April 13 WCR

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n r u b h s Wa unty Co


Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Vol. 121, No. 34 • Shell Lake, Wisconsin



Cultural Arts Day See page 11

Mothers would get break under DNR proposal

by Larry Samson SPOONER — Under a new proposal presented at the DNR annual Spring Fish and Wildlife Rule Hearing the fishing opener would move to April 30 if the opening Saturday fell on Mother’s Day weekend. That question was one of 44 proposed rule changes presented to the sportsmen and women who attended the public meeting held by the Wisconsin Department of Resources and the Conservation Congress. The meeting was held at the Spooner Agriculture Research Station in Spooner on Monday, April 11. The public gives input and each question is voted on in advance of any rule change the DNR and the Legislature would make. The only question on the fishing season pertaining to Burnett and Washburn counties was about eliminating the minimum size on most of the lakes in the two counties. Balsam, Birch, Red Cedar and Shell lakes would retain



His sibling challenges the alpha male cub. A slight scrimmage sends the attacker back into the den. This is how they play, exploring the world around them and their place in the family. More photos and a story about living safely around bears are on page 6. — Photo by Larry Samson

Sheriff stands firm

See DNR, page 2

“Little Women” See page 24

Using a forest ranger deputy to fill a vacant position in the sheriff’s department is a matter of public safety, Dryden says

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – The executive committee met Monday, April 11, and had questions about the legalities of Sheriff Terry Dryden taking the forest ranger deputy and placing him into a patrol position with the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department. The tension in the room was palpable. Steve “Fluffy” Sathers, executive committee chair, read the position description of the forest ranger deputy which states in part that the sheriff will not remove the po-

Sheriff Terry Dryden stands firm with his decision of pulling a forest ranger deputy to fill a patrol deputy position at the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department. - Photo by Jessica Beecroft sition unless it is a “qualified emergency.” Dryden said, “This was a qualified emer-

gency in my opinion. This is a case of public safety.” Dryden was told at the meeting that it appears he is undermining the county by not following the rules. Dryden said he stands firm that this was an emergency, and it is now going to be brought to the full county board to decide whether or not the sheriff’s deputy position will be filled. The Washburn County Board will be deciding on this position on Tuesday, April 19, in the Elliot Building in Shell Lake at 6 p.m. All concerned citizens are welcome to come and voice their opinion. The issue involves a position opening up after the termination of an employee at the county jail. A deputy is now working that position, and the county was concerned about all the overtime that was being paid while waiting for the patrol deputy position to be filled. The position then went to the county’s law enforcement committee,

More help, please

SPORTS Page 13

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – Tammy TomSteinmetz, director of the Department of Aging for Washburn County, brought a request for two positions to the personnel committee, Monday, April 11. All ears perk up when the county hears anything about new positions because this is the time the county is dealing with budget issues. The work has not been done at the four area senior centers because there is not enough help, it was noted at the meeting. Therefore, according to Mike Keefe, Washburn County finance director, by adding a position to make sure all the paperwork is done and submitted to the state, the county can actually save tens of thousands of dol-

Tammy TomSteinmetz asks for approval of two new positions that are expected to save the county tens of thousands of dollars. - Photo by Jessica Beecroft

lars. The state cannot reimburse the county for meals served to the elderly if the paperwork is not submitted to the state. How-

See Deputy position, page 3

ever, no one has been working at each center to make sure the paperwork is taken care of. Tom-Steinmetz said, “Once we start capturing the funds, I’ll have the numbers.” Keefe will be pulling together some numbers to bring to the county board meeting Tuesday, April 19, and the Washburn County Board will be voting on a site aid position, as well as a replacement position as a nutrition coordinator. If one does not pass, the other will not be able to assume the responsibilities. So, if the board passes the two positions, it is believed the county will actually be saving a lot of money, as well as providing better service at the senior centers.

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Even though the snow has just recently melted, the fire season has begun. It only takes a day or two for the sun to dry up the grass. Three units from the Spooner DNR station, along with the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department, responded to a fire in Evergreen Township at 12:40 p.m. on Friday, April 8. This fire was caused when the fire got away from someone burning before the permitted time of 6 p.m.

DNR/from page 1

the 14-inch-minimum length as would Trego Flowage, Namekagon and Totagatic rivers. A proposal to hold an archery season during the traditional gun season was talked about and voted on. Extending the spring turkey season by two days in each of the six hunting periods was another proposal. Currently, the turkey hunting period runs from Wednesday through Sunday, the change would allow hunting on Monday and Tuesday for a seven-day season. A proposal would permanently extend the fall turkey season the day after the traditional deer season until Dec. 31 in management units 1-5. This has been the case for the last two years on a trial basis. The natural resources board asked several advisor questions that were somewhat controversial. One was on lowering the age which anyone can use a crossbow from 65 to 55. Also discussed was changing the duck hunting zones and season dates and using nontoxic shot on all department land, as this is a concern because of lead poisoning in the food chain.

n bu r h s Wa nty u o C

The most controversial question pertained to deer baiting and feeding. Would you support legislation to authorize banning deer baiting and feeding statewide 10 days before and during the nine-day gun season? This proposal would ban the use of baiting for the gun season. The concern is that baiting affects the deer movement and distribution. According to the DNR publication, “we have heard hunters talk at many meetings and hearings in recent years, and they say that feeding and baiting affects deer distribution and daytime movement. When deer need to move less to find food and are concentrated in areas where access and/or hunting are restricted, the quality of the hunt is reduced.” The feeling at the hearing was that the restriction did not go far enough and wants a total ban on baiting and feeding. The results can be found online after Wednesday, April 13, at dnr.wi.gov/org/nrboard/congress/spri ng_hearings/.


Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

Published by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, WI 54837 Doug Panek, manager • Gary King, editor Phone: (715) 468-2314 • Fax: (715) 468-4900 Deadline for news/ads: Mondays @ noon

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Fire in Evergreen Township

After a fire, persons are reminded to check ashes to make sure a fire is 100percent out. Stir the ash to see that there is no heat. If there is heat or smoke, add water to make sure the fire is completely out. While checking for a holdover fire from the day before in Evergreen Township, DNR personnel came across a debris fire on a new construction site. Burning cardboard had flown out of a burning pit, starting a grass fire. Due to DNR spotting the fire when they did, it was able to be put out immediately and avoided the potential for a much bigger fire.

Photos by the Spooner DNR Station

Community invited to IV Earth Day Event

SHELL LAKE — Earth Day will be celebrated in Shell Lake on Saturday, April 23, starting at the Monarch Butterfly Habitat at 1 p.m. Jeff Lewis, Minong, will read a poem about the monarch butterfly. Dakota Robinson, a student at Shell Lake Junior High School, will give a short talk on the plight of the monarch as part of Silver Awards Project for the Girl Scouts. Dr. John Anderson and Ginger Wilcox, Springbrook, will lead guests in a Native American ceremony to honor native habitat. A reception will be held at The Shell Lake Community Center on the shores of Shell Lake at 2 p.m. Admittance is $1. Sign up for prize drawings and sustainable pledge for more prizes. Two raffles will be held for the award-winning handmade butterfly quilt by Stitch and Chat Quilters at Friendship Commons that won first place and People’s Choice at 2010 Washburn County Fair and a unique handmade wooden dollhouse by an anonymous donor. There will be environmental and arts displays by Washburn County Land and Water Conservation, Sue Menzel’s solar display, Hunt Hill Audubon Society, Shell Lake Arts Center, Spooner Agriculture Research Station, Recycling Control Commission, Springbrook Organic Dairy, Hayward and Cable Area Arts Council, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College’s Green Team and more. A local and organic freewill donation lunch will be provided by Happy Tonics, with a grant from Wisconsin Environmental Education Board and contributors: Spooner Bakery, Spooner Market and Grill and Bashaw Valley Farm and Greenhouse. Eat, visit dis-

plays and listen to music by New Editors Band. Jennifer Barton, will lead kids in environmental activities. Keynote speaker Ken Parejko, professor emeritus of biology, UW-Stout, and author of “Monarch of the Butterflies,” will speak at 3 p.m. From 4-5 p.m. there will be music and book signings by Parejko; Jeff Lewis, “Treasures from the Beginning of the World,” and Mary Ellen Ryall, “My Name is Butterfly.” Sponsors of the event are Happy Tonics Inc., and in-kind co-sponsor NWRPRecycling Control Commission. — from Happy Tonics

Denim Day is April 27


by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – Denim Day and the Awareness Walk is Wednesday, April 27, at 4:45 p.m. this year. The Time-Out outreach staff encourages everyone to participate in bringing awareness to sexual assault. The walk will start at the north steps of the Washburn County Courthouse, in Shell Lake.

Everyone is encouraged to wear denim jeans. Why denim? In Rome, Italy, 1997, a 17-year-old girl was whisked up by her 56-year-old instructor for her very first driving lesson. An hour later, she was raped and abandoned by him in an alley, and she had to find her way back home. The girl prosecuted him and won. The

driving instructor was convicted of rape and sentenced to jail. Months later, in 1998, the perpetrator appealed the sentence. The case made it all the way to the Italian Supreme Court. Within a matter of days, the case against the driving instructor was overturned, dismissed and the perpetrator released. In a statement released by the head

judge, he argued “because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them … and by removing the jeans … it was no longer rape but consensual sex.” Enraged by the verdict, within a matter of hours the women of the Italian parliament launched into immediate action and protested by wearing jeans to work.

SHELL LAKE — On Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office and the Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your medications for disposal to the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office at 421 Hwy. 63, Shell Lake. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

Last September, Americans turned in 242,000 pounds, 121 tons, of prescription drugs at nearly 4,100 sites operated by the DEA and more than 3,000 state and local law enforcement partners, including the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as

are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines, flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash, both pose potential safety and health hazards. Four days after last fall’s event, Congress passed the Secure and Responsible

Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which amends the Controlled Substances Act to allow an ultimate user of controlled substance medications to dispose of them by delivering them to entities authorized by the attorney general to accept them. The act also allows the attorney general to authorize long-term care facilities to dispose of their residents controlled substances in certain instances. DEA has begun drafting regulations to implement the act. — from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office

SPOONER — The measles outbreak in Minnesota is serving as a warning from local health officers to parents to have their kids vaccinated against the disease. The Minnesota outbreak, with more than 15 confirmed cases since Friday, April 8, should serve as a reminder to parents of the risks taken if their children are not vaccinated.

“While we haven’t had a confirmed case in Washburn County in decades, this growing nearby outbreak does not allow us to take decade-long measlesfree status for granted,” said health officer, Jerri Pederson. Health departments and local health-care providers are vigilant now in hopes of containing any spread of the disease. Measles is conta-

and they forwarded the request to the personnel committee for considering the position staying vacant until they had time to see if there would be any additional finding for the position. Several law enforcement committee members stated that it was a hard decision, but they did not want to fill the budgeted position knowing that the position would possibly be cut at the end of the year. The deputy patrol position was budgeted for this year, however, the county would be paying unemployment insurance for up to two years after the termination. A need to prioritize Several concerned citizens have been voicing their opinion on the public safety issue this is raising. Executive committee members Beth Esser and Don Quinton stated that they are hearing a lot of complaints on the issue from citizens. Esser and Quinton both emphasized that the county needs to prioritize which positions to cut. Dryden said, “If you call 911 right now, you may have to wait unnecessarily because we don’t have anyone ready to respond sometimes. There have been calls where there is an issue and they have to wait over an hour.” Chief Deputy Mike Richter said, “The issue with not having 24-7 coverage for our citizens is an issue of public safety. We can do better than that, and the public expects us to do better than that.”

Clay Halverson, second vice chair of the executive committee and chair of the personnel committee said, “Everyone is going to have to make hard decisions. There are cuts throughout departments. We need to start making the hard decisions now.” Halverson went on to say that taxpayers don’t want to pay more taxes, but they expect the same level of service. He said it has to give somewhere. Halverson says he agrees that the issue of public safety needs to be addressed, but believes cutting the position was a tough decision that had to be made by the personnel committee. “This took a lot of discussion and it wasn’t an easy decision,” Romaine Quinn of the personnel committee has said. Greg Krantz, law enforcement committee chair, has pointed out how the money has to come from somewhere. He questioned Dryden if he believed the sheriff’s department would be able to get funding for the position any other way. Dryden said it was something to consider. “It isn’t just an issue of changing the hours our staff works,” Dryden noted. “The investigators are going to work at night. The jailers do their jobs, and everyone has a specific job they complete at the sheriff’s department. It isn’t just a matter of moving people around. The public is concerned greatly and this is an issue of public safety.”

gious several days before the characteristic rash occurs, so unknowingly spreading the disease can happen. Measles is highly contagious and is spread through the air. Thirteen of the cases are linked to a case that acquired the infection in Kenya. One case acquired infection in Florida and one case acquired infection in India. So far, the cases range from 4 months to 51 years old. Five cases were too young to be vaccinated, the others were not vaccinated. There have been eight hospitalizations and no deaths.

Very few children get measles in America because of vaccinations, but it’s still a major infectious virus around the world, with almost 200,000 people dying each year from the disease. The measles vaccination is safe and should be given at 12 months of age and again at 4 to 5 years old. Vaccinations are available at health departments, health-care providers and clinics. — from WCHD

by Jon Johnson Washburn County Highway commissioner WASHBURN COUNTY — The Washburn County Highway Department has announced that asphalt pavement replacement work projects on CTH B are scheduled to begin in the next several weeks. The first project on CTH B will take place from the intersection of CTH D and CTH M to Todd Park Road, with a project length of approximately 1.8 miles. Work on this project will consist of pulverizing the existing asphalt surface, grading out the pulverized base course, paving, shouldering and striping. The new pavement structure will provide a wider driving surface. Culvert replacement on this section of road has already taken place. Traffic will remain on these sections of road as work progresses. Flagmen will control the traffic while the department’s crew works on the project. Please be prepared to stop for the flagging operations and add a few minutes to your travel time to account for the delay. It is anticipated that this project will be paved by Memorial Day

weather permitting. The other project on CTH B will take place from the Burnett County Line to CTH O, with a project length of approximately 3 miles. Work on this project will consist of pulverizing the existing asphalt surface, grading out the pulverized base course, paving, shouldering and striping. The new pavement structure will provide a wider driving surface. Culvert replacement on this section of road will begin mid to late April. Traffic will remain on these sections of road as work progresses. Flagmen will control the traffic while the department’s crew works on the project. Please be prepared to stop for the flagging operations and add a few minutes to your travel time to account for the delay. It is anticipated that this project will also be paved by Memorial Day weather permitting. The reconstruction of CTH H from Hwy. 53 to CTH A will be going into the right-of-way acquisition phase this summer and is anticipated to start this fall when the construction on Hwy. 53 is completed.

Dispose of unwanted prescription drugs

Measles outbreak prompts local health officials to recommend vaccine

Deputy position/from page 1

Properties taken by Washburn county

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – Ten properties are being readied for sale by Washburn County. Property taxes that are more than three years delinquent can be sold off by the county in attempts to claim the taxes not being paid and to get the properties active on the tax roll again. This number is the largest it’s been in a really long time, according to David Haessig, land sale

and public property committee member. At the committee’s meeting Monday, April 4, Ron Bennis, real estate property lister, handed out information with descriptions and maps of the properties the county will be taking tax deed on. Bennis has visited the properties and reported back to committee. Washburn County has already acquired the tax deeds on 10 properties. The properties will be sold off at auction in June.

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Work scheduled to start on various county highway projects

Campground addition

Mayor Sally Peterson and former council member Ken Schultz were on hand this week to inspect the new, state-of-the-art addition to the campground. It’s a stainless-steel unit fish cleaning station that boasts a 7-1/2 h.p. fish grinder. Now when fishermen are cleaning their catch, excess fish parts can be ground fine in the unit and then flushed into the city’s sewer system where they show up later as gray water at the water treatment ponds. This new addition to the campground was due to a successful grant written for just this purpose. - Photo by Diane Dryden


Where to write

Letters to the editor Your readers may have missed a frontpage story in the April 6 Wisconsin State Journal, a Republican-leaning newspaper. The governor had appointed Brian Deschane to an $81,500-a-year job, supervising 76 civil service employees as administrator of environmental and regulatory services in the state Department of Commerce. The news story says that he has no discernible experience in the

This coming Monday, April 18, is the 69th anniversary of the U.S. Thirty-Second Raid over Tokyo. The accounting of that raid that has been appearing in the Register over the past few months will be finished in this. Due to the devastating and horrific events over the past weeks that the island of Japan and all its people have been experiencing, it questioned any negative comment relating to that historic day. The following items only relate to the training and aftermath years since that day and that historic event. There was truly not much d a m a g e wrought on the Japanese homeland, but the propaJohn ganda uplift it Frischmann gave to the Americans at that time was outstanding. What the previous writings centered on was the ingenuity and the ability of the different commands to cooperate to create a package that included the Navy, the Army Air Corps, 16 pilots and 64 crew men, materials, training and maintenance sites, and timely and accurate tasks all being completed in a three-month period. During their training, a Navy flight instructor, Lt. Henry Miller, was borrowed from the Pensacola Naval Air Station to teach the bomber pilots all about bombing at low altitudes, navigation over the ocean, how to get into the air using the maximum length of 425 feet, the length of the Hornet’s flight deck, instead of the 2,000 feet they usually used, and he did this in 15 days. This was all done without being on a carrier until two weeks before they reached Japan’s waters. Miller was named an official member of group. All of the planes got off the carrier’s flight deck even before the end of the deck because of a 40-mph head wind; they performed perfectly over

Shell Lake


Market economics?

field. Deschane is the son of Jerry Deschane, a lobbyist the Wisconsin Builders Association. The younger Deschane, 27, is a college dropout. He has two drunken driving convictions. He was chosen to replace a 25-year state employee with a degree in chemical engineering and extensive management and regulatory experience. Brian Deschane has been demoted to a job in the Department of Regulation and Licensing at the Japanese island and succeeded in their individual assignments over the five Japanese cities. The damage wrought was minimal, and since it was unexpected, the people on the ground were waving at the low-flying planes. The 25s were not challenged by other aircraft, and although anti-aircraft shells exploded in the air, no plane was damaged. A short time later, the commander of that artillery group committed suicide. I would imagine because of those failures. Fifteen of the 16 planes were destroyed in the landing or the result of being ditched. One landed in Russia and was held by the Russians. It took that crew a year before they escaped. There were multiple Chinese peasants that assisted many of the 15 crewmembers reach the location of their rescue plane. The planes were numbered in their takeoff position, and the pilot of the seventh plane, Capt. Ted W. Lawson, wrote his personal account of his bombing over the island in his “Thirty Seconds over Tokyo” book. In his attempt to get as close to shore as possible, his left landing gear caught a wave, and he catapulted through the windshield. As a result, he had most of his left leg amputated in China and was carried from village to village on improvised stretchers manned by the different Chinese villagers as they passed through. Ten of the 80 crewmembers were originally posted as missing. After some investigation, it turned out that two died in bailing out, two were executed in a Japanese prison camp, six were prisoners until the war ended. The pilots that completed the mission were not hailed as heroes, but after short furloughs were assigned to other commands throughout Europe. The leader of the mission, Lt. Col. James Doolittle, who on the arrival back in the states felt he might be court martialed, was jumped two assignments from lieutenant colonel to brigadier general. The Doolittle raiders had held an annual reunion almost every year since the late 1940s. The high point was a solemn reading of the roll call, then a toast to the raiders who had passed during the previous year. Silver goblets engraved with each of the raiders names are used for this toast. When one dies his goblet is inverted. When only two survivors survive, they will drink a final toast using the bot-

$64,728 a year. The story does not say what his experience has been in that field of work. This seems to be an example of Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign to bring the superior talent of the market economy to the supposedly inept public sector. David B. Johnson Shell Lake/Madison

tle of 1896 Hennessey Special Cognac, which had been used at every reunion. The 1896-year brandy was in commemoration of Doolittle’s birth year. Last year, 2010, the decision was made that that year would be the last reunion year. There were eight survivors, but only five were well enough to travel. The flyover contained not only restored B-25s but many other bombers available at Wright Patterson Airfield. The B-25 was originally selected since there was no Navy plane that could fly the long mileage from the carrier to the destination and other bombers at that time were considered, but their wingspans were too long. When the B-25s flew off the Hornet’s deck, the left wing was over the ocean, and there was a white line on the deck that the pilots had to keep their left landing gear on to stay on the deck. Second fact was the pilots who were asked to volunteer for an unknown mission were the only pilots that had any experience flying the B-25s. That experience was a total of two months. They were finally told where they were going when on board the Hornet sailing to the Japanese coast two days before they flew off the Hornet. The term Army Air Corps was used in this writing since that was the terminology used for airmen until the U.S. Air Force became a new entity in the late 1970s. The new name also created different color uniforms, from olive drab into blues and greens. The U.S. Air Force has become our first line of defense since in a moment’s notice it can react to any emergency, anytime and anywhere within a very short period of time. That last thought, “react in a short period of time” follows on the thoughts above in reference to that action that was formulated in three months at the request of President Franklin Roosevelt. Its purpose was propaganda to bolster the American spirits. What it also accomplished was the positive attitude of the American military and caused the Japanese to change their overly positive attitude in regards to the weak U.S. naval forces. It was also thought that this one bombing run caused Japan to pull back its defenses and helped in the Japanese defeat in the Battle of Midway.

Washburn County election results: Towns

Town of Barronett Chairman – Aaron Nielsen Supervisor 1 – Jerry Chartraw Supervisor 2 – Doug Kelder Clerk – Patricia Parker Treasurer – Maria Lord

Town of Bashaw Chairman – Jerry Trcka Supervisors – Steven Degner, Dale Damon Clerk – Lesa Dahlstrom Treasurer – Lynn Hoeppner

Town of Beaver Brook Chairman – Gary Johnson Supervisors – Dan Kling, Tom Perlick Clerk – Nancy Erickson Treasurer – Betty Hubin Sanitary District Supervisor – Jason Leckel

Town of Birchwood Chairman – Romaine Quinn Supervisors – Richard Stowe, John Nelson Clerk – Vicki Busick Treasurer – Rebecca Christianson

Town of Brooklyn Chairman – Gerald Graham Supervisors – Chris Burke, Robert Voight Clerk – Darlene Smith Treasurer – Patricia Barrett

Town of Casey Chairman - Gene Bethel Supervisors - Dan Swearingen, Mike Wallace Clerk-Corrine Slabaugh Treasurer-Cherie Luell Town of Crystal Chairman – Hank Graber Supervisors – George Rhinehart Harry Sorenson Clerk – Abigail Schmidt Treasurer – Anne Focht

Town of Evergreen Chairman – Melvin “Bill” LaPorte Supervisors – Larry Lawrence, Tim Kessler Clerk – Ella Marie Hills Treasurer – Mary Wahlstrom Constable – Larry Bascombe

Town of Frog Creek Chairman – Douglas Denninger Supervisor 1 – Michael Waggoner Supervisor 2 – Kathy Walker Clerk – Jo A. Denninger Treasurer – Debbie Radzak Town of Gull Lake Chairman – Katherine Berndt Supervisor 1 – Thomas Thorp Supervisor 2 – Cari Johnson Clerk/treasurer – Lolita Olson Constable – Robert Morgan

Town of Long Lake Chairman – LeRoy Sandridge Supervisor 1 – Ed Olund Supervisor 2 – Brett Westphal Clerk – Marcia Kampf Treasurer – Ruth Ann Dinga Town of Madge Chairman – Michael Baker Supervisors – Jay Hands William Lennox Clerk – Michelle Jung Treasurer – Zachary Tranmer Town of Springbrook

Chairman – David Baumgarten Supervisors – Arlyn Helm John Baranek Clerk/treasurer – Kathleen Helm

Town of Stinnett Chairman – William Groat Supervisors – Jon Sheehan, Brian Takala Clerk – Barbara Love Treasurer – Mary Jo Weber

Town of Stone Lake Chairman – Robert Lester Supervisors – Ted Crandell, Jack Coddington Clerk/treasurer – Barbara Ruprecht

Municipalities not reporting yet are: Town of Barronett, town of Bass Lake, town of Chicog, town of Minong, town of Sarona, town of Spooner, town of Trego, village of Birchwood, village of Minong, city of Shell Lake, city of Spooner.

President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 president@whitehouse.gov

Gov. Scott Walker 115 East, State Capitol Bldg. Madison, WI 53707 phone: 608-266-1212 email: govgeneral@wisconsin.gov Web site: www.wisgov.state.wi.us/ Congressman Sean Duffy (7th Congressional District) 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515

Rep. Roger Rivard (75th Assembly District) Room 307 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-2519 • 888-534-0075 rep.rivard@legis.wi.gov http://legis.wisconsin.gov/asmhome.htm Rep. Nick Milroy (73rd Assembly District) Room 8 North P.O. Box 8953 Madison, WI 53708 Rep.Milroy@legis.wisconsin.gov phone: 608-266-0640 fax: 608-282-3673

Sen. Robert Jauch (25th Senate District) Room 415 South P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us http://legis.wisconsin.gov/senate/sen25/news


In the March 9 edition of the Register, a letter to the editor from Lauren, a fourth-grade student in Mrs. Blair’s class in Aldie, Va., was published. Lauren wrote that she was doing a class project on how to write a letter. She asked to have her letter published hoping that Suzanne people in the Shell Lake area would Johnson read her request and respond. She was hoping to learn more about Shell Lake. I received a personal letter from Lauren on April 1. She wrote, “Thank you for sending the Shell Lake paper I was published in. I enjoyed seeing it. So far I got a response from four other people besides you. It was very exciting! Thanks again!” At this time, I don’t know who the four other people from the Shell Lake area that responded to Lauren’s request are. I appreciate that you, too, took the time to share the city of Shell Lake with Lauren.

BEYOND the Office DOOR

Register staff

Editor Gary King Phone: 715-327-4236 E-mail: wcregister@centurytel.net

Office manager Suzanne Johnson Phone: 715-468-2314 Fax: 715-468-4900 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net

Writers Jessica Beecroft Larry Samson Phone: 715-468-2314 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net Ad representative Jackie Moody Phone: 715-468-2314 Composition Jackie Thorwick


Severe Weather Awareness Week designed to prepare families for storms

Get ready for tornadoes

WASHBURN COUNTY — Are you and your family ready for the storms? Tornadoes and severe weather are guaranteed in every Wisconsin spring and summer. Preparing now could save your life and the lives of loved ones. Washburn County Emergency Management, along with Wisconsin Emergency Management and the National Weather Service, will be observing Severe Weather Awareness Week April 1115. The campaign is to remind people of the dangers associated with tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, flooding and hail and to encourage citizens to take protective safety measures. According to WEM, Wisconsin averages 21 tornadoes annually. Last year, 46

Rivard to hold town hall meeting

RICE LAKE — State Rep. Roger Rivard, R-Rice Lake, who represents Wisconsin’s 75th Assembly District, will hold a town hall meeting at the University of Wisconsin-Barron County in Rice Lake on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m., in the Fine Arts Theatre. Rivard will welcome both comments and questions from audience members who are in attendance at this event. UW-Barron County strives to ensure that the area’s elected officials have a venue to speak with, and hear from, members of the public. For more information on this town hall meeting or other upcoming public affairs events, please contact UW-Barron County assistant professor of political science Eric T. Kasper at 715-234-8176, Ext. 5472 or eric.kasper@uwc.edu. — from UW-BC

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

April 4 - $30 Sarah and Jesse Reese, New Richmond April 5 - $30 Joan Foley, Shell Lake April 6 - $30 Mike Vanderborgt, Minneapolis, Minn. April 7 $30 Linda Dennis, Rice Lake April 8 - $30 Brady Marschall, Shell Lake

Silver Shears Salon

Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels Temperatures recorded at

Spooner Ag Research Station

2010 High April 4 58 April 5 65 April 6 62 April 7 55 April 8 53 April 9 50 April 10 59

2011 High April 4 41 April 5 45 April 6 49 April 7 55 April 8 60 April 9 61 April 10 56

Low 40 38 41 33 31 20 27

Low 32 25 27 29 33 44 46

Precip. trace rain

Precip. .65” rain trace snow .16” rain

Lake level April 12, 2010: 1,217.44’ MSL

tornadoes in Wisconsin were confirmed by the National Weather Service, the second greatest yearly number on record. Fortunately, no one was killed, but 22 people were injured, and the tornadoes caused nearly $30 million in property damage. On Thursday, April 14, a statewide tornado drill is planned. The National Weather Service-Duluth will issue a mock tornado warning for Washburn County at 1:50-1:55 p.m. The drill will be an ideal opportunity for families, schools and businesses to practice their safety procedures for severe weather. Family preparedness is at the heart of Severe Weather Awareness Week. It is a time for every family to plan and rehearse what they should do during the first 72 hours of any severe weather-related event or disaster. Developing a Family Disaster Plan is the first step and takes just a little time and effort. To help families get started, Ready Wisconsin, a statewide emergency preparedness campaign established by WEM, offers the tools needed to make an emergency supply kit, develop a communications plan and stay informed about potential threats. Ready Wisconsin‘s interactive Web site, readywisconsin.wi.gov/, provides detailed

information on Wisconsin-specific emergency preparedness and allows users to create and print an Online Family Emergency Planner, develop a Family Communications Plan and provides a checklist of things needed for your Emergency Supply Kit. During winter storms, floods or tornadoes it may take emergency workers 72 hours or more to reach certain areas in order to open roadways and restore utilities. To develop a Family Disaster Plan: Gather information about hazards and how you should respond. Learn the community’s warning signals and evacuation plans. Meet with your family to create a plan. Discuss the information you have gathered and pick two places to meet, a spot near your home for an emergency, such as fire and a place away from your neighborhood in case you cannot return home. The second step is to implement your plan. Post emergency telephone numbers by phones. Install safety features in your house, such as a NOAA Weather Radio, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Inspect your home for potential hazards, such as items that can move, fall, break or catch fire. Have family members learn basic safety measures, such as CPR and first aid, how to use a fire extinguisher and how and when to turn off water, gas and electricity to your home. Teach children how and when to call 911. Keep enough supplies in your home to meet your family’s needs for at least three days. Assemble an emergency preparedness kit with items you may need in case of an evacuation. Finally, practice and maintain your plan. Ask questions to make sure your family remembers meeting places, phone numbers and safety rules. Conduct drills. Test your weather radio and smoke detectors monthly and change the

Register Memories

1951 - 60 years ago

• Births announced at the Shell Lake Hospital were Randy Dennis to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Semm, Shell Lake; and Rocky John, to Mr. and Mrs. John Furchtenicht, Trego. • Winners from Washburn County and advancing in roundtables competition in Superior were Albert Marcon, Birchwood; Mary Jane Knowlton, Shell Lake; Audrey Schultz, Twin Lakes; David Stodola, West Sarona; and Joan Marcon, Birchwood. • The Excella 4-H Club held their meeting at Janet McNabb’s. Officers elected were Marvin Schaefer, president; Donald Furchtenicht, vice president; and secretary/treasurer Peggy McNabb. • James Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Shell Lake, enlisted in the Air Force.

1961 - 50 years ago

• Cast of the three-act play, “You Can’t Kiss Caroline,” presented by the Shell Lake junior class were Sandy Besse, Dale Graf, Tom Moen, Judy Arneson, Sandy Dopp, Larry Todd, Dale Musolf, Ruth Ann Rohlik, Rose Frey, Tom Hickox, Carole Gronning, Virginia Walport, Cindy Nelson, Nanette DesJardins and Ronnie Furchtenicht. • The Shell Lake Tuesday Club was planning a silver tea at the Shell Lake Public Library in connection with Library Week. Committee members were Mrs. Curt Raatz, Mrs. C.H. Lewis, Mrs. O.D. Aderman, Mrs. John McNabb and Mrs. Neil Koeneman. • The offices of the Spooner law firm of Douglas, Omernik and Bitney were gutted by a fire that thoroughly burned out Glenn Douglas’ office and smoke damaged the rest of the offices. The firm moved its offices above the post office until the damage could be repaired. • A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klinger, Shell Lake, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ness, Spooner.

batteries at least once a year. Test and recharge your fire extinguishers according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Replace stored water and food every six months. Be ready and live to tell your tale. For more information visit these Web www.co.washburn.wi.us/ sites: departments/emergency-management/; readywisconsin.wi.gov/; www.fema.gov; www.redcross.org; www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr or contact Washburn County Emergency Management at 715-468-4730. — from WCEM

Lake protection meeting set

by Randy Baker SHELL LAKE — Mark your calendars and save the morning of Saturday, June 25. Join your fellow Shell Lake residents at the annual Lake District meeting being held at the Shell Lake Community Center. This year’s speaker will be Paul Juckem from the Wisconsin U. S. Geological Survey. His topic, Groundwater, will center on the effects of ground water and its path through Shell Lake. This is a continuing study that is very beneficial to the understanding of the lake levels and general health of the lake. The doors will open at 8:15 a.m. and light refreshments will be available. Attendees will have time to view various displays that will be set up and sign up for door prizes before the program begins. Reports will be given from lake protection and the city’s boat inspection team. Updates on the Shell Lake grants and updates on projects around the lake will also be given. Come early and share the morning with your neighbors and learn a little more about Shell Lake.

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1971 - 40 years ago

• Mr. Toot, the famous TV clown, brought his children’s stage show to the Palace Theatre in Spooner. • Completing a 10-week ambulance course were Bill Albrecht, Justin Cassel, Glenn Hile, Al Kraemer, Dale Livingston, Duane Shipman, Francis Washkuhn, Robert Washkuhn, Dick Oswald, Rod Olson, Delbert Soholt, Jim Swan, Hubert Smith, Richard Smith, Dave Pieper and Arnie Stovring. • Betty Weitzenkamp, eighth grade, was named first-place winner in the annual Helen Mears Art Contest, sponsored by the Shell Lake Tuesday Club. • Hubert Smith, superintendent of the Shell Lake School District, along with three board members, appeared on the Duluth Education TV station in the program “Report to the People.”

1981 - 30 years ago

• Winners of a heavy-duty home fire extinguisher given by the Shell Lake Insurance Agency were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Masterjohn, Shell Lake. • Darrel Waters, Rochester, Minn., and a Shell Lake summer resident, opened an antique store, Waters of Shell Lake, in the former Washburn County Abstract Office. • Darlene Brinkmeyer was planning to open an insurance agency in the Shell Lake Mini-Mall on Main Street. • George McNabb, 86, a charter member of the American Legion Post 225 in Shell Lake, died. He worked 37 years as a carpenter building bridges for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad.

1991 - 20 years ago

• Sharilyn Stevenson, Spooner, was named Wisconsin Teacher of the Year by the Wisconsin Head Start Directors Association Inc. Stevenson was the lead

teacher at the Shell Lake Head Start. • Members of the Shell Lake Junior High wrestling squad were Don Marker, Ben Kidder, Caleb Melton, Taylor Hall, Jordon Hall, Jeff Naglosky, Tyler Pockat, Travis Bergeron, Paul Campton, Craig King, Danny Burns, Jacob Ridgeway, Andrew Melton, Paul King, Dustin Marker, Jason Thompson, Dustin Petz, Tim Fox, Tim Roe, Corey Mortensen and Tanner Hall. • The VFW bowling group from Shell Lake spent the weekend at Manitowoc in a bowling tournament. • Billie LaBumbard, registered nurse, Washburn County Nursing Agency, offered Fresh Start American Cancer Society quit smoking classes.

2001 - 10 years ago

• Shell Lake High School forensic participants at state were Katie Cardwell, Angie Richey, Shayna Hall, Kayla Zaloudek, T.C. Boyd, Matt Stoner, Chris Soukup and James Greene. • Receiving first place at Destination ImagiNation regional competition were Jennifer Haack, Kayla Hillman, Jenna Dosch, Annie Dunham, Aurora Pollei, Michelle Simpson and Amanda Pearson. • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce welcomed new businesses and their owners: John and Dana Glaubitz, Brick House Café in Barronett, formerly the Carousel Café; Ernie Hill Jr., Fitness Unlimited; Mike Oberg, WGMO/WCSW radio; Karen and Dave Dahlstrom, Through the Woods Café, formerly the Classic Café; Dave Juza and his crew at DP Juza Woods and Fixtures; and Barb and Randy Larson of KBR Tool, Inc. • With the addition of their new Hunter 4-wheel alignment system, Smith Auto Body was no longer just an auto body shop. They were now able to offer many new services including two- and four-wheel alignments, tires, mounting and balancing.


by Diane Dryden SPOONER - There is a song that was very popular in 1932 when it was first released and played by the BBC in England, titled “Teddy Bears Picnic.” Amazingly it’s still popular around the world today. The lyrics are simple: “If you go down to the woods today, You’re sure of a big surprise, If you go down to the woods today, you’d better go in disguise. For ev’ry bear that ever there was would gather there for certain, because today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic.” If you live in northern Wisconsin, you are already fully aware that the local black bears emerge from their dens sometime around mid-April and go on the search for their own picnic, which is usually held in the backyards of residents everywhere. According to the Shell Lake bear trapper, or in more technical terms, wildlife specialist, Mike Bartz, “When bears Mike Bartz, DNR con- emerge from their dens in servation warden for 25 spring, they are hungry years, is the face you’ll and smart. The sows either see if you have a nui- have their newborn cubs sance bear problem. - or their yearlings along, so not only does mom have Photos by Diane Dryden to forage for her own food, but she needs to supply food for her young and they are all hungry.” Bartz works for Wildlife Services, which is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and part of their service is assisting people with wildlife conflicts. He advises that bird feeders should be taken down at the beginning of April and not put back up until the end of summer because, “Even though the spring diet of a bear is grass and forbs, sunflower seeds are also some of the bears’

Teddy bears picnic

A bear like this might soon be on your property and eating at your bird feeders because they’re hungry after their long winter’s nap.

favorite foods, especially if they’ve already established where the feeders were last year.” He also cautions that decks are a huge temptation for bears because that’s usually where all the goodies are, like barbecue grills still smelling of meat and grease no matter when they were last used, bowls of dog food–another favorite treat–and bird feeders filled to capacity or chunks of suet. “Garbage cans are another favorite of bears. You might think of it as waste, but they think of it as their next meal,” Bartz said. “What is so important to remember is to make your property uninviting to bears. This might be harder if you live in an area where there are multiple houses and your neighbors don’t police their yards properly. It stands to

Cub club Photos by Larry Samson

Cubs are born in February and they are about the size of a woodchuck. They come and go from the Emerging from their den, these two young bear safety of the den and will venture only a few feet cubs play outside while their mother remains in the from the den. Dangers are out there in their world, den. Basking in the sunlight and the fresh air, they their biggest danger will be male bear. give their mother a break in the den.

Three cubs play while their mother saves her energy. The mother is a large sow weighing about 275 pounds when she entered the den; over the winter she will lose 40 percent of her body weight hibernating and nursing. The male cubs can grow up to 550 pounds while the females will be smaller.

reason that if the temptation is removed they’ll move on.” Bartz spent 25 years as a DNR conservation warden in Barronett, Bayfield, Door and Washburn counties fulfilling a lifelong dream of his since the age of 11. After high school graduation from Frederic High School, he spent four years in the military and college at the University of Minnesota Duluth before he joined the DNR where he retired three years ago and began his part-time career as an official bear trapper for Washburn, Burnett, Polk and part of Rusk and Sawyer counties. Population differs “The bear population differs every year, often depending on the dry or wet spring weather, but starting around midApril and going until October, we get bear complaint calls. These calls are made to our office at 800-228-1368 and the calls are usually in two categories, agricultural damage and homeowners personal space. Complaints that cannot be handled with advice or technical assistance are then referred to the field for follow-up. Ag-related calls usually come in later in the year when bears are attracted to corn, wheat or sunflower fields. “At the beginning of August when corn is in its milk stage and is irresistible to bears, they can damage several acres of corn in a short period by knocking the stalks down to access the ears,” Bartz said. “We also get calls from orchard owners and beekeepers for the same reason. If these bears aren’t relocated, not only will they come back year after year, but they will continue to introduce their young to the taste of ripe apples, corn and honey.” Complaints involving beehives are easily resolved using electric fences. Unique pattern Sows have a unique breeding pattern. The males do their daddy duty in July, but mom has a special pouch that holds the semen until the fall when she is ready to produce eggs. Babies are then born while mom is in the den half asleep and in the spring, every other spring, she emerges with newborns. The alternate springs she emerges with her yearlings, which will be abandoned later that year by mom and left on their own to retrace their steps from last year to the feeding spots. “And that’s why it’s so important to remove anything a bear would like to eat. They might wander through your yard looking for food, but if they don’t find any, they will leave.” Waiting game And it’s important to remove that food before the bears emerge. Bears that get comfortable feeding on birdseeds every night may cause damage if the seeds or the dog food or the suet is gone. At first they are usually scared off with a loud chorus that is beaten out loudly on pots and pans, but if they show no fear you have the beginning of a different scenario. It becomes a waiting game, you waiting for the bear to leave and the bear waiting for his usual food. Most bears will abandon a site after several days if they don’t gain access to food. On rare occasions bears get aggressive by popping their jaws or swinging their heads, woofing or even by making false charges. Sometimes bears will even break through windows and doors to get into the house. These are certainly bears that qualify for the relocating program. Trapping Bartz has access to a number of bear traps that are metal tubes about 7 feet long. They’re 30 inches in diameter and the tube rests on skids. If warranted, the traps are placed close to the areas the bears frequent using fluid scents like liquid smoke, apple, cherry or anise and the object is to attract the bear with the scent in order to have them go into the tube and pull down on the bait that’s on the far end. It’s usually something sweet and once the bait is pulled down it triggers the gate to close. Mature bears are usually calm, but the young ones are almost always agitated. These young ones can weigh from 60 to 150 pounds but they are both loaded the same way, using a double-wide snowmobile trailer pulled by a truck. “If we have to capture a sow and cubs, we will only move them if the entire family is captured. We relocate these animals on large tracts of public land that’s at least 200 miles away so they can settle in before winter hibernation. Last year we took over 16 bears out of one farmer’s cornfields and several yearlings out of the Shell Lake city shop’s dumpster.” Due to the fact that many resorts and campgrounds are using better fish-gut storage or removal, bear calls to those locations have been reduced. Relocation Last year alone, there were 102 bears relocated from Bartz’s area, of which only two were euthanized. If Bartz has one recommendation for residents, starting in April and running through October, it would be to remove any food temptation from your yard and deck to help these hungry bears move on to more natural locations like the woods to nibble on the willow and aspen trees and eat the berries and grubs and not your dog’s food, or in some cases, your dog. For additional information on wildlife damage issues and nuisance bear information, go to: www.dnr.wi.gov/org/ land/wildlife/damage/urbsub.htm and if you’d like to get up close and personal with Lily the black bear, simply go to bear.org. This site that emanates from Ely, Minn., takes you into the den to see not only Lily, but her yearling and her two newborns, a male and a female. The site also covers everything you ever wanted to know about bears and it’s always interesting to see what’s going on with the new family.



April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – Sexual assaults are acts of violence where sex is used as the weapon. Assaults are primarily motivated out of a sense of entitlement and/or a need to feel powerful by controlling, dominating Vicor humiliating the victim. tims/survivors of sexual assaults are forced, coerced, and/or manipulated to participate in unwanted sexual activity. There is a Time-Out Family Abuse office in Spooner which offers two advocates for victims of sexual assault and domestic abuse. All services are confidential. “We try to empower victims to make the right choices,” said Washburn County Outreach Advocate Bonnie Peterson. “We have all different people that we work with.” Peterson said that sometimes it is court-ordered in abuse cases, but their doors are open to everyone. Also, working at the shelter is outreach advocate Christine Nash. Nash handles most of the sexual abuse cases, however, Nash and Peterson have both worked with sexual assault and domestic abuse victims.

believes he or she can get away with the crime either because the victim will be afraid to tell or because the victim feels he or she is unlikely to be believed. Whether the crime is rape, incest, child sexual abuse, stalking or sexual harassment, sexual assault impacts our schools, our workplace, our streets and our homes. Victims are sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents and friends. It is estimated that as many as 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men have been a victim of sexual assault at some point in their lifetime. Also 93 percent of sexual assault survivors are violated by someone they know and trust. Each misperception about sexual assault that exists in society serves to protect the perpetrators, blame victims and makes everyone vulnerable. Sexual assault can have a devastating impact on survivors and communities. When survivors are believed and supported, individuals can find the strength and resiliency to survive and thrive. Bonnie Peterson and Christine Nash are Washburn County Outreach advoThe truth is that sexual assault is a cates with the Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter. - Photo by Jessica Beecroft vastly underreported crime. It is estimated that only 5 to 20 percent of sexual “We do community awareness as well sistance. Time-Out has shelters in Hayassaults are reported to law enforcement. as advocating for victims,” said Nash. ward, Ladysmith, Superior and MillIn addition, the percentage of false alleShe and Peterson help the community town. gations is no higher than that for other become aware by visiting schools, proAccording to the Wisconsin Coalition types of violent crimes. viding classes and talking to anyone they Against Sexual Assault, in situations in For more information call 715-635-5245 can. which sexual assault occurs, there is alor the 24-hour hotline 800-924-0556. If a victim decides to move out, they ways a perceived or real power differennot only offer sheltering, they also can tial. The perpetrator feels entitled to help with transportation and moving as- take advantage of another person and

Local board may be awarded federal funds

SHELL LAKE — The Washburn County local board, Jurisdiction No. 925200, may be award federal funds under the Emergency Fund and Shelter National Board Program. The selection was made by a national board that is chaired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and consists of representatives from the Salvation Army, American Red Cross, United Jewish Communities, Catholic Charities-USA, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA and the United Way of America. The local board was charged to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas

around the country. A local board made up of local churches, United Way and the Salvation Army will determine how the funds awarded to Washburn County are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. The local board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds available under this phase of the program. Under terms of the grant from the national board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must be private nonprofit or units of government, have an accounting system, practice nondiscrimination, have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/ or shelter pro-




breakdown of the expenditures by calling the local contact at the end of this public notification. Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for the 2011 Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must contact Dawn Wagner, 715-635-3975, for an application. The deadline for applications to be received is Wednesday, April 27. — from Indianhead Community Action Agency




grams, and, if they are a private voluntary organization, they must have a voluntary board. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply. Washburn County has distributed emergency food and shelter funds with the assistance of the Indianhead Community Action Agency totaling $9,682 during the calendar year 2011. These funds were used for emergency food. Individuals or agencies may request a




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Hwy. 63 South - Spooner

Thursday, April 28 • The Shell Lake American Legion will meet at 6:30 p.m., at the Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW will meet at 7 p.m., at the Friendship Commons. • Spooner Chamber of Commerce food and wine tasting event to benefit Alzheimer’s Day Respite and Northwest Heritage Passage, 5 to 8 p.m., Northwest Sports Complex, Spooner. Saturday, April 30 • Gene Larson spaghetti fundraiser, noon to 4 p.m., Tony’s Riverside, Spooner. • Carol’s Clan Fundraiser for Relay for Life, 3-7 p.m.


Wednesday, May 4 • HCE spring luncheon, 11:30 a.m. Tracks, Spooner.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake, through the winter months, open every Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 715-468-2982. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. ••• Amber Bednar, RN, Washburn County Health Department, is available at the public health office to provide breastfeeding basics, how-tos and postpartum support. Appointments can be made at 715635-4400. Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Volunteers will be available to help the public on appointment as weather permits. Call 715-635-7937 for more information. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. AA Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. Al-Anon Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.


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Contact Eric Falstad


Volunteers are needed at the Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake. Call 715-468-2982. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their Web site and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or email wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Glenview Assisted Living is looking for a volunteer to assist the in-house beautician with appointments. Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interested volunteers please call 715-468-4255 or e-mail to glenview83-jessica@hotmail.com. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office, or call 715-468-2314. Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.


Thursday, April 14 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. Thursday & Friday, April 14 & 15 • Rummage sale, Spooner United Methodist Church, 312 Elm St., Thursday 3-7 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, April 15 & Saturday, April 16 • Sarona United Methodist Church rummage sale, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. • Easter Alive, 7 p.m. performance, Shell Lake Full Gospel Church. Limited seating. Doors open 1 hour prior. For more info, easteralive.com. Friday, April 15 • Rummage sale, Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 16 • Singer Claudia Schmidt at the Quam in Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. For ticket information and reservations, call 715-468-4387 or www.titw.org. • Lake Mall Walkers Relay for Life team’s thrift and bake sale at Lake Mall in Shell Lake, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Pins for Pets fundraiser for Washburn County Area Humane Society, 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Kegler’s Pub & Pin, Spooner. For more info, call 715-635-7677. • Relay for Life fundraiser at The Getaway, CTH D, Sarona, 4-7 p.m. Silent and live auction, paddle and bucket raffle. Sponsored by Big Ripley Trekking team. • Spooner Golf Club Easter Egg Hunt, 11 a.m. Free to all children 0-12. Over 5,000 eggs. Bring a basket or bag for the eggs. Pictures with the Easter Bunny from 10:15-11:30 a.m. • Barronett Community Center garage sale, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Team PartyLite 2011 will have a Relay for Life table at Spooner Pamida. Monday, April 18 • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Info call 715-635-4669. Tuesday, April 19 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. • Spooner Girl Scouts are hosting a Stargazing Night at the Spooner Middle School gymnasium from 3:30-5 p.m. All Girl Scouts are welcome. Wednesday, April 20 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. Thursday, April 21 & Friday, April 22 • Easter Alive, 7 p.m. performance, Shell Lake Full Gospel Church. Limited seating. Doors open 1 hour prior. For more info, easteralive.com. Thursday, April 21 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. Friday, April 22 • Pizza & a Play at the Quam in Shell Lake, 6 p.m. For more information, call 715-468-4387. Saturday, April 23 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Shell Lake Easter Egg Hunt, 10 a.m. sharp, Shell Lake Municipal Campground. • Easter Alive, 2 p.m. performance, Shell Lake Full Gospel Church. Limited seating. Doors open 1 hour prior. For more info, easteralive.com. Wednesday, April 27 • Free community supper, 4 to 6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. • Relay For Life Fundraiser pie and coffee social, Peggy’s Place Restaurant, Shell Lake, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All proceeds to Relay For Life. Thursday, April 28 & Friday, April 29 • Spooner Area Blood Drive, Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. Thursday, 1-7 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Appointments may be made by calling 715-635-4610.Walk-ins are welcome.


Harley & Son

Community Calendar

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Hunter education

Cheyenne Tiegs is shown with Steve Sacharski on the trapshooting range.

Madison LaFave and Julie Pokorny show proper gun carries.

Josh Zilly is shown demonstrating his knowledge of ammunition to instructor Jessica Schalkowski. The Shell Lake Hunter Education firearm certification course was completed Saturday, April 9, with Range Day held at the Indianhead Rifle and Pistol Club in Spooner. There were 38 graduates this year with approximately 12 instructors during the two-week course.

Photos submitted

Claudia Schmidt ... back in town

Brad Marker Shell Lake, WI 54871

(715) 468-2856

“For All Your Building Needs”



writers, she is herself a wordsmith of the first order, sometimes bursting at the boundaries of song form. In addition, she’s a firecracker of a singer, irrepressibly emotional and a radiant, almost overwhelming performer. It’s the folksinger trifecta, and in this Schmidt is nearly in a class by herself. Tickets can be reserved online at www.titw.org or by calling the box office at 715-468-4387. For more information on Schmidt see Web site claudiaschmidt.com. — from TiTW


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4-D Construction

Francisco Bay Guardian said, “Schmidt’s shows are a lot like falling in love. You never know what’s going to happen next, chances are it’s going to be wonderful, every moment is burned into your memory and you know you’ll never be the same again.” More succinctly, Garrison Keillor also notes, “When Claudia sings a song, it stays sung.” Schmidt will be at the Erika Quam Theatre, 605 1st St., Shell Lake, on Saturday, April 16, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Schmidt belongs to the genre of hyperliterate song-


SHELL LAKE — Claudia Schmidt has been perfecting her craft of performing for almost four decades. It’s a quirky and wonderful hodgepodge of music, poetry, story, laughter, drama and celebrating the moment. Her work in clubs, theaters, festivals, TV and radio has added depth and dimension, and since she has always included her original work along with very personal versions of the work of others, what you get is a unique look at the world from someone who says what she sees with clarity, humor and wonder. The San

Unique art and craftwork by over 200 artists. 260 Industrial Blvd. • Shell Lake, WI 54871 Phone 715-468-4122 1rtfc




THE QUALITY HOME HEALTH AGENCY FOR YOU! Providing Skilled Nursing Services and Home Health Care 24 Hours A Day • 7 Days A Week



Easter in all its glory

progress.” “I look at it as just part of the ministry,” he says generously.

Sets have been built and the actors are ready and are awaiting your attendance as the Full Gospel Church once again presents “Easter Alive, How He Loves,” for two consecutive weekends. Pictured is Barbara Stellner. - Photo by Diane Dryden told the story the way they saw it. This year is already showing itself to be the most powerful performance ever with Jesus giving his perspective of what happened. “This play has already been powerful for the actors Rd.people H in Spooner and we want toCo. invite to come to have an hour and a half conversation with Jesus and share his heart,” 715-635-3877 said Slater. Kitchen Will Open in 1994 took a month to build “The first performance With Golf Course and set up the scenery, this one and recent others took almost three months and everyone is grateful to Pastor Come One - Come All a stage in constant Virgil Amundson for overlooking

Friday, 4-9 p.m.

FOR RENT AROMA Apartment In Spooner April 16, 11 a.m. THERAPY 101Saturday,2-Bedroom Kids Menu & Dinner Specials Also Available.

LifeCircle Midwifery Shell Lake, WI

To Register, Call 715-296-5552

At The Driving Range $

400 per month

Plus security deposit.

Contact Greg at



Easter Egg Hunt

Thank You For Your Support!

with the hunt beginning promptly at 11 a.m.

Ward 2 Shell Lake Randy

In the case of exceptionally bad weather go to www.spoonergolf.com for more information.

Four Age Groups: 0 - 3 yrs., 4 - 6 yrs., 7 - 9 yrs. and 10 to 12 yrs.

An adult may assist children in the 0 - 3 years old division. Adults with children in more than one division may elect to have them search in the same hunting area as long as they are close in age.

Where: Spooner Golf Club Driving Range at W6120 Cty. Hwy. H

Located 1/2 mile east of Hwy. 53 on County Highway H (near Spooner Lake)

Parking: Four areas will be available for parking including at the driving range, across the road from the range near the cart storage barns, in the Spooner Golf Club parking lot or at the Spooner Lake public access lot. Volunteers will be available to help with parking. Please use great caution because of possible congestion around the range area.

Bring a basket/bag for eggs and a camera for pictures with the Easter Bunny from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.! Special thanks to Our Generous Sponsors: Spooner Health Systems The General Store of Spooner Schmitz’s Economart of Spooner Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce Dave Torbenson’s Golf Shop at Spooner Golf Club



Offering WiFi: Wireless Internet Monday:..................Noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:..............Noon to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.shelllakelibrary.org

Thurs., Fri. & Sat., April 21, 22 & 23

April 28, 2011, 7 p.m. Presentation lasts approximately 1.5 hours.



SHRUBS • Mulches • Bulk Seeds • Onion Sets • Soils • Planters & more • Seed Potatoes • Our Own Homemade Rusty Metal Art Steve & Linda Are Celebrating 23 Years In Business


SHELL LAKE — Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. is offering a scholarship to a senior or graduate of Shell Lake High School who will be pursuing a career in the health-care field. Applications may be picked up and returned to the Shell Lake High School guidance office. Deadline for the applications is Friday, May 6. For more information, call Joni Parker, 715-468-7393. — from ICHC


533626 34rp


ICHC offers scholarship


533840 34r 24a,b,c

FREE to all kids 0 to 12 years old. Over 5,000 Eggs! When: Saturday, April 16

532448 31-34rp 21-24bp

Easter Egg Hunt 533831 34rp

Tuesday, April 19, 5 p.m.

No smoking. Off-street parking with plug-in for block heater. All utilities paid except for electric, coin-operated laundry facilities and a storage area located in basement. No pets.

Special entrance Another part of this play that makes it unique is that as soon as actors come through the back door on their way to the stage, they begin acting, making the audience feel like they are part of the crowd, becoming a part of the production. “The reason we decided to do it that way is because our church doesn’t have a stage area where there is a platform and a door on each side,” Slater said. “Our actors have to come through the back, so we decided to make everyone in the audience feel a part. It actually works out better in the long run because we have 80 performers and 100 costumes. It’s easier to change quickly when you have a larger area in the hall rooms.” Speaking of quick changes, Clint Wickman, who plays Jesus this year, has only three minutes to stand in a kiddie pool offstage to have his blood and scars quickly washed off so he can change into his resurrection clothes. “We are so grateful for the commitment from our actors and our set builders, our musicians and lighting crew and for the over 100 volunteers involved in the production of the five performances and two full dress rehearsals,” Slater said. If you have never seen a performance of “Easter Alive,” – this year subtitled “How He Loves” – make this the year you attend. The Cornerstone Church in Spooner starts off the story of Jesus in their beautiful walk-though Night in Bethlehem each December and the Full Gospel Church picks up the end of the story for Easter. There is no cost for admittance, but it is advised that you arrive early because once the church is filled, you might be turned away. Performances are scheduled for Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16, at 7 p.m., and again the following weekend on Thursday, April 21, and Friday, April 22, at 7 p.m., and finally Saturday, April 23, at 2 p.m. For more information log on to shelllakefullgospel.com or simply easteralive.com and watch the trailers to get an idea of the passion and professionalism with which this story is told.

515095 44rtfc

by Diane Dryden SHELL LAKE - On the very first day of 1994, Shell Lake resident Jen Slater found herself the new worship leader at the Full Gospel Church. If you attend church - just about any church - you probably have a worship team now, so the job is pretty much routine: plan the music, pick the people ... Unless you’re Jen Slater. “I had a brother-in-law on my husband Dan’s side, and a sister-in-law on my side that were both worship leaders at their own churches and they were both doing an ‘Easter Alive’ passion play for Easter, so I thought, why not one here?” said Slater. “After all, it was only January and we had plenty of time.” Slater said they managed to pull off their first play using coffee cans threaded with a light attached to an extension cord for spotlights and the budget was a whopping $300. It was a narrated play and they were pleased that 150 people came to see their production. Fast forward to the last year “Easter Alive” was produced, in 2009, to see that the audience has grown to over 1,800 and now over 80 actors - and the budget had grown to over $5,000, $800 spent on stage makeup alone. “We buy quarts of blood and jars of fresh scabs and tooth paint,” Slater noted. “We buy body bronzers so our end-of-a-long-winter local actors can look like they’ve just stepped out of the Holy Land and there are lots of paste colors that range from green to blue and green for various bruises and wounds. Not many people notice, but each time Judas comes on stage his makeup gets darker and more sinister.” Several years into producing this play, which was already becoming popular with audiences from several states, Slater, who writes and directs all the performances, left the narrative style and began telling the story of Easter from different points of view. If you’ve attended before you’ll remember there was John the beloved’s view, then Jesus’ earthly father Joseph’s view and James, Jesus’ brother, and then Mary and Martha

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Open House Saturday, April 30


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Location of Training:

SPOONER FIRE HALL 507 N. Summit St. Spooner, WI 54801

Open to the public at no cost. No preregistration required. Sponsored by Washburn County Emergency Management. 715-468-4730 533468 34r


2011 Washburn County Cultural Arts Day

Catriona Stroede peers through the sewing machine that she is using in a sewing lesson.

Field trip to the dentist Ally Jacoby, Lou, Lill and Emmie Bassett did a ventriloquist act in the drama category. The creative idea for Lou and Lill came about on the last snow day, and in two weeks they had their act ready for primetime.

Using a hand puppet, Dr. Bakkum is teaching Micaelyn Manning how to floss when the students at Faith Lutheran Day Care took a field trip to the dentist.

Mariah Skogstad laughs with Janell Sacharski, the judge in the foods review. The 4-H’ers were given a set amount of ingredients in which to prepare a meal. Junior Farmer Bridget Stroede played the violin for the music com- They are judged on the preparation and petition in the 2011 Washburn presentation. County Cultural Arts Day held Saturday, April 9, at the United Photos by Larry Samson Methodist Church in Shell Lake.

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Clara Ruport is posing as technician Lisa Carson is taking a picture of her smile. The procedure is used by the dental office for insurance reasons and to provide a before and after photo.

Photos by Larry Samson

www.iccpaonline.com 533415 33-36r,L 23-26a-e

Noah Lauterback poses for a photo after his checkup. A great smile is what it is all about. Dr. Bakkum and the staff at Green Valley Dental Care in Spooner hosted a field trip for the children at the Faith Lutheran Day Care on Thursday, April 7.


Publishers of: Indianhead, Wild Rivers North & South, Tri-County North & South Advertisers, Inter-County Leader & Washburn County Register Newspapers


by Diane Dryden DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - There is popular thought that more people would vacation if they could work while they were there. Some Type A people just have to keep busy, but they find it hard to find a cruise line that will allow them to work their way through weeks on the sea while making beds or helping in the kitchen. Andrea Hartwig, owner of Jene’s Antiques, and Marie Lawrence - recently retired and both of Shell Lake - along with Barb Geske from Siren and Lois Hultberg from Minnesota managed to find exactly the right mix of work and play this past February; they spent a week in the Caribbean working for a missionary. Valerie Stellrecht was born in Spooner and graduated from Spooner High School. She was a CMA missionary in Quito, Ecuador, for 27 years and now she’s been transferred to the Dominican Republic for the past three years, also working for the Christian Missionary Alliance Church. This denomination was

Valerie Stellrecht, Spooner graduate and missionary for the Christian Missionary Alliance Church for over 30 years. - Special photo originally formed as a cross-domination missions society back in 1887 and it has evolved into a major world evangelization movement and church-planting organization. Thirty-five years ago a church was started in the Dominican Republic and that is the island to which Stellrecht was reassigned when the CMA’s work was finished in Equador. Despite the damage done to Haiti’s half of the island last year, there was lit-

A working vacation

Marie Lawrence, Andrea Hartwig and Barb Geske spent their time on a working vacation in the Dominican Republic this winter. - Photo by Diane Dryden tle harm done to its other half, the Dominican Republic, or as the natives call it, the D.R. The differences between each half of the same island, that is more or less divided by a mountain range, is remarkable when you realize that each half speaks a different language and the D.R. has more people and more resorts and more tourists flocking in for the 83-degree days along with a host of sights to see, both natural and historical. Originally the island had two colonies on what they called Hispaniola. One was Spanish and the other French. Both brought thousands of African slaves to work the land and after years of war with each other and ownership by other countries, the two halves officially split and that is why in Haiti they speak a combination of French and African and in the D.R. it’s a derivative of Spanish.

It started with one woman The working vacation started with one woman, Lois from Minnesota, who had worked in Quito along with Stellrecht for many years in the academy as a teacher, librarian and principal. Lois wanted to visit the D.R. again but did not want to go alone so she asked Geske who had also been in Quito. Geske, although she lives in Siren, attends the Shell Lake Alliance Church and asked friends there if anyone else wanted to go along.

Lawrence and Hartwig signed up right away and, from the way they enthused, it’s doubtful they will never forget the trip. According to Geske, their chief job was to catalog 900 books in three locations. This meant the books had to be categorized, computerized and then a book plate added to the spine of each book. In between working on their project, Stellrecht made sure they did plenty of sightseeing. They stayed in the capital city of Santa Domingo with Stellrecht. The city is more or less toward the bottom of the island in the middle and then they visited all the sights and Alliance churches east, all the way to the Caribbean. According to Lawrence, “There were brightly colored houses everywhere and acres of sugarcane fields. Every house had a porch with rocking chairs on it for anyone to sit and visit, whether you knew the homeowner or not. There were also monuments and statues everywhere, most of them honoring the men who had political standing because of the many battles the little country fought to gain their independence.” Hartwig adds that the people were exceptionally friendly and they were all free with their hugs and kisses. She also noticed that there was virtually no one

smoking either indoors or out even though the capital boasts several cigar factories. “After our plane landed and Val was driving us to her house around 10:30 at night, there were people just standing around on the streets. They were just enjoying the beautiful evening and each other. Some were eating in the outdoor cafés and some were just enjoying the weather.” Barb remembered and pointed out the Bible signs everywhere. “When a bus or other public transportation would drive by there would be a Bible verse written on it or maybe something like ‘I love Jesus.’ Men are the ones who sell vegetables or cell phone cards or fruit like mangos, bananas, papaya, avocados or even coffee along the roadside while many women had jobs inside. For some reason it has always been easier for women to find jobs than men.” They were also introduced to a group from Delaware and New Jersey that were teaching prostitutes how to make jewelry or how to weave purses to give them a healthier option for earning money. There was also a Haitian village that they visited that was full of refugees. Between trips to the famous caves and the botanical gardens and the markets where they saw coconut jewelry and the D.R.’s famous blue stones, they also found a restaurant where they not only ate the local foods but even danced the merengue, the official dance of the county who claim it as their own. “One thing that was disappointing to me,” said Lawrence, “were all the chain businesses down there. We saw McDonalds, Wendy’s and Payless everywhere. Even the gas stations were Texaco and Shell. They even had the Swedish store, IKEA. Come to find out, the D.R. is also the place the Dodgers, Astros and Pirates go for spring training. There are also many academies that teach baseball to the young men. They take baseball seriously down there. ” This wasn’t the first time out of the country for these women because when you counted up where they each had been they covered Ethiopia, England and Norway, Mexico and Equador and all the states including Alaska. But this one will always be at the top of their list because they were with friends and they had some work to do between trips into the countryside. Hartwig summed it up when she said it was like “one long pajama party.”

Third-annual Piano Festival hosted by the Shell Lake Arts Center

Mariah and Bryce Carroll are two very talented musicians from Spooner. They were selected for the master class and gave a performance at the recital held at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 9. It was the third-annual Spooner senior Brittany Gormong was one of five Piano Festival hosted by the Shell Lake Arts Center. students selected to be a master class participant. Bryce is 11 years old and Mariah is an eighth-grader. To be selected the students had to apply and pro- They are home-schooled. vide a demo recording. They were selected by Dr. Roger McVey who conducted classes during the RIGHT - Lampson Laker Katie Pearson is playing day. The very talented student will be traveling to the piano in the music competition. Only 8 years old, Stevens Point on Saturday, April 16, to participate she has a bright future in music as she earned a blue with her teammate in the state Destination ImagiNa- ribbon for her performance. — Photos by Larry Samtion. son



Softball highlights


Seconds after sliding into home, Carly Meyers looks at the umpire to see if she was safe; she was.

Junior Emmalee Statz continues the tradition of the ruby red shoes. The tradition goes back to when Max Smith played baseball, he handed it down to Molly Schmidt and she passed it to Statz.

Photos by Larry Samson

Jessica Irvine gets tagged just as her foot is coming down on third base.

Kayla Blazer rounds second as she heads for third and home in a park home run against Clear Lake. Shell Lake won their home opener 15-6 on Thursday, April 7.


Baseball Thursday, April 14: At Prairie Farm, 5 p.m. Friday, April 15: At Birchwood, 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 18: Vs. TL/Clayton, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 19: At Unity, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: At Clear Lake, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 28: At St. Croix Falls, 5 p.m. Friday, April 29: Vs. Siren/Webster, 5 p.m. Softball

Friday, April 15: At Birchwood, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 19: Vs. TL/Clayton, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 21: Vs. Cumberland (DH) 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: At Clear Lake, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 28: At St. Croix Falls, 5 p.m.

Freshman Hailey Flach has stepped up to the challenge and has taken her position behind the plate. That is a lot to ask of a freshman but she is up for it.


Friday, April 29: Vs. Unity, 5 p.m. Monday, May 23: Vs. Clear Lake, 5 p.m.

Track Thursday, April 14: At Spooner, 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 18: Shell Lake High School meet, 4 p.m. SL, TL/Clayton, Cornell, New Auburn, Flambeau, Frederic, Prairie Farm, Ladysmith, Lake Holcombe, Grantsburg Tuesday, April 19: At Unity, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 19: JH at Siren, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: At Frederic, 4:15 p.m. Thursday, April 28: JH at Frederic, 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 29: JH at Shell Lake meet, 4 p.m. SL, Siren, Frederic, Luck, Prairie Farm, Spooner, Flambeau, St. Croix Falls

Carly Meyers tries to slide in to home plate as Shell Lake defeats Luck 163 in a home game Friday, April 8.


Auditions held for Intermezzo Club scholarship

Auditioning for the Intermezzo Club scholarship in the Junior Division back row (L to R): Reyna Stone, Cassie Skindzelewski, Emma Thomas, Sabrina Skindzelewski, Brie Clark, Adriana Oakland and Nathan Chastek. Sitting on the bench is Shonia Schaefer. Mariah Carroll was not present for the photo. Sabrina Skindzelewski earned the top scholarship. Shonia Schaefer and Chastek earned a partial scholarship to the arts center.

Auditioning for the Intermezzo Club scholarship in the Senior Division at the Shell Lake Arts Center are vocals in the back row (L to R): Rachel Temple, Ashley Oakland, Joseph Hendry, Emma Schara and Jessica Irvine. Instrumentals in the front row are (L to R): Abby Rankila, Andrew Dahlstrom, Brett Holman, Beth Bulgrin and Ethan Gormong. Gormong earned the top scholarship. Spooner High School sophomore Rachel Tempo sings “Ave Maria” for her audition, her accompanist and teacher is Destiny Schultz. The auditions were held Sunday, April 10, at St. Francis Catholic Church in Spooner.

Personalized Graduation Open House Cards 2 Different Sizes and 5 Accent Colors To Choose From

10 Sthyoloesse To C om Fr

Printe d In Full Color O Card Stock n

Photos by Larry Samson

Picture Release Forms May Be Needed. Check With Your Photographer.

These fit in an A-7 envelope which is included.

Minimum Order Is 24 Cards For All Designs Prices shown do not included $5 handling fee.

5" x 4" Cards 24 cards............................$15.00 48 cards............................$20.00 72 cards............................$25.00 96 cards............................$30.00

532534 21-28a,b,c,d 32-39r,L

5" x 7" Cards 1 Pic 2 Pics 3+ Pics 24 cards..........$22.00..............$25.00...............$30.00 48 cards..........$32.00..............$35.00...............$40.00 72 cards..........$42.00..............$45.00...............$50.00 96 cards..........$52.00..............$55.00...............$60.00

Ashley Oakland sings “The Crucifixion” for her audition. She is a junior at Spooner High School. Her accompanist and teacher is Destiny Schultz.

These fit in an A-2 envelope which is included. These 4 cards fit inside most formal graduation announcements.



24154 State Rd. 35N Siren, Wis.


107 N. Washington St. St. Croix Falls, Wis.


11 West 5th Ave. Shell Lake, Wis.


Shell Lake eighth-grader Reyna Stone auditions with her flute. Her accompanist and teacher is Aimee Pashby.


Barron Electric’s 75th-annual meeting brings back memories

BARRON — Eight hundred and fifty members and guests attended Barron Electric’s 75th-annual meeting Saturday, April 2. Members had the opportunity to tour a historical display of appliances and items used before electricity, which were loaned by the Barron County Historical Society. Members enjoyed the Model T on display, which was owned by the late Wally Jerome, twin brother of cooperative founder Willis Jerome. Many members recalled using those items before there was electricity. Sen. Robert Jauch, D-Poplar, and Rep. Roger Rivard, R-Rice Lake, presented a Legislative Citation to the cooperative for their 75 years of service. Jauch said, “Barron Electric is a shining example of how collective action taken by Wisconsin’s citizens can provide needed goods and services in an efficient, economically sustainable and profitable manner.” Share Brandt, manager of the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association, discussed life before electricity. She said, “By the mid-1930s, 50 years after Edison’s first system, 90 percent of rural homes were without electricity in the U.S.” She talked about President Roosevelt signing the executive order which established the Rural Electric Administration in 1935. She encouraged members to stay informed about energy policy and contact elected leaders. Bill Berg, president and CEO of Dairyland Power Cooperative, discussed 2010 highlights and also echoed Brandt’s thoughts, “We need to ask elected officials to develop policies with the least rate impact, as well as developing the most reasonable new resources.” Dallas Sloan, general

Luverne Bjugstad, Barron, remembers his grandfather’s 1921 Model T. On loan from the Barron County Historical Society, the Model T was owned by the late Wally Jerome, twin brother of Barron Electric Cooperative founder Willis Jerome. Also pictured is Barron Electric’s Hybrid Digger Derrick truck.

Incumbents Barbara Holman, District 2; Scott Warwick, District 4; and Selmer Nelson, District 8; were all re-elected to Barron Electric’s Board of Directors. 5R Processors of Ladysmith collected more than 14 skids of appliances and electronics, which will be recycled. Confidential Records of Menomonie shredded 1,500 pounds of documents. The Barron County Care Closet collected nearly 400 personal-care items to give to those in need. Barron Electric linemen Tim Engel and Jeff Secraw were recognized for their help in saving a life last May, when they came upon an accident near Chetek. Sloan credited Engel and Secraw and said, “Because of their efforts, an individual went home to see his family.” Barron Electric gave 75 $50 electric bill credits. Tyler Sadowski of Chetek was the winner of the kid’s bike and helmet. The R Country Gals performed for the 11th time at Barron Electric’s annual meeting. — from Barron Electric

manager of Barron Electric Cooperative, demonstrated how the use of technology has increased reliability and efficiency and how technology has reduced outage time by nearly 50 percent since the 1970s. Selmer Nelson, Barron Electric’s president of the board, said, “The cooperative is financially sound and stable.” Nelson also reflected on a 1950s annual meeting where his mother was promoting the convenience of an electric clothes dryer.

Sen. Bob Jauch (L) and Rep. Roger Rivard (R) present a Legislative Citation to Barron Electric General Manager Dallas Sloan for the cooperative’s 75 years of service. — Photos submitted

Women’s golf at Butternut Hills

SARONA — The women’s golf league at Butternut Hills Golf Course will begin another season of play on Thursday, May 12, and each Thursday afternoon following until Sept. 15. Barron Electric linemen Tim Engel and Jeff Secraw were recognized for their There is an 18-hole league, which has help in saving a life last May, when they came upon an accident scene near tee times beginning at noon, and also a 9Chetek. hole league, which begins play at 12:45 p.m. Both groups are welcoming new

Spooner Area School District Summer School program

SPOONER — Spooner Area School District Summer School program takes learning to new heights. Summer school 2011 offers engaging, hands-on classes in academic and youth development. Pursue personal interests or brand-new challenges. Summer school will run June 13-30 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., MondaysThursdays for students 4 years old through 12th grade. Free breakfast and lunch will be offered in our elementary gym each day of summer school thanks to money from Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Breakfast serving begins at 8 a.m. Booklets with course descriptions and registration forms are now available in school offices and on the Web site spooner.k12.wi.us. Best-loved leaders are back in addition to some never-before experiences. Explore a river, theater, gardens and other surprise stops. Or check out HighTech Treasure Hunting, Messy Science, World Travel, Floor Hockey, Archery, Drama, Improv Games, Puppeteer-ing, Kindergarten Readiness, Spanish, Flying Things, multimedia, wildlife games and

crafts, gardening, sports, driver’s education and much more in this year’s booklet. Don’t miss this chance to take learning to new heights while connecting with new and familiar friends. Many talented, creative leaders have stepped forward to engage your child in hands-on learning activities guaranteed to enrich summer vacation. Dynamic leaders will help your child brush up on targeted reading and math skills using high-interest, fun techniques. Your child will experience learning in a deeper way than can be done during the regular school year since activities, including highly motivating materials, can be explored for longer periods of time. All children in the Spooner School District are welcome and encouraged to register. The deadline for class registration is Tuesday, May 10. Register early as class sizes are limited. If you have questions or would like to share your talents by volunteering, please contact Karen Collins, Spooner Area Community Education coordinator, 715-635-0243 or collinsk@spooner. k12.wi.us. — from Spooner Area Schools

members and invite you to join the fun. A spring luncheon with golf to follow is set for Thursday, May 5; a buffet salad luncheon will be served at noon followed by a short meeting and a round of golf. If you’d like more information, please call Mary Harrington, 715-468-7797; Judy Nelson, 715-635-6058; or Diane Downs, 715-468-4197. — submitted

We at the Washburn County Register are busy working on the 2011 Edition of

Shell Lake

D E S T I N AT I O N : 2011 Recreation Guide

A Visitors Guide to the Shell Lake Area.

Please contact Jackie, 715-491-0849 or Suzanne, 715-468-2314 by Friday, April 29, if you would like to be included. 533024 33-35r



Fanny Crosby lost her sight when she was just a child. But she didn’t allow her misfortune to bring her misery. She turned her trial into triumph, for out of her sightlessness came some of our sweetest songs. One day she wrote, Oh, what a happy soul am I! Although I cannot see, I am resolved that in this world Contented I will be; How many blessings I enjoy That other people don’t; To weep and sigh because I’m blind I cannot, and I won’t.

Contentment comes when we remember that what God chooses is far better than what we choose. Visit us at: www.TheSower.com

Anthony “Gene” Omernik

Anthony “Gene” Omernik, 82, longtime Montrose resident and businessman, died April 9, 2011, at the Montrose Memorial Hospital. Gene was born and raised in the Grantsburg area. He is survived by his wife, Kay Omernik; sons Marc Omernik, Reno, Nev., Thomas Omernik, Montrose, David Omernik, Lakewood, Colo., and Stephen Omernik, Montrose; daughters, Susan Petranek, Durango, Colo., and Mary Kathryn Mathis, Montrose. A Memorial Mass will be held Saturday, April 16, at 10 a.m., at St. Mary Catholic Church in Montrose. The Crippin Funeral Home, Montrose, was entrusted with arrangements.

Loretta Mae “Lolly” Glessing

Loretta Mae “Lolly” Glessing, 86, Rice Lake, formerly of Barronett, died April 10, 2011, at Country Terrace in Rice Lake. She was born June 23, 1924, on the family farm east of Haugen to Adolph and Caroline (Posta) Stodola. Lolly was married Feb. 15, 1943, to Jack Glessing who preceded her in death on July 11, 1999. She was also preceded in death by her siblings, Irene, Jean, Albert, Adolph, Victor, Herman, Theodore and Ira. She was well known for her exceptionally good cooking and hospitality. Also for her ready smile, hardworking ways and generous nature. She loved gardening and her hope for the future was in the New World where she could have a big garden with no bugs. She is survived by daughters Sandra (Lynn) Linton, New Auburn, Judee Sweet, Wasilla, Alaska, Carol (Paul) King, Longmont, Colo., and Jackie Labbe, Cumberland; grandchildren Steve, Lisa, Kelly and Chris, Michael “Mack” and Miles, Rhonda and Rachel; numerous great-grandchildren; sisters Mardel Brunette, Dorothy Huerth and Evelyn Hauck; and brothers Donald and Richard. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, April 15, at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness, Spooner, with Nathan Glessing officiating. Burial will be in Shell Lake Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10-11 a.m. on Friday at the hall. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Dorothy A. Rylander

Dorothy A. Rylander, 82, Shell Lake, died April 4, 2011, at Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. She was born Sept. 26, 1928, in St. Paul, Minn., to Lambert and Lillian (Rogers) Honnef. Dorothy was married to Lester Johnson on June 14, 1948, and he preceded her in death on March 8, 1964. She was married in Shell Lake, on Feb. 26, 1977, to Bill Rylander. She is survived by her husband, Bill, Shell Lake; sons Harlan (Mary) Johnson, Shell Lake, Darryl (Wilma) Johnson, Barronett and Kevin (Terri) Johnson, Shell Lake; grandchildren Peggy (Jon) Bergrab, Albany, Ga., Mark Johnson, Shell Lake, Brad (Lindsay) Johnson, Clintonville, and Beth Johnson, Spooner; great-grandsons Eric and Luke Bergrab, and one on the way; step-

son Russell (Linda) Rylander, New Glarus; brothers Donald (Edith) Honnef, Kewanee, John (JoAnn) Nelson, Harrisburg, Pa., and Edwin (Linda) Nelson, Cedar, Minn.; sisters-in-law Eleanor Bingham, Winterhaven, Fla., and Gladys Mortensen, Duluth, Minn.; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends including special friend, Leona Olson, Spooner. Funeral services were held April 8 at Shell Lake United Methodist Church with the Rev. Gregory Harrell officiating. Burial was in Shell Lake Cemetery. Pallbearers were Brad Johnson, Mark Johnson, Dean Johnson, Scott Nelson, Stephan Honnef and Brian Nelson. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Raymond R. Mosier, 80, Shell Lake, died April 5, 2011, at Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. He was born Oct. 30, 1930, in Iowa to Elden and Ethel (Cox) Mosier. He was raised in Fox Creek and then moved to Racine as a young adult where he married and raised his daughters. Ray worked at Young Radiator in Racine for over 25 years, then at Wisconsin Struc-

tural Steel in Barronett, until his retirement. Ray was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Cynthia; and two brothers. He is survived by daughters Sherry (Scott) Eriksen, Cumberland, Melody (Bob) Stake, Sturtevant, and Amber (Norman) Trudeau, Ocala, Fla.; grandchildren, Desiree Moss, Amanda Moss, Jeffery Pedersen and Christopher Pedersen; step-granddaughters, Lori Lavota, Amy Champion, Kari Ceparski; and two greatgrandchildren. Memorial services will be held at 7 p.m., Friday, April 15, at Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, with the Rev. John Sahlstrom officiating. Friends may call from 5-7 p.m. on Friday at the funeral home. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Raymond R. Mosier

Louis Matrious Jr.

Louis Matrious Jr., 62, Shell Lake, died April 10, 2011 at Indianhead Medical Center. Friends may call after 7 p.m. at Lake Lena Community Center, Lake Lena, Minn., on Wednesday, April 13. Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 14, at 10 a.m., at center. A full obituary will be published at a later date. Online condolences can be made at www.swedberg-taylor.com. The Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home, Webster, was entrusted with arrangements.

William D. Fulton

William D. Fulton, 70, Spooner, died peacefully at his home on April 9, 2011. Arrangements are pending at this time. Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences may be offered at www.scalzo-tyalor.com.

Mary Stouffer Sterns

Mary Suzanne Stouffer Sterns died peacefully April 4, 2011, at the Foothills Country Hospice, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She was 80 years old. Sue was born Dec. 28, 1930, to Russell and Gladys Stouffer and was raised in Shell Lake. She is survived by daughter Cindy (Kevin) and grandsons Aaron, Matthew and Tanner Rakochery; son Larry and grandson Jack; and son Cam (Hallie) and grandsons Evan and Ryder and granddaughter Harlo.

Special services set at local churches

SHELL LAKE — During the Easter season area churches have announced special times and special services of worship and extend an invitation for you to join them. The Shell Lake Full Gospel Church will be presenting their Easter drama, “How He Loves, ” at 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, Saturday, April 16, Thursday, April 21, and Friday, April 22; and Saturday, April 23, at 2 p.m. On Easter Sunday an Easter breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m. with celebration worship at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 16, there will be Mass at 4:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Shell Lake; and at 6 p.m. at St. Francis de Sales Church in Spooner. Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:30 a.m. Mass will be held at St. Catherine’s in Sarona; with a 10 a.m. Mass at St. Francis. Holy Thursday service is at 7 p.m. at St. Francis. Good Friday service will be held at 1 p.m. at St. Joseph’s and 3 p.m. at St. Francis. Saturday, April 23, is Vigil at 9 p.m. at St. Francis. Easter Sunday services are: 8 a.m. St. Catherine’s, 9:30 a.m. St. Joseph’s and 11 a.m. St. Francis. Palm Sunday services at Salem Lutheran Church in Shell Lake are at 8 and 10 a.m. Good Friday services at Salem will be held at 7 p.m. Easter Sunday services are 8 and 10 a.m. with breakfast served between services. Maundy Thursday services will be held at 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake United Methodist Church.


The family of Grace Modrow thanks all who shared with us through cards, flowers, food, thoughts and prayers. We want to thank the Skinner Funeral Home, Salem Lutheran Church, Pastor Carol Ann McArdell, Tamara Smith and Hayley Hall. To all of you we express our heartfelt thanks for the words of comfort, the funeral service, the beautiful music and the luncheon. Grateful thanks to the staff of Terraceview Living Center for the caring home they gave to Grace during the past years. Also, thank you to Dr. Alan Haesemeyer for his medical care. Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Evelyn & Robert Miller & Family Lavern & Lois Modrow & Family Gloria & Gene Lindeman & Family 533693 34rp

A special Sunrise Service, led by the youth, will be held Easter Sunday, 6:14 a.m., at the shelter house at the Shell Lake beach. A breakfast will be held at the Shell Lake United Methodist Church at 7 a.m. with regular worship at 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday services will be held at 10 a.m. at Shell Lake’s Lake Park Alliance Church. The Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70, west of the DNR, extends an invitation to the cross to Exchange Your Chains with a Good Friday gathering on April 22 at 7 p.m., and to Resurrection Power Easter celebrating on April 24 at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. with coffee fellowship between services. Good Friday service will be at 7 p.m., on April 22, at Barronett Lutheran Church. The Sunday Easter service is at 9 a.m. on Easter Sunday. Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship, 320 West Messenger St., Rice Lake, invites area residents to a special event on Sunday, April 17, as part of their continuing 330th-anniversary celebration. Rethinking Passover is the topic to be given by Judy Barisonzi, vice president of the BHUU board of directors. The service is at 10:30 a.m. and will be followed by a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. and coffeehouse from noon to 3 p.m. — with submitted information


Dear Friends & Family I want to thank you all for the cards, phone calls and condolences I have received in the loss of my husband, Vic. What a wonderful community we live in. A special thanks goes out to Sue and Cindy at Hearts of Gold for all the help they gave to Vic and me during the last days. They are the best. Also to Joe and his staff at Shell Lake Pharmacy for making it so easy for getting what was needed for Vic. Most of all, to Denny and Rosalie, Zach and Candy and Donnie and Jess for spending the last 12 hours of Vic’s life with me, and helping me to cope with all that we went through that night. Your love for me and Vic will always be remembered. You are the most wonderful people I know, and I cannot thank you enough. We are bound together forever and I love you. 533648 34rp



Area churches Alliance

St. Francis de Sales

53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance


Northwoods Baptist W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 4 miles south of Spooner on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 7 p.m.


Faith Lutheran

Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm & Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday Thursday

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday: Celebration Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Jr. Kids Church: 10:30 a.m.; UTurn Student Ministries (7th-12th grades): 6 p.m.; Power & Light (2nd - 6th grades), 6 p.m. Tuesday: Compassion Connection: 7 p.m.


Barronett Lutheran

St. Joseph's Catholic

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books & Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

United Methodist 312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Praise and Worship 10:30 Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Lakeview United Methodist

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

Long Lake Lutheran Church


Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA 803 Second St., Shell Lake Pastor Carol Ann McArdell 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www. spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday: Sarona - 9 a.m.; Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Senior Menu

Monday, April 18: Turkey a la king, whole-grain biscuit, orangekissed beets, creamy fruit salad, milk, coffee. Tuesday, April 19: Beef pepper medley over brown rice, broccoli/cheese sauce, mandarin oranges, hot cross bun, milk, coffee. Wednesday, April 20: Maple-baked ham, mashed sweet potatoes, tossed salad, gelatin cake with topping, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, April 21: Spaghetti and meat sauce, Parmesan cheese, yellow beans, ice cream, garlic bread, milk, coffee. Friday, April 22: Closed. No meals. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715468-4750.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses:


Country Pride Co-op

511 1st Street • Shell Lake • Day or Night, 715-468-7871 Professional, Compassionate Service

331 Hwy. 63 • Shell Lake • 715-468-2302

Markers & Monuments See us on the Web at skinnerfh.com

Cenex Convenience Store: Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 6 a.m.-10 p.m.

Bush & Gilles FURNITURE

La-Z-Boy • Modern of Marshfield Chiropractic Mattresses Across from Hardee’s, Spooner


Shell Lake State Bank


Your Locally Owned & Controlled Bank Shell Lake: 715-468-7858 Spooner: 715-635-7858 Sarona: 715-469-3331

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


White Birch Printing, Inc.

Quality Printing for all your Commercial & Personal Needs 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis. 715-635-8147

Washburn County Abstract Company 407 N. Front St. • Spooner, Wis.

(715) 635-7383

Silver Shears Salon

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.



South End Of Spooner



7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun.

Downtown Shell Lake


Independent Duplexes for Seniors 201 Glenview Lane Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-468-4255

Washburn County’s Premier Funeral Home

For Appointment 715-468-2404

Your Community Newspaper

Shell Lake • 715-468-2314


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Scalzo & Taylor Funeral Home Andy Scalzo & Pat Taylor, Directors

306 Rusk St. • Spooner • 715-635-8919

Low turnout at budget hearing at Superior


SUPERIOR - Thousands were expected, but only a few hundred showed up at one of four public hearings on the proposed state budget held at Superior on Friday, April 8. "We have been very surprised and disappointed that not more would come and defend the budget," state Sen. and Democratic member of the committee Bob Jauch told WDIO TV. "Not because this is a debate, but I would like to hear the people speak. If they are not willing to speak against it (budget) then we should substantially change it." The meeting was originally scheduled to be held at Northwood School in Minong but was rescheduled to Superior due to security concerns. Of those who attended Friday's hearing in Superior, most testified against Gov. Walker's budget proposal. "They need to understand that my second-grade daughter came home devastated last night because we were told there would not be an elementary art teacher

Area Writer’s corner Fear of Storms

by Mary B. Olsen, Shell Lake

There may be someone in this world that can be in the midst of a storm and have no fear. Like those unique and daring people who hurry toward a tornado. I would be shouting to get away and take shelter. I wonder why people are willing to put their lives in jeopardy chasing storms. There may be some scientific reason or it may be to get rare pictures of storms. No, I am not at all like those few who dare to charge into funnel clouds. There are many kinds of storms. The other day, I was with some people who got together and told about the worst storms they can remember. It was fascinating to hear their recollections, from childhood memories, or as adults. We talked of slight tremors, from earthquakes, but no one had witnessed an actual earthquake. We have seen pictures on television news reports and heard of the recent earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan. These events took untold numbers of human lives, and the destruction is tremendous. People living in California experience earthquakes and I suppose they take it in stride and accept the possibility of these happening again. This is something we are fortunate not to have witnessed here. No one mentioned being afraid, when telling of remembered storms, but we understood that these events were fearful at the time. They described violent thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and one person told of being aboard ship anchored out at night in the Hawaiian Islands and watching an active volcano spewing red hot ashes and a flow of lava into the sea. Another told of twin tornados,

WCAHS receives donation

next year," said Hope Walker, middle school teacher at Spooner Middle School. "They need to understand from the schools, parents and teachers the results of this." The committee saw a low turnout at its Stevens Point hearing last Thursday, April 7, also. Hundreds turned out for their hearing held in West Allis Monday, April 11. One of the recurring issues at that hearing was school funding, with many parents saying they were worried about what the governor's education budget would mean for their kids. While the governor's budget would cut more than $800-million in state aid to schools, Walker has said his Budget Repair Bill will give schools and local governments the tools they need to absorb those cuts by reducing labor costs. But many school district administrators testified that they'd have to make additional cuts to make up the difference. When it comes to other local governments, Burling-

ton City Administrator Kevin Lahner said the governor's controversial collective bargaining plan would help cut costs and that life would go on with or without it. “Frankly, city employees will continue to plow the streets, arrest the bad guys and put out the fires as they have for generations. These activities have been completed in thousands of cities across the country for hundreds of years, some of whom have collective bargaining and some of whom do not." But Lahner called the plan "half a loaf," saying that because the governor did not include police and fire, he created a system of "haves and have-nots" within the public employee workforce. The committee was scheduled to hold its final hearing in Neenah on Wednesday, April 13. - with information from Wisconsin Public Radio, WDIO.com

an event that occurred in Green Bay some years ago. Twins in Packer city? Anything is possible. One followed quickly by another, each a huge black tornado, tore through the city, damaging roofs, trees, large buildings, cars, everything in its path. Storms scare me. Last September I was aboard a tour bus on a trip to Nashville, Tenn. As we made our way down the mountain and approached the city, there was a downpour, and the cars ahead of us on the road were nearly swimming. You could see curtains of water spouting behind vehicles, and water thundered down the high rocky cliffs on both sides of the highway. We got to our hotel with no problems. We saw all the lovely flowers displayed for visitors and the nicely trimmed lawns. The rain had stopped. In the morning, after a pleasant time spent at the visitor’s center admiring the beautiful indoor waterway and the tropical trees and flowers, we were back on the road. Two days later we returned to that same hotel. During that night a heavy snow had fallen. This rarely happens in this city. Nashville had come to a halt. Stoplights were flashing red, or simply out. Traffic was stopped. As we prepared to leave, our bus slipped in the slushy snow against the overhanging roof of the hotel. Our bus driver took out the snow shovel he carried for emergencies and shoveled us out, and soon had us back on the road. The schools and stores were closed and the highways were empty of traffic, with many stranded vehicles along the sides of the roads. The southern drivers were not used to snow, apparently. They told on the news of the damage done in that city. One of the worst floods they ever had in Nashville occurred after that snowstorm, when the deluge overflowed the river there. All the lovely flowers we had seen and the lovely waterway and the visitors center had to undergo extensive refurbishing. The famous Grand Ole Opry theater was flooded and the nearby shopping mall. They have it back in operation now. My experience that probably gave me my fear of storms began with a storm a long time ago. There was a summer storm with a lot of thunder and lightning. They tell me lightning hit the very top of our roof and zigzagged through the house, accompanied by a large clap of thunder. I remember it, but I think I was only 5 years old. I was sitting on the kitchen floor building a tower with blocks, those little square kind. The thunder echoed through the house. My mother was nearby, sitting at the kitchen table. There was a heavy smell of sulfur, at least, afterward, that’s what my mother said it was. I didn’t see the lightning. But the whole kitchen glowed. The lightning passed

right over my head and into the bathroom through the open bathroom door. Then it traveled down the drain in the bathroom sink and to the ground. It was all over in seconds. We were all scared. The house was blue with smoke but we still had electricity. My dad went outside into the rain to survey the damage. There was discoloration at the top of the eaves. He came back in and then went up into the attic. He found no fire, only blue smoke. The drain the lightning chose to follow to the ground was scorched. My mother said it went right over the top of my head and I could have been killed if I had been standing. They say lightning is not supposed to strike twice in the same place. Someone should tell the lightning that. Our house was struck by lightning three times in that same place at the peak of the roof in that same house while I was living there and one time after I had left home. On the farm, we had lightning rods on the barn and they were effective. Actually, I am a bit more scared of thunder than lightning, because it is a promise that I had better watch out.

Environmental Book Club to be held

SARONA — The Environmental Book Club at Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, Sarona, will meet Thursday, April 21, at 5:30 p.m., at the Log Cabin on the hill. Be prepared by reading Bill Christofferson’s “The Man from Clear Lake: Earth Day Founder Senator Gaylord Nelson.” This is a “finely written biography that will appeal to virtually anyone with an interest in the history of the environmental movement, Wisconsin history or great individuals who had a profound impact on this country. Christofferson writes an insightful, yet easy to read novel that keeps the reader coming back for more,” Amazon.com reader review. In honor of Earth Day 2011, come join in the conversation, camaraderie and have a chance to check out the cabin. For more information contact Hunt Hill at 715635-6543 or program@hunthill.org. — from Hunt Hill

ARHA Amateur Rookie of the Year Award

Penny Dunn, (L), manager of Washburn County Area Humane Society, and Snickers, who is available for adoption at WCAHS, are shown with Pam Wisner, owner of Snags Bar in Spooner. Snags Bar raised $280 for WCAHS through proceeds of a gun raffle held during their indoor fishing contest and an ongoing meat raffle that is held at Snags. An additional $162 was raised when WGMO’s Dr. Dan offered to be at Snags as their Friday night mystery bartender on April 1. Dr. Dan chose to donate all his tips for that evening to WCAHS as well. — Photo submitted

The American Ranch Horse Association has announced Brenda Levine (Ullom), Baldwin (L), and Docos Lucky Playboy (Dillon) as winners of the ARHA Amateur Rookie of the Year Award. She is the daughter of Mark and Judy Ullom, Barronett, and the granddaughter of Lillian Ullom, Shell Lake. The award was presented in Lexington, Ky., on Feb. 19. The Rookie of the Year title is awarded to the first-year ARHA amateur member who has the most points accumulated on one horse in 2010. Levine earned the majority of her points in reining, cutting and reinedhorse events. Reining consists of a sequence of fast and slow circles, spins, flying lead changes, rollbacks and sliding stops. Reined-cow-horse work consists of reining work and then a series of required maneuvers to show control over a cow. — Photo submitted


Park Falls couple urges everyone to get ready for tornado season

PARK FALLS — Are you a severe weather survivor? Ask your friends and neighbors, they probably have a tale of the tornado that ripped through their community, or a story of a severe storm that brought down trees, knocked out power and pelted them with hail. In Wisconsin, we are all weather survivors. April 11-15 is Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin. It’s a great time to prepare for storm season and listen to the cautionary tales of the people who survived close encounters with twisters. If you go to the Web site readywisconsin.wi.gov you will view survival stories from across the state including Larry and Rita Krznarich from Park Falls. Last July 27, the Krznarichs were

camping on the Turtle-Flambeau Flowage between Park Falls and Mercer. Just after 7 p.m., their emergency weather radio alerted them that a tornado was coming. They immediately told campers nearby and everyone took cover. Larry was injured in the tornado but Rita and others were OK. Everything at the campsite was destroyed. “There was debris in chunks flying through the air,” said Rita. “If you’ve ever heard one tree fall you can imagine 50 trees all cracking and falling around you.” The Krznarichs believe that without the warning alert from their emergency weather radio, giving them the chance to seek cover, they would be dead. The early warning can save your life.

Emergency radios immediately alert you of severe weather or tornadoes headed your way. Wisconsin averages 21 tornadoes annually, and they can occur any time of the day or night but are most frequent between 4 and 9 p.m. In 2010, there were 46 tornadoes in the state, the second greatest yearly number on record. Fortunately, no one was killed, but 22 were injured. Those tornadoes caused nearly $30 million in property damage. In addition, the National Weather Service keeps you informed about storms. • Severe Thunderstorm Watch: Storms are possible in your area. • Severe Thunderstorm Warning: A thunderstorm with large hail and dam-

aging winds has been reported or indicated by weather radar. • Tornado Watch: Severe Thunderstorms with tornadoes are possible in your area. • Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Move to a place of safety immediately. Wisconsin will hold a statewide tornado drill on Thursday, April 14, from 12 p.m. It’s a great opportunity to practice what to do and where to go during severe weather. Be ready and live to tell your tale. Get an emergency weather radio for you and your family. — from Washburn County Emergency Management

The town of Lakeland had an amazing turnout for the election on Tuesday. More than half of the eligible voters in our township voted. I’m sure you know already that there were no changes on our town board. Our board members are: Bill Metnik, chairman; Don Lehmann, first supervisor; John Rieper, second supervisor; Marilynn Shaurette, clerk; and I am the treasurer. Thank you so much for getting out to vote. I would like to thank the election officials who helped with the election. They work long hours, greet everyone with a smile, and do their best to keep everything running smoothly. The election officials in our township are Pat Bruder, Bruce Holmes, Judy Lansin, Peggy Lueck, Lois Nickell, Sue Onderisin, and Dorothy Orth. The Meal with A-Peel, hosted by the Cumberland Memorial Hospital Volunteer Partners at Das Lach Haus last week, was a huge success. Several of the residents of Cumberland ECU were among the crowd enjoying the excellent food and fellowship. The residents rode over on the minibus, and after the meal Tonja took them for a sight-seeing tour of the area looking for geese, ducks and baby animals. They didn’t see many birds or animals, but did spot some geese and one sandhill crane. The residents who went for the outing were Irene, Lois, Dorothy, Marian P., Joyce, Shirley, Marie and Elsie. Do you realize that next Sunday is Palm Sunday? Time sure flies, doesn’t it? This Wednesday will be our last Lenten service of the year. We will be serving supper at 5:30 p.m., and the service will be at 7 p.m. Next week the Good Friday service will be at 7 p.m. That’s April 22. I hope you can join us this Wednesday for supper and the Lenten service. Pastor Todd’s sermons are excellent. It seems that we always get a little bit of a history lesson tucked into the sermon somewhere. Sunday school classes are still meeting on Wednesday evening at 4:30. Peg and

the kids have lots of fun learning and playing during the lessons. If you have little ones, bring them to the church at that time. They will be learning Bible stories and having a great time doing it. Barronett Lutheran Sunday school teachers and youth group leaders will be hosting a Lenten fair at 10:15 a.m. on Palm Sunday, April 17. All children in the Barronett area, whether they are members of our church or not, are welcome to come and join in the festivities. There will be several craft tables set up, and everyone will have a chance to make a work of art to take home. Of course there will also be food. Wouldn’t be a gathering at Barronett Lutheran if there wasn’t any food, would it? The community garage sale is rapidly approaching. It is Saturday, April 16, to be exact. It will be held at the Barronett Community Center, and will run from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. The women of Barronett Lutheran will have a booth again this year, and are still looking for donated items for that sale. If you have anything that you would like to donate, please bring it to the church by Wednesday evening. If you have any questions, you can give Peg Thompson or Gloria Gunderson a call. I hope you can make it to the garage sale. There will be all kinds of treasures there, and, of course, food. Members of the civic club are going to have a bake sale and pie and ice-cream social while the sale is going on. You certainly should be able to find something you just can’t live without. Terry Goodrich called to give me a lesson in foreign languages. He said that the Yiddish word for moocher is schnorrer. I’ll take Terry’s word for it, but I think that moocher is much easier to pronounce. He also mentioned that Elmer — last name will remain anonymous — who lives in Shell Lake and attends Barronett Lutheran Church, has promised him a spaghetti pie. Figured out who Elmer is yet? Terry said that he has had Elmer’s

sweet onion pie, thought it was very tasty, and is looking forward to the spaghetti pie. Being the moocher, Terry was interested in what we serve at our Lenten suppers. I told him that last week I brought corn chowder, and wished he would have come to taste it. He might come to our supper this Wednesday evening, but said that he was glad he missed last week because he knew that I would have been a little hurt when he told me that no matter how good my corn chowder was it couldn’t possibly be half as good as the chowder Agnes Vanek makes. Hmmm. He also told me that he made out like a bandit on Sunday. He went to a birthday party and took home lots of leftovers; found a cooler filled with dishes of sauerkraut and dumplings and other dishes with chicken and gravy left by some neighbors; and, last but not least, some other neighbors called and said that they had some brownies for him. Pat Sweet asked us to keep two other sisters in our prayers. Janice, who suffered a heart attack in Florida, is now back in Wisconsin and is doing better but still needs our prayers for her continuing recovery. And, Pat’s other sister, Carol, has been very ill, was taken to Rice Lake and from there to Marshfield to have tests

run so that the doctors can diagnose and treat her. Please remember both women in your prayers. I am very sorry to report that Bob Theese passed away this past week. Bob was born, raised, and spent most of his life in Barronett. He was confirmed at Barronett Lutheran. When he was very young, he decided that he wanted to be a truck driver, and spent a lot of time on the road, always driving big, fancy semis. Bob was a great dad, and loved his sons, Justin and Kevin. Bob was a friend of just about everyone in the area, and there are many touching and funny stories we can all remember about him. I was talking with Margaret Russell one time when his name came up, and she called him a sweet boy. I think he would have been a little embarrassed by that as he was about 50 years old at the time. But, I guess that was a pretty good description of Bob. He was an easygoing, pleasant man who made friends with everyone he met. As you probably know. Bob spent the last few years of his life in a courageous battle against lung cancer, and he left us much too early. He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. See you next time.

Friendship Commons by Theresa Sigmund

There wasn’t much new at a meeting for Friendship Commons. Having an advisory board was discussed. Wi-Fi is still pending. The garage sale will be discussed at our next meeting. The butterfly movie was canceled. A musical evening was tabled. The spring tea will be Monday, May 2. The center has been rented for April 17.

Universal Micro Self-Stick Notes

Informational meeting on composting food scraps from schools and institutions

SPOONER — An information meeting to discuss the challenges and opportunities of composting food wastes from schools, institutions and businesses will take place on Friday, April 15, from 45:30 p.m., at the Spooner Elementary School auditorium. Joe Van Rossum, from the University of Wisconsin-Extension’s Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center in Madison, will lead the discussion. According to Kevin Schoessow, area ag development agent for UW-Extension, and environmental specialist Jen Barton, Northwest Regional Recycling Control Commission of Burnett and Washburn counties, the purpose of this meeting is to allow participants to explore the pos-

sibilities of large-scale composting of food waste coming from local businesses and institutions. There are no doubt challenges in collecting and turning food wastes into a useable compost material. This meeting will be a dialog on how this might be done. In his role as recycling specialist, Van Rossum provides technical assistance to businesses, municipalities and community groups in the area of recycling and solid waste management. For more information, contact Schoessow at 715-6353506 or 800-528-1914 or Barton at 715-635-2197. The meeting is open to the public and there is no charge. — from UW-Extension

Some belated Cribbage scores are as follows: Don 838, Taylor 833, Bole W. 821 and Babe 811. Smear: Marv first, Virginia second and Jim third. Last week was Karen first, Marv second and Connee third. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

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Register Newspaper Office Will Be Closed The Morning Of Thursday, April 21 & All Day Friday, April 22. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Barronett by Judy Pieper


Oh what a beautiful morning, what a beautiful day! Yes, that’s what we find here in God’s country with Mr. Sunshine out, a little breeze and warm temps. Of course, with the snow about gone, I’m thinking back to my childhood with these conditions and the disappearing snow. Yes, all winter on Sundays my mother would get her big kettle out, along with all the ingredients, she would make vanilla custard ice cream. We had to be careful not to scorch that delicious yummy, and it was stirred very carefully till it was thick enough to take off the stove and let it cool. Now this was the real custard ice cream with milk, cream, eggs and others going into it. When it was cooled it was dumped into a manual ice-cream maker and then packed around with snow and salt and the job of turning and turning with the outcome of delicious custard ice cream for all to enjoy. But when the snow disappeared, it was the end of this treat. Sunshine and I made many, many buckets of this wonderful treat. So it’s hats off to my mother as she was making this delicious custard ice cream way before the restaurant that is now known for this treat. So move over, Mom had this recipe before you. Happy birthday wishes go out to Spencer Warren Stellrecht as he has his special day. Have a fun day, Spencer. Spencer is the little son of Barry and Neesha Stellrecht and turns 2 years old. He is the grandson of Don and Joann Stellrecht. Happy birthday wishes go out to Doug LaVeau on April 15. Have and wonderful day, Doug. Wedding bells rang 61 years ago for this wonderful couple. Do you want to know who this is? Well, it’s happy anniversary to Art and Lenore Swan on April 15, with many more to come. Happy birthday wishes to Sandy Atkinson on her special day, April 16. Have a wonderful day, Sandy. Noah Skluzacek, we wish you a very happy birthday on April 17 with lots more ahead of you. A very happy birthday to a very special little girl who turns 4 years old April 18. Yes, it’s little Charlotte Ann Odden. Charlotte is the little daughter of Tyler and Becca Odden and the great-granddaughter of Charlotte Thompson and the granddaughter of Greg and Cheryl Odden. Have a fun day. Happy birthday to a special guy, Bob Lawrence, on April 19. Have a great day Bob! Bob loved to fish and in years gone by my Sunshine and Bob loved to fish catfish, build a fire and make supper right on the bank of

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Sam Mayer and Andrew Berlin are pleased to announce their engagement. Sam is the daughter of Don and Liz Mayer, Bloomer. Andrew is the son of Art and Sue Berlin, Shell Lake. Sam manages the Anytime Fitness Center in Colfax. Andrew is finishing his master’s of vocational rehabilitation counseling and evaluation at UW-Stout. A Sept. 10, 2011, wedding is planned to take place at the farm of Don and Liz Mayer with a reception to follow. — Photo submitted

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gether with the pheasant that has made her home at the Fjelstad’s all winter where they were fed. Well now, those two pheasants went off together and they haven’t been seen since. Kris thinks they are on their honeymoon. Thursday Gladys Knoop and Cherie and Emily Dorweiler visited at the Fjelstad’s. Friday Gladys Knoop visited again along with Greg and Cherie Dorweiler, Tyler and Emily. Saturday Kris visited Judy Leonard, taking along some homemade chicken soup, as Judy was under the weather. Saturday Bob visited Marv and Gladys Knoop and Gary and Sue Peterson while Kris was making goodies up for after church services on Sunday morning. Sunday the Lakeview Methodist followers enjoyed the healing service. Kris tells me her daughter, Mona Myers, has been very ill this past winter with one thing after another. Kris has started making the rounds in her property getting things in line for a beautiful lawn. Thursday Kris visited Diane Hulleman who isn’t feeling very good with the shingles. Talking about shingles, I had quite a runaround when I tried to get the shingles shot. Prices were from $281, $252, $249 and $225. I’m wondering why there is such a difference in these clinics. Well I called the one that was $281 and talked to a regisered nurse and she said it was $238 and with my insurance I only have to pay $6. So I got the shot now so hope I’m protected. At some of the clinics you have to be put on a waiting list. Where I got my shot they only had two shots left and they have to wait for more to come in and they don’t make a lot of this serum. Sunday Robyn and Robin Major and sons Christopher and James came to spend time with Bernard and Sandy Redding. Sunday Sonny Meister and his little son, Kevin, came to spend the day with Carl and Betty Meister. That Kevin is his grandma’s little boy and the apple of her eye. Saturday night my weather radio went off near midnight. It was a bad storm near Butternut. Yes, it’s that time again to make sure those weather radios are plugged in as it’s on to bad storms or tornadoes. My little Rory I swear is half human or maybe a little more. We had a lot of mud puddles in our yard and of course that’s the first place he goes plutching through. Ya, just like a kid wading those puddles. Table Talk: If you were to live in a different time than now what would it be? Maybe a cowboy time, etc. Chad Jensen was the lucky hunter winning a gun and Sunday he was up to Diane Hulleman’s trying it out. Congratulations Chad. Last Sunday, Butch and Loretta VanSelus took in the performance of the Northwoods figure skating show and Loretta tells us they did a fabulous job. Peter Biver was also there and Loretta says he really can skate and did some skating in the show. Peter is the son of Ted and Judy Biver of Rice Lake. Way to go, Peter! Talking with Evelyn Melton we find that her birthday was April 8 and a couple from their church came and took them out for supper at Riverstreet and they all went back to the Melton’s house where they enjoyed cake and ice cream and played cards. Sunday Vicki Trott and Peggy Vesta were at Cecil and Evelyn’s playing cards. Allan Melton also brought over lunch for his folks, the Cecil Meltons. The following was told to me and it’s very hard to not get tears. This was told to me by Karen Vanderhoof. Karen was on the voting committee election Tuesday. Karen told me she was so happy and proud to see her dad, Marv Knoop, despite in great pain as he made it up to the town hall and voted. A good memory, Karen. Beth Crosby tells us Sunday night supper guests at her and Garry’s home were Shorty and Melissa Crosby, Tyler and Katie Ann, Tom and Sunshine Crosby, Isaac, Josie and Alycia, Judy and Greg Leonard, Chuck and Dixie Andrea, Gene Crosby and Robin and Jerry Denver. Beth tells us their son, Chad, is feeling some better and Tuesday he will be going to St. Mary’s Hospital for more tests. Please keep Chad in your special thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!


Cats for adoption: 1-year-old spayed shorthair gray/black/brown tiger; 5-year-old neutered snowshoe; 2-year-old male gray/white shorthair tiger; 3year-old neutered orange/white shorthair; 3-year-old male gray shorthair; 8-month-old male white/tiger shorthair; 1-year-old female black/white shorthair; 3-month-old shorthair tortie; two 11-week-old orange/white male shorthair; two 12-week-old orange/white shorthair; 1-year-old female dilute calico shorthair; 8-month-old female gray/cream tiger and 4-year-old female gray/white shorthair and her five 5-week-old kittens. Dogs for adoption: 2-year-old neutered brown/white pit bull/boxer mix; two 9-month-old neutered Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix brothers; 11/2-year-old spayed chow/retriever mix; 2-year-old neutered walker hound/Lab mix; 2-year-old male chocolate Lab/rott mix; 3-year-old spayed black/brown min pin mix; 11-month-old female chocolate Lab mix and a 1-1/2-year-old black spayed shepherd/collie mix. Visit www.wcahs.com for upcoming events.

the lake or river. Bob and Sunshine were very close and I know he misses Sunshine very much. So Bob, this year you catch one every night you go catfishing, just for your brother. Happy birthday to Chad Stellrecht on his special day, April 19. Many more to you, Chad. It’s a very happy birthday to our Dewey Country nurse, Diane Hulleman, to Paige Skluzacek and to a great-nephew Rich Feeney, all on April 20. May you all have a wonderful day. News from the election held April 5 in our township finds Mark Knoop, with 117 votes, will be the chairman, board members Jim Toll 73, Phil Scheu 99, Gary MacKensie as a write-in 37 votes, Bill Holden our treasurer 119, Pam Brown our clerk 122 and John Biver our assessor 119. A total of 126 people voted. They ran out of paper ballots so the people had to use the voting machine. Good luck to our great township board. Serving on the election board were Karen Vanderhoof, Sandy Redding, Roxie Spaulding, Myrna Atkinson and Ann Johnson. Thanks ladies. Two Dewey Country farmers have sold their bossies so far this spring. I hear in the wind one more is probably coming up. We’re sure getting low on dairy farmers in our township. Talking with Annette Petersen she tells us her honey and she are now grandparents. Yes, it’s congratulations to Bethanna and her little girl, Iliand Margareta, who arrived Sept. 11 and to their daughter Rebekah who also had a little girl, born Dec. 1. Rebekah named her little girl Athena Iola. At this time the girls live together in Eau Claire with Bethanna going to school and Rebekah looking for a job. Congratulations to the grandma and grandpa and their daughters and the little girls. Wow and wow! Yes, that’s all I have to say about those high fuel costs with regular unleaded gas at $3.899/10 and diesel at $4.12-9/10 per gallon. We certainly see much higher prices, especially in the food industry but everything you buy is going up way too high. And they tell us there’s no end to these high prices for everything including fuels. Oil prices per barrel were $112 on Friday. Talking with Marv Knoop we find him in much better spirits. I asked Marv how he was feeling and his answer was, “With my hands.” Yes, he says he’s in much better spirits now and he’s had a lot of company. Keep it up Marv. News from the Fjelstad Palace finds Monday Bob and Kris visited Marv and Gladys Knoop and Gary and Sue Peterson. Wednesday, Kris attended the Clam River Tuesday Club meeting at Lida Nordquist’s where they all enjoyed a potluck lunch. Later they each got a gift for Easter from their secret pal and later played Bingo, which I understand was really fun. Thursday Jim Toll visited Bob and Kris and brought a pheasant rooster to release on the Fjelstad’s property so he could join to-

715-635-2936 238 Walnut St. Spooner, Wis.

LIMITLESS PG-13 Daily: 7:00 p.m. Matinees Sat. & Sun.: 1:00 & 4:00 Thurs., April 21: 1:00

PG Daily: 7:10 p.m. Matinees Sat. & Sun.: 1:10 & 4:10 Thurs., April 21: 1:10

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats


Dewey Country by Pauline Lawrence

by Marian Furchtenicht

by Helen Pederson

April 6 and we woke up to clear skies and temps in the 40s and 50s. Saturday was a great day with temps in the 80s. Easter is fast approaching with Palm Sunday next Sunday. We hope you are well. Sympathy to the family of Dorothy Rylander, 82, who passed away last Monday. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Friday, April 8. There used to be a Rylander School on Hwy. J many years ago. It was good to see Lois and Lavern Modrow in church on Sunday. They were here for the funeral of Lavern’s mom, Grace Modrow. They spend winters in Punta Gorda, Fla. Visiting with Peder Pederson over the weekend was son Curt and Martha Pederson, Daniel and Derek. Daniel has been on a trip to Greece and spoke and sang at United Pentecostal Church on Sunday morning and also showed slides. Cheri and Steve Minot drove to Eau Claire on Sunday to visit twins Michelle and Tanya who are attending school

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen

Marlene Swearingen visited Gerry and Donna Hines recently. Clam River Tuesday Club met April 6 at the home of Lida Nordquist. The next meeting will be May 4 at the home of Trudy DeLawyer. The gathering will begin with a potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m. Baxter, Celie and Larry Mangelsen were weekend guests of Hank and Karen Mangelsen. Other visitors at various times over the weekend were Grace, Hannah and Jake Mangelsen, and Mandy, Patty and Dave Close. Ronda and Maynard Mangelsen went to Ortonville, Minn., Saturday to see Ronda’s mother. They also visited several of Ronda’s sisters and their families. Donna Hines, Karen Mangelsen, April Close and Lisa Swenson went to the play “Little Women” at the Theater in the Woods in Shell Lake Sunday afternoon. Kristen Sexton was one of the actresses in the production. Dylan Longhenry was a Sunday visitor of Maynard and Ronda Mangelsen. Nina and Lawrence Hines visited Don and Lida Nordquist Sunday evening

there, in the medical field. A few people attended the Lenten ecumenical services Wednesday at the Methodist church including Judy and Myron Bolterman. Happy birthday to Evelyne Olson who celebrated her 95th birthday with a party at the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon. Roger and Mavis Flach took in the high school softball game on Thursday and Friday afternoons. The team won both games. Granddaughter Hailey is a catcher for Shell Lake. Congratulations to the team and coach. On Saturday night it was a sleepover at Mavis and Roger’s for grandchildren Maddy, Blake and Hailey. That sounds like a good time for the kids. Mavis Flach worked at the election on Tuesday at the Barronett Town Hall. Lillian Ullom attended the party for Evelyne Olson and spent some time at T.L.C. visiting some friends. She usually goes once a month.

Was hb ur n Co un ty

Register n ewsp ap er



Saturday, April 16,

SAT., APRIL 16, 2011 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

We are also having a bake sale with pie & ice cream. This is the place to find the items that you can’t live without. The lunch counter will be open so treat yourself to a nice lunch.

For more information or to reserve a space call 715-822-2118 Hosted by the Barronett Civic Club

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Just off Hwy. 63, Barronett, Wis.

Talking with Arlys Santiago she had talked to her brother, Alvin Olson, who lives in Ocala, Fla. He had two stents put in last week and is doing well. We’re thinking of you Alvin. Happy birthday to Pastor Carol Ann McArdell who observed her birthday on Sunday with birthday cake at Salem. Pat Parker served cake and ice cream to the tenants here and her family. Birthday greetings to Pat. I hear Pastor Will Mowchan has moved from Trinity in Spooner to Pilgrim Lutheran in Superior where my daughter, Susan, and Larry are members. Congratulations to Hailey Flach who got a tom turkey on Saturday. Good for you Hailey, who has shot a turkey four years in a row. A good aim in life isn’t enough; you have to pull the trigger. Have a good week.

Raising funds for the Washburn County Relay for Life

Garage Sales at the Barronett Community Center

away on Jan. 30. Ed will be remembered for his diligent work ethic, positive attitude and kind heart. The funeral was held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Haugen on Friday. Les and Sandi Vogt are excited about 9-year-old grandson Cody taking fourth place in the Minnesota state wrestling in his weight class. He goes on the national finals to be held Good Friday at Wisconsin Dells. Good luck and our congrats to him. Elaine Ryan was in Rice Lake on Saturday to help 3year-old grandson Henry and her daughter, Danelle Baker, celebrate their birthdays. Mary Krantz and I attended the wake for Dorothy Rylander on Thursday. In the evening, Elfreda West and I joined some others at Sarona Methodist working on the 100-year reunion coming up in August. Beware of break-ins in our area as there has been reported of such in an unoccupied home recently. Elfreda West went with daughter, Ellen, to the Festival on Ice to watch great-granddaughters Madison, Kennedy and Riley Glaze perform. Elfreda West’s sister, Judy LaRonge, Stone Lake, was down and they went together and visited their brother, Roger and Janet Larsen, in Rice Lake one day. Carolyn West, Mary Krantz and I visited at Bobbi Bailey’s after our class dinner on Thursday to see her place at Lakeland Manor. Also had a nice visit with resident Ed Starkey while there. Remember, income taxes are due this weekend. Happy birthday to Liz Gargalak, Terry Magnes, Maranette Church and Bradley Thomas, April 14; Dan Thompson, David Irvine, Greg Thompson, Julie Morevec, and Cassidy Quinton, April 15; Ron Duch, Kim Crosby, Marie Albertson, Nathaniel Wingler, Liz Nelson and Craig Furchtenicht, April 16; Chuck Mortensen, April 17; Donna Ness, Tim Cusick, Eric Jensen and Charlotte Odden, April 18; Gayle Chowaniak, Brian Westlund and Kyle Milton, April 19; Zach Myers, Marlene Morevec, Kay Kubista and Janice Organ, April 20. Happy anniversary to Art and Lenore Swan, April 15; Bill and Delores Twining, April 16; John and Marlene Morevec and Pastor Chuck and Sharon Wendt, April 19.


Sarona United Methodist Church Friday, April 15, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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533853 34rp

Heart Lake

Grill in Shell Lake to eat on Thursday with 20 attending this time. Snowbirds are returning. Ray and Gurene Smith brought us each a fresh grapefruit from Texas. Carolyn West brought pretty colored Easter eggs, using silk material scraps she had gotten from the tie factory in Chippewa Falls. She said that’s where Jay Leno buys his neckties. The memorial card of classmate Elaine Durand Evan of Des Moines, Iowa, was passed around with her picture and obit. She passed away March 6 and was the mother of nine children. Classmates extend sympathy to her family. Renee Zimmerman and Cathy Arneberg enjoyed a five-day vacation in Cozumel, Mexico, recently. Marilyn and Renee Zimmerman attended the bridal shower for niece and cousin, Ashley Stodola, held at her folks Ivan and Linda’s on Saturday. She will be marrying Levi Johnston on May 14. Monday night Marilyn Zimmerman attended the Rice Lake Lakeview Medical Center’s employee personnel banquet held at Lehman’s Supper Club. Gloria Frey and sister Joann Paulson fixed soups and sandwiches, cheese tray and birthday cake for a birthday get-together for their mom, Dorothy Foltz, who turned 98. The party was held in the activity room at the convalescent center in Rice Lake with about 25 family and also friends from the center helping her celebrate Sunday evening. While there, the tornado siren alarmed and they had to wheel out the residents only for about five minutes until all cleared. Birthday wishes, Dorothy! Marlene Hansen reports son-in-law Karl Okonek got home from his tour in Guam and he and Krista and Jayden are coming here to visit this coming weekend. Dave and Cathy Stodola, Hudson, were up last weekend at his mom’s, Virginia Stodla’s. Virginia attended Grace Modrow’s funeral service on Monday and the Lenten service at Shell Lake Methodist Church on Wednesday. Sympathy to the family of Sharon Butterfield, Sarona. She was a very nice person and was very active in the Long Lake Lutheran Church. She always had a smile and a kind word for everyone she met and will be dearly missed. Sympathy to the family Ed Kinnick, Haugen, 80, well known by many as he owned and operated Haugen Oil Station since in the 1960s. His wife of 51 years passed

533249 23b,cp 34rp

Sponsored by the Lake Mall Walkers Relay for Life Team.


RUMMAGE SALE U n ite dMe th o d istC h u rch 3 1 2E lm S tre e t,S p o o n e r T h u rsd a y ,A p ril1 4 ,3 to 7 p.m. F rid a y ,A p ril1 5 ,8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

$1.00 bag sale begins noon on Friday Lunch will be served We have a featured “BOUTIQUE” room of finer clothing and other items.

533437 23bp 34rp

The snow has all but disappeared this past week with the moderate temps. Just a few spots of white here and there in shaded areas. Ice is black on the lakes, peepers are peeping, red-winged blackbirds are singing away, turkey toms are beginning to gobble, bear have been seen by several; velvet like catkins having sprung from the willow branches and pretty little purple and yellow crocuses have emerged in the flower beds. The lawn even turned green overnight after the Saturday night showers and rummage sales are starting! Spring is an exciting time. The Sarona United Methodist Church folks are having their spring rummage sale Friday, April 15, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, April 16, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Big Ripley Trekkers Relay for Life team members have been busy distributing flyers and asking for donations for their fundraiser to be held at the Getaway on CTH D Saturday, April 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. The team is led by Cindy Bauman. There will be a paddle auction and raffles at the event, along with food. All proceed go to the American Cancer Society. Sympathy is extended to the family of Dorothy Rylander, 82, Shell Lake, who died quite unexpectedly. A TOP friend, Brenda Zaloudek, reported that Dorothy joined TOPS in 1966 and had been a loyal and dedicated member for 45 years and always had a smile for all of them. In 2010 she had reached her goal and became a KOPS and was so happy to be the club top queen last year. Her friends at TOPS will really miss her and send their sympathy to her family. The TOPS Club 232, Spooner, meets at the Spooner Senior Center at 6 p.m. on Wednesday nights and have about 18 active members and year to date they have lost 61 pounds and last year lost 193 pounds. They are all there with one goal, to maintain and lose. They welcome new members. The spring general election brought out 105 voters at the Sarona polls. Paul Hagan is on for supervisor replacing Wayne Berman who didn’t run. Otherwise the board stays the same. Canvassers must be still working on the recount in the close race for our state Supreme Court between JoAnne Kloppenberg and David Prosser. Haven’t heard who got the honors. At the Sarona polls Prosser was the leader. The Spooner Class of 1950 met at Lakeview Bar &

533224 23b,c 34r




FSA farm storage loan program available to producers

St. Francis de Sales School Honor Roll

Sixth-grade B honor roll: Audrey Blonk, Sophia DelFiacco, Rachel Medley. Seventh-grade A honor roll: Kayla Kielkucki. Lauryn Olson-Byrnes, Jacob Sacco. Eighth-grade B honor roll: Brie Clark, LaShanda Mays, Ryan Silvis, Alex MacDonell-Pippin.


Nick Rai, owner, Vishav Hotels, Inc., d/b/a American Best Inns & Suites, 331 Hghway 63 S., Shell Lake, WI 54871, requests a conditional use permit for Pt. SE NE, L 1, CSM V 18, Pg. 42, S35-T38N-R13W, City of Shell Lake to a utilize a 16-foot x 20-foot area, within the existing structure for bar/lounge area. Zoning District: Industrial-Light (I-2). Zoning Ordinance Section 13-1-60 through 13-1-70 Conditional Uses. A public hearing will be held on this matter Monday, May 2, 2011, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 533105 33-34r WNAXLP


Applications are currently being accepted from learning-focused, creative and dynamic candidates for a fulltime Human Services Associate instructor at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College New Richmond Campus. The Human Services Associate program trains individuals to provide information, support, care and advocacy in a human service agency. The Human Services Associate instructor will prepare students to assist professionals in areas such as psychology, rehabilitation or social work. Primary responsibilities include curriculum development and instruction, fieldwork coordination and oversight, academic/club advising, program promotion/recruitment, and active participation in related divisional, collegewide and external initiatives. Qualifications include: Master’s Degree in Social Work or Human Services OR Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or Human Services with a Master’s Degree in a related field & minimum of two years’ occupational experience. Application Deadline: April 18, 2011


For a complete list of qualifications and to apply visit our Web site at www.witc.edu/employ TTY:711 533613 23a-e 34r,L

WITC is an equal opportunity/access/employer and educator.

(April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, assignee of Royal Credit Union, Plaintiff, vs. Jacqueline K. McSweeney, nka Jacqueline K. McSweeney; John Doe Eastman, Unknown Spouse of Jacqueline K. Eastman, Defendants. Case No. 10-CV-215 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure made in the aboveentitled action on November 29, 2010, I will sell at public auction in the north entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse, located at 10 Fourth Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871, on June 1, 2011 at 10:15 a.m., all of the following described premises, to wit: Lot one (1), block seven (7), and lot two (2) excepting the east six feet (6), block seven (7), City of Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin. Tax Key No. 65-282-2-38-1325-5 15-530-536500 THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or Cashier’s Check (10% down payment at sale, balance due within ten (10) days of court approval). Dated at Shell Lake, Wisconsin, on April 1, 2011. /s/Terrence C. Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County, Wis. BASS & MOGLOWSKY, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff The above property is located at 121 1st Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. Bass & Moglowsky, S.C., is a law firm/debt collector representing a creditor in the collection of a debt that you owe to said creditor. We are attempting to collect such debt and any information obtained from you will be used for that purpose.

533472 WNAXLP

Third quarter Fifth-grade A honor roll: Laura Medley. Fifth-grade B honor roll: AJ Christner, Austin Eggert. Sixth-grade A honor roll: Anna Emerson, Adeline Paffel.

The Classifieds

EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $3.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or e-mail your ad to wcregister@centurytel.net. Advertising deadline is Monday at noon. ADOPTION PREGNANT? Fun, happy couple looking to adopt. We would cherish the chance to show your child a lifetime of love! Call 888915-2525 LCFS License 012998 (CNOW) AGRICULTURAL/ FARMING SERVICES Morris Grain Company offers the lowest wholesale AG Chemical prices around! Great shipping rates to your door! Call 1-800-872-2501 or www.morrisgrain.com (CNOW) HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. Training provided. www.KTPGlobal.com or call 1888-304-2847 (CNOW)

(Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 13) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT N. COOMBS DOB: 2/16/1937 Amended Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 09 PR 33 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth 2/16/1937, and date of death 7/10/2009, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of N3765 Cranberry Road, Shell Lake, WI 54871. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is July 19, 2011. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Marilynn E. Benson Probate Registrar March 21, 2011 Dale Coombs 2744 Red Fawn Court Racine, WI 53406 262-886-1108

AUTOMOBILE DONATION DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 GROCERY COUPON. NOAH’S ARC Support NO KILL Shelters, Research To Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, Non-Runners Accepted 1-866912-GIVE. (CNOW) HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVER Driver- New Trucks + Flexible Days Off + Paid Daily. Looking for Drivers who are Looking for Miles + Full Benefits. CDL-A. 3months recent experience required. 800-414-9569. www.driveknight.com (CNOW) New Pay for Company Drivers & Contractors Earn More Now! Regional Runs, Excellent Miles, Weekly Hometime, New Equipment. CDL-A, 6mo. Experience required. EEOE/AAP 866-3224039 www.Drive4Marten.com (CNOW)



Notice Is Hereby Given That The Beaver Brook Board Shall Hold Its Annual Meeting On Sat., April 16, 2011, At 9 a.m. At The Beaver Brook Town Hall Nancy Erickson Town Clerk

533692 23b 34r

CLAM RIVER CEMETERY MEETING Sat., April 16 7 p.m. Dennis Swan’s 533824 34rp


Washburn County Forest is soliciting quotes for a 5’x16’ floating dock with ramp, installed at Totogatic Park, Minong, WI. Quotes are due April 22, 2011, at 4 p.m.

WASHBURN COUNTY FOREST 850 W. Beaverbrook Ave. Spooner, WI 54801


533884 34-35r


You Are Hereby Notified That The Annual Meeting Of The Shell Lake Co-Op Livestock Shipping Assoc., Shell Lake, WI, Will Be Held On Saturday, April 16, 2011, 1:30 p.m. At The Shell Lake Primary School For The Transaction Of Any Business That May Properly Come Before This Meeting There will be an election of one board member. There will be door prizes & lunch served. Dated: March 31, 2011 533553 Mark Thompson, President 23bp 34rp

Local Classififieeds

FOR SALE: Pine trees and lilac bushes, 4- to 10-foot lovely white pine, spruce and lilac bushes. Only $10. Located in Shell Lake. Must get rid of them! Will transplant if needed. 715-205-4424. 34-37rp SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc INTERESTED IN A CAREER WITH UNLIMITED EARNING POTENTIAL? Real estate sales might just be for you! Call Mike Dale at Edina Realty, 715-8581546. 34rc ICE-CREAM PAILS WANTED: 4 or 5 quarts, no lids. 50¢ per pail. Red Barn Berries. 715-205-4424. 34. 37rp COUNTRY CLEANING: Tired from a long day at work? Not enough time to take care of the housework? Hire Country Cleaning to alleviate that element of stress in your day. Call on someone reliable and efficient. Cabin cleaning, home cleaning and business cleaning. Please call Luda at 612-590-6350. 34rp FOR SALE: Very clean rye straw, $3. Shell Lake, 715-205-4424. 34-37rp

Subscribe online!

www.wcregister.net (March 30, April 6, 13) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Myrtle S. Featherly DOD: 8/09/2010 Notice Setting Time to Hear Application and Deadline for Filing Clams (Informal Administration) Case No. 11PR07 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth April 1, 1917, and date of death August 9, 2010, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 213 W 5th Ave., Minong, WI 54859. 3. The application will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Marilynn E. Benson, Probate Registrar, on April 14, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is July 7, 2011. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 6. This publication is notice to any persons whose names or address are unknown. Marilynn E. Benson March 21, 2011 Katherine M. Stewart P.O. Box 364 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-9081 Bar #1005716 532556 WNAXLP

maining final disbursement. The partial disbursement will be available after a portion of the construction has been completed. The final fund disbursement will be made when all construction is completed. The maximum amount of the partial disbursement will be 50 percent of the projected and approved total loan amount. The partial disbursement is only available on the portion already constructed. Applications for FSFL must be submitted to the FSA county office that maintains the farm’s records. A FSFL must be approved before any site preparation or construction can begin. The following commodities are eligible for farm storage facility loans: corn, grain sorghum, rice, soybeans, oats, peanuts, wheat, barley or minor oilseeds harvested as whole grain; corn, grain sorghum, wheat, oats or barley harvested as other-than-whole grain; pulse crops – lentils, small chickpeas and dry peas; hay; renewable biomass; and fruits, including nuts and vegetables – cold storage facilities. For further information on this program or any other questions, contact the office located in Spooner at 715-635-8228, Ext. 2. — from USDA

532883 WNAXLP

SPOONER — Evie Moore, county executive director of USDA’s Washburn/Burnett Farm Service Agency, reminds producers who may be considering upgrading or adding extra storage space for harvested crops this spring that the Farm Storage Facility Loan program provides low-interest loans for building or upgrading storage facilities. Through this program, FSFL helps to ensure that producers have adequate capacity to store their harvested production. The maximum principal amount of a loan through FSFL has increased to $500,000 per structure. Participants are required to provide a down payment of 15 percent, with CCC providing a loan for the remaining 85 percent of the net cost of the eligible storage facility and permanent drying and handling equipment. Loan terms of seven, 10 or 12 years are now available depending on the amount of the loan. Interest rates for each loan term are different and are based on the rate, which CCC borrows from the Treasury Department. Currently interest rates are 2.750 percent for a seven-year loan, 3.375 percent for a 10-year loan and 3.625 for a 12-year loan, however interest rates change monthly. Payments will also be available in the form of a partial disbursement and a re-


Laker Times Middle school honors choir performs at Shell Lake Arts Center

On Thursday, April 7, the Shell Lake Arts Center hosted the annual middle school honors choir, bringing middle school singers together for an all-day practice with a concert that evening. — Photo by Larry Samson

CLEAR LAKE — High school band, choir and piano students from Shell Lake participated at the 2011 Solo and Ensemble Festival at Clear Lake High School on Thursday, March 31. Students prepared pieces for the festival in three classes: A, B and C, with class A being the most difficult. After performing for a judge, students receive ratings of I through V. A rating of I is considered excellent, II very good, III good, IV fair and V poor. Band students of Aimee Pashby, choir students of Stephen Bulgrin and piano students of Aimee Pashby and Jene Morey worked for several weeks to prepare for the event. Students had the option of performing solos or small ensembles. Shell Lake had 69 entries this year, of which 42 were awarded a first division rating, 26 a second division rating, and Anthony Wey performed a Class C solo for comments only.

Students receiving II in Class C: Band Events: Maddy Dennis and Stephanie Stetler, flute duet. Students receiving I in Class C: Choir Events: Heather Thatcher and Destiny Landsverk, vocal duet. Students receiving II in Class B: Band Events: Andrew Dahlstrom, Chrystal Dvorak and Nick Muska, saxophone trio; Jade LaFave, flute solo; Renee Mikula, bass clarinet solo; Taylor Bauch, trumpet solo. Piano Events: Emilee Organ, piano solo; Sarah Shumaker, piano solo. Students receiving I in Class B: Band Events: Curtis Parker, Taylor Bauch and Casey Furchtenicht, trumpet trio; Chrystal Dvorak, alto saxophone solo; Casey Furchetnicht, trumpet solo; David Brereton, timpani solo; Isaac Cusick, trombone solo; Katie Gronning, euphonium solo. Choir Events: Chrystal Dvorak, alto solo; Tracy McMullin, alto solo; Carley Myers, Colleen Knoop and Kristin Kraetke, vocal trio; Isaac Cusick, tenor solo; Maddie Hodgett, vocal solo. Piano Events: Andrew Dahlstrom, piano solo.

Solo and ensemble results

Students receiving II in Class A: Band Events: Dani Kuechle, flute solo; Jill Butenhoff, clarinet solo; Emilee Organ, Carley Myers, Sarah Shumaker, April Richter, Jade LaFave, Maddy Dennis, Dani Kuechle and Stephanie Stetler, flute choir; April Richter, flute solo; Jessica Irvine, clarinet solo; Kayla Blazer, clarinet solo; Carley Myers, flute solo; Maddie Hodgett, alto saxophone solo; Ben Butenhoff, tenor saxophone solo; Seth Quinton, alto saxophone solo; Marlo Fields, Ben Butenhoff, Maddie Hodgett and Seth Quinton, saxophone quartet; Emma Gimse-White and Calista Holman, French horn duet; Talon Pollei, snare drum solo; Hannah Hodgett, trombone solo; Wyatt Carlson, trombone solo. Piano Events: Brett Holman and Sage Dunham, piano duet; Brett Holman, piano solo; Sage Dunham, piano solo. Choir Events: Emilee Organ, soprano solo. Students receiving I in Class A: Band Events: Emilee Organ, flute solo; Sarah Shumaker, oboe solo; Dillon Hopke, alto saxophone solo; Andrew Dahlstrom, alto saxophone solo; Emilee Organ, Cavan Maher, Sarah Shumaker, Beth Bulgrin and Emma Gimse-White, woodwind quintet; Kellie Myers, trumpet solo; Sage Dunham, marimba solo; Brett Holman, Sage Alberts and Sage Dunham, conga trio; Sage Alberts, drum-set solo. Choir Events: Beth Bulgrin, alto solo; Jessica Irvine, soprano solo; David Smith, bass solo. Students receiving *I in Class A and will continue on to state: Band Events: Beth Bulgrin, bass clarinet solo; Cavan Maher, clarinet solo; Sarah Shumaker, flute solo; Marlo Fields, baritone saxophone solo; Cavan Maher, Kayla Blazer, Jill Butenhoff, Jessica Irvine, Renee Mikula and Beth Bulgrin, clarinet choir; Brett Holman, Kellie Myers and John Lloyd, trumpet trio; Brett Holman, trumpet solo; Emma Gimse-White, French horn solo; John Lloyd, trumpet solo; Curtis Parker, trumpet solo; Brett Holman, Kellie Myers, John Lloyd, Emma Gimse-White, Dillon Hopke, Lynsey Hagen and Hannah Hodgett, brass choir; Lynsey Hagen, euphonium solo. Piano Events: Brett Holman, Sage Dunham and Andrew Dahlstrom, piano trio. Choir Events: Cavan Maher, tenor solo; Emilee Organ and Gabe LaGarde, vocal duet; Sarah Shumaker and Cavan Maher, vocal duet; Marlo Fields and Jessica Irvine, vocal duet; Sarah Shumaker, alto solo.

School menu

Breakfast Monday, April 18: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, April 19: Fruit, sausage link, French toast sticks. Wednesday, April 20: Juice, cheese omelet, toast. Thursday, April 21: Fruit, yogurt, toast. Friday, April 22: No school. Lunch Monday, April 18: Corn dog, hash browns, mixed vegetables, peach slices. Laker: BBQ rib.

DAHLSTROM S 330179 1rtfc

Tuesday, April 19: Chicken Alfredo, green beans, pear slices, bread stick. Laker: Hot dog. Wednesday, April 20: Hot ham and cheese, soup, peas, pineapple tidbits. Laker: Smucker’s. Thursday, April 21: Pepperoni pizza, carrots, applesauce. No Laker. Friday, April 22: No school. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Whole-grain bread and buns and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only.

Jazz Festival Events – March 22 Band Events: Emma Gimse-White, Beth Bulgrin, Sage Dunham, Dillon Hopke, Hannah Hodgett, David Brereton, Talon Pollei, Sage Alberts, Kayla Blazer, Maddie Hodgett, Wyatt Carlson, Seth Quinton, Marlo Fields and Nick Muska, percussion ensemble; Nick Muska, guitar jazz improvisation solo; Brett Holman, Emma Gimse-White, Lynsey Hagen, Dillon Hopke, Sage Alberts, Sage Dunham and Nick Muska, jazz combo; Dillon Hopke, Cavan Maher, Emma Gimse-White, Jessica Irvine, Seth

Quinton, Sarah Shumaker, Marlo Fields, Wyatt Carlson, Hannah Hodgett, Emilee Organ, Isaac Cusick, Brett Holman, Kellie Myers, John Lloyd, Lynsey Hagen, Nick Muska, Beth Bulgrin, Sage Dunham, Sage Alberts and David Brereton, jazz ensemble. Choir Events: Sarah Shumaker, Cavan Maher, Jessica Irvine, Emilee Organ, David Smith, Isaac Cusick, Beth Bulgrin and Marlo Fields, vocal ensemble. — from Shell Lake Schools Music Department

Shell Lake honor roll

High school A honor roll Sage Alberts, Hana Anderson, Tyler Anderson, Hannah Bartz, David Brereton, Bethany Bulgrin, Jill Butenhoff, Wyatt Carlson, Hannah Cassel, Jennifer Cassel, Kelsey Collier, Isaac Cusick, Aaron Druschba, Sage Dunham, Brandie Evans, Marlo Fields, Hailey Flach, Casey Furchtenicht, Emma Gimse White, Lindsey Green, Katie Gronning, Amanda Hagen, Jesse Hagen, Lyndsey Hagen, Hannah Hodgett, Brett Holman, Dillon Hopke, Adam Hungerbuhler, Daniel Kasparec, Josiah Kay, Kourtney Klassa, Colleen Knoop, Kristen Kraetke, Jade LaFave, Gabriel Lagarde, James Lillion, Samuel Livingston, Cavan Maher, Tracy McMullin, Chelsea Melton, Renee Mikula, Ryan Mikula, Carley Myers, Kellie Myers, Makenzie Olson, Caleb Parker, Curtis Parker, Katherine Parker, Felicia Pokorny, Shania Pokorny, Talon Pollei, Darren Sahlstrom, Brianna Schaefer, Beau Skluzacek, Chad Ullrich, Tanner Williams, Tory Williams and Chloe Wykel. B honor roll Emma Anderson, Carley Andrysiak, Kimberly Atkinson, Michael Belisle, Kayla Blazer, Jackie Brown, Ben Butenhoff, Daniel Cassel, Johannah Feeney, Brittney Foster, Dustin Frank, Ryan Frank,

Abigail Granzin, Jesse Gronning, Corey Hamer, Robin Hanson, Tyler Harrell, Madeleine Hodgett, Megan Jaastad, Paige Klassa, Erica Kozial, Mitchell Kraetke, Danielle Kuechle, Johnathan Lloyd, Brian Marschall, Andrew Melton, Michael Nielsen, Emilee Organ, Emily Pfluger, Jeremy Sandstrom, Timothy Scalzo, Brandon Skille, Aaron Slinker, Katelyn Soltis, Cristy Spaulding, Marissa Spaulding, Stephanie Stetler and Cheyenne Tiegs. Junior high A honor roll Amber Anderson, Trevor Anderson, Keagan Blazer, Amanda Brereton, Caitlin Brereton, Tia Carlson, Kelsey Egbert, Calista Holman, Anna Hungerbuhler, Caleb LaFave, Ashley Lord, Lindsey Martin, Emily McCarthy, Zachary Melton, Seth Olson, Lauren Osborn, Isaac Otterson, Daniel Parish, Cassandra Skindzelewski, Sabrina Skindzelewski, Katie Slater, Natalie Smith, Reyna Stone, Emma Thomas and Nathaniel Wingler. B honor roll D’Artagnan Andrysiak, Amy Bouchard, Sheri Clark, Taylor Fox, Chris Heibel, Kaylea Kidder, Bryan Knoop, Carisis Kodesh, Daniel LaVeau, Renae Lloyd, Klara McNeally, Alecia Meister, Courtney Melton, Samuel Muska, Dakota Robinson, Jesi Sando, Dylan Sandwick and Mikayla Smith.

Guest chemist at Shell Lake School John Hauber, South Dakota, visited Shell Lake’s chemistry and advanced chemistry classes to perform chemistry demonstrations on Monday, April 4. The Shell Lake Educational Foundation sponsored the presentation. “We love things like this because it not only motivates more students to become interested in doing science and hopefully taking advanced science courses, but gets kids thinking about careers in science and plowing full steam ahead because they know it can be extremely enjoyable and rewarding,” stated a staff member. — Photo submitted

The Laker Times page is sponsored by

715-468-2319 Downtown Shell Lake


“Little Women” performed at Theatre in the Woods

Donny Bruce has found a home at the Theatre in the Woods, playing Mr. Laurence opposite Rose Bauman and Lane Hansen.

Aunt March, played by Janet Rowney, the wealthy matriarch of the family, tries to keep the girls on the straight and narrow. Her advice to Jo and Amy falls on deaf ears.

The sisters in the play “Little Women” were convincingly played by Cambria Groehler, Jessica Morris, Josie Shipand Lane man Hansen. The soldout performances ran Thursday, April 7, through Saturday, April 9.

The play “Little Women” centers on the father and mother characters played by Rose Bauman and Robert Blithe in his first theatrical performance.

s s ’ y y k k Beecc B ’




Open 7 days a week Serving Food Sun. - Thurs. ’til 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat. ’til 9 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT Beef Tacos.....................................................99¢ Chicken Tacos...........................................$1.25 TUESDAY NIGHT: Walleye Dinner......................................$10.99 WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALL-U-CAN-EAT Chicken Wings!.........$7.95 THURSDAY NIGHT: Babyback BBQ Ribs Half.................$10.99 Whole.............$14.99 FRIDAY NIGHT: Fish Fry......................................................$8.95 ALL-U-CAN-EAT Fish Fry....................$10.95 SATURDAY NIGHT: Steak & Shrimp.....................................$13.99 533844 34r


1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63 Serving Lunch & Dinner Daily! Homemade Soup & Pie. Homemade Pizza. Lunch & Dinner Specials. Bar Open Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m. Kitchen Open Daily 11 a.m.

DJ & KARAOKE Friday & Saturday, 9:30 - Close

Playing schoolgirls was easy for Josie Shipman, a senior at Siren High School, and Audi Griffith, a sophomore at Spooner High School. Jessica Morris from Siren has spent most of her life in the theater.

Photos by Larry Samson








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Offer expires Sunday, April 17.


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