39,800 29,383,645 -7.19% 990,788
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Notice is hereby given the Barronett Town Board will hold its monthly Board meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2013, at 7 p.m., at the Barronett Town Hall, located at N1608 South Heart Lake Rd., Shell Lake, WI. The agenda shall be posted at least one (1) day prior to meeting. Patricia A. Parker, Town Clerk 596962 16r
The City of Shell Lake (population 1,357) is accepting applications for the position of City Administrator/ClerkTreasurer. This is a full-time appointed position reporting to the Mayor and City Council. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer oversees day-to-day operations of the city with limited authority to direct operations of other departments when necessary. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for administrative work associated with all aspects of municipal operations which includes financial management, statutory duties of City Clerk and City Treasurer, payroll, accounts payable and receivable, benefits management, personnel, tax billing and collection, licensing and permits, election administration, water/sewer and refuse collection management and carrying out directives approved by the City Council which require administrative implementation through the active direction and coordination of the various city departments. Qualifications: degree in public administration, finance, business administration or related field or five or more years’ experience in a related position. Salary dependent on qualifications with a full benefit package. Application form and job description are available at the City Administrator’s office and applications must be submitted to the City Administrator’s office by 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 8, 2014. For further information, contact City Administrator Brad Pederson, City Hall, 501 First St., P.O. Box 520, Shell Lake, WI 54871, phone 715-468-7679 or email shelllakeadm@gmail.com. EOE. 596552
15-16r 5-6b
Notice Is Hereby Given That The Sarona Town Board Will Be Meeting On Mon., Dec. 9, 2013, At 7 p.m. At The Sarona Town Hall The agenda shall be posted one day prior to meeting. 596715 16r Victoria Lombard, Clerk
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(General Fund Equity includes Reserved, Designated & Undesignated) PROPERTY TAX LEVY by FUND General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Capital Projects Proprietary Fund Type: Highway Department Copy Machine Fiduciary Fund Type
Local Ads
The following is a summary of the Washburn County Approved 2014 Budget. Public inspection of the detailed Proposed Budget may be made at the office of the Washburn County Clerk, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % of GENERAL FUND Actual Actual Estimated Budget Approved Change General Fund Equity January 1 5,968,421 6,690,639 7,189,160 7,189,160 6,208,957 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES General Government 3,879,875 3,694,294 4,030,534 4,358,859 4,332,973 Public Safety 3,608,082 3,524,529 3,488,147 3,512,310 3,466,475 Public Works 9,413 15,716 14,041 41,200 31,200 Health & Human Services 382,818 192,255 195,716 207,608 209,784 Culture, Recreation and Education 467,549 468,214 550,585 506,343 485,908 Conservation & Development 758,473 710,472 695,431 729,902 700,406 Other Financing Uses 7,865 99,092 1,138,443 1,138,443 127,000 Total General Fund Expenditures 9,114,075 8,704,572 10,112,897 10,494,665 9,353,746 -10.87%
ON THE ROAD TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE! Midwest Truck Driving School. Classes start every 4 weeks. www.midwesta.com Financing Available 1-800-377-5567, 906-7896311 (CNOW)
HEAT YOUR ENTIRE HOME, water and more with an outdoor wood furnace from Central Boiler. Northwest Wisconsin Ent. Inc., 715SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: 635-3511. 16rc Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc WASHBURN COUNTY REGISTER newspaper office will be closed Thursday, Dec. 5. Join us on Sat., Dec. 7, 2013 9 a.m. - Noon (or sold out!) Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., for Holiday Saturday subscription Trinity Lutheran Church, specials. 16r Spooner (Cty. K across from the elementary school) FOR RENT: 3-BR house between Spooner and Shell Lake. Stove, Excellent Assortment Of Traditional Holiday Cookies refrigerator, dishwasher, 1-1/2Gift Table car garage. $700/month. Security Handmade Items Priced Under $10 deposit and references required. No (Great gifts and “stocking stuffers.”) pets. No smoking. Call after 5 p.m., And Kwik Trip Gift Cards 715-520-9698. 16rc Mission Market 596696 5b 16r
EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $5.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or email your ad to wcregister@centurytel.net Advertising deadline is Monday at noon.
And Christmas Items (Excluding ink cartridges)
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Servicemen or Women................................$20 548 Zip..........................................................$23 Other Wis. & Minn....................................$30 Outside Wis. & Minn................................$35 For faster service, current Register subscribers bring in the address label off your paper. Offer good only at date and time above. Offer is not valid by phone or mail. Good for one year only. No other coupons accepted.
Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Lake Mall Shell Lake, Wis.
596523 5b,c 16r
10btfc 21rtfc
Llama Llama Read-A-Rama night held
SHELL LAKE — Llama Llama Read-A-Rama 4K Family Literacy Night was held at the Shell Lake Primary School on Thursday, Nov. 21, from 5-7 p.m., with supper provided. This was a family involvement event that focused on informing families how to better incorporate literacy activities into their everyday lives at home. Each family received a folder with handouts on how to support early readers, a fun literacy game to play at home and a book from the Llama Llama Red Pajama series. During this event, there were activities that went along with this book series, fun llama crafts, literacy games and a visit from a real llama. Brian and Lydia Cook donated time and shared their llama with those attending.
RIGHT: Aubrie Marker and Lilly Quinton feel how soft a llama is.
Max and his mom, JoAnne Brock, are shown making a llama puppet. Selene Johnson and Abby Brock are shown with the llama that visited them at the Shell Lake Primary School on Thursday, Nov. 21, during Family Literacy Night.
Selene and her mom, Sarah Johnson, made llama ears during Llama Llama Read-ARama Night Thursday, Nov. 21, at Shell Lake Primary School.
Shell Lake School Menu Breakfast Monday, Dec. 9: Bagel or mini cinnamon roll. Tuesday, Dec. 10: Cheddar and egg biscuit or 3-berry bar and muffin. Wednesday, Dec. 11: French toast sticks or ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, Dec. 12: Yogurt parfait or muffin and cheese stick. Friday, Dec. 13: Laker pizza or apple stick. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk with their main item. Every day breakfast is free to all students.
his month I wanted to talk a little about new programs available to Shell Lake students. We have opportunities for students to participate in organized physical activities through Morning Movers. This program is offered at both schools every day and runs from 7-7:50 a.m. Students in grades 3-12 do not have to sign up and are dismissed for breakfast. We also have programs after the school day designed for students of all ages. While PALS provides structured play for 4K through first-grade students at the primary school, the LEAP program offers more remedial support, snack and play for second- through fourthgraders. The new CLC First Street programming includes a snack, partner
Lunch Monday, Dec. 9: Ham or turkey sandwich. Tuesday, Dec. 10: Burrito bowl. Wednesday, Dec. 11: Build a burger. Thursday, Dec. 12: Chicken nuggets. Friday, Dec. 13: Lasagna. Salad bar is served daily to all students. They will also have a daily alternate entrée choice of either sandwich pack: PB&J, flavored cracker and cheese stick or yogurt pack: Flavored fat-free yogurt with granola, flavored cracker and cheese stick. activities with the Shell Lake Arts This creates a situation where we Center and Theatre in the Woods, and need to insert two additional teacher academic support Monday through inservice days into the calendar. We Friday through open library. A have opted to use the first two days daily Late Bus offers alternative of Thanksgiving week for those two transportation home for students who days. It gives the students a longer participate in these, or other district break over that holiday, provides time sponsored, activities. All of for deer hunting without these activities are funded missing school and provides with federal grant money. I a significant amount of time invite parents to encourage for teachers to participate in and allow your children to professional development. participate in these great This year we spent the opportunities. majority of the time working ••• on curriculum and alignment This year is the second to the standards. The state year now that there was no recently came out with new convention in Eau Claire technology standards and for the teachers to attend. adopted the common core Jim Connell
Photos by Shonda Anderson
in the areas of math and reading/ language. ••• I encourage residents to get involved in the school and the multitude of activities within the district. Keri Jensen has some exciting community education activities, and winter sports are just getting started. A tasty community event will be coming up on Friday, Jan. 17, 2014. The Education Foundation is having Dad’s Belgian Waffles come again to serve all-you-can-eat waffles and sausage during the doubleheader basketball game, at home versus Northwood. Advanced tickets are available from any SLEF board member or the district office at the 3-12 building.
Superintendent’s corner • Jim Connell DAHLSTROMS 542207 49rtfc
The Laker Times page is sponsored by
715-468-2319 Downtown Shell Lake
Intermezzo Music Club Advent Concert starts the holiday season
578936 29rtfc
Offering WiFi: Wireless Internet Monday:..................Noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:..............Noon to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63
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Happy Holidays
Kevin McMullin was presented the Intermezzo Award for Bryce Carroll is a very talented home-schooler from Spooner Outstanding Musical Contribution by club member Elaine Walker. Former recipients are LuAnn Bergman, Donna Kegel, Joyce who performed a traditional Christmas song on the piano, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas,” for the Advent concert. Ringlien and Joe and Joan Fitzgerald.
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596885 16r
Michelle Simpson returned to Spooner to perform for the Advent concert. She graduated from Shell Lake and they University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. She did her student teaching in Spooner and is now a third-grade teacher in Ashland. Music has always been an important part of her life.
Adriana Oakland was pleased with her performance of “Greensleeves” on her alto saxophone at the Intermezzo Music Club Advent Concert held Sunday, Dec. 1, at the Spooner Wesleyan Church. She was one of seven area student scholarship winners to perform at the concert.
Full-Color Photo * Holiday Cards 00 As Low As $18 5 Designs To Choose From Spooner High School freshman Tyler Revak performed “Do You Hear What I Hear?” The Advent concert has a freewill donation that helps fund the club’s scholarship program. The club provides area youth the opportunity to attend the Shell Lake Arts Center.
4 Convenient Locations To Order From
Spooner High School junior La Shanda Mays started out the concert with a traditional Christmas song, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”
Photo release may be needed before printing. Contact your photographer. *1-sided, printed on card stock. 24 cards with 1 or 2 pictures. Includes envelopes.
595667 3-6a-e 14-17r,L
Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association 303 N. Wisconsin Ave. Frederic, Wis.
107 N. Washington St. St. Croix Falls, Wis.
24154 State Rd. 35N Siren, Wis.
11 West 5th Ave. Shell Lake, Wis.
Photos by Larry Samson Spooner High School freshman Rachel Medley sang “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.” She is one of many talented musicians to come up through the St. Francis School music program.