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n r u b h s Wa unty Co




Former Lakers to Rose Bowl® See page 2

Homicide case status conference rescheduled

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY - Just after midnight on July 25, Jess R. Carsello, 48, called 911 to report he had just shot Michael Elliot, 31. Carsello stated he shot him in self-defense. When deputies arrived, they found Carsello in the woods near his home. It was apparent that he was under the influence. When deputies entered the home of Carsello, they found Elliot laying face down with six gunshot wounds. Elliot had been shot from behind, and at least two of those six shots were fired while he was already down. Elliot also had cuts and bruises on his body. When Carsello was questioned, he told deputies he had been drinking with Elliot when things “got weird.” He said he shot Elliot out of fear for his life. Carsello was taken to the Washburn County Jail and on Aug. 5, he was charged with first-degree intentional homicide. On Monday, Oct. 18, Carsello posted a $100,000 cash bond and was released with the requirement that he wear an ankle monitor bracelet at all times. The status conference set for Wednesday, Dec. 22, was moved to Monday, Jan. 3. Judge Babbitt, from Barron County,

See Homicide, page 5

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Vol. 121, No. 19 • Shell Lake, Wisconsin


Ho ho ho

“Up on the House Top” was a favorite of the second-grade class and the audience at the Shell Lake Primary Christmas Concert held Monday, Dec. 20. More photos on page 23. — Photo by Larry Samson

Looking back at our 2010

Bank supports art center See page 9

SPORTS Pages 12 - 14

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson WASHBURN COUNTY – In our final edition of 2010, we begin part one of The Year in Review, where the stories, photos and headlines of 2010 from January to June are capsulated and revisited before the new year begins.


The Breezy Bay Boys provided music for Indianhead Community Health Care’s New Year’s Eve Bash. Dirk Benzer retired as president and CEO of Shell Lake State Bank. Benzer had been at the bank for 36 years. He was replaced by Dave Haroldson. Peggy’s Place Restaurant celebrated its eighth year of ownership by Peggy Crawford. Pat Rounce turned 100 years old on Jan. 4. Shell Lake residents Donna Ness and Bonnie Reno joined a group of volunteers on a trip to Rio Bravo, Mexico, to provide medical work and to construct houses. Shell Lake wrestling cheerleaders, coached by Danette Hopke, were Kellie Myers, Lindsey Green, Beth Bulgrin, Sara Mayer, Sarah Shumaker and Emily Pfluger. Basketball cheerleaders, coached by Ann Peterson, were Sabrina Garcia, Sadie Gajewski, Taelor Schaffer, Emilee Organ and Allison Socha. Al and Joan Rock celebrated their 65th

See Year in Review, page 2

The Tea Party was alive and well in Washburn County in 2010. — Photo by Larry Samson

“On t h e s h o re s o f b e au ti fu l S he l l L a k e” • www.wcregister.net

Year in Review/from page 1


wedding anniversary. New Year’s baby at Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake was Mason Michael McAllister, son of Rosemarie and Gary McAllister, Spooner. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was born Jan. 10. The New Year’s baby at Spooner Health System was Elizabeth Lea Schroeder, daughter of Kalli and Dave Schroeder, Spooner. She was born Jan. 6 and weighed 5 pounds 11-1/2 ounces. Josh Buckridge was sworn in as Shell Lake City alderperson replacing Chad Kostner who resigned due to a busy schedule. A vote between the Shell Lake Cooperative and Country Pride Cooperative was in favor of a merger by a strong 80plus percent. The effective date of the merger is April 1. Alec Hopke, Shell Lake wrestler, was named MVP at the Superior Spartan Wrestling Classic. Ron Bennis, Marge Peterson and Diane Poach were recognized for their 30-year employment with Washburn County. Cindy Masterman, Springbrook, was the $500 early-bird winner in the Shell Lake Lions calendar fundraiser. Shell Lake students, along with Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre, performed “Aladdin and His Magic Lamp.” This was sponsored by the PTA. Sit and Chat Quilters, Mary Olsen,

Shell Lake celebrated the return of several soldiers from Iraq. — Photo by Larry Samson Local officials traveled to Eau Claire on May 12 of this year to witness the governor’s signing of a new law that raises the sentence for those convicted of recklessly causing great bodily harm to a child. The law arose from a highprofile case in Washburn County from a few years ago. — Photo courtesy of Shane Opatz, Eau Claire Leader-Telegram

Marian Brincken, Myrna Atkinson and Mary Raeshler, worked at Friendship Commons on a butterfly quilt for Happy Tonics’ fundraiser. Winners in the Shell Lake FFA ice-fish-

Shell Lake’s water level was down significantly in June of this year due to several years of drought. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

n bu r h s Wa nty u o C


ing contest were Paul Osborn, Mark Knoop, Patrick Boullion, Dennis Zwart, Shane Williams, David Pickland, Evan Fox, Dylan Sandwick, Matt Stone and Jeremy Bouchard. A listening session was held at the Friendship Commons, formerly known as the Shell Lake Senior Center, concerning changes made at the facility. Shell Lake FFA members who participated in the district speaking contest were Brett Holman, Taylor Bauch, Katrina Nyreen, Garth Richter, Jackie Brown, Emma Mechtel, Isaac Cusick, Johannah Feeney, Kortney Klassa, Cristy Spaulding, Dani Kuechle, Rachel Mechtel, Cody Mayer, Sam Livingston and Ryan Melton. Jacob Latz, Shell Lake first-grader, collected 500 milk jug caps to help the school earn money for educational projects. Shell Lake soldiers returning from duty in Iraq were Don Pashby, Pete Hopke and Max Bryan.

Winners in the first-annual Shell Lake Fire Department ice-fishing contest for the biggest fish were: first place, Doug Olson, second place went to Joe Santo and third to Emery Nielson. Andrew Vargo won the Ruger Hawkeye 7mm stainless rifle in the raffle, and Theresa Robotti won the Ruger 1022 rifle and the Eskimo fish house. Eric Mayes won the Z71 Ardisam ice auger. The Shell Lake Lakers wrestling team nabbed their seventh straight conference title.


Aage Duch, Sarona, turned 102 on Feb. 5. He died Feb. 9. The Shell Lake wrestling team took second in the conference tournament held in Cameron. Winners of the National Educators Association Poster Contests were Arianna Schrieber, Katie Crosby, Bailee Hanson, Ashlea Meister, Adrianna Smith and Austin Schultz. Shell Lake Junior High spelling bee winners in the eighth grade were Curtis Parker, David Brereton and Sam Livingston, with a three-way tie. Seth Olson was the seventh-grade winner. He advanced to the regional competition in Turtle Lake where he placed fourth.

See Year in Review, page 10

Former Lakers to the Rose Bowl®

Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

Published by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, WI 54837 Doug Panek, manager • Gary King, editor Phone: (715) 468-2314 • Fax: (715) 468-4900 Deadline for news/ads: Mondays @ noon

E-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net

Staff Suzanne Johnson....office manager Jessica Beecroft.........reporter Larry Samson.....reporter

Subscription rates

Active Member

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548xx ZIP code, $19.00 Wisconsin & Minnesota, $24.00 Elsewhere in U.S., $26.00

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Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

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Alex and Ted Mentele, former students of Shell Lake High School and of the band program, will be playing in the Rose Bowl® when the Wisconsin Badgers play the Texas Christian University Horned Frogs. The game starts at 3:30 p.m. CT. They will also play in the Rose Parade® in Pasadena, Calif., with a starting time of 10 a.m. CT. Brandon Degner is the third Shell Lake graduate in the University of Wisconsin band representing the school and its music program. — Photos by Tony Mentele

Victim’s motion for retrial denied


by Jessica Beecroft SHELL LAKE - A request for a retrial in the case of a 67-year-old Spooner woman who was awarded $10,000 in a personal injury claim was denied by Judge Eugene Harrington in a ruling handed down Thursday, Dec. 23. A jury awarded the woman $10,000 in the case after she testified that the man, William R. Baugh, 47, had come into her home univited in August of 2006 and sexually assaulted her. Baugh was a prison inmate who had been doing work

detail for her. The woman and her attorney, John C. Grindell, asked the court to approve a motion for a retrial lawsuit against the driver, Jeff Hamblin, the Indianhead Community Action Agency and the Admiral Insurance Company, and the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. The woman suffered physical and mental injuries from the attack. Baugh was subsequently sentenced to six to nine years of prison time. This charge

was bundled with other charges and part of a plea agreement. Hamblin was hired as an installer to supervise Gordon inmates when they went out on jobs for the agency. Hamblin offered no explanation for bringing the inmate, Baugh, to the woman’s home that early morning. Hamblin did not provide “reasonable care” in his decision. Hamblin was fired from ICAA because he was not supposed to leave Baugh unsupervised, which was what allegedly happened on the morning of

the incident. In explaining his denial for a retrial, Harrington stated that sexual assault is the worst possible assault besides a deadly assault. He made it a point to tell everyone involved that it is not for the court to replace the jury’s decision with its own. The jury based the decision on the evidence they were given, and whether or not the court agrees with the decision, it is reasonable given the evidence they were provided with.

and Spooner have been circulating nominating papers in December to get on the April ballot. (See separate stories for caucus dates). Caucuses are grassroots democracy. Every voter living in a town can take part in the caucus but many caucuses have a low turnout. In some cases, less than a full slate of candidates is nominated. Caucuses must be held between the first and last Tuesday in January. In 2011, caucuses may be held from Jan. 4 through Jan. 25. Citizens gather at a designated time, choose a chairperson for the meeting and nominate persons to be placed on the April ballot. Towns have a town chair and two supervisors. They also have a town clerk

and treasurer. All the officials serve twoyear terms, and all the positions are up next April. There are some exceptions. The towns of Gull Lake, Springbrook and Stone Lake have combined the positions of clerk and treasurer. The town of Minong has made the position of clerk/treasurer an appointed position. It also has expanded it town board to five members with two supervisors elected in the even-numbered years. And the town elects a constable. Nominations take place in two ways. A common method is to use paper ballots to place a name in nomination. An alternate method is spoken nominations. Nominees present can remove their names from consideration. A person does not need to be present to be nomi-

nated. Two candidates can be nominated for each position. If the nomination process produces the number of candidates allowed for the ballot, for example four names for two supervisor seats, a motion can be made to accept the nomination list as the final list. When more than the maximum number of candidates are nominated, a vote is held to narrow the list to the allowed number. Persons do not need to be present to be nominated, but all nominees must accept the nomination within five days of notification of the caucus results. If a candidate declines the nomination, the ballot spot remains empty.

A citizen’s guide to nominating caucuses

Residents to decide who will be on April ballot

by Gregg Westigard WASHBURN COUNTY - Residents in the 21 Washburn County towns and the village of Birchwood will soon get to decide who will run for their boards in the April election. Candidates for all the town government offices will be nominated by caucuses during January. In addition, the terms of Birchwood Village president and two members of the village council are up in April. Candidates for village and city offices in Minong, Shell Lake

Birchwood Village holds caucus Jan. 4 Will nominate candidates for April election

by Gregg Westigard BIRCHWOOD – Residents of Birchwood Village can decide who will be on the April ballot for village president and the open council seats when they go to their nominating caucus Tuesday, Jan. 4. Up for election next April are the seats held by village President Morris Gillett and two trustees, Rebecca Darkow and Stacie Small. While most villages have

seven-person councils, Birchwood has chosen to have a five-person council. All village residents of voting age can take part in the caucus which will nominate up to two candidates for each seat. Nominated persons don’t need to be at the caucus, but if a person nominated is not present and declines the nomination, that spot stays blank on the ballot. The village of Minong and the cities of Spooner and Shell Lake use nominating papers to place candidates on the ballot. Those papers are being circulated now with a deadline of Tuesday, Jan. 4, for getting on the ballot.

School parking lot proposal

Washburn towns hold nominating caucuses in January

Few voters take part in candidate selection process

by Gregg Westigard WASHBURN COUNTY – Round two of the spring election cycle starts next week. Local residents get a chance to gather with their neighbors in January and decide who will be on the April ballot for positions on the town boards. Nominating caucuses are a grassroots process where residents decide who will make the decisions on their town boards, the basic level of local government. Very few people show up for these meetings. The common message heard during calls to get the caucus dates was that there is little involvement and little interest in serving on town boards. Incum-

bents sometimes run for new terms because no one else is willing to serve. All 21 towns in the Washburn County will hold nominating caucuses between Jan. 4 to Jan. 25. Many of the caucuses are held on Saturdays to encourage attendance. Up for election are the town chairs and two supervisors. In addition, the positions of town clerks and treasurers are also up in April. Here are the dates for the caucuses in Washburn County. Call your town clerk for the time and location of the caucus. Barronett - Jan. 8, Bashaw - Jan. 11, Bass Lake - Jan. 10, Beaver Brook - Jan. 11, Birchwood- Jan. 10, Brooklyn - Jan. 11, Casey - Jan. 12, Chicog - Jan. 8, Crystal Jan. 11, Evergreen - Jan. 10, Frog Creek Jan. 4, Gull Lake - Jan. 11, Long Lake Jan. 22, Madge - Jan. 12, Minong - Jan. 10, Sarona - Jan. 10, Spooner - Jan. 11, Springbrook - Jan. 11, Stinnett - Jan. 8, Stone Lake - Jan. 11 and Trego - Jan. 8.

ReadyWisconsin hopes you don’t drop the ball

Resolve to be Ready in 2011

The Shell Lake School Board now has the preliminary drawings for the new primary school parking lot. The board is working with MSA Professional Services Project Engineer Teresa Anderson. Anderson will update the design and present updates with cost estimates at a future board meeting. At that time, the board will determine whether to proceed with the project, which is meant to make drop-off easier and safer creating less congestion of buses and cars of parents.

MADISON – The new year is a perfect time to Resolve to be Ready, and ReadyWisconsin is proud to promote emergency preparedness for 2011. Sponsored by Wisconsin Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready campaign, Resolve to be Ready is a nationwide effort designed to increase awareness and to encourage individuals, families, businesses and communities to take action and prepare for emergencies in the new year. Americans who make New Year’s resolutions are 11 times more likely to report continued success in changing a problem than comparable individuals who have not made a resolution, according to the Journal of Clinical Psychology. ReadyWisconsin would like to make an emergency preparedness resolution easy to keep by providing the tools and resources needed to take the three impor-

tant steps: Get an emergency supply kit; make a family emergency plan and be informed about the types of emergencies that can happen and how to respond to them. Emergencies can range from inconvenient to devastating, but by making this resolution and following these simple steps in advance, you will minimize the impact on you, your family and your businesses and give yourself greater peace of mind. For more information and tips to keep your family safe, go to readywisconsin.wi.gov or www.ready.gov. ReadyWisconsin is a campaign from Wisconsin Emergency Management with a mission to prepare individuals, families and businesses for emergencies and disasters. For additional winter safety tips, visit ReadyWisconsin.wi.gov or follow them on Facebook www.facebook.com/ReadyWisconsin and Twitter www.twitter.com/ReadyWisconsin. — from WEM


Where to write

Letters to the editor Not long ago, Mike Pence, U.S. Congressman who is testing the waters for a presidential run, was given lots of face time on a Republican morning TV news show. One of the talking heads asked him how he squared his position of voting against extending unemployment to the 2 million who will be cut off between now and New Year’s Eve, and his other position of demanding Americans extend the Bush/Cheney tax cuts to our millionaire citizens. He answered, “my heart goes out to them, but we are all sharing in the pain of this economy. My wife and I sit at the kitchen table with the calculator and decide where to cut our personal expenses.” Pence earns $174,000 and his wife, Karen, has income from her salary as an elementary schoolteacher and sales from her artwork. Really? Has he lost his high-wage job? Has his wife lost hers? Are they in danger of losing their home? Do their kids have to drop out of school? Has he lost his government-sponsored health-

Heads up

care coverage? Does he wonder how to buy gas to conduct his job search? Does he struggle between buying groceries and medicine? Is he cutting his pills in half like some elders are now doing? Is he sinking into a dangerous depression, evidenced by increased family violence and suicide? How dare he insult us by saying over and over, “my heart goes out to them....”? By the way, he also says he and his family are, “prayerfully considering his run for president.” Just a little heads-up into his “heart,” America.

After this interview D.C. Republicans also voted against extending tax cuts to middle income and below citizens, blocked a child nutrition bill and increased threats to shut down our entire government. Democrats, on the whole, care about ordinary people over corporations, hedge-fund managers and millionaires. Kent D. Shifferd Trego

Letters to the editor

Letters should contain the author ’s signature, address and phone number, should be as brief as possible (a 500-word limit is strictly enforced) and be written legibly or typed. Names will not be withheld for any reason. Frequent letter writers may be limited to one letter per month. Letters must be 500 words or less in length; we reserve the right to condense. Letters must be submitted by noon on Monday to guarantee publication that week. Mail letters to: Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871, FAX to 715468-4900 or e-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net

The following is a continuation of the accounting of the Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese air and sea attack on Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu. After the two initial bombing attacks that were mainly aimed at airfields and aircraft, the third was concentrated on the adjoining oil fields John and the masFrischmann sive dry docks. In Washington, D.C., President Franklin D. Roosevelt was editing his notes and adding the words “A date that will live in infamy” in preparation for his speech before the joint houses of Congress the next day. His Army chief of staff handed him the report of the third strike of the 70 aircraft and their damage. There were no further reports since the lines of communication were dead. On the island there were fears of an invasion, which fortunately never materialized. On Oahu itself, as the twohour bombardment of 14- and 16-inch shells from the battleships began to wane, two cruisers began their own attack with their six-, eight-, 10- and 12inch batteries that continued until the early morning of Dec. 8. The areas around Hickam Field, the east coast of Oahu, and other military locations be-

came targets but the main objective was concentrated on the south. The Japanese lost hundreds of their own aircraft, either damaged or completely destroyed, causing their air attacks to halt in order to have air cover if needed for their own defense. When the president and his staff first heard of the attack, they were utterly confused in the fact that they had no idea from where the Japanese force had come and what was the reason for their action. As history is now aware the Japanese were after the Dutch oil fields in the East Indies. On Pearl there were multiple activities going on. Communications were being scraped together. More people talking and trying to figure out who can do what and many conversations in Japanese, which many of the islanders spoke. Fortunately not all the boats in the yards were destroyed, three destroyers got out before the battleship bombardment started and the port became completely blocked. Rear Adm. Draemel with his cruiser flagship Detroit was hung up in the debris and was searching around for anything floating and turning screws. He was picked up by the Ward, one of the destroyers, and the two-boat Navy sailed out to rendezvous with the Minneapolis, which had remained 20 miles out at sea. These three slipped around at 12/14 knots, at a slower speed to keep their wake undetectable from an enemy spotter plane. The Japanese battleship Hiei, silhouetted by the flames of Pearl, lured the admiral to launch a frontal attack as his spotter called the range out as 9,200 yards, then 9,000 yards. They were in gunnery range. They waited, 8,800

yards. The Ward’s captain informed the admiral that they were in torpedo range. “Wait,” was all he said. “I want it close, real close.” Range 8,400. “Signal all ships, flank speed and engage.” The stern actually sank down as the engines accelerated. Range 8,200 and closing. They were spotted as shells from the Hiei were leaving geysers far astern. The destroyers were at full speed. The command from the admiral, “Now charge, … charge.” Range 7,100 yards. A destroyer on the port was lost. Range 6,400 yards. Range 5,000 yards. Range 2,600 yards. “This is Ward, all ships on my mark prepare to turn in 60 seconds and launch all torpedoes. Then, “Torpedoes away.” The Hiei was badly damaged from five of the Ward’s torpedoes, and the Minneapolis’ batteries had to be towed back to it’s home port. The Ward and all but 20 of its hands sank. The admiral’s last words, “You did it boys, by God you did it, I’m proud of you.” This past Dec. 7 was the 69th anniversary, and I think if asked I could remember all words. “Let’s remember Pearl Harbor as we go to meet the foe. Let’s remember Pearl Harbor as we did the Alamo.” This was really the Americans second encounter with the enemy. A short time before the island bombing took place, a U.S. ship had sunk a midget Japanese two-man submarine that was sent to start blocking the harbor. Evidently, this incident was not properly reported and no action was taken. All the above words are to be attributed to the authors of the book “Days of Infamy,” Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen.

Well, how did you do? Did you consciously try reducing this holiday season? How about boxes, bows and wrapping paper, did you save those items you can use for next year’s gifts? At the very least did you save those great gift bags that can be used year after year? How about New Year’s resolutions, did you resolve to reduce? Do you ever look

at your garbage bags sitting there in the cold, awaiting the garbage truck’s arrival to escort them to the landfill? You can do more. Make a conscious effort to recycle every item you can. • Cardboard, break it down and bring it to eight locations throughout Burnett and Washburn counties. Please remove packing materials. • Rinse out aluminum and tin cans, set aside newspapers, phone books, and magazines, and start saving all mixed paper - including junk mail and school papers - to bring to 14 locations throughout the RCC service area. Glass - another “problem-child” of the recycling world) - needs to get placed in the recycling bin. We need to recycle each and every glass and plastic bottle, however, only No. 1 and No. 2 plastic bottles are accepted both curbside and at the 14 area recycling sites. Please rinse bottles and remove caps; automotive bottles - such as motor oil bottles are not accepted.

• Do you have fluorescent bulbs, automotive batteries or appliances to get rid of? Just call Jen at the recycling office for prices and locations at 715-6352197, or e-mail her at jbarton@nwrpc.com. Used oil, oil filters, scrap metal, tires, rechargeable batteries, computer components and cell phones are also collected locally, so ignorance is no longer an excuse; give Jen a call. Again in 2011, I will be answering questions you may have about recycling and waste management issues via this newspaper and I will respond in the Earth Notes column the following week. Just send questions to jbarton@nwrpc.com. No question is too small; if you have a question or concern you’d better be sure others feel the same and would appreciate answers to their questions as well. Happy new you … I mean New Year!

Shell Lake


New Year’s resolution

Jen Barton


Reycling Control Commission

President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 president@whitehouse.gov

Governor Jim Doyle 115 East, State Capitol Bldg. Mailing address: P.O. Box 7863 Madison, WI 53707 wisgov@mail.state.wi.us

Congressman David Obey 7th Congressional District 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 or Wisconsin office: Federal Building Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 398-4426 No e-mail address available

Rep. Mary Hubler 75th Assembly District Room 7 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952 Madison, WI 53708 or 1966 21-7/8 St. (Hawthorne Lane), Rice Lake 54868 (715) 234-7421• (608) 266-2519 rep.hubler@legis.state.wi.us

Rep. Nick Milroy 73rd Assembly District Room 8 North State Capitol P.O. Box 8953 Madison 53708 E-mail: Rep.Milroy@legis.wisconsin.gov (608) 266-0640 Sen. Robert Jauch 25th Senate District Room 19 South State Capitol P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 E-mail: Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold SDB 40, Rm. 1 Washington, D.C. 20510 or 8383 Greenway Blvd. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 828-1200 senator@feingold.senate.gov

U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov

Washburn County

Register •

Yo ur community newspaper

Register staff

Editor Gary King Phone: 715-327-4236 E-mail: wcregister@centurytel.net

Office manager Suzanne Johnson Phone: 715-468-2314 Fax: 715-468-4900 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net

Writers Jessica Beecroft Larry Samson Phone: 715-468-2314 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net Ad representative Jackie Moody Phone: 715-468-2314 Composition Jackie Thorwick


Band plays Christmas music at Glenview

The tenants of Glenview were treated to an afternoon of Christmas music by Sharing their music and their love of music is one of the ways the students the Shell Lake High School band under the direction of Aimee Pashby. — Pho- are able to give back to a community that supports them. tos by Larry Samson

SLEF announces 2010 grant recipients


page 1

will be officiating in this case. Points of Wisconsin law regarding the question “Can you shoot someone in the back if you are only shooting out of fear for your life?” are likely to be part of the state’s argument in this case. The Register will be providing full coverage of the case.

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

Dec. 20 - $30 Shaun Olson, St. Louis Park, Minn. Dec. 21 - $30 Sharon Kessler, Shell Lake Dec. 22 - $30 Leroy & Virginia Sandridge, Sarona Dec. 23 - $30 Vicki Miller, Spooner Dec. 24 - $30 Tony Baier, Spooner

Shell Lake State Bank Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels Temperatures recorded at

Spooner Ag Research Station

2009 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26

2010 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26

Hi 22 22 23 28 27 33 35

Hi 18 26 29 30 21 29 21

Lo 16 17 -5 -4 22 23 18

Lo -8 4 22 21 20 20 13


.2” snow 6” snow 7.6” snow 1” snow


3.1” snow 1.4” snow

trace snow .6” snow

starts with an application completed by any employee interested in obtaining funds for educational purposes. Those applications are then reviewed by school district administration and a ranking of the requests is provided to the SLEF board for consideration. At their regular November meeting the SLEF board reviewed the applications, considered the administrators

rankings, then reviewed the amount of funds available before officially awarding these seven grants. Grants awarded this year cover a wide range of opportunities from elementary and middle school reading programs to high school English and science, along with a grant awarded for flip video cameras that will benefit all students k-12. Watch for future articles explaining more in-depth the

Register Memories

1950 - 60 years ago

• Santa Claus called at Shell Lake Hospital on Christmas, and among other gifts, left two boys, Gene Leland for the Leonard Dahlstroms and Steven Michael for the Ernest Andreas. Other births announced were Lynn Arthur to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nordin, and Clinton Neal to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Petz. • Marilynne Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.Z. Thomas, former Sarona residents now living in St. Paul, sold a story to the national magazine “Seventeen.” • Hostess for the PTA meeting were the freshmen home ec girls. They also were part of a style review. Mrs. Lyle Mackie provided music. Miss Isabel Skar gave a report on the youth conference she attended in Washington, D.C. •Wanda Miller accompanied the La Crosse Teachers College Band as a twirler to Tampa, Fla., when La Crosse played Valparaiso.

1960 - 50 years ago

• A projected fishing trip ended rather suddenly for Clint Des Jardins as he was crossing an ice pressure ridge near Hysterkamp’s Point when his 1957 Ford went through the ice. • Elsie, Bert and Jim would be providing New Year’s Eve music at Paul’s Tavern at the Shell Lake Hotel. • Kristine Garnhart accepted a position as a laboratory chemistry technician in the pathology department of the health and science division of the University of Washington at Seattle. Her work was in active cancer research. • Santa Claus Anonymous gave out 54 food baskets in Washburn County.

1970 - 40 years ago

• Shell Lake Police Officer Ralph VanMeter squelched three would-be bulb snatchers about 1 a.m. VanMeter retrieved the bulbs from the big Christmas tree on Main Street and gave the young men from Hudson a lecture on the spirit of Christmas before sending them on their way. • Santa Anonymous delivered turkeys and hams to 62 needy families in Washburn County. Co-chairs of the group were Eva Lutz, Sarah Garnhart and Linnea Rydberg. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lewis, Shell Lake, announced the engagement of

benefits these grants allowed the students. These grant awards are the result of a year’s worth of hard work fundraising to be able to help support excellence in education at the Shell Lake School District. — from SLEF

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

their daughter, JoAnne, to Gary Lee Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson, Shell Lake. Lewis, a graduate of Carthage College, Kenosha, was attending graduate school at the University of Minnesota. Olson, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, was in the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. • Congratulations were extended to Dale and Jackie Holman on their birth of their new daughter.

1980 - 30 years ago

• Dr. Donald Welter, 60, a Shell Lake physician for 18 years, from 1953-1971, died in his sleep at his home in Elm Grove. • Steven and Susan Grubs, Sarona, announced the birth of their daughter, Kelly Louise, born Dec. 20. • Rick and Brigitte Zillmer lost their home to fire. • The Indianhead Memorial Hospital dedicated the new hospital visitors and patient lounge areas. • Barbara Mae was born Dec. 22 to Lawrence and Rita Klinger, Shell Lake.

1990 - 20 years ago

• There was an all-you-can-eat chili or chicken soup and sandwich supper at

the Shell Lake Community Center as part of the sled dog race weekend. • Participating in the Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest sponsored by the Shell Lake Knights of Columbus were Denise, Deeann and Dean Rutledge, Sarah Larson, Meghan Pesko, Abby Reynolds, Stephanie Williams, Trisha Williams, Kerrie Dunbar and Pat Dahlstrom. • The Shell Lake Fire Department donated a pair of first-aid kits to Indianhead Community Action Agency. Don Bruce presented the kits to van drivers Rae Jean Cook and Linda Laidlaw. • People claiming refunds could have their 1990 federal income tax returns filed electronically starting in January according to the Internal Revenue Service.

2000 - 10 years ago

• Washburn County was featured on the Discover Wisconsin program. • Trudy and Aaron Druschba’s photo, along with two of Trudy’s favorite tailgate recipes, appeared in the fifth edition of Titletown USA Tailgating Cookbook. • James Bernecker, Shell Lake dairy farmer, placed sixth out of the top 10 on the Barron-Washburn Somatic Cell Count Honor Roll for November with a count of 99,000 cells/ml.

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SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Educational Foundation Board recently approved the awarding of seven educational grants, which will enhance educational opportunities for several Shell Lake students. Each school year SLEF distributes the funds it raises throughout that year through a grant process available to all school district employees. The process


Barronett by Judy Pieper

This is, without a doubt, the most wonderful time of the year. Friends and family take time out of their very busy schedules to sit and visit. Things get a little hectic, I know, leading up to Christmas but it’s worth all the work when the family gets together to celebrate. The Christmas Eve candlelight service at Barronett Lutheran was, as usual, wonderful. The Christmas tree was completely covered with lights and was just beautiful. Gratitude is extended to Rick Stetler and friends for that. The candles were lit on the altar, on the Advent wreath, and on every windowsill. Each member of the congregation held a lighted candle during a part of the service. Passages were read from the book of Luke, and we sang the old familiar Christmas carols. Sitting through the Christmas Eve service always makes me feel that, just maybe, peace on earth is possible. Richard and Dawn Pieper and Delores and Lloyd Schultz spent Christmas Eve at our house. We had dinner, opened presents, and then went to the candlelight service. Christmas is always fun with them — Richard and Delores always bring us noisy gifts. This year they came with the most ridiculous Santa hat for Duane. It lights up, plays music, if you can call it that, and the top flaps back and forth in time to the

music. Delores is a rabid Green Bay Packer fan, and Duane is a lukewarm Viking fan, so there is always a little back and forth about which team is best. Not much of a contest this year, is it? Ben Lemke traveled up from the sunny south to spend Christmas with his family. His mom, Shirley Overvig, picked him up at the airport on Saturday, Dec. 18. Shirley hadn’t done any Christmas shopping up to that point, so she and Ben stopped a couple of places on the way home and picked up gifts for the family. On Sunday Merl went to one of the Christmas tree places where people can cut their own tree, got there two hours before they closed for the season and cut a tree to bring home. It wasn’t exactly the shaped tree Shirley expected, but she and Ben decorated it and it looks lovely standing in the front room. On Wednesday Shirley took Ben to River Falls to visit with his dad. Then on Friday Ben, Shirley and Merl, and Kris, Rick and Drake Vocovich all got together at Mark and Ronalea Lemke’s home in River Falls to celebrate Christmas. Shirley’s granddaughters, Kalea, Elizabeth and Addison, especially enjoyed their evening together, and Kalea and Elizabeth are going to come to Barronett to spend a couple days at the Overvig home this week.

Flu shot clinic a combined effort SPOONER — Combined efforts by Spooner Health System and Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake, resulted in over 1,600 people receiving a flu shot this fall. SHS and IMC held community flu shot clinics at the Washburn County Fairgrounds, Shell Lake United Methodist Church, Stone Lake Senior Center and

Minong Village Hall. Flu shots were offered to the employees of Jack Links, Washburn County, Bosch, Glenview, Care Partners, and Shell Lake and Spooner School districts. They were also made available to all SHS and IMC employees as well as nursing home residents. — from SHS Spooner Health System employees who helped at the flu shot clinics included (L to R): Kathy Boissy, RN, Jill Andrea, RN, Marilyn Norton and Missy Eckburg-Hess, RN. Not pictured: Cheri Bagley, RN, Nancy Olson, RN, Claudia Hagen, RN, Joshua Robinson, RN, and Kelly Bagley, RN.

Indianhead Medical Center employees who helped at the flu shot clinics included back row (L to R): Patty McKee, Dayna Nielsen and Jude Bolterman, RN. Front: Terry Uchytil, RN, and Doris Laursen, RN. — Photos submitted Theater Will Be Open New Year’s Day For The JUNE Evening Show Only FOR UPCOMING FEATURES CALL 715-635-2936 OR 1-800-952-2010 • Check us out on the Web! es.com 12www.spoonermovi - 18

The Lehmanns had a huge family gathering at the shack on Christmas Eve. The only ones missing this year were Anitia, who was home with the flu, and Randy and John, who were basking in the warm Arizona sun while we were fighting the cold. Poor Anitia — she always organizes everything for the Christmas Eve gathering — I’m sure this is the first time that she was not there. She said that the daughters-in-law got everything done just fine without her help, and that she knew from telephone calls and visits that everyone had a wonderful time but they wished that she could have been there. She was feeling a little better when I talked to her on Monday, but is still taking it easy. Anitia mentioned that she had a very good time at Jane Koenig’s Christmas party on the 18th. Jane is a wonderful hostess, and every year she hosts a party for all the Rice Lake Marketplace bakery workers. She and Jim love to decorate their home for Christmas, and this year they had six very large trees decorated — three more than last year. Jim and Jane’s son, Jeff, moved up from southern Wisconsin to be with them, and I bet he helped with the decorations. Anitia said that the house was just lovely, the food was delicious and that everyone had a wonderful time. Pat and Doug Sweet have had a very busy couple weeks. Last Sunday they attended Christmas in the Country at the Full Gospel Church in Shell Lake with Kathy and Corky Straw and Kathy’s daughter and son-in-law, Joyce and Bill Wallace. From Shell Lake, Pat, Kathy, Corky and Joyce traveled to Minnesota to attend the Country Christmas celebration, which featured the singing Lundstrom family. Doug stayed at home and attended the Sunday school Christmas play at Barronett Lutheran. Pat and Doug had Christmas at their home with their son, Jason, who traveled up from Madison, and their daughter and grandson, Joanne and Justin. Pat said that they all ate a lot, had lots of fun, and just generally enjoyed being together as a family. Speaking of eating too much — Duane and I are going to weigh 300 pounds by the time this holiday season is over. We had dinner with the Pieper kids on Christmas Eve, dinner at Pat Olson’s house on Christmas Day and dinner at Suzy and Ryan Lehmann’s house on Sunday. Just dinner probably wouldn’t hurt us too much, but everyone always has way too many choices for dessert. And, when it’s too hard to choose, we naturally had to sample most of them. I’ll just oink when I’m full. I stopped by to visit with Chuck and Irene Hansen in McKinley for a few minutes this past week. Their home was beautifully decorated for Christmas, with lots of lights and ornaments. Their son, granddaughter and grandson had traveled from Vancouver Island to spend Christmas with them. I didn’t get a chance to meet the grandson, as he had gone into Cumberland for something, but chatted with their son and granddaughter. I even learned a few things that I never knew about Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I really have to get out more. Anyway, we had a very nice visit and I’m sure that Chuck and Irene had a fantastic

Christmas with their family. Sounds like Terry Goodrich — aka the friendly neighborhood moocher — had a very nice Christmas. He said that his relatives in the Twin Cities must have felt sorry for him, being alone in the backwoods and all, and invited him down to their place for Christmas. He said that he had a hard time convincing them that we do have some modern conveniences up here — such as electricity — and that there are actually dogs that stay outside all year long. They must have some of those little sissy city dogs that need all the comforts of home. OK, maybe they had never heard about our macho dogs, but they taught Terry a few city things too. However, I have to warn you that you should not try these things at home! One of the things they do is give a little guy, about 4 years old, a ride on a toilet plunger. Seems they stick the plunger on the little one’s belly, pick him up, and gently swing him back and forth. Another is called a broom ride. They have a huge snow pile right below the second-floor balcony and they have the kids sit on a broom, swing them over the railing, and drop them into the snowbank. I told you not to try this at home, didn’t I? The kids love it. And the mom assured Terry that the plunger was a new, unused one. Well, I should certainly hope so. Terry said that the food was great and that he had a wonderful time with his brother, nieces and nephews. Of course it wouldn’t be a moocher Christmas without him getting a lot of food. When he called on Sunday evening he said that he had already received four pies and cookies galore. One of the bakers was Mary Dolan, who brought over a woods pie. She’s a member of the Vanek family, you know, and that family is famous for being great cooks and bakers. Later that evening Terry called again and said that Mae and Janet Broome had stopped by with a cherry pie. How spoiled can one man get? After all those pies and cookies, maybe he would appreciate a hot-dish. What do you think, ladies? Anyone have a good casserole recipe out there? Sounds like Merl Overvig is competing with Terry for the moocher title. I’m afraid he has a long way to go to be as good at mooching as Terry. Anyway, he heard that Anitia and I were making lefse last week and stopped by to see if he could talk us out of a few pieces. Unfortunately we had finished making the lefse and I wasn’t home when he came by, so he went home empty-handed. Better luck next time, Merl. Can you believe we are almost done with 2010? I hope you have a very happy new year. I’d love to hear what some of your New Year’s resolutions are. I haven’t thought about it yet, but I’ll let you know what I’m going to try to change about myself, and then I’ll let you know how badly I fail. I bet there are a lot of things you could think of that I should change. You can let me know about that too. I guess that’s about it from Barronett this week. Hope you had a wonderful year in 2010, and that 2011 is even better for you. See you next time.

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Written for last week Sympathy is extended to Rose and Jerry Sexton and other family members due to the death of Rose’s father, Carl Gaulke. He was 97. Sympathy is also extended to the family of Florence Shrider who died recently. Her funeral was Saturday at Lakeview United Methodist Church, with burial at Lakeview Cemetery. Florence had lived in Cambridge, Minn., most recently, but she lived in the Hertel area for many years before that. Lida and Don Nordquist, Donna, Gerry, Nina and Lawrence Hines, Hank and Karen Mangelsen and Geri and Andy Mangelsen went to the home of John and Diana Mangelsen Thursday evening for a potluck Christmas supper. They then all enjoyed an evening of visiting and playing cards. Chris Harrison and his friend, John Paszkiewicz, were weekend guests of Lawrence and Nina Hines. Mary Dunn, Marlene Swearingen, Lorri McQuade, Karen Mangelsen, Diana Mangelsen and Donna and Nina Hines were guests for dessert at the home of Lida Nordquist Tuesday afternoon. Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to Menomonee Falls Saturday to be part of the birthday celebration for grandson Henry Mangelsen, who turned 1 on Friday. They stayed overnight with Randy and Tara Mangelsen and came home Sunday. Don Denotter has returned home after being in the hospital in Eau Claire for several weeks following surgery. Sunday afternoon visitors of Karen and Hank Mangelsen were Dave, Patty and Mandy Close.

Written for this week Sympathy is extended to Claude McCarty and other family members due to the death of Claude’s greatniece, Melissa Gabrio. She was 31. Karen and Hank Mangelsen visited April, Dave, Patty and Mandy Close Monday evening. They helped Mandy celebrate her birthday. Pam Bentz called on Karen Mangelsen Wednesday afternoon. Don and Lida Nordquist joined other family members Friday evening at the home of Jim and Jan Schott in Frederic for a Christmas celebration. On Saturday, Lida and Don visited Don’s sister, Bunny Johnson, in Bloomington, Minn., and Sue and Colin Harrison and family in Richfield, Minn. Special music for the Christmas Eve service at Lakeview United Methodist Church was provided by Kelli Marlow, Marvin and Noel Knoop, Hannah and Pastor Jack Starr and Bob Watkins. Donna and Gerry Hines went to Maple Grove, Minn., Christmas Eve for a family get-together at the home of Brian and Jane Hines. They came home Christmas Day. Hank and Karen Mangelsen were supper guests of Ronda and Maynard Mangelsen Christmas Eve. Kathy and David Stoylen were Christmas Eve visitors of Kay and Jack Krentz. Christmas Day guests at the Krentz home were Sue Ackerman, Joel Krentz and Marian Brincken. Sue had been visiting since Thursday. Nina and Lawrence Hines spent Christmas with family members in Eden Prairie, Minn., and Richfield, Minn. Lacey Mangelsen from Florida is visiting for a few days at the home of her grandparents, Ronda and May-

Tickets available for New Year’s Eve Bash fundraiser

Academic news

EAU CLAIRE — Commencement exercises for students at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire were Saturday, Dec. 18, in Zorn Arena. Local students who received degrees and their fields of study are: Glenn Wilson, Birchwood, Bachelor of Arts, English; Rebekah Tripp, Sarona, Bachelor of Social Work, social work; Nathan Betz, Spooner, Bachelor Great Food of Arts, English; and Great Service At A Christina Depolis, Great Price! Spooner, Bachelor of For All Your Business Administration, Catering Needs Call accounting. — from The715-635-6600 Link The Cook That Cares 527580 8bp 19rp


Funds raised from this event help ICHC to continue to conduct mini-medics for first-graders of Shell Lake Elementary School, assist with the Red Cross Bloodmobile, provide scholarships to Shell Lake graduates pursuing postsecondary education in a health-related field as well as offer continuing education stipends for employees of Shell Lake health-care facilities. ICHC also assists with the Lifeline Program as well as Grocery Getters, which provides grocery delivery service to the elderly, infirm or a postsurgical person. To save money off the at-the-door ticket price, advanced tickets are available at Indianhead Medical Center, Terraceview Living Center, Glenview and the Washburn County Register. — Suzanne Johnson

SHELL LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY Offering WiFi: Wireless Internet Monday:..................Noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:..............Noon to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.shelllakelibrary.org

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“You can’t change the past, but you’ll ruin the present by worrying about the future.” ~ anonymous ••• It’s the time of year once again when some of us review our life and some of our habits and perhaps are challenged to some type of self-improvement for the New Year. There are the usual things we resolve to do like eating healthier, exercising more. For some a new goal may be saving more money than in the past. Perhaps this is the year to seriously try to reduce, reuse and recycle items rather than just tossing them in a landfill. Maybe this is the year you will try a new hobby. With the use of the Internet and texting, people are coming up with new terms and spelling Suzanne for more traditional words. HobJohnson byists are also coming up with their own terminology. Some knitters might like a few of the newer knitting terms on the Internet taken from “501 Knitting Secret Tips, Treasurers and Trivia” by Edie Eckmar, which include: To frog (v.): To rip out knitting several rows at a time - rip-it, rip-it, like a frog. To tink (v.): To unknit a stitch at a time in order to correct a mistake - tink is knit backwards. WIP - Work In Progress KIP - Knitting In Public — which some of us knitters encourage UFO - Unfinished Object FO - Finished Object SEX - Stash Enhancement eXpedition Stash (n.) - A knitter’s collection of yarn, books and needles Whatever your new resolution may be for 2011, I leave you with some words of advice Albert Einstein gave to his son, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keeping moving.”

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SHELL LAKE — Still looking for a place to be on New Year’s Eve? Help ring in the new year and celebrate the end of 2010 at Indianhead Community Health Care’s New Year’s Eve Bash. The Breezy Bay Band will provide music from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 31, at the Shell Lake Arts Center. There will be appetizers, door prizes and party favors.

nard Mangelsen. Patty, Mandy, Dave and April Close were Sunday afternoon visitors of Karen and Hank Mangelsen. They brought supper for everyone to enjoy. Clam River Tuesday Club will meet Wednesday, Jan. 5, at noon at Tony’s in Spooner for lunch. The meeting will follow.

Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic 715-327-4236 Siren 715-349-2560 St. Croix Falls 715-483-9008 Shell Lake 715-468-2314

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by Karen Mangelsen


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Community Calendar


Wednesday, Dec. 29 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Dec. 31 • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. New Year’s Eve Bash, 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Live music, door prizes, appetizers, party favors. Advanced tickets available at Indianhead Medical Center, Terraceview Living Center, Glenview and the Washburn County Register newspaper office. For more info, call Gwen at 715-468-7833.

Happy New Year!


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Sunday, Jan. 2 • Ted Yoder will perform a hammered dulcimer concert at the Lake Park Alliance Church in Shell Lake, at 5 p.m. All are invited to attend this Christmas concert with refreshments to be served afterward. A freewill offering will be taken. Tuesday, Jan. 4 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Jan. 5 • Washburn County HCE meeting, 9:30 a.m., Oscar Johnson Center, Spooner. • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Jan. 6 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting, 4:30 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Contact person Betsy 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Saturday, Jan. 8 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Ticket sales at 9 a.m. Distribution at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. To sign up or for more information, contact Chuck at 715-635-9309, Bill at 715-468-4017 or Ardys at 715-222-4410. Monday, Jan. 10 • CPR class, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 6 p.m. Preregister at 715-635-4669. Tuesday, Jan. 11 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stayat-home or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. Wednesday, Jan. 12 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Jan. 13 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. • United Ostomy Association local support group meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the Spooner Health System. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. Sunday, Jan. 16 • Shell Lake FFA ice-fishing contest, noon to 3:30 p.m., Bashaw Lake off of Bashaw Lake Road, which is at the jct. of CTH B and CTH H west of Shell Lake. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m.

Volunteer opportunities


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Volunteers are needed at the Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake. Call 715-468-2982. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain our Web site and to research and apply for grants for us. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Glenview Assisted Living is looking for a volunteer to assist the in-house beautician with appointments. Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interested volunteers please call 715-468-4255 or e-mail at glenview83-jessica@hotmail.com. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office , or call 715468-2314 . Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are look-

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Hwy. 63 South - Spooner

Monday, Jan. 17 • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Info call 715-635-4669. Tuesday, Jan. 18 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Jan. 19 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. Thursday, Jan. 20 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. Saturday, Jan. 22 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Wednesday, Jan. 26 • Free community supper, 4 to 6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Thursday, Jan. 27 • The Shell Lake American Legion will meet at 6:30 p.m., at the Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW will meet at 7 p.m. at the Friendship Commons.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake through the winter months open every Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 715-468-2982. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • Al-Anon meeting welcomes all, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Please use back door. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see lising above. ••• Amber Bednar, RN, Washburn County Health Department, is available at the public health office to provide breastfeeding basics, how-tos and postpartum support. Appointments can be made at 715635-4400. Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Volunteers will be available to help the public on appointment as weather permits. Call 715-635-6450 or 715-635-7937 for more information. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. AA Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.

by Mary B. Olsen, Shell Lake Whenever an old year ends and we beckon in a new year, I am reminded of the song often sung as the new year begins. It is called “Auld Lang Syne,” written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns. It is played and sung at every gathering and inspires hope for the beginning of a prosperous new year. It is not limited to Scotland or the British Isles, but echoes throughout our nation to commemorate the new year. Robert Burns was born in 1759 in Alloway, South Ayrshire. He was the oldest of seven children and lived at first in a house built by his father. Later, in 1766, the family moved to a 70-acre farm nearby. They were very poor and he worked hard growing up. He went on to become famous throughout the world for his poems and songs. He collected folk songs and sometimes changed them to his own versions. He wrote in his native language, but he also wrote in English and that brought him fame. He had a feeling for folklore and wanted to pass on the old sayings, verses and songs of the common people. His farm background and the way he conducted his life brought him little recognition from the higher classes in Scotland. The ordinary people liked him. He was called “Scotland’s favorite son,” and his image has been pictured on currency and stamps. There are many statues of this famous poet. His fame continues. In 2009 he was voted by the Scottish public “the Greatest Scot” by a Scottish television channel. He is said to have written the lyrics of the song for the start of the new year from a poem he wrote earlier. The poem is dated 1788. Before that, a man named James Watson wrote a poem called “Old Long Syne.” It was Robert Burns’ song that became traditional to be sung to bring in the new year. I was reading the book, “The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle” by John Dickson Carr. He told of how Doyle went to a small town in Scotland where J. M. Barrie was born and raised, Kuriemuir. He said, “The guidfolk, for the life of them, could not understand how Barrie came

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to have such a reputation in London; aye, and to make money out of books. It was not only perplexing, it was maddening.” He went on, “Some people here think that Barrie’s fame is due to the excellence of his handwriting. Others think that he prints the books himself and hawks them around London. When he goes for a walk they stalk him, and watch him from behind trees to find out how he does it.” One can imagine the poet Robert Burns in such a place, but rather than followers, looking at him from afar, he would have had a way with the common people. He would have been sitting down to have a wee drink with the men and getting them to tell him stories and sing the old songs. The song, “Auld Lang Syne,” became a folk song in Europe and was brought to America by the Scottish people who came to live in this country. It is really a song about forgiveness. What better time to forgive oth-

ers than when a new year is beginning? Most of the words of the song may be forgotten from year to year, but some of the words are unforgettable. “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot And days o’ old lang syne?” The song ends with:

“And there’s a hand my trusty friend and give us a hand o’ thine And we’ll take a right goodwill draught, For auld lang syne.”

I hope everyone enjoys a happy and prosperous new year.

Shell Lake State Bank supports art center

The Shell Lake Arts Center received a $1,000 donation from the Shell Lake State Bank on Wednesday, Dec. 22. Pictured is Shell Lake State Bank President David Haroldson (L) with Shell Lake Arts Center’s executive director Tara Heckel and center coordinator Anne Bryan. — Photo submitted


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Year in Review / from page 2


Noah Skluzacek won the seventh-grade math division, and Lynsey Hagen the eighth-grade spelling division in the Spooner/Shell Lake Knights of Columbus Knowledge Bowl. Gov. Jim Doyle approved $30,000 for the Shell Lake airport project for the acquisition of snow-removal equipment. New offerings at Vitality Village in Shell Lake were Reiki by Mary Wennerberg; belly-dancing classes by Marlene Stariha; and aromatherapy and yoga by Nicole Wenner. Dr. Jeffery Crowell was the guest clinician at the Shell Lake Cabaret. Advancing to sectionals in wrestling were Drew Knoop, Tyler Anderson and Al Hopke. Shell Lake students attending tryouts for state honors band and state honors choir were Emilee Organ, Brett Holman, Emma Frey, Sarah Shumaker and Cavan Maher. Twenty-eight high school mentors and 28 elementary students participated in the Student Mentors Involved in Leading Elementary Students mentoring program at Shell Lake Schools. The group is better known as SMILES. Through a donation by the Shell Lake Educational Foundation they were able to purchase T-shirts, craft projects and new games. Shell Lake graduate Sam Lagarde spent one week in Haiti with the Full Gospel medical team. Larry Samson, photographer/reporter for the Washburn County Register, received a first-place award for his photo essay on the Spooner Rodeo and a second-place award for his sports page photos throughout 2009 at the Wisconsin Newspaper Association annual convention in Madison. David Haroldson, president and CEO of Shell Lake State Bank, presented Pat Neeley with a $500 check to be used toward the Regional Hospice Spring Fling. Senior wrestler Drew Knoop was heading to state competition. Although he wrestled hard, Knoop lost his first match 10-2 against Mike Mergener of Coleman. Shell Lake girls basketball coach Carlo Kumpula was acknowledged for his 300th game win. Shell Lake Mayor Donna BarnesHaesemeyer and Police Chief Clint Stariha welcomed home Shell Lake Police Officer Dave Wilson who returned from a second tour of duty in Iraq. Glenview hosted a “Sound of Music” sing-along at the Palace Theatre to raise funds to be applied toward their special care wing. Shell Lake Full Gospel Church held a Princess Gala, a father/daughter banquet.


Chelsea Melton was chosen Miss Shell Lake, and Allysha Feeney became Shell Lake’s princess. Savannah Soltis was crowned Junior Miss Shell Lake and Camryn Nasman Little Miss Shell Lake. Other contestants for little and junior miss were Sheri Clark, Kyley Williams and Brittany Clark. The Shell Lake cross-county ski race was held at Red Barn Campgrounds. The Shell Lake Lions Club hosted their annual ice-fishing contest on Shell Lake. Aaron Studt, grandson of Shell Lake residents Rodger and Elaine Studt and Ralph and Arlene VanMeter, won two events at the Big Ten men’s track and field indoor championships. He is the son of Tim and Laurie Studt, Ripon. Diane Dryden, local novelist, held a book signing for her second book, “Double or Nothing on Foster Ave.” Shell Lake students performed the play “Unusual Suspects.” The Washburn County Sheriff’s Office started offering a collection place for unwanted and expired medications. Overall winners of the Pinewood Derby were Luke Savas, first place; Sawyer Schultz, second; and Christopher Melton, third. Ashley Anderson was named to the Lakeland All-Conference girls basketball

team. Steph Clark received honorable mention. Brandon Degner received honorable mention for the boys all-conference. A display case honoring employees who died while in service to Washburn County was built by Barry Nielsen for display in the lobby of the law enforcement center. The Washburn County Board approved a merger of the child support department with health and human services. Christine Olson was officially sworn in as the new postmaster of Shell Lake. The Shell Lake Arts Center received $1,000 from the Land O’ Lakes Foundation and $500 from The Shell Lake Cooperative and Country Pride Cooperative. The Shell Lake vocal ensemble, under the direction of Steve Bulgrin, was going to state after earning a star first in competition held in Cameron. The Shell Lake jazz band and the jazz combo took a star first and earned the right to compete at the state level in Eau Claire on May 1. Lakeland All-Conference wrestlers from Shell Lake were Michael Johnson, Tyler Anderson, Brian Marschall and Drew Knoop. Other wrestling awards given out were Michael Johnson, Most Valuable Wrestler; Marlo Fields, Most Improved; Tyler Anderson, Coaches Award; Brian Marschall, Most Improved; Colten Kozial, Coaches Award; Drew Knoop; Most Valuable and Most Dedicated Wrestler; and Dan Cassel, Most Dedicated Wrestler. Awards for boys basketball were Bob Scheu, Mr. Laker; Jon Lloyd, Most Improved; Brandon Degner, All-Conference Honorable Mention; and Andy Melton, Hustle Award. Girl Scout Troop 4385 donated Girl Scout cookies to residents at Glenview. The Greene Team took second place in the St. Croix Regional Tournament for Destination ImagiNation and would be going to state. Team members were Greta Stellrecht, Allison Tims, Sean Heckel, Arianna Schreiber, Ariana Udobi, Meredith Kevan and Logan Pashby.


The Shell Lake Cooperative and Country Pride Cooperative merged to form the new Country Pride Cooperative. Sally Peterson won the mayoral election with a total of 240 votes to incumbent mayor Donna Barnes-Haesemeyer’s 223. In the First Ward, Jeri Bitney (I) was reelected with 169 votes and write-in candidate Andrew Eiche won the other seat beating write-in candidate Mike Bartz 5241. In the Second Ward, Connie Graf (I) was re-elected with 141 votes and Terry Leckel beat out Greg Kittelsen (I) 131-88. Tim Mikula resigned his position on the Shell Lake School Board with the intent of applying for the Shell Lake School information technologist position. Named Shell Lake Citizen of the Year was Stacey Leach. Business of the Year was Deb Nebel, Vitality Village; and School Staff Member of the Year was Boyd Anderson. The ice on Shell Lake went out on April 2. Head basketball coach Carlo Kumpula retired after coaching 28 years, 25 with Spooner and three with Shell Lake. He was named the assistant baseball coach for the Lakers. Head coach was Tom Suave. Washburn County Relay for Life received a $1,000 check from Larry the Cable Guy through his nonprofit charity organization, The Git-R-Done Foundation. The Shell Lake fourth-grade class raised $3,204 for the American Heart Association during their jump-a-thon. Quilters Myrna Atkinson, Marian Brincken, Carol Hubin, Mary Olsen, and Mary Raehshler, who get together at Friendship Commons to quilt, finished a butterfly quilt for Happy Tonics. Shell Lake Junior High honors choir members who participated at the Shell

See Year in Review, next page

Year in Review / from previous page


Lake Arts Center middle school honors choir concert were Danielle Allar, Maddie Hodgett, Katie Slater, Colleen Knoop, Sam Muska and David Brereton. Taking home trophies from the Menasha Tournament of Champions were Shell Lake youth wrestlers Kale Hopke, first place; Carter Lawrence, fourth place; and Taren Farley, second place. Paul Schaefer, retired beekeeper, was a guest speaker at the Earth Day reception held at Friendship Commons. Shell Lake prom royalty were King Marlo Fields, Queen Lindsey Green, Tom Helstern, Ryan Mikula, Tyler Anderson, Aaron Druschba, Aaron Slinker, Mitch Kraetke, Megan Jaastad, Hannah Bartz, Kelsey Collier, Brandi Evans, Emily Pfluger and Paige Klassa. Crown bearers were Baylee Brown and Kale Hopke. Phil Holman, Shell Lake School Board member, read the book “Extra Cheese, Please” during the annual Celebration of Reading. Honor students named at Shell Lake High School for the Class of 2010 were Brandon Degner, co-valedictorian; Robert Scheu, co-valedictorian; and Ashley Anderson, salutatorian. A town hall meeting, sponsored by Rural Communities Organized for Drug Elimination Coalition, was held at Shell Lake High School. Shell Lake student Julie Simpson and Birchwood student Austin Cherney performed a true-story skit. The home of Linda Casey on Eighth Avenue was destroyed by fire. William Campbell, Washburn County Board member, attended the Public Issues Leadership Development Conference in Washington, D.C.


State Rep. Mary Hubler, D-Rice Lake, announced that she would not seek re-election after 26 years serving the 75th Assembly District. Congressman Dave Obey of the 7th Congressional District also announced that he would not be seeking re-election. Susan Hill received a cash prize for being the biggest loser, losing 40 pounds, during a 12-week weight-loss program. She was a member of the Pre Moe’s team made up for employees at the Washburn County Courthouse. The Shell Lake Lions Club celebrated 50 years of serving the Shell Lake community and providing humanitarian service. Drew Knoop and Ashley Anderson were selected Shell Lake High School’s 2010 WIAA Scholar Athletes. Anderson also received a $500 scholarship from CenturyLink. Emma Thomas, Shell Lake sixth-grader, was the winner of the essay contest sponsored by Shell Lake Friendship Commons. Her essay was about her special friend, her grandmother. The Shell Lake Lions Club celebrated their 50th anniversary. Guest speaker at the event was Former Lions Club International Director Bill Biggs, Omaha, Neb. Tim Mikula was reappointed to the Shell Lake School Board. Mikula had resigned when he was seeking a job with the district. Not getting the position, Mikula reapplied for his seat on the board. Over 200 people gathered for a Tea Party gathering at Shell Lake Memorial Park to hear guest speakers talk about various issues. Commodore Tom Scott stepped down after 12 years of overseeing the sailboat races in Shell Lake. Through a grant by the Shell Lake Educational Foundation, students in the kindergarten class are able to listen to books being read without the distractions of the classroom. Glen Nordin celebrated his 90th birthday.

were Elise Bouchard, Annie Dunham, Leah Keefe, Rebecca Maas, Alexis Olson, Matt Pesko, Kara Spears and Brianna Stellrecht. A Sustainable Solutions Fair was held on the shores of Shell Lake and was sponsored by a subcommittee of the Energy Independent Communities Task Force and Shell Lake Community Education. Indianhead Community Health Care Inc., in conjunction with Dahlstroms Lakeside Market in Shell Lake, began providing a grocery delivery service, Grocery Getters, which would deliver groceries within a 10-mile radius of Shell Lake to persons that were ill, disabled or elderly. Pete Hubin published his first book, “The General’s Den.” Cortec Spray Technologies, Spooner, specializing in aerosol and bottle filling, was welcomed into the state’s Green Tier program. The Northwest Wisconsin Chapter of Whitetails Unlimited gave $200 to the Shell Lake School District for the purchase of books. The Tribute to the Big Bands Concert was held at the Shell Lake Arts Center and celebrated 43 years for the art center. July to December in next week’s Register.

Lindsey Green had to reach for this pop-up during a June softball game.— Photo by Larry Samson

M e g h a n Stone, 10, Shell Lake, caught a 20-1/2-inch-long largemouth bass. — Photo submitted

Ashley Anderson, Brandon Degner and Matthew Sienko were the recipients of the McNabb Johnson Scholarships presented by the Washburn County Fair Association. A mock car crash was held at Shell Lake High School giving students a visual as to the importance of wearing seat belts as well as information about alcohol-related accidents. Staff Sgt. Don Pashby was the keynote speaker at the Shell Lake Memorial Day services. Chuck Lutz was awarded a plaque for his 64 years of continuous services in the American Legion. Miles Miller made the presentation. Members of the Shell Lake track team qualifying for sectionals were Renee Mikula, Kara Spears, Ashley Anderson, Emma Anderson, Jen Cassel, Sage Dunham, Tyler Anderson, Brandon Degner and Tom Helstern. Advancing to state were Degner, Cassel and Helstern. Representing Shell Lake at Badger State was James Lillion alternate; Marlo Fields, Badger Boy; Amanda Hagen, Badger Girl; and Hannah Bartz, alternate. Veteran service organizations donating $100 each to the Washburn County Relay for Life were Shell Lake VFW Post 9867, American Legion Post 22 and Spooner AMVET Post 190.


The Washburn County Relay for Life raised $71,000 during the cancer walk. Tom Helstern was a three-time state champ in track. He won the 400-meter dash in Division 3 and now holds the state record. Brandon Degner finished 15th in the 1600-meter run and Jennifer Cassel placed eighth. DeLadi Construction held a car wash to raise funds for Becky’s Breast Friends. The proceeds went toward the Susan G. Komen three-day, 60-mile Breast Cancer Walk for a Cure. Bill Burnham was recognized for his 30 years of service to the Shell Lake Area Fire Department. Pat Pesko, Shell Lake; Judy Ullom, Barronett; and Nancy Neuman, Spooner, all had their gardens chosen as Yard of the Month by the Yellow River Gardens, Spooner. Meghan Stone, 10, Shell Lake, caught a 20-1/2-inchlong largemouth bass. Local students receiving the Kissinger scholarships

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Chelsea Melton is overwhelmed with joy when crowned the 2010 Miss Shell Lake Queen. Johannah Feeney gave up her crown in the Miss Shell Lake Pageant held Saturday, March 6, at the art center. Melton is a freshman at Shell Lake who plans to be a pediatrician someday. — Photo by Larry Samson

Nick Helstern, second from the left, spent a week in Haiti to help with disaster relief. He is pictured with,(L-R) Roy Peterson, Pastor Yves, and Bolivian Major Adroiazola, who gave them food to distribute. — Photo submitted




Girls basketball highlights

Jen Cassel with a jump shot against Spooner defenders Sammy Henk and Jenna Marske. Cassel had 11 points for the game.

Megan Kowak of Spooner with a layup against defenders Emma Anderson and Hannah Cassel.

Jen Cassel goes up to block Morgan Johnson from Spooner. Cassel had six points for the game. Spooner beat Shell Lake 40-30 in a nonconference game Monday, Dec. 20.

Photos by Larry Samson

Spooner Middle School wrestling to begin

SPOONER — Spooner Middle School wrestling starts Monday, Jan. 10, from 3:30-5:50 p.m., at Spooner High School. Wrestlers should wear T-shirts, shorts, tennis shoes or wrestling shoes and have a WIAA physical on file.


Girls high school basketball

Tuesday, Jan. 4: DH vs. Bruce (nc), 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 6: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 11: DH vs. Luck (nc), 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14: DH at Northwood, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18: DH vs. Prairie Farm, 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21: At Webster (nc), 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25: At Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 28: At Grantsburg (nc), 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1: DH vs. Turtle Lake, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8: At Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10: At Birchwood (nc), 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vs. Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22: DH vs. Northwood, 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25: DH at Prairie Farm, 7:30 p.m.

Schedules and information packets can be picked up in the Spooner Middle School office. If you have questions you can contact coach Jon Griffith at the high school or at 715-635-6101. — from Spooner Schools


Boys high school basketball

Tuesday, Jan. 4: DH vs. Bruce, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 7: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 11: DH vs. Luck, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14: DH at Northwood, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18: DH vs. Prairie Farm, 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 20: At Grantsburg, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27: At Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1: DH vs. Turtle Lake,7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11: At Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 18: Vs. Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22: DH vs. Northwood, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25: DH at Prairie Farm, 6 p.m.

High school wrestling

Thursday, Jan 6: At Cornell/Gilman, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 8: At Superior Tourney, 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 13: Vs. Northwood Saturday, Jan. 15: At St. Croix Falls, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 20: At Cameron, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22: Shell Lake Tourney, 10 a.m., Spring Valley, Cumberland, New Richmond, Spooner, Park Falls, Bloomer, Boyceville, Hudson Thursday, Jan. 27: Vs. Bruce, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 5: Conference at Cameron, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 12: WIAA regional at Boyceville

Junior high girls basketball

Monday, Jan. 10: Vs. Clear Lake, 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13: At Clayton, 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18: At Prairie Farm, 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27: Vs. Turtle Lake, old gym, 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 28: At Cameron, 5 p.m.

Emma Anderson passes out against strong Spooner defender Taylor Bednar.




Boys basketball highlights

Ty Frisbie shoots over the outreach of St. Croix Falls defender Zach Christenson. Ty Frisbie sets up a screen for Wyatt Carlson as he drives the basket. — Photos by Larry Samson

James Lillian with a jump shot against St. Croix Falls defender Joe Thayer. Lillian is in his first year on varsity, not content to sit out his senior year when a shoulder injury prevented him from going out for wrestling.

Jon Lloyd with a jump shot against defender Marcus Campbell.

Austin Williams with a jump shot under the basket being defended by Zach Christenson.



Wrestling highlights


Marlo Fields has his Osceola opponent, Victor Lowney, in the 285-pound class. Fields went 5-0 for the day with five pins as Shell Lake faced five opponents in the Osceola dual meet held Saturday, Dec.18.

Freshman Sam Livingston with a takedown on his Osceola opponent.

Tyler Anderson almost pinned his Osceola opponent, Alex Freese, but as often happens when they get out of the tough spot, he was pinned later in the match.

Dan Cassel with a pin on his Cumberland opponent, Zack Bishof, before the end of the first round.

Was hb ur n C o u n t y Register You r c omm un it y n ewspaper

Cumberland (CHS) 45.0 Shell Lake (SL) 33.0 103: Vince Anderson, CHS, won by forfeit. 112: Tyler Kozial, SL, won by forfeit. 119: Ed Watts, CHS, pinned Beau Skluzacek, SL, 0:27. 125: Sam Livingston, SL, pinned Logan Boucher, CHS, 1:58. 130: Dan Cassel, SL, pinned Zack Bischof, CHS, 1:30. 135: Randall Brom, CHS, won by forfeit. 140: Ray Hatzenbeller, CHS, pinned Dillon Hopke, SL, 4:32. 145: Beau Bergstrom, CHS, pinned Aaron Slinker, SL, 1:12. 152: Isaiah Erickson, CHS, decision over Tyler Anderson, SL, 9-3. 160: Matt Smith, CHS, won by forfeit. 171: Jaylen Lansin, CHS, pinned Romo Masuca, SL, 5:00. 189: Caleb Schmidt, SL, pinned Corey Sager, CHS, 1:00. 215: Marlo Fields, SL, decision over Tanner Grant, CHS, 1-0. 285: Cody Mayer, SL, pinned Michael Fogelberg, CHS, 0:42. Boyceville (BOY) 56.0 Shell Lake (SL) 15.0 103: Sawyer Swenson, BOY, won by forfeit.

112: Tyler Kozial, SL, decision over Jon Harnisch, BOY, 4-2. 119: Bryor Hellmann, BOY, pinned Beau Skluzacek, SL, 0:55. 125: Wyatt Harrison, BOY, decision over Sam Livingston, SL, 7-0. 130: Dominic Olson, BOY, major decision over Dan Cassel, SL, 9-0. 135: Chris Burton, BOY, won by forfeit. 140: Ben Marusak, BOY, major decision over Dillon Hopke, SL, 8-0. 145: Danny Hayes, BOY, won by forfeit. 152: Orin Hillman, BOY, pinned Aaron Slinker, SL, 1:44. 160: Lucas Minor, BOY, decision over Tyler Anderson, SL, 3-1. 171: Travis Bird, BOY, pinned Romo Masuca, SL, 0:37. 189: Caleb Schmidt, SL, pinned Brett Blaser, BOY, 0:59. 215: Marlo Fields, SL, pinned Josh Andrews, BOY, 3:26. 285: Cody Hegeman, BOY, pinned Brian Marschall, SL, 2:20. Barron (BHS) 30.0 Shell Lake (SL) 30.0 103: Double forfeit. 112: Tyler Kozial, SL, pinned Chris Larson,

Cody Mayers, an up-and-coming wrestler, pinned his opponent in a JV class.

Photos by Mary Marschall

BHS, 2:28. 119: Tim Sandman, BHS, pinned Beau Skluzacek, SL, 0:23. 125: Sam Livingston, SL, pinned Tyler Guske, BHS, 5:44. 130: Robert Ecklor, BHS, pinned Dan Cassel, SL, 1:24. 135: Double forfeit. 140: Joel Sinclair, BHS, decision over Dillon Hopke, SL, 15-13. 145: Lane Elliott, BHS, pinned Aaron Slinker, SL, 4:23. 152: Levi Stephens, BHS, decision over Tyler Anderson, SL, 5-2. 160: Double forfeit. 171: Jake Sinclair, BHS, pinned Romo Masuca, SL, 1:28. 189: Caleb Schmidt, SL, pinned Adam Jacobson, BHS, 0:47. 215: Marlo Fields, SL, pinned Connor Massic, BHS, 2:48. 285: Brian Marschall, SL, pinned Chris Hewitt, BHS, 0:47. Shell Lake (SL) 43.0 Luck/Frederic/Grantsburg (LUCK) 26.0 103: Double forfeit. 112: Tyler Kozial, SL, won by forfeit.

119: Ray Kurkowski, LUCK, technical fall Beau Skluzacek, SL, 0:00 18-3. 125: Sam Livingston, SL, decision over Hunter Dodds, LUCK, 7-1. 130: Chase Dodds, LUCK, won by forfeit. 135: Dan Cassel, SL, major decision over Jesse Harrison, LUCK, 10-2. 140: Brent Johnson, LUCK, decision over Dillon Hopke, SL, 9-6. 145: Ben Ackerly, LUCK, won by forfeit. 152: Aaron Slinker, SL, won by forfeit. 160: Tyler Anderson, SL, won by forfeit. 171: Alex Richey, LUCK, pinned Romo Masuca, SL, 2:32. 189: Caleb Schmidt, SL, pinned Joel Christiansen, LUCK, 1:11. 215: Marlo Fields, SL, pinned Jordan Shearer, LUCK, 0:54. 285: Brian Marschall, SL, pinned Jesse Sanchez, LUCK, 2:09. Highlights: Caleb Schmidt went 5-0 for the day with 5 pins. Tyler Kozial went 5-0 for the day. Marlo Fields went 5-0 for the day. Brian Marschall went 4-1 for the day.


Spooner Community Ed classes offered Spooner High School Room B93. Make a quick family video or sports montage of your kids. First session: Familiarize yourself with advanced features of Windows Movie Maker 2. Session 2: Make your own movie and upload it to YouTube for all your family and friends to share. RD: Tuesday, Feb. 1. Computers: Medium Skills: Two nights, Tuesday, Feb. 15 and Thursday, Feb. 17; 6-8 p.m., Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch, Spooner High School Room B93. So you have a computer, you know how to turn it on … now what? Learn more advanced things to do on your computer, such as folder organization, file backup to an external hard or flash drive, maintain favorites, uninstall software, use CC Cleaner to keep your system in shape and more. Question/answer time built into this class. RD: Tuesday, Feb. 8. Computers: Advanced Skills: Two nights, Thursday, Feb. 24 and Tuesday, March 1, 6-8 p.m., Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch, Spooner High School Room B93. Feel confident about computers and want to learn more about the high-end, built-in tools Windows offers? Learn disk checking, disk defragmenting, MS config, command prompt, 32 bit vs. 64 bit and how to keep your system at peak performance. Ask IT professionals questions. Come dig into key system files with more confidence. RD: Thursday, Feb. 17. Patty’s Blueberry Basket: Monday, Feb. 28, 6-10 p.m., with Roxanne Melton, Spooner High School Art Room B99; Bring to class: dishpan, flexible tape measure, scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife and an old towel. Beautiful beginner basket woven on a wooden base. RD: Thursday, Feb. 17. Explore Germany: Six Tuesdays, March 8-April 11; 6:30-8:30 p.m., Spooner High School FACE Room B40. Guten Tag. Embark on a rich cultural adventure. Explore German traditions, culture, travel, history, geography and language with native Juliane Weisner-Zacharias. Organize a typical German meal, read stories by famous German authors and much more. RD: Thursday, Feb. 24. Stained Glass: Small Panel: Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8 and 9, or Wednesday and Thursday, May 11 and 12, 6-9 p.m., Avis A. Rosenlund, Spooner High School Shop Room. Prerequisite: Taste of Stained Glass. Bring to class: clean cotton rags/towels and comfortable clothes. Beginner Class II in stained-glass series enables participants who completed A Taste of Stained Glass to make a larger panel. Practice and more practice. Continue the specifics of copper foiling, assembling proper fit and soldering to finish your hanging panel. Choice of panel kit ($15-$35) from a more complicated bevel cluster to a small precut colored glass panel. Material usage fee covers cost of copper foil, solder, flux, hanging rings and use of soldering irons. Optional purchase of equipment and materials is available, talk with instructor at class. RD: Thursday, Feb. 17, Session I or Monday, April 25, Session II . Basket of Many Colors: Thursday, March 10; 6-10 p.m., with Roxanne Melton, Spooner High School Art Room B99. Bring to class: Dishpan, flexible tape measure, scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife and an old towel. Beautiful beginner basket woven on a wooden base. Can be used for your Easter centerpiece or to give to someone special. RD: Tuesday, March 1. Mosiac Bird Feeder: Two Thursdays, March 17 and 24; 6-9 p.m., Peggy Ingles, Spooner High School Ag Room C60. Bring terry towels and a small container with a lid to second class. Invite the birds into your garden with a feeder for our featherered friends. This easy, do-it-yourself project makes a great gift for that nature lover in your life. You can also purchase supplies from the instructor to place one in your own garden getaway. Stained glass will be cut and ready to go week one, then grout and protect it week two. RD: Tuesday, March 8. Easy Tote Basket: Thursday, April 14, 6-10 p.m., with Roxanne Melton, Spooner High School Art Room B99. Bring to class: dishpan, flexible tape measure, scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife and an old towel. Great beginner basket using color-accented nylon strapping for handles. Perfect for trips to the office, library, park or beach. RD: Tuesday, April 5. Rustic Twig Chair/Bench: Saturday, April 16, 9 a.m.4 p.m., Bob McNeeley, Spooner tech ed building. Additional helpers welcome (spouse/friend). Bring to class: marker, tape measure, utility knife and power drill (some drills will be available). Using barn boards and tree branches, add a new feature to your home/landscape with rustic twig furniture. Specify whimsical twig chair or slab garden bench on registration form. Techniques taught will allow you to build more furniture and garden structures in the future. RD: Wednesday, April 6. AARP Safe Driver: Tuesday, April 19, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Arden Rasmussen, Elementary School Amphitheatre. Bring membership card to class. Learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws and rules of the road. Adjust your driving to age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time. Get an insurance discount. You do not have to take a test. RD: Wednesday, April 13.

Mosaic Stepping Stone: Two Mondays, May 2 and 9; 6-9 p.m., Peggy Ingles, Spooner High School Ag Room C60. Bring terry towels and a small container with a lid to second class. Think spring. Decorate your garden with beautiful stepping stones. This easy technique adds sculpture and interest to your space. Mosaic glass will be cut and ready week one for your pièce de résistance. A variety of sizes and shapes of paving stones available (thus price range for materials). Grout and protect it week two. Peggy will share her patterns or bring your own – pet/child/grandchildren’s handprints truly make this a forever treasure. RD: Monday, April 18. Bow Basket: Tuesday, May 17; 6-10 p.m. with Roxanne Melton; Spooner High School Art Room B99. Bring to class: dishpan, flexible tape measure, scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife and an old towel. Looking for something special to make for Mother’s or Father’s Day? Want to freshen up your table or dresser décor? RD: Thursday, May 5. Bent Willow Chair: Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and 5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Bob McNeeley. Site to be determined. Additional helper welcome (spouse/friend). Bring to class: marker, tape measure, utility knife and a power drill (some drills will be available). Learn the craft of willow bending to create a beautiful, fan-backed chair. You will select and cut saplings for the frame and assemble your chair during the first day (possibly at Hunt Hill, details to be announced). Day two, learn how to bend willows to create the flowing lines of a traditional fan-backed chair. Contact Karen for further information about staying overnight. RD: Tuesday, May 24. Class registration information: Register for classes by calling 715-635-0243, going online at spooner.k12.wi.us under Community to get a registration form; mailing a registration form to Spooner Area ComEd, 801 CTH A, Spooner, WI 54801; or dropping off the registration form at the district office. Class fees must accompany registration form. Information on cost is available from Spooner Area Community Education and on the school Web site. Many classes fill quickly. Sessions will be canceled one week prior to start date if sufficient enrollment is not received. Help us avoid disappointment of class cancelations by registering early. Assume you are in the class/it will be held at the time and place indicated. You will be contacted by mail, email or phone if there is a change. SACE assumes no responsibility for reaching those who do not provide a daytime telephone number. — from Spooner Community Ed


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SPOONER — Spooner Area Community Education will offer the following courses over the next few months. Join your favorite leaders and meet new talented community members. Check out Spooner Area ComEd classes today. Spooner Fitness Camp: Monday/Wednesday/ Thursday, Jan. 10 — March 3, 7-8 p.m., with Michelle Butkus; school weight room and gym; 20 classes. Materials to bring to class: Water bottle, workout clothes, dry tennis shoes and towel. Enjoy a group setting while reaching your fitness goals. Ease back into shape or tone up after the holidays. Full-body workouts focus on cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility. This is not your typical workout; routines will be fun, yet as intense as you make it. Michelle promises to mix it up so you never get bored. Registration deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 4. Computers: Windows 7: Tuesday, Jan. 11, or Thursday, Jan. 20, 6-8 p.m., with Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch, Spooner High School Room B93. Microsoft’s latest operating system is demystified. Learn latest Windows features such as Snap, Jump Lists and more. Class meets range of levels: those who want to learn more about their Windows 7, thinking about purchasing W7 or what Windows is all about. Question/answer and experimentation time built into class. RD: Tuesday, Jan. 4, Session I or Thursday, Jan. 13, Session II. Basic Car Maintenance/Survival Kit: Tuesday, Jan. 11, 5:30-8:30 p.m., with Jeremy Vogler; shop classroom. This practical course will share how cars work and how to maintain them (tire pressure, fluid levels, maintenance schedules, light and brake checks, oil change). Then put together a basic all-season emergency kit for your vehicle. Useful handouts and time for questions included. RD: Tuesday, Jan. 4. Computers: Office 2010: Thursday, Jan. 13, or Tuesday, Jan. 18, 6-8 p.m., with Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch, Spooner High School Room B93. Learn about Microsoft’s latest version of Office. Office 2010 looks very different than Office 2003 but is meant to be easier to use. Class covers Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Outlook 2010. Question/Answer and experimentation time built into class. RD: Thursday, Jan. 6. Baby-sitting Clinic: Six Mondays, Jan. 17–Feb. 28, 3:30-6 p.m., Deb Meyer and Judy Schnacky, middle school science room, free. Boys and girls, 11 years old and up, share ideas and acquire life skills such as basic child care, child development, age-appropriate activities, nutrition, safety, birth to age 8 CPR and money management. A collaborative partnership between Spooner Area CE, Washburn County UW-Extension and health and human services. RD: Monday, Jan. 3. Computers: Photoshop CS4: Tuesday, Jan. 25, or Thursday, Feb. 3, 6-8 p.m., with Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch, Spooner High School Room B93. Love editing pictures? Want to be such a lover? Photoshop CS4, a photo-editing program from Adobe, allows you use of this powerful software to manipulate pictures, remove bad spots or just touch them up for a card. Once you use Photoshop, you’ll never go back. RD: Thursday, Jan 13. Cherokee Counter Basket: Thursday, Jan. 27; 6-10 p.m., with Roxanne Melton; Spooner High School Art Room B99. Bring to class: dishpan, flexible tape measure, scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife and an old towel. Leather handles with a limited choice of colors makes this a perfect basket to give away or keep for yourself. The 11x6 size is a great catchall. RD: Tuesday, Jan 18. A Taste Of Stained Glass: Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, or Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 22 and 24, or Tuesday, April 12, 4-9 p.m., Avis A. Rosenlund, Spooner High School Shop Room. Bring to class: clean cotton rags/towels and comfortable clothes. Learn how to create stained glass without investing in all the equipment. Make a three-, four- or five-piece bevel cluster in the Tiffany-style copper-foil method; solder and finish a beautiful suncatcher to hang in your window. No glass cutting. All materials to create this art piece provided by instructor. Optional purchase of equipment and materials. Attend Session I, II or III (same class, three offerings). RD: Thursday, Jan 13, Session I; Thursday, Feb. 3, Ses. II; or Thursday, March 24, session III. Computers: Viruses, Spyware, Trojan What? Tuesday, Feb. 1 or 22, or Thursday, March 3; 6-8 p.m., Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch, Spooner High School Room B93. Are you paying too much for anti-virus/anti-spyware? Are you a responsible consumer? Is your computer at risk? Some viruses, spyware, Trojans and malware can slow down, crash or steal personal information on your computer. If you have virus protection but don’t have (or know if you have) spyware/malware protection you are at risk. Free solutions (just as good as paid versions) will save you money each year. RD: Tuesday, Jan. 25. Computers: Windows Live Movie Maker: Two nights, Tuesday, Feb. 8 and Thursday, Feb. 10, 6-8 p.m., Tucker McCumber, Hugh Miller and Richard Rubesch,


They left us in 2010

March Berwyn O. Endicott, Annette Talbert, Lucille F. Brown, Thomas A. Morrison, John T. Bradshaw Jr., Pamela Paulson, Stella F. Schreiber, David A. Rock, Scott J. Christenson, Betty “Nan” A. Strenke and Margaret A. Haupt.

As we reflect back on 2010, we pause to think of those who have left us. Names of the people whose obituaries were printed in the Register from January through June were:

Here’s how to have a happy new year: Enjoy God’s presence. He promises, “Fear not; for I am with thee.” With God’s spirit within you, his angels around you, his arms beneath you, you are more than sufficient for the year before you. Engage God’s power. He promises, “I will strengthen thee.” For each load you’ll have his lift and for each trial his triumph. Enlist God’s provision. The Bible promises, “My God shall supply all your needs.” God is good enough, great enough, wise enough and understanding enough for anything you need. Experience God’s pardon. The Bible promises, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us.” But God wants you to be a victor, not a victim. So trust him! Visit us at: www.TheSower.com.

Friendship Commons

by Theresa Sigmund

Things are rather slow here at the center. People are out shopping, gift wrapping, etc. There was no Smear or 500 this week. The quilting ladies are still quilting. I chatted. I took along my crocheting. I’m making a lap robe. Monday, Jan. 3, we will have our Dine at 5 meal of BBQ ribs, vegetable, potato and a dessert. The sign-up deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 29, so come into the center and sign up. Gratitude is the heart’s memory. — Menard’s flyer

appened? H t a h W

Don't know? No problem.

Leaf through the newspaper for the answer to that question and all of the latest local news. Get complete coverage delivered to your door weekly. 11 West 5th Ave. ( In Lake Mall) Shell Lake, Wis.



January Marian Goulding, Rita J. Rich, Terry Summerall, William E. Erickson, John Gurtner Sr., Marion B. Graf, Jacqueline A. Richardson, Ione C. Johnson and Frances A. Sandridge. February Thelma Cooan, Aage Duch, Evelyn H. Samson, Nancy Sue Scalzo, DuWayne Benson and Philip Paffel.


April Alice Ricci, Margaret M. Block, Eugene R. Schilling, Robert J. Scheu, Margaret M. Anderson, Donald A. Whitman, Loree Toll and Edward J. Dahl.

May Elizabeth J. Rich, Margaret D. Moyer, Joyce Ringlien, Edwin “Stub” Ruhn, Lona M. Mason, Darrell D. Zillmer and Louise A. Lainberger.

Aage Duch, a wellknown Sarona resident, lived to the age of 102. He died on Feb. 9.

June Betty L. Hulleman, Darelyn N. Washburn, Angeline M. Klopp, Bee L. Nelson, Floyd W. Pederson, Betty Ann Murrey, Paul M. Spexet, Robert C. Holtzman, Ella Evenson, Louisa C. Krenn, James L. Degner, Rachelle C. Johnson, Nevin Taylor and Paul F. Clontz Jr.

by Marian Furchtenicht

News day was early again this week. I almost forgot as I was preparing to have my family in on Thursday evening. Too much on my mind, I guess. My daughter, Cindy Wilkans, Fox River Grove, Ill., arrived Tuesday night but had to go back on Christmas Day so we celebrated early. At least the weather warmed some but the snow made for more shoveling and plowing. Dick and Charlotte Shover had a Christmas open house and served a buffet Saturday evening. I didn’t make it as I was getting ready for our farm party. There were some of their neighbors and some new folks from Little Ripley neighborhood. Report was that it was very nice. Jim and Nancy Swanson were busy with Christmas gift and food program for the Shell Lake Lions this week. They helped shop, package and distribute some of the boxes. Dick and Marie King are to be commended for their timing. They flew out of the Twin Cities with Dick’s sister, Jacquie, and her husband, Gene, for Cancun Saturday, the day of the blizzard, and spent a week enjoying sunshine and warm temps. Last Monday, Bob and Rudene Kruegar delivered treat plates by the CCW church group to Virginia Stodola and visited. Barb Schaefer and children, Shania, Isaac and Colton, Shell Lake, brought homemade cookies and visited Virginia Stodola Wednesday evening. Marlene Hansen of Charm and Ryan Furchtenicht of Hansen Concrete had their work party together Friday

night in Mikana at Quillen’s Big Bear. Fuernot Farm had their annual employee party with 35 attending. Did the usual, had a pool tournament, games, lots of food and also celebrated John Roeser’s 55th birthday. It was held at Russ and Nancy Furchtenicht’s. Many more happy ones like that, John! Fuernot Farms former employee, David Granzin, recently returned from Afghanistan where he served the past year with the Army Reserve. Elfreda West had lunch and visited me on Sunday. Bev Helmer and Elaine Ryan visited Monday. Howard and Jean Furchtenicht visited me on Wednesday and got to see Cindy, Roger and also Mary Jane and Sara, who had stopped in, too. So we had a great visit. Happy birthday wishes go out to Tim Albee and Evelyn Hunt, Dec. 30; Caprice Elliott who turns 7, and Carol Rice, Dec. 31; Janet Zimmerman, Rick Roeser, Larry Sutherland, Kirsten Gustafson, Cindy Furchtenicht, Brianna Schaefer and Troy Busick, Jan. 1; Leona Sandquist, Jan. 2; Dean Schlapper, Brenda Gagner, Leonard Lang, Jan. 3; Faith Ann Kubista, Kraig Scribner, Delores Zaloudek, Benjamin Fischer, Larry Holt, Jan. 4; Ann Roulick, Dort Lombard’s sister who resides in Durand in the nursing home, is also celebrating a birthday. We wish a happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gagner on Dec. 31. Happy New Year from Sarona folks!

January events set at LFRC

SPOONER — The following events are scheduled at the Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday, Jan. 3, 10 a.m. First Friends Playgroup birthday party. Monday, Jan. 10, 6 p.m., CPR class facilitated by Nancy Furchtenicht. Lean how to apply CPR to infants and children, birth to 8 years old. There is no fee, however, a family and friends booklet is available for a small fee. With an additional lesson and a fee students may obtain Heartsaver certification for adult, child and infant. Addional lesson is available following the infant

and child CPR class. Preregistration is required as space is limited. Please call LFRC at 715-635-4669 to register. No child care provided. Monday, Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m. baby-sitting clinic begins at Spooner Middle School After-school program. Monday, Jan. 17, 5 p.m., Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group. Wednesday, Jan. 26, 11:15 a.m., Kidstime-Parentime potluck will be held. Thursday, Jan. 27, 5 p.m., Family Fun Night at Birchwood School. — from LFRC

Jessica R. Burley, Breckenridge, Minn., operating with controlled substance, $741.50, license revoked 6 months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment. Thomas M. Cobb, Joseph, Mo., speeding, $175.30. Alison I. Farley, Hayward, speedometer violations, $225.70. Reid W. Ferguson, Hudson, speeding, $175.30. Gregory G. Goodbear, Spooner, retail theft, $263.50. Chaz A. Heinz, Webster, speeding, $175.30. John A. Huiras, Weyerhaeuser, speeding, $175.30. David W. Knapmiller, Birchwood, allow dog to run at large, $154.25. Kirsten A. Listerud, Eden Prairie, Minn., deviation from designated lane, $175.30. Michael Meierhoffer, St. Joseph, Mo., speeding, $175.30. Howard P. Miller, Minong, OWI, $817.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment.

Bradley D. Mills, Minong, operating while under the influence, $817.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment; hit and run unattended vehicle, $263.50. Nicholas L. Russell, Huntington, Ind., speeding, $175.30. Christine J. Sanford, Spooner, OWI, $741.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Robert E. Bogat, Chicago, Ill., disorderly conduct, $406.00, probation, sent. withheld. Kelly R. Cashman, Minong, criminal damage to property, $263.50. Jacob J. Hill, Shell Lake, disorderly conduct, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Bradley D. Mills, Minong, hit and run unattended vehicle, $263.50. David M. Morrison, Spooner, operate without valid license b/c expiration, $186.00.

Washburn County court news


Area churches Alliance

St. Francis de Sales

53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Sunday 6 - 8 p.m.

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance


Northwoods Baptist W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 4 miles south of Spooner on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 7 p.m.

Faith Lutheran

Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm & Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday Thursday

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday: Celebration Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Jr. Kids Church: 10:30 a.m.; UTurn Student Ministries (7th-12th grades): 6 p.m.; Power & Light (2nd - 6th grades), 6 p.m. Tuesday: Compassion Connection: 7 p.m.



St. Joseph's Catholic

Barronett Lutheran

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books & Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Praise and Worship 10:30 Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-822-5511 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA 803 Second St., Shell Lake Pastor Carol Ann McArdell 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www. spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastors Will & Carolyn Mowchan 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 9:45 a.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday: Sarona - 9 a.m.; Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Senior Menu

Monday, Jan. 3: Soup and sandwich. Dining at 5 rib dinner. Tuesday, Jan. 4: Liver and onions, baked Yukons, peas and carrots, strawberries, angel food, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, Jan. 5: Chicken dumpling soup, crackers, cheddar on wheat, fruited gelatin dessert, V8 juice, milk, coffee. Thursday, Jan. 6: Bacon-wrapped turkey cutlet, gravy, sage dressing, tossed salad, ginger pumpkin mousse, bread, butter, beverage. Friday, Jan. 7: Pork chop, sauerkraut, buttered red potatoes, caramel apple bread pudding, rye bread, beverage. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715468-4750.

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Country Pride Co-op

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Shell Lake State Bank


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White Birch Printing, Inc.

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Washburn County Abstract Company 407 N. Front St. • Spooner, Wis.

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Silver Shears Salon

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.



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306 Rusk St. • Spooner • 715-635-8919


Growing and marketing hay series offered

SPOONER — UW-Extension is offering a four-part series on profitable hay production. The series will begin on Monday, Jan. 10, from 6-8:30 p.m. The first session’s topic is Knowing Your Numbers: Pricing, Buying and Selling Hay. Discussions will cover determining your cost of production, various marketing options and negotiating hay land lease agreements. Participants can attend sessions in either Hayward or Siren.

BENEFICIAL FINANCIAL I INC., successor to Beneficial Wisconsin, Inc., 26525 North Riverwoods Mettawa, IL 60045, Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN A. CONNELL and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Steven A. Connell 200 West Birch Avenue Birchwood, WI 54817

O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff By: M. ABIGAIL O’DESS Bar Code No. 1017869

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DAWN M. CONNELL and JOHN DOE, unknown spouse of Dawn M. Connell 905 Hinman Drive PO Box 292 Birchwood, WI 54817 Defendants. Case No. 10-CV-250 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000 FORTY-DAY SUMMONS The State Of Wisconsin, To: STEVEN A. CONNELL and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Steven A. Connell 200 West Birch Avenue Birchwood, WI 54817 You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after December 15, 2010, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court Washburn County Courthouse Ten Fourth Avenue Shell Lake, WI 54871 and to O’Dess and Associates, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address is: O’Dess and Associates, S.C. 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.

POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.

(Dec. 15, 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12, 19 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY ROYAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, vs. TODD L. TODD, JAN C. TODD, JOHN DOE TENANT #1 unknown tenant, Defendants. Case No. 10CV171 Case Code: 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of Judgment of Foreclosure and sale rendered in the above-entitled action on November 9, 2010, in the amount of $115,218.19, the undersigned Sheriff of Washburn County will sell at public auction at the north entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse in the City of Shell Lake, Wisconsin, on the 9th day of February, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the real estate and mortgage premises directed by the Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: That part of Government Lot 9 of Section 16, Township 38 North, Range 11 West (in the Town of Madge), Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Beginning at a brass meander corner on the North section line of Section 16, on the West bank of Seymour Lake; thence South 8˚ 53’ East along the shore 111.20 feet; thence South 39˚ 01’ East along the shore 303.10 feet to a brass meander corner on the East line of Section 16; thence South 4˚ 41’; East along the Section line 963.40 feet to an iron stake; thence 86˚ 19’ West 234.50 feet to an iron stake on the East right-of-way line of Highway M; thence North 10˚ 27’ West along the East rightof-way line of Highway M, 1,329.85 feet to an iron stake; thence North 86˚ 30’ east along the North section line of Section 16, a distance of 191.10 feet to the place of beginning, including all land lying between the above description and the water’s edge of Seymour Lake. This description includes all of Government Lot 9, lying East of County Highway M. TAX KEY NOS: 65-028-2-38-1116-1-1-0020 The Grantor herein reserves a nonexclusive perpetual easement for themselves, their successor and/or assigns for ingress and egress for men, vehicles and utilities over the existing roadway. PROPERTY ADDRESS: N4096 Cty. Hwy. M, Sarona, Wis. THE TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DOWN PAYMENT: A deposit of 10% of sale price to be deposited in cash or by certified check with the Sheriff at the time of sale; balance to be paid by cash or certified check upon confirmation of sale. Dated this 18th day of November, 2010. Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Christine A. Gimber Weld, Riley, Prenn & Ricci, S.C. P.O. Box 1030 Eau Claire, WI 54702-1030 715-839-7786 Attorneys for Plaintiff This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.



According to Kevin Schoessow, area ag development agent, the hay series is intended for anyone who owns hay land, sells or buys hay, or produces hay. The focus will be on producing hay for a profit. The other topic sessions include Understanding Hay Quality and Hay Storage Options on Thursday, Jan. 27, Growing and Harvesting High Quality Hay on Thursday, Feb. 10, and New Seedings and Low-Cost Renovations on Monday, Feb. 21. All sessions run from 6–8:30 p.m. Sessions in Hayward will be held in the assembly room at the


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(Dec. 8, 15, 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL J. SCHINDLER JOHN/JANE DOE SCHINDLER (an Unknown Spouse of Michael J. Schindler) BREMER BANK Defendants. Case No. 10-CV-43 Hon. Eugene D. Harrington BR. 1 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-captioned action on October 15, 2010, in the amount of $34,111.02, the Sheriff or his assignee will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 26, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. PLACE: In the North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map filed March 8, 1982, in Volume 5, on page 10 of Certified Survey Map No. 1025, Document No. 182924. Parcel 2: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), Section Twentyone (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wis., described as Lot Two (2) of Certified Survey Map filed March 8, 1982, in Vol. 5, on page 10 of Certified Survey Map No. 1025, Document No. 182924. Parcel 3: The South One-half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wis., EXCEPTING therefrom the East 659 feet thereof; TOGETHER with a prescriptive easement for ingress over that existing private road lying and being the Northerly 2 rods of the South One-half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) and ALSO TOGETHER with that easement for ingress and egress described in Warranty Deed as recorded in Volume 352 of Records, on page 624. TAX KEY NO. 65-042-2-40-1221-1 03-000-001000, 65-0422-40-12-21-1 03-000-002000, 65-042-2-40-12-21-1 03-000005000. PROPERTY ADDRESS: Barrett Road, Trego, WI 54888 TERMS: Cash; down payment required at the time of Sheriff’s Sale in the amount of 10% by cash, money order, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to the Washburn County Clerk of Courts; balance of sale price due upon confirmation of sale by Court. Property to be sold as a whole “as is” and subject to all real estate taxes, accrued and accruing, special assessments, if any, penalties and interest. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax from the proceeds of the Sale upon Confirmation of the Court. Purchaser to pay the cost of title evidence. Terrence C. Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Plaintiff’s Attorney: Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C. 500 Third Street, Suite 800 P.O. Box 479 Wausau, WI 54402-0479 715-845-8234

Sawyer County Courthouse in downtown Hayward. Sessions in Siren will be held in Room 165 at the government center on CTH K near Siren. There is a $5 charge for individual sessions or $15 for the four-part series. Preregistration is required. For more information on the hay series contact Schoessow or Otto Wiegand, at the Spooner Area UW-Extension office at 715635-3506 or 800-528-1914. — from UW-Extension

Dewey Country by Pauline Lawrence

By now Christmas has come and gone for another year. Yes, you can bet those wee ones squealed with joy seeing their toys and playing with them, loving one better than the other. Hopefully all had a wonderful Christmas and the best to each of you in the New Year 2011. New Year’s babies, a very happy birthday to Brianna Schaefer, Natalie Smith, and Billy Zillmer, all on Jan. 1. Have a grand day. Jan. 2, birthday wishes go out to Colleen Knoop, Briane Stellrecht and Jaelyn Foust. Jaelyn turns 1 year old. Have a great day each of you. Happy birthday to Daniel Watkins, son of Phil and Mary Watkins and grandson of Elsie Stellrecht. Also birthday wishes go out to Mike Roe on Jan. 3 with many more Mike. A very happy third anniversary to Justin and Emily Parker as they enjoy their special day together Jan. 3. Have a great day. Jan. 4, a very happy birthday to two great gals, Bev Boyd and Verna Lindstrom, as they have a great day. A very happy birthday to Logan David Kinde as he turns 2 years old on Jan. 4. He is the little son of David and Katie Kinde and the grandson of Doug and Karen Vanderhoof. Have a great day, Logan, with lots of fun. Happy birthday wishes to out to Darrell Aderman, Karla Mortensen, and Dan Otto, all enjoying their birthday Jan. 5. Many more to each of you. Beth Crosby had the pleasure of playing grandma Friday afternoon when she had her grandson, Chase Crosby, for the day. His parents, Chad and Ashley Crosby, and Ashley’s parents attended the graduation of Ashley’s sister, Jenna, from college. Thursday Beth helped the women from the American Legion Auxiliary at Indian Creek hall with Santa and Mrs. Claus coming there for Santa’s workshop and delivering gifts to the wee ones. Beth said they had a great turnout and it was fun. Wendy Jerry was in charge of this event. Later everyone had goodies before they left for their homes. Sunday, Garry Crosby and his little grandson, Isaac Crosby, went looking for a Christmas tree to put up. At this time my Sunshine remains at Eau Claire with our daughter, Paula. He has to remain near a big hospital until later. Paula is right on top of everything and she is our angel. We’re hoping he will continue to get stronger as time goes on and eventually come home to our farm. Gosh that fruit from the Shell Lake FFA students is great. It’s so sweet and juicy. Hopefully everyone has got some to enjoy. Table Talk: With the New Year 2011 upon us, what is one thing that you definitely want to do and make sure you do it? Congratulations to Stephanie Pederson who graduated from UW-Eau Claire on Saturday. She is the daughter of Tim and Sue Pederson of Amherst. Attending were Marie and Warren Quam and Janie and Rick Lauterbach and family along with other relatives. Way to go, Steph! Sunday, Marie and Warren Quam attended a birthday party at Rick and Janie

Lauterbach’s with the honored guest, Noah, who turned 4 years old. Also there were Jan Lauterbach and others. Hope you had a grand time, Noah. Sunday, Loretta VanSelus attended the Christmas program at the Church of the Nazarene in Spooner. She tells us it’s always beautiful. Monday Loretta took in her grandson, Jameson Stone’s, Christmas program and said it was really cute. I’m sure every mother will relate to the following story. And yes have a laugh about it as it’s now in the past. Remember when a phone call came and you had to take care of it? Do you also remember what your kids did while you were on the phone? I certainly do! Our kids went wild, yelling, hollering, pullin’ each other’s hair, wrestling and tearing around the house and also making a big mess. Remember that? I’m sure you all do! Well, I tell yah, our dog, Rory, does the same things, and I mean he tries to control me. When I brought the mail in this last week I put it on a dining room chair to look at later. There were some Christmas cards and a magazine I like. Well a phone call came and I answered it and was talking. When I got done I went looking for the mail, finding my magazine gone! Looking in the living room I found half of the front page of the magazine and nothing else. I looked under all the furniture and in every place I thought I might find it. I also shook my finger at Rory and he hung his head and I kept telling him, “What did you do with my magazine?” Well I figured the magazine was probably chewed up anyway so I went about my work. Later when I turned the TV on and was going to watch the news, lo and behold here was my magazine with half the cover ripped off. I know it wasn’t there when I went through everything so the guilt must have gotten to him. Here I thought we had our kids all raised and now I find we have one left. Talk about the things Rory does, it’s amazing. Talking with Karen Vanderhoof we find Saturday, Dec. 18, they had a houseful with Travis and Ashley Vanderhoof, Rory, MaKenna and Connor, Katie and David Kinde and Logan, Trent and Stephanie Vanderhoof and Adyson, and Kyle along with Mike Roe, Marv and Gladys Knoop and Cash and Nadine Vanderhoof. Sunday Doug and Karen had their Christmas gift opening at their house for their four children and their families. Saturday, Dec. 18, found Jerry and Gretchen Best, along with many others, enjoying Christmas at Lillian Strege’s along with potluck. Gretch said is was a wonderful Christmas. Starting Jan. 1, Wisconsin residents no longer will be able to put oil filters and all oil-absorbent materials in the garbage. We are told these products can be recycled. For the businesses that do oil changes, they will take care of the oil filters and turn them in to be used for other needs. This also includes granular kitty litter-type absorbents. I imagine there will be sites set to dispose of these items. Have a very happy New Year! Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!





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TO: BALSER, THOMAS B. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 249 for $1,106.58, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BEAVER BROOK BB 664 NW NE S34-38-12 V427 P616 AC 40.0 BALSER, ELIZABETH

TO: BARTHEL, MICHAEL L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 125 for $110.25, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 32 PT NW SE S02-40-10 LOT 1 CSM V13 P131 AC 1.49 DOC 326391 WD TO: BARTHEL, MICHAEL L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 187 for $716.21, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 414G S26-40-10 PT SW NE & PT NW NE L 18 CSM V14 P152 DOC 308028 LC DOC 318799 ESMT TO: BERG, JESSICA J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1213 for $86.54, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 794 S30 T39 R12 OL 4 AC 1.29 RESURVEYED PLAT OF BIELOH FLEMING ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SPOONER ASSESSOR’S PLAT 2 DOC 324849 BERG, CHAD A. TO: BERG, JESSICA J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1216 for $134.90, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 781A S30 T39 R12 L 47-48 BL 7 AC .14 BIELOH & FLEMING ADDITION DOC 314454 WD BERG, CHAD A.

TO: BLUE BONNET TRUST And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 897 for $235.78, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 817 S14 T40 R11 L1 B4 PLAT OF SPRINGBROOK AC 0.0 V291 P268 QC TO: BODENSCHATZ, S.J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 133 for $249.59, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 19G S02 T40 R10 LOT 11 AC 1.25 NAMEKAGON VALLEY SUBD V309 P95 WD DOC 305627 QC TO: BODENSCHATZ, S.J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 122 for $59.36, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 19 S02 T40 R10 PT E FRL 1/2 NE FRL 1/4 AC 2.07 S OF EAST RIVER RD EXC NAMEKAGON VALLEY SUBD DOC 305628 QC TO: CHANEY, DAVID And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 84 for $2,487.55, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASHAW BW 385 S21 T38 R13 PT E 1/2 SW N OF CTH B AC 33.7 V421 P229-233 WD V421 P614 QC JOHNSON, KIMBERLY D.

TO: CHICHESTER, JOHN And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1228 for $2.54, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 978A S31 T39 R12 PT NE SE AKA AC .608 PT OL 59 ASSESSOR’S PLAT LYING N OF BL 1 & BL 4 CHICHESTER PARK ADDN W OF RR R/W & S OF RIVER TO: CHODZINSKI, DENNIS R. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 332 for $134.70, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BROOKLYN BR 332C S20 T41 R12 E 166’ W 830’ NE NW AC 5.0 V162 P530 CHODZINSKI, GREGORINE C.

TO: CLARK, ROBERT J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1284 for $3,341.93, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 1192B-1 S32 T39 R12 PT SW NW AC .56 L1 CSM V8 P132 DOC 459 P320 WD DOC 304252 QC TO: COLBERT, JACOB And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1114 for $926.36, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD VB 19 S25 T37 R10 ORIGINAL PLAT AC 0.0 VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD DOC 300006 TO: CURLEY, CASEY J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 260 for $2,019.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 344A S22 T37 R10 E 165’ W 1146.8’ AC 1.0 S 264’ SW SW EXC V398 P144-145 LESS HWY R/W V307 P439 WD TO: DANNA, THERESA L. FKA BRUNSKILL, THERESA L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 418 for $2,243.36, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CHICOG CH 3353 S07 T41 R12 LOT 2 AC 1.52 SCHUG’S CHICOG LAKE V356 P178 WD V460 P910-933 JGMT

TO: ESPERSEN, GENA R. AKA SANDSTROM, GENA And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 956 for $10.92, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF STINNET ST 516A S31 T41 R10 N 166’ NE SE AC 5.0 V314 P287 WD V338 P308 QC TO: FARLEY, MATTHEW C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 165 for $759.90, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 207C S14 T40 R10 PT SE NE AC 6.24 DOC 320289 WD FARLEY, JANE TO: FELLBAUM, JOHN And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1155 for $688.30, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF MINONG VM 609B S23 T42 R12 E 121’ W 708’ AC .83 S 300’ OL 28 DOC V404 P720 WD FELLBAUM, CINDY

TO: FLUG, DANIEL S. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 283 for $103.85, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 680 PT SE SW S03 T38 R10 LYING N OF SLIM CREEK RD AC 2.5 V291 P58 WD TO: FLUG, DANIEL S. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 278 for $427.91, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 691 PT SE SW S08 T38 R10 LOT 4 CSM V6 P204 AC .63 V329 P702 WD TO: FLUG, DANIEL S. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 277 for $162.93, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 679C S03 T38 R10 N 389.07’ SW SW AC 6.01 LYING E OF CTH B LESS HWY R/W V288 P85 TO: FLUG, DANIEL S. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 275 for $990.12, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 677 S03 T38 R10 PT N 1/2 SW 1/4 E OF CTH B AC 36.0 V288 P85 LESS HWY R/W TO: HAYNES, NORMA L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 582 for $292.48, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF EVERGREEN EV 738 S36 T39 R13 PT SE NE AC 1.3 AS DESC IN V283 P444 & V325 P210 V283 P444 WD V325 P210 WD DOC 330021 TERM TO: HELLER, JEFFERY W. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 867 for $997.13, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPOONER SP 421A S33 T39 R12 E 1/2 SW AC 5.03 L2 CSM V10 P75 V280 P183-185 V283 P101-104 SZMANDA, PAUL W. TO: HOVE, TERRY L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 139 for $1,765.99, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 77B S05 T40 R10 PT SE SE AC 10.28 W 560’ OF SE SE EXC N 520’ DOC 316442 WD

TO: IRVINE, DAVID ALBERT And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 935 for $78.92, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 729 S34 T40 R11 S 1/2 SW SE AC 20.0 V267 P216 QC TO: IRVINE, DAVID ALBERT And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 936 for $320.08, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 730 S34 T40 R11 SE SE AC 40.0 V267 P216

TO: JELLEN, JOSEPH And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 543 for $579.93, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF EVERGREEN EV 411B S22 T39 R13 N 1/2 S 1/2 SE SW AC 10.0 DOC 324653 WD KAAINOA-JELLEN, KRYSTAL 527205 17-19r WNAXLP



TO: JOHN, DONALD And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 733 for $2,891.65, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MINONG MI 650C S31 T42 R12 PT GOV L5 AC 1.69 L8 CSM V5 P217 V271 P652 WD TO: JOHNSON, LEE B. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 604 for $1,439.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF FROG CREEK FC 1082 S30 T42 R11 SW FRL 1/4 SW FRL 1/4 AC 41.49 V294 P477 QC LIFE ESTATE JOHNSON, YVETTE JOHNSON, VERNON E., LIFE ESTATE HOLDER

TO: KNOWLTON, HARRY H. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 631 for $16.71, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF GULL LAKE GL 623A S36 T41 R11 NW 1/4 NE NW AC 10.0 DOC 292946 WD KNOWLTON, BETH TO: KRYSTOFIK, MELANIE A. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 435 for $178.14, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CHICOG CH 266C S05 T41 R13 PT SE NE FRL 1/4 AC 3.42 L 31 CSM V5 P112 DOC 297099 WD TO: KUBERSKI, THERESE F. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 934 for $18.43, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 727A S34 T40 R11 PT NE SE AC 10.36 V281 P404 WD TO: LAPLANT, JAMES H. JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 714 for $699.23, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MINONG MI 425 S22 T42 R12 PT W 1/2 E 1/2 SW NE AC 9.84 V428 P142 WD TO: LIERMANN, RYAN And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 261 for $81.21, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 361 S22 T37 R10 S 1/2 W 1/2 E 1/2 NW SE AC 5.0 DOC 329299 WD TO: MASTERJOHN, NICHOLAS D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1295 for $241.80, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 1179A S32 T39 R12 PT OL 88A AC 0.651 1937 ASSESSOR’S PLAT L2 CSM V14 P125 DOC 304947 WD

TO: MASTERJOHN, NICHOLAS D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1157 for $65.55, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF MINONG VM 607C S23 T42 R12 PT OL 27 VILLAGE OF MINONG AC 1.33 L4 CSM V16 P51 DOC 309185 WD TO: McNEELY, ROBERT B. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1126 for $880.12, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD VB 324 S25 T37 R10 L6 B29 ORIGINAL PLAT AC 0.00 DOC 300484 WD

TO: MELTON, LESA And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 933 for $383.24, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 723 S34 T40 R11 N 550’ OF W 792’ NE SW AC 10.00 DOC 289008 WD TO: MILTON, SHAWN D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 335 for $1,042.57, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BROOKLYN BR 425 S25 T41 R12 SW SE AC 40.0 V368 P420, V374 P727 WD

TO: MOCK, KATHLEEN And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 805 for $41.19, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SARONA SA 629A S2 T37 R12 PT NEWFIELD PARK LOTS 1 & 2 AC .46 CSM V16 P73 DOC 309459 WD TO: MYERS, ROBERTA M. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1242 for $648.86, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 327 S31 T39 R12 S 1/2 L1 BL 29 3RD ADDN (CS) AC .076 DOC 328738 WD TO: OLSON, JOHN D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 652 for $1,004.62, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF LONG LAKE LL 402 S22 T37 R11 PT SE NW EXC CSM V9 P29 & AC 34.0 CSM V12 P3, V234 P521 DOC 324637 & 324638 OLSON, MARY LEE

TO: OLSON, JOHN D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 685 for $943.78, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MADGE MA 521 S29 T38 R11 GOV L2 EXC THAT PT WITHIN AC 38.18 JESSE’S LAKEVIEW PARK V143 P373 OLSON, MARY LEE TO: PALMER, THEAL C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 157 for $25.45, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 750 S11 T40 R10 LAND-O-CABINS LOTS 2 BL 7 V335 P739 JGMT TO: PIERCE, TIMOTHY And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1035 for $999.36, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF TREGO TR 247 SE SE S08 T40 R12 V281 P588 QC AC 40.0 V315 P796 QC

TO: RAHN, JAMES And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 54 for $226.32, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BARRONETT BA502 W 1/2 NW NW S28 T37 R13 V311 P522 QC AC 20.0 DOC 329394 WD RAHN, GARY RAHN, ARLENE, LE HOLDER

TO: ROBERTS, ANDREW SR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 860 for $1,241.58, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPOONER SP 509 S25 T39 R12 OL 2 ASSESSOR’S PLAT AC 0.34 SPOONER LAKE V320 P484 QC, V329 P792 PRBT HORTON, SHARON ROBERTS, DOROTHY ROBERTS, KEVIN ROBERTS, RONALD ROBERTS, ANDREW JR.

TO: ROBINSON, MELVIN G. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 924 for $305.58, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 660 S32 T40 R11 PT NE NW AC 0.52 V343 P678 WD V371 P650 QC ROBINSON, KALEEN M. TO: ROBOTKA, HEIDI And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1123 for $670.17, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD VB 247 S25 T37 R10 L11 BL 21 ORIGINAL PLAT DOC 305122

TO: ROSVOLD, JENNIFER A. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 458 for $424.97, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CHICOG CH 2789 S11 T41 R13 WAUKEGAN NEWS SUB LOTS 1-5 & 22-24 BL 17 DOC 313072 WD CH 2790, CH 2792-2793 CH 10884, CH 2810-2812 ROSVOLD, JAMES R. TO: SCHEFFEL, LANCE R. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 913 for $825.44, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 514 S25 T40 R11 PT GOV L 3 & 5 AC 39.0 E OF CTY HWY M V466 P600-602 TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 302 for $18.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1988 S16 T38 R10 LOT 8 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 301 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1987 S16 T38 R10 LOT 7 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 300 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1986 S16 T38 R10 LOT 6 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE

TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 299 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1985 S16 T38 R10 LOT 5 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE 527206 17-19r WNAXLP


Furlough day at UW-BC

RICE LAKE — The University of Wisconsin-Barron County in Rice Lake will be closed Monday, Jan. 3, for a state-mandated employee furlough day. All campus buildings and offices will be closed and no functions will be scheduled.

The state-mandated furlough day is one of 16 unpaid furlough days required of all state employees in the 2009-2011 state budget biennium. This day was chosen as a mandatory furlough day because it would have minimal impact on students, staff and the community. —

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

Accident reports

Sunday, Dec. 19 Lorraine A. Bock, 59, Minong, was exiting her driveway on a hill, when she pulled out and hit the truck of James W. Smith, 60, Minong. Smith was eastbound on W. South Limits Road. Bock failed to yield right of way. The accident occurred at 8:51 a.m. Smith’s vehicle had very minor damage on the driver’s side and was removed from the side of the road by Smith. No damage noted to Bock’s vehicle and no injuries were reported. David J. Ruppe, 60, Barron, was traveling on Hwy. 53, by the junction on Hwy. 70, when he hit a deer at 5:50 p.m. No injuries were reported, but the vehicle had severe damage.

Tuesday, Dec. 21 At 12:10 p.m., Laura F. Schmidt, 21, Addison, Ill., was driving southbound on Hwy. 53, just south of CTHs A and J, when she lost control on the slush-covered roadway and slid into the median. The vehicle overturned onto its top. No injuries were reported, but the vehicle had severe damage and was towed away by American Towing. David A. Nelson, 69, Siren, was northbound on Hwy. 53, when he lost control of his vehicle, slid sideways into the median and overturned. The roadway was slush covered and it was snowing. The accident occurred at 4 p.m. No injuries were reported.


TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 298 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 6023 S16 T38 R10 LOT 4 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 297 for $18.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1983 S16 T38 R10 LOT 3 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 296 for $18.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1982 S16 T38 R10 LOT 2 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 295 for $18.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1981 S16 T38 R10 LOT 1 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 289 for $6,205.92, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 912 S16 T38 R10 W 20 ACRES OF GOV L 1 AC 10.32 EXC NORDIC WOODS PLAT, EXC INDIAN HILLS CONDO BI 912A - BI 912E GEICK, MAURINE

TO: SCHULTZ, CLARICE And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1327 for $2,198.16, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SHELL LAKE CSL 522 S26 T38 R13 L6 BLD & W 42’ L7 BLD DOBIE & STRATTON ADDN V241 P729, V191 P563, V286 P421 TO: SCHUPP, CHERYL And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1130 for $125.05, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD VB 481 S25 T37 R10 L15 EXC 577’ RESUBD L15 B36 V332 P384 WD TO: SHILTS, CLINTON And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1044 for $658.96, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF TREGO TR 339 S17 T40 R12 SE SE V255 P178 AC 400.0

TO: SIMS, JEROME C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 822 for $110.30, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SARONA SA 414C S24 T37 R12 NE NE EXC THE E 1,162’ AC 5.00 V162 P602, V273 P106 TO: SIMS, JEROME C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 823 for $110.30, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SARONA SA 416A S24 T37 R12 E 166’ NW NE AC 5.0 V177 P433, V273 P106 TO: SOTAK, JOE A. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 836 for $7.12, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SARONA SA 546B S31 T87 R12 N 172’ S 408’ NE SE AC 5.2 V198 P642 SOTAK, JOSEPH M. JR. TO: STEINBACK, JOSEPH P. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 450 for $90.23, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CHICOG CH 363B S11 T41 R13 PT NW NW AC 3.54 L2 CSM V5 P206, V466 P453 WD STEINBACK, LINDA M. TO: SWAN, THOMAS F. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 48 for $106.64, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BARRONETT BA 311A S18 T37 R13 S 100’ NE NW FRL 1/4 AC 3.0 V151 P508 SWAN, RUTH H. TO: SWAN, THOMAS F. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 49 for $80.37, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BARRONETT BA 321C S18 T37 R13 S 100’ NW FRL 1/4 NW FRL 1/4 AC 2.75 V151 P508 SWAN, RUTH H. TO: SWAN, THOMAS F. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 50 for $102.00, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BARRONETT BA 326 S18 T37 R13 N 660’ E 330’ SE NW AC 3.0 EXC N 528’ E 165’ V151 P508 SWAN, RUTH H. TO: SZMANDA, PAUL W. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 871 for $776.17, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPOONER SP 426B S33 T39 R12 PT SE SW L4 CSM V13 P120 AC 5.36 V277 P5-6 HELLER, JEFFERY W.

TO: SZMANDA, PAUL W. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 870 for $995.76, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPOONER SP 426A S33 T39 R12 PT SE SW L3 CSM V13 P120 AC 5.01 V277 P5-6 HELLER, JEFFERY W. TO: SZMANDA, PAUL W. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 869 for $727.83, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPOONER SP 426 S33 T39 R12 PT SE SW W OF HWY 53 AC 24.13 EXC V10 CSM P75, V13 CSM P120 V280 P183 HELLER, JEFFERY W. TO: SZMANDA, PAUL W. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 206 for $373.20, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BEAVER BROOK BB77 S4 T38 R12 E 1/2 GOV L3 LESS HWY R/W AC 19.44 V271 P353 HELLER, JEFFERY W. TO: THORBERG, PATRICIA And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1289 for $5.08, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 1175 S32 T39 R12 PT OL86 ASSESSOR’S PLAT AC .044 V249 P47 TO: VANMETER, RICHARD And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 719 for $662.25, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MINONG MI 458F S23 T42 R12 PT SW NW L4 CSM V11 P16 AC 3.02 V398 P66 WD VANMETER, RUTH SUZANNE TO: WIECKS, GREGORY And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 366 for $1,593.53, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CASEY CA 90 S06 T40 R13 W 35’ E 235’ GOV L3 AC .2 V300 P431-432 LC PAYNE, WILLIAM

TO: ZACHARIAS, ROY And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 152 for $839.00, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 138G S09 T40 R10 S 1/2 SE 1/4 LESS W 2,363’ AC 8.39 V285 P531 ZACHARIAS, MARTHA

That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Washburn County will apply to the County Clerk of said Washburn County, Wisconsin, at his office in the City of Shell Lake, in said county, for tax deed on the abovedescribed real estate. Dated at Shell Lake, Wisconsin this December 2, 2010. Lynn K. Hoeppner, County Clerk 527207 17-19r WNAXLP


The Register is online:

www. wcregister. net (Dec. 22, 29, Jan. 5) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL SPEXET Order Limiting Time for Filing Claims and Determination of Heirship Case No. 10PR46 A petition has been filed for administration and determination of heirship of the decedent, whose date of birth was April 2, 1967, and date of death was June 10, 2010. The decedent died domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wis., with a post office address of: W4327 4th Ave., Spooner, WI 54801. IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the court on or before March 14, 2011. 2. Heirship will be determined on the date set for hearing on the final account. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge/Court Commissioner December 14, 2010 Kathryn zumBrunnen Attorney P.O. Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174

The Classifieds

AGRICULTURAL / FARMING SERVICES MORRIS GRAIN COMPANY offers you the lowest AG Chemicals around! We ship to your door with great shipping rates. Call 1-800-872-2501 or online at www.morrisgrain.com (CNOW) AUTOMOBILE DONATION DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 GROCERY COUPON. NOAH’S ARC Support NO KILL Shelters, Research To Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, Non-Runners Accepted 1-866912-GIVE. (CNOW) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU EARN $800 in a day? Your Own Local Candy Route! 25 Machines and Candy All for $9995. Vend3 877-915-8222 All major credit cards accepted! (CNOW)

527658 WNAXLP

527320 WNAXLP

(Dec. 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAROLD WILLIAM ERICKSON Notice to Interested Persons and Time Limit for Filing Claims (Informal Administration) Case No. 10PR44 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was 11/12/ 1931, and date of death was 8/29/2010. The decedent died domiciled in Rice County, State of Minnesota, with a post office address of: Faribault, Minn. Please take notice that: 1. The application will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 W. 4th Ave., Shell Lake, Wisconsin, second floor, before Marilynn E. Benson, Probate Registrar, on Jan. 11, 2011, at 9 a.m. or when scheduled thereafter. You need not appear unless you object. The application may be granted if no objection is made. 2. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before April 1, 2011. 3. Publication of this notice shall constitute notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. Marilynn E. Benson Probate Registrar Dec. 6, 2010 Thomas J. Bitney Personal Representative/ Attorney Bitney Law Firm, Ltd. P.O. Box 488 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-8741

ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS RUMMAGE-A-RAMA! Wisconsin State Fair Park. Milwaukee January 8-9 Household, antiques, collectibles, toys, closeouts, crafts, AND MORE! Saturday 9-5 Sunday 9-4 Vendor spaces available 414-375-2024 www.rummage-a-rama.com (CNOW) HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVER DRIVERS AND TEAMS: Late model equipment. NO East Coast. Health, Dental, Life Insurance offered. Sign on bonus for qualified applicants. Call Chuck (800)645-3748. (CNOW) THE MASON & DIXON LINES Experienced Owner /Ops Wanted. Daily Settlements, No Forced Dispatch, fuel Discount Programs. Flatbed & Van Divisions. Contact Recruiting 877242-1276 www.madl.com (CNOW)

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY OF SHELL LAKE DECEMBER 13, 2010 Mayor Peterson called the regular monthly meeting of the Shell Lake City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Baker, Bitney, Buckridge, Eiche, Graf, Leckel and Pederson. Alderperson Kittelsen was absent. Also present were Jeff Parker, Clint Stariha, Teresa Anderson, Linda Ferris, Regan Kohler and Brad Pederson. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Peterson noted this will be the last city council meeting Regan Kohler will be reporting on as she moving and recognized Regan for her reporting services. Graf moved, seconded by Baker, to approve the November 8, 2010, regular meeting minutes. The motion carried. Bitney moved, seconded by Buckridge, to approve the December 1, 2010, special meeting minutes. The motion carried. PLAN COMMISSION: The December 6, 2010, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. It was reported the Plan Commission recommends rezoning the following parcels, owned by Ron and Lynda Christensen, from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Agricultural (A-1): S 10 acres W 1/2 NE NE, Exc. S 33’, V 256 P 546, Exc. V 435 P 632 R/W, Pt. W 1/2 NE NE, V 287 P 342, Pt. W 1/2 NE NE, V 256 P 546, S35-T38N-R13W, City of Shell Lake (approximately 19.5 acres total). Graf moved, seconded by Buckridge, to approve the rezoning as recommended. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. It was reported the Plan Commission recommends rezoning the following parcels, owned by the City of Shell Lake, from Single-Family Residential Lakeshore (RL-1) to Resource Conservation (RC-1): East 50 feet of Lot 1, Donovan Cove Addition; and Pt. Gov. Lot 1, V 465 P 492-493 S1-T37N-R13W; and to postpone rezoning of the South 30 feet of Lot 1, Crescent Park Addition, City of Shell Lake from Single-Family Residential Lakeshore (RL-1) to Resource Conservation (RC-1). A discussion was held on all three requests and it was noted an objection was received pertaining to the South 30 feet of Lot 1, Crescent Park Addition basically due to uncertainty about the property boundaries. Pederson moved, seconded by Buckridge, to rezone the South 50 feet of Lot 1, Donovan Cove Addition from Single-Family Residential Lakeshore (RL-1) to Resource Conservation (RC-1) to provide greater control of the land use activities for lake protection purposes. A roll call vote was taken: Buckridge-yes, Eiche-no, Pederson-yes, Bitney-yes, Leckel-no, Baker-yes and Graf-yes. The motion carried. The City Administrator was directed to confirm that this is a valid action as it was questioned if a two-thirds vote of council members (elect vs. present) would be required to approve a rezoning. Bitney moved, seconded by Buckridge, to rezone Pt. Gov. Lot 1, V 465 P 492-493 S1-T37N-R13W, City of Shell Lake from SingleFamily Residential Lakeshore (RL-1) to Resource Conservation (RC-1). Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. Pederson moved, seconded by Bitney, to postpone a decision on the rezoning of the South 30 feet of Lot 1, Crescent Park Addition until the boundaries are determined and to direct the Lake Coordinator to find out if Lake Protection Grant funds can be used for a survey of this parcel. The motion carried. Jeff Parker reported on the Public Works Department’s activities. Clint Stariha reported on Police Department and zoning activities. LIBRARY BOARD: Alderperson Pederson reported on the December 8, 2010, board meeting and other library activities. Mayor Peterson announced the appointment of Patti Fox to the Library Board. Graf moved, seconded by Buckridge, to concur with the appointment. The motion carried. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The November 30, 2010, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: The December 1, 2010, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. It was reported the committee recommends the City Council accept the access road from Old Highway 63 to Highway 63, located south of County D,

as a city street. It was noted a culvert would have to be installed this spring. Pederson moved, seconded by Bitney, to adopt Resolution #10-17 Accepting Access Road as City Street. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION: The December 13, 2010, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. Graf moved, seconded by Pederson, to approve vouchers 1399-1545. The motion carried. Baker moved, seconded by Bitney, to grant a temporary Class B beer/wine license to Indianhead Community Health Care, Inc. for December 31, 2010, through January 1, 2011, at the old high school. The motion carried. The Budget Status Report was reviewed. PARKS AND RECREATION: The November 17, 2010, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Leckel moved, seconded by Pederson, to make the following deductible changes with the Local Government Property Insurance Fund: increase deductible for buildings, personal property, inland marine floater, property in the open and contractors’ equipment from $500 to $2,500 and to increase the deductible for monies and securities from $500 to $1,000. The motion carried. It was reported the purchase of a fish cleaning building grinder has been put out on bids with a December 20, 2010, deadline. Graf moved, seconded by Eiche, to authorize the Public Works Director and City Administrator to award the bid. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A letter from Midwest Claim Service, recommending the City Council deny Matthew and Corey Stone’s claim for sewer damage, was reviewed. Eiche moved, seconded by Buckridge, to deny Matthew and Cory Stone’s claim in full pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 893.80(1g). Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. A fundraising letter from the Shell Lake Arts Center was reviewed. Baker moved, seconded by Graf, to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. The motion carried. Sally Peterson, Mayor Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer

RESOLUTION #10-17 ACCEPTING ACCESS ROAD AS CITY STREET WHEREAS, an access drive is located at the southern boundary of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of S2-T37N-R13W, City of Shell Lake; and WHEREAS, this access drive has existed for several decades; and WHEREAS, the access drive is used daily by the general public; and WHEREAS, the City of Shell Lake has been informed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that improvements to this access drive must be made to address drainage problems; and WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will only issue a permit for said improvements to the City of Shell Lake provided the access drive is accepted as a city street; and WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has informed the City that they will remove this access road if it is not accepted as a city street and the drainage problems corrected; and WHEREAS, the Shell Lake City Council determines it is in the best interest of the City of Shell Lake to keep this access drive available to the general public. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Shell Lake accepts the access road as a city street. 527771 Adopted this 13th day of December, 2010. 19r WNAXLP Sally Peterson, Mayor Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer

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Local Classififieeds

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc


The Washburn County Forestry Department will be accepting bids for design, building and placing a 34’ x 12’ 12,000-lb. capacity prefabricated steel bridge. Bids will be accepted until 3 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011. Bid information is available at: Washburn County Forestry, 850 W. Beaverbrook Ave., Spooner, WI 54801 527452 18-19r WNAXLP


Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted for two used snowplows. For specifics contact Jerry Trcka at 715635-8629. Bids must be received by January 10, 2011, to be opened at the January 11, 2011, regular town meeting. Remit bids to Town of Bashaw, Jerry Trcka - Chairman, W7619 Walnut Drive, Spooner, WI 54801. The town reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Lesa Dahlstrom, Clerk Town of Bashaw 527701 19r WNAXLP


AGING PROGRAMS DIRECTOR FULL TIME Washburn County is accepting applications for a fulltime Aging Disability Resources Center/Aging Programs Director. The position is responsible for the fiscal planning, management, administration, implementation and supervision of personnel and programs for the Unit on Aging and Aging Disability Resources Center to assure compliance with county, state and federal regulations and mandates. Other examples of work include: to support nutrition, transportation, supportive services, public benefits, information assistance and referral services for persons sixty years and older within Washburn County. Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Social Work or related field; three to five years’ supervisory experience; or any combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities. A valid Wisconsin driver’s license is also required. Starting salary range is $47,442 to $58,627 DOQ, with excellent benefits. Download an employment application and a position description from the County Web site at www.co.washburn.wi.us or contact the Washburn County Personnel Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Ph. 715-468-4624, fax 715468-4628). Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, January 7, 2011. “EOE.” 527685 8-9b 19-20r


Laker Times Primary school holiday concert

Hailey Ziemer sings, appropriately, “All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth.”

Photos by Larry Samson

Amelia Hampe rings in Christmas for the kindergarten class.

School menu

Dylan Root Fankhauser tries to be cool during the primary Christmas concert at Shell Lake School.

SHELL LAKE — The following students were chosen December Students of the Month by the staff of the Shell Lake Junior High and High School. Shannel Reynolds, senior, daughter of Becky Reynolds and Doug Summer, enjoys art and math. Her hobbies include volleyball and playing with her little brothers. “I do feel honored for just being nominated because I didn’t think I would get nominated,” was her response to being named student of the month. Josiah Kay, junior, is the son of Jeff and Shelly Kay. His favorite subjects are history, math and science. He is a member of the track team. He enjoys writing, reading and just hanging out with friends, as well as long walks on the beach. “I am honored that the staff has chosen me as student of the month and am very happy to receive this award.” Carissa Forsythe, sophomore, is the daughter of Bob and Laurie Forsythe. Her favorite class is gym. Her school activities and hobbies include basketball, ATVing and hanging with friends. Her response to being chosen student of the month was, “I feel honored to be chosen by the high school staff.” Hannah Cassel, freshman, is the daughter of Ann and Sonny Cassel. Her

DA HLS T ROM S 330179 1rtfc

Breakfast Monday, Jan. 3: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Jan. 4: Fruit, sausage link, French toast sticks. Wednesday, Jan. 5: Juice, breakfast pizza. Thursday, Jan. 6: Fruit, pancakes. Friday, Jan. 7: Fruit, yogurt, toast. Lunch Monday, Jan. 3: Chicken nuggets, whipped potatoes, mixed vegetables, peach slices. No Laker. Tuesday, Jan. 4: Hamburger on bun, cheese slice, carrots, pickles, fries, fresh fruit. No

Laker. Wednesday, Jan. 5: Spaghetti with meat sauce, coleslaw, pear slices, bread stick. Laker: Egg roll. Thursday, Jan. 6: BBQ turkey sandwich, green beans, lettuce salad, applesauce. Laker: Calzone. Friday, Jan. 7: Taco, lettuce, tomato, cheese, corn, pineapple tidbits. No Laker. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Whole-grain bread and buns and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only.

December Students of the Month

Shell Lake High School December Students of the Month are (L to R): ShanShell Lake Junior High Students of nel Reynolds, senior; Josiah Kay, junior; Hannah Cassel, freshman; and the Month are Trevor Anderson, eighth Carissa Forsythe, sophomore. — Photos submitted grade; and Emma Thomas, seventh grade. favorite classes are civics and gym class. subjects are agriculture and math. He is band. She is involved with student counShe is involved with basketball, volley- involved with football, basketball, track cil. Her hobbies and interests include ball and track. Her hobbies and interests and FFA. His interests and hobbies incross country, basketball, softball and include drawing, sleeping, eating food, clude farmwork and sports. “I feel very dance class. Her response to be chosen hanging out with friends and long walks honored to be chosen a student of the student of the month is, “I feel very honon the beach. “I am very happy to be month. It feels good to have my hard ored and happy. It’s a real pleasure to chosen as student of the month. It means work pay off.” know that the teachers see good in me.” a lot to me. Thank you for choosing me.” Emma Thomas, seventh grade, is the — from Shell Lake Schools Trevor Anderson, eighth grade, is the daughter of Kristin and Rick Thomas. son of Boyd and Cheryl. His favorite Her favorite subjects are English and

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Seeing each part of our wondrous world for the first time, 8-month-old Brooke Granzin comes face to face with her first rabbit in June.

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ABOVE: A cowboy holds on during the bucking bronco event at the Spooner Rodeo in July. RIGHT: The somber expression of a young girl is reflected in a veterans memorial in May as she reads names of those who gave their lives for their country.


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Sean Heckel (R) and his cousin, Bailey Okonek, peek through a window to watch the rock band camp concert at Hunt Hill in June.

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