WCR | Feb 3 | 2016

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Feb. 3, 2016

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 25 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• Art of Film series, “Force Majeure” at Shell Lake Arts Center • Becky Caney spaghetti feed benefit @ Spooner See calendar on page 6 for details


Reunion for classmates

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Lego Night at the library Page 2

Wisconsin airmen fueling the flight over Southwest Asia Page 5

The Laker Way Page 23

Laker matmen take dual meet conference title Page 12

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Isaac Hopke stands next to his old friend, Kenny Shaw. There is three years’ difference in age between the two. Shaw is a former Shell Lake student who now wrestles for New Richmond. He was at the Shell Lake Challenge Wrestling Tournament on Saturday, Jan. 23. It was a reunion for the New Richmond freshman as he got to see his old classmates. — Photo by Larry Samson

Highway commissioner appointed and in the highway shop. Danielle Danford | Staff writer County highway departments are responSHELL LAKE - The Washburn sible for maintaining county County Highway Department has roads and the state trunk higha new commissioner as of Jan. 19. ways within their borders. Their Frank Scalzo, a 37-year employee work involves snow removal, of the county, was appointed to the salting and maintenance of these position by the Washburn County transportation routes. The deBoard of Supervisors at their Janupartment contracts with the state ary meeting. to perform their projects. The de“I started out in the field, my partment can construct and mainthing was grader operator and I tain roads for cities, villages and loved doing that, but I’ve ridden towns. The department also hanall the equipment we have over the dles the reconstruction of dams years,” said Frank Scalzo. Later in within the county. his career he transitioned to workThe position of highway coming in the highway shop as the missioner is an appointed posishop foreman. A couple of years Frank Scalzo, a 37-year tion dictated by state statute. down the road Scalzo became shop superintendent. When the last employee of the county, was Close to retirement, Scalzo, at the highway commissioner started, he appointed to the position of request of the highway commitmade Scalzo’s position operations highway commissioner by tee, agreed to stay for at least two manager, which oversaw depart- the county board at their additional years as highway com ment staff and projects in the field January meeting. - Photo by Danielle Danford See Highway commissioner, page 3

Winton seeks district attorney seat WASHBURN COUNTY – Anton has also successfully prosgeline Winton, of Springbrook, is ecuted numerous cases in the announcing her candidacy and inWisconsin Court of Appeals. tention to run in the fall 2016 elecIn addition to her role as Washtion for the office of the Washburn burn County’s assistant prosecuCounty district attorney. tor, Winton has also served for Born in Spooner, Winton earned the last seven years as Burnett her undergraduate degree from County assistant district attorthe University of Wisconsin - Eau ney, while also maintaining a Claire and graduated with honors private law practice in Hayward from William Mitchell College of with her father, Ward Wm. WinLaw in St. Paul, Minn. After being ton, specializing in family law, admitted to the State Bar of Wisreal estate, estate planning, proconsin, Winton returned and built bate and working as a municipal a home in Washburn County. attorney for various towns and Angeline Winton. – villages. In January of 2009, she accepted the position of Washburn County Photo by Lesa Ann Molitor/ Winton is eager to continue to assistant district attorney and has LesaAnnMolitor.com. serve her community and looks been honored to represent her comforward to doing so in the future munity in that capacity ever since, successfully as Washburn County district attorney. — from prosecuting a variety of matters ranging from the office of Angeline Winton simple traffic offenses to serious felonies. Win-



Lego Night at the library

Dereon Richardson shows the robot he created at the Lego Spooner third-grader Izzy Gaskill is holding the laserclub. His and other robots will be on display until the next club equipped robot she designed and built. Why let the boys have meeting Monday, Feb. 29, which is leap day. all the fun? Britney Wiemeri is proud of the robot she made at the Spooner Memorial Library Lego Club that met Monday, Jan. 25. The event is held the last Monday of every month and it is free to children ages 4-18. Legos are provided for the creations.

Nolan and Carlton Miller are demonstrating the robot that they created. Librarian Angelia Bodislaw is facilitating this program where the children are encouraged to use their creativity.

Photos by Larry Samson

Rylan Baier is a Spooner kindergartener who loves working with Legos and likes being challenged.

Best friends Asher Trudell and Audrianna Bodislaw worked together to create their people-friendly robot.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

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A preview of the primary races

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER - Tuesday, Feb. 16, is the 2016 spring primary election. All voters will vote on the justice of the Supreme Court race. The only local primary will be for the Spooner School Board. The need for a primary in the Spooner School Board election is the result of 10 candidates running for three seats. The primary election will reduce the number of candidates to six. Candidates listed on the primary ballot

are: • Tom Clark • Tim Davis • Jim Dienstl • Chad Gibson • Kevin King • Miles Macone (incumbent) • Nathaniel Melton • Kyle Pierce (incumbent) • Bill Skidmore • Karen Sorenson The only known write-in candidate at this time are Robert Hoellen. A future

story will highlight election rules for write-in candidates. Hoellen is a current school board member, but did not file nomination papers by the deadline. A news release from the school district stated that Hoellen misinterpreted the rules for filing candidacy papers. Because of this he has to run as a write-in. If he has enough votes from the primary he will be placed on the April 5 election ballot. Another item of interest in this election is that Miles Macone, who was appointed

to the board to fill a vacancy, will also be running for a position on the board. A vacancy, even if filled by appointment, must be placed on the next election ballot for the positions remaining term. This position has one year left in its term. After the April 5 election the candidate with the third most votes will get the one-year term.

Voter ID law will be back in effect for this month’s election Elections board is reaching out to public to remind them about policy

Shamane Mills | WPR News STATEWIDE - Wisconsin voters will have to show a photo ID when they go to the polls for the spring primary in about two weeks on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The voter ID law was passed in 2011, but was only in effect for low-turnout elections because of court challenges. The executive director of the Government Accountability Board, Kevin Kennedy, said most people have a driver’s license they can use now that voter ID is required. Others, however, do not. “We just know that there are groups of individuals –­ elderly, poor, minority, students – who are going to have a harder time being prepared,” said Kennedy. “And we want to make sure we do this kind of outreach so that that they do bring the appropriate ID.” The GAB, soon to be replaced by the Elections Commission and Ethics Com-

mission, has created a website to remind people about photo ID and produced a series of public service announcements called Bring it to the Ballot. Kennedy said in 2011, the GAB spent about $700,000 on brochures, radio and TV advertising to educate voters about photo ID. He said some voters were showing photo ID even when the law was on hold by the court. Since May of last year, Kennedy said Wisconsin has had 29 special elections with the photo ID requirement, and that the GAB has learned from those contests. “They’ve been relatively low turnout,” he said. “We’ve had very few provisional ballots, by very few, under 10 total where people did not have their ID at the time.” In that case, voters fill out a provisional ballot and return it with their photo ID later to have their vote count.

Milwaukee residents voting in the Wisconsin fall 2014 election. - AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger

WITC engine repair students ace national exams When it comes to diagnosing and repairing engines, students in WITC’s Motorcycle, Marine and Outdoor Power Product Technician program are at the top of the class. Only halfway through the nine-month program, this year’s students took the Equipment and Engine Training Council’s national certification exams and every student passed handily. Instructor Dave Brown says the EETC administrator was impressed, saying that while WITC students always do well, this group was notable. “I’m really proud of these guys,” Brown says. “It’s an important certification to get and they’ve worked hard to achieve this goal.” The EETC is a national certification for power sports equipment equivalent to the Automobile Service Excellence certification. Students pay to take the exams to receive the respected certification. WITC-New Richmond students receiving the EETC designation are Colin Schulte, Hammond; Dustin Krueger, St. Croix Falls; Jason Haferbecker, Grantsburg; Mike Cook, Cumberland; and Tim Kuschel, St. Paul. Students learn to troubleshoot, service and repair recreational and lawn equipment. For more information about the program, which is now accepting fall applications, visit witc.edu. Shown (L to R) are Krueger, Schulte, instructor Brown, Haferbecker and Cook. Not pictured: Kuschel. - Photo submitted

New highway commissioner/from page 1 missioner. “I definitely know how the highway department operates and what it takes to operate as far as budgeting,” said Scalzo. In his time with the department Scalzo said he has stayed informed of how the many parts of the department function. “I am a very, very strong believer in opportunities for funding, such as grants,” he said. Scalzo recently finished a grant application for a dam project on Birch Lake and he has his sights on another grant for a county road project that will involve overlay of blacktop. The department uses grants to help offset the costs of projects to the county. Looking toward the

future, a cut to the department’s funding would present a challenge. “Right now everything is going smooth but that would be quite a challenge, if funding would ever go less than what it is right now,” he said. One part to maintaining department funding is keeping people busy no matter the season. Measures have already been taken to keep people employed. One action that has already created revenue for the county was the purchase of a new paver and pulverizer. Scalzo explained that the equipment allows for county road construction projects to be done in-house, saving money. The county also contracts

the paving and pulverizing services out to local municipalities to do their road projects, generating revenue. Upcoming projects the department is preparing for include the Birch Lake dam and Pokegama Lake dam. Both dam projects will start this summer. Roughly eight miles of roads will be worked on as well. Scalzo says he will also be bidding on three state projects which will be mostly crack fill or chip seal roadwork. A unique project the department will be undertaking for the state is a road repair like chip seal but called scrub seal. In order to do this project a scrub seal machine will be constructed by the highway

shop. This machine will be built with state funds and shared with any county that wants to use it. For Scalzo the most important part in moving forward is ensuring every person in the department feels involved and part of a team. “I consider everyone here as a team and I like working together to tackle issues,” he said.

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Senate Bill 464 We want good jobs in our part of the state, but we also appreciate clean groundwater and clean air. Before we take risks, especially with air and water, we want to know the facts and have a voice in the debate. We want local control where appropriate, and representation of our interests in Madison when not. We don’t want what happened in Flint, Mich., where an entire city got 20 months of stinky water because of decisions imposed by a nonelected administrator. But today, like in Flint, there is trouble. Far right Republicans are pushing complex bills through the Legislature on development, fish farming and even more

rollback on shoreline protection. According to Kathleen Vineout, “the Towns Association called Senate Bill 464 one of the most damaging bills to local control in recent memory.” It freezes in place laws on an industrial development once any minor related permit is approved. The League of Conservation Voters is warning people now about Assembly Bill 554, which would allow Wisconsin communities to sell city water systems to private, out-of-state companies. Senate Bill 493 about fish farms was introduced one day and in public hearing the next. Fish farms might be a good development idea for us but, as noted in a recent Milwaukee Jour-

nal Sentinel article, it would allow “… digging, dredging and repair work in and around streams and rivers,” and even “to fill in wetlands and grade soil along public waterways,” without DNR oversight. Lakes and streams belong to the public. Fish farming should have a good debate and be done right. We’ve got important water issues looming as good water becomes more precious. Unfortunately, with one-party rule in Madison, secret bill writing and rapid approval on bills affecting our water and air have become the norm. Democrats and moderate Republicans are getting run over by extreme ideology coming

from Tea Party Republicans and the Koch brothers who seem to want to push development at any cost. Some people think the pendulum is simply swinging back, but it is quite a bit more like a wrecking ball. We have unfortunately sent some far-right ideologues to Madison. Like in Flint, we can’t trust them to know what is good for us, especially without open government, plenty of time to understand the issues and robust debate. We need better balance. Gerry Lisi Rice Lake

LETTERS POLICY In general the Register welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to edit or to reject letters for any reason. Letters should be no longer than 400 words in length and contain the signature, address and telephone number of the author. All letter writers will be limited to one published letter per 30 days, with the exception of rebuttals. The number of exchanges between letter writers will be decided by the editor. Thank-you letters are most appropriately published in specially designed box ads. Vulgarity, racial slurs and other mean-spirited, insulting terms are not allowed. Complaints about businesses and individuals involving private matters will not be published. Letter writers should provide sources when citing facts. Opinions expressed in letters are not those of the newspaper but rather those of the individual, who is solely responsible for the letter’s content. Emailed letters are preferred. Letters may be emailed to news@wcregisternewsroom.com or mailed to Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

Few April contests in Washburn County municipalities Most action in Shell Lake; Birchwood contest, Spooner write-in

Gregg Westigard | Staff writer WASHBURN COUNTY - The April 5 elections for the city, village and town boards in Washburn County will be fairly quiet aside from the Shell Lake contests. There is a blank spot on the Spooner ballot and a contest for the Birchwood Village Board. Incumbents are running for re-election unopposed in the village and the Town of Minong. The city of Shell Lake does have a ballot with lots of stories. One person is running for two different positions. There is a blank spot on the council ballot in one ward and a full contest in the other ward, with third place gaining a short term. Mayor Sally Peterson is running for reelection and is being challenged by Terry

Leckel Jr. in one of his two contests. Leckel is also running for the city council. If he is elected to both spots, he would choose which position to accept and the other position would be vacant until the council makes an appointment. Brent Edlin is running unopposed for one of the open alderperson seats in Ward 1. The other incumbent, Chad Shelton, did not file for another term and no one else filed for the office in December so a write-in election will fill the seat. Ward 2 is another story. There are three seats up for election including a one-year position to fill the vacant seat formerly held by Tara Burns who resigned last year. Incumbents Dan Harrington and Ken Schultz are seeking re-election and are joined on the ballot by Tammy Hopke, Kate Folstad and Leckel. Third place in the votes gets a one-year position. The city of Spooner has a blank ballot spot and a write-in election in Ward 4. Larry Stelter is not seeking another term

and no one filed papers for the position in December. In the village of Birchwood Linda Zillmer is not seeking another term as trustee. At the caucus in January Michelle Davis, John Depoister and incumbent Nancy Seffinga were nominated for the two open positions. Birchwood is one of the few villages with a five-member board. All the Washburn County municipal candidates, I indicates incumbent, are: Cities Shell Lake: mayor - Sally A. Peterson (I) and Terry Leckel Jr.; Alderpersons (two for each ward), First Ward – (Chad Shelton did not file), Brent Edlin (I) and write-in; Second Ward, two full-term positions plus a one-year term (third place in votes) - Dan Harrington (I), Ken Schultz (I), Terry Leckel Jr., Tammy Hopke and Kate Folstad.

Spooner: mayor, Gary J. Cuskey (I), Ward 1, Richard Coquillette (I); Ward 2: Carol Blizzard Dunn (I); Ward 3: Daryl Gabriel (I); Ward 4: (Larry Stelter retires), write-in.

Villages, trustees Birchwood: two seats: Nancy Seffinga (I), John Depoister and Michelle Davis. Linda Zillmer is not running. Minong: three seats: Karen L. Baker (I), Andy Podratz (I) and James Schaefer (I).

Towns, two supervisors, only Minong has a five-member town board Minong: seat No. 3, Linda Featherly (I); seat No. 4, James W. Smith (I).

Citizens with 65-plus years can now get nonexpiring IDs New online service streamlines process

STATEWIDE - Wisconsin now allows its residents who are U.S. citizens age 65 and over to obtain an ID card that never needs to be renewed. The new nonexpiring ID card carries the same appearance and security features as traditional eightyear cards, with the word “nonexpiring” appearing in place of the typical expiration date. “This new feature is a great option for any senior adults who no longer wish to drive or who already hold a Wisconsin

ID card. Once they obtain the nonexpiring card, they’ll never need to return to a DMV service center,” said Corey Kleist, qualifications and issuance section chief. The ID card is free if used for voting purposes and, once issued, the card never needs to be renewed. While there is no such thing as a voter ID, many Wisconsin residents present their DMV-issued driver’s license or ID card as their form of identification. Senior drivers who wish to obtain this nonexpiring ID card must surrender their license and driving privileges. An individual cannot hold both an ID and a driver’s license. Note, surrendering of a

Valentine Vignette marks 11 years of volunteer service

SPOONER — On Sunday, Feb. 14, at 2 p.m., Faith in Action-Washburn County will host its annual Valentine Vignette benefit concert at Spooner Wesleyan Church. This feature-length variety show will include comedy, ventriloquism and a wide array of live music. A freewill offering will benefit FIA to help extend the reach of the services provided to local aging adults in need of volunteer assistance. Silent auction items will be on display before the show, with bidding to conclude at intermission. Following the show, audi-

ence members are invited to stay for complimentary cookies and refreshments. Annual sponsor is Spooner Health System, and this year’s concert sponsors are Tim Reedy - State Farm Insurance, Northwind Book and Fiber, Schmitz’s Economart and Shell Lake State Bank. Spooner Wesleyan Church is located at 1100 West Maple St. in Spooner. For further concert information, please contact the Faith in Action office at 715-6352252 or email fiawashburn@gmail.com. — from FIA

driver’s license will make the individual ineligible to operate a motor vehicle in any state. In support of this new feature, Wisconsin DMV will now permit individuals who are eligible for this card to exchange their existing ID card or surrender their driver’s license for the nonexpiring ID card without visiting a DMV service center. To take advantage of this option, visit wisconsindmv.gov, then go to Online ID Card Application. For individuals using this new online service, the most current photo on file will be used on the ID and the final product will be mailed. Customers whose driver’s license or ID card has been expired for more than two years, who have never held a Wisconsin DL/ID, or who wish to have a new photo

taken, must visit a DMV service center to obtain this new ID product. Individuals holding a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or ID must surrender that feature from their card. REAL ID compliant cards will continue to follow the eight-year renewal cycle, which requires a visit to the DMV to renew and update the individual’s photo. For more information on regular and nonexpiring ID cards, please visit wisconsindmv.gov/ID. As a reminder, when accessing transportation-related forms, only websites with the .gov extension are from official state websites. Others with .org and .com are not official and may have extra charges for forms or list information that is outdated or incorrect. — from WisDOT

St. Francis de Sales School honor roll

Second quarter Fifth-grade A honor roll - Sydney Greenfield. Fifth-grade B honor roll - Kenneth Beres, Reise Brierton, Wyatt Garrett, Amelia Hampe, Olivia Paffel, Roman Paffel and Henry Schmitz. Sixth-grade A honor roll - Grace Frederickson, Andrew Nauertz, Jeffrey Rongner, Britney Wiemeri and Maycee Wilkie.

Sixth-grade B honor roll - Alexander Allen, Jack Buchman, Cale Cleveland and Caleb Potaczek. Seventh-grade A honor roll - Michael DelFiacco, Noah Olson and Anna Silvis. Eighth-grade B honor roll - Austin Stoner. — from St. Francis

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Wisconsin airmen fueling the flight over Southwest Asia SOUTHWEST Asia - The Wisconsin Air National Guard’s 128th Air Refueling Wing is hard at work fueling - or, in this case, refueling - the nation’s war effort in the skies over the Middle East and Southwest Asia. Airmen and KC-135 refueling tankers from the Milwaukee-based wing have spent the past four months fulfilling their federal mission as the nation’s combat reserve, serving as the backbone of the air campaign supporting Operations Inherent Resolve and Freedom’s Sentinel in Southwest Asia. This deployment is part of the Wisconsin National Guard’s federal role as a primary combat reserve asset. The KC-135 has provided this core aerial refueling capability for the U.S. Air Force over the past five decades, and the 128th Air Refueling Wing currently has five KC135s supporting the operations. In addition to this critical aircraft, more than 140 airmen from the 128th will deploy over the course of the wing’s rotations into the region. The first rotation left Milwaukee in late September 2015 and have since returned. The deployment length varies per individual based on responsibilities, but rotations are expected to continue at least through June. During the deployment, the unit has played a key role in the combined effort that has on average off-loaded 39 million pounds of fuel per month to coalition aircraft over the past four months. The 128th Air Refueling Wing alone flies four to five sorties per day. As of late December 2015, 128th aircrews had flown more than 440 sorties and off-loaded nearly 20 million pounds of fuel, or 3 million gallons, to approximately 1,500 receiving aircraft since deploying to the region in early October. In that time, they amassed more than 3,100 flight hours and refueled aircraft such as the F-15, F-16, A-10, C-130, B-1, C-17, joint and coalition aircraft. Col. Daniel Yenchesky, the commander of the 128th Air Refueling Wing, is extremely proud of the critical role his airmen have played since deployed. “To put that amount of jet fuel into perspective, an Olympic swimming pool 25 meters wide, 50 meters long and 2 meters deep holds 660,000 gallons,” he said. “Our Wisconsin airmen delivered over 4-1/2 Olympic pools’ worth of jet fuel, in the air, during combat operations. It is just an extraordinary achievement.”

Send all news tips and copy to news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Jan. 25 - $35 Joe Fitzgerald, Spooner Jan. 26 - $35 David Zdroik, Custer Jan. 27 - $35 Ann Keefe, Shell Lake Jan. 28 - $35 Marilyn Maher, Spooner Jan. 29 - $300 Kris Lundeen, Burnsville, Minn.

Shell Lake Clinic, LTD

Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2015 High Jan. 25 37 Jan. 26 23 Jan. 27 30 Jan. 28 29 Jan. 29 30 Jan. 30 31 Jan. 31 20

Low Precip. 16 14 .4 snow 21 22 23 . 04 freezing rain -4 -4

2016 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31

Low Precip. 22 21 1.1” snow 12 trace snow 15 .3” snow 1 12 .6” snow 25 trace snow

High 29 29 26 38 27 32 43

proud to be part of the mission in such a big way. My job is never mundane, and it requires patience and precision. A job like that is fulfilling to the core.” Master Sgt. Eric Dorn, the lead technician on an aerospace propulsion crew, said his recent 60-day tour to the region was a success. Dorn and his team worked 12-hour shifts each day, and they were one of the four aerospace propulsion crews at his location. Despite the fact that they all came from different service components, he said, the crews built cohesion and worked together effectively. “My unit was made up of Guard, Reserve and Active Duty,” he said. “But we created a good continuity. We worked really well together.” In addition to the 128th Air Refueling Wing airmen, the Wisconsin National Guard has just under 100 soldiers deployed to locations around the world; the remaining nearly 9,000 members stand ready to answer the call as the state’s first military responder or in their capacity as the nation’s combat reserve. — from WCVSO

Adult fishing class scheduled

A fighter jet is refueled in midair. – Photo submitted Yenchesky also pointed out the efforts of the wing’s maintenance team, who work tirelessly to ensure the unit’s jets are ready for combat when they arrive in theater. “This takes a significant maintenance scheduling and preparation effort for months in advance of the deployment,” he said. “When a Milwaukee jet shows up in desert, they put it to work.” “It is a testament to the skill, dedication and readiness of our airmen and the quality of our aircraft that they can maintain that brisk operations tempo and do it safely,” he added. “The Wisconsin Air National Guard’s contribution to Inherent Resolve and Freedom’s Sentinel is something we can all be proud of.”

Register memories 1956 – 60 Years Ago

• The annual meeting of the Sarona Farmers Union Co-op was held at the Shell Lake School gymnasium. Frank Zamaitis, president, called the meeting to order. James Swan was re-elected to the board of directors along with Earl Johnson, Shell Lake, and Amos Martinson, Birchwood, new members to the board. At the directors’ organizational meeting following, Zamaitis was elected president; Swan, vice president; A.W. Fenander, secretary-treasurer; and Johnson and Martinson, directors. • The Women’s Bowling League of Shell Lake held a Crazy Hat Party and contest. Each bowler was decked out in an original hat of her own making. Mrs. Ellis Axon, Warren Winton and Lee Saless were the judges. • Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were featured in the movie “Forever Darling,” playing in local theaters. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swan and Jill were at the Sister Kenny Institute in Minneapolis where Jill received her checkup and instructions on therapy.

1966 – 50 Years Ago

• Soil and water conservation district speech winners were Lynn Linton, Shell Lake High School, first place; Joseph Biver, Shell Lake Elementary School, first place; Joseph Torkildson, St. Francis de Sales Elementary School, second; and Jim Smith, Shell Lake Elementary School, third. • Taking part in the Washburn County Sportsmen’s Club rabbit hunt, along with four beagles, were Steve DesJardins, Rick DesJardins, Al Woodmansee, John Engstrom, Dick Alford, Glen Nordin, Clint DesJardins and Howard Ullom. • Officers for the steering committee for the new hospital in Shell Lake were Elden Evans, chairman; George Guyan, vice chairman; and Jack Blume, secretary. • Guy H. Twining, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Anderson, Shell Lake, received his Master of Education degree from the Wisconsin State University Superior. His

Generally the rotations for airmen from the 128th range anywhere from 30 to 120 days, depending on their individual mission set. Their efforts, and those of the aircraft they refuel, are supporting the U.S. campaigns in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and Yemen, and keeping American and Allied aircraft in the skies. Staff Sgt. Elvis Alvarado, a 128th boom operator, was proud to play such a critical role in the round-the-clock campaign to keep America’s combat and support aircraft flying nonstop. As a boom operator, Alvarado guides the KC-135’s fuel boom as it connects to the refueling aircraft. “I feel a sense of pride and excitement every time we go out to fly,” he said. “I am

SPOONER – Have you ever wanted to ice fish or sometimes go but would like to learn some new things? If so, there is a class for you. Monday, Feb. 8, from 5:30-7 p.m., an adult ice-fishing class will be held at the DNR Service Center, 810 West Maple St., Spooner. This class is for ages 16 and over. Learn fish cleaning and proper care of fillets, jigging techniques and line selection, bait selection and care, knot tying, how to use electronics to be more successful, ice safety and tip-up maintenance and care. To sign up or for more information, contact Amos Melton, 715-645-2526, or email amos.melton@wisconsin.gov. — with submitted information

compiled by Suzanne Johnson field was elementary guidance.

1976 – 40 Years Ago

• The Shell Lake Tuesday Club was planning a Valentine party at Lakeland Manor with residents as the honored guests. The program, Treasures of the Past, would feature special guest Darrell Bailey displaying selections from his collection of glass and china. Chairman of the event was Mrs. William Haggberg. Other hostesses were Mrs. Roland Erickson, Mrs. Elmer Mattick, Mrs. Charles Garnhart and Mrs. Howard Griffin. • Billie Jean LaBombard spoke to Head Start students about life in Africa. • Bob Baker, son of the Byron Bakers, completed his basic training at Lackland Air Base and was transferred to Shepard Air Base, Wichita Falls, Texas, for medical studies. After completing those studies he was stationed in Denver, Colo. • Milton and Jean Odden, Ray and Lorraine Haremza, Wayne and Helen Erickson, and Bud and Doris Erickson went cross-country skiing at Voyager Village.

1986 – 30 Years Ago

• Cooking of a meal at the Shell Lake Senior Center was done for the first time rather than having the food prepared elsewhere and delivered. The 20-foot-by26-foot addition to the center provided space for more tables and more room for a variety of activities. Helping with the preparation and the service of the first meal were Elsie Fluger, Trego, coordinator of the center; June Wingler, Sarona, cook; and Mary Nelsen and Harriet Stewart, Shell Lake volunteers. • John E. “Jack” Stodola, 71, employed for 25 years at Shell Lake Mills, died at his home near Sarona. • Cynthia Gross, state secretary of the Parent Teachers Association, was the guest speaker at the Shell Lake PTA second-annual meeting. She showed the film “We Believe in Children” and spoke on the long- and short-range PTA goals. Joe Rounce, junior high school science teacher, exhibited a class science project.

• Dale Hubin, president; David DeLawyer, manager; and Dale Stellrecht and Dick Schlapper, representing Sarona Famers Union Co-op; attended the annual Cenex meeting in Minneapolis.

1996 – 20 Years Ago

• Tom Gillis, Shell Lake, was a firstprize winner in Shopko’s Home for the Holidays Sweepstakes. Gillis was awarded one of the eight first-prize packages in the retail chain’s holiday sweepstakes. He was presented with a check in the amount of $10,050 by Shopko Rice Lake store manager John Madson. • An open house was held at Salem Lutheran in honor of Arvid Pederson’s 80th birthday. • Caleb Melton captured the 140-pound championship at the Lakeland Conference Wrestling Tournament. He led a Shell Lake team that placed fourth among the 10 competing teams with 130.5 points. • A 78.9-acre hobby farm with 56 acres tillable, three-bedroom home, large barn, machine shed and garage, located five miles west of Shell Lake, was selling for $69,900.

2006 – 10 Years Ago

• “Lonely Hearts Can’t Be Broken” was presented at the Quam Theatre. Cast members included Jenny Van Etten, Emily Vanda, Clay Scharein, Tom McNurlin, Kathleen Gates, Fred Peck, Paul Dolan, Laura Bruce, Timothy Sienko, Joanne Schilling and Tom Stephanites. • Nine Girl Scouts, along with their troop leaders, Tammy Holman and Karen Lloyd, enjoyed a lovely English cream tea. • Ernie Cathers, Shell Lake, had been volunteering with Men at Heart at the Minnesota VA hospital for eight years. • Shell Lake Schools Superintendent Jerry Gauderman presented Jerry Besse with a plaque honoring Besse for 37 years of service to the district as a school bus driver. Glen Hile was the transportation supervisor.


Red Cedar Symphony seeks musicians RICE LAKE - The Red Cedar Symphony invites players of string, percussion, woodwind and brass instruments to join their community orchestra of volunteer musicians for the spring 2016 concert series. Under the direction of Kevin Peters, these concerts will feature the winners of the 2016 Concerto Competition, as well as the “Russian Easter Overture” by Rimsky-Korsakov, the “Overture to La

Clemenza di Tito” by Mozart, and “Star Wars Epic” by John Williams There are no competitive auditions for the RCS, though playing ability equivalent to Suzuki Book 4 is suggested. All string musicians are welcome to play, and there are limited positions available in woodwinds, brass and percussion. Rehearsals begin Sunday, Feb. 7, at the UWBC Fine Arts Building in Rice Lake,

and continue each Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. until the concerts, which will take place at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 19, at Augustana Lutheran Church in Cumberland, and at 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 20, at the UWBC Fine Arts Theatre in Rice Lake Interested players should contact Personnel.Director@RedCedarSymphony.org or call 715-790-2434 for more information.

Established in 1983 and based at UW-Barron County in Rice Lake, the RCS draws musicians from throughout northwestern Wisconsin, including Minong, Cable, Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, Spooner, Bruce and Cumberland. For more about the Red Cedar Symphony, visit website redcedarsymphony.org. — from Red Cedar Symphony

Snowshoe hike set for Feb. 13 BIRCHWOOD – The 14th-annual snowshoe hike, sponsored by Superior Lobe and Blue Hills chapters of the Ice Age Trail Alliance, will be held Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Murphy Flowage recreation area on CTH F south of Birchwood. Individuals will meet at the picnic shelter at 10 a.m. to prepare for their choice of a one-, three- or five-mile snowshoe hike. There will be a bonfire, hot drinks and snacks available. Hikes will start at half-hour intervals, beginning with the five-mile hike at 10:30

a.m. A limited number of snowshoes are available for use free of charge. To reserve your snowshoes, call or email Jim Kurz at 715-532-7246 or jbrekkekurz@centurytel. net.

The Murphy Flowage recreation area is located in Rusk County of Hwy. F, eight miles south of Birchwood. For those traveling from Rice Lake or Weyerhaeuser, the recreation area is 4.5 miles north of the

junction of CTH O and CTH F. For more information call Kurz or Bob Held at 715-761-1657, or email Tim at tim. mcraith@witc.edu. - with submitted information

National Take Your Child to the Library Day SHELL LAKE - The Shell Lake Public Library will be participating in National Take Your Child to the Library Day on Saturday, Feb. 6.

Come to the Shell Lake Public Library Saturday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. to enjoy a treat and receive a free book for your child to keep. “There is no substitute for books

in the life of a child.” - Mary Ellen Chase — from SLPL

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Paddle raffle, gift baskets, bake sale items, quilt silent auction. Thursday, Feb. 4 Monday, Feb. 8 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity • Dining at 5 Shell Lake Senior Center Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520- Friendship Commons, 118 4th Ave, Shell 7999. Lake, 5-6 p.m. Please make a reservation • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s at least 24 hours ahead of event 715-635Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower 4467. Cost for 60-plus suggested donation level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in $5, under 60-$8.75 charge. Shell Lake. Tuesday, Feb. 9 • Free community meal, St. Francis • Memory Café, Spooner, 9:30-11 a.m., de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Nick’s Family Restaurant, 122 Vine St, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations Spooner. Social gathering for people accepted. concerned about their memory or with Friday, Feb. 5 mild to moderate dementia. Gathering is • The Spooner GFWC Women’s Club in a separate room. You are encouraged will meet 1 p.m. at the DNR conference to call before your first visit or with room in Spooner. Topic will be the questions to Darby Simpson, Spooner women’s hospital auxiliary. Remember ADRC location, 715-635-4467. to bring the Snack Packs for WCP kids. • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Guests and visitors are welcome. For Spooner, 10 a.m. more information contact Pat at 715-865Wednesday, Feb. 10 2250. • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 6 United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart • Triple Treat Saturday, 11 a.m.- 1:30 Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations p.m., Namekagon Church U.C.C., Earl. accepted. Soup, pies, craft table, silent auction and • The board of directors for the more. Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 • Art of Film series, “Force Majeure,” 7 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. welcome. • Becky Chaney spaghetti feed • Barronett Lutheran youth group will benefit, 1-5 p.m., Legion Hall, Spooner.

EVENTS ... be serving their annual spaghetti dinner starting at 6 p.m. in the church basement. Thursday, Feb. 11 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Open Mic at The Dock Coffee, second Thursday of every month. Sign up at 6 p.m., performers begin at 6:30-9 p.m. The Dock is located at 218 Elm St. in Spooner. Call Carol McDowall with questions 715416-0489. Friday, Feb. 12 • Once again the Shell Lake Education Foundation will be sponsoring Dad’s Belgian Waffles at a Shell Lake doubleheader basketball game. Serving is from 4:45-7:30 p.m. • Knights of Columbus fish fry, 4:30-7 p.m., St. Francis School auditorium, 300 Oak St., Spooner. Saturday, Feb. 13 • 14th-annual snowshoe hike, 10 a.m., Murphy’s Dam Recreation Area picnic shelter, CTH F, south of Birchwood. Hikes of 1 mile, 3 miles, and 5 miles, your choice. Hikes will start at half hour intervals beginning with the 5-mile at 10:30 a.m. To reserve your snowshoes call or email Jim at 715-532-7246, jbrekekurz@centurytel. net.

• Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715-4684017 or 715-222-4410. • Love for Lozandier fundraiser, Shell Lake Community Center, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Crafts, home-based business vendors, Valentine goodies, craft table for children to make Valentines for loved ones. Coffee, rolls and lunch available. • Art of Film series collection of short films hosted by Kevin Obsatz, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Sunday, Feb. 14 • Faith in Action Washburn County Valentine Vignette benefit concert, 2 p.m., at Spooner Wesleyan Church. Freewill offering taken to support its mission. Silent auction and refreshments will follow the show. Monday, Feb. 15 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge.


iPad classes to be held at Shell Lake High School SHELL LAKE - Looking for the lowdown on apps; iCloud, texting or iPhoto? Kids talk the lingo like a second language and seem to have technology at their fingertips everywhere you look. It’s what they know, how they learn and part of (almost) everything in their future. Plan to start your day talkin’ the talk with a morning edition technology class at Shell Lake School. These 45-minute iPad classes will help you better understand

terminology and basic how-to’s needed to get you familiar with your iPad. You will not go home without learning something new. Perhaps the next time your kids/ grandkids see you, you will be the one playing games and sending iMessages. Instructor Sara Ducos will hold classes on Tuesday mornings from 7:45-8:30 a.m. at the Shell Lake High School. Classes include: Feb. 9: How to download and

access apps; Feb. 16: How to use the camera/video and store photos; Feb. 23: iPad and iPhone beyond the basics part 1; March 1: iPad and iPhone beyond the basics part 2. There needs to be four participants to run the class with a maximum of 10. The cost is $7.50/class or $25 for four classes. Please call Keri Jensen, Shell Lake Community Ed, at 715-468-7814 to register. — from SLCE

4-H Junior Leaders looking for unwanted shoes SPOONER - Do you have old, unwanted shoes dying for a new home? The Washburn County 4-H Junior Leaders are willing to take them off your hands. This is a fundraiser for the Washburn County 4-H Junior Leaders. The more pairs of shoes you donate, the more money the group will get. They will receive 50 cents per pound of shoes collected. This money will be

used for Junior Leaders events throughout the year. Your shoes will be sent to needy countries and given to people who don’t have shoes. If you’d like to write a note to someone and get a response, please leave that in your shoe, with your email address, so that the response can be passed on to you. Please do not donate big winter boots, UGG boots,

rubber boots, big fuzzy slippers, skates, slippers or flipflops nor shoes with holes, rips or mold. Shoes also must be wearable in pairs. Cleats are also accepted. Please drop off your shoes at the Washburn County Extension Office located at 850 W. Beaverbrook Ave., Spooner. — from UWEXT

Parks to speak on status and importance of cisco agement of cisco populations may play a larger role in managing the health of lakes and the success of sport fish fisheries in these lakes. Unfortunately, Wisconsin’s inland cisco populations appear to be in a state decline. In a recent assessment of Wisconsin’s historic cisco lakes, DNR fish research detected a 29-percent reduction in cisco distribution. Currently, much of our research has been to try to better understand the cisco populations and figure out why are some of these populations declining so that we can better manage and conserve cisco lakes.” For more information, contact the campus at 715-2348176. — from UWBC

RICE LAKE — The public is invited to a special presentation with Tim Parks of the Wisconsin DNR speaking on The Status and Importance of Cisco in Wisconsin Inland Lakes. This presentation will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 12:30-1:20 p.m., in the Blue Hills Lecture Hall at UW-Barron County in Rice Lake. Ciscoes are a native whitefish species found in Wisconsin’s deepest inland lakes and may play a significant role in lake ecosystems. Parks stated, “Like other cold water fish species, ciscoes thrive in cold, oxygen rich habitats. In Wisconsin there are over 15,000 lakes and ciscoes have historically occurred in less than 200 lakes. Relative to other inland lakes, cisco lakes can be considered unique resources, since these lakes tend to be deepest and exhibit the best water quality. Additionally, the majority of cisco lakes make up high-priority sport fish fisheries. So far, numerous studies have been performed about the role of ciscoes in lake ecosystems and results suggests that ciscoes have a positive influence on the population dynamics of sport fish species such as walleye and other large predatory fishes. He continued explaining, “Hence, the proper man-

Tim Parks will speak on the status and importance of cisco in Wisconsin Inland Lakes on Tuesday, Feb. 9, in Rice Lake. — Photo submitted

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COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.

• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245. •••

The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information. •••

Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking.

EVERY ... Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.


Woodland Owner Forums to be held at the Spooner Ag Station SPOONER - A series of Woodland Owner Forums are scheduled Thursday evenings, Feb. 18 through March 17, at the Spooner Agricultural Research Station, W6646 Hwy. 70, Spooner, from 6:30-8 p.m. The forums are free and no registration is required. The forums will conclude with a Saturday afternoon session about passing your land on to the next generation - family succession and estate planning - on March 19. At some point every landowner will need to make a decision about what to do with their wooded property. Most woodland owners don’t know where to turn for advice for important decisions like timber sales, forest management or estate planning. These forums are an opportunity to learn about your options, meet local forestry professionals in person, and learn from the experience of other woodland owners.

Session titles

Feb. 18: Oak Wilt, Ash Borer and Other Pests in your Woodlands – Presented by a woodland owner and Paul Cigan, WDNR forest entomologist. A healthy woodland provides many benefits. Is yours healthy? Learn about new forest pests, and the challenges and options for landowners. Feb. 25: Managed Forest Law - Is It for You? Presented

Everything you need to know about used batteries


eople are always asking me about single-use (alkaline) batteries, and they are shocked to hear that they are to be disposed of in your regular garbage. Keep reading to find out why that is.

Why do we advise people to throw away alkaline/ single-use batteries? The state of California is the only state in which it is illegal to throw any type of battery, including singleuse/alkaline, in the trash. This is partly due to the Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act passed in 1996 that phased out the use of mercury in alkaline batteries, making them less of an issue when disposed of in landfills. Alkaline/singleuse batteries do not contain heavy metals, which drastically limits their recycling market. Drop-off recycling for these kinds of batteries is nearly nonexistent. You generally have to mail in your batteries to recycle them and more information about that can be found online. What about small round button cell batteries? These batteries are typically found in watches or hearing aids and are accepted through the household hazardous waste collection program or at the Spooner Recycling Site.

by a woodland owner and Kirby Dernovsek, WDNR forester ranger. Learn the advantages and obligations to this forest tax incentive program. If you have already enrolled, this is a great refresher. If you are considering MFL, learn the basics and have some of your questions answered. A brief summary on other funding options for forest practices for your woodlands will be covered as well. March 3: How to Invite Wildlife to your Woodland – Presented by a woodland owner and Chris Burke, Futurewood forester. Learn to enhance your woodlands to attract a variety of wildlife. This session identifies the four requirements to attracting wildlife to your land: space, water, food and shelter, as well as how you can manage your woods to improve the wildlife potential. March 10: Timber Sale Tips for Woodland Owners - Woodland owner and Jeff Groeschl, Groeschl Forestry Consulting. Learn the ins and outs of selling your timber. Penny wise and dollar foolish, an often-used phrase with the do-it- yourself timber sale approach. Experienced foresters can help guide this process with positive outcomes for you, your land and perhaps your pocketbook, too. March 17: Success Takes Planning: Get the Most from Your Woodlands - Woodland owner and Renae Essenmacher, WDNR. A well-managed woodland begins with a well-thought-out plan. This workshop will take you

Earth Notes Jen Barton

Are lithium, nickel-cadmium (NiCd), silver-oxide, zinc-carbon, zinc-chloride, nickel-metal hydride (NiMH), nickel-zinc (NiZn), or lithium-ion batteries recyclable? Yes, all of these are recyclable through the HHW program and at the Spooner Recycling Site. What are zinc-air batteries? Zinc-air batteries are single-use batteries that often come in button form. They are used in such applications as hearing aids and are accepted for recycling. What about rechargeable alkaline batteries, are they recyclable as well? Yes, if it says rechargeable, we will accept it for recycling.

through the beginning steps of forest management. Start by considering what is important to you, then learn about the factors that influence your property’s potential and what resources will be needed to make your vision a reality. Saturday, March 19, 1 – 4 p.m.: Estate and Succession Planning for Woodland Owners - Susan Sharp-Miley, attorney at law, and Kris Tiles, UW-Extension. This session will focus on ways to maintain family ties to the land from generation to generation, building awareness of key challenges facing family forest ownership, and motivating families to address those challenges. You will also learn about the legal tools that can help you implement your family estate plan. This workshop is a mix of presentations and practical exercises to help families develop techniques needed to address these issues. Coffee and refreshments will be provided at the Thursday forums. No registration is required for these Thursday evening sessions. RSVP is required for Saturday’s estate and succession planning presentation. For more information or to RSVP for Saturday, March 19, contact John Haack, UWExtension natural resource educator, 715-635-7406 or john. haack@ces.uwex.edu. Contact information and resources will be available for attendees to take home. — from UWEXT

How about other batteries, such as vehicle, or rechargeable tools with batteries? All vehicle batteries and tool batteries such as those found in power drills are accepted. Also, vehicle batteries are accepted at all locations that sell them and the business will usually give you money for them. In summary, due to alkaline batteries no longer containing mercury and because of the small amount of recoverable metals in them, they are not typically recycled. Rechargeable batteries can contain mercury, cadmium, lead and lithium, but many rechargeable batteries do end up being tossed into the regular trash by people who are either unaware that they should be recycled, or feel it is just too much trouble to do so. Alkaline batteries do not contain as many toxic components as many people think. They do, however, contain metals like nickel, cobalt, zinc, manganese and silver. At this time there are no real cost-effective methods available to recover these metals. Also, many claims are made that these common metals pose no environmental threat when disposed of with normal household trash. I think it might take a while for some people to get used to this reality. Now you can feel less guilty when tossing out expended alkaline batteries in trash which goes to a landfill. If you have any questions regarding any type of recycling or hazardous waste disposal please contact me atjbarton@nwrpc. com, or 715-635-2197.


Waffles support education

Wausau Homes Hayward wins two awards for builder excellence

A Shell Lake student demonstrates his musical skills. SHELL LAKE - There are many ways to support educational opportunities at the Shell Lake Schools, such as the elementary school music program, and get something more than just a good feeling for it. Come Friday, Feb. 12, to the high school commons and have Dads Belgian Waffles and you will be helping the Shell Lake Education Foundation and leave with a satisfied stomach. This is one of SLEF’s winter fundraisers. After granting $6,000 for education funding this year, it’s time to replenish SLEF’s finances so they can give several more grants next year. SLEF recently supported purchasing instruments for the elementary students to sustain the Orff method of learning music.

Using the Orff approach, students learn about rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, form and other elements of music. They learn these concepts by speaking, chanting, singing, dancing, movement, acting and by using instruments. This approach allows the students to play, apply and expand the music knowledge they have been learning. Also, the added value of this grant is these instruments will physically last a long time, serving all Shell Lake Elementary students for years to come. Tickets for Dads Belgian Waffles are currently available at the school district offices. — from SLEF

Jeff Burch and Dan Burch, owners of Wausau Homes Hayward, were presented with two prestigious awards, Premier Builder and the Voice of the Customer Award at the annual Wausau Homes Marketing Conference in Madison. — Photo submitted MADISON - Jeff Burch and Dan Burch, owners of Wausau Homes Hayward, prove being dedicated to the home buyer is recognized. They were presented with two prestigious awards, Premier Builder and the Voice of the Customer Award at the annual Wausau Homes Marketing Conference in Madison. According to Jay Schuette, president of Wausau Homes, the Premier Builder of the Year Award goes to the builders who achieved strong ratings in sales volume, market share, marketing and customer satisfaction. “Jeff and Dan’s customerfirst approach to homebuilding provides a stress-free building experience that is

unique in the area,” explained Schuette. “As a result, they inspire trust and confidence in customers which enabled them to win the Premier Builder Award.” The Burches were also presented with the Voice of the Customer Award by excelling at being the trusted adviser to past home buyers by earning an impressive 88-percent rating. J.D. Power and Associates average rating for new-home builders is 83 percent. Their design studio is located at N7479 Liesch Road in Trego or visit the Wausau Homes website at wausauhomes.com for more information. — from Wausau Homes

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Shell Lake Elementary students are using instruments purchased with funds received from the Shell Lake Education Foundation. Additional funds will be raised through the Dads Belgian Waffles fundraiser set for Friday, Feb. 12, in the 3-12 commons. — Photos submitted


Big burgundy ball equals 12 pairs n the Dec. 23, 2015, edition of the Register, the I Beyond the Office Door column included a photo Beyond the of a big, burgundy ball of yarn. Wrapped in the layers of 4-ply worsted weight yarn were Christmas gifts for me from my friend, Val. A card attached read, “Some office door is new; some is used; some is regifted, but it’s all for you.” My goal for the month of January was to see how many youth-sized mittens I could knit from my ball of yarn. My plan for the completed mittens is to donate them to the Love for Lozandier project. In a column written last fall, I mentioned the Hats for Haiti project that area knitters were working on. Our group wanted to do something to give toward the clinic and school in Lozandier, Haiti, and obviously knitted hats are not necessary. Therefore, the hats we create and donate

This ball of yarn, with gifts wrapped inside, transformed into 12 pairs of youth-sized mittens.

Suzanne Johnson will be sold locally, with the funds going to Love for Lozandier. Shell Lake’s Sue Dodd is one of the founders of Love for Lozandier. She commented in an email one day that she was falling a bit behind in her goal of making mittens to be sold with the funds going to provide shoes for the students in Lozandier. That is why I decided to see how many pairs of mittens my ball of yarn would make. Before heading to work on Wednesday, Jan. 27, I sewed up the thumb on the last pair of mittens I had knit and it equaled 12 pairs. Before I started my 11th pair, I looked at the remaining amount of yarn. I didn’t know if I would have enough to complete the pair so I made the cuffs of that pair a shade of green. Turns out I had enough and therefore two pairs of mittens have green cuffs. Milt commented that he liked the mittens with two colors. Yes, I did, too. But my goal was to get to my gifts inside the ball of yarn; therefore, I didn’t want to use anything but the burgundy yarn. Sounds kind of selfish, doesn’t it? I confess that at one point in knitting from the big ball of yarn I became impatient. I had already revealed three gifts and could tell that I was getting close to what I thought was chocolate. As it was about the end of the second week of January, all thoughts of keeping a New Year’s resolution about not eating chocolate were coming to an end. So while I munched on little

Come fall, these pairs of mittens will be used as a fundraiser for students in Haiti. — Photos by Suzanne Johnson Snicker bites I continued making mittens, using my four double-pointed needles. As I looked at my gift wrapping that will keep on giving – big ball of burgundy yarn equals 12 pairs of youth-size mittens – I couldn’t help but wonder what Val may have in mind for wrapping a birthday present for me in February. If she planned to wrap my gift once again in a big ball of yarn, maybe a variegated blue would be nice. The mittens I made for Sue’s mission will be available for her fall fundraiser. If I have made you curious about Love for Lozandier, a fundraiser is planned for Saturday, Feb. 13, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. Besides food, this event will have vendors, Valentine goodies, and a craft table for children to make valentines for their loved ones.

Meeting new things


any of us living in our communities probably share a feeling of reluctance to meet new things boldly. We fall into habits and like to keep things just as they are, and along comes something different. Before I came to live here in Wisconsin I had heard about the terrible winters they had here. Also, that the people liked tourists but did not like strangers coming in to become residents. By 1970, I had been a resident here for two years and had found the winters quite a bit like those in Illinois, and the people accepted you for who you were. Those scary rumors were not true. Many of the people I became acquainted with had not been born here, and had come as strangers like me, and had made many new friendships. Some new things brought great change to our country. The late 1960s were challenging, what with flower children and rock and roll music and all the advocates of change turning our world upside down, or maybe a bit sideways. Most people managed to get through that time. We had Elvis Presley and folk music and Three Dog Night and country music all expanding on loudspeakers. Looking back, I think we made it through that hectic time and our families came out in pretty good shape. I remember when the Barbie doll first came out. As the mother of little girls, I was dead set against the dolls. Anyone could see they were just models. The mothers would have to keep on buying clothes and other accessories. The merchandising of clothes seemed to accentuate looking “in style” rather than more important choices for our little girls. After the first years I relented and my own mother was sewing and knitting outfits for Barbie. I fought other changes, as well. The dolls came out in 1959. It must have taken me 10 years to give in and accept Barbie. Actually, I see the dolls quite often at garage sales so they are being

Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen recycled, like so many of our past fads. As for Elvis Presley, at the time he got his start, parents were advised by people like Ann Landers in her advice columns to forbid our girls to listen to Elvis records. He was too suggestive when he shook and twisted around as he sang his songs to the crowds of screaming young girls. Also, the disc jockeys were even saying this rock and roll is just a fad. It will pass and be soon forgotten. You know what? It kept going. The disc jockeys are forgotten. Many of our singers are twisting almost like Elvis. Another fad was disco that came in 1970. You don’t hear much of that kind of music anymore, at least not in this country. Like the twist and the mashed potato, it seems to have almost passed away. We were warned about the danger to our spines. We went on to other things. Even the hulahoop went into remission. You see some even now, but nothing like when they first arrived in the stores. Some new things passed and others thrived. We welcomed electronic mail on the computer in 1975. That grew and blossomed. We ushered in the Beatles. One day I remem-

ber looking at some records in a Cosco Drug Store wrapped in colorful album covers, all showing The Fabulous Five from England, those boys with long hair and bangs over their foreheads, wildly playing music on guitars and Ringo’s drums. I thought someone must have thought Americans were pretty dumb to accept these strange singers. Nobody would buy their records. But, I was wrong. The young people went wild over the Beatles. Just a few weeks after I figured they would never sell all those records they were selling like hot pancakes. The Beatles came from England and stayed, and they were the toast of the country. I also thought my children would never go for this type of music. I was wrong. My ears rang when the kids played rock and roll, and Three Dog Night songs were whirling in my head for a couple of years. Remember when they had a television comedy called “I Love Lucy”? It ran from 1951 until 1961. Lucy kept on, too. Now we can see the old shows as well. We can’t seem to part with Lucy and Ethyl and Fred and Desi Arnaz. It makes you wonder why some things stay and others pass away. We didn’t have television in Illinois until someone built a tower near our town. The very first television show I ever saw was “Howdy Doody” with Buffalo Bob, on a small screen set in Virginia. That was in June of 1950. The same day I saw a news show with John Cameron Swayze, and he was announcing the start of a “police action” in Korea. I thought television was not a good thing. A silly kids show and bad news. And a lot of test patterns. It would never amount to anything. I was wrong. Who knows why it caught on? I can only say some things last and become part of our lives and others slip away.

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Science Olympiad at UW-River Falls

Andrew Martin and Erick Haynes earned second place in the Game On event in the Science Olympiad competion in River Falls on Saturday, Jan. 23.

Caitlin Brereton and Rafa Martinez-Avial earned fourth place in the Chemistry Lab event.

Emily and Keagan Blazer earned a third place in the Geocaching event.

Courtney Melton and Nathaniel Wingler pose with their Science Olympiad project, Mystery Design Hogwarts, at the UW-River Falls Border Battle Tournament held Saturday, Jan. 23, in River Falls. The challenge for this team is to demonstrate an understanding and proficiency of engineering principles.

Breeana Monson and Jordan Herzog earned a first in the Bridge Building event in the technology category.

Payton Anderson and Kayla McCarthy earned fourth-placed in forensics.

Photos submitted

Marty Anderson makes a last-minute repair to his plane in the Wright Stuff event. Anderson is a veteran in the Science Olympiad tournaments. The Shell Lake team will compete in the Wisconsin Science Olympiad Regional Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 27, in Menomonie.



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Laker basketball teams take losses

Larry Samson | Staff writer CLEAR LAKE - It was a tough week for both the girls and boys basketball teams as both teams lost in doubleheaders. The teams traveled south to Clayton on Tuesday, Jan. 26. The Clayton girls are 9-0 in conference and they had an easy time beating Shell Lake 70-30. The Clayton boys team is 7-1 in conference and they easily handled Shell Lake 71-30. On Friday, Jan. 29, the Lakers traveled south again, this time to Clear Lake. The two girls teams were evenly matched and the game ended 42-30. The game was 13-11 going into halftime, but Clear

Lake outshot Shell Lake 29-20 in the second half. In the Clayton game, as in the Clear Lake game, the boys team was outmatched. The 4-4 Clear Lake team beat Shell Lake 78-36. Shell Lake will be traveling to Prairie Farm on Friday, Feb. 5, to play the Panthers. The girls will face the 5-4 Panthers and the boys will be playing a 3-5 team. The Lakers are a much better team than their 0-8 record indicates. They will have a chance to put a game in the win column when they go up against Prairie Farm, Turtle Lake and Northwood.

Meredith Kevan and Clear Lake player Jazmine Christiansen scramble for the ball in front of the Clear Lake bench. Kevan was called for a foul on this play as she reaches for the ball.

Ashlea Meister drives the basket on this layup. She was defended by Sophia Warner and Kasha Vinzant. Meister has been consistently the top scorer for Shell Lake. Against Clear Lake she had 11 points.

Heidi Steines finds herself between a wall and a hard spot as she drives the basket. Clear Lake defenders Sophia Warner and Haley Monette stopped her drive, and she had to pass the ball out. The Clear Lake defense made it tough for the Lakers as they beat them 42-31 in a conference game on Friday, Jan. 29, in Clear Lake. Grace Anderson with a 3-point shot. Anderson has been hitting the 3-pointers in recent games. Anderson had nine points for the game.

Freshman Andrew Martin makes a jump shot near the free-throw line but does not draw a foul.

Zach Melton with a little hook shot against the Clear Lake defender. Melton had seven points for the game.

Luke Pokorny, surrounded by Clear Lake defenders, goes above them on this jump shot. He put six points on the scoreboard.

Evan Hungerbuhler with a jump shot. He was the high scorer for the game with eight points as Shell Lake lost, 78-36, to Clear Lake on Friday, Jan. 29. The Lakers lost, 71-30, earlier in the week to Clayton on Tuesday, Jan. 26



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Laker wrestlers take dual meet conference title

SHELL LAKE – The Shell Lake High School wrestling team took the dual meet conference title over the Flambeau Falcons, Thursday night, Jan. 28, in Shell Lake in front of a Parents Night crowd. The coaching staff includes head coach Will Christ, with assistants Steve Naglosky and Jake Naesson. The evening started off in the 138pound weight class with Bob Bontekoe pinning his Flambeau opponent in 5:42 minutes after he was winning 13-2 in the first two rounds. At the 145-pound weight class Ulan Koxegenov received a forfeit, as well as Dominic Hopke at the 152pound weight class. Fighting hard in the 160-pound weight class, Carter Lawrence lost to Flambeau’s Dean Harris 6-7. Coach Naglosky said, “I was very proud of Carter. He moved up two weight classes to wrestle a very physical opponent. Carter wrestled six minutes very hard and although he lost, I feel it was one of the best matches that Carter has had this year. He was in the match from start to finish.” Shell Lake’s Ben Frey received a forfeit at the 170-pound weight class. For Shell Lake at the 182-pound weight class first-year wrestler Marty Anderson lost by pin fall in the first round to Flambeau’s Rowdy Cocher. Austin Schultz also lost by pin fall in the first round to Chisone Williams of Flambeau. Isaac Haines at 220 pounds and Devin Guggenberger at 285 pounds both received forfeits bringing the team score to 36-15. There was a double forfeit at the 106pound weight class with no points changing hands. At 113 pounds, Daniel Nielsen was winning in the first round 5-4 before being pinned by his Flambeau opponent. “Daniel came out and wrestled very hard against another tough opponent. I was very happy with his effort,” Naglosky

The Lakers earned the Lakeland Conference Dual Championship with a 48-27 win over Flambeau on Thursday, Jan. 28. The Lakers finished the season undefeated. Shown back row (L to R): Assistant coach Steve Naglosky, Cassie Lawrence, Madeline Hopke, Devin Guggenberg, Ben Frey, Carter Lawrence, Isaac Haines, Marty Anderson, Ulan Koxegenov, head coach Will Christ and assistant coach Jake Naesson. Middle: Team manager Tyler Schunck, Daniel Nielsen, Dominic Hopke, Jack Skluzacek, Cory Kidder, Cody McTaggert, Austin Schultz and Bob Bontekoe. Front: Cecilia Harrington, Lainy Hutton, Jade Folstad, Niki Everroad, Kayde Bontekoe, Jadee Goetz and Allison Tims. added. Cory Kidder at 120 pounds earned a pin fall in the first round over Flambeau’s Bishop. The Flambeau 126pound wrestler received a forfeit by Shell Lake bringing the team score to 42-27. In the final match of the night, Jack Skluzacek won by pin fall in the first round against Flambeau’s Tyler Smith after a hard throw to the mat. The Shell Lake coaches were incredibly proud of what the team has accomplished

Wrestling in his first year, Marty Anderson goes up against a veteran wrestler, Rowdy Cocher, in the 182-pound weight class. Anderson was pinned in the first round.

Bob Bontekoe comes from behind to pin his opponent for six team points in the 138-pound weight class.

Jack Skluzacek goes down hard on this takedown. The Flambeau wrestler was penalized for excessive force. Skluzacek was given time to recover after the takedown. Most wrestlers would have taken the win and the match would have been called, but not this wrestler. He went on to pin his opponent shortly after the match continued. — Photos by Larry Samson

this year. The team is young, with no seniors. The coaching staff is very excited for what these young men will accomplish in the future. In a wrap-up of the regular season, the Lakers had a final score of 40-30 after wrestling in Unity on Thursday, Dec. 12. Winning their matches were Kidder, Skluzacek, Bontekoe, Lawrence, Hopke and Guggenberger. When the team hosted Thorp on Thursday, Dec. 17, winners were Kidder, Skluzacek, Lawrence, Koxegenov, Brandon Hovel, Frey, Schultz and Haines. The final score was 48-9. In the triple meet held Thursday, Jan. 7, in Shell Lake between the Lakers and Cornell/Gillman/ Lake Holcombe the final score was 4823. Laker winners were Kidder, Nielsen, Skluzacek, Bontekoe, Koxegenov, Hopke, Frey and Anderson The score with Bruce was 48-12. Shell Lake winners were Kidder, Nielsen, Skluzacek, Bontekoe, Hopke, Koxegenov, Frey and Schultz. Traveling to Northwood on Thursday, Jan. 14, the final score was 60-0. Winners that evening were Nielsen, Kidder, Skluzacek, Bontekoe, Hopke, Lawrence, Frey,

Anderson, Schultz and Haines. They also saw action in Cameron on Thursday, Jan. 21. The final score was 54-15. Winning Lakers were Kidder, Skluzacek, Bontekoe, Hopke, Cody McTaggart, Lawrence, Frey, Anderson and Guggenberger. The coaching staff provided the following statement: “Inside and outside of the room it is our promise that we will continue to focus all efforts and attention on continuing to build our team and see results. Prioritizing these efforts proves tricky as first/second-year coaches. However, we continue to grow as a whole and have all learned from one another. We have pushed our wrestlers farther than most thought possible and have put each and every one of them in the position to be successful. These positions are earned and not given and each and every Laker wrestler is willing to rise to that challenge.” The Lakers will be competing at the conference meet on Saturday, Feb. 6, in Cameron. — from the Shell Lake wrestling program



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Parents Night part of wrestling meet

Ben Frey is shown with his parents, Tamilyn White and Pete Frey.

The Kidders are a wrestling family. Cory Kidder, holding the sign, is with his father, David Kidder, his grandfather, John Kidder, his brother, John Jr., and his two cousins, Chance and Chase Kidder.

Daniel Nielsen is shown with his father, Eric Nielsen. Daniel is a freshman with a bright future. His father was a 1988 state wrestler.

Photos by Larry Samson

Team manager and future Laker wrestler Jamison Lucas is with his parents, Jamie Lucas and Darla Barrett-Lucas, during the Shell Lake wrestling Parents Night held Thursday, Jan. 28.

Spooner hosts youth tournament

Playing point guard, Justine Swanson brings the ball downcourt. Her job is to pass the ball to an open player. See more photos on facing page.

Sydney Greenfield concentrates as she prepares to shoot her free throw at the Spooner-hosted basketball tournament on Saturday, Jan. 30.

Photos by Larry Samson




Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Shell Lake sixth-grade basketball tournament held

Alexis McCracken shoots against a Siren defender.

Brittany Clark shoots a basket near the 3-point line.

Photos by Larry Samson

The Shell Lake sixth-grade girls basketball team hosted a tournament Saturday, Jan. 30, at the high school gym. They took third place in the tournament and they had a lot of fun. Shown back row (L to R): Hannah Green, Grace Thomas, Brittany Clark, Brianna Williams and coach Anna Walther. Middle: Alexis McCracken, Kora Folstad, Rammie Hammac and Kali King. Â Front: MaKenna Anderson and Addison Schroeder.

MaKenna Anderson tries to shoot over the tall Siren defender.

Youth tournament/cont’d from previous page

The Spooner fifth-grade team hosted a basketball tournament Saturday, Jan. 30, in the high school gym. It was the second time this season that they played. Shown back row (L to R): Coaches Scott Greenfield, Rob Mitchell and Miles Macone. Middle: Justine Swanson, Natalie Martin, Aubree Becker, Elizabeth Meister, Charlotte Macone, Alyza Bluse, Taylor Childs, Sydney Greenfield and Kelli Schumaker. Front: Ella Sturtz, Aubrie Bell, Evelyn Pederson, Jenna Hiler, Julia Corbin, Malotie Bullion, Adler Allet and Kylie Shortsbauer.

Elizabeth Meister shoots under the basket.

Photos by Larry Samson



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Spooner youth wrestling action Carter Melton and his Cameron opponent watch and wait for the official to call the match for Melton.

Carter Melton pins his Cameron opponent and the official slaps the mat. Melton is an eighth-grader who will be joining the Spooner Rails varsity team next year.

RIGHT: Mason Siefert pins his Cameron opponent. The Spooner Middle School wrestling program is just beginning its season as the high school season winds down.

Photos by Larry Samson

Icemen weekly update CUMBERLAND/RICE LAKE/PINE CITY, Minn. – In hockey action, the Northwest Icemen dropped their Tuesday, Jan. 26, game in Cumberland 8-4 to Hayward. The Icemen team that was shorthanded with injury and illness played a solid, hardworking game for two periods, entering the third period with a 4-3 lead before multiple bad penalties provided Hayward the opportunity to take the lead with three power-play goals along with an empty-net tally to secure their victory. From a coaching perspective, “It was very disappointing to see the game fall apart in the third. Twice we found ourselves two men down, taking penalties while we were already shorthanded, are mental mistakes that have to be avoided to give us a chance to win. On the positive side the Icemen enjoyed brilliant goaltending again from Trevor Brimblecom.” The Icemen JV faced Rice Lake at home in Barron on Thursday, Jan. 28. The Icemen lost the game 3-1. Once again the

team played well against a good Rice Lake team but also once again bad penalties in the third period cost the team a power-play goal against and a chance at coming out of the contest with at least a tie. The coach commented, “We want our team to work hard and play aggressive but there is a fine line between hard-nose hockey and making us shorthanded with poor penalties.” The NW Icemen JV traveled to Pine City on Friday night, Jan. 29, and played a solid game that ended in a 1-all tie. The Icemen, in particular younger classmen, played hard and for the most part controlled the play with crisp passing and solid defensive work on the ice. The team outshot the opponents 2 to 1 but good goaltending on both sides kept the score even and the game exciting. — from NW Icemen

Track and field meeting scheduled SHELL LAKE – Coach Katrina Granzin has announced that a parent/athlete track and field meeting for Shell Lake sevenththrough 12th-grade students will take place Monday, Feb. 8, 7 p.m. at the 3-12

Kevin Retlaff stays ahead of his Cameron opponent as he tries to get up for one point. The Cameron and Spooner middle school wrestlers got a chance to wrestle each other in a dual meet before the varsity meet on Tuesday, Jan. 26. It was also an opportunity for the Spooner wrestling fans to get a look at the up-and-coming wrestlers.

building. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact Granzin. — from Shell Lake Schools

Spooner Bowling Association to offer scholarship SPOONER – Spooner USBC Bowling Association is offering a $400 scholarship to an area 2016 graduate. Forms are available through local school guidance counselors or at Northwoods Lanes in Spooner. You may also call Clau-

dia Place at 715-635-3963. To be eligible for the scholarship, a student or a relative must be a USBC member of a sanctioned bowling league. — from SBA


WINTER sports

schedule Boys basketball

Friday, Feb. 5: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 5:45 p.m.


Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Tuesday, Feb. 9: Doubleheader at Frederic, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12: Doubleheader versus Cameron, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Doubleheader versus Webster, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19: Doubleheader at Turtle Lake, 5:45 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22: Versus Flambeau, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25: Versus Drummond, 7:15 p.m.

Girls basketball


Friday, Feb. 5: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Doubleheader at Frederic, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12: Doubleheader versus Cameron, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Doubleheader versus Webster, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19: Doubleheader at Turtle Lake,

7:15 p.m.

Wrestling Saturday, Feb. 6: Conference at Cameron, 10 a.m.

Spooner wrestlers hold Parents Night

Spooner wrestlers Josh and Bryce Carroll are with their parents, Paula and Christopher Carroll. Josh and Bryce are home-schooled but are able to play for the Rails because of a new rule to encourage more student athletes. Wrestling is a sport that requires a family commitment. Garrett Borelli is shown with his mother, Kristy Leckel, and father Frank Borelli. Parents Night was held Tuesday, Jan. 26. It is a way for the Spooner School and coaches to show their appreciation to the parents.

The Melton family is totally committed to the Rails wrestling program; Lilly is a statistician, Caleb is the head coach, Chase is a varsity wrestler, Sarah runs the concession stand and Ethan is one of the team managers.

Mary Larson stands proudly with her son, Blake Larson. This is his final year in wrestling and she has been at his side in the good times and in the bad. As the season goes into the tournaments, she will be there with him as he makes a run at state.

Spooner loses to Hayward Chase Melton sizes up his Cameron opponent in his match.

Blake Larson, wrestling in the 120-pound weight class, pins his Cameron opponent. Spooner beat Cameron in the Tuesday, Jan. 26, dual meet held in Spooner. Spooner will be in the Heart O’North Conference meet in Superior, on Saturday, Feb. 6.

Photos by Larry Samson

Josh Melton pins his Cameron opponent in the 152-pound weight class.

Working behind the scenes to keep track of the stats and keeping records are the statisticians for the Spooner team. Shown (L to R): Maddy Hagberg, Sarah Adamson and Abby Melton. Lilly Melton was not present for the photo.



Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Byron E. Baker, loving father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother and friend passed away Monday, Jan. 18, 201,6, at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Duluth, Minn. A longtime resident of Shell Lake, he was 95 years old. Byron was born and raised in rural Brule County, S.D., the second of three children of Gene and

Darcy K. Lovell-Klinga, 51, passed away Friday, Jan. 22, 2016, after a courageous battle with cancer. She was born Feb. 6, 1964, in Cloquet, Minn., to Ken and Kaye Klinga. Darcy discovered her love of nature especially gardening at an early age. She was a wonderful hostess, always putting others before herself. Her short time in this world

Donald C. Grunnes, 85, of Northeast Minneapolis, Minn., was graciously taken home to heaven by the Lord on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016. He was born May 24, 1930, in Doran, Wis. He attended Shell Lake High School and then graduated from Webster High School in 1948. He worked on a farm in North Dakota after high school and then enlisted in the Air Force during the Korean conflict. Following his service, he went on to meet his wife, Eleanor Huls. They were married on July 14, 1956, in Coomer, Wis. While attending the Univer-

Byron E. Baker

Rena Baker. He graduated from Shell Lake High School in 1938. He married longtime childhood friend Jeanette Cooper in Easton, Md., in 1945. Byron served with honor and distinction in the U.S. Navy from April 1940 to October 1959. He served aboard the USS Brooklyn, USS Stanley, USS Wedderburn, USS Purdey and USS Vulcan. He participated in numerous battles and campaigns during World War II, including Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Okinawa, Iwo Jima and the Marianas.

Darcy K. Lovell-Klinga

held many challenges, but in spite of this, she rose above, discovering a love of nature, gardening and entertaining; thinking of others over herself. Darcy met the love of her life and she brought four beautiful children into our world. Darcy was preceded in death by her parents. She leaves behind a loving life partner of 14 years, Jeff Davis; four children, Kevin (Sandra), Kari (Alexander), John (Kate) and Zebulon; six grandchildren; one brother, Brian (Tracy); and two nieces.

Donald C. Grunnes

sity of Minnesota, he competed nationally judging dairy products. He finished the competition first in butter and fourth in ice cream. After graduating in 1959 with a Bachelors of Science degree, he became employed at National Butter in St. Paul for 2-1/2 years. For the next 34 years he worked for Germantown Manufacturing of Philadelphia. He enjoyed 20 years of retirement, spending numerous winters in Scottsdale, Ariz. He would always visit Texas friends on his way down. Don enjoyed hunting, golfing, socializing with friends and family, and seniors dining in Fridley. For the past few years he has chronicled his friends, people he met and life experiences through his drawings. Don is survived by his wife of 59-1/2 years, Eleanor;

Byron is survived by two sons, Eugene (Linda) Baker, Cushing, and Robert Baker, Eatonville, Wash.; two daughters, Gail (Zack) Anderson, Shakopee, Minn., and Patricia (Steve Atkinson) Shandorf, Shell Lake; five grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; sister, Mary Dunn, Shell Lake; many nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral services were held at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial cemetery near Spooner with family friend Edd Hill officiating.

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Solvay Hospice House, 801 Baylis St., Duluth, MN 55811. The family would like to extend a special thank-you to the staff of Solvay for their exceptional care. A Celebration of Life was held Jan. 30 in Cloquet, Minn. See the family online guest book at nelsonfuneralcare.net. Nelson Funeral Care, Cloquet, Minn., was entrusted with arrangements.

sons, Don (Deborah) and Dale; grandchildren, Derek and JoAnna; sisters, Bethel Lammert and Anna Mae (Philip) Gerber; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Don was preceded in death by his parents and his sister, Ellen. Memorial service will be at 11 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016, with visitation one hour prior at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 3014 McKinley St., NE Minneapolis, Minn. Interment at a later date at Lorain Union Cemetery, Indian Creek, Wis. Arrangements by Washburn-McReavy Funeral Home, Northeast Chapel, washburn-mcreavy. com, 612-781-6628.

Gerald E. “Jerry” Besse Jr. Gerald E. “Jerry” Besse Jr., 68, Shell Lake, passed away, Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016, at his home. He was born Sept. 23, 1947, in Shell Lake, the son of Gerald and Florence (Shellito) Besse. Jerry is survived by his children, Wendy Besse (Dustin Klopp), Shell Lake, and David (Kelsey) Besse, Eagan, Minn.; and grandchildren,


Breanna, Aspen and Logan. Also surviving are his sisters, Sandy (Julius) Portalatin, Sarasota, Fla., and Susan (Danny) Sutton, Shell Lake; as well as many nieces, nephews and friends. A graveside committal service with military honors will be held at noon on Thursday, Feb. 4, at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Spooner with Pastor John Sahlstrom officiating. Luncheon will be served in Jerry’s memory at Peggy’s Restaurant in Shell Lake immediately following the in-

terment. Arrangements have been entrusted with SwedbergTaylor Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Webster. Online condolences may be expressed at swedberg-taylor.com.

Whitefish Bay. Bonnie Hjelmer and I took in the St. Alban’s monthly free meal – donations appreciated – on Wednesday night in Spooner. We met brother Don there. Really nice and such good food and friendly folks. Tuesday evening, daughter Mary Marschall made food and brought supper here for her family. Her John was at his mom’s in Amery so he picked up their grandson, Grant, on the way here so Sara and Kyle could get chores done earlier. Dorothy Esser, Spooner, visited me Wednesday afternoon. John Marschall and his boys, Brad and Brian, and Kyle and Sara Mathison and little Grant, fished on Bear Lake on Friday. They all stopped in for coffee and brownies in midafternoon for an hour. Fish weren’t biting though. Mavis Schlapper was here for coffee with me, too, so she got to see them. Grandson Corey Furchtenicht and daughter Arianna visited me Saturday evening for a bit. Charlene was in the Twin Cities. Norm and Donna Ness stopped by on their way to church in Sarona on Sunday with goodies for me that included some of her famous peach schnapps cake and some real good potato and bacon soup. Norm must have made it. Those two are something else. Donna is doing better now, just using a cane. The fifth-annual Triple Treat at the Earl church will be held Saturday, Feb. 6, 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. That is always so nice, good soups and rolls and pie. They will have a craft table and silent auction, too. Try to get to that. I saw Bonnie and Larry Meier at physical therapy on Friday. Glad to see Bonnie is doing so well after her knee replacement. Keep up the good work. She also reminded me of the Triple

Treat at her church. This week’s birthday wishes go to Jeff Norton, John Cusick, Joan Campbell, Feb. 4; John Okonek, Cody Gagner, Ashley Elliot, Feb. 5; Denise Johansen, Geoff Roe, Feb. 6; Ashton Fox, Marco Fields, Julie Westlund, Debbie Wakefield, Feb. 7; Sue Fiesbie, Linda Frank, Teddy Richter, Jim Momnson, Amanda Reynolds, Bailey Okonek, Jadalyn Meads, Feb. 8; and Charlotte Kubista, John Pockat, Nicole Doans and Gabriel Knoop, Feb. 10. Have a happy one. A happy anniversary to Bryon and Julie Westlund on Feb. 10.

Marian Furchtenicht

This past week was all about clouds, snow showers, above-average temperatures and January ended all sunny and bright, around 40 degrees – our January thaw. We have gained more than 15 minutes of sunlight in the week. Bringing lunch out and visiting Virginia Stodola on Sunday was Beth Carlson and son Owen of Shell Lake. Willie and Vicki Lombard took her mom, Marylin Lang, with them to River Falls to the hockey game for Grandparents Day that the twin grandsons, Matt and John Miller, play on. On Sunday, all five of Marylin’s girls and their families were at her place in Barronett to help her celebrate her birthday. Dick and Charlotte Shover have enjoyed having friends from the Twin Cities and their son and grandson from the Chicago area at their place on Little Ripley. Gloria Frey spent Wednesday evening with her sister, Joanne Paulson, in Haugen. All of the Frey kids and grandkids, and also Laurie and Ken Harmon, Spooner, were at Anton and Gloria’s for Sunday brunch and to celebrate Anton’s belated 87th birthday. Congratulations to senior Brandon Gilbertson, Clayton, who got to 1,000 points at the Friday night basketball game in Shell Lake. His mom, Charlene, and Cory Furchtenicht, Arianne, and Russ and Nancy Furchtenicht were all there to see him. Sympathy to the families of some dear folks that have left us this week include Jackie Hanacek, 77, Spooner, who died Tuesday in Duluth. Jackie was a sweet, kind, lovable lady, and a dear friend to all who knew her. Her services are Friday, Feb. 5, 11 a.m., at Dahl’s in Spooner. Isabelle Egstad, 101, Rice Lake, passed away last Sunday and was the sister of the late Ole Musolf who lived in West Sarona. She was the last one to pass of the 13 children in the family. She was the ninth child. A celebration of life will be held at Appleyard’s Home for Funerals in Rice Lake on Saturday, Feb. 6. She leaves children Jerry (Ann) Egstad, Barronett, and Janice (Jeff) Pineda, of California, and 10 grandchildren, 13 great-grands, and one great-great-grand. Our condolences to well-known Don and Sharon Tobias in the death of their daughter, Heather Stettler, 45, who lost her battle with cancer. Her memorial service was held Saturday at Bayshore Lutheran Church in

Ash Wednesday service to be held at Salem SHELL LAKE — Salem Lutheran Church, 803 Second St., Shell Lake, will be hosted an Ash Wednesday Lenten service on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 6 p.m. with soup supper to follow. The Rev. Steve Miller will preach. — from Salem Lutheran



53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Sunday at 10:30 a.m.


293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

St. Alban’s

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

Long Lake Lutheran Church

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School. Office hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon. trinityspooner.org


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.



Lake Park Alliance


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor Bill Lee W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

ow flawed we are, even when we try our best. Yet, God is merciful, God’s grace abounds. God’s grace is enough for us. Experience God’s grace in church this week by gracing the church with your presence.

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13)

Luke 5:1-11

Psalm 138

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, February 7, 2016 Transfiguration Of The Lord n one special occasion, Queen Elizabeth decided to honor a nobleman for his service by giving him a O ring. As she presented him the ring she said, “If you are

ever in trouble, send the ring to me and I will help you.” But there is one who is much more powerful than a king or a queen, a president or a premiere, who is available to us: “The Mighty One, God, the Lord,” declared the Psalmist. “Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you will honor me,” is his enduring promise. The language of The Mighty One is very significant. He did not say, “Don’t call me. I’ll call you when I have time.” Nor did he say, “That problem’s insignificant,” or “Your concern does not matter to me,” or “I’ll refer that to someone else later.” Our God, who is richer than the richest and stronger than the strongest and the greatest friend we can have, says to each of us, “Call me when you are facing troubles and need help. I’m always available.” Is that not exciting? If you are facing a difficult problem as you are reading this column you can put it aside, right now, and he’s waiting for you to call on him in prayer. Not only is he available, but he gives us the assurance that he will deliver us. What good is his availability if he is too powerless to protect us, too weak to fight for us, too poor to meet our needs? Whatever trouble we are facing, large or small, ours or someone we love - he guarantees a timely, effective and positive solution. He will deliver us when we call. But he does make one simple request of us: “You will honor me.” The goal of our prayer must not be to bring attention to ourselves for what he has done and will do for us; it must always be to bring honor to his name.



Judy Pieper

We’re home. We had a fantastic 10 days away from the cold and I didn’t have to worry about whether or not you would have something interesting to read in the Barronett news because Sharai Hefty is so good at finding news. Thank you, Sharai. Actually, the weather in Florida wasn’t that great while we were down there. There were only two nonrainy days. But that didn’t matter. My brother, Jim Copus, and his girlfriend, Donna, made sure we had plenty to do. Art and Jill Adam were there at the same time as we were. Jim and Donna naturally took us to a flea market, on a pontoon ride on the Peace River, shopping in Sarasota and to a comedy club. We also visited with all the other friends and neighbors in that area and had an absolutely wonderful time. Art and Jill got to Florida a couple of days before we did and they and their cousin, Scott Copus, and Rebecca went on a cruise ship to Key West. They had a great time there, spent the night in a luxury condo, got up the next morning planning to go on the cruise back to Fort Myers, looked out the window and saw a horrendous storm. Well, the cruise back north was canceled for three days due to huge waves in the Gulf of Mexico, so they had to rent a car to come back to Jim’s house. They were lucky that they immediately called the car rental company because when they got there and picked up their reserved car, there were about 50 people milling around hoping to catch a ride home with anyone who called ahead and got a car. Key West is about a fourhour boat ride from Fort Myers, but it’s about six hours by car. They all decided that one trip there was enough. The only bad part about going on vacation is that everyone we visited thought they had to feed us. I’m going to have to eat right for a while to get rid of the 5 pounds I gained. One more thing about our vacation; I knew that my hair was getting a little out of hand before we left, but I didn’t take the time to get it cut. Anyway, while we were at the flea market, I saw a beauty

Stone Lake

shop and went in and got a haircut. Well, Scott Copus saw me in there and immediately called my son, Jerry Marsh, and said, “We’re at the flea market and guess what your mom is doing?” When he told him, Jerry knew for sure that I had lost my mind and he was going to have to start looking for a “home” for me. He and Scott had a pretty good laugh about the dumb things I do. Merl and Shirley Overvig were on vacation in the stormy East about the same time we were in Florida. They spent some time in Ashville, N.C., with Shirley’s son, Ben Lemke. From there they went to North Myrtle Beach and spent four days at the Bluegreen Resort. They had an ocean-view room and Shirley videotaped a beautiful sunrise over the ocean. She also got pictures of the full moon over the water. They spent nine more days in Myrtle Beach, visiting with friends Joe and Judy. On the way home, they stopped by Ashville and visited with Ben again. Closer to home they stopped at Fond du Lac to see Shirley’s aunt, Rosie. Then they drove over to the Chilton area to visit Shirley’s cousin, Al, and his wife, Pat, and friends John and Arlene. They had breakfast with them and then headed for home. Shirley said they were very lucky because they missed the bad weather both going east and coming home again. After they left Ashville the first time, Ben called and told them that 10 inches of snow had fallen in that area. By the time they were on the way home, all of that snow had melted. Sounds like they had a wonderful time and were very happy to be home again. Lent is sneaking up on us rapidly. Wednesday, Feb. 10, is Ash Wednesday. Where did the time go? Anyway, before Lenten service, the youth group at Barronett Lutheran will be serving their annual spaghetti dinner. They will start serving at 6 p.m. in the church basement. If you don’t already have a home church, please stop in for dinner and the Lenten service. This is the perfect opportunity to visit our church and get acquainted with

Mary Nilssen

The big countdown for the Super Bowl has begun. It should be an exciting game! Everyone is welcome to attend the Lenten services for First Lutheran Church of Stone Lake and Stone Lake Wesleyan Church starting on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10. Pastor Ed Anderson and Pastor Tim Young will be leading the services, respectively. Living Lent is the theme for this year’s service series. The Ash Wednesday service and Good Friday service will not be serving soup and sandwiches. All of the other Lenten services will have soup and sandwiches starting at 6 p.m. The service will begin at 6:45 p.m. Here is a schedule of the 2016 Lenten services: Wednesday, Feb. 17, Stone Lake Wesleyan Church with the topic purpose. Wednesday, Feb. 24, First Lutheran Church with the topic people. Wednesday, March 2, Stone Lake Wesleyan Church with the topic proclaim. Wednesday, March 9, First Lutheran Church with the topic praise. Wednesday, March 16, Stone Lake Wesleyan Church with the topic pain. Good Friday service will be March 25 at

Stone Lake Wesleyan. Easter services will be on March 27 at both churches. On Saturday, Feb. 13, there will be a Valentine’s Day skating party from 1-4 p.m. the Stone Lake skating rink. Children and families are invited to skate at the rink and warm up and enjoy hot chocolate, marshmallows and treats at the fire hall. This event is sponsored by the Stone Lake Lions. If you have questions, please contact Dick Rainville at 715-865-5032. Also on Saturday, Feb. 13, Marie’s Hideaway will be serving a special Valentine’s Day dinner from 5-10 p.m. For more information, please call 715-865-5082. Reservations are appreciated, but not necessary. Dave and I extend gratitude to the lady that found our little schnauzer walking down CTH B on Sunday afternoon. She was a little confused about where her house was with all the snowbanks. Greta is a very sweet dog and would have been greatly missed if this kind person hadn’t picked her up and returned her. It’s so nice to live in such a caring community! Have a good week and be safe. Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-8654008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com.

Senior lunch menu Monday, Feb. 8: Creamy chicken and broccoli Alfredo penne, garlic bread, gelatin dessert. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Sausage gravy over biscuits, scrambled eggs, cheese, cinnamon coffee cake, orange juice. Birchwood only: 10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10: Kielbasa, homemade macaroni and cheese, baby Brussels, chocolate cake. Thursday, Feb. 11: Breaded pork chop, cheesy hash browns, Italian-blend vegetables, cinnamon applesauce. Friday, Feb. 12: Hearty beef stew over mashed potatoes with peas and carrots, Valentine surprise dessert. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu is subject to change. All meals served with milk and bread.

Dining at 5 Shell Lake, Monday, Feb. 8: Chicken cordon bleu, wild rice stuffing, roasted asparagus, mandarin orange salad, cherry pie. Call 715-468-4750 to make reservations 24 hours in advance. Suggested donation is $5. For anyone under 60 years old cost is $8.75.

the congregation. We love to welcome visitors. Happy birthday wishes go out to Pastor Todd Ahneman, who celebrated one of those annoying birthdays that end with a zero on Monday. The poor man had to stand in front of the church while we sang “Happy Birthday” on Sunday. Hope your birthday was great, Pastor Todd. Pastor Jon and Alice Simundson gave Barronett Lutheran the most beautiful picture I have ever seen in a church. It was given to them by their daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Tim Kintner. It is a picture of Jesus walking on the water, grabbing the hand of Peter, who is sinking. I can’t do it justice by trying to describe it, but the waves and the foam on the ocean and the boat in the background are unbelievably beautiful. We are very thankful to Pastor Jon and Alice for allowing us to display the painting in our church. The women of the church will be meeting Thursday, Feb. 4, 7 p.m., in the church basement. I’m not sure what we will be discussing but there will be lots of interesting things talked about. Hope you can join us. Suzy and Ryan Lehmann hosted a

prebirthday party for Alyse and Miriah at their home Sunday evening. Guests were Don, Tinille and Tru Lehmann, Jerry Marsh, Lynn Thon and Duane and I. Suzy had tacos and two cakes and we all ate, sang a terrible rendition of “Happy Birthday” and had lots of fun. Jerry was just about floored by a new joke he heard the other night. He and a few friends were at the Barronett Bar having a good time, and one of them asked him if he had heard the new Nazi knockknock joke. Jerry said that he hadn’t, so the other man said, “Knock-knock.” Jerry of course said, “Who’s there?” His friend open-handed slapped him so hard across the face that he almost knocked him out and said, “Ve vill ask the questions here!” Jerry said that he and the whole bar roared with laughter. He said that if the friend hadn’t hit him quite so hard, it wouldn’t have been as funny. Hmmm. Men are a little strange. I guess that’s about all I can think of from Barronett this week. Hope you can join us for the women’s meeting and for the Lenten service at Barronett Lutheran. See you next time

Washburn County Area Humane Society Stella’s a Lab mix, a touch of hound, too, She is just 10 months, so she’ll need this from you. Patience and training, some good one-on-one, A bit of a challenge, but double the fun. She knows how to sit; she will come when you call, If energy’s bad, that’s her only downfall. But puppies and energy go hand in hand, Like a singer and instruments make up a band. Just as with children their future is bright, If you’re loving, but firm, they will learn wrong from right. Cats for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old neutered gray/white longhair; 1-1/2-yearold spayed brown/black tabby; 2-year-old male black/brown shorthair tabby; 1-1/2-year-old shorthair calico/

tortie; 8-month-old shorthair tortie; 2-yearold shorthair calico/ tortie; 2-year-old black/ brown/white neutered shorthair tiger; 1-year-old neutered orange shorthair tabby; 4-month-old female black/white shorthair; 3-1/2-year-old neutered black/white shorthair; 8-monthold female gray/orange shorthair and a 4-month-old male black shorthair. Dogs for adoption: 10-month-old neutered black/white hound/Lab mix; 10-month-old spayed black/white Lab/bluetick mix and a 3-1/2-year-old spayed red heeler mix. Strays include: Adult tan female heeler and a adult male chocolate Lab found together on Corbits Lane in Shell Lake.

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Academic news DULUTH, Minn. - The following local students have been named to the fall 2015 dean’s list at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minn.: Danielle Anderson, Spooner; Jennifer Gwash, Minong; Alexandra Hodgkins, Shell Lake; MacKenzie Mitchell, Spooner; and Brady Schafer, Spooner. — from ReadMedia ••• WHITEWATER – The following local students were named to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater dean’s list for the 2015 fall semester: Renae Lloyd, Shell Lake; Sara Taylor, Spooner; and Brianna Sierzchulski, Springbrook. — from ReadMedia ••• FAYETTE, Iowa — Sarah Benson, Minong, an exercise/sport studies major, was named to the dean’s honor list at Upper Iowa University for the fall 2015 semester. — from ReadMedia ••• MANKATO, Minn. – The following area students were named to the dean’s honor list for the fall 2015 semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato: Dana Danger, Spooner, freshman; and Matthew Slaminski, freshman. — from TheLink •••

RIVER FALLS – Area students named to the University of Wisconsin - River Falls fall semester dean’s list are: Birchwood: Kaitlin Draganowski, accounting, economics; Meghan Swanson, English; Spooner: Keith Richardson, music education; Trego: Brianna Christman, animal science. — from TheLink ••• ASHLAND/NEW RICHMOND/ RICE LAKE/SUPERIOR - More than 80 Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College students graduated and joined the workforce in December. Receptions were held for the graduates at the four WITC campuses located in Ashland, New Richmond, Rice Lake and Superior. Area students include, Sarona: Shawn Seever, technical diploma, automotive maintenance technician; Shell Lake: Gretchen Sandstrom, technical diploma, cosmetology; Spooner: April Featherly, technical diploma, medical assistant; Heather Jahnke, technical diploma, medical assistant; Kara Kastern, associate degree, business management; Kristi Miller, technical diploma, medical assistant; Samantha Miller, associate degree, nursing associate degree. — from WITC

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Heart Lake

Helen V. Pederson

Good morning! On Monday we had bright skies with predictions that Tuesday would bring us storms. It has been mild temps and Monday was the same. Most everyone I talked to had been at Ruth Swan’s funeral on Wednesday. It was a nice service and everyone will miss her.

Dewey Country Oh what a beautiful day we had on Sunday, the last day of January. Yes, Mr. Sunshine was out and it felt warm. I’m afraid of what is to come as we’ve had quite a nice winter. One month of 2016 is now gone and it just flew by! Phew! It’s a very happy birthday to brother Carl Meister on Feb. 4 when Carl turns ?? Also a happy birthday to Kyle Beaufeaux and to Isaac Crosby who turns 10 years old. Enjoy your special day, guys. A very happy anniversary to Kurt and Paige Sklucazek on Feb. 4 when they celebrate 27 years together. Have a great one. A very happy birthday to Mark Hanson on Feb. 7. Enjoy your special day Mark. A very happy birthday to my nephew Mike Quam on Feb. 9. Someone is going to bake you a special cake, Mike, and make you a special supper. Yum! Feb. 10, a very happy birthday to John Pockat on his special day and also happy birthday to Mike Melton. Have a great one, guys. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Jerry Besse who died this past week of that terrible C word. Funeral services will be held at the veterans cemetery on Thursday, Feb. 4, with lunch following at Peggy’s Place Restaurant in Shell Lake. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Ruth Swan who died recently. Ruth was 89 and was a Dewey Country resident for many years. Her funeral was Jan. 27 at Salem Lutheran in Shell Lake with burial


Sympathy is extended to Deb and Curt Ziemer and family due to the death of Deb’s sister, Jeanne Adams, of Goodhue, Minn. She passed away suddenly Dec. 29 while shoveling snow. Deb and Curt’s son, Jeremiah, led the funeral service. Jeanne was 61. Sympathy is also extended to Sue and Danny Sutton and family because of the death of Sue’s brother, Jerry Besse. He had battled cancer for several years. Word has been received of the death of Donald Grunnes of Minneapolis, Minn. He and his wife, Eleanor (Huls), both grew up in this area, and they still own a home in the Town of Dewey. Sympathy is extended to Eleanor and family. Wednesday visitors of Nina and Lawrence Hines were Gerry and Donna Hines and Hank and Karen Mangelsen. Curt Ziemer is feeling some better, so he and Deb have been enjoying going on Saturdays to watch granddaughter Hailey Ziemer play basketball. The season will be concluded on Feb. 6 with the last tournament in Shell Lake. Lawrence and Nina Hines went to

Sue Winner of Solon Springs and son Jeffrey came to take me to the funeral. Jean Odden and her daughter, Kathy Granzin, and granddaughter Lena and her newborn girl visited us after the funeral at church. Peder Pederson had been a dinner guest of his daughter, Cheri Minot, on Sunday. Wendell Lee Turpin came to visit me on

Sunday afternoon. Wendell’s mom was Floyd’s sister, Pauline Pederson Turpin. On Tuesday, Pastor Starr of the Methodist church in Spooner and Jo Hendrickson came to give us a nice afternoon of singing. On Wednesday afternoon we had a quilt show here at Glenview with so many quilts that include old and beautiful ones.

The men here at Glenview were guests of a dinner provided by Glenview on Friday night. Arlys Santiago was at the annual meeting at Salem on Sunday and the fish and ham dinner afterward. Middle age is the time a guy starts turning out lights for economic reasons rather than romantic reasons.

vote for the one you think will be a benefit to our county. Paula Cramer came Thursday to enjoy part of the day with me. She tells us her rentals are doing fine now, which is great to hear. On Saturday, Ginny Schnell and Nancy Murray stopped at their mom’s, Diane Hulleman’s. The girls had been to Hinckley and Danbury casinos. The husbands went snowmobiling when the girls left. It’s great to see gas prices down to $1.69 9/10 a gallon. It can keep coming down to less than $1. That would be great! Our deepest sympathy to the family of Don Grunnes who passed away recently. Don and Eleanor have a home in the Twin Cities and a home here in Dewey Country. They would have been married 60 years this year. The Grunnes have two sons and grandchildren. May you know you are in our special thoughts and prayers. Eleanor Hus used to be a Dewey Country resident. Don was also raised in Dewey Country. Diane Hulleman, Ginny Schnell and Nancy Murray went to Tracks for supper Saturday night and enjoyed the great food. On Tuesday Diane was at Shell Lake Schools helping the teachers out. The kids just love Diane, which is great. News from Evelyn Melton finds her daughter, Vicki Trott, was over Sunday afternoon. A very happy birthday to Ericka Granzin on her special day, Feb. 1. Hope you enjoyed your special day, Ericka. Garry and Beth Crosby spent last Saturday with Chad and Ashley Crosby and children Chase, Morgan and Joyel, and from there they went to Peoria, Ill., for a National NFO convention where they stayed until Thursday night. Tom Crosby also attended. Talking with Janie Lauterbach, she tells us their son, Noah, got a first in wrestling on Saturday. Afterward they took Noah out to grandparents, Marie and Warren Quam’s and their three sons took Noah fishing. Noah stayed overnight and his mom and dad came and got him on Sunday. Meanwhile his sister, Elliana, had to outdo her big brother, with her mom taking her with to Baldwin where they met Pattie Feeney who loves to have Elliana come and stay with the family. Sunday the sisters met with Elliana coming home. The Feeneys live in Minnesota. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

My Sunshine’s shoes

Pauline Lawrence in the Shell Lake Cemetery. She leaves behind sons Jerry and David Swan and daughter Joni Parker. May you know you are in our special thoughts and prayers. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Heather Stettler who passed away from cancer on Jan. 19. Heather was a graduate of Shell Lake High School. May you know you are in our special thoughts and prayers. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Jay Schultz, 61, who passed away Jan. 17. Jay was the son of the late Everett and Gladys Schultz. Jay had four brothers who preceded him in death and he is survived by brother Kenneth and sister Karen. May you know you are in our special thoughts and prayers. A week ago, son Richy shipped out his cattle from last spring. They took them out in three long, long trailers. I guess the price of beef is to start coming down now. Real estate taxes were due Sunday, Jan. 31. Last Wednesday and Thursday, Richy’s turkeys went out once again. Yes, it was a fateful trip down to Barron for all those turkeys. Don’t know how many trips they made to Barron but a lot. Now it’s onward to cleaning the sheds and then getting new 7-week-old turkeys. April 5, write this down on your calendar. Yes, it’s the election of the Burnett County Board. Running are Duane Johnson and Phil Lindeman. So get out and

Karen Mangelsen Eden Prairie, Minn., Thursday and visited Nancy and Steve Hagen. They enjoyed seeing great-grandchildren Noah and Evie who were there also. Donna Hines called on Marlene Swearingen on Friday. Karen and Hank Mangelsen and Nina and Lawrence Hines were Friday afternoon visitors of John and Diana Mangelsen. Jake, Holly, Hannah, and Grace Mangelsen and Grace’s friend, Alana, all came to visit Hank and Karen Mangelsen on Saturday. Gerry and Donna Hines were supper guests of Mark and Sue Hines and family at their cabin Saturday evening. Alannah Mary Gillis and Gunner Michael Gillis received the sacrament of holy baptism at Lakeview UM Church Sunday morning. Their parents are Steve Gillis and Angie Peterson. A large number of family members attended the service to celebrate the occasion. Harvey and Bertha Asmus and Jerry and Rose Sexton visited Karen and Hank Mangelsen on Sunday afternoon.

by Pauline Lawrence The other day I was cleaning in my closet and I ran across my Sunshine’s shoes. Two pairs, what can I do? I thought of the many times I saw my Sunshine wearing those shoes, in the morning milking, wearing them during the day and in the evening taking them off. Ah, yes, I watched you take your shoes off, Sunshine, and I know your feet hurt, but hey, my feet hurt, too, along with my back. I know my Sunshine would forget my birthday and our anniversary and also when he bought these shoes. But I didn’t. Well, I took these shoes and cleaned them up and they still looked good to wear. I thought for a day of what to do with them and giving them away, I just couldn’t. After all, they were part of our farm and part of our life on the farm. Those shoes chased cattle, milked those bossies, cleaned our barn, and rode the tractor while cutting hay for our bossies and so much more of the many, many other jobs he had to do with our farm. Yes, those shoes must have a million miles, maybe even in a day. I thought of making a planter for flowers in the spring. You know I just love those little mayflowers or I could make them into banks on my lawn. Who would think of money being in some used shoes if I was to get robbed? Yes, I will have to think of something for those shoes, maybe put them on a pedestal? I could look at them every day and think of my Sunshine. And then I could think of all the things Sunshine did with those shoes and the adventures those show could tell. Oh if only those shoes could talk, what would I hear?


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COURT NEWS Michael J. Bonneprise, Hudson, speeding, $175.30; operating with PAC >=0.08, <0.15, $550.03. Jerrold M. Moses, Lindstrom, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Peterson and Sons Company, LLC, Medford, violate Class A highway weight limits, $2,297.24.

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Nora J. Shaide, Menomonie, OWI, $811.50, license revoked, alcohol assessment. Jamie P. Baker, Sarona, possession of controlled substance, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Scott T. Bastler, Big Lake, Minn., failure to support child, $268.00, probation, sent. withheld. Lucas J. Brabec, Spooner, OWI, $1,694.00, state prison, extended supervision.

Ricki L. Lambert, Barron, OWI, $600, local jail, license revoked 24 months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment. John E. Paquin, Spooner, resisting or obstructing an officer, $243.00, local jail, costs. Barbara Y. Roach, Altoona, inattentive driving, $641.50.




Laker celebration for elementary students held

Shell Lake students in third through sixth grades went sledding at Tam and Scott Smith’s property for their Laker Way celebration. This is the second schoolwide celebration for these students this year. The students earned this right to celebrate by getting Laker Way slips when they make good choices regarding safety, responsibility, respect and being a good problem solver. — Photo submitted

Primary Pajama Day

Students at Shell Lake Primary School recently had Pajama Day.

Staff at Shell Lake Primary School celebrated Pajama Day along with their students. - Photos submitted

Shell Lake school menu Breakfast Thursday, Feb. 4: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Friday, Feb. 5: Grades K-12: Laker pizza. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast. Monday, Feb. 8: Grades K-12: PopTart with cheese stick. Grades 3-12: Mini cinni roll. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Grades K-12: Waffles and fruit. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, Feb. 10: Grades K-2: Cereal and toast. Grades K-12: Sausage and cheese on English muffin. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, Feb. 11: Grades K-2: Muffin. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread or oatmeal with fixings. Friday, Feb. 12: No school. Professional Development Day. Monday, Feb. 15: No school. Presidents Day. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Grades K-12: Minni cinni roll. Grades 3-12: Bagel and cream cheese. Wednesday, Feb. 17: Grades K-12: Cereal and toast. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, Feb. 18: Grades K-12: French toast sticks. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Friday, Feb. 19: Grades K-12: Laker pizza. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast.

Monday, Feb. 22: Grades K-12: Pop-Tart with cheese stick. Grades 3-12: Mini cinni roll. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Grades K-12: Waffles and fruit. Grades 3-12: Chocolate-chip oatmeal bar. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Grades K-2: Cereal and toast. Grades K-12: Sausage and cheese on English muffin. Grades 3-12: Ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, Feb. 25: Grades K-2: Muffin. Grades 3-12: Homemade sweet bread. Grades 3-12: Oatmeal with fixings. Friday, Feb. 26: Grades K-12: Apple or cherry frudel. Grades 3-12: Ham, egg and cheese bar with toast. Monday, Feb. 29: Grades K-12: Mini cinni roll. Grades 3-12: Bagel and cream cheese. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students. Lunch Thursday, Feb. 4: Grades K-12: Mozzarella dippers. Grades 7-12: Pizza calzone. Friday, Feb. 5: Grades K-12: Sloppy joe. Monday, Feb. 8: Grades K-12: Chicken strip wrap. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Grades K-12: Cold ham, turkey and cheese. Grades 7-12: Meatball sub. Wednesday, Feb. 10: Grades K-12: Chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes. Grades 7-12: Bean and cheese burrito.

Thursday, Feb. 11: Grades K-12: Pizza. Early release. Friday, Feb. 12: No school. Professional Development Day. Monday, Feb. 15: No school. Presidents Day. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Grades K-12: Orange chicken and rice bowl. Grades 7-12: Burrito and rice bowl. Wednesday, Feb. 17: Grades K-12: Crispy-chicken sandwich. Grades 7-12: Buffalo-chicken pizza. Thursday, Feb. 18: Grades K-12: Baked chicken. Grades 7-12: Corn dog. Friday, Feb. 19: Grades K-12: Brunch. Monday, Feb. 22: Grades K-12: Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Grades K-12: Taco salad. Grades 7-12: Cheese pizza. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Grades K-12: Chicken and gravy over whole-grain biscuit. Grades 7-12: Spicy-chicken sandwich. Thursday, Feb. 25: Grades K-12: Hot Italian sub. Grades 7-12: Mozzarella dippers. Friday, Feb. 26: Grades K-12: Penne with meat sauce. Monday, Feb. 29: Grades K-12: Corn dog with macaroni and cheese. Menus subject to change. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


No denying

Washburn County Deputy Brendan Harrington is shown with the county’s new K-9 Onyx. — Photo submitted

New K-9 partner selected for Washburn County SHELL LAKE - The new K-9 partner for Deputy Brendan Harrington of the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office has been selected. Onyx is a 1-1/2-year-old Belgian Malinois. He will be with Harrington for a month or so prior to their 12- to 13-week training at the St. Paul K-9 Academy, in St. Paul, Minn. Onyx will not officially work or be on duty until after the extensive training in St. Paul. He will probably start working sometime in June. The purchase, costs of training, and equipment of the county’s new police dog was a direct result of public and business donations, which totaled over $23,000. Harrington says Onyx has a great temperament, is quiet and yet responds aggressively when required. Once fully trained and working, Onyx will be introduced at schools and events. — from WCSO

K-9 Bleu is shown with his handler, Officer Trevor Peterson of the Spooner Police Department. — Photo submitted

While we often lament winter’s sometimes brutal side effects, there is no denying it can produce some of the more beautiful scenes in Northwest Wisconsin. This bridge was framed in white by a recent snowfall. - Photo by Melissa Ward

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Spooner Police welcomes K-9 SPOONER - Chief Jerry Christman and the Spooner Police Department are excited and proud to announce the addition of K-9 Bleu to their police force. This is a first for the Spooner PD. Bleu is a Malinois and was born in November of 2014. Bleu was purchased from Slovakia through the St. Paul Police K-9 purchasing program. K-9 Bleu and handler Officer Trevor Peterson will be attending training in St. Paul, Minn., at the St. Paul Police Department’s K-9 training facility. The St. Paul K-9 program is one of the oldest and most accomplished K-9 programs in the United States. After training is completed, Bleu will be working patrol shifts with Peterson, as a K-9 team. Along with patrol duties, Peterson and Bleu will be performing demonstrations in the community. The department extends gratitude to all the individuals, civic groups and businesses that contributed to the fundraising that made this possible. — from SPD

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