Wcr | Dec 24 | 2014

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y


Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 19 • Shell Lake, Wis.

M e r r y C h r i s t ma s !

From the staff of the Washburn County Register and everyone at ICCPA

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Dec. 24, 2014


Music to some ears …

Jailers receive certification Page 5

Marching band alumni group started Page 4

Everyone is a critic. Kaitlin Daniels covers her ears while her classmates, Kobi Ross, Kandyce Martin and Jayden Kolve, sing along with the class. More photos on page 24. – Photo by Larry Samson

2014 Looking back

Celebration of Lights Page 12

January to June

SL girls down Solon Springs

SPORTS Pages 14-15


Got an idea for a story? Email us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

Early deadlines

SHELL LAKE — The deadline for the Wednesday, Dec. 31, edition of the Register is noon on Friday, Dec. 26. The newspaper office will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 24, Thursday, Dec. 25, and again on Thursday, Jan. 1, and Friday, Jan. 2. Check your email addresses to see if you are using the correct email address for the newspaper. It is news@wcregisternewsroom.com — from WCR

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WASHBURN COUNTY – The Register takes one final look at the local news of 2014 in its next two issues, beginning with some headlines and photos from the first six months of the year.


Tom Frost was appointed to serve as the next district attorney of Washburn County. Mitch Brown took over the position of public works director for the city of Shell Lake on the retirement of Jeff Parker. Nicole Tims was sworn in as Washburn County treasurer. Dakota Holmes, daughter of Shane Holmes and Sasha Garbow, Cumberland, born Jan. 2, was the first baby of the new year born at Indianhead Medical Center. The home of Billy Allen was destroyed by fire. Michael Pesko, 29, Shell Lake High School graduate and son of Mike and Pat Pesko, Shell Lake, was featured in the third-annual Forbes 30 Under 30, a list of the brightest stars in 15 different fields under the age of 30. Pesko, an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, N.Y., was featured in the science and health-care field. Shell Lake students performed “Pinocchio” with Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre. Shania Pokorny of the Shell Lake girls basketball team hit the 1,000th point in her high school career. Ernie Hill and Billy Allen, both of Shell Lake and recent fire victims, were presented checks from the Spooner Knights of Columbus Council 5397 as well as a check from the state council in Madison. The Shell Lake Primary School purchased $1,500 worth of books for their guided reading program. The money was raised through a Scholastic Book Fair held during parent-teacher conferences.

The fifth-annual Princess Gala for fathers and daughters, or for men in the life of a girl where she is a daughter, granddaughter or niece, was held Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Shell Lake Arts Center. — Photo by Jacob Leonard A propane shortage was affecting some local residents as the cold weather continued in the region. Pete Hopke, Shell Lake instructor, was given an all-school surprise sendoff during a goingSee Year in Review, page 2

T h e Reg i st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d news pa per

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