WCR | Feb 24 | 2016

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Feb. 24, 2016

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 28 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• Free community breakfast @ Spooner • Concert @ Shell Lake • Art of Film series continues @ Shell Lake See calendar on page 6 for details

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Greek Week Page 24

SL students fish at WIFA Page 21

Grace Gronning is one of the youngest Spooner wrestling fans. She is sharing her Skittles with Ashtin Markgren. — Photo by Larry Samson

Hopke’s 100th win Page 19

Man who murdered parents won’t see parole hearing until 2020 Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER - Over 27 years ago, a 17-yearold killed his parents in their Spooner home. Since then, Todd York, now 45, has been serving a life sentence for two counts of firstdegree murder of his parents, William and Wonda York. Earlier this month the parole commission had a hearing to determine York’s parole eligibility. Since 2012, York has been held at Fox Lake Correctional Institution, a medium-security facility for adult offenders, located about an hour south of Oshkosh. On Monday, Feb. 8, York had his initial parole hearing to determine if he would be released on parole. The parole commission deferred York’s parole eligibility date to March 23, 2020. A parole eligibility date is the earliest date for when an inmate can appear before the parole commission to determine if they will be allowed parole, or conditional release from in-

carceration. In light of this information, the Register sought the opinion of Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden. Dryden told the Register that, “I still don’t think it’s enough time. I’d just as soon he stay in prison the rest of his life, but that’s not my call obviously.” Dryden explained that he doesn’t think York has served enough time for the crime, and he doesn’t think York is remorse-

Todd York, formerly of Spooner, has been incarcerated since age 17, serving a life sentence for the murder of his parents in 1988. — Photo courtesy of the DepartSee Parole, page 3 ment of Corrections

Washburn County K-9 dies

Day on the lake Page 2

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - The Washburn County Sheriff’s Office reports that the department’s recently retired German shepherd K-9 officer died on Saturday, Feb. 20. The department retired the K-9 officer called Vador a few months ago after many years of service. Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden stated that Vador died of medical complications.

“Vador served you well. Never complained about long hours, always ready to jump in the squad any time of day to go to work with (Washburn County Sheriff’s Deputy) Brendan (Harrington). He will be missed,” Dryden said. In January the department announced its new K-9 officer named Onyx, who is a 1-1/2-yearold Belgian Malinois. Onyx is planned to begin service this June.

SHELL LAKE - The Washburn County offices of district attorney, county clerk, county treasurer and register of deeds are all up for election in November. Acting register of deeds Renee Bell, county clerk Lolita Olson, and county treasurer Nicole Tims have each stated that they will be candidates in the fall election. This will be the first time for Bell and Tims to run for their offices

as they were appointed/recognized to existing terms by the county board when the elected officeholder retired. In an article that ran in the Feb. 17 edition of the Register listing the candidates for the fall elections, Renee Bell was referred to as Renee Brown. The Register extends their apology to Ms. Bell.

Bell candidate for register of deeds

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Day on the lake

Drew Johnson is resetting his tip-up after the fish took off with the bait.

Supervising the students ice fishing on Shell Lake was a fun job for Shell Lake Ice Fishing Club coach Rikki Pardun, Amos Melton and science teacher Al Nauertz.

Photos by Larry Samson

Nearly ideal weather conditions made for an enjoyable day on Shell Lake for students Kali King, Ashley Lawrence and Taylor Rohow. It was a fun day on the lake for Michael Allar, Cole Beecroft and Evan Knutson.

The worst day on the lake is better than the best day at school unless the best day of school is on the lake. The students of Shell Lake spent the day skiing at Trollhaugan in Dresser or fishing on Shell Lake for their PBIS Reward Day. While the fish were not biting, it was an enjoyable day for the students.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

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Bradley, Kloppenberg move on in Supreme Court election

Danielle Danford |Staff writer SHELL LAKE - Of the over 3 million eligible voters in Wisconsin about 563,000 showed up at the polls to cast their vote in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election on Tuesday, Feb. 16. Those voters determined that Rebecca Bradley and JoAnne Kloppenberg will be the candidates listed on the April 5 election ballot for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Justice Bradley, the incumbent candidate by appointment, received 44 percent of the vote with 251,823 ballots cast for her. State Appeals Court Judge Joanne Kloppenberg received 43.2 percent of the vote with 243,190 ballots cast for her. Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Joe

Rebecca Bradley

JoAnne Kloppenberg

Donald received 12.1 percent of the vote with 68,373 ballots cast for him. The two candidates with the most votes move on

to the April 5 election ballot. Bradley was appointed to the Supreme Court by Gov. Scott Walker in October after the death of Judge N. Patrick Crooks. This is the second election Kloppenberg has run in for the Supreme Court. Kloppenberg ran in 2011 against Justice David Prosser. Kloppenberg said she is “very heartened and gratified by the message that has been sent by this vote tonight, and that is that people do not want partisan politics and special interests on the court.” “I’m really excited and I’m really glad to see that my message has apparently really resonated with the voters,” said Bradley.

While the election for Wisconsin’s highest court is considered nonpartisan, the elections draw heavy spending from outside conservative and liberal groups. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, overall, conservative candidates receive more support from more groups than liberals. Since 2007, eight conservativebacking interest groups have spent $8.9 million on Supreme Court candidates, while two liberal-backing groups have spent $4.3 million.

Spooner School Board adopts new graduation requirement Teacher speaks to resignation in public comment Danielle Danford |Staff writer SPOONER - The Spooner School Board adopted a new policy involving a new requirement for graduation, heard comments from a middle school teacher regarding her resignation and accepted several personnel recommendations during the board’s regular monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 15. New policy adopted The board heard details about a policy that requires students pass a civics test before voting on its adoption. According to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, students, starting with the class of 2017, must correctly answer at least 60 of 100 questions identical to the U.S. citizenship test in order to graduate from a Wisconsin public, charter or private school participating in a parental choice program. “The great news about this is Spooner has actually already been requiring this

as part of our coursework so we just need to make it part of our printed handbook as far as what is required for graduation,” said school Superintendent Michelle Schwab. The board approved the policy on a unanimous voice vote. The DPI reports that there are no state funds to administer this test and that the DPI is not involved in the procurement, grading or gathering of test scores for this test. Districts are responsible to give the test, score it and keep records of student scores. Student transcripts should indicate students passed the civics test requirement. DPI stipulated that students with individualized education plans must complete the test, but do not have to pass it in order to graduate. Students identified as limited English proficiency may take the test in their language of choice. It is up to the school/district what format to use and when in the school year to administer the test.

Teacher speaks in public comment Jody Gibson, Spooner Middle School science teacher, spoke during public comment expressing her concerns about not being sent to training, as in years past,

and the administration’s lack of explanation as to why she hasn’t been sent to training this school year. “In a little bit you will be asked to accept my resignation. I wish there was a loophole, or even for you to deny it because I don’t want to go, but I know I can’t stay,” said Gibson. Upon completing her comments community members attending the meeting applauded. All three school principals and the superintendent were present at the meeting. School board Chair John Hedlund was absent.

Personnel recommendations Superintendent Schwab explained that contracted employees are required to inform the district of their intentions in January for the following school year to give the district time to fill those positions. There were three retirements and one resignation from contracted employees. Those were Larry Flynn, high school science teacher; Harry Hughes, high school math teacher; and Timothy Kern, elementary school music teacher. Gibson also resigned. One hourly employee hiring was for William Maas as a middle school parttime custodian. Hourly employee resignations included Chuck Turpin as high

school cross-country coach, and Shannon Hubbard and Becky Eckstrom, both longterm substitute teachers. Athletic department requests for hiring included Turpin as interim head track coach, Josh Villella as head baseball coach, Kathy Gaffer and Paige Nemec as co-head softball coaches and Hughes as assistant softball coach. The personnel recommendations were approved on a unanimous voice vote. Board member Christina Martin abstained from the vote. Martin explained to the Register that, “Although I didn’t need to abstain from voting from personnel recommendations last night, I chose to because I didn’t want to portray any perception of conflict of interest. I’m related by marriage to two people on the recommendation list. I do not have any financial interest with them, but felt for public perception it was best to abstain.” Sometime after the personnel recommendations were approved Robert Hoellen, board member, requested the board acknowledge the years of service by those staff. Hoellen’s comments were followed by the board and audience applauding.

Voters decide names Find us online @ wcregisteronline.com for April school board ballot at Spooner Parole/from page 1 Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER - Unofficial results from the Spooner School Board primary election held Tuesday, Feb. 16, are in, with all 21 towns reporting results. There were 10 candidates and one write-in candidate up for election to three seats on the school board. The primary election reduces the number of candidates to six. The top six candidates will be placed on the April 5 election ballot. At this point the following candidates are in the top six, listed in order of most votes: Karen Sorenson, 1,038; Kevin King, 714; Robert Hoellen, 683; Miles Macone, 437; Kyle Pierce, 402; and Jim Dienstl, 355. The following candidates are in the bottom five with the lowest vote totals, listed in order of most votes: Chad Gibson, 296; Bill Skidmore, 256; Nathaniel Melton, 215; Tom Clark, 211; and Tim Davis, 66. Absentee ballots were not due until Friday, Feb. 19. The board of canvassers meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 23, to finalized the election results.

ful for the act. The parole commission gave five reasons for deferring York’s parole eligibility date by four years. Those reasons are: that York has not served sufficient time for punishment, his institutional conduct has been satisfactory, his program participation has been satisfactory, he has developed an adequate parole plan and that his release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the public. “You accept full responsibility for your offending, offering no excuses, but describe your actions and behavior without showing any significant emotion. Your crimes and recollection of same are chilling, to state it mildly. Although you were just 17 years of age at the time of your offending, the fact that you were capable of murdering your own parents is beyond comprehension,” reads a portion of the parole commission’s comments. Court documents state that between the time York killed his parents with a rifle and when authorities took him into custody, he had taken checks belonging to his parents, which he forged and cashed. York

“Although you were just 17 years of age at the time of your offending, the fact that you were capable of murdering your own parents is beyond comprehension.” - comment from parole commission

then held parties at the residence until law enforcement came looking for William and Wonda, who had been reported missing. Officers entered the residence after smelling the odor of a decomposing body and found the couple’s bodies. While awaiting trial in 1989, York escaped from the Washburn County Jail but was apprehended a couple of days later. The commission noted that York’s con-

duct during incarceration has been satisfactory with six offenses since entering incarceration, the most recent occurring in 2012. The commission also noted that York has completed everything that was recommended and more including domestic violence counseling, anger management and vocational education. Parole commission documents state that York’s parole plan is to reside with a cousin in Kendall, Wis., upon release. The commission received multiple letters from family and friends offering their support in his case. The commission also received statements in opposition to York’s release. The commission concluded that the combination of additional time, continued good conduct, continued positive involvement in available program and institution job opportunities, an eventual transition through reduced security with a positive adjustment along the way and eventually an approved parole plan will all be necessary in reducing York’s risk to a more reasonable level.

Police release name of woman Danielle Danford |Staff writer SPOONER - The Spooner Police Department has released the identity of the Spooner woman that was reported missing on Monday, Feb. 15, and who was

found deceased near her residence in the city of Spooner later that day. Mary Jo Taylor, 55, Spooner, was reported missing by her family on Monday, Feb. 15, and was last seen on Sunday,

Feb. 14. Taylor was found after a search of the wooded area near her residence was conducted. The woman was pronounced deceased by responding EMTs. The incident re-

News tip? Send it to us @ news@wcregisternewsroom.com

mains under investigation by the Spooner Police Department pending results from a medical autopsy. No foul play is suspected in the woman’s death.


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Squirrely logic Why does our Rep. Romaine Quinn sponsor new laws that reduce commonsense local control while continuing to say over and over that he is all for local control? He has done nothing but destroy local control with his votes on bills affecting municipal water utilities, rental unit inspection, and lakeshore zoning. These anti-local control bills are inspired by private interests, landlords and real estate agents who find local regulation inconvenient.

The Flint, Mich., water crisis has highlighted why local control is so important. Right as the Flint crisis was making news, the Wisconsin Assembly approved AB 554. The bill has two points: allow city councils to sell the municipal water utility to the out-of-state corporation Aqua America, and to make it easier for them to do it without asking the voters. On Facebook, Quinn rationalized that this bill increases local control because “current law would not allow the sale to certain private

entities. Now it would be allowed.” He says the loss of a mandated referendum is part of the bill he couldn’t do anything about. Really? Maybe he should just have stuck to his principles and voted no. Now that his party dominates state government, it is ending many important elements of local control to meet the interests of an extreme right-wing agenda. This is a problem for Quinn because he presents himself as having an ideological commitment to the interests of NW Wis-

consin. The problem was most apparent when he voted for the state budget, despite expressing dismay at the many ways it hurt us locally. As with the municipal water bill, when he votes with the Madison Republicans he has to use some pretty squirrely logic to prove he is true to his beliefs. Gerry Lisi Rice Lake

Unanimous approval for resolution opposing UW-Extension restructuring Danielle Danford |Staff writer SHELL LAKE - The Washburn County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution in opposition to the proposed restructuring of the University of Wisconsin county extension offices at the board’s regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The restructuring of the UW-Extension is an impact from a $3.6 million cut to the Cooperative Extension’s annual budget, the ripple effect of funding reductions to the University of Wisconsin System in the 2015-17 biennial budget. In Washburn County, the UW-Extension office brings programs like women in agriculture, 4-H youth development and

valuable information about local natural resources. In the current model, Washburn County’s UW-Extension office would be part of a multicounty area that includes Barron, Burnett, Rusk and Sawyer counties. In this proposal there would be one area leader managing all extension offices within their multicounty area. The restructuring also involves a cut of an estimated 80 jobs, about 10 percent of the UW-Extension workforce, starting late this year or in early 2017. In Washburn County the six-person extension office could be reduced to two staff members. Part of the approved resolution states that: “Washburn County advocates that

each county in the newly proposed unit should participate equally in funding to provide services as needed and established” “Our small county gives more of its levy to UW-Extension than any of the others; that includes Barron County, which is three times our size,” said David Haessig, District 14 supervisor. Haessig said that there needs to be more equity in the areas of cooperation and that Washburn County needs agents helping people, not administrators. Anna Demers, Washburn County Extension agent, told the board that a new plan had been released which states that the university would ensure financial

proportionality between counties within a multicounty area. Haessig stated that according to those in the UW System he had spoken to, there was no process set up yet to guarantee that and the narrow window to implement the restructuring could leave some parts of the plan by the wayside. The resolution was approved on a unanimous voice vote. A copy of the resolution will be sent to the UW-Extension dean, the UW chancellor, Gov. Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Counties Association, local legislators and all 72 Wisconsin counties.

large carry-all basket. Perfect for the beach or cabin, and promises to be among your favorite woven baskets. Choice of limited colors. Instructor: Roxanne Melton. Reserve by May 10. Social Security: Strategize to Maximize: 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesday, June 7, Spooner High School, Room B41. Registration deadline June 6, by noon. Retire Wisely: 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesday, June 14, Spooner High School, Room B41. Reserve by noon, June 13. “Lion King: bus trip: 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 4. Register early. Great for a birthday or anniversary. More than 70 million people around the world have experienced the phenomenon of Disney’s “The Lion King,” and now

you can, too, when Minneapolis’ bestloved musical returns to the Orpheum Theatre. Winner of six Tony Awards®, including Best Musical, this landmark musical event brings together one of the most imaginative creative teams on Broadway. Tony Award-winning director Julie Taymor brings to life a story filled with hope and adventure set against an amazing backdrop of stunning visuals. “The Lion King” also features some of Broadway’s most recognizable music, crafted by Tony Award-winning artists Elton John and Tim Rice. Registration deadline is May 26, by noon. — from SASDCE

COMMUNITY EDUCATION SPOONER - Spooner Area Community Ed will be offering the following classes. To Register contact Karen at 715-6350243 or collinsk@spooner.k12.wi.us, or print a registration form from spooner. k12.wi.us/families_community/ community_education/saceclass_ regform.pdf. Spooner Area Community Education is supported through the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant. History on a Bottle: 6-8 p.m. Thursdays, March 10-31, Spooner High School art room B96/99. Bring $20 materials fee payable to Spooner Schools Art Club, $40 class fees benefit art club, to sponsor student art trips and activities. Join Spooner High School Art Club students in this history/art adventure. Painting is an activity that has been around for centuries and can be done at any skill level. It is the practice of applying a medium onto a surface. In this class the medium will be acrylic paint and the surface will be glass bottles. The class will be painting and researching famous artworks. Come and enjoy artistic expression. All you need is a creative spirit and to pick out a famous painting. Basket: Bathroom Collect-All: 5:3010 p.m., Thursday, March 17, Spooner High School art room B96/B99. Bring $30 materials fee payable to instructor, dishpan, flexible tape measure, sharp scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife, old towel. $6.25 class fee. Introducing a new technique for a great basket for items to keep atop the toilet. Leather handles and a splash of color make this a functional weaving basket. Instructor: Roxanne Melton. Reserve by March 10. Social Security: Strategize to Maximize: 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesday, April 5, Spooner High School, Room B41. Fee is $5 or donation for local food pantry. Did you know there are hundreds of options associated with your Social Security retirement benefits? Jason Kohl, MBA, financial associate, Thrivent Financial, will take you through the choices and help ensure the decisions you make are the ones you can live with for the rest of your life. Reserve by noon April 4. Everything iPad: 4-6 p.m. Monday, April 11, Spooner Elementary School,

Room 124. Bring iPad, contact Karen if you like an iPad made available for inclass instruction, limited iPads available. $12 class fee. Instruction on everything regarding iPads will be followed by open time to ask questions and get individual help as you try out new learnings. A list of highly recommended apps will also be made available. Instructor: Melissa Smith. Reserve by noon April 6. Retire Wisely: 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesday, April 12, Spooner High School, Room B41, $5 or donation to local food pantry. Will you have enough to retire? Will your retirement income last? Are your assets protected? Turn retirement concerns into confidence. Jason Kohl, MBA, financial associate, Thrivent Financial, will discuss how to manage six key risks all retirees face: outliving their income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health-care costs. Reserve by noon April 11. Basket: Caddy: 5:30-10 p.m., Tuesday, April 19, Spooner High School art room B96/B99. Bring $35 materials fee payable to instructor, dishpan, flexible tape measure, sharp scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife, old towel. $6.75 class fee. An excellent beginner basket, featuring a wooden base with an attached divider. An excellent spot for your hair essentials or basket tools. Choice of limited colors available. Instructor: Roxanne Melton. Reserve by April 12. iPad Advanced: 4-6 p.m. Monday, May 2, Spooner Elementary School, Room 124. Bring iPad, additional questions. Please email questions to be answered before class to smithm@spooner.k12.wi.us. $12.50 class fee. This class is for users who have used their iPad and have additional questions regarding apps, downloads, etc. Questions should be emailed to smithm@ spooner.k12.wi.us before the class. Additional questions may be answered at the class, time permitting. Instructor: Melissa Smith. Reserve by April 27. Basket: Quilt Tote: 5:30-10 p.m., Tuesday, May 17, Spooner High School art room B96/B99. Bring $50 materials fee payable to instructor, dishpan, flexible tape measure, sharp scissors, 10 clothespins, pencil, butter knife, old towel. $6.75 class fee. Complementary cloth handles are back to highlight this

Dunham mentors medical students SHELL LAKE - Family physicians and their colleagues in Shell Lake have graciously and effectively served as teachers for medical students from the University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth campus over the past year. Dr. Jeff Dunham has been the primary mentor for Kirsten Larson over the past two years. The Rural Medical Scholars Program began in 2010 at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, and has had over 350 students participate in the past six years. During this time, Dr. Dunham has hosted students for five separate weeklong visits. Each visit has been vital to the students education, giving them handson experience and exposing them to the joys and challenges of working in rural medicine. In order to best train the next generation of young physicians for Shell Lake, and the surrounding countryside, a partnership between the medical program and the local hospital is crucial. These partnerships show young professionals that the community has exceptional care and is an excellent place to live and work. — from RMSP

Kirsten Larson, second-year medical student from the University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth campus, has been mentored by Shell Lake physician Dr. Jeff Dunham. — Photo submitted

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You Talk, We Listen grassroots public listening session scheduled HAYWARD – The public and media representatives are welcome to attend a five-hour session titled You Talk, We Listen scheduled for Saturday, March 12, at the Lac Courte Oreilles Casino Lodge & Convention Center’s Bingo hall. The event will run from 10:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Northland Grassroots Public Listening Session, a nonpartisan event, is being sponsored by a coalition of local nonprofits, political groups, businesses and the LCO Ojibwe Tribe and is meant to allow citizens to sound off about many issues impacting local communities in the North Woods of Wisconsin. Invited to listen and confirming their attendance are Tammy Baldwin, D, United States senator, represented by Kelly Westlund; Rusty Barber, vice chairman, Lake Superior Band of Chippewa Indians; Janet Bewley, D, Wisconsin state senator from the 25th District; David Bowen, D, Wisconsin representative, 10th District; James Edming, R, Wisconsin representa-

tive, 87th District; Jon Greendeer, former Ho Chunk Nation president; Winona LaDuke, Harvard-trained economist and executive director of Honor The Earth; Beth Meyers, D, Wisconsin representative, 74th District; Nick Milroy, D, Wisconsin representative, 73rd District; Mark Trahant, independent political journalist and professor of journalism, UND.; and Yee Leng Xiong, school board member, DC Everest School District, Weston. Several elected officials within the 7th Congressional District both Republican and Democratic either declined or did not respond to an invitation to be seated. The session will have six major topic areas with one lead-out presenter for each section and follow-up by citizen presenters of three to five minutes. Starting at 11 a.m.: Specific groups/issues: Affordable Health Care Act, elderly, women’s health and reproductive rights, domestic abuse, poverty rates, veterans, Tribes, Hmong, Hispanics. Leading out

this topic will be Yee Leng Xiong, followed by additional presentations of no more than five minutes. Noon: Education: Private schools, public schools, vouchers, charter schools, college and technical college tuition, UWSuperior status. Leading out this topic will be led out by Mary Jarvis, retired schoolteacher. 1 p.m.: Voting issues: Photo ID, automated voter registration, Citizens United, Move to Amend. Leading out this topic will be Rita Pachal, Wisconsin Move to Amend. 2 p.m.: Sustainability issues: Family farms, cooperatives, small and family business, water, soil, forestry, living wages, employment and labor. Leading out this topic by recorded video will be Tony Schultz of Stony Acres Farms, Medford. 3 p.m.: Local control issues: Shoreline ordinances, water quality, CAFOs, pipeline safety, infrastructure, transportation,

high-speed Internet, counties and municipalities. Leading out this topic will be Carl Whiting, Ph.D., co-founder of Wisconsin Safe Energy Alliance. 4 p.m.: Environmental justice: Northern Wisconsin’s Mining District, use of natural resources, water usage and quality, soil conservation, sand mining, pipeline safety. Leading out this topic will be Mike Wiggins, former chairman of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. WOJB will broadcast the listening session live from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. IndianCountryTV.com will broadcast the event live from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Musical entertainment will follow in the LCO Casino Lounge with Menominee Nation guitarist Wade Fernandez from 5-7 p.m. There is no charge for attending the event. For more information, contact Paul DeMain at 715-634-5226, ext. 1. — submitted

Like the CPWE w/Mn on Facebook to obtain more information. Event attendees are encouraged to use the Lakeside entrance at the Elks Banquet Hall for easy access to the event. — from Rice Lake Elks ••• SIREN - Five Siren School Board members voted to request the resignation of a sixth member and when that member declined to resign, they voted to censure him. In a special board meeting held Feb. 10 the agenda indicated that the board would go straight to closed session. After 20 minutes of closed session, the meeting was opened. Board member Mark Pettis immediately made a motion to ask for the formal resignation of fellow board member Jim Kopecky. The motion was seconded by Duane Emery. It is unclear exactly how many allegations are against Kopecky but it may be close to nine. Emery stated, “A couple of the allegations are pretty serious allegations, and they affect all of us. If something is going to affect me I would like to know what someone is doing so I can be pre-

pared.” Kopecky asked him which allegations he was referring to. Emery replied, “The file and following investigation are serious allegations.” Pettis asked school board President Peggy Moore to read the direction that the school board’s attorney gave. While looking up the statement, Kopecky commented, “This is a discussion. There is no way you are going to get a resignation.” The attorney’s direction to the board was that taking an action is an important means of distancing the board from the “counterproductive behavior. Silence in cases can be interpreted as an endorsement and may give the accusation that it is a conspiracy and that can hold the rest of the board and the organization liable for any actions.” With Kopecky not resigning, Pettis and Emery made and seconded a new motion for the board to censure Kopecky. Censuring is a public declaration that the board doesn’t approve of his actions and is not a part of his activities. — from the Inter-County Leader •••

AREA NEWS AT A GLANCE WISCONSIN DELLS - The Alzheimer’s Association will hold the 30th-annual Wisconsin Network Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias May 1-3 at the Kalahari Resort Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells. Recognized as one of the largest state conferences in the United States devoted to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, this conference will draw nearly 900 health-care professionals and familycare partners involved in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. With over 40 workshops, participants will learn about the latest in disease management and preventive therapies, research, brain health and care management of Alzheimer’s disease. An exhibit fair with products and resources specific to the field of longterm care will be featured on Monday, May 2. Registration materials, scholarship information and conference details are available on the conference website at alzwi.org. For more information, contact Peggy Rynearson, conference planner, at prynearson@alz.org or call 608-446-4206.

Information is also available by contacting the Alzheimer’s Association at 800272-3900. — from Aging and Disability Resource Center ••• RICE LAKE - Wrestling fans, mark your calendars for Saturday, March 5, for the Rice Lake Rumble. Minnesota Pro Wrestling is returning to Rice Lake for an evening of intense, action-packed entertainment for all ages of family fun and excitement to be held in Rice Lake at the Elks Banquet Hall, located at 36 East Eau Claire St. Doors open at 6 p.m., wrestling begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door only. Food service featuring concession items to light meals will be available during the event with the profits going to local Elk initiatives. Wrestlers appearing are Joey “Jet” Avalon, Gregg Hurtz, Dirty Ernie, Damon Knight, SnakeEy3z, The Manbeast, Van Johnson, “Gorgeous” Jordy Lee and more pro wrestling stars. Further information can be obtained by contacting Curt Otterholt, 763-250-0698 or email at otterholtracing@yahoo.com.

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

Register memories Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Feb. 16 - $35 Susan Conaway, Minong Feb. 17 - $35 Den Boland, Shell Lake Feb. 18 - $35 David Toll, Wayzata, Minn. Feb. 19 - $35 Laura Dauffenbach, Prior Lake, Minn.

Shell Lake Pharmacy

Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2015 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21

High 2 6 15 6 -2 4 16

Low Precip. -13 -9 2 .03” snow -11 -26 -22 trace snow 0 .6” snow

2016 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21

High 18 26 32 25 39 42 38

Low Precip. 6 .3” snow 14 .5” snow -7 -2 24 trace rain 36 .04” rain 23

1956 – 60 Years Ago

• John Christianson was the chief chef for the Shell Lake American Legion Post booya dinner. • Mrs. Johnny Sather entertained at a shower in honor of Carol Baltes. • Shell Lake Apparel was holding a prespring clearance sale. Women’s dresses were $2.98, skirts $2.98-$3.98, blouses $1.98. Men’s wool shirts were $4.99 and dress shirts $2.99. • In national news, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced his decision to run for re-election.

1966 – 50 Years Ago

• The annual Shell Lake winter band concert was held. Soloist in the regimental band was Bruce Bennett. Soloist in the stage band was Bill Smith. Features in the concert band were the flute trio of Shannon Rohlik, Nancy Welter and Beth Axon; and vocal soloist Bonnie Pieper. • Jonn Dinnies underwent ear surgery at Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis. • Bobby Mercier won the silver medal in downhill skiing at La Crosse Regional. He would participate in the divisional ski meet at Lutsen the following week. • The Brownie Girl Scouts held a benefit puppet show for their parents with proceeds to go to the library.

1976 – 40 Years Ago

• Emma Hall and Helena Clark thanked their friends and customers for making their nine years at Shell Lake Apparel a happy and successful time. They wished the new owners, Dorothy and Richard of Rydberg Fashions, the best of success. • George and Helena Clark announced they were retiring. Their first project for

compiled by Suzanne Johnson the summer would be a long trip through the Rocky Mountains up into Alaska sightseeing, hunting and fishing. • A and B cheerleaders for Shell Lake were Jane Wallner, Renee Cassel, Tanya Stouffer, Brenda Krantz Julie Hile, Vicki Roeser, Joyce Rydberg, Jean Lindemann, Tammy Hall and Jackie Leverty. Wrestling cheerleaders were Diana Pederson, Karen VanMeter, Nancy VanMeter and Jill Swanson. • The Shell Lake Trailblazers Snowmobile Club sponsored a youth rodeo at Tiptown.

1986 – 30 Years Ago

• College friends Jene Morey, Shell Lake, and Louisa Fure, Albert Lea, Minn., vacationed in Orlando, Fla. • James Bernecker and Dawn returned from Phoenix, Ariz., after attending his aunt’s funeral. His mother remained for a while longer and returned later in the week. • Dani Bergman, Shell Lake, returned from California where he was a contestant on the NBC network TV show “Sale of the Century.” Appearing on five shows, he estimated the value of prizes won to be about $19,000. Prizes included trips, furniture, jewelry and cash. • About 85 folks attended the annual party hosted by the Lundeens for their customers. The party was held at Spanky’s.

1996 – 20 Years Ago

• Good Buys Shop, run by Jack and Kathy Peterson, opened in Lake Mall. • Named to the dean’s list at UW-Rivers Falls were Chad Benzer and Keesha Hall, Shell Lake; Jennifer Zaloudek, Sarona; and Susanne Halverson, Shane Roberts,

Jennifer Weber, Lisa Wuebben and Julie Zaloudek, Spooner. • Providing the craft activity for the Shell Lake Public Library story hour were Jane Clark and Mary Hemshrot. The theme was Clifford the Big Red Dog. Children participating were Stephanie and Bill Clark, Michelle and Julie Simpson, Annie and Sage Dunham, Jordan Forsythe, Jennifer Haack, Eric Flagstad, Elizabeth Bitney, Desirae and Brea Arnold, and Justin and Stephanie Hemshrot. • Indianhead Community Health Care reached its goal to replace 12 Lifeline units at a cost of $6,000. Funds were raised through business and organization donations and a tag sale during Town and Country Days.

2006 – 10 Years Ago

• Bruce and Diane Davenport, who spent two years in Turkey, gave a “Christian journey” through the country with discussion and a slide presentation at Salem Lutheran Church. • Wyatt Carlson, fifth-grade student at Shell Lake Schools, took first place in the Energy Bookmark contest. He received a $50 savings bond and advanced to the next level of competition. Taylor Bauch, fifth-grader, took second place. • Members of the Shell Lake fifth-grade girls basketball team coached by Deb Nebel, Gretchen Nielsen and Joel Blazer were Jolita Johnson, Taylor Bauch, Chelsea Knoepke, Kayla Blazer, Jessica Irvine, Carissa Forsythe, Sage Alberts, Karleigh Melton, Kim Atkinson, Renee Mikula and Danielle Kuechle. • Wilson McKenzie “Max” Smith was named Shell Lake’s valedictorian and Alexandra Mentele was named salutatorian.


Students to perform “Shrek the Musical Jr.” SPOONER – Nasty will be nice and Spooner will be “ogre the moon” when St. Francis de Sales students present their production of “Shrek The Musical Jr.,” Thursday, March 3, through Saturday, March 5. Performances on Thursday and Friday are 7 p.m., with performance at 1 p.m. on Saturday. The family-friendly musical comedy follows the adventures of an ogre named Shrek who sets off on a quest to save a princess from a dragon. However, it turns out that in order to ultimately succeed, Shrek must battle an even bigger obstacle: learning how to believe in himself and

open his heart to others. Shrek’s unique story of discovery encourages each of us to examine our prejudices, review what we believe to be our limitations and work to better understand ourselves and others. With music by Jeanine Tesori, book and lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire, “Shrek The Musical Jr.” is based on the Oscarwinning DreamWorks Animation film and the book “Shrek” by William Steig. Tickets may be purchased by calling the St. Francis de Sales School office at 715635-2774. — from St. Francis de Sales School

LEFT: Performing in “Shrek the Musical Jr.” are, clockwise from top, Jack Buchman, as Shrek; Maycee Wilkie, Fiona; and Noah Olson, Donkey. — Photo submitted

COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Thursday, Feb. 25 • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. Friday, Feb. 26 • Partners of Spooner Health System used book sale, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. lobby of Spooner Health System. • Washburn County Genealogical Society meeting, 1:30 p.m., at city hall meeting room, library building, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. There will be a genealogy program at the end of the meeting. The public is welcome to attend. Saturday, Feb. 27 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Art of Film series, “Whiplash,” 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Monday, Feb. 29 • Shell Lake Junior High and High School Festival Concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 School.


Thursday-Saturday, March 3-5 • St. Francis de Sales School presents “Shrek The Musical Jr.,” Thursday and Friday 7 p.m.; Saturday 1 p.m. Reservations may be made by calling the school office at 715-635-2774.

Thursday, March 3 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-5207999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, March 4 • Spooner GFWC Women’s Club will meet, 1 p.m., at the Spooner Methodist Church. Topic will be an update on the humane society shelter. Guests and visitors are welcome. For more information, contact Pat at 715-865-2250. • Father/Daughter Ball, Shell Lake Community Center, 6 p.m., organized by Lake Park Alliance Church. Please make reservations at 715-766-2010. Saturday, March 5 • Shell Lake High School Jazz Cabaret, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Monday, March 7 • Dining at 5, Minong Senior Citizen Center. Call 715-466-4448, 24 hours in advance. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Tuesday, March 8 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m.


p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Monday, March 14 • Dining at 5, Shell Lake Friendship Commons. Call 715-468-4750, 24 hours in advance. Tuesday, March 15 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 8-9:30 a.m. For more information, call 715-635-4669. • Spooner High School production of “Hello Dolly!” 7 p.m., in the high school auditorium. Wednesday, March 16 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday & Friday, March 17 & 18 • Spooner High School production of “Hello Dolly!” 7 p.m., in the high school auditorium. Thursday, March 17 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Friday, March 18 • Dining at 5, Birchwood Senior Citizen Center. Call 715-354-3001, 24 hours in advance. Saturday, March 19 • Wisconsin-based films, “OldFashioned: The Story of the Wisconsin Supper Club” and “Tale of the Spotted Cow,” part of Art of Film series, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center.

Wednesday, March 9 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. Thursday, March 10 • Shell Lake PTA Bingo for Beanies fundraiser at the 3-12 commons area. Dinner from 5-6 p.m. Bingo from 6-7 p.m. • Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. Friday, March 11 • Partners of Spooner Health System bake sale, 7:30 a.m. until gone, hospital lobby, 819 Ash St., Spooner. Proceeds to benefit various Partners projects. Saturday, March 12 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715-4684017 or 715-222-4410. • Lakeland Family Resource Center’s third-annual Chilly Challenge winter plunge, chili cook-off and silent auction. Registration noon to 2 p.m., jumping begins at 2 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. For more information, call 715635-4669 or see website lakelandfrc.com • Art of Film series, “Departures,” 7


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Donation helps those in need RICE LAKE - Barron Electric Cooperative recently donated $500 to Benjamin’s House Emergency Shelter. Lori Bowman, executive director, said, “Gifts of time and money continue to help those in need when they need it the most.” Over the past 18 months, Benjamin’s House helped over 150 individuals and over 80 families. Their mission is to work together as a nonprofit agency with community organizations and individuals to provide housing opportunities for the homeless population. For more information, visit them on the Web at benjamins-house.org.

Barron Electric General Manager Dallas Sloan said, “This donation helps exemplify our cooperative principle - concern for community. We are committed to improving the quality of life in the rural area.” Funds for Barron Electric donations are derived from the Federated Youth Foundation, an administrative trust overseeing unclaimed capital credits of former members. Barron Electric has served the rural area since 1936 and currently provides electricity to over 18,000 members. — from Barron Electric

Northern Star Kids On Stage bring “Schoolhouse Rock” to life RICE LAKE - The Emmy Award winning Saturday morning cartoon show is now one of the most fun and energetic musicals ever to hit the stage. Tom Mizer, a young teacher, wakes up on his first day of work. As he begins to rehearse his teaching technique, Tom’s thoughts begin to take life around him. In an attempt to calm himself, Tom turns on the TV. What’s on this morning? Why, it’s “Schoolhouse Rock!” When various characters representing facets of his personality emerge from the set, they show

him how to win his students over with imagination and music through such beloved “Schoolhouse Rock” songs as “Just A Bill,” “Interplanet Janet” and “Conjunction Junction.” Performance dates are Feb. 26-28. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7 p.m. with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m., at Northern Star Theatre Company in downtown Rice Lake. Tickets are available online at northernstartheatreco.org or by calling the box office at 715-736-4444. — from NSTC

Sarah Bever, case manager for Benjamin’s House, accepts a $500 check from Carrie Baribeau, marketing specialist at Barron Electric Cooperative. — Photo submitted

Community members recognized

McNulty earns top sales award Dave McNulty, Shell Lake, broker associate for Lakeplace.com, has received the top sales award for the company. He is the No. 1 Lakeplace.com real estate agent in Wisconsin and the company as a whole, with 14 locations, 84 agents, in 2015. He sold more than $11 million in real estate last year, making him one of the top agents in Northwest Wisconsin. McNulty received recognition for his achievements at the company’s recent 2016 kickoff meeting. Other local award winners include Renae McGinnity, Jeff Iverson, Marianne Rigby and Naomi Fogelberg. — Photo submitted

Four community members were recognized for establishing a cheer squad at Spooner High School this year. The return of the squad is promoting school spirit and community involvement. Shown (L to R): Michelle Schwab, superintendent; Monique Clark, volunteer coach; and Tammy Ackerson, volunteer coach. Two volunteer coaches not pictured are Holly Snyder and Bri Saavedra. – Photo by Danielle Danford


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• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. TimeOut provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245. ••• The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information. •••

Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking.

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Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.


Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.


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Judy Pieper

Last week I told you about Devon Snowbank doing the Polar Plunge, right? Well, we have some more very adventurous residents here in Barronett. As I am sure you know, the Birkebeiner ski race was held in Cable this past weekend. They have a giant ski/snowshoe race during the event, and six of our residents, Tom and Audrey Cusick, Bill and Debbie Carothers and Rick Stetler and Tom Weston, ran that race. In case you don’t know what a giant ski is, I’m going to explain. The skis are 26 feet long and they have six snowshoe bindings on each ski so that the team of six people are all on the skis at the same time. In order to prepare for the race, Bill made a pair of giant skis in his workshop and the team practiced together every week for two months. Tom Cusick was the team captain, and he called his team the Barronett Buddies. Joan Stetler and Julie Weston played a very important part in the event, too. They were the cheerleaders. They must have done their job very well because the team finished the race in 55.56 seconds. The main goal of everyone on the team was to finish the race without falling down, and that they did! The team was also proud of the fact that

Heart Lake

other people. Janet is still happily married to her hubby, but Jerry is single now. So, every time Jean and I get together I ask how Janet and hubby are doing, and every time Jean tells me they are very happy and working together on a ranch out west. I’m glad Janet is happy but I have to kid Jean a little bit about her daughter and my son. There is going to be a Walter Bell memorial get-together at the Red Brick this Saturday, Feb. 27, at 2 p.m., hosted by Walter’s family. Walter passed away this past fall, but for years he held his birthday celebration at the Red Brick. I believe Walter would have been 98 years old this year. So, please stop by and spend a couple of hours remembering and telling Walter stories. Ruth Grover is home and doing very well after having heart surgery at Abbot/ Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis earlier this month. Ruth and Dick were at church Sunday morning, and we were all so happy to see how well she’s doing. Dorothy Orth is back in Cumberland, too, after having heart surgery at Sacred Heart. Dorothy is in the Cumberland hospital at this time for a little more therapy and recovery, but she is also doing very well. We hope she will be able to be at home again soon.

Guess what happened to us Sunday evening. Our stupid furnace quit. Luckily it didn’t happen while we were having that below-zero weather or we’d have been in worse shape. It only got down to about 45 degrees in the house overnight. Dennis from Pat’s Heating came and rescued us on Monday morning. Our sympathy goes out to the family of Marvin Ness, who passed away Feb. 15. Marvin was born and raised in this area and farmed from the time he was a young boy until he retired. He was very active in local government and was a member of the town board of Lakeland for 30 years. He was a wonderful man with many friends, and he will be missed by all who knew him. Please keep Marvin’s family in your prayers as they go through this time of sorrow. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Hope you have a very good week and I’ll see you next time.

tenants. She stopped to see me, which I always enjoy. Enjoy the warmer days and sunshine. It makes everyone feel better. Winston Churchill said, “I’m ready to

meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”

Helen V. Pederson

It was a nice sunny Monday morning. We’ve been having fairly good days here in Shell Lake. No more snow and in fact what we did have is melting. Easter can’t be too far away. We welcome a new tenant to Glenview. Gina Lewis of Shell Lake moved in the end of last week and she fits right in. She comes to exercise class, which is good. We also have a new caregiver. Lynette Butenhoff joined us here awhile back. Welcome to you. We had happy hour here on Friday night with a big group attending and a lot

Stone Lake

they had an average age of 65, which they are pretty sure was the oldest of any team. Yea Barronett Buddies! Way to go! Bill and Deb’s son, Gerred Carothers, also skied in the giant ski race with a group from the National Forest Office in Hayward. I didn’t go to the Birkebeiner, but I did see a picture of Team Barronett Buddies, and they looked very professional and coordinated. Bill Carothers and his son, Matt, also participated in the Barkie Birkie. That is a skijor event where the skiers are pulled along by dogs. Matt finished in the top five out of 70 skijorers in that event. And, two other Carothers kids participated in the race. Kelsey, Deb and Bill’s granddaughter, skied the Barnebirkie, and Whitney did the Prince Haakon. Duane and I went to Two Harbors, Minn., on Saturday to visit with Jack and Jean Juntunen. Jean and I have been friends for the past 45 years or so, and it was great to get together, sit, visit and catch up on all the news. Jean’s daughter, Janet, and my son, Jerry, were very best friends back when they were 4 and 5 years old, and, at that time, Jerry told us they were going to get married some day. Well, they both grew up and married

of visitors. Talking to Arlys Santiago on Sunday, she is still nursing a cold. Marion Shattuck’s son, Jim, was skiing in the Birkebeiner on Saturday so she was glued to the radio to hear results. Lillian Ullom went with Howard and Debbie Ullom to Hayward on Wednesday night for shower on her great-grandson. Frank Mortensen is still living with his son in the Twin Cities, recuperating from his recent heart surgery. Charlotte Thompson was here at Glenview on Sunday afternoon visiting several

Mary Nilssen

The Birkie was an exciting one this year. Even though the temperature was rather mild, people still had a good time. Congratulations to all of the skiers who competed in this wonderful event. Congratulations also go out to Caitlin Gregg, from Minneapolis, who came in first in the women’s event to win her fourth Birkie race and to David Norris, Fairbanks, Alaska, who won the men’s division.

Gratitude is extended to the many volunteers. Without their help this event wouldn’t be the huge success it is today. Everyone is welcome to attend the Lenten services for First Lutheran of Stone Lake and Stone Lake Wesleyan churches. Please see the separate section in this week’s Register for the listings. Have a good week and be safe! Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-8654008 or upnorthnils2@gamail.com.

Dewey-LaFollette Sympathy is extended to Joe and Barb Durand and other family members due to the death of Joe’s father, Ed Durand. He had celebrated his 100th birthday in January of this year. Karen Mangelsen called on Gerry and Donna Hines on Wednesday evening. Visitors of Mary Dunn on Thursday afternoon were Dave and Pam Dunn, Lida Nordquist, Karen Mangelsen and Donna Hines. They helped Mary celebrate her 92nd birthday. Nina and Lawrence Hines and Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to Siren on Thursday evening and attended a birthday party at Northwoods Crossing Event

Karen Mangelsen Center. It was a surprise for Hannah Mangelsen who turned 15 on Feb. 19, and Noah Burnett, who turned 19 on Feb. 18. Several other family members and friends were there also. Dixie and Chuck Andrea, Karen and Hank Mangelsen, and Lawrence and Nina Hines were among a large number of people who attended open mic night at Northwoods Crossing Event Center in Siren on Saturday. Larry Mangelsen was a Sunday afternoon visitor of Hank and Karen Mangelsen. Lida Nordquist visited Nina and Lawrence Hines and Gerry Hines on Sunday.

Senior lunch menu Monday, Feb. 29: Cabbage rolls, buttered bread stick, steamed vegetables, ice cream. Tuesday, March 1: Home-style meat loaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed green beans, fruit cup. Wednesday, March 2: Sliced ham, scalloped potatoes, garden salad, sugar cookie. Thursday, March 3: Beef stroganoff over egg noodles, stewed tomatoes, pudding. Birchwood potluck. Friday, March 4: Juicy BBQ chicken, creamy potato salad, baked beans, peach crisp. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu is subject to change. All meals served with milk and bread.

Subscribe online today at wcregisteronline.com

Washburn County Area Humane Society Lenny was caught on a cold winter day, A cat someone once loved; was now just a stray. Day after day, where to sleep, what to eat, With each passing day, feeling close to defeat. Then in an instant he heard a loud clap, Lenny had found himself caught in a trap. He was in something he couldn’t comprehend, Lenny, I’m sure, feared that this was the end. But contrary to what he feared would be true, He would soon receive all that was way overdue. Frightened and shy, but yet gentle and kind, All of our gestures, he didn’t seem to mind. Cared for and treated, a chance some don’t get, Being caught in that trap he will never regret. If cats have nine lives, here’s a cat that has 10,

All that Lenny needs now is a good home, amen. Cats for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old neutered gray/white longhair; 1-1/2-year-old spayed brown/black tabby; 1-1/2-year-old shorthair calico/tortie; 8-month-old female black/gray/white shorthair tabby; 8-month-old female orange/white shorthair; 4-month-old female black/ white shorthair; 3-1/2-year-old neutered black/white shorthair; 12-yearold spayed/declawed shorthair calico; 8-month-old spayed orange/ white shorthair tiger; 1-year-old male black medium-hair and a 4-month-old male black shorthair. Dogs for adoption: 10-month-old spayed black/white Lab/blue tick mix; 1-year-old male black Lab/corgi mix; 1-year-old female St. Bernard and an 11-month-old spayed brindle/white heeler mix.

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20% OFF Dining at 5 Birchwood, Friday, Feb. 26: Homestyle BBQ ribs, baked potato, fresh salad bar, dessert. Call 715-354-3001 to make reservations 24 hrs. to advance. Suggested donation is $5. For anyone under 60 years old, cost is $8.75.


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Pauline Lawrence

(Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 2) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY In The Matter Of The Name Change Of Darius Klane Larson By: Petitioner Joshua J. Carlson Notice and Order for Name Change Hearing Case No. 2016CV17 NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: Darius Klane Larson To: Darius Klane Carlson Birth Certificate: Darius Klane Larson IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, Hon. Eugene D. Harrington, Washburn County Courthouse, 10 W. 4th Ave., Shell Lake, WI 54871, March 22, 2016, 4 p.m. BY THE COURT: Hon. Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge February 12, 2016 641949 WNAXLP

State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of Spooner, WI 54801. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Circuit Court Judge Eugene D. Harrington, on March 3, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 12, 2016. 3. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 4. Heirship will be determined at the hearing on petition for final judgment. 5. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge February 11, 2016 Kathryn zumBrunnen P.O. Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174 642155 WNAXLP Bar No.: 1016913

out and be busy every day. Maple syrup will be running before too long now. It’s usually in March when it starts. But that delicious maple syrup is so tasty. Last Wednesday found Jerry and Gretchen Best going to the visitation for Jerry’s relative, Cindy Swanepoel, 61, Glenwood City, who passed away from cancer. Sympathy to the family. You know I’m having quite a problem with TV. Yes, it’s so much junk about the elections coming up and after a while you just can’t stand it. And I have to go through November when a new president gets elected. Maybe we’ll go crazy! Janie Lauterbach tells us she’s very busy now. She works at her husband’s tax and accounting business in Spooner. Saturday found Janie and Rick and children, Noah, Ellianna and Grace, at the basketball game with Noah playing. Friday night found Noah staying with his Grandpa Warren and Grandma Marie and boys. Saturday, Mike, Buddy and Noah went to the Show and Sale ice-fishing contest by Minong. The boys caught some fish and had a great time playing with Isaac Crosby. Sunday, Ellianna and Noah had lessons on the guitar. Sunday at Evelyn Melton’s playing cards were her daughters, Peggy Vesta and Vicki Trott. Hear they had quite a game going. Last Sunday found Butch and Loretta VanSelus going to Tammy and Jeremy Baylee’s. Their little son turned 1 on Feb. 15. With Loretta’s birthday on Sunday they had a double party. Also there was grandpa and grandma Paula and Jonn Powell. They both received many gifts. Loretta is a great-grandma to the Baylees’ little boy. I asked Butch if he had problems getting to the Baylees’ and he said he sat down with a map and drew out how to get there and he said he drove right to their home. He says, “baloney” to the GPS. Karen Melton tells us she attended the regional wres-

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Washburn County is accepting applications for a full-time Aging Director/ADRC Supervisor. The position is responsible for the administration, management, supervision, fiscal planning, implementation/overview of programs, and leadership of personnel and programs for the Unit on Aging and ADRC. Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Social Work or related field; three to five years’ supervisory experience or any combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities. A valid Wisconsin driver’s license is also required. Starting salary $25.96 - $28.87 per hour with excellent benefits. Download an employment application and a position description from the County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us or contact the Washburn County Personnel Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Ph.: 715-468-4624, fax: 715468-4628). Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received 641888 27-29r by March 11, 2016. EOE.

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tling at Ashland and Richard and Karen attended wrestling at Osceola watching two grandsons, Chase and Sam Melton, take a first and second. Congratulations to the boys. Way to go. Karen tells us she has 10 grandchildren attending Spooner High School. Would you like to know why Rambo winds himself up on my step in the entranceway? Well, it gets him started to get to first base. Visitors at Diane Hulleman’s on Saturday were Ginny Schnell and her daughter, Amanda Bernais, and son Jackson who visited and enjoyed lunch with Diane. Sunday Diane’s friend from Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake and her mom met Diane in Spooner and the gals enjoyed lunch at Nick’s. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

642128 17-18a 28-29r,L

Didn’t the snow melt over the weekend? Yes, the snow went down, leaving puddles of water behind. Ah, well, spring is coming, with it being only 28 days until spring is officially here. A very happy birthday to Cassie Lawrence on Feb. 25 when she enjoys her special day. Have a wonderful day, Cassie. Feb. 26, a very happy birthday to Curt Atkinson, Mike Ternberg, Melissa Gerlach and also to Tracey Baumgart as they celebrate their special day with lots more to come. Gaylen Derrick, a very happy birthday to you on Feb. 27. Enjoy 83 years and get out and enjoy yourself. March 1, a very happy birthday to Rich Lauterbach as he enjoys his special day. Have a great one, Rich. March 2, a very happy birthday to Jerney Meister as she enjoys her special day and also Julie LaVeau, and also to Kaleb Odden when he turns 2 years old, with many more to come. Talking with Sandy Atkinson, she says Becka, their granddaughter, who teaches in Rice Lake, stayed over Tuesday night. Saturday, Penny Ladd took her three munchkins, Rem, Ry and Ree, to Mondovi where Rylee played basketball against Mondovi, La Crosse and Whitehall. Cameron came in first. Penny says she left at 8 a.m. and got home at 6 p.m. Was a long day. Jeff, meanwhile, was at Osseo as coach for the high school. Yes, it’s sectional time. Sympathy to the family of Ed Durand, 100, who passed away this past week. His funeral will be Saturday at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. Elise Stellrecht is a sister to Ed. May you know you are in our special thoughts and prayers. Birds are singing! Yes, I hear birds singing when I go outside with my pups. It’s getting closer to spring. My pups are getting spring fever with the nice weather we’ve had. Yes, they love to be outside all the time. And my cat, Razz, goes outside with the pups and seems to enjoy it. That little Rammy is so funny. In my entry I (Feb. 24, Mar. 2, 9) have a step down and when STATE OF WISCONSIN someone comes he gets on CIRCUIT COURT the step and chases his tail WASHBURN COUNTY a few rounds. Throwing a IN THE MATTER OF THE snowball, it disappears on ESTATE OF JACK B. ALLEN the two pups and it’s crazy to watch them trying to figOrder Setting Time to Hear ure out where it went. They Petition for Administration and Deadline for Filing Claims both love to ride in the car (Formal Administration) and I take them along whenCase No. 16PR09 ever I can. It gets them out A petition for formal adminiof the house. Just think, in two months stration was filed. or less farmers will be plant- THE COURT FINDS: ing their crops. It’s hard to 1. The decedent, with date of July 27, 1927, and date of believe it’s that time. Then birth death February 5, 2016, was farmers will get their work- domiciled in Washburn County,

636385 9rtc

Dewey Country

641845 16-17a,b,c 27-28r

Washburn County is seeking applications for a full-time Deputy County Surveyor with the Land Information Department, located in Shell Lake, WI. This position will assist the County Surveyor with remonumentation and mapping duties. This will include the operation of survey instruments, brushing survey lines, excavating for the placing of monuments, taking field notes, record keeping, survey computations and maintenance of equipment. The work is performed according to all applicable codes, statutes, rules and regulations. Qualified Candidates must possess knowledge and experience in the operation of survey instruments including total stations and GPS equipment; experience running survey lines and the use of brushing tools including chain saws; knowledge of automated mapping and the use of AutoCAD software; knowledge in taking accurate survey field notes; must possess good oral and written communication skills and analytical abilities; and must possess a valid WI driver’s license. Educational Requirements: High school graduate or equivalent. Must have a minimum of a two- (2) year degree in land survey technology, engineering or related field and have a minimum of two (2) years of survey experience. Starting salary is $21.60 - $24.02 with excellent benefits. Contact the Washburn County Personnel Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Ph. 715-4684624, fax 715-468-4628) or adminper@co.washburn.wi.us to receive a position description. An employment application may be downloaded from the Washburn County website at: www.co.washburn.wi.us. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 11, 2016. EOE. 642210 28-29r


Leap year Beyond the office door


ebruary will have an extra day this year, Monday, Feb. 29. Every four years we celebrate a “leap year.” Why? This is the answer I found when I type the question into a search engine on the Internet. “Leap years are needed to keep our modern-day Gregorian calendar in alignment with the earth’s revolutions around the sun. It takes the earth approximately 365.242199 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds – to circle once around the sun. This is called a tropical year. However, the Gregorian calendar has only 365 days in a year, so if we didn’t add a day on Feb. 29 every four years, we would lose almost six hours off our calendar every year. After only 100 years, our calendar would be off by approximately 24 days.” Feb. 29 will be a normal-routine day with our usual commitments. But we could ask ourselves, what could we do with an extra day? Are we going to give our-

Suzanne Johnson selves permission to leave our to-do list and perhaps do something that we have always wanted to do? Will this be the day we will try a new hobby, get out for a nice long walk, phone a friend we haven’t talk to for a while? Maybe it will just be a day to reflect. With that in mind, I leave you this week with a few quotes I re-

cently read.

••• A quote about taking a leap of faith from the Power of Positivity: “Keep calm and be crazy. Laugh, love, and live it up, Because this is the oldest you’ve been, And the youngest you’ll ever be again.” ••• A quote from Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker: “Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.” ••• An anonymous quote reads: “Love many, trust few, but always paddle your own canoe.”

Dreaming of horses


y niece is in love with horses. Can you recommend books she would like for me to give her?” I considered the woman’s question, and quickly came up with some suggestions. The problem is, the ones I would have chosen for the horse lovers in my family are not in print these days. There are many lovely stories of horses in literature, from the days when I was young. These may not be in print at this time. We had a number of books by Marguerite Henry, “Misty of Chincoteague,” and “Sea Star,” and enjoyed many of her other stories but especially those about the wild ponies living on an island off the coast of Virginia. For me, there has never been a time when I was not like the niece of the woman buying the gift book. I have always loved horses. I am told that my dad often took me along when he rode a horse hitched to the bakery wagon to deliver baked goods to customers in my hometown when I was a toddler. One of my favorite memories is of the horse that pulled a fruit and vegetable wagon that a man drove along residential streets selling fresh produce to the housewives. I couldn’t go to that horse and pet it and offer it some fresh green grass, because I was only allowed to look at it from the curb. Over the years I have known some fine horses. But it is in stories about horses where I have met many more. It was Wisconsin’s own Marguerite Henry who introduced me to the wonderful world of horses in stories. Marguerite Henry was born Marguerite Breithaupt in 1902 in Milwaukee. When she was 6 years old she had rheumatic fever. She couldn’t attend school and

Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen was bedridden until she was 12. It was during those years of confinement that she discovered the joy of reading, and grew to love animals with a passion. She found even more pleasure in writing. As a child she wrote stories about animals, dogs, cats, all her friends. Marguerite married Sidney Crocker Henry, and their marriage lasted 64 years. They lived in Illinois for a time and then in California. They had no children. Marguerite enjoyed the horse stories of Will James. He was the author of “Smokey,” my favorite horse book. She also liked the work of Wesley Dennis. She corresponded with him, and soon they collaborated on stories of horses. In 1946, Marguerite’s book “Justin Morgan had a Horse” was a runner-up for the Newberry Medal, an award given for the best children’s book of the year. Her book “Misty of Chincoteague,” in 1948, was a runner-up for the award. In 1949, her book “King of the Wind: the story of the Godolphin Arabian” won the Newberry Medal. Her stories of the ponies on the island are my favorites and if not in print, certainly should be available to

today’s girls and boys who love horses. I lived in Virginia for a couple of years, and one time at a riding stable I saw a pony and someone told me it was a Chincoteague pony. I didn’t take time to make friends with it, but it was a nice little spotted pony and well trained. The little horses began their lives on a small island when their forebears survived after the sinking of a Spanish ship. They had nothing for food except the wild grasses growing on the little island. They survived and had young foals that were reduced in size. The nearby island was inhabited by a small number of old-time Virginia fishermen and their families, an island called Assateague. These were the Native American names. The folks found when there was a low tide they could herd the wild ponies across the narrow water between the islands and pen them and take some of them to train and use as small draft animals. The people started Pony Penning Day and invited folks to come. They had an auction so people could buy young ponies. If they made money, they would use it for their fire department. Otherwise, the growing pony population would result in starvation for them. Marguerite wrote about them and their fame grew by leaps and bounds. Soon as many as 25,000 people came to the island for the pony penning and the auction. Ten years later there were estimates of 40,000 to 50,000 visitors. The author received letters from horse people, fan mail, by the thousands. Marguerite Henry’s last book was published in 1996 when she was 94 years old. It was “Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley,” a story about a mule. She passed away a year later in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.

Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday during story hour at SLPL SHELL LAKE - As a celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, the Shell Lake Public Library will host a Dr. Seuss story hour on Thursday, March 3, from 10:30-11:15 a.m. The library will be giving away Dr. Seuss gift bags to the first 24 participants. Parents and caregivers are also encouraged to bring their children, birth through 8 years old, in anytime from Monday, Feb. 29 through Saturday, March 5, to enter them in a raffle to win a Dr. Seuss prize bag. One entry per day, per child, please. — from SLPL

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Shell Lake fourth-graders share during talent show

Donavan Balts shows his classmates how to draw cartoons.

Emily Swan is showing her classmates how to make glow-in-the-dark water. LEFT: Kaylee Keenan shows her classmates how to wash and shampoo a pet dog using her stuffed dog. She explained how to care for an animal.

Photos by Larry Samson

Leyton Everson shows his passion for playing baseball. He is new to the school and the talent show was an opportunity to share his interest with his classmates.

Wyatt Fields’ hobby is collecting Transformer action sets. He has seen all the movies and knows the characters.

Koy Hopke is talking to his classmates about his passion for wrestling. He showed some of the trophies that he has won at the state and at the national level.

Aubri Hanson shows her classmates the knitting project that she is working on at the fourth-grade talent show on Friday, Feb. 19, at the Shell Lake Elementary School.


National FFA Week is sponsored by Tractor Supply Co. as a special project of the National FFA Foundation and annually encompasses Feb. 22, George Washington’s Birthday. Shell Lake FFA would like to recognize our seniors with their SAE projects. Six-year member. SAE: Beef Production. Highlights: Job Interview, Blood Drive, Tri-County soil judging, Livestock judging. Awards: Soil judging: secondplace team, 3rd- and 8th-place individual, Discovery degree, Greenhand degree and Chapter degree. Quote/Positive Message: Sometimes you just have to take the world by the halter and lead. Six-year member. SAE: Dairy Production. Highlights: Soil judging. Awards: Soil judging first- and second-place teams, third-, fifth-, and eighth-place individual; Discovery degree, Greenhand degree, and Chapter degree. Quote/Positive Message: “Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man.” - George Washington One-year member SAE: Swine Production. Highlight: Helping at the fair.

The camping trip in the summer is a great way for FFA members to bond with each other as well as working on teamwork skills and is a great way to kick back and relax. Members participate in cooking meals on a fire as well as working together. Officers, along with active members, traveled to Clear Lake and learned about their officer positions and how to provide a positive attitude to their chapter. In addition, junior high members participated to learn about FFA opportunities. It is important to our chapter that our members and officers participate in leadership development.

We had a great turnout with all FFA members that participated in the speaking contest moving on from the district contest to sectional. Front row (L to R): Quiz Bowl team: Gene Quam, Nick Udovich, Krista Parker and Lainy Hutton. Middle: Quiz Bowl team: Cassie Skattebo, Megan Hotchkiss, Seth Symond and Christopher Lord. Back: Parli Pro team: Amber Anderson, Marty Anderson, Wyatt Bauch, Clare Walker and Jerney Meister. Marty also competed in the Discussion contest.

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

CDE (Career Development Event) is a time for FFA members to test their judging and speaking skills. Dairy, livestock and horse judgings not only have to rank multiple classes, they have to prepare oral reason, to speak before a judge giving reason for their placements. Teams consisted of: Dairy Judging: Tyler Crosby (top individual), Trevor Anderson, Noah Skluzacek and Bryan Knoop; Livestock Judging: Courtney Melton, Madeline Hopke and Dominic Hopke (top individual); Middle School Agricultural Education: Megan Anderson (top individual), Christopher Lord, Gene Quam and Cassie Skattebo; Horse Judging: Jerney Meister, Caitlyn Schaefer, Katie Crosby (top individual) and Clare Walker; Forestry: Marty Anderson (top individual), Bailee Hanson and Alyssa Schultz (not pictured: Cassie Lawrence); and Veterinary Science: Kaelin Laub, Ariana Udovich and Caitlyn Rocarek. This was our highest participation year ever. Records made was the Dairy Judging team qualifying for state four years in a row.

Courtney and Christopher Lord in Beef Show. Gene Quam, Dominic Hopke and Breanna Nyreen in Market Hog Show. Cassie Lawrence, Ben Nelson and Ashley Clark. Other FFA members that participated at the fair were Jordyn Monson, Breeana Monson, Kaelin Laub, Clare Walker, Jerney Meister, Tyler Crosby, Bryan Knoop, Madeline Hopke, Lillian Nyreen, Lilly Rau, Josh Wistrom and Cassie Skattebo.



3rd- to 6th-Grade Dress-Up Days

Monday - Superhero Day Tuesday - Twin/Multiple Day Wednesday - Pajama Day Thursday - Farmer Day Friday - Blue & Gold Day

Teach Appreciati

Tuesday 7 a.m. in D

- Pancakes, muff

This year Courtney Melton, FFA president, and Jerney Meister, FFA vice president, attended the HalfTime Leadership Conference. The conference provides FFA chapter leaders from around the state the opportunity to set goals and prepare for the second half of their year of service in their local FFA chapters. FFA members attended workshops focused on leadership and personal development, membership and chapter development, and opportunities in FFA. They learned about preparing for FFA events and getting involved in community service. The Half-Time conference is a 30-year tradition for the Wisconsin Association of FFA to bring top FFA leaders from across the state together to learn more about what they can do in their local FFA chapters.

Each year the new officer teams attend a mandatory training retreat. Officers are: Courtney Melton, president; Jerney Meister, vice president; Jordyn Monson, student adviser; Clare Walker, secretary; Katie Crosby, reporter; Marty Anderson, treasurer; Kaelin Laub, historian; and Ariana Udovich, sentinel.

It is a tradition for Shell Lake FFA to assist with the kiddy tractor pull during the Town and Country Days celebration. This year we entered the parade with a float and tractor. FFA members that participated were Gene Quam, Courtney Melton, Sydney Schunck, Gene Quam, Cade Hanson, Clare Walker, Katie Crosby, Cassie Lawrence and Bailey Hanson. Driving the tractor was Gene Quam. Helping with kiddy tractor pull were Clare Walker, Alecia Knoop and Josh Wistrom. is a good way for members to exhibit their animals and is a good opportunity for members to show off the animals they have raised. Members learn to be solely responsible for their animal’s care and well-being, teaching them to be held accountable for their actions.

Greenhouse management students along with FFA members grow flowers and some vegetables for a huge Mother’s Day sale. We take flowers over to the primary school as well as bring all third- to sixth-grade students into the greenhouse so they can buy flowers for the special females in their lives. This sale is also a fundraiser to support the leadership training activities FFA participates in throughout the year. Mark your calendars for this year’s sales: Friday, May 6, 1 to 5 p.m.; Saturday, May 7, 8 to 11 a.m.; and Saturday, May 21, 8 to 11 a.m.

Four students attended the State FFA Convention in Madison last summer in June and attended several learning sessions as well as visiting the Capitol, voting for the new state FFA officer, as well as visiting many stores on State Street. This offers a new learning opportunity for those who attend, but they can bring back what they’ve learned and share it with other FFA members. Our members once again participated in the state FFA Fight for Hunger campaign. Madeline Hopke and Kaelin Laub participated in the FFA on the Hill event where they learned how to communicate and greet their state representatives. While Maddie and Kaelin were at the FFA on the Hill event, Jerney Meister and Ariana Udovich were representing Shell Lake as voting delegates for state FFA business. They even took part in voting in our Section 1 state officer.



K ACTIVITIES - FEB. 29 - MARCH 4, 2016

her/Staff ion Breakfast

y, March 1 Deleon’s Room

Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, March 3

fins, etc.

A highlight from last year’s banquet included four FFA members earning the Blue and Gold Award for their going above and beyond efforts in FFA. Pictured L to R: Courtney Melton, Cassie Lawrence, Wyatt Bauch and Marty Anderson.

Forestry students and FFA members hosted a Forestry Environmental program that was a hit for the second-graders. There were three stations where students learned about the school forest and its features, camouflage importances and the relationship with predators versus prey. Left Picture: High school program helpers (front row) were: Gene Quam, Cassie Lawrence, Brandon Hovel, Breeana Monson, Clare Walker and Daniel McClain. Middle: Matthew Denotter, Colton Kodesh and Sean Wells. Back: Bailee Hanson, Logan Zebro, Drew Johnson, Hope Baits, Madeline Hopke, Ariana Udovich and Jerney Meister.

3rd- to 6th-Grade Ag Olympics Friday, March 4 1 p.m. in the gym

All School Emblem Hunt

- All week during FFA Week, there will be hints sent in an email daily. The emblem is hidden in town - Bring students down to be in gym at somewhere 1 p.m., please. - Game list will be shared separately

FFA members take pride in putting on a blood drive each year. Through American Red Cross, seniors earn a scholarship after a total number of pints are donated. We want to thank all of the community members and students who donated this year. The proceeds of this program are twofold. We are providing valuable blood for those in need plus earning funds for scholarships for our seniors. Our next Blood Drive will be on March 6. Just go to redcross.com and register to donate. Left Picture: Dominic Hopke and Austin Schultz. Right Picture: Caitlyn Schultz, Sydney Atkinson, Marlee Fields, Will Fisher and Ariana Udovich.

3rd- to 6th-Grade Humane Society Drive

- Boxes will be handed out on the Thursday before - Collecting boxes on Thurs., March 3 - Flyers will be posted on Wednesday, February 24

Another long-standing tradition is for our FFA members to serve concessions at home football games. It takes a lot of FFA members to meet the demands. Having a little fun while working are: Left Picture: Lilly Edlin, Will Fisher and Stephanie Carrillo. Right Picture: Rachel Milton, Seth Symond, Megan Anderson, Joe Uchytil and Abby Smith.

Since the breakfast has moved to the fair, Shell Lake and Spooner FFA have put on a joint effort to have animals at the fair. Some of the helpers this past June were Alecia Knoop, Jordyn Monson, Courtney Melton, Jerney Meister and Madeline Hopke. This year’s 212 (geared toward freshmen and sophomores) and 360 (geared toward juniors and seniors) conferences were all about goals. How do I set a great goal? How do I most effectively work to achieve my goals? How does the FFA help members with their goals? This content and more were covered in a high-energy, hands-on style under the direction of two professional speakers/trainers who know FFA, student success and how to engage an audience. FFA members that attended 212 were Alecia Knoop, Clare Walker, Sydney Schunck, Breeana Monson and Nick Udovich. Marty Anderson attended 360.

Shell Lake FFA Is Hosting A Fruit And Louie’s Meat Sale Now Through March 2, Supporting Local Businesses.

The sale will raise funds for the State Convention, 7th- through 8th-grade Workshop (EDGE), summer camping trip and senior scholarships. Place your order with FFA members or call Phyllis at the school, 715-468-7816.


An Agriculture Adviser committee was started, and Co-Chairs Boyd Anderson and Maria Lord set up our first Spring Agriculture Career Day tour. We toured 3M in Cumberland, Louie’s Finer Meats in Cumberland and Comstock Creamery in April. During the tours, students learn not only how products were made, processed and shipped, they learn about the skills needed to be a good employee.

Successful tradition continues for the Shell Lake FFA as once again we had members in the top eight and a team that earned a trophy. Group participants were: Amber Anderson, Courtney Melton, Katie Crosby, Madeline Hopke, Sydney Schunck, Cassie Skattebo, Clare Walker, Bailee Hanson, Marty Anderson, Niki Everroad, Caitlyn Rocarek, Logan Zebro, “Stanley” Konstantin Medvedev and Ariana Udovich. Second-place team consisted of Courtney Melton, third-place individual; Amber Anderson, eighth-place individual - tie; Marty Anderson, eighth-place individual tie; and Bailee Hanson.

The Shell Lake FFA would like to thank the following businesses for sponsoring our chapter in 2015.

Shell Lake FFA takes pride in teaching students how to be safe around animals and farm machinery. Members bring in their own animals and show how they care for their pets at home. We hope that this program provides knowledge to students who would like to own animals and work with them.

The Valleyfair Reward Trip for FFA members is a fun time to relax and enjoy all the hard work we put in each year. Front row: Janelle Talbert, Cassie Skattebo, Kaelin Laub, Breeana Monson, Alyssa Schultz, Heidi Dougard, Michael Allar and Seth Symond. Back: Jerney Meister, Ariana Udovich, Bob Bontekoe, Cody McTaggart, Nick Udovich, Eric Haynes, Ashlea Meister, Christopher Lord, Levi Meister and Gene Quam.

• Shell Lake State Bank • Country Pride Co-op • Louie’s Finer Meats

• Gordy’s County Market • Washburn County Register.

In addition, we would like to thank all staff members, community members and parents for helping our chapter succeed.


Bashaw Valley Farm, Greenhouse & Storage Beaverbrook Farm Dan & Mary Elliott, Shell Lake Glenview Gordy’s Indianhead Medical Center Lake Insurance Organized Chaos Scrapbooking & Stamping, Candy Shop, Thrift Store

Shell Lake Marine Shell Lake Pharmacy Shell Lake Public Library Shell Lake State Bank Shell Lake Woodcrafters Silver Shears The Potter’s Shed Gallery United Ag Cooperative Washburn County Register Wild Rivers Advertiser The Yellow Paper

641932 28r



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Seniors Night held for Laker Lady basketball players

Sheri Clark shares her special day with her family. Shown (L to R): Ashley, Sheri, Mary, Rachel and Brittney Clark. There will be a Clark player for Shell Lake for the next eight years.

Photos by Larry Samson

Amanda Brereton is finishing her last year in basketball at Shell Lake. Sharing this bittersweet moment with her is her mother, Deb, and her sister, Caitlin. It was Seniors Night on Tuesday, Feb. 16, before the Webster game.

Lindsey Martin has the love and support of her parents, Kim and Pete Martin. Lindsey came to the sport in her senior year and has been loving every minute of it.

The future of Laker basketball

ABOVE: Every Little Laker has their own style of dribbling. Shown front to back: Lindsey Ziemer, Katie Olson, Logan Christel and Peter Steines. The Little Lakers were demonstrating their basketball skills during halftime of the Cameron game that was held Friday, Feb. 12.

Nick McNulty and Brandon Shafer show their ball-handling skills by dribbling the ball between their legs. — Photos by Larry Samson

LEFT: Jacob Sinn has all the right moves as he dances to the music while dribbling the ball.



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Spooner loses to Amery

Sam Dettle puts up a basket in the lane against two Amery defenders. He had 12 points for the game as Spooner lost, 78-42, in a nonconference makeup home game with Amery on Saturday, Feb. 20.

Photos by Larry Samson

Cole Tripp drives the basket for a shot and draws a foul sending him to the free-throw line. He had 10 points for the game.

Reilly Hotchkiss with a basket on a fast-break layup. He had eight points for the game.

Big win over Cumberland for Spooner girls

Emma Salquist goes up for a layup. She had 14 points for the game as the Spooner Rails defeated Cumberland 45-40 in a Heart O’North Conference game on Friday, Feb. 19, in Cumberland. The Rails finished 3-11 in the conference.

Kelsie Gerovac with a jump shot. The graduating senior had 13 points for the game. Topanga Peterson drives past her Cumberland defender on her way to the basket.

Photos by Larry Samson



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Wrestling season comes to an end for the Rails

OSCEOLA - “The boys wrestled well and gave a great effort. It’s hard to see the season come to an end. The boys have really come together and made this team feel like a family. We had four wrestlers that advanced to the sectionals in Osceola this last Saturday,” commented Rails wrestling head coach Caleb Melton about the matchups on Feb. 20. At 138, Chase Melton faced a very strong wrestler from Ellsworth. Chase wrestled well, however, he fell short, losing 1-10. In order to wrestle again, Chase needed his opponent to win his next match. The Ellsworth wrestler fell to Hunter Marko, a three-time state champion. Chase was then done for the day. He had a great season and ended with 26 wins as a freshman. Brandon Jepson, 152, faced Kyle Larson from St. Croix Central. Jepson wrestled well. “Brandon needed just a few more seconds and I think he would’ve came out on top with that match,” said coach Melton. Jepson came up short, losing 3-5. Larson won his next match giving Jepson another opportunity. In his second match, Jepson faced Nathan Neuman from Spencer/Columbus. Jepson again wrestled well and really gave his all. He lost a very close match 6-7. “It was very difficult to see Brandon have his dreams

come to an end. Brandon had a great attitude, displayed some great leadership,” stated coach Melton. Samuel Melton, 182, faced Trent Smith from SCC. Samuel wrestled with a lot of heart and gave all he had. Samuel was able to make it to the second period, however, lost by a fall in 3:40. Smith won his second match, giving Samuel a second match. Samuel faced Jacob Sigler from Ellsworth. Samuel again wrestled great and kept it close in the two periods. Third period, Samuel was outmatched and lost 1-14. He ended his season with 18 wins. Joshua Carroll, 195, faced Ty Sanford from Prescott. Carroll was wrestling great and put his opponent in a cradle and was up by three points in the second period. Sanford came on strong and changed the match around. Carroll wrestled great, however, lost 5-14. Carroll did not get a second chance due to Sanford losing his second match to a wrestler from Amery. “Joshua had a great season and I’m looking forward to what he’s going to be able to accomplish in the future,” said coach Melton. He continued with, “I would like to thank all the wrestlers, coaches and their families for making this season a success.” — from Spooner wrestling program

Sam Melton tries to get away from Trent Smith of St. Croix Central in the first round in the 182pound weight class. To make the team, Melton is wrestling two weight classes higher than his actual weight.

Photos by Larry Samson

Brandon Jepson with a takedown of Nathan Neuman of Spencer/Columbus Catholic. Jepson’s season was cut short after losing a 7-6 decision to Neuman in the Osceola Sectionals held Saturday, Feb. 20, in Osceola.

Chase Melton takes down his Ellsworth opponent, Devin Drier. It was a classic match between a young freshman and an experienced senior. Melton lost 10-1 in a major decision in the first round in the 138pound weight class.

Freshman Josh Carroll tries to hold back and prevent Ty Sandford of Prescott from escaping.

Spring soccer registration open SPOONER - Northland Badger Soccer Club has announced that their spring season registration is open. Registration is due by Tuesday, March 1. Additional information, including fees and forms, can be found and downloaded at either their Facebook page, Northland Badger Soccer Club, or their new website, teamnbsc.com. NBSC provides recreational soccer for ages 4 through 10 and traveling soccer for ages 11 through 19. If you have any questions please email northlandbadgersoccerclub@yahoo.com. — from NBSC

Icemen close out hockey season with a loss BALDWIN - The Northwest Icemen closed out the hockey season Tuesday, Feb. 16, in Baldwin with a first-round loss to the Blackhawks 7-3. The game was close as the Icemen headed into the third down 3-2 but an

early goal in the third, first shift of the period, found the team scrambling to catch up and taking chances to score and Baldwin capitalizing on those missed chances. From a coaching perspective: “It wasn’t fun to lose our final game in a contest we

didn’t play all that well in. For the most part the effort was there but we just made too many mental mistakes to give us a chance to swipe the game. We played tight, nervous, indecisive for most of the game.” — from NW Icemen

Registration date set for youth baseball SPOONER - The Spooner Youth Baseball Association registration for the 2016 season will be held on Saturday, March 5, from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at the Spooner Middle School Commons area/gym. Players of levels T-ball through Babe Ruth should plan on registering during this time. Division placement is based on grade level. This year plans have been made to divide the former majors level into two divisions, third and fourth grades will be combined and separate from fifth and sixth grades.

Registration fees are $25 for T-ball and $30 for all other divisions. If cost is an issue email SpoonerYouthBaseball@gmail. com or contact a board member. Funds are available for everyone to participate. Participants in third through sixth grades are asked to bring tennis shoes, glove and follow this schedule for practice times the morning of registration: all registrations held in the middle school commons: 8:30 a.m., third grade and then work out with the coaches at 9 a.m.; 9:30 a.m., fourth grade, and then work out with

the coaches at 10 a.m.; 10:30 a.m., fifth grade, and then work out with the coaches at 11 a.m.; 11:30, sixth grade and then work out with the coaches at noon. Siblings may register and practice at the same time. Those in kindergarten through second grade, and seventh and eighth grade can register at any time during the morning. Questions about registration may be directed to Terry Klein at 715-416-0454 or SpoonerYouthBaseball@gmail.com. — from SASD



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Shell Lake sends three to Independence Sectional

Larry Samson | Staff writer OSSEO - Shell Lake sent three wrestlers to the Independence Division 3 Wrestling Tournament held Saturday, Feb. 20. Wrestling were Bob Bontekoe in the 138-pound weight class, Dominic Hopke in the 145pound weight class and Devin Guggenberger in the 285-pound weight class. While none of the three Lakers placed to advance to the state tournament, they all gained experience that they can use for next year. Hopke took fourth, missing out on going to state when he lost a 5-1 decision to Cody Frederick of Boyceville. Hopke lost his first round and had to wrestle back to get to the third-place round. Hopke is a junior and will be even stronger next year. Bontekoe wrestled against Brock Schlough of Boyceville and was elimi-

nated when he lost to Makenze Schuh of Durand. Wrestling in his first year, Guggenberger was eliminated when he lost to Brendan Soulier of Bayfield/Washburn. Will Christ is in his second year as head coach for the Lakers. He is assisted by Steve Naglosky and Jake Naessen. Spring Valley was the top team with a score of 182 points followed by Boyceville with 115 points, Cumberland with 88.5 points, Clear Lake with 68 points and St Croix Falls with 52 points. Spring Valley/Elmwood will advance to state in the team tournament after they beat Cumberland 60-18 in the first-place round on Tuesday, Feb. 16.

Photos by Marty Seeger

Devin Guggenberger goes up against Brendan Soulier of Bayfield/Washburn in the 285-pound weight class at the Independence Sectionals held Saturday, Feb. 20, in Osseo.

Making his first appearance at the sectionals, Bob Bontekoe goes up against Makenze Schuh of Durand in the consolation round.

Dominic Hopke lost a close 9-8 decision to Josh Conrad of Independence/Gilmanton in the first round. Hopke wrestled back to place fourth in the 145-pound weight class.

Shell Lake students fish at WIFA SHAWANO – Over 500 teenagers from across the state, making up 55 teams, headed out on the ice before the sun was up Saturday morning, Feb. 20. The students were participating in the Wisconsin Interscholastic Fishing Association 2016 High School Ice-Fishing State Championship on Shawano Lake in Shawano. The tournament ran from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. The teams had up to 10 teens per team, plus two adult coaches. The coaches were not allowed to fish or even touch any lines during the tourney, the kids had to do all the work. This was Shell Lake’s first year with an ice-fishing team and they had seven members who were able to travel to Shawano for the weekend. “We took off on Friday afternoon and attended a tournament meeting and pizza party. The kids fished hard all day! We ended up catching six pike and only two panfish,” stated coach Rikki Pardun. Scoring was based on inches in the game fish category: top five pike, top five bass, and one walleye. Panfish were to be placed in a bucket of water and brought to the judges at the end of the tournament. “We were allowed our top five perch, crappie and bluegill. The panfish were weighed together and multiplied by 12 and then added to the total inches from the game fish,” commented Pardun. Shell Lake ended up coming in 37th out of 55 teams. The students who competed were John Green, Jordan Hill, Noah Haines, Lucas Fogelberg, Bryanna Davies, Lanae Paulson and Gwen Fiorito. Man-

A team of Shell Lake students participated in the Wisconsin Interscholastic Fishing Association High School Ice-Fishing State Championship in Shawano on Saturday, Feb. 20. — Photo by Rikki Pardun. — Photo by Rikki Pardun ager Camryn Nasman also attended. “This being our first year with a team, it was definitely a learning year for me as

a coach. Now we know what to expect for next year and I am excited for the 2017 season. We have a large number of up-

coming freshmen who want to join the team and I am confident we will place in the top 10.” — from Shell Lake Schools



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Tough week for Laker basketball teams

Larry Samson | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - As the basketball season winds down, the girls playoffs start this week and the boys playoffs start Tuesday, March 1. Both Laker girls and boys programs have struggled over the season to win games. The boys will most likely finish the season without a win in spite of having some tall players playing hard. The team has been rebuilding under coach Dave Bouchard and should be competitive next year as the team matures and gains experience. They will be losing three seniors this year as Zach Melton, Drew Johnson and Nathaniel Wingler will be graduating. Shell

Lake has an outstanding group of junior high and JV players competing for their positions. The girls team finished 0-12 in the Lakeland Central Conference with four nonconference wins. The team, under coach Dan Kevan, has struggled to win games in spite of having some outstanding players. They are a young team with three seniors, Amanda Brereton, Lindsey Martin and Sheri Clark. Clark has been one of the top scorers for Shell Lake this year. A very talented group of JV players will be moving up next year. They have had a winning year under coach Jim DeLadi.

Luke Pokorny with a jump shot late in the game to bring Shell Lake within four points before Webster put away the game winning 57-48.

Senior Drew Johnson, with a light touch, puts the ball into the basket in a good game against Webster, a nonconference game in Shell Lake on Tuesday, Feb. 16.

Evan Hungerbuhler with a jump shot against the Webster defense. He was the top scorer for Shell Lake with 14 points.

Photos by Larry Samson LEFT: Cassidy Schroeder scores two points on a fast break layup. Tingo Mosher from Webster is defending her.

Sheri Clark gets the jump shot off against Webster defenders Lydia Wilson and Tingo Mosher. Shell Lake lost 55-42 to Webster in a nonconference home game on Tuesday, Feb. 16.

Heidi Steines with a jump shot under the basket.



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Spooner Parents Night held

Ben Bray escorts his parents, Bruce and Laura Bray, at Parents Night at Spooner on Feb. 19.

Photos by Larry Samson

Josh Berkesch escorts his mother, Vanessa Berkesch, out on the court during a special ceremony before the start of the game.

Hopke’s 100th win

LEFT: Trey Nelson with his mother, Penny Bearheart, were recognized at the Spooner boys basketball Parents Night held Friday, Feb. 19. It is a night to thank the parents of the players for their support.

Laker fans

Dominic Hopke earned his 100th match win at the regional wrestling meet held Saturday, Feb. 13, in Cumberland. The Shell Lake junior poses with his father, Pete Hopke, and his former coach, Kyle Balts. — Photo by Danette Hopke

Find us online @ wcregisteronline.com WINTER SPORTS

SCHEDULE Boys basketball The Shell Lake basketball fans have a lot to cheer for even though their favorite team is not winning many games. Shown back row (L to R): Cody Wayne Swan, Cody Joe Swan, Chloe Swan and McKenzie Hill. Front: Shauna Swan, Emily Swan and Olivia Berquam. — Photo by Larry Samson

Thursday, Feb. 25: Versus Drummond, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 1: Regional, Shell Lake at Solon Springs High School, 7 p.m.



Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Wayne Lee Kibler Wayne Lee Kibler, 72, Shell Lake, died Friday, Jan. 29, 2016, at his home. A full obituary will be run nearer the service date this summer.

Skinner Funeral Home of Shell Lake is serving the family.

The Register is your community connection.

Lenten services SHELL LAKE - Area churches will be holding special Lenten services leading up to the celebration of Easter. Salem Lutheran Church, 803 Second St., Shell Lake, and United Methodist Church of Shell Lake, 135 Reinhart Dr., have released the following schedule for the Lenten season. Wednesday, Feb. 24: 6 p.m. - Salem; soup supper to follow; the Rev. Steve Miller will preach. Wednesday, March 2: 6 p.m. – UMCSL; soup supper to follow; the Rev. Susan Odegard will preach. Wednesday, March 9: 6 p.m. - Salem;


soup supper to follow; the Rev. Steve Miller will preach. Wednesday, March 16: 6 p.m. – UMCSL; soup supper to follow; the Rev. Susan Odegard will preach. Maundy Thursday, March 24: 6 p.m. – Salem. Good Friday, March 25: 1 p.m. – UMC-SL. Easter Sunday, March 27: 9 a.m. – Salem worship service; 10 a.m. – Appalachia kids and parents make and serve breakfast. ••• BARRONETT - Barronett Lutheran

will have soup and sandwich supper starting at 6 p.m. and then the Lenten service starting at 7 p.m. every Wednesday evening. ••• STONE LAKE – First Lutheran Church and Stone Lake Wesleyan will be sharing joint Lenten services. Pastor Ed Anderson and Pastor Tim Young will be leading the services, respectively. Living Lent is the theme for this year’s service series. Good Friday service will not be serving soup and sandwiches. All of the other Lenten services will have soup and sandwiches starting at 6 p.m. The service

will begin at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24, First Lutheran Church with the topic people. Wednesday, March 2, Stone Lake Wesleyan Church with the topic proclaim. Wednesday, March 9, First Lutheran Church with the topic praise. Wednesday, March 16, Stone Lake Wesleyan Church with the topic pain. Friday, March 25: Good Friday service will be at Stone Lake Wesleyan. Sunday, March 27: Easter services will be at respective churches. •••

Marian Furchtenicht

We had some really mild days. A February thaw. Our roads were kind of slippery and slushy and it poured rain as I was coming home from physical therapy on Friday. The truck plow was around and bladed them off in our town that evening. Barron County snowmobile trails closed as of Friday, Feb. 20, as trails were deteriorating. Sam and Jake West, Roger Lundeen, Randy Carlson and Russel Furchtenicht took a snowmobile run on Thursday while we still had some decent snow for it. Rocky and Pat Semm’s daughter, Mary Doanes, and daughter Nicole from Rice Lake visited them Sunday. Dave and Cathy Stodola, Hudson, were up to his mom’s, Virginia Stodola’s, on Saturday and then went grocery shopping in Spooner. There were 37 voters at the Sarona polls on Tuesday, Feb. 16, mostly folks that are in the Spooner School District were the ones that showed up. Sam and Libbie DeTrent got back recently after flying out to Denver, Colo., for a five-day visit with his daughter and her husband, stepson and their new baby boy. They have six granddaughters and now a grandson. While there they did some sightseeing and shopping. On Sunday they got together with a group at Curt and Julie

Stein’s, which included Doug and Sandi Rudolph, Don and Lorna Kology and Mary Thostenson. Harold and Karen Stephen, Dave and Kelly Stoner, and Willie and Vicki Lombard went ice fishing on Lake 30 Sunday. It was a beautiful day, kind of wet though. Among the folks that have left us recently is Teryl Lee Schneider, 76, Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She grew up in Haugen, the daughter of Vey and Violet West and the niece of the late Orville Crotteau here in West Sarona. Sympathy from Sarona folks. Elfreda West’s girls, Janet Donetell and Ellen Wagner, attended the funeral at Skinner Funeral Home Thursday evening. Diana Steinbuch, 49, Sarona, passed away Feb. 15. She was born to Robert and Wilhelmina Ann (Vonderheid) Steinbuch. Her mom was the late Billie Ann Schlosser. A service was held for her at Dahl’s in Spooner on Friday evening. Cindy Furchtenicht attended the service. Diana was an aunt of Cindy’s grands, Paige and Pearl Coulter. Sympathy is extended. Karen Esperseth Stephan’s mother in Dallas, Wis., has also died. Sympathy to the family. Elaine Ryan is feeling some better. She spent from Sunday until Tuesday in the hospital in Shell Lake with respiratory problems. She has visited me a few times,

coming down to work on our picture puzzles. Jim Bird, Jackson, Wis., visited me one day last week when he was working in the area. He was also at Bonnie Helmer’s. Daughter Mary and John Marschall had their kids and myself over for supper on Thursday night. There was no special occasion. Great-grand Grant is almost 2 now and is such a joy to be around. Bonnie Helmer visited and had noon lunch with me on Sunday. Happy birthday wishes this week to Mary Krantz, Sandi Vogt, Marian Bray, Trisha Zaloudek, Roger Lundeen, Feb. 25; Doriee Magnes, Stacey Fox, Mike Gallo, Bobbie Halverson, Nathan Odden, Feb. 26; Kelly Stoner, Wencl Mancl, Janet Bredlau, Peter Rothers, Roy Spexet, Joshua Studt, Karla Holt, Feb. 27; Kristi Krantz, Pearl Coulter, Sandi Hagen, Breken Frey turns 1, Feb. 28; Matt Krantz and Jamie Joslin have their own special day this year, Feb. 29; and Jim Hubin, Caleb Odden and Sheren Walley, March 2. Have a fun one! “I’ll never be over the hill; I’m too tired to climb it!”

ven McCain, 18, Danbury, was driving a 2001 Chevy Silverado when it slid into the ditch on Hwy. 53 in the Town of Sarona. No injuries were reported and the vehicle was removed from the ditch by a tow truck. On Thursday, Feb. 11, at approximately 6:30 p.m., Kelly Curtis, 54, Shell Lake, was westbound on Hilltop Road just east of Little Long Lake Road in the Town of Bashaw when she hit a deer with the 2015 Buick Enclave she was driving. No injuries were reported but the vehicle had moderate damage to the front and front driver’s side. On Friday, Feb. 12, at approximately 2:55 a.m., Douglas Fisher, 19, Bruce, was driving a 1995 GMC Jimmy when it slid into the ditch on CTH A in the Town of Stone Lake. No injuries were reported and the vehicle was removed from the ditch by a tow truck. On Friday, Feb. 12, at approximately 8:50 p.m., Kathleen Talbert, 52, Trego, was southbound on Hwy. 53 just south of Oakridge Drive in the Town of Brooklyn when the 2006 Mercury Montego she was driving made a sud-

den swerve, crossed the southbound fast-traffic lane and went into the median. The vehicle hit a large rock before coming to a rest. Talbert was not injured. Her vehicle had moderate damage to the front and undercarriage and was towed. It is believed that the accident was the result of the vehicle’s steering tie-rod breaking. On Sunday, Feb. 14, at approximately 8:02 p.m., Thomas Carroll, 43, Minong, was driving on Hwy. 77 about three miles west of the village of Minong when the 1999 Jeep he was driving slid into the ditch. No injuries were reported and the vehicle was removed from the ditch by a tow truck. On Monday, Feb. 15, at approximately 6:15 a.m., Jennifer Nicolai, 44, Eau Claire, was southbound on Hwy. 63 near the intersection of Hayward Road in the Town of Stinnett when she lost control of the 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix she was driving. The vehicle spun out, hit a stop sign and came to rest facing north. No injuries were reported. The vehicle had minor damage to the driver side including a smashed-out window. The vehicle was towed from the scene. On Tuesday, Feb. 16, at approximately 7:55 a.m., Tina Kronstad, 25, Rice Lake, was driving a 2003 Dodge Stratus on Hwy. 53 in the Town of Trego when it slid into the median. No injuries were reported and the vehicle was removed by a tow truck. — Danielle Danford with information from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office

ACCIDENT REPORT On Tuesday, Feb. 9, at approximately 6:50 a.m., Adam Jacobs, 36, Sarona, attempted to pull out onto Hwy. 53 with his 2003 Mercury Sable from the CTH D intersection in the Town of Sarona when the vehicle lost traction in the snow and slush and stopped. Karen Lee, 45, Birchwood, following Jacobs into the intersection driving her 2002 Chevy Blazer, attempted to brake and slid into Jacobs’ vehicle due to the road conditions. No injuries were reported. Jacobs’ vehicle had moderate damage to the rear. Lee’s vehicle had minor damage to the front. On Tuesday, Feb. 9, at approximately 8:58 p.m., Tyler Revak, 17, Spooner, was driving a 2000 Ford Explorer on CTH K, about a mile south of CTH E in the Town of Trego, when he attempted to brake for the vehicle driving in front of him. Revak spun around 180 degrees and went into the west ditch. Before law enforcement arrived on the scene, Revak’s vehicle had been pulled out of the ditch by a passerby. No injuries or damage were reported. On Thursday, Feb. 11, at approximately 7:12 a.m., Ste-

St. Francis de Sales School Presents

Thursday, March 3, 7 p.m. Friday, March 4, 7 p.m. Saturday, March 5, 1 p.m. Adults $5

Students $3

642162 28-29r 18b

Based on the DreamWorks Animation Motion Picture and the Book by William Steig Book and Lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire Music by Jeanine Tesori

Reservations may be made by calling the school office at 715-635-2774.

In Memory Of

Deb (Debbie Danyo) Glessing

Danyo Siblings: Jim, Gary, Debbie, Gayle My dear sister, Debbie, “left the party” way too soon. She passed away January 2, 2012, at the young age of 55. She would have been 60 this February. I have a gazing-ball memorial in my backyard with a plaque that says, “Forever Remembered, Forever Missed.” How true ... how true. You were our sunshine. 640785 28rp


WALTER BELL MEMORIAL Red Brick Cafe Barronett, WI

Sat., Feb. 27 Starts at 2 p.m. 642040 28rp

Every page is in color in our e-edition. Subscribe online at wcregisteronline.com


AREA CHURCHES Episcopal St. Alban’s

53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Sunday at 10:30 a.m.


293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Pastoral Administrator Father Bala Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Pastoral Administrator Father Bala 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Pastoral Administrator Father Bala 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.


Long Lake Lutheran Church

Full Gospel

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

Shell Lake Full Gospel

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.


Barronett Lutheran

Trinity Lutheran

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m. (Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

Life now and life eternal enfolds us in God’s love. So choose life: life for now and life forever. Make your choice this week in church.

Psalm 63:1-8

Cornerstone Christian

Trego Community Church

Pastor Bill Lee W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.

United Methodist

Sarona Methodist

God wants life eternal for us.

Isaiah 55:1-9



135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

od is love.

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School. Office hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon. trinityspooner.org

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran

Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.



Lake Park Alliance

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Sunday, February 28, 2016 Third Sunday in Lent


ave you ever met someone who did not like their name? Perhaps it reminded them of a person who disturbed them in one way or another. Or it may have represented something that was offensive to them. Maybe it sounded like a girl’s name or a boy’s name or a sissy’s name. Then we are occasionally given names by the way we act or what we do or even how we look. David knew there was something unique and special about a name that was above every other name. He knew that there was one name that represented the solution for the problems of mankind. He understood the significance of that name. He knew that the road for man to recover from the fall - from destruction and death to happiness and heaven - was in that name. “Save me, O God, by your name; vindicate me by your might.” In asking God to save him, David wanted God to deliver him from his sinful condition - even though the Savior had not come and completed his work on the cross. He was well aware of his sins and shortcomings and knew that there was nothing he could do to rescue or redeem himself. Only a gracious God who had rescued his children from times of destruction and death in the past could do the same for him in the present. He knew God’s power from “his-story” in the past as he brought his children to their Promised Land. When David called on God’s name in prayer, he brought God into that moment in his life. He needed God to be with him, hear him, save him and deliver him.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses: OPEN 24 HOURS Shell Lake State Bank MeadowView Washburn County Your Locally Owned & Controlled Bank Shell Lake: 715-468-7858 A FULL Spooner: 715-635-7858 SERVICE Minong: 715-466-1061 BANK Stone Lake: 715-957-0082 Sarona: 715-469-3331 MEMBER HOUSING FDIC EQUAL www.shelllakestatebank.com LENDER

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South End Of Spooner




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Marriage licenses

Brian L Sieracki, Trego, and Melinda K. Wheeler, Trego, issued Feb. 2. Rafael L. Rodriguez, Shell Lake, and Kayla A. Sargent, Shell Lake, issued Feb. 9.

Matthew J. Martin, Sarona, and Michelle L. Voight, Sarona, issued Feb. 14.

Local classifieds

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715468-2910. 2rtfc ELIMINATE HIGH HEATING COSTS: Central Boiler’s all-new Classic Edge outdoor wood furnace. Call today! Northwest Wisconsin Ent. 715-5207477 or 715-635-3511. 26-28rc

INDIANHEAD RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB GUN SHOW: Ray Kangas Productions. April 9, Spooner High School, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., CTH K, Spooner. $5. All firearm laws must be observed. Anyone under 18 will not be admitted unless accompanied by a parent. Children under 16 free, accompanied by an adult. Tim, 715-635-2319. 28-34rc

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper


Ronald and Gloria Larson request a variance at 919 Burgs Park Drive, Shell Lake, WI 54871, BURGS PARK LOT 13 BLOCK 3 DOC# 322867 QC to construct an addition to the primary residence that would require a variance to reduce the side yard setback. Zoning Classification: Single-Family Residential Lake (RL1). Zoning Ordinance Sec. 13-1-176. A public hearing will be held on this matter Monday, March 7, 2016, at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. If you have any questions or wish to comment on this request, please contact me at 715-645-0991. Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 642154 28-29r WNAXLP

Ryan J. Baade, Hayward, disorderly conduct, $243.00, local jail, costs. Kerry A. Davis, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Dennis K. Fogelberg, Gordon, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Dakota L. Gates, Spooner, expose child to harmful material, $518.00, probation, sent. withheld. Jessica L. McLain, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Corey D. Oja, Spooner, ignition interlock device tampering, failure to install, $350.00. Brent M. Olson, Trego, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Rafael L. Rodriguez, Shell Lake, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Andrey L.S. Todd, Trego, possession of THC, $443.00, probation, sent. withheld; possess drug paraphernalia, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Joshua E. Wallace, Spooner, operating without valid license, $299.00. Richard A. Wylie, Danbury, possession of methamphetamine, $518.00, state prison, costs, extended supervision. Nancy D. Andrews, Danbury, speeding, $225.70. Balsam Branch Transport Inc., Balsam Lake, violation of special weight limits, $1,726.37. Jamie L. Berg, Gordon, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Christopher P. Bolstad, Baldwin, speeding, $175.30. Adam J. Buchman, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Thomas R. Carlson, Proctor, Minn., interstate/intrastate driving requirements, $200.50. Jesse D. Casady, Webster, operating without valid license, $200.50. Steven R. Chavarria, Siren/ Webster, operating while suspended, $200.50; speeding, $175.30. Emilia C. Chumas-Skaw, New Auburn, speeding, $200.50. George A. Ciesinski, Minong, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Kelly J. Curtis, Webster, failure to yield when emerging from alley, $175.30. Ricky A. Dodge, Shell Lake, place/possess/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $258.10.


The Lakeland Manor in Shell Lake is now accepting applications for housing. Our affordable apartments are income based. We promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.

For more information on the benefits of living at the Lakeland Manor, please 641737 call 715-468-2730. 16-17b 27-28r

Webb R. Epperson, Lake Helen, Fla., speeding, $250.00. Jacob T. Fadness, Springbrook, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Lee A. Ferguson, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Bradley K. Frost, Springbrook, disorderly conduct, $200.00. Michael E. Geraghty, Mendota Heights, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Randall S. Geschke, Somerset, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; speeding, $175.30. Jesse S.A. Grover, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Christopher P. Guiberg, Rochester, Minn., fishing with greater legal number of lines/baits, $182.70. Sawyer L. Hageny, Stone Lake, illegally operating ATV or UTV on/in vicinity of highway, $200.50. Amber G. Hall, Siren, speeding, $200.50. Anthony T. Hanish, Tonka Bay, Minn., operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Lisa L. Hanson, Spooner, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Michael S. Harris, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Aaron C. Holtebeck, Milwaukee, speeding, $175.30; nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Steven J. Hulleman, Shell Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Aaron J. Hushagen, Richfield, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Martin D. Ingalls, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00; nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Kyle T. Judd, Hayward, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Tarek Khalife, Bessemer, Mich., speeding, $200.50. Kelly L. Korthof, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. James R. Larson, Spooner, speeding, $175.30. Morgan R. Levan, Shell Lake, speeding, $250.90. Gina L. McSweeney, Spooner, speeding, $225.70. Dustin L. Metzig, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Kailee J. Mortensen, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Tiffany M. Nelson, Coon Rapids, Minn., speeding, $175.30.

Gary J. Noble, Owatonna, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Carrie D. Romsos, Shell Lake, speeding, $200.50. Lucas T. Ryan, Richfield, Minn., violate red traffic light, $175.30. Jill M. Schmalz-Washkuhn, Eau Claire, speeding, $200.50. John L. Schmuecker, Atkins, Iowa, speeding, $200.50. Brandon T. Skille, Spooner, failure to notify police of accident, $389.50. Ronald E. Skold, Webster, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Shane P. Slayton, Almond, speeding, $175.30. Douglas M. Sorbie, Birchwood, place, use, or hunt over illegal bait/ feed for bear hunting, bear dog training or deer hunting, $343.50. James G. Stahn, St. Paul, Minn., place material, feed/attract wild animals, $343.50. Vicky D. St. Pierre, E. Hampton, Ma., speeding, $175.30. Crystal S. Streitz, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50 operating while suspended, $200.50. Catherine S. Sturtze, Minong, seat belt violation, $10.00. Eric D. Swan, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00. Jamie M. Taylor, Shell Lake, transferee failure to apply for new vehicle title, $175.30. Mary L. Taylor, Webster, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Austin D. Thoreen, Grantsburg, speeding, $200.50. Robert A. Truitt, Webster, display unauthorized vehicle registration plate, $238.30. Rodney W. Tucker, Spooner, operating while suspended, $200.50; speeding, $200.50. McKenzie B. Tuerk, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Alex W. Tuerk, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Kent G. Wartick, Hobart, Ind., speeding, $175.00. John A. White, Spooner, speeding, $200.50. Samantha K. Zeien, Springbrook, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Joshua A. Zopp, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00.


Scott Farley, Owner, Farley Auto Body Repair, N3379 Midway Road, Shell Lake, WI 54871, requests a conditional use permit for Anderson Addition (CSL) Lot 6 DOC #367181 SHER to the Industrial/Business Park (230 Industrial Blvd.) to purchase an existing warehouse to convert into an auto body repair shop for the purpose of restoring vehicles. Zoning District: Industrial-Light (I-2). Zoning Ordinance Section 13-182 through 13-1-90 Conditional Uses. A public hearing will be held on this matter Monday, March 7, 2016, at 4:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 501 First Street, Shell Lake, WI. Clinton R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 642197 28-29r WNAXLP


Nexen is a leading manufacturer of industrial clutches and brakes, precision linear and rotary motion control devices and control systems. Responsibilities will include maintaining product forecast, responsible business system metrics and parameters, along with planning and controlling material scheduling activities, while balancing targeted inventory levels and ensuring customer on-time delivery objectives are met. Reviews priorities, reports problem areas and takes or recommends appropriate action. Answer inquiries concerning production work status and material availability. Lead daily production meeting and communicate status or changes of material plans, forecast, work in process and customer requirements to appropriate departments and management. Qualified candidates will have a minimum BA/BS degree - Business or Technical. Four or more years’ experience in a high-mix, low-volume manufacturing environment preferred, along with at least two years in a materials management position. Strong understanding of Process Management and Lean Principles. APICS and ISM certifications are preferred. Should be a self-starter, organized and analytical with excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Must be able to work in a team environment and always maintain a professional demeanor. Strong computer skills including, word processing, spreadsheets and databases. Must also have strong problem solving, analytical and interpersonal skills, and be able to work independently. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package. If you are interested in joining a dynamic and forward-looking company, and have a positive and enthusiastic approach to work, fax or send a resume to:


Human Resources 26837 Industrial Avenue • Webster, WI 54893 Fax 715-866-6350 materials@nexengroup.com 641724 Equal Opportunity Employer

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642170 28r




Shell Lake FFA members attend speaking contest

SPOONER - Shell Lake FFA competed in the district speaking contest Monday, Feb. 8, at Spooner High School. “We had great participation and great results,” stated Jen Bos, adviser. Students and teams that earned a first or second have qualified for sectional competition, which will be held Wednesday, March 9, in Clear Lake. Shell Lake results are: Cassie Skattebo, fifth place, Creed Speaking; Sydney Schunck, first place, Prepared Speaking; Marty Anderson, second place, Discussion; Courtney Melton, sixth place, and Jordyn Monson, fifth place, Job Interview. The Parli Pro Team took first. Team members are Clare Walker, Katie Crosby, Jerney Meister, Jordyn Monson and Madeline Hopke. The seventh-grade quiz bowl team took second and the eighth-grade quiz bowl team took first. — from Shell Lake FFA Participating in the FFA District Speaking Contest on Feb. 8 in Spooner were back row (L to R): Cassie Skattebo, Katie Crosby, Marty Anderson, Clare Walker and Jerney Meister. Front: Sydney Schunck, Jordyn Monson, Courtney Melton and Madeline Hopke. — Photos submitted

Girl Scout cookies for sale

Members of the Shell Lake FFA Quiz Bowl teams are back row (L to R): Mrs. Bos, Seth Symond, Will Fisher and Joe Uchytil. Front: Steph Carrillo, Mikenzi Miller and Megan Anderson, with state The Shell Lake Girl Scouts were selling cookies at the Shell Lake State Bank on Saturday, Feb. FFA Secretary​Maddi Colbeth. 20, as part of their annual fundraiser. Shown (L to R): Addison Brown, Indy Brown, Sophia Bernier and Emerson Kubista. — Photo by Larry Samson

Shell Lake school menu Breakfast Thursday, Feb. 25: Grades K-2: Muffin. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Grades 3-12: Oatmeal with fixings. Friday, Feb. 26: Grades K-12: Apple or cherry frudel. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast. Monday, Feb. 29: Grades K-12: Mini cinni roll. Grades 3-12: Bagel and cream cheese. Tuesday, March 1: Grades K-12: Pancakes and sausage. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, March 2: Grades K-12: Cereal and toast. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, March 3: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Friday, March 4: Grades K-12: Laker pizza. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast. Monday, March 7: Grades K-12: Pop-Tart with cheese stick. Grades 3-12: Mini cinni roll. Tuesday, March 8: Grades K-12: Waffles and fruit. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, March 9: Grades K-2: Cereal and toast. Grades K-12: Sausage and cheese on English muffin. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, March 10: Grades K-2: Muffin. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread or oatmeal with fixings. Friday, March 11: Grades K-12: Apple or cherry Frudel. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar, toast. Monday, March 14: Grades K-12: Mini cinni roll. Grades 3-12: Bagel and cream cheese. Tuesday, March 15: Grades K-12: Pancakes and sausage. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, March 16: Grades K-12: Cereal and toast. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round.

Thursday, March 17: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Friday, March 18: Grades K-12: Laker pizza. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast. Monday, March 21: Grades K-12: Pop-Tart with cheese stick. Grades 3-12: Mini cinni roll. Tuesday, March 22: Grades K-12: Waffles and fruit. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, March 23: Grades K-2: Cereal and toast. Grades K-12: Sausage and cheese on English muffin. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, March 24: No school. Easter break. Friday, March 25: No school. Easter break. Monday, March 28: No school. Easter break. Tuesday, March 29: Grades K-12: Mini cinni roll. Grades 3-12: Bagel and cream cheese. Wednesday, March 30: Grades K-12: Cereal and toast. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, March 31: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students. Lunch Thursday, Feb. 25: Grades K-12: Hot Italian sub. Grades 7-12: Mozzarella dippers. Friday, Feb. 26: Grades K-12: Penne with meat sauce. Monday, Feb. 29: Grades K-12: Corn dog with macaroni and cheese. Tuesday, March 1: Grades K-12: Loaded nachos. Grades 7-12: Bean and cheese burrito. Wednesday, March 2: Grades K-12: Build a burger. Grades 7-12: Hot dog. Thursday, March 3: Grades K-12: Hot ham and cheese. Grades 7-12: Spicy chicken sandwich. Friday, March 4: Grades K-12: Chicken Alfredo.

Monday, March 7: Grades K-12: Potato bowl. Tuesday, March 8: Grades K-12: Tacos. Grades 7-12: Chicken strip wrap. Wednesday, March 9: Grades K-12: BBQ pulled pork sandwich. Grades 7-12: Cheese quesadilla. Thursday, March 10: Grades K-12: Mozzarella dippers. Grades 7-12: Pizza calzone. Friday, March 11: Grades K-12: Sloppy joe. Monday, March 14: Grades K-12: Baked potato bar. Tuesday, March 15: Grades K-12: Ham, turkey and cheese sub. Grades 7-12: Meatball sub. Wednesday, March 16: Grades K-12: Chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes. Grades 7-12: Bean and cheese burrito. Thursday, March 17: Grades K-12: Hot dog. Grades 7-12: Cheese or pepperoni pizza. Friday, March 18: Grades K-12: Homemade lasagna. Monday, March 21: Grades K-12: Chicken fajita. Tuesday, March 22: Grades K-12: Orange chicken and rice bowl. Grades 7-12: Burrito and rice bowl. Wednesday, March 23: Grades K-12: Mini cheese ravioli. Grades 7-12: Corn dogs. Thursday, March 24: No school. Easter break. Friday, March 25: No school. Easter break. Monday, March 28: No school. Easter break. Tuesday, March 29: Grades K-12: Grilled cheese and soup. Wednesday, March 30: Grades K-12: Chicken and gravy over whole-grain biscuit. Grades 7-12: Spicy chicken sandwich. Thursday, March 31: Grades K-12: Hot Italian subs. Grades 7-12: Mozzarella dippers. Menus subject to change. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Greek Week held at Shell Lake Elementary School

Playing Greek goddesses are Rhianna Johnson, Maddie Naglosky and Hailey Ziemer. They researched and role-played the parts.

Tristan Kemp is a Greek warrior in a play produced by the Shell Lake sixth-grade class on Friday, Feb. 19, as part of Greek Week. The sixth-graders spent the week studying the ancient Greek culture.

Photos by Larry Samson

Music department prepares for Cabaret The Shell Lake High School music department will present their annual Cabaret on Saturday, March 5, 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake Arts Center. The music event will feature the Shell Lake jazz ensembles and Tonal Recall vocal ensemble. An evening of relaxing community fellowship with hors d’oeuvres served and prizes raffled off is planned. Shown is music director Ben Kunselman at last year’s performance. — File photo

This handmade quilt by Amy Skattebo will be raffled off at the annual Shell Lake music department’s Cabaret. Shell Lake High School and Middle School music ensembles will provide an evening of entertainment. — Photo submitted

642232 28rp

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