WCR | Dec 10 | 2014

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Dec. 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 17 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

“Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner” @ Shell Lake Christmas Cookie Walk @ Spooner Home for the Holiday Christmas Home Tour @ Spooner • See calendar on page 6 for details


Give me a minute …

Goodbye, Gerry Page 2

Emerson Kubista is using her charm to convince Santa that she is deserving of the walking dog toy that she wants. There is a good chance that she was on his good list. – Photo by Larry Samson

“Those crazy ladies ...”

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Local sports action picks up Page 16


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STATEWIDE - This year’s deer harvest for the nine-day gun season was down 15 percent compared to last year. The steepest drop was up north, with harvests in Douglas, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer and Washburn counties all down more than 50 percent from last year. Clarence Plansky, vice president of Wisconsin Deerhunters Inc., said the poor harvest is only partly due to the new restrictions on shooting does. Plansky said the hunt was also hurt by snow in the north and the inability of farmers to harvest corn in the south. “The doe harvest in the northern third of the state is gone,” he said. “They only could shoot bucks. Plus the bad snow depth in northern Wisconsin or all the corn being up in southern Wisconsin played havoc ... because the deer stayed in the cornfields and didn’t come out.” The Department of Natural Resources limited the doe harvest up north in order to rebuild the herd, which has been decimated after two harsh winters. - Glen Moberg | WPR News

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City council approves officer promotion Longtime council member not to run for re-election Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - The Shell Lake City Council approved the hiring of a third full-time police

officer, discussed the upcoming spring election, received a report from the city’s garbage service provider and approved several agenda items at their regular monthly meeting on Monday, Dec. 8. The ad hoc hiring committee recommended the city council promote Jordan Feidt to the See City council page 4

City of Spooner recycled 145 tons in 2014 Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SPOONER — The Spooner City Council was presented with a poster in recognition of the city’s recycling efforts at the council’s regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 2. Lynn Struzan from Republic Services, the city’s trash and recycling servicer, presented the city council with a poster recognizing the city in their efforts of recycling. “Spooner definitely does a fantastic job. The city is definitely taking advantage of the program and making use of it,” said Struzan. For 2014 the city recycled 145 tons of garbage, trash that was kept out of the landfills and even repurposed into new items. Struzan reported that the city has increased the amount of recyclables by 6 percent over last year but she said that eventually that amount will plateau. At the current rate the city is averaging about 282 pounds per household in a year. “I just wanted to recognize the city for their efforts and all the residents here for a great job in what they’re doing in the recycling end, saving our environment,” said Struzan. In council decisions, the city’s room tax for 2015 was approved on a unanimous voice vote. Room tax is a state tax law that may be authorized by a municipality on the renting of sleeping rooms at hotels, motels, resorts, inns, bed and breakfasts and other lodging facilities in the local area. The law dictates that the tax rate be between 0 and 8 percent and requires that at least 70 percent of revenues generated by the tax be used to fund tourism promotion and development. Carol Dunn, Ward 2, and Gary Cuskey, mayor, explained that for 2015 the rate was pulled back from last year’s rate because they are a little concerned about revenues from the hotels staying constant with the loss of business in the Northwest Sports Complex. “A lot of those receipts were from days when a lot of people were here because of the hockey camp, hockey weekends, tournaments, things

Lynn Struzan, Republic Services, and Mayor Gary Cuskey, city of Spooner, display the poster Struzan presented to the Spooner City Council on Tuesday, Dec. 2, in recognition of the city’s recycling efforts. — Photo by Danielle H. Moe like that, and so we were a little nervous to go with what we had last year in our budget so we pulled that back a little bit,” explained Dunn. Last year the city generated $39,000 in room tax revenues, “and so we did a little over $32,000 for this year (2015) to be safe,” said Dunn. The 2015 room tax numbers were pulled back to reflect revenues similar to those generated in the fourth quarter of 2013. To reflect the lower tax rate, budgets that receive funding through the room tax were also decreased, with the exception of the sign for hotels as that project is under contract.

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