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Jan. 16, 2013


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Vol. 124, No. 22 • Shell Lake, Wis.

Weekend watch

• Prairie Fire Theatre, “Cinderella,” at the SLAC. • Shell Lake FFA ice-fishing contest. See Events page 8

A slide and a strike


New library director named at Shell Lake See back page

Ice races return See page 5

We love our guns, but …

Is an elementary school an appropriate place for a gun show?

Music in her soul See page 9


Basketball and wrestling See page 9-11 & 19


Alexander Allen-Snarski has a different style in the turkey bowl event, or maybe he just misunderstood. It was all fun at the Spooner Chamber of Commerce Jack Frost Fest held on Saturday, Jan. 12. The festival is a get-together to celebrate winter and the fun things to do when all bundled up. More photos of Jack Frost Fest on page 2. - Photo by Larry Samson

Got an idea for a story? E-mail us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

MADISON — The St. Croix Chippewa Tribe will receive approximately $30,000 from the state for local county-tribal law enforcement programs that partner the tribe with law enforcement efforts in Burnett and Polk counties. Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced this week the awarding of $631,200 in grants to 19 programs statewide. Now in its 25th year, the grant program is designed to assist with the unique law enforcement challenges in Wisconsin’s Native American communities. The St. Croix Chippewa received $14,740 for Burnett County efforts and $15,706 for Polk County efforts, totaling $30,446. “This grant program is designed to enhance the county-tribal relationship by encouraging agencies and nearby tribes to work cooperatively to better protect their communities,” Van Hollen said. “Those who serve in public safety often face similar challenges, and these grants further the type of joint effort that’s often necessary to overcome the many issues facing law enforcement.” - from the office of the state attorney general

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by Jessica Beecroft Register staff writer SPOONER – At the Spooner Area School District Board of Education meeting on Monday, Jan. 14, about 80 people were in attendance as the board listened to people speak in favor and against continuing to hold a gun show at the Spooner Elementary School. Although the board decided not to take action on the issue at this meeting, the public has made their opinion clear. Even those speaking against having the gun show at the elementary school said they were in favor of guns. It was more a debate on whether or not the elementary school is an appropriate place to host the show. Other venue considerations for the gun show mentioned include the Spooner High School or the Spooner Ice House. Members of the Indianhead Rifle and Pistol Club have indicated they would like to continue to have access to the local elementary school for their annual gun show in April. The club has used the school for the last two decades with no complaints. Now that the nation has mourned the loss of 20 children and seven others at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, the idea of having a gun show at

the elementary school has drawn a lot of attention. Wisconsin law restricts citizens from bringing guns within 1,000 feet of public schools, but it makes exceptions for gun shows by licensed gun manufacturers and dealers. Indianhead Rifle and Pistol Club representatives have said safety is their top priority and they have had no incidents at all. Jackie, a concerned citizen, said, “I was confused and surprised when I learned that a gun show would be held at our elementary school. I believe we should follow movement of the rest of the country and role model a consistent message to our children. As a community member, I recommend that the school board no longer make exceptions to the policy that our school facility will be a gun-free zone.” Dan Botty, a 12-year veteran in the Marine Corps and a part-time Spooner police officer, said, “I believe the gun show has no problems. It is a matter of education for our children. It educates our children on the use of guns - the proper use of guns. It’s not something to be scared of. The reason why we have a free country is because of the men that are willing to put their lives in danger for other people and they use a gun to do it.” With all the concerned citizens, only two people spoke to say they were against having the gun show at the school. Although several people encouraged the board of education to keep See Spooner school board, page 3

Buckridge appointed to city council

Fluoridation program will be reinstated

by Dave Zeug Register staff writer SHELL LAKE - The first order of business at the monthly Shell Lake City Council meeting Monday, Jan. 14, was filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Ward 1 council member Jane Pederson. At last month’s meeting, the council decided to fill the vacancy for the remaining months until the April election, when the position will be open once again. Since the Jan. 2 deadline for filing for the council seat has passed, the position will be filled by a write-in candidate at that time.

Former council member Josh Buckridge and Ward 1 resident Ruth Eiche both expressed an interest in the vacant seat and after a 4-2 vote by the city council, Buckridge was elected to fill the term. After Mayor Sally Peterson explained to Eiche that she could still run as a write-in candidate for the open seat in April, city Administrator Brad Pederson swore Buckridge in with the oath of office and he took a seat at the council table for the duration of the meeting. Chief of Police Dave Wilson reported a busy month for police service responsibilities. “Normally this is one of our quietest times of the year, but it’s been a very busy month,” said Wilson. The police department responded to 46 complaints and calls for service during the past month along with numerous other calls for See Shell Lake council, page 3

Jack Frost Fest


Spooner Serving hot beverages at the St. Francis booth are Anna Emerson, Tiana Barrett, Sophia DelFiacco and Rachel Medley. The eighth-grade students worked hard at the fundraiser that helps to keep their school open.

Photos by Larry Samson

BELOW: Spooner youth hockey players Gibson Walsh and Cale Cleveland are having fun competing in the Jack’s Pond Hockey Tournament.

Norm Pokorny and Wanda Lindenberger are a brother and sister team grilling turkey legs on the ice for the Relay For Life team, Bosom Buddies. There were many vendors selling warm food and hot beverages.

Sabastian Soltis poses with his trophy for the snowmobile he and his father rebuilt.

Cherie Hagen and her 3-year-old son, Reid, try their hand at turkey bowling. Jack Frost had many family events to do on a cold winter day.

Claire Cleveland is pretty in pink with her color-coordinated outfit. The 5-year-old learned to skate in the Spooner Area Youth Hockey program Learn To Skate. Whether she goes on to play hockey or competes in figure skating, she has learned a winter skill that she will enjoy in her adulthood.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

PH: 715-468-2314

MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King gbking@centurytel.net OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Jessica Beecroft REPORTER: Larry Samson COLUMNIST: Abby Ingalls CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Katie Grey ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

• FAX: 715-468-4900 • E-MAIL: wcregister@centurytel.net • WEB: wcregisteronline.com

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Voice your opinions about health care in Washburn County


SPOONER — Approximately 800 community members will receive a survey form in their mailbox. This survey was sent to a random sample of homes this week as part of a Community Health Needs Assessment being conducted by Spooner Health System. The information collected will be used to help Spooner Health System and other interested groups identify and address health needs in the community. The National Rural Health Resource Center of Duluth, Minn., is assisting Spooner Health System in the analysis of local community needs, use of local health-care services and overall community health. This process was developed to maintain quality health care to serve the continuing and future needs of the community. The community health-care assessment process promotes health care as a local affair. Health care delivered in rural communities is affordable, high quality and necessary to the good health of the entire community. Citizens of rural counties can take responsibility for the health of

their community by completing the survey they receive in their mailbox. Most communities face a large number of complex issues in providing high-quality health care, but fortunately Washburn County can engage effective problem-solving, which is the most important factor in the survival of rural health services. An accompanying goal of this process is to keep healthcare dollars within the local community. While the vast majority of health care can be provided locally, rural citizens often drive to large medical centers for care, spending money on health care and nonhealth-care purchases that could be spent locally. It is estimated that within a typical rural community, millions of dollars of revenue is lost in this way. This revenue could be retained in the local community with stronger community health-care provider linkages. In addition to the paper survey, several people in the community will be receiving an invitation to participate in one of four focus groups that will be held the first week of

February. The purpose of the focus groups is to identify the strengths and needs of health services in Spooner and the surrounding communities. “We want to hear from you. If you received a survey, please take the time to complete and return it,” said Mike Schafer, CEO of Spooner Health System. “Your response is important to improving the health-care needs of our community.” Schafer adds, “And, if you receive an invitation to be part of a focus group, I urge you to make it a priority to come and have your voice heard. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to participate in Community Health Needs Assessment.” “We are pleased to be able to bring some of the best community health resources in the country to Spooner Health System,” said Terry Hill, executive director of the National Rural Health Resource Center. “The goal of this initiative is to assist forward-thinking rural hospitals and communities in aligning their resources, to address their present and future needs in the best way possible.” — from SHS

by John Gozdzialski, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Northern Region director STATEWIDE – The beauty of ice fishing is that it can be a solitary, serene experience done alone on a turned-over pail, with a friend or family member in a pop-up shelter or a social gathering in a fully equipped ice-fishing house. With temperatures again seasonable and ice solid, the DNR like to share to share this Wisconsin Northwood’s tradition with you, or help you introduce it to, or mentor someone new. Wisconsin’s first winter Free Fishing Weekend is set for this weekend, Saturday, Jan. 19, and Sunday, Jan. 20. Residents and nonresidents alike can fish anywhere in Wisconsin for free. No licenses or trout stamps are needed. This includes all inland waters and Wisconsin’s side of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River. We have long had a Free Fishing Weekend during the open water season on the first Saturday and Sunday in June. Act 168, a law passed last year aimed at boosting participation in fishing, hunting and other traditional outdoor recreation, established the winter Free Fishing Weekend. If you haven’t tried ice fishing, the DNR encourages you to do so to find out why interest in winter fishing is growing. About 110,000 more Wisconsin adults ages 16 and over reported ice fishing in 2010 than the previous decade.

That’s an estimated 590,700 Wisconsinites, according to the most recent National Survey on Recreation and the Environment, ages 16 and over enjoying the hard-water season. OK, so you are not an expert. And you don’t have equipment to take advantage of the Free Fishing Weekend. The DNR will do their best to help you out. They’ll be happy to give you my tips, but you might benefit from some of the DNR’s go-to guys when it comes to angling know-how. You can get expert advice on winter angling from veteran managers Terry Margenau, Skip Sommerfeldt and Kurt Welke. The trio offer their tips for fishing for northern pike, walleye and panfish, respectively, on the ice-fishing pages of the DNR Web site. Sommerfeldt, who has three daughters, provides excellent tips for making ice fishing fun for the whole family. Three Northwoods DNR tackle loaner sites have icefishing tip-ups and jigging rods available for people to borrow. People will need to use their own ice auger, take over an abandoned hole or ask the angler fishing near you on the ice to drill a hole or let you borrow their auger. There is no charge to borrow the equipment, just enjoy the day fishing in Wisconsin and return the equipment in the condition you found it in so the next person can enjoy it.

More information about the tackle loaner program and the contact information is available on the DNR Web site as well as on the map linked to it. In the Northern Region, there are three loaner sites: DNR Service Center, 10220 North Hwy. 27, Hayward, or call Russ Warwick, 715-634-9658, Ext. 3508. Council Grounds State Park, N1895 Council Grounds Dr., Merrill, or call Dawn Bishop, 715-536-8773. DNR Service Center/UW-Extension Building, 5631 Forestry Dr., Florence, or call Greg Matzke at 715-528-4400, Ext. 122, or Meg Dallapiazza 715528-5490, Ext. 1147. Please note, however, that during Free Fishing Weekend, rules governing the number and size of fish anglers can keep are still in place, as are fishing season dates. Go to DNR’s online fishing regulations to look up the rules for inland lakes. And if you plan on fishing lakes within state parks you will need to purchase a state park vehicle pass. They can’t promise that you will catch fish, but they’re pretty optimistic that you will be having a fish fry, which is just as good as catching a trophy fish for those that prize the experience on the ice and back home. Get back outside this weekend. Bundle up. Stay warm. Be safe. See what you’ve been missing; introduce the next generation to ice fishing and memory-making opportunities.

assistance by the ambulance and sheriff’s office and other routine matters. Sixty warnings were given by officers and 19 tickets were written, including 14 for speeding. With the horrific East Coast school shootings on everyone’s mind, Chief Wilson also spent time with administrators of the Shell Lake School District regarding security at the school. The existing emergency plan between the police department and the school is being reviewed and some changes may be made that would improve response by emergency personnel. A multiagency emergency response tabletop training session is also scheduled in the near future. At the council’s request, Wilson also introduced the city’s current part-time police officers to the council after an afternoon of firearms qualification training and a staff meeting. Wilson added he will begin the additional hiring of part-time officers soon. “The process is to create an eligibility list of incidental part-time officers to make up for some of the job changes of the current part-time officers,” said Wilson. The city elected to drop one full-time officer’s position with the retirement of former Chief Clint Stariha and to fill that vacancy with various part-time officers.

cording to committee Chairman Connie Graff. Pederson reported the project was moving forward with the $40,000 award for acquisition costs, including survey work by the DNR for the purchase of the proposed property from the Shell Lake Cemetery Association, because the property was unsuitable for their needs. He anticipated construction will begin this spring or summer.

First winter Free Fishing Weekend set for Jan. 19 and 20

Shell Lake council/from page 1

Fluoridation of city water Once again, the issue of fluoridation of the city water was debated. Initially, because of cost concerns related to the state mandates for adjustments to fluoridation, the city council voted to cease involvement in the program; but after concerns were raised by the public, the council reversed itself and voted to continue the program. Public Works Director Jeff Parker told the council that the initial cost estimates of meeting state mandates weren’t going to be sufficient because the requirements kept changing and costs increased with them. Because of this moving-target scenario, the council once again discussed whether the city should be in the program. “We don’t know if the city residents really want fluoridation (in their water),” said Councilman Chad Shelton. Public Works Committee Chairman Ken Schultz countered that after listening to the debate from experts, it’s the council’s job to make this kind of decision for the public. Eventually, in a split vote of 5 - 3, the council approved a motion by Councilman Andy Eiche to put a $3,000-perwell cap on the effort to get fluoridation back on line in the city. Parker felt that amount should easily cover the needed work, especially if the city staff could do some of the installations. If it appears that amount will be exceeded because of additional state mandates, the item will come back to the council for further review. ATV park construction The proposed ATV park to be located by CTH B was on the agenda of the Parks and Recreation Committee, ac-

CWD testing In an update on the testing of deer within the Shell Lake city limits, it was reported that three mature does have been shot by designated hunters within the city limits since the end of bow season on Jan. 6, when the sampling could legally begin. All three deer were given to local residents who were in need of the meat. Hunting will continue in the designated areas until 10 adult deer have been sampled from the city limits, either those hit by motor vehicles or shot by the designated hunters.

Other business In other business, the council approved a draft for the position of zoning administrator for the city. There were only two queries about the vacancy, including a written proposal by former zoning administrator and police chief, Clint Stariha. By motion, the proposal was given to the Executive/Human Resources Committee for review at their next meeting on Jan. 21. A recommendation from this meeting will be presented to the full council at the February meeting. The public works department gave an update on the proposal to paint the second city water tower ahead of the scheduled maintenance. Parker said it was in the city’s financial interest to paint the second tower now, before it’s required, because by doing so, the city could avoid the cost of having the tower sandblasted. It is expected the public works committee will be taking up the issue at its next meeting.

Spooner school board/from page 1

Ed Morgan, along with several others, spoke to the Spooner Board of Education members in support of the gun show Monday evening, Jan. 14. - Photo by Jessica Beecroft

the gun show at the school facility, it was often mentioned that they should consider moving it to the Spooner High School. “Why would you not have a gun show?” asked Dennis Wood, owner of Sarona Gun Works. Tim Brabec, member of the Indianhead Rifle and Pistol Club, just wanted a yes or no answer so they could make a plan for another venue if they needed to. After listening

to the board of education discuss having the gun show, it seemed that out of the seven voting members, it was three against, three for, and one undecided vote. Christina Martina could be the deciding vote. The board decided not to vote at this time because Martina asked if the gun show could ensure that all the vendors at the gun show were, in fact, licensed. An expected vote will be at the next meeting on Monday, Feb. 11.



Send letters to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

Part of the solution or problem with a dysfunctional Congress

Our congressman, Sean Duffy, voted against the bipartisan agreement that kept us from going over the fiscal cliff. Duffy’s statement said he voted against the bill, “because it does not include a serious, sustainable plan for balancing the budget and reducing our debt.” That comes next, now that the Congress has voted to avoid another recession. Consumer spending is 70 percent of our economy. Leading economists had warned that raising taxes on ordinary people, those who make up the majority of the spending public, would throw the country into recession. Why does Duffy not believe this? Did his law degree or his experience as district attorney give him some special insight into our economy that makes him more knowledgeable than our nation’s economists? The votes on automatic cuts to domestic and defense programs should come up in two months. That is where President Obama plans to deal with our longterm debt. Having cut $1 trillion from the federal budget in 2012, he believes we should be able to balance spending cuts and increases in revenue by reforming tax loopholes. Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan spoke in favor of reforming tax loopholes during

the presidential campaign. The fight is going to be huge. Lobbyists hired by corporations vastly outnumber our congressmen. Those lobbyists earn their keep by convincing congressmen to vote for special tax breaks that are not available to the rest of us. Duffy has served one term in the 112th Congress, the most dysfunctional Congress in our history. He is likely to retain his seat in Congress unless ordinary citizens pay attention to his votes and hold him accountable. The nation’s debt ceiling needs to be raised. The debt ceiling does not authorize new spending. It only assures that money already spent by action of the Congress will be paid. In other words, are we good for our debts? In the past, the debt ceiling was raised 18 times during President Reagan’s term and seven times during George W. Bush’s term, all without a fight. The question for voters in the 7th Congressional District is this: Will Duffy be part of the solution or part of the problem when dealing with the dysfunction of Congress? Helen Hoar Ashland/Shell Lake

Milroy appointed ranking member of Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage Committee

NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - State Rep. Nick Milroy, D-South Range, this week announced his appointment as the ranking Democrat on the Assembly Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage Committee. “I’m very pleased to serve as the ranking member and look forward to working with the committee members on both sides of the aisle,” said Milroy. “The 73rd Assembly District has a great interest in natural resources and a large amount of public land. The decisions made by this committee will greatly affect this area of the state.” “Rep. Milroy brings a wealth of knowledge to the committee,” Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca said. “His experience as a biologist, outdoor enthusiast and a certified hunter safety instructor make him the go-to person in our Democratic Caucus on natural resources and sporting issues.” In addition, Milroy will serve on the Rural Affairs, Veterans and Environment and Forestry committees. He will continue to serve on the Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations. “These committee appointments reflect my commitment to representing the interest of the people who elected me to the state Assembly. I will continue to be a strong voice in Madison, supporting


hile we’re in the middle of a January cold snap, made worse by the Packers recent playoff loss, you can be sure your Shell Lake Lions Club will continue to work on improving the lives of those living in the greater Shell Lake area and our guests. Over the Christmas holiday, the Lions Club, spearheaded by Arlys Santiago’s work as committee chairman, once again put together a beautiful Christmas Lights in the Park display by the community center. Gratitude is extended to Santiago and all the other volunteers who made this year’s display one of the best yet. The club also, in conjunction with the Spooner Lions Club, put together another successful Christmas fund. This effort ensured a Christmas dinner to 192 families and presents to 350 children in the area who would have experienced little Christmas cheer without the effort. Gratitude is extended to all the businesses and volunteers who made this worthy effort the success it was and especially to Lion Mike Cox who chaired this event for the Shell Lake Lions. The club’s major fundraiser, the sale of Lions Club calendars for 2013, was also a success. Of the 850 calendars available, 821 were sold, and the winners of the cash prizes for the New Year are again showing up in the paper. Gratitude is extended to Lion Jim Meyers for chairing this event once again. This winter, the Lions are also working with the Shell Lake High School Student Council to

my fellow veterans and protecting our pristine lands,” Milroy stated. With the start of the new legislative session, Milroy has a new staff person. Lori Youngman will be working half time in the office with longtime aide Mary Lou Keleher. Youngman has over 24 years of experience working in the Legislature and will be helping constituents with state issues. She is also working half time for Rep. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland. – from the office of Rep. Milroy

Full moon snowshoeing at Hunt Hill

SARAONA — Join Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary for a full moon snowshoe or hike, dependent on snow conditions, on Saturday, Jan. 26, 7-9 p.m. Bring your own snowshoes or hiking boots. Hunt Hill is located at N2384 Hunt Hill Road, Sarona. Preregistration requested. For more information please call 715-635-6543, e-mail info@hunthill.org or visit Web site at hunthill.org. — from Hunt Hill

collect used prescription eyeglasses from Shell Lake area residents. Students will collect these glasses in their classrooms, then they’ll be taken to Mexico, along with other useful items, where they will be fitted to those in need of eye care by members of the Lions Club. If you have a pair of glasses you no longer use, contact a Lions Club member or drop them off at one of Lions Club eyeglass drop boxes located around town. Nearly 200 glasses were collected by this effort last year. The Red Cross Blood Bank will be in Shell Lake later this month also. The Lions Club has traditionally supplied the snacks for the canteen after people have finished with their donation. This is held at the Methodist Church on Thursday, Jan. 24, from noon to 6 p.m., and on the Friday, Jan. 25, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Later this winter, on March 2, the Lions will hold their annual ice-fishing contest on Shell Lake. This is a fun-filled family-oriented day of fishing on the last Saturday of the inland game fish season. Look for more information on this event in the weeks ahead. After these events, plus a few more that are still being planned, summer will be here. The Lions are also sponsoring a triathlon, a new event for the club and for the Shell Lake community. The event will be held on July 27, so look for more detailed information on this event in coming months. Enjoy the winter while it’s here; the days are getting longer already.

Shell Lake Lions Club news


Exercise your brain. Read the newspaper. Rain, sleet or shine, get your news online!

Area news

RICE LAKE — Alex Mitchell, 17-year-old Rice Lake High School senior, remains in Sacred Heart Hospital after he was flown to the Eau Claire hospital by helicopter from Christie Mountain Ski Area east of Rice Lake. Mitchell was alert but with no feeling below his shoulders on the flight to Sacred Heart. With his neck fractured, he immediately underwent a three-hour fusion surgery to stabilize two vertebrae. The degree of paralysis is unknown. He is in a neck brace and is being kept still so his fracture can heal. “He has some movement in his legs, but it will be weeks until we get a better idea about the effects of the injury,” said his father, Paul Mitchell. — from Rice Lake Chronotype ••• RICE LAKE — When Rice Lake School District residents go to the polls Tuesday, Feb. 19, to vote on a $20.4 million plan to improve school facilities, it will be almost exactly the 20-year anniversary of the last major school facility upgrade approved by district voters. The referendum would allow for plans to remodel and renovate the Tainter Elementary School to accommodate the closing of Jefferson School. At the middle school, improving the bus drop-off area is a high priority along with remodeling and renovation projects to better meet the needs of students in grades 5-8. At the high school, the top priority is updating the science labs, along with technology improvements and acquiring furnishings, fixtures and equipment. — from Rice Lake Chronotype ••• BARRON — Ronald E. Kaiser, 55, now of Hager City, is accused of setting fire five years ago to the house of a former fire chief with the Turtle Lake Fire Department. He was scheduled to appear in Barron County Circuit Court Wednesday, Jan. 9, for an initial hearing on the felony charge of arson. The criminal complaint states that Kaiser set fire to an all-terrain vehicle parked near an attached garage, which led to the garage catching fire and spreading to the house of Timothy and Lori Moriak in the village of Turtle Lake on Nov. 23, 2007. An investigation revealed multiple points of origin, which suggested arson, the complaint said. One area of origin was the ATV parked about 40 yards south of the residence. A second origin was on or near a car parked near the west exterior of the garage. The third origin was in the area of or near the driver’s side of another car parked inside the garage. Timothy Moriak told an investigator that when he and his family were gathered outside the house, Kaiser came up to him and was crying uncontrollably about their house being on fire. Several weeks after the fire, Kaiser’s daughter reported to the investigator that her father had told her several times that he burned down the Moriaks home. — from Rice Lake Chronotype ••• BALSAM LAKE — The Polk County Highway Department is receiving national recognition for its innovative use of cheese brine for winter highway safety. Several years ago, Moe Norby, tech support manager, did research and discovered that cheese brine, a waste product at F&A Dairy Products in Dresser, could be used on winter roads to remove ice. The product had a lower freezing point than salt and was less expensive to use than other methods. As a result, Polk County has safer winter driving at less expense, and F&A saves money in disposing of a waste product. The cheese brine story has spread over the years, and in December, WCCO-TV did a feature on it. That feature went nationwide and generated coverage in the Wall Street Journal and an inquiry from Kraft Cheese. — from the Inter-County Leader

Enrichment courses at UWBC

RICE LAKE — UWBC will be offering a variety of enrichment courses in January. Intermediate Watercolor is a four-session class that will run Jan. 31-Feb. 21, 6-8:30 p.m. in Room 223 Ritzinger. The cost is $59. Beginning Guitar Session 1 is an eight-session class that will begin on Jan. 23 and is held from 6-6:45 p.m. in the fine arts music room. The cost is $129 plus $19 for book/CD. The 15-session yoga class will run Jan. 30-May 15 from 5:15-6:30 p.m. in the student center Room 454. The cost is $89. The Charger Chess Club will meet throughout the semester on Thursday afternoons at 4 p.m. in the commons. Topics of upcoming classes scheduled for February are The Family Game: A Japanese Film Festival, The Art of Beekeeping, Science Saturday for students grades 58, and the online Paralegal Preparation class and online eMarketing Essentials Certificate class. For complete class descriptions and further details or to register, go to barron.uwc.edu/ce or call Samantha Heathman in the UWBC continuing education department at 715-234-8176, Ext. 5403 or e-mail samantha. heathman@uwc.edu. — from UWBC

Letters should contain the author’s signature, address and phone number, should be as brief as possible and be written legibly or typed. Names will not be withheld for any reason. Frequent letter writers may be limited to one letter per month. Letters must be 400 words or less in length; we reserve the right to condense. Letters must be submitted by noon on Monday to guarantee publication that week. Mail letters to: Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871, FAX to 715-468-4900 or e-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net


2013 father/daughter ball planned

SHELL LAKE — Fathers and daughters of all ages are invited to attend the 2013 Father/Daughter Ball to be held Friday, March 1, at 6 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. While there is no charge for the event, seating may be limited, making reservations necessary by Friday, Feb. 15. Fathers and daughters may contribute to the royal feast by bringing a salad or dessert to share with all the guests. It is the desire of the Joy Circle ladies

of Hope Fellowship Church, Spooner, to create a beautiful, magical, fairytale-type evening that will delight fathers and daughters. They hope to help create beautiful memories to last a lifetime. The evening will feature princess crowns, picture taking, the royal feast with a chocolate fountain and, of course, the royal ball. For more information or to make reservations, please contact Donna Sahlquist, 715-766-2010. - Nan Hendry

Local grad handles first murder conviction case

INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. — Koochiching County Attorney Jeff Naglosky was part of a murder hearing held Wednesday, Jan. 9, in Koochiching County District Court. Elected Koochiching County attorney in 2010, Naglosky is the son of Paul and Patti Naglosky, Shell Lake. At the hearing, Carl Muggli, 51, pleaded guilty under an agreement to second-degree unintentional murder of his wife, Linda Muggli, 61. Linda died Nov. 26, 2010, at the Rainy Lake Medical Center after a 911 call from Muggli about an accident. Muggli was arrested June 7,

2011, in Texas, being accused of using a 17-foot totem pole to kill his wife. He was indicted on a charge of premeditated first-degree murder and unintentional second-degree murder by a Koochiching County grand jury July 30. Following the hearing, Naglosky said he was pleased and that the victim’s family was notified prior to the plea and supported the plan. “Taking a plea is always bittersweet, but I think this is appropriate,” Naglosky said. “I think justice is served today.” — with information from the International Falls Daily Journal

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

January 7 - $30 David Ford, Spooner January 8 - $30 Jeff Dunham, Shell Lake January 9 - $30 Dorothy Rand, Black River Falls January 10 - $30 Cori Miller, Shell Lake January 11 - $30 Vern & Beatrice Redlich, Shell Lake

Anderson Hager Moe Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2012 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 13

2013 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 13

High 45 31 37 43 52 35 11

High 28 36 36 34 39 40 22

Low 25 16 18 18 26 9 7

Low 12 9 18 19 29 22 5


1.0” snow Precip.

.29” rain

On Saturday, Jan. 26, racing machines will take to the oval track on Shell Lake. — Photo by Larry Samson

by Suzanne Johnson Register Staff Writer SHELL LAKE — Due to the success of last year’s ice racing on Shell Lake, the Northern Wisconsin Ice Racing Club plans to hold two races in Shell Lake this year. Saturday, Jan. 26, the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce and Klopp’s Fifth Avenue Bar will sponsor the ATV and motorcycle oval ice-racing event. Racing will be studded and unstudded ATVs and studded motorcycles in several classes. Registration starts at 10 a.m., with races starting at noon. There is no admission price for spectators. The Shell

Lake Chamber of Commerce will have a food booth set up in the beachfront shelter house. Parking for best viewing of the races is in the Shell Lake Municipal Campground and the plowed areas near the community center. The NWIRC started in 2006 and became an official ATV club in 2009, being incorporated as a nonprofit organization. Racers also compete in Rice Lake, Bloomer and Lake Wissota. For information on racing rules and classes, visit nwircracing.com. The second race in Shell Lake is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 9.

coner and travels extensively throughout the state, offering programs on wildlife and natural history. His program during the farm show will be held at 1 p.m. both days. The program will include the showing of live birds of prey and/or reptiles. The Rice Lake Farm Show is coordinated by North Country Enterprises of Wisconsin, a supporter of the AgrAbility Program for disabled farmers. Further information can be found at northcountryenterprises.com. – submitted

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – Air Force Airman Brian T. Flamang graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air

Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an Associate in Applied Science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Flamang, a 2012 graduate of Northwood School in Minong, is the son of Mary Flamang, Gordon. — Photo submitted

1953 - 60 years ago

Calif., after serving with the Fifth Marine Expeditionary Brigade of the United States quarantine forces in the Caribbean. The unit arrived in California two months after embarking in 20 amphibious ships and passing through the Panama Canal. The force spent 51 days at sea and visited ports in Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Panama.

Wildlife in Wisconsin part of farm show

RICE LAKE — A special Wildlife in Wisconsin program will be featured during the 22nd-annual Rice Lake Farm Show, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 22 and 23, at the Cedar Mall. Some 70 farm company representatives will be present to demonstrate new products from 10 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. daily. The farm show also offers free health clinics by Lakeview Medical Center and Mayo Clinic plus a display by the Hungry Hollow Steam and Gas Engine Club. Chris Cold, wildlife technician for Wisconsin DNR, will conduct the Wildlife in Wisconsin program. He is a licensed fal-

Ice races return to Shell Lake

News from the service

Register Memories

• About 40 members turned out for the initial meeting of the Burnett-Washburn County Conservation Club held at the Hard Café. A representative group from both counties was on hand. Officers elected were W.G. Hoar, president; Cyrus Atkinson, vice president; and John McNabb, secretary-treasurer. • The Dewey Farmers Union met at the Bashaw Brook School. • According to Fire Chief Bohn, the fire department was having difficulty in getting telephone calls through to central to find out where a fire was located due to the large number of calls coming in when the siren sounded asking where the fire was. Many of those people were only curious and not interested in firefighting. It was asked that people not use the telephone for at least five minutes after hearing the fire alarm. • The local PTA sponsored a program of singing, tap, ballet and acrobatic dancing by 20 students of Erleen Olson of Cumberland. Maxine Parker and Polly Pederson participated. All the proceeds of the event went to the March of Dimes.

1963 - 50 years ago

• Type II oral polio vaccine was given out during a mass polio immunization program for Washburn, Burnett, Barron and Sawyer counties. • Herb Williamson was at the organ at Dean’s Supper Club in Barronett. • A dress sale was continuing at Shell Lake Apparel. Buy one dress at regular price and receive the second for only $1. Genuine buckskin choppers with wool and nylon liners were $2.69. • Marine Private First Class Gerald A. Hooser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hooser, Shell Lake, returned to Camp Pendleton,

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1973 - 40 years ago

• Lamperts Yards in Shell Lake held a grand opening of their new showroom. Manager Jim Rohlik stated that the new building would offer much more space and more merchandise. • Local members attending the state school board convention in Milwaukee were Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rydberg, Superintendent and Mrs. Hubert Smith, Mrs. Jennie Lund and Mrs. Elsie Graf. • Mike Axon, home on a 20-day leave from the Navy, returned to San Diego, Calif. • Larry Hopke had the misfortune to injure his foot and required medical attention.

1983 - 30 years ago

• Kathy Joyce, special education teacher in Shell Lake High School, was named the district’s nominee for Wisconsin Teacher of the Year. • Instrumental director Kathleen Bauman presented All-American Hall of Fame band awards to Brent Amundson, alto sax, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Amundson; Patti Livingston, trumpet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Livingston; Mike Roubik, trumpet, son of Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Roubik; and Erika Quam, clarinet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Quam. • Carol Haidet, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Albert Petz, Shell Lake, earned her Master of Arts degree in biological science at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. • Mr. and Mrs. Greg Odden and Mr. and Mrs. Kim Odden enjoyed a twoweek trip to California. Tyler was able to spend time with his aunt, Kathy, at her home in Park Falls.

1993 - 20 years ago

• Gary Fox and daughter Jacqueline found a weather balloon while snowmobiling near their home between Shell Lake and Round Lake. • Students of the month at Shell Lake High School were Scott Waite, freshman; Corey Mortensen, sophomore; Levi Lindemann, junior; and Eric Olson, senior. • Aaron Smith was honored with the Eagle Scout Badge. • The Shell Lake Board of Education gave permission to a Spanish Club trip to Mexico. Virginia Elsen, Spanish Club advisor, explained that five members of the club would spend the first week in March working for Habitat for Humanity outside Tijuana, Mexico.

2003 - 10 years ago

• Violet Strand celebrated her 80th birthday with a party at the Shell Lake United Methodist Church. Amy Johnson celebrated her 90th birthday with a party at the Shell Lake Community Center. • The St. Olaf choir performance at the Indianhead Arts and Education Center in Shell Lake was sold out. • Jordan Bruce, 2001 graduate of Shell Lake High School, was a member of the Barron County Charger’s varsity basketball team. • New shelving in the children’s area at the Shell Lake Public Library was installed.


SHELL LAKE - Seattle does it. The University of Wisconsin does it. Now Barron, Burnett, Washburn and Sawyer counties can do it. What is “it”? It is an invitation to any and all citizens of the region to read the same book within the same time period and join a facilitated discussion session. The book is “Antigone” (Ann-tig-uh-knee) an ancient Greek play with great relevance to contemporary concerns and issues. This invitational read and discussion is extended by Theatre in the Woods, a long-standing regional community theater based in Shell Lake. Theatre in the Woods is offering this opportunity in conjunction with its production of “Antigone” scheduled for early April. Area book clubs are especially encouraged to choose “Antigone” as their February or March selection and join one of two discussion sessions. The sessions are March 7 and March 19 at the Quam Theatre in Shell Lake. Social time begins at 6:30 p.m. and the discussion at 7 p.m. Joel and Lee Friederich, professors of English at UW-Barron, will facilitate the discussion as well as provide some background material on Greek culture and theater. There is no charge to participate. “Antigone” was written by Sophocles and exists today in many versions. The recommended version for the Quad-County Read is: “Sophocles, The Oedipus Cycle: Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone” translated by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald. Area independent bookstores will have it or can order it. It may also be accessed online at: mthoyibi.files. wordpress.com/2011/05/antigone_2.pdf This project is made possible with the help of a minigrant from the Wisconsin Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Wisconsin Humanities Council supports and creates programs that use history, culture and discussion to strengthen community life for everyone in Wisconsin. For further information about the book, the discussion sessions and the play’s performances, please visit the theater’s Web page at titw.org or contact the play’s outreach coordinator, Mary Hemshrot, at 715-468-2271 or mhemshrot@gmail.com. Theatre in the Woods is a nonprofit community theater organization, now in its 23rd year, located at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St. in Shell Lake, WI. For more information, visit titw.org. - submitted

National Handwriting Day


Remember when you would write to a pen pal rather than Facebooking friends? During her 4-H years, Konnie had pen pals in New Zealand and Japan. It was interesting to read the different expressions and how life was for them in their native countries. Along with handwriting, what about penmanship? Remember as an elementary student how we would practice and practice to make our letters as perfect as possible? If we took a field trip to visit a business, as a class we would write a thank-you note using the best penmanship we could. Unfortunately, by the time some of us were ready to apply for a job at a business, our penmanship had taken a turn for the worse. Throughout my day at work, I see various handwritten copy. Some of the writing is elegant and others, well, maybe they wanted to be a doctor. Trying to figure out what is written isn’t always easy. I admit I need to slow down when writing so that my handwriting can improve. Oh, and by the way, Jan. 23 is also National Measure Your Feet Day. I’m not really sure why we need a National Measure Your Feet Day. A thought for any crafty people reading, this would be to make a note card out of the shape of your foot, then handwrite a greeting and mail it to a friend.

re you aware that Wednesday, Jan. 23, is National Handwriting Day? I didn’t realize this until my sister, Konnie, pointed out to me an article in the January 2013 edition of Better Homes and Gardens. The article encouraged readers to, “Dot your i’s, cross your t’s and scribble something special the old-fashioned way.” The article included the Web site amillionthanks.org as a source to send greetings to show appreciation to U.S. military men and women. Even though I have received some clever e-cards, I haven’t sent any. I am a person that likes to send printed cards instead. I am not alone in this. In a recent interview I read, Shelley Long, who many remember as Diane Chambers of the TV sitcom “Cheers,” commented that a tradition that has been passed down in her family is writing cards. She stated, “I come from a family that loves greeting cards! I’m not as good as the rest of my family about sending cards and things – sometimes I don’t hit the specific dates. But I do try to stay in contact with my family – aunts, uncles, cousins.” National Handwriting Day is meant to encourage people to put pen to paper and practice your handwriting by making words rather than typing and texting.

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson

Wisconsin terrorism expert warns against using torture

released movie “Zero Dark Thirty.” Anne Speckhard grew up in Wausau but found herself involved in issues far removed from her central Wisconsin upbringing. At Georgetown University, Speckhard researched a special kind of post-traumatic stress, the kind inflicted on hostages by terrorists. She interviewed more than 400 terrorists and their victims in hot-spot locations in the Mideast, Russia and Europe. She says she understands the arguments implied in the movie “Zero Dark Thirty,” that torture is sometimes justified. “Sometimes you can break a person with torture, and the justification that’s usually used for torture is the ticking-bomb theory,” she says. The theory that the suspect knows where the ticking bomb is, and that savings lives justifies the prisoner’s pain. But Speckhard says torture often backfires and creates more terrorism than it prevents. “Do you have the right person?” she asks. “Does he indeed know? Is there a ticking bomb? And if you’re wrong, you create more terrorists. I can tell you many, many examples where people became involved in terrorism as a result of torture.” Speckhard says when an innocent person is tortured or has family or friends tortured, the trauma can lead to suicidal thoughts, and in some cases, thoughts of suicide bombing. “When we study suicide in general, even in Wausau, we know the biggest predictor of suicide is if someone is in terrible, terrible emotional pain,” she says. “And if the pain is so overwhelming, you can’t see any other options, you just want to exit life.” Speckhard stresses that there is never any justification for terrorist acts. Her new book is called Talking To Terrorists.

by Glen Moberg Wisconsin Public Radio

STATEWIDE - A Wisconsin native who is one of the world’s top experts in terrorism and post- traumatic stress is warning against the use of torture in interrogating suspects. Her comments were made in response to the newly

Washburn County Area Humane Society


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576186 22r

With the weather so cold, I know just what you need, My idea is great and most all have agreed. Someone to snuggle with, so soft and warm, It’s just purr-fect I think in a cold winter storm. Jewel thinks she would be just the right one, ‘Cause after the snuggling, it’s time for some fun. Jewel is not quite 8 months old you see, She says, “just the right age won’t you please adopt me.” Winter’s so long and there’s not much to do, That’s why you will want to bring Jewel home with you! Cats for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old, neutered, black/gray shorthair tiger; 1-year-old, neutered, orange shorthair tiger; 7-month-old female black/ white shorthair; 1-year-old female Abyssinian mix; 2-year-old neutered orange/white longhair; 10week-old tan/white female short-hair, 10-month-old female orange/white medium-hair; 10-week-old male tan shorthair; 4-month-old medium-hair tortie; and a 7-month-old female brown/black shorthair tiger; 5-month-old shorthair calico/tiger mix; 3-1/2month-old black shorthair, black medium-hair and shorthair gray kittens. Dogs for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old neutered black/white American bulldog mix; 6-year-old spayed black Lab; 4-year-old spayed black Lab mix; 9-1/2-year-old neutered bichon mix; 1-year-old male hound/springer mix; 5-year-old spayed tan boxer; a 10-year-old spayed white terrier mix; and a 4-yearold female gray pit bull. Strays include: Female light brindle Plott hound found west on Hwy. 70 in Spooner and a neutered black Lab/malamute mix (?) found in Springbrook.



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576187 22r

Spooner, WI


10btfc 21rtfc

Quad-County Read planned


House a total loss for rural Shell Lake family

Human video at LUMC

Lakeview youth recently performed a human video to “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” at Lakeview United Methodist Church, Hertel. Shown back row (L to R): Alecia Knoop and Ashley Clark. Front: Brittany Clark and Mary Clark. — Photo by Connie Quam

Shell Lake and Spooner fire departments responded to a house fire at the Richard and Patty Feeney residence in the Town of Roosevelt in Burnett County on Wednesday, Jan. 9. No one was home at the time of the fire. A person passing by noticed the fire and called authorities. — Photo by Larry Samson

Groups invited to apply now for boat inspection grants

SPOONER — Lake associations and other groups will find it easier to get funding and carry out local watercraft inspection efforts under a simplified grant process aimed at preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. Groups that turn in complete, shortened applications for eligible activities are assured of getting funding but applications must be in by Friday, Feb. 1, state officials say. “We encourage local groups to take advantage of the changes that make the application process and compe-

tition for funding less daunting,” says Pamela Toshner, DNR lake biologist. “Fill out a one-page application and sign the second page contract. If the form is complete and your activity is eligible, you’ll get funded.” Toshner says that locally run watercraft inspection programs are key to Wisconsin efforts to keep our lakes and fish healthy, “so we want as many groups as possible to get the funding they need to carry out these vital efforts while avoiding burning them out on paperwork and administration.” It’s especially important to implement watercraft inspection projects on the Great Lakes and lakes that already have aquatic invasive species. Improvements in the grant process came about through DNR’s process-improvement efforts, also known as Lean Government efforts. DNR staff used Lean tools to find creative ways to make the grant process less work for lake groups and DNR staff. DNR was the first agency in the state to take on Lean Gov-

Wisps of winter


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576304 22r

have more memories like that again. Most remind me of people, some of whom I never talk to anymore, some who live across the country or globe, some who I used to be incredibly close to. Some changed, some moved, some live far away. Memory is a funny thing, isn't it? Thomas Fuller once said, "Leftovers, in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart." Perhaps memories are a part of our subconscious mind, leftover moments stored away until evoked by a smell, a symbol, a sound. Or perhaps memories are God's way to help us remember the good times we had in times of bad, as J.M. Barrie once said, "God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.” The fact is, we wouldn't be who we are today if we didn't have memories whether they were bad or good. Without them we are but a hollowed out human being, with no past experiences. The memories we've had shape us into who we are today because those experiences have taught us something. To smile, to love, to laugh, to try new things, to learn. Every day is a possible candidate for making a new memory. And as Kevin Arnold in “The Wonder Years” said, "Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." It is the little memories like making snow angels or dancing in your kitchen that make up a lifetime. Take joy in the simplicity of things and the complicated things may not seem so complicated anymore.


taring outside past a dusty window ledge, all I can see are mounds of dirty snow, half melted. But it reminds me of youthful winters where there was the kind of snow that glimmered up into a powdery wave when you kicked at it, the kind that reminded you of white grainy sugar, the kind that you could fall back onto as if it were a blanket, molding to the shape of your body and the creases of your clothes. I am reminded of my childhood and how my sister and I would make snow angels. We would do them each at a different time, so one could help the other back up so it wouldn’t ruin the perfect angel imprint. By the end of the day our lawn would be decorated with white angelic figures the size of two little girls and they’d stay there as long as it didn’t snow again or something or someone didn’t ruin it. We’d retreat back into the house after a hard day’s play, our cheeks rosy, our noses runny, and we would drink hot chocolate with marshmallows, the slight sting of the winter wind still lingering on our faces. Isn't it strange how the smallest and most random things sometimes bring to mind our strongest memories? Some days seem to be days of recollecting and remembrance for me. Things as simple as a green pen, someone splitting a piece of gum with another person, wearing shoes that haven't been worn in a while and Milk Duds bring to memory so many things in my past. Some of those memories I try to suppress, but they have already been summoned by the smallest and most unexpected things. Some memories I smile at, and wish I could relive them. Some I laugh at, hoping that I can

ernment projects, and Clean Boats Clean Waters Clean Grants is one of DNR’s first projects. “What we heard from the public during our fact finding was that volunteer burnout is high, and that some groups were not even applying for the funds because of the perception that the grant application process and competition are too challenging,” Toshner says. “The goal of this effort is to reduce volunteer time spent on grant administration by half, and perhaps most ambitious, to 100 percent satisfy our existing customers,” says Jane Malischke, a DNR environmental grants specialist. Other goals sought to reduce DNR workload by one-third. “We’re confident that we can reach those goals with the changes we’ve made based on public feedback and our analysis of the old process,” Malischke says. Some of the key changes include: The grant applications can now be filled out and submitted online; the application has been shortened to one page with the second page the contract; and all applications are to be submitted to staff at Spooner DNR. Provided the application is complete and activities eligible, the project gets funded, and the applicant will be notified within 14 business days, not months as before. All projects will have state grant caps of $4,000 per boat landing, automatic 25-percent advance payments and standardized scopes and time lines. If inspectors take Clean Boats Clean Waters training, invest at least 200 hours of watercraft inspection time per boat landing and enter the inspection data into DNR’s data system, the remaining project balance will be reimbursed when the final payment request and worksheet are submitted to DNR. No more redundant time tracking. Some things will remain the same, including grant deadlines of Friday, Feb. 1, and Aug. 1, the fact that the state will provide 75 percent of the cost and eligible sponsors. More information on the Clean Boats Clean Waters Grants is available online or please contact lake coordinator Pamela Toshner at 715-635-4073 or environmental grants specialist Jane Malischke at 715-635-4062. — from WDNR

715-635-2936 238 Walnut St. Spooner, Wis.

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Streamlined process makes it easier to get grants, carry them out


Sarona by Marian Furchtenicht

This past week we’ve had a variety of weather. It was mild, thawing days, then foggy. Last Wednesday forenoon it was picture-perfect with hoarfrost on every tree and twig, mild and sunny, but didn’t last long. Clouded up and we got rain, freezing on and a whiff of snow on top of icy patches. My Russ came down Friday morning and said, “Ma, don’t be going out to the mailbox.” Snowmobile trails remain closed but lots of ice fishermen out, it’s much colder. Russ and Nancy Furchtenicht attended her uncle Ernie Baker’s funeral in Stevenstown, near Holman, last Monday. Sympathy to her Aunt Audrey and family. Congratulations to Cody Gagner and Satana Estrada on a new baby daughter, Havannah Josephine, born Dec. 31, in Shell Lake. She joined a 2-1/2-year-old brother, Bentley. There’s a bowling meeting at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the Spooner Lanes. The purpose of the meeting is to meet the new owner, get informed on what’s going on and get some leagues going again. Correction on Hunt Hill Winter Soup Lunches. They are held once a month (not once a week as I previously reported). They will be on the second Tuesday, so that would be on Feb. 12, March 12 and April 9, from noon until 1 p.m. there was a nice group last Tuesday, about 35 folks. Janet Zimmerman, Elfreda West and I went together. Great soup. Storm Nelson did an interesting talk on winter birds here and feeding them. He reports it is important to keep feeders clean and disinfect them with one part bleach to nine parts water. Jake and Julie West and kids enjoyed a 10-day trip to Or-

lando, Fla. They enjoyed Disney and the nice warm weather. Daughter Kati is in fifth-grade basketball so they are busy with that now. Dave and Cathy Stodola, Hudson, spent the weekend at his mom’s and helped her with her honey-do list. Anton Frey has had a bout with shingles and doesn’t wish them on anyone. Son Pete and kids, Ben and Emma, visited them on Sunday before Emma heads back to college in La Crosse after her Christmas break. Dave and Kelly Stoner had coffee and visited Anton and Gloria on Thursday. A baby shower was held at Marilyn Zimmerman’s on Saturday for Jesika and Brian, with a full house of family and friends, and they received lots of cute, soft baby things for the baby-to-be. Elaine, Ryan and Rocky Furchtenicht hosted the Weitzenkamp family Christmas get-together on Saturday with all her siblings attending. There were Jessie Fields (deceased Linda’s husband); son Will and daughter Rachel, Holcombe; sisters Amy and her husband Buddy Hansen from Stoddard; Betty Weitzenkamp, of La Crosse; Sally and her husband Bob Muenzenburg from Cashton; brothers Wayne and Kris, of Shell Lake, and Carl, of Neenah. Also, Elaine’s daughter Nicki Baker and boys Byron, Henry and Andrew, of Rice Lake; and son Nathan Ryan, of Shell Lake. Daughter Danelle didn’t make it. I also joined them for lots of great food and visiting. I visited with Evie Campbell, who says she’s a five-time great to son Mike and Alecka’s daughter, Andrea, and husband that live in Virginia. Congratulations. Her grandson,

Gerald Campbell from Reno, Wyo., where he is a firefighter; Dr. Brayton Campbell, taking his internship as a foot doctor in California; and Cory, Jim’s son from Colorado, were all home over the holidays. Keep Janet Single in your prayers. She hasn’t been doing so good and has been admitted to the hospital. Glenn and Charlotte Campbell visited me on Wednesday afternoon, and on Friday, Mavis Schlapper had made chicken noodle soup and had me over to eat with her. Happy birthday wishes this week to Anthony LaVeau and Frank Anderson, Jan. 17; Allan Donatell and Mike Becker, Jan. 18; Kurt Scribner and Charlotte Campbell, Jan. 19; Kimberly Doll and Wyatt Kemp, Jan. 20; Blake Lundstrom, Sammi Elliott and Dana Barrett, Jan. 21; Cindy Moore, Taree Campbell, Jan. 22; Anton Frey, Billy Sauer and Jennie Hastreiler, Jan. 23. Enjoy your special day. I had to wait one day for eight wild turkeys to cross the road single file on Schoolhouse Road and they all had long beards. I thought they were toms but I checked on computer and found out 10 to 20 percent of the hens also grow beards. Otherwise, we have some disappointed Packers fans and they don’t even want to talk about it.

Good morning from frigid Shell Lake. It was 9-plus degrees on Sunday and today maybe 10-plus with the wind but I don’t think there is snow predicted. The weather is very unpredictable but at least the sun is shining this morning. Our prayers are with a local family who lost their home and all of their belongings to a house fire last Wednesday. Rich and Patty Feeney were not home at the time when the fire broke out. Financial and clothing assistance is needed. Salem Lutheran Church started the ball rolling at services on Sunday. Any questions you may have, call Salem Lutheran Church office. Thanks to Luann Bergman who was our organist at Salem on Sunday. Get-well wishes to Tammy Frienwood who is in the hospital with pneumonia. She is the daughter of Howard Ullom and the granddaughter of Lillian Ullom. Peder Pederson and friend Kathy enjoyed the supper at the United Methodist Church in Shell Lake Wednesday

evening. Peder said the food was delicious. On Saturday, Peder attended the wedding of Steve and Charallotte Main who were married at the First Pentecostal Church in Spooner on Saturday. The reception was at the civic center. Congratulations! Mavis and Roger Flach are pretty much staying close to home since Mavis’s knee surgery and Roger is stable from his chemotherapy. Our prayers are with you two. Arlys Santiago helped her niece, Olivia Hile, daughter of Chuck and Heidi Hile, celebrate her birthday on Sunday afternoon in Haugen. Birthday greetings to you, Olivia! Charlotte Thompson came over Sunday afternoon to visit me and some of the other tenants here at Glenview. Sunday afternoon Sue and Larry Winner stopped to see me on their way home from Rochester where they attended a Lions convention. Jeff Pederson came into visit with them also while they were here. Well, our Packers lost their game on Saturday but to a good team. The Badgers came out victorious in basketball.

Lillian Ullom and Margaret Jones came by on Tuesday to visit their friends here at Glenview. Happy birthday to Glenview’s own Jean Willette who had a party here with family on Saturday to celebrate her 100th birthday! Congratulations, Jean! On Saturday, niece Barbara Weber of Denver, Colo., came by to visit with me and also Jean Odden. She was in the area to visit her dad, Abner Odden, who lives at the Regency Apartments in Cumberland. The telephone rang in the office of a brilliant surgeon. When the doctor answered it, a small voice inquired, “Who is this?” The doctor immediately recognized the voice of his young son and replied, “The smartest man in the world.” “I beg your pardon,” the boy said politely. “I have the wrong number.” Stay warm this week.

I suppose all we’ll hear from those Minnesota announcers is the Packers got beat. But our Packers did OK and we went further than those mud ducks! Talking with Sandy Redding this morning, we find Sandy is doing much better. Bernard goes for another chemo treatment this Friday. Please keep the Reddings in your special thoughts and prayers. Diane Hulleman tells us this Sunday that she was going to her daughter Nancy Murray’s and to Kohls. Got some money burning a hole in your pocket Diane? Just kidding. Jim Toll tells us he went for his treatments this week. He went for five days and says he’s feeling somewhat better. Dave was up and has been taking out the fence on Jim’s side, on CTH B. Talking with my favorite sister, Marie Quam, she says the boys have been very busy with farm chores. Marie hasn’t gone to the barn for a couple of months and says she’s feeling so much better. Vicki Trott was at Cecil and Evelyn Melton’s on Sunday,

playing cards with Cecil and Evelyn. That’s great, Vicki, as your folks aren’t getting out much due to the flu. I hear that bad flu is making the rounds. They say if you had the flu shot that you won’t get it as hard. There certainly are a lot of people getting it though. News from Karen Hotchkiss finds Karen had back surgery on Tuesday and came home on Wednesday. She said the first few days it was really rough but eventually it’s getting better. Glad to hear it, Karen. Those real estate taxes are due the end of January. Another bill! A very happy birthday to Dorothy Lashmett on Jan. 22, when Dorothy turns 83 years young. Have a wonderful day! I certainly get a good laugh at my puppies. The other night it was dark out and I saw both puppies going into the hall and bedroom. I made those awful noises and both came running out. I think I have to be more careful as I might scare myself to death.

Next Sunday, Jan. 20, take in the Shell Lake ice-fishing contest held on Bashaw Lake, sponsored by the S.L.F.F.A. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m., with fishing time from noon until 3:30 p.m. Get out to fish as they have lots of prizes. See ya there, have a great time! Coming Saturday, Jan. 26, will be Dewey Country’s caucus. At this time we have a great board with Mark Knoop as chairman; side board members Phil Scheu and Jim Toll; treasurer Bill Holden; and Pam Brown as clerk. These members do an excellent job of keeping our township in order. So if you plan to come to the meeting and nominate someone, remember, we don’t need any hot dogs on the board, or those who tell people to shoot their neighbor’s dog. What we need is people who work for the good of Dewey Country, making Dewey Country country living at its best! Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

Heart Lake news by Helen V. Pederson

Dewey Country

by Pauline Lawrence

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by Diane Dryden Register staff writer TOWN OF MADGE — The house in the Town of Madge is the type people move north to after spending a lifetime somewhere else making their fortune and now they are ready to retire. The view is spectacular. The house is not only spacious, but the sounds of several grandfather clocks chime the hour as well as another clock, which plays a delightful tune. They are set to go off minutes apart and it’s a delicious sound for your soul to absorb. Ken and Jen Hentsch have lived in Madge since 1995, although the property has belonged to his side of the family since 1948. Ken remembers it fondly as a boy when it was his grandfather’s farm. “The old cow trail goes right below our back deck,” he says fondly. The inside of this house looks pretty much like others of this design, that is, except for the three organs. Downstairs there’s a beautiful piece that came from Ken’s family and is dated 1905. There is also a missionary organ with only a few octaves’ worth of keys. It has to be pumped using both feet to produce a sound. Leather handles on each side and hooks and eyes provide the equipment for folding it all up to form a large box that was carried by missionaries from place to place to be used for services. Upstairs, unobtrusively set against a wall in a corner, sits Jean’s pride and joy. This newest acquisition, a totally electronic Lowrey organ, looks like the cockpit instrument panel of a 747 when she turns it on. Multiple colored keys and buttons and knobs light up as well as two levels of gold identification letters for each of the keys, looking like the dual lights that line a runway at night. That’s just the beginning. This woman, as a little girl, was introduced to the piano when she was about 10 years old. It was only natural that she should play some sort of instrument because she was surrounded with music. Her family members played the violin, guitar and the piano. One even made her living playing piano and singing at the Holiday Inn in Beloit, where the family was located and where Jean and Ken Hentsch lived for nearly all their lives. Because music came naturally for Jean, she never really did learn how to read notes well. She was able to play any music that came her way and even gave lessons in both piano and accordion after she and Ken were married. At age 15, she was playing in her church and it wasn’t uncommon for her to hear, “Why don’t you come over. We need someone to play

There’s music in her soul

They were a singing church and each of the 20 years Jean’s played, the choir leaders would make sure they wove in both an Easter and a Christmas cantata. Meanwhile, she and Ken traded organs five times for each of the wonderful new models. They used to go the Twin Cities to see and hear what was innovative and naturally the people who were playing the demonstration organs were professionals and could make those instruments sing. “It was a good selling technique,” says Jean. Their latest organ has many new features, but the one that sold the instrument was the ability to create a CD directly from the organ. On the left of the double keyboard is a little hidden drawer that holds the USB port and on the right side in another hidden drawer is where the blank CD is inserted. The organ can be programmed to play the introduction to a song and then Jean sets the beat and the tone and countless other things and when Jean Hentsch sits at her totally electronic organ that looks she touches the keys with her fingers, the sound is unsomething like the cockpit instrument panel of a 747 when she believable. turns it on. – Photos by Diane Dryden Wanting to share her music with her family, she’s the piano.” been creating a wide range of music CDs, which inMarriage came next at 19. Then traveling the world clude songs of faith, up-north organ Christmas, country, with her husband in 1953 while in the Air Force during easy listening and old-time waltz and two-step songs. the Korean War. Home again four years later, they built Many of her CDs are used in the church they attend a larger house in Beloit and now, the Sarona produced three children United Methodist, who produced four grandand are sold for dochildren, each musical in nations only. She also their own way, with one has an album that grandchild getting truly many funeral homes involved with the craft. now own that conNot only did the sists of favorite Hentschs build a new hymns that they play house, Jean took her place before the funeral beback at her home church, gins. Judson Baptist, which by Jean is 83 years old now had a much larger now and even congregation and from though this organ is that time on, 1975 to 1995 absolutely wonderwhen they moved to ful, you have to wonMadge, she was the organder if an even better ist. “I got the full-time poone came along if she sition because the woman could resist trading who used to be the organA talented son-in-law creates the covers for Jean Hentsch’s CDs of one in for the other. It ist did not like the new organ music. might be a hard deciorgan the church pursion because the one chased and she refused to play it. That worked out well she has now has one feature that really makes this infor me because I loved playing it.” strument stand out far above the others – it has an apJean played for weddings and funerals and every plause button. time the church opened its doors for a meeting.


Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net

Rails defeat Ladysmith


First game of the season

Spooner fifth-grader Ariana Richards eyes the basket before she goes up for her shot.

Spooner guard Jordan Shaver with a jump shot against Ladysmith defenders Joel Jones and Liridon Sabini.

Cole Osterhues goes up for a shot under the basket. As a freshman, he plays the game of an upperclassman as he goes up against a player with more experience. RIGHT: Mano a mano, Gavin Anderson against Ladysmith defender Liridon Sabini. The Spooner team came out on top of conference rival Ladysmith, 46-32, in a game played in Spooner on Friday, Jan. 11. – Photos by Larry Samson

Logan Springer gets two points on a fast break.

Meriah Streitz is bringing the ball downcourt against a Webster defender. Playing in their first game of the season, the Spooner fifth-grade team played in the Shell Lake Tournament on Saturday, Jan. 12. They lost their first game to Shell Lake and came up on the short end against Webster. – Photos by Larry Samson



Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Shell Lake defeats Birchwood

Kayla Blazer with a jump shot under the basket. LEFT: Surrounded by Birchwood defenders and under the watchful eye of the team’s mascot, the bobcat, Shania Pokorny pumped in 19 points to help Shell Lake defeat Birchwood, 4821, on Tuesday, Jan. 8. – Photos by Larry Samson

Jennifer Connell ever so gently tips the ball into the basket for two points. She had five points for the game. Her strength on the team is defense; she is a tough, in-your-face defender.

Laker boys are 1-1 for the week

David Brereton uses his height and jumping ability to tower over Birchwood defenders. LEFT: AJ Denotter with a two-point fast-break layup in the 55-45 win over Birchwood on Tuesday, Jan. 8. The win improved the Lakers overall record to 5-7.

Curtis Parker passes the ball off to a teammate. Parker is making himself known on offense and defense. The junior was the high scorer for Shell Lake with 12 points in their game against Birchwood. – Photos by Larry Samson




Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net

Spooner girls over Cumberland 48-22

Sara Taylor is one of those players who takes a direct route between two points and that is straight at you. Cumberland defender Annie Larson ended up on the floor as Taylor walked to the freethrow line. – Photos by Larry Samson

Spooner youth wrestling tournament set

Steph Henk, with her patented jump shot, helped Spooner defeat their conference rivals, the Cumberland Beavers, 48-22, in their Winterfest Week game on Thursday, Jan. 10. Henk had eight points for the game.

You make the call. Was Taylor Roman fouled on this shot? The answer might surprise you but then the officials cannot see everything.

Spooner wrestles dual in Barron

BARRON — On Thursday night, Jan. 10, the Spooner Rails wrestling team traveled to Barron to wrestle in their fifth conference dual of the season. The match started out at the 160-pound weight class. Barron picked up the first team points by pinning Spooner’s Evan Silvis. At 170, Austin Bones had the lead and was turned to his back and pinned in the second period. At 182, Lucas Hagberg got the Rails team going in the right direction when he pinned his opponent in the second period. At 195, Jared Quenette tied



High school boys basketball Thursday, Jan. 17: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22: At Northwood, DH, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 25: At Prairie Farm, DH, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31: Vs. Cameron, DH, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2: At Target Center vs. Grantsburg, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7: At Siren, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12: At Clayton, DH, 5:45 p.m.; JV 7:30 p.m. High school girls basketball Tuesday, Jan. 22: At Northwood, DH, 5:45 p.m.; JV, DH, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 25: At Prairie Farm, DH, 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31: Vs. Cameron, DH, 5:45 p.m.; JV 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5: At Grantsburg, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 8: Vs. Solon Springs, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12: At Clayton, DH, 7:30 p.m.; JV, DH, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15: Vs. Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18: Vs. Spooner, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21: Vs. Winter, 7:30 p.m.; JV 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26: Regional, 7 p.m. Friday, March 1: Regional 7 p.m. Saturday, March 2: Regional, 1 p.m. High school wrestling Thursday, Jan. 17: Vs. Flambeau, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19: Shell Lake Tournament, 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 24: At Cornell/Gilman, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2: Conference at Cameron, 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 9: Regional at Shell Lake, 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12: Team sectionals, TBA, 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16: Sectional at Independence, 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 21: Individual state at Madison, 6 p.m.

things up 12-12 when he pinned his opponent in the first period. Barron answered right back by pinning Zach Shutt at the 220-pound weight class. Spooner once again tied the dual with a pin by Blake Johnson at the 285-pound weight class. Spooner took the lead for the first time in the dual when Blake Larson received a forfeit at the 106-pound weight class. That lead did not last long as Barron pinned Andy Mason with only seconds left on the clock in the third period. At 120, Jadin Schwartz wrestled really well and pinned his opponent in the first period. At this point in the dual every fan was into the action and just waiting for one of the teams to take over. At the 126-pound weight class the individual score went back and forth just like the team score had all night. Dustin Metzig was taken down in the first period but reversed his opponent and picked up three near-fall points before the first period ended. The match continued like this until the very last second. Once everything settled at the end of the third period and the referee rewarded the points, Metzig lost by a score of 12-14. “I was so proud of Dustin and how hard he wrestled the entire six minutes of the match,” praised coach Andrew Melton. At the 132-pound weight class, Brandon Jepson was slammed to the mat in the first period and won by injury default. With all of the new knowledge on head injuries, the trainer would not let Jepson continue to wrestle in the match. “All of us are very thankful that Brandon is OK and will recover very soon,” stated Melton. At 138, Patrick Baker looked very good and was able to add to the team score by pinning his opponent in the second period. At 145, Richard Lauterbach had to wrestle one of Barron’s best and was pinned in the second period. At 152, Dylan Sahr wrestled one of his best matches of the season and picked up a big win by a score of 14-8. The final team score was Spooner 45 and Barron 33. This was a very exciting dual throughout the entire night and was a great match for the fans to watch. There were four JV matches during the night. At 138, both RJ Anderson and Mitch Shellito won by pin during their matches. At 220, Brad Baker also won by pin. At 220, Donavan Knutson was in the last match of the night and lost to his Barron opponent. — from Spooner Schools Athletic Department

SPOONER — A wrestling tournament for youth prekindergarten through eighth grade is set for Friday, Jan. 25, at Spooner High School. Preregistration for the event is available online only with the deadline by noon. To register go to trackwrestling.com or call Andrew Melton at 715-416-0582 or e-mail griffithj@spooner.k12.wi.us. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. with a 6 p.m. start. All wrestlers need to be checked in at the door by 5:30 p.m. Brackets will be printed at that time. Tournament will be folk-style wrestling with WIAA rules, four-person round-robin weight brackets. Trophies will be awarded for first place and medals for second through fourth places. — from Spooner Athletic Department

Strong showing by Laker youth wrestlers

Shell Lake’s youth wrestlers traveled to Grantsburg Saturday, Jan. 12, and Pine City, Minn., on Sunday, Jan. 13. At Grantsburg, 10 Laker wrestlers competed and the team took third place. It was a solid effort, given the team has yet to wrestle at full strength and were two wrestlers short on this day. Those competing were Kevin Retzlaff, Levi Olson, Layne Olson, Ethan Lyga, Koy Hopke, Kale Hopke, Cassie Lawrence, Brady Lehnherr, Taren Farley and Jameson Lucas. Seven Shell Lake wrestlers traveled to Pine City to attempt to qualify for the Jaycee Minnesota State Wrestling Tournament. The state tourney will be held in April in Grand Rapids, Minn., and to qualify for the event, a wrestler had to place first or second in his bracket. The Shell Lake team consisting of Farley, Retzlaff, Lawrence, Kale Hopke, Koy Hopke, Lehnherr and Lucas completely dominated the competition and went 18-0 on the day, and all took first place. On top of the achievement of going undefeated, all 18 wins came by way of pin. Wrestlers shown (L to R) are, top row: Kale Hopke, Taren Farley, Brady Lehnherr, Koy Hopke and Jamison Lucas. Bottom row: Cassie Lawrence and coaches Byron Hopke, Scott Farley and Jamie Lucas. Missing is Kevin Retzlaff. - Photo submitted




FFA attends state leadership conference

SPOONER/STEVENS POINT - Rylee Nelson and Abby Zehm of the Spooner FFA chapter attended the Wisconsin Association of FFA Half-Time Leadership Conference held at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Stevens Point, Jan. 11-12. Over 450 FFA members, advisors and state FFA officers participated. The Half-Time Leadership Conference provides FFA chapter leaders from around the state the opportunity to set goals and prepare for the second half of their year of service in their local FFA

chapters. FFA members attended workshops focused on leadership and personal development, membership and chapter development, and opportunities in FFA. They learned about preparing for FFA events and getting involved in community service. In addition, FFA members heard from Jason Troendle, 2011-2012 national FFA secretary from Minnesota, who presented a motivational address to the members on Saturday morning. The Half-Time Conference has an over 27-year tradition for Wisconsin FFA members to bring top leaders

Winterfest royalty

Nate Overby, state FFA parliamentarian from Amery, along with Kayla Hack, state FFA president from East Troy, welcome Rylee Nelson and Abby Zehm from Spooner to the 2013 FFA Half-Time Conference in Stevens Point. - Photo submitted

together to assist in leadership development. This year’s leadership conference was designed and conducted by the 2012-2013 Wisconsin state FFA officers. The theme of the conference was Tell Your Story. “Half-Time is one of the premier leadership conferences in our state designed by student leaders. It allows FFA chapter leaders to develop their leadership skills, learn more about FFA activities and meet people The 2013 Spooner High School Winterfest royalty was crowned on Friday, Jan. 11. Crowned king and queen were two seniors, Eli Baumgart and Chelsea Kilmer. Michelle Richardson and Lucas Meaux were princess and prince. Winterfest is a winter homecoming tra- while having fun,” said Cheryl Zimmerman, state FFA executive director. “We are able to provide young peodition at Spooner and the coronation capped a week of activities. – Photo by Larry Samson ple with an excellent experience to develop their leadership skills and get them excited about agriculture, agricultural education and the FFA so they can build y name is Chris Anderson, principal of the ran from November to December. All of the donated their local programs.” Spooner Elementary School, and I want to take a items went to the Washburn County Food Pantry. FFA advisors were also busy during the weekend as few moments to report some of the great things that Chuck and Sue Adams, Washburn County Food Pantry managers, indicated that the Spooner Elementhey attended training sessions in the areas of meat anare happening at SES. imal quality assurance, careers, electronic student finanI am continually impressed with the community tary School’s drive is one that helps out immensely. cial record keeping and promoting agricultural support shown toward the children of the Spooner We collect the items for our food drive at our Giving education in the community. Teachers were also inArea School District. Whether it be the parents of our Tree. The children give to the food pantry during this volved in the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Edstudents, volunteers that work with our children, season, and forgo exchanging gifts amongst each ucators board meetings and committee meetings. businesses that support our school, or community other in the honor of giving. The children feel great pride in this decision as they know it is the right The Wisconsin FFA Association is comprised of 253 members that continually give encouraging thing to do. Thank you to all the adults that suplocal chapters in high schools across the state, preparing words, it is greatly appreciated and noticed. port this great event! over 19,000 students for leadership and careers in the Our elementary school is filled with wonderOur motto at the Spooner Area School District science, business and technology of agriculture. FFA acful/caring children that want to learn, and that is Great Kids, Great Schools and Great Commutivities and programs complement instruction in agriis a compliment to the parents of our community and I would like to periodically give examculture education by giving students practical nity. Thank you, everyone, for your support, ples of the truth of this motto with articles experience in the application of agricultural skills and and your part in making a successful 2012-13 written to the Washburn County Register. knowledge gained in classes. FFA’s mission is to deschool year! Thank you for your time and for your velop premier leadership, personal growth and career The Spooner Elementary School continued support! success through agricultural education. just finished up with a food drive that


From the Elementary Principal • Chris Anderson

Learn to Skate program finishes season The Spooner Youth Hockey Learn to Skate program ended a great season last week with approximately 30 skaters continuing on in the Cross Ice/U8 Program. — Photo submitted



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They took time out of the war to say thank you

The joy of starting new things

by Mary B. Olsen It seems to me that there is little joy in beginning new things in my life, but looking back is when I find the pleasure in remembering. Going into the unknown is rather intimidating. Maybe most people are fearless, but I have always been a bit shy when faced with new ventures. The fearless ones may not understand. When I think back about many of my first things as a child, I remember the little things. What was it like to lose a first tooth? My older brother lost his first tooth biting into an apple. My first front tooth just fell out. I knew it could happen so I was prepared but, of course, I knew my image in the mirror was the new toothless me. After a while, I lost other teeth and I decided everybody had that experience and it was OK. I remember my first errand. I was sent to the corner grocery store with a written list in my hand and the money tied up in my handkerchief. I didn’t lose the list or the money but I was frightened but careful when I crossed the street and stepped into the store all by myself. I was so happy to come home with my purchase, I fairly danced all the way. Then I remember another first, the first grade. They didn’t have any kindergarten where I lived. I was 5 years old, and very small. My mother took me to the school the first day. The teacher welcomed everyone and told us where to sit, at the desks. She told us her name and the students began to tell their names. When she looked at me I was so scared it took me a few minutes to talk out loud. After that, it was easier. I did a lot of worrying those first days. I hoped my nose wouldn’t run. Maybe I couldn’t reach my handkerchief in time. Then one day I was sitting in front of the cloakroom on the floor taking off my galoshes, these buckled-up boots I wore when there was a lot of snow on the ground. The rest of the class was already in their places. For some reason, I had to cough. This great big cough came out of me and everyone began laughing. I sounded like a giant. After that I didn’t worry about most things anymore. We were like one big family. I suppose the first time I discovered I was able to read was really great. That didn’t scare me at all. It was before I went to school. I remember I had a new book and I loved it so much. I thought it would be wonderful if I could write stories like that myself. I didn’t know how to write yet but I wanted to do the stories, not make the actual books. The pages were nice and the outside, but

brothers and sisters overseas are commendable and I can’t thank you enough for it.” They got a kick out of the note that came from a German major. It read, “Because Germans celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, I have already opened it and I am very honored to see how much you care about the soldiers who try to defend the best you have - the freedom.” He continued, “It is so funny to receive something from Wisconsin because I, myself, went to high school in Kenosha on a four-week exchange program. I still cheer for the Packers. You made me very happy today, when I am away from my wife, Nina, and the

I wanted to do the stories. I remember the first time I had experience with the telephone. We didn’t have a phone, and I had only seen them from afar. I thought they were like part of the scenery. I would never want to touch one. One day the superintendent of the schools came to my second-grade classroom and pointed to me and snapped, “telephone.” Then he walked out. My teacher said I was to follow him to his office where I had a telephone call. I saw the earpiece that was part of the telephone on the big desk and looked at it. “Pick it up,” the man said. I did. And I put the piece to my ear. I waited. After a minute or two, the man barked, “You have to say something.” He was a huge man and he wore a suit like you saw on an undertaker. I cleared my throat. I heard the small voice of my aunt and after that I almost got over my fear. She had called me at school to surprise me. She thought I would be thrilled to get a personal phone call. I guess I was in the third grade when I wrote my first story. It was in a notebook and I cut out pictures from a magazine and pasted them in to illustrate it. I had already decided I liked to write about historical things. By the time I learned to write our teachers taught us the Palmer Method, a way of handwriting that you practiced until it looked beautiful on the paper. You had to make curves and loops and it looked good when others wrote that way, but I had trouble with it. I would have given up the idea of writing stories but I knew about typewriters by that time. My first class in typing in the first year of high school was not very good, either, because I was slow. We were supposed to type with speed and accuracy. I typed slow and made mistakes. I remember other first things. Learning to swim was simple after I gave up trying so hard and found I was able to float on my back in the water. Riding a bicycle was another scary first thing. But when my dad held onto the back of the bike I found I was balancing. That was exhilarating. Attending my first movie and the first stage play were not too frightening. I wanted more. Other firsts came along: falling in love, a first date, a first summer job and a first vacation. Graduations. My first kitten is a loving memory. It is always sad to lose a pet, but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. It is pleasant to think about first things as we launch into the new year. We must be intrepid and face the new things with strength and glad anticipation. We are making new memories all the time. May your memories be as golden as mine.

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Area writers corner

Maj. Jason Simmons had the privilege of passing out the Christmas stockings, sent from Spooner, to his U.S. forces as well as officers from Germany, Spain and France. - Photo submitted

two sons, Caspar, 5, and Johann, 1. May all the U.S. soldiers come home soon and safe! It means a lot for all of us how much the Americans back home care for us.” Heller, who currently has five family members in active service, two in Korea and one stateside and two getting ready to go to Afghanistan, was also married to two servicemen who have both since died. She lost her only sibling in the Vietnam conflict. She’s a member of the VFW and the American Legion, and five times a year she and Marquardt start gathering items and money as soon as they finish with the previous package sending. It’s a year-round job and Heller has to admit that she’s slowing down. She’s had cancer and due to unusual circumstances, she has chemo and will have chemo once a week until she dies. “It’s pretty rough,” she says. “I’m weak and tired for several days after the treatment, but then I’m back at the job that I plan to do as long as I can.” Her job includes doing presentations to all sorts of groups about their project as well as arranging fundraising. They purchase many of the items they send and the postage is a killer - over $4,000 already. Thankfully, groups of people volunteer to help out, from providing items for the stockings to sewing the stockings and packing them. You can find Heller at the Washburn County Fair every July from Thursday morning until Sunday night. She has a container for donations and her scrapbook is always open. This is the book where she has lovingly collected the thank-you cards and the photos and the news releases for each of the five yearly mailings of gifts. Needless to say, she and Marquardt, who works full-time, would welcome anyone who would like to get involved in any capacity. Her number in Spooner is 715-635-2930. One of the letters they received came from Maj. Jason Simmons who wrote, “Here are the pictures that I promised of me spreading cheer, courtesy of the Northwood Support Team. Whoa. As I was typing this message, we had incoming rockets or a very large IED that exploded and shook my plywood hut. All safe here but getting reports now, gotta go, I’m the senior ranking officer on duty and need to get accountability of all our folks. A reminder that, although we’re safe, Taliban factions still strike even in the safest areas. Blessing to you and yours.” Indeed.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hourly Door Prizes • Concessions Available

Prizes For: BIGGEST Fish = $100 BIGGEST Northern = $40 • BIGGEST Bass = $25 BIGGEST Crappie = $25 Biggest Bluegill/Pumpkinseed/Sunfish = $25 BIGGEST Perch = $25 Time: Noon - 3:30 p.m. • Registration: 10:30 a.m.

Location: Bashaw Lake

Access: Public Landing On Bashaw Lake Road Cost: $8 • Community Welcome

Raffle with over a $500 value in prizes and gift certificates to local sports shops in the area, plus the TOP PRIZE is an ICE AUGER & ICE SHACK.

Come And Enjoy Fishing, Food And Fun. Contest Sponsor Is: AAA Sports who is sponsoring the ice auger, ice shack and category prizes. Door Prize & Raffle Sponsors: AAA Sports, Dahlstroms Lakeside Market, Bear Paw, Wal-Mart, Strellrecht’s Tractor and Auto Repair, Becky’s, Ace Hardware, Shell Lake State Bank, Shell Lake Woodcrafters, Country Pride Co-op, Spooner Outlet, Subway, Wolverine Tire and Auto, Lamperts, Nielsen’s Construction, Shell Lake Marine, Kwik Trip and Spooner Laundry.

575842 21-22r 11-12b

by Diane Dryden Register staff writer SPOONER - For four years in a row, Darlene Heller and Linda Marquardt have been putting together items that they send to our troops overseas. Every Valentine’s Day, Easter, midsummer, Halloween and Christmas there have been boxes and boxes sent from a soldier’s best friend, the Northwood Support Team, which used to be part of the Adopt-A-Soldier program. Tirelessly, their boxes have been shipped from Spooner to locally associated troops wherever they were overseas. This year the 230 stockings that went out in December joined the stockings from years gone by, totaling 980 bags stuffed with Christmas cheer. This year the troops were stationed in the mountains in Afghanistan, where they specialize in communications. They also work with service personnel from other countries, so the letters of thanks they got this year included men and women from Germany, Spain and France. A Spanish man named Carlos identified himself as “A Spanish military officer working in Afghanistan together with your comrades of the USA. Today they have offered me some presents coming from you with the wish of merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. I am very thankful to you, once I knew you were behind these presents (by the way, very practical and useful), especially to me. It is a pity not looking you, because such presents can only come from a two very beautiful women.” From the United Kingdom, “I want to express my appreciation to you and your entire community for your exceptional presents. I say this in my name and for all of my respective Army mates. All your collections have satisfactorily arrived here in Kabul where we are working. I would like to mention that they have made us happier and comfortable on a rainy, cold Sunday evening far from our homes. Please transmit our appreciation from Kabul to your mates and God save and bless you!” They’ve always gotten thank-you notes from the troops, but this time is was extra special to find out the Christmas stockings were shared with these officers from other countries. Another man wrote, “During this time of year, as we are separated from our families, we do not take for granted the generosity of those who take the time and effort to remember us. Your efforts to make this holiday season more bearable for some of your




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by Diane Dryden Register staff writer SHELL LAKE — There’s a support system in Washburn County that’s known to only a limited number of people. This small group of professionals exists in order to assist people, one at a time, through a yearlong agenda. It’s a tough plan, but the rewards are priceless. The professionals included in the treatment team are the judge, the district attorney, the Kim Shafer is the jusstate public defender, an agent tice programs coordinator from the Department of Cor- for Washburn County. The rections, the AODA and men- four programs include the tal health coordinator, the drug and alcohol court AODA treatment and case held every second and manager, the sheriff and the fourth Tuesday from 7:30 justice programs coordinator. to 9 a.m. in the Washburn Kim Shafer, who’s been the County courtroom. – justice programs coordinator Photos by Diane Dryden for over a year, started out wanting to be a nurse. After her first year at UW-Eau Claire, she knew her major had to change. Nursing just wasn’t her thing, so she switched to a probation course with a side order of criminal justice. She graduated as an official social worker. After time working with the St. Croix Correctional Center doing behavior therapy, she applied for the job in Washburn County that Bill Weaver began in 2006 and left in 2011 as the justice programs coordinator. It was a perfect fit. Her office is involved with the four programs that make up the justice program. They are the drug and alcohol court, the pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program, the monitoring program and the community




Thursday, Jan. 17 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Saturday, Jan. 19 • Prairie Fire Theatre, with Shell Lake students in grades 3-12, performance of “Cinderella,” 4 and 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake Arts Center. Sunday, Jan. 20 • Shell Lake FFA ice-fishing contest, noon to 3:30 p.m. Registration starting at 10:30 a.m. Bashaw Lake. Monday, Jan. 21 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. Thursday, Jan. 24 & Friday, Jan. 25 • American Red Cross Blood Drive, Thursday, noon to 6 p.m.; and Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Drive, Shell Lake. Thursday, Jan. 24 • First Year Parenting class, 5-8:30 p.m., Spooner Annex Building, UW-Extension conference room. Call Deb Meyer at 715-635-4444 or deb.meyer@ces.uwex. edu. • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Friendship Commons. Saturday, Jan. 26 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. • Ice racing on Shell Lake. Racing starts at noon. Food available. • Indianhead Writers meeting, 1 p.m., Northwind Book and Fiber, Spooner. Anyone interested in writing is welcome. Information, call Mary Olsen at 715-468-2604. Donations accepted. Monday, Jan. 28 • Bridge at Friendship Commons Senior Center, 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, 1 p.m. No partner needed, all abilities welcome. Wednesday, Jan. 30 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner.


Tuesday, Feb. 5 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge.

The court of last resort

service program. What that all boils down to is the court of last resort for those who need to break the cycle of drug and alcohol abuse and criminal behavior. It’s a volunteer program, but it’s a program that offers an opportunity for any repeat offender to stay out of jail, or worse, A drug and alcohol court participant has the prison systhe opportunity to view the doors that lead tem. to the Washburn County courtroom differShafer, the ently as they successfully complete the criminal history yearlong justice program. part of the team, and Lori Henderson-Olson, the alcohol and other drug abuse advocate; are the two women who do the initial interviews. After an extensive session with each of these women, volunteer prospects wait for the full team to interview them. The team then talks among themselves, and they decide if this person is a good candidate for the program or not. What is the program? It’s a rigorous year consisting of three stages. Stage 1: 90 days’ worth, the volunteer has to stay in the county and attend drug court twice a month to give an accounting of himself or herself since the last time before the judge. They also have to go to

Wednesday, Feb. 6 • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, Spooner, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Feb. 7 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting, 4:30 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Saturday, Feb. 9 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715468-4017 or 715-222-4410. • Shine! showcasing area youth, Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, Shell Lake, 7 p.m. • Ice racing on Shell Lake. Racing starts at noon. Food available. Tuesday, Feb. 12 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. • Book Chat is reading “Caleb’s Crossing” by Geraldine Brooks for their February discussion. They will meet at 3:30 p.m., Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner. Thursday, Feb. 14 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group, 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798. • Education and support for people affected by cancer, 3:30-5 p.m., Marshfield Clinic Rice Lake Center. Registration required, 715-236-8327. Saturday, Feb. 16 • Cabaret, Shell Lake 3-12 building, 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner.

intensive group counseling, meet weekly with Olson, and attend three AA or NA meetings per week while going to a job or school. It’s a tough schedule, but if they are clean and sober and make all the meetings they can petition for Stage 2. This is another 90-day program and part of this petition is to continue to talk to the judge and write a letter to the team. If the team votes “yes” to continue to the next level, the volunteer gets a Stage 1 certificate and begins the next stage, which is a little easier with only seeing the AODA counselor every other week, but the rest of the program remains pretty much the same. After passing Stage 2, another petition can be made and if OK’d, the final 280-day stage begins. Seeing this program costs the participant $750, all are given the opportunity to earn $375 by doing 37.5 hours of community service work to help defray the initial cost. During Phase 1 of the program, each participant has a financial plan that will include monthly payments toward the cost of the drug and alcohol court. This plan will enable each participant to have the total amount paid prior to graduation. When the year is over, there is a graduation celebration, a graduation certificate and the well wishes of the entire team and their family members who are invited to attend. “Admittedly the program is tough and so far, even though 17 have graduated, we’ve had 12 terminate the program,” said Shafer. “Either the participant leaves the area or they are guilty of a new crime, or a violation of another one, and they’re back in jail.” The drug and alcohol court concept is based on an innovative program that was first developed in Miami, Fla., in 1989. This concept has since received widespread attention as an effective treatment strategy for drug and alcohol addiction and there are more than 1,500 such programs now in operation in jurisdictions throughout the nation.




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Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their Web site and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or email wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Terraceview Living Center Inc. is providing opportunities for talented volunteers skilled in group and one-to-one interactions with the elderly. Seeking services between 3-7 p.m. daily. There will be flexibility in scheduling your services. Orientation is provided. If you are interested please stop by their office and fill out an application. ••• Faith in Action of Washburn County is looking for volunteers to provide direct services to seniors and adults with disabilities. Tasks might include transportation, light housekeeping, light yard work, fix-it jobs, telephone and in-person visits. Training is provided, and all volunteers choose what they want to do and when they want to volunteer. For more information, please call 715-635-2252 or e-mail Faith In Action at faithinactionwc@yahoo.com. ••• Washburn County Unit on Aging is in need of volunteer drivers for the Meals on Wheels program and the medical escort program. This is a great opportunity to socialize, meet new people, travel and help others. Mileage is paid to volunteers who use their own vehicles when transporting and/or delivering. You must possess a valid state of Wisconsin driver’s license and be able to read maps, road names and street signs. If interested, please contact Eva at the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Spooner at 715-635-4460. ••• ICAA Crossroads Literacy is looking for tutors in reading, health and computer skills. If interested, please contact coordinator Jean Walsh at 715-7907213 or e-mail walsh7213@yahoo.com. 30rtfc ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@ centurytel.net, bring it to the office, or call 715-4682314. Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.


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Volunteer opportunities


Washburn County Genealogy Room is closed for the winter. The room may be opened by appointment, depending on weather conditions. Please call 715-6357937 for more information. Monday: Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact TimeOut Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. • Washburn County Historical Society Research Room open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located in the basement of the main museum. Also by appointment. Call 715-4682982. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA Monday Noon AA Open Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.





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Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

Jeffrey John Kallenbach

Jeffrey John Kallenbach, 53, Charlotte, N.C., passed away Dec. 21, 2012, at the home of his parents in Waxhaw, N.C., after a battle with cancer. He was born March 30, 1959, in Shell Lake, to Jack and Gayle (Swan) Kallenbach and grew up in South Windsor, Conn., He graduated from South Windsor High School and received a music and business degree from University of Connecticut-Willimantic. Jeff owned his own tile installation business and gave guitar lessons. He enjoyed playing guitar with different bands, fishing especially for trout at the Swiss Chalet with Grandpa Swan, summer vacations in Shell Lake when he was young and spending time with his family. Those preceding him in death were his grandparents, Harry and Voyne Swan, and Harold and Alta Kallenbach of Shell Lake. Jeff is survived by his parents; sister, Joni Thomas, Shell Lake; brothers, Jim Kallenbach, Waxhaw, N.C., and Steven Kallenbach, Matthews, N.C.; nieces, Dana, Erika, Kyler and Kindra Kallenbach; nephew, Dalton

Kallenbach; along with many aunts, uncles and cousins. Interment will be at Clam River Cemetery in the Town of South Dewey at a future date to be determined by the family.

Imagine a drumroll here - The 26th-annual Barronett ice fishing contest will be held on Shallow Lake this Saturday, Jan. 19, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be cash prizes for the largest game fish and largest panfish in addition to lots of door prizes on the lake. Immediately after the contest, for a half hour, free beer will be served at the community center. And, of course, the souper supper will be served at the community center after the contest. There will be meat raffles and an indoor ice-fishing contest. There will also be a cash raffle, with that drawing at 10 p.m. For all you professional (and not quite so professional) Smear players, there will be Smear games at the community center starting at 4 p.m. And, of course, our ice-fishing contest wouldn’t be complete without Queen Luanne Pachacek and her lovely ice mavens attending. Last January, the ice mavens picked Rambo to be Ice King for the year. We can hardly wait to find out who will represent Barronett for the coming year, and whether or not Rambo will be as gracious as the previous year’s winner, Dave Heath, in relinquishing his crown. Time will tell. Even if you’re not a fan of standing out on a windswept lake jigging for fish, join us at the community center where you can have a lot of fun and still stay nice and warm. Hope to see you there. On Sunday morning, that’s Jan. 27, immediately after worship service, the congregation of Barronett Lutheran will hold their annual meeting. We will hear reports from church officers and will be voting on new officers. After the meeting, there will be a potluck din-

ner served in the church basement. If you are a member of the church, please be sure to attend this meeting. It’s the time to find out how the church is doing, and to ask any questions you may have. Merl and Shirley Overvig have had a very busy couple of weeks. Actually, that’s pretty normal for them. They had the family - kids, grandkids, etc. - visiting their house to celebrate Christmas on Dec. 23. Then, on Dec. 24, they traveled to Fond du Lac for three days to visit with Shirley’s Aunt Rosie and other friends. They came back to Barronett on Thursday, caught up on a bunch of work, and Shirley got ready for a trip to Ashville to visit with her son, Ben. While in Ashville, she and Ben went to the Biltmore. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas with 67 decorated trees on the premises. One, I can’t remember which room Shirley said it was in, was 35 feet tall and was decorated with huge ornaments. They also toured the nursery and saw lots of blooming orchids, poinsettias, holly and other beautiful plants. They walked from Ben’s home to the Grove Inn. That’s a pretty famous hotel in Ashville, where lots of celebrities and presidents have stayed. There was a gingerbread contest going on there, and Shirley said that the entries were absolutely amazing. One was of old MacDonald’s farm, and had a house, barn, and all kinds of animals that were all made of gingerbread. Another entry was a replica of the Grove Inn. They were pretty impressive. I bet there weren’t any of the kits you can buy at Wal-Mart there. They went to downtown Ashville and stopped at

Senior Lunch Menu

Monday, Jan. 21: Ham, baked potato, sliced carrot, apple pie, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Tuesday, Jan. 22: Spaghetti, meat sauce, parmesan, broccoli salad, fruited gelatin dessert, garlic bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, Jan. 23: Pineapple pepper chicken over rice, whole-kernel corn, chocolate mousse, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, Jan. 24: Beef barley soup, crackers, turkey salad sandwich, cookie, banana, milk, coffee. Friday, Jan. 25: Liver and onions, baked Yukon, butter, peas, carrots, strawberries, angel food, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715-468-4750.

Barronett by Judy Pieper













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Dennis R. Dahl

Dennis R. Dahl, 78, of Eau Claire, died Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013, at home surrounded by his family. He was born and raised in Shell Lake. He attended college in Superior and Eau Claire. He married Bette J. Laursen in Eau Claire on June 9, 1956, where they spent most of their married life and raised five children: Desiree (Terry Henricks), Scott (Sabrina), Beth (Jerry Pace), Peggy Dahl (Gaylene Somsen), and Tina (Mike Gardow). Denny and Bette were blessed with 11 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. His family circle includes his sister-in-law, Kathy White, her husband, Jeff, and their children, who were a very big part of his life; nieces, Judy Stadola and Beth Lindberg; and nephew Pat Axon and their families were special to him. He truly will be missed by all who knew him. A celebration of his life will take place at a later date. Cremation Society of Wisconsin is serving the family. Online condolences may be left at cremationsocietywi.com.

Chocolate Fetish. Hmmm. Can’t imagine that. Shirley said that they have the world’s best truffles there. She must have never tasted Jeno’s at Bistro 63, or she wouldn’t be making that claim. And, if you know Shirley, you know she would never be able to resist the bookstore. She said that her luggage weighed a lot more coming home than it did flying out because of all the books she bought. She had a wonderful time with Ben, and flew home in time to spend New Year’s Eve with Merl. Ruth Grover was one of the many guests at a baby shower for Meg and Travis’s baby Fogelberg, which was held at Barronett Bar on Saturday. Ruth said that there were about 20 guests, and that they were served a lovely breakfast of French toast with sausage and fruit. She said that Meg received many beautiful gifts, with probably enough clothes for three little boys. Meg and Travis’s little guy is due in February, and I’m sure they can hardly wait to start showing everyone how handsome he looks in his new clothes. Our adorable little great-granddaughter, Tru Vera Marie Lehmann, had her second birthday on Sunday, Jan. 13. Her mom and nana, Alyse and Suzy Lehmann, hosted a birthday party for her at Suzy and Ryan’s home that afternoon. Tru enjoyed herself immensely, blowing out her two candles, eating the frosting off her cupcake, and opening her gifts. In addition to the Lehmann family, Laura and Steve Schneider, Don and Anitia Lehmann, and Duane and I were guests. Alyse and Suzy had prepared food, and Anitia brought the cupcakes and a German chocolate cake. We had a wonderful time but, of course, ate a little too much. You know, it just doesn’t seem like Tru should be 2 already — the years certainly fly by, don’t they? I guess that’s about it from Barronett this week. Stay warm. Hope to see you Saturday at the ice-fishing contest and Sunday at the annual meeting.





Largest Game Fish $200 Largest Panfish $100 FOOD AND...MANY, MANY DOOR PRIZES ON LAKE

SOUPER SUPPER, MEAT RAFFLES, GAMES & INDOOR ICE-FISHING CONTEST Immediately following the contest at the Barronett Community Center


The “GIRLS” will be at the Center to crown the new “KING.” Come and see what they have in store for us this year! Cash Raffle at 10 p.m.:


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Lake Park Alliance

53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Lay Pastor Richard Peterson, Youth Director Ryan Hunziker, Sunday School 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Faith & Friends, K - 6th grades, Wednesdays 3:15 - 5 p.m.; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.


Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph's Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

AREA CHURCHES Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 10 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Worship Service & Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.



Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid, ages 4 yrs. - 6th grade, Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Team Kid, 4 yrs. - 6th grade, Wednesday 6:30 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; 6:30-8 p.m. AWANA Sept. - April. Sunday School 9:15 a.m., all ages. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


ears ago, while riding on a train, I saw a lever with words above it that read: “Lift to release!” It reminded me of the power of prayer and of that Bible verse that challenges us to “pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands.” It was the custom in years gone by that when people prayed they would hold up their hands with their empty palms toward heaven. This action expressed their faith in God. It was as if they were waiting and expecting God to fill them with his blessings. They were actually waiting to receive something from God. The prayer of a faith-filled person is mightier than any power on earth. It has the unlimited power of God connected to it. Have a problem? Carrying a burden? Faced with uncertainty? Worried about finances? Have an illness? Threatened with a family problem? Take everything to God in prayer and trust in him. He can do everything. Lift your hands to God in prayer, expecting. And remember the sign that reads, “Lift to release!” Visit us at: TheSower.com.

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The Classifieds


(Jan. 16, 23, 30) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Carol Rice Order Setting Deadline for Filing a Claim (Formal Administration) Case No. 12 PR 62 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: 1. The decedent, with date of birth December 31, 1925, and date of death November 27, 2012, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 920 Elm Street, Spooner, WI 54801. 2. All interested persons waived notice. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is April 7, 2013. 2. A claim must be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge January 7, 2013 Kathryn zumBrunnen Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174 Bar Number 1016913 576239 WNAXLP


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Help Wanted

JOB OPPORTUNITY The Shell Lake United Methodist Church is looking for a Di r e ct o r o f Yo u t h Mi n i s t r y. The director, working 5-10 hours per week, would guide and lead youth programming for students in grades 612. He/she would work with the pastor and other ministry positions for programming purposes.

I f i n t e r e s t e d , co n t a ct t h e ch u r ch o ffi ce a t 7 1 5 - 4 6 8 - 2 4 0 5 fo r mo r e i n fo r ma t i o n .


Regional Hospice currently has an opening for a part-time Hospice CNA to help care for and enrich the lives of others. We are looking for a Hospice CNA with strong/patient family relationship skills, willing to travel and provide care to patients in our Spooner/Grantsburg service area. Benefits include flexible scheduling, paid time off, annuity, travel time and mileage. Please send resume to:

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Local Ads

2013 DAYMINDER® MONTHLY AND DAILY date books available at the Washburn County Register newspaper office. New shipment of Leanin’ Tree greeting cards have just arrived. Lake Mall, downtown Shell Lake. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. 22rp

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-4682910. 2rtfc

Tyler J. Guibord, Hayward, OWI, $1,424.00, local jail, license revoked THIS SPOT FOR SALE! Place a 25 24 months, ignition interlock, alcohol word classified ad in 180 newspaassessment. pers in Wisconsin for $300. Call 800Jacob R. Hanson, Spooner, pos227-7636 or this newspaper. sess drug paraphernalia, $263.50. Www.cnaads.com (CNOW) Herbert L. Love, Springbrook, disorderly conduct, $263.50. Terrie L. Kruger, Hayward, disorderly conduct or resisting or obstructing an officer, $263.50. (Jan. 9, 16, 23) Tania J. Milton, Shell Lake, disorSTATE OF WISCONSIN derly conduct or resisting or obCIRCUIT COURT structing an officer, $299.00, twice. WASHBURN COUNTY Kenneth W. Nelson, Laporte, Bank of America, N.A. as Minn., disorderly conduct or resistservicer for The Bank of New ing or obstructing an officer, York Mellon fka The Bank of $263.50, twice. New York as Trustee for the Rebecca A. Olson, Trego, resistCertificate Holders CWALT, Inc. ing or obstructing an officer, Alternative Loan Trust 2005$263.50, probation, sent. withheld. 65CB Mortgage Pass-Through Aaron J. Weaver, Trego, battery, Certificates, Series 2005-65CB Plaintiff $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. vs. Lindsey A. VanDommelen, SUSAN R. GRENA, et al. Spooner, possess drug paraphernaDefendant(s) lia, $263.50, probation, sent. withCase No: 12 CV 7 held.

Christopher A. White, Hayward, failure to provide sex offender info, $299.00, community service. Aspen D. Amundson, Birchwood, seat belt violation, $10.00. George E. Brower, New Orleans, La., operating without valid license, $200.50. Keith E. Chada, Downers Grove, Ill., failure to stop at stop sign, $127.50. Michael P. Davidson, Aliso Viejo, Calif., speeding, $250.90. Shalon S. Head, Milwaukee, speeding, $250.90. Julia L. Kaemmer, Bayport, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Daniel V. Lombardi, Huntley, Ill., OWI, $691.50, license revoked 6 months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment. Seth M. Quinton, Spooner, speeding, $200.50. Teddy A. Ricci, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00.


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NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on August 22, 2012, in the amount of $286,322.28, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: February 6, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff sale, prospective buyer is consenting to be bound by the following terms: 1.) 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) Plaintiff opens bidding on the property, either in person or via fax and as recited by the sheriff department in the event that no opening bid is offered, plaintiff retains the right to request the sale be declared as invalid as the sale is fatally defective. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin DESCRIPTION: Part of Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9, Block 2 Rockford Park described as Lot 6 of Certified Survey Map #2396 recorded in Volume 10, Page 118, as Document No. 255687, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W2672 Rockford Road, Sarona, WI 54870. TAX KEY NO.: 65-028-2-38-1124-5-15-602-510500. Dated this 24th day of December, 2012. /s/Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Dustin A. McMahon Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1086857 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 2394097 575844 WNAXLP

Court news



Joan M. Quenan, 402 Pine Ridge Drive, Shell Lake, WI 54871, requests a variance to, in addition to the permit issued for roof replacement and wall height extension, reconfigure interior partitions to relocate two existing bedrooms and kitchen. However, the proposed project will not increase the number of bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, nor increase living or storage areas. All proposed modifications will be within the existing building footprint. Zoning Classification: Single-Family Residential Lakeshore (RL-1). Zoning Ordinance Sec. 13-1-82 Existing Nonconforming Structures. A public hearing will be held on this matter Monday, January 28, 2013, at 4 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall. 576435 22-23r Bradley A. Pederson, Acting Zoning Administrator WNAXLP

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11 West 5th Ave. Lake Mall Shell Lake, Wis.




Fifth- and sixth-grade hosted tournament at SLAC

Carly Osborn celebrates after her basket. Shell Lake did not win their game against Grantsburg but she will remember this basket.

Sixth-grader Cassie Skattebo with a fast-break layup against Grantsburg in the Shell Lake Tournament held Saturday, Jan. 12. It was the girls first game of the season.

Fifth-grader Tayla Lundberg with a two-handed shot at the basket against a Frederic defender. Shell Lake lost the championship game to Frederic in the Shell Lake Tournament held at the Shell Lake Arts Center on Saturday, Jan. 12.

Fifth-grader Heidi Dougard takes a shot at the basket. – Photos by Larry Samson

Cassidy Mehsikomer brings the ball downcourt for the Shell Lake fifth-grade team. She has come up from the Little Laker program and has learned the ball-handling skills needed to be a good basketball player.

Annual FFA ice-fishing contest is here

SHELL LAKE — The annual Shell Lake FFA ice-fishing contest is set for Sunday, Jan. 20, from noon to 3:30 p.m., on Bashaw Lake. Registration will start at 10:30 a.m. There will be lots of opportunity to win prizes with five categories of biggest fish, along with hourly door prizes and raffle items. Main prizes included a gaspowered ice auger and an ice shelter, plus over $500 in

gift certificates to local sports shops. For more information, contact Jen Bos, 715-468-7814, Ext.1247. — from Shell Lake FFA

School menus

Sixth-grader Alexis DeLadi with a jump shot.

DAHLSTROM S 542207 49rtfc

The Laker Times page is sponsored by

A Fan Bus Available For An Additional $10

576436 22r

Breakfast Monday, Jan. 21: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Jan. 22: Fruit, sausage patty, waffles. Wednesday, Jan. 23: Juice, cheese omelet, toast. Thursday, Jan. 24: Fruit, pancakes. Friday, Jan. 25: Juice, yogurt or cereal, toast. Lunch Monday, Jan. 21: Potato bowl with chicken, corn, fresh fruit. Tuesday, Jan. 22: Ham or turkey wrap, fresh veggies, fresh fruit. Wednesday, Jan. 23: Calzone, fresh veggies, fresh fruit. Thursday, Jan. 24: Corn dog, baked beans, fresh veggies, fresh fruit. Friday, Jan. 25: BBQ on bun, chips, pickles, green beans, fresh fruit. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students.

715-468-2319 Downtown Shell Lake


“Cinderella” to be performed with PFCT

SHELL LAKE — The Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre has once again returned to Shell Lake. This year’s performance is “Cinderella” but with a 1950s twist. Let’s Go to the Hop is the theme of this original musical production by Daniel Nordquist and Deborah Pick. The play features lots of dancing, singing and lip-syncing. Over 70 Shell Lake students in grades three through 12 have been cast to play the roles of Cinderella, the stepsisters, the pumpkins, the macho mice, the cool cats and chicks, Dinah the cat, Mikey and his band The Mistakes, King Cash the promoter and his assistants. Two professional actors will play the roles of the stepmother/fairy godmother and the father, as well as direct the production. “Cinderella” is being sponsored by the Shell Lake PTA. Performances will be Saturday, Jan. 19, at 4 and 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake Arts Center. Tickets can be purchased at the door. See ya down on the hop! — from Shell Lake PTA

Prairie Fire directors Elizabeth Higbee and Bryan Farthing pose with Jared Egbert, a third-grader who will be making his acting debut. Higbee is in her fourth tour with Prairie Fire, and she comes from Tonganoxie, Kan. Farthing is in his second year with Prairie Fire and is from Annapolis, Md. There will be two performances on Saturday, Jan. 19, at 4 and 7 p.m. at the Shell Lake Arts Center. The Shell Lake PTA sponsors the Prairie Fire production of “Cinderella.” – Photos by Larry Samson

Auditions for the Prairie Fire Children’s play “Cinderella” were held Monday, Jan. 14, at the Shell Lake Elementary School. It was a night of excitement and disappointment as the young actors and actresses tried out for the parts. There were 78 parts in the play handed out, and every child received a part. Madeline Naglosky is Dinah. Ben McNulty is the heartthrob Mikey, and Jordan Hill is his agent, King Cash. The three evil stepsisters, Mikayla Smith, Emme Schaffer and Lilly Edlin. Earning the top role as Cinderella was KayDe Bontekoe. Haleigh Rafalski is Chick Clark.

New library director named at Shell Lake Public Library

by Suzanne Johnson Register Staff Writer SHELL LAKE — In addition to recently released DVDs and best-selling novels, as of Monday, Jan. 14, the Shell Lake Public Library also has a new director. Amy Stormberg, Cameron, is excited to begin working in the city of Shell Lake. Originally from Fond du Lac, Stormberg and her husband, Mark, moved back to Wisconsin in August after living in Omaha, Neb., for several years. The mother of six — two boys and four girls — ranging in age from 14 to 30,

Stormberg is the grandmother of a 3month-old and a 2-year-old. Stormberg graduated from Marian University in Fond du Lac with a degree in business administration and worked in marketing research for 13 years. While in Nebraska, she also worked as a guided study hall instructor, working with students needing additional support. With her passion for reading and books, Stormberg worked part time in a bookstore. When relocating to Wisconsin, her interest in working in a library led to her applying for the position as library director in Shell Lake.


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helping with the annual book sale. Members also helped answer Santa letters during the Christmas season. Programs already implemented at the library will continue. Library Fun for Little Ones is Thursdays from 10:30-11:15 a.m. A summer reading program is planned. The next early-release pizza party for middle school and high school students will be Wednesday, Jan. 23. Library hours are Monday and Wednesday, noon to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The statistics for 2012 show that the Shell Lake Public Library provides a valuable service to Shell Lake residents as well as surrounding communities. Circulated items for Shell Lake were Amy Stormberg started as the director of the 21,695. The total number of items circuShell Lake Public Library on Monday, Jan. 14. — lated for the Town of Dewey was 3,177; Barronett 3,565; Bashaw 7,478; and Photo by Suzanne Johnson Sarona, 1,548. With advancements in technology, the Through Northern Waters Library library is ever growing. E-books are be- Service, a variety of media is available to coming a popular way for patrons to library patrons. Library staff can assist liread. Some of Stormberg’s goals are to brary users in how to locate the items have an e-newsletter created and sent to they desire. The staff includes Karen Del library patrons, keeping them informed Fiacco, Paige Skluzacek, Rita Baker, as to happenings at the library in addi- Alayne Root and Bob Anderson. Board tion to new releases available. She would members are Mary Dunbar, Mitch Fox, also like to see the library on Facebook Sue Krantz, Sue Hansen, Chris Ottosen, and Twitter. Her vision is to see the Jane Pederson and Andrea Hartwig. Friends of the Library grow. At this time, Through her position as director, the group is in the reorganizing stage. Stormberg is anxious to instill the love of The Friends group has been assisting the the library to patrons of all ages. library staff during its transition and

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