WCR | June 10 | 2015

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June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Vol. 126, No 43 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

Jazz concert @ Shell Lake Tri-County Dairy Breakfast @ Spooner Cakes at the Lake @ Sarona Badger Car Show @ Spooner See calendar on page 6 for details

Thrilling ... for some


Color-A-Thon held in Spooner Page 11

Spooner School of Dance recital Page 12

Shell Lake Primary end-of-year celebration Page 23

State competition Page 13

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The children’s train ride meant different things for different children. For Briella Johnson it was the ride of her life; for her brother it was a pleasure ride around the parking lot at the Washburn County Family Fun Fest held at the Washburn County Fairgrounds in Spooner on Saturday, June 6.. More photos on page 2. – Photo by Larry Samson

Spooner Police Department gets OK from city to fundraise for K9 unit Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SPOONER — “We are trying to get on top of this drug thing that has happened in the city … in the last two or three years it is skyrocketing,” said Trevor Peterson, Spooner Police Department patrolman, to the Spooner City Council at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 2. According to department data, drug arrests in Spooner at the end of 2012 totaled 23, at the end of 2014 that number jumped to 87. More drug activity in the city is seen now both due to better officer training and to an increase in methamphetamine use, a pattern that is happening throughout the county. “With what we have seen with our increase in drug activity we’ve been brainstorming with ways to address this issue, at the least cost to our citizens, and we looked at the K-9 being funded by donation moneys,” said Jerry Christman, Spooner Police chief. Christman explained that another reason the department wants a K-9 unit is because they don’t have a dedicated investigator position within the Spooner Police Department. Peterson is a full-time patrolman for the department and the lead officer for drug investigations. The Washburn County Sheriff’s Office has had three different K-9 units. The current K-9 has been with the office for about eight years and is a German shepherd that is trained in narcotics and apprehension. Peterson said that the sheriff’s office K-9 unit has been instrumenTrevor Peterson, Spooner Police Department patrolman, shows a tal in the apprehension of individucitizen some of the drug paraphernalia the department has confisals transporting illegal drugs. The Spooner Police Department plans to cated during the department’s Citizen Police Academy in February. utilize a Labrador K-9 unit for drug — Photo by Danielle H. Moe detection, patrol work, missing or gram was estimated at $33,879. Yearly expenses lost persons and for public demonstrations. This include food, certification, veterinary care and is the first time the department will have a K-9 liability insurance. The department plans to unit. The initial cost for implementing the K-9 proSee K9 unity, page 4

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