WCR | April 13 | 2016

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y


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April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 35 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• “Untalent Show” at Haugen • Scouting for Food @ Shell Lake • Sock hop @ Springbrook • “Wild, Wild West” spring gala @ Spooner See calendar on page 6 for details

75 cents

Semi accident

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Wisconsin boy founded Earth Day Page 9

Schafer accepted to Naval Academy Page 7

Truck driver Tyson Helms, Barron, and his passenger, Jenae Helms, were involved in an accident Wednesday, April 6, near Stanberry, when the driver lost control due to a patch of slush. — Photos courtesy of the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office

Accident causes five-hour highway closure Danielle Danford | Staff writer HAYWARD - A 23-year-old Barron truck driver and his passenger walked away from a severe semi accident near Stanberry on Wednesday, April 6, according to the Wisconsin State Patrol. At about 7:30 am., Tyson Helms was negotiating a curve on Hwy. 63 near Little Hayward Road, when the semitruck he was driving, loaded with particle board, hit a patch of slush that had accumulated near the shoulder. Helms was unable to keep the semi under control around the curve and rolled the semi unit. Helms and his passenger, Jenae Helms, 22,

The story behind the photo Page 24

Barron, were not injured. The accident caused the load of particle board Helms was hauling to cross the roadway and land in the ditch. Diesel fuel, antifreeze and transmission fluid leaked from the wrecked semi. Washburn County highway staff set up detour signs to reroute traffic around the crash site via Little Hayward Road. The semi had very severe damage and was towed. The Wisconsin DNR and a hazardous materials removal company handled the leaked fluid cleanup. Traffic was diverted around the area until 1:09 p.m.

Laker tracksters compete at Superior Page 13

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A load of particle board was spilled onto the roadway when Tyson Helms lost control of the semi he was driving.



Spooner students going to state solo and ensemble The Spooner Select Choir performed two contrasting songs in their performance at the festival. The choir is under the direction of Eric Conner who made his first appearance as a director.

Elizabeth Daniels stands before the Wisconsin School Music Association adjudicator after her performance. The judge is giving her suggestions that will help her as she develops her music. What she learns today she will take with her in school and beyond.

Chris Gale performs a vocal solo.

Freshman Andrew Tellifson competed in his first high school solo and ensemble festival in Rice Lake on Saturday, April 9. He earned a second with his saxophone solo.

Tyler Revak is performing in a music-theater solo that earned him a star first and trip to state. Janet Medley is his accompanist.

Gracia Gormong listens to the adjudicator after her music-theater solo. From the suggestion she received, Gormong knew she had earned a star first and will be advancing to state. The judge told her that at one point she stopped writing just to watch her sing.

Photos by Larry Samson

This will be a second trip to state for the piano trio of Gracia Gormong, Ally Jacoby and Daniel Pederson. Their piano teacher, Janet Medley, watches over their shoulders. This will be the last year for this trio as Pederson is a graduating senior.

Rachel and Laura Medley sing a duet while their mother, Janet Medley, accompanies them. They earned a star first and will be advancing to state. This is their second year singing a duet and their first star first. The judge told them it helps to be sisters as their voices harmonize well. They will be going to the state festival in Eau Claire on Saturday, May 7.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

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Washburn County Jail project completed but over budget Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - About a month ago, the two-year-long project that upgraded security and communications in the Washburn County Jail was physically completed at a cost of $1.05 million, about $195,000 over budget. “We did the best we could with the knowledge that we had, and I don’t think any contractor purposely tried to skin us,” said Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden. Funding and planning for the project began in 2012, but construction didn’t begin until 2014, originally bud-

geted for $910,000. “The main thrust was to improve the jail security, to get better doors, more accountability for inmates movement within the jail,” said Dryden. As part of the project, all jail and cell doors were replaced with electronic doors, additional cameras were installed, new hallway doors were installed, the communications center was remodeled, a new radio system was installed and new wiring was run for those improvements. Dryden said they tried to save money from the beginning of the project. One of

the reasons he believes the project went over is that it had no construction manager overseeing it. “I am not a mechanical engineer, I am not a construction engineer, I am not an electronic engineer, so whenever a request comes for a change in a contract I have to trust somebody,” said Dryden. Because the construction manager could run an additional $60,000, Dryden said the county board did not want to hire one, but he feels he should have insisted on it. “As a taxpayer I think that this is money well spent. It was the proper thing to do

with this old building that we have,” said Dryden. The overrun of the project was addressed at a Washburn County Finance Committee meeting on Thursday, April 7. Lolita Olson, administrative coordinator/county clerk, was directed to determine where exactly the project went over budget. Without further information, the committee decided to postpone any decision on the issue until the committee’s next meeting.

Spooner dog park project update Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER - “I am hoping by the end of the summer, but I am not exactly sure how long the fence is going to take,” said Ethan Martin, Troop 104 Boy Scout, to the Spooner City Council at their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 7. Martin was telling the council about when the dog park would be completed.

Since August 2015, Martin has been working on building a dog park in the city of Spooner as one requirement to become an Eagle Scout. The dog park will be located on city property on Roundhouse Road where Northland Drive intersects it. Martin told city council members that he has raised the amount needed to purchase the ma-

terials to start building the park. Martin added he is working with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to get the park surveyed, for where the fence will be placed. According to last year’s plan, the park will feature a 6-foot-high chain-link fence that will encompass 1.5 acres of city property. It will have another fence that will

split the park in two, have a double-gated entrance for safety, and a 10-foot service entrance for maintenance to be done by the city. The park could also contain a variety of benches, tables, garbage cans, waste stations and dog-friendly play equipment.

Glenview employee charged with forgery, theft Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE Danielle Harrington, 34, Clear Lake, and at the time of her arrest an employee of Glenview in Shell Lake, was charged in Washburn County Court in connection to forgery and theft of narcotics on MonDanielle Harrington day, April 4.

According to the Shell Lake Police report Sue Weathers, Glenview administrator, called the police after she had confirmed that signatures to give hydrocodone, a narcotic medication, to a patient were forgeries. When confronted about the forged signatures and missing medication, Harrington admitted to signing a co-worker’s name and taking the pills. She told the officer that she took the medication for her own back pain but she got nervous and threw the six pills she had taken in the

trash. Harrington told the officer she had a prescription for her back pain but had been using ibuprofen because the pills she had were old. The officer arrested her for forgery and theft, then asked for “some sympathy since she (Harrington) was honest and open about the situation” in his report. Harrington could be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned six years, or both, for forgery, a felony charge. The misdemeanor theft charge could mean a fine

of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than nine months or both. Harrington signed a $1,000 signature bond, which requires her to show up at her next court appearance and to not consume any alcohol, not consume or possess any controlled substances unless prescribed by a licensed physician and not to possess scrip pad for medication. At Harrington’s initial appearance, Washburn County Judge Eugene Harrington presided. Since then Judge Andrew Lawton has been assigned.

Unbudgeted expenses approved Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER - The Spooner City Council approved two unbudgeted expenses at its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 7. The expense requests were for the purchase of materials for the city’s outdoor rink and to fund the construction of a storage shed for the Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum. The council approved a request to purchase used hockey boards for the city’s outdoor rink at a cost of $15,265, including shipping, as they are located in another state. “This is something that you are probably not going to be able to anticipate,”

said Spooner Mayor Gary Cuskey. It was explained that the current boards at the rink are in poor condition, and these boards, despite being used, should last 15-plus years. The boards will be purchased from a broker of these materials located in New York state. The boards come from an indoor rink and are constructed of fiberglass, aluminum and Plexiglas. The purchase was approved on a unanimous roll call vote. The council also approved two measures to meet a request for the construction of a storage shed for the Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum. The two mea-

sures included approving a property exchange and funding the construction cost of a storage shed for the museum, which is owned by the city. The museum organization has pledged the organization members will build the shed themselves in time for the museum’s opening on May 28. In order to build the shed, more land was required, auspiciously the owner of the adjacent property agreed to the sale of that property, in exchange for city property located on Roundhouse Road near Northland Drive. It was explained that this property is about twice the size of the property the museum needs, but it isn’t

something the city would develop. The council approved the property exchange on a unanimous voice vote. Funding the construction of the storage shed, at an estimated $18,000, took some discussion. Having the city fund the construction of an accessory building, since the city owns the museum building, seemed fitting. However, several council members pointed out that this could have been a budgeted project. In the end, the council approved funding the museum organization $9,000 this year with $3,000 more in the next three years. The funding was approved on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Washburn County Deer Advisory Council to meet SPOONER - The public has a final opportunity to provide comments on antlerless deer harvest quota, permit level and season structure recommendations for Washburn County. The council will hold its final spring meeting on Monday, April 18, at 7 p.m., at the Spooner Ag Research Station. At this meeting, the council will receive additional public comments prior to developing final recommendations. The council’s preliminary recommendations, formed during its March meeting, are available for review at dnr.wi.gov,

keyword CDAC, by clicking Find and selecting Washburn County. Councils considered scientific data and public opinion when developing their preliminary recommendations. The council has recommended a harvest quota of 4,340, with 8,680 private land and 2,170 public land antlerless permits available to hunters. The number of tags needed to achieve the harvest quota is based on historical data that less than 40 percent of tag holders will be successful. These recommendations are expected to increase the county’s 2017 deer herd by 10

percent. To develop its final recommendations, the council will consider online input and other public comments along with professional assessments from Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologists, foresters and law enforcement. The public may also comment at any time before April 17 by contacting a CDAC member – a list is available on the CDAC Web page at dnr.wi.gov. keyword CDAC or by emailing DNRCDACWebMail(5>Wisconsin. gov. Washburn County’s final quota, permit

level and season structure recommendations will be presented to the DNR following the April meeting, and will then advance to the Natural Resources Board for approval in May. Once approved, the recommendations will take effect for the 2016 deer hunting season. Additional information on CDAC recommendations, agendas and membership is available at dnr.wi.gov, keyword CDAC, or email DNRCDACWebMailOWisconsin.gov with any questions. — from WCDAC

Coin toss for city council seat Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - A coin toss was held on Monday, April 11, during the regular monthly meeting of the Shell Lake City Council, to determine which of the two people who received write-in votes for a Ward 1 council seat would take the position. The current council member in that seat, Chad Shelton, didn’t file papers for the election and was not a registered candidate, so no name was listed on ballots. The two people to receive write in votes on ballots were Chad Shelton and Sarah McCumber. Both received two write- in votes and expressed interest in the posi-

tion. Sally Peterson, Shell Lake mayor, explained that, after consulting with the Washburn County clerk, they could use a coin toss to decide which of the two candidates would take the seat. Andrew Eiche, city administrator, conducted the toss, assigning heads to Shelton and tails to McCumber, who was not present. After Eiche flipped the coin and it landed, several meeting attendees confirmed that the coin showed heads. As a result Shelton will maintain his position on the council for another term. Andrew Eiche, Shell Lake city administrator, prepares to toss a coin to determine which of the two write-in candidates would take the Ward 1 seat on the Shell Lake City Council.–Photo by Danielle Danford


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We are all in this together

The April 5 election is over. I want to extend my gratitude to all those who voted for me. I passionately wanted to continue to serve. I congratulate Chris Thompson on his victory. Some weeks back I wrote a letter to the editor claiming, after a county board meeting where there was vigorous debate, that the one thing we agreed on was that more people should run for these seats

and there should be more younger people and more women. To make that happen, businesses could encourage employees by making time available and the county board should consider having committees meet when working people could attend. The new board now has more women and some younger people. I’m happy about that. And here is a reminder to all on the new board that each person has

two ears and one mouth. Listening first is twice as important as speaking. Two years ago I attended an orientation session put on by the Wisconsin Counties Association. The first message that grabbed me was that the work of the board is nonpartisan, and the second is that decisions need to be made with concern for all the people of the county. Another ingredient to an effective board

is for the public to attend meetings, communicate concerns to representatives, and say thanks when wise decisions are made. We are all in this together. Keith Trembath Spooner District 9

The first, first responder Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators/dispatchers, National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, April 10-17. These are the people who are out of sight, they are not the first responders such as the firefighters, ambulance crews, or law enforcement officers that show up to your door in an emergency and receive all the recognition. By the time those first responders show up at your door, the dispatchers job is already mostly done. They are the true first, first responders. Washburn County has only one designated dispatcher on duty at a time, with backup coming from two other jailers on duty on the same shift. The communications center is operating 24/7 as emergencies don’t happen just during business hours. Someone is always at the communications center awaiting that emergency call that is hoped never comes, but it does. Dispatchers take the calls and provide a voice to the people of Washburn County

in need. They offer guidance and assistance to the responding crews, and they have to do it accurately as mistakes made in this field could make the difference between life and death. As their administrator, I expect a lot of them. I push them hard. They are constantly learning new technology and training on ever-changing procedures. This is for you, the residents and visitors of Washburn County, to assure you that if you ever have to call, we are ready. I am asking you to help recognize and encourage this important group of people to stand tall, be proud, because no matter what, I am certain that the 4-year-old scared girl will remember, so will the distraught mom, and the panic-stricken elderly caller whom they helped get through their toughest time. Capt. Dan Brereton, dispatch administrator Washburn County

I would like to extend gratitude to everyone who voted for me to represent them as their District 10 county board supervisor. For those of you that didn’t, that’s all right, too. I think my opponent, Hank Graber, will do a fine job as supervisor. One of the important things to me is there was a contested race in District 10. You see, a few months back some on the county board were proposing to cut the board from 21 to 15 members. One of the reasons given by the proponents: A lack of

interest from the public in county government. “No one wants to run and citizens don’t show up at the meetings,” some of them said. I agree with them to a certain degree. I, too, would like to see more interest and involvement in local government. But I don’t think the remedy is to cut it. I bristle whenever I hear we have to run the government more efficiently. Government is not a business. It’s a service. Our governments are not instituted and granted authority by We The People to facilitate

The Washburn County communication center is staffed 24/7. — Photo submitted


production, in other words, for the endless production of more. This is not a very smart strategy for a species that finds itself in an ecological crisis and facing possible self-annihilation. No, I have a different idea on how to remedy this lack of interest in local government: Allow the citizens and their representatives to exercise their right as self-governing people to make decisions about their energy, food and transportation futures. Let the people decide what our communities will look like in the fu-

ture, not big corporations like Enbridge, Republic Services, or American Transmission Company. Then once again, we might as Ward Morehouse has said, experience our politics as “the art of the possible” and put meaning back into “liberty.” Curt Hubatch Springbrook

Quinn and teacher debt relief Rep. Romaine Quinn and Gov. Scott Walker are making news up here about his bill for student loan debt relief for teachers who take jobs in rural schools. It got a unanimous 94-0 vote in the Assembly and a 31-1 vote in the Senate. At first glance it seems to be a great idea. However, it is fair to ask if it is a truly effective measure or something designed at the last minute for the upcoming election. A similar bill proposed by Democrats two years ago was not allowed out of committee. No new dollars were requested to fund the bill. It doesn’t seem to address the real problem: the number of teachers applying for jobs anywhere in Wisconsin has dropped in half over the last few years. And it certainly is no substitute for genuine higher education debt reform, an issue the Legislature avoided. It’s all college grads, not just new teachers, with backpacks full of debt. Rural schools in our area are in trouble, no question about that: Dozens of referendums held statewide this April, asking for a record number of dollars, just to keep the doors open. A truly disturbing teacher shortage as young people choose careers

with more security. A statewide expansion of the Milwaukee voucher program that will only accelerate declining enrollment in public schools once it is set loose on rural Wisconsin. Signs of future turmoil for all rural schools on display with the spectacular mess in the Spooner School District. Rural Wisconsin schools present a unique challenge. On the one hand, people are very loyal to their local public schools and proud of the quality education our kids are getting. On the other hand, there are declining enrollments, all across rural Wisconsin. Cutting state funding and pushing school funding more and more onto the property tax, the big change that Republicans brought to school funding, will not sustain quality schools up here for long. The school funding formula favors urban areas over rural. It pulled $1 million out of Quinn’s district this year, a difficult bite compared to the rest of the state. Cuts were moderated only for one district, Chetek-Weyerhaeuser, because of consolidation. That is no surprise, since closing schools and consolidating districts

Oct-15 2015-16 Final 2014-15 Final Change Percent Barron area $11,269,130 $11,399,618 -$130,488 -1.14% Birchwood $45,198 $53,213 -$8,015 -15.06% Cameron $6,270,538 $5,758,307 $512,231 8.90% Chetek-Weyer $3,494,343 $4,116,153 -$621,810 -15.11% Clayton $2,766,086 $2,767,435 -$1,349 -0.05% Cumberland $3,617,731 $3,106,485 $511,246 16.46% New Auburn $351,806 $414,195 -$62,389 -15.06% Prairie Farm $2,480,494 $2,601,435 -$120,941 -4.65% Rice Lake Area $9,227,517 $10,523,538 -$1,296,021 -12.32% Clear Lake $4,548,718 $4,370,583 $178,135 4.08% Turtle Lake $589,184 $359,488 $229,696 63.90% Shell Lake $3,042,790 $3,104,317 -$61,527 -1.98% Spooner $576,274 $817,144 -$240,870 -29.48% sum of above


seems to be where Republican leadership would like to take us. What was surprising is that Quinn told us after the budget was signed how pleased he was with the “big win for Wisconsin schools.” Serious legislators from rural districts need to put bipartisan effort into proposals that will change the state’s school funding formula in ways that will sustain




rural schools. Fair Funding for our Future is the most important of those proposals. That will take a lot of hard work, but well worth it for the benefit of rural public schools. Gerry Lisi Rice Lake

Spooner Board of Education approves budget cuts for 2016-17 SPOONER - On Monday, March 21, the Spooner Area School District Board of Education reviewed a list of possible budget cuts for the second time. Board members looked at areas of the budget that have not seen reductions yet and reviewed the staffing model continuing to be affected by years of declining enrollment. With a second year of major cuts, offering no salary raise and eliminating the post-employment benefit for staff with 19 years of service or less, the board feels it has reached its bottom. “There is nothing left to cut after this last round, because any more cuts will impact families or student programs,” stated budget committee Chair Kyle Pierce. The board is very clear that additional

revenues will need to be sought for facilities repairs and updates, technology and security maintenance, and future purchases of curriculum and instructional resources. As the board continues its discussion of when a referendum would be considered or other options like restructuring more of its debt, they agree that the remaining cuts will still not balance the budget for 2016-17. Budget cuts and other considerations include: • The elementary school staff will decrease by 2.0 full-time equivalencies due to demographic trends projecting continuous decline in enrollment. • A 10-percent reduction in the buildings and grounds supply budget. • The family and consumer education program will decrease from 1.25 FTE to a

1.0 FTE districtwide. • Restructuring the community education coordinator and district communications specialist positions will need further discussion as those two positions have been vacated with an approved sabbatical and a resignation. • The administration will go out for bid on trash and recycling contracted services. • The district will continue to be closed on Fridays in the summer to save on energy costs. • Possible restructuring of another $10 million in debt, taking advantage of consistently low interest rates. • Those retiring after 2016 will have their retirement paid out over seven years instead of five years, reducing the impact

on the annual operating budget in 2016, 2017 and 2018. “Very difficult decisions are being made in all school districts across the state,” said board member Paul Goellner. “We know 71 school districts are going for referendums this week – Spooner is not the only school with financial concerns. With enrollment declining in the last 15 years, the board and the administration continue to study staffing models to reflect student needs. In my time as a board member, we have done everything in our power to find cost savings while protecting programming. Further cuts will necessarily affect course offerings and class sizes.” — from SASD


AREA NEWS AT A GLANCE BURNETT COUNTY - Duane Johnson will be a new face on the Burnett County Board of Supervisors after defeating incumbent Philip Lindeman by a margin of 153 to 102 votes in the Tuesday, April 5, spring primary election. It was the only contested seat on the board. Johnson will represent District 17, which includes the southeastern section of the county and the Towns of Dewey and Roosevelt. Johnson is a 1981 graduate of Shell Lake High School and a third-generation farmer who farms 350 acres on CTH H. For the past 15 years he has served as Farm Services Agency representative on the Burnett County Land and Water Conservation Committee and as a supervisor for the Dewey Town Board. Lindeman was the longest serving supervisor on the county

board, representing District 17 for the past 22 years. — from the Inter-County Leader ••• GRANTSBURG - Gov. Scott Walker signed Senate Bill 447 into law Tuesday, April 5, at Grantsburg High School. The bill designates and marks Hwy. 87 as the Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway. Sgt. Carson Holmquist served as a motor transport maintenance chief in the Marine Forces Reserve. “Sergeant Holmquist risked his life to serve his country, and on July 16, 2015, he lost his life in an attack on the U.S. Naval Operation Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tenn.,” Walker said. “He was a native of Grantsburg, so it’s fitting that we’re here today in his hometown to sign legislation honoring his memory and sac-

Lions $300 March calendar winner

rifice by marking Wisconsin Hwy. 87 as Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway.” Senate Bill 447 directs the Department of Transportation to designate, and upon receipt of sufficient contributions from interested parties, mark the route of Hwy. 87 as the Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway. Under the bill, no state funds, other than from contributions received from interested parties, may be used for the erection or maintenance of any sign markers along the specified highway route. — from the Inter-County Leader ••• RICE LAKE - Henry Ellenson, a prep and college basketball star from Rice Lake, confirmed that he is leaving Marquette after one season to enter the NBA draft. “It’s been a dream of mine. Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to play in the

ACCIDENT REPORT On Wednesday, March 30, at approximately 4:30 p.m., a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix was reported in the ditch on CTH A near Jellen Road in the Town of Evergreen. The vehicle was unattended when law enforcement arrived. It is believed the vehicle was originally traveling southbound and negotiating a curve to turn westbound, possibly at a high rate of speed, when the vehicle lost control and spun about 180 degrees and went into the ditch. The vehicle may have hit a mailbox and caused some minor damage to it. The vehicle was removed from the ditch by a tow truck. On Friday, April 1, at approximately 8 a.m., Jason Duehla, 16, Birchwood, was eastbound on CTH D when the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee he was driving lost control, traveled backwards and went into the ditch. No injuries were reported. The vehicle had severe damage to the rear, rear passenger side, rear driver side, front

Gary Solum, Turtle Lake, left, accepts a $300 check from Shell Lake Lion Bill Taubman. Solum was the March winner and purchased his winning calendar from Taubman. — Photo submitted

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners April 4- $35 Penny Stake, Laughlin, Nev. April 5 - $35 Lorrie Meister, Spooner April 6 - $35 Jeff Cameron, Bennington, VT April 7 - $35 Rich Tims, Shell Lake April 8 - $35 Joan Petz, Shell Lake

The Vitality Village Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2015 High Low Precip. April 4 42 24 April 5 48 25 April 6 48 29 3” snow rain April 7 38 32 April 8 40 33 April 9 44 33 .18” rain April 10 38 31 .20” rain trace snow 2016 High Low Precip. March 28 38 24 April 4 48 23 April 5 34 25 trace snow April 6 38 30 mixed .34”, melted 2” snow April 7 38 30 mixed .01” April 8 40 25 .5” snow April 9 33 11 April 10 34 11

Lake Level Monday, April 11, 2016: 1,219.31

compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1976 – 40 Years Ago

• An open house and silver tea was held at Salem Lutheran Church along with the sale of fancywork and other articles. • Four-piece bedroom suites were $199.95 at Poquette Furniture and Appliances, Shell Lake. • Lutz Sales and Service, Shell Lake, had a large display of new and used farm machinery on their newly opened machinery lot. • A very large crowd attended the Sarona PTA meeting held at the school. After the business meeting the following program was given: Irene Gaynor, Spooner, sang two solos accompanied by Laura Strunk; Brice Madison, Barronett, played two accordion solos; Doris Fink, Washburn County nurse, spoke on health in the community; and a group of men from Shell Lake gave several humorous skits under the director of Mr. Aderman.

• Voting ran very heavy in Shell Lake for the primary election. The Shell Lake School Board election generated a lot of interest, with six candidates in the race for three board positions. Incumbent Delbert Soholt received 628 votes. The other two candidates elected were Richard Rydberg, 501 votes, and Cliff Greenhow with 494 votes. Clare Ostwald collected 416 votes, Lynn Linton, 379, and Richard Melton, 303. • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson, son Michael and daughter Elaine, took over as new owners of the Narrow Gauge Inn. • Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Samson announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Steven Matthys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthys, Almena. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bailey set a modernday record on Shell Lake when they went canoeing on Election Day, Tuesday, April 6.

• Warden John Goberville served as chairman at the annual Washburn County conservation meeting conducted at the Shell Lake Elementary School. • A bridal shower honoring Judy Axon was held at the home of Mrs. Nick Masterjohn with co-hostesses Mrs. Robert Ademino and Mrs. Allen Hoar. Miss Axon and her fiance, John Stodola, set May 21 as their wedding date. Mr. Stodola was presently attending Officers Candidate School at Fort Sill, Okla. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Norton entertained at a family dinner in honor of Peggy’s confirmation. • Karen Schultz, Shell Lake, a sophomore at Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., was elected corresponding secretary of the Kappa Epsilon Nu social sorority. The daughter of Evelyn Schultz, Karen was an accounting major.

• Michael Bennis, son of Ron Bennis, Shell Lake, received $25 from the Washburn County Register for making the closest guess as to when the ice would leave Shell Lake. Michael had put 9:30 a.m. April 13 on his entry. According to Washburn County Clerk Jack Brown, the official ice-out was 7 a.m. on April 13. • Shell Lake High School students competing in a math contest at Superior High School were Tim Quenan, Bruce Quinton, Mike Degner, Phil Holman, Pat Quenan, Shane Williams and Tom Schaefer. Degner was one of the top three in the geometry contest. • The Indianhead Medical Center Auxiliary had a new service to offer the community which could provide constant access to medical service. The program, Lifeline, was coordinated by Myke Mercier. Irene Melton was one of the first subscribers to Lifeline. • Ann Roubik, daughter of Mr. and

1966 – 50 Years Ago

and front passenger side and was towed. On Friday, April 1, at approximately 7 a.m., Mitchell Weiland, 22, Tomah, was southbound on Hwy. 63 just south of Pine Grove Road in the Town of Sarona, when he hit some slush and lost control of the 2005 Dodge Intrepid he was driving. The vehicle went into the ditch. No injuries or vehicle damage was reported. The vehicle were removed from the ditch by a tow truck. On Monday, April 4, at approximately 8:36 p.m., Adam Mackey, 20, Ironwood, Mich., was northbound on Hwy. 53 just north of CTH H in the Town of Spooner when he hit a bear with the 2013 Ford Edge he was driving. No injuries were reported. The vehicle had very severe damage to the front and was towed. The bear died from the collision.

Contact us at news@ wcregisternewsroom.com

Register memories 1956 – 60 Years Ago

NBA,” said Ellenson, the Big East Freshman of the Year. The 6-foot-11 forward will sign with an agent in the upcoming days. Signing with an agent means there’s no turning back for Ellenson, who gives up his college eligibility. He will go to the NBA draft combine in mid-May committed to the NBA’s draft on June 23. Ellenson said that deciding whether to leave Marquette after a freshman season in which he averaged 17 points and nearly 10 rebounds per game was harder than when he chose a college to attend while still at Rice Lake High School. “This was harder because of the strong bond I have with my teammates and coaches at Marquette,” said Ellenson. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype

1986 – 30 Years Ago

Mrs. Jerome Roubik, Sarona, attending college in St. Paul, Minn., performed with the College of St. Catherine Dolphin Club at its annual show. The club is a team of synchronized swimmers. A 1985 graduate of Shell Lake High School, Roubik was a member of the photo staff and campus ministry at the college.

1996 – 20 Years Ago

• Sarah Petterson was crowned Miss Shell Lake. Reigning with her were Lauralei Glessing, first princess, and Sonya Swearingen, second princess. • Jim Quam and Phil Lindemann spent five days in the Richland Center area turkey hunting. • Virginia Stodola and Ron Keiffer received first prizes at the Smear games held at the Barronett Community Center. • Emalee Olson, Shell Lake eighthgrader, won the Badger State Spelling Bee in Madison.

2006 – 10 Years Ago

• Shell Lake’s undefeated girls 4x200 relay team took first place at the track meet held in Spooner. Team members were Sami Dodge, Rachel Spears, Kayla Hellman and Paula Burton. • Shell Lake City Administrator Brad Pederson swore in new Mayor Dave Zeug at the reorganizational meeting of the city council. • Glenn Hile, Shell Lake Schools transportation manager, retired after 15 years with the school. • Named Shell Lake Elementary School Good Citizens were J.P. Richey, Kayla Blazer, Emma Frey, Lynsey Hagen, Cody Nielsen, Tanner Williams, Austin Gagner, Amanda Richey, Staci Zempel and Elissa Lisenby. Good citizens at the primary school were Sawyer Hageny, Courtney Melton, Gina McSweeney, Nicole Mikula, Jerney Meister, Colton Kodesh, Greta Stellrecht and Ashlea Meister.


Auditions set for Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre’s “Pinocchio” SPOONER - Auditions for Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre’s original musical production of “Pinocchio” will be held at 3:45 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Monday, April 25, at the Spooner High School in the multipurpose room. A portion of the cast will be required to stay until 8 p.m. following the auditions for a rehearsal session. Up to 75 local young people are needed to play the roles of Pinocchio, Blue Fairy, Cricket, Cat, the Spirits of

the Forest, the townsfolk, the vermin, the hooligans, and the puppets. Two professional actor/directors from Prairie Fire will direct the production and play the roles of Geppetto/Tempesto the Puppet Master, and the Fox. Auditions are open to anyone age 7-14, in second through eighth grades. The audition process lasts up to two hours and all auditioners are required to be in attendance the entire time. No preparation is necessary. A portion of the

cast will be required to stay until 8 p.m. following the auditions for a rehearsal session. Rehearsals will be held from 3:45 - 8 p.m. throughout the remainder of the week, with performances scheduled for Saturday, April 30, at 2 and 6 p.m. at the Spooner High School auditorium, located at 801 CTH A, Spooner. Tickets for the performances will be available at the door, $3 for adults, $2 for middle and high school students and free for elementary and preschool

children. This weeklong Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre residency is being sponsored by a 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant and the Spooner PTO. For more information, contact Kessea Karl at 715-635-2173, ext. 2301, or Amber LaRue, 715-635-2174, ext. 1233. — from SASD

Literacy festival to be held at Shell Lake Schools SHELL LAKE - Thursday, April 21, will provide an exciting time for students at Shell Lake during the literacy festival. The event will be held in the 3-12 school library from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker at 5 p.m. is author An-

drea Gribble. She will share the book she wrote, “A Digital Daze,” and talk about how technology has affected family lives. All kindergarten through 12th-grade media fair entries will be on display. There will be an opportunity to find out


Wednesday, April 13 • Free community meal, 4 to 6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Skywarn Weather Spotter Training Class, 6:30 to 8 p.m., at the Spooner Fire Hall Administration Building, 1407 N. Front Street, Spooner, hosted by Washburn County Office of Emergency Management. Thursday, April 14 • Job Fair 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at WITC Conference Center, 1900 College Drive, Rice Lake. Free admission. Special hiring period for veterans and prejob fair workshop attendees from 10 - 11 a.m. Register online at duffyhouse.gov. • Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Open Mic at The Dock Coffee, 218 Elm St., Spooner. Sign up at 6 p.m., performers 6:30-9 p.m. Always held on the second Thursday of every month. Call Carol McDowall with questions, 715-416-0489. Friday, April 15 • Trinity Lutheran Rummage Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., across from the Spooner Elementary School. Coffee and treats available. • “Untalent Show,” Ceska Opera House, Haugen, 7:30 p.m. Reservations required, call 715-234-5600. • Reservations deadline for presentation of women’s cancer concerns, on Saturday, April 30, at 11 a.m., Spooner Golf Course. Please call 715-635-7573 or 715-828-1852. Saturday, April 16 • Shell Lake Pack 51 Scouting For Food starting at 9 a.m. All nonperishable food items donated will be given to Washburn County Food Pantry. Call 715-645-2358 if you need items picked up.


Thursday, April 14. Please register for pizza by contacting the elementary office with name and number of family members attending at 715-468-7815. — from Shell Lake Schools

about reading activities taking place this summer through the summer school reading program and also the summer reading program at the Shell Lake Public Library. A pizza dinner will be provided at intermission to all families that RSVP by


• Community garage sale at the Barronett Community Center, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. • Fifth-annual sock hop, 7 to 10 p.m., VFW Post 10568 N8595 CTH M, Springbrook. For more information, call 715766-2128. • St. Francis de Sales School “Wild, Wild West” spring gala, 6 p.m. For advanced tickets call at 715-635-2774. Monday, April 18 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. • Dining at 5, Spooner Senior Citizens. Call 715-635-8283, 24 hours in advance for reservations. Tuesday, April 19 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, Riverstreet Family Restaurant, 519 N. River Street, Spooner, 8-9:30 a.m. For more information, call 715-635-4669 or 715939-1151. Wednesday, April 20 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday, April 21 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. • Washburn County Historical Society Board of Directors meeting, 4 p.m., Hewitt Building, Shell Lake Museum Complex. Public is welcome. For more information, call 715-4682982. Friday, April 22 • Dining at 5, Birchwood Senior Citizens Center. Call 715354-3001, 24 hours in advance to make reservation. Saturday, April 23 • Spooner United Methodist Rummage Sale, 312 Elm St., 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

• Sucker fishing contest. Judging is at 5 p.m. VFW Post 10568 N8595 CTH M, Springbrook. For more information, call 715-766-2128. • 17th-annual Regional Hospice Services Spring Fling Gala, Tesora Northwoods Crossing, Siren. 5 p.m. social hour with silent auction, games, raffles. 7 p.m. entertainment. 8 p.m. grand-prize raffle drawing. All proceeds go to Regional Hospice. To reserve dinner tickets or to purchase raffle tickets, please call, 715-635-9077. Wednesday, April 27 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Thursday, April 28 • Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. Friday, April 29 • Smelt and fish fry, 4-7 p.m., Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge in Shell Lake. Saturday, April 30 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted.


Monday, May 2 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. spring dinner meeting, Lakeview Bar and Grill, Shell Lake. Social time 5:30 p.m.; meal served at 6 p.m. Please RSVP to Suzanne at the Washburn County Register newspaper office, 715-468-2314, or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com. Tuesday, May 3 • Shell Lake High School pops concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 School.



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Schafer accepted into U.S. Naval Academcy, Annapolis

A decade of city council service recognized

Larry Stelter was recognized for the 10 years he has served on the Spooner City Council. He was recognized at his last meeting as a 4th Ward alderperson when the council met Thursday, April 7. In response to the recognition, Stelter said, “My whole goal here is just to be helpful. I hope it showed.” Shown is Spooner Mayor Gary Cuskey presenting a plaque to Stelter recognizing his service. — Photo by Danielle Danford

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Larry Samson | Staff writer SPOONER - Tanner Schafer, a 2016 Spooner graduate, has received notice that he has been accepted into the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. This is the fulfillment of a dream that Schafer has had since he was 3 years old. Schafer is the son of Michael and Karina Schafer. He is the second Spooner student to enter the Naval Academy as Luke Riewestahl graduated in 2012 from Spooner and is graduating this spring from the Naval Academy. Schafer would listen to the stories that his grandfather, James Dienstl, and his uncle, Keith Dienstl, told of serving in the Navy. They help to instill the love of country and the desire to serve. At a young age Schafer set his sights on the Naval Academy and has worked toward that goal. He has a strong work ethic when it comes to academics and sports; the two things he needed to get into the academy. He is third in his class and in sports he was the quarterback and captain of his football team. The application process began when Schafer attended a one-week summer seminar last June. He took the candidate fitness test and passed. After that, he met with area Blue and Gold Officer Penny Schroeder and she helped him through the application process. Only 7.9 percent of those student applying to the academy get accepted. Schaefer credits the support of his parents; his principal, Sara Johnson; and his guidance counselor, Dawn Meyers, for their help in the application process and

Tanner Schafer, Spooner High School, has been accepted in to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. — Photo by Larry Samson for challenging him in school. He has had many great teachers at Spooner. Schaefer was sponsored by Congressman Sean Duffy and Sen. Ron Johnson. Schaefer reports for induction day on June 30 and he will start training on July 1. All new midshipmen attend Plebe Summer, a short and intense training that will prepare them for for the rigors of the Naval Academy. Schaefer is confident that the Spooner School District and his parents have prepared him for the challenges that he will face.

Relay for Life fundraiser Washburn County Relay For Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society is set for Friday, July 22. The opening ceremony will start at 6 p.m. and conclude at 11 p.m. in Shell Lake Memorial Park. If you would like to include team fundraising events in this column, please email your information to news@wcregisternewsroom.com.

Saturday, April 23 • Big Ripley Trekking Team annual fundraiser, Getaway, CTH D, Sarona, 4 to 7 p.m. The team has collected lots of hunting and sports gear, a variety of baskets and items to be used in auctions and raffles at the event. Free food and swag bags for all. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. Friday, May 6 • Mother’s Day Bake Sale, lobby of Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake, 8:30 a.m. to noon.


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• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Embrace provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245. •••

The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., in the museum’s Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715635-7937 for information.

••• Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking.

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Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.


Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.


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Arts center hosts middle school honors choir concert SHELL LAKE - The Shell Lake Arts Center proudly hosted the annual Middle School Honors Choir Concert on the evening of Friday, April 8, in the Aderman Auditorium. Over 200 of the most talented middle school vocalists from 21 different area schools came together for the event. Students performed challenging and technically beautiful musical arrangements that delighted guests. Led by choir director Paul Gulsvig, and vocal coach Jennifer Gulsvig, the students spent the day rehearsing in sectionals, as well as the full ensemble, working to master the complicated techniques required to perform the difficult pieces. For more information on the Shell Lake Arts Center Middle School Honors Choir, please visit the arts center’s website at shelllakeartscenter.org or call 715-4682414. — from SLAC

St. Francis students Jack Buchman, Caleb Potaczek and Andrew Nauertz listen carefully to the instruction of their teacher. They came prepared for the day to learn the music they would sing in the concert held at the end of the day.

Shell Lake students Megan Anderson and Julia Balser spent the day practicing with instructor Paul Gulsig. Gulsig, Onalaska, retired after 38 years of teaching.

The Northwood Middle School students participated at the Shell Lake Arts Center Middle School Honors Choir Concert. The students shown (L to R): Nona Thompson, Elizabeth Howard, Margaret Howard, Carissa Hintz, Lily Sandberg and Maggie Johnson. They are under the direction of Amy Graf. Shell Lake Middle School students participated at the Shell Lake Arts Center Middle School Honors Choir held Friday, April 8, at the arts center. Shown back row (L to R): Julianna Nelson, Abby Smith, Julia Balser, Joe Uchytil, Ty Ellanson and Jeremy Bouchard. Front: Megan Anderson, Ashtyn Smith, Matthew Allar, Rachel Milton and Judah Balser. The Shell Lake students are under the direction of Paul Osborn.

The Spooner Middle School students participating in the honors concert shown back row (L to Eight students from St. Francis participated at the honors choir. Shown back row (L to R): Jack R): Choir director Eric Connor, Logan Gibson, James Zaloudek, Brandon Nelson, Max Anderson, Buchman, Caleb Potaczek, Andrew Nauertz, Alexander Allen and Jeffery Ronger. Front: Grace Dominic Sondreal and Triston Ostrom. Front: Gena Griffeth, Grace Zaloudek, Kristina Archbacher, Frederickson, Maycee Wilkie and Britney Wiemeri. They are under the direction of Janet Medley. Isabelle Voeltz, Tiffany Romportl, Isabelle Adams and Jordan Schafer.

Busy spring for Shell Lake FFA members SHELL LAKE - Members of the Shell Lake FFA are busy this spring with competitions, work nights and providing programs for younger students. On Friday, April 8, FFA members presented the Food for America program to Shell Lake fourth-graders. This program teaches students about serving sizes, nutrition amounts recommended and healthy eating tips. An Animal Safety Day to teach third-graders how to be safe around animals, proper feeding and handling techniques, and how to be safe

around farm equipment is tentatively set for Friday, May 13. The annual FFA banquet is planned for Wednesday, April 20, starting at 6:30 p.m. with meal and awards program at 7 p.m. Students in seventh through ninth grades will bring a salad and students in the 10th through 12th grades will bring a dessert. The main meat will be provided by the FFA. Dairy team members qualifying for state competition to be held Friday, April 29, are Amber Anderson, ninth-place inFFA members from Shell Lake participating at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls Agricultural Technology Contest on Saturday, April 2, were, back row (L to R): Sydney Schunck, Marty Anderson, Mrs. Bos, Jordyn Monson, Kaelin Laub and Joe Uchytil. Front: Megan Anderson, Amber Anderson, Dominic Hopke, William Fisher, Lilly Edlin and Stephanie Carrillo. Team competition included dairy judging, vet science and middle school agriculture.

Shell Lake FFA members participating at the Fox Valley Technical College Career Development event on Friday, April 1, were back row (L to R): Madeline Hopke, coach Kylie Boullion, Marty Anderson, Alyssa Schultz, adviser Mrs. Bos and Ashley Meister. Front: Courtney Melton, Cassie Lawrence, Dominic Hopke, Keara Olsen, Clare Walker, Katie Crosby, Jerney Meister and Breeana Monson. — Photos submitted

dividual and top scorer, Marty Anderson, Dominic Hopke and Megan Anderson. In recent competitions, the middle school agricultural team finished 11th. Team members are Joe Uchytil, 11th place individual and top scorer, William Fisher, Lilly Edlin and Stephanie Carrillo. The veterinary science team placed 19th. Team members are Sydney Schunck, top individual scorer, Kaelin Laub and Jordyn Monson. The forestry team of Marty Anderson, who took third place overall and was top individual scorer, Keara Olsen and Alyssa Schultz finished fifth. The horse team finished 17th. Members include Jerney Meister, who was top individual scorer, Katie

Crosby, Ashlea Meister and Clare Walker. The livestock team finished 23rd. Team members include Dominic Hopke, top individual scorer, Courtney Melton, Cassie Lawrence and Maddie Hopke. The Shell Lake FFA and greenhouse management class plans a Mother’s Day flower and plant sale for the entire school on Thursday, May 5, at the primary school and Friday, May 6, at the elementary and high school. Community members are welcome on Friday after 1 p.m. The FFA is also planning two community sales, Saturday, May 7, and Saturday, May 21, from 8 to 11 a.m. — from Shell Lake FFA


Wisconsin boy Gaylord Nelson founder of Earth Day

Earth Notes


aylord Nelson was a leading figure in the fight against environmental degradation and social injustice in the 20th century. Former Wisconsin Sen. Nelson’s best known achievement is the founding of Earth Day in 1970. Described by American Heritage Magazine as “one of the most remarkable happenings in the history of democracy,” Earth Day made environmental protection a major national issue and had massive public support which forced politicians to see the severity of the problems and the extent of public concern. The first Earth Day galvanized Congress into creating some of the most important U.S. environmental legislation. A distinguished and influential public servant, Nelson served 10 years in the Wisconsin Senate, was twice elected governor of Wisconsin, and, in 1962, began an 18-year career in the U.S. Senate. As a senator, Nelson’s many achievements include legislation to:

Jen Barton • Preserve the 2,000-mile Appalachian Trail • Mandate fuel-efficiency standards in automobiles • Control strip mining • Ban the use of DDT • Ban the use of 245T, aka Agent Orange • Create the St. Croix Wild and Scenic Riverway and the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore • Many, many others, too many to list Nelson also co-sponsored the National Environmental Education Act and wrote legislation to create the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission and Operation Mainstream/Green Thumb, which employed the elderly in conservation projects. He was the recipient of numerous awards, including two from the United Nations Environment Program. Gaylord Nelson became counselor of The Wilderness Society in January 1981. In his 14 years at The Wilderness Society, Nelson focused his efforts on protecting America’s national

forests, national parks and other public lands. In his later years, Nelson focused his efforts on U.S. population issues and sustainability. A little history on Gaylord Nelson: He was born June 4, 1916, in Clear Lake, he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1939 from San Jose State College in California and his Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1942. He was in the U.S. Army during World War II for 46 months, serving as first lieutenant during the Okinawa campaign. Returning to Madison, Nelson practiced law from 1946 to 1958. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest honor for civilians, in 1995. In the speech he gave that year to mark the 25th anniversary of Earth Day, he kept his gaze on the horizon: “The opportunity for a gradual but complete break with our destructive environmental history and a new beginning is at hand … We can measure up to the challenge if we have the will to do so — that is the only question. I am optimistic that this generation will have the foresight and the will to begin the task of forging a sustainable society.” Nelson remained a national figure in environmental politics as counselor of The Wilderness Society until his death in 2005. We are so proud to call him a fellow Badger.

Foreign landowner notification SPOONER - Evie Moore, Washburn/ Burnett County executive director of the Farm Service Agency, informs foreign investors who buy, sell or hold a direct or indirect interest in agricultural lands in the United States, that they are required under the Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act to report their holdings and transactions to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. The Agricultural Foreign Investment

Act became effective Feb. 2, 1979, and requires any foreign person who acquires or transfers any interest other than a security interest in agricultural land to report the transaction to FSA within 90 days of the sale or purchase. The Secretary of Agriculture designated the Farm Service Agency to collect the reports which are to be submitted on form FSA-153, Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act Report. The completed

form must be filed at the FSA county office where the land is located. “Failure to submit an accurate or timely FSA-153 could result in civil penalties of up to 25 percent of the fair market value of the property,” said Moore. County government offices, bankers, realtors, attorneys and others involved in real estate transactions are encouraged to notify foreign investors of these reporting requirements. It is the foreign land-

owner’s responsibility to report the land transaction. An FSA-153 form can be obtained from the Washburn/Burnett County FSA office or downloaded from forms.sc.egov.usda. gov/efcommon/eFileServices/eFormsAdmin/FSA0153_101013V01.pdf. — from FSA

Louie’s Finer Meats excels at state convention CUMBERLAND - The quality of meat products produced by Louie’s Finer Meats, Cumberland, was again recognized at the 77th-annual convention of the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors, held in Madison Tuesday-Sunday, March 31-April 3. At the Meat Product Show, held in conjunction with that meeting, Louie’s Finer Meats received the following awards: The Sweepstakes Award for Product Show Excellence; grand champion for smoked bratwurst, Italian sausage and coarseground ring bologna; reserve grand champion for Lebanon bologna; champion for Louie’s Little Links and turkey salami; reserve champion for smoked Polish, skin-on wieners, jellied Italian loaf and skinless wieners; and honorable mention for bone-in ham and cotto salami. The Wisconsin Meat Product competition is the largest of its kind in the United

States. Meat processing plants and meat markets from throughout the state this year entered 944 individual products into 36 product categories. Over 40 judges including food scientists, out-of-state processors and other food industry professionals were required to effectively evaluate the many products during the product evaluation session on Saturday, April 2. Individual products are scored for external appearance and eye appeal, internal appearance, aroma and taste, using a scale of 1,000 points. The size of this product show and the quality of its entries demonstrates the important role that sausage and processed meats play in Wisconsin’s meat industry and among consumers across the state. — from LFM

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group to meet SPOONER - Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group will meet at Riverstreet Family Restaurant, 519 N. River St., Spooner, Tuesday, April 19, 8 -

Student music award recipients announced

SPOONER - The Spooner area Intermezzo Music Club held its annual Stu9:30 a.m. dent Music Award Auditions on Sunday, For more information, call 715-635-4669 April 10, at St. Frances de Sales Church in or 715-939-1151. — from LFRC Spooner. The performances were outstanding and the following students were award recipients based on the judges decisions: Laura Medley, $150 monetary award, vocal; Andrew Tellefson, $150, tenor sax; and Tyler Revak, $200 for the special Dorothy Keith Vocal Award. The $500 their dedication and commitment to this Shell Lake Arts Center scholarship was important community event. The fol- awarded to Jeremy Bouchard, alto sax, lowing volunteers provided needed ser- and also to Josh Berkesch, piano. Faith vices in greeting and canteen assistance: Tasker of Intermezzo Music Club preSandy Anderson, Sandy Johnson, MaryAnn Kies, Reylene LeRoy, Louise Martell, Miriam Michaelson, Ruth Skie and Joanne Wanek. Dawn Olson was the blood drive coordinator. The next Spooner-area Red Cross Blood Drive will be Sept. 1-2 at the same location. — submitted by Dawn Olson

Red Cross collects 1,112 units at Spooner blood drive SPOONER - The American Red Cross collected 1,112 units of blood at the recent Spooner-area blood drive. Trinity Lutheran Church provided the building site for the drive, and the Spooner Rodeo Committee donated the food for the concession table. Volunteer and staff meals were furnished by Faith Lutheran Church and the Partners of Spooner Health System. The American Red Cross extends gratitude to the donors and volunteers for

Attending the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors Convention were (L to R): Louis G. Muench, Louis E. Muench, William Muench, Louis K. Muench and Barb Muench. — Photo submitted

sented the awards. The Intermezzo Music Club is an organization whose primary focus is to promote music appreciation and performance for adults and youth of our community. The club is able to present awards thanks to generous contributions by community members and businesses and concert proceeds from the freewill offering at their Intermezzo Advent Concert. All of the contributions donated to the club are awarded to students. All of the scholarship and award recipients will be featured in the annual Intermezzo Advent Concert on Sunday, Dec. 4, at the Spooner Wesleyan Church. - submitted

Pack 51 to participate in Scouting For Food SHELL LAKE - Scouts from Pack 51 will be Scouting for Food on Saturday, April 16, starting at 9 a.m. They are asking community members that would like to contribute to place any nonperishable food items in a plastic bag outside their

front door. Please, no perishable or frozen items. If the bag doesn’t get picked up, please call George Cusick at 715-645-2358. All food collected will be donated to the Receiving awards from the Spooner area Intermezzo Music Club are (L to R): Laura Medley, Washburn County Food Pantry. — from Andrew Tellefson, Tyler Revak, Jeremy Bouchard and Josh Berkesch. Presenting awards was Pack 51 Faith Tasker of Intermezzo Music Club. — Photo submitted



consider teddy bears and piggy banks to be pretty standard items for a child to have. Most of us have heard how the little stuffed bear got its name, Teddy. Legend has it that the toy was named after U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Teddy, who was an avid hunter. Supposedly he refused to kill a bear that was captured during a bear-hunting trip. This incident gained exposure through political cartoonist Clifford Berryman’s cartoon that was later published in newspapers. While visiting one day, my friend Val mentioned that she had seen a show on TV about how the piggy bank got its name. When I inquired about what she had heard, Val sent me some information from RoadsideAmerica.com. The information they provided talked about a monument to the pig that inspired the piggy bank. The monument is in White Cloud, Kan. The article went on to say, “This is known officially as the Wilbur Chapman monument. Wilbur, a local 10-year-old, owned Pete, a prized pig. He sold Pete in 1910 to raise money for a leper colony. The story caught the attention of the press and then the people, so much so that piggy banks were invented as a generic way to save money. E.B. White named the pig in ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Wilbur in honor of Wilbur, while all poor Pete got was a monument that isn’t even named after him.” It wasn’t until my discussion with Val that I started to wondered about the naming of the pig-looking object with a slot on its back to slide your loose change into for safe keeping. I decided to do some of my own searching and the information I found about how the


hen I was a child, just before Christmas we would receive a package in the mail. That was quite exciting. My brothers and sisters and I would gather in the kitchen while Mother opened the box. It was filled with tissue-wrapped grapefruit and oranges and little kumquats, tropical fruit from Texas. Mother would keep the box in the cool bedroom, and we would all enjoy its contents over the holidays. Our uncle sent them and he always went to Texas in the wintertime. My mother was the youngest in her family, with three sisters and the oldest, her brother, our Uncle Fred. He had to leave school in the fourth grade to work in the coal mine to support his mother and sisters. He never talked about those early years, but the operators used 9-year-old boys to crawl into tight places in the underground tunnels. I heard people say Fred was determined to get out of the mines. He could build things. At 15, he built an addition to his mother’s house that became her kitchen and he put in running water. He used his time off to read and educate himself. By 17 there was a war, World War I, and he enlisted in the Navy. Why the Navy? I think it was a lot like the mining industry. And we lived in a town located along the Illinois River. Boats were always there. He came back after the war and became an ironworker. He learned to read blueprints and became a foreman. They built bridges. The Depression came along, and many of the men from our town were without work. Our uncle and several other men got together and they built a riverboat. For a while they had work transporting barges on the river. One of the partners ran off with their money and they had to give up their enterprise. Uncle Fred had no family, so he

The piggy bank Beyond the office door Suzanne Johnson piggy bank got its name was different than what Val had given me. The information I came across suggested that “a cheap, orange-colored clay, called pygg was used during the Middle Ages for making pots to store money. These vessels were called pygg pots or pygg jars. Later the term evolved to pig bank.” No matter how it got its name, we know that piggy banks aren’t limited to just pigs as just about any animal likeness in all shapes and colors are used today as a place to store money at home. Just about any image is used for piggy banks. One year for Christmas, my parents gave me piggy bank designed to resemble Elvis Presley. Perhaps one of the more recognized piggy banks is Hamm from the “Toy Story” movies made by Disney/ Pixar. Actor John Ratzenberger was the voice for this wisecracking piggy bank. Ratzenberger is probably better known for playing the part of Cliff Clavin in the TV series “Cheers” that aired from 1982-1993.

Memories of my uncle Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen could go to where the work led him. He lived in a small trailer and so he could move around. Uncle Fred had a car, a 1936 Plymouth, during the war years, and later he had a Studebaker. Our family did not. Our dad was a carpenter and in the lean years worked for the WPA. We couldn’t hardly have a car because money was scarce. Uncle Fred was always willing to take all of us on the summertime weekends to picnic spots where we could enjoy swimming and tramping the woods. He taught us to use the bow and arrows, and to shoot his .22 rifle, and we hunted for arrowheads. He taught us the names of the birds. He taught us to fish and row a boat. Like our mother, he had learned from their father the Latin names of plants and he taught us about wildflowers. He took us to places where we could pick berries and in fall, gather walnuts. We made several trips to Wisconsin where we camped and visited a museum in Milwaukee and their zoo. We went to the Dells. We went to many places in Illinois too. We saw parks and many museums in Chicago and in other cities. Uncle Fred would tell us kids about how water and erosion formed cliffs and sandstone and limestone rock formations and how the glaciers transformed the surface of the land. He would

An Elvis-wanna-be piggy bank was given as a Christmas gift. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

answer many of our questions as he was driving, so our trips were always very interesting. Uncle Fred was a beekeeper too. We learned about the way honey was made by the little worker bees. I would watch him construct the boxes he called supers that he added to the hives. He would crimp on the sheets of wax. It took a lot of time and work. He would take us to see the bees while he was working with them. We had to stand back so we wouldn’t get stung. He extracted honey and always gave Mother a gallon of golden clover honey. Uncle Fred had his trailer home parked in our backyard for several years. He had to work, but when he was home and I was free, I could go and sit with him near his trailer and watch the martins flit around catching mosquitoes. He made martin houses and didn’t like sparrows. Often our parents and us kids would sit outside to enjoy the long summer evenings. He helped me make my first flower garden and his patch of tomatoes was always high yielding for our family. Ironworkers did not work in the winter. He was free to drive on down to Brownsville, Texas, in November. He told us it was the warmest place in winter, but when the spring came, it was the hottest, so he would come back home. Like my father, Uncle Fred was always concerned about the environment. They both knew about the passenger pigeons that became extinct in their lifetime. I remember when we went to Buffalo Rock State Park in Illinois. They had a fenced-in area where a lone bull buffalo stood. Uncle Fred said it was one of the few remaining buffalo. I believed it. He’s been gone now for years, but I know he would be delighted to know that buffalo have survived and are now thriving.

Volunteerism recognized at Spooner Middle School

Spooner Mayor Gary Cuskey speaks about the history of volunteerism at the Mayor’s Day program held at Spooner Middle School on Tuesday, April 5. The day was set to recognize the work being done by local volunteers and AmeriCorps members since 2008. In the background stand Kate Curran, left, and Nikki Halverson, right, AmeriCorps Farm to School members.

Photos by Danielle Danford

Jacob Legget, fifth grade, right, and his classmate Dominic Faircloth, left, plant a tomato seed as part of the Mayor’s Day event. Nancy Reis and Chris Wehy, STEP program volunteers, were recognized for their service but were unable to attend Mayor’s Day because they were volunteering.


Ole and Lena coming to Cumberland’s ETC CUMBERLAND - Spring is a popular time for wedding celebrations. It’s also a good time to celebrate wedding anniversaries, which is what Ole and Lena plan to do – twice as a matter of fact – at the ETC Arts Center on Saturday, April 23, and Sunday, April 24. And no anniversary party would be complete without a hotdish supper, which will be available before two performances of “Ole and Lena’s 50th Wedding Anniversary and Vow Renewal.” The legendary Scandinavian couple would like a good turnout for their celebration in the former church that is Cumberland’s performing arts center. The shows are at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, and at 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 24. The Saturday dinner is at 6 p.m. and the Sunday meal is at noon. Tickets are $20 for dinner and show and $10 for those who want to see the show without hotdish. You can purchase tickets at Peter and Annie’s World Market or reserve them by calling Peter

and Annie’s at 715-822-9959. Ole and Lena are played by Michael and Julie Bateson, a husband-wife acting team from Rosemount, Minn. The Batesons have been performing as Ole and Lena for more than 10 years for a wide variety of groups and theater audiences across the Upper Midwest. The Batesons say the interactive play coming to Cumberland deals with tension over Lena wanting a vow-renewal like she saw on Dr. Phil’s show and Ole wanting to get out of town for a fishing tournament. The Cumberland Arts Center is located at 1595 2nd Ave. Questions? Contact Larry Werner at 612-7435117 or lhwerner47@gmail.com. — from ETC

“Ole and Lena’s 50th Wedding Anniversary and Vow Renewal” will be at the ETC Arts Center in Cumberland, April 23 and 24. — Photo submitted

Mini Master Gardeners Short Course held at Bashaw Valley

SHELL LAKE - Saturday, April 2, Bashaw Valley Farm and and Greenhouse, Hwy. 63, Shell Lake, hosted a Mini Master Gardeners Short Course. Although the blowing snow kept some families from attending, over 30 young people and their parents attended. The purpose of this event is to share the joys of gardening and growing food with kids and their families as well as instilling a passion for horticulture.

It was a morning full of hands-on activities and learning all about gardening and growing plants. Kids learned about seeds, sprouts and germination, plant parts and their function, how to properly plant seeds and transplants, and all about soil. Bashaw Valley Farm and Greenhouse and UW-Extension’s North Country Master Gardener volunteers sponsor this event. — from UWEX

UW-Extension Master Gardener Chris Weyh demonstrates how to make paper pots and fill them with potting soil for planting seeds. — Photos by Janice Wurtinger

Kevin Schoessow, UW-Extension area agriculture development educator, shares his passion about soil to these budding gardeners.

Looking at seeds and seed sprouts under a magnifying glass was a popular activity. Kara Dahlstrom, Shell Lake, checks out the parts of a peanut seed.

UW-Extension Master Gardener volunteer Terrie Strand explains the different types of ingredients in a seed starting mix at this year’s Mini Master Gardener Short Course sponsored by UW-Extension North Country Master Gardeners Association and Bashaw Valley Farm and Greenhouse.

Linda Degner, owner of Bashaw Valley Farm and Greenhouse, explains the importance of taking care of your plants: give them plenty of sun and don’t forget to water them.

Participants of the Mini Master Gardener Short Course show their finished sprout houses. Students took them home to watch the bean sprout grow.



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Looking back on the season

Brandon Jepson received the Most Valuable Wrestler and Captains Award from coach Caleb Melton at the Spooner wrestling banquet held Monday, April 4, at the Spooner High School. In addition to the awards, Jepson was recognized as a sectional wrestler and for 100-plus career wins.

Caleb Melton recounted the time when he saw Hunter Peterson helping an elderly lady in the bleachers at a wrestling tournament. That was something that did not surprise him because Peterson was just that kind of person. Peterson will be a returning letterman next season and his leadership abilities will be needed for the young team.

Everyone in the Spooner wrestling program refers to it as the wrestling family, be it coaches, parents, wrestlers, statisticians or team managers. Shown back row (L to R): Dave Parish, Steve Daniels, Hunter Peterson, Nathaniel Melton, Brandon Jepson, Brad Jepson, Zach Kubnick, Sam Melton, Josh Carroll, Chase Melton, Bryce Carroll, Josh Melton and Caleb Melton. Middle: Lily Melton, Maddy Hagberg, Abby Melton and Sarah Adamson. Front: Jimmy Melton, Connor Melton, Carter Melton, Ethan Melton and Brody Jepson.

Statisticians and team photographers were Lily Melton, Sarah Adamson, Maddy Hagberg and Abby Melton.

The team managers and future varsity wrestlers are Brody Jepson, Carter Melton, Jimmy Melton, Ethan Melton and Connor Melton.

Photos by Larry Samson




Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Laker track team competes in Superior

Katrina Granzin | Head coach SUPERIOR - The Shell Lake track team attended their second meet of the season, an indoor meet at UW-Superior on Friday, April 8. This indoor meet offers some great competition from Division 1 and 2 schools. With great competition athletes are challenged to push their skills and the will to improve. Lindsey Martin set a new school record with a jump of 17’1.0” in the long jump. She placed second. Nicole Mikula placed second in the triple jump with a jump of 32’4.75”. The girls 4x800M relay, consisting of Ali DeLadi, Ashlea Meister, Julia Pokorny and Sheri Clark with a time of 1:22.96, placed third. Also placing third was the girls 4x200M relay team of Amber Anderson, Emma Thomas, Mikula and Sydney Schunck, with a personal best time of the year at 1:55.28. The girls 4x400M relay consisting of Anderson, Alyssa Hodgett, Pokorny and Sheri Clark ran a time of 4:42.2, taking fourth. In fifth place, Cassie Skattebo finished the 400M dash with a 1:07.54 on a tender ankle. Linden Nelson took sixth place with a triple jump of 35’9.5”. He had a personal best with a jump of 10’0” in pole vault. Placing in seventh was Anderson in the 55M dash with a time of 7.96 and Mikula in the 200M dash with a time of 28.61. Other personal bests at the meet were Hodgett with 1:14.18 in the 400M dash, Lauren Osborn, 3:05.59 in the 800M run; Sarah Grafe, 27”3.5” in the triple jump; and the 4x200 relay team of Daniel Nielsen, Dominic Hopke, Nelson, and Nick Udovic with a time of 1:54.95. Commenting on the performance of Ali DeLadi and Ashlea Meister in the 2,300M run, coach Katrina Granzin said, “As a coach I hold a special place in my heart for the students who have the passion, excitement and willingness to run this event to gain possible points for the team.”

Power of one: One person, one team, one family; the Laker track team is a team to admire.

Shown during her 2,300Mrun Ali DeLadi, along with teammate Ashlea Meister, not shown, demonstrated their determination and willpower while running 16 laps for the indoor two-mile run.

Photos submitted

Maddie LaFave, one of the Laker’s throwers, had the opportunity to throw for the first time this year in Superior. She has been putting in the extra time outside of the season lifting to be a great thrower for her team.

RIGHT: As a senior, Laker Amber Anderson is a leader both off and on the track. In the 4x400M relay she led her team as the first runner, getting the team into position for athletes to cut in and run in the same lane. Alyssa Hodgett ran a great first 400 for the year and then came back later in the meet to do it all again in a 4x400M relay while still maintaining the same time.

LEFT: Daniel Parish was the first runner on the track leading off the 4x800M relay and the last Shell Lake runner on the track for the night anchoring the team’s 4x400M relay. The irony of the statement is this is true to Parish’s character; he is the first one ready to go at practice and one of the last ones to leave. His work ethic and determination are admirable.




Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Spooner graduate wins benchrest matches

Spooner track competes in Packy Paquette invitational

Member of Colorado Benchrest Hall of Fame PHOENIX, Ariz. - Larry White, 1959 graduate of Spooner High School, recently won the 2016 Southwest Berger Bullet Four-Gun Benchrest matches at Ben Avery Rifle Range in Phoenix, Ariz. This is the second year in a row for White to win this title. He also won the Colorado Four-Gun and is now a member of the Colorado Benchrest Hall of Fame. White has been setting new range records and was featured on the front cover of the November 2015 Precision Shooting Magazine. In the Arizona win, White nearly eclipsed a world’s record with a five-shot, five-target, 25-shot aggregate of .1291” at 200 yards. The existing record is .1233. White has an excellent chance to qualify for the United States World Team and compete at the World Benchrest matches in New Zealand in 2017. The qualifying matches will be in Arizona, New Mexico, Missouri and Pennsylvania this year. White and his wife, Dawn Pennington White, have contributed extensively to Spooner High School’s metal lab. They currently reside at their winter home in Phoenix. In the summer they make their home in Cedaredge, Colo., where Larry does much of his shooting component testing in his 100-yard underground tunnel between summer matches in the United States. White is currently working with his new rifle action design coupled with a special, carbon-fiber rifle stock, as well as an innovative, electronic wind flag system. submitted

SUPERIOR - The boys and girls track team from Spooner competed in the annual Packy Paquette Indoor Invitational Friday, April 8, at the UW-Superior Fieldhouse. The Rails boys finished fifth out of 12 teams while the girls team finished ninth. Individual medalists for the boys team included senior Dan Pederson capturing first place in both the 1,600- and 3,200-meter races. Senior Chase Davies captured second place in the shot. Senior Devon Miller took third in the 55-meter hurdles and second in the 200-meter hurdles. Senior Desi Fielding placed first, breaking the meet record held by former Rail Jim Menkol in the long jump. For the girls team, senior Alex Grubbs was awarded the Packy Paquette plaque for placing first in the commemorative 220-yard race. The Rails were scheduled to be in Cameron on Tuesday, April 12. A return trip to UW-Superior for the Heart O’North Conference indoor meet is set for Friday, April 15. — from Spooner Athletic Department

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Larry White recently won the 2016 Southwest Berger Bullet Four-Gun Benchrest matches at Ben Avery Rifle Range in Phoenix, Ariz. — Photo submitted

Spooner boys basketball team holds banquet

The Spooner High School boys basketball team had its end-of-the-year banquet on Thursday, March 31. Members of the team were presented with awards they had earned.

SPRING sports Photos submitted

schedule Track

Sam Dettle received the all-conference honorable mention award for his skills displayed on the Spooner boys basketball team.

Tuesday, April 19: At Ladysmith, 4:15 p.m. Thursday, April 21: At Frederic, 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: At Shell Lake, 4 p.m. Thursday, April 28: At St. Croix Falls, 4:15 p.m. Monday, May 2: At Unity, 4 p.m.

Baseball Thursday, April 14: At Grantsburg, 5 p.m. Monday, April 18: Versus Turtle Lake/Clayton, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 21: At St. Croix Falls, 5 p.m. Monday, April 25: At Unity, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: Versus Butternut, 5 p.m.

Thursday, April 28: Versus Webster, 5 p.m. Friday, April 29: At Glenwood City, 5 p.m. Monday, May 2: At Luck, 5 p.m. Thursday, May 5: At Siren, 5 p.m.

Softball Thursday, April 14: At Grantsburg, 5 p.m. Saturday, April 16: At Cashton, noon. Monday, April 18: Versus Turtle Lake/Clayton, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 21: Versus St. Croix Falls, 5 p.m. Monday, April 25: At Unity, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: Versus Solon Springs, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 28: Versus Siren/Webster, 5 p.m. Monday, May 2: At Frederic, 5 p.m. Thursday, May 5: At Cameron, 4 p.m. Monday, May 9: Versus Grantsburg, 5 p.m.


Sarona farmers win top award in national corn yield contest

ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Rick and Carla Hargrave, of Hargrave Farms in Sarona, were recently honored for being among the nation’s highest-producing farmers in the 2015 National Corn Growers Association National Corn Yield Contest. In total, over 7,720 farmers across the country entered the contest. Rick captured a first-place state award

with an impressive yield of 265.7 bushels per acre in the No-Till/Strip-Till Irrigated division. His winning yield was with a Dekalb® brand corn product DKC6208. Carla placed second in the state with a yield of 265.2 bushels per acre in the No-Till/Strip-Till Irrigated division with Dekalb® brand corn product, a DKC5440RIB blend.

Dekalb yield contest winners were honored at the 2016 Commodity Classic, an annual farmer-focused convention, held in New Orleans. Winners were celebrated at an awards banquet and private concert featuring country music star Easton Corbin. “The Hargraves should take pride in their outstanding achievement and we

congratulate them on their success,” said Jesse Hamonic, Asgrow Dekalb brand lead, who presented a trophy at the banquet. “It’s exciting to see farmers push yield boundaries through a winning combination of management skills and Dekalb corn products.” — from Monsanto Company

Shell Lake School District receives WTEA Middle School Program of the Year Award WISCONSIN DELLS - Shell Lake Schools was presented with the Wisconsin Technology Education Association’s Program of the Year Award in recognition of efforts in providing outstanding programs in technology and engineering education at the middle school level. The award was presented to Bob Forsythe at the Technology and Engineering Education awards banquet held in conjunction with the WTEA annual conference, titled Architects of the Future, on Feb. 25 at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells. The WTEA accepts nominations from education professionals all over the state. The award committee reviews local curriculum, facilities and instructional methods as part of the selection process. This award is only presented to one high and one middle school annually. Forsythe started teaching in Shell Lake Schools in 1995. He credits the success of his program to the people around him. “Shell Lake is a great place to live, work and raise a family. The people I work with are great, and the community supports the school in many ways. Thank you all for your part in making this work, it truly takes many people to educate a

Jesse Domer, Watertown High School, past WTEA president, presented Bob Forsythe, Shell Lake educator, with the Wisconsin Technology Education Association’s Middle School Program of the Year Award at an awards banquet held in Wisconsin Dells. — Photo submitted

child.” The Shell Lake tech ed mission/philosophy statement is: “To understand the role of technology in everyday life, and to be consciously aware of it as we strive to think, and question, like a technologist and a productive problem solver.” The Wisconsin Technology Education Association is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide professional development for classroom instructors and proactive leadership in advocating the advancement of technology and engineering education by promoting relevant curriculum, communicating information, and networking with leaders in education, business and industry. The membership of the WTEA consists of technology educators and education professionals from all levels of education including public school, private school and correctional institution educators, college and university professors, technical college instructors, school administrators, and college students preparing to enter the teaching profession. For more information about the WTEA go to wtea-wis.org. — from Shell Lake Schools

Spooner FFA member earns gold SPOONER - Kate Rosenbush of the Spooner FFA Chapter earned a gold rating on her Small Animal Production and Care Proficiency Award for 2015-2016. The FFA Proficiency Award program recognizes achievement in a student’s Supervised Agricultural Experience program in areas ranging from agricultural communications to wildlife management. To be eligible for a proficiency award, a student must maintain records of their work-related activities, and submit an application explaining how the project was started, progress toward the student’s goals, and detailed financial records. Rosenbush’s application was selected as one of the top 10 in the state. She was also the sectional winner for her Proficiency Award area. Her FFA adviser is Susie Olson-Rosenbush. Rosenbush’s supervised agriculture experience program consists of employment at the Spooner Vet Clinic as a kennel attendant and sharing her small animal projects at community events. Rosenbush plans to attend Madison Area Technical College to become a veterinary technician

and hopefully work with both large and small animals. She also has aspirations of someday owning her own kennel and pet rescue. Rosenbush will be recognized onstage at the state FFA convention in Madison this June. The state convention is a grand event that celebrates the accomplishments of the students, advisers and supporters who make the FFA organization a success. Over 3,000 Wisconsin FFA members and advisers representing 255 chapters, along with parents, alumni, sponsors and guests will gather June 13-16 at the Wisconsin FFA Convention at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. — from Spooner FFA

Kate Rosenbush, Spooner FFA member, takes pride in her ability to properly care for the animals she is responsible for at the Spooner Vet Clinic. — Photo submitted

Shell Lake Community Ed classes focus on finances SHELL LAKE - Shell Lake Community Ed will be holding classes concerning finances and retirement. Jason Kohl, MBA, a Thrivent Financial representative, will host the classes at the Shell Lake High School. Each class needs a minimum of four participants with a maximum of 12. The class cost is a food

pantry donation. To register for classes call 715-468-7815, ext. 137, or email jensenk@shelllake.k12.wi.us. Social Security: Strategize to Maximize will be held Wednesday, April 20, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Did you know that there are hundreds of options associated with your Social Se-

curity retirement benefits? This class will explore how to sort through the choices. Help ensure the decisions you make are ones you can live with for the rest of your life. Retire Wisely will be held Thursday, April 28, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Will you have enough to retire? Will your re-

tirement income last? Are your assets protected? Information presented will include how to manage six risks all retirees face: outliving income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health-care costs. — from SLCE

Gov. Walker approves county forest road aid MADISON - Gov. Scott Walker announced on Monday, March 28, that $284,700 in state funds will help 24 Wisconsin counties maintain and improve public roads in county forests. With 95.77 eligible miles, Washburn County will receive $30,119.88. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation administers the state’s County Forest Road Aids program. The 2016 fiscal year funding will help improve more

than 900 miles of public roads within county forests. Marinette County, with nearly 225 miles of eligible county forest roads, will receive the largest payment, almost $70,500. To qualify for the state funding, roads must meet minimum design standards of a 16-foot surface width and a 20-foot roadway width; be located within county forests; be open and used for travel; and cannot be town roads, or county or state

highways. County Forest Road Aids are separate from the larger General Transportation Aids program. GTA returns funding to local governments from state-collected transportation revenues, collected from fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees, to help offset the cost of county and municipal road construction, maintenance, traffic and other transportation-related costs. Counties near Washburn to receive

funding are Burnett, $11,057.90, with 35.16 eligible miles; Polk, $2,393.36, with 7.61 eligible miles; Rusk, $7,029.12, with 22.35 eligible miles; Douglas, $30,579.05 with 97.23 eligible miles; and Ashland $1,399.53 with 4.45 eligible miles. — from WisDOT



Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Robert Pashley Robert Pashley, 83, Shell Lake, formerly of Freeport, Ill., died Thursday, April 7, 2016, at Heritage Manor Nursing Home. He was born April 11, 1932, in Hull, Yorkshire, England, to Herbert and Gladys (Green) Pashley. Bob served in the USAF from 1951-1955. He was married on Dec. 18, 1954, to Laura Jean Anderson. During his life, Bob accomplished a great deal. He worked for many years as a draftsman for several electronics companies, including Information Storage

Systems of Cupertino, Calif. He also was the head of maintenance and assistant director for Covenant Harbor Bible Camp. He was the design engineer for Chicago Cutlery and holds numerous patents for his ergonomic knife designs. He was an accomplished woodworker, carving

mantels for friends and a large cross for his church, and was very skilled in the use of dovetail joinery. Bob was also a loving and attentive father, who spent quality time with his daughters, horseback riding with Linda, taking Sandy to antique car shows, hiking and canoeing. He is survived by his wife, Laura Jean Pashley, Rice Lake; daughters, Linda (James) Shisler, Longmont, Colo., and Sandy (Ben) Hackett, Greendale; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren;

his sister, Jean Pashley; other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held Friday, April 15, 11 a.m., at Trego Community Church with Frank Distad officiating. Full military honors will follow. Burial will be in Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Visitation will be for an hour prior to the service on Friday. The Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

Harold Allen Stone Harold Allen Stone, 56, Spooner, passed away Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at Ministry Health St. Joseph Hospital in Marshfield. He was born July 10, 1959, in Shell Lake, the son of Paul George Stone and Loretta Lou (Banks) Vanselus. Harold moved with his family to Colorado Springs, Colo., where he graduated from high school. Shortly after gradu-

ation, he returned to Spooner. Harold loved the guitar and played with several different area bands. He enjoyed art, as he made walking sticks out of bird’s-eye willow and painted ceramics. Harold was a

big fan of NASCAR. He is survived by his mother, Loretta (Ernest “Butch”) Vanselus, Shell Lake; his siblings, Paula (the Rev. John) Powell, Chinook, Mont., Marjean (Rudy) Fisher, Monee, Ill., Mark (Shelly) Stone, Stowe, Ohio, and Matthew (Cory) Stone, Rice Lake; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. He was preceded in death by his father,

Paul Stone. Funeral services were held April 9 at Church of the Nazarene, Spooner. Interment followed at the Shell Lake Cemetery. Dahl Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences may be left for the family at bratley-nelsonchapels.com.

Eleanor Margaret Albright Eleanor Margaret Albright, 83, Onalaska, and formerly of Shell Lake, died Friday, April 8, 2016.

Funeral services will be held at Saturday, April 23, 11 a.m., at Shell Lake United Methodist Church with the Rev. Steve Miller officiating. Burial will be in Shell

Lake Cemetery. Visitation will be for one hour prior to the service at the church. Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

A complete obituary will be published at a later date.

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Last year in Wisconsin, 94 people were killed in distracted driving crashes

MADISON - A hairbrush, a hamburger and a cell phone — all are harmless except when you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle. “When drivers comb their hair while looking in the rearview mirror, eat a meal, or text message while driving, they are in

fact distracted and in danger of causing a crash or failing to avoid one,” says David Pabst, director of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Safety. “Trying to multitask while driving is a recipe for disaster.” To remind people that they must give driving their undivided attention, Congress has designated April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. “The dangers of distracted driving, also known as inattentive driving, are not exaggerated and are a growing threat to

everyone on the road. Last year in Wisconsin, 94 people were killed in crashes in which at least one driver was listed as driving inattentively. In addition, 10,615 people were injured in distracted driving crashes in 2015,” Pabst reports. “That’s an increase from 2014 when 72 people were killed and 9,704 were injured.” Pabst says, “Even though you may have a busy life and have thought about multitasking behind the wheel, it’s time to put a stop to distracted driving habits, which put your life and the lives of others in

grave danger.” Although many actions are distractions while driving, significant public and legislative attention has been focused on talking and texting on cell phones. Wisconsin law prohibits texting while driving, and drivers with an instruction permit or probationary license, which includes many teenagers, are prohibited from using a cell phone while driving except in an emergency. — from WisDOT

Local school funding referendums saw huge success Lake Holcombe School District was spared from likely closure Rich Kremer | WPR News NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - Voters in Chippewa and Rusk counties voted with an overwhelming majority last week to spare a school district from having to be dissolved. Their decision was in line with dozens of other school funding referendums that passed successfully state-

wide this week. More than 70 percent of voters in the Lake Holcombe School District approved a $2 million referendum to help cover operational costs through 2019. The district board of education had said if the referendum didn’t pass, they’d likely have to dissolve the district. Lake Holcombe Superintendent Jeff Mastin said he’s proud of the citizen support. “It’s a passion that our community has for their school and their children,” he said. “I think it was something that we

made sure we communicated well and communicated often in a variety of ways to make sure people got the message and knew what the information was so they could make an informed vote.” According to the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, voters approved more than three-fourths of the 71 referendums on local ballots across the state on election day. “I think there’s a recognition that the public believes there should be more money for our public schools, and they are willing to vote to increase their own

property taxes in support of providing more money for their schools. And that’s an important statement, I think,” said the group’s government relations director Dan Rossmiller. He said voters understand referendums are the new way to fund schools. Most referendum questions were related to school building projects and allowing a district to exceed revenue limits. Two more referendums will go to voters this year in Cudahy and Prescott.

Fishbowl Wooden Nickel Coin Club celebrates 50 years SIREN – The Fishbowl Wooden Nickel Coin Club is celebrating 50 years of existence this year. The club is a group of enthusiastic coin collectors from counties in northwestern Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Fishbowl club has quite a history. In 1966, a group of coin collectors from the area formed the Arrowhead Coin Club and began having meetings in Spooner. At the same time, the Amery Coin Club was meeting in Amery. The two clubs held joint coin shows in Spooner and Amery and issued wooden nickels over a six-show

period to commemorate each show. After 1970, there is no record of the Amery Coin Club, but the Arrowhead Coin Club continued to meet, have coin shows and issue wooden nickels through 1973. In 1974, the Arrowhead Coin Club moved to Siren and changed their name to the Fishbowl Wooden Nickel Coin Club. The club continues to meet and have annual coin shows and issue wooden nickels. There are wooden nickels for each year, beginning in 1966 to the present. In 1969, coin collectors from Frederic

formed a club and held meetings and coin shows in Frederic, and issued a series of wooden nickels for eight years to provide an observance for their shows up through 1976. The Frederic Coin Club merged with the Fishbowl Wooden Nickel Coin Club in 1976. The club covers all aspects of collecting U.S. coins, from Colonial times through commemoratives in all different denominations. Club members are well-versed in all different aspects of coin collecting. The club has information on other coin clubs,

organizations, publications and coin-collecting supplies throughout the United States available for anyone who is interested. The Fishbowl Wooden Nickel Coin Club meets on the third Thursday of each month. The next meeting is Thursday, April 21, at the Siren Senior Center in Siren. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. with traders, and at 7 p.m. for business. A lunch is served at every meeting. – submitted

Volunteers needed for Namekagon River cleanup WASHBURN COUNTY - Celebrate the National Park Centennial by helping the National Park Service and the Namekagon River Partnership clean up the Namekagon River on Saturday, April 30. This will be the fourth-annual cleanup and will focus on six sections of the Namekagon: Phipps Landing to Eagle’s Landing; Eagle’s Landing to Hayward

Landing; Hayward Landing to Stinnett Landing; Stinnett Landing to North Springbrook Landing; North Springbrook Landing to Earl Landing; and Earl Landing to Lakeside Road Landing. Volunteers will split into teams to travel each river section in canoes or drift boats, collecting trash along the way. For those who do not want to be on the water, there

are opportunities to help with event logistics, like driving volunteers to and from the work sites, which are put-in and takeout points. Because there are a limited number of canoes and life jackets available, volunteers must preregister. To volunteer, call the Hayward Fly Fishing Company at 715-634-8149. Registration deadline is

Friday, April 22. Volunteers will meet at Hayward DNR Ranger Station parking area off of Hwy. 27 at 8 a.m. on April 30. They should bring water, lunch, weather-appropriate clothing and sunscreen. — from the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway


AREA CHURCHES Lake Park Alliance

53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.


Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Pastoral Administrator Father Bala Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Pastoral Administrator Father Bala 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Pastoral Administrator Father Bala 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Episcopal St. Alban’s

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner, 715-635-8475 Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School. Office hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon. trinityspooner.org

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

Cornerstone Christian

Faith Lutheran

Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.

We can have the same assurance.

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

Sarona Methodist

everal times Jesus tells His followers, “Don’t be afraid; I am here.”


United Methodist

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

Spooner Wesleyan


Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Long Lake Lutheran Church


Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran



Why fear? Our Lord is with us. He promised to be with us. His Holy Spirit abides in us. Jettison your fears this week in church.

First United Pentecostal

337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner Pastor Dustin Owens 715-635-8386 Sunday school: 10 a.m.; Sunday worship: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study: 7 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor Bill Lee W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalemlutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Psalm 23 Acts 9:36-43

Revelation 7:9-17

John 10:22-30

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter


ears ago, an elderly lady boarded a train for the very first time in her life. As she sat comfortably in her seat, she continued to clutch her small suitcase tightly, fearing something might happen to it. As the train left the depot, a conductor came to her and said, “Madam, if you’ll allow me, I’ll place your suitcase under your seat so it won’t burden you down. The train is perfectly capable of carrying you and your baggage.” “Oh, no,” she objected. “I want to take care of my baggage by myself.” Many of us are like that gracious, yet frightened elderly lady. We want to take care of our “baggage” by ourselves. In the most loving and encouraging way, David advised us to, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” The word care in Hebrew means “what is given to you in life, your lot.” And the word sustains means that he will “support and nourish” us. When we throw our lot - or ourselves and all of our problems - on the Lord, he will not only hold us up and sustain us, but he will never let us fall. David was nearly destroyed by men who wanted to deceive and destroy him. But it did not happen. He took all of his pain and problems, his attackers and adversaries, his sins and shortcomings to the Lord, and God upheld him and stabilized him and saved him.

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Judy Pieper

Garage sale season is finally here! The big Barronett community garage sale will be held this Saturday, April 16, at the Barronett Community Center. There will be all kinds of treasures to find and things that you know you just can’t get along without. Things for the Barronett Lutheran booth have been piling up in the church basement for the past couple of weeks, and, I can tell you, there are lots of interesting things there. There are lots of booths other than the Barronett Lutheran booth, and the variety of things people bring in is just amazing. There are usually tools, kitchen items, antiques, sporting goods, children’s toys, books and clothing, cookbooks, adult clothing, jewelry - the list just goes on and on. Be sure to come early so that you don’t miss out on any of the bargains. And, as I’ve mentioned before, if you come with someone who likes to shop longer than you do, there will be tables set up so you can sit and visit with friends while enjoying the coffee and goodies served by civic club members. You know, I recently heard some news that isn’t really news anymore. Last spring, Julie Hohweiler and I were chatting and she was so excited because Dan’s daughter, Nicole, and her hubby, Ike Pavich, were expecting a baby. Julie told me that she would be sure to let me know when the little guy arrived so that I could put the happy news in the paper. Well, last Wednesday evening Julie and I were chatting again, and she told me that little Isaiah was born last July. She had pictures of him and he is a little cutie. And, of course, there was one picture of proud Grandpa Dan holding him. Anyway, congratulations go out to Nicole and Ike on the birth (nine months ago) of their little bundle of joy. Randy Lehmann and John Libra flew home from Portland, Ore., to be on hand to help celebrate Don and Anitia Lehmann’s wedding anniversary on Saturday. There was a big gathering of family and friends at the hunting shack that evening to help Don and Anitia celebrate their


many years of wedded bliss. Anitia made the food for the evening and, as usual, there was plenty of it and it was delicious — especially the dessert. Randy and John had to leave for home again on Monday, but they will be heading back to Minnesota in a few weeks to visit with John’s family in Windom. Lynn Thon and I went to Taylors Falls on Saturday afternoon to visit with Jean Juntunen and her daughter, Jean Marie. Jean, who lives in Two Harbors, Minn., and I get together a few times a year, but we hadn’t seen Jean Marie since 1979. We had such a great visit. Jean Marie, who was a junior in high school the last time we saw her, has grown up to be such an interesting person. She is a motivational speaker and travels all around the country to speak to teachers and students and is also a published author. We spent a couple of hours at Coffee Talk catching up on things that had been going on with Jean Marie for the past 37 years. We all decided that we have to get together again soon. The Theese family, Rick, Robin, Derek, and their dogs, Copper and Raven, traveled to Neola, Iowa, last week to visit with Heather, Aarianna and Jon Carlson. The Carlson family was moving into a new home, so most of their time was spent helping pack up, carry out and carry in their worldly goods. They did have plenty of time to visit while helping the family move, and were so glad to see the kids again. I can’t imagine that the dogs were much help - or fun to ride that far with - but Aarianna and Jon were overjoyed to see them. Anyway, the Theese family had a very good time but are happy to be home again. Little Kane Thon had his very first sleepover at Grandma Lynn’s home on Saturday night. His mom and dad, Kandice and Garett, had gone down to Cornell to celebrate Kandice’s birthday with friends. From what I understand, Garett and Kandice had a great time celebrating her birthday, but didn’t have nearly as much fun as Lynn did spoiling her little grandson that night. Lynn

and Kane came over to our house Sunday morning and I made him some oatmeal for breakfast. Well, we found out really fast that oatmeal was not something he was going to eat. After trying to feed him a couple of spoons full, I decided to make him toast and eggs. Tonja Metnik would like to remind everyone that the time for the Wiesner Community Chapel annual plant, bake and craft sale is rapidly approaching. It is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. They have set an alternate date of June 4 in case of bad weather. They are looking for donations of baked goods and plants. And they would also appreciate any help potting the plants and getting them ready for the sale. If you want to volunteer to help or donate plants or baked items, please get in touch with Tonja. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, there will also be a quilt raffle that day. Mark it on your calendar now so you will remember. You can pick up very healthy plants at an amazingly low price at the Wiesner Chapel sale. The annual meeting for the Town of Lakeland will be held next Tuesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. at the Lakeland Town Hall located just northwest of Speedy’s C-Stop. The annual meeting is extremely important because it’s the one time of the year that residents of the town can bring up and vote on matters affecting life in our town. If you have concerns that you would like to bring up to the town board, please be sure to attend the meeting. Oh, one other thing - Jinny, Mary Ann and Kitty, I’m looking forward to meeting for lunch next time you’re in town. Please give me a call. I guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Hope you have a great week. See you Saturday at the garage sale.

day. They are accumulating baskets and prizes for the auction and silent auction. There will be free food and swag bags for all. It is one of two events they have planned to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. They are hoping for a great turnout as it is raising funds for a good cause. Marie King reports that Butternut Hills opens Wednesday for golf. They are having Bingo on Thursdays through April, after which the golf leagues start. Birthdays this week, and we wish a happy one to, are April Richter, Liz Gargulack, Terry Magnes, Wayne Wilkans, Brad Thomas and Maranette Church, April 14; Brent McCann, Julie Morevec, Cassidy Quinton, Dan Thompson, David Irvine and Greg Thompson,

April 15; Ron Duch, Kim Crosby, Marie Albertson, Craig Furchtenicht, Nathaniel Wingler, Liz Nelson, Beatrice Morgan and Ryland Okonek, April 16; Jim Meyers, 1-year-old great-grandson Grant Mathison, April 17; Donna Ness, Tim Cusick, Eric Jensen and Charlotte Odden, April 18; Brian Westlund and Kyle Milton, April 19; Zachary Myers, Marlene Morevec, LouAnn and Emerson Kubista, April 20. Anniversary wishes to a former Sarona pastor and his wife, Chuck and Sharon Wendt. The Sarona annual town meeting is Tuesday, April 19, 7 p.m., at the Sarona Town Hall, so put that on your calendars.

Marian Furchtenicht

As I was writing this news on Monday, April 11, it was snowing a little but the grass is getting greener, so there is hope yet. At the election April 5, Sarona had 147 voters with Kelly Stoner, Karen Stephen, Tammy Gagner, Julie Hoef and Mary Berman working the polls. Monday, Gloria and Anton Frey took in her Rice Lake Class of 1949 luncheon get-together at the Wagon Wheel in Brill with 11 attending. Gloria had lunch with her sister, JoAnn Paulson, in Haugen on Wednesday and had a good visit. Lainy Hutton spent Sunday afternoon at her folks riding horse. Sue Krantz visited her folks Saturday, bringing her dad, Hugh Smith, a loaf of the cheesy bread that he likes. I received a letter from Barb Riesberg Peterson, of Hutchinson, Minn. Barb grew up in West Sarona on what is now the Tom and Gloria Elliott place. I was saddened to her of the death of a dear friend, Ardeane Bray Summerfield, whose obit she sent me a copy of. Ardeane lived in Hutchinson also. Barb reported she had just met Ardeane a few years back and she shared her Washburn County Register newspaper each week with her and they both enjoyed my column. I grew up near Ardeane, went all 12 years of school with her. Ardeane was 83 years old and passed away back in February leaving her five children, and their spouses and families. Her husband, Darrell, passed away in June 2011. Her folks, Bill and Francis Bray, and her brother, Ronnie, preceded her in death. Russ, Nancy and Arianne Furchtenicht visited me on Monday evening. Great-granddaughter Arianne brought me her second birthday party invitation. So cute at that age. Adam Gronning visited Mavis Schlapper one day. Mavis and myself took in the once-a-month Sarona/ Madge breakfast at the Roost last Tuesday with 16 ladies and a dozen men attending. It was so nice to go. I hadn’t been there for so long. They are all so friendly and kind. This past weekend going to Appleton for women’s state bowling were 15 from Spooner Lanes. Mary Lawson’s daughter Michelle from Green Bay joined her mom there to make our four teams. JoAnn Melton, the only one to get a 200, got a 205. Marcy Baumgart, Spooner, bowled on the Hansen Concrete Team and did well. She was recognized for over her average and also for it being the first time for her at state. She was also recognized as Grand Duchess and got a free picture of herself. Kim Owens bowled for me on Fuernot Farms team. I just went along for the ride. Had a lot of fun. The girls were all so good to me. It was windy and snowy en route out and a blizzard by the time we got there. Several of the gals bowled over their averages and will get a little of their money back. I won one of the $5 raffles and got $34. Luck for me. Made the trip all worthwhile. Les and Sandy Vogt came back from Texas to snow flurries and freezing temps, but the lake is open and it feels like spring is just around the corner. They spent a day in the Twin Cities with her mom and attended a 98-year-old aunt’s celebration of life. The Ripley team is already planning a Relay for Life fundraiser to be held Saturday, April 23, at the Getaway, 4-7 p.m. Yes, Heidi has agreed to open for the



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Dewey Country

Pauline Lawrence

The wind sure was chilly last week. We have those March winds now. It’s supposed to be spring and nice weather. Eventually spring will come. A very happy birthday to Spencer Stellrecht, son of Barry and Neesha Stellrecht. He is the grandson of Don and Joanne Dahlstrom. Have a wonderful day, Spencer, on April 14. Happy birthday to Doug LaVeau on his special day, April 15, with many more to come. A very happy birthday to Sandy Atkinson on her special day, April 16, with many more to come. A very happy anniversary to Hannah and Cory Brion as they celebrate seven years together. Many more is wished. A very happy birthday to Noah Skluzacek and also to Travis Moe. Enjoy your special day guys. Charlotte Odden, a very happy birthday to you as you enjoy turning to the big number 9 already. Have a special day. April 19, a very happy birthday to Bob Lawrence and also to Chad Stellrecht. Have a great day, guys. April 20, a very happy birthday to Diane Hulleman and also Paige Sklucazek, with lots more to come. A very happy anniversary to Rich and Pattie Feeney on their special day, April 20. Are you going to have a blast Tricia? After 25 years, you should have a party. Penny and Reyana Ladd came and visited me Sunday forenoon. That Reyana wanted to pick some pussy willows. Penny took her to places Penny and her sisters used to pick but they must be done for the year as they came home skunked. It was great to see them. Friday was Evelyn Melton’s birthday. She says next year will be her 90th so she’s planning to have a party

Heart Lake

for Randy and Pam, Jackie, Lori and Bill Sumner, Mark Minot, and Cheri’s daughter, Michelle Minot, of Eau Claire. Last Tuesday and Wednesday, Cheri baby-sat her granddaughter Madelyn, in Woodbury, Minn., and enjoyed it so much. George Burns said he was at the age where just putting his cigar in its holder was a thrill. Enjoy the spring. With all the showers, we should get May flowers.

Mary Nilssen

With this warmer weather that has moved in, it’s so great to see so many smiling faces. It’s so wonderful to open windows and smell the fresh, clean and invigorating Wisconsin air. Now people can start to think about their gardens and outdoor activities. On Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16, Bar H will be holding their 54th-annual open house from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Food will be served both days and of course they will have Rex Cactus for your listening pleasure. Many discounts will be offered these two days and lots of door prizes will be awarded. The Loon Cafe will reopen on Friday, April 15, and will be open from 6:30 - 11 a.m. The Loon will offer over 50 items on their menu. Stop in and check out these menu items. The Stone Lake Pub will donate 50 cents from every drink sold from 6 p.m. to midnight to the Spooner Cardinals baseball team. The Stone Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will have a general membership meeting on Monday, April 18, at 6:30 p.m. at the Up North Coffee Shop. All members are


encouraged to attend. This will be a great time to share ideas for the upcoming season. The Stone Lake Area Historical Society Board will meet on Thursday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lions hall. Members are invited to attend. They always welcome new members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call Connie at 715-865-4940. They also need docents to greet visitors to the museum during the summer months. If you would be willing to be a docent, please call Betty at 715-865-5500. The Stone Lake Area Historical Society will be hosting their annual ham and scalloped potato dinner on Saturday, May 7, from 4 - 7 p.m. at the Stone Lake Fire Department. Please come and support the historical society and the museum by enjoying a tasty ham dinner complete with a dessert bar and silent auction. Have a wonderful week and be safe. Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-865-4008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com.

Karen Mangelsen

Sympathy is extended to Loretta and Butch Vanselus and family due to the death of Loretta’s son, Harold Stone. He was 56. Sympathy is also extended to Cheryl and Scott Hotchkiss and family due to the death of Cheryl’s mother, Collene Nelson. She was 74. Clam River Tuesday Club met April 6 at Lakeview UM Church. Connie Quam was the hostess. Plans for the annual fundraiser on Oct. 1 were discussed. Hank and Karen Mangelsen, Nina and Lawrence Hines, and Lida Nordquist traveled to Savage, Minn., Thursday, and visited Nick and Esther Mangelsen.

Donna Hines went with Lida Nordquist on Friday to the Frederic nursing home to visit their brother-inlaw, Arvid Pearson. They helped him celebrate his 89th birthday. Lawrence and Nina Hines, and Lida Nordquist visited Marlene and Bruce Swearingen on Friday evening. Pam and Bob Bentz were Saturday visitors of Karen and Hank Mangelsen. People visiting Gerry and Donna Hines at various times during the week were Brian Hines, Mark Hines, Hank and Karen Mangelsen, and Lida Nordquist.

Senior lunch menu Monday, April 18: Stuffed baked potato with meat and cheese, veggies, peaches, sugar-free gelatin. Tuesday, April 19: Pork chop, mashed potatoes, steamed corn, angel food cake. Wednesday, April 20: Honeybaked ham, cheesy hash browns, green beans, pineapple slices. Thursday, April 21: Chicken Alfredo over noodles, garlic bread, steamed broccoli, cookie. Friday, April 22: Cook’s choice. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu is subject to change. All meals served with milk and bread.

tiques and other items on April 1. Get-well wishes go out to Karen Melton, who has that terrible cold making the rounds in Dewey Country. Plan to take in the open house at Bar-H this Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16. You come out with a full belly. On Saturday I worked at Ruby’s Pantry in Spooner. What a nice bunch of food they had. There are no qualifications to receive this. They meet at the Spooner ag building. Garry Crosby was the guest of honor for his birthday, which was April 10. Attending the party were Shorty and Melissa Crosby, Tyler and Katie, and Tom and Sunshine Crosby, Isaac, Josie and Alycia, and Jerry and Robin Denver, and Ed and Rita Vanek. It’s nice to have a party, isn’t it Garry? Son Richy has been very busy checking his beef cows when they freshen. I hear him in the night going to check them. Mark Knoop says the meeting at the Siren Senior Center was quite well attended. Discussed was the cost of large equipment on the roads, etc. If it’s over a certain number of pounds, it will require a permit. It’s mainly repairing costs of our roads, which are in need of repair. Dewey Country doesn’t get much help for repairing our roads so it’s up to the taxpayers if they want them fixed or not. I don’t think much of any roads in Dewey Country have been completely repaired in a number of years, just maintained. Our board does the best they can with what they have. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

Academic news

Helen V. Pederson

Monday morning greeted us with cloudy skies, something we don’t like, but Mother Nature doesn’t listen to us. The temps improved as the day went by and by the weekend it will be nice again. Mary Marschall joined a group of bowlers and went to Appleton for the state bowling tournament, returning on Sunday afternoon. Lillian Ullom was happy to announce her brother, Frank, has returned to Shell Lake after having spent time with his son. On Sunday night, Cheri Minot fixed a beef dinner

Stone Lake

then. On Friday, Vicki Trott, Peggy Vesta, Donnie Lane and Evelyn went and picked out Cecil’s gravestone. At Evelyn’s on Sunday were Don and Vicki Trott, Allen and Julie Melton and two grandchildren, and Peggy Vesta and Don Lane. All enjoyed playing cards. Evelyn is some better according to her daughter Vicki. Peggy took her mom to the doctor last week. For voters in Dewey Country we had 203 people come and vote. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz got the winning numbers. Duane Johnson was the winner for the Burnett County Board. We wish you lots of luck, Duane. Diane Hulleman worked on the election board Tuesday, April 5. She says she got there about 6:30 a.m. and got home at 10:55 p.m. That makes for a very long day. Also serving on the board were Karen Vanderhoof, Jan Erickson, Myrna Atkinson and Roxie Spaulding. Diane Hulleman left Dewey Country on Wednesday going to the home of her daughter, Colleen, and Chad Jensen, and their daughter Izzy. Along the way she met Jackie Perlt and they enjoyed shopping. Diane also went to see her sister Elaine, who is 93 years old. They also did some shopping. Diane came home Saturday. Talking with Myrna Atkinson, I found her busy with the band quilt she is making for this fall. She says the colors are blues, tan and gray. It should be beautiful. Myrna was working on a quilt while on the election board. It’s of the world and very pretty. She says she’s been working on it for years. On Monday, Myrna was very anxious to see Lynn Fishback who was the daughter of the late Marvin Anderson, a sheriff for Washburn County. Myrna tells us they’ve been friends since 1975, which is great. It’s back to work for Richard and Karen Melton. Yes they opened their shop, “Poor Richard’s,” selling an-

Dining at 5 Spooner, Monday, April 18: Fish dinner, seasoned potatoes, homemade coleslaw, fresh salad bar, angel food cake. Call 715-635-8283 to make reservations 24 hours in advance. Birchwood, Friday, April 22: Baked ham with glaze, baked potato, Harvard beets, fresh salad bar, brownie sundae. Call 715354-3001 to make reservations 24 hours in advance. Suggested donation for Dining at 5 is $5. For anyone under 60 years old cost is $8.75.

MENOMONIE - Kelsey Anderson, Clayton, granddaughter of Danny and Susan Sutton, Shell Lake, received the University of Wisconsin - Stout chancellor’s award for the fall 2015 semester. — from UW-Stout ••• CLAYTON - Jake Anderson, son of Chris and Stacey Schradle, and Terrance Anderson and Sheri Swonger, has been named valedictorian of the Clayton High School Class of 2016. He is the grandson of Danny and Susan Sutton, Shell Lake. After high school graduation, Anderson plans to attend UW-Stout to major in game design and minor in music theory. — submitted •••

Washburn County Area Humane Society

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Beautiful Becky came in as a stray, Did she get lost or did she run away? Her calico colors, black, orange and white, Her calico colors are ever so bright. She’s gentle and quiet, she bothers no one, And loves the big window, to lie in the sun. The birds and the squirrels, she’ll watch the day through, She’d also be happy to spend time with you. When visitors come, she hopes she’s the next out, And when she’s not chosen I think Becky pouts. Compared to the others, she thinks she’s unique, And why she believes she is pet of the week. Cats for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old neutered gray/ white longhair; 5-month-old female black/white shorthair; 8-month-old neutered white/black shorthair tiger; 8-month-old neutered black/gray/white shorthair tiger; 9-month-old spayed black/gray/ white shorthair tiger; 1-1/2-year-old shorthair calico; 4-month-old female black shorthair and a 3-year-old female black shorthair and her three 7-week-old kittens. Dogs for adoption: 1-year-old male black Lab/ corgi mix; 4-1/2-year-old spayed walker hound; 12-year-old neutered Pomeranian; 5-year-old spayed tan Olde English bulldogge; 5-year-old neutered brown/white Olde English Bulldogge; and a 1-yearold spayed brindle/white heeler mix. Strays include: Adult male orange/white shorthair tiger found on 6th Avenue in Shell Lake.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

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Every page is in color in our e-edition. Subscribe online at wcregisteronline.com


Notices Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Town of Sarona will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at 7 p.m. at the Sarona Town Hall. The agenda shall be posted one day prior to the meeting. Victoria Lombard, Clerk 644384 34-35r WNAXLP


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BANKRUPTCY - DEBT RELIEF BUSINESS LAW • CRIMINAL LAW • DIVORCE - FAMILY LAW ESTATE PLANNING • REAL ESTATE • WILLS & PROBATE 425 E. LaSalle Avenue • P.O. Box 137 • Barron, WI 54812 Phone: 715-537-5636 Fax: 715-537-5639 Website: www.barronlawyers.com 597631 18rtfc


St. Francis de Sales Catholic School in Spooner, WI, has job openings for two full-time teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. Candidates must have apropriate Wisconsin teaching license. One position will be first grade and the other will be a combined classroom of grades 5 and 6. Practicing Catholic preferred. Please send cover letter and resume to Mrs. Kathy Kurkiewicz, Principal, 300 Oak 644321 34-37r Street, Spooner, WI 54801.

RUMMAGE SALE Friday, April 15, 2016 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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The Board of Education of the School District of Shell Lake is accepting bids for the 2016-2017 school year for the following dairy products: 1/2 pint skim milk - white; 1/2 pint 1% milk white; 1/2 pint fat-free chocolate skim milk. Bids should be sent to: School District of Shell Lake, Attention: MILK BID, 271 Hwy. 63 S., Shell Lake, WI 54871. Bids will be opened at 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, at the School District of Shell Lake. Bids will not be accepted after 1 p.m. Thursday, May 5. No changes will be allowed after the bid opening date and time specified. The outside envelope of these bids must be marked “Milk Bids.” The School District of Shell Lake reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part and to waive informalities therein. The School District of Shell Lake reserves the right to award the bid as it deems in its best interest. Questions may be referred to Joshua Schmidt, Food Service Director, 715468-7816 or schmidt@shelllake.k12.wi.us. 644724 35r WNAXLP


The Potter’s Shed is now hiring help for the summer months. We are looking for customer service and self-starting individuals to work in the Gallery and Cafe areas. You need to be able work weekends and some nights. Apply In Person At:

The Potter’s Shed 260 Industrial Blvd. Shell Lake, WI 54871

Phone #: 715-468-4122


Sealed proposals for the sale of equipment described herein will be received until 1:00 p.m., Thursday, April 21, 2016, by the Washburn County Highway Department, Office of the Highway Commissioner, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, Wisconsin 54801, whereupon the sealed proposals received will be publicly opened. PROPOSAL CONTRACT #9-16E, Crew Cab Pickup Specifications are on file and available upon request at the Office of the Washburn County Highway Department, phone 715-635-4480; FAX 715-635-4485 Bidders wishing to submit their bid by mail may do so at their own risk. Bids received through mail by the Washburn County Highway Department, later than the time set forth above, will be returned unopened. The correct mailing address is Washburn County Highway Department, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, WI 54801. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any technicalities, and to select the bid proposal deemed most advantageous to the Washburn County Highway Department. Frank Scalzo, Highway Commissioner Washburn County 644371 34-35r WNAXLP 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, WI 54801



Thank you to the residents of Shell Lake. I appreciate your continued confidence in reelecting me as your mayor. I will always continue to do what is in Shell Lake’s best interest. It is an honor to serve you. A special thank-you to Shayne, the Yellow Rooster in the golf cart, and also a special thank-you to Jimbo.

Sally Peterson Mayor, City of Shell Lake

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Offering Wi-Fi: Wireless Internet Monday:...............10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:...........10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Deadline April 29



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NOTICE OF MEETING - TOWN OF SARONA Notice is hereby given that the Sarona Town Board will be meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at 6 p.m. at the Sarona Town Hall. The agenda shall be posted one day prior to meeting. Victoria Lombard, Clerk 644588 35r WNAXLP


Notice is hereby given that the Annual Town Meeting for the Town of Barronett will be held at the Town Hall, N1608 South Heart Lake Road, on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at 8 p.m. Patricia A. Parker, Clerk 644072 34-35r WNAXLP

REQUEST FOR BIDS Washburn County is seeking bids for abstracting parcels of land with 2013 taxes due as part of the tax deed procedure. There are approximately 400 parcels. The Bid Specs can be picked up in the Washburn County Treasurer’s Office. Sealed Bids must be received in the Washburn County Treasurer’s Office no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 29, 2016. Washburn County reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and all bids. 644740 35-37r WNAXLP

TOWN OF BASHAW NOTICE OF OPEN BOOK STATE OF WISCONSIN Town of Bashaw Washburn County Pursuant to s. 70.45, Wis. Stats., the Town of Bashaw assessment roll for the year 2016 assessment will be open for examination on the 6th day of May, 2016, at the Bashaw Town Hall, from 4 to 6 p.m. Instructional material about the assessment, on how to file an objection and board of review procedures under Wisconsin law will be available at that time. Notice is hereby given this 13th day of April, 2016. Lesa Dahlstrom, Clerk 644540 35r WNAXLP Town of Bashaw

Hayward Center for Individualized Learning Virtual Charter School 15574 Hwy. 77, Suite 1 - Hayward, WI 54843 715-934-2112/Fax 715-934-2110 hacil.org/hacil@hayward.k12.wi.us

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COURT NEWS Racquel Z. Christner, Shell Lake, possession of methamphetamine, $518.00, probation, sent. withheld; disorderly conduct, $243.00, local jail. Mark A. Denhartog, Minong, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Daniel L. Everson, Springbrook, operating without valid license, $243.00, local jail, costs; possess drug paraphernalia, $243.00, local jail, costs; bail jumping, $518.00, probation, sent. withheld. Silas H. Halverson, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $443.00, probation, sent. withheld. Billie J. Knutson, Springbrook, possession of THC, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld, license suspended 6 months. Betty A. Kroon, Spooner, resisting or obstructing an officer, $299.00. Jordan M. Rogers, Webster, bail jumping, $518.00, probation, sent. withheld; theft, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Christopher D. Wright, Spooner, possession of methamphetamine, $518.00, probation, sent. withheld; bail jumping $268.00, probation, sent. withheld. Robert O. Abbott, Shell Lake, operating while suspended, $200.50; violation of child safety restraint requirements, child 4 years but less than 8 years of age, $150.10. Charles H. Allen, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; transferee failure to apply for new vehicle title, $175.30. Altrichter Trucking LLC, Randall, Minn., nonregistration of other vehicle, $263.50. Marty J. Anderson, Shell Lake, speeding, $225.70. Nicholas J. Anderson, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $225.70. Michael D. Andrea, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Jasmine M. Baker, Spooner, operating after rev./susp. of registration, $175.30; operating while suspended, $200.50. Timothy P. Barinka, Austin, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Kyle A. Bastin, St. Croix Falls, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Tracy L. Baumgart, Shell Lake, failure to stop at stop sign, $175.30. Thomas G. Bishop, Eau Claire, seat belt violation, $10.00. Peter H. Bohacek, Afton, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Kimberly C. Bourassa, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Lane W. Brantmeyer, Madison, speeding, $225.70; operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Diamond A. Bressette, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Justin A. Cardoso, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Jack E. Carpenter, Springbrook, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Rebecca A. Chartier, Sarona, speeding, $200.50.

Local classifieds SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc CENTRAL BOILER E-CLASS OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE: Limited time big savings offer. Instant rebate up to $1,000. Call today! Northwest Wisconsin Ent., 715-635-3511 or 715-5207477. 34-36rc

Jason M. Cintorino, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Bryan D. Daniels, Rice Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Jeffrey B. Davis, Minong, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Lester W. Davis, Lilydale, Minn., speeding, $200.00. Thomas A. Dickey, Forest Lake, Minn., speeding, $225.70. Patrick D. Dickrell, Eau Claire, seat belt violation, $10.00. Timothy J. Diebold, Oak Grove, Minn., speeding, $200.50. William R. Dye, Roseville, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Peter J. Fallang, Inver Grove Heights, Minn., speeding, $183.30. Emily C. Fletcher, Oronoco, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Scott A. Fogelberg, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00; seat belt violation, $10.00. Janet K. Fox, River Falls, speeding, $175.30. Gary M. Frankiewicz, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00, twice; operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Richard W. Froemel, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00. Anthony H. Garcia, Stone Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Joseph A. Garso, Lake Clear, N.Y., speeding, $175.00. Scott A. Gossel, Wilson, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; seat belt violation, $10.00. Stephen A. Grady, Spooner, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30; seat belt violation, $10.00. Laurine A. Graning, Wirt, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Aaron M. Green, Houghton, Mich., speeding, $225.70. Scott H. Hageny, Lindstrom, Minn., speeding, $200.50. William J. Hannaford, New Richmond, speeding, $200.00. Ronald J. Hart, Webster, transferee failure to apply for new vehicle title, $175.30; seat belt violation, $10.00. Tyler A. Hayes, Grantsburg, speeding, $250.90 Eric H. Hedman, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Scott J. Hendricks, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Lorayne L. Hippler, Little Canada, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Mitchel J. Holldorf, Baldwin, seat belt violation, $10.00. James P. Howe, Lakewood, Colo., speeding, $225.70. Jacquiline A. Kahle, Stone Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00.

Thomas D. Kettler, Pewaukee, speeding, $200.50. Merecil A. Kidder, Shell Lake, violation of child safety requirements, child 4 years but less than 8 years of age, $150.10. James A. Kolbertanz, Shell Lake, operating while suspended, $200.50. Billie J. Knutson, Springbrook, speeding, $173.30. Kenneth J. Koscik, Monona, speeding, $225.70. Kayla M. Kringle, Hayward, speeding, $175.30. Kevin J. Kriz, Ham Lake, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Tina J. Kronstad, Rice lake, transferee failure to apply for new vehicle title, $175.30. Daniel J. Kurtz, Somerset, speeding, $200.50. Alec R. LaBarre, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Andrew D. Larson, Radisson, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Mitchell W. LaSarge, Webster, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30; alter vehicle registration plate/sticker, $150.10. Alexander C. Leckel, Spooner, speeding, $175.30. Becky A. Lingl, Forest Lake, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Andrea L. Lowe, Luck, operating while suspended, $200.50. Jacqueline W. Lynn, Richfield, Minn., speeding, $225.70. Marquardt Trucking LLC, Chippewa Falls, vehicle equipment violations, group 2, $200.50. Yvone L. Martinson, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Shawn M. Masaros, Waupaca, failure to yield while making left turn, $175.30. Jonathon L. McDonald, Superior, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Dustin L. Metzig, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Shara L. Mihm Miller, Hayward, speeding, $200.50. Shoshanna J. Moe, Rice Lake, speeding, $276.10. Michael L.J. Monson, Shell Lake, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30; display false vehicle registration plate, $263.50. Amy L. Mustafa, Springbrook, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Timothy B. Nelson, Lutsen, Minn., speeding, $225.70. Ernest C. Nelson, Inver Grove Heights, Minn., speeding, $200.50. David J. Nelson, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00.

Northern Soft Water SVC, Barron, vehicle equipment violations, group 3, $175.30. Leona J. Nowling, Minong, operating without carrying license, $150.10. John P. Patrick, Ashland, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. John S. Pedretti, Viroqua, speeding, $200.50. Chad J. Peterson, Comstock, seat belt violation, $10.00. Daniel J. Pilla, Marine On St. Croix, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Randy N.F. Prescott, Houlton, speeding, $175.30. Tiffany C. Rakow, Cameron, speeding, $175.30. Joseph R. Rauch, Birchwood, operating while suspended, $200.50. Randall D. Reeg, Thorp, speeding, $200.50. Tristan D. Roberts, Minong, seat belt violation, $10.00. Gregory R. Sandstrom, Shell Lake, improper registration of other vehicle, $263.50; operating vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Jody L. Schlapper, Shell Lake, speeding, $175.30. Douglas J. Schmidt, Eau Claire, operating without valid license because of expiration, $162.70. Daniel J. Shafer, Shell Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Denver R. Sharrow, Ironwood, Mich., speeding, $200.50. Tara R. Shoquist, New Richmond, speeding, $175.30. Elizabeth G. Smith, Lake Elmo, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Christina L. Steinmetz, Boyd, speeding, $250.90. Matthew S. Stoner, Spooner, transfer failure to apply for new vehicle title, $175.30. Reid B. Tice, Barronett, speeding, $175.30. Luis M.B. Trasvina, Osceola, speeding, $225.70. Alex W. Tuerk, Spooner, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30; seat belt violation, $10.00. Keith A. Ward, Trego, seat belt violation, $10.00, twice. Casey J. Watters, Rice Lake, speeding, $225.70. Scott B. Weber, Washburn, speeding, $183.30. Maggie R. Wolters, Spooner, display unauthorized vehicle registration plate, $238.30. Spencer B. Yon, Duluth, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Paul B. Young, Burnsville, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Jeremy A. Young, Cameron, seat belt violation, $10.00.


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644304 34-35r,L 24-25a-e



The Shell Lake Iditaread


Students in Deb Hagen’s class that qualified and won the Iditaread are shown (L to R): Isaac Crosby, first; Owen Sable, second; Sara Brunberg, third; and Emily Dorweiler, qualifier.

Shell Lake third-grade teacher Sarah Skinner awards second place to Alivia Marker. Marker was in competition with her best friend, Isabele Hodgett, who won first place. Both girls were hoping that the other one would win.

The students in Lisa Hanson’s class that qualified and won the reading contest are shown (L to R): Keanna Mullennix, qualifier; Hunter Harrington, first; Logan Christel, second; Aselin Olson, third; Colton Marker and Connor Schrankel, both qualifiers.

The students in Sara Skinner’s class that qualified and won are shown (L to R): Isabele Hodgett, first; Alivia Marker, second; Elianna Kassa, third; and Ryan Grandadam, qualifier.

Shell Lake teachers Deb Hagen and Sara Skinner enjoy watching their students at the awards program Thursday, March 31, at the Shell Lake Elementary School. The event caps off a month of reading and studying about the Iditarod dogsled race.

Hunter Harrington received a trophy from Lisa Hanson for his first-place finish in this class Iditaread competition. The students earned points from reading that they used on the actual map of the Iditarod dogsled race that was held in Alaska.

Photos by Larry Samson

Shell Lake school menu Breakfast Thursday, April 14: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Friday, April 15: Grades K-12: Laker pizza. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar, toast. Monday, April 18: Grades K-12: Pop-Tart with cheese stick. Grades 3-12: Mini cinni roll. Tuesday, April 19: Grades K-12: Waffles and fruit. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, April 20: Grades K-2: Cereal and toast. Grades K-12: Sausage and cheese on English muffin. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, April 21: Grades K-2: Muffin. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread or oatmeal with fixings. Friday, April 22: No school. Professional Development Day. Monday, April 25: Grades K-12: Mini cinni roll. Grades 3-12: Bagel and cream cheese.

Tuesday, April 26: Grades K-12: Pancakes and sausage. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, April 27: Grades K-12: Cereal and toast. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, April 28: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Friday, April 29: Grades K-12: Laker pizza. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students. Lunch Thursday, April 14: Grades K-12: Mozzarella dippers. Grades 7-12: Pizza calzone. Friday, April 15: Grades K-12: Sloppy joe. Monday, April 18: Grades K-12: Macaroni and cheese. Tuesday, April 19: GradesK-12: Ham, turkey and cheese sub. Grades 7-12: Meatball sub. Wednesday, April 20: Grades K-12: Chicken nuggets

with mashed potatoes. Grades 7-12: Bean and cheese burrito. Thursday, April 21: Grades K-12: Hot dog. Grades 7-12: Cheese or pepperoni pizza. Friday, April 22: No school, Professional Development Day. Monday, April 25: Grades K-12: Chicken fajita. Tuesday, April 26: Grades K-12: Orange chicken and rice bowl. Grades 7-12: Burrito and rice bowl. Wednesday, April 27: Grades K-12: Mini cheese ravioli. Grades 7-12: Italian dunker. Thursday, April 28: Grades K-12: Crispy chicken sandwich. Grades 7-12: Buffalo chicken pizza. Friday, April 29: Grades K-12: Brunch. Menus subject to change. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


A fun day of music and seeing the best of young people


eing a reporter for the Washburn County Register for the past 11 years has given me a unique opportunity to attend a wide range of events in the community and school. On Saturday, April 9, I attended the Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival in Rice Lake. I was there to cover the Spooner High School band and choir as they competed in the festival. If the truth be known, I enjoy these festivals and I get to hear some great music. Not being a musician, I have often wondered what drives these students to spend many hard hours practicing their music and then to sit in front of a judge to be judged. It must be the same drive that student athletes have to be the best they can be and receiving the satisfaction of being the best. It helps to know the students and over the years, I have met quite a few. Some students that I was watching on Saturday are students I had watched just starting out when they were in the fifth and sixth grade. One of those students is a former student at Shell Lake, Logan Pashby who left while he was in elementary school. Today he is a sophomore at Rice Lake. When I heard that he was playing his French horn in a solo and in a quartet, I made it a point to be in the audience when he performed. I was not disappointed. His mother is Aimee Pashby, the former band director in Shell Lake. His father, Don Pashby, is an English teacher at Rice Lake and also teaches music at the Shell

The story behind the photo Larry Samson Lake Arts Center. Aimee left Shell Lake when a teaching positioned opened in Rice Lake. Logan is advancing to perform at the State Solo and Ensemble competition at UW-Eau Claire on Saturday, May 7. For me it was a fun day of music and seeing the best of what young adults are capable of.

Rice Lake sophomore Logan Pashby is all smiles as he finishes his French horn solo and realizes that he will be going on to state competition. — Photo by Larry Samson

Shell Lake airport receives donation

Successful turkey hunters

Jim Lewis, pictured at right, donated his mother’s, Gina Lewis’, car to the Lake Point Aero Club to be used as a courtesy car at the Shell Lake Municipal Airport. Gerry Winch, airport manager, accepted the donation. The car will make exploring the Shell Lake area more accessible for the pilots and their passengers that land at the Shell Lake airport. — Photo by Danielle Danford

Find us online @ wcregisteronline.com It was a successful turkey hunting season for Ethan Melton with his 25-pound tom. The tom had an 11-inch beard and 1-1/4inch spurs. — Photos submitted

Sam Melton of Shell Lake shot this 22-pound turkey on Saturday, April 16. 644761 35RP

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