WCR | Dec 16 | 2015

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y


Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015 Vol. 127, No. 18 • Shell Lake, Wis.

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Honoring veterans this holiday season Back page

Fundraiser benefits Benjamin’s House Page 2

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Dec. 16, 2015


Visitors to the Washburn County Tourism Office in Spooner get a larger-than-life greeting from an inflatable abominable snowman that stands 15 feet tall. — Photo by Danielle Danford

Inactivation of Guard units focus of town hall meetings Page 3 Officials discuss impact of meth in Washburn County Page 3

Top grapplers shine at Spooner invite

Local man arrested and charged with possession of child porn Page 3

Open water

Page 17


Got an idea for a story? Email us @ news@wcregisternewsroom.com

SHELL LAKE — Christmas and New Year’s are fast approaching, and so are changes in deadlines for the Washburn County Register newspaper. Deadline for the Wednesday, Dec. 23, edition is noon on Friday, Dec. 18. The deadline for the Wednesday, Dec. 30, edition of the Register is noon on Wednesday, Dec. 23. The newspaper office will be closed Thursday, Dec. 24, and Friday, Dec. 25, and Thursday, Dec. 31, and Friday, Jan. 1. — WCR

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This has not been a good year for the ice fishermen. The unusual warm weather has kept Shell Lake open and the geese happy. Shell Lake is on track to break the latest date for an ice over, which was Dec. 22, 1998. The earliest ice over happen Nov. 4, 1950, breaking the Nov. 5, 1933, record that was recorded by O.J. Soholt. — Photo by Larry Samson



“At Home” fundraiser benefits Benjamin’s House RICE LAKE — The CD album, “At Home,” a fundraiser for Benjamin’s House Emergency Shelter is now on sale. The album features spiritual music performed by local pianist Sister Jeanne Conzemius and local singers Jim Sockness and Robert Heinze. It was professionally recorded at Pine Hollow Audio in Eau Claire. The cost of the album is $20. The production costs have been underwritten by Memory Pharmacy LLC, and 100 percent of proceeds from the sale of the album go directly to fund the operation of Benjamin’s House. Benjamin’s House Emergency Shelter, located in Rice Lake, is a limited-term shelter for people in crisis in Barron County and its environs. There are 15 tracks on the album, which range from spiritual classics like “All is Well With My Soul” to more contemporary pieces like the hymn “You Are Mine.” Meditational piano includes the ever-popular “How Great Thou Art” and the beautifully pensive “A Moment Lost.” Three Benjamin’s House resident testimonials are narrated by Sister Claudine Balio, Margaret Heinze and Lexi Orr, under the background of the Gaelic tune “Bunessan,” best known to most as the melody for

the song “Morning Has Broken.” Artwork on the album was provided by schoolchildren of St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Rice Lake. The disc itself features a picture by second-grader Clara Drost, 7. Front cover art is by sixth-grader Maverick Means, 11. The reverse side has art by first-grader Elizabeth Funches, 6. Back cover art is by first-grader Ella Smith, 6; fifth-grader Harrison Lipke, 10; and eighth-grader Emma Nelson, 13. Other schoolchildren whose art appears on the interior of the album jacket are Mindy Barta, Molly Cich, Quenton Crotteau, Kaia Delf, Ben Drost, Hannah Farm, Weston Flood, Forest Grenier, Zachary Holmstrom, Julia Holthaus, Lauren Holthaus, Olivia Johnson, Kara Krier, Jackson Larson, Drew Oestreich, Alexis Orr, Kennedie Owens, Adam Roethel, Kate Stinson, Ashley Von Arx and Sam Wallace. Present retail outlets offering the CD for sale are MarketPlace Foods, Osterbauer Drugs, Lakeview Medical Center Gift Shop and Cabin Coffee in Rice Lake; Louie’s Finer Meats in Cumberland; Lona’s Café in Haugen; the Potter’s Shed in Shell Lake; and Spooner Outlet in Spooner. — submitted

Featured on the “At Home” album, shown along with the owner of the recording studio, are Jim Sockness, Sister Jeanne Conzemius, Evan Middlesworth, owner of Pine Hollow Audio, and Robert Heinze.

Sister Claudine Balio and Sister Jeanne Conzemius.

Education at the end of the rainbow Students involved with the “At Home” CD are (L to R): Maverick Means, Clara Drost and Lexi Orr, shown with Sister Claudine Balio in the back.

Jim Sockness sings during the recording of “At Home,” a CD to benefit the Benjamin’s House Emergency Shelter in Rice Lake.

Photos submitted Parents and students were greeted to a rainbow over the Shell Lake School 3-12 building on Thursday, Dec. 10. The unusual rain made for a beautiful December rainbow. — Photo by Larry Samson

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

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Guard units slated for inactivation focus of town hall meetings CHIPPEWA FALLS/HAYWARD — Soldiers and elected officials met with Wisconsin National Guard leaders at two National Guard armories Saturday, Dec. 5, to discuss the impacts of pending force reductions. The meetings highlighted the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, recently passed by Congress, which eliminates 36 full-time positions in 2016 as well as an additional 274 traditional drill-status positions in the Wisconsin Army National Guard over the next two years. Maj. Gen. Donald P. Dunbar, Wisconsin adjutant general, spoke with Guard members at both the Chippewa Falls and Hayward National Guard armories. Impacted the most by the reductions are the Chippewa Falls-based 724th Engineer Battalion headquarters, the 949th Engineer Detachment (Survey and Design) and the 724th Engineer Battalion Forward Support Company in Hayward. “My commitment to you is that every soldier in the room has a future in the Wisconsin Army National Guard,” Dunbar said to the soldiers that were present at the meeting. Dunbar stressed the importance of maintaining unit strength and readiness up until the day the unit’s flags are furled. “We are still responsible to respond with the force structure that exists today until we actually make the change,” Dunbar added. He also said that the need for a National Guard presence in these locations remains important. U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy, a Hayward native representing Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District, commented on the pending reduction that will affect his district. “At a time of great international unrest, it is imperative that we do not limit our military capabilities or readiness,” Duffy said. “Last month, after discussing the

Soldiers and elected officials met with Wisconsin National Guard leaders at Hayward and Chippewa Falls on Saturday, Dec. 5, to discuss the impacts of pending force reductions. — Photo submitted proposed reduction with Maj. Gen. Dunbar, I urged the chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations to utilize the appropriations process to restore the Army National Guard’s troop levels. I will continue my efforts to work with them, and will also explore legislative solutions that would ensure our military is prepared to take on the looming threats facing our nation.” U.S. Reps. Ron Kind, Mark Pocan and Gwen Moore have also publicly expressed concern over the pending force reduction. The cuts to the Wisconsin Army National Guard will amount to a 3.6-percent decrease in strength, which would be

spaced out over the next three years. The number of soldiers is expected to decrease in 2016 by 151 with an additional reduction of 123 in 2017. Some of the losses will be spread throughout other units, but the majority of these reductions will be due to the inactivation of the 724th and the 949th. “We’re going to manage the loss of personnel through attrition,” Dunbar said, alluding to the state’s plan to make the transition as smooth as possible, allowing the reductions to take place as soldiers retire or decide to leave upon completion of their enlistments. Dunbar also outlined the losses that

will occur within full-time staff positions, which are state Active Guard Reserve and technician positions. “We are losing positions within the AGR and in our technician program, both of which are the foundations of our readiness,” he said. “These losses in personnel make it much more difficult for commanders and regular drilling Guard soldiers to prepare for drill weekends and annual training exercises because these are the people who plan and schedule critical tasks and events that are crucial to our readiness.” Full-time personnel who serve in temporary positions are not likely to be extended past their current terms, and normal attrition rates will serve as the key pathway toward the end goal of these mandated reductions. “You may have to retrain. You may have to go to a different unit. But you will always have a home in the Wisconsin Army National Guard,” the adjutant general said. The meetings were intended to address any concerns from soldiers who will be affected by this transition. After the town hall meeting, 1st Lt. Lisa Wiese, executive officer for the 724th FSC said, “As a leader in the company, I’m dedicated to stay with this company until the last day. “The feedback from the company is that it was absolutely the most supportive move that the state could have made,” Wiese continued, “to bring everybody in our chain of command together to answer the questions, from the simple ones to the complex ones. It really made a difference.” According to the National Guard Bureau, the units affected do not inactivate immediately, and the actual transition will not occur until 2017. — from WCVSO

Officials discuss implications of meth in Washburn County Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER — A public presentation on the impact of methamphetamine in Washburn County was held on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at the Spooner High School to inform the public about the resurgence of meth in the community and the impact it is having. People directly involved in the wake of the impact shared information about the drug, why it has returned and its impacts on the local community. “Primarily it’s coming directly out of Mexico through different cities into the Twin Cities,” said Shawn Sutherland, special agent for the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation, out of Eau Claire. According to Sutherland the cartels are getting amphetamine, meth’s parent drug, in large quantities from labs in countries like India, China and Germany. “So make no mistake, the users in Washburn County are contributing directly to the cartels in Mexico,” said Sutherland. For users in Washburn County, the cost of one gram of meth runs anywhere from $100 to $200. So when users don’t have the cash they need, they often turn to crimes like burglary and theft to support their habit. Law enforcement sees increasing crime as a direct impact of meth. Other presenters shared their knowledge on the impacts of meth, like Darren Gensen, from Plover, and Tiffany Richardson, Spooner, each in recovery from an addiction to meth. Gensen stated that if people want to make a difference against meth, they need to educate themselves, to fight the good fight against drugs.

People directly involved in the wake of meth’s impact shared information about the drug, why it has returned and its impacts on the local community during the public presentation at Spooner High School on Tuesday, Dec. 8. Shown (L to R): Kim Gunderson, probation and parole officer for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections; AJ Simon, mental health and AODA coordinator for Washburn County Health and Human Services; Judge Eugene Harrington, Washburn County Circuit Court; Tom Frost, Washburn County district attorney; Tyler Walsh, drug investigator, Washburn County Sheriff’s Office; and Steve Schreiber, alcohol and drug abuse therapist for Aurora Community Counseling. — Photo by Danielle Danford “I reached out to my family, friends and asked for counseling through my work’s employee assistance program. The help is out there but we have to go out there and find the resources,” said Gensen. Since Gensen made the realization that staying addicted to meth would only lead to incarceration, insanity or death, he returned to school. Gensen now has an associate degree from WITC, works for the University - Wisconsin of Superior, and regularly shares his speech to bring awareness to the real dangers of meth. When Richardson started using meth she was a single parent of two kids, working two jobs. Richardson said there were times she forgot her kids at day care, didn’t notice they weren’t home or didn’t

bring them to school. “What finally got me was I looked in my children’s eyes and they were red, from the exposure to meth and that’s when I told myself ‘I need to stop,’” said Richardson. As a result of her drug use, her children were placed away from her, one with her mother and one with the child’s father. “My son and my daughter won’t probably ever live together again. They’re still here on the weekends, every other weekend, but they don’t have that connection that they used to have,” said Richardson, who is four years clean and sober. Richardson is now going back to school to get her doctor of health science and wants to work as a social worker.

“These are some of the things that will happen to a parent, it’s not that they don’t care about their children but meth has such a hold it grips the person and they can’t break away from that, or it’s very difficult,” said Joan Fischer, family services supervisor at Washburn County Health and Human Services. Besides the human costs to individuals, families and children, Fischer shared information on the financial impact of meth in Washburn County. “When you take a look at the cost that our agency involves in supervised visits, transportation, medical care, mental health care, and we look at the other agencies - law enforcement, jails, the court system, they are seeing more and more people come through and the systems are getting bogged up,” said Fischer. Washburn County Judge Eugene Harrington pointed out that people like those assembled for the presentation are where the surge against meth can start. “These are social problems that society needs to address. You are part of the solution, you have to write your legislators. You have to be proactive … because the solution has to be political, we can’t solve this problem ourselves,” stated Harrington. State-imposed restrictions on levy limits to local government and school districts is what Harrington believes is limiting the ability for people to get the help they need and the education to make better decisions. To find your legislator go to legis.wisconsin.gov or call the legislative hotline number toll-free at 800-362-9472.

SL man arrested on multiple charges of child porn possession SHELL LAKE - An unidentified Shell Lake man was arrested Thursday, Dec. 3, and charged with five counts of possession of child pornography, according to a news release from Shell Lake Police Chief Dave Wilson. “To our knowledge right now, the Department of Justice and myself, do not

believe that any of the child victims are tied to our community,” said Wilson. He added that at this time there is no indication of a threat to the community. Agents from the Department of Criminal Investigation, Wisconsin Department of Justice, along with the Shell Lake Police Department and assistance from the

Washburn County Sheriff’s Department, conducted a search warrant at a home on Old CTH B in the city of Shell Lake, uncovering evidence of child pornography. The case is still under investigation by the Division of Criminal Investigation, Wisconsin Department of Justice. “I made the decision to not release the

name, out of respect to the family of the individual taken into custody, and pending formal charging from the District Attorney’s Office,” stated Wilson. - Danielle Danford with information from the Shell Lake Police Chief

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We won’t let them down While searching YouTube the other day for popular songs from my era, I came across one that I hadn’t heard in decades. It was the No. 1 hit and multiple awardwinning music video, “We are the World.” Back in 1985, parts of Africa were in the grip of a devastating famine. This inspired over 40 top recording artists to come together to record “We are the World.” This song called attention to the great need for the world to join together to give support to those suffering. The proceeds from the sale of records, music videos and other events went to the charity USA for Africa Foundation. This noble effort raised awareness and millions of dollars in humanitarian aid. As I write this, the world is gathered in Paris to col-

lectively craft agreements to halt climate change and the devastation that threatens all of us. It is a race against a rising global thermometer. Now, more than any time in history, we need to come together, join all of our voices and cry out for a common solution for the common good of our common home. And yes, we will be called upon to make some sacrifices; to give more so the less fortunate can survive; change our lifestyles some so that others can still have their homes and a place to live. Yes, we will all have to do some giving for all the right reasons. After all, “We are the World.” So how can we help ensure the success of the agreements that come out of the Paris Climate Summit? We need to get everyone on board. And that includes our

own members of Congress. They need to hear our voices and know that we want them to do the right thing. We want them to stand in solidarity with the rest of the nations. We want them to support the agreements and not derail them here at home. Please write to, call or email your representatives in Washington, D.C. Tell them that we, as a nation, need to do our part for the sake of the world. Tell them that it is time to start giving to and supporting actions for a livable world. We can do this. Generations to come are depending on us. We won’t let them down. Linda Herscher Birchwood

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Deaths and injuries from drunken driving crashes devastate individuals, families and entire communities any time of year. But during the holiday season, these crashes can cause even more misery.

To combat drunken driving, the Shell Lake Police Department, along with law enforcement agencies across the state, will be out in force during the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign from Friday, Dec. 18, to Sun-

day, Jan. 3. Dave Wilson Shell Lake Police Chief

Over the river and through the woods A

lthough we might not have a lot of snow on the ground, it is that time of year again. Like many of you, I recently went out and cut a Christmas tree. For many people in the southern part of the state, that is the closest they’ll come to a firsthand experience of Wisconsin’s forestry industry. Forestry is the No. 1 employer in Iron and Price counties and one of the 10 largest employers in Ashland, Barron, Sawyer and Washburn counties. Forest product industries account for well over 10 percent of manufacturing jobs is Wisconsin. For every 10 jobs in forest-related industries, there are 23 jobs created in other sectors of the economy, like printing and paper. The health of our forests is vital. And that includes the health of the businesses and individuals involved in growing, harvesting and transporting the lumber. Unfortunately, a vital tool that employers and small businesses in our area have used to keep seasonal workers was recently changed by the Walker administration. Seasonal employers across Wisconsin have long been able to rely on retaining workers after seasonal layoffs. I’ve heard from many seasonal business owners who willingly pay into unemployment at a higher rate knowing that it helps them keep experienced, talented workers. The new rule requires workers to seek, and

State Senate 25th District Janet Bewley potentially take, a different job despite the fact that their employers plan to rehire them. Businesses owners who depend on their skilled workforce are worried they will lose these excellent employees after just eight weeks. I’ve been contacted by the owner of a small hotel, the manager of a golf course, a small family-owned construction firm and a forester, all of them worried sick that they will lose long-term trusted employees, employees that are vital to the continued success of their businesses. I’ve drafted a proposal I hope can be a starting point to fixing this problem. It would recognize the seasonal nature of many of Wisconsin’s industries and allow businesses to keep quality workers. I will be presenting my bill to the nonpartisan council that oversees Wisconsin’s Unemployment Insurance Program. I’m

hopeful they will move quickly to fix this problem. Unfortunately, this rule change was not the only Grinch-like change to unemployment insurance taking effect this season. The Walker administration is finalizing plans to eliminate the toll-free phone number that unemployed workers use to file for unemployment insurance. Wisconsin continues to trail the nation and our neighbors in private sector job growth, and this change does nothing to improve the state’s economy. I can’t understand why, especially in this season, the administration wants to increase the burden on workers between jobs. One of the most important differences between the steep recession that took hold in 2008 and 2009 and the Great Depression was the unemployment insurance that kept many families afloat and supported local businesses that rely on these customers. We should be building on what’s been proven to work for employers and their workforce in Wisconsin, especially here in the North. As we decorate our Christmas tree or drive to visit family, let’s all take a minute this holiday season to think about how blessed we are to call the North Woods home. And maybe say a prayer that our neighbors and friends employed in seasonal occupations make it through to next spring.

Roof repairs done at the Washburn County Courthouse

The courthouse was built in 1989. The roof was all original. The part being repaired was covered with cement tiles, which were replaced with metal roof sheeting with ice and water guard sheeting underneath. The roof of the Washburn County Courthouse was undergoing repairs to the hip and valley section of the roof where the 26-year-old materials had degraded over time, causing water to leak into parts of the building. The project’s total cost is about $43,000 and will be funded through the county’s contingency fund as the issue emerged in October. In this photo a crane is supporting a 9,000-pound machine that produces the pieces of metal for the new roof. — Photos by Danielle Danford

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Lakers earn medals at Science Olympiad Invitiatonal BOYCEVILLE — Shell Lake Schools had three teams entered in the ninth-annual Boyceville Science Olympiad Invitational held Saturday, Dec. 5. Kelsie Seibel and Kelsey Egbert coach the teams. Helpers were Morgan Krueger, Tyler Rognholt and Phabien Sturtze. There were over 115 middle school and high school teams competing from both Wisconsin and Minnesota. This invitational is the nation’s largest academic tournament. Shell Lake competed in the Division 2 high school tournament.​​ The Shell Lake Gold Team did exceptionally well as they placed eighth as a team. Team members are Rafa Martinez-Avial, Lindsey Martin, Caitlin Brereton, Isaac Haines, Heidi Steines, Kyley Williams, Daniel Parish, Keagan Blazer, Marty Anderson, Nathaniel Wingler, Courtney Melton, Emily Parish, Allison Tims and Clare Walker. There were 28 events and 17 Shell Lake students from all three teams medaled in one or more of those events. Event medalists were: Bridge Building, third, Marty Anderson and Nathaniel Wingler; Astronomy, fourth, Rafa Martinez-Avial and Clare Walker; Electric Vehicle, third, Keagan Blazer and Daniel Parish; Wind Power, fifth, Daniel Parish and Allison Tims; Protein Modeling, fifth, Courtney Melton and Clare Walker; Game On, fourth, Keagan Blazer and Daniel Parish; Mystery Design, fourth, Courtney Melton and Nathaniel Wingler; Chemistry Lab, third, Rafa Martinez-Avial and Caitlin Brereton; Microbe Mission, fifth, Zach Melton and Sheri Clark; Write It, Do It, sixth, Tiffany Herzog and Kaitlyn Haynes; Game On, fifth, Andrew Martin and Erick Haynes; Forensics, sixth, KayDe Bontekoe and Payton Anderson; Robot Arm, fourth, Andrew Martin and Erick Haynes.

Nathaniel Winger and Marty Anderson placed third in the Bridge Building event. — Photos submitted

Rafa Martinez-Avial and Caitlin Brereton placed third in the Chemistry Lab event.

Zach Melton and Sheri Clark placed fifth in the Microbe Mission event at the Boyceville Science Olympiad Invitational held Saturday, Dec. 5.

Daniel Parish received three individual medals. Receiving two medals were Keagan Blazer, Nathaniel Wingler, Courtney Melton, Rafa Martinez-Avial, Clare Walker, Erick Haynes and Andrew Martin. Also receiving a medal were Allison Tims, Marty Anderson, Caitlin Brereton, Zach Melton, Sheri Clark, Tiffany Herzog,

Kaitlyn Haynes, KayDe Bontekoe and Payton Anderson. “Each and every student worked so hard for the past month preparing for this weekend, and they all showed the Laker Way while competing in Boyceville,” praised Seibel.

Keagan Blazer and Daniel Parish placed third in the Electric Vehicle event and fourth in the Game On event.

KayDe Bontekoe and Payton Anderson placed sixth in the Forensic event.

Register memories 1955 – 60 Years Ago

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Dec. 7- $35 Elaine King, Spooner Dec. 8 - $35 Erica Hanson, Hermantown, Minn. Dec. 9 - $35 Hugh Miller, Spooner Dec. 10 - $35 Blanche Baker, Spooner Dec. 11 - $35 Bruce Greene, Shell Lake

Anderson Hager Moe Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2014 Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13

High Low Precip. 29 2 33 24 .7” snow 38 21 27 22 24 21 30 23 35 29

2015 Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13

High Low Precip. 38 28 39 28 43 31 .04” rain 42 31 trace rain 46 34 .21” rain 38 31 38 33

• The Shell Lake Hospital received a wire informing them that they were one of the many hospitals in the Midwest to receive $10,000, a part of the Ford Foundation’s grants to privately supported colleges, universities and nonprofit hospitals. • The Shell Lake Fire Department was called to the Frank Holman home in the Town of Bashaw for a chimney fire. • Mrs. Russell Stouffer, Mrs. Mabel Allen, Mrs. Earl Lund, Mrs. Walter Ek and Mrs. Lloyd Bohn entertained at a shower in honor of Wanda Miller at the Russell Stouffer home. • Allen R. Nelson, aviation electronics mate first class, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson, Shell Lake, received a Good Conduct Medal.

1965 – 50 Years Ago

• People wishing to select and cut their own Christmas trees could do so in the Shell Lake FFA School Forest. The cost of each tree was 75 cents. Both Norway pine and white spruce were available. • Featured students in the Christmas choral concert were Nancy Welter, Bonnie Pieper and Jerry Swan in the high school mixed chorus and Lynn Foley, Lois Smith, Bonnie Degner, Olivia Schuster and Sue Smith in the junior high chorus. • Charles Trudelle was elected Democratic chairman of Washburn County. Vice chairman was Charles Rand. Secretary and treasurer was Howard Nebel. • Fred Knapp flew from Minneapolis to New York City to attend the wedding of his son, Fred Jr., to Penny Leka.

compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1975 – 40 Years Ago

• Shell Lake Indianhead Memorial Hospital and Spooner Community Hospital each received a check of $14,356.66 as a gift from the estate of Agnes Linscheid, rural Sarona, as stated in her will. Another fourth of her estate went to the National Red Cross and another to the Heart Fund. • George Holman got the Christmas tree and Harlan Lumby helped him set it up at the South Dewey Church in preparation for the annual Christmas program. • During the Shell Lake City Council meeting, a motion to contract with Rolland Schaefer to house and care for the dogs picked up by the city police for the necessary holding period for $2 per dog per day was seconded and approved. • Pat Axon, son of Ellis Axon, and a senior at Shell Lake High School, was working at the Shell Lake State Bank through the Cooperative Office Occupations Program.

1985 – 30 Years Ago

• An open house to honor the 100th birthday of the Washburn County Courthouse was held at the historic building in Shell Lake. • Glen Albee had 10 heifers drown in 10 feet of water when they fell through thin ice on a pond created by beavers. • The Roosevelt-Dewey Senior Citizens Club made up Christmas boxes for friends in the rural area. Their Christmas party with potluck was held at the home of Erling and Marie Romsos. • Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew A. Livingston, son of Dudley A. and Delores A. Livingston, Shell Lake, reported for duty at the Coast Guard Station in Sheboygan.

1995 – 20 Years Ago

• Lois Eichman, Shell Lake, assumed the responsibilities as vice president, instructional services, for Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College. She was the first woman to be named to a vice presidency in the college. • Shell Lake’s Jeff Naglosky, 103 pounds, and Caleb Melton, 145 pounds, won individual titles at the Spooner Invitational wrestling tournament. • Matt Prochnow was hired as fulltime police officer for the city of Shell Lake. He replaced Officer Pete Frey who took a position with the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department. Replacing Prochnow as part-time officer was Kyle Schaffer. • A fund drive to buy computer equipment and software to automate the library was started by the Friends of the Shell Lake Library. Peter Quam was the president of the organization.

2005 – 10 Years Ago

• The Veterans Service Commission presented Commissioner Bill Hoyt a plaque commemorating his work. He served on the commission for 13 years. Miles Miller was appointed commissioner to replace Hoyt. • Donna Parker celebrated her 70th birthday with a party held at Becky’s at “five to five.” • New employees at the Shell Lake Public Library were Paige Skluzacek, Shell Lake, and Jenny Nowak, Trego. • The Shell Lake High School jazz band, under the direction of Aimee Pashby, performed “Bye Bye Blackbird,” with Melanie Bryan on lead trumpet, for clinicians at the North Jazz Festival at the Shell Lake Arts Center.


Tourism office receives over 1,200 items for Big Bundle Up campaign SPOONER — The generosity has been incredible for the Big Bundle Up this year. Every year, Washburn County Tourism participates with Travel Wisconsin to collect new and gently used items to keep our neighbors warm during the winter months. In addition to the over 100 items already donated by generous individuals in our communities, the tourism office received 1,200 items from a company in Minnesota. The van pulled up and Drew Nussbaum and his daughter, Josie, began hauling in bags and more bags of brandnew hats, scarves and socks. The donation filled a good portion of the visitor center. The donations will be divided up between many organizations in Washburn County for distribution including the area food pantries, Lakeland Family Resource Center, the Veterans Service office, and the area schools. The Washburn County Visitor Center, located at 122 N. River St. in Spooner, will continue to accept new or gently used warm items through Jan. 3, 2016. Dona-

tions are accepted Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you are in need of warm items for the cold weather, visit one of these distribution points: Birchwood Area Food Pantry, 715-234-2285; Comforts Food Pantry, 715-733-0880; Lakeland Family Resource Center, 715-635-4669; Ruby’s Pantry, 715-635-9309; or the Washburn County Food Pantry, 715-635-9309. — from Washburn County Tourism The Washburn County tourism office got a donation of over 1,000 hats, scarves and coldweather gear as part of the Travel Wisconsin Big Bundle Up that will keep locals warm this winter. Shown (L to R): Drew Nussbaum, regional tourism specialist; Josie Nussbaum; Whitney Corthoff, tourism coordinator; and Michelle Voight, Washburn County Tourism executive director. — Photo by Danielle Danford

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COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Thursday, Dec. 17 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Monday, Dec. 21 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. Saturday, Dec. 26 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Wednesday, Dec. 30 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner.


Tuesday, Jan. 5 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Thursday, Jan. 7 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted.


Saturday, Jan. 9 • Spooner’s Jack Frost celebration. • Art of Film series, “Two Days, One Night,” 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309,715-4684017 or 715-222-4410. Tuesday, Jan. 12 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 13 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. Thursday, Jan. 14 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. Monday, Jan. 18 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner.

Tuesday, Jan. 19 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 8-9:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. Meet over breakfast. Children are welcome to attend and play. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. Wednesday, Jan. 20 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday, Jan. 21 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Saturday, Jan. 23 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Wednesday, Jan. 27 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Thursday, Jan. 28 • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. Saturday, Jan. 30 • Art of Film series, “Inside Llewyn Davis,” 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center.


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Spooner-Trego Lions attend Christmas party at Maple Ridge

On Friday, Dec. 4, the Spooner-Trego Lions Club entertained residents by singing carols during the Maple Ridge Care Center Christmas party. — Photos submitted

LEFT: Santa stopped in to visit during the Christmas party held at Maple Ridge Care Center in Spooner Friday, Dec. 4.


Thursday, Dec. 24 • Christmas Eve Family Communion Service at Spooner Wesleyan Church located at 1100 West Maple Street. Children’s focus and other specials. Nursery provided during service. Friday, Dec. 25 • Christmas dinner open to the public at noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner.

Sunday, Dec. 20 • The Toys For Tots will be given out from noon to 2 p.m. at the Barronett Community Center. For more information call Butch Holmes at 715-822-2118. • Christmas Celebration Sunday, 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Spooner Wesleyan Church, 1100 West Maple Street. Nursery provided during service. Tuesday, Dec. 22 • Shell Lake Primary School holiday concert, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Shell Lake Primary School.

COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.

• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245. ••• The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information. •••

Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking.

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’mon, let’s be honest. How many of you have C received a gift and for one reason or another, decided to regift the item? Perhaps the item you

received just wasn’t quite what you needed. Maybe you already had this item. Maybe you felt the person you were gifting it to could use it more than you could. For whatever the reason you may have regifted, you aren’t alone. According to a survey by Harris Interactive, more than half of us admit to regifting — the passing off of unwanted gifts as if they were being bestowed for the first time. According to Dayana Yochim, the author of “The Dos and Don’ts of Regifting,” anywhere from 60 to 78 percent of us, depending on what survey you read, think regifting is A-OK. In fact, did you know there’s an official day dedicated to celebrating the practice of regifting? Yes, Money Management International has christened the Thursday before Christmas National Regifting Day. MMI states that more than 60 percent of repackagers have their heart in the right place, passing along items because they believe the next recipient will appreciate it more than they do. I guess if we are going to do regifting, we should consider some rules. The biggest rule: Don’t get caught. Here is where I failed several Christmases ago. Before heading off to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family, I took a second look at an unopened

Regifting Beyond the office door Suzanne Johnson

package I had received. The gift was wrapped in a beautiful gold fabric with red poinsettias and was tied shut with green cloth ribbon. It was a beautiful package. I could guess what the item was by feeling through the fabric. I already had a nice rice-filled tube to use as a neck warmer so I decided to include this beautiful package with my gift to my mom. After all, this would be an item she would use. After our holiday meal, we all gathered in my sister, Konnie’s, living room to exchange gifts. By the time my mom opened her gifts from me, I was busy talking to the person near me. When Mom asked, “Sue, are you sure this is for me?” I replied with a, “Yes,” without looking at her. She said, “Are you sure?” It was then that I turned and saw my mom

with the neck warmer around her neck, with the name Suzanne embroidered down the front of it. Yikes! I had been caught. I was correct in what the gift to me was. I didn’t realize that I was regifting a personalized gift. What was my response? I told my mom it was so she would remember who gave her the gift. So I guess this was the year that not only did I get caught big time regifting, I also got caught in a lie. Perhaps if I had opened the beautifully wrapped gift, I would have noticed it had my name monogrammed on it. But, I didn’t want to disturb the wrapping, as I knew I couldn’t redo it to look as nice. If I had seen my name on the item, would I have been able to creatively change the name? I don’t think changing Suzanne to Mom is that easy to do. I maybe could have added after the name Suzanne, a comma and the words, My Best Child. But my siblings would have argued that. Well, we know that when it comes to gifts, “it’s the thought that counts,” right? Well, maybe not. Sometimes I think the recipient of our gift may like to know we put a little thought into the gift we gave them. As much as I like giving gifts, Christmas isn’t only about gifts. It is also sharing time with others and making memories. Even if the memory can be a bit embarrassing.

Dreaming of my grandmother e know family is important in our lives. As I grow older, I have reached a deeper understanding of my grandmother and the times in which she lived. She has always held a place in my heart, and that love is always expanding. My father’s mother had passed away before I was born, and both my grandfathers. I knew only my mother’s mother, one very special grandmother. These days I have grandchildren who have more than four grandparents, due to remarriages. The times are different from when I was a child. Our family lived about five blocks from the home where my mother grew up. We called my grandmother Mom and my aunt lived with her. In that time, children like my sister and brothers and me could play outdoors until called in as darkness came. When I was 4 or 5 years old, I would walk on the sidewalks from our house to my grandmother’s house. Sometimes I was allowed to stay overnight. Mom’s house was different and quiet, but I enjoyed her company very much. At home, my mother was always busy and it was hard to get answers to my questions. Mom would always listen and give me the answers. She let me help her with things and sometimes just sit quietly and listen to music on the radio or work on the embroidery stitches she was teaching me. My mother gave me a sampler to work on so I needed to learn the stitches. Mom’s house was small, with three bedrooms, and a kitchen, dining room and living room. There was a piano in the living room my aunt played sometimes, but we usually were in the dining room with a round table covered with a lace tablecloth and chairs, and some upholstered chairs and a daybed. In summer, with the windows open, it stayed cool. There was a heating stove there, with grillwork in its door, so you could look through the isinglass windows and see the flames from the coal fire. No one made a fire in summer, of course, but in winter when I stayed over, Mom

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Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen would lay a blanket and pillow along the side of the heating stove to warm them before my bedtime, so that I could snuggle in bed and be warm as toast. There was a lamp in the center of the table, and I could lay a book there and have plenty of light to read by, and everyone relaxed and I could listen to the adults talk and hear the radio programs. We liked to hear the barn dance from Chicago. There was a shortwave radio as well as the small one, and sometimes you could hear speeches from Germany and England. Mom always felt concerned because she grew up in Austria before she came to America and had a family, and the news from Europe was always bad. In those days an older woman lived by a certain set of standards. You saw slacks on women in a movie but not in our neighborhood. Mom had a Sunday dress she wore when she went to church or once or twice to the movie theater. Otherwise, at home, she wore dresses she had sewn herself from cotton fabric, and an apron. Her dresses were hemmed to fall below the knee, and had long sleeves. She had a treadle sewing machine, but she usually had something to mend or sew by hand whenever she would sit down. She wore cotton stockings and black shoes with stubby heels. She showed me the buttonhook she used when she used to wear ankle-length shoes that required the hook. My mother told me that button shoes went out of style when the girls her age became flappers. Mom’s yard was enclosed by a wire fence with gates at the front and back. If a neighbor lady came to visit she could lift a latch and enter and close the gate behind her. I think there were animals roaming then, so people all had fences. There was a towering cottonwood tree behind the house. It gave us shade in summer and provided shelter for the birds – bluebirds and an oriole family. And Jenny wrens. Her garden was in the backyard, for tomatoes and other vegetables, with rows of many different kinds of grapes. She had glass-covered hot beds where in spring she set seeds and later sold young plants to her neighbors. There was an outdoor toilet. She had running water in the kitchen, but no bathroom. We used a washbasin at the kitchen sink. You heated water in a teakettle. There was a coal shed with piles of cobs and coal. There was a fenced-in chicken house, where her pretty white leghorns lived, giving Mom their eggs. She could weed the garden so quickly, and she


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could spade it just as well as my dad could do. Mom would find a worm for me to give to the chickens. A hen could snatch it out of my hand, like a magic trick. Worm there, worm gone. There were flowers, too, lending their scent to the whole yard. When the grapes were ripe in the fall, I helped Mom pick them from the vines and gather them to bring in to the kitchen. Mom made juice and bottled it in quart jars. She made jelly, too. Almost every morning Mom would be up early and start the fire in the kitchen range. She shredded some newspaper and put it in the stove, added cobs and struck a wooden match, then added coal, and her oven would soon be hot while she was setting her bread to raise on top of her stove. By noon, we would enjoy the aroma of the bread baking in the oven. A slice of fresh bread with butter and grape jelly was a real treat. Mom didn’t have a car. She walked wherever she wanted to go. There were three neighborhood stores within walking distance. She would bring eggs to the stores to trade for things she needed. She might go to a neighbor’s house to visit or to the stores, or to church, on the next street. If she went somewhere else, someone would take her in their car. Sometimes I would go to the store for her. She told me what to buy and wrapped the coins in the corner of a handkerchief to give to the storekeeper. She knew I might lose the money along the way. Then it was 1940. One day, toward the end of the summer, I walked all by myself carrying the parasol my mother had bought for me to match my best dress, to the hospital. It was far, and the sun was shining so I was happy to have the shade over my head. When I got to the big building I told the lady at the desk the room number and she sent me up the stairs to the second floor. I found the room. Mom was lying in bed and her dark hair was on her pillow around her head. Always, she brushed her hair and then piled it on her head and tied it in back in a bun. She smiled and we talked quietly because there was another lady sleeping in the other bed. I knew Mom was sick, so I just stayed a little while. I left the cookies Mother had made in their sack on the bedside table. Mom wanted to sleep so I said goodbye. That was the last time we were together. She died in the hospital. Mother said all her children were with her and it was night, so she waited to tell us in the morning. I thought I should have told her not to die. They had a wake at Mom’s house. The neighbors all came and brought Jell-O and cakes, salads and casseroles, and sandwiches. Mother said I could stay home, but I wanted to be at the house in the living room where Mom lay in a casket surrounded by flowers. Her soul was gone, but I still wanted to be near her and look at her face as long as I could. People came, my aunts and cousins. It was a nice funeral. We all went to the church but they didn’t let the kids go to the cemetery. We would go to visit her grave, but it was several miles away and my dad didn’t have a car. I would go to the house, because my aunt lived there. But it was really empty without her. I was in the third grade, so I was busy, and would go to visit my aunt once in a while. It was all different. Those days were past and the sun rose on a new day. Now that I am older, I sometimes have dreams of Mom, being with her at the dining room table in the lamplight, and she is never sad or worried. It is like I am a little child again. And she is alive and well and the years between were the dream.


Birchwood School hosts virtual-learning symposium BIRCHWOOD — Birchwood School District recently hosted the first-annual Birchwood Virtual Learning Symposium. This event was held at Turtleback Conference Center in Rice Lake and was ​also sponsored by the Innovative Schools Network and a virtual-education provider, FuelEd. Besides participants from Birchwood School, others came from 11 school districts including Turtle Lake, Cameron, Maple, Frederic, Northland Pines, Clayton, Shell Lake, New Auburn, Neillsville and Northwood. The focus of this symposium was for districts who are currently offering virtual charter options, or those who may be pursuing this as an option, to learn more about the expanding world of virtual learning. Rice Lake ​native Todd Brunclik, who formerly taught at one of Birchwood’s charter schools and is now employed by the Innovative Schools Network, talked about the desirability of having school districts work together to establish inno-

vative zones of learning. Presenters included a team of staff from Birchwood, two Wisconsin Virtual Learning staff and multiple FuelEd consultants. When presenting to the group about Birchwood’s virtual charter experiences, Principal Jeff Stanley discussed how both parents and students are looking for alternative ways to learn. This fall Birchwood began its Bobcat Virtual Academy charter school and has experienced a combination of resident and nonresident students taking advantage of the latest in flexible learning options. Plans are under way to expand BVA based upon increasing interest and enrollments. ​If you have any questions about the BVA charter school, please contact Bethany Kunselman at ​bethany.kunselman@ Shown (L to R): are Nathan Hallows, FuelEd consultant; Bethany Kunselman, Birchwood Virtual birchwood.k12.wi.us. You can also check Academic coordinator; Kelly Lehnert, Birchwood Blue Hills Charter School teacher; and Birchout Facebook page facebook.com/birch- wood Principal Jeff Stanley, all of whom presented at the first-annual Birchwood Virtual Virtual woodschool for other exciting things Learning Symposium. — Photo submitted happening at Birchwood Schools. — from Birchwood Schools

Local law enforcement sponsors Christmas project for kids

Checking the list twice are the special shoppers for the Washburn County law enforcement Kids Christmas project. Gretchen Nielsen headed up the project. LEFT: Members of the Washburn County Law Enforcement family went shopping for the Kids Christmas project Wednesday, Dec. 9. The Rice Lake Shopko staff and management helped with the shopping experience and donated $1,000 toward the project. There will be lots of happy girls and boys because of this special Christmas project. — Photos submitted

Time for Soup! Fundraiser donates to food pantry Over 80 students from Shell Lake School were involved in the Time For Soup! fundraiser, which donated $694 to the Washburn Country Food Pantry. Various student groups were involved in the success of the fundraiser including the 1st Street Program, the high school food processing class, Community Service Day Project, fourth-grade classrooms, Harvest Helpers summer school class and the high school FFA. The students designed and planted the school garden, harvested and prepared the vegetables for soup, cooked the soup, baked the bread and painted the pottery bowls that the soup was served in. Students in the picture represent those groups. Back row: Keri Jensen, project coordinator; Ashley Meister, food processing; Taylor Eiche, FFA; and Lilly Nyreen, food processing and FFA. Middle: Aaden Jensen, fourth grade and Harvest Helper; Hannah Foust, fourth grade and Harvest Helper; and Kennedy Mehsikomer, 1st Street. Front: Lucas Jacobson, fourth grade and Harvest Helper; and Violet Nasman, 1st Street; Kaelin Farley, Harvest Helper; Sue Adams, Washburn County Food Pantry; Cheyenne Carlson, food processing. — Photo submitted

Washburn County Land Conservation tree, shrub and wildflower sale SHELL LAKE — The Washburn County Land and Water Conservation Department is selling trees, shrubs and wildflowers. All sales are on a first-come, first-served basis so be sure to order early. Pickup dates for tree and shrub orders are April 29 and 30, at the Spooner Ag Research Station. The wildflowers are

available June 3, 2016, also at the Spooner Ag Research Station. Pine trees are sold in bundles of 25 for $20. Species include: Canaan fir, Norway (red) pine, white pine, white spruce, Norway spruce and Colorado blue spruce. Shrubs are sold in bundles of 10 for $18. Species include: Paper birch, black choke-

berry, red crab apple, red osier dogwood and serviceberry (Juneberry). Native wildflowers and grasses are sold in flats of 48 plants for $44. They are suitable for a shoreline habitat restoration, prairie restoration or simple gardening. Collections include: Butterfly (dry) garden, wetland, prairie and woodland,

32-40 plants. Order forms may be picked up at the land and water conservation office in the Shell Lake Courthouse, call 715-468-4654 to get one mailed or go to their website, co.washburn.wi.us/departments/landwater-conservation. — from WCLWCD


Knights of Columbus poster winners The Knights of Columbus in Spooner have announced the winners of their annual Christmas poster contest. The contest drew 45 entries this year. Posters were judged on expression of the Christmas theme, artistic quality and originality. First- and second-place winners were as follows: First grade: Alaska Johnson, first; Matthew Glessing, second; second grade: Emma Snider, first; Devin Danielsen, second; third grade: Kara Johnson, first; Levi Thornley, second; fourth grade: Deagan Cleveland, first; and Zachary Glessing, second. First- and second-place winners will receive a $10 scrip gift certificate from the local council. The four first-place winning posters advanced to the next level of competition. Students are not named in order of appearance in the photo. Missing from the photo are the Glessing boys. — Photo submitted

ACCIDENT REPORT Thursday, Nov. 26 At approximately 11:06 a.m., Amber Vangilder, 26, Rice Lake, was just south of CTH J in the Town of Barronett when the 2008 Chevy Malibu she was driving slid off the road into the ditch. No injuries or damage to the vehicle were reported. The vehicle was towed. At approximately 11:40 a.m., Ritchie Narges, 50, Cumberland, was northbound on Hwy. 63 when the 2004 Dodge Stratus he was driving slid into the ditch. No injuries or damage to the vehicle were reported. The vehicle was towed. At an undisclosed time, Brenda CookMonson, 43, Shell Lake, parked her 2004 Ford F-150 truck at a public hunting area on Thunderbird Lane just off of the Shingle Camp Fire Lane area. CookMonson stated that when she returned

from the woods she noticed someone had run into her vehicle and left the scene. Her truck had damage to the rear. Friday, Nov. 27 At approximately 7:52 a.m., Drew Hasbrouck, 17, Spooner, was eastbound on CTH A at the intersection of CTH N in the Town of Evergreen when he lost control of the 2000 Toyota Sienna he was driving on the icy roadway. The minivan slid on dirt and overturned. Hasbrouck was not injured and neither was his passenger, Max Adam, 16, Spooner. The van had severe damage to the top, front, middle and rear and was towed. Sunday, Nov. 29 At approximately 3:42 p.m., Michael Irvine, 24, Spooner, was westbound on Greenfield Road just north from Hector Dam Road when he entered the oncoming

traffic lane to turn left into a driveway in front of Michael Melton, 54, Spooner, who was eastbound on Greenfield Road. Irvine, driving a 1998 Chevy S10 truck, hit Melton, driving a 2010 Chevy Malibu. No injuries were reported. Irvine’s truck had minor damage to the rear passenger side. Melton’s car was moderately damaged on the front passenger side and front driver side. Irvine was cited for failure to yield while making left turn. Monday, Dec. 7 At approximately 3:08 p.m., David Zebro, 47, Shell Lake, was southbound on Hwy. 63 just south of Lone Star Road in the Town of Beaver Brook, driving a 2008 Toyota Sequoia, when he was rearended by the van driving behind him. That van was driven by Edward Swan, 52, Trego, and was owned by Ventures

Shell Lake art class paints fourth panel

The Shell Lake High School art class painted the fourth panel for the Shell Lake American Legion and VFW Christmas display at the Celebration of Lights at the Shell Lake Memorial Park. The painting is a WWI infantryman sharing his rations with a young girl. Shown (L to R) are the artists who shared their talents: Stephanie Tinsley, Hope Balts, Caitlin Brereton, Amanda Brereton, Stanley Medvedev, Jordyn Monson, Joan Carlson, Klara McNeally and Taylor Rohow. — Photo by Larry Samson

Sue Heilborn greeted people on Shell Lake’s Main Street Thursday, Dec. 10, to the sound of sleigh bells as she volunteered for the Salvation Army Red Kettle fund drive for Washburn County. The sleigh bells once belonged to her father who used them on his sleigh in Minnesota. — Photo by Larry Samson

Unlimited Inc. of Shell Lake. Swan was transporting four other individuals: Connie Adkins, 42, Rice Lake, Amanda Adney, 29, Spooner, Christopher Potter, 50, Shell Lake, and Skyler Jones, 34, Spooner. No injuries were reported and both vehicles sustained minor damage. Swan did receive a written warning for inattentive driving. At approximately 7:32 p.m., Megan Lindemann, 30, Shell Lake, was southbound on Hwy. 63 just north of North Star Road in the Town of Beaver Brook when she hit a deer with the 2010 GMC Acadia she was driving. No injuries were reported but the vehicle had minor damage to the front. — Danielle Danford with information from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office

Bell ringer



Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Bob Lombard Bob Lombard, 77, Spooner, died Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire. Bob was born Jan. 7, 1938, in Spooner, to parents Carmen “Tony” and Emma Lombard. While in high school, he worked for Bill Fox at the Standard Station. After his graduation, he went to work for his dad hauling milk for Lombard Dairy. Throughout his life he has worked in the dairy and

trucking businesses. Bob also served in the U.S. Army Reserve. On June 7, 1960, he was united in marriage to Ruth Schultz in Pine City, Minn. Bob will be remembered as a loving family man and for his great sense of humor. Bob is survived by his wife of 55 years, Ruth; son Tony (Perri) Lombard, Spooner; grandchildren, Josh (Grace) Shervey, Spooner, Caitlin Lombard, Denver, Colo.; greatgrandchildren, Aris and Blake Shervey; and sister, Janet (Ron Walthers) Lombard, Red Wing, Minn. Bob was preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Stacy Lombard; and grandson Jordan Lombard.

Memorial services were held on Dec. 12 at the Spooner Wesleyan Church with Pastor Ron Gormong officiating. Interment with military honors will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2 p.m., at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery. “Friends Forever” are Gary Colbert, Paul Avery, Ron Walthers, Jerry Miller, Gordon Nojd and Dale Spaulding. Online condolences may be left at bratley-nelsonchapels.com. The Scalzo-Taylor Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements.

Birchwood School awarded grant by Packer Foundation BIRCHWOOD — The Educational Foundation of Birchwood has been awarded a grant by the Green Bay Packer Foundation. Thanks to funds from the Packer Foundation, Birchwood’s weekend backpack food program will be expanded. The Birchwood Foundation grant that received Packer funding will allow for the establishment of an urban garden, the purchase of a greenhouse, and the expansion of student learning opportunities geared toward agriculture. Birchwood students will grow plants in the greenhouse in order to provide seedlings to food pantry patrons and to plant in an urban garden located near Birchwood School. Produce that is harvested from the garden will be donated to the food pantry and to the Birchwood School lunch program. The Packer Foundation held an awards luncheon at the Lambeau Field Atrium. As part of its ceremony, attended by over 400 individuals, Birchwood was one of four grant recipients that was highlighted by addressing the audience. Other presenters were from Milwaukee and Green Bay. Birchwood was selected because of the uniqueness of their grant application, the collaboration of multiple entities, and the impact on students and the community. Birchwood Superintendent Frank Helquist addressed the group, highlighting how Birchwood is different from most other rural districts. According to his speech, the school district uses very innovative educational approaches and has a strong educational foundation that has helped provide funding resources beyond what the school might normally have. According to Helquist, “There were more people in attendance at this award ceremony than live in Birchwood. It was humbling to have Birchwood be recognized in this manner by the Packer Foundation.” For the past three years, the Birchwood Food Pantry has provided more than 50 bags of food for individual

Birchwood Superintendent Frank Helquist addressed the Packer Foundation at an awards luncheon at the Lambeau Field Atrium. — Photo submitted students to take home on weekends. The pantry has raised funds locally to support this project and has utilized numerous volunteers to secure, store and package food for students. In addition to using funds from the Packer Foundation, the Birchwood School Board and the Educational Foundation of Birchwood were used as matching in-kind funds. In the past, the Educational Foundation of Birchwood has provided financial assistance to the pantry from proceeds from two of its annual Soup for Kids fundraiser

projects. Soup for Kids is held annually at Paul’s Pizza Den in Birchwood and creates an opportunity for community members to purchase soup that is served in student-made ceramic bowls. The Educational Foundation of Birchwood has been in operation for over 13 years. During that time they have funded over $400,000 toward innovative school projects. Retired Snap-on executive Doug Sorbie serves as president.

Fair housing, it’s your right SPOONER — The Fair Housing Act is a federal act in the United States intended to protect people from discrimination when they are renting, buying or securing financing for any housing. The prohibitions specifically cover discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability and the presence of children. Its primary prohibition makes it unlawful to refuse to sell, rent to or negotiate with any person because of that person’s inclusion in a protected class. Washburn County, a participant within the North-

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The Holidays are Approaching... And so are changes in deadlines for the Washburn County Register newspaper! Deadlines For The Register During This Holiday Season Are: Friday, December 18, at noon Wednesday, December 23, at noon Register Newspaper Office Will Be Closed Thurs., Dec. 24, Fri., Dec. 25, Thurs., Dec. 31 & Fri., Jan. 1 639040 17-18r

west Regional Housing Program, has an adopted Fair Housing Ordinance that is intended to prohibit discrimination in housing by any person. The ordinance assures equal opportunity for all people to live in adequate housing facilities regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, lawful source of income, place of birth or age, and it is the duty of the political subdivisions to assist in the orderly prevention or removal of all discrimination in housing.

Compliance with the Fair Housing Ordinance is essential to building a strong community, creating an environment of nondiscrimination, and ensuring fair and equal housing opportunities for all. If you believe you have been treated unfairly while looking for housing, or are being discriminated against by your current landlord, please contact your county clerk’s office or call the Wisconsin Equal Rights Division at 608-266-6860 (TTY 608-264-8752) for more information. — from NRPC


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Doug Panek




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Kim Talmadge, OFFICE


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• Peggy Dueholm • Jacob Fredericks • Marty Fjorden • Karri Harwick • Tonie Horky • Wendy Larson • Patty Lindfors • Jake Matz • Daria Murphy • Sue Pribula • Eugene Ruhn • Kim Sondrall • Tony Wilson • Peter Wondra


Santa comes to town

Bryan Meister is reading a book about cows to his son, Brayden, as they wait for Santa to arrive for his annual visit to the Shell Lake Public Library on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Bryan has a dairy farm in the Town of Dewey and Brayden wants to grow up to be a farmer.

Collin Matthys is too shy to look at Santa as he tells him what he wants for Christmas.

Missy Melton is a cookie monster as she devours her second cookie after Santa’s visit. You just can’t get enough holiday treats.

Santa and Avalyn are looking for help from Mom as Avalyn has a sudden attack of shyness. Her older sister, Audrianna, is taking it all is stride; she wanted to make sure she stayed on Santa’s good list.

LEFT: Santa is laughing because he is seeing double. Jorgen and Jacob Staupe are twins. Santa was visiting the Shell Lake Library where he has a special mailbox where children can drop off their letters to Santa.

The Shell Lake Public Library is a special place for Santa to visit. It was a time to rest after a long day. It was also a time for him to read “The Night Before Christmas” to the children and it gave him a chance to hear what the children want for Christmas.

Two-year-old Mitchell Draves doesn’t know why he is sitting on Santa’s lap, he only knows that his grandmother put him there. All of a sudden Santa becomes a baby-sitter.

Photos by Larry Samson


Shell Lake High School holds holiday concert

The Shell Lake High School Holiday Concert was the debut for choir director Paul Osborn. The high school choir performed four Christmas songs. Shown (L to R) are six of the 28 members of the choir. Back row: Caitlin Brereton, Carly Osborn and Lauren Osborn. Front: Daniel Parish, Jordan Herzog and Cody McTaggart.

The middle school band performed three songs. Shown (L to R) are three of the flutists in the band: Julia Lyga, Skylar Leach and Brianna Williams. A little less than half of the Shell Lake Middle School students are in band.

Kayla McCarthy played Santa for the concert as she and the other 57 musicians played for the parents, students and community members at the Shell Lake High School Holiday Concert held Tuesday, Dec. 8. About a third of the student body is in band. This is a testimony to the support that the band program receives from the school and community.

The Shell Lake jazz ensemble lived up to their reputation as an elite jazz band as they performed three songs for the audience. The jazz band meets before and after school to practice for this concert and for the solo/ensemble contest to be held later in the year. Ben Kunselman directs the band.

Like a carousel of time, freshman Ashley Clark is just starting her first year in the high school choir as her sister Sheri Clark is ending her high school career. Sheri can pass down her wealth of information and experiences to her four younger sisters.

Photos by Larry Samson

639423 18r



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Shell Lake basketball wrap-up

Larry Samson | Staff Writer SHELL LAKE — Winning has been elusive for the boys and girls this basketball season. Both teams have lost their last three conference games to start out the season 0-3. The Shell Lake girls team lost to Clear Lake in a barn burner, 54-52, on Thursday, Dec. 10, and came back the next night to lose 47-28 to Northwood. In the Clear Lake game, Shell Lake came back from trailing by 22 points in the first half to tie the game up at 52-52 when Ashlea Meister dropped a 3-pointer. With only 40 seconds left, Clear Lake had to win before going into overtime because their three best players

had fouled out. With just seconds left, Clear Lake drove the basket and were fouled. That sent them to the freethrow line where they won 54-52. In the Northwood game Shell Lake took an early 7-4 lead that served as a wake-up call to the Evergreens because they went on an offensive attack that took a 29-19 Northwood lead into the second half. The game was decided in the first half when Northwood built up the 10-point lead and never slacked up. Sheri Clark was the high scorer for Shell Lake with nine points, followed by Amanda Brereton with eight. Jacqueline Manor led Northwood with 12 points followed by Julia Manor with nine points. The Northwood offense kept Shell Lake’s top scorer, Ashlea Meister, off the scoreboard. Meister was only able to put up two points for the game compared to the 23 points she had against Clear Lake. Shutting down Meister was the key to their 47-28 win over the Lakers. The boys team lost 59-38 to Clear Lake on Thursday, Dec. 10, and 60-28 to Northwood on Friday, Dec. 11. Northwood led 23-11 after the first half and shut down the Laker offense, giving up only six points for the whole second half. Luke Fogelberg was the top scorer for Shell Lake with 10 points followed by Evan Hungerbuhler with six points. Matt Benson was the top scorer for Northwood with 13 points followed by Ryan Volz with 10 points. Shell Lake will host Prairie Farm on Friday, Dec. 18, in a doubleheader. The girls will play at 5:54 p.m. and the boys at 7:15 p.m. The girls will play Winter on Tuesday, Dec. 22.

Photos by Larry Samson

Ashlea Meister attacks the Northwood defense and Mckenzie Coons, as she goes for the basket. Meister’s ability and desire to mix it up under the basket make her a threat to any defense.

Shell Lake defenders Luke Fogelberg and Drew Johnson battle it out with a Clear Lake player, Matt Fisher, over the rebound. Fogelberg had seven rebounds for the game and Johnson had nine.

Northwood defender Julia Manor is step for step down the court with Shell Lake’s point guard, Grace Anderson.

Drew Johnson drives the basket on a fast break.

Heidi Steines, with a jump shot, attracts attention from Jacqueline Manor and Mckenzie Coons.

Linden Nelson with a layup against a Clear Lake defender.

Sheri Clark gets a jump shot off against Northwood defenders Kayla Olson and Mckenzie Coons. The Northwood defense limited Shell Lake offense. Shell Lake hosted Northwood on Thursday, Dec. 10. Northwood won 47-28.

Luke Pokorny gets off his jump shot against a tough Clear Lake defense. Pokorny was the high scorer for the game with 12 points. Shell Lake lost 38-59 in a home game on Thursday, Dec. 10.



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Spooner Rails lose to Barron Bears LEFT: Brant Osterhues tries to get a jump shot off against two Barron defenders. The Rails will be traveling to Ladysmith on Friday, Dec. 18, to play the Lumberjacks. They will host Baldwin-Woodville on Tuesday, Dec. 22.

Photos by Larry Samson

RIGHT: Blake Stone makes it look easy as he lays the ball in the hoop for two points. Stone was the top scorer for Spooner with 20 points but it was not enough as Barron beat Spooner 49-36 on Friday, Dec. 11, in Spooner’s first home game of the season.

LEFT: Spooner head coach Tom Clark tries to get his players on the same page as they played catch-up at the end of the game. Clark is in his first year as head coach. He is playing without two returning starters who chose to sit out the season.

RIGHT: Sam Dettle faced two Barron defenders as he put up two points. Dettle had 10 points for the game. He is a player who will get stronger as the season progresses.

Iceman action wrap-up RICE LAKE/HAYWARD/CUMBERLAND — The Northwest Icemen junior varsity team played their sixth JV contest of the season, against Rice Lake on Tuesday night, Dec. 8, in Rice Lake. The Icemen lost the game 5-0. On the positive side, the Icemen did manage to play the third period to a 0-0 tie. As a team, the Icemen hadn’t faced this kind of stiff competition for this season. Rice Lake skated three solid lines, fine defense and enjoyed good goaltending as

well. Icemen coaches felt that the goaltending was very strong as well. Without the great play of Scott Lindenburger the score easily could have been double. The Icemen varsity team traveled to Hayward on Thursday, Dec. 10, for their second road game of the season and left the building having suffered a 6-1 defeat. The score remained close the first couple of periods thanks to good goaltending for the Icemen from senior Trevor Brimblecom.

Ladies senior bowling tournament awards given Claudia Place |Special to the Register SPOONER — Awards were given out Monday, Dec. 7, for the Spooner USBC Senior Tournament, which was held Saturday, Nov. 7, at Northwoods Lanes in Spooner. Open to adjoining associations in the area, there were 11 sets of doubles, 14 Class A singles, eight Class B singles and 21 contestants who took part in all events. Dawn Haus and Mary Danielsen from Spooner rocked with a double score of 1,254 for first place. Second place were Phyllis Hinrichs and Cheryl Mlynek from the Rice Lake Association with a score of 1,151. First place in Class A singles was Clarice Simmons with a score of 601. Second place was Phyllis Myers with 572. There was a tie for third place between Bunee Schultz and Vickie Grabowski with 564.

Class B singles first-place winner was Linda Spexet with 580 and just behind her for second place was Kim Owens with 561. In the all-events category, Danielsen won both the scratch and handicap division. She had a scratch score of 1,052 and a handicap score of 1,202. This won her a free entry in the state seniors tournament compliments of the Spooner USBC Women’s Bowling Association. Second place in all events was Spexet with a handicap of 1,174. Hinrichs came in third with 1,163. Simmons was fourth with her score of 1,155. “That wraps up this year’s local seniors tournament. Hopefully next season we will see you again, bring a friend. All that is required is you’re a woman over 50,” states Claudia Place.

The Icemen hosted Ashland Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Cumberland arena. In the first game the Icemen JV came away with a 4-1 victory. The Icemen played well against an equal opponent and with another game of good goaltending and some timely scores the squad skated to a solid victory. The Icemen varsity jumped out to nice 3-0 lead against Ashland using sound system play and good effort each shift. The Icemen gave up six unanswered goals be-

fore scoring late to edge closer to the opponent but then fell victim to a couple of bad penalties. The JV and varsity Icemen play on the road this week, skating in Tomah on Friday night, Dec. 18, and then facing Black River Falls on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 19. — with submitted information

Jingle Bell Jubilee held RICE LAKE — Over 240 gymnasts from 10 teams, with three states represented, competed in the Jingle Bell Jubilee in Rice Lake. The meet took place Saturday, Dec. 5, at Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center. Participating teams were Deutsch’s; Eau Claire YMCA; Copper Country, Hancock, Mich.; Tenacity, Hancock, Mich.; Northern Twistars, Virginia, Minn.; Phoenix Gym, Bloomer; Twin Ports, Superior; Bay Area, Ashland; Duluth YMCA, Minn.; and Marshfield Magic. Competing in level 2 for ages 6-8 was Avery Weinstock, Spooner. Her score was 9.0 on bars, giving her a first-place finish. She earned a second-place finish on the beam with 8.8; third on floor with 8.7 and tied for first place with 35.00 in the all around. Megan Dunlavy, Shell Lake, competed in level 2 for 9-year-olds. She placed first on vault with 9.1, on beam with 8.95 and in all around with 36.15. She took second

on bars with 9.25 and floor with 8.75. Brielle Anderson, Shell Lake, competed in level 2 age 10. She was 7.5 on vault, 8.2 on bars, 7.4 on beam, 8.1 on floor and 31.2 all around. Deutsch’s took first place in level 2 with 108.0. Second place went to Eau Claire with 105.8 and Copper Country was third with 103.7. Marshfield was 68.3 and Tenacity was 65.7. Competing in level 5 for all ages was Ashleigh Clark, Spooner. She tied for second place with 8.85 on floor. She was fifth with 8.5 on vault, which was a personal best. She also had personal bests on bars with 7.4 and tied for seventh with 32.27 all around. She had 7.5 on beam. Deutsch’s took third place in level 5 with 96.15. First place went to Eau Claire with 103.2 and Marshfield took second with 97.55. Tenacity was fourth with 32.85. — with submitted information



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Spooner hosts eight-team invitational

SPOONER — The Spooner wrestling team had a great day of wrestling at their invitational on Saturday, Dec. 12. Spooner placed third out of the eight schools that included Hayward, Shell Lake, Bayfield, Northwood/Solon Springs, Flambeau, Ashland and Chequamegon. “Spooner wrestlers gave great effort throughout the day. It’s not often that you will get every one of your wrestlers giving that kind of performance in a long day of wrestling,” stated head coach Caleb Melton. Rails results included Blake Larson, at 120 pounds; Brandon Jepsen, 170, and Hunter Peterson, 182, who each took first place in their weight class. Receiv-

ing second place were Chase Melton, 138, and Bryce Carroll, 160. Josh Melton, 152, placed third. Joshua Carroll, 195, and Justin Meister, 138-145, each received a fourth; and eighth place went to Zach Kubnick, 145. Shell Lake results included second place going to Cory Kider, at 106 pounds, Jack Skluzacek, 132, Dominic Hopke, 152, and junior varsity’s Ulan Koxegenov, 138-145; and Brandon Hovel, 152-160. Placing third were Daniel Nielsen, 113, and Carter Lawrence, 145. Taking fourth was Bob Bontekoe, 138. Ben Frey, 160, and Isaac Heines, 285, placed fifth. Devin Guggenberger, 285, placed sixth. — with submitted information

This is what wrestling is all about. Ulan Koxegenov comes off the mat after pinning Tyrel Larue of Ashland. This put him into the finals where he lost. Koxegenov is an exchange stuCory Kidder placed second in the 106-pound dent from Kazakhstan who is wrestling in his weight class at the Spooner Invitational held first year and he placed second in the 138-145 JV weight class at the Spooner Invitational on Saturday, Dec. 12. Saturday, Dec. 12.

Dominic Hopke with a takedown of Spooner wrestler Josh Melton. Hopke beat Melton in an 8-2 decision and advanced to the finals where he lost to James LaPointe from Bayfield in a 5-1 decision. Hopke took second place in the 152-pound weight class.

Photos by Larry Samson

Carter Lawrence is jubilant after coming from behind and pinning his Bayfield opponent in the third place round. He placed third in the 145pound weight class.

Zach Chandler was disappointed at not being able to wrestle; it was past his nap time. Zach comes from a wrestling family; his cousins are Meltons. Zach Kubnick almost had his Flambeau opponent pinned as time in the period ran out. He lost in a 9-6 decision but that did not discourage this upand-coming Spooner wrestler.

RIGHT: Brandon Jepson with a takedown of his Hayward opponent, Fred Perfecto. Jepson won the match by a pin and went on to place first in the 170-pound weight class with a pin on another Hayward wrestler, Collin Maiwald.

LEFT: Spooner wrestler Bryce Carroll has Shell Lake wrestler Ben Frey in a bad spot. Frey held on but lost to Carroll in a close 5-2 decision. Carroll took second place in a tough weight class with three pins and one decision. He lost to Kyle Sorensen by a 7-0 decision in the championship round.

RIGHT: Northwood wrestler Bobby Pearson moves to pin his Hayward opponent in the 152 JV class on Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Spooner Invitational. Pearson is an up-and-coming wrestler in his first year of wrestling.

Blake Larson took first place in the 120-pound weight class when he pinned Hunter Rhea of Hayward in the championship round. Larson earned three pins on his way to first place.




SCHEDULE Boys basketball

Friday, Dec. 18: Doubleheader versus Prairie Farm, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29: Doubleheader at Luck, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5: Doubleheader versus Lake Holcombe, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 8: Doubleheader at Cameron, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12: Versus Turtle Lake, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15: Doubleheader versus Unity, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19: Doubleheader versus Birchwood, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26: Doubleheader at Clayton, 5:45 p.m.

Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Friday, Jan. 29: Doubleheader at Clear Lake, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2: Doubleheader at Northwood, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Doubleheader at Frederic, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12: Doubleheader versus Cameron, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Doubleheader versus Webster, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19: Doubleheader at Turtle Lake, 5:45 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22: Versus Flambeau, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25: Versus Drummond, 7:15 p.m.

Girls basketball Friday, Dec. 18: Doubleheader versus Prairie Farm, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22: Versus Winter, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29: Doubleheader at Luck, 5:45 p.m.

Cheerleader fundraiser


Tuesday, Jan. 5: Doubleheader versus Lake Holcombe, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 8: Doubleheader at Cameron, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12: Doubleheader versus Turtle Lake, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15: Doubleheader versus Unity, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19: Doubleheader versus Birchwood, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 22: At Drummond, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26: Doubleheader at Clayton, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29: Doubleheader at Clear Lake, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2: Doubleheader at Northwood, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Doubleheader at Frederic, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12: Doubleheader versus Cameron, 5:45 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb. 16: Doubleheader versus Webster, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19: Doubleheader at Turtle Lake, 7:15 p.m.

Wrestling Thursday, Dec. 17: Thorp at Shell Lake, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 19: At Northwestern, 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29: At River Falls, 8 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 7: Multiple schools at Shell Lake, 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9: At Superior Tournament, 10:30 a.m. Thursday Jan. 14: At Northwood, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16: At Ladysmith, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 21: At Cameron, 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23: Shell Lake Invitational, 9 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 28: Flambeau at Shell Lake, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 6: Conference at Cameron, 10 a.m.

Spooner cheerleaders are back

The Shell Lake Laker cheerleaders are selling yard signs for Laker fans as a fundraiser and a way to show Laker pride. As the cheerleaders are entirely self-funded, the money that they raise will be used for the purchase of new uniforms. The current uniforms are 10 years old. Shown (L to R): KayDe Bontekoe, Allison Tims, Lainy Hutton, Niki Everroad, Jadee Goetz and Cecilia Harrington. — Photo by Larry Samson

LFRC happenings through the end of the year WCR LFRC SPOONER — Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, would like to share the days and hours they will be providing services for the remainder of 2015. Thursday, Dec. 17, 10:30 a.m., is Library Fun for Little Ones at Shell Lake Public Library; Monday, Dec. 21, 10 a.m., is First

Friends playtime; Wednesday, Dec. 23, 10 a.m., is Kidstime~Parentime playgroup; Wednesday, Dec. 23, 11:15 a.m., is Potluck Wednesday. The Spooner cheerleaders are back this year after being discontinued many years ago. Shown back LFRC will be closed Thursday, Dec. 24, row (L to R): Miya Honeycutt, Mckenzie Dutton, Jordan Haupt and Chelsea Colegrove. Front: Mckaela through Sunday, Jan. 3. — from LFRC Sybers, Courtney Gardner and Tianna Barrett. — Photo by Larry Samson

SHS donates to Lions Club Christmas Fund

Sue Quigley, left, and Kathy Dettle, RN, center, from Spooner Health System, present a donation of $600 to Brenda DeWitt, right, of the Spooner-Trego Lions Club. Diane Neste (not pictured) organized an annual chili feed at SHS. Employees are encouraged to participate in a chili contest and then employees and visitors enjoy chili for lunch for a $5 minimum donation. This year’s event raised $300, which was matched by SHS. The money will be used toward the Lions Club Christmas Fund Project. Winners of the chili contest were Karen Schultz, first place; Mattie Pitts, second; and Marilyn Nordquist, third. — Photo submitted

Get connected with Elder Tree SPOONER — Elder Tree provides older adults an opportunity to connect, learn about local events, track their health and give back. It’s a website just for Wisconsin seniors, even those with no computer experience. Members like the large print and easyto-follow screens and many had never used a computer before joining. The free, secure website has no ads and does not share or sell information about members. Best of all, Elder Tree members report significant improvement in their quality of life and less loneliness. Want to hear what Elder Tree members have to say about the website? Check out eldertreewisconsin.com/About/Testimonials. aspx. “We know online safety is a concern,” said Leslie Fijalkiewicz, director of

the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Barron, Rusk and Washburn counties. “As a safeguard, member enrollment is finalized through the ADRC or Elder Tree staff, and no one outside Elder Tree can see or contact a member unless specifically invited by that member. “ The ADRC will present the website and enroll interested seniors at four public presentations. All seniors are invited to attend. A meeting is set for Monday, Dec. 21, 4:15 p.m., at the Spooner Center, 402 Oak St., Spooner, and Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, 4:30 p.m., at the Minong Senior Center, 700 Houston St. For more information about Elder Tree, to register as an Elder Tree user, or to schedule a presentation to your group, contact Kim Cobb at 715-537-6225 or kim. cobb@co.barron.wi.us. — from ADRC

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53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Sunday at 10:30 a.m.


293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

St. Alban’s

Full Gospel

Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

Shell Lake Full Gospel


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School. Office hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon. trinitysponsor.org

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran


Long Lake Lutheran Church


Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

Trego Community Church

Pastor Bill Lee W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

All our yearning has not produced peace. Jesus has been – and is – the only source of true peace: peace within ourselves and peace with others. Find your peace this week in church.

Hebrews 10:5-10

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.


ur world yearns for peace.

Micah 5:2-5a

Cornerstone Christian

United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc



Lake Park Alliance

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Luke 1:39-45

Luke 1:47-55

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, December 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent ears ago a rural farmer was driving his Model T Y into town when it stopped in the middle of a crossroad. He lifted the hood and was amazed at the wires

and strange parts he had never bothered to look at previously. Confused, he walked around the car several times then got inside and tried to start it. Again and again he stepped on the starter, the engine would start, run a few seconds and then stop. In frustration he got out once again and slammed the door. A gentleman approached him in a finely tailored suit, white shirt and tie and said, “Sir, your carburetor is out of adjustment. May I help you?” Puzzled at the man’s appearance and offer to help he said quickly, “What do you know about this car?” “Oh, I know very much about it,” came the reply. “I am Henry Ford and I made your car. Since I made it, I can fix it.” God created the universe from nothing. Man came from his creative power. Yet, when things go wrong in God’s universe among the men he created, men generally look to other men to fix the problem or problems. Research is initiated, heads of state meet and negotiate, and conferences are held with any resolution only lasting for a short time. Jesus taught us to pray, “Your will, Father, is to be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” It was God’s plan that the planet he created would reflect his will and bring glory to his name. We know, however, that the first man and woman he created refused to follow his plan. Because of their decision all of us are affected by its results - suffering, wars and rumors of wars. One day we know that he will return to Earth, restore his creation and reign over his kingdom. He will be exalted.

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South End Of Spooner




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Scalzo-Taylor Chapel


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Marcus Nelson and Michael Bratley, Directors 306 Rusk St. • Spooner 715-635-8919 marcusnelsonfd@gmail.com



Stone Lake

Marian Furchtenicht

Is it almost winter or almost spring? Weatherwise here, it’s hard to tell. Mild temps and snowless ground continue all of December so far. The thin ice has melted mostly on the lakes. Sandi Vogt reported they watched two beautiful foxes cross Big Ripley Lake, running at full speed across what must have been pretty thin ice one day. Quite a sight. So far this week we’ve only gotten a drizzle of rain and the shift of snow mixed in the heavy rain missed us and went to the south. Folks seem to be running around shopping and going to get-togethers to celebrate the holidays. Reports are the Celebration of Lights in Shell Lake is exceptionally good this year and it’s a wonderful sight driving through the town at night. Beginning this winter, snowmobilers in Wisconsin are required to purchase trail passes for $30 unless you belong to a club and then it is $10, along with a Wisconsin Public Use registration. Willie Lombard and his sister, Sue Miller, Menomonie, went together to their cousin Bob Lombard’s funeral on Saturday at the Spooner Wesleyan Church. Sarona folks extend sympathy to his wife, Ruth, and the Lombard family. Willie and Vicki Lombard took in the hockey game Thursday night in Rice Lake to watch her twin nephews play on the River Falls team. Vicki spent Saturday in Barronett at her mom’s along with her sister, Cheryl Miller, from River Falls. They made Christmas cookies. Sam and Libbie DeTrent, LeRoy and Virginia Sandridge, Norm and Donna Ness and Dwight and Bonnie Smith enjoyed dinner together at Lehman’s in Rice Lake after church on Sunday. Libbie reported that the Sarona Methodist Church is all decorated and looking really nice for the holidays. Gloria Frey, along with her sister, Joanne Paulson, spent the past weekend at Cornucopia and Red Cliff. Reported heavy rain both ways. Gloria spent Monday afternoon with her 102-year-old mom at the convalescent center in Rice Lake. Reports she’s doing well, no pain and a sharp mind yet. Mavis Schlapper reports her son, Wayne, Stevens Point, had corrective surgery on his foot. They had to break it and reset it a couple of weeks back. His sister, Pam, went to be with him for a few days. Now he is recovering in a nursing home there. Keep him in your thoughts and

Heart Lake

prayers for a speedy recovery. Fritz Mancl took Mavis Schlapper to her doctor appointment in Rice Lake last Thursday. She’s having problems with her leg. Says she’s better now. Elaine Ryan had more surgery on her hand in Eau Claire last Monday. She had broken her hand and now is having therapy. Ryan and Jessie Furchtenicht enjoyed doing gingerbread houses with their 7-year-old son, Jaxson, at school on Thursday morning. Then they spent the afternoon with me. The Hansen Concrete Christmas party was held Saturday night at Bistro 63 in Barronett for the employees. Attending were Ryan and Jessie Furchtenicht, Willie and Vicki Lombard, John and Mary Marschall, Brady and Ashley Marschall, Scott and Gloria Butterfield, Russ and Nancy Furchtenicht, John Roeser, Rick Gronning, Gale and his brother Beau and his girlfriend, Colleen Knoop. Report is that it was a very nice party. Dorothy Esser visited me one afternoon. We had a great visit. My sister and husband, Sharon and Merle Wilber, Webster, stopped by Sunday en route back from Rice Lake. She brought me my original birth certificate from May 1932 that she found in some stuff from the home house. It’s real neat, a postcard with a one-cent stamp on it. Christmas greetings are arriving in the mail. Each card is a gift in itself to appreciate. Nowadays our world has shifted in a way, from real mail communication to social media. As I wrote this Monday morning it was a rain/snow mix and a winter advisory was issued over my cell phone for Washburn County lasting until 6 p.m. This week’s birthday wishes go to Julie West, Chris Engan, Holly Esser, Dec. 17; Pat Semm, Steve Hubin, John Roeser, Judy Juza, Emma Anderson, Dec. 18; Eric Anderson, Donna Russel, Dec. 19; Leslie Jaastad, Gary Moore, Dec. 20; Hunter Magnes, Gerry Strand, Dec. 21; Rick Anderson, Dave Anderson, Michael Bolterman, Dec. 22; and Marlene Hansen, Mike Degner, Barb Benjamin, Bobbie LaVeau, Ken Anderson, Kayla Haynes, Dec. 23. Enjoy your special day. A happy anniversary to Tom and Linda Tabor, their 51st, on Dec. 19; and to Jim and Joni Campbell, Dec. 22.

Helen V. Pederson

Monday was a cloudy day, and it looked like rain, which we have had a lot of lately. The snow was gone but we did get a bit on Monday. It doesn’t look like Christmas. Our big news was the family dinner on Saturday. All of the tenants invited family members, so we had a full house. We were served a lovely meal and a delicious dessert. Thank you so much. Visiting Mavis Flach for a few days was Ron Erickson and Tammy Riley from Greensboro, N.C., and Tracy Rothmann of Minnesota. Friday night she had her family in to meet the relatives and also on Sunday after church for a brunch before leaving for home. Talking to Arlys Santiago, she was nurs-

ing a cold and she’s been busy with the Christmas in Lights display in the park. Be sure to take a ride to see it. Sue and Larry Winner stopped to see me on the way home from the Twin Cities for a baptism of a grandchild. Lillian Ullom and daughter, Donna Ness, took in the wake for Ronnie Masterjohn on Saturday. Cheri and Steve Minot spent the weekend in the Twin Cities. On Saturday night they took in the play “Sister Act” at the Chanhassen Theatre with family. On Sunday morning they went to the Christmas program at church and after that to son Tony’s for pizza before everyone left for home. We watched a good game Sunday when the Packers won 28-7. I don’t believe in the afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear. Have a good week!

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Mary Nilssen

I thought I’d never say this since I became a resident of Wisconsin but I wish it would snow. We need some white stuff to make all skiers, snowmobilers and resort owners very happy. We also need it to get colder so our ice-fisherpersons can get out on the ice and get some fresh fish. People spend lots of time in our area enjoying themselves in our wonderful winter wonderland, so please let it snow. The Sand Lake Shore Owners Association recently held their annual Christmas party at the Waterfront, and as in the past, incorporated a fundraiser into the party. The association received cash donations from members and held an auction at the party. SLSOA member Ken Stark served as auctioneer, auctioning member-donated gift baskets and handmade items. This year SLSOA members raised $750 which was earmarked to help those in our community, and checks were presented to the Stone Lake Feed a Family program as well as the Waterfront’s Giving Tree program. Much thanks goes to Shirley Stout for once again organizing a great party for our membership and a successful fund-

Dewey-LaFollette Karen Mangelsen visited Florence Brewster on Monday afternoon to wish her a happy birthday. Mary Dunn, Marlene Swearingen, Lorri McQuade, Sharon Syverson, Donna Hines, and Karen and Diana Mangelsen were guests of Lida Nordquist on Tuesday. They enjoyed an afternoon of visiting and playing cards. Visitors of Nina and Lawrence Hines during the week were Gerry and Donna Hines, Hank and Karen Mangelsen, Lida Nordquist and Marlene Swearingen. Hank and Karen Mangelsen called on

raiser for our local Stone Lake. The Stone Lake Pub is having a food drive through December. Bring in any nonperishable food items and receive a half-price drink. Also on Dec. 18 the Hayward Lionesses will be having another meat raffle at the Pub starting at 6 p.m. The Stone Lake Wesleyan Church is still accepting new and gently used coats, scarves, hats, gloves and mittens for their second-annual coat drive. They are in need of children’s items for all sizes and both genders. For more information please call the church at 715-865-2881. Northwest Wisconsin Realty is sponsoring a toy drive at their office at the corner of Main Street and Hwy. 70 in Stone Lake. Please drop off new toys by Dec. 23 and they’ll donate $2 to the Stone Lake Feed a Family program. The toys will be distributed through local charities where they are most needed. For information call Teri from Northwest Realty at 715-558-1456. Have a good week and pray for snow! Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-8654008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com.

Karen Mangelsen Maxine and Les Lindquist on Saturday afternoon. Pastor Jack Starr presented an Advent drama during the worship service at Lakeview UM Church Sunday morning. He portrayed an innkeeper as he might have been in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus. During fellowship time after church, an auction of baked goods and decorative plates was held. The proceeds were donated to the Burnett County Salvation Army and the total was $705.

Subscribe online today at wcregisteronline.com

Washburn County Area Humane Society What could these two be looking at; perhaps a Christmas star? And hoping that on Christmas Day, a home is where they are. These two 4-month-old girls, they are such a precious pair, Their wish is that a life together, they will always share. But if together they can’t be, they want this to be true, That each is loved and happy, not a day of feeling blue. Can you imagine finding them beneath a bright lit tree, Their blue eyes sparking like the lights, oh what a joy to see. There’s not a lot of time left, you know how the days fly by,

You also know you want them, it’s a truth you can’t deny. Cats for adoption: 4-yearold n e u t e re d 4-paw declawed black shorthair; 6-month-old male white/black shorthair tiger; 1-1/2-year-old neutered white/ gray shorthair; 5-1/2-month-old male orange shorthair tiger and two 4-monthold female Siamese mix. Dogs for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old female black German shepherd; 2-year-old large tan/white pit bull; two 7-week-old German shepherd mix pups and a neutered 4-1/2-year-old brindle pit bull/ retriever mix. Also for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old brown/white male guinea pig.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 wcahs.com

Senior lunch menu Monday, Dec. 21: Chicken salad wrap with grapes, celery, cashews, with sweet potato fries and sugar cookie. Tuesday, Dec. 22: Hamburger stroganoff over noodles, buttered carrots, tropical fruit. Wednesday, Dec. 23: Roasted pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, seasoned dressing, green bean almondine, gingerbread dessert. Thursday, Dec. 24: No meal served. Friday, Dec. 25: No meal served. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu is subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.

Dining at 5 Spooner, Monday, Dec. 21: Glazed holiday ham, cheesy potatoes, ovenroasted green beans, fresh salad bar and eggnog bread pudding. Call 715-635-8283 for reservations. Suggested donation is $5. Cost is $8.75 for anyone under 60 years old.



Judy Pieper

The St. Lucia Festival held at Augustana Lutheran Church on Friday, Dec. 11, was absolutely beautiful. The church was decorated with lots and lots of candles. This year Makenna Olson was chosen to be Lucia, and her attendants were Emme Anderson, Brooke Chafer, Robina Elliott, Jenna Green, Hannah Kupferschmidt and Taylor Olsen. They looked so pretty walking through the church with their candles, and they all recited their lines in Swedish and English perfectly. The women’s choir is absolutely outstanding. You can probably tell that the St. Lucia Festival is one of my very favorite programs of the season. Suzy and Tru Lehmann, Lynn Thon and I were among the throng attending the program. Tru, who is 4 this year, has gone every year since she was born. She didn’t enjoy it quite as much this year because she had had a tonsillectomy on Tuesday and wasn’t quite up to par on Friday. Poor little darling. Needless to say, we did skip breakfast this year. And Tru looked beautiful in the pretty new dress that her Aunt Lynnie gave her. Friday afternoon, Wrig Marsh came over to visit, and he and Tru went with Duane and me to pick out a Christmas tree at Ken Rohl’s place. They walked up and down all the paths, checking out just about every tree, and finally decided on one they both thought would be perfect. And it is. It’s just the right height and there are absolutely no bare spots anywhere. We brought it home and they put the decorations on. It’s probably the prettiest tree we’ve ever had. Merl and Shirley Overvig were up on Tuesday to visit

Dewey Country

and to help put up the Christmas tree at Barronett Lutheran. Duane and I had lunch with them at the Red Brick that afternoon, and then they went out to visit with Ruth and Dick Grover until it was time to come and decorate the tree. There were quite a few people helping decorate, Rick and Joan Stetler, Geri Pittman, Jennifer Snowbank, Dorothy Orth and, of course, Merl and Shirley. After the tree was decorated, Shirley served hot chocolate and bars in the basement. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. We all hope Shirley and Merl come back often to visit. The Barronett Lutheran Sunday school Christmas program will be held Sunday evening, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Peg Thompson and the kids have been practicing all month, and it sounds like they have their parts down pat. The title of the play this year is “Best Christmas Present Ever.” Hope you can join us. Little Kane Thon had his first visit with Santa on Sunday afternoon. He is 8 months old, and fearless. I don’t think Kane had ever seen anyone with that much hair on his face, and he was just fascinated by it. Luckily he just stared and didn’t grab the beard. His mom, Kandice, got some really nice pictures of the big occasion. It’s a little hard to believe that Christmas is almost here, isn’t it? I don’t remember a year when December was this warm. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, but this is just unreal. I almost feel sorry for the snowbirds who have already deserted us for the sunny South. They don’t know what they’re missing. I had a nice surprise waiting in the driveway when I came home from the St. Lucia Festival. There was a

Pauline Lawrence

We had bad weather on Monday. In fact, it was rainy most of the week and then we received snow. How is Santa going to get those gifts delivered? Well, I have thought of a way for Santa to get help delivering those gifts to the wee ones. If and when Santa comes this way, maybe he’ll have to rest those reindeer that pull his sleigh at son Richy’s. Well then he could ask Richy to use his big bucks to pull the sleigh. So then off Santa would go and get the gifts delivered. Problem solved! A very happy birthday to Ben Lawrence on Dec. 17. Ben is the son of David and Cindy Lawrence and the grandson of Bob and Marie Lawrence. Have a great one, Ben. Happy birthday to Gabby Champeny as she enjoys her special day and also to Lisa Mangelsen who celebrates her birthday Dec. 17. Have a great one. Dec. 19, a very happy birthday to Chelsea Lee as she enjoys her special day with lots more to come. Dec. 20, a very happy anniversary to Scott and Cheryl Hotchkiss as they enjoy their special day with lots more to come. Dec. 21, a very happy birthday to Noel Knoop and also to Noah Lauterbach. Have a great day both of you. A very happy anniversary to Paul and Tracey Baumgart as they celebrate 15 years together with many more to come. Dec. 23, a very happy birthday to my niece, Barb Benjamin, to Bobbi LaVeau and Jordan and Christian Monson, all on their special day. A very happy birthday to my nephew, Steven Meister, as he enjoys that special day with many more to come on Dec. 24. Also a very happy birthday to Lucas Hulleman as he enjoys his special day, Dec. 24. Well, college is done for the first semester. Yes, Kenzie Cramer was done Dec. 10. Now she is free until January. It’s nice to have her home according to her mom, Paula Cramer. Kenzie will be working most days at a rest home. Talking with Myrna Atkinson, she tells us she’s busy cleaning her house. This past week she got a new vinyl floor in her bathroom, which she is very proud of. She thinks she

will have the vinyl floor in other areas this week. She says it will be so nice to wipe up. Myrna keeps the family together. Yes she always has a special Christmas party for her brothers and wives. This year it is Dec. 20. Myrna also tells us Sandy Atkinson, Jodie’s wife, came home from the hospital on Thursday. Due to the MS she isn’t able to do anything for herself including no riding in a car. So Jodie say he won’t partake in the Christmas holidays at Myrna and Curt’s. Talking with Butch VanSelus, he tells us Loretta still has a lot of pain in her knee but is slowly getting better. However, some angels have come to Butch’s aid. Yes, gals have brought chili, soups, meatballs and gravy, potpies, fixed chicken and even brownies. Butch says he doesn’t mind cooking now. He appreciates the angels and the food they provided. Rick and Janie Lauterbach and children, Noah, Ellianna and Grace, went to the Twin Cities for the weekend to get Christmas shopping lined up, and they took in other things for the kids. Evelyn Melton says she’s feeling much better now. Sunday, Vicki Trott was over to her mom’s and she and Evelyn played cards. Robin Melton from the Twin Cities was up Friday night to Evelyn’s, staying over and went home Saturday. You know back when I grew up we didn’t have electricity until 1949. You know what that meant? Well it meant milking our cows by hand. Yes, by hand! I know this generation would say, “No, I won’t get my hands dirty. Ick.” Well, we would take a lantern to the barn and hook it on a hook to the entrance of the milk house.

That lantern was our only light. After milking a cow — yes, by hand — we would take the milk in our bucket to the milk house. Then we would dump it into the milk strainer. The strainer had an area where we would put in what was called a milk pad. Then the pad was pushed down by the milk strainer’s piece that fit tight when pulled down hard over the milk pad. Under the strainer there was a milk can where the milk was strained into. The strainer held 1-1/2 to 2 pails of milk. We always had to check so we didn’t run the can over. Then we would put the top of the can on and give a big “uff-dah,” lifting the full can of milk, approximately 80 pounds, into a cement tank, which was filled with cold water that cooled the milk. I think the cement tank would hold 10 cans of milk, plus. The milk was picked up by the milkman either every day or every other day. It was then taken to the creamery (Dec. 9, 16, 23) and made into delicious, STATE OF WISCONSIN nutritious dairy products. CIRCUIT COURT So kids, do you think you WASHBURN COUNTY have it so hard nowadays? IN THE MATTER OF THE Well think again, as I think ESTATE OF back to those good old-time JOHN P. STORRS April 16, 1926 days, it makes me smile as us kids had such a great Order Setting Time to Hear time milking those cows Petition for Administration and Deadline for Filing Claims by hand and giving each (Formal Administration) other a hard time filled with Case No. 15PR50 laughter.

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box of black walnuts sitting there with a note that said, “Judy, homegrown black walnuts from the trees at Serenity Shores in Cumberland. Enjoy.” I would really like to know who put them there so I can thank her or him because I really appreciate it. Duane has already been busy out in the garage, cracking them on an anvil. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Grandma Hefty’s Southern cake does not taste right with any other kind of nuts. I have to tell you a joke that Pastor Todd told Sunday morning. Seems that there was a man driving along a city street when the traffic light turned from green to amber. He had time to stop so, being a careful driver, he did. Well, the woman behind him was in a hurry and got pretty irate. She was honking her horn, yelling not nice things at him and doing some impolite hand gestures. Suddenly she heard a knocking on her car window, and there stood a policeman. He made her get out of her car, get into his car, took her downtown and put her in a holding cell. In about an hour he came back to the cell, let her out, and apologized to her for the mix-up. He said, “I saw the ‘what would Jesus do’ bumper sticker, the chrome Christian fish, and the ‘take your child to Sunday school’ bumper sticker on the car and I naturally assumed that you had stolen it.” Hmmm. Maybe actions speak louder than bumper stickers. I guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. I hope you have everything done for your Christmas so you can just relax and enjoy the programs and sights of the season. See you next time.

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A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: 1. The decedent, with date of birth April 16, 1926, and date of death September 12, 2010, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of N1220 County Hwy. MD, Sarona, WI 54870. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, Room 2C, before Circuit Court Judge, Hon. Eugene D. Harrington, on January 4, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 23, 2016. 3. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, P.O. Box 316, Shell Lake, Wis. 4. Heirship will be determined at the hearing on petition for final judgment. 5. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. BY THE COURT: Honorable Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge November 25, 2015 John D. Hibbard 712 S. Barstow Street Eau Claire, WI 54701 639217 17-19rp 715-835-8448 WNAXLP



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TO: JULIE G. BAK 2003 DECLARATION OF TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘11’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $79.34 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 150 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-07-4 03-000-004000 07-37-13W N1/2 N1/2 S1/2 SW SE DOC# 300259 TD TO: JULIE G. BAK 2003 DECLARATION OF TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘12’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $66.50 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 151 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-07-4 03-000-005000 07-37-13W S1/2 N1/2 S1/2 SW SE DOC# 300259 TD TO: JULIE G. BAK 2003 DECLARATION OF TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘14’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $83.12 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 156 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-07-4 04-000-003000 07-37-13W S1/2 S1/2 N1/2 SE SE DOC# 300259 TD TO: JULIE G. BAK 2003 DECLARATION OF TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘15’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $83.12 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 157 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-07-4 04-000-004000 07-37-13W N1/2 N1/2 S1/2 SE SE DOC# 300259 TD TO: JULIE G. BAK 2003 DECLARATION OF TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘16’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $83.12 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 158 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-07-4 04-000-005000 07-37-13W S1/2 N1/2 S1/2 SE SE DOC# 300259 TD TO: JULIE G. BAK 2003 DECLARATION OF TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘17’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $83.12 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 159 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-07-4 04-000-006000 07-37-13W N1/2 S1/2 S1/2 SE SE DOC# 300259 TD TO: PEDER J. PEDERSON REVOCABLE TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘23’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,447.62 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 323 Acres: 10 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-16-1 01-000-001000 16-37-13W SE1/4 NE NE V 152 P 789 DOC# 346327 QC DOC# 346937 TERM EXC V 239 P 423 TO: THOMAS F. SWAN; RUTH H. SWAN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘24’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $104.28 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 398 Acres: 3 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-18-2 01-000-014000 18-37-13W S 100’ NE NW FRL1/4 V 151 P 508 TO: THOMAS F. SWAN; RUTH H. SWAN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘25’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $78.58 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 411 Acres: 2.75 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-18-2 02-000-013000 18-37-13W S 100’ NW FRL1/4 NW FRL1/4 V 151 P 508 TO: THOMAS F. SWAN; RUTH H. SWAN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘26’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $99.75 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Barronett Tax ID: 415 Acres: 3 PIN: 65-002-2-37-13-18-2 04-000-003000 18-37-13W PT N1/2 SE NW FRL1/4 V 151 P 508

TO: LINDA AMERSON; BARBARA SKILLE; KIMBERLY FLACH And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘47’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $675.58 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1123 Acres: 9.61 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-05-5 05-001-002000 05-38-13W W1/2 W1/2 GOV L 1 DOC# 294241 WD DOC# 298095 TERM EXC DOC# 294242

TO: TERRY R. JORDAN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘173’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $220.02 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Beaverbrook Tax ID: 3723 Acres: 2.48 PIN: 65-008-2-38-12-06-5 05-008-016000 06-38-12W PT GOV L 8 L 2 CSM V 4 P 125 DOC# 304276 WD DOC# 311893 QC

TO: ROBERT G. GODOWN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 07/27/1994 And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘60’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $708.36 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1372 Acres: 20 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-14-4 01-000-001000 14-38-13W N1/2 NE SE V 1155 P 358 V 303 P 667-668 TERM V 395 P 581-582 QC

TO: DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘178’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $903.19 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Beaverbrook Tax ID: 3772 Acres: 1.13 PIN: 65-008-2-38-12-06-5 15-292-500000 06-38-12W GREEN MEADOW LOT 1 DOC# 310847 WD DOC# 330040 QC

TO: ROBERT G. GODOWN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 07/27/1994 And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘61’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $489.31 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1374 Acres: 20 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-14-4 02-000-001000 14-38-13W N1/2 NW SE V 155 P 358 V 303 P 667-668 TERM V 395 P 581-582 QC TO: ROBERT G. GODOWN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 07/27/1994 And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘66’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $885.43 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1594 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-23-1 03-000-001000 23-38-13W SW NE V 155 P 358 V 303 P 667-668 TERM V 395 P 581-582 QC TO: ROBERT GODOWN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘69’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $994.17 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1616 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-23-4 01-000-001000 23-38-13W NE SE V 332 P 196 WD V 395 P 581-582 QC TO: ROBERT G. GODOWN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 07/27/1994 And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘70’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $994.17 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1617 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-23-4 02-000-001000 23-38-13W NW SE V 155 P 358 V 303 P 667-668 TERM V 395 P 581-582 QC TO: ROBERT G. GODOWN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 07/27/1994 And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘72’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $351.06 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1631 Acres: 30 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-24-3 01-000-001000 24-38-13W PT NE SW N OF RD V 155 P 358 V 303 P 667-668 TERM V 395 P 581-582 QC TO: ROBERT G. GODOWN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED 07/27/1994 And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘73’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $332.42 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 1654 Acres: 39 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-24-4 02-000-001000 24-38-13W PT NW SE V 155 P 358 V 303 P 667-668 TERM V 395 P 581-582 QC LESS HWY ROW-5.46 AC TO: MICHAEL L. BARTHEL And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘95’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $115.08 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bass Lake Tax ID: 2079 Acres: 1.49 PIN: 65-006-2-40-10-02-4 02-000-001000 02-40-10W PT NW SE L 1 CSM V 13 P 131 DOC# 326391 WD TO: ROY ZACHARIAS; MARTHA ZACHARIAS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘126’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $599.96 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bass Lake Tax ID: 2293 Acres: 6 PIN: 65-006-2-40-10-09-4 04-000-007000 09-40-10W S1/2 SE1/4 LESS W 2363 V 285 P 531

TO: DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘181’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $456.67 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Beaverbrook Tax ID: 3891 Acres: 20.13 PIN: 65-008-2-38-12-07-2 03-000-001000 07-38-12W PT SW FRL1/4 NW FRL1/4 EXC CSM V 13 P 29 DOC# 285437 WD DOC# 330038 QC TO: MICHAEL TYREE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘195’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $640.82 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Beaverbrook Tax ID: 4296 Acres: 3 PIN: 65-008-2-38-12-23-3 03-000-003000 23-38-12W PT SW SW DOC# 309818 PR DOC# 334154 QC DOC# 336260, #336261 QC LESS HWY R/W-.96 AC TO: JAMES R. BORCHERTS; LOIS BORCHERTS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘240’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $47.08 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 5606 Acres: 1.5 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-03-5 05-007-006000 03-38-10W PT GOV L 7 DOC# 300635 WD DOC# 339061 QC TO: DONALD O. VOIGHT; JANET M. VOIGHT And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘236’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,296.87 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 5645 Acres: 3.92 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-03-4 03-000-002000 03-38-10W PT SW SE L 2 CSM V 5 P 222 V 286 P 380 TO: DONALD O. VOIGHT; JANET M. VOIGHT And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘237’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,509.43 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 5646 Acres: 3.02 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-03-4 03-000-003000 03-38-10W PT SW SE & PT SE SW L 3 CSM V 6 P 10 V 286 P 380 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘258’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $30.90 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6020 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-600000 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 1 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 HWY R/W (.59 AC) V 436 P 513-514 R/W V 436 P 513-514 R/W TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘259’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $30.90 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6021 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-600500 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 2 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 HWY R/W (.59 AC) V 436 P 513-514 R/W V 436 P 513-514 R/W TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘260’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $30.90 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6022 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-601000 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 3 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 HWY R/W (.59 AC) V 436 P 513-514 R/W V 436 P 513-514 R/W

639537 18-20r WNAXLP



WASHBURN COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘261’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $74.89 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6023 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-601500 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 4 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘262’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $74.89 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6024 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-602000 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 5 V 178 P 680 V182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘263’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $74.89 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6025 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-602600 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 6 V 178 P 680 V182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘264’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $74.89 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6026 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-603000 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 7 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘265’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $30.90 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 6027 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 15-506-603500 16-38-10W NORDIC WOODS LOT 8 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 HWY R/W (.59 AC) V 436 P 513-514 R/W V 436 P 513-514 R/W TO: MICHELLE K EYTCHESON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘336’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,303.94 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Brooklyn Tax ID: 7843 Acres: 1.8 PIN: 65-012-2-41-12-36-5 05-004-008000 36-41-12W PT GOV L 4 DOC# 353357 GD DOC# 353358 PR TO: BARBARA LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘344’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $229.84 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8040 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-08-5 05-001-002010 08-40-13W S 160’ N 300’ GOV L 1 & 2 W OF CASEY CREEK V 166 P 374-375 TO: BARBARA LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘347’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $140.95 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8048 Acres: 2.23 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-08-5 05-002-010000 08-40-13W PT GOV L 2 V 207 P 471 V 210 P 450 V 217 P 195 V 277 P 159-160 TO: BARBARA A. LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘342’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $229.84 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8049 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-08-5 05-001-001000 08-40-13W N 150’ GOV L 1 V 333 P 395 WD TO: BARBARA A. LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘343’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $256.50 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8050 Acres: 5.76 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-08-5 05-001-002000 08-40-13W S 350’ N 500’ GOV L 1 E OF CASEY CREEK V 334 P 406 WD 639538 18-20r WNAXLP

TO: BARBARA LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘345’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $25.39 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8051 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-08-5 05-001-003010 08-40-13W PT GOV L 1 EXC N 500’ W OF CASEY CREEK V 207 P 471 V 217 P 195 V 277 P 159-160

TO: LEE B. JOHNSON; VERNON E. JOHNSON LE; YVETTE JOHNSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘572’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,253.51 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Frog Creek Tax ID: 15507 Acres: 41.49 PIN: 65-022-2-42-11-30-3 03-000-001000 30-42-11W SW FRL1/4 SW FRL1/4 V 293 P 694 ESMT V 294 P 477 QC SUBJ TO ESMT

TO: BARBARA A. LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘346’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $57.14 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8052 Acres: 2.24 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-08-5 05-001-004000 08-40-13W S 100’ N 600’ GOV L 1 E OF CASEY CREEK V 364 P 327 WD

TO: JOHN D. OLSON; MARY L. OLSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘625’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,117.89 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Long Lake Tax ID: 17354 Acres: 2.29 PIN: 65-026-2-37-11-22-5 05-003-001000 22-37-11W PT GOV L 3 & PT SE NW L 3 CSM V 9 P 29 V 234 P 521 DOC# 324637 TERM DOC# 324638 TERM

TO: WALDO D. MERRELL; CHARLENE A. MERRELL; STEVEN D. MERRELL And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘350’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $785.77 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Casey Tax ID: 8137 Acres: 0.37 PIN: 65-014-2-40-13-11-5 15-386-505000 11-40-13W LAKE FOREST ESTS E 50’ LOT 8 V 344 P 16 WD TO: LAURA LAUGHRAN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘393’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $4.67 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Chicog Tax ID: 9633 Acres: 0.06 PIN: 65-016-2-41-13-02-5 05-002-002000 02-41-13W PT GOV L 2 AKA L 5 BLOCK 12 VAC PLAT OF MANITOU TWIN LAKES SUBD V 31 P 484 MISC V 234 P 63 V 234 P 63

TO: TIMOTHY E. BAILEY; DIANE M. BAILEY And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘636’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,704.11 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Madge Tax ID: 18184 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-028-2-38-11-09-5 05-002-002000 09-38-11W PT GOV L 2 DOC# 318937 WD TO: LAUREN BLIHOVDE; KEN GROCKE; STEVEN GROCKE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘640’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $261.64 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Madge Tax ID: 18357 Acres: 3.55 PIN: 65-028-2-38-11-18-2 04-000-001000 18-38-11W PT SE NW FRL1/4 L 1 CSM V 9 P 137 DOC# 313777 QC

TO: ROBERT ENGELHARDT; DOROTHY ENGELHARDT And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘428’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $6.21 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Chicog Tax ID: 10961 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-016-2-41-13-11-5 15-784-799400 11-41-13W WAUKEGAN NEWS SUB LOT 29 BLOCK 19 V 104 P 56

TO: JOHN D. OLSON; MARY L. OLSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘660’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $501.91 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Madge Tax ID: 18873 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-028-2-38-11-29-1 03-000-001000 29-38-11W SW NE V 143 P 373 V 172 P 690 R/W LESS HWY ROW-.07 AC

TO: DOROTHY ENGELHARDT; ROBERT ENGELHARDT And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘429’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $13.99 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Chicog Tax ID: 10994 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-016-2-41-13-11-5 15-784-812600 11-41-13W WAUKEGAN NEWS SUB LOTS 33 & 34 BLOCK 20 V 104 P 57

TO: JOHN D. OLSON; MARY L. OLSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘665’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $49.47 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Madge Tax ID: 18888 Acres: 25.08 PIN: 65-028-2-38-11-29-5 05-003-003000 29-38-11W PT GOV L 3 V 143 P 373

TO: JAMES W. RHEA JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘455’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,906.62 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Crystal Tax ID: 12166 Acres: 55.11 PIN: 65-018-2-39-11-01-1 02-000-001000 01-39-11W PT NW FRL1/4 NE FRL1/4 S OF BEAN BROOK V 316 P 552 ENC V 341 P 533 WD

TO: JOHN D. OLSON; MARY L. OLSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘664’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $990.11 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Madge Tax ID: 18890 Acres: 38.18 PIN: 65-028-2-38-11-29-5 05-002-001000 29-38-11W GOV L 2 EXC PLATTED AREA V 143 P 373

TO: BARBARA HENDRICKS; LLOYD G. HENDRICKS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘496’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,298.37 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Evergreen Tax ID: 13217 Acres: 22.9 PIN: 65-020-2-39-13-08-3 04-000-002000 08-39-13W S 700’ E 1375’ S1/2 SW1/4 V 324 P 337 QC TO: JOSEPH JELLEN; KRYSTAL KAAINOA JELLEN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘527’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $838.03 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Evergreen Tax ID: 13697 Acres: 10 PIN: 65-020-2-39-13-22-3 04-000-003000 22-39-13W N1/2 S1/2 SE SW DOC# 324653 WD TO: STEVEN J. ENGLUND; ANNI ELIZABETH WILLIAMS; CHLOE KAROLENA ENGLUND; KYLE STEVEN ENGLUND And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘548’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $928.33 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Evergreen Tax ID: 14139 Acres: 10 PIN: 65-020-2-39-13-34-3 01-000-011000 34-39-13W PT NE SW DOC# 352516 QC

TO: KEVIN J. TREBUS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘690’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,314.08 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 19742 Acres: 3.32 PIN: 65-030-2-42-12-17-5 05-009-008000 17-42-12W S 125’ N 625’ GOV L 9 L 4 CSM V 1 P 195 V 343 P 481 WD V 382 P 533-537 JGMT TO: TERRY J. ANDERS; WILLIAM A. WARD And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘732’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $265.51 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 20622 Acres: 3 PIN: 65-030-2-42-12-33-5 05-002-003000 33-42-12W W 330’ S 396’ GOV L 2 V 354 P 505 DOC# 314641 QC SUBJ TO ESMT ALG E LINE TO: ALLAN L. VISGER; DARCY J. VISGER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘729’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,106.04 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 20650 Acres: 38.7 PIN: 65-030-2-42-12-33-4 01-000-001010 33-42-12W PT NE SE SE OF HWY V 293 P 652 WD EXC V 412 P 326 V 414 P 555 ESMT EXC HWY R/W-DOC# 307371 EXC HWY R/W-DOC# 307371



WASHBURN COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED TO: CHARLES C. HIRT; KRISTEN HIRT And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘745’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $3,012.51 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 21002 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-030-2-42-13-07-5 05-003-002000 07-42-13W W 200’ E 11 AC GOV L 3 DOC# 339536 WD TO: ALICE J. DIETSCH; CHARLES D. DIETSCH And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘760’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $780.11 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 21482 Acres: 3.44 PIN: 65-030-2-42-13-18-5 05-004-004000 18-42-13W PT GOV L 4 V 323 P 470 WD TO: ANDREW LEWIS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘767’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $807.42 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 21675 Acres: 0.88 PIN: 65-030-2-42-13-24-5 05-002-010000 24-42-13W PT GOV L 2 L 2 CSM V 6 P 170 DOC# 334822 QC TO: LYNN M. MCDOWELL And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘769’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $110.95 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Minong Tax ID: 21748 Acres: 0.36 PIN: 65-030-2-42-13-26-5 15-752-503500 26-42-13W TOTOGATIC HTS S 1/2 LOT 8 V 280 P 275 EXC V 433 P 428 TO: JOHN T. MARINO; VICKIE L. MARINO And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘782’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $3,169.77 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22244 Acres: 6.97 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-01-5 05-002-005000 01-37-12W PT GOV L 2 L 5 CSM V 8 P 189 V 342 P 39-40 ESMT DOC# 336499 WD

TO: DAVID MASTERJOHN; DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘793’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,539.16 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22558 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-531000 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 3 BLOCK 4 DOC# 320745 WD DOC# 330041 QC

TO: ERNIE F. KESSLER; WANDA M. KESSLER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘917’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $15.43 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Springbrook Tax ID: 25259 Acres: 0.75 PIN: 65-036-2-40-11-31-1 03-000-002000 31-40-11W PT SW NE S OF RR ROW DOC# 286439 QC LESS RR ROW-.25 AC

TO: DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘793’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,539.16 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22558 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-531000 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 3 BLOCK 4 DOC# 320745 WD DOC# 330041 QC

TO: ERNEST F. KESSLER; WANDA M. KESSLER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘919’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $48.79 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Springbrook Tax ID: 25261 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-036-2-40-11-31-1 04-000-002000 31-40-11W N 1 AC SE NE S OF RR ROW V 210 P 304

The above property has been split or combined to create another parcel. The property described below may be liable partially or in full for the above taxes. Please contact the Washburn County Treasurer. Town of Sarona Tax ID: 34908 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530100 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 3 BLOCK 4 DOC# 320745 WD DOC# 330041 QC TO: RICHARD C. BRADLEY; LAURA M. BRADLEY And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘827’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,655.55 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 23339 Acres: 18.8 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-15-4 03-000-001010 15-39-12W PT SW SE DOC# 310708 WD DOC# 330941 R/W-.82AC TO: RICHARD C. BRADLEY And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘828’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $202.22 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 23341 Acres: 7.08 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-15-4 03-000-003000 15-39-12W PT SW SE INCL L 2 CSM V 7 P 52 & N 66’ SW SE LYING W OF CSM DOC# 338331 WD DOC# 329980 R/W - .28AC

TO: DAVID MASTERJOHN; DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘791’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $277.38 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22556 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530000 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 1 BLOCK 4 DOC# 305317 WD DOC# 330041 QC

TO: SHARON ROBERTS HORTON; ANDREW ROBERTS JR; ANDREW ROBERTS SR; DOROTHY ROBERTS; KEVIN ROBERTS; RONALD ROBERTS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘844’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $5.19 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 23794 Acres: 0.11 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-25-5 05-001-007000 25-39-12W PT GOV L 1 V 320 P 484 QC V 329 P 792 PRBT

TO: DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘791’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $277.38 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22556 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530000 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 1 BLOCK 4 DOC# 305317 WD DOC# 330041 QC

TO: SHARON ROBERTS HORTON; ANDREW ROBERTS JR; ANDREW ROBERTS SR.; DOROTHY ROBERTS; KEVIN ROBERTS; RONALD ROBERTS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘846’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,132.52 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 23796 Acres: 0.34 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-25-5 15-104-500500 25-39-12W ASSESSOR PLAT SPOONER LAKE OL 2 DOC# 352168 TAX DEED

The above property has been split or combined to create another parcel. The property described below may be liable partially or in full for the above taxes. Please contact the Washburn County Treasurer. Town of Sarona Tax ID: 34908 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530100 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 1 BLOCK 4 DOC# 305317 WD DOC# 330041 QC TO: DAVID MASTERJOHN; DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘792’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $138.69 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22557 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530500 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 2 BLOCK 4 DOC# 305317 WD DOC# 330041 QC TO: DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘792’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $138.69 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Sarona Tax ID: 22557 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530500 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 2 BLOCK 4 DOC# 305317 WD DOC# 330041 QC The above property has been split or combined to create another parcel. The property described below may be liable partially or in full for the above taxes. Please contact the Washburn County Treasurer. Town of Sarona Tax ID: 34908 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-032-2-37-12-09-5 15-232-530100 09-37-12W DEER LAKE PARK LOT 2 BLOCK 4 DOC# 305317 WD DOC# 330041 QC

TO: BRIAN K. JACKSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘847’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,046.36 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 23804 Acres: 0.17 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-25-5 15-104-504500 25-39-12W ASSESSOR PLAT SPOONER LAKE OL 11 DOC# 343761 QC TO: BRIAN K. JACKSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘848’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $666.50 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 23805 Acres: 0.17 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-25-5 15-104-505000 25-39-12W ASSESSOR PLAT SPOONER LAKE OL 12 DOC# 343761 QC TO: JENNIFER NORTH And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘865’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $52.97 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Springbrook Tax ID: 24387 Acres: 1.06 PIN: 65-036-2-40-11-05-5 05-001-006000 05-40-11W PT GOV L 1 S OF CTH F V 275 P 565-566

TO: MICHAEL G. WALLACE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘931’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $470.99 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Springbrook Tax ID: 25431 Acres: 5.4 PIN: 65-036-2-40-11-34-2 03-000-004000 34-40-11W PT SW NW DOC# 341432 WD TO: BARBARA LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘963’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $348.29 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26103 Acres: 24.33 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-32-1 03-000-001000 32-41-10W SW NE NW OF HWY 63 V 143 P 768 ROW V 315 P 788 WD LESS HWY ROW-.98 AC TO: BARBARA A. LOVE; BECKY JO LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘964’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,244.88 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26111 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-32-2 03-000-001000 32-41-10W SW NW V 252 P 280 TO: BARBARA A. LOVE; BECKY JO LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘965’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $589.19 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26112 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-32-2 04-000-001000 32-41-10W SE NW V 252 P 280 TO: BARBARA A. LOVE; BECKY JO LOVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘966’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $317.18 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26115 Acres: 40 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-32-3 02-000-001000 32-41-10W NW SW V 252 P 280 TO: HARRY CHARLES GREVE III; FREDERICK CHARLES GREVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘969’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $49.18 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26182 Acres: 6.5 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-34-1 01-000-002010 34-41-10W PT NE NE V 387 P 276-277 WD DOC# 287742 COVENANT EXC DOC# 302499 TO: HARRY CHARLES GREVE III; FREDERICK CHARLES GREVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘970’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,106.28 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26184 Acres: 28.73 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-34-1 02-000-001010 34-41-10W PT NW NE S OF HWY 63 V 387 P 276-277 WD DOC# 287742 COVENANT EXC CSM V 15 P 109 TO: HARRY CHARLES GREVE III; FREDERICK CHARLES GREVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘971’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $477.78 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26186 Acres: 28.12 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-34-1 03-000-001020 34-41-10W PT SW NE V 387 P 276-277 WD USA ESMT-V 446 P 738-752 EXC CSM V 15 P 109

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WASHBURN COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED TO: HARRY CHARLES GREVE III; FREDERICK CHARLES GREVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘973’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $302.13 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 26196 Acres: 17.27 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-34-2 04-000-001000 34-41-10W PT SE NW V 387 P 276- 277 WD USA ESMT-V 446 P 738-752

TO: TIMOTHY R. REYNOLDS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1154’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $87.80 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Village of Birchwood Tax ID: 29423 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-106-2-37-10-25-5 15-576-751000 25-37-10W RESUBD LOT 15 BLOCK 36 LOT 11 DOC# 312722 WD

TO: ROSELLA M. MANGELSEN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1018’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $346.18 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 27427 Acres: 1.48 PIN: 65-042-2-39-12-03-4 04-000-002000 03-39-12W PT SE SE L 1 CSM V 7 P 167 V 288 P 774

TO: TIMOTHY R. REYNOLDS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1155’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $77.25 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Village of Birchwood Tax ID: 29424 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-106-2-37-10-25-5 15-576-751500 25-37-10W RESUBD LOT 15 BLOCK 36 LOT 12 DOC# 312722 WD

TO: ROSELLA M. MANGELSEN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1019’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $264.36 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 27432 Acres: 3.54 PIN: 65-042-2-39-12-03-4 04-000-007000 03-39-12W PT SE SE L 2 CSM V 7 P 167 V 288 P 774

TO: MARION DEGEEST And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1175’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,048.65 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Village of Minong Tax ID: 29809 Acres: 0.86 PIN: 65-151-2-42-12-23-5 15-532-004000 23-42-12W S 150’ N 537’ OL 16 DOC# 307943 WD

TO: OLIVE L. MACK; GEORGE G. MACK And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1053’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,009.65 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 27915 Acres: 30 PIN: 65-042-2-40-12-19-4 03-000-001000 19-40-12W SW SE EXC SW1/4 V 94 P 415 EXC V 267 P 674

TO: KATHLEEN J. COLEGROVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1216’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $371.14 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 30683 Acres: 0.172 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-30-5 15-631-705000 30-39-12W SCRIBNERS 2ND ADD LOT 11 BLOCK G V 177 P 166 V 205 P 195

TO: BARBARA GREENWALD; JOAN T. PETERSON LE; JOHN PAUL GREENWALD JR.; WALTER BUHL LE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1067’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $471.54 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 28410 Acres: 1 PIN: 65-042-2-40-12-30-1 04-000-002000 30-40-12W N 208.71’ S 417.42’ E 208.71’ SE NE V 430 P 159 WD V 449 P 491-492 QC TO: DAVID H. RAILSBACK; ARLA J. RAILSBACK And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1095’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,521.00 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 28674 Acres: 1.55 PIN: 65-042-2-40-12-34-4 01-000-010000 34-40-12W PT NE SE L 1 CSM V 7 P 179 DOC# 329361 WD TO: DANIELS CONSTRUCTION; STEVEN ROBERT DANIELS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1097’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $785.02 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 28676 Acres: 1.54 PIN: 65-042-2-40-12-34-4 01-000-012000 34-40-12W PT NE SE L 3 CSM V 7 P 179 DOC# 304394 WD DOC# 338369 ESMT TO: JAMES C. KIRK; LISA R. KIRK And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1098’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,431.00 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 28680 Acres: 3.34 PIN: 65-042-2-40-12-34-4 02-000-004000 34-40-12W PT NW SE L 3 CSM V 8 P 29 V 379 P 257-258 WD LESS FLOWAGE-.90 AC TO: ADAM L. JOHNSON; IONA J. MORGAN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1107’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $177.06 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Trego Tax ID: 28855 Acres: 0.56 PIN: 65-042-2-40-12-35-5 15-768-565000 35-40-12W VILLAGE OF TREGO PT LOTS 10-12 BLK 9 & PT VAC ALLEY V 272 P 44 DOC# 305210 TERM EXC DOC# 327626 EXC DOC# 327626 TO: JOHN H. COLBERT And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1137’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,230.20 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Village of Birchwood Tax ID: 29189 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-106-2-37-10-25-5 15-526-630500 25-37-10W ORIGINAL PLAT (VB) LOT 12 BLOCK 21 V 238 P 258 DOC# 292871 QC

TO: KATHLEEN J. COLEGROVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1217’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $325.97 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 30684 Acres: 0.152 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-30-5 15-631-705500 30-39-12W SCRIBNERS 2ND ADD LOT 12 BLOCK G EXC N 6’ V 177 P 166 V 205 P 195

TO: SCALZO PROPERTIES LLC And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1240’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $404.80 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31342 Acres: 0.194 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-31-5 15-306-502000 31-39-12W HARMON & HAZARDS ADD W 94’ E 194’ S 90’ BLOCK 1 L 2 CSM V 4 P 153 DOC# 355682 LC TO: DAVID R. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1277’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $3,905.86 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31603 Acres: 0.55 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-32-5 20-000-003000 32-39-12W PT NW NW FORMER RR LAND DOC# 301133 WD DOC# 301323 AFFD DOC# 330048 QC TO: LYNN B. SCHULTZ And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1264’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $120.54 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31720 Acres: 0.219 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-32-5 15-080-014020 32-39-12W PT SW SW AKA PT OL 86 ASSESSORS PLAT V 246 P 518 TO: ALLAN W. THORBERG; PATRICIA A. THORBERG And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1268’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $439.15 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31725 Acres: 0.3 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-32-5 15-080-019000 32-39-12W PT SW SW AKA PT OL 86 ASSESSORS PLAT V 290 P 95 TO: NICHOLAS D. MASTERJOHN And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1271’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $605.84 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31737 Acres: 0.651 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-32-5 15-080-032000 32-39-12W PT SW SW AKA PT OL 88A ASSESSOR PLAT L 2 CSM V 14 P 125 DOC# 304947 WD

TO: ANTHONY E. SCALZO And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1219’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,303.61 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 30703 Acres: 0.363 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-30-5 15-631-716000 30-39-12W SCRIBNERS 2ND ADD LOT 6 BLOCK K & W1/2 LOT 7,8 BLOCK K DOC# 336913 WD

TO: WILLIAM D. PFLUGER JR.; DEBRA ANN PFLUGER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1286’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,853.49 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Shell Lake Tax ID: 32031 Acres: 1.59 PIN: 65-282-2-37-13-01-5 05-002-005000 01-37-13W PT GOV L 2 L 5 CSM V 2 P 72 V 373 P 726 WD

TO: LEROY A. CHRISTNER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1222’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $2,752.34 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 30884 Acres: 0.344 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-31-5 15-001-611500 31-39-12W 1ST ADDITION (CS) LOT 11-12 BLOCK 12 DOC# 344410

TO: KAREN LOY And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1299’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,400.18 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Shell Lake Tax ID: 32349 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-282-2-38-13-25-5 15-530-504000 25-38-13W ORIGINAL PLAT (CSL) LOT 9 & E 1/2 LOT 10 BLOCK 1 DOC# 336768 LC

TO: LARRY S. WENDELSCHAFER; LORRAINE WENDELSCHAFER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1229’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $808.36 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31008 Acres: 0.172 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-31-5 15-040-710000 31-39-12W 3RD ADDITION (CS) LOT 9 BLOCK 23 V 310 P 304 WD

TO: RAYMOND J. LICZKOWSKI And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1313’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $3,534.35 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Shell Lake Tax ID: 32815 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-282-2-38-13-26-5 15-240-855500 26-38-13W DOBIE & STRATTON ADD LOT 12 BLOCK L V 247 P 664-665

TO: ROBERT C. EMERSON And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1254’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $276.93 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31230 Acres: 0.17 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-31-5 15-590-524000 31-39-12W RIDGEWOOD ADD LOT 5 BLOCK 7 V 229 P 691 V 430 P 620 TERM

TO: JAMES R. BORCHERTS; LOIS BORCHERTS And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘242’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,972.34 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 33244 Acres: 33.66 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-03-5 05-010-002010 03-38-10W PT GOV L 10 EXC CSM V 16 P 118 DOC# 300635 WD DOC# 339061 QC

TO: SCALZO PROPERTIES LLC And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1239’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $5,719.11 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: City of Spooner Tax ID: 31339 Acres: 0.316 PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-31-5 15-306-500500 31-39-12W HARMON & HAZARDS ADD W 81’ E 194’ N 170’ BLOCK 1 L 1 CSM V 4 P 153 DOC# 355682 LC

TO: JEFFREY C. PILLER; MARY K. PILLER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘530’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $141.42 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Evergreen Tax ID: 33723 Acres: 2.14 PIN: 65-020-2-39-13-25-4 04-000-002020 25-39-13W PT SE SE L 1 CSM V 17 P 47 DOC# 324938 WD 639540 18-20r WNAXLP



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Notice is hereby given that the Washburn County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 5, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building,110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Casey Township: Kevin Halpin, Madison, WI, to have a variance for a road setback reduction to 19 feet from the centerline (normally 75 ft. from the centerline, or 50 ft. from the right of way, whichever is greater) on Loon Lake Road to build a dwelling and attached garage. Map# CA 672/Record ID 8900 - PT OF GOV L1, Section 27-40-13, Town of Casey. Evergreen Township: Lenard Meysembourg, Spooner, WI, to have a variance for a road setback reduction to 65 feet from the centerline (normally 75 ft. from the centerline, or 50 ft. from the right of way, whichever is greater) on Highland Park Dr. to build a 24 x 36 garage. Map# EV 674/Record ID 14199 - Highland Park Lot 7 Block 1, Section 35-39-13, Town of Evergreen. Interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard. The committee will deliberate in “Open Session.” This agenda and the subsequent meeting minutes are available in large type. If you need assistance, please call Lolita Olson at 715468-4600, prior to the meeting. 639463 18-19r WNAXLP Webster Macomber, Zoning Administrator

Shea M. Carlson, Duluth, Minn., possess drug paraphernalia, $243.00, local jail, costs. Donald J. Fogal, Birchwood, substantial battery, intend bodily harm, $1,523.08, probation, sent. withheld; burglary, $768.00, probation, sent. withheld; resisting or obstructing an officer, $243.00, local jail, costs. Rosemarie F. Hart, Cumberland, theft, local jail. Laura J. Heilman, Spooner, possession of THC, $299.00. Tina M. Jenson, Chetek, bail jumping, $518.00, state prison, costs, extended supervision; possession of methamphetamine, $518.00, state prison, costs, extended supervision; possess drug paraphernalia, $443.00, probation, sent. withheld; bail jumping, $518.00, state prison, costs, extended supervision; theft, $443.00, probation, sent. withheld; possession of THC, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld; issue worthless check(s), $243.00, probation, sent. withheld, three times. Nathanial Z. Johnson, Shell Lake, operating while revoked, $200.50. Rana A. LaPointe, Webster, operating while revoked, $200.50. John M. Llamas, Rice Lake, OWI, $1,505.00, local jail, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment; operating while revoked, $200.50.

Amy L. Nelson, Minneapolis, Minn., burglary, $268.00, probation, sent. withheld; theft, $268.00, probation, sent. withheld. Ronald V. Ogren, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Alice A. Rettenmund, Eau Claire, possession of THC, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld; possession of drug paraphernalia, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Elmer D. Saari, Bayfield, OWI, $2,679.00, probation, sent. withheld, license revoked 24 months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment. Margarito M. Tijerina, Webster, substantial battery, intended bodily harm, $568.00, probation, sent. withheld; disorderly conduct, $243.00, local jail, costs. Scott R. Brimer, St. Paul Park, Minn., failure to stop at stop sign, $175.30. Dakota C. Cole, Stacy, Minn., operating while suspended, $200.50. Lisa D. Egbert, Shell Lake, speeding, $175.30. Andrew L. Eide, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Nicholas G. Graham, Trego, operating with restricted controlled substance, $887.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Kevin P. Green, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50.


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Barbara L. Halbrehder, Houlton, speeding, $175.30. Kristina I. Hall, Minong, operating while suspended, $200.50. Dana A. Hoffman, Sarona, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30; display unauthorized vehicle registration plate, $238.30; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Tyrell L. Hopke, Shell Lake, operating after rev./susp. of registration, $175.30; possess fraud. obtained registration, $238.30. Kenneth D. Howells, Shell Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Elizabeth A. Johnson, Hayward, operating after rev./ susp. of registration, $75.00. Lynn A. Lesnecki, Sarona, speeding, $175.30. Robert R. Loy, Shell Lake, operating without valid license, $200.50. Joshua T. Mellen, Shell Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Alexandra R. Mellum, Birchwood, unsafe backing of vehicle, $175.30. James L. Monroe, Rice Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Julie A. Predni, Trego, reckless driving, $389.50. Dylan T. Sargent-Torgerson, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle by permittee without authorized person over 21, $200.50; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Jessica L. Shramek, Exeland, issue worthless check(s), $480.73, restitution. Gary M. Wahlen, Grantsburg, reckless driving, $389.50. Penny L. Warschol, Cumberland, speeding, $175.30.

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

WASHBURN COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED TO: JEFFREY C. PILLER; MARY K. PILLER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘531’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $128.55 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Evergreen Tax ID: 33724 Acres: 1.55 PIN: 65-020-2-39-13-25-4 04-000-002030 25-39-13W PT SE SE L 2 CSM V 17 P 47 DOC# 324928 WD TO: HARRY CHARLES GREVE III; FREDERICK CHARLES GREVE And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘972’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $331.23 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Stinnett Tax ID: 33760 Acres: 20 PIN: 65-038-2-41-10-34-1 04-000-001020 34-41-10W E 1/2 SE NE V 387 P 276-277 WD LESS HWY R/W (PT 3.86 AC) EXC DOC# 305911 EXC DOC# 326129 TO: ANDY JAMES WESTOVER; JULIE ANN WESTOVER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘282’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $130.01 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 34033 Acres: 0 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-35-5 16-974-607140 35-38-10W SPIDER LAKE RESORT CAMPGROUND UNIT 216 & 1/39TH INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS DOC# 355917 QC TO: WILFRED C. VIG; SHANNON L. VIG And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘123’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $617.46 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bass Lake Tax ID: 34243 Acres: 18 PIN: 65-006-2-40-10-08-3 03-000-005000 08-40-10W PT SE SE DOC# 336764 QC

639541 18-20r WNAXLP

TO: ROBERT CHANEY; MICHAEL CHANEY And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘65’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $621.36 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Bashaw Tax ID: 34250 Acres: 23 PIN: 65-004-2-38-13-21-3 04-000-002000 21-38-13W PT E1/2 SW1/4 LYING S OF CTH B EXC S 760’ & EXC E 30’ N OF S 760’ V 419 P 631-633 PRBT V 421 P 386-390 WD V 421 P 386-390 WD TO: RICHARD C. BRADLEY And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘829’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $149.07 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Spooner Tax ID: 34266 Acres: 5 PIN: 65-034-2-39-12-15-4 03-000-005000 15-39-12W PT SW SE L 1 CSM V 18 P30 DOC# 338330 LC TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘248’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $1,698.21 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 34318 Acres: 6.65 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 05-001-001100 16-38-10W PT GOV LOT 1 LOT 1 CSM V 18 P 55 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘249’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $3,788.12 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 34319 Acres: 0.69 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 05-001-001200 16-38-10W PT GOV LOT 1 L 1 CSM V 18 P 40 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34

TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘250’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $38.04 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 34320 Acres: 0.46 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 05-001-001300 16-38-10W PT GOV LOT 1 L 2 CSM V 18 P 40 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘251’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $42.79 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 34321 Acres: 0.51 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 05-001-001400 16-38-10W PT GOV LOT 1 L 3 CSM V 18 P 40 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 TO: MAURINE GEICK; ROBERT SCHMIDT JR. And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘252’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $42.79 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Birchwood Tax ID: 34322 Acres: 0.51 PIN: 65-010-2-38-10-16-5 05-001-001500 16-38-10W PT GOV LOT 1 L 4 CSM V 18 P 40 V 178 P 680 V 182 P 32-34 TO: HARLOW A. ZELLMER; MARIE R. ZELLMER And/or Mortgagees, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘884’ dated 9/3/2013 issued for unpaid 2012 taxes of $48.79 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: Town of Springbrook Tax ID: 34527 Acres: 0.52 PIN: 65-036-2-40-11-14-4 03-000-012700 14-40-11W PT SW SE & PT SE SW L 2 CSM V 18 P 91 DOC# 354093 CORR That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Washburn County will apply to the County Clerk of said Washburn County, Wisconsin, at his office in the City of Shell Lake, WI 54871-0639, in said county, for tax deed on the above-described real estate. Dated at Washburn this December 16, 2015 Lolita Olson, County Clerk




Shell Lake High School welcomes six foreign exchange students Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Each year the Washburn County Register newspaper profiles the exchange student attending school in Shell Lake. This year the school has welcomed six foreign exchange students hailing from France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Spain and Sweden. This week three of those students will share information about themselves, how they celebrate the holidays and about his or her experience in the United States. Paula Siebers is 15 and from Cologne, Germany. The city of Cologne is 200 years old, spanning the Rhine River in western Germany and is home to over a million people. Siebers’ host family is Paul and Lesa Osborn and their two kids, Lauren, 18, and Carly, 14. Danford: What have you enjoyed from living in the USA and Shell Lake so far? Any travels, experiences or activities that stand out? Siebers: I am in the United States since four months now and I have enjoyed and done a lot of interesting things. Especially I enjoyed the trips we made but also new traditions I have seen in my host family like Thanksgiving. I like and enjoy the time I have here and I am very thankful. Danford: What subjects do you enjoy and excel in? Siebers: I like a lot of my classes in the USA so far because they are a lot different than what I am used to. For example I have a food and nutrition class, which does not exist as a class in my home country. Also I like my social study and chemistry classes. Danford: What activities, sports or other hobbies do you enjoy doing? Siebers: In Germany I went horse riding for almost 10 years and also tennis for some years. So in sports I was always used to be more on my own. When I came to the U.S. I started to play team sports and I have to say it is a lot more fun. In the U.S., I played volleyball and basketball. Danford: If you celebrate Christmas, how does your country celebrate? Siebers: We do celebrate Christmas in Germany but on the 24th of December. The family dresses up and meets. They all eat together and open the presents and spend some time together. It is like the time of the year where the whole family comes together. Also we have a Christmas wreath, which we get on the first Sunday of December and every Sunday we light another candle until Christmas Eve, there are four candles. Danford: How does your family celebrate Christmas? Siebers: The kids get an Advent calendar on Dec. 1 and every day they open one door until it is the 24th. There are little gifts behind each door. On the evening of the 24th we come together and sometimes go to church. After church we eat together and usually it is fondue of raclette. After we are done eating the little kids can start opening their presents. On the other two Christmas days, the 25th and 26th, we go to my other family’s side, like my grandpa and grandma.

Paula Siebers Danford: What are you looking forward to for the rest of your time as a foreign exchange student? Siebers: I am looking forward to see more traditions like Christmas or Easter and prom. For example we already celebrated Thanksgiving, which was completely new for me but I really liked it. I am looking forward to spending a good time. Danford: What do you hope to gain by being a foreign exchange student? Siebers: Of course learning the language and improve in speaking English but also living and seeing another culture and tradition and meeting new people. I think the experience I gain in my exchange year can be important for other things. ••• Rafael “Rafa” Martinez-Avial is 16 and from Madrid, Spain. The city of Madrid is the capital of Spain and is famous for its rich galleries of European art, including the Prado Museum’s works by Goya, Velázquez and other Spanish masters. Martinez-Avial’s host family is Joe Melton and Dan Clements. Danford: What have you enjoyed from living in the USA and Shell Lake so far? Any travels, experiences or activities that stand out? Martinez-Avial: My host family has taken me to the Twin Cities a couple of times to watch some plays. They also took me to Chicago for my birthday and I got to know the singer and actress Kristin Chenoweth. All in all, I’ve had so much fun so far, and still a lot left to do. Danford: What subjects do you enjoy and excel in? Martinez-Avial: I’m really into STEMrelated topics. I’ve always loved science in all of its forms and shapes and this year I’m particularly enjoying the subjects of calculus and STEM in Shell Lake. I’m currently working on some really cool proj-

Shell Lake school menu Breakfast Thursday, Dec. 17: French toast sticks or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Dec. 18: Laker breakfast pizza or ham and egg bar with toast (3-12 only). Monday, Dec. 21: Pop-tart and cheese stick or mini cinni roll (3-12 only). Tuesday, Dec. 22: Chocolate-chip oat bar (3-12 only) or whole-grain waffles and sausage link. Wednesday, Dec. 23 - Monday, Jan. 4: No school. Holiday break. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students.

ects for STEM, such as a laser,

Lunch Thursday, Dec. 17: Hot ham and cheese sandwich or spicy chicken (-7-12 only). Friday, Dec. 18: Chicken Alfredo. Monday, Dec. 21: Potato bowl. Tuesday, Dec. 22: Sloppy joe or pizza calzone (7-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 23 - Monday, Jan. 4: No school. Holiday break. Menus subject to change. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Rafael “Rafa” Martinez-Avial and I’m really excited about it. Danford: What activities, sports or other hobbies do you enjoy doing? Martinez-Avial: Although I’m not a big passionate of sports in general I do have a passion for skiing. I was really delighted that I got to go to a cold area in the U.S. and am really looking forward to go skiing with friends. Danford: If you celebrate Christmas, how does your country celebrate? Martinez-Avial: We have a similar tradition to the American typical Christmas. We do set a Christmas tree and get presents, except that the “three magic kings” bring them home instead of Santa Claus. We also have the tradition of eating 12 grapes the last 12 seconds of the year. Danford: How does your family celebrate Christmas? Martinez-Avial: I usually have turkey with my father’s family for Christmas Eve and have lunch at my maternal grandmother’s house the following day, before opening presents together. Danford: What are you looking forward to for the rest of your time as a foreign exchange student? Martinez-Avial: I want to take full advantage of the year I’m spending here. I’m collecting through a website, gofundme. com/rafaincalifornia, in order to be able to go to California since it’s always been my dream and I’m really grateful to all the generous people who’ve been contributing so far. Danford: What do you hope to gain by being a foreign exchange student? Martinez-Avial: The main reason which led me to enroll on this adventure was the acquisition of life experience. I wanted to go somewhere and come back more mature, after watching from a different perspective. The U.S. was a perfect destination to improve my fluency in English and it’s definitely working. ••• Konstantin “Stanley” Medvedev is 16 and from Rudny, Kazakhstan. Rudny is located on the Tobol River in the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, which is considered part of Central Asia. The country of Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world and the most economically advanced of all the countries ending in “stan,” due to its abundant reserves of oil and other valuable minerals. Medvedev’s host family is the Root-Larson family. Danford: What have you enjoyed from living in the USA and Shell Lake so far? Any travels, experiences or activities that stand out? Medvedev: People is the most interesting for me in U.S. When I just came here I noticed lots of smiling people. It was even scary. People are trying to begin conversation, even strangers say “Hello” in the streets. It is the main difference between societies. Everyone laugh, joke.

Konstantin “Stanley” Medvedev Even classes at school are more informal, because teachers tried to do classes more interesting and funny. Danford: What subjects do you enjoy and excel in? Medvedev: I like history. This class give me wide notion about all world. It is really interesting to learn facts about U.S. Also in some points history have differences and it teaches me to be openminded because it is useful to learn about historical events from different points of view and that’s why I find history the best class at school. Danford: What activities, sports or other hobbies do you enjoy doing? Medvedev: My favorite activity is sport. When I was kid my parents made me to play soccer and now I am very thankful to them for it. U.S. schools have great system of sports and I am very glad that I have opportunity to play sports. Here I play basketball; it is fantastic experience for me. It is amazing to be part of the team and represent your school in different competitions. Danford: If you celebrate Christmas, how does your country celebrate? Medvedev: Christmas is not so popular in Kazakhstan as in U.S. The most popular holiday is New Year celebration. New Year has its own features. My family invite all relatives to our house, my mother cooked the food and we sit and discuss our achievements of last year. Then at midnight I go to my friend’s house and we launch fireworks. It is the most beautiful night in the year. Danford: How does your family celebrate Christmas? Medvedev: Christmas is family holiday for me. I always celebrate it with my relatives and close friends. We went to house of my granny and have big family dinner. Some relatives come from different countries to celebrate Christmas together. This holiday is important for us. Danford: What are you looking forward to for the rest of your time as a foreign exchange student? Medvedev: It is my dream to travel across the U.S. Traveling is really interesting hobby. I traveled in many countries all over the world but it is my first visit of the U.S. In the rest of the year I plan to look as much interesting places as I can. Danford: What do you hope to gain by being a foreign exchange student? Medvedev: I want to have a good time here. I try to enjoy my life and now I try to do lots of activities, to play sports and to meet new friends. I hope that our basketball team will do good job this season and I will do my best to help my teammates. Also I like to spend time with my family and I want to learn as much as possible about American life.


Honoring the veterans this holiday season

The Civil Air Patrol Wild Rivers Composite Squadron held a formal wreath-laying ceremony at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery as part of the nationwide Wreaths Across America on Saturday, Dec. 12. The Wild Rivers Squadron is based in Hayward, was formed in 1973 and is 42 years old. The cadets are from the area high schools. The mission is to aid in search and rescue, aerospace education and the cadet program.

Photos by Larry Samson Ethan Martin, Spooner, salutes the wreath he just laid at the flagpole. He is a cadet in the Wild Rivers Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol.

The Cadet Honor Guard posted the colors at the beginning of the ceremony. Shown (L to R): Adam Henry, Jonathan Martin, Gabe Martin and Ethan Martin.

Maj. Andrew Riemer returns the salute from Gabe Martin as the cadet performed the wreath-laying ceremony for Wreaths Across America. Over 700,000 wreaths will be laid at 1,000 locations nationwide.

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When the fall pumpkin decoration on the front step at the Romsos home in Sarona was ready to discard, a hole was cut in the top and it was placed on the bird feeder. This squirrel found the seeds very tasty, but he was also very cautious about ducking his head into the pumpkin to get each seed. — Photo by Gene Romsos

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