Wcr | Dec 17 | 2014

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y


Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 18 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

“The Art of Film” @ Shell Lake Toys for Tots distribution@ Barronett • See calendar on page 6 for details

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Dec. 17, 2014


Music for the season

Operation Christmas boxes are on their way Page 7

Shell Lake sophomores Alyssa Hodgett and Hope Balts were part of the Christmas entertainment at the chili feed held Friday, Dec. 12, in Reinhart Commons. More photos on page 11. - Photos by Larry Samson

Spooner winter choral concert Page 12

Santa’s breakfast a success Page 12

First tournament of the season

Potential district maps of Washburn County under review Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Four preliminary maps for how the future 15 Washburn County supervisory districts could look have been created and are being reviewed. The ad hoc committee overseeing the redistricting of Washburn County from 21 to 15 supervisory districts met Wednesday, Dec. 10, to review those maps. Lolita Olson, Washburn County clerk, and Nathan Nelson, Washburn County GIS technician, have been doing the screen time creating those preliminary maps. “The eastern part of the county is really the only part we could mess around with and try different things,” said Nelson to committee members. A 2005 state law gives counties the authority to reduce the size of their boards of supervisors once between regular decennial redistricting. Last November, the Washburn County Board voted 14 to 7 to reduce the board from 21 district supervisors to 15. Since then the redistricting ad hoc committee has meet three times and includes Thomas Mackie, District 5 and chair, David Masterjohn, District 12, Romaine Quinn, District 15 and vice chair, Lolita Olson, Washburn County clerk, and Nathan Nelson,

Washburn County GIS technician, as committee members. “We have to stay within the wards, and usually one township is one ward. We can’t break up a ward to add or delete people from one or another,” said Olson, explaining the limitations to the number of possible maps they could create. The county board must follow several other guidelines in creating new supervisory districts. The new districts must be near equal in population following data from the most recent census. Following 2010 census data, the target population for the future 15 districts is 1,060 people, but deviation on either side of this number is passable. “Obviously there’s going to be six supervisors that are going to be out, and they may have to run against one another, there is just no way around it,” said Olson. In order to simplify the adoption of a staggered-term system among supervisors, the county board has the authority to change the expiration date of members terms to an earlier date. Of the four plans, the committee voted unani-

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Got an idea for a story? Email us @ news@wcregisteronline.com

SHELL LAKE — Christmas and New Year’s is fast approaching and so are changes in deadlines for the Washburn County Register newspaper. Deadline for the Dec. 24 edition is noon on Friday, Dec. 19. The deadline for the Dec. 31 edition of the Register is noon on Friday, Dec. 26. The newspaper office will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 24, Thursday, Dec. 25, Thursday, Jan. 1, and Friday, Jan. 2. – WCR •••

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T h e Reg i st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d n ews pa per

See Districts, page 3

What was on that list …? Makenzie Moravec knows what she wants from Santa but she was having a hard time remembering her list once she got a chance to tell him. More photos on page 2. – Photo by Larry Samson

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