WCR | Feb 3 | 2016

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Feb. 3, 2016

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 25 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• Art of Film series, “Force Majeure” at Shell Lake Arts Center • Becky Caney spaghetti feed benefit @ Spooner See calendar on page 6 for details


Reunion for classmates

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Lego Night at the library Page 2

Wisconsin airmen fueling the flight over Southwest Asia Page 5

The Laker Way Page 23

Laker matmen take dual meet conference title Page 12

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Isaac Hopke stands next to his old friend, Kenny Shaw. There is three years’ difference in age between the two. Shaw is a former Shell Lake student who now wrestles for New Richmond. He was at the Shell Lake Challenge Wrestling Tournament on Saturday, Jan. 23. It was a reunion for the New Richmond freshman as he got to see his old classmates. — Photo by Larry Samson

Highway commissioner appointed and in the highway shop. Danielle Danford | Staff writer County highway departments are responSHELL LAKE - The Washburn sible for maintaining county County Highway Department has roads and the state trunk higha new commissioner as of Jan. 19. ways within their borders. Their Frank Scalzo, a 37-year employee work involves snow removal, of the county, was appointed to the salting and maintenance of these position by the Washburn County transportation routes. The deBoard of Supervisors at their Janupartment contracts with the state ary meeting. to perform their projects. The de“I started out in the field, my partment can construct and mainthing was grader operator and I tain roads for cities, villages and loved doing that, but I’ve ridden towns. The department also hanall the equipment we have over the dles the reconstruction of dams years,” said Frank Scalzo. Later in within the county. his career he transitioned to workThe position of highway coming in the highway shop as the missioner is an appointed posishop foreman. A couple of years Frank Scalzo, a 37-year tion dictated by state statute. down the road Scalzo became shop superintendent. When the last employee of the county, was Close to retirement, Scalzo, at the highway commissioner started, he appointed to the position of request of the highway commitmade Scalzo’s position operations highway commissioner by tee, agreed to stay for at least two manager, which oversaw depart- the county board at their additional years as highway com ment staff and projects in the field January meeting. - Photo by Danielle Danford See Highway commissioner, page 3

Winton seeks district attorney seat WASHBURN COUNTY – Anton has also successfully prosgeline Winton, of Springbrook, is ecuted numerous cases in the announcing her candidacy and inWisconsin Court of Appeals. tention to run in the fall 2016 elecIn addition to her role as Washtion for the office of the Washburn burn County’s assistant prosecuCounty district attorney. tor, Winton has also served for Born in Spooner, Winton earned the last seven years as Burnett her undergraduate degree from County assistant district attorthe University of Wisconsin - Eau ney, while also maintaining a Claire and graduated with honors private law practice in Hayward from William Mitchell College of with her father, Ward Wm. WinLaw in St. Paul, Minn. After being ton, specializing in family law, admitted to the State Bar of Wisreal estate, estate planning, proconsin, Winton returned and built bate and working as a municipal a home in Washburn County. attorney for various towns and Angeline Winton. – villages. In January of 2009, she accepted the position of Washburn County Photo by Lesa Ann Molitor/ Winton is eager to continue to assistant district attorney and has LesaAnnMolitor.com. serve her community and looks been honored to represent her comforward to doing so in the future munity in that capacity ever since, successfully as Washburn County district attorney. — from prosecuting a variety of matters ranging from the office of Angeline Winton simple traffic offenses to serious felonies. Win-


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