Wcr | july 30 | 2014

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y

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July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Vol. 125, No. 50 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• Jack Pine Savage Days @ Spooner • Humane society’s Sale for Tails @ Fairgrounds • Flea market/craft sale @ Shell Lake • Pontoon flotilla @ Long Lake • Music @ Shell Lake • See calendar on page 6 for details


Fair weather turns stormy

Another fun and successful fair Pages 11-14

“A Midsummer Night’s” Dream Page 2

“Barronett Burning” comes to local stages Page 9

Helmets are awesome Page 13


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SHELL LAKE — Are you looking for a place to donate your gently used books, DVDs and magazines? If so, the Shell Lake Public Library is accepting these items for their book sale. Items may be dropped off at the library anytime during normal hours of operation. The library summer hours are Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. — from SLPL ••• NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - Reports were made of damage from high winds and hail that came across the area on Saturday afternoon and evening, July 26, as a severe storm cell made its way east from Minnesota through the area. Golf-ball-size hail fell on parts of northwestern Wisconsin, including some parts of the Cumberland area. - with information from kare11.com

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The amusement rides on the midway at the Washburn County Fair came to standstill when the storm blew through on Saturday night, July 26. The fair got just a few drops of rain as the storm hit the surrounding area. Cumberland received golf-ball-size hail and Earl got close to 2 inches of rain. — Photo by Larry Samson

Hatchery to mark 100th year Public invited to Gov. Thompson Hatchery in Spooner this Friday, Aug. 1 SPOONER — Tucked along the banks of the Yellow River Flowage, the Gov. Tommy G. Thompson Hatchery has been raising fish and providing fisheries information to the public for 100 years. The hatchery, which was renamed for Gov. Tommy G. Thompson in 1996, will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Friday, Aug. 1. Depart

See Hatchery , page 4

The Gov. Thompson Hatchery in Spooner has nearly 50 rearing ponds. It first opened back in 1914 but was completely renovated in 1995. - Special photo

Primary to decide sheriff ’s race GOP candidates for sheriff expand on their views of the job Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The Aug. 12 primary election is less than two weeks away and it will determine the next Washburn County sheriff. Two

Republican candidates are on the primary ballot, but no Democratic candidate has filed for sheriff so the winner of the primary will be unopposed on the November ballot. Incumbent Sheriff Terry Dryden will be listed alongside new candidate Dennis Stuart. The Washburn County Sheriff’s Office operates with a staff of 45 positions, which includes full-time and limited-term employment or parttime positions. These individuals are responsi

T h e Regi st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d news pa per

See Sheriff’s primary, page 3

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